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Neil Oliver: “We Are Sleepwalking Into A Zero Trust New World” (11:09)

Neil Oliver: “We Are Sleepwalking Into A Zero Trust New World” (11:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: “We Are Sleepwalking Into A Zero Trust New World” (11:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support […]

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Serbian Genius vs. Jewish Fraud by Hyperborean Research (15:04)

Serbian Genius vs. Jewish Fraud by Hyperborean Research (15:04) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Serbian Genius vs. Jewish Fraud by Hyperborean Research (15:04) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Nikola Tesla Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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The Great Pyramid Of Giza Encodes The Speed Of Light At Least Six Different Ways by Mark R. Elsis

The latitude at the center of the Grand Gallery inside the Great Pyramid is 29 degrees 58 minutes 45.28 seconds North. This equals 29.9792458 degrees North. The speed of light in a vacuum is 299,792,458 meters per second. These are precisely the same numbers. John Charles Webb Jr. first discovered this, to see for yourself […]

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The Conclusion Is Not Foregone by Max Igan (1:02:39)

The Conclusion Is Not Foregone by Max Igan (1:02:39) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Conclusion Is Not Foregone by Max Igan (1:02:39) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Max Igan Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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A New, Inexpensive Catalyst Speeds The Production Of Oxygen From Water by David L. Chandler

An electrochemical reaction that splits apart water molecules to produce oxygen is at the heart of multiple approaches aiming to produce alternative fuels for transportation. But this reaction has to be facilitated by a catalyst material, and today’s versions require the use of rare and expensive elements such as iridium, limiting the potential of such […]

America Articles Brain Electricity Energy Ingenious Inspiration Renewable Energy Science Solar Energy

New Technique Boosts Efficiency, Sustainability Of Large-Scale Perovskite Solar Cells by Matt Shipman

An international team of researchers has demonstrated a technique for producing perovskite photovoltaic materials on an industrial scale, which will reduce the cost and improve the performance of mass-produced perovskite solar cells. The technique is low-cost, simple, energy-efficient, and should pave the way for creating perovskite solar cells. Perovskite is of interest for solar cells […]

Articles Denmark Electricity Energy Future Ingenious Inspiration Oceans Renewable Energy Science Technology United Kingdom Wind Power Wind Turbines

First Power Achieved On World’s Largest Offshore Windfarm by Bob Yirka

Officials with the Danish energy company Ørsted have announced that they have achieved first power on the Hornsea 2 project—a new windfarm off the coast of England in the North Sea. As part of their announcement, posted on the company’s web page, officials noted that once the windfarm is fully operational, it will represent the […]

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High-Altitude Wind Power Reaches New Milestone by CORDIS

As part of the EU-funded REACH project, Dutch start-up Kitepower has successfully deployed its Airborne Wind Energy System (AWES) in the Caribbean. This is a landmark achievement for the company working to bring its Falcon 100kW to market. It will provide plentiful, inexpensive renewable energy to remote communities and small power grids. The AWES Falcon […]

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Enron – The Biggest Corporate Fraud In History by ColdFusion (19:04)

Enron – The Biggest Corporate Fraud In History by ColdFusion (19:04) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Making Solar Energy Even More Sustainable With Light-Powered Technology by Newcastle University

Technology using a new generation of hybrid solar cells is one step closer to mass-production, thanks to Newcastle University-led research. An international team of scientists have identified a new process using coordination materials that can accelerate the use of low-cost, Earth-abundant materials with the potential to transform the energy sector by replacing silicone-based solar panels. […]

America Articles Batteries Brain Economics Electricity Energy Energy Storage Future Ingenious Inspiration Renewable Energy Science Solar Energy Technology United States Wind Power Wind Turbines

This Compressed Air Grid ‘Battery’ Is An Energy Storage Game Changer by Caroline Delbert

Pumped hydropower is great. This method might be even better. Two new compressed air storage plants will soon rival the world’s largest non-hydroelectric facilities and hold up to 10 gigawatt hours of energy. But what is advanced compressed air energy storage (A-CAES), exactly, and why is the method about to have a moment? Compressed air […]

America Biology Bodily Autonomy Dr. Thomas Cowan Electricity Energy Externalities Freedom And Liberty Frequencies Future Health Ingenious Journalism Medical Science Sound Surveillance Teachers United States Videos

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends | Episode 37: Eileen McKusick (52:48)

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends | Episode 37: Eileen McKusick (52:48) Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends | Episode 37: Eileen McKusick (52:48)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. […]

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Game-Changer For Clean Hydrogen Production by Curtin University

Curtin University research has identified a new, cheaper and more efficient electrocatalyst to make green hydrogen from water that could one day open new avenues for large-scale clean energy production. Typically, scientists have been using precious metal catalysts, such as platinum, to accelerate the reaction to break water into hydrogen and oxygen. Now Curtin research […]

America Articles Biology Electricity Electronics Energy Green Med Info History Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Sayer Ji Science Soul Surveillance United States Videos

Secrets Of The Field: Human Hair As An Antenna And Transmitter Of Energy And Information by Sayer Ji

Sayer Ji interviews Karen Elkins on recent discoveries proving that human hair is both an antenna and transmitter of bioelectromagnetic energy and information; a discovery confirming the wisdom of the ancients: human hair possesses profound, if not ‘super-natural’ capabiliities! For many years, I have reflected on the unique power of human hair, and more specifically, […]

Air Pollution Articles Brain Education Electricity Energy Environmental Future Ingenious Inspiration Pollution Renewable Energy Science Solar Energy Technology

Missing Piece In Solar Panel Puzzle Found, May Lead To More Efficient Technology by Loughborough University

Silicon-based solar modules dominate the current market. However, they are expensive and have a high carbon footprint. A new generation of modules is emerging made using a chemical compound known as cadmium telluride (CdTe) andover 25 GW has already been installed. Solar panel efficiency refers to a panel’s ability to convert energy from the sun […]

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Green Hydrogen: Focusing On The Catalyst Surface by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Using energy from solar modules and wind turbines, water can be split by electrolysis into its constituents hydrogen and oxygen without producing any dangerous emissions. As the availability of energy from renewable sources varies when producing green, i.e. CO2-neutral, hydrogen, it is very important to know the behavior of the catalysts under high loading and […]

America Articles Batteries Brain Chemicals Electricity Energy Environmental Future Ingenious Inspiration Physics Smart Technology Technology United States

Researchers Make Rechargeable Batteries That Store Six Times More Charge by Andrew Myers

An international team of researchers led by Stanford University have developed rechargeable batteries that can store up to six times more charge than ones that are currently commercially available. The advance, detailed in a new paper published Aug. 25 in the journal Nature, could accelerate the use of rechargeable batteries and puts battery researchers one […]

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Fukushima Nuclear Water To Be Released Via Undersea Tunnel by Mari Yamaguchi

The operator of the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant said Wednesday it plans to build an undersea tunnel so that massive amounts of treated but still radioactive water can be released into the ocean about 1 kilometer (0.6 mile) away from the plant to avoid interference with local fishing. The operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company […]

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A Clean US Hydrogen Economy Is Within Reach, But Needs A Game Plan, Energy Researchers Say by Cell Press

Hydrogen and its derivatives could be that fuel, argues a Commentary publishing August 11 in the journal Joule, but a clean U.S. H2 economy will require a comprehensive strategy and a 10-year plan. The commentary suggests that careful consideration of future H2 infrastructure, including production, transport, storage, use, and economic viability, will be critical to […]

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Windbreaks, Surprisingly, Could Help Wind Farms Boost Power Output by Emily Conover

Low walls in front of turbines could improve performance by 10 percent, simulations show. Windbreaks may sound like a counterintuitive idea for boosting the performance of a wind turbine. But physicists report that low walls that block wind could actually help wind farms produce more power. Scientists already knew that the output of a single […]

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Renewables Generated More Electricity Than Coal Or Nuclear In The US For The First Time In 2020 by Lucy Jones

21 per cent of electricity generated across the United States last year came from renewable sources. A new report from the United States Energy Information Administration shows that renewable energy outperformed coal and nuclear for the first time ever in 2020. Approximately 21 per cent, or 834 billion kilowatt hours, of electricity generated in the […]

America Articles Brain Education Electricity Electronics Energy Future Ingenious Never Give Up Science Technology United States

New Material Offers Ecofriendly Solution To Converting Waste Heat Into Energy by Northwestern University

Perseverance, NASA’s 2020 Mars rover, is powered by something very desirable here on Earth: a thermoelectric device, which converts heat to useful electricity. On Mars, the heat source is the radioactive decay of plutonium, and the device’s conversion efficiency is 4-5%. That’s good enough to power Perseverance and its operations but not quite good enough […]

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Solar Cells: Layer Of Three Crystals Produces A Thousand Times More Power by Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

The photovoltaic effect of ferroelectric crystals can be increased by a factor of 1,000 if three different materials are arranged periodically in a lattice. This has been revealed in a study by researchers at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU). They achieved this by creating crystalline layers of barium titanate, strontium titanate and calcium titanate which […]

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A High-Energy Density And Long-Life Initial-Anode-Free Lithium Battery by Ingrid Fadelli

Lithium-metal batteries (LMBs), an emerging type of rechargeable lithium-based batteries made of solid-state metal instead of lithium-ions, are among the most promising high-energy-density rechargeable battery technologies. Although they have some advantageous characteristics, these batteries have several limitations, including a poor energy density and safety-related issues. In recent years, researchers have tried to overcome these limitations […]

America Articles Economics Electricity Electronics Energy Energy Efficiency Environmental Future Hydrogen Fuel Cells Ingenious Inspiration Love Renewable Energy Science Solar Energy Technology Texas United States Wind Power Wind Turbines

Making Clean Hydrogen Is Hard, But Researchers Just Solved A Major Hurdle by University of Texas at Austin

For decades, researchers around the world have searched for ways to use solar power to generate the key reaction for producing hydrogen as a clean energy source—splitting water molecules to form hydrogen and oxygen. However, such efforts have mostly failed because doing it well was too costly, and trying to do it at a low […]

Articles Brain Economics Education Electricity Electronics Energy Energy Efficiency Environmental Externalities Future Ingenious Inspiration Science Technology United Kingdom

Researchers Discover A New Inorganic Material With Lowest Thermal Conductivity Ever Reported by University of Liverpool

This new material, with two combined arrangements, has a much lower thermal conductivity than either of the parent materials with just one arrangement. This unexpected result shows the synergic effect of the chemical control of atomic locations in the structure, and is the reason why the properties of the whole structure are superior to those […]

America Articles Brain California Computers Electricity Electronics Energy Energy Efficiency Future Ingenious Physics Science Technology United States

Novel Heat-Management Material Keeps Computers Running Cool by University of California, Los Angeles

UCLA engineers have demonstrated successful integration of a novel semiconductor material into high-power computer chips to reduce heat on processors and improve their performance. The advance greatly increases energy efficiency in computers and enables heat removal beyond the best thermal-management devices currently available. The research was led by Yongjie Hu, an associate professor of mechanical […]

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7 Inventions Of Nikola Tesla, Without Which The World Would Be Completely Different by Michael Walsh

165 years ago, on July 10, 1856, the Serbian-American engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla was born. The genius scientist has more than 700 inventions and patents. Some of his ideas changed the world, while others anticipated the inventions of the future. In our selection – about the most important of them.

Air Pollution America Articles Automobile / Car Electricity Energy Environmental Future Hydrogen Fuel Cells Pollution Renewable Energy Science Technology Water

Researchers Develop Tool To Aid In Development, Efficiency Of Hydrogen-Powered Cars by University of Colorado at Boulder

Widespread adoption of hydrogen-powered vehicles over traditional electric vehicles requires fuel cells that can convert hydrogen and oxygen safely into water—a serious implementation problem. Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder are addressing one aspect of that roadblock by developing new computational tools and models needed to better understand and manage the conversion process. Hendrik […]

Articles Catastrophe Coronal Mass Ejection Earth Electricity Electronics Energy Externalities History Physics Science Surveillance Technology

Solar Storms Are Back, Threatening Life As We Know It On Earth by Brian K. Sullivan

Solar storms have their roots in an 11-year cycle that shifts the polarity of the sun’s magnetic field. The magnetic forces at work on the sun get tangled during the process, and can punch out through the surface, sending the sun’s plasma into outer space and potentially triggering storms on Earth. The most powerful geomagnetic […]

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Not Graphene: Researchers Discover New Type Of Atomically Thin Carbon Material by Aalto University

Carbon exists in various forms. In addition to diamond and graphite, there are recently discovered forms with astonishing properties. For example graphene, with a thickness of just one atomic layer, is the thinnest known material, and its unusual properties make it an extremely exciting candidate for applications like future electronics and high-tech engineering. In graphene, […]

Air Pollution Articles Big Oil Electricity Energy Environmental Future Geothermal Inspiration New Normal Pollution Renewable Energy Technology United Kingdom Wind Power Wind Turbines

May Gales Help Britain Set Record For Wind Power Generation by Julia Kollewe

In early hours of Friday, windfarm turbines provided nearly two-thirds of Britain’s electricity. Powerful gusts of wind sweeping across Britain have helped the country reach a new all-time high for electricity generated from wind turbines. A new record was set in the early hours of Friday for the share of wind power in the generation […]

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First Nanoscale Look At A Reaction That Limits The Efficiency Of Generating Clean Hydrogen Fuel by Glennda Chu

Transitioning from fossil fuels to a clean hydrogen economy will require cheaper and more efficient ways to use renewable sources of electricity to break water into hydrogen and oxygen. But a key step in that process, known as the oxygen evolution reaction or OER, has proven to be a bottleneck. Today it’s only about 75% […]

America Articles Brain Climate Change Economics Electricity Energy Environmental Hydrogen Fuel Cells Ingenious Inspiration Pollution Renewable Energy Science Solar Energy Technology United States Wind Power

Better Solutions For Making Hydrogen May Lie Just At The Surface by Christina Nunez, Argonne National Laboratory

A clean energy future propelled by hydrogen fuel depends on figuring out how to reliably and efficiently split water. That’s because, even though hydrogen is abundant, it must be derived from another substance that contains it—and today, that substance is often methane gas. Scientists are seeking ways to isolate this energy-carrying element without using fossil […]

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Explainer: The Toxic Water At Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Japan will release about 1.25 million tonnes of Fukushima water into the sea – part of its plan to decommission the power station destroyed in the 2011 tsunami. Japan’s decision to release more than one million tonnes of treated radioactive water – equivalent to about 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools – from the tsunami-ravaged Fukushima nuclear […]

America Articles Artificial Photosynthesis Electricity Energy Environmental Freedom And Liberty Hydrogen Fuel Cells Ingenious Inspiration Love Science Solar Energy Technology United States Wind Power Wind Turbines

This Hydrogen Fuel Machine Could Be The Ultimate Guide To Self-Improvement by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Three years ago, scientists at the University of Michigan discovered an artificial photosynthesis device made of silicon and gallium nitride (Si/GaN) that harnesses sunlight into carbon-free hydrogen for fuel cells with twice the efficiency and stability of some previous technologies. Now, scientists at the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)-in collaboration […]

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Low-Cost Solar-Powered Water Filter Removes Lead, Other Contaminants by Princeton University

A new invention that uses sunlight to drive water purification could help solve the problem of providing clean water off the grid. The device resembles a large sponge that soaks up water but leaves contaminants-like lead, oil and pathogens-behind. To collect the purified water from the sponge, one simply places it in sunlight. The researchers […]

Articles Economics Electricity Energy Energy Efficiency Environmental Ingenious Pollution Renewable Energy Science Solar Energy Technology

A New Strategy To Enhance The Performance Of Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells by Ingrid Fadelli

Crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells are among the most promising solar technologies on the market. These solar cells have numerous advantageous properties, including a nearly optimum bandgap, high efficiency and stability. Notably, they can also be fabricated using raw materials that are widely available and easy to attain. In recent years, many companies and engineers […]

Articles Batteries Big Tech Electricity Energy History Science Technology United States

Reviewing Recent Advancements In The Development Of Solid-State Batteries by Ingrid Fadelli

Solid state batteries (SSBs) are an emerging battery technology with high energy densities that could compete with lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), which power a wide range of electronic devices on the market today. In contrast with classic LIBs, SSBs have a solid ‘ceramic’-based electrolyte that separates the anode and cathode inside the battery. In some batteries, […]

America Articles Bodily Autonomy California Computers Electricity Energy Hominids Ingenious Internet Science Surveillance Technocracy Technology Transhuman United States

‘Wearable Microgrid’ Uses The Human Body To Sustainably Power Small Gadgets by University of California

Nanoengineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a “wearable microgrid” that harvests and stores energy from the human body to power small electronics. It consists of three main parts: sweat-powered biofuel cells, motion-powered devices called triboelectric generators, and energy-storing supercapacitors. All parts are flexible, washable and can be screen printed onto clothing. […]

America Articles Electricity Energy Energy Efficiency Environmental Renewable Energy Science Solar Energy Technology United States

Researchers Improve Efficiency Of Next-Generation Solar Cell Material by David L. Chandler

Perovskites are a leading candidate for eventually replacing silicon as the material of choice for solar panels. They offer the potential for low-cost, low-temperature manufacturing of ultrathin, lightweight flexible cells, but so far their efficiency at converting sunlight to electricity has lagged behind that of silicon and some other alternatives. Now, a new approach to […]

Articles Electricity Energy Ingenious Renewable Energy Science Solar Energy Technology

A Strategy To Improve The Efficiency And Long-Term Stability Of Perovskite Solar Cells by Ingrid Fadelli

The design strategy introduced by Prof. Noh and his colleagues could soon be used to create 2-D/3-D halide junction perovskite solar cells that have both a high efficiency and a high thermal stability. In the future, their work could also inspire other research teams to employ the same strategy or devise similar approaches to improve […]

Articles Brain Electricity Energy History Ingenious New York City Nikola Tesla Radio Science Technology

Nikola Tesla – The Genius Who Lit The World by Dr. Ljubo Vujovic

Tesla was a pioneer in many fields. The Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment. That year also marked the date of Tesla’s United States citizenship. His alternating current induction motor is considered one of the ten greatest discoveries of all time. […]

Articles Brain Electricity Energy History Ingenious New York City Nikola Tesla Radio Science Technology

Nikola Tesla by

Nikola Tesla is one of those rare people who have marked their age and caused great changes in it, not only in the domain of the immediately applicable inventions, but also in the domain of new ideas and technology of the future. He is one of those people who have inspired many followers and fellow […]

Articles Brain Electricity Energy History Ingenious New York City Nikola Tesla Radio Science Technology

Nikola Tesla: The Extraordinary Life Of A Modern Prometheus by Richard Gunderman

The opening of a new biopic of Tesla provides a timely opportunity to review the life of a man who came from nowhere yet became world famous; claimed to be devoted solely to discovery but relished the role of a showman; attracted the attention of many women but never married; and generated ideas that transformed […]