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2 Replies to “Jewish Terror Timeline by Victor Wolzek”
Start with the PharoahTThen decide 2hise God you worship The transhuman Egyptian that rules Freemasinary, the Golden Billion, Mercantilism, human homage inequality and classic class warfare or the Jews who rejected Autocracy Monarchy and really created Democracy Not the French The Jews created Democracy. And that’s why the fascist nazi “socialist” frauds hate them. Really. But you’ll 9nly get a load of crap in your history books published by the fascists.
Start with the PharoahTThen decide 2hise God you worship The transhuman Egyptian that rules Freemasinary, the Golden Billion, Mercantilism, human homage inequality and classic class warfare or the Jews who rejected Autocracy Monarchy and really created Democracy Not the French The Jews created Democracy. And that’s why the fascist nazi “socialist” frauds hate them. Really. But you’ll 9nly get a load of crap in your history books published by the fascists.
Human bondage.