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Teens 50X More Likely To Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots Than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines In 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True But Still Recommends It by Brian Shilhavy

Data released by the U.S. Government in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) continues to show just how deadly the experimental COVID shots are on teenagers and young people. I did another analysis looking at deaths and injuries in the 12 to 19-year-old age group following experimental COVID shots after the most recent update to VAERS this past Friday, and compared that data to all other vaccines that this age group receives before they leave high-school. VAERS is reporting that for ages 12 through 19 (I choose to start with age 12 because that is the youngest age that the COVID injections are currently authorized to be injected), there have been 31 deaths, 181 permanent disabilities, 3,679 ER visits, 1,655 hospitalizations, 331 life threatening events, and 748 reports of heart inflammation (all forms of “carditis”). >From all of the vaccines that include every non-COVID shot that 12 to 19 year-olds have received this year so far, there have been 4 deaths, 12 permanent disabilities, 78 ER visits, 36 hospitalizations, and 14 life threatening events during the same time period as the COVID-19 shots were administered. As you can see, COVID-19 shots given to our teenagers have 7.75 X more deaths, 15 X more disabilities, 47 X more ER visits, and 46 X more hospitalizations than all other FDA-approved vaccines COMBINED that these teenagers are receiving. This week I also included all cases of “carditis,” inflammation of the heart, since we have seen so many reports of injuries and deaths in this age group related to inflammation of the heart, or “enlarged heart.” This age group has already recorded 748 cases of all forms of carditis, while cases filed of carditis following all other FDA approved vaccines for the same time period is only 15. That is 50 X more cases of heart inflammation being recorded for this age group after COVID-19 shots, than all other FDA approved vaccines combined. And the FDA and the CDC know about it. That’s what makes this a criminal issue. This is a national tragedy! Where is the outrage? Where are the protests and lawsuits to STOP these schools from injecting these children?? All 50 Governors are complicit with assault, battery, and murder for the tragic loss of these children’s lives, because they have done NOTHING to stop these injections in their state, whether Red or Blue. And any day now, the criminal FDA and CDC is going to give authorization to these deadly shots to be injected into children from age 6 months to 11-years-old.

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