Throughout the 1914 Russian Empire were listed 54,174 Christian churches. In addition there were 25,593 chapels, 1,025 monasteries, military churches and cemetery chapels. By 1987 only 6,893 churches and 15 monasteries remained. During the Jewish martyrdom of the Church the clergy of Western churches remained silent, media complicit, and capitalism flourished. The German Reich from 1941 ~ 1945 was the only saviour of the crucified Church and its celebrants. Airbrushed from the Western narrative is the malign Jewish influence on what has been dubbed the Second Crucifixion of Christ. The Bolshevik martyrdom of Christianity was celebrated by atheists and those whose faith is to be discovered between the pages of the Talmud. The desecration of all non-Jewish places of worship permeated from the top echelons of Soviet government. Genhrik Yagoda (Yenokh Gershevich Iyeguda) was director of the notorious Bolshevik security apparatus known as the NKVD. Under his direction 10 million people are known to have died. Yet, those hooked on Western media have never heard of the worst killer in history.
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