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Your Government Hates You . . . by John Waters

The world’s governments have waged a two-year war on behalf of rich, powerful interests seeking to destroy the sovereignty and futures of their own peoples. This war now enters its most lethal phase.
A crime is being committed on an ongoing basis, all across the world, free and unfree. It is a crime of commission and omission, and arguably the most serious in either category that has ever been perpetrated. We are facing multiple crises but our governments tell us only about crises that are not crises, or at least not crises that involve us, as opposed to affecting us. Effusing moral blackmail in all directions, they shruggingly point towards the war that they started with the precise intention of creating an alibi for themselves, so as to avoid the wrath of their peoples and the punishment that ought properly to await them.
In Ireland, three months ago, the ‘crisis’ that had allegedly assailed us for two years – the ‘crisis’ of a ‘deadly’ disease – evaporated overnight to be replaced by the ‘crisis’ of a war in a country nearly 2,500 miles away. At first sight, it seemed unlikely that such a conflict might affect us in any substantial way, but immediately our Government announced that it would be taking an unlimited number of refugees from the affected country, guesstimated at 200,000 – into a country whose government has for the past decade declared itself perplexed and powerless in the face of a housing shortage affecting 10,000 of its own citizens. Instantly, those who thought that a war in Ukraine was none of our business were ‘proved wrong.’

John Waters Archive

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