There simply is way too much emphasis on COVID vaccines and far too little on known, cheap and effective treatments that also work to prevent COVID. That makes treatments a viable alternative to vaccines. Now you know enough to make a smarter decision about COVID vaccines. Time to walk or run away from Fauci’s reign of error. Nothing is more obscene and contrary to science than the many coercive demands for vaccinating children who do not have any significant risks from COVID. Excluding unvaccinated children from school is disgusting. Parents facing a choice between finally getting their kids back into the classroom versus succumbing to demands for vaccination, are in a terrible position. Following the science and listening to top physicians are more important than ever. Do not trust mainstream and corporate social media for a balanced view of COVID vaccines. The esteemed Dr. Peter McCullough has recently said that “if this were any other vaccine it would have been pulled from the market by now for safety reasons.” This is the reality for the COVID vaccines: Between Dec. 14 and April 23, there were 3,544 deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS], along with 12,619 serious injuries. For comparison: There are 20 to 30 deaths reported every year to VAERS related to the flu shot. That’s with 195 million receiving flu shots, far more than COVID vaccine use.
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