The new mating call of the Bolshevik regime that now rules Washington, D.C. is “respect the science.” Even senile old Joe Biden, a lifelong corrupt political hack who may not even remember anymore what planet he is on, is fed the line by his handlers. It’s really hilarious to be preached at in this way since such people obviously know nothing whatsoever about science and the scientific method and do not have the brain matter to begin understanding it. What the establishment really means by “respect the science,” however, is: “Do as we say, or else.” They don’t mean real science and scientific knowledge, derived from research, testing of theories, intellectual debate and discussion. No real scientist would ever utter the words “settled science,” especially areas of scientific research that are based on statistical probabilities, as is true of ALL medical science. (“The practice of medicine is all about statistics,” a young emergency room physician said to me recently). The notion that the earth was flat was once “settled science,” after all. Only ignorant buffoons and political shysters like Al Gore or Joe Biden (and your typical American “journalist”) would mumble such nonsense.
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