Warning from the executive director of the World Food Programme comes as Britain cuts aid to the civil-war-hit country. David Beasley, executive director of the World Food Programme (WFP), described the situation in the war-torn country as “hell on earth” after a visit earlier this week. “Just two days ago, I was in Yemen, where over 16 million people now face crisis levels of hunger or worse,” he told the UN Security Council on Thursday. “These aren’t just numbers. These are real people. And we are headed straight toward the biggest famine in modern history. “It is hell on earth in many places in Yemen right now. Around 400,000 children may die in Yemen this year without urgent intervention. That is roughly one child every 75 seconds. “So, while we’re sitting here, every minute and a quarter, a child is dying. Are we really going to turn our backs on them and look the other way?”
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