Israel is refusing to release a Palestinian whose life is at grave risk after more than 80 days without food. Maher al-Akhras is on hunger strike against his detention by Israel without charge or trial. “He is in immediate, fatal danger,” Anat Litvin of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel said.
Day: March 5, 2025
Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World by Cori Brackett and J.T. Waldron (2004) (1:33:59)
Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World by Cori Brackett and J.T. Waldron (2004) (1:33:59) (To view full screen click the link below.)
FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes by Solari Staff
Financial accountability for the government is a cornerstone of a functioning representative democracy. The ability for the people to know where taxpayer money goes to is crucial to having an informed opinion regarding the actions of your representatives and to react accordingly. Unfortunately, as we’ve discussed in previous articles, the current state of government accounting […]
Japan To Release Radioactive Fukushima Water Into Ocean by Nishan Degnarain
The new Prime Minister of Japan, Yoshihide Suga, is facing additional international pressure over the weekend, amid reports that Japan will be accelerating plans to dump millions of gallons of radioactive water directly into the ocean.
War Is A Racket by Major General Smedley Butler (Audiobook) (48:23)
War Is A Racket by Major General Smedley Butler (Audiobook) (48:23) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Kremlin Says It Hopes Nuclear Talks With U.S. Continue Despite Rejection Of Russian Proposal by Reuters
The Kremlin said on Monday that Moscow hoped talks with the United States would continue despite Washington rejecting a Russian proposal to unconditionally extend the last treaty limiting the two countries’ strategic nuclear weapons.
Israel’s Settlement Approvals Hit Record High, Says Monitoring Group (Text and Videos)
Watchdog Peace Now says more than 12,000 illegal Israeli settlement homes were approved this year. Israel has pressed forward on plans for more than 3,000 West Bank settlement homes, making 2020 one of the most prolific years for illegal settlement building, according to a watchdog group. Thursday’s approvals, along with more than 2,000 new homes […]
The One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka (9:07)
The One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka (9:07) (To view full screen click the link below.)
FDA – Captured And Corrupt by Dr. Joseph Mercola
While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration itself does not accept corporate money, it does receive money funneled via a nonprofit foundation, which receives money from other nonprofits funded by private interests. The Reagan-Udall Foundation is a nonprofit foundation created by Congress in 2007 to support scientific research that is of interest to the FDA. […]
Lobby Displays Double Standards Toward Holocaust Deniers by David Cronin (Text and Videos)
In a new AJC video, Harris makes clear that the agenda he is pushing is not limited to erasing posts that deny the Holocaust. He intimated that he wishes to muzzle “anti-Zionist voices.” In Harris’s view, these voices “only deny one nation its very right to exist and that happens to be the one Jewish-majority […]