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UK Sentences Antisemite To Jail For Holocaust Denial For First Time by Jeremy Sharon

This is not Chabloz’s first conviction for disseminating grossly offensive antisemitic material. In a landmark decision, a UK court has sentenced an anti-Semite to 18 weeks in prison for disseminating grossly offensive material and messages on social media denying the Holocaust. The sentencing makes Alison Chabloz the first person in the UK to be jailed specifically for Holocaust denial, under the terms of the 2003 Communications Act … Chabloz was convicted by Westminster Magistrates’ Court, and sentenced on Wednesday by District Judge Michael Snow to 18 weeks in prison, of which she will serve nine. Chabloz, 57, was convicted for comments she made in an interview with a far-right online radio station in 2019 … Snow ruled that the Jewish community needs to be protected, and that Chabloz’s comments were grossly offensive.

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