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Vigano-Carlson II by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

By Christendom Christ is absolutely needed.
Archbishop Vigano’s teaching must be heeded.

Last week these “Comments” presented in summary form the first part of a most interesting article of Archbishop Vigano from last year, inspired by a broadcast of the American journalist, Tucker Carlson. Carlson argued that secular humanism may claim to repudiate all religion, but it does that only by itself acting as a full-blown substitute religion. In this idea the Archbishop supported Carlson as only an eminent Catholic churchman can do, because only such a churchman can have the sufficient truth, height and breadth of view to grasp fully what is at stake. With this or that solution proposed by Archb. Vigano one may beg to differ, for instance sedevacantism (if that is still tempting him), or the driving out of mankind’s treacherous authorities in Church and State (how could that be done, when they hold all the levers of power, as never before?). But the Archbishop is at least grappling with the full depths of the problem. If only Mother Church had today a dozen bishops with his clarity and courage, she would not be in the same trouble. For a summary of the rest of the Archbishop’s article, read on –

It is disconcerting that among the number of converts to the universal religion we can also count Jorge Mario Bergoglio, with all the cowardliness of the churchmen who remain faithful to him. The apostasy of the Catholic hierarchy has reached the point of worshipping the idol of the Pachamama, who is the demonic personification of ecumenical, inclusive, and sustainable “Amazonian” globalism. What we are witnessing is nothing more than the reverse application of the process that led to the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire and throughout the world, a sort of revenge of barbarism and paganism on the Faith of Christ. What Julian the Apostate tried to do in the 4th century, that is, to restore the cult of pagan gods, today is pursued zealously by new apostates, all united by a “sacred fury” that makes them as dangerous as they are convinced of being able to succeed in their intentions, because of the endless means at their disposal.

Kyrie eleison

Full Article: https://EarthNewspaper.com/Vigano-Carlson-II-by-Bishop-Richard-N-Williamson

Vigano With Carlson – I
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson


Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive With 93 Posts

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Archive With 56 Posts

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