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Biden Gives “Five Eyes” What It Always Wanted: Access To Everyone’s Social Media by Mass Private I

For years, Americans have largely ignored corporate social media surveillance. But all of that is about to change, thanks to President Biden. No one has taken the White House’s plan to turn Big Tech into a quasi-Five Eyes censorship program seriously despite repeated warnings from journalists and news websites. Journalist Caitlin Johnstone warned, the White House is pushing for Facebook and Microsoft to censor any social media stories the Feds don’t like. “After Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted on Thursday that the administration has given Facebook a list of accounts to ban for spreading misinformation about the Covid vaccine, she has now doubled down saying that people who circulate such materials online should be banned from not just one but all social media platforms.” The Feds want Big Tech to ban stories and people they do not approve of from social media. “You shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others for providing misinformation out there,” Psaki told the press on Friday. Reuters revealed some of America’s biggest tech companies will let “Five Eyes” and the U.N. decide whose stories the “Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism” should censor.

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