Reema Saad and her son Zaid did not survive Wednesday’s air strike. Her two-year-old daughter Mariam is still missing under the rubble. Reema Saad had been hoping for a baby girl. The 30-year-old Palestinian journalist was four months along in her third pregnancy, and was due to find out the sex of her baby a few days after Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. “When she found out she was pregnant, Reema was very happy,” Samar Saad, Reema’s sister, told Middle East Eye. “Her son Zaid hoped the baby would be a boy so that he would call him Zain, but Mariam wanted a little sister, and cried every time we teased her telling her it was a baby boy.” But at 1.50am local time on Wednesday, as the family was fast asleep in their apartment in the Gaza City neighbourhood of Tal al-Hawa, an Israeli air strike hit the residential building.
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