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Death Of A City by Michael Walsh

The Allied bombing of Dresden cast 300,000 tormented souls into a holocaust. Such was its horror and magnitude that a fake holocaust was created to justify it. Yet Dresden was only one of hundreds of European cities and towns to be cremated by the Allies. By comparison many cities fared worse: When on April 4, 1945, the City of Kassel surrendered, of a population of 250,000, just 15,000 were left alive. Were such apocalyptic war crimes reprisal and reciprocal? No: J. M. Spaight, The RAF Principal Secretary: Hitler only undertook the bombing of British civilian targets reluctantly three months after the RAF had commenced bombing German civilian targets.During World War Two more bombs by weight were dropped on the city of Berlin than were released on the whole of Great Britain during the entire war. 55,888 RAF personnel died yet their campaign actually lengthened the war. The purpose of the ceaseless carpet bombing by the RAF and USAF was not to hamper the German war effort. Its purpose was the destruction and annihilation of Germany and the German peoples. This policy had never been used since Asia’s Attila the Hun (406 – 453) and Mongol Genghis Khan (1162 – 1227) set out to destroy every living creature and every building in the area of occupation.

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