Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: International Message For Freedom And Hope (18:50) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Day: March 5, 2025
Everything Is Staged by Charles Hugh Smith
All the staging is a means to an end, and everyone in America is nothing more than a means to an end: close the sale so the few can continue exploiting the many. The problem is everything in America is now staged with an eye on selling you something. Maybe it’s just selling your attention […]
Great Barrington Declaration
As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
Anti-Lockdown Protesters Smash Police Cars In Naples After New Covid-19 Restrictions Announced (Text and Videos)
Protesters defied curfew and attacked police vehicles in Italy’s third-largest city of Naples. The anger was sparked by the governor’s call for a new lockdown after the spread of Covid-19 hit a new daily record.
Terence McKenna’s Last Filmed Interview – October 1998 (1:03:47)
Terence McKenna’s Last Filmed Interview – October 1998 (1:03:47) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Complete List Of 1,030 Jewish Expulsions Since 1200 BC With Explanations And Sources
by Lord Molyneaux’s Empire
109 Locations Whence Jews Have Been Expelled Since 250 AD
The Jones Plantation by Larken Rose (12:13)
The Jones Plantation by Larken Rose (12:13) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Plundering Defeated Germany Part IV by Michael Walsh
Plundering Defeated Germany a series of four investigations into the Soviet pillage of defeated Germany. Follow us to make sure you don’t miss this or other breaking stories. Read Part I, Part II and Part III. While the soldiers were content with what fit in the duffel bags, the generals loaded the trophy property in […]
Early Revisionism Outside Occupied Germany by Frederick Donauer
A relatively obscure German-language monthly magazine was published in Buenos Aires from 1947 to 1957 named Der Weg (The Path), published by the Dürer-Verlag there. It reported the post-war era from abroad – that is, free from the control and censorship of Germany’s occupiers. Thus, early versions of revisionist thought and analysis appear in the […]
Ronald Bernard – All Misery On Earth Is A Business Model (11:50)
Ronald Bernard – All Misery On Earth Is A Business Model (11:50) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Elite Banker Whistleblower: ‘All Misery On Earth Is A Business Model’ by Matt Agorist
A former elite international banker-turned-whistleblower has come out to give humanity a super dose of reality about how the world is run and how we can beat it.
8 Men Have As Much Money As Half The Entire World by Alexander Light
A startling figure has just been released showing the ever-widening gap in wealth between the world’s upper echelons and nearly everyone else – the eight richest men on the planet are now worth as much as 3.6 billion people.