This country that at one time was populated with mostly intelligent, hard working, self-responsible, and tough individuals, has become a country filled with idiots, weaklings, and fools. I do not say this lightly, nor am I attempting to berate all, but most of those that populate America today were taught to become weak and ignorant, […]
PCR Test
Liability-Free COVID Vaccine Makers Seek Additional ‘Free Pass’ From FDA by Jeremy Loffredo
The FDA’s “Emergency Use Authorization” allows drugmakers to skip inspections designed to ensure the safety of their manufacturing plants and operations.
More Lockdowns, Economic Winter by Gerald Celente (21:15)
More Lockdowns, Economic Winter by Gerald Celente (21:15) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Open Letter To President Donald Trump by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano
Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to […]
How To Beat The Lockdowners by Ron Paul Liberty Report (28:29)
How To Beat The Lockdowners by Ron Paul Liberty Report (28:29) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Class Consciousness In The Age Of COVID by Colin Todhunter
Prior to the appearance of COVID-related restrictions and lockdowns, neoliberal capitalism had turned to various mechanisms in the face of economic stagnation and massive inequalities: the raiding of public budgets, the expansion of credit to consumers and governments to sustain spending and consumption, financial speculation and militarism. Part and parcel of this has been a […]
Freedom Is Strength, Obedience Is Weakness, And Indifference Is Cowardice by Gary D. Barnett
What has befallen humanity? Why are we facing an end to freedom, beauty, and happiness? Why are so many fooled over and over again? Why has stupidity replaced sanity and logic? Why are the masses bound to darkness instead of accepting reality and truth? Why do the many without resisting allow themselves to be controlled […]
COVID-19 Greatest Crime Against Humanity by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (49:00)
COVID-19 Greatest Crime Against Humanity by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (49:00) (To view full screen click the link below.)
The Normalization Of Corruption – Big Pharma Takes “Tobacco Tactics” To A New Level by Kristina Kristen
The 21st century organized crime lords—the pharmaceutical industry—archetypal la cosa nostra mafia-like cartels, have risen to unprecedented dominion over humanity. These renegade modern-day, too-big-to-fail outlaws have mastered and expanded the industry corruption playbook to levels that make the tobacco industry seem relatively tame and honest in comparison.
Is Infectious Disease Just A Shell Game? by Bill Sardi
A Corona Cold Virus May Not Be The Cause Of COVID-19 How does modern medicine get away with saying there is a novel newly-mutated coronavirus (cold virus) that is deadly and spreading round the world for which we have no immunity towards and then say that the flu vanished at the same time? Is COVID-19 […]
Incentivised Vaccine Trials by John Goss
Kill (Or Maim) A Friend And Get £100 On 19th October 2020 a doctor died in Brazil. He was 28 years old and died of Covid-19-related complications after taking part in vaccine trials. The BBC stated, according to hearsay, “the doctor had worked with infected patients,” but this was not confirmed by the Brazilian Health […]
Melbourne Mayhem And Misery by Michael Walsh
Contrary to promises, Melbourne, which lives under some of the toughest and most enduring coronavirus restrictions, will not get a reprieve on Monday, Victoria state head has announced, leaving the distressed and near-bankrupt public fuming.
Anthony Fauci: 40 Years Of Lies From AZT To Remdesivir by Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter
As the planet’s “Virus Tsar” since 1984, he has spread misinformation and ignored critical questions. The consequences could hardly be more fatal.
Bill Gates Slams ‘Pseudo-Expert’ Dr. Scott Atlas by Ron Paul Liberty Report (21:14)
Bill Gates Slams ‘Pseudo-Expert’ Dr. Scott Atlas (21:14) (To view full screen click the link.)
Flu Away: Scientists Baffled At Disappearance Of Influenza by Peter Andrews
But Is It Really Gone, Or Just Masked By Covid-19? In my opinion, this hand-waving explanation might just be the most awesome act of cognitive dissonance of this entire saga. Experts are claiming, with a straight face, that a laxly enforced hodgepodge of restrictions, which varies wildly between countries and regions, has overnight eradicated an […]
The Cult Of The Brave New Normal by Dr. Bruce Scott
In March, it was just a three-week lockdown, to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm the NHS. The narrative has quickly evolved. It has progressed from what seemed a reasonable idea of keeping NHS bed space free based on the completely false Neil Fergusson prediction that hospitals would be overwhelmed by patients suffering […]
Coronavirus Hype Biggest Political Hoax In History by Cheryl K. Chumley
The new coronavirus is real. The response to the coronavirus is hyped. And in time, this hype will be revealed as politically hoaxed.In fact, COVID-19 will go down as one of the political world’s biggest, most shamefully overblown, overhyped, overly and irrationally inflated and outright deceptively flawed responses to a health matter in American history, […]
Tech Giants Google, Oracle To Monitor Americans Who Get COVID-19 Vaccine by Whitney Webb
Last week, a rare media interview given by the Trump administration’s “Vaccine Czar” offered a brief glimpse into the inner workings of the extremely secretive Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the Trump administration’s “public-private partnership” for delivering a COVID-19 vaccine to 300 million Americans by next January. What was revealed should deeply unsettle all Americans.
Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells ‘Grew’ The ‘Virus’ by Dr. Tom Cowan
This week, my colleague and friend Sally Fallon Morell brought to my attention an amazing article put out by the CDC. The link to the article is here, and it was published in June 2020. The purpose of the article was for a group of about 20 virologists to describe the state of the science […]
Children’s Long-Term Mental Health At Risk From COVID-19-related Stress, Experts Warn by Children’s Health Defense Team
In the midst of the sweeping socioeconomic devastation wrought by COVID-19 restrictions, one field, sadly, is booming: mental health. Many mental health professionals are reporting high demand and record caseloads, including more young clients who need help coping with the unprecedented convergence of fear, uncertainty, disruption to routine, physical and social isolation, increased time indoors […]
WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid Is No More Dangerous Than Flu by Kit Knightly
Head of Health Emergencies Program “best estimates” put IFR at 0.14%. The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov-2 infections is 1,061,539. That’s an infection fatality rate of roughly or 0.14%. Right in line with seasonal flu […]
Coronavirus Fraud Scandal – The Biggest Fight Has Just Begun by Dr. Joseph Mercola (Text and Video)
While mortality statistics during the pandemic have been within the norms of any given year, meaning the pandemic has not resulted in an excess number of deaths or a death toll higher than normal, [I said back in March this would be case that proved it was a complete lie] the collateral damage from pandemic […]
Mask Wearing And ‘Social’ Distancing Compliance Is A Threat To The Individual Sovereignty Of All by Gary D. Barnett
The essence of freedom is based on individual sovereignty, while the essence of servitude is based on compliance and obedience to false authority. Any claimed authority is illegitimate if it is not voluntary, and therefore administered by force. That means that all government authority is improper unless each and every individual agrees with that governance, […]
The Microchip Is Here by Robert Wheeler
DARPA Biochip To ‘Save’ Us From Covid Can Control Human DNAWhile half of the American voting public is no doubt waiting in earnest for the announcement of a release of the COVID vaccine and as totalitarian states and governments the world over attempt to require proof of negative tests before travel, a new tool in […]
The Globalist Agenda: The COVID Plandemic Is Just The Beginning by Grace Van Berkum
What I am about to share will be affirming for some, and shocking for others. As many of you know, I have been extremely dedicated to investigating what has been happening in the world, on so many levels since March. I need to fully understand why so many things have not made sense to so […]
The ”Soft” Lockdown In Sweden by Peter Bistoletti
Sweden has been attacked for its ”soft” lockdown which is in sharp contrast to the policies in the other Nordic, in many European countries and the USA. But there are serious concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of hard lockdown policies. The collateral damages of complete lockdowns are producing devastating effects on […]
A DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochip To Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets By 2021 by Raul Diego
An experimental new vaccine developed jointly with the US government claims to be able to change human DNA and could be deployed as early as next year through a DARPA-funded, injectable biochip.
What Will It Take For Masks And Face Shields To End? by Dr. Joseph Mercola
September 18, 2020, the CDC posted updated COVID-19 guidance that, for the first time, mentioned aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2, saying “this is thought to be the main way the virus spreads.” It also noted that aerosolized viruses can travel farther than 6 feet. The CDC deleted these sections September 21, claiming they were posted in […]
We Are Being Lied To! Here Is How… by Spiro Skouras
President Trump’s doctor said that Trump’s diagnosis was confirmed using the PCR test. Just like virtually every other ‘confirmed case’ we hear reported. But was PCR really developed with the intention of diagnosing infectious diseases? Is PCR capable of diagnosing infectious diseases? How could a test developed almost 40 years ago be used to diagnose […]