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Mary Dis-Information by The United Spot (1:30)

Mary Dis-Information by The United Spot (1:30) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

Big Lie Blowback Censorship Clothes Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Domestic Terrorism Freedom And Liberty George Orwell Government Laws Never Give Up Political Propaganda Satanic Surveillance T-Shirts Theft They Live Totalitarianism War

Orwell’s World Graphic T-Shirt Designed and sold by ShipOfFools

We are living in the world foretold in the literary works of George Orwell. Donate And Support The Work I Do Seven Days A Week Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

America Art Artoons Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Black Projects Clothes Comedy Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Fear Frauds George Orwell Government Inspiration Medical Political Propaganda Satanic T-Shirts Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS War

Animal Pharma Long Sleeve T-Shirt Designed and sold by ArtToons

A humorous parody of Animal Farm. Vaccinated are more equal than unvaccinated. A parody of George Orwell’s classic novel “Animal Farm.” Covid is a political disease which must be eradicated by removing tyranny and corruption from our government and medical institutions. These institutions care more about profit, not about your health. Stop complying with these […]

Articles Books Censorship Corporations Corruption Crony Capitalism Deep State Frauds Freedom And Liberty George Orwell Government History Journalism Mainstream Media Political Propaganda Slavery Surveillance Technology Theft United Kingdom Whistleblowers

The Freedom Of The Press by George Orwell

Orwell’s Proposed Preface To ‘Animal Farm’ This book was first thought of, so far as the central idea goes, in 1937, but was not written down until about the end of 1943. By the time when it came to be written it was obvious that there would be great difficulty in getting it published (in […]

Academy Of Ideas Aldous Huxley Books Communism Corporations Deep State George Orwell Globalists Government History Laws Mainstream Media Myths New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Religion / Spirituality Slavery Soul Videos

George Orwell And 1984: How Freedom Dies by Academy Of Ideas (7:37)

George Orwell And 1984: How Freedom Dies by Academy Of Ideas (7:37) (To view full screen click the link below.) Academy Of Ideas Free Minds for a Free Society