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Netanyahu Poised To Spark 3rd Intifada If It Means Saving Himself Politically by Robert Inlakesh

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to form a government after another too close to call Israeli election – the 4th of its kind in only two years. Now, with Netanyahu’s opposition camp seeking to take power, he seems to be taking every opportunity possible to ensure that he remains in power and that Israel goes to a 5th round of elections, but what are the consequences? This Wednesday, Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, tasked Yair Lapid with forming a government after PM Netanyahu failed to do so in 28 days. Lapid, who heads the Yesh Atid party now has the task of somehow pulling together right and left wing anti-Netanyahu parties, in order to complete the task of dethroning Benjamin Netanyahu who has been Prime Minister longer than any other in history. Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party did manage to win the most seats of any party in Knesset, but could not bring together enough parties in order to meet the 61 seat marker required to form a government. The threat now remains of the anti-Netanyahu groups coming together in order to destroy the current PM, however given their vast political differences it does seem unlikely.

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