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‘Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax In History’ by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 163 Posts

The individuals who were honoured for creating and promoting the toxic covid-19 vaccine should surely now have their honours taken from them. The covid-19 vaccine didn’t do what it was said to do and has, I believe, done more harm than any other pharmaceutical product in history – including the illegal ones. I don’t believe heroin or cocaine have killed anywhere near as many people as the covid-19 jab. And the vaccine continues to do considerable damage and to fill the world’s hospitals and funeral homes. Below is a condensed version of the foreword to my book `Covid 19: The Greatest Hoax in History which was published in September 2020 and which contained the scripts of many of my videos up to that time. Most of those videos were removed by YouTube which worked tirelessly to suppress the truth and to ensure that those of us struggling to share the truth were censored, banned and demonised.

Foreword (written in September 2020)
When I wrote my first book about the coronavirus (Coming Apocalypse) I was told that I was not allowed to mention the word ‘coronavirus’ anywhere in the title or the book itself. And so I went through the entire book and managed to write round the word ‘coronavirus’ around 250 times. I was also told I could not mention the word `vaccine’.

When I first started making videos I was aware that the use of the words ‘vaccine’ and ‘vaccination’ were considered illegal if used in association with criticism of any kind. Other people have, of course, had few or no problems. And using these words is now less of a problem for me than when I published Coming Apocalypse in April 2020.

It is difficult to know precisely when the coronavirus hoax really started – or who was responsible for initiating what has, without question, turned out to be the greatest fraud in human history. This book explains just how a bunch of crooks are using the fear which has been deliberately created out of a fairly ordinary flu bug to take over the world. Making huge profits has been effectively disguised as philanthropy.

Three versions of this book were published and then banned by different publishers (though no reason was given). An offshore publisher then produced an edition. To purchase a copy of ‘Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History’ just Click Here

To purchase ‘Coming Apocalypse’ please go to the bookshop on or just Click Here

Copyright Vernon Coleman 2020 and 2024

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The courageous Dr. Coleman first published this inestimable video (below) on March 18, 2020. I republished it four days later, on March 22, 2020. As far as I know, he was the second person who publicly stated that it was a hoax. I, Mark R. Elsis, was the first, three weeks earlier, on February 26, 2020. Since this time, Vernon and I have become close friends.

Coronavirus Scare: The Hoax Of The Century? (11:45)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Two days after Dr. Coleman published his video, on March 20, 2020, Dr. Ron Paul published his.

The Coronavirus Hoax (4:22)
by Dr. Ron Paul

Both these medical doctors deliberately choose to use the word hoax in the title. Immediately the mainstream media and nearly all others arrogantly and viciously attacked these erudite gentlemen simply because they conveyed their expert medical advice. Because of this ubiquitous and diabolical backlash, their sanctimonious contempt had blatantly given the pretense away by vastly overplaying their hand. So much so that anyone with two brain cells should have realized it was a hoax. has the largest archive of COVID-19 articles, news stories, and videos online, with over 8,000 posts, and growing.

Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 163 Posts

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