‘I’m not just standing up for myself, I’m standing up for my patients, I’m standing up for other doctors who have been oppressed and suppressed,’ Chiropractor Dr. Eric Nepute told LifeSiteNews. ‘I just cannot let my children grow up in a world where medical tyranny rules.’ Amidst an atmosphere of sweeping censorship by Big Media and Big Tech, along with a smattering of government intimidation, a highly accomplished chiropractor has pledged to defend himself in a lawsuit levied by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which claims he and his company, Quickwork LLC, have participated in deceptive marketing practices regarding the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. “I’m not just standing up for myself, I’m standing up for my patients, I’m standing up for other doctors who have been oppressed and suppressed,” Dr. Eric Nepute told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview. “I just cannot let my children [and grandchildren] … grow up in a world where medical tyranny rules.”
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