The Great Reset is about the ‘reset’ of the Financial System. The follow up of the debt bubble, which cannot grow any longer. The coming Gold Standard has always been the Banker Plan, and will create the Greatest Depression, which will destroy what’s left of the West. Exposing the Gold Standard as the Banker Plan has always been a key purpose of this website. This 2012 article, Phoenix Rising, The Return Of The Gold Standard, opens: What has been in the cards for decades is now fully on the agenda: the returning Gold Standard. Gold as currency is a weapon. It is a wealth transfer to those holding Gold and will precipitate a massive deflation. The ensuing chaos will help usher in their coveted New World Order and World Currency. And this is exactly where we stand now. The New Gold Standard is only weeks away. The debt cannot grow anymore, and it will be forcibly made to stop. They’re going to force a terrible deleveraging on the West, which is going to absolutely ravage living standards in the US, Europe, and Britain and its Dominions. The coming Depression is going to be genocidal, and will kill countless people, especially the old, and force many younger people to leave the West, looking for a semblance of a life. What remains of the West will lie in ruins, and on the ashes, open World Government will come within five or ten years, likely preceded by the Greatest War.