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Ben Carson: ‘Child Abuse’ To Prey On Children’s Curiosity With Transgender Ideology by Robert Kraychik

Dr. Ben Carson, a retired pediatric neurosurgeon, described the pushing of left-wing transgender ideology upon children as “child abuse” on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. “We’re being told it’s scientific to allow children to change their genders, either with treatments or with surgeries,” Marlow said. “This is not science. It’s so far beyond it, but give me your sense of someone who’s lived his life as a scientific person.” Carson replied, “Well, I think they have completely neglected biology. Biology tells us that there are males and there are females, and there’s a reason for that, and we also know that the human brain is an incredibly complex organ and it’s not fully developed until your mid- to late-twenties.” “So why would you be asking a pre-adolescent about these complex issues?” Carson asked. “Why would we even be complicating their lives? Children are curious by nature, and of course they’re going to ask questions and explore things. That doesn’t mean that they want to change their sex. And to confuse them in that way, I think, is child abuse. It certainly has nothing to do with science. These radical things are actually going to ruin people’s lives long term.”

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