A new 600-page review commissioned by Britain’s treasury argues that nothing short of a coordinated, large-scale global recovery plan will bring Earth’s ecosystem back from the brink of collapse.
The 600-page review was commissioned by Britain’s Treasury and authored by Partha Dasgupta, professor emeritus of economics at the University of Cambridge, who wrote that gross domestic product (GDP) is a faulty measure of sustainable economic growth. In a set of tweets ahead of and after the report’s release, George Monbiot called the review’s approach “morally wrong” and accused Dasgupta of promoting “a kind of totalitarian capitalism” in which “everything must now be commodified and brought within the system.” “Destruction is driven, above all, by the power of the rich. Regardless of how others value nature, those with power will destroy it, until their power is curtailed,” Monbiot wrote. “Dasgupta’s natural capital agenda,” he added, “is naive on many levels, but above all, it is naive about power. Putting a social price on something does nothing to stop anti-social interests from exploiting it.”
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