Forget most of what the media has been propagandizing us with for the past 18 months. CDC Statistics Show that Only 6% of America’s “Covid-19 Deaths” Were Listed as the Sole Cause of Death. (Which Means that the Actual Causes of Death may have been Because of the Patients Chronic – And Lethal – Ailments. Statisticians, Epidemiologists and Media “Experts” Worth Their Salt Should be Multiplying 0.06 (6%) X the Supposed 500,000 Covid-19 Deaths to Get a More Accurate Count of American Deaths) (0.06 X 500,000 = 30,000, which approximates the number of deaths expected for the average annual pandemic influenza and influenza like illnesses (ILI), which never resulted in economic lockdowns, school cancellations, mandated mask-wearing, “distance learning” or promotion of the irrational – and psychologically-traumatizing – “germophobia”.) “For (a miniscule) 6% of the deaths, Covid-19 was the only cause (of death) mentioned (on the death certificates).” “For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, there were (an average of) 2.6 additional conditions (‘co-morbidities’) or causes per death.”
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