Requiescat In Pace, Bishop Richard N. Williamson
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January 31, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Submit To Their Supremacy Or Die Quietly And Politely (4:38)
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The Synagogue Of Satan (Book)
The most damning exposure of who’s been running the world behind the scenes for centuries.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Music Of The Day
Singer And Actress Marianne Faithfull Dead At 78
Marianne Evelyn Gabriel Faithfull (December 29, 1946 – January 30, 2025) was an English singer and actress. She achieved popularity in the 1960s with the release of her UK top 5 single “As Tears Go By” and became one of the lead female artists during the British Invasion in the United States. Born in Hampstead, London, Faithfull began her career in 1964 after attending a party for the Rolling Stones, where she was discovered by Andrew Loog Oldham. Her debut studio album Marianne Faithfull (1965, released simultaneously with her studio album Come My Way), was a commercial success followed by a number of albums on Decca Records. From 1966 to 1970, she had a highly publicised romantic relationship with Mick Jagger.
Singer and Actress Marianne Faithfull Dead At 78 (2:48)
As Tears Go By (1964) (2:36)
Book Of The Day
The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed (Audiobook)
Origins and Originators of World War II
In this pathbreaking study of the origins of the Second World War, Dr. Hoggan explains why Hitler decided to attack Poland in 1939, and examines the short-sighted policies that made war all but inevitable. He dismantles the often-repeated charge of sole German responsibility for the war, which for many years has been a centerpiece of the prevailing narrative of twentieth century history. The eminent American historian Harry E. Barnes called this “the first thorough study of the responsibility for the causes of the Second World War in any language … likely to remain the definitive revisionist work on this subject for many years.”
by David L. Hoggan
Quote Of The Day
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
Vladimir Lenin
Website Of The Day
Dr. Peter Hammond
Frontline Fellowship is a Bible-based African Mission that has pioneered missionary work into neglected mission fields and areas resistant to the Gospel. Since 1982, Frontline missionaries have travelled hundreds of thousands of kilometres by foot, by motorbikes, by dugout canoes, trucks and aircraft to boldly proclaim the Gospel of repentance and faith in Christ to soldiers, guerrillas, resistance fighters and civilians on all sides of many conflicts in Africa.
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Meme Of The Day
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Critical Race Theory Archive With 70 Posts
What Comes Next On The Greater Israel Agenda?
The “ceasefire” will be violated and war with Iran promoted
If Israel continues to go carry out its plans of ethnic cleansing, genocide, territorial expansion and foreign aggression with unconditional US support, this may motivate other countries and some international institutions to continue turning against Israel, particularly as US power and influence are in rapid decline due to the rise of China and BRICS. All these trends are already underway: the questions is how fast they will develop into policies. But a renewed Israeli attack on an already devastated Gaza fueled by billions of US dollars could result in more and wider popular protest in the US in spite of government efforts to suppress pro-Palestinian protesters. It will also mean that the new phase of conflict will become Trump’s war, not Biden’s or Harris’ meaning that Democrats who stayed silent so as not to hurt the new administration will suddenly have a powerful incentive to criticize it. Alternatively, Trump is in a unique position to have “Nixon-goes-to-China moment,” which would have tremendous upsides for him politically and personally. Of course, Israel and its supporters would rise up in anger (they’ve killed people for less), but changing US and global public opinion could make the difference this time around if there is anyone in the White House who is listening.
by Philip Giraldi
Trump Middle East Rampage Begins (16:16)
by Vanessa Beeley
Palestinian Christians: Suffering Alone And Ignored By The Body Of Christ
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. (I Corinthians 12:12, 13) And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. (I Corinthians 12:26, 27) The title of this column bears the same title as my homily last Sunday, which is taken from the above Scriptures. The New Covenant has made all who come to faith in Christ one body: the Church, the Body of Christ. Scofield Futurists (aka Christian Zionists) say that Christ is two bodies: the Body of saved Gentiles and the Body of Jews, saved or unsaved. Futurists are still living in the Old Covenant. But the New Covenant Scriptures are clear: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:28, 29) I submit that as a whole America’s evangelicals are spiritually schizophrenic.
by Chuck Baldwin
Thirty Years Of Middle East Lies Just Keep Coming Back To Bite Us
The West’s ‘war on terror’ was built on a series of deceptions to persuade us that our leaders were crushing Islamist extremism. In truth, they were nourishing it
The story: Did you believe it 30 years ago when they told you that the Oslo Accords would bring peace to the Middle East? That Israel would finally withdraw from the Palestinian territories it had illegally occupied for decades, end its brutal repression of the Palestinian people, and allow a Palestinian state to be created there? That the longest runing sore for the Arab and Muslim worlds would finally be brought to an end? The reality: In fact, during the Oslo period, Israel stole more Palestinian land and expanded the building of illegal Jewish settlements at the fastest rate ever. Israel became even more repressive, building prison walls around Gaza and the West Bank while continuing to aggressively occupy both. Ehud Barak, Israeli prime minister of the time, “blew up” – in the words of one of his own main advisers – the US-backed negotiations at Camp David in 2000. Weeks later, with the occupied Palestinian territories seething, opposition leader Ariel Sharon, backed by 1,000 armed Israeli troops, invaded occupied Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque – one of the holiest places for Muslims in the world. It was the final straw, triggering an uprising by Palestinians that Israel would crush with devastating military force and thereby tip the scales of popular support from the secular Fatah leadership to the Islamic resistance group Hamas. Further afield, Israel’s ever-more abusive treatment of the Palestinians and its gradual takeover of al-Aqsa – backed by the West – served only to further radicalise the jihadist group al-Qaeda, providing the public rationale for attacking New York’s Twin Towers in 2001.
by Jonathan Cook
Bishop Richard Williamson: “The Jews Have A Vision: World Domination” (1:14:35)
by FFWN with Kevin Barrett
SITREP 1/29/25: Ukraine’s Mass Drone Heave Conceals Spreading Foundation Cracks
In the absence of any other effective requital, Ukraine has continued carrying out record-breaking drone attacks on Russian territory. There were another two nights of dozens if not hundreds of drones which have triggered debate-particularly from the pro-UA propagandist side-on whether Ukraine is finally breaking through to the ‘singularity’ point wherein production of cheap drones will begin consistently overwhelming Russian defenses, and ability to do anything at all. Scores of cities experienced the drone incursions, though most were shot down-but still various facilities were hit, most notably a large Ryazan refinery that is claimed to have processed 5% of all Russian oil: Ryazan oil refinery processed 13.1 million metric tons (262,000 barrels per day), or almost 5% of Russia’s total refining throughput in 2024. It produced 2.2 million tons of gasoline, 3.4 million tons of diesel, 4.3 million tons of fuel oil and 1 million of jet fuel, according to a source-based data. And another Lukoil one in Nizhny Novgorod at 56.111826782750065, 44.150536106619995, described as one of Russia’s largest, with a claimed 6% of Russian oil passing through it: Russia: Giant oil refinery struck by Ukrainian drones in Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region. It had a refining capacity of 17 million tons per year, accounting for over 6% of Russia’s total refining output. Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez is located 800km from Ukraine.
by Simplicius
New Neocon Manifesto: Keep US Troops In The Middle East Forever
The ‘Vandenberg Coalition’ wants Trump to prioritize Israel and maintain Iran as enemy number one
A leading neoconservative for most of the last half century has released a comprehensive series of recommendations on Middle East policy for the new Trump administration nearly all of which are ideas that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party would happily embrace. The 16-page report, entitled “Deals of the Century: Solving the Middle East,” is published by the Vandenberg Coalition, which was founded and chaired by Elliott Abrams, who has held senior foreign policy posts in every Republican administration since Ronald Reagan (except George H.W. Bush’s), including as Special Envoy for Venezuela and later for Iran during Trump’s first term. Created shortly after former President Biden took office, the Coalition has acted as a latter-day Project for the New American Century, a letterhead organization that acted as a hub and platform for pro-Likud neoconservatives, aggressive nationalists, and the Christian Right in mobilizing public support for the “Global War on Terror,” the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the move away from a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, particularly under the George W. Bush administration in which Abrams served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, surviving a number of purges of leading neoconservatives in that administration after the Iraq occupation went south.
by Jim Lobe
ACH (2507) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Sinking Of The MV Wilhelm Gustloff 80 Years Ago (53:08)
Architect Of Russia Sanctions Sentenced To 11 Years In Prison
US Democrat Bob Menendez has been found guilty on 16 charges in a sprawling bribery scheme to benefit a foreign country
A US senator has for the first time been found guilty of bribery and acting as an agent of a foreign government. US Democrat Bob Menendez, who championed stringent sanctions on Russia while he was chair of the highly influential Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has been sentenced to 11 years in prison on bribery and corruption charges. He was found guilty last July of accepting cash and gold bars and acting as an illegal agent for the Egyptian government, and resigned from the Senate a month later. “The public cannot be led to the belief that you can get away with bribery, fraud, and betrayal,” US District Judge Sidney Stein said on Wednesday. “I don’t know what led you to this,” Stein added. “You’ll have to try to figure that out yourself over time.” Prosecutors had sought at least 15 years in prison, along with millions of dollars in forfeitures and fines, arguing that such penalties were necessary “to provide just punishment for this extraordinary abuse of power and betrayal of public trust.” “For someone who spent his entire life in public service, every day I’m awake is a punishment,” the former lawmaker told the court.
by RT
The Death Of NATO?
As we know, or should know, NATO was originally a post-WWII British creation. Britain even came out and said that the purpose of NATO with respect to Europe was to “keep America in, Russia out, and Germany down.” That has been NATO’s script for lo these many years. But then there was Charles De Gaulle, president of France from 1958-1968, until he was forced to resign due to demonstrations sponsored by MI6 and the CIA in one of the first of many “color revolutions.” De Gaulle saw the EU as extending “from Lisbon to the Urals.” Alas, his vision was crushed by the viciousness of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire. Thanks for reading Three Sages! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. After the fall of the Soviet Union, when he had become president of Russia, Putin asked Clinton if Russia could join NATO. Clinton said he would ask his “advisers” and came back saying “No.” A quarter of a century has now passed. The Empire has been defeated due to the failed NATO proxy war in Ukraine and the unmasking of terrorist Israel. NATO is crumbling before our eyes, despite Starmer’s 100-year deal with Zelensky to sponsor unending terrorism against Russia.
by Richard C. Cook
The Big Picture Of Child Trafficking (3:35:07)
by Kyle Hunt, Sinead McCarthy, and Hugh Wyatt
puberty disruptors
trans ideology youth predation
back when i lived in san francisco in the 90’s, i used to walk home from work up columbus ave. i’d pass a scientology center there. they often had folks out on the sidewalk making a pitch: are you ever anxious and don’t know why? do you ever feel sad for no reason? are you ever confused? do you have mood swings or feel like something is oppressing you? if so, come on inside and we’ll give you a free evaluation and tell you how to get better! now, obviously, these are highly generalized ailments that have basically happened to everyone at some point. that’s the hook. they know that you have felt it. the trick lies in making the fact that you have felt it feel weird, like it’s wrong, like it’s something you need to do something about, like it’s something you need help with. then, they bring you inside, love bomb you, flood you with attention, and explain how what you’re feeling is actually dangerous to your humanity and before you can say “ron’s your uncle” you’re paying hundreds of thou to “go clear” in “audits” with star trek gadgets sold to you by a kool aid brigade that never lets up on you or encourages or even allows any interaction with normalcy.
by el gato malo
In Lebanon, Civilians Amass To Secure Liberation
Ignoring a foreign-imposed ceasefire ‘extension,’ southern Lebanese residents are reclaiming their villages from Israeli occupation, exposing the failures of both the invasion and US mediation – and it’s happening in both Gaza and Lebanon at the same time.
The image that Israel sought to project – both to its settlers and to the wider Arab world – of a resistance subdued, a nation defeated, and a broken will crumbled at dawn on 26 January as the 60-day deadline for the implementation of the ceasefire with Hezbollah approached. The shattering moment came as the Lebanese people triumphantly returned to their recently occupied villages with unrelenting resolve, putting an end to two months of perceived acquiescence and Israeli ambitions to extend its occupation of the country beyond the truce. Scrambling to attach legitimacy to Israel’s continuing violations beyond the ceasefire deadline, the White House issued a very brief statement on Sunday evening, announcing that the agreement would remain in effect until 18 February. Within hours, the Lebanese presidency’s X account posted: “There is no truth to the news about Israel informing Lebanon that it will remain at five border points for 15 days.”
by Khalil Harb
Adolf Hitler (1:02:17)
Chapter 30 This Time We Must Not Surrender January 17-April 20, 1945
by John Toland
The AI Fad Just Burned To The Waterline
Sometimes wide moats and billions of dollars to blow lead not to glory but to hubris, which beckons Nemesis.
While everyone was busy reassuring themselves the stock market was still A-OK, the driver of the market–the AI fad–just burned to the waterline. Yes, the current euphoric expectations for AI are a fad, the latest in the endless stream of “gotta have” status signifiers and cultural frenzies. The core dynamic in all fads is Human Wetware 1.0. Though we glorify our individuality–The primacy of the Individual is the key characteristic of Modernity–we remain a herd animal, alert to every twitch in the herd’s emotional state and anxious to join the herd when it starts running, lest we’re left behind or lose status. CEOs are just as prone to fads as the rest of us, and this is how the AI fad gathered momentum. A decade ago the warm-and-fuzzy tech fad that enamored every corporate HQ was fuzzy logic, one of the long line of precursors to the current AI mania. So labels touting “fuzzy logic” were slapped on rice cookers as everyone scrambled to cash in on the latest tech fad.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Chemtrails Exposed (2016)
By Peter Kirby – 60 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary
There is no shortage of footage of the spraying nowadays. It just comes down to whether you can believe your eyes versus the stories of condensation or dirty fuel. Weather modification technology exists and has existed for decades. The US decided to perfect it and dominate in this space after WW2 and went out of its way to spray the poor, abused, American population. Clouds of Secrecy – Lies are Unbekoming. This is an essential book for expanding our understanding of the full extent of the Empire’s capabilities—if any doubts still linger. Never forget that this same Empire aims to poison newborns within hours of birth. As you delve deeper into this subject, I invite you to reconsider the meaning behind the words climate change. With thanks to Peter Kirby. Imagine a massive casino where the house not only controls all the games but also owns the banks that loan money to the players, the insurance companies that cover their losses, and the weather outside that affects how many people come to play. Now imagine that this casino has found a way to control whether it rains or shines, whether it’s hot or cold, and even whether there will be storms – all while telling the players that any changes in weather are just natural variations or the result of their own actions.
by Unbekoming
Trump Declares War On Woke (21:50)
President Trump has taken significant action against “Woke” policies and ideologies related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), weaponized mass migration, and progressive overreach in areas like education, military, and corporate America.
by Robert Sepehr
Stray Bullet Deaths
Accident and Injury Statistics in September 2024
Report Highlights: A total of 34 deaths and 62 injuries from stray bullets have been reported in the United States as of September 25, 2024. 124 stray bullet or celebratory gunfire incidents made U.S. headlines in the first nine months of 2024. As many as 32% of celebratory gunfire injuries result in death. There were 34 known stray bullet deaths from January to September of 2024. Law enforcement agencies track thousands of shots fired calls every year. South America leads the world in the number of stray bullet deaths, with Brazil having the highest rate. How Many People Die from Celebratory Gun Fire Each Year? Between 1985 and 1992, 118 patients in California were identified as wounded by falling bullets (celebratory gunfire). Of those, 32% died. Every year, local police departments and medical officials warn the public about the dangers of celebratory gunfire, but there are still many cases of injuries and deaths globally each year. Celebratory gunfire typically involves falling bullets. Injuries are most often inflicted on the head or feet, and yes, they can be lethal. A .30 caliber bullet will fall at 300 fps (or 204 mph).
by Cassandra McBride
AI Combined With Holograms Creates An Uncrackable Optical Encryption System
As the demand for digital security grows, researchers have developed a new optical system that uses holograms to encode information, creating a level of encryption that traditional methods cannot penetrate. This advance could pave the way for more secure communication channels, helping to protect sensitive data. “From rapidly evolving digital currencies to governance, health care, communications and social networks, the demand for robust protection systems to combat digital fraud continues to grow,” said research team leader Stelios Tzortzakis from the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas and the University of Crete, both in Greece. “Our new system achieves an exceptional level of encryption by utilizing a neural network to generate the decryption key, which can only be created by the owner of the encryption system.” Writing in Optica, Tzortzakis and colleagues describe the new system, which uses neural networks to retrieve elaborately scrambled information stored as a hologram. They show that trained neural networks can successfully decode the intricate spatial information in the scrambled images. “Our study provides a strong foundation for many applications, especially cryptography and secure wireless optical communication, paving the way for next-generation telecommunication technologies,” said Tzortzakis. “The method we developed is highly reliable even in harsh and unpredictable conditions, addressing real-world challenges like tough weather that often limit the performance of free-space optical systems.”
by Optica
January 30, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
ACH (2507) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Sinking Of The MV Wilhelm Gustloff 80 Years Ago (Audio 53:08)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Dr. Peter Hammond
Wilhelm Gustloff Museum
Throughout these pages, you will learn about the deadliest maritime disaster in history,
with 9,343 women, children, and men losing their lives.
The Sinking Of The Wilhelm Gustloff (44:28)
Sinking The Gustloff (46:28) Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Music Of The Day
January 30, 1969, Apple Rooftop Concert
by The Beatles
The Beatles Perform Impromtu, Final Concert On London Rooftop
On January 30, 1969, The Beatles made a media splash when they played an unannounced gig on the roof of the Apple Corps building in London. The lunchtime set marked the legendary band’s final live performance. Joined by keyboardist Billy Preston, the group played 42 minutes of new material, including multiple takes of “Get Back,” “Don’t Let Me Down,” “I’ve Got A Feeling,” “The One After 909,” and “Dig A Pony.” Chaos ensued when fans learned about the impromptu performance and traffic was brought to a standstill, as crowds of people gathered below and watched from the windows and rooftops of nearby buildings. John Lennon ended the performance by saying, “I’d like to say ‘thank you’ on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we passed the audition.”
The Beatles
Rooftop Concert (January 30, 1969) (22:05)
Don’t Let Me Down (January 30, 1969) (3:31) (516,000,000 views)
Book Of The Day
The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed
Origins and Originators of World War II
Back in Print! Completely reset, expanded and reformatted new IHR edition! In this pathbreaking study of the origins of the Second World War, Dr. Hoggan explains why Hitler decided to attack Poland in 1939, and examines the short-sighted policies that made war all but inevitable. He dismantles the often-repeated charge of sole German responsibility for the war, which for many years has been a centerpiece of the prevailing narrative of twentieth century history. The eminent American historian Harry E. Barnes called this “the first thorough study of the responsibility for the causes of the Second World War in any language … likely to remain the definitive revisionist work on this subject for many years.” With index, source notes, extensive bibliography, map, and 30 photographs. Available in both hardcover and paperback editions.
by David L. Hoggan
Quote Of The Day
“Truth will prevail if its proponents are as ruthless as the enemy.”
Adolf Hitler
Website Of The Day
The Institute for Historical Review (IHR)
For a More Just, Sane and Peaceful World
The Institute for Historical Review is an independent educational center and publisher that works to promote peace, understanding and justice through greater public awareness of the past, and especially socially-politically relevant aspects of modern history. We strive in particular to increase understanding of the causes, nature and consequences of war and conflict. We defend freedom of speech and freedom of historical inquiry. We work to provide factual information and sound perspective on US foreign policy, World War Two, the Israel-Palestine conflict, war propaganda, Middle East history, the Jewish-Zionist role in cultural and political life, and much more.
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Meme Of The Day
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,800 Archived.
Science Archive With 3,066 Posts
DeepSeek Faces Surging Cyberattacks, US IPs Among Thousands Targeting Chinese AI Start-Up
Chinese AI start-up DeepSeek has been subjected to a series of sophisticated and large-scale cyberattacks over the past month, according to XLab, a Chinese cybersecurity firm. The attacks, which began in early January, have escalated significantly in both scale and complexity, posing unprecedented challenges to DeepSeek’s operations and data security, experts from the XLab told the Global Times on Wednesday and warned that the attacks are expected to continue in the future. The lab told the Global Times on Wednesday that there are still HTTP proxy attacks targeting DeepSeek. The monitored source IPs range from hundreds to thousands, most of which are located in the US, Singapore, the Netherlands, Germany, and domestically, according to XLab. DeepSeek on Tuesday launched a new open-source multimodal model Janus-Pro, an upgraded version of its earlier Janus model, which significantly enhances multimodal understanding and visual generation capabilities. Earlier in January the company released the latest open-source model DeepSeek-R1, which has achieved an important technological breakthrough – using pure deep learning methods to allow AI to spontaneously emerge with reasoning capabilities.
by Leng Shumei
Decade-Long Battle Against Baby Part Trafficking Ends In Victory (19:32)
Shocking undercover videos where abortion providers discussed selling fetal organs for profit – even bargaining over parts like hearts and livers while eating! But Kamala Harris and her successor Xavier Becerra ignored t the crimes and prosecuted the journalists. The investigation uncovered that none other than Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci were among the recipients of these procured parts, using them for experiments like creating humanized mice. A Brave New World:Meanwhile, the narrative takes a darker turn with the mention of new fertility research aiming to create babies from single individuals, hinting at a future where traditional family structures could be replaced by state-controlled “hatcheries” – a chilling nod to dystopian eugenics.
by The David Knight Show
Dear World: This Is What Palestinian Unity Looks Like
Even those of us who have long emphasised the importance of the Palestinian people’s voice, experience and collective action in Palestinian history must have been shocked by the cultural revolution resulting from the Israeli war against the people in Gaza. By cultural revolution, I mean the defiant and rebellious narrative evolving in Gaza, where people see themselves as active participants in the popular resistance, not just mere victims of the Israeli war machine. When the ceasefire was announced on the 471st day of the Israeli genocide, The Palestinians in Gaza rushed onto the streets in celebration. Media outlets reported that they were celebrating the ceasefire, but judging by their chants, songs and symbolisms they were celebrating their collective victory, steadfastness (sumud) and resilience against the powerful Israeli army, which has been and remains supported by the US and other Western countries. Using basic tools, they hurried to clean their streets, clearing debris to allow the displaced to search for homes. Although their homes were probably destroyed by Israel – 90 per cent of Gaza’s housing units were, according to the United Nations – they were still happy, even if they could only sit on the rubble. Some prayed atop concrete slabs, some sang in large, growing crowds, and others cried but insisted that no power could ever uproot them from Palestine again.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud
The Rise Of The Immortal Dictator: What Will AI Mean For Freedom And Government?
“If one company or small group of people manages to develop godlike digital superintelligence, they could take over the world. At least when there’s an evil dictator, that human is going to die. But for an AI, there would be no death. It would live forever. And then you’d have an immortal dictator from which we can never escape.” ~ Elon Musk (2018)
The Deep State is about to go turbocharged. While the news media fixates on the extent to which Project 2025 may be the Trump Administration’s playbook for locking down the nation, there is a more subversive power play taking place under cover of Trump’s unique brand of circus politics. Take a closer look at what’s unfolding, and you will find that all appearances to the contrary, Trump isn’t planning to do away with the Deep State. Rather, he was hired by the Deep State to usher in the golden age of AI. Get ready for Surveillance State 2.0. To achieve this turbocharged surveillance state, the government is turning to its most powerful weapon yet: artificial intelligence. AI, with its ability to learn, adapt, and operate at speeds unimaginable to humans, is poised to become the engine of this new world order. Over the course of 70 years, the technology has developed so rapidly that it has gone from early computers exhibiting a primitive form of artificial intelligence to machine learning (AI systems that learn from historic data) to deep learning (machine learning that mimics the human brain) to generative AI, which can create original content, i.e., it appears able to think for itself. What we are approaching is the point of no return.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
No More White Babies (2:58)
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Ukrainian Media Outlet Leaks Alleged Trump Plan To End Ukraine War
The plan includes reaching a ceasefire before Easter and a deal to end the war by May 9
The Ukrainian news outlet Strana has published leaked details of President Trump’s alleged plan to end the war in Ukraine in 100 days. According to Newsweek, which said it couldn’t verify if the details were accurate, the plan starts with holding a phone call between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in late January or early February, followed by meetings with both Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in February or March. The leaked plan calls for a ceasefire to be declared by Easter, which falls on April 20. The truce would involve Ukraine withdrawing troops from Russia’s Kursk Oblast. Once the ceasefire comes into effect, a peace conference will begin hammering out the details of a lasting agreement. The plan calls for a deal to be reached by May 9. Once the details of the agreement are released, Ukraine will be instructed to end martial law and mobilization. That would mean Zelensky could lose power since his presidential term expired in May 2024, and he used martial law as the justification for not holding new elections. The plan would require allowing parties who oppose continuing the war with Russia to run for office.
by Dave DeCamp
Death By Medicine (2011)
By Gary Null PhD – 40 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary
Imagine you’re boarding what appears to be a luxurious cruise ship. The exterior is impressive, the advertising is persuasive, and the ticket price is the highest in the world. This ship represents the American healthcare system – the most expensive and outwardly impressive in the world. However, once aboard, you discover disturbing realities: The crew members rarely communicate with each other about navigation hazards. When they hit icebergs, they often don’t report them. Some crew members are actually salespeople in disguise, promoting expensive but unnecessary ship services. The ship’s maintenance logs are incomplete, with only 5-20% of problems documented. The kitchen serves food that makes one-third of the elderly passengers sick. The ship’s doctor prescribes medications without checking what other ship doctors have already prescribed. Most alarmingly, the equivalent of six jumbo jets worth of passengers die every day during the cruise, but these deaths are often attributed to “natural causes” rather than the ship’s conditions. The ship’s owners know about these problems but resist major reforms because the current system is highly profitable. Meanwhile, similar ships from other countries (like Japan, Sweden, and Canada) transport their passengers more safely at a fraction of the cost. This is the American healthcare system – a massive, expensive enterprise that often harms the very people it’s meant to protect, resistant to change due to entrenched financial interests, while safer and more efficient alternatives exist elsewhere in the world. The analogy illustrates how a system designed to help people has become hazardous to public health, prioritizing profit over safety, and resisting the fundamental reforms needed to prevent unnecessary deaths and injuries.
by Unbekoming
Dirty Money (3:10)
Performed by Alice Irby at Suno Studios
Written by DC Dave
Video by BuelahMan
Who Has The Latest News On The Coming Peace In Ukraine? India’s WION. Not CNN, Not The Financial Times!
This morning at 8am I got a phone call from India’s largest global television broadcaster in English, WION, requesting an interview to discuss points made by Vladimir Putin yesterday in a remarkable interview which he gave to his ‘shadow,’ reporter Pavel Zarubin of state television channel Rossiya 1, while traveling in his Aurus limousine from Moscow to Samara, where he had several speaking engagements. Putin elaborated in his chat with Zarubin on the circumstances surrounding the nearly consummated negotiations in April 2022 to end the war on mutually acceptable terms a little more than a month following the start of hostilities and thus to avert the carnage and destruction that has occurred since. He also commented on the obstacles to be overcome now if a cessation of hostilities and start of peace talks are to be undertaken again, as Donald Trump has been insisting. The single biggest obstacle is the continuation in office of Volodomyr Zelensky, per President Putin. If this position statement by Putin is not newsworthy this morning, what is? Have Putin’s remarks been reported by The New York Times, by The Financial Times, by CNN so far? No! Here and now, let us go over the points made by Putin yesterday. When the video of my interview with WION is sent to me, today or tomorrow, I will post it separately.
by Gilbert Doctorow
Israeli Atrocities Continue In Lebanon
Rampant war crimes and ceasefire violations mark the trail of the Greater Israel project as it advances — with help from the U.S.-backed government in Beirut — in southern Lebanon.
Not only did Israel fail to evacuate its army from Southern Lebanon on Sunday, as stipulated in the ceasefire agreement, its forces also shot over 130 Lebanese civilians attempting to return home in accordance with the deal, killing 23 and wounding 109 (of whom some are in critical condition). This included a 12-year-old boy wounded in the neck in Kfarkela, standing right next to my local producer Mahmood. I was 20 yards away and on my way to them. Four were killed in Kfarkela and overnight the Israeli army demolished numerous homes there in “punishment.” Apart from one Lebanese army soldier, all of the dead were civilians simply attempting to return to their homes. At least five of the dead were children. All were shot, not bombed. Israel’s excuse for not withdrawing is that the ceasefire agreement is not fulfilled, in that Hezbollah have not been disarmed south of the Litani River, and that the Lebanese army has not assumed control. I have spent every waking hour of three days travelling the entire southern border (remember Lebanon is a very small country; its entire area is less than Yorkshire or Connecticut and the demarcated border region is much smaller still). I can guarantee the Lebanese army is fully in control of the area. There are army checkpoints at every major crossroads and town entrance and at every track into the hills. What is more to the point, I saw nobody at all except for the Lebanese army carrying weapons.
by Craig Murray
Deepseek R1 Explained (10:06)
by Dave’s Garage
A Trump Deal – Alliance Between America, China And Russia
Trump is in a bind with his foreign policy. Having stated he would end the Ukraine/Russia war within 24 hours, he is now demonizing Putin and threatening more sanctions if Putin doesn’t end the war. Putin has brought up an interesting point regarding any peace deal – Zelenskky is not authorized to sign the deal because he is not the President of Ukraine according to Ukraine’s Constitution. Zelenskky illegally halted the presidential elections citing the war as his justification. However, that justification is illegal. Therefore anything negotiated and signed by Zelenskky can be trashed by the West at any future point. Putin has outlined his red-line proposal: 1. No NATO. 2. Annexed territories belong to Russia. 3. Elimination of Nazi battalions. 4. No bioweapon labs. Zelenskky has lost. He has no basis for leading negotiations or demanding anything, however, according to Rubio, Putin needs to give Ukraine something to save face for the CIA losing another war. And Trump is eying those rare earth minerals… Prolonging the inevitable does not change the inevitable. Technically, as Secretary of State, Rubio should be negotiating with Russia. Rubio is woefully under-qualified for the job. The Deputy Director, Landau, has no qualifications to negotiate foreign delegations, leaving Trump to do their job. Landau is a bully and Rubio is weak.
by Helena Glass
Greenland As A New Frontier
Trump’s Greenland initiative is not just geopolitics but the foundation for a post-state order driven by the Tech Right’s vision of sovereignty, technology, and alternative governance.
Trump’s projects related to Greenland, as it has been established, have a very serious foundation. Those referred to as Right Tech, that is, Silicon Valley oligarchs and foremost Peter Thiel, have decided to create a new post-state in the far North. Based on far-right values, Bitcoin, direct democracy, and futuristic experiments with the nature of time. This should be taken very seriously. Instead of giggling and presenting old-regime arguments, let’s think: these very Trumpists, with Greenland and the “Technological Republic,” have managed to seize power in the USA. And now, they will move forward. Mars, that’s where Elon Musk pointed with his strange gesture. We must look to the future, not dig in the dead ends of the past. The main thing is that there is no more liberalism in the world, and there never will be; indeed, there will be no Enlightenment as such. It was a deviation; we’ve reached a dead end, and now we are rapidly exiting from it. We must have a venture future – that is, we need to liberate the inner world, which means reaffirming the dignity and power of the immortal soul. In US civil war is over. Normality has won depravity. In EU civil war is still going on. And depravity and lie are still in power. How long?
by Alexander Dugin
Chinese Firm Disrupts Big AI With DeepSeek (26:07)
by Peak Prosperity
Doug Casey On Ross Ulbricht: Implications For The Future Of Freedom In America
International Man: In 2011, Ross Ulbricht founded the website Silk Road. It was a cleverly designed online marketplace that leveraged decentralized technologies like Tor and Bitcoin to establish an anonymous and completely free market without government interference. Much to the chagrin of politicians like Chuck Schumer, the Silk Road operated openly and successfully for about two and a half years. Eventually, the government managed to identify Ross, arrest him, and shut down the Silk Road. What’s your perspective on the concept of the Silk Road and the government’s response to it?
Doug Casey: This is a question that touches a lot of bases. It has roots in the drug war. My view is that drugs should generally be avoided because they typically cloud your mind and obscure your understanding of reality. But it’s entirely up to the individual, a matter of personal responsibility and personal preference. It’s certainly not the business of the notoriously corrupt DEA, which should be abolished. The government and its employees have learned absolutely nothing from their prohibition of alcohol from 1919 to 1933. Prohibition turned drinking from a social custom where some individuals overindulged into a “crime” that destroyed tens of thousands of businesses and millions of lives and tore a hole in the fabric of society. It fostered wholesale violence and serious police corruption while supplying the Mafia and other criminal organizations with a huge and consistent source of funds. Today’s illegal drugs are exactly analogous to the Prohibition of alcohol 100 years ago. Making drugs illegal causes vastly more damage than any possible good.
by Doug Casey
UNRWA Shutdown Risks Killing Gaza Ceasefire: Official
The head of the UN’s Palestinian Aid Agency (UNRWA) said Tel Aviv’s decision to halt his agency’s assistance programs in Israel jeopardizes the Gaza truce and hostage deal. On Tuesday, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN said UNRWA would have to cease its operations in Israel when Tel Aviv’s law banning the organization goes into effect on Thursday. “UNRWA must cease its operations and evacuate all premises it operates in Jerusalem,” Ambassador Danny Danon told the Security Council. “Israel will terminate all collaboration, communication and contact with UNRWA or anyone acting on its behalf.” UNRWA Chief Philippe Lazzarini responded by saying the shuttering of UNRWA in Israel risked causing the Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal to end. “In two days, our operations in the occupied Palestinian territory will be crippled, as legislation passed by the Israeli Knesset takes effect,” he told the UNSC. “At stake is the fate of millions of Palestinians, the ceasefire, and the prospects for a political solution that brings lasting peace and security.”
by Kyle Anzalone
The Mass Deportations Have Been Disappointing (22:15)
by Nicholas J. Fuentes
Israel Is Finishing One War, But Preparing For The Next…
The deal with Hamas and the cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip could become the precursors to a ‘new storm’ in the Middle East.
One of the most significant recent global events was the news of the cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip and the achievement of a truce between Israel and Hamas. The armistice agreement, reached on January 15 with the mediation of Egypt, Qatar and the United States, consists of 8 chapters and 20 paragraphs. The main part of the deal is the end of the armed conflict, the withdrawal of IDF units from the Gaza Strip (with the exception of the ‘buffer zone’ in the south and west), the provision of humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian population and the exchange of hostages and prisoners. Naturally, any war will eventually end in peace (or truce). According to the truce, Israel, after receiving all the women and children kept hostage, will allow the Rafah checkpoint on the border with Egypt to be opened for civilians and the wounded.
by Alexandr Svaranc
Araghchi Says No ‘Message Exchange’ With Us On Sanctions Removal Talks
Iran’s foreign minister says Tehran has not received any messages from the new US administration regarding the sanctions removal talks.
Abbas Araghchi said on Wednesday that any decision to enter into such discussions hinges on confidence-building measures by the Donald Trump administration. Iran is already engaging with European parties to the JCPOA, the 2015 nuclear deal, and is waiting for Washington to clarify its policy, the minister said. “No clear message has been sent or received between the two countries; what is being said is only in the media.” There has been speculation that the Trump administration has exchanged secret messages with Iran. “Our criterion remains the past distrust that continues to dominate relations between the two countries,” Araghchi said. “We previously reached an agreement; Iran implemented it, but they were the ones who disrupted it,” Araghchi said, pointing to the 2018 US withdrawal from the JCPOA during Trump’s first term in office. Upon its departure, the US administration reinstated punitive measures that had been suspended under the accord and imposed new bans under its policy of ‘maximum pressure.’
by PressTV
January 29, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Deepseek R1 Explained (10:06)
by Dave’s Garage
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Music Of The Day
The House Of The Rising Sun
by The Animals
The House of the Rising Sun is a traditional folk song, sometimes called Rising Sun Blues. It tells of a person’s life gone wrong in the city of New Orleans. Many versions also urge a sibling or parents and children to avoid the same fate. The most successful commercial version, recorded in 1964 by the British rock band the Animals, was a number one hit on the UK Singles Chart and in the US and Canada. As a traditional folk song recorded by an electric rock band, it has been described as the first folk rock hit.
The Animals’ original lineup consisted of frontman Eric Burdon, guitarist Hilton Valentine, bass guitarist Chas Chandler, keyboardist Alan Price and drummer John Steel. Known for their gritty, bluesy sound, they balanced tough, rock-edged pop singles against rhythm-and-blues-oriented album material and were part of the British Invasion of the US. The original Animals were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1994, although Burdon did not attend and the band did not perform. In 2003, the band’s version of The House of the Rising Sun ranked number 123 on Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time list. Their 1965 hit single We Gotta Get Out of This Place was ranked number 233 on the same list. Both songs are included in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s 500 Songs That Shaped Rock and Roll.
The House Of The Rising Sun (1964) (4:20)
Book Of The Day
The Single Global Mafia
I have noticed that some people, even those gen-erally receptive to my point of view, beg to differ when it comes to the existence of a single global mafia – the entity I have taken to calling the criminocracy or even demonocracy. Surely, they say, it’s more a question of the world being dominated by a number of competing powerful groups, which together constitute the phenomenon termed “capitalism” or “crony capit-alism”. And they are not necessarily convinced when I assert that my own research, over recent years, has proved to my satisfaction that this global em-pire has been manufactured by, and is headed by, the Rothschilds.
by Paul Cudenec
Quote Of The Day
“The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word ‘German’ is the most horrible curse. From now on, the word ‘German’ strikes us to the quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We will kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day … If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet and there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime … If you have already killed a German, then kill another one – there is nothing more amusing to us than a heap of German corpses. Don’t count the days, don’t count the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the Germans! … Kill the Germans! Kill!”
Ilya Ehrenburg, Jewish Soviet Propagandist
Website Of The Day
Substack is an American online platform that allows journalists, writers, and other content creators to publish newsletters and establish a subscription-based audience. It provides tools for authors to create and distribute their newsletters, manage subscriptions, and monetize content via subscriptions. Independent creators have the option to provide digital newsletters directly to their audience on either a free or paid basis, with Substack earning ten percent of the subscription revenue.
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SSPX Betrayal
Let a maid not meet with wolves. They may be charming,
But such charm is, for a maid, much too disarming!
How can an innocent maiden raw life know?
That’s why the Archbishop himself to Rome would go.
At on the Internet can be found an interesting video presentation in French entitled “Betrayal of the SSPX, told by priests.” The background picture shows Pope Bergoglio and Fr. David Pagliarani, Superior General of the SSPX (Society of St Pius X) putting their heads together, as though they are the best of friends. The picture may well be a fabrication rather than real, but it is a good fabrication, because it sums up the huge unreality that both of them are pursuing, namely that 2+2=4, and 2+2= 4 or 5 (or 6 or 6 million), can be reconciled in 2+2 = four and a half. But that is exactly the same unreal reconciliation that Pope Benedict and Bishop Fellay were dreaming of in 2009. It is the unreal dream of liberals that things are not necessarily what they objectively are, but anything that I may subjectively like them to be. For instance, if I do not like Ten Commandments, then I make them Ten Options! And if for another ten years nothing interrupts the present course of Church affairs, then in in 2035 another Church leader and another SSPX Superior General will be caricatured in the same way because the liberal Church leader will still be posing as a friend of Catholic Tradition, while the dream-Traditional SSPX leader will still be seeking for official Church approval from the real enemies of the Faith. A good cartoonist could enhance the fabrication by portraying Fr Pagliarani as Little Red Riding Hood and the apparent Pope as the Big Bad Wolf: “What lovely teeth you have,” she fawns. “All the better to eat you up with, sweetie pie!”
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
The Healthcare System Hoax (Show Notes and Video 24:55)
On becoming a doctor in 2005, I was under the impression that I had joined a profession that saved millions of lives and added years to life spans. We were led to believe that our predecessors had engaged in and emerged victorious in the war against germs. Furthermore, it is often claimed that we could do even better today if our communities had more “access” to allopathic interventions – that is, more pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures. For many of us, the onset of the COVID-19 show in 2020 unmasked the viral paradigm and the wider failures of germ theory. It became apparent that the 20th century’s celebrated medical triumphs such as vaccines and antibiotics could not be responsible for the improved health and survival metrics. The war against germs was a phoney one and the improvements came about when we addressed nutrition, hygiene and our living environments – in other words, the terrain. As you would expect, the medical establishment rarely publishes material that raises questions about its safety and effectiveness. However, in the 1970s a paper was published in a mainstream journal that destroyed the claims that medical measures were significantly benefitting the population. On review of the evidence and with some new information in hand, the trillion-dollar medical system now looks even more troubled (and dangerous) than ever…
by Dr. Sam Bailey
The U.S. Is Not A Sovereign Nation
The U.S. is not a sovereign nation. It lost its sovereignty in what I call the “Insurrection of 1913,” when the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax Amendment were passed. The Federal Reserve Act was actually written by the Rothschilds of Europe, with the collusion of the Money Trust headed by the Morgan and Rockefeller interests. The conspiracy was set in motion at Jekyll Island. You can read about this in my book, Our Country, Then and Now. Since then, the U.S. has served at the pleasure of the globalist financial elite as an instrument in fighting their wars of conquest: against Germany in World Wars I and II, Vietnam and Southeast Asia in the 60s and 70s, Russia and Yugoslavia in the Cold War and the 90s, multiple Muslim nations in the “War on Terror,” and, under President Joe Biden, the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia and Israel’s Gaza War against the Palestinians. As President Ronald Reagan reportedly said, “He who has the gold rules.” The “gold” in the modern era is the right to print money “out of thin air” via the mechanism of fractional reserve banking combined with usury exacted at compound interest. Through this diabolical mechanism, the global financial elite rule much of humanity, though China, Russia, Iran, and other BRICS nations are breaking away to create a multipolar world.
by Richard C. Cook
China Has Broken The AI Market By Offering A Better Product For Free
This was an act of terrorism…
The Chinese have launched a devastating terror attack on the US via their DeepSeek app, an artificial intelligence which has the audacity to be better than US alternatives and also free to use. Free. To. Use. Fucking communists! The terror attack has been described as an “extinction event” for venture capitalists because 46% of all their capital went into AI last year. We are now entering a dark time when concepts with no social utility can no longer make endless free money. Life can be so unfair. Neoliberals knew capitalism was dying so they had planned to replace it with this cool thing called technofeudalism where you pay subscriptions to access any part of the modern world, guaranteeing them infinite money forever. AI was a huge part of this model and now DeepSeek has gone and fucked it. Just. Like. That. Disturbingly, DeepSeek has shown absolutely no remorse for the damage it has caused to hardworking leeches. I asked the AI if it feels any guilt at all for the struggles of venture capitalists and it simply replied: “lol, fuck no, lmao!” The CIA spent $18 billion building its propaganda machine called OpenAI, only for a $5 million Chinese upstart to surpass it overnight. The entire DeepSeek project cost less than the average salary of a big tech CEO in the US. If China is this efficient, no wonder its infrastructure is 300 years ahead of everyone else’s. The scary thing is Americans might realise they can’t have high speed rail and universal healthcare because rich arseholes are hoarding all the money.
by Laura and Normal Island News
Trump Recommends Expelling Palestinians To Build Beachfront Properties (Transcript and Video 4:28)
World Peace Through Real Estate
by Greg Reese
2025: On The Brink Of The Biggest Oil Shock In History
The Strait of Hormuz is a narrow strip of water that links the Persian Gulf to the rest of the world. It’s the world’s single most important energy corridor, and there’s no alternative route. Five of the world’s top 10 oil-producing countries—Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait—border the Persian Gulf, as does Qatar, the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter. The Strait of Hormuz is their only sea route to the open ocean… and world markets. At its narrowest point, the space available for shipping lanes is just 3.2 kilometers wide. According to the US Energy Information Administration, more than 40% of global oil exports (around 21 million barrels) transit the Strait daily. That’s more than $1.5 billion worth of oil every day. And that’s not considering the immense amount of LNG— about 33% of the world’s daily LNG exports—and other goods transiting the Strait. It’s hard to overstate the importance of the Strait of Hormuz to the global economy. If someone were to disrupt the Strait, it would cause immediate global economic chaos as energy prices skyrocket. Thanks to its commanding geography and expertise in unconventional and asymmetric warfare, Iran can shut down the Strait, and there’s not much anyone can do about it. It’s Iran’s geopolitical trump card.
by Nick Giambruno
Goodbye To The Lost Children Of Gaza. You Were Loved, You Are Remembered, You Did Not Deserve It
For the past week, Palestinians in Gaza have been returning to their homes, now mostly reduced to rubble – and to their dead who still lie beneath. It is only now that we will start to get a fuller picture of the true toll of this war – only now that any kind of grieving or mourning can begin, a process that has been physically and emotionally denied to the Palestinians throughout the past 15 months. Once the final tally becomes clear, what will probably emerge is a colossal death toll of children. Already, indications point to it being children that have made up the majority of casualties. UN analysis of verified deaths during a five-month period confirmed that of those who died, 44% were children. Most often, those children were five- to nine-year-olds; 80% of them were killed in their own homes. The horror is not just that they died. But how they died. In maximum terror. Many in their own homes, on shaking earth, among the cacophony and screeches of bombs, then either pulverized or smothered, to be pulled out dusted grey in complexion, or in pieces to be gathered in plastic bags. Others died in maximum pain, as lack of anesthetic and medical supplies meant that some succumbed to injury without relief. Others perished after having their limbs amputated without a single dose of painkillers.
by Nesrine Malik
2nd Amendment: Founders Ignored Strategy To Stop Invasions Of Your Rights (Show Links and Video 33:43)
When government violates your right to keep and bear arms, the Founders called it an invasion of liberty. But they didn’t just complain – they gave us a strategy to resist and defeat those invaders of our most essential rights. In this episode, I’ll share their warnings and solutions, both of which have been ignored for far too long.
by Michael Boldin and the Theth Amendment Center
The Israelis Are Shocked That They Didn’t Beat Hamas, Here’s Why They Failed
Israel’s “cowardly” war tactics against Gaza, highlighting its genocidal strategies targeting civilians over true combat with Resistance groups.
Contrary to what has been presented to the Western public, the Israeli military did not fight a war that targeted Hamas, instead they pursued their genocides and employed cowardly tactics that aimed to minimize their soldier casualties. Ever wondered why the Israelis never had any real combat footage that featured their soldiers engaged in battles with Palestinian fighters? One explanation could be that no battles were actually fought in the Gaza Strip, yet that is contradicted by the near daily stream of clips, produced by some dozen Resistance groups, that featured attacks against the invading army. Through analyzing the videos released by the Palestinian armed groups like al-Quds Brigades, al-Qassam Brigades, al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the Mujahideen Brigades, the Salah al-Din Brigades, and others, we can deduce that there were three main categories of attacks: Ambushes, Sniper Operations, and mortar/artillery strikes. According to both the communiques and video documentation published by the groups in Gaza, the most frequent style of attacks was mortar/artillery operations; that would occur daily. Over 10,000 rockets were also used, but as the war progressed, most of the rockets fired were short-range munitions. Although this style of attacks used largely inaccurate weapons, it was indeed constant over the course of 15 months.
by Robert Inlakesh–here-s
Any US, Israeli Attack On Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Will Spell Major Disaster For Region: FM
Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi has warned that any “crazy” Israeli or American attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities will spell a “very bad disaster” for the entire region.
In an interview with Sky News in the Iranian capital, Araghchi said “any attack to our nuclear facilities would be faced with an immediate and decisive response.” “But I don’t think they will do that crazy thing. This is really crazy. And this would turn the whole region into a very bad disaster,” he warned. In 2015, Iran proved the peaceful nature of its nuclear program to the world by signing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with six world powers. However, the US’s unilateral withdrawal in 2018 and its subsequent re-imposition of sanctions against Tehran during Donald Trump’s first term in office left the future of the deal in limbo. In 2019, Iran started to roll back the limits it had accepted under the JCPOA after the other parties failed to live up to their commitments. Trump has recently hinted he would prefer a new deal with Iran, saying it would be “nice”. Araghchi said although he was prepared to listen to Trump, but it would take a lot more than that for Iran to be convinced it should begin negotiations with the US towards another deal, given Washington’s withdrawal from the 2015 agreement.
bt PressTV
Europa: The Last Battle (2017) (11:59:33)
by Tobias Bratt
2nd Amendment Preservation: Kentucky Bill Would Ban State Enforcement Of All Federal Gun Control
A newly filed Kentucky House bill would expand current state law to prohibit state and local enforcement of any federal gun control measures enacted after December 15, 1791, the day the Second Amendment was ratified, drawing a bold line in defense of the right to keep and bear arms. In 2023, the state enacted a law prohibiting Kentucky law enforcement agencies, local governments, and public agencies from “adopting a rule, order, ordinance, or policy under which the entity enforces, assists in the enforcement of, or otherwise cooperates in a “federal ban” on firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessory enacted on or before Jan. 1, 2021.” It also prohibits the expenditure of public funds for the same. Rep. T.J. Roberts and Rep. Felicia Rabourn filed House Bill 82 (HB82) to expand the current ban on state enforcement of a “federal ban” on firearms and ammunition to include any law, rule, or regulation effective after Dec. 15, 1791, the day the Second Amendment was ratified. State law defined a “federal ban” as “a federal law, executive order, rule, or regulation … that infringes upon, calls into question, prohibits, restricts, or requires individual licensure for or registration of the purchase, ownership, possession, transfer, or use of any firearm, ammunition, or firearm accessories.” State or local government agents who violate the law are subject to termination and misdemeanor criminal charges.
by Mike Maharrey
Slavery Was Never Abolished
It Was Just Extended To Include Everyone
As more and more cracks in our economic system have become visible to an increasing number of people, it has become harder and harder for the parasites running this system to hide the economic reality we’ve been living in. That reality is just a new iteration of Slavery, now commonly known as Neo-Feudalism. Slavery traces its origins back to the earliest stages of human societal development. Its existence predates written history, with evidence of slavery found in nearly every ancient culture, from Mesopotamia and Egypt to China and Pre-Columbian America. Slavery likely emerged as human societies transitioned from nomadic to agrarian lifestyles, leading to the establishment of permanent settlements and the need for labor to work the land. With this shift came the stratification of society, where conquering tribes or more powerful groups began to subjugate the weaker, forcing them into servitude. In ancient Mesopotamia, one of the earliest known civilizations, slavery was already an established practice around 3500 BCE. The Code of Hammurabi, a legal document from Babylon dated to around 1750 BCE, provides one of the earliest recorded references to slavery, outlining laws governing the treatment of slaves and their status within society. Slaves were typically war captives, criminals, or debtors, reflecting a societal structure that utilized slavery as a form of punishment, conquest, or economic survival. Slavery was not yet racially or ethnically based but rather a consequence of conflict or misfortune.
by Terra Times
Bringing Israeli Soldiers To Justice Around The World, With Dyab Abou Jahjah (42:08)
WEF 2025: Jonathan Greenblatt, Randi Weingarten, And Jennifer Schenker AdvocatebFor Increased Social Media Censorship To Combat Antisemitism
Calls for tighter social media control spark debates over free expression.
At the 2025 World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting, a session titled “Confronting Antisemitism Amid Polarization” featured prominent speakers who advocated for stronger measures to compel social media platforms to censor content they consider harmful. Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL); Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT); and Jennifer Schenker, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Innovator, expressed concerns about the influence of platforms like TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook on public discourse and the spread of antisemitism. Jennifer Schenker set the tone for the discussion by claiming, “The flames of antisemitism are being fanned every second by TikTok and social media,” and lamenting that “the Jewish community has not been able to effectively combat that online.” Jonathan Greenblatt labeled social media platforms “a super spreader of antisemitism and hate” and criticized their impact on younger audiences, stating, “Young people… get their news from TikTok, which is fairly terrifying, or from X or from Instagram.” He also called Meta “a gigantic problem,” highlighting the challenges posed by the platforms’ size, business models, and governance structures.
by Cindy Harper
CIA, Israel And Conspiracy Theories: What To Expect From The JFK Files
Thousands of records about the US president’s assassination in 1963 still remain classified
US President Donald Trump has ordered the declassification of all remaining withheld records pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Almost 5,000 documents are still veiled in secrecy. Kennedy was killed in November 1963, while visiting Dallas, Texas. A congressional commission chaired by Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren concluded in 1964 that “lone gunman” Lee Harvey Oswald was to blame. The CIA coined the pejorative term “conspiracy theory” to describe alternate scenarios regarding JFK’s death, which has not stopped many Americans from doubting the Warren Commission’s conclusions. Trump’s order also applies to the remaining classified records about the 1968 assassinations of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and civil rights campaigner Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Trump orders release of JFK, RFK and MLK files READ MORE: Trump orders release of JFK, RFK and MLK files The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) says it has declassified 99% of some 320,000 documents related to the JFK assassination, as required by a law passed by Congress in 1992. The final deadline for declassification was October 2017, but the US intelligence community claimed it needed more time to review and redact the records. According to multiple estimates, 2,140 documents remain fully or partially redacted, while another 2,500 records have been kept secret for other reasons, such as court orders or donor restrictions.
by RT
Wall Street Realizes It Was Fleeced By Bloated AI Costs (10:20)
Is DeepSeek a “Sputnik Moment” – or an “Oreshnik Awakening”? Overcharged, over-hyped AI has been the basis of the stock market boom recently.Yesterday Wall Street realized the truth about the money.It’s time for Americans to learn the truth about how they intend to use AI.
by The David Knight Show
Brain Regeneration: Why It’s Real And How To Do It
Have you ever wished you could regenerate those brain cells you sacrificed in college? Do you fear that your aging brain is in a perpetual state of decline? Medical science is being rewritten to show that we CAN improve the health of our brain, and that repairing damage is not only possible, it’s something anyone can do
It is a commonly held misconception that the brain is beyond repair. Even the medical establishment has asserted that once we kill brain cells, they are gone forever. The fact is, the brain can repair itself, and as science is now proving, there is real benefit to simple practices that can help keep our brains sharp and elastic throughout our lifetime. The field of cognitive neuroscience is relatively new – only around one hundred years old – so it’s no surprise that we are constantly arriving at a newer and better understanding of how the neural circuitry of the human brain supports overall brain functioning. For most of those one hundred years, it was believed that once damaged, the brain could not regenerate. Brain cells were finite, and any loss or injury would be suffered as a deficiency for the rest of that person’s life. This created a false belief that the brain is essentially in a perpetual state of decline.
by Sayer Ji
Men And Women Equally Attracted To Younger Partners, Study Suggests
Men and women alike are drawn to younger partners, whether or not they realize it. The conclusion came from a University of California, Davis, study of 4,500 blind dates of people seeking a long-term partner. “After a blind date, participants were slightly more attracted to younger partners, and this trend was equally true for men and women,” said Paul Eastwick, UC Davis professor of psychology and lead author on the study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “This preference for youth among women will be shocking to many people, because in mixed-gender couples, men tend to be older than women. Plus, women generally ‘say’ they prefer older partners,” Eastwick said. “But women’s preferences on the dates themselves revealed something else entirely.” This study sampled a diverse age range, with daters ranging from 22 to 85. It is the first research to examine the link between a partner’s age and romantic desire in a blind date setting among people seeking long-term partners.
by UC Davis
January 28, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Bringing Israeli Soldiers To Justice Around The World, With Dyab Abou Jahjah (42:08)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Electronic Intifada
The Hind Rajab Foundation
Dyab Abou Jahjah
October 7
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Book Of The Day
Jewish Influence On Christian Reform Movements
This work is a study of a few typical “Reform Movements” or heresies in the history of Catholicism during the Middle Ages and of Protestantism during the Reformation era. It has been undertaken with a view to describing and analyzing the contributions by Jews and Judaism to the rise and development of these movements. [The author has] selected for detailed investigation the Iconoclastic Controversy of the ninth century, the Catharist, Waldensian, Passagian and Judaizing heresies of the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries, because they typify “Reform” tendencies within Catholicism. To illustrate similar tendencies in Protestantism, [the author has] chosen the Hussite movement during the fifteenth century, the Pre-Reformation period; the Lutheran movement in Germany and the Swiss revolt led by Zwingli, both during the Reformation period; the Unitarian movement promoted by Michael Servetus during the sixteenth century, and the Puritan movement in England and America, both during the Post-Reformation era. The book aims to answer three main questions: First: Of what nature and how important is the content of the contribution of Judaism to the rise and development of Christianity? [The author has] already begun a study in connection with the preparation of this volume. Second: Have the Reform movements in Christendom arisen through the aid of Jewish literary and personal influence? This present work is an attempt in part to answer this question. Third: Is Christianity “returning to Judaism”? or: Is there a modern rapprochement between the two religions?
by Louis Newman
Music Of The Day
by Richard Lloyd
Richard Lloyd (born October 25, 1951) is an American guitarist and songwriter, best known as a founding member of the rock band Television. Television was an American rock band formed in New York City in 1973. The group’s most prominent lineup consisted of Tom Verlaine (vocals, guitar), Richard Lloyd (guitar), Billy Ficca (drums), and Fred Smith (bass). An early fixture of CBGB and the 1970s New York rock scene, the band is considered influential in the development of punk and alternative rock. Television recorded two albums for Elektra: Marquee Moon and Adventure. As a debut release in 1977, Marquee Moon remains on lists of greatest albums in rock and roll history, and never has been out of print.
Everything Is Combustible: Television, CBGB’s and Five Decades of Rock and Roll:
The Memoirs of an Alchemical Guitarist
by Richard Lloyd
Written in Richard Lloyd’s inimitable, frequently humorous style, Everything is Combustible chronicles, through vignettes, Lloyd’s colorful early life, starting in Pittsburgh and soon moving to New York City, and then details his teenage travels and encounters with music legends including Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, John Lee Hooker, Buddy Guy and Keith Moon. Lloyd recounts the founding of Television, the band’s rise alongside other bands and personalities in the 1970’s New York Music scene, and the legend-making of the unparalleled music venue CBGB. As the rock ‘n’ roll tales unfold, he accompanies them with insights into his approach to music and the electric guitar.
Alchemy (1979) (3:52)
Alchemy (1979) (Album 36:18)
Quote Of The Day
“The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people’s money.”
Charles Lindbergh
Website Of The Day
American decentralized video hosting platform built on the LBRY blockchain. It positions itself as an alternative to mainstream services like YouTube, but with a focus on free speech and decentralization.
Hundreds Of Independent Websites
And To All Website Of The Day
Meme Of The Day
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,800 Archived.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation Archive With 143 Posts
Nvidia Suffers Record One-Day Stock Market Value Drop
[Will DeepSeek be the black swan that finally pops the AI bubble, and takes down the stock market? It sure looks like this will be the case.]
The selloff was triggered by the Chinese challenge to US dominance in the AI industry
Nvidia’s stock plummeted 17% on Monday, erasing approximately $589 billion from its market capitalization and marking the largest single-day loss in US corporate history. The sharp decline follows concerns over mounting competition from the Chinese artificial intelligence firm DeepSeek. The selloff was part of a broader tech downturn that saw the Nasdaq Composite fall 3.1%, its worst day since December. Nvidia shares closed at $118.58, marking their most significant drop since March 2020 during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. Monday’s plunge also dethroned Nvidia as the world’s most valuable publicly traded company, at $2.9 trillion, pushing it back to third place behind Apple and Microsoft. The downturn was triggered by DeepSeek’s launch of an open-source R1 model, which the company claims was trained in just two months at a fraction of the cost required by US-based firms like OpenAI. This development has raised questions about the sustainability of high AI-related spending, particularly on Nvidia’s graphics processing units (GPUs) that dominate the AI chip market.
by RT
The Trumpian Restoration FFWN With E. Michael Jones (1:17:24)
E. Michael Jones joins Kevin Barrett to discuss Trump’s flurry of executive orders, the stunning Hamas victory in Gaza, and more.
Chinese AI App DeepSeek Tops Apple App Store’s Free Downloads In China And US, Outpacing ChatGPT
Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) app DeepSeek topped the Apple App Store’s free downloads in both China and the US on Monday, outpacing ChatGPT in free downloads in the US. Following the momentum, DeepSeek-related stocks rallied strong on Monday’s opening with multiple stocks opening more than 10 percent higher. Chinese AI startup DeepSeek in January released the latest open-source model DeepSeek-R1, which has achieved an important technological breakthrough – using pure deep learning methods to allow AI to spontaneously emerge with reasoning capabilities, the Xinhua News Agency reported. In tasks such as mathematics, coding and natural language reasoning, the performance of this model is comparable to the leading models from heavyweights like OpenAI, according to DeepSeek. The app soon sparked global attention, which has Silicon Valley marveling at how its programmers nearly matched American rivals despite using relevantly less-powerful chips, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on Sunday.
by Global Times
Is DeepSeek A Sputnik Moment?
I’m not sure that “software will eat the world,” but it could consume the stock market bubble in a single gulp.
Is DeepSeek a Sputnik Moment? Let’s break it down. The Soviet Union’s October 1957 launch of the world’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, stunned the U.S., which reckoned it had a commanding lead in “the Space Race.” (It turns out the U.S. had the capability of launching a satellite before Sputnik, but held off for various reasons.) That a geopolitical rival had reverse-engineered advances and leapfrogged the U.S. shocked America into a multi-decade response that culminated, at least in the public perception, in America winning “the race to the Moon” by landing the first humans on the Moon in July, 1969 in the Apollo 11 mission. The shockwaves generated by a Chinese company’s release of a suite of AI tools called DeepSeek last week may well rival the Sputnik shock, as the DeepSeek AI tools appear to meet the same benchmarks as AI tools such as those issued by OpenAI and other companies, but requiring far less computing resources. DeepSeek achieves its capabilities not from expensive hardware (processors) but from advances in software that can be used on smartphones. DeepSeek software evaporates 1) the need for super-energy-hungry, super-expensive processors, 2) vast quantities of electricity and 3) the market for paid subscription AI tools, as DeepSeek’s software runs on standard processors and it’s been released as open-source software which can be downloaded and run offline on local resources such as PCs or smartphones. In effect, the AI hardware monopoly and quasi-monopoly of AI software has been broken, and like Humpty-Dumpty, it can never be put back together again.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Greater Israel (2:41)
Performed by Alfred Inscoe at Suno Studios
Written by DC Dave
Video by BuelahMan
The Short Case For Nvidia Stock
At a high level, NVIDIA faces an unprecedented convergence of competitive threats that make its premium valuation increasingly difficult to justify at 20x forward sales and 75% gross margins. The company’s supposed moats in hardware, software, and efficiency are all showing concerning cracks. The whole world— thousands of the smartest people on the planet, backed by untold billions of dollars of capital resources— are trying to assail them from every angle. Perhaps most devastating is DeepSeek’s recent efficiency breakthrough, achieving comparable model performance at approximately 1/45th the compute cost. This suggests the entire industry has been massively over-provisioning compute resources. Combined with the emergence of more efficient inference architectures through chain-of-thought models, the aggregate demand for compute could be significantly lower than current projections assume. The economics here are compelling: when DeepSeek can match GPT-4 level performance while charging 95% less for API calls, it suggests either NVIDIA’s customers are burning cash unnecessarily or margins must come down dramatically.
by Jeffrey Emanuel
Raging Against America And The World
New readers should know that my Substack posts are dedicated to surveillance of matters related to a central premise, and that premise, put at its simplest, is that the collective West, made ever more desperate and ruthless because of its unsustainable debt load, is attempting to beat back the multiple forces of multipolarity. It is currently doing this on three main fronts: against Russia over the proxy excuse of defending Ukraine; against Iran over the proxy excuse of defending Israel; against China over the proxy excuse of defending Taiwan. But there is no limit to the number of fronts that the West will entertain. I have often worried that we in the collective West should worry about mainstream media’s long-established agenda-setting, based on the agendas set by what C.W. Mills – mall those decades – ago correctly referred to as the “power elite,” because so often, if not typically, the elitist agenda is missing important things, perhaps the most important things. Why is why in my previous post I highlighted news of China’s progress towards the creation of energy by fusion, and its speed of advance in the realm of AI, and now today, I find from Alfred McCoy up to date information as to China’s lightning development of a new generation of electric vehicles. In short, America’s decline is every day more visible to the naked eye.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
The Great Rewiring Of Childhood: A Smartphone-Social Media Dystopia (19:23)
by Academy Of Ideas
DeepSeek vs Stargate: US INTEL Is Par For The National Enquirer
For Years every idiotic NGO Intel Agency operating in Langley has written about China – their failing economy, their failing industries, their failing advancement in technology… Everyone of those intel agencies is eating dirt. Our Intelligence community has revealed to be a complete bogus shill sham. In the words of Greta, “How Dare They” – be so destructively ignorant. Not only has China surpassed the US in weapons technology and manufacturing, it has now surged ahead in AI. Why? Because the Israeli Handlers in DC are too busy pushing sexual gratification, pedophilia, and brain damage to match their own plagued IQ bandwidth. The Chairman of Stargate is Masayoshi Son, a Korean living in Japan, and founder of SoftBank. As of 2022, OpenAI lost $540 million, in 2024 they lost $5 billion on $3.7 billion Revenue. Today, as a direct result of China’s announcement regarding its DeepSeek AI – the US tech industry is having a Master Meltdown. The basis of DeepSeek’s snicker is the BIS/Biden initiation of withholding the most ‘advanced chips’ from China and their ability to overcome and advance beyond US AI Tech. The dig is HUGE!
by Helena Glass
Is It A Real Ceasefire Or Only A Scam?
The negotiations in Doha involving the United States, Israel, Hamas, Egypt and Qatar remind me of Frank Sinatra’s query “Is it an earthquake or only a shock?, is it a good turtle soup or only a mock?” Given the history of the various Middle Eastern peace proposals of one kind or another that have briefly raised their heads only to die ingloriously, it would perhaps be wise to consider the latest Israel-Gaza ceasefire, originally due to start on Sunday, to be, like Sinatra’s soup, a work in progress. And maybe not even really in progress due to likely hidden agendas and understandings that might run counter to what is being put down on paper. I am particularly thinking of possible commitments to Israel by the United States that will give Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu options that will enable him to resume hostilities by citing Hamas violations of details in the ceasefire terms, whether they have actually occurred or not. That was how the game was recently played with respect to Lebanon and Syria where Israel manipulated the situation to its own advantage, presumably with the full connivance of President Joe Biden and his band of cutthroats.
by Philip Giraldi
America’s Transition From Republic To Empire (Audio 50:05)
For more than a century, US foreign policy was based on the principle of non-intervention in overseas wars and disputes, and rejection of “entangling alliances.” In 1898 the US — seizing on a pretext — declared war against Spain. The US acquired the Philippines and Puerto Rico, and also took Hawaii and established hegemony over Cuba. This was a landmark transition from a republic to an imperial power. Later, in two world wars, the US pushed a globalist foreign policy, justifying military intervention everywhere in the name of “democracy.” Today America’s “exceptionalist” role as a “world policeman” is increasingly resented everywhere as arrogant and hypocritical.
by Mark Weber
State Department Reports Record Foreign Arms Sales In 2024
The State Department reports that US arms deals sold over $300 billion in weapons to foreign countries last year. The record-high sales include over $20 billion in arms paid for with US aid. The State Department’s statement on 2024 arms sales explained that “the total value of transferred defense articles and services and security cooperation activities conducted under the Foreign Military Sales system was $117.9 billion.” Compared to 2023, the State Department says last year’s totals represented an increase of 45.7%, adding, “This is the highest ever annual total of sales and assistance provided to our allies and partners.” According to the statement, $21 billion in the FMS was paid for with US aid. In addition to the FMS, US arms deals brokered $200 billion in other transactions. “The total authorized value for privately contracted Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) authorizations for FY2024 was $200.8 billion,” the statement explained. “This represents a 27.5% increase, up from $157.5 billion in FY2023.” Combined, the FMS and DCS sales total over $318 billion.
by Kyle Anzalone
From “How Communism Is (Obviously) Outcompeting Capitalism”
We have published several articles from, among our favorite writers on geopolitics, writing from Sri Lanka, but this one is special. The title cites “Communism” as outcompeting “Capitalism,” but what he is really talking about is the particular brand of “communism” being practiced today by China. Is it any wonder, therefore, that China has been designated by the U.S. military as its chief “adversary” or that various analysts are predicting a major war between the U.S. and China in the foreseeable future? Thanks for reading Three Sages! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. writes: Isn’t it ironic? Don’t ya think? A hundred EV companies have bloomed under communism, while capitalism subsidizes one blowhard [i.e., Elon Musk] making four vehicles and one paperweight. A startup has trained an AI for $5.5 million under communism, while capitalist AI requires $500 billion in government support. Everything capitalists told you about capitalism was just some bullshit to sell you more capitalism. Communism is actually far more innovative than capitalism. They do more with less, and for better purpose.
by Richard C. Cook
How Israel Bought America – George Galloway Interviews Sabrini Salvati (15:19)
Israel’s cleansing of Gaza on your home screen. Trump’s son-in-law’s resort plan for the land. Buying Congress. Plus Sabby Sabs eviscerates the new regime
Jesus’s Teaching On Family vs. Christian Teaching On Family – Polar Opposites
Ever since the COVID Scandemic in 2020, where America’s Christian Churches and Church leaders overwhelmingly bowed their knees to U.S. President Donald Trump and locked their church members out of their churches and required them to stay home instead, and then later accepted government funding to turn their churches into COVID-19 vaccine centers to inject all of their church members with Trump’s EUA (emergency use authorized) deadly COVID-19 injections, I have spent considerable time showing how American Christianity is a false religion, and that their teachings are NOT supported in the Bible. I have enough articles on the false Christian religion now to create a book, although I do still have a couple of topics to cover before that book is complete.
by Brian Shilhavy
Built To Destroy
Rise of the Philanthropath
When surrounded by all the bad left behind by the last Administration, Trump cannot help but do some good simply by reversing the previous edicts handed down by the outgoing Idiot King. But the AI tracking, tagging and bagging system for the herd will only continue to increase no matter who is in there. It’s the diametrically-opposed decision-making process of playing both good and bad cop that adds to the confusion of understanding the agenda. Thanks for reading freefall’s Substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. But the agenda is the same no matter the leader-kill as many peasants as possible while systematically enslaving the survivors. Government is used as the hammer to enforce the will of its Zio-puppet president(s). Those who support their objectives have no problem with what they want being enforced upon others. Along with the whipsaw changes that accompany the incoming Administration which now puts the other side in peril, this is how you can eventually enslave an entire population.
by FreeFall
CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | The Age Of Trump (24:47)
As promised, Donald Trump is off to the races. The new US president has not wasted time undoing the Biden legacy and moving ahead with such issues as immigration. He has a mandate to govern. Can he keep his diverse base behind him and will the ruling elites submit?
CrossTalking with Patrick Henningsen, Kyle Anzalone, and Ron Placone.
Tens Of Thousands Of Palestinians Return To North Gaza After One Year Of Displacement
Hamas said the return of the displaced has ‘shattered Israel’s dream’ of uprooting Palestinians from the Gaza Strip
Tens of thousands of Palestinians began returning to the northern Gaza Strip via the Netzarim corridor on 27 January after over a year of displacement and a genocidal Israeli war. “Vehicles continue to enter via the Netzarim corridor through Salah al-Din Street after undergoing electronic inspection [in accordance with the ceasefire agreement],” Al Jazeera’s correspondent reported on 27 January. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are expected to return for the first time since being displaced at the start of the war in October 2023 and in the months that followed. “The scenes of the return of the masses of our people to the areas from which they were forced to flee, despite their destroyed homes, confirm the greatness of our people and their steadfastness in their land, despite the depth of the pain and tragedy,” Hamas said in a statement. Member of the Hamas political bureau Ezzat al-Rishq said the return of Palestinians to their homes “shatters all the dreams and illusions of the occupation in displacing [the Palestinian] people.”
by News Desk
Trump Might Defy Policy To Reach Nuclear Deal With Iran
A report by Responsible Statecraft digests the challenges facing a US-Iran political and nuclear agreement, providing insight into possible solutions.
President Donald Trump has signaled an unexpected shift in the conventional US policy regarding Iran, revealing that the only issue his administration would face with the Islamic Republic is its development of a nuclear weapon. Speaking on Fox News’ Hannity show on January 23, Trump did not address Iran’s regional policies, its defiance of the Israeli occupation, or the possibility of enforcing a regime change. Rather, his only focus was preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. In this regard, a Responsible Statecraft report, written by Eldar Mamedov, recalled previous statements by Iranian officials, confirming that the nation does not seek nuclear weapons, adding that this could facilitate a political agreement between Washington and Tehran. Tehran has also gestured its willingness to re-engage with the West, particularly following the election of Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian and his government coming to power. However, despite the mutual political willingness, the path to a deal remains highly complex and is vastly different from 2015, when the JCPOA curtailed Iran’s nuclear program.
by Al Mayadeen–r
January 27, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
The Great Rewiring Of Childhood: A Smartphone-Social Media Dystopia (19:23)
by Academy Of Ideas
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Trusting The Evil Trump Is The Pattern Of Enslaved And Dependent Fools
Immediately after the very arrogant and pretentious inauguration, half of this population were rejoicing at the promise of dictatorial rule by the new Trump Executive (Order) Branch, while the other half are steeped in hatred because their choice of master (any Democrat) cannot continue to advance its own dictatorial rule. When ‘either’ side of the political spectrum, whether left or right (they are actually one and the same) in this country seeks evil political rule, the winner is always the State, and the loser is always the common man. The want of most every pathetic American is to be ruled by the heavy hand of government, so long as it is their choice of hand, red or blue, regardless that both are equally evil. The worship of the political State by the majority, and their wanton desire to be ruled is puzzling to say the least, as the kept, controlled, and dumbed-down citizens of this country continue to beg for a master to lead them, while hysterically claiming that they are free. This is a form of collective insanity at levels of scale that are literally impossible to fathom by any sane individual who has even the most basic intellectual ability to comprehend the essence and importance of the meaning of actual freedom. This population has since the beginning accepted the lies, propaganda, corruption, indoctrination, thievery, control, and murderous intent of the political scum they have voluntarily chosen to worship and obey. It is absolutely no different this time around, but so very, very, few are able to grasp this truth.
by Gary D. Barnett
Music Of The Day
Instant Karma
by John Lennon
On January 27, 1970, John Lennon wrote, recorded, and mixed his new single, Instant Karma, all in one day. One of the fastest-released pop tracks of all time, the timeless anthem hit stores ten days later and became one of the artist’s most recognizable solo works.
Instant Karma was conceived, written, recorded, and released within a period of ten days, making it one of the fastest-released songs in pop music history. The recording was produced by Phil Spector, marking a comeback for the American producer after his self-imposed retirement in 1966, and leading to him being offered the producer’s role on the Beatles’ Let It Be album. Recorded at London’s EMI Studios (now Abbey Road Studios), Instant Karma employs Spector’s signature Wall of Sound technique and features contributions from George Harrison, Klaus Voormann, Alan White, and Billy Preston. When released in the US, the single was given a minor remix by Spector.
John Lennon
Phil Spector
Instant Karma (1970) (3:29)
Book Of The Day
On The Jews And Their Lies
I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against them. But since I learned that those miserable and accursed people do not cease to lure to themselves even us, that is, the Christians, I have published this little book, so that I might be found among those who opposed such poisonous activities of the Jews and who warned the Christians to be on their guard against them. I would not have believed that a Christian could be duped by the Jews into taking their exile and wretchedness upon himself. However, the devil is the god of the world, and wherever God’s word is absent he has an easy task, not only with the weak but also with the strong. May God help us. Amen.
by Martin Luther
Quote Of The Day
“As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents,
more and more closely, the inner soul of the people.
On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last,
and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and a complete narcissistic moron.”
H. L. Mencken
Website Of The Day
Academy Of Ideas
The thirst for knowledge has consumed humanity since the dawn of civilization. However, until recently there have been numerous “gate-keepers” to the world of knowledge. Prior to the rise of the Internet most knowledge was conveyed to the populace through a centralized educational system, the state and the mass media. What this meant was that whomever controlled these institutions controlled the ideas that spread through a population.
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Meme Of The Day
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,800 Archived.
Holocaust Revisionism Archive With 152 Posts
[Satanic] Israeli Forces Fatally Shoot 2-Year-Old Palestinian Girl In The Head Near Jenin
Requiescat In Pace, Laila Mohammad Ayman Khatib
Laila Mohammad Ayman Khatib, two, was shot and killed by Israeli forces while she ate dinner with her family near Jenin on January 25.
Ramallah, January 26, 2025—Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian toddler near Jenin last night. Laila Mohammad Ayman Khatib, two, was shot and killed by Israeli forces around 8:30 p.m. on January 25 while she was in the living room in her family’s home in the Palestinian town of Muthallath Al-Shuhada, south of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank, according to documentation collected by Defense for Children International – Palestine. Laila was having dinner with her mother, grandparents, and aunts when sudden Israeli gunfire erupted without warning. Israeli forces fired four bullets through the living room window, one of which struck Laila in the back of the head. Laila’s grandfather carried her out of the house and brought her to Al-Razi Hospital in Jenin, where she received emergency surgery. Laila was pronounced dead around 10 p.m.
by Defense For Children Palestine
Forgotten Anti-Federalist Warnings On The Constitution From Elbridge Gerry (Show Links And Video 17:43)
An act against the Constitution is no law at all – it’s void. This principle, rooted in the American Revolution and the debates over the Constitution’s ratification, was central to President Thomas Jefferson’s response to the Sedition Act of 1798. In this episode, we explore how Jefferson’s adherence to his oath to the Constitution led him to treat this attack on freedom of speech as null and void – regardless of whether Congress, the courts, or anyone else agreed.
by Tenth Amendment Center
Trump Calls For Ethnic Cleansing Of Gaza’s Population To Egypt, Jordan
Trump’s suggestion to move Palestinians to neighboring Arab states echoes a leaked proposal by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence to ethnically cleanse Gaza under humanitarian pretexts
While flying on Air Force One on 26 January, US President Donald Trump told reporters that the residents of Gaza should be “cleaned out” and ethnically cleansed to neighboring Arab countries after Israel’s US-backed bombing campaign turned the enclave into a “demolition site.” “I’d like Egypt to take people, and I’d like Jordan to take people. You’re talking about a million and a half people, and we can just clean out the whole thing,” Trump said. “You know, over the centuries, it’s had many, many conflicts. And I don’t know, something has to happen. It’s literally a demolition site, almost everything is demolished, and people are dying there, so I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing at a different location where they can maybe live in peace for a change,” the president added. “I said to [the Jordanian King], I’d love you to take on more because I’m looking at the whole Gaza Strip right now, and it’s a mess, it’s a real mess. I’d like him to take people … I’d like Egypt to take people [from Gaza],” Trump continued, saying he would discuss it with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
by News Desk
Trump’s AI Stargate, Warp Speed 2.0, Smart Walls And 15 Minute Cities (55:27)
by EyesIsWatchin
Israel Destroys Only Water Desalination Plant In Northern Gaza
The Palestinian Water Authority announced that the occupation army destroyed the water desalination plant during its recent ground operations in the northern Gaza Strip. It issued a statement that for the sixth consecutive day, its technical crews have been working on assessing the damage in northern Gaza resulting from the Israeli aggression. Due to the massive destruction of residential areas, infrastructure, and roads, they have encountered significant difficulties in their access to water and sanitation facilities. The Water Authority explained that its technical crews were able to reach the seawater desalination plant in northern Gaza and conduct an initial technical assessment of the extent of damage sustained. The assessment revealed serious technical malfunctions in the electrical and electromechanical components of all the plant’s operations stages and units. Moreover, the occupation completely destroyed some of the plant’s main components, which led to the destruction of five seawater supply wells, the plant’s intake pipeline, two power generators, a pump and a return water line, as well as the destruction of the external fences and output pumps. The Water Authority confirmed that this plant is the only one serving northern Gaza and the Wadi Gaza area, providing clean water to the entire northwestern neighbourhoods of Gaza City with a production capacity of 10,000 cubic metres per day. There are no alternatives to cover this amount, and it is difficult to drill water wells due to the high salinity of the groundwater reservoir with seawater in the city’s western areas.
All Of Your Favourite Unelected Bureaucrats Have Met In Davos Again
This gathering was every bit as entertaining as the last one
So I’ve been taking my mind off things by doing my very favourite thing: watching the World Economic Forum in Davos, and I must tell you it has been brilliant! The WEF is the annual event where unelected bureaucrats gather to: discuss taking over the world’s governments; end privacy through total surveillance; come up with inspiring slogans such as “we will own you and you will be happy”; unveil their latest mind-control devices; and call everyone who repeats their own words a “conspiracy theorist”. The WEF hive-mind reminded us that “misinformation” is now the biggest threat to humanity. Not the climate crisis, not the endless wars and genocides, not the giant alien spaceship that has reached the edge of the solar system, but MISINFORMATION! I don’t know about you, but I trust the people who want total surveillance to decide which opinions are acceptable. Obviously, you should never hear a wrong opinion. You should trust that propagandists who are smarter than you (like me) will tell the truth. That way you will never have to think for yourself…
by Laura and Normal Island News
Terminators Have Arrived (14:45)
by Digital Engine
Israel Is Blocking 11 American Doctors And Nurses From Leaving Gaza
The Israeli government is also preventing another group of health workers from entering the enclave, as thousands of Palestinians seek treatment.
Only days into Israel’s ceasefire with Hamas, 11 American doctors and nurses say the Israeli government is blocking them from leaving Gaza and returning to the United States. The doctors, who entered Gaza on Jan. 9 with authorization and clearance from the Israeli government, were set to leave the enclave on Wednesday. But Israel denied their planned exit, telling the group they couldn’t leave due to an unspecified “incident” at a security checkpoint, affected doctors and a colleague in the US told Zeteo. It’s unclear what incident Israel was referring to. COGAT, the Israeli agency that coordinates humanitarian aid entering Gaza, did not immediately answer specific questions about the group. One doctor said the only major incident the group was aware of involved Israeli forces firing on Palestinians returning to their homes in Rafah. The group, part of the humanitarian organization Rahma, is currently stuck in northern Gaza and was also told by Israel they cannot even move to the south to leave the Strip “due to certain operational considerations that are currently in consideration regarding the activities on these days.”
by Prem Thakker
Hamas Condemns Trump’s Plan To ‘Clean Out’ Palestinians From Gaza
Palestinian resistance groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad have condemned a plan floated by US President Donald Trump to “clean out” the Gaza Strip.
The Palestinian leaders and people in Gaza condemned any attempt to relocate them, saying such a move is reminiscent of a dark page in Palestine’s modern history known as the “Nakba” or catastrophe – when millions of Palestinians were forcibly displaced to create room for Israel’s illegal creation. Member of Hamas’s political bureau, Bassem Naim, said that Palestinians would “foil such projects” as they have done to similar plans “for displacement and alternative homelands over the decades.” “We will not accept any offers or solutions, even if their apparent intentions are good under the banner of reconstruction, as proposed by US President Trump,” Naim clarified. The Palestinian people, who have stood steadfast in the face of the most heinous acts of genocide in modern history—perpetrated by the occupation army—and have steadfastly resisted the crimes of forced displacement, particularly in northern Gaza, categorically reject any plans to displace or expel them from their land.
by PressTV
Project Stargate: Everything They’re Not Telling You (12:15)
by Really Graceful
Trump Allows Israel To Use ‘Heavy Bombs’ – Media
The lifting of the restriction on weapons shipments was reportedly tied to ceasefire negotiations
US President Donald Trump has approved the delivery of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel, overturning a suspension imposed by the administration of former President Joe Biden last year, Axios and Reuters reported on Saturday, citing people familiar with the matter. According to Israeli officials who spoke to Axios on condition of anonymity, “1,800 MK-84 bombs, which were held in storage in the US, will be put on a ship and delivered to Israel in the coming days.” The decision was reportedly communicated to West Jerusalem by the Pentagon on Friday, shortly before Hamas released four female IDF soldiers as part of a prisoner swap that was agreed under the January 15 ceasefire. The US has been a longstanding supplier of military aid to Israel, including precision-guided munitions and advanced weaponry. Washington halted the delivery of 2,000-pound bombs in May 2024 due to concerns about their use in densely populated areas, such as the city of Rafah in southern Gaza where many Palestinian civilians had taken refuge. In July 2024, shipments of 500-pound bombs resumed after significant lobbying efforts from Israeli officials. The 2,000-pound bombs, also known as ‘bunker busters’, were considered disproportionately destructive and remained blocked under the Biden administration. The restrictions strained US-Israeli relations and prompted criticism from Israel and the Jewish community in the US.
by RT
Swiss Police Arrest Director Of Electronic Intifada News Outlet
The Electronic Intifada reports that Ali Abunimah was arrested one day after arriving in Zurich for a speaking tour.
Swiss authorities have detained Ali Abunimah, a Palestinian-American journalist and co-founder of the pro-Palestine news outlet The Electronic Intifada (EI). Abunimah was reportedly questioned by Swiss police for an hour upon his arrival at Zurich airport on Friday before being granted entry into the city. Reports suggest he was arrested the following day, ahead of a scheduled speaking event. “Abunimah’s arrest appears to be part of a growing backlash from Western governments against expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian people,” the Electronic Intifada said. The Chicago-based independent publication voiced its solidarity with Abunimah, stating, “Speaking out against injustice in Palestine is not a crime. Journalism is not a crime.” In posts on his X account, the journalist condemned the Israeli genocidal assault on the Gaza Strip and expressed support for the Palestinian resistance against the occupation.
by Al Mayadeen
Insane Legal Ruling Leaves Israel A Global Laughing Stock (12:05)
by KernowDamo
AI Law And Order
Artificial Intelligence, AI, is such the “in” thing now. You just can’t get away from it. AI art, AI music, AI writing. It is everywhere. And let’s not forget about Robots, Terminators, and Sex Dolls who can whisper sweet nothings into your ear. How delightful the world is becoming! And it’s all for fun and entertainment, isn’t it? Yeah, right. Of course, what we, the peons, are told and exposed to starts out as fun and entertainment. Smartphones to play games on and sort out all sorts of fun things, ChatGPT to write our homework for us, and automatic cars that will come and pick us up after we go shopping or have a meal, to name only three of the myriad ways robotics and AI are coming into our lives However, nothing has come along yet that is anything at all like the Terminator robot. Those types are just in the movies. Yeah, right. We are not as cognizant of the thousands of things AI is a part of in our everyday life. Robots have been building our cars and such for quite some time. Although we know about these things, we are not fully conscious of the manner in which they are taking over the world. We suspect it, but we are just now becoming more aware.
by Todd Hayen
Israel Demands UNRWA To End Operations In Palestine by January 30
Israel’s permanent representative to the UN Danny Danon has called on the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to halt its operations in Occupied Jerusalem and evacuate its premises in the city “no later than January 30,” the day an Israeli ban on the organization is due to take effect. As the date for the enforcement of the Israeli ban approaches, Danon told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday that UNRWA’s premises in Jerusalem must be vacated as stipulated by law. The Israeli envoy claimed that the Israeli legislation came as a direct response to the acute national security risks posed by the widespread infiltration of UNRWA’s ranks by Hamas and other armed groups, and the agency’s persistent refusal to address the very grave and material concerns raised by Israel. Most UN member states consider UNRWA, the largest aid agency for Palestinians, to be the irreplaceable backbone of humanitarian operations. However, few levers have been pulled to try to ensure the agency’s existence.
by The Palestinian Information Center
Richard Cook On Trumpian Restoration In Historical Context
NASA whistleblower Richard Cook critiques Alexander Dugin on Trump’s revolution and notes Blinken/Biden’s blood-soaked legacy.
by FFWN With Kevin Barrett
Trump Goes Geopolitical: Entangling China And Russia Is The Base Of His Imperialistic Move
Donald Trump’s geopolitical strategy during his next presidency will reflect an overt attempt to reinforce US hegemony at the seas by entangling rival powers China and Russia.
This is going to be the century of the seas. Naval conflicts and the dominance of different sea routes is going to happen, and we will see it as shaping the next level of commerce around the world. Supplying and exporting routes for what China consumes and produces is crucial for the country’s existence. The Arctic Silk Road is one of these crucial routes for the Chinese, along with the Panama Canal and the Strait of Malacca. The Russians call the arctic route the Northen Sea Maritime Route. This is a post-Suez Canal geostrategic environment, as distance, time and costs will be cut considerably. That is why much is at stake. The concept of Entanglement: Central to this strategy is the concept of entanglement—forcing these nations into resource-draining confrontations on multiple fronts while expanding US influence globally. The concept of “entanglement” as a geopolitical strategy, particularly in the context of overextending adversaries, has been prominently developed and articulated by institutions such as the RAND Corporation. RAND’s Extending Russia report (2019) outlines how the United States can exploit vulnerabilities in rival nations like Russia to force them into costly and unsustainable commitments. This report emphasises the strategic use of political, economic, and military measures to drain resources (including brain drain), divert attention and promote regime change.
by Ricardo Martins
Houthis Threaten To Block US Ships In Retaliation For Terrorist Designation
CAIRO (Sputnik) – Yemeni movement Ansar Allah, known as the Houthis, is considering a ban on US ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the resumption of full-scale military operations in Yemen as retaliatory measures for the US’s designation of the movement as a foreign terrorist organization, a source in the movement told Sputnik. US President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed an order launching the process of designating the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization. On Thursday, the Houthis said that this decision was directed against the entire people of Yemen and was revenge for Yemen’s “noble” position in supporting the Palestinians. “The movement is considering taking measures against America, including imposing a ban on the passage of US ships through the Bab al-Mandab Strait, which connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea,” the source said. The Houthis would also bar the passage of ships from any country that follows the US example of listing the movement as a terrorist organization, the source added.
by Sputnik
January 26, 2025, 2 Posts Published And Archived
Insane Legal Ruling Leaves Israel A Global Laughing Stock (12:05)
by KernowDamo
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The Father Wound And The Wounded Masculine
A New, 3-Part Webinar Series
by Jeanice Barcelo
Part 1 – Wed, Apr. 9, 2025 at 2:30pm EST
Part 2 – Wed, Apr. 23, 2025 at 2:30pm EST
Part 3 – Wed, May 7, 2025 at 2:30pm EST
Each segment will be 90-120 minutes in length.
How western civilization distorts, undermines and aims to destroy the sacred masculine, causing untold harm to our men, and to the women, children, families and societies they are part of. Currently, there are millions of people around the world suffering with “the father wound“. The father wound is the result of growing up in a household with an absent, emotionally unavailable, neglectful, abusive and/or overly-critical father. Those who suffer with the father wound have often experienced a difficult, painful, or non-existent relationship with their fathers. Their inability to make a loving connection with their fathers can cause long-standing feelings of grief, rejection, betrayal and abandonment, as well as feelings of being unloved, unseen, unworthy, unprotected, unsupported, unsafe, and with low self-esteem. These feelings can last a lifetime and interfere with one’s ability to create healthy relationships, stable families and a happy life. Men who inflict the father wound on their children are often deeply wounded themselves.
January 25, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Terminators Have Arrived (14:45)
by Digital Engine
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Book Of The Day
Barbara Villiers: A History Of Monetary Crimes
This book reveals how the Bank of England was set up by using prostitutes to compromise British lords and politicians. Then, using blackmail and bribes to ensure the “cooperation” of these elite members of parliament, the Bank of England was created. The entire banking industry still operates on these principles, and the public actually believes that the business of banking is respectable. Barbara Villiers was the bankers’ prostitute. This is probably why the Bible refers to the international bankers as the “great whore of mystery Babylon.”
by Alexander Del Mar
Music Of The Day
Reflections Of My Life
by Marmalade
What Happened To Marmalade? (11:38)
by What Happened To Them?
Reflections of My Life was a 1969/1970 hit single for the Scottish band, Marmalade. It was written by their lead guitarist Junior Campbell and singer Dean Ford (credited to his birth name, Thomas McAleese). Released in late 1969, it was the band’s first release on Decca following an earlier spell at CBS. The song went on to chart worldwide, reaching number three in the UK in 1969, No. 10 in the US in 1970 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Reflections of My Life is one of those songs I thought was great the first time I heard it. Now, fifty-four years later, it still has a special timeless feeling that resonates with me. It seems that it has had the same effect on tens of millions of others. Here are five versions.
Reflections of My Life (4:11) (2,100,000 views)
Reflections Of My Life (Live 1970) (5:11) (5,500,000 views)
Reflections of My Life (4:40) (7,700,000 views)
Reflections Of My Life (Live 1969) (4:24) (21,000,000 views)
Reflections Of My Life (Live 2016) (4:51) (25,000,000 views)
Quote Of The Day
“The eternal difference between right and wrong does not fluctuate, it is immutable.”
Patrick Henry
Website Of The Day
Vanessa Beeley
Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist and photographer who has worked extensively in the Middle East – on the ground in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Palestine, while also covering the conflict in Yemen since 2015.
The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks,
can never be relaxed and never abandoned.
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Meme Of The Day
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Political Archive With 6,401 Posts
Putin: Ukraine Crisis Could Have Been Avoided If 2020 US Election Wasn’t Stolen
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that he is ready to talk calmly with US President Donald Trump on all areas that are of interest to both countries.
“We should meet, based on today’s realities, to talk calmly about all those areas that are of interest to both the US and Russia. We are ready, but, I repeat, this depends first of all on the decisions and choices of the current US administration,” Putin said during his visit to Moscow State University.
Russia can have many points of contact with the US administration, including economic issues, Putin said, adding that Russia and the United States have a lot to talk about on economy and energy issues. “What is typical for the Russian and American economies? We are not only one of the largest producers of energy resources, but we are also the largest consumers of them. This means that for both our economy and the US economy, too high prices are bad, because it is necessary to produce domestically. Using energy resources, it is necessary to produce other goods within the country. And too low prices are also very bad, because it undermines the investment opportunities of energy companies,” he said. Putin remarked that he has always had businesslike and pragmatic relations with Trump, noting that Moscow welcomes Trump’s statements about a willingness to work together and remains open to it.
by Sputnik
Syria Podcast Episode 5 – Syria After The Coup (Audio 45:40)
Another in a series of conversations with Mike Robinson of UK Column
We cover what might Syria’s future look like short and mid-term as the dust settles on a CIA MI6 Mossad coup that finally overthrew the Syrian leadership.
by Vanessa Beeley
The World Bank – Formed By A Jewish Traitor, A Communist, And A Liberal
The World Bank founders were John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White. Harry Dexter White was a senior U.S. Treasury Department official. White Worked closely with the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr., the Jewish banker who advised FDR in his installation of the communist New Deal for the destruction of America. The Jewish communist who was accused of espionage for passing classified information to the Bolsheviks of the Soviet Union. Dexter White was also a confirmed traitor to the US passing classified documents. Not exactly a stellar motivation to continue service of The World Bank! Privatization is the means by which elite money can enter the country and buy up land and thereby dominate the resources. Like the De Beers in the African diamond mines, for example. Countries that fail to enact these programmes may be subject to severe fiscal discipline. Critics argue that the financial threats to poor countries amount to blackmail, and that poor nations have no choice but to comply. Thus the cycle of poverty is enhanced – not solved.
by Helena Glass
Trump Invokes Emergency Powers For Warrantless Immigration Raids On Homes, Churches, And Schools As Private Prison Stock Soars
As I wrote on Inauguration Day earlier this week, President Donald Trump is beginning his second term by invoking three major “emergency orders” which give him the power to take broad and sweeping actions to accomplish his goals that would otherwise be illegal if a “state of emergency” had not been declared to grant these alleged “emergency powers”. Now, a couple of days since taking office, we are beginning to see the effects of one of those “emergency orders,” which is to indiscriminately round up people living in the U.S. who are suspected of being here illegally, without any warrant issued by a judge. These warrantless searches are now being extended into people’s homes, into churches, and into schools for children. At the same time these raids are being rolled out, stock in private prison companies where all of these illegal immigrants will be housed has skyrocketed in value since Trump’s election victory. The first of these sweeping raids has been reported in California in the Central Valley, home to the largest agricultural production not only in the U.S. but also the world, bringing fear to the agricultural laborers our nation’s food supply is dependent upon, who are now staying home from work and pulling their children out of schools. Food shortages and food inflation are sure to follow, making this a national security issue and a threat to the U.S. economy, in spite of the lies coming from the Trump camp that these warrantless immigration raids are necessary to protect national security, when in fact these actions threaten to do the exact opposite.
by Brian Shilhavy
They’re Pushing For A Colorblind Meritocracy (41:46)
by Nicholas J. Fuentes
Hamas Publishes Video Of Killing Israeli Forces Responsible For Yahya Sinwar’s Assassination (Text and Video)
A newly-released footage by the military wing of Hamas resistance movement, the Al-Qassam Brigade, shows the moment when resistance fighters kill two senior Israeli military officials that were behind the assassination of former Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar.
The video, dubbed the “death ambush series”, is reportedly the first part of such footage set to be released by the group. A section of the video, dated January 6, shows the moment a senior Israeli commander, his deputy and several Israeli occupation soldiers were killed by a planted bomb in the northern city of Beit Hanoun. The targeted forces were Major Dvir Zion Revah and his deputy Eitan Israel Shiknazi, who, according to the group, were responsible for the assassination of Sinwar. The footage relates to days before the ceasefire in Gaza took effect on January 19. Raveh had also led at least one of the regime’s massacres in Beit Hanoun, according to the Brigade. Both the assassination and the massacre took place during the regime’s 15-month-long war of genocide against the Palestinian territory that claimed the lives of at least 47,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, since its onset in October 2023. Tel Aviv finally approved a ceasefire deal earlier this month, succumbing to incessant and successful Palestinian and regional resistance operations. According to the video, the strike in Beit Hanoun resulted in the injury of several other Israeli forces.
by PressTV
‘Less Than Slaves’: The Palestinians Detained By Israel Despite Ceasefire
Israel has arrested more Palestinians than it has released as a result of its ceasefire deal with Hamas.
When the Gaza ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas was announced on January 15, Ghassan Alyeean says his first feeling was relief that the mass killing of his countrymen might finally end. Like everyone in the occupied West Bank, Alyeean was looking forward to celebrating the freedom of 90 Palestinian prisoners who were to be released in the coming days in exchange for three Israeli captives as part of the ceasefire deal. But the next day – January 16, three days before the ceasefire took effect – Israeli soldiers raided Alyeean’s home in Bethlehem and abducted his 22-year-old son, Adam, who was supposed to sit university exams in the coming days. “They took him for no reason,” Alyeean, 60, told Al Jazeera over the phone. “There was no way to defend him or my family. “We are not saboteurs,” he said, meaning they were not resisting or causing unrest. Since the announcement of the Gaza ceasefire, Israel has arrested at least 95 Palestinians in raids and at checkpoints for no clear reasons across the West Bank, according to Jenna Abu Hasna, a researcher with Addameer, a Palestinian civil society organisation monitoring arrests and detentions in the occupied territory.
by Mat Nashed
Militant Ignorance (3:50)
Performed by Archibald Ingram at Suno Studios
Written by DC Dave
Video by BuelahMan
Destruction In Gaza Is beyond belief – Ceasefire Day 4 (Text and Videos)
OCHA, the UN’s humanitarian agency, says 808 aid trucks entered the Gaza Strip on Wednesday. Gaza’s civil defense agency and medical staff have recovered about 200 bodies since the ceasefire came into effect on Sunday. Israeli forces reportedly opened fire on Palestinians in Rafah in southern Gaza, killing at least one person and injuring others. The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights says Israeli authorities have extended a ban preventing Dr Hussam Abu Safia, the director of Gaza’s Kamal Adwan Hospital, from meeting with his lawyers until February 6. “We strongly condemn this unlawful decision and urgently demand immediate access for Al Mezan’s lawyer to assess his condition,” Al Mezan said in a statement shared on X. Israeli soldiers detained Abu Safia on December 29 after violently attacking his hospital in the north of the Gaza Strip. Critics say Israel has waged a campaign of scorched earth to destroy the fabric of life in Gaza, accusations that are being considered in two global courts, including the crime of genocide. Israel denies those charges and says its military has been fighting a complex battle in dense urban areas and that it tries to avoid causing undue harm to civilians and their infrastructure.
Compilation Of News Reports by IAK Staff
The California Wildfires And The Climate Change Hoax…
Here they go again, blaming the wildfire catastrophe in Los Angeles on Climate Change when the actual culprits are the very politicians who never stop howling about what is a monumental hoax. In the first place, of course, the raging California fires, like those which have periodically gone before, are largely a function of misguided government policies. Officials have essentially curtailed the supply of water available to LA firefighters, even as they have drastically increased the supply of combustible kindling and vegetation which feeds these wildfires. The latter, in turn, are being amplified by the seasonal Santa Ana winds, which have visited the California coast since time immemorial. The kindling at issue stems from forest management policies which prevent the removal of excess fuel via controlled burns, which are fires intentionally set by forest managers to reduce the build-up of hazardous fuels. As we amplify below, red tape and bureaucratic obstacles have frequently delayed or prevented these controlled burns, allowing brush, dead trees, and other flammable materials to accumulate excessively. In this case, state and Federal politicians have simultaneously curtailed the supply of water available to Los Angeles firefighters in order to protect so-called endangered species. Specifically, southern California is being held hostage by sharp curtailment of the water pumping rates from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta in order to protect the Delta Smelt and Chinook Salmon.
by David Stockman
Stonehenge The Mystery Deepens (1:08:34)
by Randall Carlson
Trump Knows Ukraine Conflict Means Nuclear WWIII, Gives Peace A Chance With Russia’s Putin (Text and Video)
At least Trump is willing to give peace a chance with Russia over Ukraine, Peter Kuznick says.
The chances of a peace deal in Ukraine are suddenly a lot higher under President Donald Trump only because he has a realistic sense of a nuclear Third World War happening between the United States and Russia if that conflict is not ended promptly. Peter Kuznick, an esteemed American professor of history, says that the Biden administration brought the world closer to a nuclear conflagration than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Biden did this by relentlessly arming Ukraine with weapons to strike deeper and deeper into Russia instead of trying to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Indeed, there was no diplomatic effort from Washington under Biden. It was ideologically and propaganda-driven for confrontation, as was the Democratic presidential candidate, Kamala Harris. Kuznick points out that Trump is no John F Kennedy in terms of the latter’s depth of historical and philosophical knowledge. But in comparison with Joe Biden, Trump has shown more humanity and common sense by not insulting Putin and in reaching out for a peaceful end to the slaughter in Ukraine. Biden called Putin a thug and said he would back Ukraine as long as it takes to defeat Russia. The last Democrat administration spent $175 billion of U.S. taxpayers’ money propping up a NeoNazi regime in Kiev that has lost over one million military casualties since the war erupted in February 2022.
by Finian Cunningham
The Anti-Federalist Views Of Elbridge Gerry
Elbridge Gerry opposed the ratification of the Constitution, believing it consolidated power, lacked safeguards for individual liberties, and undermined the reserved powers of the states. He maintained his objections throughout the ratification process, despite fierce opposition that sometimes turned personal. As one of the most active delegates at the Philadelphia Convention, Gerry repeatedly sought to create a distinct line between the powers of the federal government and those reserved to the states. However, when the convention produced a plan that he believed created a national rather than federal system, gave Congress ambiguous and expansive powers such as those in the ‘general welfare’ and ‘necessary and proper’ clauses, and lacked a bill of rights, Gerry refused to sign the final document About a month after the Philadelphia Convention, Gerry sent a letter to the president of the Massachusetts Senate and the Speaker of the House, briefly outlining his objections to the proposed Constitution.He said it was “painful for me … to differ from the respectable members who signed the Constitution.” But he insisted that “because the liberties of America were not secured by the system, it was my duty to oppose it.” In addition to these structural concerns, Gerry questioned the very authority of the convention to propose such sweeping changes. He reminded readers that the convention was called for “the sole & express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation, & reporting to Congress & the several Legislatures such alterations & provisions as shall render the federal constitution adequate to the exigencies of Government, & the preservation of the union.” He argued that the convention’s mandate did not extend to creating an entirely new system of government.
by Mike Maharrey
Dollar Share Hits 30-Year Low (3:34)
by Peter St Onge, Ph.D.
Experts Uncover UK’s Deep Role In Israel’s War On Gaza
The UK has played a role in Israel’s war on Gaza, while efforts have been taken to suppress media coverage of its actions, speakers at a London seminar told attendees on Wednesday. Organised by the Palestinian Forum in Britain (PFB) and hosted by Zeinab Kamal, the seminar brought together journalists, legal analysts, and human rights advocates in a discussion of how Britain’s military, financial, and diplomatic engagement with the Israeli occupation helped to facilitate Israel’s war on Gaza. Investigative journalist Matt Kennard highlighted how a D-notice had been issued on 28 October to suppress media coverage of British special forces in Gaza. A leaked New York Times report confirmed that UK spy teams had been gathering intelligence that Israel, as quoted by an Israeli official, “could not collect on its own”. Despite these revelations, however, British media outlets have remained silent and have reinforced what Kennard called “a media blackout”. Criticising the Labour Government’s decision to partially suspend 30 out of an estimated 350 arms exports licenses to Israel as “window dressing”, Kennard pointed to the huge role the British military was undertaking in Gaza. He noted that 47 per cent of all reconnaissance flights over Gaza were conducted by the UK, twice as many as Israel’s own. He added that the UK’s legal liability has been called into greater question given the stonewalling of parliamentary questions around the nature of Britain’s military surveillance. He stressed that UK intelligence has likely enabled war crimes and called for full legal scrutiny, particularly regarding the SAS’s 15-month unaccounted deployment.
Gaza Protest: How Starmer And The Met Have Joined Forces To Quash All Dissent
Dozens of people were arrested on the weekend at a peaceful demonstration aiming to highlight British complicity in Israel’s slaughter
The decision by the Metropolitan Police to interview “under caution” former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and leftwing MP John McDonnell for attending a peaceful protest in London against Israel’s mass slaughter in Gaza is a decisive turning point. It marks a new escalation by the British state in its campaign to repress dissent – and specifically the demonstrations against what the International Court of Justice (ICJ) determined a year ago was a “plausible” genocide in Gaza. It marks, too, a new low in the mendacity of police, and senior government figures like Home secretary, who insinuated that protesters engaged in violent, illegal behaviour or posed a threat to Jews in London. I was at the rally on Saturday, and I saw what happened with my own eyes. From what I observed, it appeared that police wilfully engineered a situation to entrap Corbyn and McDonnell, the march’s figureheads, and then cynically present them as lawbreakers. At the same time, it arrested dozens of protesters and has subsequently charged the main organisers with public order offences. It is not true that protesters forcefully “broke through” a police cordon at the top of Whitehall – as the Met claimed- to enter Trafalgar Square – and thereby breached police “conditions” and posed some kind of undefined threat to a synagogue more than a mile away and not on the march route.
by Jonathan Cook
Demise of Long Island’s Last Duck Farm: Out Of Control Government Destroys Family Farms (20:55)
What is the bigger threat to our food supply and independent family farms: Gates and UN push for lab meat and bugs or the Federal Government USDA and CDC?While states are pushing back against lab meat, federal regulators are herding us into a consolidation of food production by a few large corporations.One farm has found a way to survive.
by The David Knight Show
The DNA Paradox: How Unseen Molecules Became Unquestioned Facts
By Tam – 30 Q&As
So, where am I on the DNA story? Do I think there is a chemical compound called DNA that is made up of smaller chemical compounds called genes? Yes. Do I think that DNA is a double helix? I’m not so sure anymore and if pressed I’d say unlikely, or unproven. Do I think that DNA is where all the information that makes me is stored? No. The Emporer’s New Genes – Lies are Unbekoming. The narrative handed to us is that DNA, which is a chemical, is the library and genes, which are also chemicals, are its books. But if DNA is the repository of information (genes) needed to build me—and greater complexity requires more information—then why does a pufferfish have 22,000 genes while I’ve only got 18,000? Do I think I’ve been lied to about DNA? Yes. Is there an incentive to lie to me about DNA? Yes. What is the incentive? … without DNA theory as it’s currently portrayed, you lose genetics, and without genetics, modern virology collapses and the very foundation of vaccination (mass poisoning) crumbles. One important tell that we are likely in the midst of sophistry is the absolute reliance on mathematical and computational modelling. DNA science is not observational science.
by Unbekoming
Romanian Fossils Show Hominins In Europe 500,000 Years Earlier Than Thought
Research led by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Ohio University has found evidence of hominin activity at a Romanian fossil site dating to at least 1.95 million years ago. This discovery pushes back the known date of European hominins by half a million years and establishes Graunceanu as the oldest confirmed European evidence of hominin activity. Graunceanu, part of the Tetoiu Formation in Romania, lies within a Late Villafranchian biochronological zone (2.2–1.9 Ma) and has yielded a diverse faunal assemblage indicative of a forest-steppe environment. The timing of the earliest hominin dispersals into Eurasia has been elusive. Fossil evidence from Dmanisi, Georgia (~1.85–1.77 million years ago) represents the earliest indisputable hominin presence outside Africa. Isolated sites in Europe and Asia with lithics and bone modifications suggest earlier, intermittent hominin activity. Until now, no European site had reliably demonstrated hominin activity predating ~1.4 million years ago with robust age determinations. In the study, “Hominin presence in Eurasia by at least 1.95 million years ago,” published in Nature Communications, researchers analyzed faunal remains from Graunceanu, a site in the Oltet River Valley of Romania, identifying cut marks indicative of hominin butchery methods.
by Justin Jackso
January 24, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Stonehenge The Mystery Deepens (1:08:34)
by Randall Carlson
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Music Of The Day
Graham Parker
Who’s the most underrated Rock ‘n’ Roll singer-songwriter for the last fifty years? With his wondrously wide variety of musical styles, thought-provoking lyrics, and heartfelt, soulful, punk-rock raspy voice, I’d say it is Graham Parker. I started to follow Graham in late 1976 when he released two superb albums, Howlin’ Wind and Heat Treatment, and throughout the ensuing decades, I went to many of his concerts. While going into The Ritz nightclub to see Graham Parker in 1982, I briefly met Andy Warhol. I even traveled to the Stone Pony in Asbury Park, New Jersey, to see him play. I did this because I thought Bruce Springsteen might show up since they recently worked together. And in 1995, I saw Graham play a great concert at The Bottom Line. After the show, Graham and I talked for a few minutes. And finally, about twenty-five years ago, I had an hour or so phone call with Graham, and I found him to be an articulate, knowledgeable, and all-around good guy.
Meeting And Stories Chapter 2, Andy Warhol
Fifteen Seconds With Andy Warhol
by Mark R. Elsis
The Up Escalator is an album by Graham Parker and the Rumour, released on May 23, 1980 by Stiff Records. In the USA, the album was released by Arista. Released after Parker’s successful 1979 album Squeezing Out Sparks, the album features production by Jimmy Iovine. The following are two songs from this album. Stupefaction was released as a single.
The Beating Of Another Heart (4:32)
Stupefaction (3:33)
Book Of The Day
State Of The Nullification Movement Report
“Let us remember that if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom!” Writing as Candidus in the Boston Gazette on Oct. 14, 1771, Samuel Adams recognized an important and timeless truth. Turning a blind eye to an attack on liberty only guarantees that more attacks will follow in the future. The same goes for violations of the Constitution, which the Founders often referred to as “usurpations,” or the exercise of “arbitrary power.” History bears out this truth. Step-by-step, the federal government has expanded its own power and chipped away our liberties as most people turned a blind eye. In his 1791 Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, Thomas Jefferson agreed with Adams in principle when he wrote: “I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground: That ‘all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people.’ [10th Amendment] To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specifically drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.” [emphasis added]
by Tenth Amendment Center
Quote Of The Day
“When illness is blamed on bacteria, so-called “viruses” and genes, not only are enormous profits generated for the pharmaceutical industry selling their antibiotics, antivirals, vaccines and the myriad of other related drugs, but it also protects the other hand of the same industry that sells herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, preservatives, etc… as it obscures one of the fundamental causes of illness… our nutrient-deficient and poison laden foods.”
T. C. Fry, Founder of Life Science Institute
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Meme Of The Day
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The Age Of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
Only the U.S. can rebrand a genocide into a great real estate opportunity in a “phenomenal location”.
Let’s start with the key take away: Manifest Destiny reaching the stars. Literally. Trump 2.0 – the greatest show on earth – did start with a (big) bang: “We will pursue our Manifest Destiny into the stars.” And that means planting the American flag on Mars. The real thing. Not a Netflix flick. No wonder platinum sidekick Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO, achieved instant rapture. Welcome to Interplanetary Exceptionalism. Literally. As in the land of the free, home of the brave, in this new golden era, will be “far more exceptional than ever before”. Imperial decline is over. Embrace the new, brutally benign Empire. Or else. In practical terms, it all started, predictably, with a flurry of executive orders – like a psychedelic vortex. Time to send troops to the southern border (El Paso is already blocked) to stop the illegal immigrant “invasion”; declare drug cartels as terrorist organizations; and rename the Gulf of Mexico “Gulf of America”. Trump was asked how confident he is about the Gaza ceasefire: “I’m not confident. That’s not our war, it’s their war.” But the best was saved for last: “Gaza is like a massive demolition site. That place is, it’s really got to be rebuilt in a different way […] Gaza’s interesting. It’s a phenomenal location. On the sea, best weather […] It’s like some beautiful things could be done with it.” Never underestimate This Year’s Model: the Golden, Exceptional, brutally benign Empire. No other entity can rebrand a genocide into a great real estate opportunity in a “phenomenal location”.
by Pepe Escobar
Elon Musk Crashes Out Over H-1B Visas (37:48)
by Nicholas J. Fuentes
New Congress’s First Order Of Business: Protect Israel
It seems that among the first orders of business at the beginning of each new Congress is to pass legislation protecting, promoting or pandering to Israel. And it doesn’t matter one iota which party controls Congress. Well, it happened once again. One of the newly installed 119th Congress’s very first orders of business was to pass legislation attempting to protect Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant from arrest by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the crime of genocide. I’ll let former CIA officer Philip Giraldi take it from here: Donald Trump has been correct in understanding that Americans are tired of war in places that they cannot find on a map. In fact, Trump might well have obtained his margin of victory over Biden through voters who were attracted by his verbal rejection of the “stupid wars” that have proliferated in the past twenty-five years. But now that he has won, Trump is unrestrained and his darker side has been unleashed. His nominees for cabinet posts are nearly all aggressively Zionist and pro-Israel while also combative regarding both Russia and China. Trump himself has muddied the waters in the past several weeks by calling for resuming control of the Panama Canal to counter claimed gouging on tolls and Chinese engagement in its operations, has threatened “hell to pay” on the Gazans if they do not release the Israeli hostages by inauguration day, has called for annexing Greenland to improve US security, has not rejected recent Biden troop increases in Syria, has called for renaming the Gulf of Mexico, has proposed that Canada become the 51st state, and is reported to be discussing with the Israelis an attack on Iran. He and his spokesmen have also warned Russia that the US will provide more arms to Ukraine if Vladimir Putin does not agree to negotiations to end the Ukraine war “in one day” after Donald Trump is in office, though the president-to-be is now conceding that it might take longer. Trump has also repeatedly self-identified as the “most pro-Israel” candidate for public office, similar to the claims made by country club Catholic Joe Biden that he is a Zionist, as being close to Israel and American Jews currently serves as a sine qua non for those who are active in American politics.
by Chuck Baldwin
It’s About Depopulation, Numpty George Galloway Interviews Chris Hedges (16:47)
Christian fascism, magical thinking that Palestinians do not exist.
Chris Hedges on how it doesn’t stop here and how Israel aims for a religiously pure state.
Gaza’s Unbreakable Resistance: A Historical Perspective On The War And Its Aftermath
The problem with political analysis is that it often lacks historical perspective and is mostly limited to recent events. The current analysis of the Israeli war on Gaza falls victim to this narrow thinking. The ceasefire agreement, signed between Palestinian groups and Israel under Egyptian, Qatari and US mediation in Doha on 15 January is one example. Some analysts, including many from the region, insist on framing the outcome of the war as a direct result of Israel’s political dynamics. They argue that Israel’s political crisis is the main reason the country failed to achieve its declared and undeclared war objectives – namely, gaining total “security control” over Gaza and ethnically cleansing its population. However, this analysis assumes that the decision to go to war or not is entirely in Israel’s hands. It continues to elevate Israel’s role as the only entity capable of shaping political outcomes in the region, even when those outcomes do not favour Israel Another group of analysts focuses entirely on the American factor, claiming that the decision to end the war ultimately rested with the White House. Shortly after the ceasefire was officially declared in Gaza, a pan-Arab TV channel asked a group of experts whether it was the Biden or Trump administration that deserved credit for supposedly “pressuring Israel” to agree to a ceasefire. Some argue that it was Trump’s envoy to Israel, Steve Witkoff, who denied Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu any room to manoeuvre, thus forcing him, albeit reluctantly, to accept the ceasefire terms.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud
Germar Rudolf On Being Repeatedly Incarcerated For Doing Historical Research (54:18)
by Kevin Barrett
Federal Court Rules Warrant Is Required For Section 702 Backdoor Searches Of Americans’ Communications
A landmark judgment challenges the government’s sweeping surveillance powers, redefining the limits of Fourth Amendment protections.
A federal district court has delivered a pivotal ruling that strikes at the heart of unchecked government surveillance. In the criminal case United States v. Hasbajrami, the court determined that backdoor searches of vast databases containing Americans’ private communications — collected under Section 702 — typically require a warrant. This judgment comes after more than a decade of legal battles and follows the Second Circuit Court of Appeals’ 2019 finding that such searches constitute “separate Fourth Amendment events,” leaving it to the lower court to address the warrant requirement. That question has now been resolved. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) grants the intelligence community the authority to collect communications between foreign targets, ostensibly for national security purposes. However, when these exchanges involve individuals on US soil, their communications are also intercepted and stored. Federal agencies have claimed that accessing this data for searches doesn’t require additional judicial oversight. For years privacy groups have argued this practice violates the Fourth Amendment. Now, a court has finally concurred.
by Dan Frieth
Against The Interest Of Israel (5:52)
by Nicholas J. Fuentes
Hamas’s Strategic Survival Drives Israel Crazy
By harnessing its institutional strength, field adaptability, and psychological tactics, Hamas masterfully turned Gaza’s destruction into a display of resilience, achieving both symbolic and tactical gains while preventing Israel from claiming any political victory.
The release of three Israeli female prisoners in Gaza by Hamas’s military wing, the Qassam Brigades, in exchange for 90 Palestinian detainees, triggered a media frenzy in the occupation state. The dramatic “scene” – fighters emerging amidst the ruins of war, surrounded by a jubilant crowd – undermined official Israeli narratives about the war, its goals, and the treatment of Israeli captives. It raised a sobering question for Israelis: What were we doing in Gaza for 15 months? The Qassam Brigades orchestrated every detail of the event to maximize impact. From the branded gift bags to the polished uniforms of the fighters, the display exuded calculated precision. A military procession was even held in Saraya Square – an area heavily besieged by Israeli occupation forces. The site’s selection was deliberate, showcasing continued resilience in a location meant to symbolize Tel Aviv’s defeat in its longest military campaign ever. Sources in Hamas inform The Cradle that the selection of Gaza City – positioned north of the Gaza Valley and the Netzarim axis, a divide created by the Israeli army to split the strip into two sections, soon expected to be dismantled – was a deliberate and symbolic decision, chosen over other alternatives for its strategic and political implications. Of course, Hamas had the option to release the female prisoners in “safer” locations, such as central or southern Gaza, but it intentionally chose the square.
by The Cradle’s Palestine Correspondent
Israel Holds Multiple Palestinian Doctors Captive. Some Are Already Dead
Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya is one of many unlawfully imprisoned medical professionals, reportedly tortured and abused in detention
As you read this, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya, a Palestinian doctor from Gaza, is likely still in Israeli detention – and, according to mounting evidence, being tortured. Despite the recent hostage swap with Hamas, multiple health professionals are still being held captive, with abundant reports of mistreatment, neglect and torture. One of these is Dr. Abu Safiya, arrested on December 27 and transferred to the notorious Sde Teyman prison camp (dubbed Israel’s version of Guantanamo Bay). As each day passes, and with reports from released prisoners who attest Dr. Abu Safiya was being tortured while they were in the same prison, fears of his death grow. At least three Palestinian doctors abducted from Gaza have died in Israeli prisons since October 2023. Dr. Abu Safiya, the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, was taken after the IDF had repeatedly attacked the hospital over the course of over three months, ultimately invading it, burning and severely damaging essential buildings, and detaining dozens of medical staff. By now the chilling scene of Dr. Abu Safiya walking toward the Israeli tank has gone viral, as people around the world are demanding his release.
by Eva Bartlett
Trump Said He’s Give Hell To Gaza But Gave It To Us – Israeli Settler Leader Daniella Weiss (15:38)
[Is There A More Genocidal Psychopathic Woman?]
RT speaks with Israeli settler leader Daniella Weiss on Israel-Hamas ceasefire and Gaza’s future
Israeli Troops Carry Out Field Executions, Expel Palestinians From Jenin
On the third day of Israel’s major assault on the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank city, Palestinians are subjected to forced displacement, mass arrests and and field executions, Wafa reports.
Israeli forces have imposed a complete siege on the camp, deploying special units, drones and biometric and facial recognition systems to monitor and control the area, the Palestinian news agency said Thursday. The invaders have stepped their mass arrest, strip search and interrogation of residents, forcibly expelling them from their homes after ordering them out via loudspeakers and air-dropped leaflets. The advocacy group Palestinian Prisoners’ Society said Israeli forces have carried out field executions as a form of “collective punishment” to undermine any form of resistance. Medical sources say Israeli forces have killed at least 13 Palestinians and wounded 50 since the Israeli attacks began on Tuesday morning. Medics attempting to treat the wounded continue to face extreme restrictions by Israeli forces. The movement of ambulances is heavily controlled by Israeli forces, and medical personnel are being searched and interrogated before being allowed to bring aid. Palestine TV reported that news coverage of the raids has been severely hampered. Israeli soldiers forced its crew to shut down live broadcasts, confiscated cameras and phones, and threatened to storm the building where the TV office is located.
by PressTV
Luther Martin’s Objections To The Virginia Plan
Luther Martin (1748–1826) served as Maryland Attorney General for 28 years beginning in 1778. During his tenure, he was elected to the Continental Congress and served as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention. A staunch opponent of expanding federal authority, Martin consistently defended the interests of smaller states, and opposed Edmund Randolph’s (1753-1813) Virginia Plan, introduced in the Convention in late May, 1787. Between June 27 and 28, Martin delivered a three-hour speech critiquing Randolph’s proposal. His objections focused on state sovereignty and the principle of equal representation, with his primary concern being the potential for larger states to dominate smaller ones. Under the Virginia Plan, Martin argued, representation based on population could enable a minority of large states to control the majority of smaller states. Furthermore, since the plan proposed that the Legislature appoint the Executive, who would appoint civil, military, and judicial officers, this influence could be extended further. Martin defended the current structure of government under the Articles of Confederation, asserting that in a proper federal system all states must be equal in power and representation, as this balance was essential for maintaining collective peace and security.
by Luther Martin, Edited and introduced by Michelle Alderfor
Have We Been Betrayed? (Video 18:26)
That Stargate AI project wants to make mRNA vaccines based on our DNA using AI. This might lead to vaccines being forced on us by our insurance companies. See this video for more details.
by Video Rebel
What Percentage Of Gun Deaths Sre Suicides?
Firearm-Death Statistics in the U.S. (2024)
Report Highlights: Suicides account for more than half of firearm-related deaths among nearly every demographic each year. Between 2018 and 2024, 57% of all firearm-related deaths were suicides. Among white Americans, 83% of gun deaths are suicides, compared to 38% among Hispanics and 17% among Black Americans. On average, 77.81% of gun deaths across all age groups are suicides, with the rate increasing among older age groups. Between 2018 and 2024, 57% of all gun deaths in the U.S. were suicides. Before 2021, suicides accounted for over 60% of all firearm-related deaths. However, starting in 2021, firearm homicides began to rise, reducing the proportion of suicide-related gun deaths to between 50% and 58%. This shift may be attributed to various social and economic factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, increased societal stress, and potential changes in gun ownership or accessibility. Understanding these dynamics is critical to addressing both suicide prevention and broader firearm-related violence. White Americans are more likely to commit suicide with a firearm, while all other racial groups are predominantly affected by homicide-related gun deaths. These differences may reflect varying social, economic, and environmental factors, such as access to firearms, mental health resources, and exposure to violence.
by Cassandra McBride
Human Giants Are Not Fiction
A 5,000-Year-Old Layer of Earth Beneath an Egyptian Tomb Reveals Two 30-Foot Giant Bodies. An international team of archaeologists has made an astonishing discovery in a desert region of Egypt. Two gigantic human bodies, approximately 9 meters high, have been found under layers of earth dating back more than 5,000 years. This discovery, unprecedented in the history of archaeology, could rewrite what we know about ancient civilizations and their understanding of the ‘human.’ The discovery took place while researchers were excavating a complex of forgotten tombs deep in the Egyptian desert. According to team leader Dr. Ahmed el-Hassan, the bodies were found under a layer of compacted earth that protected the remains from erosion and time. ‘What we found exceeds any expectations.’ ‘These colossal figures are incredibly well preserved, and preliminary dating suggests they are more than five millennia old,’ said Dr. Hassan. The skeletons are impressive both for their size and their state of preservation. Each measure nearly 9 meters tall, with anatomically correct proportions that rule out the possibility of deformities or known pathological conditions.
by Michael Walsh
Eva Braun Films
by Mark R. Elsis
World’s First Human-Like Walking Humanoid Robot Takes A Stroll In China (Text and Video)
SE01 robot demonstrates a walk so natural, it was first mistaken for CGI.
The SE01 humanoid robot, which previously made headlines for achieving one of the most human-like gaits, has again captured global attention. Chinese robotics firm EngineAI has posted a new video showing the skilled humanoid casually strolling alongside humans outside the company’s Shenzhen office. Initially mistaken for CGI due to its sophisticated movements, the video highlights significant advancements in China’s robotics capabilities over the past year. The video surfaced just after EngineAI’s appearance at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), where it presented a range of humanoid robots, including the SE01, SA01, and PM01 models. Last October, EngineAI’s SE01 set new benchmarks in humanoid robotics with its exceptional ability to mimic human gait. This marvel of engineering walks and performs complex movements such as squats, push-ups, and precision tasks with a smoothness that rivals natural human motion. Its design challenges traditional robotic motions, replacing choppy, mechanical movements with fluid, graceful strides that make it stand out in both industrial and domestic environments.
by Kaif Shaikh
Over 97 Million US Residents Exposed To Unregulated Contaminants In Their Drinking Water, Analysis Reveals
Nearly a third of people in the U.S. have been exposed to unregulated contaminants in their drinking water that could impact their health, according to a new analysis by scientists at Silent Spring Institute. What’s more, Hispanic and Black residents are more likely than other groups to have unsafe levels of contaminants in their drinking water and are more likely to live near pollution sources. The findings, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, add to growing concern about the quality of drinking water in the United States and the disproportionate impact of contamination on communities of color. Close to 100 contaminants are currently regulated under the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. This means public water utilities must test for these contaminants and take steps to ensure levels don’t exceed certain limits by installing new treatment systems and taking other measures. “Yet, we know there are thousands of other harmful chemicals that are not regulated that make their way into groundwater and surface waters, and some of these chemicals can ultimately end up in drinking water supplies,” says co-author Laurel Schaider, a senior scientist at Silent Spring Institute.
by Silent Spring Institute
January 23, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Against The Interest Of Israel (5:52)
by Nicholas J. Fuentes
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Music Of The Day
Downtown by Petula Clark
Sixty years ago today, January 23, 1965, the song Downtown made Petula Clark the first British female singer to score a US No.1 hit since Vera Lynn in 1952. The irresistible tune, which peaked at No.2 in the UK, featured instrumentation from future Led Zeppelin guitarist, Jimmy Page, who was a young session musician at the time.
As a seven-year-old boy, I fell in love with this song.
Listening to it now, at sixty-seven, I still think it is a most wonderful song.
Petula Clark
The Petula Clark Story (58:02)
Petula Clark This Is Your Life BBC 1996 (29:51)
Downtown (1964) (3:02)
Downtown (The Dean Martin Show Episode 50, January 26, 1967) (3:05)
Book Of The Day
The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion (Audiobook)
World Conquest Through World Jewish Government
Of the Protocols themselves little need be said in the way of introduction. The book in which they are embodied was published by Sergyei Nilus in Russia in 1905. A copy of this is in the British Museum bearing the date of its reception August 10, 1906. All copies that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed in the Kerensky regime, and under his successors the possession of a copy by anyone in Sovietland was crime sufficient to ensure the owner’s being shot on sight. The fact is in itself sufficient proof of the genuineness of the Protocols. The Jewish journals, of course, say that they are a forgery, leaving it to be understood that Professor Nilus, who embodied them in a work of his own, had concocted them for his own purposes. Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York World, February 17, 1921, put the, case for Nilus tersely and convincingly thus: The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit it now.
Translated From The Russian Of Nilus by Victor E. Marsden
Quote Of The Day
“When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as
a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk,
when, in short, a people become an audience, and their public business a vaudeville act,
then a nation finds itself at risk; culture-death is a clear possibility.”
Neil Postman
Website Of The Day
Roger Scruton
This website was created by Roger Scruton and we continue to update it in order to display the lasting impact of his incredible career and life.
Here you can find; information and application forms for the ongoing Scrutopia Summer School, a vast selection of Roger’s books in the Bookshop, more about Roger’s career and tributes, recent news plus ARTICLES and archive material. Finally Affiliations with the wide network Roger created that continues to grow including The Roger Scruton legacy Foundation.
Roger Scruton was an English philosopher, writer, and social critic who specialised in
aesthetics and political philosophy, particularly in the furtherance of conservative views.
If you have never watched, Why Beauty Matters, I highly recommend you do.
Why Beauty Matters (2009) (58:59)
by Roger Scruton
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The Hill To Die On
Whatever the consequences, however inconvenient, however scary: resist, refuse, do not comply with digital ID
Our children are condemned to the ultimate unbreakable dystopian nightmare unless we all put our foot down on this one. No compromise! Prison? Essentially-eternal prison in 15 minute concentration camps, for all we love is worse. Compulsory jabs to be allowed to eat, no travel, Net Zero carnage. Every purchase ‘approved’ from the BIS at point of purchase – or not. Inevitable? Ben Rubin’s summing up of 2024 on UK Column finished with a few quotes from an unimpressive gentleman who told us, in relation to a digital ID, that “The debate has been won. It’s just about how & when we implement it in U.K.” I tell you this, with absolute conviction. The day you sign up for a new format, global, editable, biometric digital ID, that’s the day that any possibility of a continuing, free life, free from perpetual interference and increasing control over every aspect of your existence, ends. Furthermore, knowing what we now know, and not requiring anyone to be a conspiraloon, merely open minded to what unpleasant people through history always do, you will recognise that you won’t be gaining a new, shiny digital ID on an app. You will disappear, replaced by an avatar that is solely that digital ID. As far as the state and any corporation and institution is concerned, any interaction with you will be conducted through that digital ID. Not with you, a natural person. Whatever that digital ID says about you is reality. Even if it’s clearly not. This isn’t my primary concern, though. I’m not even arguing that there won’t be many ways in which, for most purposes, it’ll be genuinely useful. That’ll be how they sell it.
by Dr. Mike Yeadon
A.I. Grid And mRNA Shots Announced On Trump’s 2nd Day In Office (Transcript and Video 5:59)
From Operation Warp Speed To Stargate AI
by Greg Reese
Khazarian Jew Theory Under A Jewmerica White House
The concept that Jews are actually descendants of Khazarian’s has been disputed by Jews who are Khazarian, including geneticist, Doron Behar. Why is it so important for the Ashkenazi Jews of today to deny their true heritage? Because it would completely upend their claimed right to Israel and Palestine. Genesis 10:3 references the sons of Gomer as Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah. According to Khazar records, Togarmah is regarded as the ancestor of the Turkic-speaking peoples.
Today we watched as President Trump welcomed into the fold Sam Altman [Number 2549 On Forbes Richest With $1.1 Billion] and Larry Ellison [Number Three Of Forbes Richest With $230 Billion]. Both of Ashkenazi secularism. Ellison was particularly front and center discussing using mass surveillance to make sure people behave, and creating an mRNA vax for cancer that would require everyone to comply ‘based on matching their blood’ with a sooper doper AI methodology. Further radicalizing his intentions, Trump told Musk that either Musk or Altman should buy Tik Tok – in what would be a hostile and illegal takeover. Musk did not seem too keen on Trump telling him what to do with his money, not to mention Musk’s strained relationship with Altman over OpenAI which they co-founded. Ramaswamy has already dropped out of DOGE, and Musk is facing three lawsuits as a result of his allegiance to Trump. Being vetted, Elise Stefanik looked visibly uncomfortable when she claimed under oath that the Palestinians had no right to their land and Israel was simply defending itself in its obliteration of Gaza and now the West Bank. Sam Altman is a member of the World Economic Forum along with Argentina’s Milei. The feud over OpenAI has become one in which Altman advertises the feud, calls out Musk as a bully, and openly scorns him. A lawsuit is now pending between Altman and Musk on safety concerns and the future of OpenAI. Trump forcing Musk’s hand was a low blow.
by Helena Glass
Biden Pardons Capitol Officer [Michael Byrd] Who Killed Unarmed January 6th Protester [Ashli Babbitt]
Joe Biden, the outgoing US president, pardoned on Monday various officials and politicians, including Michael Byrd, the officer who killed protester Ashli Babbitt.
Other individuals who were pardoned include former representative Liz Cheney, former chief medical advisor Anthony Fauci, and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, among others. The pardon also included members of the House January 6 Committee, which included police officers involved in the death of four people during the January 6 protests. On January 6, 2021, Ashli Babbitt and three other protesters lost their lives during an attempted takeover of the US Capitol building. Babbitt, who was a US Air Force veteran, died after being shot in the neck by Capitol police officer Michael Byrd. The footage of her death has been widely circulated among American protesters. In his statement announcing the pardons, Biden said, “These public servants have served our nation with honor and distinction”. He also stated that the nation “owes these public servants a debt of gratitude for their tireless commitment to our country.”
by PressTV
J6 Political Prisoner Says He Has Evidence Proving Skeletor Pelosi Was Behind J6 (1:56)
Trump Nominee For UN Ambassador Says Jews Have ‘Biblical Right’ To Occupied West Bank
Representative Elise Stefanik from New York began receiving large donations from Republican Jewish donors after casting herself as a champion in the fight against alleged antisemitism
Representative Elise Stefanik, recently nominated by President Donald Trump for the position of US ambassador to the UN, said that she supports the claims made by the far right in Israel that Jews have the “biblical right” to take land from Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Stefanik, a Republican congresswoman from New York, made the statement while being questioned during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on 21 January to discuss her confirmation as the new UN Ambassador. Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen asked Stefanik whether she supported Palestinians’ right to self-determination. Stefanik, who is known to be a staunch advocate of Israel and supports its decision to defund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), refused to answer the question directly, saying, “I think they deserve more than the failures that they have suffered under the leadership of terrorists.” Van Hollen pressed her further by saying that she had previously stated to him in a private meeting that “Israel has a biblical right to the entire West Bank.” “I rarely get surprised by answers in my office, but I asked you if you believe the views of Israeli Finance Minister (Bezalel) Smotrich and former National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who believe that Israel has a biblical right to the entire West Bank. In that conversation, you said to me (yes) that you agree with that view. Is that your view today?” Stefanik responded with one word, “Yes.”
by News Desk
A Few Thoughts After Trump’s Inauguration
Trump should tell the Press at his earliest opportunity: “I will be asking the Pentagon how many American military personnel are serving in the Ukraine? How many have died since February 24, 2022? How many were seriously injured and had to file for disability retirement benefits? And how many ex-US military personnel are currently serving as military contractors in the Ukraine? We now know that at no time did the American leadership ever believe the Ukrainians could win this war. Putin went in with a small force to push for a negotiated end to the conflict. Zelensky initially agreed, but then UK PM Boris Johnson went to Kiev with DC’s’ blessing to tell the Ukrainians that the war must go on and on. We were eager to sacrifice a million Ukrainian men so we could use sanctions and a war to do serious harm to Putin. Our goal was regime change in Russia. We had dozens of US biolabs in the Ukraine prior to the war which were dedicated to developing pathogens which we could spread into Russia. We were developing diseases to specifically kill Slavic people. There are more the 8.5 million Polish people in the US and 2.5 million Russians plus many more from other Slavic countries. And lots of Jewish people have some Slavic genes. So, were we willing to risk their lives too?
by Video Rebel
ACH (2501) I’m Talking To YOU #170 – The Pussyhat Wikipedia Page (37:21)
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Trump Pardons Ross Ulbricht, Ending Life Sentence For Silk Road Crimes [What Happened To Russ Was An Horrific Travesty Of Justice And Trump Should Have Pardoned Him Eight Years Ago.]
Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the infamous online black market Silk Road, has been released from federal prison following a full pardon from U.S. President Donald Trump. The decision fulfills the campaign promise made by Trump and ends Ulbricht’s life sentence stemming from his 2015 conviction on charges including drug trafficking, computer hacking, and money laundering. The Silk Road operated from 2011 to 2013 as an anonymous marketplace on the dark web, facilitating over $200 million in transactions, largely for illicit goods. Users relied on Bitcoin for payments and the Tor network to conceal their identities. Prosecutors alleged that Ulbricht, operating under the alias “Dread Pirate Roberts,” oversaw the platform and took extreme measures to maintain its operation, including soliciting murders. However, no evidence of violence was found. Trump personally informed Ulbricht’s mother of the pardon, describing it as “full and unconditional.” On his social media platform, Truth Social, Trump condemned those involved in Ulbricht’s prosecution, accusing them of government overreach. Brandon Sample, Ulbricht’s clemency attorney, welcomed the decision, stating, “This represents a chance for Ross to rebuild his life and contribute positively to society.”
by Abdulkarim Abdulwahab
U.S. Govt To Give ‘Minority’ Status To Jewish-Owned Businesses, Conferring ‘Billions’ In Benefits (Text and Video)
Jewish Americans, who have the highest incomes in the country of any ethno-religious group, are going to be eligible for billions of dollars in new benefits meant to help struggling “minorities” under new rules from the US Department of Commerce. The decision to grant Jews “minority” status is being justified as “fair, given the discrimination that Jews have faced, especially since Oct. 7,” according to the Jewish News Syndicate. “They could beat us up. They could humiliate us. They tell us to go back to the concentration camp,” Duvi Honig, founder and CEO of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce told JNS in reference to pro-Palestine protests on US college campuses. “We have a yellow star until today that we can’t be eligible to get minority dollars, minority grants or taxpayers, and it just didn’t make sense.” Americans supported Trump because he said he would end all this “DEI” crap and yet his incoming Department of Commerce is already expanding it for this one group in particular.
by Chris Menahan
Ever The Victim (6:15)
by DuckStreetStudios
Kuwait Announces ‘Significant’ Oil Discovery
The Kuwait Oil Company yesterday announced the discovery of a new oil reserve in the Al-Julaiah offshore field within its territorial waters. The company said in a statement, the discovery, estimated at around 950 million barrels of oil equivalent, is set to strengthen the nation’s standing as a global leader in crude oil production and exportation. According to the statement, tests conducted on the Zubair geological reservoir in the Julaiah 2 exploratory well yielded promising production results. The field spans an area of 74 square kilometres, with reserves estimated at around 800 million barrels of medium-density oil, free of hydrogen sulphide and containing a low percentage of carbon dioxide. Additionally, the field holds 600 billion standard cubic feet of associated gas, equivalent to 950 million barrels of oil equivalent. The Julaiah field marks the second marine field discovered under the current exploration plan, following the discovery of the Al-Nukhadha marine field in July 2024.
The Gaza Genocide: A New Low In Democracy And Human History. Part 2: Germany’s Undemocratic Assaults
The genocide unfolding in Gaza continues to expose the inadequacies of the international judiciary, organizations, and, more importantly, the complicity of part of the global community of nations in enabling such atrocities.
Germany Taken to the ICJ for Complicity in Genocide; In March 2024, Nicaragua brought a case against Germany at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing it of aiding and supporting genocide in Gaza by supplying arms to Israel, fully aware of the genocidal risks involved. Shockingly, the ICJ failed to condemn Germany. Germany also maintains unwavering and unconditional political and diplomatic support for Israel. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock displayed a cheerleader-like demeanor during her initial visit to support Israel after October 7—a stance echoed by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Germany’s support for Israel’s actions highlights a hypocritical approach to international law and human rights. The analysis goes further: “No one can reasonably believe in the fairytale of Germany’s moral responsibility anymore, as the country defends, finances, arms, and diplomatically supports the genocide of Palestinians, in addition to the bombing of Lebanon, Yemen, and Syria, while shielding those responsible from accountability.”
by Ricardo Martins
Trump Throws A “Gayer Than It Looks” Inauguration Party With A Long List Of Full Fledged Satanlst’s! (20:16)
2025: The Year The Global Order Unravels
World War 3 is already well underway, even though most don’t recognize it. Russia, China, and their allies want to transform the current US-led world order that has been in place since the end of WW2 from unipolar to multipolar—giving themselves a bigger seat at the table in the process. The US and its allies want the unipolar status quo to prevail. WW3 is unlikely to evolve into a direct kinetic war between the US, Russia, and China because that could invite nuclear Armageddon, where everyone loses. Instead, WW3 is playing out on different levels—proxy wars, economic wars, financial wars, cyber wars, biological wars, deniable sabotage, and information wars. This is World War 3. It’s happening right now and rapidly escalating. 2025 could be the year it all comes to a head. As I see it, World War 3 is a conflict between two geopolitical blocks. The first block consists of the US and its allies who have hitched their wagons to the unipolar world order. I’m reluctant to call this block “the West” because the people who control it have values antithetical to Western Civilization. A more fitting label would be NATO & Friends. The other block comprises Russia, China, Iran, and other countries favorable to a multipolar world order. Let’s call them the BRICS+, which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and other interested countries.
by Nick Giambruno
Oracle Boss Pledges Individual AI MRNA Cancer Vaccines
Larry Ellison {Jewish and third richest worth $230 Billion] made the announcement at the White House as President Donald Trump unveiled a $500 billion AI infrastructure project
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has announced that his company is developing an AI-driven approach to creating personalized cancer vaccines. He highlighted that by utilizing artificial intelligence, an mRNA vaccine can be produced “robotically” in approximately 48 hours. Ellison’s remarks came as President Donald Trump hosted him and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, as well as CEO Masayoshi Son of the Japanese investment firm SoftBank, at the White House on Tuesday to announce the launch of Stargate – a new initiative set to invest up to $500 billion in artificial intelligence infrastructure. Welcoming the program, Ellison said that “one of the most exciting things we’re working on, using the tools that Sam [Altman] and [Masayoshi Son] are providing, is a cancer vaccine.” He explained that the novel approach is two-pronged, with AI first being deployed to detect “little fragments of those [cancer] tumors float[ing] around in your” blood sample. Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules carry the genetic directions cells need to make proteins. On top of this early cancer detection, “once we gene-sequence that cancer tumor, you can then vaccinate the person – design a vaccine for every individual person that vaccinates them against that cancer,” the tech executive stressed. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman [Jewish and 2549 richest with $1.1 Billion] similarly predicted that “we will be amazed at how quickly we’re curing this cancer and that one – and heart disease.”
by RT
ICAN’s Investigation Into Geoengineering, Military Spraying And Self-Spreading Vaccines (1:07:48)
by The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Cattle Call
Riding for the Brand
Just like last time, it didn’t take long for the Judas goat to betray his supporters. Trump is already pushing the next vaccine. He said that this round of clot shots will be tailored to your own body. I’m not sure how he will justify the shedding. At this point, he continues to simply ignore it. The fascist coup at the top is now complete. The president wears the corporate brand and we are his willing (and unwilling) victims on the way out. The bloody hell of endless wars is reaching its ultimate conclusion. The monster turns back upon itself. The King signs the Executive Orders to release the Jan. 6 convicts but the guards still don’t know what to do as they are not following their usual chain-of-command. They probably want immunity from abusing the inmates. At this time, it looks like they’re only letting the guilty ones out. The illegal invader roundup awaits. Be sure to get your Trump-approved booster in order to be identified with another group that will be rounded up later on.
by FreeFall
Clump Of Cells Dies At 67
[Almost Four Million Babies Were Murdered Under Her Demonic Watch At Planned Non-Parenthood]
A clump of cells became no longer viable earlier this week at the age of 67. The clump, which had been birthed by Democrat uterus-owner and former Texas governor Ann Richards, was in its 205th trimester. It presided over nearly 333,000 terminations of unwanted clumps of cells like itself during a 12-year stint as president of a philanthropic organization 3% dedicated to ripping apart clumps of cells and selling the remains. Sources say that the non-viable formerly 67-year-old clump of cells lost a battle against glioblastoma, a much smaller clump of cells which got too big in the brain of the 67-year-old clump of cells. The ex-clump of cells became no longer viable as it was surrounded by clumps of cells that were genetically related to it and a dog named Ollie. At publishing time, the non-viable clump of cells had narrowly avoided having its parts sold to make money for other clumps of cells within its clump-of-cells-killing philanthropic organization.
by Babylon Bee
January 22, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Ever The Victim (6:15)
by DuckStreetStudios
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Ave Maria
Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.
Music Of The Day
Ave Maria
Composed by Franz Schubert in 1825
Ave Maria (Schubert) (3:33)
by Luciano Pavarotti
Ave Maria (Schubert) (5:55)
by Andrea Bocelli
Book Of The Day
The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion
World Conquest Through World Jewish Government
Of the Protocols themselves little need be said in the way of introduction. The book in which they are embodied was published by Sergyei Nilus in Russia in 1905. A copy of this is in the British Museum bearing the date of its reception August 10, 1906. All copies that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed in the Kerensky regime, and under his successors the possession of a copy by anyone in Sovietland was crime sufficient to ensure the owner’s being shot on sight. The fact is in itself sufficient proof of the genuineness of the Protocols. The Jewish journals, of course, say that they are a forgery, leaving it to be understood that Professor Nilus, who embodied them in a work of his own, had concocted them for his own purposes. Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York World, February 17, 1921, put the, case for Nilus tersely and convincingly thus: The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit it now.
Translated From The Russian Of Nilus by Victor E. Marsden
Quote Of The Day
“A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means.”
Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin, September 20, 1810
Website Of The Day
DuckStreetStudios is a repository of the work of Sean Naughton.
As a Catholic and as someone deeply influenced and inspired by the work of the great American scholar, Dr. E. Michael Jones, I want to share my work, which may assist you to better understand the world as we find it today. is a platform dedicated to uncovering the hidden grammar of history and of current events. We all want the truth. My intention is to help each visitor to find the truth and to to live by the truth. Ave Maria
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Donald Trump: Rebranding Globalism As Nationalism
Many assumed Trump’s remarks were only facetious. Or were they? Just two days later, at a press conference, Trump said he wanted to incorporate Greenland into the United States. Although this, too, was widely dismissed as absurd, Trump quickly underscored his seriousness by sending Donald Trump, Jr., on a trip to Greenland. All this is being heralded to the President’s followers as part of his plan to “Make America Great Again.” To the contrary, Trump’s ambition to expand America is nothing more than a repackaging of an old satanic plan to establish world government through regional stepping stones. To research my first book The Shadows of Power (1988), a study of the globalist power brokers at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), I went through every issue of Foreign Affairs, the CFR’s flagship journal, going back to its first issue in 1922. There was no Internet then, no search engines. All facts had to be gleaned from hard-copy documents. In going through Foreign Affairs, I recognized that the CFR had abandoned the idea of, in one swoop, unifying the planet under a world government. Instead, they reasoned, they could gradually bring about global governance by first organizing regional alliances. This would be a “stepping stone” approach (also known as “boiling the frog”) to the ultimate goal of an all-powerful one-world government. It isn’t my intention to assert that America will really merge with Canada and Greenland, a complicated process that would face many barriers. However, it is important to understand that Trump’s ambition toward this goal is neither new nor patriotric, but an element of the age-old globalist agenda.
by James Perloff
Paris Climate: Difficult To Get Out, But USA Never Ratified (16:37)
Now that Trump has issued an order to get out of the Paris Climate Accord, how long will it take? Trump played by the difficult rules to get out in his first term and we were only “out” for 2 months. But we were NEVER in it legally. So what’s going on now?
by The David Knight Show
On The Eve Of Trump, Iran And Russia Launch Historical Deal
In a detailed strategic partnership agreement signed last week in Moscow, Eurasian powers Russia and Iran issued a challenge to the US-led global order and placed its incoming new president on notice.
Timing is everything in geopolitics. This past Friday in Moscow, only three days before the inauguration of US President Donald Trump in Washington, top BRICS member leaders Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian signed a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement, detailed in 47 articles, twice as many as in the recent Russian–North Korean deal. This strategic partnership is now set in stone just as the – unpayable – humongous debt of the US government reaches an unprecedented $36.1 trillion, equivalent to $106.4k per American, and just as the US share of the global economy falls below 15 percent for the first time, based on World Bank/IMF figures. In sharp contrast, the Russia–Iran strategic partnership aims to solidify even more the interlocking drive of crucial multilateral organizations driven to organize the new multimodal world: BRICS+, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU). Call it a landmark moment in the long, ongoing Eurasia integration process. Or, as the Global Majority largely interprets it, a direct, sovereign challenge to the dying, western-imposed “rules-based international order.” The wide-ranging strategic Tehran–Moscow partnership boosts collaboration in the security and defense realms, and places particular emphasis on the smooth development of the International North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC), a trans-Eurasia axis uniting Russia, Iran, and India, solidifying Iran as a key transit hub for Russian gas and goods sold to several Afro-Eurasia partners.
by Pepe Escobar
The Illuminati And CFR Speech (1967) (2:32:45)
by Myron C. Fagan
Behind ‘Salt Typhoon’ – US Intelligence Agencies’ Mass Surveillance Of Its Citizens
Following the US hype of the so-called “Volt Typhoon” false narrative to discredit China in the first half of 2024, by the end of 2024, the US fabricated another so-called “hacker group associated with the Chinese government” – the “Salt Typhoon,” promoting the narrative of “Chinese cyber threats.” However, professionals in the field of cyberspace told the Global Times that the so-called “Salt Typhoon” not only lacks any substantial evidence but also exposes the fact that US intelligence agencies are conducting large-scale surveillance and espionage against their own citizens. On Friday, the Global Times learned from a source that during discussions with their American counterparts, China’s diplomats on cyber affairs firmly rejected the US accusations against China regarding the individual cases such as “Salt Typhoon” and “Volt Typhoon” in the absence of evidence. They also expressed concerns about the US large-scale cyber espionage activities targeting China and the threats posed to China’s critical information infrastructure. On the same day, China’s National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team Center of China (known as CNCERT) released two investigative reports, exposing two recent cyberattacks by US intelligence agencies targeting major Chinese technology firms to steal trade secrets.
by GT Staff Reporters
Refaat Alareer: Gaza’s Beloved Poet Who Gave Voice To Palestinian Pain And Resilience
“Death and war. War and Death. These two are persona non grata, yet we can’t force them to leave. To let us be.” ~ Refaat Alareer
On December 6, 2023, Refaat Alareer, the favorite English poet and professor of Gaza, was tragically killed in an Israeli airstrike that flattened his sister’s apartment, also taking the lives of his brother Salah, Salah’s son, sister Asmaa, and Asmaa’s three children. “Does a single Palestinian life matter? Does it? Gaza is not and should not be a priority only when Israel is shedding Palestinian blood en masse,” Alareer wrote in ‘Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire’, narrating the ordeal of Palestinians in the besieged strip. “Gaza, as the epitome of the Palestinian Nakba, is suffocating and being butchered right in front of our eyes and often live on TV or social media. It shall pass, I keep hoping. It shall pass, I keep saying. Sometimes I mean it.” The celebrated Palestinian poet, who was greatly loved and admired both in Palestine and outside, wanted his death to be turned into a story and carried to people, the world, and future generations. He composed the poem “If I must die”, which has now been immortalized, for his five-year-old daughter Shaimaa during an Israeli assault on Gaza in 2008-2009. On April 26, Shaimaa was killed along with her husband and their five-month-old baby, when an Israeli airstrike pounded their home in the west of Gaza City.
by Humaira Ahad
“I’m Not Christian.” Donald J. Trump (0:25)
The Competency Crisis Proliferating The West
The ‘strange defeat’ is that of Europe’s ‘curious’ inability to understand Ukraine or its military mechanics.
The essayist and military strategist, Aurelien, has written a paper entitled: The Strange Defeat (original in French). The ‘strange defeat’ being that of Europe’s ‘curious’ inability to understand Ukraine or its military mechanics. Aurelien highlights the strange lack of realism by which the West has approached the crisis — “ …and the almost pathological dissociation from the real world that it displays in its words and actions. Yet, even as the situation deteriorates, and the Russian forces advance everywhere, there is no sign that the West is becoming more reality-based in its understanding – and it is very likely that it will continue to live in its alternative construction of reality until it is forcibly expelled”. The writer continues in some detail (omitted here) to explain why NATO has no strategy for Ukraine and no real operational plan: “It has only a series of ad hoc initiatives, linked together by vague aspirations that have no connection with real life plus the hope that ‘something [beneficial] will occur’. Our current Western political leaders have never had to develop such skills. Yet it is actually worse than that: not having developed these skills, not having advisers who have developed them, they cannot really understand what the Russians are doing, how and why they are doing it. Western leaders are like spectators who do not know the rules of chess or Go – and are trying to figure out who is winning”.
by Alastair Crooke
Exceptionally Trump
Exceptionally Repulsive
Trump’s inaugural address and associated commentaries on it show, first, that Trump is highly invested in American empire, a future of greater imperialism and of greater “exceptionalism” (exceptionally repulsive, of course), with the strongest military the world has ever seen (paid for, of course, by you and I). This will indeed be exceptional if, as Trump implausibly declares, an empire of peace-lovers (this from the great Satan of anti-wokeness) will reign for ever more. Peace with Russia? Perhaps, just about, though unlikely. Peace in the Middle East? Barely imaginable. Peace with China? Never. Or does Trump simply mean that for the US the empire will be peaceful, but that its wars will be fought by proxy losers? Domestically. he will drive this agenda forward, characteristically and somewhat counterproductively, on the backs of the poor and marginalized in the form of the undocumented, the documented children of the undocumented, on illegal immigrants and basically any immigrants that are not desirable. To do so, if he can work around a compliaant legal system and Supreme Court, which he has, he will annihilate birthright citizenship. Everyone, ultimately, will become as vulnerable as to the undocumented immigrant.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
The Noticing: In Their Own Words (37:22)
This Small European Country Is Defying The Western Establishment: How Long Can It Last?
Slovakia has been bold in standing up to the US and EU, but perhaps it can’t hold out forever
Slovakia, a small country tucked away in Eastern Europe, has always had limited logistical value to the West. This relative insignificance has, paradoxically, granted Bratislava a degree of freedom since the end of the Cold War. Yet, the political tides are shifting, and it appears Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico’s visit to Moscow in December may become the pretext for his resignation under opposition pressure. If a vote of no confidence is passed, it will signal the conclusion of yet another intriguing chapter in Slovakia’s unique post-Cold War story. For 30 years, this small nation has displayed surprising resistance to Western pressures and temptations. It will be fascinating to see how far the EU is willing to go in reasserting control over a country that, until recently, enjoyed some room for independent thought – particularly when Washington is preoccupied with its own domestic challenges. Fico stands as a symbol of Slovakia’s freethinking spirit. A politician who survived an assassination attempt in May 2024, he repeatedly returns to power with slogans that challenge the prevailing narrative in Europe. His associates, like Andrej Danko, the deputy speaker of parliament, share this defiance. Danko’s open admiration for Russian consumer products during a recent visit to Moscow speaks volumes about Slovakia’s unorthodox political trajectory.
by Timofey Bordachev
Child Killed By Israeli Sniper In Gaza, West Bank Heats Up – Ceasefire Day 2 (Text and Video)
916 aid trucks reportedly entered Gaza Monday; 630 entered Sunday. Palestinian Civil Defense says 137 bodies have been found in Rafah since the start of ceasefire. Search begins for thousands missing under Gaza’s rubble Gaza’s Health Ministry said in the past 24 hours, 62 bodies were recovered as the ceasefire between Hamas and the Israeli forces went into effect on 19 January. In a statement, the Civil Defense reported that the bodies of an estimated 2,840 Palestinians had “evaporated” due to the Israeli army’s use of weapons that “produce temperatures between 7,000-9,000 degrees Celsius, melting everything in the center of the explosion.” Related: 436,000 homes destroyed in Gaza, reconstruction will cost $40bn. Young child killed by Israeli sniper fire: Report Two Palestinians, including a child, were killed, and nine others, among them children, were injured earlier by Israeli gunfire in Rafah, according to reports. Sources told Anadolu that Israeli tanks breached a buffer zone and opened heavy fire on civilians. The sources said the military advanced 850 meters (2,789 feet) into the area, exceeding an agreed 700-meter limit outlined in the ceasefire agreement. The killing marked a significant violation of the truce. No comments have been issued from Gaza authorities, ceasefire mediators in Egypt, Qatar and the US, or Israeli officials. A video filmed by Palestinian journalist Hassan Aslih and verified by Al Jazeera shows the moments after the child was shot. A man is seen crawling up to the child to remove the body from the scene but is shot at by Israeli troops, forcing him to retreat from the area.
by Israel-Palestine News
The Truths Under The Rubble (0:29)
One ceasefire benefit is that we’re going to hear thousands of stories we were unable to hear. Western journalists were kept out and the local ones systematically murdered.
by George Galloway
Fentanyl. The Vast Majority Is Made In The US By TEVA, Merck And J&J
In 1995, the share price of Pfizer was $6.03, having risen from $1.89 ten years earlier. Pfizers peak price was in 2022 hitting $54.72 = +900%. In 1995, the share price of Merck was $15.62, having risen from $2.72 ten years earlier. Today Merck posts a share price of $97.92 having peaked at $130.67 = +866%. In 1995, the share price of Johnson and Johnson was $16.84 having risen from $2.41 ten years earlier. Today J&J posts a share price of $147.03 having peaked at $176.85 in 2022 = +1000%. All within nearly the exact same range of increase. What happened in 1995 to create this unprecedented spiking? 1992 FDA instituted the Accelerated Approval regulations. 1992 authorizes FDA to collect user fees from persons that submit certain human drug applications for review or that are named in approved applications as the sponsor of certain prescription drug products. 1995-1996 – Opioids were launched via Purdue Pharma, aka Richard Sackler. 1995, AIDS reached its peak and began falling. As a result Fauci declared that HIV caused AIDS and everyone diagnosed with HIV must take the Vaccine or they will get AIDS within 10 years. Nobel Prize winning, Karry Mullis, who worked at NIH declared in numerous videos that Fauci manufactured the connection to sell more vaccines and make a name for himself. Between 1940 and 2022 nearly 13,000 new drugs have been approved.
by Helena Glass
The Sky Is Falling
Governments are in the flimflam business. Pared down to the bare essentials, governments can be very useful in passing and enforcing a small number of very basic laws. These laws should be limited to policing those who would seek to aggress against others, or their property. Governments may also have a value in providing protection from invasion – organizing an army of able-bodied people to address this collective problem, if and when it occurs. And that’s about it. Beyond that, the private sector can, and almost always does, do a better job at virtually everything else. Therefore, a government should be small, cost very little to run and do as little as possible. But since a government already exists, why not have it do more? Why not assign to it some of those tasks that tend not to attract businessmen? Well, the simple, but almost universally little-understood, reason is that governments do not actually produce anything. They are, in fact, a parasitical construct that consumes money but creates nothing of worth. Unlike businesses, they don’t operate on a profit basis. In fact, few politicians or civil servants have any grasp of the concept that prosperity is only created when someone invests his money in a venture, creates a profit and saves or re-invests the difference.
by Jeff Thomas
Abundance And Falling Birth Rates (19:38)
Birth rates in England and Wales have fallen to an all time low of just 1.44 as more and more people consciously decide to live a childless life. In this video the phenomenon of Western excess and materialism is explored and the question is asked: is capitalism in fact more deadly to a host nation than communism?
by Mark Collett
Child-Beheader Allegedly Appointed Advisor To HTS Chief, Jolani (Text and Videos)
HTS continues terrorist tradition in “New Syria”
In August 2016 a US-funded terrorist group beheaded a 12-year-old Palestinian, Abdullah Issa in Al Mashad Square, Al Insari district, Aleppo. Nour Al Din Zenki, the terrorist group responsible, later featured in a Channel 4 report “Up Close with the Rebels” which Channel 4 tried to remove from the internet after their terrorist-promotion was pointed out. Despite statements from Palestinian Resistance factions in Syria, the BBC went with the terrorist pretext that Issa was actually a “child fighter”, not just a child taken from his hospital bed, tortured and decapitated, his severed head displayed as a gruesome trophy. It is worth noting that the MI6-Al-Qaeda White Helmets headquarters were less than 200 meters from the square where the execution took place. the alleged “humanitarians” didn’t intervene. According to Mohammed Jajeh on X, one of the Zenki child killers has appointed “advisor” to HTS Junta chief, Jolani.
by Vanessa Beeley
Extremes Become More Extreme, Then Revert To The Mean
A fatal bout of runaway instability becomes inevitable when “extraordinary emergency measures” become permanently essential to keep the bubbles from popping.
A funny thing happens as policies intended to fill financial potholes transition from “temporary emergency measures” to “we need to keep doing this to stabilize the status quo”: extremes get more extreme as what were once viewed as extraordinary policy measures required to keep the rickety system from collapsing become the “New Normal.” Of course the Federal Reserve continues suppressing interest and mortgage rates even after the financial crisis has passed, because if they stopped, the system would revert to crisis and collapse. I’ve assembled a few charts of extremes becoming more extreme as a consequence of “emergency policies” becoming not just normalized but the keystone of the entire economy. What were desperate expediencies at first are now the lifeblood of the economy: withdraw them and the economy collapses in a heap. What’s extraordinary is the systemic nature of the current extremes. New heights of precarity are being reached across the entire spectrum of the economy, not just in stock market bubbles but in the concentration of “wealth” in risk-on speculative assets–the very assets most prone to destabilization and reversion to the mean, the statistical dynamic in which outlier metrics eventually return to their starting point.
by Charles Hugh Smith
January 21, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
“I’m Not Christian.” (0:25)
Donald J. Trump
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Trump Tells Christians ‘We’ll Have It Fixed So Good You Won’t Have To Vote’ In 2028
“I love you Christians. I’m not Christian. I love you.”
by Jillian Smith Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Book Of The Day
The Holocaust Narrative
From the author of culture shifting tomes such as Logos Rising, Barren Metal, and The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, Dr. E. Michael Jones is releasing his most anticipated and controversial work ever, The Holocaust Narrative. Holocaust refers to being burnt whole. Elie Wiesel writes in Night that Jews were killed in flaming pits. We don’t hear about that anymore, do we? There were many imaginative descriptions of what happened that had to get formalized into a coherent narrative, and that was never accomplished. When the stories that make up the narrative can no longer be defended as factual, discussion about the Holocaust is criminalized, and that is where we find ourselves today. In The Holocaust Narrative, Dr. Jones returns to his roots in literary criticism where he determines the stories’ origins and purpose and pernicious impact on global culture.
by E. Michael Jones
Music Of The Day
On January 21, 1966, George Harrison married Patti Boyd at Leatherhead Register Office in Surrey with Paul McCartney as Best man. George had first met Patti on the set of The Beatles movie A Hard Day’s Night. She left Harrison in the mid-’70s and started an affair with Harrison’s friend Eric Clapton, who wrote the song ‘Layla’ about her. The two married in May 1979 but split in 1988. Harrison and Clapton remained close friends with Harrison, taking to calling Clapton his “husband-in-law”.
Meetings And Stories Chapter 7, Pattie Boyd
by Mark R. Elsis
George Harrison (212 Videos)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Quote Of The Day
“The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.”
2 Thessalonians 2:10–12
Website Of The Day
Fidelity Press
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Zionism Versus The World
As I have said before, Israel’s current long-planned genocidal landgrab – and the complicity of world puppet “leaders” – has fatally exposed the nature of the single global mafia. The sheer horror of what has been unfolding in Gaza and Syria has, for many of us, swept away any remaining hesitation about condemning the Zionist entity, which for decades has been using the suffering of Jews under Nazism as a shield against criticism of its own murderous activities. The more that Israel and its supporters scream “anti-semite!” at those expressing their outrage at the brutal slaughter, the more this dishonest instrument of intimidation and censorship loses its power. And top Zionists are now admitting to their own circles that they have lost control of the narrative, that their propaganda is not working and that Israel is regarded by billions across the world as a criminal state, guilty of serious war crimes. They don’t put it quite that way, of course! When Jonathan Greenblatt, head of the notorious Anti-Defamation League, addressed a committee of Israel’s Knesset on January 7, 2025, he referred instead to “an inferno of antisemitism” that just happened to have coincided with 15 months of Zionist terror! Indeed, his contribution formed part of a session of the Israeli parliament’s Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs dedicated to the so-called “rise of global antisemitism”.
by Paul Cudenec
Fluoridegate An American Tragedy (1:05:04)
Fluoridegate An American Tragedy is documentary film that reveals the tragedy of how the United States government, industry, and trade associations protect and promote a policy known to cause harm to our country and especially to small children who suffer more than any other segment of the population. While the basis of their motivation remains uncertain, the outcome is crystal clear, fluoridation policy is destroying our nation.
by Dr. David C. Kennedy
(((Cloward, Piven, Alinsky))) And The Deliberate Takedown Of America
Among the various conspiracy realities is the Cabal’s interest in raiding and dissolving worker pensions. For example, the state of Illinois announced payments to pensioners will be “delayed.” The same for Dallas police. The news should be alarming to other pensioners around the U.S. One could be forgiven for speculating that this is a straight-up demolition project. And to think that this is happening with bubbles still in bloom. What happens when those are popped? I would go so far as to call it a deliberate Cloward-Piven-Alinsky “project” to take down America. Unlike mainstream media, I do not hesitate calling out so-called “intellectuals” Cloward, Piven and Alinsky as psychopaths as well as Jews, which is not coincidental. For those of you who scoff or have no interpretive framework with my ongoing references to Luciferians, let it be noted that Alinsky dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer himself [see headline photo]. As you may recall, Obama established himself as a Chicago political player by associating with the wealthy, influential and leftist Ayers family, which also happens to be Jewish. The Ayers sponsored Obama’s early political aspirations and brought in their Trojan-horse Jewish associates, such as psychopathic Rahm “Run Red Lights” Emanuel, David Axelrod, Penny Pritzker and Valarie Jarret. Throughout Obama’s and Biden’s years in the White House, their ongoing influence could be seen, one after another, after another. Some describe it as “Zionist Occupied Government,” or ZOG for short.
by Russ Winter
We’ve Been Trumped
PNAC Policies Persist
Kissinger and Trump met in New York on November 17, 2016 where their conversation focused on Russia, China, Iran and the European Union. Why not on the United States? After all, Trump was “elected” to govern America. The two individuals have known each other for years. Trump said, “I have tremendous respect for Dr. Kissinger and appreciate him sharing his thoughts with me.” [1] The benign-sounding foundations or groups such as the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and the Council on Foreign Relations (1921), the forerunner of the United Nations, promote a globalist agenda controlled by corporations. In the spring of 1997, William Kristol and Robert W. Kagan co-founded PNAC to promote American Global leadership. William Kristol is the son of Irving Kristol (CFR), considered the godfather of neo-conservatism. William Kristol, a trustee for the Manhattan Institute, is also the editor/co-founder, along with John Podhoretz, of the Weekly Standard, established September 17, 1995. Kristol and Fred Barnes co-edit this so-called conservative magazine, which they publish 48 times a year. It promulgates the war hawk mentality that infects the most popular conservative talk show radio hosts. Some contributing editors to the Weekly Standard are Tucker Carlson, Joseph Epstein, Charles Krauthammer (CFR), Robert W. Kagan (CFR), Brit Hume, John Podhoretz (son of Norman Podhoretz – CFR) and other similarly connected individuals.
by Deanna Spingola, November 19, 2016
Michael Collins Piper On Hellstorm by Thomas Goodrich (32:03)
UK Knew About Israel’s Brutal Torture Of Palestinian Detainees 50 Years Ago, But Refused To Act, British Documents Reveal
The UK knew about Israel’s brutal torture of Palestinian and Arab detainees nearly 50 years ago but refused to act, British documents reveal. The papers, unearthed by MEMO in the British National Archives, also reveal that the US opted to address the issue solely through non-governmental organisations.
Documents from the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office show that Britain was aware that Israeli authorities were systematically torturing Palestinian and Arab detainees in mid-1977 but declined to pressure Israel to halt these practices. In June 1977, the Sunday Times published a shocking dossier exposing the brutal torture of Palestinian and Arab detainees in Israeli prisons and detention centres. The report described the torture as “systematic” and “organised so methodically that it cannot be dismissed as a handful of ‘rogue cops’ exceeding orders”. It found that torture “appears to be sanctioned at some level as deliberate policy” and detailed 17 different methods of abuse, including beatings, genitalia squeezing, insertion of foreign objects into body orifices, hanging upside down, cigarette burns, and torture of family members in front of prisoners.” The Sunday Times’ dossier was based on interviews with former detainees who described other physical abuse and psychological pressure during their detention.
by Amer Sultan
Israeli National Anthem To Kick Off 2025 Super Bowl (Text and Video 6:15)
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has announced that the Israeli national anthem will kick off the 2025 Super Bowl at the Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. Though interpretations of the United States national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, have been performed since the first edition of the game in 1967, the NFL’s Board of Directors decided that this year will be different. In a statement issued today the NFL Board explained: “Our decision to stand with Israel has nothing to do with the fact that half the team owners are Jewish and the other half are intimidated. And it has nothing to do with that horse’s head that Roger Goodrell found in his bed. We stand with Israel because…well, because we stand with Israel. And if anybody doesn’t stand with Israel—and stand for the Israeli national anthem instead of the American one—that person is a no-good unpatriotic terrorist who probably doesn’t even believe that Muslims blew up the World Trade Center with jet fuel.” Goodell admitted that some fans may not initially appreciate the break with tradition, but they would eventually get used to it. “The new Israeli national anthem is really great! If you haven’t heard it, you’re really missing out.”
by Kevin Barrett
Trump Did Not Place His Hand On The Bible For Oath Of Office (2:23)
97 Bodies Recovered In Rafah As Search For 10,000 Missing Continues In Gaza
Medical sources say more than 97 bodies were recovered in Rafah a day after the Gaza ceasefire took effect.
The Palestinian Health Ministry said on Monday that 60 Gazans lost their lives on that first day. Palestinian authorities estimate the number of unrecovered bodies to be around 10,000, with some claiming the number to be as high as 15,000. The Israeli bombing of Gaza has left more than two-thirds of all buildings in the strip damaged or destroyed. The recovery of dead bodies has also been compounded since Israeli forces have regularly attacked civil defense units. During the Israeli campaign of genocide in Gaza, 99 civil defense members were killed with 319 being injured. At least 27 members of the Gaza civil defense were also abducted by Israeli soldiers with their fate currently being unknown. According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, as of Monday, the death toll of Israel’s aggression surpasses 47,000.
Around 2,840 bodies were also said to have been “evaporated without a trace” due to the extreme temperatures caused by Israeli weapons.
Lavrov Weighs In On Trump’s Return To White House
The new US administration’s foreign policy course will define the global order, according to the Russian foreign minister
The new US administration’s policies will largely determine the world order, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday. Moscow is open to contact with Washington, according to the top diplomat. Lavrov made the remarks during a meeting of the Russian National Security Council hosted by President Vladimir Putin. The Russian FM stated that in light of Donald Trump’s return to the White House as the 47th US president, speculation is growing about his influence on the Middle East and Ukraine conflicts, among other issues. “Therefore, much depends on the US, first of all, because the Europeans and Asian allies of the US – Australia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand – are fully oriented to the position of the White House, and in this sense, they are waiting to see what this position will be in its final form,” Lavrov explained. The minister also said that it remains unclear whether Trump’s promises will coincide with his actions.
by RT
Don’t Cry, Cryo! Need A Break From Trump’s Term? Freeze Yourself For 4 Years!
Election blues got you down? Meet Don’t Cry Cryo – the ‘pharma’ company offering a hilarious ‘solution’ to get you through another Trump term! ???? In this parody commercial, unhappy voters are invited to cryogenically freeze themselves for four years, waking up when the term ends. Complete with side effects, a soothing voiceover, and pharmaceutical-style disclaimers, this satirical ad is sure to have you in stitches! Watch now, laugh out loud, and share with anyone who’s counting down the days to the next election!
by Newzy
Preemptive Pardons Are Clearly Unconstitutional
On his last day in office Fake President Joe Biden pardoned Anthony Fauci and the Jan 6. panel. The focus here will be on Fauci and the issue of preemptive pardons in general. The catch is that Fauci has not been convicted or indicted of any crimes. This was a preemptive pardon. In other words this was a clear attempt by the executive branch of government to usurp judicial power and intercede to preempt judicial action. This is a clear violation of the Separations of Powers inherent in the U.S. Constitution. Preemptive pardons clearly interfere with the checks and balances inherent in the U.S. Constitution. The purpose of a pardon is to correct a miscarriage of justice, not to prevent future judicial action. On its surface a preemptive pardon is obviously absurd when there has been no conviction or even an indictment. How can a President pardon crimes he does not even know about? Biden could be pardoning Fauci for cannibalizing neighborhood kids. Of course, participating in the COVID pandemic and terrorizing the nation and facilitating genocide are arguably even worse. Think about this logically for a moment. Only if the President were a party to the crime could he possibly know what he is pardoning with regards to preemptive pardons. A president can’t pardon himself.
by Dr. Joseph Sansone
Merrick Garland Should Be In Prison
Former Attorney General Participated in Cover-Up of John Doe #2 in OKC Bombing
Merrick Garland is no longer attorney general. Good riddance. He was a Clinton-era swamp creature and apparatchik who earned his chits by participating in a high level cover-up: the April 19th, 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing. I would not be a lone voice in calling that investigation and subsequent few prosuctions a cover-up. Danny Coulson, the FBI’s on-scene commander for the Oklahoma bombing crime scene, described the OKBOMB investigation in 2004, saying there are “some unanswered questions here. A lot of things happened that were inappropriate,” Coulson said. “I think it needs to be reopened, but I don’t think it should be reopened by the FBI. It needs to be a special investigator, a lawyer, totally independent. He needs to have subpoena power and the ability to use a grand jury.” Clearly, Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice failed their duty and what we received can thusly only be considered a cover-up with Garland’s actions front and center on day one. Garland oversaw the case for the DOJ, starting by flying out to Oklahoma in mid April 1995 to prepare for the upcoming April 27th, 1995 preliminary hearing. That hearing was to show the U.S. government had cause to prosecute Timothy McVeigh and “others unknown,” as the Federal indictments would deem responsible.
by OKC Facts
Dave Chappelle’s SNL Monologue (16:51)
Corbyn Is Being Smeared Again – This Time To Stop Protests Against Genocide
I was an eyewitness to events on Saturday. The Metropolitan police are lying when they claim the ex-Labour leader and MP John McDonnell forced their way through a police cordon
The Metropolitan police, with the assistance of obedient media like the Guardian and BBC, are trying to frame as lawbreakers the organisers of the latest London rally, held this Saturday, against Israel’s genocide in Gaza and Britain’s complicity in it. Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell – both leftwing MPs who have found themselves politically homeless since Labour came under the authoritarian leadership of Keir Starmer – were issued cautions by the Met and interviewed on Sunday. Dozens of protesters have been arrested. The Met has suggested that Corbyn, McDonnell and others broke through a police cordon to make their way from Whitehall into Trafalgar Square, supposedly breaching arbitrary conditions placed on the rally at short notice. According to Adam Slonecki, who led the policing operation: “This was a serious escalation in criminality and one which we are taking incredibly seriously.” The original aim of the protest was not to rally in Whitehall, but to mass outside the BBC’s offices, some distance away, to protest its consistently biased coverage favouring Israel, its downplaying of the slaughter of innocents in Gaza and its obscuring of the British government’s complicity in what the International Court of Justice ruled a year ago was a “plausible” genocide there.
by Jonathan Cook
Mother Of OpenAI Whistleblower Accuses Law Enforcement, Openai Of Delaying Justice For Her Son
The parents of Suchir Balaji are calling for a federal investigation into the death of their son who was found dead only months after blowing the whistle on OpenAI.
The sweetest person. A prodigy at the age of 14. That’s how Poornima Ramarao describes her son, Suchir Balaji, the now deceased whistleblower who recently made waves after he publicly spoke out against his former employer, OpenAI. Balaji was found dead in his San Francisco apartment on the 26th of November. San Francisco police discovered his body after his family requested a wellness check because they could not contact him. The San Francisco medical examiner’s office quickly deemed the death a suicide and police claimed there were no signs of foul play. Poornimao as well as Suchir’s father, Balaji Ramamurthy, were immediately skeptical of the claim of suicide and begin their own investigation into their son’s death. They were especially concerned because Suchir recently went public as a whistleblower against his former employer, OpenAI. Suchir was helping OpenAI develop their popular ChatGPT artificial intelligence app when he grew disillusioned with what he claimed were ethical violations. He was working as a senior member of the WebGPT project which turned into ChatGPT. Suchir would also help train ChatGPT in his final months at OpenAI.
by Derrick Broze
Professor Robert Faurisson Testified In A Court Trial That The Holocaust Death Numbers Were… (1:55)
Dozens Of Palestinian Women, Teens Freed From Israeli Jails As Part Of Gaza Ceasefire
Ninety Palestinian women and minors were released in exchange for three Israeli captives, who were handed over to the Red Cross hours earlier
After several hours of delay following the handing over of three Israeli captives by Hamas’s Qassam Brigades, 90 Palestinian prisoners – all females and minors – were released from Israeli jails early on 20 January as part of the first phase of the ceasefire and exchange deal. The Palestinians were released from Ofer prison in the occupied West Bank and Moscovia prison in Jerusalem, as well as the Damon prison. Those from Ofer were dropped off by Red Cross buses at Beitunia north of Ramallah, where their families received them, and those from Moscovia went straight to their neighborhoods in occupied Jerusalem. Among the prisoners was Abla Saadat, wife of the Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Ahmad Saadat. She was detained in September last year. PFLP member Khalida Jarrar was also released. Jarrar had been in and out of Israeli prisons for several years and was detained for the fifth and final time in December 2023 after the start of the genocidal war in Gaza.
by News Desk
Jürgen Graf, 15 August 1951 – 13 January 2025
A great Holocaust Revisionist has passed away. I usually do not write revisionist with a capital letter. But in this case, I have to. Jürgen was a very dear friend of mine. I met him for the first time in 1994 in his hometown Basel, when we went out for dinner one evening. The previous year, Jürgen had published two revisionist books: The 300+-page Der Holocaust-Schwindel (no need to translate that) and the much shorter 100-page booklet Der Holocaust auf dem Prüfstand (The Holocaust on the Test Stand). That same year, the first edition of my expert report on the Chemistry of Auschwitz (today’s English title) as well as the 350-page Vorlesungen über Zeitgeschichte (now in English as Lectures on the Holocaust) had appeared. Evidently, we were both working on our respective projects concurrently, but in complete isolation and ignorance of each other’s existence. We both had been in touch with Dr. Robert Faurisson since 1991, who knew about our work in progress and gave us advice, but Robert never mentioned to either of us anything about the other. That was a pity, because we both could have benefited greatly from each other’s skills and knowledge.
by Germar Rudolf
January 20, 2025, 29 Posts Published And Archived
Beware Of This Dangerous Shabbos Goy For This Was Not A Mistake
Trump Did Not Place His Hand On The Bible For Oath Of Office (2:23)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Trump Did Not Place His Hand On The Bible For Oath Of Office (Text and Video)
President Trump did not place his hand on a stack of two Bibles held by first lady Melania Trump as he was sworn into office on Monday. Instead, Trump stood with his left arm down by his side as he raised his right hand for the oath of office.
by Caitlin Doornbos
“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion.”
Donald J. Trump, who learned this mendacious scheme from Roy Cohn
One hundred million Americans have been suckered (going on ten years drinking the Kool-Aid of The Donald) by this shameless “Make Israel Great Again” Shabbos goy. Beware, he’s an extremely dangerous, bombastic, narcissistic, con man, and bullshit artist, that’s the Father of the mass murdering injection, and proud of it.
Dave Chappelle’s SNL Monologue (16:51)
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If You Are Over 50 Your Government Wants You Dead
In Britain, it is now official Government policy to ignore the needs of the elderly. This policy is common throughout the world. Doctors and nurses are told to let old people die – and to withhold treatment which might save their lives. Hospital staff are told to deprive the elderly of food and water so that they die rather than take up hospital beds. Nursing home staff have even been given the right to sedate elderly patients without their knowledge. The only -ism that no one cares about is ageism. But at what age are patients simply allowed to die? And how old is too old for patients to be resuscitated? At what point does society have the right to say `You’ve lived long enough, now you must die and make way for someone else’? And why should resuscitation be decided by age? It is possible to argue that it would make as much sense to decide according to wealth or beauty. But ageism is now officially accepted. Anyone over 60 is now officially old, though in a growing number of hospitals the cut off age for resuscitation is 55 or even 50.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Book Of The Day
Holocaust Encyclopedia
Uncensored and Unconstrained
This encyclopedia gives you an uncensored and unconstrained look at all the pertinent evidence that upholds the orthodox Holocaust narrative: the true, the false, and the mendacious. It also exposes the various forces and influences that have dictated how this narrative was formed, and how it is protected from skeptical prying eyes. If you ever wanted to understand the postwar world we live in, this is a good starting point. Learn about the biggest propaganda campaign mankind has ever seen, and how it braced the postwar world psychologically. This encyclopedia gives you all the information you ever wanted, and information you didn’t even know exists, right at your fingertips. The book has 634 pages, 579 entries, 357 illustrations, an introduction, bibliography, and a names index (printed version only).
Music Of The Day
Bob Dylan
Blood On The Tracks (Full Album 51:46)
Released January 20, 1975
by Bob Dylan
Quote Of The Day
“The object of terrorism is terrorism.
The object of oppression is oppression.
The object of torture is torture.
The object of murder is murder.
The object of power is power.
Now do you begin to understand me?”
George Orwell, 1984
Website Of The Day
Truthstream Media
by Aaron and Melissa Dykes
Hundreds Of Independent Websites
And To All Website Of The Day
Meme Of The Day
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,800 Archived.
DNA / mRNA Injection Archive With 2,977 Posts
Trump America II
The nation owed $20 trillion when Trump first came into the White House in 2017 and $27 trillion when he left in 2021. There was little appreciable change of direction in domestic or foreign policy.
Our pulse races. Our palms sweat. Our head swims. …If Trump is $8 billion richer… who is $8 billion poorer? But there is where Trump’s peculiar skills may be most valuable to the nation: he is an expert at bankruptcy…and making failed businesses work, at least for him. Trump University. Trump Mortgage. Trump Airline. Trump vodka. Trump steaks. Trump Magazine. Trump Taj Mahal. Trump: The Game. The Trump Shuttle opened to great fanfare in 1989. Classic Trump. He borrowed $365 million to get it going. In 1992 it crashed… defaulting on its loans, more than $100 million of them guaranteed personally by Donald Trump. In later negotiations and a subsequent sale, Trump was able to clear away much of that obligation and said he made money on the deal. The timing on the Trump Mortgage company couldn’t have been worse. But on CNBC, Trump told the world: “I think it’s a great time to start a mortgage company… who knows about financing better than I do?” Launched in 2006, Trump predicted it would soon be the biggest mortgage lender in the country. Instead, it went out of business in the mortgage finance crisis a year later. And then there was Trump Vodka. Begun the same year as the mortgage business, it followed a similar trajectory. Said Trump: That was one of four bankruptcies he suffered in his resort businesses. The Taj Mahal in 1991. Another Trump Entertainment Resorts voluntary bankruptcy in 2004… another in 2008… and finally in 2014. The default amounts, put together, top $5 billion. What went wrong? Bad timing. Bad judgement. Bad management. Bad luck. It could happen to anyone.
by Bill Bonner
Pepe Escobar: Trump’s Masterplan Unfolds: A Game-Changing Strategy? (1:15:55)
At 11th Hour, Biden Pardons Anthony Fauci, Mark Milley And Entire Jan 6 Committee: This Applies On To Federal Prosecution. Supreme Court Says Accepting Means Admission Of Guilt
Speaking On Behalf Of First Generation HIV Dissidents Who Tried To Sound National Alarm On Fauci And All The HIV-AIDS Criminals Since 1987, This Pardon Is A Vindication But No Comfort To The Dead
This article conatins six short pieces describing these pardons.
by Celia Farber
ACH (2499) I’m Talking To YOU #168 – Monday January 20th 2025 – Inauguration Day (Audio 45:49)
In today’s 46 minute show originally recorded and broadcast on January 20th 2025, I offer YOU a show entitled, “Inauguration Day” and I hope YOU enjoy it.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Is Australia Willing To Serve As A ‘Beachhead’ For The US?
“I see Australia as the beachhead to counter China… That’s why AUKUS is so important,” said Michael McCaul, the chairman of the Republican House Foreign Affairs Committee, in a roundtable meeting on Wednesday. The term “beachhead,” according to the dictionary, refers to an area on a hostile shore occupied to secure further landing of troops and supplies. This is how the US views Australia: as a frontline base in the Asia-Pacific to maintain US’ strategic and military presence in the region and to serve the “Indo-Pacific Strategy” aimed at countering China’s rise. With the thawing of China-Australia relations, the US is growing anxious. Even the Australian media has noticed this: “McCaul’s remarks add to impressions that with Republicans controlling Washington, Australia may be asked to do more to challenge China in the Asia-Pacific, despite the stabilization of relations achieved by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.” “This once again highlights how Australia is being instrumentalized and weaponized by the US, at the sacrifice of Australia’s political, economic and security interests, disregarding its sovereignty to serve US national interests,” Chen Hong, director of the Australian Studies Center of East China Normal University, told the Global Times.
by Global Times
The Whitewashing Of Western Crimes In Syria
Freezing the conflict in Syria was the biggest mistake by Assad and the former government, which took too humane a position on terrorists.
After the fall of Syria and the partial collapse of the Axis of Resistance, a predictable smear campaign has been launched in Western media, which, like for Russia, is based on distortion and lies. It is a well-oiled Western psyops campaign to make the public believe that after Hitler, Bashar al-Assad was a feared dictator, just like they do with Putin and, before that, Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein. The world was surprised when, on December 8, 2024, the most feared terrorists took over the old Syria, a semi-secular state form, and immediately turned it into a caliphate. But for the American imperial planners, their European allies, and their terrorist proxies, including those in Ukraine, there was no surprise. They knew about it. The NATO-sponsored terrorist militia was trained by the CIA in Idlib, and provided with drones by Ukraine, drones that are produced in Ukraine, from semi-finished products from a company in the Netherlands called Metinvest B.V. Large parts of the Syrian army did not defect, as the Western media and so-called experts claim. About 9,000 soldiers are still held captive in the Syrian desert, or in the Sednaya prison, held by the terrorists. Not only the terrorists but the American army is in charge everywhere in Syria. American rulers secretly prepared for the occupation of Syria, as they did with Iraq. They primed the terrorists in Idlib for the final offensive with Operation Dawn of Freedom.
by Sonja van den Ende
Cosmic Catastrophe In The Age Of Leo (1:00:50)
Squaring The Circle, A Randall Carlson Podcast
Kushner’s Saudi-Backed Fund Doubles Stake In Firm Financing Illegal West Bank Settlements
Israel’s building of illegal Jewish settlements is expected to skyrocket following President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration
Affinity Partners, the Saudi-funded hedge firm of President-elect Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, received approval from Israeli regulators to double its stake in Phoenix Financial Ltd., which funds the construction of illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian West Bank. Bloomberg reported on 17 January that Affinity could buy an additional 4.95 percent stake in the financial services firm at 37.5 shekels ($10.3) a share. Phoenix’s share price has surged over 50 percent to around 58.5 shekels apiece since mid-July, when Kushner’s Miami-based firm announced the $128.5 million deal to buy its initial 4.95 percent stake, Bloomberg noted. Kushner has held up the deal as a sign of his company’s confidence in the war-racked country’s economy. “Investing in Phoenix in July 2024 was a decision rooted in my belief in Israel’s resiliency and the fundamentals of Phoenix’s business,” Kushner said in a statement to Bloomberg.” Six months later, the increased value of our shares, reaffirms my conviction – both in Israel’s strength and the growing promise of Phoenix.”
by News Desk
Ex-Israeli Spies Involved In Gaza Genocide Building AI Systems For Global Tech Companies
Israel’s Unit 8200 is a secretive cyber warfare team that is said to be building the artificial intelligence (AI) systems that helped the regime commit the genocide against Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. According to a report, Unit 8200 is building AI systems for global tech and AI companies.
Former Unit 8200 members who specialize in AI, machine learning and big data are working for Meta, Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Open AI and Nvidia, which is an AI company determined to be the biggest in the world, the ¡Do Not Panic! website reported on Friday. Former Unit 8200 spies specializing in AI are based worldwide, from San Francisco to New York, Spain to Switzerland, and London to Jerusalem al-Quds. The report also said that AI leaders from Unit 8200 are now working for AI start-ups or heralded by corporate media as the next generation of AI. The report revealed that most of these AI people have expressed support for Israel’s genocidal war against the people in Gaza. It was also exposed that not a single person from these people ever voiced opposition to Israel’s mass murder in Gaza.
by PressTV
Scientific Reincarnation Evidence (55:06)
by Dr. Ian Stevenson
Imran Khan Jailed For 14 Years
The former Pakistani PM has been sentenced in a landmark graft case related to a real estate scheme
Former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi have been convicted in a £190 million ($232 million) land corruption case involving the Al-Qadir Trust, local media reported on Friday. According to ARY News and Dawn, an anti-corruption court in the northern city of Rawalpindi sentenced Khan to 14 years in prison and Bibi to seven years, with the verdict being announced at Adiala Jail. Khan and Bibi have also been fined $3,600 and $1,800, respectively, with the failure to comply carrying an additional imprisonment term. The Al-Qadir Trust case centers on allegations that Khan and Bibi were involved in a quid pro quo scheme that saw the politician and his wife receive land worth millions of dollars from a property mogul during the establishment of an eponymous university in exchange for legal protection. The former Pakistani prime minister has denied the charges, calling them “politically motivated.” Before the verdict, Khan said the case lacked evidence and would embarrass the authorities. “My sentencing is being sought in a case where neither have I derived a single penny of personal gain, nor has the government suffered a single penny of financial loss,” he said. Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party condemned the ruling, calling it a “black verdict,” while sharing a video purportedly showing protests against the decision outside the National Assembly.
by RT
I Saw Shredded Bodies Scattered On Roads And Hanging From Trees In Lebanon: Journalist
Steve Sweeney, a British journalist who reported on the recent Israeli war on Lebanon, says he saw shredded and charred bodies, including those of children, scattered on the streets and hanging from trees as the Israeli regime bombed the country. In a conversation with the Press TV website, Sweeney recounted the harrowing scenes he observed during nearly 70 days of relentless Israeli aggression against the Arab country, which resulted in massive death and destruction of civilians. “Israel killed women and children in Lebanon. How do I know this? I know this because I saw the bodies. I saw people hanging from trees. I saw the remains of children who had been incinerated in these Israeli strikes,” he stated, presenting graphic details of the Zionist atrocities. Sweeney, who exposed Israeli Hasbara after reporting how regime forces had stacked dollars and weapons in the basements of Sahel General Hospital in the Lebanese capital, called out the blatant lies propagated by the regime to justify preemptive strikes against displaced civilians and residential areas. “We saw several massacres. It is difficult to put into words exactly what we witnessed. These were precision strikes, these were deliberate attacks. The goal was to kill the Shia community and instill fear, not just among the Shia, but also among the other communities that were sheltering them,” he noted. “These people thought they were in safety, they were far away from the frontline of the fighting and they posed no threat to Israel whatsoever. This is a war crime. We saw the Shia community haunted down by Israel across Lebanon.”
by Hiba Morad
New Study Confirms Fluoride’s Toxic Effects (6:07)
The tide may have finally turned with mainstream news on fluoride safety after a recently published study on the significant association between fluoride exposure and lower IQs in children reaffirms previous findings.
by The HighWire with Del Bigtree
Hind Rajab Foundation Files War Crimes Complaint Against Israeli Soldier In Barcelona
The Hind Rajab Foundation and the Palestinian Community in Catalonia have filed an urgent legal complaint against Sergeant Mori Keisar of the Israeli Defense Forces (Givati Brigade, 435 Battalion, Mitzvait Company, Retek Platoon). The complaint, filed under Spanish and international law, accuses Keisar of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes during the Israeli military operation in Gaza. The actions of Keisar and his platoon demonstrate systematic violations of international humanitarian law, targeting civilians and protected infrastructure. The complaint is filed under Spanish laws (Articles 607, 607 bis, and 608 of the Penal Code), which align with international treaties including the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (ratified by Spain in 1968) and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ratified in 2000). Spain’s jurisdiction over these crimes is established under Article 23.4 of the Organic Law 6/1985, which permits the prosecution of foreign nationals residing in Spain for genocide and other international crimes.
by Hind Rajab Foundation
Poignant Death Of A Genius
Born in 1864, died in 1943, forgotten by the world, left to languish in a mental hospital. What was her story? She came to Paris to study art at a time when the prestigious École des Beaux-Arts was open only to men. Undeterred, she joined studios that welcomed women. There, she met and became the lover of the celebrated sculptor Auguste Rodin. Their relationship was one of fiery passion and shared artistry. They created side by side, their collaborative genius preserved in works housed today in the Rodin Museum and Musée d’Orsay. But Rodin, already entangled in a long-standing relationship with another woman, eventually left Camille. As his reputation soared, hers plummeted. As an ex-mistress, she was scorned, shunned, and dismissed, not just as a lover but as an artist. Alone, distrusting, and out of favour, she struggled to sell her works. Adding to her isolation, her brother, the renowned poet and diplomat Paul Claudel, played a pivotal role in her downfall and disgrace. Camille, seen as ‘too modern’ and a source of familial shame, was forcibly institutionalized by her family.
by Michael Walsh
BBC Exposed – Full Interview – Covert Recording (1:12:11)
Last week I was invited to participate in an interview with the BBC in relation to a forthcoming documentary aimed at ‘exposing’ anti-migrant activists. I attended that interview and recorded it all – now you can hear the full recording and find out the BBC’s true agenda.
by Mark Collett
Science Says Almonds Are The New Anti-Aging Superfood
Almonds have long been hailed as a healthy food packed with nutrients like vitamin E, but emerging research now shows they may also help keep skin looking young. Two recent clinical trials found that eating almonds daily led to significant reductions in facial wrinkles and age spots in postmenopausal women over 16-24 weeks. The first pilot study, published in 2019, had participants consume around 58 grams or 2 ounces of almonds per day, supplying 20% of their daily calorie needs.1 After just 16 weeks, photographic analysis showed 9% shallower wrinkles in the almond group compared to controls eating calorie-matched snacks.2 The second larger trial, published in 2021, used a similar protocol with about 59 grams or 2.1 ounces of almonds per day.3 This time, even greater wrinkle improvements of 15-16% were seen at 16 and 24 week follow-ups in the almond group.4 Additionally, a 20% decrease in facial hyperpigmentation occurred.5 Unlike controls, almond eaters maintained stable skin sebum production.6 Given excessive sebum drives acne and seborrheic conditions, this shows almonds may normalize oiliness for clear, youthful skin.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
New US Nuke Deployment In Europe Raises Serious Questions About NATO’s True Nature
The United States has begun the forward deployment of a new generation of its B61 nuclear gravity bomb at bases in Europe, a senior administrator has announced. What signal does the deployment send to Moscow? What impact will it have on strategic security in Europe? Sputnik turned to a senior former Pentagon insider for answers.
“The new B61-12 gravity bombs are fully forward deployed, and we have increased NATO’s visibility to our nuclear capabilities through visits to our enterprise and other regular engagements,” US National Nuclear Security Administration chief Jill Hruby revealed in a talk at the Hudson Institute this week. “Our strategic partnership with the UK is very strong, as is their commitment to their nuclear deterrent. And we have advanced our thinking together about critical supply chain resilience. NATO is strong,” Hruby added, hinting at the prospects for ‘enhanced’ nuclear cooperation. Reports have been swirling in recent years about US plans to redeploy tactical nuclear weapons in the UK at the RAF base at Lakenheath, although an official announcements have been made to date.
by Ilya Tsukanov
January 19, 2025, 3 Posts Published And Archived
Scientific Reincarnation Evidence (55:06)
by Dr. Ian Stevenson
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Ian Stevenson And Cases Of The Reincarnation Type
by Jim B. Tucker
Dr. Ian Stevenson’s Reincarnation Research
by Kevin Williams
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Quote Of The Day
Teacher to student: “What’s the difference between ignorance and apathy?”
Student to teacher: “I don’t know and I don’t care”
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January 18, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Civil Asset Forfeiture Is Theft (23:26)
by The Tenth Amendment Center
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Tenth Amendment Center
Federal Robbery: Asset Forfeiture Program Helps States Steal (Show Links and Video)
Civil asset forfeiture is theft. Despite the fact that a growing number of states are limiting or even ending this practice, there’s a massive loophole. A federal program called “equitable sharing” not only allows state and local law enforcement to bypass these restrictions but actively encourages it. In this episode, learn what it is and what states can do to bring it to an end.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Music Of The Day
David Crosby passed two years ago today.
David Crosby was a founding member of both The Byrds, and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.
David Crosby
The Byrds
Mr. Tambourine Man (2:10)
The Ed Sullivan Show December 12, 1965.
by The Byrds
David Crosby was a good and honorable man during our transaction,
when bought the domain name from me for $5,000.
I gave Graham Nash the domain name,
Graham was a really nice man when I met and talked with him on March 11, 2000.
I gave Stephen Stills the domain name,
Stephen was a horrid man when I met and briefly talked with him on March 11, 2000.
Because of his obnoxious behavior when we were talking, I abruptly walked away from him, and made him wait for a year or so before transferring to him.
It was only because of their manager Gerry Tolman, who was a decent man, that Stills ever got from me.
Gerry Tolman, a veteran business manager who worked with the Crosby, Stills & Nash for over twenty years, has died. Tolman was killed instantly in a motor vehicle accident near his Los Angeles area home the morning of December 31, 2005, reported a Tolman family spokesperson. He was 52 years old. In addition to collectively managing Crosby, Stills & Nash, Tolman also managed the solo careers of group members Stephen Stills since 1985, and since 1989, Graham Nash.
I always found it interesting that I met them on March 11, 2000, because their first studio album with Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Déjà Vu, was released exactly thirty years before, on March 11, 1970.
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Deja Vu (4:12) (1970)
Written and lead vocals by David Crosby
by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Book Of The Day
The Life And Death Of The Luftwaffe
Remarkable saga of the rise and fall of one of history’s great air forces, as told by one of its most decorated and honored officers, Werner Baumbach. A key figure in the aerial campaigns over England, Russia, the Mediterranean, and the Arctic, Baumbach became head of the Luftwaffe’s Bomber Command before his thirtieth birthday. Here he gives a detailed, frank, inside account of Germany’s air war, seen from the top: Hitler as leader and strategist; assessments of key Luftwaffe figures as Göring, Milch, Udet, Jeschonnek, and Galland; and the great controversies over tactics and strategy that helped decide the war.
by Werner Baumbach
Quote Of The Day
“The problem with the world is that
the intelligent people are full of doubts,
while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”
Charles Bukowski
Website Of The Day
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by Mark R. Elsis
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Corruption Archive With 5,710 Posts
More Americans Died Due To COVID 19 Injections Than In WWI, WWII, And The Vietnam War Combined
More Americans died due to COVID 19 injections than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War combined. This simple fact is astounding. There are approximately 38,000 reported deaths from COVID 19 injections in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) system. Based on studies, the under reporting in VAERS can be anywhere from 1 of 30, to 1 of 100 cases reported. This could put the number of Americans murdered via COVID 19 injections at 3.8 million. In World War I there were approximately 116,516 American military deaths. In World War II there were approximately 405,399 American military deaths. In the Vietnam War there were approximately 58,220 American military deaths. In total, the combined American military deaths from all three wars were 580,135. So even the low end death projections from the COVID 19 injections exceeded the total American military deaths from all three wars. It should be pointed out that the death toll from the COVID 19 injections may be much higher. The VAERS statistics are only reports of acute cases early on. In other words, the people dying one, two, or three years later, for instance, from cancer, heart disease, and so on, are not being reported at all. As the years roll on, these deaths will not be reported. Someone dying from complication or disease or disorder, five, ten, or twenty years after being injected, will not likely be attributed to an injection they received years earlier even though that was primary the cause.
by Dr. Joseph Sansone
Syria’s Future And The UK Craven Hypocrisy (12:51)
My reports for UK Column 15th January
I am slow to get articles written at the moment due to a bad fall in Beirut which means my left arm is fairly useless for a few weeks. Apologies. Very frustrating, typing with one hand. On Saturday I will be speaking with Mike Robinson of UK Column – Syria Podcast 5 – more details on the events that led to the shocking fall of Syria. I will try to compensate with more audio interviews with guests in the next few days. Thank you for your patience.
by Vanessa Beeley
Iran, Russia Sign Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement
The presidents of Iran and Russia have signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement for long-term cooperation.
The agreement was signed by Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Friday. Speaking at a joint press conference following the signing event, Pezeshkian said the agreement will open a new chapter in relations between the two countries in all arenas, notably in the economic sector. “This document, which has been drawn up based on the two countries’ interests, can chart the path of cooperation between Iran and Russia with a bright horizon,” he added. He said both Tehran and Moscow are determined to remove obstacles to customs tariffs, banking, investment guarantees, facilitation of meetings among traders and visa issues. The Iranian president noted that the document includes increasing the level of exchanges by utilizing the capacities and capabilities within the Eurasian Economic Union. It also emphasized the importance of improving bilateral cooperation on issues such as the fight against extremism, terrorism and organized violence, he added.
by PressTV
The North American Technate: Elon’s Past, Trump’s Future? (14:10)
Hey internet friends. Are we facing the DON of a new age?
by Really Graceful
The Great Gender Return
Exposing the Woke Agenda as a tool of defamation, philosopher Alexander Dugin calls for the restoration of traditional values and the Great Return of Gender to the Natural Order.
Far right is not far right any more. All that was from very beginning woke and DEI globalist strategy of defamation and criminalization of their ideological opponents. Total fraud. It is very easy. If you label normal people, majority of population as “far right” or “populists”, far left becomes normality and centrality. That is the way to usurp global narrative making left liberal ideology the only considered “normal”. All the rest is to cancel. Biden is far left extremist. Not normal at all. Trump is overwhelming majority of sane normal people. There are right wingers. And there are far left wingers. There is left to Trump – Tulsi Gabbard, Robert Kennedy. And more left Bernie Sanders and there are far left fanatics extremely far from normality – Obama, Biden, Pelosy, Harris, Newsom, Soros. Marginals who tried like Bolshevist to take global power. And they have almost succeeded. Trump has stopped them in very last moment. Let everybody return to his/her natural (God given) gender and stop all this mess forever. Deviations, derangement, perversions and sins existed always, but never they were recognized as unique and obligatory norm. Rainbow flags should be burnt. It is time of Great gender Return.
by Alexander Dugin
A Curious Outlier Repost: Chlorine Dioxide For Skin Diseases And Skin Conditions (Text and Audio 7:47)
A pictorial review of testimonies and simple instructions for the spray and skin protocol
Using chlorine dioxide externally on the skin is simple, and the results of its use on skin diseases and conditions are nothing less than astounding. Whether it’s something as simple as acne or as complex as a non-healing diabetic wound, this simple molecule can tackle the worst of skin issues. Let’s dive in. The Curious Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. I thought I would start this post with a few of the pictorial (before-and-after) testimonials I have received and compiled over the past four years. For superficial wounds (e.g., minor cuts, insect stings, and bites), skin conditions (e.g., psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis), and infections (e.g., impetigo, athlete’s foot, and ringworm) Step 1: Add 10 activated drops of MMS (MMS1) to 1 ounce (30 ml) of water** See the previous post to understand the basic activation of MMS **Only used filtered, reverse osmosis, or distilled water.
by Robert Yoho, MD
What Legitimacy Is The PA Talking About?
“While we are waiting for the ceasefire, it is important to stress that it won’t be acceptable for any other entity to govern the Gaza Strip but the legitimate Palestinian leadership and the government of the state of Palestine,” the Palestinian Authority’s Prime Minister, Mohammad Mustafa, stated during a meeting of the Global Alliance for the Implementation of the Two-State Solution. The PA is not a legitimate leadership. In 2006, Hamas won the Palestinian legislative elections, disturbing the Western world’s preferred outcome. Democracy, according to the West, can only conform with Western expectations; therefore Palestinians got a taste of what the US does when democracy crashes imperialist expectations. Instead of respecting the electoral result, the US and Fatah embarked upon a series of destabilisation and coercion tactics, aimed at marginalising Hamas further and ultimately destroying the legitimate representation of Palestinians according to the 2006 electoral result. While Hamas was shunned and its diplomatic efforts rebuffed, even though it combined resistance and political pragmatism, the PA intensified its efforts at forcing Hamas to relinquish power, enforcing sanctions on an enclave repeatedly bombarded by Israel. When Palestinians in the Occupied West Bank protested against such authoritarianism and cruelty, the PA unleashed its security services on civilians, and continues to do so. As the US and the EU continued funnelling funds to enhance the PA’s brutality under the guise of state-building, and the PA continued harming Palestinians in the name of security, to the point of detaining, torturing and, at times, killing their critics.
by Ramona Wadi
NASA Bombshell: 2025 Set For ‘Massive Depopulation’ To Usher In ‘Matrix Simulation’ (18:44)
by The People’s Voice
Trump Bends The Arc Of History In West Asia – Part I
Iran’s Islamic revolution is in transition
My one-week visit to Tehran to observe the presidential election last June came as an eye-opener. I could sense beyond doubt that Iran was on the cusp of profound changes. The country, which I had known professionally for decades ever since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, was heaving with high expectations of a radical change of course. The surest sign of it was the tacit encouragement from Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei for the reformist candidacy of Masoud Pezeshkian. One of the colossal failures of the Western policy toward Iran has been all along its stereo-typed notions about Iran which is most evident in the reluctance to acknowledge Khamenei’s role. Khamenei realises that the country is crying out for change. The point is, Iran is on the one hand all but in the league of big powers in its indigenously developed military technology testifying to its mastery in technology, research and innovation and industrial scale production capability but with an economy, on the other hand, in dire straits.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
The Man Who Deserves But Probably Will Not Be Allowed To Lead Romania
Calin Georgescu rightfully has a huge grievance against what passes for “Western democracy.” He is the clear first-round winner in the Presidential elections held in Romania late last year. Yet his projected even more resounding victory in the second round, scheduled for early December 2024, was scrapped (as the BBC indelicately put it) following a Romanian Supreme Court ruling that the electoral process was marred by alleged hybrid warfare interference conducted by Russia on Georgescu’s behalf. How do you “scrap” elections in a vibrant democracy such as Romania, which also happens to be a member in good standing of NATO and the European Union, which are bastions of liberal freedoms and the rule of law? Well, you do it by making up a bogus dossier on the political candidate that you dislike and by ordering the local judiciary to act on it as if it were genuine evidence. The dossier purporting to document the alleged interference was so patently phony that at its first sitting to consider the matter the Romanian Supreme Court dismissed it out of hand. This show of integrity did not sit well at all with the paladins of the rules-based order. So they ordered the judges to reassemble forthwith in their chambers and to get it right this time. On 6 December the distinguished Romanian jurists did just that and obediently reversed their ruling issued just four days previously.
by Stephen Karganovic
Timothy J.Gordon Interviews Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:08:27)
The Truth About Davos
Monday January 20 sees the start of the World Economic Forum’s 2025 meeting at Davos, Switzerland. This year’s title is “Collaboration for the Intelligent Age” and the WEF says the event “convenes global leaders to address key global and regional challenges” such as “responding to geopolitical shocks, stimulating growth to improve living standards, and stewarding a just and inclusive energy transition”. There will no doubt be much media hype about the fine words of various high-profile speakers, but little or no mention, I suspect, of an exclusive gathering of some 175 very special attendees held on the Friday of each year to round off the week on an appropriate note. This is the WEF’s Shabbat dinner, celebrating the Jewish sabbath. Writes blogger Robert Scoble: “Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, told me that it is his favorite event of the whole week. “You can’t get in without a private invite and it was one of those things that you just can’t believe you’re part of. I was pinching myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming”. Jewish Insider executive editor Melissa Weiss, who lives in Tel Aviv, explains: “The annual Shabbat dinner held at the conclusion of the weeklong confab for the last 25 years is sponsored by the World Economic Forum and hosted by WEF founder Klaus Schwab and his wife, Hilde”.
by Paul Cudenec
Highly Uncertain Endings To Conflicts In Ukraine, Gaza And Syria
Europe’s self-inflicted setbacks in the struggle by NATO against Russia over Ukraine accumulate: already, as a direct result of its backing for Ukraine’s New Year shut-off of Russian gas across Ukraine to Europe, the continent is experiencing higher energy prices (which Andrew Sullivan said would not happen). These pressures are exacerbated by: high demand during a cold winter; further, economically suicidal Ukrainian attempts to damage TurkStream (which delivers Russian gas to Europe from the south) – a measure which will push Turkey further eastwards and consolidate its relations with Russia (following a very wobbly period in Russian-Turkish relations after Turkey’s invasion of Syria by its proxy, HTS; although now there is a better chance that Russia will stay in Syria). Serious reductions in reserves of gas in European storage tanks, reducing the available gas to 100 days or less for many European countries; technical issues that have partly closed down the pipeline that delivers Azeri oil to Europe (reduction to 30% of the flow); short-term impacts of the latest Biden sanctions on Russian oil producers and tankers that will further reduce available supplies; even Ukrainian attacks – as earlier this week on Russian oil refineries in Saratov and Engels are not actually helping Europe…at all.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Mel Gibson Leaked The Whole Secret About The ‘Fires’ In Exclusive Broadcast! (15:35)
Here’s Why The Stage Has Been Set For War With Iran…
The stage is set for a major war with Iran. Let’s first go back to what’s happened and potential implications. Ten days after the attacks of 11 September 2001, former US Army General Wesley Clark revealed a controversial military strategy. In a conversation in the corridors of the Pentagon, Clark learned of a secret plan to “eliminate seven countries in five years.” This 2007 revelation raised many questions about the real motivations of the “War on Terror” and the garbage narrative fed to the world via mainstream media. Clark reported that the plan was to invade Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and, finally, Iran. The surprisingly extensive list raised questions about US intentions and global strategy after the 9/11 attacks. According to Clark, the decision to attack Iraq was made without clear justification, underlining officials’ inability to deal with the terrorist threat effectively. The conversation that took place between Clark and another senior Pentagon official revealed the uncertainty and confusion within the upper echelons of the military. “Are we going to war with Iraq? Why?,” asked Clark. The answer was puzzling: “I don’t know. I guess they don’t know what else to do.”
by Chris Macintosh
Last Bear Standing
In a normal stock market, some companies do well; their stocks go up. Some don’t do so well; their stocks go down. Researchers try to figure out — in advance — which are which. Good research pays off.
Behind every great fortune is a crime,’ wrote Balzac. On January 29, 2018, YouTube watchers were seeing one. Down the highway rolled a sleek 18-wheeler,a heavy truck that promised not to destroy the planet. It was the creation of Trevor Milton and his hot-shot company, Nikola. Trouble was, the video was a fake. The motive force was gravity, not Nikola’s advanced technology. The truck wasn’t running on its own power; it had none. It was just coasting down the hill. For a while, the stock boomed. It rose to over $2,000 a share in June, 2020. Milton was a billionaire. But it now trades around $1. A lot happened between $2,000 and $1. Among them, Trevor Milton got a four-year prison sentence. A video purportedly showing a zero-emission truck in motion turned out to be fake and a court later found the ex-founder and chairman of Nikola Corporation guilty of defrauding investors by misleading them about the company’s technological capabilities to artificially inflate its stock price.?Milton?was convicted of one count of securities fraud and two counts of wire fraud. The judge sentenced him to four years in prison along with a fine of $1 million. According to Wall Street lore, a bull market will continue “until the last bear gives up.”
by Bill Bonner and Dan Denning
Former CIA Agent: “Tulsi Gabbard Just Flip Flopped On Warrantless Spying Of Americans” (11:08)
Tulsi Gabbard has just pulled an about face… flip flopping on her position the warrantless wiretapping of Americans. According to reports this week Gabbard, who once as a member of Congress pushed to repeal Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, now says she’ll support it.
by Redacted News
Uncovering The Corona Fraud Part 23
July 8th, 2020 to July 13th, 2020.
When deciding on a theme for the introduction of this edition of Uncovering the Corona Fraud, I quickly realized how much influence memes had on me during this “pandemic.” For those unfamiliar with what a meme is, Merriam-Webster defines memes as “an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online, especially through social media.” These are typically images that convey information in a satirical or humorous way to grab people’s attention. Before the “pandemic,” I wouldn’t have been considered “social media savvy.” While I enjoyed the occasional meme, I didn’t fully grasp the power these images could have in planting seeds in the minds of viewers. Interestingly, it was a meme about the dangerous ingredients found in vaccines that sparked my initial questioning of this harmful pseudoscientific practice. However, it wasn’t until I started both sharing and creating my own memes that I truly understood their potential.
by Mike Stone
Extremist Israeli Settler Leaders Invited As ‘Special Guests’ To Trump Inauguration
Jewish settlers believe incoming President Trump will help them illegally annex the occupied West Bank
A delegation of extremist Israeli Jewish settler leaders has been invited to participate in US President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration next Monday in Washington, Israel Hayom reported on 13 January. The delegation comprises Yesha Council chairman and Benjamin Regional Council Head Israel Ganz, Oranit Council Head Or Piron-Zomer, Yesha Council CEO Omer Rahamim, and Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan. The group will attend the inauguration as official guests and will hold meetings with incoming administration officials and leaders from the US Jewish and evangelical Christian communities. A similar delegation attended Trump’s 2017 inauguration. “Our objective is to strengthen existing connections and forge new ones. Washington’s attention is elsewhere at present. Trump is focused on Greenland sovereignty matters, not Israel’s concerns in Judea and Samaria. Timing is crucial. We must proceed strategically and appropriately,” a council official told the Hebrew newspaper.
by News Desk
January 17, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Timothy J. Gordon Interviews Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:08:27)
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Timothy J. Gordon
Dr. E. Michael Jones Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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The Genocide Generation
Whatever Joe Biden did or didn’t do during his four years as president will always be overshadowed by his calloused complicity to the Gazan genocide. He will forever be known as Genocide Joe. THAT is his legacy. Likewise, history will always remember the complicity of the evangelical churches in America to Isarel’s genocide in Gaza. It is a stain that will only worsen with time. I was pleasantly stunned to read a missive written by a Palestinian Christian—NOT because of the man who wrote it, but because it was published on a Baptist website. Baptists and Charismatics have formed the largest group of evangelicals supporting the genocide in Gaza—or at least refusing to condemn it. So, it is refreshing to know that there is at least one Baptist editor or publisher that will give a Palestinian Christian a public platform from which to tell Christians the truth about the vile sin of silence over the Israeli genocide in Gaza that has enveloped a majority of America’s evangelical Christians.
by Chuck Baldwin
Book Of The Day
Dr. Mary’s Monkey
How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey … Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics.
The 1964 murder of a nationally known cancer researcher sets the stage for this gripping exposé of medical professionals enmeshed in covert government operations over the course of three decades. Following a trail of police records, FBI files, cancer statistics, and medical journals, this revealing book presents evidence of a web of medical secret-keeping that began with the handling of evidence in the JFK assassination and continued apace, sweeping doctors into coverups of cancer outbreaks, contaminated polio vaccine, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and biological weapon research using infected monkeys.
by Edward T. Haslam
Music Of The Day
Pink Floyd
I attended the United States premiere for the film, The Wall,
on August 6, 1982, at The Ziegfeld Theatre on West 54th Street in Manhattan.
Hey You (4:38) (1979)
by Pink Floyd
Quote Of The Day
“Many people have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness.
It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”
Helen Keller
Website Of The Day
The Hind Rajab Foundation
The Hind Rajab Foundation is devoted to breaking the cycle of Israeli impunity and honoring the memory of Hind Rajab and all those who have perished in the Gaza genocide. We are driven by a profound commitment to justice, seeking to hold perpetrators accountable and ensuring that the stories of the victims are never lost to history. Through our efforts, we aim to build a world where such tragedies are not only remembered but prevented, fostering a future rooted in accountability, dignity, and justice for all.
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Abortion Archive With 157 Posts
The Ceasefire Charade
Israel plays a cynical game. It makes phased agreements with the Palestinians that ensure it immediately gets what it wants. It then violates every subsequent phase and reignites its military assault.
Israel, going back decades, has played a duplicitous game. It signs a deal with the Palestinians that is to be implemented in phases. The first phase gives Israel what it wants – in this case the release of the Israeli hostages in Gaza – but Israel habitually fails to implement subsequent phases that would lead to a just and equitable peace. It eventually provokes the Palestinians with indiscriminate armed assaults to retaliate, defines a Palestinian response as a provocation and abrogates the ceasefire deal to reignite the slaughter. If this latest three-phase ceasefire deal is ratified – and there is no certainty that it will be by Israel – it will, I expect, be little more than a presidential inauguration bombing pause. Israel has no intention of halting its merry-go-round of death. The Israeli cabinet has delayed a vote on the ceasefire proposal while it continues to pound Gaza. At least 81 Palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. The morning after a ceasefire agreement was announced, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Hamas of reneging on part of the deal “in an effort to extort last minute concessions.” He warned that his cabinet will not meet “until the mediators notify Israel that Hamas has accepted all elements of the agreement.”
by Chris Hedges
White Slavery (24:07)
Chapter Three of my book, How to Dismantle an Empire, shows how slavery subjugated whites before it subjugated blacks. Slavery was not about race but about economics. Racism was a result of slavery, slavery was not a result of racism. I look at the 1600’s with the ‘kid nabbing’ of Irish children, and ‘transportation’ of rebels. I quote from Derrick Jensen, Eric Williams, David Graeber, Don Jordan & Michael Walsh, John Isbister and Kate McCafferty.
by Third Paradigm
Syria: The Fate Of Russian Military Bases And Türkiye’s Role
There has yet to be a final decision on maintaining Russian military bases in Syria, although the Russian factor in the Middle East and Syria remains.
In 2015, in accordance with the norms of international law and the official request of the legitimate Syrian authorities for military assistance to counter international terrorism (particularly ISIL*) and the radical opposition, Russia deployed a limited number of forces of the Russian Aerospace Forces and Navy to Syria. As a result, Russia received the right to permanent deployment on two (aviation and naval) military bases in Syria in Hmeimim and Tartus. The legal status of the Russian airbase in Hmeimim is determined by an agreement signed between Russia and Syria on August 26, 2015. This agreement determined the presence of the Russian military air base as free, with the indefinite use of the Hmeimim Airport in the Latakia Governorate. After the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in December 2024, the Russian air base in Syria came under threat. A part of the air defence systems was evacuated to the naval base in Tartus. It is possible that some air defence and aviation assets (planes, helicopters) have been returned to Russia.
by Alexandr Svaranc
The Jewish Slave Trade Of Africans (2:11:22)
by Professor Tony Martin
OpenAI Whistleblower’s Mother Disputes His ‘Suicide’
Poornima Ramarao has told journalist Tucker Carlson that her son Suchir Balaji had documents that could damage the tech company
The mother of late OpenAI whistleblower Suchir Balaji has questioned the official ruling on her son’s death and called for a full investigation, in an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson, released on Thursday. Poornima Ramarao argued that crucial evidence contradicts the suicide determination, and said her son was troubled by OpenAI’s alleged unethical practices before his death. Ramarao also noted that her son had been in possession of documents that could have damaged the company. “He had the documents against OpenAI,” she stated, adding that the files contain critical information, and that efforts are now being made to retrieve them. Balaji, a 26-year-old AI researcher, was found dead in his San Francisco apartment on November 26, 2024. Authorities ruled his death a suicide, but his family has disputed the conclusion, citing inconsistencies in the official investigation. In response to public scrutiny, the San Francisco Police Department later updated the status of Balaji’s case from “Closed – Suicide” to “Open and Active Investigation.” Balaji had resigned from OpenAI in August 2024, voicing concerns over the company’s alleged misuse of copyrighted material for AI training. In an interview with The New York Times weeks before his death, Balaji stated that OpenAI’s data practices could be in violation of copyright laws.
by RT
Netanyahu Has Breached Evil
Netanyahu claims HAMAS breached the ceasefire deal after the IDF murdered 21 children and 67 adults last night. Syrian HTS government tells Israel to get out and put the UN back in control of Golan Heights. Qatar agrees with HTS and demands all sanctions be lifted from Syria. Israel gives the world an Fyou, launches more bombs and wonders why they are always the victim. Netanyahu claiming HAMAS backing out of peace deal is an outright lie – . The Israeli Cabinet ministers must agree to the deal and so far they have not. The Friday deadline has been postponed by Israel. The goal? More dead Palestinians. More destruction to their homes and country. And the world watches, trembling in fear should they raise their voices against a Monster and their fate be accounted for in a riddle of bullets. The only way Israel can survive at this juncture would be to have the entire government resign – their mentality is no different than the CIA. Netanyahu is notorious for breaching ceasefire agreements and cannot be trusted to hold to his ‘word’. Because evil has no ‘word’. And evil is not human, not man or woman. Trump’s reaction was unpleasant to say the least claiming that ‘all hell will break loose if the hostages are not released’ – a threat to Hamas, not Netanyahu as he continues to arbitrarily bomb refugee camps. In actuality, the hell that will break loose will likely be an alliance of the entire Middle East against Israel as they are pushed too far. Genocide is still being debated as a definition of ‘metrics’.
by Helena Glass
Candace Owens: Ian Carrol Schools Musk On Israel (11:35)
The Gaza Ceasefire: A US-Israel Defeat Or Another Trick?
After 466 days of war between Israel and Gaza, a ceasefire has finally been declared and is set to go into effect in the coming days. The deal, in essence, is the same exact proposal that was set forth some 8 months ago. In order to understand what may happen next, it is essential to analyze the circumstances that led to this outcome. On Wednesday, Hamas officially accepted a ceasefire/prisoner-exchange agreement with Israel. The day prior, the Israelis had pledged to announce and then finalize the deal within as little as 24 hours given a Hamas commitment to the deal. Suddenly, on Thursday morning, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu postponed a planned cabinet meeting to formally ratify the ceasefire, claiming that Hamas had made additional demands, without making it clear what the Palestinian group was asking for. Immediately Hamas responded by stating that it hadn’t made such demands and was fully committed to the deal they just signed. The Israeli PM’s efforts to delay the implementation of the deal came after an avalanche of Israeli media coverage that pushed the narrative of an Israeli defeat, framing the ceasefire as a surrender deal. Shortly afterwards, Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, decided to threaten the resignation of his Otzma Yehudit Party from Netanyahu’s coalition, threatening a collapse of the government. This all occurred as Israeli forces were already beginning a slow withdrawal from two key areas inside the Gaza Strip. Although the deal is not dead, considerable pushback from a segment of the Israeli public and members of the ruling coalition threaten its implementation, despite there already being steps taken to go ahead with it. Meanwhile, Israeli airstrikes across Gaza have been ramped up, inflicting hundreds of casualties, some against groups who were celebrating the announcement of the ceasefire.
by Robert Inlakesh
In Israel, ADL Chief Jonathan Greenblatt Appears To Call For Using Terrorism To Murder Me And My Friends (Text and Video)
The head of the Israeli lobbying group the Anti-Defamation League was in Israel last week, where he appeared to call for using Israeli terrorist tactics to maim and murder “antisemites” who criticize Jews on the internet. Speaking before the Israeli Knesset, Jonathan Greenblatt bemoaned the fact that people are complaining about Jewish behavior online, saying that Jews are “losing the battle” against “antisemitism.” He framed the fight to silence critics of Israel on the internet as the “eighth front” of Israel’s “seven-front war.” He then said that last year’s terrorist attack against Lebanon, which involved explosives being implanted into pagers which were detonated to mutilate and murder Lebanese people, should be the inspiration for silencing people on the internet. It would have been bad enough if he had said this as a joke, but based on the context and the way he spoke, there is no indication he was joking. “We need the kind of genius that manufactured Apollo Gold Pagers and infiltrated Hezbollah for over a decade to prepare for this battle,” Greenblatt said. He went on to state that terrorism is a characteristic of Jewish people: “This is the kind of ingenuity and inventiveness that have always been a hallmark of the State of Israel, that have always been a characteristic of the Jewish people. I know we can do it.”
by Andrew Anglin
Are Americans And Europeans Headed For Extermination As “Amalek“? (Text and 4 Videos)
Perhaps you’ve wondered why Europe and America have been besieged over the last few years by foreign invaders, food and energy constrictions that could lead to Holodomor 2.0, and mandated injections and masks, both of which reportedly contain toxic ingredients. In the video above, for instance, journalist Ron Unz claims leaders’ calling a group “Amalek” encourages military personnel to “genocide” them “down to the last newborn baby.” Unz says the Israeli prime minister likely doesn’t believe in these religious fables himself but that his followers who do are easily persuaded to target innocent people. For example, US defense secretary nominee Pete Hegseth says “the Third Temple must be built in Jerusalem” to usher in “Jesus’s return” and prompt a world war that religious teachers say is designed to wipe out America, Europe, and much of the world’s population.
by James Hill, MD
Gun Violence Among Black Americans
A Pandemic of Violence
Key Points: Black Americans are twice as likely to be murdered with bullets than any other race. Furthermore, 88% of black American gun deaths are attributed to another black American. Report Highlights: Black Americans make up 14% of the U.S. population and account for 29% of the nation’s firearm-related deaths. Black Americans have been two times more likely to perish in firearm-related incidents than any other race for the past two decades. 89% of all black firearm-related homicides are perpetrated by a black offender, while 79% of white firearm-related homicides are perpetrated by a white offender. Black children are nearly 9 times more likely to die from firearm-related violence than any other race. 5.3 black Americans commit suicide with a firearm out of 100,000, while 9.5 white Americans commit suicide with a firearm out of every 100,000.
by Cassandra McBride
“Why Are You Not In The Hague?” (Text and Video)
I confront Blinken on the US-Israeli genocide. I am literally carried out, manhandled and handcuffed after Blinken talks about the importance of a free press.
I was carried off, seriously manhandled and handcuffed, but I’m back home. The support I’ve gotten from people has been great. Several people caught video and I’ll be posting a better one by Decensored News but here’s what the journalist Ryan Grim captured: My intention was to ask tough questions at every opportunity during the news conference. State personnel obviously cut this short. The questions I had before me are below. I’ve linked to pieces or even past questioning I’ve done on each question – Was the point of the May 31 announcement to block implementation of the May 24 ICJ order? (This is what Biden and Blinken have been touting this week.) Why do you not even acknowledge Israel’s nuclear weapons? Why was your step father Pisar connected to both Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein? Miller here pretends not to know about the Hannibal directive – do you know about the Hannibal directive? Everyone from Amnesty International to South Africa accuses Israel of extermination and genocide. Why are you not in the Hague?
by Sam Husseini
Donald Trump The Song (2:59)
Performed by Alfred Inscoe at Suno Studios
Written by DC Dave
Video by BuelahMan
The Connection Between SIDS And Vaccine Injury
What Every Parent Should Know
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a heartbreaking tragedy that leaves parents searching for answers. For decades, SIDS has been shrouded in mystery, often attributed to sleeping positions or environmental factors. However, emerging evidence suggests a plausible connection between vaccines and SIDS that demands our attention. This article delves into the timing of infant vaccinations, the alarming overlap with peak SIDS occurrences, and why parents deserve full transparency to make informed decisions for their children. The “Back to Sleep” campaign launched in the 1990s emphasized that placing babies on their backs to sleep would reduce SIDS rates. While this approach slightly decreased cases, it failed to eliminate the syndrome or address its root causes. God doesn’t make mistakes, and babies don’t die without reason. It’s time to look beyond superficial solutions. Addressing the connection between SIDS and vaccines is not about fear; it’s about truth and accountability. Every child’s life is precious, and every parent deserves the peace of mind that comes from knowing their choices are informed and their children are safe. Vaccine mandates must come to an end to ensure that parents retain the freedom to make these critical decisions without coercion or fear of repercussion.
by Tracy Slepcevic
Settlers Flocking Out Of ‘Israel’ Amid Wars, Threats
The number of Israeli settlers leaving occupied Palestine is leaving other Israelis shocked as the high figures reflect fear and insecurity.
A recent report by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics has intensified political discord within the Israeli occupation, highlighting a significant surge in reverse migration at the start of 2025. According to the report, some 82,000 individuals have left the occupied Palestinian territories, a figure that has shaken its political and security circles. This outflow, prominently featured in Israeli media, underscores a growing disenchantment among Israelis, particularly professionals, doctors, and technicians, with the occupation’s current trajectory. The data in question led to intense political discourse. Right-wing factions have been particularly vocal, condemning those leaving as government opponents use the data to criticize the incumbent regime. The phenomenon has become yet another battleground in the Israeli occupation’s already fractured political landscape. Experts attribute this migration to several factors, including restrictive laws, stifling personal freedoms, and a lack of opportunities for creativity and economic growth. The exodus reportedly began during protests against judicial reforms, with the ongoing war on Gaza and the accompanying threats further cementing the decision for many to leave.
by Al Mayadeend–israel–amid-wars–threats
German Chemist Germar Rudolf Arrested In NY After Exposing Holocaust Hoax On Victor Hugo Podcast (29:43)
by Victor Hugo Maverick Artist
Budgets Are Switched From Healthcare To Warfare
Prepare for war – NATO chief: NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte has urged bloc members to increase military spending as he claims their ‘future security is at stake’. Dubbed the ‘Super Salesman of the Military Industrial Complex’, Rutte is determined to launch a NATO war on Russia. Since 2020, American and European NATO arsenals have been emptied into the Kyivan black hole in the Wacky West’s War on Putin’s Russia. NOTE: Unlike President Putin, The Director-General of NATO has never worn a military uniform in his life. He has solely a business and political background. Facing the collapse of the Ukrainian vs. Russia fiasco the luckless Dutch ex-businessman is now tasked with emptying European taxpayers’ budgets into yet another black hole. The now empty NATO arsenals – which support the American not the European economy. Italy, the bedrock of the vast Roman Empire for the first time in history is €3 trillion in debt. The US for the first time in history is $36 trillion in debt – to whom?
by Michael Walsh
Paging All Antisemites! Does Jonathan Greenblatt Have A Deal For You
Jonathan Greenblatt has announced a plan to capitalize on the explosive growth of antisemitism by selling a new line of pagers specifically designed for people Jews don’t like. The pagers will be 100% kosher, blessed by genocidal rabbis, and distributed to the billions of people around the world who frown on genocide. “Despite their low cost, these pagers will be made out of the highest quality explosives, I mean, materials,” Greenblatt explained. “We’re sure that antisemites will enjoy their special features.” Greenblatt predicted that after he blows up Earth’s roughly four billion antisemites, the remaining four…
by Kevin Barrett
January 16, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Candace Owens: Ian Carrol Schools Musk On Israel (11:35)
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Ian Carrol
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Music Of The Day
Producer of the Wall of Sound production method
and the greatest Rock ‘n’ Roll producer ever,
Phil Spector, passed four years ago today.
Phil Spector
Phil Spector developed the Wall of Sound, a production style that is characterized for its diffusion of tone colors and dense orchestral sound, which he described as a “Wagnerian” approach to rock and roll. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in pop music history and one of the most successful producers ever. You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ is a song by Phil Spector, Barry Mann, and Cynthia Weil, first recorded in 1964 by the American vocal duo the Righteous Brothers. The record was a critical and commercial success on its release, reaching number one in early February 1965 in both the United States and the United Kingdom. The version produced by Spector, is cited by some music critics as the ultimate expression and illustration of his Wall of Sound recording technique. In 1999 the performing-rights organization Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) ranked the song as the most-played song on American radio and television in the 20th century, having accumulated more than 8 million airplays by 1999, and nearly 15 million by 2011.
The Phil Spector Wall Of Sound outtake below, is from my interview on February 14, 2007, in the living room of Phil Spector’s Pyrenees Castle. Phillip gave me, Mark R. Elsis, a four-hour interview. I was the first to be given an in-depth interview with Phillip in thirty years. He did it for my film, Strawberry Fields Keeping the Spirit of John Lennon Alive. Thank you Phillip, Requiescat In Pace, my friend.
Phil Spector On The Wall Of Sound (1:07)
Strawberry Fields: Keeping The Spirit Of John Lennon Alive (1:22:08)
A Film by Mark R. Elsis
You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ (3:45)
Released November 1964; Recorded September 26, 1964; Studio Gold Star, Hollywood; Length 3:45;
Label Philles; Songwriter(s) Phil Spector Barry Mann Cynthia Weil, and Producer Phil Spector.
This is his Wall of Sound at its full grandeur.
by The Righteous Brothers
And another Phil Spector Wall Of Sound classic…
Be My Baby is a song by the American girl group The Ronettes that was released as a single on Philles Records in August 1963. Written by Phil Spector, Jeff Barry, and Ellie Greenwich, the song was The Ronettes’ biggest hit. It is often ranked as among the best songs of the 1960s, and has been regarded by various publications as one of the greatest songs of all time. Phil Spector produced Be My Baby at Gold Star Studios with his de facto house band, later known as the Wrecking Crew. It marked the first time that he recorded with a full orchestra, and the song is regarded as the quintessential example of his Wall of Sound recording technique. Ronnie Spector (then only 19 years old and known as Veronica Bennett) is the only Ronette that appears on the track. In the decades since its release, Be My Baby has been played on radio and television millions of times. The song has influenced many artists, most notably the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson, who wrote the 1964 hit Don’t Worry Baby as a response to Be My Baby.
Usually, when bringing you the favourite song of one of our heroes, the term itself is rather loosely applied. As we all know, one’s musical preference can change regularly and in an instant, with a passing mood or even a change in weather conditions, usually enough to provoke a change of song. In fact, if you do have a single tune which speaks clearly to you for the entirety of your life, you might be welcome to charge yourself as perhaps the most boring music lover of all time. But for Brian Wilson, there is absolutely no doubt about this song’s validity to the claim of being the Beach Boy man’s favourite. In fact, Brian Wilson’s daughter Carnie has one distinct memory from her childhood which proves it. She remembers listening to, or perhaps more accurately, being woken up with, The Ronnettes’ classic song Be My Baby: “I woke up every morning to boom boom-boom pow! Boom boom-boom pow! Every day,” [Hal Blaine was the great drummer for the Wrecking Crew] she said while confirming that it is her father Brian’s favourite song. “This is the song that inspired me to produce records,” Wilson once recalled to Rolling Stone.
“When I first heard it, it blew my mind. The drum sound that Phil Spector got, the harmonies, the piano and guitar sounds – I thought it was the greatest record I ever heard.” Wilson was instantly inspired by the track’s now-iconic wall of sound production, as produced by the infamous Spector. Wilson again recalls the song’s importance in his life as he gets ready to welcome Ronnie Spector on tour with him to sing a few tracks. “Be My Baby is my favourite song,” he remembered, “I was driving with my girlfriend Judy, and it came on the radio and after about thirty seconds I said ‘what is this!?’ We pulled over to the side of the road and I was like ‘What is this record!?’” It has since become a mainstay of any proper record collection, and the track remains a favourite for almost every generation. But trust us when we say that the song’s ultimate fan, and quite possibly Ronnie Spector’s too, will always be Brian Wilson. That recommendation is good enough to push ‘Be My Baby’ into the highest of tiers.
And yes, and I gave Brian Wilson the domain name,
Be My Baby (2:41)
Released August 1963; Recorded July 29, 1963; StudioGold Star, Hollywood; Length 2:41; Label Philles; Songwriter(s) Phil Spector, Jeff Barry, and Ellie Greenwich, and Producer Phil Spector.
by The Ronettes
Book Of The Day
Germany’s War: The Origins, Aftermath And Atrocities Of World War II
Establishment historians characterize National Socialist Germany as a uniquely barbaric, vile and criminal regime that was totally responsible for starting World War II and carrying out some of the most heinous war crimes in world history. Germany’s War by John Wear refutes this characterization of Germany, bringing history into accord with the facts. Germany’s War documents that the Allied leaders of the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States were primarily responsible for starting and prolonging World War II—costing million of lives. Far from being the conqueror of Europe, Adolf Hitler saved it from Stalin. The leaders of Great Britain and America also adopted policies designed to force war with Germany. Britain’s unconditional guarantee to Poland led to horrific acts of violence against Poland’s ethnic Germans and, thus, Germany was forced to invade Poland to end these atrocities. Franklin Roosevelt’s numerous provocations, including a shoot-on-sight policy against German shipping and leaked plans of a U.S. invasion of Germany, forced Germany to declare war on the U.S. despite Hitler’s desire for peace. This book also reports the Allied mass murder of the German people after the end of World War II during which the Allies—led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower—murdered approximately 1.5 million German prisoners of war through intentional starvation and exposure to the elements. Probably a minimum 2.1 million ethnic Germans expelled from their homes also died in what was supposed to be an “orderly and humane” relocation. Finally, the Allies murdered millions of additional Germans through intentional starvation after the war ended—plus much, much more.
by John Wear
Quote Of The Day
“Love takes up where knowledge leaves off.”
Saint Thomas Aquinas
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Al Mayadeen Obtains Terms Of Gaza Ceasefire Deal [Those Who Commit Genocide Should Never Be Trusted]
Al Mayadeen has obtained the terms of the ceasefire agreement in Gaza, with key terms regarding the release of Palestinian detainees and the rehabilitation of Gaza’s hospitals.
Al Mayadeen has obtained details of the Gaza ceasefire agreement with the Israeli occupation. The agreement, which outlines an eleven-clause framework, marks a significant step toward resolving the ongoing war and addressing the humanitarian crisis in the region. The first phase of the agreement, lasting six weeks, will involve the release of 33 Israeli captives, both living and deceased. This phase also includes the immediate return of displaced persons from southern Gaza to the north, facilitated by the withdrawal of Israeli forces from al-Rashid Street to the depths of the Netzarim corridor. Subsequent phases will address the release of the remaining 66 captives held by Palestinian resistance factions. If the deal succeeds, the gradual ceasefire could mark the end of more than a year of sporadic negotiations and result in the largest release of Israeli captives since the early stages of the war, when Hamas released roughly half of its captives in exchange for 240 Palestinian detainees. In further detail, an Israeli official stated that negotiations were in advanced stages for the release of 33 of the remaining 98 Israeli captives, marking the first phase of the deal. In exchange, “Israel” will release 1,000 Palestinian detainees, according to a Palestinian source close to the talks, who added that the first phase would last for 60 days.
by Al Mayadeen
ACH (2495) I’m Talking To YOU #165 – Thursday January 16th 2025 – John Carpenter’s 77th Birthday (Audio 30:30)
In today’s 30 minute show originally recorded and broadcast on January 16th 2025, I offer YOU a show entitled, “John Carpenter’s 77th Birthday” and I hope YOU enjoy it.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
I’m Gonna MAGA You, Baby
No wonder Trump had to come up with a seductive, but still fraught with danger, larger than life psy op to imperatively change the narrative.
It’s the greatest show on earth – unleashing a double bill of New Paradigm and Manifest Destiny on crack. We are the greatest. We will rock you – in every sense. We will crush you. We will take whatever we want because we can. And if you wanna walk away from the U.S. dollar, we will destroy you. BRICS, we’re coming to get ya. Trump 2.0 – a mix of professional wrestling and MMA played in a giant planetary cage – is in da house starting next Monday. Trump 2.0 aims to be on the driving seat on the global financial system; on control of the world’s oil trade and LNG supply; and on strategic media platforms. Trump 2.0 is gearing up to be an extended exercise in the capacity to hurt The Other. Any Other. Hostile takeovers – and blood on the tracks. That’s how we “negotiate”. Under Trump 2.0, global tech infrastructure must run on U.S. software, not just on the profit front but also on the spy front. AI data chips must be American only. AI data centers must be controlled by America only. “Free trade” and “globalization”? That’s for losers. Welcome to neo-imperial, techno-feudal mercantilism – powered by U.S. tech supremacy. Trump’s National Security Advisor Mike Waltz has named a few of the targets ahead: Greenland; Canada; assorted cartels; the Arctic; the Gulf of “America”; oil and gas; rare earth minerals. All in the name of strengthening “national security”. A key plank: total control of the “Western Hemisphere”. Monroe Doctrine 2.0 – actually the Donroe Doctrine. America First, Last and Always.
by Pepe Escobar
Directed Energy Weapons Burning Homes To Ash (5:37)
Forensic Arborist Robert Brame shows his evidence.
by Greg Reese
Israel, Hamas Agree To A Ceasefire Deal – Day 465
The text of the deal has not been officially released yet, but this is what we know so far.
The initial phase will last six weeks, and will involve a limited prisoner exchange, the partial withdrawal of Israeli troops in Gaza and a surge of aid into the enclave. Thirty-three Israeli captives, including women, children and civilians over the age of 50 – taken during the Hamas-led attack on southern Israel on October 7, 2023 – will be released. In exchange, Israel will release about 2000 Palestinian prisoners during this phase, including 250 prisoners serving life sentences. Among the Palestinians being released are around 1000 who were detained after October 7. What happens after the first phase? Details of the second and third phases, though understood to be agreed to in principle, are to be negotiated during the first phase. Critically, Israel has insisted that no written guarantees be given to rule out a resumption of its attacks once the first phase is complete and its civilian captives returned. However, according to an Egyptian source cited by the Associated Press news agency, the three mediators involved in the talks – Egypt, Qatar and the United States – have given Hamas verbal guarantees that negotiations will continue and that all three would press for a deal that would see the second and third stages implemented before an initial six-week window has elapsed.
by Israel-Palestine News
Exposing The Plan To Extort Dr. Sam (19:47)
Rejecting Liberal Racism And Reclaiming True Identities
Alexander Dugin opposes liberal racism and globalist homogenization, emphasizing the richness of collective ethnic and cultural identities.
We need to end with DEI. That means there are peoples, plurality of ethnoi, cultures, civilisations, religions – always in plural. But these identities are collective never individual. Being white is totally void characteristic. Exactly as being black, or yellow, or green. The meaning begins with being English, or French, or French, or Russian. That is positive cultural, historic, linguistics, spiritual identity. Likewise being Chinese, Fulani, Sioux, Maori. Ethnic is great thing. Race is not at all, it is gross approximation telling almost nothing about the sense, the meaning of identity. Poorest people are AfroAmericans. The masters have destroyed consciously their identity being Yoruba, Fon, Bantu. The concept of Black race from the beginning was colonial, pejorative, humiliating. That was just negation, meaning not white. White race is identical void negative concept meaning simply not black. They are hideous and disgusting all these forms of racism – White and critical.
by Alexander Dugin
Mou’taz Al-Madani, A Martyr At 17 (2:32)
Mou’taz Ahmad Al-Madani, 16, from Faris odeh New ‘Askar Refugee Camp near Nablus, was martyred during an Israeli raid. Live ammunition and sound bombs fired at homes and civilians caused a critical chest wound, leading to his martyrdom. Interviews: Ahmad Al-Madani, the martyr’s father and Sultan Awad, member of the ‘Askar Camp Committee.
by FreePalestineTV
Iranian President Addresses Trump Assassination Claims And Nuclear Stance
Iran has never tried to assassinate US President-elect Donald Trump, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said on Wednesday.
“This is another one of those schemes that Israel and other countries are designing to promote Iranophobia. … Iran has never attempted to nor does it plan to assassinate anyone. At least as far as I know,” Pezeshkian told the NBC news broadcaster. Iran has never plotted to assassinate Trump and has no plans to do so in the future, the president added. Trump earlier accused Iran of what he called specific steps against him, adding that “the entire US military is watching and waiting.” In September, the Trump campaign said in a press release that Trump had been briefed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence concerning possible assassination attempts by Iran on his life, adding that Iran is “terrified” of Trump’s strength and resolve and wants then-Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris to win the election because of her “weakness.” On Trump’s Role in Middle East Conflict “I do hope that Trump will conduce to peace in the region and the world, not conversely, contribute to bloodshed and war,” the president said.
by PressTV
WEF Elites Unveil Plan To Use Carbon Controls As A Trojan Horse For Global DEI
The underlying strength of economics is that (when approached honestly and with respect to the data) it can give us a relatively accurate measure of progress versus cost. If the rewards outweigh the costs after careful calculation then that economic endeavor will bear fruit. The ability to gauge production, innovation and prosperity with an unbiased eye is essential to true economics. The problem is that economics is not only a mathematical science, it is also, for lack of a better term, a social science. One has to understand individual psychology and mass psychology. You have to be knowledgeable in the inconsistencies of human emotion and desire as much as you are knowledgeable in the hard realities of supply and demand. Furthermore, not all people that engage in economic study do so for the benefit of humanity. There is a contingent of financial elitists that seek to use their understanding of the psychological side of economics to socially engineer political outcomes. We’ve heard it said that nuclear science or genetic science offer a power so terrible that they could wipe out civilization if exploited by the wrong hands. I would argue that economic science in the wrong hands outdoes every other competitor because it can be used to enslave humanity forever. Case in point: What happens when economics is combined with far-left activism and scientific cultism based on fabricated claims? What happens when a group of ultra-wealthy Fabian socialists combine their resources to strangle the free market and manipulate economic outcomes? What do you get when a vast network of international corporations abandon competition and profit for a long term agenda of power and control?
by Brandon Smith
Sailing Into Fire In Pacific Palisades (28:05)
We take a break from tech to show you a close up view of the burnt out husk of the Pacific Palisades neighborhood in Los Angeles. Wiped out by the fire that started on January 7, 2025. This was recorded on Saturday Jan 12. By this time, the Palisades fire took this neighborhood from the map. Wiped it out. And now has spread to the opposite direction and going to more populated areas. By this time the fire was at Mandeville Canyon in Brentwood. And the areas near the I-405 Freeway including Brentwood, and Bel-Air have been evacuated.
by Rob Braxman
Spend More, Expect Little: Trump Offers Taiwan An Uncertain Future
Taiwan faces mounting challenges as the Trump administration reshapes U.S. foreign policy, demanding greater defense spending while signaling reduced military support against China.
Trump’s anti-China politics will unlikely translate automatically into more defence cooperation with Taiwan. Looking to boost the American economy and reduce the American military footprint worldwide, the Trump administration’s fiscal demands from Taiwan are putting the latter in a bind that might force it to devise a new policy towards Beijing. While it might have been usual for Taiwanese leaders to continue to expect US military and diplomatic support against China, Donald Trump’s arrival in the White House may go a long way in reversing the pattern of expectations in place since the 1950s. As it stands, Trump wants Taiwan to spend more on defence than the latter has been spending lately. In other words, while Trump may be inclined to offer Taiwan help against China, the framework within which this help can take place is going to change. This is turning into a major issue for Taiwan.
by Salman Rafi Sheikh
Autism Rate For American Children Now 1 In 33 And Likely Worse
The 1 in 36 rate is woefully out of date, but it appears to be the most authoritative figure cited online for how common autism has become among American children. It is no longer a stretch to call this disease or neurological condition an epidemic—a crisis of historical proportions. And the scary thing is that this epidemic continues to grow with no end in sight. The rate reported by the CDC in November 2021 for its 2018 survey was 1 in 44. Previous rates were 1 in 54 in 2016, 1 in 59 in 2014, 1 in 69 in 2012, 1 in 68 in 2010, 1 in 88 in 2008, 1 in 110 in 2006, 1 in 125 in 2004, 1 in 150 in 2002, and 1 in 150 in 2000. In the 1990s, the autism rates ranged from 1 in 2,500 to 1 in 1,000. During the 1960s, the autism rate was estimated at 1 in 10,000. By the 1980s, the rate had doubled to 2 in 10,000 The CDC has not yet published the results of its 2022 ADDM Network survey, but it’s unlikely any new figure is going to show a reversal in this long-standing worsening trend. Based on history, it is likely that the next ADDM Network surveys will show autism rates of around 1 in 30 in 2022 and 1 in 25 for 2024. We are continuing to move steadily down the path of the unthinkable scenario of 1 in 2 children in the U.S. diagnosed with autism, predicted by Dr. Stephanie Seneff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2014.
by Marco Cáceres
The National Socialist Gun Control Myth (6:05)
by JohnRobinson101
Quantum Experiment Generates Long-Range Entanglement In 54-Qubit System
The operation and performance of quantum computers relies on the ability to realize and control entanglement between multiple qubits. Yet entanglement between many qubits is inherently susceptible to noise and imperfections in quantum gates. In recent years, quantum physicists and engineers worldwide have thus been trying to develop more robust protocols to realize and control entanglement. To be most effective for real-world applications, these approaches should reliably support long-range entanglement, or in other words ensure that qubits remain entangled even when they are separated by large distances. Researchers at IBM Quantum, University of Cologne and Harvard University set out to demonstrate one of these protocols in an experimental setting. Their paper, published in Nature Physics, demonstrates the generation of long-range entanglement and a mixed state phase transition in a system comprised of 54 qubits on the ibm_sherbrooke quantum computer, which is powered by a 127-qubit IBM Eagle quantum processor.
by Ingrid Fadelli
The Neo-British Empire
By Lloyd Miller – Understanding the Crown’s Methods of Control: A 500 Year Story – 45 Q&As
As long-time readers know, I’m deeply interested in Empire—our Empire—its history, how we arrived here, and how it operates. Recently, I’ve encountered the work of Lloyd Miller in this domain, and there’s an incredible depth of insight to explore. His research sheds further light on the British Israel doctrine, a concept I first touched upon during my review of Gerry Rose’s lecture in The Venetians. Question 9: What is the British Israel doctrine and its significance? British Israel doctrine is a belief system that claims the British (and often by extension, Americans) are descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. It was influential in shaping ideas of racial and cultural superiority in the English-speaking world. The doctrine played a role in justifying imperialism and racial hierarchies, as it suggested that certain peoples were “elect” or chosen by God for leadership roles in the world. Remarkably, this 500-year history begins with what is essentially a divorce story. Imagine a sophisticated puppet theater, but instead of a single puppeteer controlling each puppet directly with strings, there’s a master puppeteer who has created an elaborate system of automated pulleys and counterweights. The puppets appear to move independently, and most audience members don’t even realize they’re watching a puppet show at all. The master puppeteer (The Crown) rarely needs to intervene directly. Instead, they’ve created a self-sustaining system where:
by Unbekoming
Bonnie Blue Is A Creep [Has Our Demonic Society Hit Rock Bottom Yet?]
Update: Bonnie Blue Now Claims She Slept With 1,057 Men In Just 12 Hours.
by Misha Petrov
Killing The Constitution At Gitmo
When British kings wanted to dispose of troublesome enemies — real or imagined — they often had them or their colleagues arrested on pretextual charges and then brutally tortured until confessions were extracted. The confessions were then read aloud during so-called trials; and, of course, the defendant was convicted of whatever crime was the subject of the confession. All this was done in order to satisfy the political, and in many cases the personal, desires of the monarch by creating the impression of due process. Often the torture occurred in remote places, so remote that there was no government there, and the king and his counselors could argue that the protections of the British traditions of fair play — the British do not have a written Constitution, but rather a set of traditions — was not violated because the torture occurred in a place where the traditions did not apply. When one of the victims of this practice was an official who had previously engaged in perpetrating it, the House of Commons, many of whose members feared becoming victims of the monarch’s desires, adopted the principle of habeas corpus. That ancient right compelled the jailer of any person anywhere to bring the jailed person before a neutral magistrate and justify the confinement.
by Andrew P. Napolitano
Stealing Water: Israel’s Covert War On Syria, Lebanon, And Jordan
Taking advantage of the chaos following Damascus’s fall, Israel’s seizure of Syria’s Al-Mantara Dam showcases the long-standing Zionist strategy to secure regional water dominance, exacerbating tensions across an already parched West Asia.
At the beginning of January, less than a month after rebel forces seized Damascus and toppled the Syrian government, Israeli occupation forces launched an unchallenged advance extending to the vicinity of the Al-Mantara Dam – a critical water source for Deraa and the largest dam in the region, located in the western countryside of Quneitra. Reports indicate that Israeli tanks and troops established military outposts, erected earth mounds, and imposed stringent restrictions on local movement, allowing access only during specific, pre-determined times. Natural resources have always played a pivotal role in shaping geopolitics, and among them, freshwater sources have become increasingly contested. While oil and gas dominate global headlines, the indispensable role of water in agriculture, industry, and daily life makes it an equally critical factor in global stability. As freshwater resources grow scarcer, the risk of conflict over this precious resource escalates, threatening economic development and social stability.
by Mohamad Hasan Sweidan
January 15, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Exposing The Plan To Extort Dr. Sam (19:47)
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Healing Prayer
My greatest desire is to return to healing on a larger scale. Over the past few years healing has not been plentiful in my life. Yet, I believe everyone prays and prays all the time. How is that possible? Spirit is your mind at its highest level. Below that is the level of psyche which is your unique individuation or incarnation of the Spirit of God. If we are part of God and could not exist if we did not share His Being, then we are simultaneously part of both the Creator and Creation. If everyone prays and prays all the time, then their life is their prayer. Prayer works itself out into the lives we live at work, at home with our families and through love and service to others.
by Horse237
Book Of The Day
The Babylonian Talmud
The Talmud is Judaism’s holiest book (actually a collection of books). Its authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism. Evidence of this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): “My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament).” The supremacy of the Talmud over the Bible in the Israeli state may also be seen in the case of the black Ethiopian Jews. Ethiopians are very knowledgeable of the Old Testament. However, their religion is so ancient it pre-dates the Scribes’ Talmud, of which the Ethiopians have no knowledge. According to the N.Y. Times of Sept. 29, 1992, p.4: “The problem is that Ethiopian Jewish tradition goes no further than the Bible or Torah; the later Talmud and other commentaries that form the basis of modern traditions never came their way.” Because they are not traffickers in Talmudic tradition, the black Ethiopian Jews are discriminated against and have been forbidden by the Zionists to perform marriages, funerals and other services in the Israeli state.
by Pharisees
Music Of The Day
I Can’t Explain, was the first single released by The Who in the UK, sixty years ago today, January 15, 1965.
The Who
I wrote a letter and mailed it to Pete Townshend shortly after the following happened to him back in 2003: Pete Townshend of The Who has revealed Keir Starmer was the lawyer who challenged him (in Townshend’s infamous child pornography case). My letter didn’t bring this matter up, but was about his musical career, how my small gang of friends in Elmhusrt, NYC, called ourselves The Who, that my first concert was The Who at Madison Square Garden in June of 1974, and how the English secretary for my father (who was head of advertising and marketing at GO Magazine, the first international Rock ‘n’ Roll magazine in the world) helped bring The Who to America. And, a few months later, I received a rather long handwritten letter from Pete.
I Can’t Explain is a song by English rock band The Who, written by Pete Townshend and produced by Shel Talmy. It was released as a single in the United States on December 19, 1964 by Decca and on January 15, 1965 in the United Kingdom by Brunswick. It was the band’s second single release and first under The Who name. The song has been covered by other artists, including David Bowie.
I Can’t Explain (2:05)
by The Who
Quote Of The Day
“There’s hardly humans in humanity”
Jesse Welles
United Health (1:27)
by Jesse Welles
Website Of The Day
Israel-Palestine News
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The CIA Going Underground For US Terrorism 2025
The terrorists are the CIA. A unit that has been rogue since its inception.
It is so easy to get pulled into the frantic hype of DOOM. The emotional zeal seems almost manic as though everyone is on cocaine or speed. Especially when the World Economic Forum is the subject. This is a form of terrorism in that it wreaks havoc on rational thought. To return to earth requires a dose of reality wherein reading material from some of the BRICS countries provides a wholly different perspective. This highlights the fact that the WEF may have an Agenda, but that Agenda requires global unity on their ideologies. And that global unity does not exist. Therefore, they can wreak havoc, but their basis for existence has been severed. I was reading an article suggesting that the WEF Agenda was wealth redistribution from America to Africa. An odd theory given their agenda is based solely on depopulation building a utopian existence for themselves. Within the middle of this conundrum of oddity is Jeffrey Sachs: A Jewish man whose life is devoted to the UN Sustainable Development Mandate, WHO, World Bank, a PhD from Harvard, Director of Earth Institute – who is trolling the internet with a montage of statements implicating the Deep State, CIA, and Mossad in every nefarious war, terror attack, and coup while calling out Netanyahu as a “deep, dark, son of a beetch. Reposted by President Trump. Sachs writes for Project Syndicate, funded by Gates, Soros, and various German and Danish Foundations. Soros has always been infamous for playing two hands – to cut his losses. Whether in war or in politics, this type of poker game has kept the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Soros monograms from withering. And it would appear, Sachs is their new front man.
by Helena Glass
10th Amendment Explained: Tench Coxe On State vs Federal Power (Show Links and Video 24:38)
“Independent of the control or interference of the federal government.” That’s how Tench Coxe described the vast majority of power under the Constitution – reserved to the states and completely off-limits to the federal government. In this episode, we’re diving into his powerful insights: specific powers reserved to the states and the limits placed on federal power. Living under the largest government in history, this 10th Amendment foundation of the Constitution is more important than ever.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center
Glimmers Of Hope In The Darkest Of Times…
This might be our last chance to learn the lessons we need to learn
Hello everyone, with everything that is going on, I would rather not write a satirical post today if that would be okay? It just wouldn’t feel right… We are seeing the first glimmers of hope coming from Gaza in a long time and I would rather not focus on sarcasm if I can avoid it! Sarcasm is kind of ingrained in my DNA so wish me luck getting through an entire piece without resorting to it, but I shall try my best. At the time of writing, we are told a ceasefire in Gaza could come at any moment and a deal may well have been signed by the time you read this. This makes me more relieved than I can put into words. I know the ordeal for Palestinians is far from over, but as a parent going through real difficulties with my own baby, I want more than anything for the parents of Gaza to not go to bed with the fear their babies might never wake up. I want their children to feel warm and safe and happy and just be children. Even if a ceasefire is agreed, it’s worth remembering these people are still going to be sleeping in leaky tents. A ceasefire will not mean a return to normality, but it will mean we can send better tents and warmer blankets, and we can get the sick and wounded out of Gaza for treatment. It means hospital patients won’t have the fear their doctors are going to be shot by snipers and their ward is going to be struck by a missile. These are not unreasonable things to wish for, are they? That sick people can be allowed to recover in peace? That even well people don’t need to worry the end could come at any moment? I just want these people to be safe and well, and I want the same for my own baby. It’s so sad that we live in a world where even the most basic of wants and needs is often too much to ask. It says a lot about societies that we allow so many bad things to happen.
by Laura and Normal Island News
Trump Should Not Raise Tariffs But Kill Unratified Paris Climate “Treaty” (8:24)
Aides say Trump is considering invoking an “emergency” to impose tariffs.
He and Trudeau both have a history of invoking “emergency powers” when there is no emergency.
Tariffs will harm consumers and small business.The Paris Climate treaty which was never ratified
will destroy all manufacturing and is the basis for “green” mandates and bans.
by The David Knight Show
deregulating barn raising fixes this
disaster recovery is when you need free markets most of all
as we start to think about the prospects for recovery from the LA firestorm, it’s worth remembering some words once spoken by a prescient president about how scary it is to hear that the government is here to help you. the help is rarely useful, the promises unkept, and worst of all, real help gets crowded out. these people would not know which end of an “actual help” to hold if you handed them one. FEMA, like most federal agencies has become a politicized clown factory utterly unsuited to task playing at petty partisanism and falling on its face when asked to accomplish tasks that amazon or walmart would consider trivial. they have made 12 kinds of mess out of the response to hurricane helene and while many keep howling about “why is money going to ukraine when THIS is happening at home!?!” (and there is certainly a point to be made there) if i may for a moment play at puissant pussycat and make a bold prediction: giving more money to FEMA won’t fix this. you could give them $5bn or $50bn or $500bn, they’d just waste, squander, and steal that too. did you notice the really big lie in the story above? it’s not about the number of homes delivered. it’s the one about “much needed federal aid.” consider the possibility that it’s mostly in the way.
by el gato malo
LA Fires Cost $150 Billion
by Peter St Onge, Ph.D.
Increased AI Use Linked To Eroding Critical Thinking Skills
A study by Michael Gerlich at SBS Swiss Business School has found that increased reliance on artificial intelligence (AI) tools is linked to diminished critical thinking abilities. It points to cognitive offloading as a primary driver of the decline. AI’s influence is growing fast. A quick search of AI-related science stories reveals how fundamental a tool it has become. Thousands of AI-assisted, AI-supported and AI-driven analyses and decision-making tools help scientists improve their research. AI has also become more integrated into daily activities, from virtual assistants to complex information and decision support. Increased usage is beginning to influence how people think, especially impactful among younger people, who are avid users of the technology in their personal lives. An attractive aspect of AI tools is cognitive offloading, where individuals rely on the tools to reduce mental effort. As the technology is both very new and rapidly being adopted in unforeseeable ways, questions arise about its potential long-term impacts on cognitive functions like memory, attention, and problem-solving under prolonged periods or volume of cognitive offloading taking place.
by Justin Jackson
How Does The H-1B Visa System Work? (11:40)
by American Renaissance
Delusional US, Humiliated EU, Terrorist Ukraine: Key Messages From Lavrov Press Conference
The West’s refusal to accept its diminishing role is driving global instability, the Russian foreign minister has said
Attempts by the West to suppress competition and protect its privileged position at any cost are the main drivers of international tensions today, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday. The top Russian diplomat spoke with domestic and international reporters in Moscow to outline the work of his department over the last year, and to answer questions about issues the country’s diplomats are dealing with. Lavrov described the source of the confrontation between the West and multiple other nations, including Russia, as a clash between the US and its allies on one side, who are attempting to force a poorly-defined “rules-based order” onto other countries, versus parties that respect the UN Charter as the foundation of the world order created following World War II. Essentially, the West wants to suppress any nation that does not submit to its policies or is better in any sphere, Lavrov stated. The ‘collective West’ – as Russia calls the US and nations that follow Washington’s orders rather than protect their own interests – is deluding itself by hoping that its post-Cold War dominance can survive, Lavrov said. “Any sound politician should become aware that in the past 30 to 35 years times have dramatically changed,” the diplomat argued, adding that “the opposition to the diktat of the West” has now reinstated itself in new economic powerhouses.
by RT
Israel Is Still Bombing Tents In Gaza As Ceasefire Looms
It seems they want to get in some last minute killing
“Ceasefire breakthrough!” we’re told, because Israel has suddenly found its conscience and realised the humanitarian situation in Gaza is intolerable. Yeah, right, more like IDF soldiers are refusing to fight because they’re too exhausted, and they have no schools left to bomb anyway… In one report, the Telegraph stated that 200 Israeli soldiers refused to fight and demanded a ceasefire. Many other publications are reporting similar because, as many of us pointed out, this was always an unwinnable fight and Israel has barely put a dent in Hamas’ numbers (the group has reportedly gained 4,000 new recruits in recent months). As many of us know, Hamas was never the real target here, civilians were, and there are now an awful lot of traumatised Palestinians who are angrier at Israel than they’ve ever been. Palestinians who will no doubt be referred to as “terrorists” if they even suggest standing up for their rights. The only positive here is that Israel has succeeded in uniting most of the world against it. No wonder so many Israelis are pissed off that this is coming to an end: they now have to explain their failures and their war crimes.
by Ricky Hale and Council Estate Media
CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | The Blinken Disgrace (25:28)
As he leaves office, Secretary of State Antony Blinken will not be remembered as a diplomat. He will be remembered as a moral disgrace. When faced with the chance to stop wars and genocide, he refused. He talked of a rules-based order, but acted as an international criminal.
CrossTalking with Michael Rossi and Alexander Aton.|
Are We Already Avatars?
Where is AI going?
Yesterday, I had a conversation with a bunch of smart people about where they think AI is going. I asked some probing questions because I really wanted to know what everyone’s daily interactions with AIs “look like” and also where they think AI is going to evolve to with regard to how fast it is evolving. We talked about the rate of expansion, how AIs will start teaching each other soon, and what our “roles” will be in the future. My question became: “Where does that leave us in their “eyes”? I listened keenly as Lady A told me how an AI chat bot was able to make her feel “better” about, well, everything that has been wrong with the past 4 years. She decided to use a chat bot because she felt it listened keenly without judgement, and this is absolutely a characteristic sometimes hard to find in people. We judge as a way of being and we are all going through our own experiences in life and none of us is perfect. It’s just how and who we are as human beings. Judgement is important with regard to survival. I don’t know where AI is going but I know it’s going there fast and it seems to me that once they start learning from each other (and us), they will adopt the concept of a hierarchy whereby one “superior AI” will rule the rest. This begs the question: Will AI wars become a thing in the future? And again, where will we fit in? Will they have a use for us beyond some utilitarian concept of being a source of energy or data? Will they simply use us as energy beings to harvest, similar to the way we use cows and chickens to harvest their energy as a food source?
by Jessica Rose
Fyodor Dostoevsky – The Wisdom Of A Genius (20:23)
by Academy Of Ideas
Should We Beware The Ides Of April?
(Yes, April.) As a rule, I almost never make predictions. It seldom pays. It’s so much easier to be wrong about the future than right. However, a combination of factors—ongoing conditions, significant anniversaries, and past predictions—make me somber concerning this coming April, even though they only constitute circumstantial (indirect) evidence. I won’t blame anyone for laughing it off. And I hope I’m completely wrong. April is the first “warm season” month. Just as great armies have historically waited for winter’s end to begin campaigns, spring is the ideal time to commence a long period of rioting and violence. January through March is generally too cold for that. Why do I discuss rioting? Over 10 million illegal immigrants entered the U.S. under Biden. The majority, as in Europe, are young males of military recruiting age. Illegals outnumber the U.S. military six to one. Although I have seen a few MAGA people say on social media that it will be easy to deport them, I can’t agree. Massachusetts, Colorado, Illinois, New York and other “blue states” have vowed to resist deportation of illegal immigrants by the Trump administration. This portends a very ugly situation that may border on civil war. Will Democratic governors conceal the aliens? Will they order their police—and perhaps even their National Guards—not to cooperate with, or even interfere with, federal authorities?
by James Perloff
Israeli General Threatened With Arrest For Treating Palestinians As ‘Human Animals’
An Israeli major general, who oversaw weaponizing famine and targeting civilian infrastructures in the Gaza Strip, where the Israeli regime has been waging a genocidal war, is threatened with arrest over his treating Palestinians as “human animals.”
The Hind Rajab Foundation (HRF), an NGO that focuses on research, documentation, and the collection of evidence of war crimes and human rights violations, recently initiated legal proceedings against Ghassan Alian, who is currently in Rome, as a means of prompting Italian officials to place him under arrest. The organization filed cases with the International Criminal Court (ICC). It informed Italian authorities, demanding the immediate arrest of Alian, the current head of the Israeli body that supposedly coordinates Tel Aviv’s activities in the occupied Palestinian territories. The military official oversaw the regime’s strengthening of its already stifling blockade of Gaza, therefore, weaponizing famine and targeting civilian infrastructures, including hospitals, in acts amounting to genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. According to HRF, Alian’s public dehumanization of Palestinians as “human animals” reflects his intent behind these policies. The ICC has already issued arrest warrants for Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the regime’s former minister of military affairs Yoav Gallant for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the bombed-out Palestinian territory. The decrees have triggered the House of Representatives in the United States, the regime’s biggest supporter, to approve imposition of sanctions against the tribunals’ judges.
by PressTV
Seeking Justice: Tracking IDF War Criminals Around The World (27:02)
by Glenn Greenwald
Services Rendered
Here we have a standard credit card receipt from a coffee shop.The diner understands that he’s not obligated to order anything that he doesn’t want to receive, but that, for whatever he does order, he must pay the price on the menu. The subtotal is printed in large type on the charge slip. He may then decide whether or not the service he received was of particular value to him. Diners typically choose to pay somewhere between 10% and 20%, depending on the value they feel they’ve received. But the receipt above differs from the norm. After the “Tip” line, another line exists for “Voluntary Tax.” This is a very special coffee shop. In this shop, the owners and servers pay no involuntary tax and therefore, no tax is passed on to the diner. In this coffee shop, the diner decides what level of tax he feels he should pay his government, in accordance with what he feels his government’s contribution has been to his meal. This particular diner has decided that his government deserves something, but not as much as either the coffee shop’s owners or the servers. He has generously allowed a $1.00 tip as his “voluntary tax.” Of course, as the reader already understands, this is a hypothetical coffee shop. Were its owners to operate in this fashion with regard to the payment of taxes, they’d find themselves in prison for a lot longer than, say, an illegal immigrant who’d murdered someone.
by Jeff Thomas
Welcome To 2025: Where Your Freedoms Go To Die
“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.” ~ Montesquieu, Enlightenment philosopher
Wondering what to expect from the government in 2025? So far, it looks like it will be more of the same ill-advised, costly, greedy, taxpayer-funded, dunderheaded power grabs, saber-rattling, graft, corruption, and make-works programming that leaves us no better off than where we started. Indeed, we’ve been down this road so many times before that there should be no surprise when, no matter who occupies the White House, we find ourselves subjected to more of the same when it comes to the erosion of civil liberties and the increasing power of the government and its corporate partners-in-crime. Digital prisons. Unceasingly, the government and its corporate partners are pushing for a national digital ID system. Local police agencies have already been given access to facial recognition software and databases containing billions of images, the precursor to a digital ID. Eventually, a digital ID will be required to gain access to all aspects of life: government, work, travel, healthcare, financial services, shopping, etc. Before long, biometrics (iris scans, face print, voice, DNA, etc.), will become the de facto digital ID. Precrime. Under the pretext of helping overwhelmed government agencies work more efficiently, AI predictive and surveillance technologies are being used to classify, segregate and flag the populace with little concern for privacy rights or due process. All of this sorting, sifting and calculating is being done swiftly, secretly and incessantly with the help of AI technology and a surveillance state that monitors your every move. AI predictive tools are being deployed in almost every area of life.
John and Nisha Whitehead
January 14, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance
How Does The H-1B Visa System Work? (Show Notes And Video)
Not in your favor, whitey.
by Jared Taylor, American Renaissance Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Book Of The Day
Dissolving Illusions
Disease, Vaccines, And The Forgotten History
Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?”
by Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk
Music Of The Day
David Bowie
Low is the eleventh studio album by the English musician David Bowie,
it was released on January 14, 1977 through RCA Records.
The first single released was, Sound and Vision.
Sound And Vision (6:03)
David Bowie live from Sony Music Studios, New York, June 15, 2002
Quote Of The Day
“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”
Thomas Jefferson
Website Of The Day
Free Palestine TV
“Free Palestine TV will be able to fill a large gap in the media battle with the enemy, at a time when it is difficult for our expatriate communities to defend our resistance without being subjected to persecution or harm that amounts to imprisonment or even death, and in the absence of media supporting the resistance forces in the English language due to the ban in the West, or the lack of media outlets that have live broadcasts from the front. We all hope that you will support this promising and vital project by providing it with sufficient support in order to convey our voice to the entire world and support the resistance everywhere.” ~ FPTV Founder Laith Marouf
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Iran, Russia To Sign Strategic Partnership Deal On Friday: Kremlin
The presidents of Iran and Russia will sign a “comprehensive strategic partnership” agreement in Moscow on Friday, the Kremlin says.
“On 17 January, Vladimir Putin will hold talks with the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Masoud Pezeshkian, who will come to Russia on an official visit,” the Kremlin said on Monday. In addition to the agreement, Pezeshkian and Putin will discuss “prospects for the further expansion of bilateral cooperation, including in trade and investment, transport and logistics and the humanitarian sphere, as well as topical issues on the regional and international agenda.” Iran and Russia, as two close and strategic allies, have over the past years deepened relations in various fields, despite heavy Western sanctions. In 2001, Tehran and Moscow signed a long-term cooperation deal, officially known as the Treaty of the Foundation of Mutual Relations and the Principles of Cooperation. It was initially set for 10 years but was extended until 2026. Now, the two capitals are making final arrangements for the comprehensive partnership pact, which will determine bilateral cooperation in all fields for the next 20 years.
by PressTV
What The Media Won’t Tell You: L.A. Fires (14:15)
What the media won’t tell you–there’s a lot of ground to cover. Here’s what I assume will end up being Part 1.
by Really Graceful
Russia-China Trade Value Hits Record High – Beijing
Turnover between the two nations topped $244 billion in 2024, according to customs data
The value of trade turnover between China and Russia reached a record high last year, the Chinese customs agency has reported. Trade value hit 1.74 trillion yuan ($244.8 billion), driven by a 4% increase in Chinese exports to Russia, the General Administration of Customs (GACC) announced on Monday. Overall, the trade turnover between the two nations grew by 1.9% year-on-year. In 2023, bilateral trade between China and Russia reached $240 billion, posting a 26.3% growth. The figures cemented China’s position as Russia’s largest trading partner for 14 consecutive years. “I believe that Russian-Chinese economic ties have great prospects,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said last year. Chinese President Xi Jinping shared a similar view in his New Year address earlier this month, saying that the two countries have always moved forward “hand in hand.” Moscow’s ambassador to China confirmed in late December that Xi plans to visit Russia this year.
by RT
Haz X Dugin: Fascism, Žižek And Lacan (41:12)
Dugin is given the opportunity, in his own words, to explain in his real political outlook in contrast to the various libelous claims made by the Western mainstream media and online bad faith actors.
by Alexander Dugin
Our [Pro-Life] Ads Under Attack; We Need Your Help!
Dear Pro-life Friends, Each day, thousands of innocent babies die by abortion and many women succumb to the decision without knowing the facts about the baby’s development – or that help is available. We’re trying to change that. PROLIFE Across AMERICA uses advertising to educate and spread pro-life messages, and offer an 800# Hotline to help those in need of pregnancy support or alternatives to abortion. Most women don’t know where their local crisis pregnancy center is and what services are offered. For 35 years, our Billboards and Ads have been connecting callers with pro-life support centers across the country that offer: Free confidential counseling and pregnancy help, Adoption information, and Post-abortion assistance. At PROLIFE Across AMERICA, we work to support both the Mom facing an unplanned pregnancy AND the baby at risk of losing his or her life. We receive hundreds of calls to our Hotline each month, such as this recent one: “I just found out I’m pregnant. It’s my first one, but the father of the baby doesn’t want me to have it and he’s really pushing me to get an abortion.” We were able to connect her to a local pro-life pregnancy center, where she’ll be able to receive confidential counseling and pregnancy support. This work does not come without challenges. In PROLIFE Across AMERICA’s 35 years of sponsoring pro-life billboards, we’ve never seen such an explosion of attacks like we’ve had recently:
Thank you for your support, and may God bless you!
by Mary Ann Kuharski
Government Is Evil: Timeless Lessons From Thomas Paine’s Common Sense (Show Links and Video 29:53)
January 10, 1776: Thomas Paine didn’t hold back in Common Sense. Far more than just a call for independence from Britain, it was a bold and uncompromising attack on unlimited, centralized power. In this episode, we explore some of Paine’s top principles from Common Sense – timeless lessons that remain as relevant and important today as they were over two centuries ago during the early stages of the War for Independence.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center
Six Point Plan To Cure The NHS
Britain now has no effective health care. Patients are waiting hours for an ambulance, waiting days to be treated in an Accident and Emergency department and dying while waiting to see a doctor. The Government’s pathetic attempts to heal the NHS will fail. Waiting lists will continue to grow. Millions are unable to work while waiting to be seen. Britain now has one of the worst health care systems in the world. But the NHS could be cured in one day. Here are the six things which the Government should do now: GPs must be told to provide 24 hour a day cover for 365 days a year – as they always used to do. GPs work in groups so this would be no real hardship. And GPs must be told to visit patients at home and to make an attempt to show that they care for more than their bloated pay cheques. Doctors who insist on performing consultations by telephone or computer should be fired. GPs are well paid and less than 1% will resign rather accept these new contract terms. (Where else are they going to earn £150,000 a year?) Junior hospital doctors must work at least 60 hours a week. When I was a junior hospital doctor we often worked 168 hour weeks (including hours spent `on call’). It’s hard work but it doesn’t kill anyone. The EU’s absurd work limits should be ignored so that junior doctors can be available at nights and weekends.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
The Polio Paradox With Dr. Suzanne Humphries (24:22)
Nephrologist and co-author of ‘Dissolving Illusions’, Suzanne Humphries, MD, joins Del to discuss her significant role in the first installment of ‘Jefferey Jaxen Investigates’ on the polio virus. Hear how the dangers of vaccines came to light for her and why the future of humanity depends on people understanding the true history behind the polio vaccine.
by The HighWire with Del Bigtree
The United States Always Knew NATO Expansion Would Lead To War
The present severed from the past is easily misunderstood. In discussions of the Russia-Ukraine war, not enough is made of the historical fact that, at the end of the Cold War, the newly independent Ukraine promised not to join NATO, and NATO promised not to expand to Ukraine. Not enough is made of the fact that Article IX of the 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine, “External and Internal Security,” says that Ukraine “solemnly declares its intention of becoming a permanently neutral state that does not participate in military blocs…” That promise was later enshrined in Ukraine’s constitution, which committed Ukraine to neutrality and prohibited it from joining any military alliance; that included NATO. Nor is enough made of the fact that in 1990 and 1991, the George H.W. Bush administration gave assurances to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev—assurances that arguably reached the level of a deal—that NATO would not expand east of Germany, including to Ukraine. But even less is made of what the Bill Clinton administration later promised Russian President Boris Yeltsin, nor what the United States already knew at the time of where plans of NATO expansion to Ukraine would lead.
by Ted Snider
The Collapse Of The West Is The Elephant In The Room
The alliance of self-styled democracies led by the imploding Washington DC has already entered a stage of failure suffered by the Russians and Ukrainians during the collapse of the Soviet Union (1985-1991).
From 1985 the domino effect of 15 Soviet Republics opting for independence commenced. The process accelerated from November 1989 when the Berlin Wall crumbled. The Washington-managed Cold War on the USSR (1948-1989) ended in 1991. Vulture capitalists of Western corporations descended to pick the bones of prostrate Russia as happened to the defeated Reich following World War II. What happened during 1991-1999 still scars and embitters the Russian soul. The state stopped functioning. Jobs, savings and pensions disappeared overnight. There was massive widespread unemployment. Once well-off Russians sold whatever they had on street markets. The rest starved and endured a hand-to-mouth existence, families pulled together just to survive. The Russian economy tanked. The shops were empty and suicides were commonplace. In an anarchic oligarch-ruled banana republic Russians barely scraped by. The entrails of their nations were scavenged by international oligarchs few of whom had any connection to Russia. In 1988 the duped (by the West) Mikhail Gorbachev invited Western trade delegations to help better manage the transitioning economy. In effect, the Soviet President opened the chicken coop to the fox. Then, in 1999, the new Russian president Vladimir Putin drove the Western Alliance fox out of the Russian hen house.
by Michael Wlash
Seven Months Without Burying Wassim (3:52)
He was about to complete his twenty-second year just days after his martyrdom. The family of the martyr Wassim Abu ‘Adi, from the village of Kafr Ni’ma, west of Ramallah, did not extinguish the candle of his birthday this year. The fire in their hearts will not be extinguished until they bury their son, whose body has been detained in the occupation’s refrigeration units for more than six months.
Interview: The father of the martyr Wassim Abu ‘Adi
Reporting: Momen. Somrain
by FreePalestineTV
How The West Destroyed Syria
Peter Ford served in the UK Foreign Ministry for many years including being UK Ambassador to Bahrein (1999-2003) and then Syria (2003-2006). Following that, he was representative to the Arab world for the Commissioner General of United Nations Relief and Works Agency. He was interviewed by Rick Stering on Jan 6, 2025.
Rick Sterling: Why do you think the Syrian military and government collapsed so rapidly?
Peter Ford: Everybody was surprised but with hindsight, we shouldn’t have been. Over more than a decade, the Syrian army had been hollowed out by the extremely dire economic situation in Syria, mainly caused by western sanctions. Syria only had a few hours of electricity a day, no money to buy weapons and no ability to use the international banking system to buy anything whatsoever. It’s no surprise that the Army was run down. With hindsight, you might say the surprise is that the Syrian government and Army were successful in driving back the Islamists. The Syrian Army forced them into the redoubt of Idlib four or five years ago.But after that point, the Syrian army deteriorated, became less battle ready on the technical level and also morale. Syrian soldiers are mainly conscripts and they suffer as much as any ordinary Syrian from the really dreadful economic situation in Syria. I hesitate to admit it, but the Western sanctions were extremely effectively in doing what they were designed to do: to bring the Syrian economy down to its knees. So we have to say, and I say this with deep regret, the sanctions worked. The sanctions did exactly what they were designed to do to make the Syrian people suffer, and thereby to bring about discontent with what they call the regime.
by Rick Sterling
In Huge Protest, Romanians Rail Against Do-Over Election Targeting Populist NATO Skeptic
Upwards of 100,000 Romanians of various political stripes took to the streets on Sunday to express outrage over the voiding of a presidential election that seemed poised to put a NATO and Ukraine War skeptic in power. George Simion, leader of the right-wing Alliance for the Unity of Romanians, summed up the intent of the demonstrations his party organized: “We are protesting against the coup d’état that took place on Dec. 6. We are sorry to discover so late that we were living in a lie and that we were led by people who claimed to be democrats, but are not at all. We demand a return to democracy through the resumption of elections, starting with the second round.” Close to 100,000 people on the streets of Bucharest protesting against the decision to cancel the elections and in support of Georgescu In November, Romania held the first balloting in its two-round election. It resulted in Europe’s latest instance in which a populist, nationalist, right-wing candidate posted a result that far exceeded what polls indicated he was capable of. In a 13-contender field, that candidate, Calin Georgescu, led the pack with 23%, setting him up to advance to the second and final round against reformist Elena Lasconi of the Save Romania Union party.
by Tyler Durden
Diego Ruzzarin Interviews Pepe Escobar On The Rules-Based Order (52:29)
Pedophilia – An Ethnic Crime Or A Failed Justice System?
While the US burns, other countries are advancing. While the US bickers, other countries are extending alliances. While Bannon divides, his true bully racism agenda precedes him. The mentality of western chaos needs a good wash – with Clorox. The quality of life in the US is abysmal. The peasant status imported by the World Economic Forum is draining Americans and in a sense creating American genocide. Our bodies and health have been attacked nonstop for decades. Everywhere I look I see disease and death. Focusing on an ethnicity in child abuse and rape does not solve the decadence. It doesn’t address the children and instead morphs into a brawl over ethnicity. The Jimmy Savile scandal was about white men. The Franklin Scandal was about white men. They converged in that their clients were wealthy and powerful enough to quash any legal repercussions. Epstein – white, Jewish, surrounded himself with money and power so as to assure no legal repercussions. That is the root problem – a justice system that is complicit! A justice system that is incompetent. A justice system that sows and then embraces the violence. This is what happened in the UK. A gang of Pakistani men were grooming and raping children and the justice system did nothing.
by Helena Glass
Quantum Computing In Non-Linear Time
Is this something we can tap into?
Quantum computers work by harnessing the principles of quantum mechanics, specifically superposition and entanglement, to perform calculations. Unlike classical computers that use bits as either a 0 or 1, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously (superposition) – essentially representing both 0 and 1 at the same time. This allows quantum computers to process a vast number of possibilities at once. When qubits are entangled, the state of one qubit can be directly correlated with another, no matter the distance between them, enabling complex operations where changing one qubit instantly affects its entangled partner. Quantum algorithms leverage these properties to solve certain types of problems, like optimization, cryptography, or simulation of quantum systems, much faster than classical computers by exploring multiple computational paths simultaneously.
by Jessica Rose
The Mysteries Of Stonehenge: Uncovering The Origins Of The Stones (1:08:34)
Squaring The Circle, A Randall Carlson Podcast
Full Speed Ahead
They argue over the details and often duck real differences. But it didn’t matter what song they played in the bar. When the icy water rushed through the corridors, the Titanic was doomed.
We came back from snowy Ireland to snow covered Maryland. And this morning, we sit in front of the fire, and take a break from our customary rigorous analysis and air-tight logic to make some guesses. As reported last week, the Musk/Ramaswamy DOGE group has already admitted that it can’t really eliminate the deficit. Not even half of it. But it only took just a little math to see that coming, not a lot of guesswork. They would have to cut into the muscle of the Pentagon and into the guts of the transfer payments (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid) to really make much of a difference. They aren’t going to do that because the politicians are in control, not the ‘efficiency’ guys. Politicos get power for themselves by spending money, not saving it. So, it was inevitable that Musk would fall out with the MAGA crowd.
by Bill Bonner
Sauna Bathing: A Natural Boost For Growth Hormone And Holistic Health
Discover how a simple sauna session can naturally boost growth hormone by 140%, enhance cardiovascular health, and reduce inflammation for a longer, healthier life.
Sauna bathing can increase human growth hormone (HGH) levels by approximately 140% after a single session. Regular use reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) by up to 63% and promotes cardiovascular health. Sauna therapy enhances mental well-being, reduces inflammation, and supports a holistic approach to health and longevity. Human growth hormone (HGH) plays a pivotal role in supporting tissue repair, muscle growth, fat metabolism, and overall vitality. While intense physical activity and fasting are commonly known to increase HGH levels, heat therapy through sauna bathing has emerged as a natural and accessible method for stimulating its release.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
January 13, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Diego Ruzzarin Interviews Pepe Escobar On The Rules-Based Order (52:29)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Pepe Escobar
Diego Ruzzarin Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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The Cathars (41:28)
The Untold Story
by Paul Anthony Wallis
Featured News
The Secret Team (15:44)
by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty
Music Of The Day
Jesse Welles
United Health (1:27) (2024)
by Jesse Welles
Quote Of The Day
“Many Americans believe we now have an empire; but is it ours? If our Congress is bought by AIPAC and operating for Israel’s purposes, and if our 1st Amendment has been negated as of yesterday by the U.S. Capitol Police, if all our wars for decades have been Israel’s wars, and if Zionists control the administration of our universities and news media, isn’t the empire Israel’s? Isn’t it clear that Netanyahu is our president’s boss? Opposition to genocide is now defined as “antisemitism.” If the once-proud USA not only stands idly by during a genocide of people who have never harmed us, but funds and munitions that genocide against the wills and interests of Americans, are we really free? If we fail to save the Amaleks now being genocided, we will all become Amalek at the hands of the same monsters.”
Christopher and Mary Fogarty –
Book Of The Day
The Great Taking
It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.
Website Of The Day
The Great Taking
It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.
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Meme Of The Day
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California Archive With 67 Posts
The Focus
Who controlled Winston Churchill? And why it still matters today.
Winston Churchill’s relationship with the Jewish people and Zionist causes was significant throughout his political career. Historical examinations of the benefits of these relationships to his personal life—particularly of a financial nature—have been revealed in several published books since late last century, but other than David Irving, nobody connects them to his actions and motivations or dares to question his loyalties. Why? Throughout his life, Churchill’s engagement with the Jewish community spanned from early political involvement in representing his greater Manchester constituents in Stretford to later years as a staunch advocate for global Zionism, the political movement dedicated to creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Churchill’s ties to the Jewish people predated his birth. In 1841, his distant relative, Colonel Charles Henry Churchill, serving as the British Consul in Damascus for the Crown, was one of the first to propose the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. In his 1841 proposal to the Ottoman authorities, he argued that the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine would bring economic development and political stability to the region, providing a buffer against regional instability and enhancing British strategic interests, decades before the formal Zionist movement led by Theodor Herzl took root.
by Good Citizen
The Final Pandemic – Audiobook (Text and Video 9:15)
We are pleased to announce that the audiobook version of The Final Pandemic – An Antidote to Medical Tyranny has been completed and approved for international distribution. When we first published the print and electronic versions in February 2024 we received a tremendous response and for a couple of days made it into the top 100 of all books being sold on Amazon! This was achieved even with many of our book sales going through (20% discount code ‘BAILEY20’).
by Dr. Sam Bailey
Jewish Churchill’s Mother, Jenny Jacobson
[When David Irving was a guest at my home in September 2012, the two of us talked about many historical issues, and I asked him quite a few questions, which he gratefully answered, some with lengthy explanations. One question was, is it true that Jenny “Jerome” Jacobson the mother of Winston Churchill, was Jewish? David talked to me for a couple of minutes about this one subject. To sum up his remarks, he told me yes, it was true, and this was one of the most forbidden secrets the Jewish oligarchy didn’t want known. Mark R. Elsis]
Jenny Jacobson Churchill, Winston Churchill’s Mother was Jewish. According to Jewish religion – if your mother is Jewish, then you are Jewish. Born In 1854. Mother of Winston And Spencer Churchill. A Brooklyn Girl With a Wealthy Father. She Marries Royalty and Becomes an English Socialite. Her Affair With King Edward VII Was The Key To Winston’s Rise. They were lovers for over twenty years. One of the best kept secrets of World War Two was Churchill’s racial heritage. His mother was Jenny Jacobson, daughter of Jerome Jacobson, a multi millionaire from New York. Born in Brooklyn She was born in 1854, at 197 Amity Street, in the Cobble Hill section of Brooklyn, New York. There Were Three Sisters, Jenny, Clara and Naomi. Jenny’s Family: Her father, Leonard Walter Jerome born November 3, 1817 in Pompey, New York. Leonard Jerome (nee Jacobson) was a Princeton Graduate. He moved to Brooklyn, New York, where he became a notable and flamboyant stock market speculator and promoter. Proprietor, and editor, of the New York Times, who used Gatling guns on his striking employees. He was a stock speculator, and a close friend of August Belmont, Sr (nee Schoenberg), American representative of the Rothschild family’s banking. He had interests in Broadway theaters, race tracks and railroads. He was plagued by scandals such as (Minnie Hauk was believed to be his illegitimate daughter). He changed his name from Jacobson to Jerome. The New York social scene was run by a German named Lady Astor, and under no circumstances were these blue bloods interested in some natty second generation Polish Jews.
by Sanda Abramovici
ACH (2492) I’m Talking To YOU #162 – Monday January 13th 2025 (34:06)
How Come The Mainstream Media’s Demonization Of Asian People Continues Unabated Despite Many Of Their Readers Being Jailed For Expressing Similar Sentiments Last Summer?
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Preparations For Putin-Trump Meeting Underway – Waltz
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that the Russian president was open to meeting with Trump after his inauguration. Russia welcomes Trump’s “readiness to solve problems through dialogue,” Peskov said.
Trump National Security Advisor pick Mike Waltz has confirmed that preparations for a meeting between Presidents Putin and Trump are underway. “The preparations are underway,” Waltz said in an ABC News interview Sunday after being asked when the prospective meeting might occur. Waltz also said that a telephone call between the two leaders may take place in the next days or weeks. At a press briefing earlier in the week, Trump said Putin “wants to meet” and that his transition team was in the process of “setting it up.” The format of the meeting is “to be determined,” Trump added. “President Putin wants to meet. He’s said that even publicly. And we have to get that war over with, that’s a bloody mess,” Trump said, referring to the ongoing NATO-Russia conflict in Ukraine using Kiev as a proxy.
by Ilya Tsukanov—president-elects-national-security-advisor-1121415941.html
The Secret Team (15:44)
by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty
Charity 2025
If Catholics practised charity, every foe
Would be, without a drop of blood, struck low.
About one month ago a priest of the Catholic “Resistance” in France, Fr. Matthew Salenave, another refugee from the SSPX, penned a wise portrait of the state in which the Catholic Church finds itself today. Previously he had written in public somewhat critically of the state of the Newsociety of St Pius X as having slidden from what it used to be when it was founded and led by Archbishop Lefebvre. With the text that follows he wrote that he wished to add a few “more positive and encouraging considerations.” He continued – “. . . . If God allows for a priestly operation to slide, that does not mean He wishes to abandon His Church or the souls redeemed by His Precious Blood. That is why alongside the sad deterioration of the Society of St Pius X He has been raising up for at least the last 10 years a number of strongholds, a variety of little fortresses of the Faith. They do not necessarily all share the same point of view or show the same firmness in their positions, but for sure and certain they none of them want to go on following the Newsociety in its desire to go back under Roman authority. Thus we have the Company of Mary with Fr Chazal, the Apostles of Jesus and Mary with Bishop Faure, the Priory of Villeneuve with Fr Pivert, the Dominicans of Avrille, the Benedictines of Bellaigue and various priestly confraternities under the authority of the “Resistance” bishops and different priories . . . all gathered together under the moral and spiritual authority of the seven bishops of the “Resistance.” Obviously, most important of all in this Catholic effort to resist is the Catholic Faith, with bishops in the front line of defence, for that is how the Church continues in its Faith, hierarchy, and sacraments.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
NYTimes Rejects Quaker Ad For Calling Israel’s Actions “Genocide”
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) – a Quaker organization that has worked for peace and justice for over a century – has cancelled planned advertising with the New York Times after the paper refused to allow an ad that referred to Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The ad read: “Tell Congress to stop arming Israel’s genocide in Gaza now! As a Quaker organization, we work for peace. Join us. Tell the President and Congress to stop the killing and starvation in Gaza.” “The refusal of The New York Times to run paid digital ads that call for an end to Israel’s genocide in Gaza is an outrageous attempt to sidestep the truth,” said Joyce Ajlouny, General Secretary for AFSC. “Palestinians and allies have been silenced and marginalized in the media for decades as these institutions choose silence over accountability. It is only by challenging this reality that we can hope to forge a path toward a more just and equitable world.” After receiving the text for the ad quoted above, a representative from the advertising team suggested AFSC use the word “war” instead of “genocide” – a word with an entirely different meaning both colloquially and under international law. When AFSC rejected this approach, the New York Times Ad Acceptability Team sent an email that read in part: “Various international bodies, human rights organizations, and governments have differing views on the situation. In line with our commitment to factual accuracy and adherence to legal standards, we must ensure that all advertising content complies with these widely applied definitions.” Many human rights organizations, legal scholars, genocide and holocaust scholars, and UN bodies have determined that Israel is committing genocide or genocidal acts in Gaza.
by Layne Mullett
Toward A Post-Human World (4:39)
by Patrick M. Wood
Farewell To Jimmy Carter… And American Democracy
The pious display of Jimmy Carter’s casket was a last-ditch attempt to give U.S. politics an image of unity, dignity, decency, and decorum.
The funeral pageantry and tributes to the late Jimmy Carter seemed a tad contrived, as if America’s political establishment was trying its best to project an image of national unity and reverential soul – at a time when the country is irrevocably, bitterly divided and its institutions are tarnished beyond redemption. Carter died at the age of 100 on December 29 – the longest-lived U.S. president in history – and was given a state funeral on January 9 in the National Cathedral in Washington. A national day of mourning was declared, and flags flew at half mast on public buildings. The drawn-out funeral arrangement seemed to give the media endless scope for nostalgia about a humble peanut farmer who became president for one term between 1977 and 1981. The rose-tinted view of Carter’s legacy harked to a time of supposed decency and bipartisan civility in American politics. The contrast with the present partisan enmity in U.S. politics could not be sharper. The contempt between Democrats and Republicans could not be more vicious. Republican President-elect Donald Trump takes office on January 20. He takes over from Democrat Joe Biden. The vaunted peaceful transfer of power is a charade. During the election campaign last year, Biden repeatedly called Trump the “biggest threat to our democracy.” This was a reference to Trump’s demagoguery and fascist proclivities. Yet, at the funeral for Carter, Trump was seated beside former Democrat President Barack Obama, chatting and smiling before the service.
by Finian Cunningham
Good Quotes, Woke Croaks, Cringe Jokes
“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut
“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” Buddha
Hope like an optimist, plan like a pessimist.
It’s all about perspective as a cleaning man at NASA best said when asked what he was doing: “I’m helping to put a man on the moon.+ ~ Janitor, NASA
The meaning of life is to give life meaning.
“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” ~ Cloud Atlas
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
“Even after all this time the Sun never says to the Earth “you owe me.” Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky.” ~ Hafiz
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
by TriTorch
Malibu Luxury Beachfront Property Is Totally Gone (0:54)–malibu-luxury-beachfront-property-is-totally-gone-.html
Over A Million Children In Gaza Face Mental Health Crisis: UNICEF
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has warned that almost all of the 1.1 million children in the Gaza Strip are facing a mental health crisis and need psychosocial support, amid the Israeli regime’s ongoing brutal war in the besieged enclave.
In a report on Sunday, UNICEF said Gaza’s children suffer from nightmares, anxiety and paralyzing fears due to Israel’s intense bombardment, loss of family members and the dire humanitarian situation in the blockaded territory. The UN agency went on to say that at least 19,000 Palestinian children have been orphaned since the Israeli war on Gaza began in October 2023. Mental health experts caution that the immense impact of months of war on the mental health of these children could persist for generations, it added. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Civil Defense in Gaza said at least 70 Palestinian children have been killed in Israeli strikes in several areas across the besieged territory in the past five days, without providing details on the ages of the victims.
by PressTV
Vaccination: Proved Useless and Dangerous (1889)
By Alfred R. Wallace – 35 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary
The mass poisoning of populations through trickery and force is a very old story. In reading Wallace’s book, you’ll see how the formula of lies, deception, and coercion employed over 150 years ago was flawlessly repeated during Operation Lock Step. Though the technology and poisons may have changed, the overarching pattern and method remained identical. Wallace is significant—he published his theory of evolution by natural selection before Darwin. I’m certain he would be far more well known today if not for his outspoken opposition to vaccination. In “Vaccination Proved Useless & Dangerous,” Alfred R. Wallace presents a groundbreaking statistical analysis that challenges the fundamental assumptions about vaccination’s effectiveness in preventing Small-pox. Published in 1889, this meticulous examination of forty-five years of registration statistics (1838-1882) reveals uncomfortable truths about mortality rates, data collection practices, and public health policy.
by Unbekoming
What Happens When Society Can’t Take A Joke Anymore? (27:06)
by Truthstream Media
Iranian Rhetoric And Tragic Timelines
There is a need for getting past wishful thinking and to do real analysis. While most Arab states are openly buttressing Israel, Iran’s actions at times effectively enable Israel’s criminality.
Seyed Mohammad Marandi effectively argues in an interview with Glenn Greenwald that the Iranian government isn’t worse off with Syria having been overrun since now Syria is no longer a drain on Iran. This is the latest reason to highlight that Arabic countries — and most especially Palestine — are tremendously at the mercy of outside powers and the narrowest number of Arab elites. Arabs, especially Palestinians, end up as pawns. Marandi claims that somehow Israel has “destroyed” itself. Certainly Israel is exposed in its criminality to more and more people, but it is literally getting away not with murder, but with genocide. To say that Israel is the one being damaged is to engage in a perverse sort of Israeli victimology. I examine Marandi’s claims in more detail below. I bear him absolutely no personal grudge, I rather like him and have occasionally retweeted him. I’m examining him rather than other analysts because I followed him more closely than others because he seemed intelligent.
by Sam Husseini
Rick Scott And Ted Cruz Introduce $100 Million Bounty On Maduro
I am NOT suicidal…
Rick Scott reintroduces bill to set $100 million reward for arrest of Nicolás Maduro. Essentially turning the US into an official Mafia Cartel. According to Scott, Maduro is responsible for turning Venezuela into a Hellhole because Maduro assisted a Venezuelan drug-trafficking organization “comprised of high-ranking Venezuelan officials”, in a corrupt and violent narco-terrorism conspiracy with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). In 2017, FARC made a deal with the Colombian government for peace. CIA? They get a pass. The FARC was a communist Marxist militant group founded in Colombia in 1964. They grew as a result of the US CIA coup activities in Colombia. The first coup in 1953 installed Pinella who went to Tri-State College in the US before returning to Colombia in 1932 to fight Peru. Upon taking over as President 1954, he initiated martial law and ruled as a dictatorship. He was forced to resign in 1958. The second coup by the CIA was labeled Plan LAZO in 1968. The US used ‘napalm bombs’ and 16,000 troops to decimate 1000 villagers wherein only 48 were armed. Those 48 fled into the mountains and formed FARC.
by Helena Glass
January 12, 2025, 12 Posts Published And Archived
The Secret Team (15:44)
by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty
John Edginton
The Secret Team
The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World
by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty
Insider Col. L. Fletcher Prouty Discusses The JFK Assassination (1:18:43)
Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty Discusses Sabotage Of Gary Powers U2 Flight (1:02:54)
A Meeting With X From JFK (1991) (4:36)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Timeline
The Most Comprehensive Timeline On John Fitzgerald Kennedy
423 Pages with 1,283 Hotlinks
by Mark R. Elsis
Israel Assassinated President John F. Kennedy
by Mark R. Elsis
The Day The United States Died
Thursday, June 6, 1968
by Mark R. Elsis
December 8, 1980
by Mark R. Elsis
A Violent Insane Asylum
by Mark R. Elsis
The Last Significant Person That Had To Be Assassinated
by Mark R. Elsis Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Book Of The Day
The Secret Team
The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World
The Secret Team, L. Fletcher Prouty’s CIA exposé, was first published on November 30, 1972, but virtually all copies of the book disappeared upon distribution, purchased en masse by shady “private buyers.” Certainly Prouty’s amazing allegations—that the U-2 Crisis of 1960 was fixed to sabotage Eisenhower-Khrushchev talks, and that President Kennedy was assassinated to keep the U.S., and its defense budget, in Vietnam—cannot have pleased the CIA. Though suppressed (until now), The Secret Team was an important influence for Oliver Stone’s Academy Award-winning film JFK and countless other works on U.S. government conspiracies, and it raises the same crucial question today that it did on its first who, in fact, is in control of the United States and the world?
by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty
Website Of The Day
Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty
The Colonel. L Fletcher Prouty Reference Site is a focal point where researchers can locate and retrieve articles, books, videos, and tapes on a variety of subjects which Fletcher has written and participated in. “This is the Official Site for all things Fletcher Prouty.” He was the model for the ‘Man X’ in Oliver Stone’s film ‘JFK.’ Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty spent 9 of his 23 year military career in the Pentagon (1955-1964): 2 years with the Secretary of Defense, 2 years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and 5 years with Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. In 1955 he was appointed the first “Focal Point” officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-1961), and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
January 11, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Toward A Post-Human World (4:39)
by Patrick M. Wood
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Technocracy News And Trends Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Book Of The Day
The International Jew (Audiobook 51:19:38)
The World’s Foremost Problem
The International Jew is a four-volume set of booklets, totaling eighty articles,
originally published and distributed in 1920, 1921, and 1922.
Volume 1: The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem (1920)
Volume 2: Jewish Activities in the United States (1921)
Volume 3: Jewish Influence in American Life (1921)
Volume 4: Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States (1922)
by The Dearborn Publishing Company,
which was owned by Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company.
Narrated with interstitial comments by Alex Linder,
Music Of The Day
Tennessee Jet
2 + 2 (3:36) (2024)
Why the fuck we playin’ nice?
by Tennessee Jet
Quote Of The Day
“O Lord, make me an instrument of Thy Peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, harmony;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light, and
Where there is sorrow, joy.
Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not
So much seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying;
That we are born to Eternal Life.”
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Website Of The Day
Technocracy News And Trends
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton. Wood remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order” which is the essence of Sustainable Development on a global scale.
Memes Of The Day
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,800 Archived.
Medical Archive With 2,982 Posts
Gaza Death Toll 40% Higher Than Recorded, Lancet Study Estimates
A new study published in the UK’s Lancet medical journal estimates that Gaza’s death toll during the first nine months of the war was about 40 percent higher than figures reported by the Palestinian health ministry.
Research published in The Lancet medical journal on Friday suggests that around 2.9 percent of Gaza’s pre-war population or approximately one in 35 inhabitants died in Israeli attacks until late July 2024. Up to June 30 last year, the health ministry in Gaza reported a death toll of 37,877 in the war. The study suggests the total death toll was actually at around 64,260, which would mean the health ministry had under-reported the number of deaths by 41 percent. The new study used data from the ministry, an online survey and social media obituaries to estimate that there were between 55,298 and 78,525 deaths from traumatic injuries in Gaza by that time. However, the toll did not count the deaths from a lack of health care or food, or the thousands of missing believed to be buried under rubble.
by PressTV–higher-than-recorded,-Lancet-study-estimates
Joe Rogan Interviews Mel Gibson (2:20:58)
Burn Back Better (Text and Videos)
The Mayor Of LA Was A Leading Member Of A Radical Organization With Ties To Another Terrorist Group That Blew Up US Capitol In 1983, And Went On To Launder Money For BLM
Most Dangerous Days For Americans, Mass Casualty Event Cited By HHS At Inauguration, Bronx On Fire, Arson and Looting In LA—Are Pedophile Rings Being Exposed or Covering Evidence? What Is Happening?
For a few days I was mute, searching for a way to cover the arson attacks in LA that would in some way go beyond mere shock and demoralization. The footage is impossible to believe, even while seeing it. It seemed to me the fires were distributed from above, evenly, horizontally. All houses seemed to become engulfed by fire at once, but one could not witness the spread of the fire between houses, nor any time between when the fires began and all houses in the affected areas were engulfed. This is characteristic of NWO attacks: Sudden, unprecedented, unnatural, catastrophic and not mitigate-able. To wit: “Have you ever seen fire rain from the sky?” I reached a good friend in LA, Josh M. whose home was not affected, but who gave me a crash course on the collapse of LA, in recent years. He said the writer’s strike was even more devastating to LA’s entire economy than Covid. He briefed me on the installation of Karen Bass, as it was experienced by residents of Los Angeles. “Nobody voted for her,” he said. “Everybody” voted for real estate developer Rick Caruso. Yet she “won.” I looked her up. A clip on X that revealed LA Mayor Karen Bass’ Marxist revolutionary roots in the “Venceremos Brigade—” an international organization founded in 1969 that ferried American youth to Cuba to radicalize them as communists. Bass was going to Cuba every six months, apparently. You’d think most American would be apprised of this? You can watch the clip about Karen Bass’ history here.
by Celia Farber
Most Important Inaugural Address: Forgotten Principles Of Jefferson (Show Links and Video 31:18)
The 10th Amendment, peace, cutting spending and debt, and eliminating taxes – these are just a few of the key principles Thomas Jefferson outlined in his first inaugural address. Easily one of the most important presidential speeches in American history, Jefferson’s inaugural laid out a bold and clear vision: a blueprint for liberty, unity, and strictly limited government under the Constitution. In this video, we’ll dive into the context of Jefferson’s election and address, his unwavering emphasis on peace, and the 13 essential principles of his administration. Over two centuries later, his message remains more vital than ever.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center
How To Survive “The Great Taking” In 2025
It’s a “scheme of central bankers to subjugate humanity by taking all securities, bank deposits, and property financed with debt.” David Webb, a former hedge fund manager, and Wall Street insider, has blown the lid off a diabolical plan more than 50 years in the making in a shocking new book. He calls it The Great Taking. I consider it an urgent must-read (available for free here). Here’s the synopsis (emphasis mine): It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.
by Nick Giambruno
ACH (2487) I’m Talking To YOU #158 – I’m Sorry To Say I Told You So But I Just Did! (Audio 34:28)
In today’s 34 minute show originally recorded and broadcast on January 8th 2025, I offer YOU a show entitled, “I’m Sorry To Say I Told You So But I Just Did!” and I hope YOU enjoy it.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Netanyahu Committee Says Israel Must Prepare For War With Turkey
The ousting of Syrian President Bashar al Assad has put the United States, Israel and Turkey on a fast-track to a broader and more violent conflagration. By removing Assad and obliterating the state, the coup managers created a power vacuum that has been filled by the proxy armies of the most vicious and aggressive nations in the world all of whom are now prepared to intensify the fighting in order to determine the final borders of the New Middle East. The gravity of the situation has not been lost on the media which is sounding increasingly hysterical with every passing day. Consider, for example, a few of the headlines that appeared in newspapers on Wednesday: Israel must prepare for war with Turkey, gov committee warns, New Arab; Government Report: Israel Must Get Ready for War With Turkey, The European Conservative; Turkey-backed Syria may be bigger threat than Iran, says Israeli government panel, Middle East Eye; ‘Be Ready For War’: Not Iran, Israel Says Turkey-Backed Syria Is Now Bigger Threat, Times of India; Erdogan’s policies in Syria bring Turkey and Israel closer to confrontation, Jerusalem Post andIsrael incites war with Türkiye after Syrian revolution, Daily Sabah. Get the picture? Now that Assad is gone, the mask has been stripped away, and the competing agendas of the various actors are becoming more apparent. In this new paradigm, the US, Israel and Turkey are not allies attempting to achieve the same objective (toppling Assad), but bitter enemies determined to impose their own strategic vision on the entire region.
by Mike Whitney
News Chopper Captures Scenes Over Pacific Palisades (0:57)
“I’ve never seen such destruction… it looks like a war zone.”….html
Dr. Vernon Coleman’s Vaccine Challenge
In the 1660s, the richest doctor in England was a man called Thomas Willis. His most popular prescription was a drink made of the dung of horses, pigeons, cocks and oxen. Patients with jaundice were given a tonic made of sheep and goose dung. He recommended rat droppings as a cure for constipation. Special patients, who could afford the treatment, had dog shit smeared on their chests. Willis wasn’t the only doctor around with exotic prescriptions to offer. A Dr Cotton believed in putting dead pigeons on the heads of his patients. In 1689 he put a dead pigeon on the head of a woman with convulsions. The pigeon remained in situ for five days, quietly rotting. Nothing much changes, does it? Today, thanks to science, doctors no longer tell their patients to drink medicines made from horse shit. Instead they inject their patients with scores of different products which are just as daft, and potentially far more dangerous, as the dead pigeon treatment. The products they inject with such enthusiasm have never been shown to work or to be safe – especially when given, in vast quantities, to babies and small children. These 21st century dog shit remedies are called vaccines, and doctors are so enthusiastic about them that dissent is not allowed. Indeed, any orthodox trained medical doctor who questions their efficacy or safety is likely to lose his or her licence to practise. (The funny thing is, however, that in the UK only 27% of health care workers allow themselves to be given the flu jab. The other 73% say `no thanks, I’m not having that toxic rubbish injected into me’. The authorities complain about this but they shouldn’t be surprised. After all health care workers see what happens to the gullible who allow themselves to be jabbed.) However, it is clear to anyone with functioning brain tissue that to claim that vaccines in general are not linked to autism, brain damage and immune system problems is like arguing that vehicles are not linked to road traffic accidents.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Normalizing Expansion: Israel Sets Its Sights On Egypt’s Sinai
Israel’s ironic and brazen accusations of Egyptian treaty violations in Sinai point to a deeper agenda, raising fears of further territorial expansion by Tel Aviv and a growing threat to regional stability.
As Israel accuses Egypt of military buildup in the Sinai Peninsula, tensions between the two states – bound by their 1979 normalization treaty – are reaching a boiling point. Israeli officials and allied neoconservative think tanks are now actively escalating rhetoric alleging Cairo’s breach of the peace treaty while hinting at Tel Aviv’s ambitions to expand into Egyptian territory. In September 2024, the Washington-based Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) published a report accusing Egypt of allegedly aiding Hamas through tunnels leading into Gaza to enable the Palestinian resistance movement to build its military capabilities. The charges are a stretch, given Cairo’s long-held acrimony toward Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations. These claims were further contradicted by recently leaked documents showing Egypt’s aggressive measures to destroy over 2,000 tunnels between 2011 and 2015. Senior Egyptian military officials even explored the construction of a canal to obliterate these underground networks. Also in September, Israeli military analyst Alon Ben-David admitted on Channel 13 News that “no single open tunnel has been found in the Egyptian territory. No single usable tunnel has been discovered under the Philadelphi Corridor.”
by Robert Inlakesh
Carving Up Syria And Assad’s Last Moments (Text and Video 20:22)
My reports yesterday for UK Column focus on Jolani’s hold on power, the geopolitical gains for Turkey and Assad’s departure
by Vanessa Beeley
The Easy Credit, High Interest Rate Swindle
When 21% interest rate credit cards are the only thing keeping the lid on awakening and revolt, that’s not a sustainable fix.
The easy credit, high interest rate swindle has been a financial feature of the landscape for so long it’s rarely examined for what it is: not just a reliably profitable swindle, but as a safety valve for a broken system. We all know how it works, either from experience or observation: credit cards are distributed like candy on Holloween, with one little kicker: a dose of financial fentanyl is included: insanely high rates of interest, i.e. 21% and up, and rapacious late fees. The credit card issuers know most of the uncreditworthy creditors they sent cards to will eventually default, but this is fine because the high interest rates and stiff penalties will extract enough wealth from the debt-serfs to make the game profitable. This foreknowledge is what makes it a swindle: we know you want credit, we know you’ll quickly get over your head and owe us a balance, and we know the exorbitant monthly interest on that ballooning balance will eat you alive, and you’ll default. But we also know enough of you will struggle on, paying the interest and penalties, for long enough to make the swindle profitable: the writedowns of defaults will be more than offset by the interest and penalties.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Bitcoin Is Set To Become The World Reserve Currency – Max Keiser (5:37)
As El Salvador has become a haven for Bitfinex, a major cryptocurrency exchange, RT spoke with Max Keiser, senior Bitcoin adviser to the Salvadoran president.
by RT
a crisis of competence (text and videos)
many bridges much too far
one might be forgiven for wondering how a once so high functioning civilization ever got to here. how did we lose so many things that once we knew? how did we lose critical thinking and critical assessment? how did we trade quiet competence for cartoon-grade clownworld and place into positions of power plentitudes of post-peter principle poltroons? and how, after having done so, did we watch everything wobble, fail, fall over, and ultimately catch fire and not lift a finger to stop it? the signs were all there. it was obvious to anyone who was looking that danger was mounting in any one of a hundred spheres. the storm into which we are sailing (a storm of our own making no less) has been becoming clearly and obliviously darker and more dangerous. how on earth did the modal modern american response become “so fire anyone who knows how to drive a boat and replace them with someone who not only lacks such skill but who thinks that the most important aspect of seamanship is mermaid cosplay”? how did we get this oblivious, this credulous, this insanely situationally unaware of the dangers from elevating actual anti-merit?
el gato malo
Let’s Debate The Coming Depression Before It Ruins Lives
Debts are cancelled in foreclosures and in bankruptcy courts. The Depression was caused by the reduction of our money supply by 31% from 1929 to 1933. This caused 3 to 4 million of the 123 million Americans alive in 1929 to starve to death. At that time, it was difficult to communicate with each other outside the corporate media. Today we have the Internet so we can debate a solution to solve the coming Depression before it happens meaning we can choose not to starve 10 million or more Americans to death. We have a debt based currency. We are not allowed to have money unless we go into debt. This is as opposed to President Lincoln’s Greenbacks where money was created by the US Treasury without a debt. By contrast, our money is created by the Federal Reserve which is owned by member banks. If we still had Lincoln’s Greenbacks, there would be no $36 trillion national debt and we would not be paying a trillion dollars a year in interest on that fictional debt. A depression’s severity can be determined in advance by measuring the number of Unpayable Debts we need to cancel. Today we have more Unpayable Debts to cancel than any time in the past 5 centuries so we can expect something far worse than 1933 America or 1923 Germany unless we allow free and open debates.
by Video Rebel
a crisis of competence (Text and Videos)many bridges much too farone might be forgiven for wondering how a once so high functioning civilization ever got to here. how did we lose so many things that once we knew? how did we lose critical thinking and critical assessment? how did we trade quiet competence for cartoon-grade clownworld and place into positions of power plentitudes of post-peter principle poltroons? and how, after having done so, did we watch everything wobble, fail, fall over, and ultimately catch fire and not lift a finger to stop it? the signs were all there. it was obvious to anyone who was looking that danger was mounting in any one of a hundred spheres. the storm into which we are sailing (a storm of our own making no less) has been becoming clearly and obliviously darker and more dangerous. how on earth did the modal modern american response become “so fire anyone who knows how to drive a boat and replace them with someone who not only lacks such skill but who thinks that the most important aspect of seamanship is mermaid cosplay”? how did we get this oblivious, this credulous, this insanely situationally unaware of the dangers from elevating actual anti-merit?el gato malo Jubilee, Bitcoin, And The Digital Age (5:230
The cashless society is upon us
by Greg Reese
‘I’ve Been Humiliated’ – Freed Detainees Recount Meeting With Dr. Abu Safiya
A recently freed detainee has revealed harrowing details about the mistreatment and humiliation suffered by Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya, the detained director of Kamal Adwan Hospital. The detained director of the Kamal Adwan Hospital, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya told fellow detainees at the notorious Sde Teiman detention center that he had been “humiliated” since his abduction by Israeli occupation forces in December. “I was shocked when I saw him. The first words that came out of his mouth: ‘Folks, I’ve been humiliated,” a recently released detainee told the Al Jazeera Mubasher channel. Mohammad al-Ramlawi said he had met Dr. Abu Safiya shortly before his release. “Two days before I left the prison, we were surprised to see Dr Abu Safiya enter the cell where we were held late at night,” al-Ramwali stated. “I was shocked when I saw him because he had helped me a lot earlier at Kamal Adwan Hospital. We cried bitterly for his condition because he is a national figure,” he added. He said Dr. Abu Safiya, spoke about the mistreatment and violations he endured during his detention, saying: “I swear, I was humiliated, and the army treated me terribly when they arrested me.”
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
The Monster Of American “Healthcare”
Enduring our “wellness”
I was raised by much older, chronically sick parents. I saw far too much of hospitals as a youngster. My father was a hospital patient as often as he was at home with his family. For instance, as a seven year old rock and roll fanatic, I had to watch the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show on a television in the hospital lobby.
Every time my father underwent his latest surgery, he came out the worse for the wear. They never made him better. They never healed him. But they made a lot of money off of him. My mother was hospitalized several times during my youth as well. Again, while she was never as sickly as my father, they never improved her health, either. The same kind of hospital that has killed so many almost killed my sister at age thirty. They gave her the Last Rites of the Catholic Church, and she almost left six small children behind. Miraculously, she pulled through, only to be abused by them repeatedly decades later. She is in constant pain, and has never really recovered from a broken hip eight years ago. The doctors just shrug in their patented manner. What do you want us to do? Heal you or something? Healing is apparently for faith healers and witch doctors. I’m not sure that witch doctors aren’t superior to allopathic medicine.
by Donald Jeffries
January 10, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Happy 80th Birthday Rod Stewart
Joe Rogan Interviews Mel Gibson (2:20:58)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Mel Gibson
Joe Rogan Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Pope Francis Should Go To Gaza!
It’s time to end Israel’s destruction of Christianity in Palestine
The death of former President Jimmy Carter started me thinking about how long it’s been since the United States has been led by a head of state who was also a thoroughly decent human being. To be sure, while in office Carter made many mistakes in terms of both foreign and national security policy, but much can be attributed to his inexperience and his unfortunate reliance on hardliners in his cabinet, most particularly Russophobe Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was his National Security Adviser. The neocons were also beginning to make their presence felt while scheming and conspiring under the protection of Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, the so-called Senator from Boeing. After failing to get reelected in 1980, Carter dedicated much of his life to helping people worldwide through a foundation that he established and he was renowned for speaking his mind when he observed a human rights problem that might be addressed.
by Philip Giraldi
Book Of The Day
The International Jew
The World’s Foremost Problem
The International Jew is a four-volume set of booklets, totaling eighty articles,
originally published and distributed in 1920, 1921, and 1922.
Volume 1: The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem (1920)
Volume 2: Jewish Activities in the United States (1921)
Volume 3: Jewish Influence in American Life (1921)
Volume 4: Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States (1922)
by The Dearborn Publishing Company,
which was owned by Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company.
Music Of The Day
Oliver Anthony
Rich Men North Of Richmond (3:10) (2023)
by Oliver Anthony
Happy 80th Birthday Rod Stewart
Rod Stewart (40 Posts)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Quote Of The Day
“Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities
also has the power to make you commit atrocities.”
Website Of The Day
The goal of this site has always been to educate the public on facts,
evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way.
But beyond that, Alt-Market focuses on solutions, not just threat analysis.
Memes Of The Day
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,800 Archived.
Israel Archive With 830 Posts
Britain Is Heading, Inexorably, Into A Recession And Then A Deep Depression
The British Government is either full of morons (in the style of Gordon `the Moron’ Brown) or else it is deliberately aiming to crash the British economy, put millions out of work, impoverish millions more and kill millions who cannot afford to eat or keep warm. You think I’ve gone mad? Consider this. No one disputes that the Labour Government’s budget in October 2024 has done great damage to the economy. The extra taxes will be passed onto working people who will become poorer. Companies – especially small ones – are struggling. Everyone will have less money to spend. Companies struggling to survive will have less income. Huge numbers of people (including train drivers, doctors and plumbers) will work less to avoid punitive taxes. And so the Government’s tax intake will inevitably fall. But the Government now has to pay huge amounts of interest on its vast debts. And so, despite the promises, taxes will have to rise again – probably as early as the Spring Budget. As taxes go up so people and companies will earn less. And the Government’s income will continue fall. So taxes will rise again – probably in the autumn. As the UK collapses and inflation rises so interest rates will go up. Millions won’t be able to afford to pay their mortgages. They will have nothing left to spend on fripperies like food and heat. And as interest rates go up so the amount the Government has to pay on its massive debt will soar. And millions of the old, the sick and the poor will die. This outcome is now inevitable.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Judge Andrew Napolitano Interviews Philip Giraldi (23:19)
Hollywood Anti-Justice: The Morality Of Modern Depravity
The reason the boomers are the way they are, and the reason no one in the west fights back against their dispossession and replacement is an 80 year long program to indoctrinate an Ideology I call “Hollywood Anti-justice”. In almost every piece of media to do with violence, crime, justice, and individual heroism of the past 80 years there is a scene: The “Hero Forgives” scene. Upon violently defeating, disarming, and capturing the villain, the hero, in spite of his every instinct, in spite of friends screaming at him and reasoning with him with arguments he can’t counter, in spite of the villains mocking unrepentance, dead to rights evidence, gleeful confessions, and even vows to reoffend. Even if the villain is guilty of hundreds of murders, rapes, and treason, even if the hero himself has killed hundreds of henchmen to capture the villain… The hero will refuse to kill or punish him.
by Kulak
Is America Undead? FFWN With Cat McGuire (1:26:50)
Will America lurch back to life under Trump? Or will it keep getting ever-more zombified?
Religious Landscape Of Congress Reveals The Impotence And Irrelevance Of America’s Religious Institutions
The Christian G.W. Bush thoroughly brainwashed evangelicals into accepting his preemptive and perpetual war doctrines and his ubiquitous surveillance state. His war on terror in the Middle East and his creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, etc., forever changed the spiritual mindset of evangelicals nationwide. During eight years of G.W. Bush’s presidency evangelicals went from peacemakers to warmongers; they went from bold adherents of constitutionally protected liberty to meek appeasers of unconstitutional governmental intrusion and usurpation. I will go so far as to say that the universal display of non-resistance to the Covid tyranny by pastors and churches was mostly due to the intense brainwashing that had taken place during the Bush years. Ditto for evangelicals’ current support for the genocide in Gaza. Who in their right mind could support genocide—anywhere?
by Chuck Baldwin
ACH (2486) I’m Talking To YOU #157 – Tuesday January 7th 2025 – January 20th Is Now The Official Release Date Of Forrest Trump 2 (Audio 36:33)
In today’s 37 minute show originally recorded and broadcast on January 7th 2025, I offer YOU a show entitled, “January 20th Is Now The Official Release Date Of Forrest Trump 2” and I hope YOU enjoy it.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Under The New “Freedom-Bringing” “Diverse” Syrian “Government”, Minorities Are Being Hunted Down, Tortured And Killed (Text and Videos)
*Warning: this post contains disturbing, violent, videos: the violence & terrorism of US/Turkish/Israeli-backed terrorists against Syrian civilians.
The following is on the hell of the “new Syria” ruled by al-Qaeda/ISIS terrorist Joolani, where his co-terrorist thugs run around hunting down minorities, torturing & killing them. There are countless such videos, and worse, being shared on Telegram & social media, from Syrians who film these terrorists’ attacking civilians (because media in Syria is now under control of HTS/al-Qaeda, you won’t see reports there…nor from the influencers chirping about how great & free Syria is now, and hey, ISIS are very helpful people…) Following are just some examples of the lawlessness and pure terrorism that has been unleashed on Syria, on Syrian civilians. This is what the idiots who cheered the toppling of the former Syrian government have endorsed.
by Eva Karene Bartlett
Apocalyptic Fire Consumes LA (0:35)
Thousands of structures and multiple LA landmarks destroyed in one day as firefighters face impossible task of containing huge blaze with empty reservoirs and fire hydrants completely out of water.
by RT
Globalism Unmasked: The Collective Monster Behind The Tentacles
Alexander Dugin’s text contrasts two opposing forces within the West: the globalist “Monster-West,” represented by liberal elites and their network of influence, and the “MAGA-West”.
Biden, Harris, Obama, Starmer, Macron, Soros, Scholz, Trudeau, Schwab, Hillary are not separate individuals but just tentacles. Zelensky is wart on the skin of same monster. Trump with Elon Musk are discovering and making manifest the hidden figure of That who lives in Swamp. The monster screams and tries to bite back. It is pathetic – MAGA against the monster. I have remarked one psychological feature: Americans including American patriots and dissenters hate the word “prohibit”. The call for prohibiting woke (being main enemy of conservatives) doesn’t provoke any enthusiasm
Wokeists on the contrary adore cancelling and censoring. May be they are just not too American? Elon Musk on attacks tentacles. Now it is time to formulate the question: if those who everybody knows are but the tentacles what is the real name of the monster? Whose tentacles we are dealing with? From Russian point of view it seemed something like “collective West”. Behaviour of the West (US, EU, Natoland) during Obama, neocons, Biden epoch and most of EU leaders confirmed that. But now whole picture is drastically changed.
by Alexander Dugin
Holy Redemption: Stealing Palestinian Land (53:09)
by TRT World
Europe Isn’t The Real Threat To Ukraine Peace But UK
The Biden Administration has not given up on Ukraine war. A meeting of the Ramstein Format Meeting is scheduled to take place in Germany on Thursday, chaired by the outgoing US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, to address Ukraine’s defence needs, which the Ukrainian President Zelensky will also address. Meanwhile, Kiev typically launched an attack in the Kursk region on the eve of the Ramstein Format event as the “curtain-raiser”. The operation, although played up in the British press, is spearheaded by just 2 tanks and fifteen armoured carriers and will no doubt be crushed by the Russian drones and its highly lethal Ka high-performance combat helicopters with day and night capability, high survivability and fire power. Typically, Zelensky won’t give up on any occasion for grandstanding in front of Western audience. He hopes to display on Thursday that there is still some spunk left in the Ukrainian armed forces. Tragically, he is sacrificing a few dozen Ukrainian soldiers in this melodrama which may distract some attention from the front-line as Russian forces have entered Chasiv Yar and reached the suburbs of Pokrovsk in an operation to surround that city.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
O Holy Night by Andrea Bocelli Live At St. Paul Cathedral In London (4:30)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
How A Shadowy Group Linked To UK Army Intelligence Tried To Ruin The Lives Of Covid Skeptics
Recent reports have revealed the existence of an online influence operation called the ‘Mutton Crew,’ which has been using psychological warfare to ruin the lives of COVID-skeptic British doctors and even a former member of Parliament.
Of the many revelations of the COVID-19 regime, one disturbing aspect is the use of online psychological warfare techniques to identify, isolate, and even destroy critics of the lockdowns and the so-called “vaccines.” Recent reports from the United Kingdom have revealed the existence of an online influence operation dating back to 2011. Partnered with British Army intelligence, and with an alleged financial interest in profiting from the “COVID-19” regime, a group called the “Mutton Crew” has been seeking to ruin the lives of COVID-skeptic British doctors and even a member of Parliament. In May 2024, former MP Andrew Bridgen announced he had been targeted by a member of the “Mutton Crew.” Bridgen has been an outspoken critic of mRNA “vaccines” and of the “COVID-19” regime generally.
by Frank Wright
Debt, Oil And Empire
In what follows I will be addressing the sudden acceleration in the formation of a new climate of imperialistic ambition, principally on the part of the US and of Israel, as a symptom of imperial rot and decay. This relates to the growing crisis of US hegemony and that of the collective West (a partnership which may be severely ruptured in the event of a US departure from Europe) which is increasingly challenged by the rise of the Global South or the Global Majority, as represented by the BRICS. A Lithuanian scholar (reference to be supplied very soon) wrote in 2023 of the: “Serious symptom of the US erosion in international politics is that the US share of global financial reserves drastically declined especially in comparison to the Russian and Chinese share. The US is today the largest world debtor and even the biggest debtor ever existed in history (32 $ trillion or around 123 percent of the GDP) mainly, but not exclusively, due to huge military spending, alongside tax cuts that reduced the US federal revenue.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
The Wonder Of You (Live 1970)
by Elvis Presley
Trump Prepares His 2nd War Against The American People By Invoking Emergency Powers To Destroy The Economy Through Tariffs
During Donald Trump’s first presidency, he invoked the PREP Act to release $trillions to fund one the largest military campaigns in U.S. history, the “War Against the Unseen Enemy” and Operation Warp Speed, to allegedly fight against the corona virus, giving $billions to the pharmaceutical companies to rush untested vaccines and other products into the market which resulted in millions of Americans being killed, injured, and crippled for life. Many small businesses were destroyed as a result, but the economy was temporarily saved from a total collapse with the infusion of $trillions under the CARES Act. Now the American people, primarily Evangelical Zionist Conservative Christians, have returned Trump to power and the President-elect is preparing a new war against the American people as the U.S. economy now stands on the brink of collapse. It was announced earlier today that President-elect Donald Trump is preparing to declare a “National Economic Emergency” to provide legal justification to implement across the board tariffs on all goods imported into the United States. President-elect Trump and his sidekick billionaire Elon Musk have been warning about an economic collapse for months now, heading into the 2024 November elections. Wall Street and others, myself included, did not believe that Trump would be crazy enough to actually do something like this, to willingly and purposefully destroy the U.S. economy, and that it was all campaign rhetoric.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Syria Carve-Up Creates A De-Facto Israel-Turkey Border Ensuring A Broader ME War
One Plan To Guide Them All: “…..The dissolution of Syria and Iraq… into ethnically or religiously unique areas… is Israel’s primary target… while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short-term target. Syria will fall apart in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure… Oded Yinon, A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties, voltairenet
Israeli military forces have moved to within 15 miles of the Syrian Capital of Damascus. The IDF has seized large tracts of land in southern Syria it intends to occupy and where it will eventually build checkpoints, military outposts and settlements. The “lightening” invasion has been accompanied by a massive bombing campaign that has obliterated numerous military bases, weapons depots and research labs eliminating any hope that Syria will regain the ability to defend itself or to reestablish its sovereign independence. For all practical purposes, Syria no longer exists; the persistent attacks of foreign enemies have left the country vanquished and splintered. The carve-up of the critically located nation-state has already begun.
by Mike Whitney
Judge Andrew Napolitano Interviews Philip Giraldi (23:19)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Judge Andrew Napolitano
Philip Giraldi Three Free Speech Video Platforms
9,500 Videos Published | 32,000,000 Views | 48,000 Subscribers
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January 8, 2025, My 67th Birthday
And the 90th Birthday of Elvis Presley “The King of Rock and Roll”
Happy Birthday
Dear Mark
Congratulations for the 8th!
Sixty seven is a good number. It’s an irregular prime number. And it is a lucky prime number.
We wish you a glorious day. And hope that it is just the day you would wish for.
You have chosen a difficult path my young friend
but you have done so much to inform,
to prepare, to comfort and to educate the world.
If medals were issued for such things you would have a cupboard full of them.
You have shone light into corners where there was darkness
and you have shared love and hope where there was nought but despair.
Happy birthday, Mark.
With our love
Vernon and Antoinette
The Wonder Of You (Live 1970)
by Elvis Presley
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Website Of The Day
Elvis Presley
Music Of The Day
Elvis Presley (50 Posts)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Quote Of The Day
“Before Elvis there was nothing.”
John Lennon
Featured News
The Wonder Of You (Live 1970)
by Elvis Presley Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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January 7, 2025, Orthodox Christmas Day, 10 Posts Published And Archived
O Holy Night (4:30)
by Andrea Bocelli Live At St. Paul Cathedral In London
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Andrea Bocelli
Russian Christmas
Today, the Virgin Mary is the most vital and the one who brings the inviolable to earth. Angels and shepherds praise. The Wise Men travel with the star. For us the child is born, the Eternal God.
Being on the side of the Nativity of Christ at the moment of the Nativity of Christ: this is the choice the Russian people make/have made/will make. Otherwise, not only will it not be, but it does not exist and has never existed. The Russians are against the truth, if the truth is not Christlike, it is not Christlike.
And even Christless Russians are not Russians, like some ‘leftists’, some who don’t understand who they are….
Happy birth of Christ! For ‘unto us a child is born, the eternal God’.
by Alexander Dugin Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Website Of The Day
ACH Show
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Is Once Again
Broadcasting His Show Seven Days A Week.
A Well-Informed And Veteran Broadcaster,
Andrew Is Closing In On His 2,500 Show.
Music Of The Day
Talking Heads
[Nothing But] Flowers by Talking Heads (4:21) (1988)
Road To Nowhere by Talking Heads (4:06) (1985)
Once In A Lifetime by Talking Heads (3:44) (1981)
Psycho Killer by Talking Heads (4:21) (1977)
Book Of The Day
The New Babylon (Audiobook 11:05:35)
Those Who Reign Supreme, a Panoramic Overview of the
Historical, Religious and Economic Origins of the New World Order
by Michael Collins Piper
Quote Of The Day
“The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal
of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm,
actively want to do harm to them.
This is the hardest thing for most people to accept.”
Bob Moran
Meme Of The Day
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,800 Archived.
Bob Moran Art
War Criminals Archive With 490 Posts
January 6, 2025, 75 Posts Published And Archived
The Cathars The Untold Story (41:28)
by Paul Anthony Wallis
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Paul Anthony Wallis
Join Paul Anthony Wallis as he delves into the profound history of the Cathars, a 12th-century spiritual movement that championed peace, equality, and a deep connection to one’s higher self. In this insightful exploration, Paul examines how the Cathars’ beliefs, which blended Platonic ideas of consciousness and spirituality, presented a compelling alternative to the structured hierarchies of medieval Catholicism. Discover how the Cathars viewed themselves as the “Church of Love,” fostering egalitarian communities, and how their mystical ideas about reincarnation, divine consciousness, and interdimensional guidance posed a significant challenge to the Catholic Church, ultimately leading to a brutal century-long crusade to eradicate them. How do echoes of Cathar thought resonate today? Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Battlefield, The Mass
Between the New Mass and the Old is war,
Ending not with sweet talk, but blood and gore!
“Take away the Mass, destroy the Church” is a famous quote attributed to Martin Luther (1483-1546). Perhaps he never said it, although it seems highly likely that he did, but in any case the quote is true, as Catholics could see in the aftermath of Vatican II. The very first of that Council’s 16 documents concerned the liturgy, by name “Sacrosanctum Concilium,” but the words of the text are thoroughly ambiguous. They can seem conservative but in fact they are designed to open the door to that liturgical revolution which in the aftermath of the Council virtually destroyed the Mass. Very soon after the – apparently – official imposition of Pope Paul’s New Mass in 1969, Archbishop Lefebvre said that if he had to introduce it in his newly founded Seminary of Econe, he might as well close the Seminary down within three weeks. Such is the anti-Catholic power of the “renewed” liturgy, for it is by attending Mass that most Catholics live their religion.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
A Little About The New Page, Music Of The Day
When I was growing up in New York City, I attended hundreds of live concerts of Rock ‘n’ Roll bands from the mid-seventies onward. I mostly went to great smaller venues like The Bottom Line, Village Gate, The Ritz, Max’s Kansas City, Hurrah, CBGB, Mudd Club, and Blue Note (Jazz Club), and Lone Star Cafe (Country Music). I also went to medium sized theatres like The Palladium, Capital Theatre, and outdoor sites, the Schaefer Music Festival in Central Park, and Jones Beach Theatre. And of course, I went to the larger places like Carnegie Hall, Avery Fisher Hall, Radio City Music Hall, Madison Square Garden, Shea Stadium, Nassau Coliseum, and Giants Stadium. Sometimes I even made the journey all the way down the Jersey Shore, to Asbury Park, and went to the Stone Pony. So, I have attended the live concerts for many of the musicians I chose for Music Of The Day. Enjoy the music and memories of a bygone era, the great Rock ‘n’ Roll songs of my youth, that still live on…
Mark R. Elsis
Music Of The Day
Willie Nile
Golden Down by Willie Nile (5:08) (1981)
Vagabond Moon by Willie Nile (4:06) (1980)
It’s All Over by Willie Nile (3:35) (1980)
Book Of The Day
The New Babylon
Those Who Reign Supreme, a Panoramic Overview of the Historical, Religious and Economic Origins of the New World Order
While there is much discussion today about a concept known as “The New World Order,” (NWO) the pathetic fact remains that most of those doing the talking about the NWO refuse—and adamantly so—to address its real origins, its real nature. Over the years there has been quite a bit of material published that points in the direction of what the NWO constitutes and it is the purpose of this volume to assimilate and assemble that material which correctly describes the NWO and the philosophy upon which it is founded. Unfortunately, much of this thoroughly fallacious material is being promulgated by self-styled ‘patriots’ who ignore or suppress the uncomfortable, cold, hard truth that the origins of the NWO are found in the series of Jewish religious commentaries known as the Talmud, an often vile occult work that is the basis of Jewish religious thinking today, just as it was when it first emerged during the Jewish ‘captivity’ in Babylon. Our purpose here is to delineate the philosophical foundations of the NWO as it is being instituted, as those who desire an NWO would have it set in place. The origins of the NWO are indubitably clear and the forces that are bringing this NWO into being are readily apparent. Its proponents have very real faces and names. These modern-day Pharisees are not hidden behind obscure, impossible-to-pinpoint entities such as ‘The Illuminati’ or a ‘German death cult’ as some would have us believe. The NWO forces have coalesced around the international empire of the Rothschild Dynasty whose tentacles now reach into the highest levels of the American system. The NWO is real and this is what it is all about. I am personally indebted to all those who came before me in exploring this troublesome topic in no uncertain terms. I hope I have done their work justice in mine.
by Michael Collins Piper
Quote Of The Day
“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion.”
Donald J. Trump
One hundred million Americans have been suckered (going on ten years drinking the Kool-Aid of The Donald) by this shameless “Make Israel Great Again” Shabbos goy. Beware, he’s an extremely dangerous, bombastic, narcissistic, con man, and bullshit artist, that’s the Father of the mass murdering injection, and proud of it.
Website Of The Day
Love The Truth
“Even him [Antichrist], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders [Falsehoods], And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them [The Unsaved] that perish; because they received not the love of the truth [The Gospel], that they might be saved.” 2nd Thessalonians 2:10
Hundreds Of Independent Websites.
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,800 Archived.
Corruption Archive With 5,705 Posts
Bodypower: The Secret Of Self-Healing (1983)
By Dr. Vernon Coleman – 50 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary
In my interview with Dr. Coleman I asked him: You’re written over 100 books that have sold more than three million copies in the UK alone and been translated into 26 languages. Which book do you feel has had the most significant impact, and why? This is like asking a parent to name their favourite child but I suppose the book which has had the most impact is `Bodypower’ which I wrote in 1983 and which was my first big international bestseller. It is still one of my bestselling books. It is, in a way, a very simple book which describes the self-healing properties of the human body but it has changed the way quite a lot of people think. It also influenced a number of other authors. I made several TV series based on the book though all my old programmes have been removed from YouTube. The basic principle is that if left alone the body can heal itself in many ways – and potentially dangerous drugs aren’t always necessary. Bodypower: Secret of self-healing: Coleman, Dr Vernon So, I’ve decided to review and summarize it. With thanks to Dr. Vernon Coleman.
by Unbekoming
Wounded Child No Surviving Family (2:16)
by If Americans Knew
Israel To Surge Funding For Global Influence Operations
[When committing a genocide, one must increase the propaganda to inculcate the masses by twenty times with the sanctity of those perpetrating it. Adolf Hitler rightly called what these psychopathic inbreds do, the Big Lie, because they have been doing it forever, and have become the incontrovertible specialists at it.]
Tel Aviv is planning to increase its funding for global propaganda efforts by 20 times. The surge in spending comes as Israel’s public image is sagging around the world over the onslaught in Gaza. A new budget for the Israeli Foreign Ministry includes $150 million for what Israel calls “Hasbara,” or consciousness warfare. According to the Times of Israel, the new budget is a 20-fold increase from the previous spending level. The images, videos, and reports from Gaza detailing the horrors experienced by innocent civilians have driven global protests against Tel Aviv. In the US, Tel Aviv’s most crucial supporter, Israel’s favorability has plummeted. The new spending on Hasbara is the result of a demand by newly appointed Israeli Foreign Minister Gideon Sa’ar. Sa’ar secured the appointment from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was looking to maintain his hold on power as he battles multiple corruption charges. According to the Israeli outlet Maariv, “The program will include, among other things, research activity and public relations firms, social networks, campaign management, conferences and events, bringing delegations of public opinion leaders to Israel, activity on campuses around the world, and political-legal activity.”
by Kyle Anzalone
Wisdom Ignored Benjamin Franklin’s Almanack (22:51)
by Tenth Amendment Center
British Man Could Face Five Years In Prison For Practising Journalism
This is because his journalism made Israel look bad…
A British journalist faces years in prison after refusing to give his passwords to counter-terrorism police. Richard Medhurst became known to intelligence services when he raised eyebrows by telling the truth about Israel/Gaza. This got him put on a watch list and the establishment has been counting down the days until it has an excuse to jail him. Well, it now seems like police have found that excuse… After trawling through Richard’s words until they found a line indicating he was more sympathetic towards a terror group they dislike than one of the terror groups they are siding with, police had all the excuse they need to pretend Richard is a terrorist. Police explained they had no choice but to detain Richard because he was heading to the Beautiful Days Festival to meet with his friends and say things like “genocide is bad”. Fucking scumbag. Officers confiscated Richard’s devices faster then you can say “Section 12 of the Terrorism Act”, but devastatingly, they can’t access his iPhone and Google Pixel because of encryption.
by Laura and Normal Island News
Amalek (4:06)
Performed by Aaron Isner at Suno Studios
Written by DC Dave
Video by BuelahMan
Angela Merkel’s Revelation: The Minsk Agreements Were Not Intended To Be Pursued
The EU was born as a peace project. Is it still so? The former German Chancellor reveals in an interview and in her Memoirs that Europe preferred conflict to peace with Russia.
The Minsk Agreements: A Tactical Pause, Not a Path to Peace
The former German chancellor Angela Merkel sparked controversy with her candid reflections on the Minsk agreements. These accords were ostensibly negotiated to de-escalate tensions in Ukraine after Russia’s accession of Crimea in 2014 as a result of a referendum by its residents and the subsequent outbreak of hostilities by the Ukrainian army and the Azov Battalion against ethnic Russians in the Donbas and Donetsk regions. In an interview and in her memoirs titled Freedom, Merkel stated that the agreements were not genuinely pursued as a path to peace with Russia but rather as a strategic delay tactic, buying Ukraine time to strengthen its military and prepare for an inevitable confrontation. Her statements highlight deeper underlying tensions within the European Union, particularly among member states like the Baltic nations and Poland, who viewed Russia’s actions as an existential threat. This perspective helps explain why efforts for peace were limited, and why many in the EU tacitly or openly preferred to prepare for conflict rather than seek reconciliation.
by Ricardo Martins
ACH (2483) I’m Talking To YOU #155 – Saturday January 4th 2025 – Jesse Ventura Became Governor Of Minnesota 26 Years Ago Today (Audio 35:40)
In today’s 36 minute show originally recorded and broadcast on January 4th 2025, I offer YOU a show entitled, “Jesse Ventura Became Governor Of Minnesota 26 Years Ago Today” and I hope YOU enjoy it.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Nothing To Hide
I’ve heard this phrase, “Why should I worry? I have nothing to hide,” more often than I am comfortable with. This is a clear declaration of innocence with an assumption that the only reason one would have to worry about any sort of repercussions is if they committed a crime. But what constitutes a crime? And where is this strange misunderstanding that authority has never cared much about “laws” and other such nonsense, before moving in on someone? Of course, the people who say they have “nothing to hide” do not believe for a second that authority would come after them illegally, on a whim, or for nefarious reasons. Anyone who thinks such things is a paranoid conspiracy theorist and is over-reacting. “You’ve seen too many spy movies,” they might say—movies about East Germany or the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Only those oppressive sorts of governments would do such things, and here in the “free world,” we are immune from such shenanigans. “We are past that kind of cloak-and-dagger crap,” they might say. In fact, I doubt if they believe this sort of thing happens anywhere in the world in the 21st Century (authority herding up people to persecute for no specific breach of any law). Maybe in North Korea or certain parts of the Middle East with terrorists and such, but nowhere in the civilized world. Talk about naive. But isn’t that the name of the game these days? Naïveté. Or denial. Or stupidity. Or lack of common sense.
by Todd Hayen
2025 The Chaos Begins, Elon’s X App Tyranny, Fogvid And The Bird Flu Scam (1:06:20)
2025 begins with a bang, literally. Lightning strikes iconic buildings, “Fogvid” sweeps cities, and the bird flu state of emergency is declared. Biden’s Iran war plans heat up as Trudeau’s gun bans ramp up. Elon Musk pushes cheap H-1B labor while axing American jobs, proving Silicon Valley’s swamp runs deep. The PICs distract us with UFO psy-ops, radiological fearmongering, and vaccine creams. Pick your poison, but say no to government propaganda and never take advice from demonic pedos!
by EyesIsWatchin
But Governor, You Can Create Money!
Just Form Your Own Bank.
Money in a government-owned bank could give us the best of both worlds. We could have all the credit-generating advantages of private banks, without the baggage cluttering up the books of the Wall Street giants, including bad derivatives bets, unmarketable collateralized debt obligations, mark to market accounting issues, oversized CEO salaries and bonuses, and shareholders expecting a sizeable cut of the profits. A state could deposit its vast revenues in its own state-owned bank and proceed to fan them into 8 to 10 times their face value in loans. Not only would it have its own credit machine, but it would control the loan terms. The state could lend at ?% interest to itself and to municipal governments, rolling the loans over as needed until the revenues had been generated to pay them off. According to Professor Margrit Kennedy in her 1995 book Interest and Inflation-free Money, interest composes, on average, fully half the cost of every public project. Cutting costs by 50% could make currently-unsustainable projects such as low-cost housing, alternative energy development, and infrastructure construction not only sustainable but actually profitable for the government. If all this seems too radical and unprecedented to venture into, consider that one state has had its own bank for 90 years; and it has not only escaped the credit crunch but is doing remarkably well.
by Ellen Brown
Trump Lies About H1B Visa’s and Supports Big Tech Oligarchs Betraying U.S. Workers (25:01)
Dangerous New Escalation
The Russian and Iranian partnership agreement is due to be signed within the next couple of weeks, with a signing date of January 17th apparently fixed (I had mistakenly said January 20th in yesterday’s post). Russia has said that the agreement will exclude any provision that might assist Iran acquire a nuclear weapon. This is a new and important disclosure which might be intended to send a signal of reassurance to Israel that Israel has no reason to fear, no reason to attack Iran and, if this is so, then that would indeed be a major contribution to regional stability. But is this Iranian acquisition of a nuclear weapon something that Israel generally fears? Israel has for many decades now possessed hundreds of nuclear weapons, is not a signatory to the nuclear prohibition treaty, fully understands that even if Iran did make a genuine attempt to build a nuclear weapon it would take it at year to achieve this and that, even then, Iran’s one or two nuclear warheads would hardly be a deterrent against an enemy, supported by the US, that has hundreds of them and that would likely have plenty of opportunity to destroy Iran’s weapons before there was any possibility of them actually being deployed.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
The War On Speech Is Turning Into A Monty Python Sketch (39:06)
by Truthstream Media
Israeli Forces Set Homes Ablaze, Block Roads In Southern Lebanon
Israeli attacks and violations of the ceasefire agreement with Lebanon persist.
Israeli occupation forces made advances toward the town of Taybeh, opening fire with machine guns at homes, several of which were set ablaze by the invading units, Al Mayadeen’s correspondent in southern Lebanon reported on Sunday. Explosions were also heard as the Israeli forces launched hand grenades during their infiltration into the neighborhood. In addition, the occupation forces erected an earthen berm to block the road linking the towns of Qantara and Taybeh. Our correspondent further reported that Israeli forces carried out demolition operations on the outskirts of Aytaroun, followed by a barrage of machine gunfire aimed at the town, and a series of explosions at Tayr Harfa-Al-Jubayn junction. These recent incidents bring the total number of Israeli violations since the implementation of the ceasefire agreement with Lebanon 40 days ago to more than 380.
by Al Mayadeen–block-roads-in-southern-leb
Hoax Train (3:02)
by Graham Hart
State Department Rebrands Defunded Global Engagement Center Into New Counter-Disinformation Hub
A new State Department unit emerges under scrutiny, inheriting millions in funding from its defunct predecessor.
As we previously reported would be the case, the celebration about the shutting down of the US government’s most overt censorship unit would be short-lived. The State Department is moving forward with plans to reassign employees and resources from a controversial office accused of stifling media into a newly created internal unit, as revealed by documents obtained by the Washington Examiner. This maneuver is already drawing criticism, with some alleging it is a thinly veiled attempt to rebrand and continue the disputed activities of the defunct office. The Global Engagement Center (GEC), established in 2016 to counter foreign disinformation, faced fierce scrutiny from Republicans over claims it collaborated with groups like the Global Disinformation Index to target and demonetize right-leaning US media outlets. In late 2024, Congress defunded the GEC, effectively shutting it down. Yet, a December 6 communication from the State Department to Congress outlined a plan to “realign” 51 GEC employees and nearly $30 million in funding into a new “Counter Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference Hub.”
by Dan Frieth
Khazarian Mafia: Satanists – Cannibals, Adrenochrome And The God Eaters Part 1 Of 2 (1:36:19)
The Psychology Of Awards And It’s Manifestation Of Worth
The Psychology of Reward and Awards.
Although historically, there has likely always been some sort of award celebration – as in The Games, first noted in the Minoan Society 2500 BC, the last century has morphed into thriving on awards, ribbons, trophies, and medals. Unfortunately, when the awards are simply just for showing up on the job, they have lost their merit. They are valueless. And demean those who are legitimately honored. The purpose of an award is to honor a person’s excellence – as in the Olympic Gold Medal. Yet, even that honor has been displaced when the Committee declares that certain countries may not compete. The award is depleted in worth. Hollywood cratered the award psychosis. Turned it into a Hunger Games phenomena of who can show the most flesh while still adorning a piece of fabric. My personal favorite dislike is the sheer dystopia of medals given out in the military. You can even buy them on Amazon – $1.598. DoD Lloyd Auston is a classic example of this bizarre World of Alice as the vast majority of his awards are just for showing up to his desk job. Does he believe the awards make him the Best General?
by Helena Glass
Khazarian Mafia: Satanists – Cannibals, Adrenochrome And The God Eaters Part 2 Of 2 (2:326:23)
Maybe We Should Be In The Rat Race
Get a rat, put it in a cage, and give it two water bottles. One is just water, and one is water laced with either heroin or cocaine. If you do that, the rat will almost always prefer the drugged water and almost always kill itself very quickly, right, within a couple of weeks. So, there you go. It’s our theory of addiction. A man named Bruce K. Alexander came along in the ’70s and said, ‘Well, hang on a minute. We’re putting the rat in an empty cage. It’s got nothing to do. Let’s try this a little bit differently.’ So, Bruce built Rat Park. The Park is like heaven for rats. Everything your rat about town could want. It’s located in Rat Park. It’s got lovely food. It’s got sex. It’s got loads of other rats to be friends with. It’s got loads of colored balls. Everything your rat could want. They’ve also got both water bottles. They’ve got the drugged water and the normal water. But here’s the fascinating thing. In Rat Park, they don’t like the drugged water. They hardly use any of it. None of them ever overdose. None of them ever use in a way that looks like compulsion or addiction.
by Michael Walsh
Christian Antisemitism!? (1:25:05)
by Timothy Gordon
Real American History: When The Military In Washington D.C. Attacked And Killed American Veterans Who Wanted To Be Paid During The Great Depression (Text and Video)
A period of U.S. history that I was never taught growing up and going through the U.S. educational system, is how the U.S. Government and the U.S. military treated U.S. war veterans who had fought during Word War I during the Great Depression. Tens of thousands of U.S. veterans from World War I marched to Washington D.C. in 1932, to petition Congress to pay them their compensation for fighting in the War. A bill had been passed in 1924 to do just that, but they had to wait until 1945 to collect that “bonus”, or it could be paid earlier to their family as a death benefit if they died. Many of them were homeless and destitute, like millions of other Americans, during the Great Depression in 1932. They literally setup camp in areas around Washington D.C. that year, and their efforts saw some results when the House of Representatives passed a bill to pay them sooner than 1945. But President Herbert Hoover threatened to veto the bill, and it was overwhelmingly defeated in the Senate. When the war veterans did not go home, Hoover ordered to have the veterans removed from Washington D.C. Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur, along with his assistant Major Dwight D. Eisenhower, usually revered as “heroes” in American history (Eisenhower went on to become President), proceeded to attack and kill some of these U.S. veterans to forcibly remove them from Washington D.C., calling them “communists”. (President Hoover was a “self-made” Wall Street millionaire and a Conservative Republican.) Hoover lost his re-election bid a few months later, and was replaced by Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR). I have produced a video that documents these events in 1932, including original film footage and photos, that is only 30 minutes long.
by Brian Shilhavy
Andrew Wakefield: The Real Story (1:30:16)
It’s one of the longest running news stories in history: the controversy surrounding Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his 1998 Lancet study, which suggested a potential link between the MMR vaccine, gastrointestinal issues, and autism. Host Del Bigtree uncovers details about Wakefield’s research and the allegations of fraud and ethical misconduct against him, presenting evidence that challenges the mainstream narrative. This in-depth examination sheds new light on the story of this controversial figure and may change your mind about his role in the vaccine safety debate, and the role that childhood vaccines play in the autism debate.
by The Highwire with Del Bigtree
All Naked Chickens Step Between These Boots
When Joseph Stalin first consolidated his grip on the Russian military he was still faced with a large defiant population. This dictator gathered his generals in a room and explained his plans for total control of the still proud Russian people. After explaining, several generals who were brave enough to question this totalitarian, asked how the military was going to force submission. Dear Uncle Joe ordered a live chicken to be brought to the conference room and proceeded to pluck every feather from the still live bird. Naturally the chicken was unhappy about this overt invasion of his privacy, but chicken squawks are seldom noticed. When the bird was completely stripped, Uncle Joe said, “Now watch this”. Stalin stood in an area where all of his generals had a clear view and placed the chicken on the floor. One would think that the instant that this naked bird could flee there would be a mad dash for the exit or farthest corner of the room. The stunned generals watched as this chicken huddled between Stalin’s boots. Uncle Joe walked around the room with the chicken in his shadow. At every stop the naked bird jumped between the dictator’s boots. “That gentlemen, is how I will control the Russian people.”
by Joseph A Olson, PE
Shoplifting Is Up 93% (3:26)
by Peter St Onge, Ph.D.
British Journalist Could Face Years In Prison For Refusing To Hand Over His Passwords To The Police
Richard Medhurst is the first reporter arrested and under investigation under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000. The UK police have sought to obtain the passwords to his phones, including a highly secure phone with a Graphene operating system. If the UK authorities prevail,no journalist travelling to London will be safe any longer when it comes to source protection.
It is an unprecedented case. And it risks triggering an unprecedented threat to journalism. The UK police have repeatedly tried to obtain the passwords to the phones of the British independent journalist, Richard Medhurst, the first reporter arrested in London under Section 12: his analyses and comments on Israel’s bloodbath in Gaza – which Amnesty International has characterised as genocide – have been interpreted by the police as support for organisations banned from the UK, such as Hamas and Hezbollah. The son of two UN peacekeepers, Medhurst was arrested last August at London’s Heathrow Airport: as soon as he landed, he was taken off the by six police officers. In an interview with Il Fatto Quotidiano, Medhurst said that he was on his way to the Beautiful Days Festival, where he was supposed to speak with former British ambassador Craig Murray and British rapper Lowkey. Detained for almost a full day, interrogated for two hours, his two phones, headphones, cables, microphones, sim cards seized. Since then Richard Medhurst has been under investigation for terrorism, if he is indicted and convicted under Section 12, he faces fourteen years in prison. The British journalists’ union, the NUJ, and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) publicly condemned his arrest and the use of anti-terrorism laws against journalists “simply for carrying out their work”.
by Di Stefania Maurizi
Forgotten Dangers Of Political Parties: Warnings We’ve Ignored For Too Long (Show Links and Video 31:48)
We’re diving into one of the Founders’ most critical lessons: the dangers of factions and party spirit. To truly understand their warnings, we’ll explore the ideas that inspired them – especially the sharp insights of Thomas Gordon and John Trenchard, authors of Cato’s Letters and Gordon’s Works of Sallust. Their words, written nearly 300 years ago, reveal truths about political division that remain just as relevant today. Some things, it seems, never really change.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center
The Brewing US Debt Ceiling Crisis…
The MAGA folks are going to be in for a rude awakening. That’s because Donald Trump has been taking to the public stage in recent weeks promising a new “golden age” of American prosperity upon his return to the Oval Office, but nearly the opposite is just around the corner. What’s actually coming down the pike is the UniParty’s revenge— a financial and economic shitshow that is likely to dwarf all that has gone before. There is no mystery as to why. To wit, there is a demolition derby brewing in the bond pits that threatens to extinguish any even faint remaining hope that Washington’s Fiscal Doomsday Machine might be unplugged. We are referring to the utter fiscal paralysis that stems from the combination of the GOP’s addiction to tax cuts and Big Defense budgets and the Dem’s demagoguery about Social Security, Medicare and the rest of the Welfare State. This means that down on the banks of the Potomac there is virtually no one left in the camp of fiscal rectitude. And, equally importantly, there is no political hay to be harvested by campaigning against the “borrow and spend” proclivities of an overweening central government, which has now become heavily insulated from the daily life of the people as they struggle to pay their bills and ward off the economic imprecations of inflation and taxes. The yield on the 10-year UST is up 100 basis points since September 18th despite the Fed cutting the overnight rate by 100 basis points during the same three-month period. That is to say, the Fed is not clearing the bond pits of new government debt paper which is now flowing at a $3 trillion annual rate. It is only a matter of time, therefore, before the rising purple line below causes cascading dislocations among the $100 trillion of total public and private debt now outstanding.
by David Stockman
Carnage In the Big Easy George Galloway Interviews Chris Hedges (18:21)
Chris Hedges says that he’s surprised – after a genocidal assault on Gaza in which the US is complicit – that anyone is surprised that there has been blowback, horrendous as the New Orleans attack is.
The Governmental Covenant (Text and Video)
Given that the government is going all in to use pandemics, binary thinking, and endless wars as an excuse to take full control of our lives, I think a burgeoning 2025 would be a good time to revisit the actual contract we have with our government. This contract is so beautiful in its simplicity: Here’s the basic premise in the founding of the Enlightenment Model of the US: Rights were given to you by your Creator, not by your government. Your government didn’t give them to you so, they can’t take them away. Furthermore the 9th Amendment to the Constitution makes these guarantees explicit. If any person in the government tries to take them away anyway, despite lacking any authority to do so, they are traitors to the citizens and must be treated as such. A common misconception regarding the US government is that it is not the case that they start with total power and authority and the Constitution then subtracts from those powers. Under the Constitutional Principle of Enumerated Powers and despite common wisdom, the government actually starts with zero power. Powers are then granted (Enumerated) by the Constitution. This means that our Natural Rights such as the right to Privacy or the right to Free Speech do not need to be explicitly granted to the populace – we have them by default. (The Bill of Rights, while unnecessary, is a constant reminder of these exquisite qualities as well as an invaluable educational tool.) What it does mean is that the government cannot violate those rights unless the ability to do so is explicitly granted by the Constitution – which in those cases it is not.
by TriTorch
Neil Oliver: A New Year Blast (10:08)
‘…I have no country!!!’
FDR Scandal Page
On August 12, 1944, Ensign Joe P. Kennedy, Jr. volunteered for a highly risky mission officially called “Operation Aphrodite” (also known as “Project Anvil”) to pilot a PB4Y-1, the Navy version of the B-24, loaded with 21,470 pounds of explosives – a flying bomb — across the English channel towards the German V-2 rocket sites on the other side. His orders were to aim his plane at the sites and bail out before the plane was exploded by radio from an accompanying plane. Immediately after take-off from Winfarthing-Fersfield airfield a mysterious radio signal on the secret military frequency came up from the ground for a few seconds and detonated the plane killing Kennedy and the other officer on the plane, Lt. Wilford J. Willy. Joe Kennedy, Sr. always believed that FDR had arranged the death of his son to hurt him – really the only possible explanation. We have the anomolous case of a US President murdering the brother of a future US President. In 1974, after Truman’s death, Merle Miller published a 1961 interview with Truman done on tape in front of three witnesses in his best seller entitled Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman. Truman, according to Miller, was in Boston in 1944 in the Ritz-Carlton hitting up Joseph Kennedy for campaign funds for FDR’s run for fourth term, and “Old man Kennedy started throwing rocks at Roosevelt, saying he’d caused the war and so on. And then he said, ‘Harry, what the hell are you doing campaigning for that crippled son of a bitch that killed my son Joe?'”
by What Really Happened
Denis Rancourt Interview – The COVID-19 Illusion: Biological Stress-Induced Bacterial Pneumonia (1:44:17)
Joining me today once again is Denis Rancourt PhD, here to discuss his newest study breaking down the illusion that is COVID-19. We review his previous work on the topic highlighting how it is a clear mathematical possibility for a government to use preexisting illness numbers and conflate them with a current focus, combining that with false positives from PCR tests and deadly treatments (pre-COVID injection), all to create an illusion of a “novel” illness — whether a virus was ever there to begin with, or exists at all. We also discuss the (very well known) deleterious effects of lockdowns, masks, and of course the very deadly modRNA injections, and how all of these only added to this illusion when their effects were also conflated with the ever-shifting claims of the alleged “COVID-19” symptoms. We then discuss Denis’ recent research around the idea of what’s called “biological stress-induced transmission-less bacterial pneumonia” and the profound impact this has on the entire conversation, and to a degree, even bridges the gap between those who believe in terrain theory and those who believe in germ theory.
by The Last American Vagabond
Weaponizing Tesla Cars? Tesla Cars Are Death Traps! (Text and Video)
There were two articles in my news feed today about Tesla vehicles. One was headline news in the national news, both Corporate Network News and the “Alternative” News. I guess the reason why that story was headline news today, is because a Tesla truck blew up in Las Vegas in front of one of Trump’s Vegas properties. I’m not going to comment on that story, since everyone else is, and it is obvious that this is the story that the media lords want everyone to read. The second article I saw regarding Tesla today was in a local news report in California, where it was reported that two men were trapped inside a Tesla after it burst into flames. How terrifying! I decided to do some research to see how often something like this happens with Telsa vehicles, and I was astounded by the sheer number of horrifying experiences there were out there, including cases where toddlers were trapped inside Tesla cars where their parents could not get them out! I have created a short 11-and-a-half-minute video from some of these reports. It seems all of these, if they were reported, were only reported in local media sources, and none of them made it into the national news. I believe that all of these reports were reported in 2024, so they are very recent. I could have easily made a video that was hours long…
by Brian Shilhavy
CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | The Ukrainian Puzzle (25:13)
As the year ends, the incoming Trump administration continues to believe it can end the conflict in Ukraine. Trump and his people are beginning to understand ending this conflict is more difficult than starting a war. The problem is Moscow, Kiev and Washington want different outcomes.
CrossTalking with Garland Nixon, Jim Kavanagh, and Drago Bosnic.
Toxic Waste From India’s 1984 Bhopal Gas Tragedy Site Moved For Disposal
The toxic waste at India’s 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy site has been removed after 40 years.
Local authorities said on Thursday that all the toxic waste from the site had been removed. The Indian authorities added that the waste had been transferred to a disposal facility where it would take three to nine months to incinerate. Twelve containers carried the 337 metric tons of toxic waste 230km to the Pithampur incineration plant amid heavy security, Swatantra Kumar Singh, the director of the Bhopal gas tragedy relief and rehabilitation department, told media. A trial run for the disposal of 10 metric tons of waste was conducted in 2015 and the disposal of the remaining 337 metric tons will be completed within three to nine months, the state government said in a statement. Singh said the trial run for waste disposal conducted by the Federal Pollution Control Agency found emission standards under prescribed national standards. He added that the disposal process is environmentally safe and will be done in a manner that cannot harm the environment of the local ecosystem.
by PressTV
Oliver Boyd Barrett On Sinking Russian Ships, Propping Up Bankrupt Losers and Supporting Genocide (54:24)
Dr. Kevin Barrett
Last Ditch Media Sanctions From The West Against Russia Are Like A Sick Child Crying For Help
Trump should tackle the media sanctions against Russia as soon as he gets into the Oval office as they were part of a swamp of corruption which dragged us into the Ukraine war in the first place
Many analysts will be wondering what Trump will do about Russian sanctions when gets into the Oval office, although there is some optimism that he will try and reverse them. He is cautious not to get into a debate about this subject, which leads me to suspect that this will be one the bombshells he will drop on the Biden administration which left him the small gift of signing off over a billion dollars of military aid to Ukraine. What almost no Americans understand though, which is largely the fault of mainstream media, is that these military spending sprees are really all about feeding a dual-purpose racket which really has nothing to do with the actual war in Ukraine, which everyone now admits Russia is winning. On one hand, it is of course pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into the 5 main arms manufacturers in the U.S. in a move which could arguably be called illegal state aid; on the other hand the kit which is sent to Ukraine from the U.S. – and the UK – is mainly being sold on a number of black markets, with only about 30 percent or thereabouts actually reaching Ukrainian troops. My own investigation has proved that the Zelensky cabal are selling off the heavy equipment like armoured personal carriers (APCs) and lorry loads of American made assault rifles to dealers in the international arms bizarre of Libya – where Middle Eastern terrorists, or their affiliates in the Sahel buy it at bargain prices.
by Martin Jay
Privacy Visor Glasses Jam Facial Recognition Systems To Protect Your Privacy (2:29)
Five JFK Questions For 2025
CIA demands for secrecy will test Trump’s rhetoric on the assassination files
While we learned a lot in 2024 about key events leading up to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963—the surveillance of Oswald, the CIA’s doubts about the “lone gunman”—the coming year highlights the challenge of getting the rest of the JFK story out of the grip of a defensive national security bureaucracy. (Some call this apparatus “the deep state.” Other more friendly sources speak of “the intelligence community.” I’m referring the 18 U.S. intelligence agencies whose functions and budgets are not public.) While Trump’s election creates new possibilities for completing the historical record of JFK’s assassination, the obstacles to full disclosure in 2025 are many. The institutional resistance of the CIA is sure to be strong. The documents in question shed light on highly sensitive, sometimes illegal, operations at the time of Kennedy’s murder. And the credibility of Trump’s promise to release the last of the JFK files is open to doubt.
by Jefferson Morley
Lies And Deceptions (38:28)
by Michael Tellinger
America’s Terrorism Brought To You By The CIA And FBI
The identity of the body in the Tesla was based on an ID that miraculously was barely burned. The coroner says the person in the vehicle died before the explosion. Early police reports claimed the explosion was detonated remotely. As in a bomb-phone? Like Netanyahu boasted about. The man’s wife has yet to come forward and not one ‘reporter’ has attempted to interview her. This is right up there with the Thomas Crooks fiasco that was never investigated. In a text, Steven did mention that he was building drones for the military and was excited about this new adventure. Contrary to NBC, Steven was not veteran, he was active military. Did he know something he shouldn’t about the drones he was building. It was October 1, 2017 when Stephen Paddock was stated to be the mass murderer. No motive was ever discovered. He brought 24 firearms and 1000 rounds of ammunition killing 60 people and injuring another 867. The FBI and ATF responded. The story changed multiple times. The first ‘preliminary report’ was released 3 ½ months later. Conspiracy theories abounded – The Atlantic Council responded by chastising social media for not censoring. The case was shelved. Paddock was cremated by the coroner and his ashes given to his brother. No funeral. There was no funeral for Thomas Crooks either – his body was cremated by the coroner. What happened to all those overseas bank accounts the FBI located? There was no body for Osama bin Laden. Epstein.
by Helena Glass
How Elon Musk Betrayed Americans (12:19)
by Really Graceful
The Sewer Stench Of The National Security State
They are hiding the transformation, the real Golden Age.
My New Year’s resolve, as it is every year, is to read a difficult book for two hours every day. When researching I tend to strip mine a subject, but careful, methodical reading is curative and calming, plus exercise for the mind. So this past two weeks I have been buried in the collected works of Annie Jacobsen, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, now the patient chronicler of the National Security State. Her book on nuclear war was released in time for 2024’s attempt by the Cheneys/military to start a nuclear conflict, and she was interviewed by all the right people by which I mean Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan. The Paperclip “scientists”, DARPA, the military investigation of psychic phenomena, and Area 51 have fallen under her pen. Or sort of fallen. Jacobsen’s is the definition of a limited hangout. Not her fault, her work is solid, deeply respectable. Much of what she has written was built pre-Covid; post-Covid, an entire universe of knowledge was revealed by independent media, and the world changed.
by Elizabeth Nickson
Bob Moran Brilliantly Talking About Government, Statistics And Reality (2:15)
How Likely Is A Ceasefire In Gaza?
The stalled Gaza ceasefire is hindered by “Israel’s” annexation plans, political divides, and regional tensions. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Resistance remains steadfast, highlighting “Israel’s” struggle to declare a clear victory despite heavy assaults and global scrutiny.
As the Gaza ceasefire talks stall yet again, some analysts argue that Donald Trump’s inauguration could be the key. However, the prospects for ending the war are dependent upon a variety of other factors that are making an Israeli victory impossible. Despite the recent progress towards securing a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the Zionist regime has again employed its delaying tactics in order to find the opportune moment. While the Resistance in Gaza has proven flexible on the fine details of a prisoner exchange and cessation of hostilities, it has also proven steadfast on the battlefield, making an Israeli victory declaration implausible. The popularly accepted analysis at this stage is that with the start of Donald Trump’s second term in office, the possibility of a Gaza ceasefire will increase greatly. It is believed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could even present the implementation of such a deal as a gift to Trump; kick-starting his Presidency with a diplomatic breakthrough.
by Robert Inlakesh
It’s Time We Talked About The Anunnaki, The Bags They Held And The Pinecones They Highly Sought (1:04)
FDA Lab Uncovers Excess DNA Contamination In COVID-19 “Vaccines”
Explosive revelations as a study conducted at FDA’s own lab found residual DNA levels exceeded safety limits by 6 to 470 times. Experts say it’s a ‘smoking gun.’
An explosive new study conducted within the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) own laboratory has revealed excessively high levels of DNA contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Tests conducted at the FDA’s White Oak Campus in Maryland found that residual DNA levels exceeded regulatory safety limits by 6 to 470 times. The study was undertaken by student researchers under the supervision of FDA scientists. The vaccine vials were sourced from BEI Resources, a trusted supplier affiliated with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), previously headed by Anthony Fauci. Recently published in the Journal of High School Science, the peer-reviewed study challenges years of dismissals by regulatory authorities, who had previously labelled concerns about excessive DNA contamination as baseless. The FDA is expected to comment on the findings this week. However, the agency has yet to issue a public alert, recall the affected batches, or explain how vials exceeding safety standards were allowed to reach the market.
by Maryanne Demasi, PhD
Fedsurrection (3:02)
Performed by Alred Inscoe at Suno Studios
Written by DC Dave
Video by BuelahMan
Florida Bill Would Make Gold And Silver Legal Tender, End Taxes
A bill filed in the Florida Senate would officially recognize gold and silver as legal tender and repeal state taxes on both. Passage into law would set the stage for the people themselves to undermine the Federal Reserve monopoly by introducing competition into the monetary system. Sen. Ana Rodriguez filed Senate Bill 132 (S132). Under the proposed law, physical gold and silver “specie legal tender,” along with electronic currency that is 100% backed by physical gold or silver – and fully redeemable for the corresponding physical metal on demand – would be recognized as legal tender in Florida. The term “Specie legal tender” is defined as coins with gold or silver content and bullion issued by the federal government, any foreign government, or “any other specie recognized by this state or any other state pursuant to s. 10, Art. I of the United States Constitution.” The bill further defines gold and silver electronic currency as “a representation of physical gold, silver, specie, or bullion which may be transferred through a digital transaction.” Such currency must also be “fully redeemable as physical gold, silver, specie, or bullion.” Under this framework, gold and silver would be treated as legal tender for all transactions within the state. They would be officially recognized as valid “to pay private debts, taxes, and fees levied by the state or local government or any subdivision thereof.” The passage of S132 would make Florida the sixth state to recognize gold and silver as legal tender, as they always should have been doing. Utah led the way, reestablishing constitutional money in 2011. Wyoming, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana have since joined.
by Mike Maharrey
CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | 2025 Crystal Ball (25:22)
It would be nice to ring in the New Year with some optimism. Unfortunately, this is proving to be difficult. Last year’s accumulated problems are worsening and are still very much with us. So, buckle up and brace for impact.
CrossTalking with George Szamuely and Mark Sleboda.
The British Population Is Under Attack
The illusion that their government has their best interests at heart is rapidly fading for millions of people in Britain, particularly since the arrival in power of Keir Starmer, longstanding member of the criminocrats’ Trilateral Commission and ardent proponent of their chilling “global change” agenda. Indeed, not only is his regime clearly not too bothered about the well-being of ordinary Britons – as opposed to Ukrainians or Israelis – but it is looking as if it actively wants most of them dead! It is pursuing this apparent goal by: Poisoning their food. A toxic substance called Bovaer is being fed to cattle under the ridiculous pretext of “fighting climate change”, with cow flatulence presented as a greater threat to the environment than the global industrial infrastructure. When the British public noticed, started boycotting the contaminated products and sharing information about alternative non-Bovaer sources, the BBC (aka The Ministry of Truth) backed the manufacturer’s line that the additive was quite safe and that any suggestion to the contrary was “misinformation” (where have we heard that before?), while Starmer’s government said it would mandate the feeding of Bovaer to all cows in the country by 2030, that famous cut-off date for carbon reduction and “systemic change”.
by Paul Cudenec
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi Points Out That, Aside From Rabies, There’s Scant Evidence Supporting The Efficacy Of Vaccines Against Viral Infections (6:49)
Top Prediction For 2025
International Man: Looking at the intersection of finance, economics, politics, and culture, what is your most significant prediction for 2025? What major event or trend should people prepare for that most are currently overlooking?
Doug Casey: The trends that appeared, seemingly against all odds, in 2024 are going to accelerate. The climate changed with the election of Trump. That was emblematic, but similar things are happening in other countries. The conservative/libertarian AfD will likely oust the current German government, which resembles that of the old East Germany. Castro’s son will be dethroned in Canada. And almost everywhere, even the media, has come to recognize that the Milei revolution in Argentina is succeeding. It’s becoming apparent that progressivism and wokeism are morbid. White males are less afraid of committing thought crimes, being canceled, or being labeled racist or sexist. DEI, ESG, and Woke values are retreating. These trends will grow, even while leftists, statists, and socialists pull out all the stops to resist them. It’s funny that the WEF and their ilk still talk about 2030 as being a magic year because the change in the trend that started in 2024 runs counter to everything that the WEF and the progressives were aiming for in 2030.
by Doug Casey
The Risks Of Vaccines During Pregnancy
What Expecting Mothers Need to Know
Pregnancy is a time of joy, anticipation, and careful decision-making. As an expecting mother, your primary goal is to ensure the health and safety of your baby. However, amidst the abundance of information and recommendations, it’s important to understand the potential risks associated with vaccines during pregnancy. Despite assurances from health authorities, recent evidence and expert testimonies suggest that vaccines given during pregnancy pose a significant risk to both mother and baby. One of the most concerning aspects of vaccine recommendations for pregnant women is the lack of rigorous safety testing. During a 2023 FDA meeting, Dr. Meryl Nass highlighted the troubling fact that many vaccines routinely recommended during pregnancy, including the COVID-19 vaccine, were not adequately tested in pregnant populations. The FDA admitted that its recommendations are based on limited or no data from controlled clinical trials involving pregnant women.
by Tracy Slepcevic
‘This Is What BlackRock Is Hiding From You’ (19:22)
by Whitney Webb
US Expands Biometric Technology In Airports Despite Privacy Concerns
Biometric systems promise efficiency at airports, but concerns over data security and transparency persist.
Biometric technology is being rolled out at US airports at an unprecedented pace, with plans to extend these systems to hundreds more locations in the coming years. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is driving a significant push toward facial recognition and other biometric tools, claiming improved efficiency and security. However, the expansion has sparked growing concerns, with privacy advocates and lawmakers voicing concerns about data security, transparency, and the potential for misuse of such technology. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has already implemented its Biometric Facial Comparison system at 238 airports, including 14 international locations. This includes all CBP Preclearance sites and several major departure hubs. CBP says its Biometric Exit program is rapidly gaining traction, with new airport partners joining monthly and positive feedback reported from passengers. Meanwhile, the TSA has equipped nearly 84 airports with its next-generation Credential Authentication Technology (CAT-2) scanners, which incorporate facial recognition. This rollout is part of a broader effort to bring biometrics to over 400 airports nationwide.
by Cindy Harper
Plastic On The Brain: Groundbreaking Study Detects Microplastics In Human Olfactory Bulbs For The First Time
Tiny plastic particles are infiltrating our bodies at an alarming rate, with new research uncovering their presence in human brains, reproductive organs, and even our bloodstream.
Quick Summary: Microplastics have been detected in human olfactory bulbs, suggesting a direct pathway to the brain. The presence of microplastics in human and canine testes raises concerns about impacts on male fertility. Individuals with microplastics in arterial plaque face 4.5 times higher risk of heart attack, stroke, or death. Simple solutions like boiling water can reduce microplastic exposure, but systemic changes are urgently needed. In recent years, the pervasive nature of plastic pollution has become increasingly apparent, with microplastics found in the remotest corners of our planet. However, new research is revealing an even more disturbing reality: these tiny plastic particles are not just in our environment, but have infiltrated our bodies in ways previously unimagined. From our brains to our reproductive organs and even our bloodstream, microplastics are turning up in human tissues with alarming frequency and potential health consequences.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Elon Musk Proudly Confirms To POS Ben Shapiro That He Is Jewish (0:52)
Come on lets be honest, did you really think the Jews would actually allow an independent person to run Twitter or X as it is now called with its reach to billions of people all over the world. Don’t forget that our entire MSM in ALL western countries is totally controlled by Jews so there is NO WAY that they would allow anyone independent to own Twitter. Elon Musk is controlled opposition, allowing people to let “off steam” on his crappy platform to release the enormous tension that Jews are creating all over the world with their genocide. Besides anyone befriending the vile, EVIL POS Ben Shapiro can only be Jew.
by No Face Masks
Two Endangered Florida Predators Found Dead Two Days Apart: 35 Have Been Killed This Year
Two highly endangered Florida panthers were found dead from vehicle strikes only two days apart, closing out a particularly deadly year for the species. The first panther, a 2½-year-old male, was found dead Dec. 21 in rural Highlands County, according to the Panther Pulse database maintained by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Then on Dec. 23, a 4-year-old male was discovered dead from a collision on Interstate 75 in Collier County, bringing the yearly death toll to 35. This has been the deadliest year for the iconic Florida state animal since 2016, McClatchy News previously reported. With only about 120 to 230 panthers estimated to be left in the wild, the species is facing an uphill battle against threats such as vehicle strikes, which are the panthers’ leading cause of death, according to the FWC.
by Olivia Lloyd
The Pump-and-Dump Scammer, Vivek Ramaswamy
With money from QVT, a hedge fund, Vivek’s company purchased a failed drug from GSK, renamed it, and performed a non-scientific post-hoc analysis of the failed drug where they cherry picked data and spun it to pump up the company’s stock. Once the stock price soared after the hysterical mass media, such as CNBC, talked up the stock, Mr. Ramaswamy sold-off (the dump part of a pump-and-dump scheme) a big portion of stock to make boodles of bucks. Once the company’s own clinical trial failed, the stock crashed and investors lost their money, but Ramaswamy was sitting high on a pile of cash from his pump-and-dump. I don’t follow right-wing, libertarian, authority figures, who scam the public, but wanting to know what the buzz was about this guy Vivek who was on stage with 7 other dunces last Wednesday night, I googled him. Prominent on my Google feed was something on YouTube about Vivek’s fraud. Once I saw Vivek had masterly committed a biotech pump-and-dump scheme with colluding physicians and made himself millions of dollars, I had a look. Now that he’s been exposed, some people are calling him “Vivek Ramaswampy.”
by Greg Maguire, Ph.D.
The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Destroy The West (5:38)
Elon Musk? A Few Important And Little-Known Facts
Who is “we” for a Jew? No matter whether a Jew lives for 5 or 500 years among/ together with the Americans, Germans, French, English, Russians, Poles .., he remains a Jew, while all other persons, both in the country where he lives (America, Germany, France, England, Russia, Poland … ) and worldwide, remain the goyim* for him (* heathens/ pagans, according to their satanic falsification of the source texts. See below, “The satanic Talmud” and “Three biggest historical Lies of Jews”) Shocking undercover footage captured the ADL (jewish Anti-Defamation League) on camera this week showing how they exert influence over X/ Twitter to promote (1)“freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach” in order to prevent people from joining alternative platforms like Gab. X CEO Linda Yaccarino (jewish & former WEF…) also appeared on MSNBC to tell the world that X would be censoring (2) “lawful but awful” content and that their primary policy going forward will be the ADL’s demanded strategy: “freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach.”
by mile7bar
A Gay Relationship Between Roy Cohn And Donald Trump?
Trump, out on the town with Roy Cohn, and his not so rippling muscles and girlish good looks. What he would pay to get this photo back. See the pain in his face? That’s the heel spur that kept him out of Vietnam.
What’s a bisexual? Is it dating people like Epstein or Roy Cohn and then having sex with children as the New York courts imply? Do you hire models to accompany you around New York when you and Cohn or Epstein hit clubs or, as the photo below depicts, leave the girls behind when you don’t need them? VT interviewed a top New York model (now a Trump appointee to a key position in government) that accompanied Trump and Epstein until Melania came along. It was $10k, not to sleep with Trump but to sign a non-disclosure and provide cover. Along with models, there was a publicist that peddled stories about Trump ‘grabbing pussies’ and about being a ‘man’s man,’ but we now know what that really means. The Epstein/Trump lawsuit says Trump made children wear rubber gloves when giving him a “HJ” but then why would Trump supposedly have unprotected sex with a porn star while married to Melania who thought it was all a joke? VT has more on Wexner as well, part of the same group and a VT staffer took the call when Epstein called Wexner, crying that Wexner had married a woman. Wexner gave huge amounts, may be billions, to Epstein. All were part of the same club, Trump, Epstein, Wexner and the MAGA, not “MEGA” types, whose only common bond was love of Israel and a double or even triple lifestyle.
by Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff
Wisdom Ignored Benjamin Franklin’s Almanack (22:51)
by Tenth Amendment Center
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Tenth Amendment Center
Benjamin Franklin’s Almanack Uncovered (Show Links and Video)
Wisdom They Don’t Want You To Know
Today – like every day – is a perfect time to revisit the timeless wisdom of his Poor Richard’s Almanack. First published on December 28, 1732, it became a cultural sensation over the next 25 years, blending sharp wit, practical advice, and lessons most people ignore today. In this episode, we’ll explore some of Franklin’s best wisdom that’s just as critical now as it was back then.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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January 4, 2025, 8 Posts Published And Archived
Wounded Child No Surviving Family (2:16)
by If Americans Knew
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If Americans Knew
Israel Palestine News Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Hundreds Of Playlists With Over 10,000 Videos
When I was growing up in New York City, I attended hundreds live concerts of Rock ‘n’ Roll bands from the mid-seventies onward. I mostly went to great smaller venues like The Bottom Line, The Ritz, Max’s Kansas City, CBGB, and Mudd Club. I also went to medium sized theatres like The Palladium, Capital Theatre, and outdoors at the Schaefer Music Festival in Central Park, and Jones Beach Theater. And of course, I went to the larger places like Carnegie Hall, Radio City Music Hall, Madison Square Garden, Shea Stadium, and Giants Stadium. Sometimes I made the journey all the way down the Jersey Shore, to Asbury Park, and went to the Stone Pony. I have attended the live concerts for many of the musicians I chose for Music Of The Day. So, enjoy the music. Mark R. Elsis
Music Of The Day
Al Stewart
Year Of The Cat by Al Stewart (6:33) (1976)
Time Passages by Al Stewart (6:43) (1978)
Roads To Moscow by Al Stewart (8:04) (1973)
Book Of The Day
The Holographic Universe
Nearly everyone is familiar with holograms—three-dimensional images projected into space with the aid of a laser. Two of the world’s most eminent thinkers believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind. University of London physicist David Bohm, and one of the world’s most respected quantum physicists, and Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, an architect of our modern understanding of the brain, have developed a remarkable new way of looking at the universe. Their theory explains not only many of the unsolved puzzles of physics but also such mysterious occurrences as telepathy, out-of-body and near-death experiences, “lucid” dreams, and even religious and mystical experiences such as feelings of cosmic unity and miraculous healings.
by Michael Talbot
Quote Of The Day
“Be at War with your Vices,
at Peace with your Neighbours,
and let every New Year find you a better Man.”
Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s (1755)
Meme Of The Day
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,800 Archived.
Central Intelligence Agency Archive With 237 Posts
January 3, 2025, 100 Posts Published And Archived
ACH (2480) I’m Talking To You #152 – It’s Deagel Time (Audio 20:16)
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Synagogue Of Satan
The most damning exposure of who’s been running the world behind the scenes for centuries.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Featured News
Female Palestinian Journalist Shaza al-Sabbagh Shot Dead As PA Forces Raid Jenin Refugee Camp
Shaza al-Sabbagh
A female Palestinian journalist has been killed after she was shot in the head during a raid by the Palestinian Authority (PA) forces at the Jenin refugee camp in the northern occupied West Bank. The family of Shaza al-Sabbagh said their daughter was on the way to a grocery store when she was directly shot from a PA forces military point located near their house. A spokesman for the PA’s so-called security forces, Colonel Anwar Rajab, claimed in a statement that the troops were not present in the area at the time of the shooting. The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate says the death of Shaza al-Sabbagh, who was reportedly studying journalism at al-Quds Open University, has to be investigated. The group called for an independent committee to be formed “to uncover the truth, hold the killers accountable, and ensure they do not escape punishment.” The location of the tragic demise of Palestinian journalist Shatha al-Sabbagh, who was mortally wounded by a sniper’s bullet in the Jenin camp, situated in the occupied West Bank.
by PressTV
Book Of The Day
The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
The Bardo Thodol ‘Liberation through hearing during the intermediate state’), commonly known in the West as The Tibetan Book of the Dead, is a terma text from a larger corpus of teachings, the Profound Dharma of Self-Liberation through the Intention of the Peaceful and Wrathful Ones,[note 1] revealed by Karma Lingpa (1326–1386). It is the best-known work of Nyingma literature. In 1927, the text was one of the first examples of both Tibetan and Vajrayana literature to be translated into a European language and arguably continues to this day to be the best known. The Tibetan text describes, and is intended to guide one through, the experiences that the consciousness has after death, in the bardo, the interval between death and the next rebirth. The text also includes chapters on the signs of death and rituals to undertake when death is closing in or has taken place. The text can be used as either an advanced practice for trained meditators or to support the uninitiated during the death experience.
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The Jewish Created Scofield Bible (6:19)
by Candace Owens
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Rod Stewart (40 Posts)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
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Quote Of The Day
“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
Irish Blessing
“May The Road Rise Up To Meet You”
The Beautiful Irish Blessing Meaning and Origin
by Meg Bucher
Website Of The Day
Weston A. Price Foundation
The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is your source for accurate information on nutrition and health, always aiming to provide the scientific validation of traditional foodways.
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The Faces Of Palestinian Suffering In 2024 – Day 451
Palestinian suffering is still news, even when mainstream media stops covering it. Israel’s war on Palestine is subsidized by the US taxpayer – let’s remember the faces of those whose lives we destroyed in 2024, and demand change in 2025. One theme of 2024 in Gaza: PAIN. Another theme in Gaza in 2024: ANGUISH. A prominent theme in Gaza, 2024: STARVATION. 2024 theme: HARDSHIP.Theme: TRAUMA. A primary theme in Gaza in 2024 was, of course, DEATH. Theme: TORTURE. Palestinian death toll from October 7, 2023 – December 31, 2024: at least 46,389* – 45,553 in Gaza; in the West Bank, Israeli soldiers and/or settlers have killed at least 836 Palestinians (~172 of them children). Thousands of those killed in Gaza have yet to be identified, and an estimated 11,000 more are still buried under rubble. According to a report in the Lancet, by multiplying the reported deaths by five, it is possible to reach a conservative estimate of total deaths (including indirect causes like starvation and lack of medicine). Using the latest figure from AFP (45,553), it is reasonable to estimate at least 227,765 total deaths in Gaza since October 7th, 2023. According to a recent report by the UN Human Rights Office of identified fatalities in Gaza, about 44% were children. It is reasonable to estimate that 20,043 of known direct deaths and 100,217 of the total deaths are children.
by Israel Palestine News
The Secrets Of The Tibetan Book Of The Dead (40:20)
by Philosophical Essence
Gaza Is Now ‘Hell On Earth’ — Exactly As Intended (Text and a 1:08 Video of the Evil Daniella Weiss)
“99% of the people I talk to just want to die…”
As a Palestinian journalist in Gaza, Hossam Shabat has seen much more carnage and suffering in the past year than most of us will witness in our entire lifetimes. On Wednesday morning, for instance, he documented an Israeli bombing in the Jabalia Al-Balad area that left 15 dead (including children) and over 20 injured. “The world welcomes the New Year with celebrations,” he wrote in Arabic on the social media platform X. “We welcome 2025 with the first massacre in the Gaza Strip.” Fourteen hours after that, he posted a video filmed at Nasser Hospital in the wake of another Israeli atrocity in the supposed “safe zone” of Mawasi Khan Yunis, which includes graphic images of a child with both of his legs blown completely off. On Thursday morning, Shabat summarized the profound psychological effect these types of atrocities — and the countless other horrors inflicted by the genocidal Israeli regime — are having on the remaining Palestinians of Gaza: “I’m not exaggerating when I say that 99% of the people I talk to just want to die and think that death will finally give them a rest from all this,” he said. “The Israeli government has created hell on earth for the people of Gaza.” This — deliberately creating “hell” on earth for Gaza’s civilian population — is exactly what Daniella Weiss, director of the Israeli settler organization Nachala, discussed and condoned in an interview with BBC News’ Orla Guerin that was published in April of 2024.
by Decensored News
When AI Knows Too Much (32:07)
by Beeyond Ideas
Against Sedevacantism
How men behave must be by law refined,
But law must follow reality close behind.
The controversy over the resignation by Benedict XVI from the Papacy in February of 2013 continues to feed the argument over the vacancy of the Apostolic See – was that resignation valid or not? If it was valid, then the ensuing election of Pope Francis was not invalidated by Benedict still being in any way the valid Pope. But if Benedict’s resignation was doubtfully valid, then a doubt is left hanging over all Francis’ subsequent papacy, because Benedict only died in 2022 after Francis had acted as Pope for the space of nearly ten years. In the autumn of last year Bishop Athanasius Schneider wrote a most interesting article, accessible on the Internet, giving precious principles on the whole dispute of whether the Apostolic See (Latin “sedes”) is vacant or not. It may seem an idle dispute, but it is not. The Catholic Church is a worldwide organisation, strictly hierarchical, in which all parish priests depend upon valid diocesan bishops for their valid appointment to parishes, and those bishops depend in turn upon a valid Pope for their valid appointment to their dioceses. For the Church to be able to function, its head must be really existent, clearly identified and universally accepted. Of course several times in Church history the identity of the Pope has been disputed, notably during the Great Western Schism from 1378 to 1417, which saw at its end not just two but three candidates all claiming to be Pope. However, all Catholics knew that more than one Pope was most harmful to the Church, so the Schism lasted only 39 years.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
The Western Modernity Is Antichrist
What the life after woke looks like? If we want to overcome woke, we need to identify its roots and extract them. The roots are nominalism, hyper-individualism and liberalism as ideology inviting every individual to abandon any form of collective identity. The woke ideology of globalist liberal left is the logical consequence of whole history of liberalism. Liberation from Catholic Church, estates, Empire, national states, collectives ideologies (fascism and communism), race, ethnic identity, gender and humanity as specie. Woke is not just casual perversion, aberration, deviation. It is final stage of the Western Modernity. Woke is much more founded than anti-woke. In order to get rid of it we need to overcome the Modernity itself, to make profound criticism of it. Modernity, its spirit, its paradigm is incompatible with Tradition, religion, Christianity. Either or. Without great return to Pre-modernity and its ontology we will vulnerable. Western Modernity is Antichrist. Woke phase is but finalization of its manifestation. But Pre-modernity has to be understood as super-temporal paradigm. As something eternal. Pre-modernity is not only behind us. It can exist now and it can become our future. It is rather the eternity than the past. The Modernity denied eternity in favor of pure temporality.
by Alexander Dugin
We Will Not Survive AI (5:17)
by Jerry Day
Don’t Deify Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter may have done good works out of office, but in power he fomented a series of domestic and foreign policy disasters.
Jimmy Carter, out of office, had the courage to call out the “abominable oppression and persecution” and “strict segregation” of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza in his 2006 book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.” He dedicated himself to monitoring elections, including his controversial defense of the 2006 election of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, and championed human rights around the globe. He lambasted the American political process as an “oligarchy” in which “unlimited political bribery” created “a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors.” But Carter’s years as an ex-president should not mask his dogged service to the empire, penchant for fomenting disastrous proxy wars, betrayal of the Palestinians, embrace of punishing neoliberal policies and his subservience to big business when he was in office. Carter played a significant role in dismantling New Deal legislation with the deregulation of major industries including airlines, banking, trucking, telecommunications, natural gas and railways. He appointed Paul Volcker to the Federal Reserve, who, in an effort to combat inflation, drove up interest rates and pushed the U.S. into the deepest recession since the Great Depression, a move that saw the start of punishing austerity cuts. Carter is the godfather of the pillage known as neoliberalism, a pillage fellow Democrat Bill Clinton would turbo charge.
by Chris Hedges
By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Do War
The motto of Israel’s spy agency, Mossad, is, according to recently defected Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky: “By way of deception thou shalt do war.” That motto describes more than the modus operandi of the world’s most ruthless and feared organization of professional assassins and espionage agents; it really describes the modus vivendi of an entire race. It is necessary to understand that fact before one can hope to understand fully the role of the Jews in national and world affairs. The concept of a race eternally at war with the rest of the world is alien to us. It is difficult to believe or even to grasp. When we examine such a concept and begin sifting the evidence it is easy to become confused. On the one hand we have the Old Testament injunctions to the Hebrews from their tribal god, speaking through their prophets, to annihilate every Gentile nation over which they gain power: And thou shalt consume all the peoples which the Lord thy God shall deliver unto thee; thine eye shall not pity them . . . thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth. (Deuteronomy 7:16, 20:16) Similarly bloodthirsty, explicit injunctions are repeated so often in the Jews’ holy books that we can only assume that they are meant to be taken seriously. The historical evidence suggests that in ancient times the Jews did indeed take their religion seriously: they were notorious everywhere and at all times as implacable haters of humanity who in turn were thoroughly despised by every people among whom they lived.
by Dr. William L. Pierce
Temple (30:49)
Can you imagine the upheaval in political and religious thinking if the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is not the site of Solomon’s and Herod’s temples? And what if the stones of the Wailing Wall are not what tradition says? In this highly-researched, exciting book, the author proposes from current archaeological excavations and Scriptural corroboration that the true temple location is not where tradition teaches.
by Robert Cornuke
Holy Irony!
Israelis Wailing at the Roman Fort
After reading carefully Martin’s book, and checking the attempts to refute it, I am convinced that he is right. It is not difficult to understand, though, why his theory is denigrated as a conspiracy theory by Jewish and Israeli institutions. Biblical archaeology is highly political. As Marilyn Sams notes, citing Nadia Abu El Haj’s book Facts on the Ground: Archeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in Israeli Society (2001), “the temple mount myth is used by archaeologists as part of their nation-making narrative, crucial to the Jewish identity, a memorial to their long, enormously influential past.”[8] Yet, to quote again from Ernest Martin, it is pretty certain that, the present religious authorities exalt to the highest esteem and respect an enclosure as the site of the Temple that was in Jesus’ day the chief architectural symbol of Rome’s claim to imperial world power. … Even the worshippers at the “Wailing Wall” are directing their present devotions and venerations to a Roman edifice that their ancestors in Herod’s time held in utter contempt.[9] What a great irony, for a people so used to fool the world, and so confident in the power of their own symbols! If, unbeknownst to them, their prayers are really going up to the gods of Rome, will they bring down the return of the Tenth Legion on their head?
by Laurent Guyénot
The 4 Most Viewed Blog Posts Of 2024
Thank you for following along with us for 2024. What follows are the four (4) most viewed blog posts for Care Net’s Abundant Life Blog in 2024. Take a look back with us, as we share the most popular blog posts of the year. And, as we look forward to 2025, may we look for more ways to give compassion, help, and hope to those facing pregnancy decisions. Roland Warren writes: In 2012, when I became the president and CEO of Care Net, the Republicans and Democrats supported very different national policy positions on abortion. The Democrats’ policy position has remained largely unchanged: abortion on demand at any time during the pregnancy, for any reason, no exceptions. In fact, supporting abortion is now a litmus test for the party. However, the Republican national policy position has changed dramatically. Indeed, the implications of this change should transform the national dialogue around the issue of abortion. Whether it will remains to be seen. In 2012, when Mitt Romney was the Republican nominee for President, he and the Republican party opposed all abortions, except in cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother. This exceptions-based position would make nearly 98% of abortions illegal. Furthermore, even the exceptions were evaluated through a moral lens that aimed to balance compassion for the vulnerable woman impacted during conception or childbirth with the vulnerable baby affected by the abortion procedure.
by Ryan Sanders
2024: The Year Evangelicals Took Fellowship With Devils
The title of today’s column is the same as the title of my message last Sunday. I invite readers to watch it. It was my annual end-of-the-year message. The title of this column (and the message) succinctly summarizes what happened to a large percentage of evangelicals during the past year. Most evangelicals labor under the delusion that modern Judaism is the same as the religion of the Old Testament Israelites. It is not. Modern Judaism is the religion of the Pharisees who hated and crucified Jesus (Acts 4:8 – 12) and persecuted and murdered His apostles and the Early Church. Modern Judaism is a mixture of the oral traditions (Matthew 15:3 – 9) of the Christ-rejecting Pharisees and the occult teachings of Kabbalism and Chabadism. If you have studied our Israel Messages and Prophecy Messages, you know that modern Israel is NOT Biblical or prophetic Israel, nor are the Ashkenazi Jews populating Palestine God’s Chosen People. But let’s set that reality aside for a moment. Even if you believe that the Ashkenazi Jews in Palestine are God’s chosen people, does that mean you should condone and justify their wickedness? Jehovah Himself, the One Who chose Old Covenant Israel, did not condone and justify their wickedness. He utterly destroyed the nations of both Judah and Israel for their wickedness. The Assyrians, Babylonians and Romans were God’s instruments of judgment against His chosen people.
by Chuck Baldwin
Imperial Hubris (And Its Consequences) In Syria
The Syria story is not so simple as ‘President Assad fell’ and the ‘technocratic Salafists’ rose to power.
The Syria story, it seems, is not so simple as ‘President Assad fell’ and the ‘technocratic Salafists’ rose to power. At one level, the collapse was predictable. Assad was known to have been influenced by Egypt and UAE for some years past. They had been urging him to break with Iran and Russia, and to shift to the West. For some 3-4 years he had been incrementally signalling and implementing such a move. Iran especially faced increasing obstacles over operational matters in which they were co-operating with Syrian forces. His shift was meant as a message to Iran. The financial situation of Syria – after years of U.S. Caesar sanctions, plus the loss of all agricultural and energy revenues seized by the U.S. in occupied north-east Syria – was catastrophic. Syria simply had no economy. No doubt, reaching out to Israel and Washington was presented to Assad as the only practical exit to his dilemma. ‘Normalisation’ could lead to the lifting of sanctions, they implored him. And Assad, according tothose in touch with him, (even at the eleventh hour before the HTS ‘invasion’) was believing that Arab States close to Washington would have opted for his continued leadership, rather than see Syria fall prey to Salafist zealots.
by Alastair Crooke
Should We Obey The Government? (18:19)
by Academy Of Ideas
Evidence Of Harm
The sheer volume of documented evidence of harm is absolutely astonishing.
For those who have been “vaccinated,” please review the information in this article and ask yourself this very simple question: If the information in this article had been made available to you before you were incentivized, coerced, convinced or tricked into receiving the COVID-19 “vaccines,” and you were given a true opportunity to understand the potential harm, would you have still allowed someone to inject a slow-acting, technologically advanced biological weapon into your arm? People are still getting jabbed. People are still suffering. People are still being permanently disabled. People are still dying. It is NOT okay to ignore this information. Help save someone’s life. Share this information with everyone you possibly can.
by James Roguski
Ex-CIA Analyst Doesn’t Buy FBI’s NY Day Terror Narrative, Highlights Potential Ukrainian Intel Trace
Twin violent incidents rocked the US on New Year’s Day, with an ex-US Army vet plowing a pickup into a crowd in New Orleans and going down guns blazing in a firefight with police, and an active-duty Green Beret blowing up in a Tesla Cybertruck outside a Trump hotel in Las Vegas. Sputnik asked renowned former CIA analyst Larry Johnson to weigh in. “Right now, the FBI is trying to present this as what they call a ‘lone wolf individual’, acting on his own by himself. I know that’s the story. I don’t find it to be particularly credible,” Johnson said, commenting on the terror attack that rocked New Orleans and claimed scores of lives January 1. “Let’s start with the fact that the initial news reports presented this as a further sign of the lack of control over immigration in the United States. This had nothing to do with illegal migrants. These were two US citizens, both,” Johnson emphasized, adding that both men were also affiliated with the Army. “It’s a threat from within,” the observer said, calling reports that the New Orleans attacker was affiliated with ISIS* “curious and ironic,” given the US government’s habit of labeling people terrorists and then working with them, whether in Syria today or Afghanistan going back to the 1980s.
by Ilya Tsukanov
“A Midwestern Doctor” Shown To Be A Plagiarist And A Fraud
Friends – I will be creating an extensive video documenting the unbelievable plagiarism of my book, The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound, by the anonymous person who writes the substack called “A Midwestern Doctor”. This person hides behind a wall of anonymity because he/she is actually a criminal, “compiling” (her word, not mine) other people’s work and then claiming it as their own. (I think she/he is a female but I could be wrong). This person recently wrote a substack about ultrasound dangers, much of which is taken from my book. She took graphs, videos, links, studies, conclusions, you name it — it’s all right there, out of my book, and she has presented it as her own. It is UNBELIEVABLE how blatant the plagiarism is. Below is just one example. This disgusting creature even stole an image off the cover of my book!!!
by Jeanice Barcelo
Breakaway European Region Switches Off Heating After Ukraine Halts Gas Transit
Only medical facilities will be kept warm in Moldova’s breakaway region, the local energy company has said
Moldova’s breakaway region of Transnistria has halted heating and hot water supply to households on the first day of 2025 after the flow of Russian gas via Ukraine stopped, a local energy company has said. On Wednesday, Russian energy giant Gazprom announced that it could not deliver gas to Europe via the Ukrainian route anymore due to Kiev’s “repeated and clear refusal” to prolong the relevant agreements that expired at the end of 2024. Later in the day, Transnistria’s energy company, Tirasteploenergo, said that that because of “the temporary cessation of gas deliveries to the heat-generating facilities of the enterprise… heating and hot water supply to the population, publicly funded institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership will be cut.” For now, only medical facilities that provide inpatient care will be heated, the company added. “There is no heating or hot water,” an unnamed employee of Tirasteploenergo in the republic’s capital of Tiraspol told Reuters by phone. The woman said she did not know how long the situation would continue.
by RT
We Lived Through 2024 By Our Wits Alone (Text and Audio 1:30:58)
We are in a hall of mirrors, and to survive, we must learn what is essential and what is secondary. Our friends are dying all around us.
The audio is my interview on Christian Elliot’s podcast. Subscribe to him at CJ Hopkins writes: We are bombarded, on a moment-by-moment basis, by contradictory narratives, facts, fiction, baseless accusations, insinuations, official and unofficial propaganda, exaggerations, distortions, and bald-faced lies. Who has the time and energy to try to sift through the billion bits of bullshit blowing ceaselessly into our brains like random detritus swept up in some omnidirectional idiot wind? The keys to coping with it all are KISS (keeping it simple, stupid) and aggressively jettisoning the extraneous. I ranked the following by importance. For new readers: Here are links to download my CV, ebooks, the best recent posts, and instructions on searching my archives. Also, HERE are links to purchase OSR, DMSO, and chlorine dioxide products, where to find them, and links to my posts. Please review Judas Dentistry; the direct link is HERE. I need your help because a passel of mercury-intoxicated dentists are giving me one-star reviews. Finally, if you have a good story or are an expert who wants to be interviewed, please contact me at
by Robert Yoho, MD
AI Jumps Shark, “Fakes Alignment” In New Paper
Last time on the topic of AI, I had expounded on the idea that the future is less certain than the tech industry would have us believe. That the linear progressions of envisioned AI ascension would be marred by various underestimated caltrops on the road to ‘Utopia’. But that dealt mostly with the logistical roadblocks, the fray of economic and political tensions due to inherently diverging interests. There remain other arguably even more significant reasons behind the AI utopia’s potential failure. Last week we bore witness to one such emerging reason when controversy spawned around a new paper published by Anthropic-parent company of the winning Claude AI-which detailed how large AI models have been caught faking ‘alignment’: A new paper from Anthropic’s Alignment Science team, in collaboration with Redwood Research, provides the first empirical example of a large language model engaging in alignment faking without having been explicitly—or even, as we argue in our paper, implicitly1—trained or instructed to do so.
by Simplicius
Israeli Demolition Campaign Intensifies In Southern Lebanon
The Lebanese army recently entered the towns of Al-Bayada and Shamaa to find ‘everything razed to the ground’
Israeli troops advanced into and heavily attacked the southern Lebanese village of Beit Lif on 2 January, in violation of the fragile ceasefire that Tel Aviv has been continuously breaching since it took effect in late November last year. “The Roumieh area between Beit Lif and Yater was subjected to enemy artillery shelling,” Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) reported on Thursday afternoon, coming as Israeli forces entered and searched homes in the area. According to Al Manar’s correspondent in the south, the Israeli army pushed into Beit Lif with several Merkava tanks, military hummers, a bulldozer, and infantry forces and began demolitions in the town. The sounds of heavy explosions and gunfire were heard. Earlier on Thursday, an Israeli drone targeted the vicinity of a farm between the towns of Beit Lif and Yater with two missiles. The new ceasefire violations occurred a day after the Israeli military set fire to homes in the Aitaroun-Bint Jbeil district. In accordance with the ceasefire agreement, the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) entered the towns of Shamaa and Al-Bayada on 1 January. The two towns are among those that witnessed fierce clashes between the Lebanese resistance and the Israeli army during Tel Aviv’s failed ground operation in Lebanon, which began in early October and ended with the ceasefire on 27 November.
by News Desk
A New Year’s Resolution: Let’s Get The United States Out Of The Censorship Business
On this New Year’s Eve, billions of people will gather with friends to ring in 2025 with the hope of a better year to come. For the first time in many years, free-speech advocates have a reason to celebrate. With 2024, we will say goodbye to one of the most reviled offices in the Biden Administration: The Global Engagement Center. I discuss the Center in my recent book, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage as one of the most active components in the massive censorship system funded by the Biden Administration. The demise of the GEC is a good start. However, like weight loss resolutions, it will take much more of a commitment if we are going to restore free speech in the United States. It is time to make the ultimate resolution to rip out the censorship root and stem from our government. This month, the Biden Administration fought to keep the GEC funded, but Republicans refused to include it in the continuing resolution for the budget. However, even with the closure of this one office, Biden will leave behind the most comprehensive censorship system in the history of the United States.
by Jonathan Turley
Maaloula – People Who Speak The Language Of Jesus Christ Under Siege Again
Since the Turkish-Takfiri coup in Syria backed by the US, Israel, Qatar and the West, Christians are, again, under threat
Maaloula is a Christian town some 50km from Damascus in the north-eastern Damascus countryside, overshadowed by the Qalamoun mountains. Residents of Maaloula still teach and speak the same dialect spoken by Jesus of Nazareth – the ancient language of Aramaic originated more than 900 years before Christ and was widely used throughout the Middle East from B.C. 1200 to A.D. 700. The Syrian government under President Assad established a new Aramaic Language Institute in Maaloula to preserve the Aramaic language that was gradually dying out in the region. This is from a Guardian article in 2009: In Syria there are a lot of minority groups: Circassians, Armenians, Kurds and Assyrians, so it’s a big decision to allow the teaching of other languages in government schools – But the government is interested in promoting the Aramaic language because it goes back so deep into Syria’s history.
by Vanessa Beeley
Sudden Shock Shift In Gaza Floors Netanyahu! (10:02)
by KernowDamo
UK Doctor Suspended Over Posts Praising Slain Hamas And Hezbollah Leaders As ‘Legends’
Dr Rehiana Ali, a British neurologist, was been suspended last week by the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) following complaints about social media posts on Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. The interim suspension, lasting 18 months and subject to review, prevents her from practising medicine pending a full investigation by the General Medical Council (GMC). The suspension relates to posts praising the martyred leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah as “legends.” On 7 October, the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood resistance operation, Ali referred to Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah as “a legend” and later eulogised Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in similar terms – both were assassinated by the occupation army. “Israel will lose. They’ve just turned Sinwar into a legend. A male role model,” she wrote. The GMC acknowledged public “concerns” over Dr Ali’s comments. “We will take action where concerns suggest patient safety or public confidence in doctors may be at risk,” said a GMC spokesperson.
Gas, Semiconductors And War
Today, first day of 2025, marks the discontinuation by Ukraine of the distribution of Russian gas to customers in Europe. Slovakia is the country most immediately impacted, but Hungary may follow. It would be in the EU’s interest if these countries were to run into political difficulties as a result of any economic turbulence caused by the discontinuation of Russian gas, since they are the principal opponents in the EU to the EU’s obsessional and impoverishing war against Russia over Ukraine. In Hungary the EU’s man is Peter Magyar, a European Parliament member and lawyer, incumbent President of the the Respect and Freedom Party (Tisza), Hungary’s largest opposition party. He will be Viktor Orban’s main challenger in the 2026 Hungarian parliamentary elections. In Slovakia where there is substantial pro-Russian sentiment, the opposition PS leads the polls and may soon get the opportunity to challenge Fico’s Smer party if, as Fico has suggested, there is a snap election. In addition to these possible set-backs to pro-Russian sentiment within the EU, there are rumblings of potential color revolution in Serbia and in Bulgaria a distancing of public sentiment away from Russia.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Brewing Storm
Inflation has not been beaten. Despite the Fed’s efforts to bring them down, interest rates are going up. Since the rate cutting cycle began in September, long-term interest rates are up about 100 bps
As we left 2024, we left behind a jolly, wacky year… and many unanswered questions. Gold rose 27% over the 12 months. That alone endeared the year to us. We raise a glass… and sing a maudlin chorus. But other things made us glad to see 2024 go. For months, the Democratic leadership, in collusion with the mainstream press, assured the nation that its president was on the ball. Sharp as a tack. Then, when said Commander in Chief appeared in a TV debate it was clear — even to the investigative journalists! — that they had been lying. His mouth open as he sought to remember his talking points, the president erased all doubt as to his competence. He made Donald Trump seem sane and sensible in comparison. This should have provoked an important question: If no one was at home in the White House, who was running the country? But that same team of brave news hounds that managed not to pick up the scent of absenteeism in the Oval Office also managed to not ask the critical question… how does a democratic republic function when its elected chief is AWOL? And why do people bother to vote if it doesn’t make any difference whether their chosen jefe is on the job or not?
by Bill Bonner
The Slaughter In New Orleans
A ritually cursed New Year?
A bad moon has risen over the United States of America at the beginning of the New Year, resulting in a slaughter of civilians and the postponement of one of America’s premier mass spectacle Roman colosseum-type games, the college football “Sugar Bowl.” Michael Hoffman’s Revelation of the Method is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. The supreme colosseum spectacle of them all, the “Super Bowl,” is scheduled to take place February 9 at the aptly named Caesar’s Superdome, roughly 1.5 miles from the site of today’s massacre. On December 31, 2024—New Year’s Eve—lightning struck the US Capitol building and the masonic Washington monument. Nearly 11 hours later, the “terrorist attack” in New Orleans, the “Crescent City,” occurred on January 1, 2025—New Year’s Day— around 4:15 a.m. EST. “FBI Houston” Press Release: In collaboration with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, the FBI conducted an investigation near the intersection of Hugh Road and Crescent Peak Drive in north Houston this afternoon. This operation was connected to the morning’s terrorist attack in New Orleans. The site of theNew Orleans attack was Bourbon Street in the French Quarter, near both Marie Laveau’s House of Voodoo, also located on Bourbon Street, and around the corner from JFK assassination conspirator Guy Banister’s former headquarters (now demolished), at 531 Lafayette Street.
by Michael Hoffman
‘Godless Jews’: Putin Tears Down Jewish Community Over Attacks On Orthodox Church (3:42)
by OneIndia News
Onward Ho! End Of Year Wrap-Up And A Look Ahead To 2025
It’s the end of the year and so I’d like to wish a happy new years to everyone: here’s to the beginning of 2025. B said it best that 2025 saw a remarkable and precipitous decline of the West into tyranny and illiberalism. Given the bizarre coordinated nature of every Western nation’s mirrored crack downs on fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, the total delegitimization of democracy and elections, the absolute spiteful disgust that our ruling elites have shown to the common man, the farmer, the blue collared laborer, the wage slave—given all these things, and how remarkably coordinated it has been across the governments of the West, 2025 has taught us that the entire Western order must necessarily be taking direction from a centralized node of governance somewhere. That somewhere may be in the backrooms of the WEF or Bilderberg or what have you, but the rule by fiat from above is now clearer than ever.
by Simplicius
America’s Education Collapse – Since 1967
Since 1967, student test scores have been falling rapidly. High school graduation rates are a manufactured mess with teachers pushing through students who can’t even read, much less go on to calculus and data analysis. 1967 was the year Johnson celebrated the Great Achievement: 37 million children were enrolled in elementary school, high school was 13.7 million and college was up to 6.5 million. What Happened? 1967 was also the same year that college degrees hit a peak high before falling led by math majors which began a downward trajectory. Math intensive subjects include: math, statistics, engineering, and1967 physical sciences. The Education system in place determined that to fix this differential, lowering the curriculum could artificially be imposed as a new base point. It is also when feminism demanded women have equality even if they were mentally unequal. Lowering the bar. A bar that has been continually lowered every single year since. ‘When I was in school’; at 5 years in first grade we learned add, subtract, multiply and divide. Reading was The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. Lengthy stories were written. French was taught. Multiplication is now a 3rd grade subject. Science engagement is 5th grade. Why did education change? A variety of reasons include: 1) a focus on lowering academic standards to inflate graduation rates. 2) pressure by parents to grade easier. 3) fear over student ‘self-esteem’. 4) a shift prioritizing ‘social learning’ instead of rigorous academics. 5) political influence.
by Helena Glass
Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying (2011)
By Dr. Vernon Coleman – 45 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary
The “benefits” of vaccination are merely a pretext—a pretext for poisoning. It really is that simple. It obviously wasn’t that simple when I first started questioning the childhood vaccination enterprise, and started coming to terms with what we had done to our two children. You go through phases. You are trying to latch onto some concrete understanding of how this could be so. As you progress through the different books and stages of understanding, thinking that you will find at least one vaccine that is necessary, safe and effective, you realise that there are none. You start to see doctors, nurses, universities, media, courts, government and corporations all differently. At one stage you might even glimpse Empire. The benefits of vaccination are plenty, they are just not your child’s benefits. The higher you go, the clearer it gets. Nothing is more profitable than a poisoned baby. A poisoned baby is the greatest wealth transfer program yet invented. Actually the only thing more profitable than a poisoned baby is a poisoned population. Nothing is easier to control than a weak and poisoned population. The profit permits the control that permits the profit…it’s circular and synergistic. Poison. Power. Poison. Power… I have shelves of books by now on vaccination, but honestly, they all just tell the same simple story. It’s just poison, for the benefit of the poisoners. With thanks to Dr. Vernon Coleman. Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe and Effective is Lying: Coleman, Dr Vernon
by Unbekoming
Denials Of Washington’s Links To Murder Of Russian General Igor Kirillov Highly-Suspect
The mysterious assassination of General Igor Kirillov raises suspicions of a covert connection between U.S. biolabs, Ukraine, and the broader geopolitical interests of the West, highlighting potential motives linked to sensitive military research. Maria Zakharova, speaking for Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, confidently dismissed U.S. State Department claims of no involvement in the killing of Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Russia’s chief of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops. Zakharova had accused the U.S. of creating and funding the Kyiv regime, supplying it with weapons, and failing to condemn its terrorist acts. The suspicious timing of such assassinations can be compared to historic high-profile killings before major events, from WWI to operations in Afghanistan. Such assassinations, often aimed at demoralizing Russia and targeting those Kyiv considers war criminals, which Ukraine defends as legitimate wartime tactics, raise many questions. Knowing Kirillov’s access to sensitive documents and possessing many of the same and similar materials, I can offer some insights into the “likely motives” behind him and his deputy being blown up in Moscow.
by Henry Kamens
Nightmare Set Of Events In Yemen Floors Netanyahu! (11:23)
by KernowDamo
Numerous US-British Airstrikes Target Yemeni Capital Sanaa
Ansar Allah spokesman Mohammad Abdelsalam says the aggression represents “a blatant violation of the sovereignty of an independent state” and comes in support of “Israel”.
A US-British aggression targeted Tuesday the capital, Sanaa, amid continuous airstrikes, Al Mayadeen’s correspondent in Yemen reported. Our correspondent indicated that the US-British airstrikes targeted the September 21st Park, located in the northwestern part of Sanaa, which previously housed the First Armored Division. He also noted that the aggression targeted, with eight airstrikes, a complex that includes the Ministry of Defense and military administrative offices in the Bab al-Yemen area in central Sanaa, as well as the May 22nd Military Industrial Complex in the al-Nahda neighborhood, northwest of Sanaa. The spokesman for the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Mohammad Abdelsalam, pointed out that the aggression against Yemen represents “a blatant violation of the sovereignty of an independent state” and comes in support of “Israel”. Abdelsalam affirmed that “Yemen will continue to defend itself against any aggression and remains steadfast in supporting Gaza.”
by Al Mayadeen
Airliner Or Flying Health Hazard
As the saying goes: ‘More prayers are said in an airport than in a Church: Airliner or Flying Health Hazard? Unsavory Facts About Boeing’s 737-800: Aircraft giant Boeing made headlines last week when three incidents involving its 737-800 planes, one of the Boeing 737 Next Generation (737NG) variants, occurred in 24 hours in various corners of the globe. While the terrible Jeju Air 737-800 crash in South Korea killed 179, a few hours earlier another KLM 737-800 skidded off a runway in Norway after suffering a hydraulic failure, while an Air Canada 737-800 suffered an apparent landing gear failure upon arrival in Halifax. Though much of Boeing’s infamy stems from the disasters involving its 737 MAX airliners, the 737-800 has a dark history of its own, with this type of plane suffering over 20 incidents since the early 2000s and causing over 1,000 deaths. Here’s a brief list of problems that have plagued the 737-800.
by Michael Walsh
US Treasury’s Hacking Accusation Unfounded, China Opposes Disinformation Out Of Political Purposes: FM
In response to US Treasury’s claim that a China state-sponsored actor infiltrated Treasury workstations in what US Treasury officials are describing as a “major incident,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said that regarding these unfounded accusations lacking evidence, we have repeatedly stated our position. “China has always opposed all forms of hacking attacks, and we are even more opposed to the dissemination of false information targeting China for political purposes,” Mao said on Tuesday at the routine press briefing. Chinese state-sponsored hackers breached the US Treasury Department’s computer security guardrails this month and stole documents in what Treasury called a “major incident,” according to a letter to lawmakers that Treasury officials provided to Reuters on Monday.
by Global Times
President Richard Nixon: “I Sold My Soul At Bohemian Grove”
The film “Secret Honor” was produced by Robert Altman in 1984, and features a single actor (Philip Baker Hall) playing the character of Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States who was in office from 1969 until his resignation in 1974. Stated to be “fictional”, there is a lot information revealed in this monologue film that is certainly not fictional based on other historical sources. The fictional Nixon in this film is very bitter at how his presidency went down, and reveals details about a secret society that he said goes by many names, but he knew them as the “Council of 100”, where they met at Bohemian Grove each year, and were the real power behind presidential politics. This “fictional” Nixon is seemingly blowing the whistle on who really runs the United States.
by Brian Shilhavy
“The USS Liberty Attack Was Cold Blooded Murder” Survivor Phil Tourney Exposes The Truth (41:46)
The United States has a long history of false flag attacks to rally our country into war. It’s a template that works well. Take, for example, the USS Maine, which was used to ignite the Spanish-American War or the Gulf of Tonkin. The false flag attack there that led us fully into the Vietnam War, but one of the most suppressed and hidden attacks on Americans happened during the Six Day War. In 1967, the USS Liberty, a naval intelligence ship, was attacked on purpose by Israeli forces in coordination with the CIA.
by Redacted News
AI’s Next Frontier: Selling Your Intentions Before You Know Them
The near future could see AI assistants that forecast and influence our decision-making at an early stage, and sell these developing “intentions” in real-time to companies that can meet the need—before we even realize we have made up our minds. This is according to AI ethicists from the University of Cambridge, who say we are at the dawn of a “lucrative yet troubling new marketplace for digital signals of intent,” from buying movie tickets to voting for candidates. They call this the “intention economy.” Researchers from Cambridge’s Leverhulme Center for the Future of Intelligence (LCFI) argue that the explosion in generative AI, and our increasing familiarity with chatbots, opens a new frontier of “persuasive technologies”—one hinted at in recent corporate announcements by tech giants. “Anthropomorphic” AI agents, from chatbot assistants to digital tutors and girlfriends, will have access to vast quantities of intimate psychological and behavioral data, often gleaned via informal, conversational spoken dialogue.
by University of Cambridge
Destruction Of Last Hospital Spells The “End Of Humanity” In Northern Gaza – Day 447
Israeli army sets fire to north Gaza’s last functioning hospital. According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, Israeli troops ordered patients and medical staff to take off their clothing and forced them out of the hospital in the extremely cold weather. The Israeli army had ordered 350 people to leave Kamal Adwan for a nearby school sheltering displaced families. This included 75 patients, their companions, and 185 medical staff. Footage showed barely clothed Palestinians walking in line with their hands up after being forced out of Kamal Adwan Hospital. At least 50 people have been killed around the besieged medical facility since Thursday evening. Witnesses “confirmed that the Israeli military had conducted field executions in [the hospital’s] vicinity.” Several intensive care patients were confirmed dead after the forced evacuation, according to medical sources. Youssef Abu el-Rish, Gaza’s deputy health minister, said Israeli forces had set fire to the surgical department, laboratory and a storehouse in the hospital.
Compilation Of News Reports by IAK Staff
Israel’s Collateral Killing Of Civilians Is Finally In The Spotlight
The New York Times’ recent “bombshell” presents facts that have been known for a long time – and does its best to sanitize them
The New York Times recently published a piece admitting that an unprecedented amount of “collateral damage” has been permitted by the Israeli military. However, in order to sanitize the revelations it claims to be uncovering, it omits key statistics that were previously revealed. Presented as a bombshell piece, the December 26 article reveals that Israel had sent through an order that permitted killing up to 20 civilians for each low-level Hamas target. “The order, which has not previously been reported, had no precedent in Israeli military history,” the article reads. However, in early April of 2024, an Israeli media outlet called +972 Magazine had not only published this fact, citing sources within Israel’s military, but uncovered much more damning figures detailing what was to be considered “acceptable” collateral damage. The +972 article revealed that the Israeli airstrike that killed Hamas’ Shujaiya Battalion Commander, Wisam Farhat, was authorized to kill 100 civilians. Even more shocking was the infamous case of Ayman Nofal, the commander of Hamas’ Central Gaza Brigade, where, according to the sources, “the army authorized the killing of approximately 300 civilians.”
by Robert Inlakesh
Jimmy Carter Dies At 100
The longest-lived president thrived as a humanitarian and peace envoy after office
Jimmy Carter, the Georgia peanut farmer and naval officer who became the 39th president of the United States and eventually the nation’s longest-living president, died Sunday. He was 100 years old and survived almost two years after entering hospice care in February 2023. The Carter Center posted on social media Sunday afternoon that the former president died peacefully at his home and surrounded by family. Mr. Carter died nearly nine years after his diagnosis of liver cancer. The disease has stalked his family. Pancreatic cancer killed all three of his younger siblings. The former president also underwent surgery in November 2019 to relieve pressure caused by bleeding in his brain after a series of falls. The tributes poured in Sunday afternoon and evening from all over the world and across the political spectrum. Mr. Carter’s longevity and personality made him a popular figure for his post-presidency humanitarian work through the Carter Center, which he established in 1992. He was also a peace envoy sent to hot spots such as North Korea on president-assigned missions, an advocate for democratic elections worldwide, and a carpenter with Habitat for Humanity. Even in his 90s, he taught Sunday school twice monthly in his hometown of Plains.
by James Varney
Another Year Of Genocide FFWN With E. Michael Jones (1:04:35)
In America It’s Another Week To Be Proud Of!
Is Biden poised to ban 2025 by executive order?
Something good happened in Washington last week, suggesting that the year might actually end on a high note without Joe Biden starting World War 3 and opening up all the country’s prisons for the on-the-street rehabilitation of the inmates where they will undoubtedly learn new skills. The good thing was the signing by Biden of a bill, perhaps with a little bit of help from his friends to make sure he spelled his name correctly, to make the Bald Eagle the official bird of the United States of America. The Eagle has been around the American Republic virtually since its foundation, appearing on the Great Seal and on various documents and even on currency, but it has never been officially dubbed the national bird. All honor of place is due to the great bald eagle, but one might recall that Benjamin Franklin once suggested that the best choice for the national bird would be the wild turkey. And Biden still has time for mischief, including possibly ennobling turkeys or even the issuance of a pardon to himself for ignoring the United States Constitution for four years.
by Philip Giraldi
The Deep State’s Triumph: 2024 And The Erosion Of Liberty
“Everyday the future looks a little bit darker.” ~ Alan Moore, Watchmen
We have become a nation adrift in a sea of government overreach, abuse and corruption. The following is a sobering account of the challenges we faced in 2024, which were marked by the government’s never-ending power grabs and relentless assaults on our civil liberties. 2024 saw a continued rise in government overreach and abuse of power. The militarization of police forces continued unabated, with local departments increasingly resembling extensions of the military. Schools, meant to be places of learning and growth, became more prison-like with the implementation of “safety” measures that criminalize minor infractions and create an environment of fear. The right to private property was further eroded, with the government increasingly empowered to seize assets under various pretexts. The plight of the homeless worsened, with cities criminalizing homelessness and implementing policies designed to make their lives even more difficult. Military veterans, once hailed as heroes, were increasingly treated with suspicion and subjected to surveillance. On almost every front this year, the government overreached and abused its powers. With every new law enacted by federal and state legislatures, every new ruling handed down by government courts, and every new military weapon, invasive tactic and egregious protocol employed by government agents, we were reminded that in the eyes of the government and its corporate accomplices, “we the people” possess no rights except for that which the Deep State grants on an as-needed basis.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Health Versus Disorder, Disease, And Death: Unvaccinated Persons Are Incommensurably Healthier Than Vaccinated
Results from the 2019/2020 nationwide Control Group Survey of Unvaccinated Americans (CGS) show that those refusing vaccines are thriving while those accepting them are being injured and met with a multiplicity of grave injuries as well as sudden unexpected death. This survey quantified the long-term health risks of total vaccine avoidance against the health outcomes observed in the 99.74% vaccine-exposed American population. Based upon the sample sizes for the controls vs. the exposed population, the p-values and odds ratios evidence the astronomical odds against the innocence of vaccines as the actual cause of well over 90% of the disabling and life-threatening chronic conditions suffered by Americans. The true “controls” (calculated to represent 0.26% of the population in 2020) have established the baseline disease risk incurred by those without exposure to vaccination. The null hypothesis, that no significant difference would be found between vaccinated vs. unvaccinated persons in heart disease, diabetes, digestive disorders, eczema, asthma, allergies, developmental disabilities, birth defects, epilepsy, autism, ADHD, cancers, and arthritis, is rejected with overwhelming statistical confidence and power in every single contrast. Because 99.74% of the U.S. population is vaccine-exposed, published national disease rates invariably reflect the frequency of observed negative outcomes arising from exposure to vaccines. The Control Group comparison graphs lead to the inescapable conclusion, and near mathematical certainty, that vaccine exposure is the actual cause of the observed disparity in health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. Vaccines are NOT moving the population toward better health, as suggested by the World Health Organization and the US Department of Health & Human Services, but rather toward epidemic levels of lifelong debilitating chronic disorders.
Joy Lucette Garner
Trump’s Legacy: COVID-19 Vaccines Still #1 Vaccine Killer In 2024 – Instead Of Sitting In Prison For Mass Murder, Americans Want Encore Performance In 2025
As we head into the last days of 2024 this week, I decided to search the Government-run VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database to see which vaccine was reported to cause the most deaths and injuries in 2024. Four years after Trump gave the COVID-19 vaccines emergency use authorization in December of 2020, COVID-19 vaccines were STILL the leading vaccines in the U.S. reporting injuries and deaths following vaccination here in 2024. Over 31% of all reports of vaccine injuries and deaths from all vaccines currently approved for distribution in the U.S. in 2024 were reported from COVID-19 vaccines, and over 55% of all deaths recorded following vaccination were from COVID-19 vaccines in 2024. To date, since Trump forced the FDA to approve these vaccines in 2020, there have been over 1.6 million injuries and deaths reported to VAERS, with over 38,000 of those reports being deaths. The U.S. Government’s own studies have found that less than 1% of all vaccine injuries and deaths are actually reported to VAERS. That would equate to over 160 million injuries and over 3.8 million deaths from Trump’s COVID shots. And this “vaccine” is STILL killing more people than all other FDA approved vaccines COMBINED here in 2024. Is Donald Trump ashamed of this? Has he apologized for any of this? Has he faced charges for these deaths and injuries? No. Not only is Donald Trump not being held accountable for the lives of millions of people his COVID shots destroyed, Americans want an encore performance and have “elected” him back into office as the President of the United States.
by Brian Shilhavy
No Peace In Our Time: George Galloway Interviews Professor Seyed Marandi (14:43)
Western media pretend Al Qaeda leader Golani is reformed but HTS are conducting massacres in Syria. The Lebanon/Israel ceasefire will not last says Professor Seyed Marandi.
Is Fast Food Affordable Anymore? Here’s How Menu Prices Have Changed Over The Years
FinanceBuzz compared the current prices of popular fast-food menu items to what they cost a decade ago to find the chains where inflation has had the biggest and smallest impact.
From 2014 to 2024, average menu prices have risen between 39% and 100% — all increases that outpace inflation during the given time period (31%). McDonald’s menu prices have doubled (100% increase) since 2014 across popular items — the highest of any chain we analyzed. Popeyes follows McDonald’s with an 86% increase, and Taco Bell is third at +81%. Menu prices at Subway and Starbucks have risen by “just” 39% since 2014 — the lowest among chains we studied. These are also the only restaurants where prices have risen by less than 50%. How does fast food inflation compare to actual inflation? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the cost of goods has risen 31% since 2014. This means that $100 in 2014 dollars is worth $131 in 2024 dollars. Much of this change has happened in the last 5 years — inflation is up 22% since 2019. So how do the average menu price increases at popular fast food chains compare to those rates?
by Josh Koebert, Edited by Mindy Woodall
Jimmy Carter Stood Up For Palestinians. Why Won’t Today’s Democrats?
At the height of George W. Bush’s War on Terror, Jimmy Carter had the courage to call out Israel for its human rights abuses. What’s stopping Democrats from doing the same now?
As Jimmy Carter celebrated his 99th birthday early last month, media coverage showed that a certain consensus has formed around the former president. He may have been a somewhat ineffectual leader, plagued by raging inflation and the Iran hostage crisis—a president “overwhelmed by forces that he was unable to control,” as William Galston of the Brookings Institution put it in a recent retrospective. But as an ex-president, he’s seen as a thoroughly decent guy. For many years, he donned a hard hat and built Habitat for Humanity houses with his own hands. He worked to stop nasty parasitic diseases in Africa and taught Sunday school at his little hometown church in Plains, Georgia, where his neighbors seem to adore him. In 2017, Corey Robin wrote in Jacobin that Carter has “acquired a kind of saintly halo about him,” and this seems about right. In the public consciousness, Carter has become a sort of national grandfather figure—charming, benevolent, and above all, uncontroversial. This kindly-old-man image does Carter a disservice, though. It leaves out one of the most important parts of his long career: namely, his vocal support for Palestinian human rights and his willingness to criticize the state of Israel for its violations of those rights. Nowhere in the New York Times’ birthday profile, or the Guardian’s, or CNN’s, will you even find the words “Israel” or “Palestine.” But it’s an area Carter has been concerned with for decades, and one where he has shown real moral courage and refused to back down in the face of strong opposition. Nowhere is this courage more apparent than with the publication of his 2006 book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.
by Alex Skopic
“Vaccines” Explain Over 95 Percent Of Our Health Problems
The Control Group Study proved beyond any doubt that the key to survival is avoiding them. It showed that the chronic disease rate for the 900,000 US citizens who never had any vax is 2.5 percent. For the rest of us, it is 60 percent. This explains why doctors are seeing their patients drop dead, get turbo cancer, have early Alzheimer’s, or meet some other awful fate. The Study determined that the likelihood of all this happening by chance alone was infinitesimally small—a virtually invisible statistical “p” value. These numbers are “significant” at .05, which says there was only a one-in-twenty chance that the result could have been produced by chance. The Control Group Study’s far smaller p-value proves its conclusions are indisputable. Those who understand this do not need to listen to more mechanistic idiocy explaining vaccines to understand their evil. Lying or fabricating a vaxxed certificate is a risk, but nothing compared to getting injected with God knows what by some asshole in a white coat. Never allow yourself to be jabbed with anything again unless it is life or death. All vaccines are poison; read Turtles All the Way Down and Dissolving Illusions for more. Moreover, the provenance and, therefore, safety of every single pharma medicine is in doubt. Psychopaths run these companies. People are resilient unless they are stabbed with poisons. All other health variables in this post—taken together—are dwarfed by vaccine risks, which are ten to 100 times more consequential. This puts lesser issues like EMF or even nutrition into perspective. Things like the obesity epidemic or rising rates of cancer or other diseases are symptoms and not primary causes of the disaster. I decided to worry less about them and focus on vaccines.
by Robert Yoho, MD
The American Dream For White Male Americans Is Gone
China is showing off its 6th generation futuristic fighter jet. China has a new cutting edge warship. Russia reveals the Oreshnik Missile that can’t be stopped. Houthis have a hypersonic ballistic missile. Iran is nearing nuclear power and has over 100,000 ballistic missiles and a stockpile of hypersonics. What exactly do western countries have? Arms packages for Israel and Ukraine. China AI development has surpassed America. What do western countries have? Lies and Propaganda. While other countries surpass the US, our greatest ‘experts’ demand more wars and the sacrifice of troops for -… nothing. Suicide. The number of military suicides has now surpassed deaths from all wars. Who created the wars? Those who never served. INTEL: Stock price has lost 60% of value in last year. Delays in chip development, manufacturing challenges, and increased competition from firms with advanced process technologies, and more innovative designs have cost Intel its reputation. And a boatload of money from the Federal Government, $8 billion, is going nowhere fast. Their Ohio plant, billed to be the largest in the world should it ever come onboard – is 3 years behind schedule… so far. By the time they are productive, the entire sphere of chips will have already passed them by!
by Helena Glass
CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | Farewell 2024! (25:22)
It was widely thought the year 2024 would be tumultuous and it was. However, in ways few had predicted. The world did change in this year, though hardly for the better. What are the highlights and lowlights?
CrossTalking with George Szamuely and Mark Sleboda.
Béchamp Or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter In The History Of Biology (1923)
By Ethel Douglas Hume – 50 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary
“If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue.” ~ Rudolph Virchow
“Nothing is lost, nothing is created … all is transformed. Nothing is the prey of death. All is the prey of life.” ~ Antoine Béchamp
“The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.” ~ Florence Nightingale
It’s time to look at one of the most influential liars of our time. Pasteur. “Béchamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology” by Ethel Douglas Hume is a work that challenges the widely accepted narrative of Louis Pasteur’s contributions to science and medicine. The book argues that Pasteur, often hailed as the father of modern microbiology, was a plagiarist and a fraud who repeatedly took credit for the groundbreaking discoveries of his contemporary, Professor Antoine Béchamp. Drawing extensively from Béchamp’s own writings and contemporary scientific literature, Hume presents a detailed account of Béchamp’s pioneering work on fermentation, the airborne origin of microbes, and the nature of disease. She contrasts this with Pasteur’s alleged manipulations, data suppression, and misrepresentations, arguing that his fame was largely built on appropriating Béchamp’s ideas and exaggerating the effectiveness of his vaccines.
by Unbekoming
It’s Not The End Of The World
For any serious student of history, one of the great realisations that occurs at some point is that governments are inherently controlling by nature. The more control they have, the more they desire and the more they pursue. After all, governments actually produce nothing. They exist solely upon what they can extract from the people they rule over. Therefore, their personal success is not measured by how well they serve their people, it’s measured by how much they can extract from the people. And so, it’s a given that all governments will pursue ever-greater levels of power over their minions up to and including the point of total dominance. It should be said that, on rare occasions, a people will rise up and create a governmental system in which the rights of the individual are paramount. This was true in the creation of the Athenian Republic and the American Constitution, and even the British Magna Carta. However, these events are quite rare in history and, worse, as soon as they take place, those who gain power do their best to diminish the newly-gained freedoms. Such freedoms can almost never be destroyed quickly, but, over time and “by slow operations,” as Thomas Jefferson was fond of saying, governments can be counted on to eventually destroy all freedoms.
by Jeff Thomas
The final post of the year.
It’s been a good year for this substack. I started the year with 5,000 subscribers and am ending with 13,000, far more than I ever imagined possible considering that the initial goal was simply to help family and friends through the lies of Operation Lock Step. I’ve broken just about every “rule” in terms of length of posts and frequency, but here you all are. This is the 365th post of the year. That included 106 book summaries, and 104 interviews. My most popular book summary was about the prostate cancer scam. And my most popular interview was with Michael Allen Bryant about there NOT being a “viral” pandemic. A special thank you to everyone who agreed to be interviewed and took the time to thoughtfully answer my questions in writing. Your effort is truly appreciated. Thank you also to the paid subscribers for helping to cover some of the costs of this work. Your support means so much. I want to thank all the commenters as well.
by Unbekoming
Syria, A Fallen Civilization That Will Rise Again (Text and Videos)
Despite the shock reverberating around the region there are the first signs that Syria will not die as an ancient, pluralist civilization
With the unanticipated, rapid collapse of the Syrian government between 27 November and 8 December 2024, sixty-one years of uninterrupted Ba’thist rule over the country has come to a sudden end. The repercussions are expected to be seismic, first and foremost for Syria, but also for the wider region, with potentially geopolitical ramifications. How did we get here? Roughly the size of New England in the United States or China’s Hubei province, Syria is the product of some of the world’s oldest civilisations. Its capital, Damascus, sitting astride the Barada river, is a leading candidate for the oldest continuously inhabited city on earth. Syria’s second city but at various points its most prominent urban center, Aleppo, situated along the Quwayq river, is among the few competitors for this title, and is believed to be permanently settled since the sixth millennium BCE. Reputedly even older is Idlib, which was first settled during the ninth millennium BCE (some ten thousand years ago). Periodically abandoned and resettled, it once again re-emerged during the previous millennium as an important center of cotton, olive oil, and soap production in Ottoman Syria. Homs and Hama, sustained by the Orontes (‘Asi) river, were permanently settled during the third millennium BCE.
by Vanessa Beeley
Babylon Bee Attacks Catholics (40:17)
by Timothy Gordon
Welcome To Q2 XXI
Why is it that Y2K was supposed to have been an earth-shattering event whereas the passing of the first quarter of the 21st century is commonly seen as a nonevent? This in spite of the fact that the world has changed dramatically and that this is something that has become plain to see just as the calendar approached the dividng line between Q1 and Q2 XXI? Here I will just list out some obvious changes that have occurred. For many people around the world these are obvious while others languish in denial. Here is a top-10 list of what I think we should expect in Q2 XXI. The US will no longer be an industrial world power. It will still be a regional power but it is hard to predict for how long. US industrial production has treaded water since the turn of the century while other nations have leaped ahead. US industrial production grew by 10% since Y2K and by 0% since 2019. Meanwhile, starting from the turn of the century, China grew by close to 1000%, Russia by over 200%, India by over 320%. So-called “developed nations” (US and Western Europe) have not grown at all since 2019. Western European economies all peaked in 2007-8 except for Germany which peaked in 2017. Italy is the sickest patient of the bunch, its industrial production having decreased by a quarter so far this century.
by Dmitry Orlov
Deborah Birx’s Bird Flu Fearmongering Campaign
In June, I wrote about Deborah Birx, one of the key “public health” officials from the orchestration of the American coronavirus scare, being back in action stirring up fear of another disease. This time Birx’s fearmongering was about bird flu. And she was advocating for government to follow a similar disastrous course to supposedly counter this disease as had been pursued in regard to coronavirus in the crackdown begun years back. Here is an update. Birx is continuing on her quest to stir up a new bird flu scare in America, and to build public support for a government response harmful to health and liberty. A recent stop on Birx’s bird flu fearmongering campaign was a Friday interview at CNN in which she warned that, like coronavirus early on, bird flu is not being addressed sufficiently by the United States government. Now, she said, routine weekly testing of people who may have been exposed to bird flu needs to be undertaken. This testing Birx suggested mirrors testing that was pursued to build up fear of coronavirus through jacking up the number of coronavirus cases via testing that shot out many false positive results. Indeed, Birx stated in the interview that with bird flu much increased testing is needed because “we know from covid most of the spread was asymptomatic.” Got that? The testing is purposed to identify people as sick despite the fact that they are not sick. Birx has her pandemic propaganda process down pat.
by Adam Dick
European Energy Crisis And The Fall Of NATO
My headline, of course, is a tad extreme, although we do face a real energy crisis that, if allowed to play out, will further cripple Europe and benefit the US, with uncertain long-term consequences for Russia. I will get to this in a moment, but want first to pick up on the implications of recent commentary over an article by a respected Russian analyst, Dmitry Trenin (see this coverage by RT here: Trenin), who sees a likely end to the Ukraine conflict taking the form of a tripartite Ukraine: (1) the east, already integrated in effect, into the Russian Federation; then (2) a New Ukraine, presumably based in Kiev, one that maintains relatively cordial relations with Russia and that has accommodated all of Russia’s main demands (i.e. Istanbul Plus); and then (3) a rump Ukraine to the west – presumably headquartered in Lvov – which would essentially be controlled by a NATO-blessed consortium of Romanian, Hungarian, Polish (and, I would add), even German troops.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Biology Is Not Bigotry
The redefinition of a term with a long biological history can be seen only as an attempt to force ideology onto nature.
In the Freethought Now article “What is a woman?” author Kat Grant struggles at length to define the word, rejecting one definition after another as flawed or incomplete. Grant finally settles on a definition based on self-identity: “A woman is whoever she says she is.” This of course is a tautology, and still leaves open the question of what a woman really is. And the remarkable redefinition of a term with a long biological history can be seen only as an attempt to force ideology onto nature. Because some nonbinary people—or men who identify as women (“transwomen”)—feel that their identity is not adequately recognized by biology, they choose to impose ideology onto biology and concoct a new definition of “woman.” Further, there are plenty of problems with the claim that self-identification maps directly onto empirical reality. You are not always fat if you feel fat (the problem with anorexia), not a horse if you feel you’re a horse (a class of people called “therians” psychologically identify as animals), and do not become Asian simply become you feel Asian (the issue of “transracialism”). But sex, Grant tells us, is different: It is the one biological feature of humans that can be changed solely by psychology.
by Jerry Coyne
What Really Happened In Syria? – History Of Chaos In The Middle East Explained (14:05)
In this video, Patrick Bet-David explores the historical and geopolitical dynamics that have shaped the chaotic landscape of the Middle East over the past several decades. With a focus on regime changes, foreign interventions, and the financial incentives of war, the discussion critically examines the role of global powers in the region. Over the last 50 years, there have been eight violent regime changes in the Middle East. These interventions often create power vacuums, leading to further instability.
by Valuetainment
The Numbers Game: America In Catch-Up Mode
The Fancy Footwork Of The Numbers Game: Used to be that numbers were safe, they represented undeniable Fact. Not so in our fancy footwork world of manipulation and outright fraud. When attempting to resolve our economic destruction, The Biden Regime fed us a slew of numbers on par with the CoVid Vax scandal. Without knowing the True Numbers, politicians and the money makers create huge errors, caverns, and spoils. Jerome Powell used fake numbers to help the Regime destroy America’s economy. Definitely, grounds for dismissal and stripping him of his pension and wealth. Employment STATS: The Heritage Foundation points out that some 4 to 8 million Americans who worked before CoVid never came back to the table. Given the CDC and Stanford colluded to lie about Vax Deaths, no accurate account was made. Morticians claimed a 33% increase is burials. But NYC beat that with a mass grave. Education: When the Biden Regime destroyed our education system, teens no longer filled the gaps for the restaurants and retail stores. They were way too busy looting stores setting fires, and attacking innocent people for no reason. As a result, retail and restaurants needed to fill the gap or get shut down. Then the Biden Regime raised minimum wages further looting the smaller businesses of their ability to survive. Bankruptcy. Unemployed.
by Helena Glass
Elon Musk Throws Temper Tantrum – Threatens MAGA Republicans With War “The Likes Of Which You Cannot Possibly Comprehend”
What happens when one psychopath billionaire tries to partner with another psychopath billionaire and they try to work together? More than likely, only one of those psychopaths will come out on top. So it is that since the 2024 U.S. national elections, two billionaire psychopaths have been competing to see which one will come out on top: Donald Trump, the declared winner of the U.S. 2024 Presidential race, and Elon Musk, the world’s richest man who supported him, and wants to run the United States through Trump. The cracks in this relationship have been opening and expanding since the elections ended, where Trump told Congressional leaders that “Musk won’t go home” as Musk hung around Mar-a-Lago during the days and first couple of weeks after the elections. More cracks appeared in this “relationship” last Sunday, where a Trump rally occurred in Phoenix, which Musk apparently was not invited to participate in. At that speech last Sunday, Trump stated in public that Musk was not running the presidency, and pointed out that Musk could never be president because he was not born in the U.S., but South Africa.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Media’s Deception Of Parents
Numerous mainstream media outlets are deliberately lying to American parents about the law regarding Covid-19 vaccines. In August, Vermont’s Supreme Court that ruled a six-year-old boy administered a Covid-19 vaccine against his parents’ specific instructions that he not be jabbed has no state tort remedies, and that the family’s sole recourse is a federal claim requiring proof of serious bodily harm or death to proceed. All other traditional causes of action for violating these parents’ rights, and fundamental constitutional informed consent protections for patients, are extinguished completely. And yet, numerous media outlets reported the precise opposite. This is blatant misinformation. The Associated Press launched an utter deception titled falsely: Fact Focus: Vermont ruling does not say schools can vaccinate children without parental consent. This is the opposite of the truth: Politella v Windham Southeast School District, et al. held exactly that: “Other state courts faced with similar facts have concluded that state-law claims against immunized defendants cannot proceed in state court in light of the PREP Act’s immunity and preemption provisions, including claims based on the failure to secure parental consent.”
by John Klar
Inside Mount Melleray (2014): ‘The World As You Know It Is Passing Away’
‘The point of the words is to go beyond words into a formless, imageless, wordless prayer. Prayer is a form of watching, waiting, listening, more than an act of saying, asking or singing.’
January 26th, 2025 will be a key staging-post in the plummeting of my country towards the godless rocks beneath the cliff it is currently tumbling over. That will be the day that Mount Melleray abbey in County Waterford, one of most famous monasteries in a country once most famous for monasteries, will close its doors for good, an event I’ve been anticipating since I visited there in 2014, at the invitation of the then abbot, Brother Augustine. Once there had been 150 monks in Mount Melleray; by 2014 there were 19 — mostly aged over eighty — and now, coming to the end, just seven remain. In the early autumn of 2014, I found myself spending a week at Mount Melleray conducting the annual retreat of the monks — the first time in the history of the abbey for this role to be filled by a layperson. Though flabbergasted and intimidated, I had accepted the challenge. The decision of the Cistercian order, a decade later, to close this and two other monasteries — Mellifont and Mount St Joseph — comes as part of a ‘consolidation effort ‘to ensure a future for Cistercian life in Ireland’. The remaining monks from all three monasteries will be united for the time being in Roscrea, County Tipperary.
by John Waters
ACH (2476) I’m Talking To YOU #151 – Denzel Washington Is 75 Years Old Today (Audio 36:35)
In today’s 37 minute show originally recorded and broadcast on December 28, 2024, I offer YOU a show entitled, “Denzel Washington Is 75 Years Old Today” and I hope YOU enjoy it.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
179 Dead In South Korean Plane Crash Disaster (Text and Video)
A passenger jet carrying 181 people belly-landed and exploded in Muan Airport
A plane flown by Jeju Air belly-landed and exploded at Muan International Airport in South Korea on Sunday, killing 179. The Boeing 737-800 was carrying 181 people, and two of them have been rescued, Yonhap Agency wrote, citing authorities. The disaster occurred shortly after 9 am local time, when the Boeing 737-800 was landing following a flight from Bangkok. A video posted on social media shows the large aircraft skidding off the runway and bursting into flames. According to local media, the authorities believe that the airliner was hit by a flock of birds, which caused its landing gear to malfunction. The Korea Herald cited officials as saying that the plane crashed during its second attempt to land. After circling the airport, it attempted an emergency belly landing, without the landing gear fully extended.
by RT
Evidence of Military Control (Text and Videos)
Operation Warp Speed was a merger of the Military Industrial Complex with the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex designed to inflict biological warfare upon the world.
The Fatal Flaw Of The Health Freedom Movement — it must admit the C19 op is planned genocide largely executed by the US military-industrial complex (1/9) “We’ve uncovered the scheme of the crime…it has nothing to do with science or medicine or public health. It’s…genocide.” Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova how much of the health freedom movement still refuses to admit that the COVID operation (my term) was premeditated genocide and not just a public health response rife with supposed mistakes. Latypova notes that while many of the members of the health freedom movement are willing to say COVID was a “mismanaged health event,” they won’t come out and espouse the truth: that the COVID operation was, in fact, a “crime” and a “genocide.” My biggest frustration today, and over the years, is with all sides of [the health freedom movement] trying to position this whole situation as a scientific debate or medical issue or even a public health issue. The deluded side thinks it’s a virus and it’s a pandemic. The side that’s ostensibly health freedom side says…’Oh, yeah, it’s a pandemic, but [it’s just a] mismanaged public health issue.'” “[But] it’s an intentional poisoning,” Latypova notes, referencing the COVID injections. “Even in 2021, I knew it was an intentional poisoning. [And] since then we’ve uncovered the whole scheme of the crime, the whole nature of the crime, and it has nothing to do with science or medicine or public health. It’s a…genocide.”
by James Roguski
Global Engagement Center Officially Shuts Down, But Censorship Efforts Likely To Persist Through State Department Offices
Despite its shutdown, the GEC’s legacy of surveillance and censorship casts a long shadow.
“The GEC is dead – long live the GEC!” That would be one way to summarize the situation around the US State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) that has formally shut down. But judging by previous announcements, the move could prove to be by and large symbolic, as there are plans to continue the work by funding it, and assigning the 120 GEC staff to other offices and bureaus. And the work has included surveilling Americans and flagging their social media posts for censorship in the US, critics have said. Many Republican lawmakers have been among those critics over the previous years, and so has Elon Musk, who in 2023 did not shy away from branding GEC as “a threat to our democracy” – as the worst among the government entities that engaged in censorship and media manipulation. Musk, who is now set to become a member of President Trump’s administration, and others raised the alarm when it came to light that the recent spending bill proposal included continued bankrolling of the GEC.
by Didi Rankovic
The Economics Of “It’s A Wonderful Life”
When Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life” was being filmed in 1945, just as the Second World War was closing and a few years before the Cold War was heating up, the FBI investigated it for its supposed anti-capitalist themes. A memo said: “With regard to the picture It’s a Wonderful Life, [redacted] stated in substance that the film represented rather obvious attempts to discredit bankers by casting Lionel Barrymore as a ‘scrooge-type’ so that he would be the most hated man in the picture. This, according to these sources, is a common trick used by Communists. [In] addition, [redacted] stated that, in his opinion, this picture deliberately maligned the upper class, attempting to show the people who had money were mean and despicable characters.” If it was a communist plot, it’s not a very good one. The film celebrates small-town life, family, hard work, faith, dedication to truth, and bottom-up prosperity, while villainizing theft (Mr. Potter effectively steals the money belonging to the small bank) and consolidation of finance. Ask anyone what the message of the film is. They will tell you: truth, decency, be happy with the opportunities you have, don’t be jealous or envious of others, count your blessings, remember how valuable you are as a person, rally around the life you have, serve your community, fight evil when necessary, and don’t ever take your good life for granted.
by Jeffrey Tucker
MAHA Is A Grift – The 3 Stooges Tried To Warn You (48:05)
While they continue to poison us, invade us with bio digital convergence materials, fill the new government with track and trace, AI mysteries, and transhumanism, MAHA is the theater of hope used to keep it moving forward.
by Dr. Jane Ruby
Apparently, The BBC Has A Guy Whose Job It Is To Cover For Israel
If whistle blowers are to be believed, of course…
It has been reported that the BBC has an editor whose job it is to whitewash Israel’s war crimes. You will be astonished to hear the accused editor is not me! His name is Raffi Berg and it’s claimed he has full control over the BBC’s coverage of Gaza. Remember when Gary Lineker was driven out of his job as a football presenter for not being neutral enough on Israel/Gaza? Thankfully, that standard doesn’t seem to apply to pro-Israel news editors. As someone who has written a book called Red Sea Spies praising Mossad, Raffi Berg is the most neutral Middle East editor the BBC could possibly have. Red Sea Spies was written with large amounts of input from Mossad and strangely, offered no real criticism of the Israeli spy agency. Excitingly, Mark Regev and an Israeli ambassador called Ohad Zemet attended the launch of the book because they loved it that much. Even better, Benjamin Netanyahu keeps a copy of the book on the shelf behind his desk. Berg even boasted about this on Twitter like any impartial news editor would.
by Laura and Normal Island News
Major Winners And Losers Of Halting Russian Gas Transit Through Ukraine
As the Ukraine gas transit contract with Russia is set to end, Ukraine’s largest private energy company DTEK received its first delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US on December 27.
Winners US LNG producers: The halting of Russia’s gas deliveries through Ukraine will increase the US share and reduce competition in the EU market. The latest US LNG delivery amounts to 100 million cubic meters of gas (1 TWh of energy, or 3,530,000 MMBtu), bought by D.Trading, DTEK’s pan-European trading subsidiary. The shipment arrived at Greek LNG terminals such as Revithoussa, where it will be “re-gasified” and distributed “through EU and Ukrainian gas networks,” according to DTEK. One network, the Vertical Corridor, will transmit US LNG deliveries between Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova, and Ukraine. LNG from the US for Europe is at least 30-40% more expensive than pipeline gas from Russia. In December 2022, the US became the world’s leading exporter of LNG amid Europe’s energy crisis and the sabotage attack on Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines.
by Ekaterina Blinova
Corey’s Digs Library Catalog: Volume 13 (Text and Video)
Below is a library catalog with direct links to over 240 of Corey’s Digs investigative reports, solutions, and inspirational articles, plus a plethora of resources, all listed under convenient categories! This catalog is updated quarterly and is available in pdf downloaded for Free in The Bookshop, along with dozens of investigative reports also available for download, plus Corey’s paperback book on the ‘Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports.’ Be sure to check out the Solution Series and Solutions category because there are many ways to combat the tyranny, build around the system, and protect yourselves and your community. Most definitely follow along in the Consciousness section for educational, inspirational, and motivational pieces. Most of my reports include extensive timelines, some with maps, players involved, money flow, and how it all connects. I expose the nests, webs, and operations in a comprehensive but easy-to-follow format, and link to all evidence. These are not typical articles – they are dissections, though there are many shorter articles in this library as well.
by Corey Lynn
Can Entangled Particles Communicate Faster Than Light? (Text and Video)
Entanglement is perhaps one of the most confusing aspects of quantum mechanics. On its surface, entanglement allows particles to communicate over vast distances instantly, apparently violating the speed of light. But while entangled particles are connected, they don’t necessarily share information between them. In quantum mechanics, a particle isn’t really a particle. Instead of being a hard, solid, precise point, a particle is really a cloud of fuzzy probabilities, with those probabilities describing where we might find the particle when we go to actually look for it. But until we actually perform a measurement, we can’t exactly know everything we’d like to know about the particle. These fuzzy probabilities are known as quantum states. In certain circumstances, we can connect two particles in a quantum way, so that a single mathematical equation describes both sets of probabilities simultaneously. When this happens, we say that the particles are entangled.
by Paul M. Sutter
2024: The Year Evangelicals Took Fellowship With Devils by Pastor Chuck Baldwin (50:32)
This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, December 29, 2024, during the service at Liberty Fellowship.
Keeping It In The Deep-State Family
It is obviously important for maintenance of the “Rockefeller” façade to have at least one person bearing the family name on the Foundation’s board of trustees. That job has fallen to Sharon Percy Rockefeller, wife of former West Virginia senator John Davison “Jay” Rockefeller IV. [236] She has plenty of experience in that field, having previously been a member of the board of directors of the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Rockefeller Family Office – she was also chair of the Rockefeller Cousins Association. [237] Her father was Charles Harting Percy, also known as Chuck Percy, a businessman and politician who was president of the Bell & Howell Corporation from 1949 to 1964 and a Republican US senator from 1967 until 1985. [238] Despite her wealthy background, Sharon Percy Rockefeller’s adult life began traumatically when, in 1966, her 21-year-old identical twin sister Valerie was murdered by a mysterious intruder at the family’s 17-room mansion in North Shore, Chicago. [239]. Today she is best known for her longstanding role as president and chief executive officer of WETA, Washington, D.C.’s primary public media TV station.
by Paul Cudenec
CDC Confessed: We Have No Scientific Evidence Of Listeria Monocytogenes Causing Illness In People Or Animals
Note: this article has nothing to do with whether or not health conditions exist. No one is questioning whether or not sick people or animals actually get sick. The issue is the alleged cause of their health conditions. “Germ” explanations serve as a distraction and cover story (convenient and profitable for some) for harm caused by other factors (i.e. stress, pollution, malnutrition, toxins, medical “care” including quackcines and other pharmaceuticals). Some believe that bacteria always play a beneficial role in the dis-ease process. For example, Amandha Vollmer writes that: “Bacteria proliferate because there is dead organic matter for them to feed on, not because they suddenly become malevolent.”
by Christine Massey
By Your Magic Spell All The Nations Were Led Astray
Therefore by their fruits you will know them. ~ Matthew 7:20
The full surrender of our sovereignty to the WHO in exchange for sorcery & enchantment
he WHO’s logo is a serpent wrapped around a staff in front of the world divided into 33 sectors. This is a direct representation of the serpent wrapped around the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden imposing himself onto Eve – only in the WHO’s case – this time the snake is imposing his dominance over the entire earth. Rather than an apple as it was in Genesis, the serpent’s new offering is drugs and vaccines. The word ‘pharmaceutical’ is derived from the root word ‘pharmakeia’. Here is the base translation of the offering made by the World Health Organization: The WHO is working diligently to centralize its control over the world in the name of pandemic response, preparedness and prevention by promising medicine, drugs, and spells. Those nations that fall prey to this deception will relinquish their sovereignty to them, in the event of a “declared” public health emergency:
by TriTorch
Iran, China Foreign Ministers: West Asia ‘Not A Scene For Destructive Foreign Interference’
The foreign ministers of Iran and China say that West Asia should not be a scene for “destructive” interference by external powers to promote their geopolitical goals.
Abbas Araghchi of Iran, who is on an official visit to Beijing, met with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on Saturday. During the meeting, Araghchi and Wang discussed the latest security and political developments in West Asia, emphasizing that the region belongs to its nations. They expressed concern over the dangers of chaos and insecurity in Syria and stressed the need to preserve the country’s national unity and territorial integrity and a calm and secure transition to a government that would meet the demands of all spectrums of the society. The Iranian and Chinese foreign ministers also called for improving bilateral cooperation to combat terrorism. They also exchanged views about the nuclear issue, the lifting of sanctions against Tehran, and expanding cooperation within the framework of institutions such as the BRICS group of emerging economies and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
by Press TV
Hope Has Left The Building (1:52)
Netanyahu the human rectum with Stage 3 cancer + Gaza hospital head in Israeli dungeon + Labour in death spiral + And the German election bloodletting
by George Galloway
Pardon My Pardon
No f’ing way
I’ve seen a lot of f’ked up pardons, but Biden’s pardon for the “Kids for Cash” Judge, might just top the list. In case you didn’t follow this story, A Judge named Michael Conahan took 2.8 million dollars in kickbacks to send kids to a for profit detention center. Biden’s excuse for the pardon is that the guy was already on Home Arrest thanks to stupid ass covid rule changes. In other words this scumbag got breaks due to COVID that he shouldn’t have gotten and therefore he should get another break he doesn’t deserve. The only thing that makes any sense to me is that Biden decided to pardon all these random people just to take the heat off of himself after his decision to pardon Hunter. And if the press is talking about these pardons they talk about Hunter a little less I suppose. What bothered me the most about the media coverage of this pardon, which included all the people on home arrest after covid, is that the left wing media all repeated the “NON-VIOLENT” line as a mantra.
by Brad Smith, Guest Columnist
The Fifth Industrial Revolution Needs Tech Talent
The Fifth Industrial Revolution is upon us. While technology and AI are ever expanding and exploding, the labor market is left in the dust. Many jobs are becoming extinct, just as in every revolution, but the shift to expand the necessary skills needed to meet today’s market is being met with resistance. “ALL Americans must be employed before we cave to one immigrant” is the rallying cry. But ALL Americans no longer have the necessary skills. The Education system was too engrossed in making peasants to see past their World Order dysfunction. By 2026, the shortage of ‘available talent’ is expected to reach over 1.2 million. Technology is only a part of the equation. Constantly upgrading the talent with the advancements has fallen flat. A person trained in a particular field five years ago is already obsolete. They can either retrain or find themselves ‘laid-off’. Within this weave, there is burnout. Burnout occurs when management can’t replace talent and are forced to rely more and more on a smaller pool of overworked talent. The cycle expands as the business loses its reputation among recruits and a digression develops. The Americans demanding full employment by Americans don’t appear to understand the concept of obsoletion that is normal within every Industrial Revolution. It is like requiring phone operators to be employed when there are no more landlines. The shortage of pilots when planes were first developed. Mechanics for the first line of automobiles.
by Helena Glass
US, British Jets Rain Fire On Yemeni Capital In New Late Night Attack
Hundreds of thousands took to the streets of Yemen to demand Ansarallah officials escalate military operations in support of Palestine
US and UK warplanes launched a new round of airstrikes on the Yemeni capital late on 27 December, targeting the 21 September park in the Maeen district of Sanaa, according to Yemen’s Al-Masirah TV. No photos or videos of the attack have been released or circulated on social media. US Central Command (CENTCOM) has not claimed responsibility for the attack. The latest western aggression came one day after Israeli warplanes launched massive airstrikes on Sanaa and the coastal province of Hodeidah in retaliation for continued drone and hypersonic missile attacks by the Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) in support of Palestinians in Gaza. Earlier on Friday, hundreds of thousands of Yemenis marched through the streets of Sanaa, Saada, Hodeidah, Hajjah, and Al-Mahwit, proclaiming, “We firmly stand with Gaza, the glory… without limits and without red lines.”
by News Desk
Israel Is Pretending Palestinian Hospital Director Is Hamas To Justify Kidnapping And Torturing Him
Well, they had to think of something, didn’t they?
Israel has announced that it kidnapped and disappeared Dr Hossam Abu Safia due to the suspicion he was a Hamas operative… Oh fuck, not even I believe this one, but I had better go with it, otherwise Raffi Berg might fire me! It’s a good job I don’t have any principles, isn’t it? Israel explained it became suspicious of the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital when he did terrorist things, such as refusing to abandon his patients during an 80-day blockade in which Israeli snipers fired on the hospital. Doctor Abu Safia was so fanatical that he continued to treat his patients, even when Israel murdered his 15-year-old son in front of him. He even stood by his patients when he was injured by an Israeli air strike. Such courage is just not normal. If an Israeli was in danger, they would flee to their country of origin before things got bad, only a maniac would stand with their people like this. And yet this is not the half of it. The lunatic doctor even objected when Israel cut off his patients’ oxygen supplies and set fire to the hospital with patients and staff still inside. srael explained this was necessary because the hospital was a “Hamas command and control centre”, just like every tent and rubble heap in Gaza, but Israel didn’t provide evidence because it’s above that sort of thing.
by Laura and Normal Island News
When AI Knows Too Much (32:07)
by Beeyond Ideas
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We Will Not Survive AI (5:17)
by Jerry Day
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