From Lockdown To Police State: The “Great Reset” Rolls Out by Ellen Brown

A July 2020 UK study from Loughborough and Sheffield Universities found that government policy over the lockdown period has actually increased mortality rather than reducing it, after factoring in collateral damage including deaths from cancers and other serious diseases that are being left untreated, a dramatic increase in suicides and drug overdose, and poverty and […]

Questioning Covid

Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic We believe this crisis represents a world-changing opportunity to expose and transform antiquated ideologies that restrict health freedom. Germ theory is a scientifically bankrupt paradigm based in warfare models of pathogenic invasion. This theory has been leveraged as an […]

Covid Seen Afar by John Griffin

And if even some time has been spent circumventing the extraordinary dumbing-down policy of mainstream media, in fathoming the ways of deceit and propaganda, in understanding the tragedy of a science co-opted, and how corruption and greed can transform an already duplicitous elite into the enemies of humanity, then the long days at home, deprived […]

Facebook Introducing A ‘Virality Circuit Breaker’ To Prevent Spread Of Viral Content by Lucas Nolan

According to a recent report from the Interface newsletter by Verge reporter Casey Newton, Facebook is piloting a new program that will monitor viral posts that gain millions of views to ensure that they don’t violate community standards.

The New Normal: “Covert Moral Enhancement” For “Coronavirus Defectors” by Kit Knightly

Academic Article Suggests Putting Psycho-Active Drugs In The Water Supply To Make People “Co-Operative” Happy Pills in our water to make us proper cooperative citizens? “Covert moral enhancement” to produce “superior post-persons”? That is literally “Soma” from Huxley’s Brave New World. It can’t be satirized or exaggerated. It is the very zenith of dystopian horror. […]

CHD Legal Team Led By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Sues Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg, And Three Of Facebook’s So-Called “Fact-Checkers” …for Government-Sponsored Censorship, False Disparagement and Wire-Fraud Children’s Health Defense (CHD) filed a lawsuit on Monday in San Francisco Federal Court charging Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and three fact-checking outfits with censoring truthful public health posts and for fraudulently misrepresenting and defaming CHD. CHD is a non-profit watchdog […]

CODENAME: Operation Virus Identification 2019; The Elitist Plan To Remake Society by Mike Whitney

It’s politics, right? What other explanation could there be? Our leaders and their behind-the-scenes puppet-masters are using science as a vehicle for achieving their own narrow political objectives. In broader terms, COVID–19 or, should we say, CODENAME: Operation Virus Identification 2019, is the plan to manipulate virus-hysteria “to drastically and irrevocably” change the “fundamental structure […]

Robust T Cell Immunity In Convalescent Individuals With Asymptomatic Or Mild COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2-specific memory T cells will likely prove critical for long-term immune protection against COVID-19. We here systematically mapped the functional and phenotypic landscape of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell responses in unexposed individuals, exposed family members, and individuals with acute or convalescent COVID-19. Acute phase SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells displayed a highly activated cytotoxic phenotype that correlated with […]

More Reasons To Avoid BPA And BPS In Plastic by GreenMedInfo

Despite known negative effects of BPA and BPS in plastic, these toxic chemicals are still prevalent in many home products and food items. BPA and BPS exposure is linked with reproductive disorders, lowered cognitive function, behavioral problems in children and increased oxidative stress, among other health disorders. Reducing your exposure to these harmful chemicals is […]

Syria Envoy: US Stealing Syrian Oil And Gas by Jason Ditz

Warns UN that oil is needed for reconstruction. Syrian representative Bashar al-Jaafari has delivered remarks to the UN Security Council this week, complaining that the US occupation forces are advancing effort to steal Syrian oil and gas through a business deal reached with Crescent Delta Energy.

Hollywood Elites Rush To Normalize Pedophilia Before They’re All Outed By Ghislaine Maxwell

With Epstein’s infamous assistant Ghislaine Maxwell awaiting trial and testimony in prison, many celebrities, politicians, and entertainment industry elites are rushing to make pedophilia generally acceptable before they’re outed as patrons of Epstein’s notorious island.

Wears War On The Lies, Liars & WW2 by John Wear

Author John Wear reveals evidence contradicting the narrative we have been taught about Germany, Japan & the Allies in World War II. WEARS WAR is the battle to bring FAKE HISTORY into accord with the facts. Articles By John Wear On

Articles By John Wear On Wears War On The Lies, Liars & WW2 Author John Wear reveals evidence contradicting the narrative we have been taught about Germany, Japan & the Allies in World War II. WEARS WAR is the battle to bring FAKE HISTORY into accord with the facts.

We Are All Assange Now by Mike Walsh

152 lawyers and 15 legal associations have signed a detailed and scathing open letter condemning what they describe as the denial of Julian Assange’s ‘right to a fair trial before the UK courts’. Defend Julian Assange Justice For Assange Doctors For Assange Assange’s Father Speaks Out, Calls Oppression Of […]

Isabel Maxwell: Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley by Whitney Webb

By moving in “the same circles as her father” and vowing to “work only on things involving Israel,” Isabel Maxwell became a pivotal liaison for the entry of Israeli intelligence-linked tech firms into Silicon Valley with the help of Microsoft’s two co-founders, Paul Allen and Bill Gates.

CDC Admits Hospital Incentives Drove Up COVID-19 Deaths by Dr. Joseph Mercola

CDC director Robert Redfield recently admitted that financial policies likely have resulted in artificially elevated hospitalization rates and death toll statistics. Brett Giroir with the U.S. Health and Human Services Department also told lawmakers the COVID-19 death statistics the HHS has been receiving from states “are over-inflated” Perhaps the most egregious misrepresentation of reality is […]

“We Have A Lot Of Evidence That It’s A Fake Story All Over The World” – 500 German Doctors On COVID-19 by Arjun Walia

The Facts: More than 500 German doctors & scientists have signed on as representatives of an organization called the “Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee” to investigate what’s happening on our planet with regards to COVID-19. Reflect On: Why are so many professionals and experts in the field being censored, ridiculed and shut down by organizations like […]

Plandemic Indoctornation by Mikki Willis (1:24:05)

Plandemic Indoctornation by Mikki Willis (1:24:05) (To view full screen click the link below.) Worldwide Peaceful Revolution, From September 16 – 30, 2020, In The U.S. At Washington D.C. Share With Family And Friends, Send To A Few Websites Daily, And Post On All Social Media As Many As 28 Million People Could […]

Are You Infectious If You Have A Positive PCR Test Result For COVID-19? by Tom Jefferson, Carl Heneghan, Elizabeth Spencer, and Jon Brassey

PCR detection of viruses is helpful so long as its accuracy can be understood: it offers the capacity to detect RNA in minute quantities, but whether that RNA represents infectious virus may not be clear. During our Open Evidence Review of oral-fecal transmission of Covid-19, we noticed how few studies had attempted or reported culturing […]

50% To 60% Of The 28 Million Small Businesses In The U.S. Could Go Under This Year by Kevin Baxter

About half of all small businesses in danger of failing during pandemic, survey finds. If the economic turmoil caused by the pandemic lasts past Memorial Day, which seems certain, about half of all small businesses could be in danger of failing, an April survey by the National Federation of Independent Business found. More than 6 […]

As Many As 28 Million People Could Be Evicted In The Coming Months by Michelle Conlin

U.S. eviction bans are ending. That could worsen the spread of coronavirus. As many as 28 million people could be evicted in the coming months, according to Emily Benfer, a visiting law professor at Wake Forest University who is the co-creator of Princeton University’s Eviction Lab, a national research center on evictions. That’s nearly triple […]

Good News: Fauci’s Out And Common Sense Might Be Returning by Dr. Ron Paul (4:02)

Good News: Fauci’s Out And Common Sense Might Be Returning by Dr. Ron Paul (4:02) (To view full screen click the link below.) Good News: Fauci’s Out and Common Sense Might Be Returning by Dr. Ron Paul Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

US Paying Billions For Free COVID-19 Vaccines by Dr. Joseph Mercola

July 22, 2020, Pfizer struck a $1.95 billion deal with the U.S. government to provide Americans with 100 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine, for free, with an option for 500 million additional doses.Pfizer/BioNTech have also inked a deal with the U.K. government for 30 million initial doses. Pfizer’s vaccine, currently known only as BNT162, […]

America’s Frontline Doctors Talk About COVID-19 (43:52)

America’s Frontline Doctors Talk About COVID-19 (43:52) (To view full screen click the link below.)’s Frontline Doctors “If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.”

ShadowGate The Documentary The Deep State Arrested Millie Weaver For Releasing (1:22:17)

ShadowGate The Documentary The Deep State Arrested Millie Weaver For Releasing (1:22:17) (To view full screen click the link below.) Emergency Legal Defense Fund For Millie Weaver Millie Weaver

The Coronavirus Response Is Pure State Terrorism Based On Propaganda by Gary D. Barnett

Do not mistake anything about what is going on today, and do not underestimate the sinister aspect of this long planned and purposely-manufactured false pandemic. This is an act of terror that has been created for the purpose of spreading fear in order to gain more power and complete control over the world population.

‘Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!’ With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (39:55)

‘Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!’ With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (39:55) (To view full screen click the link below.)’s Health Defense Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity The Day The United States Died Thursday, June 6, 1968 by Mark R. Elsis A Violent Insane […]

Abortion Tucker Carlson

Most Compelling Voice Against Abortion Is Kanye West by Tucker Carlson (9:04)

Most Compelling Voice Against Abortion Is Kanye West by Tucker Carlson (9:04) (To view full screen click the link below.) Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News