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Evil Globalism by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

If enemies of God so seem to prevail,
It’s only because His friends, in praying, fail.

In his book, now censored, “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: the Story of the Committee of 300,” Dr. John Coleman (born 1940), who has long studied the criminal rulers of the modern world, presented a list of 20 means by which they mean to force upon the world their New World Order. The interest for Catholics is to recognise, if they have not yet done so, just how criminal are our real rulers today, who control our puppet governors but are themselves hidden from public view. Catholics must realise with what cunning and co-ordination the globalists operate, and how close they are to achieving their totally godless aims. God will not let them finally conquer, but He will let them put us through the severe trial which they show that we deserve –

To erect a One World Government with a single Church and a single money-system, under their control.

To destroy completely all sense of national identity and pride in one’s nation, since only so will men accept a World-Government above all nations.

To destroy all religion, especially the Christian religion, with one exception: their own new “religion.”

To establish thought control techniques so as to create human robots controlled from outside.

To stop all industrialisation, except for the computer and service sectors. What is needed is a “Post-industrial no-growth society.” Industry needed can be outsourced to inexpensive Third World countries.

Kyrie eleison

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Bishop Richard N. Williamson

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