October News 900 Posts Published And Archived
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E. Michael Jones On The Crisis In Gaza And The Apogee And End Of Jewish Power (1:14:05)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Dr. E. Michael Jones
Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly
October 30, 2023, 36 Posts Are Being Published
“Humanity would sink into eternal darkness;
it would fall into a dull and primitive state,
were the Jews to win this war.”
Dr. Joseph Goebbels
United States Archive With 3,416 Posts
Archbishop Viganò: Christ Must Be Recognized As King Over This World, Not Simply Our Hearts
The exercise of kingly authority – and more generally of government – must be consistent with the will of God Himself, from whom all authority emanates.
Editor’s note: The following essay is taken from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s homily on the feast of Christ the King.
(LifeSiteNews) — Regnum eius regnum sempiternum est, et omnes reges servient ei et obedient – For his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. Once upon a time there was a king. Thus began the fairy tales we heard as children, at a time when ideological indoctrination had not yet come to corrupt children in their innocence and we could serenely speak of kings, princes, and princesses, and it was normal to think that at least in the world of fairy tales there could be a social order not subverted by the Revolution. Realms, thrones, crowns, honor, loyalty, and chivalry were all references that went beyond time and fashions, precisely because of their coherence with the divine cosmos, with the eternal and immutable hierarchy of the celestial orders. There were also kings in the parables with which the Lord instructed His disciples, and He proclaimed Himself to be a king as He stood before Pilate clothed in mockery with a purple robe, crowned with thorns, holding a reed instead of a scepter. He was mocked by the scoundrels for being a king, and the governor of Judea recognized Him as king when He had the plaque affixed to the Cross indicating the reason for His condemnation to death: “Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudæorum.” The Sanhedrin would have liked to correct that inscription: Do not write: ‘The King of the Jews,’ but: ‘This man said, ‘I am the King of the Jews.’’ (Jn 19:21)
by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
The Camera Keeps Filming Even After Israel Murders Two Paramedics. (0:43)
I Don’t Have Any Words Left.
by Vanessa Beeley
Nakba 2.0 Revives The Neocon Wars
The Israel vs. Arab Children War, which doubles as the Hegemon vs. Axis of Resistance War, both a sub-branch of the NATO vs. Russia and NATO vs. China War, is veering totally out of control. By now it’s firmly established that with China brokering peace all across West Asia, and Russia-China going all out on BRICS 11, complete with facilitating energy trade settlements outside the U.S. dollar, The Empire Strikes Back would be totally predictable: Let’s set West Asia on fire. The immediate goal of Straussian neocon psychos and their silos across the Beltway is to go for Syria, Lebanon – and ultimately Iran. That’s what explains the presence in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean of a fleet of at least 73 U.S./NATO warships – ranging from two American aircraft carrier groups to 30+ ships from 14 NATO members involved in the ongoing Dynamic Mariner war games off the coast of Italy. That’s the largest concentration of U.S./NATO warships since the 1970s. Anyone believing this fleet is being assembled to “assist” Israel in its Final Solution project of imposing Nakba 2.0 on Gaza must read some Lewis Carroll. The shadow war already in play aims to smash all the Axis of Resistance nodes in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq – with Iran kept as the culminating piece de resistance. Any military analyst with an IQ over room temperature knows all those expensive American iron bathtubs are destined to become sub-oceanic coral reef design – especially if visited by hypersonic missiles. Of course, this could all be just your average American Power Projection/Deterrence Show. The main actors – Iran and Russia – are not impressed. All it takes is a backward glance over the shoulders at what a bunch of mountain goat herders with fake Kalashnikovs did to NATO in Afghanistan. Moreover, the Hegemon would need to rely on a serious network of bases on the ground if it ever considered launching a war against Iran. No West Asia actor would allow the U.S. to use bases in Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq or even Jordan. Baghdad is already engaged, for quite a while, in getting rid of all American bases.
by Pepe Escobar
Israel Threatens To Assassinate Syrian President Assad
If Hezbollah enters the Palestine Israel war – there will be repercussions according to Israel
Israel has recently made a series of unprecedented threats against the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance party and Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad. Speaking through French negotiators Israel informed Hezbollah that “it is not interested in the war, but ready to wage it if it is imposed on [Israel]”. This was recounted by Israeli political sources to Hebrew media outlet Yedioth Ahronoth. Israel has stated that it will not wage war “according to Hezbollah’s agenda and [the region] will witness strategic shocks”. According to the message passed to Hezbollah by France – if Hezbollah fully commits to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian Resistance factions, Israel will “resort to American power to suppress Hezbollah”. A clear admission that Israel is incapable of suppressing Hezbollah alone without US help. Added to which Israel knows that virtually the entire region is poised to intervene also. Even states like Jordan who have good relations historically with the British neocolonialists and Israel have one of the largest diaspora Palestinian populations in the region that have been protesting in vast numbers to open the borders with Palestine to enter the conflict. Israel also threatened the security of President Assad were Hezbollah to enter the war. In this scenario, Israel would confront and overthrow the Syrian government – a veiled threat was conveyed that there would be an assassination attempt on President Assad personally.
by Vanessa Beeley
Excess Deaths (29:57)
by Andrew Bridgen MP, UK Parliament
Israel Compiled ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Plan For Gaza – Media
A document leaked to the Sicha Mekomit news site calls on the government to relocate the entire population of Gaza to the Sinai
A leaked policy document compiled by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence calls for the depopulation of Gaza and the forced displacement of its residents to Egyptian territory, according to a copy published by the Sicha Mekomit news site on Saturday. The ten-page document, dated October 13, recommends that Israel establish tent cities in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula to accommodate the Gazan population. These tent cities should then be developed into permanent settlements, with a “sterile zone of several kilometers” separating them from the Israeli border. Under the plan, Gaza’s 2.3 million residents would be told that “there is no longer any hope of returning to the territories that Israel will occupy in the near future,” and that “Allah made sure that you lost this land because of the leadership of Hamas.”
by RT
India’s Solidarity With Israel Is Untenable
India’s muscular diplomacy, an attribute of the present government, has run into heavy weather. Body blows from multiple sources — spat with Canada; Maldives’ triumphalism about evicting Indian servicemen; China-Bhutan normalisation, etc. — testify to it. On top of it comes the latest diplomatic faux pas at the UN GA over the Gaza situation and a not-entirely unrelated shock and awe dealt out by Qatar past week. Doha has handed down death sentence to eight Indian ex-naval officers on charges of spying for Israel. Any whichever way one looks at the Explanation of Vote (EoV) on the UN General Assembly resolution on Thursday on Gaza, India’s abstention was a mistake. Simply put, our diplomacy has become entrapped in our solidarity with Israel. The topmost consideration for India at the UN GA debate should have been that the draft was tabled by the Arab and OIC countries with whom India has fraternal ties, and, second, it called for “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce” in Gaza, which is an urgent necessity.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
US And Israel Should Approach International Criticism Rationally
As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday that Israel is now “heading into the second stage of the war,” the Israeli troops expanded their ground operations in the Gaza Strip. The stepped-up attacks came despite a mounting international outcry for a “humanitarian pause” to allow aid in. The current ground operations have evidently resulted in excessive casualties, and with the situation in Gaza deteriorating further, a humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip is poised to escalate. Continuous casualties will only breed more hatred. Strategically, this is not merely a military test for Israel but also a test of wisdom. Excessive actions will cause Israel to lose the sympathy gained due to Hamas’ attacks. Likewise, for the US, this is not merely a military test, but also a test of conscience. This traditional conflict in the international arena has lasted half a century and is confined to a very small region. However, the current situation has turned into a humanitarian catastrophe. Militarily, this is an entirely unequal confrontation. One side is a state apparatus, the other side consists of civilians. If the US continues to support Israel in killings of innocent civilians, it will only make more countries realize that the US and Israel represent international hegemony and power politics.
by Global Times
Dreadful (10:12)
by Neil Oliver
IDF Tanks Reach Outskirts Of Gaza City, Cut Key North-South Highway, After Netanyahu’s Chilling War Message To “Smite Amalek”
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) says it has killed dozens of Hamas militants, among them commanders, as it pushes deeper into Gaza, with tanks being seen Monday on the outskirts of Gaza City, blocking a key road linking the northern and southern halves of the Strip. Hamas has also announced it is engaged in “heavy fighting… with the invading occupation force”, after the IDF confirmed more Israeli troops have been surged into the Strip. It appears the warring sides are in some locales engaged in building-to-building and door-to-door fighting in the dense urban zone. “Overnight, troops eliminated dozens of terrorists who barricaded themselves in the buildings and tried to attack the forces that were moving in their direction,” IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said. “We are carrying out an expanded ground operation into the Strip… forces are moving towards the terrorists, the terrorists are barricading themselves in staging grounds, and we are attacking them from the air.”
by Tyler Durden
Israel-Palestine War: Will The West Choose Genocide Or Peace?
Western leaders have a stark choice to make. They can be complicit in another Nakba, or push for a genuine political process that includes the Palestinian people
Twenty days into Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, thousands of people have been killed, with the death toll climbing each hour – and still, the West remains silent. Over the course of my career, I have covered Israel’s repeated massacres in Gaza, its violent occupation of the West Bank, and the introduction of racist laws targeting Palestinian citizens of Israel. But I have never witnessed a war like this. Despite the fear, trauma and shock of the 7 October Hamas attack, Israel has crossed many red lines in its disproportionate response. The country has entered a genocidal state of mind – and it will be hard to go back. In a recent interview with Al Jazeera, former Knesset member Moshe Feiglin said the only solution is the “complete destruction of Gaza … destruction like in Dresden and Hiroshima, without a nuclear weapon”.
by Lubna Masarwa
Deadly Strike On Journalists In Southern Lebanon ‘Targeted’, Coming From Israel: Reporters Without Borders
An investigation by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has found out that an artillery shelling that killed a Reuters journalist and injured six others in southern Lebanon earlier this month was deliberate and came from Israel. Video journalist Issam Abdallah, who worked for Reuters, died and six other journalists were wounded — including two from AFP, one of them seriously — in the Israeli shelling of the village of Alma al-Shaab in southern Lebanon on October 13. Qatar-based Al Jazeera said the network’s cameraperson Elie Brakhia and reporter Carmen Joukhadar were also among those wounded in the attack. “The initial findings of the investigation show that the reporters were not collateral victims of the shooting,” the RSF said on Sunday, adding, “One of their vehicles, marked ‘press’, was targeted, and it was also clear that the group stationed next to it was [comprised of] journalists.”
by PressTV
The Nameless War (.pdf)
by Archibald Henry Maule Ramsay
Israel Tourism Ad (Parody) (1:43)
by In Context
Warrant For Genocide: Netanyahu Urges Israeli Troops To Regard The Palestinians As “Amalek”
In the Old Testament the Amalekites were exterminated: “man, woman and infant”
It’s Sunday, not normally a good day for gaining people’s attention on news or analytical current events’ columns. The ongoing emergency-the massacre of children and other civilians in Gaza however-trumps all other considerations, at least for this writer, so here goes. Part One: Netanyahu Channels Amalek. Michael Hoffman’s Revelation of the Method is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. In their ignorance (or malice), Old Testament haters will have a field day with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu having channeled “Amalek” as he ordered the Israeli army to invade Gaza on October 28. This fact is so incendiary that a quick search of the New York Times today reveals that the “newspaper of record” hasn’t dared to mention it thus far.
by Michael Hoffman
Jaw-Dropping Fact: CDC Data Confirms Covid Vaccine Can Reduce Your Lifespan By At Least 24 Years
The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised… A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show (see below). Meanwhile, the latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data analysed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst, shows a really really disturbing trend. The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues indefinitely. In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021. So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.
by The Exposé
The Great Meltdown – FF Ep234 (2:01:16)
Henrik and Lana cover the latest on Israel’s Gaza ground invasion, US war against Iran and the ‘secret symbolic’ melting of the Robert E Lee’s statue that once stood in Charlottesville, Virginia this October 27, 2023.
by Red Ice TV
October 7 Testimonies Reveal Israel’s Military ‘Shelling’ Israeli Citizens With Tanks, Missiles
Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire?
Several new testimonies by Israeli witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern Israel adds to growing evidence that the Israeli military killed its own citizens as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen. Tuval Escapa, a member of the security team for Kibbutz Be’eri, set up a hotline to coordinate between kibbutz residents and the Israeli army. He told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that as desperation began to set in, “the commanders in the field made difficult decisions – including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages.” A separate report published in Haaretz noted that the Israeli military was “compelled to request an aerial strike” against its own facility inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza “in order to repulse the terrorists” who had seized control. That base was filled with Israeli Civil Administration officers and soldiers at the time. These reports indicate that orders came down from the military’s high command to attack homes and and other areas inside Israel, even at the cost of many Israeli lives.
by Max Blumenthal
Attacks On US Bases In Iraq And Syria Continue After US Airstrikes
Explosions were reported at a US base in eastern Syria on Sunday
Attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria have continued through the weekend after the US launched airstrikes in eastern Syria early Friday. Lebanon’s Al Mayadeen reported that a group calling itself the Islamic Resistance in Iraq said it “successfully” targeted the US’s al-Shadadi base in northeast Syria’s al-Hasakah province on Sunday. The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported a drone attack on the al-Shadadi base, saying explosions were heard in the area and smoke columns rose from the base. Al Mayadeen also reported an overnight attack on a US base in Syria’s eastern Deir Ezzor province. The Sunday attacks have not yet been confirmed by the US military. US officials have confirmed to The Associated Press that a US base in eastern Syria came under attack on Friday after the US launched airstrikes in the area. US officials also confirmed a drone was fired at the Ain al-Assad airbase in western Iraq, which houses US troops and was shot down.
by Dave DeCamp
Before They Launch Missiles, They Launch Propaganda Campaigns (Text and Video)
Before they launch missiles, they launch propaganda campaigns. Before they roll out tanks, they roll out narratives. Everyone who helps manufacture consent for the killing in Gaza is just as culpable for the murder of those thousands of children as the people dropping the bombs. In case you missed it there’s an overwhelming amount of evidence that many of the horrific acts Hamas is accused of committing on October 7 (burning people alive, burning babies, mowing down concertgoers, etc) were actually the result of indiscriminate fire by Israeli forces. Here’s a link to a Grayzone article and a link to a video presentation by Propaganda & Co, both citing Israeli media reports as their evidence. To be clear none of this means Israel killed everyone who died on October 7 or that Hamas didn’t kill noncombatants, it just means the narrative is wrong.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Zionist Propaganda Implodes, MSM Covers Up Genocide (FFWN With Cat McGuire) (1:13:41)
The French Revolution – A Study In Democracy (.pdf)
From the Epilogue: “I am convinced that the day will come when the world, enlightened by the principles of true democracy, will recognise that the French Revolution was not an advance towards democracy but a directly anti-democratic and reactionary movement, that it was not a struggle for liberty but an attempt to strangle liberty at its birth; the leaders will then be seen in their true colours as the cruellest enemies of the people, and the people, no longer condemned for their ferocity, will be pitied as the victims of a gigantic conspiracy . It was this conspiracy, or rather this combination of conspiracies, that alone triumphed in the Revolution; it was the same great intrigues at work amongst the people in 1789 that survived all the storms that followed after and that now once again threaten the peace of the world.”
by Nesta H. Webster
Widespread Destruction In Jenin Following Massive Israeli Raid (Text and Video)
Palestinian resistance factions in the occupied West Bank drove off the invading forces after hours of heavy clashes
Dozens of Israeli army vehicles, bulldozers, and drones wreaked havoc to the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on 30 October during an early morning raid that saw Palestinian resistance fighters powerfully confront the invading forces. Watch: The occupying Israeli army destroys the main gate to the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. pic.twitter.com/P0pG5a6KSm — Quds News Network (@QudsNen) October 30, 2023. Following the devastating incursion, the Jenin Brigades issued a statement confirming that their fighters drove off the Israeli army, damaging at least 30 Israeli armored vehicles and leaving an unknown number of Israeli soldiers dead. For its part, the Palestinian Health Ministry said at least four Palestinians were killed during the clashes in Jenin. About 120 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since 7 October, with nearly 2,000 injured. The Israeli forces besieged the rebellious city from the early hours of Monday, attacking Jenin Governmental Hospital, dropping bombs on residential buildings, destroying streets leading up to the adjacent refugee camp, placing dirt mounds to separate the camp from the city, and bulldozing major landmarks.
by News Desk
October 30: Today’s News On Palestine And Israel
Update on Gaza: death toll, new hostage video, humanitarian aid, medical risks, Israeli advances, US presidential promises. West Bank deaths.
This is a developing story, check back for updates. Find daily casualty figures and previous daily news updates here. For more news, go here and here. Live news is here.
Latest statistics: Palestinian death toll 7,951* (7,835 in Gaza* (including 3,457 children, 2,136 women, and at least 116 in the West Bank); 23,059 injured (21,048 in Gaza and over 2,011 in the West Bank). It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties. About 1.4 million people have been displaced. more than 1,950 missing (1,050 children) and presumed to be under rubble. *NOTE: The official OCHA death toll includes 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast. IAK does not yet include those deaths since the source of the projectile is in dispute; although much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, experts are still looking into the incident. Israel is blocking an international investigation. Israeli death toll remains near 1,400 (1 killed in West Bank, 1 in Gaza), including 32 Americans, and 5,431 injured. (It is unclear how many of the Israeli deaths and injuries may have been caused by Israeli soldiers; additionally, since Israel has a policy of universal conscription, it is unknown how many of those attending the outdoor rave a few miles from Gaza were Israeli soldiers.)
by Israel Palestine News
Ex-IDF (Israel Defense Forces) Dropped A Truth Bomb On Oct 7th – “It’s An Inside Job!” (9:22)
Multiple Reports: Hamas Warned Israel Prior To October 7 Attack (Text and Video)
The scholar Ilan Pappé noted in a recent talk, given after the Oct. 7 attack, that of central importance for all the Palestinians “has been the political prisoners” – with Israel holding many Palestinians without charge while, Pappé notes, the PA was “doing nothing”. He notes, Hamas “warned Israel…we will not sit idle as long as the political prisoners are not going to be released…we will do all we can to abduct Israeli soldiers and citizens so we have something to deal with in order to deal with the most important thing for our society, which are the political prisoners.” Many thanks to Decensored News for video. On Oct. 7, the day of the attacks, Hamas released a statement, which read in part: “Head of the Hamas political bureau Ismail Haniyeh said that the movement warned the Israeli occupation from continuing its crimes against the Palestinian people but it ignored the warnings.
by Sam Husseini
Are You Seeking The Approval Of Men, Or The Approval Of God?
When Jesus Christ walked on this earth in the First Century, he claimed to be “the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) In his teaching to his disciples during those days, he also made it very clear that the cost to follow Jesus, and to stand for the Truth, was a costly one, and that in order to follow him as the source of all truth would require one to be willing to give up everything this life has to offer, including relationships with friends and loved ones. Jesus also made it very clear that those who did follow him and stand for the Truth, would be very few, and always the minority. Some of the most miserable people of society are those who understand the Truth intellectually, but are not willing to follow the Truth, because the cost is too high. It’s very difficult to always be in the minority, with everyone opposing you, because you do not follow the crowd. Today, if you live in the United States, Zionism dominates our culture, especially Evangelical Christian teaching.
by Brian Shilhavy
Floridians Seek Justice!
Shout out to Attorney Rachel Rodriguez of Vires Law Group! They have provided the Florida Attorney General with a document on behalf of 32 next of kin of those that died due to hospital protocols. They list Anthony Fauci and other officials as persons of interest. National ARM has also previously provided Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody a brief listing persons of interest, including Anthony Fauci. Vires Law Group’s impressive legal brief appears focused more on the deadly hospital protocols. It is important that more attorneys and organizations start pressuring Attorney Gerneral to investigate those murdered by hospital protocols and the C19 bioweapons injections.
by Dr. Joseph Sansone
ACH (2252) I’m Talking To YOU #90 – International Animation Day (Audio 28:35)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on October 28, 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “International Animation Day.”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is a largely unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his weekday shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
New Study Identifies Common Physical Features In Babies Born To Mothers Who Used Fentanyl
Babies born to mothers who used fentanyl during pregnancy displayed similar facial and musculoskeletal abnormalities that suggest the emergence of a novel syndrome, according to research published in the journal Genetics in Medicine Open. In the summer of 2022, a genetic counselor and a group of physicians at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware, noticed that several infants who were referred by local neonatal intensive care units or brought to the hospital for feeding difficulties shortly after birth had similar facial features and multiple physical abnormalities, explained senior author Karen W. Gripp, MD, Chief of the Division of Medical Genetics at Nemours Children’s Health, Delaware Valley. Gripp and colleagues enrolled six Nemours patients in a study to further assess their symptoms and characteristics. Four infants from other institutions were added later. Gripp said the infants all had small heads, short stature, and distinctive facial features. Multiple infants had cleft palate, “rocker bottom” feet, and malformed genital organs. Other common features included short, broad thumbs, a single palmar crease, and fused toes.
by Nemours Children’s Health System
The Counterculture Everyone Forgot
Rather than mocking the Counterculture, we would benefit from re-acquiring its values that favored frugality and the ownership of skills, work, enterprise and land.
Mention the Counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s, and the memory stored in popular culture is of drug-dazed, half-naked hippies dancing to rock music. There was a slice of that, to be sure, but there was much more that’s largely been forgotten: The Counterculture was primarily a response to the meaningless debt-dependent consumerism that had already taken hold of our society and economy. The core values of the Counterculture Everyone Forgot were: Learning how to make and repair things oneself. Frugality. Rejection of debt. I submit that the value of these life precepts will become increasingly visible and necessary. As I’ve explained before, reliance on debt incentivizes the most destructive and unsustainable traits of human nature: choosing the painless, sacrifice-free option of pushing costs into the future, the removal of any incentive to become more productive and efficient, and the optimization of the illusion that the future will painlessly be able to not just service the current mountain of debt but an entire mountain range of debt that will pile up as our borrowing increases.
by Charles Hugh Smith
‘Israel’s Plan Is To Crush You And Your People,’ Hezbollah Warns Arab States
Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem has lauded the steadfastness of the resistance front in the face of the Israeli occupation. Sheikh Qassem warned certain Arab states in the region that they will not be spared from Israeli brutality if they do not throw their weight behind the Palestinians in Gaza. The high-ranking official with the Lebanese resistance movement made the remarks in a statement on his X social media account on Sunday, the 23 day of Israel’s constant bombardment of Gaza. “Let the Arab rulers know the resistance is strong, steadfast and victorious, God Almighty willing, and the days will prove that,” Sheikh Qassem said. “You should know that Israel’s plan is to crush you and your people. What is happening in Gaza is a model for you and your role after it unless you are slaves and subject to it. And remember that the Israeli slogan is ‘From the Euphrates to the Nile.”
by PressTV
Leaked: Israeli Plan To Ethnically Cleanse Gaza
The plan advocates the forced transfer of the population of the Gaza Strip to Sinai permanently, and calls for the international community to be leveraged to assist the move
Israeli culture magazine Mekovit published on 28 October a leaked document issued by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence recommending the occupation of Gaza and total transfer of its 2.3 million inhabitants to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. The document, issued on 13 October, identifies a plan to transfer all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza at the end of the current war between Israel and the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance. The document recommends that Israel evacuate the Gazan population to Sinai during the war, establish tent cities and new cities in northern Sinai to accommodate the deported population, and then create a closed security zone stretching several kilometers inside Egypt. The deported Palestinians would not be allowed to return to any areas near the Israeli border.
by News Desk
We The People: Both The Solution And The Problem (37:34)
For James Madison, the people of the several states were both the source of all power – and thus the ultimate solution to usurpations – but at the same time, the source of many of the problems due to the tendency towards factions – ultimately leading to the majority trampling on the rights of the minority.
by Tenth Amendment Center
October 29, 2023
“I have led an exceptional life in some ways, yes. I mean, I’ve been very lucky.
I seem to have had a gift for landing in the right place at the right time.”
Pattie Boyd
Meetings and Stories by Mark R. Elsis, Chapter 7, Pattie Boyd
It was not too long after the assassination of John Lennon. I was driving my taxi, going west on 72nd Street, approaching Park Avenue, when the light at the intersection turned red. I was waiting behind many cars for the light to change when I saw a vision of beauty from afar, with her hand raised. When she realized I was available, she lowered her hand and began to walk toward my taxi.
As she walked closer, there was something exceedingly special about her energy. Each day, I saw countless beautiful women while driving my taxi in Manhattan, but this woman was adorable and enchanting. I didn’t have any idea of who she was.
This gorgeous being got in, sat down, and the exact moment she shut the door, the song “Something” began playing on the radio. She told me her destination, then promptly told me George wrote this song on the back of an envelope like Lincoln supposedly did with the Gettysburg Address. I turned around and said, Pattie, Pattie Boyd? She said yes, I’m Pattie Boyd. I didn’t say anything else while “Something” was playing.
After “Something” had finished, I told her how unbelievably strange it was that, the exact moment you shut the door, the song “Something” started to play. Back then, one heard “Something” every once in a while on the radio. But for Pattie Boyd to sit in my taxi and the instant she does, for “Something” to start playing, is miraculous. She told me that she hadn’t heard it in quite a long time, and after all these years, what a beautiful song it is.
I brought up how incredible it must feel knowing that you were the muse for two of the greatest love songs ever written, “Something” by George Harrison and “Wonderful Tonight” by Eric Clapton. She forthrightly conversed with me about George and Eric and was genuinely grateful for her part in history.
by Mark R. Elsis
Full Article: https://MeetingsAndStories.com/Pattie-Boyd-by-Mark-R-Elsis
October 28, 2023, 40 Posts Published
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling,
but in rising every time we fall.”
Genocide Archive With 489 Posts
Thou Shalt Not Kill.
Our survival depends upon surmounting moments such as these
As a member of the US Congress for 16 years, I gave over 500 speeches warning about the consequences of US wars against Afghanistan, the Balkans, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria. I spoke for the imperative of peace in the Middle East, on behalf of Israelis and the Palestinians alike. I met with leaders of many countries who were grappling to keep their nations out of conflict and I came to understand the role some in the US government have played to intentionally catalyze war, fueling arms sales globally, without regard for the consequences. The consequences are here!
We are cartwheeling towards a massive East v. West war with religious and ethnic overtones. This seemingly inexorable March of (nuclear) Folly, will ultimately pit the United States militarily against China, Russia and their allies. The US, with its political divisions on full display, functions now only for purposes of funding wars. Otherwise, the government will shut down over its inability to balance the books from the expenses of previous wars which were put on the national credit card. The polarization of US politics, the cognitively impaired and failing executive branch, the instability of the congressional leadership, the purblind partisanship, the ideologically, click-bait driven media has produced a mad blood lust for war against Iran and acceleration toward the abyss.
by Dennis Kucinich
Hamas Resists Israeli Offensive In Gaza After Violent Night Of Airstrikes
Gaza is under a total communication blackout after Israeli jets launched the most intense bombing campaign on the strip since the start of the war
Gaza-based Palestinian resistance faction Hamas announced on 28 October that its forces successfully held back invading Israeli troops who overnight launched large-scale ground operations into the coastal enclave under the cover of intense air raids. Hamas says its forces dealt “heavy losses to the enemy’s ranks” as they repelled the ground incursion. Nonetheless, heavy clashes continue in several points of the northern Gaza Strip. “The enemy fell into ambushes set up by the Palestinian resistance on several fronts. Kornet missiles and Yasin shells were used to repel the attack, and we expect the enemy to try again. The Israeli regime used helicopters to evacuate the wounded and the dead from the battlefield,” the Hamas statement reads. For their part, Israeli media claims there are “no reports of Israeli casualties” and that “ground forces, including infantry, combat engineering forces, and tanks, remained inside Gaza […] operating deeper into the Hamas-run territory than previous limited incursions.” On Friday night, the Israeli army began what officials described as an “expansion” of their ground operations into Gaza after several nights of “limited incursions” that were also repelled by the Palestinian resistance. According to local reports, the elite US Delta Force has been accompanying Israeli troops into the besieged territory. However, Washington maintains that its forces only provide logistical advice to Tel Aviv.
by News Desk
Gaza Communications Lost And Bombardments Everywhere (3:06)
by Al Jazeera
Biden Justifies Strikes On Syria
Washington claims that “protecting” its illegal outposts is “consistent with international law”
US President Joe Biden has offered legal justification for American airstrikes on eastern Syria this week, saying the operations were a rightful response to a string of drone and rocket attacks on US forces in the region. In a letter to US lawmakers published on Friday, the White House said the air operations were in line with presidential war powers, and followed repeated “attacks against United States personnel and facilities in Iraq and Syria” this month. “At my direction, on the night of October 26, 2023, United States forces conducted targeted strikes against facilities in eastern Syria,” Biden said, adding that the sorties hit sites used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and “affiliated groups.”
by RT
Israel-Palestine Live: Over 7,700 Killed As Gaza Turns Into ‘Hell On Earth’
Israel releases footage of tanks in Gaza as communication remains cut off in the besieged enclave
Key Points: Over 7,700 Palestinians killed, says health ministry. UN General Assembly votes in favour of immediate ceasefire. Israel says it killed Hamas naval and air force commanders.
by MEE
Industrial Warfare vs Wall Street Uber Alles
Hopefully, Vladimir Putin helps to stop WW III so we have a future to discuss. The future is grim for those paid in dollars. But that was intentional. It was designed to transfer all wealth from those who work for dollars to those who have the right charge us interest on money bankers created out of nothing. You do not have to live in the US for New York Bankers to rob you by the trillions. All you have to do is to sell things overseas for I Owe You Nothing Federal Reserve Notes. In 24 months you won’t be able to buy anything with Federal Reserve Notes. It was designed to be that way when the agents of the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Warburgs wrote the draft for the Federal Reserve Act in 1910. It seems we are headed to Hyperinflation in the non-BRICS+ (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South, Africa, + the Global South) world. For those in the West, our Central Banks have written into law, the concept of depositors as investors in the bank so the authorities can seize deposits to pay for bank losses in what is called a Bail-In.
by Video Rebel
ACH (2249) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Terrorism In The Middle East (Audio 55:55)
China Completes First Cross-Border Crude Oil Settlement In Digital Yuan
The China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) recently completed a transaction settlement of 1 million barrels of crude oil with digital yuan, which analysts said marks a further step of the internationalization of the Chinese currency. The batch of crude oil was purchased by CNPC via Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange (SHPGX), and the contract was made on October 19, SHPGX announced on Friday. The completion of the settlement followed the Shanghai municipal government’s call for enterprises to use digital yuan in international oil and gas trade, demonstrating a key step of progress in exploring cross-border yuan settlements, said SHPGX. The digital yuan settlement was facilitated with the digital yuan wallet provided by the Bank of Communications.
by Tao Mingyang
Thousands Of Young People Regret Their ‘Gender Transitions,’ And Their Stories Are Gut-Wrenching
What have we done to these kids? What has our society put them through? This is the reality of the transgender movement: Tens of thousands of lives destroyed – and counting.
(LifeSiteNews) — Over the past several years, the mainstream press has been working overtime to debunk the testimonies of “de-transitioners” – the men and women, most of them very young, who underwent various transgender interventions, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and “sex change” surgeries. Those of you who read this blog regularly will have read many of their stories; there are now so many de-transitioners speaking out that an entire genre of dissident documentaries has sprung up featuring their stories (I reviewed one of them at length here). These stories are important – they emphasize the human cost of the so-called “gender-affirming care” constantly pushed by the press and promoted by politicians such as President Biden, who insists that “sex change” surgeries for minors are a “human right.” Chloe Cole, who shared her own heartbreaking story of de-transition with Jordan Peterson some time ago and frequently testifies in favor of bans on transgender procedures, recently shared a comment posted on the Reddit forum “r/MtF”—a thread for those who “transitioned” from male to “female.” This is not a forum for de-transitioners, mind you. It is titled “Regret Everything.” Read it and weep:
by Jonathon Van Maren
The Only Lights In Gaza Now Are Israeli Bombs
Israel, under serial liar and war monger Netanyahu, has pummeled the Palestinians in Gaza and the Israeli military just cut all cell service and internet access to Gaza and has begun its most violent bombing campaign yet. The US government did all it could to enable these war crimes, crimes against humanity and yes, we’re seeing a genocide, see release below, also posted on Francis Boyle’s Substack. US enabling has been clear to me parsing the contrivances of the State Department over the last week. I knew Israel was going to massively target the Palestinians but I thought it would be next year. As I’ve been noting in recent months, the entire structure of “normalizations” with Arab states; the lack of scrutiny to Blinken and Biden’s history of warmongering; the increasingly deranged statements re Israel from various quarters, like Robert Kennedy, Jr.; the targeting of the few celebrities, like Roger Waters, pushing back against the Israeli narrative; the total lack of understanding of the history of US-Israel relations, and the complete unseriousness of “the Squad” — as well as various other factors make clear that Palestinians were incredibly vulnerable.
by Sam Husseini
Ain’t No Rock And Roll (4:42)
by Five Times August
Tit-For-Tat’ After US Retaliates Against Iranian Targets
F-16s struck what Pentagon said were IRGC-backed militias on Friday.
According to the New York Times Saturday morning, U.S. air defenses shot down a drone new the Al Asad Air Base in western Iraq on Friday, shortly after the U.S. launched retaliatory attacks against Iranian targets in Syria. There were no injuries or damage on the ground, U.S. officials said on Friday. Pentagon officials also said that rockets were also fired into northern Syria on Friday but landed far from American troops. The Pentagon announced it conducted F-16 fighter aircraft strikes against Iranian Revolutionary Guard targets in Syria early on Friday. The targets — military supply depots that an official said were run by the IRGC — were located near Boukamal in the eastern part of the country. The official said the ammo and weapons there were the same used in a string of recent attacks against U.S. troops on bases in Iraq and Syria. According to the Associated Press: “there had been Iranian-aligned militia and IRGC personnel on the base and no civilians, but the U.S. does not have any information yet on casualties or an assessment of damage. The official would not say how many munitions were launched by the F-16s.”
by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos
Western Media ‘Cancel’ the Ukraine Conflict As Palestinian Genocide Exposes Their Lies And Fake News
The Western media saturation coverage of terrible events in Gaza over the past three weeks is driven in large part by the onerous need to divert attention from the scandal and debacle of NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine.
The horrendous violence and suffering in Gaza have dominated the global news cycle. That is not untoward given the dreadful scale of disaster where over 7,000 people, mainly civilians and nearly half of them children, have been killed over the past three weeks by Israeli bombardment and siege. Death toll numbers are obsolete within a day, such is the wanton murderous destruction by the Israeli regime. And yet Joe Biden and other Western politicians minimize this criminality by trying to cast doubt on the casualty numbers. How utterly despicable of Biden and his Western accomplices to this genocide. But what is also notable is the abrupt cancellation of Ukraine as a story by Western media. The wholesale relegation of interest in Ukraine is truly astounding. The precipitous fall-off in Western media coverage reflects how the proxy war in Ukraine was always a contrived geopolitical agenda devoid of any purported principle of Western democracy. For nearly 19 months the hostilities in Ukraine have been plastered all over Western news media. The conflict was described as the biggest in Europe since the end of the Second World War. Western governments and media outlets roundly condemned Russia for alleged aggression towards Ukraine and it was hysterically proclaimed that the whole of Europe was under threat from a would-be Russian invasion if Ukraine was not defended.
Editorial by Strategic Culture
Dead Shooters Tell No Tales
Inducing “mental illness” through Electronic Warfare to create the “lone gunman” to cause mass hysteria for the gun grab agenda.
While the United States has the most firearms per capita of any nation by a wide margin, it also has a disproportionate number of ‘mass shooting’ events compared to other nations with a substantial ‘armed’ citizenry. In fact, the U.S. seems to have ALL the mass shooting events, a statistical improbability. After each mass shooting event, we hear the same voices repeat the same lies, usually reinforced based on one’s ideological agenda. They often fall into one of two broad categories. Voice 1: We have a mental health crises. Voice 2: We have too many guns. If either of these was true it stands to reason that there would be mass shootings with greater frequency in other nations with both guns and mental illness. Here are nations with significant numbers of firearms in civilian possession, that have no mass shootings.
by Good Citizen
Unit 8200: Israeli Intelligence Op Exposed (3:48)
Iranian Foreign Minister: Israel’s Security, Political Systems ‘Totally Collapsed’
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said on Friday that Israel’s security and political systems had been “totally collapsed” and that the only thing still functioning in the country was its “war machine.” “According to information we have inside the region, both the security and political systems of Israel have totally collapsed,” Amir Abdollahian told US media. Israeli citizens have no trust in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu anymore, and the only functional aspect in Israel at the moment is its “war machine,” the minister said, adding that it had been allegedly controlled by the United States. Meanwhile, the heads of Middle Eastern countries and groups supporting Palestine have much more serious plans than what was previously observed, Amir Abdollahian said. The top Iranian diplomat told American media he had met with a number of regional leaders as well as with “the leaders of the resistance in Lebanon and also the Palestinian groups.”
by Sputnik
Dr. Geert Vanden Bosshe: “No mRNA-Based Injectable Product Should Ever Be Used For Immunisation Purposes”
A week ago, Dr. Jessica Rose published an article highlighting a preprint study on the DNA fragments detected in Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s covid “vaccines” and the relationship of these DNA fragments to adverse effects post-vaccination. Dr. Rose concluded: “In light of DNA discovered in commercial vials, as per the precautionary principle, the modified mRNA-lipid nanoparticle platform needs to have a moratorium slapped on it, and all existing vials should be confiscated and protected for testing.” Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche referred to Dr. Rose’s work and added his comments. He too concluded that mRNA injections must be stopped, permanently, and gave additional reasons. Because the mRNA “vaccines” drive viral immune escape and enhance disease; “No mRNA-based injectable product should ever be used for immunisation purposes,” he wrote.
by Rhoda Wilson
Background Facts About Gaza
Secretary General Antonio Guterres recently said, “the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.” The Israeli Ambassador responded that Guterres’ comments were “shocking”, “unfathomable” and “disconnected from reality”. He called for the Secretary General’s resignation. Below are some facts about Gaza to evaluate whether Guterres was accurate or not. Gaza is a tiny strip of land on the Mediterranean coast with the 5,000 year old Gaza City in the north. The entire strip is only 5 miles wide by 25 miles in length with 2.3 million Palestinians locked in this territory by Israel. It is the size of a small US city. About 80% of the people in Gaza are descendants of refugees who were expelled from their villages in what is now southern Israel in the 1948 Nakba (Catastrophe). Most Gazans have never been able to set foot outside the territory. They are born, live their lives and die in this concentration camp. At least 50% of Gaza’s work force is unemployed. Israel restricts nearly all aspects of their economy. For example, Gaza’s fishermen are prevented from going into deeper waters to fish. If they try, they are fired on by Israeli naval boats. Farmers and shepherds are also fired on as they try to eke out a living.
by Rick Sterling
The Most Important Lessons Americans Were Never Taught In School… (1:09:58)
by Really Graceful
Piercing The Veil Of Silence Over Excess Deaths (Text and Video)
Andrew Bridgen MP speaks out
Around the world, there has been a deafening silence over excess deaths from governments and the mainstream media, who not so long ago were quite fixated on the daily death toll for Covid. On October 20th, a 30-minute adjourned debate (20 rejections later) on excess deaths in the UK House of Commons was finally secured by Andrew Bridgen, MP for North West Leicestershire and member of the Reclaim Party. Bridgen began his speech to the sound of erupting cheers from the full, upper public gallery, in stark contrast to the almost empty chamber below. Where were the hundreds of MPs who would normally sit shoulder to shoulder in the chamber? It appears, an increase in deaths of their constituents was not a pressing issue for them on that Friday afternoon.
by Sonia Elijah
New House Speaker: Russia, China, And Iran Are New Axis Of Evil
In an interview with Sean Hannity, Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson said Putin cannot win in Ukraine
Representative Mike Johnson vowed to support the wars in Ukraine and Israel in an interview after becoming House Speaker. The Congressman told Sean Hannity that China, Russia, and Iran make up an “axis of evil” that poses a huge threat to the US. The Speaker presented Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran as a trilateral threat to Washington. “Big priorities in this moment right now. We have Israel being attacked, we have unrest, we have the Ukraine situation we’ve got to deal with, we have China being aggressive, we have Iran with all the meddling, and China, Russia, and Iran working together. This is a dangerous time.” he said. “Hamas and Hezbollah are proxies of Iran, and they’re tied in now with Russia and China. I mean, it is a new axis of evil. That’s how we see it, “Johnson continued, the states posed a “huge [threat to the US.] It’s it’s the biggest threat since World War II.”
by Kyle Anzalone
Israeli Tanks Exchange Fire With Hamas Inside Gaza, Small Arms Clashes Heard, As Offensive Expands
Update(1605ET): It has become clear that the IDF has entered its next phase of battle operations, meaning a full ground assault, as heavy aerial bombardment continues. But Israeli officials in the last hours have dubbed this another “expanded” raid. The Biden White House is now making a show of wanting a more ‘humanitarian’ approach and has asked Israel to ensure only “surgical” strikes, and to allow the Strip access to aid. There’s emerging evidence of tank fire and small arms fire at the border, after the IDF confirmed that ground forces are entering the next phase of their operations. The Times Of Israel in a breaking update is reporting, “Palestinians claim Israeli tanks exchanging fire with gunmen inside Gaza.” Separately, other regional analysts reporting, “Anti-tank missiles have been fired at Israeli forces that entered Gaza.” Hamas leadership has responded with a “call to arms” for Gaza and the West Bank. There have since been reports of large overnight protests by Palestinians in the territories. The fate of the over 220 Israeli and foreign hostages hangs in the balance, and reports suggest the US is still seeking to keep the negotiating process going even as Israel invades.
by Tyler Durden
Federal Child Trafficking Pipeline Exposed – Exclusive Footage Of Federal Contractors Delivering Children Across The United States (16:01)
Muckraker has obtained exclusive never-before-seen footage of US federal government contractors escorting children across the country, possibly delivering them into the hands of human traffickers. At least one of these contractors is CIA-affiliated. Every month, thousands of foreign children are trafficked into the United States. They are drugged and smuggled across the US-Mexico border, detained by border patrol, held in top-secret compounds, and finally, escorted to various locations across the country. Since 2021, 85,000 of these children have gone missing. This report exposes the entire child processing pipeline with irrefutable video evidence. Through exclusive footage, whistleblower testimony, and other documentation, Muckraker has exposed how the United States federal government is facilitating the largest child trafficking ring in the world.
by Muckraker
Prenatal Trauma: How The First Nine Months Shape The Rest Of Our Lives, Upcoming Live Webinar On December 5, 2023 At 5pm EST
Are you or someone you love struggling with challenges that seem difficult or impossible to resolve? Do you or your loved ones find yourselves repeating patterns of trauma over and over again and despite all your efforts to resolve them, the patterns still persist? This process is called “traumatic repetition” and involves the re-enactment of an earlier trauma that your system is earnestly trying to heal.
Humans have a tendency to re-create patterns of trauma not because we are masochistic, but because we are trying to resolve the original trauma and return our system to love. Unfortunately, traumatic repetition does not always lead to resolution, but can instead compound the trauma, making things more painful and stressful than they were before.
by Jeanice Barcelo
The DOJ Is Sued For Records On FBI Payments To Twitter
A push for transparency.
Judicial Watch, an organization committed to government transparency, has initiated a legal battle with the Department of Justice. The new complaint centers around inquiries for details regarding payments allegedly made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to Twitter, now operating under the name “X.” This move comes in response to an investigation called The Twitter Files made public courtesy of billionaire Elon Musk. We obtained a copy of the complaint for you here. The crux of the controversy lies in an account by independent journalist Michael Shellenberger. His report, dated December 19, 2022, divulges what seems to be a receipt marked with a rather hefty figure: approximately $3.5 million.
by Christina Maas
Apartheid Anti-White Europe
Racism is widespread throughout the European Union, it is institutionally anti-white and the worst culprits are Whites themselves. As soon as migrants set foot on European soil, they high-five each other and frolic on the red carpet laid out for them by the treacherous political elite. Undocumented migrants will benefit as a protected species and enjoy access to the public purse. Very few migrants are refugees in the accepted sense of the term: they are economic migrants. However, self-sufficient ethnic Europeans are obliged to jump through bureaucratic loops to acquire the right of residency without guarantee of successfully living in any EU country but their own. Is this not anti-White racism? Not all Africans are Black. Scattered across South Africa are 450 White squatter camps. These luckless communities make up about 25% of South Africa´s ethnic-European population. At the parliamentary level, there have been calls for their genocide but there is no welcome for fraught Whites in the European Union.
by Michael Walsh
The Truth About Race And Intelligence (13:23)
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance cites gene studies (GWAS), expert opinion on heredity, meta-analysis of IQ testing, and common-sense observations to explode the egalitarian myth.
by American Renaissance
NJ Congressman Calls Pregnancy Centers “Brainwashing Cult Clinics”
New Jersey Congressman Josh Gottheimer recently launched a brazen attack on pregnancy centers on a state level and is a proponent of legislation designed to handcuff the organizations on a national level. On October 6, Rep. Gottheimer held a press conference in front of Lighthouse Pregnancy Center in Hackensack, NJ. “The Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center appears harmless. But it’s actually one of many deceptive brainwashing cult clinics across our state and country, known as crisis pregnancy centers,” he said. “We need to do everything we can to shut down these brainwashing cult clinics.” Gottheimer’s accusations were immediately challenged and met with harsh criticism by pro-life and ministry leaders, who called his comments discriminatory and offensive. In the House of Representatives, Gottheimer is helping to lead the Stop Anti-abortion Disinformation Act, which accuses pregnancy centers of engaging in false advertising. “Women often go to these healthcare hoax clinics thinking they will receive real medical help, but instead they are greeted by people with no medical background whose goal is to brainwash women with their own ideological agenda,” he said.
by Tom Campisi
Israel Cut Off Gaza’s Communications Because Murderers Don’t Like Witnesses
Israeli ground forces have ramped up activities in Gaza in what anonymous US officials are reportedly telling the press is a “rolling start” to the long-anticipated ground invasion. Israel has also concurrently crippled Gaza’s largest telecommunications service, which had been the enclave’s last remaining contact with the outside world after Israel knocked out all the others. Humanitarian organizations and mainstream press outlets now say they have lost communication with their contacts in Gaza in a level of information blackout we’re unaccustomed to seeing in modern times. “This information blackout risks providing cover for mass atrocities and contributing to impunity for human rights violations,” Human Rights Watch correctly notes. And I’m going to go ahead and say that’s probably not just a convenient coincidence for Israel. A genocidal massacre in total darkness works very much to the advantage of those doing the massacring.
by Caitlin Johnstone
The Covid Inquiry Is An Embarrassment To The English Legal System. It Should Be Abandoned.
The Inquiry has become an embarrassment to the English legal system. Its exorbitant costs already cannot be justified, and there is only worse to come. Of all the crass misappropriations of scientific principles during the pandemic, none did more harm than the corruption of the ‘precautionary principle’ — the notion that an action or an intervention is justified only once one is clear that the benefits exceed the harms and that, as one sociologist put it, “you have looked very hard for the harms”.1 That principle came to be almost wholly inverted in the context of the pandemic: an intervention seemingly could be justified on the ‘precautionary’ basis that if it might have any beneficial effect in slowing the course of the pandemic, it would be worthwhile. This justified indiscriminate measures ranging from universal masking, mass testing (including of young children), 14 day isolated quarantines, and even lockdown itself, for entire healthy populations on the basis that even though the evidence base was often weak or non-existent, the intervention just might achieve something, and opened the door to a slew of harms impacting almost all cohorts of the British population.
by UsForThem
22 Years Of Patriot Act Blowback (31:04)
We’re still grappling with the blowback that comes with allowing freedom to be eviscerated in exchange for the false promise of “security”
by Tenth Amendment Center
My “Coronavirus Hysteria” Media Response From February 1st, 2020
Back then, I said this to a media outlet
Below, I’m reposting a short article that was originally published on 1 February 2020 at https://dissidentvoice.org/2020/02/coronavirus-hysteria/. All my many such articles to Dissident Voice, dating back to 2010, are here: https://dissidentvoice.org/author/denisrancourt/. Was I right? Was I wrong? Here it is: Just now, a major media corporation asked for my opinion for an article they are preparing, and I answered the following. The background of my thinking is here. ((“Geo-Economics and Geo-Politics Drive Successive Eras of Predatory Globalization and Social Engineering: Historical emergence of climate change, gender equity, and anti-racism as State doctrines”, by Denis G. Rancourt, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, OCLA Report 2019-1, April 2019.))
by Denis Rancourt
Iran Kicks Off Major War Games Amid Israel Tensions (Text and Video)
The exercises seek to “improve deterrence power in the face of new threats,” the country’s military has said
Iran has launched large-scale two-day war games in the central part of the country amid rising tensions in the region fueled by the conflict between the Palestinian armed group Hamas and Israel. The drill, dubbed ‘Eqtedar 1402’, started on Friday in the Nasrabad region of Isfahan province. Brigadier General Karim Cheshak, the spokesman for the exercise, was cited by Iranian media as saying that it involves infantry, various military hardware, warplanes, drones, and means of electronic warfare. Cheshak also noted that a fleet of about 200 helicopters conducted operations on the first day of the drill. He added that the goal of the exercise is to assess the level of combat readiness of Iran’s ground forces and review combat tactics. Another objective is to “improve the deterrence power in the face of new threats, and also develop stable security,” the official said. Without specifying the number of personnel taking part in the exercise, the spokesman indicated that it would consist of four stages. While the first one will focus on the transfer of four brigades to the drill area, the second one will involve reconnaissance operations.
by RT
Robert E. Lee Statue Gives One Final Thumbs-Up As It’s Melted Down
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA — In a meaningful moment that was years in the making, the bronze statue of Robert E. Lee that once stood in Charlottesville gave one final, solemn thumbs-up as it was melted down in a blazing furnace. “It was a powerful sight,” said one eyewitness to the statue’s final destruction. “We all knew it was a momentous occasion, but we were not expecting to see General Lee give one last salute. As he was lowered into the blazing furnace, he reached one hand up and gave a thumbs-up before disappearing into the molten metal below. Through the smoke, I thought I heard the words: ‘I know now why you cry, but it’s something I can never do.’ It was almost as if he was at peace with his fate.” “Truly moving.”
by Babylon Bee
October 27, 2023, 40 Posts Published
“When one has nothing to lose, one becomes courageous.
We are timid only when there is something we can still cling to.”
Carlos Castaneda
War Criminals Archive With 455 Posts
Now And Then (The Last Song By The Beatles Will Be Released On November 2, 2023 At 14:00 GMT)
More than 50 years after The Beatles broke up, the band have announced the release of their “last song”. Called Now And Then, it is based on a 1970s demo recording by John Lennon, and was completed last year by Sir Paul McCartney and Sir Ringo Starr. Sir Paul teased the song in a BBC interview this summer, saying AI technology had been used to “extricate” Lennon’s vocals from an old cassette. The track will premiere at 14:00 GMT on Thursday, 2 November.
by The Beatles
Israel Bombing ‘Everything But Hamas In Gaza’ – Jackson Hinkle
The true goal of the operation is to force Palestinians out of the enclave, the political analyst told RT
Israel’s claims that it is only bombing Gaza to eliminate Hamas are “insane,” political analyst Jackson Hinkle said in an interview with RT on Thursday. He argued that Israeli forces appear to be focusing on targeting the civilian population of Gaza in their ongoing campaign. “They’ve bombed everything but Hamas inside of Gaza,” the host of ‘The Dive with Jackson Hinkle’ said, accusing Israel of targeting various civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, UN and Red Crescent facilities, mosques, churches, homes, and even evacuee convoys. The analyst suggested that this is because Israel does not want a Palestinian state, and that the true purpose of its operation in Gaza is not to defeat Hamas, but rather to force Palestinians out and take over the enclave “once and for all.” “The reason why they’re doing all of this is that they know they can’t defeat Hamas. That’s why they haven’t gone into Gaza. They know that if they will, they’ll probably have a response from many Arab states, and maybe Iran as well. They know that in a war of that magnitude they wouldn’t win,” Hinkle claimed. He argued that while Israeli authorities have attempted to paint Hamas as being aligned with or comparable to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS), Israel’s own actions in Gaza seem to closely resemble terrorist tactics. Commenting on Washington’s announcement that it will “stand forever” with Israel and President Joe Biden’s proposal of a $14 billion package of military aid to the Jewish state, Hinkle called to “defund Israel” and “defund Ukraine” as well.
by RT
What Really Happened On 7th October?
Evidence is now emerging that up to half the Israelis killed were combatants; that Israeli forces were responsible for some of their own civilian deaths; and that Tel Aviv disseminated false ‘Hamas atrocities’ stories to justify its devastating air assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
Two weeks after the Hamas breakout assault on Israel on 7 October, a clearer picture of what happened – who died, and who killed – is now beginning to emerge. Instead of the wholescale massacre of civilians claimed by Israel, incomplete figures published by the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz show that almost half the Israelis killed that day were in fact combatants – soldiers or police. In the interim, two weeks of blanket western media reporting that Hamas allegedly killed around 1,400 Israeli civilians during its 7 October military attack has served to inflame emotions and create the climate for Israel’s unconstrained destruction of the Gaza Strip and its civilian population. Accounts of the Israeli death toll have been filtered and shaped to suggest that a wholesale civilian massacre occurred that day, with babies, children, and women the main targets of a terror attack. Now, detailed statistics on the casualties released by the Israeli daily Haaretz paint a starkly different picture. As of 23 October, the news outlet has released information on 683 Israelis killed during the Hamas-led offensive, including their names and locations of their deaths on 7 October.
by Robert Inlakesh and Sharmine Narwani
The Damage Israel Does
Constitutional rights and genuine national interests are ignored as governments surrender to Jewish power
There are numerous one-liners like “wag-the-dog” that constitute a long running joke about how Israel exploits Jewish power in the United States to limit and control Washington’s options in foreign policy as well as in many other aspects of international interaction. This has been accomplished by a cleverly executed neoconservative takeover of the foreign policy instruments of both major parties based on a series of nonexistent “threats” coupled with media control and billions of dollars in political donations that have bought the numerous politicians willing to be bought, which clearly constitutes a majority of Congress. President Joe Biden and those who surround him are all about Israel and many of them are Jewish. His Secretary of the Treasury Janice Yellen claims that the US “can afford” two wars simultaneously and the Chuck Schumer led Senate has voted unanimously 97-0 pledging full and unconditional support for the Jewish state.
by Philip Giraldi
Space Jews (0:47)
by Dave Chappelle
Genocide Unfolding
Tonight has been the most violent bombardment of Gaza so far, notably concentrated on precisely the areas into which Israel ordered the population to evacuate. I find it almost impossible to believe that this genocide is under way with the active support of almost all western governments.
I want to look at two questions – what will happen internationally, and what is happening in western societies. Israel plainly is on the course of further escalation and intends to kill many thousands more Palestinians. More than 2,000 Palestinian children alone have now been killed by Israeli aerial attack in the last fortnight. Gaza has no defence from bombs and missiles, and there is no military reason why Israel cannot keep this up for months and simply rely upon aerial massacre. We are perhaps within a week of thirst, starvation and disease killing even more people per day than bombardment. The population of Gaza are simply defenceless. Only international intervention can stop Israel from doing whatever it wishes, and those countries which have influence with Israel are actively abetting and encouraging the genocide.
by Craig Murray
Biden Inches Towards Military Disaster In Middle East
The US has dramatically beefed up its presence in the Middle East, sending two carrier strike groups, thousands of Marines, multiple THAAD and Patriot missile batteries, and more warplanes to the region amid the Palestinian-Israeli flare-up. But these forces can’t guarantee victory in case of a shooting war, says military observer Andrey Martyanov. Tehran issued its strongest warning to Washington to date over the Palestinian-Israeli crisis on Thursday, cautioning that the US wouldn’t be able to escape if the conflict continues unabated. “I say frankly to the American statesmen, who are now managing the genocide in Palestine that we do not welcome [an] expansion of the war in the region,” Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said in New York during an emergency United Nations General Assembly session. America “will not be spared from this fire” if the crisis endures, Amir-Abdollahian emphasized. “It is our home, and West Asia is our region. We do not compromise with any party and any side, and we have no reservation when it comes to our home’s security.”
by Ilya Tsukanov
How Ruthless Censorship Hid The Covid Genocide (15:08)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Iran, Russia, Hamas Officials Discuss Gaza-Israel War In Moscow
Hamas officials hailed the invitation to the Russian capital, saying this show’s Moscow considers the Palestinian armed group ‘a national liberation movement’
Authorities from Iran, Russia, and the Palestinian resistance group Hamas met on 27 October at the Iranian Embassy in Moscow to discuss the Gaza-Israel war. Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani was invited by his Russian counterpart, Mikhail Bogdanov, to discuss a potential ceasefire between Palestine and Israel with Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzouk, a senior Hamas official. “Inviting the movement’s leadership to visit Moscow is a message to the whole world that Russia considers Hamas a national liberation movement and not a terrorist movement,” Abu Marzouk told Russian media on Friday, noting that President Vladimir Putin “graciously did justice to the Hamas movement and the struggle of the Palestinian people and protected it politically in the Security Council and the UN.” During Thursday’s meeting, Kani solidified Tehran’s “undoubtable” support for Palestine. “Tehran’s priorities in talks with foreign sides are declaring an immediate ceasefire, providing aid to people, and lifting the repressive blockade of Gaza,” the Iranian Embassy in Moscow quoted the Iranian official.
by News Desk
Gaza Hospital Massacre And The Marketing Of Israeli Lies
A blast killed more than 500 civilians in the “safe” yard of Al Ahli Baptist Hospital. Within a few hours, the Israeli army concluded it was a misfired Palestinian rocket. US President, Joe Biden, soon after his arrival in Tel Aviv, adopted the Israeli story blaming “the other side” for the explosion. Israel’s deliberate targeting of individuals or civilians seeking refuge in “safer places” has been part of the Israeli war strategy since its inception in 1948. Therefore, and before addressing the hospital massacre, it is important to put this case within the broader context of the Israeli pogrom policy. The following is only a partial list of incidents where Israel first denied, before independent investigation implicated it in murdering civilians while managing to evade accountability, with full complicity of Western media and powers.
by Jamal Kanj
Nothing To See Here (2:02)
by If Americans Knew
Germany’s Ex-Leader Says The US Stopped Ukraine From Signing A Peace Deal Last Year – Why Did Biden Want The War To Continue?
Gerhard Schroeder’s revelations about why negotiations broke down last spring are even more depressing than you might think
In a much-cited interview, ex-German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has stated that a compromise peace to end the war in Ukraine was well within reach when negotiators met in Istanbul last spring. This deal would have meant an end to NATO’s long march east, Ukrainian neutrality, international security guarantees, and domestic arrangements to reintegrate the separatist territories in the Donbass. Ending the war so quickly would have made a great difference, as even a few basic figures will show. While key data remains secret and estimates are contested, it is certain that Europe’s largest conflict since World War II has led to several hundred thousand military casualties. Figures for fully documented civilian casualties are much lower, but the UN cautions that they must be under-counts. The global body also says there are more than 6.2 million recorded Ukrainian refugees globally (almost all of them in Russia and Western and Central Europe) and 5.1 million internally displaced persons. According to the World Bank, Ukraine’s GDP dropped by almost a third in 2022, pushing a quarter of the country’s population below the poverty line. Insofar as the country’s economic outlook has since slightly improved, this is due to the massive infusion of Western funds, which are surely making corruption even worse. As of March, the cost of reconstruction was estimated at $411 billion over ten years.
by Tarik Cyril Amar
The Holocaust Only The Irish Remember
Recently, I came across a story of immense poignancy even though nearly 200 years have passed since the Irish Famine was a major talking point. It is estimated that starvation and deportation of the Irish, Scottish and English folk led to a 50 per cent loss of population in Ireland and Scotland. Around 100,000 people fled Ireland for Canada in 1847 alone, and around 20,000 of those either died during the voyage or during their time spent in quarantine stations. Not unusually, the remains of three bodies were found washed up on a Canadian beach back in 2011. On the same beach in 2016, the remains of a further 18 bodies were discovered after an archaeological dig. Canadian scientists have now confirmed that a study of the bones shows that these are the remains of Irish famine victims who fled across the Atlantic from the English occupation of Ireland in the mid-1800s.
by Michael Walsh
Israeli leader Moshe Feiglin Openly Advocates The Incineration Of Gaza, “Like Dresden” (0:37)
Israeli law-maker appears to believe “Israel” is entitled to commit genocide inspired by the scale of the war crimes of the WWII Allies
I want to alert readers, if you are not already aware, of the fanatical ranting of Israeli MK (Member of the Knesset – Israeli parliament) Moshe Feiglin, openly advocating the genocidal “incineration” and “annihilation” of Gaza, “like Dresden.”
by Michael Hoffman
House Approves Resolution Backing Israel In New Speaker’s First Move
After being elected as speaker, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) said his first priority was passing a bill for Israel
The House on Wednesday approved a resolution that expressed strong support for Israel, the first bill brought to the floor after Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) was elected as the chamber’s new speaker. The resolution passed in a vote of 412-10 and says that the US “stands” with Israel in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attack and as Israel is relentlessly bombing Gaza. The resolution reaffirmed the US commitment to providing military aid to Israel and said Congress will work to pass more. The bill says the House “stands ready to assist Israel with emergency resupply and other security, diplomatic, and intelligence support.” It also called for the US to continue enforcing sanctions on Iran and condemned the Hamas attack. Nine Democrats voted against the resolution, including Reps. Jamaal Bowman (NY), André Carson (IN), Cori Bush (MO), Al Green (TX), Summer Lee (PA, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Ilhan Omar (MN), Delia Ramirez (IL) and Rashida Tlaib (MI). The sole Republican who voted against the measure was Rep. Thomas Massie (KY).
by Dave DeCamp
Putin Might Have Cancelled Armageddon
Egypt has 100,000 troops at the Gaza border hoping to take badly needed supplies to 2.3 million Palestinians. Even before the recent war, Israel had been rationing the people of Gaza to less water than the UN says human beings need. Putin has aircraft with Mach 12 Kinzhal missiles on board planes in the Black Sea. The Kinzhal is Mach 10 and has a total speed of Mach 12 when launched from a fast jet. It can sink an aircraft carrier. It digs a hole 98 feet (30 meters) deep where its target used to be. We were told the US Treasury deficit was a mere $1.7 trillion for fiscal year 2023. But that is not true. The US Treasury added $2 trillion in debt. In fact recently, they added $500 billion in debt in just one month.
by Video Rebel
Israel’s Comprehensive Failure (5:04)
by Palki Sharma
Ireland’s Fall – I
My country fell, but God reached out to me –
A victim I no longer had to be.
Here is the story of another young man’s finding his way back to the true Faith, this time from Ireland, once so Catholic, but today deep in apostasy. Like Quebec – the higher they were, the harder they fall. Notice how the turning point of his conversion was his beginning to pray, in particular the Rosary. Growing up in the late 1990s and early 2000s in Ireland, things were rapidly changing for the worse. The deconstruction of Ireland’s past was already set in motion. As was common for most young men of my age, I was baptised and sent to the local “Catholic” school. But there was never any catechesis, or teaching on the Faith, which is why if you were to ask most children in Ireland who have gone to a “Catholic” school about even the most basic tenets of the Faith, they would not be able to answer.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
“Erasing Palestine”
The world is watching the genocide of an entire people right before its very eyes, and the sound of global indifference is deafening. If any other nation in the world was carrying out this deliberate carnage of innocents, global outrage would be off the Richter Scale. But the evil perpetrators of this willful human tragedy do not reside in Berlin; they reside in Tel Aviv, and the world—especially the Western World, meaning especially the United States—is utterly apathetic to the plight of these suffering, dying people, most of whom are innocent women, children and the elderly. From Day One, meaning December 1947, Zionist Israel has not been held accountable for a single act of criminality, murder, torture, ethnic cleansing, the violation of human rights or even the deliberate, willful attack against the people of the United States when it attacked the U.S. Naval ship, the USS Liberty. No accountability! Zero! Zilch! Israel’s consistent history and established principles and mores are polar opposite from everything that evangelical pastors and Christians preach and teach each Sunday. Yet, evangelical pastors and Christians by a large margin continue to promote the unbiblical babble that Palestine is the Promised Land for “God’s Chosen People, the Jews” and America can only be blessed by God if we bless the Zionist state.
by Chuck Baldwin
CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | Anti-Peace Coalition (25:07)
CrossTalking with Dan Kovalik, Craig Pasta Jardula, and Kevork Almassian. The US and its closest allies are refusing to give peace a chance in Ukraine and Palestine. It is as if the word ‘peace’ is not part of their lexicon. In the meantime, Israel has been given the green light to do whatever it chooses, including ignoring international law and sidelining the rules of warfare.
Biden Election Strategy: `Let’s Fight Three Wars At Once!’
President Joe Biden announced last week that the United States would be funding – and possibly fighting – three wars in three different parts of the world at the same time … Nearly every word of Biden’s speech was untrue, including the preposterous suggestion that “American leadership is what holds the world together. American alliances are what keep us, America, safe.” … After a brutal attack on Israel by Hamas earlier this month, Israel declared war not just on the terrorists who attacked its territory, but on the entire population of Gaza itself … By dragging the United States into this war, President Biden has planted the seeds of innumerable 9/11-style blowback attacks on the US. Yet he has the audacity to claim that all of this is keeping us safe.
by Ron Paul
The Balfour Declaration Allowed Zionist Jews To Act As Terrorists: A Closer Look
The Balfour Declaration is a critical document in the history of the Middle East, Israel, and the Palestinian people. Issued on November 2, 1917, this brief letter signified British support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine and just so happened to be sent to the Zionist Lord Rothschild. However, this document and its aftermath are steeped in controversy. Let’s delve into the details surrounding the Balfour Declaration, its repercussions, and the debate surrounding its interpretation and implementation. The Balfour Declaration was a result of various political and historical developments. In the context of World War I, the British wanted to garner the support of the global Jewish community, particularly in Russia and the US, to exert pressure on their governments to either stay in or join the war effort against the Central Powers. Furthermore, the British were also interested in gaining control over Palestine due to its strategic location. The declaration, addressed to Lord Rothschild, a leading British Jew, read:
by The Exposé
The Incentivized Mass Murder Of Children (4:06)
by Greg Reese
Our Neofeudal, Neocolonial World
Once the chasm widens a bit more, the “efficient market” cover story bridge collapses into the abyss.
In the conventional view, Neofeudalism and Neocolonialism are mad fantasies: the world is an efficient market of buyers and sellers guided by the invisible hand of self-interest, overseen by a fair referee, the State. This is of course exactly what those benefiting from Neofeudalism and Neocolonialism would say: since I’m doing great, everyone’s doing great. The view from inside Neofeudal, Neocolonial monopolies is more realistic. Inside the Big Tech monopolies, the leaders quite rightly compare their digital empire to that of the East India Company, which ruled most of India as a private corporation so powerful that it was in many way its own State, even as the duties on its massive commerce funded the British state and expanded the British Empire by other means.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Divide Deepens As UNSC Fails To Pass Several Resolutions To Halt Gaza Fight
Geopolitical confrontation further impedes UN mechanism, prolongs conflict
A US-backed draft resolution on the Israel-Hamas conflict was vetoed for it did not reflect the world’s strongest calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, showing that the deadlock is deepening at the UN Security Council (UNSC) after several relevant drafts on the issue failed to pass in recent weeks. Some observers saw Washington as playing a proxy role for Israel, with an apparent long-term biased view at the UNSC, impeding efforts to tackle the Israel-Palestine issue. The resolution drafted by the US would have reaffirmed Israel’s right to self-defense, urged respect for international laws — especially protection of civilians — and called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver desperately needed aid to Gaza, the AP reported on Thursday. In Wednesday’s vote in the 15-member council, 10 countries voted in favor, Russia, China and the United Arab Emirates voted against. The resolution was not adopted because permanent council members Russia and China cast vetoes. The draft is seriously out of balance and confuses right and wrong, was introduced in haste and lacked the consensus it deserved, Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the UN, said in an explanation of the vote. It does not reflect the world’s strongest calls for a ceasefire and an end to the fighting, and it does not help resolve the issue, Zhang said.
by Chen Qingqing
Antony Blinken Is A Holocaust Liar by Dr. E. Michael Jones (7:43)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
From Balfour To Now (1917-2023), Western Duplicity Covers Israeli State Terrorism And Genocide
The cynicism and duplicity of Western governments in the face of an appalling, daily massacre of Palestinian civilians is monstrous. Hundreds of men, women and children are being murdered every day by non-stop Israeli aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip. Hospitals, mosques, churches and family homes are being deliberately targeted with no warnings. This is premeditated state terrorism, all with full Western support. Hospitals are so overwhelmed by casualties that bodies can’t even be identified nor afforded the final dignity of a shroud. Mangled, bloody corpses are left strewn on hospital grounds. Petrified children have their names written on their hands in case they are killed so as to allow them to be identified, as reported by Matt Kennard. The situation is heartrending and utterly profane. The Gaza population of 2.3 million is at the mercy of bombs raining down. The Israeli authorities last week warned people to move to the southern end of the 40-kilometer coastal enclave purportedly out of harm’s way, only for the air strikes to hit supposedly designated safe zones.
by Finian Cunningham
Biden Makes Light Of Soaring Gaza Death Toll, Calls Deaths Of Innocents ‘Price To Pay’
As the death toll in the Gaza Strip nears 7,000, including 2,700 children, the US president is doubling down on attempts to whitewash the devastation caused by Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign
US President Joe Biden on 25 October said that he has “no notion” that the Health Ministry in Gaza, journalists, and humanitarian groups are telling the truth about the soaring number of civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip 18 days into Israel’s indiscriminate carpet bombing campaign. “What they say to me is I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. I’m sure innocents have been killed, and it’s the price of waging a war,” Biden said Wednesday during a joint press conference with Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. “I have no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using,” the US president added. However, he did not explain why he believes Palestinians lie about the genocide unfolding in Gaza. Biden doesn’t have confidence in the Gaza death toll: “I have no notion if Palestinians are telling the truth…I’m sure innocents have been killed & it is the price of waging war..Israel should be incredibly careful to ensure they’re going after the folks propagating this war.” pic.twitter.com/iOs24eaV4I — Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) October 25, 2023. Despite Biden’s alleged apprehensions, as of 26 October, the death toll in the Gaza Strip stands at over 6,500 – including at least 2,704 children.
by News Desk
Acapulco Looks Like Disaster Zone From The Ground After Category 5 Otis (0:45)
US Military Support To Israel: What And How?
With the Israel-Hamas conflict nearing its third week, the US has taken a clear stand as a steadfast ally of Israel, offering both political and military support. It has played the same tune as Israel when it comes to a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, which has been pummelled by Israeli bombs that have now killed more than 7,000 Palestinians, including over 2,900 children and more than 1,700 women. At the diplomatic level, it has opposed resolutions calling for a ceasefire, pushing, instead, its own proposals for temporary “humanitarian pauses”. On the military front, the support has ranged from arms and ammunition, to consultancy from top-level commanders. We are definitely seeing very strong support from the US to Israel focused on the Israeli objective of eliminating Hamas
by Anadolu Agency
Campaign Against US, UK Arms Sale To Israel Gains Further Steam Across World
A new campaign to shut down weapons companies in the US and UK over providing arms to the Israeli regime has gained further momentum, expanding across northern America, Europe and Australia.
The campaign, titled Palestine Action, was launched days after Israel waged a large-scale war on Gaza on October 7, which has claimed the lives of thousands of innocent Palestinians, including women and children. On October 12, the organizers of Palestine Action US took direct action against Israel’s largest weapons manufacturer, Elbit Systems at its so-called “Innovation Center” in the US city of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Activists blockaded Elbit’s main entrance and defaced the building with red paint and graffiti, rebuking Elbit for profiteering from Israeli war crimes against Palestinians. “Elbit Systems will not conduct business as usual in our city, while their weapons are mass murdering the Palestinian people right now,” the activists said. “What Israel is doing to Palestine is nothing short of a genocide and Elbit has blood on their hands.”
by PressTV
Israel Is Genociding Gaza (1:16:31)
by TheCrowhouse
‘Mask Off’ For US As It Opposes Chinese Peace Mission In The Middle East
China has dispatched its special envoy to the Middle East in a bid to bring the latest escalation between Israel and Hamas to an end. Peace activist, writer and teacher KJ Noh said the US response exposed its warmongering nature. The US has unmasked its true nature by blocking efforts by China and other nations to bring peace to the Middle East, says a peace activist. Chinese special envoy to the Middle East Zhai Jun said on Monday he had already visited Qatar and Egypt and would now travel to the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other countries in the region “to further strengthen coordination with relevant parties to promote ceasefire, end violence and mitigate the situation.” More than 5,700 civilians have been killed and some 18,000 injured in the besieged Gaza Strip by Israeli Defence Forces bombing since the armed wing of the Hamas movement launched a surprise attack into southern Israel on October 7. The victims include 2,360 children, almost 1,300 women and 300 elderly people. Last week the US blocked UN Security Council motions moved by Russia and Brazil calling for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian territories and for civilians to be protected. Washington has also sent two US Navy aircraft carrier strike groups and a seaborne assault flotilla to the region to back up Israel.
by James Tweedie
Reps. Massie And McGovern Seeking House Members’ Signatures For Letter To President Biden Asking For Dropping Charges Against Julian Assange
Julian Assange of WikiLeaks is in a precarious situation. His legal defense team has been repeatedly rebuffed in its efforts to secure his release from prison in Britain where he suffers from abysmal conditions and to prevent his extradition to the United States. In America, Assange is set to face prosecution for helping expose the secret and disturbing reality of US government actions, including involving war. Any day now, Assange may find himself being flown to America where he could suffer imprisonment in harsh conditions for the remainder of his life. It is crunch time for trying to secure freedom for this heroic exposer of government wrongdoing. Given this situation, an effort being undertaken by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) is of utmost importance. McGovern and Massie, who is an Advisory Board member for the Ron Paul Institute, are circulating in the US House of Representatives a letter expressing opposition to prosecuting Assange. The letter to President Joe Biden requests that Biden drop both the US government’s requested extradition and its ongoing prosecution efforts in regard to Assange.
by Adam Dick
October 26, 2023, 40 Posts Published
“Some people will never be satisfied until their point of view prevails and everybody else is silenced”
Doug Christie
Communism Archive With 991 Posts
New War Order
Israel, Gaza and World War III: Uncomfortable Truths
We are hurtling towards the precipice. Israel’s grotesque truly wicked and inhuman slaughter of the people of Gaza, an ethnic cleansing if ever I saw one, is, I fear, not what it appears to be. It is, I suspect, far more than a simple, inhuman retaliation in response to what we are asked to believe was an unexpected terrorist attack. The New World Order has become the New War Order. Everything is going according to plan. Nothing is happening by accident. We had the artificial pestilence. We have the very real famine – with countless millions dying around the world. Outstanding hubris, anger, ambition, greed, a lack of empathy, a lasting sense of injustice at being settled in the only bit of the Middle East with no oil under it, and an extraordinary sense of self-importance and self-righteousness have combined to make Israel lose all sense of proportion and decency and behave in a way which is arousing global dismay and loathing. If Hamas is a terrorist group then Israel is clearly a terrorist country. If bombing innocent civilians is an act of terrorism (which, of course, it is) then how else can Israel now be described – other than as a rogue, terrorist state? If a man kills someone I care about, am I entitled to kill not him but the people around him, innocent people who just happen to live in the same town? Of course not. Israel has gone rogue.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Israel-Palestine Live: Gaza ‘Strangled’ As Fuel Runs Out
Israeli forces intensify arrest campaign in West Bank as over 8,000 are killed or missing in Gaza
Family of Al Jazeera journalist killed
US officials preparing dissent cables
Erdogan decries ’embarrassing’ silence of Gaza ‘massacre’
by MiddleEastEye
Maine Gov. Confirms 18 Killed, 13 More Injured In Mass Shootings Overnight, Suspect Still At Large
Update: (1145ET): Maine Gov. Janet Mills said at a press conference that 18 people were killed and 13 people were injured in last night’s attacks. “This is a dark day for Maine,” Mills said. Earlier, a federal law-enforcement official said a shooter killed at least 22 people. The Wall Street Journal reports that Maine State Police worked through the night alongside local officers and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to find Robert Card, 40 years old, who was their sole person of interest in the shootings.”Card is considered armed and dangerous,” said Mike Sauschuck, Maine’s public-safety commissioner. “We’re gonna not stop until we locate him,” Lisbon police chief, Ryan McGee, told a local TV station as the manhunt continued early Thursday. Of course, it did not take long for President Biden to demand gun reform: “Today, in the wake of yet another tragedy, I urge Republican lawmakers in Congress to fulfill their duty to protect the American people,” he wrote. “Work with us to pass a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to enact universal background checks, to require safe storage of guns, and end immunity from liability for gun manufacturers.”
by Tyler Durden
Israel’s Biblical Psychopathy
I am tired of reading that Netanyahu is a psychopath. He most certainly is not. I see no reason to consider him, or any other Israeli leader, as psychopaths in the psychiatric sense. They have a collective psychopathy, which is a very different thing. The difference is the same as between a personal neurosis and a collective neurosis. According to Freud, religion (and he meant christianity) is a collective neurosis. Freud did not mean that religious people are neurotic. On the contrary, he observed that their collective neurosis tends to immunize religious people from personal neurosis.[1] I do not subscribe to Freud’s theory, I just need his backing to introduce my own theory: Zionists, even the most bloodthirsty of them, are not individual psychopaths; many of them are loving and even self-sacrificing persons within their own community. Rather, they are the vectors of a collective psychopathy, which means a special way (we may call it inhuman) by which they collectively see and interact with other human communities. This is a crucial point, without which we can never understand Israel. Calling their leaders psychopaths is not helpful. What we need is recognize Israel as a collective psychopath, and study the origin of this unique national character. It is a matter of survival for the world, just as it is a matter of survival for any group to recognize the psychopath among them and understand his patterns of thinking and of behavior.
by Laurent Guyénot
Urbana Profanost: EMJ On Palestine (1:07:41)
Dr. Jones discusses the heightening conflict and genocide being imposed on the people of Gaza.
Two Calgary Men Charged For Private Conversation En Route To City’s Million Person March
One man was handcuffed by police after his private conversation was reported by another passenger on a Calgary train.
CALGARY, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) — Two Calgary men are facing charges after someone reported their private conversation on city transit while they travelled to the province’s Million Person March last month. On October 24, The Democracy Fund (TDF) announced that they will represent the two men, who were ticketed following their conversation. “The men, who have not been told what they did to contravene the by-law, report having had a private conversation on the C-train with a like-minded passenger enroute to the march,” TDF said in a news release. The men were charged with violating the city bylaw which prohibits public transit users from engaging in activity that would “interfere with the comfort, convenience, or quiet use and enjoyment of the transit system of any reasonable person.” However, the city of Calgary has yet to disclose the details of their conversation which are allegedly opposed to the bylaw.
by Marie Merkowsky
Grave New World T-Shirt
Miscreants and monsters of the New World Order.
by Artoons-org
Kremlin Responds To Biden’s ‘New World Order’ Pledge
The US president is right that a global change is necessary, just not the one he seeks, Moscow believes
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Monday that Russia agrees with US President Joe Biden’s comment made last week that the current global order has lost steam. However, he added that the outcome may not align with the White House’s expectations. “The world indeed needs a new order, based on absolutely new principles,” the Russian official claimed. According to Peskov, the new arrangement should be based on “international laws, not [arbitrary] rules” and devoid of attempts “to concentrate all mechanisms of global governance in the hands of a single nation.” He believes that Moscow differs significantly on this point. “Whatever new world order the US envisions, it means an American-centric world order. A world revolving around the US. This will not be anymore,” Peskov added.
by RT
US Treasury Deficit Doubles As Biden Bankrolls Multiple Foreign Conflicts
The US is going further into the red with as it arms its client states for a series of conflicts. Sergio Rossi, professor of macroeconomics and monetary economics at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, said the strategies to avoid a default would only prove to be a “time-bomb.” US President Joe Biden’s appeal for cash to arm Ukraine and Israel could meet resistance from Congress thanks to the runaway federal budget. Treasury department figures released late last week showed the government deficit had hit almost £1.7 trillion, up from £1.37 trillion a year earlier, a 23 percent increase in the public debt – although lower than the $2.78 trillion left by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. The news was worse than it sounded however. The 2022 deficit included the budget for Biden’s student loan repayment program, money that was never spent as the Supreme Court struck it down. The treasury then claimed those unspent public funds as a “saving” in 2023 – meaning the true deficit doubled from $1 trillion in 2022 to $2 trillion this year.
by James Tweedie
You Are Not Going To Believe This (1:58)
by Katie Hopkins
Why Are The Israelis Massacring Civilians In Gaza? Because They Can Get Away With It
They know outrage will be temporary and amnesia long
Israeli forces terror-bombed Beirut throughout the summer of 1982. In the West in English there is exactly one book about it: God Cried by Catherine Leroy and Tony Clifton. The Lebanese have almost no memorial and certainly no museum devoted to the bombing of hospitals, schools and apartment blocks, just like now, in Gaza. The Israeli government is well aware of this forgetfulness and they calculate their atrocities and war crimes accordingly.
by Michael Hoffman
Antony Blinken Is A Holocaust Liar
In May of 2023, the Biden Administration released the first U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, a document which President Biden claimed “represents the most ambitious and comprehensive U.S. government-led effort to fight antisemitism in American history.”[i] The historical significance of this document diminished considerably in light of the legal disclaimer which preceded its content. According to that disclaimer: The U.S National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism does not supersede, modify, or direct an interpretation of any existing federal, state, or local statute, regulation, or policy. It does not constitute binding guidance for the public, states, localities, or Federal agencies and therefore does not require compliance with the principles described herein. The strategy does not purport to alter or preempt existing statutes, regulations, policies, or the requirements of the Federal, state, or local agencies that enforce them. The strategy shall therefore be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations. Nothing in this strategy shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect or influence the authority of the Department of Justice, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in the performance of their responsibilities with regard to the direction, conduct, control, planning, investigation, organization, equipment training, exercises, or other activities concerning counterterrorism, intelligence, and law enforcement activities. Such activities are outside the scope of the strategy. This strategy should also therefore not be construed to discuss or comment on any ongoing federal litigation or investigation.[ii]
by E. Michael Jones
Hypnosis Plus Meditation May Boost Relaxation Benefits
Too stressed to meditate? A new treatment combining hypnosis with mindfulness has delivered promising results and may be a faster, easier way to chill out than traditional meditation
Researchers from Baylor University in Waco, Texas, explored the feasibility of an intervention called “mindful hypnotherapy” as a calming technique for highly stressed people. Mindful hypnotherapy is a novel integration of two practices: mindfulness, a type of meditation that involves focusing on awareness of the present moment, and hypnotherapy, which uses hypnosis to relax an individual’s conscious mind so that suggestions for symptom reduction may be introduced to the subconscious mind. Published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, the randomized, controlled pilot study, titled, “Mindful Hypnotherapy to Reduce Stress and Increase Mindfulness,”[i] hypothesized that adding hypnotic suggestion during meditation can deliver more impactful results in less time than a typical mindfulness routine, which often requires months of practice and training in order to achieve deeper states of relaxation.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
American Christians Have Blood On Their Hands As Their Prejudice And Hatred Of Muslims Fuels War And The Slaughter Of Innocent People
There is little doubt that Muslims are prejudged and discriminated against most by Zionist Christians (although not all of them) here in the U.S. Every day I see articles in my newsfeed from the Conservative Right alternative media that condemn ALL Muslim people, with names of their publications including names like “Bare Naked Islam” and “Jihad Watch”, where they refer to all Muslims as “terrorists” or evil people. These Zionist Christians pretend to be experts on Islam and what it teaches, claiming that the goal of Islam and the Quran is to kill Christians and setup Islamic law in their countries. But I wonder how many of these self-proclaimed “experts” have ever actually met a Muslim to confirm their rhetoric, or ever visited a Muslim country? Sadly, because the propaganda of Western politics effectively divides our public between “Left and Right”, with anyone daring to question the Western view of Islam labeled as “liberal,” I can already anticipate the attacks and hate comments and emails that the Zionists will attempt to post here, who will claim that I am a “liberal” and a supporter of Islam.
by Brian Shilhavy
Medical Murder Is The #1 Cause Of Death In The U.S. – By Design! Part 6: How? The American Dream (1:02:37)
Last week we covered Part 5: When? What Began in the Garden Is on Steroids Today. Today, we cover Part 6: How? The American Dream. In this final puzzle piece, we discuss how the PSYOP of The American Dream had us trade our freedom for a lie. Think about it. People are too expensive; the planet doesn’t have enough resources. If Satan is successful at selling these lies, what we see happening in real time fits like a glove. This project is a culmination of thousands of hours of research since Grace’s death. For those of you who have been following our story, you know I’ve become a full-time advocate. When I’m not sharing the story on multiple platforms, I’m working on the legal case, with the balance and lion’s share of the time researching. This research project can hopefully be used for God’s glory to wake people up. The seven parts follow the way we should investigate to find the truth: Who, What, Where, Why, When, How, and Now What.
by Deprogramming With Graces Dad
social contract salad
the underpinnings of civilization: why melting pots work and salad bowls don’t
the history of civilization is far less top down than what is taught in the tiresome tutelage of kings and conquests. mostly, it’s a bottoms up phenomenon of “trying things, seeing what works, and retaining that knowledge in useful forms.” if one were seeking a definition for “culture” you could certainly do a lot worse than that. the meaningful history of a people emerges from the people. it comes to determine the underlying salients and presumptions by which we may interact with and relate to one another. if we posit the idea of the social contract not as a literal thing but rather as a metaphor for the evolved and emergent societal systems and mores coalescing out of the sort of positive law substrate that comes to underpin the expected relationships of groups of people through their repeated, successful interaction, then we must rapidly come to some interesting conclusions about the impossibility of such emergence without a certain degree of convergence in attitude and belief.
by el gato malo
If Israel Stops Murdering Thousands Of Children, The Bad Guys Might Win
You see kids, Israel needs to keep dropping bombs on buildings full of children and targeting civilians with siege warfare and murdering Palestinians in the West Bank and censoring the media and arresting dissidents and killing journalists, because if it doesn’t, the bad guys will win. No no you don’t understand: if Israel stops killing children by the thousands in its relentless bombing campaign, the nation could be taken over by murderous terrorists. One of the dumbest things Israel apologists ask us to believe is this bizarre narrative that Hamas bears 100 percent of the responsibility for the children killed by Israeli bombs, and Israel bears zero percent of the responsibility. It’s just self-evidently moronic and nonsensical. And the thing about this framing is there’s no upper limit on it. If Israel kills 10,000 children, Hamas killed 10,000 children. If Israel kills 100,000 children, then Hamas killed 100,000 children. If Israel exterminates all the Palestinians, then Hamas exterminated all the Palestinians.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Israel-Palestine War: What Is The Endgame?
As the conflict drags on, the regional decline in Israeli and American influence could become a decisive factor
Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has said the Israeli government’s plan for Gaza includes a ground invasion, a long-term presence, a new “security regime” in Gaza, along with “the removal of Israel’s responsibility for life in the Gaza Strip”. He did not say what that new security regime would entail. Gallant has also said that Gaza’s area would shrink with the creation of a buffer zone. Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has declared that it is not only Israel’s right, but also its duty to defend its citizens. Acknowledging that civilians will inevitably suffer in this war, he emphasised Israel’s obligation to protect its people. At the same time, the northern Israeli front with Lebanon has escalated to a dangerous state of daily military clashes, which could lead to a comprehensive and devastating war. While neither side wants this, the situation is approaching a critical juncture. Some Israeli analysts have called for a preemptive strike on the northern front, since after the Gaza plan is completed, it would be unacceptable to have a force in Lebanon that is significantly stronger than Hamas. Other voices have emphasised the need for international pressure to de-escalate.
by Ameer Makhoul
Daria Dugina’s Assassination Orchestrated By Ukrainian Intelligence – Report
Daria Dugina, the daughter of a prominent Russian political philosopher Alexander Dugin, was killed on August 20, 2022 when the SUV she was driving was destroyed by a powerful explosion. The assassination of Russian journalist Daria Dugina was orchestrated by the Security Service of Ukraine, a US newspaper quoted unnamed sources as saying. The sources claimed that “the cluttered car carrying a mother and her 12-year-old daughter seemed barely worth the attention of Russian security officials as it approached a border checkpoint. But the least conspicuous piece of luggage — a crate for a cat — was part of an elaborate, lethal plot.” According to the insiders, “Ukrainian operatives had installed a hidden compartment in the pet carrier, and used it to conceal components of a bomb. Four weeks later, the device detonated just outside Moscow in an SUV being driven” by Daria Dugina, the daughter of prominent Russian political philosopher Alexander Dugin.
by Sputnik
Hamas Leader Blows Whistle: We Are “CIA Psy-Op” To Advance Globalist Agenda (11:20)
by The People’s Voice
The Profitable Destruction Of Americans’ Health
Left unsaid in all the statistics and handwringing is the obvious truth: all this unhealthy junk food is immensely profitable.
The destruction caused by decay is just as catastrophic as the destruction wrought by calamity. The difference is we don’t notice the decay until it’s too late. When a wood-frame house is knocked down by a hurricane, earthquake or bulldozer, we are stunned and mortified by the destruction. But when termites or dry-rot eat away the framing for years until the house collapses, no single event triggers a response: we set aside evidence of the eventual negative consequences and reckon we can deal with it later. The collapse of Americans’ health has proceeded in much the same fashion. According to Diabetes in 1964: A World Survey, the global rate of diagnosed diabetes in 1964 was estimated to be around 1% to 2%. In the US, 1% of the populace was diagnosed with diabetes (11 diagnosed cases per 1,000 people), and an estimated 8 cases per 1,000 were as yet undiagnosed.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Mary Ferrell Foundation Is Phone-Friendly
Another state of the art technological advance from the Internet’s largest collection of JFK assassination records
The website of the Mary Ferrell Foundation is phone-friendly! This latest technological advancement, orchestrated by MFF president and programmer extraordinaire Rex Bradford, significantly improves the website experience for mobile users, who are some 25 percent of the site’s visitors. Last year the MFF document viewer was redesigned to work better on phones and other devices. Now the entire website is “responsive,” adapting to the size of your screen or device. No more pinch-zooming in hopes of reading tiny text. This is another step toward fulfilling MFF’s mission of making the historical record of JFK’s assassination available to everybody everywhere in the world.
by Jefferson Morley
New Study Shows How Female Frogs Defend Themselves Against Unwanted Mating (Text and Video)
During their earlier study on mate choice among breeding R. temporaria males, the researchers used video to record the frogs’ mating behavior. Their descriptions and quantifications of the female avoidance tactics they observed led to this new work. The researchers found that unreceptive females used three mating avoidance tactics: Rotating, in which the female attempts to rotate around her own body axis as a male with the goal of amplexus uses his hind feet to try to stop her; Release calls, described as grunts and squeaks emitted by females during amplexus; and Tonic immobility (feigning of death), in which a female stiffens with her arms and legs outstretched after amplexus by a male. The researchers observed all three behaviors by frogs in water, and they note that in one case, a female exhibited tonic immobility during a mating attempt on land.
by Stephanie Baum
Israel’s Actions In Gaza And International Law
The developments of the past few days in the Middle East have once again laid bare the brutality of decades-long conflict in Palestine, its grave impact on civilians and implications in the region and beyond. Palestinian people, who have been driven from their homeland, sometimes multiple times, continue to suffer under the oppressive control of the occupation and a ruthless and inhuman regime of apartheid. The Gaza Strip, in particular, has been reeling under the heavy yoke of blockade and siege for over a decade and half. Beyond occupation of Palestinian territories, unequivocally considered illegal under international law and the primary cause of vicious cycles of violence in the holy land, there is a need to dissect Israel’s actions from the perspective of “laws of war” – the body of international law which in essence is concerned with minimising the impact of war and human suffering and protection of civilians.
by Atif Raza
We’ve Got A Serious Compliance Problem (21:17)
The largest government in history is not even remotely close to the system the founders set up under the Constitution. Things didn’t get like this overnight – and there’s a root cause for why it’ll keep getting worse. Understanding it is to also understand the solution.
by Tenth Amendment Center
British Site Reveals Israel’s History Of ‘Lying’
Middle East Eye has revealed, in a new report published this week, Israel’s history of making false claims after it blamed the attack on Gaza’s al-Ahli Arab hospital on Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement. Last Tuesday, close to 500 Palestinians were killed at al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza City in the Israeli air strike. Alex MacDonald wrote that in the aftermath of the destruction, a blame game has begun. The Palestinian Ministry of Health said the hospital had been targeted by an Israeli air strike. Hananya Naftali, a digital aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, tweeted initially that the “Israeli Air Force struck a Hamas terrorist base inside a hospital in Gaza. A multiple number of terrorists are dead.”
by PalInfo
Why Israel Created Hamas
Since the founding of Hamas in 1987, Israeli, American and Palestinian officials have repeatedly acknowledged that Israel did indeed help create and fund the Islamist group. The point made by many of these officials is not that Israel “allowed” the rise of Hamas or that Hamas emerged in response to Israeli “occupation” of Palestine. Rather, their point was and is that Israel’s intelligence agencies actively helped create and finance the Hamas group. As the officials cited below make clear, the overall goal of supporting Hamas has been to thwart the creation of a Palestinian state and avert the implementation of a two-state solution to the Palestine question. From Israel’s perspective, a two-state solution would reduce Israel’s territory to the internationally recognized pre-1967 borders, prohibit any future territorial expansion, and prevent the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city.
by Swiss Policy Research
Six Predictions From The Last Week’s Horrific Treasury Report
Now, according to the most recent Treasury Report, the federal government spent a whopping $879 billion on interest payments in FY23. But that’s with an average interest rate below 3%. Interest rates have now passed 5% and may be headed higher. He’s totally wrong, of course… as evidenced by the national debt having increased $2 trillion for Fiscal Year 2023. It’s worth noting that the national debt has already increased more than $500 billion just so far this month (October 2023). So this addiction to debt and spending does not seem to be abating anytime soon.
by Simon Black
Should You Get A Tradwife? Pros And Cons
Many on social media these days are talking about the trend of “Tradwives”, a totally new concept where women marry, have kids, take care of those kids, love their husbands, and engage in traditional home-making tasks. But is a tradwife right for you? Before you head on over to the wife store, be sure to consider these pros and cons:
by Babylon Bee
They Want You To Own Nothing (17:18)
Orit Dolev, who held the position of Commander at Intelligence Unit 8200 in the Israeli Intelligence Corps from 2006 to 2008, gave a TED talk where she claimed that in the near future we can own nothing but have everything and be happy. It’s just another trick to control us.
by Red Ice TV
How Much Longer Will Palestinians Be Martyr People
It’s not a real war. The bloody carnage in Israel and Palestine that we now witness is a large prison uprising being crushed by Israel’s military might … The US supplied warplanes, bombs and rockets pounding Palestinian fighters and civilians are being used in contravention of the US Arms Control Act which forbids use of American arms against civilian targets … The intensive punishment of Gaza, a crime under international law, began after its people voted in a free election for the Hamas movement over the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) … There are only two ways out of this bloody mess. Either drive millions of Palestinians into the desert in an act of genocide or create a long-delayed Palestinian state mandated by the United Nations but which has been long blocked by US vetoes and Israel resistance.
by Eric Margolis
Israel Can’t Imprison Two Million Gazans Without Paying A Cruel Price
Behind all this lies Israeli arrogance; the idea that we can do whatever we like, that we’ll never pay the price and be punished for it … We’ll fire at innocent people, take out people’s eyes and smash their faces, expel, confiscate, rob, grab people from their beds, carry out ethnic cleansing and of course continue with the unbelievable siege of the Gaza strip, and everything will be all right … The threats of “flattening Gaza” prove only one thing: We haven’t learned a thing … Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bears very great responsibility for what happened, and he must pay the price, but it didn’t start with him and it won’t end after he goes. We now have to cry bitterly for the Israeli victims, but we should also cry for Gaza. Gaza, most of whose residents are refugees created by Israel. Gaza, which has never known a single day of freedom.
by Gideon Levy
How Eisenhower Forced Israel To End Occupation After Sinai Crisis
On March 16, 1957, Israel withdrew under unrelenting United States pressure from all the territory it had occupied in the Sinai peninsula during its invasion of Egypt less than five months earlier … Eisenhower sent a forceful note to [Israeli premier] Ben-Gurion to withdraw. Again Ben-Gurion refused. At the same time, the influence of Israel’s supporters became intense. The White House was besieged by efforts to halt its pressure on the Jewish state … Ike did not depend only on words. While he expressed his principled position in public, privately that same day he sent a stern message to Ben-Gurion warning of punitive actions if Israel did not withdraw … America and Eisenhower emerged from the crisis with enhanced moral authority and prestige around the world.
by Donald Neff
The History Of Electricity – A Timeline
1752 By tying a key onto a kite string during a storm, Ben Franklin , proved that static electricity and lightning were the same. His correct understanding of the nature of electricity paved the way for the future.
1800 First electric battery invented by Alessandro Volta. The “volt” is named in his honor.
1808 Humphry Davy invented the first effective “arc lamp.” The arc lamp was a piece of carbon that glowed when attached to a battery by wires.
1820 Separate experiments by Hans Christian Oersted, A.M. Ampere, and D.F.G. Arago confirmed the relationship between electricity and magnetism.
1821 The first electric motor was invented by Michael Faraday.
1826 Georg Ohm defined the relationship between power, voltage, current and resistance in “Ohms Law.”
1831 Using his invention the induction ring, Michael Faraday proved that electricity can be induced (made) by changes in an electromagnetic field. Faraday’s experiments about how electric current works, led to the understanding of electrical transformers and motors.
Joseph Henry separately discovered the principle of electromagnetic induction but didn’t publish his work. He also described an electric motor.
1832 Using Faraday’s principles, Hippolyte Pixii built the first “dynamo,” an electric generator capable of delivering power for industry. Pixxi’s dynamo used a crank to rotate a magnet around a a piece of iron wrapped with wire. Because this devise used a coil of wire, it produced spikes of electric current followed by no current.
October 23, 2023, 40 Post Published
“Those who would give up essential Liberty,
to purchase a little temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”
Benjamin Franklin
Talmud Archive With 1,796 Posts
What Don’t They Own?
Susan Wojcicki (CEO YouTube) JEWISH, Anne Wojcicki (CEO 23andMe) JEWISH, Ben Silbermann (CEO pinterest) JEWISH, Bob Rosenschein (Founder Answers.com) JEWISH, David Karp (Founder tumblr) JEWISH, Doug Leeds (CEO Ask.com) JEWISH, Jan Koum (CEO and co-founder of WhatsApp) JEWISH, Jeff Weiner (CEO LinkedIn) JEWISH, Sean Rad (Co-founder & twice the CEO of Tinder) JEWISH, Elie Seidman (CEO Tinder) JEWISH, Michael Hayward (Co-founder and CEO of Whisper) JEWISH, Marc Randolph (Co-founder & former CEO of Netflix) JEWISH, Reed Hastings (CEO Netflix) JEWISH, Jordan Hoffner (Head of Content Partnerships YouTube) JEWISH, Jeffrey Goldberg (editor in Chief, The Atlantic) JEWISH, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) JEWISH, Brian L. Roberts (Chairman & CEO of Comcast) JEWISH, Philippe Dauman (CEO Viacom) JEWISH, Safra Catz Oracle (CEO of Oracle) JEWISH, Michael Dell (Founder, CEO & Chairman of EMC VMware) JEWISH, Gabriel Weinberg (Founder & CEO of DuckDuckGo) JEWISH, Sergey Brin (Co-founder of Google & Co-owner of Alphabet – parent of google) JEWISH, Larry Page (Co-founder of Google & Co-owner of Alphabet – parent of google) JEWISH.
by milissa61
Great Speech On Israel Violations Of International Law (4:48)
Dozens Of Israeli Soldiers Killed, Wounded By Hezbollah
Hezbollah has carried out daily attacks against Israel since the start of the ongoing war against Gaza
Around 40 Israeli soldiers have been killed or injured, and at least 10 Merkava tanks were destroyed by Hezbollah during recent clashes with the Israeli army on the Lebanese border. “Since October 7, Hezbollah has so far destroyed 10 Israeli Merkava tanks and 4 troop carriers, while 40 [Israeli] soldiers were killed or wounded, as per Israeli media,” Al-Mayadeen reported on 19 October. It adds that at least two armored vehicles, one Hummer, and 20 radar and surveillance sites have also been destroyed. 28 Hezbollah fighters have also been killed in the fighting. Since Hamas launched its daring operation against Israel on 7 October, Hezbollah has carried out daily attacks against the Israeli army on the southern Lebanese border. Israel has been responding with airstrikes and violent shelling on Lebanese border villages, including with the use of white phosphorus. Hezbollah’s attacks have included guided missile strikes on Israeli outposts and military sites, as well as targeting of surveillance equipment such as cameras, radars, and surveillance towers. The resistance group’s media page released videos on 22 October showing Israeli surveillance towers being subjected to numerous explosions after targeting by Hezbollah that day. These were the latest of several attacks against Israeli surveillance sites.
by News Desk
Israeli Minister Threatens To Wipe Iran’s Leaders ‘Off The Face Of The Earth’
Nir Barkat has said drastic action will be taken against Tehran if its ally Hezbollah joins the war
Israeli Economy Minister Nir Barkat warned on Sunday that the military is ready to “eliminate” the Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah and strike Iran if they open up a “northern front” in the current conflict. “The plan of Iran is to attack Israel on all fronts. If we find they intend to target Israel, we will not just retaliate to those fronts, but we will go to the head of the snake, which is Iran,” Barkat told The Mail on Sunday. He added “the ayatollahs in Iran are not going to sleep good at night” if they move against Israel. Barkat warned that Lebanon and Hezbollah, which is backed by Tehran, “are going to pay a heavy price, similar to what Hamas is going to pay.” Israel would go “after the heads of Iran” if necessary, the minister said. “Israel has a very clear message to our enemies. We are saying to them, look what’s happening in Gaza – you are going to get the same treatment if you attack us. We are going to wipe you off the face of the Earth.”
by RT
It’s Not Just Gaza – Israel Is Also Killing Scores In The West Bank
Gaza has been in the spotlight for two weeks; meanwhile the West Bank has seen more than its share of Israeli violence. Israelis have killed at least 84 people, including children, in the occupied West Bank since October 7… And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Here are a few samples from the last seven days.
The occupied Palestinian West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has not been making headlines lately. When it does get noticed, it is often portrayed as an equal partner with Israel in violence. For example, a recent New York Times article used phrases like “the deadliest fighting” and “clashes with Israeli forces and armed Israeli settlers.” In reality, “deadly fighting” means, in this particular case, 13 Palestinians and 1 Israeli were killed. This was the first Israeli to lose his life in the West Bank since August. The numbers of dead tend to be this lopsided because Israel’s military are heavily armed and armored, and have advanced weapons, drones, helicopters, and tanks. Palestinians have a very limited number of weapons and little or no protective gear. “Clashes,” then, generally consist of large Israeli forces invading a town or refugee camp, sealing off roads, and using their superior equipment against lightly armed militants and large numbers of civilians who protest their very presence in Palestinian areas. Israeli soldiers frequently use live ammunition as a crowd dispersal method. Palestinian casualty figures are also higher because after shooting a Palestinian, Israeli soldiers often block medics and ambulances until the victim has bled to death. Below are a few examples of recent West Bank news (with links to full articles).
by Kathryn Shihadah
Hamas And IDF Ground Forces Clash For 1st Time Inside Gaza: Israeli Soldier Killed, Others Wounded
Update(1515ET): Hamas has claimed to have repelled a brief Israeli ground incursion, in what marks the first such reported direct ground fight between two sides in Gaza. The Al-Qassam Brigades announced its fighters destroyed two Israeli military bulldozers and a tank as part of an ambush amid the IDF’s conducting ‘limited’ incursions into the strip. “The soldiers of the Zionist force that fell into the Khan Younis ambush left their vehicles and fled east of the fence on foot,” the Hamas wing said on social media. The IDF as expected did not confirm the claims, saying only that “shots were fired at IDF soldiers operating west of the Gaza Strip security fence, in the area of Kissufim.” Instead, the IDF said only that “An IDF tank struck the terrorist cell who fired at the soldiers” – but did confirm its forces were operating inside Gaza at the time of the incident. The IDF appears to have begun taking casualties, and the major ground offensive has yet to even begin. Importantly, an IDF statement cited in a fresh Times of Israel update appears to back Hamas’ account of repelling the IDF tank and bulldozers.
by Tyler Durden
Palestinian Journalist Yara Eid Exposes Israeli War Crimes (4:18)
Live Updates: Death Toll From Israeli Strikes On Gaza Strip Exceeds 5,000
Hostilities have been raging around the Gaza Strip for over two weeks. Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack, firing thousands of missiles and catching the IDF off guard. The Israeli government introduced a humanitarian blockade of the Gaza Strip and launched retaliatory strikes on the region. This weekend, the Israeli army vowed to intensify attacks on the Gaza Strip while preparing for a full-scale ground operation in the hot spot. Earlier, a missile hit the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, virtually destroying the building and killing nearly 500 people, according to data provided by Palestinian health officials. Both Gaza Strip and Israel traded blame over the incident, as near-border tensions in the Middle East region are escalating. The hostilities have already resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries on both sides.
by Sputnik
Israel’s Deepening Attacks In Gaza Likely To Embroil More Military Forces Into Conflicts: Experts
US getting bogged down as Palestine-Israel conflict escalates: observer
Leaders and top officials from more than a dozen countries gather in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, on October 21, 2023, for a conference to discuss ways to “de-escalate” the Israel-Hamas war amid growing fears of a wider Middle East conflict. Israel’s deepening attacks in Gaza for what it has called the “next stage of the war” are likely to embroil more regional military forces, such as Lebanon’s Hezbollah, in the conflict which has lasted for more than two weeks, as well as increase the spillover risk and escalate anti-Israeli sentiment around the world, Chinese experts predict, as the Cairo Peace Summit aimed at de-escalation ended without a breakthrough. An escalation of Israeli military operations in Gaza could see the US bogged down in another crisis in the Middle East, Chinese experts said, as the US is sending additional air defense systems to the region and helping Israel to down missiles and drones. As Washington is drawn deeper into the conflict, its attention on the Asia-Pacific strategy may be diluted, experts said.
by Zhao Yusha
Blinken Rejects Idea Of Gaza Ceasefire Despite Massive Child Casualties
Blinken also claimed Hamas is preventing American citizens from fleeing the Gaza Strip
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday rejected the idea of the US calling for a ceasefire in Gaza when confronted with the massive number of child casualties in Israel’s onslaught. “UNICEF says 1,524 children have been killed in the Gaza Strip during these bombings. Why isn’t the US calling for at least a temporary ceasefire?” Margaret Brennan, the host of CBS News’s “Face the Nation,” asked Blinken. Blinken claimed that the death of children on both sides hits him “right in the heart” but did not criticize Israel’s vicious bombing campaign. He pointed to US efforts to get Israel to allow aid trucks to enter Gaza through Egypt, and Brennan then asked why the US isn’t pushing for at least a temporary ceasefire. “Israel has to do everything it can to make sure this doesn’t happen again,” Blinken said, referring to the October 7 Hamas attack. “Freezing things in place where they are now would allow Hamas to remain where it is and to repeat what it’s done some time in the future. No country could accept that,” Blinken said.
by Dave DeCamp
The Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Missouri v. Biden, Yhe Federal Government Social Media Censorship Case
The Supreme Court will make the final call.
A notable stride has been made in the long-waged battle against the Censorship Industrial Complex, with the US Supreme Court deciding to weigh in on the matter. The case in question, Missouri v. Biden, has the Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana pitted against the Biden administration, accusing it of advocating for censorship on social media platforms, particularly concerning discussions around Covid and election-related matters. The constitutional examination of the Censorship Industrial Complex is seen as a significant step toward upholding or dismantling barriers to free expression on digital platforms. The court decided to take up the case after the Biden administration asked for a stay on an injunction against its online censorship pressure.
by Dan Frieth
Nullify The Fed (26:48)
The federal reserve isn’t going to end itself. And congress isn’t going to cut off the engine that drives the biggest, most powerful government in the history of the world. It’s up to the states and the people to nullify it into oblivion – where it belongs.
by Tenth Amendment Center
US-Drafted Resolution On Israeli War On Gaza Does Not Call For Ceasefire: Report
The United States has submitted a draft for a UN Security Council resolution on Israel’s onslaught in Gaza without any mention of a ceasefire in it, a report says.
According to a document obtained by Russia’s TASS news agency, the US-drafted resolution condemned the Hamas resistance group’s Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, urged the release of war prisoners, and supported Israel’s so-called right to defend itself. However, it does not stipulate a call for a ceasefire. It also calls for the full respect of international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians, and recognizes the efforts of Qatar and other countries that led to the release of two Israelis on October 20, who had been kept as war prisoners by Hamas. The United States on October 18 vetoed Brazil’s draft resolution on the Middle East. Russia abstained from voting in light of the UN Security Council’s rejection of its suggested amendments to the document. The UK also abstained, while the remaining 12 members of the UN Security Council voted in favor of the resolution.
by PressTV
Israeli Airstrike On Church In Gaza Continues The Attack On Christians (Text and Video)
The church was sheltering 500 Christians and Muslims who had lost their homes in previous airstrikes.
The Church of Saint Porphyrius was hit by an Israeli airstrike on Thursday, October 19. The church was sheltering 500 Christians and Muslims who had lost their homes in previous airstrikes. Two people were confirmed dead and dozens injured, but the exact number of dead cannot be verified because those sheltering in the lower area of the church lay covered in rubble of the collapsed building. However, church sources on the scene, reported to their supporters in Manchester, Connecticut they are estimating 150-200 are dead. The Jewish State of Israel has declared war on the 3 million Palestinian civilians of Gaza, who are mainly Muslim, while the Christian community numbers about 2,000 people. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are attacking homes, hospitals, schools and churches since they launched Operation Swords of Iron in response to a large Hamas attack on Israeli civilians and soldiers beginning on October 7. The Christian faith originated in Palestine, in the streets of Bethlehem and Jerusalem in the Occupied West Bank, where the Christian community is larger than the Christian community in Gaza. In Gaza, there are three churches: Greek Orthodox Church, Baptist Church, and Roman Catholic Church.
by Steven Sahiounie
Dr. Mark Trozzi: COVID Insanity A ‘Big Psy-Op’ Against Doctors Who Succumbed To Fear, Greed (Text and Video)
In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac, Dr. Mark Trozzi detailed how the medical industry was psychologically cornered and cowed into top-down compliance by relentless COVID messaging from the government.
PETERBOROUGH, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Canadian Medical freedom fighter Dr. Mark Trozzi has exposed the dark money, political pressure, establishment corruption, and fake news that made the COVID-19 propaganda campaign a terror operation that brought the world to its knees. In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews’ co-founder Steve Jalsevac, Trozzi detailed how his decades-long experience in trauma medicine in Ontario stood in stark contrast to the COVID-19 narrative sung by the mainstream media and medical establishment at the outset of the so-called “pandemic.” “CBC and CNN and all these propagandists were telling people that the hospitals were full of people, sick with COVID, dying with COVID,” said Trozzi. “Well, I was in the hospitals, and they were empty. In fact, I had never I had such a quiet time in my career.” Unfortunately for Trozzi, this ‘quiet time’ was the calm before the cultural storm that would overtake his profession.
by Nick Marmalejo
Children Are Up To 52x More Likely To Die Following Covid-19 Vaccination Than Unvaccinated Children And The UK Government Is Trying To Hide It
The Office for National Statistics has revealed without realising it that children are up to 52 times more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine.
On 20th Dec 21, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published a dataset containing details on ‘deaths by vaccination status in England’ between 1st Jan and 31st Oct 21. The dataset contains various tables, such as, ‘Monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths involving COVID-19’, and ‘Monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for non-COVID-19 deaths’. What the dataset also includes is ‘age-standardised mortality rates by age-group and vaccination status for all deaths’, however, they have conveniently left out the data for children and only included data on age groups over the age of 18. What they also did in the data they included is bunch all young adults together meaning the rates of death are calculated for 18-39 year-olds, a total of 22 years. But for every other age group, the rates of death are calculated for a total of 10 years, with 40-49, 50-59 etc.
by The Exposé
The Mortal God Drops Its Mask (19:13)
“The Mortal God Drops Its Mask” is an essay that was first published on the Winter Oak website on 25th July 2023. It was written by W.D. James who teaches Philosophy in Kentucky, USA. The essay exposes the ideological and euphemistic notions of the ‘state’ for what it really is: a blunt instrument to crush dissent and individuals’ rights. In the COVID-19 era, the false ‘god’ was shamelessly revealed and states around the world eagerly declared war on the people. Winter Oak is a totally independent not-for-profit organisation with a serious aversion to the global mafia’s “development” agenda and a commitment to truth, freedom and social justice.
by Dr. Sam Bailey
Artificial Intelligence Hacking Of Human Brains – Nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence Merging With Quantum Computing And The Warnings Of Extinction (Text and Video)
In the lecture above Anthony J. Ferrante, Global Head of Cybersecurity and Senior Managing Director of FTI Consulting explains how AI can hack human minds, influence behaviors and even presidential elections. Of course I do not agree with his take that the Russian’s influenced the 2016 elections, but then Mr. Ferrante is part of the WEF, so this is certainly an understandable viewpoint. He worked for the FBI known to be involved in civilian targeting programs. I just want you to hear from an expert what most people are still in denial of.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
The George Washington Equestrian Statue In Union Square NYC Is Under Siege
Independence Day celebrants in New York City on July 4, 1856, were thrilled with the unveiling of the colossal George Washington equestrian statue in Union Square. The New York Herald reported that year on July 5th “When the covering fell, revealing the familiar lineaments of Washington, the universal burst of enthusiasm which arose from troops and citizens in salutation almost drowned the salvos of artillery.” “The statue itself is fourteen feet high. It was cast at Chicopee, Mass, and and weighs 4 tons. It occupied the artist Mr. Henry Kirke Brown for four years. Standing on a granite pedestal, which weighs 100 tons, the statue has an entire elevation of forty feet and is altogether the most prominent object in the square.” (Henry Kirke Brown’s Lincoln statue, dedicated September 16, 1870, faces his Washington statue in Union Square.)
by Patricia N. Saffran
When It Is Time To Say Goodbye
There are two things certain in life so it is said; death and taxes. To this might be added regrets and who better to ask what these misgivings might be than the brave nurses in palliative care. What are deathbed laments of regret? A gentle nurse says, ‘My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives. People grow a lot when faced with their own mortality.’ The nurse describes how facing whatever there might be in the great the hereafter, people go through a wide range of emotions. These go from regret and denial and on through fear, anger, and eventual acceptance. Comfortingly she adds that in every single case, her patients found deep inner peace before departing. When those about to shrug off their mortal coil were asked if there was anything they would have done differently there was a common theme. I wish I’d had the courage to be myself rather than what others expected of me. This was the most common regret.
by Michael Walsh
Christians Continue To Be Murdered In Gaza – Netanyahu Supported Both Hamas And Al Qaeda Terrorists?
It was widely reported this week in both the U.S. Corporate Media as well as in non-Western media sources, that Gaza’s oldest Christian Church was bombed leaving many people dead, including children. Former U.S. Representative Justin Amash has reported that some of his family members were killed in this attack. Amash is Palestinian, and was the sole member of the Libertarian Party in Congress. Sadly, what is often missing from the Zionist Western Media coverage of the war in the Middle East which seeks to pit Muslims against Jews, is the fact that there are very significant numbers of Arabs who are Christians, and always have been Christians, and are frequently murdered in these Israel/U.S.-Muslim conflicts.
by Brian Shilhavy
Janusry 6th: McCarthy Agreed To Release This Footage. He Lied. This Is One Of The Reasons He Is Gone. (2:13)
Ju Know What I’m Saying?
Noticing all the noticing.
If Benjamin Netanyahu was not already renowned as the young state of Israel’s first dictator, he would still be famous for his role in Silence of The Lambs as Buffalo Bill. The globalist Ziobot may not look like Buffalo Bill, but his diabolical monotonic screeds in the lower frequencies do him no favors in not sounding like him. It puts the propaganda on the networks or it gets the anti-semitism label again. It gives the settlement to the Jews or it gets the bomb again. It gives us billions more dollars or it gets the USS Liberty again, and the Epstein client list. There is no shortage of emotional manipulators in positions of power today, managing impressions and trying to nudge behavior, but nobody does it with such graceless aplomb, with such disregard for subtlety and tact as the Zionists and their conservative media shills. It stands with Israel or it gets the Jew-hater tag again. The holocaust, again. Hamas supporter! A wind-up doll with two-bit audio echoes like Howard Hughes cracking up in front of a bathroom mirror of Ciro’s. Anti-semite, anti-semite, anti-semite, anti-semite. It’s the way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future.
by Good Citizen
It Is Time For Freedom Of Speech In The Freedom Movement
We need to be disciplined enough to be present with the discomfort that comes with disagreement as we listen and communicate about all the critical issues of the day with each other~
There, in my inbox, was another substack essay on nanotechnology….a thoughtful, serious piece discussing why we should not fall for the concept that nanotechnology can actually control human behavior and thought or the way that human beings conduct themselves. The discussion made a lot of sense. And so do the microscopists – those scientists, including chemists, pathologists, engineers, and others examining the “COVID vaccines,” the nanotechnology, the quantum dots, the “white clots,” the graphene oxide, and all else being found in human blood and various matter present in human injectables, ingestables, and breathables.
by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
6 Natural Ibuprofen Alternatives Backed By Clinical Research
With the public’s growing awareness of the deadly side effects associated with the regular use of synthetic painkillers like ibuprofen, the need for natural, evidence-based alternatives has never been greater. People generally think that over-the-counter drugs are safer than physician-prescribed ones. Unfortunately that does not hold true for drugs like ibuprofen, consumed at a rate of billions of doses, annually, and responsible for thousands of cardiovascular disease-related deaths each year. Did you know that Merck’s blockbuster drug Vioxx caused more than 27,000 deaths and heart attacks between 1999 and 2003? In fact, it was the FDA’s own drug safety researcher, David Graham, who blew the whistle on the agency in 2004 at a Congressional hearing, estimating that over 60,000 Americans died as a result of its use, and the FDA’s inaction around their well-known side effects.
by Sayer Ji
Trudeau Announces Plans To Euthanize “Drug Addicts” And “Mentally Ill.”
The Canadian government has announced plans to begin euthanizing “drug addicts” and citizens with a range of mental illnesses. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government plans to relax current “assisted suicide” laws so that more Canadians who have become a burden on taxpayer-funded health care systems can use them, Hunter Fielding reports. However, critics compare the move to “modern eugenics”. When Canada’s medically assisted dying (MAID) law changes in March 2024, mental health patients, including those with substance abuse problems, without other physical conditions will be eligible to be legally euthanized by the state. A special parliamentary committee will re-examine the controversial move ahead of its implementation in coming months, following protests from Trudeau’s opponents in Canada. Daily Mail reports: More than 10,000 Canadians were euthanized in 2021, a tenfold increase from 2016 when the practice was legalized. In some cases, people living in poverty have agreed to die.
by Frontnieuws
Can Someone Please Tell Me What In The World Is Going On Here? (0:30)
Has The Primary Cause Of Cancer Been Hidden?
Just Like Diabetes And Heart Disease
Unfortunately for the many millions who have been injured or died, as well as their grieving relatives, the history of the explosive expansion of cancer throughout the world, has similar roots to the hidden diabetes story. On October 8, 1883, a son was born to Emil Warburg, a prominent Jewish physicist in Freiburg, Germany. When he was thirteen, the family moved to Berlin, where visitors to his parents’ home included some of the giants of the natural sciences—chemist Emil Fischer, physical chemist Walter Nernst, physiologist Theodor Wilhelm Engelmann. No one was surprised when young Otto, growing up in such an atmosphere, enrolled in the University of Freiburg to study chemistry. But by the time he received his Ph.D. in 1906, a growing disease epidemic had caught the attention of this ambitious young man. His was the first generation seriously to be affected by it. That disease was cancer. Cancer rates all over Europe had doubled since he was born, and he determined to devote his life to finding the reason and, hopefully, a cure. With this in mind he returned to school, receiving his M.D. from the University of Heidelberg in 1911.
by Terra Times
Sir Paul McCartney Tells Of Relief At Mending Broken Friendship With John Lennon Before The Beatles Legend Was Tragically Murdered In NYC Shooting
The Get Back singer remembers John as a witty and ‘sarcastic’ man who used his jokes and putdowns to shield himself against the world. He said: ‘John’s persona was very guarded, hopelessly guarded. That’s where all his wit came from. Like so many comedians, it’s to shield themselves against the world. ‘John having a very difficult upbringing – his father leaves home, his uncle dies and his mother gets killed – he could be very sarcastic. We all could, it was my way of dealing with my mother’s death. ‘There would often be a very witty put-down. It wouldn’t always be a put-down but it was always a very quick answer, and he’d trained himself to do that. ‘That was one of the attractive things about him. I remember him saying to me, “Paul, I worry about how people are going to remember me when I die”. ‘It shocked me and I said, “Hold it right there. People are going to think you were great”. I was like his priest. I’d say, “My son, you’re great”. It’d make him feel better.’
by Owen Tonks
Study Shows Neanderthals Inherited At Least 6% Of Their Genome From A Now-Extinct Lineage Of Early Modern Humans
Modern humans migrated to Eurasia 75,000 years ago, where they encountered and interbred with Neanderthals. A new study published in the journal Current Biology shows that at this time Neanderthals were already carrying human DNA from a much older encounter with modern humans. The Penn-led research team, including collaborators from Addis Ababa University, the University of Botswana, Fudan University, Hubert Kairuki Memorial University, and the University of Yaoundé, showed that an ancient lineage of modern humans migrated to Eurasia over 250,000 years ago where they interbred with Neanderthals. Over time, these humans died out, leaving a population with predominantly Neanderthal ancestry.
by Nathi Magubane, University of Pennsylvania
Gaza Invasion Could Take Three Months – Israel
By the time the operation is finished, “there will be no Hamas,” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has said
Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza could take up to three months, but will result in the final destruction of Hamas, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told members of the country’s Air Force on Sunday. “This needs to be the last [ground] maneuver in Gaza, for the simple reason that afterwards there will be no Hamas,” Gallant said at the Air Force’s headquarters in Tel Aviv in remarks carried by multiple Israeli media outlets. “It will take a month, two months, three, but in the end, there will be no Hamas.” Within days of Hamas’ October 7 assault on Israel, the Israeli military had called up some 360,000 reservists and begun drawing up plans to invade Gaza. Despite Gallant stating numerous times since then that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are ready to launch such an operation, a final order to invade has yet to be given.
by RT
October 22, 2023, 40 Post Published
“The strength and power of despotism consists wholly in the fear of resistance.”
Thomas Paine
Military-Industrial Complex Archive With 671 Posts
Psychos On Parade… Western Leaders Complicit In Israeli War Crimes And Genocide
Western leaders lining up with the Israeli regime in its genocidal barbarity are fully complicit in that genocide.
Western leaders have been traipsing to Tel Aviv over the past week, vowing to give their full support for Israel even as the Israeli regime wantonly wages a genocidal war on Palestinians. It is absolutely shocking that the world is witnessing such mass killing of civilians and yet Western governments and news media seem to do everything to justify, minimize and cover-up the atrocities. Cover-up they should because they are complicit in this horrific slaughter. U.S. President Joe Biden, as well as Britain’s Rishi Sunak, Germany’s Olaf Scholz and the European Union chief Ursula Von Der Leyen, are among the Western leaders who have blood dripping from their hands. They talk about Israel’s “right to self-defense” while the Israeli military pulverizes Gaza with indiscriminate air strikes and shoots Palestinians dead in the ghettoes of the West Bank. The Palestinian people in both enclaves are being targeted with genocidal ferocity as Israeli leaders denigrate them as “human animals”. In Gaza for the past two weeks, a population of 2.3 million has been held under total siege without water, food or electricity. Nowhere is safe in the coastal area as U.S. and UK-supplied Israeli bombs rain down on homes, refugee centers, hospitals, schools, churches and mosques. This is barbarous collective punishment meted out on innocent civilians and a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions. It is state terrorism writ large.
Editorial by Strategic Culture
US-Mexico Border Sees Record Illegal Crossings – Border Patrol
Fiscal year 2023 was the biggest year for illegal immigration on record, the agency found
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended a record 269,735 illegal immigrants along the US-Mexico border in September, the agency confirmed in a report on Saturday. The total exceeds the previous record set in May 2022. Fiscal year 2023 also set an all-time record for illegal immigration into the US, with 2.47 million recorded migrant encounters exceeding even 2022’s record-setting 2.3 million, according to government figures. A total of 169 migrants stopped by CBP were listed on the US’ Terrorist Screening Dataset in 2023, nearly twice as many as the previous year. Fentanyl seizures at the border nearly doubled, from 14,600 pounds (around 6,600kg) to 27,000 (just over 12,000kg). Some 15,267 “criminal noncitizens” were stopped in total. In addition to the record amount of illegal immigration, CBP processed about 43,000 asylum-seekers in 2023 via the cellphone app it rolled out in January with the intention of speeding up the application process. Another 240,000 new arrivals hailing from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Haiti crossed the border legally this year under US President Joe Biden’s new “parole” system, established last year to streamline the arrival of migrants fleeing countries whose governments Washington considers unfriendly.
by RT
1,000 Days Without A Trial: January 6 Prisoner [Jake Lang] Shares His Story Of ‘Endurance, Perseverance, And Hope’
On Oct. 12, Jake Lang passed a milestone: 1,000 days in jail without a trial. To mark the anniversary, he wanted to share with the American people “the horrific conditions of confinement,” which he says he and many of his fellow Jan. 6 prisoners have had to endure. “During this time, I’ve done 20 months of solitary confinement,” Mr. Lang told The Epoch Times. “For 15 months of that, I wasn’t allowed to have a haircut or a shave.” This was intentional, he said, to make Jan. 6 prisoners look like “homeless vagrants” or “deranged terrorists” during video court appearances. Jan. 6 prisoners are frequently denied family visitation, Mr. Lang said. They spend months with no sunlight. Lights in their cells remain on at night, depriving them of sleep. His account aligns with first-hand reports from other Jan. 6 prisoners, detailed in a Congressional report in 2021. Troublesome prisoners are subjected to “diesel therapy,” where inmates are shackled together—frequently with violent gang members—for long bus or plane rides to another facility. The trips can take hours, days, or weeks. Fights are frequent. Personal belongings and discovery for their trials—family photos, exculpatory documents, and notes related to their cases—are often lost. Family members lose track of them.
by Patricia Tolson
The Whole George Floyd Story Was A Lie. (13:23)
Tucker On X Episode 32
Israel Settler: ‘Israel Forces Killed Hostages, Not Hamas’
Israeli settler Yasmin Porat has claimed that Israeli civilians were killed by Israeli forces and not by Hamas. This came in an interview by Porat with an Israeli radio station on 15 October, where she said: “They eliminated everyone, including the hostages. There was very, very heavy crossfire and even tank shelling.” The 44-year-old mother of three stated that she and other civilians were held by the Palestinians for several hours and were treated “humanely”. A recording of her interview with Haboker Hazeh (This Morning) radio programme on state broadcaster Kan was circulated on social media. It is worth noting that the interview was not included in the online edition of the Haboker Hazeh programme on 15 October and may have been censored. Porat also gave an interview to Israel’s Channel 12 on Thursday, where she described that one of the Palestinian fighters who spoke Hebrew said to her: “Look at me well, we’re not going to kill you. We want to take you to Gaza. We are not going to kill you. So be calm; you’re not going to die.” The interview was published on X. Porat added, “I was calm because I knew nothing would happen to me,” noting that although the fighters had loaded weapons, she did not see them shoot any captives or threaten them with weapons. She also said they provided them with water.
The Israeli Strike On Al Ahli Hospital Days Before The Famous Blast
Almost no national news media have mentioned the FIRST strike on Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza, which Israel admitted perpetrating…
There has been considerable reporting on the lethal blast at Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza on October 17th that killed and injured hundreds of people. Many US news reports, particularly broadcast news, emphasize Israel’s version of events, in which the blast was allegedly caused by a misfired Palestinian rocket. These reports often omit other evidence that suggests the opposite: that it was caused by an Israeli airstrike. At this point, despite what many Americans are seeing on TV, the facts appear unproven either way. One thing is clear, however, although this is almost always omitted in news reports. Three days before the October 17th blast, an Israeli airstrike had struck the hospital, causing injuries and significant destruction. In this case the perpetrator is not in doubt. Israel took responsibility for the attack, telling hospital officials the next day: “We warned you yesterday with two shells” and asked for the evacuation of the facility.
by Alison Weir
Israel’s Gaza Hospital Bombing Claims Not Credible – Analysts
Video and audio analysis suggest that a missile from Israel, and not a Palestinian rocket, hit the al-Ahli facility
Independent analysis of video and audio footage has revealed major inconsistencies with Israel’s claim that Palestinian militants were responsible for the deadly bombing of the al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza this week. The Christian-run hospital, also known as the Baptist Hospital, was destroyed in an explosion on Tuesday. Around 500 people were killed in the blast, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Israeli authorities have released two pieces of evidence that they claim prove the building was hit by a Palestinian rocket: A video showing a salvo of Palestinian rockets flying from east to west, with one apparently breaking apart with a flash and falling on the hospital; and an intercepted telephone call in which Hamas militants purportedly discuss how rockets fired by the Islamic Jihad group had fallen short and landed in Gaza. “The entire world should know: It was barbaric terrorists in Gaza that attacked the hospital in Gaza, and not the [Israel Defense Forces],” Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu wrote on social media on Tuesday night. However, analysts at Al Jazeera and Channel 4 studied the video and concluded that the flash could not be linked with the subsequent explosion at the hospital. Al Jazeera noted that the flash “was in fact consistent with Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system intercepting a missile fired from the Gaza Strip and destroying it in midair.” In a second video shot near the blast site, an incoming rocket or missile can be heard screeching through the air before impacting the hospital. Earshot, an NGO specializing in audio analysis of footage from conflict zones and human rights cases, studied this video and found that the frequency of the incoming projectile indicates that it “approached the hospital from north-east, east or south-east,” while Israel claimed it approached from the west.
by RT
Malaysia Expects China To Play Important Role In Prompting Israel, Palestine Back On Negotiation Table
China has always stood on the side of peace, international law, and the legitimate demands of the Arab and Islamic countries, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a phone call with his Malaysian counterpart Friday, as the conflict in Gaza strip continues to escalate. Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said in face of war and peace, all parties are called on to abandon geopolitical considerations, form international consensus, cease fire and stop the war as soon as possible so as to prevent a larger-scale humanitarian disaster. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia Zambry Abdul Kadir told Wang that he highly appreciates the effort that China has been made in promoting cease-fire, protect innocent civilians and seeking dialogues for peace talks.
by Global Times
Sucked In To Fighting For Jews (3:57)
by BuelahMan And DC Dave
Israel Must Be Internationally Designated As Terrorist Entity: Iran FM Spokesman
The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry has censured the ongoing Israeli onslaught in the besieged Gaza Strip, stating that the international community must designate the occupying Tel Aviv regime as a “terrorist entity” and put its leaders on trial over war crimes against Palestinians. In a post published on his X account on Saturday, Nasser Kan’ani denounced the appalling Israeli atrocities against Palestinians and threats of bombardment of hospitals in the Gaza Strip. “Following the catastrophic attacks on the al-Ahli Arab Hospital, mosques, schools and the Greek Orthodox church in Gaza, the Zionist regime has threatened to pound other hospitals in Gaza!” he wrote. “Such horrendous crimes mean that the Zionist regime has crossed the limits of insanity,” said Kan’ani, adding that they amount to a morally shameful scandal for the governments that have long provided unconditional support to the Zionist regime while preaching to others about human rights.
by PressTV
Will Yemen And Iraq Join Palestine’s Al-Aqsa Flood?
Tel Aviv’s war on the beleaguered Gaza Strip represents the first real test of the ‘Unity of Fronts’ concept, which may see a wide range of Axis of Resistance regional groups join the Palestinian resistance in a war on Israel.
Just hours after the launch of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the deadliest resistance offensive for Israel since its inception, supporters hit the streets in numerous Arab and Muslim-majority countries. Yet one nation, Yemen, stood out, despite its vast geographical distance from occupied Palestine. Not unlike previous mass demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine, hundreds of thousands of Yemenis poured into the streets of various cities, unwavering in their declaration of readiness to stand with the Palestinian resistance against what they saw as the “enemy of the Ummah.” In a stirring speech delivered on 10 October, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Ansarallah movement, proclaimed that Yemenis are ready to “perform their sacred duty to stand by the Palestinian people.” “Our people are ready to move in hundreds of thousands and join the Palestinian people to confront the enemy, and we will not hesitate to do everything possible,” he added, before emphasizing that “We are in coordination with the Axis of Resistance, and if the Americans intervened militarily directly, we are ready to participate even with rocket shelling.” Notably, like other members of the Axis, Houthi warned the enemies against crossing certain “red lines.”
by The Cradle’s Iraq Correspondent
White House Seeks $105 Billion To Arm Israel, Ukraine, And Taiwan
The Biden administration released details about its massive proposal to provide arms to Israel and Ukraine, as well as funds to build up military assets in the region surrounding China.
On Friday, the White House rolled out its proposed $105 billion bill to arm Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. The legislation also includes funding for the border and humanitarian assistance. US officials say over $50 billion will go to American weapons manufacturers. The Biden administration is proposing a massive aid package as it has struggled to get Congress to appropriate more funds for the proxy war in Ukraine. The largest portion of money is for Ukraine at $61.4 billion. The White House wants enough money for Ukraine to fund Kiev through the 2024 election. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan described the aid as critical to American national security and demanded Congress pass the bill. “This budget request is critical to advancing America’s national security and ensuring the safety of the American people,” Sullivan said. “The world is closely watching what Congress does next.” Israel will receive $14.3 billion in assistance, with $10.6 billion for air and missile defense support.The aid would be in addition to the $3.8 billion Tel Aviv from Washington in security assistance annually.
by Kyle Anzalone
In The Crosshairs Of The Combine
I am threatened by the Irish police with prosecution for ‘incitement to hatred,’ ‘racism’ and ‘anti-semitism,’ on the basis of an article containing nothing remotely resembling any such quantities.
So: Within 45 minutes of my asking Detective Sergeant Griffin a rather fundamental question as to the basis of his evidence and proofs, he responded by (implicitly) admitting that at least half the charges he had levelled against me were false on their face. In fact, it is clear that, before excitedly rushing to despatch his intimidating email, he had not taken even the most rudimentary steps to examine the ‘evidence’ he had been given by a person or persons who is/are able to remain anonymous. Yet, far from retracting anything or apologising, in responding to my pointed query he bulls on as though virtually everything he has said is kosher. In a familiar weasel-worded fashion, referring to Issue 17 of the Irish Light, he admits that ‘this matter appears to relate to the Editor rather than you,’ and yet fails to concede that this means that, regardless of all the other corrupt and ludicrous aspects of this attack on my right to speak my mind (or the Editor of the Irish Light’s right to do likewise), at least several of his charges now stand as outright untruths. You will note also Detective Sergeant Griffin’s throwaway ‘if you could pass on contact details, please.’ Who does he think I am — one of his touts?
by John Waters
Is The Universe A Simulation? (11:47)
by Dr. Melvin Vopson
The Making Of A Myth That Germany Intended To Invade Britain
From June 1941 onward the possibility of a German invasion of England had all but vanished. Another press-promoted lie was that Ireland faced a serious threat of invasion by Germany. In fact, Germany’s twice-elected (1933 and 1936) German Chancellor never contemplated invading the British Isles. Adolf Hitler actually admired the British Empire, with its inherent presumption of a largely benign world order. We know from the diaries of the then British Foreign Minister Lord Halifax that Hitler offered peace terms that did not involve German control of Britain. The unelected half-American warlord Winston Churchill refused to allow these terms to be read to the cabinet. They remain concealed under the 100-year rule. Instead, Winston Churchill’s determination to keep Britain at war turned what had been merely a continental defeat of its army into the enduring myth that in 1940 Britain faced a war for national survival.
by Michael Walsh
Assisted Suicide For Babies Demanded By Quebec College Of Physicians (Text and Video)
Canadian MAiD Program to Expand Dramatically
I apologize for using the oxymoronic term “assisted suicide for babies” in the title. An infant is not self-aware and cannot “commit suicide.” Infants want to live, eat, and be held by their parents. And yet, the Quebec College of Physicians wants to expand the Canadian “Medical Assistance in Dying” program to infants. Watch Dr. Louis Roy, from the Quebec College of Physicians, telling the Commons’ Special Joint Committee of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) on Oct. 7 that his organization believes MAID can be appropriate for infants up to age one who are born with “severe malformations.”
by Igor Chudov
Chinese Businessmen Literally Laughing At West’s Anti-Russian Sanctions
The United States and its allies slapped over 15,000 sanctions on Russian officials, businesses, aircraft, and ships after 2022 and the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis into a full-blown NATO proxy war against Russia. But contrary to Western hopes and expectations, the restrictions failed to bring Russia’s economy to its knees. Chinese businessmen are literally laughing at the West’s sanctions packages against Russia, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has revealed. Citing a media report from Friday indicating that the 12th package of EU sanctions may include a Lithuania-proposed ban on the export of European-made nails, tacks, drawing pins, sewing and knitting needles, radiators, and other odds and ends to Russia, Zakharova said that judging by past experience, she can hardly fathom how Russia’s Chinese partners will react to the news. “A year ago I was at a meeting with representatives of Chinese business circles in Moscow. We were talking, and suddenly a message popped up on my phone with news that the US had adopted yet another sanctions package banning the supply of elevators and related equipment to Russia. According to the sanctions’ authors, this measure would ‘paralyze the construction industry in Russia.’ When I read this news to my Chinese colleagues, they burst out in Homeric laughter. They literally howled and roared with laughter,” Zakharova recalled in a Telegram post on Saturday.
by Ilya Tsukanov
Why Are Globalist Elites Trying To Eliminate Their Fellow Man?
At the top of the list is Warren Buffett, who may be the single largest funder of abortion in human history. Just this year Buffett gave away a total of some $4.6 billion, a substantial chunk of which will wind up in the coffers of the abortion industry.
(LifeSiteNews) — Who is the biggest funder of anti-people population control programs in the world? If you answered, “The U.S. government,” you would be wrong. A small group of the world’s wealthiest individuals and their foundations collectively fronts more money for the abortion, sterilization, and contraception of the human race than Washington. These men all have billions on their minds, and not just in their bank accounts. They believe that overpopulation is the greatest threat to the planet, the single most important issue facing mankind today. And they put their money where their mouth is where the abortion, sterilization, and contraception of the human race is concerned. Warren Buffett: No project too controversial. At the top of the list is Warren Buffett, who may be the single largest funder of abortion in human history. Just this year Buffett gave away a total of some $4.6 billion, a substantial chunk of which will wind up in the coffers of the abortion industry.
by Steven Mosher
Gaza – A Genocide (18:25)
My report for UK Column News on 20th October
As YouTube is “age restricting” virtually all my content on Gaza and Palestine, I will upload the video to Substack.
by Vanessa Beeley
Poll: 52% Of Americans Oppose Sending Weapons To Israel
The results of a poll conducted in the US revealed that 52 per cent of Americans oppose their government sending weapons to Israel. According to the poll conducted by CBS News, between 16-19 October, 57 per cent of participants support sending aid to Gaza. Fifty-six per cent of Americans also expressed dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden’s policy regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict. Eighty-five per cent of participants expressed concern about the risk of a wider war in the Middle East, while 79 per cent expressed concern about the possibility of terrorism in the US. Fifty-two per cent of Americans opposed Washington sending weapons and equipment to Israel, while 24 per cent said that Biden is providing too much support for Israel.
Our AI-Powered Post-Truth, Post-Trust Unraveling
You are receiving this post/email because you are a subscriber to Of Two Minds / Charles Hugh Smith. This is Musings Report 2023-43.
Self-proclaimed techno-optimists giddily assure us that AI (artificial intelligence) is the salvation of humanity because AI “solves problems.” As long-time readers know, I’ve been following AI for 40 years and large-language model (LLM) AI doesn’t seem all that “intelligent;” as I outlined in Musings 23 (Will AI Deliver the Worst of Both Worlds?), LLMs have replaced previous computer-human interfaces with natural language facility. This makes it very easy to over-estimate the actual “intelligence” behind the interface. More robust AI may deliver protein-folding solutions, but it can’t explain how it arrived at the solution; it’s a “black box.” If AI is unable to explain what it’s doing, is this actually intelligence? What the techno-optimists fail to mention is that AI doesn’t just “solve problems,” it creates problems, too. The techno-optimists have a ready solution to any AI generated problems: more AI. Which then generates a new set of problems, which we then attempt to remedy with more AI, until the AI “solution” consumes itself.
by Charles Hugh Smith
The US Empire’s PR Crisis In Gaza
The US-centralized empire is a giant network of allies, partners and assets spanning the entire globe. Many of the nations in this network, such as Israel, have strong ideologies and values systems that the empire must cooperate with to obtain their loyalty. But the empire itself has no ideology or values?—?it values nothing but planetary domination. The empire’s motives are no more ideological than the motives of a mugger are ideological. So the empire has no ideology, but it is held together by cooperation with individual governments who do. The problem this creates is that sometimes the ideologies of those states cause them to do things that go against the interests of the empire as a whole. Israel can just up and decide to commit a genocidal massacre in front of everyone. Saudi Arabia can decide it’s going to dismember a Washington Post reporter with a bone saw. Proxies in Ukraine can keep saying Nazi things and sporting Nazi insignia in public. They do these things because unlike the top brass in the imperial power structure they are guided by ideology, with no regard for the need to preserve the empire’s image as a “rules-based international order”.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Baron Strawberry: E. Michael Jones Chat (1:22:40)
Dr. Jones discusses Ireland, Owen Benjamin, Jews, Gaza, Baptism, the Orthodox Church and many more topics with Irish youtuber Baron Strawberry.
New Zealand Is A Crime Scene: In One Clinic, In One Day 30 People Were Covid Injected And All 30 Have Died
Former TV presenter Liz Gunn published a video update yesterday describing an instance of one clinic in New Zealand where 30 people received a covid injection and all 30 of them have died, within the same time frame. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… Liz Gunn became internationally renowned for her support for the family in the Baby W case, where two parents objected to the use of covid-vaccinated blood in transfusions. The parents were unsuccessful in their court action to oppose health authorities seeking guardianship to allow surgery to go ahead. At the end of June 2023, Gunn launched a political party called the New Zealand Loyal Party. Before the recently held elections, Gunn was contacted by a whistle-blower and given documentation showing that tens of thousands of New Zealanders’ deaths are linked to the injections. “This is just one of the sites recording this type of information in New Zealand,” she said. “We don’t know how many further databases like this are in the country,” she added. She explained that because the number of deaths is usually less than the number of those suffering from ill effects of the injections, then the extrapolation of the numbers that have been injured and killed “starts to become, frankly, eye-watering.” The data shows that there are clusters of deaths. “People who attended the same jab site, and were jabbed one after the other, at consecutive times on the same day. We saw their jab date and we saw their date of death,” Gunn said.
by Rhoda Wilson
Dr. Mark Skidmore Exonerated
Study re-published following re-review. Liberty Counsel explains.
EAST LANSING, MI – Liberty Counsel recently helped exonerate a Michigan State University professor after he received allegations that he had used “unethical practices” during a published COVID-19 shot study. The study highlighted a correlation between the COVID shot and nearly 300,000 nationwide fatalities. The peer-reviewed journal BMC Infectious Diseases originally published the study in January 2023, but later retracted it amid the allegations. Despite the study’s retraction, it remains in the top one percent of shared research around the world. The study’s author, Dr. Mark Skidmore, is an economics, natural disasters, and pandemics researcher with more than 90 published papers. Liberty Counsel assisted him in reviewing the anonymous complaints and responding to the investigation to appropriately address all the concerns. In essence, the complaints alleged Dr. Skidmore did not follow the rigorous oversight procedures required for clinical studies. A “guilty” finding from the university on this type of complaint could have serious consequences for a researcher’s credibility and career, since clinical studies involving human subjects have strict oversight and protocols to ensure no harm comes to study participants.
by James Lyons-Weiler
Trends In Excess Deaths, 20th October 2023
No one seems to care. I fear that history will not judge this House kindly. Worse still, in a country supposedly committed to free and frank exchange of views, it appears no one cares that no one cares. Well, I care, Mr Deputy Speaker, and I credit those Members in attendance today, who also care. I thank the hon. Member for Lincoln (Karl McCartney) for his support, and I am sorry that he could not attend the debate. It has taken a lot of effort, and more than 20 rejections, to be allowed to raise this topic, but at last we are here to discuss the number of people dying. Nothing could be more serious. Numerous countries are currently gripped by a period of unexpected mortality (Fig 2), and no-one wants to talk about it. It is quite normal for death numbers to fluctuate up and down by chance alone but what we are seeing here is a pattern repeated across countries, and the rise has not let up.
Nullification 101: 6 Core Principles (38:10)
Understanding nullification – what it is and what needs to be done – is far easier when you have a good understanding of these foundational principles underlying it.
by Tenth Amendment Center
Was It The Jabs? Viral Fitness Model Raechelle Chase Died Suddenly At 44
People continue to die and corporate media continues to pretend there’s no reason to be concerned.
As young and otherwise healthy people continue to die suddenly across the globe, the prevailing theory among “fringe” news sites is that Myocarditis and other heart ailments induced by the Covid-19 “vaccines” turn deadly during strenuous physical activity. This theory jibes with the trend of people dying during or shortly after exercise or sports activities. The latest report of a suspicious death making its rounds on some sites involves Raechelle Chase who died at 44-years-old. She was a viral personal fitness influencer and model from New Zealand. Her cause of death has not been reported, which is standard operating procedure whenever vaxx-induced deaths occur.
by JD Rucker
Is The Israeli – Palestinian War Really A Religious War, Or A War To Control Petroleum And Gas In The Middle East?
Sam Parker of Behind the News Network has just published a new article today on the Gaza conflict. We have been blessed with Parker’s writing for the past few years, as he shares with the public his incredible knowledge of world affairs, tracing almost everything back to the “two families” who primarily control the world’s financial system, the Rothschilds of Europe, and the Rockefellers of the U.S. As I have previously written, Sam Parker is most assuredly a pen name to protect his identity. We know from what he has revealed about himself from his writings that he lives in the U.S., and is a Muslim, which gives us a unique perspective on world events that is largely censored in the Western Media. In this Part 1 on “The Gaza War,” Parker gives us insight into the history of the Palestinian – Israeli conflict, and how the current war fits into the Globalists’ overall world agenda.
by Brian Shilhavy
Why Vaccines For Children Are Big Pharma’s Holy Grail – Part 2
THE US childhood vaccine schedule ballooned after 1986, when vaccine makers were no longer liable for deaths or injuries caused by vaccines and responsibility for compensating victims shifted to the US government. In his book Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the Population One Shot at a time, Andreas Moritz relates that by the mid-1990s autism rates in the US had soared so high that parents of autistic children vaccinated during the period when the childhood vaccine schedule had twice expanded, 1988 and 1991, began to protest publicly. Alarm bells were ringing loudly and Congress responded by ordering the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to review the use of the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal in all biologics including vaccines. Similarly, in 1999 the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) epidemiologist Thomas Verstraeten was asked to assemble a research team to analyse the medical records of 100,000 children from the vast repository of health and vaccination data stored in the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) and compare the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children.
by Serena Wylde
ACH (2250) I’m Talking To YOU #89 – Julian Cope’s 66th Birthday (25:57)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on October 21 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Julian Cope’s 66th Birthday.”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is a largely unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his weekday shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
“The Whole George Floyd Story Was A Lie”: Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson just challenged one of the left’s most sacred of cows – George Floyd, an ex-con who died with an elephant-dose of fentanyl in his system and a history of health issues, while in custody of Minneapolis police on May 25, 2020. According to Carlson, we need to revisit certain popular narratives, including the circumstances surrounding Floyd’s death – and in particular, inconsistencies between public perception – that Floyd died under the knee of former officer Derek Chauvin, who’s currently serving more than 40 years in state and federal sentences. “Did, for example, a racist white cop actually murder a man called George Floyd, a civil rights leader in Minneapolis on Memorial Day of 2020? Now we’ve been told that that happened, told it relentlessly for more than three years,” Carlson says, adding “But the question is, did he [Derek Chauvin] actually murder George Floyd? And the answer is, well, no, he didn’t murder George Floyd, and we’re not guessing about that; we know it conclusively thanks to a new court case now underway in Hennepin County, Minnesota.” The lawsuit, incidental to Floyd and Chauvin, unveiled sworn deposition excerpts from a conversation with County Medical Examiner Andrew Baker, indicating that Floyd’s passing was not due to asphyxiation or strangulation. Instead, factors including drug use and a fatal concentration of fentanyl were significant contributors, reframing his demise from the widely publicized ‘murder’ to an inadvertent overdose.
by Tyler Durden
All Dwarves In Daily Wire’s ‘Snow White’ To Be Played By Ben Shapiro
NASHVILLE, TN — Daily Wire’s upcoming film adaptation of Snow White will reportedly star conservative personality Ben Shapiro as all seven dwarves. “With Snow White and the Evil Queen, we wanted to make use of practical effects whenever possible,” said producer Jeremy Boreing. “That means minimal computer effects and Ben Shapiro as every dwarf.” “You know, because he’s so short.” Brett Cooper, who plays the titular role of Snow White, is thrilled to be working with Ben Shapiro once again. “I’m only 5’5″ so I was sure we’d have to use forced perspective to make tall actors look short like Peter Jackson did with his The Lord of the Rings trilogy. But then Jeremy said there was no need because he’d make Ben do it.”
by Babylon Bee
Secret 1969 White House Memo On `Dangers’ Of Israel Nuclear Weapons
In this secret internal memo of July 16, 1969, National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger explains to President Richard Nixon the “dangers” of Israel’s secretive nuclear weapons program. Israel has broken its pledge to the US not to “introduce” nuclear weapons in the region, he notes. “This is one program on which the Israelis have persistently deceived us,” Kissinger adds, “and may even have stolen from us.” Moreover, he warns, Israel is “probably more likely than almost any other country to actually use their nuclear weapons.” If the US tries to force Israel to live up to its commitment by withholding delivery of warplanes, he cautions, “enormous political pressure will be mounted on us.” This memo was declassified in 2007 after being “sanitized.”
by Nixon Presidential Library and Museum
American Pravda: The Forgotten Anthrax Attacks (Audio 1:18:59 and Transcription)
by Ron Unz
US Will Build ‘New World Order’ – Biden
The current system has “run out of steam,” the president told supporters in a campaign speech
The current US-led world order has “sort of run out of steam,” but Washington will shape the system that replaces it, US President Joe Biden told supporters on Saturday. Leaders in Moscow and Beijing, however, have argued otherwise. Speaking at a campaign reception in Washington, Biden bragged about how he convinced Japan and South Korea to send financial aid to Ukraine, and how he signed a rail and ports deal with the EU, India, and Saudi Arabia at the G20 summit in New Delhi last month. “So, I think we have an opportunity to do things, if we’re bold enough and have enough confidence in ourselves, to unite the world in ways that it never has been,” Biden declared. “We were in a post-war period for 50 years where it worked pretty damn well, but that’s sort of run out of steam. Sort of run out of steam. We need a new, new world order in a sense,” he continued.
by RT
Pentagon’s Crafty Plan: Ukraine To Receive ‘Frankenstein’ Air Defenses From US
The Pentagon has greenlit a new air defense project custom-made for Kiev. According to US media reports, Ukraine will receive anti-aircraft missile systems produced in an unusual manner by the US defense industry. Sputnik examines what Washington has in mind. The Ukrainian military is experiencing a serious shortage of anti-aircraft defenses. This is because of the Russian forces’ use of long-range Lancet kamikaze drones, and the Russian Aerospace Forces deployment of precision-guided glide bombs, which have greatly thinned the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ frontline air defenses. To protect infantry and equipment, Kiev has been forced to move its air defense systems closer to the front, where they can fall prey to cheap Russian FPV drones. Consequently, Kiev’s requests for advanced air defenses from its Western patrons have become increasingly urgent. The armed conflict that has broken out in the Middle East has exacerbated the problem. Israel asked for help from the US on the first day of hostilities. The Pentagon is on the horns of a dilemma – whether Israel or Ukraine is more deserving of its support. The latest rhetoric would suggest that Washington is more inclined to help Tel Aviv, with Ukraine left scrambling for whatever scraps are left.
by Andrey Kots
Israel Fostered The Rise Of Hamas, Even After It Turned To Terror
In the aftermath of Saturday’s terrorist and military attacks on Israel by the Palestinian group Hamas, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared, “The forces of civilization must support Israel in defeating Hamas … In fighting Hamas, Israel is not only fighting for its own people, it is fighting for every country that stands against barbarism.” Those sentiments are quite different from ones Netanyahu privately shared in 2019. “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” Netanyahu told Likud Party legislators. Doing so would help prevent the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority (PA) from ruling Gaza and giving Palestinians a relatively moderate, unified voice at the negotiating table.
by Brian McGlinchey
October 20 and 21, 2023, 70 Posts Published
“I have certain rules I live by. My first rule:
I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero.”
George Carlin
Jews Archive With 2.476 Posts
The Mystery Of Israel Solved (1:03:22)
by Stop World Control
Russia’s Neutrality Ballet On Israel-Palestine
While some Russian heavyweights push to recast Israel as a hostile state, the Kremlin is unlikely to budge. Instead, Moscow will stay ‘neutral’ to maximize its West Asian influence, all while edging closer to the Arab and Muslim worlds.
Is it possible that the philo-Semitic Russian President Vladimir Putin is slowly but surely re-evaluating his geopolitical assessment of Israel? To call this the key riddle in Moscow’s corridors of power is actually an understatement. There are no outward signs of such a seismic shift – at least when it comes to the officially “neutral” Russian position on the intractable Israel-Palestine drama. Except for one stunning statement last Friday at the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Summit in Bishkek, when Putin blasted Israel’s “cruel methods” employed to blockade Gaza, and compared it with “the siege of Leningrad during World War Two.” “That’s unacceptable,” declared the Russian president, and warned that when all of Gaza’s 2.2 million civilians “have to suffer, including women and children, it’s hard for anyone to agree with this.” Putin’s comments may have been one hint at the changes underway in the frustratingly opaque Russia-Israel relationship. A close second is this very important article published last Friday on Vzglyad, a security strategy website close to the Kremlin, diplomatically titled “Why Russia remains neutral in the conflict in the Middle East.”
by Pepe Escobar
This Is Another Iraqi WMD Moment. We Are Being Gaslit
It’s not just ‘unlikely’ that a Palestinian rocket hit the Gaza hospital. It’s impossible. The media know this, they just don’t dare say it.
Let’s say it again: The BIGGEST fake news comes from the establishment media. When the stakes are high, it barely bothers to hide its role as mouthpiece for Western propaganda. This is another Iraqi WMD moment. We are being gaslit. Believe your eyes and ears, and the laws of physics, not the lies being peddled by our leaders and media about last night’s missile strike on the Baptist hospital in Gaza: No Palestinian group has a rocket that can hit a hospital, killing hundreds. What they have are glorified fireworks that can cause minor damage and the occasional death or two. If Hamas or Islamic Jihad could cause the kind of damage that happened last night, you would hear about it happening in Tel Aviv or Ashkelon too. You don’t, because they can’t. Israel’s apologists (and there are lots of them) are sharing all sorts of videos unrelated to the hospital strike. But the video of the strike itself shows that an incredibly large and powerful weapon is used. Listen to the noise the missile makes just before the hit – that whooshing noise is caused by its phenomenal velocity as it cuts through the air. That is not the noise of a falling Palestinian rocket.
by Jonathan Cook
Why Biden Lied On Gaza Hospital Attack
White lies are often uttered to protect someone or deflect the upsetting truths. The US President Joseph Biden’s white lie obfuscated the horrific truth about the Israeli missile attack on the Baptist church in Gaza on Tuesday night, which took the lives of over 500 people. Biden probably felt safe because platinum grade war crimes seldom get probed — Vietnam (My Lai massacre), Afghanistan (Kunduz hospital airstrike) and Iraq (Fallujah). Nonetheless, there will be a trial at the high court of his own conscience. If and when such a moment comes, all he needs to do is to read a stunning blog written by Jonathan Cook, an award-winning British journalist and the author of Israel and the Clash of Civilisations who was based in Nazareth (Israel) for twenty years — This is another Iraqi WMD moment. We are being gaslit. Cook wrote: “It’s not just ‘unlikely’ that a Palestinian rocket hit the Gaza hospital. It’s impossible. The media know this, they just don’t dare say it.”
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
The Israeli Massacre At Al-Ahli Hospital In Gaza: Fact vs Fiction
On Tuesday, October 17, it was reported that an Israeli airstrike was carried out against the al-Ahli Hospital in the besieged Gaza Strip, killing at least 500 people and sparking a public out-roar across the Middle East. After realizing the sheer scope of the bloody massacre that was carried out, the Israeli government instantly took to their social media accounts, before later releasing audio and video footage in an attempt to blame the strike on Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). The information released has worked to convince some Western audiences and has been carried by US President Joe Biden himself. So, were the original reports from eye witnesses and international media incorrect, or does Israel have an agenda in distancing itself from the massacre? In order to properly interrogate Israel’s counterclaims, first we must set the relevant context. We now hear, mainly from Western politicians and pro-Israel commentators, that Israel would have no incentive to strike such a civilian target and that there is no clear evidence for what truly happened. Some also say that the claims that Israel carried out the massacre are all sourced from Hamas. This, before getting to any actual evidence, we must first address.
by Robert Inlakesh
Four Carrier Strike Groups Deployed: Kevin Barrett With E. Michael Jones (1:02:14)
The US Veto Is Stained With The Blood Of Israeli And Palestinian Civilians
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC), consisting of 15 member states, voted on October 18 on a draft resolution regarding the Israeli-Palestinian situation. The US cast the sole dissenting vote, leading to the resolution’s failure to pass. China expressed shock and disappointment at this decision, which is not exclusive to China but represents a general sentiment within the international community. Even the US’ allies, Japan and France, voted in favor, choosing to stand with the just forces of the international community, leaving the US standing alone on the opposite side. The draft resolution submitted by Brazil sends a clear signal, which is to prioritize achieving an immediate comprehensive ceasefire above all else. This reflects the most significant consensus within the current international community. However, it was vetoed by the US, resulting in direct and severe consequences.
Editorial by Global Times
State Governments Collect The DNA Of Nearly Every Newborn Baby In The Us. Most Parents Don’t Even Know
Blood taken from newborns via a heel prick has been used in medical research without parental consent and given to law enforcement without a warrant. In some states, it’s stored indefinitely.
Most new parents have no idea that by the time they leave the hospital with their newborn, a sample of their child’s blood has already been sent to the state government. Depending on the state, the government may store and use their child’s blood for anywhere from months to indefinitely – and not only is it legal, it’s actually mandated by law. Each American state has its own newborn screening program through which healthcare professionals who deliver babies are required to collect a blood sample in order to test for rare genetic or metabolic diseases. Only in two states, Maryland and Minnesota, are healthcare practitioners even required to obtain parental consent. Wyoming law technically requires parents’ “written consent,” but is worded vaguely enough that in practice, it amounts to a system that must be opted-out of rather than opted into. Utah allows a “religious exemption” that mandates the parents report their religion to the state – and it must be “a specified, well recognized, religious organization whose teachings are contrary to the testing required by Utah law for each newborn infant.”
by LifeSiteNews
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Has Been Arrested
Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was arrested on Friday, 13 October. While trying to renew a passport he was detained at an embassy in Mexico and escorted back to Germany. Attorneys Dagmar Schoen and Katja Woermer are defending Dr. Fuellmich. Dagmar gave an update to Bittel.tv on Friday to explain what had happened. The interview is in German, but Dr. Elsa Schieder, host of The Truth Summit, has listened to it and translated a portion into English for us. Reiner and his wife lost their passports and visas quite some time ago, needed to get them replaced. As they have been staying in Mexico, this led to their needing to go to the German embassy in Tijuana, Mexico. The first time they went, on Monday, they needed to come back. Dagmar was already uneasy, but everything seemed all right. A time was arranged, for Friday, for them to pick up the documents. So, the embassy knew exactly when they would be arriving. When they went back on Friday, Reiner’s wife got her documents and was allowed to go. Reiner was arrested. He had nothing with him, only the clothes he was wearing. No toothbrush, even. A warrant for his arrest had been issued in March. A second warrant was issued in May. One was from Germany and the other from the EU. Obviously, he was not informed. As Reiner was in Mexico, which is outside the jurisdiction of the EU, the warrants could not be enforced. So there needed to be a way to get him onto German soil. Reiner’s needing a new passport and visa gave those who wanted him arrested the perfect opportunity.
by Rhoda Wilson
From Deir Yassin To Al-Ahli Hospital: Israel’s Legacy Of Killing Palestinians
Israel’s propaganda machine has begun to work overtime to convince the world of the occupation state’s innocence in the bombing of Al-Ahli Arab Hospital yesterday. Complicit in the destruction of Gaza, Western leaders aided by the media have also started to work round the clock to dutifully parrot the lies, amplifying the fog of war. US President Joe Biden, who was the first Western leader to repeat the gruesome Israeli lie about 40 beheaded babies, dutifully trumpeted the Israeli narrative that a misfired Hamas rocket killed 500 people. The playbook is all too familiar. First blanket denial. Then blame militants. As the truth emerges, Israelis cry “mistake”, “just an accident”. When that fails to quell public outrage and people demand accountability, Israel shouts anti-Semitism. And when all else fails, critics are denounced as Nazis and fascists in their twisted narrative. This course has been charted before. The same smokescreens used to obscure the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh are being deployed once again.
by Nasim Ahmed
History Of The New World Order (2:14:35)
by James Perloff
Biden Pitches Americans On Funding Wars In Gaza And Ukraine
The president is expected to ask Congress for $100 billion for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and border funding
President Biden on Thursday night delivered a speech from the Oval Office making his case for the US continuing to fund the proxy war in Ukraine and Israel’s onslaught on Gaza. Biden said he will ask Congress on Friday to authorize more spending for the Ukraine war and “unprecedented” military aid for Israel. Media reports say the request will be for about $100 billion and will also include aid for Taiwan, which China will view as highly provocative, and funding for border security. About $60 billion is expected to be for Ukraine as the White House wants to pass a spending package on the war that will last through the 2024 election. Israel is set to receive about $10 billion in military aid, and the rest will go toward the border, Taiwan, and potentially other areas in the Asia Pacific. In his speech, President Biden attempted to draw comparisons between Hamas and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but they share this in common: they both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy, completely annihilate it,” he said.
by Dave DeCamp
What We Know About The Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital Blast
In the midst of Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza that had killed over 3,000 people and injured over 12,000, a Gaza hospital experienced a blast that killed hundreds more…
On October 17th a blast at al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, a Christian-run medical complex in central Gaza City, killed at least 200 to 300 people and injured hundreds more. The estimated death toll in Gaza at the time of the blast was already more than 3,000, with 12,500 injured. NBC reported that even before the blast, Gaza hospitals faced “a ‘tsunami of wounded’ as supplies and power ran out.” This was on top of a 16-year suffocating siege on Gaza (which had already experienced intermittent devastating blockades since at least 2002). The Israeli death toll is 1,400, with 4,000 injured. Israel, at first tacitly admitted responsibility for hitting the hospital in its ongoing airstrikes against Gaza, but then switched direction and claimed that Palestinian “friendly fire” was responsible. Israeli officials have presented what they say is evidence showing that the massive damage was caused by misfired Palestinian rocketry. Israel has changed its version a number of times.
by Alison Weir
The Palestinian People: Victims of Israeli Genocide, Media Propaganda, Human Heartlessness And Evangelical Hypocrisy
It’s impossible to accurately describe the 75 years of horror that the Palestinian people have been forced to endure. Most of the crimes against humanity inflicted on the Palestinian people have been covered up and unreported. Very few—and I mean VERY FEW—people in the United States and Western Europe have even the slightest heartfelt compassion or intellectual honesty for the unimaginable plight of these suffering souls. The very best book describing the horrors of Israel’s violent massacres, acts of genocide and sheer terror inflicted upon the Palestinian people over the past 75 years was written by an Israeli historian named Ilan Pappe. His book is called The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. I’ll say this straight out: If you have not read this book, you have no clue as to the truth of what has happened—and continues to happen—in Palestine. Since war erupted between Hamas and the Israeli military, Pappe wrote an appeal to his fellow Israelis entitled My Israeli Friends: This is Why I Support Palestinians.
by Chuck Baldwin
The Disaster Of Israeli Zionism: The Cryptocracy’s Covert Stratagem For The Destruction Of The Jewish People
The Secret Iniquity Of Aryan Occultism
“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” ~ Winston Churchill
Retaliatory Terror Bombing for Peace and Justice: The World War Two Allied Doctrine in 2023 The former British Prime Minister kept his promise, penning a million words over the course of the six volumes of his History of the Second World War. In that prolix deluge the gas chambers are not mentioned. The fact that Churchill was instrumental in the collective punishment of the German people via the incineration of more than 600,000 civilians is also omitted. His cult is as fresh as a daisy in our time because he was that rare and precious commodity: an architect and apologist for the doctrine of killing the innocent as “retaliation” for the sins of rulers who commit crimes in their name, otherwise known as collective punishment, i.e. The Allied Doctrine of World War II. espite 78 years having elapsed since the end of that conflict, the Allied governments and the morality of their ideology of collective punishment are as sacred and inviolable as they were in 1945.
by Michael Hoffman
A Palestinian Mother Mourns Her Two Children Killed In The Continuous Israeli Bombing On Gaza (1:02)
Russia And China Lead Multipolar Development As US Pours Fuel On Israeli Fire
The US is fuelling wars and massacres, while the BRICS nations’ quest for mutual peace and prosperity, peace activist and writer KJ Noh said. Visiting Israel on Wedneday, US President Joe Biden pledged unqualified support to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s operation in the Gaza Strip, home to 2.3 million Palestinians, in revenge for attacks launched by the Hamas movement and others on October 7. Biden even endorsed Netanyahu’s claim that Palestinian guerrillas were to blame for the bombing of the al-Ahli Baptist Baptist hospital in Gaza on Wednesday evening that killed some 500 men, women and children. Peace activist and writer KJ Noh told Sputnik that the “optics are very, very striking” – comparing Washington’s handouts of arms to its client states to China’s building of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) tri-continental transport and trade network.
by James Tweedie
Israel Falsely Claimed Hamas Slaughtered Babies So It Could Actually Slaughter Babies
Israel propaganda at beginning of a crisis—from claiming Hamas butchered babies to claiming Hamas bombed the hospital, repeated by compulsive liar Joe Biden today—is similar to propaganda re pandemic origins. It seeks to create a false narrative at the beginning of a crisis in order to horrifically mold the future. And it allows Israel criminal latitude to slaughter. I’ve spent too much time on X/twitter, but posted a lot of good info there. I’ve put out several news releases for my day job since the current crisis began that readers might be interested in:
by Sam Husseini
Israel’s Despicable Chance To Wipe Palestine From The Map
If Biden and the Israelis were really concerned about alleviating civilian suffering they would open the crossings in Gaza leading to Israel.
Israeli leaders often accuse Arab and Iranian enemies of desiring to “wipe Israel off the map”. The accusation is meant to designate opponents as harboring evil designs to annihilate the Israeli state with implicit Nazi undertones. Ironically, the escalation in Israeli-Palestinian violence over the past two weeks appears to be giving the Israeli extremists an opportunity to finally settle the Palestinian Question that has dogged their Zionist dreams for decades. Benjamin Netanyahu called the Hamas mass killings on October 7 Israel’s “9/11 moment”. Every day since the Hamas gun and rocket attacks, the Netanyahu regime has bombarded the Gaza Strip with a vengeance that goes way beyond the usual Israeli bloodlust. The widespread indiscriminate air strikes and killing of Palestinian civilians are shocking even by Israeli standards. The Palestinian death toll, so far, is nearly 3,000 compared with 1,300 Israelis killed by Hamas on October 7. A further 1,000 Palestinians are missing buried under rubble, and nearly 10,000 are injured. The Israeli bombing of civilian convoys trying to flee the violence and the destruction of hospitals will raise the death toll even more in the coming days.
by Finian Cunningham
Anglican Church Says It Got Israeli Orders To Evacuate Gaza Hospital Days Before Israel’s Deadly Attack
Up to 1,000 civilians, refugees and patients with half of them children were innocent victims of the strike on Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. In the days before the attack on the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza, the church supervising the 150-year-old hospital received three Israeli orders to evacuate the facility, the Anglican Church in Jerusalem said. Hypocrisy: The Western Alliance bankrupts itself to stall the Russian occupation of its former Russian provinces yet pulls out all stops to support Israel which has been in illegal (UN) occupation of the State of Palestine since 1947. The carniWestern regimes and state-dependent media rushed to 1) minimize the losses 2) airbrush the tragedy off the front pages and television screens 3) claim responsibility has not been established 4) ludicrously blame Hamas for bombing their own hospital; However, the word outside the Western Alliance doesn’t buy it – they have the facts to hand.
by Michael Walsh
Zionism And The Creation Of Israel (5:06)
by Greg Reese
Lavrov Explains How Truth About Gaza Hospital Strike Can Be Established
An attack like this “could not have gone unnoticed” by Washington, the Russian foreign minister has said
The US could publish satellite images of Gaza taken during a deadly strike on one of its hospitals, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday. The high-profile tragedy that took place earlier this week saw Palestinian militant groups and the Israeli military trading blame for the incident. America could clear this situation up if it wanted to, the Russian diplomat believes. “Now, when everyone is talking about the Gaza tragedy, in which a hospital was attacked and hundreds of people died … one could ask the Americans for the satellite data,” Lavrov told Russia 1, adding that Washington “must surely be monitoring this area with its satellites.” “An attack like this could not have gone unnoticed,” the minister said, adding that a goodwill move on the part of the US could make the world a “calmer place.” Lavrov criticized US officials for focusing their attention on Moscow’s dealings with Pyongyang instead.
by RT
Israel Threatens To Bomb Gaza Hospital Housing 12,000 Palestinians
A few days after killing hundreds of people by bombing a hospital in the Gaza Strip, Israel has threatened to attack yet another such facility in the coastal sliver, which has come to house thousands of Palestinians. On Friday, Reuters cited the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) as saying that the Israeli military had warned it to “immediately evacuate” Gaza’s al-Quds hospital. The facility is currently rendering services to more than 400 patients. It has also turned into a refuge for around 12,000 Palestinians, who have fled there amid a relentless Israeli war that has been pounding the Palestinian territory since October 7. The war has so far claimed more than 4,000 people. The PRCS described “70%” of the displaced Palestinians inside the hospital as “children and women,” saying they “are in imminent danger.”
by PressTV
IBM’s NorthPole Chip Runs Ai-Based Image Recognition 22 Times Faster Than Current Chips
A large team of computer scientists and engineers at IBM Research has developed a dedicated computer chip that is able to run AI-based image recognition apps 22 times as fast as chips that are currently on the market. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes the ideas that went into developing the chip, how it works and how well it performed when tested. Subramanian Iyer and Vwani Roychowdhury, both at the University of California, Los Angeles, have published a Perspective piece in the same journal issue, giving an in-depth analysis of the work by the team in California. As AI-powered applications become mainstream tools used by professionals and amateurs alike, scientists continue work to make them better. One way to do that, Iyer and Roychowdhury note, is to move toward an “edge” computer system in which the data is physically closer to the AI applications that are using them.
by Bob Yirka
Journalist Killed By Israeli Gunfire In Southern Lebanon
A journalist was killed and another injured by Israeli gunfire in a southern Lebanon border area, the Lebanese army said early on Friday. The Lebanese army said that “a media team of seven people was covering the events near the Israeli enemy’s Al-Abbad site in the outskirts of Hula town when Israeli forces opened their machine gun fire at them, killing a journalist and injuring another.” An official for the United Nations peacekeeping troops in the region, UNIFIL, stated a civilian was killed in an exchange of fire. “The Lebanese Army requested UNIFIL’s help for seven people stranded near the Blue Line during an exchange of fire across the Blue Line,” UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti stated. He said one person lost his life while the others were successfully rescued,” the spokesperson confirmed.
by PalInfo
Foreign Policy Of The Founders (41:15)
Few areas from the Founders – if any – have been more widely rejected than their views and advice on foreign policy. Grasping their approach means understanding where it comes from as well.
by Tenth Amendment Center
Israeli Economy Plunges Into Recession
International financial rating firms have been suspending or dropping Israel’s credit rating scores as it faces an economic war as well as a military one
Israeli economists have reported a major recession due to the ongoing war against the Palestinian resistance factions. “Israel has entered the war, and it is in a recession, and trade is currently zero,” Israeli daily business paper, The Marker, noted. The Israeli economy has taken a serious hit at the hands of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, losing $3 billion in damages on the first day of the war alone, a state that some economists say is worse than it was during their 2006 war with Hezbollah. The Marker report went on to say, “the second week of the war is about to end, a week when there is almost no trade in Israel, and many are trying to stay with their heads above the water, afraid of the future – and they still don’t know who will compensate them and when?” US economic risk analysis firm Moody’s has put the Israeli A1 rating, a high rating attractive to any investor, on hold, given the current crisis. Fitch Ratings had also negatively reviewed Israeli economic status, placing their credit score on a negative watch earlier this week.
by News Desk
Beyond Orwell: The High-tech Lynching Of The Masses
Just a few generations ago, most understood that former Communist George Orwell’s classics Animal Farm and 1984 were novels written as a warning about how freedom is lost to the tyranny and intolerance of totalitarianism. Animal Farm and 1984 were particularly apt for teaching young people at a time when the shocking revelations about Soviet communism that were coming out in the 1950s and 1960s were hard to digest. Most importantly, what these works revealed was that a defining feature of totalitarianism is mind control. First, propaganda warps and destroys people’s grasp of reality. Second, propaganda is designed to foster groupthink, conformity, and collectivism, which marginalizes critical and independent thinking. Orwell described the scope of the totalitarian enterprise, noting in one section of 1984 that, ‘Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, and every date has been altered. The process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.’
by Michael Walsh
Lowering Risk as We Enter Forced Frugality
If things unravel, these risk-reduction strategies quickly shift from “nice to have” to “essential.” But by then, it will be too late to put them in place.
I would summarize the economic flow of recent events as: 2020-21: massive stimulus and pandemic restrictions build up household savings and generate a stock market “meme stock” bubble. mid-2021-22: “Revenge Spending” splurging generates massive spike in consumption, profiteering and inflation. 2023: Renewed bubbles in housing and stocks, a classic “rebound / echo” bubble. Splurging wanes as savings and credit are tapped out, and higher interest rates finally start affecting behavior. 2024: Forced frugality as jobs are slashed, profits fall, inflation stays sticky, credit dries up, businesses close, Federal Reserve stimulus wanes and soaring government borrowing costs crimps government spending.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Israel Bombs Ancient Holy Sites Sheltering Civilians
These indiscriminate strikes on Palestinian holy sites come just days after the Israeli air force killed hundreds at a hospital in Gaza
Israel targeted and destroyed the 7th century Al-Omari Mosque in Gaza on 20 October, coming just hours after its targeting of the third oldest church in the world in Gaza’s Old City. Al Omari mosque has been targeted and destroyed, Jabaliya, northern #Gaza pic.twitter.com/DyzKcXsRwR — Aleph ? (@no_itsmyturn) October 20, 2023. Originally a 5th century Byzantine church, it was converted to a mosque during the early years of the Rashidun Caliphate. The 1,400-year-old structure was among the largest mosques in Palestine. This is one of many mosques targeted by Israel. Five Mosques Martyred by Israeli air strikes. The Israeli war jets Martyred four mosques first and now they have Martyred another mosque, al-Omari in Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip. Al Gharbi mosque; Al Sousi mosque; Yassin mosque; and Al Yarmouk mosque. The night before, Israeli warplanes bombed the centuries-old Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrios in Gaza, leaving several people dead and injured, officials said.
by News Desk
The Collective Punishment Of The Palestinian People Is A War Crime (1:30)
We will carry on demonstrating as long as it takes to stop the bombardment of Gaza, to end the occupation, and to bring about a just and lasting peace.
by Jeremy Corbyn
Large Blasts Heard Inside US Military Bases In Syria, Iraq: Report
Two military bases, used by American troops and their military advisors, in Syria’s eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr and near the Baghdad International Airport in the Iraqi capital have been hit by a series of large explosions amid rising anti-US sentiment in the two neighboring Arab countries.
Syria’s official news agency SANA, citing local sources speaking on condition of anonymity, reported that two separate missile attacks targeted the al-Omar oil field and the gas line connecting to the Conoco gas field in Dayr al-Zawr province early on Friday. The sources added that a strike hit the transmission pipeline, used by US occupation forces and allied Kurdish-led militants affiliated with the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to steal natural gas from the Conoco field, in the Abu Khashab desert area. American occupation forces and allied SDF militants were subsequently put on high alert, and many military aircraft were seen hovering in the skies over the area, according to the report.
by PressTV
Tangents Lead To Taboo Truths #7: Commie Jews Of FDR’s Treasury
I’ve been deeply immersed in an excellent history book, Stalin’s War by Sean McMeekin, 2021. It is at least partially revisionist, and not overtly anti-Hitler and does not often engage in reduction ad Hitlerium (reducing everything to the evil of Hitler, including Hitler himself). It does still believe in the holocaust, a glaring error that usually makes me dismiss a book in disgust (my own reductio ad holocaustium adsurdum), but only makes brief indirect references. The book is such excellent honest history otherwise, however, that I continue in rapt attention to its unfolding story. The book is 666 (!) pages long, for once a likely coincidence. Chapter 31, “Soviet High Tide in Washington” begins on page 568. This is where more of the names in the FDR Administration, especially the Treasury Department, but also other Departments, are revealed as Soviet agents reporting to and taking order directly from Stalin’s NKVD military intelligence service. Some of these names are featured in other chapters as well, but here I saw enough all in one place to pursue this tangent and see how many were Jews.
by Karl Haemers
Did the White House Hust Dox US Special Forces In Israel? They Posted This Pic With Faces Visible, Then Deleted It! Details Here.
The picture is from Instagram, but it’s still out there on the internet after they deleted it. I found it, faces and all, on a random Kenyan news profile on Facebook!!! And it wasn’t just Instagram. Here is the Twitter post that is now gone. I found that link on random accounts, including Spanish-speaking ones. I found the non-blurred photo on 4chan. I found it on a forum of “special operations enthusiasts” who like to play with airsoft guns called DEVTSIX. It’s gone all over the world. I also found a subreddit from SOF (Special Operations Forces) and JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) guys who were TICKED because they painstakingly pixelate every photo they share and the flippin’ White House just doxxed a bunch of our elite operators.
by Joel Abbott
Here’s Why We Could be Headed For Another Dark Middle Ages
Trends are changing. In the 1930’s it was wearing spectacles. Remember Pol Pot? Now, it is any of the following: having a barbeque with friends on a Sunday afternoon, (meat eating being a planet murdering activity), taking Johny to football or Sally to ballet in a… deep breath, car (driving being a planet extinguishing activity). ‘Maybe try walking’ as climate extremist group Tyre Extinguishers suggest Climate change extremists have deflated “hundreds” of tyres on SUVs in the wealthy Melbourne suburb overnight, with notes left on windscreens informing owners that their “gas guzzler kills” and suggesting they try taking public transport instead. I don’t know, but when I think about these people sometimes I just want to point them to the sky as I’m quite sure God sends messages.
by Chris MacIntosh
CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | Nakba 2.0 (24:50)
The West is all-in on the side of Israel. It is essentially forbidden to speak of de-escalation and negotiations. At this point, Israel’s war aims are unclear. However, if we use history as a guide, there is no military solution to this conflict. There can only be a political resolution.
A True Story About Israel And Palestine
A husband and a wife were standing on top of a man one day drinking tea. “Do we still have milk?” asked the wife. “Yeah, like half a carton,” said the husband. “HELP!” screamed the man. “Oh well that’s good,” said the wife. “I was thinking I might have another cup of tea after this one.” “Hmm, well maybe I’ll join you,” said the husband. “Good tea,” said the wife. “YOU’RE CRUSHING ME!” yelled the man. “Think it’ll rain today?” the husband asked. “Oh maybe,” answered the wife. “Looks a little gray out, doesn’t it?” “I CAN’T BREATHE!” the man shouted. “I’M DYING!”
by Caitlin Johnstone
If The CIA And Mossad Created Hamas, Who Created The CIA And Mossad?
Mainstream media aren’t talking about it, but it’s an open secret: some 50 years ago, the US and Israel created Hamas-as an offset and competitor to Yasser Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Organization. It was one more brilliant (aka asinine) example of meddling and launching endless enemies, who become our enemies when they turn on us. The CIA has specialized in this, all over the world. The US and Israeli governments launched CIA and Mossad. These intel giants were tasked with collecting and interpreting information on potential enemies. Of course, CIA and Mossad expanded their mandates and operations. Immediately. And that’s where the real trouble came. “Let’s subvert our enemies. Let’s undertake hundreds and thousands of clandestine operations to neutralize and destroy our enemies. In the process, we can invent groups who will serve us and do the destroying for us…” Yeah. Sure. A perfect formula for suicide.
by Jon Rappoport
Israeli DNA And Human Lab Rats (Text and Video)
The Future’s So Bright – Bibi Gotta Wear Shades
Listen to Benjamin Netanyahu (below in this short video) talk about he purposefully used his own people as experimental lab rats during the pandemic. How he sold Pfizer on the idea of using the jab in Israel first – so Pfizer could collect data on an unknown, experimental product. That is was possible for Pfizer to do this experiment on an entire population because of the great digitized medical record keeping by the government, going back twenty years. Bibi then goes on to theorize about the possibilities of using his own people as lab rats for other clinical trials in the future, because the possibilities of combining a a population’s medical records and DNA database are endless. Think of the money to be made, the biotech companies flocking to the new biotech nirvana: Israel. The Future’s So Bright – Bibi Gotta Wear Shades.
by Robert W. Malone MD
Propaganda – From The Pandemic To Palestine
Why many pandemic heroes have turned into Palestine zeroes. In a previous analysis, SPR reviewed the question of what groups of people had been able to resist pandemic propaganda. Interestingly, many of these “pandemic heroes” have since turned into “Palestine zeroes” and now promote war propaganda and atrocity propaganda.
Three factors explaining the transition. This transition is not entirely surprising, though, and can be explained by three main factors: First, many pandemic heroes were civil rights activists or medical professionals. Understandably, most of these people have no expertise in geopolitics, war propaganda and covert operations. Thus, they don’t know that Hamas was indeed created and funded by Israel precisely to prevent a political solution to the Palestine question (which would likely limit Israel to its internationally recognized pre-1967 borders); or they believe the 1973 Yom Kippur War really was a “surprise attack” (it wasn’t); or the 1967 Six-Day War was a preemptive strike (it wasn’t); or Pearl Harbor was a Japanese “surprise attack” (it wasn’t); or “Al Qaeda did 9/11” (they didn’t). Without such geopolitical and historical background knowledge, it is very easy to be led astray by multi-layered war propaganda, atrocity propaganda, and psychological operations.
by Swiss Policy Research
Israel Is ISIS – ISIS Is Bolshevik (2:22:43)
by TheCrowhouse
New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration Growing
Israeli media is reporting that the United States is currently in talks to establish ‘safe zones’ in Gaza after it was widely reported that the IDF has been given the green light by the Netanyahu government to go into the Gaza Strip. There are also emerging reports that an Orthodox Church in Gaza has suffered attack by an Israeli strike, via Times of Israel: The Hamas-controlled interior ministry says several displaced people who had taken shelter at a church compound in the Gaza Strip have been killed and injured in an Israeli strike. There was no immediate comment from the IDF, which tells AFP it is looking into the potential strike. The strike left a “large number of martyrs and injured” at the compound of a Greek Orthodox church, the ministry says. Witnesses tell AFP the strike appears to have been aimed at a target close to the place of worship where many Gaza residents have taken refuge. Additionally, Russia has said it is moving more military assets to its bases in Syria:
by Tyler Durden
UN Warns Of Gaza Genocide Risk
Human rights experts lambasted the international community for the failure to oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza
Israel is engaged in a systematic campaign of crimes against humanity against Palestinians in Gaza, United Nations human rights experts warned in a statement published on Thursday, citing Tuesday’s deadly airstrikes that targeted a hospital and several refugee shelters as evidence Israeli officials were seeking to wipe out the entire Palestinian population. “Considering statements made by Israeli political leaders and their allies, accompanied by military action in Gaza and escalation of arrests and killing in the West Bank, there is also a risk of genocide against the Palestine people,” the experts, who are members of the UN Human Rights Council’s independent Special Procedures body, explained. Israel has violated international humanitarian and criminal law in cutting off drinking water, medicine, and food to Gaza, they continued, pointing out that the UN Security Council has repeatedly condemned the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare. Meanwhile, they said, the ongoing and calculated destruction of civilian homes and infrastructure constitutes “domicide.”
by RT
Conscience Of Humanity Shaken By Targeting Of Civilians In Gaza: Pakistani Envoy
The Israeli regime’s “deliberate, indiscriminate and disproportionate” targeting of civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip goes against all norms of civility and violates international law, says Pakistani ambassador to Tehran. In an interview with the Press TV website on Tuesday, hours before an Israeli air raid on a Gaza hospital killed more than 700 Palestinians, Muhammad Mudassir Tipu said the “conscience of humanity has been shaken” by the unrelenting massacre of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip. “The conscience of humanity has been shaken by watching innocent civilians, children, older people, pregnant woman being killed; building being razed to ground; water and electricity being cut off; massive blockades; and the use of massive ammunition by the Israeli military forces,” he stated. “That is why people are showing solidarity with the Palestinians, who are symbolizing their struggle for justice, all over the world.”
by PressTV
Israeli Airstrike On Orthodox Church In Gaza Kills 8 Palestinians, Injures Several Others
At least eight people were killed in an overnight Israeli airstrike on the Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza city, which was sheltering hundreds of Palestinians, local media reported on Friday. According to the official Wafa news agency, Israeli jet fighters bombed the Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius Church on Thursday night, killing eight Palestinians and injuring dozens more, the majority of whom were women and children. Civil defence rescue teams are working to extract the dead and injured from the rubble, the news agency reported. The Israeli airstrike damaged the church’s facade, and an adjacent building belonging to the church also collapsed, sheltering dozens of Palestinian Muslim and Christian families, it reported. Meanwhile, the Palestinian group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, condemned the Israeli airstrike on the church, saying that “the Zionist crime machine continues to enlarge its frame of terrorism by its obnoxious targeting of the ancient Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius Church.”
Give Peace A Chance T-Shirt
Oil and water do not mix. Trying to get oil and water to mix is impossible. This analogy may be an over simplification of the Israel-Palestine conflict but the truth is the oil side doesn’t want the water there at all and the water keeps trying to coalesce in the midst of all the oil. Not all problems have a solution that will satisfy both sides when one side refuses to cooperate. Ultimately, one side will eliminate the other. The world is in dire straits right now. Pray for peace.
by Ayemagine
Understanding Gaza, Under Fire And Under Siege (1:15:57)
Eva Bartlett, Cynthia McKinney and Vanessa Beeley speak to Mike Robinson of UK Column
Mike Robinson of UK Column speaks with journalist Eva Bartlett who has lived in Gaza and the Occupied Territories for extensive periods of time, Cynthia McKinney, former US Congresswoman and long time Palestine supporter with her own history of dealing with the Zionist security forces and finally myself, Vanessa Beeley – I was in Gaza during the 2012 Zionist aggression and returned in March 2013 to establish trauma therapy projects inside Gaza.
by Vanessa Beeley
Mossad Whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky On Israeli Black Operations
In his 1994 book, The Other Side of Deception, former Mossad case officer and whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky revealed Israeli intelligence deceptions and black operations.
Top quotes
Recruiting of Palestinian agents
Mossad and the Israel Lobby in the United States
False flag attack on the Berlin La Belle disco
Testing bioweapons on Palestinians and Blacks
Using Islamic fundamentalists for political purposes
Robert Maxwell and Mossad media influence
The Iran affair, Waldheim affair, Barschel affair
Global network of Mossad volunteer agents
George Bush false flag assassination plot
by Swiss Policy Research
The Zionism Cult: Christian Churches Of Satan
For 3 years now I have been warning the American public that it is time to leave the American Corporate Christian Churches, since in general, these Christian Churches followed the ways of Satan and submitted to the Satanic COVID measures, including having their children sacrificed to the Vaccine Cult by injecting them with bioweapons. I have documented how Corporate Christianity has reached this point in history, by not following the teaching of the Scriptures, which includes both the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament. I was trained in Christian Zionism at one of their top schools in the early 1980s, so I could easily write a treatise disputing all the false teaching of Christian Zionism, but I have already covered most of the biblical teaching refuting this false doctrine in previous articles, many of which I have linked to in this article. So instead of spending more time refuting not only Zionism but also Corporate Christianity, let me instead give the biblical, spiritual principle of why so many Christians are deceived today.
by Brian Shilhavy
Israel’s Negev Prison New ‘Abu Ghraib’: Official
Reports of extreme torture are emerging from inside Israeli prisons as nearly 900 Palestinians have been detained in the West Bank in less than two weeks
Broken limbs and severe beatings are among the extreme tactics being used by Israeli officials inside the Negev prison on Palestinian detainees since the start of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October. “Many prisoners have had their limbs, legs, and hands broken, and after the beatings, their comrades could no longer recognize them. The Negev prison has become like Abu Ghraib, a center of brutality and savage treatment towards the heroic prisoners,” reads a statement issued on 19 October by the head of the Palestinian Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Commission. “‘Israel’ is making the Palestinian prisoners pay the price for its failures, acting solely with a spirit of revenge,” Fares adds. Last week, the Negev prison administration also cut off all water and electricity to all sections of the prison as part of the collective punishment approach by Tel Aviv.
by News Desk
Global Extent Of Bird Armageddon
And how it will be spun to push avian flu shots on poultry and people
Anders Brunstad alerted me to the installation of one of the most powerful radar stations in the world on the Varanger Peninsula in Finnmark, Norway just before tens of thousands of birds fell dead all over the peninsula. The southern and eastern coasts of the peninsula also have 4G+ and, increasingly, 5G service, added recently. At Ekkerøy Nature Reserve, on the southern coast of the peninsula, at least 15,000 endangered kittiwakes died at the end of July and beginning of August 2023. They nest there in the summer on high cliffs where they are directly in the line of fire of the radar, which is 50 kilometers away. The restaurant at Ekkerøy was forced to close for the summer because it was “raining down” dead birds. The total population of these seabirds in Norway was only about 50,000. Dead terns and other kinds of gulls have also been collected. Half of the cranes at Ekkerøy have died.
by Arthur Firstenberg
Russia’s Questions On US Military Biological Program In Ukraine Remain Unanswered
UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – The questions posed by Russia to the United States and Ukraine about their military biological program remain unanswered and need to be addressed, Russian Foreign Ministry Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department Deputy Director Kosntantin Vorontsov stated on Wednesday. “Our well-founded questions to the US and Ukraine have yet to receive a proper response. They remain open and need to be addressed,” Vorontsov stressed during a meeting of the UN General Assembly First Committee. Vorontsov pointed out that Russia has provided a “mass of evidence” regarding the US military biological program and emphasized that the facts regarding its implementation in Ukraine with the support of the Defense Department and affiliated entities requires close attention. “The projects carried out in Ukrainian laboratories lead to the conclusion that biological weapons components were being developed in close proximity to Russian territory,” Vorontsov emphasized.
by Sputnik
ACH (2242) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Erlo Stegen And The Revival In KwaZulu (Audio 56:41)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 6, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Erlo Stegen And The Revival In KwaZulu.”
We discussed: the background to Erlo Stegen’s mission and why it was designed to be self-sufficient; how in the times of revival the word of God comes alive; why divine healing begins in the heart; the amazing recoveries many sick people made at Erlo Stegen’s KwaSizabantu Mission, which is the most successful mission station on the continent of Africa; the dedication of Erlo’s daughters who looked after him as he struggled with ill health in his later years; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
US Warmongers Keep Pushing The Narrative That Hamas Is To Blame For All Deaths In Gaza
One thing I’ve been meaning to highlight for the last few days is the way US warmongers have been forcefully pushing the propaganda narrative that Hamas bears 100 percent responsibility for all deaths in Gaza, and Israel bears zero percent, as Israel ramps up its mass slaughter of Palestinians. In a New York Times article titled “Hamas Bears the Blame for Every Death in This War,” notorious neoconservative war propagandist Bret Stephens argues that no blame whatsoever should be placed on Israel for the thousands of civilians it has killed in its latest Gaza operation and the thousands more it will continue to kill. “The central cause of Gaza’s misery is Hamas,” Stephens writes. “It alone bears the blame for the suffering it has inflicted on Israel and knowingly invited against Palestinians. The best way to end the misery is to remove the cause, not stay the hand of the remover.”
by Caitlin Johnstone
Hypersonic-Missile Armed Jets To Patrol Black Sea – Putin
The “permanent” deployment is a reaction to rising tensions with the US, the president said
Russian President Vladimir Putin told journalists on Wednesday that he has ordered warplanes to conduct regular patrols of the neutral airspace over the Black Sea. “Our MiG-31 planes are armed with Kinzhal missile systems. It is known that they have a range of over 1,000 km and a Mach-9 speed,” he said at a press conference in Beijing. The announcement was not meant as a threat, Putin stressed, but rather a reaction to escalating instability, particularly in the Middle East. He mentioned the US’ deployment of two aircraft carrier strike groups to the Mediterranean Sea in support of Israel as a factor. As stipulated by Putin, the range of the hypersonic weapons potentially puts the eastern part of the sea within striking distance of Russian patrols.
by RT
Heart Damage Study Adds Weight To Call For Immediate Ban On mRNA ‘Vaccines’
I AM really sorry to have to do this to long-established TCW readers, who must be weary of the mass of scientific evidence we have reported over nearly three years about the ineffectiveness and dangers of the Covid jabs – and the continuing lack of response from regulators. But a peer-reviewed study out last week in the British Journal of Pharmacology provides an important piece of the puzzle of why heart damage has emerged as prominent among side-effects from the mRNA gene injections. It shows for the first time that rat heart cells, isolated in the laboratory, become disordered 48 hours after exposure to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in ways that correlate with heart muscle damage in humans. The scientists involved, at the Giessen Institute of Physiology in Germany and the National Heart Laboratory of Semmelweis University, Hungary, say the findings mean the policy of giving people mRNA vaccines should be reconsidered. This adds even further weight to Professor Angus Dalgleish’s call for the mRNA vaccines to be banned once and for all made in these pages three weeks ago.
by Neville Hodgkinson
Internet Censorship, Everywhere All At Once
nations that freedom of speech was the basis not just of democracy, but of all human rights. When a person or group can censor the speech of others, there is – by definition – an imbalance of power. Those exercising the power can decide what information and which opinions are allowed, and which should be suppressed. In order to maintain their power, they will naturally suppress information and views that challenge their position. Free speech is the only peaceful way to hold those in power accountable, challenge potentially harmful policies, and expose corruption. Those of us privileged to live in democracies instinctively understand this nearly sacred value of free speech in maintaining our free and open societies. Or do we? Alarmingly, it seems like many people in what we call democratic nations are losing that understanding. And they seem willing to cede their freedom of speech to governments, organizations, and Big Tech companies who, supposedly, need to control the flow of information to keep everyone “safe.”
by Debbie Lerman
Biden Whitewashes Israel’s Slaughter Of Gazans During Netanyahu Meeting
The US president warmly embraced the Israeli premier upon his arrival and said he wants ‘the world to know where the US stands’
US President Joe Biden landed in Israel on the morning of 18 October and held talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just hours after the Israeli army massacred hundreds of civilians in Gaza during an airstrike on the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital. “I was deeply saddened and outraged by the explosion at the hospital in Gaza yesterday. Based on what I’ve seen, it appears it was done by the other team, and not you,” Biden told Netanyahu, promoting the Israeli narrative that the hospital was demolished by an “errant rocket strike” from a resistance faction. Biden did not provide any evidence to support his assessment and followed up his comment: “There are a lot of people out there who are not sure.” “Israel has a value set like the United States does and other democracies, and they’re looking to see what we’re going to do. I am looking forward to having a thorough discussion about where everyone goes from here,” the US president added. For his part, Netanyahu said the “civilized world must unite to defeat Hamas.” The forces of civilization will prevail for our sake, for your sake…and for the sake of peace and security,” he added.
by News Desk
American Pravda: Oddities Of The Jewish Religion (Audio 55:55 and Transcription)
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
by Ron Unz
Palestinian-American Child Killed In Illinois: This Is What Media Reports Left Out
The killing of a Palestinian-American boy on Friday was neither a random crime nor a simple act of Islamophobia. It happened because many media reports misinformed Americans, and politicians, including the President, repeated Israeli spin and disinformation There is a larger story behind this tragedy.
Everyone has heard by now that on Saturday in Illinois, an elderly man attacked a Muslim Palestinian woman and her six-year-old son, killing the boy. The attacker, the victims’ landlord, yelled as he stabbed them, “you Muslims must die!” The child, Wadea Shihin, who recently celebrated his birthday, was pronounced dead at the hospital; his mother, Hanaan Shahin, is in serious condition. The family had been living in a room they rented on the ground floor for two years. By all reports, Wadea and his mother had gotten along well with their assailant and his wife. He had been “like a grandfather” to the boy, and even built him a treehouse. This key information is being omitted from the vast majority of news reports on the incident. Shahin “didn’t have even one percent suspicion he would hurt the child,” and when her son saw him at the door that morning, he “ran to him for a hug.” Wadea was stabbed 26 times.
by Kathryn Shihadah
U.S. Breaks Its Deal With Iran…Again
Building on its reputation as an unreliable diplomatic partner, the United States announced on October 12 that it was pulling out of the deal that would have granted Iran access to $6 billion of its money in exchange for the release of five American prisoners. This rare diplomatic success between the U.S. and Iran took months to work out, only to see the U.S. break its word again and renege on the deal. In 2018, the United States granted a waiver for South Korea to continue purchasing Iranian oil despite American sanctions on Iran. Instead of being deposited in Iran, the money for the oil would be placed in South Korean accounts that could be accessed by Iran for humanitarian goods in South Korea that were not sanctioned. However, entanglements in the web of the sanctions regime made it impossible for Iran to withdraw money from its account. Meanwhile, five Americans were being held prisoner in Iran.
by Ted Snider
The Link Between Nightshades, Chronic Pain And Inflammation
Few people are familiar with the term nightshades, and many will be surprised to learn that consuming foods from this plant group may be contributing to their pain and inflammation.
Nightshades belong to the Solanaceae family which includes over 2,000 species. They also include some of the most popular foods consumed today; such as tomatoes, potatoes, all types of peppers, and eggplant. Although not truly nightshades, blueberries, huckleberries, goji berries and ashwaganda all share the same alkaloids which may have inflammation-inducing properties. The Solanaceae family contains cholinesterase inhibiting glycoalkaloids and steroid alkaloids including, among others, solanine in potato and eggplant, tomatine in tomato, nicotine in tobacco, and capsaicin in garden peppers. The glycoalkaloids in potatoes are known to contribute to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and negatively affect intestinal permeability. (1,2) According to Dr. Marvin Childers, “When these inhibitors accumulate in the body, alone or with other cholinesterase inhibitors such as caffeine or food impurities containing systemic cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides, the result may be a paralytic-like muscle spasm, aches, pains, tenderness, inflammation, and stiff body movements.” (3)
by Elisha McFarland
Israel Evacuates Embassies In Arab States
Supporters of Palestine took to the streets to protest the bombing of a hospital in Gaza on Wednesday
The Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry evacuated the employees of its embassies in Rabat and Cairo on Wednesday due to pro-Palestine rallies against the backdrop of the war between Israel and Hamas. Rallies were held in front of Israeli missions in the Egyptian and Moroccan capitals, as well as other Israeli embassies in other cities across the globe, following the bombing of Al-Ahli Hospital in the Gaza Strip that resulted in the death of at least 471 individuals and the injury of 314. Demonstrations in support of Palestine also took place in Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Germany, Iraq, Türkiye, Jordan, Iran, Syria, Kuwait, and other countries in the wake of the attack. As a result, Israeli authorities have increased security measures in diplomatic missions worldwide.
by RT
Who’s To Blame For The Massacre At Gaza’s Baptist Hospital?
Since Al-Ahli Baptist Church was struck yesterday evening and over 500 people were killed, social media has been abuzz with claims of who carried out this war crime. For Palestinians and reporters with knowledge of Israel’s rules of law – or lack there of – the answer was obvious; Israel hit the hospital. While officials in Tel Aviv first acknowledged the strike as an Israeli attack, they then backtracked and blamed the Palestinian resistance. However reporters covering the ongoing assault on Gaza and the resistance’s rocket fire into Israel have made it clear; the resistance’s rockets cause damage, they have been known to kill people, but they are not powerful enough to cause the amount of death and destruction caused by this one strike. Looking through social media after the strike, a number of facts were clear to see. If Israel didn’t bomb the Gaza Baptist Hospital, why did the occupation army warn the Gaza Baptist Hospital to evacuate the premises before the bombing occurred?
October 18, 2023, 20 Posts Published
“What Israel’s doing in Gaza is not a military attack, not an offensive, not an aggression,
not a war, I refuse to call it any other name than a massacre, a genocide …
I’m losing my faith in international law, I’m losing my faith in the world”
Maha Hussaini, https://Twitter.com/MahaGaza
War Criminals Archive With 455 Posts
The Complete List Of The 1030 Jewish Expulsions
Just when you think these parasites can’t possibly get any more evil, they always do.
How long are the good people of earth going to let these Satanic atrocities go on for?
The bombing of this hospital should awaken everyone to why this has happened throughout history.
Israel’s Culture Of Deceit
Israel, which always seeks to blame Palestinians for the atrocities it carries out, is the least trustworthy source about the bombing of the hospital in Gaza.
Israel was founded on lies. The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied. The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages during their ethnic cleansing by Zionist militias in 1948 because they were told to do so by Arab leaders. The lie that it was Arab armies that started the 1948 war that saw Israel seize 78 percent of historic Palestine. The lie that Israel faced annihilation in 1967, forcing it to invade and occupy the remaining 22 percent of Palestine, as well as land belonging to Egypt and Syria. Israel is sustained by lies. The lie that Israel wants a just and equitable peace and will support a Palestinian state. The lie that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. The lie that Israel is an “outpost of Western civilization in a sea of barbarism.” The lie that Israel respects the rule of law and human rights. Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians are always greeted with lies. I heard them. I recorded them. I published them in my stories for The New York Times when I was the paper’s Middle East Bureau Chief. I covered war for two decades, including seven years in the Middle East. I learned quite a bit about the size and lethality of explosive devices. There is nothing in the arsenal of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) that could have replicated the massive explosive power of the missile that killed an estimated 500 civilians in the al-Ahli Arab Christian hospital in Gaza. Nothing. If Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad had these kinds of missiles, huge buildings in Israel would be rubble with hundreds of dead. They don’t.
by Chris Hedges
Colombia Expels Israeli Ambassador
In a step that is expected to indicate a shift in the country’s policy toward Israel, Colombia has expelled Israeli Ambassador Gali Dagan. Colombian Foreign Minister Alvaro Leyva called on Dagan to apologise after he criticised President Gustavo Petro’s comparison of Israeli attacks on Gaza with the Nazi persecution of the Jews. “An important milestone in the history of world diplomacy will be the senseless arrogance of the Israeli ambassador to Colombia towards the President of the Republic Gustavo Petro,” said Leyva on X. “It’s a shame. At least ask for forgiveness and leave.” He added that no reasonable person can applaud a “scorched earth policy” no matter who is responsible, including Israel. “It violates the dignity of the human being, and kills innocents and the doctrine of the comprehensive peace based on the duty of global justice and law.”
by Eman Abusidu
Euro-Med: Israel Kills About 100 Kids Every Day In Gaza
The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has said that the Israeli occupation army has been killing an average of 100 Gazan children every day since it launched its large-scale war on the besieged coastal enclave on October 7. “The Israeli army is crushing the innocence of Gaza’s children,” Euro-Med stated in a report on Tuesday. According to Euro-Med’s new report, 1,046 children had been killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza until Monday night (October 16), while efforts are underway to reach about 167 others who are under the rubble of bombed residential buildings. Israel’s relentless attacks on Gaza also injured 3,250 other children, and at least 1,240 of them need special medical care.
by PalInfo
US Votes UNSC Resolution Demanding Humanitarian Pause In Gaza
The United States has blocked a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution that would have established humanitarian pauses in the ongoing Israeli war on the blockaded Palestinian Gaza Strip. The US on Wednesday vetoed the resolution that had been drafted by Brazil and had sought to broker aid access to Gaza amid the incessant Israeli airstrikes and shelling against people in the tiny strip of land. Representatives of 12 countries in the 15-member UNSC voted in favor of the resolution while Britain and Russia abstained. A UNSC resolution needs the approval of all five veto-wielding members of the body, including the US, to pass. Besides, for the resolution to pass, no permanent member should cast a veto. US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield justified her country’s veto, saying “this resolution did not mention Israel’s right of self-defense.”
by PressTV
West ‘Stomps’ On Russian-Drafted Resolution For Gaza Ceasefire
The US, France, and the UK opposed calling for an end to the Israeli atrocities in Gaza, while China and the UAE supported the call for a ceasefire
A Russian-drafted resolution for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza failed to pass at the UN Security Council (UNSC) on 16 October. China, Russia, Gabon, Mozambique, and the UAE voted in favor of the resolution, while the US, UK, France, and Japan voted against it. Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Ghana, Malta, and Switzerland all abstained from voting. The text of the resolution called for an immediate humanitarian truce, the release of prisoners, access to aid, and the safe evacuation of civilians. Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, condemned the UNSC failure to pass the resolution and slammed the “selfish intention of the western bloc,” which he said “basically stomped” on international calls for de-escalation and an end to violence. He added that the resolution was needed to respond to the “unprecedented exacerbation” of the calamity inside the Gaza Strip, where Israel has continued to bomb 2.2 million Palestinians trapped inside and prevent the entry of humanitarian aid.
by News Desk
Shut Up And Obey Its All About Control – Paul Fromm (33:44)
Paul Fromm speaks to the Brian Ruhe Show Group, in Sept 2023, about how institutions silence the public by using signage to intimidate us into submission so we do not oppose our aggressors. What is more, our aggressors hide behind the illusion that they are keeping us safe.
by Brian Ruhe
BBC Fires Six Journalists For Supporting Palestine
Britain’s state-funded broadcaster BBC has launched an investigation into six reporters and a freelance contributor working for its Arabic service over what they claim was exhibiting anti-Israel bias and cheering attacks by the Palestinian militant group Hamas. The probe is related to the social media activities of the journalists, namely liking and reposting pro-Palestinian content and criticism of Israel. The online conduct of BBC employees is covered by BBC’s so-called partiality’ rules. Impartiality? A former BBC editor doesn’t buy it: “I worked for the BBC’s English-language outlets as an editor and senior editor for 35 years. Since the early 1990s, there has been growing intolerance of criticism of editorial management decisions, even in internal forums which internal BBC propaganda claims are meant for staff to speak freely. This applies across the board on all matters. But certainly, with regard to Israel and Zionism, any questioning of BBC’s impartiality would attract accusations of anti-Semitism and would certainly spell the end of one’s career, no matter how privately and confidentially such criticism is conveyed. former senior editor for the BBC, says the 35-year veteran of the BBC.
by Michael Walsh
Mass Media Reporters Aren’t Buying Israel’s Hospital Bombing Story
A huge blast in Gaza has destroyed the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, killing hundreds of people. The exact death toll is still unknown. Details of who is responsible for the explosion are being hotly debated by all parties, and this is still a developing story with a lot of details yet to be revealed. But what I’d like to quickly document as things unfold is the highly unusual number of mass media reporters I’ve been seeing who haven’t hesitated to point to Israel as the probable culprit. After noting that Israel is blaming the blast on a failed rocket launch by Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), MSNBC foreign correspondent Raf Sanchez quickly pointed out that PIJ rockets don’t tend to do that kind of damage, but Israeli missiles do. He also noted that Israel has an extensive history of lying about this sort of thing.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Two Fantastic Innovations That Will Do More For The US Economy…
Than the total sum of all government employees quitting their jobs; And simply requires men with brains, courage, imagination, and balls of steel
If you’re a government employee with love for your boss, stop reading, turn around, and watch television. If you’re a radical environmentalist, FUCK OFF. Keep digging for roots and tubers and munch on your storage supply of tofu. As I’ve been writing, the US economy is in much bigger trouble than conventional critics or unconventional critics are willing to admit. If you look at 3 of the biggest employers in America-government, the medical/pharma industry, and the defense industry-all predatory-you realize the nation creates an astounding number of MIDDLE CLASS earners in these corrupt sectors. So resuscitating the middle class (the stated goal of many economists and political candidates)-if you care about a thing called human life and survival-isn’t an easy fix or a one-stop shop. Far from it. Middle class prosperity and corruption are both baked into the economy.
by Jon Rappoport
“I am not sure I have ever seen such organised evil as the complicity of western media and politicians in lying that it was not Israel that destroyed the hospital. The Palestinians have nothing close to that powerful.”
Craig Murray, https://Twitter.com/CraigMurrayOrg
“The genocide apologists are out in force tonight. Having lost the argument – no group in Gaza has a rocket that can flatten a hospital, not even close – they’re trying to spin it differently. Supposedly it was still one of Islamic Jihad’s paltry home-made rockets but the damage was caused by it hitting an ammo dump – presumably a very large one stored in the middle of the hospital. Even if that sounds like it might be true to you (and it really shouldn’t), watch and listen to the missile slam into the hospital at terrifying high speed. That’s a very hi-tech armament. Not something Islamic Jihad knocked up in a workshop after watching a YouTube tutorial. There truly are ghouls out there – and they will keep spewing out new bits of disinformation on behalf of Israel’s genocidal government. Don’t be fooled.”
Jonathan Cook, https://Twitter.com/Jonathan_K_Cook
Israeli Missile Hitting The Al-Ahli Hospital In Gaza (0:07)
All the pathetic genocidal liars saying the same thing, desperately trying to defend the indefensible. The Hamas missiles have small warheads 20kgs, the whoosh of the incoming projectile was no Hamas missile.
Thousands Of Protestors In Lebanon Are Headed To The United States Embassy
After The Israeli Bombing Of The Gaza Hospital. (0:13)
by Dr. M Faraz Ul Islam
Israel-Palestine War: Gaza Hospital Strike Haunts Biden’s Visit To Israel
Protestors try to storm US embassies and Washington’s closest Arab allies turn a cold shoulder to US president as he lands in Israel
US President Joe Biden’s visit to the Middle East was in peril on Wednesday after US allies cancelled a summit of Arab leaders in Jordan, and Iran-backed forces called for “a day of rage”, following a deadly strike on a Gaza hospital housing hundreds of wounded and displaced Palestinians. Protests erupted at US embassies across the region on Tuesday night in an outpouring of fury at the US for supporting Israel after the blast ripped through al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City leaving more than 500 Palestinians dead. In Beirut and Baghdad demonstrators tried to break through security barriers at US embassies, while protestors in Amman, where US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was staying, denounced Biden. Biden said he was “outraged and deeply saddened” by the strike and that “the United States stands unequivocally for the protection of civilian life during conflict.” Palestinian officials and leaders across the Middle East, including Washington’s closest Arab allies, have blamed Israel, whereas Israel has said a malfunctioning rocket launched by Islamic Jihad was responsible for the blast. The group has denied the allegation.
by Sean Mathews
Biden To Travel To Israel In Show Of Solidarity [It Isn’t Coincidental Creepy Joe Will Be There Today]
US urged to shoulder its responsibility to mediate conflict
As US President Joe Biden is about to travel to Tel Aviv on Wednesday in a show of support to Israel as it prepares for a ground offensive in Gaza and with the aim to mitigate the expansion of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, analysts urged the US to shoulder its responsibility as a major power to act as a fair and impartial mediator and bring the two-state solution back on track. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who announced Biden’s trip to Tel Aviv, described it a demonstration of “US solidarity with Israel and our ironclad commitment to its security.” During the meeting with Israelis, Biden also plans to hear what Israel will need to safeguard their security, Blinken said. Before Biden reaches Tel Aviv, several US officials including Blinken and the top US military commander in the Middle East Gen. Michael E. Kurilla, have been engaging with senior Israeli officials in the country. The military commander is looking to “gain a clear understanding of Israel’s defense requirements,” according to the general’s headquarters.
by Liu Caiyu
Gaza Hospital Strike Ignites Riots In Muslim Countries (Text and Video)
Pro-Palestinian protesters clashed with police and attempted to storm US and Israeli diplomatic missions
A strike on a Gaza hospital that killed at least 500 Palestinians has sparked protests and riots in Muslim-majority countries, including Lebanon, Jordan, and Türkiye. Palestinian officials have blamed Israel for Tuesday’s deadly incident, although the Israeli government has denied responsibility, saying “terrorists” in Gaza hit the facility with a misfired rocket. In Beirut, the militant group Hezbollah called for “a day of unprecedented anger,” and protesters massed in front of the US embassy in the Awkar neighborhood. Some hurled rocks at the security fence and attempted to scale it. Police responded by firing volleys of tear gas and used water cannons to force back the mob, according to the Lebanese news channel MTV.
by RT
Gaza Authorities Say Hundreds [500+] Killed In Israeli Air Raid On Hospital (Text and Video)
Palestinian health ministry says that at least 500 people have been killed in an attack on a hospital in central Gaza.
Hundreds of people have been killed in an Israeli air raid on a hospital in the besieged Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian authorities. The health ministry in Gaza said on Tuesday that at least 500 people were killed in the air raid on Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in central Gaza. The Hamas group, which governs the Palestinian territory, said the attack was a “war crime”. Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said there were no details on the hospital deaths. “We will get the details and update the public. I don’t know to say whether it was an Israeli air strike,” he said. Images shared on social media appeared to show fire engulfing the building, widespread damage and bodies scattered in the wreckage. Since Israel began pounding Gaza from the air on October 7, tens of thousands of people seeking refuge from the bombardment have fled to hospitals throughout Gaza. The World Health Organization condemned the attack and demanded the immediate protection of civilians and health care in the Palestinian enclave.
by Al Jazeera
October 17, 2023, 50 Posts Published
“Terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen … I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don’t approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country”
John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, February 1957
They Live Archive With 4,031 Posts
Archbishop Viganò To Americans: Fight Back Against The Satanic Globalist Elite Holding The US Hostage
In this spiritual battle, the globalist elite, however powerful it may seem, obeys Satan – the Adversary, the one who is a murderer from the beginning – while We the People, with all our weaknesses, are aligned with the Almighty God.
The following is a message of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò for the ReAwaken America Tour published on October 14, 2023.
Come Forth, in the Name of God! Message for the Reawaken America Tour – October 14, 2023
Dear friends,
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Allow me to address you first of all to thank you for the witness you are giving to your fellow Americans. The awakening of consciences is the first step towards liberation from the subversive leadership that has usurped the highest places in both national and international institutions. Because opening one’s eyes and looking at reality is essential if you are to understand what is really happening, denounce the globalist coup d’état, and regain the national sovereignty and fundamental freedoms that have been taken away from you.
by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
US Faces Defeat In Geopolitical War In Gaza
One hundred years after the Arab Revolt (1916-1918) against the ruling Ottoman Turks amidst the impending defeat of Germany and the Triple Alliance in World War I, another armed uprising by the Arabs has erupted — this time around, against Israeli occupation, in the backdrop of the looming defeat of the United States and the NATO in Ukraine War — presenting a thrilling spectacle of history repeating unabridged. The Ottoman Empire disintegrated as a result of the Arab Revolt. Israel too will have to vacate its occupied territories and make space for a state of Palestine, which of course, will be a crushing defeat for the US and marks the end of its global dominance, reminiscent of the Battle of Cambrai in Northern France (1918) where Germans — surrounded, exhausted and with disintegrating morale amidst a deteriorating domestic situation — faced the certainty that the war had been lost, and surrendered.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Israel Bombs Fleeing Convoy: 70 People, Mainly Women And Children Were Killed (1:44)
The Most Dangerous Man In The World Is Enabled By Hypocrites In The West
He is the most dangerous leader in the world today. An unhinged psychopath in charge of nuclear weapons who has spent a lifetime dehumanising his enemy, and dismissing them and their children as animals. Instead of being condemned by the so-called civilised world, however, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is being supported and defended even though — or perhaps because — he is committing war crimes against the Palestinian people. Watch his performance on this video . This is a man erupting with toxic hubris who will never recover from the public humiliation delivered to him by Hamas fighters last weekend. Zionist keyboard warriors will be thumping outraged responses to my words, I’m sure, but before they do, they should take some time to read this article from the Jerusalem Post. Astonishingly, an overwhelming majority of 86 per cent of respondents, including 79 per cent of Israel’s far-right coalition government supporters, said the surprise attack from Gaza was a failure of the country’s leadership. Yes, that’s right. Four out of five Jewish Israelis believe that the government and Netanyahu are to blame for the mass infiltration by Hamas into Israel and the killings that followed, according to a new Dialog Centre poll released five days after the attack.
by Yvonne Ridley
US ‘Can Afford Two Wars’ – Treasury Secretary
Washington is more than capable of supporting country’s overseas interests, Janet Yellen has said
[Jewess] US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Monday that Washington can “certainly” afford to support wars on two separate fronts, saying that its coffers are in good shape to continue backing US interests overseas in its support for Ukraine and amid ongoing tensions in the Middle East. “America can certainly afford to stand with Israel and to support Israel’s military needs and we also can and must support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia,” Yellen said in a Monday interview with UK broadcaster Sky News in advance of a meeting with Eurogroup finance ministers in Luxembourg. Yellen added that the United States’ financial outlook is sufficient to back its allies abroad. However, she warned that the potential economic ramifications of a larger conflict in the Middle East remains unknown, particularly amid an already volatile global oil and natural gas market that has contributed to a cost-of-living crisis in several Western economies in the past year. A former chair of the US National Reserve, Yellen also noted that inflation is easing but called on Republicans to expedite attempts to appoint a new House Speaker to ensure that financial aid can flow overseas. California Republican Kevin McCarthy was removed from the position earlier this month, leading to concerns of a possible economic and legislative logjam in Washington.
by RT
Israel Kills A Dozen Journalists In One Week
The Israeli army is responsible for killing about 60 Palestinian journalists since the year 2000
Israel has killed at least 12 journalists since the start of their blitz in Gaza, in which warplanes have dropped thousands of bombs into the world’s largest open-air prison. “As of 15 October, in the first nine days of fighting, at least 12 journalists were killed, two were missing, and eight injured,” said the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). Attacking the press while reporting on conflicts is considered a war crime under Article 79 of Additional Protocol I in the Geneva Conventions. “Journalists engaged in dangerous professional missions in areas of armed conflict shall be considered as civilians,” the CPJ report adds. “They shall be protected as such under the Conventions and this Protocol.” Journalists in Gaza take part in the funeral of their colleagues Mohammad Soboh and Saeed Al-Taweel, who were brutally killed after being targeted by an Israeli airstrike last night while covering the evacuation of a building threatened by Israeli bombing west of Gaza City. pic.twitter.com/CcL8Uk2hIW — Quds News Network.
by News Desk
Jews And The Nuremberg Trials (21:04)
“I do not propose to argue about charges that are concerned with the internal affairs of Germany, with which foreigners have no right to interfere. I make no complaints about statements, the aim of which is to discredit and dishonor myself and the entire German people. I regard such statements coming from enemies as confirmations of our honor. It has been my privilege to serve for many years under the greatest son to whom my people have given birth in its thousand years of history. Even if it were possible for me to do so, I would never wish to wipe this period of service out of my life. It fills me with happiness to know that I did my duty toward my people. I regret nothing. Whatever men may do to me, the day will come when I will stand before the judgment seat of the Eternal: to Him I will give an account of my actions, and I know that He will pronounce me innocent.”
Last statement by Rudolf Hess to the International Military Tribunal in Nüremberg (August 31, 1946)
by Gott Mit Uns
From Netanyahu’s Rave Party In The Desert To WW 3
Netanyahu had been told by the Egyptians to expect Hamas to do something 9 days prior to Al Aqsa Flood. The President of Egypt’s mother was a Jewish refugee from Morocco. He grew up adjacent to the Jewish quarter in Cairo. He served for many years as Egypt’s military liaison to Israel. Even the CIA told the Israelis that Hamas was training hard for an operation. Putin knew that the West would soon start to send Ukrainian arms to Israel so he decided to start a Big Push in the Donbass. That and the arrival of the first few shipments of those 10 million artillery rounds from North Korea changed Putin’s strategy. Iran has been conferring with Hezbollah and Saudi Arabia. They agreed that Israel’s proposed demolition of Gaza is their Red Line. Previously, Hamas had a Red Line of Jewish Settlers invading Al Aqsa Mosque and destroying Palestinian shops nearby. That is why they called their operation Al Aqsa Flood. These same Jewish Settlers have been on a rampage killing unarmed Palestinians. For the past several years armed Jewish men have invaded Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem and throwing the previous residents out into the streets seizing their homes.
by Video Rebel
Slouching Towards The Final Solution
The war against Russia in Ukraine and the Israeli “war on terror” in Gaza are just parallel fronts of a single, horrifyingly evolving, global war.
It’s by now confirmed that Egyptian intel warned their Israeli counterparts only 3 days before Al-Aqsa Flood that something “big” was coming from Hamas. Tel Aviv, its multi-billion dollar security apparatus and the IDF, “the strongest army in the world”, chose to ignore it. That configures two key vectors. Tel Aviv get its “Pearl Harbor” pretext to implement a remixed “war on terror” plus a sort of Final Solution to the “Gaza problem” (already in effect). The Hegemon abruptly changes the narrative away from the incoming, inevitable, cosmic joint humiliation of the White House and NATO in the steppes of Novorossiya – a strategic defeat that configures the previous humiliation in Afghanistan as a masked ball in Disneyland. The total blockade of “human animals” (copyright Israeli Defense Ministry) in Gaza, in fact a civilian population of 2.3 million, has been imposed this past Monday. No food, no water, no fuel, no essential commodities. That’s a war crime and a crime against humanity, thrashing the four basic principles of the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) – everything duly applauded or at best completely ignored by NATOstan and its assorted oligarch-controlled mainstream media. Christians, Muslims, Jews and other ethnic groups lived peacefully in Palestine for centuries until the imposition of the racist Zionist Project – complete with all the Divide and Rule attributes of settler colonialism. The Nakba is an old memory of 75 years ago. We are now way beyond apartheid – and entering total exclusion and expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland. In January 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu himself stressed, “the Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel.”
by Pepe Escobar
Catholics Needed
Some Protestants still have sense, but Cath’lics alone
See fully how free, God’s enemies are to roam.
Dr. E. Michael Jones (EMJ) is an American university professor whose name and books may be familiar to many readers of these “Comments,” because for many years since Vatican II he has been a prolific writer and lecturer on Catholic subjects. Some Catholics may not appreciate that he has never yet completely understood Archbishop Lefebvre’s apparent defiance of Catholic Authority, especially in 1988, when the Archbishop consecrated four bishops to save Catholic Tradition. However, no Catholic familiar with EMJ’s work can fail to appreciate the depth of his faith or the breadth of his culture, and above all his readiness to judge modern “culture” in the light of that faith. For instance with his latest book just now appearing, The Holocaust Narrative, he is daring to tackle that most forbidden of all taboo subjects, namely the supposed death by gassing of Six Million Jews in Nazi gas-chambers of the Third Reich (1933–1945). We shall have to read the book to see what exactly EMJ says about that unbelievably influential myth, but there is no doubt that more and more serious historians are questioning that the “Holocaust” is a historical fact. Emotion, yes, and a’plenty, but evidence, little to none. Here is what EMJ himself says about the appearance of his book:
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
The History Of Palestinian Liberation Movements: Dr. Azzam Tamimi Interviewed by The Big Picture (50:14)
Israel-Palestine War: Mass Slaughter In Gaza Lays Bare The Depth Of Western Racism
Support for the brutal, indiscriminate bombardment of Gaza finds its roots in the historical context of western settler-colonialism
In a stunning turn of events, Palestinian fighters on the weekend launched a devastating offensive against their Israeli occupier, moving through around 80 breaches in the fence surrounding Gaza and targeting more than 20 settlements, towns and villages. They hit Israeli army bases, killed hundreds of people, and brought dozens of hostages back to Gaza. The developments left western mainstream media and self-proclaimed “Middle East experts” in a state of bewilderment and astonishment. For years, many western analysts and politicians have dedicated their careers to the complex “Palestinian-Israeli conflict”, bestowing upon us one Orientalist narrative after another, while failing to accurately frame the realities of settler-colonialism. Today, in the face of the latest developments, they find themselves flabbergasted, struggling to discern the trajectory of events and the potential outcomes. This sudden uncertainty underscores the limitations of the western perspective when it comes to understanding the aspirations of a people subjected to oppression. The struggle for freedom and liberation appears to be an elusive notion that remains beyond the scope of mainstream western comprehension. And yet, this is a straightforward and simple matter.
by Hanine Hassan
Egypt Says Israel Is Not Cooperating On Delivering Humanitarian Aid to Gaza
The Rafah border crossing is inoperable due to nearby Israeli airstrikes, according to Egyptian officials
Egyptian officials said Monday that Israel is not cooperating on allowing the delivery of humanitarian aid into Gaza as the enclave is being pushed to the brink due to relentless Israeli airstrikes and a total siege. According to Al Jazeera, Cairo said the Rafah border crossing that connects Egypt and Gaza has been rendered nearly inoperable due to continuous Israeli airstrikes in the area. The border crossing was closed last week as Israeli bombs fell nearby, giving Palestinians in Gaza nowhere to flee. Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry also said that Israel was not allowing citizens of other countries to exit Gaza. “Until now, the Israeli government has not taken a position on opening the Rafah crossing from the Gaza side to allow the entrance of assistance and exit of citizens of third countries,” Shoukry said.
by Dave DeCamp
Americans Want US To Help Get Gaza Civilians Out Of Harm’s Way: Survey (Text and Video)
A poll shows 78 percent of American respondents want Washington to work on a plan to allow civilians in Gaza to flee Israel’s bombardments.
A bipartisan majority of Americans wants the United States to help get Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way in Gaza amid Israel’s attacks, but the US public’s support for Israel in the conflict appears stronger than in the past, a Reuters/Ipsos poll finds. The results of the two-day poll, which closed on Friday, showed 78 percent of respondents – including 94 percent of Democrats and 71 percent of Republicans – agreed with a statement that “American diplomats should actively be working on a plan to allow civilians fleeing fighting in Gaza to move to a safe country”.
by Al Jazeera
Man In Gaza Pleas For Help (0:48)
Live Blog: UN Security Council Rejects Russia’s Resolution On Gaza Ceasefire
At least 2,808 Palestinians have been killed and 10,859 wounded in Israeli air raids. The number of Israelis killed since the Hamas operation stands at over 1,400 as war rages on for the 11th day.
The UN Security Council rejected a Russian resolution that condemned violence and terrorism against civilians but made no mention of Hamas, whose surprise attack on October 7 killed hundreds of Israelis. Only four countries joined Russia in voting for the resolution. Four countries voted against it, including the United States. Six countries abstained. Russia’s UN ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, had urged support for the resolution to respond to the “unprecedented exacerbation” of the situation. The Russian draft resolution would have called for “an immediate, durable and fully respected humanitarian ceasefire” and “strongly condemns all violence and hostilities directed against civilians and all acts of terrorism.”
TRT World
Israel-Palestine Conflict At Critical Point Amid Rising Concerns, Tensions
With a looming Israeli ground invasion in Gaza and the catastrophic humanitarian crisis that the Palestinian people are facing, the Israel-Gaza conflict is escalating at a crucial point. Israel may not stop its military actions despite mounting pressure from the international community, and the battlefield between Israel and Palestine is now extending to diplomacy and public opinion, which will make the situation more complicated, analysts said, calling for the acceleration of mediation efforts to prevent the situation from getting worse. The war has continued for 10 days after Hamas’ surprise attack against Israel on October 7. Israel’s military said Hamas’ attack has killed more than 1,300 people, and injured 3,200 others. In Gaza, the Health Ministry said Monday that Israeli airstrikes have killed at least 2,750 people and wounded at least 9,700, according to media reports.
by GT Staff Reporters
Former UK Diplomat Craig Murray Detained After Supporting Hamas, Hezbollah
A former British diplomat and human rights activist has been detained under the country’s counterterrorism laws after declaring support for the people of Palestine and criticizing Israel’s atrocities against them. Craig Murray was detained on Monday under the UK’s so-called Prevention of Terrorism Act after he returned from a trip to Iceland. Before his arrest, he had taken part in a pro-Palestinian protest outside Iceland’s parliament building. His detention came amid an all-out war waged by the Israeli regime against the besieged Gaza Strip, which has so far claimed the lives of more than 2,800 Palestinians and injured close to 11,000 others. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said those supporting Hamas following the operation would be “held to account,” vowing support for the Israeli regime and pledging readiness on the part of London to provide Tel Aviv with military assistance. Upon arresting Murray, British authorities seized his phone and other electronic devices. He was also questioned about attending the pro-Palestinian protest outside the Icelandic parliament.
by PressTV
Western Media’s Parroting Of Official Lies Is Paving Way To Genocide In Gaza
Catastrophe looms because journalists have failed to hold both Israel and their own governments to account
How did we get to the point where Israel can order half of Gaza’s population – more than one million people – to move from the north of their tiny prison to the south of their tiny prison, in one of the most overcrowded places on Earth? Palestinians in Gaza were given 24 hours to do so or face dire consequences. The depopulation order is being treated as “advance warning” – a concept Israel has played around with for many years to mangle international law and legitimise its targeting of civilians. Anyone left in northern Gaza – children, the sick, the elderly, the disabled – will face a terrifying fate: either a rain of bombs or a ground invasion comprising hundreds of thousands of Israeli troops seeking vengeance for the death of more than 1,300 Israelis during Palestinian fighters’ attack last weekend. Western leaders talk a lot about the trauma of Jews – trauma their states were often responsible for – and the resulting need not to offend Jews by being critical of Israel. France and Germany have banned demonstrations in solidarity with Gaza, and the UK is close to following suit. None of those leaders seem concerned that the families in Gaza currently being expelled live with the trauma of having been forced from their homes at gunpoint by Israel several times before, not least during the Nakba in 1948 and during the 1967 war.
by Jonathan Cook
How To Be A Social Media Influencer In 2023! (2:50)
by What’s Her Face
Ari Ben-Menashe On Israeli Black Operations
Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli military intelligence operative, revealed how Israel used proceeds from secret arms sales to Iran to finance black operations and false flag terrorism. Book: Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network (Ari Ben-Menashe, 1992) Quote: “The slush fund helped finance the intelligence community’s “black” operations around the world. These included funding Israeli-controlled “Palestinian terrorists” who would commit crimes in the name of the Palestinian revolution, but were actually pulling them off, usually unwittingly, as part of the Israeli propaganda machine.” (Ari Ben-Menashe, Profits of War, 1992, chapter 8)
by Swiss Policy Research
During “Lockdowns” When American Parents Couldn’t Take Their Children For Routine Vaccinations, Childhood Mortality Dropped By 30%. Coincidence?
Over the last few years, we have all watched in horror as the extent of the harm and damage that has been caused by the covid injections has been revealed, with more and more irrefutable evidence of unnecessary death and disability coming to light on an almost daily basis. If ever we needed proof of the danger of so-called “vaccines” we now have it by the boatload. But what about all the other vaccinations that people have been pumping into our babies and toddlers over the last fifty years? We know that the “safe and effective” lie applies to them all, Vaccine Choice Canada wrote. “It’s time we got the Canadian public to start questioning all vaccines.” In 2011, Neil Miller, PhD, and Gary Goldman, PhD, in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology showed how infant mortality rates correlated with childhood vaccination rates, with high-uptake countries having higher child mortality. This was confirmed by a re-analysis of the data in February 2023, which was published in the peer-reviewed journal Cureus. The paper confirmed their 2011 conclusion that there’s a positive correlation between vaccine doses and infant mortality rates.
by Rhoda Wilson
The MK-ULTRA Doctor Who Examined Jack Ruby
Evidence of CIA interference in the JFK assassination investigation
When it comes to the JFK assassination story, Jack Ruby, the assassin of accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, gets perhaps less attention than any other important character. This is why Tom O’Neill’s 2019 book, “CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties” is a contribution to the literature of JFK’s assassination. “CHAOS” offers the most insightful study yet of Ruby’s mental state before and after his murder of Oswald, as well as the diagnoses of psychiatrists who examined the Dallas nightclub owner. What O’Neill’s book shows is this: Jack Ruby may very well have been tampered with by a doctor in the pay of the CIA as a way of squelching suspicions of conspiracy in the case of the murdered president. What is certain is that Dr. Louis Jolyon West, a renowned psychiatrist at the University of Oklahoma and subcontractor for the CIA’s mind-control program known as MK-ULTRA, examined Ruby and pronounced on his sanity while concealing his work for the CIA from JFK investigators and the public.
by Thomas Bunin
Israel Is Just A Nonstop Bombing Campaign With A Flag
It’s not okay for grown adults to believe Hamas attacked Israel without provocation, solely because they are Bad Guys who are Bad. That kind of infantile fiction has no place outside of a children’s cartoon show. You have access to a whole internet full of information. Use it. It’s cute how Israel apologists think accusing someone of being a terrorist supporter will work on anyone over 30. We saw this exact same schtick after 9/11, kids. The exact same vitriol, the exact same shrieking emotional hysteria. You were wrong then. You’re wrong now. Talking about the causes of attacks always gets you accused of supporting the attackers. Talking about the well-documented western provocations which led to the invasion of Ukraine gets you accused of loving Putin and being a Russian troll. Talking about the well-documented apartheid abuses which led to the Hamas attack gets you called a terrorist supporter, which is also exactly what happened after 9/11 if you talked about the well-documented provocations which led to the rise of Al Qaeda.
by Caitlin Johnstone
The Holy War Origins Of Friday The 13th (3:20)
The religious occult agenda to rebuild the Temple of Solomon
by Greg Reese
Will Globalism Self-Destruct?
When I first began warning of a coming worldwide socio-economic crisis decades ago, the notion seemed quite fanciful. Yes, there were problems – there always are – but there was little on the immediate horizon that suggested a global meltdown. It was, therefore, understandable that the idea might not have been afforded credibility. Today, the opposite is true. Almost daily, we receive reminders of an impending collapse. We’re now seeing, on a daily basis, not just suggestions of an unravelling but dramatic events taking place almost too frequently for the average person to process. Understandable, then, if people say to themselves, “It gets worse every day. We’re about to be gobbled up by the globalists. There’s no hope.” There’s so much emphasis on the negatives that it’s difficult for anyone to recognize that a major pushback is now underway. It is true that the First World countries that make up the push for globalism are increasing their forcefulness almost daily. But for roughly eighteen months, a major pushback has been on the rise. Since the legacy media don’t comment on it, it’s less noticeable, but it’s growing fast.
by Jeff Thomas
The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse T-Shirt
And there went out another horse that was red:
and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth,
and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
Revelation 6:4
by ShipOfFools.org
Survivor Of Hamas Assault Says Israeli Army ‘Undoubtedly’ Killed Their Own Civilians
The survivor of the initial attack by the Gaza resistance also says Palestinian fighters treated their captives ‘humanely’ before the arrival of the army
A survivor from the Palestinian resistance offensive on Israeli settlements on 7 October says the Israeli army is “undoubtedly” responsible for killing many of their civilians. “They eliminated everyone, including the hostages, because there was very, very heavy crossfire,” 44-year-old mother of three Yasmin Porat told the Haboker Hazeh radio program on Israeli Kan radio last week. When the interviewer asked if Israeli troops were responsible for civilian deaths, Porat said, “Undoubtedly.” Her interview has been scrubbed from the online version of Haboker Hazeh and the Kan website; however, Electronic Intifada procured a copy and translated it from Hebrew. “There are five or six hostages lying on the ground outside. Just like sheep to the slaughter, between the shooting of our commandos and the terrorists,” Porat describes. Many Israeli civilians in Kibbutz Be’eri were killed by Israeli forces, survivor Yasmin Porat told Israeli state radio in a now censored interview. Here it is with translation.
by News Desk
Florida Medical Kidnapping Trial Exposes Medical Tyranny And Pediatricians Who Traffick Children For A Living
Earlier this year we published an article about the Netflix movie, “Take Care of Maya,” where I said that this film was the “most powerful film ever produced exposing medical kidnapping.” This film has done more to expose child trafficking in the U.S. through medical kidnapping than any other documentary I have seen since I started covering this topic over a decade ago. It has brought the issue of medical kidnapping and the horrible power granted to a special group of doctors known as “Child Abuse Pediatricians” to the public for everyone to see, showing how easily this class of medical doctors can override the opinions of other medical doctors, parents, and other experts and terminate parental rights, while keeping children in custody in hospitals as prisoners. Maya’s mother committed suicide after she gave up hope that her daughter could ever come back home, and now Maya’s father and brother have joined together with Maya in a civil lawsuit against Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital that is being live-streamed every day, with many reporters and commentators following this case.\
by Brian Shilhavy
Kelly Brogan, MD: Healing Yourself Pharma Free (1:21:08)
by Dr. Sam Bailey
The Wolf Awakens
Old Testament justice and mass murder in the Holy Land…
Homo homini lupus est. ~ Latin proverb: man is a wolf to man
Last week, all of a sudden, explosions…gunfire…bodies…mayhem – and as the dust settled, there was Truth, blindingly obvious…yet, still shocking. Truth about the past…and a warning about the future. Stephen Pinker famously argues that we are all becoming lambs now. But now the wolf is back…snarling; and what big white teeth he has. All the world startled awake last week. Yes, it was an old-fashioned eye for an eye…mass murder in the Holy Land. Hamas attacked Israel. Israel retaliated. Now, with the whole world on edge, the Israeli Defense Forces are preparing what threatens to be a massacre…ethnic cleansing… genocide. We don’t know exactly what is happening because the Israelis cut off food, water and electricity to Gaza. Nothing gets in. But no information comes out, either. We are also watching ‘the West’ handle a major foreign policy problem. Pay attention, because this is how it will handle its major domestic challenge (debt) too.
by Bill Bonner
Israel’s Incremental Genocide And Its Genocidal Moment: Finally Time For The World To Use The Genocide Convention?
A way around the US’s veto and International Criminal Court’s “Hoax”
Reuters reports that “Iran warned in a social media post on Saturday that if Israel’s ‘war crimes and genocide’ are not stopped then the situation could spiral out of control with ‘far-reaching consequences’.” Similarly, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has accused Israel of “genocide” against the Palestinians. South African president, Cyril Ramaphosa, said Israel’s planned actions are “going to amount to almost genocide.” Human rights lawyer Noura Erakat writes: “Israel plans to flatten Gaza. This is beyond comprehension. There’s no irony that in the name of battling ‘barbarism,’ Israel with the backing of the U.S. and most European capitals, will unleash a genocidal campaign.” See “A Textbook Case of Genocide” from Jewish Currents. If the Iranian, Venezuelan, South African and other governments think that Israel is committing or threatening genocide, they should invoke The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
by Sam Husseini
Genocide Is Not A Crime: The Western Alliance Signed Up For Israel
The war declared by Israel on nearly 3 million Palestinians after an attack by Hamas’s militants is already debunking many myths, including the power of the Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD, the immunity of Merkava tanks, as well as the ultra-modernity and over-equipping of the Israeli IDF army, which collects the most necessary things throughout the country, even panties and socks. But the main myth and mantra, which is rapidly collapsing before our eyes, is the image of ‘the only democracy in the Middle East,’ for which the collective West has fervently prayed for decades. Against the background of statements by the Israeli leadership that military targets in the Gaza Strip are exclusively objects associated with Hamas, in fact, the Israeli army received the go-ahead to raze Gaza to the ground entirely – with combatants, non-combatants, peaceful, neutral, non-aligned, loyal, women, old people and children.
by Michael Walsh
Biden Admin Orders Banks Not To Reject Illegal Immigrants’ Loan Applications
The Biden administration has warned U.S. banks and other financial institutions that they can’t reject illegal immigrants’ credit applications based solely or predominantly on their immigration status.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said in a recent statement that rejecting illegal immigrants for credit cards and various types of loans just because they are noncitizens is unlawful. The two agencies stated that they were issuing the warning “because consumers have reported being rejected for credit cards as well as for auto, student, personal and equipment loans because of their immigration status, even when they have strong credit histories and ties to the United States and are otherwise qualified to receive the loans.” Specifically, the agencies cited the provisions of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which protects credit applicants from discrimination based on such characteristics as race, religion, sexual orientation, and national origin. The agencies argue that protections afforded by ECOA and other laws extend to alienage, so banks that have blanket policies to deny loans to illegal immigrants may be breaking the law.
by Tom Ozimek
Interview With Jason Barker The Ghost Gun Myth
What is it like to 3D print a gun? Is it untraceable? Cheaper or more expensive? The technical and legal issues and a look at where it goes from here with Jason Barker.
by The David Knight Show
Bombing Kids And Blaming It On Hamas
There’s no “collateral damage” in Gaza. Collateral damage is when you unintentionally kill civilians. You can’t drop military explosives on places you know are densely packed with children and then call their deaths unintentional. It’s like calling the death and destruction caused by Hiroshima and Nagasaki unintentional. The “human shields” narrative is just Israel bombing civilians and blaming it on someone else. That’s all it’s ever been. The “human shields” argument is like if London had responded to an IRA attack by dropping thousands of bombs on Belfast, killing thousands of Irish civilians and hundreds of children, and justifying its bombing campaign by calling it an unfortunate but necessary measure to take out the IRA’s Belfast Brigade because they’re located in the same places as civilians. It’s like if the western political/media class defended and supported the carpet bombing of Belfast, saying “All those thousands of deaths are the fault of the IRA, because they’re in Belfast where the civilians are. England has a right to defend itself, after all.”
by Caitlin Johnstone
The WHO Will Ignore Its Own Rules And Refuse To Share The Finalized IHR Amendments With The Public And Member States 4 Months Before The Vote In May 2024
WHO’s principal legal officer, Steven Solomon, created a legal weasel fig leaf to justify this illegal maneuver, which has been approved–but how? by whom? and is there any recourse for the people?
The WHO’s press release states what happened in very general terms, so only the already-initiated will understand it. Article 55 of the WHO Constitution requires that amendments to WHO documents be offered to the member states and public 4 months in advance of a vote. The Saudi co-chair said to the public that his Working Group on the IHR amendments may not complete their work by January needed to meet the timeline to be voted on in May 2024. In a choreographed move, he asked Principal Legal Officer Steven Solomon what to do about this. Solomon had already crafted a plan. His plan was to create a specious excuse to ignore the existing rules.
by Meryl Nass
More Circus Theatre From The ‘Safe And Effective’ Brigade
Nobel Prize awarded for mRNA vaccines
On 2nd October 2023, Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman were awarded a Nobel Prize for their contribution to the design of the mRNA vaccines. Notably, the original inventor, Robert Malone was not included. Karikó and Weissman’s main contribution was to include a synthetic nucleotide – pseudouridine – to reduce immune attack, increase protein production and to increase the longevity of the mRNA. How long did they make it last you may ask? Nobody knows! Dr Drew Weissman wrote in 2018 of his concerns regarding the “non-trivial” safety concerns of the mRNA technology. He included concerns about: Where in the body mRNA would act; How long it would last; Autoimmunity; Toxicity of recycled pseudouridine nucleotides; Lipid nanoparticle toxicity; and Clotting issues from naked RNA. Since 2020, he failed to raise concerns about any of these issues and instead advocated as if every single one of these concerns had been remedied. They received their prize while both wearing large white face masks indicating their total lack of faith in the product.
Former Ukrainian Official Says Counter Offensive Is A ‘Disaster’
A former adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says the summer counteroffensive has failed. He went on to say Kiev will never achieve its war aims of recapturing the Crimean Peninsula and restoring Ukraine’s 1991 borders. In an X post on Saturday, Oleksiy Arestovych, a former adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine, said Kiev made “made a number of mistakes” during the summer counteroffensive. He continued, explaining that Ukraine has gained no territory since the end of February. Arestovych described the situation on the battlefield as a “disaster.” He noted that Ukraine wasted “so many lives and resources” and lost a “strategic position in the world.” Aresrovych argued, as Western officials have, that Ukraine suffered a major defeat in Bakhmut, causing Kiev to lack the troops and equipment needed for the offensive. He went on to write that this mistake created a second mistake.
by Kyle Anzalone
Eva K. Bartlett Describes The Horrific Conditions Suffered By The Palestinian People, Particularly In Gaza (53:35)
Highly Performing Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells Fabricated In Ambient Air
Metal halide perovskites, solution-processable materials with advantageous optoelectronic properties, have recently emerged as suitable candidates for developing photovoltaic technology. Recent studies demonstrated metal halide perovskite-based solar cells (PSCs) with power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) above 25.8%, which are within the range of some solar technologies on the market today. While these results are promising, existing fabrication processes for creating metal halide perovskite solar cells are far from ideal. In particular, to reach PCEs above 25%, these solar cells so far had to be fabricated in an inert (i.e., chemically inactive) atmosphere, such as that within a nitrogen glovebox. This inability to fabricate highly performing metal halide PSCs at ambient conditions greatly limits their large-scale production and deployment, as it adds requirements that would significantly increase their fabrication costs. In a paper published in Nature Energy, researchers at North China Electric Power University introduced a strategy to create metal halide PSCs with PCEs above 25% in ambient air.
by Ingrid Fadelli
In The Heart Of Gaza, St. Porphyrius Church Welcomes Displaced
The St. Porphyrius Church, a Greek Orthodox Christian church in Gaza City, opens its doors to welcome the displaced following the Israeli aggression that targeted residential buildings, ambulance crew, and hospitals.
The Saint Porphyrius church in Gaza City, the historical Greek Orthodox Church, has opened its doors wide since the beginning of the genocidal Israeli campaign against the Gaza Strip, welcoming displaced Palestinians who had lost their homes and loved ones. Early during the war, there was a rumor that the Israeli Occupation Forces had targeted the 1,600-year-old church, but the news was soon falsified after the church posted on its official page that the Church and its occupants, Christian churchgoers, and priests were all safe and the church is untouched. However, the Saint Porphyrius Church has not been the only church that has welcomed Palestinians seeking refuge from “Israel’s” relentless airstrikes, the Roman Catholic Holy Family Church and the Protestant Gaza Baptist Church have also welcomed many displaced Gazans.
Editorial bt Strategic Culture
The Elite Strategy To Physically Ruin Our Brains, Minds, And Willpower
Are they now purposely continuing to damage our brains, minds, and spirits….
Is it possible that the elite of the world, for almost one hundred years, have been knowingly damaging the brains and minds of billions of us to make us more docile, dependent, and easily controlled? Did they start in the mid-1930s with lobotomy, which earned the inventor a Nobel Prize, and then follow up with electroshock, which still goes on? Then in the mid-1950s, did they intentionally continue assaulting us with lobotomizing antipsychotic drugs like Thorazine and Haldol, crushing the brains of hundreds of millions of souls confined to state mental “hospitals”?
by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
Could A New Law Of Physics Support The Idea We’re Living In A Computer Simulation? (Text and Video)
A University of Portsmouth physicist has explored whether a new law of physics could support the much-debated theory that we are simply characters in an advanced virtual world. The simulated universe hypothesis proposes that what humans experience is actually an artificial reality, much like a computer simulation, in which they themselves are constructs. The theory is popular among a number of well-known figures including Elon Musk, and within a branch of science known as information physics, which suggests physical reality is fundamentally made up of bits of information. Dr. Melvin Vopson has previously published research suggesting that information has mass and that all elementary particles—the smallest known building blocks of the universe—store information about themselves, similar to the way humans have DNA.
by University of Portsmouth
October 16, 2023, 100 Posts Published
8,005 Posts Published in 2023
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“The American people are the ones who choose their government by way of their own free will;
a choice which stems from their agreement to its policies. Thus the American people have chosen,
consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians.”
Osama bin Laden
Mossad Archive With 493 Posts
Message To The World From Journalist Maha Hussaini In Gaza (1:51)
The Geopolitics Of Al-Aqsa Flood
Global focus just shifted from Ukraine to Palestine. This new arena of confrontation will ignite further competition between the Atlanticist and Eurasian blocs. These fights are increasingly zero-sum ones; as in Ukraine, only one pole can emerge strengthened and victorious.
Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was meticulously planned. The launch date was conditioned by two triggering factors. First was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flaunting his ‘New Middle East’ map at the UN General Assembly in September, in which he completely erased Palestine and made a mockery of every single UN resolution on the subject. Second are the serial provocations at the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, including the straw that broke the camel’s back: two days before Al-Aqsa Flood, on 5 October, at least 800 Israeli settlers launched an assault around the mosque, beating pilgrims, destroying Palestinian shops, all under the observation of Israeli security forces. Everyone with a functioning brain knows Al-Aqsa is a definitive red line, not just for Palestinians, but for the entire Arab and Muslim worlds. It gets worse. The Israelis have now invoked the rhetoric of a “Pearl Harbor.” This is as threatening as it gets. The original Pearl Harbor was the American excuse to enter a world war and nuke Japan, and this “Pearl Harbor” may be Tel Aviv’s justification to launch a Gaza genocide. Sections of the west applauding the upcoming ethnic cleansing – including Zionists posing as “analysts” saying out loud that the “population transfers” that began in 1948 “must be completed” – believe that with massive weaponry and massive media coverage, they can turn things around in short shrift, annihilate the Palestinian resistance, and leave Hamas allies like Hezbollah and Iran weakened.
by Pepe Escobar
Israel Plans Using New Mass-Killing Bombs During Gaza Aggression: US Journalist
American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed that the Israeli military plans to use a new version of Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) bombs capable of killing all people within “one-half mile” from the dropping site during the ongoing aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. According to Hersh, the attack is scheduled between Sunday and Monday. “The current Israeli war planners are convinced, the insider told me, that the upgraded version of JDAMs with larger warheads would penetrate deep enough underground before detonating – thirty to fifty meters – with the blast and resulting sound wave ‘killing all within one-half mile’ …depending on the efficacy the forced expulsion of Gazi City and south proceeds, with a ground invasion to follow immediately,” Hersh said on his Substack column. Earlier this week, Hersh warned in another report that an Israeli “national security veteran” said that the occupation is pondering whether to use a “Leningrad approach” to starve out “Hamas forces” in Gaza and avoid an invasion, something the source said may lead to the murder of nearly 100,000 civilians.
by PressTV
Biden Move To Send Warships To Gaza Coast More Dangerous Than We Thought
The temptation by Netanyahu to arrange a false flag attack on the Americans is too great if and when he sees the conflict not going his way.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is banking all he has on a single bet: that the U.S. will go the full nine yards in his madcap idea of a regional war between Israel and Iran’s proxies in the region. For Netanyahu, this was always the plan from the very beginning. But it will take a series of stepping stones to get to this objective. First off is that he has to convince the Biden administration to join the IDF in its war within the Gaza Strip. And even that’s not going to be easy. He would ideally like Washington directly involved in the conflict with Hamas because he hopes to expand the war to Lebanon and Iran, a former senior security policy analyst at the U.S. Department of Defense, Michael Maloof, told Russia Today recently. Maloof is certainly right but the move by Biden to send an armada of battle ships to the eastern Mediterranean coast is a dangerous move on so many levels. It’s easy to see that Biden wants to show support to Israel and to also show a physical presence in the region for Hezbollah, to make Nasrallah thinks twice about taking advantage of the IDF’s work being cut out in Gaza to launch a surprise attack. The problem with this mindset is that Hezbollah is not easily threatened by such moves and more than likely will be forced to think in a bigger and bolder way about carrying out such an attack with the U.S. ships ready to pound southern Lebanon, than if they were not there. But secondly, the temptation by Netanyahu to arrange a false flag attack on the Americans is too great if and when he sees the conflict not going his way.
by Martin Jay
Live | Israel-Palestine War
Israel-Palestine war: First week ends with over 2,500 Palestinians, 1,400 Israelis killed. Palestinians warn they are facing a ‘war of extermination.’ One Palestinian killed every 5 minutes. Israel dropped equivalent to ‘a quarter of a nuclear bomb.’ UN expert: Grave danger of ‘mass ethnic cleansing’ of Palestinians.
Live Updates: Red Cross Negotiating With Israel, Hamas To Deliver Medicine To Hostages
On October 7, the Palestinian militant organization Hamas launched a surprise attack in Israel, firing a barrage of missiles and catching the army off guard. As a result, many civilians and military personnel were killed or taken hostage. The Israeli government declared a state of war and launched airstrikes in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli government announced a complete water, electricity and food blockade of the Gaza Strip – a move that was sharply criticized by other Middle Eastern nations and international organizations, including the WHO, which stressed that the blockade of the Gaza Strip increases the risk of waterborne disease outbreaks. Iranian officials have recently warned that a large-scale Israeli ground operation in Gaza would lead to an escalation of the conflict. In response, the United States vowed to deploy a second aircraft carrier strike group to the region. President Vladimir Putin has called on the conflicting parties to prioritize diplomacy over military actions in order to effectively resolve the ongoing conflict and restore the negotiating process. Furthermore, Moscow has developed a draft resolution concerning a cease-fire and has formally requested the UN Security Council to conduct a vote on this matter, scheduled for Monday. Follow Sputnik live feed to learn more.
by Sputnik
Egypt Mulls Allowing Refugees Entry As Over 600,000 Gazans Move South
After giving the northern Gaza strip an evacuation ultimatum on Friday, Israel has so far withheld from launching a “significant” ground operation, with some speculating that requests from the US to evacuate all US citizens out of Palestine ahead of the invasion is what is holding Israel back. Meanwhile, Iran’s foreign minister on Saturday said that if Israeli “war crimes & genocide” are not stopped, the war might expand to other parts of the Middle East if Hezbollah joins the battle, and that would make Israel suffer “a huge earthquake.” Meanwhile, Axios reported that Tehran has sent Jerusalem a message through the UN that it will intervene if the campaign in Gaza continues, and particularly if it launches a ground offensive. This was followed by news Sunday morning that the US has been backchanneling with Iran in recent days to warn against escalating the conflict in Israel (after all, Biden can’t afford to lose those sanctioned Iranian oil exports whose re-embargo would promptly send the price of oil above $100). Another reason why Israel may be waiting: the Pentagon confirmed that it has ordered a second carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean Sea after a first carrier strike group, led by the USS Gerald R. Ford, arrived off the coast of Israel last week.
by Tyler Durden
One Day In Gaza (1:01:19)
A 2019 Frontline Documentary That Never Aired In The US
Media Blackout: UK Goverenment Quietly Confirms Vaccinated Account For 95% Of Covid-19 Deaths In England Over The Past Year; 94% Of Which Were Among The Triple And Quadruple Vaccinated
The Office for National Statistics recently published an update on deaths by vaccination status in England and it has shockingly revealed that the vaccinated population accounted for 95% of COVID-19 deaths in the 12 months between 1st June 2022 and 31st May 2023, and 94% of those deaths were among either the triple or quadruple vaccinated population. The dataset was published recently by the UK Government department known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS), and it can be found on the ONS website here, or downloaded here. The dataset includes deaths by vaccination status between 1st April 2021 and 31st May 2023. But because we have extensively looked at deaths up to the end of 2022 in previously published datasets we decided to take a look at Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status over a full year up to 31st May 2023, and the following chart shows what we discovered.
by The Exposé
Iran Asks China To Intervene To Stop War In Gaza
Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has called on China to intervene to put an end to the ongoing carnage in the Gaza Strip where Israel is carrying out incessant attacks against the civilian population living in the enclave. In a phone call with China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday, Amir-Abdollahian said there is a need for the United Nations to assume its responsibilities with regard to international peace and security amid the ongoing conflict in Palestine. However, he asked China to use its diplomatic capacity to stop the Israeli regime from attacking civilians in Gaza, the official IRNA news agency said. The foreign minister described the collective punishment imposed by the Israelis on the Palestinians in Gaza as “unacceptable” while reiterating the need for setting up humanitarian corridors to deliver aid to the people in the enclave.
by PressTV
Chinese FM Says Israel’s Actions Go Beyond Self-Defense, Calls To Avoid Collective Punishment Of Gaza People
China’s top diplomat Wang Yi said Israel’s actions have gone beyond the scope of self-defense, expressing concerns about the escalating Israel-Palestine conflict as Israel ordered one million people from the northern part of Gaza to evacuate within 24 hours as it prepared for a ground assault. In his phone call with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud on Saturday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China opposes and condemns all acts that harm civilians, as they violate basic human conscience and the fundamental principles of international law. Israel’s actions go beyond the scope of self-defense. It should heed the calls of the international community and the UN Secretary-General and avoid collective punishment of the people of Gaza, Wang said. Israel was preparing on Saturday to launch a ground assault in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, after telling Palestinians living in the densely populated territory to flee south toward a closed border with Egypt, Reuters reported.
by Chen Qingqing
Russia Asks UN Security Council For ‘Immediate’ Ceasefire In Gaza, Israel
Russia has asked the United Nations Security Council to vote Monday on a draft resolution that called for an “immediate” ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and Israel, blaming the United States for the unfolding situation in the Middle East. On Saturday, Dmitry Polyanskiy, Russia’s Deputy UN Ambassador, said no changes had been made to the text since it was given to the council on Friday and that he expected the vote to be scheduled for 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT) on Monday. Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia presented the draft resolution which also demands the secure release of all hostages, and “strongly condemns all violence and hostilities directed against civilians and all acts of terrorism.” The draft resolution, given to the 15-member council during a closed-door meeting on the situation in Gaza, also calls for humanitarian aid access and the safe evacuation of civilians in need.
by PressTV
Gaza Border To Reopen For Desperately Needed Egypt Aid Deliveries: US
Israel has bombed the border multiple times to prevent Egypt from bringing humanitarian aid into the bombed and besieged enclave, but US officials wish to evacuate US citizens
The border crossing between Gaza and Rafah, Egypt will be reopened to allow aid to flow into Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said after his meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on 15 October. “We have put in place, Egypt has put in place a lot of material support for people in Gaza, and Rafah will be reopened,” Blinken told reporters in Cairo. “We are putting into place—with the United Nations, with Egypt, with Israel, with others—the mechanism by which to get the assistance in and to get it to the people who need it.” The White House made it a priority to negotiate an opening to the crossing as it wishes to evacuate US citizens from Gaza. Egypt had refused to allow US citizens and foreigners to pass through the Rafah crossing unless an agreement was reached to allow the delivery of water, food, medical supplies and other humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, Egyptian officials familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal. Israel had responded to earlier Egyptian efforts to bring aid into Gaza through Rafah by bombing the border crossing multiple times on 9 and 10 October. Egypt was then forced to halt aid deliveries.
by News Desk
Iran Warns Israel Of Regional ‘Earthquake’
There is still a chance to prevent the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from spilling over, Tehran believes
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has urged Israel to end its airstrikes on Gaza, warning that the conflict with Hamas could spread across the region if Israel sends ground forces into the enclave, and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah enters the fray. “I know about the scenarios that Hezbollah has put in place,” Amir-Abdollahian said in a briefing with reporters in Beirut on Saturday. “Any step the resistance will take will cause a huge earthquake for Israel.” According to two diplomatic sources cited by Axios, Iran is trying to prevent the war from spreading, and seeking to help Israeli civilian hostages being held in Gaza – but if the military operation continues and Israel goes ahead with a ground offensive, Iran will have to respond. “There is still a political opportunity to prevent a widespread crisis in the region,” the minister noted, but “maybe, in the next few hours, it will be too late.”
by RT
‘40 Beheaded Babies’ How Media Amplified An Unconfirmed Story (14:03)
by The Big Picture
Why Australians Voted Against Aboriginal Voting Rights
Is apartheid (separation of the race) good or bad? The referendum took place in Australia on October 14. Voters had to answer whether they approved changes to the Basic Law that would give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people such rights, the Australian government says on its website. The national majority (60%) voted against the amendments to the Basic Law, as did the majority of voters in each of the six states. So essentially Australians voted against the formation of an apartheid state, where Whites were to be the bottom class, and Aboriginals the top. That they would even attempt to go with such a process and have White leftists support it so vigorously, shows their eventual aims for Australia, and the degree to which they thought they had already deeply shamed, pummelled down, and guilted White Australians. Luckily, they were wrong. Essentially Australia voted not to begin a process to turn Australia into the modern anti-White South African apartheid state.
by Michael Walsh
US Diplomats Told To Avoid Calls For Gaza ‘Ceasefire’
A memo to officials suggests Washington will not urge Israel to restrain its military action in the Palestinian enclave
The US State Department has advised diplomats to avoid calling for “de-escalation” or a “ceasefire” in Gaza amid continued fighting between Israel and Palestinian militants, multiple media outlets have reported. US officials have voiced loud support for the Jewish state’s right to “self-defense” in the wake of a deadly Hamas raid last week. In an email addressed to a small group of officials on Friday, the State Department said US press materials should steer clear of phrases such as “restoring calm,” “end to violence/bloodshed,” or “de-escalation/ceasefire,” unnamed administration officials told NBC News and other outlets. The Huffington Post, which obtained a copy of the email, called the missive a “stunning signal” and an indication of the White House’s “reluctance to push for Israeli restraint.” The email was sent amid a new round of airstrikes on Gaza in response to a Hamas-led terrorist attack last Saturday. Asked about the directive, an unnamed State Department official told HuffPo that they would not comment on internal communications.
by RT
State Department Memo Tells Diplomats: No Gaza ‘De-Escalation’ Talk
The directive was given after Israel told 1.1 million Palestinians to evacuate northern Gaza
The State Department has warned its diplomats not to call for de-escalation or an end to the violence as Israeli airstrikes relentlessly hit Gaza, killing hundreds of children. In a message circulated Friday in emails viewed by HuffPost, the State Department said that high-level officials do not want these three phrases in press materials: “de-escalation/ceasefire,” “end to violence/bloodshed,” and “restoring calm.” The State Department’s orders demonstrate how strongly the US is backing Israel’s onslaught on Gaza despite the massive civilian death toll. The White House has also disparaged calls for de-escalation. When asked about calls for a ceasefire made by some progressive Democrats, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “We believe they are wrong, we believe they’re repugnant, and we believe they’re disgraceful.”
by Dave DeCamp
Day 8: Death Toll From Israeli War On Gaza Climbs To 2,269 [Now About 4,000], Including Over 700 Children
At least 2,269 people, including over 700 Palestinian children, have been killed as the Israeli war on the besieged Gaza rages on. The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced in a statement on Saturday that 2,269 Palestinians lost their lives and another 9,814 were injured ever since the Israeli strikes began on October 7. More than 700 children are among the fatalities. This comes as more than 420,000 people are displaced within the Gaza Strip. A total of 270,374 out of 423,378 internally displaced people are now in UN shelters and schools. At least 15 hospitals have been damaged by Israeli shelling and air raids. The UN agency for Palestinian refugees says its shelters in the enclave “are not safe anymore” and warns that water is running out for the 2.3 million residents of the blockaded territory.
by PressTV
Royal Thai Air Force Steps Up To The Israeli/Palestinian Plate
As the slaughter in Gaza continues, the Royal Thai Air Force is emerging yet again as the only adult in the room. Although the Royal Thai Air Force currently has six planes on standby to evacuate Thai citizens currently stranded in Israel, the hope has to be that Thailand will also help to evacuate the citizens of the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Nepal from the further carnage that beckons. As ten Nepali students have already been martyred and as an indeterminate number are currently held hostage, the civilised world would greatly appreciate such a gesture from Thailand, which has seen twelve of its own citizens wantonly martyred. Although the Philippines has a navy equivalent to that of Thailand, as they are currently a lapdog of the Americans, tasked with helping bring down the Chinese dragon, their presence off the Israeli/Palestinian coast would only further escalate an already tense situation. That said, the citizens of the Philippines are as much victims of this war as are those of Thailand, Sri Lanka and Nepal. As Israel recruits these unfortunates to work for buttons under very strict visa conditions in a small number of designated areas, fruit and vegetable picking and caring for elderly Zionists in the main, they are qualitatively different from those the Gazans attacked and, indeed, from the Gazans themselves, whom Israel’s leaders believe are “human animals”, whatever strange cross breed that is in the multicultural utopia that is modern Israel.
by Declan Hayes
Jewish Terrorist Laughingly Describes How He Shot Palestinian Children During The Creation Of Israel (0:55)
Israeli Airstrikes Cripple Syria’s Two Main Airports
It marks at least the 26th time Israel has bombed Syria this year
On Thursday, Israeli airstrikes hit Syria’s two international airports in Damascus and Aleppo, putting them both out of service, Syria’s SANA news agency has reported. “The Israeli enemy carried out an air aggression on the two international airports of Damascus and Aleppo, taking them out of service, according to a military source,” the SANA report said. “The source added that shelling the two airports that occurred simultaneously at 13:50 (1:50 pm local time) this afternoon caused material damage to the airstrips which resulted in being out of service,” the report added. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) also reported simultaneous Israeli airstrikes on the Damascus and Aleppo airports. So far, no casualties have been reported in the attack.
by Dave DeCamp
Not Hamas-Israeli Conflict: The Palestinian Cause Belongs To The World
At one time, the ‘Arab-Israeli Conflict’ was Arab and Israeli. Over the course of many years, however, it was rebranded. The media is now telling us it is a ‘Hamas-Israeli conflict’. But what went wrong? Israel simply became too powerful. The supposedly astounding Israeli victories over the years against Arab armies have emboldened Israel to the extent that it came to view itself, not as a regional superpower, but as a global power as well. Israel, per its own definition, became ‘invincible’. Such terminology was not a mere scare tactic aimed at breaking the spirit of Palestinians and Arabs alike. Israel believed this. The ‘Israeli miracle victory’ against Arab armies in 1967 was a watershed moment. Then, Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Abba Eban, declared in a speech that “from the podium of the UN, I proclaimed the glorious triumph of the IDF and the redemption of Jerusalem.” This, in his thinking, could only mean one thing: “Never before has Israel stood more honored and revered by the nations of the world.” The sentiment in Eban’s words echoed throughout Israel. Even those who doubted their government’s ability to completely prevail over the Arabs, joined the chorus: Israel is unvanquishable.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud
It’s Not The ‘Israel-Hamas War’, It’s The Israel-Gaza Massacre
Stop calling it the “Israel-Hamas war”. It’s the Israel-Gaza massacre. Calling it the Israel-Hamas war creates the false impression that this is a war that is directed exclusively at Hamas when it’s really an ethnic purge that’s directed at all Palestinians in Gaza. The child body count alone makes it clear that this isn’t a war against Hamas; I saw an anonymous account point out on Twitter that the number of children killed in this onslaught after one week already exceeds the total number of children killed after a year and a half of fighting in Ukraine, per the United Nations. Laying complete siege to a civilian population and bombing anything that stands would be an extraordinary abomination in any war. And this is not a war, it’s an enclosed shooting range with military explosives and human targets. Americans should probably worry about the rapid legitimization of this idea that civilians who have a government that kills people are all legitimate targets.
by Caitlin Johnstone
IDF Strikes Hit Gaza Evacuation Convoys
The UN has called Israel’s forced relocation order impossible and disastrous
Dozens of people, mostly women and children, have been injured and killed in Israeli airstrikes on evacuation convoys fleeing Gaza City, according to Hamas officials. The IDF has yet to respond to the accusations, after ordering more than 1 million people to leave the northern part of the enclave “to save their lives.” The UN humanitarian body, OCHA, said several “vehicles of those evacuating the north were hit, killing more than 40 people and injuring 150 others,” citing data from health officials in the Hamas-governed Palestinian enclave. “These incidents prompted many people to abandon their evacuation efforts and return home,” the UN agency added, as “heavy Israeli bombardments, from the air, sea and land, have continued almost uninterrupted.” Hamas’ media office claimed on Friday that airstrikes hit civilian cars in three separate locations, allegedly killing 70 people. The Palestinian Health Ministry said that Al-Shifa Medical Complex was treating “dozens of victims” injured “as a result of the Israeli occupation forces targeting citizens who were forced to leave their homes.” The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has yet to comment on the allegations, and it is unclear whether militants were among the passengers of the convoys.
by RT
Israeli Boy Featured In Covid Vaccine Campaign Dies Of Heart Attack At Age 8
After a distinguished physician’s grandson who appeared in vaccine promotions tragically passed away, one commentator asked, ‘How many more children will die on the golden altar?
An Israeli boy featured in a video used to push COVID vaccines on children in a nationwide campaign died tragically from a sudden heart attack in late September. The boy was only 8 years old. According to reports, Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, grandson of a distinguished physician in Beit El, Dr. Mati Erlichman, “died unexpectedly of cardiac arrest while taking a bath.” The 8-year-old boy is said to have “slipped under the water after his heart suddenly stopped beating, causing him to drown.” After being rushed to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus, Yonatan died a few days later on Sept. 28. In 2020, at the age of 5, the child had appeared in a video produced by the regional council of Mateh Binyamin. The video was part of a government program aimed at pushing COVID vaccines on children, despite the nearly universal immunity of children to COVID-19. The video made Yonatan a “poster child” for the vaccine campaign in Israel, which became one of the most draconian nations in the world for vaccine measures. The video aired just before the nationwide vaccine campaign began.
by Louis Knuffke
Shouting At The Wall (2:40)
by MC Abdul
The World Is Being Blinded To What’s Happening In Gaza
Great efforts are being made to hide what’s happening in Gaza from the outside world, both by Israel and its western allies. Israel’s minister of communications announced on Friday that all internet services in Gaza would be cut off on Saturday; CNN reports that internet services there have already been plummeting for the last week. Electronic Intifada director Ali Abunimah recently said on Twitter that he hasn’t been able to reach any of his contacts in Gaza for hours. Even before the internet was cut off it had already been getting harder and harder for people in Gaza to get information to the outside world after Israel cut the enclave off from electricity as part of its “complete siege” on the civilian population. The outlet Middle East Eye reports that it lost contact with two of its journalists in Gaza on Friday. One of them, a reporter named Maha Hussaini, posted a video before losing contact in which she said “This might be my last video, as my phone battery is dying while we’re facing an almost complete blackout.” As usual, Israel has also been targeting members of the press. A Reuters journalist was killed and six others from Reuters, AFP and Al Jazeera were injured by IDF artillery fire in southern Lebanon on Friday. Outlets like The New York Times and even Reuters have refrained from acknowledging the perpetrator of the attack, but Al Jazeera attributes the casualties to “shelling by Israeli forces,” citing witness testimony. BBC journalists were also held at gunpoint and physically assaulted by Israeli soldiers in Tel Aviv, and it’s probably worth mentioning that these reporters were specifically from BBC Arabic and had Arabic names.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Lawless In Gaza: Why Britain And The West Back Israel’s Crimes
As Western politicians line up to cheer on Israel as it starves Gaza’s civilians and plunges them into darkness to soften them up before the coming Israeli ground invasion, it is important to understand how we reached this point – and what it portends for the future.
More than a decade ago, Israel started to understand that its occupation of Gaza through siege could be to its advantage. It began transforming the tiny coastal enclave from an albatross around its neck into a valuable portfolio in the trading game of international power politics. The first benefit for Israel, and its Western allies, is more discussed than the second. The tiny strip of land hugging the eastern Mediterranean coast was turned into a mix of testing ground and shop window. Israel could use Gaza to develop all sorts of new technologies and strategies associated with the homeland security industries burgeoning across the West, as officials there grew increasingly worried about domestic unrest, sometimes referred to as populism. The siege of Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians, imposed by Israel in 2007 following the election of Hamas to rule the enclave, allowed for all sorts of experiments.
by Jonathan Cook
Truth Is Now Censored – Hate And War Are Too Popular And Too Prosperous
In today’s digital age, especially here in 2023 as LLM (Large Language Models) AI software can instantaneously generate any kind of image or video to portray something that is not real or never happened, it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine just what “Truth” is by looking at or watching something on the Internet or your TV. What this usually means is that those with the deepest pockets and the most resources end up being the predominate view embraced by the public at large. So it is today in the current headline news cycle, which pits both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict against each other. But as someone who has spent many years of my adult life living in the Middle East in Muslim countries, I can tell you from firsthand experience, rather than just citing sources on the Internet, that the real truth is more than likely that neither “side” represents the truth, because the Globalists who control the world by controlling the financial system, need the world divided, rather than united. Therefore, what I am doing with this article and the featured image I have put together, is trying to put a picture in your mind that completely contradicts BOTH sides of the current conflict in Israel, that I hope will replace all the other images you are probably being bombarded with every day now in the mass media.
by Brian Shilhavy
Putin Comments On Ukrainian Weapons In Hamas Hands
Kiev’s endemic corruption was most likely to blame, the Russian president has said
That some of the weapons sent to Ukraine ended up in the hands of Hamas militants probably has more to do with corruption than deliberate deliveries, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday. “I doubt that there were deliveries of weapons from Ukraine, but I have no doubt there were leaks of weapons from Ukraine,” Putin explained at a press conference in the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek. “We know the level of corruption in Ukraine is very high. The black market arises when there are many who want to buy, and in Ukraine there are many who want to sell,” he added, noting that Ukrainians were “definitely selling” weapons on the international market through countries in Africa and the Middle East. “Why, they even sell [weapons] to Russia, and if they can sell them to Russia, nothing surprises me anymore,” the Russian president said.
by RT
Israel Sets Deadline For 1.1 Million To Flee Northern Gaza As Ethnic Cleansing Campaign Worsens
About 6,000 bombs have been dropped in the densely populated Gaza Strip in less than a week, decimating the coastal enclave and killing 500 children
Over one million Palestinians living in the northern Gaza Strip have until midnight on 13 October to make their way south as hundreds of thousands of Israeli troops are expected to storm the besieged enclave. The order was relayed to UN officials in New York late on Thursday, as Tel Aviv has said fleeing Palestinians will not be allowed to return “until we say so.” Almost half a million Palestinians have already been displaced by the Israeli onslaught. “The United Nations considers it impossible for such a movement to take place without devastating humanitarian consequences,” UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said about the order. “This is chaos; no one understands what to do,” Inas Hamdan, an officer at the UN Palestinian Refugee Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza City, told AP. “Forget about food, forget about electricity, forget about fuel. The only concern now is just if … you’re going to live,” said Nebal Farsakh, a spokesperson for the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), adding that there is no way to mobilize wounded and elderly patients inside hospitals.
by News Desk
Atrocity Propaganda: Exposing Israeli Lies (1:19)
the wall at the back of the theater
all over the world, true colors are shown
and as we reach then end of the social democracy bubble and it dies in debt and debasement, life will imitate art. the machine shows itself as its illusions grow threadbare and transparent. you will see this all over the world. it’s not an accident, it’s the emergent needs of regimes that are out of rope, out of money and credit, have nothing of value to sell you, and who cannot fool you anymore. they will censor, vilify, and ultimately attack. the astonishing inversions to come would have made orwell blanche. (bold mine) President Alberto Fernández had called for the investigation in a complaint filed Wednesday, saying that the right-wing populist candidate was trying to scare the public and that his actions were “a severe affront to the democratic system.” Prosecutor Franco Picardi on Friday referred a criminal case to a federal judge, going off Fernández’s accusation that claimed Milei and other candidates on his party’s ticket were inciting public fear — a charge that carries possible prison terms of up to six years. Federal Judge María Servini will later decide whether there is enough evidence to indict. it’s becoming a cartoon. but this is also the sign that it is ending.
by el gato malo
He Was Killed While Holding The Flag Of Palestine
The martyr Qassim Hakam Qassim, 24, was one of the young people who answered the call to participate in a mass demonstration in solidarity with Gaza in the city of Tulkarm, in the West Bank.
The martyr Qassim, who grew up in the Tulkarm refugee camp and who has 6 siblings, did not neglect the blood of the martyrs who were killed for Palestine and came out to express solidarity with the people of Gaza, holding the flag of Palestine. ince the beginning of the demonstration, which took place on Friday 13th of October 2023, Qassim tried to place the flag of Palestine close to the Sanaoz Israeli checkpoint, near the apartheid wall, to affirm the existence of the Palestinian people and their right to reclaim the lands occupied and controlled by the Israeli occupation. Qassim did not survive the bullet of an Israeli sniper who was watching him from the very beginning. He was hit directly in the head area and died instantly.
by Diana Khwaelid
Israel Can’t Imprison Two Million Gazans Without Paying A Cruel Price
Behind all this lies Israeli arrogance; the idea that we can do whatever we like, that we’ll never pay the price and be punished for it. We’ll carry on undisturbed. We’ll arrest, kill, harass, dispossess and protect the settlers busy with their pogroms. We’ll visit Joseph’s Tomb, Othniel’s Tomb and Joshua’s Altar in the Palestinian territories, and of course the Temple Mount – over 5,000 Jews on Sukkot alone. We’ll fire at innocent people, take out people’s eyes and smash their faces, expel, confiscate, rob, grab people from their beds, carry out ethnic cleansing and of course continue with the unbelievable siege of the Gaza Strip, and everything will be all right. We’ll build a terrifying obstacle around Gaza – the underground wall alone cost 3 billion shekels ($765 million) – and we’ll be safe. We’ll rely on the geniuses of the army’s 8200 cyber-intelligence unit and on the Shin Bet security service agents who know everything. They’ll warn us in time.
by Gideon Levy
The Debt Dragon Is Eating Its Own Tail
The story is undoubtedly apocryphal, but it describes a fundamental truth.
One of my professors in university told a story that I’ve remembered for 50 years. (The specifics of the class and professor have been lost to the passage of time, but the story remains sharply etched in memory). The story is undoubtedly apocryphal, but it describes a fundamental truth. The anthropologist is visiting an indigenous tribe that only recently acquired access to Western goods. The women are working into the night hand-crafting goods to sell for cash. When the anthropologist asks what the money is being earned to buy, the answer is “to buy the kerosene for the lamps so we can work at night.” So you’re working into the night to pay for the kerosene for the lamps you need to work into the night. Um, OK….
by Charles Hugh Smith
‘Wonder Weapon’ Myth Is Military-Industrial Complex PR Scheme To Profit From Death
As the Russia-Ukraine war drags on, the Western public has been told that this or that wonder weapon system will turn the tide of the conflict. This has included Javelins, HIMARS, Leopards, Storm Shadow, Bradleys, F-16s, and now depleted uranium munitions, none of which has fundamentally changed the tide of the conflict. After the slow progress of Kiev’s counteroffensive this summer, it is immediately apparent that high-tech equipment is not ruling the day but logistics and supply chains. It is not about who has the shiniest toys but who has the most troops, tanks and artillery and can deploy them quickly. On that front, Russia clearly dwarfs Ukraine, which is a much smaller country. Due to the fact that the West is evidently not going to join in this conflict directly, and there is growing resentment from the Western public against military aid to Kiev, people are wondering if the two sides will reach a peaceful settlement.
by Bradley Blankenship
Israeli False Flag = Genocide Gaza (2:01:12)
by TheCrowhouse
This Way For The Genocide, Ladies And Gentlemen
Washington and European governments are cheerleading Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza. The failure to intervene to halt the carnage threatens to ignite violence throughout the region.
I have been in urban warfare in El Salvador, Iraq, Gaza, Bosnia and Kosovo. Once you fight street by street, apartment block by apartment block, there is only one rule — kill anything that moves. The talk of safe zones, the reassurances of protecting civilians, the promises of “surgical” and “targeted” air strikes, the establishment of “safe” evacuation routes, the fatuous explanation that civilian dead were “caught in the crossfire,” the claim that the homes and apartment buildings bombed into rubble were the abode of terrorists or that errant Hamas rockets were responsible for the destruction of schools and medical clinics, is part of the rhetorical cover to carry out indiscriminate slaughter. Gaza is such a small area — 25 miles in length and about 5 miles wide — and so densely populated that the only outcome of an Israeli ground and air assault is the mass death of those Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant calls “human animals” and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls “human beasts.” Israeli Knesset member Tally Gotliv suggested dropping “doomsday weapons” on Gaza, widely seen as a call for a nuclear strike. Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Friday dismissed calls to protect Palestinian civilians. “It is an entire nation out there that is responsible … this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved, it’s absolutely not true,” Herzog said. “They could’ve risen up, they could’ve fought against that evil regime that took over Gaza in a coup d’etat.” He added, “We will break their backbone.”
by Chris Hedges
US Confirms 2nd Carrier Group En Route To “Deter Hostile Actions Against Israel”
The Pentagon has ordered a second carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, according to two US officials, as Israel prepares to expand its Gaza operations. The first carrier strike group, led by the USS Gerald R. Ford, arrived off the coast of Israel earlier this week. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced on Saturday night that the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower carrying nine aircraft squadrons, as well as two guided-missile destroyers and a guided-missile cruiser, will soon join the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier group in the region to “deter hostile actions against Israel or any efforts toward widening this war following Hamas’s attack on Israel.” The Biden administration made clear that the carrier, and its accompanying force, are not there to engage in combat activities on behalf of Israel but rather to deter others from entering the conflict, including Hezbollah. “The increases to US force Posture signal the United States’ ironclad commitment to Israel’s security and our resolve to deter any state or non-state actor seeking to escalate this war,” Austin stated. Additionally, the US administration has so far ruled out sending military personnel into Gaza as part of any Israeli ground invasion or attempt to free American hostages there, only aiding the IDF with intelligence and operation planning.
by Tyler Durden
How To Talk To People About Covid. Or Jews. Or Anything.
A Common Misconception: Yesterday I saw a comment by one smaragdus (#252) on our post on Unz Review “The Protocols Revisited.” To summarize, he said he was too intelligent than many of the other White people he knew, and this idea that Whites were of high intelligence was false. He says: “Now people are stupider than ever, more ignorant than ever and they would believe everything the Jews (TV) tells them. Why is that? Because they are spiritually, morally and intellectually bankrupt, because they have lost the most vital knowledge, the knowledge about their mortal enemy, the Jews.” Here smaragdus refutes his own claim that Whites are not intelligent, by giving other explanations for why Whites are subject to destruction by Jews. While intelligent, he is ignorant of the difference between stupidity (lack of capacity to understand) and ignorance (lack of accurate knowledge to understand). He closes: “It is not worth at all to talk to people who have not read The Protocols or who at least possess some basic knowledge of The Jewish Question. Because I do not know such people I have no choice but to keep silent.”
by Karl Haemers
My Trial Lawyer Buddies Won’t Like This Essay
They are not the fearless, justice-seeking advocates they want us to think they are.
I’ve now written several articles pointing out the obvious. Namely, that all important organizations that are supposed to discover the truth are completely captured. One of the most-important of these professions is Plaintiffs’ Trial Lawyer firms. These are attorneys and law firms that are supposed to exist to represent people who suffered grave harms from malfeasance or nefarious (and illegal) acts. First questions: Where are these fearless, justice-seeking lawyers today? What are they doing with their lives and careers? We know what they are NOT doing: They are not suing any person or company whose activities directly or indirectly injured or killed hundreds of millions of possible plaintiffs who are pleading for justice. Potential lawsuits might expose (and give some compensation or “justice”) to tens of millions of people who suffered harm from lockdowns, iatrogenic deaths and injuries, vaccine deaths and injuries and/or vaccine mandates that resulted in people losing their jobs and incomes. So why aren’t these lawsuits being filed? Why won’t 99 percent of these firms even consider representing a potential plaintiff class that’s so massive in size?
by Bill Rice, Jr.
UN Warns Of Mass Ethnic Cleansing As Refugee Shelters Overflow
Israeli public officials have openly called for a repeat of historic events that displaced a million Palestinians
Palestinians in Gaza face mass ethnic cleansing as Israel orders half the population of the densely populated strip to evacuate amid continued aerial bombardment and dwindling resources on the ground, UN human rights experts warned on Saturday. “In the name of self-defense, Israel is seeking to justify what would amount to ethnic cleansing,” UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese said, noting that “Israel has already carried out mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians under the fog of war.” “There is a grave danger that what we are witnessing may be a repeat of the 1948 Nakba, and the 1967 Naksa, yet on a larger scale,” she warned, referring to Israel’s mass expulsions of at least 1 million Palestinians from their homes and land in 1947-48 and 1967. “The international community must do everything to stop this from happening again.”
by RT
Klaus Schwab’s Greatest Hits (3:38)
Israel’s Use Of Satanic White Phosphorus Against Civilians Verified
Israel’s use of satanic white phosphorus against civilians verified – Human Rights Watch. Munitions that pose a high risk of maiming civilians have been fired over Gaza City and in Lebanon, the watchdog claimed. Human Rights Watch (HRW) has reported having verified videos of Israel deploying controversial white phosphorus munitions, including over Gaza City, amid the ongoing confrontation with Hamas. The substance produces an incendiary effect and when discharged over densely populated areas risks indiscriminate harm to civilians. Excerpt from Witness to History by dissident historian Michael Walsh: “The use of phosphorous bombs, by the British government on raids against Germany, were outlawed under international law because its use has no other purpose than to strike terror in its means of causing death and injury. It is a napalm-like chemical which when alight cannot be extinguished.” (NOTE: Witness to History has been banned by Amazon and LULE online retailers).
by Michael Walsh
UN Rapporteur Slams EU Support For Israeli Aggression On Gaza
A United Nations special rapporteur has slammed the European Union’s unwavering support for Israel in its aggression on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and its double standards regarding Palestine and Ukraine.
Speaking to Middle East Eye, Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, said “Political action is lacking and double standards tarnish the values and the rule of law principle upon which our international order is premised.” Albanese made the remarks after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen confirmed the EU’s unwavering support for Israel in recent days, saying that “Israel has the right to defend itself – today and in the days to come. The European Union stands with Israel.” After von der Leyen’s tweet, Israel has intensified its strikes on Gaza and cut off fuel, water, energy, and food supplies to the coastal strip, which is home to over two million Palestinians and has already been suffering under a 16-year-old Israeli blockade.
by PressTV
In Gaza, She Now Inhabits A Solitary Space Between Life And Death
When bombs are dropping all around you, do you embrace your wretched life, or pray for death? From Gaza, Horea shared her heart.
Americans, we can not hide our heads in the sand any longer. Today we learn from an expert what it’s like to sit through Israeli airstrikes. Below is part of a conversation I had with my dear niece Horea, and a message she wanted me to pass on to you. Horea lives in a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. She is 26 and lives with her parents and eight younger siblings. She and I have been communicating for years via WhatsApp (shoutout to Google Translate). Every few weeks, my husband and I FaceTime with her family. We celebrate birthdays, Islamic holidays, and graduations together. As soon as the escalation between Hamas and Israel began on Saturday, I contacted her (as always when the conflict heats up) to make sure everyone was okay (important background here). For the first few hours after the incursion, Israel was so taken aback it didn’t know what to do – but we knew the quiet would not last. Mid-afternoon her time, the messages began to turn grim (lightly edited for clarity):
by Kathryn Shihadah
Netanyahu And Biden Lie To Justify Their Crimes Against The Palestinians
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the Palestinian fighters from the besieged Gaza Strip who entered the occupation state at the weekend as “savages” who “celebrate the murder of women, children and the elderly.” He made his claim when trying to justify the ongoing campaign of Israeli air strikes that have so far killed 900 Palestinians, including 260 children and 230 women, and wounded more than 4,500 others. Netanyahu used the same words to mobilise international support for his massive ground offensive planned for the coastal enclave. “We are on the third day of the operation,” he said in a televised speech on Monday. “We are in an operation for our home, a war to ensure our existence, a war that we will win.” He told viewers that the war was “imposed upon us by a despicable enemy.” Both ignored the fact that resistance against a military occupation is legitimate under international law. In this case, the Palestinians are struggling against the longest occupation in history and, some would argue, the worst. They are not “terrorists” by doing so. Both of them insisted that all of the Israelis killed by the resistance were civilians, when hundreds were serving soldiers, men and women. Both claimed that Israelis were beheaded, including women and children, but no evidence has been produced for this allegation. Both claimed that women were raped, although Muslims in an Islamic movement are unlikely to do such a thing.
by Motasem A. Dalloul
What Does The Hamas/Israeli War Portend For Bible Prophecy?
Eighty percent of evangelical pastors and churches believe the Scofield-spawned propaganda that the modern Zionist State of Israel is the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. It’s not! I might as well go ahead and tick off evangelicals right at the beginning of this column, because it won’t get any easier as this column goes on. God has NO future plans for national Israel. ZERO! ZILCH! NADA! NONE! National Israel was buried in the ashes of Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 AD. It is gone FOREVER! The Bible nowhere predicts a future national Israel. And instead of getting angry with me for what I just said, invest a few shekels and watch my Israel Packages and Prophecy Packages. But every time war breaks out in Palestine, evangelicals saturate the airwaves with more tripe about the “prophetic signs that Jesus is coming soon.” Nope! There’s no “Rapture” either. I’ll say it straight out. Better yet, I’ll let Jesus say it straight out: “A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas.” (Matthew 16:4; Matthew 12:39)
by Chuck Baldwin
Silent War Episode 6345: Beheaded Baby Bullshit: Never Jews Bomb Babies – Holocaust Of Palestine Via Fake (1:07:55)
by Dustin Nemos
Palestinians Have Faced ‘unprecedented Levels’ Of Zionist Terrorism For Decades
The White House National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby told the Times of Israel this week that, “Our focus right now is making sure that they [Israel] have the tools they need to defend themselves against this truly historic, unprecedented level of violence against their people.” The statement conveniently obliterates the fact that the US guarantees Israel a qualitative military edge which secures the occupation state’s military power in the region, the preservation of which it is scrambling to ensure, in the context of the Abraham Accords. What else does Israel need, then? What the settler-colonial entity unleashed in Gaza has nothing to do with the protection of its illegal settler population. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s declaration of war, and what followed next, including the spread of misinformation and lies, was reminiscent of the “war on terror” narrative post 9/11, which was used to justify foreign intervention. Only, there is no war; it’s just yet another display of Israel’s colonial power and violence that traces its roots back to the then “unprecedented level of violence” that Palestinians experienced at the hands of Zionist paramilitary terrorists during the 1948 Nakba.
by Ramona Wadi
Palestine-Israel At War: Israel Has No Options And The US Cannot Save It
On Saturday morning, the armed wing of Hamas launched the most devastating ground assault against Israel in 50 years. In response, Israel declared war and began an indiscriminate aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip, while calling on its reserve forces in order to muster counter-attacks on Palestinian fighters who managed to seize control of Israeli settlements. On both sides of the Gaza separation fence, bodies are now lining the streets as critical infrastructure is leveled. However, this conflict did not begin on Saturday and where it goes next could change the course of history. October 7 will go down as one of the darkest days in Israeli history, a day when the entire Israeli military, intelligence, and security establishments collapsed under the pressure of a much weaker military force launching a surprise attack. The offensive that was launched by the armed wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, which began in the early hours of Saturday, erupted with a shock burst of thousands of rockets into Israeli held territory, even striking as far as Tel Aviv. As the unexpected rocket fire caught the Israeli military by surprise, hundreds of Palestinian fighters stormed the separation fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel’s bordering settlements. The fighters stormed the periphery of Gaza, breaking through the Israeli fences and walls on foot, through motor-driven parachute gliders, in trucks, and in small boats.
by Robert Inlakesh
US In A Quandary Over Israel’s War On Gaza
The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s press conference on Thursday concluding his visit to Israel conveyed three things. One, the Biden Administration will be seen as backing Israel to the hilt by way of meeting its security needs but Washington will not be drawn into the forthcoming Gaza operations except to arrange exit routes in the south for hapless civilians fleeing the conflict zone. Two, Washington’s top priority at the moment is on engaging with the regional states who wield influence with Hamas to negotiate the hostage issue. Fourteen US citizens in Israel remain unaccounted for. (White House confirmed that the death toll in the fighting now includes at least 27 Americans.) Three, the US will coordinate with the regional states to prevent any escalation in the situation to widen the conflict on the part of Hezbollah. Although the US cannot and will not stop Israeli leadership on its tracks apropos the imminent Gaza operation, it remains unconvinced.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Israel-Palestine War: Erdogan Lashes Out At Blinken Over Sectarian Position
‘You should approach people as humans’ says Turkish president, as he accuses US of exacerbating tensions by sending aircraft carriers to assist Israel
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan hit out at the United States on Friday for exacerbating tensions between Israel and Palestine by sending an aircraft carrier to the region and using sectarian language. “Of course, the US sending aircraft carriers to the region unfortunately does not contribute to peace or reduce tensions between the parties,” Erdogan said during televised comments. “US Secretary of State [Antony Blinken] says ‘I approach Israel as a Jew, not as a secretary of state.’ What kind of approach is this? If, in response, the people tell you that they would approach the region as a Muslim, what would you say? You should approach people as humans.” The Turkish president said that cutting off the electricity, water, fuel and food of two million people squeezed into 360 square kilometres in Gaza was a violation by Israel of the most basic human rights. “Wholesale punishment of the people of Gaza will only exacerbate the problem and cause more pain, more tension, and more tears,” Erdogan said.
by Ragip Soylu in Istanbul
War And Natural Gas: Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields.
Almost 15 years ago in December 2008, Israel invaded Gaza under “Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009).” which is also known as the “Gaza War” and the “Gaza Massacre.” It was a three-week armed conflict between Gaza Strip Palestinian paramilitary groups and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The justification for this invasion was said to be “persistent terrorist activities and a constant missile threat from the Gaza Strip directed at Israeli civilians.” There was a hidden agenda agenda, however, according to Professor Michel Chossudovsky the purpose of Operation Cast Lead was to confiscate Palestine’s maritime natural gas reserves. The following article was first published by Michel Chossudovsky in Global Research in January 2009 at the height of the Israeli bombing and invasion under Operation Cast Lead.
by Patricia Harrity
They Are Lying To You About The War In Israel (48:44)
by Vincent James
Israel Faces Hopeless Situation In Gaza, Can’t Kill Palestinian Cause: Scholar
The Israeli regime faces a “hopeless” situation in its war of aggression against the Palestinians in Gaza, an American scholar and commentator has said. Dr. Kevin Barrett, an Islamic scholar and former American academic made the remarks in an exclusive interview with the Press TV website on Friday. Gaza has been a target of Israel’s continuous bombardment since Saturday when it was caught flat-footed by a multi-pronged operation by resistance groups that involved massive missile strikes and ground incursions into settlements near the blockaded territory. The Health Ministry in Gaza announced on Friday that at least 1,799 Palestinians, including 583 children and 351 women have been martyred in six days of incessant Israeli bombardment of the blockaded territory. More than 7,000 Palestinians have also been wounded in the bombardment. “Like the Americans in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, Israel faces an impossible, hopeless situation. The more violence it uses, the more it is hated. Kill an enemy, and ten new ones spring up in his place,” said Dr. Barrett, who is now based in Morocco. He previously lived in the US.
by PressTV
Propaganda Is The Executive Arm Of The Invisible Government
Some examples in the media over the past week
Propaganda is probably as old as war itself. From the moment humans began to engage in conflicts over resources, territories, or ideologies, the manipulation of information and public opinion became critical tools in the arsenal of warfare. Long before the term “propaganda” was coined, ancient civilisations employed various methods to influence both their own people and their enemies. Whether it was Egyptian pharaohs inscribing exaggerated accounts of their military victories on monuments, or the Greeks using theatre and oratory to drum up support for campaigns, the underlying principle has always been the same: control the narrative to achieve strategic goals. Even the legendary Trojan Horse can be seen as an early form of tactical deception, a physical manifestation of manipulating beliefs to gain an advantage. In essence, propaganda in warfare has evolved hand in hand with advances in communication methods, from oral storytelling to the internet, but its core objectives—shaping perception, fostering allegiance, and facilitating control—have remained constant throughout human history.
by The Naked Emperor
How MSNBC Muslim Anchors Got Snubbed Despite Being Israeli Apologists
In an interesting revelation, a report on Saturday said that three high-profile Muslim anchors of the American news television channel MSNBC, owned by NBC Universal, have been sidelined. The Semafor report said Mehdi Hasan, Ayman Mohyeldin and Ali Velshi have been “quietly taken out of the anchor’s chair” amid the Israeli regime’s no-holds-barred bombing of the besieged Gaza Strip. The network reportedly did not air the Thursday night episode of The Mehdi Hasan Show on its streaming platform Peacock and also reversed its plan to replace Joy Reid with Mohyeldin this week for the channel’s 7 p.m. show. The report, citing “two network sources with knowledge of the plans”, said Velshi will also be replaced by Alicia Menendez this weekend. Menendez hosts American Coices on Saturdays and Sundays. Hasan is a British-American television journalist of Indian descent who has anchored the popular The Mehdi Hasan Show on Peacock since October 2020 and on MSNBC since February 2021. Mohyeldin is an Egypt-born, New York-based journalist for NBC News and MSNBC who currently hosts the weekly prime-time show ‘Ayman’ on MSNBC. Velshi is a US-based Canadian journalist, who has been reporting for NBC News since October 2016 and also serves as a news host for MSNBC channel. NBC has termed the schedule changes as “coincidental,” refuting claims that the high-profile Muslim broadcasters are being snubbed amid the cessation of Israeli hostilities against Palestinians. However, the Semafor report stressed that staff members at MSNBC have been “concerned by the moves”, feeling all three hosts have “some of the deepest knowledge of the conflict.” It said the move to sideline the three anchors comes as the MSNBC network, which is aligned closely with the Democratic Party, has “swung into intense solidarity” with the Israeli regime.
by Mohammad Hashim
Why You’re Not Seeing Palestinian Suffering
How is the conflict in the Middle East being presented?
(RNS) — Turn on your television, scroll through your feed on Instagram or Twitter — now X. Tune into MSNBC, ABC, Fox News, the BBC, CNN, any mainstream media outlet or platform. Ask yourself: How is the “conflict” in the Middle East being presented? Would you come away knowing that the United Nations classifies the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory as unlawful under international law, “due to its permanence” and “the Israeli Government’s de-facto annexation policies”? Over the past decade, we’ve observed a slight — yet noticeable — shift in the mainstream media’s coverage of the Israeli occupation. That shift was marked by an occasional quasi-humanization of the Palestinians as a stateless people victimized by historical events and the last remaining imperial project of the 20th century. That shift is noticeable in the current coverage, for instance, in Fareed Zakaria’s recent interview with Mustafa Barghouti on CNN, in which Barghouti appropriately redirected the conversation to focus on the Israeli occupiers. But we also watched CNN’s Chief International Correspondent Clarissa Ward and her team take shelter from rockets in a ditch near the Israel-Gaza border. Ward and her team were eventually transported to safety, but not before the Western audience saw a white American journalist fleeing from Palestinian terror. Do journalists taking cover from Israeli terror receive the same empathetic coverage? Well, no. Take Shireen Abu Akleh, the Palestinian American Al Jazeera journalist who for decades provided robust coverage of the conflict. Last year, Abu Akleh was killed while covering Israeli raids on Jenin in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli sniper who shot Abu Akleh has yet to face justice. To this day, the U.S. government defends its Israeli allies from accountability for the murder of an American journalist — or any journalist: Over the past two decades, Israeli forces are accused of killing 26 journalists, including at least six this week.
by Omar Suleiman
Israeli Army Kills A Palestinian Child In Tulkarem
On Saturday, Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian child in Zeita town, north of Tulkarem, in the occupied West Bank’s northwestern part. The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed that the soldiers killed Omar Ahmad Abdul-Rahman Asmar, 15, after shooting him with live fire. The child was among many wounded Palestinians during protests that took place after several Israeli army vehicles invaded the town. His death brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli army fire in Tulkarem on Friday and Saturday to six, in addition to dozens of injuries. The Health Ministry has confirmed that the extensive Israeli bombing Saturday has killed 315 Palestinians, including 90 children, and injured 1788, mainly women and children. It added that 2215 Palestinians, including 724 children and 458 women, have been killed, and 8714 Palestinians, including 2450 children and 1536 women, have been injured as the Israeli onslaught on Gaza entered its eighth day. On Friday, the soldiers killed fifteen Palestinians, including two children, in several parts of the occupied West Bank Friday.
by International Middle East Media Center
Killstream: EMJ On The Holocaust Narrative And Gaza (58:33)
Dr. Jones joins Ethan Ralph of the Killstream to discuss the Gaza-Israeli War and the it’s connection to the Holocaust narrative.
Hate Crimes IV
Excess spending, futile meddling and always, always more war…
Our beat is money, not politics. The connection is obvious. Spending on public policy hate crime (aka ‘war’) is out of control. Dan reports that total public debt increased $274 billion – this last weekend. Total US debt crossed the $33 trillion mark a month ago; now it is headed to $34 trillion. A trillion here…a trillion there…pretty soon, you can expect bankruptcy, defaults, inflation, political chaos…and war. Asset values, generally, will fall. Bonds will once again become “certificates of guaranteed confiscation.” And the US will…slowly, and then all of a sudden…sink into banana republic, sh*thole status. Is there any way to change course? And the biggest single item of discretionary federal spending pays for war. ‘Tis a pity, because Americans get little value from their wars. But rather than pull the plug on excess spending and futile meddling, America’s leaders – its elites – want more. A border war between Russia and the Ukraine? A hundred billion US dollars…and weapons…are on their way. Another flare-up in the fight between Arabs and Jews? Send the Sixth Fleet…and see how it might get involved. What? We are running out of money? We’re bumping into a ‘debt ceiling?’ The US government faces a shutdown? This is no time to count pennies – this is war!
by Bill Bonner
The “Israel-Has-No-Alternative” Myth
In 2004, train bombings in Madrid resulted in Spain withdrawing from Iraq — and peace for Spain.
Many are claiming that Israel has no choice. It has to bomb Gaza, there is no alternative. In fact, Israel has a choice. A clear choice. To reflexively react and bomb Gaza amid massive propaganda before assessing the facts is deranged. One clear fact is that Netanyahu promised security and he failed. Israelis of every political stripe should be fuming at him, as some are. Never mind for the moment that he had warning of the Hamas attacks and almost certainly wanted conflict. The choice facing Israel is highlighted by this: In 2004, bombings on commuter trains in Madrid killed over 190 people. The government was immediately voted out and a new government came in, swiftly got Spain out of Iraq and nothing like that has happened in Spain since. But the lessons of the train bombings is memory holed and even falsified.
by Sam Husseini
Zionist Deception And A Geopolitical Powder-Keg In Gaza
It’s too soon to tell exactly what happened at the Gaza border but I feel certain that what we’re being fed by the media is nonsense. This was no doubt a long-planned event by the Israelis. We’ve been hearing nonstop for days about the number of dead, and the atrocities including 40 babies who were beheaded, getting us prepared for the massacre to follow. It really sounds like they want the American audience, brainwashed since birth, to support Israel, to get behind their planned ground war and slaughter that is poised to start in the next few days as they already have 300,000 troops amassed at the border. It sounds like Israel not only knew about the attack ahead of time but they likely were involved. This may shock the naive and ignorant Fox News watcher who believes this Israeli propaganda.
by Patrick J. McShay
Reuters Journalist Killed By Israeli Fire – Media
Six other reporters were injured when they were allegedly shelled by Israeli forces
A Reuters videographer has been killed in southern Lebanon, the news agency said on Friday. Six other journalists were injured in the incident. The group was hit by Israeli artillery, Al Jazeera and Lebanese security sources said. “We are deeply saddened to learn that our videographer, Issam Abdallah, has been killed,” Reuters said in a statement. Abdallah was providing a live video feed from near the Israeli border at the time of his death, the agency continued, adding that it is “urgently seeking more information” from authorities in the region. Reuters journalists Thaier Al-Sudani and Maher Nazeh were wounded in the same incident, while Al Jazeera’s Elie Brakhya and Carmen Joukhadar and Agence France-Presse’s Christina Assi and Dylan Collins were also injured. It is unclear whether all six were hit by the same shell or by different projectiles.
by RT
Iran, Saudi Leaders Discuss Israeli War Crimes In Palestine
The war between Gaza and Israel has seemingly put an end to the prospect of a normalization deal with Saudi Arabia
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) held their first-ever telephone conversation late on 11 October to discuss “the need to end war crimes against Palestine.” State-run news agency Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said MBS stressed the “necessity of adhering to the principles of international humanitarian law and expressed deep concern for the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza and its impact on civilians” and “reaffirmed the kingdom’s stance against targeting civilians in any way and the loss of innocent lives.” MbS doubled down on his support for the Palestinian cause and his support for “efforts aimed at achieving comprehensive and fair peace that ensures the Palestinian people’s legitimate rights.” According to Mohammad Jamshidi, political advisor to the Iranian president, the crown prince warned that failing to recognize Palestinian rights would further inflame the situation, adding that “cooperation between Riyadh and Tehran can contribute effectively and quickly to putting an end to the conflict inside Palestine.” Raisi emphasized that the issue of Palestine “cannot be solved” without giving the Palestinians full rights. The current situation in Palestine results from “repeated miscalculations by Western countries, led by the US,” Raisi said.
by News Desk
CNN Crisis Actress Busted! Israeli Fakery (1:33)
The leaked footage speaks for itself. Zionists always claim victim hood, when in fact, they’re the perps.
Israeli Intelligence Suddenly Knows Exactly Where Hamas Is
It’s interesting how last week Israel had no idea what Hamas was up to, and yet this week they know every mosque, school and hospital that Hamas is hiding in. When you live under an empire of lies you’ll be asked to believe a lot of very stupid things. The dumbest thing we’re being asked to believe this week is that Israel’s intelligence services are simultaneously so incompetent that Saturday’s Hamas attack took them completely by surprise, but also so competent that all the buildings they’re destroying with their relentless bombing campaign on Gaza are directed solely at Hamas. The phrase “Hamas targets” has been all over the news media the last few days in reference to the ongoing attacks on Gaza, which have as of this writing killed over 1,500 Palestinians, a third of them children. “Israel conducts large-scale strikes on Hamas targets,” reads a CNN headline. “Israel conducts ‘large-scale strike’ on Hamas targets,” reads the title of a segment for ABC News. “Israel says it dropped 6,000 bombs so far against Hamas targets,” reads a report by The Washington Post. Gosh, Israel must have really great visibility into Gaza to know that each of those 6,000 bombs was aimed “Hamas targets” and not just civilian buildings.
by Caitlin Johnstone
People Have A Serious Case Of 9/11 Brain Right Now, And It’s Scary
I had to take a short break from reading about what’s happening in Gaza. I saw one too many images of dead kids on Twitter and just had to lie down for a while. It was like running out of health in a video game. I was still trucking along, and then I saw this one particularly gruesome image on Twitter of a dead Palestinian child which I won’t even describe here and my nervous system was like, “Nope, that’s it, we’re done,” and I just felt all the energy go out of me and slumped over. And that was just me sitting in the comfort and safety of my own home. I can’t imagine what it’s like to actually be there, under siege with all energy and supplies cut off, while it gets harder and harder to get information to the outside world as military explosives rain down relentlessly. It’s so, so bad, and it’s going to get so much worse. Israel has already taken more lives than the 1,200 it lost in the Hamas attacks, with the official death toll from the Gaza bombings now having passed 1,200 as of this writing, on top of the 1,500 Hamas militants who were killed during the attack. But the killing is going to continue far beyond this point. One gets the sense that the IDF is barely even getting started.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Dietary Chronobiotics: Polyphenols And Plant Melatonin
Everyone is affected by environmental fluctuations, whether yearly with the changing seasons or daily with cycles of lightness and darkness. Monthly changes are seen with the menstrual cycle and lunar phases, and transition phases like menopause or puberty occur once but are mostly consistent across all humans. Humans adapt to these rhythms with internal clocks that drive the lifecycle, health, and day-to-day life and behaviors; chronobiology refers to these biological rhythms.
by Deanna Minich, PhD
West Bank Death Toll Surges As Israeli Soldiers, Settlers Carry On Attacks
West Bank residents report a marked spike in Israeli violence since the start of a daring resistance operation in Gaza
Israeli settlers and soldiers have killed thirty-six Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since Saturday, the Palestinian Health Ministry announced on 12 October. A 24-year-old Palestinian was shot by Israeli forces near Ramallah on Thursday, succumbing to injuries later that evening. “With the killing of Suleiman Malsa, the toll from the Israeli aggression against our people in the West Bank since last Saturday has now reached 36, with over 650 wounded,” WAFA news agency said, citing the health ministry. A 17-year-old Palestinian in the town of Qusra near Nablus was shot and killed a day earlier by Israeli settlers under the army’s protection. Several others were killed and injured in the attack. Settlers also shot and killed a father and son at a funeral on 12 October. Violence has surged dramatically in the occupied West Bank since the start of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and Israel’s indiscriminate air raids against Gaza’s civilian population. Palestinians across the West Bank carried out several protests and marches in solidarity with Gaza. West Bank resistance groups have also stepped up armed confrontation against Israeli troops and settlers, particularly after a call by Hamas for a mass Palestinian uprising in all occupied territory.
by News Desk
Putin’s Valdai Speech, What You Need to Know
On October 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the plenary session of the Valdai International Discussion Club near Sochi, Russia. The session was attended by scholars and diplomats from forty-two countries. Putin spoke for half an hour and then answered questions for about three hours. Several interesting things were said. In western discourse it is always said that Russia started an unprovoked war in Ukraine. There has been much discussion—though not in the mainstream media nor in statements issued by western governments—about whether the war was unprovoked. But there has been little discussion about whether Russia started it. Putin claimed that Russia’s “special military operation” did not start the war in Ukraine but, rather, was designed to stop it. “I have said many times that it was not us who started the so-called ‘war in Ukraine,’” Putin said. “On the contrary, we are trying to end it.” The war started, according to Putin, when the United States “orchestrated a coup in Kiev in 2014.” Putin said that the U.S. “provoked the Ukraine crisis by supporting the coup in Ukraine in 2014. They could not fail to understand that this was a red line, we have said this a thousand times. They never listened.”
by Ted Snider
If You Support Israel, You’re Supporting Genocide. (13:12)
No more excuses from friends, family, or anyone else!
by Lucas Gage
Neanderthal Cuisine: Excavations Reveal Neanderthals Were As Intelligent As Homo Sapiens
The fact that Neanderthals were able to make a fire and use it, among other things, for cooking, demonstrates their intelligence. “This confirms our observations and theories from previous studies,” explains Diego Angelucci, archaeologist at the University of Trento and co-author of the study. “Neanderthals were capable of symbolic thought, could create artistic objects, knew how to decorate their bodies using personal ornaments and had an extremely varied diet. Add to that that, based on our findings, we can say with certainty that they habitually ate cooked food. This ability confirms that they were as skilled as the Homo sapiens who lived millennia later.” But how did we learn that Neanderthals knew how to use fire? “There is a general agreement among archaeologists that they knew how to use fire. However, one thing is to use fire started by natural processes, such as lightning, another is to make it, feed it with wood and use it for cooking, heating and defense. In this study we demonstrate that there is no doubt that Neanderthals could make a fire and that fire was a central element in their daily life.”
by University of Trento
The Fog Of War T-Shirt
It’s A Battle For Your Mind.
People of all nations do not want war. The world’s criminal sociopath elitists and bankers create wars for political power and greed. Arrest them all if you want peace!
by Aye Magine
American Politicians Call For Genocide Against Palestinians As They Buy War Stocks – Gaza Doctors Issue ‘SOS To Whole World’
The war in Israel continues to command headline news this week, as many U.S. lawmakers have now gone public to support the destruction of Gaza and the genocide of the Palestinian people. As I write this today, October 11, 2023, Israel appears to be ready to launch troops to go into Gaza and “wipe Hamas from the face of the earth.” U.S. politicians are echoing this same sentiment, even while acknowledging that there is no way to destroy Hamas without also killing millions of innocent children and civilians, the very same thing Hamas terrorists just did to Israelis this past weekend. Jordan Majors, writing for Finbold News, a financial publication, reported that some US congressional leaders have been investing in military-related stocks.
by Brian Shilhavy
Did Twenty-Two Strategic Defense Initiative Researchers Really Commit Suicide?
Fifty-year-old Alistair Beckham was a successful British aerospace-projects engineer. His speciality was designing computer software for sophisticated naval defense systems. Like hundreds of other British scientists, he was working on a pilot program for America’s Strategic Defense Initiative-better known as Star Wars. And like at least 21 of his colleagues, he died a bizarre, violent death. It was a lazy, sunny Sunday afternoon in August 1988. After driving his wife to work, Beckham walked through his garden to a musty backyard toolshed and sat down on a box next to the door. He wrapped bare wires around his chest, attached them to an electrical outlet and put a handkerchief in his mouth. Then he pulled the switch.
by Michael Walsh
How Peter Thiel-Linked Tech Is Fueling The Ukraine War
As war in Ukraine continues, controversial defense contractors and adjacent companies like Palantir, Anduril, and Clearview AI are taking advantage to develop and level-up controversial AI-driven weapons systems and surveillance technologies. These organizations’ common link? The support of the controversial, yet ever-more powerful Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel.
“A reluctance to grapple with the often grim reality of an ongoing geopolitical struggle for power poses its own danger. Our adversaries will not pause to indulge in theatrical debates about the merits of developing technologies with critical military and national security applications. They will proceed. This is an arms race of a different kind, and it has begun.” ~ Alex Karp, Palantir CEO
These were the recent words of Palantir CEO Alex Karp, proclaiming in the New York Times that the world has entered a new era of warfare with the rapid acceleration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. Playing on the recent release of the “Oppenheimer” movie by comparing the dawn of AI with the development of the atomic bomb, Karp argued that the growing role of AI in weapons systems has become “our Oppenheimer moment.”
by Stavroula Pabst
Cindy McCain Cut Off Food To Children In Gaza, Gives Demon Doll To Pope
Warmonger John McCain’s widow, Cindy, runs the UN World Food Program that cut off aid to starving children in Gaza as of May. So how is this demonic doll connected to what she did?
by The David Knight Show
Downward Mobility And Life On The Margins
We can anticipate a sharp reduction in conventional financial security in the next decade as the waste is growth / Landfill Economy runs out of cheap materials to throw away.
There are many pathways to life on the margins of the economy and society. Let’s consider three: Our character and upbringing leave us unable to fill the work slots valued by employers. Constitutionally incapable of fitting into the conventional slots, we find our way to (or end up in) the margins. (I raise my hand here.) Opportunities to lock in the security of steady work that can support a family are scarce in one’s locale, class, caste, etc. Most people are thus relegated to life on the margins. Circumstances change, and the foundations of our security melt into air. The conventional socio-economic slots that provide security become scarce and we slip-slide from predictable security to the insecurity of the margins. This is downward mobility, a slide accelerated by high-cost lifestyles that require reliably high incomes.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Americans In Name Only
To my knowledge, ZERO Presidential candidates, ZERO members of the Senate and only 53 members of the House of Representatives have publicly voiced their support for the WHO Withdrawal Act.
House Resolution 79, also known as the WHO Withdrawal Act, was sponsored by Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona on January 9, 2023. Representatives Perry, Miller, Massie and Rosendale joined him as original co-sponsors. H.R. 79 is now supported by a total of 53 members of the House of Representatives. CLICK HERE to contact the 53 true Americans listed above in order to thank them and to offer your support to them.
Not one Senator from either party has shown the courage and the patriotism to simply copy H.R. 79 and submit it as a companion measure in the Senate. NOT ONE. CLICK HERE to contact your Senators.
by James Roguski
Israeli Ground Forces Get Cold Feet? + Ukraine War Updates
Things continue to both pick up pace and seemingly slow down at the same time.
After making boisterous threats of immediate ground assault into Gaza, the IDF apparently has gotten cold feet and sobered up to the harsh reality that they would face inordinate losses and/or defeat. So now, they’re pretending to gather forces while re-evaluating the situation, and their chances. In the meantime, they’ve resorted to indiscriminately mass bombing civilians from the sky. Beyond that, Bibi has apparently premised the delays under the guise of giving time for Americans and civilians to evacuate Gaza. But this is complicated by several factors, one of them being the fact that Egypt has apparently closed the southern Rafah checkpoint and doesn’t want Palestinians refugees to flood into Egypt. Why’s that? Because it has long been the secret plan of Israel to push Palestinians out of Gaza and “resettle” them into a new home in the Sinai, and make them “someone else’s problem” so Israel can completely take over Gaza.
by Simplicius The Thinker
hamas me no questions, i’ll tell you no lies
why supporting hamas is not supporting palestine and may, in fact, be the opposite
geopolitics is a nasty business and in the end, the realpolitik of what one can do and what one will do resolves into the terrible calculus of machiavellian iron law. there is always someone ready to act horribly to get what they want or take what you have. israel and palestine have been at odds since the former’s inception and ideas of integration have generally fallen flat. ideas of a 2 state solution come and go but never seem to come to fruition as (like many issues) not everyone wants to see them resolved. some benefit from the chafe and from the chaos and anyone who thinks there are not actors on the world stage who would wantonly sacrifice the well being and even existence of other groups upon the altar of self-interest if it got them a nickel and a stick of chewing gum might wanna brush up on their history. because that’s just not how it is.
by el gato malo
Memory-Holing The Apocalypse
Some crimes seem to be too big to talk about, let alone punish
Recently we learned thanks to a senior-level whistleblower that not only was disgraced bureaucrat Dr. Anthony Fauci smuggled into CIA headquarters during the pandemic to influence the Agency’s supposedly apolitical analysis on the origins of Covid-19, but that CIA analysts were also bribed with “significant” cash bonuses to alter their conclusions on the matter. According to the whistleblower, six of the seven-member team set up to assess the question had concluded that the coronavirus most likely “originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China,” but then changed their position to favor a natural-origin hypothesis after Fauci’s visit and the alleged assurance of “Exceptional Performance Awards,” which they then duly received. Now, it wouldn’t normally be a matter of surprise or concern for the nation’s premier intelligence agency to consult the opinion of the nation’s then-top public health official on such an issue, though bribery to change analytic conclusions certainly would be (especially after the Agency’s infamous Iraqi weapons of mass destruction perfidy). But in this case we also happen to know that Fauci was at the time engaged in a sweeping behind-the-scenes effort to cover up the rather obvious origin of the virus and his own role in it.
by N.S. Lyons
Ben Shapiro Should Just Join The IDF And Help Fulfil Biblical Prophecy (7:17)
Israel need more of your hard earned money. Take it from Ben, he knows because his Israeli security team said so.
by Red Ice TV
US Provides Data Of Syrian, Russian Military’s Movement To Jihadists – Russian Intel Head
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The United States is providing jihadists with data on the places of dislocation and movement routes of the Syrian and Russian military in Syria, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergei Naryshkin said on Thursday. “Work is underway to destabilize the situation, including through the capabilities of ISIS [Islamic State, a terrorist group banned in Russia]. Information about places of dislocation and movement routes of the Syrian army and Russian military is being transmitted to the jihadists,” Naryshkin was quoted as saying by the SVR. US President Joe Biden’s administration is aimed at disrupting the emerging positive dynamics around and inside Syria, Naryshkin added.
by Sputnik
U.S. Official Lies To Armenians Worldwide
Samantha Power recently arrived in Armenia to meet with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, and pledged U.S. support for Armenia in the aftermath of the armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which has left thousands of Armenians homeless at the hands of Azerbaijan. Power is the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and had previously served as U.S. Ambassador to the UN from 2013-2017. Power is lying again to the Armenians. In 2014, she lied to the Armenians from the UN, and now she is again lying to the Armenians from USAID, which is an agency of the U.S. State Department. According to her profile in Forbes, “Samantha Power, the youngest-ever U.S. ambassador to the UN, is considered to be the moral compass of American diplomacy” while adding, “…she has been a powerful crusader for U.S. foreign policy as well as human rights and democracy since she took office in 2013.” Samantha Power’s moral compass is broken. She stood by lying and humiliating the homeless Armenians in Kessab, Syria in 2014, and she is again lying to the Armenians arriving as refugees in Yerevan. Samantha Power, Presidents Obama and Biden, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken do not care about Armenia, or Armenians wherever they are.
by Steven Sahiounie
US Must Prepare For War With China And Russia – Congress
A commission has urged Washington to drastically expand its nuclear arsenal
The US needs to urgently update and expand both its nuclear arsenal and the conventional military in order to face the combined might of Russia and China, the congressional Strategic Posture Commission argued in its final report published on Thursday. “The United States and its allies must be ready to deter and defeat both adversaries simultaneously,” the commission said. “The US-led international order and the values it upholds are at risk from the Chinese and Russian authoritarian regimes.” While the commission has not identified any specific evidence of Russia and China working together, “we worry… there may be ultimate coordination between them in some way, which gets us to this two-war construct,” a senior official involved in the report told Reuters on condition of anonymity. The current US national security strategy calls for defeating one major adversary while deterring another. The commission argued that the combined threat from China and Russia will become acute as early as 2027, so “decisions need to be made now in order for the nation to be prepared.” The 131 findings and 81 recommendations in the report amount to the need for massive expansion of both the conventional armed forces and the Nuclear Triad.
by RT
The New York Times And 8 Other Great Toilet Paper Alternatives
Everything’s more expensive in this economy, including toilet paper! If you’re looking to save some money on pricey bathroom tissue, here are a few equally viable alternatives for wiping your posterior. Use these today and start saving: The New York Times: Starting with the obvious one here. This option is probably more expensive, but totally worth it. US Currency: Soft, strong, and utterly worthless! Expired Biblical prophecy books: It’s probably safe to go ahead and use that book about Yasser Arafat being the Antichrist. US Women’s Soccer Tickets: We think they’re selling for around 5 cents per yard now. Any Stephen King novel written after 1996: What else are you gonna do with them? Read them?
by Babylon Bee
October 12, 2023, 70 Posts Published
“It’s so strong you wouldn’t believe now.
We have the Israelis coming to us for equipment.
We can say we can’t possibly get the Congress to support a program like this.
They say, ‘Don’t worry about the Congress. We will take care of the Congress.’
This is somebody from another country, but they can do it.
They own, you know, the banks in this country, the newspapers.
Just look at where the Jewish money is.”
General George S. Brown
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Israel Occupation Forces Archive With 252 Posts
A Synopsis Of The Israel/Palestine Conflict
The following is a very short synopsis of the history of this conflict. We recommend that you also read the much more detailed account, “The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict,” and the book, “Against Our Better Judgment: The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create Israel.”
For centuries there was no such conflict. In the 19th century the land of Palestine was inhabited by a multicultural population – approximately 86 percent Muslim, 10 percent Christian, and 4 percent Jewish – living in peace.[1] Zionism: In the late 1800s a group in Europe decided to colonize this land. Known as Zionists, they represented an extremist minority of the Jewish population. Their goal was to create a Jewish homeland, and they considered locations in Africa and the Americas, before settling on Palestine.[2] At first, this immigration created no problems. However, as more and more Zionists immigrated to Palestine – many with the express wish of taking over the land for a Jewish state – the indigenous population became increasingly alarmed. Eventually, fighting broke out, with escalating waves of violence. Hitler’s rise to power, combined with Zionist activities to sabotage efforts to place Jewish refugees in western countries[3], led to increased Jewish immigration to Palestine, and conflict grew.
by If Americans Knew
What The Western Media Doesn’t Show You About Gaza (2:06)
The Israel-Palestine War Is Washington’s Fault
The US has continually sidelined Palestinian grievances and buried any chance for a two-state solution – and with it, any chance for peace
The administration of US President Joe Biden, together with decades of failed American policy decisions in West Asia, set the stage for the eruption of the horrifying violence we see today in Palestine and Israel. By sidelining the Palestinian cause for statehood and instead seeking a symbolic normalization deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Washington also overlooked its own regional strategy. In the early hours of Saturday morning, the armed wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, launched an unprecedented military operation against Israel. Scenes instantly flooded social media of Palestinian fighters gunning down Israelis in cities such as Ashkelon, blowing up military vehicles, and killing and capturing hundreds of Israeli soldiers. It was a surprise offensive the likes of which hadn’t been seen in over 50 years. It also represented a colossal failure for the Israeli government, military, and intelligence and security services, causing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to declare war on the Gaza Strip.
by Robert Inlakesh
Russia Fully Supports Establishment Of Palestinian State: Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin says Moscow has always fully supported the establishment of a Palestinian state, as the Israeli regime is ceaselessly pounding the besieged Gaza Strip with barrages of missile attacks.
Speaking at the plenary session of the Russian Energy Week on Wednesday, Putin stressed that his country has always supported the implementation of the United Nations Security Council’s decision on the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. “We have always supported the implementation of the decisions of the UN Security Council, I mean, first of all, the creation of an independent Palestinian state,” the Russian leader emphasized. Putin’s remarks came as Israel has been launching deadly strikes on the densely-populated Gaza Strip since Saturday after the Palestinian Hamas resistance group waged a surprise attack, dubbed Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, against the usurping entity. Hamas says that its operation came in response to Israel’s violations at al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East al-Quds and growing settler violence.
by PressTV
Gaza Resistance Stands Firm Six Days Into Israeli Onslaught
As Israeli jets continue to raze the world’s largest open-air prison with white phosphorous and cluster bombs, Hamas and PIJ forces have not stopped attacks against Israeli troops and settlements
The Gaza resistance continued targeting occupied towns and cities with large rocket barrages into 12 October, marking the sixth day since the start of Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and the subsequent launch of Israel’s brutal campaign against civilians in the Gaza Strip. Before noon on Thursday, missiles targeted several Israeli settlements, towns, and sites in the Gaza envelope, including the Nahal Oz settlement, the city of Sderot, and the Raim military base. Several injuries among settlers have been reported. Rocket barrages were also launched earlier in the morning toward Tel Aviv and other areas, with one of the missiles impacting the Ariel settlement in the occupied West Bank, causing a large explosion. A massive barrage was fired the previous night at around 9:00 PM, resulting in injuries and significant material damage in several settlements. Despite Israel’s announcement that the Gaza border had been sealed, resistance fighters managed to carry out several new infiltrations into the occupied territories, engaging Israeli troops with heavy gunfire and sparking clashes in several settlements. At least 1,300 Israelis have been killed since Saturday, with more than 3,300 wounded.
by News Desk
China Calls For Implementing The Two-State Solution To Fundamentally Resolve The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Zhai Jun, special envoy of the Chinese government on the Middle East issue, had a phone call on Tuesday with an official from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry. Zhai said that the fundamental solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies in implementing the two-state solution, and that China is willing to promote an immediate ceasefire and cessation of violence, and to provide humanitarian support to the Palestinian people. Zhai expressed deep concern over the escalating tension and violence in the current Israeli-Palestinian situation, and said he is deeply saddened by the large number of civilian casualties caused by the conflict. China opposes and condemns acts that harm civilians and calls for an immediate ceasefire, Zhai noted.
by Global Times
Iran Warns Israel Against Its Apocalyptic War
Amidst growing speculations in the US about Tehran’s involvement in the Hamas’ attack on Israel last Saturday and the reported move by the Pentagon to despatch by the weekend a second aircraft carrier to the East Mediterranean, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has spoken for the first time on the explosive situation. Khamenei spoke in Tehran on Tuesday in his capacity as the Commander-in-Chief of Iran’s Armed Forces choosing the occasion of the annual joint graduation ceremony for the cadets of Iran’s military academies to dwell on the topic. In an unprecedented move, excerpts of Khamenei’s remarks have since been relayed in Hebrew to the Israeli audience. Khamenei’s statement warns Israel against any rash moves that it may come to repent later. Khamenei anticipated Israel’s “irreparable defeat.” He said “the killing Palestinian men, women, children, and elderly, desecrating the al-Aqsa Mosque, beating worshipers, and letting loose armed settlers to attack the Palestinian people are among the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime.” Khemenei made three key points in his speech…
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Three World Wars To Usher In A One World Religion (5:16)
by Greg Reese
Biden Invokes Mystery Evil To Cover Up U.S. Criminal Responsibility
America’s problem is rooted in its systematic criminal policy that sows and breeds violence across the world, Finian Cunningham writes.
In a nationwide televised address, U.S. President Joe Biden did his best to sound righteous and angered by the eruption of violence in the Middle East. “There are moments in this life – I mean this literally – when pure unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world,” Biden intoned with phony gravitas. “The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend.” This American duplicity is nauseating. Slurring his words, Biden has no idea what he is talking about or how culpable he and his nation are in the violence. Then we have White House spokesman John Kirby breaking down and crying on live TV, overcome with emotion about Israeli deaths. Meanwhile, this same person advocates pumping arms into Ukraine, killing hundreds of thousands of people, without a tear shed for those deaths. This American disconnect is equally nauseating. Biden promised the immediate supply of advanced weapons to Israel to defend itself against Hamas, the Palestinian militant group, even while hundreds of Palestinian civilians are being slaughtered in revenge by the Israeli military in Gaza. A U.S. aircraft carrier, missile destroyers and squadrons of fighter jets are also being deployed to the region, in the words of Washington, “deter” any wider violence.
by Finian Cunningham
Peculiarities Of Russian Television Reporting On The Hamas-Israeli War
A couple of days ago, I mentioned how Russian state television news was providing viewers with information about aspects of the ongoing armed conflict between Hamas and Israeli armed forces that you would not find in Western media during the first days of reporting. In particular, it was immediately evident from the news briefings on Vesti that Russian emphasis was on the military side rather than on the humanitarian catastrophe side. BBC, Euronews, CNN have all focused attention on the slaughtered Israeli citizens and the apparent savagery of the Hamas fighters including today’s revelations about the hundred or more men, women and children who were killed in a Hamas raid on a kibbutz in the South of Israel. Russian news from day one showed pictures of the latest generation Israeli tank destroyed by a grenade dropped by a drone and of Hamas fighters approaching Israeli shores from the sea on paragliders. On two successive Evening with Vladimir Solovyov shows, images of the destruction to Israel’s billion dollar wall around Gaza and similar engineering feats by the insurgents as they moved deep into Israel proper. Solovyov’s panelists also provided expert analysis of the military threats Israel faces from the neighborhood if the war in Gaza escalates.
by Gilbert Doctorow
White House Plans To Request Military Aid For Israel, Ukraine, And Taiwan
The request will also include money to produce more weapons to replace what’s being sent overseas
The White House has conveyed to members of Congress that it will request an emergency supplemental funding package that will include military aid for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, as well as additional funding for border security, NBC News reported on Wednesday. Administration officials said the request will also include funds to manufacture weapons to replace what’s being sent overseas as the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel and the US military buildup aimed at China are a boon for US arms makers. The Washington Post first reported on Monday that the White House planned to link aid for Ukraine and Israel in an effort to “jam the far right,” referring to House Republicans who are against the proxy war in Ukraine but are staunch Israel supporters. Many Republicans who oppose funding Ukraine do favor sending weapons to Taiwan, which began receiving unprecedented military aid from the US this year.
by Dave DeCamp
326 Palestinian Children Killed As Israel Plunges Gaza Into Darkness
Israeli warplanes fired three missiles at a residential building at the intersection of Al-Ternis Street in the middle of Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip around 11:30 a.m on October 9, killing 69 Palestinians, including at least 15 children, according to documentation collected by DCIP. (Photo: DCIP / Mohammad Abu Rukbeh)
Ramallah, October 11, 2023—Israeli authorities prohibit food, fuel, electricity, and water into the Gaza Strip as Defense for Children International – Palestine has so far confirmed the killing of at least 105 Palestinian children since Saturday, with the total now surpassing 300. DCIP has confirmed the killing of at least 105 Palestinian children in direct Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip between October 7 and 11, while the Ministry of Health in Gaza announced today that over 326 children have been killed. DCIP staff in Gaza and the West Bank continue to document and confirm Palestinian child fatalities as hostilities continue between Palestinian armed groups and Israeli forces. Intensive Israeli bombardment throughout the Gaza Strip, lack of electricity, Israeli airstrikes on telecommunications infrastructure, and the unprecedented rate of daily child fatalities has resulted in a lag between confirmed fatalities by DCIP and the overall total child fatalities published regularly by the Ministry of Health in Gaza.
Israel Palestine Basics (4:50)
by If Americans Knew
The Israel-Hamas Conflict So Far
Israel continued its air campaign against a battered Gaza as the war entered its sixth day
The ongoing war between Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas has claimed more than 2,700 lives as of Thursday, and is the most serious escalation in the region in decades. Six days into the conflict, RT looks at the key events so far. War begins: Dubbed ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’, Hamas’ operation began on Saturday morning with a sustained barrage of rockets fired from Gaza towards targets in Israel. Hamas, the militant organization that has de-facto governed Gaza since 2007, claimed that 5,000 rockets were launched in the initial barrage, while the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) put the number closer to 2,500. Following the bombardment, Hamas bulldozed portions of the fence separating Gaza from Israel, as more than 1,000 of its fighters poured into Israel on motorbikes, pickup trucks, and paragliders.
by RT
Swiss Writer [Alain Soral] Who Called Journalist A ‘Fat Lesbian’ Sentenced To 60 Days In Prison
LGBT activist groups praised the sentencing of the controversial Swiss polemicist as ‘historic,’ saying it sends a ‘strong signal that homophobic hatred will not be tolerated in our society.’
(LifeSiteNews) — A Swiss writer and polemicist has been sentenced to 60 days in prison for calling a journalist a “fat lesbian.” The ruling was applauded by LGBT activist groups. The Vaud Cantonal Court found the French-Swiss author Alain Soral guilty of discrimination and incitement to hatred. Soral announced that he will appeal the decision at the Federal Court and “if necessary” also before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)., the Swiss outlet fm1today reports. In 2021, Soral called journalist Catherine Macherel a “fat lesbian” and a “queer activist” in a Facebook video. He also suggested that being “queer” is synonymous with being disturbed or dysfunctional. Macherel filed a criminal complaint against Soral in September 2021. In April 2023, the public prosecutor’s office sentenced him to three months in prison for discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The author appealed against this order.
by Andreas Wailzer
Ukraine vs Israel: Can The West Arm Both?
Israel will need US support to survive a fight with the Palestinian resistance and its battle-tested regional allies. But it will compete directly with US ally Ukraine for ever-dwindling western weapons and funds.
Just three days after the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance launched an unprecedented military offensive against Israeli military posts and settlements by land, sea, and air, Israeli officials began begging their US sponsors for additional weapons. Politico reported on 10 October that according to a senior Pentagon official, “The Biden administration is surging weapons to Israel, rapidly sending air defenses and munitions in response to Israeli officials’ urgent requests for aid.” “Planes have already taken off,” the senior official told reporters. Amidst this escalating crisis for the occupation state, it’s worth pondering a crucial question: Can the US sustain a commitment to two significant existential conflicts involving vital allies in separate geographies simultaneously? The answer is likely no. Washington has already devoted over $100 billion in military aid to Ukraine to fight Russia, while facing a national debt spiraling out of control and spiking inflation. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The Ukraine war was meant to be easier; the isolation and economic unraveling of its Russian adversary, was a cinch. Instead, 18 months on, the US is struggling to support Ukraine in a bloody war of attrition. Worse yet, Kiev’s well-publicized spring offensive that was meant to flip those odds has come to naught in the face of Russia’s overwhelming advantage in artillery and advanced missiles.
by William Van Wagenen
The Plot Against The Church (1962)
This book, The Plot Against the Church, was published prior to the beginning of the Second Vatican Council as a warning of what the dark powers had in store for the Church. The high ranking clerics, writing as Maurice Pinay, stated that the ultimate purpose of the Council was to remove the crime of Deicide from the Jews and assign it instead to the Romans. It is a scholarly work, worthy of consideration of all who would understand Christian history and Christian defense against forces seeking to destroy the Church and Faith. While written in 1962, Rabbi Louis Israel Newman wrote much the same from the Jewish side in his 1925 work Jewish Influence in Christian Reform Movements, which is quoted extensively in The Plot.
“In our time more than ever before, the chief strength of the wicked lies in the cowardice and weakness of good men… All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to the easy-going weakness of Catholics. Oh! if I might ask the Divine Redeemer, as the prophet Zachary did in spirit: What are those wounds in the midst of Thy hands? The answer would not be doubtful: With these was I wounded in the house of them that loved Me. I was wounded by My friends, who did nothing to defend Me, and who, on every occasion, made themselves the accomplices of My adversaries. And this reproach can be levelled at the weak and timid Catholics of all countries.” Pope St. Pius X, Discourse he pronounced on December 13, 1908 at the Beatification of Joan of Arc.
by Maurice Pinay
Netanyahu Wants US Involved In War – Ex-Pentagon Official
American ships near Israel could become another “Gulf of Tonkin,” Michael Maloof has said
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would like Washington directly involved in the conflict with Hamas because he hopes to expand the war to Lebanon and Iran, a former senior security policy analyst at the US Department of Defense, Michael Maloof, told RT on Wednesday. On Monday, the US ordered the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford and five guided missile destroyers to the Eastern Mediterranean. According to Maloof, this “meets Netanyahu’s wildest dreams.” “He wanted the US involved in this conflict,” the former Pentagon official told RT. Netanyahu “wants to open up the war with Lebanon, by attacking Hezbollah” in pursuit of his ultimate objective, “to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities,” Maloof added. For that to happen, “he has to have a Gulf of Tonkin moment, if you will.”
by RT
Do The Propagandists Have A Writer’s Strike? Why Are They Recycling Plots? (3:15)
by The David Knight Show
Syria Launches Missiles On Golan Heights As US Begins ‘Surging’ Defense Aid To Israel
Update(1612ET): The Syrian Army has fired missiles toward the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights Tuesday evening (local), breaking reports indicate. The Israeli Defense Force have confirmed the attack: A number of launches from Syria aimed for Israel were identified a short while ago. Part of the launches crossed into Israeli territory and presumably fell in open areas. – Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 10, 2023. This raises the risk of a broader conflict which spirals, given the earlier exchange of fire in northern Lebanon between Israel and likely Hezbollah positions. Al Jazeera senior correspondent Zeina Khodr writes on the significance of the Golan mortar fire from Syria: Rocket from Syria lands in Israel occupied Golan Heights- it was a matter of time before a message is sent to Israel from this front … “multi front assault possible”. This came within an hour of President Biden in a speech confirming that the US will begin ‘surging’ defense aid to Israel.
by Tyler Durden
How Many Soldiers Are In Hamas?
Hamas’ precise troop force is unspecified, but various estimations have put the numerical strength of its service members at around 30,000 militants, if non-core members are summoned in an emergency. The al-Qassam Brigades are organized into six groups. Each group has many smaller groups, and each smaller group has even tinier parts. Three of these groups stay in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. One is in the north of Gaza City, one is to the east of Gaza City, and one is in the south of Gaza City. There is one group in the middle of Gaza, and two are in the south, superintending Khan Yunis and Rafah. The Hamas combat forces are reportedly also dispersed in the West Bank and neighboring countries. These brigades encompass a wide range of combat forces, including anti-aircraft weaponry, snipers, artillery, engineers, anti-tank capabilities, and infantry. Additionally, the Qassam Brigades incorporate specialized staff units for communications, intelligence, smuggling, weapons production, logistics, and public affairs functions.
This diverse composition allows Hamas to adapt to evolving political scenarios and address diverse threats.
by Chimauchem Nwosu
3 Ways To Survive “The Great Taking”
It’s a “scheme of central bankers to subjugate humanity by taking all securities, bank deposits, and property financed with debt.” David Webb, a former hedge fund manager, and Wall Street insider, has blown the lid off a diabolical plan more than 50 years in the making in a shocking new book. He calls it The Great Taking. I consider it an urgent must-read (available for free here). Here’s the synopsis (emphasis mine): It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history. Private, closely held control of ALL central banks, and hence of all money creation, has allowed a very few people to control all political parties and governments; the intelligence agencies and their myriad front organizations; the armed forces and the police; the major corporations and, of course, the media. These very few people are the prime movers. Their plans are executed over decades. Their control is opaque. To be clear, it is these very few people, who are hidden from you, who are behind this scheme to confiscate all assets, who are waging a hybrid war against humanity.
by Nick Giambruno
Operation Al-Aqsa Flood Has Altered The Relationship Between Palestine And Israel
Regardless of the precise strategy of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, or any other Palestinian faction for that matter, the daring military campaign deep inside Israel on Saturday, 7 October was only possible because Palestinians are simply fed up. Israel, remember, has imposed a hermetic siege on the Gaza Strip for the past 17 years. The story of the siege is often presented in two starkly different ways. For some, it is an inhumane act of “collective punishment”; for others, it is a necessary evil so that Israel may protect itself from so-called Palestinian terrorism. Largely missing from the story, however, is that 17 years is long enough for a whole generation to grow up under siege, enlist in the Resistance and fight for freedom. According to Save The Children, nearly half of the 2.3 million Palestinians living in Gaza today are children. This fact is often infused to delineate the suffering of a population that has never stepped outside the tiny, impoverished Strip of 365 square km, approximately 141 square miles. Again, although numbers may seem precise, they are often employed to tell a small part of a complex story. This Gaza generation, which either grew up or was born after the imposition of the siege, has experienced at least five major, devastating wars, in which children like them, along with their mothers, fathers and siblings, were the main targets and thus the main victims. “If you surround your enemy completely, give them no chance to escape, offer them no quarter, then they will fight to the last,” wrote Sun Tzu in The Art of War, the ancient text that is still used in military academies the world over. Yet, year after year, this is precisely what Israel has done. This strategy has proved to be a major strategic miscalculation.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud
Israel Shells Mosque In Lebanon’s Dhahira
Israel has shelled the Ahl Al-Qur’an Mosque in the town of Al-Dhahira in the Tyre district of southern Lebanon, Anadolu news agency reported. Anadolu’s correspondent in southern Lebanon reported that the mosque and dozens of nearby homes were directly hit by the Israeli artillery shelling. The Lebanese army patrols and inspects damage caused by the Israeli bombings. Ali Al-Suwaid, a local resident, said the town was exposed to random Israeli bombing, forcing its people to flee to safer neighbouring villages. Al-Suwaid added that the Israeli shelling had hit his house while he and his family were inside the house, causing material damage to the building. Three civilians were injured, he added, and were taken to hospital for treatment. Earlier yesterday, three people were injured as a result of Israeli bombing on border villages and towns in the western sector of southern Lebanon, according to government media.
EMJ Live #44: Alain Soral Sentenced For Two Months Prison For Calling A Fat Lesbian A “Fat Lesbian” (1:07:00)
Israeli Settler, Who Called For Palestinians To Be ‘Wiped Out’, Behind ‘Beheaded Babies’ Fake News
The source behind the claim that the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas beheaded babies during its large-scale operation against the Israeli regime is an extremist settler leader who called for a Palestinian town to be “wiped out” earlier this year, according to a report. Investigative news website, The Grayzone, identified Israeli reserve soldier David Ben Zion as the key source behind the fake news, saying he has a history of inciting violent riots in the occupied West Bank by demanding that the Palestinian town of Huwara be “wiped out.” “Enough talk about building and strengthening the settlements,” Ben David said in a Twitter post on February 26, 2023. “The deterrence that was lost must return now, there’s no room for mercy.” Ben alleged in an interview with Israeli outlet i24 News on Tuesday that Hamas fighters “cut heads of children” in the village of Kfar Az near the Gaza Strip. The allegation quickly made its way to the highest levels of leadership, as if by design, while Western media reported it without a shred of critical scrutiny. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesman said babies and toddlers were found with their “heads decapitated.”
by PressTV
The Mortal God Drops Its Mask
I know many of us are still trying to make sense of the seemingly insane, and definitely disturbing, political developments of the past several years. Left and right, up and down, seem all jumbled up. Perhaps most disorienting has been the rapidity of the changes in how ‘Western Liberal Democracies’ behave as political actors. Personally, for most of my life, I have been used to our governments at least appearing (and obviously trying to appear) to respect freedom, protect civil rights, and maintain credible democratic legitimacy. Much of that may have been hypocritical, superficial, and ideologically motivated, but you could kind of count on it under most circumstances. So, when most of these regimes used the COVID pandemic to eagerly deploy authoritarian and even totalitarian means, with little attempt to disguise them, it was a little surprising. Of course, those means did not stop with the pandemic. It seems clear the desire, and even the plans, to behave in this way were already there, just waiting for an excuse or opportunity, to be unleashed.
by W.D. James
Resistance Reinforces Forces In Israel’s Southern Settlements
The Israeli army has not yet been able to retake control of all settlements infiltrated by Hamas fighters since Saturday’s surprise offensive
Hamas’ military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, announced on 11 October it has managed to replace its fallen fighters and continue battles against the Israeli army in the settlements and cities surrounding the Gaza Strip. On 7 October, Hamas launched an unprecedented surprise attack on Israeli settlements and military positions surrounding Gaza. Hamas sent some 1,000 fighters into Israel and launched thousands of rockets, killing hundreds of Israelis and taking an unknown number of captives back to the Gaza Strip. Israel responded by unleashing a punishing campaign of airstrikes on Gaza, also killing hundreds and destroying whole neighborhoods, while amassing troops to expel the Hamas fighters who had managed to enter Israel. However, the battles in the settlements and cities surrounding Gaza continue. The Qassam Brigades announced that on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning they had sent additional fighters to the Zikim-Ashkelon axis north of Gaza, and to the Sufa axis, and other axes east of Gaza. The Qassam Brigades confirmed that their fighters are now engaged in violent clashes in the Sufa area. On Tuesday, Hamas launched a rocket attack on the Israeli city of Ashkelon, 14 km north of Gaza, after giving civilians a 90-minute warning to leave.
by News Desk
The Faces And Names Of The 150 Bilderbergers Who Controlled The COVID-19 “Pandemic” Response
Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1,861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the Covid-19 event. Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to name and shame them and reveal the roles they have played. It is unknown whether a 2021 Bilderberg Meeting was held; the group’s website stated that it “had to be cancelled, due to travel and meeting restrictions.”[1] Of the 1861 living Bilderbergers, over 140, listed below, have played significant roles in managing the COVID-19 event: Many of those listed below are also on the list of COVID-19 WEF perpetrators. Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the COVID-19 event. Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to list them under the most important played. Steering committee members (both present and former) are underlined.
by The Exposé
An Enduring Möbius Strip Mystery Has Finally Been Solved
A mathematician’s journey to prove how short the loops can be had some twists and turns
Any attempt to better understand Möbius strips is bound to run into some kinks. The twisted loops are so strange that mathematicians have struggled to answer some basic questions about them. For example: “What’s the shortest Möbius strip you can make for a paper band of a given width?” The question hooked mathematician Richard Evan Schwartz. A mistake in a computer program almost prevented him from finding the answer. Simply messing around with strips of paper finally helped him solve the mystery.
by Emily Conover
No-Go Zone: Israeli Propaganda Intensifies, Christian Zionists Activated (2:02:46)
Henrik cover the latest on the Israeli war in Gaza against Hamas and their propaganda campaign in No-Go Zone this October 11, 2023.
by Red Ice TV
Israel Knew Of Hamas Attack In Advance – US Lawmaker
Representative Michael McCaul backed up earlier claims that Egypt tipped officials off to an impending assault
Three days before Hamas’ large-scale assault on Israel, the Egyptian authorities warned their counterparts in Tel Aviv that such an operation was imminent, US House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul told reporters on Wednesday. “We know that Egypt has warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this could happen,” McCaul said following a closed-door intelligence briefing on Capitol Hill. “I don’t want to get too much into classified, but a warning was given,” McCaul continued. “I think the question was at what level.” The Associated Press reported on Monday that Israeli officials ignored repeated warnings from Cairo that Hamas was planning “something big.” Citing a source within Egyptian intelligence, the news agency claimed that the Israeli government felt that an attack was unlikely to come from Gaza, and would probably take place in the West Bank instead.
by RT
Gaza Seized The Initiative: Might vs Willpower
A Palestinian writer describes recent events in Gaza as “raiding the prison posts” where Israel has kept Palestinians locked up – literally and figuratively – for years. Western media rarely include such inconvenient truths.
I write as we watch the news of Palestinian fighters from the besieged and starved Gaza strip having seized the initiatives from the Israeli daily incursions on Palestinian camps, and towns murdering civilians. Israeli murders this year have reached more than 250 Palestinians, including 47 children. This is in addition to the desecration of Muslim and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem and other occupied Palestinian communities. Gaza has endured a harsh economic blockade for more than 18 years. Palestinians are lynched at the hand of the illegal ultra-Jewish colonizers in cities like Hawara and Hebron. The burning of Palestinian cars, homes, and business, under the official protection of the Israeli occupying army and direct support from Israeli racist ministers have become a daily occurrence. Additionally, more than 5,000 Palestinians continue to languish in Israeli jails. The racist Israeli government has introduced new harsh measures, including extended isolation, limited family contact, restricted access to medical treatment, etc. This does not even account for the 1,200 individuals held under administrative detention, which means imprisoned without charge.
by Jamal Kanj
Israeli Lawmaker Calls For Using Doomsday Weapons Of 2.6 Million Palestinians
Gaza should be ‘flattened’ with nuclear-capable missiles, a member of the Knesset from the ruling party has stated. The population of the Palestinian enclave, dubbed the World’s Biggest Concentration Camp is 2.6 million mostly civilians. Israel should use Jericho missiles to ’level’ Gaza ’without mercy’ after the weekend’s attacks by Hamas, lawmaker Revital Gotliv has said. Gotliv is a member of the Knesset from the ranks of Likud, the party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ‘Jericho Missile! Jericho Missile! Strategic alert. before considering the introduction of forces. Doomsday weapon! This is my opinion. May God preserve all our strength,’ Gotliv posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Monday, according to a from Hebrew.
by Michael Walsh
Fact Check: Hamas ‘Beheading Babies’ Story Based On Weak Evidence
Amid the fresh escalation of violence in the Middle East, a story by Israeli i24NEWS reporter Nicole Zedeck from Kfar Aza, in which she reported that Israeli soldiers claimed they had found babies with heads severed by Hamas militants, was seized upon by the Western mainstream press, despite a lack of official confirmation. The Western mainstream press has yet again dipped into its playbook of hawking unproven claims and peddling what are often false narratives. Gut-wrenching headlines like “Hamas cut the throats of babies,” “An act of sheer evil,” and “Massacre of innocents” were emblazoned across a plethora of media outlets after an Israeli reporter claimed that bodies of babies, including some with their heads cut off, had been stumbled upon by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers in the Israeli kibbutz of Kfar Aza.
by Svetlana Ekimenko
Hamas Denies Beheading Israeli Children (Text and Video)
Hamas has dismissed false claims promoted by some Western media outlets accusing freedom fighters of killing or beheading children and targeting civilians. In a statement issued today, Hamas condemned “promoting the Israeli occupation’s propaganda, which is full of lies and fabrications, as an attempt to cover up the crimes and massacres committed by the Israeli occupation around the clock, most of which amount to war crimes and genocide.” Hamas added: “The Palestinian freedom fighters are targeting Israeli occupation military and security posts and bases – all of which are legitimate targets.” Meanwhile, the Palestinian freedom fighters have sought to avoid targeting civilians, Hamas added, pointing to televised testimonies made by several colonial settlers.
Confessions Of Jewish Zionists (Netanyahu’s Predecessors Brag About Genociding Palestinians) (12:45)
utopian thinking goes to war
and that is no path to utopia
so, i’m just going to come out and say it: “if your system of government relies upon the sagacity and ethics of the leaders who run it to keep you safe and free, you are engaging in utopian thinking and you’re going to get the tyranny you deserve.” the obvious takeaway from this is the need for a system of government that does not require leaders to provide liberty, freedom, or any other of the seeds of human agency and thriving. the cornerstone of the republic is that power should reside with we the people, enshrined in our rights and set irrevocably and inalienably above the preferences and prerogatives of leviathan and its agents. and this goes double for war.
by el gato malo
The Ultimatum That Gave Us Pearl Harbor
From all that we have now learned about what happened on that fateful day of December 7, 1941, there might still be some small room for debate as to how precise was our leaders’ knowledge of the impending Japanese attack in the hours just before it took place. Beyond debate is the fact that Franklin Roosevelt very badly wanted the attack to occur so that he would have an excuse to involve the United States militarily in the war in Europe, that he had taken precisely the steps needed to make sure that an attack was imminent, and that he kept the news that he had taken those steps away from the people who most needed to know it. Foremost among that latter group were our military leaders in the Pacific, most specifically, General Walter Short and Admiral Husband Kimmel in Hawaii. What no Americans were told, outside a tiny handful of people, was that we had effectively ended negotiations to temper or end our crippling economic embargo on Japan, and we had ended them with what amounted to a slap in the proud Japanese face. Furthermore, the key commanders in the Pacific were not informed that the inevitable Japanese military response, which we had learned from intercepted messages, was forthcoming in short order. Roosevelt might have miscalculated with respect to the degree of damage that the attack on Pearl Harbor would inflict. His failure to share with the commanders in Pearl Harbor the information they needed to prepare for the attack, though, was not a miscalculation or a matter of inadvertence. He knew that the Japanese had a very good spying apparatus, and the last thing that Roosevelt wanted was for them to see that we were so ready for the attack that it would be called off. There is a lot more evidence, but all one really has to do is to read FDR’s speech of December 9, 1941, the day after the “date that will live in infamy” speech, to see just how badly Roosevelt wanted us into the European war.
by David Martin
What Works for Tinnitus Relief? 10 Natural Options
That ringing in your ears can be treated naturally! Why not try one of these 10 alternatives?
Tinnitus is a condition where you hear noises that are not from outside sounds. It is often associated with depression, insomnia, headaches, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and social isolation. Researchers estimate that 750 million people around the world and 1 out of 4 adults over 65 experience tinnitus.[i] It is thought to be caused by age-related hearing loss, an ear injury, exposure to loud noises, brain issues related to neuron transmission or a problem with the circulatory system, but there is no known cure.[ii] Scientists have researched 10 natural treatment options from ginkgo biloba, zinc, melatonin, antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamins, CoQ10, spirulina and ginseng to acupuncture/ electroacupuncture that can vastly improve your tinnitus symptoms and help you enjoy a higher quality life.
by Dr. Diane Fulton
Humanitarian Crisis Looms As Israel Poised For Ground Operation
As the casualties keep climbing in the Gaza Strip, Chinese observers warned a humanitarian crisis in the region is unavoidable if the fighting between Hamas and Israel doesn’t stop. The observers also said such a crisis, if caused by atrocities, could trigger a public opinion explosion and reverse the political situation at certain tipping point. At this juncture, the US, which can exert real influence on Israel, is urged to pressure Israel to cool down its offensive in Gaza, instead of further stoking tension in the Middle East. Western media has been piling pressure on China to condemn Hamas. Chinese observers said that it is illogical to ask China to pick sides in a conflict that’s partly caused by Western colonization and exacerbated by US biased Middle East policies. China’s impartiality in responding to this crisis remains consistent, said the experts, noting China is also willing to provide convenience for the negotiation between Palestine and Israel if necessary.
by GT Staff Reporters
“Will You Urge Israel To Not Starve And Slaughter People?” — State Department Ignores Series Of My Questions (Text and Video)
The State Department gets tough questions from Max Blumenthal and Said Arikat on Israeli war crimes. I ask questions throughout but am never called on. [I’ve produced three news releases on Israel for my day job the last two days which might be of interest: an overview and on charges of war crimes and genocide and roots and overview of current destruction of Gaza by Israel.] Many thanks to Decensored News for producing the above excellent video, which contains most (but not all) of my attempts to ask questions at the State Department briefing today.
The first 15 minutes of the State Department briefing today were completely surreal propaganda. One would have no idea that Israel had ever hurt a fly. So, at that point, I stopped simply raising my hand hoping that spokesperson Matt Miller would call on me, which he probably wouldn’t. I started finally just chiming in with questions. They would include: When Matt Miller was unwilling to criticize Israel, I asked: “Does Israel have a right to kill civilians, Matt?” When Miller said: “Hamas that favors that path of death and destruction,” I chimed in: “But Israel is raining down death and destruction, Matt.” When Miller talked about how good “normalization” was between Israel and Arab states (dictatorships all), I said: “You’re normalizing war crimes here, Matt.”
by Sam Husseini
Senators Bob Menendez And Ben Cardin Play Musical Chairs
One arch interventionist replaces another to lead the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Many Americans have come to accept that corruption and lying is the name of the game in Washington and, increasingly, at both state and local levels of government, in part because lying and stealing by those who run the country has become virtually consequence free. To cite only one example, the current ruinously expensive war against Russia began when the US and other NATO powers lied to Mikhael Gorbachev about their intentions regarding expansion of the “defensive” alliance into Eastern Europe. They then lied again in 2014 with the Minsk Accords, which were supposed to give some measure of autonomy to the Russian ethnic regions of Ukraine in the Donbas, an apparent concession that served as cover for arming and training the Ukrainian Army. Finally, the US and its friends arranged for regime change in Ukraine in 2014 to replace the friendly-to-Russia President Viktor Yanukovych with a pro-western candidate selected by the fanatical State Department neocon Victoria Nuland, who boasted how Washington had spent $5 billion to bring about the flip in government. That move warned Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding what was going on so he quickly annexed Russian ethnic majority Crimea, where the Russian Black Sea Fleet is based.
by Philip Giraldi
Israel Continues Air Bomb Strikes On Gaza (10:52)
by Military Summary
This Is Exactly What It Looks Like
If I was an Israel supporter I’d be thinking very carefully about the things I’m posting online in the build-up to what could end up being regarded as one of history’s worst genocidal massacres. The internet doesn’t forget. What you’re tweeting today could haunt you for life. The Israel-Palestine issue is not complicated; an apartheid regime abuses and oppresses an indigenous ethnic group who don’t have the same rights as others. The only reason anyone thinks it’s complicated is because they assume if it were simple, the news would’ve told them so. Really Israel-Palestine is one of the easier conflicts to understand on the world stage; conflicts like Ukraine or Syria are much more complicated. It’s obvious at a glance that there’s one group in power and another group being treated very badly by that group, but because the press frames it as a complicated issue with its sympathies wildly slanted toward the apartheid regime, people assume it can’t be as simple as what it looks like at first glance. It is, though. Israel is exactly the abusive apartheid regime it looks like on the surface. Remember this as the bodies pile up and Gaza is turned into a smoldering crater. This is exactly what it looks like.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Decades Before Snowden, This American Patriot Waged War Against Illegal Surveillance In The US
In the 1970s, US Army Captain Christopher Pyle blew the lid on government agencies’ domestic spying
In 1970, a US Army captain went rogue after he discovered that the military was conducting surveillance on dissidents across the country, thus sparking the first effort in modern times to tame US intelligence. In 1968, almost half a century before the world heard the name of Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who blew the whistle on a US-run global surveillance system, Christopher Pyle, an Army captain who taught law at the Army’s intelligence school at Fort Holabird, Maryland, was about to do something no less memorable. After Pyle had concluded one of his popular lectures on civil disorder, which focused on how the military could better quell riots in those highly volatile times, a military officer directly involved in such operations approached him with the request for a meeting. Several days later, Pyle was escorted into a large warehouse facility that once had been used to assemble railroad engines. In his 2006 book, No Place to Hide, Robert O’Harrow described what happened next. “Pyle walked into the cage, where an officer showed him books containing mug shots. He looked in the first volume and saw a familiar face. It was Ralph David Abernathy, Martin Luther King’s assistant. Officers called the books the ‘black list.’” “Outside the cage, Pyle saw more than a dozen teletype machines. The head of the CONUS [acronym for Continental United States] intelligence section told him they were spitting out reports from some fifteen hundred Army operatives about demonstrations with twenty people or more. Pyle was starting to understand how naive he’d been. He began formulating a plan. He would be getting out of the Army soon. He could tell the world about what was going on. When he joined the Army he took an oath to defend the country against all enemies, here and abroad. In his mind now, that included the Army’s intelligence operation. They turned in their security badges and left the building.” And thus was born one of the most consequential whistleblowers of the post-World War II era.
by RT
Country Of Lies T-Shirt
Methods of government, economics and warfare in a country of lies.
by ShipOfFools
More Proof Of A False-Flag Massacre At Village Funeral By Kiev Regime
Zelensky needed a propaganda punch for his appeal and Western media obliged as usual to paint Russia as evil barbarians.
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who was on the same day attending a summit in Granada, Spain, with European leaders, denounced the atrocity as “genocidal aggression” by Russia. After widely reporting the slaughter in the village of Hroza in eastern Ukraine amid a torrent of condemnations of Russia, as usual, Western media have quickly shifted their focus onto other world events, primarily the eruption in violence between Israelis and Palestinians over the weekend. However, a follow-up report by AP on the horror at Hroza inadvertently sheds more light on who actually fired the missile. There is good reason to suspect that the Kiev regime orchestrated the air strike as a false-flag propaganda stunt. In other words, the regime deliberately killed civilians in its own territory in a cynical effort to smear Russia. The new twist is that the families of the victims are reportedly at a loss as to how Russian forces knew of the gathering of people for the dead soldier’s funeral. The village has no military bases or tactical value. It is situated nearly 30 kilometers from the frontline between Ukrainian and Russian troops in eastern Ukraine. The follow-up AP report claims that local people suspect that an informer in the village might have given the coordinates of the funeral to the Russian military. But rather than making that deduction, a more plausible explanation for the deadly attack can be found in the acutely felt political needs of the Kiev regime. The timing of the massacre on the same day that Zelensky was making a big pitch for more military aid from European NATO members strongly suggests that Kiev regime forces carried out the strike on Hroza village to give its president more emotive power in his set-piece appeal to European leaders.
by Finian Cunningham
WHO Tries To Sneak In IHR Amendments Without The Approval Of Member States
On Saturday, the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) released a statement claiming: “Governments make progress towards agreeing amendments to the International Health Regulations.” However, as Dr. Meryl Nass pointed out, the main point about this statement is that WHO declared it will not share the finalised International Health Regulations (“IHR”) amendments with the public and member states four months before the vote on it in May 2024 as WHO’s own rules require. “WHO’s press release states what happened in very general terms, so only the already-initiated will understand it,” Dr. Nass said. Here are the relevant statements within WHO’s press release: We will continue work on a range of issues in the inter-sessional period before WGIHR6, as well as in early 2024. The Co-Chairs noted that, in reference to Decision WHA75(9), it appeared unlikely that the package of amendments would be ready by January 2024. In this regard, the Working Group agreed to continue its work between January and May 2024. The Director-General will submit to the 77th Health Assembly the package of amendments agreed by the Working Group.
by Rhoda Wilson
Palestine Is Fighting For Survival Against Disproportionate Force But Prevailing (Text and Video)
Israel is being exposed as a paper tiger
Hebh Jamal writes from Gaza: When I read posts shocked at how I am not condemning Hamas in this point in time, I feel once again inferior. My value as a human is not seen the same. While we are in the most traumatic and gut wrenching moments of our lives there are some who believe now it is the time to say that we have to condemn. We have to say that love trumps all. I fucking wish. I truly Goddamn wish that love trumps all. That it is love that leads revolutions. I wanted for my whole life to believe that by protesting long enough, by supporting BDS long enough, by writing long enough I am actively making a difference. Well I wasn’t. Not in the way that might save my people’s existence. In Gaza, despite bombs being dropped overhead, despite us losing tens and tens of our family members right this very second, they know that if it is not now, it will be later. They know this because their whole lives that is all they had to see. They had to see mutilated bodies, they had to see their children dismembered in front of them, and they had to see their futures destroyed. 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023..
by Vanessa Beeley
Spooner’s Other Statements On The Constitution (21:32)
Despite writing on the Constitution for decades – few people today seem to even know the name Lysander Spooner. And most who do, rarely know more than one quote. Time to turn that around.by Tenth Amendment Center
Research Finds Commonly-Used Herbicide Is Harmful To Adolescent Brain Function
Herbicides are the most used class of pesticides worldwide, with uses in agriculture, homes and industry. Exposures to two of the most popular herbicides were associated with worse brain function among adolescents, according to a study led by researchers at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science at University of California San Diego. In the Oct. 11, 2023 online issue of Environmental Health Perspectives, the researchers reported measuring metabolite concentrations of two commonly used herbicides—glyphosate and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4D)—and the insect repellent DEET in urine samples collected in 2016 from 519 adolescents, aged 11 to 17, living in the agricultural county of Pedro Moncayo, Ecuador. Researchers also assessed neurobehavioral performance in five areas: attention and inhibitory control, memory and learning, language, visuospatial processing, and social perception. “Many chronic diseases and mental health disorders in adolescents and young adults have increased over the last two decades worldwide, and exposure to neurotoxic contaminants in the environment could explain a part of this increase,” said senior author Jose Ricardo Suarez, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., associate professor in the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health.
by University of California at San Diego
Captured Hamas Terrorist: “We Prepared For Over A Year – We Were Shocked That IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) Were Not Waiting For Us” – Netanyahu Supporting Hamas?
As we now enter into the third day of the war in Israel, many in the Alternative Media who are not invested in the Zionist religion and are able to look at what has happened in the past couple of days objectively with critical eyes, are questioning the Corporate News and the Pro-Israel Alternative News narrative as to how this attack by Hamas terrorists could have happened in the first place, given the fact that Israel has, by far, the most powerful military and intelligence forces in the Middle East, if not in the entire world. Did the forces behind Benjamin Netanyahu actually work with Hamas terrorists to pull off this false flag attack for a greater purpose? Netanyahu has publicly stated that this attack is Israel’s “Pearl Harbor” moment. Pearl Harbor was a false flag attack by the Japanese on American forces in Hawaii that was known ahead of time by President Roosevelt back in 1941.
by Brian Shilhavy
Major Cities Are Now Uninhabitable Due To 5G Radiation
Toronto, a bustling metropolis, thrives as one of the epicenters of technological advancement in North America. Yet, like with all tech hub cities with ever increasing interconnectivity thanks to the ongoing 5G revolution, there are mounting concerns about potential health risks associated with radiofrequency (RF) radiation. Investigation of Toronto’s RF Landscape: Using the Trifield Meter — a device designed to measure RF radiation— RF levels across various neighborhoods of Toronto were investigated. For context, safety standards indicate that readings between 0.2 mW/m2 and 1 mW/m2 are considered “safe.” The findings were both eye-opening, and deeply alarming. Historically, studies have raised serious health concerns associated with prolonged exposure to high RF radiation levels. For instance, a study by Eger et al. in Germany found that people living within 400 meters of cell towers had over three times the normal rate of certain cancers. Similarly, an Israeli study (Wolf and Wolf) reported a nearly fourfold increase in cancer risks for those residing within 350 meters of an RF tower.
by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
Dissident Writer Knut Hamsun And The Unquiet Grave
The Norwegian author Knut Hamsun (1859 – 1952) was deserving of the Nobel Prize in Literature awarded in 1920. A handsome and debonair gentleman, quite unlike most people’s idea of a poet and writer. He was described as the Soul of Norway by the venerable King Haakon X11 of Norway. Hamsun penned more than twenty novels. A prolific poet and writer. Philosophy was his life-long driving passion. His stories were turned into motion pictures. An ardent European he believed implicitly that writers should ‘describe the whisper of blood and the pleading of bone marrow.’ Like many others of a period that polarised politics, Knut Hamsun is the spectre who won’t go away. Despite his standing in history his memory stays to haunt Norway. Today’s politically correct Norway with its sensitivities on the topic of miscegenation has no wish to be reminded of their philosopher father’s dire warnings. Hamsun is considered to be one of the most influential and innovative literary stylists of the past hundred years. The Norwegian literary giant’s writings influenced the great writers, correspondents and thinkers of the 20th Century.
by Michael Walsh
Hundreds Of Canadians Have Been Debanked In The Last Five Years, Report Shows
An opaque and growing form of censorship.
A sweeping de-banking wave has swept across Canada, affecting over 800 citizens in its tide since 2018, a number which includes hundreds who rallied behind the banner of the Freedom Convoy. Data unearthed through an access-to-information request by Blacklock’s Reporter unveiled a disturbing pattern where 837 individuals found the doors of their banks slammed shut on them over a span of five years. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada was brought into the loop through grievances lodged with regulatory bodies, shedding light on financial strangulation that bypassed cases of validated terrorism and money laundering. In a deeper dive into the numbers, it’s revealed that the financial shackles tightened around 267 bank accounts and 170 Bitcoin wallets belonging to Freedom Convoy supporters, ensnaring an estimated $7.8 million. This exercise in financial censorship spun a web of scrutiny during a hearing on March 7, 2022, where Angelina Mason, representing the Bankers Association, testified. Mason outlined that while the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) supplied a list of names, banks were also mandated by separate orders to exercise their judgment in identifying account holders for de-banking.
by Christina Maas
The Hamas Attack On Israel Is A False Flag
And Yes People Can Die During A False Flag
That the Hamas attack on Israel was a false flag is probably obvious to most of you folks who received this post. Nevertheless here’s some facts along with some conjecture regarding this false flag. The worst false flag attack on the United States was obviously the 9-11 operation which was carried out by internal U.S. government perpetrators as well as external government sponsored perpetrators from Israel and Saudi Arabia.
by Terra Times
PizzaGate 2.0 – Federal CIA Contractors Caught On Camera Kidnapping Kids From The Border (20:46)
by Vincent James
CDC Withholding Safety Data On COVID Bivalent Shots And Heart Inflammation
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is refusing to release information it has collected on cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane around the heart) following administration of messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 bivalent shot. The bivalent shot has been replaced this year with a new mRNA monovalent COVID booster shot that Pfizer only tested on a small number of mice, while questions about heart inflammation following the previous bivalent shot remain unanswered. Although the CDC has reviewed the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports of inflammatory heart conditions in order to meet with advisors about updates to the product, the agency refused to share the data with members of its Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which met on Sept. 12, 2023 to discuss COVID booster recommendations.
by Carolyn Hendler, JD
On Thin Ice
There is very little wiggle-room left in many household budgets, and any decline in income will crack the ice.
A recent article on a well-worn topic–the rising costs of vehicle ownership–caught my attention. How the Costs of Car Ownership Add Up (New York Times). There’s nothing particularly new revealed in the piece, or particularly surprising for anyone who has 1) shopped for a new vehicle 2) shopped for a used vehicle 3) had their vehicle repaired or serviced recently 4) fueled up at a gas station or 5) paid auto insurance. The most striking point was not explicitly said: these astounding increases in costs are putting many American households on very thin ice financially. There are plenty of statistics saying the same thing: a large percentage of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and have less than $1,000 in a rainy-day / emergency fund, wage increases are lagging the soaring cost of living, and so on. But statistics tend to be abstractions. Specific line-item increases on goods and services we all buy bring it home with a are you kidding me? 2X4 upside the head.
by Charles Hugh Smith
The True Face Of Israel (Text and Video)
Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant has announced a “complete siege” of all of Gaza in response to the Hamas attack on Saturday, justifying the deliberate targeting of civilians with siege warfare by the claim that Israel is at war with “human animals”. “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant said Monday, adding, “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.” So there you have it, folks: they’re attacking civilians, which is fine, because they’re not actually attacking human beings. There it is. The true face of Israel, naked and unadorned in the cold light of day. The mask is completely off now.
by Caitlin Johnstone
The Starvation Of A Nation – ‘So Tiresome, Killing Ten Million People’
During Winston Churchill’s visit to the Kremlin in Moscow in August 1942, Britain’s leader, also unelected, asked Soviet dictator Josef Stalin: ‘Have the stresses of the war been as bad for you personally as carrying through the policy of the collective farms?’ ‘Oh no’, the despot replied. ‘The collective farm policy was a terrible struggle. Ten million,’ he said, holding up his hands. ‘It was fearful. Four years it lasted. It was absolutely necessary.’ Note the dictator’s remark: ‘It was necessary.’ What a strange comment to make about a so-called famine? ‘It was necessary’? His sweeping generalization referred to the Ukrainian Holodomor 1932 – 1933. This was the deliberate starvation of a nation in which 10 million people died. Could there possibly be a more incriminating aside and admission than his conceding; ‘it was necessary.’ One could never imagine using such a term when discussing a genuine scarcity of food. This is proof enough that the Ukrainian famine was nothing of the sort; it was man-made food deprivation with the stated intention of reducing the population.
by Michael Walsh
Emperor Hirohito Calls For Ceasefire After Bombing Of Pearl Harbor
TOKYO — After a devastating and tragic surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Emperor Hirohito has called for a ceasefire. “The loss of life on both sides is a tragedy,” Hirohito said in a speech requesting an end to hostilities. “Now that we have pulverized the American naval fleet, we respectfully request that the United States look for ways to promote peace and not take any steps to retaliate until we attack you again. Thank you.” American leaders had already begun talks to enter the war against the Axis Powers but were now bombarded with calls to engage in peace talks instead. “The timing of Japan’s request does seem a little suspicious,” said Captain Mike Rotunda, a United States Navy spokesman. “I mean, they literally asked for a ceasefire immediately after attacking us. It puts us in a weird position because that’s not really how ceasefires work.”
by Babylon Bee
Powering AI Could Use As Much Electricity As A Small Country
Artificial intelligence (AI) comes with promises of helping coders code faster, drivers drive safer, and making daily tasks less time-consuming. But in a commentary published October 10 in the journal Joule, the founder of Digiconomist demonstrates that the tool, when adopted widely, could have a large energy footprint, which in the future may exceed the power demands of some countries. “Looking at the growing demand for AI service, it’s very likely that energy consumption related to AI will significantly increase in the coming years,” says author Alex de Vries, a Ph.D. candidate at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
by Cell Press
October 10, 2023, 70 Posts Published
“The press is so powerful in its image-making role,
it can make a criminal look like he’s the victim
and make the victim look like he’s the criminal.
This is the press, an irresponsible press.” . . .
“If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you
hating the people who are being oppressed
and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
Malcolm X
Since the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917:
There have been relentless and merciless atrocities committed by the invading Ashkenazi Jews
over the last one hundred and six years to the indigenous Semitic Palestinians, and it must end.
Mark R. Elsis
Palestine Archive With 260 Posts
Despite What You Think, Palestinians Are Not Celebrating Death.
A response.
The caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still and his tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom. ~ Maya Angelou
Despite what you might think, no Palestinians are not celebrating death. We do not look at the news and rejoice over the number of Israelis killed. We do not salivate at the sight of blood drenched bodies. Despite what you might think we are not well. We do not look at death and feel happiness. The “joy” you might be seeing is the idea that for the first time in history we might have a chance to reclaim our land. We might have a chance to end the occupation, we might have a chance to open Gaza’s borders, to visit our family without reprisal and to escape from torturous prisons- this time without a spoon in our hand. Yet, even then, what is it to label it as “joy.” Yesterday, my cousin-in law: my husband’s first cousin and my mother in law’s nephew was killed by the settler colonial state-Majed. He was beautiful and just graduated tawhiji last year. He was only 20. Now he is gone. We are in a deep phase of mourning, anger and confusion as to how this happened to us so quickly, so soon. Our tears have simply dried on our faces as there weren’t enough tissues to hold them. My family’s neighbors’ are annihilated. A whole family was wiped out yesterday , the Abu Daqqa family, with 5 beautiful children that were killed. We are now getting reports of 19 members of the same family killed in a single Israeli air strike last night in the besieged strip. Old and young: men, women and children.. all..just gone.
by Hebh Jamal
E. Michael Jones And Bishop Richard N. Williamson Discuss The Holocaust Narrative (1:26:02)
Operation Wag The Dog: These Palestinian ‘Surprise Attacks’ Against Israel Are Not What The CIA’s Mockingbird Media Is Reporting
Palestine Only Ever Attacks Israel Because Tel Aviv Planned It That Way. Because PM Netanyahu is in super desperate need of a war to distract the populace from so much institutional criminality and corruption and worse.
The Premise: Nothing that happens in Israel can ever be taken at face value. And, whenever it concerns the Palestinians, you know the Israelis are lying. Given Israel’s highly advanced spying and surveillance network throughout Palestine, Tel Aviv knew this was coming and did nothing to stop the attack ON PURPOSE. First of all, you know if CNN is reporting this utterly fake event, it’s being staged with melodramatic effect to distract the whole world from … … … you name the crime against humanity or ongoing genocide. For those who are unaware, never in the Modern State of Israel’s history has the government been so at odds with the governed. We’re talking about a full-blown rebellion against Netanyahu’s nakedly corrupt administration. The protests that have occurred throughout Israel during 2023 are unparalleled and completely without precedent. Therefore, Tel Aviv knows that the only way to short-circuit these constant protests and spontaneous demonstrations is to give the citizens something much more scary to worry about. What, pray tell, is scarier than this: “Hamas has claimed that it fired some 5,000 rockets at Israel in just the first 20 minutes of the attack“?
by State of the Nation
West Promoting Deceptive Narrative On Hamas Operation: Malaysia’s Ex-PM
Malaysia’s former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has censured Western states and their media outlets for their hypocrisy toward the recent Palestinian operation against Israel. In a Monday post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Mahathir said the narrative run by certain Western states was far from truth given the “seven decades” of atrocities by Israel against the Palestinians. “With that narrative, they stoked fear in the Western community, claiming that it is an attack on democracy and peace-loving people and that the United States in particular felt justified to extend military support to Israel to retaliate against Palestinians attacks.” “Instead of addressing the conflict for what it actually is, they chose to continue with their deceptive narrative that it is an attack on Israel by terrorists,” Mahathir said. “They are outright lies which have been perpetuated unashamedly by Western leaders and their media.” ~ Mahathir Mohamad
by PressTV
“This Surprise Attack Seems Like A Planned Operation On All Fronts” (6:51)
by Efrat Fenigson
The Gaza War Is Lost: But Will Netanyahu Concede?
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had often boasted about the readiness of his army to deal with and to eliminate all threats to Israel’s ‘security’. The Israeli military, too, has contributed to the Israeli hasbara that Tel Aviv would be able to face several threats on all fronts, from Gaza, to the West Bank, to Lebanon and Syria. But the Hamas attack on numerous Israeli targets on Saturday at precisely 6am Palestine time, proved him utterly and humiliatingly wrong. Neither Netanyahu, nor his army were in fact able to face a single Palestinian group, operating alone and under siege. It will take time for all of this to sink in among Israeli leaders, military brass, media, and society. For now, however, Netanyahu is desperate to show that Israel remains a powerful country and a regional power that deserves its often-touted status of having an ‘invincible’ army. But all his options are nearly impossible.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud
10 Reasons Why India’s Stance On Gaza Is Unsustainable
The Indian reaction to the massive eruption of violence between Hamas and Israel on Saturday belies ground realities and ignores the geopolitical environment in that region and globally in which this cataclysmic event merits careful appraisal. It will prove to be unsustainable and can damage the country’s interests and standing globally. One, Indian policy has blatantly tilted toward Israel. What has been a matter of speculation assumed habitation and a name when Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tweet on Saturday underscored India’s “solidarity” with Israel. The resonant expression signifies a historic departure from India’s consistent stance on the Palestine issue, which followed, quintessentially, the footfalls of Gandhiji who had the prescience and vision to oppose the creation of Israel on Palestinian homelands in the cruel manner in which the Western powers imposed that geopolitical construct on West Asia. What prompted this radical shift on an issue where angels fear to tread remains a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Abbas Juma: Israel Will Suffer Much More Damage From This War Than It Might Expect
What can Hezbollah demonstrate in the event of a full-fledged war with Israel?
On October 7 the world was shocked by another flare-up of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and, this time, a very serious one. Not only did Hamas fire rockets at Israel, but it also penetrated Israeli territory. The operation, called Al-Aqsa Flood, has been unprecedented in terms of audacity and planning. Over a thousand Israelis have been killed, it’s estimated, and more than 3,500 wounded, territories were captured, military personnel and civilians were taken hostage. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the start of a full-scale war, promising to leave the Gaza Strip in ruins. The current events were a result of the biggest failure of Israel’s state security system in recent history. They have severely shaken the belief in the “omnipresence” of the Mossad (Israel’s intelligence service) and the invincibility of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). For many hours, the Israeli army was utterly helpless as Palestinian armed groups attacked the country. Israeli intelligence also failed to prevent the catastrophe in any way. Meanwhile, even the day chosen by Hamas for the start of the operation was quite symbolic – the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
by Abbas Juma
150,000 Palestinian Have Been Killed And Injured By Israel Since 2008. 33000 Of Those Were Children. But No One Talk About It, No One Calls Them Terrorist. Why? (0:45)
by Clare Daly
US Politicians’ Remarks Adding Fuel To Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Are Very Callous
The casualty data of this round of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is being updated every day, causing concern and distress for the civilians living in the area. According to Israeli media reports on October 9, the conflict has resulted in more than 1,300 deaths and over 5,000 injuries on both sides. Both Israel and Palestine have suffered a large number of civilian casualties. Additionally, humanitarian relief organizations of the United Nations have stated that over 120,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been displaced. The conflict is still escalating, and there is a significant degree of uncertainty about how much it will escalate and in which direction it will develop in the future. However, one thing is certain: The damage and suffering caused by the conflict will largely be borne by the local civilians, and they are in great need of care and protection from the outside world.
Editorial by Global Times
How Many Pearl Harbors Before We Learn?
Egypt warned the Israelis that Hamas was planning something and warned them 9 days prior to their attack in the desert. Egypt has had problems with Hamas in the past. It should not be forgotten that Egyptian President, Abed al-Fattah al-Sisi, is Jewish. (His mother, Malikah Titani, is a Moroccan Jew from Asefi, which makes al-Sisi also Jewish. His uncle served in the Haganah and was an aide to Ben Gurion. Al-Sisi had served as the Egyptian military’s liaison with Israel. (Kevin Barrett, Veteran’s Today) Our first Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7, 1941. This was after the Emperor of Japan had attempted to surrender to President Roosevelt in 1936 offering to pull out of China and break his treaty with Hitler. The Emperor even offered to become an ally against the Communists which is something FDR did not want. He wanted to expand Communism and hence Globalism.
by Video Rebel
Biden Tells Netanyahu More Military Aid Is On Its Way
The US will be providing Israel with munitions and other equipment
President Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday for the second time since Hamas launched an operation in southern Israel and said that more US military aid is on its way. According to the White House, President Biden “conveyed that additional assistance for the Israeli Defense Forces is now on its way to Israel with more to follow over the coming days.” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement that the US “will be rapidly providing the Israel Defense Forces with additional equipment and resources, including munitions. The first security assistance will begin moving today and arriving in the coming days.”
by Dave DeCamp
Carpet Bombing Of Gaza Escalation With Hezbollah (15:56)
by Military Summary
Catholic Leaders In Jerusalem Call For Peace Between Israel And Hamas
The Latin Patriarchate and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem called for peace, protection of civilians amidst Israel-Hamas war.
(LifeSiteNews) — Catholic leaders in Jerusalem have released a statement calling for peace between Israel and Hamas. Israel declared war Saturday on the Islamic group Hamas, which currently controls the Gaza Strip. The October 7 statement, issued by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, asked God to “inspire world leaders in their intervention for the implementation of peace and concord so that Jerusalem may be a house of prayer for all peoples.” The statement also asked the “international community” and “religious leaders in the region and in the world” “to make every effort in helping to de-escalate the situation, restore calm and work to guarantee the rights of people in the region.” The patriarchate called for a protection of access to religious sites in the area. The Catholic leaders also called for a lasting peace solution between Israel and Palestine. An October 8 statement from “The Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem” reiterated the same demands for peace and an end to the targeting of civilians.
by Matt Lamb
US Support For Israel May Set Off Total Middle East Upheaval – Former US Envoy
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States will support Israel in all actions it takes against Hamas in Gaza after the killing of over 1,000 Israelis in Saturday’s incursion, but this will set off an anti-US wave across the Middle East and the wider Muslim world, former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chas Freeman told Sputnik. Israel formally declared a state of war on Sunday, a day after Hamas invaded Israeli territory and committed the greatest slaughter of civilians in the 75 year history of the Jewish state. On Monday, Israel put the Gaza Strip under full blockade, with no food, gas or electricity supplies. Both Israel and Palestine have so far reported hundreds of dead and thousands of injured as a result of the escalation. “The United States will support Israel reflexively but this will set off a much wider anti-US reaction across the Middle East and the wider Muslim world,” Freeman, who also served as assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs in the Clinton administration, said in an interview.”
by Sputnik
A Population With Nothing To Lose
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
The coming days are going to be full of western news media slyly reversing the aggressor-defender relationship and reporting as though all the violence began with the Hamas offensive, spontaneously out of nowhere. The problem with oppressing a population with maximum force is that at some point they start figuring they’ve got nothing to lose by fighting back. Do I think this latest uprising will end in more positive results than negative for Palestinians? No. Does that mean I’ll condemn the Palestinian resistance for fighting back? Also no. This is because doing so would be nonsensical, for a couple of different reasons. Firstly, because nobody can tell me what the Palestinians should do instead that is both realistic and reasonable. It would be easy for me to sit here in my armchair and say the Palestinians should either maintain the status quo or lie down, relinquish their homes and homeland and accept whatever table scraps they’re able to get, but we can see from the Palestinian perspective that that’s not reasonable. It would be easy for me to sit in my armchair and argue that Palestinians should just focus on securing a one-state or two-state solution, but we can see from the Israeli political landscape that that’s not realistic.
by Caitlin Johnstone
UN: Israel’s Total Gaza Blockade Amounts To War Crime
The United Nations human rights chief has warned that Israel’s imposition of a total blockade on the Gaza Strip amounts to a war crime and violates international law. Volker Turk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said in a statement on Tuesday that the blockade “seriously” risks the already dire humanitarian situation in the Palestinian enclave. Turk underscored the limited capacity of medical facilities to operate, especially in light of the growing number of injured. He said Israel’s “imposition of sieges that endanger the lives of civilians by depriving them of goods essential for their survival is prohibited under international humanitarian law.” “This risks seriously compounding the already dire human rights and humanitarian situation in Gaza, including the capacity of medical facilities to operate, especially in light of increasing numbers of injured,” Turk said, adding that a siege may amount to “collective punishment.”
by PressTV
War Breaks Out In The Middle East – Beware Of The U.S. Media One-Sided Coverage
Tensions in the Middle East escalated this week, and it appears that a full-blown war has now started with the attacks in Israel earlier today. Attacks that have killed hundreds of people started before the attacks in Israel today, however. Earlier this week, at least 100 people in Syria were reportedly killed in a deadly attack at a military college in Syria’s Homs province. The Syrian Government said it was a terrorist attack by “known international forces,” which implies they were funded by the U.S. who has had a military presence in Syria for over a decade now opposing the current Syrian Government. This news was barely mentioned in the U.S. media, which instead focused on another attack that happened at the same time in the northern part of Syria, where Turkish forces attacked Kurdish military installations in retaliation for a suicide bombing in Ankara, Turkey. The U.S. actually shot down a drone that was reportedly operated by Turkey, a NATO ally, and this is what was headline news in the U.S. media that day. And then today, Saturday, October 7th, all of the news headlines are concerning a “surprise” attack by the Palestinian group Hamas against Israel, and the Israeli response, where hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians are reported as killed.
by Brian Shilhavy
Massive Casualties And Armored Support Arrives (12:58)
by Military Summary
The War Has Started
Whether this becomes a regional war or not depends entirely on Israel’s willingness to make unprecedented concessions.
West Asia may be headed toward a large-scale war that will extend well beyond the Gaza Strip and southern Israel, now mired in violent conflict. “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” carried out by Hamas at dawn on 7 October, has already led to the killing of hundreds of Israeli soldiers and settlers, the capture of about 200 of them, and the destruction of Israel’s lauded deterrence. Whether the war will bleed into multiple borders and arenas now depends entirely on what Israel does or does not do in the days and weeks ahead. Predictably, Tel Aviv – with the US and EU standing firmly behind it – has begun by launching a military operation in the Gaza Strip to eliminate the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) resistance movements. After a round of consultations held with a number of western heads of state – led by US President Joe Biden and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed in statements that his western allies have granted Israel full freedom to eliminate the Palestinian resistance in Gaza. In a flurry of Instagram-worthy gimmicks, western capitals have already begun beating the drums of war – from lighting the Eiffel Tower in Paris with the colors of the Israeli flag to raising it at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels.
by Hasan Illaik
Gaza Crisis Gives Netanyahu His Wet Dream – The War He Has Always Longed For
Do the people in Gaza have no legal pretext to defend their rights being stripped away while the West increasingly gives Israel its tacit approval to a new holocaust which Palestinians wake up to every day since 75 years?
The attacks and subsequent war are nearly all from the West’s goading of Israelis to do whatever they want to Palestinians to get what they need. And now watch how western media portray Israel as a victim needing to “defend” itself. It was simply inevitable. How much longer did Israel and the West in general think they had in Palestine with the daily slaughter of its citizens, unlawful arrests, land and property grabs and the general dehumanisation of the people? While western observers seemed to be shocked by the scale and seriousness of the attacks, many in the Arab world are shrugging their shoulders and saying “we told you so” to the Israeli government and Benjamin Netanyahu. One such pundit who was quick to respond was Saudi Arabia. Ironically this country was about to sign a normalisation accord with Israel which would have been the starter’s pistol for not only other Arab countries but even Muslim countries like Indonesia to respect the state of Israel and milk the new relation for what it was worth – mainly arms and spying software. But now with the bloodbath which the Palestinians have carried out, there can be no more “normalisation” as countries like Bahrain, Sudan, UAE and Morocco now will have to rethink everything while Netanyahu will undoubtedly throw everything he has at taking over Gaza in a full military operation while going to full-out war with Hamas fighters.
by Martin Jay
Some Israeli Military Personnel Collaborated In Al-Aqsa Storm: Report
An informed Palestinian official says some Israeli military personnel collaborated with Palestinian resistance groups in the fields of logistics and intelligence in the recent surprise attack against the occupying regime. The Palestinian source, belonging to resistance groups, made the revelation in an exclusive interview with Iran’s Tasnim news agency on the third day of Operation al-Aqsa Storm, the largest military operation against the illegal entity in decades. The resistance groups in the besieged Gaza Strip have since Saturday fired more than 5,000 rockets at the occupied territories, with Israeli media outlets saying more than 800 settlers and troops have been killed as a result and over 2,400 others injured. The informed source told Tasnim that some of the information obtained from the “infiltration spots” had been acquired through long-time collaboration of certain Israeli military personnel with the resistance groups. “During al-Aqsa Storm, the information played a crucial role in facilitating the infiltration of forces into Israeli districts, especially the military bases surrounding Gaza,” the source said. The official underlined that the cooperation has not been limited to intelligence and the Palestinians have for a long time been procuring a large part of their equipment from the soldiers and the body of the Israeli military.
by PressTV
This Wicked World
Falling for the new current thing is as easy as the normies make it look.
They’ll say, ‘This was a surprise attack, we had no idea it was coming.’Oh yeah? Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, a bloody idiot? ~ David Icke
Cold War 2.0: The Palestinian-Israeli doom loop can be described thusly: An enemy defines us, empowers us, and bails us out to offer justifications for whatever we require at any time we seek it. After three years of criminal investigations and political turmoil for Old Bibi Netanyahu, including attempts to hijack the courts and create a nice cozy police-state dictatorship, he’s conveniently found his empowerment and justification. While the choreographers of global chaos have the ‘multipolar world’ psyop moving in their preferred direction. Those of us who lived through part of Cold War 1.0 recall the useful strings of ‘nukes at any moment’ to control the fearful masses. Version 2.0 is shaping up nicely with their creation of BRICS vs the Western “rules-based order” of ineffectual neoliberal morons, whose subservience to global catastrophe is betrayed by their sheer incompetence at, well, everything. Each side serves as a nice foil for the other, and as the play-theater for operation “multipolar world” heats up, there is no better region to instigate atrocities for a new act than that holy patch of desert filled with religious fanatics.
by Good Citizen
Israeli Flashpoint – Localized Skirmish? Or The Beginning Of Major Global Black Swan?
The irruption in Israel caught many of us off guard. But to some extents it was a long-expected flashpoint escalation meant to begin the denouement of the Ukrainian conflict, by taking heat off from it. There are many circulating accounts of all the things that seem “off” about Hamas’ attack, so I won’t recount every single point here as most of you have likely read them in multiple places; things like the very implausible breach of Israel’s high tech gates and defenses, to the unprecedented failures of Mossad and Shin Bet, to Netanyahu’s eerily scripted invocation of ‘Pearl Harbor’, which is very telling considering that Pearl Harbor was also a falseflag attack with the purpose of bringing the U.S. into WW2. Recall that Hamas was partly or entirely created by Israel—a fact confessed to by several high ranking Israeli officials—as a counterweight to the PLO, the dominant political group at the time. So it’s not out of the question that a group created by Israel and Western intelligence outfits can potentially still be under their control or at least infiltrated to the extent of being ‘steered’ into creating certain needed falseflags which could benefit Israel as a whole. This is supported by new evidence reportedly coming out that Hamas was using Ukrainian-supplied weaponry, which would indicate a fairly standard Western intel weapons pipeline a la the Contras, et al.
by Simplicius The Thinker
Intelligence Failure My Ass T-Shirt
by Remember 9/11
Palestinians Have A Legal Right To Armed Resistance Against Israeli Colonialism (28:23)
by Ben Norton
US Deploying Carrier Strike Group To Eastern Mediterranean Amid Hamas Attacks – Pentagon
WASHINGTON, (Sputnik) – The United States is deploying the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean to bolster US regional deterrence efforts in response to the Hamas attack on Israel, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Sunday. “I have directed the movement of the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean. This includes the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60), as well as the Arleigh-Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116), USS Ramage (DDG 61), USS Carney (DDG 64), and USS Roosevelt (DDG 80),” Austin said in a statement. The United States maintains ready forces globally to further reinforce this deterrence posture if required, the US defense chief also said.
The US will be rapidly providing the Israel Defense Forces with additional equipment and resources, including munitions, which will begin arriving in the coming days, Austin added.
by Sputnik
Russia Warns Of Foreign Involvement In Palestinian Conflict As US Moves Warships
Russia has warned against any involvement of a third party in the ongoing tension in Palestine after the United States relocated its warships to waters close to the Israeli-occupied territories. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday that it would urge all parties involved in the ongoing tension to try to reduce any escalation rather than seek a military solution. “The risk of third forces becoming involved in this conflict is high … It is very important to find ways as soon as possible to move towards some kind of negotiation process in order to reduce this escalation and move away from a military solution,” Peskov was quoted as saying TASS news agency. The comments came a day after US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said it will send multiple military ships and aircraft closer to waters controlled by Israel as a show of support for the regime.
by PressTV
Was one of the most technologically advanced and genetically modified nations on the planet somehow unable to detect and prevent the various exceedingly crude Hamas attacks? Did the Iron Dome, a technological marvel in missile defense, somehow suddenly malfunction during this “unprovoked” attack a la Pearl Harbor? “Hamas” soldiers were able to easily kidnap IDF soldiers, children, and grandmothers alike. Many of these “terrorists” simply strolled right in, despite what in the past were some of the most heavily patrolled and fortified borders on earth. After all, Netanyahu did admit that he sacrificed his nation to be Pfizer’s experimental petri dish, or “lab,” so this “leader” clearly manipulates and exposes his people to whatever his One World Government handlers command. Is it mere coincidence that these latest attacks commemorate to almost the day the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War? Or perhaps both the Israelis and Palestinians are yet again being used as sacrificial pawns for the latest geopolitical destabilization operation?
by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
WSJ Joins Neocons To Instigate War On Iran
Fear not, say the neocons, we still have the Wall Street Journal to carry water for us: Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks (archived) – Wall Street Journal – Oct 8 2023
DUBAI—Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday, according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group. Officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked with Hamas since August to devise the air, land and sea incursions—the most significant breach of Israel’s borders since the 1973 Yom Kippur War—those people said. Details of the operation were refined during several meetings in Beirut attended by IRGC officers and representatives of four Iran-backed militant groups, including Hamas, which holds power in Gaza, and Hezbollah, a Shiite militant group and political faction in Lebanon, they said. WSJ authors in Dubai(!) have access to “senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah”?
by Moon Of Alabama
WSJ, Citing Exclusively Anonymous Sources, Claims ‘Iran Helped Plot Attack On Israel’
From WSJ, “Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks”: Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday, according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group. Officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked with Hamas since August to devise the air, land and sea incursions–the most significant breach of Israel’s borders since the 1973 Yom Kippur War–those people said. Details of the operation were refined during several meetings in Beirut attended by IRGC officers and representatives of four Iran-backed militant groups, including Hamas, which holds power in Gaza, and Hezbollah, a Shiite militant group and political faction in Lebanon, they said. U.S. officials say they haven’t seen evidence of Tehran’s involvement. In an interview with CNN that aired Sunday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “We have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack, but there is certainly a long relationship.”
by Chris Menahan
Israel Strikes Back Palestinians Retreat To Gaza (16:09)
by Military Summary
Israel Airstrikes Have Destroyed Seven Gaza Mosques Since Saturday
Israeli attacks have destroyed seven mosques in the Gaza Strip since Saturday, Anadolu Agency reports. Israeli warplanes attacked the Al Abbas Mosque in central Gaza with many rockets. The attacks have now led to the destruction of seven mosques, with the most recent being the Al-Abbas Mosque. Israel had previously hit the Al-Susi, Al-Yarmouk, Al-Amin Muhammad, Ahmed Yassin, Al-Habib Mohammad, and Al-Garbi mosques in Gaza. The Israeli army’s intensified attacks on the Gaza Strip continue. The Gaza-based Resistance group, Hamas, launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood against Israel early Saturday, firing a barrage of rockets. It said the surprise attack was in response to the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem and increased settler violence. In retaliation, the Israeli army launched Operation Swords of Iron against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. At least 800 Israelis have been killed and over 2,300 others wounded in the fighting, according to the Israeli Ministry of Health. The Palestinian Health Ministry said that over 560 Palestinians died and over 2,900 were wounded.
Hezbollah Stands By Palestine By Word And Deed, Hits Israeli Posts In Shebaa Farms (Text and Video)
Hezbollah announced on Sunday it had targeted three Israeli posts in occupied Shebaa Farms, in a clear message of solidarity with Palestinian people and resistance. In a statement, Hezbollah Media Relations declared that Units of Martyred Commander Imad Mughniyeh hit three Israeli posts in occupied Shebaa Farms. “On the path to liberate the remaining part of our occupied Lebanese land and in solidarity with the victorious Palestinian resistance and the steadfast Palestinian people, the groups of the martyr commander Hajj Imad Moghniyeh in the Islamic Resistance carried out an attack this Sunday, October 08, 2023, targeting 3 Zionist occupation sites in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms region,” the statement, carried by Al-Manar, read. It named the three sites: Radar, Zibdin and Ruweissat Al-Alam. The resistance fighters used a significant number of artillery shells and guided missiles, resulting in direct hits on these sites, the statement added.
by Al-Manar
What Americans Need To Know About Gaza And Israel Right Now
Most Americans know little or nothing about the people of Gaza – or Palestinians in general (largely due to media omission and distortion). Here is a small step toward closing that knowledge gap.
If you follow world news, you know by now that on Saturday, Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza launched a surprise attack on Israel. My husband’s family live in Gaza and other parts of Palestine, so we are watching events closely. We have been following the situation for many years, and I have written about it several times on Patheos. In a nutshell, the resistance group Hamas initiated what may loosely be called a war against Israel. On Saturday morning, they fired a large number of rockets toward Israel, broke down the border fence, and entered Israel. They have invaded a number of Israeli towns, kibbutzim, and illegal settlements, engaging with Israeli military when they showed up. As of this writing, about seven hundred Israelis have been killed.
by Kathryn Shihadah
A Few Critical Points On Israel And Hamas
US positioned Israel to attack * Hamas statement blackout, Tutu argued violence may be needed without sanctions, Iran could invoke Genocide Convention, Israel backed Hamas
There are obvious points, like the US political system, now on all pro-Israel mode, is deranged — making ridiculous claims like the Hamas attack was “unprovoked”. But beyond such obvious points, rebutted by many: In a recent interview which I understand will be released on Wednesday, I got into how the chessboard was basically set for Israel to pummel the Palestinians. This was especially driven by the US government drive for “normalization” between Arab states with Israel — see recent news release I did for my day job. This and other things — Turkish president Erdogan meeting Netanyahu for the first time recently — made it apparent that Israel was positioned to inflict massive violence against the Palestinians. I don’t know but suspect that Hamas came to the same conclusion and decided to strike first. I made additional observations on X/twitter. Hamas is being discussed by so many, but until I posted it late Saturday evening, apparently no one had posted Hamas’s statement for why they did the attack on X/twitter. Words don’t do justice to how perverse it is to not simply look at the stated justification by Hamas.
by Sam Husseini
Iron Dome’s ‘Inefficiency’ Revealed By Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Escalation – Expert
The massive attack launched by Hamas militants against Israel on October 7 was accompanied by a series of rocket launches, many of which managed to bypass Israeli defenses and hit their targets. Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system is widely regarded as one of the best in the world. That said, it apparently failed to completely negate the Palestinian rocket barrage on Saturday. Commenting on this failure, Russian military historian and Museum of Air Defense Forces’ Director Yuri Knutov pointed out that while Iron Dome is a very advanced and sophisticated air defense system, it has drawbacks that can be exploited by any enemy. For one, a single Iron Dome battery can protect a relatively small area (about 150 square kilometers). Secondly, Knutov noted, Iron Dome is extremely effective when dealing with a small number of incoming targets all of which approach from the same direction. “In case of a more intensive barrage, involving at least about 100 rockets, the Iron Dome usually fails to do its job and up to 90 percent of the rockets bypasses it and strike the intended targets,” he claimed.
by Andrei Dergalin
The Artist Within The Warlord (22:00)
by Gott Mit Uns
Gazans Break Out Of World’s Biggest Concentration Camp (Text and Video)
Nonviolence didn’t work, so they had to shoot their way out
My preparations for this weekend’s False Flag Weekly News, with its tongue-in-cheek lead story suggesting that Wednesday’s emergency alert’s hidden message was “killer tranny Sarah Ashton-Cirillo is on the loose,” were shockingly interrupted by the Gaza concentration camp breakout. Suddenly, the emergency alert was real—and being sounded all over Israel. As usual, Western morons blamed the victims. In a lame attempt at sick humor, American National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson condemned the attacks as “unprovoked.” Apparently it isn’t a provocation to slaughter Palestinians, virtually all unarmed and posing no threat, many of them women and children, by the hundreds. In many cases, children are killed for sport by Israeli snipers who brag about it on social media and are never punished. The Israeli government supports this sport shooting of children. Netanyahu-allied minister Ayelet Shaked memorably has called for Israel not only to exterminate all Palestinian children, whom she termed “little snakes,” but also to kill the mothers who give birth to them. IDF soldiers agree, and vaunt their agreement by proudly wearing “one shot two kills” T-shirts.
by Kevin Barrett
‘We Are Not Attacking Civilians’: Hamas Says Amid Operation Al-Aqsa Storm
The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has rejected accusations of targeting civilians as the fighting rages across the occupied territories since the resistance groups launched Operation Al-Aqsa Storm on Saturday. Osama Hamadan, senior spokesperson of Hamas, has told Al Jazeera that they are not attacking civilians. “You have to differentiate between settlers and civilians; settlers attacked Palestinians,” Hamdan said. “We are not targeting civilians on purpose. We have declared settlers are part of the occupation and part of the armed Israeli force. They are not civilians,” Hamadan added. His remarks came after a number of Western-backed rights groups, including Amnesty International, accused the resistance movement of killing “Israeli civilians” in their retaliatory strikes. Asked whether civilians in southern Israel were considered settlers, the Hamas spokesman said “Everyone knows there are settlements there.”
“Unprovoked Attack” Or A Deep State War?
“Israel and Hamas at war after surprise attacks from Gaza Strip” reported the Guardian, adding “A ground infiltration by Hamas gunmen into Israeli towns and villages on the periphery – an unprecedented development in the 16 years since the Islamists took over the strip – is ongoing, with the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) saying that at one point, seven villages and towns were under Hamas control.” Israel has one of the most advanced high tech armies, and intelligence, so something about this narrative, does not quite sit right. Such as, how on earth could anyone surprise attack Israel? Unfortunately, the response to the attacks, which are said to have “caught the Israeli security services by surprise,” has been a declaration of war and Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said in a televised statement: “Our enemy will pay a price the type of which it has never known, “We are in a war and we will win it.” Israel will of course have the backing of all leaders of all nation-states who will also have the indoctrinated support of the people with an inhumane aim to “finish Palestine!! We must ask ourselves who benefits from these barbaric attacks which will slaughter innocent people? Who is behind this? Who is funding it?
by Patricia Harrity
Hamas Using Weapons Given To Ukraine – Ex-Russian President
Arms Washington sent to Kiev and left in Afghanistan are about to be “uncontrollably used” around the world, Dmitry Medvedev has warned
The weapons Kiev’s Western backers have actively supplied to Ukraine have found their way to Hamas militants and are now “being actively used in Israel,” former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said in a Telegram post on Monday, adding that any future military hardware supplied to Kiev could end up on the black market as well. “It will only get worse from here,” Medvedev warned, predicting that the world should “expect missiles, tanks, and even planes from Kiev on the black market soon.” His words came amid rumors that Hamas militants that control the Gaza Strip had gotten their hands on some US-made weaponry before their attack on Israel over the weekend. No solid evidence confirming these claims has emerged so far. However, an unverified video circulating online showed a Palestinian militant displaying assorted US-made pieces, including a standard-issue M136 anti-tank grenade launcher, while thanking Ukrainians for the weapons.
by RT
The Many Flavors Of Doom
Change the incentives and feedback loops and you change the flavor of Doom we’re about to be served.
There are many flavors of Doom, and new flavors are being introduced at a dizzying rate. We’ve gone from chocolate and vanilla (thermonuclear war and mass starvation) to if not quite 31 flavors, certainly a colorful array of options. Climate change has been quite the rage (ahem), but war is rapidly increasing its share of the doom mindspace. The competition includes both ends of the spectrum: Doom Porn and Empty Optimism. On the Doom Porn end, there’s the crowd favorites (Zombie Apocalypse, nuclear war Apocalypse, climate Apocalypse, etc.) which feature the complete collapse of human civilization, and on the other end, the magical thinking of Empty Optimism, which features fantasies of everyone flitting about in electrified car-helicopters and abundance so cheap that it’s basically free to the entire world.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Gaza 2023 (57:44)
by TheCrowhouse
All This Death Is The Fault Of The Western Press
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Israel is reportedly preparing a ground invasion of Gaza very soon in response to Saturday’s Hamas attack. We can expect things to get much, much bloodier from there. Meanwhile the US has deployed an aircraft carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean in support of the coming Israeli military operations, on top of the additional military aid Biden has already pledged to Netanyahu. At the same time, The Wall Street Journal claims that the Hamas operation was coordinated with both Iran and Hezbollah. This war has the potential to expand in some very ugly directions in the coming weeks. Whenever something like this happens warmongers always seize on the emotional frenzy of the moment to shove through insane acts of warmongering and scream vitriol at anyone who questions them. Then later when all the facts are in people slowly start to realize that something went very wrong, and that they were deceived.
by Caitlin Johnstone
RFK Jr. Ditches Democrats To Pursue 2024 Presidential Bid As An Independent
As anticipated, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. withdrew from the Democratic primary to pursue a run as an independent presidential candidate in 2024. “I’m here to declare himself an independent candidate for president of the United States. That’s not all. I’m here to join you in making a new declaration of independence for our entire nation. We declare independence from the corporations that have hijacked our government. And we declare independence from Wall Street, from Big Tech, from Big Pharma, from Big Ag, from the military contractors and their lobbyists. And we declare independence from the cynical elites who betray our hope and who amplify our divisions. And finally, we declare independence from the two political parties,” Kennedy told a crowd of supporters at Philadelphia’s Independence Mall this afternoon.
by Tyler Durden
Opportunist Moscow Hypocritically Avoids Mentioning Its Own Inconvenient History
Moscow never misses an opportunity to berate the Ukrainian ‘Nazis’ whilst conveniently forgetting that over a million Russians fought for the Reich during World War II. In fact, their most highly rated Red Army General Vlasov who saved Moscow from being overwhelmed by the forces of the Reich defected with his Red Army comrades to the defense of Hitler’s Reich. The memory of World War II is powerful. Each country involved has its own, often historically flawed, national myth born from the conflict. Did Britain really stand alone in 1940? No! Did the Soviet Union liberate Warsaw? No! Did the United States really play the leading role in defeating Hitler? Dream on! But their nature is to use the victor’s propaganda to provide a fake sense of morality as well as a national sense of self, status and place in the world. From the beginning of Russia’s preemptive war on Ukraine-NATO in 2014, Russian marketing set out to demonize Ukrainians as being little more than ethno-nationalists and neo-fascists. For anyone with a passing interest in the two countries’ relations, this was hardly surprising. When Ukraine reasserted its supposed statehood in 1990-1991, pro-Soviet media tried to discredit these aspirations by claiming Ukrainian identity is tainted by the wartime fascist sympathies of some nationalists.
by Michael Walsh
Quantitative Evaluation Of Whether The Nobel-Prize-Winning Covid-19 Vaccine Actually Saved Millions Of Lives
Fantastic statements that the Nobel-Prize-winning COVID-19 vaccines saved millions (and tens of millions) of lives are based on the theoretical scenarios of Watson et al. (2022), published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases. Watson et al. (2022) theoretically inferred massive mortality reductions distributed globally, occurring solely during vaccine rollouts. We calculated the quantitative consequences of Watson et al. (2022)’s low-value (14.4 million lives saved) theoretical scenario on all-cause mortality by time (by week or by month, 2020-2022) in 95 countries. Our calculations provide graphical proof that the theoretical proposals of Watson et al. (2022) are untenable, compared to measured all-cause mortality. Therefore, the characteristics of the COVID-19 vaccines (efficacies in preventing infection or serious illness, duration of protection, waning, etc.) and of COVID-19 spread input by Watson et al. (2022) must be invalid.
by Denis G. Rancourt, PhD, and Joseph Hickey, PhD
Dr Astrid Stuckelberger Fights The Global Predators (Audio)
WHO, UN, Threats of Nanotechnology and Graphene Oxide
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger is an expert in health and public health issues, such as gender, aging, epigenetic medicine, cultural psychiatry, and human rights. She has worked with The World Health Organization (WHO) on its International Health Regulations and emergency management and with the UN. She teaches at universities and organizations worldwide-precociously putting her in the center of what we now call the global predators. But even before COVID-19, Dr. Stuckelberger’s passion for truth impeded her career. Eventually, she became a courageous whistleblower with interests that expanded into the threats of nanotechnology and graphene oxide in the blood. This is the second in a series of her appearances with us on wide-ranging topics critical to human survival.
by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
Fluoride Lawsuit Captures Shocking Admissions On The Record (1:05:04)
The Fluoride Lawsuit has produced video admissions that may have exposed the nearly 80 year practice of adding the toxin to our nation’s water supply as one of the biggest public health scandals in American history. Attorney Michael Connett, Esq., explains how adding fluoride to drinking water became standard practice in the US and shares the studies that link it with severe disease. Then, he shares exclusive video of court depositions of experts you have to see to believe.
by The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Resisting The Invasion Of Illegal Migrants
How the powers-that-be exploit our innate kindness to “do unto others”
The venerable citizens of Staten Island are standing up. Listen to artist-activist Scott LoBaido give a rousing rant why illegals migrants don’t belong here. As for me, the Uppity Upstart, I live in Hells Kitchen, the next block over from the Row Hotel, a 1,500 room hotel which used to service the busy Times Square tourist industry. It’s now 100% illegals. Both it and the more upscale Roosevelt Hotel always have a full array of new-looking motorcycles parked out front. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure they belong to the migrants. I don’t think they would be leaning against them and hanging out around them all day if they didn’t own them. So what does Mayor Eric Adams do? After sending a “come one, come all” invitation to half the world, Adams finally is realizing that New York is in a state of emergency due to his declaration that New York is a “sanctuary city.” Well, chickens have come home to roost and it will now cost the city $10 billion over the next three years to take care of all these people. So he kicks out the homeless from shelters, students from dorms, and seniors from nursing homes to house the overflowing population of the thousands who have RSVP’d.
by Cat McGuire
Biden’s DHS [Jewish Alejandro Mayorkas Is The Head Of] Let [Over] 200,000 Illegal Immigrants Fly Directly Into 43 Cities
The Biden administration has unleashed a new program to boost illegal immigration that allows immigrants to fly directly from their hometowns into a U.S. city of their choice, according to newly obtained records. Instead of rushing the Texas border, the program lets immigrants use the administration’s app to pick a destination, buy an airline ticket, and fly in unseen on what amounts to ghost flights. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, which sued the Department of Homeland Security for the documents on the program, over 210,000 have been processed since January. That is a population the size of Rochester, New York, or Des Moines, Iowa. “DHS cajoles tens of thousands of intending illegal border-crossers per month to instead go on the CBP One smartphone application, and make an appointment with U.S. officials at land ports of entry instead of crossing illegally. After making an appointment, DHS invites these inadmissible aliens to walk over to the American side at the land ports, where U.S. Customs officials quickly ‘parole’ them in, allowing them to travel to a city of their choice in the nation’s interior,” the report from immigration analyst Todd Bensman said.
by Paul Bedard
One Year Later, Why Is The Nord Stream Attack Still A Mystery?
After news of the reported explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines broke a year ago today, the media was ablaze with speculation, mostly in the direction of the Russian government … A year later, however, the world still does not know “who done it.” … Since then there has been reporting by Sy Hersh that the United States coordinated the attacks, using a secret expert U.S. Navy diving team. This was largely ignored, refuted and scoffed at by the mainstream media and officials in the West … “It seems very strange” that NATO governments, with their massive intelligence capabilities – particularly Washington’s global reach – “seem unable to get to the bottom of this,” Jacobin reporter Branko Marcetic tells RS.
by Kelly Beaucar Vlahos
Who Do Middle Eastern Countries Support In Israel-Hamas Conflict?
Hostilities have been raging around the Gaza Strip after Hamas units’ invasion to surrounding lands. The current escalation is projected to become one of the largest in the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Both Israel and the Gaza Strip have found themselves in the middle of a complex conflict, in which different countries support different sides. For his part, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has reportedly spoken to several foreign ministers from Arab countries, asking them to condemn the Hamas actions. The majority of Arab countries, especially the monarchies of Persian Gulf, have close political and financial ties with the US. In September, Blinken and foreign ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council agreed to strengthen ties in defense and security. The US and Gulf foreign ministers also reaffirmed their “commitment to free navigation and maritime security in the Gulf region” in a move against what Washington believes to be an “Iranian threat” in the region. Sputnik tracked how regional countries have reacted to the latest developments in Israel and Palestine, and whether this connects with its US relations.
by Christina Malyk
Will The Battle Of GAza Strip Be Israel’s Iwo Jima?
The Gaza Strip is the home base of Hamas, but there is not a single specific location in Gaza that can be targeted and destroyed in order to bring an end to Hamas. I believe that Israel is dangerously over confident in its bellicose declarations that it will wipe Hamas off the face of the earth. Short of using nukes, Israel will have to send its ground forces into the strip and fight house to house battles. I think many of Israel’s supporters labor under the delusions that Gaza is a small area that can be easily dealt with. It is not. Let me put this into perspective. The Gaza Strip is 141 square miles in size. Let’s compare it to Iwo Jima — that tiny island is almost 9 square miles. Unlike Iwo Jima — a small island — the Gaza Strip borders Egypt, which means it has a supply route that Israel cannot close unless Israel decides to go to war with Egypt as well. Why do I bring up Iwo Jima? Because the Gaza Strip is ripe with tunnels and bunkers designed to protect Hamas fighters from aerial bombardment. Just as the United States Navy decimated the surface of Iwo Jima, Israel can flatten the dwellings and office buildings crowded into Gaza. But the U.S. Navy failed to destroy the Japanese force hiding below the surface with the naval fusillade. The U.S. Marine Corps had to land on the beaches and fight a bloody month long battle to clear the island. I think Israel is looking at the equivalent of fighting the Battle of Iwo Jima in the Gaza Strip. Only instead of a month long effort, this battle would likely endure for at least four months — perhaps longer. And Israel will suffer massive casualties. I believe the length of the battle hinges on two critical factors: 1) The ability of Hamas to get resupplied from Egypt with food, weapons and ammunition and 2) The skill and tenacity of Hamas in using anti-tank guided missiles and light artillery effective at short range.
by Larry Johnson
1913 Was A Terrible Year For The Constitution And Liberty (31:06)
One of the worst years ever, 1913 gave us the tools that support the largest government in history.
by Tenth Amendment Center
Government-Enforced Racism And Sexism
A half-century ago, the US was the envy of the world – the Land of the Free, where virtually anyone could prosper, if he were willing to roll up his sleeves and work. America was made great through the immigration of those who wished to pursue the American dream of “work = personal success.” It’s important for us to remember that those who were less ambitious remained in their homelands and helped their countries stagnate, whilst their worker-bee counterparts colonised America for generations. An important lesson here: America was not built on immigration per se; it was built on immigrants with a strong work ethic. Not so, today. Whilst there are certainly those who move to the US to pursue the original American dream, far more go there due to the promise of governmental largesse. Welfare, free health care, free education, etc., now attract those very same people that stayed behind in previous generations – those who made little or no contribution to the economy.
by Jeff Thomas
Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians: A Cruel System Of Domination And A Crime Against Humanity
Israeli authorities must be held accountable for committing the crime of apartheid against Palestinians, Amnesty International said today in a damning new report. The investigation details how Israel enforces a system of oppression and domination against the Palestinian people wherever it has control over their rights. This includes Palestinians living in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), as well as displaced refugees in other countries. The comprehensive report, Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity, sets out how massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians are all components of a system which amounts to apartheid under international law. This system is maintained by violations which Amnesty International found to constitute apartheid as a crime against humanity, as defined in the Rome Statute and Apartheid Convention. Amnesty International is calling on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to consider the crime of apartheid in its current investigation in the OPT and calls on all states to exercise universal jurisdiction to bring perpetrators of apartheid crimes to justice.
by Amnesty International
Palestinian Operation Puts Netanyahu Between Rock And Hard Place: Ex-Diplomat
The military operation by the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has placed the embattled Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu in a dilemma of whether to save his own political future or the illegitimate regime itself, says a former Iranian diplomat. In an interview with the Press TV website, Abolfazl Zohrevand, a former Iranian ambassador to Afghanistan and Italy, said the Al-Aqsa Storm (also known as Al-Aqsa Flood) operation has put Netanyahu and his far-right cabinet between a rock and a hard place. Hamas stunned the regime in Tel Aviv with a multi-pronged attack early Saturday, launching thousands of missiles into the occupied territories within a span of 20 minutes and at the same time launching a ground attack against Israeli settlements and military bases near the coastal strip. “Netanyahu has to start a ground invasion of Gaza, like what he did recently with the Jenin camp in the occupied West Bank,” the former diplomat said, referring to the July Israeli raid into the Jenin camp. However, he hastened to add that such an operation could end in a humiliating defeat for the regime.
by Alireza Hashemi
Power And Glory
Warfare, welfare and the cost of getting hooked on the empire drug…
Unlike the welfare states of Europe, the US is more of a traditional warfare state. Most out-of-control in a whole out-of-control budget is its military spending. And since the US is cursed with a currency it can create at will, this inevitably means that it will try to ‘print’ its way out of its financial troubles, adding inflation, economic depression…and political turmoil (perhaps a revolution or a secession movement) into the mix of chaos and decline. The disaster, in other words, is likely to stretch across the whole nine yards of modern public policy catastrophes – finance, economics, and politics. This is, of course, just a guess. And it will take many years to find out how good or bad a guess it was. But we just wanted to start out the week on a cheery note.
by Bill Bonner
What Are Islands Of Coherence?
One of Prigogine’s most intriguing ideas is problem-solving arises from understanding the problem in a new way.
Last week I ended the Musings with this reference to Islands of Coherence: “Much of what is considered valuable today will be revealed as valueless as these extremes unwind in a disorderly rebalancing. Islands of Coherence in a sea of incoherence will become valuable.” The phrase originated with complexity scientist Ilya Prigogine, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1977 for his work on nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Here is his quote containing the phrase: “When a system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence have the capacity to shift the entire system.” I don’t claim to understand Prigogine’s vast body of work, which is both varied and nuanced, but I can sketch out his insights into complex systems, largely drawn from his co-authored 1984 book Order Out of Chaos.
by Charles Hugh Smith
October 7, 2023, 40 Posts Published
“We must put an end to the evil and illegal Federal Reserve System, which is neither Federal nor a reserve,
and take back our power “to coin money” as Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution states.
If we do not end immoral usury, everything will get worse, until our future generations will be enslaved.”
Mark R. Elsis
NSDAP Archive With 178 Posts
Palestinian Resistance Launches Surprise Attack On Israel – Updates To Come
Hamas, the ruling party in Gaza, has launched a major, multi-pronged, surprise attack on Israel – 200 Israelis dead, 900 injured; Israeli forces are now bombing Gaza – 232 Palestinians dead, 1600 injured… Here is a rundown of this unfolding story.
After decades of Israeli occupation and human rights abuses, and after a 20-month-long mass nonviolent effort, Palestinians in Gaza launched a surprise operation against Israel on early Saturday morning. Its scale is unprecedented, involving aerial, sea and ground operations. Israel immediately began bombing Gaza and has turned off electricity to the enclave, leaving most of its two million inhabitants in the dark and hospitals dangerously impacted. There are now 200 Israelis dead, 9000 injured, and an unknown number captured; and 232 Palestinians dead and 1,600 injured. Israeli forces, partly funded by the $13 million dollars per day that U.S. politicians have voted for them, are one of the world’s most powerful militaries, their weaponry vastly dwarfing Palestinians’. Today’s Palestinian land incursions largely consisted of individuals riding motorcycles and pickup trucks. Hamas spokesperson Khaled Qadomi told Al Jazeera that the group’s military operation is in “response to all the atrocities the Palestinians have faced over the decades,” and the Hamas deputy chief said the group is engaged “in a battle for freedom.” Hamas military chief Muhammad Deif explained: “We have decided to put an end to all of the occupation’s crimes”; senior Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh indicated that recent provocations at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem were a major reason for the surprise attack. Other Israeli provocations include increased violence against Palestinians by illegal Israeli settlers and a spike in killings of Palestinians by the Israeli military. The UN has said 2023 is the deadliest year for Palestinians since it started counting fatalities in 2006.
by Kathryn Shihadah
Federal Reserve – A Tax-Free Corporation (4:33)
by The David Knight Show
Netherlands Land Grab: MP Is Being Prosecuted For Two Counts Of Sedition For Encouraging Civil Disobedience
Dutch Member of Parliament Gideon van Meijeren is being prosecuted for encouraging farmers to rebel against a tyrannical government that is attempting to steal their land. It is almost universally agreed that democracy must allow for civil disobedience. Citizens also have the right to use violence to defend themselves against a tyrannical government that is using unlawful force against the citizens it is supposed to serve. Professor Mattias Desmet explains this in more detail. In July 2021, Mr. van Meijeren made his first speech in the Dutch Parliament during which he confronted Prime Minister Mark Rutte about his connections with the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab. A year later, on 2 July 2022, Mr. van Meijeren spoke at a farmers’ protest in Tuil when farmers were demonstrating en masse against government plans to cut nitrogen emissions. According to NL Times, in his speech, Mr. van Meijeren “pointed out that it is permissible to violently resist the government if it were to expropriate farmers.” Van Meijeren told the gathered farmers that they’d never move the government to action with peaceful protests and by waving flags in the meadows, among other things.
by Rhoda Wilson
Statement By Hamas’s Al-Qassam Brigades Top Military Commander
On the military operation against the Israeli occupation across the borderline of the Gaza Strip, the commander-in-chief of Hamas’s Al-Qassam Brigades, Mohammed Deif, states the following: The Zionist colonial occupation occupied our Palestinian homeland and displaced our people, destroyed our towns and villages, committed hundreds of massacres against our people, killing children, women and elderly people and demolishing homes with their inhabitants inside in violation of all international norms, laws and human rights conventions. We have previously warned the Israeli occupation against continuing their crimes and appealed to world leaders to work on putting an end to the Israeli crimes against our Palestinian people and detainees, their holy sites and homeland and to put pressure on the Israeli occupation to abide by international law and resolutions. Neither did the Israeli occupation leaders heed our demands, nor did the world leaders act in this regard. Instead, the Israeli occupation intensified its crimes, crossing all red lines, particularly in occupied Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque – the Muslims’ first Qibla and third holiest site. The Israeli occupation forces have escalated their raids into the Al-Aqsa Mosque, desecrating the Muslim sacred sites and repeatedly attacking worshippers, particularly women, children and elderly people.
Radical Ohio Abortion Amendment Would Allow Partial-Birth, Dismemberment Abortion: Attorney General
Parental rights, safety regulations, and informed consent are also at risk from Ohio Issue 1.
COLUMBUS (LifeSiteNews) — A proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution enshrining a “right” to effectively unlimited abortion in the Buckeye State would go far beyond the Roe v. Wade status quo and block prohibitions on partial-birth and dismemberment abortions, allow abortionists to target disabled babies, and end parental consent requirements, according to a legal analysis from the office of Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost. Drafted by the Ohio chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and backed by the Ohio Physicians for Reproductive Rights (OPRR) advocacy arm Protect Choice Ohio (PCO), the proposed Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety Amendment posits a “right” to make “personal reproductive” decisions, “including but not limited to decisions on contraception, fertility treatment, continuing one’s own pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion,” which the state “shall not, directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against.”
by Calvin Freiburger
Stephen Gardner Interviews Colonel Douglas Macgregor (42:13)
Dozens Of Israeli Jets Strike Gaza – IDF
Hamas launched thousands of missiles at Israel and sent militants into Israeli towns earlier on Saturday
Dozens of Israeli jets have struck Hamas targets in Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have said. The airstrikes were launched in response to a surprise attack unleashed by the Palestinian armed group against Israel on Saturday morning. IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said “Hamas terrorists” had infiltrated the Israeli territory from land, sea and air. More than 2,200 rockets have been fired from Gaza, according to the spokesman. Hamas claimed that it used more than 5,000 projectiles in just the first 20 minutes of its attack. Rocket sirens have been heard in many places across Israel, including Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Beersheba, and Ashkelon. There were at least seven instances of fighting between IDF troops and Hamas militants, Hagari said.
by RT
The Bottomless Swamp Of Regulatory Capture
All this grift, graft, predatory pricing, price-fixing and parasitic monopolizing costs the public and the economy dearly.
In the great scheme of civilization, governments arose to consolidate resources, wealth and power, and protect these scarce and valuable assets from outsiders. Outsiders included invading hordes, competing states and self-serving entities within the realm guided by one goal: to maximize private gain by any means available. In the past, these entities included petty fiefdoms, warlords and brigands. In the present, corporations are the entities guided by one goal: to maximize their private gain by any means available. This pathological drive to profiteer, exploit and pillage goes by the polite term “increasing shareholder value.” (I’m sure the warlords and brigands would be jealous of the modern-day PR machinery wielded by corporations.)
by Charles Hugh Smith
Israeli Settlers Captured, At Least 100 Killed During Operation Al-Aqsa Flood (Text and Video)
Hamas and PIJ fighters have overrun the Israeli army near the Gaza border receiving the support of regional resistance factions
Palestinian resistance factions from the Gaza Strip have taken control of over a dozen illegal settlements in southern Israel as part of ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Floods,’ which has been raging since the early hours of 7 October. Fighters from Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) say they hold at least 50 prisoners of war (POW) after overrunning many Israeli checkpoints and neighborhoods. Israeli media says the death toll from the operation has reached 100, with close to 1,000 injured. In describing the operation, Hamas deputy chief Saleh al-Arouri told Al Jazeera: “We managed to kill and capture many Israeli soldiers. The fighting is still on. As to our prisoners, I say, your freedom is looming large. What we have in hand will see you set free. The longer fighting continues, the higher the number of prisoners will become.” Footage across social media has shown the extent of the resistance’s advance, as Israeli soldiers lay dead in many streets while settlers had to run for their lives or surrender to the armed groups.
by News Desk
6 Weapons In The Psy-War: #2 – Attention
We saw in the recent “The Jewish War on Instincts” that 5 weapons are used in the psychological war against The People. Subverting Instincts is one of them, detailed with examples in that essay. We will examine each of the weapons in isolation throughout this series, always remembering that they operate together with synergistic and overlapping destructive effects. Here we must add a 6th weapon, known as Attention. I chose to introduce Attention next because of the inspiration that came to me after listening to John Friend and Tim Kelly discussing current news developments on this week’s Our Interesting Times titled: “John Friend on the Jewish War on Elon Musk and Us.” Use of the phrase “Jewish War” by both Tim and I so close in time may be a synchronicity, or perhaps Tim saw my earlier essay title and felt it appropriate for the title of his discussion with John. As we will see, it is ironic in the case of a “Jewish War” on Musk—but not on Us.
by Karl Haemers
Israel’s Nuclear Smuggling With Grant F. Smith (2012) (50:27)
Grant F. Smith, Research Director for the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy at IRmep.org, joins us to discuss the secret Israeli espionage program that smuggled nuclear materials out of the United States to help start the Israeli nuclear program in the 1960s. We go over the declassified documents tying Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to the smuggling ring, and explore Smith’s book, Divert!: NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro and the diversion of US weapons grade uranium into the Israeli nuclear weapons program.
by Corbett Report
Hundreds Dead: Israel PM Says ‘We Are At War’ After Hamas Attacks By ‘Land, Air, And Sea’
Hamas seized several villages in southern Israel, and Tel Aviv has conducted air strikes on Gaza, at least 300 Israelis and 230 Palestinians killed
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared, “We are at war, this is not an operation,” after Hamas launched thousands of missiles and seized villages near Gaza. The political leader of Hamas said that the ongoing attacks are a response to the Israeli treatment of Palestinians at the al-Aqsa Mosque. On Saturday morning, fighters from Hamas invaded villages near Gaza. The group says its fighters used paratroops, ships, and cut through the border fence to conduct the operations. Hamas claims it have captured several Israeli soldiers and villages. Human rights groups consider Gaza an “open-air prison.” Most Palestinians living in the region are refugees. Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas on the planet, with 2 million people living in 140 sq. miles. Israel severely restricts the amount of food, fuel, and water the people of Gaza can access.
by Kyle Anzalone
Eating Flaxseed May Reduce Breast Cancer Mortality By Up To 70%
Mainstream medicine continues to push women to get yearly mammograms (recently, adding women as young as 40 to their recommendations) in order to “fight” the epidemic of deadly breast cancer affecting women at an alarming rate. However, an underreported body of evidence shows that mammograms do nothing to prevent the disease or improve survival rates. But the amazing little flaxseed does.
Scores of studies reveal the anticancer effects of flaxseed, across a wide range of cancers. Researchers from the University of Toronto reviewed the literature to answer questions about the compounds found in flaxseed and how effective they are in reducing breast cancer risk and tumor growth, and whether flaxseeds interact beneficially with breast cancer drugs. They reviewed in vitro, animal, observational, and clinical studies on flaxseed and flaxseed oil, as well as lignans found in flaxseed. Lignans are a class of phytoestrogens or plant estrogens that also act as antioxidants. Other foods also contain lignans including sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, grains (rye, barley, wheat and oats), broccoli and beans. But flaxseed has hundreds of times the amount of lignans as any of the others.
by GMI Reporter
Elderly Woman Escapes Nursing Home, Rants About Deprogramming The Populace
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Viewers are perplexed by a CNN television interview featuring a deranged old lady who recently escaped from an elder care facility, angrily ranting about wanting to “deprogram” half of the nation’s population. “They must comply! Deplorables! All of ‘em!” the disheveled geriatric growled at the camera while CNN’s Christiane Amanpour attempted to de-escalate the situation. “If they don’t fall in line, we’ll round them up and re-educate them! De-program them! Re-program them! If that doesn’t work, then we’ll just disappear them! Yes! Yeeeeeeessssssss! Ahahahahahahaha!”
by Babylon Bee
ACH (2243) I’m Talking To YOU #87 – Oliver North’s 80th Birthday (Audio 19:27)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on October 7 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Oliver North’s 80th Birthday.”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is a largely unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his weekday shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Medvedev: The United States Will Stop Inciting Conflicts Only In The Event Of A Civil War In The States Itself
Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev believes that only a civil war in the United States can stop America’s manic passion to incite conflicts throughout the planet. In the Telegram channel, the ex-Russian president commented on the aggravation between Israel and Palestine, noting that ‘the start of clashes on the day of the 50th anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War is an event that could have been expected.’ ‘This is what Washington and its allies should have been doing. The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been going on for decades. And the United States is a key player there,’ Medvedev said. At the same time, he drew attention to the fact that instead of actively working on a Palestinian-Israeli settlement, these idiots got in on us and are helping the neo-nationalists with all their might, pushing two close nations into conflict.’
by Michael Walsh
Mind Games T-Shirt
Love is the answer and you know that for sure
Love is a flower you got to let it grow. – John Lennon
by Artoons
Planned Parenthood Is Helping Teenagers Transition After A 30 Minute Consult. Parents And Doctors Are Sounding The Alarm.
The abortion provider is wading into transgender care, doling out prescriptions for estrogen and testosterone, including to special needs kids.
Fred has a history of developmental issues. He was diagnosed with autism-technically ADHD with autistic traits-at age four, struggled with depression and anxiety as he got older, and was expelled from three different special-needs schools due to behavioral problems, stemming in part from an impulse control disorder. He is an 18-year-old high school student in New Jersey and lives with his parents, who asked the Washington Free Beacon to withhold his real name. Like many people on the autism spectrum, Fred cycles through obsessions and extreme views. He was part of an alt-right group chat as recently as last year, his parents said, but apostatized suddenly and now considers himself far left. Still, Fred has a few interests that have remained constant throughout his life, all fairly typical for a teenage boy: guns, power tools, and metalworking. That made it all the more shocking when, in December 2022, at 17 years old, he announced he was a transgender woman.
by Aaron Sibarium
Glorifying Hate, The Golda Movie Shows That Zionism Remains Unrepentant
A new movie glorifying the legacy of Zionist leader and Israel’s fourth Prime Minister, Golda Meir, has been released in selected cinemas in the US and Europe. Golda is typical Israeli propaganda. The Israeli director, Guy Nattiv, has tried to whitewash Meir’s legacy of violence and open anti-Arab racism through portraying her as the “Iron Lady” of Israel, a “lioness” who triumphed as a politician and persisted as a military leader. The narrative in the movie gets more complicated when Ukraine is thrown into the mix. “When I was a little girl in Ukraine, people were beating Jews with clubs,” says actor Helen Mirren as the eponymous main character. “I am not that little girl any more.” Placing the movie’s geographical and historical context around Ukraine is critical to Golda. The director taps shrewdly into the media-infused imagery of Ukrainian heroics against advancing Russian armies, thus rewriting the legacy not only of Meir, but also of Zionism. The message gleaned is that, although at times the morality of the choices of Zionism is not always perfect, neither Meir nor the founders of Zionism had a choice; existential wars in a world filled with enemies, pogroms and anti-Semites require difficult choices.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud
Medical Money Magic (Audio 59:41)
Leaving the Lies, Truth for Health and Life
An audio lecture disclosing the lies and trickery within the modern for-profit medical system, including the hoax of vaccines. I share some personal experiences of myself and my father trying to survive within this exploitation and malevolence we are taught and told to call medicine. We discuss “Death by Medicine,” “Immunization Graphs 2009,” “Virus Mania” and other sources of truth. More of my Awakening story in 2015 and in the end (none of this is intended to cure or treat disease), I share common wisdom for holistic natural health. Love is health.
by Karl Haemers
NZ Doctors Avoided Covid Jabs While Insisting The Public Had Them
The writer is in New Zealand. This article describes events in New Zealand – has the same thing happened here, and will someone submit a Freedom of Information request worded in such a way that the government cannot evade a straight answer? The New Zealand Ministry of Health granted vaccine exemptions to hundreds among its key staff whilst hypocritically insisting that the public be vaccinated. An Official Information Act (OIA) request to the ministry dated August 2, 2023 asked the following question: ‘According to the legislation at the time in 2021, there were operational exemptions available for those who were not getting vaccinated against Covid-19. How many requests were received? How many were approved by the ministry?’
by Guy Hatchard
The High Stakes In The Legal Battle For Free Speech
The ongoing war between the US Security State and the First Amendment is perhaps the most underreported development of the 21st century. Now, Missouri v. Biden may bring it to the Supreme Court. Just two decades ago, the internet promised liberation as dictatorships would cave to the emerging swell of information. That was the hope, at least. “There’s no question China has been trying to crack down on the internet,” President Clinton said in 2000. “Good luck. That’s sort of like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall.” That optimism did not come to fruition. Instead of Westernizing the Orient, technology laid the foundation for the US Security State to pursue unprecedented social control. At first, the conflict appeared to be between rank-and-file military members and transgressive cyber actors. Julian Assange and Edward Snowden seemed like mere hackers, not harbingers for the impending suspension of American liberty.
by Brownstone Institute
Mexico Takes A Stand Against U.S. Big Ag And GMO Corn To Protect Their Native Varieties Of Mexican Corn
Back in 2014 when my online food store, Healthy Traditions, started testing all of our USDA certified organic grains for the presence of the herbicide glyphosate, which is used in RoundUp and is the world’s most-used herbicide, we were shocked to find out that even our USDA certified organic grains were almost all contaminated with glyphosate, even though they were “certified organic.” We found out that the NOP (National Organics Program) allowed for small amounts of pesticides and herbicides in certified organic products, and so we stopped buying grains based on organic status, and also stopped “certifying” our own products as “organic,” since it now has almost no meaning anymore. Big Food wanted in on the booming organic grocery business, and they have successfully watered down U.S. organic standards over the past decade or so. Instead, we started testing all of the products we wanted to purchase for the presence of glyphosate, and if we carried a product that had a GMO equivalent in the marketplace, we also tested for the presence of GMO DNA. It started a very long process for us to find grains that were not contaminated, and in most cases, we had to look outside the U.S. to find such grains that tested clean.
by Brian Shilhavy
‘Huge Mess’: What’s Known So Far About Hamas-Israel Armed Standoff?
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war on Hamas after the Gaza-based militant group’s surprise attack against the state on Saturday. How’s the situation developing? Check out Sputnik to find out.
Beginning: Siren Heard ‘Across Israel’ In the early hours of Saturday, air raid sirens were heard in southern and central Israel in response to missile strikes by the militant group Hamas.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF), in turn, said that they had retaliated by hitting targets in the Gaza Strip. According to the IDF, Israelis across the country “woke up to sirens sounding and Hamas firing rockets at them from Gaza.” The IDF also claimed that it is fighting in several locations in the state as some Israeli residents insist that Hamas fighters were trying to break into their homes. ‘Day of Greatest Battle’ Senior Hamas commander Mohammad Deif, in turn, was quoted by a US news agency as saying that about 5,000 rockets had already been launched at Israel and that the militant group “has decided to say enough is enough.”
by Oleg Burunov
Losing Comrade Ryan – FF Ep231 (2:08:45)
Henrik cover the latest in Flashback Friday this October 6, 2023.
by Red Ice TV
kitten corner: marketing science
evidence free advocacy
i am just a kitten and it’s not like i’m “marie purr-ie” or anything, but jeez you guys can most humans actually tell the difference between marketing and science? because it seems like maybe you can’t.
by gatito bueno
Here’s Why Power Is Shifting From West To East…
You’ll have heard all about the turmoil in Niger. It isn’t just Niger to be fair. If you pay attention, it is ALL of the French colonial territories now getting uppity. They are decidedly sick of Western powers. Then there is this… Russia just told ECOWAS, the Western-led military alliance in West Africa, not to intervene in Niger. Clearly Russia and China are the rapidly emerging geopolitical superpowers as the US and Europe see continually waning influence. Could Wagner have been involved to disrupt the Western-led status quo? Maybe. Maybe not, but certainly this war will be fought on multiple fronts. To think otherwise flies in the face of historical precedent as well as basic military strategy. What better way to hit the West via a visibly weak France, than to cut off their main uranium supplier while simultaneously disrupting the Francophone dominion within West Africa. Here’s further proof of the shifting alliances: the map below shows African countries that have signed military agreements with Russia.
by Chris MacIntosh
The Top Ten Dumbest Things Empire Propagandists Ask Us To Believe
When you live under an empire that’s held together by lies, you’ll be asked to believe a lot of intensely stupid bullshit. Here are the top ten dumbest things the propagandists of the US-centralized empire try to get us to swallow. That the US war machine has been surrounding its top two rivals China and Russia with war machinery as an act of defense, rather than an extremely provocative act of aggression. That the war in Ukraine simultaneously (A) was completely unprovoked, and (B) just coincidentally happens to massively advance US strategic interests and therefore should be funded as much as possible. That, okay, all those other wars were based on lies and resulted in disaster, but that couldn’t possibly be the case for this current war.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Drone Attack On Syrian Graduation Ceremony Kills At Least 80
Damascus has blamed unidentified terrorists for targeting young officers and their families at a military college in Homs
Drone strikes on a graduation ceremony at a Syrian military college killed at least 80 people and wounded 240 on Thursday, in an attack that the country’s government has blamed on ‘terrorists’. Women, children, and armed forces personnel were among those killed in Thursday’s attack, which occurred at a military academy in the Homs province. Syrian Health Minister Hassan al-Ghabash told state-run television that six women and six children were among the dead. The death toll is likely to rise, given the seriousness of many of the injuries, he added. The country’s Defense Minister Ali Mahmoud Abbas reportedly attended the graduation ceremony and had left the college just minutes before the attack. “After the ceremony, people went down to the courtyard, and the explosives hit,” an unidentified witness told Reuters. “We don’t know where it came from, and corpses littered the ground.” The agency estimated the death toll at more than 100.
by RT
Jim Rizoli Interviews Professor Robert Faurisson On October 18, 2015 (1:54:46)
Putin Claims Successful Test Of Nuclear-Powered ‘Global-Range’ Cruise Missile For 1st Time
Each year, Russian President Vladimir Putin uses the occasion of the Valdai Discussion Club hosted in Sochi to present on a wide range of foreign policy issues in an off the cuff manner, which most often comes out in Q&A format. He did the same Thursday at this year’s Valdai event, and one of the statements which is grabbing the attention of Western officials was related to testing nuclear weapons, at a sensitive moment where the last nuclear weapons treaty with Washington is set to fail. “I think no person of sound mind and clear memory would think of using nuclear weapons against Russia,” Putin began in that segment of a speech before Russian foreign policy officials. That’s when he made a statement being widely perceived as signaling openness to resumption of nuclear testing: “I hear calls to start testing nuclear weapons, to return to testing,” he added. “I am not ready to say whether we really need to conduct tests or not.”
by Tyler Durden
HPV Vaccine On Trial – The Making Of Another Drug Tragedy, Part 1
Sally Beck has been investigating the HPV vaccine since it was introduced; here she serialises sections of a new book called The HPV Vaccine on Trial by Mary Holland, Kim Mack Rosenberg and and Eileen Iorio. Since its authorisation in 2006, Merck’s HPV vaccine has left thousands of girls and women damaged or incapacitated. Part 1 covers the background to its introduction and what happened to two of the girls on whom it was tested in Europe.
More than 270 million doses of the human papilloma virus vaccine have been administered in over 125 countries worldwide since it was introduced in 2006. It was supposed to prevent cervical cancer but instead we have yet another emerging scandal with manufacturers and drug regulators doing their best to suppress the evidence. The late Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, who discovered the HIV virus, said of the HPV: ‘The side effects are underreported by medical personnel, while there are a growing number of parents suing manufacturers and governments for inducing lifelong handicaps, even death, of their loved ones.’
by Sally Beck
All Of Life Is Infected With Nanotechnology And Synthetic Biology – Live Blood Images Of A Wild Squirrel
One of my substack subscribers, Seth Willey, had sent me his live blood analysis of animals he had looked at. Deer blood was contaminated. He also checked wild squirrel – he showed pictures of carcass, I did not post those. He found the same thing is happening to all of life in nature as it is happening to us. The transformation of the biosphere into Cyborgs. The same filaments, the same spherical construction sites. He asked me “What does this mean? “ It means our beautiful world – in all of its genetic diversity and its glorious unique magnificence – is being changed forever. It is not just our species that is under assault and is facing an extinction level event – it is all species that are living and breathing on this beautiful planet. Gods divine creation is under attack.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
The Birth Of Modern Pharma Fascism
Relying on false notions about viruses, vaccines, and the law, the bougie left seized the global commons
I. When the commons was Eden: “The commons” is a foundational idea in left political philosophy. The commons refers to shared spaces – oceans, lakes, rivers, forests, the air – that are not owned by anyone. It can also refer to cultural spaces – the town square for example. I could make a case that the internet is a commons – even though there are millions of individual owners of particular spaces no one owns the whole thing. The left loves the idea of the commons because it harkens back to the era of hunter gatherers who were free to hunt, fish, and live off of the abundance of the earth. The commons is also essential to the left imagination because they don’t believe in private property, so on some level they think that the entire world is or could be the commons. And because they see themselves as more empathetic, educated, and wise than everyone else, they believe that they are the best stewards to manage the commons.
by Toby Rogers
October 6, 2023, 40 Posts Published
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”
John Philpot Curran
Dave Gahary
Kalergi Plan Archive With 14 Posts
Mass Airborne mRNA Bioweapon ‘Administration’ For The Proletariat: An Atrocity!
It is important to lay the long-practiced foundation of the United States’ history of poisoning, mass experimentation, sickening, and killing of its own population, in efforts to test its bioweapons for heinous military biowarfare use. It is a very short step from this abhorrent practice, to one of using as guinea pigs this same population, in a plot for mass ‘vaccination,’ completely covert and without consent. The ability to do this has been verified, admitted to, and written about by the Yale School of Engineering and Applied Science just recently. It has been reported by some alternative sites, but already there are multiple mainstream deniers claiming that no such covert ‘vaccination’ program would be attempted. History tells a different story. To name only a few, and beginning in 1932: Tuskegee Syphilis Study; where 600 black men were used as fodder for a horrible Syphilis experiment, and were purposely not given any treatment, causing many to die horrible deaths. Operation Sea Spray; a San Francisco biological attack scenario in 1950 by the U.S. Navy, where covertly spraying pneumonia-causing bacteria over the city in order to monitor the infection levels in the residents. Actually, the U.S. military conducted 239 germ-warfare tests over populated areas in America.
by Gary D. Barnett
Selective Attention Test (1:21)
by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons
Is Ukraine Using US-Backed Terrorists From The Syrian War Against Russia?
From the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Al-Qaeda linked fighters in Syria’s Idlib have drawn parallels between their cause and that of the Ukrainian armed forces. Recently, allegations have been spread in Arabic media — stemming from reports released in Daesh news outlets — that suggest that not only have Al-Qaeda linked fighters been used against Russia, but also that Daesh (ISIS) fighters are being repurposed for usage against the Russian army. What has proven intriguing, since the initiation of the Russian-Ukrainian war in February of 2022, has been the plethora of tactics used by Kiev and its Western backers that mimic the strategies used during the war on Syria by the opposition to the Damascus based government. For instance, despite decades of anti-Muslim propaganda and indoctrination in the West that has devalued the lives of the people of West Asia, the Syrian opposition — that were completely taken over by the most extreme Islamic fundamentalist groups — were received as pro-democracy resistance forces that were in essence to be viewed as fighting for the values of the collective West. In the US media, Al-Qaeda linked terrorists groups that were using tactics like suicide bombings against civilian targets, were painted as the victims and heroic rebels that were battling to overthrow dictatorship.
by Robert Inlakesh
SDG16: Part 2 — Enforcing Digital Identity
The United Nations claims that the purpose of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16) is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies and to provide access to justice for all. Hiding behind the rhetoric is the real objective: to strengthen and consolidate the power and authority of the “global governance regime” and to exploit threats—both real and imagined—in order to advance regime hegemony. In Part 2, Iain and Whitney examine the centrality of Digital ID (SDG 16.9) in this endeavour.
by Iain Davis and Whitney Webb
Hillary Suggests ‘Formal Deprogramming’ Of Trump ‘Cult Members’ (0:50)
When 80 Percent Of US Generals Go To Work For Arms Makers
The revolving door between the Defense Department and the weapons industry spins — a new report offers ways to slow it down.
At a time when the Pentagon budget is soaring towards $1 trillion per year and debates about how to respond to the challenges posed by Russia and China are front and center, it is more important than ever to make an independent assessment of the best path forward. Ideally, this would involve objective analysis by unbiased experts and policy makers grounded in a vigorous public conversation about how best to defend the country. But more often than not, special interests override the national interest in decisions on how much to spend on the Pentagon, and how those funds should be allocated. One practice that introduces bias into the shaping of defense policy is the revolving door between the U.S. government and the weapons industry. The movement of retired senior officials from the Pentagon and the military services into the arms industry is a longstanding practice that raises serious questions about the appearance and reality of conflicts of interest. Mostly because employing well-connected ex-military officers can give weapons makers enormous, unwarranted influence over the process of determining the size and shape of the Pentagon budget.
by William Hartung and Dillon Fisher
Russia Not Looking For ‘More Territory’ – Putin
The president stressed that the Ukraine conflict is not about expansion
The conflict with Ukraine is not driven by territorial ambitions, Russian President Vladimir Putin insisted in a speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club on Thursday. Putin stressed that Russia is already the largest country in the world and therefore is not motivated by seeking new lands. He noted that Russia still has a lot of work to do in developing the remote Siberian and the Far Eastern regions. “This is not a territorial conflict and is not even the establishment of a regional geopolitical balance,” the president said. “This question is much broader and more fundamental. We are talking about the principles of a new world order.” The Russian leader insisted that a lasting peace can only be established when “everyone feels safe and knows that their opinion is respected.” Elsewhere in his speech, Putin said that Russia was not the one that initiated the conflict in Ukraine, but is instead trying to put an end to it.
by RT
Dr. Ryan Cole: Pathologist Fighting For Humanity And Free Speech (33:34)
by Veronika Kyrylenko
The Report From Iron Mountain
Support for war flags… even as the health of the state depends on it
The Ukraine is running out of weapons, money, and enthusiasm. Most important, it is running out of meat for its grinder. The average age of its soldiers is said to be 40 years. Young men leave before they can be drafted; they aren’t willing to die for whatever crusade Zelensky is leading. What is surprising to us is how many are still there. All Russia asked was to keep NATO out of the Ukraine. Dying so that your country can join NATO does not seem particularly attractive. In a similar situation young Americans would scurry out of town too. At least, that was the finding of a survey reported in the Daily Mail. Voters were asked: ‘Assume there is an invasion of America by another country and they were on the brink of victory. ‘You can either almost certainly die fighting for your country, or surrender and survive. What would you do?’ Of young people, 18-29, only 30% would fight. No matter. History tells us that it is easy to gin up a war fever and get millions of people killed for no apparent reason. All you need is an enemy. And right now, America’s foreign policy experts…its glorious think tank generals…and its newspaper heroes turn their eyes east – to China. What have the Chinese done to us? Don’t know? But that was the point of the ‘Report from Iron Mountain.’ An enemy doesn’t have to do something, he just has to be something – a useful foe.
by Bill Bonner
Saudi Arabia’s Shadowy Role In The Ghouta Chemical Attack
There is now substantial evidence that Saudi intelligence conducted false flag chemical attacks in Syria, with the goal of triggering a US military intervention that would lead to regime change.
On 13 September, acclaimed US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed a crucial five-page memo prepared for the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) on 20 June, 2013. This document contained alarming details about the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front’s disturbing plan to manufacture sarin nerve gas with the aim of executing a chemical attack within Syria. The significance of this memo extends beyond its surface, as it adds to the mounting evidence pointing toward Saudi intelligence’s involvement in orchestrating a false flag chemical attack in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta a month later, on 21 August 2013. The attack resulted in the tragic deaths of numerous civilians and nearly triggered a western military intervention in support of Islamist militant factions aiming to overthrow the Syrian government.
by William Van Wagenen
Fifth Circuit Expands Injunction Against Government Online Censorship To Include CISA
Another department included.
A ruling on Tuesday by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit marks a leap for the safeguarding of free speech within the social media arena. This decision sees the addition of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to a preliminary injunction in the ongoing legal contest of Missouri v. Biden. Initially, a host of prominent agencies, including the White House, US Surgeon General’s office, CDC, and the FBI were barred from manipulating social media platforms in a manner that obstructs constitutional freedoms of speech. The fight against censorship is far from novel, with the tale of Drs. Jayanta Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, and Aaron Kheriaty, and Ms. Jill Hines circulating in the public domain for several years. Their experiences of being censored and throttled on social media platforms form an integral part of a broader governmental agenda to curb free speech for independent thinkers and intellectuals.
by Dan Frieth
Minnesota School District Compares White People To Disease Carrying Mosquitoes (5:54)
A Minnesota school district training video compares White people to mosquitoes that need to be exterminated.
by Red Ice TV
Germany Has Thrown Away Or Donated 242 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Doses – 50 Million More Than It Has Used!
An interesting article in the German online magazine Multipolar on the many German COVID-19 vaccine ‘profiteers’ (BioNTech of course, but also lipid-suppliers Merck and Evonik, the Strüngmann brothers, the city of Mainz etc.) also contains some interesting observations on Germany’s own COVID-19 vaccine orders. Author Karsten Montag notes that Germany has ordered some 672 million Covid vaccine doses: 557 million already at the height of the pandemic under then German Health Minister Jens Spahn and another 115 million under his successor Karl Lauterbach. But Germany has only in fact used 192 million doses (as can be seen here at the Ministry of Health’s handy ‘Vaccine Dashboard’). Montag calculates that at the current relatively paltry vaccination rates in Germany, perhaps another one million doses will be used altogether by the end of this year. But what then about the remaining 479 million doses that have been ordered?
by Robert Kogon
Putin Warns ‘Globalist Terrorist’ Klaus Schwab His ‘Days Are Numbered’
World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab is a “globalist terrorist” who is “holding humanity to ransom”, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin who warned the elite that their New World Order has failed and their “days are numbered.” Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech on October 5 at the plenary session of the 20th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi and emphasized the tectonic and irreversible shifts taking place in the global order. According to Putin, globalists including Schwab and his close advisors are “legitimate military targets” because they have been actively attempting to seize power illegally via a globalist coup d’etat. Sixteen years ago, at the 2007 Munich Security Conference, Putin told Western leaders that the natural type of international system is multipolarity, clearly showing that Russia would oppose the creation of a New World Order based on the international liberal rules-based-order aggressively pushed by the globalist elite and their liberal politicians in Western democracies.
by Baxter Dmitry
Our Revolting Elites
The ‘revolt of the elites’ has reversed the source of social disorder from the masses to the elites.
Prescient social critic Christopher Lasch’s 1996 book, The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy, laid out a blueprint of social decay that continues to inform our descent into social disorder. Lasch excoriated our revolting elites for abandoning the foundations of social stability, upward mobility, the middle class and democracy in their race to enrich and insulate themselves in protected enclaves–neighborhoods, corporate suites, foundations and institutions–of fellow elites. In Lasch’s analysis, America’s elites are revolting against the obligations imposed on traditional elites to nurture the foundational values that support democracy, national purpose, civic pride and a moral order that restrains narcissism and greed as a means of protecting opportunities for advancement from the pillage of the wealthy. Lasch identified the ways in which globalization fosters elite pathologies. In his view, America’s technocratic elites are a new class of symbolic analysts whose financial means “rest not so much on the ownership of property as on the manipulation of information and professional expertise.”
by Charles Hugh Smith
Tony Arterburn Interview: Bank Failures And Inflation Rises (28:45)
New central bank target for inflation is twice what it was and nearly a thousand banks are on death watch. Tony Arterburn, DavidKnight.gold, joins to talk about what’s happening with economy and hard money.
by The David Knight Show
UK Police Arrest British Journalist For Posting ‘Malinformation’ About Ukraine, Justin Trudeau Under Online Safety Act
In a story that has virtually been ignored by the global media, UK police arrested an independent journalist for posting “malinformation” and misinformation about Ukraine. Under the new UK censorship law called the Online Safety Act, the government can order the arrest or detention of anyone said to be “hateful” or judged by fact checkers to be posting “misinformation.” Warren Thornton was literally in the midst of streaming an edition of his podcast The Real Truth on Sept. 24 when Bristol police officers came to his front door and demanded he speak with them. The Liberal government of Canada is preparing its own version of this legislation that will target “disinformation” on the internet without even defining what disinformation is. Thornton is a critic of NATO’s escalation of the war in Ukraine and has posted several videos about Ukrainian attacks on Russian civilians and the secret existence of biolabs in Ukraine. He was also quick to report how a former Waffen-SS Nazi soldier was allowed to sit in the Canadian House of Commons Gallery during a speech by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
by David Krayden
While We Slept The Darkest Century In History Swept By
The 20th Century was without a doubt the century which stands alone in the shaming of the human race. Would anyone care to put a figure to the number of deaths between 1900 and 2000? I would not; it would be far too depressing. I doubt I would be far out if I said it was 1,000 times the number killed, enslaved, starved and maimed during the previous century. For the first time ever, the state declared war on innocent civilians. To claim that many died for the preservation of democracy is delusional but if self-deception makes people bear their loss better that’s fine by me. The war against Hitler’s Germany reached its climax with the consolidation of the dreadful Soviet Union as a world power that threatened the free world for another 45 years. Some victory!
by Michael Walsh
Federalism Is Working – Pushing Back Against Weaponization, The Potemkin Village In DC Is Not
As we rightly stop the cycle of Battered Conservative Syndrome, here’s a concrete reality we can all understand easily.
If the people who are weaponizing government really held any concern about the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government holding them accountable, they would not be expanding their weaponization operations. The White House controls the actions of the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS), FBI, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), through cabinet appointments and leadership staff. Each of these agencies are expanding their domestic targeting operations, not reducing them. That expanded targeting is happening simultaneously with the House Subcommittee on Weaponization in place, presumably an oversight body. That reality tells us all we need to know about the intentions of the congressional subcommittee and the perspective of the government agencies toward accountability; there simply isn’t any.
by Sundance
The Ancient And Forgotten Swastikas (12:16)
by New Earth
Doug Casey On How Data Is The New Oil… Implications For Privacy And Profits
International Man: Before people understood what oil was, they considered it waste. Later, once people understood the economic potential of oil, it was transformed from unwanted waste into a lucrative commodity. Similarly, British mathematician and entrepreneur Clive Humby said, “Data is the new oil.” What he means is that data people used to perceive as worthless could become extremely valuable when refined and analyzed. What’s your take on all this?
Doug Casey: Data banks know practically everything about everybody. Trillions of microchips are increasingly interconnected. The Internet of Things lives in The Cloud. They’re controlled by algorithms and increasingly by artificial intelligence. They’re so complex that I wonder if they won’t take on a life of their own. If SkyNet exists, it’s bound to be growing larger and more powerful every day. “They” know everything about us, both as individuals and as groups. It’s very much like what Larry Ellison said 30 years ago, to the effect of “Forget privacy, it doesn’t exist.” And that was decades ago. It’s orders of magnitude more true today.
by Doug Casey
Is Tahini Good For You? 5 Surprising Benefits
Tahini is a superstar in hummus, but that’s not its only claim to fame. It’s also a veritable superfood. Learn the secret behind tahini’s numerous health benefits.
Tahini, made from toasted, ground sesame seeds, is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidant lignans, vitamins and minerals.[i] Its rich, earthy and slightly nutty flavor is a mainstay in traditional hummus recipes, but both tahini and the sesame seeds from which it’s made have been enjoyed for hundreds of years. Tahini is so versatile it can be mixed with lemon juice and salt and used as a dip for raw veggies. You can blend it with olive oil and apple cider vinegar to make a tasty salad dressing. Or use it to make Tarator — a sauce that contains tahini, garlic, lemon juice and parsley that’s especially good with poultry and vegetables.[ii] You can feel great about enjoying tahini morning, noon and night, as it’s not only delicious — it’s incredibly good for you.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
We’ll All Pay The Price Of Soaring EV Insurance
Something strange happened last week: the Guardian published an article which was worth reading. It concerned the massive insurance costs owners of electric vehicles (EVs) are facing. Here’s how the article started: ‘Driving an electric car should be a win-win, saving money and the planet. So David was shocked when the insurance on his Tesla Model Y came up for renewal, and Aviva refused to cover him again, while several other brands turned him away. When David did secure a new deal, the annual cost rocketed from £1,200 to more than £5,000.’ It went on: ‘A recent cost of living bulletin from the Office for National Statistics revealed that the price of car insurance – which for many Britons is one of their biggest household bills – is up by 52.9 per cent in the last 12 months. However, this average masks bigger increases for electric car owners, according to Confused.com. Its figures, derived from quotes, show that insurance premiums for electric vehicles are 72 per cent – or £402 – higher than this time last year, at a typical £959. Meanwhile, for petrol and diesel car drivers, the increase is 29 per cent, or £192, taking the figure to £848.’
by David Craig
American State Propaganda: A Thought Experiment
The New York Times has published another CIA press release disguised as news, this time aimed at whipping up paranoia toward anyone who criticizes the US proxy war in Ukraine. The article is titled “Putin’s Next Target: U.S. Support for Ukraine, Officials Say”. Its author, Julian E Barnes, has written so many New York Times articles with headlines ending in the words “Officials Say” that we can safely assume the primary reason for his continued employment in that paper is because empire managers within the US government have designated him someone who can be trusted to print what they want printed. This designation would make him a reliable supplier of “scoops” (read: regurgitations of unevidenced government claims) for The New York Times.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Some Of The Technology The Government Uses To Spy On Us (2:20)
what’s being withheld on withholding taxes
if you run a scam long enough, it becomes invisible
here’s a fun question (and one that should make the comments section one for the ages): i’ll go first: withholding state and federal taxes from paychecks. this is actually an outlandish imposition if you really step back and look at it. it constitutes an all-but-involuntary extended duration interest free loan to the government. it was put in place to ensure compliance and make sure that everyone’s taxes are collected before we the people ever touch the money. the federales are literally garnishing your wages. this is a cost to you (missed interest/investment income/flexibility) and a benefit to them from a pure economics standpoint, but it’s also a massive power play as it essentially eliminates most of the potential for any sort of tax revolt whereby people would refuse to pay a state they felt unjust. it’s basically impossible. your employer is paying the state for you and given what would happen to them if they stopped (loss of business permits/licenses, frozen accounts, seizures etc even in bankruptcy) there is very little they could do to help you even if they wanted to. and, of course, even if you could withhold payment, if you had money in any bank anywhere the feds would just seize it. stocks, bonds: ditto. if you owned any real estate anywhere, they could grab it.
by el gato malo
Cult Of The Wokeing Dead T-Shirt
The faces of political monsters. Evil wears the mask of woke. Demons have seized control of our nation. It is not just a bad dream. Awaken and cast them out!
by ArtToons
Five Years After Khashoggi’s Murder, Why Is The UK Welcoming MBS?
Having fully restored its ties with Saudi Arabia, including arms sales to the kingdom, Britain abandons its purported support for democratic values for petrodollars
Nearly five years to the day since Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, which was ordered by the Saudi crown prince using a team of assassins, the UK government is preparing to roll out the red carpet in London for Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), having already restored lucrative arms sales to the Saudi government. What the British people should be asking is whether the profits for the British defence industry are worth the national values and security for which they’ve been traded. The British government’s initial response to the murder of Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October 2018 was one shared pretty widely by governments throughout the world: shock, horror, and disgust. Jeremy Hunt, UK foreign secretary at the time, demanded answers from the Saudi government, promised to treat the incident seriously, and emphasised that “friendships depend on shared values”. He noted the threat that violence against journalists poses to freedom of expression and promised to “treat the incident seriously”. Less than two years later, the British government was singing a different tune, resuming close ties to the kingdom.
by Sarah Leah Whitson
The Great AI Invasion: Given Enough Time, Artificial Intelligence Would Take Over Every Area Of Our Lives
Artificial intelligence is changing our world at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking. If you would have asked me a decade ago if I would live to see artificial intelligence create a world class piece of art or a full-length feature film, I would have said no way. But now those are simple tasks for artificial intelligence to accomplish. So what is going to happen once AI becomes millions of times smarter and millions of times more powerful than it is today? Given enough time, AI would take over every area of our lives. Our world is definitely crazy right now, but fifty years from now it would resemble something out of an extremely bizarre science fiction novel if AI is allowed to continue to develop at an exponential rate.
by Michael Snyder
Leopard Drops In For A Quick Lunch, But The Family Ain’t Having It (1:24)
German Opposition Party Leader Was Attacked, Medical Exam Suggests
AfD co-chair Tino Chrupalla was injected with an unknown substance during a political rally, the party has said, citing a medical evaluation
A medical examination of Tino Chrupalla, the co-chair of the right-wing party Alternative for Germany (AfD), has confirmed the politician was attacked with a syringe, the party said in a statement on Friday. Citing a letter from the Ingolstadt Clinic, the party said the politician sustained a syringe puncture on his “right upper arm.” The medical examination also indicated the politician was injected intramuscularly with a “yet unknown substance.” “Forensic toxicology analysis is ongoing,” the party added. The incident occurred at a campaign event in Ingolstadt on Wednesday, when the politician collapsed after taking selfies with the participants of the rally. The AfD immediately alleged Chrupalla had been assaulted during the event. The politician ended up in the intensive care unit of Ingolstadt hospital. Shortly after the alleged attack, sources confirmed it to RT.de, claiming the party’s co-chair suffered anaphylactic shock, apparently caused by the substance from the syringe. A party spokesperson further elaborated on the matter on Thursday, stating that Chrupalla had sustained a “puncture wound” and was being tested for “substances in his body.”
by RT
Israeli Forces Target Vehicle Of Two Palestinian Youths, Kill Them Near West Bank City Of Tulkarm
Israeli forces have opened fire on a vehicle near the occupied West Bank city of Tulkarm, killing two Palestinian youths. The victims, identified as Hudhayfah Fares and Abd al-Rahman Atta, were shot dead after Israeli troops targeted their car near the village of Shufah, south of Tulkarm in the northwestern part of West Bank, on Thursday. The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death of Atta, 23, and Fares, 27, saying they were killed during confrontations with the occupying regime’s forces, Palestine’s official Wafa news agency reported. The two slain Palestinians were from the Tulkarm camp and lived in the suburb of Dhanaba, east of the city. Violent clashes erupted in the Tulkarm refugee camp after Israeli forces invaded it, and fired live rounds, stun grenades and teargas canisters towards Palestinians. Medical sources also reported that two people were wounded by Israeli bullets, one in the shoulder and the other in the abdomen, adding that their condition is stable.
by PressTV
California Senator Grateful For New Job With Short Commute From Home In Maryland
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Newly sworn-in California Senator Laphonza Butler expressed excitement about her new job, citing the short commute to work from her home state of Maryland. “It’s a real time-saver,” Butler said. “As a senator for California, it’s so convenient to not have to be a resident of the state. I never would have thought that would be allowed, but here I am! Now I can somehow represent the state of California while being a Maryland native. My travel expenses are almost nothing!” California Governor Gavin Newsom has been criticized for appointing a resident of Maryland to fill the vacant seat left behind by the late Dianne Feinstein. “My criteria was very simple,” Newsom said when asked about the appointment. “I wanted someone who was a woman. I wanted someone who was black. The fact that she’s a gay communist is a major bonus. The fact that she’s going to the United States Senate to represent the people of California while not being from California is completely irrelevant.”
by Babylon Bee
FBI Investigating Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Faith Group
In a development that has garnered significant attention, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently initiated an investigation into a faith group to which Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett belongs. This investigation follows just months after a previous investigation of Catholics by the FBI sparked a national debate, touching on issues of religious freedom, legal ethics, and the separation of powers. According to a story published by The Guardian, the FBI’s primary motivation behind its investigation of the Indiana-based People of Praise is concerns related to claims of abuse made by former members. Certainly the group’s potential influence on Justice Barrett is a significant factor, as well, given that she’s been associated with People of Praise for decades. Given her strong ties to the faith community, questions have arisen about whether her judicial decisions might be influenced by her religious beliefs. During her confirmation hearings in 2020, critics of Judge Barrett painted People of Praise as a group promoting misogyny and existing in the radical far-right. None of that, however, is something that is within the purview of the federal government, including the unconstitutional federal law-enforcement apparatus.
by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
October 5, 2023, 40 Posts Published
“The so-called “pandemic” was planned and co-ordinated in advance,
by unelected globalist bodies like the WEF amd WHO,
as a pretext to deliberately depopulate the planet via lethal mRNA injections.”
Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Pfizer Vice President
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Globalists Archive With 2,820 Posts
Neil Oliver: Lies! (18:42)
Western Prosperity Based On Worldwide Pillage – Putin
The entire history of the collective West is about “endless expansion,” the Russian president has said
The prosperity of the collective West is largely based upon the “pillage” of its colonies all around the globe, Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed. The president made the remarks on Thursday as he spoke during the plenary session of the 20th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi. The entirety of Western history has been about “endless expansion,” and it still pursues such an approach with the whole world to keep its prosperity, he asserted. “Western influence in the world is a massive military-financial pyramid. It constantly needs new fuel to support itself: natural, technological, human resources belonging to others,” Putin told the plenary session. After the end of the Cold War, the collective West, led by the US, has been striving to establish and maintain its global hegemony, Putin noted, adding that such efforts were bound to fail from the beginning. “The world is too complex and too diverse to be shaped under a single scheme, even if behind it lies the power, the enormous power of the West, accumulated over centuries of colonialism,” he said.
by RT
Secret Israeli Arms Shipments Aided Azeri Takeover Of Nagorno-Karabakh
Azerbaijan and Israel have developed a deep strategic relationship centered around ‘containing’ Iran
Israeli weapons played a key role in the Azeri military’s recent capture of the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenian officials have said in recent weeks. According to flight tracking data and Armenian diplomats, Azeri planes made several flights between an Israeli airbase and Nagorno-Karabakh weeks before Azerbaijan took control of the disputed territory. Arman Akopian, Armenian ambassador to Israel, told AP on 5 October that “it is a major concern that Israeli weapons have been firing at our people,” adding that he has expressed his concerns to Israeli leaders in the past few weeks. “I don’t see why Israel should not be in the position to express at least some concern about the fate of people being expelled from their homeland,” Akopian added.
by News Desk
Eight Years Since US Forces Turned Afghanistan Hospital Into Slaughterhouse
In the pitch darkness of night, on October 3, 2015, a hospital operated by Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) in northern Afghanistan’s Kunduz city came under high-precision, indiscriminate airstrikes, shattering the deafening silence.
Kunduz Trauma Center – including its intensive care unit, emergency rooms, laboratory, x-ray unit, outpatient department, mental health and physiotherapy ward – were all reduced to rubble. At least 42 people, including patients, staff and caretakers, were killed in the devastating attack carried out by an American gunship, marking one of the deadliest chapters in the 20-year-long American war. Tuesday marked the eighth anniversary of the tragic incident, and yet another reminder of how the US-led coalition perpetuated horrendous war crimes in the South Asian country following the invasion in 2001 and how the victims of America’s longest war that lasted two decades were denied justice. The only thing Americans did was “apologize” to MSF – apologize for destroying dozens of lives and families, making more children orphans and filling more graveyards in Afghanistan.
by Ajmal Barakzai
Nobel Peace Prize For Shot That Killed Over A Hundred Thousand American Children (3:12)
by Greg Reese
Benjamin Franklin Returns To Philadelphia
Proclaim Liberty Tranq Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof.
“If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
As a boy, Benjamin Franklin invented what swimmers train with today called hand paddles, resembling fish fins, for more efficient swimming in his local pond. The future Docteur Franklin’s formal education lasted only two years and by age nine he was working for his father around the house. As a boy, he devoured books as Americans today devour junk food, tabloids, sportsball, and bizarre video confessionals of perfect strangers eating junk food inside their parked cars. At age twelve, he signed a nine-year indentured servant contract in the printing press of his brother James who produced the first independent newspaper of the American colonies —The New England Courant—often publishing essays that challenged authorities and the stifling status quo of Puritan Massachusetts.
by Good Citizen
Russian, Chinese Media Working Together A Matter Of Survival Of Russian And Chinese Voices On A Global Stage: RT Editor-In-Chief
Editor’s Note: As voices from the West continue to dominate global public opinion, it is high time for developing countries to speak louder in the international arena. In a recent email interview, Margarita Simonyan (Simonyan), editor-in-chief of RT, shared with Global Times (GT) reporters Wang Wenwen and Xia Wenxin how media outlets from countries, such as Russia and China, have challenged the West’s monopoly on global public opinion by offering alternative voices as well as her personal experiences and RT’s development since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war. GT: US media often describe you as the Kremlin’s loyal propagandist. What do you think of such a label? Simonyan: The US media and American broader socio-political establishment have long been “partial” to RT in general and to my person in particular – the US’ 2017 national intelligence report on Russia’s influence alone cited me no less than 27 times within essentially half of the report dedicated to our news network. I am proud to carry the voice of Russia abroad, in however small or large capacity, and I am glad if this voice resonates with a wide international audience.
by Global Times
The Invisible Gorilla (Selective Attention Test) (Text and Video)
Imagine you are asked to watch a short video in which six people-three in white shirts and three in black shirts-pass basketballs around. While you watch, you must keep a silent count of the number of passes made by the people in white shirts. At some point, a gorilla strolls into the middle of the action, faces the camera and thumps its chest, and then leaves, spending nine seconds on screen. Would you see the gorilla? Almost everyone has the intuition that the answer is “yes, of course I would.” How could something so obvious go completely unnoticed? But when we did this experiment at Harvard University several years ago, we found that half of the people who watched the video and counted the passes missed the gorilla. It was as though the gorilla was invisible.
by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons
The WHO Power Grab Must Be Stopped – Our Silence Is Our Consent
The 75th World Health Assembly adopted amendments to 5 articles of the International Health Regulations on May 27, 2022. The currently proposed amendments to the regulations are primarily designed to support the “Pharmaceutical” Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex (PHEIC) and will give the WHO power over worldwide health regulations that violate our human rights. “An 18-month period of unawareness, ignorance, and silence is all that is needed for the amendments to enter into force.” The deadline to reject the amendments is December 1, 2023, which is rapidly approaching.” and to remain silent cannot be an option as our silence is our consent. Although the 194 member nations may invoke their right to REJECT the amendments (under Article 61), practically no one on earth seems to be aware of this situation according to James Roguski who has been working tirelessly for months to bring awareness to both the people and leaders of nations.
by Patricia Harrity
Rethinking Mein Kampf (56:03)
Video based on Thomas Dalton’s essay ‘Rethinking Mein Kampf’
by Gott Mit Uns
More People Speaking Out Against The Covid Fraud; Kennedy Running As An Independent
For the past three years—especially the first eighteen months of those three years—anyone who dared to speak out against the Covid fraud was forced to endure a painful price. Physicians were threatened with the loss of licensure, dismissal from their positions, they were blackballed, subjected to media crucifixion, etc.; airline pilots were fired or forced into retirement; soldiers were threatened with dishonorable discharge, demoted in rank, repositioned away from elite units, made to live in filthy quarters, subjected to harassment, etc.; those few pastors who resisted the Covid narrative were vilified in the media, excoriated by fellow clergymen, and attacked by liberal hate groups and local medical boards, etc. In short, anyone who dared to question or criticize the accepted Covid narrative was forced to endure severe retaliation and persecution. As I said in one of my messages on the subject, How Are Forced Covid Vaccinations Different From The Mark Of The Beast? They Aren’t!
by Chuck Baldwin
Fate Of Humanity ‘Rests On Shoulders’ Of Russian Soldiers – Serbian War Correspondent
As Western backers pump Ukraine with a generous assortment of weapons and military assistance to fuel the conflagration there, the fate of humanity “rests on the shoulders” of Russian soldiers, said a Serbian war correspondent. No military force in history has ever faced what Russian soldiers are currently facing amid NATO’s ongoing proxy war against their country in Ukraine, Miodrag Zarkovic, a Serbian war correspondent covering the Donbass conflict, told Sputnik. Emphasizing the “bravery and firmness” of Russian soldiers, he underscored that the fate of humanity rests on their shoulders. “Everybody who is against Western imperialism has to be supporting the Russian troops that are under heavy pressure,” said the war correspondent.
by Svetlana Ekimenko
Jim Jordan, Donald Trump Among Names Considered To Replace Kevin Mccarthy As House Speaker
Jordan and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise have announced their candidacy for the role, but Trump is also rumored to be interested in the job.
(LifeSiteNews) — Now that Kevin McCarthy has been removed as Speaker of the House, it’s time for Republicans to select a new leader. As of the publication of this article, Ohio lawmaker Jim Jordan and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise are the only members of the chamber to announce their candidacy for the position. Jim Jordan sent this letter to House colleagues asking them to back him for Speaker. pic.twitter.com/0pBjCgNZya — Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) October 4, 2023. “Far-left progressive policies are destroying our communities, our security, and our future,” Jordan wrote in a letter sent to House members today. Jordan is a dynamic figure. He is currently the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. During his tenure, he has aggressively pursued the FBI’s discriminatory targeting of pro-lifers and Traditional Catholics who attend the Latin Mass. He has also pushed back against bogus lawsuits launched against President Donald Trump.
by Stephen Kokx
Hollywood Director Latest Sexual Predator To Find Refuge In Israel
The State of Israel has for decades served as a safe haven for wanted criminals thanks to lax extradition laws and the so-called ‘law of return’
Disgraced Hollywood director Brett Ratner, who stands accused by multiple women of rape and sexual harassment, revealed last week he relocated to Israel just days after being a special guest of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN General Assembly in New York. Ratner has followed in the footsteps of other sexual predators who have fled to Israel in recent years, including another Hollywood director, Bryan Singer, who moved to Israel several years ago after being accused of rape and sexual assault of several minors. Thanks to lax extradition laws and the so-called “law of return” known as ‘Aliyah’ – which grants citizenship to Jews across the world based on ancestral claims that are two millennia old – Israel has become a sanctuary for Jewish sexual predators as well as countless fraudsters, money launderers, and war criminals. According to Jewish Community Watch, an organization that tracks accused pedophiles, over 60 US citizens accused of pedophilia have successfully fled to Israel in the past few years.
by News Desk
The Imperial Senate: Anti-Federalist Warnings (35:10)
A permanent or baneful aristocracy – despite federalist assurances to the contrary – with senators mostly serving for life – that’s what many anti-federalists warned we’d get with the structure of the federal Senate.
by Tenth Amendment Center
Doctor Received $150 Million In ‘Largest Fraud Scheme’ Involving COVID-19 Relief Program
In what the U.S. Attorney’s Office is calling the “largest fraud scheme” targeting a COVID-19 program for uninsured patients, an Orange County, California, doctor was charged Sept. 27 with an 18-count indictment for submitting false claims and receiving around $150 million in payments. Anthony Hao Dinh, 64, from Newport Coast was charged with 12 counts of wire fraud, five counts of money laundering—two of which included the transfer of over $11 million to personal stock trading accounts—and one count of obstructing justice, according to a Sept. 28 statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Mr. Dinh allegedly submitted false patient reports in response to a grand jury subpoena to cover up the false claims. He faces up to 50 years in prison for all charges combined if he is convicted. Mr. Dinh allegedly submitted over a quarter billion dollars in claims for unprovided or non-covered services by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) COVID-19 Uninsured Program.
by Julianne Foster
Russia Says It Repelled Massive Drone Attack On Russian Border Regions
The Russian Defense Ministry says air defenses downed 31 drones
The Russian Defense Ministry on Wednesday said that air defenses downed 31 Ukrainian drones over three Russian oblasts that border Ukraine, Belgorod, Bryansk, and Kursk. According to AP, the incident appeared to be Ukraine’s single largest cross-border drone attack on Russian territory since Russia launched its invasion last year. The governor of Belgorod also reported heavy shelling, saying a total of 80 munitions were fired at the oblast. Russia has made clear that it believes Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian territory would not be possible without help from the US and NATO. The Economist recently reported that Ukrainian drone attacks on Russia use intelligence “often from Western partners.”
by Dave DeCamp
The Degradation And Humiliation Of The U.S. Consumer
What’s the ratio between “triple rolls” and “super mega” rolls of paper towels? And did you know you were on the schedule to work the checkout line today?
I’ve often written about how inflation is nefarious because it cripples people’s purchasing power 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether it is dark out or light out, whether people are paying attention or not, inflation is, in essence, a piece of machinery that eats away at your purchasing power at all times-whether you know about it and expect it or not. I discussed the effects of inflation in a video I made a long time ago, called “The Weighted Blanket Theory.” In it, I explained that rising prices are like a weighted blanket falling on the consumer. At first, they feel okay and even comforting, but then you realize the blanket weighs far too much-before you know it, you’re trapped under a blanket that has completely incapacitated and smothered you.
by Quoth the Raven
France Realizes That Africa Will No Longer Be Looted And Impoverished By Ex-Colonial Powers
The expulsion of the French ambassador and French troops from Niger became a symbol of the loss of French influence in Africa, writes Le Temps. Numerous attempts by Emmanuel Macron to change the country’s image in the region have failed. French diplomacy was forced to realize that its moralizing tone was no longer acceptable for the continent, the publication states. The page is turning for France on the African continent, writes Le Temps. This process was symbolized by the image of the French ambassador to Niger, Sylvain Itte, who had just fled Niamey after several weeks of confinement in a diplomatic enclave under strict surveillance. From the point of view of Paris, this is a real earthquake, the publication notes. In the French-speaking part of the continent, where French ambassadors have always been all-powerful and French troops could act as they pleased, this is unheard of. Nevertheless, new generations of Africans reject this colonial anachronism, in which they see, first of all, the desire of the former colonial power to continue to exercise economic and political control over their country. They can no longer tolerate France’s paternalism and arrogance.
by Michael Walsh
Looting The World (2:00:23)
by TheCrowhouse
Recalling America’s Founders: Honor And Duty In A Dark Age
… The ever more obvious symptoms of social decay are inevitable in a nation as unhealthy as today’s America. We understand that a nation guided by false principles, wishful thinking and unrealistic notions about society and history cannot and will not survive; that a society as inwardly sick as this one will not last … On this anniversary of American independence, it is altogether fitting that we recall the sacrifices and the outlook of the men who acted boldly out of principle, and risked everything in following the dictate of their conscience.
by Mark Weber
After 9-Year-Old Medically Kidnapped Boy Murdered In Foster Care, Investigation Reveals Many Deaths Happening In Arizona Group Foster Homes
A 9-year-old boy with Type 1 diabetes died 18 days after he was medically kidnapped from his father and put into the Arizona Foster Care system, and into a group home. The child’s grandmother who lived in another state and would have surely welcomed the stay of her grandson, was apparently never even considered as a placement for the 9-year-old boy. ABC15 has published an investigation they conducted on the Arizona Foster Care system, and found that other children have died after being removed from their parents and put into Foster Care. But we are never going to get rid of the murderers and kidnappers if we keep saying that stories like this are “a systemic failure.” This is a clear example of “systemic ABUSE”, because this kind of abuse happens regularly throughout the entire system. To call it a “failure” is to claim that the system is failing to do what it is designed to do, and it pre-supposes that the system is designed to “protect” children.
by Brian Shilhavy
did the pfizer vaccine even really have a drug trial? (text and video)
if the process is the product (and it is) then pfizer’s product looks like it went to market untested
the discovery by brave fellow feline kevin mckernan (who actually did what should have been done right from the start and went out and gene sequenced the pfizer covid vaccines) that the vaccines were wildly impure, low integrity, and contained not only copious amounts of contaminants, but actual active compounds like plasmids that were, quite literally, spike protein factories was extraordinary. the jab was literally full of the compounds used in its fabrication that had no place in a final product and these are not even just toxins, they are plasmids, actual factories for making pathogens. the idea of a “safe level” for such a thing seems fraught and they missed the alleged limits by an order of magnitude anyhow.
by el gato malo
Journalism Itself Is Locked Up In Belmarsh
As the 17th anniversary of the creation of WikiLeaks passes us by, it’s probably worth taking a moment to reflect on Julian Assange and what his persecution means for us and our society. Because in a very real sense, it’s not just a man locked up in Belmarsh Prison for the crime of good journalism?—?it’s journalism itself. It’s the idea that anyone should be permitted to expose the criminality of the world’s most powerful and tyrannical people. It’s the idea that the public should be allowed to know what abuses the US empire is committing around the world. Julian Assange is the world’s greatest journalist. By revolutionizing source protection for the digital age with the creation of WikiLeaks 17 years ago and then going on to break some of the biggest stories of the 21st century, Assange set himself head and shoulders above any other living reporter anywhere on earth. And by showing the world that they can lock up the world’s greatest journalist for revealing inconvenient truths, they are showing the world that they can lock up anyone.
by Caitlin Johnstone
J6 Insurrection – Brought To You By The Deep State (23:08)
by Tom Renz
What Is ‘Firing Zone 918’ And how Israel Uses It To Grab More Palestinian Land
Israeli firing zones are usually closed military areas exclusively reserved for military training purposes. They are scattered all over the Occupied West Bank, encompassing many small and equally scattered Palestinian villages of mostly Bedouin communities. The idea of the creation of “firing zones” was the brainchild of Ariel Sharon when he was minister of agriculture in 1979. Despite designating them as firing zones, Sharon, essentially a military man, had another sinister purpose in mind. In a recently declassified document (in Hebrew), Sharon told a secret meeting with the World Zionist Organisation’s Settlement Division, that he wanted such zones to “provide an opportunity for Jewish settlements in the area.” He explained his intention behind creating the zones by saying “the firing zones were created for one purpose: land reserves for settlements.” Literally, to help settlers grab more Palestinian land.
by Dr. Mustafa Fetouri
Gitmo Detainees Continue To Be Tortured By CIA Physically, Mentally: Attorney
Torture has always existed at Guantanamo Bay in different forms and the inmates there continue to be tortured physically and psychologically, says a US-based human rights attorney.
In an interview with the Press TV website, Alka Pradhan, who has represented Guantanamo Bay detainees as well as victims of US drone strikes, described various forms of torture prevalent at the notorious American detention facility, also known as Gitmo, in southeastern Cuba. “In the early days, it took the form of beatings and forced nudity, starvation and force-feedings, and other terrible techniques,” said Pradhan, referring to the institutionalizing of torture at Gitmo. “Now, decades of arbitrary detention, and lack of family visits and medical care – including botched or substandard procedures carried out by poorly qualified staff – continue to torture these men psychologically and physically.”
by Syed Zafar Mehdi
Popular Artificial Sweetener Linked To Autism
If you drink diet soda, you’re probably being exposed to this common artificial sweetener linked to chronic disease and autism. Researchers found even one diet soda a day during pregnancy tripled the risk of autism in male offspring.
Daily exposure to the artificial sweetener aspartame in early life is associated with autism in males.[i] The finding adds to earlier reports linking the chemical sweetener to neurological problems and comes on the heels of reports that it may cause cancer in humans.[ii] Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners are found in more than 23,000 products worldwide,[iii] including diet soda. Consumption increased 54% among adults and 200% among children from 1999 to 2012 alone.[iv] Meanwhile, in the last four decades, rates of autism have also risen dramatically, from 0.3 per 1,000 children diagnosed before 1980 to 27.6 per 1,000 children in 2020.[v] Environmental factors are likely involved, with aspartame potentially among them. At our GreenMedInfo.com aspartame database, you can read about 77 diseases and 12 adverse pharmacological actions linked to aspartame, including neurotoxicity.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
6th Circuit: States Allowed To Restore Sanity
In a major victory for sanity, the US Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit: has upheld the laws of TN and KY which ban the sexual mutilation of kids in so-called trans procedures. Matt Walsh has been all over this and provides the background: The case arose because of laws in TN & KY banning the use of puberty blockers & sterilizing cross-sex hormones on kids. The laws were passed after my reporting on Vanderbilt’s gender clinic, and how they see some gender “treatments” as big money makers. That should give you some idea of the depths of depravity that Big Law, Big Med, and Big Pharma have descended. They’ve bought off much of our governing institions, but there are still some judges and state legislatures that will take a stand for human nature. It’s about money—never believe that it’s “about the kids.”
by Mark Wauck
Interview With Joel Skousen: EMP Prep, Russian Civil Defense Drills And US EBS Test (57:08)
Joel Skousen, WorldAffairsBrief.com, looks at geopolitics as the world moves closer to nuclear war or EMP. How to prepare for EMP (Strategic Location and Secure Home at JoelSkousen.com). The real dangers of 5G. GOP chaos in the House
Flash Mob Robberies Are Changing The Way America Does Business
The future of shopping will no longer occur inside of shopping malls, boutiques, and business districts, Robert Bridge writes.
Many people have probably heard about the viral epidemic that is sweeping America, bringing mask-wearing back into fashion once again. No, it’s not Covid-19, at least not yet, but rather organized retail theft that is wreaking havoc on the nation’s heartland. Back in the Soviet days, before mega malls and hyper-stores became prominent features across Russia’s 11 time zones, communist shoppers were forced to choose merchandise that was locked away behind display cases. A clerk would write down the price of each desired item and the shopper would take the piece of paper to the cashier, pay for the merchandise and then return to the salesperson with proof of purchase. Only then would the beetroot, bread and vodka be handed over. Times they are a changin’. Incredibly, and not a little ironically, the United States seems to be heading for such a grim, dystopian shopping experience. The Wall Street Journal confirmed shoppers’ worst fears when they reported in a recent article, “stores have fewer workers than they used to, and are resorting to keeping more of their products locked up.” In modern America, the need to lock up merchandise is due to flash mob heists that are costing retailers millions of dollars each year, while threatening the very existence of the big-box and small-box merchandisers. The National Retail Federation (NRF) estimates that these incidents cost companies about $700,000 for every $1 billion in sales.
by Robert Bridge
Anti-Defamation League Sued For $25 Million By Patriot Group In Landmark Filing
Disabled Navy veteran John Sabal, founder and President of The Patriot Voice, has filed a $25M lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) alleging defamation and injurious falsehood. The ADL listed Sabal in its “Glossary of Extremists” which includes known terrorists Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Dylann Roof, and Brenton Terrant, the Christchurch Shooter While the organization claims ADL’s goal is to “fight all forms of antisemitism and bias, using innovation and partnerships to drive impact,” it has increasingly been accused of partisanship smears against targets on the political right. The Patriot Voice hosts events county that brings together dynamic speakers and grassroots activists who love God and this country with a stated goal to “ensure that all who attend will leave the events with new hope for this country and its future, and with a new vigor and passion to go home and get involved in their respective communities.” Prior featured speakers have included James O’Keefe, General Michael Flynn, Senator Wendy Rogers, Jim Caviezel and more.
by Margaret Flavin
Finally, Conclusive Proof! Michelle Obama Really Is Big Mike
Bombshell Photo Surfaces of a Young Barack Obama with Big Mike Where Big Mike = Michelle Obama
First, look closely at this photo of Barack Obama with his arm around Big Mike during the Mikhail Gorbachev years (1985-1991). Obama would be around 24 or 25 years old. Now take a closer look at Big Mike below posing as Michelle Obama, author of “Becoming” (becoming a woman?!), in 2013. Next, click on the above photo to greatly enlarge it. Now take a real close look at the teeth. Compare the 2 teeth in both photos beginning with the big incisor tooth on the right. See how it slightly overlaps the tooth to the right of it IN BOTH PHOTOGRAPHS. For those who cannot view clearly those 2 concerned contiguous teeth, please observe the obvious overlap in the following photo. Also, notice that the canine tooth on the right side is significantly pointing inward just as it is in the photograph of Big Mike at the top of this post.
by The Armchair Anatomist
Honeybees Are More Selective In Their Choices For Nutrition Than Previously Thought
Honeybees have been considered generalists when selecting flowering plants; in other words, they can use a wide range of different plants. However, recent research has shown that honeybees are quite selective. “Honeybees choose certain plants as their food resources, and these choices differ among time points and, within a time point, even among bee colonies within the same apiary. As an example, at a time point, a colony would collect nectar and pollen mainly from different plants,” says Helena Wirta, a researcher from the faculty of Forestry and Agriculture at the University of Helsinki. “Based on our results, honeybees are more selective than assumed, using only a fraction of available plants. Thus, to fulfill its nutritional needs, it is likely to need a wide selection of plants from which to select suitable ones.” The paper is published in the journal Scientific Reports.
by University of Helsinki
October 4, 2023, 40 Posts Published
“The only thing people know about Hitler, is that he killed 6 million Jews who never existed,
in gas chambers which nobody ever saw. That is all. That is the only thing people know about Hitler.”
French Jewish Professor Roger Dommergue
French Jewish Professor Roger Dommergue Defends Ernst Zundel (28:02)
Big Pharma Archive With 3,124 Posts
Archbishop Viganò: Catholics Must Seriously Consider The Possibility That Francis Isn’t The Pope
We must ‘take seriously, very seriously, the possibility that Bergoglio intended to obtain the election by means of fraud… in order to do the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ gave a mandate to Saint Peter and his Successors to do.’
(LifeSiteNews) –– Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has released the following statement on the ongoing theological debate over the status of Pope Francis and the papacy. In many ways, this is his most pointed criticism yet. His Excellency argues that given the devastation caused by “Jorge Mario Bergoglio” on the universal Church — which stems from his embrace of the “cancer” of Vatican II — and given the role the Saint Gallen mafia played in the 2013 conclave, Pope Francis does not have and never did have the intention of serving as the head of the Catholic Church. Rather he hid his intentions from electors with the end goal of using the authority of the papacy to undermine the Church and to make it the “handmaid” of the New World Order. “I believe instead that his acceptance of the papacy is invalidated, because he considers the papacy something other than what it is,” Viganò remarks. He continues: “I would like us to take seriously … the possibility that Bergoglio intended to obtain the election by means of fraud, and that he intended to abuse the authority of the Roman Pontiff in order to do the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ gave a mandate to Saint Peter.” The Archbishop also states that he disagrees with Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s view that “universal acceptance” of Francis as the pope makes him the pope. His Excellency points to the historical example of Clement VII in the 14th century to support his argument. While admitting the current situation is “humanly irremediable,” his goal in publishing the letter is to “get to the root of the question” and to find a common starting point that can lead to a “remedy [to] the disconcerting, scandalous presence of a pope who presents himself with ostentatious arrogance as inimicus Ecclesiæ, and who acts and speaks as such.”
by LifeSiteNews Staff
Washington On The Knife Edge
Will faltering support for the Ukrainian cause at home and failures on the battlefield make the uniparty warmongers reconsider?
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has gone from hero to zero in the space of a few months. The mélange of Western military equipment, from tanks to missiles, in the hands of courageous but unprepared and poorly led Ukrainian conscripts has failed to improve Ukrainian battlefield performance. The resulting hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians killed and wounded are reportedly inducing thousands of exhausted Ukrainian soldiers to surrender. Ukrainian soldiers are tired of dying, and their feelings are justified. Russian military power rests on the systematic integration of strike assets—rockets, missiles, artillery, drones, and aircraft—with space- and terrestrial-based persistent surveillance. Once Russian forces halted their advance and established a defense in depth in eastern Ukraine, the Russians’ accurate, devastating firepower began swatting the attacking Ukrainian ground and air forces like flies. In the words of a Ukrainian military official, “The sheer number of drones operating in Ukraine, as well as battle-management systems that provide real-time imaging and locations, mean that troops and tanks out in the open have just minutes before they’re targeted.”
by Douglas Macgregor
Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor October 2, 2023 (25:17)
Creation Of Multipolar World Inevitable, Necessary – Putin
The creation of a multipolar world, more honest and fair for the majority of people, is inevitable and historically necessary, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated, addressing the Third International Olympiad on Financial Security in the Sirius federal territory near Sochi on Wednesday, October 4. “The process of building a multipolar world order – more democratic, more honest, fair for the majority of mankind – is simply inevitable and historically necessary. This fully applies to the creation of strong economic foundations of such a world order,” Putin stressed. In addition, the Russian president emphasized that those who seize other people’s assets are apparently not exceptionally intelligent. During his speech, Putin spoke about a joint project between a number of central banks in Asia and the Middle East that allows them to issue and exchange digital currencies. “That is, no third party has any possibility for abuse and for interfering with payments. Including blocking, for example, a transaction, arresting accounts, appropriating someone else’s money or assets. And this, unfortunately, happens in the modern world. These are very young people sitting here. But I can tell you that such things are done by self-confident adults, uncles and aunts, who, apparently, are not very clever, if they commit such erroneous actions that ultimately harm themselves,” the president stressed.
by Sputnik
Zelensky Should Have Stayed Home
Visit to attend the United Nations General Assembly and meet Biden turns out badly
Most Americans do not understand how the United Nations functions, or does not function as the case might be, preferring to think of it as some kind of debating society where the 193 member nations representing the world community can vent over issues that they rarely have control over. Nevertheless, in spite of the torrent of words and the lack of any real program, it is always interesting to watch and listen to the UN’s annual General Assembly meeting, which is held in New York during September. This year’s meeting was particularly interesting as it came complete with a major war blazing in Eastern Europe as well as political turmoil in Africa and rising tension with China. It also features the rumblings coming from a new emerging global economic movement, the so-called BRICS developing as a champion of a multipolar-world currency challenge to the US-European dollar dominated international monetary and banking system.
by Philip Giraldi
2 Scientists Awarded Nobel Prize For Medicine Yesterday – Jewish Weissman And Hungarian Kariko
AP: “Karikó and Weissman win Nobel Prize in medicine for work that enabled mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.” Back in June, I wrote about Weissman celebrated as “Jewish Scientist Who Developed New Vaccine ‘Saved the World’” Long before, in March 2022, I was noticing Weissman: Covert Covid Jews II. Now he and co-scientist (but not co-religionist) Kariko have been awarded the Nobel for Medicine. I am hardly surprised. The Nobel Prize has long been corrupted to commercial, political and racial interests. This paragraph from Whitney Webb on Epstein casts dire doubt on the Nobel Prize selection: “Recent revelations about Gates and Epstein meetings that took place between 2013 and 2014 have further underscored the importance Epstein apparently held in the world of billionaire “philanthropy,” with Gates reportedly claiming that Epstein was his ticket to winning a Nobel Prize. Norwegian media, however, reported in October 2020 that Gates and Epstein had met the Nobel Committee chair, which failed to make a splash in international media at the time. It is worth asking if Epstein managed to arrange such meetings with other individuals who also coveted Nobel Prizes and if any such individuals later received those prizes. If Epstein had such connections, it is unlikely that he would use them only once in the case of Bill Gates, given the vastness of his network, particularly in the tech and science worlds.”
by Karl Haemers
This Is Not Freedom, America: The Profit Incentives Driving The American Police State
Pay no heed to the circus politics coming out of Washington DC. It’s just more of the same grandstanding by tone-deaf politicians oblivious to the plight of the citizenry. Don’t allow yourselves to be distracted by the competing news headlines cataloging the antics of the ruling classes. While they are full of sound and fury, they are utterly lacking in substance. Tune out the blaring noise of meaningless babble. It is intended to drown out the very real menace of a government which is consumed with squeezing every last penny out of the population. Focus instead on the steady march of the police state at both the national, state and local levels, and the essential freedoms that are being trampled underfoot in its single-minded pursuit of power. While the overt and costly signs of the despotism exercised by the increasingly authoritarian regime that passes itself off as the United States government are all around us-warrantless surveillance of Americans’ private phone and email conversations by the FBI, NSA, etc.; SWAT team raids of Americans’ homes; shootings of unarmed citizens by police; harsh punishments meted out to schoolchildren in the name of zero tolerance; drones taking to the skies domestically; endless wars; out-of-control spending; militarized police; roadside strip searches; privatized prisons with a profit incentive for jailing Americans; fusion centers that collect and disseminate data on Americans’ private transactions; and militarized agencies with stockpiles of ammunition, to name some of the most appalling-you rarely hear anything about them from the politicians, the corporations or the news media. So what’s behind the blackout of real news?
by John and Nisha Whitehead
War Fatigue Complicates West’s Aid To Ukraine
A pall of gloom descended on Europe as the long-feared uncertainty set in over the weekend as to how long would the collective West underwrite the proxy war in Ukraine. To lift their sagging spirit, some European foreign ministers impromptu took the train to Kiev to spend Monday with President Zelensky. It was an extraordinary sight of defiance of the call of destiny, as the war passed the 19-month mark. A deal in Washington that averted government shutdown for now but cut funding for Kiev; the Polish election campaign in which the ruling Law and Justice party, until recently one of Ukraine’s staunchest supporters, has toyed with various measures such as questioning more arms deliveries and blocking agri-products from its neighbour in order to court voters; and, the stunning parliamentary election results in Slovakia catapulting a pro-Russian left-wing political party to power and signalling the first true political embodiment of “Ukraine fatigue” — suddenly, the West’s mantra of being by Ukraine’s side “for as long as it takes” feels seriously open to question.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Ukraine War: Not About NATO? (3:00)
by Matt Orfalea
Killing Lebanon To Punish Syria
No country can survive without its sole land connection to markets, trade, and connectivity corridors, but the US will see Beirut collapse before allowing Damascus back in.
As only one of two Levantine states flanking the Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon’s geographic location is of great interest to the various road, rail, and waterway connectivity projects emerging in West Asia – not only in connecting the region, but as a bridge between Asia and Europe. A second look, however, reveals a massive land access problem for Lebanon, which can only be reached via the territories of Syria and Occupied Palestine. Clearly then, for Lebanon to actively participate in West Asian connectivity initiatives, it must establish robust links with either of these two countries. Following the 1948 Nakba, the Palestine land route had effectively been severed due to Israel’s occupation and regional legislation. In 1954, the League of Arab States drafted a unified law for boycotting Israel, and a year later, Lebanon enacted the Boycott of Israel Law, prohibiting any transactions with Israeli entities. Article 285 of Lebanon’s Penal Code stipulates that:
by Mohamad Hasan Sweidan
Two Syrian Soldiers Wounded By Israeli Airstrikes In Syria’s Deir Ezzor
The strike marks at least the 25th Israeli bombing of Syria this year
At least two Syrian soldiers were wounded in an Israeli airstrike in Syria’s eastern Deir Ezzor province late Monday night, Syrian state media reported. “At approximately 11:50 pm today, Monday 10/2/2023, the Israeli enemy carried out an air attack on some of our armed forces positions in the vicinity of the city of Deir Ezzor,” a military source told SANA news agency. The source said on top of the two wounded soldiers, there was some material damage. No details were provided on what the Israeli strikes targeted. The strike marks at least the 25th time Israel bombed Syria this year. The Deir Ezzor province is partially controlled by the Syrian government. To the east of the Euphrates River, the province is occupied by US forces and the US-backed Kurdish-led SDF. In recent weeks, the SDF has been fighting against Arab tribes who oppose Kurdish rule in the region.
by Dave DeCamp
ADL Folds, Agrees To Advertise On X
Almost exactly a month to the date of Elon Musk threatening to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), it appears the advocacy group has had a change of mind. ADL alleged Mr Musk has failed to clamp down on hate speech on the social media platform since his takeover last year, allowing disinformation to proliferate – something Mr Musk strongly denies. Our US advertising revenue is still down 60%, primarily due to pressure on advertisers by @ADL (that’s what advertisers tell us), so they almost succeeded in killing X/Twitter! – Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 4, 2023. Which left Musk with no choice… To clear our platform’s name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League … oh the irony! – Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 4, 2023. But now, perhaps with the threat of discovery looming (and fighting a legal battle against the man with the deepest pockets in the world), ADL has made the decision to back down from the ‘Twitter is full of hate and no one should advertise there’ narrative to a ‘well, it’s not that bad and we are going to advertise to help save the world’ narrative.
by Tyler Durden
Like A Rogue Nation, Japan Releases Its Nuclear Garbage Without Concern For Its Neighbors Or People
Editor’s Note: The commencement of the second phase of dumping nuclear-contaminated wastewater from Fukushima is scheduled for October 5. Despite widespread opposition both domestically and internationally, Japan has insisted on its dumping plan.What could countries do during the planned discharge of nuclear-contaminated water during the next 30-40 years? Einar Tangen (Tangen), a senior fellow of the Beijing-based think tank Taihe Institute, founder and chairman of China Cities Bluebook Consulting and former chairman of the State of Wisconsin’s International Trade Council, shared his insights with Global Times (GT) reporter Li Aixin. GT: You have been opposing Japan’s dumping of the nuclear-contaminated water into the sea and you said that this is basically throwing garbage on the front lawn of the Pacific Islands. People from countries around the Pacific have been the main force opposing Japan’s dumping plan. Why did we fail to stop Japan? Tangen: Japan seems concerned only about its internal politics and short-term costs, but there seems to be a massive misunderstanding in terms of what the Japanese people want. The mainstay of the Japanese people is seafood. It’s not only that they’ve thrown garbage out onto the front lawn of the South Pacific, but they’ve also done so in their own backyard.
by Global Times
Ukraine Fatigue Is Worrying NATO Elites – And So They Should Be
On both sides of the Atlantic, there is now discernible fatigue and anger among citizens over NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.
On both sides of the Atlantic, there is now discernible fatigue and anger among citizens over the bottomless money pit that is NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. The only wonder is that it has taken so long for the Western public to get wise to the scam. The disgraceful adulation of a Nazi war criminal by the whole Canadian parliament in a perverse show of solidarity with Ukraine against Russia has helped focus public attention on the obscenity of the NATO proxy war. All told, since the NATO-induced conflict blew up in February last year, the American and European establishments have thrown up to €200 billion into Ukraine to prop up an odious Nazi-infested regime. All that largesse that is billed to U.S. and European taxpayers has resulted in a slaughter in Europe not seen since the Second World War – and a failed Ukrainian state. And of course huge profits for the NATO military-industrial complex that bankrolls the elite politicians.
by Finian Cunningham
EMJ Live #43: The Holocaust Narrative Unravels In Canada But Not In The Catholic Church (1:03:06)
Dr. Jones gives us a breakdown of recent hypocritical Canadian political scandals.
by E. Michael Jones
Learned Helplessness
The front-page article in the Washington Post featured photographs of happy dogs. Over a year after being rescued from Michael Vick’s dog fighting operation most of the pit bulls had been rehabilitated and many adopted. My godson informed me one of the dogs in the photographs was not a pit bull but a greyhound. The article made no mention of the greyhound. It is remarkable that a greyhound appeared in the photo because greyhounds suffer a similar fate. Dog fighting and dog racing both involve prize money and gambling. Vick’s pit bulls were bred to fight and those that lost or would not fight were destroyed. Dogs were beaten, shot, hanged, drowned, and electrocuted. The dogs were fighting for their lives. Greyhounds are bred to run for their lives. When an injury or age slows their speed a dogs days are numbered. Thousands of dogs are bred but only a few survive and their racing careers are short. According to The Humane Society of the United States “in 2003 alone, an estimated 7,500 to 20,000 greyhounds were euthanized simply because they could not run fast enough.” Dog racing is legal in almost every part of the nation. The Humane Society reports there are greyhound tracks in 15 states with 16 tracks operating in Florida.
by Hugh Turley
Genocide: Government Reports And Pfizer Documents Reveal A Sinister Agenda Exists To Depopulate The Planet Through COVID Vaccination
If an experimental vaccine were to damage the heart and immune system in a significant number of individuals who received it, it is possible that it could lead to a decline in the overall population size. This could occur for several reasons. First, damage to the heart could lead to an increase in cardiovascular diseases, which are a leading cause of mortality worldwide. This could result in a higher number of deaths among individuals who received the vaccine. Second, damage to the immune system could leave individuals more susceptible to other infections and diseases, which could also contribute to an increase in mortality. Last, but by no means least, the negative impacts of the vaccine on fertility and reproductive health could lead to a decline in the number of births, further contributing to a decline in the overall population size. If such a vaccine were to be developed and distributed, it could potentially lead to depopulation due to increased mortality and decreased fertility. Unfortunately, the world has found itself in a situation where powerful institutions and Governments have coerced millions of people into getting an experimental Covid-19 vaccine that causes all of the ill-fated things mentioned above. Official Government reports and confidential Pfizer documents prove it.
by The Exposé
Prominent Israeli Settler Says Spitting On Christians ‘Ancient Jewish Custom’
Israeli settler activist Elisha Yered, who is suspected of involvement in the killing of Palestinian teen Qosai Mi’tan, made the comment amid a rise in incidents of Jews spitting on or near Christian worshippers in Jerusalem’s Old City
Israeli settler Elisha Yered, who is suspected of involvement in the killing of Palestinian teen Qosai Mi’tan, wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday that spitting at Christians is “an ancient Jewish custom.” The comment comes amid several incidents of Jews spitting on or near Christian worshippers in Jerusalem’s Old City , which were filmed on Sunday and Monday. This gives more evidence to the fact that these attacks have become widespread. Tens of thousands of Jews joined in events and prayers for the Sukkot holiday in recent days, during which many of the spitting incidents were recorded. Most of the individuals filmed in the act were Jewish youths who spat on church buildings or at Christian worshipers they encountered.
Reposted from Ha’aretz
A Way Of Life Worth Saving (Text and Videos)
Outstanding Town Hall Presentation Explains How the WEF Is Taking Over Every Town In America And What To Do About It
Despite what they desperately want you to believe, we are NOT equal partners with our elected officials, they WORK FOR and SERVE, We The People. Full Stop. Period. The end.
Above is the life that the globalists are dismantling. The collective dark triad that runs this world has an infinite hatred for mankind, and they are going all-in to exterminate – with extreme prejudice – all of the things that bring us joy: love, laughter, family, friendship, children, pets, good food, warmth, shelter, happiness. These are not a bunch of boy-scouts we are dealing with, rather they are a group of satanic psychotic Machiavellian narcissists that cannot be reasoned with. The suffering they inflict warms their hearts like being with our family warms ours. If they get their way – and please believe that this is no exaggeration—they are evil incarnate – your life will be defined by pure misery: torture, rape, starvation, pain, pestilence, isolation, desperation, humiliation. This will not be permitted in their new world disorder.
by TriTorch
Tucker Episode 27 With Victor Davis Hanson (33:27)
Non-Aligned Nations Reject Use Of Force Against Countries On Pretext Of Fighting Terror
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) condemns all forms of terrorism, but war on terror must not be used as a pretext to use force against countries, a statement issued by the group says.
The statement was read by Iran’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations Zahra Ershadi on behalf of the movement before the Sixth Committee of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on “Measures to eliminate international terrorism” on Monday. “The Non-Aligned Movement unequivocally rejects terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, as well as all acts, methods, and practices of terrorism wherever, by whomever, against whomsoever committed,” the statement said. “The Non-Aligned Movement rejects actions and measures, the use or threat of use of force, imposed or threatened to be imposed, by any State against any Non-Aligned Member Country under the pretext of combating terrorism or to pursue its political aims, including by directly or indirectly categorizing them as terrorism sponsoring-States,” it added.
by PressTV
Harder Than Gold, Faster Than Fiat
French Emperor Napoleon III would use a unique set of aluminum cutlery only for his most honored dinner guests. Normal guests had to contend with gold utensils. In the middle of the 19th century, aluminum was more scarce and desirable than even gold. As a result, aluminum bullion bars found a place among the national treasures of France, and aluminum jewelry became a symbol of the French aristocracy. Aluminum, known by its atomic number 13 on the periodic table, is a ubiquitous element, yet it mainly exists intertwined in complex chemical compounds and not in its metallic state. The complex procedure of transforming aluminum compounds into pure aluminum metal was costly, making aluminum harder to produce than gold. The aluminum price at the time reflected that. In 1852, aluminum hovered around $37 per ounce, significantly more expensive than gold at $20.67 per ounce. But aluminum’s fate was about to take a dramatic turn towards the end of the 19th century. A monumental discovery in 1886 made it possible to produce pure aluminum on an enormous scale at a fraction of the previous cost.
by Nick Giambruno
EU Incites Ukrainian Conflict And Stigmatizes Peace Talks – Hungarian Foreign Minister
BUDAPEST (Sputnik) – The world outside Europe does not share its position on the Ukraine conflict and does not understand European double standards applied to conflicts in other parts of the planet, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said. “I can say that the world outside Europe is already really looking forward to the end of this war, because they do not understand many things. They do not understand, for example, how it can be that when a war is not in Europe, the European Union, looking down with fantastic moral superiority, calls on the parties to peace, advocates negotiations and an immediate end to violence. However, when there is a war in Europe, the European Union incites the conflict and supplies weapons, and anyone who talks about peace is immediately stigmatized,” Szijjarto said in an interview on Monday. He also said that other countries do not understand why Europe “has made this conflict global” and why people living in Asia, Africa and Latin America have to pay for it due to growing inflation, energy prices and unstable food supplies. Szijjarto added that Hungary’s position on the issue is treated with “great respect” outside the EU, which he was witnessing more than once during the UN General Assembly.
by Sputnik
Someone Wants ‘The War To Continue’
At times, Ukraine has been unwilling to negotiate an end to the ongoing war with Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has gone so far as to issue a decree banning negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. At other times, Russia has given up on negotiating. In a press conference at the United Nations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov lamented, if you insist “’on the battlefield’—well, let it be on the battlefield.” And at times, Ukraine and Russia have been willing to negotiate with each other. The United States, though, has at no time been willing to negotiate. Instead, an administration that promised the world “a new era of relentless diplomacy” has delivered an unhappy pattern of obstructing negotiations.
by Ted Snider
Las Vegas Shooting: Lies Persist Six Years On (24:37)
…but the lies tell us important truth about our government, media, and current political “heroes”.
by The David Knight Show
NYC Professor Who Threatened New York Post Reporter With Machete Avoids Jail With Sweetheart Plea Deal
A NYC college professor who held a machete to a New York Post reporter’s neck and threatened to “chop” him, avoided jail with a sweetheart plea deal. Shellyne Rodrigeuz, 46, will avoid jail and most likely won’t even have a criminal record for holding a machete to NY Post reporter Reuven Fenton’s neck back in May. The sweetheart plea deal includes a pathetic six months of therapy offered by corrupt prosecutors in the Bronx. This after all is New York, so it isn’t surprising such insanity is taking place in the justice system. Shellyne Rodriguez, 46, will dodge jail time and won’t even have a criminal record if she makes it through as little as six months in therapy under the terms of her sweetheart deal with Bronx prosecutors.
by David Greyson
Gavin Newsom Throws Dart At Board Covered In Black Lesbians To Select Next Senator
SACRAMENTO, CA — California Governor Gavin Newsom announced this week he had selected recently-deceased Senator Dianne Feinstein’s replacement by throwing a dart at a board full of pre-selected photos of black lesbian women. “We had binders full of black lesbian women we were just waiting to use,” Governor Newsom told reporters. “I really didn’t know much about them other than they were, of course, black, and also lesbian. This one, what’s her name? Lalapalooza or something? Yeah, whatever. She’s fine.” Newsom was seen staring at a large board in his office put together by staffers displaying dozens of photos of black lesbian women before turning around and launching a dart over his shoulder. Without looking back he told his staff he was happy with his pick.
by Babylon Bee
The “Final War”
As America marches toward the Inflationary Depression of ’26-’28, the last battle looms large…
Maybe even TIME magazine will try to understand what has happened, with a cover story: “America: What Went Wrong.” Talk shows will include experts with explanations. Some will say that Americans were always hellbent. They’ll recall everything from the massacre at Wounded Knee to Nagasaki, arguing that a ‘Final War’ was inevitable. Others will claim the Democrats got a bee in their bonnets; all they could think about was sexual perversions and racism…(didn’t they appoint a White House press secretary…and then a Senator from California…simply because they were Black lesbians?). Still others will say that it was the Republicans, with their election denials and ‘wannabe dictator,’ who were to blame…or neo-liberalism…or immigration…AI….climate change…whatever. Even as late as 2023, the USA still had a chance. It still could have renounced its empire and its sanctions, balanced its budget, trimmed its transfer payments…recalled its troops…and extended a hand of friendship to all who would take it. Yes, it would have been rough for a year or two…disposing of trillions of dollars’ worth of unpayable debt. But it would have avoided a total breakdown of the US economy and its government. Americans would never have had to watch their country lose another major war and turn into a banana republic, sh*thole country.
by Bill Bonner
Mysterious And Unexplained Deaths Of Scientists
The West is showing that it has more than a dirty arm up its sleeve when it comes to bizarre fatalities. Concerns are being expressed at the baffling coincidental deaths, suicides or disappearances of ten highly placed whistleblowers whose revelations about the BP Gulf oil spill might have consequences more dire than the spill itself. There are so many unexplained deaths suggesting foul play that perhaps an online cemetery might be arranged to honor their sacrifice too. The roll call would list those whose positions in state or conglomerate employment tend to make them as unique as their unfortunate departure from life. America’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) is otherwise known as Star Wars: It is at the cutting edge of space warfare technology. British input is essential to its success. You do not get to work for SDI unless you are world-class in your scientific vocation so when 22 of its leading researchers die in mysterious circumstances most of us would think twice about applying for a job there.
by Michael Walsh
Leon Degrelle – The Story Of The Waffen SS (1:21:58)
Americans Slowly Start To Figure Out The Myth Of “Authority”
The mainstream media is lamenting that the American citizens (slave class) are figuring out that authority is a myth. Dropping the belief that someone has the right to rule them is starting in the form of no longer trusting the science given by the rulers to control everyone else. In an opinion piece by the New York Times, Americans are “losing trust” when it comes to the science given to them by their masters. It’s all become too much to believe anymore and even the most devout statists are questioning some things. Dr. Mandy Cohen, who is the new director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, aims to rebuild trust in that troubled agency at a moment when COVID-19 cases are rising again and the Biden administration has begun a new vaccine campaign. She’s currently on a propaganda tour to try to win the minds of the slave class.
by Mac Slavo
Will The Pentagon’s Techno-Fantasies Pave The Way For War With China?
On August 28th, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks chose the occasion of a three-day conference organized by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), the arms industry’s biggest trade group, to announce the “Replicator Initiative.” Among other things, it would involve producing “swarms of drones” that could hit thousands of targets in China on short notice. Call it the full-scale launching of techno-war. Her speech to the assembled arms makers was yet another sign that the military-industrial complex (MIC) President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about more than 60 years ago is still alive, all too well, and taking a new turn. Call it the MIC for the digital age. Hicks described the goal of the Replicator Initiative this way: “To stay ahead [of China], we’re going to create a new state of the art… leveraging attritable, autonomous systems in all domains which are less expensive, put fewer people at risk, and can be changed, upgraded, or improved with substantially shorter lead times… We’ll counter the PLA’s [People’s Liberation Army’s] with mass of our own, but ours will be harder to plan for, harder to hit, and harder to beat.”
by William D Hartung
Sam Altman Says He Intends To Replace Normal People With AI
“Comparing AI to even the idea of median or average humans is a bit offensive.”
That’s one way to talk about other human beings. As writer Elizabeth Weil notes in a new profile of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman in New York Magazine, the powerful AI executive has a disconcerting penchant for using the term “median human,” a phrase that seemingly equates to a robotic tech bro version of “Average Joe.” Altman’s hope is that artificial general intelligence (AGI) will have roughly the same intelligence as a “median human that you could hire as a co-worker.” It’s a disconcerting assertion, considering that it really sounds like Altman is looking to replace the work of normal people with a not-yet-realized AGI. And according to Insider, it’s not even the first time he’s said as much. In a 2022 interview on the Lex Fridman podcast, Altman explained that this theoretical AI would be able to “do anything that you’d be happy with a remote coworker doing just behind a computer, which includes learning how to go be a doctor, learning how to go be a very competent coder.”
by Maggie Harrison
The Rebellion Is Alive – Matt Gaetz Succeeds, Kevin McCarthy Has Been Removed As House Speaker
In a historic first the House of Representatives has voted to remove Kevin McCarthy from his position as Speaker of the House. Kevin McCarthy is officially removed. Democrats joined with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and his small group of conservative allies to vote to strip Kevin McCarthy of his gavel Tuesday. It’s unclear who would succeed McCarthy long term, though his allies expect he will try to run for speaker again. Eight Republicans voted against McCarthy: Reps. Eli Crane (Ariz.), Ken Buck (Colo.), Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Matt Rosendale (Mont.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Bob Good (Va.), Nancy Mace (S.C.) and Tim Burchett (Tenn.). Three House leaders have been floated as potential long-term replacements: Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.), Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) and Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.). All three have disavowed any interest in replacing McCarthy — a reality that could change now that the Californian is officially out
by Sundance
October 3, 2023, 40 Posts Published
“A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others.
Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love.”
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Ukraine Archive With 540 Posts
What Really Happened In Lahaina (51:55)
by Parasyke TV
What’s Behind The Sudden US Goodwill Towards Iran?
The recent Washington-Tehran prisoner swap and unfreezing of assets is likely linked to the coveted Saudi-Israeli normalization
In what proved to be a domestically controversial move, the US government approved the release of five prisoners held in Iran in return for releasing five Iranian detainees and billions of previously frozen assets. However, in the aftermath of the agreement between Tehran and Washington, the White House’s primary focus seems to be centered around securing a Saudi-Israeli deal rather than working on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).As revealed by the anonymous diplomatic sources of The Cradle, in addition to other tidbits released in US media, the US-Iran prisoner swap appears to have been much more than meets the eye. The informal agreement, according to these anonymous sources, encompassed freezing Iranian uranium enrichment at 60% and permitting the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to install cameras at several nuclear sites. On the other hand, the US’ concessions included disregarding Iranian oil sales – in essence, refraining from enforcing sanctions – and allowing all Iranian assets to be released, reportedly amounting to roughly $20 billion. This is well over the widely reported $6 billion touted in the international press.
by Robert Inlakesh
Russia Raises Military Budget For 2024 By 70%: What Does This Mean? (Text and Video)
It is always a pleasure to have an on-air chat with WION, the premier English-language global broadcaster of India. Yesterday was especially so when their program host posed a series of very relevant questions about the just announced Russian military budget for 2024 showing a 70% increase in spending over the current year. Naturally, one wonders about Russia’s intentions: how will these new funds be spent? On which weapons systems? What kind of message is Russia sending to the West by this increase? How will the increased military spending impact on social spending within Russia or, put another way, are guns and butter a sustainable political course? In this introduction, I will not telescope my answers. I am hopeful that readers will open the link below and follow the logic set out therein.
by Gilbert Doctorow
How Great Is Our Economy If The Bottom 50%’s Share Of The Nation’s Wealth Has Plummeted Since 2009?
Something has been going very wrong in the US economy for a very long time, and whatever is going wrong accelerated from 2009 to the present.
Data hound that I am, I decided to explore the FRED database for charts that would confirm his no-doubt sincerely issued claim that “The fact that working-class wealth has been recovering as a share of America’s total wealth for a decade, even as every group has increased its wealth, says that something is going right in the U.S. economy.” What I found is the exact opposite of his claim: the bottom 50%’s share of total assets and financial assets have fallen sharply since 2009. In the greatest expansion of net worth / assets / wealth in US history, the bottom 50%’s share of this massive expansion of wealth has declined by 25%. Rather than increase as Noah claimed, the working class’s share of America’s total wealth has plummeted. Let’s look at the data, as depicted on the FRED charts. Let’s start with the chart Noah referenced, which does indeed show the wealth (net worth) of the bottom 50% rising smartly over the past decade, from a nadir of less than $1 trillion to $3.6 trillion in 2023:
by Charles Hugh Smith
Operation Trojan Horse: The Most Destructive And Naked Act Of Treason In U.S. History
Perpetrated By An Extremely Deceitful POTUS Imposter, His Plotting Administration Of Traitors, And A Betraying Congress Of Turncoats
It does not get any more dangerous and deadly for the American Republic than OPERATION TROJAN HORSE. Here’s why: KEY POINTS: Operation Gladio uses the open borders to sneak across terrorists cells who will then carry out false flag terrorist attacks upon being triggered by their CIA handlers. Gladio is steadily and surreptitiously building a secret army of foreign mercenaries, criminals, terrorists and other soldiers-of-fortune in every major city in America. Just as Syria was overwhelmed by Gladio-directed terrorist groups practically overnight, these strategically positioned terror cells are being readied to spring into action once the Deep State traitors push the button on the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution (aka CIVIL WAR 2.0). Operation Gladio is the terrorist arm of NATO often known as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization.
by A Veteran Intelligence Analyst And Former U.S. Military Officer
French Jewish Professor Roger Dommergue Defends Ernst Zundel (28:02)
Saudi Nukes: A Desire For Energy, Weapons, Or Just Leverage?
Riyadh’s pursuit of civilian nuclear energy is fast becoming regarded as a geopolitical strategy to influence the US, exert leverage over Iran and Israel, and explore potential partnerships with Russia and China.
Saudi Arabia’s pursuit of a civilian nuclear energy program has recently taken a controversial turn, fueled by alternative offers from Russia and China to develop the Persian Gulf state’s nuclear facilities. Earlier this year, Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman drew global attention to his country’s nuclear intentions by announcing that Riyadh intends to enrich domestically sourced uranium to bolster its renewable energy industry. While this may appear to be a purely energy-focused endeavor on the surface, it is increasingly being viewed as a geopolitical maneuver by the kingdom to extract a defense security pact from Washington in return for the normalization of Saudi relations with Israel. Aware of its increased leverage gained from improved ties with the Russians and Chinese, Riyadh is using the momentum to extract as many benefits as possible, reportedly seeking access to the most advanced US military technology, including a military alliance with Washington and US approval for the enrichment of uranium for civilian purposes. However, the Americans have been adamant about imposing restrictions on the kingdom’s uranium enrichment activities, in great part due to deep Israeli reservations about Riyadh’s nuclear aspirations.
by Stasa Salacanin
Now There Is Evidence The FBI Planned The January 6 Operation And Planted Documents Days Earlier That Were Later Used Against Innocent Americans
In February of this year, The Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuovo wrote about a shocking development in the US government’s case against the Proud Boys. It was discovered that the Government itself was the author of the mysterious “1776 Returns” document. The 1776 Returns document is the title of a 9-page paper that outlined strategic plans for the takeover of US government buildings on January 6, 2021. It was confirmed in court that the FBI was behind the document and an FBI operative was the author of the document. The mysterious document was sent unsolicited to Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio’s Telegram right before January 6th by a “love interest” named Erika Flores. FDA Approves “Emergency Use” Of Experimental Vaccines – Is It Time To Stockpile Critical Medications Before The Government Restricts Them Again? Flores reportedly testified to the January 6th Committee that A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL was the author of the entirety of the “1776 Returns” and that this FBI and CIA member or associate asked her to share it with Tarrio! Tarrio was charged with Seditious Conspiracy and was later found guilty along with four fellow members of the Proud Boys. Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in federal prison for planning the entire “seditious conspiracy.” We now know that it was the FBI who was behind the conspiracy.
by Jim Hoft
Rep. Gaetz Files Motion To Oust McCarthy Amid Ukraine Aid Questions
Gaetz asked if McCarthy made a secret side deal with Biden on Ukraine aid
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Monday night filed a resolution to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) after questioning if the House GOP leader cut a secret deal with the White House on Ukraine aid. A motion to vacate the speakership is considered a privileged resolution, giving it priority over other issues. McCarthy has two legislative days to schedule the resolution for a vote, although there are procedural mechanisms the speaker and his supporters could delay the vote or even potentially block it. A resolution to oust McCarthy would require a simple majority. Since a handful of House Republicans have signaled that they would vote yes on the motion, McCarthy may need support from Democrats to maintain his speakership. No House Speaker has ever been removed through a motion to vacate.
by Dave DeCamp
The Next Step: Howling Like Dogs (6:35)
Roughly 1,000 people gathered at a railroad station in Berlin to howl, growl, and bark like dogs. Shocking? Perhaps, but it shouldn’t be. It’s an obvious next step in our acceptance of indecency, degeneracy, and lived falsehood.
by Sarah Cain
When US Accuses China On Information Dominance, It’s Like Uncle Sam Talking About Itself
The hypocrisy of the US is on full display in its newly-released report on China, while Washington’s anxiety on its own capability to dominate public opinion is also bubbling. The report, launched by the US Department of State on Thursday local time, is called “How The People’s Republic Of China Seeks To Reshape The Global Information Environment.” And the first reaction of the most readers is – isn’t the report about the US itself? The report focuses on accusing China of information manipulation via propaganda, disinformation, and censorship in an attempt to seek information dominance globally. Yet it sounds more like a portrayal of Uncle Sam himself when he is looking at the mirror, and then makes it about China, Shen Yi, a professor at Fudan University, told the Global Times.
by Global Times
Dr. Fauci Became A Multi-Millionaire While Heading Up A Federal Health Agency
After retiring as the director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) last year, Anthony Fauci, MD reported a net household worth of $11.5 million. This included the net worth of his wife Christine Grady, chief bioethicist at NIH. Dr. Fauci’s termination report showed that the couple’s wealth increased by nearly $2 million dollars during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and founder of the Chicago-based nonprofit OpenTheBooks, which analyzed Dr. Fauci’s finances: During the pandemic years, the Fauci’s became deca-millionaires with their household net worth exceeding $10 million. Last year was a tough year in the markets. However, Fauci’s net worth is still up sharply from $7.6 million in 2019.
by Carolyn Hendler, JD
“We’re In The Middle Of A Revolution” – Victor Davis Hanson Warns Tucker: “The Next 12 Months Will Be The Most Explosive In History” (Text and Video)
Historian Victor Davis Hanson sat down with Tucker Carlson to discuss his perspective on the current political climate in the US, asserting that American liberalism is characterized by dishonesty, and warning about what he sees as liberal efforts to introduce a highly intolerant age. “It’s hard for most Americans to comprehend the total dishonesty of American liberalism.” VDH says Trump represents a significant threat to the specific vision held by liberals, who are employing a “critical legal theory,” in which traditional moral values are abandoned in favor of whatever gains power. “Liberals are now telling us they plan to protect American democracy and that’s the clearest possible sign that they intend to end it.” Most specifically, Hanson told Carlson that: “I think they’ve come to the conclusion that Trump is an existential threat and by association, half the country is to their vision of what they want to transform us into, and so they feel that whatever means necessary are justified.”
by Tyler Durden
Russia Charges Ukrainian Commanders With Terrorism
Spy chief Kirill Budanov and three others have been accused of launching drone attacks on civilian targets in Russia
The Russian Investigative Committee has identified four senior Ukrainian military officials as the masterminds of over 100 “terrorist attacks” involving drones targeting civilian infrastructure. In a statement on Tuesday, the agency said it has collected enough evidence to charge the four commanders in absentia with terrorism-related crimes. Russia will seek the arrests of the suspects, it said. The committee named Ukrainian military intelligence chief Kirill Budanov, the commanders of the Air Force and the Navy, Nikolay Oleshchuk and Aleksey Neizhapa, as well as the commander of the 383rd drone regiment of the Air Force, Sergey Purdenyuk, as the culprits. Their alleged offenses took place between April 2022 and September 2023. Russian officials regularly accuse Kiev of launching fixed-wing kamikaze drones at targets inside Russia. Senior Ukrainian officials publicly call those drones “unidentified,” but do little to deny their country’s responsibility for the attacks.
by RT
Speak Free Radio
speakfreeradio.com aggregates podcasts, live shows, and audio archives that fall under the flag of Free Speech. By definition many of the shows are deemed politically incorrect. Several contain spicy language. Scheduling is subject to change based on many factors, not least of which is listener feedback.
the green grift is not about solving problems
it’s about making them permanent because that’s where the money is
the green grift is not about saving the world. it’s about robbing it. the pervasive mantra is: “anything to combat climate change except for “anything that will actually work”.” witness witless germany demanding to move away from the oil and cheap russian gas that has powered their industrial sector by, wait for it, shutting down nuclear. this is shuttering their economic engines. it’s absurd and senseless. and of course it is. because this is not about “solving the crisis,” it’s about perpetuating the problem to profit from perpetual subsidy sucking.
by el gato malo
Oli London
Fighting gender madness
Oli London is the author of Gender Madness, a detransition activist, news contributor and spokesperson for Fairness First PAC. What do you think are the causes behind our modern day transgender ideology? There are many factors influencing the rise in gender ideology, particularly in the last few years. One of the biggest driving forces is social media. Since the launch of Tiktok back in 2018 we have seen millions of children take to the app and be manipulated and indoctrinated with gender identity videos, confusing them and encouraging them to transition by offering a reward system of monetary compensation, views, comments, likes, and validation. We also see schools pushing woke ideology in classrooms, even in primary schools. This is really occurring on a massive scale. When you have drag queens going to schools teaching children about changing genders, reading books to children who are just five or six years old, that suddenly confuses very young impressionable kids and they suddenly start to question themselves. They are being led to believe they are trapped in the wrong body just because an adult or an authority figure told them so.
by Laura Dodsworth
Army War College Report Predicts Mass Casualties In Near-Peer Fight Against [Russia] – Analysis
A few weeks ago the U.S. Army War College released a paper which was an urgent call for the U.S. armed forces to adapt to the modern style of warfare being innovated in the Ukrainian conflict.
The paper made the rounds due to some startling admissions, which we’ll get to. But what’s most important to understand is that it represents a general shift in thinking that’s propagating throughout the entire sphere of the Atlanticist West, and was released in concert with several other key thinktank pieces and policy shift announcements from the EU, NATO, etc., which holistically represent an internal panic deep within their structures, resulting in an urgent need for a strategy change. And this point is one of the central themes of the War College paper itself. Its opening preamble can be summarized in a single sentence: the current time period marked by the Ukrainian conflict represents the largest “inflection point” in 50 years of military history. The authors believe that the Yom Kippur War of 1973 was the previous most impactful inflection point. They recount how the U.S. army was demoralized by its experience in Vietnam, and inability to meet its objectives, followed by Israel almost losing to a Soviet-equipped Egypt in the Yom Kippur War.
by Simplicius The Thinker
Witless Fighters Who Perish After Their Dance Of Death
Libyan rebels jubilantly clambering over Muammar Gaddafi’s tanks that were destroyed by NATO air strikes made headlines. Ignorance is bliss for these tanks have likely been taken out by American A-10 aircraft known as ‘warthogs’. As they breathe these witless fighters are inhaling residue from the 30mm depleted uranium shells (DUA) that likely disabled these vehicles. These shells are commonly used when destroying enemy armor. 10 tons of DUA were used in the Kosovo conflict and 1,000 tons during the invasion of Iraq. 320 tons of depleted uranium shells were used in the Gulf War. These ultra-lethal shells are today being sent to Ukraine. Commonplace the photographs of U.S. and other soldiers posing and grinning from the tops of wrecked tanks. If they knew no better it was because the U.S. Defense Department overlooked warning them of the toxic consequences. In fact, they told these unfortunate infantrymen DUA was harmless.
by Michael Walsh
81 Million Votes (4:25)
Parody to the tune of “Gimme Three Steps” by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Written by DC Dave; Singing and Video by BuelahMan
by BuelahMan’s Revolt
Gavin Newsom Picks Black, Lesbian, EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler, A Resident of Maryland, To Fill Vacant California Senate Seat
Not only does she check all the progressive boxes needed to keep the various subsets of coalitions together, black, lesbian, abortion specialist etc; but Laphonza Butler also comes from the ideological stable and network of Barack Obama/Oprah Winfrey and was a former advisor to Kamala Harris. The fact that Butler lives as a registered voter in Maryland was a trifle issue of no consequence, all things considered. The announcement before Dianne Feinstein is even buried is simply a reflection of how the Obama network views people as disposable once their usefulness is exhausted. The media need to play up the “narrow margin, votes are needed” angle in order to pretend the impropriety is unavoidable.
by Sundance
Where TCW Leads The BMJ Follows
We have been questioning the long Covid narrative on these pages since early in 2022. We have questioned its existence, its use to lever the next round of Covid vaccine rollout, the possibility that the syndrome is being confused with Covid vaccine side effects and we have called for some common sense. It has taken some time for the medical establishment to catch up, but at last they seem to have done just that. A recent article in the queue for publication at the peer reviewed journal BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine has arrived at the same conclusion as we have. The study, published under the ‘Analysis’ column of the journal with international authorship from the US, Denmark and London, makes some awkward reading for those who adhere to the long Covid narrative. All the points we have made in the past are there, including the very broad definition of long Covid which means that almost any symptom that anyone suffers following a bout of Covid is ascribed to long Covid.
by Roger Watson
Care Homes – The Evidence Of Harms
If you have a weak stomach don’t read this
We’ve written a lot about the systemic failings in government policy regarding care homes (see here, here and here). However, a recent study on the transitions between hospitals and care homes caught our eye. The sort of study that bypasses the media: Two care home providers with 20 to 40 care homes each in the South West and the North East of England participated, and 70 participants were interviewed. The study also emphasises the inhumane practice of isolating vulnerable people ‘Strong feeling that isolating care home residents went against usual practice and, for some, was very hard to endure, especially when they needed human contact and emotional support from family and friends following a period of hospitalisation.’ We’ve written about “Confinement Disease”, which is likely more harmful than covid in care homes. ‘Among long-term care residents in the Southern Ile-de-France region, more than 24 covid deaths among 140 residents occurred in 5 days. None were due to acute respiratory distress syndrome, and death was mainly due to hypovolemic shock as residents were confined to their rooms for several days without assistance with eating and drinking.’
by Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson
Nobel Winner Highlighted “Non-Trivial” Side Effects Of mRNA Vaccines Including Auto-Immunity And Blood Clotting Risks
In what seems like an inevitable development, scientists Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman have been awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine for their role in developing the mRNA technology underlying the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, which were rolled out in late 2020. But in a paper published as recently as 2018 and which is extensively quoted in an article at MedPageToday, none other than Drew Weissman warned that prior clinical trials of mRNA vaccines had produced results which were “more modest in humans than was expected based on animal models… and the side effects were not trivial”, including “moderate and in rare cases severe injection site or systemic reactions”.
by Robert Kogon
Interview Eric Peters: Pontiac Racist? Taking Back Reality From ESG Mob (57:37)
Eric Peters, EricPetersAutos.com, Liberty, cars and politics. UAW and the push for raise and a 4 day work week — the bigger picture is the society is going down a dead end road and we need to turn around.
by The David Knight Show
Timing Plant Evolution With A Fast-Ticking Epigenetic Clock
Recent discoveries in the field of epigenetics, the study of inheritance of traits that occur without changing the DNA sequence, have shown that chronological age in mammals correlates with epigenetic changes that accumulate during the lifetime of an individual. In humans, this observation has led to the development of epigenetic clocks, which are now extensively used as biomarkers of aging. While these clocks work accurately from birth until death, they are set back to zero in each new generation. Now, an international team co-led by the University of Georgia, the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and the Technical University of Munich, shows that epigenetic clocks not only exist in plants, but that these clocks keep ticking accurately over many generations. In a new study published in the journal Science, the team describes how this clock can tell time with a resolution from decades to centuries, an accuracy that cannot be achieved with traditional DNA mutation-based clocks.
by University of Georgia
Is China Pre-Positioning Vast Numbers Of Soldiers, Spies And Saboteurs In U.S. Communities For The Coming War?
There has been a dramatic spike in the number of Chinese nationals that are coming across our borders. The vast majority of them are men, and the vast majority of those men are of military age. Most of the time, when these men are intercepted by U.S. officials they claim that they have come to apply for asylum in the United States. Of course they know that their court dates will be set far into the future because our system is being absolutely overwhelmed by asylum seekers right now. As they wait for their court dates, most of them are released into the United States and are permitted to go wherever they want. So what this means is that thousands upon thousands of Chinese men of military age have been allowed into this country, and we don’t know where they are or what they are doing.
by Michael Snyder
An Amazon Alternative For The Parallel Economy
The concept of the Parallel Economy has gained significant traction in recent years largely thanks to Gab’s multi-year effort to mainstream the concept. A Parallel Economy is a network of businesses and consumers who prioritize values, ethics, and principles over sheer commercial interests. People are no longer content with merely boycotting brands that don’t align with their convictions; they seek to actively support businesses that champion their values and we seek to help them do so on Gab. Gab is known for its commitment to free speech and alternative perspectives. We are uniquely positioned to lead this charge as pioneers of the parallel economy concept. Our forthcoming Amazon alternative aims to provide a marketplace where consumers can discover and buy from businesses that share their values. But it doesn’t stop there. Gab Pay, our payment processing system, will also empower these businesses to move away from platforms like Paypal, which may not align with their principles. Parallel Economy businesses will also be able to provide customer service, run ads, and market their products and services directly on Gab.
by Andrew Torba
Israeli Forces Injure Palestinian School Children In West Bank Raid
The Palestinian Ministry of Education has suspended classes in the village of Burqa due to the injury of a child in a raid by Israeli forces into a school.
Ghassan Daghlas, acting governor of the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, said on Monday the decision to close the school was to maintain the safety of students. Local media reported that Israeli forces also directly fired stun grenades and tear gas canisters toward the Palestinian students inside the school during the raid a day earlier. Dozens of children also suffered from smoke inhalation. Israeli forces also denied teachers of 27 schools access to classes in Masafer Yatta area, located south of the city of al-Khalil (Hebron). The regime forces placed barriers to block the roads leading to the education centers. In recent months, Israeli forces have also demolished a number of schools across the occupied Palestinian territories.
by PressTV
A Short Message From Harry Vox (1:31)
Which New World Order Are We Talking About?
Those of us who are libertarians have a tendency to speak frequently of “the New World Order.” When doing so, we tend to be a bit unclear as to what the New World Order is. Is it a cabal of the heads of the world’s governments, or just the heads of Western governments? Certainly bankers are included somewhere in the mix, but is it just the heads of the Federal Reserve and the IMF, or does it also include the heads of JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, etc.? And how about the Rothschilds? And the Bundesbank—surely, they’re in there, too? And the list goes on, without apparent end. Certainly, all of the above entities have objectives to increase their own power and profit in the world, but to what degree do they act in concert? Although many prominent individuals, world leaders included, have proclaimed that a New World Order is their ultimate objective, the details of who’s in and who’s out are fuzzy. Just as fuzzy is a list of details as to the collective objectives of these disparate individuals and groups.
by Jeff Thomas
Canada Issues Further Blow To Free Speech, Forces Even Podcast Platforms To Register With The Government
More government control over speech.
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has just revealed new draconian regulations, requiring all digital platforms that transmit audio or visual content and meet a certain earnings benchmark to register with the government agency before the end of November. This new set of rules symbolizes a further restriction on free speech and an encroachment on the principle of internet openness, turning the digital world into an area under government watch. Under these newly released regulations, a myriad of online platforms – from streaming services to social media and even subscription-based television – will be brought under governmental umbrella if they meet a revenue threshold in Canada.
by Dan Frieth
UK Runs Out Of Weapons To Send To Ukraine – Reports
weapons which can be sent to Ukraine, and should encourage other countries to boost their efforts, UK media reported, citing a senior military official. “We’ve given away just about as much as we can afford … We will continue to source equipment to provide for Ukraine, but what they need now is things like air defense assets and artillery ammunition and we’ve run dry on all that,” the report cited a source as saying. The source also said that the UK is not the only country supporting Ukraine, therefore, other allies can provide more funds and ammunition and share the burden.
by Sputnik
Did Europeans Steal America from The Indians?
Not Stolen: The Truth about European Colonialism in the New World, by Jeff Flynn-Paul (Bombardier Books, 2023). Softcover, 397 pages.
Not Stolen: The Truth about European Colonialism in the New World is a unique, though embryonic, defense of the European-American enterprise of discovery and settlement. It is not an academic book. It is intended as a popular work for the masses. As such it sometimes scratches the surface of this disputed history when it should delve deeper. The author has refrained from adopting a whining or aggrieved tone with his “just the facts” approach-and there is something to be gained from those facts, which are of value in the national debate over the supposed moral requirement that the heirs of the whites who founded these United States return, or otherwise pay reparations, for the “theft” of Manhattan island and the rest of the country-to the descendants of the Indians who allegedly stole no land themselves and who, to this day, serve as models of probity compared with barbarous Caucasians.
Reviewed by Michael Hoffman
October 2, 2023, 40 Posts Published
“Without courage, there cannot be truth,
and without truth there can be no other virtue.”
Walter Scott
Satanic Archive With 4,938 Posts
Jumping The Shark Of Altruism – To Ethnic War
Can a West of shared, cultural like-mindedness ‘imagine itself’ into total cultural war against the values of Russia?
“The rules-based international order has not been this imperilled since the 1930s”, writes Professor of Foreign Affairs, Walter Russell Mead: “The UN was supposed to be the crown jewel of the rules-based order … but lately [it] has sunk to new lows. Among the five permanent members of the Security Council, only Joe Biden bothered to show up for the General Assembly last week. Emmanuel Macron was too busy … [and] Rishi Sunak was the first [UK] prime minister in a decade to skip the annual meeting. Mr. Putin and China’s Xi Jinping also ditched the U.N. meeting …There was a time when people would have cared …”. Had you been watching images broadcast from the General Assembly, when Zelensky was speaking, you would have seen the auditorium was almost entirely empty, or, at best, a third full. Prime Minister Netanyahu also addressed the GA, as did Chancellor Scholtz, who again addressed a bare handful of delegation note-takers.
by Alastair Crooke
They Lied Then. They’re Lying Now. (1:33)
by Dr. Scott Jensen
Georgia Awaits USAID’s Explanations On Funds For Training In Organizing Unrest
TBILISI (Sputnik) – Georgia is waiting for clarifications from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) regarding information about the funding of training in organizing unrest in the country, Georgian parliamentary speaker Shalva Papuashvili stated on Monday. Earlier in the day, the State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG) said on social media that three Serbian citizens from the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), allegedly funded by USAID, arrived at the end of September in Georgia to teach tactics for overthrowing the government to young people and members of influential non-governmental organizations. According to the SSSG, the coup was planned for October-December, just when the European Commission is set to publish its decision on Georgia’s EU membership application. “It was a dark day in the history of American aid to Georgia… We see that money of the American nation is used for planning revolutionary processes, to deliberately train people to riot and incite violence. That is why it is important to receive a corresponding explanation on behalf of the USAID, which has been involved in such a scandal for the second time already,” Papuashvili told reporters.
by Sputnik
British PM Clarifies Defense Secretary’s Comments About Sending Troops To Ukraine For Training
Sunak says the UK won’t send troops into Ukraine in the ‘here and now’
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Sunday said that comments made by his defense secretary about sending troops into Ukraine for training are part of long-term planning, not something the UK would do in the “here and now.” British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps told the Sunday Telegraph that he was discussing the idea of moving London’s training programs for Ukrainian troops from the UK into Ukraine. “I was talking today about eventually getting the training brought closer and actually into Ukraine as well,” Shapps said. According to the Discord leaks and several media reports, the UK has had special operations forces inside Ukraine. The Times of London reported all the way back in April 2022 that British Special Air Service troops were training Ukrainians on anti-tank weapons outside of Kyiv. But the presence was never officially acknowledged by London, and an open British military deployment to Ukraine would mark a significant escalation of NATO involvement in the war.
by Dave DeCamp
Armenia Says More Than 100,000 People Fled Nagorno-Karabakh
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says exodus amounts to ‘ethnic cleansing’, a claim Azerbaijan strongly rejects.
An ethnic Armenian exodus has nearly emptied Nagorno-Karabakh of residents since Azerbaijan attacked and ordered the breakaway region’s fighter groups to disarm, the Armenian government has said. Nazeli Baghdasaryan, the press secretary to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, said on Saturday that 100,417 people had arrived in Armenia from Nagorno-Karabakh, which had a population of approximately 120,000 before Azerbaijan reclaimed the region in a lightning offensive last week. A total of 21,043 vehicles have crossed the Hakari Bridge, which links Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh, since last week, Baghdasaryan said. Some lined up for days because the winding mountain road that is the only route to Armenia became jammed. “The speed of it has caught everyone, including the Armenian authorities and the UN by surprise,” said Al Jazeera’s Bernard Smith. The departure of more than 80 percent of Nagorno-Karabakh’s population raises questions about Azerbaijan’s plans for the enclave that was internationally recognised as part of its territory.
Al Jazeera
Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway Begins Operation, Expected To See Ridership Of Around 10 Million Trips In The First Year
The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway (HSR), the first HSR in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, officially began operation on Monday. The high-speed line, a landmark project under the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), connects Indonesia’s capital Jakarta and another major city Bandung. Observers said it will have a demonstration effect for future BRI developments in Southeast Asia. Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Monday declared the official operation of the Jakarta-Bandung HSR at Halim Station in Jakarta, the Xinhua News Agency reported. At the ceremony, Widodo announced the name of the HSR – “Whoosh” – inspired by the sound of the train, saying that the high-speed train marks the modernization of Indonesia’s transportation system, which is efficient, environmentally friendly and integrated with other public transportation networks, Xinhua reported.
by GT Staff Reporters
The Russians Sent A Clear Message To Western Investors (22:26)
by Military Summary
Over 1,000 Israeli Settlers Storm Al-Aqsa Mosque
Israeli settlers and police have stepped up their provocative incursions into the holy site during the Jewish holiday season
More than 1,000 Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied east Jerusalem on 2 October, the Palestinian Islamic Endowments Department said in a statement. The statement said that 1,142 settlers entered the Al-Aqsa courtyard through the Al-Mughrabi gate under protection from Israeli troops. According to Palestinian news outlet Quds News Network, at least 1,491 settlers stormed the Islamic holy site. At least 1491 extremist Israeli settlers broke into the compounds of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem on the third day of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, under heavy protection of well-armed Israeli occupation forces today. pic.twitter.com/5N9OpRw44R — Quds News Network (@QudsNen) October 2, 2023. This latest settler incursion came in celebration of the third day of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. The settlers provocatively toured the mosque’s courtyard and performed Talmudic rituals, an official told Anadolu Agency (AA).
by News Desk
It’s Time To Separate Legend From Reality
Late Saturday night, after narrowly avoiding another shutdown, the US government closed its 2023 fiscal year. And while the final data won’t be published for a few weeks, it looks like the deficit for the year will be close to $2 trillion. And gross interest on the debt will total nearly $900 billion. That’s on a national debt that now exceeds $33 trillion– an increase of more than $10 trillion (around 50%) from before the pandemic in October 2019. It’s extraordinary how little the people in charge seem to care. In fact, not only will this catastrophe continue to be ignored, I’m almost certain that the White House will actually brag about these results; they’ll make some bizarre claim that these abysmal numbers prove that their idiotic policies are working. And their propagandists in the mainstream media will dutifully repeat this fiction with a straight face to the American public.
by Simon Black
Losing A Plane? Try Losing A Nuke
Recently, the U.S. Marine Corps lost (and later found) an F-35 aircraft. The circumstances are mostly undisclosed or rumor based, though that is to be expected in regards to such a sensitive matter. While it has become a comical example of incompetence, it’s not the worst thing that the U.S. military has lost. They’ve also lost nuclear weapons…on a few occasions. The U.S. term for it is “Broken Arrow.” There have officially been 32 reported incidents involving Broken Arrows. Lost ‘nukes’ outside of the United States are unknown, given that not all national governments are as open with information. The U.S. has admitted that six nuclear weapons remain lost. During the reign of the Soviet Union, it is possible that such weapons also went missing, especially in the chaotic years following the break up when ownership and security of the strategic arms repeatedly changed hands or remained in limbo.
by Kym Robinson
Is It Stupidity Or Corruption
Lack of space means I have difficulty cataloguing the massive ‘off the radar’ British Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) purchasing blunders of recent times. If these ‘blunders’ were to happen to a registered company the tax inspectors, anti-corruption squad, receivers and others charged with rooting out financial malpractice would be all over the bought ledger books like a rash. The weakness of democracy is there is no accountability. This is left to the electorate. Certainly, there are so-called watchdogs but they are either toothless or they are part of the scam. The National Audit Office (NAO) comes to mind. They the members of its directorate are appointed by those they are charged with investigating and unaccountable to trusting souls who naively troop to the ballot boxes every few years. Don’t forget to bring your wallets and purses.
by Michael Walsh
The Dave Gahary Call In Show 053 With Lucas Gage (Audio 1:57:33)
Production Of The Pfizer BioNTech mRNA Jabs
Billions of Jabs, Trillions of Dollars projected. Let us look at what we know about the manufacturing of the Toxic Spike Protein coding packaged in the Toxic LNPs
It seems that Fifth Column operatives want to hide some of the facts about the massive taxpayer expenditure on the failed Covid19 jabs. Here I will concentrate on Pfizer BioNTech that has achieved market dominance. The production processes for materials used in the Phase 1 trial were not the same as those used in the Phase 2/3 trials, and most likely contributed to variations reported in Serious Adverse Events for various Lots or Batches. The European Medicines Agency made a Major Objection to Pfizer/BioNTech changing the process to use toxic E. coli instead of RT-PCR for the commercial product. Pfizer replied “as the cutoff date for the clinical Interim Analysis (IA) was changed, the IA doesn’t include data from subjects dosed with Process 2 material, and the Company does not expect to have Process 2 included in the Final Analysis dataset”
by GeoffPainPhD
WEF Running U.S Border Crisis From Military Bases In Panama
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has taken control of several American military bases in Panama and is orchestrating the flood of migrants that are heading toward the U.S. southern border in their millions. The globalist organization is reportedly running an operation to round up migrants and transport them to the border so they can illegally enter the United States through President Joe Biden’s open border. The WEF’s operation was revealed by political commentator Ann Vandersteel during her show “Right Now with Ann Vandersteel.” The host recently visited the former site of Fort Clayton near the former Panama Canal Zone, once a heavy base of operations for the United States. During her visit, Vandersteel found out that the WEF had moved into the area. She took a picture of the WEF flag flying side-by-side with the Panamanian flag.
by Hunter Fielding
The Scarecrow T-Shirt
“Every scarecrow has a secret ambition to terrorize.” ~ Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
by Artoons-org
Get Ready For The Flu/COVID Season By Avoiding Vaccines And Using God-Created Natural Remedies
As we now enter into the time of year here in North American that is usually labeled as the “flu season” but is now more commonly known as the “COVID season” where Big Pharma begins their big push to get everyone injected with their toxic and deadly flu shots and COVID shots, it is time to review the abundance of research that exists for non-Pharma natural remedies that far outperform vaccines and drugs in preparing your body for shorter daylight hours and colder temperatures. I am calling these remedies “God-Created” remedies because they are found in God’s Creation, and cannot be patented by man and drug companies because they are found in nature and are available to everyone without having to obtain permission (drug prescriptions) from medical priests. The scientific evidence of how effective these God-Created remedies are is overwhelming, but the Big Pharma Cult and their puppet corporate media shills will do everything they can to discredit this research and evidence, in favor of marketing their poisonous drugs and vaccines to you instead.
by Brian Shilhavy
Nail It: Four Big Predictions From The Founders (15:36)
They certainly didn’t get everything right, but when they did, they almost seemed prophetic. Consolidation, executive power, factions and the ultimate end of despotism.
by Tenth Amendment Center
This Is Now A Nudgocracy (Text and Video)
My speech given at the second anniversary of the Together Declaration in London 29th September 2023.
In a democracy, the government enacts the will of the people. These days, nudging is used by the government and its influencers to change the will of the people from the top-down. While we think we live in a democracy the truth is that power has been inverted. We live in a nudgocracy. If democracy is about enacting the will of the people, one of the most fundamental questions we should have been asking ourselves is: what is our will and where does it come from? Our will is our decision-making capacity, it is a faculty of our minds. It should be evident in our freedom of action, our behaviour. Do you fully understand how your mind and behaviour are influenced? The nudgers, the psychocrats, think they know what’s best for you. And how to guide you towards it without you even being aware. The person who coined the term ‘nudge’, Cass Sunstein, said, ‘By knowing how people think, we can make it easier for them to choose what is best for them, their families and society.’ Isn’t it great that there are people who know what is best for you. Psychology used to be about diagnosing and fixing people. Now it is as much about predicting and manipulating people.
by Laura Dodsworth
Putin Is Now Evading Western Sanctions On Almost All Oil Exports, And Using Yuan To Avoid Import Sanctions
When western nations rolled out a grand plan to throttle Russian oil imports and impose sanctions on Kremlin energy exports, we – and many others – laughed: after all, we have repeatedly seen how toothless western sanctions are when seeking to contain “rogue regime” oil profits, from Iran (which is pretty much selling oil to China at max capacity) to Venezuela and onward. One year later, our laughter has been well justified, because as the FT reports, “Russia has succeeded in avoiding G7 sanctions on most of its oil exports”, a shift in trade flows that will boost the Kremlin’s revenues as crude rises towards $100 a barrel, and as Russian Urals prices hit $80, the highest level in over a year.
by Tyler Durden
We Carry DNA From Extinct Cousins Like Neanderthals. Science Is Now Revealing Their Genetic Legacy
Neanderthals live on within us. These ancient human cousins, and others called Denisovans, once lived alongside our early Homo sapiens ancestors. They mingled and had children. So some of who they were never went away—it’s in our genes. And science is starting to reveal just how much that shapes us. Using the new and rapidly improving ability to piece together fragments of ancient DNA, scientists are finding that traits inherited from our ancient cousins are still with us now, affecting our fertility, and our immune systems. “We’re now carrying the genetic legacies and learning about what that means for our bodies and our health,” said Mary Prendergast, a Rice University archeologist.
by Laura Ungar And Maddie Burakoff
2 Very Ominous Events That Are Going To Happen This Week
You only practice for something if you think that there is a decent chance that it will actually happen. This week, two “tests” will be conducted that sound rather ominous. The first of these “tests” will happen in Russia on Tuesday. Vladimir Putin has ordered the very first “nationwide nuclear attack exercise” in the entire history of his country, and that is making headlines all over the globe… Russia will stage its first nationwide nuclear attack exercise across 11 time zones in preparation for potential nuclear war. It is scheduled to take place on October 3 and will see Vladimir Putin’s regime present the West as a nuclear aggressor. If Vladimir Putin was entirely convinced that there is zero chance that a nuclear war will happen, he would not have ordered these drills.
by Michael Snyder
California School Teaching That White People Have ‘No Culture’ (4:32)
Ah yes the ‘White people have no culture and stole everything’ argument. This time it should work.
by Red Ice TV
Plague Of Psychiatric Drugs And Illegal Drugs (Text and Video)
Damaging the brains and dulling the minds of tens of millions of Americans making them less engaged in their own lives and unable to fight for their freedom
On September 19, 2023, during his monthly interview on Lowell Joseph Gallen’s Root and Branch Association, Medical Fellowship Weekly Seminars in Israel, psychiatrist Peter Breggin MD informally discussed an issue of deep and growing concern to him and with enormous implications for human life on Earth-the plague of psychiatric drugs and illegal drugs that is damaging the brains and dulling the minds of tens of millions of Americans making them less engaged in their own lives and unable to fight for their freedom.
by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
Britain Is Leading The World In Committing Economic Suicide
As our leaders bicker over how fast Britain should get to Net Zero, you’ll hear politicians, eco-zealots and media pundits claiming that Britain is leading the world in reducing our country’s CO2 emissions. This is one of the few statements about climate made by our ruling elites which does actually appear to be true. Since 1990, Britain’s CO2 emissions have almost halved from 604 million metric tons to just under 350 million tons by 2022. That equates to a drop from 10 metric tons per capita in 1990 to below five tons per capita. While celebrating this great supposed ‘success’, our politicians, media and eco-activists often seem less keen to explain how this reduction in CO2 emissions was achieved. Here’s another chart. It shows the share of the U.K.’s GDP made up by manufacturing.
by David Craig
The Wonder Of You
‘What, on the last day of your lengthy non-existence, do you think might be possible in the future? Can you, in your nothingness, imagine the sky or the mountains, your mother or an ice-cream cone?’
The conditions confronting or blocking transcendent understandings in our ‘modern’ cultures are not, as we are incessantly told, matters of rationality on the one hand, and superstition on the other. What if they arise from the ways in which some of us have been conditioned to look at reality, causing us to take everything for granted, including that which is most wondrous? Although our cultures also cause us to look at the divide that arises as a result of these misunderstandings as one pertaining to obscurantism, modernity, progress, and chronological time, it is in reality a function of deficient imagination and modes of seeing, and in the end bears down with equal force upon both sides of the argument. What we are short of is not rationality, but the capacity to see clearly and wonder at what is in front of us.
by John Waters
Conscript More Young Blood, Ex-UK Defense Secretary Tells Ukraine
Ben Wallace, who once called the country a “battle lab,” has urged Kiev to “reassess the scale” of its mobilization
Former UK defense secretary Ben Wallace has claimed that Kiev is succeeding in its counteroffensive, but to “finish the job” President Vladimir Zelensky must throw more and younger Ukrainians into battle, while the West provides them with weapons to defeat Russia. Throughout the summer, Kiev’s forces have failed to make notable territorial gains and have suffered heavy casualties while trying break through Russia’s defenses, consisting of vast minefields, as well as heavy artillery and swarms of drones. According to Russia’s Defense Ministry, the number of Ukrainian servicemen killed since the start of the counteroffensive has surpassed 83,000. Wallace, however, believes that “slowly but surely” Ukrainian forces have been “adapting tactics, absorbing lessons, and making the best of the equipment we have all gifted them,” and that Kiev’s victory is imminent as long as the government “plays its part.” “The average age of the soldiers at the front is over 40. I understand President Zelensky’s desire to preserve the young for the future, but… just as Britain did in 1939 and 1941, perhaps it is time to reassess the scale of Ukraine’s mobilization,” Wallace wrote in an opinion piece published by The Telegraph on Sunday.
by RT
ACH (2241) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #138 – Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To God (Audio 1:41:08)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 2 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To God.”
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
In Support Of The Policy Of Deterrence
There’s been a lot of debate lately over the US strategy of surrounding nations like Russia and China with war machinery in order to deter them from aggressive actions. Some argue that since powerful nations tend to respond aggressively to the amassing of military threats on their borders, this policy actually provokes the very aggressions its proponents claim it prevents. And to these people I say: hogwash. Only peaceful and harmonious responses can possibly be expected from policies of military encirclement. That’s why I propose that the People’s Liberation Army should begin militarily encircling the continental United States with Chinese war machinery as quickly as possible, in order to deter future US aggression around the world.
by Caitlin Johnstone
The Nature Of Immorality
Suppose a consortium of powerful interests wanted to replace a president with someone who’s policies they preferred-and blame it on a patsy. What’s wrong with that? Or suppose the leaders of foreign nation orchestrated a terrorist act as a rationale for US forces to take out their enemies-at the expense of 3,000 Americans. What’s wrong with that? Or suppose a US administration decided to fake a mass elementary school shooting to promote its agenda to undermine the 2nd Amendment. What’s wrong with that? While there’s obviously room for debate about the facts-where I personally have invested decades of collaborative research with the best experts to get them right-assuming we do have them right, these are egregious examples of the raw exercise of power exemplifying the (corrupt) principle, “Might makes right!” In other words, if you are powerful enough to impose your will upon others-no matter what the cost in liberty, property, or lives might be-you are entitled-morally entitled-to conduct those acts. Which raises the question, “If acts like these are (morally) wrong, what makes them (morally) wrong?”
by Jim Fetzer
Disgusting Merrick Garland: “We Do Not Have One Rule For Republicans And Another Rule For Democrats” (Text and Video)
US Attorney General Merrick Garland sat down for a rare, one-on-one interview with “60 Minutes” host Scott Pelley of CBS News. They discussed the ongoing persecution of Trump in the middle of a presidential election, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. Merrick Garland is the most radical, corrupt and dangerous attorney general in US history. Garland’s DOJ indicted President Trump TWICE on junk charges while shielding Hunter Biden from serious tax, FARA and money laundering charges (Hunter has since been indicted on a gun after major backlash). How To Join The “Secret Boycott” Patriots Are Using To Crush Woke Corporations He has prosecuted and thrown the book at more than 1,000 J6ers. Many J6ers have been held in inhumane conditions in the DC gulag without a trial date. Peaceful, non-violent J6ers are facing years in prison for the ‘crime’ of wandering around the Capitol building for a few minutes while ignoring Antifa and BLM terrorists. Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years even though he wasn’t even at the Capitol on January 6! Garland has locked up elderly pro-life activists for protesting at abortion clinics while ignoring left-wing terrorists bombing pro-life facilities. Merrick Garland had the gall to claim his DOJ doesn’t have two sets of rules for Republicans and Democrats.
by Cristina Laila
Congress Passes Trillion Dollar Stopgap Bill That Will Fund Government Until About 2 PM Tomorrow
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The United States Congress has passed a trillion-dollar stopgap bill that will allow the federal government to continue functioning until about 2 p.m. tomorrow. “That trillion dollars will buy us about eighteen hours to continue negotiating,” said House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. “It’s not much, but it’s something.” The bill will reportedly allocate five hundred billion dollars to plant some trees, and four hundred billion dollars to study the effect of planting trees. One billion dollars will be used to pay for the Constitutionally legitimate functions of the government. The remaining roughly hundred billion dollars will be divided between slush funds and a giant pile for politicians to light on fire for funsies.
by Babylon Bee
October 1, 2023, 40 Posts Published
“When I pray for peace, I pray not only that the enemies of my own country may cease to want war,
but above all that my own country will cease to do the things that make war inevitable.”
Thomas Merton
Digital Currency Archive With 215 Posts
The Jewish War On Instincts
Jews themselves, when taken as a tribe on a bell curve, seem to have different instincts, or perhaps the baser instincts of pure self-preservation expressed in paranoia and aggression are more pronounced in Jews. Jews (the same bell curve qualifier applies) also seem to have a different morality than other types of folks. Jews are not just immoral, not just amoral, but partially collectively act in ways that others would consider anti-moral. Anti-moral means evil. They lie, cheat, steal, murder (sometimes on a mass scale), engage in and promote perverse sex acts, enslave others through debt, prostitution, labor slavery, wage slavery, blackmail/bribery, traffic in stolen organs, torture and slaughter children and drink their traumatized blood, all while raving about “antisemitism” and how they are the victims.
by Karl Haemers
Russia-China Partnership Defangs US Empire
China’s State Council has released a crucial policy paper titled ‘A Global Community of Shared Future: China’s Proposals and Actions’ that should be read as a detailed, comprehensive road map for a peaceful, multipolar future. That is if the hegemon – of course faithful to its configuration as War Inc. – does not drag the world into the abyss of a hybrid-turned-hot war with incandescent consequences.
In sync with the ever-evolving Russia-China strategic partnership, the white paper notes how “President Xi Jinping first raised the vision of a global community of shared future when addressing the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 2013.” That was ten years ago, when the New Silk Roads – or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – was launched: that became the overarching foreign policy concept of the Xi era. The Belt and Road Forum next month in Beijing will celebrate the 10th anniversary of BRI, and relaunch a series of BRI projects.
by Pepe Escobar
Ambassador Of Israeli Crimes: This Is How Gilad Erdan Become A Defender Of Women’s Rights In Iran
A new trend is emerging in the Israeli hasbara discourse targeting Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims: women’s rights. The word ‘new’ is not exactly accurate. The misuse of the genuine struggle for women’s rights in the Arab and Muslim world is only new insofar as the increasing reliance on the tactic within the larger Israeli propaganda discourse. This was demonstrated in a most bizarre way during the speech of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on September 19, at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The story was orchestrated by Gilad Erdan, a mediocre Israeli diplomat and Tel Aviv’s UN Ambassador. Erdan’s real strength comes from the fact that he is supported by the same Western governments that continue to fund and defend Israel’s war machine and military occupation of Palestine. Naturally, he is also given a disproportionate amount of media coverage by corporate Western mainstream media, when compared to any other UN diplomat. Erdan’s work is predicated mostly on a single tactic: If he is not pleased by the conduct of his peers at the UN General Assembly, he simply accuses them of being ‘anti-Semitic’, as a matter of course.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud
How To Defeat BlackRock (47:12)
by Corbett Report
Total World Connections And Actions Expose The Evil Agenda Of The One World Governance Plot
Divide and rule–Divide and rule–Divide and rule. Are you beginning to see what is going on in this country and the world? Can you possibly understand that you are digging your own graves by allowing yourselves to be lied to, manipulated, and controlled en masse? Is your perception so narrowly focused that your only reality is sheer darkness? That certainly appears to be the case when discussing the plight of the masses today. In order to see, one must be willing to look and to find the truth, and then act on that truth. Anything less is cowardice in the face of tyranny. Once eyes are open, it becomes ridiculously obvious that everything going on today is a calculated plot; one that has been active for decades, but that has recently accelerated dramatically as the new world order and its global government scheme is getting closer to fruition. Keep in mind, that this world is being run by the very few, while hundreds of millions here, and billions on earth, are supporting and accepting their own enslavement at the hands of a tiny minority of what is a ruling conspiratorial cabal.
by Gary D. Barnett
Western ‘Idiots’ Want World War III – Ex-Russian President
The number of high-ranking “morons” in NATO states is on the rise, Dmitry Medvedev says
The conflict in Ukraine may lead to World War III because of the “idiots” occupying leading roles in the West, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned. “The number of high-ranking morons is rising in NATO member states,” he wrote on Telegram on Sunday. Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, was responding to statements from London and Berlin the previous day. The former president labeled the UK’s newly appointed Defense Secretary Grant Shapps a “freshly minted cretin” over his idea of sending British military instructors to Ukraine to train local troops for the conflict with Russia. If this happens, the UK servicemen would become a “legitimate target” for Russian forces, Medvedev warned. Shapps has proposed deploying instructors to Ukraine, “knowing fully well that they’ll be mercilessly destroyed, and no longer as mercenaries, but precisely as British NATO specialists,” the Russian official wrote.
by RT
The Anglo-American War On Russia – Part Ten (NATO Lies At Minsk) (12:07)
by Tales Of The American Empire
US Has Close Partnership With Takfiri Terrorists In Syria, Says President Assad
President Bashar al-Assad says foreign-sponsored Takfiri terrorists are operating in areas of northeast Syria controlled by US occupation forces, stating that Washington has built up a close and strong partnership with militants wreaking havoc across the country.
Assad made the remarks in an exclusive interview with China’s state-run CGTN television news channel broadcast late on Friday. “The northeastern sector of Syria is exactly the region, where terrorists are operating and Americans assert control over. The issue is not simply restricted to the looting of natural resources; but rather a partnership with terrorists to reap mutual benefits. This brings another problem, as a major power is in cahoots with terrorist. These are the facts on the ground in Syria,” he said. Assad said the Syrian conflict is not over yet, and the Arab country is in the midst of a war.
by PressTV
People Are Not Blind In Seeing US’ Empire Of Lies: Chinese FM Refuting State Department’s China Report
Refuting the US Department of State’s malicious report claiming that China has invested billions of dollars spreading disinformation globally, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said the report itself is disinformation, and people of the world are not blind in seeing the US’ ugly attempts that have proven time and again that it is an “empire of lies” through and through. Titled “How the People’s Republic of China Seeks to Reshape the Global Information Environment,” the US report focuses on accusing China of information manipulation in an attempt to achieve global information dominance. It says that China’s “global information manipulation” is a challenge to the integrity of the global information space.
by Fan Anqi
Tucker On 2024: This Is Not Going To Be A Race Between Joe Biden And Donald Trump. (4:12)
This will be forced. These issues will be forced. Soon. It’s about to get very serious. Everything is at stake. What wouldn’t they do? What haven’t they done? How will you prepare yourself?
DeSantis Challenges GOP Front-Runner Trump To One-On-One Debate
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Fox News that Trump ‘owes it to our voters’ to ‘make the case’ for his candidacy after the former president skipped the second GOP presidential debate on Wednesday.
(LifeSiteNews) — Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday challenged former U.S. President and Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump to a one-on-one debate, arguing Trump “owes it to our voters.” DeSantis made the remarks in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity following the second of two GOP primary debates Wednesday night, The Daily Wire reported. The Florida governor, who trails Trump nationally but has held on tight to the runner-up position, is widely judged to have won the debate. Trump has refused to participate in the debates outright, arguing that his supremacy in the polls makes debating unnecessary. But DeSantis, who has already agreed to debate California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom (who insists he isn’t running for president in 2024, though some political observers have their doubts) in a one-on-one session moderated by Hannity in November, is arguing that voters deserve to see Trump defend his vision.
by Ashley Sadler
Here’s Proof All Those Summer Fires Were Arson – Not Climate Change (Text and Video)
No one with functioning brain tissue believes this summer’s fires were natural events – let alone that they had anything to do with fake climate change. Now, Janet and Cyntha, the amazing team who put together the eternally stunning Fall of the Cabal videos, have produced a video proving – beyond a scintilla of doubt – that the fires were man-made. And they’ve shown just how the fire starters did the job. You can see their just under two-hour-long video HERE. The Fall of the Cabal special presentation, entitled ‘Fire!!! Things that make you go HMMMMM’ make you realise just how thoroughly evil the conspirators truly are. The globalists will do anything to help sustain the global warming myth and take us into the Great Reset with their smart cities – including killing citizens and destroying homes.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
One Conspiracy Theory To Rule Them All! (Text and Video)
“Demography is Destiny” Explains a Lot
The new False Flag Weekly News with Brett Redmayne-Titley references many conspiracy theories (ungood!) and even some anti-Semitic conspiracy theories (double-plus ungood!!) Many such theories, which might be more neutrally termed “non-mainstream interpretations,” represent attempts to make sense of one or more aspects of what Brett’s book’s subtitle terms “A World Gone Mad.” Are we mad if we try to make sense of a mad world? That is what a well-funded sector of the consent manufacturing industry insists.
by Kevin Barrett
Scientists Discover Huge Number Of “Mysterious Circles” Around The World
Using artificial intelligence, researchers have discovered mysterious “fairy circles” in hundreds of locations across the globe. These unusual round vegetation patterns have long puzzled experts, dotting the landscapes in the Namib Desert and the Australian outback. But according to a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the unusual phenomenon could be far more widespread than previously thought, cracking the case wide open and raising plenty more questions than answers. The international research team trained a neural network by feeding it more than 15,000 satellite images of locations in Namibia and Australia, roughly half of which contained fairy circles.
by End Times Headlines
Holocaust Encyclopedia Uncensored And Unconstrained – Download For Free
Yes, we give it away for free – that is, the English-language ePub edition, with linked text and illustrations only, no audio and video files! The only catch is that every entry has advertisements, one at the beginning asking you to support our efforts, with a link to the online version of our encyclopedia, and the other at the end of the entry, featuring an image and link to Castle Hill Publishers’ prestigious series Holocaust Handbooks. Please consider supporting us!
The Multicultural ‘Dream’ Is Over – FF Episode 230 (1:58:16)
Henrik and Lana cover the latest developments in the collapsing narrative surrounding ‘multiculturalism’ in Flashback Friday this September 29, 2023.
by Red Ice TV
New Footage Shows US Smuggling Stolen Syrian Oil To Northern Iraq (Text and Video)
The US occupation forces used dozens of tankers to smuggle a new consignment of crude oil from the country’s northeastern province of Hasakah to their bases in northern Iraq last week, footage shows. The convoy of tankers, as seen in the footage, looted Syrian oil from the city of Qamishli in Hasakah through the Semalka border crossing into Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region. “New footage from 26 September [is] showing a US convoy, roughly 2 kilometers long, looting Syrian oil near Qamishli, moving east towards the Semalka border crossing and heading for Iraqi Kurdistan,” said the online news magazine The Cradle in a post on X (formerly Twitter). New footage from 26 September showing a US convoy, roughly 2 kilometers long, looting Syrian oil near Qamishli, moving east towards the Semalka border crossing and heading for Iraqi Kurdistan. pic.twitter.com/6E1d8CwTXh — The Cradle (@TheCradleMedia) September 29, 2023.
by PressTV
The ‘American’ Economic War Against Yemen
While a fragile ceasefire exists between the Saudi-led coalition and Ansarallah-allied forces, Yemen remains subjected to severe economic warfare, designed, backed, and orchestrated entirely by western powers.
The UN-brokered truce between Sanaa and Riyadh, which was announced in April 2022 and technically expired in October, has plunged Yemen into a neither-peace-nor-war purgatory. Not only did the truce utterly fail to relieve the country’s dire economic crisis caused by the US/UK-backed Saudi and Emirati aggression, but it also exacerbated the crisis to a degree not witnessed in years. The military option for resolving the conflict has long expired; In recent years, as the war shifted in favor of the Yemeni army and Ansarallah-backed popular committees, a balance of deterrence was struck deep within Saudi territory, forcing foreign coalition forces into a military ceasefire. At a dead-end, they instead scaled up economic pressure on Yemenis in an attempt to turn the population against the Sanaa government led by Ansarallah.
by Abdel Qader Osman
COVID Vaccines Damage All Hearts, Study Finds
Radiology Tests Detect Myocardial Damage in ALL Covid-vaccinated patients
A new scientific study by Nakahara et al. tested COVID-vaccinated people to see if they have “silent” changes in heart muscle function that standard radiology tests could detect. The study shows very unsettling results. Scientists measured myocardial 18Fluorine-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) uptake. F-FDG has molecular similarity to glucose. However, 18F-FDG does not metabolize like glucose. Therefore, PET scans could detect it, and its presence shows the heart muscle’s abnormally high demand for glucose, indicative of abnormal cardiac function. More about it here.
by Igor Chudov
Microplastics – aka Nanotechnological Self Assembly Polymers – Are Everywhere – Poisoning Our Biosphere, Food Supply And Humans (Text and Video)
The use of the word microplastics is once again to normalize the self assembly polymers that have been sprayed via illegal Geoengineering and bioengineering operations to transform our biosphere according to the transhumanist agenda. This is literally killing our planet, killing all life and humanity. This microplastics cover story is to explain why the human blood is contaminated by synthetic biology and nanotechnology. This is intentionally being done, just like this poison is intentionally put in vaccines, medications, food, animal feed, cosmetics…. literally everything.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
ACH (2240) Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #75 – Uprooting The Root Of Bitterness (Audio 18:55)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 1 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #75 – Uprooting The Root Of Bitterness” that was written by Dr. Peter Hammond.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Senate Passes Interim CR Extending Budget 45 Days – DC [Jews] Going Bananas That Ukraine Funding Not Included
The U.S. Senate passed the stop gap spending CR (Continuing Resolution) extending government funding for 45 days. The Senate vote was 88-9. Mike Lee, Bill Hagerty, Ted Cruz, JD Vance, Eric Schmitt, Rand Paul, Roger Marshall, Mike Braun, and Marcia Blackburn voted against the CR. The CR ends November 17th. There was no additional funding for Ukraine in the House or Senate bill. DC is going bananas, claiming that everyone supports additional multi-billion expenditures for Ukraine, but during a Senate Republican meeting earlier today, even John Thune told Mitch McConnell the ask for more Ukraine funding was a bridge too far.
by Sundance
The Mad Propaganda Push To Normalize War Profiteering In Ukraine
There’s been an astonishingly brazen propaganda push to normalize war profiteering in Ukraine as Kyiv coordinates with the arms industry and western governments to convert the war-ravaged nation into a major domestic weapons manufacturer, thereby turning Ukrainians into proxies of the military industrial complex as well as the Pentagon. At an event in Kyiv which hosted 250 “defense” industry corporations from 30 different countries on Friday, President Zelensky gave a speech urging war profiteers to open factories in Ukraine to cut out the middleman of securing and delivering so many weapons from abroad. This is an investment that the arms industry would ostensibly have plenty of time to set up, given that western officials are now going out of their way to communicate to the public that this war will stretch on for many more years to come.
by Caitlin Johnstone
“Euthanasia Houses” To Be Set Up Across Canada Under Plans Proposed By Euthanasia Group
A euthanasia group that set up Canada’s first “euthanasia house” is aiming to open similar “houses” where people can go to end their life through euthanasia throughout Canada. In 2018, two years after euthanasia and assisted suicide had been made legal in Canada, a group of euthanasia advocates set up what they called a MAiDHouse (Medical Assistance in Dying House) in which people could have their lives ended in a non-clinical setting. According to their annual report, “125 people (supporters and eligible patients) used” their euthanasia house. However, five years after their beginning, they have been unable to find a permanent location in which they can administer euthanasia. The group has plans to have these euthanasia houses all over Canada even though they are only operating out of a temporary location in Toronto at the moment.
by Right To Life
137 Trillion Reasons To Own Gold
Schiff Gold lays out the state of the global economic ponzi scheme heading into the weekend. And it’s ugly.
The FOMC and the Bank of England stood pat on interest rates this week. Following the FOMC’s decision, gold and silver fell on the back of its hawkish statement before recovering slightly. In Europe this morning, gold was $1926 up a net $2 from last Friday’s close. Silver fared much better at $23.68, up 65 cents. Silver is obviously in a bear squeeze, while hedge funds have become disinterested in gold.
by Quoth the Raven
The Incredible Benefits Of Eating Chlorella (10:38)
Sayer Ji explains the power of this special blue-green algae.
NATO Country Elects Party Which Promises To End Ukraine Aid
Robert Fico has a clear lead following the vote in Slovakia, but will need to find coalition partners to form a government
The Slovak Social Democracy (SMER-SD) party has won Saturday’s parliamentary election, with results from most districts giving it a 6 percentage point lead over its pro-Western rival, Progressive Slovakia. The SMER-SD party is led by former prime minister Robert Fico, who has vowed to end military aid to Ukraine and publicly criticized the European Union’s sanctions on Russia as ineffective and harmful. “We are a peaceful country,” Fico declared at a rally last week, adding that if his party wins it “will not send a single round [of ammunition] to Ukraine.” The Progressive Slovakia party, a staunch supporter of EU policies, is the runner up with just over 17% of the vote, with 95% of ballots counted. Its 39-year-old leader Michal Simecka, a vice-president of the European Parliament, campaigned on promises to continue Slovakia’s support for Ukraine. The pro-European HLAS (Voice) party, is polling third, just short of 15%. It’s leader Peter Pellegrini called it a victory and has not ruled out a possible coalition with Fico.
by RT
The Mechanisms Of Brain Injury From Aluminum Exposure: A Quick, Easy-To-Understand Review
The evidence is clear. Here is a small sample of the damning literature. We must now help the public avoid this threat to public health.
Aluminum is a ubiquitous element found in the Earth’s crust, where it was bound to silica for nearly all of the 3.8 billion years of organic evolution on this planet. Since the late 1800’s, has found its way into various aspects of human life, from cookware to vaccines. While it is generally considered safe for most applications, it is not: emerging evidence shows that have neurotoxic effects, particularly in the context of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Here we explore the mechanisms through which aluminum exposure leads to brain injury.
by James Lyons-Weiler
Israeli Forces Assault Palestinian Journalists, Worshippers In Jerusalem (Text and Video)
As Israelis and settlers observe the Jewish holiday of Sukkot this week, Palestinian worshippers and reporters in Jerusalem are subjected to attacks by Israeli occupation forces amidst restrictions on their freedom of movement.
Hundreds of Israeli settlers on Sunday forced their way into the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Sukkot is a week-long holiday, which started Sept. 29 and continues until Oct. 6, ending a season of Jewish holidays that started by observing the Rosh Hashanah (New Year) holiday on Sept.15. In a statement, the Jordan-run Islamic Waqf Department said Israeli forces closed the Al-Mughrabi Gate, southwest of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, “after allowing 602 Jewish extremists” into the site. According to witnesses, Israeli settlers entered the site in groups. The Palestinian Jerusalem Governorate published a video on its Facebook account of Jewish settlers trying to enter animal sacrifices inside the complex.
Ukraine’s Possible New Counteroffensive: ‘Camouflage’ For Zelensky To ‘Steal More Money From West’
Kiev’s alleged push for another counteroffensive, this time in the autumn, can be perceived as the West’s red herring, Scott Bennett, a former US Army psychological warfare officer and State Department counter-terrorism analyst, told Sputnik. The Zelensky regime had elaborated a plan for a major offensive in the Kherson and Zaporozhye region in early October, securing the approval of Ukraine’s sponsors in Washington and London, an informed source told Sputnik earlier this week. According to the source, Kiev’s special forces intend to seize control of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) as part of the blueprint.
by Oleg Burunov
Parody: Own Nothing, Be Happy by DieWilly (1:09)
mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Must Be Banned Once And For All
THOSE of us who knew from the beginning that the sequence of CoV-SARS-2 contained inserts which could not have possibly occurred naturally, and were similar to ones that had already been published from the Wuhan laboratory, have had to endure unbelievable scorn, scientific ostracism and the ignominy of being ‘cancelled’ by the MSM as well as by professional colleagues for nearly three years now. In the summer of 2020 a paper I co-authored, describing the findings of an Anglo-Norwegian team of scientists who had demonstrated unique ‘fingerprints’ of laboratory manipulation in the Covid virus, was suppressed in both the US and UK. This was at the time that the World Health Organization, leading science journals and others were going to huge lengths to persuade us that Covid was a natural occurrence, and that we should spend a lot more money to fight any such future threats.
by Angus Dalgleish
Visa Waiver Program: Biden Administration Has Insulted And Betrayed Arab Americans
The repeated promise by US officials that Israel would never get a visa waiver until it stopped discriminating against Arab American visitors turned out to be worthless.
On Tuesday night, September 26, I received a call from a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security. He wanted to give me a heads-up that on the next morning the Biden administration was going to formally announce that Israel was to be admitted into the US Visa Waiver Program (VWP). He knew I was opposed to Israel’s application for membership because of its history of discriminatory treatment of Arab Americans entering the country, and so he said, “I know you are disappointed.” I replied, “I’m not disappointed. I’m insulted and angry.” I’ve been dealing with this issue for over four decades. While I was speaking with him, I could see the faces and hear the voices of the hundreds of Arab Americans who had told me their stories of outright denial of entry into Israel or their hours-long interrogation and humiliation by Israeli immigration personnel on entry or exit from the country.
by James Zogby
kitten corner: i don’t mean to alarm you
(or maybe i do!)
jeez you guys, i knew there were some “alarmists” in congress, but this really takes the cake. and honestly, this whole “i didn’t know it would alarm anyone” excuse kinda makes it worse, no?
by gatito bueno
The Forces Already In Motion
The place to start is to differentiate market forecasts from forces that are already in motion.
Readers have asked me for my opinion/forecast about the economy and markets–where stocks, bonds, yields, etc. are likely to go. I am not an expert, of course, but I read a lot of forecasts, and can identify forecasts that have been accurate and those which were less accurate. As we all know, timing matters in forecasting. A forecast can be right in direction but not in timing. The place to start is to differentiate market forecasts from forces that are already in motion. Markets are based on human perceptions of risk, loss and gain and the emotions of uncertainty, confidence, greed and fear.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Follow The Money (3:38)
by The BoatRawker
“There Is A Path To Victory” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. To Hold Rally And Make Special Announcement On Tuesday October 9 In Philadelphia – VIDEO
As reported earlier this afternoon by Cullen Linebarger at The Gateway Pundit – Robert Kennedy Jr. is expected to break away from the Democrat Party to run as an Independent. Earlier this month, in an interview on “Forbes Newsroom” with Diane Brady, 2024 Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. accused the Democratic National Committee (DNC) of undermining the democratic process by enacting rules aimed at preventing a fair primary election. According to Kennedy, the DNC’s moves make it impossible for any candidate, including himself, to challenge Joe Biden. Kennedy highlighted that the DNC had shifted the Iowa primary and had instituted rules that penalize candidates who campaign in certain states.
by Jim Hoft
Biden Deploys Troops To Border To Stop Texas From Securing Border
EL PASO, TX — With the ongoing migrant crisis along the southern border of the United States, President Joe Biden has taken decisive action and announced he is deploying U.S. military personnel to the border to stop the state of Texas from securing the border. “It’s time someone finally did something about this,” Biden said. “For far too long, Texas has been causing tremendous harm to the United States. No more! As Commander-In-Chief, I am sending our military to the border immediately to make sure Texas stops securing the border. With this action, it is my hope that…that all of the…millions…that all of the…that the border will be completely…you know…where am I here? Knock it off, Texas!”
by Babylon Bee
Moscow Says ‘Anti-Russia’ IAEA Resolution Contains Unsubstantiated Accusations
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The resolution adopted at the 67th session of the IAEA General Conference on “nuclear safety, nuclear security and safeguards in Ukraine” contains unfounded attacks and unsubstantiated accusations against Russia, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday. The 67th Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference took place from Monday to Friday in Vienna. “On September 28, the 67th regular session of the IAEA General Conference, under pressure from the United States and its allies, adopted the resolution ‘Nuclear safety, security and safeguards in Ukraine’, containing unfounded attacks and unsubstantiated accusations against Russia, through a vote accompanied by the typical Western blackmail, intrigue and intimidation of countries,” Zakharova said in a statement posted on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website.
by Sputnik
British Defense Secretary States They Are Putting Military Troops Into Ukraine
First the backdrop. Let us not pretend a confluence of events do not all go in one direction. U.S. troops are conducting military exercises in eastern Moldova. The CIA and State Department are the operational mechanism for all Ukraine military operations, and in total control of the Ukraine government {link}. American contracted mercenary troops operating in Ukraine are being treated at U.S. military hospitals in Germany. U.S. military operations are flying drone missions above Ukraine, and U.S. satellites are coordinating the battlespace. Additionally, the U.S. is sending Abrams tanks, F-16 fighter jets along with support and training teams, and long-range missile launching systems into Ukraine.
by Sundance
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