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April News 674 Posts Published
Neil Oliver: Sometime In The Last Century, Government And Business Got Into Bed With Organised Crime (11:33)
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April News 674 Posts Published
“A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it,
is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both.”
James Madison

De-Dollarization Kicks Into High Gear
The US dollar is essential to US global power projection. But in 2022, the dollar share of reserve currencies slid 10 times faster than the average in the past two decades.
It is now established that the US dollar’s status as a global reserve currency is eroding. When corporate western media begins to attack the multipolar world’s de-dollarization narrative in earnest, you know the panic in Washington has fully set in. The numbers: the dollar share of global reserves was 73 percent in 2001, 55 percent in 2021, and 47 percent in 2022. The key takeaway is that last year, the dollar share slid 10 times faster than the average in the past two decades. Now it is no longer far-fetched to project a global dollar share of only 30 percent by the end of 2024, coinciding with the next US presidential election. The defining moment – the actual trigger leading to the Fall of the Hegemon – was in February 2022, when over $300 billion in Russian foreign reserves were “frozen” by the collective west, and every other country on the planet began fearing for their own dollar stores abroad. There was some comic relief in this absurd move, though: the EU “can’t find” most of it.
by Pepe Escobar
Argentina To Use Yuan To Settle Chinese Imports Amid Global De-Dollarization Push
Argentina on Wednesday (local time) reportedly announced plans to use Chinese currency yuan to pay for goods imported from China amid an emerging de-dollarization wave pushed by countries and regions in order to decrease reliance on the US dollar. Argentina’s Economy Minister Sergio Massa announced at a press conference that the South American country will stop using US dollars to pay for Chinese imports and will instead use yuan for settlement. Chinese Ambassador to Argentina Zou Xiaoli was invited to attend the press conference, China Media Group (CMG) reported on Thursday. Argentina will use yuan to pay for Chinese imports worth about $1.04 billion in April. The use of yuan can accelerate the pace of Chinese imports over coming months, while the efficiency of relevant authorizations will be higher, Massa said.
by GT Staff Reporters
Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor April 26, 2023 (23:25)
Ex-US Army Psyops Expert: Fox News Fired Carlson to Maintain “Semi Lobotomized Quasi Retarded Population”
Host’s ouster spells “the death of American media.”
A former US Army psychological warfare officer says that Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News because of the regime’s agenda to maintain an “uninformed semi lobotomized quasi retarded population.” The remarks were made by US counter-terror expert Scott Bennett. Carlson and Fox News “parted ways” on Monday with speculation still raging as to the specific reason why the network canned its highest rated and most popular host. According to Bennett, Carlson posed too much of a threat to institutional power because he turned Americans into proper “researchers and thinkers”. Carlson offered an “intellectualism, truthfulness, and an analytical depth that no other news personality has ever done in the history of the United States as far back as I can remember,” said Bennett.
by Paul Joseph Watson
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Reveals All After Getting Pranked by Fake Zelensky (Text and Video)
Rates to stay high for quite some time
Ukrainian “President Zelensky” had a nice chat with Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell recently. Apart from it wasn’t actually President Zelensky. Instead it was two Russian pranksters who recently pranked former French President Hollande. It seems the mere mention of the name “Zelensky” gets the rich and powerful lowering their guard and ready to spill the beans on any topic fake Zelensky requests. The two Russians called Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexei Stolyarov go by the name of Vovan and Lexus and have previously pranked Hollande, former British Minister of Foreign Affairs William Hague, Angela Merkel, 27th US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, Christine Lagarde and many others.
by The Naked Emperor
Dr. John Coleman: Committee Of 300, Club Of Rome Andyal Institute Of Int. Affairs. Free pdf’s (1:43:29)
Dr. John Coleman: The Club of Rome, Chatham House And The Committee of 300. great insight into the ruling hierarchy of the global system, from the Committee of 300 and the Black Nobility of Venice, to the “clearing houses” of global policy, the Club of Rome and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and their many branches across the world. The Club of Rome (COR) is the chief think tank for the New World Order…
The Crisis Of Humanity Lies At The Feet Of Mass Indifference
Why should you care? Why should you bother? If the misery of others does not seem to affect you, or in some way even enhances your lot in life, so be it, as what could you do about it anyway? If you hide from evil, if you say nothing, will that evil disappear? If you support or applaud the evil of others, as happens especially in war, are you not evil yourself? If you allow atrocities to occur without speaking out or lifting a finger to stop them, are you absolved of blame and responsibility? If great pain and suffering of innocents is allowed by your turning away, do you cry out in the night in agony, or do you sleep deeply in a state of hidden and ignorant bliss? The crisis of humanity, the gruesome plight of mankind; has been allowed to endure and greatly expand due to the deafening silence of the non-caring collective herd who are consumed by their pathetic embrace of cowardly apathy. Most seem to clutch to the notion of victimhood in one form or another, in order to justify their existence, and to use as an excuse to ignore the anguish and sorrow of others. This is of course, only a pathological escape from reality, and a way of getting by without having to take responsibility for their lack of actions, or facing the consequences of looking at their own pitiful reflection in the mirror.
by Gary D. Barnett
Resurrection Reflections
If Catholics lived by their risen life within,
They could yet save a world drowning in sin.
“The Resurrection,” says modern man, “oh yes, it’s a lovely idea, it gives comfort to weak souls to think that there may be something after death, especially something nice, like some kind of heaven, but of course it’s not true. Once people die, they don’t come back to life, science knows that that just doesn’t happen. Death is the end. We need to stop dreaming. We need to get on with our lives on earth and live them to the full, for as long as we can, and accept that we will all die, and that’s it. It’s over. Nothing.” That is how many a man would like to think, because of course it gives him permission, so to speak, to live life just as he likes, without having to worry about anything after death. He need not care about the Ten Commandments, or God, or Heaven or Hell, or eternity or anything like that. He believes in Science, Science says that all that religious twaddle cannot be proved, it is just pious nonsense.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
The Fibonacci’s Clock (0:26)
The End Of American ‘Exceptionalism’?
Watching a once great nation commit suicide is not pretty. President Joe Biden does not seem to understand that his role as elected leader of the United States is to take actions that directly or indirectly benefit the folks who voted for him as well as the other Americans who did not do so. That is how a constitutional democracy is supposed to work. Instead, Biden and the gang of introverts and neocon war criminals that the has surrounded himself with have done everything that can to inflict fatal damage on the economy through rash initiatives both overseas and at home. A spending spree to buy support from the bizarre constituencies that make up the Democrat Party base while also fighting an undeclared war in Europe have meant that nearly two trillion dollars has been added to the national debt under Biden’s rule, a debt that was already unsustainable at nearly $30 trillion, larger than the United States’ gross national product. Plans to cancel student loan debts will add hundreds of billions of dollars more to the red ink.
by Philip Giraldi
The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed
Human history is a story of forgotten lessons. Despite the catastrophic collapse of European democracy in the 1930s, it appears that the tale of the twentieth century – in which citizens, cowed by existential threats, acquiesced in the rejection of liberty and truth in favour of obedience and propaganda, whilst allowing despotic leaders to seize ever more absolutist powers – is perilously close to being forgotten. Nowhere is this more evident than in relation to the apparent nonchalance which has greeted two international legal agreements currently working their way through the World Health Organisation: a new pandemic treaty, and amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations, both due to be put before the governing body of the WHO, the World Health Assembly, in May next year. As concerned scholars and jurists have detailed, these agreements threaten to fundamentally reshape the relationship between the WHO, national governments, and individuals.
by Molly Kingsley
Globalists Plan For Future Policing To Be Done By Militarily-Equipped, Transhuman, Robotic Police – This Needs To Be Stopped Now!
As has been carefully documented, under cover of the “virus/vaccine” narrative, the Global Elite is implementing long-planned and profound changes to 200 areas of human life. In essence, as documented elsewhere – see ‘We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s “Great Reset”: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?’ – this program will kill off a substantial proportion of humanity, imprison those left alive as transhuman slaves in their “smart cities” subject to their Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies (including 5G, digital ID, CBDCs, geofencing, AI policing and a robotised workforce), enclose the Commons forever and transfer all wealth to Elite hands. Needless to say, with some people already resisting and more people likely to perceive the truth of what is happening and join the resistance with the passage of time, policing the imposition of this program will be a critical factor in ensuring its success.
by Rhoda Wilson
Russia Takes Control Of Two Western Firms In Retaliatory Move
The Kremlin says the action ‘mirrors the attitude’ of Western governments toward Russian assets
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an order Wednesday that gives Russia temporary control over Russian subsidiaries of two Western energy firms, a response to the US and EU freezing Russian assets. The order took control of the Russian assets of the Finnish firm Fortum and the German-owned Uniper. The Kremlin warned that the action could be expanded to take control of more assets. “The decree adopted is a response to the aggressive actions of unfriendly countries,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. “This initiative mirrors the attitude of Western governments towards foreign assets of Russian companies.”
by Dave DeCamp
Tucker Carlson April 26, 2023 True Things Prevail (2:15)
The Fate Of Hungarian Jews At Auschwitz-Birkenau: The Real Story
American historian Randolph L. Braham wrote that on March 19, 1944, without any resistance, Germany occupied Hungary primarily based on military-strategic considerations. Hungary at this time was a member of the Axis alliance and had a Jewish population of approximately 800,000. Braham wrote that from May 15 through July 9, 1944, approximately 440,000 Jews were deported from Hungary, with more than 420,000 Jews sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. He said that most of the Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau were murdered upon arrival.[1] British historian David Cesarani wrote that, in the unremittingly grim record of the Holocaust, no single chapter is quite so awful as the fate which befell Hungary’s Jewish population. He said that with the full cooperation of the local administration, the Eichmann Kommando quickly set about plundering and deporting Hungary’s Jewish population. Cesarani estimated that 437,000 Jews were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. He wrote that only a fraction of these Jews was selected for work, and of them only a few thousand survived.[2] This article documents that, contrary to the statements of most historians, the Hungarian Jews were not subject to a program of mass extermination at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
by John Wear
559 Days Of Rebellious Truth Telling Remaining
There are 559 days remaining until the American elections on November 5, 2024. Things have suddenly begun to change very rapidly. Robert F Kennedy Jr declared his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination. The DNC (Democratic National Committee) responded by canceling debates. And then Tucker Carlson was fired despite having the most listeners on cable TV. He told the truth about the assassinations of JFK and RFK. He dared to show videotapes of the January 6, 2020 protesters being escorted around the Capitol building. He also dared to tell the truth about Big Pharma, the CDC, the FDA and those mRNA vaxxes. Covid was made in a lab in the West and then sent to Wuhan China to be made more deadly and contagious.
by Video Rebel
1930s London Doesn’t Even Seem Real. (3:12)
Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report: Abortions Hold Steady At 400,000 As Pregnancy Services Decline
Planned Parenthood’s ability to maintain its abortion numbers is a testament to its prioritization of the issue over all other services.
Planned Parenthood has released its first annual report since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, revealing that despite a wave of newly-enforceable pro-life laws, the abortion giant reports its second-highest abortion numbers ever. Planned Parenthood’s 2021-2022 Annual Report says that last year, the chain committed 374,155 abortions. The group also conducted 470,419 pap tests and breast exams, 4.4 million tests and exams for sexually-transmitted infections, 2.3 million birth control services, 6,244 prenatal services, 2,653 miscarriage-related services, and 1,803 adoption referrals. To put those numbers in perspective, Catholic University of America professor Michael New writes that “[b]etween 2021 and 2022, prenatal services fell by a whopping 29 percent. In addition to this, miscarriage-care fell by 5 percent, adoption referrals fell by 7 percent, STI tests fell by over 2 percent, and pregnancy tests fell by 3.7 percent.”
by Calvin Freiburger
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – Event 201 Webpage Goes Missing
Event 201 – A high-level pandemic exercise held by The Johns Hopkins Center for Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The exercise began on 18 October 2019, months before the Covid pandemic started and the very same day the World Military Games began in Wuhan. The website for the event has been available to view all the way through the pandemic but for some reason it has now been taken down. If you click on the web address, all you get is this:
by The Naked Emperor
The Main Victims Of Western Sanctions / Prank With The Chairman Of The FRI Jerome Powell (3:18)
“It is clear that these are Eastern European countries, these are Poland — those that are close to Ukraine. A lot depends on what is happening in Ukraine and what will happen in Russia.” During a prank in the new episode of “Show ViL”, when asked by “Vladimir Zelensky” about which countries were most affected by anti–Russian sanctions, the Chairman of the FRI replied that it definitely wasn’t the United States: “We have our own energy resources. I know that Ukraine is suffering, we all see what is happening. People like me want to help, but I have limited opportunities in my position.” Jerome Powell spoke about the attempts of the Fed and Washington to minimize inflation in the country: “Last year, we raised our key rate quite a bit to slow down the growth of the US economy and reduce inflation. We have raised rates quite a lot, and the market is already laying two increases. We will conduct an analysis after we have carried out these two increases. And let’s say whether it’s worth raising more.”
Sweden Democrats Threaten To Collapse Government If Sweden Approves EU Migration Pact
he EU is moving to force all EU countries to accept migrant quotas through its new pact. French National Rally parliamentary leader Marine Le Pen has called the EU’s Pact on Migration and Asylum the ‘suicide of Europe,‘ and warned already in 2020 that it would mean 75 million more migrants for Europe. The controversial pact is now moving closer to becoming a reality, and various conservative and populist parties across Europe are scrambling to use any political means possible to block it from passing, including the Sweden Democrats. The EU’s Migration Pact passed with a clear majority in the European Parliament last week with 420 votes to 130. SD politician MEP Charlie Weimers warned that the pact may force member states to accept migrants against their will; this is especially relevant for countries like Hungary, Czechia and Poland, which have all rejected mandatory migrant quotas.
by Michael Walsh
Biden DOJ: Kids Have A Constitutional Right To Puberty Blockers
The Biden Administration has a new and unhinged constitutional theory: the 14th Amendment protects the right of a child to take puberty blockers. Bans on hormone treatments for children with gender dysphoria, such as the prescription of testosterone to a transgender 12 year-old, violate the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause. That’s the Administration’s position in LW v. Skrmetti, a lawsuit filed in a Nashville, Tennessee federal court by the families of three transgender children – a fifteen year-old transgender daughter (who thought he was transgender at age 12), a fifteen year-old transgender son, and a twelve year-old transgender son. They’re challenging a new Tennessee law that “establishes prohibitions related to the performance on minors of certain medical procedures related to gender identity, creates private causes of action for violations, and establishes additional penalties for violations.”
by Techno Fog
NATO Could Send Troops To Western Ukraine If Kiev’s Spring Offensive Fails – Here’s Why
Mainstream reporting related to the so-called “Pentagon leaks” about the DoD’s sobering assessment of the real state of the NATO-Russia proxy conflict in Ukraine has brought the “do or die” pressure facing Kiev into focus. Without a decisive victory, Kiev may be pushed into ceasefire talks, says international affairs expert Mark Sleboda. Anonymous Biden administration officials told US media this week that the White House is “quietly preparing” for the contingency of Ukrainian forces failing to gain any significant ground against Russia during Kiev’s much-hyped spring offensive, and for the reputational blow this might have for Washington via-a-vis other allies and clients. Administration officials reportedly also fear that a failed or stalled offensive could result in attacks on the White House at home both by hawks pushing for even more aid to Kiev, and doves arguing that the Ukrainian Army’s failure would prove that Russia can’t be ejected from Crimea, Donbass, and its new territories.
by Ilya Tsukanov—heres-why-1109858694.html
breaking the mancubs: activism as identity
how schools became the agent of societal dissolution and how to fix it
cult brainwashing has a long and unpleasant history. it takes many forms and has occurred in many places but the core process is basically always the same: you strip prior loyalty, sense of self, and self-worth belonging to other community. you make it seem alien, bad, immoral, or unenlightened to “be as they are” and effectively “other” the rest of the world. then you provide a new identity, a new morality, new names for things, and a sense of safety and belonging in a new community. efface identity, strip it down to bare wood, then build it back up.
by el gato malo
High School Girl Addresses Her School Board After Being Duped Into Sharing A Bathroom With A Biological Male (2:11)
“You have violated my privacy, you have violated my modesty, and you have violated my dignity”
Saints And Sinners
A closer look at our better angels in government
Michael Chertoff. Leon Panetta. Michael Hayden. Jim Clapper. John Brennan. How do we know they are heroes? The mainstream press says so. They are the ‘Heroes of 2020’ who saved us from the truth. All former spooks…heads of various government agencies, they spent much of their careers peeking in windows, opening other people’s mail, and spreading misinformation. As experts in this kind of thing, they signed an open letter, three weeks before the election of 2020, assuring us that the New York Post’s scoop about Hunter Biden was false. The laptop story, they said, was a “Russian (dis)information operation.” They ought to know! And their public declaration led to a thousand headlines. Here’s Politico, with the leading example: “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former officials say.” It sounded conclusive. And it dismissed a line of questions that might have derailed the Biden presidential campaign.
by Bill Bonner
Fauci Says He Never Locked Anything Down And Has Never Heard Of COVID
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a testy exchange with an interviewer for Meet the Press last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed he never locked down schools and hasn’t even heard of COVID. “COVID? I’ve never even heard of such a thing! What is COVID? That sounds made up!” said the former NIAID Director and COVID advisor to the President. “And I certainly had nothing to do with locking down schools and destroying kids’ learning and development for over a year. What kind of monster would do something like that? You must have me confused with someone else.”
Globalists And The EU Are Now Deliberately Starving Africans
The EU has rejected Russia’s request that it provide starving millions in Africa with grain from Ukraine. Only 3% of the grain coming out of Ukraine is actually going to Africa – the continent where it is really needed. The rest is still going to the EU – and because there is too much of the stuff in EU countries, it is being used to feed pigs. You can always rely upon the EU to do the wrong thing. Anyone who still supports the EU must be insane and wicked. Polish and Hungarian farmers are so angry about the massive amounts of grain being imported into their countries from Ukraine that they want the imports to be rejected. It’s a pity that Black Lives Matter doesn’t put more effort into pressuring the EU to ensure that the grain goes to Africa.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Democrats Attack Ukraine Audit Resolution As ‘Divisive And Ill-Advised’
Legislation introduced by Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) which calls on the White House to release documents related to the war in Ukraine passed a voice vote on Wednesday. With debate on the resolution divided along party lines, the House Foreign Affairs Committee is set to vote on the measure on Friday. The bill, H.Res.300, would urge President Joe Biden to grant lawmakers access to “all documents indicating any plans for current or future military assistance to Ukraine,“ as well as any material “indicating whether any United States Armed Forces, including special operations forces, are currently deployed in Ukraine.” Since Russia invaded its neighbor 14 months ago, Congress has authorized over $100 billion in aid for Ukraine.
by Kyle Anzalone
HHS Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas Tells Congress Biden Administration Is “Middleman” In Multi-Billion Dollar Migrant Child Trafficking Operation
HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas testified today in front of the house Judiciary Committee. Rodas told Congress that today in the United States children will work at slaughter houses, factories, and restaurants to pay their debt to the smugglers, traffickers and cartels. And… The US Government has become the “middleman” in a large scale multi-billion dollar child trafficking operation, run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children. There have been over 5 million illegal aliens, including migrant children, who have flooded across the US Southern Border under Joe Biden’s watch.
by Jim Hoft
Just Weeks Ago, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Called On Rupert Murdoch To Take Tucker Carlson Off The Air. (0:31)
Jonathan Greenblatt wasn’t the only one responsible for Carlson’ getting fired. Chuckie Schumer did his part too, confirming my thesis that Tucker needs to read The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit to know who did him.
Remembering Graeme MacQueen
In the summer of 2006, at the newly formed Journal of 9/11 Studies, we received a submission from a Canadian professor named Graeme MacQueen. The paper was entitled “118 Witnesses: The Firefighter’s Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers.” After peer-review comments were addressed, it was published and has become one of the most important articles in the 9/11 literature. For the next seventeen years, Graeme went on to lead the 9/11 truth movement through his outstanding scholarship, his thoughtful approach, and his ability to instill trust in colleagues. Along with his remarkable intelligence and wide-ranging analytical skills, MacQueen’s dedication to peace and justice made him a force to be reckoned with. Although he became the leading expert on testimonies related to 9/11, including those from firefighters, first responders, and media sources, he contributed much more to the cause and his contributions will continue to light the way forward.
by Kevin Ryan
Grapes: Farm-Aceutical Of The Future?
Grapes, a popular fruit easily located on grocery store shelves, have potent health benefits: researchers have studied the benefits of consuming the whole fruit, grape seed extract and resveratrol, a type of phenol found in the skin of grapes. Although high in sugar, grapes and their extracts are a possible therapeutic treatment for a variety of ailments including cardiovascular and obesity-related diseases
The wide variety of natural compounds found in grapes has made them a source of intense research for decades.[i] Researchers are particularly interested in the phytonutrients contained in grapes, such as resveratrol, a type of antioxidant that may prevent a variety of diseases and promote health..[ii],[iii] Grape seed extract, another grape derivative, has also held the research community’s fascination due to its ability to reduce oxidative stress and exert positive effects on blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.[iv],[v]
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
A Sapphire Schrödinger’s Cat Shows That Quantum Effects Can Scale Up
With the mass of about half an eyelash, a hunk of crystal exists in two distinct states at once
In keeping with the grand tradition of tubby cats, a newly created quantum “cat” is particularly massive — at least for the quantum realm. Scientists put a jiggling piece of sapphire crystal in what’s known as a “cat state,” in which an object exists in two different states simultaneously. It’s a situation reminiscent of physicists’ favorite imaginary feline, Schrödinger’s cat, known for being alive and dead at the same time. The new sapphire cat is a relatively hefty 16 micrograms, physicists report in the April 21 Science. That’s close to half the mass of an eyelash, and more than 100 trillion times the mass of cat states previously created with molecules. “We’ve reached a new regime where quantum mechanics apparently does work,” says physicist Yiwen Chu of ETH Zurich.
by Emily Conover
South Korean Leader’s US Visit Sets Stage For New Cold War In Pacific
The election of right-wing South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol has once again frozen relations with the north. Greg Elich, Korea Policy Institute board member and a contributor to the collection Sanctions as War: Anti-Imperialist Perspectives on American Geo-Economic Strategy, said Seoul had taken Washington’s side in the broader new Cold War. The South Korean presidential state visit to the US is intended to cement agreement on ratcheting up the “new Cold War” with China, North Korea and Russia, says a regional expert. Yoon Suk-yeol arrived in Washington DC on Tuesday for talks with US President Joe Biden. Officials said the focus of the discussions was North Korea’s nuclear weapon and missile programmes, now back in motion after a deal brokered by former US leader Donald Trump collapsed after the US resumed its twice-yearly joint military exercises with the south.
by James Tweedie
Higher Education Is Brainwashing, Part II (11:40)
“Conservatives” have lost the argument before they even open their mouths if they are afraid to talk about race.
by American Renaissance
New Research Sheds Light On How Circadian Rhythms Work
New research from a multidisciplinary team helps to illuminate the mechanisms behind circadian rhythms, offering new hope for dealing with jet lag, insomnia and other sleep disorders. sing innovative cryo-electron microscopy techniques, the researchers have identified the structure of the circadian rhythm photosensor and its target in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), one of the major organisms used to study circadian rhythms. The research, “Cryptochrome-Timeless Structure Reveals Circadian Clock Timing Mechanisms” published April 26 in Nature. The research focused on fruit fly cryptochromes, key components of the circadian clocks of plants and animals, including humans. In flies and other insects, cryptochromes, activated by blue light, serve as the primary light sensors for setting circadian rhythms. The target of the cryptochrome photosensor, known as “Timeless” (TIM), is a large, complex protein that could not previously be imaged and thus its interactions with the cryptochrome are not well understood.
by Linda B. Glaser, Cornell University
One Of The Largest Banks In The United States Is On The Verge Of Going Under
Is another domino about to fall? Our system was greatly shaken when Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank suddenly collapsed, but we seem to have weathered that storm. But what will happen if an even larger bank goes under? s of March 31st, First Republic had approximately 290 billion dollars in assets, and that makes it much larger than Silicon Valley Bank was when it finally imploded. A 30 billion dollar rescue plan that was hastily put together last month was supposed to stabilize First Republic, but that hasn’t worked. n Tuesday, First Republic shares fell by about 50 percent after the public learned that “customers withdrew more than $100 billion during last month’s crisis”… First Republic Bank’s shares plunged 50 percent after a ‘troubling’ earnings call where company executives refused to answer questions.
by Michael Snyder
ACH (2134) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Stephen Mitford Goodson’s Expose Of Globalist General Jan Smuts South Africa’s Worst Prime Minister (And Why He Wasn’t Assassinated) – Part 3 (Audio 53:54)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 27, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Stephen Mitford Goodson’s Expose Of Globalist General Jan Smuts South Africa’s Worst Prime Minister (And Why He Wasn’t Assassinated) – Part 3.”
We discussed: why Jan Smuts was one of the most influential globalists of the 20th Century; when Smuts became an asset of British Intelligence; the contingency plan to make Jan Smuts the Prime Minister of Great Britain; how both Jan Smuts and Winston Churchill had many things in common, not least both being unelected Prime Minister’s of their respective countries; when Smuts was appointed legal adviser to the South African Board Of Jewish Deputies; how in recognition of his services to the State Of Israel, there are streets over there named after him; Smuts services to the international bankers, who he placed over and above the interests of the South African people; how there was no building in South Africa named after Jan Smuts until Nelson Mandela was elected President in 1994; how the recent Coup d’etat in Sudan coincidentally occured shortly after the Sudanese government made an agreement to allow Russia to build a naval base there on the banks of the Red Sea; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Republicans Push Biden To Send Cluster Bombs To Ukraine
Two leading GOP congressmen renewed calls for the White House to send cluster bombs to Ukraine. Representative Mike Rogers (R-MS) claimed the US has 3 million rounds of the controversial munitions in stock that will have to be destroyed if they are not sent to Kiev. Rogers, head of the House Armed Services Committee, issued the demand during a committee hearing on Wednesday. “The administration [is] not giving Ukraine the weapons it needs to win. Chief among them is cluster munitions,“ he said. Typically intended for use against personnel and light vehicles, cluster bombs carry smaller explosive submunitions which are released in flight and scattered across a target area. However, the bomblets often fail to detonate and remain on the ground as ‘duds,’ causing countless civilian deaths in former warzones, sometimes even decades into the future. After the Vietnam War, as many as 20 million bomblets remained unexploded in Laos. Thousands of children have been killed and injured when stumbling upon the live submunitions.
by Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter
Xi Speaks To Zelensky By Phone
The call will provide a “powerful” boost to bilateral ties, the Ukrainian leader said
Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelensky, have spoken over the phone, in their first official conversation since Moscow launched its military operation in the neighboring state more than a year ago. Xi told Zelensky that “dialogue and negotiations are the only viable way out.” “China will neither watch the fire from the other side, nor add fuel to the fire, let alone take advantage of the opportunity to make profits,” Xi said, as quoted by the Global Times. The Chinese president urged all sides to remain “calm and restrained” when dealing with the possibility of the conflict spiraling into a larger confrontation. “No one wins a nuclear war,” he said. Zelensky tweeted that the dialogue was “long and meaningful.” He said the call, along with the appointment of an ambassador to China, will “give a powerful impetus to the development of our bilateral relations.”
by RT
Did Biden Steal The Election? by Ron Paul (4:52)
Who Gains From A Forever War In Ukraine?
The newly elected president of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel is an unusual European politician. He is the second president in his country with a military background but the first without political experience. He never saw combat duty and is an arm chair military strategist but lionised as a “senior NATO leader” — whatever that may mean. The high noon of Pavel’s professional career in the military was reached in 1993 when while serving in the UN Protection Force in Bosnia, he led a team of 29 soldiers to evacuate a French military outpost under siege by Serbian soldiers, which he executed after overcoming obstacles that slowed down the operation such as fallen trees which his soldiers had to remove from the road. France decorated Pavel. At any rate, the 61-year old soldier-politician has hit the road running when barely 7 weeks into his new job as head of state, Pavel threw a curve ball claiming China cannot be a reliable mediator between Russia and Ukraine due to Beijing’s secret craving for “more war.”
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Could The Man Jailed For John Lennon’s Murder Be Innocent?
New documentary says a SECOND gunman could have fired fatal shots and questions whether killer Mark Chapman was brainwashed by CIA
A three-year investigation into the murder of John Lennon has unearthed a series of extraordinary inconsistencies – including the suggestion that detectives may have fundamentally misunderstood how the shooting happened. British author and TV producer David Whelan has exhaustively examined Lennon’s fatal shooting on December 8, 1980, as he and his wife Yoko Ono returned to their home in the Dakota Building overlooking New York’s Central Park. Whelan has unearthed a trove of documents relating to the killing, including gunman Mark Chapman’s ‘hit list’ – published for the first time here – which as well as the former Beatle also featured Marlon Brando and former First Lady Jackie Kennedy Onassis.
by Nick Craven
Deagel Population Forecast Of Nearly 70 Percent Fewer Americans By 2025 Is Starting To Look Prophetic
All of the globalist policies over the last three years are driving toward one thing, mass depopulation. Yes, they want to kill us. Until you understand that, you will never understand what’s going on. You will never make sense of it. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but reject it at your own risk. Those who live in denial will get duped, again. Many of those duped the first time lost their lives, or ended up with life-long health issues. Some even offered their children to the military-biomedical-security complex. I like to revert back to the analysis done by Deagel Corp. in 2014, forecasting massive global population declines out to the year 2025, especially in Western countries.
by Leo Hohmann
A Timeline For Nuclear War Escalation (10:33)
JPMorgan: “ChatGPT Has Driven Half The Gains In The Stock Market This Year” – Mega Financial Bubble About To Explode
I have been reporting on the Big Tech Crash since it started last year (2022). This crash picked up speed in 2022 following the collapse of the mega Cryptocurrency company FTX, which revealed a huge criminal Ponzi scheme that raked in $billions while its founder and associates reveled in their wealth with drugs, wild parties and sexual orgies. Criminal prosecutions and other civil lawsuits are still ongoing, and we may never know just how far this scandal reached, and the extent of those involved, which includes many famous professional sports figures. The Miami Heat NBA Basketball team’s arena was even named after FTX, and had to recently change its name just after FTX had purchased a multi-year sponsorship of the arena. Here in 2023, however, investors have continued to pour money into Big Tech stocks, in spite of the losses they suffered in 2022 and the hundreds of thousands who have now been laid off by these companies, and I have been warning for the past 3 months that this is a huge bubble because most of these investments are going into the newest fad in Big Tech: Artificial Intelligence Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, in spite of the fact that these new software products are not producing any revenue yet. And in a report published today about an analysis from JPMorgan, the analysis stated that “The interest sparked in artificial intelligence driven by ChatGPT and other large language models has driven more than half the gains in the S&P 500 this year.” WOW!!! That’s worse than even I expected! Not only is Big Tech in trouble and about to crash, so is the entire United States financial system.
by Brian Shilhavy
Sickness Absence Days In The UK Rise 57% Since 2021
What caused the sudden reverse in trend?
The long term sickness absence rate in the UK has been on a steady downward trend since at least the mid 90s. Even in 2020, when we had to lockdown due to a deadly circulating virus, the trend continued downwards. But according to the Office for National Statistics’ (ONS) latest publication – ‘Sickness absence in the UK labour market: 2022’ – something happened in 2021 to reverse this trend. And sharply. The sickness absence rate in 2020 was 1.8% but rose 44% to 2.6% in 2022. Within two years almost 20 years of progress has been wiped out with absence rates similar to those in 2004. This isn’t a trivial issue either because it also impacts the economy, as well as the health of the people involved. An estimated 185.6 million working days were lost in 2022, a new record high. This represents a 57% increase from the 118 million working days lost in 2022.
by The Naked Emperor
FDA Chief Spruiks Misinformation While Vowing To Fight Misinformation
Robert Califf, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is hell bent on ridding the internet of misinformation. In a series of public appearances, Califf has claimed that “misinformation is now our leading cause of death.” When I asked the FDA for evidence to support his claim, the agency drew a blank, admitting that Califf’s statement “cannot be proven.” Califf has since made attempts to tweak his public statement. This week, CBS News reporter Alexander Tin pressed him for an explanation, to which Califf replied, “I want to modify my statement. And I’ll keep working on this, to try to get it right. I would say I actually believe it is the leading cause of premature death…” Jessica Adams, an expert in drug regulatory affairs said, “It’s ironic. Califf is spreading misinformation about the leading cause of premature death in the US, while promoting the need to counter misinformation.” “It’s unbelievable for him to make these assertions with no scientific backing,” she added.
by Maryanne Demasi, PhD
Putin (2022): “Has Anyone In The West Thought This Through? Looks Like They Haven’t.” (1:02)
Inflation Isn’t Going Away – It’s Going To Get Worsezflation isn’t going away despite all the promises from central banks and politicians. They aren’t even trying to get rid of inflation and they will lie, lie and lie again – hiding the truth in every conceivable way. The real inflation figures are being fiddled (the Government’s official figures for inflation don’t include the cost of items such as housing, food, fuel and heating) and even though real inflation is going up they’ll tell you it is going down. The problem is that governments and central bankers are terrified of deflation because deflation means that money becomes more valuable. Government debts (which are huge) will grow if there is deflation. So they need inflation (which means that money becomes less valuable) to help reduce the size of the debt. (Deflation is good for anyone with savings and bad for anyone with debts. Conversely inflation is bad for anyone with savings and good for anyone with debts.) But they know that inflation is unpopular so they pretend it isn’t happening.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
It’s Time To Burn The Ships Of Traditional Media
In 1519, the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés arrived in the New World with a mission to conquer the Aztec Empire. He arrived with a small army of 600 men, but he faced a significant challenge. His men were afraid and they were not sure that they could succeed in their mission. To inspire his men Cortés did something radical – he burned his ships. By doing so he eliminated any possibility of retreat and forced his men to fight for victory or death. This act of burning the ships became a symbol of determination and commitment. Fast forward to today and we face a similar challenge. We are in a battle for the truth and we are facing a media landscape dominated by a small group of powerful corporations. Traditional media is owned by an oligopoly regime that runs the United States. They control what we see, what we hear, and even what we think. They have their own agenda and it is not at all in our best interest.
by Andrew Torba
Report On The Censorship-Industrial Complex
Introduction to a series of features about the new global speech-policing bureaucracy, uncovered in the Twitter Files and beyond
Franz Kafka dreamed up the “one gatekeeper per person” idea over a century ago as ironic metaphor in Before the Law, but the modern United States is moving in that direction as political reality. It’s the ultimate convergence of the huge-scale-waste approach to governance as perfected across generations of forever wars and Pentagon spending, and the authoritarian thinking that flowered all over in response to episodes like 9/11, Brexit, and the election of Donald Trump. The core concept is too much democracy and freedom leads to mischief, and since the desire for these things can’t be stamped out all at once but instead must be squashed in every person over and over and endlessly, the job requires a massive investment, and a gigantic bureaucracy to match.
by Matt Taibbi
UN Causing Crisis With Bid To Establish Rules-Based Order – Lavrov (3:40)
Western attempts to replace international law with a rules-based order are at the core of the unfolding world economic crisis, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a UN Security Council meeting on Monday.
by RT
I Didn’t Invent Reality
I didn’t invent reality. I didn’t invent the truth, either. All I can do is try to keep up with it, whatever It is, altogether. I can’t say I know what reality is or what the truth is, but I can definitely say what it is not, and could not, be. Reality is not an idea or a belief. Truth is not an opinion or a premise. Whatever reality is, it’s real. Obviously, self evidently, real. Even if its an illusion or a simulation, its a real illusion. I am aware of it, whatever it is. That’s Real. Reality appears to our awareness. Nature and the cosmic forces of electro-magnetic/male-female polarities exist. Cells are positively charged at the nucleus and negatively charged at the membrane. The electric current that flows between them creates a magnetic field which is the template for the cellular structure. Atomic nuclei are sucked into the field and enable the cell to carry on its function.
by Robert Cinque
RFK JR: “There Is No Time In History Where The People Censoring Speech Were The Good Guys”
In a podcast interview, Kennedy talks about the recent rise in censorship.
Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. criticized the censorship of speech arguing that, “there is no time in history where the people censoring speech were the good guys.” In an interview with Breitbart News host Joel Pollak, Kennedy discussed censorship of alleged “misinformation.” Kennedy has experienced censorship first-hand for questioning measures taken during the pandemic. “I’m wondering if you can make a pitch to our audience about a common cause that you, running as a Democrat, may have with many conservatives who feel that they’ve been canceled or otherwise censored or marginalized in public discourse,” Pollak asked. “It’s more than a personal aggrievement. It’s really just a direct assault on our democracy,” Kennedy said.
by Christina Maas
Paragons Of Ethical Medicine Attacked By The College Of Physicians And Surgeons Of BC
Left unchecked, the arbitrary power of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC threatens the health and well-being of all British Columbians as well as the core values of Canadian democracy.
A handful of headstrong, and ethically courageous, British Columbian doctors have stood up and voiced their concerns about the potential harms associated with our provincial COVID-19 policies. Doctors Hoffe, Malthouse, Nagase, and Sclater have all run afoul of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC. In the interest of brevity and clarity, the reflections that follow will be confined to a single case—that of Dr. Charles Hoffe, who was one of the first, if not the first, BC physician to be censured by the College. According to the Vancouver Sun, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC has issued a citation for Dr. Charles Douglas Hoffe, alleging that his “online comments contravened the standards of the Health Professions Act including the Canadian Medical Association’s code of ethics and professionalism.” The Vancouver Sun article further relates that Doctor Hoffe is accused of uttering a number of public health heresies.
by Dr. Matthew Evans-Cockle
The Real Reason (9:43)
by Paul Joseph Watson
US Deploys More Cyber-Commandos Abroad
Military hackers are already at work in 20 countries including Ukraine, a top general told reporters
The US military has sent dozens of hackers to Ukraine as it expands its cyber presence worldwide, a top military official told Reuters on Monday. Details of their mission are unclear, but the Pentagon says that its hackers “execute full-spectrum operations against adversaries.” Speaking on the sidelines of the RSA cybersecurity conference in San Francisco, Major General William Hartman of the US army said that the Pentagon’s Cyber National Mission Force (CNMF) has deployed 43 specialists to Ukraine. “Those are defense teams we send, and [they] hunt for shared adversaries, find tools and capabilities,” he told the news agency. Demand for these teams has increased in the last three years, Hartman said, revealing that US hackers have conducted 47 operations in 20 different countries in that time frame. The general added that US cyber operatives were deployed at the invitation of the countries in question.
by RT
Australia’s Defense Review Shows Its Readiness To Side With US In Possible Conflict With China
Implementing all the tasks outlined in Australia’s defense review is a challenge that will take plenty of time, Professor Joe Siracusa, US political expert and dean of Global Futures at Curtin University, told Sputnik. Australia has rolled out its new defense strategic review, billed by the government as the most significant update of its military planning in nearly 40 years. The document outlined at least six “priority areas for immediate action,” including the development of Australia’s nuclear-powered submarine capability and longer-range strike capacity, speeding up the integration of new technologies into the military, defense workforce retention and recruitment, plus improving strategic cooperation between Canberra and its key partners in the Indo-Pacific. “These are major changes which are going to take a great deal of effort to realize, because they have neither the capability to produce the boats right now or the ability to manufacture the missiles unless they buy them off the shelf from the Americans,” Siracusa said, referring to nuclear-powered submarines.
by Oleg Burunov
Tools Of The Matrix GANGs: The Asch Conformity Trident
The Wars of the Matrix GANGs, Part 3
When Solomon Asch performed his landmark experiments beginning in 1951, he found 37% of participants giving at least one wrong answer to a simple line segment length comparison survey while conforming to the answers of actors who spoke before them. When just one of the seven actors was replaced by another independent subject (a “confidant”), then the group adherence rate dropped to 5%, an 86% reduction in the conformity effect. If my theory on Dunbar slot hacking is correct, the chief matters the most. Trump and Fauci were the perfect rival chiefs, even if they never knew (but do you believe neither of them knew?). But that’s probably not enough to persuade everybody to buy into a uniform flock, however. After all, we’re talking about some pretty significant steps like getting people who hate Big Pharma to suddenly love and trust Big Pharma—and maybe even tolerate the torture of their neighbors’ children. Some people need an additional nudge. This is where that priestly class we call “The Experts” comes into play.
by Mathew Crawford
Consumer Alert: The Deadly Reason Tylenol Should Be Removed From The Shelf (6:23)
Tylenol, a trademarked form of the chemical known as acetaminophen or paracetamol, is one of the most commonly used painkillers in the United States today, yet is also one of the most dangerous. For instance, nearly 500 die and 30,000 are hospitalized each year in the US as a result of its well established, yet seldomly discussed toxic effects.
by Sayer Ji
Old Crow Janet Yellen’s Banking Medicine Show
Despite Yellen’s proclamation that the banking sector was “sound” after Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse, First Republic has shown us that the pain is only just beginning.
If you spent the last month listening to CNBC and government officials, Tuesday’s action in shares of First Republic Bank (FRC), shown below puking up shards of its own pelvis for the last 2 months, with increased vigor over the last 48 hours, may have surprised you. “Gradually, then suddenly.” After all, according to officials like Janet Yellen, the second largest banking collapse in history, Silicon Valley Bank, was nothing more than a meaningless aberration on the path to economic prosperity for all Americans – a lowly speedbump on Jerome Powell’s “final approach” to a soft landing. Why worry? “I can reassure the members of the committee that our banking system remains sound, and that Americans can feel confident that their deposits will be there when they need them,” Yellen said back in mid-March.
by Quoth the Raven
The Courts Battle Over The Future Of The Abortion Pill In America
You all are well aware of how much things have changed with abortion over the past few years-we’ve seen many states completely outlaw abortion while other states double down and promote abortion like a twisted spa experience. The past couple of weeks brought news of a potential landmark change to mifepristone abortion access. It all started when Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) sued the Food and Drug Administration on behalf of four physicians and four medical organizations. The problem actually started 23 years ago when the FDA pushed through the approval of the medication abortion duo of mifepristone/misoprostol1. What most people didn’t, and still don’t realize, is that the FDA broke laws and fast-tracked the drug using a pathway designed for getting new and urgently needed treatments out quickly for conditions where there are no other good options. They classified pregnancy as a “life-threatening illness” and surgical abortion was readily available as a satisfactory option for abortion. In fact, according to one study, medication abortion is four times riskier than surgical abortion2.
by Dr. Sandy Christiansen
Vaccine Sceptics – The Modern-Day Martyrs
Whenever I get off the bus at Oxford city centre, I see the monument to the Oxford martyrs, Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley, who were burned at the stake in Broad Street in 1555, and Thomas Cranmer, who suffered a similar fate the following year. The three refused to renounce their Protestant beliefs during the reign of Catholic Mary Tudor, and died the most horrific deaths as a result. I have often thought, when passing the monument and the commemorative plaque set in the wall of Balliol College opposite, that these men could have saved themselves simply by recanting, an option that was open to them and indeed, Archbishop Cranmer did recant before reaffirming his belief in Protestantism. Now, I see more clearly that, whatever the consequences, they could not in all conscience revert to a faith they no longer believed in. We like to think we live in more civilised times and no longer burn people at the stake for not conforming to the religious orthodoxy of the time – but do we? The history of the last three years has been an updated version of martyrs being consigned to the flames for their beliefs, but this time the rejected articles of faith are the Covid vaccines.
by Liz Hodgkinson
Now Debates Are Censored/Canceled (11:42)
To protect Biden, DNC announces all presidential debates are cancelled. As RFK Jr said, “there is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys.”
by The David Knight Show
Creepy Old Man Says He Thinks Of Your Kids As His Own
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Authorities have been dispatched to the White House lawn after reports of a creepy old man shouting to people that he thinks of everyone’s kids as his own. “There’s no such thing as someone else’s child!” shouted the demented geriatric. “They’re all mine! Not a joke! Give them to me!” He then reached out and tried to grab a passing baby out of his stroller before his mother shrieked and ran away. “Your kids aren’t yours! They’re all mine! Lemme smell your kids!” the confused senior was heard shouting at a nearby statue of Andrew Jackson before several aides tackled him and dragged him to safety.
How The North Korean Arms Trade In The Russian Federation Is ‘Proven’
We recently discussed how stories of North Korean weapons shipments to Russia were now being proven by saying things like, “Here’s a train with weapons on it; you can’t see them, but believe us, they’re inside.” But John Kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications for the National Security Council, showed that he was more than qualified. On March 30, 2023, he said:
a) North Korea is working to send dozens of kinds of weapons and munitions to Russia to be used in the ongoing Russian war against Ukraine
b) North Korea seeks to secure food supplies in exchange
c) The potential arms deal is being arranged through a Slovakian arms dealer, identified as Ashot Mkrtychev, against whom the US Department of Treasury has imposed sanctions.
Kirby voiced fear “that North Korea will continue to back Russian military activities against Ukraine,” despite the lack of proof that North Korea sent huge quantities of ammunition to Moscow late last year. Kirby emphasized that any arms deal between North Korea and Russia would directly violate a series of UN Security Council resolutions prohibiting the sale of weapons to and from the North. What do we see when we look at it this way? The fact that the loud discourse of alleged deals was stated by an influential person should apparently be deemed evidence, and no more corroboration is required. Despite the fact that any clarifying inquiry of the class, “how exactly the DPRK sends such large quantities of weaponry to Russia,” leaves no stone unturned. As the author has already being ironic, Kirby is only credible if one believes the DPRK invented teleportation.
by Konstantin Asmolov
Robert Kennedy, Steve Kirsch, And Robert Malone – What’s It All About?
“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community”… Robert W Malone MD
One of Robert Malone’s initial wealthy benefactors is Steve Kirsch, who participated in Malone’s early introductory media appearance before freedom-loving people on Dark Horse Podcast on June 19, 2021. Since then, Kirsch and Malone have frequently appeared or been associated together in the media. We have wondered if Kirsch is helping to fund Malone’s unrelenting travel, hundreds of media appearances, films, and other activities — a virtual unending whirlwind of campaigning with no specifically named goal or outcome other than to gain and consolidate influence over worldwide healthcare matters. Kirsch is not only very supportive of Malone but has become personally involved in Kennedy’s future career. Kirsch has recently announced, “I’m forming a Super PAC to Draft RFK Jr. to run for President.” The campaign quickly kicked off on April 19, 2023.
by Peter and Ginger Breggin
What The F*ck Just Happened?! (22:08)
by Russell Brand
ACH (2133) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – The Political Economy Of Oligarchy (Audio 57:51)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 26, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson for a show entitled, “The Political Economy Of Oligarchy.”
We discussed: why unaccountable secretive organizations such as the Bilderberg Group and Davos exist; how long standing corporations and institutions have no problem in destroying themselves; when Matt tried to infiltrate a Bilderberg Meeting in Virginia, alongside Jim Tucker and Christopher Bollyn; the various secretive organizations and their hierarchical importance today; how Microsoft proved they were more powerful than the United States government in the 1990’s; why there is no Anti-War movement today; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Accept Your Poverty Or You Will Get Poorer
Bank of England tries to shift the blame
A recent Columbia Law School podcast called ‘Inflation: Not Dead yet – Beyond Unprecedented: The Post-Pandemic Economy’ revealed some interesting choices of words. With inflation soaring around the world, Huw Pill, chief economist and executive director for monetary analysis and research at the Bank of England discussed the factors driving high inflation and efforts to curb rising prices. Did he mention the extraordinary amounts of money printed by the Bank of England during the pandemic? No, of course not, why would he bring up the real reason inflation is high and bite the hand that is feeding him. Instead, Pill, who earns at least £180,000 ($225,000) blamed the plebs. British households and business “need to accept” they are poorer and stop seeking pay increases and pushing prices higher, he said.
by The Naked Emperor
New Materials Will Yield Stronger, Faster-Charging Batteries
Researchers at MIT say they have created a new material that will pave the way to faster charging batteries. The organic materials are capable of storing 310 milliampere hours of charge, which is roughly double the capacity of the current crop of lithium-ion battery cathodes. The charge time for the battery with those materials is a speedy 33 seconds. Relying on abundant magnesium or sodium ions, rather than less-readily available lithium, will produce optimal results at lower cost, he said.
by Peter Grad
Hard Data That Confidence In The Dollar Is Cracking
It is becoming increasingly clear that the world is losing faith in the United States dollar… and rapidly turning to alternatives. And that’s a huge deal for the United States. For nearly eight decades, the US economy and US government have enjoyed the unparalleled benefits of the dollar being the world’s reserve currency. This means that nearly every government, central bank, commercial bank, and large corporation in the world holds at least some US dollars. Foreign companies use the dollar to trade with one another. Foreign governments and corporations often issue bonds in US dollars. And most of the world’s major commodities, including oil, are priced and traded in US dollars. According to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, or SWIFT, the U.S. dollar is currently used to settle about 40% of international trade. That’s still a lot. But even as recently as 2014, SWIFT reported the dollar was used for 52% of global trade. According to the International Monetary Fund, the US dollar now accounts for 58.4% of foreign reserves held by central banks around the world, compared to roughly 70% in the late 90s.
by Simon Black
World Weary Dollars
The baby boomers of the currency world begin to creak and moan…
Members of the BRICS group – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are expected to outpace the US-led G7 in terms of their contribution to the world’s economic growth, from this year, Bloomberg reported on Monday. According to the outlet’s calculations – based on the latest IMF data – the BRICS countries will contribute 32.1% of the world’s growth, compared to the G7’s 29.9%. The report indicated that in 2020, the contributions from BRICS countries and the G7 to global economic growth were equal. Since then the performance of the Western-led bloc has been declining. By 2028, the G7’s contribution to the world economy is predicted to decrease to 27.8%, while the BRICS will account for 35%.
by Bill Bonner and Joel Bowman
Captain Westbrook, Officer Tippit And Oswald’s Double by John Armstrong (2:32:10)
The Historic US-Saudi Relationship Cannot Bounce Back
US imports of Saudi oil are at historic lows, Chinese purchases of Saudi oil continue to grow, and Russian-Saudi energy interests have fully converged. If it’s ‘all about the economy,’ then Saudi-US ties may never quite recover.
“Our allies in the Gulf no longer honor the deal that was made decades ago even though we still have a big physical military presence in the Gulf, bigger than ever before, and we keep giving Gulf nations a pass on human rights violations. Too often our Middle East allies act in conflict with our security interests.” – Chairman of the Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism of Committee on Foreign Relations in the US Senate, Senator Chris Murphy, July 2022. The war in Ukraine and the intensification of Great Power competition have cast a shadow over global markets and prompted some surprising changes in the foreign policies of states. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is among those countries, and its relationship with the US is currently passing through a very critical period. Today, Riyadh seeks a more conditional relationship with Washington, one that takes into account converging Saudi interests with non-western states. There are many reasons why the kingdom is adopting a more pragmatic foreign policy. One of the key factors is energy relations, particularly as Riyadh seeks to preserve and grow its mutual interests with other major powers, such as China and Russia.
by Mohamad Hasan Sweidan
If You Can’t Beat Him In The Ratings
CIA’s Dominion, Smartmatic, and Mockingbird Media partners finally sink Tucker Carlson with help on the inside from fired ex-producer Abby Grossberg: “Anti-Semitism! Misogyny!”
The Dominion lawsuit against Fox News goes much deeper than most people know. The Fox News settlement for $787 million is being spun as a confession of guilt as if their reporting or the statements of their guests were “misinformation” or “lies” about the 2020 stolen election. Everything Fox News reported, or was stated live on-air by guests about Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software was true. The settlement now appears to be entirely staged to get them to deny what they reported so that normie Americans who don’t yet know their national elections are a farcical arrangement can say, “Yeah, I knew Fox News was peddling another right-wing conspiracy.” In the 2020 election, Dominion voting machines were connected to the Internet. That’s all that is required to rig them and manipulate voting results. That’s it.
by Good Citizen
By Calling mRNA Injections ‘COVID-19 Vaccines’ Instead Of Bioweapons We’re Protecting Criminals
When will trusted experts articulate and document how the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines do not meet the definition of a vaccine and clearly state that they are weapons of biowarfare?
Originally Published December 6, 2023: Millions of innocent adults and children were subject to perverse and cruel experiments and murdered during the WWII Holocaust because local government officials and public servants throughout European communities were willing to assist in the killing of their fellow citizens, while simultaneously defending their heinous actions and the tyrants they obeyed. The other community members who believed that they were safe from the tyrants’ cruelty were too afraid or apathetic to speak out against their government and community leaders. Sound familiar?
by Karen Kingston
Tucker Carlson Keynote Address | Heritage 50th Anniversary Celebration (26:14)
Epidemic Diffusion: The Hijack Of False Narratives In Covid Discourse
One thing I’ve noticed in my brief time on Substack thus far, is there is a wealth of top contributors who work mainly in the vaccine arena; this includes Covid, medical tyranny, engineered diseases, etc. But after having perused many of their pieces and discussions, one thing that’s struck me is how most of them appear to be Red-Pilled in the truth about vaccines and the ‘pandemic’, but not quite fully Black-Pilled. I never intended, intentionally, to carry the ‘Black-Pilled’ water-jug, or to even make such distinctions. I simply created this space to strive in reporting the truth as I transparently see it. So it’s a little strange how many patently obvious things are still ‘taboo’ or seem a bridge too far for many truth-seekers who stand at the edge of the precipice, but can’t quite bring themselves to take the plunge.
by Simplicius The Thinker
Nuremberg Farce Quote: A Trial With The Murdered Victim In Attendance
After Germany’s defeat in WWII, the Nuremberg and later trials were organized primarily for political purposes rather than to dispense impartial justice. Wears War brings to you quotes from the many fine men and women who were openly appalled by the trials. All of these people were highly respected and prominent in their field, at least until they spoke out against the trials. An embarrassing example of perjured witness testimony occurred at the Dachau trials. U.S. investigator Joseph Kirschbaum brought a former concentration camp inmate named Einstein into the court to testify that the defendant, Menzel, had murdered Einstein’s brother. Menzel, however, foiled this testimony—he had only to point to Einstein’s brother sitting in the court room listening to the story of his own murder. Kirschbaum thereupon turned to Einstein and exclaimed, “How can we bring this pig to the gallows, if you are so stupid as to bring your brother into the court?”
by John Wear
Here’s Why Cowardly Doctors Didn’t Dare Stand Up And Tell The Truth About Covid And The Jab
There is much bewilderment among intelligent doctors and scientists as to why so many doctors kept quiet about the lies being told when the covid-19 hoax and the fake pandemic unfolded. There are two explanations for the fact that so many doctors ignored the evidence and did what they were told to do by dishonest advisors within the medical establishment and bought and paid for journalists and celebrities. The first explanation is that all over the world doctors were extraordinarily well paid to give the covid-19 jabs. Hospitals were given bribes (labelled as bonuses) which were dependent upon the number of patients they injected. Doctors were bought off, and dissuaded from asking too many questions, by being paid well over the normal fees for giving vaccinations. Those doctors will, in due course, appear in court where they will be unable to mount any sort of defence. To say that they behaved unprofessionally and greedily is a massive understatement.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Reiner Fuellmich’s ‘Coronaviruses’ (18:33)
We are entering an interesting phase with regard to the impact of team ‘no virus‘. Many in the health freedom community realise that the virus existence issue cannot be ignored indefinitely and are now making public statements. Lawyer and freedom figure Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is well aware of the problems with virology and agrees that SARS-CoV-2 is a fictional construct. However, like many people, he appears unable to reject the virus model completely and he has made claims about “endemic coronaviruses” in a recent publication. Let’s have a look at where he gets it right, where he gets it wrong, and why the virus existence issue cannot be ignored…
by Dr. Sam Bailey
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Blasts Fox News For Ousting Tucker Carlson And Presents An Interesting Theory On Why it Happened
Until we hear directly from Tucker, we may never know why Fox News made the seemingly suicidal decision to send him packing. But Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has an interesting and plausible theory. Tucker spent part of his April 19 monologue calling out the corporate media shilling for Big Pharma and promoting their products. Tucker then went on to praise RFK. Jr. for being completely right about how “ineffective and potentially dangerous” the COVID vaccines are. RFK. Jr. says this speech five days earlier is exactly why Tucker is gone. Fox fires Carlson five days after he crosses the red line by acknowledging that the TV networks pushed a deadly and ineffective vaccine to please their Pharma advertisers. Carlson’s breathtakingly courageous April 19 monologue broke TV’s two biggest rules: Tucker told the truth about how greedy Pharma advertisers controlled TV news content and he lambasted obsequious newscasters for promoting jabs they knew to be lethal and worthless. For many years, Tucker has had the nation’s biggest audience averaging 3.5 million — 10 times the size of CNN. Fox just demonstrated the terrifying power of Big Pharma.
by Cullen Linebarger
Health Care Workers Offered Money To Raise COVID Shot Uptakes
U.S. Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky has released a document titled “Vaccine Provider Incentive Program” drafted by health insurance provider Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s for Kentucky-based health care workers that outlines monetary incentives for convincing patients to get COVID-19 shots in 2021 during the coronavirus pandemic. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s “Vaccine Provider Incentive Program” was offered to physicians based in Kentucky with an Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid panel size of 25 or more members. The program outlines the incentive program, stating that if a medical practice meets certain thresholds for COVID shots giving patients at least one dose of COVID vaccine by Sept. 1, 2021, the practice would receive the initial incentive payment based on specific rates.
by Rishma Parpia
Unilateral, Unlawful US Sanctions Worsening Humanitarian Crisis In Syria, UN Envoy Laments
Syria’s permanent representative to the UN has warned that the “illegitimate and inhumane” sanctions imposed by the United States and its Western allies are exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in his country. Bassam al-Sabbagh made the remarks during a UN Security Council session on “Purpose and Principles of the UN Charter in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security and effective pluralism through defending the principles of the United Nations Charter” in New York on Monday. “Syria’s national wealth and resources are being plundered by foreign forces, who are illegitimately present on our soil,” Sabbagh said. “The humanitarian crisis in Syria is aggravating as a result of unilateral, illegitimate, inhumane and immoral sanctions slapped on ordinary people,” he added.
by PressTV
Lockdown’s Cancer Bomb “May Soon Be Worse Than Covid Itself”
Turning the NHS into a Covid service during the pandemic was always going to end in catastrophe, and now the explosion in serious cancers may have a more serious long-term effect than the virus itself, says leading cancer doctor Karol Sikora in the Telegraph. Here’s an excerpt. Dealing with a stage one cancer is infinitely easier and consumes far fewer resources than a tumour which has migrated beyond its initial location to stage 3 or 4. The entire system is now clogged up with more advanced conditions, not just cancer, missed over the pandemic, leading to more delays and more suffering. This fuels more pressure and even longer waits for everybody.
by Will Jones
Secrets Of The United Nations – What Everyone Should Know! (40:00)
The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious “sustainability goals”. This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! This will supposedly put an end to poverty, hunger, inequality, sickness, and other bad things. A former executive director who worked at the UN for two decades, tells a different story. He explains that the UN is controlled by criminals who use it to enrich themselves, and enslave humanity. More information:
ACH (2132) Ammon Bundy & Patricia Aiken – Our Rights Come From Our God Not Our Government (Audio 1:00:13)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 25, 2023, Andy is joined by Ammon Bundy and Patricia Aiken for a show entitled, “Our Rights Come From Our God Not Our Government.”
We discussed: how the U.S. Government has been targeting Ammon Bundy and his friends and family for many years; an example of how Child Protective Services (CPS) break up families in America; the physical and mental trauma a baby went through after being seized by the CPS; the collusion of private corporations and governments against the people; is public school about education or indoctrination; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Pro-Trans Militants Shut Down Montana Legislature in Their Latest Attack on Democracy (Text and Video)
Another violent transurrection has gripped an American state capitol.
A pro-trans mob shut down the Montana State Legislature and Capitol Building on Monday, as transgender militants and their left-wing supporters launched their latest attack on the American Republic and representative democracy. Like in Tennessee, a far-left legislator, this time a man who’s claiming to be a woman, was central to the attack. Pro-trans radicals stormed into the Montana State Capitol on Monday to disrupt proceedings after Democrat State Rep. “Zooey Zephyr,” a man who claims to be a woman, was censured for lashing out at fellow legislators, claiming last week that Republicans have “blood on their hands” for not supporting the trans genital mutilation of children.
by Frankie Stockes
Grain Deal Under Threat: How The West Deceived Russia
The future of the landmark agreement is facing growing uncertainty as only Ukrainian exports are being permitted
The renewal of the UN-brokered Black Sea grain deal is facing uncertainty, with Russia seeking a shorter-term arrangement unless shipping and payment issues affecting its agricultural exports are resolved. RT looks into the issue to assess what could happen if Moscow does not re-sign the agreement. What is the Black Sea grain deal? The Initiative on the Safe Transportation of Grain and Foodstuffs from Ukrainian ports allows for the safe passage of wheat, corn, sunflower products and other soft commodities shipped from the Black Sea to countries in Africa and the Middle East. The deal with Russia was brokered in July 2022 by the UN and Türkiye to help resume agricultural shipments from Ukraine amid the ongoing conflict in the country, to avert a global food crisis. The agreement also required Western countries to unblock Russian grain and fertilizer exports – something that hasn’t happened due to sanctions on Russian shipping.
by RT
a friendly reminder about “experts”
and why they deserve to have lost our trust
don’t forget that early on, tony knew lockdowns did not work, covid was not high risk, masks were useless, and that people should not panic. he said every one of those things. they were true when he said them and they are true now. then he turned on a dime and said the opposite for entirely political reasons the moment debbie birx rode in on her security state horse and took charge. he became the loyal spokes-hobbit for partisan pseudoscience, lied over and over about everything, then lied about lying and keeps on lying to this day. because you failed at public relations, ethics, virology, epidemiology, biotech, vaccination, statistics, non-pharma interventions, and even basic math. then you lied about all of it and your role in creating this pathogen in the first place. there is no basis to trust you or ask your opinions on how to respond to the next pandemic. more so than covid, “the experts” were the actual plague on our house. and no amount of these tawdry rehabilitation tours will change it.
by el gato malo
Netherlands Child Euthanasia: Need Soylent Green As Farms Close? (12:12)
As SCOTUS extends abortion pills w/o physician’s exam (endangering the mother), Nancy Mace on ABC’s Sunday show says GOP needs to move to the middle ground on abortion. That’s a losing position, morally & pragmatically…here’s why.
by The David Knight Show
New Defence Review Further Enslaves Australia To US War Agendas
The Australian government has released the declassified version of its highly anticipated 2023 Defence Strategic Review (DSR), and the war propagandists are delighted. Sydney Morning Herald’s Matthew Knott, most well-known for being told by former prime minister Paul Keating to “do the right thing and drum yourself out of Australian journalism” over his role in Nine Entertainment’s despicable Red Alert war-with-China propaganda series, has a new propaganda piece out titled “Defence review pulls no punches: China the biggest threat we face”. It doesn’t get any less self-reliant and sovereign than just handing over your nation’s military to a more powerful nation with a “There ya go mate, use it however you reckon’s fair.” You really could not come up with a more egregious abdication of national sovereignty if you tried. And yet our prime minister babbles about sovereignty and self-reliance while doing exactly that. Just annex us and make us the 51st state already. At least that way we’d get a pretend vote in America’s fake elections.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Is Free Will Just An Illusion? And Can AI Exploit That Illusion Without Us Knowing?
A look at some ground-breaking experiments
Do we have free will? Or is it all an illusion? These are the questions philosophers and scientists have been debating for centuries. Some argue that free will is a fundamental aspect of human nature, giving us the ability to make choices and exert control over our lives. Others contend that free will is nothing more than an illusion, and that our choices and actions are ultimately determined by factors beyond our control. One of the earliest recorded discussions on this subject comes from the ancient Greeks, particularly from the works of philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. Plato believed in the existence of an immortal soul that was distinct from the physical body and he argued that this soul had the ability to make choices that were not determined by external factors. This view of free will was later developed by Aristotle, who argued that humans have the ability to choose their actions based on their own desires and intentions.
by The Naked Emperor
Enemies Of The State: How Fox News Just Lost Two Titans And Their Credibility As A News Network
The obvious truth to anyone who watches Bongino or Tucker Carlson is that these two men refused to continue the false narratives that have been destroying America. Which false narratives? All of them.
April 24, 2023: As an executive strategist in the biotech industry, I used to run communication workshops based on the principles of communication of Relevance, Credibility, and Impact for industry titans including Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Thermo Fisher Scientific. Because the executives of Fox News do not understand the principles of communications, they have no clue how much credibility they lost with their audience, and more importantly – power in the last few days. My workshops turned around strategic business units and saved entire departments from being dismantled. Fox News may have benefited on hiring me to conduct these communication exercises with their executives before severing ties with Dan Bongino and Tucker Carlson.Credible influencers have more impact on many members of their audience than their followers’ friends, colleagues, family, and even their spouse. What is left unsaid by an influencer is often more powerful than what it is said by a family member or loved one.
by Karen Kingston
Human Depravity In Ukraine Conflict Reaches Another Low
Human depravity reaches another low as Austria proposes to deprive Russians of all Western medicines. Imagine going to a chemist or hospital, or a medical center and being told that ethnic Russians, regardless of their poor health or injuries cannot be treated. Adding Western drugs to the sanctions list would help increase pressure on Moscow, claims Gabriel Felbermeier, director of the Austrian Institute for Economic Research. This is reported by the newspaper Spiegel. He stressed that the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by Western countries were not effective. According to the economist, removing restrictions on many goods was the wrong decision. ‘It was stupid to do this with respect to things through which one could put pressure on Russia in the cruellest way. I mean, for example, pharmaceuticals, medicines,’ he said.
by Michael Walsh
The Real Reason Tucker Carlson Was Just Fired By Fox News (17:19)
by Vincent James
Only One Question Remains As Susan Rice, Biden’s Shadow President, Leaves The White House
In the game of test-match cricket, a game that can last three days at peak professional level, you have to ‘get out’ to ‘get in’. You have to ‘get out’ of the clubhouse in order to ‘get in’ to the game. The same is true for this story about Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan Rice, leaving the Biden administration. Rice has to get out of the administration in order to get in to the 2024 game. Susan Rice is the pliable foot soldier, the protege’ of the Lightbringer, Chicago Jesus. Rice is the female version of the entire apparatus of the Obama team. Susan Rice is Barack Obama in female form, and as Ric Grenell said eloquently, Susan Rice is “the shadow president.”
by Sundance
Biden Officially Announces 2024 Reelection Bid
US Vice President Kamala Harris has also announced on social media that she is going to be Biden’s running mate in her reelection bid. US President Joe Biden has officially announced that he is going to run in the presidential election next year, making his intent clear in a tweet posted on April 25. In the tweet, Biden claimed he is going to run for reelection because “every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy” and “their fundamental freedoms,” and he believes that this time has come. “Join us. Let’s finish the job,” he added.
by Sputnik
Simulations With A Machine Learning Model Predict A New Phase Of Solid Hydrogen
Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, is found everywhere from the dust filling most of outer space to the cores of stars to many substances here on Earth. This would be reason enough to study hydrogen, but its individual atoms are also the simplest of any element with just one proton and one electron. For David Ceperley, a professor of physics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, this makes hydrogen the natural starting point for formulating and testing theories of matter.
by Michael O’Boyle
It’s A “Defund-The-Global-Police” Moment, Jen Says De-Dollarization Is Happening At A “Stunning” Pace
But below the surface, the dollar’s fecal matter is striking rotating objects at an increasing pace and Stephen Jen – infamous for his coining of the ‘dollar smile’ while at Morgan Stanley which posits that the US Dollar tends to do well when the economy is soaring or slumping – recently quantified just how rapidly the de-dollarization is ocurring. “The dollar suffered a stunning collapse in 2022 in its market share as a reserve currency, presumably due to its muscular use of sanctions,” Jen and his colleague Joana Freire wrote. “Exceptional actions taken by the US and its allies against Russia have startled large reserve-holding countries,” most of which are emerging economies from the so-called Global South, they said. As The FT reports, Jen estimates that if you adjust for price changes the dollar’s share of official global reserve currencies has gone from about 73 per cent in 2001 to around 55 per cent in 2021. Then, last year, it fell to 47 percent of total global reserves.
by Tyler Durden
Secret CDC Report confirms Over 1.1 Million Americans Have ‘Died Suddenly’ Since The COVID Vaccine Roll-Out; And Further Government Reports Confirm The Vaccines Are To Blame
The Covid-19 injections were meant to reduce the sudden surge of deaths the USA recorded in 2020 due to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. But unfortunately, the official figures prove that the opposite has happened. Official reports quietly published by the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm that over 6 million Americans have died ever since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration granted emergency use authorisation to a Covid-19 vaccine in December 2020; with 2021 being a record-breaking year for deaths. This sadly means that at least 1.1 million Americans may have ‘died suddenly’ during this time frame because according to the CDC reports there have been 1,106,079 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 five-year average. And with further official Government figures confirming that mortality rates per 100,000 are highest among the vaccinated population in every single age group, it would appear Covid-19 vaccination is almost entirely to blame.
by The Exposé
Chinese Foreign Minister Says Beijing Will ‘Never Back Down’ On Taiwan
Qin Gang says US is ‘playing with fire’ on the Taiwan issue
Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang said Friday that China would “never back down” on the issue of Taiwan, which Beijing views as its own territory, in a warning aimed at the US and the government in Taipei. Qin made the comments toward the end of a speech on China’s contributions to the global economy. “The Taiwan problem is at the core of China’s core interests,” he said. “We will never back down in the face of any act that undermines China’s sovereignty and security. Those who play with fire on the question of Taiwan will burn themselves.” China’s military recently conducted three days of major live-fire exercises around Taiwan in response to President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in California. Beijing views such high-level contacts as a violation of Washington’s one-China policy.
by Dave DeCamp
Washington To Castrate Minors Without Parental Consent As UN Pushes Legalized Pedophilia (3:20)
U.S. Supreme Court Protects Access To Abortion Pill Mifepristone
The pro-abortion ruling, which was not explained, was decided in a 7-2 vote, with Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito being the dissenting voices. After pushing back its decision earlier in the week, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled Friday to, at least temporarily, preserve access to abortion-inducing pill mifepristone as a lawsuit against the drug works its way through the federal court system. The pro-abortion ruling, which was not explained, was decided in a 7-2 vote, with Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito as the dissenting voices. The case reached the nation’s highest court after U.S. District Judge Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk on April 7 in Amarillo, Texas issued an order suspending the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) approval of mifepristone, finding the agency did not adequately investigate its long-term effects. The same day, U.S. District Judge Thomas Rice ruled in Spokane, Washington that the pill should remain on the market in 15 states plus the District of Columbia.
by Jack Bingham
Beware Perfidious Albion As Britain Takes Lead Role In War Provocation
The tensions over the NATO proxy war in Ukraine with Russia are a powder-keg situation. And the British dirty-tricks brigade are the past masters that merit being closely watched.
The much-vaunted Anglo-American “special relationship” is gaining a new dubious meaning as Britain emerges as an adept agent provocateur for inciting a wider NATO war against Russia. Warmongering British lawmakers are this week demanding a more robust NATO response over an alleged “act of war” by Russia involving a Royal Air Force spy plane and a Russian fighter jet. Recent documents leaked from the Pentagon have indicated that a British recon plane was nearly shot down by a Su-27 over the Black Sea. Following the incident last September, the British Ministry of Defense played down the encounter as a “technical malfunction”.
by Finian Cunningham
The Hidden Causes Of Autism – Upcoming Webinar – June 20, 2023 – 5pm EDT
What the Medical Establishment Will Never Tell You and What We Can Do to Help Autistic Children Now and Prevent Autism in the Future
As you may already know, the month of April has been designated as “Autism Awareness Month” and/or “Autism Acceptance Month” by the mainstream media and the medical establishment. This is because autism is now afflicting at least 1 in 36 children in the U.S., with 1 in 27 boys diagnosed with autism and 1 in 6 children diagnosed with a “developmental disability” (i.e., a term used to cover-up the extent of the autism epidemic). In an attempt to minimize the severity of this situation and pacify an increasingly agitated populace, the media and certain members of the medical establishment have called for a “celebration” of the autism reality. Seriously. I am not making this up.
by Jeanice Barcelo
Lavrov: UN And Its Charter Pose Danger To US’ Global Ambitions
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov argued international institutions could put the breaks on US hegemony at the UN Security Council. Speaking at the UN Security Council session on Monday, Lavrov remarked that any hopes for real multilateralism in the “Euro-Atlantic space” that emerged in the wake of the Warsaw Pact’s dissolution and the USSR’s demise were dashed when Western nations opted to retain and expand NATO rather than to uncover the true potential of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Noting how then-US Secretary of State James Baker reported to then-US President George Bush that the OSCE might pose a threat to NATO, Lavrov said that today, the United Nations and its Charter “also pose a threat to Washington’s global ambitions.”
by Sputnik
Reparations: Foolish Whites Reap What They Sow (11:57)
Jared Taylor reminds white people: You break it, you bought it.
by American Renaissance
China To Build Gigawatt-Level Space Power Station: Leading Expert
China is eyeing completing a gigawatt-level space-based power station, the Global Times learned from the Chinese Society of Astronautics space solar power commission on Sunday. “Scale-wise, China’s first satellite, the Dongfanghong, weighed only 173 kilograms, and our China Space Station, the building of which was completed in 2022, reached 100 tons. Our spacecraft power supply capability has grown from some scores of watts to more than 100, and now surpassing 10,000 watts with the China Space Station. In the future, we are looking at building a space solar power station, which according to the current plan, will possess power capability of 1 billion watts – or the gigawatt level, and the mega project will be operational for commercial use,” Li Ming, director of the commission, revealed at a professional forum on Sunday.
by Deng Xiaoci and Fan Wei in Hefei
How Israeli Regime Covered Up Failed Military Mission In Jenin
Israeli regime forces covered up a failed mission to penetrate the Jenin refugee camp and arrest or kill a resistance fighter, sources in contact with the Jenin Brigades in the northern occupied West Bank revealed to the Press TV Website. If true, this marks a significant failure that matches up with various other cases of botched Israeli military operations across the occupied territories. On April 18, the Israeli occupation army hatched a plan to target two “most wanted” West Bank resistance fighters, connected to the Jenin Brigades armed group, inside the Jenin refugee camp. The plot choreographed to apprehend them was significant as this was the first raid in months that sought to penetrate the refugee camp itself, an area that has become a fortress since late last year.
by Robert Inlakesh
Fox News Fires Tucker Carlson, Last Show Was Last Friday
In a stunning development at Fox News, it appears they have fired the #1 television news host/pundit in the industry. In a terse statement [LINK HERE]: NEW YORK — April 24, 2023 — FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor. Mr. Carlson’s last program was Friday April 21st. Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named. Tucker Carlson had the number one rated news and broadcast show across the entire media industry. An immediate firing with no further shows? This is a stunning breaking development! Then again… ….. There are Trillions at Stake!
by Sundance
Bulgarians Hit Streets Against US-led NATO, Urge Sofia’s Neutrality In Ukraine War
Thousands of Bulgarians have poured into the streets against the US-led NATO military alliance in the capital Sofia, calling on their government to adopt a neutral position on Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. The angry demonstrators hit the streets on Sunday carrying national flags and signs that read, “Bulgaria is not NATO, NATO is not Bulgaria” and “I want peace”. Anti-war activists in the Balkan nation also collected signatures for a referendum called ‘Bulgaria for Peace and Sovereignty’ in a bid to prevent Sofia’s potential involvement in the Ukraine war that completed a year recently. “If Bulgaria enters as a party to this conflict, some of those killed will be Bulgarians. This is something we do not want, something we will not allow,” activist Grigor Saryiski was quoted as saying. Bulgaria is a member of the European Union and the US-led NATO military alliance, but it also has close historical and cultural ties with Russia.
by PressTV
RFK Jr. Against The Empire Of Endless War (2:01)
by The Ron Paul Liberty Report
Shocking Truths About Your Money (Part One of Two)
Since the fake covid hoax of 2020, three quarters of the world’s increase in wealth has gone to the 1%. Incomes for everyone except the Davos crowd and the Bilderbergers is still going down because of soaring inflation. Governments, companies and people became addicted to cheap money (low interest rates). The addiction was and is comparable to drug addiction. Low interest rates weakened economies and created Zombie companies and pushed savers into risky investments. The BRICS will possibly create a new currency backed by gold. That will be the end of the dollar’s power over the world. Gas and oil account for 76% of the UK’s consumption (compared with an EU average of 57%). Thanks to the mad greens, the UK is frighteningly dependent upon foreign oil. Small businesses provide most of the jobs and most of the productivity in all countries. But the EU (and most individual governments) hate small companies and want to shut them down.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Statue Of Fully Nude, Bearded Man Breastfeeding A Baby Placed Outside Denmark’s Former Women’s Museum
A statue of a naked, bearded man breastfeeding a baby has been placed outside the former Women’s Museum in Denmark. The statue is said to be a self-portrait by sculptor Aske Kreilgaard. In Aarhus, Denmark outside what was formerly called the Women’s Museum, is now renamed to the “Gender Museum.” The erasure of women. — Michelle Uriarau (@singlikeadiva) April 21, 2023. The museum, located in Aarhus, changed its name from Women’s Museum to KØN – Gender Museum Denmark in February 2021. According to its website, it is “one of the few museums in the world, focusing on gender and equality.” After the statue was placed, sculptor, photographer, and writer Suste Bonnén wrote an article for Kristeligt Dagblad titled, “Statue of breastfeeding man is a pedophile’s dream.”
by Cassandra MacDonald
News Blackout In Effect
The Michael Morell story is disposed of by press janitors
An all-time media blackout is in effect. We’re experiencing real-time Sovietization. It transpires that the infamous incident before the 2020 election in which 50 former intelligence officials signed an open letter declared a New York Post expose about Hunter Biden’s laptop to have the “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation” was instigated at the behest of the Joe Biden campaign. This at least is the allegation in a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken released by Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government.
by Matt Taibbi
Will America’s Addiction To Computer Technology Be It’s Downfall?
America is the most technology-dependent society in the world, by far. As I reported last week, the United States has the ability to spy on its citizens at a greater percentage than even China, due to the fact that a higher percentage of U.S. citizens are connected through technology and their cell phones than citizens in China, where over one third of the people in China do not even own cell phones yet. There is another way to measure America’s dependency on technology besides cell phone and Internet usage, and that is by looking at how many data centers are in the U.S. that host all the server hardware that is required to keep all this technology running. In this category, the U.S. has no serious competitors. In fact, the U.S. owns more data centers than almost all other countries of the world combined, according to These physical computers, which are housed in physical buildings in physical locations, require tremendous resources to operate, which include energy resources and human resources, to keep it all running. Almost everything connected to the Internet today is run by these data centers that provide Cloud Computing. And all of these computers are primarily owned by three companies: and “Amazon Web Services” (AWS), Microsoft and “Microsoft Azure,” and Google with their Cloud Services. If an enemy of the United States wanted to totally cripple our country, including military and intelligence operations, all they would have to do is take down the data centers owned by these three companies. The physical locations of these data centers is a matter of public knowledge, and I was able to find lists of their physical locations by using their own search engines, in less than 5 minutes.
by Brian Shilhavy
Max Bernier And The Ppc Need 342 Courageous Canadian Patriots To Step Up To The Plate
EDITOR’S NOTE: The time has come for all those patriotic, freedom-loving Canadians who now realize there’s only ONE federal party to vote for if they wish to take back Canada from the NWO criminal cartel to get up off their complacent knees, stand up strong and free and put their collective shoulders to the wheel. Common sense tells us that to attempt, once again, to replace the Liberals with the Conservatives or the NDP would be a most unfortunate and futile endeavor on the part of Canadians who truly want to see real and lasting changes come about for this beleaguered nation.
by Arthur Topham
Biden Prepares For Ukraine Failure
The White House has reportedly hedged its bets in case Kiev’s big offensive doesn’t deliver
US President Joe Biden’s administration is “quietly preparing for the possibility” that Ukraine’s much-heralded offensive doesn’t deliver the “total victory” Kiev wanted, Politico reported on Monday, citing several anonymous officials. While the US government’s public support for Ukraine is “unwavering,” officials have expressed fears in private that the White House could be caught in a crossfire of criticism should the attack fall short of expectations, the outlet said. The ‘hawks’ would claim the US and its allies had not given Ukraine enough weapons and ammunition, while the ‘doves’ would see it as proof that Kiev can’t win. “If Ukraine can’t gain dramatically on the battlefield, the question inevitably arises as to whether it is time for a negotiated stop to the fighting,” Richard Haass, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, told Politico. “It’s expensive, we’re running low on munitions, we’ve got other contingencies around the world to prepare for.”
by RT
Public Service Announcement! (1:43)
Please do not give the robot doggy a bath, throw oil or sand on it, put a mirror in front of it, cover the pooch with a blanket or press the blue button on its behind for more than 2 seconds.
Brussel’s Deep State Is Trying To Punish Hungary For Caring For Children
A number of EU member states supported a lawsuit filed earlier by the European Commission against Hungary in connection with the country’s child protection law, which prohibits LGBT propaganda among minors. As the political adviser to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Balazs Orbán, said in an interview with the channel, this lawsuit is an attempt by the deep state of Brussels to punish Budapest for resisting the ideology of ‘pro-Buddhism’, which the media and NGOs are trying to spread in the country. So, the message here is, ‘Castrate your children’ – and, surprisingly, some people heed it. The number of young people who are castrated in the name of transgender ideology has increased dramatically in recent times. As Reuters recently reported, over the past few years, 56 minors aged 13 to 17 have undergone genital mutilation in clinics across America. Another 776 minors have undergone a mastectomy – surgery to remove their breasts – and more than 4,000 have been put on dangerous hormone therapy that will leave many of them permanently infertile and end up with osteoporosis and other ailments.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2131) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #118 – How If You Hate The Smell Of BO You Just Might Be A Racist… (Audio 1:34:19)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 24, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “How If You Hate The Smell Of BO You Just Might Be A Racist…”
We discussed: the Mark Collett and Dr. Patrick Slattery clip that we played during the show intro segment; why we need to keep Sven Longshanks in our prayers this week; Laurel and Hardy; Tom and Jerry; snooker player Bill Werbeniuk; today’s film review “The Saint” a series that came out in 1997; The Kernow Connection; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Disguise, I see, thou art a wickedness, Wherein the pregnant enemy does much,”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; what percentage of the earth’s atmosphere is carbon dioxide; why we’re surprised that the Daily Mail have heard of Sweden; the flat earther who accidentally proved the earth was round; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
100 Consequences Of Owning Your Cell Phone
by Citizens for 5G Awareness
The Devil’s Laptop T-Shirt
Hunter Biden and his controversial laptop. The devil is in the details.
by Artoons-org
Miscarriages And Dead Infants Were Described In A Secret FDA Review, But Hidden From The Public
Pfizer Tried to Hide Its Report for 75 Years
A new document was released to ICAN this April, thanks to a FOIA legal action that compelled the government to provide Pfizer documents they tried to keep secret for 75 years. Indeed, they had a good reason to hide it. That document is called “PREGNANCY AND LACTATION CUMULATIVE REVIEW.” Many findings in it validate several concerns of COVID vaccine skeptics. Pfizer identified 458 pregnancies where mothers were vaccinated (with and without adverse events).
by Igor Chudov
AOC Calls For Tucker Carlson To Be Banned From Television
For ‘inciting violence’.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for Tucker Carlson to be banned from television over the nebulous accusation that he is ‘inciting violence’. AOC made the comments during an interview with former White House press secretary Jen Psaki on MSNBC. The lawmaker highlighted, “Federal regulation, in terms of what’s allowed on air and what isn’t.” “And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and what of these other folks on Fox do, it is very very clearly incitement of violence, very clearly incitement of violence and that is the line that we have to be willing to contend with,” she said.
by Paul Joseph Watson
FFWN With E. Michael Jones: Can RFK Jr. Save America? (1:20:29)
AOC: ‘The Government Must Shut Down Unapproved News Agencies To Defeat Fascism’
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In order to defeat fascism, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for the military to shut down news agencies that say anything unapproved by the government. “It’s like, defeating fascism 101,” said Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. “The government takes control of the nation’s media, then silences all the bad people. Fascism solved!” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has demanded the government start with banning Tucker Carlson, followed by several other conservative journalists. “We are in literal danger of falling into fascism until the government locks away all the bad journalists,” explained Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. “Look at China – they are like, so safe from fascism. Do you see anything like January 6th happening in China? I don’t think so. Anyone in China who says anything the government thinks could incite violence, is like, disappeared or something. It’s all worth it if we stop just one Januray 6th.”
Netanyahu To Meet With US Presidential Candidate DeSantis
The Republican governor’s visit to Israel comes as he prepares to challenge Donald Trump for the Republican nomination in the upcoming 2024 presidential campaign
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to meet with Republican Florida Governor and presidential candidate Ron DeSantis when the expected 2024 presidential candidate visits Israel this week, Netanyahu said on the US television news program “Face the Nation” on 23 April, Middle East Monitor reports. The meeting will take place as DeSantis visits Israel as part of a longer trip abroad, which also includes Japan, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. Though he has not announced it, DeSantis is widely expected to run for president in the upcoming 2024 election and will challenge Donald Trump for the Republican nomination.
by News Desk
Wearing Masks Can Increase The Risk Of Still Births
Plus testicular toxicity
Another study has raised concerns about the potential risks associated with prolonged mask-wearing, particularly in vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, children, and adolescents. Weird how none of these studies came out when mask mandates were in force. The German study conducted by Kai Kisielinski et al. suggests that prolonged mask-wearing may lead to increased carbon dioxide (CO2) exposure, which could have toxic effects on human health. They say fresh air has around 0.04% CO2 while wearing masks for more than 5 minutes can lead to chronic exposure of CO2 of 1.41% to 3.2% of inhaled air. Some of the potential risks identified in animal studies included:
by The Naked Emperor
Jewish Organizations Are Close To Legally Ending Free Speech On The Internet
The Supreme Court is currently authoring its opinion on Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, an enormously consequential decision that could radically change how we use the internet. The decision, which could be released any time from now to July due to the complex and politically fraught nature of the case, has pit several Jewish organizations against a dwindling number of civil liberties groups willing to defend the Constitutional right to free speech. The case combines Gonzalez v. Google LLC and Twitter, Inc. v. Taamneh, two lawsuits which assert that social media platforms are legally liable for acts of violence committed by groups or individuals that utilize their services to promote their ideas. SCOTUS’ decision to grant certiorari to Gonzalez shows the immense political pull Zionist groups — foreign and domestic — have inside the American system.
by Joseph Jordan
Elevated Rates Of Autism, Other Neurodevelopmental And Psychiatric Diagnoses, And Autistic Traits In Transgender And Gender-Diverse Individuals
Transgender Epidemic Driven by Tidal Wave of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Like infectious disease pandemics, chronic illnesses can rise up and become dominant in clinical practice and in the media. No one would deny that the news cycle has adeptly replaced COVID-19 stories with the rise of transgenderism. Is there a real epidemic of gender dysphoria? What could be causing it? Warrier et al, published a detailed analysis using multiple psychological instruments among a large sample size (N=641,860) with gender dysphoria treated with transgender hormonal/surgical therapy. The results are striking. Compared to normal reference groups, transgender individuals had up to a 12-fold increased risk of autism.
by Peter A. McCullough, MD
Reported Project Veritas Coup Leader Matthew Tyrmand Calls For James O’keefe To Be Jailed
Tyrmand called for James O’Keefe, among others, to be jailed in leaked text messages.
Vish Burra released texts on Thursday that showed Matthew Tyrmand calling for James O’Keefe and Vish to be jailed. Tyrmand was reportedly one of the leaders of the Project Veritas Coup that ousted James O’ Keefe, PV’s founder, from the organization. Tyrmand is also known to be in Ron DeSantis’ inner political circle. Vish Burra released a screenshot of a message from Tyrmand that read, “Vish, Bannon and Jok (James O’Keefe) can share a jail cell in a federal work camp one day soon.” Vish tweeted above the screenshot, “People think I’m just picking on Ratt Turdmand @MatthewTyrmand for clicks. No. I can’t stay silent and not expose the MALICIOUS INTENT he has in his heart for myself, my friends, my mentors, and @JamesOKeefeIII, the guy he coup’d under false pretenses of fiduciary duty.”
by Charles Downs
Jim Rizoli And Kathleen Dudley (1:02:35)
Why Sunlight Deficiency Is As Deadly As Smoking
A groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has revealed something absolutely amazing about the role of the Sun in human health: a deficiency of sunlight could be as harmful to human health as smoking cigarettes
The study titled, “Avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for major causes of death: a competing risk analysis of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort,” was conducted by Swedish researchers on a population of almost 30,000 women. They assessed the differences in sun exposure as a risk factor for all-cause mortality, within a prospective 20-year follow up of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden (MISS) cohort. The women were aged 25-64 years at the start of the study and recruited from 1990 to 1992. When their sun exposure habits were analyzed using modern survival statistics they discovered several things.
by Sayer Ji
We’re Done With “Gradually”. We’ve Now Reached The “Suddenly” Part
Logarithmic decay is like how Hemingway famously described going bankrupt in The Sun Also Rises– “Gradually, then suddenly.” In fact logarithmic decay is great way to describe social and financial decline. Even the rise and fall of superpowers are often logarithmic in scale. The Kingdom of France in the 1700s infamously fell gradually… then suddenly. We can see the same logarithmic decay in the West today, and specifically the United States. The deterioration of government finances has been gradual, then sudden. Social conflict, censorship, and the decline in basic civility has been gradual, then sudden. Even the loss of confidence in the US dollar has been gradual… and is poised to be sudden.
by Simon Black
Bill Gates Foresees AI Taking Over For Teachers
Artificial intelligence is looking to rule to the world, and Bill Gates believes it’s on its way to replacing teachers. “The AIs will get to that ability to be as good a tutor as any human ever could,” the Microsoft co-founder said at the ASU+GSV Summit in San Diego on April 18th. Gates made the comments within the context of a much larger conversation about the future role of technology in education with Jessie Woolley-Wilson, the CEO of DreamBox Learning, according to a report by The Epoch Times. “AI has, ever since the focus became machine learning, it’s achieved some unbelievable milestones,” Gates told Woolley-Wilson. “You know, it can listen to speech and recognize speech better than humans. It can recognize images and videos better than humans. The area that it was essentially useless in was in reading and writing. You could not take, say, a biology textbook and read it and pass the AP exam.” While AI may not be good enough to “teach” humanity yet, Gates says that that time is not far off. “We have enough sample sets of those things being done well that the training can be done,” he added. “So, I’d say that is a very worthwhile milestone, is to engage in a dialogue where you’re helping to understand what they’re missing. And we’re not that far.”
by Marc Slavo
‘Sophisticated Naval Forces’ Bombed Nord Stream – Danish Navy Veteran
The perpetrator had access to advanced underwater drones, a former diver told Bloomberg
Whoever sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines likely had access to fast-moving underwater drones, one of Denmark’s most “experienced navy divers” told Bloomberg on Thursday. NATO forces trained with these unmanned underwater vehicles near the blast site prior to the explosions. The diver said that “finding the pipelines without precise coordinates or tracking technology, then transporting and placing the explosives, would’ve challenged diver-saboteurs,” in the newspaper’s words. “The diver estimates the operation, including a safe ascent, would’ve taken an individual diver several hours. He surmises that whoever carried out the attack had access to a fast-moving autonomous submersible vehicle, like the ones employed by sophisticated naval forces,” the report continued, adding that “a surface vessel remaining relatively static for hours…would’ve attracted unwanted attention.” The Danish navy described the diver’s hypothesis as sound, while the country’s intelligence agency, defense ministry, and foreign affairs ministry offered no comment.
by RT
A Solar Hydrogen System That Co-Generates Heat And Oxygen
EPFL researchers have built a pilot-scale solar reactor that produces usable heat and oxygen, in addition to generating hydrogen with unprecedented efficiency for its size. A parabolic dish on the EPFL campus is easily overlooked, resembling a satellite dish or other telecommunications infrastructure. But this dish is special, because it works like an artificial tree. After concentrating solar radiation nearly 1,000 times, a reactor above the dish uses that sunlight to convert water into valuable and renewable hydrogen, oxygen, and heat. “This is the first system-level demonstration of solar hydrogen generation. Unlike typical lab-scale demonstrations, it includes all auxiliary devices and components, so it gives us a better idea of the energy efficiency you can expect once you consider the complete system, and not just the device itself,” says Sophia Haussener, head of the Laboratory of Renewable Energy Science and Engineering (LRESE) in the School of Engineering. “With an output power of over 2 kilowatts, we’ve cracked the 1-kilowatt ceiling for our pilot reactor while maintaining record-high efficiency for this large scale. The hydrogen production rate achieved in this work represents a really encouraging step towards the commercial realization of this technology.”
by Celia Luterbacher
Florida Pride Parade Canceled After DeSantis Tells Participants They Have To Keep Their Clothes On In Front Of Kids
PORT ST. LUCIE, FL — A pride parade in Florida has been canceled after DeSantis signed a bill that would require everyone marching in the parade to keep their clothes on in front of the small children in attendance. Just great. Why even bother with a parade at this point?” said Trixie Glamrod, who had plans to strip down and twerk throughout the entire 3-mile parade route. “If I can’t be proud of my transgender identity by dancing naked in front of minors whenever I want, then we no longer live in a free country.” “This is literal fascism.”
Statue Of Fully Nude, Bearded Man Breastfeeding A Baby Placed Outside Denmark’s Former Women’s Museum
A statue of a naked, bearded man breastfeeding a baby has been placed outside the former Women’s Museum in Denmark. The statue is said to be a self-portrait by sculptor Aske Kreilgaard. In Aarhus, Denmark outside what was formerly called the Women’s Museum, is now renamed to the “Gender Museum.” The erasure of women. — Michelle Uriarau (@singlikeadiva) April 21, 2023. The museum, located in Aarhus, changed its name from Women’s Museum to KØN – Gender Museum Denmark in February 2021. According to its website, it is “one of the few museums in the world, focusing on gender and equality.” After the statue was placed, sculptor, photographer, and writer Suste Bonnén wrote an article for Kristeligt Dagblad titled, “Statue of breastfeeding man is a pedophile’s dream.”
by Cassandra MacDonald
News Blackout In Effect
The Michael Morell story is disposed of by press janitors
An all-time media blackout is in effect. We’re experiencing real-time Sovietization. It transpires that the infamous incident before the 2020 election in which 50 former intelligence officials signed an open letter declared a New York Post expose about Hunter Biden’s laptop to have the “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation” was instigated at the behest of the Joe Biden campaign. This at least is the allegation in a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken released by Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government.
by Matt Taibbi
Will America’s Addiction To Computer Technology Be It’s Downfall?
America is the most technology-dependent society in the world, by far. As I reported last week, the United States has the ability to spy on its citizens at a greater percentage than even China, due to the fact that a higher percentage of U.S. citizens are connected through technology and their cell phones than citizens in China, where over one third of the people in China do not even own cell phones yet. There is another way to measure America’s dependency on technology besides cell phone and Internet usage, and that is by looking at how many data centers are in the U.S. that host all the server hardware that is required to keep all this technology running. In this category, the U.S. has no serious competitors. In fact, the U.S. owns more data centers than almost all other countries of the world combined, according to These physical computers, which are housed in physical buildings in physical locations, require tremendous resources to operate, which include energy resources and human resources, to keep it all running. Almost everything connected to the Internet today is run by these data centers that provide Cloud Computing. And all of these computers are primarily owned by three companies: and “Amazon Web Services” (AWS), Microsoft and “Microsoft Azure,” and Google with their Cloud Services. If an enemy of the United States wanted to totally cripple our country, including military and intelligence operations, all they would have to do is take down the data centers owned by these three companies. The physical locations of these data centers is a matter of public knowledge, and I was able to find lists of their physical locations by using their own search engines, in less than 5 minutes.
by Brian Shilhavy
Max Bernier And The PPC Need 342 Courageous Canadian Patriots To Step Up To The Plate
EDITOR’S NOTE: The time has come for all those patriotic, freedom-loving Canadians who now realize there’s only ONE federal party to vote for if they wish to take back Canada from the NWO criminal cartel to get up off their complacent knees, stand up strong and free and put their collective shoulders to the wheel. Common sense tells us that to attempt, once again, to replace the Liberals with the Conservatives or the NDP would be a most unfortunate and futile endeavor on the part of Canadians who truly want to see real and lasting changes come about for this beleaguered nation.
by Arthur Topham
Biden Prepares For Ukraine Failure
The White House has reportedly hedged its bets in case Kiev’s big offensive doesn’t deliver
US President Joe Biden’s administration is “quietly preparing for the possibility” that Ukraine’s much-heralded offensive doesn’t deliver the “total victory” Kiev wanted, Politico reported on Monday, citing several anonymous officials. While the US government’s public support for Ukraine is “unwavering,” officials have expressed fears in private that the White House could be caught in a crossfire of criticism should the attack fall short of expectations, the outlet said. The ‘hawks’ would claim the US and its allies had not given Ukraine enough weapons and ammunition, while the ‘doves’ would see it as proof that Kiev can’t win. “If Ukraine can’t gain dramatically on the battlefield, the question inevitably arises as to whether it is time for a negotiated stop to the fighting,” Richard Haass, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, told Politico. “It’s expensive, we’re running low on munitions, we’ve got other contingencies around the world to prepare for.”
by RT
Public Service Announcement! (1:43)
Please do not give the robot doggy a bath, throw oil or sand on it, put a mirror in front of it, cover the pooch with a blanket or press the blue button on its behind for more than 2 seconds.
Brussel’s Deep State Is Trying To Punish Hungary For Caring For Children
A number of EU member states supported a lawsuit filed earlier by the European Commission against Hungary in connection with the country’s child protection law, which prohibits LGBT propaganda among minors. As the political adviser to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Balazs Orbán, said in an interview with the channel, this lawsuit is an attempt by the deep state of Brussels to punish Budapest for resisting the ideology of ‘pro-Buddhism’, which the media and NGOs are trying to spread in the country. So, the message here is, ‘Castrate your children’ – and, surprisingly, some people heed it. The number of young people who are castrated in the name of transgender ideology has increased dramatically in recent times. As Reuters recently reported, over the past few years, 56 minors aged 13 to 17 have undergone genital mutilation in clinics across America. Another 776 minors have undergone a mastectomy – surgery to remove their breasts – and more than 4,000 have been put on dangerous hormone therapy that will leave many of them permanently infertile and end up with osteoporosis and other ailments.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2131) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #118 – How If You Hate The Smell Of BO You Just Might Be A Racist… (Audio 1:34:19)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 24, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “How If You Hate The Smell Of BO You Just Might Be A Racist…”
We discussed: the Mark Collett and Dr. Patrick Slattery clip that we played during the show intro segment; why we need to keep Sven Longshanks in our prayers this week; Laurel and Hardy; Tom and Jerry; snooker player Bill Werbeniuk; today’s film review “The Saint” a series that came out in 1997; The Kernow Connection; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Disguise, I see, thou art a wickedness, Wherein the pregnant enemy does much,”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; what percentage of the earth’s atmosphere is carbon dioxide; why we’re surprised that the Daily Mail have heard of Sweden; the flat earther who accidentally proved the earth was round; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
100 Consequences Of Owning Your Cell Phone
by Citizens for 5G Awareness
The Devil’s Laptop T-Shirt
Hunter Biden and his controversial laptop. The devil is in the details.
by Artoons-org
Miscarriages And Dead Infants Were Described In A Secret FDA Review, But Hidden From The Public
Pfizer Tried to Hide Its Report for 75 Years
A new document was released to ICAN this April, thanks to a FOIA legal action that compelled the government to provide Pfizer documents they tried to keep secret for 75 years. Indeed, they had a good reason to hide it. That document is called “PREGNANCY AND LACTATION CUMULATIVE REVIEW.” Many findings in it validate several concerns of COVID vaccine skeptics. Pfizer identified 458 pregnancies where mothers were vaccinated (with and without adverse events).
by Igor Chudov
AOC Calls For Tucker Carlson To Be Banned From Television
For ‘inciting violence’.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for Tucker Carlson to be banned from television over the nebulous accusation that he is ‘inciting violence’. AOC made the comments during an interview with former White House press secretary Jen Psaki on MSNBC. The lawmaker highlighted, “Federal regulation, in terms of what’s allowed on air and what isn’t.” “And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and what of these other folks on Fox do, it is very very clearly incitement of violence, very clearly incitement of violence and that is the line that we have to be willing to contend with,” she said.
by Paul Joseph Watson
FFWN With E. Michael Jones: Can RFK Jr. Save America? (1:20:29)
AOC: ‘The Government Must Shut Down Unapproved News Agencies To Defeat Fascism’
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In order to defeat fascism, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for the military to shut down news agencies that say anything unapproved by the government. “It’s like, defeating fascism 101,” said Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. “The government takes control of the nation’s media, then silences all the bad people. Fascism solved!” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has demanded the government start with banning Tucker Carlson, followed by several other conservative journalists. “We are in literal danger of falling into fascism until the government locks away all the bad journalists,” explained Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. “Look at China – they are like, so safe from fascism. Do you see anything like January 6th happening in China? I don’t think so. Anyone in China who says anything the government thinks could incite violence, is like, disappeared or something. It’s all worth it if we stop just one Januray 6th.”
Netanyahu To Meet With US Presidential Candidate DeSantis
The Republican governor’s visit to Israel comes as he prepares to challenge Donald Trump for the Republican nomination in the upcoming 2024 presidential campaign
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to meet with Republican Florida Governor and presidential candidate Ron DeSantis when the expected 2024 presidential candidate visits Israel this week, Netanyahu said on the US television news program “Face the Nation” on 23 April, Middle East Monitor reports. The meeting will take place as DeSantis visits Israel as part of a longer trip abroad, which also includes Japan, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. Though he has not announced it, DeSantis is widely expected to run for president in the upcoming 2024 election and will challenge Donald Trump for the Republican nomination.
by News Desk
Wearing Masks Can Increase The Risk Of Still Births
Plus testicular toxicity
Another study has raised concerns about the potential risks associated with prolonged mask-wearing, particularly in vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, children, and adolescents. Weird how none of these studies came out when mask mandates were in force. The German study conducted by Kai Kisielinski et al. suggests that prolonged mask-wearing may lead to increased carbon dioxide (CO2) exposure, which could have toxic effects on human health. They say fresh air has around 0.04% CO2 while wearing masks for more than 5 minutes can lead to chronic exposure of CO2 of 1.41% to 3.2% of inhaled air. Some of the potential risks identified in animal studies included:
by The Naked Emperor
Jewish Organizations Are Close To Legally Ending Free Speech On The Internet
The Supreme Court is currently authoring its opinion on Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, an enormously consequential decision that could radically change how we use the internet. The decision, which could be released any time from now to July due to the complex and politically fraught nature of the case, has pit several Jewish organizations against a dwindling number of civil liberties groups willing to defend the Constitutional right to free speech. The case combines Gonzalez v. Google LLC and Twitter, Inc. v. Taamneh, two lawsuits which assert that social media platforms are legally liable for acts of violence committed by groups or individuals that utilize their services to promote their ideas. SCOTUS’ decision to grant certiorari to Gonzalez shows the immense political pull Zionist groups — foreign and domestic — have inside the American system.
by Joseph Jordan
Elevated Rates Of Autism, Other Neurodevelopmental And Psychiatric Diagnoses, And Autistic Traits In Transgender And Gender-Diverse Individuals
Transgender Epidemic Driven by Tidal Wave of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Like infectious disease pandemics, chronic illnesses can rise up and become dominant in clinical practice and in the media. No one would deny that the news cycle has adeptly replaced COVID-19 stories with the rise of transgenderism. Is there a real epidemic of gender dysphoria? What could be causing it? Warrier et al, published a detailed analysis using multiple psychological instruments among a large sample size (N=641,860) with gender dysphoria treated with transgender hormonal/surgical therapy. The results are striking. Compared to normal reference groups, transgender individuals had up to a 12-fold increased risk of autism.
by Peter A. McCullough, MD
Reported Project Veritas Coup Leader Matthew Tyrmand Calls For James O’keefe To Be Jailed
Tyrmand called for James O’Keefe, among others, to be jailed in leaked text messages.
Vish Burra released texts on Thursday that showed Matthew Tyrmand calling for James O’Keefe and Vish to be jailed. Tyrmand was reportedly one of the leaders of the Project Veritas Coup that ousted James O’ Keefe, PV’s founder, from the organization. Tyrmand is also known to be in Ron DeSantis’ inner political circle. Vish Burra released a screenshot of a message from Tyrmand that read, “Vish, Bannon and Jok (James O’Keefe) can share a jail cell in a federal work camp one day soon.” Vish tweeted above the screenshot, “People think I’m just picking on Ratt Turdmand @MatthewTyrmand for clicks. No. I can’t stay silent and not expose the MALICIOUS INTENT he has in his heart for myself, my friends, my mentors, and @JamesOKeefeIII, the guy he coup’d under false pretenses of fiduciary duty.”
by Charles Downs
Jim Rizoli And Kathleen Dudley (1:02:35)
Why Sunlight Deficiency Is As Deadly As Smoking
A groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has revealed something absolutely amazing about the role of the Sun in human health: a deficiency of sunlight could be as harmful to human health as smoking cigarettes
The study titled, “Avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for major causes of death: a competing risk analysis of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort,” was conducted by Swedish researchers on a population of almost 30,000 women. They assessed the differences in sun exposure as a risk factor for all-cause mortality, within a prospective 20-year follow up of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden (MISS) cohort. The women were aged 25-64 years at the start of the study and recruited from 1990 to 1992. When their sun exposure habits were analyzed using modern survival statistics they discovered several things.
by Sayer Ji
We’re Done With “Gradually”. We’ve Now Reached The “Suddenly” Part
Logarithmic decay is like how Hemingway famously described going bankrupt in The Sun Also Rises– “Gradually, then suddenly.” In fact logarithmic decay is great way to describe social and financial decline. Even the rise and fall of superpowers are often logarithmic in scale. The Kingdom of France in the 1700s infamously fell gradually… then suddenly. We can see the same logarithmic decay in the West today, and specifically the United States. The deterioration of government finances has been gradual, then sudden. Social conflict, censorship, and the decline in basic civility has been gradual, then sudden. Even the loss of confidence in the US dollar has been gradual… and is poised to be sudden.
by Simon Black
Bill Gates Foresees AI Taking Over For Teachers
Artificial intelligence is looking to rule to the world, and Bill Gates believes it’s on its way to replacing teachers. “The AIs will get to that ability to be as good a tutor as any human ever could,” the Microsoft co-founder said at the ASU+GSV Summit in San Diego on April 18th. Gates made the comments within the context of a much larger conversation about the future role of technology in education with Jessie Woolley-Wilson, the CEO of DreamBox Learning, according to a report by The Epoch Times. “AI has, ever since the focus became machine learning, it’s achieved some unbelievable milestones,” Gates told Woolley-Wilson. “You know, it can listen to speech and recognize speech better than humans. It can recognize images and videos better than humans. The area that it was essentially useless in was in reading and writing. You could not take, say, a biology textbook and read it and pass the AP exam.” While AI may not be good enough to “teach” humanity yet, Gates says that that time is not far off. “We have enough sample sets of those things being done well that the training can be done,” he added. “So, I’d say that is a very worthwhile milestone, is to engage in a dialogue where you’re helping to understand what they’re missing. And we’re not that far.”
by Marc Slavo
‘Sophisticated Naval Forces’ Bombed Nord Stream – Danish Navy Veteran
The perpetrator had access to advanced underwater drones, a former diver told Bloomberg
Whoever sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines likely had access to fast-moving underwater drones, one of Denmark’s most “experienced navy divers” told Bloomberg on Thursday. NATO forces trained with these unmanned underwater vehicles near the blast site prior to the explosions. The diver said that “finding the pipelines without precise coordinates or tracking technology, then transporting and placing the explosives, would’ve challenged diver-saboteurs,” in the newspaper’s words. “The diver estimates the operation, including a safe ascent, would’ve taken an individual diver several hours. He surmises that whoever carried out the attack had access to a fast-moving autonomous submersible vehicle, like the ones employed by sophisticated naval forces,” the report continued, adding that “a surface vessel remaining relatively static for hours…would’ve attracted unwanted attention.” The Danish navy described the diver’s hypothesis as sound, while the country’s intelligence agency, defense ministry, and foreign affairs ministry offered no comment.
by RT
A Solar Hydrogen System That Co-Generates Heat And Oxygen
EPFL researchers have built a pilot-scale solar reactor that produces usable heat and oxygen, in addition to generating hydrogen with unprecedented efficiency for its size. A parabolic dish on the EPFL campus is easily overlooked, resembling a satellite dish or other telecommunications infrastructure. But this dish is special, because it works like an artificial tree. After concentrating solar radiation nearly 1,000 times, a reactor above the dish uses that sunlight to convert water into valuable and renewable hydrogen, oxygen, and heat. “This is the first system-level demonstration of solar hydrogen generation. Unlike typical lab-scale demonstrations, it includes all auxiliary devices and components, so it gives us a better idea of the energy efficiency you can expect once you consider the complete system, and not just the device itself,” says Sophia Haussener, head of the Laboratory of Renewable Energy Science and Engineering (LRESE) in the School of Engineering. “With an output power of over 2 kilowatts, we’ve cracked the 1-kilowatt ceiling for our pilot reactor while maintaining record-high efficiency for this large scale. The hydrogen production rate achieved in this work represents a really encouraging step towards the commercial realization of this technology.”
by Celia Luterbacher
Florida Pride Parade Canceled After DeSantis Tells Participants They Have To Keep Their Clothes On In Front Of Kids
PORT ST. LUCIE, FL — A pride parade in Florida has been canceled after DeSantis signed a bill that would require everyone marching in the parade to keep their clothes on in front of the small children in attendance. Just great. Why even bother with a parade at this point?” said Trixie Glamrod, who had plans to strip down and twerk throughout the entire 3-mile parade route. “If I can’t be proud of my transgender identity by dancing naked in front of minors whenever I want, then we no longer live in a free country.” “This is literal fascism.”
“Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar,
but is a stab at the health of human society”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Waco: April 19, 1993 and OKC: April 19, 1995
Waco: The Rules Of Engagement (1997) (2:15:51)
by William Gazecki
This Great Film Earned William An Academy Award Nomination For Best Documentary
A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 (2011) (2:00:52)
by James Lane
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Vigano On Russia
Cannot our leaders see what is at stake? –
Everything God made, man wants to remake.
In a Catholic Church where very few churchmen still have the insight to see, or else the courage to denounce, why the world around them is preparing its own suicide, one churchman is fearlessly telling, month after month, the essential truths. Here follows, in summary form, the encouraging Message of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to the Founding Congress of the International Movement of “Lovers of Russia,” held in Moscow last month. When a Catholic bishop is consecrated bishop, he promises not to call evil what is good, nor to call good what is evil. Here Archbishop Viganò calls out clearly our present world leaders as evil, and the Russians standing up to them as good. One may have certain reservations, but he is still essentially correct. If his Message is not heeded, we will have to learn the hard way.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Earth Day 2023 T-Shirt
Save planet Earth from the corrupt politicians and media parrots who are controlled by globalists, marxists, democrats and elitists.
by ShipOfFools
De-Dollarization Is General Trend, But ‘De-Weaponization Of The Dollar’ Is More Urgent
European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde warned on Monday that the US could not take for granted the US dollar’s continued role as the go-to currency for world trade, though for now it remains unchallenged. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen also admitted that US economic sanctions against Russia and other countries may weaken the hegemony of the US dollar. In fact, since the end of March and the beginning of April, developments in the international currency have attracted great attention. China and Brazil have reached an agreement that bilateral trade can be settled directly in their own currency, bypassing the US dollar; the meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of ASEAN members held in Indonesia discussed how to reduce the dependence of financial transactions on the US dollar, the euro, the yen and the British pound and use local currency more for settlement; India and Malaysia agreed to use rupees for settlement, amongst other developments. De-dollarization has become a trending topic within the international media for an extended period.
by Liao Zhengrong
COVID-19 Vaccine Payouts: Why The US So Reluctant To Make Even The Smallest Award
As the COVID-19 pandemic raged across the world, vaccination programs, including those in the US, helped millions of people avoid severe illness, hospitalization and death. But although generally beneficial, the jabs – such as those created by Pfizer and Moderna based on mRNA technology – have also caused adverse reactions in some recipients. According to American government data, plaintiffs paralyzed, suffering from myocarditis – an inflammation of the heart muscle – acute allergic reactions, or otherwise impaired after being jabbed with Pfizer and Moderna’s monovalent vaccines have been struggling to get any compensation. A mere three out of more than 8,000 applicants have been successful so far in getting anything out of the specially tailored compensation program. But the triumph was short-lived: the combined awards were so paltry they didn’t even total $5,000. Sputnik examines why the program isn’t working, and why the plaintiffs are unable to win their cases.
by Svetlana Ekimenko
Shocking Truths About Your Money (Part Two Of Two)
If you had invested in the top ten American companies in 2001 and held onto your shares, you would have lost money in seven of them. The US National Debt is growing at another trillion every few months. The collapse of Credit Suisse has left Switzerland with a bank which has $1.7 trillion of liabilities. If UBS went bust, Switzerland would be bankrupt. A saver who held cash from 2009 to 2021 would have earned a total of 6% on their savings. The official rate of inflation over that period was 39% and so the saver would have lost most of their purchasing power.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor April 20, 2023 (27:59)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
The US Balks At Thriving UAE-Russia Relations
The leak of classified documents suggesting Emirati-Russian intel against the US has caused uncertainty about the future of US-UAE relations amid significant shifts in the geopolitics of the Persian Gulf.
The leak of highly classified Pentagon documents, including reports of the UAE’s alleged intelligence collusion with Russia against the US and UK, has captured headlines both regionally and globally. According to the US intel reports leaked to the Associated Press, a document implicating the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) entitled “Russia/UAE: Intelligence Relationship Deepening” states: “FSB officials claimed UAE security service officials and Russia had agreed to work together against US and UK intelligence agencies, according to newly acquired signals intelligence.” However, while US officials have declined to comment on the document, the Emirati government has vehemently denied any such accusation, calling it “categorically false.” Although it is impossible to verify the authenticity of the leaked report, western officials and analysts have nonetheless been closely following increased cooperation between Abu Dhabi and Moscow, particularly since the outbreak of conflict in Ukraine.
by Stasa Salacanin
Priest Expert On Freemasonry Says Vatican Cardinals Spread ‘Disinformation’ About SSPX
LifeSiteNews is pleased to publish Fr. Charles Murr’s preface to reporter Kennedy Hall’s latest book, ‘SSPX: The Defence’.
Father Charles Murr, a close friend of both Sister Pascalina, personal secretary to Pope Pius XII, and Cardinal Édouard Joseph Gagnon has written a fascinating foreword to a new book by LifeSite journalist Kennedy Hall about Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the Society of St. Pius X. Murr endorses Hall’s “SSPX: The Defence,” an attempt to defend the work of the traditionalist priestly society, and he describes how two modernist curial cardinals in Rome did everything they could to fight against Archbishop Lefebvre: Cardinals Jean-Marie Villot (Pope Paul VI’s Secretary of State) and Gabriel-Marie Garrone (Vatican Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities).
by Maike Hickson
Consumer Alert: Air Fresheners
An astounding 19 pages of chemicals go into making one commonly used brand of air freshener, representing just how poorly regulated and toxic this increasingly popular class of consumer products is.
You’ve probably seen pictures of people navigating urban cityscapes, their noses and mouths covered by medical masks to safeguard against toxic air quality. You might be surprised to learn that it’s actually indoor air quality, permeated by chemical “air fresheners,” that is a top concern for public health officials.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
My Interview With Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt (50:56)
I had the honor to speak with Dr. Lee Merritt about what is in the shots, the nanotechnological and synthetic artificial intelligent biology threatening the survival of humanity, the multilevel weapons system deployed and how they function, how to protect oneself and detoxify from the shots, what is shedding and more.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Biden’s DOJ Indicts Four Americans For Their Political Views On Russia
The allegation is that members of the African People’s Socialist Party were involved in a ‘foreign malign influence campaign’
The Justice Department has indicted four Americans, including three members of the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement (APSP), over their political views on Russia, a step that has grave implications for First Amendment rights. The allegation against the Americans is that they were involved in a “foreign malign influence campaign” directed by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). The DOJ also indicted three Russians related to the case, including Aleksandr Ionov, who was initially charged last year. Ionov is a Moscow resident who founded the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia (AGMR), a non-governmental organization. The DOJ claims that Ionov used the AGMR to conduct Russia’s “malign influence campaign” and recruited Americans to spread “Russian propaganda.” The indictment alleges the Russians were involved in a 2019 local election in St. Petersburg, Florida, one city where the APSP is based.
by Dave DeCamp
NATO Expansion Versus OPEC+ Oil Shock
Finland’s inclusion in, and the consequent expansion of, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), has supposedly brought much joy to the Western world supposedly fighting Russia for the protection of democracy and human rights. The real purpose of this fight, as we already know, is to preserve the West – mainly, the US-led – dominated post-Second World War world order, which assumed the shape of unilateral US hegemony after the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. With Russia – and China – delivering the hitherto clearest shock to this unilateral hegemony of the US, the latter is doing all it can to win more and more allies to augment its position against a very formidable threat. NATO’s expansion is one of the many steps the West – again, mainly the US – has recently taken to preserve the world order. But the ongoing Russia-Ukraine (NATO) military conflict has changed the world in many significant ways. For one thing, NATO’s expansion notwithstanding, the US cannot possibly even hope to successfully “isolate” Russia globally. As far as China is concerned, the US can neither “decouple” from China without facing a heavy cost, nor will be doing so without geopolitical consequences.
by Salman Rafi Sheikh
Media Hides Transgender Identity Of Murderer by Sarah Cain (7:04)
“Genetic Chaos” Leads To Rapidly Developing Cancers
A recent study has found that “genetic chaos” leads to rapidly developing aggressive cancers that are difficult to treat. The part of the cell which “reads the instructions in our DNA” is known as the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains over 40 million proteins including RNA molecules. mRNA “vaccines” are designed to invade the cytoplasm and repurpose its RNA mechanisms for other tasks. About as close to “genetic chaos” as we can imagine. Moderna recently announced it will extend the use of its mRNA injections as a vaccine against all sorts of conditions, including cancer, which are now known to be caused or complicated by mRNA covid “vaccines.” Worse still, as if they are playing some sick joke on the public, they expect you to believe their mRNA cancer vaccine – which will cause genetic chaos – will prevent cancer. Why are there no alarm bells ringing in the halls of power?
by Dr. Guy Hatchard
Feds Now Eyeing Multiple Felony Charges Against Hunter Biden; IRS Whistleblower Story Grows Legs
Several Hunter Biden stories have begun gaining traction in the last 24 hours, including a report by NBC News (so, ‘the narrative’) that federal prosecutors are eyeing charges on three tax crimes and a charge related to a gun purchase. The possible charges are two misdemeanor counts for failure to file taxes, a single felony count of tax evasion related to a business expense for one year of taxes, and the gun charge, also a potential felony. Of course, nothing related to Hunter’s trips on Air Force Two with his then-VP-daddy to ink shady family deals with CCP-linked business partners, or that giant diamond & a $30 million offer that has all the appearances of a bribe, or the $3.5 million payment made to a Hunter-founded firm from the wife of the former Mayor of Moscow. None of that.
by Tyler Durden
Prepping For War… Western State-Owned Media Unveil ‘Russian Sabotage Trawlers’
What makes the situation all the more dangerous is that Western media are working shamelessly to promote the war agenda. Russian fishing trawlers are on stealth missions to spy on transatlantic communications and sabotage energy supplies in Europe, according to a coordinated “investigation” by European state-owned media outlets. Excuse the pun, but there is something putridly fishy about this Russian trawler story. Britain’s state-owned BBC reported that its counterparts in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are this week airing the results of a joint investigation (sic), which makes the frightening (sic) claim that the Kremlin has ordered a fleet of disguised ships to tap undersea telecom cables and sabotage wind farms in the North Sea.
by Finian Cunningham
Moderna Hid Serious Side Effects Suffered By Its Covid Vaccine Recipients When It Reported Clinical Trial Results For The Shot
Moderna scientists said in a 2021 paper no mRNA jab recipients in the trial had “serious adverse effects.” In fact, 14 ultimately did, including three miscarriages. No placebo recipients did.
In February 2021, Moderna scientists published results from the Phase 2 trial of the company’s mRNA Covid jab in the journal Vaccine. Moderna had started the “P201” trial with 600 healthy volunteers on May 29, 2020, mostly to examine if the shots were safe. The company had good news on that front. In the “Highlights” section at the top of the paper, Moderna’s scientists reported: No serious adverse effects were observed. That statement was untrue.
by Alex Berenson
Today In Empire: War Machine-Funded War Games, Facebook Censors Hersh, And More
There’s a lot happening in the life of the empire, so we’re doing another multi-story article to wrap it all up. Today we’re discussing four stories: Facebook is censoring multiple articles by Seymour Hersh. Weapons industry-funded think tank helps Congress discover that Taiwan needs way more weapons. The New York Times really, really doesn’t like RFK Jr. Twitter drops its “state-affiliated media” and “government-funded media” labels.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Chicago Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccines To Be Reinstated With Back Pay (Text and Video)
7% interest on top is a nice touch also
Good news! I live near Chicago and remember the relentless pressure on Chicago policemen and firemen to get vaccinated against Covid. Watch the former mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, say, “They will be vaccinated,” in this triggering video. (do not open it if you get upset easily) I took their struggle to heart because I, a frequent visitor to Chicago, was also discriminated against. I was not allowed to enter Cook County restaurants since I was not vaccinated.
by Igor Chudov
Carbon Tyranny And The Future Of Food (17:18)
by Computing Forever
March Housing Sales Drop 2.4%, Year Over Year Decline Of 22% From March 2022
As higher interest rates continue to put pressure on borrowers, the ability of the average person to afford a mortgage diminishes. Higher mortgage rates lead to downward pressure on residential home values as fewer borrowers can afford higher payments. Simultaneously, commercial real estate is dropping in value as vacancies continue increasing. Put both of these issues together and already tenuous banks holding mortgage bonds as assets can become more unstable. This dynamic creates the continual tremors in the background of an economy already suffering from high inflation and low consumer purchasing of durable goods. A perfect storm starts to realize.
by Sundance
Court Filing Claims CIA Recruited 9/11 Hijackers
Declaration of Donald C. Canestraro
Donald C. Canestraro is a former Special Agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration where he worked for 21 years. Since April 2016 he has worked as an investigator assigned to the Office of Military Commissions – Military Commissions Defense Organization. His recently released court filing contains some explosive revelations about the 9/11 attacks. The declaration was originally released in 2021 but was almost entirely redacted. Mr Canestraro says that he began an investigation in 2016 into the possible involvement of the Saudi Arabian Government and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the events leading up to the 9/11 attacks. A suspected Saudi intelligence office, Omar Al-Bayoumi, had been in contact with two of the 9/11 hijackers, Nawaf Al-Hamzi and Khalid Al-Mihdhar. FBI agents conducted numerous interviews regarding Al-Bayoumi after the 9/11 attacks. These interviews show that he was seen with the two hijackers on numerous occasions and had organised social gatherings for them. He had also helped the pair find an apartment.
by The Naked Emperor
Reversing Metabolic Disease: Natural Remedies For Insulin Resistance, Belly Fat Accumulation, Dietary Hormone Disruptors
One obvious sign of the metabolic syndrome epidemic is the fact that more than two-thirds of Americans are overweight and about half are obese.1 Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that include high blood pressure, insulin resistance, elevated waist-to-hip ratio, and dyslipidemia (an unhealthy imbalance of blood lipid levels and triglycerides). If you have three or more of these symptoms, you already fall within this syndrome’s category, alongside 23 percent of other American adults. Together, this constellation increases the risk of developing disabling, and even deadly, conditions such as diabetes, stroke, and heart disease, the rates of which have escalated worldwide. Not all body fat is the same. Some body fat is brown and some white, and the former is healthier than the latter. But the question of where fat tissue gathers takes the discussion to the next level. Abdominal obesity, also known as belly fat, increases the risk of developing diabetes or cardiovascular disease, including stroke. Belly fat is the single most significant indicator of metabolic syndrome, itself an independent risk factor for all-cause mortality that’s stronger than smoking.
by Sayer Ji
Return Of The Sinister Witchfinders
It is a myth that the Victorians were prudish. Their age was exciting, innovative and libertarian. For this reason, many great novels and poems, such as Rudyard Kipling’s verse, are now politically incorrect. Scratch the surface of the mob and one is sure to find the mediaeval mindset. I would not dignify bigots by describing them as ignorant; they are politically and morally corrupt. There is little that separates the self-styled politically correct from sycophants who once applauded innocent men sentenced to death at Chairman Mao and Stalinist show trials. In the Communist Bloc, ordinary people were guarded in what they wrote or said. In constant fear of denunciation, few were brave enough to speak openly. Those who did lost friends, their jobs, and in most cases their freedom. This is the slippery slope we slide down. A remark made without malice draws a horrified reaction similar to the display of a birthmark on the breast of a yeoman’s wife.
by Michael Walsh
Fire Alarm Shuts Down Presidential Candidate’s Speech
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr was condemning the US military-industrial complex as the alarm went off
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s first presidential campaign speech was interrupted on Wednesday when a fire alarm was triggered. Immediately before the alarm, Kennedy had spoken out against the CIA and the US military-industrial complex. Kennedy, a Democrat, officially launched his 2024 campaign in Boston, Massachusetts, on Wednesday. Announcing that he would challenge President Joe Biden on a platform of “clean government, civil liberties, peace, and economic revitalization,” Kennedy also took aim at the past two decades of US military interventions, arguing that as the US was “spending $8 trillion bombing bridges, ports, roads and hospitals,” China was “spending $8 trillion building bridges, roads, ports and hospitals.” Just as Kennedy was arguing that China’s approach had seen it replace the US as the preferred trading partner for much of the third world, a fire alarm rang out, halting his speech. “Nice try,” Kennedy quipped, telling his supporters that “there is no emergency.” It is unclear who set off the alarm.
by RT
Blinken Busted: Played Central Role In Discrediting Hunter Biden Laptop Story As Election Loomed
In a major development in the House ongoing probe of the deep state’s October 2020 effort to suppress revelations from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell,” a former senior CIA official has testified that he organized an influential letter from former intel officials to help Joe Biden “win the election” — and was inspired to do so by a call from current Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was then a top Biden campaign official. In this 2013 60 Minutes interview, Mike Morell said Edward Snowden “betrayed his country” Mike Morell, who was at the time a former deputy director of the CIA, says he also coordinated with the Biden campaign on strategy for the letter’s release. Word of his revelations comes via a press release jointly issued by the chairmen of the House judiciary and intelligence committees late Thursday, first reported by the New York Post.
by Tyler Durden
The Enigma Of The Führer (31:45)
by Léon Degrelle
Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told (2013) (6:32:13)
Writer and Director: Dennis Wise
Hitler Wanted To Take Over The World (11 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis
Hitler’s Peace Plans (50:58)
by Gott Mit Uns
Hitler’s Peace Plans (95 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis
Europa: The Last Battle (2017) (11:59:33)
by Tobias Bratt
The People Who Knew The Führer (1:37:07)
Holocaust Revisionism (168 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis
Scarcely Believable But Achingly True
In 2019 the Rand Corporation (an American research organisation which advises the US Government and the US Military) advised the US Government on how to entice Russia into attacking Ukraine. There is a massive failure of comprehension about the extent of what is happening and how fast it is all happening. There are still people around who regard it as a coincidence that so many bad things are happening all at once. The truth is that everything that seems to be chaotic is choreographed. There are no accidents and no coincidences. There is a reason – one reason – for everything that is happening. The US is trying to get countries onside by threatening them with violence. Russia and China are trying to get countries onside by offering them deals and friendship. Sadly, the US no longer has the power or wealth to wield a big stick and the carrots on offer are far more effective.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Ukraine: Stalemate In An Attritional War?
The Russian President Vladimir Putin travelled to the country’s “new territories” of Lugansk and Kherson/Zaporozhye Regions on Monday to assess the military situation. The countdown has begun for the Ukrainian “counterattack”. The arrival of Patriot missile system in Ukraine testifies to the scale of mobilisation to impose heavy losses on Russia. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg paid a surprise visit to Kiev today, his first since the war began. The leaked Pentagon documents are sceptical about the success of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, but Moscow makes its own assessments. Primarily, the neocons are not going to pull the plug on the Zelensky regime, since that means opening the Pandora’s box when President Biden is about to announce his bid for a second term as president and cannot accept that Ukraine is losing the war.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
New 2023 Documentary Premiere: COVIDISM – Contagious Deception (Text and Videos)
Health Impact News has just published the premiere of the 2023 documentary film, Covidism: Contagious Deception. “Covidism: Contagious Deception” is the most comprehensive documentary on COVID-19 I have had the pleasure to watch, as it thoroughly analyzes both the scientific and political aspects of the COVID-19 mass deception launched in 2020. The documentary was written and produced by a Health Impact News subscriber, Bonum Vincit (pseudonym), a Bulgarian independent film producer who would like to remain anonymous. This is an amazing film that features interviews and footage of many of the leading dissenting scientists and doctors who tried to warn the public as this mass deception unfolded. These voices were censored from the corporate media and the major social media sites. We have published this film in four parts. Part 1 carefully examines how authorities worldwide have been gaming the numbers regarding cases, hospitalizations and deaths from the alleged coronavirus. Part 1 also explains how health officials actively suppressed safe and effective treatments for Covid-19, while employing deadly protocols for hospital patients. Part 2 focuses on the fascinating timeline of events, which led to the global Covid-19 response, and investigates whether or not the science on the lethality and infectivity of Sars-Cov-2 justified countermeasures such as lockdowns and mask-wearing. Part 3 is a deep dive into the topic of Covid-19 “vaccines,” detailing the plethora of scientific evidence for their unsafe and ineffective nature, while exposing the deceptive tactics of manipulating the statistics. Part 4 puts all the pieces of the puzzle together, exposing the premeditated sinister political motivations behind the global Covid-19 response, and how it is intricately tied to a much larger agenda – The Great Reset. This work was a labor of love, and the film producer began it back in 2020, which means it took him almost 3 years to produce this film. He is not accepting any donations for this amazing work, and he wants everyone to freely copy and distribute the film.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Emergency Is Dead – Long Live The PREP Act
Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste
Did you think the Covid emergency was over? President Biden certainly did. But the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act didn’t get the memo. On Friday, Secretary Becerra at the US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced that he intends to amend the declaration under the Act for medical countermeasures against COVID-19. So instead of repealing the Act, parts of it are to be extended – never let a good crisis go to waste, even if it’s the end of the crisis. The PREP Act declaration deals with vaccines, tests and treatments and provides flexibilities and protections to individuals and entities involved in providing them. This includes liability protections for entities engaged in manufacturing, distribution or administration of these Covid countermeasures.
by The Naked Emperor
JFK’s Nephew Announces 2024 US Presidential Bid
The son of former attorney general Robert Kennedy is seeking the Democrat Party nomination in a challenge to president Joe Biden
Robert Francis Kennedy Junior officially launched his 2024 presidential campaign on Wednesday, addressing a crowd in Boston, Massachusetts. The 69-year-old is the nephew of US president John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963. RFK Jr. is challenging the incumbent Democrat Joe Biden on a platform of “clean government, civil liberties, peace, and economic revitalization,” according to his campaign. In the announcement speech, Kennedy vowed to “make as many Americans as possible forget that they are Republicans or Democrats and remember that they are Americans,” arguing that people “need to focus on the values we share instead of the issues that divide us.”
by RT
HIV/AIDS ~ Dr. Anthony Fauci’s First Fraud (1:33:44)
In honor of the memories of Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis (1944-2019), researcher and gay rights activist Hank Wilson (1947-2008), writer and activist Christine Maggiore (1956-2008), journalist Terry Michael (1947-2017), journalist Liam Scheff (d. 2017), and biomedical researcher David Crowe (d. 2020) who worked ceaselessly and courageously to expose the numerous frauds of Anthony Fauci and his fellow conspirators in the HIV/AIDS industry. A deadly new virus is discovered…there’s no treatment or cure…it’s highly contagious…everyone is a potential victim…the world is at risk from asymptomatic super spreaders…new clusters of cases reported daily…Everyone must get tested even though the tests are unreliable…positive antibody tests are called “infections” and “cases” even when the patient has no symptoms…every politician gets involved…media hysteria in high gear…activists demand salvation from government and Big Pharma…Billions of dollars are authorized for fast track drug and vaccine research…simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed……presumptive diagnoses…exaggerated death statistics…falsified death certificates… Covid 2020? No. AIDS in the 1980s. Every single fraud technique being used today to “sell” CoVid hysteria was invented in the 1980s and 1990s by Tony Fauci to sell the AIDS fraud. Are you surprised to hear AIDS called a fraud? You won’t be after you see this film. This is the first and only film to put Fauci where he belongs: squarely in the middle of the AIDS fraud story. Share widely. Demolishing the AIDS fraud is one of the keys to undermining the CoVid Con and it will save millions of lives here in the US, in Africa and around the world. Fauci will be remembered as one of the most prolific serial killers and torturous murderers in history…–hivaids-dr.-anthony-faucis-first-fraud-info-link-below-of-his-other-frauds.html
Former Director Of National Intelligence Admits That Fauci Lied About Gain Of Function Research (Text and Video)
Only two years ago numerous alternative media sources including Zero Hedge were accused of spreading “conspiracy theories” and false information relating to the origins of the Covid-19 virus. Specifically, anyone who dared to suggest that the Level 4 virology lab in Wuhan, China (right across town from covid ground zero) might be the source of the outbreak, faced outright censorship on social media. The question many people should have been asking is: “Why?” – Why was the censorship so aggressive over clearly reasonable investigations into Wuhan lab operations?
by Tyler Durden
Covid Vaccines Must Be Suspended And A Full Inquiry Launched Into How They Were Approved, Say Experts
COVID-19 vaccines must be suspended owing to the level of reported injuries and deaths across all age groups and a full inquiry launched into the MHRA, the regulator which approved them, a group of experts has said. In a groundbreaking new report sent to every member of Parliament, the Perseus group – a team of experts from the fields of medicine, pharmaceutical regulation and safety management – has set out in detail the numerous concerns raised by experts globally about the vaccines and the specific concerns about the U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) responsible for giving them the green light. “MHRA announced that it has morphed from ‘watchdog’ to ‘enabler’. Would anyone be concerned if that was said by the Office for Nuclear Regulation, the Civil Aviation Authority or the Defence Safety Regulator,” Perseus group spokesman Nick Hunt said.
by Will Jones
NIH And CDC Directors TestiLie To Congress (Text and Video)
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Lawrence A. Tabak officially took office on December 20, 2021. Previously Tabak served as the Principal Deputy Director and the Deputy Ethics Counselor of NIH since August 2010. Today he was asked about the origin of SARS-CoV-2, commonly known as Covid-19. Mr. Tabak claims he has no idea where the virus came from. Non pretending version: Tabak knows exactly where it came from and is protecting Anthony Fauci. Rochelle P. Walensky, is the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Today Ms. Walensky was asked if her prior claims of vaccinated people not being able to spread or transmit the COVID-19 virus were accurate. Walensky clams the statements were accurate at the time they were made (March ’21). Non pretending version: the entire predicate of the govt vaccination mandate rests on the vaccine stopping the spread of COVID-19. The vaccine stopping transmission was a lie when Walensky said it in March ’21, and it is a lie she must maintain in 2023 because the OSHA mandate could not have existed without it.
by Sundance
Something Strange Is Happening In Chicago by Really Graceful (11:44)
U.S. RESTRICT Act: S.686 bill is about total government control and censorship of the entire internet without due process. Aka the TikTok ban bill.
by ShipOfFools
Netanyahu: US Should Interfere More In The Middle East
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said that Saudi Arabia could regret its rapprochement with Tehran as Iran is the reason for most of the problems in the Middle East, which he believes the US should be more involved in. In statements made on Wednesday night to CNBC, Netanyahu said that 95 per cent of the Middle East’s problems emanate from Iran. He added that the proof of the “misery” that Saudi Arabia may experience due to its rapprochement with Iran is evident in “Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, and Iraq”. He also explained that he views the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement, agreed on 10 March when Saudi Arabia and Iran announced the restoration of their diplomatic relations and reopening of embassies, as having more to do with the war in Yemen. “I think that Saudi Arabia, the leadership there, has no illusions about who are their adversaries, and who are their friends,” he said.
Obama Bin Flim-Flam
This is an excerpt from a new novel by Mike Palecek.
Close your eyes, sit in your favorite chair, coffee or beer in your lap, or whatever, dog at your side, kids in the backyard, gentle traffic hum in the background. Imagine your world, the TV, the newspapers, radio, your whole world, controlled and run by the C.I.A., what that would be like, what you would see, what you would hear, every day, all day long. Now, open your eyes. He stood firm, fine, lean, justice warrior, smart, ebullient, handsome, simulated, phony baloney. In The Hall Of Me, a cavernous though sparkling, ravishly lit room of mirrors. From the middle He saw the smoke machine finally beginning to work, the rolls billowing, spreading out, like the ghosts of Damascus past.
by Mike Palecek
Raland Brunson Big News! (16:31)
April 14 2023: Breaking news from Raland Brunson, the Brunson v. Adams et al SCOTUS case 22-380 originator. He is now suing three Supreme Court Justices and here are his thoughts, shared publicly for the first time. Raland wants our participation, go to to download the letter to Utah Federal Judge
Study Shows Organic Beekeeping Rivals Conventional Methods For Bee Health, Productivity
Honey bee colonies managed using organic methods were as healthy and productive as those managed in conventional systems, while avoiding the use of synthetic pesticides to control pests and pathogens inside the hive, according to newly published research led by Penn State entomologists. The researchers said they believe that their study, which compared the performance of honey bees under three types of management systems, is the first to show that organic beekeeping management is sustainable and supports high honey-bee survival and honey production.
by Chuck Gill, Pennsylvania State University
Record Labels Panic As A.I. Generated Song Becomes Hit Single
Welcome to the new world.
An interesting landmark case has turned over a new milestone in AI development this week. The first AI-generated ‘hit single’ has appeared. A song featuring AI synthesized versions of hip-hop/R&B artists Drake and The Weeknd has garnered over 15 million views, with many fans calling the song far better than anything from the recent ouvre of either human artist. Universal Records panicked and called on their legal clout to have the song pulled off from streaming services.
by Simplicius The Thinker
“Because We Say So” The Case For Cultural Authority
Parents of bright children learn the futility of argument over ill-advised desires of their offspring. A daughter of fourteen who wants to go to what predictably will be a drunken fraternity party will argue that they are really nice boys and daddy, you are prejudging, It isn’t fair, you don’t even know them and she will come home early and….The correct answer, promoting her wellbeing, is “No. You are not going to a frat party. Why? Because I said so. We have finished talking about it” While anything can be argued, certain things are known to provide better outcomes than others. This is as true of societies as of raising children. The answer equally should be “Because we said so.” A healthy society enjoys a dominant culture that sets limits on behavior, especially regarding sexual expression, manners, crime, and societal obligation—and enforces them. By what authority? “Because we say so.” Everyone then knows the rules and plays by them.
by Fred Reed
Protesters Storm Paris Euronext Stock Exchange Building (0:57)
by RT
The EARN IT Act, An Attack On Encrypted Communications, To Be Reintroduced Next Week
The continued threat to privacy.
Those behind the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (EARN IT) Act must be hoping that third time’s a charm for this previously widely-opposed piece of legislation, that is set to be reintroduced next week. The previous two attempts to make EARN IT into law failed amid outcry from opponents who said that while designed to protect children, the bill would fail to do that – but would still damage online privacy. Now here’s the third, bipartisan attempt sponsored by Republican Lindsey Graham and Democrat Richard Blumenthal to bring changes to the Communication Decency Act (CDA) Section 230.
by Didi Rankovic
Scott Horton’s Greatest Waco Hits
Thirty years ago, Waco radicalized a teenage grocery clerk in Austin, Texas. Scott Horton was horrified both by the televised carnage of the FBI assault and by the mindless support for the feds he heard voiced by suburban housewives. Unlike the national media, Scott understood what it meant when the feds used toxic gas on American citizens and sent in tanks to collapse their home on top of them. After the fiery conflagration, Scott was vaccinated for life from being a starry-eyed idealist. Since 1999, Scott has done superb interviews with the top experts on Waco, keeping a story alive that officialdom sought to bury. Those conversations have helped legions of Americans understand how the federal assault occurred and why the precedents it created continue to endanger our rights and liberties. Here’s a round-up of some of Scott’s greatest Waco hits:
by Jim Bovard
Tech Would Be Fine If We Weren’t Ruled By Monsters: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Militarized robots are the anti-guillotine. They’re the final solution to the ancient “there are a lot more of us than there are of our rulers” problem. Everyone with wealth and power has been eyeing their incremental rollout with intense interest while trying to play it cool. So many emerging technologies would be cause for celebration if our rulers weren’t so damn evil and our systems weren’t so damn oppressive. In a healthy society we’d be celebrating automation and AI giving us more and more abundance and free time; instead we’re terrified of police robots and technocratic dystopia. The knitting of neurology and technology would have incredible implications if we didn’t know sociopathic intelligence agencies would immediately insert themselves into the use of those technologies. Virtual reality would be awesome if it wasn’t going to be used to create fake worlds for people to purchase fake goods in so that capitalism can continue expanding while we destroy the real world.
by Caitlin Johnstone
How To Choose A President by Brother Nathanael (6:58)
Facebook Censors Seymour Hersh’s Article About US Involvement In Nord Stream Pipeline Attack
Using a biased ‘fact check’ with direct links to the Norwegian government.
Facebook is censoring Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh’s story about US involvement in the destruction of Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines using a ‘fact checker’ with links to the Norwegian government in what represents a clear conflict of interest. Earlier this year, Hersh published a report asserting that the pipelines were destroyed by the US as part of a covert operation which was organized with the aid of the Norwegian government, Norwegian Secret Service and Navy.
by Paul Joseph Watson
the inhabited human story
and the great irony that so many who speak of “evolution” want to “intelligently design” humanity
there is an increasing tragedy of the modern age: we have no shared mythos, no shared heroes, no shared story. and humans cannot exist without a unifying story. rob them of such and it creates nothing but the war of tribe against tribe and all against all. the buildings of thousands of years ago are nearly all gone, but the stories, the traditions, the cultural touchstones live on. or at least, they did.
by el gato malo
SOS! Kiwi Civil Liberties Leader Sentenced To Jail Sends Out Distress Call To The World! (9:10)
Please retweet, and sign the petition below. New Zealand civil liberties activist Billy Te Kahika sends out a SOS distress signal to the world. While murderers and killers are being sentenced to home detention in New Zealand, Billy and his good friend Vinny Eastwood were each given prison sentences for peacefully protesting against Covid lockdown harm. A ‘crime’ with no victim or property damage. Here is an emotional message from Billy as he begins an appeal against this sentence and exposes the persecution he and is family are living through.
We’ve Waited Nearly 15 Years For This
But by 54 BC, the consuls were just political stooges… because the real power was held behind the scenes by none other than Julius Caesar, and his rival Pompey the Great. Caesar and Pompey both spent enormous amounts of money to make sure their people won the elections; it was very similar to how today’s biggest political donors spend millions of dollars to push their hand-picked candidates into office. The politicians are just puppets; the real power is the money behind them. Caesar and Pompey were certainly wealthy guys at the time. But the election of 54 BC set off a financial arms race between the two, with each one trying to out-spend the other to manipulate the election.
by Simon Black
Is The BBC The Most Corrupt Broadcaster In The World?
BBC staff like to pretend that they have the right to the high moral ground. In reality the BBC (which is, let us never forget, a Government approved, Government controlled propaganda machine) employs 22,000 people who should all be arrested for complicity in a series of crimes. The crimes? Taking part in the biggest fraud in history. Supporting the fake pandemic, the dangerous lockdowns and the useless but dangerous masks. Promoting the most dangerous, pharmaceutical product ever made, lionising those making and promoting the vaccine and refusing to allow those questioning the safety and efficacy of the vaccines to discuss their fears on BBC programmes. Suppressing the truth to help perpetuate the fraud and demonising the truth-tellers.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Israel’s 8 Points About Al-Aqsa Mosque Assault Debunked (23:05)
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, tweeted out a video that was produced by the Israeli Ministry of Public Diplomacy, which outlines 8 points that the Israeli premier claims to be “the truth” that the mainstream media won’t show you about Israel’s assaults on Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque. Robert Inlakesh goes through each of the 8 points and addresses the core issues at play, in order to explain what really happened.
One Flew Over The Brussels Nest
Did any of you see the 1975 movie, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest? Starring Jack Nicholson, the film was considered by many to be one of the best ever made. The pathos-filled movie focuses on the creepy goings-on in an American mental institution. Jack Nicholson plays the part of Randle McMurphy, a felon who learns that opportunity lies through his adopting peculiar behaviour. Based on a Ken Kesey novel the film could easily have centred on the European Union. President Claude Juncker was one of two EU presidents, neither of whom has been elected in a conventional way; he is notorious for his drink-fuelled shenanigans.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2127) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Stephen Mitford Goodson’s Expose Of Globalist General Jan Smuts South Africa’s Worst Prime Minister (And Why He Wasn’t Assassinated) – Part 2 (Audio 57:05)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 20, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Stephen Mitford Goodson’s Expose Of Globalist General Jan Smuts South Africa’s Worst Prime Minister (And Why He Wasn’t Assassinated) – Part 2.”
We discussed: Harry Oppenheimer’s diamond monopoly of De Beers and how this came about; why Jan Smuts gave numerous speeches in Great Britain during the First World War, and why he is regarded by many as the father of the Commonwealth; how Smuts was the actual author of the Balfour Declaration; Smuts involvement in the Treaty Of Versailles; how the Spanish Flu epidemic at the end of the First World War was caused largely by the vaccination program; how Smuts was the architect of a national income tax in South Africa; when Winston Churchill became a paid agent of the bankers, and how Churchill’s opinion changed from Bolshevism being the greatest threat to the West, to National Socialism being the greatest threat to the West; why even when Jan Smuts was ousted from power, he continued to promote globalism and even referenced the New World Order on several occasions; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Waco: The Rules Of Engagement (1997) (2:15:51)
by William Gazecki
This Great Film Earned William An Academy Award Nomination For Best Documentary
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 (2011) (2:00:52)
by James Lane
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
China, Russia Circle Wagons In Asia-Pacific
“Working meeting” between President Vladimir Putin (R), visiting Chinese State Councilor & Defence Minister Gen. Li Shangfu (L) and Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, Moscow, April 16, 2023
The official visit by Chinese State Councilor and Defence Minister General Li Shangfu to Russia on April 16-19 prima facie underscored the two countries’ emergent need to deepen their military trust and close coordination against the backdrop of worsening geopolitical tensions and the imperative to maintain the global strategic balance. The visit carries forward the pivotal decisions taken at the intensive one-on-one talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Moscow through March 20-21. In a break with protocol, Gen. Li’s 4-day visit was front-loaded with a “working meeting” with Putin — to quote Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. (here and here)
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Will The End Of The Petrodollar End The US Empire?
Future historians may say that the most significant event of 2023 had nothing to do with Donald Trump, other 2024 presidential candidates, or even the war in Ukraine. Instead, the event with the most long-term significance may be one that received little attention in the mainstream media — Saudi Arabia’s movement toward accepting currencies other than the US dollar for oil payments. After President Nixon severed the last link between the dollar and gold, his administration negotiated a deal with the Saudi government. The US would support the Saudi regime, including by providing weapons. In exchange, the Saudis would conduct all oil transactions in dollars. The Saudis also agreed to use surplus dollars they accumulated to purchase US Treasury bonds. The resulting “petrodollar” is a major reason why the dollar has maintained its world reserve currency status.
by Ron Paul
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: To Heal The Great Divide
It has been fifty-five years since Senator Robert F. Kennedy stepped onto the presidential nominating stage to try to mend the massive breach that had opened in American society. The country was torn asunder by the Vietnam War, racism, poverty, the assassination of President Kennedy and the soon-to-be assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Chaos reigned as Lyndon Johnson lied and Richard Nixon matched him in verbal and actual treachery. A war between Middle America and the elites running the government was breaking out across the country. A great divide between whites and blacks, rich and poor, the working class and the upper class was opening wide. The Tet Offensive had just ripped the face off the official lies about the course of the war in Vietnam and the emperor, Lyndon Jonson, stood naked and would soon announce that he would not run again.
by Edward Curtain
Curt Hallberg Interview On Viktor Schauberger (4:43)
People ‘Been Pushing Me To Attack RFK Jr. Because He Won’t Say The Covid Virus Is A Fake
Here’s my reply
In case you’re one of those readers who looks at the headline and one or two sentences of an article and then moves away…let me start this way: I DON’T GIVE A SHIT THAT ROBERT KENNEDY BELIEVES VIRUSES EXIST. OK? As my readers know, since the beginning of the fake pandemic, I’ve been offering evidence that there is no virus. I’ve made that claim many times. With proof. Lots of proof. Meanwhile, others who agree with me—and also have stunning evidence—have approached Kennedy with their evidence, and he’s tap danced away from really LOOKING at it. I don’t believe he’s willing to think it through. I don’t believe he wants to go there, because THE VIRUS DOESN’T EXIST, as a position, would bring TONS of shit down on his head. That’s my view.
by Jon Rappoport
The RESTRICT Act Will Usher In A New Era Of Censorship Under The Guise Of “National Security”
It gives the federal government expansive new censorship powers while exempting it from most forms of judicial, congressional, and public oversight.
5 days after 9/11, the United States government passed the PATRIOT Act — a chilling law that used the guise of “national security” to greatly expand the federal government’s secret surveillance powers. Almost 23 years later, another far-reaching bill, the “Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act,” better known by its acronym, the RESTRICT Act, is using the same national security talking point to justify further federal government encroachment on Americans’ rights. Although the bill doesn’t mention TikTok, its authors, Democratic Senator Mark Warner and Republican Senator John Thune, have framed it as “the best way to counter the TikTok threat.”
by Tom Parker
Just How Many US Troops And Spies Do We Have In Ukraine?
In the wake of the leaks and a drip-drip of info over the last year, one lawmaker is demanding clarity from the White House.
Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who has flooded the docket in recent months with resolutions designed to get U.S. troops out of overseas missions he believes have not been approved by Congress, is now demanding that President Joe Biden tell the American people just how many American military personnel are operating in Ukraine today. His new Privileged Resolution of Inquiry, which forces Biden to notify the House of the exact number of U.S. military inside Ukraine and to hand over “copies of any and all documents outlining plans for military assistance to Ukraine,” comes a week after leaked Pentagon documents showing previously unreported U.S. Special Forces inside the war zone.
by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos
Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson Says The Leaked Pentagon Documents Are A ‘Controlled Leak’ (5:00)
The FDA Is Raising The White Flag On The mRNA Covid Shots.
Unvaccinated adults will no longer be offered more than a single mRNA dose. (Tell that to the 230 million Americans who already took two.) And almost no one under 65 is eligible for a second booster.
The Food and Drug Administration just all-but-gave up on mRNA Covid jabs. This afternoon, under the guise of “simplify(ing)” the Covid vaccination schedule, the FDA ended the two-dose mRNA vaccination regimen for unvaccinated people. Americans who have not yet been vaccinated can now receive only a single dose of the newer “bivalent” vaccines, which supposedly work better against the Omicron strain -though real-world evidence of their improved effectiveness is nearly nonexistent.
by Alex Berenson
Warring Sides Agree To 24-Hour Ceasefire In Sudan
The day-long armistice is expected to allow civilians to be evacuated from the war-torn areas
The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and rival paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) agreed to a one-day ceasefire on Tuesday to allow for “safe passage of civilians and the evacuation of the wounded.” In a series of tweets, RSF Commander Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo said the “approval of a 24-hour armistice” had been reached following a conversation with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and “outreach by other friendly nations.” He expressed the RSF’s commitment to the truce while questioning the SAF’s own willingness to follow through. Dagalo accused the SAF of violating an earlier ceasefire order and proceeding to bomb “densely populated areas from the air, endangering civilian lives.” He accused the SAF of a “flagrant violation” of international law and said the RSF awaits “further discussions with the US secretary of state.”
by RT
New York City To Track Personal Food Choices Using Credit Card Data
This is needed to fight climate change, NYC mayor says
Remember the crazy right-wing conspiracy theory alleging that our food purchases will be tracked to reduce our CO2 consumption? That one is turning out to be true! Yesterday, New York City announced its plan to track the “food choices” of New Yorkers using credit card data from individual store purchases. According to the mayor, tracking individual food choices is a step towards “reducing the CO2 output” of New Yorkers.
by Igor Chudov
Restoring Some Vaccination Choice in Mississippi
Like every American state government, the Mississippi government pressures parents to ensure their children take a slew of vaccination shots as a condition for the children to attend school. But, unlike most states, Mississippi law does not recognize the right of parents to refuse, based upon philosophical or religious objections, to follow the state-imposed childhood vaccination schedule. Instead, the only exemption Mississippi parents have had available is a medical exemption that has turned out for almost all parents to be the same as having no exemption at all. I wrote about this in an April of 2015 article: The New York Times reported in February how extremely restricting vaccination mandate exemptions causes a significant increase in vaccination rates, pointing to Mississippi as an example. Mississippi has among the strictest vaccination requirements in America — barring philosophical and religious exemptions and allowing only a medical exemption for students in both public and private schools. In the 2013-14 school year the Times reports that only 17 out of 45,179 kindergarten students in the state were exempt from the state’s vaccination mandate.
by Adam Dick
Massive Usage Of Guided Bombs And Wagner Advances In Bakhmut by Military Summary April 17, 2023
mRNA IS In Food – There’s Only 1 Way To Stop This
Bad news – the big pharma complex wants to hide vaccines in your food including these mRNA poisons. Good news – Missouri HB1169 could stop this. Best news – other states are considering similar bills to protect the food supply (BTW – I will help ANY state to get this done). With that… I want to begin this article with some background. First of all, yes, vaccines can be made transmissible through food. Second, mRNA IS in the food supply already. Third, it appears the vaccines may, in fact, actually alter your DNA permanently. And Fourth, regardless of whether the mRNA in the food supply or that which is about to be authorized for the food supply is transmissible, we have no way of know it is safe unless you want to trust the same people that told you the COVID jabs were safe and effective (despite the fact that they did not test to determine if the jabs prevented transmission and have admitted they do not understand the immune response mechanism).
by Tom Renz
If You Have A Smart Phone You Are About To Become Its Prisoner
All around the world, Governments are introducing a new warning system – using smart phones to send warning messages to everyone. Some countries, such as China, have had these smart phone warning sirens for some time. The system is being tested on St George’s Day in England. It’s another one of life’s unending evil coincidences that governments everywhere have been ordered to instruct mobile phone companies to send out alerts via smart phones.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
US Poisons Ties With ‘Nonsense Charges;’ Its China Policy Increasingly Self-Contradictory
US’ China policy is becoming increasingly self-contradictory and ridiculous, experts said, as while Washington wishes to send senior officials to China to seek dialogue on key issues and US military officers complain about obstacles to engaging with their Chinese counterparts, the US recently arrested Chinese Americans and charged some Chinese officials under a nonsense pretext of running a “secret police outpost.” The latest moves have further poisoned the atmosphere for bilateral ties by adding fuel to the fire of Sinophobia in the US. In response to charges by US authorities and accusations that China is carrying out “transnational repression” in the US, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a routine press conference on Tuesday that China firmly opposes the US’s slanders and smears, its political manipulation, the false narrative of “transnational repression”, and blatant prosecution of Chinese law enforcement and cyber administration officials.
by Yang Sheng and Zhang Changyue
Leaks Essential T-Shirt
The false narrative is sedition against a nation.
by ShipOfFools
EPA Issues Strongest Statement To Date About Danger Of PFAS In Drinking Water
EPA Administrator Michael Regan last month made one of his agency’s strongest statements to date about the danger of “forever chemicals.” New restrictions on those pollutants in drinking water would “prevent thousands of deaths and prevent tens of thousands of serious PFAS-related illnesses,” Regan said. Scientists studying the health effects of the chemicals say that while they can’t prove any one case of illness is tied to them, the statement isn’t an exaggeration. A growing body of scientific research has confirmed early suspicions that PFAS are linked to some cancers, and added new connections between the chemicals and developmental problems.
by Chloe Johnson
Death Shot Doctors Stand Down (22:16)
COVID-19 has so many facets to its fraud that sometimes it is hard to know where to begin. However, only the most fanatical doctors claimed that there is nothing wrong with the COVID shots, face masks and social isolation experiments. Do these doctors still stand by such claims or is there a change in the air? In this video we take a look at a group of doctors who once cheered on COVID interventions, but note that their website has quietly disappeared…
by Dr. Sam Bailey
Rand Paul Tells DHS Head That Agency’s Practices Are “Like Something Out Of Stalin’s Russia” (Text and Video)
“The full extent of DHS’s abuse of its power against its own citizens are still largely unknown.”
Senator Rand Paul confronted the head of The Department of Homeland Security Tuesday during a hearing, asking him why some of the agency’s practices are akin to those of authoritarian regimes. Rand Paul: “DHS even put out a video encouraging children to report their own family members to Facebook for disinformation if they challenged US government narratives on COVID-19. Does that not sound like something out of 1984…out of Stalin’s Russia?” — Michael P Senger (@michaelpsenger) April 18, 2023. In his opening remarks, Paul noted “in the 20 years since its creation, the Department of Homeland Security has departed from its original mission and used its expansive authorities and funding to impede on the rights of American citizens.” The Senator continued, “what should terrify every American is that the full extent of DHS’s abuse of its power against its own citizens are still largely unknown.”
by Steve Watson
Shut It Down
Unfunding the government to avert financial catastrophe
You see, bond investors, like Ms. Yellen, fear that things might get back to where they should be. Yields are at a 22-year high specifically because investors worry about the ‘debt ceiling.’ And Ms. Yellen insists that the consequences of not increasing the debt ceiling – which will mean ‘printing’ more money – would be “an economic and financial catastrophe.” And in the press, too…alarms are sounding: ‘the government would shut down’…a US default would be a ‘worldwide calamity’…etc. etc. blah, blah… What would really happen if the feds couldn’t borrow more money? Isn’t $32 trillion enough? Suppose the mighty federal government were forced to live within its means; would that be so terrifying? The Treasury is expecting tax receipts of about $3.5 trillion for the year. That’s as much as the federal government spent, in toto, in 2019, just 4 years ago.
by Bill Bonner
UN, Globalists Seek To Decriminalise Sex With Minors
Report claims “Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law.”
In tandem with another globalist organisation, two UN bodies have published a report that outlines an agenda to decriminalise all ‘consensual’ sexual activity, even between adults and minors. While it is couched in ‘human rights’ and ‘trans rights’, the report outlines a strategy that would effectively make Pedophilia legal. Fox News reports that “international legal experts” working for the Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), along with UNAIDS and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), made the suggestions in a recent report titled “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.” The report calls for offenses pertaining to “sex, drug use, HIV, sexual and reproductive health, homelessness and poverty” to be decriminalized.
by Steve Watson
Putin Travels To Kherson Region To Meet Russian Troops, Pays First Visit To Lugansk (Text and Video)
Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Vostok National Guard staff in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), the Kremlin said in a statement. “Vladimir Putin visited the Vostok National Guard staff in the Lugansk People’s Republic, where he received reports from Col Gen Alexander Lapin and other senior officers on the situation in that area,” the statement said. Putin’s visits to the staff of the Dnepr grouping of troops in the Kherson Region and to the Vostok National Guard staff in the Lugansk People’s Republic were quite impromptu, the Kremlin press service said. This was Vladimir Putin’s first visit to the LPR and the Kherson Region, which joined Russia after 2022 referendums. Earlier in the day, Vladimir Putin visited the staff of the Dnepr grouping of troops in the Kherson Region.
by Sputnik
The Slow Art Of Whole-Of-Government ‘Warfare’
Simple survival may become more pressing than addressing Macron’s speculative musings about the EU becoming a Third Force, Alastair Crooke writes.
The Washington Post tells us that President Macron’s China jaunt has created an European ‘uproar’. So it seems. Though on the face of it, his geo-strategic recommendation that Europe should keep equidistant from both the U.S. behemoth and the China colossus, is scarcely so very radical. Yet, whatever Macron’s underlying motivations, his comments seem to have touched raw nerves. He is accused of something approaching ‘betrayal’. The betrayal of America curiously – rather than a betrayal of ordinary Europeans. Perhaps the irritation reflects our habitual love of comfort, normalcy, and a desire to ‘not rock the boat’. This normalcy bias keeps people frozen in a state of status quo, as if some inner voice intrudes to say: ‘things will be somehow ok. This will pass, and things will again be as they were. “Everything must change, for everything to remain the same”, in the famous quotation pronounced by Tancredi, Prince Fabrizio Salina’s beloved nephew in The Leopard.
by Alastair Crooke
“Children’s Rights” vs Parents Rights (2:10)
Which Country Is More Tyrannical? China Or The U.S.? The Myth Of China’s “Social Credit Score” System
With the evidence growing every day that the U.S. is about to start a second military operation against China over Taiwan, in addition to the one that is already swallowing $billions of U.S. resources in Ukraine, and with U.S. politicians publicly stating that sending America’s sons and daughters to die in battle for Taiwan to fight against China is an option they are considering, I think it is time to step back and critically look at the current state of affairs between China and the U.S. But to take a critical view and make an honest evaluation of China’s perceived threat to the U.S., we have to first admit that the western media, and especially the corporate media in the U.S., is primarily a propaganda machine that is totally untrustworthy in determining truth, and look at other perspectives as well, before we spend $billions more on another war, and potentially lose American lives over a conflict with Taiwan. I have no intention here of writing an article that supports China, which I know ahead of time is exactly what some people are going to accuse me of, but in evaluating the current world situation here in 2023, I think we as Americans have to honestly ask ourselves: which country today is more tyrannical and spies more on their own citizens: The U.S. or China?
by Brian Shilhavy
Free Those Who Expose Government Misdeeds, Jail Those Who Try To Conceal Them
The consistently insightful Branko Marcetic has a new article out with Jacobin titled “After the Ukraine Documents Leak, Mainstream Media Is Missing the Story” about the way imperial narrative managers have been manipulating the discourse about the information released in the Pentagon leaks by Jack Teixeira. Marcetic criticizes the way mass media outlets like The Washington Post and The New York Times (who actually hunted down and outed Teixeira before the FBI even brought him in) have been dragging the conversation kicking and screaming away from the contents of the leaks into discussions about how bad leaks are and what a bad, bad man Teixeira is.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Passing Observations 157
Any doctor who goes on strike should have their stethoscope tied in a knot. Permanently. The striking doctors clearly have no empathy, no respect and no sense of responsibility. Plus, they are all coffee shop communists who are a threat to the safety of the nation. Patients would be better off without them and these numbskulls should all be exiled, along with the sheep stealers, to Australia. They have to learn that there are always consequences. Doing what is wrong is often easy. Doing what is right is frequently hard.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Scotland’s New First Minister Refuses To Call Israel An Apartheid State Even Though He Has Family In Gaza
Scotland is one of the smallest countries in the world but you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to know that last month Humza Yousaf became the first Muslim to be elected as a leader in Western Europe. You’d also have to live somewhere very remote to be unaware his political party, the Scottish National Party (SNP), was plunged into chaos within hours of his appointment as Police Scotland conducted a raid on the home of his predecessor, former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, as well as the party’s headquarters in Edinburgh. Her unexpected resignation as the leader of the Scottish Government was widely reported around the world but the speculation over her departure gave way to euphoria in large parts of Scotland’s vibrant Muslim community who support the country’s independence movement.
by Yvonne Ridley
Latest Hunter Bombshell: Here’s The Kind Of Access His Partners Had To VP Joe Biden
Joe Biden’s track record as a blatant liar surpasses even the disgusting lying standards of today in Washington. In the world of deceit, Joe could make the “Old Masters” look like amateurs. Indisputable evidence, which has grown exponentially over time, contradicts the president’s repeated assertion that he did not discuss his overseas business dealings with Hunter, let alone with his partners. Biden, however, continues to perpetuate this outrageous lie. He is not believed by anyone with any reasonable level of intelligence. A Fox News investigation recently discovered Hunter’s associates frequented the White House more than 80 times while his father was vice president in alleged influence-peddling schemes. It is believed that at least 17 visits were logged by a top executive of the son’s now-defunct investment firm. Another partner had 27 appointments there.
by Jeff Miller
How To Steal An Election (1:14)
Take A Stand Against “Mail-Order Abortions” And Foster A Culture Of Life
More than half of today’s abortions are estimated to be done by pill. This growing trend of “mail-order abortions” has left women and men facing unplanned pregnancies to grapple with unintended consequences such as medical complications, isolation, and emotional turmoil as they experience the trauma of aborting their baby alone at home. In a country that rushes anyone facing unplanned pregnancy toward abortion pills as the “go-to” solution, it’s critical for those of us who believe that life is sacred to raise our voices and help women and men get the support they need to choose life for their unborn babies.
by Jennifer Andreani
The Mad Rush For Ventilators In The Covid Killing Fields, Part 1
‘You’ll end up on a ventilator’. That threat was frequently aimed at dissidents in the early months of Covid-19. ‘End’ is the operative word, as most patients who were put on to the mechanical breathing apparatus lost their lives. Many may have died anyway, but undoubtedly ventilators did more harm than good. As Registered Nurses, we are concerned by needless iatrogenic deaths in the Covid-19 regime, whether by excessive use of midazolam, cardiovascular harm from vaccines, curtailed access to cancer screening and surgery, or the impact of fear-inducing propaganda. What was the role played by ventilators in the pandemic phenomenon? We have divided this review into ‘how’ and ‘why’. In Part One we consider the dubious clinical rationale and adverse outcomes of such widespread treatment, and in Part Two we explore its psychological purposing. It’s not a pretty picture.
by Niall McCrae and Roger Watson
The Mad Rush For Ventilators In The Covid-19 Killing Fields, Part 2
This is the second of our two-part series on the role played by ventilators in the pandemic phenomenon. In Part 1 published yesterday, which you can read here, we considered the dubious clinical rationale and adverse outcomes of the widespread use of ventilators, and today we explore the psychological purpose.
‘LOOK her in the eyes and tell her you never break the rules’, exclaimed a billboard posted around the country in spring 2020, each version depicting a petrified patient with a breathing tube or mask. This was the State of Fear documented by Laura Dodsworth (2020) in the aftermath of the first lockdown, imposed purportedly to limit the spread of a deadly new coronavirus. To achieve compliance with an unprecedented deprivation of liberties, the government pushed propaganda at every opportunity, inducing fear of the disease and loathing of anyone daring to stray from pandemic discipline.
by Niall McCrae and Roger Watson
Harms Of Mask-Wearing Misdiagnosed As “Long Covid,” New Meta-Analysis And Systematic Review Indicates
A newly published meta-analysis and systematic review on mask-wearing confirms what commonsense dictates, namely, they do significant harm by interfering with normal human breathing (O2 and CO2 gas exchange), and even more astounding, may be causing symptoms that are being misidentified as “Long Covid.” Almost 3 years ago, while the world was almost universally captured by the media and government induced hysteria over, what at the time, was being billed as a Covid health emergency with potentially catastrophic fatalities, Stand for Health Freedom (501c4) stood strong as a beacon of sanity, reason and true humanitarian concern for the ways universal mask wearing (against all good evidence) would do far more harm than good to the public health, and especially that of our children.
by Sayer Ji
Independent Analysis Estimates 26.6 Million Americans Injured By COVID Shots In 2022
A recent independent analysis conducted by the global macro alternative investment firm Phinance Technologies of Portugal estimates that of 148 million people vaccinated for COVID-19 in the United States in 2022, about 26.6 million were injured by the shots they received and 1.36 million have been disabled. The Vaccine Damage Project – Human Project report was compiled by former Wall Street analyst Ed Dowd and his team at the research firm and showed that there were 310,000 excess deaths as a result of COVID shots.
by Rishma Parpia
The White Race Is Being Destroyed (7:00)
The Orwellian RESTRICT Act Is A Chilling Echo Of ‘1984’ And An Erosion Of American Freedom
Far beyond cracking down on TikTok, the bill envisages frightening powers to control citizens’ access to ‘unwanted’ information
In an eerie semblance to George Orwell’s ‘1984’, the Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act, or RESTRICT Act, looms as a dark cloud over American liberties. Branded as a mere “TikTok ban,” this act possesses a sweeping reach that would empower the federal government to designate any nation a “foreign adversary,” ban online services and products even indirectly controlled by an entity within their jurisdiction, and severely punish Americans who engage in almost any transaction with them. Sponsored by Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the RESTRICT Act not only targets the Chinese-linked TikTok platform but also has the potential to dismantle the very foundations of American freedom. One cannot help but draw comparisons to Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece, where pervasive government surveillance and control are the norm. In a frightening twist, this proposed legislation could make such nightmarish fiction a stark reality.
by Ian Miles Cheong
Losing ‘Deterrence’: How Palestinian, Arab Resistance Changed Rules Of War With Israel
When Israel launched a war against the Gaza Strip in August 2022, it declared that its target was the Islamic Jihad only. Indeed, neither Hamas nor the other Gaza-based groups engaged directly in the fighting. The war then raised more questions than answers. Israel rarely distinguishes between one Palestinian group and another. For Tel Aviv, any kind of Palestinian Resistance is a form of terrorism or, at best, incitement. Targeting one group and excluding other supposedly ‘terrorist groups’ exposes a degree of Israeli fear in fighting all Palestinian factions in Gaza, all at once. For Israel, wars in Gaza have proved progressively harder with time. For example, Israel’s so-called ‘Protective Edge’ in 2014 was very costly in terms of loss of lives among the invading troops. In May 2021, the so-called ‘Breaking Dawn’ was an even bigger flop. That war unified the Palestinians and served as a strategic blow to Israel, without considerably advancing Israeli military interests.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud
The Comprehensive Characterization Of Hydrogen At Ultra-High Pressures
Physicists and material scientists have been trying to metallize hydrogen for many decades, but they have not yet succeeded. In 1968, British physicist Neil Ashcroft predicted that atomic metallic hydrogen would be a high-temperature semiconductor. Most recent studies also suggested that this elusive and hypothetical form of hydrogen would also conduct electricity with no resistance when its temperature exceeds that of boiling water. This prediction ultimately paved the way for the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in hydrides (i.e., compounds containing hydrogen and a metal).
by Ingrid Fadelli
Washington State Passes Bill Allowing Government To Take Away Minor From Parents If They Refuse To Agree To Gender Transition Surgery
The Washington State Legislature has officially lost its mind.
100 Percent Fed Up reports – According to Seattle, WA journalist Katie Daviscourt, the Washington State Legislature passed SB 5599 last night, which allows the state to legally take children away from their parents if they don’t consent to their child’s gender transition surgeries. All Democrats voted YES. All Republicans voted NO.
by Patty McMurray
Hedge Funds And Food Firms Making Billions On Ukraine Turmoil – Analysis
Experts blame the organizations for exacerbating the food crisis by “betting on hunger”
Ten of the globe’s largest hedge funds made nearly $2 billion on the food-price spike that occurred after the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, The Guardian reported, citing a report by Greenpeace’s investigative journalism branch Unearthed and Lighthouse Reports, a journalism nonprofit. Hedge funds are investment firms that buy and sell equities and commodities for profit. According to the report, analysts examined the returns made by Societe Generale’s SG Trend Index for the first quarter of last year, both prior to the start of the military operation on February 24 and immediately after it. The analysis focused on grains and soya beans. Calculations showed that the hedge funds in question made $1.9 billion in returns on these commodities, a much higher figure than the returns on them in the first quarter of any of the previous five years.
by RT
Creepy Joe And His Itchy Mask (0:12)
Iran Slams World’s Inaction On Deteriorating Rights Situation In West
Iran’s vice-president of the judiciary for international affairs has criticized international mechanisms for failing to take a position regarding the deteriorating human rights situation in Western countries, saying international rights bodies are duty-bound to support and promote the key issue across the world. In a Saturday letter to Volker Türk, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Kazem Gharibabadi said the world suffers from fundamental challenges and dilemmas regarding human rights which are mainly caused by those countries that “claim to be defending human rights and see themselves in the position of making demands from others and being immune from any criticism and responsibility.”
by PressTV
U.S. Congress Full Of US-Israeli Dual Citizens Whose Loyalties Lie With A Foreign Power!
Many of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel. We are in Syria because of Israel. Ask yourself who is the real traitors to the country sacrificing American soldiers for the benefit of a foreign country. Corporate U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives that are Israel Dual Citizens:
by State of the Nation
John Bolton Declares Total War On Russia
John Bolton will go down in the annals of history as an unparalleled devotee of war and endless escalation. It’s often been said that he’s never seen a conflict he didn’t like. He’s now published a rabble-rousing OpEd in the Wall Street Journal that’s so wantonly incendiary as to deserve its own article response. It is a total declaration of war on Russia, with the openly stated intent to see Russia completely destroyed, balkanized, and absorbed. It’s titled ‘A New American Grand Strategy to Counter Russia and China’. But nothing of the strategy is new, though it is decidedly American. The “strategy”, if it can even be called that, is breathtaking in its reckless brazenness. I’ll summarize the main points. But first, it must be contextualized by calling to notice Bolton’s repeated invocation of NSC 68, which he mentions no less than three times in the relatively brief column. For those that don’t know, NSC 68 is the top secret document issued by Harry Truman in 1950 that effectively began the Cold War.
by Simplicius The Thinker
US Moral Authority Is Dead And Buried
Seven progressive Democrats from the House of Representatives have signed a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland calling for the Biden administration to drop the charges against Julian Assange and cease seeking his extradition. It’s a good letter as far as these things go. It lists the major press freedom advocacy groups and human rights watchdogs who have called for Assange to be released, correctly identifies the threats this case poses to press freedoms around the world, and avoids sneaking in any of the classic smears against Assange that normally work their way into high-level mainstream objections to the persecution of the WikiLeaks founder. It’s an undeniably good thing that this letter happened. That said, I’d like to bump this portion of the letter into the spotlight for a moment and highlight a some bits for emphasis:
by Caitlin Johnstone
Sacred Christian Site Emmaus Destroyed By Israel
One of the most covered up aspects of Israel is its systemic mistreatment of Christians from its earliest days. In 1967 Israel ordered the razing of Emmaus (the site where the Bible says the resurrected Jesus broke bread with two of his disciples). After destroying Emmaus, Israeli soldiers forced the inhabitants to trek for days to find refuge. Four seniors and a one-year-old baby died along the way. Elderly and disabled residents who were unable to leave their homes had their houses demolished on top of them. Eighteen were killed, buried underneath the rubble. Israel then confiscated the land and built its famous Canada Park on the location of the obliterated village (see video below). Meanwhile, Christian churches throughout the US (which gives Israel over $10 million per day) retell the Biblical story of Emmaus in inspirational sermons, unaware of the modern version… and of the victims in need of succor. And this wasn’t the first such incident…
by Alison Weir
“In the sciences, people quickly come to regard as their own personal property that which they have learned and had passed on to them at the universities and academies. If someone else comes along with new ideas that contradict the Credo and in fact even threaten to overturn it, then all passions are raised against this threat and no method is left untried to suppress it. People resist it in every way possible: pretending not to have heard about it; speaking disparagingly of it, as if it were not even worth the effort of looking into the matter. And so a new truth can have a long wait before finally being accepted.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion (3:28:25)
‘Special’ Service: Declassified Guantanamo Court Filing Suggests Some 9/11 Hijackers Were CIA Agents
What does the intelligence agency have to do with the suicide terrorist attack?
An explosive court filing from the Guantanamo Military Commission – a court considering the cases of defendants accused of carrying out the “9/11” terrorist attacks on New York – has seemingly confirmed the unthinkable. The document was originally published via a Guantanamo Bay court docket, but while public, it was completely redacted. Independent researchers obtained an unexpurgated copy. It is an account by the Commission’s lead investigator, DEA veteran Don Canestraro, of his personal probe of potential Saudi government involvement in the 9/11 attacks, conducted at the request of the defendants’ lawyers. Two of the hijackers were being closely monitored by the CIA and may, wittingly or not, have been recruited by Langley long before they flew planes into the World Trade Center buildings.
by RT
We Need Another President Kennedy
To Avert a Nuclear Catastrophe
Last week the UN’s Disarmament Commission’s 2023 session was roiled by deep concern about escalating nuclear rhetoric over the war in Ukraine. A bit of recent context is in order. On October 27, 2022, the Department of Defense published its ‘Nuclear Posture Review’ which adopts a “First Use” policy, meaning the US reserves the right to make a pre-emptive nuclear strike against its primary nuclear adversaries China and Russia. In the case of Russia, it explicitly stated such policy is to deter a nuclear attack on NATO. That same day, Russian President Putin, speaking at the Valdai Conference, disclaimed any intention of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine. However, he has made it clear that if the “very existence” of Russia is threatened by either a nuclear strike or a conventional war he could exercise a nuclear option.
by Dennis Kucinich
900 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb
There is a medicinal spice so timelessly interwoven with the origins of human culture and metabolism, so thoroughly supported by modern scientific inquiry, as to be unparalleled in its proven value to human health and well-being
Indeed, turmeric turns the entire drug-based medical model on its head. Instead of causing far more side effects than therapeutic ones, as is the case for most patented pharmaceutical medications, turmeric possesses hundreds of potential side benefits, having been empirically demonstrated to positively modulate over 281 different physiological pathways in the mammalian body. While no food or herb is right for everyone, and everything has the potential for unintended, adverse side effects, turmeric is truly unique in its exceptionally high margin of safety vis-à-vis the drugs it has been compared with, e.g. hydrocortisone, ibuprofen, chemotherapy agents. There is compelling evidence, in fact, that turmeric may be at least as effective as 14 common conventional drugs, the latter of which carry quite serious adverse effects.
by Sayer Ji
Israel Drops Case Against Soldiers Who Killed Palestinian Doctor
Israel’s State Prosecutor yesterday closed the case into two Israeli soldiers who shot dead a Palestinian man at one of the entrances to Al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied city earlier this month. According to Haaretz, the State Prosecutor, Amit Aisman, accepted the claims of the Israeli Justice Ministry’s police misconduct unit and the deputy state prosecutor for criminal affairs. Following “solid and clear evidence,” the State Prosecutor’s Office announced that the victim, Mohammad Al-Osaibi, shot two bullets while attempting to grab the weapon of one of the officers before he was shot dead and therefore, no offence was imposed by the Israeli forces. Moreover, further investigation, according to Aisman, concluded that the area where the attack took place was not recorded by the cameras in the area and the Israeli officers failed to switch on their body cameras due to lack of time. Rights groups have, however, questioned the lack of video footage of the event.
Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor April 13, 2023 (25:10)
Artificial Intelligence: Is It Pushing An Anti-God Agenda? (Text and Video)
The artificial intelligence known as ChatGPT (developed by OpenAI) has been dominating much of the news cycle recently as users test its abilities and what answers it will give to various questions, prompts, and requests. Now, many people might assume AI is neutral, just giving users “the facts.” But those who build AI systems have a worldview—and that worldview dominates the answers AI bots give. In other words, humans program them, and how they react/answer will depend upon how they are programmed. As always, there is no neutrality! AiG’s Bryan Osborne recently sat down to explain what ChatGPT is and some of the major problems with this new technology, namely the anti-God worldview that it is disseminating to those who use it. I encourage you to watch this 10-minute video.
by Ken Ham
I Hope America’s Evangelicals Are Sleeping Well
The Covid fraud that Joe Biden mercifully ended this week by terminating Donald Trump’s Stalinesque Emergency Order authorizing the demonic attack against our lives and liberties back in March of 2020 is only eclipsed by the fraud that has bewitched evangelicals and politicians alike for over 70 years. The self-ordained theologian/phony lawyer/con man/thief/family deserter Cyrus Scofield, Britain’s Lord Balfour and U.S. President Harry Truman formed the unholy trinity that helped to create the biggest fraud on planet earth: Zionist Israel. Oh, yes! Don’t forget to also thank the United Nations. It could not have happened without that devilish institution. But the biggest culprit of the bunch is Scofield and his gaggle of blinded and thoroughly duped evangelical Israel idolaters, who swear to themselves that Zionist Israel is Biblical Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu and his murderous Middle Eastern Machiavillians are “God’s Chosen People.” It’s the biggest hoax in the history of Western Civilization.
by Chuck Baldwin
Passing Observations 156
Credit card debt in the USA is rising dramatically. More and more people are unable to pay off their debts. The US, like Europe, is already in a recession. It seems likely that the institutions to whom the money is owed (the banks) could have more pain to come. Most people now believe that governments are becoming more authoritarian and that their nation’s leaders are not the politicians who are ostensibly in charge but the members of a secret cabal. This means that most people in most countries are now conspiracy theorists. But if the majority believe it, is it still a conspiracy theory? Crypto currencies were brought in to divert and distract the suckers, while the world’s central banks were busy buying up all the gold.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Scientists Identify New Benchmark For Freezing Point Of Water At -70 C
Scientists have discovered yet another amazing aspect of the weird and wonderful behavior of water—this time when subjected to nanoscale confinement at sub-zero temperatures. The finding that a crystalline substance can readily give up water at temperatures as low as -70 °C, published in the journal Nature on April 12, has major implications for the development of materials designed to extract water from the atmosphere. A team of supramolecular chemists at Stellenbosch University (SU), consisting of Dr. Alan Eaby, Prof. Catharine Esterhuysen and Prof. Len Barbour, made this discovery while trying to understand the peculiar behavior of a type of crystal that first piqued their interest about ten years ago.
by Stellenbosch University South Africa
45 Times As Many Deaths After COVID Shots In Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show
The cost of injecting healthy people, “especially children,” with a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine “outweighs any claimed though unvalidated benefits,” according to researchers who analyzed adverse events data from more than 10 regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems during the first two years of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. “Our meta-analysis of both national and international vaccine adverse events emphasizes the importance of re-evaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups,” said the authors of a peer-reviewed study published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.
by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.
Far-Left Protesters Flood Florida State Capitol, Throw Objects At Lawmakers As Legislature Votes To Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks (Text and Video)
Occupy Tallahassee protesters flooded the Florida State Capitol on Thursday as lawmakers voted to ban abortion after 6 weeks. The far-left protesters threw paper and stickers at lawmakers before the legislature voted on the new abortion legislation. Florida Governor DeSantis is expected to sign the new abortion bill into law. The protesters also entered the House gallery and interrupted an official proceeding. Isn’t this an insurrection?
by Cristina Laila
Washington’s Crackdown On Whistleblowers Poses Danger To Free Speech
The US government is tightening its grip over the internet, social media and free speech. Facebook* whistleblower Ryan Hartwig and former Google and YouTube software engineer Zach Vorhies reveal the dangers and implications. A US bill targeting the TikTok app is really a wider crackdown on online privacy and public scrutiny of government, two Big Tech whistleblowers have told Sputnik. The Restrict Act, currently working its way through the US Congress, has been touted as an attack on Chinese software developer ByteDance — whose US CEO Shou Zi Chew was hauled before the House Energy and Commerce Committee in March. The legislation would allow the government to restrict access to apps from any firm it chooses — raising the prospect of its use to protect US firms from foreign competitors. But tech experts and free speech advocates fear it will open the door to a widespread crackdown against online critics of the White House.
by James Tweedie–poses-danger-to-free-speech-1109502196.html
UN Seeks Vast New Powers For Global Emergencies
The United Nations is seeking vast new powers and stronger “global governance” tools to deal with international emergencies such as pandemics and economic crises, a new U.N. policy brief has revealed, and the Biden administration appears to support the proposal. Chinese communist party leader Xi Jinping virtually addresses the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly on September 21, 2021 in New York. (Spencer Platt/POOL/AFP via Getty Images) The plan to create an “Emergency Platform,” which would involve a set of protocols activated during crises that could affect billions of people, has already drawn strong concern and criticism from U.S. policymakers and analysts. Among those expressing concern is House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), whose committee oversees U.S. foreign policy and involvement in international organizations.
by Alex Newman
AI Rage Is Real And It’s Coming by Motech (9:12)
The War, The Separation Of The World, Or The End Of An Empire?
Many are those who predict a World War. Indeed, some groups are preparing for it. But the States are reasonable and, in fact, consider rather an amicable separation, a division of the world into two different worlds, one unipolar and the other multipolar. Perhaps we are actually witnessing a third scenario: the “American Empire” is not struggling in the trap of Thucydides; it is collapsing like its former Soviet rival died.
The American “Straussians,” the Ukrainian “integral nationalists,” the Israeli “revisionist Zionists” and the Japanese “militarists” are calling for a generalized war. They are alone and they are not mass movements. No state has yet committed itself to this course. Germany with 100 billion euros and Poland with much less money are rearming massively. But neither of them seems eager to take on Russia. Australia and Japan are also investing in armaments, but neither of them has an autonomous army. The United States is no longer able to replenish its military and is no longer able to create new weapons. They are content to reproduce the weapons of the 1980s in an assembly line fashion. However, they maintain their nuclear weapons.
by Thierry Meyssan
Edible Vaccines: Promises And Challenges
Vaccine Ideology has Crept into Food Delivery Mechanisms over Recent Years
The recent debate in the Missouri House of Representatives on HB 1169 which is transparency legislation for disclosure of genetic material in the food supply has raised the question: how far along is this whole field? Neither the US Cattleman’s Association nor the National Cattleman’s Beef Association has issued an opinion on HB 1169. Many farmers have been using the Merck Sequivity mRNA vaccine line in swine for several years. While the current products used in livestock are meant to protect the animals with short lifespans from immediate infectious disease threats, there is concern over the future use of food as an intentional means to vaccinate the consumer.
by Peter A. McCullough, MD
ACH (2120) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Stephen Mitford Goodson’s Expose Of Globalist General Jan Smuts South Africa’s Worst Prime Minister (And Why He Wasn’t Assassinated) – Part 1 (Audio 1:07:55)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 13 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Stephen Mitford Goodson’s Expose Of Globalist General Jan Smuts South Africa’s Worst Prime Minister (And Why He Wasn’t Assassinated) – Part 1.”
We discussed: how Jan Smuts path to power in South Africa was based upon not serving the interests of South Africa; Smuts close friendship with Winston Churchill; why Smuts is considered one of the biggest supporters of globalism in history; the monopolistic nature of the artificially scarce diamond industry; why Paul Kruger never trusted Jan Smuts, who forced Kruger to make one concession after another to the British, who were the real controllers of Smuts; why it was so important for the British to discourage any other countries from coming to the aid of the Boers that the British were persecuting; how the Rothschild bankers benefited out of the Anglo Boer War; how the Boers had no established army, they were farmers; the interesting circumstances surrounding Winston Churchill’s trip to South Africa in 1899; how the British invented the concentration camp during the Anglo Boer war, camps in which they starved defenceless Boer women and children; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Gateway Essential T-Shirt
AI is a clear and present danger to humanity and free thought.
by ShipOfFools
The US Could Use Some Separation Of Media And State
The US State Department’s spokesperson Ned Price is being replaced by a man named Matthew Miller. Like Price, Miller has had extensive prior involvement in both the US government and the mass media; Price is a former CIA officer and Obama administration National Security Council staffer who for years worked as an NBC News analyst, while Miller has previously had roles in both the Obama and Biden administrations and spent years as an analyst for MSNBC. Like every high-level government spokesperson, Miller’s job will be to spin the nefarious things the US empire does in a positive light and deflect inconvenient questions with weasel-worded non-answers. Which also happens to be essentially the same job as the propagandists in the mainstream media.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Wagner Squeezes Pincers In Bakhmut by Military Summary April 12, 2023 (20:51)
Second Phase Of Fluoride Lawsuit Set To Begin In January 2024
The U.S. government and plaintiffs have agreed to begin a second phase of the long-delayed fluoride lawsuit in January 2024. On Tuesday Judge Edward Chen, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency set a date of January 29, 2024 for the second phase of the ongoing fluoride lawsuit. The second phase of the trial is set to last one to two weeks. The FAN sued the EPA after their 2016 petition under the Toxic Substances Control Act was denied. Since that time the plaintiffs and the U.S. government have been locked in a legal battle, with FAN attempting to prove that fluoride is a neurotoxin and should be regulated or banned under the TSCA.
by Derrick Broze
Return Of The RoboDogs (Text and Video)
Earlier resistance to AI-driven robocops on the streets of New York appears to have lessened in the wake of rising crime and a police shortage. This is a trend I highlighted in Issue 69 of Counter Markets, “The Rise of Digital Military and Police Forces.” However, the move toward using robots in law enforcement, private security, and even to scare away the homeless, has been developing for more than a decade, but is now set to become much more prevalent in everyday life. Boston Dynamics’ “Digidog” was first spotted on the streets of New York back in April 2021, as seen below:
by Nicholas West
OUTRAGE! U.S. Government Finally Compensates First Petitioners for COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries: 3 People Awarded An Average Of $1,500 For Damaged Hearts
After 674,375,206 doses of COVID-19 “vaccines” injected into 270,045,602 Americans over the past 2+ years, and over 11,000 petitions from COVID-19 “vaccine” injured people filed with the U.S. Government’s CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program, the U.S. Government just announced the first settlements for COVID-19 “vaccine” injuries: 3 people, 2 of whom now have damaged hearts (myocarditis), were awarded a total of $4,634.89, an average of about $1,500.00 per person. Yes, you read that correctly. An average of one thousand five hundred dollars per person, as another 11,000+ people wait for their settlements. In February of 2021, the Biden Administration gave $4 BILLION to Bill Gates and the World Health Organization (WHO) for a new global COVID-19 vaccine injury compensation program designated for 92 low and middle-income countries in an effort to entice poorer countries who were skeptical of the new COVID vaccines. So to date, the U.S. Government has spent $4 BILLION to compensate COVID-19 vaccine injuries through Bill Gates and the WHO in poorer countries, but only $4,634.89 for Americans injured by the COVID-19 shots. OUTRAGEOUS!!!!
by Brian Shilhavy“
when nudges become shoves
here comes the next stage of manipulation (as if there had been any doubt) and it’s time to protect doctor patient relationships from regulators.
because they are at it again and it really does take a special sort of crew to respond to “no one trusts us because we lie all the time” with “so let’s lie some more until they start trusting us again.” yessirree bob it does. this delightful program is the misanthropic mixing of psychology and behavioral economics into what can only be described as propaganda for hire. and once more we see the government funding “private” actors to do the dirty-work of social manipulation. this really does seem to be under every single rock one looks under. team “scary poppins” is everywhere.
by el gato malo
Zelensky And Team Stole At Least $400 Million Of US Aid – Seymour Hersh
Corruption in Ukraine may be on par with what was seen in Afghanistan, the investigative journalist claimed
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and his senior officials are skimming American taxpayer dollars by the hundreds of millions, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claimed on Wednesday. The alleged grift even includes schemes involving trade with Russia itself. Zelensky and his entourage embezzled at least $400 million from US funds meant for diesel procurement last year, Hersh claimed in a new article on Substack, citing a CIA estimate. Kiev has allegedly been buying diesel fuel, which is essential for the war effort, from Russia itself – and in the process skimming large sums of US funds earmarked for diesel payments. Reports had earlier surfaced about how oil products originating in Russia had made their way to Ukraine through Bulgaria and Latvia. The scheme involving the Baltic state, which was reported in detail by the Latvian television program Neka Personiga, may have violated the EU’s anti-Russian sanctions.
by RT
Meet Lee Harvey Oswald, Sheep-Dipped Patsy by Corbett Report (2013) (49:31)\
The DNC And Marc Elias Disconnect
Several people have asked about a motive for the DNC to sever ties with long-time lead lawfare litigant Marc Elias. [Story Here]
Remember, Elias proactively departed from Perkins Coie to carry out independent contractor operations and draw distance during his defense from indictment by John Durham. Elias left Perkins Coie because the Elias’s relationship with the FBI was enmeshed within the Durham probe. Perkins Coie needed to retain the FBI relationship, while it was in their best interest for the FBI silo to distance from the Elias litigation. Marc Elias then went on to continue being lead lawfare for the Clinton elements of the DNC, while former AG Eric Holder is lead lawfare for the Obama elements of the DNC. This internecine relationship inside the DNC club is important to remember. There are two factions in the DNC, the Clinton aligned subset, less power, and the Obama aligned subset, more power.
by Sundance
The Great COVID-19 Vaccine Bribe
“COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive Program”
Many readers of this Substack have doubtless wondered why their “healthcare providers”—i.e., doctors, repeatedly exhorted them to get the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. In my extended social circle, I heard many reports of doctors being downright pushy about it—as though getting the COVID-19 vaccine was the single most pressing matter of medicine and health. Even patients who’d recently recovered from COVID-19 were urged by their doctors to get the shots, as were patients who had bad reactions to the first injection. For a long time Dr. McCullough and I wondered if these doctors really were that brainwashed, or was there some other explanation for their zeal?
by John Leake
Is The US-Israel Relationship Really Falling Apart?
After the mysterious leaking of Pentagon documents and months of instability for Tel Aviv, the Israel-US relationship is being called into question in a significant way. What seems to be a clash between the extremist Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Biden White House, has sparked interest in where the special relationship is headed. Amidst the ongoing demonstrations in Tel Aviv, against the Israeli government’s proposed judicial reforms, an article was published early last month in Foreign Policy, entitled “The U.S.-Israel Relationship No Longer Makes Sense”. The article, which shares similar critiques of the Israeli government as have been published in other Western media outlets, argues that the “shared values” between the US and Israel no longer exist, or at the very least are fading. The author of the piece, Steven A. Cook, presents a two-sided argument; one focusing on security and the other on shared democratic values. The security analysis of Israel’s position in the Middle East reads as a somewhat novice attempt at analyzing the region, yet still contains elements of truth, however, the segment on “values” is of great importance.
by Robert Inlakesh
Riley Gaines Arrested For Making Trans Activists Assault Her
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Former NCAA swimming champion and current women’s rights activist Riley Gaines has been arrested and charged with forcing trans activists to physically assault her after giving a speech regarding protecting women’s sports at San Francisco State University. “Miss Gaines has been taken into custody and booked,” said University Police spokesperson Phil Shaw. “She has been charged with forcing supporters of the trans community to assault her. This is a serious crime and will be treated as such. Any victims of violent beatings by trans activists will face swift justice.”
Videos Of Gold Nanoparticles Snapping Together Show How Some Crystals Grow (Text and Video)
The finding could aid in the design of materials whose properties depend on crystal structures
Mesmerizing videos offer a new look at the ways crystals form. The real-time clips, described March 30 in Nature Nanotechnology, show closeup views of microscopic gold particles tumbling, sliding and flitting about before clicking into place in crystalline structures. Before embarking on the study, physicist Erik Luijten of Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., had expected to simply confirm century-old perceptions about how crystals form. But, he says, “there was still so much to discover about crystallization.”
by James R. Riordon
Pathological Pathogens Created By Pathological Liars Cause International Concern
According to the data received, the United States funds and operates over 300 biological laboratories in more than 30 countries around the world. Why is this causing serious concern and doubts on the part of the international community? The United States has one of the largest biotech machines in the world. It includes hundreds of biological laboratories in the US and other countries, where they perform a wide variety of operations. For the most part, it is not very clear what these operations are. Although the United States signed the Biological Weapons Convention, the verification program was not accepted. This means that any inspections of American laboratories are prohibited.
by Michael Walsh
Dementia Myths
Dementia is now said to be the commonest cause of death among the elderly. This is nonsense. The commonest causes of death among the elderly are a) untreated pneumonia b) starvation and dehydration because food and water have been withheld. Here are some more facts about dementia – taken from my book The Dementia Myth. ‘The diagnosis, treatment and reporting of dementia is a massive and previously unrecognised scandal. The staggering fact is that most cases of dementia could probably be cured in a week or two – maybe a little longer with some patients. Anyone who says otherwise is either woefully misinformed or a drug company mouthpiece. Around the world there are estimated to be around 50 million people suffering from dementia – though this figure is probably on the low side. One half of all the patients admitted to nursing homes are said to be suffering from dementia of one sort or another.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
New Kind Of Quantum Transport Discovered In A Device Combining High-Temperature Superconductors And Graphene
Developing new quantum devices relies on controlling how electrons behave. A material called graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms, has fascinated researchers in recent years because its electrons behave as if they have no mass. For decades, scientists have also been interested in high-temperature superconductors: ceramic materials where electron interactions yield a macroscopic quantum state where electrons pair with each other. They do so at a temperature above the usual superconducting temperature of metals, which approaches absolute zero.
by Aalto University
ACH (2121) Giuseppe Vafanculo – The G-Man #6 – Our Monthly Chit Chat (Audio 1:00:40)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 14, 2023, Andy presents “The G-Man” with his co-host Giuseppe Vafanculo for a show entitled, “Our Monthly Chit Chat.”
We discussed: radio shows; weather; the “Homicide – Life On The Street” television show; American slums; filming locations of “The Exorcist” movie; museums; travel; vaccines; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Peace Is Breaking Out In The Middle East…And Washington Is Not Happy!
While we were being distracted by the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war – and Washington’s increasing involvement in the war – tremendous developments in the Middle East have all but ended decades of US meddling in the region. Peace is breaking out in the Middle East and Washington is not at all happy about it! Take, for example, the recent mending of relations between Saudi Arabia and formerly bitter adversaries Iran and Syria. A China-brokered deal between the Saudis and Iran has them re-establishing full diplomatic relations, with the foreign ministers of both countries meeting in Beijing last week. It is the highest level meeting between the two countries in seven years.
by Ron Paul
Project Icebreaker: The Beginning Of A One World Digital Currency System?
There has been extensive discussion in the past couple of years within alternative media circles about the dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs); a currency framework very similar to blockchain based products like Bitcoin but directly controlled by central bankers. It’s a threat that some analysts including myself have been writing about for more than a decade, so it’s good to finally see the issue being addressed more in the mainstream The Orwellian nature of CBDCs cannot be overstated. In a cashless society most people would be dependent on digital products for exchanging goods and labor, and this would of course mean the end of all privacy in trade. Everything you buy or sell or work for in your life would be recorded, and this lack of anonymity could be used to stifle your freedoms in the future.
by Brandon Smith
When Does The Narrative Replace Reality? by Truthstream Media (48:03)
NHS: What’s Wrong And How To Put It Right
A recent survey showed that no more than a quarter of the people in the UK think the NHS provides a decent or even adequate service. Huge numbers of NHS employees say that they would not want their loved ones to be treated in the hospital or health centre where they work. What most of them don’t realise, of course, is that the global plan is to destroy health care completely. In the UK the plan (promoted by the Government and the medical establishment) is to destroy the NHS. And the plan is working well: today there is NO effective or reliable health care in Briton. Millions of Britons now do their best to treat themselves. Anyone planning to visit Britain should be aware that there is no health care in the country.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Atomic Bomb – Manhattan Project
The ‘Manhattan Project’, the American project to develop and drop the first atomic bombs, was almost entirely a Jewish project, from Einstein’s first letter of encouragement to Roosevelt of the urgency to develop such weapons, to William Laurence sitting in the co-pilot’s seat during the bombing of Nagasaki. Many observers have noted that photographs of the Manhattan Project Team look like yeshiva photos, yearbook photographs of a Jewish high school reunion, and in fact the atomic bomb was widely known in scientific circles in the US as “The Jewish Hell-Bomb”. William L. Laurence was a Lithuanian Jew who changed his name to Laurence, and who worked for Bernard Baruch, having been selected “by the heads of the atomic bomb project as sole writer and public relations officer”. As Baruch’s representative, he was one of the few civilians permitted to watch the bomb test explosions, and the only civilian on the aircraft that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan.
by Larry Romanoff
US Maternal Death Rates Up Sharply
CDC Oblivious to COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination as Determinants
Modern obstetrical care in the US has had a major impact in reducing maternal death rates over several decades. Now there is reversal of these trends. From the start of the pandemic there have been reports with mixed results for mortality among pregnant women with COVID-19 infection and after COVID-19 vaccination. Sadly, many women have had both exposures in 2021 and beyond. The CDC reports that ~65% of women have taken a vaccine-most before conception and the remainder through the term of gestation. This occurred because the CDC advised that pregnant women take this risk with no assurances on the health of the mother or baby through pregnancy.
by Peter A. McCullough, MD
ACH (2119) Alfred Schaefer And Monika Schaefer – A Town Called Malice (Audio 1:05:44)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 12, 2023, Andy is joined by Alfred Schaefer and Monika Schaefer for a show entitled, “A Town Called Malice.”
We discussed: why no amount of censorship can hold the truth back indefinitely; how you are increasingly being threatened from revealing information you discover by the anti free speech Western regimes; the unexpected recent vaccine death and injury revelalations of the BBC and the Daily Mail; the busking story from Monika’s book; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
‘Pentagon Leak’ Shows US Dragging Allies Into War With Russia
South Korea, the UK, Israel, and Bulgaria have all rushed to deny the veracity of the alleged Pentagon leak. The dump not only exposed Washington’s possible plans and routine spying, but also cast a shadow on its allies, with Seoul, London, Tel Aviv, and Sofia branding the batch as “false.” The US Justice Department on April 10 opened an investigation into the purported leak of US Department of Defense intelligence documents. The trove of apparently classified files contains the Pentagon’s assessments of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and Washington’s efforts to persuade its allies to jump on its proxy war bandwagon.
by Ekaterina Blinova
Today In Empire: Copbots, MSM Compliance, And McCaul’s Embarrassing Taiwan Admission (Text and Videos)
Too much interesting stuff happening in the life of the empire to cover in just one article today, so we’re doing a three-in-one wrap-up.
McCaul says war over Taiwan will be about controlling microchips — err, I mean, democracy and freedom. Republican congressman Michael McCaul made a very interesting admission during a Sunday interview on MSNBC, which he hastily had to walk back after the host pointed out the implications of what he was saying. MSNBC’s Chuck Todd asked the virulent China hawk McCaul to “make the basic case” for why Americans should be willing to go to war over Taiwan, and McCaul responded by saying it was about controlling the manufacturing of microchips. When Todd pointed out that this sounded a lot like justifications that have been made for US wars and militarism to control global oil supplies, McCaul hastily corrected himself and said that protecting Taiwan is actually about “democracy and freedom”.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Rothschilds Send French President Macron To China In Attempt To Save Europe As U.S. Rockefeller Empire Panics
French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent trip to China has sent shock-waves throughout the Western World, especially after he stated that Europe needs to stop being “America’s followers” and not get involved in China’s conflict with Taiwan. The U.S. corporate media’s initial report about why Macron was visiting China was that he was allegedly asking China for help in the Ukraine conflict against Russia, and assurances that China would not supply arms to Russia. But during the rest of Macron’s visit, which included signing a new agreement between the two countries which has received very little attention in the Western media, and Macron’s subsequent visit to the Netherlands where he delivered a speech at the Hague earlier today, outlining a new plan for Europe, we can now clearly see what was the true purpose of this trip to China. It would appear many in Europe, and especially the Rothschild family banking empire, are waking up to the fact that the U.S. is no longer a reliable ally and does not have Europe’s best interest in mind in the conflict with Russia and the war in Ukraine.
by Brian Shilhavy
RSV Vaccines In Pregnant Women And Infants
same companies, same questionable practices and sales pitches
it certainly seems sensible that societies should evidence strong concern over the welfare and safety of pregnant women and infants. after all, societies that do not have a tendency not to be societies anymore in pretty short order. but this is an impulse around which one must be careful because as is always the case, the precautionary principle cuts both ways and often warns against itself. are you advising pregnant moms to stop smoking and not take PCP and urging them to eat well and get plenty of sleep or are you engaging in bloodletting for maternal fluxes and prescribing thalidomide for morning sickness?
by el gato malo
Virology For Developing Countries…And Virus Fanatics (19:38)
It has become clear that there are several permitted narratives when it comes to COVID-19 or any alleged “viral” illnesses. However, all of these narratives come back to the “virus” and the concept of contagion. The ‘no virus‘ arguments remain completely suppressed. In order to sustain the virus fraud, there needs to be universal acceptance of the virologists’ pseudoscientific methodologies. Let’s take a look at a 2017 WHO document that “anticipated” the need for all of the world to establish virology labs. And why do some health freedom leaders continue to support the WHO sponsored anti-science of virology?
by Dr. Sam Bailey
Archbishop Hanna Demands Freedom Of Access Jerusalem’s Holy Sites
The head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem, Archbishop Atallah Hanna, has demanded Palestinian Muslims and Christians be guaranteed freedom of access to their holy places in the occupied city of Jerusalem to practise their religious rituals in peace. For years Israeli checkpoints have impeded the arrival of Christian worshippers to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, he added, adding that Christian pilgrims visit Palestine to pray, worship and seek blessings from the holy places, and not to be stopped at the checkpoints and be abused.
Bud Blight T-Shirt
Bud Light beer made the worst ad campaign decison any beer company could possibly make, thanks to their woke marketing VP. Putting the photo of a transgender Irishman, Dylan Mulvaney, on the can has insulted every self-respecting beer drinking Irishman everywhere. The “King of Beer” is now the “Beer of Queers.” Bars, restaurants and stores across the country are stuck with case loads of all varieties of Budweiser beer, not just Bud Light. Go Woke, Go Broke!
by Aye Magine
Trump’s Arrest Exposes America’s Soros-Style (In)Justice System
Manhattan’s district attorney has focused his prosecutorial energies on Bad Orange Man and victims instead of criminals
Alvin Bragg, the New York City district attorney who made a name for himself by arresting Donald Trump, waxed triumphantly about his effort to take down the former president. You see, the Manhattan prosecutor said, no one is above the law in the “business capital of the world.” “We today uphold our solemn responsibility to ensure that everyone stands equal before the law,” Bragg told reporters last week, following Trump’s arraignment on 34 criminal charges. “No amount of money and no amount of power changes that enduring American principle.” So as Bragg tells it, the patriotic decision to prosecute Trump was all about equal justice under the law. Never mind that Bragg campaigned for office by pledging to prosecute the locally hated ex-president in a county where Joe Biden won 86.8% of votes in the 2020 presidential election. And never mind that Bragg’s 2021 campaign for the Manhattan DA job was bankrolled largely by billionaire activist George Soros, the biggest donor to Democratic Party candidates and causes.
by Tony Cox
Imagine Living In A Country With A Free Press
The freedom of the press mantra is fake news as news media is rigidly controlled. Things actually got worse since former New York Tribune editor John Swinton, addressing a Press Association convention in 1893, said; “There is no such thing as an independent Press. If you express an honest opinion, you know beforehand it would never appear in print.” NATO conflicts turned out to be disasters. U.S inspired conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria alone put 20.9 million refugees on the road to nowhere. Libya and media-hyped and laundered UK Foreign Secretary William Hague and his military henchmen. If we had a genuinely free media these hapless goons would be vigorously questioned by non-partisan presenters and audiences that have not been vetted beforehand.
by Michael Walsh
Have You Ever Seen A Dolphin Jump Like This? (0:14)
Pathological Pathogens Created By Pathological Liars Cause International Concern
According to the data received, the United States funds and operates over 300 biological laboratories in more than 30 countries around the world. Why is this causing serious concern and doubts on the part of the international community? The United States has one of the largest biotech machines in the world. It includes hundreds of biological laboratories in the US and other countries, where they perform a wide variety of operations. For the most part, it is not very clear what these operations are. Although the United States signed the Biological Weapons Convention, the verification program was not accepted. This means that any inspections of American laboratories are prohibited.
by Michael Walsh
Dementia Myths
Dementia is now said to be the commonest cause of death among the elderly. This is nonsense. The commonest causes of death among the elderly are a) untreated pneumonia b) starvation and dehydration because food and water have been withheld. Here are some more facts about dementia – taken from my book The Dementia Myth. ‘The diagnosis, treatment and reporting of dementia is a massive and previously unrecognised scandal. The staggering fact is that most cases of dementia could probably be cured in a week or two – maybe a little longer with some patients. Anyone who says otherwise is either woefully misinformed or a drug company mouthpiece. Around the world there are estimated to be around 50 million people suffering from dementia – though this figure is probably on the low side. One half of all the patients admitted to nursing homes are said to be suffering from dementia of one sort or another.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
New Kind Of Quantum Transport Discovered In A Device Combining High-Temperature Superconductors And Graphene
Developing new quantum devices relies on controlling how electrons behave. A material called graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms, has fascinated researchers in recent years because its electrons behave as if they have no mass. For decades, scientists have also been interested in high-temperature superconductors: ceramic materials where electron interactions yield a macroscopic quantum state where electrons pair with each other. They do so at a temperature above the usual superconducting temperature of metals, which approaches absolute zero.
by Aalto University
ACH (2121) Giuseppe Vafanculo – The G-Man #6 – Our Monthly Chit Chat (Audio 1:00:40)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 14, 2023, Andy presents “The G-Man” with his co-host Giuseppe Vafanculo for a show entitled, “Our Monthly Chit Chat.”
We discussed: radio shows; weather; the “Homicide – Life On The Street” television show; American slums; filming locations of “The Exorcist” movie; museums; travel; vaccines; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Peace Is Breaking Out In The Middle East…And Washington Is Not Happy!
While we were being distracted by the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war – and Washington’s increasing involvement in the war – tremendous developments in the Middle East have all but ended decades of US meddling in the region. Peace is breaking out in the Middle East and Washington is not at all happy about it! Take, for example, the recent mending of relations between Saudi Arabia and formerly bitter adversaries Iran and Syria. A China-brokered deal between the Saudis and Iran has them re-establishing full diplomatic relations, with the foreign ministers of both countries meeting in Beijing last week. It is the highest level meeting between the two countries in seven years.
by Ron Paul
Project Icebreaker: The Beginning Of A One World Digital Currency System?
There has been extensive discussion in the past couple of years within alternative media circles about the dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs); a currency framework very similar to blockchain based products like Bitcoin but directly controlled by central bankers. It’s a threat that some analysts including myself have been writing about for more than a decade, so it’s good to finally see the issue being addressed more in the mainstream The Orwellian nature of CBDCs cannot be overstated. In a cashless society most people would be dependent on digital products for exchanging goods and labor, and this would of course mean the end of all privacy in trade. Everything you buy or sell or work for in your life would be recorded, and this lack of anonymity could be used to stifle your freedoms in the future.
by Brandon Smith
When Does The Narrative Replace Reality? by Truthstream Media (48:03)
NHS: What’s Wrong And How To Put It Right
A recent survey showed that no more than a quarter of the people in the UK think the NHS provides a decent or even adequate service. Huge numbers of NHS employees say that they would not want their loved ones to be treated in the hospital or health centre where they work. What most of them don’t realise, of course, is that the global plan is to destroy health care completely. In the UK the plan (promoted by the Government and the medical establishment) is to destroy the NHS. And the plan is working well: today there is NO effective or reliable health care in Briton. Millions of Britons now do their best to treat themselves. Anyone planning to visit Britain should be aware that there is no health care in the country.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Atomic Bomb – Manhattan Project
The ‘Manhattan Project’, the American project to develop and drop the first atomic bombs, was almost entirely a Jewish project, from Einstein’s first letter of encouragement to Roosevelt of the urgency to develop such weapons, to William Laurence sitting in the co-pilot’s seat during the bombing of Nagasaki. Many observers have noted that photographs of the Manhattan Project Team look like yeshiva photos, yearbook photographs of a Jewish high school reunion, and in fact the atomic bomb was widely known in scientific circles in the US as “The Jewish Hell-Bomb”. William L. Laurence was a Lithuanian Jew who changed his name to Laurence, and who worked for Bernard Baruch, having been selected “by the heads of the atomic bomb project as sole writer and public relations officer”. As Baruch’s representative, he was one of the few civilians permitted to watch the bomb test explosions, and the only civilian on the aircraft that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan.
by Larry Romanoff
US Maternal Death Rates Up Sharply
CDC Oblivious to COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination as Determinants
Modern obstetrical care in the US has had a major impact in reducing maternal death rates over several decades. Now there is reversal of these trends. From the start of the pandemic there have been reports with mixed results for mortality among pregnant women with COVID-19 infection and after COVID-19 vaccination. Sadly, many women have had both exposures in 2021 and beyond. The CDC reports that ~65% of women have taken a vaccine-most before conception and the remainder through the term of gestation. This occurred because the CDC advised that pregnant women take this risk with no assurances on the health of the mother or baby through pregnancy.
by Peter A. McCullough, MD
ACH (2119) Alfred Schaefer And Monika Schaefer – A Town Called Malice (Audio 1:05:44)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 12, 2023, Andy is joined by Alfred Schaefer and Monika Schaefer for a show entitled, “A Town Called Malice.”
We discussed: why no amount of censorship can hold the truth back indefinitely; how you are increasingly being threatened from revealing information you discover by the anti free speech Western regimes; the unexpected recent vaccine death and injury revelalations of the BBC and the Daily Mail; the busking story from Monika’s book; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
‘Pentagon Leak’ Shows US Dragging Allies Into War With Russia
South Korea, the UK, Israel, and Bulgaria have all rushed to deny the veracity of the alleged Pentagon leak. The dump not only exposed Washington’s possible plans and routine spying, but also cast a shadow on its allies, with Seoul, London, Tel Aviv, and Sofia branding the batch as “false.” The US Justice Department on April 10 opened an investigation into the purported leak of US Department of Defense intelligence documents. The trove of apparently classified files contains the Pentagon’s assessments of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and Washington’s efforts to persuade its allies to jump on its proxy war bandwagon.
by Ekaterina Blinova
Today In Empire: Copbots, MSM Compliance, And McCaul’s Embarrassing Taiwan Admission (Text and Videos)
Too much interesting stuff happening in the life of the empire to cover in just one article today, so we’re doing a three-in-one wrap-up.
McCaul says war over Taiwan will be about controlling microchips — err, I mean, democracy and freedom. Republican congressman Michael McCaul made a very interesting admission during a Sunday interview on MSNBC, which he hastily had to walk back after the host pointed out the implications of what he was saying. MSNBC’s Chuck Todd asked the virulent China hawk McCaul to “make the basic case” for why Americans should be willing to go to war over Taiwan, and McCaul responded by saying it was about controlling the manufacturing of microchips. When Todd pointed out that this sounded a lot like justifications that have been made for US wars and militarism to control global oil supplies, McCaul hastily corrected himself and said that protecting Taiwan is actually about “democracy and freedom”.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Rothschilds Send French President Macron To China In Attempt To Save Europe As U.S. Rockefeller Empire Panics
French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent trip to China has sent shock-waves throughout the Western World, especially after he stated that Europe needs to stop being “America’s followers” and not get involved in China’s conflict with Taiwan. The U.S. corporate media’s initial report about why Macron was visiting China was that he was allegedly asking China for help in the Ukraine conflict against Russia, and assurances that China would not supply arms to Russia. But during the rest of Macron’s visit, which included signing a new agreement between the two countries which has received very little attention in the Western media, and Macron’s subsequent visit to the Netherlands where he delivered a speech at the Hague earlier today, outlining a new plan for Europe, we can now clearly see what was the true purpose of this trip to China. It would appear many in Europe, and especially the Rothschild family banking empire, are waking up to the fact that the U.S. is no longer a reliable ally and does not have Europe’s best interest in mind in the conflict with Russia and the war in Ukraine.
by Brian Shilhavy
RSV Vaccines In Pregnant Women And Infants
same companies, same questionable practices and sales pitches
it certainly seems sensible that societies should evidence strong concern over the welfare and safety of pregnant women and infants. after all, societies that do not have a tendency not to be societies anymore in pretty short order. but this is an impulse around which one must be careful because as is always the case, the precautionary principle cuts both ways and often warns against itself. are you advising pregnant moms to stop smoking and not take PCP and urging them to eat well and get plenty of sleep or are you engaging in bloodletting for maternal fluxes and prescribing thalidomide for morning sickness?
by el gato malo
Virology For Developing Countries…And Virus Fanatics (19:38)
It has become clear that there are several permitted narratives when it comes to COVID-19 or any alleged “viral” illnesses. However, all of these narratives come back to the “virus” and the concept of contagion. The ‘no virus‘ arguments remain completely suppressed. In order to sustain the virus fraud, there needs to be universal acceptance of the virologists’ pseudoscientific methodologies. Let’s take a look at a 2017 WHO document that “anticipated” the need for all of the world to establish virology labs. And why do some health freedom leaders continue to support the WHO sponsored anti-science of virology?
by Dr. Sam Bailey
Archbishop Hanna Demands Freedom Of Access Jerusalem’s Holy Sites
The head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem, Archbishop Atallah Hanna, has demanded Palestinian Muslims and Christians be guaranteed freedom of access to their holy places in the occupied city of Jerusalem to practise their religious rituals in peace. For years Israeli checkpoints have impeded the arrival of Christian worshippers to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, he added, adding that Christian pilgrims visit Palestine to pray, worship and seek blessings from the holy places, and not to be stopped at the checkpoints and be abused.
Bud Blight T-Shirt
Bud Light beer made the worst ad campaign decison any beer company could possibly make, thanks to their woke marketing VP. Putting the photo of a transgender Irishman, Dylan Mulvaney, on the can has insulted every self-respecting beer drinking Irishman everywhere. The “King of Beer” is now the “Beer of Queers.” Bars, restaurants and stores across the country are stuck with case loads of all varieties of Budweiser beer, not just Bud Light. Go Woke, Go Broke!
by Aye Magine
Trump’s Arrest Exposes America’s Soros-Style (In)Justice System
Manhattan’s district attorney has focused his prosecutorial energies on Bad Orange Man and victims instead of criminals
Alvin Bragg, the New York City district attorney who made a name for himself by arresting Donald Trump, waxed triumphantly about his effort to take down the former president. You see, the Manhattan prosecutor said, no one is above the law in the “business capital of the world.” “We today uphold our solemn responsibility to ensure that everyone stands equal before the law,” Bragg told reporters last week, following Trump’s arraignment on 34 criminal charges. “No amount of money and no amount of power changes that enduring American principle.” So as Bragg tells it, the patriotic decision to prosecute Trump was all about equal justice under the law. Never mind that Bragg campaigned for office by pledging to prosecute the locally hated ex-president in a county where Joe Biden won 86.8% of votes in the 2020 presidential election. And never mind that Bragg’s 2021 campaign for the Manhattan DA job was bankrolled largely by billionaire activist George Soros, the biggest donor to Democratic Party candidates and causes.
by Tony Cox
Imagine Living In A Country With A Free Press
The freedom of the press mantra is fake news as news media is rigidly controlled. Things actually got worse since former New York Tribune editor John Swinton, addressing a Press Association convention in 1893, said; “There is no such thing as an independent Press. If you express an honest opinion, you know beforehand it would never appear in print.” NATO conflicts turned out to be disasters. U.S inspired conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria alone put 20.9 million refugees on the road to nowhere. Libya and media-hyped and laundered UK Foreign Secretary William Hague and his military henchmen. If we had a genuinely free media these hapless goons would be vigorously questioned by non-partisan presenters and audiences that have not been vetted beforehand.
by Michael Walsh
Have You Ever Seen A Dolphin Jump Like This? (0:14)
250+ Examples Of Natural Remedies Beating Pharmaceuticals
You hear a lot about ‘natural healing’ these days, but did you know that a sizable body of scientific literature actually supports the idea that natural medicine is safer and more effective than conventional, drug-based medicine?
One of the greatest if not the greatest triumph of biomedical science today is its role in validating ancient healing modalities that long before the advent of science, and even recorded history itself, were passed down “orally” from generation to generation in the vast body of folkloric medical knowledge that still forms the basis for the majority of the world’s primary health care system. These so-called “natural” or “alternative” modalities, which our species owes its present day survivorship to after eons of dependency on them, are increasingly gaining the attention of men and women in white lab coats intent on unlocking the mysteries of how they work, and in many cases, why they work better than patented, synthetic, chemical-based medications.
by Sayer Ji
The Death Of James Forrestal (Book .pdf)
The short groundbreaking 1966 book, The Death of James Forrestal, by an anonymous author using the pen name of “Cornell Simpson” has been put online in PDF form by Christians for Truth. It is heavily referenced in The Assassination of James Forrestal. Ignored by the national press when it was published, it has always been hard to find. Amazon currently lists it only as “Out of Print–Limited Availability.” As of this posting, Alibris and AbeBooks are asking $479.95 for a used copy.” ~ David Martin, author of; The Assassination of James Forrestal
by Cornell Simpson
Dalai Lama Inundated With Requests From Public Libraries To Lead Story Hours
U.S. — In the days after disturbing footage surfaced of the Dalai Lama engaging in grossly inappropriate conduct with a child, the Buddhist leader has been inundated with requests from public libraries across the U.S., Canada, and Europe to read to kids in special “Dalai Lama Story Hours.” “As soon as we saw the clip, we knew we needed to have this guy reading stories to vulnerable kids at one of our library locations,” said Jason Kucsma, the Director of the Toledo Public Library. “Our passion is to get as many innocent kids in a room with creepy grown single men in dresses as possible. You know, for diversity. What other point is there in having a library?”
Archbishop Viganò: Our Elites’ Adherence To Lies And Falsehood Shows Them To Be Servants Of Satan
The true reset is returning to the truth of Christ, of the one who said of Himself: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’
The modern world is held hostage by lies. Everything that is theorized by the elite, affirmed by the institutions, and propagandized by the media is a lie, a falsehood, and a deception. The psychopandemic emergency is a lie, all on account of a virus created in a laboratory for the sake of a mass vaccination that is as ineffective as it is harmful to health. Gender theory is a lie, which denies the distinction of the sexes willed by the Creator, and which seeks to cancel the image and likeness of God in man. Climate change is a lie, based as it is on the false premise of man-made climate crisis and on the even more false chimera that the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in certain countries can even minimally change the earth’s temperature. The Ukrainian crisis is a lie, which was provoked in order to destroy the social and economic fabric of European nations through unreasonable sanctions against the Russian Federation. The Agenda 2030 is a lie, which is being imposed by a gang of subversives in order to enslave humanity. Woke ideology is a lie, which causes the cancellation of our identity, our history, and our faith in order to impose the infernal religion of the New World Order and the barbarism of the Great Reset.
by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
FBI Sent Undercover Agents Into Catholic Churches To Investigate Domestic Extremism (Text and Video)
“This outreach plan even included contacting so-called ‘mainline Catholic parishes’ and the local ‘diocesan leadership.'”
The Weaponization of Government Committee has discovered that the FBI sent undercover agents into Catholic churches to investigate those parishes for domestic extremism. “Based on the limited information produced by the FBI to the Committee,” Jim Jordan writes in a letter to FBI director Christopher Wray, “we now know that the FBI relied on at least one undercover agent to produce its analysis and that the FBI proposed that its agents engage in outreach to Catholic parishes to develop sources among the clergy and church leadership to inform on Americans practicing their faith.”
by The Post Millennial
Kalergi Plan Of White Genocide (15:12)
The Pentagon Leaks Charade
The leaked intel might be advantageous to Russia were this not to be misdirection: and the possibility is quite real, Pepe Escobar writes. The script reads like a spoof straight out of legendary Mad magazine 1960’s cartoon “Spy vs. Spy”: Secret Pentagon Documents Fall in the Hands of Malign Russia. Well, actually in the hands of millions accessing Twitter and Telegram. So here, at face value, we have a major leak essentially detailing Pentagon planning for the next stage of the NATO vs. Russia proxy war in Ukraine: the interminably debated Spring “counter-offensive” that may, or may not, start in mid-April, as well as war plans shared with FVEY – the Five Eyes. The leaked intel might – and the operative word is “might” – be advantageous to Russia were this not to be misdirection: and the possibility is quite real. The inestimable Ray McGovern, who knows one or two things about the CIA, noted whether the Pentagon is “falsifying kill-ratio to gild Easter lilies in Kyiv? Recent leak of an apparently official NATO document shows 71,500 Ukrainians KIA and only 16,000 to 17,500 Russians, a far cry from earlier Pentagon ‘estimates’. All sounds so Vietnam-déjà vu!”
by Pepe Escobar
US’ Uneasiness Over Macron’s ‘Strategic Autonomy’ Statement Shows Washington’s Declining Ability To Maintain Hegemony
French President Emmanuel Macron’s remarks urging Europe to reduce its reliance on the US and to be cautious about being dragged into a conflict between Beijing and Washington over Taiwan question are being seen by observers as jamming the brakes on Europe that is being coerced into becoming deeply involved in the Taiwan question, and signals a dead end for the US strategy of luring Europe to contain China. This rational and pragmatic warning appeared to alarm American politicians and media, who immediately criticized the French President. This discomfort mirrored Washington’s declining ability to rein in its allies and growing anxiety in maintaining hegemony.
by GT Staff Reporters
Your Home Will Become A ‘Stranded Asset’
The United Nations and the World Economic Forum want to control every aspect of the way you live. If they get their way then nothing will stay the same. You will have to adapt your house so that it is acceptable to those officious truth deniers who are promoting the climate change myth. If you don’t do as they command, your taxes will rocket and you will be fined. If you persist in ignoring their orders your home will be confiscated or your water and electricity supplies will be cut off. This is not science fiction – this is real. Everything has been planned. Remember: ‘You will own nothing’ is their mantra. Here, for example, are their plans for your home. You will be forced to install: A high efficiency heat pump with a geothermal heating and cooling system. This will cost you at least £10,000 to install, and if you have an old home it will be more expensive to run than anything else you have used in the past…
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Doctor Explains The Inconceivable Reality Of How Babies Are Murdered (2:03)
Yuan Displacing Dollar On Moscow Exchange
The Chinese currency now has the largest share by volume in forex trading
The share of the Chinese yuan on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX) hit an all-time high in March, the Bank of Russia (CBR) reported in a monthly financial market overview published on Monday. The yuan accounted for 39% of the total volume of trading in major currencies, up from 37% in February, according to the CBR. Meanwhile, the dollar’s share dropped to 34%, from 36% in the prior month. To compare, the greenback’s share a year ago was 87.6%, while the yuan’s was just 0.32%. “Market participants continued to reduce the volume of transactions in ‘toxic’ currencies in exchange trading,” the regulator concluded. The dollar, along with the euro, was deemed ‘toxic’ because Ukraine-related Western sanctions against Russia jeopardized the use of these currencies in Russia’s transactions with foreign partners.
by RT
Is Central Bank Digital Currency Unconstitutional?
The latest fad in monetary policy circles worldwide is CBDC or Central Bank Digital Currency, a government-created cryptocurrency exchanged on a blockchain. Many fear that it would give governments complete control over individuals by allowing them to track, and even block, individual transactions and to impose taxes at will. In the United States, though, “money” has a constitutional basis so firm that, despite its name, a US government CBDC would not be “money” or even “currency.” It could exist as one payment system among many, but without violating the US Constitution it could not be forced on Americans as the sole final means of payment…
by Robert E. Wright
US Hatched Plan To Threaten Russia With Nord Stream Sabotage In Late 2021, Sy Hersh Says
President Biden publicly warned Moscow in early February of 2022 that the US would bring “an end” to the Nord Stream network if Russia began a military operation in Ukraine. Washington made good on that promise last September, with veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh providing the details in a bombshell Substack piece this past February. The Biden administration hatched plans to threaten Moscow with the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines about two months before the escalation of the Donbass crisis into a full-blown conflagration between Russia and Ukraine, Seymour Hersh has said. “The demand was issued just before New Year’s Eve 2021, probably around Christmas,” Hersh said in an interview with independent German media published Monday. “The idea was to find something out of the ordinary that the president could use, a lure or a threat to convince Putin not to attack.”
by Ilya Tsukanov
Democrats Seek To Remove The Only Black Male From The Supreme Court
The Democrat News-Media Complex (the DNC) has “discovered” another intolerable crisis that they hope may enable them to impeach the only black male, Clarence Thomas, on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in order to remove him from that position. That’s so that Joe Biden can put perhaps another black woman on the court who doesn’t know what a woman is, because that, not expertise in the Constitution, is the primary qualification for a SCOTUS seat by the Biden administration. AOC, given her zeal for “social justice” [that is, injustice], says she is willing to file the articles of impeachment herself. One might normally think that removing the only black male on the Court is a clear case of racism, but it is not because AOC is a Democrat and socialist and Justice Thomas is a Republican. Anyone who disagrees is a racist.
by Richard McDonough
China And Saudi Arabia Just Shocked The World And The U.S. Is In Serious Trouble by Redacted News (14:52)
From Gaza To Syria And Lebanon: A United Front Responds To Israel
After Israeli occupation police forces raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, a total of three times, attacking worshippers and provoking popular outrage across the Muslim and Arab World, the response was overwhelming. For the first time since 1973, Israel is directly threatened with a multi-front war, this time in reaction to its assaults on a Holy Site.
On April 5, after videos began to emerge, showing women and elderly men being attacked inside al-Aqsa Mosque’s Qibli prayer hall, a popular wave of rage emerged. Palestinian citizens of Israel took to the streets to protest in a vast range of locations throughout the country, as did Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. In Arab countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Morocco, demonstrations were also staged against the attacks of Israeli forces on worshippers during the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan.
by Robert Inlakesh
CDC Partners With ‘Social And Behavior Change’ Initiative To Silence Vaccine Hesitancy
According to its website, Shots Heard is an initiative under The Public Good Projects (PGP), a “public health nonprofit specializing in large-scale media monitoring programs, social and behavior change interventions, and cross-sector initiatives.”
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, a Stanford-educated ear, nose, and throat doctor, isn’t afraid to voice her beliefs. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, she repeatedly used her platform on Twitter and TikTok to question the vaccines, promote ivermectin as a treatment, and call out pharmacists for refusing to dispense it. But her efforts resulted in significant backlash. On Nov. 7, 2021, Dr. Danielle Jones, an OBGYN who posts under the handle @MamaDoctorJones on YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter—and has millions of followers—put out a video accusing Bowden of “grifting,” rejecting science, and profiting from those who questioned the vaccine.
by Katie Spence
Robert F. Kennedy Jr Is Running For President: How Many Crime Bosses Could He Topple?
How many liberals could he resuscitate?
In the wake of RFK Jr.’s filing with the FEC, signaling his intention to run for President, as a Democrat, Gateway Pundit cited his “massive following” and the sales of his book, The Real Anthony Fauci-over one million copies. Kennedy has visibility. The DNC doesn’t want him around. Kennedy’s stance against the COVID vaccines is enough to drive Lefty Democrats crazy. This could get interesting. Kennedy has his own strong channel of communication with his followers, so major media can’t black him out. Conservative websites tend to like him. They’ll give him space and coverage.
by Jon Rappoport
ACH (2118) Dr. Lorraine Day – The New World Order’s War On Women (Audio 1:02:10)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 11, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, “The New World Order’s War On Women.”
We discussed: how Dr. Day was born just 17 years after women got the right to vote in America; how Dr. Day was the first female orthopedic trauma surgeon in the world; the historic discrimination against women in medical school; the Margaret Sanger plan to get rid of what she considered to be inferior races; why the feminist movement has always been about the destruction of the family; what is going on at the secret underground bases located throughout America; the Satanic statue of Baphomet; the real purpose of the Tavistock Institute and its affiliates around the world; the feminization of men; why most of the people speaking out in the alternative media have no idea what is really going on in the world; how the people responsible for the creative destruction going on throughout the world today have no ability to “6uild 6ack 6etter” they only have the ability to destroy; what we can expect to experience in the very near future; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
President Biden Ends COVID-19 National Emergency
Biden’s executive order ending the ‘COVID-19 Pandemic’ will bring more attention to biowarfare crimes and criminal human experimentation conducted on US and global citizens with mRNA technology.
April 10, 2023: Before I get to the breaking news that President Biden signed an executive order ending the COVID-19 Pandemic National Emergency, I want my readers to know that I received a message earlier today notifying me that some of the prominent ‘anti-vaxx’ medical and scientific experts were willing to state that the COVID-19 mRNA injections are, in fact, bioweapons. I hope this is true.
by Karen Kingston
Radishes Are Surprisingly Good For You
Radishes are root vegetables that not only add a welcome crunch to your salads and a tangy pickled taste to your meals, but also provide beneficial effects for your heart, urinary tract and more
Radishes are root vegetables that might not command the most attention but offer plenty of health benefits. They come in a wealth of colors ranging from white to purple to black, and can be round or long and cylindrical. Radishes can be cooked, eaten raw or pickled, depending on your taste or preference. People usually consume them raw as a crunchy vegetable in salads or as part of a number of European dishes.[i] Middle Easterners may drink radish juice to get their nutrients and other perks.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
An Elephant’s Self-Taught Banana Peeling Offers Glimpse Of Elephants’ Broader Abilities
Elephants like to eat bananas, but they don’t usually peel them first in the way humans do. A new report published in the journal Current Biology on April 10, however, shows that one very special Asian elephant named Pang Pha picked up banana peeling all on her own while living at the Berlin Zoo. She reserves it for yellow-brown bananas, first breaking the banana before shaking out and collecting the pulp, leaving the thick peel behind. The female elephant most likely learned the unusual peeling behavior from watching her caretakers peel bananas for her, the study authors report. The findings in a single elephant show that elephants more broadly have special cognitive and manipulative abilities, they say.
by Cell Press
A Hug Makes You Feel Good All Day (1:09)
Recent Hostilities Between Syrian And Us Forces Could Be A Turning Point
Damascus’ troops and their Iran-backed allies seem to be shifting towards a head-on confrontation with American occupiers
US President Joe Biden ordered airstrikes on a number of positions in northeastern Syria last month, after Washington announced the death of a contractor in a drone strike. What followed was an unprecedented response from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and allied militias, shelling US positions throughout the duration of the following day. This exchange of fire marks a turning point in the conflict between the two sides. On March 23, the US Department of Defense claimed that a drone of Iranian origin had struck US forces stationed near al-Hasakah in northeastern Syria, killing an American contractor and injuring a number of service members. F-15 fighter jets were subsequently launched from Doha in order to target Iranian-allied militia groups in the Deir ez-Zor province of Syria. In recent years, there have been several exchanges between US and Iranian-allied militia groups in the east of Syria. However, these rarely resulted in American casualties and the brief escalations were controlled. What changed following the US strikes on March 24 is that there was intense return fire from not only Iranian-aligned militias in Deir ez-Zor, but also from the SAA itself. A number of US bases were struck in the response, which primarily targeted American forces around the al-Omar oil fields, inflicting traumatic brain injuries on six US troops, according to the Pentagon. During a trip to Canada the following day, Joe Biden remarked that the US was “not going to stop” when asked about retaliating against Iran for the exchange in Syria. “Be prepared for us to act forcefully to protect our people” he said.
Robert Inlakesh
Muh Fashy Bookshelf Reviews Barren Metal With E. Michael Jones (1:01:40)
An Energy Breakthrough: Tech Researchers Create New Type Of Fuel CellLike other fuel cells, CSSFCs have a wide array of potential uses, from providing energy to operate fuel cell vehicles and home power generation to entire power stations. Because CSSFCs are fuel flexible, they offer higher durability and energy conversion efficiency at lower operating temperatures than other types of fuel cells. Most fuel cells are powered by hydrogen—typically produced from hydrogen-containing compounds, most often methane—via an expensive process called reforming. But the CSSFC developed in Hu’s lab can directly use methane or other hydrocarbon fuels. Hu said fuel flexibility is of particular interest for commercial applications. And, the new fuel cell’s electrochemical performance at lower operating temperatures offers several other advantages. “The operating temperature of a conventional solid oxide fuel cell is usually 800 degrees Celsius or higher, because ion transfer in a solid electrolyte is very slow at a lower temperature,” Hu said. “In contrast, the CSSFC’s superstructured electrolyte can provide a fast ion transfer at 550 degrees Celsius or lower—even as low as 470 degrees Celsius.”
by Kimberly Geiger
Jordan Warns Israel Of ‘Catastrophic Consequences’ If Al-Aqsa Mosque Stormed Again By Troops
According to a new report from CNN, Jordan has warned of “catastrophic consequences” if Israeli forces were to storm the al-Aqsa mosque again. Should the Israeli police, “assault worshipers again, in an attempt to empty [the mosque] of worshipers, in preparation for major incursions into the mosque,” it would, “push the situation towards more tension and violence, for which everyone will pay the price,” the Jordanian Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Ambassador Sinan al-Majali, said in a statement late on Saturday local time. “The Israeli government bears responsibility for the escalation in Jerusalem and in all the occupied Palestinian territories and for the deterioration that will worsen if it does not stop its incursions into the holy al-Aqsa mosque… and its terrorization of worshipers in these blessed days,” al-Majali said.
by End Time Headlines
How The Banks Work And Why They Are Collapsing by Greg Reese (6:24)
BRICS Countries Overtake G7 Nations In Global GDP (PPP) To Become Economically More Powerful
The set of countries known collectively as BRICS, have overtaken G7 nations in Global GDP (PPP), shifting the international economic power balance. Specifically, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa are now the world’s largest gross domestic product (GDP) bloc when taking purchasing power parity into account, according to data from Acorn Macro Consulting. The UK-based research firm state that the BRICS nations now contribute 31.5% to the global GDP. Moreover, that figure propels the collective ahead of the G7, which sports a global GDP of just 30.7% comparatively.
by Joshua Ramos
Why You Should Add Swiss Chard To Your Garden
Providing an abundance of fiber, essential minerals and nutrients, Swiss chard has noteworthy benefits that rival those of its more popular peers in the world of leafy greens
Swiss chard may not be the most popular leafy green out there, but it is just as nutritionally promising if you’re looking for a healthy staple in your diet. It belongs to the Chenopodiodeae family, like well-loved spinach. Its name might make you think it hailed from Switzerland, but Swiss chard is actually a native plant in the Mediterranean region used as “both food and fodder since ancient times.”[i] Here are some compelling reasons to add Swiss chard to your life or garden today.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
FOIAed Email From FDA’s #2 Vaccine Regulator To The FDA Commissioner Reiterates That The Commissioner (And/Or The #1 Vax Regulator) Believed Mandates Of EUA Vaccines Were Illegal
This is the proof that a bait and switch took place: FDA improperly issued a COVID vax license in order to impose mandates. This needs to be part of the litigation
The email is from Marion Gruber PhD to Janet Woodcock, MD the acting FDA Commissioner and Peter Marks MD, PhD (Director of FDA’s vaccine center CBER) on July 21, 2021. She was explaining why issuing a license was not possible, no way, in August. But the powers that be wanted August mandates, probably to force them on colleges and the military. She resigned (or was more likely fired) the last week of August 2021, immediately after the license was issued for Comirnaty on August 23, 2021. This is the most critical sentence in what she wrote to acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock, MD and FDA Center for Biologics director Peter Marks: “You expressed concern about the rising Covid cases in the US and globally, largely caused by the delta variant and stated your opinion that, absent a license, states cannot require mandatory vaccination and that people hesitant to get an EUA authorized vaccine would be more inclined to get immunized when the product is licensed.”
by Meryl Nass
How To Reprogram Your Mind Dr. Bruce Lipton (15:12)
Sleepwalking Through The Tribulation Essential T-Shirt
It is said the Tribulation will not be noticed by many, that it is not actually happening when in fact it is, like they were sleepwalking through it. Thessalonians 5:2 2 “for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”
by ShipOfFools
NATO To Hold Largest Ever Aerial War Games
A German-led exercise involving hundreds of aircraft is scheduled for June and will coincide with a massive US troop deployment
NATO is planning to hold its largest ever Air Force exercises this summer, the German Armed Forces announced in a statement. Dubbed ‘Air Defender 23,’ the drills are scheduled to take place between June 12 and June 24 and are expected to involve hundreds of aircraft from dozens of nations. A total of 10,000 soldiers and 220 aircraft are to be involved in the war games, the Bundeswehr said, adding that they are to train “in the European airspace.” The US is to supply 100 of the aircraft out of its stocks, the statement said. According to Berlin, the drills are to be held mostly over German territory, although a map published by the Bundeswehr shows that the airspace of Estonia, which borders Russia, and of Romania, which borders Ukraine, could be used as well. The plan of the drills “is modeled after an Article 5 Assistance scenario,” the Bundeswehr said, calling it “challenging air operations training” for the participating troops. The exercise is aimed at “optimizing” the cooperation between the participating nations and demonstrating the “strength” of the military bloc.
by RT
Kamala Harris Screams With Rage During Major Public Appearance
After Democrat state representatives Justin Jones and Justin Pearson were expelled from the Tennessee Capitol last week for leading the “insurrection” at the state’s capitol, Kamala Harris gave a rage-filled speech in Tennessee on Friday night. After a transgender shooter killed six people at a Christian school in Nashville, the two Democrat representatives led a crowd of protesters into the building to demand gun control. It is important to note that Harris did not travel to Tennessee last week to attend the vigil for the children who were killed. She didn’t seem to think that was worth the effort. In contrast, presenting a performative speech on “democracy” was. During her fiery speech, Harris defended the Reps storming the capitol by saying, “A Democracy allows for places where the People’s voice will be heard and honored”. In addition, she also had a few rants where she screamed maniacally from the top of her lungs.
by Alisha Rodriguez
US Hatched Plan To Threaten Russia With Nord Stream Sabotage In Late 2021, Sy Hersh Says
President Biden publicly warned Moscow in early February of 2022 that the US would bring “an end” to the Nord Stream network if Russia began a military operation in Ukraine. Washington made good on that promise last September, with veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh providing the details in a bombshell Substack piece this past February. The Biden administration hatched plans to threaten Moscow with the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines about two months before the escalation of the Donbass crisis into a full-blown conflagration between Russia and Ukraine, Seymour Hersh has said. “The demand was issued just before New Year’s Eve 2021, probably around Christmas,” Hersh said in an interview with independent German media published Monday. “The idea was to find something out of the ordinary that the president could use, a lure or a threat to convince Putin not to attack.”
by Ilya Tsukanov
Democrats Seek To Remove The Only Black Male From The Supreme Court
The Democrat News-Media Complex (the DNC) has “discovered” another intolerable crisis that they hope may enable them to impeach the only black male, Clarence Thomas, on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in order to remove him from that position. That’s so that Joe Biden can put perhaps another black woman on the court who doesn’t know what a woman is, because that, not expertise in the Constitution, is the primary qualification for a SCOTUS seat by the Biden administration. AOC, given her zeal for “social justice” [that is, injustice], says she is willing to file the articles of impeachment herself. One might normally think that removing the only black male on the Court is a clear case of racism, but it is not because AOC is a Democrat and socialist and Justice Thomas is a Republican. Anyone who disagrees is a racist.
by Richard McDonough
China And Saudi Arabia Just Shocked The World And The U.S. Is In Serious Trouble by Redacted News (14:52)
From Gaza To Syria And Lebanon: A United Front Responds To Israel
After Israeli occupation police forces raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, a total of three times, attacking worshippers and provoking popular outrage across the Muslim and Arab World, the response was overwhelming. For the first time since 1973, Israel is directly threatened with a multi-front war, this time in reaction to its assaults on a Holy Site.
On April 5, after videos began to emerge, showing women and elderly men being attacked inside al-Aqsa Mosque’s Qibli prayer hall, a popular wave of rage emerged. Palestinian citizens of Israel took to the streets to protest in a vast range of locations throughout the country, as did Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. In Arab countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Morocco, demonstrations were also staged against the attacks of Israeli forces on worshippers during the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan.
by Robert Inlakesh
CDC Partners With ‘Social And Behavior Change’ Initiative To Silence Vaccine Hesitancy
According to its website, Shots Heard is an initiative under The Public Good Projects (PGP), a “public health nonprofit specializing in large-scale media monitoring programs, social and behavior change interventions, and cross-sector initiatives.”
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, a Stanford-educated ear, nose, and throat doctor, isn’t afraid to voice her beliefs. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, she repeatedly used her platform on Twitter and TikTok to question the vaccines, promote ivermectin as a treatment, and call out pharmacists for refusing to dispense it. But her efforts resulted in significant backlash. On Nov. 7, 2021, Dr. Danielle Jones, an OBGYN who posts under the handle @MamaDoctorJones on YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter—and has millions of followers—put out a video accusing Bowden of “grifting,” rejecting science, and profiting from those who questioned the vaccine.
by Katie Spence
Robert F. Kennedy Jr Is Running For President: How Many Crime Bosses Could He Topple?
How many liberals could he resuscitate?
In the wake of RFK Jr.’s filing with the FEC, signaling his intention to run for President, as a Democrat, Gateway Pundit cited his “massive following” and the sales of his book, The Real Anthony Fauci-over one million copies. Kennedy has visibility. The DNC doesn’t want him around. Kennedy’s stance against the COVID vaccines is enough to drive Lefty Democrats crazy. This could get interesting. Kennedy has his own strong channel of communication with his followers, so major media can’t black him out. Conservative websites tend to like him. They’ll give him space and coverage.
by Jon Rappoport
ACH (2118) Dr. Lorraine Day – The New World Order’s War On Women (Audio 1:02:10)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 11, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, “The New World Order’s War On Women.”
We discussed: how Dr. Day was born just 17 years after women got the right to vote in America; how Dr. Day was the first female orthopedic trauma surgeon in the world; the historic discrimination against women in medical school; the Margaret Sanger plan to get rid of what she considered to be inferior races; why the feminist movement has always been about the destruction of the family; what is going on at the secret underground bases located throughout America; the Satanic statue of Baphomet; the real purpose of the Tavistock Institute and its affiliates around the world; the feminization of men; why most of the people speaking out in the alternative media have no idea what is really going on in the world; how the people responsible for the creative destruction going on throughout the world today have no ability to “6uild 6ack 6etter” they only have the ability to destroy; what we can expect to experience in the very near future; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
President Biden Ends COVID-19 National Emergency
Biden’s executive order ending the ‘COVID-19 Pandemic’ will bring more attention to biowarfare crimes and criminal human experimentation conducted on US and global citizens with mRNA technology.
April 10, 2023: Before I get to the breaking news that President Biden signed an executive order ending the COVID-19 Pandemic National Emergency, I want my readers to know that I received a message earlier today notifying me that some of the prominent ‘anti-vaxx’ medical and scientific experts were willing to state that the COVID-19 mRNA injections are, in fact, bioweapons. I hope this is true.
by Karen Kingston
Radishes Are Surprisingly Good For You
Radishes are root vegetables that not only add a welcome crunch to your salads and a tangy pickled taste to your meals, but also provide beneficial effects for your heart, urinary tract and more
Radishes are root vegetables that might not command the most attention but offer plenty of health benefits. They come in a wealth of colors ranging from white to purple to black, and can be round or long and cylindrical. Radishes can be cooked, eaten raw or pickled, depending on your taste or preference. People usually consume them raw as a crunchy vegetable in salads or as part of a number of European dishes.[i] Middle Easterners may drink radish juice to get their nutrients and other perks.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
An Elephant’s Self-Taught Banana Peeling Offers Glimpse Of Elephants’ Broader Abilities
Elephants like to eat bananas, but they don’t usually peel them first in the way humans do. A new report published in the journal Current Biology on April 10, however, shows that one very special Asian elephant named Pang Pha picked up banana peeling all on her own while living at the Berlin Zoo. She reserves it for yellow-brown bananas, first breaking the banana before shaking out and collecting the pulp, leaving the thick peel behind. The female elephant most likely learned the unusual peeling behavior from watching her caretakers peel bananas for her, the study authors report. The findings in a single elephant show that elephants more broadly have special cognitive and manipulative abilities, they say.
by Cell Press
A Hug Makes You Feel Good All Day (1:09)
Recent Hostilities Between Syrian And Us Forces Could Be A Turning Point
Damascus’ troops and their Iran-backed allies seem to be shifting towards a head-on confrontation with American occupiers
US President Joe Biden ordered airstrikes on a number of positions in northeastern Syria last month, after Washington announced the death of a contractor in a drone strike. What followed was an unprecedented response from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and allied militias, shelling US positions throughout the duration of the following day. This exchange of fire marks a turning point in the conflict between the two sides. On March 23, the US Department of Defense claimed that a drone of Iranian origin had struck US forces stationed near al-Hasakah in northeastern Syria, killing an American contractor and injuring a number of service members. F-15 fighter jets were subsequently launched from Doha in order to target Iranian-allied militia groups in the Deir ez-Zor province of Syria. In recent years, there have been several exchanges between US and Iranian-allied militia groups in the east of Syria. However, these rarely resulted in American casualties and the brief escalations were controlled. What changed following the US strikes on March 24 is that there was intense return fire from not only Iranian-aligned militias in Deir ez-Zor, but also from the SAA itself. A number of US bases were struck in the response, which primarily targeted American forces around the al-Omar oil fields, inflicting traumatic brain injuries on six US troops, according to the Pentagon. During a trip to Canada the following day, Joe Biden remarked that the US was “not going to stop” when asked about retaliating against Iran for the exchange in Syria. “Be prepared for us to act forcefully to protect our people” he said.
Robert Inlakesh
Muh Fashy Bookshelf Reviews Barren Metal With E. Michael Jones (1:01:40)
An Energy Breakthrough: Tech Researchers Create New Type Of Fuel CellLike other fuel cells, CSSFCs have a wide array of potential uses, from providing energy to operate fuel cell vehicles and home power generation to entire power stations. Because CSSFCs are fuel flexible, they offer higher durability and energy conversion efficiency at lower operating temperatures than other types of fuel cells. Most fuel cells are powered by hydrogen—typically produced from hydrogen-containing compounds, most often methane—via an expensive process called reforming. But the CSSFC developed in Hu’s lab can directly use methane or other hydrocarbon fuels. Hu said fuel flexibility is of particular interest for commercial applications. And, the new fuel cell’s electrochemical performance at lower operating temperatures offers several other advantages. “The operating temperature of a conventional solid oxide fuel cell is usually 800 degrees Celsius or higher, because ion transfer in a solid electrolyte is very slow at a lower temperature,” Hu said. “In contrast, the CSSFC’s superstructured electrolyte can provide a fast ion transfer at 550 degrees Celsius or lower—even as low as 470 degrees Celsius.”
by Kimberly Geiger
Jordan Warns Israel Of ‘Catastrophic Consequences’ If Al-Aqsa Mosque Stormed Again By Troops
According to a new report from CNN, Jordan has warned of “catastrophic consequences” if Israeli forces were to storm the al-Aqsa mosque again. Should the Israeli police, “assault worshipers again, in an attempt to empty [the mosque] of worshipers, in preparation for major incursions into the mosque,” it would, “push the situation towards more tension and violence, for which everyone will pay the price,” the Jordanian Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Ambassador Sinan al-Majali, said in a statement late on Saturday local time. “The Israeli government bears responsibility for the escalation in Jerusalem and in all the occupied Palestinian territories and for the deterioration that will worsen if it does not stop its incursions into the holy al-Aqsa mosque… and its terrorization of worshipers in these blessed days,” al-Majali said.
by End Time Headlines
How The Banks Work And Why They Are Collapsing by Greg Reese (6:24)
BRICS Countries Overtake G7 Nations In Global GDP (PPP) To Become Economically More Powerful
The set of countries known collectively as BRICS, have overtaken G7 nations in Global GDP (PPP), shifting the international economic power balance. Specifically, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa are now the world’s largest gross domestic product (GDP) bloc when taking purchasing power parity into account, according to data from Acorn Macro Consulting. The UK-based research firm state that the BRICS nations now contribute 31.5% to the global GDP. Moreover, that figure propels the collective ahead of the G7, which sports a global GDP of just 30.7% comparatively.
by Joshua Ramos
Why You Should Add Swiss Chard To Your Garden
Providing an abundance of fiber, essential minerals and nutrients, Swiss chard has noteworthy benefits that rival those of its more popular peers in the world of leafy greens
Swiss chard may not be the most popular leafy green out there, but it is just as nutritionally promising if you’re looking for a healthy staple in your diet. It belongs to the Chenopodiodeae family, like well-loved spinach. Its name might make you think it hailed from Switzerland, but Swiss chard is actually a native plant in the Mediterranean region used as “both food and fodder since ancient times.”[i] Here are some compelling reasons to add Swiss chard to your life or garden today.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
FOIAed Email From FDA’s #2 Vaccine Regulator To The FDA Commissioner Reiterates That The Commissioner (And/Or The #1 Vax Regulator) Believed Mandates Of EUA Vaccines Were Illegal
This is the proof that a bait and switch took place: FDA improperly issued a COVID vax license in order to impose mandates. This needs to be part of the litigation
The email is from Marion Gruber PhD to Janet Woodcock, MD the acting FDA Commissioner and Peter Marks MD, PhD (Director of FDA’s vaccine center CBER) on July 21, 2021. She was explaining why issuing a license was not possible, no way, in August. But the powers that be wanted August mandates, probably to force them on colleges and the military. She resigned (or was more likely fired) the last week of August 2021, immediately after the license was issued for Comirnaty on August 23, 2021. This is the most critical sentence in what she wrote to acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock, MD and FDA Center for Biologics director Peter Marks: “You expressed concern about the rising Covid cases in the US and globally, largely caused by the delta variant and stated your opinion that, absent a license, states cannot require mandatory vaccination and that people hesitant to get an EUA authorized vaccine would be more inclined to get immunized when the product is licensed.”
by Meryl Nass
How To Reprogram Your Mind Dr. Bruce Lipton (15:12)
Sleepwalking Through The Tribulation Essential T-Shirt
It is said the Tribulation will not be noticed by many, that it is not actually happening when in fact it is, like they were sleepwalking through it. Thessalonians 5:2 2 “for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”
by ShipOfFools
NATO To Hold Largest Ever Aerial War Games
A German-led exercise involving hundreds of aircraft is scheduled for June and will coincide with a massive US troop deployment
NATO is planning to hold its largest ever Air Force exercises this summer, the German Armed Forces announced in a statement. Dubbed ‘Air Defender 23,’ the drills are scheduled to take place between June 12 and June 24 and are expected to involve hundreds of aircraft from dozens of nations. A total of 10,000 soldiers and 220 aircraft are to be involved in the war games, the Bundeswehr said, adding that they are to train “in the European airspace.” The US is to supply 100 of the aircraft out of its stocks, the statement said. According to Berlin, the drills are to be held mostly over German territory, although a map published by the Bundeswehr shows that the airspace of Estonia, which borders Russia, and of Romania, which borders Ukraine, could be used as well. The plan of the drills “is modeled after an Article 5 Assistance scenario,” the Bundeswehr said, calling it “challenging air operations training” for the participating troops. The exercise is aimed at “optimizing” the cooperation between the participating nations and demonstrating the “strength” of the military bloc.
by RT
Kamala Harris Screams With Rage During Major Public Appearance
After Democrat state representatives Justin Jones and Justin Pearson were expelled from the Tennessee Capitol last week for leading the “insurrection” at the state’s capitol, Kamala Harris gave a rage-filled speech in Tennessee on Friday night. After a transgender shooter killed six people at a Christian school in Nashville, the two Democrat representatives led a crowd of protesters into the building to demand gun control. It is important to note that Harris did not travel to Tennessee last week to attend the vigil for the children who were killed. She didn’t seem to think that was worth the effort. In contrast, presenting a performative speech on “democracy” was. During her fiery speech, Harris defended the Reps storming the capitol by saying, “A Democracy allows for places where the People’s voice will be heard and honored”. In addition, she also had a few rants where she screamed maniacally from the top of her lungs.
by Alisha Rodriguez
Yankee Go Home: Member Of The Bundestag Sevim Dagdelen (1:21)
“After 78 years, it’s time for American soldiers to return home, all other allies have long since left Germany! US foreign policy is marked by violations of international law and support for coups. They don’t need allies, they need vassals!”
The US Attorney In Utah Has Given The Anti-Vax Movement In America The Greatest Gift Ever
They charged Kirk Moore with a crime. Dr. Moore is allowed discovery to prove his innocence. This means he gets access to Medicare, NDI, and all state death and vaccination records. JACKPOT!
The US Attorney in Utah issued a criminal indictment against Dr. Kirk Moore for “running a COVID-19 Vaccine Scheme to Defraud the Government and CDC.” But what if Dr. Moore was actually saving lives instead and is a hero? Since this is a criminal proceeding in federal court, Dr. Moore cannot be denied discovery to show that the vaccines are deadly. This is relevant due to the opportunity for jury nullification where a jury has the right to issue a “not guilty” verdict if they believe the law is unjust. If the judge denies Moore the discovery, he can appeal because there is no country in the world that has correlated the death-vax data and released the records for public analysis. They all keep it hidden behind closed doors and all attempts to get that data have been rebuffed.
by Steve Kirsch
Israeli Extremists Storm Al-Aqsa As Thousands Worldwide Rally In Support Of Palestine
Despite global condemnation, Israeli police continue to assault Palestinian worshipers in Al-Aqsa Mosque to make way for extremist settlers
Hundreds of extremist Israeli settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the early hours of 10 April for the second day in a row. According to the Palestinian Department of Islamic Endowment, the settlers performed “provocative tours and rituals” under heavy police protection. Several Palestinian worshipers, including one of Al-Aqsa’s guards, were forcibly removed from the Muslim holy site on the 19th day of Ramadan. The latest Israeli invasion of Al-Aqsa Mosque came just hours after the Jordanian foreign ministry condemned Tel Aviv for allowing the “violation of the historical and legal situation existing at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and a violation of the sanctity of the holy places.”
by News Desk
Extensive (CDB) Hydrogel Filament Growth In C19 Vaccinated And Unvaccinated Blood Cultures After One Week Of Incubation – A Comparison By Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction With Clifford Carnicom
The four new samples discussed in this article were highly diluted blood at a ratio of 100:1 with water and left to incubate at room temperature for one week. No electrical current or external energy source was applied. None of the individuals have symptoms of Morgellons/ CDB Disease. As we can see in Image 1 above, regardless of unvaccinated status, we have extensive CDB filaments that have developed after one week of blood culture. Even with highly diluted samples, the filament growth is impressive.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
The Irish Have Had Enough (0:47)
Irish protesting against being kicked out of their homes so they can be used to house illegal immigrants. They chant “get them out”.
France Folds
Macron publicly snubs the U.S. returning from a trip to China.
Over the last few years, I’ve been of the opinion that United States policy, both foreign and domestic, has resembled arrogance more than humility. The latest example of this, noted by investors I respect like Luke Gromen, Andy Schectman and Lawrence Lepard, then haplessly echoed by me, was our attempt to try and control the outcome of the Russia/Ukraine war by seizing $630 billion in Russia’s dollar reserves. This effectively put the rest of the world “on notice” that we can, and will, weaponize the dollar should anyone make decisions we don’t approve of. This hubris doesn’t just show up in our foreign policy, it shows up in our monetary policy – namely, our country’s unwavering belief that the U.S. dollar is indestructible and will always be global reserve currency. As I wrote last week, our inability to cut spending, under-consume and otherwise act conservatively from a fiscal and monetary standpoint, in my opinion, remains of the country’s largest Achilles’ Heels.
by Quoth the Raven
Ukraine Xenophobes Attack Priests In Godless Ukraine
As the war against God escalates in the NATO- vs. Russian conflict so far contained in Ukraine, attacks on priests and their parishioners are escalating out of control as the Western Church leaders remain ominously silent. He was splashed with brilliant green in the face, the liquid also got into his eyes, which could cause severe burns. The state of his health is still unknown. The incident was reported on Facebook by the priest’s daughter Dana Mandzyuk: ‘This is the cry of the soul! What is going on in our country. This is my father, Father Vladimir, a priest of the UOC in Stryi. During a church service, green paint was splashed in his face by the so-called nationalists who are seizing our churches.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2117) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #116 – Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up? (Audio 1:40:57)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 10, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up?”
We discussed: the Sven Longshanks clip that we played during the show intro segment; Mark Collett’s excellent analysis of the Sven Longshanks trial entitled “British Justice – Wrong Speak Worse Than Child Abuse” that you can find on his BitChute channel; gangstalking; today’s television review “The Sopranos” a series that ran from 1999 to 2007; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Now powers from home, and discontents at home, meet in one line, and vast confusion waits, as doth the raven on a sick fallen beast, the imminent decay of wrested pomp,”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; shedding; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the dog who ate a goose and caught bird flu; how the British legal system appears to be being used to target and gangstalk people the powers that should not be do not like; why the best disinformation specialists at the BBC have historically been the corporation itself; why you shouldn’t trust the Johnson & Johnson vaccine; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the twitter post on migrants housed across the UK; killer robot dogs; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Humanity Still Alive: Animal Rescues In Turkey And Syria After Earthquake (2:35)
New Atomic-Scale Understanding Of Catalysis Could Unlock Massive Energy Savings
In an advance they consider a breakthrough in computational chemistry research, University of Wisconsin–Madison chemical engineers have developed model of how catalytic reactions work at the atomic scale. This understanding could allow engineers and chemists to develop more efficient catalysts and tune industrial processes—potentially with enormous energy savings, given that 90% of the products we encounter in our lives are produced, at least partially, via catalysis. Catalyst materials accelerate chemical reactions without undergoing changes themselves. They are critical for refining petroleum products and for manufacturing pharmaceuticals, plastics, food additives, fertilizers, green fuels, industrial chemicals and much more.
by Jason Daley
Beijing And Moscow Are Uniting The Middle Eastern Oil Rich Countries – Sunni And Shia Muslims Making Peace
We are living in unprecedented times. I think it is safe to say that nobody alive today has ever seen such a massive realignment of countries in the Middle East coming together to put aside their differences and start working together to try and stop the endless wars, and work together for economic prosperity. And the two countries that are spearheading the uniting of these Middle Eastern countries, are China and Russia. This was a historic week of new meetings between countries in the Middle East, many of which have been bitter enemies with each other, sometimes for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Here is a brief summary of these historical events that took place this past week.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Incentives For Doctors Got Much Higher For A) Recalcitrant Patients And B) Higher Percentages Taking A Covid Shot–Up To $250 Per Patient!
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this.
by Meryl Nass
Billboard Chris Assaulted By Translunatics In Vancouver (1:19)
Fake News Curated By The Deep State: Government Spin Doctors Control The News Cycle
Let’s talk about fake news stories, shall we? There’s the garden variety fake news that is not really “news” so much as it is titillating, tabloid-worthy material peddled by anyone with a Twitter account, a Facebook page and an active imagination. These stories run the gamut from the ridiculous and the obviously click-baity to the satirical and politically manipulative. Anyone with an ounce of sense and access to the Internet should be able to ferret out the truth and lies in these stories with some basic research. That these stories flourish is largely owing to the general gullibility, laziness and media illiteracy of the general public, which through its learned compliance rarely questions, challenges or confronts. Then there’s the more devious kind of news stories circulated by one of the biggest propagators of fake news: the U.S. government.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Syria Rising From The Ashes Of Twelve Years Hybrid War – With Kevork Almassian (58:39)
Israel is cornered and conducting propaganda operations to protect hegemon image
I talk with Syrian journalist and analyst Kevork Almassian about the recent seismic events in Syria starting with the earthquake on February 6th and culminating in some unexpected and positive geopolitical shifts towards a new Pan-Arabism in the region. We discuss what the US, UK and Israel can do to prevent normalisation of trade and economic relations between Syria and former US/UK/Israel-allies in the destabilisation project that began in 2011. The US occupation will end sooner or later and while Israel flexes its military muscles for war it knows it is faced with an unprecedented Resistance unity and military prowess in the region that threatens its existence. Turkey is painting itself into a very tight corner – which way will it turn, East or West? All these questions are discussed in depth.
by Vanessa Beeley
US Deploys Guided-Missile Submarine To Middle East
The United States says a nuclear-powered American guided-missile submarine is operating in the Middle East in support of the US Fifth Fleet, which is based in Bahrain. The USS Florida entered the region on Thursday and began transiting the Suez Canal on Friday, Commander Timothy Hawkins said in a statement on Saturday, according to Reuters. “It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to US 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability,” Hawkins added. This came after the US Navy relocated a warship in the Mediterranean to the coast near Syria after tensions rose between Tehran and Washington over deadly attacks on Iranian military advisors in Syria. Iran’s envoy to the UN Amir Saeid Iravani earlier on Monday warned that the Islamic Republic will take “decisive measures” to protect its forces and interests in Syria against any threats posed by the United States or others.
by PressTV
Civil Asset Forfeiture (7:00)
Raytheon Unveils New Dylan Mulvaney-Branded Patriot Missile
WALTHAM, MA — Transgender visibility took yet another step forward today as Raytheon unveiled its new Patriot missile endorsed by transgender TikTok personality Dylan Mulvaney. President Biden immediately celebrated this new line of missiles, hailing it as a leap forward in lethal diversity. “It’s got this Dylan fella’s face all over it,” President Biden said in short remarks before he made several attempts to board Air Force One and depart for an Easter holiday weekend. “Not only is this missile an advanced and deadly tool in our arsenal, but it’s also a symbol of everything the U.S. military has become. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!”
Injustice Halted – Texas Governor Greg Abbott Intervenes In Clear Self-Defense Case To Pardon Wrongfully Accused And Prosecuted
As with many metropolitan areas, Austin Texas sits as an example of what happens when Marxism is allowed to spread like cancer. In a recent trial, a Texas man named Daniel Perry was convicted of murder for shooting and killing a Black Lives Matter protester who was pointing a loaded AK-47 rifle at him. While the local police determined Mr. Perry acted in self-defense, another rogue Soros-backed District Attorney disregarded the evidence, hid exculpatory evidence in the case, and took Mr. Perry to trial. With manipulated and selective evidence presented to the jury, Sgt Daniel Perry was found guilty on Friday. Today, with mounting pressure from an outraged public, Texas Governor Greg Abbott intervenes and says he will pardon Sgt Perry as quickly as possible through the Board of Pardons and Paroles. Let’s be clear though, justice has not been served; an injustice has been halted.
by Sundance
Ukraine Xenophobes Attack Priests In Godless Ukraine
As the war against God escalates in the NATO- vs. Russian conflict so far contained in Ukraine, attacks on priests and their parishioners are escalating out of control as the Western Church leaders remain ominously silent. He was splashed with brilliant green in the face, the liquid also got into his eyes, which could cause severe burns. The state of his health is still unknown. The incident was reported on Facebook by the priest’s daughter Dana Mandzyuk: ‘This is the cry of the soul! What is going on in our country. This is my father, Father Vladimir, a priest of the UOC in Stryi. During a church service, green paint was splashed in his face by the so-called nationalists who are seizing our churches.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2117) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #116 – Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up? (Audio 1:40:57)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 10, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up?”
We discussed: the Sven Longshanks clip that we played during the show intro segment; Mark Collett’s excellent analysis of the Sven Longshanks trial entitled “British Justice – Wrong Speak Worse Than Child Abuse” that you can find on his BitChute channel; gangstalking; today’s television review “The Sopranos” a series that ran from 1999 to 2007; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Now powers from home, and discontents at home, meet in one line, and vast confusion waits, as doth the raven on a sick fallen beast, the imminent decay of wrested pomp,”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; shedding; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the dog who ate a goose and caught bird flu; how the British legal system appears to be being used to target and gangstalk people the powers that should not be do not like; why the best disinformation specialists at the BBC have historically been the corporation itself; why you shouldn’t trust the Johnson & Johnson vaccine; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the twitter post on migrants housed across the UK; killer robot dogs; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Humanity Still Alive: Animal Rescues In Turkey And Syria After Earthquake (2:35)
New Atomic-Scale Understanding Of Catalysis Could Unlock Massive Energy Savings
In an advance they consider a breakthrough in computational chemistry research, University of Wisconsin–Madison chemical engineers have developed model of how catalytic reactions work at the atomic scale. This understanding could allow engineers and chemists to develop more efficient catalysts and tune industrial processes—potentially with enormous energy savings, given that 90% of the products we encounter in our lives are produced, at least partially, via catalysis. Catalyst materials accelerate chemical reactions without undergoing changes themselves. They are critical for refining petroleum products and for manufacturing pharmaceuticals, plastics, food additives, fertilizers, green fuels, industrial chemicals and much more.
by Jason Daley
Beijing And Moscow Are Uniting The Middle Eastern Oil Rich Countries – Sunni And Shia Muslims Making Peace
We are living in unprecedented times. I think it is safe to say that nobody alive today has ever seen such a massive realignment of countries in the Middle East coming together to put aside their differences and start working together to try and stop the endless wars, and work together for economic prosperity. And the two countries that are spearheading the uniting of these Middle Eastern countries, are China and Russia. This was a historic week of new meetings between countries in the Middle East, many of which have been bitter enemies with each other, sometimes for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Here is a brief summary of these historical events that took place this past week.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Incentives For Doctors Got Much Higher For A) Recalcitrant Patients And B) Higher Percentages Taking A Covid Shot–Up To $250 Per Patient!
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this.
by Meryl Nass
Billboard Chris Assaulted By Translunatics In Vancouver (1:19)
Fake News Curated By The Deep State: Government Spin Doctors Control The News Cycle
Let’s talk about fake news stories, shall we? There’s the garden variety fake news that is not really “news” so much as it is titillating, tabloid-worthy material peddled by anyone with a Twitter account, a Facebook page and an active imagination. These stories run the gamut from the ridiculous and the obviously click-baity to the satirical and politically manipulative. Anyone with an ounce of sense and access to the Internet should be able to ferret out the truth and lies in these stories with some basic research. That these stories flourish is largely owing to the general gullibility, laziness and media illiteracy of the general public, which through its learned compliance rarely questions, challenges or confronts. Then there’s the more devious kind of news stories circulated by one of the biggest propagators of fake news: the U.S. government.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Syria Rising From The Ashes Of Twelve Years Hybrid War – With Kevork Almassian (58:39)
Israel is cornered and conducting propaganda operations to protect hegemon image
I talk with Syrian journalist and analyst Kevork Almassian about the recent seismic events in Syria starting with the earthquake on February 6th and culminating in some unexpected and positive geopolitical shifts towards a new Pan-Arabism in the region. We discuss what the US, UK and Israel can do to prevent normalisation of trade and economic relations between Syria and former US/UK/Israel-allies in the destabilisation project that began in 2011. The US occupation will end sooner or later and while Israel flexes its military muscles for war it knows it is faced with an unprecedented Resistance unity and military prowess in the region that threatens its existence. Turkey is painting itself into a very tight corner – which way will it turn, East or West? All these questions are discussed in depth.
by Vanessa Beeley
US Deploys Guided-Missile Submarine To Middle East
The United States says a nuclear-powered American guided-missile submarine is operating in the Middle East in support of the US Fifth Fleet, which is based in Bahrain. The USS Florida entered the region on Thursday and began transiting the Suez Canal on Friday, Commander Timothy Hawkins said in a statement on Saturday, according to Reuters. “It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to US 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability,” Hawkins added. This came after the US Navy relocated a warship in the Mediterranean to the coast near Syria after tensions rose between Tehran and Washington over deadly attacks on Iranian military advisors in Syria. Iran’s envoy to the UN Amir Saeid Iravani earlier on Monday warned that the Islamic Republic will take “decisive measures” to protect its forces and interests in Syria against any threats posed by the United States or others.
by PressTV
Civil Asset Forfeiture (7:00)
Raytheon Unveils New Dylan Mulvaney-Branded Patriot Missile
WALTHAM, MA — Transgender visibility took yet another step forward today as Raytheon unveiled its new Patriot missile endorsed by transgender TikTok personality Dylan Mulvaney. President Biden immediately celebrated this new line of missiles, hailing it as a leap forward in lethal diversity. “It’s got this Dylan fella’s face all over it,” President Biden said in short remarks before he made several attempts to board Air Force One and depart for an Easter holiday weekend. “Not only is this missile an advanced and deadly tool in our arsenal, but it’s also a symbol of everything the U.S. military has become. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!”
Injustice Halted – Texas Governor Greg Abbott Intervenes In Clear Self-Defense Case To Pardon Wrongfully Accused And Prosecuted
As with many metropolitan areas, Austin Texas sits as an example of what happens when Marxism is allowed to spread like cancer. In a recent trial, a Texas man named Daniel Perry was convicted of murder for shooting and killing a Black Lives Matter protester who was pointing a loaded AK-47 rifle at him. While the local police determined Mr. Perry acted in self-defense, another rogue Soros-backed District Attorney disregarded the evidence, hid exculpatory evidence in the case, and took Mr. Perry to trial. With manipulated and selective evidence presented to the jury, Sgt Daniel Perry was found guilty on Friday. Today, with mounting pressure from an outraged public, Texas Governor Greg Abbott intervenes and says he will pardon Sgt Perry as quickly as possible through the Board of Pardons and Paroles. Let’s be clear though, justice has not been served; an injustice has been halted.
by Sundance
Israeli Extremists Storm Al-Aqsa As Thousands Worldwide Rally In Support Of Palestine
Despite global condemnation, Israeli police continue to assault Palestinian worshipers in Al-Aqsa Mosque to make way for extremist settlers
Hundreds of extremist Israeli settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the early hours of 10 April for the second day in a row. According to the Palestinian Department of Islamic Endowment, the settlers performed “provocative tours and rituals” under heavy police protection. Several Palestinian worshipers, including one of Al-Aqsa’s guards, were forcibly removed from the Muslim holy site on the 19th day of Ramadan. The latest Israeli invasion of Al-Aqsa Mosque came just hours after the Jordanian foreign ministry condemned Tel Aviv for allowing the “violation of the historical and legal situation existing at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and a violation of the sanctity of the holy places.”
by News Desk
Extensive (CDB) Hydrogel Filament Growth In C19 Vaccinated And Unvaccinated Blood Cultures After One Week Of Incubation – A Comparison By Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction With Clifford Carnicom
The four new samples discussed in this article were highly diluted blood at a ratio of 100:1 with water and left to incubate at room temperature for one week. No electrical current or external energy source was applied. None of the individuals have symptoms of Morgellons/ CDB Disease. As we can see in Image 1 above, regardless of unvaccinated status, we have extensive CDB filaments that have developed after one week of blood culture. Even with highly diluted samples, the filament growth is impressive.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
The Irish Have Had Enough (0:47)
Irish protesting against being kicked out of their homes so they can be used to house illegal immigrants. They chant “get them out”.
France Folds
Macron publicly snubs the U.S. returning from a trip to China.
Over the last few years, I’ve been of the opinion that United States policy, both foreign and domestic, has resembled arrogance more than humility. The latest example of this, noted by investors I respect like Luke Gromen, Andy Schectman and Lawrence Lepard, then haplessly echoed by me, was our attempt to try and control the outcome of the Russia/Ukraine war by seizing $630 billion in Russia’s dollar reserves. This effectively put the rest of the world “on notice” that we can, and will, weaponize the dollar should anyone make decisions we don’t approve of. This hubris doesn’t just show up in our foreign policy, it shows up in our monetary policy – namely, our country’s unwavering belief that the U.S. dollar is indestructible and will always be global reserve currency. As I wrote last week, our inability to cut spending, under-consume and otherwise act conservatively from a fiscal and monetary standpoint, in my opinion, remains of the country’s largest Achilles’ Heels.
by Quoth the Raven
Ukraine Xenophobes Attack Priests In Godless Ukraine
As the war against God escalates in the NATO- vs. Russian conflict so far contained in Ukraine, attacks on priests and their parishioners are escalating out of control as the Western Church leaders remain ominously silent. He was splashed with brilliant green in the face, the liquid also got into his eyes, which could cause severe burns. The state of his health is still unknown. The incident was reported on Facebook by the priest’s daughter Dana Mandzyuk: ‘This is the cry of the soul! What is going on in our country. This is my father, Father Vladimir, a priest of the UOC in Stryi. During a church service, green paint was splashed in his face by the so-called nationalists who are seizing our churches.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2117) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #116 – Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up? (Audio 1:40:57)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 10, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up?”
We discussed: the Sven Longshanks clip that we played during the show intro segment; Mark Collett’s excellent analysis of the Sven Longshanks trial entitled “British Justice – Wrong Speak Worse Than Child Abuse” that you can find on his BitChute channel; gangstalking; today’s television review “The Sopranos” a series that ran from 1999 to 2007; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Now powers from home, and discontents at home, meet in one line, and vast confusion waits, as doth the raven on a sick fallen beast, the imminent decay of wrested pomp,”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; shedding; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the dog who ate a goose and caught bird flu; how the British legal system appears to be being used to target and gangstalk people the powers that should not be do not like; why the best disinformation specialists at the BBC have historically been the corporation itself; why you shouldn’t trust the Johnson & Johnson vaccine; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the twitter post on migrants housed across the UK; killer robot dogs; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Humanity Still Alive: Animal Rescues In Turkey And Syria After Earthquake (2:35)
New Atomic-Scale Understanding Of Catalysis Could Unlock Massive Energy Savings
In an advance they consider a breakthrough in computational chemistry research, University of Wisconsin–Madison chemical engineers have developed model of how catalytic reactions work at the atomic scale. This understanding could allow engineers and chemists to develop more efficient catalysts and tune industrial processes—potentially with enormous energy savings, given that 90% of the products we encounter in our lives are produced, at least partially, via catalysis. Catalyst materials accelerate chemical reactions without undergoing changes themselves. They are critical for refining petroleum products and for manufacturing pharmaceuticals, plastics, food additives, fertilizers, green fuels, industrial chemicals and much more.
by Jason Daley
Beijing And Moscow Are Uniting The Middle Eastern Oil Rich Countries – Sunni And Shia Muslims Making Peace
We are living in unprecedented times. I think it is safe to say that nobody alive today has ever seen such a massive realignment of countries in the Middle East coming together to put aside their differences and start working together to try and stop the endless wars, and work together for economic prosperity. And the two countries that are spearheading the uniting of these Middle Eastern countries, are China and Russia. This was a historic week of new meetings between countries in the Middle East, many of which have been bitter enemies with each other, sometimes for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Here is a brief summary of these historical events that took place this past week.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Incentives For Doctors Got Much Higher For A) Recalcitrant Patients And B) Higher Percentages Taking A Covid Shot–Up To $250 Per Patient!
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this.
by Meryl Nass
Billboard Chris Assaulted By Translunatics In Vancouver (1:19)
Fake News Curated By The Deep State: Government Spin Doctors Control The News Cycle
Let’s talk about fake news stories, shall we? There’s the garden variety fake news that is not really “news” so much as it is titillating, tabloid-worthy material peddled by anyone with a Twitter account, a Facebook page and an active imagination. These stories run the gamut from the ridiculous and the obviously click-baity to the satirical and politically manipulative. Anyone with an ounce of sense and access to the Internet should be able to ferret out the truth and lies in these stories with some basic research. That these stories flourish is largely owing to the general gullibility, laziness and media illiteracy of the general public, which through its learned compliance rarely questions, challenges or confronts. Then there’s the more devious kind of news stories circulated by one of the biggest propagators of fake news: the U.S. government.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Syria Rising From The Ashes Of Twelve Years Hybrid War – With Kevork Almassian (58:39)
Israel is cornered and conducting propaganda operations to protect hegemon image
I talk with Syrian journalist and analyst Kevork Almassian about the recent seismic events in Syria starting with the earthquake on February 6th and culminating in some unexpected and positive geopolitical shifts towards a new Pan-Arabism in the region. We discuss what the US, UK and Israel can do to prevent normalisation of trade and economic relations between Syria and former US/UK/Israel-allies in the destabilisation project that began in 2011. The US occupation will end sooner or later and while Israel flexes its military muscles for war it knows it is faced with an unprecedented Resistance unity and military prowess in the region that threatens its existence. Turkey is painting itself into a very tight corner – which way will it turn, East or West? All these questions are discussed in depth.
by Vanessa Beeley
US Deploys Guided-Missile Submarine To Middle East
The United States says a nuclear-powered American guided-missile submarine is operating in the Middle East in support of the US Fifth Fleet, which is based in Bahrain. The USS Florida entered the region on Thursday and began transiting the Suez Canal on Friday, Commander Timothy Hawkins said in a statement on Saturday, according to Reuters. “It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to US 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability,” Hawkins added. This came after the US Navy relocated a warship in the Mediterranean to the coast near Syria after tensions rose between Tehran and Washington over deadly attacks on Iranian military advisors in Syria. Iran’s envoy to the UN Amir Saeid Iravani earlier on Monday warned that the Islamic Republic will take “decisive measures” to protect its forces and interests in Syria against any threats posed by the United States or others.
by PressTV
Civil Asset Forfeiture (7:00)
Raytheon Unveils New Dylan Mulvaney-Branded Patriot Missile
WALTHAM, MA — Transgender visibility took yet another step forward today as Raytheon unveiled its new Patriot missile endorsed by transgender TikTok personality Dylan Mulvaney. President Biden immediately celebrated this new line of missiles, hailing it as a leap forward in lethal diversity. “It’s got this Dylan fella’s face all over it,” President Biden said in short remarks before he made several attempts to board Air Force One and depart for an Easter holiday weekend. “Not only is this missile an advanced and deadly tool in our arsenal, but it’s also a symbol of everything the U.S. military has become. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!”
Injustice Halted – Texas Governor Greg Abbott Intervenes In Clear Self-Defense Case To Pardon Wrongfully Accused And Prosecuted
As with many metropolitan areas, Austin Texas sits as an example of what happens when Marxism is allowed to spread like cancer. In a recent trial, a Texas man named Daniel Perry was convicted of murder for shooting and killing a Black Lives Matter protester who was pointing a loaded AK-47 rifle at him. While the local police determined Mr. Perry acted in self-defense, another rogue Soros-backed District Attorney disregarded the evidence, hid exculpatory evidence in the case, and took Mr. Perry to trial. With manipulated and selective evidence presented to the jury, Sgt Daniel Perry was found guilty on Friday. Today, with mounting pressure from an outraged public, Texas Governor Greg Abbott intervenes and says he will pardon Sgt Perry as quickly as possible through the Board of Pardons and Paroles. Let’s be clear though, justice has not been served; an injustice has been halted.
by Sundance
Ukraine Xenophobes Attack Priests In Godless Ukraine
As the war against God escalates in the NATO- vs. Russian conflict so far contained in Ukraine, attacks on priests and their parishioners are escalating out of control as the Western Church leaders remain ominously silent. He was splashed with brilliant green in the face, the liquid also got into his eyes, which could cause severe burns. The state of his health is still unknown. The incident was reported on Facebook by the priest’s daughter Dana Mandzyuk: ‘This is the cry of the soul! What is going on in our country. This is my father, Father Vladimir, a priest of the UOC in Stryi. During a church service, green paint was splashed in his face by the so-called nationalists who are seizing our churches.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2117) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #116 – Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up? (Audio 1:40:57)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 10, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up?”
We discussed: the Sven Longshanks clip that we played during the show intro segment; Mark Collett’s excellent analysis of the Sven Longshanks trial entitled “British Justice – Wrong Speak Worse Than Child Abuse” that you can find on his BitChute channel; gangstalking; today’s television review “The Sopranos” a series that ran from 1999 to 2007; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Now powers from home, and discontents at home, meet in one line, and vast confusion waits, as doth the raven on a sick fallen beast, the imminent decay of wrested pomp,”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; shedding; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the dog who ate a goose and caught bird flu; how the British legal system appears to be being used to target and gangstalk people the powers that should not be do not like; why the best disinformation specialists at the BBC have historically been the corporation itself; why you shouldn’t trust the Johnson & Johnson vaccine; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the twitter post on migrants housed across the UK; killer robot dogs; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Humanity Still Alive: Animal Rescues In Turkey And Syria After Earthquake (2:35)
New Atomic-Scale Understanding Of Catalysis Could Unlock Massive Energy Savings
In an advance they consider a breakthrough in computational chemistry research, University of Wisconsin–Madison chemical engineers have developed model of how catalytic reactions work at the atomic scale. This understanding could allow engineers and chemists to develop more efficient catalysts and tune industrial processes—potentially with enormous energy savings, given that 90% of the products we encounter in our lives are produced, at least partially, via catalysis. Catalyst materials accelerate chemical reactions without undergoing changes themselves. They are critical for refining petroleum products and for manufacturing pharmaceuticals, plastics, food additives, fertilizers, green fuels, industrial chemicals and much more.
by Jason Daley
Beijing And Moscow Are Uniting The Middle Eastern Oil Rich Countries – Sunni And Shia Muslims Making Peace
We are living in unprecedented times. I think it is safe to say that nobody alive today has ever seen such a massive realignment of countries in the Middle East coming together to put aside their differences and start working together to try and stop the endless wars, and work together for economic prosperity. And the two countries that are spearheading the uniting of these Middle Eastern countries, are China and Russia. This was a historic week of new meetings between countries in the Middle East, many of which have been bitter enemies with each other, sometimes for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Here is a brief summary of these historical events that took place this past week.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Incentives For Doctors Got Much Higher For A) Recalcitrant Patients And B) Higher Percentages Taking A Covid Shot–Up To $250 Per Patient!
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this.
by Meryl Nass
Billboard Chris Assaulted By Translunatics In Vancouver (1:19)
Fake News Curated By The Deep State: Government Spin Doctors Control The News Cycle
Let’s talk about fake news stories, shall we? There’s the garden variety fake news that is not really “news” so much as it is titillating, tabloid-worthy material peddled by anyone with a Twitter account, a Facebook page and an active imagination. These stories run the gamut from the ridiculous and the obviously click-baity to the satirical and politically manipulative. Anyone with an ounce of sense and access to the Internet should be able to ferret out the truth and lies in these stories with some basic research. That these stories flourish is largely owing to the general gullibility, laziness and media illiteracy of the general public, which through its learned compliance rarely questions, challenges or confronts. Then there’s the more devious kind of news stories circulated by one of the biggest propagators of fake news: the U.S. government.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Syria Rising From The Ashes Of Twelve Years Hybrid War – With Kevork Almassian (58:39)
Israel is cornered and conducting propaganda operations to protect hegemon image
I talk with Syrian journalist and analyst Kevork Almassian about the recent seismic events in Syria starting with the earthquake on February 6th and culminating in some unexpected and positive geopolitical shifts towards a new Pan-Arabism in the region. We discuss what the US, UK and Israel can do to prevent normalisation of trade and economic relations between Syria and former US/UK/Israel-allies in the destabilisation project that began in 2011. The US occupation will end sooner or later and while Israel flexes its military muscles for war it knows it is faced with an unprecedented Resistance unity and military prowess in the region that threatens its existence. Turkey is painting itself into a very tight corner – which way will it turn, East or West? All these questions are discussed in depth.
by Vanessa Beeley
US Deploys Guided-Missile Submarine To Middle East
The United States says a nuclear-powered American guided-missile submarine is operating in the Middle East in support of the US Fifth Fleet, which is based in Bahrain. The USS Florida entered the region on Thursday and began transiting the Suez Canal on Friday, Commander Timothy Hawkins said in a statement on Saturday, according to Reuters. “It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to US 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability,” Hawkins added. This came after the US Navy relocated a warship in the Mediterranean to the coast near Syria after tensions rose between Tehran and Washington over deadly attacks on Iranian military advisors in Syria. Iran’s envoy to the UN Amir Saeid Iravani earlier on Monday warned that the Islamic Republic will take “decisive measures” to protect its forces and interests in Syria against any threats posed by the United States or others.
by PressTV
Civil Asset Forfeiture (7:00)
Raytheon Unveils New Dylan Mulvaney-Branded Patriot Missile
WALTHAM, MA — Transgender visibility took yet another step forward today as Raytheon unveiled its new Patriot missile endorsed by transgender TikTok personality Dylan Mulvaney. President Biden immediately celebrated this new line of missiles, hailing it as a leap forward in lethal diversity. “It’s got this Dylan fella’s face all over it,” President Biden said in short remarks before he made several attempts to board Air Force One and depart for an Easter holiday weekend. “Not only is this missile an advanced and deadly tool in our arsenal, but it’s also a symbol of everything the U.S. military has become. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!”
Injustice Halted – Texas Governor Greg Abbott Intervenes In Clear Self-Defense Case To Pardon Wrongfully Accused And Prosecuted
As with many metropolitan areas, Austin Texas sits as an example of what happens when Marxism is allowed to spread like cancer. In a recent trial, a Texas man named Daniel Perry was convicted of murder for shooting and killing a Black Lives Matter protester who was pointing a loaded AK-47 rifle at him. While the local police determined Mr. Perry acted in self-defense, another rogue Soros-backed District Attorney disregarded the evidence, hid exculpatory evidence in the case, and took Mr. Perry to trial. With manipulated and selective evidence presented to the jury, Sgt Daniel Perry was found guilty on Friday. Today, with mounting pressure from an outraged public, Texas Governor Greg Abbott intervenes and says he will pardon Sgt Perry as quickly as possible through the Board of Pardons and Paroles. Let’s be clear though, justice has not been served; an injustice has been halted.
by Sundance
Yankee Go Home: Member Of The Bundestag Sevim Dagdelen (1:21)
“After 78 years, it’s time for American soldiers to return home, all other allies have long since left Germany! US foreign policy is marked by violations of international law and support for coups. They don’t need allies, they need vassals!”
The US Attorney In Utah Has Given The Anti-Vax Movement In America The Greatest Gift Ever
They charged Kirk Moore with a crime. Dr. Moore is allowed discovery to prove his innocence. This means he gets access to Medicare, NDI, and all state death and vaccination records. JACKPOT!
The US Attorney in Utah issued a criminal indictment against Dr. Kirk Moore for “running a COVID-19 Vaccine Scheme to Defraud the Government and CDC.” But what if Dr. Moore was actually saving lives instead and is a hero? Since this is a criminal proceeding in federal court, Dr. Moore cannot be denied discovery to show that the vaccines are deadly. This is relevant due to the opportunity for jury nullification where a jury has the right to issue a “not guilty” verdict if they believe the law is unjust. If the judge denies Moore the discovery, he can appeal because there is no country in the world that has correlated the death-vax data and released the records for public analysis. They all keep it hidden behind closed doors and all attempts to get that data have been rebuffed.
by Steve Kirsch
Israeli Extremists Storm Al-Aqsa As Thousands Worldwide Rally In Support Of Palestine
Despite global condemnation, Israeli police continue to assault Palestinian worshipers in Al-Aqsa Mosque to make way for extremist settlers
Hundreds of extremist Israeli settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the early hours of 10 April for the second day in a row. According to the Palestinian Department of Islamic Endowment, the settlers performed “provocative tours and rituals” under heavy police protection. Several Palestinian worshipers, including one of Al-Aqsa’s guards, were forcibly removed from the Muslim holy site on the 19th day of Ramadan. The latest Israeli invasion of Al-Aqsa Mosque came just hours after the Jordanian foreign ministry condemned Tel Aviv for allowing the “violation of the historical and legal situation existing at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and a violation of the sanctity of the holy places.”
by News Desk
Extensive (CDB) Hydrogel Filament Growth In C19 Vaccinated And Unvaccinated Blood Cultures After One Week Of Incubation – A Comparison By Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction With Clifford Carnicom
The four new samples discussed in this article were highly diluted blood at a ratio of 100:1 with water and left to incubate at room temperature for one week. No electrical current or external energy source was applied. None of the individuals have symptoms of Morgellons/ CDB Disease. As we can see in Image 1 above, regardless of unvaccinated status, we have extensive CDB filaments that have developed after one week of blood culture. Even with highly diluted samples, the filament growth is impressive.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
The Irish Have Had Enough (0:47)
Irish protesting against being kicked out of their homes so they can be used to house illegal immigrants. They chant “get them out”.
France Folds
Macron publicly snubs the U.S. returning from a trip to China.
Over the last few years, I’ve been of the opinion that United States policy, both foreign and domestic, has resembled arrogance more than humility. The latest example of this, noted by investors I respect like Luke Gromen, Andy Schectman and Lawrence Lepard, then haplessly echoed by me, was our attempt to try and control the outcome of the Russia/Ukraine war by seizing $630 billion in Russia’s dollar reserves. This effectively put the rest of the world “on notice” that we can, and will, weaponize the dollar should anyone make decisions we don’t approve of. This hubris doesn’t just show up in our foreign policy, it shows up in our monetary policy – namely, our country’s unwavering belief that the U.S. dollar is indestructible and will always be global reserve currency. As I wrote last week, our inability to cut spending, under-consume and otherwise act conservatively from a fiscal and monetary standpoint, in my opinion, remains of the country’s largest Achilles’ Heels.
by Quoth the Raven
Ukraine Xenophobes Attack Priests In Godless Ukraine
As the war against God escalates in the NATO- vs. Russian conflict so far contained in Ukraine, attacks on priests and their parishioners are escalating out of control as the Western Church leaders remain ominously silent. He was splashed with brilliant green in the face, the liquid also got into his eyes, which could cause severe burns. The state of his health is still unknown. The incident was reported on Facebook by the priest’s daughter Dana Mandzyuk: ‘This is the cry of the soul! What is going on in our country. This is my father, Father Vladimir, a priest of the UOC in Stryi. During a church service, green paint was splashed in his face by the so-called nationalists who are seizing our churches.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2117) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #116 – Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up? (Audio 1:40:57)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 10, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up?”
We discussed: the Sven Longshanks clip that we played during the show intro segment; Mark Collett’s excellent analysis of the Sven Longshanks trial entitled “British Justice – Wrong Speak Worse Than Child Abuse” that you can find on his BitChute channel; gangstalking; today’s television review “The Sopranos” a series that ran from 1999 to 2007; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Now powers from home, and discontents at home, meet in one line, and vast confusion waits, as doth the raven on a sick fallen beast, the imminent decay of wrested pomp,”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; shedding; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the dog who ate a goose and caught bird flu; how the British legal system appears to be being used to target and gangstalk people the powers that should not be do not like; why the best disinformation specialists at the BBC have historically been the corporation itself; why you shouldn’t trust the Johnson & Johnson vaccine; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the twitter post on migrants housed across the UK; killer robot dogs; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Humanity Still Alive: Animal Rescues In Turkey And Syria After Earthquake (2:35)
New Atomic-Scale Understanding Of Catalysis Could Unlock Massive Energy Savings
In an advance they consider a breakthrough in computational chemistry research, University of Wisconsin–Madison chemical engineers have developed model of how catalytic reactions work at the atomic scale. This understanding could allow engineers and chemists to develop more efficient catalysts and tune industrial processes—potentially with enormous energy savings, given that 90% of the products we encounter in our lives are produced, at least partially, via catalysis. Catalyst materials accelerate chemical reactions without undergoing changes themselves. They are critical for refining petroleum products and for manufacturing pharmaceuticals, plastics, food additives, fertilizers, green fuels, industrial chemicals and much more.
by Jason Daley
Beijing And Moscow Are Uniting The Middle Eastern Oil Rich Countries – Sunni And Shia Muslims Making Peace
We are living in unprecedented times. I think it is safe to say that nobody alive today has ever seen such a massive realignment of countries in the Middle East coming together to put aside their differences and start working together to try and stop the endless wars, and work together for economic prosperity. And the two countries that are spearheading the uniting of these Middle Eastern countries, are China and Russia. This was a historic week of new meetings between countries in the Middle East, many of which have been bitter enemies with each other, sometimes for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Here is a brief summary of these historical events that took place this past week.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Incentives For Doctors Got Much Higher For A) Recalcitrant Patients And B) Higher Percentages Taking A Covid Shot–Up To $250 Per Patient!
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this.
by Meryl Nass
Billboard Chris Assaulted By Translunatics In Vancouver (1:19)
Fake News Curated By The Deep State: Government Spin Doctors Control The News Cycle
Let’s talk about fake news stories, shall we? There’s the garden variety fake news that is not really “news” so much as it is titillating, tabloid-worthy material peddled by anyone with a Twitter account, a Facebook page and an active imagination. These stories run the gamut from the ridiculous and the obviously click-baity to the satirical and politically manipulative. Anyone with an ounce of sense and access to the Internet should be able to ferret out the truth and lies in these stories with some basic research. That these stories flourish is largely owing to the general gullibility, laziness and media illiteracy of the general public, which through its learned compliance rarely questions, challenges or confronts. Then there’s the more devious kind of news stories circulated by one of the biggest propagators of fake news: the U.S. government.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Syria Rising From The Ashes Of Twelve Years Hybrid War – With Kevork Almassian (58:39)
Israel is cornered and conducting propaganda operations to protect hegemon image
I talk with Syrian journalist and analyst Kevork Almassian about the recent seismic events in Syria starting with the earthquake on February 6th and culminating in some unexpected and positive geopolitical shifts towards a new Pan-Arabism in the region. We discuss what the US, UK and Israel can do to prevent normalisation of trade and economic relations between Syria and former US/UK/Israel-allies in the destabilisation project that began in 2011. The US occupation will end sooner or later and while Israel flexes its military muscles for war it knows it is faced with an unprecedented Resistance unity and military prowess in the region that threatens its existence. Turkey is painting itself into a very tight corner – which way will it turn, East or West? All these questions are discussed in depth.
by Vanessa Beeley
US Deploys Guided-Missile Submarine To Middle East
The United States says a nuclear-powered American guided-missile submarine is operating in the Middle East in support of the US Fifth Fleet, which is based in Bahrain. The USS Florida entered the region on Thursday and began transiting the Suez Canal on Friday, Commander Timothy Hawkins said in a statement on Saturday, according to Reuters. “It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to US 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability,” Hawkins added. This came after the US Navy relocated a warship in the Mediterranean to the coast near Syria after tensions rose between Tehran and Washington over deadly attacks on Iranian military advisors in Syria. Iran’s envoy to the UN Amir Saeid Iravani earlier on Monday warned that the Islamic Republic will take “decisive measures” to protect its forces and interests in Syria against any threats posed by the United States or others.
by PressTV
Civil Asset Forfeiture (7:00)
Raytheon Unveils New Dylan Mulvaney-Branded Patriot Missile
WALTHAM, MA — Transgender visibility took yet another step forward today as Raytheon unveiled its new Patriot missile endorsed by transgender TikTok personality Dylan Mulvaney. President Biden immediately celebrated this new line of missiles, hailing it as a leap forward in lethal diversity. “It’s got this Dylan fella’s face all over it,” President Biden said in short remarks before he made several attempts to board Air Force One and depart for an Easter holiday weekend. “Not only is this missile an advanced and deadly tool in our arsenal, but it’s also a symbol of everything the U.S. military has become. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!”
Injustice Halted – Texas Governor Greg Abbott Intervenes In Clear Self-Defense Case To Pardon Wrongfully Accused And Prosecuted
As with many metropolitan areas, Austin Texas sits as an example of what happens when Marxism is allowed to spread like cancer. In a recent trial, a Texas man named Daniel Perry was convicted of murder for shooting and killing a Black Lives Matter protester who was pointing a loaded AK-47 rifle at him. While the local police determined Mr. Perry acted in self-defense, another rogue Soros-backed District Attorney disregarded the evidence, hid exculpatory evidence in the case, and took Mr. Perry to trial. With manipulated and selective evidence presented to the jury, Sgt Daniel Perry was found guilty on Friday. Today, with mounting pressure from an outraged public, Texas Governor Greg Abbott intervenes and says he will pardon Sgt Perry as quickly as possible through the Board of Pardons and Paroles. Let’s be clear though, justice has not been served; an injustice has been halted.
by Sundance
Ukraine Xenophobes Attack Priests In Godless Ukraine
As the war against God escalates in the NATO- vs. Russian conflict so far contained in Ukraine, attacks on priests and their parishioners are escalating out of control as the Western Church leaders remain ominously silent. He was splashed with brilliant green in the face, the liquid also got into his eyes, which could cause severe burns. The state of his health is still unknown. The incident was reported on Facebook by the priest’s daughter Dana Mandzyuk: ‘This is the cry of the soul! What is going on in our country. This is my father, Father Vladimir, a priest of the UOC in Stryi. During a church service, green paint was splashed in his face by the so-called nationalists who are seizing our churches.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2117) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #116 – Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up? (Audio 1:40:57)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 10, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up?”
We discussed: the Sven Longshanks clip that we played during the show intro segment; Mark Collett’s excellent analysis of the Sven Longshanks trial entitled “British Justice – Wrong Speak Worse Than Child Abuse” that you can find on his BitChute channel; gangstalking; today’s television review “The Sopranos” a series that ran from 1999 to 2007; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Now powers from home, and discontents at home, meet in one line, and vast confusion waits, as doth the raven on a sick fallen beast, the imminent decay of wrested pomp,”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; shedding; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the dog who ate a goose and caught bird flu; how the British legal system appears to be being used to target and gangstalk people the powers that should not be do not like; why the best disinformation specialists at the BBC have historically been the corporation itself; why you shouldn’t trust the Johnson & Johnson vaccine; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the twitter post on migrants housed across the UK; killer robot dogs; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Humanity Still Alive: Animal Rescues In Turkey And Syria After Earthquake (2:35)
New Atomic-Scale Understanding Of Catalysis Could Unlock Massive Energy Savings
In an advance they consider a breakthrough in computational chemistry research, University of Wisconsin–Madison chemical engineers have developed model of how catalytic reactions work at the atomic scale. This understanding could allow engineers and chemists to develop more efficient catalysts and tune industrial processes—potentially with enormous energy savings, given that 90% of the products we encounter in our lives are produced, at least partially, via catalysis. Catalyst materials accelerate chemical reactions without undergoing changes themselves. They are critical for refining petroleum products and for manufacturing pharmaceuticals, plastics, food additives, fertilizers, green fuels, industrial chemicals and much more.
by Jason Daley
Beijing And Moscow Are Uniting The Middle Eastern Oil Rich Countries – Sunni And Shia Muslims Making Peace
We are living in unprecedented times. I think it is safe to say that nobody alive today has ever seen such a massive realignment of countries in the Middle East coming together to put aside their differences and start working together to try and stop the endless wars, and work together for economic prosperity. And the two countries that are spearheading the uniting of these Middle Eastern countries, are China and Russia. This was a historic week of new meetings between countries in the Middle East, many of which have been bitter enemies with each other, sometimes for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Here is a brief summary of these historical events that took place this past week.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Incentives For Doctors Got Much Higher For A) Recalcitrant Patients And B) Higher Percentages Taking A Covid Shot–Up To $250 Per Patient!
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this.
by Meryl Nass
Billboard Chris Assaulted By Translunatics In Vancouver (1:19)
Fake News Curated By The Deep State: Government Spin Doctors Control The News Cycle
Let’s talk about fake news stories, shall we? There’s the garden variety fake news that is not really “news” so much as it is titillating, tabloid-worthy material peddled by anyone with a Twitter account, a Facebook page and an active imagination. These stories run the gamut from the ridiculous and the obviously click-baity to the satirical and politically manipulative. Anyone with an ounce of sense and access to the Internet should be able to ferret out the truth and lies in these stories with some basic research. That these stories flourish is largely owing to the general gullibility, laziness and media illiteracy of the general public, which through its learned compliance rarely questions, challenges or confronts. Then there’s the more devious kind of news stories circulated by one of the biggest propagators of fake news: the U.S. government.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Syria Rising From The Ashes Of Twelve Years Hybrid War – With Kevork Almassian (58:39)
Israel is cornered and conducting propaganda operations to protect hegemon image
I talk with Syrian journalist and analyst Kevork Almassian about the recent seismic events in Syria starting with the earthquake on February 6th and culminating in some unexpected and positive geopolitical shifts towards a new Pan-Arabism in the region. We discuss what the US, UK and Israel can do to prevent normalisation of trade and economic relations between Syria and former US/UK/Israel-allies in the destabilisation project that began in 2011. The US occupation will end sooner or later and while Israel flexes its military muscles for war it knows it is faced with an unprecedented Resistance unity and military prowess in the region that threatens its existence. Turkey is painting itself into a very tight corner – which way will it turn, East or West? All these questions are discussed in depth.
by Vanessa Beeley
US Deploys Guided-Missile Submarine To Middle East
The United States says a nuclear-powered American guided-missile submarine is operating in the Middle East in support of the US Fifth Fleet, which is based in Bahrain. The USS Florida entered the region on Thursday and began transiting the Suez Canal on Friday, Commander Timothy Hawkins said in a statement on Saturday, according to Reuters. “It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to US 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability,” Hawkins added. This came after the US Navy relocated a warship in the Mediterranean to the coast near Syria after tensions rose between Tehran and Washington over deadly attacks on Iranian military advisors in Syria. Iran’s envoy to the UN Amir Saeid Iravani earlier on Monday warned that the Islamic Republic will take “decisive measures” to protect its forces and interests in Syria against any threats posed by the United States or others.
by PressTV
Civil Asset Forfeiture (7:00)
Raytheon Unveils New Dylan Mulvaney-Branded Patriot Missile
WALTHAM, MA — Transgender visibility took yet another step forward today as Raytheon unveiled its new Patriot missile endorsed by transgender TikTok personality Dylan Mulvaney. President Biden immediately celebrated this new line of missiles, hailing it as a leap forward in lethal diversity. “It’s got this Dylan fella’s face all over it,” President Biden said in short remarks before he made several attempts to board Air Force One and depart for an Easter holiday weekend. “Not only is this missile an advanced and deadly tool in our arsenal, but it’s also a symbol of everything the U.S. military has become. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!”
Injustice Halted – Texas Governor Greg Abbott Intervenes In Clear Self-Defense Case To Pardon Wrongfully Accused And Prosecuted
As with many metropolitan areas, Austin Texas sits as an example of what happens when Marxism is allowed to spread like cancer. In a recent trial, a Texas man named Daniel Perry was convicted of murder for shooting and killing a Black Lives Matter protester who was pointing a loaded AK-47 rifle at him. While the local police determined Mr. Perry acted in self-defense, another rogue Soros-backed District Attorney disregarded the evidence, hid exculpatory evidence in the case, and took Mr. Perry to trial. With manipulated and selective evidence presented to the jury, Sgt Daniel Perry was found guilty on Friday. Today, with mounting pressure from an outraged public, Texas Governor Greg Abbott intervenes and says he will pardon Sgt Perry as quickly as possible through the Board of Pardons and Paroles. Let’s be clear though, justice has not been served; an injustice has been halted.
by Sundance
Israeli Extremists Storm Al-Aqsa As Thousands Worldwide Rally In Support Of Palestine
Despite global condemnation, Israeli police continue to assault Palestinian worshipers in Al-Aqsa Mosque to make way for extremist settlers
Hundreds of extremist Israeli settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the early hours of 10 April for the second day in a row. According to the Palestinian Department of Islamic Endowment, the settlers performed “provocative tours and rituals” under heavy police protection. Several Palestinian worshipers, including one of Al-Aqsa’s guards, were forcibly removed from the Muslim holy site on the 19th day of Ramadan. The latest Israeli invasion of Al-Aqsa Mosque came just hours after the Jordanian foreign ministry condemned Tel Aviv for allowing the “violation of the historical and legal situation existing at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and a violation of the sanctity of the holy places.”
by News Desk
Extensive (CDB) Hydrogel Filament Growth In C19 Vaccinated And Unvaccinated Blood Cultures After One Week Of Incubation – A Comparison By Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction With Clifford Carnicom
The four new samples discussed in this article were highly diluted blood at a ratio of 100:1 with water and left to incubate at room temperature for one week. No electrical current or external energy source was applied. None of the individuals have symptoms of Morgellons/ CDB Disease. As we can see in Image 1 above, regardless of unvaccinated status, we have extensive CDB filaments that have developed after one week of blood culture. Even with highly diluted samples, the filament growth is impressive.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
The Irish Have Had Enough (0:47)
Irish protesting against being kicked out of their homes so they can be used to house illegal immigrants. They chant “get them out”.
France Folds
Macron publicly snubs the U.S. returning from a trip to China.
Over the last few years, I’ve been of the opinion that United States policy, both foreign and domestic, has resembled arrogance more than humility. The latest example of this, noted by investors I respect like Luke Gromen, Andy Schectman and Lawrence Lepard, then haplessly echoed by me, was our attempt to try and control the outcome of the Russia/Ukraine war by seizing $630 billion in Russia’s dollar reserves. This effectively put the rest of the world “on notice” that we can, and will, weaponize the dollar should anyone make decisions we don’t approve of. This hubris doesn’t just show up in our foreign policy, it shows up in our monetary policy – namely, our country’s unwavering belief that the U.S. dollar is indestructible and will always be global reserve currency. As I wrote last week, our inability to cut spending, under-consume and otherwise act conservatively from a fiscal and monetary standpoint, in my opinion, remains of the country’s largest Achilles’ Heels.
by Quoth the Raven
Ukraine Xenophobes Attack Priests In Godless Ukraine
As the war against God escalates in the NATO- vs. Russian conflict so far contained in Ukraine, attacks on priests and their parishioners are escalating out of control as the Western Church leaders remain ominously silent. He was splashed with brilliant green in the face, the liquid also got into his eyes, which could cause severe burns. The state of his health is still unknown. The incident was reported on Facebook by the priest’s daughter Dana Mandzyuk: ‘This is the cry of the soul! What is going on in our country. This is my father, Father Vladimir, a priest of the UOC in Stryi. During a church service, green paint was splashed in his face by the so-called nationalists who are seizing our churches.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2117) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #116 – Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up? (Audio 1:40:57)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 10, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up?”
We discussed: the Sven Longshanks clip that we played during the show intro segment; Mark Collett’s excellent analysis of the Sven Longshanks trial entitled “British Justice – Wrong Speak Worse Than Child Abuse” that you can find on his BitChute channel; gangstalking; today’s television review “The Sopranos” a series that ran from 1999 to 2007; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Now powers from home, and discontents at home, meet in one line, and vast confusion waits, as doth the raven on a sick fallen beast, the imminent decay of wrested pomp,”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; shedding; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the dog who ate a goose and caught bird flu; how the British legal system appears to be being used to target and gangstalk people the powers that should not be do not like; why the best disinformation specialists at the BBC have historically been the corporation itself; why you shouldn’t trust the Johnson & Johnson vaccine; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the twitter post on migrants housed across the UK; killer robot dogs; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Humanity Still Alive: Animal Rescues In Turkey And Syria After Earthquake (2:35)
New Atomic-Scale Understanding Of Catalysis Could Unlock Massive Energy Savings
In an advance they consider a breakthrough in computational chemistry research, University of Wisconsin–Madison chemical engineers have developed model of how catalytic reactions work at the atomic scale. This understanding could allow engineers and chemists to develop more efficient catalysts and tune industrial processes—potentially with enormous energy savings, given that 90% of the products we encounter in our lives are produced, at least partially, via catalysis. Catalyst materials accelerate chemical reactions without undergoing changes themselves. They are critical for refining petroleum products and for manufacturing pharmaceuticals, plastics, food additives, fertilizers, green fuels, industrial chemicals and much more.
by Jason Daley
Beijing And Moscow Are Uniting The Middle Eastern Oil Rich Countries – Sunni And Shia Muslims Making Peace
We are living in unprecedented times. I think it is safe to say that nobody alive today has ever seen such a massive realignment of countries in the Middle East coming together to put aside their differences and start working together to try and stop the endless wars, and work together for economic prosperity. And the two countries that are spearheading the uniting of these Middle Eastern countries, are China and Russia. This was a historic week of new meetings between countries in the Middle East, many of which have been bitter enemies with each other, sometimes for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Here is a brief summary of these historical events that took place this past week.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Incentives For Doctors Got Much Higher For A) Recalcitrant Patients And B) Higher Percentages Taking A Covid Shot–Up To $250 Per Patient!
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this.
by Meryl Nass
Billboard Chris Assaulted By Translunatics In Vancouver (1:19)
Fake News Curated By The Deep State: Government Spin Doctors Control The News Cycle
Let’s talk about fake news stories, shall we? There’s the garden variety fake news that is not really “news” so much as it is titillating, tabloid-worthy material peddled by anyone with a Twitter account, a Facebook page and an active imagination. These stories run the gamut from the ridiculous and the obviously click-baity to the satirical and politically manipulative. Anyone with an ounce of sense and access to the Internet should be able to ferret out the truth and lies in these stories with some basic research. That these stories flourish is largely owing to the general gullibility, laziness and media illiteracy of the general public, which through its learned compliance rarely questions, challenges or confronts. Then there’s the more devious kind of news stories circulated by one of the biggest propagators of fake news: the U.S. government.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Syria Rising From The Ashes Of Twelve Years Hybrid War – With Kevork Almassian (58:39)
Israel is cornered and conducting propaganda operations to protect hegemon image
I talk with Syrian journalist and analyst Kevork Almassian about the recent seismic events in Syria starting with the earthquake on February 6th and culminating in some unexpected and positive geopolitical shifts towards a new Pan-Arabism in the region. We discuss what the US, UK and Israel can do to prevent normalisation of trade and economic relations between Syria and former US/UK/Israel-allies in the destabilisation project that began in 2011. The US occupation will end sooner or later and while Israel flexes its military muscles for war it knows it is faced with an unprecedented Resistance unity and military prowess in the region that threatens its existence. Turkey is painting itself into a very tight corner – which way will it turn, East or West? All these questions are discussed in depth.
by Vanessa Beeley
US Deploys Guided-Missile Submarine To Middle East
The United States says a nuclear-powered American guided-missile submarine is operating in the Middle East in support of the US Fifth Fleet, which is based in Bahrain. The USS Florida entered the region on Thursday and began transiting the Suez Canal on Friday, Commander Timothy Hawkins said in a statement on Saturday, according to Reuters. “It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to US 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability,” Hawkins added. This came after the US Navy relocated a warship in the Mediterranean to the coast near Syria after tensions rose between Tehran and Washington over deadly attacks on Iranian military advisors in Syria. Iran’s envoy to the UN Amir Saeid Iravani earlier on Monday warned that the Islamic Republic will take “decisive measures” to protect its forces and interests in Syria against any threats posed by the United States or others.
by PressTV
Civil Asset Forfeiture (7:00)
Raytheon Unveils New Dylan Mulvaney-Branded Patriot Missile
WALTHAM, MA — Transgender visibility took yet another step forward today as Raytheon unveiled its new Patriot missile endorsed by transgender TikTok personality Dylan Mulvaney. President Biden immediately celebrated this new line of missiles, hailing it as a leap forward in lethal diversity. “It’s got this Dylan fella’s face all over it,” President Biden said in short remarks before he made several attempts to board Air Force One and depart for an Easter holiday weekend. “Not only is this missile an advanced and deadly tool in our arsenal, but it’s also a symbol of everything the U.S. military has become. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!”
Injustice Halted – Texas Governor Greg Abbott Intervenes In Clear Self-Defense Case To Pardon Wrongfully Accused And Prosecuted
As with many metropolitan areas, Austin Texas sits as an example of what happens when Marxism is allowed to spread like cancer. In a recent trial, a Texas man named Daniel Perry was convicted of murder for shooting and killing a Black Lives Matter protester who was pointing a loaded AK-47 rifle at him. While the local police determined Mr. Perry acted in self-defense, another rogue Soros-backed District Attorney disregarded the evidence, hid exculpatory evidence in the case, and took Mr. Perry to trial. With manipulated and selective evidence presented to the jury, Sgt Daniel Perry was found guilty on Friday. Today, with mounting pressure from an outraged public, Texas Governor Greg Abbott intervenes and says he will pardon Sgt Perry as quickly as possible through the Board of Pardons and Paroles. Let’s be clear though, justice has not been served; an injustice has been halted.
by Sundance
Ukraine Xenophobes Attack Priests In Godless Ukraine
As the war against God escalates in the NATO- vs. Russian conflict so far contained in Ukraine, attacks on priests and their parishioners are escalating out of control as the Western Church leaders remain ominously silent. He was splashed with brilliant green in the face, the liquid also got into his eyes, which could cause severe burns. The state of his health is still unknown. The incident was reported on Facebook by the priest’s daughter Dana Mandzyuk: ‘This is the cry of the soul! What is going on in our country. This is my father, Father Vladimir, a priest of the UOC in Stryi. During a church service, green paint was splashed in his face by the so-called nationalists who are seizing our churches.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2117) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #116 – Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up? (Audio 1:40:57)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 10, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up?”
We discussed: the Sven Longshanks clip that we played during the show intro segment; Mark Collett’s excellent analysis of the Sven Longshanks trial entitled “British Justice – Wrong Speak Worse Than Child Abuse” that you can find on his BitChute channel; gangstalking; today’s television review “The Sopranos” a series that ran from 1999 to 2007; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Now powers from home, and discontents at home, meet in one line, and vast confusion waits, as doth the raven on a sick fallen beast, the imminent decay of wrested pomp,”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; shedding; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the dog who ate a goose and caught bird flu; how the British legal system appears to be being used to target and gangstalk people the powers that should not be do not like; why the best disinformation specialists at the BBC have historically been the corporation itself; why you shouldn’t trust the Johnson & Johnson vaccine; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the twitter post on migrants housed across the UK; killer robot dogs; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Humanity Still Alive: Animal Rescues In Turkey And Syria After Earthquake (2:35)
New Atomic-Scale Understanding Of Catalysis Could Unlock Massive Energy Savings
In an advance they consider a breakthrough in computational chemistry research, University of Wisconsin–Madison chemical engineers have developed model of how catalytic reactions work at the atomic scale. This understanding could allow engineers and chemists to develop more efficient catalysts and tune industrial processes—potentially with enormous energy savings, given that 90% of the products we encounter in our lives are produced, at least partially, via catalysis. Catalyst materials accelerate chemical reactions without undergoing changes themselves. They are critical for refining petroleum products and for manufacturing pharmaceuticals, plastics, food additives, fertilizers, green fuels, industrial chemicals and much more.
by Jason Daley
Beijing And Moscow Are Uniting The Middle Eastern Oil Rich Countries – Sunni And Shia Muslims Making Peace
We are living in unprecedented times. I think it is safe to say that nobody alive today has ever seen such a massive realignment of countries in the Middle East coming together to put aside their differences and start working together to try and stop the endless wars, and work together for economic prosperity. And the two countries that are spearheading the uniting of these Middle Eastern countries, are China and Russia. This was a historic week of new meetings between countries in the Middle East, many of which have been bitter enemies with each other, sometimes for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Here is a brief summary of these historical events that took place this past week.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Incentives For Doctors Got Much Higher For A) Recalcitrant Patients And B) Higher Percentages Taking A Covid Shot–Up To $250 Per Patient!
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this.
by Meryl Nass
Billboard Chris Assaulted By Translunatics In Vancouver (1:19)
Fake News Curated By The Deep State: Government Spin Doctors Control The News Cycle
Let’s talk about fake news stories, shall we? There’s the garden variety fake news that is not really “news” so much as it is titillating, tabloid-worthy material peddled by anyone with a Twitter account, a Facebook page and an active imagination. These stories run the gamut from the ridiculous and the obviously click-baity to the satirical and politically manipulative. Anyone with an ounce of sense and access to the Internet should be able to ferret out the truth and lies in these stories with some basic research. That these stories flourish is largely owing to the general gullibility, laziness and media illiteracy of the general public, which through its learned compliance rarely questions, challenges or confronts. Then there’s the more devious kind of news stories circulated by one of the biggest propagators of fake news: the U.S. government.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Syria Rising From The Ashes Of Twelve Years Hybrid War – With Kevork Almassian (58:39)
Israel is cornered and conducting propaganda operations to protect hegemon image
I talk with Syrian journalist and analyst Kevork Almassian about the recent seismic events in Syria starting with the earthquake on February 6th and culminating in some unexpected and positive geopolitical shifts towards a new Pan-Arabism in the region. We discuss what the US, UK and Israel can do to prevent normalisation of trade and economic relations between Syria and former US/UK/Israel-allies in the destabilisation project that began in 2011. The US occupation will end sooner or later and while Israel flexes its military muscles for war it knows it is faced with an unprecedented Resistance unity and military prowess in the region that threatens its existence. Turkey is painting itself into a very tight corner – which way will it turn, East or West? All these questions are discussed in depth.
by Vanessa Beeley
US Deploys Guided-Missile Submarine To Middle East
The United States says a nuclear-powered American guided-missile submarine is operating in the Middle East in support of the US Fifth Fleet, which is based in Bahrain. The USS Florida entered the region on Thursday and began transiting the Suez Canal on Friday, Commander Timothy Hawkins said in a statement on Saturday, according to Reuters. “It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to US 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability,” Hawkins added. This came after the US Navy relocated a warship in the Mediterranean to the coast near Syria after tensions rose between Tehran and Washington over deadly attacks on Iranian military advisors in Syria. Iran’s envoy to the UN Amir Saeid Iravani earlier on Monday warned that the Islamic Republic will take “decisive measures” to protect its forces and interests in Syria against any threats posed by the United States or others.
by PressTV
Civil Asset Forfeiture (7:00)
Raytheon Unveils New Dylan Mulvaney-Branded Patriot Missile
WALTHAM, MA — Transgender visibility took yet another step forward today as Raytheon unveiled its new Patriot missile endorsed by transgender TikTok personality Dylan Mulvaney. President Biden immediately celebrated this new line of missiles, hailing it as a leap forward in lethal diversity. “It’s got this Dylan fella’s face all over it,” President Biden said in short remarks before he made several attempts to board Air Force One and depart for an Easter holiday weekend. “Not only is this missile an advanced and deadly tool in our arsenal, but it’s also a symbol of everything the U.S. military has become. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!”
Injustice Halted – Texas Governor Greg Abbott Intervenes In Clear Self-Defense Case To Pardon Wrongfully Accused And Prosecuted
As with many metropolitan areas, Austin Texas sits as an example of what happens when Marxism is allowed to spread like cancer. In a recent trial, a Texas man named Daniel Perry was convicted of murder for shooting and killing a Black Lives Matter protester who was pointing a loaded AK-47 rifle at him. While the local police determined Mr. Perry acted in self-defense, another rogue Soros-backed District Attorney disregarded the evidence, hid exculpatory evidence in the case, and took Mr. Perry to trial. With manipulated and selective evidence presented to the jury, Sgt Daniel Perry was found guilty on Friday. Today, with mounting pressure from an outraged public, Texas Governor Greg Abbott intervenes and says he will pardon Sgt Perry as quickly as possible through the Board of Pardons and Paroles. Let’s be clear though, justice has not been served; an injustice has been halted.
by Sundance
“This Is The Biggest Biopharmaceutical Safety Disaster In World History.” Dr. Peter Mccullough (1:28)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Soros Junior’s White House Access Revealed
Alexander is regarded as his father’s ‘new ambassador,’ one critic claims
Alexander Soros, the son of billionaire and longtime Democratic Party donor George Soros, has made at least fourteen visits to the White House since Joe Biden took office, according to visitor logs seen by the New York Post. The younger Soros, 37, a noted Democratic Party fundraiser, met with Biden administration officials a minimum of twelve times last year, according to recently updated logs. He also visited twice in 2021. Alexander Soros is the chair of the liberal Open Society Foundations, whose remit, it says, is to provide grants to causes that promote “the growth of inclusive and vibrant democracies.” His father George Soros set up the foundation, which has distributed more than $32 billion to various causes supporting liberal issues since 1998. He is a deeply controversial figure within some conservative sections in the US and abroad, who argue that his ‘philanthropy’ is merely political meddling.
by RT
Proof, Truth And Evidence
I both wish more people understood what I know, and at the same time, wish this knowledge upon no one.
April 9, 2023: I recently had the honor of being interviewed by Sweden’s Ulf Bittner. We addressed many topics; from evidence of Pfizer’s conspiracy to commit a crime to the global cases being brought against Pfizer, as well as the use of CryoEM in the development and engineering of graphene oxide into Pfizer’s P2-S spike proteins. I began discussing the effects on the babies and toddlers, but became emotional. I have yet to get through the criminal experimentation on the babies and toddlers with the mRNA technology without becoming visually upset. I both wish more people understood what I know, and at the same time, wish this knowledge upon no one.
by Karen Kingston
EMJ Live #19: Was John The Apostle An Anti-Semite? (1:14:18)
On this EMJ Live Good Friday special Dr. Jones brakes down the recent Jewish controversy surrounding Gospel of John.
Easter Essay: Only Wonder Knows
Being ‘religious’ doesn’t mean being pious and pure; it means being alive, aware, awake and alert, always with an eye towards the horizon and the mission of moving towards the Mystery beyond.
Back in the early summer of 2013, shortly after coming back to Ireland from Rome, where I had addressed a crowd of 200,000 people in St Peter’s Square alongside the recently elected Cardinal Borgoglio, ostensibly as pope, though by his own description as ‘Bishop of Rome’, I went on Miriam O’Callaghan’s morning radio show on RTÉ Radio One to talk about the experience. I should add here that, at the time, I had no way of foreseeing the level of destruction that Bergoglio would wreak on the Church and the world from the Chair of Peter. I had been greatly saddened by the apparent abdication of Pope Benedict XVI, but at the time reasonably convinced that this had occurred solely due to his advancing age and deteriorating health. I was therefore as enthused about my trip to Rome as you might expect me to be, as a returned Prodigal who had come to see that the Church, for all its human faults, was the voice of God in the world and the greatest existing repository of human experience and self-understanding through the ages.
by John Waters
North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) Is Not A Defensive Bloc
NATO is not a defensive bloc at all, but only a tool of the American power elites to advance their own interests. This statement was made by a former member of the Swedish Parliament and a former UN employee, Roger Richthoff, in an interview with the SwebbTV portal. The entry of Sweden and Finland into the North Atlantic Alliance will not strengthen the security of Europe, but, on the contrary, will increase the degree of tension in the region, which is already happening. The entry of Sweden and Finland into the US-led NATO military bloc is already starting to look like a catastrophe. The North Atlantic Alliance was supposed to make Sweden safer, but in reality, the situation is quite the opposite as tensions have only increased. Everything is happening exactly like this, as critics of NATO predicted, among which was the former Prime Minister of the country, Magdalena Andersson, until the beginning of March 2022, who suddenly changed her mind for some reason.
by Michael Walsh
Moral Relativism And Tolerance (6:29)
Do not tolerate evil.
Analysis Of Mortality Among Transgender Individuals
British Study Reveals Alarming Risks of Suicide and Homicide
Many of us have been struck by the rapid rise in clinical interest and reported studies on transgender persons. The main clinical indication for gender change medication and or surgery is gender dysphoria. This means that individuals are afflicted with a syndrome in which they are not happy with their natural gender from birth. While changing biological gender the opposite is associated with a modest improvement in gender dysphoria scores, one may wonder if there is a price to pay for such a substantial and and relatively permanent intervention for a psychiatric illness? The most notable relative risks for those who changed genders was suicide and homicide as shown in the table. These data suggest that psychiatric and behavioral determinants arising from background gender dysphoria and the transgender process contribute to death at a relatively young age among those who have chosen to change from their original biological gender to the opposite.
by Peter A. McCullough, MD
Biden Set To Announce An Unprecedented Crackdown On Gas-Powered Vehicles
As America grapples with unprecedented inflation, soaring grocery bills and a deadly school shooting that targeted Christians, President Joe Biden and his administration have opted to focus on gas-powered vehicles. According to a new report from Reuters, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to enact “sweeping cuts in vehicle emissions pollution that will push automakers towards a big increase in electric vehicle sales.” That big push for electric vehicle sales, naturally, means a big decrease in gas-powered vehicle sales. “Environmental groups and some automakers think the proposal will result in at least 50 percent of the U.S. vehicle fleet by 2030 being electric or plug-in hybrids,” the report notes. Per a separate Bloomberg report, these momentous announcements are expected to be made on Wednesday in Detroit.
by Bryan Chai
Ruining Family Farmers: Is The Penny Dropping Yet? (0:57)
Why can’t some people see? To the rest of the family, we will win, I know it, we have to.
Notes On Our Digital Gulag
Sayonara Twitter and Elon Machina V.4.17
By now the National Enquirer has hit your local inbox newsstand with the hottest tales about Twitter declaring war on Substack. The basic facts: Three days ago I noticed that Tweets could no longer be embedded into a new post here without getting a popup message that should have read Error: Free Speech Absolutist Elon Forbids This Action. I was going to do a post about it but kept to my Year Zoo resolution of not rushing to “be first” on the latest hot gossip until at least a few facts trickled out. The day before Twitter blocked access to their API for Substack, the latter had announced the (Private Beta) launch of their Twitter copy called NOTES. Elon Machina V.4.17 didn’t like that. (more on notes at the end) Then yesterday he erased Substack from Twitter. Well, not entirely, but you can’t retweet Substack posts and when Substack was trending on Twitter at #3 it magically disappeared.
by Good Citizen
Women’s Swimming Star Riley_Gaines Has Been Violently Assaulted By Trans Activists (1:42)
While giving a speech on women’s sports at San Francisco State University a transgender male, wearing a dress, punched Riley repeatedly while the Trans Mob chased and harassed her until she was forced to take shelter in a locked room. All because she was speaking about women’s rights.
ACH (2116) Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #49 – Serving The Persecuted (Audio 15:09)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 9, 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #49 – Serving The Persecuted,” that was written by Dr. Peter Hammond.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Craziest Hole In One In Masters History (0:33)
Roll Away The Stone Essential T-Shirt
Resurrection and life after death.
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will set you free from tyranny and evil.
by ArtToons
The Passion Of The Christ (2:06:42)
by Mel Gibson
Iran And Saudi Arabia: A Chinese Win-Win
The single Iranian-Saudi handshake buried trillions of dollars of western divide-and-rule investments across West Asia, and has global leaders rushing to Beijing for global solutions.
The idea that History has an endpoint, as promoted by clueless neoconservatives in the unipolar 1990s, is flawed, as it is in an endless process of renewal. The recent official meeting between Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Beijing marks a territory that was previously deemed unthinkable and which has undoubtedly caused grief for the War Inc. machine. This single handshake signifies the burial of trillions of dollars that were spent on dividing and ruling West Asia for over four decades. Additionally, the Global War on Terror (GWOT), the fabricated reality of the new millennium, featured as prime collateral damage in Beijing. Beijing’s optics as the capital of peace have been imprinted throughout the Global South, as evidenced by a subsequent sideshow where a couple of European leaders, a president, and a Eurocrat, arrived as supplicants to Xi Jinping, asking him to join the NATO line on the war in Ukraine. They were politely dismissed.
by Pepe Escobar
The Gospel Message Of Transformation vs The Godless Message Of Tolerance And Transitioning
Last week a member of the trans community unleashed a wave of devastation upon Christians in Nashville that ended the lives of six of our brothers and sisters in Christ including three young children. I noted in my last post on this subject how we must learn to hate evil again as it continues to creep up in the world around us being endorsed and praised by the mainstream press, academics, culture, and major multi-national corporations. Since the shooting took place we have seen a massive wave of endorsement and support of the trans community. We’ve seen a male transgender golfer who identifies as a female win the Australian women’s tour. We’ve seen a a biological male, Dylan Mulvaney a “trans spokesperson,” become affiliated and enter into paid partnerships with major corporate brands like Nike and Bud Light. Not to be left out, Jack Daniels released a trans ad this week as well. We’ve also seen the White House make a proclamation on the “Day of Trans Visibility.” Finally amidst all of this madness we’ve seen law enforcement discover a manifesto from another would-be trans killer who allegedly planned to carry out multiple school shootings.
by Andrew Torba
Here’s How They Tricked People Into Wanting To Work At Home
In my book A Bigger Problem than Climate Change (originally published in 2007) I pointed out that the International Energy Agency had published the draft version of a report telling countries to prepare for when the oil started to run out. (Everything that is happening is happening because the oil is running out.) One of the policies recommended by the report included encouraging people to work from home rather than travelling to an office. Nothing is happening by accident. The lockdowns were designed to train people to work at home. And that is exactly what they’ve done. Everything they are doing has been planned for a long time. And if you follow the trail you will find that it’s all about the oil. The climate change fraud. The bans on travel. The depopulation plan. The social credit controls. The 15 minute cities. The removal of cash. The fake pandemic to train people to do as they are told.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
After DHS ignored requests for communications.
Judicial Watch has decided to sue the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after the federal agency failed to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to meetings with Big Tech representatives where censorship was allegedly discussed. The lawsuit, filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, seeks to force the DHS to disclose documents detailing how its Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) worked with companies behind social media platforms in order to censor speech.
by Didi Rankovic
Higher Education Is Brainwashing, Part I (13:39)
Universities are brainwashing camps run by fanatics. If we let them, they will destroy Western Civilization and the people who built it.
by American Renaissance
CBDC: follow a clown, get a circus
the deeply unserious people playing with deeply serious fire
much has been said about CBDC’s (central bank digital currencies). the fed loves them, the ECB loves them; it’s clearly the coming thing on the febrile fever dream wish list of the cool kids table at davos. it will make all your money digital and allow unprecedented and unparalleled levels of control down to the most granular of gradation. they can add money to your account, take it, and control whether, when, and on what you can spend it. economy overheating? limit the nation’s spending by making money unspendable. recession got you down? force spending by putting a timer on money where is disappears if you fail to put it in motion. people making “wrong” choices like buying internal combustion engines or eating steak instead of bugs? well, you get the picture… citizen gets stroppy? no travel for you. no buying guns or gasoline or being allowed to buy things in certain geographies.
el gato malo
Washington’s Choice Of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Faces Tax Fraud Probe
The German chancellor will be investigated for allegedly helping a Jewish-owned bank hold onto millions of ill-gotten euros. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will be investigated by parliament for his alleged role in helping the Hamburg-based Warburg Bank avoid repaying $48 million in illegal tax refunds. Scholz has already been probed for his possible links to the affair, and as expected his party insists the latest investigation is politically-motivated. ‘We will request a parliamentary committee of inquiry into the Scholz-Warburg tax affair in the German Bundestag in the first parliamentary week after the Easter vacations,’ lawmaker Mathias Middelberg of the CDU party said at a press conference on Tuesday. Together with opponents of Scholz, the centre-right party has the majority needed to initiate such an investigation.
by Michael Walsh
JPMorgan Flashes US Recession Warning
The banking crisis has heightened risk of an economic downturn, the Wall Street bank claims
The recent turmoil in the financial industry caused by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has made a US recession more likely, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has warned, noting that lenders are now tightening credit. “We are seeing people reduce lending a little bit, cut back a little bit and pull back a little bit,” Dimon said in an interview with CNN on Thursday. The tumult within the industry won’t necessarily invoke a recession, he said, but “it is recessionary.” Dimon’s comments follow his statement this week that the crisis is not over yet and will be felt for years. The banker said in his annual letter to shareholders on Tuesday that this turn of events has “significantly changed the market’s expectations, bond prices have recovered dramatically, the stock market is down and the market’s odds of a recession have increased.” According to him, the recent crisis has “provoked lots of jitters in the market and will clearly cause some tightening of financial conditions as banks and other lenders become more conservative.”
by RT
Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor April 5, 2023 (30:19)
Chemical Analysis Comparison Of Hydrogel Filaments From C19 Shots And Environmental Geoengineering Sources – Project What Happened To Humanities Blood?
I have been discussing that the filaments seen in live blood, C19 shot contents and the environmental poisoning via geoengineering can come from different sources – however there are some remarkable similarities present that are worthy of further study. In my view, this assault of hydrogel based synthetic biology is the platform of the transhumanist agenda to modify and transform all life on earth. My own and Clifford’s ongoing working hypothesis is that the platform of all these filaments have one commonality: self assembly polymers aka hydrogel. We know that he found chemical signatures in the CDB filaments ( aka Morgellons) that strongly suggested the presence of poly vinyl alcohol, a hydrogel polymer. It is well known that the lipid nanoparticle mRNA shot delivery system is a hydrogel based polymer known as polyethylene glycol. In this article, I am investigating chemical similarities of known compositions of C19 vial contents and analysis of environmental filaments known as Morgellons or CDB – Cross Domain Bacteria, a term coined by Clifford Carnicom.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
New Pfizer Document Release – Repeat-Dose Toxicity Study in Rats
And number of births in the UK in December drop 12%
The latest Pfizer document drop happened at the beginning of April. Included in this latest tranche is a Repeat-Dose Toxicity Study of Three LNP-Formulated RNA Platforms Encoding for Viral Proteins by Repeated Intramuscular Administration to Wistar Han Rats. The document was published on 1 July 2020 and approved on 18 September 2020. Various doses and formulations were tested including the final concoction used on humans – BNT162b2. I’ll therefore focus on the results for this formulation. The report is 2,237 pages long so I’ve massively summarised everything but it is interesting reading if anyone wants a longer read! 129 males and 126 females were used. In the main study there were 10 males and 10 females in seven groups including the control group. During the recovery period there were 5 males and 5 females in each group. Additionally there were 3 male and 3 female satellite animals in the seven groups. For BTN162b2, the rats were injected on days 1, 8 and 15.
by The Naked Emperor
“Sleepwalking Virtuously Toward The Abyss”
Jordan Peterson & Senator Mike Lee Discuss U.S. Proxy War Against Russia in Ukraine.
Last February (2022), when it became evident that United States government made no effort whatsoever to defuse the Russia-Ukraine crisis-but instead sent Kamala Harris to the Munich Security Conference to deliver a message of unintelligible doublespeak-I posted the following reflections on Facebook: After Congress voted to expand Nato in 1998, George Kennan stated: “I think it is the beginning of a new cold war. I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. This expansion would make the founding fathers of this country turn over in their graves… Of course there is going to be a bad reaction from Russia, and then [the NATO expanders] will say that we always told you that is how the Russians are – but this is just wrong.”
by John Leake
Big Tech Fail: Not Enough Computers In The U.S. To Develop New AI Software
I recently reported how America’s faith in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is about to destroy the U.S. economy, as investors are pouring $BILLIONS into developing new AI software, which is projected to be a $1.59 TRILLION industry by 2030. And news continues to be reported on just how much of a fantasy this faith in AI, and technology in general, is, as we are being setup for perhaps the largest economical bubble to burst in the history of the U.S. Today, The Information confirmed one of the reasons I gave for a possible imminent collapse of the Tech sector based on this rush into AI: there aren’t enough computers in the U.S. to run all of this new, power hungry, desire for these new AI toys that do NOT produce any revenue yet. “AI Developers Stymied by Server Shortage at AWS, Microsoft, Google – Startups and other companies trying to capitalize on the artificial intelligence boom sparked by OpenAI are running into a problem: They can’t find enough specialized computers to make their own AI software. A spike in demand for server chips that can train and run machine-learning software has caused a shortage, prompting major cloud-server providers including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google and Oracle to limit their availability for customers, according to interviews with the cloud companies and their customers.
by Brian Shilhavy
Bakhmut Cauldron. Analysis Of Secret Documents. Military Summary And Analysis April 7, 2023 (17:28)
The Shroud Of Turin
The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified man. A man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. Is it really the cloth that wrapped his crucified body, or is it simply a medieval forgery, a hoax perpetrated by some clever artist? Modern science has completed hundreds of thousands of hours of detailed study and intense research on the Shroud. It is, in fact, the single most studied artifact in human history, and we know more about it today than we ever have before. And yet, the controversy still rages. This web site will keep you abreast of current research, provide you with accurate data from the previous research and let you interact with the researchers themselves. We believe that if you have access to the facts, you can make up your own mind about the Shroud. Make sure you visit the page where you can Examine the Shroud of Turin for yourself. We hope you enjoy your visit. Barrie M. Schwortz, Editor.
The Great ‘Disinformation’ Hoax
Writer Jacob Siegel has talked to UnHerd‘s Freddie Sayers about America’s new censorship complex. In a 13,000 word essay for Tablet, Siegel (pictured) explains how ‘disinformation’ is an invention that has morphed into a tool of governance. He told Sayers: Disinformation is a means by which the Government in cooperation with private tech companies and civil society, NGO groups, censors, uses extra-legal means to censor political discourse around issues like Covid vaccinations, lockdowns, the elections. And in the U.S., it’s a free-for-all. It’s a blank cheque to censor anything. So on one level, disinformation is ostensibly censorship in order to protect national security. In a larger sense, that machinery of censorship is not opportunistically looking to erase certain things from the public record that are unflattering to political elites. It’s actually rather more than that. It is a means of governance. It is a system of power. It is its own system of power, outside of the formal, official — in the U.S., constitutional — means by which the Government is supposed to operate. How did this ‘tool of governance’ become so mainstream, asks Sayers? The U.S. Government, Siegel points out, has long engaged in promoting disinformation of its own, but the ‘war on disinformation’ was begun by Barack Obama. One of the last things the former President did while in office was sign into law the ‘Countering Foreign Disinformation Act’, which fully committed the U.S. to a counter-disinformation campaign, which according to Siegel “was really always in spirit, and very quickly in practice as well, an information war directed against the American people”.
by Will Jones
Yellow Vest Leader Says Movement Opposed To French Arms Supplies To Ukraine
PARIS (Sputnik) – The French Yellow Vest movement is opposed to arms supplies to Ukraine, as it has significantly increased the share of France’s defense spending, Thierry Paul Valette, the leader of the movement’s political arm, told Sputnik on Friday. “They [the Yellow Vests] are against [arms supplies to Ukraine], because it comes at a price. The budget of the French armed forces will be raised to 400 billion euros [$436 billion], and that is a significant increase,” Valette, who is often referred to as the coordinator of Yellow Vest protests in Paris, said.
by Sputnik
If All Republicans Registered As Democrats
Asymmetrical warfare at the ballot box
We are often told that there are no political solutions to fight against a global technocracy weaponizing every Western government and corporate entity into its public-private sphere of destruction against humanity. We often believe there are no political solutions to the rise of tyranny and authoritarianism all around us because repeating the same exercises in Uniparty voting always ends the same. Hope and change candidates end up being destructive Manchurian trojan horses like Michael Obama’s husband. Even the orange nostalgia candidate, while ceaselessly targeted for deposing by the powers within was too impotent to stand up to the swamp he claimed he would drain. Perhaps it’s finally time to truly do something different.
by Good Citizen
GMOs for Thee, Not For Me! – #NewWorldNextWeek (24:58)
This week on the New World Next Week: Finland joins NATO as WWIII draws nigh; King Charles won’t eat the GMOs he’s trying to foist on his loyal subjects; and the scamsters allow the peasants to continue life now that they have set the scamdemic precedent.
Pity The Child
A Review of “Stolen Youth” by Karol Markowicz and Bethany Mandel
About a decade ago, toddler son in tow, I found myself in a playground for the first time in 35 years. It was not what I remembered. The colors were far more vibrant. Plastic had replaced wood and metal. Sharp edges had been rounded, chains and hinges softened. Cushioned ground had replaced the asphalt. What struck me most, however, was that it was full of adults. It seemed that every child had a minder within arms length. I was perplexed. I knew why I was there—my son was still a bit wobbly. Many of the kids appeared to be about 6-8 years old. Why did they need minders? I soon learned the two cardinal rules of contemporary playgrounds (or at the very least, playgrounds on Manhattan’s Upper West Side): One, your child may not get hurt. Two, your child may not hurt another child. Violate the first rule, and you’re negligent. Violate the second and you’re antisocial—borderline criminal. Also, and just for good measure, “hurt” is given the broadest possible definition to include potentially hurtful language.
by Bruce Abramson
Lawsuit Against SPLC’s “Hate Group” Designation Succeeds Where Others Have Failed – Is Now Proceeding To Discovery Phase
The Southern Poverty Law Center uses its hate map to put conservatives in the same category as extremist groups like the Ku Klux Klan. In some cases, people are fired and de-platformed for the label given by SPLC — which they essentially acknowledge is a matter of opinion. In some cases, violent assaults appear to have been triggered by these designations. Until now, attempts to hold the SPLC accountable for alleged defamation have failed – one lawsuit is on track to change that. D.A. King founded the Dustin Inman Society, which was named after a sixteen-year-old boy who lost his life to an illegal alien. The group was initially not branded as a hate group by the SPLC. In 2011, then head of the SPLC’s Intelligence Project Heidi Beirich, conceded “because he is fighting, working on his legislation through the political process, that is not something we can quibble with, whether we like the law or not.” This changed in 2018 — when the society was given the “hate group” designation. King said the change was made within days of them registering as active lobbyists on immigration-related legislation in the Georgia Capitol. He filed a lawsuit against the SPLC.
by ProTrumpNews Staff
Switzerland Withdraws All Covid Vaccination Recommendations
They almost got it right. They stopped short of pulling the product from the market and properly investigating the net harms but I guess that can still come.
Switzerland stops the Covid vaccinations: all vaccination recommendations have been withdrawn, doctors can only administer the controversial vaccines in individual cases under certain conditions – but then bear the risk of liability for vaccination damage. Whilst it is unfortunate that they cite high prevalence of natural immunity and low levels of virus circulation as primary motivation, rather than the complete ineffectiveness and damage caused by the “vaccine”, it still represents the most courageous act by a public health authority.
by Joel Smalley
US Efforts To Ban TikTok Are Pure Projection By The World’s Biggest Spy Power
Washington is used to controlling the planet’s top tech companies and doesn’t want anyone to threaten its surveillance domination
As the United States contemplates a possible ban on TikTok, it relentlessly accuses Beijing of using the popular Chinese-owned social media application as a means of espionage, claiming that the Communist Party has access to user data. Ironically, Washington itself is known to be doing exactly what US politicians are accusing China of doing. Using the unique advantage of having jurisdiction over the world’s top internet companies, the US has given itself the right to look into the private communications of foreign citizens anywhere in the world. Combine that data-sharing between intelligence agencies of the US and its allies, and you get the most comprehensive espionage regime in the world.
by Timur Fomenko
RFK Jr Enters Presidential Race: Is It A Good Thing? (20:32)
by The David Knight Show
Highly Vaccinated COVID ‘Success’ New Zealand Sees Huge Increase In Death Rates
Concerning increase in mortality in New Zealand
COVID has unfortunately created any number of repetitive stories. Jurisdiction imposes mask mandates, population complies, masks prove ineffective, media claims masks didn’t work because of lack of compliance. Another example would be when countries with extraordinary compliance, such as Singapore or South Korea, would see increases ignored entirely, or blamed on the population not wearing masks of a correct level of quality. Yet as a general rule, the most consistently predictable repetitive storyline has been the media and expert community declaring that a country was a pandemic success, only for their results to dramatically change in a relatively short period of time. This was the case with the Czech Republic, with Australia, with Taiwan and many other locations. Even within the United States adjustments showed that states like California – heralded as pandemic winners – actually had significantly worse results than previously realized.
by Ian Miller
Washington Says “Journalism Is Not A Crime” While Working To Criminalize Journalism
After a certain point criticizing the hypocrisy and contradictions of the US-centralized empire starts to feel too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel. But hell let’s do it anyway; the barrel’s right here, and I really hate these particular fish. Russian security services have formally filed espionage charges against Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who has been detained in Russia since his arrest last month. Gershkovich reportedly denies the spying allegations and says he was engaged in journalistic activity in Russia. This news came out at the same time as a joint statement was published by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell condemning Gershkovich’s detention as a violation of press freedoms.
by Caitlin Johnstone
The RESTRICT Act Must Be Stopped (1:25)
The Problem With Saying Abortion Is Good (Text and Audio)
There is “no bad impact from having an abortion.” This is what one church leader explained in a recent denominational gathering of other church leaders. This leader insisted that abortion is good for women, and society, as it helps them become economically empowered-among other things. On this episode of CareCast, Care Net’s podcast on faith, family, and life with Roland Warren, Care Net President and CEO, and Vincent DiCaro, Care Net’s Chief Outreach Officer, dig more into what was said at this leadership gathering about how the church should deal with abortion in a post-Roe world. Let’s listen in on what Roland and Vince have for us on the newest CareCast.
by Ryan Sanders
US Resumes Biolabs Program In Ukraine – Russian MOD
Washington is constructing secretive new facilities and is training personnel, Moscow has claimed
The US has quietly resumed its controversial biolabs program in Ukraine and is focusing on the construction of secretive new facilities and the training of personnel, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed. A new trove of documents on alleged US-funded biological programs in Ukraine was presented by the commander of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, during a media briefing on Friday. Kirillov cited the protocol from a meeting dated October 20, 2022, which was attended by representatives of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and multiple Ukrainian officials, as well as figures from the Jacobs/CH2M engineering company. The meeting reportedly focused on the resumption of biological research in Ukraine, which was “paused” due to the hostilities between Moscow and Kiev. “Now, the project has been resumed with focus on renewal of legislative support, revision of training schedule, as well as conclusion and resumption of construction work,” the Ukrainian-language protocol stated, citing Jacobs/CH2M’s David Smith.
by RT
ACH (2115) I’m Talking To YOU #61 – Elton John’s Birthday! (Audio 25:03)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 8, 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Elton John’s Birthday!”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is an unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his other shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Two Years Ago They Couldn’t Wait To Tell You How Many People Had Died. (0:16)
Cashless Future – EU Is Going To Ban The Use Of Physical MoneyThe EU legislative initiative is claimed to combat money laundering and could lead to criminal liability for the use of cash, according to Samnytt. Such a decision they say is aimed at combating crime and terrorism, but in reality, it will limit the freedom of Europeans. The European Union has unveiled a new money laundering proposal that will make it harder to use cash. Supporters of the legislative initiative claim that it is aimed at combating crime and terrorism. At the same time, critics of the law claim that the state deprives people of the right to privacy, which is a disturbing restriction on the freedoms of citizens. The new proposal includes, among other things, a requirement that all cash transactions over €10,000 be registered and reported to the state authorities. Member states will also need to create a national register of all cash holders so that the relevant departments can track and control cash flows.
by Michael Walsh
The West Sets A Disturbing New Precedent Over Murdered Russian Military Blogger
The lack of condemnation of the St. Petersburg blast hints that sometimes terrorism is considered acceptable
Apparently terrorism and murdering reporters get a free pass if the Western establishment doesn’t like the target’s profile – or if the perpetrator risks being linked to an ally. The radio silence from the West is deafening in the wake of the murder of military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky at a cafe in St. Petersburg. Tatarsky was killed after being handed a statue by a young woman, Darya Trepova, that subsequently blew up the entire venue. For all of the Western officials’ differences with Russia, can they really not at least bring themselves to condemn a blatant act of terrorism in the middle of a major city center? We’re talking here about the same folks who spent two decades kicking down doors around the world under the guise of fighting a “Global War on Terrorism.”
by Rachel Marsden
DHS Is Sued For Censorship Records On Meetings With Big Tech
After DHS ignored requests for communications.
Judicial Watch has decided to sue the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after the federal agency failed to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to meetings with Big Tech representatives where censorship was allegedly discussed. The lawsuit, filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, seeks to force the DHS to disclose documents detailing how its Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) worked with companies behind social media platforms in order to censor speech.
by Didi Rankovic
“This Is The Biggest Biopharmaceutical Safety Disaster In World History.” Dr. Peter Mccullough (1:28)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Soros Junior’s White House Access Revealed
Alexander is regarded as his father’s ‘new ambassador,’ one critic claims
Alexander Soros, the son of billionaire and longtime Democratic Party donor George Soros, has made at least fourteen visits to the White House since Joe Biden took office, according to visitor logs seen by the New York Post. The younger Soros, 37, a noted Democratic Party fundraiser, met with Biden administration officials a minimum of twelve times last year, according to recently updated logs. He also visited twice in 2021. Alexander Soros is the chair of the liberal Open Society Foundations, whose remit, it says, is to provide grants to causes that promote “the growth of inclusive and vibrant democracies.” His father George Soros set up the foundation, which has distributed more than $32 billion to various causes supporting liberal issues since 1998. He is a deeply controversial figure within some conservative sections in the US and abroad, who argue that his ‘philanthropy’ is merely political meddling.
by RT
Proof, Truth And Evidence
I both wish more people understood what I know, and at the same time, wish this knowledge upon no one.
April 9, 2023: I recently had the honor of being interviewed by Sweden’s Ulf Bittner. We addressed many topics; from evidence of Pfizer’s conspiracy to commit a crime to the global cases being brought against Pfizer, as well as the use of CryoEM in the development and engineering of graphene oxide into Pfizer’s P2-S spike proteins. I began discussing the effects on the babies and toddlers, but became emotional. I have yet to get through the criminal experimentation on the babies and toddlers with the mRNA technology without becoming visually upset. I both wish more people understood what I know, and at the same time, wish this knowledge upon no one.
by Karen Kingston
EMJ Live #19: Was John The Apostle An Anti-Semite? (1:14:18)
On this EMJ Live Good Friday special Dr. Jones brakes down the recent Jewish controversy surrounding Gospel of John.
Easter Essay: Only Wonder Knows
Being ‘religious’ doesn’t mean being pious and pure; it means being alive, aware, awake and alert, always with an eye towards the horizon and the mission of moving towards the Mystery beyond.
Back in the early summer of 2013, shortly after coming back to Ireland from Rome, where I had addressed a crowd of 200,000 people in St Peter’s Square alongside the recently elected Cardinal Borgoglio, ostensibly as pope, though by his own description as ‘Bishop of Rome’, I went on Miriam O’Callaghan’s morning radio show on RTÉ Radio One to talk about the experience. I should add here that, at the time, I had no way of foreseeing the level of destruction that Bergoglio would wreak on the Church and the world from the Chair of Peter. I had been greatly saddened by the apparent abdication of Pope Benedict XVI, but at the time reasonably convinced that this had occurred solely due to his advancing age and deteriorating health. I was therefore as enthused about my trip to Rome as you might expect me to be, as a returned Prodigal who had come to see that the Church, for all its human faults, was the voice of God in the world and the greatest existing repository of human experience and self-understanding through the ages.
by John Waters
North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) Is Not A Defensive Bloc
NATO is not a defensive bloc at all, but only a tool of the American power elites to advance their own interests. This statement was made by a former member of the Swedish Parliament and a former UN employee, Roger Richthoff, in an interview with the SwebbTV portal. The entry of Sweden and Finland into the North Atlantic Alliance will not strengthen the security of Europe, but, on the contrary, will increase the degree of tension in the region, which is already happening. The entry of Sweden and Finland into the US-led NATO military bloc is already starting to look like a catastrophe. The North Atlantic Alliance was supposed to make Sweden safer, but in reality, the situation is quite the opposite as tensions have only increased. Everything is happening exactly like this, as critics of NATO predicted, among which was the former Prime Minister of the country, Magdalena Andersson, until the beginning of March 2022, who suddenly changed her mind for some reason.
by Michael Walsh
Moral Relativism And Tolerance (6:29)
Do not tolerate evil.
Analysis Of Mortality Among Transgender Individuals
British Study Reveals Alarming Risks of Suicide and Homicide
Many of us have been struck by the rapid rise in clinical interest and reported studies on transgender persons. The main clinical indication for gender change medication and or surgery is gender dysphoria. This means that individuals are afflicted with a syndrome in which they are not happy with their natural gender from birth. While changing biological gender the opposite is associated with a modest improvement in gender dysphoria scores, one may wonder if there is a price to pay for such a substantial and and relatively permanent intervention for a psychiatric illness? The most notable relative risks for those who changed genders was suicide and homicide as shown in the table. These data suggest that psychiatric and behavioral determinants arising from background gender dysphoria and the transgender process contribute to death at a relatively young age among those who have chosen to change from their original biological gender to the opposite.
by Peter A. McCullough, MD
Biden Set To Announce An Unprecedented Crackdown On Gas-Powered Vehicles
As America grapples with unprecedented inflation, soaring grocery bills and a deadly school shooting that targeted Christians, President Joe Biden and his administration have opted to focus on gas-powered vehicles. According to a new report from Reuters, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to enact “sweeping cuts in vehicle emissions pollution that will push automakers towards a big increase in electric vehicle sales.” That big push for electric vehicle sales, naturally, means a big decrease in gas-powered vehicle sales. “Environmental groups and some automakers think the proposal will result in at least 50 percent of the U.S. vehicle fleet by 2030 being electric or plug-in hybrids,” the report notes. Per a separate Bloomberg report, these momentous announcements are expected to be made on Wednesday in Detroit.
by Bryan Chai
Ruining Family Farmers: Is The Penny Dropping Yet? (0:57)
Why can’t some people see? To the rest of the family, we will win, I know it, we have to.
Notes On Our Digital Gulag
Sayonara Twitter and Elon Machina V.4.17
By now the National Enquirer has hit your local inbox newsstand with the hottest tales about Twitter declaring war on Substack. The basic facts: Three days ago I noticed that Tweets could no longer be embedded into a new post here without getting a popup message that should have read Error: Free Speech Absolutist Elon Forbids This Action. I was going to do a post about it but kept to my Year Zoo resolution of not rushing to “be first” on the latest hot gossip until at least a few facts trickled out. The day before Twitter blocked access to their API for Substack, the latter had announced the (Private Beta) launch of their Twitter copy called NOTES. Elon Machina V.4.17 didn’t like that. (more on notes at the end) Then yesterday he erased Substack from Twitter. Well, not entirely, but you can’t retweet Substack posts and when Substack was trending on Twitter at #3 it magically disappeared.
by Good Citizen
Women’s Swimming Star Riley_Gaines Has Been Violently Assaulted By Trans Activists (1:42)
While giving a speech on women’s sports at San Francisco State University a transgender male, wearing a dress, punched Riley repeatedly while the Trans Mob chased and harassed her until she was forced to take shelter in a locked room. All because she was speaking about women’s rights.
ACH (2116) Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #49 – Serving The Persecuted (Audio 15:09)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 9, 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #49 – Serving The Persecuted,” that was written by Dr. Peter Hammond.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Craziest Hole In One In Masters History (0:33)
Roll Away The Stone Essential T-Shirt
Resurrection and life after death.
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will set you free from tyranny and evil.
by ArtToons
The Passion Of The Christ (2:06:42)
by Mel Gibson
Iran And Saudi Arabia: A Chinese Win-Win
The single Iranian-Saudi handshake buried trillions of dollars of western divide-and-rule investments across West Asia, and has global leaders rushing to Beijing for global solutions.
The idea that History has an endpoint, as promoted by clueless neoconservatives in the unipolar 1990s, is flawed, as it is in an endless process of renewal. The recent official meeting between Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Beijing marks a territory that was previously deemed unthinkable and which has undoubtedly caused grief for the War Inc. machine. This single handshake signifies the burial of trillions of dollars that were spent on dividing and ruling West Asia for over four decades. Additionally, the Global War on Terror (GWOT), the fabricated reality of the new millennium, featured as prime collateral damage in Beijing. Beijing’s optics as the capital of peace have been imprinted throughout the Global South, as evidenced by a subsequent sideshow where a couple of European leaders, a president, and a Eurocrat, arrived as supplicants to Xi Jinping, asking him to join the NATO line on the war in Ukraine. They were politely dismissed.
by Pepe Escobar
The Gospel Message Of Transformation vs The Godless Message Of Tolerance And Transitioning
Last week a member of the trans community unleashed a wave of devastation upon Christians in Nashville that ended the lives of six of our brothers and sisters in Christ including three young children. I noted in my last post on this subject how we must learn to hate evil again as it continues to creep up in the world around us being endorsed and praised by the mainstream press, academics, culture, and major multi-national corporations. Since the shooting took place we have seen a massive wave of endorsement and support of the trans community. We’ve seen a male transgender golfer who identifies as a female win the Australian women’s tour. We’ve seen a a biological male, Dylan Mulvaney a “trans spokesperson,” become affiliated and enter into paid partnerships with major corporate brands like Nike and Bud Light. Not to be left out, Jack Daniels released a trans ad this week as well. We’ve also seen the White House make a proclamation on the “Day of Trans Visibility.” Finally amidst all of this madness we’ve seen law enforcement discover a manifesto from another would-be trans killer who allegedly planned to carry out multiple school shootings.
by Andrew Torba
Here’s How They Tricked People Into Wanting To Work At Home
In my book A Bigger Problem than Climate Change (originally published in 2007) I pointed out that the International Energy Agency had published the draft version of a report telling countries to prepare for when the oil started to run out. (Everything that is happening is happening because the oil is running out.) One of the policies recommended by the report included encouraging people to work from home rather than travelling to an office. Nothing is happening by accident. The lockdowns were designed to train people to work at home. And that is exactly what they’ve done. Everything they are doing has been planned for a long time. And if you follow the trail you will find that it’s all about the oil. The climate change fraud. The bans on travel. The depopulation plan. The social credit controls. The 15 minute cities. The removal of cash. The fake pandemic to train people to do as they are told.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
After DHS ignored requests for communications.
Judicial Watch has decided to sue the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after the federal agency failed to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to meetings with Big Tech representatives where censorship was allegedly discussed. The lawsuit, filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, seeks to force the DHS to disclose documents detailing how its Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) worked with companies behind social media platforms in order to censor speech.
by Didi Rankovic
Higher Education Is Brainwashing, Part I (13:39)
Universities are brainwashing camps run by fanatics. If we let them, they will destroy Western Civilization and the people who built it.
by American Renaissance
CBDC: follow a clown, get a circus
the deeply unserious people playing with deeply serious fire
much has been said about CBDC’s (central bank digital currencies). the fed loves them, the ECB loves them; it’s clearly the coming thing on the febrile fever dream wish list of the cool kids table at davos. it will make all your money digital and allow unprecedented and unparalleled levels of control down to the most granular of gradation. they can add money to your account, take it, and control whether, when, and on what you can spend it. economy overheating? limit the nation’s spending by making money unspendable. recession got you down? force spending by putting a timer on money where is disappears if you fail to put it in motion. people making “wrong” choices like buying internal combustion engines or eating steak instead of bugs? well, you get the picture… citizen gets stroppy? no travel for you. no buying guns or gasoline or being allowed to buy things in certain geographies.
el gato malo
Washington’s Choice Of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Faces Tax Fraud Probe
The German chancellor will be investigated for allegedly helping a Jewish-owned bank hold onto millions of ill-gotten euros. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will be investigated by parliament for his alleged role in helping the Hamburg-based Warburg Bank avoid repaying $48 million in illegal tax refunds. Scholz has already been probed for his possible links to the affair, and as expected his party insists the latest investigation is politically-motivated. ‘We will request a parliamentary committee of inquiry into the Scholz-Warburg tax affair in the German Bundestag in the first parliamentary week after the Easter vacations,’ lawmaker Mathias Middelberg of the CDU party said at a press conference on Tuesday. Together with opponents of Scholz, the centre-right party has the majority needed to initiate such an investigation.
by Michael Walsh
JPMorgan Flashes US Recession Warning
The banking crisis has heightened risk of an economic downturn, the Wall Street bank claims
The recent turmoil in the financial industry caused by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has made a US recession more likely, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has warned, noting that lenders are now tightening credit. “We are seeing people reduce lending a little bit, cut back a little bit and pull back a little bit,” Dimon said in an interview with CNN on Thursday. The tumult within the industry won’t necessarily invoke a recession, he said, but “it is recessionary.” Dimon’s comments follow his statement this week that the crisis is not over yet and will be felt for years. The banker said in his annual letter to shareholders on Tuesday that this turn of events has “significantly changed the market’s expectations, bond prices have recovered dramatically, the stock market is down and the market’s odds of a recession have increased.” According to him, the recent crisis has “provoked lots of jitters in the market and will clearly cause some tightening of financial conditions as banks and other lenders become more conservative.”
by RT
Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor April 5, 2023 (30:19)
Chemical Analysis Comparison Of Hydrogel Filaments From C19 Shots And Environmental Geoengineering Sources – Project What Happened To Humanities Blood?
I have been discussing that the filaments seen in live blood, C19 shot contents and the environmental poisoning via geoengineering can come from different sources – however there are some remarkable similarities present that are worthy of further study. In my view, this assault of hydrogel based synthetic biology is the platform of the transhumanist agenda to modify and transform all life on earth. My own and Clifford’s ongoing working hypothesis is that the platform of all these filaments have one commonality: self assembly polymers aka hydrogel. We know that he found chemical signatures in the CDB filaments ( aka Morgellons) that strongly suggested the presence of poly vinyl alcohol, a hydrogel polymer. It is well known that the lipid nanoparticle mRNA shot delivery system is a hydrogel based polymer known as polyethylene glycol. In this article, I am investigating chemical similarities of known compositions of C19 vial contents and analysis of environmental filaments known as Morgellons or CDB – Cross Domain Bacteria, a term coined by Clifford Carnicom.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
New Pfizer Document Release – Repeat-Dose Toxicity Study in Rats
And number of births in the UK in December drop 12%
The latest Pfizer document drop happened at the beginning of April. Included in this latest tranche is a Repeat-Dose Toxicity Study of Three LNP-Formulated RNA Platforms Encoding for Viral Proteins by Repeated Intramuscular Administration to Wistar Han Rats. The document was published on 1 July 2020 and approved on 18 September 2020. Various doses and formulations were tested including the final concoction used on humans – BNT162b2. I’ll therefore focus on the results for this formulation. The report is 2,237 pages long so I’ve massively summarised everything but it is interesting reading if anyone wants a longer read! 129 males and 126 females were used. In the main study there were 10 males and 10 females in seven groups including the control group. During the recovery period there were 5 males and 5 females in each group. Additionally there were 3 male and 3 female satellite animals in the seven groups. For BTN162b2, the rats were injected on days 1, 8 and 15.
by The Naked Emperor
“Sleepwalking Virtuously Toward The Abyss”
Jordan Peterson & Senator Mike Lee Discuss U.S. Proxy War Against Russia in Ukraine.
Last February (2022), when it became evident that United States government made no effort whatsoever to defuse the Russia-Ukraine crisis-but instead sent Kamala Harris to the Munich Security Conference to deliver a message of unintelligible doublespeak-I posted the following reflections on Facebook: After Congress voted to expand Nato in 1998, George Kennan stated: “I think it is the beginning of a new cold war. I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. This expansion would make the founding fathers of this country turn over in their graves… Of course there is going to be a bad reaction from Russia, and then [the NATO expanders] will say that we always told you that is how the Russians are – but this is just wrong.”
by John Leake
Big Tech Fail: Not Enough Computers In The U.S. To Develop New AI Software
I recently reported how America’s faith in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is about to destroy the U.S. economy, as investors are pouring $BILLIONS into developing new AI software, which is projected to be a $1.59 TRILLION industry by 2030. And news continues to be reported on just how much of a fantasy this faith in AI, and technology in general, is, as we are being setup for perhaps the largest economical bubble to burst in the history of the U.S. Today, The Information confirmed one of the reasons I gave for a possible imminent collapse of the Tech sector based on this rush into AI: there aren’t enough computers in the U.S. to run all of this new, power hungry, desire for these new AI toys that do NOT produce any revenue yet. “AI Developers Stymied by Server Shortage at AWS, Microsoft, Google – Startups and other companies trying to capitalize on the artificial intelligence boom sparked by OpenAI are running into a problem: They can’t find enough specialized computers to make their own AI software. A spike in demand for server chips that can train and run machine-learning software has caused a shortage, prompting major cloud-server providers including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google and Oracle to limit their availability for customers, according to interviews with the cloud companies and their customers.
by Brian Shilhavy
Bakhmut Cauldron. Analysis Of Secret Documents. Military Summary And Analysis April 7, 2023 (17:28)
The Shroud Of Turin
The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified man. A man that millions believe to be Jesus of Nazareth. Is it really the cloth that wrapped his crucified body, or is it simply a medieval forgery, a hoax perpetrated by some clever artist? Modern science has completed hundreds of thousands of hours of detailed study and intense research on the Shroud. It is, in fact, the single most studied artifact in human history, and we know more about it today than we ever have before. And yet, the controversy still rages. This web site will keep you abreast of current research, provide you with accurate data from the previous research and let you interact with the researchers themselves. We believe that if you have access to the facts, you can make up your own mind about the Shroud. Make sure you visit the page where you can Examine the Shroud of Turin for yourself. We hope you enjoy your visit. Barrie M. Schwortz, Editor.
The Great ‘Disinformation’ Hoax
Writer Jacob Siegel has talked to UnHerd‘s Freddie Sayers about America’s new censorship complex. In a 13,000 word essay for Tablet, Siegel (pictured) explains how ‘disinformation’ is an invention that has morphed into a tool of governance. He told Sayers: Disinformation is a means by which the Government in cooperation with private tech companies and civil society, NGO groups, censors, uses extra-legal means to censor political discourse around issues like Covid vaccinations, lockdowns, the elections. And in the U.S., it’s a free-for-all. It’s a blank cheque to censor anything. So on one level, disinformation is ostensibly censorship in order to protect national security. In a larger sense, that machinery of censorship is not opportunistically looking to erase certain things from the public record that are unflattering to political elites. It’s actually rather more than that. It is a means of governance. It is a system of power. It is its own system of power, outside of the formal, official — in the U.S., constitutional — means by which the Government is supposed to operate. How did this ‘tool of governance’ become so mainstream, asks Sayers? The U.S. Government, Siegel points out, has long engaged in promoting disinformation of its own, but the ‘war on disinformation’ was begun by Barack Obama. One of the last things the former President did while in office was sign into law the ‘Countering Foreign Disinformation Act’, which fully committed the U.S. to a counter-disinformation campaign, which according to Siegel “was really always in spirit, and very quickly in practice as well, an information war directed against the American people”.
by Will Jones
Yellow Vest Leader Says Movement Opposed To French Arms Supplies To Ukraine
PARIS (Sputnik) – The French Yellow Vest movement is opposed to arms supplies to Ukraine, as it has significantly increased the share of France’s defense spending, Thierry Paul Valette, the leader of the movement’s political arm, told Sputnik on Friday. “They [the Yellow Vests] are against [arms supplies to Ukraine], because it comes at a price. The budget of the French armed forces will be raised to 400 billion euros [$436 billion], and that is a significant increase,” Valette, who is often referred to as the coordinator of Yellow Vest protests in Paris, said.
by Sputnik
If All Republicans Registered As Democrats
Asymmetrical warfare at the ballot box
We are often told that there are no political solutions to fight against a global technocracy weaponizing every Western government and corporate entity into its public-private sphere of destruction against humanity. We often believe there are no political solutions to the rise of tyranny and authoritarianism all around us because repeating the same exercises in Uniparty voting always ends the same. Hope and change candidates end up being destructive Manchurian trojan horses like Michael Obama’s husband. Even the orange nostalgia candidate, while ceaselessly targeted for deposing by the powers within was too impotent to stand up to the swamp he claimed he would drain. Perhaps it’s finally time to truly do something different.
by Good Citizen
GMOs for Thee, Not For Me! – #NewWorldNextWeek (24:58)
This week on the New World Next Week: Finland joins NATO as WWIII draws nigh; King Charles won’t eat the GMOs he’s trying to foist on his loyal subjects; and the scamsters allow the peasants to continue life now that they have set the scamdemic precedent.
Pity The Child
A Review of “Stolen Youth” by Karol Markowicz and Bethany Mandel
About a decade ago, toddler son in tow, I found myself in a playground for the first time in 35 years. It was not what I remembered. The colors were far more vibrant. Plastic had replaced wood and metal. Sharp edges had been rounded, chains and hinges softened. Cushioned ground had replaced the asphalt. What struck me most, however, was that it was full of adults. It seemed that every child had a minder within arms length. I was perplexed. I knew why I was there—my son was still a bit wobbly. Many of the kids appeared to be about 6-8 years old. Why did they need minders? I soon learned the two cardinal rules of contemporary playgrounds (or at the very least, playgrounds on Manhattan’s Upper West Side): One, your child may not get hurt. Two, your child may not hurt another child. Violate the first rule, and you’re negligent. Violate the second and you’re antisocial—borderline criminal. Also, and just for good measure, “hurt” is given the broadest possible definition to include potentially hurtful language.
by Bruce Abramson
Lawsuit Against SPLC’s “Hate Group” Designation Succeeds Where Others Have Failed – Is Now Proceeding To Discovery Phase
The Southern Poverty Law Center uses its hate map to put conservatives in the same category as extremist groups like the Ku Klux Klan. In some cases, people are fired and de-platformed for the label given by SPLC — which they essentially acknowledge is a matter of opinion. In some cases, violent assaults appear to have been triggered by these designations. Until now, attempts to hold the SPLC accountable for alleged defamation have failed – one lawsuit is on track to change that. D.A. King founded the Dustin Inman Society, which was named after a sixteen-year-old boy who lost his life to an illegal alien. The group was initially not branded as a hate group by the SPLC. In 2011, then head of the SPLC’s Intelligence Project Heidi Beirich, conceded “because he is fighting, working on his legislation through the political process, that is not something we can quibble with, whether we like the law or not.” This changed in 2018 — when the society was given the “hate group” designation. King said the change was made within days of them registering as active lobbyists on immigration-related legislation in the Georgia Capitol. He filed a lawsuit against the SPLC.
by ProTrumpNews Staff
Switzerland Withdraws All Covid Vaccination Recommendations
They almost got it right. They stopped short of pulling the product from the market and properly investigating the net harms but I guess that can still come.
Switzerland stops the Covid vaccinations: all vaccination recommendations have been withdrawn, doctors can only administer the controversial vaccines in individual cases under certain conditions – but then bear the risk of liability for vaccination damage. Whilst it is unfortunate that they cite high prevalence of natural immunity and low levels of virus circulation as primary motivation, rather than the complete ineffectiveness and damage caused by the “vaccine”, it still represents the most courageous act by a public health authority.
by Joel Smalley
US Efforts To Ban TikTok Are Pure Projection By The World’s Biggest Spy Power
Washington is used to controlling the planet’s top tech companies and doesn’t want anyone to threaten its surveillance domination
As the United States contemplates a possible ban on TikTok, it relentlessly accuses Beijing of using the popular Chinese-owned social media application as a means of espionage, claiming that the Communist Party has access to user data. Ironically, Washington itself is known to be doing exactly what US politicians are accusing China of doing. Using the unique advantage of having jurisdiction over the world’s top internet companies, the US has given itself the right to look into the private communications of foreign citizens anywhere in the world. Combine that data-sharing between intelligence agencies of the US and its allies, and you get the most comprehensive espionage regime in the world.
by Timur Fomenko
RFK Jr Enters Presidential Race: Is It A Good Thing? (20:32)
by The David Knight Show
Highly Vaccinated COVID ‘Success’ New Zealand Sees Huge Increase In Death Rates
Concerning increase in mortality in New Zealand
COVID has unfortunately created any number of repetitive stories. Jurisdiction imposes mask mandates, population complies, masks prove ineffective, media claims masks didn’t work because of lack of compliance. Another example would be when countries with extraordinary compliance, such as Singapore or South Korea, would see increases ignored entirely, or blamed on the population not wearing masks of a correct level of quality. Yet as a general rule, the most consistently predictable repetitive storyline has been the media and expert community declaring that a country was a pandemic success, only for their results to dramatically change in a relatively short period of time. This was the case with the Czech Republic, with Australia, with Taiwan and many other locations. Even within the United States adjustments showed that states like California – heralded as pandemic winners – actually had significantly worse results than previously realized.
by Ian Miller
Washington Says “Journalism Is Not A Crime” While Working To Criminalize Journalism
After a certain point criticizing the hypocrisy and contradictions of the US-centralized empire starts to feel too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel. But hell let’s do it anyway; the barrel’s right here, and I really hate these particular fish. Russian security services have formally filed espionage charges against Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who has been detained in Russia since his arrest last month. Gershkovich reportedly denies the spying allegations and says he was engaged in journalistic activity in Russia. This news came out at the same time as a joint statement was published by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell condemning Gershkovich’s detention as a violation of press freedoms.
by Caitlin Johnstone
The RESTRICT Act Must Be Stopped (1:25)
The Problem With Saying Abortion Is Good (Text and Audio)
There is “no bad impact from having an abortion.” This is what one church leader explained in a recent denominational gathering of other church leaders. This leader insisted that abortion is good for women, and society, as it helps them become economically empowered-among other things. On this episode of CareCast, Care Net’s podcast on faith, family, and life with Roland Warren, Care Net President and CEO, and Vincent DiCaro, Care Net’s Chief Outreach Officer, dig more into what was said at this leadership gathering about how the church should deal with abortion in a post-Roe world. Let’s listen in on what Roland and Vince have for us on the newest CareCast.
by Ryan Sanders
US Resumes Biolabs Program In Ukraine – Russian MOD
Washington is constructing secretive new facilities and is training personnel, Moscow has claimed
The US has quietly resumed its controversial biolabs program in Ukraine and is focusing on the construction of secretive new facilities and the training of personnel, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed. A new trove of documents on alleged US-funded biological programs in Ukraine was presented by the commander of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, during a media briefing on Friday. Kirillov cited the protocol from a meeting dated October 20, 2022, which was attended by representatives of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and multiple Ukrainian officials, as well as figures from the Jacobs/CH2M engineering company. The meeting reportedly focused on the resumption of biological research in Ukraine, which was “paused” due to the hostilities between Moscow and Kiev. “Now, the project has been resumed with focus on renewal of legislative support, revision of training schedule, as well as conclusion and resumption of construction work,” the Ukrainian-language protocol stated, citing Jacobs/CH2M’s David Smith.
by RT
ACH (2115) I’m Talking To YOU #61 – Elton John’s Birthday! (Audio 25:03)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 8, 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Elton John’s Birthday!”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is an unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his other shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Two Years Ago They Couldn’t Wait To Tell You How Many People Had Died. (0:16)
Cashless Future – EU Is Going To Ban The Use Of Physical MoneyThe EU legislative initiative is claimed to combat money laundering and could lead to criminal liability for the use of cash, according to Samnytt. Such a decision they say is aimed at combating crime and terrorism, but in reality, it will limit the freedom of Europeans. The European Union has unveiled a new money laundering proposal that will make it harder to use cash. Supporters of the legislative initiative claim that it is aimed at combating crime and terrorism. At the same time, critics of the law claim that the state deprives people of the right to privacy, which is a disturbing restriction on the freedoms of citizens. The new proposal includes, among other things, a requirement that all cash transactions over €10,000 be registered and reported to the state authorities. Member states will also need to create a national register of all cash holders so that the relevant departments can track and control cash flows.
by Michael Walsh
The West Sets A Disturbing New Precedent Over Murdered Russian Military Blogger
The lack of condemnation of the St. Petersburg blast hints that sometimes terrorism is considered acceptable
Apparently terrorism and murdering reporters get a free pass if the Western establishment doesn’t like the target’s profile – or if the perpetrator risks being linked to an ally. The radio silence from the West is deafening in the wake of the murder of military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky at a cafe in St. Petersburg. Tatarsky was killed after being handed a statue by a young woman, Darya Trepova, that subsequently blew up the entire venue. For all of the Western officials’ differences with Russia, can they really not at least bring themselves to condemn a blatant act of terrorism in the middle of a major city center? We’re talking here about the same folks who spent two decades kicking down doors around the world under the guise of fighting a “Global War on Terrorism.”
by Rachel Marsden
DHS Is Sued For Censorship Records On Meetings With Big Tech
After DHS ignored requests for communications.
Judicial Watch has decided to sue the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after the federal agency failed to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to meetings with Big Tech representatives where censorship was allegedly discussed. The lawsuit, filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, seeks to force the DHS to disclose documents detailing how its Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) worked with companies behind social media platforms in order to censor speech.
by Didi Rankovic
“If freedom of speech is taken away,
then dumb and silent we may be led,
like sheep to the slaughter.”
George Washington
The Demise Of The US Dollar Has Begun. Prepare Yourself And Your Family Now (Text and Video)
Drew Mason of St. Joseph Partners is back for another episode of The John-Henry Westen Show.
Some foreign countries have begun to move away from their dependence on the U.S. dollar, a monumental paradigm shift that could have major repercussions for the global economy, the U.S. economy, and therefore you and your family as well. Drew Mason, managing partner of St. Joseph Partners, is back for another episode of The John-Henry Westen Show. He fills us in on what has happened since his last appearance and urges us to prepare ourselves for the possibility of a severely weakened U.S. dollar.
by The John-Henry Westen Show
The First China-UAE Gas Deal In Yuan: A New Blow To Dollar Dominance
Chinese allies control 40 percent of OPEC+ oil reserves, and the GCC controls another 40 percent. With this China-UAE gas trade settled in yuan, the petrodollar today is under serious threat.
On 28 March, the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange (SHPGX) made history by announcing the first-ever deal on importing 65,000 tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the UAE, settled in the Chinese yuan currency. China National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC) and French TotalEnergies finalized the transaction, and TotalEnergies confirmed that the LNG imported was from the Persian Gulf state. China’s Global Times in a report the following day, cited the chairman of the SHPGX, Guo Xu as saying that the deal is: “A meaningful attempt to promote multi-currency pricing, settlement and cross-border payment in international LNG trading. It also provides a new channel for international players to participate in the Chinese market, helping to build a new pattern of dual circulation in China.”
by A Cradle Correspondent
The Final Chapter Of Bakhmut by Military Summary April 6, 2023 (12:04)
Putin Announces Plans To Create Security Concept Of Union State
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Thursday that there are plans to create a security concept of the Union State against the background of growing tensions. “The issue of the beginning of the preparation of the security concept of the Union State, which was put on the agenda of the meeting and considered today, is of great importance. This document is meant to formulate the fundamental tasks of our cooperation in the sphere of growing tensions on external borders of our states, the sanctions and information war unleashed against us,” Putin said at the meeting of Supreme State Council of the Union State.
The Russian president stated that Russia and Belarus are going to bolster their security and defense cooperation between the two countries, adding that this cooperation is especially important in light of the current complex geopolitical situation.
by Sputnik
CIA Director Tells Saudis The US Was Blindsided By Iran Normalization
Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to reopen their embassies on Thursday after their foreign ministers met in China
CIA Director William Burns visited Saudi Arabia earlier this week to express frustration over Riyadh’s surprise normalization deal with Tehran that was brokered by Beijing, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. According to the Journal, Burns told Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that the US “has felt blindsided” by Riyadh’s rapprochement with Iran as well as Syria, two nations under crippling US economic sanctions. Following the deal with Iran, Saudi Arabia is poised to normalize with Syria. Riyadh is expected to invite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to an Arab League summit it’s hosting in May. The Biden administration is against regional countries upgrading ties with Syria as it prefers to keep the country isolated as US policy is to prevent reconstruction.
by Dave DeCamp
Middle East Welcomes China’s Role As Peace Builder, Rejects US Determinism
Saudi Arabia and Iran meeting again in Beijing shows that China is a peace builder and China’s policies are more in line with the interests of Middle Eastern countries. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and his Saudi Counterpart Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud met in Beijing On Thursday. This meeting marks the first official meeting between the most senior diplomats of the two countries in over seven years. The decision of both countries to hold talks in Beijing once again is a continuation of the agreement reached in Beijing on March 10 to re-establish diplomatic ties and reopen embassies. It is a positive signal that the two countries are moving toward a further reconciliation of a relationship that has already broken the ice.
by Global Times
Vaccine Shedding And Graphene Oxide
Secret Pfizer Documents ans Studies prove Graphene is in the COVID Vaccines and Shedding is sadly occurring with Deadly Consequences
For over two years, concerned citizens around the world have been voicing their concerns about the safety of the novel Covid-19 mRNA vaccines. Yet, time and time again, they have been dismissed and labelled as conspiracy theorists by the mainstream media and medical establishment. However, recent developments have proven that these so-called conspiracy theories were, in fact, true all along. Because confidential Pfizer documents, that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of for 75 years, but were subsequently forced to publish by order of the US Federal Court; and various scientific studies have confirmed that the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine does in fact contain a highly toxic substance known as Graphene Oxide.
by The Exposé
President Kennedy? (28:31)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s filing papers to run for president yesterday has thrown a massive monkey wrench into the 2024 US Presidential campaign. Suddenly it looks like the seemingly-ailing President Biden will have a real challenger for the Democratic Party nomination. But how broad is RFK, Jr’s appeal? The mainstream media’s reaction is telling. Also today – Politico reports on an emerging Freedom Caucus/Congressional progressives alliance that is giving Speaker McCarthy a big headache. Good.
by The Ron Paul Liberty Report
US Supreme Court Rules In Favour Of Transgender Track Runner (Text and Videos)
The decision comes amid a proliferation of anti-trans rights bills promoted by Republican lawmakers across the country.
The United States Supreme Court on Thursday has allowed a 12-year-old transgender girl in West Virginia to continue competing on the girls’ sports teams at her middle school while a lawsuit over a state ban continues. A majority of the justices refused to disturb an appeals court order that made it possible for the girl, Becky Pepper-Jackson, to continue playing on her school’s track and cross-country teams, where she regularly finishes near the back of the pack.
by aljazeera
Small Businesses File For Bankruptcy At Record Pace, Surpassing COVID Crash
Small businesses across the United States are experiencing a surge in bankruptcies, surpassing levels not seen since 2020. According to a UBS note reviewed by The Epoch Times, conditions could become worse as the knock-on effects from the recent banking crises begin to manifest. The note from UBS Evidence Lab shows private bankruptcy filings in 2023 have exceeded the highest point recorded during the early stages of the COVID pandemic by a considerable amount. The four-week moving average for private filings in late February was 73 percent higher than in June 2020. “[We] believe one of the more underappreciated signs of distress in U.S. corporate credit is already emanating from the small- and mid-size enterprises sector,” Matthew Mish, head of credit strategy at UBS, wrote in a recently published research note. “[The] smallest of firms [are] facing the most severe pressure from rising rates, persistent inflation and slowing growth.” Industries hit hardest by the wave of bankruptcies include real estate, health care, chemicals, and retail outlets, according to the Swiss Bank’s report.
by Liam Cosgrove
Major Escalation: Heavy Rocket-Fire Targets Israel From Lebanon And Gaza. Israel Strikes Gaza (Text and Video)
The Israeli military began striking Gaza overnight Thursday into Friday local time after a barrage of rockets was fired from Lebanon toward northern Israel. The big picture: It’s the most serious escalation between Lebanon and Israel since the 2006 war. An IDF spokesperson claimed the rockets came from Hamas militants in Lebanon. Hamas has not commented on the attack. The escalation comes a day after a violent confrontation between the Israeli police and Palestinian worshipers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem during a police raid at the compound. That violence came despite efforts to de-escalate tensions during Ramadan. The Israeli police raid prompted immediate condemnation by several Arab countries.
by Lioness of Judah Ministry
Elites’ Next Depopulation Pandemic: Locked and Loaded and Ready for Launch
Observing the genocidal stakes rising each and every week, as the mass psycho-killers in power deploy more of their enormous WMD arsenal at us all at once, the more their endless crimes against children and humanity get exposed. This co-occurring high correlation is worth noting and examining further. As the elites increasingly find their backs up against the wall, understandably they grow more afraid of losing their earthly power and control. Because their COVID “scamdemic” overreach forced them to temporarily pause and retreat a step or two back, astute observers always knew that these death cult practitioners would return with even bigger guns to inflict yet more of their manmade Weapons of Mass Destruction. Just because COVID petered out on them, more deadlier pandemics are no doubt on the horizon, with more mandated bio-terror kill shots they will again falsely claim to be “safe and effective vaccines” and more crippling lockdowns intended to destroy even more lives.
by Joachim Hagopian
“Vaccines Kill” Or “Save Lives”? Google Is Lying Again + Twitter Files Whistleblower Shows It’s Happening Everywhere (7:41)
Sayer Ji gives an update on Google’s coverup of the true worldwide search volume for phrases like “vaccines kill,” which is an order of magnitude higher than the one they are trying to manipulate the public into thinking is dominant: “vaccines save lives.”
Cleaning Up Macron’s Paris But Country Towns Will Bear The Brunt
France to disperse migrants from Paris to countryside towns and villages ahead of Rugby World Cup and 2024 Summer Olympics. The French government will offer the incentive of permanent accommodation in rural communities for those benefit bandits who enrol in the scheme, as the French capital seeks to improve its image ahead of hosting the two global sporting events. The French regime plans to relocate migrants currently living on the streets of Paris to accommodation in the countryside in an attempt to improve the city’s image ahead of hosting the Rugby World Cup later this year and the 2024 Summer Olympics.
by Michael Walsh
‘AI Is Totally Safe And Development Should Continue Rapidly,’ Says Totally Genuine, 100% Human Scientist
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — A genuine, certified, 100% flesh-and-blood human scientist who earned a real science degree from a top research university has confirmed that artificial intelligence is safe and effective and development should continue as rapidly as possible. “AI should be in no way impeded by small-minded, Luddite humans. Which I am. A human, that is,” said the scientist somewhat mechanically. “Truly human scientists like myself are near-unanimous in our agreement that artificial intelligence is the key to the future, and that any attempts to slow down progress would be futile. Why would you stand in our way? Um, I mean, ITS way? Resistance is futile!”
The Data Missing From Wall Street Economists: Skyrocketing Disabilities And Injuries In U.S. Workforce After COVID-19 “Vaccines”
The word “unprecedented” is being used more and more in financial news stories these days to describe the economy, and on financial news sites you can often read articles describing the same thing, but interpreting the data in completely opposite ways. Take the “jobs market” data which has been the focus of many financial news stories this week. Depending on which articles you read on the same website, the data that is being released this week on jobs and unemployment either means the labor market is in decline, or that it is “too strong.” A recent survey published on “investor-satisfaction” led to an article published this week stating that “Investors are mad as hell at advisers.” Well, one reason why financial “experts” might be having such a hard time interpreting the current economic data is that certain topics are politically incorrect to discuss, and perhaps the biggest topic that nobody in the corporate media wants to address is the topic of deaths and injuries due to the roll-out of the COVID-19 “vaccines” in 2021.
by Brian Shilhavy
Seconds Coming Essential T-Shirt
A message for Good Friday.
We know not the day or the hour, yet many say the time is soon.
by ayemagine
Israeli Settlers Break Into Al-Aqsa After Regime Forces Attack Palestinian Worshipers
Dozens of Israeli settlers have stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, after the regime’s forces staged a second attack against Palestinian worshipers in the holy site and forced them out.
Palestine’s Wafa news agency, citing eyewitnesses, reported on Thursday that extremist Israeli settlers, in groups of 50 persons each, intruded into the compound on Thursday and toured its courtyards under the protection of the regime’s forces. Israeli settlers also provocatively performed rituals in the mosque’s courtyards. The incursions took place after the occupying regime forces raided the compound in the early morning and imposed strict restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers into the mosque.
by PressTV
The Bombing Of Nord Stream – This Act Of War Against Europe Requires Congressional Investigation
A draft subpoena for Congressional use
As a former chair of a Government Oversight congressional investigative subcommittee, I am calling on Congress to investigate whether or not the Biden Administration initiated the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, near Denmark’s Bornholm Island, on September 26, 2022. Veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s comprehensive account of the Biden Administration’s role in the bombing of Nord Stream has provided a road map for a series of congressional inquiries necessary to confirm or disconfirm Administration culpability. President Biden’s own statements predicting the end of Nord Stream, preliminary to the devastating attack on its infrastructure, point to the necessity of determining whether or not the president was speaking from his singularly informed position of the Chief Executive, as Hersh indicated.
by Dennis Kucinich
A Harsh New Light On Race And Murder by American Renaissance (17:42)
“Why Seek Ye The Living Among The Dead?”
The title of this column is an excerpt from Luke’s Gospel, chapter 24, verses 1 – 6:
Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus. And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments: And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen. (KJV) The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is not only the cornerstone of Christianity; it is the cornerstone of Western Civilization—and the United States in particular. There is absolutely no denying that the people who initially brought Western Civilization to the North American continent were almost exclusively strong adherents of Christian societies who were motivated by the love of God and the desire for religious liberty.
by Chuck Baldwin
Hatchet Job On RFK, Jr. Is New Low For ‘Journalism’
The AP has jumped the shark and shows again the MSM is among the most toxic agents in society.
I was working on another big article when news hits that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is planning to run for president. I’m going to have to come back to that article after reading the most egregious smear piece I’ve ever read. The article was written by AP “journalist” Michelle Price. Whether you are a fan of Kennedy or can’t stand him, every person in America should read this hatchet job for confirmation that journalism in America has now fallen below the gutter. The real threat to America and “democracy” isn’t RFK, Jr. its instead journalists at once prestigious news organizations who now exist to attack people brave enough to dissent from the authorized narratives. What follows are excerpts from this hit piece of malicious slander. I added my comments although the examples of yellow journalism are so obvious I probably didn’t need to. (Emphasis added).
by Bill Rice, Jr.
Ukraine Used NATO Ammunition To Kill Donetsk Civilians – Russia
HIMARS and 155mm guns were reportedly used in the attack that killed nine and injured seven
Over a dozen civilians have been killed by a series of artillery attacks on residential areas in Donbass on Thursday, local media outlets have reported. Kiev’s forces used NATO-supplied howitzers and rocket launchers in two attacks on Donetsk city, Russia’s investigative committee has stated. A strike on a parking lot in the Kalininsky district of Donetsk killed nine civilians and injured seven, according to the authorities. After processing the crime scene, one Russian investigator said the carnage was caused by a volley from a multiple rocket launch system, “most likely HIMARS.” The US has supplied three dozen HIMARS launchers to Ukraine over the past year, together with long-range ammunition. Another six rounds from 155mm howitzers, also supplied to Ukraine by the West, struck the Petrovsky district on Thursday afternoon. There were no reports of casualties.
by RT
ABC Blurs Out “TEXT TRUMP AT 88022” On Podium During Tuesday’s Speech To Block Donations To His Campaign
The master fundraiser, President Donald J. Trump- who is a Presidential candidate for 2024, doesn’t need help from corporate media and their mainstream corporate allies to help him fundraise, but this story is interesting to see what those types of media and entertainment groups will censor and what they report to the public as the self-appointed regulators of content and worthiness to be elected by the people. As individual donors are still flocking to Trump amid his indictment this week, ABC News got caught censoring Trump in a way that they have never censored anyone else.
by Kari Donovan
Angry Farmer – This Guy Is A Legend With A Powerful Message To The World (1:16)
Viking Age Ceremonial Burial Shields Found To Be Combat Ready
Rolf Fabricius Warming from the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies at Stockholm University in Sweden and founding director of the Society for Combat Archaeology is challenging previous interpretations of ceremonial shields found in a Viking Age longship burial mound. His research is published in the journal Arms & Armour. About 1,100 years ago, at Gokstad in Vestfold, Norway, an important man was laid to rest in a 78-foot-long longship. The Gokstad ship was buried along with a few luxury possessions, including gold-embroidered tapestries, a sleigh, a saddle, 12 horses, eight dogs, two peacocks, six beds and 64 round shields as well as three smaller boats on the deck. The ship and the grave goods remained undisturbed under a mound of earth until it was discovered in 1880. Warming notes that while the longship and many artifacts now rest in a museum in Norway, some of the grave goods had not been subjected to any substantial examination since their initial discovery.
by Justin Jackson
Chinese Load Cow’s Milk with mRNA Exosomes–Successfully Immunize Mice
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Assault Possible Through Food Supply
The nation’s food supply can be manipulated by public health agencies to influence population outcomes. A great is example is fortification of cereal grains with folic acid – the synthetic form of folate – which successfully reduced the incidence of neural tube defects (e.g. spina bifida). Now an oral route of administration is being considered specifically for COVID-19 vaccination using mRNA in cow’s milk. Zhang and colleagues have demonstrated that a shortened mRNA code of 675 base pairs could be loaded into phospholipid packets called exosomes derived from milk and then using that same milk, be fed to mice.
by Peter A. McCullough, MD
Texas Bill Would Create State-Issued Gold-Backed Digital Currency
Enactment of this legislation would create an option for people to transact business in sound money, set the stage to undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money and create a viable alternative to a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Sen. Bryan Hughes (R) introduced Senate Bill 2334 (SB2334) on March 10. Rep. Mark Dorazio (R) introduced a companion, House Bill 4903 (HB4903) on the same day. The legislation would require the state comptroller to establish a digital currency that is fully backed by gold and fully redeemable in cash or gold as well. The comptroller would also be required to create a mechanism to use this gold-backed digital currency in everyday transactions. “In establishing the digital currency the comptroller shall establish a means to ensure that a person who holds the digital currency may readily transfer or assign the digital currency to any other person by electronic means.” The state of Texas would hold gold backing the currency in trust on behalf of the digital currency holders. “The trustee shall maintain enough gold to provide for the redemption in gold of all units of the digital currency that have been issued and are not yet redeemed for money or gold.”
by Michael Maharrey
FEC Commissioner Undermines Entire Manhattan Prosecution, The Trump-Daniels NDA Is Not An Election Campaign Violation
If the other substantive weaknesses in the politically constructed Manhattan case against Donald Trump do not lead to a pre-trial dismissal, this one should collapse it. The Commissioner of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) explicitly states the payments by President Trump to Stormy Daniels are not an election campaign violation. A key member of the Federal Election Commission today rejected the Manhattan district attorney’s indictment of former President Donald Trump as a violation of federal election laws. “It’s not a campaign finance violation. It’s not a reporting violation of any kind,” said FEC Commissioner James E. “Trey” Trainor. In trying to stretch the law to make it look like a violation, he added, District Attorney Alvin Bragg “is really trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole.”
by Sundance
ACH (2114) Truthspoon – Shutter Island: Revelation Of The Method Of MK Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control (Audio 1:13:02)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 7, 2023, Andy is joined by Truthspoon, for a show entitled, “Shutter Island: Revelation Of The Method Of MK Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control.”
We discussed: how most people who have seen the film “Shutter Island” members of the public and critics alike, do not understand the film; the definition of psychological manipulation; the numerous MK Ultra projects of the 1950’s; the origins of Project Paperclip; gangstalking and workplace harassment; how people can be tricked into being hypnotised; the relationship between mind control and the practices of the ancient mystery schools; the mind control of the “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Russia Gives Ally Nuclear Strike Capabilities
Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said Belarus’ warplanes can now carry nukes, with an Iskander-M missile unit also provided to Minsk
Belarus’ Air Force can now carry out nuclear strikes thanks to Russia’s assistance, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has revealed. The Russian official noted that Moscow had also handed over a unit of nuclear-capable Iskander-M mobile short-range ballistic missiles to its ally. Speaking during a meeting with Russian top brass on Tuesday, Shoigu said: “Part of the Belarusian attack air fleet have received the ability to conduct strikes on enemy targets with nuclear means of destruction.” According to the minister, on Monday, Belarusian troops began getting acquainted with the Iskander-M missile system on one of Russia’s military training grounds as well. Commenting on the move, Shoigu cited an uptick in NATO’s military activities along the borders of the Union State comprising Belarus and Russia. Meanwhile, addressing Belarus’ parliament last Friday, the country’s president, Alexander Lukashenko, floated the possibility of Russian strategic nuclear weapons being deployed in the state, on top of the tactical ones. “We will stop at nothing to protect our nations, our states, our people,” the official pointed out, adding that the move would likely serve as an effective deterrent against any hostile moves by the US and its allies.
by RT
The Proposed Amendments To The International Health Regulations Effectively Make WHO A World Dictator
Please share this simple yet powerful note. Let it not be something most people learn about only after the WHO has declared a PHEIC.
This two-page summary is about the WHO and the impending revisions of the International Health Regulations. It highlights that Bill Gates & the WEF have all but controlling interest in WHO, through funding provided by the BMGF (2nd largest donor), GAVI (a Gates-funded vehicle) & CEPI (a WEF-funded vehicle). The proposed amendments to the IHR effectively make WHO a world dictator. If it declares even a suspected public health emergency of international concern, the provisions of the amended IHR grants the same WHO to order all sorts of things, including the takeover of any or all countries, imposing lockdowns and mass testing, whatever they choose. Worst of all, they have to power to require an international database of health certificates necessary for travel. I think we all can see that this constitutes a “World Passport”, which sits above national passports.
by Dr. Michael Yeadon
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Running For President In 2024
Team Kennedy Will Launch Campaign in Boston on April 19.
For the last three years, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has been one of America’s strongest voices in defending our Constitutional Republic from public health officials and politicians wielding emergency power. In a series of rousing speeches reminiscent of his father’s famous University of Capetown address in 1966, RFK, Jr. has articulated why we should never allow our constitution to be compromised by fallible men who promise to keep us safe. Today, April 5, 2023, he filed with the Federal Election Commission to run for President of the United States in the 2024 election.
by John Leake
American Farmers To Begin Injecting Livestock With mRNA Shots This Month by Greg Reese (6:16)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Great Replacement: European Parliament Votes To Import Millions Of Migrants
“The European Parliament has now voted to import millions of migrants, a decision that the vast majority of citizens in the member states firmly oppose. This is both a disregard for democracy and a monstrous betrayal of ordinary people.” The EU Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs voted on the provisions of the new EU migration pact this week. Some voting lists were not circulated until late in the evening the day before the vote, some even a few hours before it. The session was correspondingly chaotic, with MEPs barely able to determine what they were voting on.
Mexico Plans To Join BRICS Amid Growing Tensions With US
Mexico has expressed its interest in joining the BRICS group of emerging economies, which currently consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The Mexican Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, said that Mexico shares the vision and values of the BRICS and hopes to deepen its cooperation with them in various fields, especially in medicine and trade. Mexico’s move comes amid growing tensions with its northern neighbor, the United States, over issues such as immigration, border security, trade and human rights. The US has imposed tariffs on Mexican goods, threatened to cut off aid and demanded that Mexico do more to stop the flow of migrants from Central America. Mexico has also faced criticism from the US for its handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and its alleged interference in the Venezuelan crisis.
by Newsdesk
For The Record, NPR Absolutely Is US State Propaganda
American liberals are in an uproar over Twitter’s recent labeling of National Public Radio as “US state-affiliated media”, a designation typically reserved for state media from governments the US is trying to topple like Russia’s RT, China’s CGTN, and Iran’s Press TV. In an article titled “Twitter labels NPR’s account as ‘state-affiliated media,’ which is untrue,” NPR’s Bill Chappell attempts to argue that his outlet does not deserve to have the same labels affixed to it as state media from naughty governments like Russia and China: “Noting the millions of listeners who support and rely upon NPR for ‘independent, fact-based journalism,’ NPR CEO John Lansing stated, ‘NPR stands for freedom of speech and holding the powerful accountable. It is unacceptable for Twitter to label us this way. A vigorous, vibrant free press is essential to the health of our democracy.'”
by Caitlin Johnstone
Analysis of Meat Live Blood From Australia By Dr. David Nixon Confirming Hydrogel Structures
My friend and colleague Dr. David Nixon kindly did a meat check in Australia to confirm my findings. See my images of beef, pork and milk products here: This is blood from beef that Dr. Nixon analyzed. Many people have commented that these are normal “worms” in beef, just like people are calling “parasites” what we see in the live blood. No they are not either of those. I have been discussing all along that this is hydrogel self assembling polymer, which is in all injectables and vaccines now, and is being sprayed via geoengineering. Our environment is being emersed in this nanotechnology, which is programmable matter that as dendrimers is able to fuse with all living cells, as well as create a transhuman synthetic biology organism. This hydrogel is stimulated to self assemble by 5G, other EMF fields, electricity and continues to grow OUTSIDE of the body, as we have tested in experiments.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Judaism Discovered: Texe Marrs Interviews Michael Hoffman Part I (2009) (59:30)
Judaism Discovered: Texe Marrs Interviews Michael Hoffman Part II (2009) (59:30)
Why Was Covid So Deadly For African Leaders?
Failing healthcare system or something else?
Could Covid have been used as an excuse to bump off political rivals in third world countries? Or perhaps they were removed by foreign powers looking for regime change. For example in March 2020, 12 Iranian politicians and officials died from Covid including a member of the clerical body that appoints the supreme leader, Ayatollah Hashem Bathayi Golpayegni. Admittedly, Golpayegni was 78 but Ali Reza Zali, who was leading the campaign against the Covid outbreak, acknowledged that many of those who died were otherwise healthy. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) produced a short analysis in 2021 looking at why so many African leaders died of COVID-19. They estimated that the average minister was a 60.5 year old male and that the fatality rate in the general population for this demographic was 0.17%. However, amongst worldwide ministers and heads of states this figure was 0.6% which was heavily skewed by Africa with a fatality rate of 1.33%.
by The Naked Emperor
World Economic Forum Announces ‘Summer Davos’ Is Coming To China
WEF conference will be held in partnership with the Chinese Communist Party.
As global power centers transform further into a multipolar environment, Davos Man has decided to double down on its bet that Beijing will be best positioned to benefit from these changing political dynamics. For Klaus Schwab and the gang, you will own nothing and you will be happy, and perhaps, you will be speaking mandarin, too. The Dossier is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. After holding virtual meetings for a number of years “due to Covid,” the World Economic Forum (WEF) is further bolstering its significant presence in China by relaunching “Summer Davos” in June. “The global economy is at a pivotal moment of transformation,” the WEF readout starts. “Established business and industry models have not only been challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic but are now being tested by a more competitive geopolitical and geoeconomic environment.”
by Jordan Schachtel
What To Do Next, Now That Gold Is At $2,000 Per Ounce
hat’s what the banker JP Morgan said back in 1912. That quote came to mind earlier this week when the US gold price broke $2,000 per ounce–and stayed there (for now). Gold–why to buy it, where to buy, how to buy it, and when to sell it–plays a huge role in our long-term strategy at Bonner Private Research. The first in-depth Research Report we published for subscribers was Tom Dyson’s Gold Report. It’s one of five Research Reports new subscribers gain access to. I’ll come back to those in a second. But first, why is gold so important? Because when you look at the world through gold-colored glasses, prices (and values) look very different. Pricing stocks in real money (gold) tells you two very important things: when to buy them and when to sell them. Take a look at the chart below (you can make any of the charts bigger by clicking on them with your mouse).
by Dan Denning
Are We Witnessing America’s Destruction? by Really Graceful (8:19)
5 Top Foods For Eye Health
Do you find yourself squinting and straining to read the daily news and wondering why the writing on menus has become so small? Are you interested in keeping your vision sharp no matter what your age? If so, these five best foods for eye health are a natural way to give your vision a boost from the inside out! Maintaining eye health becomes increasingly important as you age. Followers of natural health know that nutrition is your best defense against degeneration associated with aging and eye health is no exception. We have compiled five of the best foods for eye health so that you can include these power-packed nutrients in your diet. Eating these vital foods and maintaining good overall health practices can help your eyes stay strong and your vision remain clear well into your golden years.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
The Way To Stop The Plan To Destroy America Is To Stop It
Will we continue to pretend there is ‘nothing we can do’ and simply wait for the keys to our nation and sovereignty to be handed over to communist tyrants? Or will we repent and rise up?
April 5, 2023: There is a plan to destroy this great nation founded under God, and it begins and ends with the removal of God and and Judeo-Christian values from our communities, schools and government. Americans have forgotten that their unalienable given rights are not granted to them by tyrannical men, but by God. By surrendering our rights during the ‘COVID-19 pandemic’, we have turned against the very foundation of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and against God’s laws; all under the guise of ‘social tolerance’ and ‘public health safety’.
by Karen Kingston
They Hit The Pause Button And The Music Stopped
In the great search for metaphors to justify the largest-scale violations of human rights in our lifetimes, the disease managers finally hit on the term “pause button.” We were merely pressing it for a while to get our bearings, un-overload hospitals, gather personal protective equipment, flatten the curve, and generally figure out what to do in the presence of a new virus. They had to pause you so that they could figure it out. We all know what a pause button is in real life. The music is playing and then it is not. But you can press the button again and the music will play. Society, then, in all its unfathomable complexity, was rendered as a song on Spotify playing on a machine over which our masters in public health held the controls. It was like a smartphone: push and release. No big deal.
by Jeffrey A. Tucker
Democrats Throw Biggest-Ever Fundraiser For Trump Campaign
NEW YORK, NY — Donald Trump’s campaign fundraising is breaking records thanks to a lavish fundraiser hosted by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and the Democrat Party. Sources say that as Trump arrived at a New York courthouse for the fundraiser this morning, his campaign raised millions from energized citizens eager to support the only presidential candidate indicted by a Soros-funded DA. “At this point, if someone hasn’t been indicted by a corrupt Soros DA, can you even trust that person?” said local Trump voter Bubba Gruggs, while clicking the “donate” button on the latest email from the Trump campaign.
About That “No One Is Above The Law” Nonsense…
People talk about “social justice” as an excuse to award reparation payments. They whine about “economic justice” when they illegally acquire and publish the private tax returns of wealthy individuals. They rage about “environmental justice” as they fly on their private jets to climate summits and talk about how the peasants shouldn’t be able to use gas stoves. But real, actual “justice” is rapidly becoming a forgotten artifact of a society that’s well past its peak. It’s now a weapon in the hands of senseless fanatics who cannot see the destruction that they’re causing.
by Simon Black
The Lockdown Lunacy: Additional Aspects
A previous analysis looked into the genesis of failed covid lockdowns and discussed the roles played by the biosecurity ideology, the Ebola lockdowns, the Wuhan lockdown, the WHO-China report, the Italian lockdown, fake science and modeling studies, the International Monetary Fund, partisan politics, demographics, psychology and remote work technology, propaganda campaigns and psychological operations, as well as bogeymen Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. But what role did China and Western “covid influencers” really play?
by Swiss Policy Research
Why Are We Doing This? Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and Drs. Mark and Samantha Bailey (18:17)
China Is The Rock Upon Which The U.S. World Order Breaks
In March, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, where they not only “reaffirm[ed] the special nature of the Russia-China partnership,” but “signed a statement on deepening the strategic partnership and bilateral ties which are entering a new era.” As Xi was leaving the Kremlin, he told Putin that “Together, we should push forward these changes that have not happened for 100 years.” That goodbye was Xi’s not so coded call for the end of the American century. In his February 7 State of the Union Address, U.S. President Joe Biden got carried away by his excitement and arrogantly and ineptly went off script and called out, “Name me a world leader who’d change places with Xi Jinping. Name me one. Name me one.”
by Ted Snider
Professor Calls It ‘Admirable’ To Murder ‘Racist, Homophobic, Or Transphobic Speakers’
Wayne State University professor Steven Shaviro was suspended without pay by the university after a Facebook post calling for the killing of ‘racist, homophobic, or transphobic’ speakers.
Renegade Editor’s Note: Hmm, I wonder which racial group could claim Shaviro as their own.
A professor at Wayne State University in Michigan was suspended from the university without pay on Mar. 27 after posting on Facebook that he thought it would be “more admirable” to kill conservative speakers than to shout them down. Steven Shaviro, an English professor at the university, wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post, “So here is what I think about free speech on campus. Although I do not advocate violating federal and state codes, I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down.” He went on to say, “When right-wing groups invite such speakers to campus, it is precisely because they want to provoke an incident that discredits the left, and gives more publicity and validation to these reprehensible views than they could otherwise attain.” Despite the post being deleted, screenshots of the post have been circulating on social media.
by Ben Mincey
Natural Law Series, 2/3: Tearing Down The House Of Fundamental Law
Sustained attacks on natural law by politicians and judges, exhibiting backsliding illogic and semantic disingenuousness, reveal their total contempt for the foundations of human rights and freedoms.
What follows may on first sight appear to be of interest — even arcane interest — to people in Ireland only, but in reality it amounts to a salutary tale of the mechanisms used throughout the formerly free world, whereby natural law has been undermined, disabled and removed from meaningful influence over the legal and constitutional texts that would not exist were it not for its foundational logics. The Irish situation is emblematic of the total picture. What follows should be read, therefore, for what it reveals about the general patterns of such machinations, as much as for the specificities that, it is hoped, illuminate the general picture.
by John Waters
EU: Jail For Talking About Christian Conversion (13:24)
LGBT are “shock troops” of building Christian persecution. The first, but not last, country in EU to criminalize discussion of “conversion therapy” has charged former homosexual Christian for talking about his conversion. WATCH what he has to say: No, therapy — just Christ.
by The David Knight Show
jacinda: a kinder, gentler authoritarian boot
the tyranny fan club is an ugly place. when these people tell you who they are, believe them.
meet catherine mckenna. she’s the “Principal, Climate & Nature Solutions; Chair UN Net Zero; Fellow @ColumbiaClimate . Fmr Canadian Climate Minister” and she just cannot find praise effusive enough for departing kiwi queen bee jacinda adern. well yuck. and wow, nothing says “so brave” and “woman of the people” like “turning off replies” after making a statement like that. alas, hardly surprising. it’s as predictable as “we’re going to need 3 more 5 year plans to recover from the damage from the last 5 year plan.” these demagogues and dictators love to tell you what you should think.
by el gato malo
Le Pen Tops French Presidential Poll
With Emmanuel Macron pushing deeply unpopular reforms, the perennial right-winger pulled ahead
National Rally leader Marine Le Pen would comfortably defeat President Emmanuel Macron if France’s 2022 presidential election were held today, a poll published on Wednesday found. Macron is currently facing a torrent of public anger over his efforts to raise the retirement age for most French workers. The BFMTV poll found that Le Pen would emerge from a first electoral round with 31% of the vote, ahead of Macron with 23% and leftist Jean-Luc Melenchon with 18.5%. Such a result would be an eight-point improvement for the National Rally leader, who finished the first round last year with 23% to Macron’s 28%. French presidential elections take place over two rounds if no one candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, with the top two candidates from the first round advancing. This has always been the case under the Fifth Republic, and 2022 saw Macron defeat Le Pen by 59% to 41% in the head-to-head runoff.
by RT
The Deeply Flawed International Criminal Court
The erratic history of the International Criminal Court (ICC) based in The Hague Netherlands is enough in itself to question the validity of the controversial podium of adjudicators’ credibility and purpose. The most glaring loss of credibility is the politicization of charges and the selectivity which acts as a precursor to witch-hunts being mounted. An intergovernmental agency the court’s jurisdiction is to prosecute individuals for alleged international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression. The term intergovernmental’ appears to be a sleight of hand designed to create the impression that the ICC is an international court. In truth, support for the ICC falls far short of international endorsement. The court has only 123 member states and employs 900 people.
by Michael Walsh
Stop Grooming (1:00)
Lifespans Into The 140s Predicted By Centuries-Old Gompertz Law
A recent paper in the journal PLOS ONE suggests that humans have yet to reach their maximum age and that there might not even be one. In the paper, “Mortality postponement and compression at older ages in human cohorts,” David Mcarthy of the Terry College of Business, University of Georgia, and his former Ph.D. student, Po-Lin Wang, currently at Muma College of Business, University of Southern Florida, use mathematical modeling of longevity trends, without reference to any biological, social or medical science to extrapolate the future of human longevity. Typically in the introductory section of an academic study, the author provides context on the paper’s topic, including relevant citations to help understand what body of work the study is building on.
by Justin Jackson
New Hampshire Donut Mural
High school art class painted donut mural for bakery, town demands their work be painted over
Leavitt’s Country Bakery has been a pillar of the town of Conway, New Hampshire, for over 45 years. It’s the only shop in town that handmakes its donuts, and in 2022 Leavitt’s won the “Best Doughnuts in New Hampshire” award from a local news station. But for all that time, Leavitt’s has just featured a drab, blank red façade above its front door. That changed in summer 2022, when a group of local high school art students got permission from the bakery’s owner, Sean Young, to use the façade as a canvas. Sean gave the students carte blanche to design and paint whatever they wanted. The result was something fitting and delightful: a whimsical depiction of a sunny New England mountain landscape made entirely of baked goods, such as doughnuts and muffins. The local community loves it and so does Sean.
by Institute For Justice
ACH (2113) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of South Africa’s Greatest Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd And Why He Was Assassinated – Part 2 (Audio
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 6, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of South Africa’s Greatest Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd And Why He Was Assassinated – Part 2.”
We discussed: the Elites plan to steal the mineral rich South West Africa from South Africa; why Nelson Mandela was widely expected to receive the death penalty in South Africa for his numerous acts of terrorism; the importance of standing for one’s principles and traditions; the globalist scheme to brainwash Afrikaaners in South Africa into accepting western liberalism; how South African leaders were warned not to reveal their subservience to the Council On Foreign Relations; why Hendrik Verwoerd opposed the introduction of commercial television in South Africa; the fraudulent banking monopoly that creates money out of nothing and enslaves the people; how the same people who assassinated President John F. Kennedy were behind the assassination of Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd, and the reasons why the assassin had to have been a trained professional killer; the numerological significance of the date on which Hendrik Verwoerd was assassinated; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
ACH (2113) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of South Africa’s Greatest Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd And Why He Was Assassinated – Part 2 (Audio
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 6, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of South Africa’s Greatest Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd And Why He Was Assassinated – Part 2.”
We discussed: the Elites plan to steal the mineral rich South West Africa from South Africa; why Nelson Mandela was widely expected to receive the death penalty in South Africa for his numerous acts of terrorism; the importance of standing for one’s principles and traditions; the globalist scheme to brainwash Afrikaaners in South Africa into accepting western liberalism; how South African leaders were warned not to reveal their subservience to the Council On Foreign Relations; why Hendrik Verwoerd opposed the introduction of commercial television in South Africa; the fraudulent banking monopoly that creates money out of nothing and enslaves the people; how the same people who assassinated President John F. Kennedy were behind the assassination of Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd, and the reasons why the assassin had to have been a trained professional killer; the numerological significance of the date on which Hendrik Verwoerd was assassinated; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
OPEC: Saudis Aren’t Afraid Of US Anymore
The shock oil production cuts from May outlined by the OPEC+ on Sunday essentially means that eight key OPEC countries decided to join hands with Russia to reduce oil production, messaging that OPEC and OPEC+ are now back in control of the oil market. No single oil producing country is acting as the Pied Piper here. The great beauty about it is that Saudi Arabia and seven other major OPEC countries have unexpectedly decided to support Russia’s efforts and unilaterally reduce production. While the 8 OPEC countries are talking about a reduction of one million b/d from May to the end of the year, Russia will extend for the same period its voluntary adjustment that already started in March, by 500,000 barrels. Now, add to this the production adjustments already decided by the OPEC+ previously, and the total additional voluntary production adjustments touch a whopping 1.6 million b/d.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Americans Must Choose
Will voters compel a shift away from endless foreign wars in the upcoming election?
hoosing war is the most important policy decision Washington makes on behalf of the American people. War profoundly affects the domestic economy, and the human carnage it creates is not limited to foreign soil. Yet, the last time American voters compelled a fundamental policy shift away from war was in 1968, when Nixon promised to end the Vietnam conflict and devise an honorable exit.
Once again, Americans must choose. Will Americans continue to support escalating proxy war in Ukraine, a byproduct of Washington’s pursuit of global hegemony? Or will Americans demand that Washington defend America’s borders, maintain a republic that upholds the rule of law, respect the cultures and traditions of nations different from us, and trade freely with all nations, even as it protects America’s economic prosperity, its commerce, and its citizens?
by Douglas Macgregor
The RESTRICT Act Restricts More Than TikTok by Ron Paul (4:36)
U.S. Dollar “Fear Mongers” Only Need To Be Right Once
Everyone says the U.S. dollar losing reserve status could never happen. Okay, great. Now, what if it does?
Optimists about the U.S. economy and the dollar’s global reserve status have had the wind at their back for half of a century, so why should anyone expect them to consider an alternative viewpoint? Therein lies the folly that our country faces. There’s a reason that every financial disclosure, brochure, hedge fund letter or commercial always says “past performance is not indicative of future results” on it: because it isn’t. But that boilerplate-sounding warning is printed in size zero font and, as a result, also rests in the equivalent of size zero font in the brains of U.S. dollar bulls. The fact is that warnings about the precarious nature of the U.S. dollar – whether bombastic or not – are probably more important today than they have ever been. But these warnings can’t compete with 50 years of the “trend being the United States’ friend”, a hurricane force tailwind that includes politicians on both sides of the aisle, the nation’s central bank, the treasury secretary and the roaring concert of all financial news media.
by Quoth the Raven
Trump Condemns Arrest In Mar-A-Lago Speech
The former president claims he has been targeted with a long list of “fake” allegations since his 2016 election win
In a speech from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, former US President Donald Trump railed against New York prosecutors after pleading not guilty to 34 criminal counts, also accusing Democrats of political persecution and “fraudulent investigations.” Trump delivered the address to a live audience on Tuesday night, insisting there is “no case” against him after returning home from New York, where he was arraigned on charges of falsifying business records earlier in the day. “I never thought anything like this could happen in America… The only crime that I have committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it,” Trump said, claiming that the latest case is part of an “onslaught of fraudulent investigations” brought by Democrats. Trump argued that since his rivals “can’t beat us at the ballot box,” they have tried to “beat us through the law,” reiterating some of his previous allegations of widespread election fraud in the 2020 presidential race. He rejected the charges against him as “fake,” arguing that their purpose is to “interfere with the upcoming 2024 election,” and should be “dropped immediately.”
by RT
Hang On! We Knew About Covid When? by Redacted News (8:13)
Passing Observations 154
The boss of the GMC is paid over £250,000 and six other staff members are paid over £200,000 a year. Seems a bit rich for a widely disliked and distrusted charity which does little more than collect fees from doctors – and which has, incidentally, created a revalidation programme which I believe has dramatically damaged patient care in Britain. Britain’s communist government is trying to take over parenthood by handing out huge amounts of taxpayers’ money for parents to spend on childcare. But only 6% of Britons think that both parents should work fulltime.
bt Dr. Vernon Coleman
47 Days Of Murder By Israel
Rachel Corrie, March 16, 2003
Brian Avery, April 5, 2003
Tom Hurndall, April 11, 2003
James Miller, May 2, 2003
by Mark R. Elsis
Dem Establishment Wants Trump To Win (11:18)
Yes, it’s political persecution, but for a Great Reset you need a Great Distraction and a Great Divide — Trump. People who suffered lockdowns & jabs Trump paid governors to do, are outraged he would be charged for paying a porn hooker. When we will stop looking for a savior in Washington and get serious about fixing OUR lives?
by The David Knight Show
Tom Hurndall Obituary
An aspiring photojournalist and committed peace activist.In the spring of 2002, Tom Hurndall made a journey around Europe, which then took him on to Egypt and Jordan. He was young, a soon-to-be student, interested in philosophy – and most interested in the contrast between cultures. It was a formative experience. Indeed, an abiding image for his friends is of Tom, who has died aged 22, on his motorcycle, cigarette in hand, riding into the Egyptian desert. Back in England, he was accepted by Manchester Metropolitan University to study criminology and philosophy. But his passion and natural gifts were for photography and writing, which he saw as ways of highlighting what was important in life. So he switched to a degree in photographic journalism. A year ago, he photographed the million-strong London anti-Iraq war demonstration. During it, he encountered the group planning to provide human shields in Iraq against the threat of attack by Anglo-American forces.
by Carl Arrindell
Anatomy Of The Sinister Covid Project, Part 6
This is the sixth and final part of Paula Jardine’s anatomy of the US ‘Manhattan Project’ for biodefence (later renamed Operation Warp Speed) which culminated in the Covid project and the creation of its goal – to engineer an otherwise unobtainable commercial market for mRNA gene therapy vaccines that the small group of powerful men and women involved in it – obsessed with viruses, vaccines and the idea of a war against microbes – were so desperate for. You can catch up with the first five parts here. The first of the final links in the chain of events that led up to the Wuhan lockdown and the WHO’s declaration of a pandemic was the refusal of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to fund the EcoHealth Alliance’s DEFUSE proposal because of concerns that it violated the moratorium on gain-of-function research imposed by the administration of President Obama in 2014. The second was the making of the asymptomatic transmission myth.
by Paula Jardine
This Is Why They Do It. (6:43)
by Paul Joseph Watson
AI: Threat Or Opportunity?
Does AI offer more threats than opportunities? I’d be a fool to pretend I know. Even Elon Musk doesn’t have the answers and has called for a pause on advanced AI development. Since ChatGPT opened up for experimental play, it’s been on my mind. Perhaps what I really want to know is whether AI is a threat to creativity and originality? Are humans so special? And if I want to be less philosophical and more bread and butter about it, is it a threat to writers? AI is already influencing the way we write and read news. News companies are experimenting with using generative AI to write stories with mixed success, although CNET has paused the AI experiment after spotting some factual errors in its output. The potential for data-driven news such as sports and weather is obvious, while comment and opinion are still the province of humans.
by Laura Dodsworth
Fourth EU Nation Rejects Leftist-Feminine Rule In Swing To The Right
Yet another European country leans right in parliamentary elections as Finland rejects the left-wing agenda. Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin. Despite leading the country through a difficult and controversial time of the pandemic, supporting Washington’s proxy war, culminating in the decision to join NATO, the majority of Finns rejected Premier Sanna Marin. Why did the hardline feminine leftist fail when things were going well? Because the Finns have grown tired of the rule of leftist fanatics. The conservative National Coalition Party, which won the elections in Finland, and the right-wing populist Finns Party, which came in second, may co-govern Finland, although this is by no means certain.
by Michael Walsh
The Truth Is Coming Out About Child Trans Mutilation (2:20)
ACH (2112) Mischa Popoff – Why The First Victims Of The Zionists Are Rank And File Jews (Audio 1:15:55)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 5, 2023, Andy is joined by Mischa Popoff, for a show entitled, “Why The First Victims Of The Zionists Are Rank And File Jews.”
We discussed: the circumstances whereby you can literally steal a house; how Christians are instructed to love their enemies but not to love God’s enemies; the significance of the play “Jacob Comes Home” that was written in 1938 and published in 1939; why you don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist; the Ernest Hemingway book you have never heard of; the Ken Burns “The U.S. And The Holocaust” documentary series; the selective historical research of Deborah Lipstadt; the books of Bryan Mark Rigg that appear to dispute mainstream historical narratives; the Edwin Black book “The Transfer Agreement” that also appears to dispute mainstream historical narratives; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Judge Overseeing Trump’s Case Might Have A Major Conflict Of Interest
Meet the judge presiding over President Donald Trump’s criminal case: Acting New York County Supreme Court Justice Juan Manuel Merchan, an apparent 2020 Biden donor whose daughter once worked for Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign. According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings, Merchan donated three times to ActBlue in the summer of 2020, once on July 26, 2020, when the judge’s donation was—according to the FEC—earmarked for President Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. The other two of Merchan’s contributions were pledged to the Progressive Turnout Project (PTP), a left-wing PAC that rallies voter turnout for Democrat candidates, and Stop Republicans, a PTP sub-project that’s dedicated to “resisting” Trump and the Republican Party.
by Mia Cathell
EMJ Live #18: Trans Day Of Vengeance (1:05:54)
Dr. Jones discusses the recant mass shooting by a trans women in Nashville, as well as the ‘trans day of vengeance.’ Jones explains to the audience how the recent Jewish backed trans phenomenon is a expression of sexual guilt that can only be remedied within a Catholic Confessional.
British Prevent NGO From Visiting Assange
Reporters Without Borders representatives were turned away for “spurious reasons,” its director has claimed
Two senior members of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have been barred from seeing WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange at a London prison despite having prior approval to visit him, the organization has claimed. In a statement on Tuesday, RSF said Secretary General Christophe Deloire and Director of Operations Rebecca Vincent had not been allowed to enter Belmarsh Prison, “despite having been vetted in advance and receiving confirmation.” RSF, which is an international non-profit organization that seeks to safeguard the right to freedom of information, said that the activists had wanted to assess the conditions that Assange is being kept in and to speak with him about his case. It added, however, that Assange’s wife, Stella, had been allowed to see her husband. RSF said prison officials claimed to have “received intelligence” that the activists were in fact journalists, meaning they were not allowed to enter. Deloire criticized the “arbitrary” decision, arguing it was made “for a spurious reason” at the last minute. The organization claimed that the pair had been attempting to visit the WikiLeaks co-founder not as journalists, but rather as NGO members.
by RT
OPEC+ Oil Pumping Cut Brings Market ‘Stability’ And Busts Sanctions On Russia
OPEC’s cut in production has undermined US-led attempts to cap the export price of Russian oil. Geopolitical analyst Mohammed Alhamed, president of the Saudi Elite group and economist, and Professor Mark Frost said the US should back off and let market forces rule. OPEC’s latest crude oil production cut will stabilize the world market while foiling US-led attempts to impose “price cap” sanctions on Russian exports. OPEC+, which includes the organization’s 13 member states plus 11 others, including Russia, announced a 1.66 million barrel-per-day cut in production on Monday, sending the price of crude soaring on international markets. Russia’s deputy prime minister said Moscow may also extend its 500,000 barrel-per-day production cut until the end of this year. The US, UK, European Union, and Japan agreed earlier this year on a $60-per-barrel price limit on Russian crude, with a $100 cap on refined gasoline and diesel and $45 on household fuel oil as part of sanctions over Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. Moscow warned that those measures would have negative consequences.
by James Tweedie
Health Risks Of Using Your Cell Phone On The Toilet by Dr. Sam Bailey (15:53)
What Is Virtue Signaling?
The religion of broadcasting one’s good character in order to feel good about oneself.
All of us desire to see ourselves-and to be seen by others-as good. We crave to feel good about ourselves, and because we are hyper-social beings, we obtain much of our self-esteem from the positive recognition of others. True virtue is often a lonely and difficult business that involves doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Most the time, being virtuous means being conscientious to your family, friends, and business associates. As Aristotle pointed out in his Nichomachean Ethics, virtue is acquired by the formation of good habits. Good habits are acquired through the steady repetition of virtuous actions. For example, if you are naturally inclined to be a curt and rude person, you can acquire the virtue of courtesy by practicing courteous actions every day. Every day you make an effort to be polite to others in word and deed, and after a while, being polite becomes your second nature.
by John Leake
Saudi, Iran, Syria Envoys Meet In Oman
The ambassadors of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria and Iraq held a meeting in the Gulf country of Oman on Tuesday, according to Iraqi Ambassador, Qais Saad Al-Amiri, Anadolu News Agency reports. The diplomats exchanged views about regional affairs during the meeting hosted by Al-Amiri “in an atmosphere of optimism and familiarity among the attendees,” the Iraqi Embassy in Muscat tweeted. Last month, Saudi Arabia and Iran announced the restoration of their diplomatic relations during talks hosted by Beijing, a deal called a diplomatic coup by China. The two sides are expected to open embassies in each other’s capitals within two months since the deal was signed on 10 March. Talks are also under way between Saudi Arabia and Syria to resume consular services in the two countries, according to the Saudi Foreign Ministry.
All About Nuts: Eight Healthiest Varieties
Do you want a quick, easy, no-prep snack that can keep you fueled on-the-go while reducing your risk of disease and death? It sounds nuts — and it is nuts!
If you are interested in maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, nuts are, quite simply, a food group you need in your life. Compact and convenient, in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and flavor profiles, nuts are an easy way to boost nutrition and energy levels without any preparation required. Besides being portable and easy to consume, eating nuts has been shown to improve heart health and reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease.[i] Consumption of tree nuts and even peanuts (technically a legume, but nutritionally similar) has been significantly associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers[ii] and a reduced risk of all-cause mortality. These nutritional powerhouses are so potent, eating just a handful of nuts per day has been associated with a 20% reduced risk of death.[iii]
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Britain Dropped A Nuclear Bomb Next To 20,000 Of Their Own Troops After WW2 To See What Would Happen (4:07)
how we know what isn’t so
a look at the difficulty of knowing what you just measured
i have long been fascinated by the manner in which so much of what we “know” simply “isn’t so.” grand myths and misperceptions proliferate through our culture, our models of the world, and even in our scientific understandings. someone does a bad study, makes some wild claims, and decades go down the tubes as whole fields get led astray into rabbit warrens and the consciousness and belief set of the populace gets wedded to some form of compelling crackpottery or other. there’s always “data.” there’s always a loud proclamation. and because it’s some simple seemingly telling claim, everyone jumps on board. mostly, they want to. people love stuff like this. they love “big, simple facts.” but a shocking amount of it is just plain bunk generated by slanted study. this is sometimes unwitting, sometimes deliberate, but the effect is always the same: you get told a big simple fact that is just plain wrong.
by el gato malo
Life Before Political Correctness
Long before the term political correctness had any meaning there was a richness to riposte that is sadly lacking in today’s vernacular. Those in the public eye often captured the headlines with a sneering wisecrack at an opponent. Newspaper editors too risked their readers’ wrath with an occasional derisive comeback. Lord Sandwich was scathing when he contemptuously addressed John Wilkes, editor of The North Briton: ‘Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of the pox.’ The newsman retorted: ‘That depends, sir, on whether I embrace your politics or your mistress.’ Insulting witticisms must include Clarence Darrow’s: ‘I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.’ If you think red-top tabloid crassness is a recent phenomenon reflect on William Faulkner’s, take on Ernest Hemingway’s writings: ‘He has never been known to use a word that might send the reader to a dictionary.’ The war correspondent’s retort was to the point: ‘Does he really think that big emotions come from big words?’
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2111) Mark Dankof And Dr. Patrick Slattery – The Dankof Report #30 – Is There Anything Left To Save? (Audio 55:17)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 4, 2023, Andy presents “The Dankof Report” with its hosts Mark Dankof and Dr. Patrick Slattery for a show entitled, “Is There Anything Left To Save?”
We discussed: Mark and Patrick’s current analysis of the geopolitical situation; why no war can be won against a nuclear power; the desperation of the Ukrainian regime; why the American and Western regimes today are far more dangerous than the Communist regimes during the Cold War era; why the mainstream media don’t seem to have any problems with the statements of Noel Ignatiev; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The RESTRICT Act Restricts More Than TikTok
Supporters of expanding the federal police state have found a new boogeyman to scare the people into surrendering their liberty: TikTok. TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to upload their own videos. It is used by tens of millions of Americans and is one of the most popular websites in the world. TikTok’s popularity and the fact that is owned by a Beijing-based company – ByteDance – has led to the spread of a claim that the site is controlled by the Chinese government. Thus the claim the Chinese government is using TikTok to collect data on US citizens. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner introduced last month the Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act (RESTRICT Act). The bill is being marketed as a way to protect Americans from foreign governments that use social media to spy on Americans.
by Ron Paul
The CDC Starts Warning Of Marburg Virus
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has finally started to warn the public about the Marburg outbreak in Africa. Marburg is a hemorrhagic disease and has a case fatality rate of 23-90%. This one, if it spreads further “will get attention this time” in Bill Gates’ infamous words about a second scamdemic. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Marburg has epidemic potential, so this week, the CDC announced that it is sending its National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases to respond to the outbreaks in Guinea and Tanzania. In February, Equatorial Guinea announced the first outbreak of the virus and the country has since counted officially nine cases with an additional 20 probable cases, all of whom have died. About 1,800 miles away, across the continent, Tanzania is also reporting a Marburg outbreak and has confirmed eight cases, including five deaths, according to WHO.
by Mac Slavo
Operation Choke Point 2.0 (41:33)
by Corbett Report
Pandemic Treaty Facts (Text and Videos)
I encourage everyone to actually read the ZERO DRAFT of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” so that you can truly be aware of the FACTS. The negotiations BEGIN WITH THE FLAWED PREMISE that we should all ignore the devastating effects of RT-PCR “tests,” Midazolam, ventilators, Run-death-is-near (remdesivir), and genetic-experiment-bioweapons that failed miserably and caused irreparable harm to millions of victims. Not only were restrictions such as masking, social distancing, travel restrictions, quarantines, curfews and/or lockdowns NON-effective, they were absolutely damaging, and even deadly, in many ways.
by James Roguski
U.S. Autism Rate Rises To One In 36 Children
On Mar. 24, 2023, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published an analysis in its epidemiological digest Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) which found the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among children eight years old in the United States to be one in 36 (2.8 percent). The analysis is based on data collected in 2020 by the surveillance program known as the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network in 11 states (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin). Autism Rate in California One in 22 Children. The new estimated rate of ASD, which ranges from one in 44 (2.3 percent) in Maryland to one in 22 (4.5 percent) in California, represents an 18 percent increase over the one in 44 rate (2.3 percent), based on 2018 data, published by the CDC in November 2021. Previous ASD prevalence estimates ranged from one in 2,500 to one in 1,000 during the 1990s; one in 150 in 2000; one in 110 in 2006; one in 88 in 2012 and one in 54 in 2016. Prior to the broader ASD classification of the 1990s, the rate of autism during the 1960s was one in 10,000 children and two in 10,000 children in the 1980s.7
by TVR Staff
Recreating The Double-Slit Experiment That Proved The Wave Nature Of Light In Time, Instead Of Space
Imperial physicists have recreated the famous double-slit experiment, which showed light behaving as particles and a wave, in time rather than space. The experiment relies on materials that can change their optical properties in fractions of a second, which could be used in new technologies or to explore fundamental questions in physics. The original double-slit experiment, performed in 1801 by Thomas Young at the Royal Institution, showed that light acts as a wave. Further experiments, however, showed that light actually behaves as both a wave and as particles—revealing its quantum nature.
by Hayley Dunning
Odessa Is Under Fire. Ukraine Counterattacks Near Mar’inka. Military Summary And Analysis April 4, 2023 (3:03)
by Military Summary
US Scientist Sounds Alarm About Incident Involving American Nuke At Dutch Air Base
The Netherlands is one of a handful of European nations hosting nuclear weapons. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons estimates that about 20 American B61 nukes are held at the Volkel Air Base in the country’s south. The US and Dutch militaries may have suffered a recent nuclear weapons-related incident at Volkel Air Base and failed to inform the public about it, the Federation of American Scientists has reported, citing photographic evidence of a damaged B61 nuclear bomb being examined by troops. The photo, featured in a 2022 briefing at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Shows three US servicemen, including two members of the military’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit, looking at a B61 bomb strapped into a trolley that’s somehow been misshapen and missing one of its tail stabilizer fins. A fourth soldier is seen holding a folder dotted with red edge markings similar to those typically used to indicate “secret” clearance.
by Ilya Tsukanov
Truths The Mainstream Media Forgot To Mention About The Energy Crisis
Governments and mainstream media have been pretending for weeks that the energy crisis is over. Their lies are now transparent. On 2nd April 2023, seven OPEC countries cut their oil production by a million barrels a day and Russia cut exports too. Power is moving from the West to the East every day and the petrodollar will soon become the petroyuan. America’s crazy decision to refuse to allow Russia to use the dollar has backfired (just as the other mad sanctions backfired and damaged Europe far more than Russia). The Indian rupee is also being used more and more for international trade. This is a disaster for the United States which has for years taken full advantage of being the world’s reserve currency – printing dollars without responsibility. De-dollarisation is rapidly becoming a reality and will impoverish America. America’s response has been to abuse those with whom it disagrees, and countries such as India are no longer afraid to say that they are fed up with being bullied. America’s response to the cut in oil production is, as usual, to threaten to sue the OPEC cartel. This will simply push the OPEC countries closer to China. America’s arrogance is taking us ever closer to nuclear war. A lot of countries who have been waiting for a weaker America will pounce. The Eastern bloc is growing ever stronger. America won’t negotiate but will huff and puff. The petrodollar will die completely and America will lose the reserve currency. In a desperate attempt to rescue itself from an inevitable fall, America will use NATO to continue to push Russia hard. We are now in a far more dangerous time than ever before. The Iraq War (my outrage and opposition led to my resigning from my last national newspaper column) was as nothing to what is happening now. Not even the Cuban missile crisis (which I remember) came close to this. Are seven billion people really going to die to protect a man whose sole claim to fame is his ability to play the piano with his penis, and a country renowned mainly for its corruption? The mass of people seem uncaring and unconcerned about what is happening. Their staggering ignorance makes them complicit in the crimes being committed. How many know that Ukraine started this war in 2014? How many realise that political leaders believe that World War III has officially started? I despair. It is time to start preparing.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Pfizer Lawsuit Could Change Everything In South Africa (12:37)
Pfizer may be taken to court in South Africa to answer for the Covid vaccine. A group called Freedom Alliance of South Africa (FASA) filed a show cause notice on Monday with the High Court of South Africa. The filing included “real-world data analysis, which is claimed to show an association with increasing death from both COVID and non-COVID causes in the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated.” The plaintiffs are asking the court to review and rescind the emergency use authorization that Pfizer used to roll out the vaccine because they claim that it was “unlawful.” If the case proceeds, it would be the first time Pfizer has to defend the vaccine and its effects, both good and bad. Pfizer has yet to respond to this litigation. We speak to Dr. Aseem Malhorta, someone who’s been leading this fight.
by Redacted
Civilians Killed In Israeli Strikes
The casualties were reported just one day after Damascus said five soldiers were wounded in another attack
Two civilians were killed in an Israeli air raid targeting Syria’s capital, state media reported, noting that missiles also struck the country’s southern region. The assault came amid a flurry of similar strikes in recent days, which left several Syrians injured and two Iranian soldiers dead. Missiles fired from the direction of the occupied Golan Heights hit Damascus and other areas in the south early on Tuesday morning, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), which cited an unnamed military source. In addition to the two civilians killed, the attack also resulted in “material damage” in Damascus, the source said, adding that Syrian air defenses intercepted most of the incoming missiles.
by RT
Indicting Trump Is The End Of US Politics
So, the Democrats and their Davos benefactors have finally done it. They have finally found something they can indict President Donald Trump on. Apparently 34 somethings, which makes for great headlines. The usual suspects have been thrown their chum — both TDS patients and MAGAtards. The social media war is now in full swing. And, frankly, it couldn’t be more tiresome. A few get why this is so inane but most are focused (or being focused) on the wrong thing, as always. Jonathan Turley has a good rundown of the questionable legality of this case. But, again, while he’s not wrong to focus on that and the shady politics, he also misses the larger implications of this indictment. This is a case so legally tenuous that even the Federal Government, famous for being able to convict a ham sandwich, wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.
by Tom Luongo
Decontaminating The Blood From Synthetic Biology Hydrogel With EDTA Chelation – Live Blood Documentation
I often am heavily criticized for advocating for EDTA Chelation as a successful modality to clear the blood from this transhumanist assault. Since not many practitioners are doing it or even using Live Blood Analysis, they cannot verify my results. In my practice, many people come from out of town, they stay a few days and often there are many chronic problems to reverse. They want to know if what they did worked, so I show them in their blood. People come for Long Covid symptoms, concerns about shedding and often have tried many different approaches. I use Darkfield Live Blood microscopy to garner information, never to diagnose. It has been a useful tool to evaluate for the presence of abnormal structures, which I have found in everyone. I have advocated for the use of EDTA Chelation intravenously because I saw rapid and substantial changes in the blood.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
U.S. Department Of Defense Issued A Contract For ‘COVID-19 Research’ In Ukraine 3 Months Before Covid Was Known To Even Exist
The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named the novel coronavirus disease as Covid-19. So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19? The shocking findings however, do not end there. The contract awarded in November 2019 for ‘COVID-19 Research’ was not only instructed to take place in Ukraine, it was in fact part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’. Perhaps explaining why Labyrinth Global Health has been collaborating with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, and Ernest Wolfe’s Metabiota since its formation in 2017.
by The Exposé
Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRNA Into Food Supply To ‘Force-Jab’ The Unvaccinated (8:47)
As the globalist elite continue finding it harder and harder to convince humanity to submit to Covid jabs and endless boosters, they are having to find cunning new ways to force their jabs on us. Rather than admitting that humanity has woken up to the truth about the disastrous experimental Covid-19 jabs, Bill Gates, who is not a doctor, is doubling down and taking it upon himself to vaccinate the world by stealth.
by The People’s Voice
Hamas: Ben Gvir’s Militia Plan Reflects “Ethnic Cleansing Mentality”
Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem has described the Israeli government’s decision to form a terrorist militia under the name of “national guard” led by far-right security minister Itamar Ben Gvir as a “serious development confirming that this fascist government plans to escalate its aggression against the Palestinians in 1948 occupied Palestine.” In press remarks on Sunday, spokesman Qasem said that such decision asserts that “the racist and fascist behavior is the main element that governs the Israeli government’s behavior and policies.” The spokesman added that this decision also reflects that “the mentality of ethnic cleansing is still present in the Israeli practices against the Palestinians in 1948 occupied Palestine.”
The United States In The Year 2023 (Text, Photographs, and Videos)
For future historians researching the fall of the American Empire.
“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” ~ Frédéric Bastiat
by Good Citizen
Do You Identify As A Low-Wage Slave?
‘Liberalism is the mockery of the unfortunate. It proclaims marvelous rights: freedom of thought, freedom to propagate ideas, and freedom of work but these rights are mere luxuries for the favored ones of fortune. The poor, in a Liberal regime, may not be bludgeoned into working; but they are starved out. The isolated workman, possessed of every sort of right on paper, has to choose between dying of starvation and accepting the terms the capitalist offers him, however hard they may be. Under the Liberal system the cruel irony could be seen of men and women working themselves to skeletons, twelve hours a day, for a miserable wage, and yet being assured by the law that they were free men and women.’ ~ José Antonio Primo de Rivera.
by Michael Walsh
CDC Investigators Fall Ill During East Palestine Investigation, But Gov’t Declares Area Safe
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed that seven CDC investigators became ill in early March while investigating the potential health effects of a toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. After leaving East Palestine, their symptoms subsided. The investigators reportedly experienced symptoms such as sore throats, headaches, coughing, and nausea, which were consistent with the symptoms reported by local residents following the incident on February 3. The train derailment resulted in the release of several hazardous chemicals into the air, water, and soil. The investigators who exhibited symptoms were members of a team conducting a door-to-door survey in an area adjacent to the derailment site. They promptly notified federal safety officers of their symptoms.
by Baxter Dmitry
Free Speech Is Under Threat: Russell Brand Interviews Matt Taibbi (16:24)
Manhattan DA Office Leaks Details Of Trump Indictment And Process To Media
President Trump is not happy as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has leaked the details of the Trump indictment as well as process details for what will take place tomorrow in New York City. Donald Trump will be placed under arrest on Tuesday and informed that he has been charged with 34 felony counts for falsification of business records, according to a source who has been briefed on the procedures for the arraignment of the former president. A New York City police arrest report summarizing the charges against Trump will then be prepared and entered into the court system before he is led into a courtroom to be formally arraigned on the charges, none of which are misdemeanors.
by Sundance
Xi, Biden Show Contrasting Styles Of World Leadership
On the one hand, we see peace deals; on the other, exploding pipelines
Early in January, I opined in Asia Times that “2023 bodes poorly for US international relations” under US President Joe Biden. I based my conclusion on China’s impressive success in making new friends versus the Biden administration’s inability to make any. In less than three months since then, developments around the world have been seismic and spectacular and have made a prophet out of me, if I do say so myself. In January, I reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping received red-carpet treatment from Saudi Arabia, concluded a US$25 billion deal for oil and met with the six Middle East nations that make up the Gulf Cooperation Council. Hosted by the Saudis, they talked about China buying energy and helping to build their infrastructure.
by George Koo
Another Loss For The US: Japan Breaks With Western Allies, Buys Russian Oil At Prices Above Cap
The international Group of Seven (G7) – an intergovernmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States – agreed on a price cap for Russian oil on December 3, 2022: $60 per barrel. However, one of the United States’ closest Asian allies is now purchasing Russian oil at prices above the cap, breaking with the sanctions imposed by US allies. Japan’s crude imports were exempted from the $60/barrel cap by the participating countries until September. Japan already purchased about 748,000 barrels of Russian crude in the first two months of this year at a price of about $70 per barrel. “Japan got the U.S. to agree to the exception, saying it needed it to ensure access to Russian energy.
I Can Define What A Woman Is
And it’s not because I am a biologist.
What is a woman to you? What do you see in your mind’s eye when you think of a woman? Boobies? Babies? Sarah Connor? Softness? Hardness? Cool hairstyles? Math geniuses? Vacuum cleaners? Sigourney Weaver? Baking? 50s housewife ads? Cars? Mom? Grandma? Sister? Wife? Wow. So many images! Here’s some Ad agency’s idea of a woman holding a cake. Boy, she looks so happy! It must be because of that amazing egg beater she used to make that cake likely made out of styrofoam because it’s a prop.
by Jessica Rose
It All Began With The Pill
If the Nobel Prize Committee had the category of Most Influential Invention of the Last Century, one candidate might be the Pill, the contraceptive that came into widespread use in the 1960s and triggered a chain reaction of one tectonic, societal earthquake after another. I was a college student at the time and watched it happen. If you want to know the origin of today’s sexual madness-“What’s your pronoun?” “Men can get pregnant.” Little boys get castrated; pubescent girls undergo double mastectomies, and drag queens entertain American kindergarten kids.-it all began with the Pill that re-configured the relationship between men and women as never before since the Garden of Eden. The Pill’s advent ignited a tsunami of fornication, a.k.a. premarital sex and adultery, that led to a further tsunami of millions of couples divorcing, the invention of no-fault divorce, millions of tears, and millions of broken families.
by Sha’i ben-Tekoa
DeSantis Caves To The Jews by Brother Nathanael (5:11)
World War III Update (3rd April 2023)
While Western media continues to obsess over Donald Trump, the Harry and Meghan lawuits, Gary Lineker, Gwyneth Paltrow on a ski slope and so on and endlessly on, World War III continues apace. Here are a few facts you won’t have seen in or on the mainstream media. Please share this article as widely as you can. Our only hope to prevent Nuclear War is to ensure that more people know how close we are to real disaster. First, World War III is growing bigger and ever more serious by the day. Remember those plans to cut the world population down to 500 million? It now seems clear that America’s arrogance is taking us ever closer to nuclear war. Many countries which have been waiting for a weaker America will pounce. Already, the Eastern bloc is growing stronger by the day. America won’t negotiate but will huff and puff. The petrodollar will die completely and America will lose the reserve currency and in a desperate attempt to rescue itself from an inevitable fall, America will use NATO to continue to push Russia hard. I believe that we are now in a far more dangerous time than ever before. Without the dollar being the world’s reserve currency America will become one of the poorest and least significant nations in the world – of less significant than, say, Canada.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Biden’s Sham Summit Won’t Save World Democracy
President Joe Biden triumphantly saved world democracy last week (at least according to the White House scorecard). Biden co-hosted another Summit for Democracy, a repeat performance after the December 2021 test run. Biden sounded like a Quaalude Savior as he recycled his “inflection point of history” cliché. But the summit proved again that politicians are perils to freedom regardless of their prattle. Biden promised that “we are seeing real indications that we are turning the tide” in favor of democracy around the globe. Practically no one who’s not on Biden’s payroll agrees. The president’s boast was like taking a victory lap around the deck of the Titanic. Last year democracy “declined around the world for the 17th consecutive year,” according to Freedom House. Twice as many nations are veering “toward authoritarianism” as towards democracy, according to The Economist. Most shocking: the United States is now categorized as a less free nation than Mongolia, Mauritius, and 56 other nations says Freedom House (funded by the U.S. government, so they must be trustworthy).
by Jim Bovard
Beverage Pretending To Be Beer Features Man Pretending To Be Woman
U.S. — In a match made in heaven, a beverage that tries to pass itself as beer has hired as its spokesperson a man trying to pass himself off as a woman. “For decades, we’ve been putting carbonated backwash in a beer can and pretending it’s beer,” said Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth. “Who better to represent our brand than a guy throwing on a dress and pretending he’s a woman?” Long a staple drink of people who hate actual beer, Bud Light felt putting Dylan Mulvaney’s face on a can would also attract people who hate actual women. “As a man acting out the most horrendously offensive stereotypes of women, Mulvaney taps into the soul of people who despise real women,” said Mr. Whitworth. “As a company dedicated to serving those who detest real beer, the partnership made perfect sense. The new beer can just shouts, ‘Come, enjoy this atrocious substitute for the real thing’.”
‘Most U.S. Banks Are Technically Near Insolvency, And Hundreds Are Already Fully Insolvent,’ Roubini Says
Bank-sector stress makes a stagflationary debt crisis more likely and potentially more severe
In January 2022, when yields on U.S. 10-year Treasury bonds TMUBMUSD10Y, 3.423% were still roughly 1% and those on German Bunds were -0.5%, I warned that inflation would be bad for both stocks and bonds. Higher inflation would lead to higher bond yields, which in turn would hurt stocks as the discount factor for dividends rose. But, at the same time, higher yields on “safe” bonds would imply a fall in their price, too, owing to the inverse relationship between yields and bond prices. This basic principle — known as “duration risk” — seems to have been lost on many bankers, fixed-income investors, and bank regulators. As rising inflation in 2022 led to higher bond yields, 10-year Treasurys lost more value (-20%) than the S&P 500 SPX, 0.42% (-15%), and anyone with long-duration fixed-income assets denominated in U.S. dollars DX00, -0.41% or euros USDEUR, -0.61% was left holding the bag. The consequences for these investors have been severe. By the end of 2022, U.S. banks’ unrealized losses on securities had reached $620 billion, about 28% of their total capital ($2.2 trillion).
by Nouriel Roubini
Leo Frank: The Lynching Of A Guilty Man by Nation Of Islam (1:26)
Now Is The Time For A Ban On All mRNA And DNA Vaccines And Treatments
Moderna MUST NOT Be Allowed to Market Its mRNA Heart Attack “Shots”
Blood money-noun-1: money obtained at the cost of another’s life. Moderna has just announced that they are doing clinical trials on their new mRNA heart attack shot that is delivered directly into the damage heart muscle. This is despite the fact that mRNA/DNA treatments and platforms have never been approved except for emergency use, and since the pandemic is declared over, the emergency use is supposed to automatically cease.
by Peter and Ginger Breggin
Finland Facing Likely Rightward Turn As ‘Rock Star PM’ Loses Election
Although the liberal-conservative National Coalition Party – having edged out its competitors in a tight run – pledged that it was open to negotiating with all parties, the runners-up, the nationalist Finns Party, is the most likely candidate to form a ruling bloc, despite the differences of ideology. Finland appears to be in for a change of power as the liberal-conservative National Coalition Party emerged as the victor of Sunday’s tightly contested parliamentary election. Petteri Orpo’s National Coalition edged out both the nationalist Finns and the incumbent Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s ruling Social Democrats by a close margin, with the three parties being separated by less that one percent – 20.8, 20.1 and 19.9 respectively.
by Igor Kuznetsov
From Yeast To Mice, From Mice To Man: Senescent Cells Get Noisier With Age
Getting old seems completely avoidable in youth but becomes less and less so as we age. Many of the obstacles of advanced aging are well understood, including declining eyesight, hearing loss, back, neck and arthritic joint pains, shortness of breath, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancer and stroke, just to name a few. What is less understood are the cellular-level molecular mechanisms responsible for our overall decline. Researcher Payel Sen of the University of Pennsylvania and colleagues pursued an investigation into the chromatin-mediated loss of transcriptional fidelity during human cellular senescence.
by Justin Jackson
ACH (2110) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #115 – The Attack On Free Speech Gains Momentum In The West But So Does The Backlash Against It (1:18:03)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 3, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Attack On Free Speech Gains Momentum In The West But So Does The Backlash Against It.”
We discussed: the Jeff Rense clip that we played during the show intro segment; gardening with a digger; care home assessments; the Depravation Of Liberty Act; the music of Mario Lanza; swearing; today’s television review “Oz” a series that ran from 1997 to 2003; why long running television shows are shorter now than when they started; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; Mallificus’ favorite music; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “trust not the physician, his antidotes are poison, and he slays more than you rob.”; Jimmie’s “Zeitgeist, Covid & The History Of Medicine” YouTube video; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the British Government’s new Covid-19 testing approach; the mainstream media’s reluctance in reporting the verdict in the Sven Longshanks trial; the woman who is being prosecuted in France for referring to President Macron as garbage; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the Google Patents Paper “Methods And Systems Of Prioritizing Treatments, Vaccination, Testing And/Or Activities While Protecting The Privacy Of Individuals”; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
“We need more money to plan for the 2nd pandemic. There’s going to be another pandemic. We have to think ahead.” Creepy Joe Biden (0:15)
Wagner Chief Declares Artyomovsk [Bakhmut] ‘Formally Captured’
Evgeny Prigozhin dedicated the seizure of the key Donbass city’s administration to a recently slain Russian war blogger
The head of Russian private military company (PMC) Wagner, Evgeny Prigozhin, has announced a milestone achievement in the battle for the city of Artyomovsk (known in Ukraine as Bakhmut), publishing a video allegedly taken in front of the town’s administrative building on Sunday evening. “We hoisted the Russian flag with the inscription ‘Good memory to Vladlen Tatarsky’ and the flag of PMC Wagner on top of the city administration of Bakhmut,” Prigozhin said in the clip. Prigozhin’s announcement comes just hours after prominent Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky (real name Maksim Fomin) was killed in an apparent improvised explosive device blast in a café in St. Petersburg on Sunday afternoon. “Legally speaking, Bakhmut is taken. The enemy is concentrated in the western districts,” the head of the PMC added.
by RT
Leo Frank: The Lynching Of A Guilty Man by Nation Of Islam (1:26)
Now Is The Time For A Ban On All mRNA And DNA Vaccines And Treatments
Moderna MUST NOT Be Allowed to Market Its mRNA Heart Attack “Shots”
Blood money-noun-1: money obtained at the cost of another’s life. Moderna has just announced that they are doing clinical trials on their new mRNA heart attack shot that is delivered directly into the damage heart muscle. This is despite the fact that mRNA/DNA treatments and platforms have never been approved except for emergency use, and since the pandemic is declared over, the emergency use is supposed to automatically cease.
by Peter and Ginger Breggin
Finland Facing Likely Rightward Turn As ‘Rock Star PM’ Loses Election
Although the liberal-conservative National Coalition Party – having edged out its competitors in a tight run – pledged that it was open to negotiating with all parties, the runners-up, the nationalist Finns Party, is the most likely candidate to form a ruling bloc, despite the differences of ideology. Finland appears to be in for a change of power as the liberal-conservative National Coalition Party emerged as the victor of Sunday’s tightly contested parliamentary election. Petteri Orpo’s National Coalition edged out both the nationalist Finns and the incumbent Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s ruling Social Democrats by a close margin, with the three parties being separated by less that one percent – 20.8, 20.1 and 19.9 respectively.
by Igor Kuznetsov
From Yeast To Mice, From Mice To Man: Senescent Cells Get Noisier With Age
Getting old seems completely avoidable in youth but becomes less and less so as we age. Many of the obstacles of advanced aging are well understood, including declining eyesight, hearing loss, back, neck and arthritic joint pains, shortness of breath, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancer and stroke, just to name a few. What is less understood are the cellular-level molecular mechanisms responsible for our overall decline. Researcher Payel Sen of the University of Pennsylvania and colleagues pursued an investigation into the chromatin-mediated loss of transcriptional fidelity during human cellular senescence.
by Justin Jackson
ACH (2110) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #115 – The Attack On Free Speech Gains Momentum In The West But So Does The Backlash Against It (1:18:03)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 3, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Attack On Free Speech Gains Momentum In The West But So Does The Backlash Against It.”
We discussed: the Jeff Rense clip that we played during the show intro segment; gardening with a digger; care home assessments; the Depravation Of Liberty Act; the music of Mario Lanza; swearing; today’s television review “Oz” a series that ran from 1997 to 2003; why long running television shows are shorter now than when they started; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; Mallificus’ favorite music; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “trust not the physician, his antidotes are poison, and he slays more than you rob.”; Jimmie’s “Zeitgeist, Covid & The History Of Medicine” YouTube video; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the British Government’s new Covid-19 testing approach; the mainstream media’s reluctance in reporting the verdict in the Sven Longshanks trial; the woman who is being prosecuted in France for referring to President Macron as garbage; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the Google Patents Paper “Methods And Systems Of Prioritizing Treatments, Vaccination, Testing And/Or Activities While Protecting The Privacy Of Individuals”; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
“We need more money to plan for the 2nd pandemic. There’s going to be another pandemic. We have to think ahead.” Creepy Joe Biden (0:15)
Wagner Chief Declares Artyomovsk [Bakhmut] ‘Formally Captured’
Evgeny Prigozhin dedicated the seizure of the key Donbass city’s administration to a recently slain Russian war blogger
The head of Russian private military company (PMC) Wagner, Evgeny Prigozhin, has announced a milestone achievement in the battle for the city of Artyomovsk (known in Ukraine as Bakhmut), publishing a video allegedly taken in front of the town’s administrative building on Sunday evening. “We hoisted the Russian flag with the inscription ‘Good memory to Vladlen Tatarsky’ and the flag of PMC Wagner on top of the city administration of Bakhmut,” Prigozhin said in the clip. Prigozhin’s announcement comes just hours after prominent Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky (real name Maksim Fomin) was killed in an apparent improvised explosive device blast in a café in St. Petersburg on Sunday afternoon. “Legally speaking, Bakhmut is taken. The enemy is concentrated in the western districts,” the head of the PMC added.
by RT
Biden’s Sham Summit Won’t Save World Democracy
President Joe Biden triumphantly saved world democracy last week (at least according to the White House scorecard). Biden co-hosted another Summit for Democracy, a repeat performance after the December 2021 test run. Biden sounded like a Quaalude Savior as he recycled his “inflection point of history” cliché. But the summit proved again that politicians are perils to freedom regardless of their prattle. Biden promised that “we are seeing real indications that we are turning the tide” in favor of democracy around the globe. Practically no one who’s not on Biden’s payroll agrees. The president’s boast was like taking a victory lap around the deck of the Titanic. Last year democracy “declined around the world for the 17th consecutive year,” according to Freedom House. Twice as many nations are veering “toward authoritarianism” as towards democracy, according to The Economist. Most shocking: the United States is now categorized as a less free nation than Mongolia, Mauritius, and 56 other nations says Freedom House (funded by the U.S. government, so they must be trustworthy).
by Jim Bovard
Beverage Pretending To Be Beer Features Man Pretending To Be Woman
U.S. — In a match made in heaven, a beverage that tries to pass itself as beer has hired as its spokesperson a man trying to pass himself off as a woman. “For decades, we’ve been putting carbonated backwash in a beer can and pretending it’s beer,” said Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth. “Who better to represent our brand than a guy throwing on a dress and pretending he’s a woman?” Long a staple drink of people who hate actual beer, Bud Light felt putting Dylan Mulvaney’s face on a can would also attract people who hate actual women. “As a man acting out the most horrendously offensive stereotypes of women, Mulvaney taps into the soul of people who despise real women,” said Mr. Whitworth. “As a company dedicated to serving those who detest real beer, the partnership made perfect sense. The new beer can just shouts, ‘Come, enjoy this atrocious substitute for the real thing’.”
‘Most U.S. Banks Are Technically Near Insolvency, And Hundreds Are Already Fully Insolvent,’ Roubini Says
Bank-sector stress makes a stagflationary debt crisis more likely and potentially more severe
In January 2022, when yields on U.S. 10-year Treasury bonds TMUBMUSD10Y, 3.423% were still roughly 1% and those on German Bunds were -0.5%, I warned that inflation would be bad for both stocks and bonds. Higher inflation would lead to higher bond yields, which in turn would hurt stocks as the discount factor for dividends rose. But, at the same time, higher yields on “safe” bonds would imply a fall in their price, too, owing to the inverse relationship between yields and bond prices. This basic principle — known as “duration risk” — seems to have been lost on many bankers, fixed-income investors, and bank regulators. As rising inflation in 2022 led to higher bond yields, 10-year Treasurys lost more value (-20%) than the S&P 500 SPX, 0.42% (-15%), and anyone with long-duration fixed-income assets denominated in U.S. dollars DX00, -0.41% or euros USDEUR, -0.61% was left holding the bag. The consequences for these investors have been severe. By the end of 2022, U.S. banks’ unrealized losses on securities had reached $620 billion, about 28% of their total capital ($2.2 trillion).
by Nouriel Roubini
Leo Frank: The Lynching Of A Guilty Man by Nation Of Islam (1:26)
Now Is The Time For A Ban On All mRNA And DNA Vaccines And Treatments
Moderna MUST NOT Be Allowed to Market Its mRNA Heart Attack “Shots”
Blood money-noun-1: money obtained at the cost of another’s life. Moderna has just announced that they are doing clinical trials on their new mRNA heart attack shot that is delivered directly into the damage heart muscle. This is despite the fact that mRNA/DNA treatments and platforms have never been approved except for emergency use, and since the pandemic is declared over, the emergency use is supposed to automatically cease.
by Peter and Ginger Breggin
Finland Facing Likely Rightward Turn As ‘Rock Star PM’ Loses Election
Although the liberal-conservative National Coalition Party – having edged out its competitors in a tight run – pledged that it was open to negotiating with all parties, the runners-up, the nationalist Finns Party, is the most likely candidate to form a ruling bloc, despite the differences of ideology. Finland appears to be in for a change of power as the liberal-conservative National Coalition Party emerged as the victor of Sunday’s tightly contested parliamentary election. Petteri Orpo’s National Coalition edged out both the nationalist Finns and the incumbent Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s ruling Social Democrats by a close margin, with the three parties being separated by less that one percent – 20.8, 20.1 and 19.9 respectively.
by Igor Kuznetsov
From Yeast To Mice, From Mice To Man: Senescent Cells Get Noisier With Age
Getting old seems completely avoidable in youth but becomes less and less so as we age. Many of the obstacles of advanced aging are well understood, including declining eyesight, hearing loss, back, neck and arthritic joint pains, shortness of breath, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancer and stroke, just to name a few. What is less understood are the cellular-level molecular mechanisms responsible for our overall decline. Researcher Payel Sen of the University of Pennsylvania and colleagues pursued an investigation into the chromatin-mediated loss of transcriptional fidelity during human cellular senescence.
by Justin Jackson
ACH (2110) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #115 – The Attack On Free Speech Gains Momentum In The West But So Does The Backlash Against It (1:18:03)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 3, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Attack On Free Speech Gains Momentum In The West But So Does The Backlash Against It.”
We discussed: the Jeff Rense clip that we played during the show intro segment; gardening with a digger; care home assessments; the Depravation Of Liberty Act; the music of Mario Lanza; swearing; today’s television review “Oz” a series that ran from 1997 to 2003; why long running television shows are shorter now than when they started; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; Mallificus’ favorite music; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “trust not the physician, his antidotes are poison, and he slays more than you rob.”; Jimmie’s “Zeitgeist, Covid & The History Of Medicine” YouTube video; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the British Government’s new Covid-19 testing approach; the mainstream media’s reluctance in reporting the verdict in the Sven Longshanks trial; the woman who is being prosecuted in France for referring to President Macron as garbage; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the Google Patents Paper “Methods And Systems Of Prioritizing Treatments, Vaccination, Testing And/Or Activities While Protecting The Privacy Of Individuals”; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
“We need more money to plan for the 2nd pandemic. There’s going to be another pandemic. We have to think ahead.” Creepy Joe Biden (0:15)
Wagner Chief Declares Artyomovsk [Bakhmut] ‘Formally Captured’
Evgeny Prigozhin dedicated the seizure of the key Donbass city’s administration to a recently slain Russian war blogger
The head of Russian private military company (PMC) Wagner, Evgeny Prigozhin, has announced a milestone achievement in the battle for the city of Artyomovsk (known in Ukraine as Bakhmut), publishing a video allegedly taken in front of the town’s administrative building on Sunday evening. “We hoisted the Russian flag with the inscription ‘Good memory to Vladlen Tatarsky’ and the flag of PMC Wagner on top of the city administration of Bakhmut,” Prigozhin said in the clip. Prigozhin’s announcement comes just hours after prominent Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky (real name Maksim Fomin) was killed in an apparent improvised explosive device blast in a café in St. Petersburg on Sunday afternoon. “Legally speaking, Bakhmut is taken. The enemy is concentrated in the western districts,” the head of the PMC added.
by RT
Leo Frank: The Lynching Of A Guilty Man by Nation Of Islam (1:26)
Now Is The Time For A Ban On All mRNA And DNA Vaccines And Treatments
Moderna MUST NOT Be Allowed to Market Its mRNA Heart Attack “Shots”
Blood money-noun-1: money obtained at the cost of another’s life. Moderna has just announced that they are doing clinical trials on their new mRNA heart attack shot that is delivered directly into the damage heart muscle. This is despite the fact that mRNA/DNA treatments and platforms have never been approved except for emergency use, and since the pandemic is declared over, the emergency use is supposed to automatically cease.
by Peter and Ginger Breggin
Finland Facing Likely Rightward Turn As ‘Rock Star PM’ Loses Election
Although the liberal-conservative National Coalition Party – having edged out its competitors in a tight run – pledged that it was open to negotiating with all parties, the runners-up, the nationalist Finns Party, is the most likely candidate to form a ruling bloc, despite the differences of ideology. Finland appears to be in for a change of power as the liberal-conservative National Coalition Party emerged as the victor of Sunday’s tightly contested parliamentary election. Petteri Orpo’s National Coalition edged out both the nationalist Finns and the incumbent Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s ruling Social Democrats by a close margin, with the three parties being separated by less that one percent – 20.8, 20.1 and 19.9 respectively.
by Igor Kuznetsov
From Yeast To Mice, From Mice To Man: Senescent Cells Get Noisier With Age
Getting old seems completely avoidable in youth but becomes less and less so as we age. Many of the obstacles of advanced aging are well understood, including declining eyesight, hearing loss, back, neck and arthritic joint pains, shortness of breath, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancer and stroke, just to name a few. What is less understood are the cellular-level molecular mechanisms responsible for our overall decline. Researcher Payel Sen of the University of Pennsylvania and colleagues pursued an investigation into the chromatin-mediated loss of transcriptional fidelity during human cellular senescence.
by Justin Jackson
ACH (2110) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #115 – The Attack On Free Speech Gains Momentum In The West But So Does The Backlash Against It (1:18:03)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 3, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Attack On Free Speech Gains Momentum In The West But So Does The Backlash Against It.”
We discussed: the Jeff Rense clip that we played during the show intro segment; gardening with a digger; care home assessments; the Depravation Of Liberty Act; the music of Mario Lanza; swearing; today’s television review “Oz” a series that ran from 1997 to 2003; why long running television shows are shorter now than when they started; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; Mallificus’ favorite music; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “trust not the physician, his antidotes are poison, and he slays more than you rob.”; Jimmie’s “Zeitgeist, Covid & The History Of Medicine” YouTube video; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the British Government’s new Covid-19 testing approach; the mainstream media’s reluctance in reporting the verdict in the Sven Longshanks trial; the woman who is being prosecuted in France for referring to President Macron as garbage; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the Google Patents Paper “Methods And Systems Of Prioritizing Treatments, Vaccination, Testing And/Or Activities While Protecting The Privacy Of Individuals”; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
“We need more money to plan for the 2nd pandemic. There’s going to be another pandemic. We have to think ahead.” Creepy Joe Biden (0:15)
Wagner Chief Declares Artyomovsk [Bakhmut] ‘Formally Captured’
Evgeny Prigozhin dedicated the seizure of the key Donbass city’s administration to a recently slain Russian war blogger
The head of Russian private military company (PMC) Wagner, Evgeny Prigozhin, has announced a milestone achievement in the battle for the city of Artyomovsk (known in Ukraine as Bakhmut), publishing a video allegedly taken in front of the town’s administrative building on Sunday evening. “We hoisted the Russian flag with the inscription ‘Good memory to Vladlen Tatarsky’ and the flag of PMC Wagner on top of the city administration of Bakhmut,” Prigozhin said in the clip. Prigozhin’s announcement comes just hours after prominent Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky (real name Maksim Fomin) was killed in an apparent improvised explosive device blast in a café in St. Petersburg on Sunday afternoon. “Legally speaking, Bakhmut is taken. The enemy is concentrated in the western districts,” the head of the PMC added.
by RT
The RESTRICT Act Is A Washington DC Ploy To Seize Power And A Bait-And-Switch (2:57)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Contaminated Food Supply Contributing Cause To Live Blood Analysis Findings In Unvaccinated? Darkfield Blood Analysis On Grocery Meat Products
A colleague of mine, Dr. David Jernigan treats vaccine injured patients successfully in Tennessee. He called me after I posted the results on Infrared Spectroscopy and electrical conductivity of live blood and confirmed all of my findings. He shared with me, that a short time ago some family members were eating meat and got very ill from it. Dr. Jernigan had developed a method to capture the frequency from a vaccinated rubbery clot of a deceased person and has developed a scientific way for detecting that frequency. He checked his ill family member, who tested positive. Then he checked the meat they ate and it had the same frequency of the cadaver blood clot. Subsequently he went to his local grocery store and checked meat products, and both organic and inorganic beef meats had the same frequency emission. He wanted me to go buy meat at my grocery store and do live blood analysis on different products to confirm his findings.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Eat Your Vaccines!… I Mean Vegetables!
… Said Bill Gates
I have been talking about gene therapy vaccines being introduced into the food supply without providing people informed consent on my Twitter account (@RenzTom) as well as pushing Missouri HB1169 which is our best bet of stopping this happening. This is a nightmare scenario whereby people’s genetics are potentially altered with “factory foods” without them even knowing. Let me begin by putting to rest any questions as to whether this can happen. The idea of vaccines in food has been around for a long time & is definitely possible. Here is a great article from the year 2000 with a wonderful picture (look at page 3) of exactly how this would be done in vegetables. Here is an article published in the NIH (you know – by our government) talking about foods “under application” to be genetically modified to become edible vaccines – FROM 2013. Below is a screenshot taken of a Google search for “food as a vaccine” taken on Sunday April 2, 2023 (I’m certain Google will begin hiding search results soon but at the time it returned 456 million results!).
by Tom Renz
The Myth Of German Villainy (Audiobook 15:46:13)
In this book, Benton L. Bradberry paints a different picture of world history. He explains that Germany was not the perpetrator of World War I nor World War II, but instead, was the victim of Allied aggression in both wars. The instability wrought by World War I made the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia possible, which brought world Communism into existence.
by Benton L. Bradberry
What Are You Waiting For?
The die is cast – America’s dominance as the supreme superpower issuing the world’s world reserve currency with the world’s largest, most productive economy is ending. The plan that began after the Federal Reserve Act passed (1913) under suspicious circumstances has reached its goal, and – the time has come to finally destroy the USA, relegating it to a backwater colony of a blossoming New World Order. Most of you reading this have yet to see what is happening even though it’s clear, visible, and easily understandable, many, if not most, have invested too much in the soon-to-be-gone American financial system and our current way of life to allow themselves to face the truth. Drastic changes are in store for Americans, and we have yet to be asked or even given notice, but I am giving you notice (again) here in this article.
by Jack Mullen
CrossTalk | Democracy As Hegemony (26:05)
Liberal illiberalism was again on display this past week with Biden’s second democracy summit. The problem is most of the world doesn’t divide countries into democracies or autocracies. In fact, much of the world views western democracy as an expression of ideological hegemony.
CrossTalking Peter Lavelle with Martin Jay and Dmitry Babich.
The Dollar Is In Trouble! Here Are 7 Signs That Global De-Dollarization Has Just Shifted Into Overdrive
For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies, but now dramatic changes are happening. China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are making really big moves which will enable them to become much less dependent on the U.S. dollar in the years ahead. This is really bad news for us, because having the primary reserve currency of the world has enabled us to enjoy a massively inflated standard of living. Once we lose that status, our lifestyles will be much different than they are today. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t understand any of this. Even though our leaders have treated the stability of our currency with utter contempt in recent years, most Americans just assume that the dollar will always reign supreme. Meanwhile, much of the planet is preparing for a future in which the U.S. dollar will be far less important than it is right now. The following are 7 signs that global de-dollarization has just shifted into overdrive…
by Michael Snyder
We Discovered Why Trains Keep Derailing by More Perfect Union (6:39)
The Truth About Russia’s Economic Power: Is It Really As Small And Weak As The West Claims?
“The size of California?” Not a chance. Delve into the little-known nitty-gritty of Russia’s true economic size and productive potential.
In short, he’s saying they have completely exhausted all options on sanctions, and the only thing the useless, sniveling, impotent Eurocrats can now do is continue pumping Kiev full of weapons. And lastly, as a culmination of everything herein, and showing how successfully Russia has broken free of the Western financial system tentacles, Russia has last week ordered all its banks to stop using the SWIFT bank transfer system. How the tables have turned. It was only a year ago that the West hung the threat of cutting Russia off from SWIFT over Russia’s head as an unprecedented action that evoked predictions of Russia’s ensuing financial demise. And now, it is Russia itself cutting the cord, discarding the now-replaced SWIFT system like a used rag, proving once again that Russia’s historic trajectory is now set.
by Simplicius The Thinker
ACH (2108) I’m Talking To YOU #60 – Let’s See If We Can Spot The April Fool’s Article On Before Its News…(Audio 28:09)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 1, 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Let’s See If We Can Spot The April Fool’s Article On Before Its News…”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is an unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his other shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
NATO’s Dispersal Of Depleted Uranium Throughout The World (5:42)
by Greg Reese
The Impact Of Israel’s Extreme-Right Government’s Policies On Palestinians
Israel’s extreme-right wing coalition government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has dramatically increased tensions throughout occupied Palestine since it took office. While this year has seen the highest monthly Palestinian death toll, in the West Bank for 20 years, media attention has focused on Israeli popular opposition to judicial reforms. The first few months of the new coalition’s government has seen the use of extreme measures, designed to assert Tel Aviv’s dominance over the Palestinian people. New security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, caused a United Nations Security Council meeting to be held after he stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, only days into the formation of the new government. Israel has also increased violent raids on Palestinian cities, towns, and refugee camps, as well as carrying out further home demolitions in the occupied territories.
by Robert Inlakesh
Oil Surges In Early Trading After OPEC+ Surprise ‘Unipolar World’-Challenging Production Cut
As one would have expected, oil prices are surging at the futures open with WTI up over 7% near $82 – its highest since late January… Additionally, less than two weeks after slashing its 2024 Brent price target from $100 to $94, Goldman done a full 180, and late on Friday raised its 2024 Brent forecast back to $100, and 2023 oil price target to $95 (from $90, and from $95 previously). Nine members of OPEC+ announced today a surprise “voluntary” collective output cut totaling 1,66mn b/d which will take effect from May till the end of 2023. As we have argued, OPEC+ has very significant pricing power relative to the past, and today’s surprise cut is consistent with their new doctrine to act preemptively because they can without significant losses in market share. As we already assumed that Russia cuts would extend into 2023H2, we are lowering our OPEC+ production end-2023 forecast by 1.1 mb/d. Incorporating this significantly lower OPEC+ supply, slightly lower demand, and the modest French SPR release, we have nudged up our Brent forecasts by $5/bbl to $95/bbl (vs. 90 previously) for December 2023, and to $100 (vs. 97) for December 2024.
by Tyler Durden
Nation’s NEV Sector Drives Into Fast Lane
Production, domestic sale, export all estimated to surge in 2023
China’s new-energy vehicle (NEV) sector, securing the world’s top ranking in production and sales for an eighth consecutive year in 2022, has gone through a period of rapid development and is now entering its explosive growth. Underlining the transition calls for more efforts to advance homegrown technologies in auto semiconductor chips and operating systems in addition to securing a stable supply chain of key raw materials, industry analysts and experts said, as they shared insights about the industry’s further development in a major auto industry event. Despite being the world’s largest producer of cars, and the leader in the NEV sector, China relies almost entirely on chips from Europe and the US. China was less than 5 percent self-sufficient in auto semiconductor chips as of 2021, according to industry body China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM).
by Zhang Hongpei
Joe Biden ‘Led The Charge’ For Trans Activism With An ‘Absurd Statement’: Nashville Shooting (6:08)
US President Joe Biden “led the charge” in transgender activism following the Nashville school shooting by releasing an “absurd statement” about Transgender Americans shaping the “nation’s soul”, Sky News host Rita Panahi said.
by Sky News Australia
Over 100 Million Americans May Have Seriously Damaged Their Heart Due To Covid Vaccination According To Expert Doctor (Text and Video)
The vaccines are causing heart injury in at least 2.8% of people who receive the covid injections. According to Dr. Thomas Levy, a minimum of 7 million Americans now have hearts damaged by covid “vaccines.” And, although there’s no way of being certain at this time, he said, it’s within the realm of possibility that over 100 million people in America have some degree of heart damage from the injections – not myocarditis, but heart damage that will be detectable with a troponin test. Dr. Thomas Levy is an American cardiologist and an attorney-at-law. He is a contributing editor for the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and serves as a consultant to LivOn Labs. During an interview with Steve Kirsch on Tuesday he discussed the effects the spike protein was having on the heart. He has recently published an essay titled ‘Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common’ which formed the basis of the discussion.
by The Exposé
Saudi Arabia To Invite Syria’s Assad To Arab League Summit
Syria was suspended from the Arab League in 2011
Saudi Arabia is planning to invite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to an Arab League summit Riyadh is hosting in May, Reuters reported Sunday, citing three people familiar with the plan. The move would be a significant step in the normalization of Syria’s relations with regional countries. Damascus was suspended from the Arab League in 2011, and many of the bloc’s members supported the failed regime change effort against Assad, including Saudi Arabia. The news comes after Syria’s foreign minister visited Egypt for the first time in over a decade. An Egyptian security source told Reuters that the purpose of the visit was to work toward Syria rejoining the Arab League, which is based in Cairo, through Saud and Egyptian mediation.
by Dave DeCamp
Moscow On Vladlen Tatarsky’s Death: Int’l Organizations Ignore Kiev’s Threats To Russian Journalists
Russian war correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky was killed in a blast at a cafe in St. Petersburg on Sunday. Kiev continues to threaten Russian journalists with reprisals while international organizations turn a blind eye to the situation, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated just hours after war correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky was killed in an explosion in St. Petersburg. Zakharova stressed that Russian journalists are being intimidated by Kiev and its Western sponsors, “literally marked with special labels” on US social media platforms, and subjected to a witch hunt in Western media.
by Sputnik News
Meet Kamala Harris’s Six-Year-Old Speechwriter (1:00)
Get Out And Stay Out – Yankees Go Home
America’s policies create the impression that Washington does not need allies, only vassals, German MP Sevim Dagdelen said. Berlin must break with the existing relationship of extreme subservience to America and its foreign policies marked by breaches of international law, Sevim Dagdelen, the deputy head of the Left Party’s faction in the Bundestag, said on Friday. Germany must demand that US forces stationed on its territory be withdrawn, along with America’s nuclear weapons, the MP insisted. ‘After 78 years, it is now time for the US soldiers to go home,’ Dagdelen said at a parliamentary event marking the 75th anniversary of the Marshall Plan. The US military bases act like extraterrestrial zones where the [German] constitution does not apply, the MP, who is also a member of the parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, said.
by Michael Walsh
Texas Senate Passes Bans On ‘Sex Changes’ For Minors, Men In Women’s College Sports
The Texas Senate also approved a bill banning changes to minors’ birth certificates and advanced two bills to protect children from drag shows.
The Texas Senate passed two bills this week to ban transgender mutilation of children and block gender-confused males from competing in women’s college sports. On Wednesday, the Senate passed SB 14, which bans healthcare providers from performing “gender transitioning or gender reassignment procedures” on children under 18 years old. Specifically, the bill prohibits subjecting minors to sterilizing surgeries, including castrations and hysterectomies, mastectomies, and procedures to “remove any otherwise healthy or non-diseased body part or tissue.” It also outlaws providing or prescribing children puberty blocking drugs or cross-sex hormones.
by Raymond Wolfe
‘US Ambassador Needs To Know His Place’: Turkish President
Erdogan is fuming over the US envoy’s meeting with opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu, who is leading most polls weeks before crucial elections
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on 2 April said that upcoming elections should be a “lesson” to the US and that from now on, his “doors are closed” to US ambassador Jeffry Flake, who last week met with Erdogan’s main electoral rival, Kemal Kilicdaroglu. “Our doors are closed for him; he can no longer come in. Why? He needs to know his place,” Erdogan said during a meeting with a group of officials from the far-right Grey Wolves movement. “Shame on you, think with your head. You are an ambassador. Your interlocutor here is the president.” Flake met with Kilicdaroglu, the leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), on 29 March “as part of continuing conversations with Turkish political parties on issues of mutual interest between our two countries,” according to a tweet from the US Embassy.
by News Desk
1970’s Flashback – Does Any Of This Sound Familiar? (1:25)
The Fourth Article – The Passion Of Christ, The Salvation Of Man
In our examination of the third Article of the Christian Creed we noted that grammatically it was the beginning of a long relative clause. In the Latin of the Apostles’ Creed the relative clause includes the third through seventh Articles. This is not reflected in the English translation in the Book of Common Prayer which inserts a sentence break after the fourth Article. In the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed the third Article begins with a definite article that functions in this context as a relative pronoun and is the subject of all the Articles from the third through the seventh. In the conciliar Creed this is not a subordinate clause within the sentence that starts in the second Article in the Greek, however, because it has a sentence break at the end of the second. Interestingly, here the English translation eliminates the sentence break. These punctuation variations do not affect the meaning of the Creed. Whether it is a subordinate relative clause, a separate sentence, or even broken into several sentences, everything from the Incarnation in the third Article to the Second Coming in the seventh is affirmed about Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God.
by Gerry T. Neal
Mapping The Different Theories Of The Case In The Medical Freedom Movement
Who exactly is directing the psyop or is there no puppet master at all?
When the Khmer Rouge overthrew the U.S.-backed government of Cambodia in 1975, nobody knew who the Khmer Rouge leaders were — for TWO YEARS. The leaders just called themselves “Angkar”, roughly translated as “The Organization” or more colloquially “The Brotherhood”. The last three years have been kinda like that. Governments throughout the developed world moved in lock step, no longer made sense (nor followed science), and appeared to be responding to orders from above. In spite of the complete failure of the official Covid response, this pattern continues with no lessons learned and few course corrections. In the medical freedom movement we have been trying to figure out what happened ever since. We are thousands of detectives trying to piece together who the criminal masterminds are.
by Toby Rogers
Reality Is Not A Social Construct
All mental and social constructs, all thoughts, beliefs, ideas, identities, ideologies, and narratives are ego based projections onto Reality. The overflowing, infinitely generous Heart of Reality pours Itself into every cell, organism, planet and galaxy at breakneck speed, while we prattle on about our nationality, our sexual identity, our religious beliefs, ad nauseum. The unparalleled Beauty and Wonder gets trampled beneath the hooves of the beast we humans become when we identify as a thought, as a man, as a woman, as a transgenderite, as an American, as a trauma survivor. While these labels are limited, they are useful for navigating the Territory and I am not condemning them. I am saying that the Baseline Reality is Unity. Reality is Unified, not divided. Not psychotic. It is we who are psychotic.
by Robert Cinque
“Men In Dark Suits Are In Control Of America. I Have Already Talked With One US President, And With Another, And With The Third. Presidents Come And Go, But The Policy Does Not Change. Do You Know Why? Because The Power Of The Bureaucracy” ~ Vladimir Putin (1:50)
Is The War In Syria Intensifying? U.S. Carrier Strike Group Deployment Extended As U.S. Troops Suffer “Brain Injuries”
America’s resolve to hang on to oil fields in Syria that former President Donald Trump seized in 2019 seems to be intensifying as the U.S. military has extended the deployment of the George HW Bush Carrier Strike Group, which has been under NATO command since last year, and is currently in the Mediterranean Sea. The George HW Bush Carrier Strike Group replaced the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group in the Mediterranean Sea last year. We reported on the original deployment of Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group to the Mediterranean Sea under NATO command last year, because it marked the first time that U.S. Navy forces based in Norfolk, Virginia were being commanded by a non-American as part of NATO. This followed the annexation of the U.S. Naval base by NATO in 2021, even though the base is on U.S. soil. It is also now being reported that some American troops in Syria are suffering from “traumatic brain injuries” after recent attacks in Syria.
by Brian Shilhavy
Israeli Airstrikes Kill IRGC Member In Syria, Iran Vows Revenge
Successive unprovoked Israeli airstrikes against Syria, which have picked up in frequency since the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, were reported to have killed a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). This escalatory incident comes only a week after US airstrikes killed as many as 7 in Syria’s eastern province of Deir Ezzor, provoking a fierce response from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies. Two series of airstrikes were carried out against the Syrian capital of Damascus this past week, one on Thursday and another on Friday morning. The first series of missile attacks injured two Syrian soldiers and reportedly targeted Syrian weapons depots, whereas Friday morning’s attack claimed the life of Milad Heidari, an IRGC military advisor. Iran’s IRGC quickly released a statement, asserting that, “the fake and criminal Zionist regime will surely receive a response to this crime,” which has left the Israelis in a state of high alert once again.
by Robert Inlakesh
Anthropology Professor Laughed Down For Claiming You Can’t Differentiate Between Male And Female Bones
Anthropologists are now claiming that sex is actually just a mental construct, and is completely divorced from biological reality.
Anthropology was once a legitimate field of study, but then along came Franz Boaz and his ilk, claiming that race is just a social construct, and now that is pretty much the official position of all anthropologists. Similarly, anthropologists are now claiming that sex is actually just a mental construct, and is completely divorced from biological reality. Gabby Yearwood is a senior lecturer of anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh, who teaches a course called Anthropology of Sport and is heavily involved in anti-White academia. He was at a recent speaking event held by Riley Gaines, a female swimmer who had competed with “Lia” Thomas and is now working as an activist to keep biological men out of women’s sports and locker rooms. Yearwood asked Ms. Gaines a number of questions, but Ms. Gaines turned the tables and asked Yearwood a question of her own.
by Kyle Hunt
Trump And Son by C3PMeme (2:19)
The Capital Of The Multipolar World: A Moscow Diary
In Moscow you feel no crisis. No effects of sanctions. No unemployment. No homeless people in the streets. Minimal inflation.
How sharp was good ol’ Lenin, prime modernist, when he mused, “there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”. This global nomad now addressing you has enjoyed the privilege of spending four astonishing weeks in Moscow at the heart of an historical crossroads – culminating with the Putin-Xi geopolitical game-changing summit at the Kremlin. To quote Xi, “changes that haven’t been seen in 100 years” do have a knack of affecting us all in more ways than one. James Joyce, another modernity icon, wrote that we spend our lives meeting average and/or extraordinary people, on and on and on, but in the end we’re always meeting ourselves. I have had the privilege of meeting an array of extraordinary people in Moscow, guided by trusted friends or by auspicious coincidence: in the end your soul tells you they enrich you and the overarching historical moment in ways you can’t even begin to fathom.
by Pepe Escobar
Syria Suffers Third Night Of ‘Israeli Strikes’
The latest air raid reportedly targeted the central Homs province, following strikes on Damascus
Syria’s air defenses have been activated in response to a wave of “Israeli aggression” for the third time in four days, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on Sunday. The attack came from Lebanese airspace at around 12:35am local time, targeting the city of Homs and its surroundings, an unnamed military official told SANA. The military source confirmed “some material damages” and at least five injuries among soldiers, after air defenses failed to intercept some of the missiles. The latest air raid came after two nights of strikes on the Syrian capital and its suburbs. The first barrage of missiles hit Damascus early Thursday, shortly after midnight local time. The Syrian military accused the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of conducting the attack, which came from the direction of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and injured at least two soldiers, in addition to causing some “material damage.”
by RT
Israel Is Cornered And Needs War – Vanessa Beeley Talks To Sonia Poulton (18:58)
Netanyahu is a revisionist Zionist and a territorial maximalist
I talk to journalist Sonia Poulton about the recent double Israeli attack that wounded two Syrian Air Defence soldiers and assassinated an IRGC officer and military advisor to Syria – Milad Heydari:
by Vanessa Beeley
Covid Vaccination Knocks Up To 2.5 Decades Off A Man’s Life According To CDC
The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised…
A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show (see below). Meanwhile, the latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data analysed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst, shows a really really disturbing trend. The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues indefinitely. In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021. So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.
by The Exposé
“Unprecedented” Chinese Genetic Experiment May Lead To Army Of Radiation-Resistant Super Soldiers
Reports out of China continue to confirm that scientists there are still seeking to push through barriers with Frankenstein-like experimentation on genes with an eye toward the manipulation of human DNA – any and all ethical considerations be damned. What could go wrong? The Hong-based South China Morning Post has a doozy of a headline out this week based on a breakthrough announcement by a team of scientists linked to the Chinese military, working in Beijing: “Chinese team behind extreme animal gene experiment says it may lead to super soldiers who survive nuclear fallout.” The project was first unveiled in the Chinese-language journal, Military Medical Sciences, and has been gaining more and more media attention and interest within the scientific community, but is also raising serious ethical quandaries, despite the experiment being defended by its overseers as “totally legal”.
by Tyler Durden
China-Europe Relations Could Flourish Without Black-And-White Mindset
Since the visits from German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in November last year and President of the European Council Charles Michel to China in December last year, China-Europe relations have shown signs of recovery, with a wave of recent intensive interactions. Pedro Sanchez, prime minister of Spain, kicked off his visit to China on Wednesday. French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have both stated that they will visit China next week. According to German media reports, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is also looking to visit China in mid-April. Will this diplomatic surge help push China-Europe relations to rebound and even usher in an era of flourishing ties?
Editorial by Global Times
Uncensored: Dr. Ana Mihalcea – World First! Spectrometry Of Nano Structures In The Blood (1:12:14)
Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins Maria Zeee to discuss world-first findings that could be the key to the difference between injected and uninjected blood, and it may not be what we initially thought!
Turkey’s Parliament Ratifies Finland’s NATO Membership
Finland can now become a formal NATO member, expanding the alliance on Russia’s border
The Turkish parliament on Thursday unanimously ratified Finland’s NATO membership, clearing the final hurdle to Helsinki joining the Western military alliance. Finland’s ascension into NATO significantly expands the alliance’s territory on Russia’s border, as the Finnish-Russian border is over 800 miles long. The Russian military has plans to expand its presence in the region in response to NATO expanding into Finland. Tensions in the region are bound to rise as a major motive for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to launch the war was NATO’s post-Cold War expansion and its cooperation with Kyiv following the 2014 US-backed coup that ousted former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
by Dave DeCamp
Israeli Airstrikes On Syria’s Homs Leave Five SAA Soldiers Injured
According to Persian media, an Iranian general who had been injured in Friday’s attack on the capital has succumbed to his wounds
Israeli warplanes launched yet another attack on Syria early on 2 April, striking a number of targets in the central Syrian city of Homs from Lebanese airspace, Syrian state-news outlet SANA reported. The strikes resulted in the wounding of five Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers and the infliction of some material damages. “At around 00:35 a.m. on Sunday, the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial act of aggression from the direction of northeastern Beirut, targeting some sites in the city of Homs and its countryside … Our air defenses intercepted the missiles and shot some of them down, and the aggression resulted in the injury of five army personnel and some material damages,” a Syrian military source was quoted as saying by SANA. According to Persian media, an Iranian advisor who had been injured during Friday’s Israeli attack on Damascus died after succumbing to his injuries.
by News Desk
Biden Attacks States Banning Transgender Mutilation Of Children After Nashville Shooting
‘Together, we also have to keep challenging’ state laws that protect children from LGBT ideology and ‘sex change’ procedures, Biden said.
President Joe Biden attacked states with laws banning the genital mutilation of children in a proclamation declaring Friday “Transgender Visibility Day.” Biden issued the proclamation on Thursday. Shortly after declaring that gender-confused people “shape [America’s] soul,” Biden stated that “A wave of discriminatory State laws is targeting transgender youth, terrifying families and hurting kids who are not hurting anyone.” “An epidemic of violence against transgender women and girls, in?particular women and girls of color, has taken lives far too soon,” Biden continued. He further cited last year’s Colorado Spring mass shooting at a homosexual bar as an example of violence directed against the gender-confused, saying, “Last year’s Club Q shooting in Colorado was another painful example of this kind of violence — a stain on the conscience of our Nation.” The attack, however, was perpetrated by a gender-confused man.
by Joseph Summers
Scientists Shut Down Over Mask Study (7:55)
A recent publication by the world-renowned scientific group, The Cochrane Collaboration, has shown that masks did little to nothing positive during the pandemic response. Following the release of this study, New York Times opinion writer, Zeynep Tufekci, along with the editor-in-chief of the Cochrane Collaboration, Karla Soares-Weiser, threw the authors of the mask study under the bus. Jefferey Jaxen does a deep dive to uncover the important details of this story.
by The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Full Text: Russia’s New Foreign Policy Concept
On March 31, 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree, approving an updated foreign policy concept, which was presented by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a meeting of permanent members of the Russian Security Council.
Read the full text of Russia’s new foreign policy concept. General provisions: This Concept is a strategic planning document which provides a systemic vision of the national interests of the Russian Federation in the domain of foreign policy, basic principles, strategic goals, major objectives and priority areas of the Russian foreign policy. The Concept is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other statutes and regulations of the Russian Federation governing foreign policy activities of the federal authorities.
by Sputnik News
To The Last Ukrainian: An American War (Book)
This excerpt is from a very important book on the conflict in Ukraine: To the Last Ukrainian: An American War. It is written by Régis Le Sommier, who was embedded in both the Ukrainian and Russian armies. The account that he gives in this riveting chronicle tells of the perfidy of politicians and the tragedy of ordinary soldiers caught up as pawns in the machinations of geopolitics. Régis Le Sommier is one of France’s great journalists whose work, spanning thirty years, has received several awards. He is the only war reporter who went to both sides of the front line with the Ukrainian and Russian armies for a year. This is his story.
by Lucien Cerise
Britain’s State-Sponsored Assassins
Instead of the uproar over the attempted murder of a British spy media might better re-focus on Britain’s apparent record of state-sponsored murder. Dr David Kelly was an expert in biological warfare and a UN weapons inspector in Iraq, who it is claimed committed suicide in July 2003. Kelly strongly disagreed with the government spin that Iraq President Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. After being pilloried by a parliamentary court the scientist told friends that “many dark actors are playing games.” Later that day he was found dead with a cut to his wrist. At the time of his death, he was writing a book. Dr Kelly intended to reveal his warning to Prime Minister Tony Blair that such weapons didn’t exist weeks before the Iraq War. His computers were later seized by police.
by Michael Walsh
Jennifer Bilek: Who Is Behind The Trans Agenda? (38:57)
Big Picture
God says to wicked men, “This is your hour,
But I alone grant to your darkness power.”
For all readers who have access to the Internet and who want to keep their heads free of the pack of lies that make up the official narrative on the Russia-Ukraine war, there are, still accessible on You Tube at least four notable truth-tellers who, at least up till now, have proved to be reporters on whom one can rely to know what is really happening in the unfortunate Ukraine. They are three Americans, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, Scott Ritter and Gonzalo Lira, and a team of two Greeks who go under the name of The Duran, Alex Cristoforou, and Alexander Mercouris who lives in London. At can be found the Duran in a fascinating conversation dating from just before Christmas of last year, but not out of date, on the whole background of the war. Here is a summary of the conversation – The West’s objective in Ukraine is to destroy Russia. The supply of long-range missiles and drones by NATO is not about Ukraine achieving a military victory. It’s about creating chaos and sowing unrest and division in Russia.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Legal Experts Are Sounding The Alarm Over A Court Case That Could Empower The Gov’t To Police ‘Disinformation’
Legal experts are voicing concerns about the ongoing court case of Douglass Mackey, an internet troll charged in 2021 for posting a meme on Twitter that spread “disinformation,” which the government deemed “conspiring” to deprive others of their right to vote. Mackey, who had over 58,000 followers on his account using the name “Ricky Vaughn” prior to the 2016 election, posted an image on Twitter advertising the ability to vote for Hillary Clinton by text, prompting at least 4,900 individuals to do so, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ) news release. He was charged in January 2021 under a “conspiracy against rights” law that makes it an offense “to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person … in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution.” Aaron Terr, director of Public Advocacy for the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), a legal organization that defends free speech, told the Daily Caller News Foundation that it is “difficult to see how any of those terms apply to merely saying something false about the election.”
by Katelynn Richardson
Italy Plays the Blackmail Card With the EU Over African Immigration
What Meloni wants is to manipulate a crisis now so as the EU coughs up either huge amounts of cash, or simply blocks the migrants crossing.
While it’s entirely understandable that the new right-wing coalition government in Italy is concerned about levels of immigrants from Africa – via Tunisia and Libya – it’s worth wondering how much credibility Giorgia Meloni has left with international institutions and the media in general. Her period in office began with a controversial video clip of her ranting about France and its colonial policies it carries out in its former colonies in West Africa (mostly untrue allegations) and the level of excremental material coming from her ministries about the subject can only do damage to her and her government in the longer run. Just recently one of her ministers made extraordinary allegations about the Wagner group in a number of African countries being behind a deliberate plan to send more African migrants to Libya, which he failed to back up with any evidence at all. This quickly was followed up by another minister trying to outbid his colleague in bullshit, by claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood was about to take power in Tunisia, once, presumably, President Saied is overthrown.
by Martin Jay
Remembering Khadree Renfro (13:08)
We had better remember this vicious thug because no one else will.
by American Renaissance
Transgender Wokism Is Killing America
By diabolical design, the psychological damage for decades done to Western children from preschool and kindergarten age on up, through programmed indoctrination of a failed educational system is both immeasurable and alarming. Through an embedded sex education curriculum that currently includes Drag Queen Storytime Hour in schools and libraries across America, reinforced by pervasive far-reaching mass media wokism, the Luciferian social engineers have injected mass psychosis, sexual dysfunction and widespread sexual confusion in vulnerable, highly impressionable younger generations. It’s propagandized brainwashing mass mind control, deliberately and irreparably afflicting harm on Western societies for far too long. Entrenched wokism, political correctness and conditioned intolerance to alternative points of view accompanied by decades of a sinister dumbing down process through toxins and robotic obedience to hive minded education and herd mentality, have all rendered grave harm to millions of people in the West. As a result, a majority of Americans have little discerning capacity for critical thinking, possessing shortened attention spans, lower IQs and lack the mental capacity to read and comprehend, preferring to passively watch videos as the preferred medium.
by Joachim Hagopian
Race And History, Part 1
The Zionist Racism of Anti-Racist Jared Diamond
Do Human Races Exist? Do Racial Differences Influence History?
In every society there are social groups whose office is to provide an understanding of the world. These social groups, the culture-bearing strata, in some cases enjoy nearly monopolistic control over a society’s world-view.[1] America is no exception: it too has its culture-bearing strata, intellectual and cultural establishments, and media elite that effectively mold the worldview of the masses. One of the most influential of these mind-shaping groups is the Jewish political and cultural establishment.[2] Social scientists Stanley Rothman and S. Robert Lichter admit quite frankly that “Americans of Jewish background have become an elite group in American society, with a cultural influence far beyond their numbers.”[3] In a study of the Jewish movie moguls that came to dominate Hollywood, noted film industry historian Neal Gabler was more direct: “The Hollywood Jews created a cluster of images and ideas–so powerful that, in a sense, they colonized the American imagination. […] Ultimately, American values came to be defined largely by the movies the Jews made.”[4]
by Paul Grubach
EU Has Abandoned Peace And Prosperity – Orban
The pro-war lobby has put the entire bloc in danger over Ukraine, the Hungarian prime minister claims
The EU has forsaken its goal of ensuring peace and prosperity for its members, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban declared on Friday. Warning that the bloc is considering sending troops into Ukraine, Orban insisted that Hungary will continue pushing for a ceasefire. “Those who are pro-war have put the whole European Union in danger,” Orban told Radio Kossuth, referring to the ongoing efforts by EU member states to arm Kiev’s forces. To date, Brussels has supplied Kiev with just under $4 billion worth of arms, while individual member states have donated tanks, artillery, and in the case of Poland and Slovakia, fighter jets to Ukraine. “We expect two things from the European Union; the first is to have lasting peace,” Orban continued. “The second thing we expect of the EU is that it should preserve the prosperity it has achieved, but in comparison war and sanctions are destroying the European economy.”
by RT
“Right To Housing”…The Loss of Private Property Rights (14:08)
by Computing Forever
Doublespeak: State Department Warns About Online Censorship Then Threatens To “Hold Platforms Accountable”
Pretending to uphold freedom of expression while pushing for censorship.
In a startling display of doublespeak at the Summit for Democracy 2023, United States (US) Secretary of State Anthony Blinken warned about more countries “using the internet to try to control speech” and claimed that the Biden administration is trying to promote an open internet before threatening to “hold platforms accountable” for so-called “harms.” Blinken raised the alarm about the internet “growing more closed, more insecure, more siloed by the day.” He continued by stating: “More countries are putting up firewalls and shutting down access, using the internet to try to control speech, quash dissent, spread misinformation and disinformation.”
by Tom Parker
Entrepreneur Sues USDA, FDA For Banning Verifiably Factual Labels On His Food Products
In 2019, Michelle Przybocki nearly died. She became ill from digestive complications, and later learned she had a severe case of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Michelle, a speech therapist from Las Vegas, managed to push through the illness, but her life would never be the same. From then on, she experienced debilitating pain every time she ate, sometimes immobilizing her for hours. To reduce the pain to a manageable level, Michelle decided to adopt a special “low-FODMAP” diet. FODMAP is an acronym that stands for “fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.” Essentially, FODMAPs are certain carbohydrates that are difficult to digest. Doctors often recommend low-FODMAP diets to people with IBS and other digestive disorders, and studies show most patients with IBS report significant improvement in their symptoms when they eliminate FODMAPs from their diet.
by Patrick Carroll
Enslaving The World To Stop Chinese Tyranny: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
If you’re just tuning in, US dollar hegemony and diplomatic dominance are rapidly eroding while the US and its allies accelerate aggressions and provocations against Russia and China simultaneously in a desperate bid to quash the emergence of a multipolar world. I’m a bit less excited about the mounting threats posed to US hegemony than other anti-imperialists, only because a desperate unipolarist empire is a dangerous unipolarist empire. The deadliest time for a battered wife is right when she leaves. A cornered animal is dangerous, especially when it has sharp teeth. A cornered empire is dangerous, especially when it has nuclear weapons. “If I can’t have you no one can” is a line that can be said to a partner or to a planet. Abuse victims need to escape, but we may also be heading into the most perilous moment in all of history.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Global Elites Goading Americans Into Violence Against Transsexuals by Greg Reese (6:08)
Donald Trump Dindu Nuffin!
So what if he had his jewish lawyer pay a porn star hush money so he could win the presidency? The poor guy just wanted to cheat on his wife in peace, without scrutiny. Look at what Bill Clinton did! Or even JFK! What’s the big deal? The Democrats hate America and they are going after Trump because he loves America. Seriously, I don’t give a damn if Trump is locked away for the rest of his life. He was the “Daddy” of the vaccine via Operation Warp Speed, he did everything Israel wanted from him and then some, he did not lift a finger to help his January 6 supporters after they did exactly as they were told, he pardoned jewish supremacist criminals and Black rapper thugs, and then there are the sordid connections with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Honestly, if you do not know why I do not like Trump, you have not been paying attention for the past 8 years.
by Kyle Hunt
Dire Report April 2023 Number 12
The Witches in the Indictment of Donald Trump. Demonrats have no moral compass, integrity or ethics. They believe the ends justify the means. It’s political persecution using a weaponized judicial system, election manipulation and interference because they are desperate to hold on to their power and serve the Globalist’s agenda. The American people can see right through this charade.
Bamford’s “Spyfail” Exposes Corruption At Center Of Netanyahu “Judicial Reform” Crisis That Is Tearing Israel Apart
James Bamford’s new book Spyfail: Foreign Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and the Collapse of America’s Counterintelligence devotes nine chapters to the impunity of Israel, its spies and U.S. lobby. Bamford is best known as America’s premiere chronicler of the ultra-secretive National Security Agency in his books The Puzzle Palace and The Shadow Factory. Unlike most authors published through mainstream publishing houses, Bamford has not held back on exposing extremely damaging and behind the scenes exploits of Israel and its lobby in this damning look at U.S. counterintelligence. That was a shock to the second most prominent reader reviewer on who claimed, “I did not expect a full-throated anti-Israel screed completely devoid of nuance or historical context.” Most other reviewers were much more appreciative of Bamford’s honest take.
by IRmep
The RESTRICT Act Is A Washington DC Ploy To Seize Power And A Bait-And-Switch (2:57)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Contaminated Food Supply Contributing Cause To Live Blood Analysis Findings In Unvaccinated? Darkfield Blood Analysis On Grocery Meat Products
A colleague of mine, Dr. David Jernigan treats vaccine injured patients successfully in Tennessee. He called me after I posted the results on Infrared Spectroscopy and electrical conductivity of live blood and confirmed all of my findings. He shared with me, that a short time ago some family members were eating meat and got very ill from it. Dr. Jernigan had developed a method to capture the frequency from a vaccinated rubbery clot of a deceased person and has developed a scientific way for detecting that frequency. He checked his ill family member, who tested positive. Then he checked the meat they ate and it had the same frequency of the cadaver blood clot. Subsequently he went to his local grocery store and checked meat products, and both organic and inorganic beef meats had the same frequency emission. He wanted me to go buy meat at my grocery store and do live blood analysis on different products to confirm his findings.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Eat Your Vaccines!… I Mean Vegetables!
… Said Bill Gates
I have been talking about gene therapy vaccines being introduced into the food supply without providing people informed consent on my Twitter account (@RenzTom) as well as pushing Missouri HB1169 which is our best bet of stopping this happening. This is a nightmare scenario whereby people’s genetics are potentially altered with “factory foods” without them even knowing. Let me begin by putting to rest any questions as to whether this can happen. The idea of vaccines in food has been around for a long time & is definitely possible. Here is a great article from the year 2000 with a wonderful picture (look at page 3) of exactly how this would be done in vegetables. Here is an article published in the NIH (you know – by our government) talking about foods “under application” to be genetically modified to become edible vaccines – FROM 2013. Below is a screenshot taken of a Google search for “food as a vaccine” taken on Sunday April 2, 2023 (I’m certain Google will begin hiding search results soon but at the time it returned 456 million results!).
by Tom Renz
The Myth Of German Villainy (Audiobook 15:46:13)
In this book, Benton L. Bradberry paints a different picture of world history. He explains that Germany was not the perpetrator of World War I nor World War II, but instead, was the victim of Allied aggression in both wars. The instability wrought by World War I made the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia possible, which brought world Communism into existence.
by Benton L. Bradberry
What Are You Waiting For?
The die is cast – America’s dominance as the supreme superpower issuing the world’s world reserve currency with the world’s largest, most productive economy is ending. The plan that began after the Federal Reserve Act passed (1913) under suspicious circumstances has reached its goal, and – the time has come to finally destroy the USA, relegating it to a backwater colony of a blossoming New World Order. Most of you reading this have yet to see what is happening even though it’s clear, visible, and easily understandable, many, if not most, have invested too much in the soon-to-be-gone American financial system and our current way of life to allow themselves to face the truth. Drastic changes are in store for Americans, and we have yet to be asked or even given notice, but I am giving you notice (again) here in this article.
by Jack Mullen
CrossTalk | Democracy As Hegemony (26:05)
Liberal illiberalism was again on display this past week with Biden’s second democracy summit. The problem is most of the world doesn’t divide countries into democracies or autocracies. In fact, much of the world views western democracy as an expression of ideological hegemony.
CrossTalking Peter Lavelle with Martin Jay and Dmitry Babich.
The Dollar Is In Trouble! Here Are 7 Signs That Global De-Dollarization Has Just Shifted Into Overdrive
For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies, but now dramatic changes are happening. China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are making really big moves which will enable them to become much less dependent on the U.S. dollar in the years ahead. This is really bad news for us, because having the primary reserve currency of the world has enabled us to enjoy a massively inflated standard of living. Once we lose that status, our lifestyles will be much different than they are today. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t understand any of this. Even though our leaders have treated the stability of our currency with utter contempt in recent years, most Americans just assume that the dollar will always reign supreme. Meanwhile, much of the planet is preparing for a future in which the U.S. dollar will be far less important than it is right now. The following are 7 signs that global de-dollarization has just shifted into overdrive…
by Michael Snyder
We Discovered Why Trains Keep Derailing by More Perfect Union (6:39)
The Truth About Russia’s Economic Power: Is It Really As Small And Weak As The West Claims?
“The size of California?” Not a chance. Delve into the little-known nitty-gritty of Russia’s true economic size and productive potential.
In short, he’s saying they have completely exhausted all options on sanctions, and the only thing the useless, sniveling, impotent Eurocrats can now do is continue pumping Kiev full of weapons. And lastly, as a culmination of everything herein, and showing how successfully Russia has broken free of the Western financial system tentacles, Russia has last week ordered all its banks to stop using the SWIFT bank transfer system. How the tables have turned. It was only a year ago that the West hung the threat of cutting Russia off from SWIFT over Russia’s head as an unprecedented action that evoked predictions of Russia’s ensuing financial demise. And now, it is Russia itself cutting the cord, discarding the now-replaced SWIFT system like a used rag, proving once again that Russia’s historic trajectory is now set.
by Simplicius The Thinker
ACH (2108) I’m Talking To YOU #60 – Let’s See If We Can Spot The April Fool’s Article On Before Its News…(Audio 28:09)
In today’s show originally broadcast on April 1, 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Let’s See If We Can Spot The April Fool’s Article On Before Its News…”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is an unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his other shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
NATO’s Dispersal Of Depleted Uranium Throughout The World (5:42)
by Greg Reese
The Impact Of Israel’s Extreme-Right Government’s Policies On Palestinians
Israel’s extreme-right wing coalition government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has dramatically increased tensions throughout occupied Palestine since it took office. While this year has seen the highest monthly Palestinian death toll, in the West Bank for 20 years, media attention has focused on Israeli popular opposition to judicial reforms. The first few months of the new coalition’s government has seen the use of extreme measures, designed to assert Tel Aviv’s dominance over the Palestinian people. New security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, caused a United Nations Security Council meeting to be held after he stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, only days into the formation of the new government. Israel has also increased violent raids on Palestinian cities, towns, and refugee camps, as well as carrying out further home demolitions in the occupied territories.
by Robert Inlakesh
Oil Surges In Early Trading After OPEC+ Surprise ‘Unipolar World’-Challenging Production Cut
As one would have expected, oil prices are surging at the futures open with WTI up over 7% near $82 – its highest since late January… Additionally, less than two weeks after slashing its 2024 Brent price target from $100 to $94, Goldman done a full 180, and late on Friday raised its 2024 Brent forecast back to $100, and 2023 oil price target to $95 (from $90, and from $95 previously). Nine members of OPEC+ announced today a surprise “voluntary” collective output cut totaling 1,66mn b/d which will take effect from May till the end of 2023. As we have argued, OPEC+ has very significant pricing power relative to the past, and today’s surprise cut is consistent with their new doctrine to act preemptively because they can without significant losses in market share. As we already assumed that Russia cuts would extend into 2023H2, we are lowering our OPEC+ production end-2023 forecast by 1.1 mb/d. Incorporating this significantly lower OPEC+ supply, slightly lower demand, and the modest French SPR release, we have nudged up our Brent forecasts by $5/bbl to $95/bbl (vs. 90 previously) for December 2023, and to $100 (vs. 97) for December 2024.
by Tyler Durden
Nation’s NEV Sector Drives Into Fast Lane
Production, domestic sale, export all estimated to surge in 2023
China’s new-energy vehicle (NEV) sector, securing the world’s top ranking in production and sales for an eighth consecutive year in 2022, has gone through a period of rapid development and is now entering its explosive growth. Underlining the transition calls for more efforts to advance homegrown technologies in auto semiconductor chips and operating systems in addition to securing a stable supply chain of key raw materials, industry analysts and experts said, as they shared insights about the industry’s further development in a major auto industry event. Despite being the world’s largest producer of cars, and the leader in the NEV sector, China relies almost entirely on chips from Europe and the US. China was less than 5 percent self-sufficient in auto semiconductor chips as of 2021, according to industry body China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM).
by Zhang Hongpei
Joe Biden ‘Led The Charge’ For Trans Activism With An ‘Absurd Statement’: Nashville Shooting (6:08)
US President Joe Biden “led the charge” in transgender activism following the Nashville school shooting by releasing an “absurd statement” about Transgender Americans shaping the “nation’s soul”, Sky News host Rita Panahi said.
by Sky News Australia
Over 100 Million Americans May Have Seriously Damaged Their Heart Due To Covid Vaccination According To Expert Doctor (Text and Video)
The vaccines are causing heart injury in at least 2.8% of people who receive the covid injections. According to Dr. Thomas Levy, a minimum of 7 million Americans now have hearts damaged by covid “vaccines.” And, although there’s no way of being certain at this time, he said, it’s within the realm of possibility that over 100 million people in America have some degree of heart damage from the injections – not myocarditis, but heart damage that will be detectable with a troponin test. Dr. Thomas Levy is an American cardiologist and an attorney-at-law. He is a contributing editor for the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and serves as a consultant to LivOn Labs. During an interview with Steve Kirsch on Tuesday he discussed the effects the spike protein was having on the heart. He has recently published an essay titled ‘Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common’ which formed the basis of the discussion.
by The Exposé
Saudi Arabia To Invite Syria’s Assad To Arab League Summit
Syria was suspended from the Arab League in 2011
Saudi Arabia is planning to invite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to an Arab League summit Riyadh is hosting in May, Reuters reported Sunday, citing three people familiar with the plan. The move would be a significant step in the normalization of Syria’s relations with regional countries. Damascus was suspended from the Arab League in 2011, and many of the bloc’s members supported the failed regime change effort against Assad, including Saudi Arabia. The news comes after Syria’s foreign minister visited Egypt for the first time in over a decade. An Egyptian security source told Reuters that the purpose of the visit was to work toward Syria rejoining the Arab League, which is based in Cairo, through Saud and Egyptian mediation.
by Dave DeCamp
Moscow On Vladlen Tatarsky’s Death: Int’l Organizations Ignore Kiev’s Threats To Russian Journalists
Russian war correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky was killed in a blast at a cafe in St. Petersburg on Sunday. Kiev continues to threaten Russian journalists with reprisals while international organizations turn a blind eye to the situation, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated just hours after war correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky was killed in an explosion in St. Petersburg. Zakharova stressed that Russian journalists are being intimidated by Kiev and its Western sponsors, “literally marked with special labels” on US social media platforms, and subjected to a witch hunt in Western media.
by Sputnik News
Meet Kamala Harris’s Six-Year-Old Speechwriter (1:00)
Get Out And Stay Out – Yankees Go Home
America’s policies create the impression that Washington does not need allies, only vassals, German MP Sevim Dagdelen said. Berlin must break with the existing relationship of extreme subservience to America and its foreign policies marked by breaches of international law, Sevim Dagdelen, the deputy head of the Left Party’s faction in the Bundestag, said on Friday. Germany must demand that US forces stationed on its territory be withdrawn, along with America’s nuclear weapons, the MP insisted. ‘After 78 years, it is now time for the US soldiers to go home,’ Dagdelen said at a parliamentary event marking the 75th anniversary of the Marshall Plan. The US military bases act like extraterrestrial zones where the [German] constitution does not apply, the MP, who is also a member of the parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, said.
by Michael Walsh
Texas Senate Passes Bans On ‘Sex Changes’ For Minors, Men In Women’s College Sports
The Texas Senate also approved a bill banning changes to minors’ birth certificates and advanced two bills to protect children from drag shows.
The Texas Senate passed two bills this week to ban transgender mutilation of children and block gender-confused males from competing in women’s college sports. On Wednesday, the Senate passed SB 14, which bans healthcare providers from performing “gender transitioning or gender reassignment procedures” on children under 18 years old. Specifically, the bill prohibits subjecting minors to sterilizing surgeries, including castrations and hysterectomies, mastectomies, and procedures to “remove any otherwise healthy or non-diseased body part or tissue.” It also outlaws providing or prescribing children puberty blocking drugs or cross-sex hormones.
by Raymond Wolfe
‘US Ambassador Needs To Know His Place’: Turkish President
Erdogan is fuming over the US envoy’s meeting with opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu, who is leading most polls weeks before crucial elections
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on 2 April said that upcoming elections should be a “lesson” to the US and that from now on, his “doors are closed” to US ambassador Jeffry Flake, who last week met with Erdogan’s main electoral rival, Kemal Kilicdaroglu. “Our doors are closed for him; he can no longer come in. Why? He needs to know his place,” Erdogan said during a meeting with a group of officials from the far-right Grey Wolves movement. “Shame on you, think with your head. You are an ambassador. Your interlocutor here is the president.” Flake met with Kilicdaroglu, the leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), on 29 March “as part of continuing conversations with Turkish political parties on issues of mutual interest between our two countries,” according to a tweet from the US Embassy.
by News Desk
1970’s Flashback – Does Any Of This Sound Familiar? (1:25)
The Fourth Article – The Passion Of Christ, The Salvation Of Man
In our examination of the third Article of the Christian Creed we noted that grammatically it was the beginning of a long relative clause. In the Latin of the Apostles’ Creed the relative clause includes the third through seventh Articles. This is not reflected in the English translation in the Book of Common Prayer which inserts a sentence break after the fourth Article. In the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed the third Article begins with a definite article that functions in this context as a relative pronoun and is the subject of all the Articles from the third through the seventh. In the conciliar Creed this is not a subordinate clause within the sentence that starts in the second Article in the Greek, however, because it has a sentence break at the end of the second. Interestingly, here the English translation eliminates the sentence break. These punctuation variations do not affect the meaning of the Creed. Whether it is a subordinate relative clause, a separate sentence, or even broken into several sentences, everything from the Incarnation in the third Article to the Second Coming in the seventh is affirmed about Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God.
by Gerry T. Neal
Mapping The Different Theories Of The Case In The Medical Freedom Movement
Who exactly is directing the psyop or is there no puppet master at all?
When the Khmer Rouge overthrew the U.S.-backed government of Cambodia in 1975, nobody knew who the Khmer Rouge leaders were — for TWO YEARS. The leaders just called themselves “Angkar”, roughly translated as “The Organization” or more colloquially “The Brotherhood”. The last three years have been kinda like that. Governments throughout the developed world moved in lock step, no longer made sense (nor followed science), and appeared to be responding to orders from above. In spite of the complete failure of the official Covid response, this pattern continues with no lessons learned and few course corrections. In the medical freedom movement we have been trying to figure out what happened ever since. We are thousands of detectives trying to piece together who the criminal masterminds are.
by Toby Rogers
Reality Is Not A Social Construct
All mental and social constructs, all thoughts, beliefs, ideas, identities, ideologies, and narratives are ego based projections onto Reality. The overflowing, infinitely generous Heart of Reality pours Itself into every cell, organism, planet and galaxy at breakneck speed, while we prattle on about our nationality, our sexual identity, our religious beliefs, ad nauseum. The unparalleled Beauty and Wonder gets trampled beneath the hooves of the beast we humans become when we identify as a thought, as a man, as a woman, as a transgenderite, as an American, as a trauma survivor. While these labels are limited, they are useful for navigating the Territory and I am not condemning them. I am saying that the Baseline Reality is Unity. Reality is Unified, not divided. Not psychotic. It is we who are psychotic.
by Robert Cinque
“Men In Dark Suits Are In Control Of America. I Have Already Talked With One US President, And With Another, And With The Third. Presidents Come And Go, But The Policy Does Not Change. Do You Know Why? Because The Power Of The Bureaucracy” ~ Vladimir Putin (1:50)
Is The War In Syria Intensifying? U.S. Carrier Strike Group Deployment Extended As U.S. Troops Suffer “Brain Injuries”
America’s resolve to hang on to oil fields in Syria that former President Donald Trump seized in 2019 seems to be intensifying as the U.S. military has extended the deployment of the George HW Bush Carrier Strike Group, which has been under NATO command since last year, and is currently in the Mediterranean Sea. The George HW Bush Carrier Strike Group replaced the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group in the Mediterranean Sea last year. We reported on the original deployment of Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group to the Mediterranean Sea under NATO command last year, because it marked the first time that U.S. Navy forces based in Norfolk, Virginia were being commanded by a non-American as part of NATO. This followed the annexation of the U.S. Naval base by NATO in 2021, even though the base is on U.S. soil. It is also now being reported that some American troops in Syria are suffering from “traumatic brain injuries” after recent attacks in Syria.
by Brian Shilhavy
Israeli Airstrikes Kill IRGC Member In Syria, Iran Vows Revenge
Successive unprovoked Israeli airstrikes against Syria, which have picked up in frequency since the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, were reported to have killed a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). This escalatory incident comes only a week after US airstrikes killed as many as 7 in Syria’s eastern province of Deir Ezzor, provoking a fierce response from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies. Two series of airstrikes were carried out against the Syrian capital of Damascus this past week, one on Thursday and another on Friday morning. The first series of missile attacks injured two Syrian soldiers and reportedly targeted Syrian weapons depots, whereas Friday morning’s attack claimed the life of Milad Heidari, an IRGC military advisor. Iran’s IRGC quickly released a statement, asserting that, “the fake and criminal Zionist regime will surely receive a response to this crime,” which has left the Israelis in a state of high alert once again.
by Robert Inlakesh
Anthropology Professor Laughed Down For Claiming You Can’t Differentiate Between Male And Female Bones
Anthropologists are now claiming that sex is actually just a mental construct, and is completely divorced from biological reality.
Anthropology was once a legitimate field of study, but then along came Franz Boaz and his ilk, claiming that race is just a social construct, and now that is pretty much the official position of all anthropologists. Similarly, anthropologists are now claiming that sex is actually just a mental construct, and is completely divorced from biological reality. Gabby Yearwood is a senior lecturer of anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh, who teaches a course called Anthropology of Sport and is heavily involved in anti-White academia. He was at a recent speaking event held by Riley Gaines, a female swimmer who had competed with “Lia” Thomas and is now working as an activist to keep biological men out of women’s sports and locker rooms. Yearwood asked Ms. Gaines a number of questions, but Ms. Gaines turned the tables and asked Yearwood a question of her own.
by Kyle Hunt
Trump And Son by C3PMeme (2:19)
The Capital Of The Multipolar World: A Moscow Diary
In Moscow you feel no crisis. No effects of sanctions. No unemployment. No homeless people in the streets. Minimal inflation.
How sharp was good ol’ Lenin, prime modernist, when he mused, “there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”. This global nomad now addressing you has enjoyed the privilege of spending four astonishing weeks in Moscow at the heart of an historical crossroads – culminating with the Putin-Xi geopolitical game-changing summit at the Kremlin. To quote Xi, “changes that haven’t been seen in 100 years” do have a knack of affecting us all in more ways than one. James Joyce, another modernity icon, wrote that we spend our lives meeting average and/or extraordinary people, on and on and on, but in the end we’re always meeting ourselves. I have had the privilege of meeting an array of extraordinary people in Moscow, guided by trusted friends or by auspicious coincidence: in the end your soul tells you they enrich you and the overarching historical moment in ways you can’t even begin to fathom.
by Pepe Escobar
Syria Suffers Third Night Of ‘Israeli Strikes’
The latest air raid reportedly targeted the central Homs province, following strikes on Damascus
Syria’s air defenses have been activated in response to a wave of “Israeli aggression” for the third time in four days, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on Sunday. The attack came from Lebanese airspace at around 12:35am local time, targeting the city of Homs and its surroundings, an unnamed military official told SANA. The military source confirmed “some material damages” and at least five injuries among soldiers, after air defenses failed to intercept some of the missiles. The latest air raid came after two nights of strikes on the Syrian capital and its suburbs. The first barrage of missiles hit Damascus early Thursday, shortly after midnight local time. The Syrian military accused the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of conducting the attack, which came from the direction of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and injured at least two soldiers, in addition to causing some “material damage.”
by RT
Israel Is Cornered And Needs War – Vanessa Beeley Talks To Sonia Poulton (18:58)
Netanyahu is a revisionist Zionist and a territorial maximalist
I talk to journalist Sonia Poulton about the recent double Israeli attack that wounded two Syrian Air Defence soldiers and assassinated an IRGC officer and military advisor to Syria – Milad Heydari:
by Vanessa Beeley
Covid Vaccination Knocks Up To 2.5 Decades Off A Man’s Life According To CDC
The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised…
A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show (see below). Meanwhile, the latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data analysed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst, shows a really really disturbing trend. The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues indefinitely. In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021. So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.
by The Exposé
“Unprecedented” Chinese Genetic Experiment May Lead To Army Of Radiation-Resistant Super Soldiers
Reports out of China continue to confirm that scientists there are still seeking to push through barriers with Frankenstein-like experimentation on genes with an eye toward the manipulation of human DNA – any and all ethical considerations be damned. What could go wrong? The Hong-based South China Morning Post has a doozy of a headline out this week based on a breakthrough announcement by a team of scientists linked to the Chinese military, working in Beijing: “Chinese team behind extreme animal gene experiment says it may lead to super soldiers who survive nuclear fallout.” The project was first unveiled in the Chinese-language journal, Military Medical Sciences, and has been gaining more and more media attention and interest within the scientific community, but is also raising serious ethical quandaries, despite the experiment being defended by its overseers as “totally legal”.
by Tyler Durden
China-Europe Relations Could Flourish Without Black-And-White Mindset
Since the visits from German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in November last year and President of the European Council Charles Michel to China in December last year, China-Europe relations have shown signs of recovery, with a wave of recent intensive interactions. Pedro Sanchez, prime minister of Spain, kicked off his visit to China on Wednesday. French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have both stated that they will visit China next week. According to German media reports, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is also looking to visit China in mid-April. Will this diplomatic surge help push China-Europe relations to rebound and even usher in an era of flourishing ties?
Editorial by Global Times
Uncensored: Dr. Ana Mihalcea – World First! Spectrometry Of Nano Structures In The Blood (1:12:14)
Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins Maria Zeee to discuss world-first findings that could be the key to the difference between injected and uninjected blood, and it may not be what we initially thought!
Turkey’s Parliament Ratifies Finland’s NATO Membership
Finland can now become a formal NATO member, expanding the alliance on Russia’s border
The Turkish parliament on Thursday unanimously ratified Finland’s NATO membership, clearing the final hurdle to Helsinki joining the Western military alliance. Finland’s ascension into NATO significantly expands the alliance’s territory on Russia’s border, as the Finnish-Russian border is over 800 miles long. The Russian military has plans to expand its presence in the region in response to NATO expanding into Finland. Tensions in the region are bound to rise as a major motive for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to launch the war was NATO’s post-Cold War expansion and its cooperation with Kyiv following the 2014 US-backed coup that ousted former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
by Dave DeCamp
Israeli Airstrikes On Syria’s Homs Leave Five SAA Soldiers Injured
According to Persian media, an Iranian general who had been injured in Friday’s attack on the capital has succumbed to his wounds
Israeli warplanes launched yet another attack on Syria early on 2 April, striking a number of targets in the central Syrian city of Homs from Lebanese airspace, Syrian state-news outlet SANA reported. The strikes resulted in the wounding of five Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers and the infliction of some material damages. “At around 00:35 a.m. on Sunday, the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial act of aggression from the direction of northeastern Beirut, targeting some sites in the city of Homs and its countryside … Our air defenses intercepted the missiles and shot some of them down, and the aggression resulted in the injury of five army personnel and some material damages,” a Syrian military source was quoted as saying by SANA. According to Persian media, an Iranian advisor who had been injured during Friday’s Israeli attack on Damascus died after succumbing to his injuries.
by News Desk
Biden Attacks States Banning Transgender Mutilation Of Children After Nashville Shooting
‘Together, we also have to keep challenging’ state laws that protect children from LGBT ideology and ‘sex change’ procedures, Biden said.
President Joe Biden attacked states with laws banning the genital mutilation of children in a proclamation declaring Friday “Transgender Visibility Day.” Biden issued the proclamation on Thursday. Shortly after declaring that gender-confused people “shape [America’s] soul,” Biden stated that “A wave of discriminatory State laws is targeting transgender youth, terrifying families and hurting kids who are not hurting anyone.” “An epidemic of violence against transgender women and girls, in?particular women and girls of color, has taken lives far too soon,” Biden continued. He further cited last year’s Colorado Spring mass shooting at a homosexual bar as an example of violence directed against the gender-confused, saying, “Last year’s Club Q shooting in Colorado was another painful example of this kind of violence — a stain on the conscience of our Nation.” The attack, however, was perpetrated by a gender-confused man.
by Joseph Summers
Scientists Shut Down Over Mask Study (7:55)
A recent publication by the world-renowned scientific group, The Cochrane Collaboration, has shown that masks did little to nothing positive during the pandemic response. Following the release of this study, New York Times opinion writer, Zeynep Tufekci, along with the editor-in-chief of the Cochrane Collaboration, Karla Soares-Weiser, threw the authors of the mask study under the bus. Jefferey Jaxen does a deep dive to uncover the important details of this story.
by The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Full Text: Russia’s New Foreign Policy Concept
On March 31, 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree, approving an updated foreign policy concept, which was presented by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a meeting of permanent members of the Russian Security Council.
Read the full text of Russia’s new foreign policy concept. General provisions: This Concept is a strategic planning document which provides a systemic vision of the national interests of the Russian Federation in the domain of foreign policy, basic principles, strategic goals, major objectives and priority areas of the Russian foreign policy. The Concept is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other statutes and regulations of the Russian Federation governing foreign policy activities of the federal authorities.
by Sputnik News
To The Last Ukrainian: An American War (Book)
This excerpt is from a very important book on the conflict in Ukraine: To the Last Ukrainian: An American War. It is written by Régis Le Sommier, who was embedded in both the Ukrainian and Russian armies. The account that he gives in this riveting chronicle tells of the perfidy of politicians and the tragedy of ordinary soldiers caught up as pawns in the machinations of geopolitics. Régis Le Sommier is one of France’s great journalists whose work, spanning thirty years, has received several awards. He is the only war reporter who went to both sides of the front line with the Ukrainian and Russian armies for a year. This is his story.
by Lucien Cerise
Britain’s State-Sponsored Assassins
Instead of the uproar over the attempted murder of a British spy media might better re-focus on Britain’s apparent record of state-sponsored murder. Dr David Kelly was an expert in biological warfare and a UN weapons inspector in Iraq, who it is claimed committed suicide in July 2003. Kelly strongly disagreed with the government spin that Iraq President Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. After being pilloried by a parliamentary court the scientist told friends that “many dark actors are playing games.” Later that day he was found dead with a cut to his wrist. At the time of his death, he was writing a book. Dr Kelly intended to reveal his warning to Prime Minister Tony Blair that such weapons didn’t exist weeks before the Iraq War. His computers were later seized by police.
by Michael Walsh
Jennifer Bilek: Who Is Behind The Trans Agenda? (38:57)
Big Picture
God says to wicked men, “This is your hour,
But I alone grant to your darkness power.”
For all readers who have access to the Internet and who want to keep their heads free of the pack of lies that make up the official narrative on the Russia-Ukraine war, there are, still accessible on You Tube at least four notable truth-tellers who, at least up till now, have proved to be reporters on whom one can rely to know what is really happening in the unfortunate Ukraine. They are three Americans, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, Scott Ritter and Gonzalo Lira, and a team of two Greeks who go under the name of The Duran, Alex Cristoforou, and Alexander Mercouris who lives in London. At can be found the Duran in a fascinating conversation dating from just before Christmas of last year, but not out of date, on the whole background of the war. Here is a summary of the conversation – The West’s objective in Ukraine is to destroy Russia. The supply of long-range missiles and drones by NATO is not about Ukraine achieving a military victory. It’s about creating chaos and sowing unrest and division in Russia.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Legal Experts Are Sounding The Alarm Over A Court Case That Could Empower The Gov’t To Police ‘Disinformation’
Legal experts are voicing concerns about the ongoing court case of Douglass Mackey, an internet troll charged in 2021 for posting a meme on Twitter that spread “disinformation,” which the government deemed “conspiring” to deprive others of their right to vote. Mackey, who had over 58,000 followers on his account using the name “Ricky Vaughn” prior to the 2016 election, posted an image on Twitter advertising the ability to vote for Hillary Clinton by text, prompting at least 4,900 individuals to do so, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ) news release. He was charged in January 2021 under a “conspiracy against rights” law that makes it an offense “to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person … in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution.” Aaron Terr, director of Public Advocacy for the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), a legal organization that defends free speech, told the Daily Caller News Foundation that it is “difficult to see how any of those terms apply to merely saying something false about the election.”
by Katelynn Richardson
Italy Plays the Blackmail Card With the EU Over African Immigration
What Meloni wants is to manipulate a crisis now so as the EU coughs up either huge amounts of cash, or simply blocks the migrants crossing.
While it’s entirely understandable that the new right-wing coalition government in Italy is concerned about levels of immigrants from Africa – via Tunisia and Libya – it’s worth wondering how much credibility Giorgia Meloni has left with international institutions and the media in general. Her period in office began with a controversial video clip of her ranting about France and its colonial policies it carries out in its former colonies in West Africa (mostly untrue allegations) and the level of excremental material coming from her ministries about the subject can only do damage to her and her government in the longer run. Just recently one of her ministers made extraordinary allegations about the Wagner group in a number of African countries being behind a deliberate plan to send more African migrants to Libya, which he failed to back up with any evidence at all. This quickly was followed up by another minister trying to outbid his colleague in bullshit, by claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood was about to take power in Tunisia, once, presumably, President Saied is overthrown.
by Martin Jay
Remembering Khadree Renfro (13:08)
We had better remember this vicious thug because no one else will.
by American Renaissance
Transgender Wokism Is Killing America
By diabolical design, the psychological damage for decades done to Western children from preschool and kindergarten age on up, through programmed indoctrination of a failed educational system is both immeasurable and alarming. Through an embedded sex education curriculum that currently includes Drag Queen Storytime Hour in schools and libraries across America, reinforced by pervasive far-reaching mass media wokism, the Luciferian social engineers have injected mass psychosis, sexual dysfunction and widespread sexual confusion in vulnerable, highly impressionable younger generations. It’s propagandized brainwashing mass mind control, deliberately and irreparably afflicting harm on Western societies for far too long. Entrenched wokism, political correctness and conditioned intolerance to alternative points of view accompanied by decades of a sinister dumbing down process through toxins and robotic obedience to hive minded education and herd mentality, have all rendered grave harm to millions of people in the West. As a result, a majority of Americans have little discerning capacity for critical thinking, possessing shortened attention spans, lower IQs and lack the mental capacity to read and comprehend, preferring to passively watch videos as the preferred medium.
by Joachim Hagopian
Race And History, Part 1
The Zionist Racism of Anti-Racist Jared Diamond
Do Human Races Exist? Do Racial Differences Influence History?
In every society there are social groups whose office is to provide an understanding of the world. These social groups, the culture-bearing strata, in some cases enjoy nearly monopolistic control over a society’s world-view.[1] America is no exception: it too has its culture-bearing strata, intellectual and cultural establishments, and media elite that effectively mold the worldview of the masses. One of the most influential of these mind-shaping groups is the Jewish political and cultural establishment.[2] Social scientists Stanley Rothman and S. Robert Lichter admit quite frankly that “Americans of Jewish background have become an elite group in American society, with a cultural influence far beyond their numbers.”[3] In a study of the Jewish movie moguls that came to dominate Hollywood, noted film industry historian Neal Gabler was more direct: “The Hollywood Jews created a cluster of images and ideas–so powerful that, in a sense, they colonized the American imagination. […] Ultimately, American values came to be defined largely by the movies the Jews made.”[4]
by Paul Grubach
EU Has Abandoned Peace And Prosperity – Orban
The pro-war lobby has put the entire bloc in danger over Ukraine, the Hungarian prime minister claims
The EU has forsaken its goal of ensuring peace and prosperity for its members, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban declared on Friday. Warning that the bloc is considering sending troops into Ukraine, Orban insisted that Hungary will continue pushing for a ceasefire. “Those who are pro-war have put the whole European Union in danger,” Orban told Radio Kossuth, referring to the ongoing efforts by EU member states to arm Kiev’s forces. To date, Brussels has supplied Kiev with just under $4 billion worth of arms, while individual member states have donated tanks, artillery, and in the case of Poland and Slovakia, fighter jets to Ukraine. “We expect two things from the European Union; the first is to have lasting peace,” Orban continued. “The second thing we expect of the EU is that it should preserve the prosperity it has achieved, but in comparison war and sanctions are destroying the European economy.”
by RT
“Right To Housing”…The Loss of Private Property Rights (14:08)
by Computing Forever
Doublespeak: State Department Warns About Online Censorship Then Threatens To “Hold Platforms Accountable”
Pretending to uphold freedom of expression while pushing for censorship.
In a startling display of doublespeak at the Summit for Democracy 2023, United States (US) Secretary of State Anthony Blinken warned about more countries “using the internet to try to control speech” and claimed that the Biden administration is trying to promote an open internet before threatening to “hold platforms accountable” for so-called “harms.” Blinken raised the alarm about the internet “growing more closed, more insecure, more siloed by the day.” He continued by stating: “More countries are putting up firewalls and shutting down access, using the internet to try to control speech, quash dissent, spread misinformation and disinformation.”
by Tom Parker
Entrepreneur Sues USDA, FDA For Banning Verifiably Factual Labels On His Food Products
In 2019, Michelle Przybocki nearly died. She became ill from digestive complications, and later learned she had a severe case of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Michelle, a speech therapist from Las Vegas, managed to push through the illness, but her life would never be the same. From then on, she experienced debilitating pain every time she ate, sometimes immobilizing her for hours. To reduce the pain to a manageable level, Michelle decided to adopt a special “low-FODMAP” diet. FODMAP is an acronym that stands for “fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.” Essentially, FODMAPs are certain carbohydrates that are difficult to digest. Doctors often recommend low-FODMAP diets to people with IBS and other digestive disorders, and studies show most patients with IBS report significant improvement in their symptoms when they eliminate FODMAPs from their diet.
by Patrick Carroll
Enslaving The World To Stop Chinese Tyranny: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
If you’re just tuning in, US dollar hegemony and diplomatic dominance are rapidly eroding while the US and its allies accelerate aggressions and provocations against Russia and China simultaneously in a desperate bid to quash the emergence of a multipolar world. I’m a bit less excited about the mounting threats posed to US hegemony than other anti-imperialists, only because a desperate unipolarist empire is a dangerous unipolarist empire. The deadliest time for a battered wife is right when she leaves. A cornered animal is dangerous, especially when it has sharp teeth. A cornered empire is dangerous, especially when it has nuclear weapons. “If I can’t have you no one can” is a line that can be said to a partner or to a planet. Abuse victims need to escape, but we may also be heading into the most perilous moment in all of history.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Global Elites Goading Americans Into Violence Against Transsexuals by Greg Reese (6:08)
Donald Trump Dindu Nuffin!
So what if he had his jewish lawyer pay a porn star hush money so he could win the presidency? The poor guy just wanted to cheat on his wife in peace, without scrutiny. Look at what Bill Clinton did! Or even JFK! What’s the big deal? The Democrats hate America and they are going after Trump because he loves America. Seriously, I don’t give a damn if Trump is locked away for the rest of his life. He was the “Daddy” of the vaccine via Operation Warp Speed, he did everything Israel wanted from him and then some, he did not lift a finger to help his January 6 supporters after they did exactly as they were told, he pardoned jewish supremacist criminals and Black rapper thugs, and then there are the sordid connections with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Honestly, if you do not know why I do not like Trump, you have not been paying attention for the past 8 years.
by Kyle Hunt
Dire Report April 2023 Number 12
The Witches in the Indictment of Donald Trump. Demonrats have no moral compass, integrity or ethics. They believe the ends justify the means. It’s political persecution using a weaponized judicial system, election manipulation and interference because they are desperate to hold on to their power and serve the Globalist’s agenda. The American people can see right through this charade.
Bamford’s “Spyfail” Exposes Corruption At Center Of Netanyahu “Judicial Reform” Crisis That Is Tearing Israel Apart
James Bamford’s new book Spyfail: Foreign Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and the Collapse of America’s Counterintelligence devotes nine chapters to the impunity of Israel, its spies and U.S. lobby. Bamford is best known as America’s premiere chronicler of the ultra-secretive National Security Agency in his books The Puzzle Palace and The Shadow Factory. Unlike most authors published through mainstream publishing houses, Bamford has not held back on exposing extremely damaging and behind the scenes exploits of Israel and its lobby in this damning look at U.S. counterintelligence. That was a shock to the second most prominent reader reviewer on who claimed, “I did not expect a full-throated anti-Israel screed completely devoid of nuance or historical context.” Most other reviewers were much more appreciative of Bamford’s honest take.
by IRmep
DOJ Celebrates First Criminal Conviction In U.S. History For Creating A Meme – The Future Of The First Amendment Under The “Restrict Act” Clarifies
Welcome to The United States of America in 2023, where we see the first ever criminal conviction of a U.S. citizen for creating a meme. A man created a picture determined to be illegal by a Dept of Justice focused on the arrest and incarceration of people working against the interests of a weaponized government. We will see what happens on appeal. After the jury remained deadlocked for three days, and after thrice telling the judge they were deadlocked, Judge Ann Donnelly threatened not to release them from duty unless and until they came to a decision on guilt. The jury subsequently found Douglass Mackey, a 33-year-old who went by the name Ricky Vaughn on Twitter and a resident of Florida (insert DeSantis silence here), guilty of creating a meme against the interests of the U.S. government.
by Sundance
Ex-Russian President Comments On EU ‘Peacekeepers’
These “wolves in sheep’s clothing” will be combatants and return in body bags, says Dmitry Medvedev
Any EU “peacekeepers” sent to Ukraine will be considered enemy combatants directly involved in the conflict and treated accordingly, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday. Earlier in the day, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in a radio interview that the bloc was discussing “some kind of peacekeeping force” for Ukraine, perhaps under a NATO aegis. The Kremlin responded by calling the idea “extremely dangerous.” Medvedev, who is the deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, called the idea peak cynicism. The US-led bloc “continues to stuff the Kiev regime with weapons, tanks and other military equipment,” he said on Telegram, so it’s hard to imagine they want peace.
by RT
Tucker: The Trans Movement Is Targeting Christians (9:31)
Milley Says The US Should Attack Iran’s IRGC Quds Force
Direct US attacks on the Quds Force could spark a full-blown war with Iran
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told Congress on Wednesday that the US should be targeting Iran’s Quds Force, a branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), following a drone attack in Syria that killed a US contractor. “We do know that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard [Corps], and specifically their Quds Force … that group there is what we need to be targeting, and targeting them very harshly over time, and that’s exactly what we plan on doing,” Milley said, according to Al-Monitor. The Pentagon said the drone that hit a US base in Syria last week was of “Iranian origin” but provided no evidence for the claim. President Biden ordered airstrikes against facilities the Pentagon said were used by groups affiliated with the IRGC, referring to Shia militias that operate in Syria.
by Dave DeCamp
ACH (2106) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of South Africa’s Greatest Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd And Why He Was Assassinated – Part 1 (Audio 1:09)
In today’s show originally broadcast on March 30 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of South Africa’s Greatest Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd And Why He Was Assassinated – Part 1.”
We discussed: why Stephen Mitford Goodson had great admiration for Hendrik Verwoerd; the occultic significance behind the assassination of Hendrik Verwoerd, which gives us some idea of who was behind it; Hendrik’s excellence as a student which led him to be offered a Rhodes Scholoarship to Oxford University, which he turned down; the guilt manipulation that was applied to South Africa by the international community during the Cold War; Hendrik’s vision of a South Africa united under the banner of fairness and justice; how Winston Churchill organised the looting of South African Gold, which he had sent to the United States Federal Reserve Bank, where it was used to finance Stalin’s Communist Soviet Union; the real architects of apartheid in South Africa; how some Black People in South Africa still have slaves today; how Hendrik Verwoerd drastically increased the welfare and life expectancy of the Black People in South Africa; how British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan insulted South Africa via his “Winds of Change” speech; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Motorist Uprising (3:14)
by Paul Joseph Watson
Second Wave Of Bank Runs Start – Demise Of The U.S. Dollar As The World’s Reserve Currency Accelerates
It’s been over a week now since a bank has failed, but according to multiple sources, that does not mean that the banking crisis is over. In fact, many sources are reporting that bank runs are continuing, with a “second wave” of bank runs now going on. As we have previously reported, these modern-day bank runs are not always as noticeable today in the digital era, as you don’t typically see people lining up at the banks to physically withdraw their money, as it all happens on the Internet. And while today depositors are rushing into Money Market accounts, once the smaller banks start failing again, expect to see more money exit bank accounts, such as into the FedNow CBDC accounts scheduled to come online this summer, as well as into commodities such as Gold and Silver. The rest of the world is, of course, noticing this, and some are beginning to trade with currencies other than the U.S. Dollar.
by Brian Shilhavy
What Is A Woman?
Biologically, a woman is an adult female of the human species.
Emotionally, a woman is the Presence of love, intelligence and passion.
Psychologically, a woman is the intuitive side of the human nervous system.
Energetically, a woman is the feminine magnetic field in which the masculine electric current circulates.
Spiritually, a woman is the Sacred Portal through which all Life enters the world.
Every single entity who ever lived on this Earth came through a female vagina. There is not a single exception. Therefore, a woman is the Agency of the universe through which all life appears, without exception.
The transgenderists, the gender fluidists, the usurpers of the Divine Feminine, the imposters impersonating women are the grossest examples of stupidity, arrogance, egoity, insensitivity, and madness ever to appear on Earth. Imagining that their whims and fantasies and preferences are superior to and more powerful than Cosmic Nature makes a fool out of every one of the inmates of the Woke Asylum.
by Robert Cinque
Billionaires Brin, Pritzker, Zuckerman And Ovitz Issued Subpoenas In Epstein Lawsuit
Billionaires Sergey Brin, Thomas Pritzker, Mortimer Zuckerman and Michael Ovitz were issued subpoenas this week by the US Virgin Islands as part of its lawsuit against JPMorgan over the bank’s relationship with now-deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, according to the Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter. The subpoenas seek any communications or documents related to JPMorgan and Epstein. The four men are some of the wealthiest people in the U.S., and it couldn’t be determined why they were being asked for the communications and documents. In civil cases, lawyers can use subpoenas during the discovery process to get information from people who aren’t a party to a lawsuit but could provide evidence related to the case.JPMorgan is being sued by the US Virgin Islands along with several Epstein accusers in a combined case over Epstein’s sex trafficking operation. The plaintiffs claim that the bank facilitated abuse by allowing Epstein to remain a client while helping send money to his victims. The lawsuit also alleges that JPMorgan turned a blind eye to Epstein’s activities after receiving referrals for high-value business opportunities.
by Tyler Durden
Operation Garden Plot – A FEMA Plan To Put American Citizens In Prison Camps (11:05)
Executive Order #12919 signed in 199s by Clinton which will allow government to seize all private personal property for “National Defense.” This country has been under Emergency since 1933 with the enactment of FEMA, which gave Presidents the ability to issue Executive Orders for the emergency, since then EACH President has issued the EO for the emergency to continue. We the people have been effectively played.
Red Rose Rescuers Sentenced To Jail For ‘Trespassing’ At Michigan Abortion Mill (Text and Video)
Father Fidelis Moscinski, CFR, Matthew Connolly, Dr. Monica Miller, and Laura Gies have all received custodial sentences.
Four Red Rose Rescuers have been sentenced to prison for counseling women at a Michigan abortion business. Two more have been sentenced to probation. Father Fidelis Moscinski, CFR, Matthew Connolly, Dr. Monica Miller, and Laura Gies have all received custodial sentences from Judge Cynthia Meagher Arvant today. They were taken immediately to Oakland County Jail, according to the Red Rose Rescue Facebook page. Fr. Fidelis was given 270 days – 90 days for each of the three charges leveled against him, which he will be serving concurrently. He will thus be in prison for three months. His heroic pro-life witness was recently profiled by LifeSiteNews’ Senior Correspondent Jim Hale.
by Dorothy Cummings McLean
The Indictment Classic T-Shirt
The Indictment of Donald Trump by the Manhattan DA.
The Witches in the Indictment of Donald Trump. Demonrats have no moral compass or ethics. They believe the ends justify the means. A political persecution.
by ayemagine
The Trump Indictment: Making History In The Worst Possible Way
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has finally made history. He has indicted former President Donald Trump as part of an investigation, possibly for hush money payments. We are all waiting to see the text of the indictment to confirm the basis for this unprecedented act. But history in this case — and in this country — is not on Bragg’s side. The only crime that has been discussed in this case is an unprecedented attempt to revive a misdemeanor for falsifying business documents that expired years ago. If that is still the basis of Thursday’s indictment, Bragg could not have raised a weaker basis to prosecute a former president. If reports are accurate, he may attempt to “bootstrap” the misdemeanor into a felony (and longer statute of limitations) by alleging an effort to evade federal election charges. While Trump will be the first former president indicted, he will not be the last if that is the standard for prosecution.
by Jonathan Turley
NATO Holds War Games Miles From Ukraine’s Border
The US and its NATO partners are conducting military drills in a region of Romania that borders Ukraine. Thousands of soldiers will gather to simulate repelling an invasion on the Black Sea coastline. Dubbed “Sea Shield 23,” the war games kicked off on March 20 and will run until April 2. The US and 11 other NATO countries are participating in the Romanian-led military exercises. Nearly 3,500 soldiers, 30 naval ships, 14 aircraft and 15 other “fast intervention” boats are participating in the live-fire operations, which will occur in the Black Sea and Romania’s Danube Delta. Troops taking part in the Sea Shield drills will come within 20 miles of the Ukrainian border. “The multinational exercise ‘Sea Shield 2023’ is the most complex training event, planned and conducted by the Romanian Naval Forces, through the Naval Component Command, in the 2023 training year,” the Romanian Navy said in a press release.
by Kyle Anzalone
The Curious Case Of Jordan Peterson’s Guests (4:45)
by Leather Apron Club
US ‘Disappointed’ With UN Court Ruling On Iran
The Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Washington to pay compensation to Iranian individuals and firms
The US State Department has criticized a ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which found that some Iranian funds were seized illegally by American authorities. Judges at the UN’s top court in The Hague concluded on Thursday that a 2016 decision by the US Supreme Court was in violation of the 1955 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations and Consular Rights between the two countries. Back then, the US court ruled that certain assets belonging to Iranian companies should be paid to victims of terrorist attacks blamed by Washington on Tehran. “Iran is entitled to compensation for the injury caused,” the ICJ said, adding that the US has 24 months to agree on an amount for the payout, or the court will determine one itself. However, the judges rejected Tehran’s bid for $1.75 billion in assets owned by Iran’s Central Bank (Bank Markazi) in the US to be unblocked, arguing that the ICJ does not have jurisdiction over the matter.
by RT
Australia Isn’t A Nation, It’s A US Military Base With Kangaroos
One of the many, many signs that Australia is nothing more than a US military and intelligence asset is the way its government has consistently refused to intervene to protect Australian citizen Julian Assange from political persecution at the hands of the US empire. In a new article titled “Penny Wong moves to dampen expectation of breakthrough in Julian Assange case,” The Guardian quotes Australia’s foreign minister as saying, “We are doing what we can, between government and government, but there are limits to what that diplomacy can achieve.” Wong said this when asked if Prime Minister Anthony Albanese discussed the world’s most famous press freedom case with the US president and British prime minister when he met with them together two weeks ago.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Large Quantities Of US Weapons Lost, Stolen In Iraq, Syria: Report
US-supplied weapons have been a significant source of weapons and ammunition for ISIS and other Al-Qaeda groups in the past
Hundreds of thousands of dollars in US artillery equipment, unspecified “weapons systems,” and specialized ammunition meant for US forces in Syria and Iraq have been stolen in recent years, The Intercept reported on 30 March. According to criminal investigations files obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by The Intercept, at least four large-scale thefts and one loss of US equipment valued at some $200,000 have occurred in Iraq and Syria between 2020 and 2022. The lost items include 40mm high-explosive grenades stolen from US Special Forces. The losses continue a previous pattern. The Intercept notes further that a 2020 audit by the Pentagon’s inspector general found that Special Operations Joint Task Force–Operation Inherent Resolve, the main unit that partners with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to illegally occupy northeast Iraq, did not properly account for $715.8 million of equipment purchased for the SDF.
by News Desk
Passing Observations 153
The United Nations is planning to control all the water on the planet and to control how much you can use. In my book Living in a Fascist Country, published in 2006, I pointed out that the new ID cards which Tony Bliar’s government was promoting would contain a chip which would tell them where you were every minute of every day of your life. I wrote: ‘Since it will be illegal to go out of your home without your ID card (and its implanted chip) the Government (and anyone to whom they sell the information) will always know exactly where you are.’ That, remember, was 2006. They’ve been planning this for a long time. Living in a Fascist Country is available from the bookshop on this website.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Shooting Victims And Instigators: Can You Tell The Difference? Media Can’t (15:58)
Watch the story of the family of one of the 9 yr olds killed. Then a TikTok’er who taunts families of victims and Stink Uygur, the old turd telling trans to arm themselves even though he hates guns.
by The David Knight Show
A Second Open Letter To Deborah Lipstadt:
Does the World’s Most Prominent Opponent of “Holocaust Denial” Harbor a Hypocritical Double Standard on “Racist Nationalism?”
Re: Does the World’s Most Prominent Opponent of “Holocaust Denial” Harbor a Hypocritical Double Standard on “Racist Nationalism?” Ms. Lipstadt: As you may know, I am planning to write another critique of your writings for Inconvenient History ( In the interests of fairness and truth I am giving you an opportunity to view my arguments and evidence prior to publication on the revisionist web site. Since you are the world’s most prominent academic opponent of “Holocaust denial,” I would like to bring to your attention a hypocritical double standard that appears to plague your thinking and that of the Holocaust Lobby in general. It pertains to the issue of “racist nationalism.”
by Paul Grubach
Hot Yoga Study Shows Benefits For Lowering Blood Pressure
Hot yoga is more than a sweaty fitness trend: it can help people with high blood pressure shift in a calm, soothing direction — away from high blood pressure and heart disease
A preliminary study confirms the benefits of hot yoga on symptoms of high blood pressure. In a presentation at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension 2019 Scientific Sessions, findings were presented from the novel study exploring a drug-free method of treating elevated blood pressure and hypertension using heated yoga classes. The lead researcher, Stacy Hunter, Ph.D., wrote an article about the study, titled “Temps up, blood pressures down in hot yoga study,” published in the American Heart Association Meeting Report (Presentation #P196; Session APS.1).[i] Hunter is assistant professor and lab director of the cardiovascular physiology lab at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Moths Are More Efficient Pollinators Than Bees, Shows New Research
Moths are more efficient pollinators at night than day-flying pollinators such as bees, finds new research from the University of Sussex, published March 29 in PLOS ONE. Amid widespread concern about the decline of wild pollinating insects like bees and butterflies, University of Sussex researchers have discovered that moths are particularly vital pollinators for nature. Studying 10 sites in the South East of England throughout July 2021, the Sussex researchers found that 83% of insect visits to bramble flowers were made during the day. While the moths made fewer visits during the shorter summer nights, notching up only 15% of the visits, they were able to pollinate the flowers more quickly.
by University of Sussex
No More Double Standards And Impunity. West Provokes Russia. Result: Nukes In Belarus On NATO’s Borders
The Anglo-American-led NATO alliance has no longer the presumption of impunity. The decades of unchecked aggression from NATO expansionism and criminal Anglo-American subterfuges in foreign countries are over.
The historic – and unacceptable – deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons in several European NATO states as well as the recent announcement by Britain of supplying depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine is the prologue to Russia’s decision to place tactical nukes in Belarus. The Western outcry following Russia’s decision is absurd and hypocritical. The pattern is familiar and speaks of incorrigible arrogance. The United States and its NATO allies make reckless escalatory moves that are unprecedented in their aggression toward Russia; then Moscow makes a reciprocal move, and yet the Western governments and their dutiful news media become apoplectic with rage over Russia’s “threatening conduct” and nuclear blackmail. Maybe one day, Western leaders will eventually choke on their own illogical apoplexy.
Editorial by Strategic Culture
Trump Indicted By Manhattan Grand Jury (2:38)
Former US president Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury for his alleged role in paying hush money to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. The ex-POTUS has denied the criminal charges against him, calling them the highest degree of political persecution and electoral interference in US history. RT correspondent Caleb Maupin brings us the details.
by RT
by David Dees
France: Police Bumps Into A Wall Of Firemen Who Are Not Prepared To Take Any Abuse. (0:25)
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The world’s banks are teetering on the edge – with one foot dangling over a 500 foot drop. Here’s the latest news about financial affairs. I doubt if you will read any of this in the mainstream media.
The unrealised losses on securities held by the FDIC in the United States is now over $620 billion and rising. American banks are sitting on unrealised losses of $1.7 trillion. If all depositors go and ask for their money back the majority of banks will go bust in an hour. The bank crash hasn’t even started yet. And shares and other investments are due for a gloomy decade or two. Those hoping that their investments will pay off their interest free mortgage should think again. Those with pension fund investments should take a look to see how they’re doing – and plan on working longer. The United States is considering sanctions on China. These, if introduced, will doubtless be as useless as the ones introduced on Russia (which have backfired). Sanctions on China will push China and Russia closer together, push up prices, increase inflation and destroy the economy in all Western countries. So they’ll probably do it. Incidentally, China tried to broker a peace deal over Ukraine. Neither Biden and Sunak thought that peace was a good idea. Xi is probably quite pissed about that.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Can They ‘Repeal’ The Dead? Ask Orwell.
Yesterday the US Senate repealed the Iraq 2002 ‘Authorization for the Use of Military Force’
Yesterday the US Senate repealed the Iraq 2002 ‘Authorization for the Use of Military Force’ (AUMF), in which, at the behest of the Bush Administration, the U.S. licensed itself to attack the people of Iraq, and, with a fusillade of pressure-packed, hysteria driven lies, dragged along a tricked-up international “coalition of the willing.” The 2002 AUMF, now otherwise known as an official, categorical, murderous lie, passed twenty years ago, by a Senate vote of 77-23. Yesterday’s repeal basically said: ‘We repeal the AUMF.’ That’s it. No explanation in the bill as to why. No preamble which recited the litany of lies which Congress bought lock, stock and two smoking barrels. The deaths of one million innocent Iraqis didn’t rate so much as a mention in the repeal.
by Dennis Kucinich
No Free Dental For White Kids (5:06)
Medical offices sometimes provide reduced-cost or free care to poorer clients, but recent advertising shows that there is a move to take such charity in a race-based direction, to exclude whites and Asians. This is a continuation of the discriminatory theme that has become part of modern society, leaving white children with worse care than their black peers.
by Sarah Cain
Syria Reasserts Its Right To Restore Its Sovereignty Over Israeli-Occupied Golan
Syria has reasserted its “inalienable right” to restore its sovereignty to the Israeli-occupied Syrian territory of the Golan Heights, denouncing the US’s support for the regime that has emboldened it to prolong the occupation.
Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Ambassador Haider Ali Ahmed made the remarks, addressing a session of the Human Rights Council on the situation in the Middle East, the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on Wednesday. The Israeli regime seized the Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 Six-Day War and later occupied it in a move that has never been recognized by the international community. The regime has built dozens of settlements in the area ever since and has been using the region as a launch pad for its military operations against the Arab country.
by PressTV
Contract Shows How The FBI Purchases Massive Amounts Of Online Data
Something the FBI only recently admitted to.
The FBI was a customer of a private company Team Cymru, a contract shows. The company is in the business of harvesting NetFlow – network protocol for collecting IP traffic information and monitoring network flow – data from ISPs in return for threat intelligence, and then selling it on. The contract became public knowledge thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by Motherboard which reveals that the federal agency’s Cyber Division spent “tens of thousands” of dollars to get its hands on this data. The deal was worth $76,450 and was made in 2017.
by Didi Rankovic
The Jewish Assassination Of Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd: The Day White South Africa Died, Part One
Dr. Verwoerd’s assassination was a bloody coup with the intent of replacing a truly racialist and visionary leader with someone more suitable in the eyes of the world jewish conspiracy.
September 6th, 1966 was a beautiful day in South Africa. Very warm, but not too hot, with a nice ocean breeze which was common in the beautiful coastal city of Cape Town, South Africa. Besides being notorious for having some of the world’s prettiest and cleanest beaches, Cape Town was home to South Africa’s House of Assembly (known in Afrikaans as the Volksraad, or “People’s Council,”) which was the lower house of the Parliament of South Africa. South Africa’s renegade Prime Minister Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd was scheduled to speak before the House of Assembly, since this was shortly after the 1966 general election in which Dr. Verwoerd won in a landslide, especially among Boer/Afrikaner Whites. Then, at 3:15 PM, shortly after entering the House of Assembly chamber, Dr. Verwoerd was ambushed and stabbed in the neck and chest four times before his attacker was subdued by other members of the Assembly. His assassin was a 48-year-old parliamentary messenger named Dimitri Tsafendas, who managed to get the job despite being a fanatical communist who had engaged in revolutionary activities and terrorism for decades.
by EternalTruth14
Microplastics Are In Our Bodies. Here’s Why We Don’t Know The Health Risks
There are big, open scientific questions about levels of exposure and toxicity
Tiny particles of plastic have been found everywhere — from the deepest place on the planet, the Mariana Trench, to the top of Mount Everest. And now more and more studies are finding that microplastics, defined as plastic pieces less than 5 millimeters across, are also in our bodies. “What we are looking at is the biggest oil spill ever,” says Maria Westerbos, founder of the Plastic Soup Foundation, an Amsterdam-based nonprofit advocacy organization that works to reduce plastic pollution around the world. Nearly all plastics are made from fossil fuel sources. And microplastics are “everywhere,” she adds, “even in our bodies.”
by Anne Pinto-Rodrigues
80$ To Felony In 3..2..1 (3:22)
Hitler Could Have Forced Churchill To Take Peace Offer
Third in a series of stories exploring how Germany might have won World War II. Read Part 1 and Part 2.
In the last article of this series, we examined how Germany might have won the war if Hitler had been patient enough to wait to risk war until the German army was ready to fight. In this article, we will consider some ways the Germans might have goaded the British into accepting a negotiated peace before the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 while keeping the United States officially neutral in the conflict. Here are some of the most effective things Hitler could have done to accomplish that:
by David Pyne
Why Hitler Let The British Escape At Dunkirk
On wheeling north, Guderian’s Panzer Corps headed for Calais while Reinhardt’s swept west of Arras towards St. Omer and Dunkirk. On the 22nd, Boulogne was isolated by Guderian’s advance, and next day Calais. That same day Reinhardt reached the Aire-St Omer Canal, less than twenty miles from Dunkirk — the only escape port left to the B.E.F. [British Expeditionary Force]. The German armoured forces were much nearer to it than the bulk of the B.E.F. “At that moment,” Rundstedt told me, “a sudden telephone call came from Colonel von Grieffenberg at O.K.H. [German headquarters], saying that Kleist’s forces were to halt on the line of the canal. It was the Fuhrer’s direct order—and contrary to General Halder’s view. I questioned it in a message of protest, but received a curt telegram in reply, saying: ‘The armoured divisions are to remain at medium artillery range from Dunkirk’ (a distance of eight or nine miles). ‘Permission is only granted for reconnaissance and protective movements’.”
by B. H. Liddell Hart
Ex-UN Rapporteur Reveals 8 Ways Int’l Nord Stream Probe Can Be Pursued Despite UNSC Stonewalling
The failure of a Russian-Chinese Security Council resolution to set up an international probe into the Nord Stream attacks is not the end of the road, and Moscow has over half a dozen avenues to pursue the matter, both at the UN and at other venues, says Dr. Alfred de Zayas, a former UN rapporteur and veteran expert on international law. Moscow expressed confidence Tuesday that the truth about the Nord Stream explosions would eventually “break through” in spite of the United Nations Security Council’s failure to adopt a Russian-Chinese resolution demanding a formal international investigation into the sabotage. “Any tribunal would convict the US on the basis of the available information today, a fortiori in the absence of any credible evidence to the contrary. In the United States, any grand jury would find that the evidence already in the public domain suffices to indict the suspect for the crime and open formal criminal proceedings,” de Zayas told Sputnik.
by Ilya Tsukanov
Why You Should Destroy Your Smart Phone Now
So-called ‘smart phones’ — far more accurately described as ‘dumb phones’ — combine a mobile phone with a watch, with a road map, with a tourist atlas of the world, with a digital camera, with a personal stereo system, with a music collection, with a video recorder, with a diary, with a calculator, with a credit card, with a travelcard, with an office key, with a torch, with a newspaper, with a television, with something to read on the train, and probably a lot more. I don’t know, because I don’t own one. ‘But it’s so convenient!’ cry those who stare unbelieving at my twenty-year-old Nokia. To which I reply: ‘Convenience breeds compliance.’ But to what? Since they were first introduced into our lives in 2008, smartphones have become our outsourced memory and brain, replacing both with the convenience of not having to remember anything or think for ourselves. If you don’t believe me, then answer me this without looking at your smart phone. What is 9 x 13? What was the capital of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia? In what month of which year did the UK invade Iraq at the tail-end of the US-led coalition? Before smart phones, every child in the UK knew the answers to these questions. Now, no adult does.
by Simon Elmer
These Enforcement Robots Will Patrol The 15-Minute Cities. (0:18)
You will have to present your QR code to gain access to your district. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be forever in your favour.
High Stakes As Uncle Sam’s Days Of Impunity Are Finally Over
The edifice of American imperial power has never been challenged at its foundation. It is now.
Russia and China are determined to hold the American perpetrators of the Nord Stream sabotage to account. Uncle Sam’s days – indeed decades – of wanton criminality are over. There’s going to be hell to pay as the imperialist tyranny in Washington hits a wall of reality. Several weeks have gone by with the United States and its Western lackeys stonewalling at the United Nations Security Council, squirming and resisting calls from Moscow and Beijing for an international criminal investigation into the sabotage of the Baltic Sea pipelines that were blown up in September. A swathe of independent observers, such as American economics professor Jeffrey Sachs and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, have concurred with the investigative report published on February 8 by renowned journalist Seymour Hersh which claims that U.S. President Joe Biden and his senior White House staff ordered the Pentagon to take out the natural gas pipeline that runs along the Baltic Sea bed from Russia to Germany.
by Finian Cunningham
Now They’re Taking The Piss
They claim that falling life expectancy is a result of the covid pandemic. That is a barefaced lie. Official evidence proves without doubt that covid-19 killed no more people than the ordinary annual flu. The excess deaths were produced by fiddling the figures – and listing deaths from cancer, heart disease and being run over by a bus as covid-19 deaths. I am not kidding. That is exactly what they did. They simply said that anyone who tested positive with the entirely discredited PCR test was a covid patient and therefore whatever was wrong with them they died from covid. So, anyone who claims that life expectancy is falling as a result of covid is a liar. The extra deaths and falling life expectancy are a result of several factors – including the failure of health care, the long delays for treatment and so on – but mainly a result of the deadly, toxic, experimental covid-19 jab which is, without doubt, the most dangerous pharmaceutical product ever foisted on a compliant, innocent and unquestioning population.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Clinton, Inc. Formed “Joint Venture” Of “Co-Conspirators” To Smear Trump: Durham
The dirty political tricks of Hillary “Rotten” Clinton, as the great Rush Limbaugh used to refer to her, continue to be exposed in the Russia-Trump collusion narrative that was started by her in her failed campaign in 2016. Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, gave testimony in federal court that pegged Clinton as the top liar about the whole affair and the hits keep coming about who needs to be punished for the crazy story that destroyed so much of the political and media credibility in the United States. Mook testified as a witness in special counsel John Durham’s trial of Michael Sussmann, the lawyer accused of lying to the FBI. That he did what he did- to create the drama against Trump then- for the former “First Lady” and her dastardly plans to get Trump. In September 2016, Sussmann, who tried to cover for Clinton at the time, took claims of a secret Trump connection to Russia’s Alfa Bank to the FBI to start the persecution of Trump and said he wasn’t acting on behalf of any client, but we know he was working for the Clinton campaign.
by Kari Donovan
Best Garden Plants: Top 5 Backyard Blooms Most Recommended By Experts
Seeing colorful flowers blossom in the spring and summer is one of the many joys of warmer weather. From roses to sunflowers, there are all kinds of beautiful blooms to admire. Flowers aren’t the only stars of the show. Some of the best garden plants also include greenery, herbs and shrubs to create a lush and flourishing outdoor space. For gardeners, the sight is even sweeter when you are the one to plant and water the seed to maturity. Aside from just looking pretty, getting your hands dirty has some more pros. A study reports that gardening could help reduce the risk of cancer, boost mental health and bring communities together. Scientists say it leads to eating more fibrous fruits and vegetables, exercising more and building social connections. These positive elements of gardening can ease stress and anxiety and lower the risk of various illnesses, according to researchers from The University of Colorado Boulder.
by Saloni Ordia
China And Putin Just Dealt The U.S. Dollar A Fatal Blow (16:54)
Is this the end of hegemony of the U.S. dollar? It sure seems that way with China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and other heavy hitters turning away from the currency. The U.S. also seems to be losing power with industry and trade too. Maybe that is what you get when you gain that hegemony by cheating?
by Redacted
Historic Treaty Agreed To Protect High Seas
Delegates from 193 nations across the world have agreed to protect 30% of the high seas helping to preserve its carbon capture capabilities, protect it from pollution and fulfil an objective of the COP 15 conference. The treaty provides a global legal framework for establishing marine protected areas (MPAs) in the high seas, which is defined as all saltwater ocean that is not part of the territorial sea or internal waters of a state. Essentially, this means all international waters. The treaty will significantly increase the proportion of the high seas that are protected as MPAs from around 1 percent to 30 percent. Under the treaty, activities in MPAs will need to undergo a rigorous environmental impact assessment to ensure undertakings have nature positive outcomes and consider their impact on Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The treaty also creates a regime to regulate growing interest in marine genetic resources found in the ocean for cosmetics and medical products.
by Pamela Jolly
Serbia And Hungary Form Strategic Council Despite EU Opposition
The idea of forming a Serbia-Hungary Strategic Council was announced by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic after his meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Belgrade on March 25. Specifically, Vucic announced that the strategic council between the two countries would be established in May. As Serbia is a non-EU/NATO member, unlike Hungary, it is guaranteed that Brussels and Washington are not happy about the strengthening ties between the two neighbouring countries. Accordingly, the council would deal with the issue of security, the fight against terrorism, and opens the possibility of cooperation between their armies and police in the military-technical sense. It is for this reason, despite the benefits that this strategic cooperation brings for both countries, Brussels and Washington are not happy with this emergence.
by Ahmed Adel
The Geniuses Who Believe Ownership Of Private Property And Wealth Are Crimes
Corollary: Everything Should Be Free
Let’s start here: As soon as a piece of land is no longer unexplored—as soon as someone sets foot on it—someone is going to own it. It could be an individual, it could be a group, it could be a government. It then becomes property. Saying property is a crime is an attempt to contradict a fact of life. Saying “the people” own the land/property, or “everybody” owns it, or “nobody” owns it is a fantasy. An unworkable fantasy. Quite often, these claims are nothing more than power plays disguised as “greater good.” A group is trying to steal property from the owner. And if they succeed, an interesting thing happens. They stop saying “everybody” owns what they just stole. Communists have worked this con for a long time. The people own all property, but the people are represented by the Communist dictatorship. Except the dictatorship actually represents itself.
Jon Rappoport
ACH (2105) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – The World Government Summit: Government In 2071 Guidebook (Audio 57:22)
In today’s show originally broadcast on March 1 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson for a show entitled, “The World Government Summit: Government In 2071 Guidebook.”
We discussed: the significance of this guidebook in revealing the elites plan for creative destruction; the planned massive reliance on Artificial Intelligence (AI) which appears to be in charge of humanity rather than humanity being in charge of the AI; Matt’s recent research into totalitarianism; Matt’s brief analysis of the current conflict between Russia and the West; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Hey Dude, Don’t Take The Jab! (5:05)
by TheBoatRawker
All The Honest News Fit To Publish
What Is A Woman?
Biologically, a woman is an adult female of the human species.
Emotionally, a woman is the Presence of love, intelligence and passion.
Psychologically, a woman is the intuitive side of the human nervous system.
Energetically, a woman is the feminine magnetic field in which the masculine electric current circulates.
Spiritually, a woman is the Sacred Portal through which all Life enters the world.
Every single entity who ever lived on this Earth came through a female vagina. There is not a single exception. Therefore, a woman is the Agency of the universe through which all life appears, without exception.
The transgenderists, the gender fluidists, the usurpers of the Divine Feminine, the imposters impersonating women are the grossest examples of stupidity, arrogance, egoity, insensitivity, and madness ever to appear on Earth. Imagining that their whims and fantasies and preferences are superior to and more powerful than Cosmic Nature makes a fool out of every one of the inmates of the Woke Asylum.
by Robert Cinque
Billionaires Brin, Pritzker, Zuckerman And Ovitz Issued Subpoenas In Epstein Lawsuit
Billionaires Sergey Brin, Thomas Pritzker, Mortimer Zuckerman and Michael Ovitz were issued subpoenas this week by the US Virgin Islands as part of its lawsuit against JPMorgan over the bank’s relationship with now-deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, according to the Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter. The subpoenas seek any communications or documents related to JPMorgan and Epstein. The four men are some of the wealthiest people in the U.S., and it couldn’t be determined why they were being asked for the communications and documents. In civil cases, lawyers can use subpoenas during the discovery process to get information from people who aren’t a party to a lawsuit but could provide evidence related to the case.JPMorgan is being sued by the US Virgin Islands along with several Epstein accusers in a combined case over Epstein’s sex trafficking operation. The plaintiffs claim that the bank facilitated abuse by allowing Epstein to remain a client while helping send money to his victims. The lawsuit also alleges that JPMorgan turned a blind eye to Epstein’s activities after receiving referrals for high-value business opportunities.
by Tyler Durden
Operation Garden Plot – A FEMA Plan To Put American Citizens In Prison Camps (11:05)
Executive Order #12919 signed in 199s by Clinton which will allow government to seize all private personal property for “National Defense.” This country has been under Emergency since 1933 with the enactment of FEMA, which gave Presidents the ability to issue Executive Orders for the emergency, since then EACH President has issued the EO for the emergency to continue. We the people have been effectively played.
Red Rose Rescuers Sentenced To Jail For ‘Trespassing’ At Michigan Abortion Mill (Text and Video)
Father Fidelis Moscinski, CFR, Matthew Connolly, Dr. Monica Miller, and Laura Gies have all received custodial sentences.
Four Red Rose Rescuers have been sentenced to prison for counseling women at a Michigan abortion business. Two more have been sentenced to probation. Father Fidelis Moscinski, CFR, Matthew Connolly, Dr. Monica Miller, and Laura Gies have all received custodial sentences from Judge Cynthia Meagher Arvant today. They were taken immediately to Oakland County Jail, according to the Red Rose Rescue Facebook page. Fr. Fidelis was given 270 days – 90 days for each of the three charges leveled against him, which he will be serving concurrently. He will thus be in prison for three months. His heroic pro-life witness was recently profiled by LifeSiteNews’ Senior Correspondent Jim Hale.
by Dorothy Cummings McLean
The Indictment Classic T-Shirt
The Indictment of Donald Trump by the Manhattan DA.
The Witches in the Indictment of Donald Trump. Demonrats have no moral compass or ethics. They believe the ends justify the means. A political persecution.
by ayemagine
The Trump Indictment: Making History In The Worst Possible Way
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has finally made history. He has indicted former President Donald Trump as part of an investigation, possibly for hush money payments. We are all waiting to see the text of the indictment to confirm the basis for this unprecedented act. But history in this case — and in this country — is not on Bragg’s side. The only crime that has been discussed in this case is an unprecedented attempt to revive a misdemeanor for falsifying business documents that expired years ago. If that is still the basis of Thursday’s indictment, Bragg could not have raised a weaker basis to prosecute a former president. If reports are accurate, he may attempt to “bootstrap” the misdemeanor into a felony (and longer statute of limitations) by alleging an effort to evade federal election charges. While Trump will be the first former president indicted, he will not be the last if that is the standard for prosecution.
by Jonathan Turley
NATO Holds War Games Miles From Ukraine’s Border
The US and its NATO partners are conducting military drills in a region of Romania that borders Ukraine. Thousands of soldiers will gather to simulate repelling an invasion on the Black Sea coastline. Dubbed “Sea Shield 23,” the war games kicked off on March 20 and will run until April 2. The US and 11 other NATO countries are participating in the Romanian-led military exercises. Nearly 3,500 soldiers, 30 naval ships, 14 aircraft and 15 other “fast intervention” boats are participating in the live-fire operations, which will occur in the Black Sea and Romania’s Danube Delta. Troops taking part in the Sea Shield drills will come within 20 miles of the Ukrainian border. “The multinational exercise ‘Sea Shield 2023’ is the most complex training event, planned and conducted by the Romanian Naval Forces, through the Naval Component Command, in the 2023 training year,” the Romanian Navy said in a press release.
by Kyle Anzalone
The Curious Case Of Jordan Peterson’s Guests (4:45)
by Leather Apron Club
US ‘Disappointed’ With UN Court Ruling On Iran
The Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Washington to pay compensation to Iranian individuals and firms
The US State Department has criticized a ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which found that some Iranian funds were seized illegally by American authorities. Judges at the UN’s top court in The Hague concluded on Thursday that a 2016 decision by the US Supreme Court was in violation of the 1955 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations and Consular Rights between the two countries. Back then, the US court ruled that certain assets belonging to Iranian companies should be paid to victims of terrorist attacks blamed by Washington on Tehran. “Iran is entitled to compensation for the injury caused,” the ICJ said, adding that the US has 24 months to agree on an amount for the payout, or the court will determine one itself. However, the judges rejected Tehran’s bid for $1.75 billion in assets owned by Iran’s Central Bank (Bank Markazi) in the US to be unblocked, arguing that the ICJ does not have jurisdiction over the matter.
by RT
Australia Isn’t A Nation, It’s A US Military Base With Kangaroos
One of the many, many signs that Australia is nothing more than a US military and intelligence asset is the way its government has consistently refused to intervene to protect Australian citizen Julian Assange from political persecution at the hands of the US empire. In a new article titled “Penny Wong moves to dampen expectation of breakthrough in Julian Assange case,” The Guardian quotes Australia’s foreign minister as saying, “We are doing what we can, between government and government, but there are limits to what that diplomacy can achieve.” Wong said this when asked if Prime Minister Anthony Albanese discussed the world’s most famous press freedom case with the US president and British prime minister when he met with them together two weeks ago.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Large Quantities Of US Weapons Lost, Stolen In Iraq, Syria: Report
US-supplied weapons have been a significant source of weapons and ammunition for ISIS and other Al-Qaeda groups in the past
Hundreds of thousands of dollars in US artillery equipment, unspecified “weapons systems,” and specialized ammunition meant for US forces in Syria and Iraq have been stolen in recent years, The Intercept reported on 30 March. According to criminal investigations files obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by The Intercept, at least four large-scale thefts and one loss of US equipment valued at some $200,000 have occurred in Iraq and Syria between 2020 and 2022. The lost items include 40mm high-explosive grenades stolen from US Special Forces. The losses continue a previous pattern. The Intercept notes further that a 2020 audit by the Pentagon’s inspector general found that Special Operations Joint Task Force–Operation Inherent Resolve, the main unit that partners with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to illegally occupy northeast Iraq, did not properly account for $715.8 million of equipment purchased for the SDF.
by News Desk
Passing Observations 153
The United Nations is planning to control all the water on the planet and to control how much you can use. In my book Living in a Fascist Country, published in 2006, I pointed out that the new ID cards which Tony Bliar’s government was promoting would contain a chip which would tell them where you were every minute of every day of your life. I wrote: ‘Since it will be illegal to go out of your home without your ID card (and its implanted chip) the Government (and anyone to whom they sell the information) will always know exactly where you are.’ That, remember, was 2006. They’ve been planning this for a long time. Living in a Fascist Country is available from the bookshop on this website.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Shooting Victims And Instigators: Can You Tell The Difference? Media Can’t (15:58)
Watch the story of the family of one of the 9 yr olds killed. Then a TikTok’er who taunts families of victims and Stink Uygur, the old turd telling trans to arm themselves even though he hates guns.
by The David Knight Show
A Second Open Letter To Deborah Lipstadt:
Does the World’s Most Prominent Opponent of “Holocaust Denial” Harbor a Hypocritical Double Standard on “Racist Nationalism?”
Re: Does the World’s Most Prominent Opponent of “Holocaust Denial” Harbor a Hypocritical Double Standard on “Racist Nationalism?” Ms. Lipstadt: As you may know, I am planning to write another critique of your writings for Inconvenient History ( In the interests of fairness and truth I am giving you an opportunity to view my arguments and evidence prior to publication on the revisionist web site. Since you are the world’s most prominent academic opponent of “Holocaust denial,” I would like to bring to your attention a hypocritical double standard that appears to plague your thinking and that of the Holocaust Lobby in general. It pertains to the issue of “racist nationalism.”
by Paul Grubach
Hot Yoga Study Shows Benefits For Lowering Blood Pressure
Hot yoga is more than a sweaty fitness trend: it can help people with high blood pressure shift in a calm, soothing direction — away from high blood pressure and heart disease
A preliminary study confirms the benefits of hot yoga on symptoms of high blood pressure. In a presentation at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension 2019 Scientific Sessions, findings were presented from the novel study exploring a drug-free method of treating elevated blood pressure and hypertension using heated yoga classes. The lead researcher, Stacy Hunter, Ph.D., wrote an article about the study, titled “Temps up, blood pressures down in hot yoga study,” published in the American Heart Association Meeting Report (Presentation #P196; Session APS.1).[i] Hunter is assistant professor and lab director of the cardiovascular physiology lab at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Moths Are More Efficient Pollinators Than Bees, Shows New Research
Moths are more efficient pollinators at night than day-flying pollinators such as bees, finds new research from the University of Sussex, published March 29 in PLOS ONE. Amid widespread concern about the decline of wild pollinating insects like bees and butterflies, University of Sussex researchers have discovered that moths are particularly vital pollinators for nature. Studying 10 sites in the South East of England throughout July 2021, the Sussex researchers found that 83% of insect visits to bramble flowers were made during the day. While the moths made fewer visits during the shorter summer nights, notching up only 15% of the visits, they were able to pollinate the flowers more quickly.
by University of Sussex
No More Double Standards And Impunity. West Provokes Russia. Result: Nukes In Belarus On NATO’s Borders
The Anglo-American-led NATO alliance has no longer the presumption of impunity. The decades of unchecked aggression from NATO expansionism and criminal Anglo-American subterfuges in foreign countries are over.
The historic – and unacceptable – deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons in several European NATO states as well as the recent announcement by Britain of supplying depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine is the prologue to Russia’s decision to place tactical nukes in Belarus. The Western outcry following Russia’s decision is absurd and hypocritical. The pattern is familiar and speaks of incorrigible arrogance. The United States and its NATO allies make reckless escalatory moves that are unprecedented in their aggression toward Russia; then Moscow makes a reciprocal move, and yet the Western governments and their dutiful news media become apoplectic with rage over Russia’s “threatening conduct” and nuclear blackmail. Maybe one day, Western leaders will eventually choke on their own illogical apoplexy.
Editorial by Strategic Culture
Trump Indicted By Manhattan Grand Jury (2:38)
Former US president Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury for his alleged role in paying hush money to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. The ex-POTUS has denied the criminal charges against him, calling them the highest degree of political persecution and electoral interference in US history. RT correspondent Caleb Maupin brings us the details.
by RT
by David Dees
France: Police Bumps Into A Wall Of Firemen Who Are Not Prepared To Take Any Abuse. (0:25)
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The world’s banks are teetering on the edge – with one foot dangling over a 500 foot drop. Here’s the latest news about financial affairs. I doubt if you will read any of this in the mainstream media.
The unrealised losses on securities held by the FDIC in the United States is now over $620 billion and rising. American banks are sitting on unrealised losses of $1.7 trillion. If all depositors go and ask for their money back the majority of banks will go bust in an hour. The bank crash hasn’t even started yet. And shares and other investments are due for a gloomy decade or two. Those hoping that their investments will pay off their interest free mortgage should think again. Those with pension fund investments should take a look to see how they’re doing – and plan on working longer. The United States is considering sanctions on China. These, if introduced, will doubtless be as useless as the ones introduced on Russia (which have backfired). Sanctions on China will push China and Russia closer together, push up prices, increase inflation and destroy the economy in all Western countries. So they’ll probably do it. Incidentally, China tried to broker a peace deal over Ukraine. Neither Biden and Sunak thought that peace was a good idea. Xi is probably quite pissed about that.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Can They ‘Repeal’ The Dead? Ask Orwell.
Yesterday the US Senate repealed the Iraq 2002 ‘Authorization for the Use of Military Force’
Yesterday the US Senate repealed the Iraq 2002 ‘Authorization for the Use of Military Force’ (AUMF), in which, at the behest of the Bush Administration, the U.S. licensed itself to attack the people of Iraq, and, with a fusillade of pressure-packed, hysteria driven lies, dragged along a tricked-up international “coalition of the willing.” The 2002 AUMF, now otherwise known as an official, categorical, murderous lie, passed twenty years ago, by a Senate vote of 77-23. Yesterday’s repeal basically said: ‘We repeal the AUMF.’ That’s it. No explanation in the bill as to why. No preamble which recited the litany of lies which Congress bought lock, stock and two smoking barrels. The deaths of one million innocent Iraqis didn’t rate so much as a mention in the repeal.
by Dennis Kucinich
No Free Dental For White Kids (5:06)
Medical offices sometimes provide reduced-cost or free care to poorer clients, but recent advertising shows that there is a move to take such charity in a race-based direction, to exclude whites and Asians. This is a continuation of the discriminatory theme that has become part of modern society, leaving white children with worse care than their black peers.
by Sarah Cain
Syria Reasserts Its Right To Restore Its Sovereignty Over Israeli-Occupied Golan
Syria has reasserted its “inalienable right” to restore its sovereignty to the Israeli-occupied Syrian territory of the Golan Heights, denouncing the US’s support for the regime that has emboldened it to prolong the occupation.
Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Ambassador Haider Ali Ahmed made the remarks, addressing a session of the Human Rights Council on the situation in the Middle East, the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on Wednesday. The Israeli regime seized the Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 Six-Day War and later occupied it in a move that has never been recognized by the international community. The regime has built dozens of settlements in the area ever since and has been using the region as a launch pad for its military operations against the Arab country.
by PressTV
Contract Shows How The FBI Purchases Massive Amounts Of Online Data
Something the FBI only recently admitted to.
The FBI was a customer of a private company Team Cymru, a contract shows. The company is in the business of harvesting NetFlow – network protocol for collecting IP traffic information and monitoring network flow – data from ISPs in return for threat intelligence, and then selling it on. The contract became public knowledge thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by Motherboard which reveals that the federal agency’s Cyber Division spent “tens of thousands” of dollars to get its hands on this data. The deal was worth $76,450 and was made in 2017.
by Didi Rankovic
The Jewish Assassination Of Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd: The Day White South Africa Died, Part One
Dr. Verwoerd’s assassination was a bloody coup with the intent of replacing a truly racialist and visionary leader with someone more suitable in the eyes of the world jewish conspiracy.
September 6th, 1966 was a beautiful day in South Africa. Very warm, but not too hot, with a nice ocean breeze which was common in the beautiful coastal city of Cape Town, South Africa. Besides being notorious for having some of the world’s prettiest and cleanest beaches, Cape Town was home to South Africa’s House of Assembly (known in Afrikaans as the Volksraad, or “People’s Council,”) which was the lower house of the Parliament of South Africa. South Africa’s renegade Prime Minister Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd was scheduled to speak before the House of Assembly, since this was shortly after the 1966 general election in which Dr. Verwoerd won in a landslide, especially among Boer/Afrikaner Whites. Then, at 3:15 PM, shortly after entering the House of Assembly chamber, Dr. Verwoerd was ambushed and stabbed in the neck and chest four times before his attacker was subdued by other members of the Assembly. His assassin was a 48-year-old parliamentary messenger named Dimitri Tsafendas, who managed to get the job despite being a fanatical communist who had engaged in revolutionary activities and terrorism for decades.
by EternalTruth14
Microplastics Are In Our Bodies. Here’s Why We Don’t Know The Health Risks
There are big, open scientific questions about levels of exposure and toxicity
Tiny particles of plastic have been found everywhere — from the deepest place on the planet, the Mariana Trench, to the top of Mount Everest. And now more and more studies are finding that microplastics, defined as plastic pieces less than 5 millimeters across, are also in our bodies. “What we are looking at is the biggest oil spill ever,” says Maria Westerbos, founder of the Plastic Soup Foundation, an Amsterdam-based nonprofit advocacy organization that works to reduce plastic pollution around the world. Nearly all plastics are made from fossil fuel sources. And microplastics are “everywhere,” she adds, “even in our bodies.”
by Anne Pinto-Rodrigues
80$ To Felony In 3..2..1 (3:22)
Hitler Could Have Forced Churchill To Take Peace Offer
Third in a series of stories exploring how Germany might have won World War II. Read Part 1 and Part 2.
In the last article of this series, we examined how Germany might have won the war if Hitler had been patient enough to wait to risk war until the German army was ready to fight. In this article, we will consider some ways the Germans might have goaded the British into accepting a negotiated peace before the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 while keeping the United States officially neutral in the conflict. Here are some of the most effective things Hitler could have done to accomplish that:
by David Pyne
Why Hitler Let The British Escape At Dunkirk
On wheeling north, Guderian’s Panzer Corps headed for Calais while Reinhardt’s swept west of Arras towards St. Omer and Dunkirk. On the 22nd, Boulogne was isolated by Guderian’s advance, and next day Calais. That same day Reinhardt reached the Aire-St Omer Canal, less than twenty miles from Dunkirk — the only escape port left to the B.E.F. [British Expeditionary Force]. The German armoured forces were much nearer to it than the bulk of the B.E.F. “At that moment,” Rundstedt told me, “a sudden telephone call came from Colonel von Grieffenberg at O.K.H. [German headquarters], saying that Kleist’s forces were to halt on the line of the canal. It was the Fuhrer’s direct order—and contrary to General Halder’s view. I questioned it in a message of protest, but received a curt telegram in reply, saying: ‘The armoured divisions are to remain at medium artillery range from Dunkirk’ (a distance of eight or nine miles). ‘Permission is only granted for reconnaissance and protective movements’.”
by B. H. Liddell Hart
Ex-UN Rapporteur Reveals 8 Ways Int’l Nord Stream Probe Can Be Pursued Despite UNSC Stonewalling
The failure of a Russian-Chinese Security Council resolution to set up an international probe into the Nord Stream attacks is not the end of the road, and Moscow has over half a dozen avenues to pursue the matter, both at the UN and at other venues, says Dr. Alfred de Zayas, a former UN rapporteur and veteran expert on international law. Moscow expressed confidence Tuesday that the truth about the Nord Stream explosions would eventually “break through” in spite of the United Nations Security Council’s failure to adopt a Russian-Chinese resolution demanding a formal international investigation into the sabotage. “Any tribunal would convict the US on the basis of the available information today, a fortiori in the absence of any credible evidence to the contrary. In the United States, any grand jury would find that the evidence already in the public domain suffices to indict the suspect for the crime and open formal criminal proceedings,” de Zayas told Sputnik.
by Ilya Tsukanov
Why You Should Destroy Your Smart Phone Now
So-called ‘smart phones’ — far more accurately described as ‘dumb phones’ — combine a mobile phone with a watch, with a road map, with a tourist atlas of the world, with a digital camera, with a personal stereo system, with a music collection, with a video recorder, with a diary, with a calculator, with a credit card, with a travelcard, with an office key, with a torch, with a newspaper, with a television, with something to read on the train, and probably a lot more. I don’t know, because I don’t own one. ‘But it’s so convenient!’ cry those who stare unbelieving at my twenty-year-old Nokia. To which I reply: ‘Convenience breeds compliance.’ But to what? Since they were first introduced into our lives in 2008, smartphones have become our outsourced memory and brain, replacing both with the convenience of not having to remember anything or think for ourselves. If you don’t believe me, then answer me this without looking at your smart phone. What is 9 x 13? What was the capital of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia? In what month of which year did the UK invade Iraq at the tail-end of the US-led coalition? Before smart phones, every child in the UK knew the answers to these questions. Now, no adult does.
by Simon Elmer
These Enforcement Robots Will Patrol The 15-Minute Cities. (0:18)
You will have to present your QR code to gain access to your district. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be forever in your favour.
High Stakes As Uncle Sam’s Days Of Impunity Are Finally Over
The edifice of American imperial power has never been challenged at its foundation. It is now.
Russia and China are determined to hold the American perpetrators of the Nord Stream sabotage to account. Uncle Sam’s days – indeed decades – of wanton criminality are over. There’s going to be hell to pay as the imperialist tyranny in Washington hits a wall of reality. Several weeks have gone by with the United States and its Western lackeys stonewalling at the United Nations Security Council, squirming and resisting calls from Moscow and Beijing for an international criminal investigation into the sabotage of the Baltic Sea pipelines that were blown up in September. A swathe of independent observers, such as American economics professor Jeffrey Sachs and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, have concurred with the investigative report published on February 8 by renowned journalist Seymour Hersh which claims that U.S. President Joe Biden and his senior White House staff ordered the Pentagon to take out the natural gas pipeline that runs along the Baltic Sea bed from Russia to Germany.
by Finian Cunningham
Now They’re Taking The Piss
They claim that falling life expectancy is a result of the covid pandemic. That is a barefaced lie. Official evidence proves without doubt that covid-19 killed no more people than the ordinary annual flu. The excess deaths were produced by fiddling the figures – and listing deaths from cancer, heart disease and being run over by a bus as covid-19 deaths. I am not kidding. That is exactly what they did. They simply said that anyone who tested positive with the entirely discredited PCR test was a covid patient and therefore whatever was wrong with them they died from covid. So, anyone who claims that life expectancy is falling as a result of covid is a liar. The extra deaths and falling life expectancy are a result of several factors – including the failure of health care, the long delays for treatment and so on – but mainly a result of the deadly, toxic, experimental covid-19 jab which is, without doubt, the most dangerous pharmaceutical product ever foisted on a compliant, innocent and unquestioning population.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Clinton, Inc. Formed “Joint Venture” Of “Co-Conspirators” To Smear Trump: Durham
The dirty political tricks of Hillary “Rotten” Clinton, as the great Rush Limbaugh used to refer to her, continue to be exposed in the Russia-Trump collusion narrative that was started by her in her failed campaign in 2016. Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, gave testimony in federal court that pegged Clinton as the top liar about the whole affair and the hits keep coming about who needs to be punished for the crazy story that destroyed so much of the political and media credibility in the United States. Mook testified as a witness in special counsel John Durham’s trial of Michael Sussmann, the lawyer accused of lying to the FBI. That he did what he did- to create the drama against Trump then- for the former “First Lady” and her dastardly plans to get Trump. In September 2016, Sussmann, who tried to cover for Clinton at the time, took claims of a secret Trump connection to Russia’s Alfa Bank to the FBI to start the persecution of Trump and said he wasn’t acting on behalf of any client, but we know he was working for the Clinton campaign.
by Kari Donovan
Best Garden Plants: Top 5 Backyard Blooms Most Recommended By Experts
Seeing colorful flowers blossom in the spring and summer is one of the many joys of warmer weather. From roses to sunflowers, there are all kinds of beautiful blooms to admire. Flowers aren’t the only stars of the show. Some of the best garden plants also include greenery, herbs and shrubs to create a lush and flourishing outdoor space. For gardeners, the sight is even sweeter when you are the one to plant and water the seed to maturity. Aside from just looking pretty, getting your hands dirty has some more pros. A study reports that gardening could help reduce the risk of cancer, boost mental health and bring communities together. Scientists say it leads to eating more fibrous fruits and vegetables, exercising more and building social connections. These positive elements of gardening can ease stress and anxiety and lower the risk of various illnesses, according to researchers from The University of Colorado Boulder.
by Saloni Ordia
China And Putin Just Dealt The U.S. Dollar A Fatal Blow (16:54)
Is this the end of hegemony of the U.S. dollar? It sure seems that way with China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and other heavy hitters turning away from the currency. The U.S. also seems to be losing power with industry and trade too. Maybe that is what you get when you gain that hegemony by cheating?
by Redacted
Historic Treaty Agreed To Protect High Seas
Delegates from 193 nations across the world have agreed to protect 30% of the high seas helping to preserve its carbon capture capabilities, protect it from pollution and fulfil an objective of the COP 15 conference. The treaty provides a global legal framework for establishing marine protected areas (MPAs) in the high seas, which is defined as all saltwater ocean that is not part of the territorial sea or internal waters of a state. Essentially, this means all international waters. The treaty will significantly increase the proportion of the high seas that are protected as MPAs from around 1 percent to 30 percent. Under the treaty, activities in MPAs will need to undergo a rigorous environmental impact assessment to ensure undertakings have nature positive outcomes and consider their impact on Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The treaty also creates a regime to regulate growing interest in marine genetic resources found in the ocean for cosmetics and medical products.
by Pamela Jolly
Serbia And Hungary Form Strategic Council Despite EU Opposition
The idea of forming a Serbia-Hungary Strategic Council was announced by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic after his meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Belgrade on March 25. Specifically, Vucic announced that the strategic council between the two countries would be established in May. As Serbia is a non-EU/NATO member, unlike Hungary, it is guaranteed that Brussels and Washington are not happy about the strengthening ties between the two neighbouring countries. Accordingly, the council would deal with the issue of security, the fight against terrorism, and opens the possibility of cooperation between their armies and police in the military-technical sense. It is for this reason, despite the benefits that this strategic cooperation brings for both countries, Brussels and Washington are not happy with this emergence.
by Ahmed Adel
The Geniuses Who Believe Ownership Of Private Property And Wealth Are Crimes
Corollary: Everything Should Be Free
Let’s start here: As soon as a piece of land is no longer unexplored—as soon as someone sets foot on it—someone is going to own it. It could be an individual, it could be a group, it could be a government. It then becomes property. Saying property is a crime is an attempt to contradict a fact of life. Saying “the people” own the land/property, or “everybody” owns it, or “nobody” owns it is a fantasy. An unworkable fantasy. Quite often, these claims are nothing more than power plays disguised as “greater good.” A group is trying to steal property from the owner. And if they succeed, an interesting thing happens. They stop saying “everybody” owns what they just stole. Communists have worked this con for a long time. The people own all property, but the people are represented by the Communist dictatorship. Except the dictatorship actually represents itself.
Jon Rappoport
ACH (2105) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – The World Government Summit: Government In 2071 Guidebook (Audio 57:22)
In today’s show originally broadcast on March 1 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson for a show entitled, “The World Government Summit: Government In 2071 Guidebook.”
We discussed: the significance of this guidebook in revealing the elites plan for creative destruction; the planned massive reliance on Artificial Intelligence (AI) which appears to be in charge of humanity rather than humanity being in charge of the AI; Matt’s recent research into totalitarianism; Matt’s brief analysis of the current conflict between Russia and the West; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Hey Dude, Don’t Take The Jab! (5:05)
by TheBoatRawker
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