These are the covid survival rates for people in the US by age group: 0-19: 99.997%; 20-49: 99.98%; 50-69: 99.5%; and 70+: 94.6%. If these survival rates are not high enough for you, you could take 1,000 IUs of Vitamin D-3 daily which was given to everyone in Andalusia in southern Spain. It reduced death rates 82%. Better would be to have your doctor check your blood levels and eliminate mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Dr Rhonda Patrick says Vitamin D-3 blood levels should be 60 nanograms per ml. That would require we start with a 4 to 5,000 IUs per day and then check blood levels. A study of covid patients in hospitals found that 100% of the ones who were under 75 and in the Intensive Care Unit had deficient levels of Vitamins D and C in their blood. If you wanted a 0.0% chance of dying from covid, take one Ivermectin tablet a week as 800 health care workers did in Argentina. Zero out of 800 were hospitalized. Still worried? Take one Quercetin capsule with zinc daily to kill viruses. Make sure that your liver and kidneys are healthy enough to take Quercetin. Do not overdose yourself on Quercetin. Get a Nitric Oxide nasal spray. One per family. It reduces viral load by 95% in the first 24 hours. So you ask yourself, why did the CDC and FDA and just about every health authority in the world block access to both treatments and preventive measures? Could it be that they wanted us to be vaxxed and passported to establish a fascist New World Order?
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