When I read this headline, I connected to the current struggle by many medical experts urging FDA to hold off granting full approval to COVID vaccines: “US ranks last among 46 countries in trust in media.” Here are some disturbing details. The United States ranks last in media trust – at 29% – among 92,000 news consumers surveyed in 46 countries, a report found. That’s worse than Poland, worse than the Philippines, worse than Peru and far worse that Finland that leads at 65%. We must use alternative news websites like this one and podcasts to get the truth. There is no better reason for Americans to distrust mainstream and corporate social media than the combination of propaganda for COVID vaccines and holding back key information on what medical experts for several months have been doing in their fight against full approval of them. We are in a corrupt world of vaccine fanaticism. This article lays out the case against granting full approval and why pro-approval shills use big media endlessly.
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