Buried in the Safe Drinking Water Act: CFR 40 Part 141-149, are the regulations for the range of pH levels of drinking water. These standards are set by, among others, our friends the EPA. The Base measurement for drinking water is a pH of 7.0. Optimal human pH is 7.35 to 7.45. To the average Joe on the street this means nothing. That is until cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. set in. The knee jerk response from Joe when he is informed of his problem is to get a bottled pill fix. This in turn, actually causes more serious, and now very well known, advertised on TV “side effects”. Which, more often than not, result in a shortened life span and death. Any drop in pH, no matter how slight, is the beginning of a disease state and affects when and how we age. The question then is, if slightly acidic water pH is harmful to humans then why is it permitted?
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