W.H.O. Whistleblower: Depopulation, Total Control, Perpetual Fear And Injections (11:32) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) https://www.bitchute.com/video/130Y4GNy5sjZ
One Reply to “W.H.O. Whistleblower: Depopulation, Total Control, Perpetual Fear And Injections (11:32)”
Shared to Cornwall Council homepage on Facebook. I’m sure they hate me exposing all of the lies and BS surrounding this depopulation agenda whilst the G7 meeting of world leaders is taking place just a few miles down the coast from me but I’ve been writing about all of these issues for decades and I’m not about to stop now. Like many other refuseniks I absolutely refuse to get vaccinated or to have any PCR or other tests. I believe my rights are fully protected by the Nuremberg Code and the Geneva Convention.
Shared to Cornwall Council homepage on Facebook. I’m sure they hate me exposing all of the lies and BS surrounding this depopulation agenda whilst the G7 meeting of world leaders is taking place just a few miles down the coast from me but I’ve been writing about all of these issues for decades and I’m not about to stop now. Like many other refuseniks I absolutely refuse to get vaccinated or to have any PCR or other tests. I believe my rights are fully protected by the Nuremberg Code and the Geneva Convention.