‘They’ (the controlling state organized crime cartels) are coming after all of us not ‘vaccinated,’ and by giving some temporary freedom to the masses of compliant slaves, and then taking it away, they will breed much more hatred for all those that refuse to bow to the state. This will cause civil unrest, violence, and a societal backlash against those intelligent and courageous enough to ignore all state orders and demands. Any and all reports of ‘virus’ variants; variants that cannot exist because no Covid virus exists, will be blamed on the disobedient minority. This will soon become a very dangerous situation, and after this premeditated short summer calm, planned chaos will once again rear its ugly head. Remember, this has all happened in just a few days, as the spigot of fear has been purposely turned off almost nationwide by the political system through extreme mainstream media saturation. How could this be? How could any thinking individual not see through this scam? Do not get used to this calm, for it will be short-lived. By fall, things will change dramatically, and civil unrest will greatly increase. New and more aggressive measures concerning made-up variant risks will occur. More lockdowns, masks, and isolation will return. Much increased sickness and death due to the state’s fatal injections will be falsely blamed on new ‘virus’ strains, and the unvaccinated will be wrongly targeted. The governing felons will come with lies and force to finish the next and final phase of this takeover; and hell will come with them!
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