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The 1918 Rockefeller-US Army Worldwide Pandemic by Larry Romanoff

That wouldn’t be so bad, but this is only 1% of the picture of Chinese “laborers” working “behind the lines” at the oddest places in the world. It needs to be told that the International Jews responsible for China’s opium century – Rothschild, Sassoon, Kadoorie, Hardoon, and many more, were also responsible for kidnapping and […]

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Archive Of 4,000 Documents Reveals Government Knew Decades Ago About Health Impact of Wireless Technology by Dafna Tachover, Esq

Researcher Zorach Glaser, Ph.D. spent decades archiving studies that examine the link between certain health issues and exposure to microwave and radio frequencies. Scholars and the public are now invited to help review Glaser’s documents.