The Firebombing Of Dresden by Mark R. Elsis

February 13 – 15, 1945

“It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted war in 1939.
It was wanted and provoked solely by international statesmen
either of Jewish origin or working for Jewish interests.
Nor had I ever wished that after the appalling First World War,
there would ever be a second against either England or America.”
Adolf Hitler, April 29, 1945

Saturation Bombing In World War II Who Is To Blame (1:09:34)
by David Irving

Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction Of Dresden by David Irving (Audiobook) (13:04:14)
The Destruction of Dresden is a 1963 non-fiction book that describes the February 1945 bombing of Dresden in World War II. The book is based on a series of 37 articles written on the strategic bombing during World War II by David Irving called Wie Deutschlands Städte starben ( How Germany’s Cities Died) for the German journal Neue Illustrierte. The book became an international bestseller during the 1960s debate about the morality of the World War II area bombing of the German civilian population. First published January 1, 1963 (255 pages, Paperback)

ACH (2307) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Allies 1945 St. Valentines Day Firebombing Of Dresden (54:29)

Firestorm Over Dresden (1:17:33)
by International Historic Films

Commemoration Of Dresden: Why An Apology From Britain To Germany Is Due (1:04:42)

Dresden Survivor Anneliese Pittroff Remembers Bombing (2:55)

Bombing Of Dresden (3:21)
by Unites States Air Force and Royal Air Force

World War II: The Blitz On Dresden (54:06)
by Janson Media

Dresden Bombing, February 13, 14, 1945 (7:47)
by German History Archive

Dresden Blasted (10:47)
by US National Archives

The Horror Of Dresden (9:08)
by Former POW Victor Gregg

Bombing Of Dresden (6:54)
by German History Archive

Hellstorm (Documentary 2015) (1:30:20)
This documentary tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World Word II. This is the biggest cover-up in world history.

by Kyle Hunt

Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told (2013) (6:32:13)
Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of an incredible story. The story of a boy from an ordinary family whose ambition it was to become an artist, but who instead became a drifter. His destiny however was not to drift into the awaiting oblivion, but to rise to the greatest heights of power, eventually to become one of the most influential men who ever lived. Now for the first time, here is a documented account of a story many believe to be.
by Dennis Wise

Europa: The Last Battle (2017) (11:59:33)
by Tobias Bratt

The Enigma Of The Führer (31:45)
by Léon Degrelle

“You guys burnt the place down, turned it into a single column of flame.
More people died there in the firestorm, in that one big flame,
than died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.”
Kurt Vonnegut

Hitler’s Peace Plans (95 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis

Hitler Wanted To Take Over The World (11 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis

Eva Braun Films (4 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis

Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess (17 Pages)
A Courageous Hero For Peace
by Mark R. Elsis

Holocaust Revisionism (168 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis

Attack On Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 (17 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis

Eisenhower’s Rhine-Meadows Death Camps (6 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis

Dresden Before The Allied Bombing

The Blood Of Dresden
Following is an extract from Armageddon in Retrospect by Kurt Vonnegut in which he describes the scenes of ‘obscene brutality’ he witnessed as a prisoner of war in Dresden which inspired his classic novel Slaughterhouse-Five.
Dresden was surely among the world’s most lovely cities. Her streets were broad, lined with shade-trees. She was sprinkled with countless little parks and statuary. She had marvellous old churches, libraries, museums, theatres, art galleries, beer gardens, a zoo and a renowned university. It was at one time a tourist’s paradise. They would be far better informed on the city’s delights than am I. But the impression I have is that in Dresden – in the physical city – were the symbols of the good life; pleasant, honest, intelligent. In the swastika’s shadow, those symbols of the dignity and hope of mankind stood waiting, monuments to truth. The accumulated treasure of hundreds of years, Dresden spoke eloquently of those things excellent in European civilisa-tion wherein our debt lies deep. I was a prisoner, hungry, dirty and full of hate for our captors, but I loved that city and saw the blessed wonder of her past and the rich promise of her future. In February 1945, American bombers reduced this treasure to crushed stone and embers; disembowelled her with high explosives and cremated her with incendiaries. Tabulate the loss against the gain. Over 100,000 noncombatants and a magnificent city destroyed by bombs dropped wide of the stated objectives: the railroads were knocked out for roughly two days. The Germans counted it the greatest loss of life suffered in any single raid. The death of Dresden was a bitter tragedy, needlessly and wilfully executed. The killing of children – “Jerry” children or “Jap” children, or whatever enemies the future may hold for us – can never be justified.
by Kurt Vonnegut

The People Who Were Burned To Ashes On Ash Wednesday
It was Shrove Tuesday, 1945 in the magnificent German art city of Dresden, which was packed with helpless Christian refugees fleeing the Red Army of the Stalinist USSR. Dresden’s native Lutheran and Catholic children, dressed in their festive Saxon folk costumes, were aboard a train taking them home after Mardi Gras parties at different points in the far-flung city. Still merry from the night’s festivities, they cavorted on the train prior to Ash Wednesday, February 14, and the solemnities that would be observed even in wartime, in memory of the passion and death of Jesus. In the sky, Allied fighter planes caught sight of the civilian train and opened fire on the children inside, whose blood was soon pouring out of the wreckage.
by Michael Hoffman

Cities Fed Into The Allies Incinerators
The total destruction of the German city of Dresden in February 1944 has never been justified. There are squalid attempts to downplay the numbers of martyred civilians. Over three days of infamy, 1,249 USAAF and RAF bombers removed from the face of the earth a once-great city. The holocaust, to give the inferno its proper term, is falsely claimed to have led to the loss of 22,000 to 25,000 lives. Common-sense, a formula that palace-publishers never waste their time with and think we won’t either, exposes the propagandists whitewash. Records reveal that before the outbreak of war the population of Dresden was 650,000. Records go on to reveal that in 1945, the population was 450,000. So, what happened to the 200,000 people no longer living in Dresden?
by Michael Walsh

The WWII Dresden Holocaust
‘A Single Column Of Flame’
On the evening of February 13, 1945, an orgy of genocide and barbarism began against a defenseless German city, one of the greatest cultural centers of northern Europe. Within less than 14 hours not only was it reduced to flaming ruins, but an estimated one-third of its inhabitants, possibly as many as a half a million, had perished in what was the worst single event massacre of all time. Toward the end of World War II, as Allied planes rained death and destruction over Germany, the old Saxon city of Dresden lay like an island of tranquillity amid desolation. Famous as a cultural center and possessing no military value, Dresden had been spared the terror that descended from the skies over the rest of the country. In fact, little had been done to provide the ancient city of artists and craftsmen with anti-aircraft defenses. One squadron of planes had been stationed in Dresden for awhile, but the Luftwaffe decided to move the aircraft to another area where they would be of use. A gentlemen’s agreement seemed to prevail, designating Dresden an “open city.”
by Kurt Vonnegut

A Bomber Pilot’s Regret
February 14 marks the dreadful day when the City of Dresden and up to one million residents and refugees, virtually all women and children and the aged, in just two days were fed into the Allied RAF and USAF incinerators. Inconvenient History, this recognised war crime of international notoriety will forever stain the symbols and coats of armour of Britain, the United States and their sadistic air armies.
by Michael Walsh

Dresden: Death From Above
… Dresden is not only a German city, or the symbol of a German destiny. Dresden is also the universal symbol of countless German and countless European, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Belgian and French cities that were bombed by the Western Allies, or for that matter that were fully bombed out … We are often criticized for playing up the Dresden victims in order to trivialize the fascist crimes. This is nonsense. This thesis can be easily reversed. The establishment historians and opinion-makers, 70 years after the war, are in need of forever renewing the fascist danger in order to cover up their own catastrophic economic failures and their own war crimes.
by Tomislav Sunic

Apocalypse At Dresden
The Western democracies were responsible for the most senseless single act of mass murder committed in the whole course of World War II. The devastation of Dresden in February, 1945, was one of those crimes against humanity whose authors would have been arraigned at Nuremberg if that Court had not been perverted into the instrument of Allied justice … No one knows how many women and children were actually killed by those dive-bombing attacks. But in the legend of Dresden destruction, they have become the symbol of Yankee sadism and brutality … A fire storm was deliberately created in order to kill as many people as possible, and that the survivors were machine-gunned as they lay helpless in the open — all this has been established without a shadow of a doubt.
by R. H. S. Crossman

Science And Government
Sir Charles tells the story, hitherto unpublished, of the bitter and damaging wartime enmity between two eminent British scientists both powerful in government. These men were Sir Henry Tizard, who saw to it that England led the world in the development of radar, and his unrelenting opponent F.A. Lindemann (Lord Cherwell), Winston Churchill’s scientific advisor.
by C.P. Snow

Dresden 1945: The Devil’s Tinderbox
by Alexander McKee. New York: E.P. Dutton, Inc., 1982, 1984, with maps, photographs, index.
The destruction of the virtually undefended German city of Dresden by bombers of the Royal Air Force and U.S. Army Air Force, in mid-February 1945, remains one of the most controversial episodes of the Second World War … British military historian, Alexander McKee, has produced a new account of the Dresden bombing, based in part upon an examination of official records recently declassified, as well as interviews from survivors of the attack and Allied airmen who flew in the raids. McKee had doubts about the efficacy of area bombing when, as a soldier with the 1st Canadian Army, he witnessed the results of the Allied bombing of “friendly” French towns.
by Charles Lutton

Russia Denounces ‘Historical Vandalism’ In Dresden
German authorities have removed a memorial to civilians killed by the 1945 US-UK bombing
Dresden’s removal of the Altmarkt memorial is an “act of historical vandalism,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said, accusing the German authorities of revisionism on behalf of London and Washington. British and American bombers first struck Dresden on February 13, 1945, killing tens of thousands of Germans, many of them civilians. Several thousands were cremated at the Altmarkt and, for many years, a stone bench on the square bore an inscription commemorating that – until it was removed recently. “The peaceful areas of Dresden were subjected to a completely disproportionate, terrifying bombing bordering on a war crime,” Zakharova said in a Telegram post on Tuesday evening, suggesting that the UK and the US deliberately destroyed the city because it was assigned to the future Soviet occupation zone.
by RT

Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden
At 10 p.m. on February 13-14, 1945, the Master Bomber broadcast the cryptic order: ‘Controller to Plate-Rack Force: Come in and bomb glow of red T.I.s as planned.’ The ill-famed R.A.F. attack on Dresden had begun. The target city was among Germany’s largest, but had little military or industrial value. It was a center for the evacuation of wounded servicemen, and schools, restaurants, and public buildings had been converted into hospitals.
by David Irving

World War II Archive With 262 Posts

Adolf Hitler Archive With 243 Posts

Germany Archive With 323 Posts

NSDAP Archive With 179 Posts

“Lord God, give us the strength that we may retain our liberty for our children and our children’s children,
not only for ourselves but also for the other peoples of Europe, for this is a war which we all wage,
this time, not for our German people alone, it is a war for all of Europe and with it,

in the long run, for all of mankind.”
Adolf Hitler, Speech in Berlin, January 30, 1942

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Published February 14, 2023

Love Is The Answer
Mark R. Elsis

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