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Why Illegal Drugs Should Be Decriminalised by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 165 Posts If cannabis, cocaine and heroin were available through legal channels there would be far few deaths, much less associated illness, considerably less crime and a good deal less misery. In addition, the cost to our society – in human as well as financial terms – would, for the […]

America Articles Biology Brain Cannabis Compassion Consciousness Cultural Doctors Education Externalities Fear Food And Drug Administration Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gaslighting Government Happiness Health History Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Laws Love Medical Meditation Miracles Never Give Up Political Propaganda Psychedelics Psychology Religion / Spirituality Science Slavery Soul United States War

Study Shows Medicinal Cannabis Products Can Help With Depression And Improve Quality Of Life by Bob Yirka

A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in the U.S. has found evidence that medicinal cannabis products relieve depression and improve the quality of life. In their paper published in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, the group describes their study involving online surveys about the benefits of cannabis products. Prior research findings regarding the […]

Agriculture Articles Asia Biology Cannabis China Farming Gardens Genetics Happiness Health History Medical Plant Neurobiology Plants Psychedelics Religion / Spirituality Seeds

Cannabis First Domesticated 12,000 Years Ago: Study

Cannabis was first domesticated around 12,000 years ago in China, researchers found, after analyzing the genomes of plants from across the world. The study, published in the journal Science Advances on Friday, said the genomic history of cannabis domestication had been under-studied compared to other crop species, largely due to legal restrictions. The researchers compiled […]