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How Can So Many Lies And So Much Evidence Of Fraud And State Murder Be Covered Up? Collective Madness! by Gary D. Barnett

R.J. Rummel, a researcher and political scientist, defined the term “democide” as “the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder.” According to Rummel, democide passed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th Century, and moving into the 21st Century, it not only shows no signs of stopping, it seems to be the desired and planned manner of death of hundreds of millions or even billions of innocent people around the world. In the U.S today, democide has only just begun, as this ‘Covid’ plot orchestrated by the ruling master class and this government continues in its efforts to cull the American population so as to advance the agendas of disease, eugenics, and death. This is being done simply to achieve total control over the masses. This would seem to be no easy task, but so far, there has been almost no resistance to the government’s efforts to propagandize, threaten, and then subdue the bulk of people that make up what should now be referred to as the American herd. Because of this apathetic response to tyranny by the people of this country, this economy has been devastated, jobs and the ability to provide sustenance have been greatly reduced, restrictions of life and freedom have massively increased, price inflation is rampant, the controlling political and medical protocols have already proven to be deadly beyond the scope of the imagination of any sane person, and this is only a preview of what is to come.

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