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24/7 News September (510 Posts)
October 31 – November 1, 2022
“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

The US Military Is Conducting Onsite Weapons Inspections Inside Ukraine
The inspections are being conducted by US military personnel based at the US embassy in Kyiv
A Pentagon official told reporters on Monday that US military personnel have recently begun onsite inspections of US-provided weapons inside Ukraine, confirming a small US military presence on the ground. “US personnel have recently resumed onsite inspections to assess weapon stocks in country whenever and wherever the security conditions allow,” the Pentagon official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity. The official said that the return of a “defense attaché and Office of Defense Cooperation personnel” to Ukraine has enabled the inspections. Both the defense attaché and Office of Defense Cooperation personnel are based at the US embassy in Kyiv. Defense attachés are military officers stationed at US embassies that represent the Pentagon’s interests in the country. The Ukrainian government had previously said that defense attaché Brig. Gen. Garrick M. Harmon arrived in the country back in August.
by Dave DeCamp
A Guide On How To Remove Graphene, The Substance Being Transmitted From The Covid Vaccinated To The Unvaccinated, From Your Body…
Graphene oxide, a substance that is poisonous to humans, has allegedly been found in the Covid 19 “vaccines”, in the water supply, in the air we breathe through chemtrails, and is even in our food supply. It interacts and is activated by electromagnetic frequencies (“EMF”), specifically the broader range of frequencies found in 5G which can cause even more damage to our health. The symptoms of graphene oxide poisoning and EMF radiation sickness are similar to those symptoms described as Covid. The bad news for those who have so far refused to get a single dose of the Covid-19 injection is that some doctors believe Graphene is being transmitted from the Covid-19 vaccinated to the unvaccinated. But the good news is, now that graphene oxide has been identified as a contaminant, there are ways to remove graphene oxide from your body and restore your health.
by The Exposé
10,000 Abortions Prevented In First Two Months After Roe v. Wade Overturned: Report
‘ … in the two months after the Supreme Court decision, there were 10,570 fewer abortions as compared to pre-Dobbs estimates.’
Statewide pro-life laws have saved more than 10,000 unborn babies in the first two months after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, according to data shared exclusively with statistical analysis site FiveThirtyEight. “ … in the two months after the Supreme Court decision, there were 10,570 fewer abortions as compared to pre-Dobbs estimates,” the outlet noted in an October 30 report. New data, exclusively shared with @FiveThirtyEight, indicates that at least 10,000 women were unable to get an abortion in July and August because of Dobbs. https://t.co/lJ9xQZ1FU1 pic.twitter.com/n5US9KObQ9 — Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux (@ameliatd) October 30, 2022. The statistical analysis of abortion rates in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which eliminated the federal “right to abortion,” shows that abortion rates dipped or even zeroed out in states with pro-life laws, while increasing in neighboring states without abortion bans. According to the report, states whose abortion rates declined in the months after the rollback of Roe v. Wade accounted for roughly 22,000 fewer abortions, and pro-abortion states saw their abortions tick up “by an aggregate of about 12,000” as women apparently traveled outside their pro-life states to kill their preborn babies.
by Ashley Sadler
mRNA Injection Injure The Heart Of All Injection Recipients And Cause Myocarditis In Up To 1 In 27, Study Finds
New evidence has emerged that the mRNA COVID-19 injections are routinely injuring the heart of all injection recipients, raising further questions about their safety and their role in the recent elevated levels of heart-related deaths. The latest evidence comes in a study from Switzerland, which found elevated troponin levels – indicating heart injury – across all injected people, with 2.8% showing levels associated with subclinical myocarditis. The official line on elevated heart injuries and deaths, where they are acknowledged, is that they are most likely caused by the virus as a post-Covid condition rather than the injections.
by Will Jones
Netflix Is Not What You Think It Is (3:04)
Netflix Is Not What You Think It Is (3:04)
US Economic Decline And Global Instability Part 3: Money Printing, Debt And Increasing International Isolation
The international news cycle has been dominated by the war in Ukraine, mounting tensions in the Taiwan strait and Middle East, rising inflation and high cost of energy and severe economic problems confronting the EU. Much less attention has been focused on what are the primary forces driving all of this? I believe this is a direct consequence of the accelerating economic and social decline of the American empire and its attempts to counteract this decline with austerity at home and an increasingly bellicose, reckless and astronomically expensive foreign policy. These policies have not only undermined US national security, they represent an existential threat to the US economy and viability of western capitalism. This essay examines how the role of the dollar, money printing, debt and an increasingly reckless and chaotic foreign policy play in this process.
by Phillyguy
Israel Escalates Continual Airstrikes In Syria
The root cause of all the political turmoil and chaos in the Middle East is the brutal military occupation of Palestine.
Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes across Syria for many years, and the latest was on October 24 in a rare daytime attack in Damascus. Israel views Iran as their chief national security threat. Iran supports the resistance movement against the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and Hezbollah, the Lebanese resistance group. When the U.S.-NATO attack on Syria began for ‘regime change’ both Iran and Hezbollah came to the aid of the Syrian government and fought not only the terrorists following Radical Islam, which were used as foot-soldiers by U.S. President Obama, but much later also fought to defeat ISIS. Israel has continued an almost weekly schedule of airstrikes against possible Iranian weapons storage facilities across Syria.
On October 24, Israeli missiles hit targets near the Syrian capital, Damascus, while Syrian air defenses shot down a number of the missiles. The afternoon raid led to the wounding of a soldier and some property damage, according to sources.
by Steven Sahiounie
Oil: Top Producers vs. Consumers
This inforgraphic shows the world’s top oil producers and consumers.
by Strategic Infographics
CNN Did Not Expect These Answers About LGBTQ (9:34)
CNN Did Not Expect These Answers About LGBTQ (9:34)
US ‘Fortifying Australia Into A Forward Operating Base’ With B-52 Bomber Deployment
The US is reportedly preparing to deploy up to six nuclear-capable B-52 bombers in northern Australia, a move Chinese military experts said on Monday will fortify Australia into a forward operating base of the US, tying Australia onto the chariot of the so-called great power competition and bringing security threats it could have avoided. An investigation revealed that the US is planning to build dedicated facilities for the giant aircraft at Tindal air base, south of Darwin, which can host six B-52s, Four Corners under Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s ABC News reported on Monday. The report quoted Becca Wasser from the Centre for New American Security as saying that putting B-52s in northern Australia is a warning to China. “The ability to deploy US Air Force bombers to Australia sends a strong message to adversaries about our ability to project lethal air power,” the US Air Force told Four Corners. The B-52 has the capability to deliver long-range strikes of both nuclear and conventional weapons.
by Guo Yuandan and Liu Xuanzun
US Diesel Provider Warns Of ‘Extremely High Prices And Supply Outages’
Surging diesel prices in the US are nearly 50 percent higher than they were at this time last year, with fuel costs feeding into Democrats’ concerns as Americans head to the voting booths on November 8 in the volatile midterm elections that will decide whether or not the Joe Biden’s party maintains control over Congress. A diesel supply alert has been issued on the US east coast, with Mansfield Energy, a leader in petroleum marketing and fuel supply, describing the current market as “rapidly devolving.” “Markets are now seeing extremely high prices in the Northeast along with supply outages along the Southeast,” the warning issued by the fuel logistics company noted. The alert in the memo was extended to states including North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Maryland. As it issued its advisory to businesses that rely on diesel, Mansfield Energy underscored that while typically the East Coast markets have 50 million barrels in storage, there were less than 25 million barrels available currently.
by Svetlana Ekimenko
North Korea Claims US ‘Nuclear War Plans’ In ‘Final Stage’
Pyongyang blasted Washington and Seoul for their “reckless military movements” amid the latest round of war games
North Korea has condemned the US and South Korea after the two allies launched a massive joint military drill, suggesting the air exercises are preparation for a nuclear strike on the DPRK, while vowing to take “all necessary measures” to defend itself. In a statement carried by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on Monday, an unnamed Foreign Ministry spokesperson called the drills “an aggression-type war exercise with the basic purpose of hitting strategic targets of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” saying they risk “serious confrontation with great powers.” “Nowhere in the world can we find a military exercise with an aggressive character like the joint military exercise held by the United States and its followers in terms of duration, scale, content and density,” the official said.
by RT
Russia Begins Dismantling Biden’s Neocon Ukraine Project (44:15)
by The Duran
Neanderthal Extinction May Have Been Caused By Sex, Not Fighting
A new paper proposes that Homo sapiens may have been responsible for the extinction of Neanderthals not by violence, but through sex instead. Making love, not war, might have been responsible for putting the Neanderthals on a path to extinction. While about 2% of the genome of all living people from outside Africa is derived from Neanderthals, there is very little evidence that this process went the other way. A new paper, published in the journal PalaeoAnthropology, raises the prospect that interbreeding with our ancestors would have reduced the number of Neanderthals breeding with each other, leading to their eventual extinction. Though only 32 Neanderthal genomes have been sequenced to date, leaving it possible that the lack of Homo sapiens DNA in their genome is actually a quirk of sampling, the authors hope advances in DNA sequencing technology will be able to resolve this hypothesis by making more genomes available.
by James Ashworth, Natural History Museum
Military Created Prohibited Digital Tool To Swiftly Deny Exemptions To Its Unlawful Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate
System is weaponized to automate rejections and generate denial letters.
The Dossier has obtained the “digital tool” that at least one branch of the U.S. military has been using to mass-deny soldiers who apply for an exemption to the Pentagon’s unlawful Covid-19 injection mandate. his system, known as the “Religious Accommodations Appeal Generator” (RAGG), has been used by the Coast Guard to strike down nearly 99% of exemption requests, utilized specifically to enforce the Pentagon’s unlawful mRNA mandate. The collective sorting computer tool was implemented despite the fact that federal laws and Pentagon policies require every religious exemption application to be treated on an individualized basis.
by Jordan Schachtel
Anti-Russian Alliance Fractures After Japan Decides To Stay In Russia’s Sakhalin-1 Energy Project
While Europe continues the unvarnished hypocrisy of pretending it is imposing draconian sanctions against Russian oil and gas, when instead it is merely buying the country’s natural resources via such middlemen as India and China (an exercise in virtue signaling that costs it a 20% mark-up to Russian prices), less than a year since the start of the Ukraine war, some countries have had enough of pretending. Today, the Japanese government decided to officially screw the sanctions, and remain involved in the (formerly Exxon-led) Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project in Russia, as it seeks a stable supply of energy (who doesn’t) despite international sanctions on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine, the Nikkei reported.
by Tyler Durden
Meet Smedley Butler by Corbett Report (2010) (48:40)
Meet Smedley Butler by Corbett Report (2010) (48:40)
Apology Games
Game Theory, Part 2
“I bought into it. I demonized people. I was guilty of everything that I came to understand was not healthy.” ~ Tim Robbins
It’s not clear to me what it means, but apologies seem to be the topic of the week. Let’s talk about this… I cannot in honesty say that I take any apology to heart without first judging the circumstances. And a dishonest apology is a slap in the face. Take it, and you might as well submit yourself to serfdom now. For a dishonorable offense, let the offender wash the feet of those alienated or injured first, or otherwise commit to solving the problems they’ve created-like the casting of hundreds of millions or more of the world’s denizens into food insecurity. If a tweet goes viral, does starvation? Who set that in motion? Who cheered it on? Who kicks the vaccine injured while they’re down, and who ignored them? Where aren’t these questions on everyone’s lips?
by Mathew Crawford
Revealed: Documents Show How The DHS Plots To Police Online “Misinformation”
More federal government censorship revelations.
A trove of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents and communications, which were obtained via leaks, Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests, public reports, and the ongoing Biden-Big Tech censorship collusion lawsuit, have shed new light on the DHS’s ongoing efforts to police online “disinformation.” The documents, which were obtained by The Intercept, reveal the existence of a Facebook portal that the DHS and other government agencies can use to flag content to the tech giant, show evidence of the DHS flagging content to Twitter, document bi-weekly “election-related disinformation” meetings between tech giants and the DHS, and more. One document shows that Facebook has created a special “Content Request System” for the DHS and other government agencies. According to The Intercept, government officials can use this portal to directly flag Facebook and Instagram content and request that it be throttled or suppressed. The login page for this Content Request System was still live at the time of writing.
by Tom Parker
Hunter Biden For President In 2024
“Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable — the art of the next best.” ~ Otto von Bismarck
On Tuesday November 8th, we will discover whether or not the stealing of elections has been decriminalized in America. In 2016 the Democrats stole 8 million votes and lost, not realizing how despised Hillary is. The Democrats stole 14 million votes in 2020 and elected a bribe taking, senile pervert who used to shower with his 13 year-old daughter. Nancy Pelosi told Democrats to move the issue away from inflation – this at a time when most voters are struggling to buy food, pay the rent and utilities and fill the gas tank to get back to work. They might need to steal more than 14 million votes in 2022 – a lot more. If they do steal enough votes on November 8, 2022, it might no longer be possible to have a President who cares about America. And that is why I believe Hunter Biden is the best option available in a nation ruled by rigged voting machines, a treasonous media, corrupt politicians and Silicon Valley. The Democrats have weaponized the IRS, the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Justice and the courts to root out and destroy all men and women of sound mind, good character and the courage to resist evil. The primary reason to vote for Hunter Biden is that he is a tool of China. Believe me that is his best point. A lot of crazy people including Joe Biden are talking about having a thermonuclear war with the Ruskies.
by Video Rebel
The Pelosi Home Invasion
Conspiracy or Psychodrama?
On October 17 on Twitter, this writer predicted that before Election Day the Cryptocracy would dispatch a patsies or patsies to attack a prominent Democrat. Here is documentary evidence that I made the prediction two weeks ago:
Paul Pelosi, it turns out, was selected to play the victim and a patsy named DePape to act the part of the perp.
In October 2022 a similar intuition is present: there is far more to the Pelosi intruder-attack tale than the controlled media have let on. The notion that the husband of the Speaker of the House of Representatives was residing in an unlocked, unguarded mansion lacking functioning surveillance cameras in crime-ridden San Francisco, is of piece with the Tooth Fairy. This fact is available to you on the Internet in various conspiracy theory forums, and my intent is not to merely repeat them here. Rather, I want to impart something about the mind control I first elucidated in Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. Let’s call it deliberate nose-thumbing. It’s also known as The Revelation of the Method. One could also term it demonic defiance of the humanity our Creator endowed us with as His image-bearing beings.
by Michael Hoffman
Dr. E. Michael Jones And Kevin Barrett Go Over Insane News Stories Of The Collapsing World (1:00:31)
ACH (1951) Lisa Lazuli – The Comeback Kids And The USA (Audio 56:56)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 26, 2022, Andy is joined by Lisa Lazuli for a show entitled, “The Comeback Kids And The USA.”
We discussed: why are so many people waiting for their personal human saviour to come back; the suspicious fast track that Rishi Sunak’s career has been on since first being elected as an MP in October 2014 to becoming Prime Minister only 8 years later; why the powers that should not be want inflation and high interest rates; why we will probably be having a General Election in the early part of next year; the numerous pieces of legislation both the Conservative and Labour parties support, that will further stifle our already limited means of free speech; how the US Mid-Term Elections will be very positive for the Republicans in both the House and the Senate; why Donald Trump will return as President in some respect; how the conflict in the Ukraine is likely to get worse; Jeremy Hunt’s familial links to China; the Jupiter/Saturn death cycle for US Presidents; why Rishi Sunak was appointed Prime Minister on the Hindu holiday of Diwali; the potential for an earthquake in California; why we could see the end of the NIH and the NHS; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
New Study Finds The Rest Of The World Supports China And Russia
The US is preparing to station multiple nuclear-capable B-52 bombers in northern Australia in what the mass media are calling a “signal to China,” yet another example of Australia’s forced subservience as a US military/intelligence asset. “Having bombers that could range and potentially attack mainland China could be very important in sending a signal to China that any of its actions over Taiwan could also expand further,” Becca Wasser from the Centre for New American Security think tank told the ABC. “This is a dangerous escalation. It makes Australia an even bigger part of the global nuclear weapons threat to humanity’s very existence – and by rising military tensions it further destabilises our region,” tweeted Greens Senator David Shoebridge of the incendiary provocation.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Pelosi’s Ass Hammer [Caution Profanity Laced]
The Blue Check scumbags are out in full force trying to do damage control, gas-lighting and every shameless lie they can think of to cover up what appears to be growing evidence that the so called “right Wing” attack to kill Nancy Pelosi was actually an argument between Pelosi’s Husband’s Male Prostitute and Pelosi’s husband who has a fetish for young gay male prostitutes and spends the money that the Pelosis steal from our future to pay for it all. You won’t find this story mentioned on the JEW media, just the coverup. Another reason to dump the lying jews.
by Harry Vox
Lula Defeats Bolsonaro In Brazilian Election
The president-elect calls his political comeback a “victory of democracy”
Former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva clinched victory over his right-wing rival Jair Bolsonaro in a tightly contested second round of the Brazilian election on Sunday. The country’s election authority announced Lula’s narrow win with 50.9% of the vote to Bolsonaro’s 49.1%. “This isn’t a victory of mine or the Workers’ Party… It’s the victory of a democratic movement that formed above political parties, personal interests and ideologies so that democracy came out victorious,” Lula told a cheering crowd of supporters in Sao Paulo on Sunday night. The president-elect acknowledged that following such a tight race a challenge to his future mandate will be “immense,” and stressed that “it is necessary to rebuild the very soul of this country, recover generosity, solidarity, respect for differences and love for others.” Lula, who is set to take office on 1 January 2023, promised to be a president for all 215 million Brazilians, not just those who voted for him. “There are not two Brazils. We are one country, one people – a great nation.”
by RT
Not A Surprise, Neighbor To Pelosi Attacker Describes A Different David DePape Than National Media
Alternative media outlets have begun to look a little deeper behind the narrative described by media about the attacker of Paul Pelosi, David DePape. The results do not match the media narrative. Michael Shellenberger outlines on his substack article: […] “DePape lived with a notorious local nudist in a Berkeley home, complete with a Black Lives Matter sign in the window and an LGBT rainbow flag, emblazoned with a marijuana symbol, hanging from a tree. A closer look reveals the characteristics of a homeless encampment, or what Europeans call “an open drug scene.” In the driveway, there is a broken-down camper van. On the street is a yellow school bus, which neighbors said DePape occasionally stayed in. Both are filled with garbage typical of such structures in homeless encampments. People come and go from the house and the vehicles, neighbors say, in part to partake in the use of a potent psychedelic drug, ibogaine. Neighbors described DePape as a homeless addict with a politics that was, until recently, left-wing, but of secondary importance to his psychotic and paranoid behavior. “What I know about the family is that they’re very radical activists,” said one of DePape’s neighbors, a woman who only gave her first name, Trish. “They seem very left. They are all about the Black Lives Matter movement. Gay pride. But they’re very detached from reality. They have called the cops on several of the neighbors, including us, claiming that we are plotting against them. It’s really weird to see that they are willing to be so aggressive toward somebody else who is also a lefty.”
by Sundance
Cat Attack (0:19)
Cat Attack (0:19)
COVID Death Total: This Is My Bombshell Report On The Fraud
And guess what? It’s simple. No charts, no graphs. You don’t need a PhD in statistics to understand it…
Follow the big bouncing pink beach ball. Just a few bounces. That’s all. Let’s start with the World Health Organization report on the total number of global COVID deaths, as of late October this year: Globally, as of 5:43pm CEST, 28 October 2022, there have been 626,337,158 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 6,566,610 deaths, reported to WHO. OK? Let’s round that number off to 6.6 million deaths. Now let’s go to a report on worldwide NON-COVID pneumonia deaths, from Our World in Data: 2.5 million people died from pneumonia in 2019. The first number, the total of COVID deaths, from the World Health Organization, takes in a period of two years plus about 10 months. To be generous, I’ll cut that down to two years and eight months. Two and two-thirds years. So – if you take the pneumonia death number for ONE year, and multiply it by two and two-thirds years, what do you get? I get 6.66 million. 6.66 million NON-COVID pneumonia deaths. Almost exactly the total number of official COVID deaths. Boom.
by Jon Rappoport
total lies are total disrespect
and it’s time we the people stopped standing for it.
i have no great faith in or fondness for either of the two major US political parties, but the behavior of team donkey has of late really gone beyond the pale. deliberate deception has reached a level that cannot be countenanced and the sheer pervasiveness and scale of it has become a threat to societal sanity. it’s so big that the mind struggles to bound it and therefore those refuting it are made to look like the crazy ones because it seems like you are arguing against absolutely everything all the time. but is it really crazy? regimes do this all the time. ascribe such to china or the soviets and everyone nods sagely and says “yup, regimes like that sure do lie all the time!” but then they cast their gazes at home and say “well, it could never happen here!” despite increasingly similar systems and systemic incentives. it’s a curious blind spot. it’s also rapidly unraveling.
by el gato malo
Paul Pelosi Attacker Lived With BLM And LGBTQ Activists Before Assault (8:50)
by The Salty Cracker
Geomagnetic Fields Reveal The Truth Behind Biblical Narratives
A joint study by TAU and the Hebrew University, involving 20 researchers from different countries and disciplines, has accurately dated 21 destruction layers at 17 archaeological sites in Israel by reconstructing the direction and/or intensity of the earth’s magnetic field recorded in burnt remnants. The new data verify the Biblical accounts of the Egyptian, Aramean, Assyrian, and Babylonian military campaigns against the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Findings indicate, for example, that the army of Hazael, King of Aram-Damascus, was responsible for the destruction of several cities—Tel Rehov, Tel Zayit, and Horvat Tevet, in addition to Gath of the Philistines, whose destruction is noted in the Hebrew Bible. At the same time, the study refutes the prevailing theory that Hazael was the conqueror who destroyed Tel Beth-Shean.
by Tel-Aviv University
Fetterstein T-Shirt
Parody of the Fetterman and Dr. Oz debate. A reimagining of an old Frankenstein poster from the 1930’s
by Nate Anthony
Snowden Says Platform Censorship Has “Clearly Gone Too Far”
The whistleblower comments on Twitter’s new ownership.
Former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor turned whistleblower, Edward Snowden, who is currently avoiding charges in Russia, said censorship on social media platforms has gone too far. Snowden made the remarks in response to Elon Musk acquiring Twitter. Musk has previously criticized Twitter for suppressing free speech. On Friday, he tweeted that “the bird is free,” which implied that Twitter will be more free speech-friendly under his ownership. Snowden tweeted: “This is going to cause controversy, but platform censorship had clearly gone too far. Content moderation should be an individual decision, not a corporate prison. Let people make their own choices – and not just on Twitter.”
by Cindy Harper
Why Did Elon Musk Buy Twitter? I’ll Play Devil’s Advocate (2:15)
by Spiro Skouras
Brain Regeneration: Why it’s Real And How To Do it
Have you ever wished you could regenerate those brain cells you sacrificed in college? Do you fear that your aging brain is in a perpetual state of decline? Medical science is being rewritten to show that we CAN improve the health of our brain, and that repairing damage is not only possible, it’s something anyone can do It is a commonly held misconception that the brain is beyond repair. Even the medical establishment has asserted that once we kill brain cells, they are gone forever. The fact is, the brain can repair itself, and as science is now proving, there is real benefit to simple practices that can help keep our brains sharp and elastic throughout our lifetime.
by Sayer Ji
The Miracle Invasion That Saved Millions Of Lives
Little happened between the British and French declarations of war against Germany on September 3 1939 and Germany’s retaliatory and pre-emptive strike on France on 10 May 1940. The Reich occupied northern France to thwart the aims of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) to open up a new Western Front in France. The twice-elected (1933-1936) Adolf Hitler refused to be provoked into opening a western front. This would repeat the carnage of the Western Front in World War I which had claimed 4 million British and German lives. Ordinary Britons have much to thank Hitler for. The war on the Western Front had claimed the sons and fathers of over 2 million Britons. In fact, between September 3, 1939, and May 10, 1940, French troops had twice invaded Germany ~ but palace historians never mention this.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (1950) Alfred Schaefer And Monika Schaefer – Alfred’s Prison Lottery Wins – Part 3 (Audio 55:55)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 25, 2022, Andy is joined by Alfred Schaefer and Monika Schaefer for a show entitled, “Alfred’s Prison Lottery Wins – Part 3.”
We discussed: the CEO of Audi that Alfred met in prison; Alfred’s recollections of his trial; Alfred’s fellow prisoner who jailed for having the temerity to criticize the medical industry; how Communists have historically killed dissenters throughout the world, after first censoring their God Given Right To Free Speech; examples of the support Alfred received from his fellow prisoners; the depths to which people can be driven after they have been de-humanized; Monika’s thoughts on the truckers protest in Canada; why the powers that should not be are going to keep clamping down on free speech advocates, in ever more draconian and totalitarian ways; how the truth is getting out everywhere today; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
‘Israel Systematically And Deliberately Targeting Civilian Facilities’: Damascus
Syria has called on the UN Security Council to condemn the attacks and to hold Tel Aviv accountable for its illegal strikes
Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, said on 28 October that Israel has launched direct and repeated military attacks on Syrian territory to “weaken the ability of its army to combat terrorist organizations.” Israel has been launching attacks against alleged Iranian and Hezbollah targets in Syria since 2017. However, recently the occupation army has intensified attacks on Syria’s major airports in a bid to halt Tehran’s increasing use of aerial supply lines to deliver arms to its allies in Syria, Lebanon, and the occupied Palestinian territories, regional diplomatic and intelligence sources say. “Since 2011, the Israeli authorities have been involved in funding terrorist groups, and they have been practicing the most heinous forms of gross and systematic violations of human rights law in the Syrian Golan since 1967,” Sabbagh said during the UN Security Council (UNSC) open debate.
by News Desk
Massive: Canadian Military Soldiers Went Undercover As Cops During Truckers Freedom Convoy In Ottawa (10:39)
by Press For Truth
Exposed: How Anthony Fauci Tortured Vulnerable Children In His Obsessive Hunt For An HIV Vaccine
Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Biden and director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for 38 years, has resigned and is leaving his post in December. He also steps down as director of the National Institutes for Health (NIH); both organisations are government-funded. The 81-year-old virologist, who has served seven presidents, is quitting not because (as he says) he wants ‘new challenges’, but because of two books Robert F Kennedy Jnr (RFK) has written exposing him as a liar and a fraud, says Tony Lyons, President at Skyhorse Publishing, the independent publisher of both books. Lyons said: ‘He used every available form of censorship to protect himself about the allegations in the first book and he doesn’t have any tools left to combat the likely congressional hearings in January. ‘Censorship as a government weapon against dissent has grown to unprecedented levels in the US. It’s a danger to the future of real science, real freedom, and real democracy.’
by Sally Beck
The Paul Pelosi Story Makes No Sense, And The Public Needs Answers
I’ve stayed away from the story of Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s husband, being attacked by a hammer in his San Francisco home to this point because of how confusing the fact pattern is. After all, it’s always best to not get out over one’s skis, a rule I’ve not always followed in the past, not so much on RedState, but in the lightening fast environment of social media.
by Bonchie
Grain Deal Dead. EU Food Problems, Blame Russia. UK Mod, NS Claim Is Proof Of Kremlin Collapse (34:12)
by Alex Christoforou
PayPal Brings Back $2500 Penalty For Violations Of Acceptable Use Policy
After claiming it was a mistake, PayPal (NASDAQ:PYPL) has re-animated its $2500 penalty for each violation of its Acceptable Use Policy. Once again, Twitter users slammed the overreach of the financial services firm. PayPal added the $2500 fine for misinformation back to their terms, after they said it was a mistake a couple weeks ago. — Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) October 27, 2022. Earlier this month, PayPal was lambasted for its authoritarian move and intolerance of free speech. Users across the aisle, including former executives, criticized PayPal’s update to its terms. While the wording of the policy has changed, it still gives PayPal the right to penalize users that violate the terms by “the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory.” While certain aspects can be easily defined, others – such as intolerance – can be subjective depending upon individual beliefs.
by JD Alois
Authoritarian Monsters And Dictatorship In Disguise
“You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they’re people just like you. You’re wrong. Dead wrong.” ~ They Live
We’re living in two worlds. There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then there’s the one we sense (and occasionally catch a glimpse of), the latter of which is a far cry from the propaganda-driven reality manufactured by the government and its corporate sponsors, including the media. Indeed, what most Americans perceive as life in America—privileged, progressive and free—is a far cry from reality, where economic inequality is growing, real agendas and real power are buried beneath layers of Orwellian doublespeak and corporate obfuscation, and “freedom,” such that it is, is meted out in small, legalistic doses by militarized police and federal agents armed to the teeth. All is not as it seems. Monsters with human faces walk among us. Many of them work for the US government. This is the premise of John Carpenter’s film They Live, which was released in November 1988 and remains unnervingly, chillingly appropriate for our modern age.
by John Carpenter
Who Controls Your Mind? 2013
Topics: infographic, list, race, politics
Geo-Intelligence posted an infographic to show who controls major print publications, media, Internet sites and entertainment outlets in the United States. These few “privileged Inner Party elite” can influence how you think about everything from the purchase of laundry detergent to your social and political behavior. What you read, hear and watch is controlled by about forty [now about six] organizations.
by RechLead Show
Biden’s Foreign Policy Is Sinking The Congressional Dems—And Ukraine
The proxy war between the U.S. and Russia is devastating Ukraine, ironically in the name of saving Ukraine
President Joe Biden is undermining his party’s Congressional prospects through a deeply flawed foreign policy. Biden believes that America’s global reputation is at stake in the Ukraine War and has consistently rejected a diplomatic off-ramp. The Ukraine War, combined with the administration’s disruptions of economic relations with China, is aggravating the stagflation that will likely deliver one or both houses of Congress to the Republicans. Far worse, Biden’s dismissal of diplomacy prolongs the destruction of Ukraine and threatens nuclear war. Biden inherited an economy beset by deep disruptions to global supply chains caused by the pandemic and by Trump’s erratic trade policies. Yet instead of trying to calm the waters and repair the disruptions, Biden escalated the U.S. conflicts with both Russia and China.
by Jeffrey D. Sachs
‘It’s Done’: Did Liz Truss Text Antony Blinken After Nord Stream Attack?
Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss sent a text message saying ‘it’s done’ to the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken immediately after the Nord Stream attack, according to a controversial online commentator. Kim Dotcom, a self-proclaimed ‘Internet Freedom Fighter’, says the text message is the reason Russia believes the United Kingdom was involved in blowing up the gas pipeline. “Liz Truss used her iPhone to send a message to Secretary Blinken saying ‘it’s done’ a minute after the pipeline blew up and before anybody else knew,” he told his nearly one million Twitter followers. Dotcom, who was born Kim Schmitz in West Germany, suggested the data was obtained through an iCloud hack. “It’s not just the Five Eyes that have backdoor admin access to all Big Tech databases,” he said. “Russia and China have sophisticated cyber units too. The funny thing is Govt officials with top security clearance still prefer using iPhones over their NSA & GCHQ issued encrypted shit-phones.”
by Henry Chia
“This House Has Had Enough Of Experts”
Transcript of my speech at the Cambridge Union debate
It is a great honour to be invited here to speak about a topic which has become close to my heart over the last few years. Lockdowns were encouraged through the use of a mass communications campaign, behavioural science, nudge, propaganda, the most punitive fines since the Dark Ages, all stirred on by the experts. The way I coped with the loss of freedom, was through free expression, by writing a book which explored the way our government used experts to nudge and mobilise fear within the population. To come here, where free speech is so greatly prized is a privilege. I hope to persuade you that the involvement of experts in public affairs over the past two years has had lasting damage on our lives.
by Laura Dodsworth
Women Leaving Feminism For Feminity (14;42)
by Lauren Chen
Hammer Time
Too Legit to Hit. Can’t touch this!
Nightly Memo
To: Alphabet News Networks & National Affiliates
From: Mockingbird, HQ
Dept: Political Communications
Division: Perception Management
Desk: Kink
Revision: Right-Wing Political Violence
Status: Ultra MAGA
Activate: Hammer Time
Level: Deep
Producer: Start teleprompter…commercial ending…we’re back in 3, 2, 1…
Tonight at eleven, a spooky story of political rage and right-wing violence has shattered the moral fabric of our completely healthy and stable country. Husband of the Speaker of the House and third in line to the throne of Oligarch servantry, undefeated stock market picker, part-time drunk driver with unlisted male companions, and lover of Do-It-Yourself home improvement work was assaulted at Speaker’s Manor in the early hours Friday morning. Run footage of crime tape with FBI agents on the scene. Paul Pelosi was doing urgent home improvement work at 2 am in his underwear at Speaker’s Manor when an Ultra MAGA intruder smashed through the back patio window of the Speaker’s Manor with a hammer. The intruder was apparently yelling, “Where’s Nancy?” in reference to Paul’s wife Nancy Pelosi who was out of town. Paul Pelosi was able to distance himself from the intruder by saying he needed to use the bathroom. The intruder was attempting to tie him up with leather and chains Paul had purchased as part of his home improvement project, but let Mr. Pelosi leave anyway to relieve himself. From the bathroom, Paul found his phone, where he, like all people living in mega-mansions keeps his main phone charger. From there he was able to phone the police. During the call with the 9-1-1 dispatcher, Mr. Pelosi spoke in codes. When police arrived they found both men in their underwear holding hammers. At that moment the Ultra MAGA intruder grabbed Mr. Pelosi’s hammer and hit him over the head, cracking his skull. Police quickly subdued the assailant and took him into custody where he definitely won’t be committing suicide at any moment. The Ultra MAGA assailant has been identified as a professional nudist, drug addict, homeless psychotic, and blogger who lives across the bay in Ultra MAGA country, Berkeley.
by Good Citizen
‘Deforestation-Free’ Supply Chain Pledges Have Barely Impacted Forest Clearance In The Amazon
More companies must make and implement zero-deforestation supply chain commitments in order to significantly reduce deforestation and protect diverse ecosystems, say researchers. Corporate pledges not to buy soybeans produced on land deforested after 2006 have reduced tree clearance in the Brazilian Amazon by just 1.6% between 2006 and 2015. This equates to a protected area of 2,300 km2 in the Amazon rainforest: barely the size of Oxfordshire in the UK. The findings, made by tracing traders’ soy supplies back to their source, are published today in the journal Environmental Research Letters. The work involved a team from the University of Cambridge, Boston University, ETH Zurich and New York University. The researchers also discovered that in the Cerrado, Brazil’s tropical savannah, zero-deforestation commitments have not been adopted effectively—leaving over 50% of soy-suitable forests and their biodiversity without protection.
by University of Cambridge
Here’s The Riddle That We Have To Figure Out If We Are To Survive As A Species:
How do we stop ideology’s deadly cycle from repeating?
Political liberalism (free speech, democratic elections, let people make their own decisions) is an unalloyed good. Political liberalism usually leads to economic liberalism (markets, free trade, laissez-faire). People want to use their talents and ingenuity to increase their own well-being. Economic liberalism usually leads to monopolies as some industries come to dominate the competition. Monopoly power leads to fascism as monopolies take over the state and weaponize it to serve their own purposes. Most of the carnage of the last few years is the direct result of Pharma seizing the state throughout the developed world and using it to increase their wealth and power. Fascism leads to genocide as opponents of the monopoly state are systematically eliminated. The fascist state also likes slavery because that increases their wealth and the perverse pleasure that they take from domination.
by Toby Rogers
What You Can’t Miss About The California Governor’s Abortion Billboards
Abortion is never the loving thing to do, even if the Governor of California’s campaign says it is. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s reelection campaign recently launched at least 18 billboards in seven different states that restricted abortions: Texas, Indiana, Mississippi, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Oklahoma. Every billboard points to California’s abortion website that promises you don’t need to live in California to get an abortion in the state. Each billboard has its own messaging for the state it’s advertising in. California’s says, “Need an abortion? California is ready to help.” It also references Mark 12:31, “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.” Now, politicians will be political. But can there be anything more sinister than using the Bible to promote a message of death? Let’s look at each line of the billboard. Here’s what you can’t miss about the California Governor’s abortion billboards.
by Ryan Sanders
NBA Star Embroiled In Anti-Semitism Row
Kyrie Irving shared a link to a film which has been described as ‘filled with anti-Semitic disinformation’
Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving has been criticized by the team’s owner after appearing to promote a movie on social media which has been branded anti-Semitic. Irving tweeted a link to ‘Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America’ to his 4.5 million Twitter followers on Thursday. The Amazon synopsis of the film describes it as “uncover[ing] the true identity of the Children of Israel by proving the true ethnicity of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Sons of Ham, Shem & Japheth.” “Find out what Islam, Judaism and Christianity has covered up for centuries in regards to the true biblical identity of the so-called ‘Negro’ in this movie packed with tons of research,” it adds. The movie and a book of the same name have been described by the likes of Rolling Stone as “venomously anti-Semitic,” which noted claims that “many Jews and European Scottish/York Freemasons have claimed that they worship Satan or Lucifer.”
by RT
October 24 – 30, 2022
“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”
John 8:44

Abp. Viganò: The Post-Vatican II Church Has Almost Entirely Eclipsed The Church Of Christ
‘There is something terribly self-centered, typical of Luciferian pride, in claiming to be better than those who preceded us.’
With the prosopopoeia that distinguishes ideological propaganda, the recent Bergoglian panegyric on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the Opening of the Ecumenical Council Vatican II did not fail to confirm, beyond the empty rhetoric, the total self-referentiality of the “conciliar church,” that is, of that subversive organization born almost imperceptibly from the Council and which in these sixty years has almost totally eclipsed the Church of Christ by occupying her highest levels and usurping her authority. The “conciliar church” considers itself heir to Vatican II apart from the other twenty Ecumenical Councils that preceded it over the centuries: this is the main factor of its self-referentiality. It disregards them in the Faith, proposing a doctrine contrary to that taught by Our Lord, preached by the Apostles and transmitted by the Holy Church; it disregards them in Morality, derogating from principles in the name of situational morality; finally, it disregards them in the Liturgy, which as a prayerful expression of the lex credendi has wished to adapt itself to the new magisterium, and at the same time has lent itself as a most powerful instrument for indoctrinating the faithful.
by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Putin: ‘The Situation Is, To A Certain Extent, Revolutionary’
Putin in fact did nail where we are: on the edge of a Revolution.
In an all-encompassing address to the plenary session of the 19th annual meeting of the Valdai Club, President Putin delivered no less than a devastating, multi-layered critique of unipolarity. From Shakespeare to the assassination of Gen Soleimani; from musings on spirituality to the structure of the UN; from Eurasia as the cradle of human civilization to the interconnection of BRI, SCO and the INSTC; from nuclear dangers to that peripheral peninsula of Eurasia “blinded by the idea that Europeans are better than others”, the address painted a Brueghel-esque canvas of the “historical milestone” facing us, in the middle of “the most dangerous decade since the end of WWII.” Putin even ventured that, in the words of the classics, “the situation is, to a certain extent, revolutionary” as “the upper classes cannot, and the lower classes do not want to live like this anymore”. So everything is in play, as “the future of the new world order is being shaped before our eyes.” Way beyond a catchy slogan about the game the West is playing, “bloody, dangerous and dirty”, the address and Putin’s interventions at the subsequent Q&A should be analyzed as a coherent vision of past, present and future. Here we offer just a few of the highlights:
by Pepe Escobar
Putin Ushers In Multipolar World, ‘We Are Standing On A Historic Frontier.’ (32:09)
by Alex Christoforou
Israel Threatens To Ramp Up Strikes In Syria
Accuses Syria of ‘cooperating’ with Iran
After carrying out three attacks on Syria in the past week, Israel issued a statement Thursday threatening even further ramping up of such operations going forward. Israel rarely comments on why they’re attacking Syria, but the narrative is familiar. Israel says they’re attacking because of Iran and warns Syria to stop cooperating with Iran’s weapons transfers to Hezbollah. This is all built around Israel’s hostility toward a “Shi’ite” belt of nations, from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq and Iran. Though this has been a pretext to intervene in Syria’s War. Israel was attacking places over the Iran-Hezbollah allegations well before the war began. This is an issue because Israel goes to war with Hezbollah often, and is forever readying a war with Iran. Busy with its own war, Syria seems a convenient target. Israel is in no place to judge weapons smuggling at any rate, as a recipient of US arms for years, and nowhere else do such shipments serve as a pretext for military action. The dubious nature of Israel’s attacks is a big reason they often don’t talk about their attacks, and all three previous attacks passed without comment.
by Jason Ditz
Covid-19 Jabs – A Fraud And A Scandal
Before he was demonised and lied about for telling the truth about covid-19, the BBC World Service said: ‘Dr Coleman made me think again’.
There is no evidence proving that mass, multiple vaccination programmes are safe or effective. But there is plenty of evidence proving that such programmes can be both ineffective and dangerous. Those who claim vaccines are safe might like to explain why governments paid out billions of dollars in damages to individuals who have suffered vaccine damage. And they might like to explain why no vaccine supporter will dare debate with me live on the BBC. (I know the reason, of course. They don’t dare debate because they know will lose and then the world will know how dangerous and useless vaccines really are.) And they might like to explain why the simple research that would have proved that it was more dangerous to have the covid-19 jab than not to have one was never done.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Ankara To Ensure Flow Of Russian Gas To EU Through Turkstream Pipeline – Erdogan
Ankara will ensure the distribution of Russian gas to Europe through the TurkStream pipeline, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday. “Hopefully, we will distribute the natural gas coming from Russia through Turkiye to Europe as TurkStream,” Erdogan said during a keynote speech on the upcoming centennial of the republic, Turkish media reported. TurkStream is an export gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey through the Black Sea, with a capacity of 31.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year. This is three times less than what four lines of Nord Stream 1 and 2 would have delivered. Before the October attacks, Nord Stream 1 carried 55 bcm of gas to Germany under the Baltic Sea.
by Sputnik News
Xi’s Third Term: Here’s Why The Chinese Leader’s Reelection Is Good News For Russia, But Ominous For The US And Taiwan
The precedent-busting extra five years could see years of tensions finally come to a head
The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party (CPC) of China is over and the first Plenary Session of its Central Committee in its new composition has set to work and reelected General Secretary Xi Jinping for a third term. The Chinese leader has thus gone against a well-established tradition, of almost 30 years, where power is passed to the new generation of leaders at the end of a second term. RT looks at how things will now shape up for China’s relations with the world’s top powers. Next March is unlikely to herald a new period for China, as international observers may have expected. Xi Jinping will remain at the helm of the Chinese Communist Party for a third consecutive term, having provided all the necessary legal prerequisites for that to happen back in 2018.
bt RT
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis October 28, 2022 (20:53)
The Myth That The Two Party Democrat vs. Republican Choices Bring Different Results Through “Elections”
With national elections just days away now here in the United States, this is a good time to review the facts regarding the U.S. two-party system where during national elections the public heads to the polls, or votes via the mail, for either a Democrat or Republican candidate for elected office. The general belief among most who cast votes is that the United States is a “democratic” nation where “public servants” are elected by the people to serve their electorate in Washington D.C. in the House of Representatives and Senate (Congress), and as the President of the United States. However, this notion that the people of the United States choose their leaders who then determine public policy as a representative of their constituents, is a myth. It is actually quite easy to see that this popular belief is not a fact, but to see this truth one has to divorce themselves from their political belief system, and much like religious beliefs, very few people seem to be able to do so.
by Brian Shilhavy
Paul Pelosi Undergoing Brain Surgery Following ‘Brutal’ Attack; Suspect Identified
A look at the blog of David Depape, the Berkeley man accused of attacking Paul Pelosi with a hammer, reveals that Depape made several religious-based posts in 2007. Then, it sat dormant for 15 years, after which he began posting in late August. The new material features YouTube videos, memes and odd headlines with no commentary attached. While we wait for the SFPD press conference (scroll down for live feed), the suspect in Paul Pelosi’s attack has been identified as 42-year-old David Depape, possibly of Berkeley, according to the SF Chronicle and WSJ.
by Tyler Durden
Russia Threatens US Commercial Satellites Aiding Ukraine’s Military
A high-ranking Kremlin official has warned that commercial satellites assisting Ukrainian forces could be viewed as legitimate military targets by Moscow. Since Russia destroyed Ukraine’s communications infrastructure early in the war, Elon Musk’s SpaceX has provided Kiev with internet service through its Starlink network. Speaking during a UN General Assembly meeting on Wednesday, Konstantin Vorontsov, deputy director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s nonproliferation and arms control department, said that some privately owned satellites could qualify as military assets given their significant role in the war. “I would like to draw special attention to the extremely dangerous tendency, which has surfaced in the course of the developments in Ukraine. I mean the use of outer space civil infrastructure facilities, including commercial ones, in armed conflicts by the United States and its allies,” the official said, adding “Quasi-civil infrastructure may be a legitimate target for a retaliation strike. The West’s actions unreasonably jeopardize the stability of the civil space activities and numerous socio-economic processes on the ground, which determine people’s wellbeing, first of all in developing countries.”
by Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter
Everybody Wants To Hop On The BRICS Express
Eurasia is about to get a whole lot larger as countries line up to join the Chinese and Russian-led BRICS and SCO, to the detriment of the west
Let’s start with what is in fact a tale of Global South trade between two members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). At its heart is the already notorious Shahed-136 drone – or Geranium-2, in its Russian denomination: the AK-47 of postmodern aerial warfare. The US, in yet another trademark hysteria fit rife with irony, accused Tehran of weaponizing the Russian Armed Forces. For both Tehran and Moscow, the superstar, value-for-money, and terribly efficient drone let loose in the Ukrainian battlefield is a state secret: its deployment prompted a flurry of denials from both sides. Whether these are made in Iran drones, or the design was bought and manufacturing takes place in Russia (the realistic option), is immaterial. The record shows that the US weaponizes Ukraine to the hilt against Russia. The Empire is a de facto war combatant via an array of “consultants,” advisers, trainers, mercenaries, heavy weapons, munitions, satellite intel, and electronic warfare. And yet imperial functionaries swear they are not part of the war. They are, once again, lying. Welcome to yet another graphic instance of the “rules-based international order” at work.
by Pepe Escobar
Rishi Sunak, Thélème And Moderna (Text and Video)
In his first public remarks as the new leader, Sunak said: “It is the greatest privilege of my life to be able to serve the party I love and give back to the country I owe so much to.” There are two remarkable phrases within this one statement. First, Sunak considers it a privilege to “serve the party.” Not to serve UK citizens, but to “serve the party.” Secondly, “give back to the country I owe so much to.” Born in Southampton, England, Sunak is one of the UK’s wealthiest politicians but chose to defend his wife who avoided paying tax in the UK. The BBC estimated Sunak’s wife avoided £2.1m a year in UK tax and a total of £15 million since 2015. Meanwhile, Sunak and his wife were named on the Sunday Times rich list as the 222nd wealthiest people in the UK. Has he given back what he owes?
by Rhoda Wilson
Years Of Neglect Find The US Military Rated As ‘Weak’
According to the recently released “2023 Index of US Military Strength,” published by the Heritage Foundation, “As currently postured, the US military is at growing risk of not being able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests. It is rated as weak relative to the force needed to defend national interests on a global stage against actual challenges in the world as it is rather than as we wish it were.” During the Cold War, the US national security posture was designed to wage two and one-half wars – two major regional conflicts (for instance, fighting a Soviet invasion of Europe), while fighting a “holding action” in a third theater (such as the Middle East) until one of the major conflicts was won, and the military resources used were then reassigned.
by Scott Ritter
Advocating World War Three Is Just Mainstream Punditry Now
Mainstream punditry in the latter half of 2022 is rife with op-eds arguing that the US needs to vastly increase military spending because a world war is about to erupt, and they always frame it as though this would be something that happens to the US, as though its own actions would have nothing to do with it. As though it would not be the direct result of the US-centralized empire continually accelerating towards that horrific event while refusing every possible diplomatic off-ramp due to its inability to relinquish its goal of total unipolar planetary domination. The latest example of this trend is an article titled “Could America Win a New World War? — What It Would Take to Defeat Both China and Russia” published by Foreign Affairs, a magazine that is owned and operated by the supremely influential think tank Council on Foreign Relations.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Will Ursula von der Leyen Be Forced To Resign, And Will Her Deeds Be Investigated?
Europe has been rocked by large-scale protests over the last few weeks, and many politicians and media organizations in the EU see this as a reflection of public dissatisfaction with the policies of the European Commission and especially its head, Ursula von der Leyen. The main concern is the rising cost of living, the rapid increase in energy and food prices, and the anti-Russian policies of the European Commission, which have led to an energy and economic crisis that is affecting not only Europe but many other countries who have committed themselves to a close relationship with Europe. Always keen to show her unwavering support for Washington and London, in her speech at the inaugural summit of the European Political Community, the President of the European Commission extended a warm welcome to Liz Truss – despite the fact that no-one other than Ursula von der Leyen considers the former British premier’s policies to be a success. As the Daily Express notes, the speech was greeted with an uncomfortable silence.
by Vladimir Danilov
The Current Situation (2:20)
The Current Situation (2:20)
Covid Vaccines And All-Cause Mortality
Are covid vaccines the biggest success or the biggest scandal in the history of medicine?
Introduction: Previous SPR analyses provided a comprehensive overview of vaccine effectiveness and vaccine adverse events as well as of infection-induced natural immunity. These analyses showed that covid vaccines 1) provide a very high, but rapidly declining protection against covid infection and severe disease; 2) are linked to a significant risk of cardiovascular and neurological adverse events; 3) confer less durable protection than natural immunity. Taken together, it was clear, already in mid-2021, that covid vaccination was indicated only for people at significant risk of severe acute covid (due to their age or health), and that vaccine mandates and “vaccine passports” had no medical or epidemiological justification, not even for healthcare workers. While covid vaccines have dramatically reduced covid mortality (albeit not permanently), the more important question arguably is if covid vaccines have also reduced all-cause mortality, and if so, to what extent. This question will be discussed in the following sections.
by Swiss Policy Research (SPR)
World Bank Consultant: “Digital Identity Is Not Enough,” Suggests A Need For Access To Data
To Provide “Better Services.”
Singapore is no stranger to some “advanced” and even “avant-garde” approaches to developing and harnessing the power of biometric technology for improved mass surveillance of the population. And it appears, the World Bank (WB) wants to learn from it, and spread that knowledge around the world. The World Bank and Government Technology Agency (GovTech) of Singapore have teamed up to produce a case study about the country’s Singpass program – digital ID for citizens’ transaction needs “in everyday life” – as well as MyInfo – a Singpass feature that shares user data via the scheme, and via organizations. The reason Singapore and the World Bank joined forces in producing the study, “National Digital Identity and Government Data Sharing in Singapore,” which lauds Singpass as a success, is to see how it can be brought to other countries as well, and how their governments may model their own digital ID schemes after it.
by Didi Rankovic
The Ukraine War Of Words That Heralds Ethnic Cleansing
As the Ukrainian forces and their Western backers celebrate their recent military advance, the fate of ethnic Russians in the reclaimed territories looks bleak now that local and national leaders have declared a reckoning against those whom they consider to be collaborators and traitors. It’s a policy that originates from the early stages of the conflict based on a law passed in March that threatened anyone who co-operated with the occupying Russian authorities with up to 15 years of imprisonment together with the confiscation of property. Hitherto there have been many arrests of those accused of pro-Russian collaboration, including the leader of Ukraine’s official parliamentary opposition Viktor Medvedchuk, and assassinations of officials such as Alexei Kovalev, deputy head of the military and civil administration in the Kherson region. But as the Ukrainian forces wrest back territory from Russia, a wide net is being cast against alleged collaborators that extends well beyond officials to include teachers, social media warriors and victims of unsubstantiated claims of snitches, shedding light on the intentions of Ukrainian authorities in the unlikely event of total victory.
by Dr. Gregory Slysz
Here’s A Disturbing Theory About The Jabs That Makes Too Much Sense
What if the Chinese Communist Party wanted to infect 200 million Americans with a bioweapon that took down military-aged men? Would they do anything different from the current vaccine agenda?
There have been plenty of conspiracy theories about Covid-19, the “vaccines,” and the roles being played by various organization such as the Chinese Communist Party, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and our own government. I’ve echoed many of them in the recent past. Most of them point back to depopulation and remnant control used against the whole world, but what if this really does come down to the United States itself? During an interview I did with “Man in America” Seth Holehouse yesterday, we spent the better part of a segment discussing the jabs and a theory he’d been working on recently along with a few others. Basically, he believes it’s possible that the real bioweapons being used against us are the jabs that are being injected into over 200 million Americans.
by JD Rucker
Tree Rings Offer Insight Into Devastating Radiation Storms
A University of Queensland study has shed new light on a mysterious, unpredictable and potentially devastating kind of astrophysical event. A team led by Dr. Benjamin Pope from UQ’s School of Mathematics and Physics applied cutting edge statistics to data from millennia-old trees, to find out more about radiation “storms.” “These huge bursts of cosmic radiation, known as Miyake Events, have occurred approximately once every thousand years [I say more often last major one was in 1859], but what causes them is unclear,” Dr. Pope said. “The leading theory is that they are huge solar flares. We need to know more, because if one of these happened today, it would destroy technology including satellites, internet cables, long-distance power lines and transformers. The effect on global infrastructure would be unimaginable.” Enter the humble tree ring.
by University of Queensland
Just When You Think You’ve Seen Everything (0:16)
Just When You Think You’ve Seen Everything (0:16)
Thai Transgender Activist Buys Miss Universe For $20 Million
A transgender Thai businessperson and activist has purchased the Miss Universe organization for $20 million. The buyer, Chakrapong “Anne” Chakrajutathib, is quite famous in Thailand and has appeared on several reality television shows. IMG Worldwide had owned the organization since 2015 and says that the pageant is broadcast in 165 countries. In a translated press release, the famed transgender activist’s company, JKN Global Group Public Co. Ltd., said they will be using the brand to sell dietary supplements, beverages, skin care products, cosmetics, and other “lifestyle products ” — in addition to running the competitions. “MUO or Miss Universe Organization is a global organization with more than 71 years of history, known to consumers around the world who monitor more than 500 million Miss Universe pageants around the world,” the press release said, adding that “different countries have purchased the rights to manage the Miss Universe pageant in each country to send beauty queens to contests in more than 94 countries.” USA Today reports, “a profile of Chakrapong in the Bangkok Post newspaper earlier this year said in her youth, she studied at an all-male school where she was harassed for identifying as female. After becoming wealthy, she spent $1 million on sex reassignment surgery and other procedures.”
by Cassandra Fairbanks
Dirty Bomb In Radioactiville
The first nuke since Nagasaki, right over Chernobyl?
The dirty bomb false flag accusations, counter-accusations, counter-counter accusations, denials, counter-denials, and counter-counter accusation-denials have been flying from east to west and back again for a week now. Muh, I know you are, but what am I? Nuh-uh! You can’t triple-stamp a double-stamp! The nuclear armageddon headlines weren’t doing much for the docile masses so they had to make things more specific. The Professor in the study with the candlestick. That kind of specific. Only the sub-70 IQ normie brigade believes Russia or Putin would have anything to gain from carrying out this act of terror with easterly winds blowing the radioactive fallout onto their own people, and about 90% of this drooling normie brigade as they appear online are merely paid trolls and bots buried deep underground at Langley HQ. And maybe Mi5 has its own army of rats doing this minimum-wage grunt work out of some warehouse on the outskirts of Leeds. Those with functioning brains know who will most definitely be responsible if or when this event occurs.
Biden’s Bivalent Booster Blunder
For Dems to survive, they need to fire all their COVID advisors
The Biden administration has made a fool of themselves with their bivalent vaccine roll out. Pretty much all decisions were errors, and very likely these will hurt them politically. The only way for Biden to save himself from his terrible Covid policy is to fire all his advisors and rehire good ones. Let’s review the facts: The Biden administration granted emergency use authorization to Pfizer and Moderna for a bivalent booster that targeted Wuhan and BA45. That vaccine received EUA based on mouse data (8-10 mice). There were no human data at the time of approval. (Please don’t confuse the BA4/5 with BA1 bivalent) Since then, both companies have press released results, but do not specificify the numeric values of antibodies generated in people. No one has clinical data– i.e. is there a reduction in hospitalization? Severe disease? And if so, we don’t know which people (how old) have a further reduction in severe disease or hospitalization from this vaccine.
Vinay Prasad
Keeping Up With Covid
Covid “science” got everything wrong:
PCR testing—wrong
Fatality rate—wrong
School closures—wrong
Quarantine the healthy—wrong
Social distancing—wrong
Vax efficacy—wrong
So now we know for sure that the boosters are also—wrong:
by Mark Wauck
Just a quick notice and alert to highlight some common technological ‘glitches’ and occurrences that are appearing around the internet, coincidentally timed as a result of the pending 2022 midterm election. By now everyone is familiar with Big Tech control mechanisms like blocking, shadow banning, downgrading and throttling. Essentially, these are methods within the technology space that are designed to influence opinion and block access to information and communication adverse to the ideology of the provider(s). Most often we associate those terms with social media platforms; however, within the infrastructure of the internet itself the same intent is also carried in various forms you might not be familiar with. I am seeing a lot of deployed control systems triggered recently, it is worth mentioning in case you notice something different.
by Sundance
Pre-Pandemic Event 201 Coronavirus Simulation Was Devised At Infamous World Economic Forum Confab In Davos
Pre-pandemic simulation was bootstrapped on sidelines of World Economic Forum’s annual conference.
The planning stages for Event 201, the notoriously timed pre-pandemic coronavirus simulation to prepare for “a similar pandemic in the future,” traces back to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual invite-only, ruling class convention in Davos, Switzerland. The Gates Foundation and The World Economic Forum, among others, joined forces for the October 18, 2019 event — which occurred just weeks before the first reported coronavirus case in Wuhan — much earlier than previously understood. The planning stages for Event 201 first occurred on the sidelines January, 2019 World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, The Dossier has learned. In relatively unnoticed social media posts, organizers discussed the formation of Event 201 from the sidelines of the World Economic Forum event. On January 23, 2019, Tom Inglesby, the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, became the first person to publicly announce the formation of Event 201, in partnership with the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. Inglesby’s organization would later host the event in New York City.
by Jordan Schachtel
Ye And The Jews (13:10)
by Jim Rizoli
Apple Music Deletes Kanye West Essentials Playlist
Many companies are taking steps to publicly distance themselves.
Apple Music has deleted the Kanye West Essentials Playlist, joining in with the growing number of corporations that are distancing themselves from the rapper following his online remarks, widely criticized as anti-Semitic. While Ye’s music is still available on the platform, the popular playlist, curated by Apple employees or contractors, has been removed. Apple’s move follows growing pressure from some media outlets, celebrities, activists, and members of the public calling for online platforms to ban the artist. Some on Twitter accused Apple of hypocrisy for deleting the Kanye West playlist, but continuing to carry the R Kelly playlist and About page. Kelly was convicted in a racketeering and sexual misconduct trial, which led to a 30-year sentence. The artist was convicted in September 2021 on all nine charges that he faced. Kelly was also convicted earlier this year on child sexual abuse material charges and other charges in Chicago.
by Christina Maas
Palestinian Children Daily Confront Monsters That Unlike Those In Grimm’s Fairy Tales Are Real
Children of my Gaza refugee camp were rarely afraid of monsters but fearful of nightmarish US-backed Israeli soldiers. This is all that we talked about before going to bed. Unlike imaginary monsters in the closet or under the bed, Israeli soldiers are real, and they could show up any minute – at the door, on the roof or, as was often the case, right in the middle of the house. The recent tragic death of a 7-year-old, Rayan Suliman, a Palestinian boy from the village of Tuqu near Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank, stirred up so many memories. The little boy with olive skin, an innocent face, and bright eyes fell on the ground while being chased by Israeli soldiers, who accused him and his peers of throwing stones. He fell unconscious, blood poured out of his mouth and, despite efforts to revive him, he ceased to breathe.
by Michael Walsh
Vote With Pandemic Policies In Mind
The oft-repeated expression “the most important election of our lifetime” might sound hyperbolic. But it can’t be understated what an impact the policy response during the pandemic has had on people’s lives. So let us examine what is at stake this November. Over the last two and a half years the Democrats have emerged as the pro-lockdown and pro-mandate party. Just how wrong did they get it? Consider both the devastating immediate economic effects to small business owners and their employees, and the longer-term ripple effects and precedents that have been set. While some of the policy makers may have considered this a necessary trade off at the time, multiple studies have shown that the lockdowns did nothing to curb the spread of Covid. This preceded the firing and coercion of thousands of healthcare workers, military servicemen and women, and other employees, merely for having apprehension about taking a novel mRNA-based injection for the “common good” (which proved to be a falsehood, since mass vaccination during the pandemic also did nothing to curb spread).
by Daniel Martin
12 ‘Ancient’ Natural Alternatives Better Than Drugs
When it comes to traditional remedies, don’t mistake “old” for obsolete. In the case of these 12 natural remedies, they may be old, but they really are tried and true. In the modern digital age, information that has stood the test of time is increasingly drowned out by the latest crazes. Health trends and fad diets hawked by fitness gurus offer you endless ways to get fitter and be better than you were yesterday, but how much of their advice will actually “stick” and become multi-generational wisdom? If you’d like to learn a dozen best-practices for your health that are “Grandma approved,” read on and discover 12 natural remedies that were passed down through the ages because they actually work.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Her Name Is Nicole Hammond:
White Woman Refuses the Advances of a Black Co-Worker; Black Co-Worker Murders White Woman…
In an age where Emmett Till is still considered a hero, and the actions of his rapist father (Louis Till) are swept under the rug to ensure the arc of moral justice is always titled in favor of the Tills worldview, we remember to Say Her Name. Because once you do… there’s no going back. Her Name is Nicole Hammond. [St. Cloud man killed co-worker after she rejected his advances: Charges, Fox 10 Phoenix, October 26, 2022]: ST. CLOUD, Minn. (FOX 9) – A St. Cloud man has been charged with killing a co-worker who prosecutors say rejected his advances. Michael Carpenter, 36, has been charged with second-degree murder for allegedly shooting a co-worker, 28-year-old Nicole Hammond, in the parking lot of their workplace on Lincoln Avenue Northeast in St. Cloud at 6:59 a.m. on October 24. A white woman refused the advances of a black male, and paid for this action with her life. This is the true legacy of Emmitt Till and his rapist father, Louis. The Till Effect. Has a white male ever murdered a black woman for refusing his advances? Asking for a friend.
by Paul Kersey
Peak ‘Woke’? Facebook, Netflix Crashing And Burning (33:33)
by The Ron Paul Liberty Report
Cats Distinguish Between Speech Directed At Them And Humans
A small study has found that cats may change their behavior when they hear their owner’s voice talking in a tone directed to them, the cats, but not when hearing the voice of a stranger or their owner’s voice directed at another person. The study of 16 cats is published in the journal Animal Cognition and adds to evidence that cats may form strong bonds with their owners. Human tone is known to vary depending on to whom the speech is directed, such as when talking to infants and dogs. The tone of human speech has been shown in previous studies to change when directed at cats, but less is known about how cats react to this. Charlotte de Mouzon and colleagues from Université Paris Nanterre (Nanterre, France) investigated how 16 cats reacted to pre-recorded voices from both their owner and that of a stranger when saying phrases in cat-directed and human adult-directed tones.
by Springer
Public Health Scotland Investigates Rise In Neonatal Infant Deaths But Refuses To Check Vaccination Status Of Mothers
Dr. John Campbell recently posted a video summarizing the news regarding the increase in neonatal deaths in Scotland, and Public Health Scotland’s (PHS) investigation into these excess deaths. It was published less than a week ago, and at the time of publication today it has over 650,000 views and over 12,000 comments. I am amazed that YouTube has allowed this video to remain up (so far.) While PHS is investigating what might be causing these excess deaths, one thing they are NOT investigating is whether or not the mother was vaccinated with a COVID-19 shot. The Herald Scotland reported: PUBLIC health experts ruled out any link between spikes in neonatal deaths and the Covid vaccine without checking whether any of the infants’ mothers had received the jag during pregnancy.
by Brian Shilhavy
Property In German Town To Be Confiscated For Asylum Seekers
So far it has been dismissed as a malicious “conspiracy theory” that living space for asylum seekers would end up being confiscated in Germany. But this “theory” is sadly coming true. In the Bavarian district of Fürstenfeldbruck, not far from Munich, it is being implemented. The local CSU District Administrator Thomas Karmasin has refused to use gymnasiums as “refugee” accommodation. But the existing public accommodation is running out in the face of exploding numbers of asylum seekers. Karmasin therefore wants to have public and private properties confiscated in order to accommodate the newcomers. The first efforts have already started. Karmasin said in a statement that immigration policy was a federal matter. As in 2014 to 2016, during the last “refugee” crisis, he refused to make school gyms available again. This development is likely to put affected locals under severe stress in forcing a show of solidarity with Ukrainians or Senegalese accommodated in their apartments and single-family homes.
by Free West Media
Biotech Giants Using GMOs To Build Food Tyranny
We are currently seeing rising food prices due to a combination of an engineered food crisis for geopolitical reasons, financial speculation by hedge funds, pension funds and investment banks and profiteeringby global grain trade conglomerates like Cargill, Louis Dreyfus, ADM and Bunge. In addition, agri firms like Bayer, Syngenta (ChemChina) and Corteva cynically regard current circumstances as an opportunity to promote their agenda and seek commercialisation of unregulated and improperly tested genetically engineered (GE) technologies. These companies have long promoted the false narrative that their hybrid seeds and their GE seeds, along with their agrichemicals, are essential for feeding a growing global population. This agenda is orchestrated by vested interests and career scientists – many of whom long ago sold their objectivity for biotech money – lobby groups and disgraced politiciansand journalists.
by Colin Todhunter
New Study From Turkey Shows Vaccination Almost Doubled The Incidence Of Menstrual Irregularities That Required Medical Treatment
81.4% of the study participants got Pfizer
A new study from Turkey was recently posted on the PubMed preprint server, “Determining the Health Problems Experienced by Young Adults in Turkey, Who Received the COVID-19 Vaccine”. This study contained findings that, as far as I’m aware, are a first-of-their-kind. This study also is a good illustration of how a study can be easily misread or misunderstood. Results: A total of 81.4% of the students participating in the study had the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine. A total of 67.3% of them had two doses of COVID-19 vaccine, 35.9% of the vaccinated students experienced some health problems in the days following the vaccination, and the most common health problems were fatigue, a cough, sleep disturbance, psychological discomfort, a heart ache feeling and sweating. Most of the post-vaccine health problems lasted for 2 days, 3.7% of the participants were diagnosed with hypertension, 2.7% were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and 10.52% of the female participants went to the doctor due to menstrual irregularity and received treatment. It was determined that 12.2% of the vaccinated students gained weight after vaccination and 63.89% of those who gained weight attributed this to increased appetite, 9.2% continued to have a cough and 9.2% used herbal products.
by Ashmedai
Masculinity Will Save The World
We’ve all heard and repeated the mantra ad nauseam that, “politics is downstream from culture.” It’s true, the Right fallaciously defined its investment solely based on the ROI in one’s bank account through the lens of one-dimensional capitalism. In turn, leaving all creative industries abandoned where we find faith-based and conservative artists in the middle of the desert with no home. The radicals swarmed in with their patronage and now control the dreamscapes of your progeny through their aesthetic stranglehold of the arts and entertainment. And so, we have widespread liberalism and atheism brainwashing generations ahead of us in all creative spaces. It’s time we start becoming active participants as either talent, collector, or patron. Every art gallery you visit in New York City, much like every church in the city, has either a Black Lives Matter or LGBTQ rainbow flag for a reason – in other words, “If you ain’t with us, you’re against us.”
by Arthur Kwon Lee
The Monstrous State Of Things
We live in a society dedicated to iatrogenocide: A government lab took a virus, made it more lethal, and released it (whether accidentally or on purpose) into the population. Government with the collusion of the private sector intentionally blocked access to effective medicines. They literally had the medicines already on hand in a national stockpile for exactly this situation and then when the moment came they went to great lengths to keep people from getting them. Hospitals used the wrong protocols and continue to use the wrong protocols. That tells us that the best-trained medical professionals are so blinded by ideology that they cannot transcend failed paradigms. The shots have negative efficacy and the worst side effect profile ever seen. Quintuple-dosed bougiecrats look like sh*te and are dropping dead left and right yet still don’t understand what is happening to them (nor do they want to understand).
by Toby Rogers
Kremlin Responds To US Troop Deployment On Ukrainian Border
Washington’s military presence threatens Russia’s security and won’t be ignored, President Putin’s spokesman warned
The US troop deployment in Romania increases risks for Russia’s security, and will prompt Moscow to take countermeasures, Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday. He was referring to the US Army’s 101st Airborne Division, which is currently stationed in Romania on the border with Ukraine. Speaking to reporters, Peskov noted that “the closer American troops are to our borders, the greater danger we are in.” He went on to say that Moscow factors in such a military presence when developing its security framework. Peskov reiterated that such a deployment on Russia’s doorstep “does not contribute to predictability and stability.” Last week, speaking to CBS News, commanders of the 101st Airborne Division said that they would not hesitate to enter Ukraine should a direct conflict break out between Russia and NATO.
by RT
The Americans Are Evil, No Gonzalo, The Jews Are Evil (13:50)
The Americans Are Evil, No Gonzalo, The Jews Are Evil (13:50)
clowns to the left of me
the jokers are just getting worse. and maybe there is a reason.
it’s tempting to look at this level of concept salad imbecility and think “i see we have reached the “offering more to those who pay more is racist” stage of socialist senility” and perhaps to gawp in wonder at the absolute staggering bottomlessness of the sinkhole known as “clown world.” they seem to have not the slightest inkling about reality or realism or to even be able to play at single move lookahead in this game. truly, these people would lose to a chicken at checkers. but what if this is a feature and not a bug? for example: if one wishes not to be called out on being a veritable frying pan of non-compos mentis, is a ready replacement in the wings who clearly constitutes “fire” that would need to be jumped into should any call you out not a fine insurance policy?
by el gato malo
Rise Of The Robot-Child (Text and Video)
Tag ’em while they’re young
One of the central theses of this blog is that kiddos everywhere are being actively groomed for an exciting existence of never-ending Biosecurity Terror and Permanent Sadness. If your goal is to create a digital Panpoopticon [not a typo — Edward], focusing your energies on crushing young souls is a no-brainer. Why waste your time with cantankerous 20-somethings, Chardonnay-swilling 30-somethings, Boomers, or other Ancients? They are preoccupied with Netflix. Out with the Old, in with the New! The experiment is not over yet and the point of no return has not yet been passed. And this means that digitization can be stopped. But small groups of activists will not cope with this. Parents should unite and work together.
by Edward Slavsquat
Abandon The Fetish For ‘Unconditional Surrender’
On Monday, thirty members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus called on the Biden administration to pursue a negotiated peace settlement or cease-fire with Ukraine. The letter from the Progressive Caucus is careful to praise the administration for its ongoing efforts to fund Kyiv’s war effort, but also concludes that not enough is being done to encourage a negotiated settlement. This position is heretical in Washington where the narrative is well dominated by the center-left militarist coalition that currently dominates the Democratic Party and the fading neoconservative wing of the Republican Party. In fact, so complete is the hawks’ domination of Democratic Party leadership, the Progressive Caucus was forced to withdraw its letter in less than twenty-four hours. The progressives ended up embarrassingly apologizing for suggesting diplomacy is a good thing.
by Ryan McMaken
Another Half Step To The Dangerous Line
Just when the author thought that, once the North Korean “nuclear counterattack exercise” was over, he could have a rest, this, unfortunately, would not come to pass! The tension continues unabated and the dangerous line is one step closer. There have been many developments, so it is easier to present the situation on a day-to-day basis. October 12: Kim Jong-un led test launches of two strategic long-range cruise missiles by the Tactical Nuclear Operation Unit. He expressed satisfaction at the high capability of the nuclear forces to respond to a potential threat and said the tests were another “clear warning to enemies” and a demonstration of the deterrent capability of his country’s armed forces. The South Korean military detected the missile launches but did not report them to the media “because cruise missile launches, unlike ballistic missiles, are not a violation of UN Security Council resolutions.” However, Russian military expert Vladimir Khrustalev notes that: A) these missiles with possible nuclear warheads have at least been accepted for prototype operation by the military; B) in nearly 3 hours, the missile flew about 2,000 km in circles and eights, which is enough to hit targets throughout South Korea and Japan from unexpected angles.
by Konstantin Asmolov
ACH (1949) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #92 – YO YE! Have You Ever Heard Of The Spingarn Brothers Who Ran The NAACP For Over 50 Years? (Audio 2:01:31)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 24, 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “YO YE! Have You Ever Heard Of The Spingarn Brothers Who Ran The NAACP For Over 50 Years?”
We discussed: the Barricade Garage YouTube video that we played during the show intro segment; the interesting history of the NAACP; why they got rid of Boris Johnson; how a General Election in the UK appears to be imminent; the Patriotic Alternative’s 2020 article on Sir Keir Starmer; why UK politicians never seem to have any regard for the needs of Christians; this week’s film reviews on M. Night Shyamalan’s 2002 film “Signs” and Steven Spielberg’s 2005 film “War Of The Worlds”; the Napster days of file sharing; H.G. Wells 1940 book “The New World Order”; Shakespeare’s quote of the week “On What I Hate, I Feed Not”; our tribute to the late great Rodney Bickerstaffe; this week’s, “if my democratic right to free speech did not probibit me from doing so I would,” segment; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the Daily Mail’s suggestion that the next pandemic could come from a glacier; friends people make whilst online gaming; just what sort of profit margin are global organizations extracting from their customers; conflicts not just within the countries that make up the United Kingdom, but also between individual counties in those countries; Cornish independence; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ news roundup of the week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Pentagon Brought On Both Nuclear Crises
I fully realize that when it comes to Ukraine, one is supposed to focus exclusively on Russia’s invasion and not on what the Pentagon did to gin up the crisis, a crisis that has gotten us perilously close to a world-destroying nuclear war with Russia. Nonetheless, the Pentagon’s role in this crisis needs to be emphasized, over and over again, just as the Pentagon’s role in ginning up the Cuban Missile Crisis also needs to be emphasized, over and over again. Yes, what I am emphasizing is the Pentagon’s role in ginning up both of these crises that have gotten us so close to nuclear war with Russia. At the end of the Cold War racket, there was absolutely no reason for NATO to remain in existence. Its purported mission of protecting Europe from a Soviet (i.e., Russian) attack had been fulfilled. The Cold War was supposedly over.
by Jacob G. Hornberger
Kate’s Story: Former Associate Of David Hamblin, Survivor Of Ritual Abuse In Utah Comes Forward
A former associate of David Hamblin has come forward to share her story of ritual sexual abuse and what she witnessed while married to Hamblin’s best friend Eldon Talley.
Kate Talley first met David Hamblin in 2008 when her former sister-in-law introduced her to the disgraced former therapist turned wannabe medicine man and accused sexual abuser. Talley was seeking counseling relating to her own experience with ritualistic sexual abuse. When she first met Hamblin she was married to Eldon Talley, a knife maker based in Utah. Over time, Hamblin came to greatly influence her now former husband. Kate Talley told The Last American Vagabond (TLAV) that Hamblin held his so-called “healing circles” at her and Eldon’s home in American Fork, Utah for several years. Hamblin’s circles are suspected to have played a role in his ongoing sexual abuse, just as he has been accused of using hypnosis during therapy sessions to accomplish his abuse.
by Derrick Broze
Landslides Shaped A Hidden Landscape Within Yellowstone
Over a thousand landslides have coursed through the national park
A hidden landscape riddled with landslides is coming into focus in Yellowstone National Park, thanks to a laser-equipped airplane. Scientists of yore crisscrossed Yellowstone on foot and studied aerial photographs to better understand America’s first national park. But today researchers have a massive new digital dataset at their fingertips that’s shedding new light on this nearly 1-million-hectare natural wonderland. These observations of Yellowstone have allowed a pair of researchers to pinpoint over 1,000 landslides within and near the park, hundreds of which had not been mapped before, the duo reported October 9 at the Geological Society of America Connects 2022 meeting. Most of these landslides likely occurred thousands of years ago, but some are still moving.
by Katherine Kornei
The MSM’s Cancer ‘Cure’ Stories Are Bio-Firm Hype, Not Hope
GLOBALISED mainstream media equates not just with a uniform, poorly-informed world, but a manipulated world. In Britain, the Times runs a story entitled: After centuries of cut, burn and poison, could a jab cure cancer? by Tom Whipple. Eleven thousand miles away in New Zealand, the same story appears in Stuff newspaper. This is one of those ‘isn’t it wonderful?’ reassuring stories that unfortunately don’t look quite so rosy after close scrutiny, but like bad pennies are turning up everywhere. On the surface informative and exciting, underneath sadly lacking in that investigative depth we were expecting – and certainly over-hyped. This particular story would not be out of place in a glossy brochure seeking investment funds for BioNTech. According to the Times article, RNA vaccine technology is rather like buying a piece of furniture from Ikea. Each person could very soon have their own personalised cancer vaccine off the shelf. What could possibly go wrong?
by Guy Hatchard
Covid-19: How The Greatest Crime In History Unfolded
Before he was demonised and lied about for telling the truth about covid-19, The Ecologist said of Vernon Coleman: ‘No thinking person can ignore him.’ The deliberately designed fake pandemic began in earnest in the middle of February 2020. A mathematical modeller called Ferguson, working at Imperial College in London, scared the living daylights out of millions by predicting that 600,000 people might die in the UK alone. There was talk of millions being taken ill in Britain and of hospitals all over the world being overwhelmed by sick patients. The media led the panic, as they usually do, and within days people were cancelling holidays and panic buying loo rolls, soap and loaves of bread. The British always buy loo rolls, soap and loaves of bread at times of crisis. Curiously, the people who were buying the most loo rolls didn’t seem to be buying any food though you would have thought that without any of the latter there wouldn’t have been much need for the former. The stock market had a nervous breakdown and collapsed in a corner, as it always does at times like this, and the chap called Ferguson was interviewed and quoted everywhere sharing his gloomy predictions.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
“The ultimate terrifying force will come from the hands of “men who wanted to be left alone.” They try exceedingly hard to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, the life they have lived is over. The moment the “men who wanted to be left alone” are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are killing off who they used to be. When forced to take up violence, these “men who wanted to be left alone” fight with an unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They will fight with aggression and initiative that cannot be comprehended by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. True terror will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy. But it will fall upon deaf ears.”

Putin Oversees Retaliatory Nuclear Strike Drills
Intercontinental and ballistic missiles launched during the exercises hit all the designated targets
Russian President Vladimir Putin has overseen military drills enacting a retaliatory nuclear strike. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu described the aim of the drills as testing “Russia’s strategic offensive forces’ readiness to conduct a massive nuclear strike in response to an enemy nuclear strike.” According to the Kremlin, land, sea, and aviation deterrence forces took part in the maneuvers. Targets located on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia’s Far East were obliterated by the Yars intercontinental ballistic missile, fired from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Arkhangelsk Region, and the Sineva ballistic missile, launched from the Barents Sea. Tu-95 strategic bombers also took part in the exercises. President Putin ordered the readiness level of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces to be increased in late February, days after Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine. In recent weeks, the US and several other Western powers have claimed that Moscow is planning to conduct a tactical nuclear strike in Ukraine – which the Kremlin has vehemently denied.
by RT
The West Bank In Palestine Is Ready To Explode
There is a battle brewing in the occupied West Bank of Palestine, Steven Sahiounie writes.
There is a battle brewing in the occupied West Bank of Palestine. Thousands of Israeli occupation forces will be deployed to face a growing resistance force. The ‘natives are restless’ and the Lions’ Den has mobilized to fight for their freedom and human rights. 500,000 illegal Jewish settlers now live in the West Bank in some 130 settlements. Today, the Israeli forces said dozens of settlers ran through Hawara, near Nablus, throwing rocks at Palestinian cars. The settlers used pepper spray on the Israeli commander as well as another soldier and sprayed another two soldiers at a nearby checkpoint. Settlers are allowed to intimidate Palestinians and destroy their property, while Palestinians are hunted down and killed by Israeli occupation forces. The Palestinian youth have grown up under brutal military occupation and an apartheid state. The resistance in Jenin, Nablus, and Hebron has inspired rebellion against sieges and attacks. The Palestinian people living under the iron hand of oppression are ready to fight the Israeli occupation and are frustrated with their leadership which is seen as collaborating with the Israelis in keeping the status quo firmly in place. The resistance movement sees no benefit in maintaining the occupation and demands a dramatic change in their future.
by Steven Sahiounie
What Is A ‘Dirty Bomb’ And Why Is Russia Warning About It?
On Sunday, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu informed his NATO counterparts that Kiev may be preparing a false-flag dirty bomb attack against its own territory to accuse Moscow of nuclear terror. If such a provocation takes place, it could irradiate wide swathes of land, endanger thousands of lives, and dramatically escalate the crisis. Russia has expressed fears that Kiev may detonate a radiation-spewing “dirty bomb” and blame Moscow for using a tactical nuclear weapon against its forces. Russia’s nuclear doctrine forbids the use of nuclear weapons of any kind unless the country is attacked using weapons of mass destruction, or faces a conventional attack so severe it threatens the country’s existence. But that fact is unlikely to stop the West from blaming Russia in the event of a false-flag dirty bomb attack, Moscow fears. What is a Dirty Bomb and How Does it Work? A dirty bomb is typically a conventional explosive device that contains radioactive material, be it uranium, plutonium, or other radioactive waste material byproducts generated by things like nuclear power generation or radiological medicine.
by Ilya Tsukanov
Roubini Warns Of Imminent Dollar Crash: The Fed Is Going To “Wimp Out” In The Inflation Fight (Text and Video)
Economist Nouriel Roubini says Federal Reserve is going to “wimp out” on the inflation fight and that will lead to a dollar crash. Roubini is the Professor Emeritus at the Stern School of Business, New York University. He recently appeared on Bloomberg Markets and Finance to talk about threats to the global economy. Roubini predicted the housing bubble would pop in an IMF position paper in 2006. When asked if we were there again, he emphatically said, “Yes.” Yes, we are here again. But in addition to the economic, monetary and financial risks — and there are new ones now, we’re going toward stagflation like we’ve never seen since the 70s — in the book, I point out that there are also geopolitical risks.”
by Tyler Durden
Worthless House Progressives Retract Mild Peace Advocacy Under Pressure From Warmongers
The Congressional Progressive Caucus has retracted an extremely mild, toothless letter its members had written to President Biden politely asking him to consider adding a little diplomacy into the mix to help end the conflict in Ukraine. The retraction followed a deluge of public outrage against their slight deviation from the official imperial narrative. If you actually read the original letter signed by House progressives including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman and Ro Khanna, you will quickly see that it’s as innocuous and anodyne as any statement could possibly be while still containing words. It opens with effusive praise for Biden’s interventionism in Ukraine and condemns the Russian government unequivocally throughout, offering only the humble suggestion that he “pair the military and economic support the United States has provided to Ukraine with a proactive diplomatic push, redoubling efforts to seek a realistic framework for a ceasefire.” Its authors make it abundantly clear that they support making sure such diplomacy is agreeable to Ukraine at every step of the way.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Danzig, September 19, 1939: Adolf Hitler Speaks Of Atrocities Committed Against Ethnic Germans (5:19)
Danzig, September 19, 1939: Adolf Hitler Speaks Of Atrocities Committed Against Ethnic Germans (5:19)
Russia Raises Dirty Bomb Allegations At UN Security Council
The IAEA is going to inspect two sites in Ukraine where Russia claims work is being done to build a dirty bomb
Russia brought its allegations that Ukraine is preparing to use an explosive mixed with nuclear material, known as a dirty bomb, to the UN Security Council on Tuesday. Dmitry Polyanskiy, Russia’s deputy ambassador to the UN, said he was happy Moscow brought the issue to the Security Council. “I don’t mind people saying that Russia is crying wolf if this doesn’t happen because this is a terrible, terrible disaster that threatens potentially the whole of the Earth,” he said. Ukraine and its Western backers have accused Russia of lying about the accusation, and Western officials have said Russia hasn’t shown any evidence to back up its claim. When asked about the lack of evidence, Polyanskiy said that Russia had shared intelligence on the issue with the West.
by Dave DeCamp
Abp. Viganò: The Vatican Must Withdraw Its Support Of The ‘Disastrous’ COVID Shots
The results that are now emerging from the official data published in all the countries that adopted the mass vaccine campaign are incontestably disastrous.
Last year, on October 23, 2021, I wrote a letter to the president of the United States Bishops’ Conference, which was also sent to you, in which I expressed – as I have already done publicly – my very strong reservations on various extremely controversial aspects regarding the moral legitimacy of the use of experimental gene serums produced using mRNA technology. In that letter, which was written with the help of eminent scientists and virologists, I highlighted the need to update the “Note on the morality of using some anti-COVID-19 vaccines,” due to the scientific evidence that had emerged even then and moreover had been declared by the pharmaceutical manufacturers themselves. Permit me, Your Eminence, to renew my appeal in the light of recent declarations made by Pfizer to the European Parliament and the publication of official data by the world health agencies.
by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Deaths Of American Under 25s Is Soaring Since The Rollout Of Covid Injections
In the first two and a half years of COVID, 150 thousand more American under-45s have died than expected. But, almost half of those deaths have occurred in the last twelve months, wrote Joel Smalley. And now he has noted that the deaths of even younger Americans are soaring. “As bad as the story is for the under-45s, it’s a whole lot worse for the under-25s.” By the end of February 2021, around 1,200 more than average under 25s had unexpectedly died, not from Covid but from government policies. Vaccination of American under-25s started in earnest in February 2021. A year later, by the end of February 2022 excess deaths of under-25s had increased to around 6,000 – five times more. Having just written THIS piece on the alarming rate at which under-45-year-old Americans are dying at unprecedented rates in the aftermath of the mass mRNA experiment, I was piqued to investigate the situation for the under-25s alone. Alas, the situation is even grimmer. Let’s examine the core hypotheses I have developed over the last couple of years, based on the examination of reams of mortality data from all around the world:
by Rhoda Wilson
A Few Thoughts About The “Dirty Bomb” Thesis And The Role Of Hatred
First, is it even possible?
The answer is yes, absolutely. There is enough (non-weapons grade) spent civilian nuclear reactor fuel to get enough radioactive materials. Much more importantly, there is plenty of “know how” amongst Ukrainian scientists and engineers. Besides, bringing in radioactive materials or specialists is something the AngloZionist Hegemony could do. Did I mention plenty of starry-eyed Ukronazi politicians daydreaming on camera about how to nuke Russia and kill as many Russians as possible? Quick reminder: a “dirty bomb” does not set-off a nuclear detonation but, instead, uses a conventional explosive to spread radioactive materials. How big does such a bomb have to be? The bigger the better since the bigger the more materials will spread. That is also a problem, however, since that means delivering a large payload to the place you want it to go off. Here I see three basic options: Set off the dirty bomb behind Russian lines. Set off the dirty bomb near the line of contact. Set off the dirty bomb in Ukronazi occupied territory. Each of these options have serious drawbacks.
by Andrei Raevsky
Border Collies, Often Cited As The Most Intelligent Of All Domestic Dogs (0:31)
US Citizens Were Tracked Via Secret ‘Covid Decree Violation’ Scores
Data was used to help Democrats win elections.
Tens of millions of US citizens were given a “COVID-19 decree violation” score as a result of a data harvesting program conducted during the first lockdown by voter analytics firm PredictWise. “These Covid-19 decree violation scores were calculated by analyzing nearly two billion global positioning system (GPS) pings to get “real-time, ultra-granular locations patterns.” People who were “on the go more often than their neighbors” were given a high Covid-19 decree violation score while those who mostly or always stayed at home were given a low Covid-19 decree violation score,” writes Reclaim the Net’s Tom Parker. The data collected was then used by PredictWise to help Democrats target over 350,000 “COVID concerned” Republicans with campaign ads relating to virus prevention measures.
by Paul Joseph Watson
Russia, US Release Nuclear Deterrence ‘But Keep Contact To Manage Tension’
Ukraine needs NATO to get involved more directly, ‘but Washington won’t comply’
Russia has reportedly notified the US about its plans to carry out the annual “Grom” exercises of its nuclear forces, which indicates that effective communication still exists between the two nuclear-armed powers, despite serious tension over the Ukraine crisis, said Chinese analysts on Wednesday. However, concern over an escalation of the conflict is still rising, with European countries asking for more mediation and even questioning the US strategy to isolate Russia, while others believe that as battles rage in Ukrainian regions like Kherson, the conflict is bound to escalate. At the same time, the US-led NATO annual nuclear deterrence exercise code-named “Steadfast Noon” is being conducted in airspace over northwest Europe from October 17 to 30, involving 60 military aircraft from 14 NATO countries. A NATO spokesperson said in a statement that “this exercise helps ensure that the Alliance’s nuclear deterrent remains safe, secure and effective,” Reuters reported.
by GT Staff Reporters
Israel’s Secret, Illegal Biological War Against Arabs
For decades the use of banned biological weapons during the Nakba was kept hidden in Israel’s archives. Recent discoveries have shed light not only on this Zionist war crime, but also the sinister motive behind it. In September, a highly revealing academic paper was published exposing the details of a previously hidden operation by Zionist militias during the 1948 Nakba (or “Catastrophe”), in which chemical and biological weapons were used to poison Palestinians, intervening Arab armies, and the citizens of neighboring states with typhoid, dysentery, malaria, and other diseases. Working by stealth, Zionist militants poured vast quantities of infectious bacteria into wells and aqueducts providing villages, towns, and cities with water, in direct violation of the 1925 Geneva Protocol, which strictly prohibits “the use of bacteriological methods of warfare.” The local epidemics created by this man-made disaster greatly assisted the forcible conquest of Palestinian territory by armed Jewish militias with their capture made permanent, while hindering the progress of advancing Arab armies.
by Kit Klarenberg
ACH (1946) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Halloween’s Promotion Of Witchcraft (Audio 54:40)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 21, 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Halloween’s Promotion Of Witchcraft.”
We discussed: why Halloween is such a popular event in America; how nations are being deceived today; why do we not celebrate Reformation Day instead of Halloween; the Druidic origins of “Trick Or Treat”; why the Romanians still fear Count Dracula today; the ancient origins of Halloween; how Satan’s greatest weapon is in depriving the people of God’s Word; how Martin Luther gave us the Bible in our own language; why the Reformation was one of the most important turning points in history; the thousands of human and animal sacrifices that take place on Halloween throughout the world; how Facebook now appears to be censoring posts that are critical of Halloween; the people who claim Halloween is actually Satan’s birthday; the video of Peter’s eulogy to Rozanne Visagie; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Perpetuation Of The White Race by Liv Heide (10:16)
Perpetuation Of The White Race by Liv Heide (10:16)
Thirty US Democratic Lawmakers U-Turn Within Hours After Urging Biden To Change Tack On Ukraine
On Monday, 30 Democratic lawmakers from the US House of Representatives – led by Pramila Jayapal, chairwoman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus – wrote to President Joe Biden urging him to alter his Ukraine strategy and hold direct negotiations with Russia, “redoubling efforts to seek a realistic framework for a ceasefire”. The group of progressive House Democrats who urged President Joe Biden on Monday to make fundamental changes to US strategy regarding the security crisis in Ukraine by seeking direct negotiations with Russia, made a U-turn within hours of sending their letter to the POTUS. Under a wave of pressure from other Democrats, the group, led by Congressional Progressive Caucus chairwoman Pramila Jayapal, released a statement confirming their support for the president’s strategy. “Let me be clear, we are united as Democrats in our unequivocal commitment to supporting Ukraine in their fight for their democracy and freedom,” Jayapal announced, adding that “nothing in the letter advocates change in that support”.
The statement went on to say that although diplomacy is “an important tool that can save lives,” it is “just one tool”. “As we also made explicitly clear in our letter and will continue to make clear, we support President Biden and his administration’s commitment to nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine,” the group of lawmakers concluded.
by Svetlana Ekimenko
The Dark Origins Of The Davos Great Reset
Important to understand is that there is not one single new or original idea in Klaus Schwab’s so-called Great Reset agenda for the world. Nor is his Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda his or his claim to having invented the notion of Stakeholder Capitalism a product of Schwab. Klaus Schwab is little more than a slick PR agent for a global technocratic agenda, a corporatist unity of corporate power with government, including the UN, an agenda whose origins go back to the beginning of the 1970s, and even earlier. The Davos Great reset is merely an updated blueprint for a global dystopian dictatorship under UN control that has been decades in development. The key actors were David Rockefeller and his protégé, Maurice Strong. In the beginning of the 1970s, there was arguably no one person more influential in world politics than the late David Rockefeller, then largely known as chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank.
by F. William Engdahl
New UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Is A Vocal Supporter Of Exploring CBDCs (Text and Video)
Central control.
Today, Rishi Sunak, who has been the most vocal member of the British government to voice support for CBDCs, took office as the new UK Prime Minister. Earlier this year, while serving as the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sunak announced a joint task force of the Treasury and Bank of England to explore a CBDC. Sunak said “The G7 is launching a set of policy principles for retail, Central Bank Digital Currencies, CBDCs.” Other members of G7 are the US, France, Italy, Germany, Canada, and Japan. “Central Bank Digital Currencies could be a digital version of money, a bit like a digital banknote that could be used alongside physical notes and coins,” he added. Sunak said that central banks and governments will collaborate in exploring a digital currency issued by a central bank. Among the things to consider will be safety and secure transactions, and providing a way for people to transact that is available to all and energy efficient. He stressed on the importance of exploring CBDCs.
by Ken Macon
COVID-19 Vaccines Have Caused 84% Of All Deaths Recorded In VAERS For The Past 32 Years – Pfizer #1 In Vaccine Deaths, Even Before COVID
The U.S. Government Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was started in 1990 to track injuries and deaths reported after receiving a vaccine. Congress mandated by law that the government maintain this database as part of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Since the emergency use authorization of the COVID-19 vaccines in December of 2020, through the latest update of the VAERS database on October 14, 2022, 84% of all deaths reported after vaccination for the past 31+ years have been reported following COVID-19 vaccines. The company that has produced the most vaccines resulting in deaths recorded in VAERS is Pfizer, and they held that top honor even before they partnered with Biontech to produce their mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, when they partnered with Wyeth to produce other various vaccines. Moderna, which had never produced a vaccine before producing their mRNA COVID vaccine in 2020, now holds the second spot at nearly 24% of all deaths ever recorded following a vaccine injection.
by Brian Shilhavy
Unvaccinated And Unafraid (2:19)
Unvaccinated And Unafraid (2:19)
Globalists Making Final Push For Depopulated One-World Order: How Do We Resist?
Are you still trying to make sense of all the insanity in the world, or maybe trying to help a friend or family member make sense of it?
Drag queens in schools, libraries, even churches and other settings targeting children and families. The seemingly unhinged attacks on everything that is good and necessary for a healthy society and the celebration of everything that is evil. Food prices rising out of control, with whispers of famine on the horizon (See here, here and here). The suicidal war on so-called “fossil fuels” like coal, oil and natural gas, when it’s becoming obvious (look at Europe) that no nation can survive without them. The fact that the U.S.-led NATO and Russia-China are on a collision course toward World War III, with both sides threatening nuclear strikes.
by Leo Hohmann
Hillary Rotten Soros
Crush the coup! It’s a gas gas gas!
Right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook. “Elections may very well be decided by state legislatures and a right-wing Supreme Court.” Following and upholding the constitution is now apparently a “right-wing extremist coup”? Oof. They’re going to steal 2024 again under the guise that if they don’t, it will be stolen by the Constitution and the Supreme Court, in their world known as “right-wing extremists”. You just can’t make this shit up. And they only need to rig five Senate contests in the same five states they rigged in 2020 to avoid losing the Senate, so they might as well do that again in a couple of weeks. Not that it matters. Globopsycho will be in charge no matter what. Even the low-IQ “progressive” caucus that dared write a letter to Biden to push for a negotiated settlement in Ukraine got the memo from Globopsycho and immediately rolled over today like good little obedient servants. Their letter was accidentally released by “a staffer without vetting.” If these people were any more brain-dead and spineless they’d be slithering in glass cages at the exotic pet store.
by Good Citizen
Embalmer Richard Hirschman On Finding Abnormal Fibrous Blood Clots In The Blood Starting In 2021 (Video 59:51)
The things that I’ve been seeing in the last couple of years pretty much has to do with I’ve noticed there’s something that’s changed with people’s blood. Back when 2020 was coming along and towards the fall, we started noticing an increase in deaths and, of course, everything at that time was being attributed to COVID. When January [of 2021] came around and they started putting out these shots, everything was still being labeled COVID so it seemed like the numbers of deaths shot through the roof and, of course, the clotting issue became worse. And it continued to get worse and worse, and by around May of 2021 I started noticing this white fibrous material when I was embalming that were in these clots that were unique and very strange.
by Keep the Republic
Why Is Whole Foods Peddling Pharmaceuticals?
Since when did Whole Foods start promoting their own 365 branded pharmaceuticals at their checkout counters? And why are they using slogans like “Life-Saving” and “Safe” to describe some of them? This is the question I asked myself, and the cashier, on a recent trip to Whole Foods in Coral Gables, Florida. My cashier didn’t have an answer, but it surprised her to hear that these drugs have serious risks. There are a wide range of problems with the seemingly casual and innocent placement of so-called “painkillers” at what is one of the most high-volume places on the shelf to compel consumers to make impulse purchases. First, Whole Foods is supposed to be a “health conscious” brand, right? Things are clearly changing. It is widely known that Amazon acquired Whole Foods five years ago. Amazon is a juggernaut of a company also in the business of acquiring pharmaceutical industry entities like online, mail-order pharmaceutical distributor PillPack. Even so, consumers still expect a certain standard of discernment from the company when it comes to product selection, given its leadership role (as far as revenue) in the so-called natural products industry.
by Sayer Ji
She’s Taking On The WEF And Ottawa! Perhaps This Needs To Be Said Now (11:27)
The new Premiere of Alberta Danielle Smith is taking the World Economic Forum and Trudeau’s government in Ottawa head on in an epic battle for freedom for the Canadian people. Smith recently said “I find it distasteful when billionaires brag about how much control they have over political leaders…Quite frankly, until that organization stops bragging about how much control they have over political leaders, I have no interest in being involved with them.” In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth continues to cover the battle for freedoms post Covid-19(84) as Danielle Smith just became the first politician in the world to publicly apologize for what the previous Alberta government did to their people amounting to nothing less than medical tyranny.
by Press For Truth
New York Supreme Court Orders Reinstatement Of Employees Fired Over Vaccine Status With Back Pay
The New York Supreme Court has ordered reinstatement for all employees fired over their nonvaccinated status and ordered back pay for those who were unlawfully terminated from employment [Full pdf Ruling Here].
The state supreme court found that being vaccinated does not stop the spread of COVID-19, saying the vaccine mandate and firing of the non-compliant employees was “arbitrary and capricious.” This is a strong rebuke to the totalitarian fiats created by state leaders including the state governor, mayor of New York City and health commissioner.
by Sundance
They’re Deliberately Destroying Britain – Will The Zombies Ever Wake Up?
Before he was demonised and lied about for telling the truth about covid-19, The Observer newspaper described Vernon Coleman as: ‘The calmest voice of reason’. Back in July I wrote that if the appalling Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister we would be lost for ever. I wrote that I believed Britain would be sucked into the Great Reset at terrifying speed. And I said that Sunak was the deadliest and most dangerous of the motley crew contending for the leadership of the Tory Party and, therefore, the nation. Now Sunak is Prime Minister – though he received the support of only half of Conservative MPs, he was not the favoured candidate of the Conservative Party members and he was not elected to the position by the British electorate. How the hell did that happen? Do you think I’m being paranoid to suspect that it was all fixed for the Goldman Sachs/WEF candidate to win?
WEF King To Appoint The WEF Prime Minister
The illusion of democracy can’t even be maintained anymore.
There was an illusion of democracy in the UK but that veil has now been lifted. Even the illusion can no longer be maintained. We knew that the left wing and right wing were part of the same bird but now the bird has been revealed. Obviously not enough people even care about the illusion of democracy any more, so that can now be disposed with. Last month, King Charles III took over the reigns when Queen Elizabeth II died. As most people know, Charles has close connections with the World Economic Forum and launched their ‘Great Reset’ early on in the pandemic, ‘a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis’, he said. In almost threatening language, he said, “unless we take the action necessary and build in a greener and more inclusive and sustainable way, then we will have more and more pandemics”.
by The Naked Emperor
Buried Fact: Covid Deaths Rare For Any Age Group
Some have been saying that Covid deaths were inflated from the beginning. As it turns out, those people were right but the damage has already been done.
Polls taken in 2020 and 2021 revealed Americans were wildly confused and misinformed about their true risk of dying from COVID. Based on a new preprint analysis by professor John Ioannidis, there’s no reason for anyone to live in fear anymore, regardless of your age, as your risk of dying from COVID is – and always was – minuscule across the board. Before the COVID jabs were rolled out, if you were 19 or younger, your risk of dying of COVID was 0.0003%; only 3 per 1 million infected with COVID at this age ended up dying. Between ages 60 and 69, the infection fatality rate was 0.501%, i.e., 1 out of 200 infected died. Emerging evidence suggests the shots are causing immune deficiency in some people, thereby actually raising their risk of dying from SARS-CoV-2 infection, even with the now-milder strains.
by JD Rucker
Lex Fridman Tries To Tell Kanye West He’s On Some Bullsh*T And Ye Says He Doesn’t Trust Lex (2:05)
They Feel It’s High Time To Do Away With Russia Says The Patriarch
On Sunday, October 23, Patriarch Kirill consecrated the Annunciation Cathedral of the Diveevo Convent and called upon the faithful to pray for the retreat of hostilities to St. Seraphim of Sarov, whose name is inseparably linked to the history of the Convent. ‘Today our Fatherland is going through a test caused by Russophobia, by the evil views, evil thoughts and evil will be aimed at Russia. There is an idea right now is high time to do away with Russia altogether. And why so? Because our view of the world, of God, of mankind, is contrary to their beliefs because it does not fit into their program that excludes God from human life. That is why, of course, Russia is an eyesore for many,’ the Patriarch said to the congregation at the end of the service.
by Michael Walsh
Killer In Norway Massacre Is Sentenced (July 22, 2011)
On August 24, 2012, the man who killed 77 people in a July 22, 2011, bombing and shooting attack in Norway is sentenced to 21 years in prison, the maximum allowed under Norwegian law. Anders Behring Breivik, a 33-year-old right-wing extremist with anti-Muslim views, carried out attacks in Oslo, the nation’s capital, and at a youth camp on the nearby island of Utoya because he wanted to call attention to what he referred to as the “Islamic colonization” of Europe and inspire an uprising against it. The attacks were the deadliest the nation of 5 million residents had experienced since World War II.
NATO Bombs The Great Man-Made River (July 22, 2011)
It is a war crime to attack essential civilian infrastructure. 95% of Libya is desert and 70% of Libyans depend on water which is piped in from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System under the southern desert. The water pipe infrastructure is probably the most essential civilian infrastructure in Libya. Key to its continued function, particularly in time of war, is the Brega pipe factory which enables leaks and breaks in the system to be repaired. NATO has admitted that its jets attacked the pipe factory on July 22, 2011, claiming in justification that it was used as a military storage facility and rockets were launched from there. Libyans like to call the Great Man-Made River “The eighth wonder of the world”. The Laws of War were designed to prevent attacks on targets indispensible to the civilian population, so attacking a civilian infrastructure target such as this plant is a war crime.
Australian Bank Begins Linking Customer Transactions To Carbon Footprint
Green social credit score scheme accelerates.
In another foretaste of potential future ‘carbon allowance’ limits, a major bank in Australia has introduced a new feature that links purchases to a customer’s carbon footprint and warns them when they are going over the average. Australia’s Commonwealth Bank (CBA) has partnered with Cogo, a “carbon management solutions” company, to launch the new feature, which is part of CBA’s online banking platform. The bank gives the customer the option to “pay a fee” to offset their carbon footprint, with the average listed as 1,280 kilograms, a long way from the ‘sustainable’ figure of 200 kilograms.
by Paul Joseph Watson
Toxicology vs Virology – Rockefeller Institute And The Criminal Polio Fraud (27:39)
by Dr. Sam Bailey
Time For Doctors And Politicians To Stop Ignoring The Devastating Data On The Vaccines And Change Course
Aside from lobbying for changes in Covid polices, a key purpose of the 50-plus open letters that the U.K. Medical Freedom Alliance has written to Government, regulators, decision-makers and individuals over the last two and a half years has been to create a paper trail of accountability. When the day of reckoning eventually arrives, these publicly published and dated letters provide evidence that those making and implementing destructive and unethical policies cannot claim that they were unaware of the potential harms of their actions. Following the stunning admission by the Pfizer executive Janine Small in the EU Parliament on October 11th 2022, that the COVID-19 vaccines were never tested to see if they prevented transmission of SARS-CoV-2 because they were “working at the speed of science”, it is well worth reading through the very first letter we sent – to Matt Hancock, MHRA and JCVI – in November 2020, just before the vaccines were approved under conditional authorisation by the MHRA.
by Dr. Elizabeth Evans
Pfizer Will Charge Two Billion Dollars Per Pound Of Covid mRNA Nanoparticles
This is a 12,370% Markup
We all know that Pfizer likes to “move at the speed of science”. Nowhere is the “speed of science” more pronounced, than in raising prices for its products. Pfizer used to charge its only customer in the United States — the Federal Government – $19.50 per dose. Now Pfizer decided to diversify and sell its Covid vaccine through health insurance companies. It plans to charge $130 per dose. Mind you, each dose costs $1.18 to produce. The business plan here, of course, is to keep as many vaccine mandates as possible and have health insurers cover the cost of increasingly frequent vaccinations, child vaccinations etc. For example, right now the CDC recommends getting the bivalent booster two months after a previous booster.
by Igor Chudov
New Research Suggests Our Brains Use Quantum Computation
Scientists from Trinity College Dublin believe our brains could use quantum computation. Their discovery comes after they adapted an idea developed to prove the existence of quantum gravity to explore the human brain and its workings. The brain functions measured were also correlated to short-term memory performance and conscious awareness, suggesting quantum processes are also part of cognitive and conscious brain functions. If the team’s results can be confirmed—likely requiring advanced multidisciplinary approaches—they would enhance our general understanding of how the brain works and potentially how it can be maintained or even healed. They may also help find innovative technologies and build even more advanced quantum computers.
by Trinity College Dublin
Dominion Voting Systems CEO Caught In Major Lie On ’60 Minutes’ (Text and Video)
Coyish Anderson Cooper, who we know shills for the left, interviewed CEO John Poulos on the ’60 minutes’ media program in an apparent attempt to manage the investigations into Dominion voting systems, which is being done by citizens and independent investigative journalists. CBS ran a story full of PR for Dominion, obviously meant to help the company repair its damaged reputation and to provide a one-sided story about the history of the company ahead of massive lawsuits.
by Kari Donovan
How Is This Dude President Of The United States Of America And Not In Jail? (0:26)
Even worse, how y’all defending this man? What’s wrong with y’all?
The EU’s Energy Security Now Rests In Turkey’s Hands
Europe has sought to bypass Russian gas with disastrous results. Turkey, which has been positioning itself as an energy hub for the past two decades, is set to reap the benefits
“Geography is the constant of history,” is a quote attributed to the German statesman Otto von Bismarck. Today, those words ring true as we witness geography altering global politics, finance, and alliances. The geostrategic importance of Turkey has rarely been as clear to European politicians as it has been in recent months, as the continent grapples with a burgeoning energy crisis this coming winter. Whether it is grain exports from the Black Sea region or the flow of energy supplies from the eastern producing countries, the Bosphorus and the links to Eurasia are once again playing a decisive geopolitical role, as they so often have throughout history. The fact is, Turkey is now crucial for the security of Europe.
by Karin Kneissl
The Mirage Of Washington Intelligence
“You can send a man to Congress but you can’t make him think,” quipped comedian Milton Berle in the 1950s. To update Berle for our times: You can spend $60 billion a year on intelligence agencies but you can’t make politicians read their reports. Instead, most politicians remain incorrigibly ignorant and hopelessly craven when presidents drag America into new foreign fiascos. Congressional docility has been paving the way to war since at least the Vietnam era. In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson invoked an alleged North Vietnamese attack on a U.S. destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin to ram a resolution through Congress giving LBJ unlimited authority to attack North Vietnam. LBJ had decided earlier that year to attack North Vietnam to boost his reelection campaign. The Pentagon and White House quickly recognized that the core allegations behind the Gulf of Tonkin resolution were false but exploited them to sanctify the war.
by Jim Bovard
This Sick Biotech Craze Must Be Halted Before Another Disaster Strikes
Researchers at Boston University have developed a deadly new strain of Covid, which kills 80 per cent of animal subjects. The research was funded by the US government and approved by Anthony Fauci. I don’t need to tell you how risky such experiments are, or how stupid. This is just one biotechnology experiment among thousands currently being carried out around the world which pose similar kinds of threat. Each additional experiment adds to the danger and brings another lab escape a bit closer. Biotechnology and medical science is already a long way down a well-worn path which leads to the normalisation of risk. This has involved gradual acclimatisation to high rates of severe injury and death imposed on an unwitting public. The psychology of this process is well known. Repeatedly turning a blind eye to suffering coarsens individual attitudes.
by Guy Hatchard
Did Russia Get The Goods On Us Re A Dirty Bomb?
This morning Alex Mercouris featured a fascinating summary of the recent spate of actual communication between Russia and the collective West. For at least four months there had been no contacts that we know of, then-call after call, and all at the same time that the topic of a false flag nuclear event in Ukraine was also in the news, based on Russian accusations. Also in the news at that time was word of a severed cable near the Shetland Islands, and only a bit later did we learn that a Russian ship had been in the immediate vicinity. It followed on Zelensky’s demand that, if Russia should use a “nuclear weapon” of any sort, then the West should launch a “preemptive strike” against Russia. As Mercouris pointed out, although a “dirty bomb” isn’t exactly a nuke, it is something like a “nuclear weapon”. Mercouris also pointed out the curious series of events that set all this off. The Russian Defense Minister, Shoigu, contacted the UK MoD Wallace, whereupon Wallace declared that US/UK communications had been breached and hopped aboard a plane to DC for an urgent face to face with a variety of muckety mucks there. Mercouris concludes that the most reasonable explanation in the circumstances is that the Russians did, indeed, breach secure US/UK comms and learned something about dirty bombs—or discussions about dirty bombs. Or something very like that. After this flurry of communications between the Kremlin and the collective West, the collective West formally denied everything. Kind of. But Shoigu says Russia has “double verified” the evidence. It sounds like they have the goods on the collective West plotting a nuclear event. I don’t know about you, but I sure as sh*t didn’t vote for nuclear war.
by Mark Wauck
Covid Vaccine Hysteria Compilation by MilkBarTV (2:19)
Covid Vaccine Hysteria Compilation by MilkBarTV (2:19)
The WEF Bot: Rishi Sunak Becomes Latest Automaton For The Anti-Human Agenda
Tory Trudeau becomes U.K. Prime Minister.
Today is a truly “historic” day for the United Kingdom. However, once you get past his outer layer, newly enshrined British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is nothing more than the latest version of a WEF-designed (World Economic Forum) prime minister robot. He is the same version as Justin Trudeau, but programmed with different talking points. This “conservative” politician, whose agenda seeks the same endgame as his liberal opponents, promotes the globalist Malthusian ideals currently inundating the anglosphere and the greater Western world. He’s well spoken, well educated, and he checks the “historic” box not because of any ideas he may have, but purely because of his ethnic background. Most importantly, Rishi Sunak does not appear to possess a single independent thought. Nobody outside of his inner circle knows what he actually believes. Rishi Sunak follows the script. Unfortunately, the science of robotics remains imperfect, and Sunak sometimes has his malfunctions. In his speech today accepting a seeming dictatorial coronation, he appeared to be glitching.
by Jordan Schachtel
During Sleep, One Brain Region Teaches Another, Converting Novel Data Into Enduring Memories
What role do the stages of sleep play in forming memories? “We’ve known for a long time that useful learning happens during sleep,” says University of Pennsylvania neuroscientist Anna Schapiro. “You encode new experiences while you’re awake, you go to sleep, and when you wake up your memory has somehow been transformed.” Yet precisely how new experiences get processed during sleep has remained mostly a mystery. Using a neural network computational model they built, Schapiro, Penn Ph.D. student Dhairyya Singh, and Princeton University’s Kenneth Norman now have new insight into the process. In research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they show that as the brain cycles through slow-wave and rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep, which happens about five times a night, the hippocampus teaches the neocortex what it learned, transforming novel, fleeting information into enduring memory.
by University of Pennsylvania
US Doubles Down On ‘Dirty Bomb’ Denial
The Pentagon chief has rejected “false allegations by Russia about Ukraine,” describing them as a pretext for escalation
US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has rejected Moscow’s warnings about Kiev’s alleged plans to deploy a ‘dirty bomb’ to frame Russia. The statement came during a phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart on Monday. The Pentagon chief spoke with Minister of Defense Alexey Reznikov to “reaffirm the unwavering US commitment to support Ukraine’s ability to counter Russian aggression,” according to the readout of the call. He also “strongly condemned” Russian strikes on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure and “reiterated that the United States rejects the public and false allegations by Russia about Ukraine,” describing them as “a pretext for further Russian escalation of its unlawful and unjustified war against Ukraine.” Austin also raised the issue with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. The two officials “discussed recent diplomatic engagements with Russia” and what they called “Moscow’s false accusation that Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb on its own soil.”
by RT
Wang’s Revenge
Still there.
The Chinese Communist Party’s new Politburo was revealed on Sunday, during what is basically China’s political Super Bowl (but held only every five years, and with more purges): the Party Congress. You can read any number of news sites for much more coverage on that, including how Xi Jinping has won a sweeping victory, eliminated all his factional rivals, and established his total control over China. Or how, as a condensed symbol of Xi’s total dominance, his predecessor Hu Jintao was unceremoniously lifted from his seat and humiliatingly marched from the Great Hall just before the big announcement. But for my part I was watching mainly for one thing in particular: the fate of China’s Machiavellian mastermind behind the curtain, Wang Huning. For months I was assured by many experienced China watchers whom I respect that the Chinese Rasputin was done for: he was ready to retire; he had lost his influence; Xi wanted him out of the way to appoint a new and younger model; his signature idea of “Common Prosperity” had been discredited and sidelined, etc. Well, oh ho ho, now we know: many have fallen, but the Wang remains! And Common Prosperity is back too. So I feel justified in taking a quick victory lap and suggesting that you read or reread my essay from almost precisely a year ago on Wang Huning, The Most Interesting Apparatchik in the World.
by N.S. Lyons
Pentagon Rejects Dirty Bomb Claim. 30 Dems Talk Peace, Praise Neocons. Eu Resell Capped Gas (23:33)
by Alex Christoforou
Odysee Blocks French Versions Of Russia Today After Legal Demand
To prevent the entire site being blocked in France.
US-based online video sharing platform Odysee has blocked the French versions of Russian state-run news outlets Sputnik and RT after a legal order out of France. “If we want to do business in another country we have to abide by their laws or they shut us down. RT FR and its affiliates are illegal in France. If you want to still watch them from France, use VPN, Odysee tweeted. Several months ago, the European Union (EU) imposed sanctions on Russia, including banning RT and Sputnik from being broadcast in member countries. The two news outlets were accused of spreading Russian propaganda about the invasion of Ukraine. The channels are not allowed on television or online in EU countries. However, they have been circumventing the sanctions through online platforms that are not based in the EU. A week ago, France’s President Emmanuel Macron acknowledged that France is struggling with completely banning Sputnik and RT.
by Dan Frieth
Is Katy Perry’s Eye A Vaccine Injury?
If I had to guess, I’d say “yes.” Here’s my reasoning.
First off, let’s eliminate the obvious. Katy Perry has a “wonk” eye, but it is her left eye. She admits this in this video from 2011. Now how can we be sure the video wasn’t mirrored and it’s really her right eye? We can ascertain this because the candy bar she shows at 00:35 into the video is correctly displayed so we can read the writing. So the video isn’t mirrored. It’s her left eye. The other suggested possibility is that the glue stuck on her eyelash. However, we can eliminate that option because you don’t unstick an eyelash by pressing on your forehead. It doesn’t work that way. It isn’t botox either. If it was botox, she wouldn’t be able to open the eye. So there is something very wrong here. My vaccine injured friends would bet the farm that it’s a vaccine injury. If it was the vaccine, she wouldn’t be able to admit it. The fact that she has said nothing about this on her Twitter feed is also very suspicious. Everyone is talking about this. So it means there isn’t an explanation for this incident that she is allowed to share with the public that the public will believe (that is consistent with what we all observed). So I’m guessing a COVID vaccine side effect.
by Steve Kirsch
U.S. Deploys 101st Airborne Division To Europe As Russia Warns Ukraine Preparing False Flag Dirty Bomb Attack
With up to 40% of the Ukraine power grid now down and millions of people without electricity as winter sets in, tens of thousands of Ukrainians are trying to flee the country, as the United States appears to be getting ready to take America to war and start engaging Russian forces. Could this be the “October surprise” the Biden Administration has been planning in an effort to affect upcoming elections in November? CBS News reported Friday that the elite “Screaming Eagles,” a light infantry unit from the 101st Airborne’s home base in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, have been deployed to Romania, just a few miles from the Ukraine border. It is reportedly the first time in almost 80 years that the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division has been deployed to Europe, which brings the number of U.S. troops now in Europe up to around 100,000. Meanwhile, in further signs that the conflict in Ukraine is quickly escalating, Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoigu, has warned that their intelligence sources claim that Ukraine is getting ready to launch a “false flag” dirty bomb attack in their own country, and then blame it on Russia.
by Brian Shilhavy
7 Reasons To Love Rosemary
You may not realize it, but you probably have one of nature’s most powerful substances in your kitchen right now. Say hello to your new best friend, rosemary
Rosemary is, understandably, one of the world’s most popular herbs. When you brush the branches of a rosemary bush, the fragrant aromatics that emit intoxicate the senses. A desirable shrub, rosemary is found in planters and backyard greenspaces the world over, thanks to its pleasing appearance and hardy growth. Culinary and lifestyle enthusiasts favor rosemary for the delicate flavor and fragrance it imparts when cooked and infused in oils. Besides being a useful addition to your kitchen and bath, this Mediterranean evergreen is a medicinal powerhouse, credited with an impressive list of healthful benefits. Rosemary is rich in phytochemicals, bioactive plant compounds with health-boosting properties that are also responsible for rosemary’s pleasing aroma.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
“The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media”
William Colby

The Kalergi Plan: The Ultimate Secret Of The UN’s Agenda 21
In Europe today and elsewhere, the dissolution of the Caucasian race has finally made it to the top of the power-elite’s prioritized task list. The most frightening aspect is that most people are not willing to accept that the premeditated destruction of Caucasians has been the plan for quite a long time. This nefarious plan has existed for well over half a century and got incorporated into the power-elite’s agenda in the 1950s. It is called The Kalergi Plan. The detailed Kalergi Plan can be found in the writings of Richard Kalergi, the genocidal eugenicist who, in his book “Practical Idealism”, stated that he “wanted to completely destroy the face of Europe” and that “Europeans are to become Asiatic-Negroid mongrels.” Although Soviet Europe’s public never consented to any cross-breeding plan, in the 1950s, Kalergi’s plan was adopted as Soviet Europe’s ethno-forming policy, intentionally designed to destroy the ethnicity of Europeans. The very same plan was reaffirmed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy when he told the conservative Brussels Journal in 2009: “… if the French do not interbreed of their own free will, it will be necessary for the French regime to resort to even more forcible measures.”
by Patrick OCarroll
NATO Is Cocking Its Fist (23:13)
by Gonzalo Lira
Moscow: US Poured Millions Into Hungarian Opposition Trying To Topple PM Orban
Budapest repeatedly raised its voice against anti-Russia sanctions, stressing that Hungary won’t support any measures which damage its economy.
Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated that Washington had fueled the movement against Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, since the US doesn’t consider the country obedient enough. “Now, it turns out that the opposition in Budapest was also financed. The Hungarian [newspaper] Magyar Nemzet published an investigation into the funding of the liberal-left coalition of opponents of [Prime Minister] Viktor Orban by the American NGO Action for Democracy. The investigators and special services will probe all the circumstances of the attempts of foreign meddling in the political life of the country, but it is already obvious that the bill approaches millions of dollars,” Zakharova said. According to the report, the foundation, created just before the February elections, enjoyed close ties with the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). The report also suggested that Action for Democracy is connected to Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros, who funds Open Society Foundations, banned by Hungary several years ago.
by Evgeny Mikhaylov
The Leviathan Super Cycle Ends; Western Leaders Pretend They Didn’t Notice
The Ukraine war ‘bubble’ is deflating as the U.S. and Europe reach the bottom of the arms ‘inventory barrel’.
Historic shifts in world politics happen very slowly. That was not the case however, when the U.S. first stepped onto the world stage. It happened quite suddenly in 1898 – with the invasion of Cuba: Old Europe watched with palpable anxiety …The Manchester Guardian, at the time, reported that nearly every American had come to embrace this new expansionist zeitgeist. The few critics were “simply laughed at for their pains”. The Frankfurter Zeitung warned against “the disastrous consequences of their exuberance” but realized that Americans would not listen. In 1845, an unsigned article already had given birth to the slogan ‘Manifest Destiny’ – a claim that America had a destiny to expand, and to occupy others’ lands. Sheldon Richman, in America’s Counter-Revolution, wrote that this latter vision clearly had ‘Empire on its Mind’. This ‘Destiny’ ethos marked the turning point away from the former decentralization dynamic, and the start of the American impulse towards an imperial totalising outreach which succeeded it. (Not all, of course, were on board – the early U.S. conservative ethos was Burkean: i.e., suspicious of foreign entanglements).
by Alastair Crooke
When It Comes To Ukraine, The CIA Is A Clown Show
The CIA, thanks to Hollywood and fanboys, enjoys an undeserved reputation for competence in carrying out espionage and covert actions. I am fascinated by the delusional punditry offered by former CIA officers, such as Douglas London and Steven Hall. Full disclosure, Hall was a young 20 something in my Career Trainee class (we entered on duty in September 1985). He is emblematic, in my opinion, of the problems that have plagued the CIA over the last thirty years-he was a legacy, i.e. got into the agency in part because his Daddy preceded him. Steve, if you recall, was one of the liars who signed a letter declaring that Hunter Biden’s laptop had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation. Attaching himself to such a libelous letter (he was impugning the character of John Paul Mac Isaac) highlights his tendency to follow the herd and eschew critical thinking.
by Larry Johnson
Always Opposing The Last War But Not The Current One: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Those who hate Russia the most are the ones who embody everything they claim to hate about it: they’re all pro-war, pro-censorship, pro-propaganda, pro-trolling operations, and support Ukraine in banning political parties and opposition media. They are what they claim to hate. Meanwhile those of us who oppose those things are told to “move to Russia”, even though we’re the ones advocating the supposed “western values” they claim to support while they’re doing everything they can to undermine them. They should move to Russia. Western propaganda means people always oppose the last war but not the current war. The US provoking and sustaining its Ukraine proxy war is no more ethical than its invading of Iraq; it just looks that way due to propaganda. Ukraine isn’t the good war, it’s just the current war. It is only by the copious amounts of propaganda our civilization is being hammered with that this is not immediately obvious to everyone. In the future (assuming we don’t annihilate ourselves first), the propaganda will have cleared from the air enough for people to see clearly and realize that they were lied to. Again.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Ye Talks About Straight White Males (0:33)
White House Dismisses Scathing UN Report Against ‘Unfairly Targeted’ Israel
The UN Commission report calls on the Security Council to end Israel’s permanent occupation of Palestine and on individual states to prosecute Israeli officials
US State Department spokesman Ned Price alleged on 20 October that Israel is “unfairly targeted in the UN,” in the wake of a scathing report released by the ongoing UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) investigating human rights abuses committed by Tel Aviv during the 74-year occupation of Palestine. “Israel is consistently unfairly targeted in the UN system, including in the course of this commission of inquiry,” Price told reporters during a news conference on Thursday. “No country, the record of no country, should be immune from scrutiny, but no country should also be targeted unfairly. And that’s the principle that we seek to uphold,” he claimed. In their report, the COI determined that “the occupation of Palestinian territory is unlawful under international law due to its permanence and the Israeli government’s de facto annexation policies.” The COI report also refers to numerous statements made by the UN secretary general and UN member states concerning the Russia-Ukraine war, in which officials reaffirmed that the “unilateral annexation of a State’s territory by another State is a violation of international law and is null and void.” Speaking to reporters, COI chair Navi Pillay stressed that just last week, “143 member States
by News Desk
What’s Happening To Your Money?
Central banks (including the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve) all failed to spot that inflation was coming. Why in the name of everything fiscal do we give money to these incompetent, overpaid buffoons? And why does anyone take any notice of what they say? It wasn’t difficult to see that inflation was coming. (I warned that inflation was coming fast and hard two years ago. I told you it was going into double figures.) Similarly, it was easy to see (and again you could have read it on this website) that interest rates were going up. The days of absurdly low, artificial interest rates are over. They’ve served their purpose – and lined up millions of people for penury, bankruptcy and homelessness. (You’ll find more about inflation in my book Moneypower.)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
ACH (1945) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Persecuted People (Audio 55:39)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 20, 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Persecuted People.”
We discussed: how Peter has met real persecuted people as opposed to people who claim to have had their feelings hurt; the faith and bravery of the prolific hymn writer Nicolae Moldoveanu; the evangelism of the Lutheran Priest Richard Wurmbrand; why we in the West still have so much to learn from the atheistic and violent Communist persecution of Eastern Europe; the contrast between Church attendance in Britain and Russia today; how Peter has been serving the persecuted Christian Church for over forty years; the “International Day Of Prayer For The Persecuted Church”; why the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church; the numerous Christian victims of torture by Communists that Peter has met; the so-called educational establishment which is nothing more than an indoctrinational gulag; the plans in the UK to jail Christians who audibly pray outside abortion centers; why a people who claimed to be Israel in the Bible, sacrificed their babies to Satan, and how those who love death hate God; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Russia’s Homage To Nord Stream Pipelines
Who stands to gain? First pictures of Nord Stream pipeline show 50 metre hole after “powerful explosions” confirming sabotage.
David Brinkley, the legendary American newscaster with a career that spanned an amazing fifty-four years from World War II once said that a successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. How many American statesmen ever practised this noble thought inherited from Jesus Christ remains doubtful. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s stunning proposal to Turkish President Recep Erdogan to build a gas pipeline to Turkiye to create an international hub from which Russian gas can be supplied to Europe breathes fresh life into this very “Gandhian” thought. Putin discussed the idea with Erdogan at their meeting in Astana on October 13 and since spoke about it at the Russian Energy Week forum last week where he proposed creating the largest gas hub in Europe in Turkey and redirecting the volume of gas, the transit of which is no longer possible through the Nord Stream, to this hub. Putin said it may imply building another gas pipeline system to feed the hub in Turkiye, through which gas will be supplied to third countries, primarily European ones, “if they are interested.”
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
To Serve Mammon T-Shirt
Imagine if you will a town called Fetterville.
by Aye Magine
Forget Oil, The Real Crisis Is Diesel Inventories: The US Has Just 25 Days Left
For all the drama surrounding Biden’s latest Strategic Petroleum Reserve fiasco and his admin’s ridiculous idea to “stimulate” US energy producers to pump more oil because, you see, Biden promises to buy oil at some unknown point in the future (he may or may not, but right now he is certainly draining a million barrels of emergency US energy lifeblood just to buy a few midterm votes, assuring energy producers have zero incentive to produce more), the real crisis is not oil or gas, but diesel. The problem is that as we repeatedly warned over the summer, even as others were transfixed by the moves in gas. … the crisis gripping the US diesel market is getting out of hand, as demand is surging while supplies remain at the lowest seasonal level for this time of year ever, according to government data released Wednesday.
by Tyler Durden
Neutral Sources Document Why Germany Invaded Poland
Most historians state that Germany’s invasion of Poland was an unprovoked act of aggression designed to create Lebensraum and eventually take control of Europe. According to conventional historians, Adolf Hitler hated the Polish people and wanted to destroy them as his first step on the road to world conquest.[1]
British historian Andrew Roberts, for example, writes:[2] “The Polish Corridor, which had been intended by the framers of the Versailles Treaty of 1919 to cut off East Prussia from the rest of Germany, had long been presented as a casus belli by the Nazis, as had the ethnically German Baltic port of Danzig, but, as Hitler had told a conference of generals in May 1939, ‘Danzig is not the real issue. The real point is for us to open up our Lebensraum to the east and ensure our supplies of foodstuffs.”’
British historian Richard J. Evans writes:[3]“In 1934, when Hitler had concluded a 10-year non-aggression pact with the Poles, it had seemed possible that Poland might become a satellite state in a future European order dominated by Germany. But, by 1939, it had become a serious obstacle to the eastward expansion of the Third Reich. It therefore had to be wiped from the map, and ruthlessly exploited to finance preparations for the coming war in the west.”
This article uses non-German sources to document that, contrary to what most historians claim, Germany’s invasion of Poland was provoked by the Polish government’s acts of violence against its ethnic German minority.
by John Wear
Ukraine Shells School, Church, Kindergarten In Russia, Western Media Ignores It by Patrick Lancaster (16:50)
Ukraine Shells School, Church, Kindergarten In Russia, Western Media Ignores It by Patrick Lancaster (16:50)
Judge Orders Fauci, Psaki, Top Officials Be Deposed In Big Tech Censorship Case
As we reported upon last week, dozens of federal officials, along with senior social media executives, are finally being held accountable for colluding to suppress both the Constitutional and medical rights of US citizens. GreenMedInfo.com, and its founder Sayer Ji, after years of targeting, censorship, and deplatforming, are finally being vindicated, with the latest legal development most encouraging for the cause of freedom of speech and informed consent for the public at large, thus far. Non-profit advocacy groups like Stand for Health Freedom, with millions of actions taken on their transpartisan digital advocacy platform by hundreds of thousands of US citizens, are leading the charge in bringing First Amendment issues related to informed consent, parental rights, and bodily sovereign related concerns to the forefront with their Vote for Health Freedom and Anti-Censorship campaigns. We are witnessing that a critical mass has been reached where both the public, and key lawmakers and elected officials who respect and honor the Constitution and Bill of Rights are finally investigaing, exposing, and applying the rule of law to the vast network of collusion that exists, behind the scences, between the federal government and the corporate sectors.
by Sayer Ji
Patterns Of Perversion: Gay Privilege And Jewish Promotion Of Pedophilia
“Thou shalt not recognize patterns.” It’s one of the core commandments of modern leftism. But that’s only the short version. In full, the commandment runs: “Thou shalt not recognize patterns — except when they’re not there.” For example, you’ll be severely punished if you recognize any genuine pattern involving misbehavior by a favored minority like Blacks or Jews or homosexuals. But you’ll be showered with funding and praise if, for example, you recognize patterns of “systemic racism” that force naturally virtuous and intelligent Blacks into poverty, crime and academic failure. That article appeared at a mainstream website, so no pattern-recognition took place. Berlatsky’s Jewishness wasn’t mentioned, even though he appears to be yet another example of the patterns of perversion that link Jews with pedophilia. Nobody in the mainstream dares to discuss these patterns. After all, when it comes to a choice between saving children from being raped and shielding favored minorities from criticism, no good leftist hesitates for even a second. As the scandals in Rotherham and many other British towns and cities prove, leftists consistently side with the child-rapists, not with the raped children.
by Tobias Langdon
Saudi-Led Coalition Seizes New Emergency Fuel Ship Headed For Yemen
Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been accused of plundering Yemen’s oil and gas fields
On 21 October, the Saudi-led coalition seized the oil tanker ‘Lady Sarah,’ preventing it from reaching Yemen’s port of Hodeidah despite its previous inspection in Djibouti and having permits from the UN Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNIVM). Yemeni officials revealed that three ships are currently detained by the coalition. Since the beginning of 2021, the Saudi-led coalition has impounded at least 13 ships near the Yemeni coast. The official spokesperson for the Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC), Issam Al-Mutawakel, said that Sanaa holds the UN partially responsible for the humanitarian and economic consequences of the coalition’s actions. Just one week ago, delegations from Yemen and Saudi Arabia visited each other’s capitals to discuss a prisoner exchange deal, marking the first time a Saudi delegation arrived in Sanaa since the Ansarallah resistance group took control of the city in 2014 and ended the reign of the Saudi-backed president.
by News Desk
Invasive Tech Analyzes Your Voice For Signs Of Mental Illness
Call centers are already testing it.
Sonde Health, Kintsugi, Winterlight Labs, and Ellipsis Health are selling “voice biomarker” technology to identify anxiety, depression, and other conditions. The technology is being used at medical clinics and call centers. The few available studies into the technology claim that voice biomarkers can help detect a myriad of health problems, including depression, respiratory illnesses like asthma and Covid, and cardiovascular conditions. However, the technology does raise ethical and privacy concerns. Insurance companies and hospitals are installing the voice biomarker technology at their call centers and after getting the patient’s consent, they can detect in real-time if the patient has a mental health condition like depression or anxiety. Unlike voice assistants like Alexa and Siri, voice biomarker software analyzes how you talk, not what you are saying. Your voice is analyzed by a machine-learning system that matches it against anonymized voice samples.
by Ken Macon
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis October 23, 2022 (23:03)
by Military Summary
Cancer Rates Are Increasing — And May Get Much Worse
Wiped Out Immune Systems Take Time to Manifest
We have a problem: cancer deaths began to increase, off the charts, in late 2021, with cancer death incidence exceeding expected levels by a statistically “impossible” 9-sigma difference – and we are seeing only the first small ripple of a storm coming in the future. Nobody exemplifies this wave of cancers better than the Belgian Covid vaccine advocate and misinformation fighter Michel Goldman, who developed a “rare” form of lymphoma (immune system cancer) following his Covid vaccination. His lymphoma rapidly worsened after his booster dose and Michel’s chance of 5-year survival is below 30 percent.
by Igor Chudov
Insufferable J6 Committee Files Political Subpoena For President Trump Testimony As A Midterm Loss Election Shield And Insurance Policy
Yesterday, Politico noted President Trump had enlisted the law firm of Harmeet Dhillon as a proactive measure against a J6 subpoena. “Former President Donald Trump has hired a firm to engage with the Jan. 6 select committee on its forthcoming subpoena of him, POLITICO has learned.” {link} Less than a day later the J6 committee issues the formal subpoena. Once again, the corrupt DC institutional system, and specific media participation, are identified by the leaks and recipients. The injustice system, DOJ/FBI always use the New York Times and Politico as their advanced public relations firms. The insufferable J6 subpoena details can be FOUND HERE.
by Sundance
The Crushing Of Dissent Throughout The Covid Era
Orwellian parallels worsen by the week
The recent actions of the financial technology company, PayPal, to close the accounts of subscribers expressing political opinions of which they disapprove, represents the latest example of censorship within so-called liberal democracies. Their strategic decisions to block the online monetary activities of the Free Speech Union, the Daily Sceptic website and the Us For Them campaign group – although later reversed – signal the willingness of powerful global big-tech companies to collude with governments in the crushing of activities that challenge the dominant narratives. But no one should be surprised; we have all been manipulated by top-down censorship and state propaganda for many years, a dystopian process that accelerated during the covid era. Since the emergence of the novel coronavirus in early 2020, there has been widespread censorship of views that do not support the two mantras of covid-19 orthodoxy: namely that, ‘Lockdowns and other restrictions were appropriate responses’ and ‘The mRNA vaccines are safe and effective’. Indeed, the unprecedented and non-evidenced covid restrictions could not have been so successfully imposed without propaganda in all its forms. Contrary to popular opinion, techniques of manipulation do not only characterise recognised totalitarian regimes, but are now endemic within contemporary liberal democracies. And three, overlapping, forms of non-consensual persuasion have been widely deployed throughout the covid era to control the narrative and subsequent behaviour of citizens.
Ukrainian Army War Crimes Include Shelling Of Ambulences, Firetrucks, And Rescue Workers In The Donbass Republics—similar To Israelis And U.S. Backed Terrorists In Syria
In the more than eight years of bombing the civilians of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, Ukraine has committed untold numbers of war crimes. These include bombing residential areas, markets, hospitals, schools, parks—including with prohibited heavy weapons and banned cluster munitions—and, since late July, raining banned “Petal” mines down on populated civilian areas, including the very center of Donetsk, including as recently as September 7. A lesser-known war crime is Ukraine’s routine targeting of ambulances, fire trucks, medics and rescuers, and their headquarters and stations. Many of the times Ukraine bombs such heroic rescuers, it is when they are on the way, or already on site, to help civilians often themselves just bombed by Ukraine. On August 21, Ukrainian shelling of the DPR’s Gorlovka wounded twelve, including five firefighters. The day prior, Ukrainian shelling targeted an ambulance station in the LPR’s Lysychansk, wounding several and damaging some of the ambulances.
by Eva Bartlett
South Korea, US Resume Drills, Blame North For Tensions
South Korea and the US are holding more military exercises this week, with their troops staging a joint river-crossing drill on Wednesday.
The war games follow the joint drills Washington and Seoul conducted in August– the largest such exercises in 5 years. US officials claim the renewed military drills are defensive in nature. North Korea views the recent drills as a rehearsal for the invasion of North Korea, and has responded by firing artillery and short range missiles into nearby waters surrounding the Korean Peninsula. Activists have expressed concern over what they call cycles of dangerous exercises drills and military spending. North Korea has this year conducted several ballistic missile tests, which it argues are efforts to deter the threat from the US and South Korea, as Seoul continues to upgrade its arsenal of submarines, ships, aircraft and missiles.
by Frank Smith
FBI Raids Star ABC News Producer’s Home
Emmy-winning producer James Gordon Meek had his home raided by the FBI. His colleagues say they haven’t seen him since.
In the raid’s aftermath, Meek has made himself scarce. None of his Siena Park neighbors with whom Rolling Stone spoke have seen him since, with his apartment appearing to be vacant. Siena Park management declined to confirm that their longtime tenant was gone, citing “privacy policies.” Similarly, several ABC News colleagues — who are accustomed to unraveling mysteries and cracking investigative stories — tell Rolling Stone that they have no idea what happened to Meek. “He fell off the face of the Earth,” says one. “And people asked, but no one knew the answer.” An ABC representative tells Rolling Stone, “He resigned very abruptly and hasn’t worked for us for months.” “He contacted me in the spring, and was really distraught, and told me that he had some serious personal issues going on and that he needed to withdraw from the project,” Mann tells Rolling Stone. “As a guy who’s a combat veteran who has seen that kind of strain — I don’t know what it was — I honored it. And he went on his way, and I continued on the project.” Mann says he hasn’t heard from Meek since.
by Tatiana Siegel
Divorce From DC by Brother Nathanael (8:01)
Divorce From DC by Brother Nathanael (8:01)
Renowned Doctor Finds Connection Between Excess Mortality And ‘Vaccines’, Nobody Dares To Publish His Research (Text and Video)
Dr. Spiro Pantazatos co-authored a study on mRNA-induced fatality rates: data that he says has been suppressed by most major publications and journals.
At the outset of the pandemic, Dr. Spiro Pantazatos, a clinical neurobiologist and researcher at Columbia University (on leave), vowed he would stay in lockdown until a vaccine was available. He was a believer. But then he began to question the story being told. Next, he studied the data. Dr. Pantazatos has found a clear link between the rollout of experimental mRNA vaccines and excess mortality numbers. While life insurance companies began screaming from the rooftops in the late spring of 2022, Dr. Pantazatos was well ahead of the game, producing a paper that demonstrated this link in October 2021. But nobody wanted to read his findings, and no medical journal would publish the paper. “It was diplomatically rejected by many editors at medical journals,” he told Dr. Drew in his eponymous podcast.
by Miranda Sellick
Forward… Into The Past
The fuel crisis deepens, food shortages loom and the lights are about to go… out.
A news item from Tuesday. OilPrice.com reports: Diesel Crisis Deepens As Inventories Fall To Dangerous Levels. U.S. buyers are snapping up diesel cargos originally planned for Europe as the crisis deepens. Reuters reported earlier this month that at least three tankers carrying diesel from the Middle East had changed their course mid-journey and were now traveling to the United States. And this new competition is about to intensify. …Europe is in for a major diesel supply shock because of low inventories and strong demand. And the level of inventories had a lot to do with the unplanned outages at European refineries before maintenance season, including the four-week drop in French fuel output amid the workers’ strike. Why are supplies running short? Because of America’s proxy war against Russia? Because virtual-signaling investors have taken their money out of the energy sector? Because oil and gas companies are not investing in new refineries, new wells, or new pipelines? Because governments are declaring war on fossil fuels, and pledging to exterminate them? Because inflation has made long term investing (the kind you need in the energy sector) too uncertain and too risky for most investors? Of course, it is all of those things. A real ‘cluster,’ says a friend. This is not the first ‘cluster’ for mankind. Many have come and gone. But this threatens to be the biggest ‘cluster’ ever seen.
by Bill Bonner and Joel Bowman
Phenotypic Mixing, Tropism Enhancement And Recombination – Implications Of A Lab Engineered ‘Virus’ Mixing With The Existent Coronavirus ‘Swarm’
Some questions asked about what we might be dealing with and where it came from…
This article has been in the making for over a week now. It comes on the heels of a pre-print submission of an article that I summarized here. To briefly summarize the summary, recombination techniques were used to create a new terrible version of SARS-CoV-2 using the ‘backbone’ of the original chicken recipe Wuhan with Omicron spikes embedded in its membrane, to make a new chicken version with an 80% mortality rate in mice. The part about this that bothers me is not so much the part about the mortality rate in the mice, but the part where they are doing this in the first place. Reading about work like this makes it far more easy for me to imagine that this SARS-CoV-2 virus was engineered in a lab from the get-go.
by Jessica Rose
repeal the national childhood vaccine act of 1986
good products do not need universal liability shields, but bad actors are enabled by them
much as been made about the possibility of schools mandating covid vaccinations for kids to be allowed to attend. it may or may not happen. perhaps it will be treated like a flu shot. perhaps they’ll try for requirements. it’s likely to vary place to place and many states are already saying “no way” and this could cause flood of school change and really unleash the idea of vouchers and free choice and a swansong for public schools. in the end, i’m not sure how many are crazy enough to try it and honestly, i doubt that any public school system in america could survive for long mandating this. i doubt that this is really what the approval is about. it’s about the liability shield and the subsidies. and that is a thing we need to fix.
by el gato malo
Pro-Vaccine GOP Governors Make Meaningless Statements On COVID Shots As Children In Their States Die And Are Crippled Every Day From Vaccines (Text and Video)
The biggest news story this past week in the Alternative Media was the announcement by the CDC that their Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) was recommending that the 2023 childhood and adult immunization schedule include “approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines.” While here at Health Impact News we obviously vigorously disagree with the ACIP recommendation, this decision has been completely politicized by the Right Wing Alternative media and the Corporate Media outlet Fox News. Since the CDC ACIP voted to include COVID-19 vaccines into the immunization schedule, some Republican Governors, probably taking their cue from Tucker Carlson on Fox News, have made statements to the public to vow “not to institute mandates in their states.” Do any of these governors oppose other vaccines in the CDC schedule that are killing and maiming children? No! ALL of these governors, as well as other Republican politicians, are PRO-VACCINE, and that includes the COVID-19 vaccines. You don’t believe me? Listen to them say so in their own words in this 6-minute video I put together.
by Brian Shilhavy
10 Minutes Of Covid Madness by Professor Freedom (10:00)
Pandemics Of The Vaccinated
A new study showing negative efficacy in the vaccinated
A study from earlier in October looked at the effectiveness of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine against infection and COVID-19 hospitalisation. This has been done many times before but this one looked specifically at effectiveness against SAR-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants. The study looked at a total of 123,236 individuals (30,809 positive cases and 92,427 negative cases). 12,724 (41.3%) positive cases where in the triple jabbed and 9,909 (32.2%) in the unvaccinated. There were 1,793 hospitalisations. Whilst protection against hospitalisation (with 3 doses) was high, it reduced with each new Omicron variant. Furthermore, the authors say that vaccine efficacy against hospitalisation for BA.4/BA.5 could be particularly low for immunocompromised individuals. So, the very people that need protection then. However, the interesting results are those looking at efficacy against infection.
by The Naked Emperor
The Lion’s Den: New West Bank Resistance Strikes Fear In Israel
A newly established Palestinian resistance faction has emerged in Nablus and is re-writing the rules of engagement against the Israeli occupation
On 11 October, Palestinian gunmen killed an Israeli soldier near the illegal Jewish settlement of Shavei Shomron, west of the city of Nablus in the occupied West Bank. On the same day, masked men opened fire on four other Israeli targets on the outskirts of the city. A total of five operations were carried out in one day, reportedly by the recently established resistance faction called the Lion’s Den (Areen Al-Osood) who claimed responsibility for them. On Sunday, an unusual top level security meeting was held in Israel, on the eve of a national festival, which included Prime Minister Yair Lapid, alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Defense Minister Benny Gantz, National Security Council Chairman Eyal Hulata, Mossad Chief David Barnea, Shin Bet Chief Ronen Bar, and Military Intelligence Chief Aharon Haliva, according to Israeli media reports. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the new West Bank resistance phenomenon, the Lion’s Den, which Haaretz calls a “major headache” for the Israeli state. Earlier that day, Israel’s Defense Ministry denied entry permits for 164 Palestinian family members allegedly related to the Lions’ Den.
by Yousef Fares
3 Things You Find When Searching For “Crisis Pregnancy Center Near Me”
The evil one doesn’t usually outright lie to you. He will most often twist the truth. That’s what happened in the beginning. God told Adam and Eve to enjoy whatever they wished, just not that one thing. Satan then deceived by tempting, “Oh, you can eat that one thing-nothing will happen.” Search for “crisis pregnancy center near me” and in the blink of an eye, you’ll have 150,000,000 results pointing you in various directions. Now, imagine it’s the middle of the night and you just found out you are pregnant. You feel overwhelmed, hopeless, and alone. You type in the search box seeking advice, answers…the truth. Instead, you find deception. Google recently took pregnancy centers out of Google Maps results for abortion-related search terms unless you check a box to “expand your search.” Otherwise, all you see are abortion clinics. Yelp recently added the phrase “This is a Crisis Pregnancy Center. Crisis Pregnancy Centers typically provide limited medical services and may not have licensed medical professionals onsite” to search findings for pregnancy centers, including those affiliated with Care Net. Make no mistake, there is a battle being fought online, and the search terms matter. Here are 3 things Big Tech forces people to find when they search for “crisis pregnancy center near me.”
by Ryan Sanders
Huge Nashville Crowd Rallies To End Childhood Mutilation, Far-Left Counter-Protesters Melt Down (Text and Video)
Protesters wore and waved trans flags as they screamed and refused to allow the speakers to express their views.
Unhinged far-left protesters were in attendance at The Rally to End Child Mutilation in Nashville. Organized by The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh and featuring Tulsi Gabbard, Landon Starbuck, Colin Wright, and Chloe Cole, among others, the event was intended to call attention to the increasing problem of medicalized gender transitions for children. Police confirmed to The Daily Wire that there were about 3,000 people in attendance, and the vast majority of those were in support of ending sex changes for children. As Cole tried to speak about her personal experience going through gender transition and coming out the other side, activists screamed “Fck you fascist.” TPUSA contributor Drew Hernandez documented the protests. Cole continued to speak despite the protests, curses, and name-calling. One crazed protestor, who appears to be a biological male identifying as transgender, used a megaphone to scream “fck you, you f*cking white cracker.”
by Libby Emmons
New Normal: Gloucester, England Installs New Defibrillators Around City
Three new life-saving automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are being installed around Gloucester city. The new 24/7 defibrillators and bleed kits will be placed at key locations on the exterior walls of the Eastgate Shopping Center, Eastgate Street, and Gloucester Docks. This comes after 13-year-old Nicole suffered cardiac arrest while attending a teen club night in the city and was saved by a defibrillator. Nicole was the guest of honor as three new devices were installed in Gloucester, BBC reported. “We all know that a cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time,” said Supt Alistair Barby from Gloucestershire Police. “The presence of defibrillators in public places can help raise awareness and stimulate people to think about what they would do in an emergency… This work has helped ensure that these important life-saving bits of equipment are at key locations in the city.” According to CE Safety, there are 12,490 defibrillators around the UK as of June 13, 2022.
by YourDestinationNow
The DOJ Is Hiding Information About Biden’s Attempts To Interfere In U.S. Elections
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is slow-walking its response to a federal court order mandating that the agency forfeit records pertaining to President Joe Biden’s March 2021 executive order that directed federal agencies to develop plans for federal interference in state election administration. On Thursday evening, the agency filed a motion for summary judgment with the Fort Myers Division of the U.S. Middle District Court of Florida in an attempt to conceal communication records related to Executive Order 14019, which required all federal departments to “consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.” In law, “summary judgment” is a decision issued by a court based on statements and evidence for one party against another without going to a full trial. The move to shield the records in question from the public comes after a federal judge mandated in July that the agency must turn over documents related to Biden’s order to the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA), which sued the DOJ back in April after its officials failed to respond to FGA’s July 2021 open records requests. While the DOJ ultimately turned over a few of the records to FGA last month, the documents were heavily redacted and did not include the DOJ’s 15-page “strategic plan” on how the agency intends to comply with Biden’s executive order.
by Shawn Fleetwoo
Ex-CIA Petraeus, US Army May Directly Intervene. Elensky, World Must Hit Russia. Boris Bromance (35:12)
by Alex Christoforou
Mastercard Just Outlined Its Digital ID Push
Where payments meet digital ID.
At the Authenticate 2022 event, Mastercard SVP of Digital Identity Sarah Clark detailed the company’s digital ID plans. Clark detailed Mastercard’s plans for a digital ID network at a presentation on “Use of FIDO in a Reusable Digital Identity Network.” The network is aimed at individuals who already have a government-issued ID. Mastercard plans to create a network through which digital IDs can be reused online, for in-person interactions, through calls and other channels. The company claims that the network is fully operational in two markets and active in seven markets across the globe. The company has launched a digital identity in Brazil and helped the Australian government develop the TDIF, a framework for the development of digital identity services. According to Clark, there are opportunities for digital ID systems because of the poor user experiences most people have with traditional ID systems. She also claimed that digital ID could help combat cyber fraud.
by Ken Macon
We Will Be Challenging Any State’s Covid-19 Vaccine Requirement To Attend School
The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has advised us it will fund legal challenges to any Covid-19 mandate for attending school imposed by any state
The CDC’s vaccine advisory committee unanimously voted a few hours ago to add the Covid-19 vaccine to the CDC’s routine childhood vaccination schedule. Immediately following the vote, I received a call from Del Bigtree, ICAN’s founder and host of The HighWire, to tell me that ICAN will support a legal challenge to any state that imposes a Covid-19 vaccine mandate to attend school. We look forward to bringing those challenges to protect the individual right of every American, especially the youngest among us, as we successfully did when challenging the San Diego School District’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate. Everyone should be free to get numerous shots because that is freedom. And everyone should be free to reject any unwanted shot because that, too, is freedom.
by Aaron Siri
Sending 1.84 Petabits Of Data Per Second Via A Fiber-Optic Cable Over A Distance Of 7.9 KM
A team of researchers with members from several institutions in Denmark, Sweden and Japan has developed a means for sending 1.84 petabits of data per second via a fiber-optic cable over 7.9 km. Their report is published in Nature Photonics. As applications used across the internet mature, moving ever larger amounts of data has become a critical issue. In this new effort, the researchers have developed a single chip that is capable of handling nearly two petabits of data per second. The chip the researchers built and demonstrated is based on the use of photonics rather than electronics. To transfer huge amounts of data quickly, they added technology to their chip that first splits an incoming data stream (from a laser) into 37 individuals lines that travel across individual threads in a fiber cable. But prior to sending, the data in each of the 37 streams was split into 223 individual chunks of data, each corresponding to a unique part of the optical spectrum.
by Bob Yirka
Safe States For Children: Here’s Updated List Of Republican Governors Who Won’t Comply With Cdc Mandates To Force Covid-19 Vaccination On Kids For School
It is common knowledge that COVID-19 poses no threat to young children, that mRNA vaccinations against the virus are not effective or safe, and that some people have even died after receiving a COVID vaccine. The CDC and its advisory council continue to push for mandatory childhood vaccinations despite all these facts. The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) unanimously agreed on Thursday to propose adding COVID-19 to the recommended childhood immunization schedule for 2023 in 15-0 votes. ACIP recommends the use of COVID-19 vaccines for everyone ages 6 months to adolescents and adult immunization schedules. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) provides advice and guidance to the Director of the CDC regarding use of vaccines and related agents for the control of vaccine-preventable diseases in the civilian population of the United States. Recommendations made by the ACIP are reviewed by the CDC Director and, if adopted, are published as official CDC/HHS recommendations in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).
by Jim Hoft
ACH (1944) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – The Ontology Of Death: Patristic Philosophy Against Nominalism (Audio 58:20)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 19, 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson for a show entitled, “The Ontology Of Death: Patristic Philosophy Against Nominalism.”
We discussed: the synopsis of Matt’s new book “The Ontology Of Death: Patristic Philosophy Against Nominalism” which has been years in the making; why you cannot be a Christian and a Nominalist at the same time; how Nominalism manifests itself in the world today; the problem solving principle of Occam’s Razor; how the fall of the Atheistic Communist Soviet Union and the subsequent rise of Christian Russia gives us hope for the future in the West; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Israeli Occupation Forces Brutally Assault Palestine TV Camerman Mohammed Enaya (0:35)
A regime that points guns at people for wielding cameras is a regime that sees truth as a threat.
Italy’s First Female PM Officially Appointed
Giorgia Meloni has now been tasked by the country’s president to form new cabinet
Italy’s President Sergio Mattarella on Friday gave the country’s new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni the mandate to form a government. The new cabinet is expected to be sworn in on Saturday. The new coalition government is set to be formed by several right-wing parties, including Meloni’s Brothers of Italy (FdI), Matteo Salvini’s League party and the Forza Italia party, led by the veteran politician and the country’s ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi. “We are ready to govern Italy,” a statement posted to Meloni’s official Facebook page reads. “We will be able to face the urgencies and challenges of our time with awareness and competence.” The new cabinet composition has been already announced, with the FdI receiving nine ministries, while the two other coalition members getting five each. The government formation comes after two days of official consultation, marred by a scandal around Berlusconi’s leaked speech at a meeting of his party.
by RT
130,000 Christians Martyred During The Red Terror But Mainstream Media Is Silent
October 30 is a day when Russians recall those who fell victim to political repressions in the Bolshevik period of the USSR. The repressions, triggered off by the 1917 October Wall Street-sponsored regime change, were directed against the nobility, the well-to-do peasants, and other social groups. But what the Bolsheviks actually unleashed against the Russian Orthodox Church, amounted to a full-scale war of annihilation. From its very first days, the Soviet state sought to completely destroy the Orthodox Church and did it with unbelievable cruelty. In the history of the World Church at large, there has never been such a large-scale and all-encompassing, long and uninterrupted persecution as in the XX century Soviet Russia. Even the worst persecution by Diocletian and his successors, which began in 303 AD lasted for only eight years. In Soviet Russia it lasted for decades.
by Michael Walsh
Newly Released J6 Political Prisoner Derrick Evans Speaks Out (1:06)
Was Vince Foster’s Murder PizzaGate-Related?
Very nearly the first questions that people ask when you present them with the very strong evidence that Bill Clinton’s deputy White House counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr., did not commit suicide is, “Who killed him and why was he killed?” The question gets the cart ahead of the horse. It is not necessary to know who murdered a person, say, found gunned down in the street or what the murderer’s motive might have been to determine that the person was, indeed, murdered. Anyone who has examined the Foster case with any care and with even a slightly open mind will realize that that’s essentially what we have in the case of the Foster death.
by David Martin
“Experts” Now Admit You Will Never Be “Fully Vaccinated”
We at OffG – and many of our fellow alt media sites – have been reporting for over a year now that the Covid “vaccination” campaign will never end. In short, you will NEVER be “fully vaccinated”. That much was obvious once health institutions around the world started “updating” their definition of the term. Israel. America. Britain. New Zealand. Australia…they all did it, and it came as no surprise. From the beginning, the “pandemic” has been created, policed, enforced and perpetuated through nothing but rhetorical tricks and manipulative language. News names for old things. New definitions for old words. “Covid” has always been nothing but a pandemic of terminology. The fluid nature of “fully vaccinated” is just another example. It has already ballooned from “double-jabbed” to “boosted” and “double-boosted”, and with new “vaccines” expected for all the variants, it doesn’t look like any end is on the horizon. As I said, you’ll never really be “fully vaccinated”…and now they’re admitting it.
by Kit Knightly
Has The Biden Regime ‘Disappeared’ A Potential Whistleblower?
ABC News investigative journalist James Gordon Meek disappeared six months ago. He seems to have known a lot about US aims in Ukraine.
On 27 April, ABC News reporter James Meek tweeted a single word – “facts” – above another Twitter post from a retired CIA officer, who stated that the 2014-2022 Ukrainian civil war was an eight-year “lab experiment” on Russia’s military “tactics, techniques, and procedures.” It added that US intelligence and “unconventional warfare” experts had “learned a shit ton.” It was the last time, to date, Meek posted on the social network. In fact, it seems it was the last time he did anything in public at all, both online and in-real-life. Rolling Stone has published an investigation into the veteran journalist’s vanishing act in the months since, revealing how just hours after that tweet was posted, a number of menacing vehicles blocked off roads around Meek’s apartment in Arlington, Virginia, then proceeded to raid the premises. Neighbors interviewed by the magazine recall a collection of police cruisers, official-looking cars with blacked-out windows, and even armored tactical vehicles frequently used by the FBI, which resemble tanks. Quick as a flash, their occupants exited and rushed into Meek’s apartment complex, “at least 10” of them being “heavily armed.” The raid was reportedly over very quickly, and Meek apparently didn’t leave the scene with the authorities. To this day, there is no indication of what if anything was seized or why it was conducted, and all records related to the case remain sealed, including the search warrant approved a day prior. While no charges have officially been filed, Meek has dropped off the face of the Earth, and his apartment has remained vacant ever since.
by Felix Livshitz
U.K. Regulator Mulls Covid Vaccination For Babies Despite High Injury Rate – As Moderna Trial Finds Vaccine Can Cause Diabetes In Infants
The U.K. regulator may decide on whether Covid vaccines should be approved for British babies before Christmas. The Mail has the story. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which polices the safety of drugs used in the U.K., told MailOnline it is currently reviewing data on Moderna’s vaccine. The pharmaceutical firm has submitted evidence in the hope of getting its jab approved for children aged six months and older, as it is in the EU and U.S. Only over-fives can currently get Covid vaccines in the U.K. Any approval of jabs for babies would cause huge controversy. British authorities have so far held out on approving jabs for infants despite massive pressure, due to concerns that the benefits do not outweigh any potential risks. Children rarely get seriously ill with Covid and the majority are thought to have already been infected. Experts said today that, even if approved, the jab must not be rolled out “en masse” to healthy infants.
by Will Jones
Lime Juice Could Save 100’S Of Thousands Of Lives Each Year
While billions of dollars are poured into research and development for pharmaceutical drugs, the humble lime has been proven to mitigate and even cure diseases that cause millions to suffer and hundreds of thousands to die each year worldwide. The lime is best know for its role in key lime pie and margaritas, but did you know it possesses remarkable healing properties as well? An impressive array of research on lime juice from the National Library of Medicine indicates that it could either cure or greatly accelerate healing time from a variety of life-threatening illnesses including.
by Sayer Ji
Journey Into The World Of Atoms (2:01)
Journey Into The World Of Atoms (2:01)
‘Imperial Desperation’: Insisting On Deference, Whilst Radiating Weakness
Europe stands amid schizophrenic tensions. On one hand, ‘the Normal’ (high-end ostentatious consumption) is very present, yet, on the other hand, increasing clusters of the ‘Abnormal’ also exist.
Anyone visiting western Europe in recent days will have sensed its febrile cerebral quality. The overload of toxic, sneering propaganda against Russia, now fearmongered up to the threat of a tactical nuke ‘Armageddon’ against Ukraine, has taken collective Europe into a delusory trance. In the US, the preoccupation with Ukraine seems to be fading (the ‘stats’ suggest), yet within a segment of the European leadership class, ‘war with Russia’ has ignited old revanchist passions (that would have been best left to their slumbers). Pulling Europe out of its deep Ukraine ‘trance’ will not be quick, or easy. Indeed, it may prove to be indeterminate in its outcome. This Ukraine ‘bubble’, however, is deflating: It was always primarily ‘psy-ops war’ intended, at best, to fracture the Russian peoples’ resolve, and to trigger a backlash against President Putin; and at worst, to evolve into a protracted quagmire. Kiev now has sunk to terrorist-like, one-off military ops, and ‘show’ offensives, amidst implausible calls by Zelensky for NATO to bomb Russia. Dirty war however, exudes the whiff of weakness, rather than strength.
by Alastair Crooke
Not Satire: Ursula von der Leyen Presented With Great Reset Award
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has singled out European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen for her “extraordinary commitment” to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the Great Reset goals.
The Gates Foundation named Von der Leyen as one of the four winners of the so-called Goalkeepers Global Goals Awards. The other winners are Radhika Batra, co-founder of Every Infant Matters; Zahra Joya, a journalist from Afghanistan; and Vanessa Nakate, a climate activist from Uganda. Until recently, the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset was called a conspiracy theory. This week, the EU Commission president received an award for her commitment to the same Great Reset. The award ceremony, presented by Bill Gates and his ex-wife Melinda French Gates, was not supposed to be satire: Von der Leyen was praised for her role in the purchase and distribution of Corona vaccines. Her husband Heiko, is the director of Orgenesis, which is owned by Pfizer – the same company that Ursula signed a secret 71 billion euro contract with.
by Free West Media
The Great Economic Pretending Continues As The Build Back Better Liars Take Advantage Of Cognitive Dissonance
All around this western world of ours we find ourselves surrounded by economic pretenders and financial pundits, perhaps intentionally stuck, using old school economic theory to analyze a new era in government manipulation of the economy. It’s maddening… but at least we do not need to pretend on these pages. Milton Friedman was not wrong at the time he stated that inflation is driven by monetary policy. Print money and the value of it diminishes; this is true. However, we are in an era that Friedman never foresaw, nor could he fathom, where the structural policy of government is created to intentionally shrink economic activity. Purposefully reducing energy resources and then purposefully reducing economic activity to match the diminished level of energy available, is the underlying purpose of what the western globalists call “Building Back Better.” The claim of “climate change” is the justification for their action. Too few people truly understand this, and as a result we see false arguments about the root of inflation being presented.
by Sundance
Another 15-Year-Old Boy Collapses And Dies Mysteriously And Nobody Asks If It Was The Jabs
We are far beyond the realm of coincidence.
There’s a trend of a certain event that has been accelerating in recent months. A young and otherwise healthy person collapses and dies mysteriously. No cause of death is announced. Nobody, even those in conservative or “alternative” media, are willing to ask the very obvious question, “Was it the jabs?” I’ve posted dozens of stories like this in just the last few weeks. The latest comes from The Liverpool Echo reporting on a 15-year-old boy who died while out to dinner in the UK: A 15-year-old boy collapsed and died at a Liverpool city centre restaurant. Police and paramedics rushed to the scene in the Liverpool ONE complex yesterday afternoon (Saturday) after reports a teenager had collapsed while out with family and friends. He was tended to by members of the public and staff at the Browns restaurant in Paradise Street before the arrival of emergency services. He was taken to hospital but sadly died.
by JD Rucker
Don’t Worry The Cops Are Here (0:30)
Don’t Worry The Cops Are Here (0:30)
Kanye West Wants To Build His Own Mini-City Called The ‘Yecosystem’
Two Yeezy sources say West’s plan for his own small “universe” has been in the works for years, describing it as a self-sustained enterprise that would have its own branded products and services
Kanye West might have plans as ambitious as running for president. In the midst of all the chaos from West’s past month, his team filed a slew of trademark applications that would allow West to create his own mini-community — or as West intends to call it, the “Yecosystem.” West’s plan for his own small “universe” has been in the works for years, two Yeezy sources confirm to Rolling Stone. The sources describe it as a self-sustained enterprise that would have its own branded homes, retail stores that sell Yecosystem-branded food items and beverages. The plan is serious, with arrangements to launch the first campus as early as next month, one source says. Eventually, West hopes to establish these mini-communities across the country, the source says. West’s vision is on par with Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, another source says, adding that West is adamant on creating something equally as world-changing. “He’s trying to do shit that people couldn’t even conceive of and he’s trying to make it happen,” they explain. “He comes from a good place. It’s definitely his goal that everything that people touch that’s his is a good thing and has a good impact on the world.”
by Cheyenne Roundtree
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
Did you know that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines aren’t vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They’re really experimental gene therapies. I discussed this troubling fact in a recent interview with molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. While the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots are labeled as “vaccines,” and news agencies and health policy leaders call them that, the actual patents for Pfizer’s and Moderna’s injections more truthfully describe them as “gene therapy,” not vaccines.
Definition of ‘Vaccine’
Neither Moderna nor Pfizer claims this to be the case for their COVID-19 “vaccines.” In fact, in their clinical trials, they specify that they will not even test for immunity. Unlike real vaccines, which use an antigen of the disease you’re trying to prevent, the COVID-19 injections contain synthetic RNA fragments encapsulated in a nano lipid carrier compound, the sole purpose of which is to lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein, not the actual virus. They do not actually impart immunity or inhibit the transmissibility of the disease. In other words, they are not designed to keep you from getting sick with SARS-CoV-2; they only are supposed to lessen your infection symptoms if or when you do get infected. As such, these products do not meet the legal or medical definition of a vaccine, and as noted by David Martin, Ph.D., in the video above, “The legal ramifications of this deception are immense.”
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Israeli Regime Brings In Strict Rules On West Bank Visitors Amid Intl. Criticism
The Israeli regime has implemented strict rules on all foreigners or Palestinians holding dual nationality who intend to come to the Occupied Palestinian territories, where it limits their ability to enter and stay in the occupied West Bank. A 90-page authoritative order came into effect on Thursday despite international criticism, as reported by The Guardian, which will create complications for hundreds of thousands of Palestinian families who hold dual nationality and are already having a hard time maneuvering a complicated permit system. COGAT, the Israeli body in charge of Palestinian civilian affairs issued the rules, which are to be allegedly implemented over a two-year pilot period. The strict rules are expected to suffocate the Palestinian economy and academia and the work of aid agencies, where all foreign internationals coming to volunteer, study or work in the West Bank will be granted a single-entry visa valid for only three months. There are no guarantees they will be granted a visa again, and they will have to leave and wait between visas in some cases for more than one year before they are able to reapply for entry. In most cases, residency is limited to a 12- to 27-month period, making family life and long-term employment almost impossible.
by PressTV
Over A Million Saudi Citizens Forcibly Displaced In Jeddah To Make Way For Extravagant Project
The kingdom recently convicted several tribesmen to death for resisting the forced eviction from their lands
More than one million people have become victims of forced displacement and have not received adequate compensation as old neighborhoods are being demolished in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to make way for luxury hotels and entertainment venues, according to human rights groups. On December 2021, the Saudi Public Investment Fund — chaired by Crown Prince and newly appointed Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) — announced the launch of a development project called ‘Jeddah Central,’ which would include a museum, an opera house, a stadium, an aquarium, hotels, and new residential neighborhoods. Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), a US-based rights group, stated that “while the Riyadh regime is expected to spend more than $20 billion on the ambitious plan, very little of that amount has been allocated to compensate the 1.5 million people who have lost or will lose their homes and livelihoods”, according to PressTV. A research conducted by DAWN concluded that ”the Saudi forced displacements are in violation of international law since the measures are incompatible with internationally recognized legal principles to guarantee and protect the population’s rights.”
by News Desk
AOL Reviews And Accepts “Israel Killed JFK” Comment
Then Re-Reviews and Rejects It Four Hours Later
Earlier today, NBC News published a surprisingly fair and informative JFK assassination story. Headlined “‘What are they hiding?’: Group sues Biden and National Archives over JFK assassination records,” Mark Caputo’s piece details the Mary Ferrell Foundation’s lawsuit demanding that the federal government comply with the JFK Records Act and release the 16,000 records that, by law, it was required to release back in 2017. Since the headline asked “what are they hiding?”
I was happy to answer the question in a succinct comment: Israel killed JFK, using its CIA assets like James Angleton and mob assets like Meyer Lansky, to eliminate an obstacle to its nuclear weapons program, and put its man LBJ in the White House in preparation for the 1967 land grab. Free online book: https://www.unz.com/book/michael_collins_piper__final-judgment
I was not surprised when my post didn’t immediately go through, but instead elicited a warning: “Sure about this? Your post is more likely to get published if you keep the conversation civil.” My post was perfectly civil, so I clicked on “post anyway” which elicited “your comment is under review.” About an hour later, I received an email stating that the post had been approved. It appeared beneath the article, garnered a couple of “likes”—and then was taken down shortly before 8 pm. (See screenshot at the top of this article.) I am reasonably certain that if I had blamed the JFK assassination on Oswald, Ruby, the CIA, the mob, fascists, militarists, the military-industrial complex, Russia, Cuba, French intelligence, Oliver Stone, aliens, or the man in the moon, AOL would not have seen anything less than civil in my comment. But blaming the nation whose intelligence services actually did it is taboo. Why is that? Who made those rules? Who enforces them? As the headline says: What are they hiding?
Obviously the people who killed both Kennedys (and did 9/11) couldn’t have executed either coup d’état without controlling the media. So ask yourself: What group controls the media to the extent that you can’t even post a comment casting aspersions on their favorite nation?
by Kevin Barrett
October 17 – 23, 2022
“Shall I tell you what the real evil is?
To cringe to the things that are called evils,
to surrender to them our freedom,
in defiance of which we ought to face any suffering.”

Liz Truss Resigns After Just 44 Days In Office by RT (1:18)
Liz Truss Resigns After Just 44 Days In Office by RT (1:18)
‘Peaceful Modernization’: China’s Offering To The Global South
Xi Jinping just offered the Global South a stark alternative to decades of western diktats, war, and economic duress. ‘Peaceful modernization’ will establish sovereignty, economy, and independence for the world’s struggling states
President Xi Jinping’s work report at the start of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) this past Sunday in Beijing contained not only a blueprint for the development of the civilization-state, but for the whole Global South. Xi’s 1h45min speech actually delivered a shorter version of the full work report – see attached PDF – which gets into way more detail on an array of socio-political themes. This was the culmination of a complex collective effort that went on for months. When he received the final text, Xi commented, revised and edited it. In a nutshell, the CPC master plan is twofold: finalize “socialist modernization” from 2020 to 2035; and build China – via peaceful modernization – as a modern socialist country that is “prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious” all the way to 2049, signaling the centenary of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The central concept in the work report is peaceful modernization – and how to accomplish it. As Xi summarized, “It contains elements that are common to the modernization processes of all countries, but it is more characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context.”
by Pepe Escoba
Russia’s Grain Harvest Hits All-Time High
This year’s crop has already exceeded 147 million tons, the country’s Agriculture Ministry has said
Russia’s grain harvest this year has already set a new record, the country’s Agriculture Ministry said on Wednesday on its official Telegram channel. “To date, 147.5 million tons in bunker weight have been harvested, with harvesting still ongoing,” the ministry announced. Russian Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev later confirmed the figure at a staff meeting of the ministry. “We expect to reap a maximum of 150 million tons. Of course, this is an absolute success for our farmers and the Russian agriculture industry as a whole,” he stated. The previous record had been set in 2017, when the country reaped 135.5 million tons of grain, including 86 million tons of wheat. This year, the wheat harvest is expected to reach 100 million tons.
by RT
63K People Had Died Within 7 Weeks Of Receiving A Booster Covid Vaccine Dose In England Between January And March 2022
According to the UK Government institution, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), between January and March 2022, 62,801 people had sadly died within an average of 48 days after receiving a booster dose of the Covid-19 injection no later than 31st December 2021, and 4,781 of those deaths were attributed to Covid-19. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK. On 8th September 2022, the ONS published an unnoticed dataset titled ‘Characteristics associated with the risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) among people receiving a booster vaccination, England: January to March 2022’, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here. Table 1 of the ONS dataset reveals that between January and March 2022, 62,801 people who had received a third dose of the Covid-19 injection by 31st December 2021 had sadly died.
by The Exposé
Laptop From Hell: Watchdog Says Hunter Biden And Partners Committed 459 Legal Violations
Marco Polo, a non-profit founded by former Trump White House aide Garrett Ziegler, has released a 630-page analysis of Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.” The report provides a roadmap for GOP Congress deputies and prosecutors to pursue charges against President Joe Biden’s son and his business partners. A team of cyber detectives brought together by ex-Trump aide Garrett Ziegler has unveiled a report after a year-long examination of Hunter Biden’s infamous “laptop from hell.” The Ziegler team claims to have found at least 459 legal violations by the US president’s son and his associates. The one-gigabyte report reviews the laptop’s emails, videos, calendar items, photographs, phone records, financial documents and more, while presenting a huge number of screenshots. Hunter’s alleged crimes include serving as an agent for foreign entities without disclosing so, tax fraud, falsifying business documents, prostitution, non-consensual pornography, and distribution of narcotics, according to the reports’ authors. “I’ve been focusing on this for 13 months,” Ziegler told The Daily Wire. “It was really a thing of necessity. I recognized how rich the material was. It requires utter focus.”
by Ekaterina Blinova
What Really Just Happened In The UK…
It’s “a shambles and a disgrace…” Absolutely brilliantly said by Charles Walker MP. It sums up this dreadful group of misfits. pic.twitter.com/zVhhBlbPg2 – Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) October 19, 2022. Jeremy Hunt, the new ‘de facto Prime Minister’, is a ‘Zero-COVID’ loon who lobbied for children to be taken from their parents and put in quarantine camps. As Nigel Farage noted, Hunt is the face of a globalist coup… “This is a coup, the Conservative Party is dead.” Nigel Farage is furious… “We’re viewed as a complete laughing stock. There’s now no point to the Tory party at all. It serves no purpose. Not only is it going to lose the next election. I say it needs to be replaced.” ‘We need to replace the Conservative Party…I can’t do that on my own, but if there are other major figures that want this to happen, then it can.’
by Tyler Durden
The Sound Of Silenced Science by The Spike Girls (3:52)
The Sound Of Silenced Science by The Spike Girls (3:52)
The Fake Long Covid Plague – Another Useful Confidence Trick
The biggest and most significant research into long covid, involving 26,000 individuals, concluded that long covid is largely a psychological problem. In America there are 12 million people off work with this imaginary disorder. In the UK there are two million long covid sufferers signed off sick – unable to work. The truth is that people who had taken a year off work on full pay didn’t want to go back to their offices. The evidence shows that long covid is a combination of hypochondria and malingering. It’s the beginning of the universal basic income – a critical part of the Great Reset now being trialled in Wales and Ireland. There was never a global covid pandemic but now we have a global long covid pandemic. So, why have they created this fake disease – ‘long covid’?
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Pretending To Seek Peace In An Unwinnable Proxy War: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
We should probably talk more about the fact that the US empire is loudly promoting the goal of achieving peace in Ukraine by defeating Russia while quietly acknowledging that this goal is impossible. This is like accelerating toward a brick wall and pretending it’s an open road. The narrative that Russia can be defeated by escalating against it makes sense if you believe Russia can be defeated, but the US empire does not believe that Russia can be defeated. It knows these escalations are only going to exponentially ramp up death and devastation. “Beat Putin’s ass and make him withdraw” sounds cool and is egoically gratifying, and it’s become the mainstream answer to the problem of the war in Ukraine. But nobody promoting that answer can address the fact that the ones driving this proxy war believe it’s impossible. In fact, all evidence we’re seeing suggests that the US is not trying to deliver Putin a crushing defeat in Ukraine and force him to withdraw, but is rather trying to create another long and costly military quagmire for Moscow, as cold warriors have done repeatedly in instances like Afghanistan and Syria.
by Caitlin Johnstone
ACH (1942) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #91 – Has Kanye West Been More Effective In One Week Than Alex Jones Has In Twenty Years? (Audio 2:00:21)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 17, 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Has Kanye West Been More Effective In One Week Than Alex Jones Has In Twenty Years?”
We discussed: The Ricky Gervais Show YouTube clip that we played during the show intro segment; an update on the gangstalking of Andy; the roots of Alexander Hamilton; this week’s film of the week, “Battleground” from Stephen King’s “Nightmares And Dreamscapes” television series; the 1980’s “Video Nasties” phenomenon; why Stanley Kubrick’s “A Clockwork Orange” was not a banned film in the UK; a couple of emails we received in relation to our discussion in the increase of anger on last week’s show; why we must not give our energy to the enemy and do not let them live rent free in your head; this week’s, “if my democratic right to free speech did not probibit me from doing so I would,” segment; ; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; a letter from a nurse on vaccines; was it racist to fire a Black Chancellor Of The Exchequer in order to replace him with a White one; the fallacy of rising sea levels; the alleged increase in Anti-Semitism on campus at Britain’s Universities; why there is a hole in biro caps; the lesbian you never knew about in Scooby-Doo; the UK entertainment show that plans to destroy artwork by Adolf Hitler based upon an audience vote; the Twitter video of the Former President Of The Board Of Deputies calling for Jeremy Corbyn to be sacrificed; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ news roundup of the week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Ukraine War Is ‘biden’s War’ Now
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Oct 18, 2022 that evidence of military personnel of United States and other Western countries having their boots on the ground in Ukraine is mounting.
The most obvious explanation to the mysterious air dash of the UK Defence Minister Ben Wallace to Washington on Tuesday could be that he was canvassing for the support of the Biden Administration for his pitch to succeed Liz Truss as Britain’s next prime minister. But another plausible explanation can be that the secret, hurried trip marked a defining moment in the conflict in Ukraine, which is showing all signs of turning into a full-fledged war. To be sure, the Biden team cannot but be worried that London is drifting into chaos and the Conservative Party’s faction leaders scurry around like headless chicken looking for a substitute to Truss who stepped down on Thursday.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Dr. Ryan Cole: When Do The Cells Stop Making The Spike Protein? (0:24)
Dr. Ryan Cole: When Do The Cells Stop Making The Spike Protein? (0:24)
Crushing NATO’s Nefarious Narratives
Let’s bring these over embroidered narratives down to kindergarten level so NATO’s huffers, puffers and bluffers can understand.
So here we are, forced to castigate all Russians, those far away people about whom NATO’s scribes know absolutely nothing. Why is that? Why must we waste yet more time debunking NATO’s stupid libels that delightful Russian children’s stories are undermining the fabric of French society? Why is The Economist insisting we burn the works of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy without even reading, never mind musing on them? What is it about Russian Special Olympians that we must hate them as if they were invading Martians? Is it to make us more despicable Nazis than even the worst of Hitler’s henchmen ever were? It certainly seems so. We must be outraged if General Armageddon’s troops launch missiles at Kiev that force its children to spend some hours in bunkers but we must not mention that the Kiev junta’s former dictator not only promised the Russian speakers of Donbas that their children would spend their entire lives cowering in such bunkers but that he unleashed his Nazi hordes on them to do just that. We must applaud NATO’s murder of non-combatant Darya Dugina and celebrate the terrorist attack on Crimea’s bridge but be outraged if General Armageddon’s forces respond. We are so brainwashed as to believe that Russians, Armenians and Palestinians must never bark back, that they must lie down like the proverbial Danes.
by Declan Hayes
why the world has become unfun
and how to reclaim our joy
the problem with totalitarian creep is that everything becomes political and politics suck. they suck so much that they used to be a specific, enumerated exclusion from polite conversation. you did not talk about them in most social settings. it was considered rude, boorish, and inflammatory precisely because no one ever changes anyone’s mind and everyone just gets pissed off. so you talk about something else. but when EVERYTHING becomes political (as tends to be the case in late stage totalitarian structures) then every topic breaks this taboo. so everything becomes a minefield and you can either hunker into ever more balkanized groups or never talk about anything. the cross cutting cleavages that establish common ground among differing people and overlap the venn circles of life are effaced and tribalism takes their place as we seek some sort of societal speakeasy where every utterance need not be guarded. the public square becomes penitent performance art.
by el gato malo
Synagogue Of Satan: Why It’s Time To Leave The Corporate Christian Church
I am going to state right up front here that this article is not for everyone. My target audience are those of you who no longer feel comfortable or welcome in your Christian Church due to all the things that have happened during the past 2 plus years since the Plandemic was unleashed, or to those of you who see the insanity around you and are searching for answers to understand everything, but know all too well that you will not find those answers in organized religion, including the Christian religion. This article is addressing the true disciples of Jesus Christ, or those who want to be his disciples. So if you want to know if you are a disciple of Jesus or not, please first read the article I published a couple of weeks ago: “How to Determine if you are a Disciple of Jesus Christ or Not.” To those of you who are true disciples of Jesus Christ, and understand that it has cost you everything that this world values to follow Jesus on the narrow path, including family relationships, then this article is for you: It is time to leave the Christian Church, if you have not done so already. And while your Christian friends and family members will probably try to lay a guilt trip on you for doing so, you are in good company, because the disciples of Jesus Christ in the First Century, as recorded in the New Testament section of the Bible, did exactly the same thing.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Global Elites Are Normalizing Pedophilia by The People’s Voice (11:18)
The Global Elites Are Normalizing Pedophilia by The People’s Voice (11:18)
GT Voice: Nightmare For US Chip Firms Just Beginning After Latest Ban
US chipmaking equipment supplier Lam Research on Wednesday warned of a $2 billion to $2.5 billion revenue hit in 2023 from Washington’s latest export controls on advanced semiconductors and equipment to China, which covers about 30 percent of the US company’s sales, Reuters reported. Lam Research is just the latest chip firm to forecast a sales loss due to the US’ chip ban. Last week, Applied Materials estimated a $250 million to $550 million drop in net sales in the quarter ending October 30, with a further impact expected in the coming months. While comments from the US business community about the latest round of US tech crackdown on China seem muted, their worrying sales outlook is not an isolated situation, but one that concerns all companies in the global chip supply chain, particularly those in the US. Indeed, the nightmare caused by the US’ chip ban for its own firms may have just started.
by Global Times
Lawmakers Looking To Pass $50 Billion In New Ukraine Aid Before Next Congress
The plan is due to concerns that massive Ukraine aid may not easily pass through a Republican-controlled House
Amid talk that it may be harder to push Ukraine aid through a Republican-controlled House if they win the majority in midterms, lawmakers from both parties are considering passing a new massive piece of legislation before newly elected members are sworn in this January. NBC News reported Thursday that the bipartisan idea under consideration would be to pass a bill for Ukraine aid that could cover an entire year during the lame-duck period. The bill is expected to be worth roughly $50 billion, which would bring total US spending on the war to over $115 billion. The new aid would likely be attached to an omnibus spending bill. An unnamed Republican senator told NBC that the legislation would make $12 billion of Ukraine aid that was included in a recent stopgap funding bill “look like pocket change.”
by Dave DeCamp
ACH (1939) Giuseppe Vafanculo – The G-Man #2 – Back To The 80’s (Audio 59:06)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 14, 2022, Andy presents “The G-Man” with his co-host Giuseppe Vafanculo for a show entitled, “Back To The 80’s.”
We discussed: the upsetting medical condition that the great Michael J. Fox is now suffering from; aspartame and the danger of diet drinks; the novels of Jay McInerney and Bret Easton Ellis; sequel albums; some of the interesting people Giuseppe encountered whilst he was the Rock Critic for the Milwaukee Sentinel; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
US Army As Useless As A One-Armed Wheelbarrow Say Experts
Europe on the sidelines of a Russian – NATO conflict has massively misjudged NATO as its sole deterrent in the event of the conflict spreading beyond Ukraine’s borders. The authoritative American think tank Heritage Foundation, in its annual report called the US Military Power Index, rated the state of the US military as ‘weak’, reports the US-owned Daily Mail. As stated in the document, massive inflation, coupled with limited budgets, have dealt such a severe blow to US troops that they may not even be able to cope with a regional conflict – not to mention large-scale hostilities on the world stage. According to the tabloid, in their next ‘Index of the military power of the United States’, a document published annually, which provides an assessment of the combat capability of the American Armed Forces, analysts at the center assigned the rating of American troops ‘weak’, concluding that they ‘face an increasingly serious risk failing to protect America’s most important national interests’ from countries such as China or Russia.
by Michael Walsh
The World Is At War by Max Igan (1:50:33)
The World Is At War by Max Igan (1:50:33)
New York Wants To Ban The Sharing Of Violent Crime Videos Online
Rubbing up against the First Amendment.
Leaders in the state of New York are calling for the criminalization of sharing videos of violent crime. While the proposals are seemingly ignorant of the First Amendment, and were spurred by a mass shooting, they also could be used to stop people from sharing videos of crimes that take place in the city. Overall indexed crime in New York City increased in July 2022 by 30.5% compared with July 2021 and, after a recent uptick in crime in New York over the last two years, social media users are sharing videos of violent crime to draw attention to a reversing trend. Following the racially-motivated mass shooting in Buffalo, NY, Gov. Kathy Hochul requested a report on the role of social media in mass shootings. The report, prepared by Attorney General Letitia James, describes how social media platforms failed to flag content posted by the suspect in the massacre that resulted in 10 deaths and recommends the criminalization of spreading violent content.
by Dan Frieth
DeSantis: No Mandatory COVID Jabs For Kids Despite CDC Vote To Add Shots To Immunization Schedule
‘As long as I am Governor, in Florida there will not be a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for children in our schools,’ DeSantis said in a Thursday tweet.
Florida’s firebrand Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is maintaining his reputation for resisting totalitarian COVID-19 mandates by pledging that school children in his state won’t be required to get coronavirus jabs despite the CDC’s vote to add the shots to its childhood immunization schedule. The decision comes as a CDC committee on Thursday unanimously voted to greenlight the addition of the experimental mRNA COVID shots to the recommended childhood immunization schedule. The upshot of the vote is that many schools will add COVID shots to their required vaccinations, making the jabs functionally mandatory for many children.
by Ashley Sadler
Israeli Colonizers Assault International Activists, Stab One, Near Bethlehem
On Wednesday, a group of illegal Israeli paramilitary colonizers assaulted many Palestinians and international peace activists picking Palestinian olive trees in Kisan village, east of Bethlehem, and stabbed a female activist. The olive orchard owner, Ibrahim Obeyyat, said the colonizers invaded his land and assaulted the locals and the international peace activists who came to help in picking the olive trees, especially since the area is subject to constant Israeli violations. Obeyyat added that the international peace activist was stabbed in the back and suffered a fracture in her leg after the colonizers struck her with an iron bar. He stated that the colonizers also uprooted at least 300 olive saplings and sprayed many olive trees with chemicals in his 90 Dunam olive orchard. The colonizers repeatedly target Kisan, its farmers, and lands, and have stolen agricultural supplies, uprooted trees, and frequently attack the farmers and the shepherds.
by IMEMC News
Nord Stream, Currencies And Credibility Go Bust For EU Liberalism
There’s no more obvious failure of Europe’s politicians to protect their own citizens than the drop in the euro and the pound to below parity and near-parity, respectively, with the United States dollar. However, this article was planned before the brazen sabotage of the Russian-German Nord Stream gas pipelines which – almost impossibly – outranks the currencies’ collapse! The two seismic events actually dovetail perfectly: both illustrate the absolute failure of Western Liberal Democracy for everyone but the Western 1%. Why would anyone interested in the theory of governance treat the above as hot news? Western leadership may have infinite personal faults and a bottomless appetite for blood and treasure, but their instability is so endemic so as to be clearly structural.
by Ramin Mazaheri
Child Protection Services (CPS) Are The Biggest Child Trafficking Ring In The World (2:02)
Child Protection Services (CPS) Are The Biggest Child Trafficking Ring In The World (2:02)
Agree With Us Or Hold Your Tongue
Every crisis, they say, is an opportunity. Governments, health bureaucrats and drug regulators all over the world have exploited the Covid-19 crisis to grab power and gain control over our lives. Predictably, rather than to most people’s surprise, many are proving singularly resistant to relinquishing their extraordinary powers, instead extending the emergency and broadening its scope to embrace other issues. Efforts to control the pandemic narrative began with a systematic suppression of any suggestion that it might have originated in a research lab of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, then moved on to denigrate, silence and smear critics of lockdowns, masks and vaccine efficacy and mandates.
by Ramesh Thakur
Surveys Suggest People Who Interact With A Wide Variety Of Other People Report Greater Life Satisfaction
A team of researchers at Harvard University, working with a colleague from the University of Virginia and another from Ramon Llull University, has found via surveys that people who interact with a wide variety of other people tend to report experiencing greater satisfaction with how their life is going than do those with less variety. Their paper is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Prior research has shown that there are links between the degree of social connection and personal well-being for most people—those who interact regularly with friends and colleagues tend to report being happier than loners. In this new effort, the researchers wondered if the depth of closeness between interacting people plays a role in such life satisfaction. To find out, they created several surveys designed to measure the closeness of acquaintances or other people involved in day-to-day interactions and how that impacted the degree of life satisfaction.
by Bob Yirka
US Pressuring Türkiye On Russia Relationship – Bloomberg
Angered by their NATO ally’s ties to Russia, American officials want Ankara to comply with their sanctions regime
American officials flew to Ankara this week to press Turkish officials and business leaders into compliance with Washington’s anti-Russian sanctions, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday. With Türkiye taking a neutral position on the conflict in Ukraine, the US has issued the country several warnings. Led by the Treasury Department’s assistant secretary for terrorist financing and financial crimes, Elizabeth Rosenberg, the US delegation met the Turkish central bank governor and business groups in Ankara and Istanbul earlier this week, the report stated. Rosenberg met with local treasury officials on Wednesday for private talks, Bloomberg’s sources added. Rosenberg was formerly a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, a think-tank largely funded by the weapons industry. Whilst working at the Treasury during the Obama administration, she drafted sanctions on Iran, Libya, and Syria.
by RT
mRNA In Your Food
NSW fast tracks vaccines for cattle
A couple of weeks ago the Deputy Premier, Minister for Agriculture of New South Wales (NSW), Australia announced that mRNA vaccines for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) will be fast tracked. The NSW Department of Primary Industries have partnered with the Queensland Government, the Federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and Meat and Livestock Australia. These will be the first mRNA vaccines for these diseases and will be created by US biotech company, Tiba Biotech. Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW, Paul Toole wants to prepare for a potential outbreak and so has written to vaccine manufacturers to develop both vaccines by 1 August 2023. Cattle are currently vaccinated for FMD using traditional live attenuated virus vaccines and there is no LSD vaccine in use in Australia. Therefore, Minister for Agriculture, Dugald Saunders, wants mRNA vaccines quickly because they are “cheaper and quicker to produce, highly effective and very safe.” Except for there haven’t been any trials to see if these vaccines are highly effective and very safe because they haven’t been designed yet.
by The Naked Emperor
Anonymous Synchronization (0:14)
Anonymous Synchronization (0:14)
The US Dollar Is Irrationally Strong Right Now
Having the world’s reserve currency is an extraordinary privilege. It means that the rest of the world literally HAS to stockpile your currency. For example, whenever a company in Peru does business with a supplier in Malaysia, that transaction is quoted and settled in US dollars. This means that the banking systems in both Peru and Malaysia HAVE to maintain substantial holdings of US dollars in order to facilitate these transactions. This is the biggest reason why foreigners own trillions and trillions of dollars of US government bonds; bonds are the largest and most liquid financial instrument available for foreign investors who need to hold dollars. And because of this need for foreigners to own US dollar assets, foreigners own a whopping $7.5 trillion worth of US government bonds, roughly 25% of the national debt. This is really an enormous benefit for the US. And for an easy example, we need look no further than to the United Kingdom.
by Simon Black
Marco Polo’s Report Destroys The Biden Crime Family
630 pages. 2,020 footnotes. 459 crimes. Marco Polo’s Report on the Biden Laptop is the most damning thing ever written about the Biden Crime Family.
I’ve read Miranda Devine’s Laptop From Hell and Peter Schweizer’s Red-Handed, which were phenomenal, but Marco Polo’s Report on the Biden Laptop is the most damning thing ever written about the Biden Crime Family. Nothing else comes close. 630 pages. 2,020 footnotes. 459 fully-documented crimes. The Biden Laptop is the Rosetta Stone of political corruption, and Marco Polo’s Report should be required reading for every American. Garrett Ziegler and his team use all the documents, emails, photographs, and text messages on Hunter’s Laptop to diligently detail the Biden Crime Family’s foreign collusion and money laundering operation with America’s greatest rivals. This report destroys the Biden Crime Family and carpet bombs everyone in their corrupt inner circle. Download the Report (PDF document) here.
by KanekoaTheGreat
CDC Spends $85 Million On Grant Program Requiring Schools To Allow LGBT Clubs
Over the past year, sex education in schools has consistently expanded to support the LGBT agenda.
Public records show that a major grant program requires schools that receive the funding to allow LGBT clubs and policies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spent $85 million on a 5-year grant program which compels schools to increase their support for LGBT ideology. According to a notice of funding report put out by the organization, recipients could be granted between $12,000 and $350,000 from 2018-2023. In 2018, the CDC released a lengthy document titled “Promoting Adolescent Health through School-Based HIV Prevention.” This resource details the requirements to form LGBT clubs called Gay-Straight Alliances or Genders and Sexualities Alliances (GSA). In order to be eligible for the grant, schools must “establish or enhance [these] student-led clubs that support LGBT youth.”
by Jean Mondoro
The Alex Jones Trial, And My New Strategy
(This article is Part-3 in a series. For Part-2, click here.)
As you know, plaintiffs recently won a lawsuit against Alex Jones to the tune of $965 million, based on statements Jones made about the Sandy Hook school shooting. Two points. Apparently the standard in these cases is: false and defamatory statements which cause a person emotional distress. And the amount of the $$ award is, as far as I can tell, meant to be punitive. It is supposed to inflict pain, on the defendant, at a level where he can truly feel it. That means the award is based on how much money the defendant has. So I spoke with my attorney. I was contemplating a defamation suit against a journalist for statements he made about me a year ago. I asked how much money we could hope for at trial. “About 65 dollars,” he said. “That amount would cause the reporter sufficient pain?” “Yes.” “What would your fee be for handling the case?” “53,346.87,” he said.
by Jon Rappoport
Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster (1:00:02)
by Corbett Report
Arrests Made In Dutch Journalists Case
Forty years have past since their crimes were committed. But in the past week, former military figures from El Salvador’s civil war have been arrested for their roles in the cold-blooded killing of four Dutch journalists covering that war. In early 1982, El Salvador was a dangerous place for journalists covering the civil war between FMLN guerrillas and the country’s armed forces. Despite the danger, Dutch journalists, Koos Koster, Jan Kuiper, Joop Willemse and Hans ter Laag, ventured out to the Department of Chalatenango to get an interview with guerrilla fighters. The Salvadoran army ambushed their group and killed all the journalists. The ambush was one of the war crimes documented in the 1993 UN Truth Commission Report following the conclusion of El Salvador’s civil war:
by El Salvador Perspectives
The United States And Britain Continue Secret Biological Research In Central Asia
Despite numerous publications about military research in secret US biology laboratories in the post-Soviet space and demands to place their activities under strict international control, there is, unfortunately, no qualitative improvement of the situation in this matter. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the recent 22nd Meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State, the Chinese president additionally drew the attention of the association’s member countries to the need “to effectively meet the challenges in biosecurity, and other non-traditional security domains”. As part of the Samarkand Declaration of 2022, SCO countries were urged to strictly adhere to the Biological Weapons Convention and to adopt a protocol to it that provides for an effective verification mechanism. After Russia initiated the special operation to denazify Ukraine, alongside publicly exposing the illegal US biological weapons development activities in secret biolabs, the Pentagon sought to move unfinished programs in Ukraine to other countries in the post-Soviet region as quickly as possible. This particularly pertains to the territory of the states of Central Asia (CA) and Eastern Europe.
by Vladimir Platov
‘Impeach Him Again’: CDC Advisory Committee Plagued With Political Activism
Committee set to green light shots for kids with no clinical data.
The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is supposed to be a non-political body that evaluates and recommends vaccines for children and adults. Unfortunately, this outfit is not only plagued with corruption and special interests, it is also a hyper political entity, The Dossier has found. ACIP is expected to meet Thursday to add Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 injection to the list of required childhood vaccines without any clinical data supporting their position. This process would trigger blanket legal immunity for Pfizer and Moderna. The Dossier has discovered that 6 ACIP committee members — Dr. Wilbur Chen, Dr. Helen Keipp Talbott, Dr. Nirav Shah, Dr. Camille Kotton, Dr. Grace Lee, and Lynn Bahta — maintain a public presence on Twitter. Out of those 6, we discovered that four of the six regularly engage in political advocacy on the platform. Here’s but a small sample size of the political activism of committee members, which again, are tasked with the enormous responsibility of endorsing the safety and efficacy of children’s pharmaceutical products.
by Jordan Schachtel
ACH (1938) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of The War On Food, Fuel And Freedom ()Audio 58:16)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 13, 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of The War On Food, Fuel And Freedom.”
We discussed: how the world runs on food, fuel and finances; the project to close down oil and coal plants throughout the world; the dramatic increase in the number of migrants being sent to the West; why women were moved from the home to the workplace; how the powers that should not be dramtically changed the demographics of the West; why the ultimate goal is the destruction of Western Christian Society; the plan to reduce the world’s population to under 500 Million; how the largest number of Christians in Europe today live in Russia or the Ukraine; why we are living through what the Bible warned us about in Revelation Chapter 13; Cicero’s remark that a nation can survive its fools but it cannot survive its traitors from within; why no anti-immigration politicians in the West ever refer to Barbara Lerner Spectre; Klaus Schwab’s claim that food and fuel supplies are going to be targeted; the Sabbatean Movement; why the time to stand up and speak out is now; how it is more vital than ever to turn to God; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Ursula Haverbeck Ordered Back To Prison – And Her Rebuttal To This Order
Ursula Haverbeck, born on November 8, 1928, has been told she must turn herself in to the prison within two weeks of having received the order, to serve her one-year sentence. This would mean presenting herself at the gate by October 25, 2022. The nearly 94-year-old German woman is guilty of none other than asking inconvenient questions about “the Holocaust” and where those alleged murders took place. After years of asking questions and never receiving answers, she drew “politically incorrect” conclusions. With the help of an online translator and a few of my own corrections to it, this is my best effort to present an English version of her letter which she submitted to the court authorities. Frau Haverbeck’s original letter in German follows the English version. If bilingual readers find errors in interpretation, please put those in the comments. It is simply astonishing with what hutzpah the so-called “justice” system in Germany operates, in order to keep the official narrative going. Someone – I wonder (((who))) – must be very afraid to let the truth emerge about what really happened in Germany during that chapter in history commonly referred to as World War Two. For previous articles about Ursula Haverbeck on my website: please see this and this, both articles from December 2020 and this one from November of 2020 just after she was released from her 2&1/2 years in prison. Here is the letter from Ursula Haverbeck:
by Monika Schaefer
UK Commons Passes Bill To Electronically Tag Protesters That Haven’t Been Convicted Of A Crime
Sweeping new surveillance proposal.
The UK House of Commons passed the controversial Public Order Bill by 276 to 231 votes. The bill aims to give police and courts more power to prevent protests and the ability to electronically monitor protesters with an ankle tag before they’ve even been tried in a court of law. We obtained a copy of the bill for you here. While introducing the bill, former Home Secretary Priti Patel said: “What we have seen in recent years is a rise in criminal, disruptive and self-defeating guerrilla tactics, carried out by a selfish few in the name of protest. “Not only do these anti-social protests cause untold delays and misery for the law-abiding public wanting to get on with their lives, it tears police away from communities where they are needed most to prevent serious violence and neighborhood crime.
by Ken Macon
Where Are All the Vaccine Safety Reports The MHRA Promised Us, Ask Doctors And Scientists
he Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART), an expert group of medics, clinicians, scientists and academics, has published an article reminding the U.K. drug regulator, the MHRA, that it initially set out a solid plan of how it would monitor the safety of the Covid vaccines it had approved for emergency use. It asks what happened to that plan and all the vaccine safety reports promised under it. The article starts by setting out the ways in which the MHRA has fallen short in its duty to regulate the vaccines. The U.K. drug regulator, the MHRA, did not carry out the toxicity, biodistribution and pharmacokinetics studies that are required of new drugs because of the political pressure to approve. However, nearly two years have passed since then and the MHRA has not set a deadline for the pharmaceutical companies to provide these data. The MHRA allowed the treatments to be presented as vaccines like any other when they are a novel class of agents, never before approved for human use despite the technology being around for decades (mostly because they have been dangerous and ineffective in previous human trials).
by Will Jones
CDC Votes Unanimously To Include Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine In Their Recommended Pediatric Immunization Schedule
Unbelievable and infuriating at the same time. The CDC voted unanimously today (15-0) to include the emergency use authorized mRNA vaccine as part of the childhood immunization schedule, effectively forcing most school aged children to undergo a COVID shot as part of the state requirement to attend school. The CDC’s independent vaccine advisers voted 15-0 Thursday to add most Covid-19 vaccines offered in the U.S. to the childhood, adolescent and adult immunization schedules. The immunization schedules, which are updated every fall before going into effect the following year, consolidate all of the CDC’s vaccine recommendations in one document for states that use them as guidance for school entry requirements and busy physicians. The additions formalize recommendations the CDC has already made on Covid vaccination in individuals ages 6 months and older for shots that the FDA has approved or has authorized for emergency use. Covid vaccines’ inclusion on the schedules don’t constitute mandates, particularly for schoolchildren, which are the purview of states, localities or jurisdictions, depending on local laws. Still, the committee’s vote sparked controversy and debate on social media about what the additions mean for vaccine requirements after Fox News’ Tucker Carlson asserted Tuesday that the CDC would trigger mandates for students.
by Sundance
Why CDC Added TrumpShots To Kids Schedule (16:17)
by David Knight Show
Sexual-Assault-Related ER Visits Increase More Than Ten-Fold In The Last Decade
An increasing number of people are seeking emergency medical help for sexual assault, a new study suggests. Emergency departments saw 15 times more sexual assault related visits in the past decade, outpacing the growth of law enforcement reporting, according to the research in JAMA Network Open. “Sexual assault is a disturbing and prevalent trend in the U.S. We know that people who experience sexual assault face numerous emergent health problems but few seek emergency medical care,” said senior author Erica Marsh, M.D., chief of the division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the Center for Reproductive Medicine at University of Michigan Health Von Voigtlander Women’s Hospital. “These findings demonstrate the role that health care providers can play in improving long-term medical and psychosocial health for these individuals.”
by University of Michigan
Zionist Organization Of America: Trump “Best Friend Israel Ever Had In The White House”
The Zionist Organization of America, which works to strengthen U.S.-Israel relations and combat anti-Israel bias, announced last Friday that it will award the “rarely given” Theodor Herzl Medallion to former U.S. President Donald Trump. In an email sent to its members, the ZOA said it was honoring the former president “for being the best friend Israel ever had in the White House.” Dr. Miriam Adelson, physician and billionaire, will present Trump’s award on Nov. 13 at the Zionist Organization’s national awards dinner in New York City.
by Brian Shilhavy
Fingerprints Of The Labs – New Pre-Print Indicates Synthetic Origin Of Covid
But it’s just a conspiracy theory, shhhhhhh
A pre-print study released today reports that the genomic patterns they have observed in SARS-CoV-2 are most likely to have occurred due to synthetic genome assembly rather than natural evolution. They say that the patterns are consistent with previously engineered viruses and are unlikely to have evolved from other coronaviruses. They report that there is a high likelihood that SARS-CoV-2 may have originated as an infectious clone assembled in vitro. Alex Washburne, one of the co-authors, said they studied a common method for synthesizing coronaviruses in labs. The method was thought not to leave a fingerprint but he claims to have found the fingerprint in the genome. He goes on to explain that to create a virus in a lab your need a 30kb DNA clone to make a 30kb RNA virus. To make the clone, smaller fragments are glued together, often using the Golden Gate assembly method. This method makes special “cutting” sites in the DNA sequence which in turn create “sticky ends”. This is the glue that attaches the various segments together.
by The Naked Emperor
Spike Protein Triggers Coronary Plaque Destabilization and Thrombosis
Why So Many Heart Attacks, Stenting, and Bypass Surgeries Occur after COVID-19 Vaccination
As a cardiologist, I have received many reports of cardiovascular events (unstable angina, myocardial infarction) occurring after COVID-19 vaccination. Each vignette is different from an explosive fatal heart attack to rapid progression of coronary disease and the need for stenting or bypass surgery. A study by Gundy, who measured multiple biomarkers before and after vaccination was presented as an abstract at the American Heart Association; it predicted heart attacks would happen with COVID-19 vaccination based upon indicators that atherosclerotic plaque within coronary arteries would destabilize with circulatory Spike protein and cytokines.[i] This inflammatory milieu in combination with the thrombogenic nature of the Spike protein is a recipe for fatal and nonfatal heart attacks in patients with existing coronary disease.
by Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake
CDC Data: Moderna Causes 42% Mors Miscarriages Compared To Pfizer
CDC Presentation Provides Irrefutable Proof
[I am in a hospital ER right now with a broken foot. Please forgive me if this post is more incoherent than usual. The wait is taking a while, so I decided to try to finish my post about this] This article will show that CDC’s own statistics prove beyond statistical doubt that the Moderna vaccine causes 42% MORE miscarriages, compared to the Pfizer vaccine, casting doubt on CDC’s claim that both are “safe for pregnancy”. I guess maybe Moderna is 42% more unsafe for pregnancy than Pfizer. But I would not recommend either of them. What do you think? Do you know any affected women?
by Igor Chudov
Who Owns The CDC?
Many of you are understandably outraged at the CDC’s recent unanimous decision to add the COVID-19 vaccines to the pediatric schedule. The decision is completely indefensible, and will result in millions of children being forced to be vaccinated for no benefit and substantial risk. For those who have any doubts this will happen, Tucker Carlson eloquently refuted those arguments. In democratic republics, it should not be possible for unelected groups to forcefully dictate the lives of citizens without those policies being legalized by the legislative process. Unfortunately, our bureaucracy has bypassed that process by allowing committees (whose members are appointed rather than being elected democratically) to craft “guidelines” (as this is the limit of their authority), and then have the rest of the government (and media) treat those guidelines as law. Unfortunately, the members of these committees tend to be individuals who have been bribed and inevitably arrive at conclusions that support their sponsors.
by A Midwestern Doctor
Ye Calls Out George Soros: ‘Come And Meet With Me Directly’ Instead Of Sending Your Puppets To Attack Me (Text and Video)
Ye, the artist formerly known as Kanye West, called out globalist billionaire George Soros by name on Tuesday and told him to “come and meet with me directly” instead of having his puppets in the “Jewish media” attack him. “I got money, I got my songs, I could go off and just go to Hawaii and just live a nice life,” Ye told an interviewer outside a studio in New York. “That means that God has called me to sacrifice all of that in order to bring the truth.” “That’s what I’m saying, they don’t cut my check. You listen to people that’s getting their check cut by Jewish media,” Ye said. “George Soros, come and meet with me directly, I told you, you ain’t gonna send these people that you done sent, Charlemagne– we know all these names.”
by Chris Menahan
Pastors And Physicians: From Protectors To Predators (31:38)
Ron Paul Liberty Report
Glyphosate And Other Harmful Contaminants Found In School Lunches
Moms Across America (MAA), an organization dedicated to creating healthy communities and families, has discovered that 95.3 percent of school lunch items contain glyphosate, which is classified as a carcinogen and an endocrine disrupter. That surprising finding came from toxicity testing on samples of food from the national school lunch program.1 Eighteen Moms Across America supporters’ children bought a school lunch and brought it home in an unused plastic bag. Each parent signed a form confirming the sample was untouched and uncontaminated. Each sample was frozen and sent by one-to-two-day shipping directly to Health Research Institute Laboratories in Fairfield, Iowa, where the toxicity testing was performed. Since the school lunch samples were collected from a national school lunch program, Moms Across America chose not to disclose the school location.2
by Rishma Parpia
NZ Funeral Director Confirms UK And US Embalmer Reports: 95% Of Corpses Had Received Covid “Vaccination” Within 2 Weeks Of Death
We have been seeing more and more blockbuster reports confirming adverse reactions to the Covid-19 jabs lately, but this one might be the most shocking in a long time.
A new report is finally confirming and arguably doubling-down on a bombshell report that dropped in early September. Embalmers from across the globe were reporting strange clots in the veins of the recently deceased that they’d never seen before the Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out. Many believed the report might start making a dent in the narrative and agenda to get as many people jabbed as often as possible, especially since it was published by reputable news outlets like The Epoch Times. If it did make a dent, we barely noticed. The stories were quickly dropped in the corporate media memory hole and “fact-checkers” were busy “debunking” the stories without actually offering proof that the multiple reports from disparate embalmers were made up.
by JD Rucker
mark it covid!
because we certainly do not want to call it “cancer”
an abiding issue throughout the grand data debacle of times covidian was been the ruthless primacy with which “covid deaths” were counted. this led to the longstanding issue of “deaths with covid” vs “deaths from covid. a great many of the people who were hospitalized and died from a myriad of causes just happened to test COV+ when they died as opposed to having their death primarily or even slightly caused by covid. (this % is a matter of spirited debate as is how to count it) if one is inclined to count severe comorbidities as causal pure covid deaths have been shown to be as low as 6% of total.
by el gato malo
Won’t Get Flued Again
Uh oh, it’s magic!
There’s only so much space for competing illnesses and the newer one said to the older one, “Get outta my way. But just for this year. Pilfer and Mode-RNA wants me starting quarterback this season. You can have the limelight again next year old man.” And the old one replied, “Okay Covid kid. Here’s looking at you.” Has there been a scientifically-backed explanation for why Influenza just magically disappeared the entire winter of 2020-2021 the exact year of mass experimental vaccination on the global population? I’d drop my sinister cynical black pilled facade instantly and happily read it with an open mind to the extent that my limited one could understand the virologic minutiae, assuming it’s science and not “The Science”, not that I could readily tell the difference without following the money, but damn it, I’d try! (Leave your theories in the comments below in a way that a five-year-old child could understand it, or say a golden retriever.) I went digging laboriously across all the permissible tools for digital searching and as usual was left with tremendous, displeasure. The kind only the corporate state propaganda machine can deliver.
by Good Citizen
The “Free World” Isn’t Looking So Free These Days
The Anglosphere is completely captured by globalist interests.
The world’s English-speaking nations that share historical and ideological ties – commonly referred to as the Anglosphere – were once understood as the world’s most powerful beacons for the tenets of freedom. Through our elected politicians in 2022, however, this social contract has vanished, and its ideas are completely absent within the halls of political power. In today’s Anglosphere, it’s difficult to find a politician or policymaker, on either side of the dominant political factions of government, who genuinely defends the enlightenment principles that sparked the incredible and unprecedented human flourishing of past decades and centuries.
by Jordan Schachtel
A Cold Day In Hell
A look at what happens when vernacular economies break down
Home sales declined the most on record in September as mortgage rates surged and pushed prospective buyers out of the once-hot housing market, according to a new report. A report from the real estate company Redfin shows the number of homes sold fell by 25 percent and new listings dropped by 22 percent last month, marking the biggest declines on record in both categories — excluding numbers at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in April and May 2020. Although prices have declined recently, sky-high mortgage rates have pushed monthly payments up by more than 50 percent year over year, according to the report. Middle class Americans store much of their wealth in their homes. If house prices are cut in half, so is much of their wealth. And, houses are typically a leveraged asset, a liability as well as an asset. They owe money on it. As their asset declines, the gap between the asset and the liability narrows… and sometimes closes altogether. Then, they are ‘under water,’ with no more asset left. Only liability.
by Bill Bonner and Joel Bowman
Israeli Company Introduces 3D Printed “Meat” As The Future Of Food
Despite plunging interest and falling stock prices, multiple companies around the globe are still attempting to promote fake meat substitutes into a highly limited market that does not want them. Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat were the last failed attempts to use soy, bean and pea proteins to simulate the burger experience, going so far as to partner with fast food franchises like Burger King And McDonald’s, only to have these programs cancelled because of lack of sales. Artificial meat and the removal of meat from the public diet has been an ongoing agenda of the UN for several years, based on the claim that animal farming releases too many greenhouse gases that contribute to “climate change.” There is still no concrete scientific evidence to support this conclusion, given that the world’s overall temperature has only increased less than 1 degree Celsius in the past century according to the NOAA. Nevertheless, the establishment marches forward with its goal of a vegan population by 2050.
by Tyler Durden
The Pervasive Charade
Keep it up prop it up
Never let it fall
The pervasive charade
Is now spoken by all
by Mark R. Elsis
October 19, 1996

Majority Of US Waterways Contaminated By Cancer-Linked ‘Forever Chemicals,’ Analysis Reveals
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) have been used in many consumer and industrial products since the 1940s. Often used to make products water-resistant, they break down very slowly over time and tend to build up in both the human body and the environment. PFAs have been linked to cancer and disease in humans. Waterkeeper Alliance, a worldwide network of environmental organizations focusing on clean water, recently determined that the majority of US waterways were polluted with cancer-linked “forever chemicals.” The agency conducted its analysis of US waterways in May and July of this year, taking 228 samples from 114 different rivers and streams across 34 states and the District of Columbia. Researchers found that 83% of the samples were found to have PFAs at levels that exceed federal limits, with 70% of those water sources detecting the most dangerous kinds of chemicals: PFOS and PFOA. “The results clearly show widespread PFAS contamination across the country and demonstrate that existing laws and regulations are inadequate for protecting us,” said Marc Yaggi, CEO of the Waterkeeper Alliance.
Allison Dubois
Kanye Just Went Nuclear On Jews (1:34)
IMF Chief Says Central Bank Digital Currency Should Be Used Alongside Social Credit System To Control What People Can And Cannot Buy (Text and Video)
The deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently explained how Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) can be programmed to determine what people are allowed to buy and insisted they should be used alongside a China-style Social Credit Score system. Unlike cryptocurrency, which is private, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will be issued and controlled by the central banks themselves. In many ways, it’s the same as banknotes, but that every single transaction will be monitored for compliance. On Friday 14th October, the IMF streamed a meeting called “Central Bank Digital Currencies for Financial Inclusion: Risks and Rewards.” Speakers were Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, who’s also the UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development. Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, IMF, and Bo Li, Deputy Managing Director, and finally Cecilia Skingsley the BIS Innovation Hub Director. The meeting was about global financial inclusion, which they said had improved over the past ten years, but almost a quarter of the world’s adult population are still unbanked.
by The Exposé
Ukraine Tries To Capture Nuclear Plant – Russian Official
The amphibious operation in Zaporozhye Region involved 30 boats and followed artillery shelling, according to Vladimir Rogov
Kiev launched an amphibious operation against the Russian city of Energodar in Zaporozhye Region, a senior local official has reported. Ukrainian commandos used around 30 speed boats overnight to cross the Dnepr River, targeting the city, Vladimir Rogov said, as cited on Wednesday morning by Russian media. “After artillery shelling of the city, they attempted to land, including to capture the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. The fighting continued for several hours, at least three or three and a half. The assault was fended off,” he said. Earlier in the day the city administration reported Ukrainian artillery attacks on several key facilities in Energodar, including the city administration building, an access road, and a transformer station crucial for its power supply. The latter was disabled, causing a blackout, the head of the city administration, Aleksandr Volga, said.
by RT
Biden To Unveil Cunning New Plan To Lower Gas Prices: Drain Even More From The SPR
As was leaked earlier today, President Biden will address the nation tomorrow to explain his next cunning plan to lower gas prices for the average American (except those in California) since OPEC+ snubbed his delay-til-after-the-midterms begging-bowl and decided to cut production last week. His cunning new plan, we hear you ask? Well it’s simple – more of the same: blame big oil (gouging and profiteering), blame little oil (greedy local gas station owners), blame the Saudis (who are now Putin puppets)… and drain more of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The Wall Street Journal reports, citing official sources, that central to the president’s address will be a decision for the Energy Department to go ahead and sell the last roughly 15 million of 180 million barrels from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve he had authorized for sale back in March. Biden also plans to call on the Energy Department to be prepared for more sales from what’s left of about 400 million barrels in the reserve if Russia or others disrupt world markets, according to the White House.
by Tyler Durden
Ukraine Says It Will Formally Request Air Defenses From Israel
Israeli officials maintain they will not be providing arms
On Tuesday, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that Kyiv will formally ask Israel to provide air defense systems amid a flurry of Russian strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure. Up to this point, Israel has not provided Ukraine with weapons, and Israeli officials say that policy won’t change. An Israeli official told Ynet that sending military aid to Ukraine won’t happen in the near future. But Kuleba is expected to make the request in a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid that is scheduled for Thursday. In another sign that Israel is not keen on supporting Ukraine with military aid, Haaretz reported that Israel rejected a request from Ukraine to hold a call between Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz and his Ukrainian counterpart, Oleksii Reznikov.
by Dave DeCamp
Arab Oil Giants Endorse OPEC+ Production Cut, Shoot Down US Claims Of ‘Saudi Pressure’
The White House has been scrambling for a ‘response’ to their Gulf partners after failing to stop a major oil production cut ahead of midterm elections
Members of the OPEC+ group of countries issued a slew of statements on 16 October to endorse a major oil production cut that was announced earlier this month. These statements were released in response to the accusations of irate US officials, who said Saudi Arabia “coerced” their OPEC partners into supporting the cut, allegedly to “increase Russian revenues and blunt the effectiveness of [western] sanctions.” Washington went on to claim that several Gulf nations contacted them “privately” to say they disagreed with the OPEC+ decision. “I would like to clarify that the latest OPEC+ decision, which was unanimously approved was a pure technical decision, with NO political intentions whatsoever,” the UAE Energy Minister, Mohamed al-Mazrouei, Tweeted on Sunday. I would like to clarify that the latest OPEC+ decision , which was unanimously approved was a pure technical decision, with NO political intentions whatsoever.
by News Desk
The Most Powerful Weapon The West Gave Ukraine: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
It’s pretty wild how the US is sending armored vehicles to Haiti to help quash the exact sort of uprising it’s been actively trying to create in places like Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Hong Kong. The Pentagon is seeking sweeping new powers in preparation for a war with China, the Senate NDAA bill increases proposed military aid to Taiwan from 4.5 to 10 billion dollars, and Tony Blinken is claiming without evidence that Beijing has greatly accelerated its plans to annex Taiwan. This is all as aggressions continue to ramp up against Russia. They really are doing this thing. So it looks like this is what we’ll be doing for the foreseeable future: calling to escalate the war in Ukraine, facilitating the escalation of the war in Ukraine, and then screaming with shock and outrage when the war in Ukraine escalates. That seems to be what we’ve got planned. “Maybe my government is actually in the wrong here and is just lying and manipulating to advance its own interests?” should be a much more common thought. It’s a line of inquiry that should be taught to schoolchildren. It is by design that it doesn’t occur to people more often. The most powerful weapon the west has given Ukraine is not the HIMARS, it’s the US propaganda machine.
by Caitlin Johnstone
A War Russia Set To Win
The Europeans have been nicely played by the Americans
Two massive terrorist strikes misfired spectacularly and a terrible beauty is born in the Ukraine war. These two carefully planned attacks in quick succession — on Nord Stream gas pipelines and Crimean Bridge — were intended as a knockout blow to Russia. According to President Vladimir Putin, people ‘who want to finally sever ties between Russia and the EU, weaken Europe’ are behind the Nord Stream blasts. He named the US, Ukraine and Poland as ‘beneficiaries’. India should expect the defeat of the US and NATO, which completes the transition to a multipolar world order. Last Wednesday, Russia’s domestic intelligence service FSB identified Ukraine’s military intelligence chief, Kyrylo Budanov, as the mastermind behind the Crimean attack. The New York Times and Washington Post also pointed fingers at Kiev, quoting ‘sources’. While Nord Stream-1 has been crippled, one of the strings of Nord Stream-2 remains intact. Putin said last week that the pipeline could be restored and Russia could deliver about 27 billion cubic metres of gas. ‘The ball is on the side of the European Union, if they want — let’s turn on the tap,’ he said.
by MK Bhadrakumar
Truss Mugged Millions Of Pensioners Who Will Now Live And Die In Abject Poverty
The obscenely reckless mini budget introduced by Kwarteng, the most idiotic buffoon in British political history (aka Twat of the current Century and the last one too) was not dreamt up without the approval of that woman Truss. And even though the budget has been largely reversed (except, apparently, for lifting the cap on bankers’ bonuses) the damage has been done. It is customary for pension advisors to recommend to those in their 50s or 60s that they put their nest egg into Government gilts. Traditionally, Government gilts are the safest investments anyone can buy. Rock solid. Secure. Unlike shares, the money is safe. That’s why pension funds are put into gilts. It’s why investment advisors recommend them to careful savers who don’t like taking risks. Truss’s budget (and let’s be honest – Truss was standing behind Kwarteng and working his lips) has destroyed the value of Government gilts. Many gilt funds have dropped 30-50%. What that means in practice is that pensions could have halved in value.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
making sound choices in the global information age (text and video)
stop being enticed into playing games whose boards you will never be able to see
sometimes, looking at something from a new angle is all it takes to gain some real perspective on the choices one makes in life. this video is deeply instructive. here, it’s free water. our model is advertising! this is so worrying to this guy that he just will not drink it. he suspects a trick, that it’s toxic or from some cesspool. but i’ll bet he consumes “free media” supported by advertising every day. he probably has “free email” and “free social media” too. to do this with water shocks him, but it’s all the same model. and the same age old intuition applies to all: if you do not pay for a good or service, you are not the customer. you are the product. facebook/meta, twitter, google: you are not the client. the advertiser is.
by el gato malo
China’s First Photonic Chip Production Line To Be Ready In 2023: Media Report
China’s first production line for “multi-material and cross-size” photonic chips, or integrated optical circuits, will be completed in Beijing in 2023, a development that’s expected to fill a gap in the nation’s top-level manufacturing, the Beijing Daily reported on Tuesday. Compared with electronic chips, photonic chips offer higher speeds and lower power consumption. The calculation speed and transmission rate are 1,000 times those of electronic chips, according to the newspaper. If all goes as planned with the facility, it will show that the preliminary experimental research and development process is in place, with production technology that leads the world, analysts said. According to the Beijing Daily, the production line will be built by Sintone, a Beijing-based high-tech enterprise. The facility can meet market demand in multiple fields including communications, data centers, medical testing and other sectors, said the report, citing Sui Jun, the president of Sintone.
by Global Times
People Who Resisted Covid Jabs Are ‘Superheroes’ Who ‘Embody The Best Of Humanity’: French General
‘Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues, and doctors.’
France’s General Christian Blanchon published a tribute letter to the unvaccinated in September 2022, calling citizens who refused the COVID injections “superheroes.” The statement Blanchon published may have originally been written by Spanish biologist and film-maker Fernando López-Mirones, who posted a statement with almost the exact same words in Spanish on his Telegram channel on July 26, 2022. Blanchon’s publication of the text made waves in Europe and around the world among people critical of draconian COVID policies but was largely ignored by the mainstream press. The text of the soldier’s letter offers encouragement to those who resisted the experimental COVID jabs that were developed, according to the recent admission of a Pfizer executive, “at the speed of science” and not thoroughly tested before being introduced to the market. Blanchon praises the courage of the unvaccinated who often faced immense pressure from doctors, colleagues, friends, and even family members.
by Andreas Wailzer
Cui Bono? The Big Picture
Further to my last “Motive, Means and Opportunity” summary regarding who blew up the Nordstream pipelines (the USA), let us stand back and look at the bigger global picture today. Let us ask “Cui bono?” with regard to the entire Ukrainian debacle. First of all, we need to be absolutely clear that this insane FUBAR Ukraine situation was 100% concocted, fabricated and engineered by the USA, certainly since the droolin’ Nuland / lamebrained McCain / CIA Maidan coup of 2014, but even dating back before that. There are few situations in life where one party can be found to be 100% guilty and evil and morally bankrupt, and where the other party is 100% acting in self defence and self preservation. However history will show that with respect to this Ukraine situation, the USA was 100% the evil aggressor and Russia was 100% acting in self preservation and in defense of civilian Russian speakers in Ukraine. This is truly a war of good against evil and in case you still haven’t got the message yet, let me repeat: the USA Deep State is EVIL. This reality is indisputably obvious to any semi-comatose person remotely interested in historical, documented FACTS. For those with any remaining doubts, they need to listen to this comprehensively researched three part podcast summary by a journalist and a military historian (both Anglophones). They actually obtained their information from Western mainstream media sources before those reports and articles mysteriously vanished from the Google search algorithms (or were relegated to 500th priority on the search list) after 24 Feb 2022:
by Eric Arthur Blair
IMF Meeting: CBDC Should Be Tied To Digital IDs To “Push Society Into To New Equilibriums”
Massive privacy concerns.
Governments and financial institutions are increasingly warming to the idea of introducing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) – central banks’ digital tokens, pegged to a country’s fiat money, and controlled and backed by the authorities in ways they never could other money they issue. There’s a lot to like about that if you’re banks and governments, but opponents of CBDCs keep warning that the same doesn’t apply to regular citizens, whose privacy, personal data safety and true ownership of their assets may be better served by decentralized solutions. And while these debates are ongoing, the idea of pairing CBDCs and digital IDs, and if need be, pushing them onto a reluctant population, is something central bankers are now coming up with as well, as evidenced during the 2022 International Monetary Fund (IMF)/World Bank Group (WBG) Annual Meetings.
by Didi Rankovic
Politico, EU Weapons Fund Runs Dry. Surovikin, Complete Surrender. Ukraine Braces For Blackouts (33:02)
by Alex Christoforou
Why Do Teachers Give Girls Higher Marks Than Boys? Italian Researchers Have The Answer
Girls are routinely being given more generous grades than boys with the same academic competences, a new study of tens of thousands of pupils and their teachers concludes. This bias against boys could mean the difference between a pass and a fail in subjects such as maths. It could also have wider consequences in areas such as college admission, job choice and earnings, warn the Italian researchers. Their study, published in British Journal of Sociology of Education, is the first to demonstrate that the problem is systemic—it is present across a variety of educational environments and irrespective of teachers’ characteristics. The teachers however, put the girls in front in both subjects. The girls’ average grade in language was 6.6 (out of 10), with compares with 6.2 for the boys. In maths, the average grade for the girls was 6.3, while the boys averaged 5.9, which is below the pass mark of 6. The analysis also showed that when a boy and a girl were similarly competent at a subject, the girl would typically receive a higher grade.
by Taylor and Francis
The Iatrogenocide Accelerates
The ACIP appears on the verge of adding eighteen doses of Covid-19 mRNA to the childhood vaccine schedule
The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will conduct a two-day meeting starting tomorrow (October 19 and 20). The official announcement of the agenda was intentionally vague. But over the past few days people in the movement have figured out that the CDC intends to add Covid-19 shots to the childhood immunization schedule. Let’s be clear — adding Covid-19 to the childhood schedule is not adding “just” 1 more shot — it’s adding 18 more shots (it will be a yearly shot). So overnight the childhood schedule would go from 54 injections (72 antigens because of combined shots like MMR) to 72 injections (90 antigens). This has absolutely nothing to do with health — it’s all about profit and power. If the ACIP votes yes, thousands more children will die from these shots. For those wondering whether the CDC/ACIP would really do something this diabolical — adding 18 shots to the schedule with no evidence of benefit when childhood health has already collapsed from vaccine injury — the answer is of course they would. Genociders gonna genocide. This was always the plan — get Pharma permanent liability protection before the midterm elections and Pharma will reward Dems with a mountain of dark money funnelled through a variety of front groups.
by Toby Rogers
The WEF’s Programs For Infiltration: The Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers And New Champions (Text and Video)
In recent months, the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers, and New Champions have gathered in support of the Davos mission. Who exactly are these groups and what do they represent? While the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program has become familiar to many people in recent months, equally important and influential programs such as the Global Shapers and New Champions are less well known. However, a look into these initiatives offers further insight into the plans of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the globalist politicians who support them. According to their official site, the Young Global Leaders is an “accelerator for a dynamic community of exceptional people with the vision, courage, and influence to drive positive change in the world”. The YGL claim to have more than 1,400 members and alumni from more than 120 nations. They say their membership is made up of business innovators, entrepreneurs, technology pioneers, educators, activists, artists, journalists, and more. Since they are a creation of the WEF, they also say they “seek to drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest”.
by Derrick Broze
Greatest American Bank
Put that coffee down.
After the twin towers, the Patriot Act, the anthrax deception, the WMD lies, Guantanamo Bay, the Abu Ghraib torture, and the mortgage scam, I realized most of life in the U.S. was consensual participation in great cons and even greater crimes. Every industry was simply corporate socialism, looting the treasury. Nothing has changed. And everything today is much worse. I put my condo up for sale a few months later and planned a whole new life in a whole different part of the world and never went back. When they bailed out the banks responsible for the mess with a few trillion dollars and nobody went to jail, and there were no riots, and the Federal Reserve building still stood and all the bank CEOs showed up to the White House to have a beer with Obama who did some mild finger waving, I knew without a shred of doubt that we were, and still are watching a late stage failing empire. The whole mortgage experience did produce a screenplay and a one-act stage play called Option ARM, named after the insane mortgage product that allowed borrowers to choose what payment option they wanted to make each month including one with negative amortization. It may read like a farce, but it’s based on true events and real people, including one who served six years in prison for mortgage fraud.
by Good Citizen
Vaxx-Regrets: The Masses Are Realizing They Made A Mistake And They’re Getting Scared
Many of my readers didn’t get jabbed. It’s likely that many more, if not most, DID get jabbed. We understand. It sucks. But moving forward we need to stop more jabs from getting in more arms.
The other day, I posted an article and did a show titled, “Dealing With Newly Awakened Anti-Vaxxers.” It was prompted by the prominent vaxx-nannies like Piers Morgan who used to ridicule vaccine skeptics but who are now singing a different tune. A few said I was too harsh. Most said I wasn’t harsh enough. But there was a third unexpected response that made me give a lot of thought to the future. I received hundreds of correspondences from people who have been vaxxed and now they don’t know what to do. Some asked about treatment options to try to get “unvaxxed.” Others asked if there were legal avenues they could pursue to get compensated for damages. Unfortunately, there was no way to give them positive responses to either question. The past is the past but the future is still in play. Whether we are in the end times (I believe we are) or not, our mission moving forward is to get the truth out to as many people as possible. There is the Biblical truth, which for Bible believing Christians should be the most important part of our mission. Then, there’s the worldly truth and few things are as important as waking even more people up about medical tyranny, Pandemic Panic Theater, The Great Reset, and how the Covid vaccines play a role in all three.
by JD Rucker
South Africa Confirms Likelihood Of Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS Economic Alliance
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa held a two-day summit with Saudi Arabia on mostly economic matters.
At the conclusion of the summit, he confirmed the intent of Saudi Arabia to join the BRICS economic coalition, which should not come as a surprise given the previous statements by Saudi leader and Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman (MbS). (MSM) Ramaphosa confirms Saudi Arabia wants to join Brics family. This was revealed by President Cyril Ramaphosa during his two-day state visit to the kingdom on Sunday. “The Crown Prince (prime minister Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud) did express Saudi Arabia’s desire to be part of Brics and they are not the only country,” said Ramaphosa. He confirmed this on Sunday during an engagement with the media.
by Sundance
Ex-Russian Leader Issues Warning To Israel
If Tel Aviv sends arms to Kiev, the move would send bilateral relations into a tailspin, Dmitry Medvedev said
If Israel were to support Ukraine with weapons, it would be detrimental to relations with Moscow, Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s former president, warned on Monday, after Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs Nachman Shai stated it was time the country provided Ukraine with arms as NATO members do. Writing on his Telegram channel, Medvedev, who now serves as the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, denounced Israel’s potential decision to deliver arms to Ukraine as “extremely reckless,” adding that “it would destroy all interstate relations between our countries.” The ex-president’s comments came after Shai voiced support for propping up Kiev’s military. In a tweet on Sunday, the official, citing deliveries of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia – an allegation Tehran has denied – claimed there was “no longer any doubt where Israel should stand in this bloody conflict.” “The time has come for Ukraine to receive military aid as well, just as the USA and NATO countries provide,” he stated.
by RT
Mossad-Affiliated Spy Cell Arrested In Malaysia
The Mossad cell failed to kidnap one of the two Palestinian IT specialists it was tasked to interrogate, compromising the whole mission
Malaysia-based daily newspaper The Straits Times uncovered on 17 October the arrest of a Mossad-affiliated hit team, involved in the kidnapping of a Palestinian in Kuala Lumpur, on behalf of Israel. The Mossad team was able to locate two Palestinian computer programming specialists while they were leaving a diner near Jalan Yap Kwan Seng by car, just after 10 pm. The “snatch-and-grab” team consisted of four local Malaysians who kidnapped the driver of the car and took him into one of the two vehicles used for the operation, leaving the second Palestinian behind and allowing him to escape – something that would later come back to haunt them. The vehicles left the scene and arrived at the chalet they were headed to, where the Palestinian IT specialist was tied up in one of the rooms and put on a video call with Israeli Mossad operatives who started to bark questions at him, inquiring about Hamas’s cyber unit. The call was organized by two men, who interrogated the specialist for 24 hours, while the Malaysian team was on standby to torture the victim when answers were unsatisfactory.
by News Desk
“This Is What Annihilation Looks Like”: Biden Export Controls ‘Wreaking Havoc’ On China’s Chip Industry
A Twitter thread translated by Rhodium Group China expert Jordan Schneider – whose blog, China Talk, can be found here, provides keen insight into the effects of the Biden administration’s new export controls on the chip industry. To review, the Biden administration last week laid out new rules on chip exports based on US concerns that China will use AI to improve military capabilities, support surveillance for human rights abuses and “disrupt or manufacture outcomes that undermine democratic governance and sow social unrest,” according to Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration Thea D. Rozman Kendler. The sweeping regulations will curb the sale of semiconductors and chipmaking equipment to its #1 geopolitical rival – which, as Bloomberg puts it, is “sending shockwaves through the $440 billion industry.” In a Friday Twitter thread which he translated from Hedgehog Computing Group founder Xinran Wang (@lidangzzz), Schneider lays out the carnage in English: “To put it simply, Biden has forced all Americans working in China to pick between quitting their jobs and losing American citizenship,” Schneider writes, adding “One round of sanctions from Biden did more damage than all four years of performative sanctioning under Trump.”
by Tyler Durden
They’re Coming For Your Children, Time To Step Up And Stop This (1:00)
They’re Coming For Your Children, Time To Step Up And Stop This (1:00)
The Profoundly Stupid Narrative That Nuclear Brinkmanship Is Safety And De-Escalation Is Danger
Of all the face-meltingly stupid narratives that have been circulated about the US proxy war in Ukraine, the dumbest so far has got to be the increasingly common claim that aggressively escalating nuclear brinkmanship is safety and de-escalation is danger. We see a prime example of this self-evidently idiotic narrative in a new Business Insider article titled “Putin’s nuclear threats are pushing people like Trump and Elon Musk to press for a Ukraine peace deal. A nuclear expert warns that’s ‘dangerous.'” “An understandable desire to avoid a nuclear war could actually make the world more dangerous if it means rushing to implement a ‘peace’ in Ukraine that serves Russian interests,” writes reliable empire apologist Charles Davis. “Such a move, which some influential figures have called for, risks setting a precedent that atomic blackmail is the way to win wars and take territory troops can’t otherwise hold, a model that could be copycatted by even the weakest nuclear-armed states, and may only succeed at delaying another war.”
by Caitlin Johnstone
Where’s Whitty?
Looking for England’s Chief Medical Officer
Has anyone seen Chris Whitty, England’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO)? Professor Whitty became the CMO in 2019 and was a regular face on TV telling us all about the pandemic. In televised news conferences, he and Boris Johnson would tell us all about the R number, how many deaths there had been and how we should stay at home and avoid people to reduce the spread of the virus. He earns approximately £210,000 ($240,000). He did such a great job during the pandemic that he was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath in 2022. So we are now looking for Sir Whitty. For two years, Sir Chris was everywhere, telling us all to social distance whilst sun bathing outside in the Summer.
by The Naked Empero
EDVA Jury: Igor Danchenko Not Guilty On All Counts
And – what we learned from the trial
Igor Danchenko has been found not guilty of providing false statements to federal officials in the course of their “investigation” into the Steele Dossier. That’s the difficulty of proving a false statements case when the FBI and the Mueller Special Counsel were uninterested in pursuing the truth. As we’ve seen from the course of this trial, the most important takeaways from this trial have never been the alleged lies. Danchenko himself has long been known as a fabricator, with his deceptions revealed as soon as information on his involvement in the Steele Dossier, his background, and his FBI interviews was released.
by Techno Fog
Looking Beyond US Violence And PA Dependence
Belatedly, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas has issued a statement of clear mistrust in US diplomacy towards Palestine. “We don’t trust America and you know our position. We don’t trust it, we don’t rely on it, and under no circumstances can we accept that America is the sole party in resolving a problem,” Abbas told reporters before meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Kazakhstan last Thursday. Despite being beholden to the international community’s diplomacy and, more recently, to Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz’s concessions which allow Abbas to consolidate his hold in Ramallah, it is clear that the PA does not trust Washington. Even though Abbas’s statement does not reflect the complete reality of the situation, particularly the PA’s dependence on the US for its own survival, his call to reduce America’s role is significant.
by Ramona Wadi
We Talked To 100 People About Their Experiences In Solitary Confinement. This Is What We Learned
The United States leads the world in its use of solitary confinement, locking away in isolation more of its population than any other country. Every day, up to 48,000 inmates—or around 4% of the incarcerated population—are locked in some form of solitary confinement in detention centers, jails and prisons across the U.S. Some spend months—or even years—at a time in isolation, only being allowed out a few times a week for a 10-minute shower or a short exercise period in an outdoor dog run. And it doesn’t only affect prisoners. Up to 20,000 other people are affected as well—working as correctional staff or providing mental health services or other programming. Over three summers, we interviewed people who were confined or employed in solitary confinement units to better understand what it is like from both sides of the bars. The interviews form the basis of “Way Down in the Hole,” a book published on Oct. 14, 2022.
by Angela Hattery and Earl Smith
Confirmed – Democracy In The West Is Dead – Brexit Britain Re-Leashed
Question no 1 – Where was Hunt?
Before I begin, have this question in the back of your mind the whole time – where was Hunt?
In 2016, the UK voted to leave the EU. It was a tight vote with 48% voting to remain. Whatever you thought of the result or however you voted, there is no denying that it was a shock to the Establishment. Like Trump’s victory, they weren’t expecting it and consequently anyone who voted for Brexit was either stupid, racist or lied to (often by the Russians). As I say, the Establishment hated the fact the UK was leaving the EU. It slowed down their globalisation plans and left the US without a poodle to strongly influence policy within Brussels. A mild form of mental illness took hold – Brexit Derangement Syndrome (BDS). This meant that anything bad that happened in the UK was because of Brexit and anything good due to the kindness of the EU. Gas prices in the UK rising – BREXIT! Trump – BREXIT! Covid – BREXIT! Solar flare – BREXIT! BDS infected many of the newspapers such as the Guardian and Financial Times. As with Green Derangement Syndrome, these sources of information became obviously unreliable.
by The Naked Emperor
Submission To Canada’s Public Order Emergency Commission
As a non-partisan, volunteer activist group, Fearless Canada was present at the beginning and on several other occasions during the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa. As such, many of our members witnessed first-hand what the situation looked like on the ground and how it all began. We took extensive video footage of the events during the first weekend from the moment when truckers were being directed toward Parliament by Ottawa police. We have decided to submit our evaluation of the events as well as our strongly held view that the invocation of the Emergency Measures Act (hereafter referred to as “EMA”) by the Trudeau government was not only inappropriate, but also unlawful and unconstitutional.We must first unequivocally state that, in our view, the Trudeau government’s decision to invoke the EMA in no way met the legal threshold to do so. The usage of the EMA is reserved for exceptional circumstances in which a serious foreign or existential threat imperils the security of the nation. Such security threats would be typically related to war, as the older, subsequently replaced War Measures Act aimed to address. In no conceivable way could the temporary discomfort or inconvenience borne by Ottawa citizens or businesses justify the use of an Act that is meant to aid the government in protecting the nation against threats of an incalculably larger scale. As such, the purpose of the Commission is not to determine whether the invocation of the EMA served the Trudeau government in its objective to deescalate the so-called “occupation” of Ottawa’s downtown core, but rather to assess whether the legal threshold for its invocation was met.
by Fearless Canada
new US biodefense plans cross the line from fabulism into insanity
all the wrong lessons have been learned
at a certain point, playing make believe becomes deadly dangerous. and THIS, mis amigos, is WAY over that line. this is flat out inversion of every lesson learned in the last 100 years to say nothing of the last 3. these goals are madness. there is no way to have a test in 12 hours and have even a remote idea of whether or how it works. simply none. you will not know what it measures, what it misses, what confuses or confounds it, or any shred of specificity or sensitivity. to even have a pathogen characterized this rapidly is all but impossible (unless you’re starting with one you already knew about because you made it yourself…) the early stories of “heroic work at NIH to characterize corona in record time” have always smelled fishier than a bait shack dumpster. and then we want to not only have a vaccine but have produced enough for 330 million people in 130 days?
by el gato malo
Americans Criticize The USA’s Middle Eastern Policies
The USA never misses an opportunity to present itself as an open and democratic society and a state in which the government authorities respect the will of the majority of the people and tailor their policies accordingly. That may have been the case in the past, but the facts no longer support this view – the President and his team are pushing through policies which favor their own interests and which are quite different from what they promised in their election campaigns. There is a great deal of evidence to support this claim, but one particularly striking example is a new wide-ranging survey of Americans’ views on Washington’s foreign policy in the Middle East. The survey revealed that the majority of young Americans oppose their country’s policy in relation to Israel and, specifically against its sale of arms to the Israeli regime. The survey also shows that there is a great deal of support in American society for the Iran nuclear deal. The survey, conducted by the Eurasia Group Foundation (EGF), shows that young Americans are more politically aware than older generations in relation to Israel’s aggressive policies against the Palestinians and its Arab neighbors. Most respondents aged between 18 and 29 were not in favor of continuing to supply arms to Israel. Older Americans (over sixty years old), on the other hand, tend to be in favor of the US providing military support to Israel.
by Viktor Mikhin
Trying To Gas Up (1:31)
Trying To Gas Up (1:3 1)
Orwellian ‘Disinfo’ Campaign Revealed In Major Lawsuits; Culprits Still Admit Zero Fault
Dozens of federal officials, along with senior social media executives, are finally being held accountable for colluding to suppress both the Constitutional and medical rights of US citizens. Could the as-of-yet unidentified ‘shadowy, foreign money group’ actors behind organizations such as the Center for Countering Digital Hate be next? On March 21, 2021, a shadowy foreign group calling itself the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), published a document titled, “THE DISINFORMATION DOZEN: Why platforms must act on twelve leading online anti-vaxxers,” claiming that only 12 individuals are responsible for the majority of the anti-vaccine content online, namely, the document stated: “Just twelve anti-vaxxers are responsible for almost two-thirds of anti-vaccine content circulating on social media platforms.”
by Sayer Ji
Those Demonising The Unvaccinated Need To Look In The Mirror
t’s been known since the outbreak of Covid that obesity leads to higher rates of hospitalisations and deaths. Despite this, very few resources were deployed to encourage healthier eating and lifestyles. This article argues that this was a disastrous decision for the long term health of the nation and the short to medium term capacity of the NHS. Boris Johnson (BMI 34; healthy is under 25) in his New Year message broadcast on December 31st 2020 said: “Get a vaccine, it’s far easier than losing weight” (see video from two minutes in). Well, the people of the U.K. took him at his word: we’ve had 30 months to galvanise the population into losing weight and getting fitter, 30 months entirely squandered.
by Nick Rendell
Kanye West Will Buy Up ‘Free Speech Platform’ Parler
Rapper Kanye West, or Ye, has always been outspoken, making comments that are continuously in the media. West has a habit of making statements that are not stand-alone but are a part of a bigger conversation, so the comments leave much to be explained. West seems to delight in doing this. He also, unsurprisingly, is a vocal advocate of free speech. West is outspokenly conservative, regularly wearing a MAGA hat, speaking in favor of former President Trump, and being seen with conservative commentators. For instance, JP Morgan Chase ended its relationship with West this week, giving him until November 21 to remove his funds from their bank. The bank has not gone into details about the termination. West recently said that ‘Jewish media’ blocked a recent interview. West, 45, who still receiving major criticism for his tweet last week in which he claimed to be going ‘def con 3’ against Jewish people, made new remarks during an appearance on Revolt TV’s Drinks Champs podcast hosted by former rapper Noreaga, released on Sunday.
by Liza Carlisle
Ukraine And The Fed
It’s pretty much a truism for those who have been paying attention to events since the beginning of the Covid hoax that events are being driven by the Globalist agenda for world domination. Key to that agenda has been the subjugation of Russia-the world’s and Europe’s key energy, resources, and food source. Of course, Russia isn’t the only source for energy, minerals and food, but it’s location at the heart of the Eurasian landmass give Russia a strategic importance second to none.The strategy for subjugating Russia never relied on a military defeat for Russia in Ukraine. The strategy was to use Ukraine to provoke Russia and thus to provide the collective West-with the US as the military backup-with an excuse for launching an all out economic war on Russia, to collapse the Russian economy and oust the Globalists’ bête noire, Vladimir Putin. Giddy with the prospect of world domination, the collective West assumed this could be accomplished in short order, and thus with little harm to Western economies. Instead, farsighted Russian preparations for exactly this scenario-preparations that have been economic, financial, military, and diplomatic-have placed the economies of the collective West, and especially of Europe, already weakened by the Covid shutdown, on the edge of a precipice.
by Mark Wauck
True The Vote Responds To RINO AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s Referral To The FBI-IRS – And A Veiled Shot At FOX News
Yesterday, the Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson reported on TrueTheVote being referred to the FBI by the RINO Attorney General and once US Senate hopeful Mark “nunchucks” Brnovich. In his letter, Brnovich stated he is “providing the referenced information…for review and potential further action as it relates to potential violations of the Internal Revenue Code by True The Vote.” Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime. What’s strange is that FOX News reported on AG Brnovich’s letter on Friday, but, as both Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips confirmed, FOX News never reached out to True The Vote for comment on these defamatory and (somehow) criminal referrals made by the Attorney General’s Office in Arizona.
by Brian Lupo
C19 “Vaccine” – The Cause Of Causes
Massachusetts data yields circulatory proof
This article is written for all readers, Year 9 students through elder adults. Methods and reasoning herein are pedestrian. Doctors and scientists may opt to skip to “BEGIN HERE TO VIEW DATA”. If you really want to cheat, skip to the bottom and look for yellow highlighted cells in spreadsheets. Understand what they represent. They represent significant, proven, excess death in the circulatory system matching what the pharmaceutical companies and governments call “rare”, another word seemingly redefined in 2021. The official Massachusetts database of death certificates contains proof that C19 “vaccines” killed thousands of people in Massachusetts in 2021. This article details a forensic journey in a one-of-a-kind, brute-force, pedestrian, forensic analysis of the official Massachusetts government data to discover what happened and is happening in a population of ~ 6.9 million people at the fore of C19 “science.” Massachusetts is a leading medical and pharmaceutical technology exporter to the world. Some leaders say it is a model for C19 response planning. The truth is that Massachusetts is a model for fraud on the people.
by Coquin de Chien
ACIP Committee Will Likely Add The Covid Vaccines To The Childhood Vaccination Program On Thursday
This will allow the vaccine makers to escape product liability for the adult vaccines which means the “emergency” can end, but the liability protection lives on.
It’s too ambiguous to figure out so we should assume the worst. They aren’t supposed to put an EUA vaccine on the Immunization Schedule, but since when has that stopped them? This is the big prize for a vaccine manufacturer. If you get put on the CDC childhood vaccine schedule, it means: Liability protection forever for not just the vaccine for kids, but for the adult vaccine as well. All states require vaccination in order to attend public school. Many tie their list to the CDC list or a subset thereof. So getting on the list is a key step to being mandated in many states. That’s why they’ve targeted the kids with a vaccine that they don’t need.
by Steve Kirsch
US Envoy For Iran: Reviving JCPOA ‘Not Even On Agenda’
The US special envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, has acknowledged that negotiations on a revival of the 2015 Iran deal are “not even on the agenda” for now, trying to shift the blame on Tehran for the stalled diplomatic process. Malley, in an interview with CNN on Monday, accused the Islamic Republic of not being interested in restoring the deal and claimed that the administration of US President Joe Biden believed diplomacy was the best way to prevent Iran from what he called “acquiring a nuclear weapon.” “President Biden made it clear from the first day he came into office that one of his priorities was to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. And he believes and we continue to believe that diplomacy is the best way to achieve that goal,” Malley told CNN. He referred to the latest remarks by the European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, that he did not expect any movement anytime soon in efforts to revitalize the Iran deal, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), accusing Tehran of raising issues that were “inconsistent” with a return to the deal.
by PressTV
The CDC Will Vote Thursday To Permanently Shield Pfizer And Moderna From Covid Vaccine Injury Liability
The end game is near.
A CDC committee will convene this week and likely vote Thursday to deliver permanent legal indemnity to Pfizer and Moderna, through the process of adding the drug companies’ mRNA injections to the child and adolescent immunization schedules. The Dossier is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. By adding the shots to the childhood schedule, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will transfer liability for vaccine injuries to the federal government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), allowing for Pfizer and Moderna to finally bring an FDA approved shot to the market without opening itself up to lawsuits. Moreover, it will act as another windfall for companies that have already brought in hundreds of billions of dollars in revenues, by requiring these vaccinations for children who attend public schools.
by Jordan Schachtel
Human Lifetime With AI (0:40)
Human Lifetime With AI (0:40)
New England Power Officials Warn Of Pending Winter Crisis As Natual Gas Prices Skyrocket And Electricity Is Likely To Be Rationed
New England consists of six states in the US Northeast, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. The states have been warned by regional ISO electricity providers for several years about their vulnerability if the winter weather is harsh and there is a significant increase in demand for home heating. Those warnings are now multiplied by the massive price increases for natural gas. Keep in mind as all these natural gas and LNG issues surface, the U.S. has been exporting natural gas to Europe as part of the Biden effort to subsidize the NATO effort against Russia. Prices for natural gas have skyrocketed, and now shortages of the fuel source for energy production may create even bigger problems for New England.
by Sundance
“Until Proven Otherwise, It Is Likely Covid mRNA Vaccines Played A Significant Role In All Unexplained Heart Attacks Since 2021” – Renowned Cardiologist
“Until proven otherwise, it is likely that Covid mRNA vaccines played a significant or primary role in all unexplained heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure since 2021.” That’s according to Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a renowned British cardiologist who once endorsed the vaccines on TV but is now raising awareness of their dangers. In September his two–part, peer-reviewed analysis of vaccine efficacy and safety was published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance. Until proven otherwise, it is likely that Covid mRNA vaccines played a significant or primary role in all unexplained heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias, & heart failure since 2021″ @DrAseemMalhotra – Full interview out today@10DowningStreet @theresecoffey pic.twitter.com/INi41xwykX — James Freeman (@JamesfWells) October 18, 2022. Dr. Malhotra made the comments in a new interview with James Freeman Wells, a former Head of U.K. Trade and Business Inflation Statistics at the Office for National Statistics, the U.K.’s Government statistics agency.
by Will Jones
US ‘Ally’ Expresses Desire To Join BRICS
Saudi Arabia has inquired with South Africa’s president about joining the economic bloc
Saudi Arabia wants to join the BRICS alliance, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has stated, signaling a dramatic potential expansion of the bloc amid growing tensions with the US over the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Ramaphosa told reporters of Riyadh’s BRICS inquiry, as he wrapped up his two-day state visit to the desert kingdom on Sunday. The trip included meetings with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and other Saudi leaders. “The crown prince did express Saudi Arabia’s desire to be part of BRICS, and they are not the only country,” Ramaphosa said. The group, which is named for member states Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, is scheduled to meet next year in Johannesburg for its annual summit. Expansion prospects will likely be high on the agenda, as the bloc is expected to consider adding such nations as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt and Algeria. “The BRICS nations are going to be meeting in a summit next year under the chairship of South Africa, and the matter is going to be under consideration,” Ramaphosa said. “And already, a number of countries or nations have been making approaches to the other member countries, and we’ve given them the same answer – to say it’ll be discussed by the BRICS partners themselves, five of them, and thereafter a decision will be made.”
by RT
It’s All About The Oil Running Out
Hardly anyone noticed, or bothered to report it, but more evidence has appeared to show that the oil is running out. The boss of Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil producer, says we are already using as much oil as the world can produce. There is very little spare capacity. If the weather gets really cold or the Chinese economy starts to fire on all cylinders then prices will rocket. Despite the screams of anguish from the global warming nutters (egged on by the conspirators planning a global takeover) the world is going to rely on oil for years to come. Sunshine and wind provide only 5% of our energy – and that 5% relies on the sun shining and the wind blowing. Even if the self-destructive sanctions preventing us using Russian oil are lifted the price of oil is going to continue to soar and Europe, in particular, is going to be in serious trouble. The British Government, which has an open ended commitment to subsidise heating costs, is facing very serious financial problems. Either the subsidies will have to stop or taxes will need to rise dramatically.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
ACH (1936) Dr. Lorraine Day – The Diabolical But Ingenious Way They Plan To Kill Us Next… (55:29)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 11, 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, “The Diabolical But Ingenious Way They Plan To Kill Us Next…”
We discussed: the vaccination propaganda program that has been running for decades; why so may people now distrust vaccines; the real reason behind the war between Russia and the Ukraine; the proof that all the world leaders are working for the same side; why the goal of the powers that should not be is population extermination; how could the blown up Crimean Bridge have been rebuilt in only one day; what the $290 million of anti-radiation drugs are actually designed to do to the American People; the evidence that nuclear bombs do not exist; why the world is not overpopulated and how we could fit all the people on the planet into the State of Texas; the One World Government that is already in control; the significance of America being under Maritime Law rather than Constitutional Law; what fluoride does to the body and how it can make you comatose; why everything is a lie; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Neanderthals May Have Been Carnivores, According To New Study
A new study published on October 17 in the journal PNAS, led by a CNRS researcher, has for the first time used zinc isotope analysis to determine the position of Neanderthals in the food chain. Their findings suggest that they were in fact carnivores. Were Neanderthals carnivores? Scientists have not yet settled the question. While some studies of the dental tartar of individuals from the Iberian Peninsula appear to show that they were major consumers of plants, other research carried out at sites outside Iberia seem to suggest that they consumed almost nothing but meat. Using new analytical techniques on a molar belonging to an individual of this species, researchers have shown that the Neanderthals at the Gabasa site in Spain appear to have been carnivores.
In A Rare Interview, Ghislaine Maxwell Breaks Her Silence About Her Special Friendship With Bill Clinton
Disgraced Ghislaine Maxwell is trying to appeal to the public for some mercy, showing herself to be ‘just a girl who made a mistake’ when she acted as an elite madame of young women, claiming in a recent interview that she wishes she had never met convicted disgraced and deceased Jeffrey Epstein. According to her Bio: “Maxwell is a British convicted sex offender and former socialite. In 2021, she was found guilty of child sex trafficking and other offenses in connection with the financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. She was sentenced, in a New York court, to 20 years imprisonment on 28 June 2022.” She seems primed to spill the beans on Epstein’s clients to test her chances of getting out of jail. With that recent confession about her regret, Maxwell signals that there will be consequences for a woman scorned coming out. And we may see that “Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.”
by Kari Donovan
Nuremberg Hangman Was A U.S. Navy-Diagnosed Psychopath Who Slowly Strangled Top German Officials
This is a gruesome story – the culmination of a gruesome war which was followed up with an atrocity-filled post-war Germany occupation. Those responsible for the rampant criminality were the Allies—the All-Lies—who were successful at covering themselves with an image as world saviors. On October 16, 1946, in a ghoulish death procession that began shortly after 1 a.m., ten political and military leaders of the Third Reich were hanged by the neck until dead by a psychopathic Navy deserter who lied about having previous experience as an executioner. He was Master Sergeant John C. Woods, promoted to that rank from private after being selected as the Army’s hangman. The promotion cannot be attributed to any merit of his own, but in order to endow him with a greater sense of worthiness for his special task. His assistant was a military policeman named Joseph Malta, a 28-year old floor-sander in private life. Both had volunteered for the job after the Army put out word for an executioner, asking if anyone had experience. Woods claimed he had hanged two men in Texas and two in Oklahoma. No records exist showing that he did.
Post-event investigators claim that the trap door did not retain the rubber bungs when opened, so some men were hit in the face by the rebounding trap door. Others say Woods got the drop wrong … either through incompetence or on purpose. Albert Pierrepoint, the French expert hangman, has written that the correct drop is absolutely essential to ensure the neck vertebrae is severed on the “jerk,” to be certain of instantaneous death. The U.S. Army doesn’t have to answer for any of this because, as we all know, these Nazis deserved whatever they got. Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., a professor of law at the University of Georgia Law School, noted that many of the executed Nazis fell from the gallows with insufficient force to snap their necks, resulting in a macabre, suffocating death struggle that in some cases lasted many, many minutes: “Although [Kingsbury] Smith discreetly omitted mentioning it, the experienced Army hangman, Master Sgt. John C. Woods, botched the executions. A number of the hanged Nazis died, not quickly from a broken neck as intended, but agonizingly from slow strangulation. Ribbentrop and Sauckel each took 14 minutes to choke to death, while Keitel, whose death was the most painful, struggled for 24 minutes at the end of the rope before expiring.”
by Carolyn Yeager
“None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free.
The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies.
They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Art Of The Gag by Buster Keaton (8:34)
The Art Of The Gag by Buster Keaton (8:34)
America’s Death Squads: When Police Become Judge, Jury and Executioner
When I say that warrior cops—hyped up on their own authority and the power of the badge—have not made America any safer or freer, I am not disrespecting any of the fine, decent, lawful police officers who take seriously their oath of office to serve and protect their fellow citizens, uphold the Constitution, and maintain the peace.
My concern rests with the cops who feel empowered to act as judge, jury and executioner.
These death squads believe they can kill, shoot, taser, abuse and steal from American citizens in the so-called name of law and order.
Just recently, in fact, a rookie cop opened fire on the occupants of a parked car in a McDonald’s parking lot on a Sunday night in San Antonio, Texas.
The driver, 17-year-old Erik Cantu and his girlfriend, were eating burgers inside the car when the police officer—suspecting the car might have been one that fled an attempted traffic stop the night before—abruptly opened the driver side door, ordered the teenager to get out, and when he did not comply, shot ten times at the car, hitting Cantu multiple times.
Mind you, this wasn’t a life-or-death situation.
It was two teenagers eating burgers in a parking lot, and a cop fresh out of the police academy taking justice into his own hands.
This wasn’t an isolated incident, either.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Democracy, NATO’s Trojan Horse
American-style democracy is all about war and conquest, no matter what serial war criminal happens to be at the helm.
The late Winston Churchill should have qualified his famous quip that democracy was the worst form of government, except for all the others, by saying that was because it best suited him and all imperialist hypocrites like him. Churchill, to take but one notorious example, sent his Black and Tan cut throats into Ireland to deny, at bayonet point, democracy to the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and South Tyrone and to force their Catholic majority, again at gunpoint, into the sectarian Northern Ireland Orange state, Churchill’s preferred form of gerrymandered democracy, where Anglican fanatics could permanently outvote Catholics and secular liberals. We see the collateral damage of this same form of gerrymandered democracy play out in Serbia, Hungary and those areas of Eastern Ukraine that are now being given the chance, by an actual plebiscite, to rejoin Crimea and their common Russian motherland, so that they can speak their native tongues without risking a democratic bullet through their undemocratic heads for just being themselves. What can we say about Serbia, which is not an EU member but has, like Syria after it, survived unremitting terrorist horrors from the democracies of the EU and its Anglo American masters? Serbia’s latest sin, according to the Green war mongers of the European Parliament, is that they refuse to have NATO sponsored round the clock LGBT parades but instead prefer to prepare to survive the coming winter by stocking up on Russian gas and fertilizer.
by Declan Hayes
Abp. Viganò: The Universal Masonic Brotherhood Fears The Power Of The Holy Rosary (Text and Video)
Hold in your hands that Rosary that some consider a symbol of ‘religious radicalism,’ thereby seeking to disarm you and weaken your defense. But it is precisely this fear of the Holy Rosary that must lead us to hold on to it with even greater conviction.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò addressed the faithful at Our Warpath‘s National March for Catholics on Friday. Dear friends, The President of Our Warpath, Joseph Rigi, invited me to speak at this first National March for Catholics, organized on the feast of St. Michael the Archangel – which the Church celebrates on September 29 – to gather under the banner of the Cross the army of those who, by virtue of the sacrament of Confirmation, have become soldiers of Christ. May all of you therefore receive my greetings, my encouragement and the assurance of my prayers. In a society that has neither ideals nor the capacity to fight for anything, in which the hypocritical pacifism of those who are cowardly surrenders its weapons in the face of the violence of the tyrant, you are called, as true Catholics, to bear witness to the Gospel and to show the world that Kingdom of Heaven which is conquered by the heroism of virtue and by love of God and neighbor. Hold in your hands that Rosary that some consider a symbol of “religious radicalism,” thereby seeking to disarm you and weaken your defense. But it is precisely this fear of the Holy Rosary that must lead us to hold on to it with even greater conviction.
by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
ACH (1932) Michael Walsh – A Seismic Shift And The Nuclear Option (Audio 54:37)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 7, 2022, Andy is joined by Michael Walsh for a show entitled, “A Seismic Shift And The Nuclear Option.”
We discussed: why Washington D.C. reserves the right to use nuclear weapons without warning throughout the world; how the nuclear submarines of Russia could decimate the United States within half an hour; the role of the mainstream media in starting wars; the unelected Presidents and Commissioners of the European Union; why the mainstream media are keeping quiet the European swing to the Right, away from Liberal Globalism; why the European Union is fracturing just like the Soviet Union that preceded it; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
China Orders Evacuation Of All Citizens Still In Ukraine, Sparking Escalation Fears
China’s foreign ministry on Saturday issued an urgent call for any Chinese nationals still in Ukraine to exit immediately, kicking off speculation over what’s behind the unspecified appeal and scramble. The notification is being widely seen as the most forceful evacuation order yet, and suggests that Beijing might be aware of Russian plans for possibly imminent bigger, sweeping airstrikes against Ukrainian cities, such as the widespread escalatory strikes conducted last Monday into Tuesday. With the current grim security situation in #Ukraine, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chinese Embassy in Ukraine on Sat urge Chinese citizens in the country to enhance safety precautions and evacuate. The Embassy will assist in organizing the evacuation of people in need. pic.twitter.com/1jB1TwiKKI – Zhang Meifang??? (@CGMeifangZhang) October 15, 2022. The first big evacuation of Chinese citizens took place starting last March, in which some 6,000 Chinese nationals left the country amid the Russian invasion. But now, as state media Global Times writes, “Some Chinese nationals still in Ukraine have signed up for evacuation from the country, with most registering for organized evacuations, while others are preparing to leave Ukraine on their own, the Global Times learned on Sunday, after the Chinese Foreign Ministry urged Chinese citizens to leave Ukraine, citing the grave security situation.”
by Tyler Durden
This Is What’s Going To Happen Next
These are the darkest, most difficult days in human history. We are facing the end of freedom and the end of the awesome wonder of the independent, human spirit. I genuinely believe that rabid enemies such as Soros, Blair, HRH Charles (the HRH stands for His Royal Hypocrite), the Rothschilds, Schwab, Gates, Musk, Biden, the Bilderbergers et al are the most evil conspirators to have ever walked this earth. The Evil Hornswogglers should be hung, drawn and quartered. When, in the name of God, justice, humanity, wisdom and hope are the moronic mask wearers, the lockdown-lovers and the witless, covid jabbed collaborators going to wake up to reality? I believe that through the auspices of the World Economic Forum and Common Purpose, they have recruited an army of rancid servants to protect them and to take control of every aspect of the world we used to know. This is a deliberate, global coup. The same things are happening everywhere. Nothing is happening by accident. What we dismiss as woke triviality is, in truth, part of the takeover. Universities, trade unions, large organisations from the National Trust to the MCC, have all been hi-jacked.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Imminent Cataclysm And The Plan To Survive The Great Reset by Greg Reese (7:29)
Imminent Cataclysm And The Plan To Survive The Great Reset by Greg Reese (7:29)
Russian Airstrikes Target SNA Militants In Northern Syria
The strikes come as the SNA and FSA factions are involved in heavy clashes with the HTS extremist group
The Russian Air Force carried out five airstrikes in northern Syria on the morning of 16 October, sources reported, targeting positions belonging to the Turkish-backed factions of the Syrian National Army (SNA) rebel coalition. The airstrikes targeted the outskirts of Kfarjana town in the Afrin countryside, which is currently under the control of SNA factions. Russia’s strikes also targeted the Qatma village, located on the outskirts of Azaz. During the campaign, the Russian warplanes targeted a camp belonging to the Third Corps faction of the SNA. According to an Al-Mayadeen correspondent, the airstrikes resulted in the deaths of two militants and injured dozens, with the number of casualties expected to rise. Moscow’s bombing campaign against the SNA factions comes as the militant coalition, along with Turkish-backed factions of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), are embroiled in clashes with their foes and former allies in the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) extremist group.
by News Desk
NWO Globalists Brazenly Float A Huge Trial Balloon……….…Which Then Pops Like A Supernova
PayPal’s Shockingly Criminal Attempt to Play God Foreshadows Our Perilous CBDC Future
SOTN Editor’s Note: Just when you thought you saw and heard it all, PayPal crawls out from under its rock and appoints itself: Grand Inquisitioner of the Cyberverse—Wow!!! Just WOW ! ! !
By asserting it’s unlawfully arrogated power and falsely presumed right to fine PayPal account holders up to $2500.00 for perceived violations concerning the dissemination of misinformation, the global payment platform totally crossed every line—ON PURPOSE. KEY POINT: This entire Big Tech drama was obviously choreographed as a trial balloon to assess just how much the Khazarian banksters could get away with in further ripping off people here, there and everywhere. Really, how does an American multinational financial technology company operating an online payments system get the idea that it can tyrannically function as judge, jury, prosecutor and executioner in a kangaroo court set up to outright steal funds from PayPal users?! The hubris, the arrogance, the chutzpah to commit such an egregious institutional crime spree with absolute impunity is beyond comprehension … … … until you consider that PayPal is a wholly owned subsidiary of a transnational corporation … that’s effectively run by a much larger asset management firm … which is completely controlled by the Khazarian Cabal.
by State of the Nation
The Great Crossing
The logical outcome of the UK’s current political situation is for a large section of Conservative Party MP’s to defect to Keir Starmer’s well right of centre, pro-Brexit, New Labour Party. Every now and then a number of Westminster MPs change party, to long term political effect. In 1886 The Liberal Unionists, opposed to Gladstone’s policy of Irish Home Rule, crossed the floor en masse and allied with the Conservatives. This led to Tory rule for 17 of the next 20 years, and after a while the alliance became one as the Conservative and Unionist Party. In 1981 just four MPs, but very senior, left the Labour Party, principally in opposition to nuclear disarmament, to form the Social Democratic Party and ally with the Liberal Party. This resulted in 16 years of consecutive Tory government. Eventual merger formed the Liberal Democrats. Tory MPs are currently in an incredible funk as they face almost certain loss of their jobs at the next general election. Keeping their job, perks and salary is the overwhelming preoccupation of almost all current MPs. Tory MPs are actively considering ditching the chaotic Truss experiment after a few weeks, and feverishly telling any passing journalist about it.
by Craig Murray
They’re Recycling The Viagra Rape Atrocity Propaganda They Used On Libya
The west is advancing the claim that Putin is distributing Viagra to his soldiers so that they can more effectively rape Ukrainians, which was a ridiculous propaganda narrative the first time the west used it to manufacture consent for regime change in Libya. In a Thursday interview with the French government-owned news agency AFP, a Mauritian-British official from the United Nations named Pramila Patten claimed that Russia has a “military strategy” of mass rape in Ukraine and that Russian soldiers are being “equipped” with the erectile dysfunction medication Viagra in order to facilitate that military strategy. “When you hear women testify about Russian soldiers equipped with Viagra, it’s clearly a military strategy,” Patten said.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Award For The Best Dad (0:20)
Award For The Best Dad (0:20)
What Everybody Knows No Longer Matters
What nobody yet knows (or the few insiders who do know are keeping to themselves) is what will matter. Being a doom-and-gloom Bear stops being fun when the Bear Bar gets crowded. When everyone has moved to our side of the boat, the grizzled Bears get nervous, especially when they peer over at the Bull side of the boat and see a handful of dispirited Bulls ignoring the guy yelling at the bartender to “back up the truck.” The problem old-timers see is what everyone knows no longer matters. Markets do a cliff-dive not when all the bad news has been beaten into everyone’s heads for months on end but when the bad news has yet to percolate through the euphoria. Bull markets start when the Bullish news dwindles to signal-noise and buyers have given up or are going short to finally score some gains from the market decline. In other words, it’s what few know that matters, not what everybody knows. When everybody knows all the good news, that news no longer matters. When everybody knows all the bad news, that news no longer matters.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Saudi Arabia Calls Out US Bluster
Saudi Arabia has politely but firmly rebutted the threats and calumnies levelled by the US political elites in the past week since the OPEC decided to cut oil production by 2 million barrels per day. On Thursday, a Foreign Ministry official in Riyadh forcefully pushed back the allegation that the OPEC decision was at Saudi initiative and was politically motivated against the US, and, worse still, to help Russia. The Saudi official rejected the US allegations as baseless, especially the imputation that Saudi Arabia is “aligning” with Russia in the context of the Ukraine situation. The official made three substantive points: The OPEC+ decision constitutes the unanimous opinion of the member states and it is preposterous to attribute it to Saudi Arabia. Purely economic considerations lie behind the decision, which takes into account the imperatives of maintaining balance of supply and demand in the oil market and limiting the volatility. Saudi Arabia has taken a principled stance on the Ukraine issue, as its votes supporting two UN resolutions testify.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
How Russia Views America
Review Essay – Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse by Andrei Martyanov, Clarity, 2021, 286 pages
In invading Ukraine, Russia acted in a way that few in the West predicted. Intelligence agencies did warn of Russian troop movements on the Ukrainian border in the weeks leading up to the attack, and a general wariness toward Russia has been prevalent among Western leaders for years. But few expected an outright invasion in early 2022, and seemingly little preparation was made for such an eventuality. Since hostilities commenced, the West has scrambled to cobble together military and economic responses, with mixed results. And despite high casualties and numerous setbacks—which some Western analysts predicted would lead to a political crisis in Russia, and perhaps the fall of Putin’s regime—Russian forces have continued their campaign. At the time of this writing, they appear close to occupying all of the Donbas. If the last few months have shown that we in the West have misapprehended Russia, then perhaps it is because we have misunderstood how Russia, in turn, perceives the West, particularly the United States. Perhaps Russia is attuned to weaknesses that the West has for too long failed to address.
by Philip Pilkington
Hard Working Mom (2:14)
Hard Working Mom (2:14)
Will The US Punish Saudi Arabia Over Oil Production Cut?
US President Joe Biden has declared that “there will be consequences” for Saudi Arabia’s decision, along with OPEC+, to cut oil production. Yet it is unlikely the US Government will act to punish Riyadh. if they do, then it will fit in as the next piece in a long saga of mob-mentality global politics. US officials in Washington have been lashing out at Saudi Arabia in an unprecedented manner, following a decision taken by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, plus Russia and others (OPEC+), to reduce its oil production target. Saudi Arabia, which played a role in making this decision go through, has been accused of siding with Moscow, yet maintains that the decision was taken by all members and was purely economical. The US Biden administration has come out of this equation as the penultimate loser, with Europe likely to suffer the worst consequences of another hike in oil prices. President Biden had maintained, during his early days in the White House, that he was out to punish Riyadh and end the war in Yemen, pledging to end all offensive and relative weapons sales to the Kingdom. There was always the seemingly intentional problem of defining what constitutes an “offensive” weapon, versus a “defensive” one, and the Biden administration took full advantage of this by continuing to allow the flow of weapons to Saudi Arabia and its regional partner the United Arab Emirates (UAE). However, despite the initial walking back of Joe Biden’s pledges, the US President did not seem to be hand-in-hand with the Saudis and Emiratis, in the way that his predecessor, Donald Trump, was.
by Robert Inlakesh
Putin’s Astana Press Conference–He Ain’t Biden (Text and Video)
If you take the time to watch Vladimir Putin’s press conference yesterday (Friday) in Astana and then watch any recent cluster fark by Joe Biden, you will understand why the Russians are so calm in dealing with Ukraine. Putin is remarkable. Low key, well informed, articulate and not afraid of tough questions. He did not get any softballs here and, in fact, faced some tough questions. So much for the myth that Russia is a totalitarian state that brokers no dissent and requires everyone to toe a party line. That characterization more aptly describes the United States under the demented Joe Biden.
by Larry Johnson
On Trussification: From Decolonisation To Desperation To Hopelessness To Farce
Decolonisation: The Western Withdrawal from Asia, Africa and Europe
The Western European Empires have gone. The bankrupt Spanish Empire went first, in the century before last, the Germans lost their colonies in 1919 (at the same time as the Austro-Hungarians lost their European colonies), then the Italians lost their fantasies in Africa during the Second World War, the Germans got kicked out of their colonies in Eastern Europe in 1945, but the Portuguese much later, only getting kicked out of Africa in the 1970s. By that time the Dutch, the British, the Belgians and the French had also been kicked out of their colonies. Only the NATO Danes still hold on to Greenland, which is a lot of ice and snow and all of 56,000 people, though both Eisenhower and Trump wanted to buy it. However, since the US has its base at Thule, it effectively controls the country anyhow. Since 1947 the UK has been kicked out of almost everywhere, infamously from the Indian Subcontinent in 1947, from Palestine in 1948 and humiliatingly, by their Americans ‘allies’, from Suez in 1956. All that remains is, for the moment, a small group of tiny enclaves and islands like Bermuda, the Caymans, Gibraltar, St Helena, the Falklands etc, about 18,000 square kilometres and fewer than 300,000 people in all, plus a lot of ice in the ‘British Antarctic Territory’. As for France, after its humiliation in South-East Asia in 1954, it has gradually been kicked out of Africa (1946-2022) (Suez in 1956, Algeria in 1962 etc) and soon, even after its decades of assassinating independentist African politicians and military interventions, it will have nothing left there, though it still has a few islands in various oceans here and there.
by Batiushka
Rockets Rain Down On US Base Sitting On Top Of Syria’s Biggest Oil Field: Report
Syria’s energy ministry estimates that the US and its Kurdish militia allies control up to 90 percent of the nation’s oil and gas reserves, which allowed Damascus to enjoy energy self-sufficiency and generate modest export income before the start of the foreign-backed civil conflict in the country in 2011. A US military outpost sitting on top of the massive al-Omar oilfield in eastern Deir ez-Zor, Syria was struck by a barrage of rocket fire on Saturday evening, local media have reported. Sources told reporters that half-a-dozen rockets landed inside the area of the oil field, followed by multiple explosions. The strikes were said to have been conducted from a nearby settlement and farm area, with the US scrambling military helicopters to search for the attackers. No group has claimed responsibility. The Twitter account of Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve – the official name for the US mission overseeing the occupation of Syria, has not commented on the reported attack as of this writing. The US set up the ‘Green Village’ military garrison at the al-Omar oil field in 2018. The field had a pre-2011 crisis output of roughly 30,000 barrels of crude per day. Al-Omar was exploited heavily by Daesh (ISIS) during its occupation and plunder of the region between 2014 and 2017, and is now used by US forces and their Kurdish ‘Syrian Democratic Forces’ allies to smuggle hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of Syrian crude oil out of the country via Iraq, several dozen tankers at a time.
by Ilya Tsukanov
Freedom Of The Press: Jim Fetzer Interviews Mike Palecek (53:00)
Mike Palecek reads a poetic and incisive commentary on Amerika and the mass media machine. Mike has worked on newspapers in Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. He also produced Penn Magazine, and co-founded Moon Rock Books (with Jim Fetzer), as well as co-hosting (along with Chuck Gregory), The New American Dream Radio Show.
Trump Boasts That He Could ‘Easily’ Become Israeli PM
The US former president complained that while he’s apparently loved by Israelis, American Jews aren’t as enthused
Former US President Donald Trump took to his Truth Social platform on Sunday to vent about his apparent lack of popularity among American Jews. Claiming that he could “easily” be elected Prime Minister in Israel, Trump called on the Jewish community in the US to “get their act together.” “No president has done more for Israel than I have,” Trump claimed in a post on Sunday. “Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the US.” “Those living in Israel, though, are a different story,” he continued, declaring that he “could easily be” elected prime minister in the Jewish state. “US Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel – Before it is too late!”
by RT
US ‘Furious’ Over PA President Abbas’s Comments To Putin: Report
The White House is “deeply disappointed” in Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s comments to Putin, a spokesperson for the National Security Council (NSC) told Axios on Saturday. On Thursday, Abbas praised Russia’s “clear position” about a peace settlement between Palestine and Israel and reiterated his support for the so-called Quartet on the Middle East, a framework of mediators that includes Russia, the US, the UN, and the EU. However, he noted that Washington could not be the only mediator. “We don’t trust America and you know our position… under no circumstances can we accept that America is the sole party in resolving a problem,” he reportedly told Putin on the sidelines of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia in Astana, Kazakhstan.
by Palestine Chronicle
PayPal Is Acting Like A Feudal Overlord
In the past, if a government wanted a bank to close or freeze a customer’s account it would have to come banging on the door with a court order. Now, governments have shown that they can close private accounts at the drop of a hat. During the Freedom Convoy protests, the Canadian government drew up a list of individuals – on grounds that were never made clear, although the Justice Minister said that Trump supporters should be ‘worried’ – and banks immediately froze their customers’ accounts, no questions asked. Indeed, payment companies are taking the lead and freezing their own customers’ accounts, because of vague offences such as perceived ‘misinformation’. PayPal recently closed the accounts of lockdown sceptics, doctors for informed consent, critics of trans ideology, even the Free Speech Union (perhaps for defending trans critical feminists). Other companies such as GoFundMe, MasterCard, Stripe, Etsy, and Patreon have closed the accounts of gender campaigners, right-wing campaigners and critics of vaccine mandates.
by Josie Appleton
Legendary Romanian EU MP Christian Terhes Gets Stuck Into Pfizer’s CEO (8:37)
Study Finds Unexpected Protective Properties Of Pain (Text and Video)
Pain has been long recognized as one of evolution’s most reliable tools to detect the presence of harm and signal that something is wrong—an alert system that tells us to pause and pay attention to our bodies. But what if pain is more than just a mere alarm bell? What if pain is in itself a form of protection? A new study led by researchers at Harvard Medical School suggests that may well be the case in mice. The research, published Oct. 14 in Cell, shows that pain neurons in the mouse gut regulate the presence of protective mucus under normal conditions and stimulate intestinal cells to release more mucus during states of inflammation.
by Harvard Medical School
‘Settled Science’ Is A Contradiction In Terms
In a recent piece for the Daily Sceptic Chris Morrison alluded, ironically, to the ‘settled science’ on the subject of climate change. I have recently been reflecting on the oxymorons of our time, and this is one of the most provocative. An oxymoron is a combination of words which offers us a contradiction. It is a contradiction in terms. The word comes from the Greek, oxus, ‘sharp’ and moros, ‘foolish’: meaning, literally, sharply or pointedly foolish. The reason why it is pointedly foolish is because the words are not vague or confusing: they are clear, but point in two different directions, like crossed swords. Hence what we see is something paradoxical. So let us note, an oxymoron is not a simple weapon. A sword is a weapon. Crossed swords are something much more beguiling and odd. Anyone who uses an oxymoron in speech is attempting to confuse us by waving two swords around and clashing them together. Recall Sergeant Troy’s wooing of Bathsheba in Far From the Madding Crowd. This is, pretty much, what the authorities are doing to us now: playing soldiers, bent on seduction, using threat as part of that seduction. There are many oxymorons in modern politics. One of the best is ‘sustainable development’. But that, at least, is obviously flawed: though perhaps it takes some knowledge of economics and history to know why. That is for another time. ‘Settled science’, however, is an affront to not only language, but also to science and to politics.
by Dr. James Alexander
denial of reality to preserve identity and status
this has really become the whole of the problem
the problem with basing an entire status hierarchy upon relative levels of marginalization and aggrievement is that is becomes a negative sum war of all against all as only one can be the most aggrieved and therefore king/queen/non-gendered royal of the court. and this is why such movements inevitably eat themselves. their peaks of ideological and identity purity become melting icebergs upon which fewer and fewer can stand and the tribes of wokedom go to war with one another as they literally fight over which set of mad performative delusions shall retain primacy. this jar is full of fascinating bugs. lots to unpack here as we watch them fight.
by el gato malo
Judicial Watch: Biden National Archives Withholds 1,500 Pages Of Records About Trump Raid – Hides 99% Of Records
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is releasing only 65 pages out of over 1,600 pages of records related to the Biden administration’s unprecedented raid on the home of former President Trump. The records are being sought under August 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the National Archives and Records Administration failed to respond adequately to a February 2022 FOIA request (Judicial Watch v National Archives and Records Administration (No. 1:22-cv-02535). Judicial Watch asks for: All records regarding the referral from NARA to the Department of Justice regarding the records management procedures of former President Donald Trump (https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/national-archives-asks-doj-investigate-trumps-handling-white/story?id=82781128 ). This request includes all related records of communication between any official or employee of NARA and any official or employee of the Department of Justice and/or any other branch, department, agency, or office of the federal government. All records regarding the retrieval of records from President Trump or any individual or entity acting on his behalf by the National Archives and Records Administration. This request includes related records of communication between any official or employee of NARA and President Trump and/or any individual or entity acting on his behalf.
by Judicial Watch
More Poor People In The West Lose Dignity With Inaction Of Governments
This October 17 marks the 30th International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) established by the United Nations (UN). China has eradicated absolute poverty and is marching toward common prosperity. “We have ensured and improved public wellbeing as a matter of priority and pooled resources to wage a critical battle against poverty,” a report delivered at the opening session of the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress on Sunday noted. Nonetheless, poverty-stricken people in the West see little hope for any improvement in their quality of life. A complex global problem, poverty is also plaguing developed countries in the West. A report released by the US Census Bureau on October 4 revealed that the US had 41 million people, or 12.8 percent of its population, living in poverty in 2021, an increase of 2 million people compared to 2019. This is US’ first poverty rate increase in a decade. At the same time, 73.7 million people in the European Union (EU) – about 16.5 percent of the population – are at risk of poverty. In the UK, around 14.5 million people are living in poverty, according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s UK Poverty Profile 2022. That’s more than one in every five people.
by Global Times
Deanna Spingola Hosts Adolf Hitler Debate Between Carolyn Yeager and Jim Condit, Jr. (1:30:28)
Is UK’s Depopulation Caused By Covid Vaccines?
Both Excess Mortality and Birth Declines Explained by Vaccination Rates, Linear Regression Shows
This article will show that; Excess mortality in the UK, across deprivation quintiles, is almost entirely explained by the Covid vaccination rate by quintile. Covid vaccination rate explains 94% of the differences and the relationship has great statistical significance P=0.0052! The 2022 decline in births in the UK, across deprivation quintiles, is similarly explained by Covid vaccination rates by quintile. As I wrote a few times previously, the UK is experiencing a very alarming 15% decline in births.
by Igor Chudov
Your Government Is Trying To Kill You: Confidential Pfizer Documents Reveal Covid Vaccination Is Going To Lead To Mass Depopulation
Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to mass depopulation. This is a pretty bold claim to make. ‘Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder. But unfortunately, these bold claims are now backed up with a mountain of evidence, and most of that evidence can be found in the confidential Pfizer documents that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order. So let’s start with the evidence contained in the confidential Pfizer documents. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020. But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January. Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 12 of the confidential document contains data on the use of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection in pregnancy and lactation.
by The Exposé
How To Keep Your Immune System Strong
Your body’s immune system helps to protect you against infection. If your immune system – your inbuilt defence system – is in tip-top condition then you will be far less vulnerable to diseases of all types. Your body will also be better able to fight cancer and it will also be more able to resist viruses, colds and the flu. The trouble is that all sorts of things can damage your immune system. Top problems are a poor diet, too much stress, loneliness, frustration, not enough exercise, too little sunshine, not enough fresh air going into your lungs – and so on. Some types of drug can also interfere with immune systems. Moreover, we all build up our immune systems through contact with one another. Staying apart from other people, for whatever reason, reduces the effectiveness of our immune systems and increases our susceptibility to infections of all kinds. If we lock ourselves in our homes, for example, then we could damage the effectiveness of our immune systems. So, what can you do to help keep your immune system strong – and to counter all that bad stuff that can happen.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Lunatic Protesters Throw Tomato Soup At Van Gogh’s Sunflowers (0:23)
Lunatic Protesters Throw Tomato Soup At Van Gogh’s Sunflowers(0:23)
Tower Block Catches Fire In Istanbul (Text and Videos)
[Was This Jewish Lightning Because Russia And Turkey Are In Talks About A Major Gas Pipeline?]
The blaze ripped through the 24-story residential building
An apartment tower caught fire in the Turkish city of Istanbul on Saturday night, setting all 24 floors ablaze and covering the city in a dense cloud of smoke. The fire occurred in the same district hit by an explosion last week. The fire broke out in a building in the Fikirtepe district of the city, Oda TV reported. After starting on one of the apartment block’s lower floors, it quickly climbed to the top of the building, the Turkish network added. Videos shared on social media showed a column of fire burning up one side of the building, possibly housing a stairwell or elevator shaft. The apartment block was evacuated, and firefighters soon brought the blaze under control. It is unclear whether anyone was hurt or killed in the fire. The fire broke out less than a week after an explosion in a three-story building in Fikirtepe killed three people, including a ten-year-old girl. Initially blamed on a gas leak, the blast was since found to be the work of a terrorist who was manufacturing pipe bombs in his apartment. Investigators believe that a fuse accidentally ignited and detonated a stash of gunpowder.
by RT
Top 100 Defense Contractors 2021
The following is a list of the Top 100 U.S. Department of Defense prime contractors in fiscal year 2021 ranked by total contract funds awarded. The DoD had defense contract award obligations of $395.52 billion in FY21, down 8.4 percent from $431.75 billion in FY20. The top 100 contractors accounted for $245.76 billion (62 percent) of the obligated dollars, compared to $273.72 billion (63 percent) in FY20. In FY21, the DoD’s share of available funding was $1.51 trillion, or 12.4 percent, of the FY21 U.S. federal budget . This is an increase of 18 percent compared to the DoD’s share of the U.S. federal budget for FY20 of $1.28 trillion, or 11.2 percent.
by Forecast International
EU Parliament Wants To Give Up Nord Stream Pipelines, Driver Of European Industry
And frankly, notice German AfD MEP Bernhard Zimniok‘s video remarks below. An EU Parliamentary vote was done by roll-call, naming precisely those who voted and how, instead of electronically, where the names are hidden. Thus, we know exactly who voted to give up Nord Stream. Do seasoned professionals REALLY make these sorts of ‘mistakes,’ as Zimniok terms it? Nord Stream has been the biggest thorn in the side for the Atlanticists/Neocons since the start since it creates a power center between Russia and Germany/Europe. We are staying tuned to see if we can get a copy of this vote. Whether it’s Truss in the UK currently making incomprehensible policy decisions or cabinet appointments, Trudeau (an enquiry has been launched into his emergency management act), Macron in France (we have a general strike on Tuesday), Ursula von der Leyen and her privately negotiated deals with Pfizer, or Biden … the list goes on … we believe the political class are somehow being engineered to show themselves up as completely corrupt and useless. Checking out Twitter users this week, voter/citizen frustration is rightly running high. We are not witnessing a convergence of accidents, in other words. There are no coincidences.
by Pam Barker
Doug Brignole (1960 – 2022) R.I.P
Doug sacrificed his life in order to send the world an important message: DO NOT VACCINATE. It’s not worth it. It could cost you your life.
Doug Brignole, former Mr America and Mr Universe winner, author of “The Physics of Resistance Exercise,” lecturer, educator and coach offered his life as a test case for whether the COVID vaccines are safe or dangerous. The clear conclusion: the vaccines are unsafe. I was right. Please let’s not have any more challenges like this. According to Doug, those who have been saying the “vaccines are safe and effective” should now admit that they were misled, tell the world who misled you, so that other people can benefit by ignoring those fear mongers.
by Steve Kirsch
The Perfect Storm Threatening The Dollar Hedgemony Part 1 (Of A 3 Part Series)
Financial Collapse Is a Mathematical Certainty
After the 2008 stock market crash, governments, because the economy collapsed globally, started spending like drunken sailors The last 14 years have been a ballooning of the sovereign debt bond bubble. Who’s going to save that bubble? Who’s going to be the buyer of all that debt when this bubble finally blows up? Answer: No one. Many who are aware of the situation are just surprised the system has lasted this long. It looked like it was ready to burst in September 2019, and then, conveniently, COVID showed up, which granted emergency powers to all central banks. Governments went on another spending spree, printing money, and this allowed them to kick the proverbial can down the road for another two years. Here we are in 2022 and it’s unraveling again. And the reason why COVID was important is because the Federal Reserve was able to plug the hole in what was beginning to become a liquidity debt crisis. They printed 65% more money. The money stock went up 65% year over year in 2020/1, and that was able to paper it over. Then, the economy was shut down, so when they reopened with all the money in the system, the US had a recovery for a year and a half. Stock markets went crazy, credit markets went crazy, back up again. But here we are two years later we had inflation in assets, stocks and bonds.
by Sam Parker
“Uncharted Territory”: Housing Market Predictions For 2023
My kind friend and award-winning realtor Kira Mason has her pulse on the real estate market. She offers up her no bullshit, on-the-ground take on the industry for my readers.
Since Fringe Finance has started, I’ve scoured the Earth far and wide to try and bring a perspective on real estate to the blog that is going to be both no bullshit and an unfiltered on-the-ground opinion that I know and trust (and could add value to my readers). After all, it’s an asset class that I am not nearly as in-tune with as I am with equities and, well…beer. And to be honest, I didn’t have to scour much, as a good friend of mine is a brilliant up and comer in the world of real estate in Philadelphia. I’ve worked with her several times and have known her for years – she’s insightful, pragmatic, conscientious and has a serious pulse on the industry. I know for a fact that she works her ass off, eating, sleeping and breathing real estate on the daily. As such, my kind friend, award-winning realtor Kira Mason, has agreed to drop in once in a while to offer up her take on the pulse of the industry for benefit of my readers. Kira runs the Substack Gritty City Real Estate, which you can read & follow free here and she is @kmasonrealtor on Twitter.
by Quoth the Raven
AirCar Certified By The Slovak Transport Authority (3:04)
AirCar Certified By The Slovak Transport Authority (3:04)
Documents Reveal Israel Tried To Poison Palestinian Wells In 1948
The operation was inspired by the plan of the Avengers’ to poison water and food sources in Germany after the second world war
While once regarded as only a rumor, newfound documents reveal that Israeli troops tried to poison wells and contaminate the drinking water of the Palestinian community in 1948 under Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion (David Grün). Operation “Cast Thy Bread” was a plan to poison wells with bacteria in Arab neighborhoods and even some Jewish pockets to evacuate several locations and expand the state-in-the-making. The Israeli news outlet Haaretz published an extensive article about the documents and the involvement of high-ranking officials such as the prime minister and military generals. Though partially exposed decades ago, the extent of the operation as well as the involvement of high-ranking officials remained in the dark, until now.
by News Desk
White House Extends COVID Public Health Emergency Status To Get More People Vaccinated With Deadly New Boosters
The tyrannical decree to declare COVID-19 as a “Public Health Emergency” that ushered in unprecedented measures to ignore the Constitution of the United States and to lock everyone down and eventually start injecting Americans with experimental shots that have now resulted in massive deaths and injuries, which was first declared by President Donald Trump almost 3 years ago on January 31, 2020, was just extended by the Biden Administration this week. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear discerning the truth over the propaganda, it is obvious that this tyrannical decree was extended on behalf of Pfizer and Moderna, to continue justifying emergency use authorizations for experimental injections that otherwise would be illegal. This has always been the primary goal of the COVID-19 emergency measures started by Donald Trump in 2020 and his massive federal funding of Operation Warp Speed, which resulted in the addition of $TRILLIONS into the U.S. economy, bailing out Wall Street and the Central Bankers in the process.
by Brian Shilhavy
Et Tu, PayPal? The EU’s Role In Defunding Dissent
PayPal appears unsure whether it should participate in the current crusade against online “disinformation” or not. First it closed the PayPal accounts of The Daily Sceptic and the Free Speech Union, and even the personal account of their founder Toby Young, and then, two weeks later, it restored them. Then it announced that it would be docking $2,500 from anyone who uses its services in connection with “promoting misinformation” and then, two days later, it again reversed course and announced that this language was never intended to be included in its new Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). It was not intended to be included? Well, where did it come from then? Could the EU’s Code of Practice on Disinformation and its Digital Services Act (DSA), about which I wrote in my last Brownstone article, have something to do with PayPal’s skittish forays into “combatting disinformation?” Well, yes, they could, and you may rest assured that EU officials or representatives have already had a word with PayPal about them.
by Robert Kogon
Attack On Herbs And Supplements Is A Racket
A centuries-old racket
This story is a very important practical story because there is yet another active attack on our access to “alternative” medicines, herbs, and dietary supplements. The pharmaceutical investors and their pocket politicians are emboldened. They couldn’t be happier if the healing herbs and supplements were regulated off the market and taken away from the people. It is a continuation of the centuries-old attack on the “knowers” and the healers. It is a fat and painful reminder that this centuries-old attack was abusive and destructive the very second it started–and that it is not going to stop until we stop it. No, no, it is not about the protection of our interests because … look around! The same financial interests whose servants purport to protect us from the boogeyman of dietary supplements are poisoning our food, our air, and our water, and chasing us with syringes filed with toxic liquid!
by Tessa Lena
Teamwork (0:29)
Teamwork (0:29)
Tighten Your Belt: You Are In For A Very Bumpy Ride
Regular readers of my books and these pages will understand that the financial chaos engulfing the world, and threatening to send the UK back beyond the recession, into a deep, dark, financial depression, and back to the economic dark ages, will know that nothing that is happening is happening by accident. This, in case you are in any doubt, is the beginning of the Great Recession, the New Normal, which the conspirators have been boasting about for years. (Laughably, there are some ignorant collaborators who claim that the ‘Great Recession’ is another conspiracy theory. If only they were right.) The coming financial chaos was apparent years ago. When I wrote my book Stuffed!, back in 2012, I pointed out that: ‘The Government can no longer afford to pay the pensions it has promised to public sector workers. Nor can the Government afford to pay the State pension. And, just to make things worse, Government and EU policies have destroyed the attractiveness of private pensions. In a generation’s time our streets will be packed with geriatric, English beggars pleading to be given enough money to buy a little food.’ And now we’re very close to that.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
ACH (1935) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #90 – So I Guess That’s Why We Needed A New Prime Minister… (Audio 1:52:50)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 10, 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “So I Guess That’s Why We Needed A New Prime Minister…”
We discussed: the Farren Shoaf audio clip that we played during the show intro segment; dog bites; squirrels that run up your leg; city slickers and nature; are we going into an angrier world; fluoride; the shocking nature of what is called music today; the Josef Fritzel case; the books and films of Stephen King; yesterday’s “Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message – Why We Are Where We Are…” that we played on the show; the Wikipedia pages on various forms of pride; this week’s, “if my democratic right to free speech did not probibit me from doing so I would,” segment; how we are now up to 2,272 deaths and 464,072 people injured from the vaccines according to figures off the UK Government website; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; when Joe Biden praised Jewish Leaders in the media for changing American Attitudes about gay marriage; the recent Conservative Friends Of Israel conference; why the West Indies is called the West Indies; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ news roundup of the week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Top Corporated Spenders Trying To Influence Government Policy
Whether they do their own lobbying or hire it out to DC’s infamous K Street firms (and often they do both), these organizations spend the most trying to influence government policy.
Sandy Hook Shoah: It Is Now Illegal to Question Why Robbie Parker Laughed After His Child Was Shot (Video 0:37)
With Alex Jones being forced to pay $1 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families, this sets a dangerous precedent for telling the truth in America. Is it now illegal to call out any of the various PsyOps being launched against us to take away our rights? When will we be forced to pay damages to Holohoax survivors or their descendants for questioning what really happened? How can anyone watch Robbie Parker going to speak and think this man actually just lost his beloved daughter?
by Renegade Tribune
Some Find
Some find it easier to die than to go on living. Some find it easier to avoid looking at death than to ever truly live. Some find it easier to turn their bodies into hardened weapons and go fight in a cage than to ever once be tender and kind to themselves. Some find it easier to build multibillion-dollar corporate empires than to stop and take a single honest look within themselves. Some find it easier to wage war than to wage peace, even though just below the surface every molecule of their being is calling out for peace like baby birds calling out for their mother. Some find that what some find easy is actually a whole lot harder than simply being at ease.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Vaxxed Bodybuilder To Anti-Vaxxers: ‘If I Die, You Were Right.’ You Know The Ending (0:25)
Physicists Reach Qubit Computing Breakthrough
Researchers from Arizona State University and Zhejiang University in China, along with two theorists from the United Kingdom, have been able to demonstrate for the first time that large numbers of quantum bits, or qubits, can be tuned to interact with each other while maintaining coherence for an unprecedentedly long time, in a programmable, solid state superconducting processor. Previously, this was only possible in Rydberg atom systems. In a paper to be published on Thursday, Oct. 13, in Nature Physics, ASU Regents Professor Ying-Cheng Lai, his former ASU doctoral student Lei Ying and experimentalist Haohua Wang, both professors at Zhejiang University in China, have demonstrated a “first look” at the emergence of quantum many-body scarring (QMBS) states as a robust mechanism for maintaining coherence among interacting qubits. Such exotic quantum states offer the appealing possibility of realizing extensive multipartite entanglement for a variety of applications in quantum information science and technology to achieve high processing speed and low power consumption.
by Arizona State University
October 10 – 16, 2022
“The Earth with its layers of land and water and air provides the space within which all living things are nurtured and the context within which humans attain their identity. If in the excitement of a secular technology reverence for the Earth has diminished in the past, especially in the western world, humans now experience a sudden shock at the devastation they have wrought on their own habitation. The ancient human-Earth relationship must be recovered in a new context, in its mystical as well as in its physical functioning. There is need for awareness that the mountains and rivers and all living things, the sky and its sun and moon and clouds all constitute a healing, sustaining sacred presence for humans which they need as much for their psychic integrity as for their physical nourishment. This presence whether experienced as Allah, as Atman, as Sunyata, or as the Buddha-nature or as Bodhisattva; whether as Tao or as the One or as the Divine Feminine, is the atmosphere in which humans breathe deepest and without which they eventually suffocate.”
Thomas Berry

Clear And Present Danger… Made Totally In America
There is not one politician in Washington or among its Western lackeys who has the ability to think intelligently or reasonably.
To blame the United States and its NATO partners for the escalating war with Russia over Ukraine would be lambasted by Western media as “Kremlin propaganda”. But what if the argument is made not by Russia, but by a virtual pantheon of respected U.S. scholars, thinkers, diplomats and geopolitical planners? A timely review article this week recalls the warnings made by some of America’s finest political thinkers over the past 30 years. These figures categorically warned against the eastward expansion of the U.S.-led NATO military alliance. They predicted exactly the clear and present danger that we are now seeing in Ukraine with regard to a possible all-out conflagration between nuclear powers. The article cited above included references to Jack Matlock, the former U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, William Perry, who was Secretary of Defense in the Clinton administration (1994-97), George Kennan, the founder of Containment Policy against the Soviet Union, as well as Henry Kissinger, Noam Chomsky and William Burns (the latter is now the CIA chief and one wonders how his conversations in the current Biden administration are squared). To that eminent list could be added the scholarly views of the late Stephen Cohen who died in 2020. Professor Cohen was strident in condemning what he called the “New Cold War” incited by the Obama administration from its support for a coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014. Obama’s point man in fashioning the rabidly anti-Russian regime in Kiev is none other than the present officeholder in the White House, Joe Biden.
Editorial by Strategic Culture
Putin Warns NATO Against ‘Global Catastrophe’
Western leaders hopefully have “enough intelligence” to avoid a direct military confrontation with Russia, Vladimir Putin said
Putting NATO troops into direct contact with the Russian army would be a foolish step that could lead to “global catastrophe,” Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Friday, following the Central Asia-Russia summit in Astana, Kazakhstan. Asked whether NATO might send troops into Ukraine if the country was close to defeat in its conflict with Russia, Putin said this would be a “dangerous step that could lead to a global catastrophe.” “I hope that those who speak about this will have enough intelligence to prevent such a dangerous step from happening,” he said. The Russian leader also said it was necessary to understand what one means by the word “defeat” in the context of the Ukraine crisis. “Everyone can understand this differently,” he said, explaining that some may already see the fact that Crimea voted to become part of Russia in 2014 as a defeat for Ukraine. “We need to understand what is meant [by defeat],” he added.
by RT
Russia Courts Muslim Countries As Strategic Eurasian Partners
Everything that matters in the complex process of Eurasia integration was once again at play in Astana, as the – renamed – Kazakh capital hosted the 6th Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA). The roll call was a Eurasian thing of beauty – featuring the leaders of Russia and Belarus (EAEU), West Asia (Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, Palestine) and Central Asia (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan). China and Vietnam (East and Southeast Asia) attended at the level of vice presidents. CICA is a multinational forum focused on cooperation toward peace, security, and stability across Asia.,Kazakh President Tokayev revealed that CICA has just adopted a declaration to turn the forum into an international organization. CICA has already established a partnership with the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU). So in practice, it will soon be working together side-by-side with the SCO, the EAEU and certainly BRICS+. The Russia-Iran strategic partnership was prominently featured at CICA, especially after Iran being welcomed to the SCO as a full member. President Raeisi, addressing the forum, stressed the crucial notion of an emerging “new Asia”, where “convergence and security” are “not compatible with the interests of hegemonic countries and any attempt to destabilize independent nations has goals and consequences beyond national geographies, and in fact, aims to target the stability and prosperity of regional countries.”
by Pepe Escobar
Cue Dollar Squeeze Panic: Fed Sends A Record $6.3 Billion To Switzerland Via Swap Line
BofA Chief Investment Strategist Michael Hartnett (whose latest weekly note we will dissect shortly) has a favorite saying for when critical phase (to avoid the most hated word in the world “paradigm”) shifts take place in the market, one which may be the only word a trader in this day and age needs (or rather hopes for): “Markets stop panicking when central banks start panicking.” So in what may be the best news to shellshocked bulls after the worst September and worst Q3 in generations, in a harrowing year for markets, and on a Friday which is set to reverse much of yesterday’s historic intraday reversal, the 5th biggest on record, central banks are starting to panic more with every passing day. First it was the BOJ, then the BOE and now, for the second week in a row, it’s Switzerland’s turn.Recall that three weeks ago after the (first) panicked pivot by the BOE, when global markets were in freefall, we said that markets desperately needed some words of encouragement from the Fed, or failing that – and with the dollar soaring to new all time highs every day – the Fed had to make some pre-emptive announcement on USD Fx swap lines, if only to reassure global markets that amid this historic, US dollar short squeeze, at least someone can and will print as many as are needed to avoid systemic collapse.
by Tyler Durden
Pro-Vax Enthusiasts Are A Serious Threat To Public Health
I was delighted to read that 80% of over 50s have refused to have a booster covid-19 jab. The news suggests that the truth is, at last, leaking out – despite the fact that the mainstream media has for two years been suppressing the truth and demonising the truth-tellers. I was less cheered to see that someone called Ara Darzi (who is apparently an Iraqi born Armenian who sits in the UK’s House of Lords and is employed at Imperial College in London) has reportedly claimed that ‘antivaxers are a global menace’ and the growing anti-vaccine movement is a threat to public health across the globe. Imperial College, in case you haven’t noticed, has links to Bill Gates, the unqualified vaccine enthusiast and chum of the disgraced Jeffrey Epstein, and is the home of Ferguson, a mathematical modeller with a slightly less than impressive track record and the man whose absurd predictions about the coronavirus were used as the basis for the fraudulent claims of a pandemic.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Wildlife Populations Plunge 69% Since 1970
Wild populations of monitored animal species have plummeted nearly 70 percent in the last 50 years, according to a landmark assessment released Thursday that highlights “devastating” losses to nature due to human activity. Featuring data from 32,000 populations of more than 5,000 species of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish, the WWF Living Planet Index shows accelerating falls across the globe. In biodiversity-rich regions such as Latin America and the Caribbean, the figure for animal population loss is as high as 94 percent. Globally, the report found that monitored animal populations had fallen 69 percent since 1970.
by Patrick Galey
Two Potentates Meet Up At St. Petersburg
There was something profoundly meaningful that the President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan undertook a visit to Russia amidst the gathering storms in Ukraine. Conscious of the symbolism, Russian President Vladimir Putin received Sheikh Mohammed on Tuesday in a grand setting befitting a monarch — at the gorgeous Konstantinovksy Palace in St. Petersburg whose heritage dates back to Peter the Great, a symbol of the revival of Russia and its cultural heritage. The meeting of the two potentates couldn’t have been more timely. Sheikh Mohammed and his Saudi kinsperson, Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud had just handed down a strategic defeat to a superpower in the geopolitics of oil, as the world community witnessed disbelievingly and understood that the sun has set on the American Century in international politics. Putin too stands at the threshold of a historic victory over the combined might of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, which is poised to redraw the contours of the new world order. Putin told Sheikh Mohammed that the relations between Russia and the UAE are “an important factor of regional and overall global stability.” Putin said, “I know that you are concerned about the entire situation that is developing, and I know about your desire to make a contribution to resolving all contentious issues, including the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. I would like to note that, indeed, this substantial factor makes it possible to use your influence to help gradually resolve the situation.”
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
US Rejection Of Moscow’s Offer For Peace Talks Is Utterly Inexcusable
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Moscow was open to talks with the the US or with Turkey on ending the war in Ukraine, claiming that US officials are lying when they say Russia has been refusing peace talks. Reuters reports: Lavrov said officials, including White House national security spokesman John Kirby, had said the United States was open to talks but that Russia had refused. “This is a lie,” Lavrov said. “We have not received any serious offers to make contact.” Lavrov’s claim was given more weight when US State Department spokesman Ned Price dismissed the offer for peace talks shortly after it was extended, citing Russia’s recent missile strikes on Kyiv. “We see this as posturing,” Price said at a Tuesday press briefing. “We do not see this as a constructive, legitimate offer to engage in the dialogue and diplomacy that is absolutely necessary to see an end to this brutal war of aggression against the people and the state, the Government of Ukraine.”
by Caitlin Johnstone
Michigan Abortion Amendment Paves Way For Child Sterilization, ‘Right’ To Transition: Legal Experts
‘However, the drafters of the RRFI have deliberately crafted language which subverts and narrows’ a key constitutional analysis test ‘in a manner that will produce manifestly unjust results.’
A proposed amendment to the Michigan Constitution to enshrine a state-level right to abortion would also create a right to sterilize and potentially even transition minors without their parents’ knowledge or consent, warn legal experts and religious authorities in the Great Lakes State. Michigan Proposal 3, the so-called Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative (RRFI), would enshrine a state constitutional right to “reproductive freedom,” defined as the “right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care.” When the U.S. Supreme Court recognized in June’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that the U.S. Constitution “makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision,” it restored states’ ability to decide their own abortion laws. Pro-abortion activists hope to prevent state legislatures from doing so by establishing new “rights” to abortion in state constitutions.
by Calvin Freiburger
Russian Deputy PM: Masterminds Of Nord Stream Terror Attacks Plunged Europe Into Energy Poverty
During the Russian Energy Week forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the Nord Stream terror attacks in late September sought to undermine energy security on the continent. The masterminds of the Nord Stream terror attacks plunged Europe into energy poverty, Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Friday. “As for Europe and its energy security, what happened [to the Nord Stream pipelines] has actually nullified its energy security… That is, the masterminds and perpetrators of these terror attacks simply plunged Europe into energy poverty,” Novak told the Russian Energy Week. Novak’s remarks came hours after reports that Sweden, Germany and Denmark had refused to jointly investigate the acts of sabotage at the pipelines, each pledging to investigate the attacks independently. Sweden is said to have pulled out from the joint investigative team, followed by Denmark. The German interior ministry told a Friday briefing that the federal police “finished establishing the circumstances” of the sabotage at the Nord Stream network, which runs under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany.
by Sputnik News
Zelensky Asks for $55 Billion to Cover Budget Deficit and Fund Reconstruction
The US is expected to foot most of the bill for the budget deficit
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday asked international donors for an additional $55 billion in aid to cover Ukraine’s budget deficit and fund reconstruction projects. Zelensky spoke virtually to finance ministers at the World Bank and to the IMF’s annual meeting in Washington, according to Reuters. He said about $38 billion was needed to cover next year’s expected budget deficit, and another $17 billion was needed to start rebuilding some infrastructure. Ukraine’s Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has previously said that Ukraine expects to have a $38 billion deficit in 2023. He expects the US to hand over $18 billion for the deficit and for the EU and IMF to contribute about $12 billion each. “The more assistance Ukraine gets now, the sooner we’ll come to an end to the Russian war, and the sooner and more reliably we will guarantee that such a cruel war will not spread into other countries,” Zelensky said on Wednesday.
by Dave DeCamp
ACH (1931) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of How False Flags Escalate Into Wars (Audio 55:23)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 6, 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of How False Flags Escalate Into Wars.”
We discussed: the environmental catastrophe and economic terror that will result from the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline; the importance of identifying who benefits most from the destruction of the pipeline in order to identify who was behind its destruction; how the Baltic pipeline opened only a day after the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline; the long term strategy of making Europe dependent on North American support; who is behind the campaign to destroy Germany and why; how Russia may well be the most well equipped nuclear superpower in the world today; the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty; the 1957 CIA/MI6 plan to carry out false flag attacks in Syria in order to achieve regime change; the 2014 Western led coup in the Ukraine which was the start of the administration they have running that country today; how most so-called terrorists are actually working for the security services; why we are very possibly on the brink of a Third World War; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
There is No Single War In Ukraine and NATO Is In Trouble (Text and Video)
Not to beat a dead horse, but most of the world has a delusional image in their head of the war in Ukraine. As I have written previously, much of the fault lies with Hollywood, which through a plethora of movies has conditioned the masses to think of war as the conquest of critical territory. But that is a misleading image when it comes to Ukraine. Yes, there are strategically important pieces of territory that must be captured or defended, but there also are vast swaths of plains (we call them prairies here in the United States) that are tactically difficult to control and, if you succeed in capturing an area of land, you create a problem of how to defend it. Please take a look at the following video with this in mind. Although the video shows how Russia’s Wagner Group is building defensive lines, please focus on the general landscape rather than the work of the engineers:
by Larry Johnson
US’ New National Security Report Lack Of Creativity, Full Of Viciousness
The White House on Wednesday released its new National Security Strategy (NSS). This is a routine of every US government and an important document that reflects and guides the incumbent government’s internal affairs and diplomacy. But after reading the 48-page document, the international community generally feels a strong sense of unease and concern. The “national security” pursued by the US will come at the expense of the security of other countries. If the path and direction stated in the report is followed, the superpower of the US will sooner or later go to the opposite side of world peace and stability, and the consequences will be unimaginable. The release of the strategy report was delayed for several months due to the Russia-Ukraine crisis, but we did not see from the report that the US had deeply reflected on the root cause of the conflict, let alone learned any lessons. Instead, it further strengthened the camp confrontation and binary opposition mindset that led to the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. More seriously, the US has doubled down on this Cold War mentality in its relations with China, and “competition with China suffuses every chapter [of the report]”, regarding China as “the most pressing strategic challenge.”
Editorial by Global Times
Global Finance vs. Global Energy: Who Will Come Out On Top?
There is more to the current struggle between the oil-consuming west and the oil-producing nations than meets the eye and it runs far deeper than the war in Ukraine
On 6 October, when the European Union (EU) agreed to impose a Russian oil price cap as part of a new package of sanctions against Moscow, 23 oil ministers from the OPEC+ group of oil-producing countries spoke out in favor of a sharp cut in their joint production quota. Their collective decision to decrease output by about two million barrels of oil per day elicited strong reactions in the US in particular, and there was even talk of “declarations of war.” The EU feels duped, as the OPEC+ production cuts could drive up fuel prices and dampen their eight sanctions packages. Despite the narrative of the world edging toward a “post-oil era,” it seems there’s life in the old dog yet, as OPEC remains the talk of the town. OPEC is as relevant as ever. OPEC and ten non-OPEC energy producers – including Russia – have been coordinating their production policy since December 2016. At the time, analysts gave this “OPEC-plus” format little chance of having an impact. Back then, I recall the mockery of many who scorned the announcement in the press room of the OPEC General Secretariat in Vienna. But OPEC has weathered the storm of the global oil market in recent years, and has emerged as a key player. Recall the exceptional situation in the spring of 2020 during the global COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, when futures trading for US oil grades were even quoted at negative prices at times, only to rise again to new heights in April 2021.
by Karin Kneissl
Saboteurs Targeting Pipeline To Türkiye Captured – Kremlin
The Russian president’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, says the suspects were seeking to destroy a section of TurkStream
Saboteurs have been detained while plotting to blow up part of the TurkStream pipeline, which delivers Russian natural gas to Türkiye, the Kremlin’s spokesman claimed on Thursday. “Certain forces … have already made an attempt on TurkStream. The saboteurs have been caught, and several people have been arrested. They wanted to blow it up. On our territory, on soil,” Dmitry Peskov said. Peskov’s remarks follow Moscow’s proposal to turn Türkiye into a hub for Russian gas, re-exporting it to European consumers. He was speaking on the sidelines of an international summit in Astana, Kazakhstan. The EU was now deprived of the means to receive Russian gas, even if it were to request it, after September’s “terrorist attacks” that damaged three out of four strings of the Nord Stream pipelines under the Baltic Sea, he explained. The Kremlin spokesman stressed that the pipeline to Türkiye was the only “fully functional, fully loaded and working as clockwork route” for Russian gas to EU countries. Ankara could develop its gas infrastructure further to increase its re-export capacity, he suggested, claiming that the Turkish leadership was interested in the proposal.
by RT
Democrats Block Resolution Calling For Biden Admin To Turn Over Docs Related To Big Tech Pressure
Republicans favored the resolution.
House Energy and Commerce Committee member Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) proposed a resolution to ask The White House to submit documents on its efforts to coerce Big Telecom companies to censor certain media organizations and the pressure on the FCC to regulate Big Tech. The resolution was backed by ranking member Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA). We obtained a copy of the resolution for you here. The resolution states: “This resolution requests from the President certain information and documents that concern regulating the content of multichannel video programming distributors (e.g., cable operators), broadcast stations, and video streaming services. The resolution also requests information or documents in which the President asks the Federal Communications Commission to take action to regulate Big Tech.”
by Dan Frieth
Free Speech, Jacinda Ardern And The Tyranny Of ‘Kindness’
acinda Ardern, New Zealand’s prime minister, grabbed the global limelight a few years ago, making headlines by stating she wanted to put “kindness” into politics. In 2019, Foreign Policy, a publication closely associated with the Atlantic Council and the US State Department, published the article ‘The Kindness Quotient’, a glowing promotion of Ardern. The strategic marketing of Ardern in various publications has focused on her likeability, pro-environment stance, compassionate values and collaborative nature. To further appeal to liberal sentiments, she was said to represent everything Trump is not. Ardern belongs to a set of global leaders who were groomed for their positions through the World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leaders programme. Yes, that WEF – the elitist organisation where hard-nose billionaires and their handmaidens gather to set out policies aligned with powerful business interests. The charm offensive that Ardern’s promoters undertook was an investment. She delivered on COVID and is now expected to sell more questionable policies to the public.
by Colin Todhunter
the evolution of the bourla virus (text and video)
the pfizer CEO in his own words
there seem to be a number of people who are of the opinion that “the drug companies never said the covid vaccines would stop transmission.” but ah how wonderful it is to live in the age of instant-on video receipts. we do not have to guess, we can ask the pfizer CEO himself. this montage is a startling evolution of talking points. it shows a pharma kingpin who is simply making stuff up on the fly and adapting tactically to whatever works best as marketing right now. i have seen porsche adjustable seats with fewer positions than this. perhaps this is why he was unwilling to appear (when asked) before the euro parliament. some of the MEP’s appear upset.
by el gato malo
Researchers Take Key Step Toward Big Gains In Plastics Recycling
Researchers including an Oregon State University College of Engineering faculty member have taken a key step toward greatly expanding the range of plastics that can be recycled. The findings, published today in Science, are important because plastic waste is a massive problem both globally and in the United States, where only about 5% of used plastic is recycled, according to the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, which led the study. Packaging materials, containers and other discarded items are filling up landfills and littering the environment at a pace so rapid that scientists estimate by 2050 the ocean will have more plastic by weight than fish, according to NREL.
by Oregon State University
Ending The Ukraine War Now
I don’t think I’ll have the nuclear missile exchange this morning, waiter. Just bring me two eggs over easy, toast, and coffee
Get this. Screw in your brain real tight and get this: At antiwar[dot]com, Dave DeCamp writes: “US officials have ruled out pushing Ukraine to negotiate with Russia even though they don’t think either side can win the war ‘outright,’ The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.” Uh huh. Right. “The report reads: ‘Privately, US officials say neither Russia nor Ukraine is capable of winning the war outright, but they have ruled out the idea of pushing or even nudging Ukraine to the negotiating table. They say they do not know what the end of the war looks like, or how it might end or when, insisting that is up to Kyiv’.” Yeah. Sure. “A State Department official told the Post that the issue of ending the war is ‘a decision for the Ukrainians to make.’ The official said that Washington’s ‘job now is to help them be in absolutely the best position militarily on the battlefield … for that day when they do choose to go to the diplomatic table’.” Of course. Very impressive. Where are the US legislators who should be screaming to high heaven about this sack of bullshit? Where are the US legislators who should be demanding an end to the war?
by Jon Rappoport
Attack On America’s Children Continues As FDA Authorizes Deadly New COVID Boosters For Children As Young As 5 Years Old
Like a nightmare that never ends, the criminal FDA continued its acts of genocide by authorizing the deadly new Bivalent COVID vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer for children as young as 5 years old today. The Bivalent COVID vaccines were first authorized for adults just 6 weeks ago on August 30th, and according to the Government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 2,168 cases have already been filed including 19 deaths, 27 permanent disabilities, 184 visits to the ER, 73 hospitalizations, and 26 other life threatening events.
by Brian Shilhavy
Rediscovering The Art And Science Of Sound Therapy
Several ancient cultures used the seemingly magical power of sound to heal, but sound therapy had almost disappeared in the West until 1927 when Professor R. Wood and his assistant, Loomis, discovered ultrasound–high frequency sound–and its medical properties.1 With this discovery, research burgeoned and it is now established fact that ultrasound has powerful medical properties including its use in breaking up kidney stones and even shrinking tumours.2,3,4,5 In hospitals and sports injury clinics, in all parts of the world, therapeutic ultrasound is used to support or accelerate the healing of soft tissues and broken bones. In the 1980s, infrasound–very low frequency sound–and audible sound were also discovered to have healing properties and in recent years several commercial organizations have developed audible sound devices to support a wide range of physical ailments.6, 7, 8 The companies have documented many cases in which their sonic therapies benefited individuals. Audible sound is intrinsically safe and cannot be “overdosed,” while ultrasound, if not properly applied, can cause severe internal burning.
by John Stuart Reid
To Be Clear, This Is Not Going To Be About Apologizing… This Is Going To Be About Willful Admittance Of Harms
…and taking your lumps like the grown-ups you are…
On October 11, 2022, during a hearing on the European Union’s COVID-19 response, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that its vaccine had never been tested before its release to the general public on its ability to prevent the transmission of COVID when asked by Dutch politician and a current Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Robert “Rob” Roos.1 Now for those who do not understand the significance of this admittance, it is this: The bird-chatter mantra ‘do what’s best for others/protect others – GET INJECTED’ – was a farce. Some of us knew this by virtue of the simple fact that if you are immunized against a pathogen by vaccination or inoculation, then others who are not immunized against this same pathogen are in no way, shape, or form a threat to you. That would have been, in fact, the logic behind getting immunized – you are rendered protected from the pathogen and when subsequent challenge or exposure inevitably occurs, you would likely have no symptoms at all in the event that the immunization was effective.
by Jessica Rose
Supreme Court Delivers Massive Ruling That Will Change The Midterm Voting Results
A SCOTUS decision on Wednesday upended the November midterms in an extended drama over mail-in ballots. The high court overturned a lower court ruling and determined that undated mail ballots should NOT be counted as they sided with a Pennsylvania Republican in a ballot case for a judgeship. The long and short of it is, that Democrats want leftist judges to legislate from the bench- bypassing the American people’s representation, who set the laws over elections. The Democrats like radical Marc Elias and his group, “Democracy Docket’ have been demanding validation of mail-in ballots that did not have the date on them and have found activist judges to help them, the fight is over what the process is to make laws.
by Kari Donovan
Corporate Media Silent As Pfizer Exec Admits COVID Jab Never Tested On Preventing Transmission (Text and Video)
Not surprisingly, the corporate media — “brought to you by Pfizer” — is entirely silent on this bombshell admission.
In early 2021, CDC director Rochelle Walensky had no problem going on national television and declaring to the world that if you took the covid-19 vaccine “you will not get or spread covid.” Within weeks, this was found to be entirely untrue. Dr. Anthony Fauci also spread the exact same misinformation, telling Americans that they had nothing to worry about once they took the shots. Yet hundreds of thousands of people who took the shots, got sick and died. Joe Biden, Bill Gates, and countless other Pfizer shills in the media waged a massive campaign to convince Americans and the world at large that taking the vaccine meant that you could not get or transmit COVID-19. And they were all dead wrong.
by Matt Agorist
A Look Back At The Demonization Of The Unvaccinated
Social media has been in an uproar since a member of European Parliament posted a video of a hearing in which a Pfizer director admitted the company never tested whether its Covid mRNA vaccine prevents transmission prior to its approval for emergency use. Though the fact that Covid mRNA vaccines do not prevent transmission was, of course, abundantly clear from the data soon after their implementation, this myth was a primary justification for vaccine passes and a primary cause of the unprecedented venom launched at those who refused Covid vaccines throughout 2021 and continuing through today. Not only did governments exert this pressure through policy, but in many cases politicians and officials used their office to deliberately stoke the social stigmatization of the unvaccinated. Here’s a look back at some of the unprecedented vitriol that was launched at those who refused Covid vaccines from 2021 and beyond. Officials in many jurisdictions proposed making the unvaccinated pay more for healthcare.
by Michael P. Senger
Blatant Lies From Evil Drug Pushers About The Injections (2:18)
Blatant Lies From Evil Drug Pushers About The Injections (2:18))
Kiyosaki Warns About EO 14067, Calls CBDC Creation ‘Communism In Its Purest Form’
Robert Kiyosaki, investment guru and author of the personal finance book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” has some choice words for the possibility of the U.S. introducing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), as well as for Executive Order 14067. In a tweet Monday, Kiyosaki called President Joe Biden’s signed executive order “the most treasonous act in U.S. history” and the creation of the CBDC “communism in its purest form,” encouraging Americans to “stay awake.” The tweet read, “Jim Rickards made his most important announcement today. It’s about the most treasonous act in U.S. history, Biden’s Executive Order 14067. It’s communism in its purest form, the creation of CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency. Stay awake. Tune in to Rickards. Tune out, Biden. Take care.” According to Kiyosaki, Rickards has the “most important announcement” about the EO 14067, which the president signed in March, and the CBDCs. Rickards is an economist, investment banker and ex-CIA insider with four decades of experience on Wall Street. Rickards criticized CBDC and labeled it as “Bitcoin’s Evil Cousin.” He also exposed the supposed singular event called C-Day, which according to him, will take place on Dec. 13, 2022, and will disrupt the traditional financial systems in the U.S.
by Nica Osorio
Amazon Accused Of Selling ‘Suicide Kits’ To Teenagers In New Lawsuit
Online retail giant Amazon is being accused of selling “suicide kits” to teenagers in a new lawsuit. The lawsuit was brought on by the families of two teenagers, 16-year-old Kristine Jónsson of Ohio and 17-year-old Ethan McCarthy of West Virginia, who used the items to take their own lives. According to the lawsuit, when users went to purchase sodium nitrite, a food preservative that in high doses can end someone’s life, Amazon would recommend they buy a scale to measure the dose, an anti-vomiting drug, and Amazon’s edition of a handbook on assisted suicide. “The rare exception exists in eleven states where physicians are allowed, under exceedingly narrow, legislated medical circumstances, to carefully facilitate the death of a proven terminally ill patient. Contrary to what Amazon and Loudwolf may think, there is no exception that allows for corporate-assisted suicide,” the lawsuit asserts. Lawyers representing the families say that this is a “case about the most powerful, wealthy, and trusted corporation in America knowingly assisting in the deaths of healthy children by selling them suicide kits.” The lawsuit continues, “even after parents and regulators warned Amazon that Sodium Nitrite had no household use, Amazon continued to sell it to households, for under twenty dollars, and with two-day delivery.” The Sodium-Nitrate being sold by Amazon had such a high purity that the legal team maintains a single teaspoon is enough to be fatal.
by Cassandra Fairbanks
Biden’s HHS And CDC Paid Screen Writers And Comedians To Mock The Unvaccinated
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been exposed running the most disturbing and elaborate propaganda campaign in living memory. Screen writers, comedians, influencers and church leaders, among others, were recruited and paid to promote Covid-19 vaccines to the masses, while ridiculing and shaming those who refuse the jab. Judicial Watch has nailed it yet again, suing HHS to acquire a treasure trove of documents that reveal the world’s most exhaustive and heavily funded propaganda campaign to try to convince the oblivious masses to be injected with an experimental mRNA concoction. “Judicial Watch Uncovers Biden Administration Propaganda Plan to Push COVID Vaccine,” reads the Judicial Watch press release: Judicial Watch announced today that it received 249 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) detailing the extensive media plans for a propaganda campaign to push the COVID-19 vaccine. One document in the released records was entitled, “PEC (Public Education Campaign) Plan April 19 – May 31 2021” and featured all the following bullet points and more:
by Baxter Dmitry
Trudeau On The Stand: Emergencies Act Inquiry Begins This Week
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will finally have to answer for his dictatorial use of the federal Emergencies Act, which he invoked to brutalize peaceful Freedom Convoy protestors opposed to his pandemic regime. The Public Order Emergency Commission announced hearings would begin this week. The first appearance is scheduled for Thursday. Trudeau, along with his Liberal culprits Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, Transport Minister Omar Alghabra, Justice Minister David Lametti and Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, are included in a list of 65 witnesses to testify before the Commission. “During the six weeks of factual hearings, the Commission intends to call more than 50 witnesses, including protest participants, representatives of law enforcement, officials from federal, provincial, and municipal governments, as well as individuals, businesses and organizations impacted by the protests,” an official press release said.
by Keean Bexte
NASA’s DART Mission Successfully Shoved An Asteroid
The orbital change was even bigger than scientists expected
It worked! Humanity has, for the first time, purposely moved a celestial object. As a test of a potential asteroid-deflection scheme, NASA’s DART spacecraft shortened the orbit of asteroid Dimorphos by 32 minutes — a far greater change than astronomers expected. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART, rammed into the tiny asteroid at about 22,500 kilometers per hour on September 26 (SN: 9/26/22). The goal was to move Dimorphos slightly closer to the larger asteroid it orbits, Didymos. Neither Dimorphos nor Didymos pose any threat to Earth. DART’s mission was to help scientists figure out if a similar impact could nudge a potentially hazardous asteroid out of harm’s way before it hits our planet. The experiment was a smashing success. Before the impact, Dimorphos orbited Didymos every 11 hours and 55 minutes. After, the orbit was 11 hours and 23 minutes, NASA announced October 11 in a news briefing.
by Lisa Grossman
Happy Endings Are Not Written In The Language Of Coercive Control
An extract from ‘A State of Fear’
I would like to share an extract from A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 vaccine is in the not-mainstream-news this week, since a Pfizer executive admitted in a European Parliament hearing that their vaccine was not trialled to stop transmission. This was known at the time, you will find it in black and white in official documents. And yet people were told that the vaccine did stop transmission. And that they were selfish if they were not vaccinated. They were refuseniks who should be punished. As Rob Roos MEP, who posed the question to Pfizer has pointed out, getting vaccinated to save lives was a lie. At best, it was an unevidenced hope. This chapter is a little more generous to the vaccine than I would have liked, and a little less critical about the transmission issue. The book passed through two fact-checkers as well as an editor and publisher and compromises were made. Considering it was written at the end of 2020 and early 2021 I am satisfied it holds up well, although very sad that my foreboding about scapegoating the unvaccinated was accurate.
by Laura Dodsworth
Illegal Aliens Flown To Martha’s Vineyard By Ron DeSantis Granted Special VISAs Permitting Lawful Residency As Crime Victims
As expected, the Lawfare ideologues have weaponized the legal system to grant special visa status to the illegal aliens flown to Martha’s Vineyard by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The aliens have been granted lawful U.S. residency status via “U VISA’s” reserved for victims of crimes. Their applications as criminally trafficked victims come as the result of Texas Sherriff Javier Salazar certifying they were victims of an illegal human trafficking operation led by the Florida governor. As an outcome, Ron DeSantis is under investigation by federal authorities and Texas authorities for violations of human trafficking laws.
by Sundance
Biden Executive Order 14067 And Digital Currency (8:59)
Biden Executive Order 14067 And Digital Currency (8:59)
Anne Frank Hoax: Finally, An Admission
The copyright to the book The Diary of Anne Frank is owned by the Anne Frank Fund of Basel, Switzerland. Because Anne Frank died of typhus in 1945, any book written by her would have entered the public domain in 2015. To prevent that (so they can keep profiting from sales), the Fund has admitted that much of the text was interpolated after the end of World War 2 by Otto Frank, who was Anne Frank’s father. (ILLUSTRATION: Otto Frank, collage artist and salesman extraordinaire.) Of course, this has been known in certain circles for quite some time. Parts of the text, although attributed to Anne Frank, show a distinctly different handwriting. Also, parts of the text were originally written with ink from a ballpoint pen, and those first came into popular use in 1951. There has long been a number of tell-tale clues that The Diary of Anne Frank isn’t what it purports to be, but rather is largely fictional and written by someone other than Anne Frank. But the Jews in charge of that book have never before admitted this obvious fact — until now. And the reason they’re doing it now is money. From now on, you’ll be hearing how Otto Frank, being very well-informed about his daughter’s experiences, was merely acting as her ghost-writer, putting in nothing other than what actually happened. The Jews won’t give up any more than they have to, in order to keep this financial resource productive for themselves.
by David Sims
Biggest Corruption Scandal In History: Croatian MEP Attacks EU President. Ursula von der Leyen for Buying Way Too Many COVID Shots
A Croatian member of the European Parliament declared on Twitter Wednesday that the European Union’s purchase of far more experimental COVID-19 vaccines than needed amounted to the ‘biggest corruption scandal in the history of mankind.’ During an EU special committee hearing on COVID-19 Monday, Pfizer executive Janine Small admitted that its COVID-19 experimental vaccine was not tested during clinical trials on its ability to prevent transmission before it entered the international market. In a video posted onto Twitter, MEP Mislav Kolakusic assailed European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for greenlighting a secretive contract with Pfizer that resulted in a massive oversupply of the unproven vaccines, referring to her as ‘Mrs. 4.5 billion doses.’ Von der Leyen told the New York Times in April of 2021 that she had exchanged texts with Pfizer Chief Executive Albert Bourla for a month while the COVID vaccine contract was being negotiated. This revelation has prompted calls from some members of the EU Parliament for the exchange to be published.
by Michael Walsh
New York City ER Visits Plummeted In Spring 2020
More data that challenges The Narrative
Repeat after me: New York City’s emergency rooms were not overwhelmed by visits in spring 2020. In fact, they were busier during the 2017-2018 flu season than they were at any point between lockdown orders and January 2022’s omicron surge. Data from the New York City Department of Health & Hygiene, provided via FOIA request, tell a different story from the one told by elected officials, news media, dancing nurses, and aspiring celebrity doctors. Contrary to The Narrative, Governor Cuomo’s stay-home orders didn’t come just in time to save NYC’s healthcare system from collapse. They triggered a staggering 60%+ decline in the number of people coming or being brought to ERs.1 That’s a hard truth to handle given the city’s record high number of EMS calls and hospital, outpatient facility, & ER deaths in spring 2020.
by E. Woodhouse
Doctors Are Allowed To Kill You If You Can’t Manage Your Own Housework And Shopping
During the last two years doctors in the UK have become far more likely to let patients die (which is a polite way of saying ‘murder’ them) than at any time since the medical profession stopped using leeches. A survey quoted in the Journal of Medical Ethics showed that although many doctors claim to oppose euthanasia they are, nevertheless failing to provide care for patients who could be kept alive. Since the covid fraud was created in early 2020, doctors have become less likely to bother trying to save patients whose hearts stop or who have trouble breathing. As I have revealed before, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in the UK, which is the official advisory body to the health care world, has produced rules which make it easy for doctors to `kill’ patients who are considered worthless. And the NICE ruling is utterly crucial. NICE classified people in nine categories. If you are in category 1 then you are very fit. If you are in category 9 then you are terminally ill (though, when it suits them NHS staff sometimes devise another category of ‘terminally, terminally ill’). On 29th April 2020, NICE issued amended advice to NHS staff about its resuscitation guidelines, saying that doctors should ‘sensitively discuss a possible DNR with all adults with CFs of 5 or more’. This was issued in response to the coronavirus hoax.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
The Globalists Get Their Hunt (Text and Videos)
Lockdown loving, vaccine pass advocate is now one of the most powerful people in the UK
Roll up, roll up, buy your 2022 Chancellor of the Exchequer calendar. Who wouldn’t want to see a different pretty face every month? In July we had backstabbing Rishi Sunak who resigned in a successful attempt to oust Boris Johnson. Following him came Nadhim Zahawi who promptly joined in with the calls for Boris to quit. After Boris left Kwasi Kwarteng took over the role under the new Prime Minister, Liz Truss. And now we have the Jeremy Hunt in the bottom right. So why has there been yet another change? As I have been reporting over the last few weeks, the global financial situation is looking bleak. The UK has been in the firing line with claims that Truss and Kwarteng’s mini-budget was spooking the markets. Suddenly the markets cared about a few tax cuts when they had no problem with the endless money printing over the last few years or enormous energy bailout a few weeks earlier. In reality, the whole financial system is at a tipping point. In the financial crisis of 2007-2008 the can was kicked down the road and the end of the road was 2022. Quantitative easing (printing money) and low to negative interest rates kept the corpse looking alive for a decade but this just meant the money men went looking in riskier and risker places for a return.
by The Naked Emperor
The Alex Jones Verdict Is A Declaration Of War On Independent Media
A Connecticut court has handed down a 1 billion dollar fine on radio host and independent journalist Alex Jones, for “spreading misinformation” about the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting. This is a travesty, and that any could call such an absurd penalty “justice” is sickening. Especially when it is so obviously designed as a warning to everyone in the independent media. Indeed, outside of the specifics of this case, the potential fallout for everyone in the alt-media sphere is terrifying, because already the Jones precedent is being used as an argument for “regulation” of the internet. Forget about Sandy Hook. Maybe it happened or maybe it didn’t, experience teaches us that virtually nothing happens exactly as the media reports, but even if it did – even if every single word Alex Jones ever said about Sandy Hook was a deliberate lie – you cannot “regulate” that, you cannot make it a crime, and you cannot silence people’s future for words they have said in the past. That is censorship.
by Kit Knightly
Great Rant Defending Our First Amendment Rights (2:01)
Great Rant Defending Our First Amendment Rights (2:01)
Palestinian President Rules Out US As Sole Mediator, Open To Russia Filling Role
In a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he did not trust Washington and the US could not play the sole mediating role in resolving the Israeli occupation. Abbas voiced support for Moscow, saying, “Russia stands for justice.” Abbas made the remarks during a public meeting with Putin in Kazakhstan on Thursday. “We don’t trust America and you know our position.” He continued, “[w]e don’t trust it, we don’t rely on it, and under no circumstances can we accept that America is the sole party in resolving a problem.” He said the situation can only be resolved by the “Quartet” – Russia, the US, the United Nations and the European Union working together. Abbas stressed the importance of Moscow’s role in coming to a resolution. “We believe and know that Russia has a clear position on the settlement, and I am absolutely sure that it will never change. We know perfectly well that Russia stands for justice, for international law,” the Palestinian leader said. Putin responded favorably and said he hopes to increase ties between Moscow and Ramallah. Russia has “a principled stance based on the fundamental resolutions of the United Nations and it remains unchanged,” Putin said.
by Kyle Anzalone
FDA Just Approved Kids Covid Booster – With ZERO Testing!
Testing it on 8 baby mice was too much work for Pfizer
Pfizer just reported FDA’s decision to approve a bivalent Covid booster for children 5-17 years of age. What is amazing is that the approved bivalent vaccine was NOT tested on children or even on baby mice, at all! For each of the bivalent COVID-19 vaccines authorized today, the FDA relied on immune response and safety data that it had previously evaluated from a clinical study in adults of a booster dose of a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine that contained a component of the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 and a component of omicron lineage BA.1. The FDA considers such data as relevant and supportive of vaccines containing a component of the omicron variant BA.4 and BA.5 lineages. In addition, the FDA has evaluated and considered immune response and safety data from clinical studies of the monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, including as a booster dose in pediatric age groups. These data and real-world experience with the monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, which have been administered to millions of people, including young children, support the EUA of the bivalent COVID-19 vaccines in younger age groups.
by Igor Chudov
Europe’s Descent Into Totalitarianism
On 7 October 2022, late in the evening, at around 11.30 pm, I was detained at Gatwick Airport in London by anti-terrorism police. I was not released until shortly before 1 am and my computer was taken from me. It has not yet been returned. My passport and all my personal belongings – my wallet, my phone, my keys, everything – were removed. I was taken to a room where I was questioned for an hour by two anti-terrorism police officers, acting under powers given to the police (as I learned for the first time) by Schedule 3 of the 2019 Counter-terrorism and Border Security Act. The Act is supposedly designed to allow the police to detain ‘hostile actors’ who are travelling to the country to ‘plan, prepare or carry out their hostile acts’ (according to the leaflet the officers gave me). But the Act itself says, ‘An examining officer may exercise the powers under this paragraph whether or not there are grounds for suspecting that a person is or has been engaged in hostile activity’ (my emphasis)[1]. So an Act ostensibly designed to allow hostile actors to be stopped in fact applies indiscriminately to everyone, according to its own explicit terms.
by John Laughland
PayPal Is Still Threatening To Fine Users $2,500 For Promoting “Intolerance That Is Discriminatory”
It may also fine users for promoting “hate.”
While PayPal has walked back its threat to fine users $2,500 for “misinformation,” the payments company is still reserving the right to fine users the same amount for other alleged transgressions. In its current “Acceptable Use Policy,” which has been active for a year, PayPal states that: “Violation of this Acceptable Use Policy constitutes a violation of the PayPal User Agreement and may subject you to damages, including liquidated damages of $2,500.00 U.S. dollars per violation which may be debited directly from your PayPal account(s).” And PayPal’s list of “prohibited activities,” which can trigger this $2,500 fine, include any activities that relate to transactions involving “intolerance that is discriminatory,” “the promotion of hate,” and “items that are considered obscene.” Not only is PayPal reserving the right to fine users based on broad and subjective terms but its “User Agreement” states that PayPal will fine users if it “believe[s]” they’ve engaged in a prohibited activity.
by Tom Parker
The Biden Admin Reveals Its New National Security Strategy: Climate Change, Diversity, Equity And Inclusion
The inmates have taken over the ideological asylum.
The Biden Administration released its first National Security Strategy (NSS) document Wednesday, and it is exponentially more unhinged than any of its predecessors. The NSS was once understood as a serious document compiling a list of actual threats to the nation. It now resembles a hyper-political Blue Anon fundraising mailer. Most of the items discussed in the supposed threat assessment have nothing to do with national security at all. And the things that are related to national security matters have major prioritization and politicization issues. Prior to launching The Dossier, your humble correspondent was a somewhat seasoned national security correspondent. As a periodic consumer of these strategy documents, I can assure you that not even the Obama Administration inserted its political agenda as aggressively as the Biden regime is choosing to do this year. A simple word search gives the reader a sense of the White House’s priorities. Russia takes top billing. It is referred to 71 times, in the most hysterical way imaginable. According to Team Biden, Putin is a war criminal, whose armies entered Ukraine for no reason whatsoever other than to impose carnage upon Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Speaking of Ukraine, the memo discusses Ukraine 33 times. China, on the other hand, only gets 14 mentions.
by Jordan Schachtel
The infinite list
Almost three years ago science entered a new dark age. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University and co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, seems to agree. He has been compiling a list of the examples of anti-science we have unfortunately become used to. I have listed his thoughts so far but the list is continually expanding. The list is probably infinitely long so feel free to add your own examples of anti-science in the comments below.
by The Naked Emperor
Torturing The Truth by Corbett Report (59:07)
Torturing The Truth by Corbett Report (59:07)
Children Who Tell Blunt Truths, As Opposed To Lying, Are Judged More Harshly By Adults
New findings, out today, suggest children who tell blunt truths such as “I don’t want this present—it’s ugly!” are judged more harshly by adults than those who bend the truth to be polite or protect others. Published in the Journal of Moral Education, the research demonstrates the mixed messages that adults are giving children about lying versus telling the truth in different contexts. “This research tends to show there exists a complicated relationship with the truth that children must navigate to learn what is socially acceptable,” explains lead author Dr. Laure Brimbal from the School of Criminal Justice & Criminology, at Texas State University. “Most parents will have been embarrassed or upset by their children’s brutal honesty at some point. Learning to tell lies is a normal part of children’s social development.”
by Taylor and Francis
Far-Right Israel MZK Ben-Gvir Leads Raids Into Al-Aqsa, Under Soldiers’ Protection
Right-wing Israeli lawmaker, Itamar Ben-Gvir, along with dozens of Israeli extremists, stormed the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque this morning under the protection of Israeli authorities, for the second day in a row. Local witnesses told Wafa news agency that dozens of settlers, led by Ben-Gvir, raided the Islamic holy site, took provocative tours and performed Talmudic rituals, in celebration of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. It comes a day after the controversial Canadian author and clinical psychologist, Jordan Peterson, joined more than 1032 settlers, who raided the Al-Aqsa mosque compound as Israeli soldiers prevented Palestinian worshipers from entering. The Islamic Endowments Department in the occupied city of Jerusalem were quoted by Arabi21 issuing warnings of the dangers arising from the escalation of violations by the Israeli occupation authorities against the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, especially during the period of Jewish holidays.
Leading Edge of Field to Fork Inflation Starts to Arrive in September Producer Price Index
The “Producer Price Index” (PPI) is essentially the tracking of wholesale prices at three stages: Origination (commodity), Intermediate (processing), and then Final (to wholesale). Today, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) released September price data [Available Here] showing another 8.5% increase year-over-year in Final Demand products at the wholesale level. However, that’s not the bad news in this data. While the overall September PPI was higher than expected at 0.4%, the Final Demand Producer Price for food products in September was a whopping 1.2% (14.4% annualized). The BLS notes the driver by saying, “a major factor in the September increase in prices for final demand goods was a 15.7-percent advance in the index for fresh and dry vegetables. Prices for diesel fuel, residential natural gas, chicken eggs, home heating oil, and pork also moved higher.” That’s a 15.7% increase in price, in one month, for fresh and dry vegetables. Annualized that’s a rate of price increase of 188.4% for vegetables. Remember the warning about farm costs (energy, fertilizer, fuel) driving field to fork inflation at harvest? This is the leading edge of that third wave of food price increases.
by Sundance
ACH (1933) I’m Talking To YOU #37 – American Circumcision (22:26)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 8, 2022, Andy presents a show entitled, “American Circumcision.”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is an unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his other shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Pharma Is Terrible At Bioscience But Their Understanding Of Human Nature Is Extraordinary
The cartel knows exactly what buttons to push to get you to do what they want
When I was in my Ph.D. program, I dreamed of setting up a business to do Cambridge Analytica-style FB targeted ads — to educate people about the dangers of vaccines. The facts are on our side, the science is on our side, we just have to get the message out to more people who need to hear it. But the unfortunate fact now is that Facebook and the other social media giants will not allow us to even buy ads on their platforms (lots of organizations in the movement have tried, only to be turned away). So on the one hand, the cartel has complete data files on all of us (all of our preferences, tendencies, friends, and likes/dislikes) and is able to use the full power of electronic media (TV, Google, radio, social media) to get targeted messages to people. On the other hand, the people who are right about the facts and the dangers of vaccines are censored and blacklisted from using these same tools. It’s a miracle that we are still in this fight at all. Yet, over the last three years we have basically fought the cartel to a standstill and there are several indicators that the debate is tipping in our favor.
by Toby Rogers
“There has never been a time on Earth like we see today.
What we need are more ways to experience our interconnectedness,
it is a precursor to deep love.
So in this quickening light,
with the dawn of each new day,
let us look for love.
Let us no longer struggle.
Let us ever become who we most want to be.
As we begin to be who we truly are,
the world will be a better place.”
John Denver

John Denver
Love Is Why I Came Here In The First Place
by Mark R. Elsis
Oil Cuts: A Perfect Storm In US Foreign Policy
The Biden administration’s poor dealings with oil producing countries will have major political and economic ramifications for the west
The old adage is that a good foreign policy is the reflection of the national policy. In this sense, a perfect storm is brewing on the foreign policy front in the US, triggered by the OPEC decision on 5 October to cut oil production by 2 million barrels a day. On the one hand, this will drive up the gas price for the domestic consumer and on the other, will expose the US administration’s lop-sided foreign policy priorities. At its most obvious level, OPEC’s move confirms the belief that Washington has lost its leverage with the cartel of oil-producing countries. This is being attributed to the deterioration of the US’ relations with Saudi Arabia during the presidency of Joe Biden. But, fundamentally, a contradiction has arisen between the US interests and the interests of the oil producing countries.
by MK Bhadrakumar
Europe’s Eerie Silence – The Curious Case Of The Dog That Did Not Bark
Sir A Conan Doyle: Holmes: Curious: the fact that the dog did not bark when you would expect it so to do.
Western media is full of speculation whether, or not, we stand at the cusp of WW3. Actually, we are already there. The long war never stopped. In the wake of America’s 2008 Financial Crisis, the U.S. needed to reinforce its economy’s collateral resource base. For the Straussian current (the neocon hawks if you prefer), Russia’s then post-Cold War weakness was ‘opportunity’ to open a new war front. The U.S. hawks wanted to kill two birds with one stone: to pillage Russia’s valuable resources to reinforce their own economy and to fracture Russia into a kaleidoscope of parts.
For the Straussians, the Cold War too never ended. The world remains binary – ‘us and them, good and evil’.
by Alastair Crooke
The Names And Faces Of The 150 Bilderbergers Who Have Influenced And Controlled The Response To COVID-19
Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1,861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the Covid-19 event. Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to name and shame them and reveal the roles they have played. It is unknown whether a 2021 Bilderberg Meeting was held; the group’s website stated that it “had to be cancelled, due to travel and meeting restrictions.”[1] Of the 1861 living Bilderbergers, over 140, listed below, have played significant roles in managing the COVID-19 event: Many of those listed below are also on the list of COVID-19 WEF perpetrators. Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the COVID-19 event. Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to list them under the most important played. Steering committee members (both present and former) are underlined.
by The Exposé
Why I’m Leaving The Democratic Party by Tulsi Gabbard (1:18)
I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war. I believe in a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite. I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.
Scholz Defies ‘Decoupling’ In Fresh Sign Of Europe’s Nuanced Shift On China Policy
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday crystallized a supportive stance on globalization and defied “decoupling” from China and other countries, joining a growing chorus advocating a reevaluation of EU’s major trading partners. As the bloc’s dancing to the US’ tune has boomeranged on itself, a rethink of its alliance with the self-centered US, simultaneously with a nuanced shift in its China policy, is well in the making, global affairs observers said. An engulfing energy crisis and recession woes confronting Europe, which has mired itself in sanctions against Russia, have prompted calls for a return to pragmatism when it comes to its China strategy, observers stressed, and they said China’s unwavering opening-up has set the country as a global growth enabler despite worldwide gloominess. Still, fundamental shifts in European diplomacy would be contingent upon more actions that could translate the rhetorical tweaks into truly rationality-based policies, experts reckoned.
by GT Staff Reporters
All Global Energy Infrastructure At Risk After This “Most Dangerous Precedent”: Putin
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin addressed a Moscow energy forum on Wednesday and issued a grim forecast following last month’s sabotage attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines under the Baltic Sea on September 26. Putin in the fresh comments warned that this “most dangerous precedent” means any and all energy infrastructure in the world is now at risk. Describing acts of state-sponsored terror and sabotage, the Russian leader explained, “It shows that any critically important object of transport, energy or utilities infrastructure is under threat irrespective of where it is located or by whom it is managed.” He pointed the finger at “beneficiaries of the blasts” – which Putin named specifically as the United States, Poland, and Ukraine, though which entity or entities were behind it remains a mystery, and with little in the way of conclusive known evidence at this point. The Wednesday remarks by Putin follow his assessment in the days after the sabotage incident which grabbed the world’s attention and shook global energy. He said at that time, “It’s obvious to everyone who benefits from it… Those who benefit are the ones who have done it.”
by Tyler Durden
NATO Planned A Pre-Emptive Strike On Russia
One of the largest French maritime exercises in the Mediterranean, POLARIS 21 (Préparation Opérationnelle en Lutte Aéromaritime, Résilience, Innovation et Supériorité), took place from November 18 to December 3, 2021 in the area west of the island of Corsica, between France and Spain. The exercise also included a segment on the Atlantic coast of mainland France. POLARIS 21 was set up entirely in the context of operational preparation on several fronts and had a high combat intensity, which was fully in line with the strategic vision of the Chief of the Armed Forces and the Mercator Acceleration 21 plan of the Chief of Staff of the Admiral of the French navy Pierre Vandier. In addition to naval warfare, the exercise also included the participation of many combat aircraft and surface-to-air defense. Officially, the aim of the training was to test the capabilities of the sea and air elements to face future wars, using the latest systems and naval vessels to develop tactics. The scenario of the exercise was to “enable the Allies to maintain control of the Mediterranean in the event of threat from the Russian air force and navy”.
by Batko Milacic
Lavrov Says Russia Open To Talks With The West, US Dismisses His Comments
Putin may discuss talks with the West in a meeting with Erdogan this week
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday said that Moscow was open to talks with Western powers as Turkey is looking to broker negotiations. Lavrov also said that Russia would consider a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Biden if one was proposed. “We have repeatedly said that we never refuse meetings. If there is a proposal, then we will consider it,” he said. A potential venue for talks between Biden and Putin could be the sidelines of the upcoming summit of G20 leaders that will be held in mid-November in Indonesia. But according to Lavrov, Russia has not received any serious proposals from the US to negotiate. The US was quick to dismiss Lavrov’s comments, accusing him of “posturing” and calling for Russia to stop launching strikes across Ukraine. “We see this as posturing. We do not see this as a constructive, legitimate offer to engage in the dialogue and diplomacy that is absolutely necessary to see an end to this brutal war of aggression,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said.
by Dave DeCamp
Gray Wolf Transforms Into A Good Boy When He Is Visited By The People That Helped Raise Their Pack (0:40)
Gray Wolf Transforms Into A Good Boy When He Is Visited By The People That Helped Raise Their Pack (0:40)
Cardinal Müller Says Pope Francis’ Synod Is A ‘Hostile Takeover Of The Church’ In Explosive Interview (Text and Video)
‘This is a way to undermine the Catholic faith,’ said Cardinal Gerhard Müller about the Synod on Synodality in some of his sharpest comments yet about direction of the Church under Pope Francis.
Cardinal Gerhard Müller ripped into the Synod on Synodality in some of his strongest comments yet about the direction of the Catholic Church under Pope Francis, describing the synodal process as a “hostile takeover” of the Church that threatens to “end” Catholicism. In an explosive interview Thursday on EWTN’s The World Over, the former head of the Vatican’s highest doctrinal office condemned heterodox ideas expressed by Synod leadership and in synodal reports and slammed the initiative’s focus on “self-revelation” as opposed to the Catholic faith.
by Raymond Wolfe
Kremlin: We Can Say NATO Fights In Ukraine After Stoltenberg’s Statement
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s statement that Russia’s victory in Ukraine would mean the alliance’s defeat can be considered a recognition of the fact that NATO fights in Ukraine, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday. When asked if Stoltenberg’s statement can be considered a recognition of this fact, Peskov replied in the affirmative. This comes as a response to the NATO chief, who claimed that if Russia wins it will be not just a “big defeat for Ukrainians, but it will be a defeat and dangerous for all of us.” While the alliance has repeatedly said it is not participating in the conflict in Ukraine, the US, Britain, Germany, and other countries have supplied Kiev with intel data and various weapons, contributing to the crisis.
by Sputnik News
artificial grass roots
never trust the song of a bard who was paid to write it
it’s a funny thing about manipulative skullduggery: when you engage in it as a core practice, you tend to presume that everyone around you is doing it too. you assume there are no “grass roots” movements just pay for play astroturf and machination. nothing baffles a liar like an honest man. perhaps this is why so many in government these days are so prone to accusing others of meddling with media and elections and public sentiment and being in the pay of everyone from the russians to the koch brothers: because all their own influence and impact are bought with dirty gold. judical watch, who has done just astonishing amounts of great work all covid by using FOIA to get a look behind the curtains of some truly recalcitrant wizards has struck another mother load of deceitful nastiness.
by el gato malo
Israel’s Strikes On Syria Signal It Is Preparing For Possible War With Lebanon
Israeli airstrikes against Syria’s Aleppo International Airport may have shown us that Tel Aviv has been planning an offensive against Lebanon, striking Syrian airports in order to stop the supply-chain of aid to the Lebanese armed movement, Hezbollah. On August 31, Israeli airstrikes were launched once again against sites throughout Syria, this time hitting highways and key infrastructure in both Damascus and Aleppo. The strikes have sparked fears that Tel Aviv may be laying the groundwork for an attack on Lebanon. Unprovoked Israeli airstrikes against Syria have become somewhat routine, often not even earning the attention of Western media, due to the fact that Syria has refused to respond and escalate tensions since 2018. However, the recent attack could be more consequential than the hundreds of attacks that preceded them, this time for Lebanon. According to Syrian State-run media network, SANA, military sources confirmed that on August 31st, at “about 21.18 p.m., the Israeli enemy carried out an air missile aggression from the direction of Lake Tiberias in northern occupied Palestine, targeting some points south east of Damascus”. The report noted that hours earlier “At nearly 8 p.m., the Israeli enemy targeted Aleppo International Airport with a missile strike that caused material damage to the airport,” making the Israeli aggression wide-stretching.
by Robert Inlakesh
Zelensky Found A Billion Dollars And A Villa In Miami
More than a billion dollars are kept in the accounts of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky abroad. This was announced by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) from the Opposition Platform – For Life party Ilya Kiva. According to him, Zelensky has accumulated $1.2 billion in Dresdner Bank Latin America – in Costa Rica during the two and a half years of his presidency. This money was transferred to the president by Ukrainian oligarchs, such as Rinat Akhmetov, Viktor Pinchuk, Igor Kolomoisky. As Kiva pointed out, replenishment comes regularly, in tranches of 12-35 million dollars. And they go through such banks as First Union Bank, Deutsche Bank, Banque Nationale de Paris. According to the deputy, the movement of such funds would be impossible without the control of the authorities of Germany and France.
by Michael Walsh
“Get Vaccinated For Others” Was Always A Lie by Rob Roos MEP (2:01)
“Get Vaccinated For Others” Was Always A Lie by Rob Roos MEP (2:01)
Prying Germany Away From American Subjugation
America’s Secret Government blew up Nord Stream 1 and 2 but German politicians are still groveling at the feet of Washington and Wall Street. The first good news is that the American operatives did not completely get Nord Stream 2 so their natural gas service can be restored as soon as Germans tell the men and women running their country into the ground for Wall Street and the World Economic Forum in Davos to stop their treason. The second good news is that German authorities are investigating an act of sabotage that shut down train service for 3 hours. Germany is the powerhouse of the European Union. Germany is, apart from America, the most important member of NATO though Britain appears to be more devious and compliant. Russia wants to split Germany away from NATO and America. That would help people around the world who are being plundered by New York and London banks. America like almost all Third World nations is in the final phase of a debt trap. America has bankrupted itself fighting wars for Wall Street and Israel. We urgently need to spend more than $4 trillion to repair our aging infrastructure, including 169,000 bridges classified as dangerous.
by Video Rebel
ACH (1930) Mischa Popoff – The Mainstream Media’s Satirization Of Circumcision (Audio 1:01:37)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 5, 2022, Andy is joined by Mischa Popoff, for a show entitled, “The Mainstream Media’s Satirization Of Circumcision.”
We discussed: how self defense is promoted in the Bible; the importance of different Bible translations and how to find these on the internet; how the medical community’s promotion of circumcision for health reasons has been disproven; the television program “Seinfeld” on circumcision and the Mohel; the Bible’s take on circumcision; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Financial Crash – Bank Of England Warns Pension Funds – You Have 3 Days Left To Rebalance
Money markets aren’t happy
Less than two weeks ago I reported on how the UK was in financial trouble. In reality, it’s the whole financial system that is on the verge of collapsing, with the UK providing the initial tremors, signalling an imminent earthquake is on the horizon. It started off with the Bank of England (BoE) making an extraordinary intervention due to pension funds being on the verge of collapse. Due to interest rates effectively being negative for the past decade, pension funds had been seeking higher returns in riskier products. All fine when interest rates stay low or get lower but if they suddenly rise, like they have done this year, you’re in trouble. So the BoE stepped in and said it would purchase UK government bonds to restore orderly market conditions. This was just after it had announced it was selling UK government bonds, so really signalling confidence to the market! It would offer to buy up to £5billion per day (£65 billion in total) until 14 October. In my article less than a few weeks ago, I said: How long will this intervention last this time. The 2008 intervention lasted about 10 years. The 2020 intervention lasted a couple of years. This crisis? A few months, weeks?
by The Naked Emperor
Less than two weeks ago I reported on how the UK was in financial trouble. In reality, it’s the whole financial system that is on the verge of collapsing, with the UK providing the initial tremors, signalling an imminent earthquake is on the horizon. It started off with the Bank of England (BoE) making an extraordinary intervention due to pension funds being on the verge of collapse. Due to interest rates effectively being negative for the past decade, pension funds had been seeking higher returns in riskier products. All fine when interest rates stay low or get lower but if they suddenly rise, like they have done this year, you’re in trouble. So the BoE stepped in and said it would purchase UK government bonds to restore orderly market conditions. This was just after it had announced it was selling UK government bonds, so really signalling confidence to the market! It would offer to buy up to £5billion per day (£65 billion in total) until 14 October. In my article less than a few weeks ago, I said: How long will this intervention last this time. The 2008 intervention lasted about 10 years. The 2020 intervention lasted a couple of years. This crisis? A few months, weeks?
by The Naked Emperor
Lebanon And Israel Finalize Historic Maritime Border Deal
Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah previously warned war would be imminent unless mutual access to the offshore gas reserves was allowed
Lebanon and Israel have agreed to a US-mediated maritime deal to demarcate the gas-rich blocks in the Mediterranean sea, seemingly putting an end to the prospect of an armed conflict. In two separate statements by Lebanese and Israeli authorities, Beirut and Tel Aviv announced they have concluded all negotiations and will meet soon in Naqoura to sign the agreement. “This is a historic achievement that will strengthen Israel’s security, inject billions into Israel’s economy, and ensure the stability of our northern border,” Israeli interim Prime Minister Yair Lapid said in a statement on Twitter.
by News Desk
The American Boob by Brother Nathanael (3:52)
The American Boob by Brother Nathanael (3:52)
Evolving Big Brains Only To Go Extinct From Stupidity: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Normal person: I think it would be good if everyone didn’t die in a nuclear holocaust.
Crazy person: That means you love Vladimir Putin.
Normal person: No I just think it would be a good idea to try to prevent the horrific death of literally everyone.
Crazy person: How much is the Kremlin paying you to say that?
Fucking lunatics.
Resisting nuclear armageddon is the least partisan position that anyone could possibly have. The least one-sided. The least “campist”. It’s just being a normal human organism with the most normal human impulse you could possibly come up with. It’s absolutely insane that anyone tries to spin it otherwise. A society where opposing nuclear armageddon is treated as freakish and evil is the most backwards and insane society imaginable. Seriously, try to imagine anything crazier and more backwards than that. A society where everyone walks and drives backwards? That’s less crazy and backwards. A society where the dogs own the people? That’s less crazy and backwards. This is it. This is peak crazy. A thinking species which regards as outrageous heresy any opposition to brinkmanship that can cause its extinction cannot get any more crazy. It’s turned as far away from sanity as any thinking creature could possibly be.
by Caitlin Johnstone
US Moving Another Strike Group To Europe
This is not a sign of de-escalation: the US is sending one of its most modern aircraft carriers, the USS Gerald R Ford, to Europe. It is the US Navy’s newest class of nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (CVN 78), departing on its first major deployment.
Washington: The 13 billion euro carrier was only put into service in 2017, is 337 meters long and has a crew of 4,500, 90 fighter jets and, presumably, nuclear weapons on board. The Strike Group includes 17 ships and one submarine. The USS Gerald R Ford, accompanied by several guided missile cruisers, submarines and supply ships, should be operating in the North Sea in just a few days, joining the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Kearsage. This would give the US Navy a massive concentration of troops in northern Europe – and the air support of the most modern stealth fighter jets. The Strike Group will be deployed alongside NATO forces. The US aircraft carrier USS Harry S Truman is still stationed in the Mediterranean.
by Free West Media
CCHR Warns Children Labeled “ADHD” Subsidize $20 billion Pharmaceutical Industry
With October designated “ADHD Awareness Month,” CCHR exposes the myths, risks, and harm to 3.1 million children prescribed stimulants, while praising efforts that brought a 1.2 million reduction in children being given behavioral drugs.
October is designated “ADHD Awareness Month,” during which pharmaceutical company-funded groups promote the risks of “untreated” Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and the need for mind-altering “medication.” Not discussed is how the psychiatric drugs prescribed to treat ADHD are linked to psychosis, addiction, cardiac arrest and suicide while raking in $20 billion a year in U.S. sales alone.[1] Such funding would be better spent to obtain 365,000 additional teachers and 827 teachers’ aides.[2] Efforts to expose the dangers of the drugs are praiseworthy, putting children’s protection first. Against the billions of dollars spent promoting the prescribing of “ADHD” drugs, there were 1,248,919 fewer American children taking them between 2013 and 2020, according to IQ Via tracking statistics.
by CCHR International
“I, Bernanke”
And the Nobel Prize for economic recklessness and financial flimflam goes to…
What’s great about America is that anyone can grow up to be president… or win a Nobel Prize. Donald Trump proved the first point. Now, Ben Bernanke has proved the second. Here’s Politico with the story: Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke, who put his academic expertise on the Great Depression to work reviving the American economy after the 2007-2008 financial crisis, won the Nobel Prize in economic sciences along with two other U.S.-based economists for their research into the fallout from bank failures. Bernanke, 68, who was Fed chair from early 2006 to early 2014 and is now with the Brookings Institution in Washington, examined the Great Depression of the 1930s, showing the danger of bank runs — when panicked people withdraw their savings — and how bank collapses led to widespread economic devastation. Before Bernanke, economists saw bank failures as a consequence, not a cause, of economic downturns.
by Bill Bonner
Never Forget What Some People Did In The Name Of Covid (2:20)
Never Forget What Some People Did In The Name Of Covid (2:20)
Qatari And US Gas Won’t Save Europe
Experts estimate that in order to avoid a catastrophic fall in GDP and the risk of a prolonged economic depression, the total public spending by European countries to mitigate the energy collapse unleashed by Washington will have to exceed €1 trillion! A crisis of this magnitude would result in more bankruptcies and a domino effect in the finance sector, the scaling back of investment programs by businesses and a drop in consumer demand. The main negative effect will be that a number of the most energy-intensive industries will become uncompetitive due to gas shortages and rising energy costs. Depending on what scenario will unfold, such industries would be forced to reduce production by up to 60% compared to 2021. In turn, the shutdown would result in job cuts that could affect upwards of 1.5 million people.
by Vladimir Danilov
18 Lawmakers Sound Alarm On Chinese Police Stations Popping Up In US
Creepy Chinese Communist Party tactics are being exposed around the North American continent in both Canada and the United States, as the regime is out in the open operating service stations which former residents of China are reporting are being used for intimidation purposes. “A group of U.S. House Republicans on Oct. 7 sent a letter questioning Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary of State Antony Blinken over the presence of Chinese service stations in New York City,” The Epoch Times reported recently. “We are writing to express our grave concern over reports of the law enforcement presence of the People’s Republic of China in New York City,” the 21 lawmakers wrote, referring to China’s full name.
by Kari Donovan
Historians Reveal Israel’s Use Of Poison Against Palestinians
The details of Israel’s secret use of biological weapons and poison against Palestinians during the 1947/48 ethnic cleansing campaign has been revealed in a recent article by historians Benny Morris and Benjamin Kedar. The 84-year-old Kedar is professor emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the more well-known Morris is famed for his work as one of Israel’s “New Historians”. This group of Israeli scholars, including Professors Ilan Pappe and Avi Shlaim, dismantled the occupation state’s official narrative about its creation in 1948 and the birth of the Palestinian refugee crisis. However, unlike his fellow historians, Morris went on to become a rather controversial figure for adopting morally questionable positions in defence of Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
by Nasim Ahmed
Newsom Criminalizes Scientific Dissent
Bill 2098 was approved by Newsom on September 30. “This bill would designate the dissemination of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ‘COVID-19,’ as unprofessional conduct. The bill would also make findings and declarations in this regard.” This rule is incredibly scary. Science needs to direct public policy. Public policy should not direct science. https://t.co/K43lfE9TrU ~ Dr. David Samadi (@drdavidsamadi) October 11, 2022. Any information doctors give that publicly contradicts state messaging on the COVID-19 virus, COVID vaccines, and prevention and treatment information is now “unprofessional conduct.” Misinformation, as defined by the bill, refers to “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.” In other words, the state now has legal grounds to strip doctors of their medical licenses if they publicly disagree with its COVID related messaging. In response to Newsom’s new law, the Liberty Justice Center quickly filed a lawsuit against the state’s Medical Board and Attorney General on behalf of two doctors. “Science is not static. By its very nature science is constantly evolving and the subject of unending debate,” the Justice Center states.
by Mike Campbell
Priceless Prank (0:33)
Priceless Prank (0:33)
Russia’s Gazprom Releases Photos Of NATO Seafox Mine Destroyer Found Next To Nord Stream Pipeline In 2015 – NATO Tried To Blow It Up At Least Once Before
Russia’s TASS News Service released photos on Tuesday of a NATO Seafox mine disposal unmanned underwater drone was found during a scheduled visual inspection of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline in November 2015. Russia accused NATO of attempting to blow up the pipeline in 2015. The incident made international headlines at the time. Gazprom just released these photos of a NATO Seafox drone that was found right next to Nord Stream 1 in 2015. The drone failed to detonate. NATO was caught red-handed and claimed the drone was lost during exercises. They tried it before. Go figure. pic.twitter.com/aH1NhefXGe — Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) October 10, 2022. TASS News reported: An incident with NATO explosive devices occurred earlier at the Nord Stream gas pipeline, official spokesman of Gazprom Sergey Kupriyanov said on the air with the Rossiya-24 TV Channel. “It is necessary to remind about developments at the Nord Stream gas pipeline that were already registered earlier. This case is well known. On November 6, 2015, the NATO Seafox mine disposal unmanned underwater vehicle was found during the scheduled visual inspection of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline. It lay in space between gas pipelines, clearly near one of strings,” Kupriyanov said. “NATO said the underwater mine disposal vehicle was lost during exercises. Such NATO exercises when the combat explosive device turned out to be exactly under our gas pipeline,” the spokesman said. The explosive device was deactivated by Swedish Armed Forces at that time and gas transport halted due to the emergency resumed, he added.
by Jim Hoft
“it’s not about you, it’s about me!”
how false ascription of “your mask/vaccine/distancing protects me” inverted the morality of covid and broke the world.
“your mask protects me!”
“you need to get vaccinated to stop the spread and make society safe!”
“stay home, save lives!”
these were the endless refrains of the moralizing mandates of coviddom. this was grade A prime propaganda whose purpose was simple: to invert the morality of personal health choices and induce people to to things that they did not believe to serve their best interest by framing it as the collective good and therefore an ethical duty. it’s not about you. making your own cost benefit decision is selfish and anti-social. it’s potent stuff. if there were a nobel prize for propaganda, this would be a shoe in. tellingly, much of this framing finds its roots in behavioral economics (BE) pioneered by folks like khaneman and thaler for which multiple nobels were, in fact, awarded. it’s about nudge and prospect theory and anchoring bias. this precise branch of economics was weaponized during covid. the UK had a whole group of BE’s dedicated to it, many of whom are now disgusted with what happened. given the US purchase of grass roots psyoppery, it’s difficult to imagine that we did not have the same. the problem is that it was all unmitigated bunk. it was fabrication, assumption, and outright lies told because we “hoped it was true” to quote chief disaster architect deborah birx. they flat out told you that you jab protects everyone, stops transmission, and “makes you a dead end for the virus.” it was the centerpiece of the pitch. and contrary to current claims, we have receipts on this that look like they came from the supermarket check out before thanksgiving dinner.
by el gato malo
Mass Protests Are Growing Against The Energy Policy Of The Authorities And Anti-Russian Sanctions (Text and Video)
In several federal states of East Germany, thousands of people again spoke out against the energy policy of the authorities, inflation and the government’s position in the conflict in Ukraine, reports Das Erste. On Monday, demonstrations took place in the cities of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saxony. Some tens of thousands of protesters have called for peace talks, cutting off arms supplies to Kyiv and lifting anti-Russian sanctions. In several federal states of East Germany, thousands of people once again spoke out against the energy policy of the authorities, inflation and the government’s course towards the conflict in Ukraine.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (1929) Mark Dankof And Dr. Patrick Slattery – The Dankof Report #24 – All Things Geopolitical (Audio 58:25)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 4, 2022, Andy presents “The Dankof Report” with its hosts Mark Dankof and Dr. Patrick Slattery for a show entitled, “All Things Geopolitical.”
On today’s show Mark Dankof and Dr. Patrick Slattery presented a comprehensive geopolitical analysis of current events, and what this could mean for those of us living in the West.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
“All men recognize the right of revolution;
that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government,
when its tyranny or its inefficiency is great and unendurable.
And oppression and robbery are organized, I say;
let us not have such a machine any longer.
I think that it is not too soon for honest men to rebel and revolutionize.”
Henry David Thoreau

Russian Strikes A Response To Ukrainian ‘Terrorism’ – Putin
The Russian president has confirmed the launch of a major operation against Ukrainian infrastructure in response to the Crimean Bridge attack
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that any further Ukrainian “terrorist” assaults on Russian soil will be met with a significant military response. He was speaking after a wave of missiles struck Ukraine on Monday morning. Putin confirmed that Russian troops carried out “massive strikes with long-range precision weapons on Ukrainian objects of energy, and military control and communications.” The response came two days after an explosion damaged the strategic Crimean Bridge, for which officials in Kiev claimed responsibility. “If there are further attempts to conduct terrorist attacks on our soil, Russia will respond firmly and on a scale corresponding to the threats created against Russia,” Putin added. Earlier in the day, multiple regions of Ukraine came under missile strikes, with at least 11 key infrastructure facilities damaged, according to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmigal. Putin stated that Russia was retaliating for a number of attempts to strike Russian infrastructure that have been attributed to Kiev.
bt RT
How To Delete Your PayPal Account
Yesterday, The Hashtag DeletePayPal was trending on Twitter. This is not an expression of solidarity with the Daily Sceptic, although PayPal’s attempt to close our account, along with that of the Free Speech Union and my personal account, seems to have been the beginning of the company’s recent difficulties. Rather, it is a response to a change to its Acceptable Use Policy that the company announced last week, whereby it was about to grant itself the right to fine customers $2,500 if they spread “misinformation” or offended members of various victim groups. By “fine” it meant help itself to $2,500 from its customers’ deposits, so, not surprisingly, many people decided to withdraw their funds and close their accounts. That, in turn, prompted PayPal to do a reverse ferret and announce that its message setting out the changes to its Acceptable Use Policy had been sent in “error”. Cue general hilarity, including this tweet from Brendan Carr, a Commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission: “@PayPal says its misinformation policy ‘went out in error’. Because who among us has not fat fingered a new, seven-page policy that would take away peoples’ money for publishing ‘misinformation’ – and then released that new policy on accident?”
by Toby Young
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Spirals Up Due To US’ Fanning Flames
The past few days have been filled with shocks in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which is getting increasingly unpredictable before our eyes. To begin with, the Kerch Bridge, which connects the Crimean Peninsula with mainland Russia, was hit by a deadly explosion. Russia called the attack a terrorist act by the Ukrainian side on Sunday and retaliated on Monday. The conflict itself seems to have gone from being a powder keg to becoming a nuclear reactor, due to certain forces which have been fanning war flames. Among them was US President Joe Biden’s radical rhetoric of so-called threat of Armageddon. On Thursday last week, Biden said the risk of nuclear “Armageddon” is the highest it has been for 60 years, when talking about the war. On Sunday, White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby walked back Biden’s comment by saying a possible “Armageddon” wasn’t an imminent threat, and that the US doesn’t have “any indication” that Putin has made a decision to use nuclear weapons. This is the second time the White House has tried to cool down concerns on the “Armageddon” comments. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre made similar remarks on Friday.
by Global Times
It’s Time To Tell Biden We Say ‘NO!’ To Nuclear War!
Last week the New York Times ran a shocking article claiming that the US intelligence community believes the Ukrainian government to be responsible for the August attack that killed Darya Dugina, the daughter of a prominent Russian philosopher. Surely the established narrative that Ukraine is a model western democracy standing strong for our shared values against an aggressive Russian invader is damaged with reporting that Kiev conducted an al-Qaeda style attack on an innocent civilian inside Russia. The murder of Dugina was a textbook definition of terrorism, which is, “the use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.” Just over a month later, the Nordstream pipelines were blown up, seemingly ending at least in the near term the possibility that Germany may find a way to save its economy by mending fences with its main energy supplier. A leading Polish politician thanked the US for doing the job. Then over the weekend, the bridge connecting mainland Russia to Crimea was bombed, killing at least six civilians and leaving part of the bridge under water. Traffic was restored hours after the attack, but Russian President Vladimir Putin placed the blame on Ukraine’s intelligence service. We all know that Ukraine relies on its US masters, so we can assume the US provided the intelligence allowing the targeting of the bridge. There is a pattern here. More and more brazen attacks are being launched against Russia and Washington is doing little to hide US fingerprints. Why?
by Ron Paul
Switzerland Woman Raised Two Lions, Authorities Confiscated Them, 7 Years Later She Visits Them (0:29)
Switzerland Woman Raised Two Lions, Authorities Confiscated Them, 7 Years Later She Visits Them (0:29)
Russia’s Infrastructure Strikes Show Crimean Bridge Was ‘Red Line’ And Kiev Crossed It: Observers
Russia conducted massed long-range missile strikes against energy infrastructure, communications and military command facilities deep inside Ukraine on Monday, with the bombardment taking place two days after Ukrainian security forces carried out a terror attack against the Crimean Bridge linking the Russian peninsula to the mainland. At a meeting of the Russian Security Council meeting on Monday, President Putin said that Moscow’s campaign of massed air and missile strikes against Ukraine were a response not only to the attack on the Crimean Bridge, but a long list of other terrorist actions by Kiev in recent months targeting Russian infrastructure and even Ukraine’s own cities and people. The Ukrainian authorities’ actions put them “on a par with the most odious terrorist groups,” and Russia could not “leave such crimes unanswered,” he said. If the terrorism against Russia continues, Moscow’s responses “will be tough and will correspond in scale to the level of threat posed,” Putin warned. Monday’s strikes targeted infrastructure across an area stretching more than 1,000 km, with electricity-generating infrastructure and military targets stretching from Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk to Odessa, Kiev, Ternpol and Lvov hit in missile attacks, which temporarily left swathes of the country without access to electricity.
by Ilya Tsukanov
Hospitals Are Not Suitable Places For Sick People
(If you must go into one, you should get out as quickly as you can.)
Before the industrial age hospitals were built like cathedrals in order to lift the soul and ease the mind. Hospitals were decorated with carvings, works of art, flowers and perfumes. Modern hospitals are built with no regard for the spirit, eye or soul. They are bare, more like prisons than temples, designed to concentrate the mind on pain, fear and death. Where there are windows they are positioned in such a way that patients can’t see out of them (though even if they could they probably wouldn’t be able to see anything more enthralling than the refuse bins or the air conditioning units). If there are windows with good views then those windows will be on the sides of offices occupied by bureaucrats. The most highly paid bureaucrats get the best views. But patients aren’t just in danger because hospitals are badly designed and badly run. One of the reasons why hospitals are no longer suitable for sick people is the fact that ambitious, modern nurses want to administer rather than nurse. In the dark old days nurses were hired and trained to nurse. Aspiring nurses (mostly but not exclusively female) were inspired by the desire to tend and to heal. Nursing was a noble profession. Caring was the key word. The most powerful jobs in the profession were occupied by ward sisters and matrons — all of whom still had close, daily contact with patients.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
U.S. Troops In Dispute With Their Terrorist Mercenaries In Syria
The U.S. tax-payer-voter should be questioning why the U.S. partners with radical Islamic terrorists, Steven Sahiounie writes. The U.S.-employed terrorists, Maghawir al-Thawra (MaT), have turned against their partners, the U.S. Army, stationed at al-Tanf base in the eastern Syrian desert. On October 4, the terrorists, who are employed as mercenaries by the U.S. military, attempted to break out of the illegal U.S. base using a large-caliber machine gun on the pickup truck they were driving. However, their break out was thwarted by the Syrian Arab Army who hold positions nearby and returned fire causing the MaT to retreat into the U.S. base. Russian Major General Oleg Yegorov, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, reported the incident on Wednesday. The U.S. military had cordoned off al-Tanf base in the 55-kilometer deconfliction zone, shut down the internet, and ordered all mercenaries to lay down their arms and leave the base at once on foot. On September 27, to reinforce the message, U.S. coalition aircraft flew over the area and broke the sound barrier to drive home their insistence that mercenaries who refuse U.S. military orders must leave.
by Steven Sahiounie
Gates Foundation Gives $200 Million To Help Establish Global Digital ID System Of Surveillance
One commentator explained that ‘of all the other means of identifying and tracking subjects, digital identity poses perhaps the gravest technological threat to individual liberty yet conceived.’
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently pledged $1.27 billion toward the United Nations’ openly pro-abortion 2030 Agenda goals, with $200 million going directly to aid in the creation of an invasive global digital ID system. According to a September 21 press release published on the Gates Foundation’s website, the $200 million package will be used to create an infrastructure that “encompasses tools such as interoperable payment systems, digital ID, data-sharing systems, and civil registry databases” that purports to make countries “more resilient to crises such as food shortages, public health threats, and climate change, as well as to aid in pandemic and economic recovery.” The 2030 Agenda was adopted by the UN in 2015 and establishes a set of 17 goals that are rooted in Marxist theory. These goals, set to be achieved by 2030, aim to control the population through abortion and contraception, reduce fossil fuel consumption supposedly for the sake of the climate, and instigate a global ID system in which people’s every move will be tracked and monitored.
by Mary Zwicker
What Have They Done? Government Confirms Covid Vaccination Increases Risk Of Death In All Age-Groups
The United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics “the UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics and its recognised national statistical institute” has quietly released substantial data on the COVID-19 vaccines. Despite containing some of the most detailed breakdowns of the relationship between the COVID-19 vaccines and mortality available, it has gone almost unnoticed. I will try to present this data here using easily understood and transparent methods. With that said, the official UK Government data indicates substantially increased mortality rates in many individuals vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines, over the unvaccinated. The significant column is “age-standardised mortality rate / 100,000 person years”. It is age standardized to minimize statistical problems with different amounts of vaccine uptake in different age brackets (more on that shortly). The number was calculated using person years, so it can be understood as the expected number of deaths yearly per 100,000 population within the appropriate category. There is data in this document for all-cause, COVID-19, and non-COVID-19 deaths. Looking at all cause deaths shows if vaccines are having a net positive or negative effect, so that is what we will do. As an extreme example if per 100,000 people vaccines killed 999 from adverse events, but saved 1000 from COVID-19, the vaccinated group still would have a lower all cause mortality rate than the unvaccinated.
by The Exposé
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis October 9, 2022 (12:11)
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis October 9, 2022 (12:11)
The New China: The World’s First Example Of A Medical Tyrannical Totalitarian State In 2022
If the Globalists such as those who participate in the World Economic Forum get their way and are actually able to implement a new One World Government, as they have been broadcasting for years, but have now accelerated in their efforts since the success of COVID where they effectively shut down almost the entire world through lockdowns, what would that world look like? We don’t need to guess or speculate about this any longer, because here in 2022 China has shown the world what a medical tyrannical totalitarian government looks like in most of their major cities. I have put together a video report that shows what is happening with China’s Zero COVID policy in many of their major cities, which includes long lines of thousands of people lining up each day to be tested for COVID before going to work or shopping so that their QR code which must be carried at all times MUST show green, what happens when it turns red, the massive amounts of quarantine camps that are currently being built, how drones are being used to threaten people to stay locked up, how Chinese children are being raised in this society, and the sheer volume of cameras that are being installed everywhere to force compliance. This is most certainly NOT happening everywhere in China, but it is reportedly happening in the “Smart Cities” where the technology exists for this type of massive surveillance and compliance.
by Brian Shilhavy
Assange Supporters Surround UK Parliament
Concerned citizens spoke out against the WikiLeaks co-founder’s imminent extradition to the US. Supporters of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange gathered outside the UK Parliament in London on Saturday to protest his impending extradition to the US, where he faces espionage charges that carry a prison sentence of up to 175 years. Videos posted on social media show many hundreds of protesting people, including former UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, having formed a human chain that spanned the parliament’s perimeter and wound across the nearby Westminster Bridge to the other side of the Thames River. The protesters held signs reading Free Assange, No Extradition, Journalism is not a crime and Prosecute war crimes, not Assange.
by Michael Walsh
worrying news on swedish birth rates
it’s starting to look like more than a baby boom and bust
starting a few months back, i began tracking swedish birth rate data. it seemed a good test case to assess a couple of competing hypotheses and at the time and the data was enough to draw notice and obviously constituted a major departure from any sort of historical rate of change. the birth rate in 2022 was collapsing by double digits vs year ago. the data seems very clear and i do not think anyone is arguing that it’s not a huge outlier. the only real question is why. hypothesis 1 is that 2021 was a bit of a baby boom and also the re-opening of europe and so everyone had just had kids and/or went traveling for the summer and few were seeking to get pregnant. this was just demographics around lockdown and travel restriction and you got a sort of “blackout baby” boom followed by a bit of a bust. hypothesis two is that this is a meaningful reduction in fertility driven by mRNA covid vaccines. this is obviously a big claim to make and one that one should not run off half cocked on. that said, the timing alignment on this is quite precise: 9 months post vaxx surge, births dropped sharply.
by el gato malo
[Jewish] Bolton Says Putin On US Target List, Wants Coup In Russia
“Putin is a legitimate military target… he needs to know that he’s on our target list at this point,” Bolton stated.
Just as the world thought that the lack of basic etiquette (diplomatic or any other) in the United States establishment couldn’t possibly get worse, that same establishment goes beyond anyone’s imagination (or worst nightmares in this particular case). On Friday, October 7, during an interview on CBS, former US National Security Advisor John Bolton, infamous for his insistence on starting wars against Venezuela, Iran and North Korea or escalating the ongoing ones (such as Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc), said Russian President Vladimir Putin is on the US target list and threatened he might be assassinated. “I think we should make it clear publicly so that not just Putin but that all the top Russian leadership… that if Putin authorizes the use of a nuclear weapon he’s signing his own suicide note,” the infamous neoconservative war-hawk said. Bolton insisted that Putin is “a legitimate military target” since he heads the command and control structure of all Russian strategic forces. Bolton further stated that this should be official US policy. “He’s a legitimate military target… he needs to know that he’s on our target list at this point,” he concluded.
by Drago Bosnic
Covering Up The Causes Of Breast Cancer Since 1985: AstraZeneca’s BCAM
Did you know that AstraZeneca, manufacturer of two blockbuster breast cancer drugs (one of which is classified as a known human carcinogen), was the originator of Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
Why is it, do you think, that during Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) you never hear the word “carcinogen” mentioned, but are barraged a million times over by the word “cure”? Truth be told, BCAM should be renamed Breast Cancer Un-Awareness Month, as it has very little to nothing to do with generating awareness about the true causes and solutions for the breast cancer epidemic and everything to do with making the public focus on a presumably not-yet-existent “cure” to be produced through the pharmaceutical pipeline somewhere off in the future only after enough money is raised. Instead of identifying and addressing the known causes of cancer, like the many mammary carcinogens now identified in body care products, GMO and processed foods, and our polluted environment, the mission of BCAM is to make people think that the best way to prevent breast cancer is to “detect it early.”
by Sayer Ji
A Model Of Nanoparticles As The Primary Agent Of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury (Video 1:29:32)
The Vaccine Wars Part LX
A short while ago I got done talking with Marc Girardot, author of the popular Covid Myth Buster Series substack, about his model of vaccine injury. This is one of my most important interviews ever. I hope the discussion is navigable by a wide audience. I’ve been in discussions with Marc for months while he researched and developed his model, and I’ve gradually moved closer toward it as the primary theory of vaccine injury. This took some time because as many in the medical freedom movement have, I bought into the spike protein story as the primary hypothesis for vaccine-associated illness. But that’s a tough hypothesis to either accept or reject when you’re not a biologist working on the evidence full time. Always keep your mind open and limber against the pressure of cognitive dissonance.
by Mathew Crawford
Slow Motion Jump Of A Bobcat Across A Small River (0:46)
Slow Motion Jump Of A Bobcat Across A Small River (0:46)
4,500 Dead Babies In VAERS From Pregnant Women Injected With COVID Shots, But Florida Only Pulls COVID Vaccine Recommendation For Young Men
The evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are deadly for unborn children and should never have been recommended for pregnant women, or even for women of child-bearing age who wish to become pregnant, continues to mount. Dr. Drew Pensky, known to most people as “Dr. Drew” via his decades of appearing in the corporate media as a TV and radio talk show host, recently interviewed Dr. James Thorp and Dr. Kelly Victory to discuss the effects of the COVID vaccines on fetal health. Dr. James Thorp is a board certified OBGYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician with over 43 years of obstetrical experience. Dr. Thorp has publicly stated that in the past two years since the mRNA COVID vaccines were introduced, he has seen an “off-the-charts” rise in sudden fetal death and adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as fetal malformation and even fetal cardiac arrest, among his patients. The testimony of Dr. Thorp and what he is seeing in fetal health post COVID-19 vaccines is completely supported by the data in VAERS, the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, which is maintained by the CDC and the FDA, and it is something I have also been reporting here at Health Impact News for OVER A YEAR now. As of the latest update to the VAERS database this past Friday, there are now 4,499 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines.
by Brian Shilhavy
Ukraine Blows Up Border Bridges With Belarus – Minsk
The move comes a day after Belarus accused Ukraine of plotting a strike on its territory
Ukrainian forces have destroyed almost all bridges and mined the roads along the border with Belarus, Anatoly Lappo, chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus, said on Sunday. Minsk has accused Kiev of planning imminent strikes on its territory. “Today, almost all border bridges have been blown up, and automobile and railway border routes are completely mined,” Lappo told Belarusian TV, according to Russia’s Interfax news agency. Ukrainian forces have fortified the border “to the extent that they put anti-tank mines in three rows on the roads,” Lappo said. The troops Kiev has sent to the border are “not border guards,” Lappo claimed. “We are under pressure, they are aiming at our border guards, sometimes they shoot in the air, constant aerial reconnaissance is being carried out,” he added. A day before the news broke, Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry claimed that its ambassador to Belarus was summoned to the Belarusian Foreign Ministry and handed an official note saying that “Ukraine is planning to conduct a strike on the territory of Belarus.” The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that it “categorically rejects” the accusation, adding that it could be part of a Russian plan to “stage a provocation and further accuse” Kiev.
by RT
“I’ve Been Dreaming Of This Moment” – Dirty Anti-Trump Liar [Jewish] Alex Vindman Cheers War Escalation In Ukraine
Ukraine poked the Russian Bear on Saturday by blowing up the Kerch Bridge from Russia to Crimea. According to Russian news agency Tass, an explosion occurred on early Saturday morning on one of Putin’s prestige projects and Europe’s longest bridge, which connects Russia and Crimea. Leftists, warmongers, and those gunning for World War III cheered the news. Anti-Trump operative Alexander Vindman cheered the news, saying, “I’ve Been Dreaming of this Moment” It’s like he really is hoping for World War III?
by Jim Hoft
Florida Study Shows mRNA COVID Vaccines Kill Kids
They did a study. We’ve been lied to.
[31 months later. Talk about dragging your culpable feet, while millions were murdered. Those with two brain cells knew this would be the outcome before the rollout. Just damage control for Ron, as he tries to run for President.]
Tallahassee, Fla. — Today, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo has announced new guidance regarding mRNA vaccines. The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety. This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group. Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks. As such, the State Surgeon General recommends against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Those with preexisting cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, should take particular caution when making this decision.
by Steve Kirsch
Biden: We’re Trying To Figure Out How Putin Can Exit This War
The president of the United States made headlines the other day by just casually mentioning “Armageddon” as a possible outcome of the rapidly escalating war in Ukraine. “We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis,” President Biden said, adding the false claim that Vladimir Putin “talks about potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons” in this conflict. “First time since the Cuban missile crisis, we have the threat of a nuclear weapon if in fact things continue down the path they are going,” the president said in the same speech. “We are trying to figure out what is Putin’s off-ramp? Where does he find a way out? Where does he find himself where he does not only lose face but significant power?” As though the US government itself has not played a major role in both provoking and sustaining this extremely dangerous conflict.
by Caitlin Johnstone
US Military Casualties In Vietnam
2.5 million US soldiers were sent to Vietnam. Officially, around 60,000 died, so a death rate of about 2.25%. “McNamara’s Morons” were reported to have been sent to Vietnam in total numbers ranging from 350,000 to about 500,000, depending on the source you choose. Their deaths are reported to be about 5,500. At the highest deployment numbers that would be a death rate of only 1%. Yet all sources, including official US military reports, claim that these mentally-handicapped young men suffered fatalities at rates far higher than that of regular soldiers, many claiming death rates of “five to ten times” higher, most sources unanimous in claiming a death rate of around five times higher. I found only one original source claiming “three times higher”. But the mentally-retarded young men who were mostly infantry and confirmed as having been sent into combat at a rate “at least several times that” of regular soldiers, and who suffered death rates “at least several times higher’, apparently experienced a fatality rate only 40% or 50% that of regular soldiers. How does any of this make sense?
by Larry Romanoff
Achieving Photovoltaic Power Generation For Over 1,000 Continuous Hours, Efficiency More Than 20%
NIMS has developed a durable 1-cm2 perovskite solar cell capable of generating electricity for more than 1,000 continuous hours at a photoelectric conversion efficiency (i.e., power generation efficiency) of more than 20% in exposure to sunlight. Because this solar cell can be fabricated on the surface of a plastic material at approximately 100°C, this technique may be used to develop light, versatile solar cells. Solar cells have been a vital component of decarbonization policies, making them the subject of intense research around the globe. Perovskite solar cells are a potentially promising next-generation solar cell technology because they can be produced more easily and at lower cost than conventional solar cells. However, perovskite solar cells also have disadvantages: they are prone to degradation when they react with water molecules and it had proven difficult to make them both durable and highly efficient.
by National Institute for Materials Science
The Time We Live In Now (1:38)
The Time We Live In Now (1:38)
To Save The Republic, Abolish The Black Budget
I have been puzzling over the ever-augmenting Black Budget since about the time the U.S. government began openly assassinating suspects, including U.S. citizens, without indictment, much less conviction in a court of law, for capital crimes. Tim Weiner’s groundbreaking work Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget (1990) explains how the means to commit crimes under cover of state secrets privilege all began with the Manhattan Project. Like so many other aspects of the sprawling defense and security apparatus which continues to expand like an amoeba, engulfing nearly every aspect of American culture, the Black Budget took on a life of its on during the Cold War.
by Laurie Calhoun
Serbia Reveals US, UK Intentions To Push For Invasion By Hungary
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban discloses US and UK intentions to push Hungary to invade Serbia in 1999 during talks with Serbian President.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic disclosed on Saturday that American and British leaders, including but not limited to Bill Clinton, had pushed Hungary to invade Serbia territories in 1999. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who had repeatedly declined, has informed Vucic of the request. Vucic stated in a televised address that the US and UK requested to advance on Serbian territory and sought to divide the Yugoslav army on two fronts, Kosovo and Hungary. “Clinton and the British asked [Orban] to attack Serbia from the north so that they could extend our forces from Kosovo and Metohija to Vojvodina,” he explained. Orban, who was one year into his first term at the time, rejected and, with the aid of then-German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, resisted “pressure from the White House.” During a recent meeting, Orban informed Vucic about the Western request and the former gave the latter permission to make this information public, said the Serbian leader.
by Al Mayadeen English
US Base Targeted By Rocket Attack In Syria
The US government claims that its presence in Syria is justified by protecting the country’s oil resources from ISIS militants
An illegal US military base located in the Hasakah governorate in northeastern Syria was targeted by a rocket attack on Saturday night, 8 October. The US military’s Central Command issued a statement, saying that a 107mm rocket struck the Rumalyn landing zone at around 10 pm local time on Saturday night. The report claimed that no service personnel was killed, or injured in the attack, and that “additional rockets were found at the launch site.” As of yet, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. The attack happened after the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused the US military of having looted a new batch of Syrian oil from the country’s occupied territory. According to local sources in the Al-Yarubiyah countryside, “a convoy of 50 tankers belonging to the American occupation, loaded with stolen Syrian oil, left Syria through the illegal Mahmoudiya crossing in batches towards Iraqi territory.”
by News Desk
Will Psychopaths Control The Future? Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, And The World Economic Forum (Text and Videos)
In 1988 I wrote my first book, The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline. I had long heard about “the Establishment” (what we now more commonly call “the Deep State”). But I wanted more than a nebulous description; I wanted to know specifically who they were. In his landmark 1937 book America’s Sixty Families, Ferdinand Lundberg had documented that America was run by an oligarchy operating behind a façade of democracy. In his chapter “The Press of the Plutocracy” he also showed that it had commandeered most of America’s mass media. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was incorporated in 1921 to push the United States toward world government, following the Senate’s 1919 refusal to ratify the Versailles Treaty (which would have joined America to the League of Nations). I found that the Council was the main connection between the oligarchs Lundberg spoke of and the U.S. government. It was supplying cabinet-level personnel to both Democratic and Republican administrations, which explained why war policies, trade policies, financial policies, etc., changed so little when the White House shifted from one party to the other. In The Shadows of Power, I progressed administration by administration, documenting how the CFR had dominated every cabinet. Passage through the Council (attending occasional study groups and dinners) “qualified” Wall Streeters and corporate CEOs—often with no experience in government or diplomacy—to head federal departments. As just one example, when retired Goldman Sachs banker John C. Whitehead became Deputy Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan, The New York Times commented: “Mr. Whitehead brings to the job no apparent expertise in international diplomacy . . . . In describing his attributes for the job, Mr. Shultz [Secretary of State] said that Mr. Whitehead was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and was regularly invited to dinners given by Henry A. Kissinger, the former secretary of state.”1
by James Perloff
French Social Psychologist Says He’s Afraid Of President Zelensky The Narcissistic Megalomaniac
The mental state of a leader who could cause WWIII should be examined
French social psychologist, Charles Rojzman, wrote an article in French magazine, Causer, questioning the mental state of President Zelensky. Before I discuss this article, if you are triggered by the opening paragraph then ask yourself, why shouldn’t the mental state of any leader be examined? Let alone one who has the ability to cause a third world war. Biden, Putin, Truss, Zelensky, once you are leader of a powerful nation, I think it is fair game that your mental state is continually analysed. Charles Rojzman, according to Wikipedia, is a French social psychologist, author and international leader in mediating racial, ethnic and intercultural conflicts throughout the world. He is the creator of a methods, Transformational Social Therapy (TST), which has been applied to resolving intergroup violence and conflicts in France, Rwanda, Chechnya, Israel and elsewhere. Is his article he references Zelensky’s speech after the annexation of four regions of Ukraine to Russia. During the speech, Zelensky called for pre-emptive strikes on Russia, words which have the potential to escalate the war into nuclear mutual destruction. He also warned Russians, “you will be killed one by one as scapegoats” so long as Putin is in power. Rojzman says the megalomaniacal extremism of Zelensky, supported by Ursula Von De Leyen, should be denunciated.
by The Naked Emperor
Crimea Bridge Suicide Truck Bombing (0:13)
Crimea Bridge Suicide Truck Bombing (0:13)
the binary arms race between citizen and state
competing visions for a digital future.
consider the possibility that one of the defining features of the modern political, technological, and technocratic landscape is what fundamentally amounts to an arms race between governments and we the people. it’s a race across the finish line between technocratic systems of social credit and technological systems of societal emancipation. on the one side, you have an ever more encroaching technocratic leviathan seeking to control lives and livelihoods by developing inescapable nets of surveillance and social credit. your every move, transaction, and utterance will be monitored, measured, and manipulated. good kids get treats. bad children get excluded from everything. on the other you have the people fighting to evolve systems of communication, organization, commerce, and money into something personal and private, peer to peer, and owned by each and all as stakeholders. liberty and agency shall be guaranteed by systems that place our lives outside of scrutiny and suppression. no grand vision shall be forced on you from above, rather, society shall be emergent from the desires and preferences of they who constitute it. the choice here is likely a fairly binary one. only one vision can prevail.
by el gato malo
Twitter Reverses Censorship Of Florida’s Surgeon General After Backlash
Twitter had deleted a tweet recommending some groups avoid Covid vaccines.
Twitter has reversed its censorship of Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo after public backlash. Ladapo was censored by the platform after he posted a tweet advising men between the ages of 18-39 to avoid the Covid vaccine as it had, he alleged based on a study, been found to cause an 84 percent increase in death rate for that group. Ladapo’s statement and report were released on Friday, with the Surgeon General adding Florida “will not be silent on the truth.” The published guidance “recommends against the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for males ages 18-39 years old.” Ladapo said that “Studying the safety and efficacy of any medications, including vaccines, is an important component of public health. Far less attention has been paid to safety and the concerns of many individuals have been dismissed – these are important findings that should be communicated to Floridians.” Twitter removed the post by the public official, claiming the tweet violated “Twitter rules.”
by Christina Maas
Florida’s Surgeon General Recommends Against Males Under 40 Getting Jabbed
Finally, sanity from someone in government.
Citing statistics showing an “84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination,” Florida’s Surgeon General
Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD became the first major American healthcare official to recommend against particular adults getting jabbed. “Today, we released an analysis on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines the public needs to be aware of. This analysis showed an increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39. FL will not be silent on the truth.” Today, we released an analysis on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines the public needs to be aware of. This analysis showed an increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39. FL will not be silent on the truth. Guidance: bit.ly/3ClKF5f Press Release:
by JD Rucker
Why Is The U.S. Government Purchasing A Drug That Treats Radiation Blood Poisoning And A Common Vaccine Side Effect?
The Healthcare Wars, Part 2
My friend Stacia (who took part in our last weekly Roundtable), who is the founder of 2nd Look Media, sent me a particularly unusual article a little while ago. It’s straight from the newsroom at Health and Human Services (HHS): With the conflict raging in Ukraine, many people are discussing the potential for nuclear conflict. But is that what this is really all about? Before I jump to the interesting parts of the article, I’d like to mention that I personally doubt that we will see nuclear weapons used directly between major world powers. The result is suicide. However, we should fear the use of weapons of mass destruction anywhere proxy wars are wages, and we should worry about the potential for a disguised state actor or even independent actor (or an intelligence agency pretending to be one of those) using ugly weapons anywhere on Earth, including at home. But is that what this is really all about?
by Mathew Crawford
Top Medical Center Pauses Trans Surgeries On Kids
Tennessee Republicans had urged Vanderbilt University Medical Center to halt the procedures
The Transgender Health Clinic at Tennessee’s Vanderbilt University Medical Center has “paused” gender surgeries for patients under the age of 18, according to a letter sent by the institution’s chief health system officer, C. Wright Pinson, to a state representative on Friday. In the letter, which Republican Rep. Jason Zachary posted to Twitter, Wright explains that the clinic is pausing “gender-affirmation surgeries on patients under 18” due to the publication of new standard-of-care guidelines last month by the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH), citing the need to conduct an internal clinical review and consult a wide array of experts. The review could take “several months,” he added. While Wright pointed to the new guidelines as Vanderbilt’s reason for “pausing” the controversial procedures, his message was framed as a response to the letter Zachary and other state Republican leaders had written to the medical center last month demanding a moratorium on providing gender surgeries to minors. Zachary hailed it as a victory, tweeting his appreciation to Vanderbilt for addressing the party’s “deep concerns.”
by RT
FDA Withholding Autopsy Data by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (5:28)
FDA Withholding Autopsy Data by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (5:28)
Is PayPal About To Go Bankrupt?
With the stock prices of both Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank under pressure, many in the financial field are becoming concerned the world could be facing a renewed financial crisis. But this time around events could play out very differently. It might not even be banks that pose the greatest financial risk to consumers. It could be payment providers like PayPal. The really big difference between 2007 and 2022 is that bank runs no longer look like the image above, they look like this: That’s what I was faced with when I tried to transfer £500 from my PayPal account to a regular bank account. On Sunday morning the same message was still occurring. A quick scan of social media proved I was not alone. “Boycott PayPal” was also trending on Twitter. So what might the error message indicate about the business? Here’s what we know so far. In the last 48 hours a sneaky amendment to PayPal’s acceptable use policy widely captured the public’s attention. Free speech advocates had spotted that customers agreeing to the update would be allowing a sum of $2,500 to be lifted from their accounts if PayPal ever found them guilty of “sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that “promote misinformation” or “present a risk to user safety or wellbeing”. When word got out, those already concerned about the company’s draconian turn started shutting their accounts and urging others to do the same on social media. For some, the action proved the final straw.
by Izabella Kaminska
Germany’s Green Party In Die Straits, Isolates It’s hapless Leader In Run Up To Lower Saxony Elections
From most loved, to most hated…audiences are drowning out Green Party speakers at campaign rallies.
The German Greens, who are partners with the SPD socialists in Germany’s government, are sinking dramatically in the public opinion polls as it becomes clear Green Party leader and Economics Minister Robert Habeck is driving the country’s economy into the ground at a dizzying speed. Habeck, who currently also serves as Vice Chancellor, recently stunned millions of TV viewers when he appeared not to understand what bankruptcy was. Now as tomorrow’s state elections approach in Lower Saxony, the Green Party officials are scrambling to keep Habeck from doing more damage. Blackout News here reports that the Greens are “hiding” Habeck from the public in order to control the damage, and so far he has “had only one campaign appearance”. For that one particular appearance, “the audience had to stay outside, for security reasons” and “exclusively to selected members of his party.” “In the polls, Robert Habeck has already experienced a significant plunge in the popularity of German politicians in recent days. So it’s no wonder that the Greens are literally hiding their once most popular politician ahead of the election in Lower Saxony,” reports Blackout News.
by P. Gosselin
Japanese Researchers Publish Cases Of Strange Blood Clots Following Pfizer COVID Vaccines
More cases of damage done by the COVID-19 vaccines continue to be published in the medical journals, and now Japanese researchers have published a couple of cases of unusual blood clots found through autopsies after the Pfizer COVID vaccines that seem to corroborate what some funeral home embalmers are also reporting in terms of strange blood clots found in the bodies of dead people. A study published in the November, 2022 edition of Legal Medicine titled An autopsy case report of aortic dissection complicated with histiolymphocytic pericarditis and aortic inflammation after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, reported about a Japanese male in his 90s with no previous illness that died two weeks after his third dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
by Brian Shilhavy
How We Win This
Bad policy got us into it. If we want to end this, we will never do it playing defense. The way out is to go on the offense and change the laws at the federal, state, and county level.
Playing defense in the court system is a never-ending uphill battle. I think the right way to fix the problem is to fix the policy by adopting new laws and regulations. This can be done via federal law, statewide ballot initiatives, and county ordinances, among other ways. Some of these can only be done at the federal level (like removing the liability protection).
Here is a collection of some ideas I have to make things right. These are just rough concepts at the current time. Here are a few things that come to my mind:
by Steve Kirsch
New System Retrofits Diesel Engines To Run On 90% Hydrogen
Engineers from UNSW Sydney have successfully converted a diesel engine to run as a hydrogen-diesel hybrid engine—reducing CO2 emissions by more than 85% in the process. The team, led by Professor Shawn Kook from the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, spent around 18 months developing the hydrogen-diesel direct injection dual-fuel system that means existing diesel engines can run using 90% hydrogen as fuel. The researchers say that any diesel engine used in trucks and power equipment in the transportation, agriculture and mining industries could ultimately be retrofitted to the new hybrid system in just a couple of months. Green hydrogen, which is produced using clean renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, is much more environmentally friendly than diesel. And in a paper published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Prof. Kook’s team show that using their patented hydrogen injection system reduces CO2 emissions to just 90 g/kWh—85.9% below the amount produced by the diesel powered engine.
by Neil Martin, University of New South Wales
Real And Fake Creepy Joe Biden (0:33)
Real And Fake Creepy Joe Biden (0:33)
Putin And Zelensky To Attend G20 – Indonesia
The two leaders will attend the summit in Bali next month, diplomat told UAE media
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelensky, will both travel to Bali in November for the G20 summit, an Indonesian diplomat has told UAE’s The National newspaper. If true, the summit will be the first event attended by both leaders since Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began. “Both have agreed [to attend],” Indonesia’s ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Husain Bagis, told The National on Friday. He conceded that “the situation isn’t easy because of the Ukraine-Russia war,” and said that his government is already planning how to manage the arrival of the two leaders. “We are deciding which hotels to put them up in – one for Mr. Putin and one for Mr. Zelensky,” he said.
by RT
FBI And CISA Tell People To Flag “Misinformation” To Social Media Platforms
New announcement.
The FBI and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have put out a warning about foreign actors pushing 2022 midterm election “misinformation,” encouraging people to flag “disinformation” to social media platforms. “If appropriate, make use of in-platform tools offered by social media companies for reporting elections related disinformation,” the report, released by CISA reads. We obtained a copy of the report for you here. The FBI has warned about election-related disinformation being promoted by operatives for the Chinese and Russian governments ahead of the midterm elections in November. The disinformation involves amplifying conversations that Americans are already having on social media, not creating new content, an official from the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force told the press. The FBI is currently being sued for withholding records of communications with Facebook about the Hunter Biden laptop story during the last presidential election.
by Cindy Harper
The Einsatzgruppen In The Occupied Eastern Territories (2 Volumes)
Before invading the Soviet Union, the German authorities set up special units meant to secure the area behind the German front. Orthodox historians claim that these unites called Einsatzgruppen primarily engaged in rounding up and mass-murdering Jews. This study sheds a critical light into this topic by reviewing all the pertinent sources as well as material traces. It reveals on the one hand that original war-time documents do not fully support the orthodox genocidal narrative, and on the other that most post-“liberation” sources such as testimonies and forensic reports are steeped in Soviet atrocity propaganda and thus utterly unreliable. In addition, material traces of the claimed massacres are rare due to an attitude of collusion by governments and Jewish lobby groups. Set of two volumes.
by Uckfield: Castle Hill Publishers
The Power Of The People . . .
It seems that “voting with your feet” (this time electronically) still works. PayPal, which had announced new “legal agreements” earlier this month, is backing down. That sounds like gaslighting to someone who works with corporate attorneys. Every single word and punctuation mark is approved by legal and corporate before release. “Never intended to be inserted” isn’t a thing. ~ Robert Rand (@robertwrand) October 8, 2022. The new agreement, which would have taken effect in early November, attempted to control free speech by its clients. It has since been removed from the PayPal website, but as reported by The Daily Wire: A new policy update from PayPal will permit the firm to sanction users who advance purported “misinformation” or present risks to user “wellbeing” with fines of up to $2,500 per offense.
by Stella
Now Dilbert Is Racist! Popular Comic Strip Is Canned By 77 Newspapers After Artist Scott Adams Began Incorporating Anti-Woke Plotlines, Including Black Character Who Identifies As White
The popular comic strip was booted from a number of publications owned by Lee Enterprises
Cartoonist Scott Adams said that some newspapers voiced concerns after receiving complaints about his comic content
Dilbert strips feature in newspapers across 57 countries, and in 19 languages – and there are over 20 million Dilbert books and calendars in print
A popular comic strip has been canned by 77 newspapers after its creator Scott Adams started incorporating anti-woke plotlines, including a black character who identifies as white. Adams’ much-loved ‘Dilbert’ comics have been in circulation since 1989 and frequently pokes fun at office culture, but he announced he was sensationally dropped by publisher Lee Enterprises. The media company owns nearly 100 newspapers across the country – including The Buffalo News, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and the Arizona Daily Sun – and has been publishing Adams’ jokes about the corporate ladder for years. One of his most recent controversial comic strips included a black worker, who identifies as white, being asked to also identify as gay to boost his company’s environmental, social, and governance ratings. Dave, his reoccurring character, replies: ‘Depends how hard you want me to sell it,’ before the boss responds: ‘Just wear better shirts.’ Adams, 65, is believed to be worth nearly $70 million – a fortune he amassed thanks to the popularity of his characters, as well as his non-Dilbert related works.
by Claudia Aoraha
FBI Is Hiding Critical Footage Of The DNC Pipe Bomber (2:17)
FBI Is Hiding Critical Footage Of The DNC Pipe Bomber (2:17)
Sabotage Blamed For Massive Railway Disruption In Germany
Damaged – sabotaged communications cables halted rail traffic for nearly three hours in the northern part of the country Deutsche Bahn, Germany’s national railway company, said that an act of sabotage had affected its radio communications network on Saturday morning. The incident brought rail traffic in the northern part of the nation to a standstill and stopped trains to and from Denmark and the Netherlands. Many will point out that the sabotage occurred within 24 hours of western politicians and their mainstream media squealed with joy on hearing that a truck crossing Russia’s Crimea Bridge had been blown up. However, both road and rail traffic had resumed whilst the German network was still down. According to Der Spiegel, the company’s communications network failed completely at around 6:40 am local time. The newspaper said that unknown persons severed a data line in a cable duct near Berlin, while another one near Dortmund was also sabotaged. According to the paper’s sources, saboteurs would have needed information about the railway network and how you can paralyze it.
by Michael Walsh
Saudi Minister Blames Washington For Soaring Fuel Prices In The US
Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State, Adel al-Jubeir, rejected the claim by the US that the OPEC+ production level cut is political in any way
Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State, Adel al-Jubeir, rejected claims that the kingdom is behind soaring gas prices in the US, citing instead insufficient refinery production and asserting that the Gulf country does not politicize oil. “With due respect, the reason you have high prices in the United States is because you have a refining shortage that has been in existence for more than 20 years… You haven’t built refineries in decades,” Jubeir said during an interview on Fox News on 7 October. “Oil is not a weapon… It’s not a fighter plane. It’s not a tank. You can’t shoot it. You can’t do anything with it. We look at oil as a commodity and we look at oil as important to the global economy in which we have a huge stake. The idea that Saudi Arabia would do this to harm the U.S. or to be in any way politically involved is absolutely not correct at all,” the Saudi official added. The minister made the claim that the issue on oil production has “been taken out of context by perhaps commentators and analysts,” while assuring that Riyadh is “committed to ensuring stability in the oil markets to the benefit of consumers and producers.”
by News Desk
3 Reasons Your Town Needs Its Pregnancy Center
Planned Parenthood performed 354,871 abortions last year. During that same time, Care Net pregnancy centers saved more than 60,000 lives. Yet, since the overturning of Roe v Wade, pro-choice forces led by Senator Elizabeth Warren and others have launched an aggressive campaign to shut down or impede pregnancy centers across our nation. Extremists have vandalized and even firebombed centers. These puzzling reactions to the work of pregnancy centers are based on misinformation and outright lies about what pregnancy centers do and how they do it. Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice, you should want a pregnancy center in your town. Surely, if you are pro-life, you want them because they provide compassion, hope, and help to young moms and dads, giving them the information they need to make fully informed decisions about their unplanned pregnancies. This compassionate ministry work results in tens of thousands of unborn children being spared from abortion every year. But even if you are pro-choice, your passion for the empowerment of women, the importance of personal choice, and the need to support underserved communities should compel you to support pregnancy centers in your town, too.
by Ryan Sanders
ACH (1928) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #89 – The Rothschild Garage Sale (Audio 1:15:42)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 3, 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Rothschild Garage Sale.”
We discussed: the Mike Sledge and Clint East ‘Wooden’ Doors audio clip that we played during the show intro segment; why does the Crow get such bad press; this week’s film review “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” along with an overview of the films of Quentin Tarantino; how a listener to this show reported a vaccine injury in the UK; an email about astrology; this week’s, “if my democratic right to free speech did not probibit me from doing so I would,” segment; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; why the “Useless Eaters” don’t have the same rights as the “Elites”; the hundreds of protests throughout the UK this weekend, regarding the exhorbitant energy prices; why we could be facing a facing a General Election in the UK within the next few months; how the Daily Mail let slip the the Rothschild Banking Dynasty is worth £450 Billion, more than double the wealth of the alleged world’s richest man, Elon Musk; can dogs sniff out stress on their owners breath; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ news roundup of the week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Ukraine Behind Terrorist Attack On Crimean Bridge – Putin
The Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has identified the suspects behind the deadly explosion
Ukrainian intelligence is behind the deadly attack on the Crimean Bridge, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday following a report by the head of the national Investigative Committee, Aleksandr Bastrykin. The attack was organized by the Ukrainian security services, which were “aided” by some Russian and foreign nationals, according to Bastrykin. The Investigative Committee head also said that the Federal Security Service (FSB) had identified suspects in the blast. The attack on the bridge was aimed at Russia’s “critical infrastructure,” Bastrykin said, adding that it was “an act of terrorism.” According to Bastrykin, the truck that exploded on the bridge had arrived in Russia from Bulgaria through Georgia and Armenia.
by RT
October 3 – 9, 2022
“Egyptian civilization was not a development, it was a legacy.”
John Anthony West

We Survived The Last Nuclear Standoff Through Compromise And De-Escalation
Vladimir Putin has signed documents finalizing the Russian annexation of four regions in eastern Ukraine, meaning there’s now a western-backed Ukrainian counteroffensive underway to recapture what Russia officially considers parts of its homeland. Moscow has made it clear that it will use all weapons systems at its disposal to defend against attacks on territories it claims as its own, which could include nuclear weapons. Depending on if and how that happens and what kind of day all the relevant decision makers are having when it does, there is a distinct possibility that a chain of events could follow which leads to the end of the world. This happens as Ukraine’s President Zelensky signs a decree officially ruling out the possibility of any peace talks with Putin, who recently publicly requested such talks. The US empire, which has been driving this proxy war from the beginning, is also not currently engaged in peace talks with Moscow. Things are accelerating faster and faster toward the absolute worst thing that could possibly happen, and as far as we know nobody’s got a foot anywhere near the brake pedal.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Michael Hudson: A Roadmap To Escape The West’s Stranglehold
The geoeconomic pathway away from the neoliberal order is fraught with peril, but the rewards in establishing an alternative system are as promising as they are urgent
It is impossible to track the geoeconomic turbulence inherent to the “birth pangs” of the multipolar world without the insights of Professor Michael Hudson at the University of Missouri, and author of the already seminal The Destiny of Civilization. In his latest essay, Professor Hudson digs deeper into Germany’s suicidal economic/financial policies; their effect on the already falling euro – and hints at some possibilities for fast integrating Eurasia and the Global South as a whole to try to break the Hegemon’s stranglehold. That led to a series of email exchanges, especially about the future role of the yuan, where Hudson remarked: “The Chinese whom I’ve talked to for years and years did not expect the dollar to weaken. They’re not crying about its rise, but they are concerned about flight capital from China as I think after the Party Congress [starting on October 16] there will be a crackdown on the Shanghai free-market advocacy. Pressure for the coming changes has been long building up. The spirit of reform to rein in ‘free markets’ was spreading among students over a decade ago, and they have been rising in the Party hierarchy.”
by Pepe Escobar
The American Government Is Criminal, Psychopathic And Incompetent
There is Good News about America’s government. Its troika of Criminality, Psychopathic behavior and Incompetence is coming to an end. America entered the “Loot the ship before it sinks” phase some time ago. Both Americans and people overseas will soon be free of American Imperialism also known as Wall Street Uber Alles. My regular reader know America’s government is a criminal enterprise. Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr Mark Skidmore have proven that tens of trillions of dollars has been stolen from taxpayers, mostly through the Pentagon. The US Treasury once gave the American Army a check for $800 billion, asking them to plug up some of the holes in their accounting systems due to “Missing Money” walking out the door. Problem was that the generals lost the $800 billion too.
by Video Rebel
Kremlin Accuses Zelensky Of Trying To Start A World War
Putin’s spokesman issues warning to the US and UK over the Ukrainian leader’s nuclear demands
The Kremlin has accused Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky of trying to spark a third world war, after he demanded that NATO carry out preventive strikes on Russia to deter the use of nuclear weapons. Speaking to the Australian Lowy Institute on Thursday, Zelensky stated that NATO must ensure Moscow does not use nukes against Kiev’s forces. To do this, he called on the US-led military bloc and the international community to carry out preventive strikes against Russia so that it “knows what to expect” if it decides to use them. “What should NATO do? Eliminate the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons,” Zelensky said during the online conference. “I once again appeal to the international community, as it was before February 24: preemptive strikes so that they [Russia] know what will happen to them if they use it, and not the other way around.” Moscow has slammed Zelensky’s suggestion, with Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stating that the Ukrainian leader’s comments are nothing short of an attempt to spark a world war, which would lead to “unforeseeable disastrous consequences.”
by RT
Can Europe Afford To Turn A Blind Eye To Evidence Of A US Role In Pipeline Blasts?
If Washington was involved, it would mark a dangerous new stage not only in the Ukraine war but in Europe’s acceptance of vassal status
The sabotage of the two Nord Stream pipelines leaves Europeans certain to be much poorer and colder this winter, and was an act of international vandalism on an almost unimaginable scale. The attacks severed Russian gas supplies to Europe and caused the release of enormous quantities of methane gas, the prime offender in global warming. This is why no one is going to take responsibility for the crime – and most likely no one will ever be found definitively culpable. Nonetheless, the level of difficulty and sophistication in setting off blasts at three separate locations on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines overwhelmingly suggests a state actor, or actors, was behind it.
by Jonathan Cook
America In Name Only
As much as I admire the great patriots who fought so hard to wrench our nation out of the hands of the usurpers, patriots such as General Michael Flynn, brilliant attorney Sidney Powell, My Pillow mega-mogul Mike Lindell, and more recently, famous filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza whose documentary 2,000 Mules presents indisputable evidence of vote fraud in the swing states that illegally tipped the scales in Beijing Biden’s favor, I can’t help feeling that many of us remain in denial about our current situation, including former President Trump. We shake our heads at the steady stream of violations of our constitutional protections, wondering how these flagrant abuses can take place in America. For example, how is it possible that our own DOJ has locked up dozens of innocent men and women for attending a peaceful demonstration in our nation’s capitol, and left them to languish in squalid conditions in the D.C. Gulag for nearly two years, many still awaiting their trials? What happened to Habeas Corpus? And in what world does our own FBI get to raid President Trump’s luxurious home, ransacking every room, pawing through Melania’s lingerie, taking Trump’s passports, spending nine hours combing every inch of Mar-a-lago, and quite possibly planting “evidence” and/or surveillance bugs along the way? But the shocks keep coming-one of the latest being the witch-hunt targeting some forty “Trump associates” who’ve been subpoenaed and/or had their cell phones confiscated.
by Cherie Zaslawsky
Federal Bureau Of Intimidation: The War On Political Freedom
Discredit, disrupt, and destroy. That is how the government plans to get rid of activists and dissidents who stand in its way. This has always been the modus operandi of the FBI (more aptly referred to as the Federal Bureau of Intimidation): muzzle anti-government sentiment, harass activists, and terrorize Americans into compliance. Indeed, the FBI has a long history of persecuting, prosecuting and generally harassing activists, politicians, and cultural figures. Back in the 1950s and ‘60s, the FBI’s targets were civil rights activists, those suspected of having Communist ties, and anti-war activists. In more recent decades, the FBI has expanded its reach to target so-called domestic extremists, environmental activists, and those who oppose the police state. Back in 2019, President Trump promised to give the FBI “whatever they need” to investigate and disrupt hate crimes and domestic terrorism, without any apparent thought for the Constitution’s prohibitions on such overreach. That misguided pledge sheds a curious light on the FBI’s latest nationwide spree of SWAT team raids, surveillance, disinformation campaigns, fear-mongering, paranoia, and strong-arm tactics. For instance, just before dawn on Jan. 25, 2019, the FBI sent 29 heavily armed agents in 17 vehicles to carry out a SWAT-style raid on the Florida home of Roger Stone, one of President Trump’s longtime supporters. Stone, charged with a political crime, was taken away in handcuffs.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
The Well-Being Of Ukrainians Is Of No Interest To The Western Alliance
The well-being of Ukrainians does not bother Washington, London and Brussels. Member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Dmitry Belik commented in an interview with RT on the statement of the European Commissioner for the EU Internal Market Thierry Breton that Ukraine cannot join the North Atlantic Alliance in the face of hostilities on its territory. According to the prominent parliamentarian, these conditions are ‘another excuse for Ukraine, which is unprofitable and even dangerous for the collective West to accept as part of NATO.’ The deputy as does the rest of the world believes that Ukraine is being used as a platform on which it is convenient to confront Russia to maintain Western omnipotence.
by Michael Walsh
Things The BBC Forgot To Mention About The Covid-19 Jabs
New figures from the British Government show that the media is wrong to claim that just five million people haven’t had their first jab. The real figure is 23.5 million – that means that less than two thirds of the population has had any jab at all. There were similar figures in the United States where it was clear that over 70 million people had not received a single covid-19 jab. A study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology confirms that increases in covid-19 cases are completely unrelated to levels of vaccination. The study was conducted in 68 countries worldwide. The data shows that areas where many people have been jabbed continue to have significant cases of covid. Indeed, it seems that areas where there is a high percentage of jabbed individuals have more cases of covid-19 per one million people. The conclusion is that the people being jabbed are spreading covid. Vaccination programmes will be an important part of the future. As I pointed out in my book Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying scientists are planning to put vaccines into fruit and vegetables. This will ensure that vaccines are not optional. There are also well-developed plans for infectious vaccines which will spread from one person to another. Again, this development will ensure that vaccines are not optional.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
US Admits Kiev Killed Russian Journalist Daria Dugina
But it remains silent about Western possible involvement in the crime
In a recent article published by The New York Times, it was reported that US intelligence believes Kiev authorized the terrorist attack that murdered Russian journalist and activist Daria Dugina, daughter of the political scientist and philosopher Aleksandr Dugin. With this, the prevailing narrative on the case in the US takes on an accusatory tone against Ukraine, but the silence remains on the connivance of Western countries, which refused to help the Russians to capture those responsible for the attack. The article cites unidentified sources that confirm the Russian version that Dugina’s death was caused by an intelligence operation planned, authorized, and executed by Kiev’s agents. According to NYT’s sources, information confirming the Ukrainian authorship of the attack was shared among US officials recently, thus corroborating the suspicions previously showed not only by Moscow, but also by many experts around the world. The article, however, emphasizes that the operation was conducted exclusively by Ukrainian officials, with no US agents participating. Apparently, American intelligence did not take note of any planned Ukrainian attack and only obtained confirmation about the plans of its Ukrainian partners much later, with the Americans even “admonishing” Kiev for having conducted such a bold operation. “The United States took no part in the attack, either by providing intelligence or other assistance, officials said. American officials also said they were not aware of the operation ahead of time and would have opposed the killing had they been consulted. Afterward, American officials admonished Ukrainian officials over the assassination, they said”, the article mentions.
by Lucas Leiroz
Israel Puts Military On Alert After Rejecting Lebanon Deal
With elections looming, the government has rejected Beirut’s amendments to a US-brokered border agreement
Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz ordered troops near the border with Lebanon into high readiness on Thursday, amid reports that the country has rejected Beirut’s amendments to a US-proposed border compromise. The maritime border dispute involves natural gas fields both neighbors seek to exploit. After consultations with the general staff, Gantz ordered the Israel Defense Forces to “prepare for any scenario in which tensions increase in the northern arena – including defense and offense readiness,” according to the Jerusalem Post. The order was an indirect confirmation of reports earlier in the day that Israel had rejected Lebanon’s amendments to the agreement, drafted by US envoy Amos Hochstein and presented to both sides last weekend. According to Al Jazeera, Hochstein’s draft received a “mostly warm preliminary reception” from both sides. Lebanon presented its response on Tuesday, but on Thursday Israel rejected those modifications. While the deal has not been made public, Israeli media said it would have allowed the country to freely explore the Karish gas field. The main issue appears to be Lebanon’s reluctance to accept an Israeli-demarcated “buoy line” as a de facto international border, given the two countries are technically still at war.
by RT
Globus Hystericus
Shall we play a game?
The world has gone mad. Every sensible person of every generation. In the early eighties, the cold war began to heat up again as the threat of global nuclear annihilation reached heights not seen since the Cuban missile crisis. The American people were reminded of the threat every night on the evening news. By 1983 the Gipper famously called the Soviet Union an Evil Empire in a prepared speech to the National Association of Evangelicals. A few years earlier a Swine Flu outbreak threatened the nation and “vaccines” were quickly rolled out to save the day, which ended up killing thirty-two Americans, and were just as quickly rolled back. No pandemic ensued and the threat was likely fabricated like all the rest. By comparison, there have been 32,000 Covid “vaccine” deaths in the U.S. in 20 months according to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) which is a minimum of 10x-40x underreported, which makes the death toll anywhere from 320,000 to 1.28 million. The injury and maiming numbers are in the tens of millions. What is the government’s response to their own genocide? To keep it going.
by Good Citizen
The Geopolitical Consequences Of The OPEC+ Agreement
mir Hossein Zamani Nia, Iran’s OPEC governor, announced when he left a meeting with representatives of the 13 member states of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and their ten allies – known as OPEC+ – the decision to reduce oil production by two million barrels per day for November. The initial reactions to the large production cut were hysteria. One American journalist asked the Saudi Minister of Energy, Prince Abdulaziz Bin Salman, if he was worried about the American reaction to the production cut. He sarcastically told her to enjoy the sun in Vienna; a clear indication of the difficulties that Europeans will face next winter. The American reactions to the decision of the OPEC+ countries were quick and distinct. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre commented on the decision by saying it was clear that the OPEC+ alliance was “aligning with Russia” and was making a “short-sighted decision” to reduce oil production at the height of the conflict in Ukraine. White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan noted that US President Joe Biden was feeling “disappointed” with the decision of the OPEC+ alliance to reduce its oil production.
by Hazem Ayyad
Dr. Robert Malone Attacks And Maligns Leading Freedom Fighters
Since he first became involved in the health freedom movement related to COVID-19, I have observed firsthand how Robert W. Malone, MD, has been attacking leaders of the movement in person, in the media, and on his substack. He has made legal threats, and recently his lawyer has sent very threatening formal Demand Letters to at least two health freedom leaders to stop their alleged defamations and to pay him money.1 The Demand Letters will be released later. Dr. Malone’s attacks on the health freedom leadership massively heated up on May 3, 2022, in his substack titled Power and Strategy of False Narratives (substack.com).2 Dr. Malone angrily tried to discredit and ridicule Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, and Harvey Risch, MD, Ph.D. It is no exaggeration to say that these two men are among the most respected, honorable, and important physicians and scientists in the world today. Many consider them the medical leaders of the health freedom movement. Their credentials and their scientific publications are stunning.
by Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin
Upcoming Webinar – The Dark Side Of “Prenatal Care” And The Dangers Of Ultrasound – October 19, 2022, at 1 PM EDT
Is western prenatal care really beneficial? Can some of the medical protocols and testing procedures used during pregnancy be harmful? During this ground-breaking 2+ hour webinar, we will address such topics as routine gestational diabetes testing, Rhogam shots for Rh-negative moms, vaccination during pregnancy, amniocentesis and other prenatal tests, ultrasound during pregnancy, doppler fetal heart monitors, and more. Learn the true effects of these interventions and arm yourself with the facts about western prenatal care so that you can make empowered choices for you and your babies during pregnancy.
by Jeanice Barcelo, M.A.
Billiards Geometry And Physics Magic (2:19)
Billiards Geometry And Physics Magic (2:19)
The Spice That Prevents Fluoride From Destroying Your Brain
Fluoride is found everywhere today, from antibiotics to drinking water, no stick pans to toothpaste, making exposure inevitable. All the more reason why research proving this common spice can prevent fluoride damage is so promising… Fluoride’s neurotoxicity has been the subject of academic debate for decades, and now a matter of increasingly impassioned controversy among the general public, as well. From ‘conspiracy theories’ about it being first used in drinking water in Russian and Nazi concentration camps to chemically lobotomize captives, to its now well-known IQ lowering properties, to its ability to enhance the calcification of the pineal gland — the traditional ‘seat of the soul’ — many around the world, and increasingly in the heavily fluoridated regions of the United States, are starting to organize at the local and statewide level to oust this ubiquitous toxicant from municipal drinking water.
by Sayer Ji
“Whatever You Call Us, The True Racist Is Katie Hobbs. Twice-Convicted!” –
Kari Lake Eats Up The Fake News Media After Event With South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem
Trump-Endorsed Arizona Gubernatorial Nominee Kari Lake obliterated the Fake News Media again on Tuesday after a speaking event with South Dakota’s America First Governor, Kristi Noem. Noem and Lake spoke in front of hundreds of Patriots at the Moms for Kari event about a range of problems and solutions, from COVID-19 lockdowns to border security to saving the economy and liberal indoctrination in public schools. Watch the full event here. After the event, Kari Lake took on dishonest election fraud questions from the Fake News Media and real questions from The Gateway Pundit and MAAP Real Talk Show. Not one question was centered around the policies that were discussed with Kristi Noem to save Arizona.
by Jordan Conradson
Population Control? Planned Parenthood Encourages Teens To Take Puberty Blockers (Text and Video)
Why is Planned Parenthood so interested in trans identity politics when trans people are highly unlikely to have children (only 19%)? It’s just another sign that the trans agenda is far more about population reduction that is about personal rights. A recently unearthed infomercial made by Planned Parenthood last year is marketed directly to teens and promotes puberty blockers as a means to disrupt natural body changes in order to make teens “feel more” like the gender they believe themselves to be psychologically. In other words, they suggest confused teens fight against their own biology by taking pharmaceuticals which are known to potentially cause chemical castration as well as permanent damage to reproductive processes. This is medically proven to occur, but with leftist politics now poisoning the sciences over the past few years there is a growing narrative that claims puberty blockers are “safe and reversible.”
by Tyler Durden
The FBI Is Sued For Withholding Facebook Censorship Records
FBI won’t disclose its censorship-related communications with Facebook.
The FBI has been sued for withholding records of communications with Facebook about the Hunter Biden laptop story. In an appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast in August, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that before the 2020 election, the FBI warned Facebook about Russian propaganda. “The background here is that the FBI came to us – some folks on our team – and was like, ‘Hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert. We thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election, we have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump that’s similar to that,’” he said. The FBI did not explicitly mention the laptop story but Facebook thought the story fit the pattern that the federal agency described and decided to limit the reach of the story.
by Dan Frieth
Food, Energy, Housing: True German Inflation Is 56 Percent
Prices are skyrocketing and we are all getting poorer – everyone feels the price shock, but in statistics it shows up much smaller. Official inflation figures are around 10 percent. But many citizens notice in their everyday life: Prices are rising – in the supermarket, at the gas station – much faster. The true inflation is much higher: That’s why there is now the inflation radar from pleiticker.de – one can find it updated daily on their homepage. They have calculated price developments in the areas that really matter: housing, energy and basic foodstuffs. With the latest figures, inflation there was a whopping 56,3 percent over the past year – and 11,6 percent over the past week alone. For the average net income of a German household (€3 600), this means a loss in value of €1 296. This is mainly driven by the rise in energy costs. The price of electricity has risen by an unbelievable 344 percent in the past year. The official figures, on the other hand, are hardly meaningful: The figures from the Federal Statistical Office are significantly lower and not very plausible for the reality of people’s lives for two reasons: On the one hand, it includes hundreds of products in its unrealistic “shopping basket.”
by Free West Media
Supporting Patchwork Planting Farm
Patchwork Planting (PWPT) is a family owned flower and produce farm located in Noxen, Pennsylvania. After just moving in December to their dream property of 30 acres, this was their first season at the new farm. Husband and wife team, Evan and Candice aren’t new to growing though, this is their fifth year as a business and have been growing food and flowers since they both were young. In 2021 Evan was able to quit his full-time trade job and join Candice in building their family farm. This season, along with the extra work of prepping new fields, buying in more plants and other products has been extremely difficult. Many farmers across the area dealt with a “once in 20 year” drought. It was difficult growing conditions, on top of an already hard Spring. But what came in early September surpassed anything they could imagine. Two inches of rain came, then almost seven inches of rain came, and then another two inches after that. 11 inches of rain came within two weeks and absolutely destroyed their dahlias.
The Cost Of Lying Crisis by Computing Forever (6:33)
The Cost Of Lying Crisis by Computing Forever (6:33)
Watch Stella Assange Slap The Mustache Off John Bolton’s War Criminal Face (Text and Video)
Stella Assange just delivered a beatdown on one of her husband’s persecutors that was so scorched-earth demolishing I feel like I need a cigarette after watching it. In an appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored, the wife of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange explained the threat her husband’s persecution poses to press freedoms around the world and the profound suffering his imprisonment has inflicted upon him. As some kind of bizarre counter-balance to the family of a persecuted journalist pleading for basic human rights, Morgan invited on John Bolton, the man who was the National Security Advisor to President Trump when Assange was imprisoned under a US arrest warrant. Which if you think about i is kind of like having a sex trafficking victim on your show and then bringing in Ghislaine Maxwell for a balanced perspective.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Acetaminophen Linked To Autism And Other Neurological Disorders In Children
Citing new studies linking the analgesic drug acetaminophen (a chemical also known as paracetamol or by brand names Tylenol and Panadol) to the development of neurological conditions such as autism, attention-deficit disorder and hyperactivity in their children, women in the United States have filed 87 lawsuits in seven states against several pharmacies that sell the drug, including Costco, CVS Health, Rite Aid, Safeway, Target, Walgreens and Walmart.1 2 3 The women filing the lawsuits allege that the acetaminophen that they took while they were pregnant caused their children’s neurological problems. They say there are more than 20 peer-reviewed studies that have found an association between the development of brain disorders and the use of the over-the-c0unter analgesic drug, which was licensed in the mid-1950s and is the most widely used physician-recommended pain reliever world-wide. Plaintiff attorneys specifically cite a 2018 study by Hebrew University of Jerusalem published in the American Journal of Epidemiology on Apr. 24, 2018 that found a 30 percent increase in the relative risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, whose pregnant mothers took high amounts of the drug, and a 20 percent increase in relative risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).1 2 4 5
by Marco Cáceres
Super Hero? More Like Super Lame.
Pfizer sponsors a new Marvel comic.
Pfizer has sponsored a new comic, “Everyday Heroes”, to urge people to get their autumn Covid boosters. The plot of the new comic centres around a grandfather waiting for his jab at a clinic that comes under attack by the Avengers villain, Ultron. “We can fight back against even tough, ever-evolving enemies,” the masked up grandfather assures the people in the waiting room, “if you’re willing to adapt, fight back and take steps to help protect yourself. It’s also important for entire communities to come together and help fight the threat.” Not all heroes wear capes, you know. This is brave of Marvel and Disney. Mixing face masks and vaccines with super heroes is either very confident, or very profitable. Dress it up how you want, but bandaids on old men’s arms aren’t exactly superhero-ish. It’s a long way from muscular Thor and his hammer. And every adverse vaccine event stands to puncture the allure of the super hero like a needle through a cape.
by Laura Dodsworth
Inexpensive Device That Can Harvest Energy From A Light Breeze And Store It As Electricity
Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed a low-cost device that can harness energy from wind as gentle as a light breeze and store it as electricity. When exposed to winds with a velocity as low as 2 meters per second (m/s), the device can produce a voltage of three volts and generate electricity power of up to 290 microwatts, which is sufficient to power a commercial sensor device and for it to also send the data to a mobile phone or a computer. The light and durable device, called a wind harvester, also diverts any electricity that is not in use to a battery, where it can be stored to power devices in the absence of wind.
by Nanyang Technological University
ESG Wars: The Blackrock/Davos Class Meets An Unexpected Grassroots Resistance
“ESG” is merely the bumper sticker for a sophisticated subversive enterprise.
Facing a continuing global economic downturn and an unexpected grassroots political revolt, the ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) movement for technocratic tyranny is meeting major headwinds. A concerted, grassroots effort from liberty-minded individuals and groups has helped to expose the true mission of the ESG empire. Prior to the COVID Mania era, these elite, calculating networks preferred to operate in the shadows, drafting their mandates for civilization behind closed doors at private confabs in Davos and D.C. With the spotlight pointed in the direction of the unelected, unaccountable forces for authoritarian rule, elected officials, activists, and pro-liberty groups are beginning to address the peoples’ concern over the ESG movement.
by Jordan Schachtel
The Online Safety Bill Will Only Reinforce The Regime Of Government Propaganda And Censorship
I switched on the TV on Saturday morning at 6:30am expecting to get a mixture of different short news stories, but what followed was 26 minutes of a film on the news story of the tragic death of Molly Russell – you can watch it here. It began with melancholic music, which continued in the background. Molly’s father said that he could see how, if one was exposed to the sort of online content his daughter was exposed to, “it could destroy you”. He described the “toxic corporate culture” at the heart of social media platforms. You could feel the father’s pain and grief. The reporter, BBC’s Angus Crawford, said the coroner ruled that “social media did play a part in Molly Russell taking her own life”.
by Dr. Mark Shaw
Roller Skating by Charlie Chaplin (1916)
Roller Skating by Charlie Chaplin (1916)
DHS Is Spending Millions To Combat “Misinformation” And “Disinformation”
Using taxpayer dollars to fund games, VR projects, and other projects that combat “disinformation.”
Despite shutting down its “Disinformation Governance Board” after First Amendment violation concerns, the United States (US) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is still handing out millions in grants in order to combat “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “conspiracy theories.” The DHS has previously claimed that online misinformation is a terror threat and these grants were made in a similar vein and doled out as part of a “Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program.” In total, over $3 million of taxpayer money was handed over to universities, think tanks, and nonprofits who will use the money to fund projects that fight what they deem to be misinformation and disinformation. The University of Rhode Island was given $701,612 for its “Media Literacy and Online Critical Thinking Initiatives” and “Youth Resilience Programs.” The description for this grant claims that “disinformation, conspiracy theories, and propaganda have become large-scale social problems” and says that part of the funds from the grant will be used for “online and face-to-face dialogues [that] help demonstrate how to critically analyze propaganda, disinformation, and domestic extremism.”
by Tom Parker
Orbán: ‘Sanctions Were Not Decided Democratically’
Hungarian President Orbán has once again positioned himself as a committed advocate of genuine European interests and persists in his criticism of the EU’s sanctions policy against Russia. At least in Hungary, citizens will be able to vote on the sanctions that are causing massive damage to Europe, after Orbán confirmed that there would soon be a referendum on this. “The sanctions were not decided in a democratic way, but decided by Brussels bureaucrats and European elites,” he said in the Budapest parliament. “Although Europe’s citizens are paying the price, they have not been asked,” he added, underlining that “the sanctions imposed are causing enormous damage to Europe.” Orbán recalled that since the war began, Russia has earned 158 billion euros over the last six months from energy exports at increased prices. That is more than Russia’s total annual export earnings for 2021 in half a year. Half of this, 85 billion euros, was paid for by the EU countries.
by Free West Media
Things Are Getting Crazy
How crazy. This crazy. Mike Pompeo is on a rampage, like a rogue elephant. He’s advocating arming Ukraine to win a “decisive” victory over Russia. And if Russia uses “tactical” nukes in that event-recall from yesterday that Doug Macgregor maintains that “tactical” as applied to nukes is a delusion, that it will rapidly escalate-well, we’ll show Putin. We’ll sanction the living stuff out of China. That will also show China and everyone else in the world who’s boss. I’m not kidding. He said all this-and more-in the Washington Times: America and NATO must seek a decisive victory for Ukraine. Victory must be attained quickly on Ukraine’s terms. The war can be won if America and the West supply our most capable conventional weapons to Kyiv. … we must hold the People’s Republic of China accountable economically and financially if Mr. Putin were to detonate a nuclear weapon … China must be put on notice immediately: If Mr. Putin uses a nuclear weapon, America will devastate the Chinese economy through our cessation of trade and capital investments. Our immediate provision of conventional weapons of decisive lethality to Ukraine is critical to ending this conflict swiftly, … So, Pompeo-and just a reminder, he was head of CIA and then SoS for Trump-is advocating that we initiate a game of nuclear chicken. He’s betting Putin will blink.
by Mark Wauck
They Denounce Meloni, But The Despots Of The Covid State Are The Real Fascists
According to the dictionary, fascism is: ‘A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc, and emphasising an aggressive nationalism and often racism.’ That’s all right as far as it goes. But I would add two other elements – the reach of fascism (and totalitarianism more generally) into people’s private lives, and the corporatist state model as fascism’s operating system. The election in Italy – technically the home of fascism – of a Right-wing politician, Giorgia Meloni, was all too much for the dreary Left. Here in Australia, the Guardian’s Van Badham has given us the headline: The election of Italy’s fascist-adjacent Giorgia Meloni is a public reminder that women can be just as awful as men. I have previously noted Badham in the context of women in politics. Here our interest is in Meloni’s other defining characteristic, her alleged fascism. Comparing perceived Right-wingers to Hitler is, of course, an old trick. But fascism is again all the rage with Meloni’s election.
by Paul Collits
Were Election Deniers And Conspiracy Theorists Just Vindicated?
Two Articles One Day Apart
Various Internet conspiracy theorists and ignorant, misinformed election deniers have been saying for months that a small elections software company was a China influence operation. If there are any reading this substack, shame on you! It must be your fault that the chief executive, Eugene Yu, went into hiding, wrote New York Times’ Stuart Thompson yesterday. Your unhinged and baseless conspiracy theories might be killing people and possibly are responsible for sudden and unexpected stress-related deaths among New York Times writers. Obviously, the safe and effective booster that NY Times’ Tejada received a day before his untimely death, had nothing to do with his passing: Ashamed now? Ready to change your mind about these unfounded, baseless election conspiracy theories you have been passing around? Hold on, because a day later, THIS comes out:
by Igor Chudov
I Reckon The Covid Jab Has Lowered The Average IQ By 20 Points
There is no doubt that people are becoming more stupid. Yesterday I saw a photo of a girl carrying a sign which said: ‘Follow the science’. Sadly, and rather comically, she was wearing a mask. Like the royal family, whose motto is: ‘everyone should stop flying except us’, she obviously didn’t believe in practising what she preached. Everywhere you look there are signs that a very hefty proportion of the world’s population has lost most of their brain cells and become as dumb as Britain’s latest comedy double-act ‘Truss and Kwarteng’ (‘uncertainty and chaos a speciality and children’s parties at half price’). A high proportion of young people claim to be unsettled because they don’t understand what is going on. They are terrified of covid, long covid and probably short covid too. They love their apps and their credit cards and they hate cash. Their problem is that they are too damned stupid to understand what is happening, to realise that nothing is happening by accident and that we are on the edge of the Great Reset. I’d guess that the covid jabs have lowered the average IQ of the jabbed by at least 20 points.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Woke Insanity (0:55)
Woke Insanity (0:55)
German Energy Apocalypse Update VI
Energy economisation already behind schedule – retail sector catastrophe – Eurozone blackout concerns – more Nord Stream updates.
It was a cold September in central Europe, and about half of German households responded by heating far earlier in the year than usual. This means, as far as energy economisation, that we are already behind schedule: Germany’s network regulator, which would be in charge of gas rationing in the event of a supply emergency … said that household consumption was too high to be sustainable. Last week’s [18–24 September] usage of natural gas by German households and small industry was 483 gigawatt hours, up 14.5% above the average for that week over the past four years, the Bundesnetzagentur said. “The numbers for that week are thus very sobering,” said agency president Klaus Mueller. “Without significant savings in the private area of consumption, it will be difficult to avoid an emergency situation in winter.” My own energy bills have only about doubled so far, but many commercial consumers are seeing their gas and electricity costs surge four- or even ten-fold:
by eugyppius
The Enigma Of Irish-American Henry Ford
Truly great men often find that life’s practicalities get in the way of their more Utopian inclinations. Henry Ford, the great American industrialist and pioneer of the motoring class must have been a very enigmatic man. This genial Irish-American made the world sit up when he expressed his forthright views on the omnipotence – the awesome power of the infiltrations and control of the International Jew. Long before political correctness these exposés appeared in the Dearborn Independent and were later published in book format. Ford was a man of his time as were thousands of other great achievers in various fields – long before intellectual mediocrity ousted the men and women of deep thought.
by Michael Walsh
New York Times Sacks Gaza Journalist For Expressing Support For Palestinian Resistance
Palestinian photojournalist, Hosam Salem, has been fired by the New York Times for expressing support for Resistance against Israeli occupation. The Gaza- based journalist has been working as a freelancer for the American outlet since 2018, but was dismissed after a dossier compiled by a pro-Israel group, accusing Salem of anti-Semitism, was presented to the Times. Since joining the Times, Salem has been covering critical events in Gaza, such as the weekly protests at the border fence with Israel. He carried out an investigation into the Israeli killing of field nurse Razan Al-Najjar and, more recently, the May 2021 Israeli offensive on the Gaza strip, which killed at least 254 Palestinians, including 66 children, 39 women and 17 elderly people. After years of covering the Gaza Strip as a freelance photojournalist for the New York Times, I was informed via an abrupt phone call from the US outlet that they will no longer work with me in the future. — HosamSalem (@HosamSalemG) October 5, 2022. Details of his dismissal were revealed by Salem himself on Twitter. He said that the decision to fire him was made based on a report prepared by a Dutch editor – who obtained Israeli citizenship two years ago – for a website called “Honest Reporting”. The anti-Palestinian group is a staunch supporter of Israel and is often accused of peddling false narratives in Western media about Israel’s human rights violations.
Sliding Doors
The publication of Prozac Nation was a societal inflection point that ushered in multiple pharmacological disasters
I. The Promise
In the late 1980s/early 1990s my parents spent a small fortune to send me to what was, at the time, the top-ranked small liberal arts college in the country. While the Ivies train up the future ruling class, small private liberal arts colleges offered something far more alluring. Hanging in the air at these small private colleges was a promise that went something like this: the social sciences, particularly psychology and sociology, have figured things out. If we just follow their wise teachings, we will emerge in a utopian society where there is depth and meaning, people are decent and real with each other, differences are worked out (through “I” statements and “position switching” amongst other tools), and above all people are happy. I imagine it began with Freud and Jung, accelerated with Foucault and Butler, but it was also present in the pragmatic psychologists including Barry Schwartz and the later happiness researchers.
by Toby Rogers
The Haunting Of Red October Essential T-Shirt
A Trick or Treat Whodunit
Democrats can smell their putrid stench of corruption and evil, but turn their noses up and cast blame the other way. Liberals believe the ends justify the means.
by ArtToons
A Brain-Damaged Nation: Neurological Diseases Explode In 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccines – 100,000%+ Increase In Strokes
The year 2021 will go down in history as the year of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the lives that were destroyed by an experimental gene-therapy shot that was rushed to market by the $BILLIONS of dollars that were given to Big Pharma in 2020 by Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, and then unleashed on the public with no testing by using “emergency use authorizations” (EUAs). The U.S. Government funded VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database continues to give us the best data available to truly understand the scope of this massacre, because it is a database of reporting vaccine injuries and deaths that was mandated by Congress and has been in existence since 1990. The database is but a snapshot of the true scope of reported injuries and deaths following vaccines, because most of the public, including many in the medical field, do not even know it exists, and therefore only a fraction of cases are reported. A 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that less than 1% of all adverse events following vaccines are ever reported to VAERS. When it became clear to some medical professionals that the EUA COVID-19 vaccines were causing huge amounts of adverse reactions, many were threatened and pressured NOT to report these adverse reactions to VAERS.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Five Scientists Who Won Two Nobel Prizes
American Barry Sharpless on Wednesday became only the fifth person ever to win a second Nobel Prize, two decades after being awarded his first. AFP looks at the four other people who received the illustrious award twice for their services to mankind: Marie Curie (1903, 1911); Linus Pauling (1954, 1962); John Bardeen (1956, 1972) and Frederick Sanger (1958, 1980).
Open Sesame! 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of This Super-Seed
Given the growing body of scientific support on its health benefits, sesame would be just as at home in a medicine cabinet as it would be a kitchen cupboard
Sesame (Sesamum indicum) is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world, prized as an oilseed for at least 5,000 years. While it is beginning to regain favor due to its exceptionally high calcium and magnesium content, few realize it is also one of the most potent medicinal foods still commonly consumed today. In fact, its history as a medicine goes back 3600 years to Egyptian times where it was listed in the scrolls of the Ebers as a favored medicine. Also, women in ancient Babylon were believed to use a mixture of honey and sesame seeds (havla) to prolong youth and beauty, and Roman soldiers ate the mixture for strength and energy. In the past twenty years, a glut of scientific information has poured in demonstrating that sesame seed, and its components, have over one hundred potential therapeutic applications which you can view at on the GreenMedInfo sesame research page. Given these new revelations, it would seem that sesame would be just as at home in a medicine cabinet as it would be a kitchen cupboard.
by Sayer Ji
Kanye West Exclusive: Rapper Tells Tucker Carlson Story Behind White Lives Matter Shirt (13:46)
Kanye West Exclusive: Rapper Tells Tucker Carlson Story Behind White Lives Matter Shirt (13:46)
“The US And The Holocaust” Documentary By Ken Burns Is “Revisionist History” Designed To Foment Support For Nuclear War
Or how about, I don’t know, future president John F. Kennedy? As Kennedy’s friend Torbert Macdonald revealed decades after Kennedy’s death: “I can recall distinctly at one stage that Jack thought the people whose motto then was ‘America First’ were correct, and that we were just going to get, needlessly, entangled in what was basically a European war, or seemed to be at the time. He held these views for a while.” And indeed, Kennedy sent the now-reviled “America First Committee” — the largest anti-war organization going — a check for $100, with a note enclosed that read: “What you are doing is vital.”
by Michael Tracey
The World’s Best Bars Have Just Been Announced: Which Bars Top The List Of 50 Best?
Discerning drinkers, ready yourselves – the best bars in the world right now have been announced
The World’s 50 Best Bars is one of the most prestigious awards on the planet: the official guide to the most outstanding places to drink around the globe. The list is updated each year with an awards ceremony, normally held in London. This year, for the 14th edition of the awards, the event took place in Barcelona, one of the world’s most cosmopolitan capitals. Read on for the full list, special awards, and to find out which bar was crowned The World’s Best Bar 2022. This year, nominees gathered in the Catalan capital on Monday 3 October to partake in an invite-only bartender’s feast. The World’s Best 50 Bars gala event followed on Tuesday 4 October, with the awards ceremony streamed live on Facebook and Twitter. The winner was decided by an academy of more than 650 anonymous drinks aficionados spread across the globe. This year, the top prize went to Paradiso in Barcelona, with the second spot going to Tayer + Elementary, London, for the second year running, and third prize going to Sips, Barcelona.
by Connor Sturges
ACH (1923) Eric Gajewski – The TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show #24 – Has There Ever Been A Right Wing Leader Who Didn’t Support Israel? (Audio 1:01:05)
In today’s show originally broadcast on September 28, 2022, Andy co-hosts, “The TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show,” with Eric Gajewski, for a show entitled, “Has There Ever Been A Right Wing Leader Who Didn’t Support Israel?” We discussed: the Barbara Lerner Spectre speech that no Anti-Immigration Right Wing Leader seems to be aware of; Israel Prime Minister, Yair Lapid’s, recent support of a two state solution between the Israelis and the Palestinians; the five red heifers that Christian Zionists in Texas recently sent to Israel; pandemics and rumors of pandemics; Britain’s new Smart Prisons designed to accomodate 20,000 prisoners by 2025; the recent Earth Changes; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Biden Is Furious After Federal Judge Just Ruled DACA Is Not Legal
“Federal appeals court deals major blow to Obama-Biden immigration strategy, declaring DACA rule allowing minor illegal migrants to escape deportation is illegal,” John Solomon reported for Just The News. “The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday affirmed a lower court decision declaring the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program unlawful but allowed it to remain in place for existing DACA recipients for now,” Axios reported. “The long, litigious and tangled history of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program took another turn Wednesday when a federal appeals court ruled the program is illegal. However, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals also allowed the nearly 600,000 people in the program to avoid deportation, according to The New York Times,” The Western Journal reported, adding:
by Kari Donovan
“I do not propose to argue about charges
that are concerned with the internal affairs of Germany,
with which foreigners have no right to interfere.
I make no complaints about statements,
the aim of which is to discredit and dishonor myself and the entire German people.
I regard such statements coming from enemies as confirmations of our honor.
It has been my privilege to serve for many years under the greatest son
to whom my people have given birth in its thousand years of history.
Even if it were possible for me to do so,
I would never wish to wipe this period of service out of my life.
It fills me with happiness to know that I did my duty toward my people.
I regret nothing.
Whatever men may do to me,
the day will come when I will stand before the judgment seat of the Eternal:
to Him I will give an account of my actions,
and I know that He will pronounce me innocent.”
Last statement by Rudolf Hess to the International Military Tribunal in Nüremberg (August 31, 1946)

Expert Claims Covid Vaccines Will Kill 700 million People Around the World
During an interview with USA Watchdog in June, Dr. David Martin predicted that 700 million people will die worldwide due to the Covid injections. He based his estimation on the World Health Organisation’s vision of the ‘Decade of Vaccines’ (“DoV”). WHO’s DoV vision led to a collaboration in which Bill Gates’ GAVI serves on the leadership council. The Global Vaccine Action Plan (“GVAP”) – endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May 2012 – came out of the collaboration. The “leadership” that produced the GVAP are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI Alliance, UNICEF, United States National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and the World Health Organisation (“WHO”). We previously published an article about Dr. Martin’s interview with USA Watchdog but we feel it’s important to remind readers of the scale of the estimated deaths from the bioweapon that is called a Covid vaccine. The number that might die from Covid injections may have been revealed back in 2011 when WHO announced their “decade of vaccines.” The objective for the decade of vaccination was a population reduction of 15% globally, which would be about 700 million people dead.
by Rhoda Wilson
OPEC+ Agrees To Cut Oil Production By Two Million Barrels Per Day
The organization, which includes Russia, Saudi Arabia and other oil producers, previously noted that it seeks to prevent volatility on the market. Countries of the OPEC+ agreed to cut their oil output by two million barrels per day on Wednesday, an official communique read. At the same time, the OPEC+ deal was extended until December 31, 2023. Previously, a source told Sputnik that all members voted in favor of the reduction after discussing oil market reports. The cuts are expected to enter into force this November. Previously, reports said that the cut was offered by the ministerial monitoring committee. The US reacted to the decision, with the White House saying that President Joe Biden is “disappointed”. It also pledged to liberate another ten million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the market next month. The price of Brent crude soared above $125 a barrel in February after Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine. The sanctions imposed against Moscow by the US, the EU, and Britain, resulted in skyrocketing gas and energy prices, however, over the following months, oil prices dropped well below $90.
by Evgeny Mikhaylov
The Importance Of Leadership In A Time Of Crisis: Why Putin’s Words Reflect A New Potential Trajectory For Humanity
During times of darkness and mass stupidity dev, there are some shining examples of greatness at play, Matthew Ehret writes.
It is nice to see that during times of darkness and mass stupidity devoid of moral leadership among so many once-great centers of western civilization, there are some shining examples of greatness at play. Not only are there examples of greatness, but in some instances, these examples have found expression within corridors of actual power which are shaping the contour of humanity’s future. Such is the case with today’s Russia, which has come a very long way since the dark days of Perestroika when the Russian economy, military, culture, and people were brutally eviscerated by the utopic fantasies of end-of-history ideologues championing the onset of a New World Order. Under this post-nation state/post-truth logic, the ancient civilizations of earth were supposed to be reset like a giant video game, shock therapied, and re-tooled like traumatized blank slates into a new synthetic “type” of depopulated humanity composed of drone-like zombies devoid of any residual pollution of family, national or religious traditions.
by Mathew Ehret
Jewish Lobbying To Classify You As A Domestic Terrorist (18:53)
by Chad Chaddington
Don’t Ask Me To Cheer The Doctors Belatedly Speaking Out About The Covid-19 Jabs
I have nothing but contempt for the doctors who, having seen that the personal risks are now slight, have belatedly popped their heads above the parapet to agree that the covid-19 jabs are neither safe nor effective. They are popping up all over the place and, bizarrely, being cheered for their ‘courage’. Mainstream media is suddenly giving airtime to doctors who are criticising vaccination. Doctors who received establishment approval for promoting covid jabs are now enjoying approval for criticising them. It’s difficult to believe that this isn’t a plan to create confusion and anger. Whatever the reason, it’s too damned late now. Millions of people have been jabbed with this toxic, experimental junk. Thousands have died. More have been mortally wounded by a jab they didn’t need and should never have been given. The truth was available, and clear to see, back in the autumn of 2020 – nearly two years ago. Check out the articles on my website. (My 300+ videos have been removed by the conspirators, of course, though you may be able to find them. How curious it is, and how suspicious, that YouTube now carries videos criticising the covid-19 jab. YouTube removed all my truthful videos, removed my channel and banned me for life from even looking at other people’s videos. My reputation and income were deliberately destroyed. What has changed? Well, tens of millions have been jabbed and the narrative has changed. Maybe the establishment wants to add more fear and anger into the mix and is using these Johnny-come-lately doctors to help create chaos.)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Ukraine’s Revenge On The West
As the balance of power shifts again in Ukraine, its reverberations will impact the very unity of the EU project
Vector politics in Ukraine has added new dimensions to the 222 day-old conflict. Typically, any conflict behavior should end when a new balance of powers has been determined. But the ‘balancing of powers’ will not end until a balance is actually achieved – and evidence abounds that Ukraine is about to enter yet another ‘re-balancing.’ Russian Duma’s ratification of the annexation of four regions of Ukraine (Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions), and the adoption of the relevant laws thereof, creates a new dynamic and will take some time to create a new balance of forces on the ground within Ukraine. Meanwhile, the external environment is also phenomenally transforming. The deepening energy crisis in Europe following the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines becomes a serious contradiction. There is no knowing how it can be reconciled. Thus, a complex situation presents itself, as all this is also happening against the backdrop of a massive Russian military build-up around Ukraine in the Kharkov region and in the southern Black Sea region, with long convoys of armor reportedly heading toward Crimea from Russia.
by MK Bhadrakumar
YouTuber With Over 8 Million Followers Exposes ‘Dark Side Of Birth Control Pill’
Dr. Eric Berg said the long-term effects of removing natural hormones from a woman’s body are quite dangerous, negatively affecting menopause, bone function, and even longevity.
A popular dietary expert on YouTube released a new video that explains the dangers of artificial birth control and advocates instead for a natural form of family planning. Dr. Eric Berg, a chiropractor and dietary expert with over 8 million subscribers on YouTube, posted a YouTube video with a discussion on the “dark side of the birth control pill” while exposing the negative effects the pill has on women and offering a natural alternative. “There is actually no real estrogen or progesterone in a birth control pill,” Berg said. “What you do have is a synthetic version altered in a way to mimic estrogen and progesterone.” Berg went on to say that what women do not realize is that replacing naturally produced estrogen and progesterone with an artificial version can lead to various complications. Among numerous health risks, the birth control pill can “increase your risk of heart attacks, blood pressure, strokes, blood clots, breast cancer, dementia, depression, acne, mood swings, [and] it can even trigger auto-immune diseases.” He went on to describe how birth control also depletes women of many necessary minerals such as zinc, selenium, and magnesium, and vitamins such as B12. “What a lot of women don’t realize is when you take this pill, you are shutting down the production of estrogen and progesterone,” he said.
by Mary Zwicker
Lost Footage Of Pentagon On 911 (1:14)
Putin ‘Surprised’ By Referendum Results
Outcome of the votes in Donbass and in Kherson and Zaporozhye regions is ‘conclusive and absolutely transparent,’ president said
Vladimir Putin has said that the level of support for joining Russia seen in referendums in Donbass, and the regions of Kherson and Zaporozhye has surpassed his own expectations. He also praised people who defied security risks during the voting. “Frankly speaking, I was not just happy, but surprised with the results of the referendums,” Putin said, during a video-conference with the winners of Russia’s Best Teachers contest on Wednesday. “The people were living and are still living in such difficult conditions, yet the result was [self-evident],” he added. The referendums in the four territories were staged between September 23 and 27, with the people overwhelmingly supporting becoming part of Russia. In Donetsk, the move was backed by 99.23% of those who came to the polls, with Lugansk showing a slightly lower figure of 98.42%. As for Zaporozhye Region, 93.11% cast their vote in favor of splitting from Ukraine and joining Russia there, with the result in Kherson Region being 87.05%.
by RT
It’s Only A ‘Conspiracy Theory’ When It Accuses The US Government
The western political/media class has been dismissing as “conspiracy theories” all claims that the US is likely responsible for last month’s sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, even while leveling the exact same accusations against Russia without ever using that term. Which probably says a lot about the way that label has been used over the years, if you think about it. At a UN Security Council meeting on Friday, US envoy Richard Mills repeatedly accused Russia of promoting “conspiracy theories” in its Nord Stream accusations against the United States, saying that “our Russian colleagues have decided to instrumentalize the Security Council meeting to spread conspiracy theories and disinformation.” “It’s important that we use this meeting not to foster conspiracy theories, but to focus our attention on Russia’s blatant violation of the Charter and its crimes in Ukraine,” Mills argues, after saying that “the United States categorically denies any involvement in this incident” and that there is no justification for “the Russian delegation raising conspiracy theories and mass disinformation in this Council.”
by Caitlin Johnstone
ACH (1921) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #88 – Meal Or No Meal (Audio 1:29:41)
In today’s show originally broadcast on September 26, 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Meal Or No Meal.”
We discussed: the Chris Rea YouTube video that we played during the show intro segment; musings on Chris Rea’s classic album “The Road To Hell” which was released in 1989; filenames and filenaming; why the banker is offering bugs and what we can do about it; this week’s, “if my democratic right to free speech did not probibit me from doing so I would,” segment; Ricky Gervais’ first appearance on “The 11 O’Clock Show” in 1999; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; Mustafa Pee and Mustafa Leak; a thought provoking email on Karl Marx; the scientists who want to burst cancer patients tumors with the herpes virus; Mallificus’ wistful recollections of his own vasectomy; identifying online trolls with the Daily Mail; the new stained glass window of Jesus in a migrant boat; why King Charles is one of the only people in the UK who does not have to pay inheritance tax; the veteran BBC presenter who was sacked for being 65 and a white male; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ news roundup of the week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Zelensky Signs Decree Ruling Out Peace Talks With Putin As ‘Impossible’
Zelensky says talks could only be held with Russia when there’s a new president
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday signed a decree that ruled out any talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, declaring they would be an “impossibility.” The decree was first put forward by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian newspaper Ukrainska Pravda, the decree states “the impossibility of holding negotiations with the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.” The move formalized comments that Zelensky made on Friday following Putin’s approval of annexing four Ukrainian territorites. “He does not know what dignity and honesty are. Therefore, we are ready for a dialogue with Russia, but with another president of Russia,” Zelensky said. Responding to Zelensky’s move, the Kremlin said it would wait until he changes his position or until there’s a new president in Kyiv to hold talks. “We will now wait either until the incumbent Ukrainian president changes his position, or until there is another president in Ukraine who will change his position for the sake of the Ukrainian people,” Peskov said.
by Dave DeCamp
Jewish Ritual Murder (1:14:41)
The Fountain Of Life: Water Droplets Hold The Secret Ingredient For Building Life
Purdue University chemists have uncovered a mechanism for peptide-forming reactions to occur in water—something that has puzzled scientists for decades. “This is essentially the chemistry behind the origin of life,” said Graham Cooks, the Henry Bohn Hass Distinguished Professor of Analytical Chemistry in Purdue’s College of Science.”This is the first demonstration that primordial molecules, simple amino acids, spontaneously form peptides, the building blocks of life, in droplets of pure water. This is a dramatic discovery.” This water-based chemistry, which leads to proteins and so to life on Earth, could also lead to the faster development of drugs to treat humanity’s most debilitating diseases. The team’s discovery was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
by Brittany Steff, Purdue University
Swiss National Bank “Monitoring” Credit Suisse Situation
What do credit traders know that equity traders are ignoring? While equity prices had risen for the last two days, dragged higher by the market’s melt-up, Credit Suisse credit risk continued to wide dramatically… So either CDS is drastically too high, and/or CS stock price is too high (or implied vol too low). SocGen analysts wrote this morning that Credit Suisse needs to aggressively deleverage its investment banking operations, suggesting that the stock’s recent decline reflects management leaning toward retaining IB trading operations and reports of it resurrecting the First Boston name. Analyst Andrew Lim says capital and liquidity ratios are robust, aggressive restructuring plan can be self-funded and wouldn’t need a capital increase. Additionally, HSBC said Credit Suisse has no immediate concerns around liquidity and funding. From a more systemic risk perspective, we note that, according to Neue Zürcher Zeitung, the Swiss government could provide liquidity to struggling lender Credit Suisse Group AG, tapping a state-backed safety net for big banks it plans to introduce. The government voted in favor of introducing a public liquidity backstop for systemically-relevant banks in March, the newspaper said. Officials commissioned the ministry of finance to work out details until mid-2023.
by Tyler Durden
BYD’s EV Sales Surpass Tesla By Nearly 200,000 In Q3, Remains World’s Top-Selling EV Manufacturer
China’s auto giant BYD has sold 537,164 units of new energy vehicles in the third quarter of this year, surpassing Tesla by nearly 200,000 vehicles and maintaining its position as the world’s biggest electric vehicle producer by sales. According to data newly released by Tesla and BYD on Monday evening, Tesla’s global sales were 343,830 vehicles in the third quarter, a year-on-year increase of 3 percent, which was lower than market expectations. Meanwhile, sales volume of BYD’s new energy passenger vehicles was 537,164 units, a year-on-year jump of 187.01 percent. In September alone, BYD’s new energy vehicle sales reached 201,259 units, compared with 71,099 units in the same period last year, a year-on-year surge of 249.56 percent, according to a filing it published on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Monday.
by Global Times
MAPS: East Or West? (Text and Videos)
“Is this what we want for our children, for our future? We will not accept this. We have our own future ahead of us.”
MAPS: Minor Attracted Persons: The left’s term for pedophiles to normalize pedophilia.
When the molester-in-chief and his son are paedos, it’s no longer just an open secret in the District of Corruption, it’s a national crisis that gets more brazen and daring. Any society that accepts this under the guise of “tolerance” is irredeemable.
by Good Citizen
15.7 Trillion New Reasons To Be Concerned About The National Debt
In case you’re wondering, total interest in the Fiscal Year that just ended last Friday is an unbelievable $706 BILLION. If rates keep rising, annual interest payments could increase to nearly $2 trillion. At the start of the Fiscal Year back on October 1, 2021, the national debt was $28.4 trillion. So over the course of the past twelve months, the debt increased by a whopping $2.5 trillion. That’s the second highest annual increase in the US national debt EVER, after the $4.2 trillion increase in the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year during the pandemic. Treasury securities are issued with specific maturities; similar to how a bank could issue a mortgage with a 30-year, 20-year, or 15-year term, the government issues bonds with varying maturities, ranging from 4 weeks all the way up to 30 years. And once the bond matures, whether that be after 4 weeks or 30 years, it needs to be repaid. This is the worrisome part. Because out of all the bonds that the US government has issued, the weighted average maturity is about FIVE years. This is a REALLY short average maturity for government bonds. To put this in context, the average maturity for Japanese government bonds is more than 9 years. For German government bonds it’s more than 13 years. In the UK it’s about 15 years. But, again, in the US, it’s just 5 years. And this means that, every year, approximately 20% (one-fifth) of US government bonds will mature and need to be repaid.
by Simon Black
Horrific!! Dr. Paul Thomas Hires Outside Firm To Track Vaccinated Kids – Here’s What He Found! (2:18)
Revenge Of The Neanderthal
According to a novel theory put forth by several diverse writers and researchers, Neanderthal man may not have died out after all, but his descendants (intermixed with others) may still be living among us today and are known collectively as “the Jews.” Not only the author but others have independently theorized that the Neanderthal is the true ancestors of the Jews. The following essay is an effort to examine this important and controversial theory. Accompanying the essay is a wide variety of material that provides a comprehensive foundation for the thesis.
by Willis Carto
The End Of Doctors’ Freedom To Ignore What The Government And Pharmaceutical Industry Say Should Worry Us All
On October 11th a Bill is to be presented to the Queensland Parliament which would impose draconian limits on what doctors can say to their patients. If passed, doctors will no longer be able to express their opinion or use their experience, training and education, if that opinion goes against what the Government health bureaucrats determine to be in the general interests of the public. The National Law originally came into being after the Commonwealth, States and Territories all entered into an intergovernmental agreement in 2008. By that agreement it was established the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (the National Law) would first become legislation passed by the Queensland parliament (s.6.3), which the other States and Territories would then mirror and pass via each of their parliaments (s.6.4), The same intergovernmental agreement established the Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council (s.7.1) charged with overseeing the National Law. Once passed into law by the Queensland parliament, all the other States and Territories are required to create virtually identical Bills and submit to their parliaments to be made law, thereby effecting the same amendments to the National Law of their State or Territory (s.13.4).
by Dr. Frank Mercy
The Nautilus Mega-Submarine That Scares The Shit Out Of NATO
On Sunday, NATO sent a note to the member countries of the alliance warning about the mobilization of the K-329 Belgorod submarine in the Arctic Ocean, El Periódico reports. According to the publication, the submarine attracted the attention of the alliance primarily because it carries the Poseidon nuclear torpedo, also known as the Torpedo of the Apocalypse. The largest and deadliest submarine in the world, K-329 Belgorod, has been at the disposal of the Russian army since July last year. The monster submarine was developed and launched in 2019 by the Sevmash shipbuilding company. On Sunday, seven months after the start of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, NATO sent a note to the member countries of the alliance warning about the mobilization of the ship in the Arctic Ocean. The submarine attracted the attention of the North Atlantic Alliance primarily because it carries the Poseidon hypersonic nuclear torpedo, also known as the Apocalypse Torpedo because of its destructive power.
by Michael Walsh
Case Study: Remission Of Metastatic Breast Cancer May Have Been Due To Use Of Cannabis Oil And Magic Mushrooms
A small team of medical researchers from the U.K. and the U.S. has found that a cancer patient may have put her cancer into remission by taking cannabis oil and magic mushrooms along with receiving a standard course of chemotherapy. In their paper published in the journal Drug Science, Policy and Law, the group describes their study of the circumstances surrounding the patient and the possible ramifications of her experiences. In 2018, a 49-year-old woman was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer—it had metastasized to her lymph nodes, liver and parts of her bones. Her prognosis was bleak, to say the least. She was immediately put on a course of chemotherapy. She also took it upon herself to begin ingesting both cannabis oil and psilocybin, a hallucinogenic alkaloid found in some mushrooms. The latter was given to her via a trained therapist.
by Bob Yirka
“Be Afraid, Be Actually Afraid”: Reporters Panic At The Thought Of Twitter Restoring Free Speech Protections
Twitter Logo“Be afraid, be actually afraid.” Those words from former Politico Magazine editor Garrett M. Graff captures the hyperventilation in the media this week. No it is not Vladimir Putin’s threat of unleashing a nuclear war or the word that our national debt has reached a staggering $31 trillion. No, it is the news that Elon Musk may go forward with the purchase of Twitter and . . . [trigger warning] . . . free speech protections might be restored on the platform. The pearl-clutching of various media and academic figures shows how engrained the censorship culture has become in the United States. After Musk indicated that he was going forward, the Twitter stock quickly soared. The news that Musk might bring an end to Twitter’s extensive censorship system had previously drawn people back to the platform. However, the media is in full panic mode that the control over speech could be loosened with Musk. Twitter employees also previously panicked at the thought that they might lose some of their control over the speech of others. NBC News reporter Ben Collins quickly raised the most immediate concern that the sudden ability to speak freely on Twitter could impact the midterm elections: “For those of you asking: Yes, I do think this site can and will change pretty dramatically if Musk gets full control over it. No, there is no immediate replacement. If it gets done early enough, based on the people he’s aligned with, yes, it could actually affect midterms.”
by by Jonathan Turley,
Euthanasia’s Slippery Slope by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (9:07)
Supreme Court To Look At Online Platforms’ Immunity
Two new cases could change the scope of Section 230’s liability protections.
The US Supreme Court has agreed to take on two cases that could reshape the liability protections apps, websites, and online platforms currently receive under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA). Currently, Section 230 of the CDA classifies apps, websites, and online platforms that host user-generated content as “interactive computer services.” Section 230 (c)(1) prevents providers of interactive computer services from being treated as the publisher or speaker of content posted by their users and Section 230 (c)(2) gives providers of interactive computer services immunity from civil liability if they act in “good faith” to moderate content.
by Tom Parker
The Targeted Killing Of Palestinians Is The Next Israeli Crime To Be Normalised
For decades, the international community has sought to portray the occupied West Bank as being distinct from Gaza by focusing on the Palestinian Authority in terms of diplomacy, and showcasing Ramallah as an example of prosperity. Israel’s colonial violence in the occupied West Bank and the PA’s “sacred” security collaboration to oppress Palestinians don’t suit this narrative. Neither does it suit the PA’s financial backers to speak about how Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem are also active in legitimate anti-colonial resistance, against both the PA and Israel. The truth is that while Palestinians’ experiences in Gaza differ from those of Palestinians under the PA in the occupied West Bank, colonial violence is a reality across the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel has the power to implement measures that can make both on a par in terms of violence, because it enjoys unparalleled international impunity.
by Ramona Wadi
The Hill Fires Jewish American Journalist For Calling Israel ‘Apartheid’ Entity
Jewish American journalist Katie Halper has been sacked by the corporate-owned US media outlet The Hill over defending a Congress member’s portrayal of Israel as an apartheid regime based on a list of facts. The 41-year-old journalist, known for her podcast titled “Rising” for The Hill TV, had drafted a factual monologue in defense of Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib against attacks on the Michigan lawmaker’s over her new anti-Israel comments. Tlaib found herself in hot water in the Democratic camp and among pro-Israel lobbying groups by saying recently, “I want you all to know that among progressives, it becomes clear that you cannot claim to hold progressive values yet back Israel’s apartheid government.” In the monologue for “Rising,” Halper, who was the program’s co-host, argued that the backlash against Tlaib was “outrageous” and criticized Israel’s unjust laws and brutalization of Palestinians. The monologue also included the definition of apartheid according to international law and quotations from human rights organizations such as Israel’s B’Tselem, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International, which have all accused the occupying regime of committing the crime of apartheid. Initially, executives at The Hill TV blocked Halper from broadcasting the segment. She was, however, fired from her job later as she spoke publicly about the censorship.
by PressTV
How The Federal Reserve Is Using The ‘Green Transition’ As A Pretext To Build An American Social Credit System
Europe shows us how a “pilot exercise” quickly becomes policy.
The Federal Reserve has offered a green light for the first component of an agenda dedicated to turning the American financial system in a complete censorship and surveillance regime, and all indications are that they intend to install further intrusions on liberty into the U.S. Dollar system under the guise of saving the planet from “climate change.” The Dossier reported last week on The Federal Reserve’s “pilot exercise” that is slated to both begin and conclude in 2023. In the piece, we discuss how what has become commonly referred to as ESG, or the climate change agenda, or the “green transition,” is acting as a trojan horse for the continuing centralization and the increasing of surveillance in the American financial system. Across the West, this movement is now acting as the chief catalyst for the implementation of Chinese Communist Party-like social credit score systems.
by Jordan Schachtel
Spike Protein From Vaccination Found In Heart And Brain After Autopsy
Wasn’t the vaccine meant to stay in the injection site?
A case report published two days ago in Vaccines Journal, confirms what we all know (from non-narrative scientists and the Pfizer documents) but has been denied since vaccination began. Another conspiracy theory come true. I’m struggling to find any conspiracy theories that don’t come true at the moment. This case report concerns a 76 year old man with Parkinson’s disease who died three weeks after his booster jab. His first dose in May 2021 was AstraZeneca and the subsequent two in July and December 2021 were Pfizer. After his first jab, he experienced cardiovascular symptoms which needed medical care and from which he recovered only slowly. After the second dose, he had behavioural and psychological changes, as well as a sudden onset of marked progressions of his Parkinson’s symptoms. After his third dose he suddenly collapsed and fell off his chair without coughing or any signs of food aspiration. After intense resuscitation he recovered before a week later silently collapsing again.
by The Naked Emperor
Be Kind, You Don’t Know Their Story, Help Someone Today (0:55)
Be Kind, You Don’t Know Their Story, Help Someone Today (0:55)
blurring the lines of the woke joke
a self defeating ideology reaches endgame and the world begins to heal
consider the possibility that when the sincere advocates of a movement can no longer be discerned from outlandish parodies of the same ethos that this may represent proof that the movement itself is a joke. perhaps trail blazed by the groundbreaking uber-troll “titania mcgrath” who fished in so, so many of the woke and anti-woke alike and set off huge arguments about whether this account was or was not real (before finally being discovered to belong to british comedian andrew dolye) the trend of super high quality parody accounts on social media has proliferated and flourished. more so than anything else, what has become manifestly clear is that the best way to parody the woke movement is to see how closely one can mimic it. is this account sincere or tongue in cheek jest? honestly, without poring over “her” tweets, would you really be willing to wager much either way on “activist or comedian”?
el gato malo
Nothing’s More Important Than Avoiding Nuclear War: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Avoiding nuclear war is the single most important agenda in the world. The single most important agenda in history. It is more important than your political faction. It is more important than how Vladimir Putin makes your feelings feel. It is more important than anything else. Whenever I say this I always get some liberal saying “Some things are worth dying for” or some shit. Actually, no. Nothing, literally nothing, is worth the obliteration of all life on earth. It’s not worth gambling all terrestrial life to please your dopey egocentric fixations. People who think nuclear brinkmanship is worth the risk either haven’t thought hard enough about what nuclear war is and what it would mean, or they just hate life and have some sick desire to see the end of everything. Either way they should be dismissed with extreme aggression.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Kiev Offers White House Targeting Control, Seeks Longer Range Weapons
The Ukrainian government is prepared to give the Joe Biden administration virtual control over its selection of Russian targets. Kiev made the proposal in a bid to receive longer-range weapons from the White House, according to multiple sources speaking with CNN. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will provide a full list of possible targets while allowing the White House to veto any of the potential sites. Kiev is hoping the increased transparency will pave the path to Biden authorizing more weapons transfers. Zelensky made the offer to Washington to alleviate concerns in the Biden administration that new weapons will be used to target Russian territory. However, Kiev, Washington and Moscow currently have different views on what is Russian versus Ukrainian territory. After a 2014 coup in Ukraine that saw US-backed elements overthrow a democratically elected government, Russia annexed the Crimea peninsula. Last week, Moscow claimed four additional regions of Ukraine as its own.
by Kyle Anzalone and Connor Freeman
Vaccine Safety Signal Analysis: Does The Ecological Fallacy Apply?
The Vaccine Wars Part LVI
Bottom Line Up Front: There is no Simpson’s paradoxing around a PRR safety signal. If a safety signal is triggered for the aggregate population, it must be triggered by at least one subpopulation. A little while ago Steve Kirsch called me and wanted to know if PRR analysis could suffer from a Simpson’s paradox. I immediately answered yes and said I could produce an example quickly. I turned out to be wrong, which took me some playing around to realize. I was able to generate signals in the aggregate that were not present in one or another subgroup: For the Bivalent Mouse-Tested Vaccine, there is no safety signal in the aggregate for the SAE of Watching Oprah for Medical Advice, though there is among the elderly. Similarly, there is no safety signal in the aggregate for Acute Myocardial Infarction, though there is among the young. Thus, the aggregate population can fail to yield a safety signal that would be present in one of the subgroup demographics
by Mathew Crawford
Hiroshima, Nagasaki, And Ukraine
As many people are beginning to realize but would rather not think about, the United States and Russia are moving perilously close to nuclear war. Russian President Putin has now openly pledged to defend Russian territory with “all the forces and means at our disposal.” U.S. President Biden has responded that Russia will suffer “catastrophic consequences” if it resorts to the use of nuclear weapons. As Putin has correctly pointed out, it is the U.S. government that has established the precedent for the wartime use of nuclear weapons. That, of course, was the U.S. atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II. Let’s review the justification that U.S. officials cite for targeting those two cities with nuclear bombs. U.S. officials, as well as many of their supporters in the mainstream press, have long maintained that the U.S. government was justified in nuking those two cities because, they say, it shortened the war. In the process, they say that the bombings saved thousands of American men whose lives would have been lost if it had become necessary to invade Japan.
by Jacob G. Hornberger
Three Scientists Share Nobel Prize In Physics For Work In Quantum Mechanics
Three scientists jointly won this year’s Nobel Prize in physics Tuesday for proving that tiny particles could retain a connection with each other even when separated, a phenomenon once doubted but now being explored for potential real-world applications such as encrypting information. Frenchman Alain Aspect, American John F. Clauser and Austrian Anton Zeilinger were cited by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for experiments proving the “totally crazy” field of quantum entanglements to be all too real. They demonstrated that unseen particles, such as photons, can be linked, or “entangled,” with each other even when they are separated by large distances. Bits of information or matter that used to be next to each other even though they are now separated have a connection or relationship—something that can conceivably help encrypt information or even teleport. A Chinese satellite now demonstrates this and potentially lightning fast quantum computers, still at the small and not quite useful stage, also rely on this entanglement. Others are even hoping to use it in superconducting material. “It’s so weird,” Aspect said of entanglement in a telephone call with the Nobel committee. “I am accepting in my mental images something which is totally crazy.”
by Phys.org
A Message To The Government… (0:57)
Everything That’s Going Wrong Was Planned By The Conspirators
I repeatedly see and hear people complain about what a terrible coincidence it is that everything is happening so quickly: the fake pandemic, the toxic vaccine, the designer war, the soaring energy prices, the collapsing economy. I weep inside when I hear this. Nothing is happening by accident. Why can’t people see past the headlines? Why don’t they think? Don’t they care what is happening to themselves, their loved ones and the world? Don’t they care about the future their children and grandchildren are going to inherit? When I studied medicine we were taught to try to tie all a patient’s signs and symptoms together to find a common cause: a diagnosis which would explain all signs and symptoms. (I don’t think doctors are taught this today. These days, students are taught how to give vaccines and how to add up the money they’re earning. That’s it.) So, to give a simple example: if a patient had a cough and was losing weight we were taught to look for a disease that would explain both symptoms. The same principle can, surely, be applied to the rest of life.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Bombshell Dominion ‘Error Code’ Uncovered In 97% Of Georgia Counties
Open records requests reveal 64 of 66 Georgia counties have the same unsolved ‘Tennessee Error’ that caused seven scanners to miscount hundreds of ballots.
In a podcast episode released last week Thursday, David Cross and Kevin Moncla of the Election Oversight Group reveal that open records request from 64 of 66 Georgia counties show the same security error “QR code signature mismatch” and warning message “Ballot format or id is unrecognizable” that caused seven scanners to miscount hundreds of ballots in Williamson County, Tennessee. The “Tennessee Error” is an “anomaly” discovered on Dominion’s Image Cast Precinct (ICP) Tabulators (also referred to as “scanners”) that occurred during a Williamson County election held on October 26, 2021. The Election Assistance Commission (EAC) defines an anomaly as “an irregular or inconsistent action or response from the voting system or the system component, which resulted in the system or component not functioning as intended or expected.” In Williamson County, an election worker tallying votes on a post-it note realized that hundreds of ballots removed from a tabulator did not get counted. Even though that tabulator never signaled that a problem occurred.
by KanekoaTheGreat
North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan
The launch prompted warning sirens while citizens in Northern Japan were instructed to take shelter
North Korea has launched a ballistic missile that travelled over Japan and landed in the Pacific Ocean, Reuters reported. The launch was Pyongyang’s fifth launch 10 days and comes after the U.S. and South Korea held joint-military drills. Intelligence officials believe North Korea is preparing its first nuclear test in over five years. The missile, which was detected by the Japanese coast guard and South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, prompted warning sirens in northern Japan. Residents were urged to take shelter while transportation services in the Hokkaido and Aomori regions were temporarily suspended. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida condemned the launch as a “barbaric act” while South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol warned of a “resolute” response, Yonhap news agency reported. Both leaders convened meetings with their defense councils immediately following the launch. Japan’s public broadcaster NHK said the missile flew for some 4,000 km (2,485 miles) reaching an altitude of 1,000 km (621 miles) before falling into the Pacific Ocean after about 22 minutes in the air. It was launched from the North of the country, not far from the border with China.
by Cullen McCue
J6 Prisoner Beaten And Blinded By Guards Now Being Pressured Not To Speak To Gateway Pundit After Recent Interview – Feds Tell His Wife She Can’t Speak To Him Anymore
Here comes another reminder that the FBI and DOJ have been weaponized against half the country and need to be either severely reorganized or disbanded. Last week, Gateway Pundit published an interview with J6 prisoner Ryan Samsel. In the interview, Samsel went into great detail about the three (3) separate occasions on which he was beaten by federal prison guards. The beatings resulted in: Blindness in one eye. Blood clots from being tied to a chair for 12 hours. Broken bones in his face. Fractured skull. Broken nose. Ruptured Kidney. Black eyes and severe bruising to his face. Then, after receiving some initial medical treatment, precancerous growths were spotted on his chest. The doctors recommended that Ryan receive treatment and surgery that would require he be transferred off-site to be seen by a specialist. True to form, the Department of Justice (injustice?) prosecutor, Karen Rocklin, vigorously opposed the surgery and biopsy. Ryan was left without treatment to rot in his prison cell. Ryan Samsel lives in fear for his life because of federal prison guard thugs and DOJ prosecutors. We’ll just have to hope the judge grants him the needed medical treatment at some point.
by Jim Hoft
Informed Consent Action Network Obtains CDC V-Safe Data
ICAN has now obtained CDC data for the approximate 10 million v-safe users. As explained in our prior update, v-safe is a new smartphone-based CDC program that allows users to register after getting a Covid-19 vaccine and provide health check-ins. ICAN wanted to obtain this data. So, it deployed its legal team, headed by Aaron Siri, to obtain the v-safe data. After suing the CDC twice, and following months of legal wrangling, the CDC finally capitulated, resulting in a court order that required it to produce this data. The first batch of data, containing 144 million rows of health entries by v-safe users, has now been obtained by ICAN and you can search it using a user-friendly interface that ICAN worked around the clock to create. This first batch of data includes the responses v-safe users provided to pre-populated ‘check-the-box’ fields. It does not include data from the fields that allowed free-text responses. It nonetheless reveals shocking information that should have caused the CDC to immediately shut down its Covid-19 vaccine program. Among numerous alarming results, out of the approximate 10 million individuals that registered and submitted data to v-safe, 782,913 individuals, or over 7.7% of v-safe users, had a health event requiring medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalization. Over 25% had an event that required them to miss school or work and/or prevented normal activities.
Speech Police: UK Writer Caroline Farrow Arrested, Accused Of Posting “Offensive” Message Online
Despite government’s proposals to stop it, British citizens are still being arrested over alleged speech offenses.
Police officers from the United Kingdom’s (UK’s) Surrey Police force arrested journalist Caroline Farrow after she was reported for allegedly posting a “grossly offensive message.” The officers seized Farrow’s electronic devices, questioned her at Guildford Police Station, and released her under investigation. Farrow has denied posting the messages, said that she was falsely accused of posting messages wrote by other people, and described the police’s actions as “absurd.” “I haven’t sent any threatening or indecent messages,” Farrow tweeted. “I was shown posts from KiwiFarms written by other people. I suspect these are the grossly indecent and threatening messages.”
by Tom Parker
‘Shot In The Dark’ Bioweapon With Barbara Loe Fisher | Unrestricted Truths Ep. 191 (1:01:06)
Blinken: Whodunnit, Who Cares? It’s A Tremendous Opportunity!
Remember Blinken’s initial, reflexive, response to the US sabotage of the Nordstream pipelines? It was to gaslight: Nobody benefits from this. Get it? It was all a big mystery, so don’t bother asking, Cui bono? There’s no point. Of course, as economist Michael Hudson pointed out, that bit of gaslighting wasn’t going to have much of a shelf life-If nobody benefited from the sabotage, how do you explain the incontrovertible fact that somebody did do it? This wasn’t some teen prank. This was the sort of state sponsored terrorism that only a handful of countries had the technical means to pull off, and state actors don’t do drastic deeds of this sort unless they see a clear benefit. All an inquiring mind needs to do is to take that short list of capable countries and ask, Which country on the list benefits? Not Russia, for sure. And no other country on the list would dare attempt this stunt without a go ahead from the US-what country would dare launch an attack on such a significant bit of Russian infrastructure of enormous economic value without US backing?
by Mark Wauck
A.G. Garland Gets Horrible News After Confessing To Unconstitutional Trump Raid
When the FBI raided former President Donald Trump’s Florida home, Mar-a-Lago, it crossed boundaries that have not gone unnoticed by the public. The FBI’s raid was allegedly tied to boxes of classified information that Trump had supposedly taken to his Florida estate. Even though Trump immediately and repeatedly stated that the documents in his possession had been declassified by none other than himself before he left the Oval Office and were slated for his upcoming presidential museum, a smokescreen of uncertainty was cast over the documents by the DOJ. Trump’s request for a special master, an independent reviewer of the documents, was rejected by the DOJ who felt only they should review the documents but a federal judge did appoint the special master and that review is now in process. But the public response to the raid is not what Democrats would have hoped.
by Liza Carlisle
5 Food-Medicines That Could Quite Possibly Save Your Life
Some of the most powerful medicines on the planet are masquerading around as foods and spices. While they do not lend themselves to being patented, nor will multi-billion dollar human clinical trials ever be funded to prove them efficacious, they have been used since time immemorial to both nourish our bodies, and to prevent and treat disease. So valued were these in ancient times that they were worth their weight in gold, and entire civilizations either rose to great power or collapsed as a result of their relationship to them. What is even more amazing is that many of these “plant allies” are found growing in our backyards, and often sitting there in our refrigerators and spice racks, neglected and under appreciated. In fact, many of us use these daily unaware that this is why we don’t get sick as often as those who do not incorporate them into their diet. Let’s look at a few examples….
by Sayer Ji
A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind (.pdf Book)
A great book about the history of the international finance and it’s dark role in many historical eras.
by Stephen Mitford Goodson
The Rise And Risks Of Central Bank Digital Currencies
When asked if a United States CBDC would be used to control how, when and where the population spends their money, a senior vice president for the St. Louis Fed’s Research Division responded, “in life, one can’t give absolute assurance of anything…The best we can hope for, is for Congress to respond to the electorate’s concerns about privacy.” However, signals by the Biden regime and the Federal Reserve indicate they intend to move forward on a CBDC, regardless of any approval from Congress, industry leaders or the public. In fact, there are a growing number of research and pilot programs in various phases of development in America and around the world, despite public concerns of an impending digital currency enslavement system tied to a digital ID and social credit system.
by The Sharp Edge
ACH (1920) Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #21 – The Murder Of The Russian Royal Family (Audio 19:59)
In today’s show originally broadcast on September 25, 2022, Andy presents a show entitled, “Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #21 – The Murder Of The Russian Royal Family,” that was written by Dr. Peter Hammond.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
“The Money Power preys upon the Nation in times of peace
and conspires against it in the hour of its calamity.
It is more despotic than Monarchy,
more insolent than Aristocracy, more selfish than Bureaucracy.
It accumulates by conscious fraud more money than it can use.
It denounces as public enemies all who question its methods
or throw a light upon its crimes.
It can only be overthrown by the awakened conscience of the Nation.”
William Jennings Bryan, New York Reception, 1906

Western Media Says Russia Blew Up Nord Stream. But Why Would Moscow Destroy Pipelines It Spent Billons Of Dollars Building?
It’s pretty easy to see who benefited from the destruction of the infrastructure, and it’s not state energy giant Gazprom
Several days on from news of the explosions, details surrounding the deliberate sabotage of the two Nord Stream pipelines remain opaque and uncertain, although the Western media is certain of one thing – Moscow itself is to blame. That’s right, writers and editors either believe, or are pretending to believe, that Russia blew up infrastructure that it poured billions of dollars into building. The same country they routinely, and falsely, smear as a “mafia state.” One wonders have they paused to ponder what sort of crime syndicate would destroy one of its chief revenue streams? Especially after spending over €23 billion on building the infrastructure, according to Gazprom’s own statements. That would, of course, require self-awareness. But there’s little time for that when they have propaganda to push. Moscow, as it happens, believes the truth lies elsewhere. As President Vladimir Putin said on Friday, “those who benefit are responsible, of course,” alluding to the involvement of what he called the “Anglo-Saxons.” A Russian turn of phrase which basically means the US and its allies, led by Britain.
by RT
Who Profits From Pipeline Terror?
Secret talks between Russia and Germany to resolve their Nord Stream 1 and 2 issues had to be averted at any cost
The War of Economic Corridors has entered incandescent, uncharted territory: Pipeline Terror. A sophisticated military operation – that required exhaustive planning, possibly involving several actors – blew up four separate sections of the Nord Stream (NS) and Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gas pipelines this week in the shallow waters of the Danish straits, in the Baltic Sea, near the island of Bornholm. Swedish seismologists estimated that the power of the explosions may have reached the equivalent of up to 700 kg of TNT. Both NS and NS2, near the strong currents around Borholm, are placed at the bottom of the sea at a depth of 60 meters.
The pipes are built with steel reinforced concrete, able to withstand impact from aircraft carrier anchors, and are basically indestructible without serious explosive charges. The operation – causing two leaks near Sweden and two near Denmark – would have to be carried out by modified underwater drones.Every crime implies motive. The Russian government wanted – at least up to the sabotage – to sell oil and natural gas to the EU. The notion that Russian intel would destroy Gazprom pipelines is beyond ludicrous. All they had to do was to turn off the valves. NS2 was not even operational, based on a political decision from Berlin. The gas flow in NS was hampered by western sanctions. Moreover, such an act would imply Moscow losing key strategic leverage over the EU.
Diplomatic sources confirm that Berlin and Moscow were involved in a secret negotiation to solve both the NS and NS2 issues. So they had to be stopped – no holds barred. Geopolitically, the entity that had the motive to halt a deal holds anathema a possible alliance in the horizon between Germany, Russia, and China.
by Pepe Escobar
US Is Recalibrating The Power Dynamic In East Mediterranean. Can South Asia Be Far Behind?
A mild flutter ensued after External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar’s recent meeting with his Turkiye counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in New York on September 21 when it came to be known that Cyprus figured in their discussion. Jaishankar highlighted it in a tweet. The Indian media instinctively related this to Turkish President Recep Erdogan making a one-line reference to the Kashmir issue earlier that day in his address to the UN GA. But Jaishankar being a scholar-diplomat, would know that Cyprus issue is in the news cycle and the new cold war conditions breathe fresh life into it, as tensions mount in the Turkish-Greek rivalry, which often draws comparison with the India-Pakistan animosity, stemming from another historical “Partition” — under the Treaty of Lausanne (1923) that ended the Ottoman Empire. The beauty about peace treaties is that they have no ‘expiration date’ but the Treaty of Lausanne was signed for a period of a hundred years between Turkiye on one side and Britain, France, Italy, Greece, and their allies on the other. The approaching date heightens the existential predicament at the heart of Turkiye’s foreign policy.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
The American Brand: Soon To Be The Most Despised
It has become obvious that the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines were sabotaged by America’s Secret Government. This action was taken to destroy the daily lives of Europeans. The lack of natural gas will reduce the amount of fertilizer available for crops making starvation inevitable for people who thought they were well off and loved by their government. The British and European leadership are slavishly following dictates given to them by the US and the World Economic forum at Davos. They are taking hundreds of thousands of acres of farm land out of production to prevent “Global Warming.” Even Ireland which lost millions of people to famine is telling farmers to cut back on their herds of sheep by 50%. Meanwhile Clayton Morris is telling us that British children are so hungry that they are eating the erasers from their pencils. Britain was already killing the elderly in hospitals by denying them food and water. They are even euthanizing their elderly with drugs that make breathing difficult.
by Video Rebel
US Doesn’t See Ukraine As NATO Ally, But As De Facto Cannon Fodder
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced Friday local time he would pursue fast-track NATO membership, yet the application failed to draw
enthusiasm from the US. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan articulated that it was “not the right time” for Ukraine’s admission to the alliance and the application “should be taken up at a different time.” His underlying message was: The US does not need Ukraine as a NATO member, but needs Ukraine, rather than the whole of NATO, to fight against Russia. To make his message clearer, Sullivan continued that he believed the best way to help Ukraine is to provide practical assistance “on the ground.” On Saturday, Zelensky thanked US President Joe Biden for signing a bill that will provide more than $12 billion in additional funding for Ukraine. The US won’t cease sending strategic assistance to Ukraine. But whether or not to soon absorb the country into NATO is another story. The value of Ukraine as a pawn has not yet been fully exploited by the US. Before Russia is exhausted by the war, the US will have no appetite to end the crisis, or stop taking advantage of Ukraine.
by Global Times
Supreme Court To Hear Case Challenging Tech Industry’s Section 230 Immunity
The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to weigh in on whether tech companies should be allowed immunity over ‘problematic’ content posted by users. The case at hand alleges that YouTube aided and abetted the killing of an American in coordinated 2015 terrorist attacks carried out by ISIS, which killed 130 people. The family of one of the victims, Nohemi Gonzalez, has argued that YouTube’s active role in recommending videos overcomes the liability shield for internet companies enacted by Congress in 1996 as part of the Communications Decency Act. Section 230 of that act absolves online platforms of liability from content posted by users – and has come under fire in recent years, with the right claiming that it allows companies to inappropriately censor conservative views, and the left saying it allows social media companies to spread dangerous right-wing wrongthink, CBS News reports.
by Tyler Durden
The Cuban Missile Crisis At 60: Six Timeless Lessons For Arms Control
October marks the 60th anniversary of the most dangerous crisis in recorded history. In October 1962, U.S. President John Kennedy faced off with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in an eyeball to eyeball confrontation, each with his nation’s nuclear arsenal in hand. In the midst of the crisis, in a quiet aside with his brother, Kennedy offered his estimate that the risks of nuclear war were between one in three and even. Nothing that historians have discovered in the decades since has lengthened these odds. Had this crisis ended in nuclear war, hundreds of millions of people in the Soviet Union, the United States, and Europe could have experienced sudden death. As the best documented major crisis in history, in substantial part because Kennedy secretly taped the deliberations in which he and his closest advisers were weighing choices they knew could lead to a catastrophic war, the Cuban missile crisis has become the canonical case study in nuclear statecraft. Over the decades since, key lessons from the crisis have been adapted and applied by the successors of Kennedy and Khrushchev to inform fateful choices. Of the many lessons from this nearly apocalyptic episode, six offer timeless insights for arms control.
by Graham Allison
Credit Suisse Board Meeting (0:35)
Credit Suisse Board Meeting (0:35)
Biden’s Abysmal Response To The Killing Of Shireen Abu Akleh
The administration is signaling that Israel is held to a different, lower standard than anyone else despite their abuses. This is folly.
On May 11, an Israeli soldier killed Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in Jenin, and months later the perpetrator of this outrageous crime is still no closer to being brought to justice. The need to hold the shooter accountable is clear. A new investigation by the Palestinian human rights organization Al Haq confirmed the findings of multiple reports from the UN, human rights groups, and media outlets earlier in the year, and their investigation shows that Abu Akleh was targeted and killed while clearly wearing a vest identifying her as a member of the press. The report also confirmed that no other shots were fired in the area on that morning except for the bullets coming from the position of Israeli forces, so there was no fighting in the vicinity and no possibility that the shooting occurred in a crossfire. Shireen Abu Akleh was shot at with such precision that there can be no doubt that she was deliberately targeted.
by Daniel Larison
800 Palestinians Held Without Charge In Israel: Rights Group
Israeli prison authorities claim they use administrative detention to disrupt and prevent attacks from ‘militants’ without disclosing ‘sensitive intelligence’
Israeli human rights organization HaMoked revealed on 2 October that Tel Aviv currently has 800 Palestinians in detention without trial and clarified charges, the highest number since 2008. According to the organization, it regularly meets with figures from the Israeli prison authorities who report that 798 Palestinians are currently held in so-called administrative detention, and have been for months. The prisoners are not informed of the details of their charges and are not allowed to access the evidence presented against them. HaMoked reported that the number of administrative detainees has risen this year, as Israel constantly launches night-time raids in the West Bank in response to a series of attacks against Israelis led by Palestinian resistance groups. Israeli prison authorities claim they use administrative detention to disrupt and prevent attacks from “militants” without disclosing “sensitive intelligence.” Palestinians and countless human rights groups insist that placing people in detention without knowledge of their crime is abuse by the Israeli authorities, as it denies freedom without due process.
by News Desk
Girls At Vermont School Banned From Changeroom For Objecting To Presence Of ‘Transgender’ Male Student
Biological males who call themselves female now have more of a claim on being girls than actual girls.
A week ago, I wrote a column for LifeSiteNews on how girls and women are the ignored victims of the transgender movement’s push to permit biological males who identify as women into female-only spaces. Most girls do not want to change in front of biological males. Any sane person can understand why. This is not hard to understand. Girls have reported boys identifying as girls gawping at them, getting aroused in the changeroom, and being made to feel uncomfortable. In response, the adults in charge have told them to shut their mouths and change anyway. There have been dozens of such stories in the last couple of years, but the recent decision of officials at a Vermont high school may be the worst of them. According to members of the Randolph Union High School girls’ volleyball team, a “transgender” student in their locker room made “an inappropriate comment” while they were changing. In response, some of the girls objected to the biological male changing with them. The result? School officials have banned the girls from their own changeroom and have emailed parents to tell them that an investigation is underway to determine whether the “transgender” student has been harassed.
by Jonathon Van Maren
The Narrative That This War Was “Unprovoked” Prevents Peace
Vladimir Putin has approved the annexation of four territories in eastern Ukraine, whose addition to the Russian Federation now await authorization from Russia’s other branches of government. The Zelensky government responded to the move by applying to join NATO, only to be immediately shut down by US and NATO officials. Can’t have sacrificial pawns trying to rise above their station on the grand chessboard, after all. But the empire’s proxy war against Russia continues, and the Ukrainian government has announced its intentions to drive out Russia from all of the Ukrainian territories it has claimed as its own. “For our plans, [Russia’s annexation] doesn’t matter,” Zelensky advisor Mykhailo Podolyak told Politico, adding that Ukraine will “protect our land using all our forces” and “should liberate all its territories.”
by Caitlin Johnstone
State Duma Ratifies Agreements On DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye And Kherson Regions Joining Russia
The ratification comes on the heels of a ceremony in the Kremlin on Friday at which President Vladimir Putin and the leaders of the Donbass republics and the pro-Russian administrators of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions signed treaties on the regions’ admission into the Russian Federation. The State Duma unanimously ratified treaties on the admission of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions into Russia on Monday. “The Russian Federation [now] has 89 constituent entities. We are together,” Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said shortly after the treaties’ ratification. “The entry of [the new territories] is the only way to save millions of lives from the criminal regime in Kiev – to stop the shelling of civilians, the elderly, women, children. To protect their rights to their native language, culture, history, and faith.” The agreements, which were signed in the Kremlin on September 30, now require formal ratification by the Federation House – Russia’s upper house of parliament. The body is expected to consider the matter on Tuesday.
by Ilya Tsukanov
GPs Kill Retail But Hospitals Kill Wholesale
Hospitals are terrible places. People die in them. You should go into hospital only as a last resort. And you should escape the minute you can. As a doctor I am ashamed, saddened and embarrassed to have to tell you this but hospital patients are routinely neglected, humiliated and left in pain. Thousands of patients have died as a result of poor treatment. One independent enquiry documented cases where patients had been left unwashed for up to a month and left without food, drink and medical treatment. The conclusion was that managers had been ‘preoccupied with cost-cutting, targets and processes’ and had lost sight of their basic responsibilities. Astonishingly, none of the responsible managers responsible was taken to court. Nor were any of the doctors and nurses punished.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Oxyana by Sean Dunne [2013 Documentary) (1:18:05)
“The launch of OxyContin tablets will be followed by a blizzard of prescriptions that will bury the competition. The prescription blizzard will be so deep, dense, and white.” Richard Sackler
UN Tells WEF How It Partners With Tech Platforms To Promote Narratives
“We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do” — Melissa Fleming
The World Economic Forum (WEF) held the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings, where unelected groups held a “Tackling Disinformation” panel, with participants including the UN, Brown University, and even CNN. The panel discussed how best to control narratives on issues like climate change and COVID-19. The UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, Melissa Fleming, noted that the UN had partnered with Big Tech companies, including Google and TikTok, to control narratives surrounding COVID and climate change. “We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do,” she said. The UN said it partnered with Google to influence search results on climate change so that narratives from “authoritative” sources would appear at the top of search results. “We partnered with Google,” said Fleming. “For example, if you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources.
by Christina Maas
Israel Now Using AI Technology To Kill Palestinians
Israel has a long track record of testing weapons technology on Palestinians it rules over in the occupied territories, however, the Israeli military’s latest move has gone on pretty much unnoticed. Israeli AI-powered rifles and crowd control technology is now in action, with potentially lethal consequences. Tensions inside the Israeli occupied West Bank are continuing to escalate, in a year of violence not witnessed inside the territory since 2007. Following a lethal Israeli invasion of Jenin refugee camp, in the north of the West Bank, resulting in 4 Palestinians being killed and 44 injured, Israel’s military seems to have gotten the green-light for even greater horrors. The chief of staff for the Israeli army, Aviv Kohavi, was reported to have permitted the usage of attack drones to launch airstrike assassinations inside the territory, something that had previously only taken place in the Gaza Strip. Even more shocking, in the past weeks, Palestinians have noted another appalling development; Israel is deploying AI-powered guns at checkpoints and on military vehicles. The most prominently reported instance of an AI-rifle system being deployed is the system at an Israeli checkpoint in the city of Al-Khalil (Hebron). The Israeli company, called ‘Smart Shooter’, is responsible for the creation of this new technology, which the Israeli military has claimed was installed in the Shuhada street checkpoint as a prototype for testing purposes.
by Robert Inlakesh
Is The Real Covid Pharmaceutical Bonanza Just Getting Started?
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which is not a manufacturer of a Covid vaccine and thus did not benefit from Covid vaccine sales, recently announced second quarter 2022 results that surpassed expectations. This has enabled an upward adjustment in the profit forecast for the full year 2022. The Telegraph reported that GSK shares are up 44% from last spring. Sales of GSK’s shingles vaccine, Shingrix, was the main driver of growth. Shingrix sales more than doubled in the second quarter, being April to June 2022, pushing up total GSK sales by 13%. Shingrix is a relatively new shingles vaccine that my doctor tells me is considered an improvement on Zostervax, the traditional shingles vaccine. However, Shingrix is not cheap. A two dose course in Hong Kong costs £600, in the U.K. £440 and in the U.S. around $300. Allowing for distributor and retail margins, I estimate that GSK’s income would be about one third of the retail price. Let’s assume therefore that GSK earns £150 per two dose course on a worldwide average basis.
by Nicholas Williams
US Helicopters Circled Over Nord Stream For Weeks
More and more disturbing details are coming to light in connection with the bombing of the Nordstream pipeline in the Baltic Sea.
The Arabic news channel Al Mayadeen reported that weeks before the attack, US helicopters were circling over the sea area where the fatal explosions took place on September 26 with a striking frequency. This can be reconstructed using the flight data from the online service “Flightradar24”. According to this, at the beginning of September, just under a month before the attack, a US Navy Sikorsky MH-60R “Seahawk” helicopter was circling for hours on several consecutive days – especially on September 1, 2 and 3 later over the area of the damaged natural gas pipelines not far from the island of Bornholm. According to the aircraft tracking portal, the US helicopter flew from Gdansk to the area where the Nordstream pipelines were several times.
by Free West Media
Jewess UN Official At WEF: “We Own The Science And We Think That The World Should Know It” (0:42)
Jewess UN Official At WEF: “We Own The Science And We Think That The World Should Know It” (0:42)
Mouse Study Suggests Genetics Of Longevity Are Influenced By Both Gender And Age
A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in Switzerland and the U.S. reports evidence that the genetics of longevity are influenced by both gender and age. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes their study of aging in mice and humans. João Pedro de Magalhães, with the University of Birmingham, has published a Perspective piece in the same journal issue outlining the technical challenges to understanding how aging works and the work done by the team on this new effort. Scientists have been studying the aging process for many years but still do not have a good explanation for why organisms age and why some live longer than others. In this new effort, the researchers wondered if something in the genome plays a role in how long a species lives on average.
by Bob Yirka
The Democratic Party, Now The Leading Party Of War
No votes for warhawks, no matter the Party
Last May a remarkable column by Stephen Kinzer appeared in the Boston Globe. It was headlined: “Republicans Return To Their Roots As The Antiwar Party.” More significantly, the subheading ran: “Since the Vietnam era, Americans have come to expect antiwar rhetoric from liberal Democrats. Cancel that.” It began: “With Americans now engulfed in passion for Ukraine, it wasn’t surprising that President Biden proposed sending $33 billion worth of weaponry and other aid to Ukraine’s beleaguered military. Nor was it surprising that Congress raised the number to $40 billion, or that both the Senate and House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly in favor. Hidden within that lopsided vote, though, was a shocker: Every single “no” vote – 11 in the Senate and 57 in the House – came from a Republican. “Since the Vietnam era, Americans have come to expect antiwar rhetoric from liberal Democrats. Cancel that. This month’s votes in Washington signal a dramatic role reversal. Suddenly it is conservative Republicans who oppose US involvement in foreign wars.”
by John V. Walsh
WAFA Documents 26 Israeli Violations Against Palestinian Journalists And Media In September
RAMALLAH, Saturday, October 1, 2022 (WAFA) – The Palestinian News and Information Agency, WAFA, documented 26 Israeli violations against Palestinian journalists and media in the occupied territories during September. It said in its monthly report on Israeli violations against journalists and media outlets published today that the Israeli occupation forces continued to deliberately target Palestinian journalists with an aim to limit their coverage of the Israeli army practices and violations against the defenseless Palestinian citizens. The report said 11 journalists were hurt in September from rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters fired by soldiers, as well as severe beatings and other attacks. In addition, 13 cases were recorded in which soldiers detained, seized press cards or opened fire at journalists without causing injury, while two cases were documented in which soldiers damaged press equipment and attacked media outlets.
US Government Plans To Develop AI That Can Unmask Anonymous Writers
A writing fingerprint.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said that the Intelligence Advanced Projects Activity (IARPA) is working on a program to unmask anonymous writers by using AI to analyze their writing style which is seen as potentially being as unique as a fingerprint. “Humans and machines produce vast amounts of text content every day. Text contains linguistic features that can reveal author identity,” IARPA said. If successful, IARPA believes the Human Interpretable Attribution of Text Using Underlying Structure (HIATUS) program could identify a writer’s style from different samples and modify those patterns to further anonymize the writing. “We have a strong chance of meeting our goals, delivering much-needed capabilities to the Intelligence Community, and substantially expanding our understanding of variation in human language using the latest advances in computational linguistics and deep learning,” said HIATUS program manager Dr. Timothy McKinnon.
by Cindy Harper
Radiation (Ultrasound) Dangers: Jim Rizoli Interviews Jeanice Barcelo (1:02:44)
Great Discussion About The Dangers Of Radiation Particularly Ultrasound For The Preborn
Nord Stream Explosions Are A ‘Tremendous Opportunity’ – US
Washington can now step in as Europe’s top supplier of LNG, the Biden administration explained
The US views the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines as a “tremendous opportunity” to wean EU states off Russian energy, Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters on Friday. With winter approaching, Blinken said that the US wants the bloc to use less fuel. Washington has for years been trying to convince EU leaders to swap Russian gas for its LNG. The severity of the damage to the undersea conduits now means that the bloc is “indefinitely deprived” of Russian gas via this route, Russian energy operator Gazprom stated on Friday. Speaking to reporters in Washington, Blinken boasted that the US is now “the leading supplier of [liquefied natural gas] to Europe.” In addition to shipping its own fuel to Europe, Blinken said that the US is working with European leaders to find ways to “decrease demand” and “speed up the transition to renewables.” “It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from [Russian President] Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs,” Blinken declared.
by RT
Jewish Ritual Murder (Books)
The Barnes Review History Magazine Now Carries A Nine-Book Series
Europe Suffers, But Continues To Impose Sanctions As America Profits
The introduction of the eighth package ramping up the economic war on Russia by the Brussels led European Union testifies to the complete loss of Europe’s independence, writes the Chinese newspaper Global Times.
‘The European Union is so dependent on the United States that it obediently follows any instructions from America when it comes to Russia. The reckless actions of the EU can turn into a catastrophe not only for the European continent but for the entire geopolitical situation in the world. ‘Europe’s energy problems are becoming more and more serious. The recent sabotage at Nord Stream by Washington or Westminster has shown how fragile the security of European energy infrastructure is. But even as the energy crisis deepens, Europe is still sticking to Washington’s hard line on Russia, regardless of the impact of such a policy on itself, writes the Global Times.
by Michael Walsh
Red Cross Admits They Do Not Separate Vaccinated From Unvaccinated Blood – Mother Claims Baby Died From Blood Clots Of Donated Blood
Earlier this month (September 2022), the Red Cross admitted that they don’t label blood products as originating from COVID-19 vaccinated people or blood from unvaccinated people. The reason they don’t separate or apparently distinguish blood from COVID-19 vaccinated or unvaccinated people is because they believe that “the COVID-19 vaccine does not enter the bloodstream & poses no safety risks to the recipient.” As Kyle Becker of Becker News recently pointed out, this statement by the Red Cross that the COVID-19 vaccine does not affect the bloodstream is contradicted by several published studies. The Gateway Pundit recently published the story of Cornelia Hertzler of Hot Springs, Montana, who gave birth to a baby boy on January 3, 2022 who died just a month later on February 17, 2022 from blood clots just after receiving a blood transfusion.
by Brian Shilhavy
Brilliant Art (0:49)
Brilliant Art (0:49)
Three Unusual Green Tea Benefits – From Three Unique Forms
There’s seemingly no limit to green tea’s powers, which include help for diabetic peripheral neuropathy, brain function and even keeping your cool under stress. Plus, you may reap even more green tea benefits by trying out these three unique green tea forms Two-thirds of the world’s population enjoys tea as a beverage,[i] not only because of its pleasant taste but because it’s been renowned as a health-promoting drink since ancient times. In the U.S., black tea is most popular (often consumed iced), accounting for 84% of the tea consumed in 2019, while green tea made up just 15%.[ii] All tea comes from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The differences in color and flavor are due to different processing methods. While black tea is made from leaves that have been exposed to air, causing them to oxidize and giving them their dark color, green tea is made from young tea leaves that are not fermented and instead are withered, steamed and pan fired.[iii]
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Is Credit Suisse About To Be The New Lehman Brothers?
Something is brewing in the financial world
Credit Suisse, as the name suggests, is a Swiss investment bank, headquartered in Zurich. It is one of the nine “bulge bracket” banks along with the Bank of America, Barclays, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, UBS and Deutsche Bank (which I intentionally left until last and will discuss later on). The bank is systemically important according to the Financial Stability Board. So, what’s the big deal about Credit Suisse (or Debit Suisse as it is now being referred to)? According to a staff memo from it’s CEO two days ago, the bank has solid capital and liquidity. “I trust that you are not confusing our day to day stock price performance”, he asked his staff, before adding that he was unable to share details of a transformation plan before 27 October.
by The Naked Emperor
Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Forcing Doctors To Push Jabs Or Be Excommunicated From Medicine
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed several bills into law Friday. All of them were radical leftist monstrosities advancing his totalitarian control over the state. They ranged in severity from the petty to the monstrous, showing he can promote evil at every level. But one can argue none of them will affect more citizens and likely kill more Californians than AB2098. According to the San Diego Tribune: The bill, AB2098, introduced by Democratic Assembly Member Evan Low, declares that a physician or surgeon commits professional misconduct if they disseminate “misinformation or disinformation” about the nature and risks of COVID-19, its prevention and treatment and the development, safety and effectiveness of vaccines. A doctor who commits such conduct could face discipline by the state medical board or osteopathic medical board and in severe cases, could potentially lose their license to practice in California.
by JD Rucker
After U.S. Soldiers Were Told to Go On Food Stamps, Congress Finds Another $12 Billion for Ukraine
Congressional lawmakers agreed to a deal that would provide another $12 billion in aid to Ukraine, which would bring the total military and economic resources provided to over $66 billion. The news follows the Senate passing a $40 billion aid package in May, along with a $14 billion package in March. President Biden earlier this month asked Congress for an additional $11.7 billion in aid for Ukraine, with Congress, in turn, seems to be jumping at his behest. As a reminder, also earlier this month the Army told active-duty American soldiers to go on food stamps if they were unable to afford food thanks to inflation. Food stamps for American soldiers, endless billions for Ukraine. This is your country now.
by Rusty Weiss
‘I Don’t Want That Pipeline Operational’: GOP Sen. Presses Witness On Nord Stream 2 (4:10)
December 7, 2021 – Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) questions Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee to examine U.S.-Russia policy.
How To Debunk Thermite On 9/11
The evidence for the presence of thermite at the World Trade Center (WTC) on 9/11 is extensive and compelling. This evidence has accumulated to the point at which we can say that WTC thermite is no longer a hypothesis, it is a tested and proven theory. Therefore it is not easy to debunk it. But the way to do so is not difficult to understand. To debunk the thermite theory, one must first understand the evidence for it and then show how all of that evidence is either mistaken or explained by other phenomena. Here are the top ten categories of evidence for thermite at the WTC. I’m looking forward to the peer-reviewed scientific article that finally does replicate the nanothermite paper or any of the other peer-reviewed scientific papers that document the evidence for thermite at the WTC. Hopefully, we can approach those efforts without concerns about the sources and without recalling all the deception and manipulation that preceded them. Until then, it is important to recognize the difference between the superficial appearance of science and the actual practice of science. Ignoring 90 percent of the evidence is not scientific. And replication of the 10 percent means actually repeating the work. If thermite debunkers and alternate hypothesis supporters can find the courage and focus to step through that challenge, maybe they can begin to add to the discussion.
by Kevin Ryan
Pivot Point? New Cracks Emerge In Fed’s Rate Hike Narrative
…than we are starting to see the very first cracks start to emerge in the Fed’s otherwise “steadfast” positioning on rate hikes. The first sign, as I pointed out last week, was a headline that the U.S. Treasury was “eyeing” the turmoil in the United Kingdom with “growing alarm”. Then on Friday came a scoop from Fox Business News’ Charlie Gasparino, who took a break from doing pullups to drop the news that Fed officials are getting “worried about ‘financial stability’ as opposed to inflation as higher rates begin to crush bonds”. Gasparino then says the Fed is worried about another “Lehman Moment” (literally the same language that was used to explain the Bank of England’s pivot. Gasparino wrote: “A Fed watcher told me the UK intervention was not ‘a one off’ and the same systemic risk could happen here, which might cause the Fed to pause.” He then said the Fed is now concerned with “systemic risk”. Finally, on Saturday, a report dropped from Bloomberg highlighting how the Fed – which has been surprisingly unified on its course of action over the last 9 months – is now starting to become divided on policy.
by Quoth the Raven
The Case Against Fluoride
We’ve been fluoridating water since the 1950’s. The science is similar to vaccines: they simply forgot to do the all-cause mortality and morbidity studies showing the benefits outweigh the harms.
At the AB 2098 event in Sacramento today, Jay Sanders of fluoridealert.org walked up to me and asked me, “Can I give you a book?” This is the sort of life changing question that got Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to realize that vaccines aren’t safe. So after a 10 second hesitation to overcome my cognitive dissonance (since as we all know fluoridation must be safe since it is mandated everywhere ), I said yes, and I ended up with a copy of “The Case against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There.”
by Steve Kirsch
Decoding The Pentagon’s Online War Against Iran
From a click of a button in the US to violence on the streets of Tehran, the latest protests in Iran are being engineered and provoked from outside
The civil unrest in Iran in response to the recent death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini while she was waiting at a Tehran police station, although rooted in legitimate grievances, also bears the hallmark of a western-sponsored covert war, covering multiple fronts. Mere days after the protests erupted on 16 September, the Washington Post revealed that the Pentagon had initiated a wide-ranging audit of all its online psyops efforts, after a number of bot and troll accounts operated by its Central Command (CENTCOM) division – which covers all US military actions in West Asia, North Africa and South and Central Asia – were exposed, and subsequently banned by major social networks and online spaces. The accounts were busted in a joint investigation carried out by social media research firm Graphika, and the Stanford Internet Observatory, which evaluated “five years of pro-Western covert influence operations.”
by Kit Klarenberg
ACH (1924) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of The Rising Resistance To Globalism (Audio 1:01:06)
In today’s show originally broadcast on September 29, 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of The Rising Resistance To Globalism.”
We discussed: the significance of the recent election win for the Brothers Of Italy party; the numerous methods we can adopt in order to resist Globalism; the growing secession movement in South Africa; the worldwide rise in private security companies, whom the citizens pay to do what the police used to do; why George Orwell was able to predict Globalism; how the “Ministry Of Truth” in George Orwell’s book “1984” was modelled on the BBC; why the world we live in today is increasingly looking like a combination of that which was predicted by Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” and that which was predicted by George Orwell’s “1984”; why we have to disengage from mainstream media; the importance of home-schooling; when Christians are commanded to resist their leadears and how resistance to tyrants is obedience to God; how a devoted Marxist became a Christian; the importance of finding your own way to God; how the Bible is banned in 66 countries, making it the most censored book in the world; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
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