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The Depravity Of The Zionist Mind by Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive With 46 Posts

I am absolutely convinced that until the U.S. Congress and America’s evangelical churches sever their ties with and devotion to the Zionist State of Israel, America will continue its societal, cultural, economic, spiritual and political collapse. I believe a strong case could be made for the proposition that Israel’s demise portends America’s demise—as the American government and Church have become surrogates of the Zionist state.

As many Middle East experts—in and out of Israel—have repeatedly said, Israel’s self-destruction is inevitable. And without divine intervention that forces the United States to separate itself from the apartheid Zionist state, America will continue to follow Israel—all the way to the grave.

No other country in the world could get by with the criminal atrocities that Israel repeats day in and day out, week in and week out and month in and month out.

Of course, Netanyahu could not continue his maniacal genocidal war against the Palestinian people without the assistance of several of the world’s leaders, most notable being America’s President Joe Biden, who is supplying Israel with the weapons of war that Netanyahu uses to murder hundreds of thousands. Yes, more than 300,000, NOT 40,000, Palestinians have been murdered to date. (See this report.) There is no contesting the fact that under both U.S. and International Law, Joe Biden is a war criminal.

The second leader facilitating Netanyahu’s slaughter of innocents is Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan. The Turkish leader talks tough, but his talk is cheap. Turkey is Israel’s largest supplier of crude oil. All Erdogan has to do is shut down delivery to Israel, and it’s game over. But he won’t do it.

And obviously, you could also add most of the leaders of the Western European nations to the ignoble list of Israel’s partners in crime.

When the war criminal and mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to speak before the U.S. Congress and then received over 50 standing ovations from that body, our congressmen—from both parties—were showing the world that they are serving Israel, NOT the people of the United States.

It is well documented that the Israeli lobby owns both the White House and U.S. Congress—regardless of which party has control. I strongly urge readers to watch this brief video clip of the amount of power that the Israeli lobby wields in Washington, D.C.

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Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive With 46 Posts

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