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Olympic Scandal by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive With 89 Posts

Behind appearances, our world mocks God.
But mocked He is not. Souls, expect the rod!

When the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games held recently in Paris, France, included a blasphematory presentation of the Last Supper held by Our Divine Lord with His Apostles on the eve of His crucifixion, the scandal was such that all kinds of commentators said and wrote all kinds of true things in protest. Thanks be to God! The ceremony closing the games was ambiguous in nature, but not so clearly scandalous. However, let nobody be surprised that the scandal took place. Instead, let everybody reflect on the full implications – Paris is committing suicide, and with Paris, so-called “Western civilisation.”

There can be no surprise that the scandal took place, because it is merely the latest in a series of such public and ever more serious insults to Almighty God. These are being organised by His enemies to exploit and promote the ever increasing lack of true religion on the part of His friends. The underlying apostasy, of Christendom turning its back on Christ, goes back at least to the end of the Middle Ages. It exploded in modern times with the French Revolution of 1789, centred in Paris, to launch the Masonic Republic of France to replace the Catholic King of France. Behind the launching of the modern Olympic Games in the 1890’s was Freemasonry, again special enemies of God, to promote pagan sport with, for instance, ever more women participating in ever scantier clothing. On the Internet the “artist” entrusted with designing the scandalous opening ceremony in question justified it by saying that he had wanted to commemorate France’s “republican values.” In other words, he was merely continuing the French Revolution.

Can anybody still not see that the particular scandals are merely part of our world’s universal war on God? In 2024, worst of all is the fact that the highest authorities in the French State must have known about the scandal being prepared, and must have given their green light for it to go ahead. As for the Olympic authorities, of course they too must have given their permission, if it was not their original idea. But what on earth does a mockery of the Last Supper of Our Lord have to do with athletic games? Huge numbers of people today have such a low idea of the importance of religion that they cannot even imagine that it plays any serious part in men’s lives, but here it is, driving, deep down, the sports and games which they so love.

Kyrie eleison

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Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive With 89 Posts

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