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June 30, 2024, 15 Posts Published And Archived
ACH (2376) Nick Griffin – Nick’s Analysis Of The World We’re In (Audio 1:00:31)
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Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Nick Griffin Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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There Is No Such Thing As Legitimate Or Moral Government, Rule, Or Authority, And There Has Never Been
All rule and any assumed ‘authority’ of one man or any group of men over another is completely evil, immoral and illegitimate. It matters not whether there is some pretense of “representation” by any group claiming to be the arbiters of the people, for each and every individual is sovereign for and unto himself alone. No one has any right to act or demand compliance on behalf of another, and no one has any right to delegate any power to afford one the right to rule another, period. Unless a voluntarily signed, personal, and individual contract is accepted by distinct and willing participants, where that contract can be found null and void immediately upon any failure to act in the manner prescribed, there is no right of one to act on the behalf of another concerning rule. This does not mean that any worthless piece of political garbage, such as any “constitution,” or any arbitrary “laws” or mandates, can ever be held as “legal;” a term immorally used by the State for the sole purpose of tyranny, in order that rule and control over other individuals can falsely be seen as justifiable. The essence of natural law, real justice, and freedom are never compatible with rule and authority. Therefore, all government is not only criminal, it is pure evil. The entire basis of government is to lord over others by the use of violent force. Any assumption of a right to do so is ludicrous on its face, but sold to the seemingly ignorant and pathetic masses as supported by the State’s version of the insane and bastardized ‘definition’ of “law.” This bogus modern definition, one hammered into the populace from birth, as supplied by Websters, is this ridiculous rendition: “Law is a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power of the State, commanding what its subjects are to do, and prohibiting what they are to forebear.”
by Gary D. Barnett
Quote Of The Day
“Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you.
For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest.”
Jesus, Gospel of Thomas Saying Five
Website Of The Day
Activist Post
Creating Independent Media For Peace, Love, And Liberty
Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
Military-Industrial Complex Archive With 673 Posts
Israel Lobby Cash Dominates And Perverts American Elections
Where is the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 when you really need it?
Once upon a time the United States of America was a constitutional republic that was by design constructed with checks and balances to limit corruption and constrain the ability of any branch of government to initiate certain potentially harmful actions, like going to war, which required approval by both Congress and the Executive Branch. Of course, that was 261 years ago and things change over time. Today’s America, what claims to be both a democracy and the issuer plus enforcer of international rules and norms, is arguably one of the most corrupt as well as most disliked countries on earth, with a political system that is exceptionally vulnerable to those who have deep pockets and a willingness to spend freely to obtain favors from the professional politicians and bureaucrats who now proliferate throughout the system. If one measures the consequences arising from all the corruption, there is no better example than the heavily lopsided relationship with Israel, which has been produced through the infusion of hundreds of billions of dollars coming primarily from Jewish billionaire and corporate sources. Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson famously gifted Donald Trump with $100 million and in return received what he demanded, i.e. a United States decision to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and a recognition that Jerusalem would be recognized as the country’s capital, which was illegal under international law. Additionally, Trump’s team headed by Israeli apologist Ambassador David Friedman, brought about the recognition of the Jewish state’s annexation of the occupied formerly Syrian Golan Heights, also an illegal concession, and the de facto granting of a free hand to Israel for dealing with the Palestinians as it sees fit, which is playing out currently. Trump also was in the business of canceling a nuclear monitoring agreement with Iran, which was very much in the US interest, and the assassination senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander Qassim Soleimani, a war crime.
by Philip Giraldi
SCOTUS Renders Government Agencies Powerless In Courts Across America
Justice Kagan wrote, “Today, the Supreme Court flips the script: It is now the courts (rather than the agency) that will wield power when Congress has left an area of interpretive discretion.”
June 29, 2024: In a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) over-ruled the 1984 case Chevron vs. Natural Resources, which became known as Chevron deference. Chevron deference requires courts to defer to experts from government agencies, such as the IRS, FBI, CIA, FDA, CDC, HHS, and NIH, to interpret the ‘ambiguities of the laws’ that govern those agencies. In the Brook Jackson case, Pfizer Carlton Wessel, audaciously reminded the judge that he does not have the authority to question statements or decisions made by the FDA, even if it’s apparent that the FDA acted in a reckless or illegal manner. Judge Truncale clarified with Pfizer’s attorney, “So what you’re saying is if the FDA gets it wrong…They just get it wrong…and… we live with it? There’s no oversight by a court. That’s it. That’s correct?” And Pfizer’s attorney responded, “Yes, Your Honor.” Pfizer’s legal defense strategy has been that; no matter what they do, no matter how many rights they violate, no matter how many adults and children they harm, there’s nothing that can be done in a court of law to stop them; because the FDA and other US government agencies publicly affirm Pfizer’s illegal and criminal behaviors as “legal.” That just ended today.
by Karen Kingston
FEMA Camps For American Dissidents (4:32)
by Greg Reese
Five Principles Of Peaceful Coexistence Are Anchor For World Peace And Prosperity
The Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence was held on Friday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the conference and delivered an important speech entitled “Carrying Forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind.” This speech summarized the essence of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and their prominent contribution to the cause of peace and progress of mankind. This high-level commemoration shows China’s image as a contributor to peace, its position as a developing country and its mission of promoting the common welfare of mankind. In an era of great changes, the core principles guiding international relations, the international system and the international order will directly affect the future and destiny of all countries around the world and the international community. Carrying forward the spiritual connotation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and working unremittingly toward the lofty goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind is the clear answer provided by China. We believe that the vibrant Chinese wisdom and Chinese solution will bring more peace, tranquility, prosperity and development to the world.
Editorial by Global Times
No Slow Down In US Shipments Of 2,000 Pound Bombs To Israel
The US has sent over 27,000 bombs to Israel since the genocide on Palestinians in Gaza began
The US has sent Israel over 27,000 bombs since the start of its horrific aerial assault on Gaza in October, Reuters reported on 29 June, including 14,000 highly destructive 2,000-lb bombs that US officials have acknowledged as “inappropriate” for Israel to use. Reuters stated that the US military had transferred at least 14,000 of the MK-84 2,000-lb bombs, 6,500 500-lb bombs, 3,000 Hellfire precision-guided air-to-ground missiles, 1,000 bunker-buster bombs, 2,600 air-dropped small-diameter bombs, and other munitions, according to US officials who were not authorized to speak publicly. A recent US shipment of bombs to Israel was allegedly delayed due to the inclusion of 2,000-lb bombs within it. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video harshly criticizing the White House for the delay. A US official told Axios the White House’s “main concern from day one was the Israeli use of the 2,000-lb bombs in Gaza, which the administration thought was inappropriate.” In October, Israel dropped a 2,000-lb bomb in the center of the crowded Jabaliya refugee camp, killing some 120 people.
by News Desk
Imagine A Missile Massacre On A Florida Beach On The Fourth Of July
Revenge served coldly and calmly is the best way. The Western criminal leaders have it coming.
The scenario is not hyperbole. Imagine a sunny beach in Florida crowded with families enjoying a holiday weekend. In a split second, mayhem and murder are unleashed as crowds flee in panic from a foreign missile exploding over the beach. There is no doubt that the United States would go to war immediately against the perpetrator. Furious condemnations would ring out for days, weeks, and months among American politicians and their media. But what is also obvious from this hypothetical scenario is the egregious double standard and hypocrisy of American and Western responses. Last weekend, Russia was celebrating its annual Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. The day honors the dead of the Great Patriotic War. That weekend also combines Trinity Sunday, a prominent religious holiday in the Orthodox calendar. As Russian families were enjoying the festive weekend, the Kiev regime fired five U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles at the Crimean city of Sevastopol. It was a deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure. Four missiles were shot down by Russian air defenses, but a fifth exploded over a nearby beach, where hundreds of people were enjoying sun-splashed sand and the gentle lapping of waves. In the ensuing horror, four people including two children were killed. Over 150 were injured, dozens of them seriously, from the explosions caused by cluster bomblets released by the missile. Video footage clearly shows explosions and not merely ordnance shrapnel falling from the sky.
Editorial by Strategic Culture
Neil Oliver: Buckle Up – More Psyops Are Coming Your Way! (15:56)
Israel’s Covert Info Bots Targeting America Met With Hypocritical Silence
Will Tel Aviv get the same treatment as the Russians and Chinese? Likely not.
On Monday, the Guardian exposed a secret $8.6 million Israeli government campaign to silence its critics in the U.S. The campaign, known as “Concert,” is, “part of a broader public relations campaign to target US college campuses and redefine antisemitism in US law,” according to the Guardian. This follows a New York Times story on June 5 that offered vivid details of a $2 million covert social media campaign, paid for by the Israeli government, encouraging American policymakers to continue supporting Israel’s military. If this sounds familiar, it should – this is the same tactic Russian operatives used in an illicit influence operation that targeted the 2016 U.S. election. That campaign also used networks of fake social media accounts, posing as Americans, in an attempt to influence the U.S. political process. The Russian operation led to outrage from policymakers and the media, multiple year’s-long investigations, and the indictment of 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies for their involvement in the illicit influence operation. Will Washington respond just as forcefully to a similar campaign orchestrated by an American ally? Don’t count on it. In the more than three weeks since the Times story ran, only a handful of policymakers have even acknowledged the allegation that the Israeli government was behind an influence campaign targeting U.S. politicians. Just one Member of Congress, Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), has mentioned it on social media. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), who was targeted at least 88 times by the campaign, told Politico, “I want to know exactly what was done by whom and who was contacted.”
by Ben Freeman
A Few Thoughts About Interracial Breeding
First, I want to say that, for those who do not know this yet, jews are responsible for promoting interracial breeding. Their purpose in promoting this is to destroy the white race. Please see here, here, here and here for more info about this. In 1976, the late Howard Rosenthal (administrative assistant to NY Senator Jacob Javits – also a jew) openly discussed this agenda and was promptly murdered afterward for revealing too much. Rosenthal stated the following. To read the whole interview, go here.
R. Well, it’s true. We’re smart—we are powerful and at the proper time we will mix up your gentile women with the Blacks and in 50 years you’ll be all mixed up. Niggers love to s—w your white women and we encourage it by using them to our advantage.
W. I recall your saying that the Blacks serve a purpose.
R. Yes, we will use them to a great advantage. (It was primarily by Jewish merchant ships and Jewish-run slave auctions that the blacks got to America).
W. And try to destroy them after you have used them I presume?
R. If necessary. Yes! You and I know they’re inferior people, a dumb race, but can be useful with the use of money. I mean real big money. Niggers will do anything for money. So, when the time comes—and you might even live to see it—we will have that complete control while you stupid Christians are waiting for your Christ, the impostor, to return as your savior.
by BirthOfANewEarth
The Many Dysphorias Of Vaccine Injury
Once the brain, gut, endocrine system, and immune system are injured ALL interactions with the world are changed
This began as a Substack Note (do you follow me there? It’s Substack’s version of Twitter). But I have more that I want to say so I’ve turned it into an article: We know that vaccines disrupt the regions of the brain and gut that make it possible to socialize with others. Mirror neurons, empathy, sympathy, and intersubjectivity are all affected (sometimes turned way up, often turned way down). So let’s call that social dysphoria. I’ve also written the foundational article showing that trans (sex dysphoria) often stems from vaccine injury. But if that’s the case then, isn’t it possible (indeed likely) that vaccines trigger a wide range of other dysphorias? Vaccines disrupt the normal functioning of the brain, gut, endocrine system, and immune system to name a few – so of course that’s going to manifest in a variety of symptoms. Let me propose then a whole series of dysphorias that we are likely witnessing every day that are not necessarily talked about in the scientific, medical, or social science literature.
by Toby Rogers
June 29, 2024, 15 Posts Published And Archived
Neil Oliver: Buckle Up – More Psyops Are Coming Your Way! (15:56)
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Neil Oliver Three Free Speech Video Platforms
8,600 Videos Published | 30,000,000 Views | 47,000 Subscribers
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Quote Of The Day
“We should preserve every scrap of biodiversity as priceless
while we learn to use it and come to understand what it means to humanity.”
Edward O. Wilson
Website Of The Day
Corbett Report
The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.
Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
Political Archive With 6,351 Posts
Worldcoin: Sam Altman’s Crypto Tool For Technocracy?
More than a sketchy cash for biometrics scheme, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and friends’ Worldcoin project is positioning itself as a one-stop shop for identity and financial infrastructure that could upend traditional finance and governance structures as we know them.
Want $50 worth of cryptocurrency? Scan your irises with one of Worldcoin’s orbs and it’s yours. Such is Worldcoin’s (rather odd) elevator pitch to the public, which has subsequently rolled out its iris-scanning orbs to 38 countries worldwide. Launched in mid-2023 and described by founder Sam Altman upon launch as “a global financial and identity network based on proof of personhood,” Worldcoin has made a big splash in its efforts to grow an identity and finance network using the unique, orb-based iris scans of every individual on Earth. The goal is simple: a global financial and identity network based on proof of personhood. this feels especially important in the AI era. “I’m hopeful worldcoin can contribute to conversations about how we share access, benefits, and governance of future AI systems.” ~ Sam Altman July 24, 2023. Some are excited by the project, many fear it. Debatable optics of using an orb (often stylized in Worldcoin’s communications as “the Orb”) as a project centerpiece aside, Worldcoin’s orb-based iris scans have been suspended in several countries, including Spain, Kenya, and Portugal due to mounting privacy concerns and the organization’s sketchy business practices.
by Stavroula Pabst
Passing Observations 252
There have been a few modestly warm days recently, but in the middle of June 2024 the official temperature for the warmest part of England was a shivery four degrees C at night and a brisk eight degrees C during the daytime. (When we started to shiver we put our central heating back on.) And yet we were being told that the temperature was above normal for the time of the year. If you don’t know what is going on please watch my video entitled `The Covid Genocide Unravels’. You’ll find the scary explanation for the changes in our weather at the end of the video. And, of course, the explanation has absolutely nothing to do with cars, cows, aeroplanes or volcanoes. click here to watch the video. About ten million gullible and possibly insane people in Britain now take a statin every day. I look forward to seeing the research which confirms that it is safe to take one of these drugs together with a covid-19 vaccine. I wrote about the risks with statins in the 1990s and I haven’t changed my mind about them. A nurse has been suspended for six months for taking two headache tablets without permission. On the other hand not one nurse has been suspended for injecting patients with the covid-19 vaccine – a product known to be useless and dangerous. Four years ago Amazon used to regularly give me awards for being one of their top 100 authors. Today, after four years of lies and libels on mainstream media and the internet, I doubt if I am in their top million authors. You can read more about how the authorities suppress the truth in my book `Truth Teller: The Price’ which is available via the bookshop on
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Why The Russia-US Conflict Will Outlast The Ukraine Crisis
Moscow must look at Washington as a long-term threat
The desire of the US to dominate and its refusal to see other countries as equals, willing and able to assume equal responsibility for peace and stability, is the short answer to the question of why Moscow-Washington relations cannot get out of the current state of crisis. This attitude also leads the US to the same difficulties in its relations with China, India and even some of its own allies, such as Turkey. The Russian and Chinese position is buttressed by the principle that peace is the result of compromise between the major centers of power, and that without their mutual agreement – without equality, mutual respect, a willingness to recognize each other’s interests, and adherence to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs – a stable order is impossible. The US believes, however, that peace is a deterministic given, and that no special effort is needed to maintain it. This leads to paradoxical solutions: the more weapons, the more peace. The West is not yet ready to become just one of the Atlanteans holding up the sky. It still believes it should be in charge. Are changes in relations between Moscow and Washington possible with a change of administration in the United States? I expect that this will not have a significant impact on the American line towards Russia. It is useful to look at American politics as an independent factor in our planning – we need to assume we cannot rely on the US elites. Washington will in most cases act with hostility towards Russia, in some cases opportunistically, engaging Moscow at time when it suits its own interests.
by Andrey Sushentsov
Rupert Sheldrake – On Scientism, Morphic Resonance And The Extended Mind (1:07:18)
Robert Hur Emerges As The Clear Winner In The Presidential Debate
The presidential debate last night was chilling to watch as President Joe Biden clearly struggled to retain his focus and, at points, seemed hopelessly confused. The winner was clear: Special Counsel Robert Hur. For months, Democrats in Congress and the media have attacked Hur for his report that the president came across as an “elderly man with a poor memory.” Hur concluded that prosecuting Biden would be difficult because a jury would view him as a sympathetic figure of a man with declining mental capabilities. That was evident last night and the question is whether a man who was too diminished to be a criminal defendant can still be a president for four more years. Hur laid out evidence that President Biden had unlawfully retained and mishandled classified evidence for decades. However, he also concluded that “at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” He found that “it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”
by Jonathan Turley
US Has Provided Israel With 10,000 Bombs, Missiles Since Start Of Gaza Conflict – Reports
The United States has sent Israel more than 10,000 bombs and missiles since the start of Israel’s military operation in Gaza last October, Reuters reported, citing two US officials.
The report said the weapons shipments included at least 14,000 of the MK-84 2,000-pound bombs, 6,500 500-pound bombs, 3,000 Hellfire precision-guided air-to-ground missiles, 1,000 bunker-buster bombs, and 2,600 air-dropped small-diameter bombs. The United States has not made any significant changes that would limit the level of US military support provided to Israel, the report added.
The Pentagon did not immediately respond to Sputnik’s request for comment on this matter. On Wednesday, a US official told reporters that the United States has sent Israel $6.5 billion worth of weapons. The Biden administration at present only has one shipment on temporary hold of the 2,000-pound bombs Israel has been asking for. The United States is currently reviewing this request amid concerns that Israel would use it in densely populated areas in Rafah.
by Sputnik—reports-1119174152.html
Joe Biden Acknowledges ‘Immense’ Jewish Role In American Mass Media And Cultural Life
In a remarkable but under-reported address, one of America’s most prominent and influential political figures has acknowledged the “immense” and “outsized” Jewish role in the US mass media and cultural life. Joe Biden – now President of the U.S. – said that this has been the single most important factor in shaping American attitudes over the past century, and in driving major cultural-political changes. “Jewish heritage has shaped who we are – all of us – as much or more than any other factor in the last 223 years. And that’s a fact,” Biden told a gathering of Jewish leaders on May 21, 2013, in Washington, DC. “The truth is that Jewish heritage, Jewish culture, Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are that it’s fair to say that Jewish heritage is American heritage,” he added. /1 “Think – behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those [major social-political] changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good,” Biden added. “We talk about it in terms of the incredible accomplishments and contributions” of individual Jews, Biden went on, but it’s more profound than that “because the values, the values are so deep and so engrained in American culture, in our Constitution.”
by Mark Weber
The Pete Quinones Show Episode 1060: The Foreign Policy Of Adolf Hitler Part 4 With Thomas777 (50:50)
Holodomor Facts And History
The term Holodomor is often used to refer specifically to the brutal artificial famine imposed by Stalin’s regime on Soviet Ukraine and primarily ethnically Ukrainian areas in the Northern Caucasus in 1932-33.
In its broadest sense, applying Lemkin’s definition (see THE HOLODOMOR AS GENOCIDE), it is also used to describe the Ukrainian genocide that began in 1929 with the massive waves of deadly deportations of Ukraine’s most successful farmers (kurkuls, or kulaks, in Russian) as well as the deportations and executions of Ukraine’s religious, intellectual and cultural leaders, culminating in the devastating forced famine that killed millions more innocent individuals. The genocide in fact continued for several more years with the further destruction of Ukraine’s political leadership, the resettlement of Ukraine’s depopulated areas with other ethnic groups, the prosecution of those who dared to speak of the famine publicly, and the consistent blatant denial of intent by the Soviet regime.
by Lana Babij and Natasha Sazonova
Study: Hazardous Chemicals From East Palestine Train Derailment Spread Across 16 US States…
While The EPA Covered It UpA newly released study found that the chemicals that leaked in the East Palestine train disaster last year have spread much further than originally expected, making their way to 16 states and causing concerns about the health of the communities surrounding the accident. The study, which was published in the journal Environmental Research Letters, found that the pollution stemming from burning vinyl chloride, a known carcinogen, extended across 540,000 square miles from Wisconsin to Maine to South Carolina. This, the authors point out, proves that “the impacts of the fire were larger in scale and scope than the initial predictions;” it was originally expected to be largely a local contamination issue. The accident in question was a train crash involving a Norfolk Southern train in East Palestine, Ohio, a city situated close to the border with Pennsylvania as well as the Appalachian foothills. Dozens of train cars derailed in the accident, many of which were carrying hazardous materials that caught fire and burned for several days. Because authorities worried that it could trigger a significant explosion, they drained vinyl chloride from five of the train cars into a trench and set it on fire in a controlled burn in hopes of minimizing the impact. It was later revealed, however, that the controlled burn violated EPA rules, and the head of the National Transportation Safety Board acknowledged that the burning had not been necessary. For the study, researchers took inorganic compound samples from rain and snow across numerous locations in the U.S.
by Cassie B.
Fasting To Heal Autoimmune Disease
Fasting, a mainstay of virtually every cultural and religious tradition on earth, is an essential tool in the management of autoimmune disease, and should be considered as a therapeutic intervention in autoimmune patients in order to improve both metabolic and immune parameters.
For millennia, fasting has been one of the anchoring rituals in a variety of spiritual denominations. For example, all the major world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism espouse religious doctrines that prescribe fasting on designated calendar days (1). In addition, fasting is a practice rooted in evolutionary biology, since throughout evolutionary history, human bodies have adapted to periods of feast and famine. Matron and colleagues articulate this with, “Because animals, including humans, evolved in environments where food was relatively scarce, they developed numerous adaptations that enabled them to function at a high level, both physically and cognitively, when in a food-deprived/fasted state” (2).
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
June 28, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Rupert Sheldrake – On Scientism, Morphic Resonance And The Extended Mind (1:07:18)
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Rupert Sheldrake
Infinite Loops With Jim O’Shaughnessy Three Free Speech Video Platforms
8,600 Videos Published | 30,000,000 Views | 47,000 Subscribers
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Website Of The Day
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake (Happy 82nd Birthday Rupert)
Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. At Cambridge University he worked in developmental biology as a Fellow of Clare College. He was Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in Hyderabad, India. From 2005 to 2010 he was Director of the Perrott-Warrick project for research on unexplained human and animal abilities, funded by Trinity College, Cambridge.
Quote Of The Day
“Morphic resonance is a process whereby self-organising systems inherit a memory from previous similar systems. In its most general formulation, morphic resonance means that the so-called laws of nature are more like habits. The hypothesis of morphic resonance also leads to a radically new interpretation of memory storage in the brain and of biological inheritance. Memory need not be stored in material traces inside brains, which are more like TV receivers than video recorders, tuning into influences from the past. And biological inheritance need not all be coded in the genes, or in epigenetic modifications of the genes; much of it depends on morphic resonance from previous members of the species. Thus each individual inherits a collective memory from past members of the species, and also contributes to the collective memory, affecting other members of the species in the future.”
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
Morphic Resonance And Morphic Fields – An Introduction
by Rupert Sheldrake
Morphic Resonance
by Rupert Sheldrake
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake Archive With 13 Posts
Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
Satanic Archive With 4,950 Posts
Animal Farm (Audiobook 3:07:54)
A farm is taken over by its overworked, mistreated animals. With flaming idealism and stirring slogans, they set out to create a paradise of progress, justice, and equality. Thus the stage is set for one of the most telling satiric fables ever penned -a razor-edged fairy tale for grown-ups that records the evolution from revolution against tyranny to a totalitarianism just as terrible. When Animal Farm was first published, Stalinist Russia was seen as its target. Today it is devastatingly clear that wherever and whenever freedom is attacked, under whatever banner, the cutting clarity and savage comedy of George Orwell’s masterpiece have a meaning and message still ferociously fresh.
by George Orwell
Israel Also Against Christians: Pressure To Take Away Temples Under The Pretext Of Taxes?
These efforts represent a coordinated attack on the Christian presence in the Holy Land, wrote the religious leaders, emphasizing that the global Christian community is closely monitoring developments in Israel.
In a new wave of religious tensions in Jerusalem, leaders of the main Christian churches have vocally opposed what they perceive as a «coordinated attack» by Israeli authorities. This uproar follows recent tax measures imposed on church properties, disrupting a long-standing status quo and highlighting a growing intolerance towards the Christian minority in the region. In a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, heads of the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Armenian Orthodox churches expressed alarm over warning letters from four Israeli municipalities. These letters demand taxes on church properties and threaten legal action for non-compliance. The church leaders argue these measures aim to reduce the Christian presence in the Holy Land deliberately. «These efforts represent a coordinated attack on the Christian presence in the Holy Land,» wrote the religious leaders, emphasizing that the global Christian community is closely monitoring developments in Israel. They suggested this move could be seen as an attempt to drive out the Christian community. Christians in Israel and the Palestinian territories are a small minority, making up less than 2% of the population. According to the U.S. State Department, there are approximately 182,000 Christians in Israel, 50,000 in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and 1,300 in Gaza, predominantly of Palestinian descent. Historically, church properties have been tax-exempt, allowing funds to be directed towards essential public services like schools, hospitals, and homes for the elderly. However, the municipalities of Tel Aviv, Ramla, Nazareth, and Jerusalem now demand back taxes, citing a lack of recent tax exemption applications by the churches.
by Elizabeth Owen
Why As A Christian, I Won’t Be Condemning Hamas Anytime Soon
To begin with, the use of the word “terrorist” for a group that resists occupation and oppression is a political, not fact-based choice. In reality, international law supports the efforts of resistance groups against an occupying power, the UN extending that right to the point of armed resistance. Hamas has clearly and openly stated that its enemy is not the Jewish people, but the racist ideology of Zionism – the ideology under which Israel dispossessed 750,000 Palestinian people and exiled them to Gaza and other locations. For more than 27,000 days before October 7th, Palestinians had lived under the boot of Israel to one extent or another – including, for Gazans, being fenced in since 1996. Palestinians lost over 78% of the historic land of Palestine, along with their right to self-determination, in 1948, as 500 of their villages were depopulated and destroyed, and 750,000 of their people were exiled from their homeland; they have been subject to apartheid for many years; occupation since 1967; a brutal blockade since 2007; ongoing land theft, human rights abuses, and other atrocities, subsidized by the United States. If Gaza is, as many describe it, an “open-air prison,” which Israel has illegally kept the population locked in for seventeen years, their break-out is a relatively minor crime compared to what Israel has done. Human rights organizations trying to get a full picture of what is going on in Israel and the territories it controls have regularly been blocked.
by Kathryn Shihadah
The Last Wunderwaffe
F-16s, Romanian bases, and NATO pilots. I shall return yet again to the prospect of “Made in the USA” F-16s sallying forth boldly into eastern Ukraine to “teach the cabbage heads what Airpower (capitalized) really means.” From what information I’ve been able to glean in recent weeks, it does in fact look as though the US is aggressively setting up air ops housekeeping in Romania, very near the Black Sea coast — ostensibly to serve as the base of F-16 operations against Russia. I submit that the preparation of this base is implicit proof that they have long-since assembled and, likely for many months, been honing the skills and teamwork of a few squadrons of “NATO-affiliated contractor pilots” — and the plan must be to use them. You see, if the “true plan” were to put a dozen woefully undertrained Ukrainian apprentice kamikazes behind the wheel of 1980s vintage F-16s, and then wave them off on a glorious one-way mission into the wild blue yonder … well, you don’t need much of a logistical hub for that operation. So, if they’re really working to prepare what is reputed to be the “largest NATO base in Europe”, the logical conclusion is that it is intended to house, maintain, and sustain at least a couple squadrons of NATO “volunteer” pilots flying much later F-16 models than the European boneyard relics Ukraine has long been promised.
by William Schryver
Was The Constitution Sold On A Lie? Shays’ Rebellion And Ratification (28:54)
by Tenth Amendment Center
1948 State Of Israel Was Not A Fulfillment Of Prophecy – It Was An Ethnic Cleansing Massacre (Nakba) (Text and Videos)
Throughout my life I have had many Christians tell me that the 1948 establishment of the State of Israel was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. This idea is drilled into Christians, mainly Evangelical Christians, from an early age through the teaching of Christian pastors and Sunday School programs. Hidden behind this unbiblical belief is the true history of the war of 1948, and the ethnic cleansing massacre that took place by Israeli military forces against innocent civilians, including women and children, a history that is also censored among most Jews. The Palestinian people refer to it as the “Al-Nakba,” which means “massacre”. The Israeli government does not allow the word “Nakba” to be used in textbooks for school children, not even Palestinian school children. But in recent years some Jewish documentary producers have exposed the truth of what really happened in 1948, by interviewing the people who actually lived through it. One of the most explosive documentaries exposing the horrors of 1948 is the documentary “Tantura: The Untold Story of the 1948 Massacre“, which was directed by Israeli filmmaker Alon Schwarz in 2022.
by Brian Shilhavy
Russia Comments On Coup Attempt In Bolivia
Domestic politics should not face “destructive interference” by foreign actors, Moscow has said
Moscow has pledged its “unwavering support” for Bolivian President Luis Arce after his government faced an attempted military coup on Wednesday. The failed putsch was led by the commander of the Armed Forces, General Juan Jose Zuniga. His troops occupied Plaza Murillo, the central square in the Bolivian capital La Paz, and broke into the presidential palace, but faced resistance at home and rebukes internationally. Russia has condemned the attempted coup and considers it imperative that internal political disputes be settled within the framework of constitutional law, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday. ”We warn against attempts at destructive foreign interference in the domestic affairs of Bolivia and other nations. Such actions have previously led to tragic consequences for a number of countries and peoples, including in the Latin American region,” the ministry added. The statement called Bolivia a “strategic partner.” Arce reiterated in late May his country’s intention to join BRICS, a group of not-Western economies that includes Russia among its founding members.
by RT
US House Bars Use Of Official Gaza Death Toll
Democratic representative Rashida Tlaib blasted the US House for ‘genocide denial’
The US House of Representatives passed an amendment on 27 June barring State Department officials from citing the Gaza Health Ministry’s death toll of the ongoing Israeli war on the strip. The amendment was passed to the State Department’s yearly appropriations bill in a bipartisan vote of 269-144. Sixty-two Democratic lawmakers voted in favor, as well as all but two Republicans. Palestinian-American representative of the Democratic party, Rashida Tlaib, slammed the amendment in a speech at the House on Wednesday, a day ahead of the vote.Tlaib said the decision was “absolutely unconscionable” and represents a wider trend of dehumanizing Palestinians in the House. “Since 1948… there has been a coordinated effort, especially in this chamber, to dehumanize Palestinians and erase Palestinians from existence,” Tlaib said, labeling Israel an “apartheid” which is committing “genocide in Gaza, and in real time, and this amendment is an attempt to hide it … This is genocide denial.” “My colleagues want to prohibit our own US officials from even citing the Palestinian death toll. So let me read it into the record. Here are the latest casualties of Palestinians killed: 37,718 Palestinians, including more than 15,000 Palestinian children and more than 86,377 Palestinians have been injured,” she added, citing the now-barred Gaza Health Ministry death toll.
by News Desk
This Is The War Against Machines We Thought Would Never Come (0:25)
10 Geopolitical / Financial Risks To The Global Economy
Perhaps the most apt metaphor to describe the decade ahead is that investors, consumers and taxpayers will all be rafting whitewater rapids with ever-briefer stretches of calm.
Geopolitical / financial risks are proliferating and becoming more difficult to predict or hedge for a very basic reason: the era of global integration and accord has ended and the era of global disintegration and discord is heating up. In historian Peter Turchin’s terminology, when everyone finds reasons to cooperate, the result is an era of accord; when everyone finds reasons not to cooperate, the result is an era of discord. Beneath the chaotic swirl of complex dynamics and risk, two core drivers emerge: de-globalization and de-financialization.The 30-year era of increasing globalization has reversed, reducing the influence of markets and increasing the influence of national security. Where the globalization era led to global trade agreements which served at least a few of every participants’ core interests, the de-globalization era will be characterized by fragmentation and deals being cut between nations outside of traditional alliances and ideological camps.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Israeli Media Expose Gap In Israeli vs. UN Tally On Gaza Destruction
Israeli data claim that approximately 16%, or around 36,000 of Gaza’s permanent structures, have been irreparably damaged during the war.
Israeli analysis conducted by the Israeli army suggests significantly less damage to Gaza’s infrastructure from the ongoing war compared to international reports, according to a Thursday report from Ynet. Israeli data claim that approximately 16%, or around 36,000 of Gaza’s permanent structures, have been irreparably damaged during the war. In contrast, UN assessments based on satellite surveys have reported damage to about 50% of structures, with some media outlets suggesting as much as 70% destruction based on similar satellite analyses. Ynet reporter Yoav Zitun acknowledged significant discrepancies—sometimes up to 70%—between “Israel’s” claims and data from international bodies regarding the true extent of the damage in the Gaza Strip since October 7. The correspondent explained that it is “inconceivable” to assume that the data provided by the Israeli army is closer to reality, and it could also be presented to international courts and foreign investigative committees that will investigate the actions of the Israeli army and “Israel” at the end of the war.
by Al Mayadeen English–un-tally-on-gaza-des
Balloons Land In Southern Lebanon, Warning Locals The Land ‘Belongs To Jews’
Messages in Hebrew and Arabic demand immediate evacuation of all locals
Messages attached to balloons have begun landing in southern Lebanon, demanding that the locals, those not already displaced by the ongoing attacks and looming threat of large-scale war, “evacuate immediately,” declaring the land “belongs to Jews.” It is not clear who sent the balloons, but the immediate suspicion is on radical settler groups, the same groups that are loudly lobbying Israel not only to invade and occupy Lebanon, but to convert southern Lebanon into another territory of settlements. The messages don’t identify who is dispatching the balloons but they are written in both Hebrew and Arabic. They landed in villages across southern Lebanon and include a map of Lebanon in the message. While bellicose rhetoric from settler groups is nothing new, the timing makes this particularly grim, coming as Israel is openly talking about an invasion of Lebanon, and members of the far-right Israeli government talking about making occupation of its south permanent.The balloons come into Lebanon alongside Israeli warplanes. An overnight attack on the city of Nabatieh alone wounded 21 people. According to reports, the attack leveled a residential building, wounding 7 people within, and 14 others from the ensuing panic.
by Jason Ditz
Dear Child: Full Short Film (9:33)
Written as a letter to a child in Gaza, this film takes the audience on a haunting & realistic journey through Gaza today from a child’s perspective imbued with guilt of a foreign journalist. Stylish, artistic, horrifying, yet hopeful that we can do better. After all — we must.
by Chris Hedges
Electing The Next Dictator: Ugly Truths You Won’t Hear From Trump Or Biden
No matter what carefully crafted sound bites and political spin get trotted out by Joe Biden and Donald Trump in advance of the 2024 presidential election, you can rest assured that none of the problems that continue to undermine our freedoms will be addressed in any credible, helpful way by either candidate, despite the dire state of our nation. Certainly not if doing so might jeopardize their standing with the unions, corporations or the moneyed elite bankrolling their campaigns. Indeed, the 2024 elections will not do much to alter our present course towards a police state. Nor will the popularity contest for the new occupant of the White House significantly alter the day-to-day life of the average American greatly at all. Those life-changing decisions are made elsewhere, by nameless, unelected government officials who have turned bureaucracy into a full-time and profitable business. In the interest of liberty and truth, here are a few uncomfortable truths about life in the American police state that we will not be hearing from either of the two leading presidential candidates.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
The Fatal Flaws In David Rogers Webb’s Solutions To “The Great Taking”
Firstly, there is so much wrong with this statement, that it is difficult to know where to begin, especially since Webb does an incredible job of explaining the intricacies of the thieving intent of all government and financial systems. Much, if not most, of his initial analysis concerning government, corporate structures, banking, and the deep state’s plot to steal every asset on earth, is spot on, but in his effort to find blanket solutions to this dilemma, he destroys his own argument to such an extent as to have failed miserably to understand the real evil of the State. Because of this, his arguments are destroyed by his own naiveté, and his completely misinformed opinions concerning the immoral and vile aspects of government; all government. I read and listened to Webb’s piece of work months ago, but never quite got around to dissecting all that he said, and not just his correct opinions about the premise for his work here. It can be easy to overlook indiscretions when someone’s basic understanding of the problem is so accurate, but one is compelled to look at the big picture, including the entirety of his position in order to make informed decisions about it.
by Gary D. Barnett
Over 100 Million Americans Think The Covid-19 Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers Of People’
And 66M Americans have “buyer’s remorse.” Also, new studies published in medical journals now show that mRNA shots cause permanent brain damage. Supreme Court Missouri v. Biden. Bird flu.
Covered today: Survey shows extreme buyer remorse for COVID shot. Latest Rasmussen Survey: 33% of Americans think that the COVID shots are killing large numbers of Americans and nearly 25% of people who got the shot regret it. COVID shots more than double dementia risk and causes permanent brain damage. The good news is that it doesn’t happen to everyone. Three new studies, all published in the peer-reviewed literature, show that the mRNA vaccines can more than double your risk of dementia (140% increase). This means the “benefit” of these shots is a doubling of the number of dementia cases which creates a huge burden on society. Hulscher paper on autopsies of people who died after getting a COVID vaccine Paper showing the shot killed 74% of the cases where they did an autopsy (most were 1 week from the shot) is now in the peer-reviewed literature (again).
by Steve Kirsch
Cynthia McKinney: Jamaal Bowman Denounced Me Under AIPAC Orders (Audio 53:59)
But it didn’t save him
En route to Congress, Jamaal Bowman was forced to issue a ritual denunciation of one of his heroes, six-term Georgia Congresswoman and 2008 Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney. We know Bowman admired McKinney because he put her, alongside Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and others, on his Cornerstone Academy “wall of honor.” But Bowman’s ritual denunciations of McKinney didn’t save him. AIPAC, the Jewish billionaire lobby that runs America as its private fiefdom, couldn’t allow anyone to remain in Congress who doesn’t enthusiastically support the genocide of Gaza. Cynthia McKinney, during her six terms in Congress, got a close-up-and-personal view of the Jewish billionaires’ stranglehold over American government. If she had let them buy her the way they’ve bought almost everyone else (except Thomas Massie?) she might well have become a vice president, or even president.
by Kevin Barrett
UK Elections: The Silence Over Gaza’s Thousands Of Murdered Children Is Deafening
Britain’s political and media class have turned their complicity in the mass slaughter of Gaza’s children into a non-issue on the election trail
No one should wish to live in a society where the systematic murder of children elicits no more than a shrug of the shoulders. It’s even worse when elected leaders assist in such a murderous campaign. And yet, as Britain races towards a general election next week, and with the United States not far behind with its own presidential ballot, this is the reality faced by western electorates. Politicians battling for our votes are fully on board with the months-long murder of Gaza’s children by Israel. The western media has failed to subject these candidates to even the most cursory scrutiny for their role in perpetuating that slaughter. The current barbarism at the heart of western politics has been turned into a non-issue. Nonetheless, the figures from Gaza should shake us to our core. In the past nine months, Israeli bombs have officially killed at least 15,500 Palestinian children, as well as another 22,000 adults. The actual death toll is certainly much higher. Bombed back to the Stone Age by an Israeli political and military leadership that has long vowed such destruction as its goal, Gaza lost the ability to properly count its dead months ago. But that is only part of the known picture. Save the Children revealed this week that a further 21,000 children are missing, including at least 4,000 estimated to be buried under rubble. No one knows their fate.
by Jonathan Cook
Julian Assange Is Free!
It wasn’t until 1969 that the Supreme Court’s modern First Amendment jurisprudence made it clear that whenever there is a clash between the government and a person over the constitutionality of the person’s speech, the courts will give every benefit and draw every inference to the speaker, and none to the government. This is so because the freedom of speech is a natural right, it is also expressly protected by the Constitution, and thus it is always to be presumed constitutional and lawful. I have argued elsewhere that because the essence of government is the negation of liberty, this presumption against the government should always be the case. Even when it purports to be protecting liberty, the government — because its existence without unanimous consent is based on stealing liberty and property from those who have not consented — should always be presumed wrong, immoral, unconstitutional and unlawful. But the courts have only made that so in the case of the freedom of speech. I offer this brief legal lesson in order to examine just how twisted the government’s views on speech have become in the Trump and Biden years, as the Department of Justice in both administrations has persecuted mercilessly and sought to prosecute aggressively the Australian journalist Julian Assange for his exercise of the freedom of speech. Until now. Here is the backstory.
by Andrew P. Napolitano
Here’s Why These Troubling Trends Mean Mass Chaos Is Likely Coming To The West…
You will note that the British public are being placed on a war footing. This is the psychological preparation for a mass chaos event. I’ve been telling you for ages that the bankers need to eliminate the debt, and I’ve also pointed out that historical examples highlight the risks of the elites losing control of the populace in such situations and in some instances their heads, too. They know this, and as such have prepared for a means to control what will be millions of impoverished (you’ll own nothing) and very angry (and be happy) citizens. This control mechanism has many facets. “Hate speech,” search and seizure laws, pandemic treaties, CBDCs, and attendant authoritarian control measures, including lockdowns, quarantining citizens, and forced… ahem… how to say this politely, “medical procedures.” The big daddy, of course, is CBDCs. Where these are implemented, then resistance is quickly squashed. It’s tough to mount a protest when you can’t get on a bus, fill up your car to drive to said protest, or even complain online on social media. If the “hate speech” laws don’t get you, the shutting off of your access to the internet and banking system surely will. When talking about conscription many people will say, “Oh, but the populace doesn’t have a stomach for it.” The problem is that you could have made the same argument in 1939.
by Chris MacIntosh
Why Do You Think They Add Mercury To Vaccines (2:04)
The “Horrid And Unnatural Rebellion” Of Daniel Shays
The smoke of the Revolutionary War had scarcely cleared when desperate economic conditions in Massachusetts led patriot veteran Revolutionary War soldiers and farmers to peacefully protest excessive state taxes and corrupt state government in 1786. Shays’ Rebellion began when 2,000 armed men blockaded the Springfield, Massachusetts courthouse. The uprising showed that when citizens band together, they can successfully win concessions from the government.
In the first years of peacetime following the Revolutionary War, the future of society was threatened by strangling debt that aggravated the depressed economy of the postwar years. Ruinous inflation afflicted the entire nation as the currency became almost worthless. The value of the Continental currency fell to a low of four thousand dollars in paper money to one ounce of silver. The situation became so dire that George Washington complained it took a wagonload of money to buy a wagonload of goods. The central government that had been set up by the Articles of Confederation had trouble paying overdue wages owed to veterans, so it delayed paying the benefits it had promised. State governments, pleading poverty, paid the state militia with IOU’s, promising to redeem them later. Many veterans were forced to sell their IOUs to speculators for immediate cash. Wealthy Tories bought the IOUs, paying pennies on the dollar from desperate veterans. Speculators redeemed the IOUs at face value for silver specie, plus 6% interest, profiting off of the backs of patriots.
by James P. Hodges, Ph.D. and Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA|
The WW2 Vets Who Saw The Great Replacement And Wondered What They Fought For (Text and Video)
A lot of people have been posting on social media that if the heroes of D-Day had been able to see what would happen to their countries—mainly the USA, Britain, and Canada—they would not have fought. Here’s a post at X I’ve just been looking at: an old black’n’white photograph of Allied troops going into battle with, superimposed on it, a thought balloon coming out of one soldier’s head saying: ”I hope my grandchildren become minorities in their own country.” There is documentary support for that bitter sarcasm, at least in the U.K. Back in 2006 British author Nicholas Pringle published an appeal in the local newspapers of his country asking for men and women who’d fought or served in WW2 to offer their memories, and their opinions as to whether all the sacrifices had been worthwhile. Pringle got enough responses to publish them as a book of over five hundred pages, title The Unknown Warriors, which you can buy on Amazon. The vlogger who calls himself Zoomer Historian has posted a one-hour YouTube video about Pringle’s book under the heading ”Do British Veterans Regret Fighting World War 2?”
by John Derbyshire
US Ruling Elite Trapped And Controlled By Israeli Honey Traps
Jeffrey Epstein made no secret of his work with MOSSAD, Israel’s fearful spying organization. Yet, America’s most influential politicians, the judiciary and those charged with representing the interests of the United States sold their souls to the devil. In return for the opportunity to do what they want; sexual exploitation of children or financial and other theft whilst guaranteed UNTOUCHABLE STATUS they sold their consciences, their souls, their families and their reputations. All men can and are bought to be used as others wish. Epstein and his cohorts proved it. With what were they bought? Sex! Whatever their secret desires and regardless of their sickening perversions, Epstein and his Jewish cabal could provide his clients with whatever they wanted. It was guaranteed that there would be no investigations or charges stemming from their fetishes.
by Michael Walsh
June 27, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Was The Constitution Sold On A Lie? Shays’ Rebellion And Ratification (28:54)
by Tenth Amendment Center
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Tenth Amendment Center
Was The Constitution Sold On A Lie? Shays’ Rebellion And Ratification (Show Links and Video)
Shays’ Rebellion was repeatedly cited by Federalists as a primary reason to replace the Articles of Confederation with a Constitution with a stronger central government. But what if the threat was exaggerated? Anti-Federalists sure thought so. In this episode, we’ll dive into the debate and explore James Madison’s surprising later admission about this pivotal moment in American history.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Romans IX
Let us recall how Jews served God at first,
But the best, that fall, can turn into the worst.
When the savagery of today’s Israelis continues unabated against the Palestinians in their midst, their most savage “mowing of the lawn” yet (that is their own term for it) since the founding of Israel in 1948, it is an opportune moment to consider the nature of the Jews and where they are coming from, as seen by their Creator Himself in the text of His own Word. For in no less than three full Chapters of St Paul’s greatest Epistle, Romans IX to XI, the Apostle to the Gentiles strives to explain to them how the mass of Jews, truly the Chosen Race for 2000 years from Abraham to Christ, could, when their own Messiah at last appeared, have crucified Him and become not converts to His Church but its worst persecutors.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Quote Of The Day
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The First Amendment
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Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.
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Supreme Court Sides With Biden Administration Over Accusations Of Social Media Censorship Pressure
The US Supreme Court has ruled in the hotly-awaited decision for the Murthy v. Missouri case, reinforcing the government’s ability to engage with social media companies concerning the removal of speech about COVID-19 and more. This decision reverses the findings of two lower courts that these actions infringe upon First Amendment rights. The opinion, decided by a 6-3 vote, found that the plaintiffs, lacked the standing to sue the Biden administration. The dissenting opinions came from conservative justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Neil Gorsuch. We obtained a copy of the ruling for you here.John Vecchione, Senior Litigation Counsel at NCLA, responded to the ruling, telling Reclaim The Net, “The majority of the Supreme Court has declared open season on Americans’ free speech rights on the internet,” referring to the decision as an “ukase” that permits the federal government to influence third-party platforms to silence dissenting voices. Vecchione accused the Court of ignoring evidence and abdicating its responsibility to hold the government accountable for its actions that crush free speech. “The Government can press third parties to silence you, but the Supreme Court will not find you have standing to complain about it absent them referring to you by name apparently. This is a bad day for the First Amendment,” he added.
by Dan Frieth
Prison Camps For Political Dissidents In All 50 States (4:07)
by Greg Reese
The European Mutiny: The Consequences Are Just Beginning
The Biden-faction within Brussels is wholly invested in the US project for escalation of the war in Ukraine against Russia
In the European Parliament elections this month, voters in most of the European Union’s 27 countries rallied to parties that hold the remote EU Establishment in contempt. In France, the once-taboo National Rally party outpolled the party of President Macron by more than 2 to 1; in Germany, the party of Scholtz, the SPD (a veteran German party) collapsed to 13% voter support, at the same time that the other components to the governing coalition collapsed. The Greens sank to 12% and the FDP were at borderline 5% of the popular vote (5% is the entry-level to Germany’s parliament). Much has been written to argue that European Parliamentary Centre ‘held’, yet even that hangs in the balance until the newly-elected MEPs first assemble to approve the clutch of EU top jobs: i.e. the three ‘Presidents’ — Presidents of the Commission, the Council, and of Parliament; plus the High Representative (i.e. the EU’s ‘Foreign Minister’). For now, the composition of the European Parliament is the subject of intense internecine struggle. These were elections only to the European Parliament — a body that does not initiate legislation in the EU, but which is supposed to exercise a general surveillance.
by Alastair Crooke–the-consequences-are-just-beginning
Odds Are High You’re Going To Need Your Survival Supplies In The Next Few Years
In 2020 at the onset of the covid pandemic scare and right before the lockdowns I’ll never forget going on a grocery run on a Friday afternoon only to find near empty roads and near empty stores. The few other people shopping had a glassy stare in their eyes, like they were dazed or shell-shocked. For me and those I know that prep, it was just another day; for those that hadn’t prepped it was a nightmare of uncertainty. In Montana we didn’t pay much heed to the lockdowns after the first month. In three months everything was basically back to normal except for the mask mandates which most people ignored. With more data available on the virus it was clear that the chance of death was greatly exaggerated. What scared us far more was the pervasive talk of vaccine passports in 2021. The proposed state and federal restrictions on people that refused to take the jab were familiar – This was the beginning of full blown tyranny unless we stood firm. In the meantime there was a public rush to buy up as many necessities as they could afford. And of course, the covid stimulus measures helped to trigger a stagflationary crisis that had already been building in the US for many years.
by Brandon Smith
Former Prime Minister: ‘I Accuse Netanyahu Of Betrayal’
Ehud Olmert accused Netanyahu of keeping Israel in a state of war to the detriment of its people
In a scathing article published in Haaretz, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert blasted current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for extending the war in Gaza, escalating tensions with Hezbollah, and empowering Israeli thugs terrorizing Palestinians in the West Bank. Olmert explained that Netanyahu should be removed from office and face a trial for his many failures since October 7. “For each of these accusations, Netanyahu must stand trial in the court of the people of Israel. This must not be delayed,” he wrote. “Every additional day that this cursed man continues to bear nominal responsibility for the running of the state is a day that poses a concrete danger to its future and its existence.” The op-ed pointed to numerous acts for which Netanyahu should be held responsible. “I accuse the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, of taking deliberate action to prolong the war between Israel and the Palestinian murder organizations,” he wrote. “The desire to drag out the fighting without specifying an end date is the reason precise objectives have not been set for the combat forces.”
by Kyle Anzalone
Reality Control (1:48:59)
by The Crowhouse
State Dept. Claims to Be Ignorant of Hannibal Directive (Text and Video)
Israel’s order to kill its own citizens was used on Oct. 7. Does it now also threaten captives in Gaza — including US citizens?
On Tuesday at the State Department, I asked about the Hannibal Directive, its use on Oct. 7 and its possible continued use, including against US citizens being held captive in Gaza. State Department Spokesperson Matt Miller claimed: “I am not familiar in any way with either that supposed directive or those reports.” As I attempted to press him on the issue, Miller quickly called on another journalist to talk about another subject. See transcript below. Richard Silverstein reports: “The Hannibal Directive was invoked on 10/7 when Israeli tanks and helicopter gunships deliberately killed Israelis held hostage by Hamas.” It appears this was the first time anyone has mentioned the Hannibal Directive at a State Department briefing. But as several people pointed out online, it is actually discussed on the State Department website, making Miller’s denials seem more implausible. Several reports are noted in the above video including Haaretz: “’Unlawful, Unethical, Horrifying’: IDF Ethics Code Author on Alleged Use of ‘Hannibal Directive’ During Hamas Attack.” Presuming Miller was feigning ignorance because he desperately wants to avoid addressing the topic, it may seem bizarre that the State Department spokesperson would tell me they don’t know about Israel’s Hannibal Directive — until you remember that they won’t acknowledge Israel’s nukes or its ongoing crimes against humanity.
by Sam Husseini
You Saved Julian Assange
After 14 years of persecution, Julian Assange will go free. We must honor the hundreds of thousands of people across the globe who made this happen.
The dark machinery of empire, whose mendacity and savagery Julian Assange exposed to the world, spent 14 years trying to destroy him. They cut him off from his funding, canceling his bank accounts and credit cards. They invented bogus allegations of sexual assault to get him extradited to Sweden, where he would then be shipped to the U.S. They trapped him in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London for seven years after he was given political asylum and Ecuadorian citizenship by refusing him safe passage to Heathrow Airport. They orchestrated a change of government in Ecuador that saw him stripped of his asylum, harassed and humiliated by a pliant embassy staff. They contracted the Spanish security firm UC global in the embassy to record all his conversations, including those with his attorneys. The CIA discussed kidnapping or assassinating him. They arranged for London’s Metropolitan Police to raid the embassy – sovereign territory of Ecuador – and seize him. They held him for five years in the high security HM Prison Belmarsh, often in solitary confinement. And all the while they carried out a judicial farce in the British courts where due process was ignored so an Australian citizen, whose publication was not based in the U.S. and who, like all journalists, received documents from whistleblowers, could be charged under the Espionage Act.
by Chris Hedges
Who Was Matthew North? His Open Letter To Zionist Puppet Trump Supporters!
On June 20, 2024, will be the 5th Anniversary since Matthew North went missing. Matthew North was a youtuber/researcher beyond his age. He describes in his videos current front organizations, controlled opposition, Deceptions acting as a smoke screen to the general public. From what he said before he disappeared from the internet; he was sitting on much more information but, was in fear to disclose that information at that time. Since that said disappearance, many have tried to find out what happened to him as he was beloved in his community. There were reports of Matthew Committing “suicide” stated to be by his brother when asked by his community.
by Kim Osbøl
How An Angry Woman Committed Murder And Got Away With It
The piece below is part of Chapter One from Vernon Coleman’s novella `Balancing the Books’ which is available through the bookshop on
When Harriet first came across Deborah she intended only to mess with her life a little, to give her the opportunity to taste the pain she had caused her husband and herself; to feel just a smidgeon of the anguish she had brought into their lives. She had thought it likely that Deborah had destroyed their lives on a mindless whim, without thinking about what she was doing. But when Harriet had studied her prey for a while, she realised that Deborah was a malignant woman, a cancerous growth doing enormous damage to society; contentedly breaking the hearts and minds of strangers without feeling, without a whisper of restraint, a flicker of self-doubt or a moment’s hesitation. And Harriet then decided that the only sensible, honourable, decent thing to do was to bring about her demise, to delete her from society in the same way that someone using a computer might delete a literal or a misplaced adjective.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
A Red Line Too Far?
Anyone paying attention to the string of events in and around Ukraine will see the dangerous escalation which it represents. Western countries, previously more restrained, have increasingly supplied heavier and longer-range weapons to Ukraine to fight—and kill—Russians. At each step of the way, Russia’s leaders have raised concerns, sounded alarm bells, and emphasized that Washington and others are crossing deep, dark, red lines in an overt war against their nation. However, at each step, these same Western countries have feigned indifference, and continued their escalations. When a U.S.-supplied ATACMS missile, armed with cluster munitions, hit a densely-populated beach in Crimea on Sunday, June 23, killing 4 and wounding over 150, a new level of crisis arrived. Russia was quick to denounce the actions and promise a swift retaliation, pointing the finger directly at the United States. As Russia’s UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said June 24: “The fact that the U.S. is directly involved in this crime is beyond any doubt.”Indeed, it’s well known that ATACMS use American programming for targeting, and no missile launches without direct U.S. involvement. Therefore, when the State Department and Pentagon spokesmen on Monday, June 24, dismissed questions regarding Russia’s claims, and turned the question around, to in effect blame Russia for causing the terrorist attacks on its own people, it was an open admission that the U.S. intends for these attacks to continue.
by Stewart Battle
DOJ’s Outrageous Political Prosecution Of Whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim
Dr. Eithan Haim is the courageous whistleblower who, through Christopher Rufo, revealed that Texas Children’s Hospital (in Rufo’s words) “secretly continued to perform transgender medical interventions, including the use of implantable puberty blockers, on minor children” after it had publicly announced that it would no longer do so. If you need any more evidence that the Biden administration is controlled by fanatical transgender ideologues, the Department of Justice’s prosecution of Dr. Haim provides it. DOJ’s indictment of Dr. Haim has now been made public. The indictment charges Dr. Haim with four counts of violating the patient-privacy provisions of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), and it exposes Dr. Haim to total penalties of up to 10 years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines. Some observations: If a whistleblower did what Dr. Haim is alleged to have done to expose, say, that a hospital had committed racial discrimination or Medicaid fraud, it is unfathomable that DOJ would threaten the whistleblower with a life-destroying criminal prosecution. The only reason that Dr. Haim is being targeted is that he has run afoul of the transgender ideology that dominates the Biden administration.
by Ed Whelan
House Prices Hit New Record
Prices are sky high but nobody’s buying
Home prices just hit a fresh all-time record, even as homes sold plunge. So much for the housing bubble unwinding so prices could come back to earth. Pretty much on-brand for this miracle economy of ours: nothing’s selling, but it’s all really expensive. The numbers come from the National Association of Realtors, who report the the median existing home price in May was a record $419,300, up nearly 6% from last year. Meanwhile, sales of existing homes plunged to just 4.1 million — down 6% on the quarter and down 40% since Joe Biden took office. What’s crashing the number of sales is, of course interest rates, which at 7.5% are putting houses out of reach — you need to make six figures to qualify for a start home, and you’re mortgage will be half your income. What makes this interesting is that crashing sales was supposed to bring prices back to earth after the pandemic-era housing boom. It hasn’t. For the simple reason that rates went up so fast that it’s locked people in — they can’t afford a replacement house. After all, maybe your condo went up 40%, but that starter house also went up 40%. Even with the gains you can’t afford to upgrade at a 7.5% mortgage unless you’re retired and moving to Costa Rica.
by Peter St Onge
How Depression Facilitates Self-Transformation (18:01)
by Academy of Ideas
Did FDA Fully Analyse Pfizer Trial Data In 22 Days? Impossible, Says Expert
FDA claims it fully analysed the individual participant data (IPD) underpinning the emergency authorisation of Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine in only 22 days. Experts say the agency must’ve cut corners.
In 2020, governments around the world imposed brutal lockdowns across the population, promising a safe and effective covid-19 vaccine was just around the corner. The Trump administration made no secret of the fact that it wanted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to hurry the process along. Stephen Hahn, then FDA commissioner, was summoned to the White House and asked to explain why he hadn’t moved faster to approve Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine. It drew widespread criticism but Kayleigh McEnany, then White House press secretary, defended Trump saying he would “never apologize” for putting a fire under the FDA. Hahn appeared to resist the pressure – publicly at least. “We will make sure that our scientists take the time they need to make an appropriate decision,” said Hahn “It is our job to get this right and make the correct decision regarding vaccine safety and efficacy.”
by Maryanne Demasi, PhD
Julian Assange: Freedom This Time, No Thanks To The Media
It was the media, led by the Guardian, that kept Assange behind bars. Their villainy will soon be erased because they write the script about what’s going on in the world.
It is only right that we all take a moment to celebrate the victory of Julian Assange’s release from 14 years of detention, in varying forms, to be united, finally, with his wife and children – two boys who have been denied the chance to ever properly know their father. His last five years were spent in Belmarsh high-security prison as the United States sought to extradite him to face a 175-year jail sentence for publishing details of its state crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. For seven years before that he was confined to a small room in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, after Quito awarded him political asylum to evade the clutches of a law-breaking US empire determined to make an example of him. His seizure by UK police from the embassy on Washington’s behalf in 2019, after a more US-aligned government came to power in Ecuador, proved how clearly misguided, or malicious, had been those who accused him of “evading justice”. Everything Assange had warned the US wanted to do to him was proved correct over the next five years, as he languished in Belmarsh entirely cut off from the outside world.
by Jonathan Cook
Magazine Depth And Shields
In addition to the already-in-progress wars in Ukraine, Gaza, and the Red Sea, we are now staring down the barrel of yet another — rumored to be imminent in southern Lebanon. There is no doubt Israel (just like its great benefactor, the United States) is, in the context of a “big war”, capable of executing several damaging strikes against a potential peer or near-peer adversary.
Israeli Ballistic and Cruise Missiles and Ranges But, throughout the imperial domain, there are fatal weaknesses that exist right now, and which cannot be turned into strengths at any point in the near- or medium-term. The first is what military types call “magazine depth”: munitions stockpiles sufficient to offensively overwhelm, defensively defeat, and strategically outlast the enemy.
Neither the United States, nor any of its largely impotent client nations, possess “magazine depth” sufficient to prosecute anything more than a relatively brief campaign against their potential peer adversaries: Russia, China, Iran — and all or any of their lesser-power partners. The second problem is a corollary of the first. It is what I will term “shields”: the capacity to defeat a decisive proportion of the strikes one’s enemy can launch against you.
by William Schryver
EU Accelerates De-Dollarization By Stealing Russian Money
The EU will send €1.4 billion ($1.5 billion) in profits from the frozen assets of Russia’s Central Bank to the “European Peace Facility” in order to meet the Kiev regime’s military needs.
EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell announced on June 24 that the bloc has approved grabbing windfall income from frozen Russian assets. According to Borrell, €1.4 billion will be available in the course of the next month, and another €1 billion by the end of the year. “The decision is shameful,” Gilbert Doctorow, an international relations and Russian affairs analyst, told Sputnik. “It is totally hypocritical to assign to a “Peace Facility” the role of financing arms and war. The ultimate goal of this ‘peace initiative’ is to prolong the war, at least till after the American elections in November for the sake of Mr Biden’s personal ambitions.” Ninety percent of the revenues will be spent on arms and just 10 percent on construction projects in Ukraine. Going against the usual requirement for unanimity between its members, the EU snubbed Hungary’s veto by using a legal “loophole”.
by Ekaterina Blinova
It’s By Design Not By Chance (3:42)
Natural Light Is An Essential Nutrient
Decades of Forgotten Research Show How Much Modern Lighting Has Harmed Human Health
Sunlight is one of the most important things for our health (e.g., it halves our risk of dying or getting cancer), yet all we ever hear is how important it is to avoid it.While the importance of vitamin D is generally recognized, many of the other critical functions of light within plants, animals and human beings remain almost completely unknown (and hence will be the focus of this article. One of the defining characteristics of modern life is the continual exposure to unnatural light. While this is viewed as being relatively benign, in reality, forgotten research demonstrated that it is a root cause of a myriad of inexplicable modern physical and behavioral illnesses. One of the keys functions of blood is to conduct light throughout the body. In turn, when this process is disrupted (e.g., by wearing glasses with lenses which eliminate critical parts of the electromagnetic spectrum) a variety of significant illnesses can develop. Over the years, I have become convinced sunlight is one of the most essential nutrients for the body. For example, as human beings moved further and further north from Africa and had increasingly lower sun exposure, their skin became progressively lighter, something which argues the human body needs light and that the whitening of human skin in the higher latitudes was a protecting mechanism designed to ensure enough of the remaining sunlight could get inside the body.
by A Midwestern Doctor
Journalism Under Fire: Jailed For Exposing Jordan
Freelance journalist Hiba Abu Taha was jailed for a year under Jordan’s draconian Cybercrimes Law for exposing the government’s covert trade with Israel, marking yet another instance of the kingdom’s severe crackdown on dissenting voices.
In Jordan, failing at self-censorship can land you in jail. Literally. Freelance journalist Hiba Abu Taha, a passionate pro-resistance Jordanian of Palestinian origin, refused to self-censor. On 11 June, the Magistrate Court in Amman sentenced her to a harsh one-year prison term for violating the kingdom’s controversial Cybercrimes Law introduced last year. This was due to an article she wrote for Lebanese news site, Annasher, criticizing “Jordan’s role in defending the enemy entity.” The article was published on 22 April, eight days after Jordanian, US, British, and French aircraft intercepted Iranian drones and rockets over Jordanian airspace heading towards Israeli targets. However, Abu Taha was arrested on 13 May after Annasher published her investigative report on 28 April titled “Partners in extermination: Jordanian capital owners involved in Gaza genocide.” The timing of her arrest gave the impression that she was detained for exposing Jordanian companies transporting exports to Israel – a land corridor that government officials went out of their way to publicly deny amid growing popular outrage at Amman’s continued ties with Tel Aviv while it commits the Gaza genocide. It is widely believed that her nearly 2,000-word investigative report, supported by a 15-minute video of evidence she gathered undercover, was the real reason for the journalist’s indictment.
by The Cradle’s Jordan Correspondent
Julian Assange: The Timeline Of A Fierce Legal Battle
The lawsuits would come from elsewhere. In Sweden, at the end of 2010, Assange was accused of sexual assault and rape by two women. The country issued an international arrest warrant to question him. While in the UK, Assange proclaimed his innocence, insisting that the accusations were merely a pretext to have him extradited to the US. On several occasions, he contested the warrant with the British justice system, which systematically refused. On June 19, 2012, Assange hunkered down in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, which granted him asylum. At the time, the country was governed by Rafael Correa, who was openly hostile to the US. British police could not enter. For seven years, the hacker was confined to a small room, from which he never left, except to go out on the balcony, where he made occasional appearances. Relations with embassy staff became strained: They criticized him for unpleasant behavior, while the Australian accused them of spying for the US. His doctors warned of his health, which deteriorated over the years.
by Morgane Tual
Public Schools Completely Out Of Control! (0:58)
10 Ways To Prevent The Progression Of Prediabetes Naturally
For those living with prediabetes, the search for effective, natural ways to manage glucose levels is an ongoing journey. A recent study has shed light on a promising ally in this quest: the humble cinnamon spice.
Prediabetes, a condition characterized by elevated blood glucose levels that are not yet high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes, affects millions of people worldwide. While lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise are the cornerstone of prediabetes management, the discovery of natural substances that can aid in glucose control is an exciting development. Enter cinnamon, a spice that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and culinary applications. In a recent 4-week randomized, controlled, double-blind, crossover trial, Zelicha et al. investigated the effects of cinnamon consumption on glucose changes throughout the day in participants with prediabetes and obesity.1 The study included 18 participants who were randomly assigned to take 4 grams of cinnamon or a placebo daily for 4 weeks, followed by a 2-week washout period, and then crossed over to the other intervention for an additional 4 weeks.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
June 26, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War On Gaza (1:18:36)
by Fault Lines Documentary
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“These so-called governments are in reality only great bands of robbers
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Lysander Spooner
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The Göbekli Tepe Prophecy (58:14)
by The Why Files
Sticks And Stones And Verbal Drones
Whoever shouts the loudest wins
We all know that political discourse in this collapsing country has sunk to an all time low. When Donald Trump addressed the “rumors” about his small hands indicating that something else was small, during a presidential debate, you knew it was over. And the subject was brought up by “Little” Marco Rubio, his possible running mate. Trump specializes in devising juvenile names for his enemies. “Crooked Hillary.” You know, the Deep State queen that his justice department refused to prosecute. “Lyin'” Ted Cruz, now a loyal Trump ally. He oddly seems to have stopped referring to the current president as “Creepy Joe.” That might bring attention to all those videos of Biden inappropriately touching little girls. Or his own daughter’s journal, detailing how unsettled she was at her father showering with her. In Biden’s case, his tactic is to brand pretty much any sane person left in America 2.0 as a “White Supremacist.” These invisible, powerless “White Supremacists” represent “the greatest threat to our democracy.” This would be a “democracy” that prosecutes its political opponents. A “democracy” that doesn’t believe in free speech. A “democracy” that insists the worst economy in modern history is actually the best. War is Peace.
by Donald Jeffries
Will U.S. Government Stage A False Flag?
Intent on escalation, Washington may be tempted to stage a spectacular act of Russian perfidy.
[Editor’s Note: The demons running this violent insane asylum finally realized that provoking Putin won’t work. The usurious Jewish oligarchs in charge the City of London have already told their psychopathic wet works departments at MI6 and CIA to come up with a big one to start WWIII. Look for something on July 18, 19, or 20.]
On March 30, 2017, then U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, stated at a meeting in Ankara, Turkey that getting rid of Assad was no longer official U.S. policy towards Syria. As soon as I heard this news, I predicted that we would soon hear news from Syria that Assad had committed an atrocity that would put him back in the crosshairs of the U.S. government and military. The mainstream media would lap up the story without questioning why Assad would commit such a plainly irrational act. Four days later, we were told the town of Khan Shaykhun in the Idlib Governorate of Syria. had been struck by a Syrian government forces chemical attack that resulted massive civilian chemical poisoning. The release of a toxic gas, which included sarin, or a similar substance, was said to have killed at least 89 people and injured more than 541, according to the opposition Idlib Health Directorate. As I predicted, the U.S. mainstream media lapped it up, as did much of the U.S. public. No one seemed to ask why on earth Assad would hit a civilian target with zero military value, thereby ensuring that he was put back on the U.S. hit list. Few remarked that Syrian opposition consisted of a host of guerrilla bands with known terrorist connections, including ISIS. I’m concerned that we may soon hear reports of an analogous attack that will be blamed on the Russians. Washington is apparently committed to escalation and needs a big, emotional excuse to proceed with its plans. I hope not, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens.
by John Leake
Mission Creep: How The Police State Acclimates Us To Being Modern-Day Slaves
Like the proverbial boiling frogs, the government has been gradually acclimating us to the specter of a police state for years now: Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Surveillance cameras. Kevlar vests. Drones. Lethal weapons. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Stun grenades. Arrests of journalists. Crowd control tactics. Intimidation tactics. Brutality. This is how you prepare a populace to accept a police state willingly, even gratefully. You don’t scare them by making dramatic changes. Rather, you acclimate them slowly to their prison walls. Persuade the citizenry that their prison walls are merely intended to keep them safe and danger out. Desensitize them to violence, acclimate them to a military presence in their communities, and persuade them that only a militarized government can alter the seemingly hopeless trajectory of the nation. It’s happening already. Yet we’re not just being acclimated to the trappings of a police state. We’re also being bullied into silence and subservience in the face of outright injustice and heavy-handed political correctness, while simultaneously being groomed into accepting government tyranny, corruption and bureaucratic ineptitude as societal norms. What exactly is going on?
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Adolf Hitler (2:03:10)
Chapter 17 “On The Razor’s Edge” May-October 1938
by John Toland
Why Assange’s Plea Deal Is Bad News For Investigative Journalism
The WikiLeaks co-founder didn’t just have his case dropped – it does not bode well for the future of truth-telling
Julian Assange, the co-founder of WikiLeaks, has agreed to plead guilty to one count of violating the Espionage Act for his role in collecting and publishing top-secret military and diplomatic documents from 2009 to 2011. What does this verdict mean for media freedom around the world? While it’s certainly positive news that the US Department of Justice is apparently closing the book on the tragic Assange saga, it’s shocking that the administration of President Joe Biden demanded a guilty plea for the alleged crime of obtaining and publishing government secrets. After all, this is the crucial task that investigative journalists perform on a regular basis. “The plea deal won’t have the precedential effect of a court ruling, but it will still hang over the heads of national security reporters for years to come… It’s purely symbolic,” Seth Stern, the director of advocacy for Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF), said in a statement. “The administration could’ve easily just dropped the case but chose to instead legitimize the criminalization of routine journalistic conduct and encourage future administrations to follow suit.”
by Robert Bridge
BlackRock: There Can Be No Compromise With Evil
The International Movement for a Just World (JUST) empathises with the concerns expressed by several NGOs and public figures in Malaysia over the involvement of the investment fund manager BlackRock in Malaysia’s infrastructure development. BlackRock has extensive investments in companies allied closely to Israel’s arms industry. It has, for example, a 7.4 per cent stake in Lockheed Martin, a US defence contractor that has played a critical role in arming the Israeli military. This is why Lockheed has been accused of complicity in the barbaric genocide in Gaza which is now in its eighth month. The CEO of BlackRock, Larry Fink, is known to be a staunch supporter of Israel in its ongoing massacre of Palestinians. As a nation, we should never be perceived to be colluding with entities that are complicit in one of the most inhuman and cruellest genocides in history. When the moral dimensions of a conflict are so stark, we must make sure that we are not dismissed as a bunch of people who “hunt with the hounds and run with the hares.” Our commitment to principles and ethical values in a catastrophe like Gaza should be demonstrated through deeds; deeds that prove over and over again that there can be no compromise with evil.
by Chandra Muzaffar
Turkish FM: Cyprus Becoming ‘Operation Center’ For Israel’s Genocide In Gaza
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has lashed out at Cyprus for becoming an “operation center” for Israel’s bloody onslaught on Gaza, warning the island country against involving itself with the regime’s regional adventures. “We frequently see in intelligence reports that certain countries use the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus as a base, particularly for offensives in Gaza,” Fidan told Turkey’s HaberTurk television news channel in an exclusive interview broadcast on Monday. “When you become a part of the ongoing wars in the Middle East, this fire will come and find you too.” “And as we share the same geography, it will then come and hit us too. Our advice to them is to stay away from the conflict.” Turkey doesn’t recognize the EU-member Republic of Cyprus. The eastern Mediterranean island has been ethnically divided between Turkish and Greek Cypriots since a Greek military coup and Turkey’s subsequent military intervention in 1974. The breakaway Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is only recognized by Ankara. Turkey has criticized the Greek Cypriot administration for allowing two British bases on the island to be used for US arms shipments to Israel.
by Press TV
Pierre Chaillot: “I’m Coming Out ‘No Virus’…” (References and Video 54:45)
Pierre Chaillot is a statistician and author from France who has been exposing the data related to COVID-19 since early 2020. Using official French figures he meticulously demonstrated that even on their own terms there was no “infectious disease” pandemic and it was all a show. In his book COVID-19 – Decoding Official Data, he explains how the public’s perception was manipulated with the promotion of statistics, some of which had been completely disconnected from the concept of health. Pierre’s ultimate conclusion from his analysis of the numbers was that ‘SARS-CoV-2’ did not exist as claimed. This revelation led him to start investigating the statistics related to other claimed “viral” diseases such influenza. In analysing decades of data one thing became clear: the patterns do not support the virus model or the concept of contagion. The mainstream media and “fact-checkers” did their best to smear his work but Pierre’s book (“Covid 19, ce que révèlent les chiffres officiels”) became a surprising best-seller in France where it sold over 50,000 copies. I had the great honour of writing a foreword for the English version of the book which is available here.
by Dr. Sam Bailey
‘Draft Notice’ From The Shop Of Horrors
Generations of political leaders have eroded America’s prosperity. They’ve exported jobs, supported casino capitalism, funded wars. Now it’s not just our tax dollars they’re after. It’s our children.
The coming wars are not patriotic. They are the result of the abject failure of political leadership and a long trail of lies stretching back decades. Those who control the narrative and push for ever-increasing war as a solution to all ills are leading America, and America’s future generations, into an abyss from which we may never be able to recover. Generations of political leaders have destroyed America’s economic largess through the signing of trade agreements which exported jobs and industry abroad. They have removed consumer protections and supported massive bailouts of casino capitalism, and now – again – predators are circling to extract every cent possible from the public purse through the forever war machine. This time, however, it’s not just our tax dollars they’re after. It’s our children. The military industrial complex, which President Eisenhower so presciently described, today has a death grip on America’s budget, politics, media narrative and foreign policy. We hear a brassy marching band and chowder society beating the war drum. In its wake is an infernal sucking sound as resources are pulled away from America’s domestic economy, into destructive posturing which leads to tragic hot wars and bankruptcy.
by Dennis Kucinich
Hamas Insists On Russia Being One Of Gaza Ceasefire Guarantors
The Palestinian movement Hamas insists that Russia should be one of the guarantors of the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, Hamas political bureau deputy head Musa Abu Marzouk told Sputnik.
“We still insist that Russia be the guarantor of such a ceasefire agreement, because obviously the United States is on the side of Israel … Russia’s position is fairer, more acceptable to all sides, and it is ready to act in this direction. We want to put an end to the hegemony of the United States and its one-sided influence on the Palestinian issue,” Marzouk said. There is no progress in negotiations on a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip, and Palestinian movement Hamas has not received a response to its amendments to the text of the document, Marzouk said. “The efforts of our friends in Qatar are continuing, they are trying to break the freeze on the process, but there is no progress … We have made several changes that Israel has not agreed to. Therefore, they remained unanswered,” Marzouk said.
Hamas does not ask Russia for military assistance, Hamas political bureau deputy head Musa Abu Marzouk added. “No, we did not ask for military assistance. The war is going on in Gaza, Gaza is producing its own weapons for close combat, and, so far, we believe that we can manage on our own for this kind of fighting,” Marzouk said.
by Sputnik
You Can’t Taper A Ponzi Scheme
“You can’t taper a Ponzi scheme.” Financial commentator and Bitcoin pioneer Max Keiser originally said these simple yet profound words. A Ponzi scheme is an unsustainable scam that relies on a continuous influx of new money to keep it going. The scheme collapses if the flow of new money slows down or tapers. Many believe the Federal Reserve is running what amounts to a giant Ponzi scheme. That’s because the US government’s obscene spending and skyrocketing debt have reached an inflection point where the whole system will collapse unless the Fed pumps an ever-increasing amount of new fake money into the system. Government spending is the leading cause of the problem. However, the government cannot even slow the growth rate of spending, let alone cut it. Here’s why. The biggest expenditures for the US government are so-called entitlements. It’s unlikely any politician will cut these. On the contrary, I expect them to continue growing as the last Baby Boomers enter retirement in 2031. With the most precarious geopolitical situation since World War 2, so-called defense spending seems unlikely to be cut. Instead, it is all but certain to increase. Income Security is a catch-all category for different types of welfare. That’s unlikely to be cut too. Efforts to reduce expenditures will be meaningless unless it becomes politically acceptable to cut entitlements, national defense, and welfare. Further, interest expense is exploding higher. The federal interest expense recently exceeded $1 trillion for the first time and is shooting higher. That means the interest expense is already bigger than defense spending and everything else in the budget except for Social Security, which it will also likely exceed soon.
by Nick Giambruno
CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | Strategic Errors (25:42)
Since the events of October 7, Israel has made a series of strategic errors. For the most part this has occurred because of strategic blindness and weakness of the Biden administration. And there is no evidence either party has learned anything from these mistakes.
CrossTalking with Dmitry Babich and Kevork Almassian.
GMO: Famine Is Worsening In Gaza
The Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza warned that famine is seriously worsening in the Gaza Strip, especially in Gaza City and North Gaza governorates. The GMO Director-General, Ismail Thawabta, said in a press conference in Gaza on Monday that the humanitarian conditions have seriously deteriorated across the Gaza Strip, especially following the inhumane US and Israel’s decision to “prevent the entry of food and medicine.” He pointed out that this comes within the framework of the genocidal war against civilians in the Gaza Strip, stressing that famine directly threatens the lives of citizens, which portends a rise in the death toll due to hunger. About 3,500 children are currently facing the dire threat of death in Gaza due to malnutrition and the lack of essential nutritional supplements, he highlighted. “The specter of famine looms larger each day, with a grim forecast of increased fatalities resulting from hunger,” Thawabta said. He pointed out that “for 49 days, the Israeli occupation army has been preventing 25,000 sick and wounded people from traveling to receive treatment abroad, after it took over the Rafah border crossing with Egypt,” stressing that Israel’s control over the Rafah crossing has significantly impacted the wounded people’s access to essential medical care. He underlined that 700,000 people endure daily famine conditions due to Israel’s obstruction of aid entry, leaving approximately 15,000 trucks stranded at border crossings, exacerbating the crisis.
by The Palestinian Information Center
Assange Is Free, But Never Forget How The Press Turned On Him
The Wikileaks head is finally out of prison. A look back at some of the comments that kept him inside
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is free, having struck a deal with the United States Justice Department that will credit him for time served and allow him to go home. As someone who campaigned against his detention, I’m happy for him, his wife Stella, his brother Gabriel Shipton, and the other members of his inner circle who kept the case in the public eye all these years. They deserve to celebrate today. Despite the fact that the plea was carefully crafted to say the state never proved its case, the Justice Department’s insistence on admission to the top count of violating the Espionage Act means this will remain a sword over the heads of anyone reporting on national security issues. Governments have no right to keep war crimes secret, but Assange’s 62-month stay in prison is starting to look like a template for Western prosecutions of such leaks. For instance, former Australian army lawyer David McBride was just sentenced to five years for leaking “classified” details of offenses by Australian Special Air Service (SAS) in Afghanistan, including the planting of “throwdown” weapons near the bodies of unarmed Afghans.
by Matt Taibbi
Malaysia Defies Western Sanctions On Iran
Malaysia only recognizes sanctions imposed by the United Nations and not by any individual country, Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution says. On May 16, a US delegation led by Brian Nelson, the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, visited Kuala Lumpur to discuss sanctions against Iran. The US accuses Iran of using Malaysian companies to finance militants in the Middle East. What do we know about US accusations against Iran? The US claims that trade between Malaysia and Iran has skyrocketed since the outbreak of the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas. Western nations allege that Iran financially supports Hamas and Hezbollah, opponents of Israel. The US highlighted the death of over 3,000 Israelis since October 7, 2023, in the ongoing conflict. 30,000 Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip, however, do not seem to bother the US at all. Instead, the focus remains on Iran and its proxies, including Hamas, allegedly receiving funds through the Malaysian financial system. “US efforts to intimidate Malaysia with sanctions over its economic relations with Iran have faltered.” The US is concerned that Iran can continue selling oil by transferring it from ship-to-ship in international waters to disguise its origin. Countries that do not adhere to US sanctions, or choose to ignore them, facilitate this process.
by Nguyen Kien Van
Chlorine Dioxide Solution – How I Take It…And How I Make It (10:59)
This short tutorial will show you how to make CDS based on the approach developed by Dr. Andreas Kalcker.
The Curious Case Of Antarctic Chickens: A Deep Dive Into Australia’s Bird Flu Outbreak
In a shocking turn of events, over 500,000 chickens were culled in Victoria, Australia, due to an alleged outbreak of bird flu. However, a closer look at the evidence reveals a tangled web of vested interests, military funding, and questionable scientific practices that raise more questions than answers.
The Curious Case of the Geelong Chicken Cull: Unraveling the Tangled Web of Bird Flu, Military Funding, and Pandemic Preparedness. In June 2024, the Australian government made the drastic decision to cull over 500,000 chickens in Victoria, citing an outbreak of the H7N3 strain of bird flu.1 While the measure was presented as a necessary precaution to protect public health, a closer examination of the facts reveals a more complex and troubling picture. In a recent blog post, Dr. Ah Kahn Syed delves into the curious case of the Geelong chicken cull, exposing a tangled web of vested interests, military funding, and questionable scientific practices.2 The Antarctic Chicken Connection. One of the most puzzling aspects of the Geelong chicken cull is the claim that the outbreak originated from Antarctic chickens. As Dr. Syed points out, the notion of bird flu spreading from Antarctica to Australia is highly improbable, given the lack of direct migration routes between the two continents.2 Furthermore, the H7N3 strain found in the affected farms is not typically associated with Antarctic birds, raising questions about the true origin of the outbreak.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
On Jews In The Slave Trade
“Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. “This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750’s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760’s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760’s and early 1770’s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.”
by Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael
US Condemned For Attempting To Sow Discord Between China And Russia, North Korea
Experts have rebuked the US for trying to sow discord between China and Russia, and North Korea, noting that the closer relationship between the two Chinese neighbors is based on current realities, as their mutual support can break through Western blockades. The remarks came after US Air Force General C.Q. Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters during an overseas trip on Sunday that the newly-signed strategic partnership agreement between Russia and North Korea could create friction with China, according to Reuters. Reuters, citing anonymous analysts, claimed the pact, signed on Wednesday, “could undercut Beijing’s leverage over its two neighbors and any heightened instability could be negative for China’s global economic and strategic ambitions.” Chinese experts refuted the claims. “In fact, China is pleased to see strengthening friendly cooperation between these two neighboring countries,” said Lü Chao, an expert on the Korean Peninsula issue at the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences. He believes the mutually supportive ties between Russia and North Korea are expected to contribute to regional security and the peace and stability of Northeast Asia.
by GT Staff Reporters
15 Bible Verses Identifying Trump As The Antichrist (45:14)
by Dustin Nemos
Interview With Christiane Northrup, MD (Text and Audio 21:34)
On Women’s Health, Menopause, Hysterectomy, Spirit, Energy Vampires and more.
Dr. Northrup, you’ve had a fascinating journey in women’s health. Can you please tell us a bit about your path from practicing OB/GYN to becoming an internationally recognized authority on women’s wellness? My current path was set in motion back in childhood. I am from a medical family. My father’s older brother was a general practitioner. And his younger sister was a pediatrician. My Dad—the middle child—was a dentist who had served as a facial surgeon in a MASH unit in Northern Italy during WW 2. Though our family was on friendly terms, my aunt and uncle often belittled my father because he wasn’t a “real” doctor. This is important information because my family had access to medical knowledge and care that most others do not. I had a baby sister named Bonnie who died in the hospital after not being able to eat. I was 5 years old.
by Unbekoming
The Establishment Sent Its Message To Would-Be Julian Assange’s
Whistleblowers are the real threat.
In the last four years of our Orwellian New Abnormal, the following thought’s occurred to me countless times: What the world desperately needs is far more brave whistleblowers. What we need is an active and robust WikiLeaks … or far more organizations that perform the vital work of WikiLeaks. The reasons this has not occurred are, of course, obvious. The main reason is that the people who could disclose important information about government or Deep State crimes are simply terrified to do this. They are afraid to do this because they, quite correctly, know they’d suffer deeply unpleasant consequences if they did disclose “inconvenient truths” that expose how corrupt the world’s most important organizations have now become. Another reason: Organizations that might actually publish the claims of important whistleblowers, largely, do not exist. The entrepreneurs who might create and try to run these organizations have clearly noted the undeniable message the Establishment sent to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. That message? If you do publish documents or testimony that embarrasses or threaten us, THIS is what will happen to you.
by Bill Rice, Jr.
The Aging Of Empire
Since 1999, too, US government debt has risen by $30 trillion, while the dollar — compared to gold — has lost nearly 90% of its value.
Let’s go over what we think we know. There are deep patterns in nature. They are not perfectly reproducible or predictable, but they are there. We don’t know exactly when or how we will die, for example, but we wouldn’t bet against it. The stock and bond markets follow long patterns too. From high to low, low to high, often over many decades… we call it the Primary Trend. In the bond market, for example, bonds hit a high in the late 1940s. The next epochal high did not come until 2020 — almost 80 years later. Stock market highs, meanwhile, came in 1929… again in 1966… and most recently, in 2021. Of course, we don’t know until later if these latest highs were the ultimate highs. Years go by, and it may still be uncertain. But in the bond market, it seems very unlikely that prices will hit their 2020 highs again in our lifetimes. In the stock market, on the other hand, prices have gone up… even surpassing their 2021 levels. What to make of it?
by Bill Bonner and Tom Dyson
June 25, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Julian Assange Is Free
After 4,388 Days – June 19, 2012 To June 24, 2024
Julian Assange Archive With 52 Posts
WikiLeaks: Collateral Murder In Iraq On July 12, 2007 (17:46)
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Julian Assange Is Free [After 4,388 Days – June 19, 2012 To June 24, 2024]
Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK. This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible. After more than five years in a 2×3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars. WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people’s right to know. As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom. Julian’s freedom is our freedom.
by WikiLeaks
Julian Assange Released From UK Prison (Text and Video)
The Australian-born activist is expected to strike a deal with the US Department of Justice, court documents say
WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has been released from British captivity, his legal team has confirmed. The publisher spent five years in Belmarsh Prison in London while fighting extradition to the US, where he was indicted on 18 counts of disseminating classified information, before being released on Tursday morning. According to newly filed court documents, Assange will strike a plea deal in order to avoid further time behind bars. “Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there,” WikiLeaks wrote on X (formerly Twitter). “He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.” WikiLeaks said the international campaign to free Assange has created “the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalized.” “As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom,” WikiLeaks wrote.
by RT
The Crucifixion Of Julian Assange (43:20)
I delivered this sermon at the St. James Church of Culture on August 20, 2023 to celebrate Julian Assange and his groundbreaking work to reveal the truth about the powers of the world in their pursuit of maintaining and expanding their brutal global hegemony.
by Chris Hedges
State Dept. Won’t Give Specifics On How Assange Hurt “National Security”. Or How “Russiagate” — Used To Demonize WikiLeaks — May Have Actually Been Israelgate. (Text and Video)
Questioning for World Press Freedom Day …. A new report by cybersecurity expert James Bamford charges it was Israel — not Russia –that colluded with Trump campaign. State gives no response as yet.
On World Press Freedom Day, in response to questioning by Matt Lee of the AP at the beginning of the State Dept. briefing, about whether Julian Assange was a journalist, spokesperson Vedant Patel said that WikiLeaks had damaged US “national security”. I was ignored for most of the news conference as I held my hand up again and again. Eventually Patel started calling on the same reporters for a second round and at that point I finally spoke up, noting the irony of him — on Press Freedom Day — going to the same reporters over and over while ignoring others. Only after that intervention, he finally called on me. I asked a series of questions about WikiLeaks’ disclosure of US criminal conduct, like the mowing down of Reuters media workers in Iraq. Was that an example of WikiLeaks damaging US “national security” — by exposing US government criminality? Patel did not give a substantial response. I then noted that the US government is targeting Assange for such work and not for Russiagate related work which demonized Assange to many. And then I noted that James Bamford, who has written extensively on espionage and surveillance recently reported in The Nation that the dominant Russiagate narrative is even more off than most critics of it know — in fact, Israel was the conduit to the Trump campaign.
by Sam Husseini
End-To-End Encryption Is Dead. Killed By New Tech. (20:01)
by Rob Braxman
U.S. Crosses Redline And Russia Is Now Ready To Respond With Force
I think we are on the cusp of a major escalation in the war in Ukraine, with U.S. assets likely to be targeted in the coming days. It is one thing for Ukraine to hit military targets inside Russia, but Ukraine’s attack with U.S. supplied missiles today on tourists sunbathing on the beaches of Sevastopol breached a Russian-redline that is likely to provoke a significant Russian response, which will include targeting U.S. reconnaissance aircraft operating in the Black Sea and the Baltic Ocean. And that is for starters. Imagine the reaction in the United States if Russia detonated cluster munitions over Miami Beach, killing and wounding more than one hundred, including children. The American people would demand a strong response. Well, that is exactly what is happening now in Russia. Using cluster munitions on beach goers decked out in skimpy bathing suits is an act of state-sponsored terrorism. There is no justifiable military reason for targeting this area. While this is far from the first time that Ukrainians have rocketed civilians and killed children in Russian territory, who were busy playing minutes before being shredded by a Western supplied weapon, this attack comes on the heels of specific, direct warnings by the Russian Government that any future strikes in Russia with Western supplied missiles would be met with a swift and forceful response. I believe that Russia will now kick the war into a higher gear and Ukraine, along with its Western allies, will experience a new level of devastation. I don’t know if this was a deliberate effort by the Biden Administration to provoke a Russian military response, foolishly believing that a Russian response to the Sevastopol attack will rally the American public around the fading fortunes of Joe Biden. If so, it is a stupid, counterproductive bet.
by Larry Johnson
Biden Is In Full Denial As He Escalates His Wars
When are American soldiers not really engaged in combat? Over the past week it was revealed that Congress is considering legislation that will strengthen current conscription registration requirements and could even include women. It seems that the US armed services can no longer obtain enough volunteers to meet their needs and are getting desperate given the wars both ongoing and planned by the National Security State. The Pentagon planners note how the wars in Gaza and Ukraine are also escalating alarmingly and China and Russia are being targeted over the horizon. But when Joe Biden is able to compose himself enough to express something that he considers to be an elemental truth he generally limits himself to a few words that he has memorized. One of my favorites is the empty of meaning expression “No boots on the ground,” meaning that the United States will not rush willy nilly into any of the wars it has started recently by engaging actual American armed forces in hand-to-hand combat. Of course, the narrative would work better if Old Joe were not lying about what he has been up to secretly in both Israel-Gaza and Ukraine. One recalls that Joe made a morale boosting trip to support Israel back in October 2023 where he was photographed together with a number of US Delta Force special ops soldiers in full combat gear. The White House actually posted the picture on its website before deleting it together with a description of the photo reading “In Israel, President Biden met with first responders to thank them for their bravery and the work they’re doing in response to the Hamas terrorist attacks.” It was explained to the media at the time that the men were there to provide assistance to Israel in its “defending itself” against Hamas but they were apparently first responders, whatever that was supposed to mean, not combat soldiers.
by Philip Giraldi
Escaping The Great Resist
Where In The World? – Part II, deux, ketto, kaksi, ?, dva, ???
In the two years since the first installment of this series circumstances have changed to such a degree that it appears that living in a fluid world of organized collapse through manufactured chaos, nothing is ever complete. Every possibility for chaos is announced and pushed through the media, or by key figures of the oligarch parasite class. In many cases, it was telegraphed, with unsettling specificity, within Simpsons episodes that aired twenty years ago. The manifestation of chaos is never required, only the perception that chaos might arrive, at any day. It’s a perfect distraction from the last manufactured chaos, whatever that was. (It’s hard to keep up these days.) They’ve been pumping the bird flu psyop for nearly two years, blocking then releasing pressure valves of hysteria every other month with bird cullings, cattle cullings, and the occasional fabricated (PCR) human “infection” making headlines. They give everything the full theatrical display of performative danger, with functionaries donning hazmat suits and respirators on official visits to farms and factories. Most of the chaos is staged and meant to frighten and keep people anxious and on edge, and it is happening as planned and in keeping with their timeline for the Great Resent Agenda. The petrodollar died two weeks ago, and around the same time, Moscow ceased all settlements in dollars for the Moscow Stock Exchange. China is ditching U.S. treasuries in favor of gold at an ever-increasing rate. All the preparations are being made for a collapse of the global monetary system and a shift in power balance.
by Good Citizen
Interest On National Debt Tops A Trillion (3:52)
by Peter St Onge Ph.D.
Iran’s Top Attorney Indicts Trump For Murder In Criminal Court Of Tehran
In a story that has been widely reported in the Middle Eastern media since yesterday, June 23, 2024, Ali Alghasi-Mehr, the judiciary chief for Tehran province, has issued a 164-page indictment against 73 American officials regarding the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani and his companions back in 2020. The chief Iranian prosecutor stated that a public trial will be held next month, and that: “All the defendants, who are U.S. statesmen and military officials, have been officially notified of the case and required to introduce their lawyers.” Only two of the 73 American officials have been revealed so far (that I could find), and that is former U.S. President Donald Trump, who ordered Soleimani’s death, and Trump’s former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. Skeptics and Zionist followers of the Trump Cult will be quick to point out that Iran has been trying to bring Trump to justice since 2020, the year Trump and the military assassinated General Qassem Soleimani, and that there is no chance Trump will ever stand trial in Iran. But many things have changed since 2020, and even since September of 2023 when it was announced that Iran was preparing these indictments, just one month before the Hamas attack on Israel in October of 2023. Also, recent events here in 2024 have dramatically changed the attitude in the Middle East with Iran and their allies.
by Brian Shilhavy
Listen To Your Body
Forty years ago, when I wrote my book ‘Bodypower’, I created the phrase ‘listen to your body’ to explain one of the book’s underlying principles. The following essay is taken from Bodypower which was first published in 1983 and which is available via the bookshop on Learn to listen to your body. If you will learn to listen to it, your body will be able to tell you a great deal. Many minor symptoms which we regard as a nuisance and which we hurry to treat are early signs that something is wrong. Other signs are simply ignored because we are not aware of their importance or because we aren’t aware even of their existence. For example: If you are lifting or moving something and you feel a twinge of pain, consider that a warning. If you persist you’re probably going to end up with a strained muscle or a damaged joint. If you’re digging in the garden and your back begins to ache, that’s an early sign. If you’re lifting heavy boxes and your back begins to hurt, treat that as a warning. Most episodes of pain should be regarded as early warning signs – the longer you ignore a pain, the more likely you are to end up with a serious problem. Vomiting and diarrhoea may be extremely inconvenient, but they are important defence mechanisms employed by your body for specific purposes. If you develop either of these symptoms without any other signs, the chances are that you have acquired some form of gastro-intestinal infection. Remember that any treatment you choose to employ to control your symptoms may also ensure that the infection stays in your body for longer.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Here’s Why The US Is Unable To Secure A Gaza Ceasefire
The Palestinian resistance have turned Gaza into a graveyard for its invaders, while Lebanese Hezbollah pummels their military sites and burns the northern settlements
It’s time to be serious about the reasons behind the US government’s inability to secure a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. This comes down to unrealistic expectations, a refusal to concede a loss, incompetence and a pro-Israeli Lobby that controls many levers of power. Weeks have passed since US President, Joe Biden, spoke in favor of a ceasefire and presented an Israeli proposal as “a road map to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages.” Not long after this, the American military provided a supporting role to the Zionist military operation in Gaza’s Nuseirat, which allegedly resulted in 3 Israeli captives being killed and 4 re-captured, but most notably inflicted a civilian massacre that killed at least 274 Palestinians, injuring around 800 others. The US temporary pier project, which was supposed to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, has been removed for a third time from the besieged coastal enclave, following allegations that immediately after its previous re-attachment it was used during the Nuseirat massacre. This project cost the American taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars and has barely facilitated a trickle of the much needed aid, calling into question its true intended application.
by Robert Inlakesh
Winning The Fluoride Fight – #SolutionsWatch (Show Notes abd Video 37:39)
by Corbett Report
A Recent Chemtrail Reporting From My Travels
This past week I have been traveling through my home state of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming; a respite for fly fishing a beautiful river under the Teton Range. As I travel, I constantly observe the stratospheric aerosol spraying of poisons (chemtrails) that are seemingly done everywhere I go, and all around the world as well. It is done in the name of weather geoengineering, cloud seeding, and so-called climate control, all falsely said to reverse the most fraudulent idiocy that is mislabeled as manmade ‘climate change.’ The real agendas are many, but great harm to agriculture, all plants and animals, and the depopulation of humans, are the results sought by those who carry out this atrocious project. This is insanity to be sure, and although still called a ‘conspiracy theory’ by most of the dolts who populate this world, it is obviously a conspiracy fact. This specific reporting is certainly anecdotal, but also a first-hand viewing of what is a long-term tragedy meant to harm the environment, and every living thing supported by the natural world, including all of mankind. At this stage, the fallout of this toxic spraying of the atmosphere includes, but is not limited to, aluminum, barium, strontium, coal ash, and any number of other nanoparticle poisons, metals, and chemicals meant to harm. It has been posited by many that mRNA nanoparticle bioweapon saturation is also likely. These pathogenic particles could certainly be delivered in this manner, all unknown to the vast majority of the masses, who care little about understanding the truth of the matter.
by Gary D. Barnett
Euro-Med: Israel Destroyed 75% Of Gaza’s Farmlands, Uses Starvation As Weapon
An international human rights organization says Israel has rendered over 75 percent of farmlands in Gaza unusable either by isolating them to annex those lands to its so-called buffer zone, or by bulldozing them.
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor made the comment in a Sundy report, adding that the regime’s forces seek to destroy Gaza’s food basket of vegetables, fruits and meat, in addition to destroying its local food production system. The organization noted that “in addition to destruction of all components of local food production,” Israel is also preventing the entry of food supplies and humanitarian aid in order to “perpetuate famine in the Gaza Strip and use starvation as a weapon of war as part of its ongoing crime of genocide, which continues for the ninth month in a row.” Euro-Med added that its teams have documented evidence of the occupation army intentionally killing farmers who were either working or attempting to access their lands and farms. In addition, Euro-Med said it has also documented extensive destruction of farms, greenhouses, water wells and tanks, and agricultural equipment by the regime’s forces.
by Press TV–of-Gaza-s-agricultural-land-destroyed-by-Israel
73.9% Of Examined Deaths Linked To COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings
COVID-19 vaccines: A lifeline or a lethal risk? A recent systematic review exposes a disturbing trend, with 73.9% of autopsies indicating the vaccine played a significant role in fatalities.
The Unseen Impact of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings. The rapid development and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines have been hailed as one of the greatest scientific achievements of our time. However, as with any medical intervention, concerns about potential side effects and adverse reactions have persisted. A recent systematic review published in Forensic Science International has brought these concerns into sharp focus, examining autopsy findings in deaths following COVID-19 vaccination[1]. The study, led by Nicolas Hulscher and a team of researchers, aimed to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis. Their findings paint a sobering picture that demands urgent attention from the medical community and policymakers alike. The results of this systematic review are nothing short of alarming. As the authors state in their abstract: “We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.” This statistic alone is cause for serious concern, suggesting a much higher rate of vaccine-related fatalities than previously acknowledged.
by GMI Reporter
10th Amendment: Top-5 Principles From The American Revolution (34:09)
Thomas Jefferson called the 10th Amendment the “foundation of the Constitution” for a reason. It enshrines many of the very principles that sparked the American Revolution – principles that even shaped his words in the Declaration of Independence! In this episode, we’ll dive into these Top 5 revolutionary ideas that have been ignored for far too long.
by Tenth Amendment Center
Time To Become A Hindu
For centuries, East Indians have regarded gold as the primary source of wealth. All Indians own gold if they can afford to. They keep it as close as possible, sometimes in coin form, but often as jewellery, since “wearing wealth” means that it can be kept very close. They’re often especially reluctant to trust banks to hold their gold. Hindus make up 80% of India’s population and, to Hindus, gold is sacred. Lakshmi (pictured above) is the Hindu goddess of purity, prosperity and good fortune. Her symbol is gold, so gold plays an important part in Hindu ceremonial occasions and Hindus donate large amounts of gold to the temples in Lakshmi’s name. In recent years, the Indian government has tried one ploy after another to gain control of the temples’ gold. The most recent ploy was a programme whereby the temples could deposit the parishioners’ gifts to Lakshmi in banks. The gold would then be melted down and the temples would be given cash in an amount that would exceed the value of the gold. Sounds pretty good. In many countries, the average individual would be shortsighted enough to go for it, thinking that he would have a few extra rupees. Internationally, even some Prime Ministers have thought it a good idea. UK PM Gordon Brown sold England’s gold at the bottom of the market between 1999 and 2002. More recently, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau sold off all of Canada’s gold during a major downward correction as soon as he took office. (Two excellent examples of proof that it’s possible to be elected the leader of a major country and still be an imbecile.)
by Jeff Thomas
Bring Back Capitalism
A new generation of unscrupulous political leaders and Wall Street hucksters has come up with a brilliant plan to outwit the populist revolt: pretending to be critics of capitalism.
Seeing Chase CEO Jamie Dimon issue a smiling clarion call in Fortune for higher taxes and massive government intervention via a “Marshall Plan for America” was a major tell that something even worse than what he called “free-for-all capitalism” was being contemplated. Dimon’s pledge was in line with outgoing World Economic Forum chief Klaus Schwab’s “stakeholder capitalism,” which purports to end the idea of corporations existing to “maximize their profits,” and make business leaders “trustees of society,” leading efforts to address “social and environmental challenges.” For those who aren’t fluent in rich-person bullshit, what Schwab and Dimon (and a long list of others, like Apple CEO Tim Cook and BlackRock’s Larry Fink) were proposing was that we take the same people who spent the last twenty years devouring Fed rescues and converting the savings of the middle class into Jackson Hole villas, and instead of hurling them off cliffs, put them in charge of society. They would additionally like taxpayers to fund a big enough safety net to guarantee the next generation of customers for, say, a depository bank. As in: “We screwed things up so badly, you need to give us even more leeway to make things right.” It’s enough to make the most mild-mannered person reach for something sharp.
by Matt Taibbi
Fighting The ‘Psyopcracy’
It is a hard thing to combat because it’s not a physical enemy but rather messages that lodge themselves in millions of people’s minds. And it has come to rule over us.
Cathy Vogan, the executive producer of Consortium News‘ webcast CN Live!, recently coined a new term to describe rule by psyops, or psychological operations: psyopcracy. According to Wikipedia: “Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior perceived to be favorable to U.S. objectives.” William Casey, C.I.A. director under Ronald Reagan, said: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” Thus the American people are continuously subject to a number of psychological operations otherwise known as “the news.” U.S. intelligence officials feed journalists disinformation to create a false narrative that is intended to mislead the public and cover-up what is actually taking place. The constant reinforcement of these lies becomes entrenched in the public mind and after time comes to be accepted as unquestionable truth.
by Joe Lauria
ACH (2375) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #173 – From Cancel Culture To Cancer Culture (1:00:38)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on June 23, 2024, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “From Cancel Culture To Cancer Culture.”
We discussed: the Rewatchables clip we played during the show intro segment; “The People’s Voice” videos published in the last week; the IMDB page on John D. Rockefeller; this week’s “People Who Failed To Join Sven Longshanks In Prison And How They Did It”; lawfare; Jimmie Moglia’s new book “Shakespeare In Pictures”; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; some of this week’s Daily Mail articles that didn’t end up behind their “Mail +” paywall; a young person’s experience of the Covid Lockdown; the inevitable outcomes of a decline in morality; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the 2011 Daily Mail article on a UK cafe owner threatened with arrest if he continued to show Bible DVD’s in his cafe; a woman’s pure and fresh face mask; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and Mallificus Scott
Woman Receives A Two-Day Prison Sentence For Insulting A Rapist Who Took Part In A Group Sexual Assault On A 15 Year-Old Girl; The Rapist Himself And Seven Of His Fellow Perpetrators Get No Time
The German criminal justice system has become a cruel farce.
On 19 September 2020, at a party in the Hamburger Stadtpark, at least nine young men raped a drunken 15 year-old girl over the space of two-and-a-half hours. Some of them filmed their deeds, and one of them stole her wallet and mobile phone. Eight of the rapists were migrants or the descendants of migrants from Afghanistan, Armenia, Egypt, Libya, Kuwait, Iran and Poland. Last year they were convicted in the juvenile division of the Hamburg Regional court, where the judge – a head girl if ever there was one named Anne Meier-Göring – sentenced only the Iranian to two years and nine months in juvenile prison. The other eight defendants received suspended sentences. The establishment press have done everything in their power to minimise the story – emphasising in almost every report that the victim had been “heavily intoxicated” and obscuring the origins of the perpetrators by writing over and over that five of them were German citizens. Despite these efforts at perception management, the mild punishment provoked nationwide outrage, and the press pivoted towards denouncing the “hate speech” directed at the judge and praising Meier-Göring for her “courageous” and “clever” bearing.
by eugyppius
Hiroshima Revisited
The eye injuries observed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors present a significant inconsistency with the official narrative of a nuclear detonation. Palmer’s analysis highlights this discrepancy, focusing on the absence of retinal lesions in survivors who reported directly viewing the flash. According to conventional understanding, such exposure to a nuclear explosion should have resulted in severe retinal burns and scarring. Instead, the typical eye injuries documented among victims included corneal erosion, blepharospasm (involuntary eyelid closure), and temporary blindness. These symptoms align more closely with exposure to sulfur mustard rather than nuclear radiation. Sulfur mustard is known to cause painful eye inflammation, often leading to a subjective perception of blindness. This phenomenon was similarly observed in the Bari incident, where mustard gas victims believed themselves permanently blinded until their eyes were forcibly opened. The discrepancy between observed injuries and those expected from a nuclear detonation is particularly stark. Dr. Oughterson and other medical professionals anticipated significant eye injuries, especially retinal burns, due to the reported intensity of the explosion’s flash. However, Dr. John Flick, an ophthalmologist who examined survivors, found no cases of retinal flash burns. This absence is also reflected in the broader medical literature on bombing victims.
by Michael Palmer – Unbekoming Book Summary
Russian Proposal Can End Ukraine Conflict – Putin
Western politicians have dismissed the offer without even considering it, the president has said
Russia’s offer for a peaceful settlement of the Ukraine conflict is a realistic way to end the hostilities, but the West is simply ignoring it, President Vladimir Putin has said. In a keynote foreign policy speech earlier this month, the Russian leader promised to order a ceasefire if Ukraine vows not to seek membership in NATO and withdraws its troops from all territories claimed by Russia. Kiev immediately rejected the proposal. In an address to an international forum hosted by Russia this week, Putin said his offer should be carefully considered by interested parties. ”Unlike many Western politicians who didn’t even bother to get to the core of the initiative we proposed, participants of this forum, I expect, will study it thoughtfully and rationally and will see that it gives a real opportunity to stop the conflict and move to its political-diplomatic resolution,” a written welcome message from Putin said, as read on Tuesday by his foreign policy aide, Yury Ushakov. Ushakov went on to say that Moscow is offering a “chance to at once stop the settlement of our differences on the battlefield and the loss of life,” adding, however, that the West wants to keep fighting Russia “to the last Ukrainian.”
by RT
June 24, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
End-To-End Encryption Is Dead. Killed By New Tech. (20:01)
by Rob Braxman
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2024: The Year The Israel Lobby Loses Its Grip On The World?
Israel cannot defeat Hamas. Israel cannot defeat Hezbollah. Israel cannot defeat Iran. So the Israeli leadership has decided to go to war with Hezbollah knowing that a sufficient number of atrocities will bring Iran and hopefully the US into the war. They hope that the US will blow up the Mideast and somehow the Israeli politicians will still have jobs and the Israeli voters will have a half way livable country. But they seem to ignore what is happening in Yemen. The US cannot defeat the Houthis and are in no position to fight Iran.
The US seems to believe the propaganda written by the Military Industrial Complex.
by Video Rebel
Video Rebel Archive With 73 Posts
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The Mind Beyond The Brain (16:01)
by Rupert Sheldrake
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Elvis Presley (50 Posts)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
“Before Elvis, there was nothing.”
John Lennon
How Elvis Helped Save The USS Arizona Memorial
The benefit was a resounding success. Ticket sales accounted for $47,000 with additional donations ($5,000 coming from Elvis) pushing the total take to over $60,000. Funding for the memorial was still well short of its target but the electricity of Elvis had generated the jumpstart the campaign needed. Money began to flow from other sources. The combination of public funds and private donations (including $40,000 from Revelle raised through sale of model kits of the Arizona) reached the goal of $500,000 by September, 1961 – just 5 months after the concert. Construction on the memorial was completed by the end of the year. The USS Arizona Memorial was officially dedicated on May 30, 1962. Elvis certainly took pride in his role in building a permanent memorial to the crew of the Arizona and made several visits to the site on subsequent trips to Hawaii. The memorial has reached its own iconic status and welcomes 1.5 million visitors a year.
by U.S. Naval Institute Staff
Attack On Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941
I Have Two Personal Stories Concerning Pearl Harbor That I Would Like To Share:
During my honeymoon, I visited Pearl Harbor on Sunday morning August 8, 1993. I’ll never forget when at the USS Arizona Memorial I looked over the railing down into the water and while saying a prayer, I saw what looked like oil coming to the surface. I stayed there looking down and sure enough again oil had come to the surface. I kept watching and every 30 seconds or so another little bit of oil would surface. I was amazed that almost 52 years later oil would still be seeping out of the USS Arizona.
When I lived on Siesta Key, Florida (1997 – 2008), I had a wonderful conversation with an old navy man, Captain Ralph Emerson Styles, a graduate of the US Naval Academy in 1933. I had heard about him and that he did a sunset flag ceremony every evening from his home that was literally right across from beautiful Siesta Beach, at 99 Beach Road. He told me that he was in the attack at Pearl Harbor assigned to the submarine USS Narwhal, and that he was one of the gunners in action to assist in the destruction of two Japanese torpedo planes.
by Mark R. Elsis
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Pentagon Has ‘Nothing To Say’ About Strike On Crimean Beach With US-Supplied Weapons
Washington is providing the intelligence data for Kiev’s ATACMS strikes, the Russian Defense Ministry has stated
The Pentagon has refused to comment on the deadly Ukrainian cluster munition attack on a crowded beach in Sevastopol, Russia on Sunday, RIA Novosti has reported. The Ukrainian attack carried out with US-supplied ATACMS missiles killed at least four people, among them two children, and injured 151, according to local officials. Four missiles were intercepted by air defenses, while a fifth deviated from its trajectory and detonated its cluster warhead over the busy Black Sea beach, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Sunday. When RIA asked the Pentagon about the use of US supplied weapons in the strike on Sunday, an official replied, “we have seen the reports and have nothing to say.” Moscow has placed the blame primarily with Washington, accusing it of enabling the “premeditated terrorist missile attack.” The targets for these US-provided missiles are assigned to Ukrainian troops by American specialists, based on their own intelligence data, the Defense Ministry stated. Kiev deliberately chooses mass gatherings of people as targets, both out of hatred and to sow panic, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said following the attack. The day of the Holy Trinity holiday was picked deliberately, she claimed.
by RT
Putin’s “War” To Re-Shape The American Zeitgeist
It is only by understanding and taking the Russian nuclear warnings seriously that we may exclude the risk of nuclear weapons coming into play.
The G7 and the subsequent Swiss ‘Bürgenstock Conference’ can – in retrospect – be understood as preparation for a prolonged Ukraine war. The three centrepiece announcements emerging from the G7 – the 10 year Ukraine security pact; the $50 ‘billion Ukraine loan’; and the seizing of interest on Russian frozen funds – make the point. The war is about to escalate. These stances were intended as preparation of the western public ahead of events. And in case of any doubts, the blistering belligerency towards Russia emerging from the European election leaders was plain enough: They sought to convey a clear impression of Europe preparing for war. What then lies ahead? According to White House Spokesman John Kirby: “Washington’s position on Kiev is “absolutely clear”: “First, they’ve got to win this war”. “They gotta win the war first. So, number one: We’re doing everything we can to make sure they can do that. Then when the war’s over … Washington will assist in building up Ukraine’s military industrial base”. If that was not plain, the U.S. intent to prolong and take the war deep into Russia was underlined by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan: “Authorization for Ukrainian use of American weapons for cross-border attacks extends to anywhere [from which] Russian forces are coming across the border”. He affirmed, too, that Ukraine can use F-16s to attack Russia and use U.S. supplied air defence systems “to take down Russian planes – even if in Russian airspace – if they’re about to fire into Ukrainian airspace”.
by Alastair Crooke
Luciferase Tracking (4:17)
by Dr. Christine Northrup
Investigation Confirms Israeli Tank Killed Six-Year-Old Hind Rajab
An Israeli tank gunner unleashed 355 bullets on the car carrying Hind and her relatives, knowing they were inside it
An investigation by multidisciplinary research group Forensic Architecture concluded that six-year-old Palestinian girl, Hind Rajab, and several of her relatives were killed by an Israeli tank gunner opening fire on their car. Hind and her relatives were killed on 29 January while fleeing their neighborhood in Gaza City after the Israeli military issued evacuation orders for the area. Their bodies were finally recovered 12 days later. Forensic Architecture mapped a total of 335 bullet holes in the KIA Sedan they were killed. The investigation, carried out in cooperation with Earshot and journalists from Al Jazeera’s Fault Lines, also found that two Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) medics who tried to rescue Hind were also killed by Israeli tank fire. While the deaths of most Palestinians killed by Israel in its genocidal war in Gaza pass unnoticed, Hind’s killing gained international attention when the PCRS published the audio of the call for help made by Hind’s cousin, 15-year-old Layan Hamadam.
by News Desk
Twenty Years Ago: How Powell Used Tortured “Evidence” For War Against Iraq (Text and Video)
The US outsourcing torture to Egypt to get the false “evidence” for war highlights how torture actually does work. The target, al-Libi, would be “suicided” by Gaddafi before the US also turned on him
Twenty years ago, Colin Powell gave the fabricated case for the Iraq invasion to the UN. The “evidence” for the claim that Iraq was linked to al Qaeda was false — and tortured out of Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi. I questioned Powell about this in 2009.
Sam Husseini: General, can you talk about the al-Libi case and the link between torture and the production of tortured evidence for war?
Colin Powell: I don’t have any details on the al-Libi case.
SH: Can you tell us when you learned that some of the evidence that you used in front of the UN was based on torture? When did you learn that?
CP: I don’t know that. I don’t know what information you’re referring to. So I can’t answer.
SH: Your chief of staff, Wilkerson, has written about this.
CP: So what? [inaudible]
SH: So you’d think you’d know about it.
CP: The information I presented to the UN was vetted by the CIA. Every word came from the CIA and they stood behind all that information. I don’t know that any of them believe that torture was involved. I don’t know that in fact. A lot of speculation, particularly by people who never attended any of these meetings, but I’m not aware of it. But there’s no speculation. My questioning was based on statements by Larry Wilkerson, Powell’s Chief of Staff, who was in the room, which I summarize here.
by Sam Husseini
The Future Of Christianity (10:00)
by American Renaissance
Russian Forces Hit Ukrainian Logistics Hub Storing Western-Supplied Missiles
The Russian Aerospace Forces struck a major logistics center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces over the past 24 hours, where Western-supplied missiles were stored, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on Monday.
“Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile troops, and artillery units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have targeted a large logistics hub of the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the statement said. “This center was used for the accumulation, storage, and redistribution of weapons, including missile systems provided by Western countries to the Kiev regime,” it added. “Additionally, we have targeted concentrations of enemy personnel and military equipment in 112 areas.” The Ukrainian armed forces have lost up to 610 soldiers in battles with Russia’s Yug group of forces over the past 24 hours, as well as “a tank, a US-made M113 armored personnel carrier, four cars [among other losses in battles with the southern group],” the ministry added. The Tsentr Battlegroup has repelled five counterattacks by Ukrainian troops and Kiev has lost up to 430 soldiers, while the Vostok Battlegroup has repelled one counterattack and Ukraine has lost over 140 soldiers. Ukraine has also lost up to 480 servicepeople in battles with the Zapad group of Russian forces, the ministry said, adding that Russia’s north group of forces clashed with Ukrainian troops in he Kharkov region and Kiev has lost up to 220 soldiers.
by Sputnik
It’s Alive! Growing Brain Matter For AI
Transhumanism is a clear and present danger to the human race. This is obvious after the usage of biological and technological weapons of mass destruction against the human race, in the form of COVID, COVID 19 injections, and mRNA nanoparticle injections. Whie these weapons of mass destruction continue to be deployed against humanity, it appears transhumanist have broken new ground in their anti human crusade. Just about when you think it can’t get any crazier or stupider, well, it does. A Swiss company called Final Spark has developed a much more cost effective way to house artificial intelligence. This company is growing brain matter for the purpose of housing AI. That’s right, brain matter is the hard drive for the AI software. What could go wrong here? The company also boasts that this technology is scalable, and also, evolutionary, and self learning. Hardware, software, and biology come together in this neuro platform. For $500 a month you can utilize a shared hosting plan of four shared organoids. They do offer dedicated servers too. For that pricing you’ need to contact the company. That’s quaint… It seems clear that the transhumanists are working hard to depopulate the planet and find a way to live forever. They are experimenting on us while killing us. This may eventually lead to the extinction of the human race. Hard to tell. Still, it appears that there is a darker intention. In this dimension of reality, it is sometimes described as a spiritual bootcamp. Spiritually speaking, we have the capacity to rise or fall to great heights, or great depths. It is starting to seem as if the transhumanists are pursuing a path that will transform this dimension of reality into a prison for the soul. Are they trying to transform this dimension of reality into a hell?
by Dr. Joseph Sansone
Watch: Roger Waters, Cat Stevens, And Lowkey Play For Gaza (Video 2:30:31)
Waters, Stevens and rapper Lowkey performed live on Friday for Gaza. Watch the replay here.
Music legends Roger Waters and Cat Stevens, plus rapper Lowkey and special guests performed live on Friday in a concert to aid peace, freedom and justice for Palestine. Streamed exclusively on Double Down News YouTube. Watch the replay.
SITREP 6/23/24: Coordinated Terror Attacks By Ukraine And Friends Seek To Sow Instability
Today what appeared to be a large coordinated series of terror provocations was carried out by Ukraine and Western intel assets. Just a couple reports ago I wrote about how it’s been openly declared that Ukraine may resort to naked terrorism against Russian schools, so we know the pivot toward a purely asymmetric terror war has already been on the cards. In accordance with that, today Ukraine launched a coordinated ATACMs strike on beachgoers in Sevastopol, reportedly injuring ~150+ or more, and killing half a dozen, though that death toll may rise as per usual. At the same time, a jihadi terrorist cell was activated in Dagestan, which went on a killing spree targeting Orthodox Christian churches, as well as a Synagogue, with one of the Orthodox priests reportedly having his throat slit. Also, an attack occurred on the Abkhazia border with multiple dead as well. Keep in mind this is just days after an ISIS cell staged an attack in a Rostov prison, though fortunately the only victims there were the jihadis themselves. The newly activated spree is clearly meant to provoke religious strife and ethnic tensions within Russia at its vulnerable Caucasian flanks.
by Simplicius
New Legal Powers For Settlers Facilitate West Bank Annexation
Tel Aviv’s finance chief Smotrich favors ethnic cleansing and annexation of the West Bank as well as Gaza
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) quietly issued an order which transfers substantial legal powers over the occupied West Bank to Settlements Administration bureaucrats working under Israel’s extremist minister Bezalel Smotrich, The Guardian reports. This paves the way for annexation of the territory, illegally occupied since 1967, where millions of Palestinian Muslims and Christians live. This objective, which will eliminate the potential for a two-state solution, has been long sought by Smotrich and other far-right elements in Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling coalition. Posted on the IDF’s website on May 29, the new order shifts responsibility for dozens of bylaws at the West Bank’s Civil Administration from the IDF to civilians working for Smotrich at the Defense Ministry, facilitating the expansion of Jewish-only colonies. Critically, Finance Minister Smotrich also holds a position in the Defense Ministry in which he serves as de facto governor of the occupied territory, allowing him to expropriate land and expand settlement construction. He and his ultra-Orthodox settler allies aim to achieve command of the heretofore IDF-run Civil Administration, or large parts of it, as a means of gaining Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank.
by Connor Freeman
The Central Bank vs The Constitution (34:07)
The federal reserve is the engine that drives the biggest, most powerful government in the history of the world. We can trace its origins to Alexander Hamilton’s First National Bank in 1791. His arguments in support have provided legal cover to much of the monster state we live under today.
by Tenth Amendment Center
In Satan’s Upside-Down World, West Are ‘Good Guys’ And East Are Demonized ‘Bad Guy’ Enemies
Without fail, every week global tensions keep heating up on two kinetic warfronts Ukraine and Middle East, while the next designated third warfront Taiwan also ratchets up. The globalists’ long planned, now staged, grand fireworks endgame finale, their conjured-up West vs. East WWIII Armageddon showdown, at the not so OK Corral, by the day looms ever more imminent than ever. It’s all being centrally scripted by the same bloodline controllers, you know, the same usual suspects. Since the Napoleonic Wars, the City of London moneylender central banksters maintain increasing control over our planet by constantly creating every geopolitical conflict and kinetic war they finance and execute. For over 200 years this same nonstop warring pattern, working so well for the Rothschild clan, has allowed a handful of mentally ill psychopaths to rape, pillage and plunder our planet for way too long. Are the global masses finally realizing the singular source of all wars are the controlling bloodline dynasties? People are beginning to wake up after millennia being duped by puppet masters’ divide and conquer tactics of deception, repeating their M.O. ad nauseam, inventing the problem that they create, then execute a worst-case scenario reaction, to then install their plotted, readymade solution from hell that keeps providing increased centralized insular power and control into their fewer hands.
by Joachim Hagopian
Study Finds US Does Not Have Housing Shortage, But Shortage Of Affordable Housing
The United States is experiencing a housing shortage. At least, that is the case according to common belief—and is even the basis for national policy, as the Biden administration has stated plans to address the housing supply shortfall. But new research from the University of Kansas finds that most of the nation’s markets have ample housing in total, but nearly all lack enough units affordable for very low-income households. Kirk McClure, professor of public affairs & administration emeritus at KU, and Alex Schwartz of The New School have now co-written a study published in the journal Housing Policy Debate. They examined U.S. Census Bureau data from 2000 to 2020 to compare the number of households formed to the number of housing units added to determine if there were more households needing homes than units available. The researchers found that only four of the nation’s 381 metropolitan areas experienced a housing shortage in the study time frame, as did only 19 of the country’s 526 “micropolitan” areas—those with 10,000-50,000 residents. The findings suggest that addressing housing prices and low incomes is more urgently needed to address housing affordability issues than simply building more homes, the authors wrote.
by Mike Krings, University of Kansas
FFWN: Jewish Theocracy, Zionist Governance? With Prof. Anthony Hall (Show Links and Video 1:04:43)
by Kevin Barrett
The Relationship Between Science And Power
Tracing the long complicated history between these two forces
I would like to start a conversation on the relationship between science and power. By “science” I mean the field of study (trying to figure out how the world works) and the people doing the studying (scientists, and, in an earlier era, priests and philosophers). By “power” I mean the ruling elite and the set of ideas, laws, and structures that allow them to exert control over society. This is just a kernel of an idea that I would like to expand with your help. Here are my initial thoughts: Science and power have always gone together. It works by a sleight of hand whereby the rulers claim that they are closer to God and their scientific advisors give them legitimacy by being able to predict things in the natural world. The relationship is fraught. Science needs power to convert ideas into wealth. Power needs science in order to stay in control of the population. But I doubt the two camps like each other very much. They both think of themselves as superior to the other. But one cannot survive without the other so they are stuck in an uneasy marriage throughout history. They are united though in their contempt for the peasants.
by Toby Rogers
WW III Escalation: Russia Blames U.S. For “Terrorist Attack” On Civilians Using Cluster Bombs Supplied To Ukraine
As most Americans enjoyed the beginning of the summer season here in the U.S. this weekend, many other places in the world experienced death and destruction as the current wars raging in Ukraine-Russia and in the Middle East seem to be taking a dramatic turn with some major escalations. First, it is being reported that 124 people were injured, including 27 children with 2 children dying, in the Russian city of Sevastopol, where Russia claims that Ukraine used U.S.-made ATACMS long-range missiles armed with cluster bombs, a deadly type of bomb known for causing massive civilian deaths, and which are banned in most countries around the world. Russia has said that the attack will not go unanswered. Meanwhile, Yemen’s Houthi rebels continue to attack and sink ships in the Red Sea, in spite of the presence of the U.S. and UK navy patrolling the area for the past 6 months under Operation Prosperity Guardian. Last week, the Houthis released a dramatic video of a bulk carrier being blown apart in the Red Sea. Two more attacks in the Red Sea were reported earlier today as well. It is also possible that the USS aircraft carrier Eisenhower was hit by attacks in the Red Sea, as Pentagon leaders have now ordered the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to return home. A Houthi military spokesman claims that they delivered a strike on the U.S. aircraft carrier, although U.S. officials are denying this.
by Brian Shilhavy
Leaked Document Shows Israel Knew About The Attack Way Before It Happened (16:04)
by Vincent James
The Myth Of Dr. Mengele
Of the many sub-fables spun off of the grand fable of “Auschwitz”, the most shocking and enduring is the myth of that evil, sadistic, mass-murdering monster whose name ranks behind only those of The Great One (that’s Hitler for you newbies & normies) and SS Chief Heinrich Himmler on the all-time scary bogeyman list. The notorious camp doctor known for conducting live invasive experiments on Jewish inmates has long since been immortalized in articles, books and films. You know the name – none other than the big bad Dr. Josef Mengele (cue dramatic piano music) — aka “The Angel of Death.” (cue even more dramatic piano music) There is, however, just a wee little problem with this official narrative of the big bad Mengele. To put it bluntly, just like those long-since discredited tales of shrunken heads, lamp shades & soap made from dead Jews, “zee gas chambers,” and babies being tossed into open fire-pits – the Myth of Mengele is, well, bullshit from start to finish.
by Mike King
New Polymer Electrolyte Membranes For Fuel Cells Can Operate At Up To 250?°C
Hydrogen fuel cells, devices that can convert the chemical energy stored in hydrogen into electrical energy via an electrochemical reaction, are promising solutions for electrifying large vehicles. Fuel cells based on low-temperature (under 100?°C) proton exchange membranes have been found to be particularly advantageous for transportation, as they produce limited noise, have high power densities and can power vehicles for long distances with a single charge of hydrogen. Despite their promise, these low-temperature fuel cells only operate well with highly pure hydrogen, as well as sophisticated heat and water management systems, which could limit their real-world use. Raising the operating temperature of fuel cells to 120–150?°C could help reduce these requirements, making them more tolerant to hydrogen impurities while also simplifying their internal cooling and water management. Researchers at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology recently designed a new polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) for fuel cells that can operate at temperatures above 200?°C and up to 250?°C. Their proposed PEM, presented in a paper published in Nature Energy, is based on a unique type of proton carrier, which can be deployed as a self-assembled network to promote proton conduction.
by Ingrid Fadelli
June 23, 2024, 15 Posts Published And Archived
The Future Of Christianity (10:00)
by American Renaissance
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“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth;
not going all the way, and not starting.”
Website Of The Day
Health Impact News
I do not follow either political party and when addressing politicians in any articles published, I will always be critical of all politicians from both sides, because politicians do not run the U.S. Bankers, along with Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires run this country, and determine who holds all the major political offices.
Brian Shilhavy
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have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.
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Bill Gates Archive With 577 Posts
The Ominous Change At The Federal Reserve
From Jewish Janet L. Yellen, To Gentile Jerome H. Powell, And What The Dow Jones Did.
“I am writing for humanity in a world eaten by usury.” ~ Ezra Pound
February 2, 2018, was the last day the Stock Market was open on Janet L. Yellen’s watch and also the final day that a Jew was head of the Federal Reserve for more than thirty years. What did the Dow Jones do on February 2, 2018? It went down 666 points. Yes, 666. A coincidence this is not. It was ostentatiously signifying the last day of the satanic Jewish hegemony serving as Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for more than thirty years. Now let’s take a look at what occurred to the Dow Jones on the first day in over thirty years when Gentile, Jerome H. Powell became Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. What did the Dow Jones do on February 5, 2018? It had the worst point decline in history. The history of the Dow Jones at that time was almost 122 years. Once again, this was not a coincidence. As a matter of fact, I told a few close friends that this is what would happen. How did I know? It was simple; I knew the Jewish oligarchy in control would send an extremely ominous warning to Gentile Jerome H. Powell and the narcissistic con artist, soon to be complicit in mass murder, Shabbos goy that nominated him, President Donald J. Trump. If you don’t do precisely what we tell you to do, more of this will occur until we crash the market. I do believe they quickly understood this in your face, intimidating warning.
by Mark R. Elsis
Federal Debt Interest Crosses $1 Trillion (Text and Audio 19:31)
For the first time in American history, interest on the national debt just crossed the one trillion dollar line. In fact, it’s projected to hit 3 trillion in just 5 years. As Wall Street Silver asks, do you think we have a spending problem. Our Debt Train Crash, First the numbers. Treasury reported that last month the federal government collected $324 billion from the hard working yet defenseless Americans who earned it. And they spent nearly one-third of it — $103 billion — just to service the debt. That not guns or butter, it’s just interest. Meanwhile, the feds actually spent 671 billion on the month. Meaning roughly $347 billion in fresh debt. In one month. For perspective, on an annualized basis that’s $4 trillion collected, $1.2 trillion in interest, then $8 trillion spent. So, yes, we might just have a spending problem. The problem is not only are these numbers approaching goofytown, the debt itself is getting expensive fast. Four years ago the average federal debt was paying 1.6%. Now it’s 3.2%. So double.
by Peter St Onge, Ph.D
How Banks Took Over Empires (2:24:05)
Tucker Carlson Interviews Neil Oliver
Bring Back The Bradbury Pound
As Britain headed into war in 1914 the British banks found themselves on the brink of collapse due to their corrupt exploitation of bradbury poundthe Fractional reserve system. The threat of war caused the British public to start asking for their money back. This caused serious problems for the banks and brought them to the brink of bankruptcy. War was declared on the 28th July 1914 and the government gave the banks breathing space by offering capital control, this gave the banks the ability to refuse to pay out on withdrawals as and when they saw fit. The bank holiday, a week later, saw the government step in again by extending the Holliday by three days, and urgent negotiations began. Lloyd George, the then chancellor did all he was asked of by the banks, thus when the banks reopened customers wishing to make withdrawals were issued with newly legal tender printed notes. These notes were issued by the state and backed by nothing more than the credit of the state; these new notes were dubbed “the Bradbury pound” because they were signed by the then secretary of state John Bradbury. As soon as the banking crisis was over Lloyd George again did as he was told and stopped issuing the notes. The banks pointed out that, if the government continued to issue these interest free notes the bankers would not be able to make a healthy profit from the war. Despite Lloyd George’s capitulation precedence had been set in Britain which could be adopted today.
by Howard Bell
Snitches Give Stitches: Oregon Moves To Make Reporting Microaggressions Mandatory For Doctors
There is a controversy in Oregon over a proposed change in the ethics rule from the Oregon Medical Board. At issue is the use of “microaggressions” to discipline doctors and to make reporting such transgressions mandatory for all doctors. It seems before you can give stitches, you have to join snitches under one of the most ambiguous categories of prescribed speech. I have been a critic of microaggression rules on college campuses and discuss this trend in my book out this week, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage. In past debates over this category of offensive speech, I have objected that it is hopelessly vague and highly controversial. That ambiguity creates a threat to free speech through a chilling effect on speakers who are unsure of what will be considered microaggressive. Terms ranging from “melting pot” to phrases like “pulling oneself up by your own bootstraps” have been declared racist. Some of those have been identified by Columbia professor Derald Wing Sue, cited by Oregon’s state government as a “microaggressions expert.” Professor Sue considers statements like “Everyone can succeed if they just work hard enough!” as an example of a microaggression. Sue’s work on “microassaults,” “microinsults,” and “microinvalidations” are being effectively adopted by the Board. Notably, when I have objected to this category, advocates have insisted that they are merely voluntary and instructive, not mandatory. I have long argued that they are used in a mandatory fashion by triggering investigations of professors and would inevitably be made mandatory.
by Jonathan Turley
ACH (2373) I’m Talking To YOU #124 – The 38th Anniversary Of Diego Maradona’s Hand Of God Goal Which Was Followed By His Goal Of The Century Four Minutes Later (Audio 23;18)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on June 22 2024, Andy presents a show entitled, “The 38th Anniversary Of Diego Maradona’s Hand Of God Goal Which Was Followed By His Goal Of The Century Four Minutes Later.” “I’m Talking To YOU,” is a largely unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his weekday shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
32 Questions and Answers
Question 1: How do human babies enter the world compared to other animals?
Human babies often enter the world with great difficulty compared to the young of other animals. The bipedal posture of humans puts conflicting demands on the female pelvis, requiring it to be a compromise between a birth canal and locomotion support. This constricted passageway, along with the large head of human babies, makes birth a challenging process often requiring medical assistance. In contrast, many animals like giraffes and orangutans seem to give birth more easily without apparent distress.
Question 2: Why do babies cry when they are born?
Babies cry when born primarily as a reflex action to help initiate breathing and clear fluid from their lungs as they transition to the outside world. The extreme pressure change of passing through the birth canal compresses then expands the chest, forcing air in and resulting in a cry upon exhalation. Gentle birthing methods that allow the baby to transition gradually can minimize crying, showing it’s not necessarily an inevitable part of birth.
by Desmond Morris – Unbekoming Book Summary
White Christians Deliberately Replaced In Europe – Orban
German politician Manfred Weber is the Great Satan behind this population replacement, the Hungarian prime minister says. A militant faction of pro-migration politicians is managing the replacement of white European Christians with Muslim immigrants, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has declared. ‘In Europe, there is an exchange of populations, the number of white, Christian, traditional – let’s say European – people are decreasing. Meanwhile, the number of migrants being imported and the number of people belonging to the Muslim community born here is radically increasing,’ Orban told Kossuth Radio on Friday. German politician Manfred Weber, who leads the pro-Washington centrist European People’s Party (EPP) in the European Parliament, is the ‘Satan’ responsible for this insidious scheme, Orban continued, adding that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is Weber’s little servant girl responsible for its implementation. The EPP remained the largest faction in the European Parliament after last month’s elections. However, the decline of the Greens and a surge in support for right-wing parties has left the EPP with fewer allies with whom to pass legislation. Hours after he spoke to Kossuth Radio, Orban flew to Berlin to meet with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz ahead of Hungary assuming the EU Council’s rotating presidency next month. The Hungarian PM declares that Germany has suffered greatly as a result of immigration, and ’no longer looks like it did ten years ago.’
by Michael Walsh
The Ancient Egyptian City Found In The Grand Canyon In 1908 (2:56)
What people probably don’t know is that the Grand Canyon might once have been the home of an entire underground civilization. But where are they now? And why did they abandon the canyon? It all started in 1909, when purported Smithsonian Institution explorer G.E. Kincaid discovered strange caverns during an expedition directed by Smithsonian anthropologist S.A. Jordan. The entrance to the cavern was nearly inaccessible, but Kincaid was able to get in to make an incredible discovery. The enormous caves, which radiated out from a center cavern like spokes on a wheel, were full of artifacts, including statues, copper weapons, even granaries full of seeds. Its size indicated that 50,000 people could live inside comfortably. But even more amazingly, the artifacts didn’t match up to anything in the known record. Rather than appearing to be of Native American origin, as one might expect, the objects had distinct Egyptian or Tibetan designs. Could there actually have been an entire civilization of Egyptians living there? If so, how did they get there? There are pyramids in the Grand Canyon. If you look hard enough you can see them. They are much older and are in greater decay than the ones in Egypt. They don’t want you to know about this because it messes up history as they have written and told it to us. You know…His-story.
The Tragic Consequences Of Following The Narrative
Sad death of baby Molly in 2020
This article follows on from my previous article ‘The Tragic Consequences of believing Anti-Science’. This detailed how Stephanie Warriner had mistakenly been labelled as Covid positive before being killed by asphyxiation for not wearing a mask. As I said in that article, I don’t like writing about people’s deaths, to avoid unnecessary pain to the family involved. But when I do, I write about the ones where there is no speculation as to what happened. In doing so, my hope is that at least one person will be in a similar position in the future and think to themselves that what they are doing is wrong. Hopefully, by remembering articles such as this one, fewer people will follow the narrative and do what they believe is right. This tragic story happened in Dublin in May 2020. The verdict from an inquest at the Dublin District Coroner’s Court was recorded this week. Joanne Taylor Smith was pregnant with her first child and attended the National Maternity Hospital on Holles Street. Ms Taylor Smith’s labour was six days overdue and slow and because she had a fever it was decided to induce her, so as to deliver the baby by C-section. At this point, the hospital registrar, Dr Adriana Olaru, said the foetal heartbeat readings from the CTG were “satisfactory”.
by The Naked Emperor
ADL Faces Wikipedia Ban Over Reliability Concerns On Israel, Antisemitism
Wikipedia’s editors have voted to declare the Anti-Defamation League “generally unreliable” on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, adding it to a list of banned and partially banned sources. An overwhelming majority of editors involved in the debate about the ADL also voted to deem the organization unreliable on the topic of antisemitism, its core focus. A formal declaration on that count is expected next. The decision about Israel-related citations, made last week, means that one of the most prominent and longstanding Jewish advocacy groups in the United States — and one historically seen as the leading U.S. authority on antisemitism — is now grouped together with the National Inquirer, Newsmax, and Occupy Democrats as a source of propaganda or misinformation in the eyes of the online encyclopedia. Moreover, in a near consensus, dozens of Wikipedia editors involved in the discussion said they believe the ADL should not be cited for factual information on antisemitism as well because it acts primarily as a pro-Israel organization and tends to label legitimate criticism of Israel as antisemitism.
by Asaf Elia-Shalev
The 5G Cocktail Effect… (21:13)
June 22, 2024, 15 Posts Published And Archived
How Banks Took Over Empires (2:24:05)
Tucker Carlson Interviews Neil Oliver
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Tucker Carlson
Neil Oliver
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Quote Of The Day
“Let them call me a rebel and I welcome it;
I feel no concern from it;
but I should suffer the misery of demons
should I make a whore of my soul.”
Thomas Paine
Website Of The Day
GreenMedInfo is dedicated to providing the world an open access, evidence-based natural health resource comprised over 93,000 peer-reviewed study abstracts, across 10,000+ distinct topic areas. Through both open access and entirely free content, paid memberships and high-quality educational products, GreenMedInfo provides physicians, healthcare practitioners, clinicians, researchers and consumers a resource to determine the therapeutic value of vitamins, minerals, herbs and foods. We deeply believe that education equals empowerment and, that with education, people have the power to change their lives and lives of others.
Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
Freedom And Liberty Archive With 3,922 Posts
China Reveals Fusion Tech Breakthrough
A commercial ‘artificial sun’ has achieved its first plasma discharge, the developer says
Privately-run Chinese fusion company, Energy Singularity, has built the world’s first fully high-temperature superconducting tokamak, and used it to produce plasma, state media outlets have reported, citing the firm. The creation of the device, dubbed HH70 and located in Shanghai, is seen as a major step in the development of fusion technology to potentially generate clean energy. A tokamak is a doughnut-shaped confinement device able to contain the plasma so its temperature can be raised to replicate conditions similar to those on the Sun. Its goal is to create a safe and almost limitless supply of electricity. The devices are often referred to as “artificial suns.” The technology uses extremely high temperatures produced by fusion reactions, in which hydrogen atoms are fused together to become helium, releasing vast quantities of energy. Tokamaks, which are large and expensive-to-build machines, are able to create magnetic fields that help contain the particles within the plasma. According to the developers, as cited by Chinese media, the HH70 tokamak is smaller and cheaper to assemble than its predecessors. The device uses a magnetic system made from high-temperature superconducting material, commonly known as REBCO (Rare Earth Barium Copper Oxide). It can reportedly be manufactured on a large scale, reducing the cost of Energy Singularity’s tokamaks. Moreover, the HH70 device, according to the company, is only 2% the size of conventional tokamaks – providing a major advantage in the race to produce a commercially viable device.
by RT
Do No Harm – The Clifton Dawley Story (28:25)
by New Story Media
Iraeli Pressure On Labour Party, British Politics ‘Huge’, Corbyn Says
Jeremy Corbyn reveals he was challenged to provide assurances that he would automatically support any military Israeli action, to which he answered no.
Before Keir Starmer took over the Labour leadership, he demanded full party backing for future Israeli military operations, Jeremy Corbyn, former UK Labour Party leader, said in an interview with independent journalist Matt Kennard published on Wednesday. Corbyn’s statement comes amid ongoing debate and scrutiny surrounding his tenure, which ended amid accusations—widely contested—of failing to effectively address “antisemitism” within the party. It is worth noting that Corbyn has a longstanding record of advocating for peace and Palestinian rights. When asked by Kennard if he was surprised by the level of support that Starmer and other senior Labour figures had shown for “Israel” during its aggression on Gaza, Corbyn responded that he was not shocked, explaining that the reason was “because I know where many of these people are coming from.” “During one extremely hostile meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party Committee, they confronted me and said: ‘Will you give a blanket undertaking that you as party leader and potentially prime minister will automatically support any military action Israel undertakes?’ And I said no,” he stressed.
by Al Mayadeen English–british-politics–huge—c
EU’s Mass Surveillance Faces Fierce Resistance
The European Union (EU) has managed to unite politicians, app makers, privacy advocates, and whistleblowers in opposition to the bloc’s proposed encryption-breaking new rules, known as “chat control” (officially, CSAM (child sexual abuse material) Regulation). Thursday was slated as the day for member countries’ governments, via their EU Council ambassadors, to vote on the bill that mandates automated searches of private communications on the part of platforms, and “forced opt-ins” from users. However, reports on Thursday afternoon quoted unnamed EU officials as saying that “the required qualified majority would just not be met” – and that the vote was therefore canceled. This comes after several countries, including Germany, signaled they would either oppose or abstain during the vote. The gist of the opposition to the bill long in the making is that it seeks to undermine end-to-end encryption to allow the EU to carry out indiscriminate mass surveillance of all users. The justification here is that such drastic new measures are necessary to detect and remove CSAM from the internet – but this argument is rejected by opponents as a smokescreen for finally breaking encryption, and exposing citizens in the EU to unprecedented surveillance while stripping them of the vital technology guaranteeing online safety.
by Didi Rankovic
Iran: Israel Will Be The ‘Ultimate Loser’ In War With Hezbollah
Iran has warned Israel about the consequences of waging an all-out war on Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance group.
Iran’s mission to the UN said in a statement on Friday that Israel would be the “ultimate loser” of any military action against Lebanon. “Undoubtedly, this war will have one ultimate loser, which is the Zionist regime. The Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah, has the capability to defend itself and Lebanon – perhaps the time for the self-annihilation of this illegitimate regime has come,” Iran’s mission to the United Nations said. The statement said Hezbollah is capable of defending both itself and Lebanon. It also warned that any action by Israel against Lebanon could plunge the region into a new conflict. “Any imprudent decision by the occupying Israeli regime to save itself could plunge the region into a new war, the consequence of which would be the destruction of Lebanon’s infrastructure as well as that of the 1948 occupied territories,” the statement noted.
by Press TV
Summertime (Live From Stockholm, Sweden July 4, 1969) (4:42)
by Janis Joplin
Nothing To Worry About? South Korea Sounds The Alarm
What a difference a day makes. Yesterday’s Financial Times informed readers about the red carpet that was rolled out for Vladimir Putin at his various stops in and around the North Korean capital during his two-day stay there. They spoke of the Russian folk songs which local artists performed in Putin’s honor. They mentioned that various state to state agreements were signed but said almost nothing about the contents. Today the FT has taken a very different approach to Putin’s visit in a feature article entitled “Japan and South Korea sound alarm over Putin-Kim military pact.” Lo and behold, Seoul has read the text of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership that North Korea issued and discovered that it contains: “a pledge to deploy ‘all means at its disposal without delay’ to provide ‘military and other assistance’ in the event that one of the signatories was invaded or in a state of war.” The FT goes on to cite the South Korean foreign ministry’s expression of regret over the strategic partnership: ” …co-operation between Russia and North Korea ‘should not undermine regional peace and stability’.” Seoul warns “that their co-operation on military technology would violate UN Security Council resolutions.” Those resolutions, by the way, are up for renewal in the not-too-distant future, and Putin has said from Pyongyang that Russia will veto any extensions.
by Gilbert Doctorow
Maoist Revolutionary Who Led Europe With An Iron Fist
You are unlikely to have heard of Lisbon-born José Manuel Durão Barroso. Yet, this two-term unelected president of the European Union (2004-2015) never faced an election and openly bragged that the European Union is a dictatorship and it is meant to be. Barroso’s Stalinist European Union regime is not surprising given his rabid Communist past and clenched fist despotism which is never mentioned by controlled Western media. Barroso was a firebrand leader of the underground Maoist MRPP Communist Party of the Portuguese Workers/Revolutionary Movement of the Portuguese Proletariat). Headhunted and handpicked by the equally unelected Secretary of U.S. State Henry Kissinger, Barroso was destined to be remotely controlled by the Washington Deep State and Goldman Sachs Banking House. In his position as Portugal’s Minister of External Affairs, Barroso played a key role in transferring Portugal’s East Asian and African colonies to the Wall Street Banking Dynasties by violent revolution. Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Portuguese whose African or East Timor family roots went back centuries were slaughtered.
by Michael Walsh
Satellite Shows Sheer Scale Of Destruction In Rafah (0:19)
Israel’s military campaign in Gaza has left its mark on huge swathes of the Strip, and the latest assault on Rafah is no exception. In these before and after images captured by satellite, the near total destruction of the Yabna and Shaboura camps in central Rafah is laid bare. It is easier to count the buildings left standing than to count those destroyed. Entire neighborhoods have been left in ruins. In some blocks, even the rubble has been pounded into dust.
by RT
David Stockman On The Ukrainian Border War Folly
Someone should tell the European ruling elites to take a long jump off a short pier. Their endless whining about the Ruuskies and Putin is just plain pathetic because— It’s not justified—Russia bears no hallmarks of an expansionist imperial power. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is none of western Europe’s business—since its essentially a territorial and civil war within the borders of historic Russia. If EU officialdom is really concerned about the purported Russian threat why do they spend just a pittance of their GDP on defense? Yet, here we have Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, former German defense minister and full-throated war-hawk, talking absolute nonsense: “Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to see empires and autocracies back in Europe, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the European Economic Congress in Katowice. Speaking alongside Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, von der Leyen insisted that she stands for a European Union that is ready to do whatever it takes to protect Europe, and especially Ukraine. “Putin’s war is about redrawing the map of Europe, but it is also a war on our Union and on the entire global rules-based system,” she said.”
by David Stockman
Back In The U.S.S.A.
The Soviet economy was largely fake, almost all of it controlled by the Communist Party. Government deficits supported a bloated military that looked powerful on paper but couldn’t win a war. Historian Niall Ferguson likens the US situation circa 2024 to a “late, Soviet America.” He notes that in 1990, observers were noticing a “ghastly and tragic… loss of morality” within the USSR. “Apathy and hypocrisy, cynicism, servility, and snitching,” were running wild. Nearly half the population thought that theirs was an “unjust society.” USSR leaders were old party hacks — Brezhnev, Kuznetsov, Andropov, Chernenko — or just ineffective. The Soviet economy was largely fake… almost all of it directly or indirectly controlled by the Communist Party. The government ran chronic deficits… supporting a bloated military that looked powerful, on paper, but couldn’t win a war. “Sound familiar?” asks Ferguson: Look at the most recent?Gallup?surveys of American opinion and one finds a similar disillusionment. The share of the public that has confidence in the Supreme Court, the banks, public schools, the presidency, large technology companies, and organized labor is somewhere between 25 percent and 27 percent. For newspapers, the criminal justice system, television news, big business, and Congress, it’s below 20 percent. For Congress, it’s 8 percent.?Average confidence?in major institutions is roughly half what it was in 1979. We gave up trying to solve the nation’s problems a long time ago. Today, we merely try to anticipate them. It’s not the Democrats’ fault. Nor the Republicans’. Both are tools of degenerate elites, who are likely to drag the country further and further into debt, inflation… and war. Expect a long period of chaos — financial, political and social. And watch out for the guillotine.
by Bill Bonner and Dan Denning
June 21, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Do No Harm – The Clifton Dawley Story (28:25)
by New Story Media
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Do No Harm Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Requiescat In Pace, Donald Sutherland
The towering presence of Canadian actor Donald Sutherland is often noticed,
as are his legendary contributions to cinema.
He appeared in almost 200 different shows and films.
A Meeting With X From JFK (1991) (4:36)
These 276 seconds of film, may be the best ever created.
For it explains in detail that there was indeed a coup d’état on November 22, 1963.
Donald Sutherland portrayed Colonel X, who was modeled after Colonel Fletcher Prouty.
Prouty served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy.
Of course this scene doesn’t tell you who the perpetrators were. So I will.
“Who had the means, motive, and opportunity to assassinate President John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
Only one group had the power and therefore, the means, as they did on June 8, 1967, September 11, 2001, and still do today. Israel assassinated President John Fitzgerald Kennedy for stopping them from obtaining nuclear weapons. That was the number one motive. Yes, there were other motives, and these were; having the American Zionist Council (AIPAC today) register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act; Executive Order 11110; ending the Vietnam War and therefore the military-industrial complex; stopping the oil depletion allowance for big oil; and splintering the CIA into a thousand pieces. All went along with it for their own psychotic reasons, but Israel obtaining nuclear weapons was the true motive. James Jesus Angleton, chief of counterintelligence for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1954 to 1975, and starting in 1951, also the head of the Israel desk and the liaison with Israel’s Mossad and Shin Bet agencies, was the liaison between Israel and the United States that facilitated this barbaric coup d’etat.”
Mark R. Elsis
Quote Of The Day
“In June as many as a dozen species may burst their buds on a single day.
No man can heed all of these anniversaries; no man can ignore all of them.”
Aldo Leopold
Website Of The Day
Graham Hancock
Journalist Graham Hancock travels the globe hunting for evidence of mysterious,
lost civilizations dating back to the last Ice Age.
Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
Propaganda Archive With 4,464 Posts
This Is Your Future
This is a year of major elections in the UK, the US and much of Europe. But it doesn’t really matter a damn who wins any of the elections, though the future will arrive more speedily if left wing governments are in power. We are hurtling toward Net Zero and the Great Reset. Whatever lies we are told, this is what we can look forward to: More twenty minute cities will be built – with accommodation provided in tower blocks. Food for each twenty minute city will be grown in local, indoor farms. Social credit schemes will be introduced. (Read `Social Credit: Nightmare on Your Street’ to find out what this means for you. You can find a copy in the bookshop on Health care will be increasingly unavailable – except for vaccination programmes which will be increased. To enter a shop or any public building you’ll have to flash your smart phone in order to identify yourself (all those people who use their smart phones to pay for coffee have led the way to this) Overall the weather will be colder and wetter as the sun is blocked by geo-engineers. (search online for ‘radiation management’ if you don’t believe me). Traditional farms will fail and close and the land used for farming will be allowed to go wild. Euthanasia will become legal everywhere – and heavily promoted. In many hospitals the `voluntary ‘element of doctor-assisted suicide will quietly disappear as the elderly, the frail, the mentally ill, the disabled and the poor are quietly killed. (For more information about their evil plan for euthanasisa, please read: “They Want to Kill Us” by Jack King. The pension age will soar and no one will receive a state pension until they are well into their 70s. Most people of working age will not receive any pension at all.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Nearly 50,000 Palestinians Reported Dead, Missing In Gaza
The Ministry of Health in Gaza reports that the Israeli army has committed at least 3,000 massacres
The Ministry of Health in Gaza reported on 20 June that Israel’s assault on the strip has left over 47,000 Palestinians killed or missing, with at least 3,000 massacres to date. “There are more than 47,000 martyrs and missing persons in Gaza due to the occupation committing more than 3,000 massacres,” the government ministry said. Gaza’s health ministry emphasized that they are working with the “bare minimum” equipment in the northern Gaza Strip as Israel continues to deny medicines, medical supplies, and fuel to the besieged enclave. “We are trying to restart vital departments in the Al-Shifa Medical Complex and the Indonesian Hospital,” the health ministry added. Both hospitals have come under direct attacks by the Israeli army in the 258 days of war in the Gaza Strip. The government body registered 37,431 Palestinian deaths and estimates at least 10,000 bodies trapped under rubble that health workers are unable to reach, with around 5,000 of them children. Three-quarters of the registered deaths are children (about 15,747), women (10,406), and elderly people. Over 85,653 have been injured due to Israel’s bombing of the strip, most of whom are children and women. Gaza’s health ministry also noted that 98 percent of children in Gaza “do not have access to safe drinking water.”
by News Desk
Marching To Armageddon (19:51)
by George Galloway
US Acquires Anti-China Missile Network Along First Island Chain
Since the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty expired in 2019, the United States has developed Medium-Range Missile (MRM) capability. On April 3, 2024, Gen. Charles Flynn, U.S. Army Pacific commanding general, told the Japanese media at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo that the U.S. Army planned to deploy a new MRM launcher in the Asia-Pacific region by the end of this year that could act as a deterrent against China. He didn’t disclose the name of the missile launching system or where and when the U.S. would deploy it. However, the Asahi Shimbun reported that a U.S. government source said the system would likely be based in Guam and temporarily transferred to Japan for training. In January 2023, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported that Washington postponed deploying the ground-launched MRM in Japan. On April 22, 2024, the U.S. Army announced sending an MRM system to the Philippines. It came amid a series of U.S.-Philippines military exercises and was the first-ever deployment of the MRM system, also known as the Typhon system, to the Indo-Pacific theater. The U.S. Army didn’t say how long the Typhon system would remain in the Philippines. As of this writing, the whole picture of the U.S. MRM system deployment is unknown. However, an investment plan the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command submitted to Congress in 2021 featured “highly survivable, precision-strike networks along the first island chain” as a central element. And now, the plan has reached the stage of realization at no extra cost.
by Reiho Takeuchi
Don’t Be Fooled, Push For Normalization Is About US Dominance
If it wasn’t, Washington would be promoting a 2-state solution, not side deals to make Saudi Arabia and Israel happy
While Israel continues its military siege of Gaza, the United States is trying to exploit the situation with the goal of strengthening U.S. power in the Middle East. Rather than seeking a long-term solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, the United States is prioritizing its longstanding goal of normalizing relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. With such a deal, which would require calm in Gaza to bring Saudi Arabia on board, the United States would further marginalize the Palestinians while more tightly integrating Israel into its regional network of alliances and partnerships. “I think we’re at a point where the necessary agreements between the United States and Saudi Arabia are very well within reach,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Congress last month. For decades, the United States has dominated the Middle East. A key to U.S. power has been the U.S.-led network of alliances and partnerships that includes Israel and the Arab states. It enables the United States to station tens of thousands of soldiers across the Middle East and quickly surge additional forces into the area.
by Edward Hunt
The Lies Sold To Black America Exposed (2:56:01)
Tucker Carlson Interviews Vincent Everett Ellison
Russia Fears A NATO Attack. Here’s Why.
As its Ukrainian proxy faces defeat, the US-led bloc is becoming increasingly reckless. Where will this hubris lead us?
The possibility of a trans-European war is closer today than at any time since the mid-20th century. Western analysts discuss various scenarios of a possible conflict, while officials openly speculate about its likelihood and even discuss specific time horizons. In a recent speech, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that the actions of Western governments had brought the world “to the point of no return.” At the same time, domestic debate in Russia is dominated by the belief that the US and its allies recognize the catastrophic risks of a direct military confrontation with Moscow and will seek to avoid it for reasons of self-preservation. Such judgments are based on the assumption that the West, despite its aggressiveness and arrogance, is guided in its policies by a rational balance of benefits and costs based on the existing balance of power. Past experience, however, does not convince us that the US-led bloc is capable of pursuing a balanced, calculated course. Throughout the 2000s and 2010s, the West repeatedly became involved in military adventures from which it then painfully sought a way out. One need only recall the examples of the interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. Of course, in all these cases, the risks were significantly lower than in the case of a hypothetical war with Russia. But the stakes were also significantly lower. A recent admission by US President Joe Biden is telling: “If we ever let Ukraine fail, mark my words, you will see Poland go, and you will see all these countries along Russia’s actual border negotiate on their own.” Thus, the good old ‘domino theory’ is back in the minds of Western strategists.
by Igor Istomin
Humanitarian Aid And Israel’s ‘Voluntary Migration’ Scheme
Greek Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis said earlier this week that, “We have offered ourselves to host injured people from Palestine but also children from Palestine to come to Europe and stay here until the war is over.” Israel would be thrilled at such an idea, for sure. “Voluntary migration” in the guise of humanitarian aid could not get any better for Israel’s colonial expansion plans. In October last year, Gerapetritis declared his government’s pro-Israel stance: “Greece, from the very first moment, supported the right of Israel to defend itself in line with international law.” No such right exists for an occupation state against the people living under its brutal military occupation. In the same month, Greece also abstained from the UN General Assembly vote calling for a humanitarian ceasefire. A month earlier, the Greek government purchased 300 precision-guided munitions from Israel, known as spice bombs, for $130 million. And in a move aimed at curbing activism on university campuses, nine EU and UK individuals are facing deportation for participating in protests against the Gaza genocide, with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis stating that the authorities would forbid “universities from becoming sites for protest”. As the genocide continues, the ways that politicians and diplomats try to make amends are becoming even weaker. The suggestion by Gerapetritis plays directly into the humanitarian paradigm which the EU hides behind, even as it continues to invest in Israel’s military and surveillance systems, all field tested on Palestinians in Gaza, of course.
by Ramona Wadi
Protocol 7 | Official Trailer (2:32)
Official Trailer for the feature film “Protocol 7”
Go to for more details.
by AndyWakefieldMedia
Putin: West Going To Blame Zelensky For Unpopular Decisions And Remove Him In 2025
On the last day of his official visit to Vietnam, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a press conference where he shared his thoughts on a number of poignant geopolitical issues.
Here are some key takeaways from the president’s remarks. On Russia’s Renewed Alliance With North Korea. Commenting on the results of his recent trip to the DPRK, Putin said he hopes the agreements between Russia and North Korea will become a deterrent in the Korean crisis to prevent it from escalating. “The Korean crisis has such a smoldering character, but we assume and hope that our agreements with North Korea will be a deterrent to a certain extent to prevent this crisis from escalating into some kind of burning phase,” he said. On South Korea’s Threats to Send Lethal Weapons to Ukraine. Possible deliveries of such weapons to the conflict zone in Ukraine by South Korea would be a mistake, Putin warned. “As for the supply of lethal weapons to the combat zone in Ukraine, it would be a very big mistake. I hope it will not happen. If it does, then we too will then make the respective decisions, which South Korea’s current leadership is unlikely to be pleased with,” he said.
by Sputnik
The Story Of A Poem: Refaat Alareer’s ‘If I Must Die’
“And in Gaza and the West Bank, a new generation of poets persists. The most famous, of course, is Refaat Alareer, who was murdered by an Israeli bomb in December 2023, and whose poem “If I Must Die” has rapidly become one of the most read and translated of the 21st century.” -Alex Skopic / Current Affairs (Jan/Feb 2024). “Refaat’s poem, viewed 33 million times on Twitter, is the most famous poem written in my lifetime.” -Ken Chen/Nation (June 3, 2024). “If I Must Die” stands out as only one of the early poems that leading Palestinian academic and poet Refaat Alareer (1979-2023) chose to write in English (not in Arabic, his native language). According to an interview published in Global Rights International Magazine in June 2018 and reprinted in the Kurdish newspaper ANF NEWS on October 19, 2018, Alareer began to write in English in 2008 during Israel’s offensive on Gaza. He seems to have felt obliged, to use his words, “to write back in English to reach out to the world to educate people about Palestine and save them from the dominant Israeli multi-million-dollar campaigns of misinformation.” Alareer repeatedly considered and promoted the use of English as a primary tool of expression not only for his creative works, but as an effective means to reach directly (not through translation) a worldwide audience. He stated in the interview: “… as much as I believe [in], and love, translation, I also believe that we need to train ourselves to express our concerns in the target language, here English…. Palestinians who are able to speak for themselves in other languages should do that directly.”
by Salih J. Altoma
Does It Get Better Than This For Russia?
Lots of good news for Russia these days, including the pacts with North Korea and Vietnam. The importance of the North Korea pact, which is explicitly military in part, is obvious. The importance of the Vietnam pacts probably rests in part on Vietnam’s location on the South China Sea. I, with others, assume that Russia made these moves in consultation with China, and with the future very much in mind. My view has long been that China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea-which appear quite extreme-are heavily driven by concerns for its energy lifeline to the Persian Gulf, which passes through the South China Sea. US threats to dominate that lifeline over the years have been clear. But this situation can change. For starters, the construction of new pipelines to Russian energy fields and the development of the Northern Route for oil are game changes, albeit not yet complete. They lessen China’s dependence on oil passing through the South China Sea. That gives China leeway to offer compromises with countries in BRICS and otherwise connected to Russia—think Malaysia and now Vietnam.
by Mark Wauck
National American Renaissance Movement – Truth Science And Spirit Episode 25 (1:07:41)
In this interview, my fellow board members from National ARM discuss the recent legal developments. Dr Sansone discusses his court case of the Writ of Mandamus, for which our fellow Advisory Board Member Professor Francis Boyle, who wrote the Biological weapons laws for the United States provided an affidavit declaring the C19 shots biological and weapons of mass destruction. Karen Kingston and I also provided an affidavit. We also discuss the recent statement by National ARM declaring the WEF, WHO and UN terrorist organizations. We discuss our recent accomplishment of serving 25 US states with the Grand Jury Petition for Covid Crimes against Humanity. If you would like to support our efforts, please donate to
Humanity United Now – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Rumble CEO Blasts Google’s Suppression Of Political Content
Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski has reacted to Google suppressing, in Google Search, the link to the Rumble exclusive GOP debate live stream, as an example of the giant’s ability and willingness to suppress dissent and control what narratives get promoted. In conversation with Russell Brand, Pavlovski noted that Google had positioned itself (and gained massive search market share thanks to that) as a service that provides unbiased and relevant results, but that at this point, this is no more than “the bag of goods that they sold us.” In other words, even if Google started out, and became extraordinarily popular, thanks to organic search – those days are long gone. Still, seeing products and movies promoted to the top of the page instead of the most relevant to the query result is one thing, but it’s a very different problem when this powerful search engine that the huge majority of users in the Western world regularly turn to, starts “hiding” links to political content. Pavlovski mentioned the GOP debate which was exclusively streamed on Rumble, that is, Rumble was the only place to watch it live – and yet, when people searched for this in the hope of seeing the link to the page, it did not come up as the top result.
by Didi Rankovic
Wellstone, They Killed Him
According to the final NTSB report, Million Air’s general manager said the co-pilot checked with her before the flight to ensure that the airplane had been fueled and then went to the hangar to get catering items for the flight and to preflight the airplane. The airplane had been in the hangar overnight and was towed from the hangar after the copilot arrived at STP. Thanks for reading Mike’s Substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. According to Million Air’s general manager and another King Air pilot, the accident pilot arrived at STP shortly before 0900, and the Senator and his staff were already at the airport. The other King Air pilot, who had just arrived at STP from the DLH area, indicated that the accident pilot asked him about the weather conditions he had encountered on his flight and then asked him if he would mind sharing this information with the Senator. The other King Air pilot indicated that he told the Senator that the weather was at minimums, but he was sure the pilots could handle the flight. According to FAA air traffic control (ATC) records, the flight departed STP about 0937. Richard Conry talked to Princeton Automated Flying Services at 716 to receive current weather conditions. According to the NTSB report, he then stated, “you know, I don’t think I’m going to take this flight.” At 7:20 he talked to Senator Wellstone’s scheduler, and did not indicate he was thinking of cancelling the flight.
by Mike Palecek
Kansas Versus Pfizer: Good, But Not Good Enough
The State of Kansas has filed a potent lawsuit against Pfizer. Kansas Attorney General Kris W. Kobach, by way of the Assistant Attorney General, Kaley Schrader filed a case against Pfizer on June 15th. Texas is already suing Pfizer and there will likely be more states filing similar actions as this man made catastrophe continues. This is great news, but is it enough? The case is great, but the Kansas Attorney General’s office falls short in two areas. There are no indictments, and the mRNA Nanoparticle injections are not being removed from the office. Before diving deeper into the Kansas case. I’d like to mention my case because it is relevant. On Memorial Day, May 27th, 2024, I filed an appellate brief in my case involving an Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus that was originally filed on March 3rd, 2024. My case seeks to compel Governor Ron DeSantis to prohibit the distribution of COVID-19 injections and all mRNA nanoparticle injections in the state of Florida, and for the Attorney General Ashley Moody to confiscate the vials. In this case, I cite a host of state and federal laws being violated, ranging from murder, terrorism, treason, biological weapons, and so on.
by Dr. Joseph Sansone
It’s Happening! Liberal Sanctuary Cities Collapsing Because Of This (17:07)
Liberal sanctuary cities across the U.S. are collapsing under their own failed immigration policies. New York City is now trying to reverse course and eliminate its sanctuary status.
Redacted with Clayton Morris
Another Rat Leaves The Sinking HMS Britain
UK Prime Minister owns $7 million home in California: one of the world’s richest families will relocate to their California beach house after an expected Tory defeat in the upcoming snap July 4 election. Rishi Sunak’s adversaries claim that the unelected British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak owns a $7.2 million beach home in Santa Monica, California Britain does not have an extradition treaty with Washington. The UK Conservative Party is on course for a historic defeat in the upcoming vote, which would end its 14-year run in open-door misrule and economic collapse – except for the moneybag political elite. According to three major polls released on Wednesday. The surveys predict an all-time low for the Tories and amid indicators that Sunak’s unpopularity has reached record levels. The prime minister called a snap election last month, claiming that his decision to call the vote was primarily motivated by economic factors such as a historic decline in British living standards, a rise in energy costs, and inflation. The predicted Labour victory has sparked speculation that Sunak could relocate to California if he finds himself ’out of the top job,’ the outlet said. Sunak’s beach home overlooking the Pacific Ocean is located in a luxury apartment building in an elite area of Santa Monica, the outlet said.
by Michael Walsh
The Stakes In A US/Israeli War Against Hezbollah
On July 14th, 2006, two days into Israel’s bombing campaign against Lebanon, Hezbollah announced a special televised address from Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah. During his speech, he promised the Lebanese people a cathartic surprise. “Now, in the middle of the sea, facing Beirut, the Israeli warship that has attacked the infrastructure, people’s homes, and civilians” he teed up, “look at it burning.” Viewers followed his instruction and looked onto the Mediterranean sea with disbelief when, right on Nasrallah’s cue, the Israeli naval vessel parked off their coast was suddenly engulfed by a bright orange fireball. Hezbollah’s anti-ship missiles, which Israelis were unsure they possessed until this strike, successfully penetrated the American-built Israeli warship, the INS Hanit, killing multiple sailors and decommissioning it for the rest of the war’s duration. This was just one of 33 days of embarrassments the Israelis endured during their last confrontation with the Shia nationalists in South Lebanon. If the Mossad is right about the trouble brewing on their border, the current tensions over Lebanon will soon be forgotten as a mere feint. Can the view held by Israel, America, France, Germany and Britain that 7.2 million Jews are entitled to exercise permanent military dominance over the other 486 million people of the Middle East survive a nuclear-armed, China and Russia backed Iran? We will see.
by Joseph Jordan
Will Israel’s New Ultra-Extremist Cabinet Spark World War III? (Text and Audio 6:30)
Will nuclear World War III happen this summer? The answer, we all hope, pray, and expect, is “no.” But the odds of what would be an unprecedented global disaster are at an all-time high. The Union of Concerned Scientists’ Doomsday Clock, stuck at a record-breaking 90 seconds to midnight since last year, should have moved a few ticks closer to Armageddon in late May, after Ukraine and its US backers began striking Russian early-warning radar sites tasked with detecting a US nuclear attack. Russia announced that it would respond symmetrically by arming US adversaries with long-range weapons. Since then a Russian nuclear-capable fleet has visited Cuba, raising the prospect of another Cuban missile crisis, and Putin has embraced North Korea in such a way as to confirm rumors that Russia has indeed given North Korea Topol M missiles, as claimed by Theodore Postol. More such gifts to various US adversaries are undoubtedly in the pipeline. The proximate trigger for World War III’s death-spiral of uncontrollable escalation could conceivably happen in Korea, on the Russia-Ukraine front, or in the South China Sea. But it seems likelier that Armageddon will erupt from somewhere in the general vicinity of its namesake, Megiddo Hill, in northern Occupied Palestine.
by Kevin Barrett
World’s First Map Of Ancient Africa Should Not Exist… (15:58)
Perhaps the only thing more Bizarre than a Massive network of Lakes, Rivers and even a DENSE FOREST the size of Texas in the middle of the Sahara Desert – Along with numerous cities, settlements and even Castles blanketing virtually the entire region of the Sahara…Is the realization that these Lost 600 year-old maps literally annotate these geological features Several thousand years prior to their modern Scientific discovery. How could they have possibly known of the existence of the Green Sahara 5,000 years before us?
by Bright Insight
The Weird Monoliths Are Back
Extraterrestrial free energy transmitter stations or shit modern art?
Remember a few years back when weird monoliths started appearing exactly like 2001: A Space Odyssey? Well, they’re Back. Back in 2020 at the height of COVID, someone discovered a metal monolith in a remote area of the Utah desert. A team of public safety officers discovered a mysterious monolith in a remote part of Utah – and said they have no idea who put it there. It was put down to being some sort of art installation, but it was never really explained how or why someone would travel to such a remote area to do that. Pretty soon it was removed, rather bizarrely by a group of hikers, one of whom reportedly said, “Don’t leave trash in the desert.” Was it really hikers though? Then days later an almost identical object to the Utah monument was discovered in Romania near an ancient fortress and archaeological site in the city of Piatra Neamt. A metal monolith appeared at a scenic spot in northern Romania over the weekend after a similar structure was discovered – and then disappeared. After the Romanian one disappeared, another one appeared on a hiking trail in California. Hikers in Atascadero, California, came across a mysterious metal monolith just a few days after a similar structure was removed from the Utah desert. Another one was seen in the Netherlands: The structure was discovered in a nature reserve near Oudehorne, a village in the province of Friesland. In fact, too many were appearing to keep track of as the craze went viral. In 2021, another one was found near Gobeklitepe, a 12,000 year-old temple in Turkey: Then they seemed to stop. Until earlier this year when one was found in Wales: A strange and gigantic steel monolith was recently spotted on a hill in Wales — one of several mysterious Toblerone-like structures that have popped up around the globe in recent years. “Its 10-foot-tall at least and triangular, definitely stainless steel.”
by Steve Watson
Study Finds Microplastics In Human And Canine Testes
In a world where plastic has become ubiquitous, could these tiny particles be silently impacting our ability to reproduce?
The Plastic Problem: How Microplastics May Be Affecting Our Reproductive Health: In a world where plastic has become ubiquitous, could these tiny particles be silently impacting our ability to reproduce? A recent study published in the journal Toxicological Sciences has shed light on the presence of microplastics in both human and canine testes, raising concerns about their potential impact on male fertility.1 What Are Microplastics? Microplastics are tiny plastic particles, typically less than 5mm in size, that are found in a wide range of products, from cosmetics to clothing.2 These particles can enter the environment through various means, such as the breakdown of larger plastic items or the shedding of synthetic fibers from clothing during washing.3 Microplastics in the Male Reproductive System: The study, led by researchers from the University of New Mexico, analyzed 47 canine and 23 human testes for the presence of 12 types of microplastics. Using advanced sensitive pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, the researchers found microplastics in all of the samples tested.1 Interestingly, both humans and canines exhibited relatively similar proportions of the major polymer types, with polyethylene (PE) being the most dominant. The mean total microplastic levels were 122.63 µg/g in dogs and 328.44 µg/g in humans.1
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
The Year 1740 Was The Coldest In Central Europe In 600 Years: Study Seeks To Answer Why
Europe experienced its coldest winter in 600 years during 1739–1740, ~4 °C cooler than the present average, also coinciding with negative temperature anomalies across North America and Eurasia. Indeed, for northern midlatitudes (35–70 °N) as a whole, it may have been the coldest season in the last 300 years. At the time, there was heavy snowfall, severe frost and frozen rivers (ice thickness > 50 cm), which led to extreme flooding upon melting, the destruction of crops (in particular potatoes and cereals) and the death of cattle and fish. The famine that occurred in Ireland between 1740–1741 is believed to be a direct consequence of this disruption to food supplies. While instrumental records existed, new global climate reconstructions have allowed scientists to investigate this anomalous season in further detail in a new publication in Climate of the Past. Professor Stefan Brönnimann, of the University of Bern, Switzerland, and colleagues reconstructed monthly climate and daily weather patterns in order to determine the mechanisms behind this extreme winter, which began in October 1739 and lasted through to June 1740.
by Hannah Bird
June 20, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Marching To Armageddon (19:51)
by George Galloway
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Quote Of The Day
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free,
in a state of civilization,
it expects what never was and never will be.”
Thomas Jefferson
Website Of The Day
Craig Murray
Craig Murray is an author, broadcaster and human rights activist. He was British Ambassador to Uzbekistan from August 2002 to October 2004 and Rector of the University of Dundee from 2007 to 2010.
Craig Murray Archive With 5 Posts
Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
Political Archive With 6,359 Posts
Mossad And Its Network Of Little Helpers, The Sayanim
The Mossad have been exposed as targeting the International Criminal Court, including directly threatening its personnel and their families. What else does the Mossad get up to?
Zionist intelligence agencies launched a war on the International Criminal Court in January 2015. This was when it was confirmed that Palestine would join the court after it was recognised as a state by the UN general assembly. “Israel’s” intelligence agencies routinely surveilled the ICC’s current chief prosecutor Karim Khan, his predecessor Fatou Bensouda, and dozens of other ICC and UN officials. Israeli intelligence also monitored materials that the Palestinian Authority submitted to the prosecutor’s office, and surveilled employees at four Palestinian human rights organizations whose submissions are central to the probe. Multiple agencies including the Mossad, Shin Bet, and “National Security Council” were involved, in addition to the occupation military. “Israel’s” Ministry of Strategic Affairs, under Gilad Erdan, was involved in the surveilling of Palestinian human rights organizations that were submitting reports to the ICC. It is reported that “a large whiteboard in an Israeli intelligence department contained the names of about 60 people under surveillance – half of them Palestinians and half from other countries, including UN officials and ICC personnel.” Mossad, the foreign intelligence agency of the Zionist colony was involved in attempting to recruit senior ICC officials. The former head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen, allegedly threatened the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in a series of secret meetings in which he tried to pressure her into abandoning a war crimes investigation.
by David Miller–the-sayanim
SITREP 6/20/24: Putin Signs Defense Partnership In Historic Pyongyang Trip (Text and Videos)
In only the second time since the inaugural year 2000, Putin touched down in Pyongyang-to great adulation and fanfare.
The visit comes directly after Russia intimated a mirror response to the West for its arming of Ukraine with advanced weaponry that can strike Russian territory. Not surprisingly, Putin’s visit was highlighted by a signing of a weighty ‘strategic document’ which included the implied possibility of Russia arming North Korea with its own stable of advanced weaponry. Documents signed by the leaders of the DPRK and the Russian Federation: Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on the construction of a border road bridge over the Tumannaya River; Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on cooperation in the field of health, medical education and science. Agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership between the Russian Federation and the DPRK provides for assistance in the event of aggression against one of the participants, Putin.
by Simplicius
NATO Is Preparing For War Against Russia (14:31)
Redacted Interviews Larry Johnson
Covid Criminals (Text and Video)
Just as God scourged the faithless Israelites,
So now apostate Catholics He frights.
At the time of the Covid crisis between 2020 and 2022, when countless politicians and medical personnel were lying to us that the murderous “vaccinations” were “perfectly safe and effective,” one of the relatively few heroic truth-tellers was an honest Englishman, Dr Michael Yeadon, with tens of years of experience high up inside Pfizer, an American colossus of Big Pharma, nickname for the international pharmaceutical industry, in which so many of us had trusted – until Covid. For a video-clip of the original interview, see on the Internet – (The spoken text has been very slightly modified below for purposes of clarity.) Interviewer: Thank you for joining us. You are a former Vice-President of Pfizer. Could you just tell us very briefly about your position there. Dr. Mike Yeadon: For many years until 2011, I was responsible for worldwide research and early development in Pfizer’s field of new respiratory and allergy medicines. I was in contact with 200 people indirectly, across a couple of Internet sites.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Whiskey Insurrection II: The People vs. George Washington
A Buried History Newly Excavated
Farming, not banking or the lawyer’s craft, was the economic lifeblood among the predominately white yeomanry of western Pennsylvania in the last decade of the eighteenth century. As we saw in Part One of this study, on the frontier currency was as rare as hen’s teeth. Money in that time and place took the form of whiskey. Trading their prized “Monongahela Rye” for livestock, wagons, tools, iron, lumber and dry goods, among other necessities of life, was the difference between a farmer-patriarch surviving on the family farm or becoming a landless wage slave. For these sons of toil, the soil was their source of wealth, rather than trapping cash in a usury bank or accumulating vast tracts of real estate. President George Washington chose Alexander Hamilton as America’s first Secretary of the Treasury. To keep the herd of yeomen in line Hamilton devised a taxing system that favored large distillers over small ones, and land monopolies structured so developers could market large swaths of a frontier which musket-toting American farmers were making safe from the American Indian massacres which were being funded and incited by the British Crown. These ended with the decisive victory of Maj. General Anthony Wayne’s regulars (known as “the Legion”) and allied Kentucky militia, over Native warriors in August, 1794 at the Battle of Fallen Timbers near present-day Toledo, Ohio.
by Michael Hoffman
Illegal Immigrants Being Housed And Trained At American Universities (5:27)
by Greg Reese
Former U.S. Ambassador David M. Friedman Demands Americans Be Imprisoned For ‘Antisemitism’
David M Friedman, former Trump-appointed US Ambassador to Israel, threw a fit Monday on X demanding Americans be imprisoned en masse for “antisemitism.” Friedman said that President Biden or “whoever tells [him] what to do” needs to “get tough on Jew-hatred” and suggested they launch a “federal” effort to “arrest and prosecute” anti-Semites for “hate crimes.” Not doing so will lead to the end of the American Empire, Friedman argued. Friedman wrote on X: Antisemitism is now tolerated and even supported in the United States in ways never before seen in our country. It is a national crisis and an embarrassment. It has gone far beyond criticism of Israel, which itself was violent, vulgar and antisemitic. I see no real effort on the Federal level to arrest and prosecute the criminals for their hate crimes. We have all seen incredibly ugly mobs harassing and assaulting Jews. How many of those creeps are sitting in jail today? Even one? To President Biden and whoever tells you what to do, just for a moment forget the election, ignore the antisemitic votes you hope to garner in Michigan and Minnesota, and get tough on Jew-hatred! History teaches that out of control antisemitism is a precursor to the end of an empire. If we don’t stop this now, America is in dire jeopardy. Of course, Americans have been rounded up en masse for talking part in pro-Palestine protests throughout the country — without any regard for the First Amendment.
by Chris Menahan
Head Of Lebanon Hezbollah Threatens Israel, Cyprus In Televised Address
The head of Lebanon’s Hezbollah said on Wednesday that nowhere in Israel would be safe if a full-fledged war breaks out between the two foes, and he also threatened Cyprus and other parts of the Mediterranean, Reuters reports. Hezbollah has been trading fire with Israel for more than eight months in parallel with the Gaza War. On Tuesday, the group published what it said was drone footage of sensitive military sites deep in Israeli territory. In a televised address on Wednesday, Hezbollah chief, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, said “there will be no place safe from our missiles and our drones” in Israel in the event of a broader war. The group also had “a bank of targets” that it could target in precision strikes, he said. Israel “knows that what also awaits it in the Mediterranean is very big,” Nasrallah added, without elaborating. The group first showed it could hit a vessel at sea by striking an Israeli warship in the Mediterranean during their 2006 war.
Hezbollah Publishes Drone Footage Claiming To Show Surveillance Of Haifa (10:57)
The group says it shows various locations including the Israeli city of Haifa and its vital civilian and military installations.
by Al Jazeera English
Israel Perpetrates Atrocity Upon Atrocity Against The People Of Gaza – Day 256 (Text and Videos)
Israeli atrocities multiply as Gaza’s social fabric unravels; Netanyahu demands more weapons – US responds by canceling key meeting; Wikipedia bans Anti-Defamation League as “unreliable on Israel and antisemitism”; “failing” Gaza pier will reopen soon, but its days are numbered; BDS victory; Wasserman Schultz claims she saw non-existent video; more.
Israel has periodically killed police officers in Gaza: The head of police operations in Gaza was killed in an Israeli raid on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City in March. He was responsible for coordinating the entry of humanitarian aid with Palestinian tribes and the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) into the northern Gaza Strip. “This crime shows that Israel is seeking to spread chaos in Gaza and prevent the arrival of humanitarian aid to hundreds of thousands of hungry people in northern Gaza,” a Gaza official said. The Palestinian Health Ministry announced that the General Authority for Civil Affairs informed it of the death of the citizen, Bilal Adel Abdul Fattah Bellu, 39, after he was shot by the occupation army with live ammunition, then prevented ambulance crews from approaching him to provide first aid. He bled to death. Israeli raids in the occupied West Bank have intensified since the war on Gaza began on October 7, with 550 people killed and more than 9,100 people detained.
by Israel-Palestine News
Why Has Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Been Warning That The “Bird Flu” Will Be Worse Than COVID For The Past 3 Years?
Former CDC Director Robert Redfield is in the news again today promoting his favorite topic, the “deadly Bird Flu” fear porn. This is another summer re-run, as this is a story that has been launched to the public multiple times since it made its debut in theaters in 2006 under then President George W. Bush. It was a hoax back then, and while I had not yet started Health Impact News in 2006, I had a phone call with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny that year about a book she had just published titled “FOWL! Bird Flu: It’s Not What You Think”, which we then began selling in my online store. The pandemic never came, but people made a lot of money off of it, and they went after small-scale poultry producers to protect the large commodity poultry operations from competition. They recycled the dreaded “Bird Flu Pandemic” again in 2015 during the Obama administration, and again began destroying poultry farms, especially in Iowa, the state that produces the most eggs.
by Brian Shilhavy
War Clouds
Netanyahu has dissolved his “war cabinet,” due to lack of support for his handling of Israel’s war on the Middle East. It’s not totally clear how much support Netanyahu had for this War To Defeat All Enemies. I presume that he did have considerable support from the IOF, on the assumption that Netanyahu was the guy who could deliver US participation in the war. Not just support. Full on participation, like another Gulf War or Desert Storm. Carrier air strikes and munitions out the wazoo won’t be nearly enough to prevent catastrophe for Israel. US support hasn’t materialized, simply because America retains enough independence from Zionists to recognize that another Middle East war of that sort will be a disaster for the Anglo-Zionist empire. Nevertheless, the short term effect of Netanyahu’s action in dissolving the war cabinet is to place him further under control of the ultra crazy wing of Israeli politics-as opposed to just the normal crazy wing. Of course, Hezbollah gets a say in all this, and they’re being very clear. Bear in mind that Cyprus, a US/UK colony for military purposes, is key to the war effort against Hezbollah:
by Mark Wauck
Protesters Interrupting US Secretary Of State Butcher Blinken At A Hearing In Congress (0:56)
“Blinken, You Will Be Remembered As The Butcher Of Gaza.‘’
Israeli Actions In Gaza ‘Intentional Attack On Civilians’: UN Inquiry
A new report by a United Nations-backed independent commission has discovered that the Israeli military’s deliberate use of heavy weapons during its relentless offensives in the Gaza Strip has been an “intentional and direct attack on the civilian population.”
Navi Pillay, chairperson of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, said on Wednesday that “Israeli authorities are responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.” These include “extermination, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects, murder or willful killing, using starvation as a method of war, forcible transfer, gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys, sexual and gender-based violence amounting to torture, and cruel or inhuman treatment,” Pillay said as she presented the report to the UN Human Rights Council. The UN commissioner said the Israeli military “forcibly transferred almost the entire population [in Gaza] into a small enclosure that is unsafe and uninhabitable” and used heavy weapons in densely populated areas in “an intentional and direct attack on the civilian population”. Pillay said the commission concluded that specific forms of sexual and gender-based violence constituted part of the Israeli forces’ procedures.
by Press TV–UN-inquiry
Why Conscription Is Coming Back And What You Can Do About It
International Man: UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently pledged to bring back mandatory national service. The German government has also mulled reinstating compulsory military service. In Ukraine, it’s not uncommon for government agents to forcibly kidnap civilians off the streets and send them to the front. These are a few recent examples. There seems to be a clear trend of governments preparing their citizens for some sort of mandatory national service. Is conscription coming back in the West generally and the US in particular?
Doug Casey: The US is now automatically registering all males between 18 and 26 into the Selective Service databank. I’m no fan of conscription. Or the military in general. Of course, it shocks a lot of people when I say I’m not a fan of the military, although I tend to like soldiers as individuals. Don’t get me wrong; the military can serve a useful purpose. But when you’re in the military, you’re not necessarily fighting for the country or “freedom.” You’re fighting for the government and the people who control it. Propaganda and jingoism aside, the kind of people who run governments are not the best and the brightest, just the most ambitious and opportunistic. Without exception, they’re power grubbers who like to control other people.
by Doug Casey
Israel’s Isolation: An Anti-Semitic Horror Story Or Inevitable Outcome?
Opinions are split on the impact of the Gaza war on West Jerusalem, but the trend is worrying
Since the beginning of the war between Israel and Hamas last October, Bolivia and Colombia have severed their ties with the Jewish state. Chile, Jordan, and Brazil have recalled their ambassadors, whereas Türkiye has ceased its economic cooperation with Israel, in response to its brutality in Gaza. Almost ten months have passed since Israel launched its war on Gaza following the deadly Hamas attack of October 7, which claimed the lives of more than 1,500 people and injured over 5,000 others. In its struggle to dismantle Hamas and ensure it no longer poses a threat, Israel has left no stone unturned in its pursuit of militants. The problem is that in the process of doing so, it has also claimed the lives of innocent people. Although the numbers are disputed, Palestinian statistics show that more than 37,000 Palestinians – mainly women and children – have lost their lives. A recent poll revealed that more than 60% of Gazans have lost relatives in the conflict. Images of the dead, wounded and starving, coupled with Gaza’s total devastation, have rocked the world. Mass protests denouncing Israel and calling for an end to its bloody war on Gaza have become a weekly reality; rallies and encampments on university campuses have turned into an ordinary phenomenon.
by RT
Top 3 Anti-Federalist Arguments: Controversy Over The Constitution (Show Links and Video 33:39)
Was the Constitution a recipe for tyranny? That’s what Patrick Henry, Brutus, Federal Farmer and many other Anti-Federalists feared. In this episode, we’ll explore three of their top arguments against ratification and their warnings about centralized power as a massive threat to liberty.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center
Free Speech At Risk: UN Pushes For Global “Hate Speech” Eradication
In a statement issued on the occasion of the “International Day for Countering Hate Speech,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for the global eradication of so-called “hate speech,” which he described as inherently toxic and entirely intolerable. The issue of censoring “hate speech” stirs significant controversy, primarily due to the nebulous and subjective nature of its definition. At the heart of the debate is a profound concern: whoever defines what constitutes hate speech essentially holds the power to determine the limits of free expression. This power, wielded without stringent checks and balances, leads to excessive censorship and suppression of dissenting voices, which is antithetical to the principles of a democratic society. Guterres highlighted the historic and ongoing damage caused by hate speech, citing devastating examples such as Nazi Germany, Rwanda, and Bosnia to suggest that speech leads to violence and even crimes against humanity. “Hate speech is a marker of discrimination, abuse, violence, conflict, and even crimes against humanity. We have time and again seen this play out from Nazi Germany to Rwanda, Bosnia and beyond. There is no acceptable level of hate speech; we must all work to eradicate it completely,” Guterres said.
by Cindy Harper
Zombie Republic
History often tells the tale that Julius Caesar’s ambition destroyed the Roman Republic. This is not entirely true. Julius Caesar did not want to cross the Rubicon and break the Roman Republic. He had no choice. After a decade conquering Gaul, Caesar was ordered to relinquish his command and face prosecution for essentially committing the crime of becoming too great of a threat to the prevailing power structure. In essence, the Roman Senate declared war on Julius Caesar. This was preceded by the breakup of the triumvirete of Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey. Crassus led a disastrous campaign in the east against the Parthians that led to his beheading, and Pompey’s wife, also Caesar’s daughter, died during childbirth severing that familial connection between Pompey and Caesar. The triumvirate itself was the result of a republic on life support. Nearly 100 years before the brutal murder of Julius Caesar by the Roman Senate, the grandsons of Publius Cornelius Scipio, (Scipio Africanus), endured a similar fate. Scipio was the Roman General that defeated Hannibal. In 133 B.C. Tiberius Gracchus was brutally murdered by the Roman Senate. In 121 B.C. his younger brother Gaius was also murdered by the Roman Senate. The crime the Grachi brothers were guilty of was an attempt to redistribute public lands to the displaced farmers and veterans of wars. Tilting at windmills maybe, hardly worthy of being bludgeoned to death or having your head placed on a spike.
by Dr. Joseph Sansone
On Israel, White House Lives In ‘Parallel Reality’
On Tuesday, US special envoy Amos Hochstein met with Lebanese officials, including Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, a day after visiting with Israeli officials. The trips were made in an attempt to prevent a full-on war between the two countries after exchanges escalated in the region.
Hezbollah and Israel have been exchanging fire since Israel launched its siege on Gaza following Hamas’ surprise attack on October 7. Hezbollah said it launched its campaign in response to Israel’s actions in Gaza and that it will stop once a ceasefire is implemented in the area. Hochstein stated that Hamas needs to “just say yes and accept” the ceasefire deal outlined by US President Joe Biden nearly three weeks ago. Those comments are part of a trend among high-ranking US officials that Israel has accepted the ceasefire deal and only Hamas is preventing a pause in fighting.
“[With] the statements from the White House officials, they seem to live in a parallel reality from everyone, including Israeli officials,” Esteban Carrillo, a Beirut-based journalist and the editor of The Cradle, told Sputnik’s Fault Lines. While Hamas has reportedly made some amendments to the deal, it has responded positively while Israel has refused to say if it will accept it and promised to keep fighting until Hamas is defeated. Israeli officials have also refused to confirm if the ceasefire deal presented by Biden was their creation, as US officials claim.
by Ian DeMartino
The Great Displacement (17:07)
For my daughter’s 32nd birthday, I talk about the dispersal of friends out of California for houses, replacing those who left their hometowns to find jobs. I feminize my historical and Biblical analysis by telling the stories, including In Memory of My Best Friend Jumana by Ghaydaa Owaidah. From my book, How to Dismantle an Empire, I explain why we are all precariots, as the Greeks termed themselves under IMF austerity. And how community is being killed by a thousand contactless cuts.
by Third Paradigm
KC-46A Pegasus Refueler Failure Continues
One of the components of American strategic projection has been the world’s most prodigious and sophisticated aerial refueling fleet. There are currently approx 400+ KC-135s capable of refueling two receiver aircraft at the same time in the current USAF fleet. The first operational flight was 1956. The last KC-135 was delivered to the Air Force in 1965. Of the original KC-135As, more than 417 were modified with new CFM-56 engines produced by CFM-International. The newest KC-135 air-frame is 59 years old. Fifty nine years old. The retirement of the KC-135 has been anticipated and the replacement has been the disastrous KC-46A Pegasus Tanker Modernization Program which has had significant problems to include video control of the fuel boom difficulties and believe it or not, a refueling system that leaks fuel and the usual circus of missing deadlines so typical of DoD programs. The Boeing KC-46A Pegasus has performed in the same way one would expect in the 21st century: over-budget, way past promised deadlines and rife with problems that should ground the aircraft.The next near-peer or peer contested fight will decimate the refueling fleet if the aircraft are used in the fight and the KC-46 is not ready for prime-time. You are watching a unique capability die in real time. No one else on Earth has this. The upside is making imperial war-making even more problematic in the future.
by Bill Buppert
Hypersonic Missiles And Glide-Capable Munitions Are The Future Of Warfare. China’s Already There. (Text and Videos)
Are supersonic missiles the new cold war scare?
Are supersonic missiles the new cold war scare, how is possible that suddenly for years now USA can not make them,they can not even steal the necessary material for the building of mentioned rockets? Is this because script says so.. are we delving further and further In The Mouth Of Madness… “Hypersonic weapons travel at five times the speed of sound. Modern militaries are racing to develop and deploy these munitions, because they will so decisively shift power projection. According to Top Secret documents that were leaked on Discord last year, China has already successfully tested and deployed these weapons, and are adapting them for use against both land-based and naval assets, which strongly implies risk to US Navy and allied vessels operating anywhere in the Western Pacific. Despite spending billions of dollars, the United States has still failed to successfully test hypersonic missiles, even though we’ve lowered their performance thresholds.”
by HP
A Perovskite For The Efficient Photocatalytic Conversion Of Ethane Into Ethylene And Hydrogen
Ethylene (C2H4) is a highly flammable compound widely used in numerous settings, including the manufacturing of packaging and plastic-based items, the chemical industry, agriculture and health care. Developing effective and sustainable methods to produce ethylene on a large scale could help to meet the rising demand for this versatile hydrocarbon. One possible way of producing ethylene entails converting the hydrocarbon ethane (C2H6), which is abundant in natural gas, into ethylene and hydrogen. Proposed methods to do this, however, require substantial electrical power and are thus associated with a significant carbon footprint. Researchers at Soochow University, University of Toronto and other institutes recently introduced a new approach to produce ethylene via the solar-powered photocatalytic dehydrogenation of ethane using the perovskite oxide LaMn1-xCuxO3. This perovskite, outlined in a paper published in Nature Energy, possesses favorable properties that make it a promising selective photocatalyst for converting ethane to ethylene and hydrogen using solar or LED light.
by Ingrid Fadelli
June 19, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
NATO Is Preparing For War Against Russia (14:31)
Redacted Interviews Larry Johnson
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Larry Johnson
Redacted With Clayton And Natali Morris Three Free Speech Video Platforms
8,600 Videos Published | 30,000,000 Views | 47,000 Subscribers
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Quote Of The Day
“Only a psychopath would ever think of doing these things, only a psychopath would dream of abusing other people in such a way, only a psychopath would treat people as less than human just for money. The shocking truth is, even though they now have most if not all of the money, they want still more, they want all of the money that you have left in your pockets, they want it all because they have no empathy with other people, with other creatures, they have no feeling for the world which they exploit, they have no love or sense of being or belonging for their souls are dead, dead to all things but greed and a desire to rule over others.”
Arun D. Ellis
Website Of The Day
Gary D. Barnett
As far as his philosophy is concerned, he is a peaceful anarchist believing in natural law without restriction by the state. While Gary understands the skepticism of most concerning the implementation of this type of individual political structure, it is the only system where liberty can be fully achieved. Peaceful anarchy is based on individual responsibility, self-reliance, voluntary exchange in free markets, non-aggression, and individual freedom; all necessary to achieve peace and harmony. Collectivism, central government, and war are not, and never will be the answer.
Gary D. Barnett Archive With 88 Posts
Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
NATO Archive With 114 Posts
Blinken Made Secret Weapons Promise To Israel – Netanyahu
The Secretary of State said the White House “is working day and night” to resume all arms shipments, according to the PM
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed to have pressured the United States over arms supplies that his country needs in its war with the Palestinian militant group Hamas. The US paused delivery of weapons to Israel in early May amid calls for it to scale back its assault on the densely-populated city of Rafah in southern Gaza. The shipment reportedly included 3,500 bombs for fighter jets. The Jewish state’s offensive on Rafah has left thousands of Palestinians dead and injured, according to the local Hamas-run authorities. In a video posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday, Netanyahu said in English that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has assured him the White House “is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks,” referring to arms supplies. The statement confirms the latest media reports that during a meeting with Blinken last week in Jerusalem, Netanyahu had demanded the removal of barriers to the flow of munitions.
by RT
Outgoing Stoltenberg Is Still Laying Mines For The World
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is about to leave his post, and the upcoming NATO summit to be held in the US next month will be his farewell tour, if nothing else. In the past two days, Stoltenberg went to Washington to warm up for the upcoming summit, at the same time showing off some of his own “achievements” to leave some political legacy for the past nine years in his post as NATO Secretary General. He touted that 23 of the 32-member bloc have met the target of spending 2 percent of GDP on defense, while revealing that NATO is discussing the deployment of more nuclear weapons. Stoltenberg’s remarks, which make the world feel great concerns and threats, are said with easiness and even great excitement. The NATO chief also continued to threaten China, saying that China cannot “have it both ways” between the West and Russia and that if it does not change course, “there should be consequences.” In his nine years in office, the world saw the prolonged Syrian civil war, and the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as well as the Israel-Palestine conflict. The role of NATO, a product of the Cold War and the world’s largest military bloc, in the conflicts of such magnitude, is dishonorable. The Ukraine crisis, in particular, caused by the bloc’s eastward expansion, plunged Ukraine into war, further tore Europe apart, and brought NATO back to life. Even within the US and Europe, there has been harsh criticism and warnings about this.
Editorial by Global Times
FFWN: Saudis End Petrodollar? With Wyatt M. Peterson (1:00:41)
Russia’s Post-War Dilemmas In Ukraine
In regard of the war in Ukraine, Russia’s main challenge going forward is to find the equilibrium between strategic overestimation and underestimation. “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten,” as Bill Gates put it. A triumphalist tone is unmistakeable in President Vladimir Putin’s speech on Friday to a special gathering of senior foreign ministry officials in Moscow presenting the guardrails for negotiations with Ukraine. Russia is a country of high-context culture, which communicates in ways that are implicit and relies heavily on context. Putin underscored certain pre-conditions. Russia is ready to immediately cease hostilities if Ukraine begins withdrawing its military units beyond the administrative boundaries of Donbass, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions. This is a curious replay of the precondition that Moscow fulfilled in March 2022 when following the talks in Istanbul, Ukraine expected a rollback of Russian deployments around Kiev. Once bitten, twice shy — Putin’s precondition implies that new territorial realities should be fixed by international treaties. Moscow is ready to negotiate only after Kiev formally notified NATO that it is abandoning the intent to seek membership. Russia expects a complete lifting of sanctions.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Why New Stealthy Russian Nuclear Submarine Scares West So Much
A British newspaper made a startling discovery this week: it turns out that Russia has weapons capable of wreaking untold devastation upon its enemies.
What got The Express’ knickers in a twist this time was the K-564 Arkhangelsk, a Yasen-M class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine that recently underwent sea trials and is expected to enter service in December. While the newspaper fears that this submarine “could be undetectable by Western adversaries” and could pose a serious threat to “NATO military bases, naval convoys, and onshore critical infrastructure during a crisis,” it remains to be seen what Arkhangelsk is truly capable of. Here is what is currently known about the sub: It can dive up to 600 meters deep and has a maximum speed of 16 knots on the surface and 31 knots underwater; The submarine has a crew complement of 64 and an endurance of about 100 days, limited by food and maintenance requirements. The vessel’s armament includes 533mm torpedo tubes and vertical launch silos for Oniks anti-ship cruise missiles, Kalibr cruise missiles and Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles. Both Kalibr and Zircon missiles are nuclear-capable.
by Sputnik
Rh Negative Blood And Antediluvian Civilizations (7:56)
by Robert Sepehr
Does Israel Hold All The Cards In Gaza?
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is often criticised for failing to produce a vision for the “day after” the end of the Gaza war. Some of the criticism emanates from Israel’s traditional Western allies, who are wary of Netanyahu’s personal and political agendas, which are fixated on delaying his corruption trials and ensuring that his extremist allies remain committed to the current government coalition. The criticism, however, is loudest within Israel itself. “As long as Hamas retains control over civilian life in Gaza, it may rebuild and strengthen [itself], thus requiring the IDF [Israel Defence Forces] to return and fight in areas where it has already operated,” said Defence Minister Yoav Gallant in May, demanding a “day after” plan. The same sentiment was conveyed by Israeli army Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi. “As long as there’s no diplomatic process to develop a governing body in the Strip that isn’t Hamas, we’ll have to launch campaigns again and again,” he was quoted as saying by Israel’s Channel 13. The lack of such a “vision”, however, does not rest entirely on his own failure to produce one, but is also due to his inability to determine, with any degree of certainty, if the war would yield favourable results for Israel. Nine months of war have shown that the occupation state is simply incapable of maintaining its military presence in urban areas, even those that have been ethnically cleansed or are sparsely populated. This has been proven to be as true in the southern parts of Gaza as in the north, including border towns that were relatively easy to enter in the first days and weeks of the military offensive.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud
Terry Yeakey, They Killed Him
Terrance Yeakey was born September 19, 1965. He was a 1984 graduate of Booker T. Washington High School in Tulsa and attended Redlands Community College in El Reno for two years. He was just going to shake these feds following him and then they’d get together to have dinner and catch up on what’s been happening. That’s what Terry Yeakey told his friend. Yeakey, a newly named sergeant on the Oklahoma City police force, was headed to Kingfisher to stash some documents in a storage locker. He felt, knew, he was being followed by individuals who most likely did not wish for him to shield the papers from lying eyes and beyond the reach of the United States government. Yeakey, 30, had been one of the first to arrive on the scene of the Oklahoma City Murrah Building bombing now already more than a year past. Having spent much of the day of April 19, 1995 rushing in and out of the wreckage, credited with saving eight lives, in a few days he was scheduled to receive the Oklahoma City Medal of Valor for his heroism, and yet, he was one of those still questioning the official account of what happened on that day, and on this day, May 8, 1996, he was using a day off to safely secure records he knew were important.
by Mike Palecek
Kansas Sues Pfizer Over Bogus Vax Claims (25:22)
Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach has filed a lawsuit against the Big Pharma heavyweight Pfizer over alleged false claims by the company over the safety and effectiveness of its mRNA Covid-19 shot. Are the floodgates about to open? Also today: the US Surgeon General wants to put cigarette-like warning labels on social media…for the children!
by The Liberty Report With Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams
Palestinian Doctor Tortured To Death During Israeli Interrogation
Israeli intelligence and prison authorities have a long history of torturing Palestinian detainees
A senior doctor from Gaza was killed in November while under interrogation by the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, Haaretz reported on 18 June. Dr. Iyad Rantisi, 53, directed a women’s hospital that is part of Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahia, in the northern Gaza Strip. Rantisi was detained on 11 November at an Israeli army checkpoint while seeking to flee south to escape Israeli bombing in northern Gaza. Rantisi’s family and hospital colleagues heard nothing more about him, leading them to worry he was killed in Israeli custody. Rantisi was declared dead six days later at Shikma Prison, which is home to a Shin Bet interrogation facility. It is unclear how Dr. Rantisi died, but Israel has a long history of torturing Palestinian detainees. His death has prompted a probe by the Justice Ministry department that investigates complaints against Shin Bet interrogators. The Shin Bet claims Dr Rantisi was interrogated on suspicion of involvement in holding Israeli captives in Gaza. Israel’s Justice Ministry said the department had concluded its investigation into the circumstances of Rantisi’s death and is reviewing its findings, Haaretz reported. The liberal Israeli daily added that after Rantisi was killed, the Ashkelon Magistrate’s Court issued a six-month gag order prohibiting the publication of all details of the case, including the existence of the gag order. Haaretz is now able to report on the case because the court order expired in May.
by News Desk
Why Are 5 States Suing Pfizer And Not Moderna? (Text and Video)
Pfizer researched and developed their COVID-19 mRNA injections independent of the Operation Warp Speed program while demanding to maintain ownership and control of their human safety data.
Yesterday, Attorney General Kris Kobach broke the news that 4 other states will be joining Kansas in suing Pfizer for willfully concealing, suppressing, and/or omitting material evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of their mRNA injections. Per the lawsuit, the Big pharma giant conspired with individuals from Health & Human Services, the media, universities, social media platforms, and other businesses and organization in order to manipulate the American people into receiving an injection that they would have otherwise declined if Pfizer had accurately disclosed their COVID-19 mRNA clinical data and adverse events reports to the public and US government. Per this 4-minute video clip, Kobach addresses the unconscionable acts that Pfizer committed and the reason why he and other state Attorneys General are suing Pfizer first, and not Moderna or J&J. Kobach explains that Pfizer researched, developed, (and manufactured) their COVID-19 mRNA injections independent of the Operation Warp Speed program, while demanding to maintain ownership and control of their clinical safety data, per their contract. This enabled Pfizer to suppress, manipulate, and misrepresent the actual harmful (and sometimes lethal) effects of their COVID-19 mRNA injections. Per the press conference, Kobach reported that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla stated publicly that Pfizer did not participate in the Operation Warp Speed program to avoid government oversight and maintain control (and secrecy) of their data reports.
by Karen Kingston
Dispelling Five More Myths: The Truth About Bitcoin
Bitcoin confuses many people, including prominent investment professionals. Recently, I debunked the top ten most pervasive misunderstandings and a further five. Today, I’ll continue by debunking another five.
Bitcoin has a fixed supply of 21 million. However, each of the 21 million Bitcoins can be divided into 100,000,000 units called satoshis (or sats). Each sat is worth 0.00000001 of one Bitcoin. That means the Bitcoin supply can be expressed as 2.1 quadrillion satoshis or 2,100,000,000,000,000 sats. This confuses some people, who think that because Bitcoin’s supply can be defined as such a gigantic number, it somehow represents debasement. Clearly, divisibility and debasement are not the same thing. Consider the example of dividing a pizza. It doesn’t matter how many slices you cut, it’s still one pizza. Similarly, some people think Bitcoin is not scarce because there is an ever-increasing number of altcoins—all cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin. However, altcoins and Bitcoin are not at all the same thing. (If you think otherwise, try using an altcoin instead of Bitcoin and see what happens.)
by Nick Giambruno
Could A “Coalition Of The Willing” Save The Children Of Gaza? (12:13)
International affairs analyst Gilbert Doctorow proposes that a multination coalition of relatively non-Zionist-occupied nations should break the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Kevin Barrett agrees.
by Press TV
Summer Solstice 2024: When Is The First Day Of Summer?
Everything You Should Know About the Longest Day of the Year
Summer Days are here! Summer begins with the solstice on Thursday, June 20, 2024, marking the astronomical first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. What exactly IS the summer solstice? Is it really the longest day of the year? Welcome the solstice with some interesting facts and folklore.
The June Solstice In the Northern Hemisphere, the June solstice (aka summer solstice) occurs when the Sun travels along its northernmost path in the sky. This marks the astronomical start of summer in the northern half of the globe. (In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the opposite: the June solstice marks the astronomical start of winter when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky.)
When is the Summer Solstice? The June solstice occurs on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 4:51 P.M. EDT. This solstice marks the official beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, occurring when Earth arrives at the point in its orbit where the North Pole is at its maximum tilt (about 23.5 degrees) toward the Sun, resulting in the longest day and shortest night of the calendar year. (By longest “day,” we mean the longest period of sunlight hours.) On the day of the June solstice, the Northern Hemisphere receives sunlight at the most direct angle of the year. In the Southern Hemisphere, the June solstice marks the beginning of winter.
by Catherine Boeckmann
Why Do Brits Hate Russians?
He was one of the Dirty Seven [semiboyarshina] oligarchs who seized control of Russia during Yeltsin’s feeble rule. They all were more or less Jewish, and their solidarity and destructiveness could only compete with their ruthlessness and greed. Many of my friends consider Zionists to be apex predators, while Jews are cute and furry prey. They are mistaken – these seven Russian oligarchs were not Zionists, they were just Jews out to destroy everything in their way. These seven men practically destroyed millennium-old Russia. They pauperised its people, reduced its industry to ashes, they sold the factories for scrap; they stole all private bank holdings. They even ruined Russian democracy when they shelled Parliament in 1993 using Yeltsin’s tanks, and then, with the assistance of American advisors, by faking the re-election of President Yeltsin in 1996. Like locusts attacking a tree, each Jewish oligarch took over a different branch: Mr Berezovsky went after the auto industry, and Russia stopped producing cars; Mr Gusinsky seized television, and turned it into offensive propaganda; Mr Chubais managed the world’s largest transfer of wealth since 1917. Mr Chodorkovsky took over all of Russia’s oil and gas. Everywhere they stole all they could steal, built yachts and palaces, mocking ordinary Russians by their conspicuous consumption. Their official rule ended sometime after 2005 when Mr Berezovsky convinced Yeltsin to pass his reign over to young Mr Putin, and then Mr Putin told the oligarchs to stay away from the state or else. Mr Ch laughed and said he will get rid of Putin. Putin put him into jail and nationalised the oligarch’s mammoth Lukoil oil company. Ten years later, Mr Ch was allowed to leave and so he did. Russian oil is still in the hands of the Russian state, and it still remains the basis of Russian prosperity. Now, in a recent interview, Mr Ch revealed to a young reporter that the real owner of Lukoil was the late Lord Rothschild, who just (Feb 24) passed away at the ripe old age of 89. It was quite a surprise, to find out that the old Jew was still quick enough to pocket all of Russia’s oil as he was kicking out the godless communists.
by Israel Shamir
October 7th In Context
On February 25, 1994, a Jewish physician and Israeli army officer from Brooklyn, New York named Baruch Goldstein, walked into the Cave of the Patriarchs mosque in Hebron armed with an assault rifle and slaughtered 29 Palestinian men, women and children while they knelt in prayer. An additional 125 people were injured in the onslaught before Goldstein was finally beaten to death while attempting to reload his weapon. This homicidal maniac was a disciple of the terrorist Israeli lawmaker Meir Kahane and strictly obeyed the commandments of 12th century rabbinic scholar Moses Maimonides, including his proscription against administering first aid to wounded or sick Gentiles (non-Jews) when doing so won’t result in any hostility towards Jews. Once, after refusing to treat a Palestinian child who had been shot in the legs, Dr. Goldstein was quoted by Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot (Mar. 1, 1994) as saying, “I am not willing to treat any non-Jew. I recognize as legitimate only two authorities: Maimonides and Kahane.”
by Wyatt M. Peterson
AI Robots Are Becoming Too Real! – Shocking AI And Robotics 2024 Updates (1:08:57)
The world of AI and robotics saw incredible advancements in 2024, with new technologies emerging that blur the line between science fiction and reality. From shockingly human-like robots to AI systems rapidly developing advanced capabilities, the progress made this year has been nothing short of astounding. These breakthroughs raise important questions about the future of humanity and our relationship with increasingly sophisticated machines.
by Willyalfredo
Israeli Lawmakers Push For Gaza Resettlement
A pair of Knesset members claimed a new occupation was the only way to protect Israel’s security after the Gaza war
Two hard-right Israeli MKs have formed a new legislative caucus seeking to reestablish Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip. The territory was vacated by settlers following a government order in 2005 and has been kept under tight blockade ever since. Dubbed the “Knesset Caucus for the Renewal of Settlement in the Gaza Strip,” the group was announced on Monday in a joint statement by MK Zvi Sukkot of the Religious Zionism Party and MK Limor Son Har-Melech, a member of the far-right Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) faction. The lawmakers argued that “settlement in the Gaza Strip [is] a necessary step to protect Israel’s security and ensure its future,” adding “Only by a dense presence of Jewish settlements throughout Gaza will it be possible to prevent the continuation of terrorist threats and deter the enemy.” Though Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated Israel has no plans to govern Gaza following the current war with Hamas, other top officials have loudly endorsed new settlements. During an ultra-nationalist rally in May, national security chief Itamar Ben Gvir stressed the need for “voluntary emigration” by Palestinians to make room for Israelis, while Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi openly called for resettlement. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has likewise backed the idea in public statements.
by Will Porter
Sham-ocracy, Scam-ocracy
The word “democracy” is bandied about rhetorically by politicians on a regular basis to rationalize whatever it is that they want to do. This tendency has increased markedly in recent times as so-called wars of democracy and campaigns to save or preserve democracy are cast as the most pressing priorities of the day. In the U.S. presidential election campaign currently underway, both members of the War Party duopoly claim to be the champions of democracy, while depicting their adversaries as loose cannon authoritarians. President Joe “Our Patience is Wearing Thin” Biden attempted in 2021 to force free people to submit to an experimental pharmaceutical treatment which many of them did not need. The Biden administration also oversaw what was one of the most assiduous assaults on free speech in the history of Western civilization. Social media platforms were infiltrated by agents of the federal government with the aim of squelching criticism of regime narratives, even, remarkably, facts recast by censors as malinformation for their potential to sow skepticism about the new mRNA shots never before tested on human beings.
by Laurie Calhoun
The White House Alleges Unfavorable Biden Videos Are “Deepfakes” (Text and Video)
Following last week’s controversial calls from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) for legally mandated labeling of “deepfake” images, on Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre attributed videos showing President Joe Biden appearing to lack vigor and attentiveness at several recent public events to the creation of “deepfakes.” Deepfakes are highly realistic digital creations where one person’s image or voice is swapped with someone else’s using advanced artificial intelligence (AI). These AI systems, particularly those that use deep learning, are trained to capture and replicate human behaviors and expressions precisely. Jean-Pierre criticized these videos of Biden as manipulative and designed with malicious intent. “We’re seeing these deepfakes, these manipulated videos, and it is, again, done in bad faith,” Jean-Pierre stated during a press briefing. Jean-Pierre also used the term “cheapfakes” to describe these videos, which included one showing President Biden prematurely crouching on stage before sitting alongside First Lady Jill Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron.
by Cindy Harper
Mexico Wants To Deport White Americans? (6:34)
Lana responds to a video claiming that Mexicans are upset with White Americans who are fleeing to Mexico for a better life.
by Red Ice TV
Decline Of The West
In 1999, the US owed $5.6 trillion. A lot of money. But still manageable. Now it owes $35 trillion. Much of this debt – a total of nearly $100 trillion, public and private – cannot be repaid.
America stands like a colossus on an increasingly slippery world. Last week, more grease was added. America’s landmark deal with Saudi Arabia expired. It was the deal made in the 1970s by Wall Street bond dealer extraordinaire, William Simon. In essence, it solved two problems at once — one for the US, the other for the Saudis. The US needed to export dollars. The Saudis needed to export oil. The agreement said that henceforth, if you wanted to buy Saudi oil, you had to pay in dollars. Then, the Saudis could immediately exchange them for US Treasury bonds. But there was one other important point. The US would provide ‘security’ for the Saudi government. Presto! A ‘foreign entanglement’ of the sort the founding fathers warned against. TipRanks: The petrodollar agreement, formalized after the 1973 oil crisis, stipulated that Saudi Arabia would price its oil exports exclusively in U.S. dollars and invest its surplus oil revenues in U.S. Treasury bonds. In return, the U.S. provided military support and protection to the kingdom. This arrangement was a win-win situation for both; the U.S. gained a stable source of oil and a?captive market for its debt, while Saudi Arabia secured its economic and overall security.? The ‘deal’ was secret. The Saudis did not want the rest of the Arab world to know how closely they were working with Israel’s ally, the US. And even today, the ‘fact checkers’ say the deal was ‘fake news,’ that nothing formal ever existed which mandated the Saudis would sell oil only in dollar.
by Bill Bonner
Deadly Dioxin In E-Cigarettes? The Hidden Role Of Splenda
You may think that sweet e-cig liquid is a safer alternative to cigarettes, but a hidden danger lurks within those enticing vapor clouds. Recent research reveals that sucralose, a common vaping sweetener, transforms into highly toxic dioxin when heated.
Vaping’s Bittersweet Secret: How Sucralose Turns Deadly. Countless smokers have switched to vaping, lured by the promise of a “safer” nicotine fix. E-cigarette liquids come in myriad fun flavors, from cotton candy to crème brûlée, often sweetened with sucralose.1 But don’t let those sweet vapor clouds fool you – a sinister transformation takes place when sucralose is heated, producing the notoriously toxic chemical dioxin.2 What is Dioxin? Dioxins are a group of highly toxic chemical compounds known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). They accumulate in the food chain and can cause severe health effects like reproductive issues, developmental problems, immune system damage, hormone disruption, and cancer.3 The World Health Organization lists dioxins as part of the “dirty dozen,” the world’s worst pollutants. 4Sucralose: The Not-So-Sweet Truth. Sucralose, marketed as Splenda, is an artificial sweetener found in many e-cig liquids. When heated, sucralose breaks down and interacts with other compounds to form chloropropanols and dioxins.2 One study found that vaping sucralose at high temperatures caused a complete degradation and release of toxic chloride ions.5
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Quantum Entangled Photons React To Earth’s Spin
A team of researchers led by Philip Walther at the University of Vienna carried out a pioneering experiment where they measured the effect of the rotation of Earth on quantum entangled photons. The work, published in Science Advances, represents a significant achievement that pushes the boundaries of rotation sensitivity in entanglement-based sensors, potentially setting the stage for further exploration at the intersection between quantum mechanics and general relativity. The researchers built a giant optical fiber Sagnac interferometer and kept the noise low and stable for several hours. This enabled the detection of enough high-quality entangled photon pairs to outperform the rotation precision of previous quantum optical Sagnac interferometers by a thousand times. In a Sagnac interferometer, two particles traveling in opposite directions of a rotating closed path reach the starting point at different times. With two entangled particles, it becomes spooky: they behave like a single particle testing both directions simultaneously while accumulating twice the time delay compared to the scenario where no entanglement is present.
by University of Vienna
June 18, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Rh Negative Blood And Antediluvian Civilizations (7:56)
by Robert Sepehr
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Robert Sepehr Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Featured News
In Memory Of My Best Friend, Jumana
It took me 42 days to regain the ability to write. Writing about her is as difficult as accepting her loss. Jumana, my university friend, is gone. A martyr. Jumana, or Jeeji, as I used to call her, was her mother’s best friend, her father’s only daughter, and my heart’s delight. She knew all the details and secrets of my days. She was the only one who knew my unrealistic dreams and encouraged me to pursue them. She answered all my silly questions with illogical answers. She was the best at understanding my glances. She was everything. Now I have nothing. I lost Jeeji on April 11. After the first cry, I became silent and remained so for many days, unable to comprehend my great loss. Jeeji and her parents were killed when an Israeli missile hit a crowded market. There was no body left to bury. Jeeji will have no grave. In Gaza, finding a grave for your loved one is a luxury. You are lucky if you find their whole bodies. I don’t want to remember how Jeeji died. My memories of our conversations and time together and our photos are making me die slowly. I have aged quickly since her death. Jeeji was the best face to see every day at university, though she often missed classes, which made me angry. She didn’t like waking up early, but our time together made up for what we didn’t like. We would sit in our favorite place, first talking about lectures, then everything else. I loved bringing her a falafel sandwich, her favorite. We would eat, laugh, and take a lot of photographs.
by Ghaydaa Owaidah
Full Article:
Quote Of The Day
“Violence can only be concealed by a lie,
and the lie can only be maintained by violence.”
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
Live Not By Lies
When violence bursts onto the peaceful human condition, its face is flush with self-assurance, it displays on its banner and proclaims: “I am Violence! Make way, step aside, I will crush you!” But violence ages swiftly,
a few years pass-and it is no longer sure of itself. To prop itself up, to appear decent, it will without fail call forth its ally-Lies. For violence has nothing to cover itself with but lies, and lies can only persist through violence. And it is not every day and not on every shoulder that violence brings down its heavy hand: It demands of us only a submission to lies, a daily participation in deceit-and this suffices as our fealty.
by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
Website Of The Day
Electronic Intifada
The Electronic Intifada is an independent online news publication and educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world.
Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
Government Archive With 5,485 Posts
Israeli Military Knew Hamas Was Planning Attack – Media
IDF agents warned that the militants were drilling for a hostage-grab operation, but were reportedly ignored by their superiors
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) warned in mid-September that Hamas was planning to invade the country and capture more than 200 hostages, Israel’s Kan broadcaster reported on Monday. Three weeks before Hamas fighters attacked Israel on October 7, the IDF’s intelligence directorate compiled a report stating that the Palestinian militants were training for a large-scale invasion of the Jewish state, Kan has claimed, citing anonymous security sources. The document allegedly warned that dozens of Hamas commandos would take part in the raid, which would be aimed at bringing between 200 and 250 hostages back to Gaza. Several thousand Hamas fighters carried out the actual October 7 assault, killing around 1,200 people and taking roughly 250 hostages back to Gaza. According to Kan’s sources, Hamas members had been spotted practicing attacks on mock IDF outposts, rehearsing how to capture military and civilian hostages, and training how to handle the captives once they were detained in Gaza. The document reportedly made its way to senior officials in the IDF’s Gaza Division, but was “completely ignored,” Kan stated. Kan is not the first source to claim that Israel was forewarned about the October 7 attack. Within days of the assault, Egyptian intelligence officials said that they had repeatedly warned the Israeli government that Hamas was planning “something big” in the days leading up to October 7, but that these warnings were ignored in West Jerusalem.
by RT
Repeated Western Narratives Of China’s Nuclear ‘Threat’ Are What Lead To A Dangerous World
In an interview with The Telegraph published on Sunday, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg claimed that the bloc is in talks of taking missiles out of storage and placing them on standby in the face of a growing threat from Russia and China. While giving a stark warning about the threat from China, he said a world where countries like China have nuclear weapons, and NATO does not, is “a more dangerous world.” What truly constitutes a dangerous world is the world’s largest war machine hyping a nuclear war that could bring devastating consequences to mankind. Stoltenberg is telling the world that NATO would go beyond being just a conventional combat force, and become a nuclear alliance. He is trying to create an opinion condition favorable for NATO and the US to strengthen their nuclear-sharing capability. At a pre-ministerial press conference of NATO on June 12, Stoltenberg stated that the US is modernizing its nuclear weapons in Europe. It is worth noting that the warnings of Stoltenberg came against the backdrop of the ongoing Ukraine crisis. The just concluded two-day peace summit in Switzerland did not achieve much to solve the crisis. The US-led West has no will to end the conflict as soon as possible. Instead, it sent out a nuclear deterrence against Russia, which is nothing but adding oil to the fire, according to Zhang Junshe, a Chinese military expert.
by Global Times
“What This DHS Guy Said Terrified Me To The Core” Redacted with Clayton Morris (18:03)
(This was the number on video on all of on June 17 into June 18, 2024)
Israeli Premier Netanyahu Dissolves War Cabinet
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved the War Cabinet that was formed on 11 October 2023 after Israel launched a war on Gaza, state media reported on Monday, Anadolu news agency reported. According to public broadcaster KAN, far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir had made a forceful request to join the Cabinet. The move came after opposition leader Benny Gantz quit the emergency government earlier this month following disagreements over a post-war strategy on the Gaza Strip. It originally included Netanyahu, Gantz, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Ron Dermer, Gadi Eizenkot, and Shas party leader Aryeh Deri.
Coming Soon: More Tests, Masks, Lockdowns And Vaccines
I fear there is a real chance that the conspirators are getting ready for another pandemic. The chaos and the fear are simmering nicely, just as they planned. Elections everywhere are creating despair and depression and a feeling of hopelessness. Is it time for them to go for the kill? Well, we must bear it in mind. And déjà vu is here again. Bird flu in America has allegedly spread among dairy cows and farm workers. The WHO claims that a Mexican man died from bird flu. They say he had a positive PCR test (which proves only that he had a positive PCR test). The Mexican Government says the man had no links with animals or birds and had been ill in bed for three weeks before he allegedly died of bird flu. They say, to be blunt, that the WHO was (whisper it quietly) wrong. The dead man had been a chronic invalid for 14 years with kidney disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. If he did have bird flu he died with it, not `of’ it. The usual covid trickery. But the usual bullshit has started. Cattle are being killed. It’s been suggested that the US Government test 40 million cows once a week. Or maybe daily. Or maybe hourly. Who knows? The conspirators are insane. And then kill all those who test positive. And there is already murmuring of testing, protective clothing, masks, lockdowns and financial compensation. And more mRNA vaccines, of course. I expect that drug company executives have already ordered holiday villas by the dozen.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
2nd Amendment: 8 Ignored Principles (26:13)
by Tenth Amendment Center
On Controlling The Past…
Artificial intelligence has rightfully become the subject of great controversy, even though it is still early to fully assess its impact.
George Orwell was spot on when he wrote that “who controls the past controls the future.” The remarkable advances of Artificial Intelligence technology appear to bear him out. But they confirm also the correctness of the rest of his prescient remark, which is cited less often, that “who controls the present controls the past.” That also seems confirmed, as we shall see presently. Artificial intelligence has rightfully become the subject of great controversy, even though it is still early to fully assess its impact. Yet with each passing day the problematic, and some would even say nefarious, aspects of its uses are becoming increasingly evident. One of the chief concerns regarding Artificial Intelligence is its pretension to supersede and consign to a state of permanent subservience its human counterpart. Another is the danger it poses to workmen. Their jobs will become largely obsolete and incomes will diminish or disappear once employers discover that the operations human workers were performing for a salary can be done at minimum or no expense by the entity we are becoming accustomed to call Artificial Intelligence, or AI.
by Stephen Karganovic
Putin Preempts Pointless ‘Peace’ Powwow (Text and Videos)
The latest narrative on the pro-Russian side revolves around the big Swiss Peace Summit being a “total failure”. Though the desire to score propaganda points against the Atlanticists is understandable, in reality, there was no real ‘failure’ per se, only because the summit itself never truly made claim to even attempting to “achieve” anything to begin with. From the get go, it was nothing more than a cheap political exercise aimed at continuing the unbroken line of morale-boosting PR for Ukraine, to maintain the manufactured “unity” and “solidarity” that the European comprador apparatchiks are so desperate to signal in the public’s eye. Endless reams have already been spun about the summit’s many grotesqueries, incongruities, absurdities, et cetera, et cetera. It’s pointless to rehash them all for something that was ultimately of so little consequence, little more than a theatrical virtue signaling performance by a bunch of unelected, historically-low-approval-rated political sellouts and hacks, hated by their own people, whom they do not even serve. The more adjacently interesting development was Putin’s preemptive peace offer, a couple days before the summit took place.
by Simplicius
Vincent Everett Ellison Exposes The Lies Sold To Black America: MLK, Hip Hop Culture, And Democrats (2:56:01)
Vince Everett Ellison is an author and documentarian. He hosts the “Vince Everette Ellison Show” on X, Rumble and YouTube. He also produced the documentary “Will You Go To Hell For Me?” and wrote the #1 best seller “The Iron Triangle.”
by Tucker Carlson
We Spent A Billion Dollars Fighting The Houthis…And Lost
Why does it seem the Pentagon is far better at spending money than actually putting together a successful operation? The failed “Operation Prosperity Guardian” and the disastrous floating Gaza pier are but two recent examples of enormously expensive initiatives that, though they no-doubt enriched military contractors, were incapable of meeting their stated goals. To great fanfare, last December the Pentagon announced the launch of Operation Prosperity Guardian, a joint US/UK military operation to halt the Yemeni Houthi disruption of Israel-linked commercial shipping through the Red Sea. The Houthis announced their policy in response to civilian deaths in Israel’s war on Gaza, but when the US and UK military became involved they announced they would target US and UK shipping as well. The operation was supposed to be quick and easy. After all, the rag-tag Houthi militia was no match for the mighty US and UK navies. But it didn’t work out that way at all. Over the weekend the Wall Street Journal published a devastating article revealing that after spending more than one billion dollars on munitions alone, the operation had failed to deter the Houthis and failed to re-open commercial shipping in the Red Sea. The Journal reported that Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, recently told Congress that “the U.S.-led effort has been insufficient to deter the militant group’s targeting of ships and that the threat will ‘remain active for some time.'”
by Ron Paul
Five Eyes Biometric Data Sharing Increases By Over 100x With Little Transparency
A network for sharing biometrics, demographics and other data about visitors, migrants and other travelers has ballooned in scope and amount of data shared, but mostly out of the watchful eye of the public, journalists, and even national regulatory authorities, according to an investigation reported by RNZ. The “Migration 5” is an arrangement for sharing data of people crossing the border of any Five Eyes country: New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the United States, or the UK. Independent research by a Fulbright scholar at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, shows that since New Zealand began sharing data with its partners in 2011, the volume of data exchanged has exploded. A Secure Real-Time Platform was already in development that year, and while it does not automatically exchange biographical data, manual searches appear to be rising rapidly. The original agreement mainly dealt with fingerprint biometrics, and limited checks against other partners’ databases to 3,000 each per year. The number of checks allowed rose to 30,000, and now 400,000 for each combination of countries. That means the Migration 5 could be checking 8 million travelers per year, in total. The maximums can also rise, if approved by the partners.
by Chris Burt
Can You Afford To Eat?
Well, of course you can. What an absurd question. Most of us in the Western world have never in our lifetimes had a problem getting enough to eat or, for that matter, paying for it. Words like “famine” do exist on the periphery of our vocabularies, but they apply only to news reports on Somalia or Ethiopia, not us. But the First World is in for a change and both the availability and the cost of food will be changing with it. A question as absurd as the one above may within a year become a reality for many people. In a previous article in International Man, we dealt with the likelihood of food shortages in North America and Europe and how that situation was likely to manifest itself. These are likely to occur as a bi-product of existing unmanageable industry debt, plus hyperinflation. To make matters worse, the First World will soon face other factors that may diminish availability and increase the cost of food generally, both at the same time. As the first world unravels, many population centres and even entire countries may find themselves with food shortages. The country you have chosen to reside in may be doing well, but the country that has been supplying products to your supermarket may be in trouble. This would be exacerbated by the likelihood that the selection would become erratic, i.e., plenty of peanut butter, but no bread.
by Jeff Thomas
CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | Russia’s Peace Plan (25:38)
Russian President Vladimir Putin has laid conditions for Ukraine that he said would lead to an immediate ceasefire and, ultimately, an end to the conflict. Unfortunately, the West is more interested in escalation and more war rather than establishing peace.
CrossTalking with Stevan Gajic and Dmitry Babich.
Putin: Russia Highly Values North Korea’s Support In Conducting Operation In Ukraine
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow highly values North Korea’s support in conducting the special military operation in Ukraine.
“We highly appreciate the DPRK’s unwavering support for Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, their solidarity with us on key international matters and willingness to defend our common priorities and views within the UN,” Putin said ahead of his state visit to the North Korea tothe main North Korean newspaper Rodong Sinmun. Russian President further noticed that Russia and North Korea will develop payment mechanisms that are not controlled by Western countries and jointly oppose illegitimate restrictions. “We will develop alternative trade and mutual settlements mechanisms not controlled by the West, jointly oppose illegitimate unilateral restrictions, and shape the architecture of equal and indivisible security in Eurasia,” Putin wrote. It is also essential in nature that Russia will continue to support the people of North Korea in confrontation with Washington for the right to independently choose the path of development.
by Sputnik
NATO To Control Ukraine Aid To ‘Trump-Proof’ Arms Shipments
The members of the bloc agreed that all arms for Ukraine would flow through NATO
The US took a significant step towards preventing a future American president from curtailing weapon transfers to Ukraine by allowing NATO to coordinate the arms shipments. Washington and some of its allies are concerned that former President Donald Trump will end military aid and seek a diplomatic settlement to the war should he return to office. The bloc adopted the new policy during a meeting of NATO defense ministers on Friday. “With a command in Wiesbaden, Germany, NATO will coordinate training and equipment donations, with nearly 700 personnel from Allied and partner nations involved in this effort,” a press release from the alliance said. “NATO will also facilitate equipment logistics and provide support to the long-term development of Ukraine’s Armed Forces.” One official told AFP that the move was meant to prevent Trump from changing US policy. “it is about Trump-proofing, and that is what Stoltenberg says, protecting it from winds of political change,” the official stated. “Any US president can pull the plug on it tomorrow.” On the campaign trail, Trump pledged to end the war within “24 hours” of returning to office, but has failed to explain how he plans to achieve that promise. Additionally, the former president gave his political support to the $95 billion foreign military aid bill signed in April – which included over $60 billion for Ukraine – helping to break the deadlock in Congress. Still, Trump’s statements about ending the war have caused concern among NATO members and Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskly recently asserted Trump would become a “loser president” if he ended the conflict and would make America “very weak.”
by Kyle Anzalone
West Hindering Nuclear Deal’s Revival, Blaming Iran For Failure: Russia
A senior Russian diplomat says the three European signatories to the Iran nuclear deal have failed to fulfill their commitments and are now blocking the negotiations to revive the US-abandoned agreement.
Russian Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov made the remarks in an interview with Russia’s daily broadsheet newspaper Izvestia. He said the talks to revive the nuclear deal – officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – have so far failed to yield any outcome due to insufficient efforts on the part of the European troika (France, Germany and Britain) as well as the United States. It is not the Iranians who are blocking the negotiations now as they are ready to resume the talks, he maintained. The top Russian negotiator added that the three European countries – also known as E3 – are playing a “strange game” but demand full compliance from Iran. At the same time, the trio blames Russia and Iran for the failure of the JCPOA revival talks, Ulyanov said.
by Press TV–Mikhail-Ulyanov-Izvestia-JCPOA-revival-talks-commitments
UN Report: Israel Guilty Of Inhuman Acts In Gaza (55:23)
More grave violations against children were committed in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel than anywhere else in the world last year, according to a UN report due to be published this week.
by Syriana Analysis–un-report-israel-guilty-of-inhuman-acts-in-gaza-syriana-analysis.html?mref=wrdkl&mc=7vj9z
Criminal College Poizine Mandates, And What To Do Going Forward
Info that people with high school kids will need
What bothered me the most about the COVID poison shots was the extreme interest in giving them to children. And while most parents of controllable children said no, over 50% of impressionable high schoolers wound up getting them, often with rewards and almost always with peer pressure. (The usefulness of providing rewards to induce acceptance had been tested in this age group with the HPV vaccine.) But it was almost impossible to get to college without a shot. It turned out that college administrators were worse than drill sergeants when it came to requiring the shots. How much were they paid? We don’t know yet. We do know that both Pfizer and the CDC had given substantial grants to the American college health organization before COVID shots had even rolled out, which pushed out propaganda about the shots to all college health providers. Many medical providers in colleges are paraprofessionals, who are used to taking orders. The planners, I believe, counted on their obedience. I blogged about this organization’s grants 3 years ago on my anthrax blog. Then the organization took down the info about their grants. Either Zeke or Rahm Emanuel (can’t recall which evil brother it was) had something to do with the plan to force the jabs on students. Children were least likely to suffer from COVID. And for some yet unearthed reason, colleges were the last to end their shot mandates. Even today some colleges still mandate these poison shots.
by Meryl Nass
With Stanford Out, UW Steps Up For 2024 Election “Disinformation” Research
If it looks like a duck… and in particular, quacks like a duck, it’s highly likely a duck. And so, even though the Stanford Internet Observatory is reportedly getting dissolved, the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public (CIP) continues its activities. But that’s not all. CIP headed the pro-censorship coalitions the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) and the Virality Project with the Stanford Internet Observatory, while the Stanford outfit was set up shortly before the 2020 vote with the goal of “researching misinformation.” The groups led by both universities would publish their findings in real-time, no doubt, for maximum and immediate impact on voters. For some, what that impact may have been, or was meant to be, requires research and a study of its own. Many, on the other hand, are sure it targeted them. So much so that the US House Judiciary Committee’s Weaponization Select Subcommittee established that EIP collaborated with federal officials and social platforms, in violation of free speech protections.
by Didi Rankovic
Kansas Is Suing Pfizer For “Misrepresentations” And “Adverse Events” Of Their Covid “Vaccine”
Kansas AG Kris Kobach alleges Pfizer knowingly violated the state’s Consumer Protection Act
As this Substack predicted years ago, the grim PSYOP-19 bioterror truth will eventually be allowed to see the light of day, by design. That time is now rapidly approaching. Soon, even the most brainwashed and cognitively impaired genetically modified DEATHVAX recipients will come to the horrific realization that they have been profoundly poisoned by the “Safe and Effective” slow kill bioweapon “vaccines.” With the recent legal battles having been won ahead of the imminent PSYOP-DISEASE-X rollout to perfectly coincide with the presidential election… …we now have the state of Kansas suing the Intelligence Industrial Complex’s biggest BigPharma asset known as Pfizer; the lawsuit, filed by Republican Attorney General Kris Kobach, claims that the company’s “misrepresentations” of the “vaccine” resulted in “record company revenue” of around $75 billion in less than two years.
by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
Can The USA Again Be Our Home? Part II (10:50)
What we can do and why I’m more optimistic than ever.
by American Renaissance
The Glue Binding Democracy And A Free Economy Has Melted
And that’s how democracy and a free economy die.
The single-minded pursuit of greed does not magically organize the economy or society to serve everyone’s interests equally. As Adam Smith explained, capitalism and the social order both require a moral foundation, which in a free society takes the form of civic virtue: it is the responsibility of every citizen who is able to contribute to the social capital that serves us all to do so not in response to an oppressive state but of their own free will. The Founding Fathers understood this and feared the decay of civic virtue as a threat to democracy. This was one reason why many of those active in the early decades of the American Experiment favored restricting voting to the class of citizenry who had the biggest stake in maintaining the nation’s stock of social capital: the landed / commercial elites. Commentators such as Christopher Lasch have described the steady erosion of civic virtue and the nation’s stock of social capital since the 1970s. Lasch and fellow critics across the ideological spectrum understood that civic virtue is the glue that binds democracy and a free economy: once civic virtue and the responsibility to contribute to the nation’s social capital are gone, both democracy and the free economy enter terminal decline.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Nuclear No First Use
What does No-First-Use (NFU) actually mean?
“No First Use” is a commitment to never use nuclear weapons first under any circumstances, whether as a preemptive attack or first strike, or in response to non-nuclear attack of any kind. Where do nuclear-armed countries stand on No First Use? China is the only nuclear-armed country to have an unconditional NFU policy. India maintains a policy of NFU with exceptions for a response to chemical or biological attacks. France, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States maintain policies that permit the first use of nuclear weapons in a conflict. Israel does not acknowledge the existence of its nuclear arsenal so has no publicly known position. The 2018 U.S. Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) maintains the policy “the United States would only consider the employment of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States, its allies, and partners.” This loose language holds open the possibility that nuclear weapons would be used in an initial attack (which can be ordered by the president, whose authority to use nuclear weapons is virtually limitless) or in response to a conventional, biological, chemical or cyber attack.
by Global Zero
Satellite Data Reveal Anomalies Up To 19 Days Before 2023 Turkey Earthquake
Earthquakes may betray their impending presence much earlier than previously thought through a variety of anomalies present in the ground, atmosphere and ionosphere that can be detected using satellites, a recent study in the Journal of Applied Geodesy suggests. Developing early warning systems for earthquakes could be very helpful in preventing death and destruction. One such proposed technique involves using satellites to monitor a variety of physical and chemical parameters within the ground, atmosphere and the layer of charged particles that exists above it, called the ionosphere. Such anomalies are known as earthquake precursors, and although researchers are aware of them, it has been difficult to definitively identify a pattern of so-called red flags that could indicate an impending earthquake. This is because of the complexity of precursor interactions and their variability in different earthquakes and geographical regions. However, with every earthquake that researchers analyze using increasingly sophisticated satellite technology, these patterns are slowly emerging.
by SciencePOD
June 17, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
“What This DHS Guy Said Terrified Me To The Core” (18:03)
Redacted with Clayton Morris
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Quote Of The Day
“Egyptian civilization was not a development, it was a legacy.”
John Anthony West
The Great Pyramid Of Giza
Encodes The Speed Of Light At Least Six Different Ways
by Mark R. Elsis
Website Of The Day
John Anthony West
John Anthony West delivered a seismic shock to archaeology in the early 1990s when he and
Boston University geologist Dr. Robert Schoch revealed that the Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt,
showed evidence of rainfall erosion. Such erosion could only mean that the Sphinx was carved during
or before the rains that marked the transition of northern Africa from the last Ice Age
to the present interglacial epoch, a transition that occurred in the millennia from 10,000 to 5,000 BC.
Featured News
Rep. Thomas Massie: Every GOP Congressman Has An “AIPAC Babysitter”
Those Christians and conservatives who pooh-pooh Israel’s dominance and control over our congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C., are willfully ignorant. They say it isn’t true, not because it isn’t true, but because they don’t want to admit that it’s true. Well, it IS true. And everyone inside the Beltway and the New York media empire knows it’s true. In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) told Carlson the painful truth of this act of treason on Capitol Hill. Here is a snippet of that interview posted by Chris Menahan at “Everybody but me has an AIPAC person – like your AIPAC babysitter, who is always talking to you for AIPAC,” Massie said.
by Chuck Baldwin
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Israel’s Control Over America Grows Ever Stronger
US foreign policy is based on appeasing the Jewish state
Back in September 2017 I wrote an article for the Unz Review site entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars” with the subtitle “Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?” The article focused on the fact that most of the individuals and groups in the US that were agitating for war with Iran in particular were Jewish and most did not hide their loyalty to Israel, headed then as now by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I argued that it was a mistake to have Jews managing America’s relationships in the Middle East in particular as some of them certainly would experience a conflict of interest that would inevitably not be beneficial to the United States. And, one might add, that in spite of that tie that binds with a foreign government, no pro-Israel group has ever been compelled to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 which would provide some transparency on finances and concerning direct contacts with the Israeli government or its Embassy in Washington. The end result of all that is to make it extremely easy to use money, which the Zionist billionaires have in abundance, to corrupt the US government process on behalf of an apartheid state that is no ally in reality and does not have values that fit well with what was once American democracy.
by Philip Giraldi
Biden Is Paying NGOs $1 Trillion For Millions Of Foreign Men To Invade America And Kill Us: JJ Carrell (Text and Videos)
Forty-five million illegals are already in the US, he notes
Carrell emphasizes lack of oversight or vetting of these transactions, citing the chaotic and emergency nature of the border situation as a justification used by the government to expedite funding without thorough checks. Millions of people are crossing the border, and agencies like Border Patrol, DHS, and FEMA say they lack the resources or official orders to manage the influx. In facilitating movement of people and goods into the U.S., NGOs have created a chaotic and unregulated system. 50-70 percent of the 45 million illegal immigrants in the US are military-aged men between 18 and 35 years old. Biden and Mayorkas have brought 30 million illegals into the US. Carrell believes this influx is a military-style invasion orchestrated by the U.S. government, which he claims is the enemy of the American people. Why do President Biden, DHS Secretary Mayorkas, Attorney General Garland, and Secretary of State Blinken facilitate this massive illegal influx of foreign soldiers into America? Is the invasion related to what the rabbi below says, that America and Europe must be destroyed?
by James Hill, MD
The Mind Beyond The Brain (16:01)
by Rupert Sheldrake
Israel Claims Others Are Shredding International Law As It Does So
“Thief, thief!!” Cried the thief.
One of the things my dad, who was driven out of Palestine in 1948 and tried to scrutinize every move on Palestine for decades, taught me is that there’s this trick of a thief crying “thief!” to divert attention from his crimes. It’s a mantra on X/twitter now that for Israel, every accusation is a confession. An example of that which was clear to me in October was “Israel Falsely Claimed Hamas Slaughtered Babies So It Could Actually Slaughter Babies” And that has been borne out by various investigations since, from Al Jazeera and most recently by David Sheen from the Electronic Intifada for example. One more recent example was the stunt by the Israeli UN ambassador Gilad Erdan saying at the UN: “You are shredding the UN Charter with your own hands,” as he was literally shredding the UN Charter with his own hands. In fact, Israel and the US government are shredding international law in the most profound sense. One recent example of this is how the US rammed a UN Security Council resolution through based on its evidence-free claim that Israel put forward a ceasefire resolution. In fact, the US resolution was manipulative and hollow. And it critically was timed to derail a resolution which would have implemented the orders of the International Court of Justice.
by Sam Husseini
Russia Surpasses US In Gas Supplies To Europe – FT
Shipments from across the Atlantic fell behind those from Moscow in May for the first time in nearly two years, data shows
Europe’s gas imports from Russia overtook supplies from the US in May for the first time in almost two years, the Financial Times has reported, citing data from the consultancy ICIS. Last month, shipments of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US reportedly accounted for 14% of the entire supply to the region, marking the lowest since August 2022. Meanwhile, Russian pipeline gas along with LNG supplies made up 15% of total supply to Europe, defined as the EU, UK, Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia. According to the newspaper, supplies in May were impacted by several factors, including a disruption of operations at a major US LNG export facility, as well as increased flows of Russian gas via the TurkStream gas pipeline ahead of planned maintenance that was carried out in June 5-12. Meanwhile, FT notes, demand for gas in the region has remained relatively weak, while storage levels are close to record highs for this time of year. Despite the sharp drop in Russian gas deliveries to the region due to Ukraine-related sanctions and the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, a number of European countries continue to greatly rely on Russian gas.
by RT
The Israeli Plot To Pit The West Bank Resistance Against The PA
In a bid to undermine resistance groups in the occupied West Bank, Israel is strategically targeting key individuals to incite discord between armed factions and the Palestinian Authority, intensifying an already volatile situation marked by unprecedented violence and political maneuvering.
After failing to destroy resistance factions in the occupied West Bank, The Cradle has learned that Israeli forces plan to target specific individuals to create tensions between the armed groups and the Palestinian Authority (PA). This effort includes an alleged meeting held in Tel Aviv between Hussein al-Sheikh, head of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) ‘s executive committee, and Major General Ghasan Alyan, head of Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT). The Tel Aviv trip by Sheikh, the man favored by Israel to lead the PA once President Mahmoud Abbas retires, was organized to discuss methods of “de-escalating tensions and allowing West Bank workers to travel into Israeli territory for work,” according to an anonymous source in his office. Over 530 Palestinians have been killed in the occupied West Bank since 7 October, making the past eight months the most violent period there since the Second Intifada. Although the Hamas-led Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was formally staged in the Gaza Strip, the fighting in the northern West Bank has now coalesced into what can be called a second Palestinian front against the Israeli military. Since the start of the war in Gaza, there have also been quantitative jumps in the complexity of ambushes and the effectiveness of explosive charges manufactured by resistance groups in the West Bank.
by Robert Inlakesh
Adolf Hitler (1:21:48)
Chapter 16 The Return Of The Native February-April 1938
by John Toland
Transgender Agenda: Following The [Jewish] Money
For those who may have missed it, last week the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) delivered a scathing denunciation of America’s leading medical institutions – calling on them to halt the drastic gender transition protocols being imposed on vulnerable children. A newly formed coalition of healthcare professionals including physicians, nurses, behavioral health clinicians, and scientists launched the “Doctors Protecting Children Declaration” led by Dr. Jill Simons, Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians. They are sounding the alarm and criticizing the severe physical and mental health risks associated with “gender-affirming” care. A recently published 20-year landmark NIH study ‘Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery’ found that suicide risk increases after gender reassignment surgery. This study dismantles a popular argument wielded by those who fiercely advocate for these radical ‘life saving’ treatments on minors. Parents have been emotionally blackmailed into supporting such procedures – being told that their child is likely to commit suicide if not allowed to ‘transition’ as a minor. In fact, the data proves the opposite is true. Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not, and the study concluded that gender-affirming surgery is significantly associated with elevated suicide attempt risks.
by Tom Renz
Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir Oppose Army Pauses In Parts Of Gaza
This highlights faction fights between Netanyahu’s far-right coalition and the army
Following an announcement by the Israeli military on Sunday that there will now be 11-hour daily tactical pauses along one of the bombed-out Gaza Strip’s main roads, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the plan is “unacceptable,” according to an Israeli official speaking with Reuters. National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who leads the extremist Jewish Power party, said whoever came up with the idea is a “fool” and should be fired. “When the prime minister heard the reports of an 11-hour humanitarian pause in the morning, he turned to his military secretary and made it clear that this was unacceptable to him,” Reuters reported. Subsequent to the announcement, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have reiterated that the brutal military operations in Rafah will continue apace. In order to facilitate some aid deliveries, the report explains that within “the area from the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing to the Salah al-Din Road and then northwards,” there will ostensibly be a pause in fighting from the hours of 8 AM to 7 PM local time each day.
by Connor Freeman
BRICS Members Reject Joint Declaration At Swiss Ukraine Conference
The BRICS countries, as well as several other states that attended the Swiss-hosted summit on Ukraine did not sign a joint declaration on the results of the talks on Sunday, according to the signatory list.
Earlier in the day, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that the text of the declaration had been finalized and that Kiev’s positions had been taken into account. The list of countries that signed the final declaration was displayed by the organizers on the screens of the press center at the Buergenstock resort where the summit was held. The document was signed by 79 countries out of 91 present, but Armenia, Bahrain, Brazil, the Holy See, India, Indonesia, Libya, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates did not sign it. The Ukraine conference is taking place this weekend at the Bürgenstock resort near Lucerne. It includes 92 countries and 55 heads of state, as well as eight organizations, including the EU, the Council of Europe, and the UN. However, US President Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and leaders of many other countries did not attend. Some participants, such as US Vice President Kamala Harris and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, left early. Russia was not invited to the summit. The Kremlin commented that trying to find solutions to the Ukrainian conflict without Moscow’s involvement is completely illogical and unpromising.
by Sputnik
The Pete Quinones Show Episode 1065: Correcting The Narrative On The Spanish Civil War With Karl Dahl (1:11:11)
War On Gaza Failed, War With Hezbollah ‘Catastrophic’: Ex-Israeli Gen
Former Major General Itzhak Brik says the war on Gaza has “lost its purpose” and only continues for Netanyahu’s interests.
The war on Gaza has “lost its purpose” and its continuation for the past months has caused “Israel” losses on multiple fronts, Reserve Major General Yitzhak Brik underlined. Brik has become a prominent critic of both the Israeli government and the military command’s performances, pointing to their failure in several sectors. During an interview for 103 FM Radio, an affiliate of Israeli news outlet Maariv, Brik emphasized that the war on Gaza continues solely for the benefit of the occupation’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. As for the ongoing operation in the southernmost city of the Gaza Strip, Rafah, the former commander said that “Israeli objectives have not been achieved in the city, as in all of Gaza.” He noted that the Israeli military is yet to reach or discover many of the Palestinian Resistance’s strategic tunnels. Moreover, Brik described the current proceedings in Rafah as “shameful”, explaining that Israeli occupation forces are not actually fighting Palestinian Resistance fighters, rather “they [Resistance fighters] are booby-trapping the roads and we [Israeli occupation forces] are being killed.” “We have reduced the army’s capability over 20 years to the point where it cannot defeat Hamas,” he said in reference to the Palestinian Resistance.
by Al Mayadeen English–war-with-hezbollah–catastrophic—ex-is
Biden Team Calls For Social Media “Disinformation” Censorship Action After G7 Mishap Goes Viral
The Biden administration is grappling with backlash as a video depicting President Joe Biden appearing vacant and wandering off, separating from his G7 peers circulated widely online. The footage, in which Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni directs President Biden back in the right direction for the planned photo opportunity, quickly gained traction and has spurred accusations from the media that conservative outlets are disseminating the clip without adequate context, suggesting a deliberate skewing of Biden’s actions. In response to the spreading video, Adrienne Elrod, a spokesperson for Biden’s campaign, labeled the footage “disinformation” and has called on social media platforms to remove or limit its distribution. “Disinformation is alive and well,” she told MSNBC. “…And, look, we’re gonna see more of this. I mean, this is just the reality of campaigning in 2024. So we have to combat that disinformation. We have to hit it hard when it happens and make it clear that these are dirty tactics that MAGA Republicans are using because they can’t run on the issues.”
by Cindy Harper
How Arlington National Cemetery Came To Be
The fight over Robert E. Lee’s beloved home—seized by the U.S. government during the Civil War—went on for decades
One afternoon in May 1861, a young Union Army officer went rushing into the mansion that commanded the hills across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. “You must pack up all you value immediately and send it off in the morning,” Lt. Orton Williams told Mary Custis Lee, wife of Robert E. Lee, who was away mobilizing Virginia’s military forces as the country hurtled toward the bloodiest war in its history. Mary Lee dreaded the thought of abandoning Arlington, the 1,100-acre estate she had inherited from her father, George Washington Parke Custis, upon his death in 1857. Custis, the grandson of Martha Washington, had been adopted by George Washington when Custis’ father died in 1781. Beginning in 1802, as the new nation’s capital took form across the river, Custis started building Arlington, his showplace mansion. Probably modeled after the Temple of Hephaestus in Athens, the columned house floated among the Virginia hills as if it had been there forever, peering down upon the half-finished capital at its feet. When Custis died, Arlington passed to Mary Lee, his only surviving child, who had grown up, married and raised seven children and buried her parents there. In correspondence, her husband referred to the place as “our dear home,” the spot “where my attachments are more strongly placed than at any other place in the world.” If possible, his wife felt an even stronger attachment to the property.
by Robert M. Poole
ACH (2369) I’m Talking To YOU #123 – The 160th Anniversary Of The Establishment Of Arlington National Cemetery (audio 24:04)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on June 15 2024, Andy presents a show entitled, “The 160th Anniversary Of The Establishment Of Arlington National Cemetery.”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is a largely unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his weekday shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Fogging The Episteme In The Quest For The unHoly Grail
One of the most epistemically dangerous phenomena of our day is the imperceptible metamorphosis of concepts we once knew, and took for granted, into something entirely different, while retaining their original outward mask. This new thing now escapes our grasp because we’ve fallen into the semiotic trap of understanding a thing by its appearance or name, rather than by what it does. We should always strive to cut through perceptual biases to understand the underlying basis of reality before us. If thousands of years ago, humans called the color of the sun red, but over the course of hundreds or thousands of years began to call it green, it would represent a lacuna of apprehension-a discontinuity in the to-then unbroken thread of epistemic cohesion which would lead to the distortion of knowledge and historical understanding. It’s akin to Giambattista Vico’s concept of the ‘barbarism of sense’ which, in the developmental cycle of civilizations, is succeeded by the ‘barbarism of reflection’: Vico’s theory suggests that history begins in a barbarism of sense, characterized by a lack of reflection and dominated by imagination and myths. It ends in a barbarism of reflection, where over-analysis and individual interests break down the common sense and shared values established by society.
by Simplicius
David Stockman On The Federal Reserve’s Inflation Confirmation Fallacy
The reason for the dangerously high growth rates of Fed credit is what might be termed the inflation confirmation fallacy. That is to say, once high inflation broke out for the first time in peacetime history, flummoxed mainstream economists soon embraced the notion that the central bank should midwife a gentle, gradualist cure by “accommodating” some significant part of the rising price level, lest a too stingy growth of Fed credit would cause real interest rates to soar and bring the economy to its knees. The effect of this unfortunate assumption was the introduction of inflation rate management into the Fed’s remit, tool kit and vocabulary. While the official 2% “goal” did not materialize until decades later, it did creep into practice on a de facto basis under Volcker and his successors. At length, the idea that the Fed was not simply managing bank reserves and credit, but was in charge of the performance of the entire GDP including the rate of increase in the general price level became deeply embedded in the institution.
by David Stockman
The Crises And Sacrifices Yet To Come
The timing of finally embracing risk and sacrifice as the only option left is exquisitely sensitive: finally caving in a moment too late leads to the system collapsing beyond recovery.
The sense that we’re approaching a tipping point into a crisis with no easy resolution is pervasive, a sense that beneath the veneer of normalcy (the Federal Reserve will lower interest rates and that will fix everything), we sense the precariousness of this brittle normalcy. While many are uneasily scanning the horizon for geopolitical crises, others see the crisis emerging here at home, possibly a political crisis or a financial crisis that ensnares us all. Few look at the decay of our social order as the source of crisis. Few seem to notice that corruption has become so normalized that we don’t even recognize the ubiquity and depth of our corruption; we tell ourselves that this isn’t corruption, it’s just healthy self-interest, the “invisible hand” of the market magically organizing our economy to optimize efficiency and productivity. This provides cover for our worship of self-interest, a polite phrase for limitless greed.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Gaza Water Shortages: Israeli Forces Destroy All Water Wells In North Gaza (3:07)
by Al Jazeera English
USS Liberty Survivors Reunite And Call For A Congressional Investigation Into The Deadly Attack On Their Ship
“If the truth about the attack on the USS Liberty isn’t told to the American public, our Republic will fall. When your own government sets you up to be murdered, this speaks to the influence the Zionist state of Israel has with our politicians. Not one president from LBJ to Biden has lifted a finger nor has the Congress.” – Phil Tourney, USS Liberty attack survivor. Now is the best time for Americans to demand an open and honest congressional investigation of the June 8, 1967 unprovoked and deliberate attack on the USS Liberty by the Israeli military. The brutal assault that killed 34 American sailors and wounded 171 of their shipmates was then covered up by Commander-in-Chief President Lyndon B. Johnson, military leadership, and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. Phillip F. Nelson, Ron… Best Price: $12.75 Buy New $10.00 (as of 07:20 UTC – Details) Many survivors and other analysts now conclude the attack was a planned false flag intended to sink the ship and kill all aboard as a pretext to gain public support for the US to join Israel in its battle against Egypt during the Six Day War. This is when Israel captured Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights.
by Ginny Garner
Palestinian Resistance’s Response To ‘Israel’s’ Ceasefire Proposal
Al Mayadeen obtains a document outlining the fundamental principles of the Palestinian Resistance’s response to the Israeli proposal, as presented by US President Joe Biden, regarding the ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip.
After the Palestinian Resistance in the Gaza Strip recently submitted its response to the American proposal for a ceasefire, including comments and amendments reflecting its conditions, Al Mayadeen acquired a document outlining the basic principles of the response document. Here is the text of the Resistance’s response: Here are the foundational principles for an agreement between the Israeli and Palestinian sides in Gaza concerning the exchange of detainees and prisoners, as well as achieving sustainable calm. This text outlines the fundamental principles for an agreement, referencing the Palestinian response to the Israeli proposal dated May 6, 2024. The framework aims to release all Israeli captives in the Gaza Strip, including civilians and soldiers, regardless of their status (alive or deceased) or the duration of their detention. In exchange, there would be a reciprocal release of an agreed-upon number of prisoners held in Israeli prisons, to achieve a state of calm.
by Al Mayadeen English–israel-s–ceasefire-pr
Hidden Food Threat: Experts Warn Of Dangers Of RNAi Crops
Imagine a technology that could genetically rewire organisms in real-time, silencing critical genes across entire ecosystems with unknown effects. Sounds like science fiction? It’s not. It’s the reality of a new class of pesticides harnessing RNA interference–or RNAi–and they’re already being deployed in our fields and food supply with minimal testing or oversight. According to organic producers and non-GMO (genetically modified organisms) advocates, the risks could be catastrophic. In 2020, a groundbreaking report from Friends of the Earth (FOE) rang the alarm on the dangers posed by gene-silencing RNAi pesticides. According to the non-governmental environmental organization report, these products can genetically modify organisms in the open environment, with risks of unintended effects on non-target species, human health, and the integrity of organic and non-GMO agriculture. Despite these threats, RNAi pesticides face little to no regulatory scrutiny in most countries, and some have already been approved for use.
by Sayer Ji
June 16, 2024, 15 Posts Published And Archived
The Mind Beyond The Brain (16:01)
by Rupert Sheldrake
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Rupert Sheldrake
Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance.
At Cambridge University he worked in developmental biology as a Fellow of Clare College.
After Skool
Don’t Let School Get in the Way of Your Education. Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Quote Of The Day
Then US secretary of state James Baker made his famous “Not one inch eastward” assurance regarding NATO’s expansion in his meeting with Gorbachev on February 9, 1990. “Neither the President nor I intend to extract any unilateral advantages from the processes that are taking place,” Baker said. “Not only for the Soviet Union but for other European countries as well it is important to have guarantees that if the United States keeps its presence in Germany within the framework of NATO, not an inch of NATO’s present military jurisdiction will spread in an eastern direction,” he said.
Website Of The Day
Radio Soapbox
The aim of Radio Soapbox, launched June 2024, is to provide a UK centric station
that also features shows from the US and around the world.
Over 32,000 informative posts have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
Israel Archive With 801 Posts
The BRICS Weigh In On Palestine
The gravity around the newly-enlarged BRICS constellation is drawing in Arab, Muslim, and Global South adherents to the influential group’s message on international law, Palestine, and halting forever wars.
MOSCOW – Something of extraordinary magnitude happened in Moscow on 23 May. Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa personally asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to help organize a peace conference on Palestine, at which Russia would be the first non-Arab nation invited. Al-Khalifa and Putin had two rounds of discussions – one of them closed – during which the main focus was always Palestine. The Bahraini monarch noted that in a rare show of unity, the Arab world had finally come together in agreement to end the war in Gaza. It was implied that Russia was subsequently chosen as the most reliable mediator to end the brutal conflict. Bahrain – and the Arab League – recognize that the Russian position centers around what Putin had previously defined as the “UN formula”: an independent Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem. That happens to be the position of the BRICS-10 nations and virtually the whole Global Majority. Crucially, it is also the common position of China and the Arab world, reaffirmed in Beijing only one week after the Russia-Bahrain meeting. The problem is how to implement the “formula” when the US hegemon, Israel’s unconditional ally, has a virtual stranglehold on the United Nations.
by Pepe Escobar
Vladimir Putin Puts West On Notice (Text and Videos)
Vladimir Putin’s speech today (Friday) at the Russian Foreign Ministry is a clear warning to the West and signals that Russia is going to shift its military operation in Ukraine into a higher, more powerful gear. American and her NATO allies are fools if they dismiss or ignore Putin’s stark message today: Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Friday that the “selfishness and hypocrisy of Western countries” had led to a “dangerous turn of events” and the world was “close to the point of no return.”. . . .“Calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the extreme adventurism of Western politicians. They either do not understand the scale of the threat they themselves create, or they are simply obsessed with the belief in their own impunity and their own exclusivity. Both can turn into a tragedy.” He stated that the West had committed “theft” of Russian assets, and threatened punishment as a result. He said, “Despite all the chicanery, theft will certainly remain theft. And it will not go unpunished.” Putin also claimed to officials that the “Western model” of global security is collapsing. He said that this “needs to be essentially created anew.” He said that he is open to talks with everyone, including NATO.
by Larry Johnson
Where Olive Trees Weep (1:43:00)
by Maurizio Benazzo and Zaya Benazzo
Selective Service Act Amended To Require Registration Of Women
Gigantic DoD social experiment expands in earnest.
The Senate Armed Services Committee just published its Executive Summary of U.S. Military-Industrial Complex machinations for fiscal year 2025, and it contains a major expansion of the gigantic social experiment known as the modern U.S. military. Note the third bullet point from the top under Strengthening the Joint Defense Workforce. For thousands of years, young men and their parents have more or less accepted the old adage Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori — that is, “How sweet and honorable it is to die for one’s country.” I suspect that loving fathers are going to have a harder time embracing this proposition when it comes to their daughters. Fathers may be exceedingly fond of their sons, but fathers’ tenderness for their daughters is of a different emotional category. To be sure, it’s unlikely that girls will ever be commanded to storm a machine nest in Eastern Ukraine, but the latest iteration of the National Defense Authorization Act is letting young women know that it’s possible (in an extreme and totally unnecessary war fomented by the U.S. government) they will be called upon to die for their country.
by John Leake
The Downfall Of The Dollar And The Global Monetary Transition
In the midst of all this chaotic hysteria lies the bogus and ludicrous presidential election insanity, taking place in just 5 months; an event that could shake this country into chaotic hell. Again ask yourselves; is this not meant to purposely tear apart this country in favor of bringing in the new global system of rule? The incredible speed at which this country is sliding into complete dystopia is mind-boggling. Many seem to think things have calmed somewhat, and that new rulers promising the world, will deliver on some of their ‘propaganda;’ a pipe dream out of fantasy land to be sure. The only way out of this mess the people have voluntarily allowed to happen, is to eliminate the main problem. That problem is government in any form, regardless of the stupefying rhetoric being spewed by any and all in the mainstream and most of the alternative media. Great pain and suffering are coming one way or another, but it would be best to eliminate the source and take the proverbial medicine now, instead of losing all hope for a better world at the hands of these wicked monsters who now control humanity through governmental systems that only exist to own and control all. Eliminate, exterminate, and abandon all forms of rule, or be prepared to die, leaving the very few left to serve their masters from their position as slaves to the State. This is what awaits those who accept rule, and shun freedom.
by Gary D. Barnett
Russia And NATO Are Drifting Towards A Major War
It’s not impossible that the Ukraine conflict could eventually lead to a nuclear conflict, in which there will be no winners
Is it possible that NATO forces could become directly involved in the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Until recently, such a question seemed very hypothetical given the high risks of escalation of the military confrontation between the US-led bloc and Russia into a large-scale armed conflict. But this scenario should be taken seriously now. The direct participation of individual NATO countries or the entire bloc in hostilities could gradually spiral out of control. Crossing red lines can lead to the belief that there will be no consequences for engaging in war. The result of such movements can manifest itself at an unexpected moment and lead to a much more dangerous situation than the current one. Strictly speaking, NATO countries have long been involved in the conflict. This takes several forms. First, Western countries provide Kiev with substantial financial and military assistance, including increasingly advanced and destructive weapons systems.
by Ivan Timofeev
Adolf Hitler (1:21:48)
Chapter 16 The Return Of The Native February-April 1938
by John Toland
CENTCOM Moves Gaza Pier And Halts Aid Deliveries
The makeshift pier has already encountered a series of problems and delays since it was constructed last month
The US military said it would temporarily relocate its portable pier used to assist aid shipments into Gaza, noting it would be moved to Ashdod, Israel, during the present bout of rough weather. The decision comes after the United Nations paused its work with the pier due to security concerns linked to a recent Israeli commando raid. US Central Command announced the move in a press release on Friday, stating that relocating the pier would “prevent structural damage caused by the heightened sea state” and ensure future aid deliveries. It added that the pier would be “rapidly re-anchored” along the Gaza coast as soon as possible, but offered no timeline for when that might occur. According to Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh, aid destined for Gaza will be held in a staging area on shore while the pier is moved. The decision was likely prompted after poor weather caused at least $22 million in damage to the floating pier earlier this month, forcing the military to tow the structure to Ashdod for repairs. The pier is reportedly not capable of taking on waves larger than two feet.
by Will Porter
Timely Lessons About Tyranny From The Father Of The Constitution
“Take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.” ~ James Madison
James Madison, often referred to as the “Father of the Constitution,” once predicted that the Bill of Rights would become mere “parchment barrier,” words on paper ignored by successive generations of Americans. How right he was. Although Madison initially felt that the inclusion of a bill of rights in the originally ratified Constitution was unnecessary to its success, Thomas Jefferson persuaded him that “a bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, & what no just government should refuse, or rest on inferences.” The Bill of Rights drafted by Madison-the first ten amendments to the Constitution-was a document so revolutionary at the time that it would come to be viewed as the epitome of American liberty. The rights of the people reflected in those ten amendments encapsulated much of Madison’s views about government, the corrupting influence of power, and the need for safeguards against tyranny. Madison’s writings speak volumes to the present constitutional crisis in the country.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
OpenAI Adds Former NSA Director To Its Board
OpenAI has expanded its leadership team by welcoming Paul M. Nakasone, a retired US Army general and former director of the National Security Agency, as its latest board member. The organization highlighted Nakasone’s role on its blog, stating, “Mr. Nakasone’s insights will also contribute to OpenAI’s efforts to better understand how AI can be used to strengthen cybersecurity by quickly detecting and responding to cybersecurity threats.” The inclusion of Nakasone on OpenAI’s board is a decision that warrants a critical examination and will likely raise eyebrows. Nakasone’s extensive background in cybersecurity, including his leadership roles in the US Cyber Command and the Central Security Service, undoubtedly brings a wealth of experience and expertise to OpenAI. However, his association with the NSA, an agency often scrutinized for its surveillance practices and controversial data collection methods, raises important questions about the implications of such an appointment as the company’s product ChatGPT is, through a deal with Apple, about to be available on every iPhone. The company is also already tightly integrated into Microsoft software.
by Ken Macon
Staying Sane In The Land Of Lunatics
Manufactured madness or rule by insanity
When I was a young rebellious lad, I discovered the works of Dr. Thomas Szasz. I devoured his books The Manufacture of Madness and The Myth of Mental Illness. While working at the hospital, I would quote from them to the more interesting patients on the psych ward. This usually just happened to be the more attractive female patients. So, I am forced to admit that I was wrong. There is a need for mental hospitals. Some people need to be institutionalized. Yes, there were abuses. And in today’s wildly corrupt world, the risk of abuse would be much greater. Looking at our public officials, and any large “Woke” protest march, I would say that perhaps 25 percent of the American population belongs in a mental health facility. Certainly, over half of all the most notable “movers and shakers” do. That might make for a good start. Shakespeare said the first thing we should do is arrest all the lawyers. Today, the first thing we should do is institutionalize all the public figures who’ve sworn allegiance to Ukraine, Israel, or Satan. For once, put the sane in charge. Warren G. Harding campaigned on a “return to normalcy.” Let’s try a return to sanity.
by Donald Jeffries
June 15, 2024, 14 Posts Published And Archived
Where Olive Trees Weep (1:43:00)
by Maurizio Benazzo and Zaya Benazzo
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Where Olive Trees Weep Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Quote Of The Day
“Until we have the courage to recognize cruelty for what it is –
whether the victim is human or animal –
we cannot expect things to be much better in this world.
We cannot have peace among men
whose hearts delight in killing any living creature.
By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic delight in killing,
we set back the progress of humanity.”
Rachel Carson
Website Of The Day
Dr. Sam Bailey
Sam is a content creator, medical author and health educator.
After training and practicing within the medical system for two decades,
she commenced a new phase of understanding and promoting health as a wider concept.
Links to hundreds of independent websites.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
Military-Industrial Complex Archive With 673 Posts
The Jewish Hand In World War Three
Thanks to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, we indeed seem to be rushing headlong into a major war—possibly a World War Three, possibly the world’s first (and perhaps last) nuclear war. Ukraine leadership and their Western backers seem hell-bent on fighting to the last man, and Vladimir Putin, as an old-school Cold Warrior, seems equally determined to press ahead until achieving “victory.” The cause seems hopeless for Ukraine, who cannot reasonably expect to prevail in an extended conflict with one of the largest militaries on Earth. At best, they may bleed Russia over a period of months or years, but only at the cost of massive blood-letting themselves. It seems that Ukraine will be the loser in this struggle, no matter what comes. In the Western media, we are presented with a remarkably simplified storyline: Putin is an evil warmonger who simply wants to extend Russian territory; to this end, he is exploiting events in Ukraine, deploying his military ostensibly to support the Russian-speaking districts of Luhansk and Donetsk in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine. But this is just cover, they say, for his mad quest to rebuild the Russian empire.
by Thomas Dalton, PhD
Israel Committed 3,300 Massacres Against Gaza Since 7 October – GMO
Israel has committed more than 3,300 massacres against the Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip since 7 October, claiming the lives of about 40,000 victims, a majority of them women and children, the government media office (GMO) in Gaza has said. In a statement issued on Thursday, the GMO warned that the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip are suffering from starvation, famine and thirst, especially in Gaza city and northern Gaza governorates as a result of closing all Crossings to the area and limiting the number of aid trucks allowed to enter. The statement stressed that Israel’s use of starvation, thirst and denial of medical care as a weapon during this barbaric aggression constitutes an aggravated war crime and a genocide, in flagrant violation of international laws and in disregard of all relevant calls, demands and resolutions. It called on international and humanitarian organisations, including the UN, to take urgent action and provide the necessary food and humanitarian aid to the people in Gaza, and to force the Israeli Occupation to bring in aid, calling on the Arab and Islamic countries to also exert pressure to break the siege, open the Crossings and provide relief to the people there.
ACH (2368) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Resistance To Communist Coercion During The Cold War (Audio 1:00:02)
A Critique Of Pure Hasbara
Hasbara is a central feature of genocidal Zionism: “Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has successfully created a new illogic of its own; an illogic that has made the illegal seem legal, the immoral appear moral and the undemocratic sound democratic. It has masterfully marketed a number of myths that have become a part of the political and mainstream media.” As the marketing of Israel’s mythology, “hasbara” has been charitably characterized as “public diplomacy,” less charitably viewed as “propaganda,” and roughly translated as “explanation” or “explaining.” Familiarity with the historian of reason Mark Ajita’s work might suggest that hasbara is Zionism’s version of Foucault’s “pli,” Deleuze’s “fold,” Heidegger’s “dasein,” Schopenhauer’s “will,” Hegel’s “spirit,” Hume’s “self,” Descartes’ “cogito,” or Kant’s “pure reason.” Hasbara can certainly be viewed as the rational cognition of the Israeli state. Such a view requires us to relinquish the rationalist delusion. As the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt put it in his book, The Righteous Mind: “Western philosophy has been worshipping reason and distrusting the passions for thousands of years. There’s a direct line running from Plato through Immanuel Kant to Lawrence Kohlberg. I’ll refer to this worshipful attitude throughout this book as the rationalist delusion.” It’s this “worshipful attitude” that led people to deify reason during the French Revolution, to fetishize reason during the Objectivist defense of individualism—unless the U.S. empire needed to kill some individuals—and to (now this is really sick) name a magazine after it.
by John Weeks
Putin Makes Public Peace Offer To Ukraine
The Russian leader said there could be an immediate pause to hostilities
Russian President Vladimir Putin laid out four conditions for Ukraine that he said would lead to an immediate ceasefire and, ultimately, an end to the conflict. According to the Kremlin, Kiev’s neutral, non-aligned, non-nuclear status and the lifting of all Western sanctions are necessary conditions for ending the conflict. In a speech to the Russian Foreign Ministry on Friday, Putin said that if Ukraine withdraws its forces from the four regions annexed by Moscow – Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson – then he would order a halt to operations and begin negotiations to end the war. As well as recognizing Russia’s territorial claims to the formerly Ukrainian regions, Putin demanded that Kiev never join NATO or obtain nuclear weapons and called for an end to Western sanctions on Moscow. The offer is the second from the Kremlin in recent weeks and comes at a crucial time in the nearly two-and-a-half-year conflict, as Moscow’s forces make slow but steady gains in the Kharkiv region. To offset Russian advantages, Kiev’s Western backers have significantly escalated their support by allowing Ukraine to hit targets inside Russia, seizing frozen Russian funds to give to Ukraine, and preparing to deploy NATO trainers to Ukraine.
by Kyle Anzalone
Ukraine Rejected Path To Peace On Western Orders, Putin Reveals
NATO has sought to turn Ukraine into a staging ground and has done everything it could to pit nation against nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
“There have been five, now six, rounds of NATO expansion. They tried to turn Ukraine into their staging ground, to make it anti-Russia. To achieve these goals, they invested money, resources, bought politicians and entire parties, rewrote history and educational programs, nurtured and cultivated neo-Nazi and radical groups. They did everything to undermine our state ties, to divide and pit our peoples against each other,” Putin said at a meeting at Russia’s Foreign Ministry in Moscow. He emphasized that the Ukrainian crisis is not a conflict between two nations but a result of the West’s aggressive policy. “Let me say this right off the bat, the crisis regarding Ukraine is not a conflict between two states, much less two peoples, caused by some problems between them… The matter is different, though. The roots of the conflict are not in bilateral relations. The events unfolding in Ukraine are a direct consequence of global and European developments at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. It’s the West’s aggressive, unscrupulous, and absolutely reckless policy that has been pursued for all these years, long before the start of the special operation,” he explained.
by Sputnik–putin-1118949482.html
The Future Of Food (39:24)
by Corbett Report
Biden’s Gaza Ceasefire Push Is A Road To Fatal Escalation
Despite public calls to end the war in the Middle East, in reality all Washington is doing is encouraging a greater conflagration
US President Joe Biden’s ceasefire push has so far led to further violence in Gaza and threatens to spill over into a war with Lebanon. Washington is either asleep at the wheel or is willing to push the entire region off a cliff in order to avoid ditching its “unconditional support” for Israel. The speech delivered by Joe Biden on May 31, in which he presented an Israeli ceasefire proposal, urging both Hamas and the Israeli government to accept it, provided a glimpse of hope that finally the US was putting its foot down. The US President gave what seemed to be a reasonable roadmap to secure a lasting cessation of hostilities in Gaza and a prisoner exchange. The immediate Hamas response was to view the speech “positively,” while still maintaining that it required an Israeli withdrawal of its forces from Gaza and a complete end to the war, in order to agree to any proposal. On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stuck with his previous rhetoric about the need to destroy Hamas, was indicating that he was not going to agree to a ceasefire. Netanyahu took things even further by asserting that Joe Biden’s description of the Israeli ceasefire proposal was ”not accurate,” also making it clear that there would be no ceasefire until his war goals were achieved. Giving legitimacy to the Israeli PM’s assertions was an article published in The Economist that revealed details of the proposal, in which it became clear that the three-phase ceasefire would be more difficult to conclude, beyond its first phase, than Biden had let on.
by Robert Inlakesh
The UN Cybercrime Draft Convention Is A Blank Check For Surveillance Abuses
This is the second post in a series highlighting the problems and flaws in the proposed UN Cybercrime Convention. Check out our detailed analysis on the criminalization of security research activities under the proposed convention.
The United Nations Ad Hoc Committee is just weeks away from finalizing a too-broad Cybercrime Draft Convention. This draft would normalize unchecked domestic surveillance and rampant government overreach, allowing serious human rights abuses around the world. The latest draft of the convention—originally spearheaded by Russia but since then the subject of two and a half years of negotiations—still authorizes broad surveillance powers without robust safeguards and fails to spell out data protection principles essential to prevent government abuse of power. As the August 9 finalization date approaches, Member States have a last chance to address the convention’s lack of safeguards: prior judicial authorization, transparency, user notification, independent oversight, and data protection principles such as transparency, minimization, notification to users, and purpose limitation. If left as is, it can and will be wielded as a tool for systemic rights violations. Countries committed to human rights and the rule of law must unite to demand stronger data protection and human rights safeguards or reject the treaty altogether. These domestic surveillance powers are critical as they underpin international surveillance cooperation.
by Katitza Rodriguez
The G7 Now Leaves The World With Only Disappointment
This year’s G7 summit has just kicked off, and it is the Western media that are the first to seem deflated, with some even giving off a funeral vibe for the G7. The Politico says that “this week’s gathering of G7 leaders in Italy looks more like the last supper than a display of Western power.” CNN describes the meeting as G7 leaders gathering in Italy to “escaping political peril at home,” and questions how effective the G7, referred to by US President Joe Biden’s aides as the “steering committee of the free world,” can actually be amid anger and discontent from their own populations. “Does the G7 have any power?” When BBC asks the seemingly calm question, it also displays a sense of helplessness behind it. Last year’s G7 summit held in Hiroshima, Japan was jokingly referred to by the media as the “lonely hearts club” annual meeting, and this description remains fitting this year. While international multilateral platforms led by emerging countries are thriving, the G7’s small circle is becoming increasingly closed off, with a narrowing path. Today, the G7’s ability to curb international conflicts, support international institutions, and enforce international law is weakening day by day. In issues like abusing sanctions and destabilizing the global financial system, the G7 is now creating new risks and threats against global stability. Amid internal conflicts and inconsistent policies, it’s already challenging for G7 countries to find their own direction, let alone set “rules” for the world, to believe they are able to “guide the world” and to place themselves above other countries. No wonder even the Western media can’t help but sigh.
Editorial by Global Times
June 14, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
ACH (2368) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Resistance To Communist Coercion During The Cold War (Audio 1:00:02)
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Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
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“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
Henry Kissinger
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Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger is a scientist, researcher and teacher for 25 years
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America Prepares For Global War And Restarts The Draft For 18-26 Year Olds
Greetings to Young Americans: You are Automatically Registered for the Draft Conscription without Representation? Where and WHY are we sending our Kids to War?
Our government is planning a big draft, conscripting millions of young Americans for an even bigger war! I call to your attention a Democratic amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was slipped into the almost trillion-dollar Pentagon war spending bill, by voice vote, in the House Armed Services committee. The Democratic Amendment to H.R. 8070, the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) reads: Section 531. Selective Service System: Automatic Registration. SEC. 3. (a)(1) “Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System.” This amendment is in the NDAA legislation and there is no pending amendment to strip it from the bill. So, when the NDAA passes, as early as this week, Congress will have taken steps to make automatic conscription the law of the land. Why an automatic draft? Members of Congress and the President have an obligation to explain to the American people to which foreign land will their sons, and perhaps their daughters, be sent to die? The U.S. has been in a continuous “State of Emergency” since September 11, 2001, which provides a president with over 100 powers he would not ordinarily have. Notwithstanding that the automatic draft provision will go into effect in a year, a presidential order invoking emergency powers and/or an Act of Congress, could readily move millions from their civilian lives to the front lines of a war.
by Dennis Kucinich
Vucic: All Signs Point To A Major War (Text and Video 5:43)
The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, interviewed by the Swiss weekly magazine Weltwoche – June 11, 2024
The rhetoric is getting worse by the day and reminds me of the phrase of a famous historian: ”The train has left the station and no one can stop it.” If the Great Powers don’t do something soon, yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re going to be in for a real disaster. If you bet that someone is bluffing, it means that you don’t have better hands. You just think that the other person has weaker cards. You are not sure about it because you do not know and have not seen its leaves. I am always very cautious and cautious when assessing Putin’s wishes or potential future move. What further complicates the situation is that everyone is only talking about war. No one seeks peace. Nobody is talking about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word! It is very strange to me that no one is trying to stop the war. There is a different theory – which I can understand. I’m not saying I approve – that the West thinks they can easily defeat Putin, they want to exhaust him in Ukraine and then they will enter the space and Russia with its current territory will no longer exist and Putin will be overthrown etc. Maybe to be possible, but…. Why do I say that we walk beside the brink of the abyss? Analyze the situation of NATO and the USA. They cannot afford to lose the Ukraine war. Second, the position of Europe and the collective West in geopolitical terms will deteriorate so much that no one will be able to regenerate and renew it. Third, this will open a Pandora’s box for more movements and hostilities against the collective West in the future. But take the other side. If Putin loses the war, he will (first) personally lose everything. (Second) He will not have the reputation of someone who created a common denominator for Ivan, Peter the Great and Catherine the Great. And thirdly, Russia will not exist nor will it have its present form. And then when you have these two sides so far apart in terms of their wants and their expectations, then you see that everything is at stake! Everything. No one can afford to lose. When you have this situation, we are probably approaching a real disaster.
by Aleksandar Vucic, the President of the Republic of Serbia
Disturbing Gobekli Tepe Update (22:52)
by Bright Insight
Romans, Chapters IX – XI
How can God allow such cruelty in Palestine?
His reasons will eventually shine!
The Jews are often mentioned in these “Comments” because of the important part which they play in world and Church affairs. In what is arguably the greatest of all fourteen Epistles of St Paul, he devotes three whole Chapters to them, IX, X and XI. This is because they had played such a central part in the rise and formation of the Catholic Church that early believers were scandalised by their having driven Pontius Pilate to crucify Christ, and from then on by their refusing to have anything to do with Christ, a refusal which, with few, but noble exceptions, continues to this day. In fact their accusers will say that ever since the crucifixion of Christ, they have wanted to dominate the world for the Antichrist, and that in our own time they are coming closer to their goal than ever, an unparallelled misfortune for the entire world. But the Jews will reply that all such accusations arise merely from hatred of the Jews, or “anti-semitism.” Where is the truth? Jews were the main obstacle in the way of St. Paul’s mission to plant the Catholic Church wherever he could so as to save souls for eternity. Here is why they are so often mentioned in his Epistles, and not always favourably – see especially I Thess. II, 14–16. But every mention of them by St Paul is part of Holy Scripture, and therefore, as the Catholic Church teaches, these mentions are first and foremost the Word of God and only secondarily the word of their human author.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
The Summer Of Living Dangerously
The plutocracy believes that afterwards they can buy the whole thing for a pittance while flies are still laying eggs in European carcasses.
So Le Petit Roi in Paris was predictably crushed in the European polls. He has called parliamentary snap elections, dissolving the Assemblée Nationale in an act of blind, puerile revenge on French citizens, de facto attacking French institutional democracy. That doesn’t mean much anyway, because the lineaments of “liberty, equality, fraternity” have long been usurped by a crass oligarchy. The second round of these fresh French elections will be on July 7 – nearly coinciding with the British snap elections on July 4, and only a few days before the slow-burning urban catastrophe which will be the Olympics in Paris. Paris salons are ablaze with intrigue on why the little Rothschild stooge with a Napoleon complex is throwing all his toys out of the pram now because he’s not getting what he wants. After all what he really craves is to become a “War President” – together with the Cadaver in the White House, Starmer in the UK, Rutte in the Netherlands, the Toxic Medusa von der Lugen in Brussels, Tusk in Poland, without having to answer to the French people. It’s nearly certain that Le Petit Roi will be facing the real prospect of becoming a lame duck President who needs to obey a right-wing parliament; Elysée Palace chatter already joined the circus, conveying the impression he might resign (that was later denied). Still, if Le Petit Roi runs off to war on Russia no French citizen will follow him, least of all the – pitiful – French army. Bigger things though are in play. Following the – auspicious – game-changing messages to the Global Majority coming out of the St. Petersburg forum last week, anchored on openness and inclusiveness, the BRICS 10 meeting of Foreign Ministers in Nizhny Novgorod carried the baton early this week.
by Pepe Escobar
Revocation Of Election – Your Ticket Out Of Tax Slavery (5:59)
by Jerry Day
Saudi Arabia Ends 80-Year-Old PetroDollar U.S. Agreement: Joins China-Led Central Bank Digital Currency Coalition
This past Sunday (June 9, 2024) Saudi Arabia made the historical move to not renew an 80-year-old agreement with the United States that established the U.S. Dollar as the world currency to purchase Saudi oil, in what should have been headline news, but seems to have been blacklisted in U.S. financial news publications, even in alternative financial news publications such as ZeroHedge News. While I could find no major U.S. English publication covering this as headline news, there was plenty of discussion on Twitter/X. One U.S. investor, Andrei Jikh, who has over 2 million subscribers on YouTube, published a video on just what the end of the petrodollar means, and that video has accumulated almost 1 million views over the past couple of days. The petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States included more than just the agreement to require the purchase of oil with U.S. dollars, as it also included a promise from the U.S. to protect Saudi Arabia militarily, and also contained provisions for establishing the State of Israel in 1948, something that President Roosevelt actually opposed, but was adopted by his successor, President Truman. While U.S. Bitcoin enthusiasts believe that Bitcoin can replace the petrodollar, all the evidence points in the opposite direction, as it was announced last week that Saudi Arabia has joined the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Project mBridge, a China-dominated central bank digital currency.
by Brian Shilhavy
What I Learned From Our 1957 Bentley
There are vital things to be learnt about ourselves, our bodies, our health and our attitude to life from dealing with old motor cars. Our 1957 Bentley has a number of faults. So, for example, the temperature gauge doesn’t seem to work properly. After driving for a few miles the needle on the gauge rises into the red zone and stays there. The wise man at the garage looked at this and found a problem with the radiator, which had become clogged after years of little or no use. He put in a new radiator but found that this didn’t solve the problem with the temperature gauge. The fact is that the water temperature only appears to be hot and the problem, it seems, lies not in the radiator but in the transmitter carrying appropriate messages about the temperature from the gauge on the dashboard. And I was not surprised to hear that there is, or appears to be, something of a shortage of suitable replacement transmitters for 67-year-old motor cars. The answer, I decided, is to ignore the gauge and to rely on other warning signs. So, if steam or bubbling hot water appears from the radiator then I will stop the car, wait for it to cool down and then drive home slowly. I can manage without a temperature gauge. The problem hasn’t been cured but it has been side stepped. Similarly the petrol tank gauge doesn’t work. The needle is stuck permanently at half full. I could take the car to the garage and leave it there for weeks or months while the mechanics hunt around online and find a replacement for the part of the gauge that isn’t working properly, and then fit the replacement.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Parsing Through US Farce Gaza “Ceasefire” Scheme Eith Briahna Joy Gray (1:09:52)
I get into a fair amount of analysis of the current US and Israeli machinations here with several historical analogies as we went along. Many thanks to Briahna, who of course was just fired from The Hill for her principled work on Palestine. Katie Halper was similarly fired in 2022 from the outlet for calling Israel an apartheid state.
by Sam Husseini
Hamas Demands Israel End Gaza Blockade As Part Of Ceasefire Deal
Palestinian movement also insists that Israeli forces fully withdraw in first phase of ceasefire, among other stipulations related to the release of Palestinian prisoners
Hamas is demanding that Israel lift its debilitating 17-year-long blockade on Gaza, and that Israeli forces fully withdraw from the territory in the initial stage of the US-mediated ceasefire proposal, Middle East Eye can reveal. According to amendments submitted to Egyptian and Qatari mediators earlier this week, Hamas demanded an end to the siege on Gaza which would allow the free movement of people and goods into the territory. The Israeli land, air and sea blockade, which began after Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections, has left the more than two million Palestinians living there in conditions described by rights groups as an open-air prison. Israel’s public rationale for imposing the siege has been focused on the security of its citizens and holding Hamas, which it considers to be a terrorist group, accountable for rocket attacks on them. Israel prevents Palestinian authorities from operating an airport or seaport in Gaza, and sharply restricts the entry and exit of goods.
by MEE Staff
The G7 Loses Ground To BRICS
One hidden transformation of the international system in the most recent years has been the hijacking of the G7 by Washington as its ‘kitchen cabinet’ in the transatlantic system. The G8’s ‘shrinkage’ to G7 in March 2014 following the coup in Ukraine was a defining moment that signalled that there wasn’t going to be any post-cold war peace dividend. The G7 that was conceived as a group of countries charioting the world economy ended up as the vehicle of big-power rivalry to preserve the US’ global hegemony. Isolating Russia — and lately, China, too — became its leitmotif. With the failure of the western project to isolate Russia, the G7 is meandering and lost its sense of direction. Italy, the G7 summit’s rotating host this year, has made AI a key issue in the summit. And Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni invited by an unlikely guest, the pontiff, to make an unprecedented appearance at the G7 event at the fashionable Italian hotel Borgo Enyatia to advocate for the regulation of artificial intelligence, a technology he’s called potentially harmful. Pope Francis was a chemist prior to entering seminary and will apparently draw on his scientific training to inform his stances. Italy under Meloni’s leadership has increasingly scrutinised AI technology, and temporarily banned ChatGPT in March 2023, becoming the first western country to do so.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Supreme Court Rejects Pro-Life Challenge To Biden FDA’s Abortion Pill Scheme
The Supreme Court unanimously ruled against pro-life doctors and others who challenged the Biden FDA’s decision to loosen restrictions on abortion pills, saying the pro-lifers lacked standing, in a decision written by Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
The Supreme Court ruled against pro-life doctors and others who challenged the Food and Drug Administration’s decision to loosen restrictions on the distribution of dangerous chemical abortion drugs. The plaintiffs lack standing to sue to stop the law, Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote in the unanimous decision in the case titled FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, released on Thursday. “Here, the plaintiff doctors and medical associations are unregulated parties who seek to challenge FDA’s regulation of others,” Justice Kavanaugh wrote. “Specifically, FDA’s regulations apply to doctors prescribing mifepristone and to pregnant women taking mifepristone. But the plaintiff doctors and medical associations do not prescribe or use mifepristone,” the decision stated. “And FDA has not required the plaintiffs to do anything or to refrain from doing anything.” The Food and Drug Administration made the decision as part of the Biden-Harris agenda to make abortion as widely available as possible. The administration has ignored longstanding federal law against the military funding abortions as well as mailing the dangerous drugs. “The FDA’s decision to weaken commonsense safeguards, removing doctors from the process, shows they prioritize ending unborn life over the health and safety of women,” board-certified OB/GYN Ingrid Skop previously stated on the case.
by Matt Lamb
American Consumers Hit A Wall (Text and Audio 19:51)
The American consumer is giving up. Tapped. Out of cash. So says Bloomberg in a recent article called “Key engines of US consumer are losing steam all at once.” In short, consumer spending over the past year has been propped up by 3 things: incomes, savings, and debt. All are now out of runway. For the past year, real incomes had been beating inflation. This isn’t surprising since it’s how inflation works: The Fed dumps new money into assets, making rich people — and Wall Street — richer. Then it takes years to slowly dribble down to the suckers — er, workers. That should, in theory, mean several years of real wage growth as pay catches up to inflation. There’s a permanent loss, sure, since they’re end-of-line. But eventually, in theory they stop falling further behind. Unfortunately, that process appears to have been very short post-Covid. Real disposable income went from 5% growth in the middle of last year to just 1% year on year. Note that’s before the collapse in job openings last week, which could slash raises to where they fall behind inflation again. During the pandemic Americans built up over $2 trillion in excess savings, as they stopped taking vacations or going to restaurants. Either because they were worried about their job or because we were living in a police state. Those $2 trillion came in handy as Biden drove up grocery and gas prices. But he’s now used them up.
by Peter St Onge
Behind The Myth Of “Billions In Arms” Flowing Into Ukraine
In a June 8, 2024, Bloomberg article titled, “Putin Is Running Out of Time to Achieve Breakthrough in Ukraine,” an optimistic prognosis was made regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine in favor of Kiev. The article claims that Russia has made “limited progress” along the line of contact, including along the newly-opened front in Kharkov and that as “billions in arms start flowing” into Ukraine, Ukrainian forces will be given the opportunity to “counter-attack.” The “billions in arms” Bloomberg cites refers to the renewed flow of US military assistance after months of delays in passing funding in the US Congress. However, recalling the flagging impact of US arms transfers to Ukraine even before the funding delays, and a closer look at the actual quantities associated with these packages versus Russian military production, tells an entirely different story. Bloomberg claims that the renewed flow of US arms is eroding Russia’s military advantage. However, this is simply not true. The most recent US arms package featured, among other items, badly needed 155mm artillery shells and anti-tank weapons including the vaunted Javelin missile. Missing from the Pentagon’s public press release, were the quantities these weapons and munitions were being sent in. It is well-known that US and European artillery shell production falls short of Russia’s by several times. A May 2024 Business Insider article puts the number of Russian shells produced this year at 4.5 million, while the US and Europe combined amount to only 1.3 million.
by Brian Berletic
West Has Declared ‘War Without Rules’ On Russia – Medvedev
There should be virtually no limits on how Moscow retaliates for the “maximum damage,” the former president has argued
Moscow should use every opportunity to inflict “maximum damage” on Western nations that have declared a “war without rules” on Russia, former president Dmitry Medvedev has argued. Every weakness of the US and its allies should be exploited to undermine them and obstruct life for their citizens, the Russian official said on Thursday, reacting to the latest round of sanctions announced by Washington earlier this week. ”Are they afraid that we would transfer our arms to the enemies of the Western world? We should send every kind of weapon, except nuclear (for now)!” Medvedev wrote on social media. “Are they afraid of anarchy and crime waves in large cities? We should help disrupt their municipal authorities!” Russia could trigger a war in space, wage a psychological warfare campaign against Western citizens so that they “tremble under blankets in their cozy homes” and unleash a tsunami of fake news “to turn their life into a never-ending nightmare, in which they cannot distinguish reality from the wildest fiction.” Moscow should “obliterate their energy infrastructure, industry, transport, banking and social services. Instil fear over an imminent collapse of all critical infrastructure,” according to Medvedev, who currently serves as deputy chair of the Russian Security Council.
by RT
G7 Leaders Agree To Provide Ukraine With $50 Billion Using Frozen Russian Assets
The step will mark a significant escalation in the economic war against Russia
Group of Seven leaders agreed at a summit in Italy on Thursday to give Ukraine $50 billion using frozen Russian Central Bank assets, a step that marks a significant escalation in the economic war against Russia. The plan is to provide the $50 billion to Ukraine by the end of the year in the form of a loan, which will be paid back using profits from the approximately $280 billion in frozen Russian assets held by the US and its allies. The idea is seen as a compromise between the US and Europe, as President Biden wanted to steal all of the frozen Russian funds to give to Ukraine. But the vast majority of the money is held in Europe, and EU leaders were hesitant to do that. Instead, the EU devised a separate plan to provide Ukraine with about $3 billion per year using the interest made by the Russian assets. Ukraine said that amount wasn’t enough, and the US proposed the $50 billion loan.
by Dave DeCamp
(((Allied))) Vengeance: Genocide Of Germans At Rhine Meadows Death Camps (Rheinwiesenlager) (12:49)
Following World War II, the imprisonment of German POWs in the Rheinwiesenlager camps violated international agreements outlined in the Hague Conventions. Article 20 of the 1907 Hague Convention mandated the prompt repatriation of POWs after the conclusion of peace to reduce the burden on the detaining power and prevent unnecessary hardship. Despite Germany’s surrender on May 8, 1945, the Allies established the Rheinwiesenlager camps where conditions were harsh, with inadequate shelter, food, and medical care. This treatment starkly contrasted the humane conditions mandated by the Hague Conventions, underscoring the unjustifiable nature of their continued imprisonment post-conflict. The prolonged detention and harsh conditions faced by German POWs have been subjects of significant historical debate and criticism. The process of repatriating German POWs was delayed for extended periods to support reconstruction efforts, with some prisoners held until 1949, especially in the Soviet Union. These actions were a clear violations of the Hague Conventions, which stipulated the prompt release and repatriation of POWs. Understanding these violations is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of WWII and its aftermath, contributing to a more balanced historical record. ~ Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney and Author
by AurigaBooks
‘Their Message Is, The Empire Strikes Back’: Breaking Down Aipac’s Role In The 2024 Election
Political consultant Peter Feld unpacks AIPAC’s strategy in the Democratic primaries, Jamaal Bowman’s bad poll numbers, and whether Gaza will impact Biden’s reelection.
A new poll from Emerson College Polling/PIX11/The Hill shows that New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman could be in trouble later this month. The survey says his primary challenger, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, currently holds a 17-point lead over Bowman with less than two weeks till the race in New York’s 16th district. Bowman has been outspent by millions of dollars in this campaign, and the vast majority of that money has come from AIPAC. The lobbying group has made Bowman one of its major targets because of his consistent calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and his criticisms of Israel. The $13 million that AIPAC has put down on the Bowman race is just a fraction of the more than $100 million it plans to spend on 2024 elections overall. Mondoweiss spoke with political consultant Peter Feld on AIPAC’s strategy, the Bowman race, and whether Gaza will have an impact on Biden’s reelection. We went into this election cycle knowing that AIPAC was going to spend more than $100 million on races. What have you thought about their efforts so far? Has anything stood out or surprised you?
by Michael Arria
Trump Is Desperate For Miriam Adelson’s Cash. Her Condition: West Bank Annexation
The former president is holding a fire sale on future presidential authority. Miriam Adelson wants to be his biggest donor, but in return she wants Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank. Two articles below: In the last decade of his life, [Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson] spent an astronomical half-billion dollars supporting politicians. During the 2012 presidential campaign he broke away from big donors’ longtime custom of financing several candidates, thereby hedging their bets, and instead gambled on a single candidate: he gave Newt Gingrich tens of millions of dollars in his failed 2012 Republican primary bid against Mitt Romney. Adelson may have lost that battle, but he won the war. His willingness to back a candidate with an unprecedented amount of money made him a dominant figure in the GOP almost overnight. Adelson never hid his satisfaction of being in this new position of kingmaker. This is how the “Adelson primaries” were conceived: in the run-up to the 2016 election, no fewer than 17 potential presidential candidates made the pilgrimage to Las Vegas to implore him for funding, leaving their self-respect back home.
by Nettanel Slyomovics
No Deal: When The British Offered Amnesty In Exchange For Gun Control
Two months after the battles of Lexington and Concord, the British offered amnesty to all who would lay down their arms. Unsurprisingly, the Patriots didn’t respond too kindly to the deal. While the “shot heard ’round the world” is well-known for kicking off the War for Independence on April 19, 1775, what followed soon afterward receives far less attention. The incident provides a textbook example of why you shouldn’t trust gun grabbers. Although “Taxation without representation” is a common phrase to describe the colonists’ most well-known grievance against British rule, an attempted gun confiscation by General Gage and his troops occupying Boston following the Boston Tea Party actually led to direct conflict between the Redcoats and the colonists. Indeed, the British had already banned the importation of ammunition and firearms. Following the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the British Redcoats sent to seize those arms returned to Boston while minutemen harassed them along the way. The city was then besieged by colonial militias that had arrived upon hearing of the confrontation by minutemen and British regulars. Shortly after the siege began, Gage ordered all residents to turn in their firearms “temporarily.” After nearly 2,700 were turned in, the guns were never returned to them, and those promised with safe passage out of the city were prohibited from leaving. Two months after Lexington and Concord, Gage declared the state of Massachusetts to be in a state of rebellion. On June 12, 1775, he offered a general amnesty to all who would lay down their arms. The only two men exempted from pardon were Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Gage said their “offenses are of too flagitious a nature to admit of any other consideration than that of condign punishment.”
by TJ Martinell
War And Peace (3:23)
by Brother Nathanael
Israel First: Trump’s Next Cabinet Wants War With Iran
Donald Trump’s has become the presidential favorite after a series of good polls and a $141 million dollar May fundraising haul. The taboo against being seen associated with Trump has suddenly been shattered, as seen at his $10 million dollar Silicon Valley money drive in the heart of San Francisco and winning back vocal critics like Cliff Asness. Those clinging to the memory of Trump’s 2016 underdog campaign will be disappointed to learn that the elite have taken full control of him: large donations now account for 68% of Trump’s campaign cash, sharply contrasting with the 14% Wall Street financiers and California tech moguls contributed to his first campaign. Zionist money is driving this sudden surge in support for Trump. The organized Jewish community has started reducing its financial contributions to Joe Biden while generating a fortune for Trump following the Democratic president’s empty threat to reduce arm’s shipments to Israel. The 45th president, known for being highly transactional with his Jewish patrons, will be owing a lot of favors if he gets back into office this November.
by Joseph Jordan
Trump Being A “Convicted Felon” Does Not Magically Make Him A Mortal Enemy Of “The Establishment”
Just hours before the verdict in Trump’s NYC trial came down last month, reports had begun to circulate that Joe Biden “secretly” authorized the deployment of US weapons to strike inside Russia. That this was characterized by POLITICO as a closely guarded “secret,” despite it having been telegraphed from a mile away weeks ahead of time, with a barrage of frenzied Ukrainian lobbying, flamboyant Congressional demands, and the usual choreographed parade of media leaks, only added to the predetermined absurdity of the development. Germany, assuming its now-default posture of pliable American sidekick, followed almost immediately with an announcement of its own, declaring that German-provided weapons, such as they exist, can now likewise be used to strike Russia. German and American munitions flying into mainland Russia? One could hardly imagine a more inspiring display of transatlantic unity. Which had long been Biden’s much-fetishized diplomatic goal: ensuring that every war-escalating move he makes is done in concert with a resolutely “united” bloc of loyal NATO subordinates. Shortly thereafter, Putin would warn that this move had finally destroyed Russian-German relations — which sounds like a bit of an ominous omen, at least if you’re into those handy World War II analogies.
by Michael Tracey
US Gov’t (USDA) Is Testing mRNA Vaccines In Cows Starting Now–To Protect Them From Bird Flu
Do you want mRNA or the proteins it induces in your milk or meat?
Sure, the mRNA will be degraded by cooking. BUT you can throw mRNA code for all sorts of things into the vials, undetected, because mRNA in the vaccines breaks down into millions of different molecules, and there is no way to tell what might have been deliberately added to the mix. With the mRNA vaccne “platform” you will never be able to verify purity. Maybe that is why it is being used? Next month, the U.S. Agriculture Department is to begin testing a vaccine developed by University of Pennsylvania researchers by giving it to calves. The idea: If vaccinating cows protects dairy workers, that could mean fewer chances for the virus to jump into people and mutate in ways that could spur human-to-human spread. Meanwhile. the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been talking to manufacturers about possible mRNA flu vaccines for people that, if needed, could supplement millions of bird flu vaccine doses already in government hands.“If there’s a pandemic, there’s going to be a huge demand for vaccine,” said Richard Webby, a flu researcher at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis. “The more different (vaccine manufacturing) platforms that can respond to that, the better.”
by Meryl Nass
June 13, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Disturbing Gobekli Tepe Update (22:52)
by Bright Insight
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Moscow Exchange Suspends Trading In Dollars And Euro
The move has been prompted by a new round of sanctions imposed by the US, the group has claimed
The Moscow Exchange (MOEX) suspended trading in dollars and euros on Wednesday, the move having been prompted by a new sanctions package unveiled by the US Treasury earlier in the day. The suspension affects foreign and precious metals trade as well as stock and money trading on Russia’s largest public trading markets, MOEX noted in a statement. Except for dollars and euros, all other financial instruments remain operational. The derivatives market has also been unaffected by the changes, with trade going on as usual, MOEX noted. Russia’s Central Bank elaborated on the matter in a separate statement, explaining that “transactions in the US dollar and euro will continue on the over-the-counter market.” To establish exchange rates, the Bank of Russia will be using “bank records and information from digital over-the-counter trading platforms,” the regulator added. Earlier on Wednesday, the US Treasury Department rolled out a new package of restrictions against Russia, targeting the country’s “foundational financial infrastructure.” Announcing the package, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen claimed Russia has fully transitioned into a “war economy” and is now “deeply isolated” from the international financial system. “Today’s actions strike at their remaining avenues for international materials and equipment, including their reliance on critical supplies from third countries,” Yellen asserted.
by RT
War On Gaza: The Day The West Defined ‘Success’ As A Massacre Of 270 Palestinians
Israelis dance in the streets, the White House hails a ‘daring’ operation, Sunak says he’s relieved. How carnage in Gaza has become the new normal
Israel hasn’t just crossed the Biden administration’s pretend “red lines” in Gaza. With its massacre at Nuseirat refugee camp at the weekend, Israel drove a bulldozer through them. On Saturday, an Israeli military operation to free four Israelis held captive by Hamas since its 7 October attack on Israel resulted in the killing of more than 270 Palestinians, many of them women and children. The true death toll may never be known. Untold numbers of men, women and children are still under rubble from the bombardment, crushed to death, or trapped and suffocating, or expiring slowly from dehydration if they cannot be dug out in time. Many hundreds more are suffering agonising injuries – should their wounds not kill them – in a situation where there are almost no medical facilities left after Israel’s destruction of hospitals and its mass kidnap of Palestinian medical personnel. Further, there are no drugs to treat the victims, given Israel’s months-long imposition of an aid blockade. Israelis and American Jewish organisations – so ready to judge Palestinians for cheering attacks on Israel – celebrated the carnage caused in freeing the Israeli captives, who could have returned home months ago had Israel been ready to agree on a ceasefire.
by Jonathan Cook
New Whistleblower Documents Show The FBI Is The Politicized Secret Police Force You Feared It Was (15:53)
Tucker Carlson Interviews Tristan Leavitt
Attorney General Garland Targets “Conspiracy Theories” After Launching “Election Threats Task Force” With FBI, Sparking Censorship Concerns
Some might see US Attorney General Merrick Garland getting quite involved in campaigning ahead of the November election – albeit indirectly so, as a public servant whose primary concern is supposedly how to keep Department of Justice (DoJ) staff “safe.” And, in the process, he brings up “conspiracy theorists” branding them as undermining the judicial process in the US – because they dare question the validity of a particular judicial process that aimed at former President Trump. In an opinion piece published by the Washington Post, Garland used one instance that saw a man convicted for threatening a local FBI office to draw blanket and dramatic conclusions that DoJ staff have never operated in a more dangerous environment, where “threats of violence have become routine.” It all circles back to the election, and Garland makes little effort to present himself as neutral. Other than “conspiracy theories,” his definition of a threat are calls to defund the department that was responsible for going after the former president. Ironically, while the tone of his op-ed and the topics and examples he chooses to demonstrate his own bias, Garland goes after those who claim that DoJ is politicized with the goal of influencing the election.
by Didi Rankovic
Biden And Other Western Leaders Could Face War Crimes Prosecution Over Gaza And Ukraine
US President Joe Biden and European leaders are liable for war crimes in Gaza and Ukraine and could face prosecution. That’s the assessment of internationally renowned legal expert Alfred de Zayas and a collective of jurists at the Geneva International Research Peace Institute. In what could be a breakthrough test case, Professor de Zayas and his colleagues have submitted a formal request to the International Criminal Court to investigate European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes in Gaza and Palestinian Territories committed by the state of Israel. In this interview, de Zayas outlines the case for prosecution against von der Leyen, who as president of the European Commission is Europe’s most senior political representative. Von der Leyen is accused of being in breach of the 1948 Convention on Genocide by aiding and abetting the Israeli state in its military onslaught against Palestinians. It is not just von der Leyen who is liable for war crimes prosecution. Other senior members of the European Union – Charles Michel and Josep Borrell – and European national leaders such as France’s Emmanuel Macron, Germany’s Olaf Scholz and Britain’s Rishi Sunak are also indictable. As Prof de Zayas points out, US President Joe Biden is a prime figure for prosecution given that the United States is the biggest political and military supporter of Israel. All Western leaders have a case to answer for the appalling genocide in Gaza which has resulted in more than 40,000 Palestinian deaths, mainly among women and children. If a case can be made against von der Leyen then others will follow against Western leaders.
by Finian Cunningham
‘Do The Biden!’ Trend Pops Up On TikTok And Twitter (0:30)
by RT
Money Illusion And The Fragile Fantasy Of Modern Currency
Your Sunday morning thought piece
“I would love to be able to grill Andrew Bailey in public,” I said. “Or just ask him one question with people watching. I know exactly what I’d ask him.” “What?” said Mark. “If the Bank of England can print money, why do we need taxes?” Mark laughed and, thinking I was asking him that question, replied, “Money illusion.” Money illusion is one of those economic terms that is pretty self-explanatory, but here is an example. Most of know a hundred pounds does not buy you today what it bought you ten years ago, but we still think in terms of past prices. (Old people do this more, for obvious reasons). A worker might feel great with a 5% raise, but if inflation is 7%, he is actually earning less than before. This has been an ongoing process for decades with the result that, in real terms, wages are lower. Modern money has nominal value, but not intrinsic value. It relies on illusion (and the law) to function. The more you debase it, the less likely that illusion is to hold. Maybe money delusion is more accurate. Obviously, the backing of the law makes a great difference, as does the fact that taxes must be collected in this money, but, boy, is the system vulnerable. Illusions can last a long time. But when they shatter, they shatter very quickly, and then there is nothing. I don’t say the system will pop. It has been going on for a long time. But I do observe that it very easily could. It’s why I recommend both gold and bitcoin. Both are money in and of themselves: one is the product of nature, the other the product of extraordinary amounts of computer power. Neither relies on anyone else.
by Dominic Frisby
How Did A Small Group Do This?
They even went to the next step. They assembled and reassembled all existing data in every conceivable way, running fully 100,000 possible combinations of tests that all future researchers could run. They found some correlations in some policies but the problem is that every time they found one, they found another instance in which the reverse seemed to be true. You cannot infer causation if the effects are not stable. After vast data manipulation and looking at every conceivable policy and outcome, the researchers reluctantly come to an incredible conclusion. They conclude that nothing that governments did had any effect. There was only cost, no benefit. Everywhere in the world. Please just let that sink in. The policy response destroyed countless millions of small businesses, ruined a generation in learning losses, spread ill health with substance abuse, wrecked churches that could not hold holiday services, decimated arts and cultural institutions, broke trade, unleashed inflation that is nowhere near done with us yet, provoked new forms of online censorship, built government power in a way without precedent, led to new levels of surveillance, spread vaccine injury and death, and otherwise shattered liberties and laws the world over, not to mention leading to frightening levels of political instability. And for what? Apparently, it was all for nought.
by Jeffrey A. Tucker
No Deal for Gun Control (Show Links and Video 29:09)
June 12, 1775 – Give up your guns and give up your friends – and we’ll give you peace? No deal said the Patriots. And it’s an attitude modern Americans would do well to heed.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center
When Writing Functions As A Big-Time Sleeping Pill
Red flag, red flag
Maybe once upon a time they read Scott Fitzgerald. Dostoevsky. Henry Miller. But somewhere along the line, a mind wipe occurred. Boom. Gone. Replaced by the NY Times MKULTRA operators. I have a very old note pinned to my wall. You can’t read it now. It’s just a dark red blot of blood. As a young man, I was fishing off the pier along the East River. I hooked a whiskey bottle. The note was inside. This was the quick scrawl: “Somebody help me, I’m trapped in the Columbia School of Journalism.” Poor bastard. They were taking him apart, piece by piece. Rearranging his thoughts. I’m sure, after a period of missing time, he showed up at the Times, a bright smile pasted on his fat face. His ambition clanked in his chest like an iron machine turning wire into identical links of chain. On and on and on. He was a REPORTER. Or so it seemed. He was actually selling sleep on the long road to nowhere. Dropping dimes on nobody.
by Jon Rappoport
Joe Biden’s Time Interview Should Set Off Alarms
On May 28, U.S. President Joe Biden gave an interview to Time. His delivery and content were concerning for a number of reasons. Biden, at times, seemed misinformed and detached from reality. Sometimes, he seemed off message; other times, he seemed convinced by his own talking points. But four answers he gave were especially alarming and deserve to be highlighted. The first was Biden’s assertion that America is “the world power.” The truth of that claim can be debated, but making that claim is deaf to the changes taking place in the world. Much of the world is angry at the United States for substituting leadership in the global community of international law with the imposition of an inconsistent and hypocritical rules-based order. If the United States is still the world power, then a multipolar world that includes a rapidly growing BRICS+ and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is closer and closer on its heels. Biden seems not to have noticed what his CIA director has: that the world is in one of “those times of transition that come along a couple of times a century. Today the United States still has a better hand to play than any of our rivals, but it is no longer the only big kid on the geopolitical bloc. And our position at the head of the table isn’t guaranteed.” In a disturbing defense of his claim, Biden said that “the reason why I cleared the intelligence so we can release the information we knew that [Putin] was going to attack, was to let the world know we were still in charge. We still know what’s going on.”
by Ted Snider
Has Israel Considered A Loss To Hezbollah?
Increasingly sophisticated Hezbollah operations against qualitative Israeli targets have Tel Aviv flapping about a ‘war on Lebanon.’ But whichever way one examines the equation – manpower, capabilities, defenses, alliances – the Israeli state seems ill-prepared for this fight.
As the war in Gaza lags on, cross-border exchanges on the Lebanese–Israeli front have intensified. Fighting between Hezbollah and the Israeli military has taken a heavy toll on both sides. The Lebanese resistance movement has lost over 300 fighters, with Israeli shelling resulting in the displacement of tens of thousands of Lebanese residents of the country’s southern villages. Israel has not fared much better, with at least sixty thousand northern settlers forced to flee their homes. While the occupation army has confirmed the death of around a dozen of its soldiers in the exchanges with Hezbollah, the real number is estimated to be much higher. In March, The Cradle gained intel that over 230 Israeli troops had been killed in combat since 8 October 2023. While the northern conflict currently remains within the boundaries of ‘controlled escalation,’ the prospects of a full-blown war between Hezbollah and Israel may be steadily increasing. Far-right members of the Israeli government, who are key to keeping Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition intact, have become noticeably more vocal in supporting escalation on the Lebanese front.
by Ali Rizk
They Can’t Keep Getting Away With This (6:12)
by Really Graceful
Excess Mortality Caused By ‘Vaccination’ Is 3.4 Times Higher Than COVID-19 Itself
A 3-year meta-analysis representing 1.2 billion persons provides insights into the deeply disturbing outcomes of the mass ‘COVID-19 vaccination’ of the global population.
While ‘COVID-19 vaccines’ were originally hailed to be life-saving medical countermeasures, by the end of 2023 global excess mortality rose to more than 3 times than that of COVID-19 itself per a recent 3-year meta-analysis. This exhaustive analysis represents an astonishing 1.19 billion persons across 29 nations (14.7% of the global population). This statistical analysis is not to be dismissed by experts or the media with the flippant remark of “correlation does not equal causation,” as it uses globally renowned data sources and sophisticated statistical models correlating the harmful short- and long-term effects from mass injecting billions of adults and children with a new class biotechnologies that forfeited standard 10- to 15-year clinical safety trials in order to receive expedited approval.
by Karen Kingston
Pro-Palestine Irish MEP Loses Seat, Blames ‘Establishment’
Daly is one of “Israel’s” toughest opponents in the European Parliament, which many consider could be one of the main reasons she was ousted.
Clare Daly, an Irish leftwing MEP and advocate for Palestine, has lost her seat in the European Parliament. A harsh critic of the Israeli occupation, as well as a frequent critic of Western militarism, Daly slipped behind her opponents in Dublin’s district, The Guardian reported Tuesday. According to the article, throughout her tenure in the European Parliament, Daly blasted the West for “militarism” and gained a big social media following. She was featured in state media outlets in China and Russia, which her opponents used as a card to accuse her of supporting “authoritarian regimes”. Furthermore, The Guardian reported that Daly lost her seat despite support from luminaries such as Eurythmics singer Annie Lennox and actress Susan Sarandon. Sarandon is a well-known pro-Palestine campaigner who has been constantly accused of anti-semitism for her sheer support for Palestine.
by Al Mayadeen English–blames–establishment
Why Won’t Anyone Investigate The ‘Embalmer Clots?’
The answer is obvious to me: Because these pictures are kryptonite to a world full of sociopathic villains and moral cowards.
I’ll start by posting several photos that, at least to me, are quite disturbing. (I apologize these photos have a terrifying appearance. In my defense, I note that I didn’t produce these clots. I just report them). The text that follows the photos includes a series of questions that arise from my viewing of these photos. (Thanks to Laura Kasner and Richard Hirschman for providing these photos. For more photos, see Laura’s important new Substack here. These two stories (here and here) also link to more photos. Questions: In the entire world, is there one person who might look at these photos and conclude, “These look safe and healthy to me?” Or has anyone made statements like … “I’m glad these things are in the veins and arteries of so many people.” “If these are in so many human bodies, they must be there for a good reason.”
One also wonders … Has any public health official viewed these photos? (Note: Embalmer Richard Hirschman began publishing these photos more than two years ago.) If public health officials have viewed these photos (which, by now, they obviously have), what do they think about them? Do they think it would be a worthwhile project to investigate whether these clots are real? If they don’t think these clots warrant a serious investigation, why don’t they? If these clots are proven to be real, is anyone curious about what caused them? Has one public health official – or any government official – ever picked up the phone and called any of the embalmers who are routinely finding these substances in bodies? Why won’t “truth-seeking” officials or scientists investigate “clots” that, in thousands of years of human history, were never seen… until 2021?
by Bill Rice, Jr.
Trans Kids Get Cheers For Scars (7:37)
Watch as the revealing of surgical scars at pride events is now met with cheers and adulation, causing mutilated children to revel in the attention that they have been craving.
by Sarah Cain
Dozens Of Gazan Detainees Released By Israel Show ‘Signs Of Torture’
Israel released dozens of Palestinian detainees from the Gaza Strip yesterday, according to a local source, with many showing signs of torture and abuse. “Around 50 detainees from Gaza City and northern Gaza were freed,” a Palestinian source told Anadolu. The source said some 33 freed Gazans were taken to Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza for medical attention “due to difficult health conditions.” “Some of the detainees had signs of torture on their bodies,” he added. There are no available estimates about the number of Palestinians detained by the Israeli army in Gaza, but human rights groups estimate that thousands have been arrested. In videos circulating on social media, released detainees are seen to be visibly weak, explaining that they were not allowed to sleep and were not provided food or clean water. “No food, no water and no toilet. I swear we pooped on ourselves and they’d make us drink sewage water,” one of the men tells gathered reporters as he is reunited with his daughter. He had been held by occupation forces for eight months, reporters said.
Henry Kissinger Was One Of Thehe 20th Century’s Greatest Monsters (Text and Videos)
He was an unapologetic warmonger and war criminal. The fact that he lived as a celebrity in this country until the age of 100 is a shame on the U.S.
The final resting places of great historic figures are sometimes adorned with quotations from the deceased. Karl Marx’s grave at Highgate Cemetery in London bears the inscription “Workers of All Lands, Unite.” William Blake’s bears a long quotation from Blake’s poem, “Jerusalem.” Richard Nixon’s National Security Adviser and Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, died Wednesday at the age of 100. I wonder what quote would be appropriate for his grave? Maybe the instructions Kissinger gave his deputy Alexander Haig for the carpet bombing of Cambodia in 1970—“anything that flies on anything that moves.” That one’s nice and pithy. It would leave plenty of room for all the usual “beloved husband and father” stuff. If whoever carves the tombstone wants something a bit longer than that, to really show the depth and subtlety of Dr. Kissinger’s thought, they could quote his classic justification for the Nixon administration’s decision to back the 1973 coup against Chile’s democratic socialist President Salvador Allende: “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be allowed to decide for themselves.”
by Jonas E. Alexis
National ARM Declares UN, WHO, And WEF, Terrorist Organizations
The National American Rennaissance Movement (National ARM) issued a declaration stating that the UN, WHO, and WEF terrorist organizations and called for Congress to pass legislation declaring cooperation with these organizations for nefarious purposes an act of treason against the United States and the respective states. The resolution also demands withdrawal from the UN and WHO. Previously, the Lee County Republican Assembly passed a similar resolution that I proposed declaring the UN, WHO, and WEF, terrorist organizations, and called for legislation in Florida declaring that cooperation with these organizations are an act of treason against the state of Florida. Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D, PhD, David Meiswinkle, our president, and myself, are board members of National ARM. Downloadable version of the National ARM declaration/resolution is available here. The full text of National ARM’s declaration/resolution follows:
by Dr. Joseph Sansone
Trump Is All Jewed Up (3:42)
by Brother Nathanael
The Midwife (Text and Audio 14:56)
Interview with Salli Gonzalez
I was a mother first, having had my first baby the typical hospital route in 1984. The conventional way included, IV, medication for pain, Pitocin and ultimately a forceps delivery. My daughter and I were both healthy and survived our first year. I got pregnant with our second child and by then I felt like I needed to be more proactive in my own care, instead of having things done to me. I had this second daughter in a birth center in 1985, without any intervention aside from them breaking my water at 8 cm to speed things along. I ate and drank in labor, I walked around, I had my support team with me. I felt very empowered because I was able to make choices based on my own understanding. Her birth propelled me toward wanting to tell the world that birth doesn’t have to be horrible. The birth of my second daughter also opened my eyes to how much we depend on our “professionals” in making other health decisions, including foods we eat, and supplements we take, whether or not to medicate or even seek their help. I learned that I truly was capable of making health decisions for my family and began to learn to treat them naturally using herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies. I wanted to mentor other families to let them know that they too could advocate for themselves, whether in birth or in raising their children. This eventually led me to teaching childbirth classes, becoming a doula and ultimately after many years of raising my kids to become a midwife.
by Unbekoming
Toxic Chemicals Disguised As “Nutrients”: The Dirty Secrets Of The Multivitamin Industry
Many people take a daily multivitamin believing it will improve their health, but few realize some common brands contain potentially toxic ingredients that are actually industrial waste products in disguise. Are these supplements filling a nutritional gap or increasing your toxic burden?
Multivitamin supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry, marketed as a convenient way to cover nutritional gaps in the diet and optimize health. An estimated one-third of Americans take a multivitamin regularly.1 While the concept makes intuitive sense, and there are some excellent food-baed or amino acid chelated products on the market, the reality is that many mass-market formulas contain synthetic and potentially harmful ingredients that have not been proven safe or effective. Some are even industrial waste products repackaged as “nutrients.” The lack of regulation and quality control standards in the supplement industry allows products to be sold with misleading health claims and questionable ingredients. This review examines some of the most concerning components found in top-selling multivitamin brands like Centrum, One-A-Day, and Flintstones.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Millions Of Insects Migrate Through 30-Meter Pyrenees Pass
Over 17 million insects migrate each year through a single mountain pass on the border between France and Spain, new research shows. University of Exeter scientists have studied migrating insects in the Pass of Bujaruelo, a 30-meter gap between two high peaks in the Pyrenees. Their paper, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, is titled “The most remarkable migrants—systematic analysis of the Western European insect flyway at a Pyrenean mountain pass.” The team visited the pass each autumn for four years, monitoring the vast number and variety of day-flying insects heading south. The findings for this single pass suggest that billions of insects cross the Pyrenees each year, making it a key location for many migrating species. The migrating insects begin these journeys further north in Europe, including the UK. “More than 70 years ago, two ornithologists—Elizabeth and David Lack—chanced upon an incredible spectacle of insect migration at the Pass of Bujaruelo,” said Will Hawkes, from the Centre for Ecology and Conservation on Exeter’s Penryn Campus in Cornwall.
by University of Exeter
June 12, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
New Whistleblower Documents Show The FBI Is The Politicized Secret Police Force You Feared It Was (15:53)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
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Russia Could Consider Changing Nuclear Doctrine
Actions of the US and its allies could prompt Russia to amend its nuclear posture, Deputy FM Sergey Ryabkov said
Russia could potentially make changes to its nuclear doctrine should the “escalatory actions” by the US and its allies push it into doing so, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has warned. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a BRICS ministerial meeting in Nizhny Novgorod, Ryabkov admitted the international situation has been getting increasingly “complicated” and changes to his country’s nuclear posture could not be ruled out. “The challenges that are growing thanks to the unacceptable and escalatory actions of the US and its NATO allies undoubtedly prompt a full-fledged question of how the basic documents in nuclear deterrence can be brought more into line with current needs,” Ryabkov said. The diplomat refused to elaborate on the exact nature of the potential amendments, explaining that Moscow does not have a “practice of covering in advance what kind of changes can be made” before actual decisions are taken. The remarks come shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin again reiterated Moscow’s stance on nuclear weapons as a last-resort option. Speaking during a question-and-answer panel at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) last week, the president stressed that Russia has never been the first to resort to aggressive nuclear rhetoric.
by RT
The Five Stages Of Denial When Skeptics Are Faced With Economic Collapse
In light of the recent resurgence of inflation on top of increasingly rigged employments stats, declining manufacturing and stagnant wages I think it’s important to revisit a fundamental question: What does an economic collapse look like? As I have said for years an economic collapse is NOT an event, it’s a process. When people think of a historic crisis they usually imagine something like the stock market crash of 1929 at the beginning of the Great Depression. However, there were numerous indicators and warning signs leading up to that crash that should have tipped people off. There were even a handful of economists that voiced concerns about impending instability, yet they were ignored. Then, after the crash occurred numerous establishment economists denied that the system was in any real danger. They continually claimed that recovery was “right around the corner”, but the recovery never materialized. Instead, the crash spiraled onward for over a decade until world war erupted, largely because the Federal Reserve raised interest rates into economic weakness (a disaster they have openly admitted to causing and a policy they are instituting right now). The point is, the mainstream “experts” are almost always wrong. The skeptics of collapse either ignore the evidence or they don’t comprehend the implications of events. They don’t want to believe that the economy is broken and that consequences are possible. They operate from the limited view of their own personal experience. For most of their lives the system has functioned without catastrophe so that must mean catastrophe is impossible. In truth, catastrophe has merely been deferred to a later date, not prevented.
by Brandon Smith
Celtic Origins (37:30)
by Robert Sepehr
Meat Causes Cancer – The Evidence They’ve Ignored
When the meat industry made a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) about my book about food, I offered a number of scientific papers as evidence that I was simply telling the truth – that meat is a major cause of cancer. The ASA refused to look at the evidence I provided, found in favour of the meat industry and tried (unsuccessfully) to ban ads for the book. So here, in this brief extract from my book (Meat Causes Cancer’) are basic details of the scientific papers which I submitted to the ASA. The Press Complaints Commission also refused to look at this evidence when the meat industry complained. There is clear medical and scientific evidence available to show that nothing, not even tobacco, influences your chances of developing cancer as much as the food you choose to eat. It is estimated that between 30% and 60% of all cancers are caused by what you choose to eat. Back in 1982 the National Research Council in the United States of America published a technical report entitled Diet, Nutrition and Cancer which showed that diet was probably the single most important factor in the development of cancer, and that there was evidence linking cancers of the breast, colon and prostate to particular foods or types of food. It is a scandal of astonishing proportions that a majority of the population still do not know about these vitally important and well established links. It is an even bigger scandal that a majority of the medical profession are unaware of these links too. Most doctors I have spoken to – even recently qualified ones – still dismiss the idea of a food/cancer link as mumbo jumbo nonsense. The average medical student probably spends more time staring down a microscope at histology slides than he or she spends studying the importance and significance of nutrition.
Dr. Vernon Coleman
Before And After
Compare before and after photos of any Arabs held captive by Israel with Israeli prisoners held by Hamas in Gaza. The difference is stark, reflecting the difference in treatment. It’s pretty clear whose prisoners get three squares a day and whose prisoners are starved and subjected to torture: Hamas has established moral superiority over Israel. This is one of the most astounding aspects of the events that are unfolding in Palestine. Israel has released Bassem Tamimi after throwing him in a torture dungeon for 8 months without charges He was held hostage for defending his town from settlers and the apartheid army without weapons And look what they did to him. Some of the Israeli prisoners who have been released are getting rough treatment from their fellow Israelis: Israelis wanted her to suffer more: Agam Goldstein-Almog, an Israeli freed in November truce, has been receiving intense hatred from other Israelis because she accurately described the decent treatment from Palestinians holding her. One of the most recent prisoners who was freed in the horrific massacre in Gaza is now—already—being accused of suffering from “Stockholm Syndrome”. Note, the accusation of “Stockholm Syndrome” is an obvious clue that the word “cynically” was inserted by editors. “Almog Meir said that on his birthday, cynically, his captors made him cake.”
by Mark Wauck
This Bill Gates Slip Up Is Concerning (11:59)
by The Body Language Guy
SITREP 6/11/24: Roundup Of Hottest Developments
It’s mostly a light update day, as there aren’t any huge developments; so let’s clear the slate with an irregular scattershot style roundup of the top items of interest I’ll post then briefly comment on. The biggest news, of course, is the bloodbath at the European parliamentary elections. Macron had to shoot down rumors that he is planning to resign over the electoral humiliation: Wow, France’s republican right, the party of Chirac and Sarkozy, ask for an alliance with Le Pen for the elections (making her more likely to win). The dam was already very fissured but it’s now completely broken: no taboo about Le Pen in France anymore. Of course, it doesn’t mean as much as we might like as Le Pen has mostly been ‘captured’ by the globalist machine at this point, but it’s still something. Palace of Versailles even caught fire today—symbolic? A Russian flotilla is currently just miles from the Florida coast, giving the U.S. a taste of its own medicine vis-a-vis the drones which buzz daily around Crimea. U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidons do tracks searching for the Russian Yasen class “Kazan” sub armed with nuclear SLBMs. The US cannot find the Kazan submarine off the coast of Miami. Foreign experts say that the Russian submarine “Kazan” project 885M is currently about 100 kilometers from Miami, in the waters of the Florida Straits. Two P8 Poseidon patrol aircraft and two Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers have been deployed to search for the Kazan. On June 10, the carrier of hypersonic missiles “Zircon” frigate “Admiral Gorshkov” arrived in the capital of Cuba. It was later joined by a Russian nuclear-powered submarine, a carrier of hypersonic and cruise missiles. Where the submarine is currently located is unknown.
by Simplicius
Intel Halts Construction Of Multibillion Chip Plant In Israel
Foreign investment in Israel took a nosedive from $29 billion in 2021 to $5 billion in 2024
The US-based chip giant Intel Corp is halting a $25 billion chip manufacturing project in Israel, Calcalist reported on 10 June. The Israeli news agency writes that Intel’s decision to stop the building of the multibillion-dollar factory after “Intel’s suppliers received in recent days notice of the cancellation of contracts for the supply of equipment and materials required for the establishment of the company’s new factory.” The plant was announced in December of last year and was expected to be built in Kiryat Gat, just shy of 60 kilometers from Tel Aviv. The Calcalist report states Intel said in response that Israel continues to be one of the technology company’s “key global manufacturing and [research and development] sites, and we remain committed to the region. “As mentioned previously, the scope and rate of expansion of Intel’s production at the company’s sites around the world depend on a number of changing factors,” Intel’s response read. “Managing a project of this magnitude, especially in our industry, usually involves schedule adjustments. Our decisions are based on business conditions, market dynamics, and responsible capital management.” Since the beginning of the war in October of last year, Israel has suffered economic consequences at the hands of the Palestinian resistance. Venture capitalist investments in Israel peaked in 2021 at $29 billion, but as of 2024, foreign investment has sunk to around $5 billion. Chief of Israel’s central bank, Amir Yaron, said in May that Israel’s current war costs $70 billion of the Israeli 2025 budget.
by News Desk
Pro-Liberty, Anti-Empire: The Forgotten Founder Who Lived The Revolution (Show Links and Video 35:31)
Have you ever heard of Dr. Joseph Warren? He was a key figure in the American Revolution, a fiery orator who defied British tyranny, and the man who sent Paul Revere out on his famous Midnight Ride. This video dives into the incredible story of Joseph Warren, the “Pro Liberty, Anti-Empire” Founding “Grandfather” that history almost totally ignores.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center
Russian Embassy In The US Receives Threats
The administration of the Russian embassy in the US and regular diplomats receive threatening messages on a daily basis, the head of the Russian diplomatic mission in Washington, Anatoly Antonov, has said.
“I can confirm that threatening messages to the Russian embassy, for example, are received almost daily. And not only to the administration, but also to regular diplomats,” Antonov said in a commentary distributed by the embassy. According to Antonov, the US authorities with their “Russophobic policy only condone such tendencies.” “Thus, we know very well that in some states, primarily on the West Coast, groups of natives of Ukraine and relocants from our country sympathetic to Kiev are gathering. Someone is nurturing, mentoring, pumping poisonous propaganda into the youth. They are being prepared to be thrown onto the battlefield in Eastern Europe, and maybe even to other gangster antics. A lot of money is spent on this. And it is unlikely that the organization of such extremist cells goes unnoticed by law enforcement agencies. However, nothing is done regardless of the obvious risks,” he said.
by Sputnik
As The World Looks On With Horror On The Palestinian Massacre Prompting Calls For Ceasefire, Christian Pastors Continue To Urge Genocide
This past weekend, the world watched with horror as details emerged about an Israeli rescue of four hostages, which resulted in the deaths of 274 Palestinians, including at least 64 children, as well as 4 other hostages who were killed in the rescue, including one American. This has renewed calls for a ceasefire and an end to the war in Gaza, and the UN Security Council passed a resolution to do just that yesterday (Monday, June 10th). So is this proposed ceasefire UN resolution just smoke and mirrors? I would think so, because if you understand the mindset of the Zionist Satanic Freemason Jews, you will understand that they do not believe that they did anything wrong in massacring so many civilians in their rescue of 4 Israeli hostages, because they genuinely believe that their nationality makes them better than any other race of people, who are just the “Goyim” (Gentiles or Non-Jews), whose lives are worthless compared to the Jewish master race. As I have been reporting since October 7th in 2023, the most hardcore Satanic Zionists in the United States are actually Zionist Christians, whose pastors and leaders fully support the massacre and genocide against the Palestinians, as many of these pastors and leaders have literally called upon the U.S. to send nuclear bombs into Gaza to “finish the job” of genocide. So as the world watched with horror the massacre this past weekend which has prompted new calls for ending the war, Christian Pastor John MacArthur was interviewed by Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro where he supported the continued genocide of the Palestinian people, referring to them as “Amalekites”.
by Brian Shilhavy
Assange’s Extradition Appeal Hearing To Be Held Next Month
WikiLeaks is asking Americans to urge their representatives to support a resolution calling for charges against Assange to be dropped
A hearing for WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange to appeal his extradition to the US will be held next month on July 9 and July 10, British court officials announced on Tuesday. Assange, an Australian citizen, has been granted the chance to appeal his extradition on the grounds that he may not have the same First Amendment protections as an American citizen. Assange faces up to 175 years in prison and has been indicted with 17 counts under the Espionage Act and one charge for conspiracy to commit a computer intrusion for obtaining and publishing documents from a source, a standard journalistic practice. If he is convicted, it would have grave implications for press freedom in the US and around the world. The charges stem from documents WikiLeaks published in 2010 and 2011 related to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since 2019, Assange has been held in London’s Belmarsh Prison on no charges as his legal team has fought the extradition, and his health has been deteriorating. Family members fear extradition would mean his death.
by Dave DeCamp
Bioweapons 101: The Story Of Anthrax (19:49)
As my husband Mark documented in “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”, the COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the “pandemic”. In recent years I have covered “gain of function” gaslighting and garbage as well as the pseudoscientific fantasies involving ‘bio-weapons’ here and here. In recent years most of the fear-promoting stories have related to alleged “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 or the so-called Avian flu. When dismantling these tales we go back to the foundational papers to expose the fact that there is no evidence that any virus exists outside of computer labs. For many of us, we have bid A Farewell to Virology and its virus model. Additionally, because of the fatally flawed germ theory there is no evidence for the existence of microbial pathogens. However, anthrax is a curious case because it is alleged that the spores of Bacillus anthracis can be weaponised. In this video we examine the 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States and the alleged military facility leak with dozens of deaths in the Soviet Union in 1979. Is this nature’s only true bio-weapon or has the mixture been spiked? This was a fascinating investigation into decades of scientific work and it revealed more than a few bizarre twists…
by Dr. Sam Bailey
How An Israeli Colonel Invented The Burned Babies Lie To Justify Genocide (Text and Video)
Atrocities against babies that the head of the Israeli army’s national rescue unit alleged were committed by Hamas fighters when they attacked an Israeli kibbutz on 7 October were in fact lurid tales of the officer’s own invention, intended to provide a pretext for genocide in the Gaza Strip, and to protect the massacre’s actual perpetrators: Israel’s own soldiers, acting on the orders of a top general. As Israeli forces recaptured territories temporarily taken by Hamas earlier that day, the commander of the national rescue unit of the Israeli army’s Home Front Command Colonel Golan Vach led the recovery of corpses from the region, which spanned an area of hundreds of square kilometers. A week later, Vach began asserting that Hamas fighters had brutally executed “eight babies” in a single house in Kibbutz Be’eri. “They were concentrated there and they killed them and they burned them,” Vach told a throng of reporters on 14 October, pointing through a smashed window into the charred living room of kibbutz resident Pessi Cohen. According to the only two captives who survived the bloodbath, however, a total of 13 civilians died at Cohen’s home, including Cohen herself, and none were babies or toddlers. All of them were middle-aged or older, save for adolescent twins taken captive from next door.
by David Sheen
Changing The Definition Of A Vaccine Has Legal Consequences
“The CDC went behind the scenes and changed the definition of the word vaccine. I guess they didn’t expect us to notice.” ~ Stew Peters, September 22, 2021
June 11, 2024: Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) issued a press release regarding their recent win in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, remanding the case back to the district court. Judge R. Nelson and Judge Collins concurred that the LA County School District’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate violated individual human rights of employees because the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ do not prevent against infection, nor transmission, and therefore, are not ‘vaccines.’ Per Judge R. Nelson’s Opinion: “Plaintiffs claim that the Policy interferes with their fundamental right to refuse medical treatment. Their complaint’s crux is that the COVID-19 “vaccine” is not a vaccine. “Traditional” vaccines, Plaintiffs claim, should prevent transmission or provide immunity to those who get them. But the COVID-19 vaccine does neither. Plaintiffs’ complaint supports these assertions with data and statements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For example, Plaintiffs claim that the CDC changed the definition of “vaccine” in September 2021, striking the word “immunity.” Thus, they argue, the CDC conceded that the COVID-19 vaccine is not a “traditional vaccine.” The Key Word Here is ‘Immunity’ As Judge Nelson points out, by striking the word ‘immunity’ from the definition of vaccine (as well as the lack of the evidence that the COVID-19 mRNA injections provide immunity – or any clinical benefit) the CDC inadvertently dissolved the legal merits of the ‘COVID-9 mRNA vaccine’ mandates.
by Karen Kingston
Inclusiveness Makes ‘Greater BRICS Cooperation’ Vibrant
The BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting is held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, from June 10 to 11. Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, was invited to attend. In addition to the BRICS foreign ministers, representatives from the rotating chairmanships of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and ASEAN, as well as representatives of the African Union and the Arab League were also invited to attend the meeting. Today, when far-right forces are impacting the European Parliament and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict divides the world’s perception, the “greater BRICS” remains united and vibrant, attracting global attention with its stability. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Iran and Ethiopia joined BRICS in January, 2024, marking a milestone in the development of the BRICS mechanism. The expansion of the “BRICS” family is still ongoing, with dozens of countries expressing interest or formally applying to join the BRICS mechanism. Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said during his visit to China on June 3 that Turkey hopes to join the BRICS. At the end of May, the Thai government approved a draft of the official letter that indicates Thailand’s intention to become a member of the BRICS. The international community is highly interested in the identities of these two countries as “a NATO member” and “an ASEAN country,” which not only expand the imagination of the BRICS family but also sends a unique signal of inclusiveness for “greater BRICS cooperation.”
Editorial by Global Times
Circumcision – Satanic Ritual Abuse And The Genital Torture Of Infants Must Come To An End (56:48)
Warning – Graphic Images In This Podcast. Viewer Discretion Is Advised!
Dear friends – it is BEYOND wakey wakey time for us to see that the medical establishment (and the jews who control it) are 100% evil and deliberately trying to cause harm! There is nothing beneficial about cutting off a healthy infant body part. This torturous surgery is 100% medically unnecessary and is nothing other than a medical/Luciferian RITUAL designed to induce extreme trauma in the child, causing long-term harm and dysfunction. This shit has got to end and those responsible for doing it need to be locked up for life. This is child abuse of the worst kind. Enough is enough.
by BirthOfANewEarth
Gaza: Child Survivors Of Nuseirat Massacre Say Israeli Soldiers Targeted Them Deliberately
Mohammad Matar has told Anadolu news agency of the horrors of the massacre committed by the Israeli occupation army against the Palestinians in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Miraculously, the 15-year-old child survived the brutal attack. Matar is being treated for his wounds in the Nasser Medical Hospital in Khan Yunis. An Israeli soldier shot him twice at point blank range, hitting him in the shoulder and stomach. The bullets exited his body through his back. The Israeli occupation army attack on Saturday killed 274 Palestinians and wounded at least 700 others in a massacre committed after a major artillery and air bombardment of the refugee camp. Matar was walking in the street when the explosions began. He did not expect the area where he lived to be turned into a battlefield. Within seconds, the boy told Anadolu, a number of Israeli helicopters flew overhead and fired randomly into the street where he was walking. He headed quickly to his home and gathered with his family members in the basement to take cover. Minutes later, the family heard the sounds of Israeli tanks in the area, so they ran up to the first floor, where they thought they would be safer.
Microplastics In Human Blood: Polymer Types, Concentrations And Characterization Using µFTIR
This new study on microplastics in human blood continues to confirm everything we have been seeing in live blood analysis. Of course the scientists do not question any correlation to the C19 bioweapon. 90% of healthy volunteers did have microplastic polymers in their blood. Polyethylene was most common. Polyethylene Glycol is used for the lipid nanoparticles in the C19 bioweapons. The particles were from 5 to 800 micrometers, so well within the size range that we are able to see on our Darkfield Microscopy. Please note that this is a catastrophic finding, as a red blood cell and capillary size is about 5-7 microns. Some particles were up to 3000 micrometer in length, which is enormous and certainly can cause heart attacks and strokes. 79% of the polymers where white or clear, which is what we are seeing in live blood as well. Of course the scientific literature is ignoring the polymer spraying via weather warfare assault from geoengineering operations and the C19 injections. Remember that stealth nanoparticles of all plastic polymer types were in the Moderna patent.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Carbon Credits Are The Biggest Scam Since Indulgences—How You Can Avoid Being Fleeced
In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church convinced the commoners to buy indulgences to alleviate their sins. And they made a fortune in the process. Similarly, today, our overlords—the mainstream media, central bankers, and their political allies—are working overtime to convince the commoners to pay for their alleged climate sins. Enter carbon credits, government-issued permits that grant you the privilege to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide. Although advocates promote them as a way to “save the environment,” in reality, carbon credits are nothing more than a devious mechanism to tax, regulate, and control you. It’s not a coincidence that the most philosophically and ethically bent people are promoting them. For example, at a recent World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, participants revealed and touted an “individual carbon footprint tracker.” It will track where people travel, how they travel, what they eat, and what they consume. Carbon accounting is already creeping into many places, like Google Flights.
by Nick Giambruno
Overwhelming Questions On The Dreadful History Of Depopulation (Audio 58:52)
The “elite” have wanted a world with far fewer people
How do we begin to understand the intentional violent impulses behind the murder of more than two million people in the United States at the hands of other Americans and the global predators wielding the weapon of mRNA “vaccine?” How do we fathom the motives that have led to an even greater worldwide massacre of innocents — an unprecedented tens of millions of people dying from the effects of the mRNA/DNA injections? What sense can be made out of intentionally making people infertile?
by Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin
Robert Fico Attempted Assassination Timeline, May 10-June 5, 2024
May 10, 2024—Slovakia refuses pandemic treaty and IHR amendments despite a meeting with Tedros to convince Slovakia otherwise. May 15, 2024—Slovakian PM Fico shot at very close range by multiple bullets by a former security guard and writer. May 16, 2024—The Atlantic Council just one day later tells us five things we need to know about the attempted assassination, attempting to gain quick control of the narrative. Did the Atlantic Council possibly know beforehand about the shooting? Showing no sympathy to the victim, who was at that time on death’s door, the Atlantic Council worries how the shooting will be used by Fico’s party to quell opposition. They also spin the shooting as due to “hate politics” (lone nut) rather than a political hit: Based on what we know so far, what consequences could the shooting have for Slovakia’s politics? Mr. Fico, 59, was shot multiple times at close range on May 15 in Handlova, in central Slovakia, and required several rounds of surgery before he was released from a hospital on May 30. He has been recovering at his home in Bratislava, the capital. He said in his address that the attack seriously harmed him, adding that he was receiving outpatient care. He said he hoped to return to work gradually by the end of June or early July “if everything goes as planned,” according to an English translation provided by Mr. Fico and Smer. Mr. Fico said that “an activist of the Slovak opposition” had attempted to assassinate him because of his political views, describing the gunman as “a messenger of evil and political hatred.” Opposition parties have denied any connection to the shooting. “I have no reason to believe this was an attack by a lone madman,” he said.
by Meryl Nass
Wealth Chimera
We have a GDP that is largely fraudulent… with as much as half of it directed, controlled or be-muddled by government, rendering it unfit for human consumption.
The subject is nothing. Zero. The thing that isn’t a thing. If you have a little of it, you accept it for what it is. Like an empty wallet, you know it won’t take you very far. But what if you have a lot of it? Fifty trillion dollars’ worth, for example. Then, you must feel a little like Donald Trump when he was down on his luck in the early ‘90s. He was reportedly in the hole by $100 million. But he was proud of it. The banks would never lend so much to a poor guy. Only a very rich man could be that poor. America’s great wealth is a source of pride too. But as we discovered, much of its proud tower is rickety, hollow or simply missing. Often, there is nothing where there should be something. And since a third of Americans live ‘hand to mouth,’ we’re going to see what happens when the mouth realizes that the hand is empty. We have stocks that are not worth a fraction of their prices. We have ‘meme’ and ‘zombie’ companies that are not worth anything at all. They may have negative value, in fact, since they take valuable resources and waste them. We have a mountain of debt… nearly $100 trillion of it… every penny of which is counted as an “asset” on the creditors’ balance sheets. Probably only about half of it is ‘money good.’ The rest may go ‘poof’ in the credit cycle’s downturn. The safest part of this pile is US Treasury bonds. And yet, in gold terms, we’ve seen that they lost 30% of their value in the last four years… and 75% since 1999.
by Bill Bonner and Tom Dyson
Magnesium Deficiency: The Silent Killer Linked To A 4x Higher Death Rate
You may religiously pop your daily vitamins and pride yourself on eating a balanced diet, but could you still be deficient in a mineral as essential as magnesium? A staggering 50% of Americans fail to get enough of this crucial nutrient1–and it may be putting their hearts and lives on the line. But fear not, dear reader, for science has unveiled a potential solution: a shiny new tool called the Magnesium Depletion Score (MDS) that could crack the code on your magnesium status and help you sidestep serious health consequences. Strap in as we embark on a journey to unravel the magnesium mystery and explore how this simple score could be the key to a healthier heart and a longer life. Magnesium, the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body,2 plays a starring role in over 300 biochemical reactions.3 From regulating muscle and nerve function to keeping your heart rhythm steady, magnesium is the unsung hero of your health. But despite its undeniable importance, many of us simply aren’t getting enough. In fact, a staggering half of the US population falls short of the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for magnesium.4 This widespread deficiency has been linked to a host of health issues, including type 2 diabetes,5 cardiovascular disease,6 and even death.7 The problem? Identifying magnesium deficiency can be trickier than finding a needle in a haystack.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
June 11, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Celtic Origins (37:30)
by Robert Sepehr
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Quote Of The Day
“I had to compose a symphony for the Concert Spirituel…I was exceedingly anxious at rehearsal, for never in my life have I heard a worse performance. You can have no conception of how they bungled and scrambled through it the first time and the second. Really, I was quite frightened and would have liked to rehearse it once more, but there was so much else to rehearse that there was no time left. Accordingly, I went to bed, fear in my heart, discontent and anger in my mind. I had decided not to go to the concert at all the next day; but it was a fine evening, and I finally resolved to go…I prayed God it might go well, dedicating all to His greater honor and glory, and…the symphony began! […] The audience was quite carried away; there was a great outburst of applause…I was so happy that I went straight to the Palais Royale after the symphony…said the Rosary I had vowed, and went home…”
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, letter to his father Leopold about the “Paris Symphony”
Symphony No. 31 In D Major K.297/300a “Paris” (20:50)
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Website Of The Day
Revilo P. Oliver
The life and works of a great American writer and thinker.
Links to hundreds of independent websites.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
Nikola Tesla Archive With 11 Posts
The Three Key Messages From St. Petersburg To The Global Majority
In the year of the Russian presidency of BRICS, the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) had to deliver something special. And deliver it did: over 21,000 people representing no less than 139 nations – a true microcosm of the Global Majority, discussing every facet of the drive towards a multipolar, multinodal (italics mine), polycentric world. St. Petersburg, beyond all the networking and the frantic deal-making – $78 billion-worth clinched in only three days – crafted three intertwined key messages already resonating all across the Global Majority. President Putin, a “European Russian” and true son of this dazzling, dynamic historic marvel by the Neva, delivered an extremely detailed one-hour speech on the Russian economy at the forum’s plenary session. The key takeaway: as the collective West launched total economic war against Russia, the civilization-state turned it around and positioned itself as the world’s 4th largest economy by purchasing power parity (PPP). Putin showed how Russia still carries the potential to launch no less than nine sweeping – global – structural changes, an all-out drive involving the federal, regional, and municipal spheres. Everything is in play – from global trade and the labor market to digital platforms, modern technologies, strengthening small and medium-sized businesses and exploring the still untapped, phenomenal potential of Russia’s regions. What was made perfectly clear is how Russia managed to reposition itself beyond sidestepping the – illegitimate – sanctions tsunami to establishing a solid, diversified system oriented towards global trade – and completely linked to the expansion of BRICS. Russia-friendly states already account for three-quarters of Moscow’s trade turnover.
by Pepe Escobar
Trump, Elections, Netanyahu, D-Day Worship of Killing, Zionist Israel’s Holocaust Of Palestinians, Nuclear War, And Stupidity
Where does one dare to begin to describe the total idiocy that has gripped this country’s population? It is an impossible task to call out all the insanity going on, as it would require massive volumes of material just to scratch the surface. There is no term qualified to describe this lunacy, as even terms like bizarro world, dystopia, delusional, outrageous, idiotic, criminal, insane, and even phantasmagorical, do not come close to explaining the complete breakdown of intellect, and the voluntary acceptance of any and every maniacal stupid, freakish, unnatural, controlling, immoral, and murderous form of behavior. The non-thinking and non-action of the majority of people of this country and much of the world, are astounding to me; so much so as to force one to believe that all of humanity is just the result of a computerized program being played by some retarded controlling gamers from another galaxy. What else could explain such psychotic lunacy as this? Coming up soon; another presidential ‘election’ where 160 million mentally deranged ignoramuses will vote for their new master, expecting after 59 previous failures, to achieve victory and freedom this time around. Keep in mind that approximately another 80 million people are under the age of 18 and cannot vote, bringing this total to 240 million people. That leaves less than 100 million who will not vote. Please do not take this to mean that all those not voting are withholding their voluntary ‘consent’ for rule, as that would be a monumental mistake in judgement. There are only a very few who do not vote because it is the only sane thing to do, even though it is brutally obvious that this voting scam is only meant for the braindead, government-educated, intellectually-challenged dolts, who still seek to be ruled, but who mostly still identify as sheep awaiting slaughter.
by Gary D. Barnett
Why Is There No Record Of Ancient Humans? (12:49)
by Randall Carlson
Hamas Welcomes UN Security Council Resolution On Ceasefire Plan
Hamas has welcomed the UN Security Council’s earlier adoption of a resolution that has backed a plan aimed at bringing about a ceasefire in the Israeli regime’s ongoing genocidal war against the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian resistance movement voiced its approval of the resolution in a press statement on Monday, hours after the 15-member council voted overwhelmingly in its favor. Hamas said it “welcomes what is included in the Security Council resolution that affirmed the permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the complete withdrawal [of the Israeli forces], and the prisoners’ exchange.” It also said it approved of the plan’s other provisions, namely “the reconstruction [of the Gaza Strip], the return of the displaced to their areas of residence, the rejection of any demographic change or reduction in the area of Gaza, and the delivery of needed aid to our people in the strip. ”The statement expressed “readiness” on the part of the group “to cooperate with the mediators to engage in indirect negotiations on implementing these principles that are consistent with the demands of our people and resistance.“
by Press TV
Russia Could ‘Intensely Respond’ After Ukraine’s First Warplane Attack
After a Ukrainian warplane, for the first time, fired a weapon that struck a target inside Russia, Chinese experts said that Ukraine’s move is an attempt to demonstrate its “confidence” to the US and Europe in order to gain more support and assistance in the future, but Russia is anticipated to respond intensely and vigorously. According to Sky News, a Ukrainian military source said that a Ukrainian Air Force (UAF) mission struck a Russian command node on Sunday in the area of Belgorod, which is close to the border with northeastern Ukraine. It was not immediately clear what type of munition was used in the attack, including whether or not it had been a Western weapon, the report said. The attack was confirmed as a “direct hit,” and was the first UAF air-delivered munition delivered against a target within Russia, the military source said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Ukraine has previously launched multiple drone strikes deep into Russian territory. US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said in an interview with the CBS television channel that American weapons have already been used to deliver strikes on Russia’s territory, TASS reported on Sunday. His words came after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed on May 31 that US President Joe Biden had authorized the use of American weapons for attacks on Russian territory.
by GT Staff Reporters
The Pete Quinones Show Episode 1056: The Foreign Policy Of Adolf Hitler Part 3 With Thomas777 (1:01:37)
Here’s How Russia Can Prevent WW3
For 80 years, the Atom bomb has prevented a repeat of the horrors of the 1940s – Russia needs to leverage it again to stop American aggression
Nuclear deterrence is not a myth. It kept the world safe during the Cold War. Deterrence is a psychological concept. You have to convince a nuclear-armed adversary that it will not achieve its objectives by attacking you, and that if it goes to war its own annihilation is assured. The mutual nuclear deterrence between the USSR and the US during their confrontation was reinforced by the reality of mutually assured destruction in the event of a massive exchange of nuclear strikes. Incidentally, the abbreviation for Mutually Assured Destruction is MAD. And that’s very apt. There are several reasons for ‘mythologising’ nuclear deterrence. Since the end of the Cold War, there has been a widespread belief that every conceivable reason for nuclear war has disappeared. A new era of globalisation, with its emphasis on economic cooperation, has dawned. For the first time in history, the hegemony of a single power, the US, has been established globally. Nuclear weapons remain in the arsenals of the great powers – though fewer than at the height of the confrontation – but the fear of their use has faded. More dangerously, a new generation of politicians has come to the fore, unburdened either by the memory of decades of confrontation or by a sense of responsibility. The American belief in its own exceptionalism and European ‘strategic parasitism’, devoid of any sense of self-preservation, is a dangerous combination.
by Dmitry Trenin
US Doctor Criminally Charged After Reporting Illegal Child Trans Procedures
A US doctor has been charged with a criminal offence after reporting illegal child trans procedures. The Biden regime has criminally charged a surgeon who exposed secret sex-change treatments on minors in Texas. US federal prosecutors filed criminal charges against a surgeon who revealed that a Texas hospital was continuing to perform sex-change procedures on children – in violation of state law – after falsely claiming that it had shut down the program. Dr. Eithan Haim was indicted earlier this week by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) on four felony charges for allegedly violating a patient-privacy law. US President Joe Biden’s régime had been threatening Haim with prosecution since last year. It moved after the physician leaked documents to a journalist showing that Texas Children’s Hospital was still providing sex-change surgeries and hormone therapies to minors as young as 11. IT’S TIME TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST EVIL ‘They wanted to intimidate me into silence using every technique the federal leviathan they had at their disposal, but they failed,’ Haim said on Thursday. ’The only way to lose is to submit to corruption. It’s time to fight back harder than ever!’ Haim is scheduled to make his first court appearance later this month. An online fundraising campaign for his legal defense fund had raised nearly $350,000 toward a $500,000 goal as of Friday afternoon.
by Michael Walsh
Saving Time In Extra Time
You can learn a good deal by looking (and I mean really ‘looking’) at old artefacts. Standing in our hallway we have a 17th century long-case clock (of the style usually described as a ‘grandfather clock’). The clock is unusual in that it has just one hand. Visitors who see the clock usually assume that one of the hands (the minute hand) has fallen off and been lost. But there was never a minute hand. Back in the 17th century, people didn’t worry about the minutes. They weren’t constantly in a rush to catch a train or get to an airport four hours early in order to get through security. It was good enough for them to know that the time was around a quarter past four or approximately half past five. These days we rush about catching trains, missing aeroplanes and racing to make appointments. We put ourselves under constant pressure in this way. But at the same time as we are struggling to save time, we are also wasting time in prodigious quantities. The most absurd example of this is the internet. We tend to think of the internet as a time saving innovation. And it can be. But most of the time the internet wastes time in huge quantities. We send endless quantities of emails. And we receive them in terrifying quantities. Buying a new freezer recently involved 12 emails from the seller. And once the freezer had arrived we received a hail of emails telling us that the machine had arrived, and asking us if we are happy.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
End The Fed From The Bottom Up: The Founders’ Plan You Can Use Now (Show Links and Video 18:28)
The federal reserve is never going to end itself. And congress is not going to shut off its own private money printer. So it’s up to the people and the states – as the founders advised – to get the job done in support of the Constitution and liberty.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center
Complaints About Hamas Using ‘Human Shields’ Are The Worst Kind Of Bad Faith
By celebrating the carnage in Gaza to free four Israeli captives, western politicians and media are treating Palestinians as sub-human – and enabling the genocide to continue
Western politicians and journalists have hurried to dismiss the murder and maiming of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in the Nuseirat refugee camp on Saturday in a savage joint Israeli-US military operation to free four Israeli captives. Not just that, they have suggested that the bloodshed was inevitable and justified given that the hostages were being held in a residential neighbourhood of Gaza. For example, Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security advisor, observed of the massacre that was actively assisted by the US: “The Palestinian people are going through sheer hell in this conflict because Hamas is operating in a way that puts them in the crossfire, that holds hostages right in the heart of crowded civilian areas.” Apparently, Israel’s decades of belligerent military occupation of the Palestinian territories, its 17-year blockade of Gaza denying its population the essentials of life, its intermittent destruction of the enclave by “mowing the lawn”, and now its carrying out of what the International Court of Justice has called a “plausible genocide” have nothing to do with the “sheer hell” the people of Gaza are suffering. Those trying to win our consent to mass murder and the planned starvation of the people of Gaza by arguing that Hamas is using Palestinians in Gaza as human shields are engaged in the worst kind of bad-faith argument.
by Jonathan Cook
Russia Officially Becomes World’s 4th Largest Economy, Passing Japan
This may seem like old news, as people have posted Russia’s putative overtaking of Japan’s economy several months ago. However, there was much confusion as the source most used was a UK website called World Economics, which they conflated with the World Bank but which is in fact not an ‘official’ source of any kind. What has happened now is that the World Bank announced last week that they have revised their GDP figures from 2021 onward, and in those revisions they have found that Russia had already surpassed Japan even as far back as 2021, and has continued pulling ahead up to now. And in fact, Russia is now increasingly pulling ahead of Germany, leaving it in the dust at 6.45t vs. 5.9t. Not to mention that India’s figure is 10.9t, with Russia having only 1/10th the population of India yet more than half of its economic power. What’s more is that official sources report Russia has a ~40% gray economy which cannot be accounted for, virtually the highest in the world. The other day, the World Bank published a report on the shadow economy by country, according to which it accounts for about 5% of total GDP in Japan, 8% in America, and as much as 39% in our country, Russia. The shadow economy index in Russia is one of the highest in the world, almost 84% higher than the global average. Only Ukraine (46% of GDP, or UAH 1.1 trillion), Nigeria (48% of GDP) and Azerbaijan (67% of GDP) have a larger economy in the shadow. In fifth place is Sri Lanka with an indicator of 38%.
by Simplicius
The Guarantees
Our country came with guarantees. You’ll find them in Article IV, Section 4 of our constitution. That paragraph is aptly referred to as the Guarantee Clause. Senator Charles Sumner, during the administration of Abraham Lincoln, referred to it as the “sleeping giant in the constitution.” It’s time to waken the sleeping giant. Article IV, Section 4 requires the United States to guarantee a republican form of government in every state and to protect us from both invasions and from domestic violence. Here are the exact words: “The United States shall guarantee to every state in the union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.” (The 1868 U.S. Supreme Court case of Texas v. White held that “state” refers to the people. The people are owed these guarantees.) In fact, from 1945 to the present day, almost no effort was made to safeguard the people. We were betrayed on all three items in Article IV, Section 4. Concerning protection from invasions, we live in the shadow of nuclear annihilation because the United State failed to give up control over atomic weapons to an international agency in 1945. As a result, our country brought about a thoroughly unnecessary nuclear arms race. At the end of WWII, our ally, the Soviet Union was exhausted and had no intention of conquering the world by military force, as falsely asserted by President Truman. And when the Soviet Union disbanded in 1991, it was no threat whatsoever. Yet, at present, while thousands of missiles with nuclear warheads are aimed at the American people, the United States is carrying out military threats and initiatives against Russia, China, and North Korea—countries that possess nuclear weapons.
by Michael Diamond
One Of The US’s Numerous Irreconcilable Contradictions… (3:49)
Mind-blowing that in a country that goes berserk at the slightest sign of interference, most members of Congress have an “AIPAC baby-sitter” guiding policy in favor of Israel.
US Justifies Zionist “Collateral Damage” Massacre In Nuseirat Camp, Gaza
The US joins the Zionist operation to further slaughter Palestinians on the pretext of a hostage rescue.
According to local sources – “the Israeli occupation forces resorted to various ploys, including the use of humanitarian aid trucks and furniture moving lorries, to infiltrate into the Nuseirat refugee camp and perpetrate their heinous carnage in the central part of the besieged Gaza Strip, according to reports.” Many independent sources confirmed that American forces, along with Israeli occupation forces, infiltrated the camp using humanitarian camouflage, hiding in a truck that came from the American floating pier, allegedly intended for humanitarian purposes. The Israeli occupation offensive in the Al-Nuseirat refugee camp yesterday led to the slaughter of an estimated 274 civilians, doubtless the majority will be children, and the injury of 600 plus more, many of whom will perish due to lack of medical facilities and care in the battered, bleeding enclave. According to Resistance factions the brutal operation also led to the deaths of three Israeli detainees including one US dual passport holder. Will Biden be held accountable for the Zionist murder of an American citizen with US bombs, shells? To what extent did US military and intelligence faciliate this murder and the mass murder of brutalised Palestinian refugees.
by Vanessa Beeley
When All Crimes Are Those Against The State
Do not encroach against others or their property.”
The above principle is a simple one, yet it’s the basis for all criminal law. In turn, criminal law is the basis for Common Law, the legal system for English-speaking peoples and much of the rest of the world. The idea is a simple one: If party A aggresses against party B, party B is entitled under the law to restitution or compensation to be paid by party A to party B. Well, that seems straightforward enough. But at some point along the way, two fundamental changes have been made that don’t reflect the original principle. First, convicted offenders started to be ordered by the court to pay the court as punishment. Of course, the offense was not against the court, but the government of the day wanted to get in on the action. Surely, if a crime against a given party had been committed, the state was entitled to dip its beak, so to speak. Over time, fines payable to the state became the norm. And for those who couldn’t pay the state, jail time. Along the way, another extension to the concept came into use: victimless crimes. Increasingly, laws were passed by governments to make actions unlawful when there was no harm to an individual or his property. To wit: Recently, the State of Michigan passed law HB4474, against “hate crime” – any perceived slight against another person, verbal or otherwise. The law recognizes such disparate slurs as those critical of gender identity, religion, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, or even affiliation with a group. Incredibly, the law extends as far as the outlawing of unacceptable pronouns. The punishment is imprisonment of up to two years, a fine of $5,000, or both. Clearly, this is a victimless crime, since no physical damage has taken place. And, to exacerbate the lack of logic, the fine is to be paid to the state, not the “injured party.”
by Jeff Thomas
Yemen’s Houthi Forces Warn All Us Bases In Region Now Within Missile Range
Major General Bakil Saleh Al-Wahbi, commander of the Al-Wahbi Brigades affiliated with the Houthis, confirmed that the Yemeni armed forces have delivered unexpected and painful blows to the US military, particularly the recent targeting of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. He stated: “All American bases in the region and their naval fleets have now, by the grace of God, become within the range of our missiles.” In a statement to the Yemeni Press Agency, Major General Al-Wahbi explained that Yemen is witnessing rapid advancements in lethal military manufacturing. He pointed out that the recently unveiled locally-made missile “Palestine” is a small part of the missile arsenal and drones produced, which have reached the port of Haifa in the Mediterranean Sea, covering more than 3,000 kilometres. Al-Wahbi said the Yemeni forces’ goal of producing intercontinental missiles capable of reaching deep into US territory. He asserted that the Pentagon, more than 13,000 kilometres away from Sana’a, should be aware of Yemen’s ambitions. The comments come as the Houthis claimed to have targeted a British destroyer in the Red Sea and two ships in the Arabian Sea. Military spokesman Brigadier-General Yahya Saree stated that fighters attacked the British destroyer Diamond in the Red Sea with ballistic missiles “in response to the Israeli attack on the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.”
ACH (2365) I’m Talking To YOU #122 – George Orwell’s 1984 Was Published 75 Years Ago Today (Audio 29:48)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on June 8, 2024, Andy presents a show entitled, “George Orwell’s 1984 Was Published 75 Years Ago Today.”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is a largely unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his weekday shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
64 Children, 57 Women, 37 Elderly, 3 Hostages Killed In Israel’s Nuseirat Attack – Day 247
Saturday’s attack on Nuseirat in central Gaza: horrific stories of terror and destruction; war crime; Biden administration culpability; US assistance in attack makes US a party, places U.S. forces at risk; 85% of Jewish Americans say it’s important for the US to continue to support Israel; holocaust miniseries; more.
Staggering number of children killed in Israel’s Nuseirat attack. Among the 274 dead from Israel’s army incursion are at least 64 children, 57 women, and 37 elderly people, Gaza’s health ministry says. Another 798 Palestinians were wounded in the Israeli raid. The Palestinian death toll is the worst over a 24-hour period of the Gaza war for months. Reuters reports: Hamas’ armed al-Qassam Brigades said in a video posted on its Telegram channel on Sunday that three hostages were killed, including a U.S. citizen, in an Israeli military operation on Saturday in which some hostages were freed. The group did not release the names of those said to be killed, but the video showed what appeared to be three unidentifiable corpses using censor bars over their faces. “Your captives will not be released unless our prisoners are freed,” the video added. Two witnesses have told Al Jazeera how a unit of Israeli soldiers arrived in a truck carrying furniture to apparently appear as if they were displaced Palestinians moving into a residential building in the Nuseirat refugee camp. “They arrived in an undercover truck, pretending to be moving furniture as if they were displaced individuals,” one witness said. “They bombed my house, as well as my brother’s and the neighbors’.”
by Israel-Palestine News
Earth To Be Demolished To Make Way For Holocaust Museum
The Intergalactic Holocaust Remembrance Committee (IHRC) has announced that Earth will be demolished next Tuesday at 11 a.m. to make way for the construction of a new Intergalactic Holocaust Museum. Prostetnic Vogonowitcz Jeltzstein, president of the IHRC and de facto ruler of the universe, announced the news in a message simultaneously broadcast to every audio device on Earth: “This is Prostetnic Vogonowitcz Jeltzstein of the Intergalactic Holocaust Remembrance Committee. As you will no doubt be aware, the plans for development of the outlying regions of the Galaxy require the building of Holocaust museums throughout your star system. And regrettably, your planet is one of those scheduled for demolition. The process will take slightly less than two of your Earth minutes. Thank you.” The IHRC has been building Holocaust museums throughout the galaxy and beyond in an effort to ensure that nobody anywhere in the entire universe ever ever ever forgets the Holocaust. And after next Tuesday, nobody on Earth will forget the Holocaust, because nobody will be on Earth, nor will there be any Earth for them to be on.
by Kevin Barrett
Financial Nihilism And The Collapsing American Dream
Following the conventional path is a deadend. It isn’t easy to carve a path outside the well-worn pathways of debt servitude, but it is possible.
America has become a nation bifurcated into haves and have-nots, and this is generating large-scale, enduring economic, social and political consequences. In a nutshell, older generations who bought homes and other assets at low prices decades ago have benefited enormously as credit-asset bubbles have pushed the value of these assets to the moon. These generations are wealthy not from any boost in national productivity–they’re wealthy simply because they happened to buy assets in the early stages of a multi-generational bubble. Younger generations are experiencing a double-whammy: they’re priced out of homes and other assets and they’re being crushed by the stagflation that comes with credit-asset bubbles: now that the deflationary impact of globalization has faded, the super-low interest rates of ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) and vast expansions of credit and currency have finally generated embedded inflation and suppressed the only real engine of stable prosperity, increasing productivity.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Jewish Revenge On Germans (8:42)
After World War II, many Jews sought revenge against Germans, particularly National Socialists (NS) who had evaded capture. A secret unit within the Jewish Brigade, called “Gmul”, was formed to hunt down and kill senior NS officials. However, this illegal activity was eventually shut down by the British authorities. Extra-judicial assassination is morally and legally reprehensible, as it violates human rights and perpetuates systemic injustices. It lacks accountability, can lead to wrongful killings, and undermines the rule of law. Those who engage in murder need to be held accountable and brought to justice – even Jews. This is crucial for maintaining social order, protecting human rights, and promoting fairness and equality. ~ Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney
by AurigaBooks
My Nuseirat
I was born in the Nuseirat refugee camp and it made me who I am. The Nuseirat massacre will not be the last in Gaza, but like all massacres committed by colonialists, it will be a signpost in our long walk to freedom that will not be forgotten.
I was born in the Nuseirat refugee camp; all my siblings were born there too. My father, together with my sister and brother, are buried in two of its cemeteries. Almost the entire Eid clan still lives there, and those butchered by genocidal Israel’s killing machine are buried there. Hundreds of my students are from there. I know almost every single street of the camp; I am familiar with the faces of its residents, all of whom are refugees from towns and villages erased by apartheid Israel in 1948. Nuseirat, one of Gaza’s eight refugee camps, has become a major component of my national and class consciousness, a place of both destitution and revolution. In the early 1970s, I was a small child when I heard of the clashes between the fida’iyyin, our supermen, and the Zionist “villains.” Stories of heroism and martyrdom in defense of the camp and a lost country called Falasteen were discussed by family, relatives, neighbors, and friends — all refugees from the south of the “Land of Sad Oranges,” as referred to by our intellectual giant, Ghassan Kanafani. A connection was created by the village of Zarnouqa, from which my parents were expelled by Zionist thugs together with thousands of other villagers in 1948, and Nuseirat.
by Haidar Eid
The Enduring Legacy Of A Great Man: Charles de Gaulle
No figure of modern French history is as honored as Charles de Gaulle … In 1940 he refused to accept his country’s defeat by Germany, and from London he founded and led the pro-Allied “Free French” force during World War II. From 1944 to 1946 he headed the provisional government of France. In 1958 he was called from retirement by popular acclaim to resolve the seemingly unsolvable crisis over Algeria … During the years that he dominated his country’s political life – 1958-1969 – he charted an independent foreign policy, tied neither to the US nor the USSR, and strove to make France the preeminent nation in Europe … It’s impossible to read any lengthy biography of this man without admiration for his audacious self-confidence, courage, determination, and cunning.
by Mark Weber
June 10, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Why Is There No Record Of Ancient Humans? (12:49)
by Randall Carlson
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Randall Carlson
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Quote Of The Day
“I have, therefore, chosen this time and this place to discuss a topic
on which ignorance too often abounds and the truth is too rarely perceived-
yet it is the most important topic on earth: world peace.
What kind of peace do I mean?
What kind of peace do we seek?
Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war.
Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave.
I am talking about genuine peace,
the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living,
the kind that enables men and nations to grow
and to hope and to build a better life for their children-
not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women-
not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.”
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, June 10, 1963
Peace Speech by President John F. Kennedy, June 10, 1963 (27:06)
For me, this is greatest speech any United States President ever gave.
President Kennedy mentions the word peace 47 times, and peaceful 2 times.
Commencement Address At American University (Peace Speech) (Text)
Washington, D.C., June 10, 1963
by President John F. Kennedy
Website Of The Day
The JFK Library
The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is dedicated to the memory of our nation’s thirty-fifth president and to all those who through the art of politics seek a new and better world. Located on a ten-acre park, overlooking the sea that he loved and the city that launched him to greatness, the Library stands as a vibrant tribute to the life and times of John F. Kennedy. Come tour our Museum which portrays the life, leadership, and legacy of President Kennedy, conveys his enthusiasm for politics and public service, and illustrates the nature of the office of the President. Students and scholars can also arrange to conduct research using our collection of historical materials chronicling mid-20th century politics and the life and administration of John F. Kennedy.
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“Transhumanism: The End Game” (12:17)
by Laura Aboli
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Droning Russia’s Nuke Radars Is The Dumbest Thing Ukraine [Britain] Can Do
Attacks on the early warning system actually highlights the fragility of peace between the world’s nuclear powers
For a fleeting moment on May 22 the world may have come closer to a catastrophic nuclear accident due to a reckless Ukrainian drone attack on two Russian strategic nuclear early warning radars at Armavir. Fortunately, a subsequent Ukranian [Britain] drone attack on a third radar station at Orsk in Russia on May 26 failed. The incidents underscore a few important things. First, the Ukrainians could have needlessly sparked a crisis in which the Russians, feeling like one of their defenses against a U.S. nuclear attack, were down, struck back hard in retaliation. And second, it highlights the need for Russians to acquire comprehensive space-based nuclear radar of their own. What happened and what it means. The Ukrainian attack at Armavir was a big deal. It shut down both Russian radars immediately. And it’s likely that within minutes of the attack, an emergency meeting took place with the commander of the Russian strategic rocket forces along with his highest-level officers. The attacks should not be taken lightly, and President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken should be giving this special attention. Even after decades of expensive Russian attempts to build a space-based early warning system that could provide global surveillance of U.S. submarine missile launches, Russia has been unable to marshal the extremely specialized high-technologies needed to build such a system.
by Theodore Postol
Tucker Carlson Interviews Representative Thomas Massie (2:09:39)
On The 75th Anniversary Of Orwell’s ‘1984’, Five Predictions From The Book That Came True
Big Brother Watch on the case
75 years ago, George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’ was published. In the book, writing became the ultimate act of subversion and we started to see that happening in real life during the pandemic. Fortunately, enough people fought back and a few places, such as Substack, remained where we could express our opinions. Professor Jean Seaton, Director of The Orwell Foundation, said: “In Nineteen Eighty-Four, Orwell posed the most terrifying of all questions: could people be brought to really believe (rather than merely pretend to believe) the lies they are told? Seventy-Five years later we are at the start of a roller-coaster experiment with our minds as we battle, rather feebly, to manage the information technologies that already do much to control us and our societies, alongside the resurgence of authoritarianism”. The pandemic certainly showed us that people could be brought to really believe the lies that they were told. Big Brother Watch, a non-party British civil liberties and privacy campaigning organisation, does a stellar job at holding authorities to account. To celebrate ‘1984’s birthday they have produced a list of five predictions, that Orwell made, that seem all too familiar today.
by The Naked Emperor
Israel Murders 210 Palestinians And Rescues 4 Captives With US Backing
As the war in Gaza entered its ninth month, Israeli forces finally managed to free four of its some 130 captives held in the besieged coastal territory, and during the process massacred over 200 Palestinian civilians. Praising the operation as a “daring” achievement, the US government didn’t bother to mention the simultaneous massacre, as it appears that the temporary “humanitarian aid” pier constructed by the American military was just exploited for military purposes. What Just Happened? Touted as a major victory by the Israeli regime, on Saturday special forces soldiers reportedly disguised themselves in civilian clothing and were driving a humanitarian aid truck in order to infiltrate the Nuseirat area in central Gaza. Shortly after entering the densely populated civilian area, close to a street market and inhabited buildings, the Israeli forces were discovered by Hamas fighters from its armed wing, the Qassam Brigades, who ambushed them. Israel then used warships, attack helicopters, drones, fighter jets, and sent in military re-enforcements on the ground
by Robert Inlakesh
American Troops Protecting Opium-Heroin Production (4:53)
End-Times, End-World
For God’s own view of these two Testaments,
In Romans read how Paul saw the events.
It belongs to the Wisdom of God to leave us human beings ignorant of His exact calendar or programme for the events leading up to the end of the world, but in the most immediate of those events all of us are involved, and it is not forbidden to speculate about them. On the contrary, for the saving of my soul it may be prudent to think about what Almighty God has in mind, in order to avoid certain major errors. For instance, God may guide us human beings to do what He wants, but He will never take away our free-will for us to do it, and that is why a Golden Age of one thousand years between now and the end of the world is impossible – for it to last, He would have to be constantly nullifying men’s choices. Luther (1483–1546) knew that he was destroying Christendom. It took him 450 years until Vatican II, so to speak (1517–1965), but by the end of that time men had grown steadily more corrupt. There may now be a short Golden Age such as the Triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, but it cannot last long. At La Salette in 1846 Our Lady said that just 25 years of good harvests would see sin coming back, i.e. the close of the Golden Age and the beginning of the descent to the Antichrist. Millennarism, a supposed 1000-year Golden Age before the end of the world, is an error condemned by the Church.
by Bishop Richard N. Williamsom
Israel Can’t Win All Out War Against Lebanon’s Hezbollah: Here’s Why
Israel’s embattled prime minister has dropped hints that he doesn’t feel he has enough on his plate with the faltering war in Gaza and protests inside his own country demanding his resignation, threatening to expand the Gaza conflict into Lebanon against Hezbollah. A leading Lebanese political observer tells Sputnik why that’s a very bad idea. Israel is “prepared for an extremely powerful action in the north” against Hezbollah, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Wednesday, citing the recent dramatic escalation of cross-border skirmishes, which have included Hezbollah drone attacks inside Israel and the shootdown of a heavy Israeli drone over Lebanese airspace last week. “Anyone who thinks that they can harm us and that we will sit on our hands is sorely mistaken,” Netanyahu warned, speaking to media in the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Shmona, which has been evacuated of most of its civilian population amid the fighting.
by Ilya Tsukanov
Forbidden Technologies And The Silencing Of Their Inventors (39:35)
by Universe Inside You
Maybe We Need A New Government Surveillance Program…
Time To Turn the Cameras Around
Technology is a tool and a weapon. It may enhance and empower or disempower and enslave. A simple hammer can be a tool to construct a house or a weapon to bludgeon a man’s skull. As technology enhances, optimally, it would enhance the human condition. There is a delicate balancing between technological advancement and the wisdom to manage that advancement without causing destruction. Unfortunately, the wisdom to manage technological advancement often lags behind. We are continuously told that there needs to be a balance between freedom and security. This of course is a false narrative, as once there is no freedom, there will be no security. If we examine what has been done in the name of security, it is astounding. Our conversations are listened to and stored in databases, every keystroke on our keyboards is recorded, there are cameras on street corners, and the list goes on. All of this is in the name of security. The post 911 security state is something out of George Orwell’s 1984 where big brother is always watching you. It is clear that if you induce enough fear and hate, coupled with enough drugs and entertainment, people will willingly give up their liberty for a false sense of security. The result, of course, is that they will end up with neither. So why am I suggesting we need a new government surveillance program?
by Dr. Joseph Sansone
Has A New “Golden Triangle” Emerged To Keep American And Israeli Zionist Aggression In Check?
Much of the news in the alternative media the past few days has been very apocalyptic, suggesting that we are on the brink of an escalation of world conflicts into a nuclear conflict with Russia. And yet, as easy as it is to cover both sides of any current geopolitical issue by simply reading the English news sites published by all countries currently involved in conflicts around the world, it seems as if few bother to do so, and simply regurgitate a narrative that is the most popular among their readers and entices the most clicks. Is Russia really about to escalate their conflict with NATO into a full blown nuclear war? Not according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who addressed the issue when he met with the heads of the world’s major news agencies in Russia yesterday, and reportedly stated: “Look, someone has imagined that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you gone completely insane? Are you as thick as this table? Who came up with this nonsense, this bulls**t?” I know that most Americans will object at this point and state that Putin’s words cannot be trusted, and while I do not disagree with that, there is plenty of other evidence to look at, which I will present in this article today, to suggest that Putin is not lying when he says Russia has no desire to take on NATO. What are the Chances of an Attack on the U.S. Mainland?
by Brian Shilhavy
Male Practice
by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn; A Free Unbekoming Book Summary
If you read Confessions of a Medical Heretic, you already know that I despise the institution of Modern Medicine, which I have been battling quietly for nearly thirty years. In that book I tried to reveal the insidious and often lethal ritual of medical practice in the United States and to alert my readers to the ways in which today’s doctors fail their patients and abuse the trust that is placed in them. When I had finished I thought, “That’s that. I got it off my chest, and I’ll never have to write a book again.” After Confessions was published, I discovered one of the side effects of authorship-a rash of invitations to appear on the lecture circuit and on radio and television shows. I toured the country for weeks, giving interviews and answering questions posed by studio audiences and listeners who called in on the phone. Often I found myself a dismayed but sympathetic listener as they related their own tragic experiences at the hands of doctors they thought they could trust. It took only a few sessions with Phil Donahue and other talk show hosts for me to realize that Confessions had merely exposed the tip of the iceberg as far as medical excesses, incompetence, and abuse are concerned. Many of the programs on which I appeared were directed specifically toward women. Those audiences confirmed with stark and shocking clarity something I had long suspected, but had not really focused on before: Although medical and surgical overkill are routinely inflicted on all Americans, its primary victims are women.
by Unbekoming
The American College Of Pediatricians Just Put Out A Statement Calling Out All The Major Medical Associations By Name For Pushing The Gender Transition Craze On Kids. (2:16)
Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0
In the opening days of this year’s St Petersburg International Economic Forum, there were a number of signs that the Kremlin is taking a much tougher line in its relations with the West than hitherto in response to the war mongering rhetoric that has come out of Western Europe in the past week. France, the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States had publicly stated that the weapons they have supplied to Ukraine can be used as the Kievan authorities see fit, meaning that attacks on the Russian heartland with long range missiles coming from their factories and programmed by their specialists are permitted. Meanwhile, in the run-up to the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landing commemorative activities in France yesterday, Emanuel Macron had done his very best to enrage the Kremlin by excluding Russians from the ceremonies and instead by warmly embracing the defender of the Bandera Nazi collaborators, President of Ukraine Zelensky. Macron compounded the insult to Russia by announcing that he will send Mirage 2005 all-purpose fighter jets to Ukraine before year’s end and that Ukrainian pilots are now in training in France.
by Gilbert Doctorow
A Landmark Victory For Physicians And Patients – And The First Amendment – In AAPS v. ABIM
Appellate Decision Sides with Physicians Rights to Free Speech
The Fifth Circuit also invalidated Galveston Local Rule 6, by which that federal district court has infringed on plaintiffs’ right to amend their lawsuits. The Fifth Circuit agreed with AAPS that this district court rule is contrary to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and thus must be voided. “AAPS can now pursue its claim against censorship by the Biden Administration,” AAPS Executive Director Jane Orient, M.D., stated. Fifth Circuit Judge James Ho agreed with the panel majority on the key issues and wrote separately to decry attempts by some today to impose censorship on others. “In America, we don’t fear disagreement—we embrace it. We persuade—we don’t punish. We engage in conversation—not cancellation,” Judge Ho wrote. “We know how to disagree with one another without destroying one another. Or at least that’s how it’s supposed to work,” Judge Ho added as he sided fully with this lawsuit against censorship. The precedent-setting ruling in favor of the First Amendment was issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. This influential Court established the right to object in court to censorship of physicians’ speech on topics ranging from government Covid policies to abortion. AAPS General Counsel Andrew Schlafly should be congratulated for this stalwart effort in defense of our civil liberties.
by Peter A. McCullough, MD
The Age Of Autism: The Amish Anomaly (Parts 1 and 2)
Where are the autistic Amish? Here in Lancaster County, heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country, there should be well over 100 with some form of the disorder. I have come here to find them, but so far my mission has failed, and the very few I have identified raise some very interesting questions about some widely held views on autism. The mainstream scientific consensus says autism is a complex genetic disorder, one that has been around for millennia at roughly the same prevalence. That prevalence is now considered to be 1 in every 166 children born in the United States. Applying that model to Lancaster County, there ought to be 130 Amish men, women and children here with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Well over 100, in rough terms. Typically, half would harbor milder variants such as Asperger’s Disorder or the catch-all Pervasive Development Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified — PDD-NOS for short. So let’s drop those from our calculation, even though “mild” is a relative term when it comes to autism. That means upwards of 50 Amish people of all ages should be living in Lancaster County with full-syndrome autism, the “classic autism” first described in 1943 by child psychiatrist Leo Kanner at Johns Hopkins University. So far, from sources inside and outside the Amish community, I have identified three Amish residents of Lancaster County who apparently have full-syndrome autism, all of them children. A local woman told me there is one classroom with about 30 “special-needs” Amish children. In that classroom, there is one autistic Amish child. Another autistic Amish child does not go to school. The third is that woman’s pre-school-age daughter. If there were more, she said, she would know it.
by Dan Olmsted, April 19, 2005
Can The USA Again Be Our Home? Part I (12:53)
The United States is now the opposite of the country the Founders wanted.
by American Renaissance
The President Who Doomed America
General Hull and the Death of American Accountability
Who was the worst president in US history? Many would argue Biden’s driving America to ruin, some might point to Trump’s continued employment of Dr. Fauci as the ultimate cause of lockdowns and Vax Mandates… Other’s might say Obama, or Bush started the real death spiral to decline… Wilson and FDR set the stage for countless that might have been avoided Truman let the secret of the Atomic Bomb slip and the risk of total thermonuclear war enter the world… Lincoln! Killed more Americans than any other president in history. But I have another candidate: James Madison. The man who permanently made US government employees unaccountable. 2 months into The War of 1812 the Americans had a commanding position. They had multiple forts on the Canadian Frontier, pressuring Upper Canada (Ontario) both across the Niagara river from upstate New York, a presence along the St Lawrence river across the from Kingston, A fort at Detroit, and a commanding naval presence on Lake Ontario and Lake Erie… And almost all the positions enjoyed superior numbers. Then they immediately lost Fort Detroit, its 2500 men, and a brig… all while inflicting paltry casualties on the enemy of……….. Two. Not two hundred. No typo. Two. Wounded. The British commander Isaac Brock had achieved the most incredible military victory in the history of North America, and almost no one has heard of it because it is still so embarrassing.
by Kulak
Israel’s Use Of Rape Against Palestinian Detainees From Gaza Exposed
A shocking three-month investigation by the New York Times has revealed gruesome details of abuse, torture and mistreatment of Palestinians held at Israel’s Sde Teiman detention facility. The exposé, based on interviews with former detainees, Israeli military officers, doctors and soldiers who served at the site, paints a harrowing picture of the conditions endured by the roughly 4,000 Palestinian detainees who have passed through the facility since 7 October. Sde Teiman, an army base in southern Israel, has become a makeshift interrogation site where most Gazans captured by the occupation army have been brought for initial questioning. Detainees, classified as “unlawful combatants” under Israeli legislation, can be held for up to 75 days without judicial permission and 90 days without access to a lawyer or a trial. Their location is withheld from rights groups and even the International Committee of the Red Cross, in what legal experts say contravenes international law. Former detainees described a litany of abuses at the hands of their captors, including beatings, electric shocks, humiliating treatment and rape. Eight former detainees, whose detention at the site has been confirmed by the military, reported being punched, kicked, and beaten with batons, rifle butts, and a hand-held metal detector while in custody.
Hezbollah Air Defenses Force Israeli Jets To Turn Tail
Thursday’s operation marked Hezbollah’s first confirmation of its ability to target Israeli fighter jets
Hezbollah announced in a statement on 6 June that it targeted Israeli warplanes over the south of Lebanon, forcing them to withdraw to their airspace. The statement marked the Lebanese resistance group’s first acknowledgment that it possesses the ability to confront Israeli fighter jets, something which observers have speculated about for years. “In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honorable resistance, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance fired air defense missiles at enemy warplanes that were attacking our skies and broke the sound barrier [sonic boom] in an attempt to terrify children, forcing them to retreat to behind the borders,” Hezbollah’s statement read. It did not elaborate further on the air defense weaponry. The resistance group carried out several more attacks that day, including a Burkan missile attack on Israel’s Al-Baghdadi site. Throughout the course of this war, Hezbollah has demonstrated its ability to down advanced Israeli drones flying over the south of Lebanon to carry out attacks. Several Hermes drones, made by Israeli weapons manufacturer Elbit Systems and worth several million a piece, have been shot down by Hezbollah in recent months.
by News Desk
IDF Targets UN School In Gaza Without Any Warning (4:13)
The school, run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), was hit by Israeli forces in Gaza without any prior warning. The air attack has reportedly killed at least 40 people.
by RT
Academia Is Only As Free As Powerful [Jewish] Donors Allow It To Be
Two prestigious law reviews censor Palestinian scholar for proposing a legal framework that ties the Gaza genocide to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948
Anyone who imagines there is something resembling academic freedom in the US, or elsewhere in the West for that matter, needs to read this article in the Intercept on an extraordinary – or possibly not so extraordinary – episode of censorship of a Palestinian academic. It shows how donors are the ones really pulling the strings in our academic institutions. Here’s what happened: The prestigious Harvard Law Review was due to publish its first-ever essay by a Palestinian legal scholar late last year, shortly after Hamas’ October 7 attack in Israel. Hurrah (finally) for academic freedom! However, the essay, which sought to establish a new legal concept of the Nakba – the mass expulsion of Palestinian civilians from their homeland in 1948 to create what would become the self-defined Jewish state of Israel – was pulled at the last moment, despite the fact the editors had subjected it to intense editorial checks and scrutiny. The Harvard Review got cold feet – presumably because of the certainty the essay would offend many of the university’s donors and create a political backlash.
by Jonathan Cook
Worst States To Be A Gun Owner (2024 Updated)
Does your state support your 2nd Amendment rights or make it exceedingly difficult to keep and bear arms? We’ve ranked the worst states to be a gun owner below. How? By analyzing each state’s current laws, upcoming laws, concealed carry guidelines, self-defense statutes, and 2A-centric taxes in order to identify the worst states for gun owners in 2024. Report Highlights: Hawaii is the #1 worst state for gun owners due to strict purchasing and carry laws, as well as defying the Supreme Court on the individual’s right to carry. California is the #2 worst state for gun owners due to its permit-to-purchase and reciprocity laws. New York, Illinois, and New Jersey take the #3, #4, and #5 spot in our list of worst states for gun ownership due to strict purchasing and carrying requirements. North Carolina, Maine, and Ohio fall into spots #25, #24, and #23 due to new restrictive legislation with some relaxed carry laws. Some states rank lower than others due to excessive infringements, additional taxes, and the current Governor’s 2A statements. State and local laws defining Stand Your Ground vs. Duty to Retreat vary and should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
by Cassandra McBride
14 Rarely Shown Photographs Of President Kennedy’s Funeral
by Milwaukee Journal Photographers
Forbidden Technologies And The Silencing Of Their Inventors (39:35)
by Universe Inside You
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USS Liberty
by Mark R. Elsis
A Violent Insane Asylum
by Mark R. Elsis
Tucker Carlson Interviews Representative Thomas Massie (2:09:39)
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Thomas Massie
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Quote Of The Day
“The ship was clearly identified, not only by its unique configuration but by a very large U.S. flag that was flown at the time. The weather was calm and the visibility was excellent. During this unprovoked attack 34 U.S. Navy men were killed and 171 wounded. Nevertheless, to this day the American public does not know why the attack took place and who was involved overall. “In my opinion, the United States government and the Israeli government must share responsibility for this cover-up. I cannot accept the claim by the Israelis that this was a case of mistaken identity. I have flown for years in both peace and war on surveillance flights over the ocean, and my opinion is supported by a full career of locating and identifying ships at sea. Based on the way this tragedy was handled both in the United States and in Israel, one must conclude that there is much information that has not been made available to the public. “The U.S. Fleet, positioned nearby, received a distress call from the USS Liberty, and one carrier dispatched a squadron to go to the defense of the disabled ship. Before the aircraft reached the Liberty, they received orders from Washington directing their return to their ship. Who issued those orders? So far, no one knows. In the United States all information available to the U.S. government indicating those who participated in controlling this operation from Washington, together with the exact text of orders transmitted to the Mediterranean Fleet, has never been made public.”
Thomas H. Moorer, Admiral, US Navy (Retired)
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USS Liberty Archive With 48 Posts
USS Liberty
The USS Liberty was repeatedly attacked while in international waters by Israeli air and naval forces on June 8, 1967. The horrific result of this unprovoked attack by the Jewish state was that 34 Americans were murdered, and 174 were wounded. Then there was a complete cover-up of this premeditated mass murder, and for the first time in our history, there wasn’t any retaliation against Israel for committing this act of war. And people naively still think we aren’t owned by these deadly parasites.
by Mark R. Elsis
A Violent Insane Asylum
With the assassination of Bobby Kennedy the uneasy feeling that had been manifesting in my young brain since November 22, 1963, was now raging while mourning. I was devastated. There was a deep sadness over the next two days, then the funeral at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, but what really got to me was the 225-mile funeral train footage that I saw again and again on television. While in a state of disbelief late in the evening on June 8, 1968, the thought first came to me, I’m living in a violent insane asylum. I was exactly ten years and five months old.
by Mark R. Elsis
Robert Francis Kennedy Funeral Train June 8, 1968 (3:17)
June 7, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
From Banks To Big Brother (15:59)
by Tenth Amendment Center
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Quote Of The Day
“We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands.
Woe be unto us if they see the futility of it, lay down the pen and take up the sword.
We will never be deposed by words, only force.”
Harold Wallace Rosenthal
The Hidden Tyranny – Harold Wallace Rosenthal (1976 Interview) (1:56:50)
Full Text Of The Hidden Tyranny – Harold Wallace Rosenthal
“Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.”
Website Of The Day
The Chapwood Index
The Chapwood Index reflects the true cost-of-living increase in America.
Updated and released twice a year, it reports the unadjusted actual cost and price fluctuation of
the top 150 items on which Americans spend their after-tax dollars in the 50 largest cities in the nation.
Links to hundreds of independent websites.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
New World Order Archive With 1,825 Posts
Supporting Genocide To Halt Multipolarity
The Hegemon is calculating for a World War to halt multipolarity. It supports Israel’s Gaza genocide as a necessary evil to win hard in West Asia, figuring who’s going to care once the war goes global?
The St Petersburg Economic Forum (SPIEF) takes place this week. It’s one of the go-to annual meetings across Eurasia. The overall theme in 2024 is “multipolarity,” quite fitting considering this is the year of the Russian presidency of BRICS. The BRICS summit next October in Kazan will be crucial in drawing the contours of the road map towards multipolarity going forward. Ay, there’s the rub. Taking us to arguably the key question facing the Global Majority: How can we afford to dream about multipolarity when we are plunged into The Unthinkable, reduced to the role of mere spectators, watching a genocide broadcast 24/7 on every smartphone on the planet? The – avowedly imperfect – International Court of Justice (ICJ) at least ordered the biblical genocidals to stop bombing Rafah. Israel’s response? They bombed Rafah. Worse, they burned children alive in refugee tents. With American missiles. And the genocide will continue at least until the end of this multipolar year, as boasted by Israeli intel. The Global Majority at least clearly sees how the “rules-based international order” works. Yet that’s not much of a comfort. The ICJ order to stop the carnage in Rafah, plus the ICC drive to seek warrants for the arrest of top Israeli leaders for serial war crimes in Gaza, predictably sent the Israel–US joined at-the-hip combo into a hysterical frenzy.
by Pepe Escobar
Johnson And Schumer Invite War Criminal And Mass Murderer To Address Congress
Mark this most recent event as yet another piece of evidence that Israel literally owns the U.S. Congress. Netanyahu accepts Congress’ invitation to speak despite blowback. Tensions have been mounting in recent weeks after Speaker Mike Johnson announced his plan to invite Netanyahu to address Congress. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday accepted an invitation from congressional leaders to address a joint session, a decision that has sparked tension within the Democratic Party over Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza. In a post to X, formerly known as Twitter, Netanyahu wrote that he was looking forward to the opportunity to “present the truth” to Congress about the “just war” that Israel has been waging in Gaza since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, when 1,200 Israelis were killed and 240 others were taken hostage. In the months following Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip, at least 35,000 Palestinians have been killed, according to Palestinian health authorities, while millions of others have fled from their homes. “I am very moved to have the privilege of representing Israel before both Houses of Congress and to present the truth about our just war against those who seek to destroy us to the representatives of the American people and the entire world,” Netanyahu wrote. Tensions have been mounting in recent weeks after Speaker Mike Johnson announced his plan to invite Netanyahu to address Congress. The Democratic Party has splintered over U.S. support for Israel in its ongoing war in Gaza, particularly after recent strikes in a designated safe zone for Palestinians in the southern city of Rafah that reportedly killed at least 45 people.
by Chuck Baldwin
“It’s Going To Get Ugly” (12:55)
by Neil Oliver
Putin Outlines Russian Response To Long-Range Strikes
(Editor’s Note: These demonic, genocidal, misanthropic, ruthless, psychopathic liars, have been poking the Bear relentlessly. Putin is calculating and highly intelligent, so the payback will be commensurate.]
Moscow is considering arming adversaries of West in “sensitive” areas
Russia is considering “asymmetric” measures against Kiev’s sponsors due to Ukraine’s use of Western-supplied weapons against its territory, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. The Russian leader’s remarks came at a meeting with heads of international news agencies on Wednesday, on the sidelines of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). “We have no illusions in this regard,” Putin added, repeating his prior comments that Ukrainian troops might be pulling the trigger but the US and its allies are providing the intelligence and targeting information. Russia will respond by boosting air defenses and destroying these missiles, Putin said. “Secondly, if someone deems it possible to supply such weapons to the war zone, to strike our territory… why shouldn’t we supply similar weapons to those regions of the world, where they will be used against sensitive sites of these countries?” the Russian president added. “We can respond asymmetrically. We will give it a thought.” If the West continues to escalate, such actions “will completely destroy international relations and undermine international security,” Putin noted. “If we see that these countries are being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in the war against Russia, then we reserve the right to act in a similar way. This is a recipe for very serious problems,” he warned.
by RT
Slovakian Prime Minister Fico’s First Speech After Surviving Assassination Attempt, Hints At Why It Happened
And the murky world of Europe and the West
A great returning speech from the Slovakian Prime Minister, Robert Fico, after the assassination attempt on 15 May 2024. After less than a month in hospital with serious injuries and repeated surgeries, Fico calmly forgives his attacker whilst describing the circumstances under which the assassination attempt happened. Worryingly, he warns of more violence if things don’t change. I recommend you read or watch the whole speech. A transcript and the video is provided below. Some key points include: He sees the attacker as a “messenger of evil and political hatred” from the opposition; He expects the opposition and media to downplay the severity of the attack; He rejects the idea that it was just an isolated act by a “lone madman”; For months, he had warned about the increasing probability of violence against government politicians in Slovakia; He believes his pro-sovereignty stance on issues like the Ukraine war that goes against the “single correct opinion” promoted by major Western powers angered the opposition…
by The Naked Emperor
The Biggest Lies We Are Told (5:22)
by Red Ice TV
Potential US Tactical Nuke Deployment In Asia-Pacific Could Bring Catastrophic Fallout – Expert
The director of the Knowfar Institute for Strategic and Defense Studies, Li Jian, provided insight regarding the potential deployment of US tactical nuclear weapons in the western Pacific Ocean in an interview with Sputnik.
“The question of US nuclear weapon deployment has a long history,” Jian told Sputnik, highlighting advancements in US tactical nuclear capabilities, such as the B61-12 bomb, and the completion of testing for various aircraft models. “Since the US Department of Defense purchased 400 B61-12 tactical nuclear bombs, there needs to be somewhere to deploy them,” Jian emphasized. The expert outlined potential deployment sites in the western Pacific, including military bases in South Korea, Japan, Okinawa, the Philippines, and Diego Garcia island. “If tactical nuclear weapons are deployed directly in South Korea, this would become a direct factor of strategic containment against Russia’s Far East, Northern China, and North Korea,” the expert warned. Addressing concerns in Northeast Asia, Jian questions the likelihood of deployment in South Korea over Okinawa due to prevalent anti-war and anti-nuclear sentiments among the Japanese, particularly island locals. He cautioned that such actions could disrupt the regional strategic balance, exacerbate arms races, and impede nuclear non-proliferation efforts.
by Sputnik—expert-1118807951.html
Beyond Rafah: What The Zionist Entity Is Headed Toward
The tunnel systems have not been destroyed, the weapons capabilities of the Resistance remain, and the fighters have survived some of the toughest onslaughts the Israelis are capable of mustering.
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has set the invasion of Rafah as the route to a comprehensive victory against the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza. This is a lie, and the Zionist regime will not achieve its war goals, so what comes next when the Israeli public is faced with the truth? The Zionist entity launched its genocidal military campaign against the Gaza Strip, claiming that it sought to both dismantle Hamas and retrieve its captives by force. Neither was achieved in around 8 months of confrontations, despite having inflicted massive death and destruction on a scale that hasn’t been seen since the Vietnam War. Before the Israelis launched their ground incursion into the Gaza Strip, the line of propaganda was to pretend as if their unprecedented bombing campaign was going to dismantle the Palestinian Resistance’s complex web of tunnels underneath the besieged coastal territory. We heard about all the various munitions that were supposedly going to penetrate the tunnel systems and destroy the majority of them, prior to any face-to-face fighting.
by Robert Inlakesh–what-the-zionist-entity-is-headed-toward
The Covid Genocide Unravels (27:59)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Elizabeth Dilling: American Patriot
One day an awakened United States will emerge from the Jewish chrysalis. Pennsylvania Avenue will then perhaps be renamed Elizabeth Dilling Avenue. Today, slumbering in their Jewish shroud, few Americans have heard of a lady whose visage should replace the Statue of Liberty. Elizabeth Dilling (1894-1966) was a writer and publisher; she headed the Patriotic Research Bureau and was one of the leaders of the Mothers’ Crusade. The fearless investigator authored several political books emphasizing the connection between Communism and the Jews. Elizabeth Dilling was one of thirty Americans charged with insurgency in the Great Sedition Trial of 1944. Raised in Chicago, she was of English and French descent and whilst in her twenties became an avid traveller. During the summer of 1931, she joined friends on a trip to the USSR. The Soviet Union between 1917 and 1922 had been seized by Wall Street-backed revolutionary mercenaries. What she witnessed in “American”-occupied Russia horrified her. Shocked and offended by the anti-Christian attitude of the terror regime there, she documented her trip by filming what she could of the Soviet Union. She afterwards wrote about her experiences and told of “people who starved to death lying in the streets where they fell, cannibalistic views of dead mothers and babies with half-eaten bodies, and revolutionary scenes of stark horror and misery.”
by Michael Walsh
Putin Gives First Official Idea Of Russian Losses Since Start Of SMO, + More From The SPIEF
Yesterday at the official SPIEF (St. Petersburg International Economic Forum) Putin gave an extremely revealing 3-hour long open round table with foreign journalists. I will do a break down of some of the most interesting clips and soundbites, though you can see the entire important meeting here. But first let’s cover the most interesting of the revelations: The Russian MOD stopped listing official losses sometime around May of 2022, likely after it became obvious that the conflict would drag on and the losses would grow to an unsuitably painful degree. Now at the SPIEF, Putin gave the first indication since that time of Russian losses when he stated that Russia loses 1 soldier for every 5 Ukrainian ones, as well as giving an exact figure for POWs, which he states as follows: There are 1,348 #Russian soldiers and officers in captivity in #Ukraine, and 6,465 such #Ukrainian in #Russia, #Putin said. Thus, given that the 500k figure is an official Russian MOD figure which Putin presumably would not contradict, we can only assume that Russian losses are therefore 1/5 of that, which would be ~100k.
by Simplicius
Iran Strongly Rejects IAEA Allegations In New Resolution
Iran’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations has firmly rejected allegations by the IAEA against the Islamic Republic’s peaceful nuclear program. In a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the rotating president of the UN Security Council Joonkook Hwang on Thursday, Amir Saeed Iravani said Tehran’s decision to take remedial measures is in full compliance with its inherent right under Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The resolution was issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors on Wednesday. The Iranian diplomat also lambasted Britain, France and Germany – known as the E3 – for spearheading the anti-Iran resolution at the UN’s nuclear agency. Tehran, he said, “rejects all the allegations” in the E3’s letter and “reiterates its position concerning its peaceful nuclear program and the JCPOA.” Iravani said the E3 continues to level unfounded allegations against Iran for non-compliance with JCPOA commitments.
by Press TV
Adolf Hitler (1:01:41)
Chapter 15 “Such A Little Human Worm” 1937-February 1938
by John Toland
Understand The Real Meaning Of The Necessary And Proper Clause
The Necessary and Proper Clause is arguably the most misunderstood and abused clause in the Constitution. During the ratification debates, Anti-Federalists, and even one of the primary drafters of the clause, warned that the wording was ambiguous and it would be subject to abuse. As it turns out, they were correct. The clause states that Congress has the power, “To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.” It sounds simple enough on the surface until you ask the question: what is “necessary?” And what is “proper?” Politicians and modern legal experts often refer to the Necessary and Proper Clause as the “elastic clause” or the “sweeping clause” because they imagine that it expands the powers of the federal government beyond those specifically listed throughout the Constitution. You’ll often hear the term “implied powers” in reference to the necessary and proper clause. It’s important not to overlook some important words in the clause. It delegates power to make laws “necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers.”
by Michael Boldin
The 1985 Ernst Zündel Trial
Jews seldom praise the work of Holocaust revisionists. However, an exception is sometimes made regarding the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial in Toronto. For example, the failure of Jewish eyewitnesses to provide credible testimony at the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial caused Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz to write that the trial was “a total victory for Holocaust deniers and a total disaster for Holocaust survivors and the Jewish people.”i The failure of the prosecutors in the 1985 Zündel trial to find effective witnesses also caused Jewish political scientist Robert Kahn to write: “If the concept of ‘symbolic victory’ is sometimes difficult to apply precisely, the 1985 prosecution of Ernst Zündel clearly backfired. What had been an attempt to silence Zündel, and possibly use the legal system to repudiate denial, became instead a public relations coup for the Toronto publisher and his supporters.”ii This article documents why Alan Dershowitz and other Jews have called the 1985 Zündel trial a victory for Holocaust revisionists. The prosecution was anticipating a quick, two-week trial in which the massive weight of the Six Million propaganda—all of the “expert” professors, thousands of “eyewitnesses,” mountains of “scientific evidence” and the tens of thousands of pages of Nuremberg testimony, would laugh Zündel and his pathetic crew of “pseudo-historians” and “flat-earthists” out of public consideration and into the jail cells they so richly deserved. The media predicted the same scenario and the “smart money” said it was going to be a walkover for the Zionists. Instead, the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial was a huge victory for Holocaust revisionists.
by John Wear
Harry Hopkins And FDR’s Commissars
President Franklin D. Roosevelt saved the American capitalist system. That’s what they taught us in school. The global economic collapse known as the Great Depression had caused a widespread loss of confidence in the free enterprise system. Powerful pressures were exerted in the United States on Roosevelt’s left flank by great numbers of people who were attracted to socialism as the answer to all the country’s economic ills. The various statist solutions that Roosevelt offered for the country’s economic problems, according to this narrative, were in response to this pressure from the left. His programs acted as a sort of safety valve, releasing the pressures built up from the radical fire swelling up from the country’s grass roots. The problem with this explanation for FDR’s actions is that he used the power of the federal government to stoke the flames of the socialist pressure upon the government. As Abraham Lincoln observed in the first Lincoln-Douglas debate, “He who molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes or pronounces decisions.” Roosevelt apparently did his very best to mold public sentiment in favor of a course modeled upon that of the Soviet Union. His main instrument for doing so was the Works Progress Administration (WPA), created by executive order for the purpose of providing government jobs for the unemployed. Many of the jobs he created, it would turn out, were for agitators for socialism, and it began with his choice of Harry Hopkins to head the WPA. We have previously written about Hopkins’s pro-Soviet activities in the foreign policy arena in “How We Gave the Russians the Bomb,””Harry Hopkins Hosted Soviet Spy Cell,”and my review of Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subverision of Roosevelt’s Government. New evidence has come to light that raises some serious doubts about the charges that he was actually a paid agent of the Soviet government, which we will address at the end of this essay. Whether or not he was a Soviet agent, as we shall see from his personnel decisions both as head of the WPA and of Lend-Lease and many of his other actions, he might as well have been one.
by David Martin
Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad Applies For Candidacy (5:02)
Iran is preparing for a snap election following President Ebrahim Raisi’s death in a helicopter crash. Among the 80 potential candidates who have already submitted their documents, one of the most prominent hopefuls is former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. RT’s Yusef Jalali reports.
by RT
“On Hospital And Nursing Home Death Protocols”
Katharine Watt’s thesis of an “industrialized medical euthanasia program.”
For our book, The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, I interviewed several people who’d lost a family member after he or she was admitted to hospital with severe COVID-19 symptoms. The typical scenario they described was that the family member had started off with mild flu-like symptoms that worsened around day 7 or 8 ,with steadily increasing difficulty in breathing. At the time, many were completely unaware of even the possibility of early treatment because their primary doctors mentioned nothing about it. And so, with panic setting in or with a blood oxygen level below 90, the decision was made to admit the family member to hospital. Though the witnesses I interviewed were from all over the country, their experiences with hospitals were all the same-namely, no treatment was offered to their sick family members apart from supplemental oxygen, Remdesivir, and then intubation and ventilation, ultimately resulting in death. Several witnesses heard about treatment modalities such as methylprednisolone, ivermectin, and anti-coagulants only after their family members were languishing in hospital. To their astonishment, hospital doctors steadfastly refused to administer these drugs to their dying family members, and hospital administrators even fought court orders to do so.
by John Leake
Anthony Fauci Sits On The Political Hot Seat To Be Blamed For The False Wuhan Lab Leak Psyop For Covid As Real Crimes Go Unaddressed
Most all of the “news” headlines yesterday were about the latest circus act playing in Washington D.C. in the halls of the U.S. Congress where the day’s entertainment show was hosted by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, where the starring performance was acted out by Anthony Fauci, the former NIAID director and one of the master minds behind the 2020 military campaign implemented by then Commander in Chief, President Donald Trump, and his Operation Warp Speed military campaign that he unleashed against the American people. If you missed it, don’t worry, as it was a summer re-run from previous performances under the “COVID-19 Virus Wuhan Lab Leak Theory”, a D.C. TV series that has been running the past few years produced mainly by Senator Rand Paul. If our readers have been wondering why I have spent so little time in recent months covering the issues of COVID-19, and the most lethal bioweapon that has ever been unleashed into the human race, the COVID-19 bioweapons, it is because that story has already been written, and all that is playing in “theaters” these days are re-runs.
by Brian Shilhavy
Chlorine Dioxide Therapy
Interview with Xuewu Liu
My Chlorine Dioxide interview with Dr Andreas Kalcker is my second most read to date. There is clearly an appetite for much more information about this all-purpose tool. I’m grateful at the opportunity to conduct and present this interview with Xuewu Liu. A couple of important highlights of this interview are: Mechanisms of Action: Three key mechanisms of chlorine dioxide are identified: non-selective cell elimination, promoting tissue regeneration, and regulating immune responses, which are crucial for its therapeutic potential. Intratumoral Injections for Cancer: Liu’s research on intratumoral injections of chlorine dioxide has shown significant promise in targeting and destroying cancer cells, with potential to transform cancer treatment. Without further ado, and with thanks, I give you Xuewu Liu.
by Unbekoming
Who Is Elizabeth Dilling? (9:32)
Kiev Regime Tortured US Journalist To Death – Putin
The Russian president has chided Washington for ignoring the incarceration and killing of American blogger Gonzalo Lira
Russian President Vladimir Putin has called out the US government for neglecting to even ask questions after an American journalist was tortured to death in a Ukrainian jail earlier this year. Speaking at a press briefing on Wednesday in St Petersburg, Putin was asked whether Russian officials would help facilitate an investigation of a French journalist who was reportedly killed last month in a missile strike west of Artyomovsk (known as Bakhmut in Ukraine). He offered to help enable the probe, but he also contrasted the response to the Frenchman’s death to how the administration of US President Joe Biden reacted when American blogger Gonzalo Lira died in Ukraine earlier this year. “They tortured an American journalist to death in a Ukrainian prison, and the US is not even asking what happened to him,” Putin said. “No one went to the trouble of asking what actually happened.” Lira, a dual US-Chilean citizen who moved to Ukraine in 2010, died in the Kiev regime’s custody in January, reportedly after suffering from pneumonia and a collapsed lung. He had been jailed since May 2023 on accusations that he justified Moscow’s military operation against Ukraine.
by RT
Hundreds Killed By Israel In South Lebanon Since 8 October
The Lebanese Ministry of Health reported that at least 94,126 residents of southern Lebanon have since been displaced
According to statistics published by the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health, Israeli attacks on south Lebanon have resulted in a total of 1,603 casualties, including 401 deaths, since 8 October. The data published on the ministry’s website indicates that 87 percent of casualties were men, 96 percent were Lebanese nationals, and 57 percent were aged between 25 and 44 years. The primary causes of these injuries are evident, with 44 percent resulting from blunt trauma, 35 percent from the blast radius of bombings, and 16 percent from chemical exposure – in many cases, white phosphorus. The data additionally underscores a daily average of 18 casualties, five of them requiring urgent medical treatment at local hospitals, and one fatality. According to Hezbollah’s military media, around 330 of its fighters have been killed by Israel on the battlefield. Going by the numbers reported by the Lebanese Ministry of Health, the remaining 71 deaths are those of civilians and journalists. Additionally, the Lebanese Health Ministry reported that 94,126 residents of southern Lebanon have since been displaced. Israeli aggression has caused significant damage to Lebanon’s forests and agricultural land.
by News Desk
Children And Family Are Key Priorities For Russia – Putin
It is crucial that every child has the chance to be surrounded by care and love while growing up, the most popular president in geographical Europe says. Children and family values are of the utmost importance for both society and the government, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. The remarks were made in an official statement on International Children’s Day on June 1. This important day went unnoticed in the failing nations of the decrepit Western Alliance. A bloc of nations where sexual perversion is openly promoted by Western regimes and where pedophilia is treated as a minor offence – and openly promoted by government-funded bodies. Putin praised the holiday and the idea behind it, noting that many families from across the country and other nations, including Belarus and China, have flocked to Moscow to take part in the festivities organized to celebrate the day. ‘I would like to emphasize that in our country, the issues of raising children and strengthening family values are given priority attention by both the state and society. It is important that every child is surrounded by care and love, grows up healthy and happy, and develops their talents and abilities,’ Putin said.
by Michael Walsh
June 6, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived On The Assassination Of Robert F. Kennedy
The Day The United States Died
Thursday, June 6, 1968
The Covid Genocide Unravels (27:59)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
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Dr. Vernon Coleman Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Quote Of The Day
“Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of the colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change. Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
Robert F. Kennedy
Website Of The Day
Robert F. Kennedy Biography From The JFK Library
Robert Francis Kennedy was born on November 20, 1925, in Brookline, Massachusetts, the seventh child in the closely knit and competitive family of Rose and Joseph P. Kennedy. “I was the seventh of nine children,” he later recalled, “and when you come from that far down you have to struggle to survive.” He attended Milton Academy and, after wartime service in the Navy, received his degree in government from Harvard University in 1948. He earned his law degree from the University of Virginia Law School three years later. Perhaps more important for his education was the Kennedy family dinner table, where his parents involved their children in discussions of history and current affairs. “I can hardly remember a mealtime,” Robert Kennedy said, “when the conversation was not dominated by what Franklin D. Roosevelt was doing or what was happening in the world.” In 1950, Robert Kennedy married Ethel Skakel of Greenwich, Connecticut, daughter of Ann Brannack Skakel and George Skakel, founder of Great Lakes Carbon Corporation. Robert and Ethel Kennedy later had eleven children. In 1952, he made his political debut as manager of his older brother John’s successful campaign for the US Senate from Massachusetts.
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Assassinations Archive With 424 Posts
The Day The United States Died
Thursday, June 6, 1968
I woke up the morning of June 5, 1968, and heard the news that my New York Senator, Robert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy had been shot and was clinging to life. Bobby’s assassination was a mere 62 days after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968, and only 1,657 days after his elder brother, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. The assassination occurred right after Bobby Kennedy delivered a rousing speech to an overflowing ballroom of exuberant campaign supporters thanking them for helping him win the big prize of the California Democratic primary for President. If this assassination of Bobby Kennedy didn’t happen, he would have been the Democratic presidential nominee in 1968, and then would have faced the Republican presidential nominee, Richard Milhouse Nixon, in the November election. Bobby most likely would have won and been the next President of the United States. Since Bobby was opposed to the Vietnam War, this would have put an end to this tragic police action in 1969, instead of 1975, thus saving almost 20,000 young men their lives. The junior Senator from New York State, Bobby Kennedy, was shot at by an assassin four times within a couple of inches. He was wounded by three of the bullets with the fourth bullet going through the armpit of his jacket. The exact time was 12:16 am PDT on Wednesday, June 5, 1968. The location was the kitchen pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Six people were shot in the kitchen pantry that night, Bobby Kennedy, Paul Schrade, William Weisel, Elizabeth Evans, Ira Goldstein, and Irwin Stroll. Lying on the floor, shot three times, Bobby last audible words were “Is everybody okay?”
by Mark R. Elsis
Robert Francis Kennedy (78 Videos)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Who Killed Senator Robert F. Kennedy?
Fifty years ago, one of the most shocking assassinations in U.S. history took place. Was the wrong man convicted? Who killed RFK? While the conviction of the patsy Sirhan Sirhan was inevitable, evidence showed shots from the rear and prosecutorial misconduct. In addition, the “defense” attorney for the hapless Sirhan sold him down the river. Did a “crowd control” guard named Thane Cesar fire the fatal bullets while witnesses were distracted? The assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.), who surely would have been elected president in November of 1968, carried with it even more mysterious circumstances, including a “fixed” trial, than the 1963 murder of his brother, President John F. Kennedy. The documented evidence in the first Kennedy murder was buried for 75 years, although much has surfaced through private investigation during the past 54. But the biggest secrets of the RFK murder lie locked in the hypnotically shutdown mind of the convicted Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. He was another victim of the CIA’s mind control program known as MK-Ultra. After the trial had commenced, Sirhan was coerced by his lawyers into pleading guilty, just as James Earl Ray had been a few months earlier in Memphis, but the judge would not allow it and made the trial go on. Then Sirhan was betrayed by the lead member of his legal team, an overpaid Hollywood divorce lawyer by the name of Grant Cooper, who had managed to become the court-appointed attorney for Sirhan, the reasons for which became obvious later.
by Pat Shannan
Israel And The Kennedy Assassinations (Text and Videos)
JFK pushed to halt Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. RFK tried to designate a precursor to AIPAC as a foreign agent. Why has Israel been avoided when discussing the Kennedy assassinations?
For decades, I’ve done work on Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal and the refusal of the US establishment to even acknowledge its existence. But, incredibly, I’d not heard that there might be a connection between the two — the JFK assassination and Israel’s nukes — until a year or two ago. If JFK apparently making a rhetorical statement about the CIA is a go-to basis for many that the CIA actually killed him, what about the fact that, as I wrote this summer: “60 Years Ago, JFK Tried to Stop the Israeli Bomb”? Where’s the evidence? Well, the Warren Commission narrative is bunk, but actual proof that the CIA and mafia killed Kennedy is wanting as well. Why has the possibility of pro-Israeli forces playing a role in the assassination been often ignored? I hadn’t even paid much attention to what JFK’s position on Israel’s nukes were, taking at face value {Jewish] Noam Chomsky’s assessment that it was wishful thinking to believe JFK was much different from any other president. That was clearly a mistake [It sure was]. If many have long suspected the CIA had a role in killing JFK, how would confirmation of that fundamentally alter the US public’s understanding of the assassination, much less world affairs? But if Israel were known to have a role as many have suspected but as has been rarely been widely discussed, what would the ramifications be?
by Sam Husseini
Israel And The Assassinations Of The Kennedy Brothers (Documentary) (1:26:25)
by Laurent Guyénot
Did Israel Kill The Kennedys?
Just after midnight of June 6, 1968, Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated in a backroom of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. He had just been celebrating his victory at the California primaries, which made him the most likely Democratic nominee for the presidential election. His popularity was so great that Richard Nixon, on the Republican side, stood little chance. At the age of 43, Robert would have become the youngest American president ever, after being the youngest Attorney General in his brother’s government. His death opened the way for Nixon, who could finally become president eight years after having been defeated by John F. Kennedy in 1960. John had been assassinated four and a half years before Robert. Had he survived, he would certainly have been president until 1968. Instead, his vice-president Lyndon Johnson took over the White House in 1963, and became so unpopular that he retired in 1968. Interestingly, Johnson became president the very day of John’s death, and ended his term a few months after Robert’s death. He was in power at the time of both investigations. And both investigations are widely regarded as cover-ups. In both cases, the official conclusion is rife with contradictions. We are going to sum them up here. But we will do more: we will show that the key to solving both cases resides in the link between them. And we will solve them beyond a reasonable doubt.
by Laurent Guyénot
The Robert Kennedy Assassination (51:56)
A gripping documentary by the acclaimed producer Chris Plumley, exposes how the CIA planted two operatives within the Los Angeles Police Department who manipulated the investigation of Kennedy’s killing.
by Chris Plumley
Sirhan And The RFK Assassination, Part I: The Grand Illusion
The first part of Lisa Pease’s masterful review of the RFK assassination case, which focuses on the evidence as it relates to the gun, bullets and Special Exhibit 10.
This is the first of a two-part series dealing with Sirhan Sirhan’s current efforts to win an evidentiary hearing before the California State Supreme Court, and the evidence upon which that request is based. This part will focus on the evidence in the case, particularly as it relates to the gun, the bullets, and a little-known item referred to as Special Exhibit 10. The second part will deal with the question that must logically follow: If Sirhan didn’t kill Kennedy, then who did?
by Lisa Pease
Sirhan And The RFK Assassination, Part II: Rubik’s Cube
The second part of Lisa Pease’s masterful review of the RFK assassination case, which focuses on alternate explanations for how and why RFK was murdered.
Before one considers the above issues, one larger issue stands out. If Sirhan did not kill Kennedy, how has the cover-up lasted this long? In the end, that question will bring us closer to the top of the conspiracy than any other. No matter who was involved, if there were a will to get to the bottom of this crime, the evidence has been available. The fact that no official body has ever made the effort to honestly examine all the evidence in this case is nearly as chilling as the original crime itself, and points to a high level of what can only be termed government involvement. In the history of this country and particularly the sixties, one entity stands out beyond all others as having the means, the motive, and the opportunity to orchestrate this crime and continue the cover-up to this very day. But the evidence will point its own fingers; it remains only for us to follow wherever the evidence leads.
by Lisa Pease
The Second Gun (1973) (1:38:27)
Documentary suggesting the possibility of another gunman involved in the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.
by Ted Charach and Gerard Alcan
The Blatant Conspiracy Behind Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s Assassination
In remembrance of RFK’s assassination in 1968, we repost this article by Edward Curtin first published in 2018.
Early in 1968, Clyde Tolson, F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover’s deputy and bosom buddy, a key player in the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., expressed both the hope and intent of those making sure that there would never be another president by the name Kennedy, when he said about RFK that “I hope someone shoots and kills the son of a bitch.” Earlier, as reported by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in his new book, American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, the influential conservative Westbrook Pegler expressed this hope even more depravingly when he wished “that some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter [Robert Kennedy’s] spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies.” These sick men were not alone. Senator Robert Kennedy was a marked man. And he knew it. That he was nevertheless willing to stand up to the forces of hate and violence that were killing innocents at home and abroad is a testimony to his incredible courage and love of country. To honor such a man requires that we discover and speak the truth about those who killed him. The propaganda that he was killed by a crazed young Arab needs exposure. When he was assassinated by a bullet to the back of his head on June 5, 1968, not by the accused patsy Sirhan Sirhan, who was standing in front of RFK, but by a conspiracy that clearly implicates U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies, not only did a precious and good man die, but so too did any chance for significant political change through the official political system, short of a miracle. We are still waiting for such a miracle.
by Edward Curtin
Pruszynski Recording Reveals Second Gun RFK Must Die Epilogue (7:27)
by Shane O’Sullivan
RFK Must Die
The Assassination Of Bobby Kennedy
Robert Francis Kennedy – also referred to as RFK or Bobby – was the 64-th United States Attorney General, as well as a U.S. Senator. His assassination shocked the entire world and this documentary aims to reveal a few secrets. The investigative documentary came out in 2007. It was made by Irish writer Shane O’Sullivan and aims to discover some of the secrets associated with RFK’s assassination. The film consists of a deep analysis of the events that lead to his assassination. The director has also interviewed plenty of people to find out more about what could have caused this drama. One of these interviews targets Sirhan’s brother Munir, who discusses about his brother’s childhood, as well as the traumas and injustices that turned him into a killer. The director has also interviewed Paul Schrade, a local union leader who was also shot during the unfortunate event.
by Shane O’Sullivan
Shane O’Sullivan, Who Killed Bobby?
Jim DiEugenio reviews the RFK assassination book by Shane O’Sullivan, arguing it is better than the documentary by the same title.
Shane O’Sullivan’s book, entitled Who Killed Bobby?, is certainly better than the documentary he made on the RFK case entitled RFK Must Die! There isn’t a lot that is new in the book, and the author spends some time interviewing people that I believe were not worth tracking down. But the book seems to me to be thorough in some fundamental aspects of the case. And that is what makes it more worthwhile than his previous work. To get to the new revelations quickly: I believe that this is the first time in book form that an author reveals how knowledge of Special Exhibit 10 arose prior to 1976. Special Exhibit 10 is the secret Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) photomicrograph that was designed to ultimately rebut all critics on the RFK case. It was a secret exhibit assembled to show that a bullet fired at Robert Kennedy the night of the assassination matched a test bullet fired by the notorious LAPD criminalist DeWayne Wolfer. Except, as the firearms panel appointed by Judge Robert Wenke in 1976 discovered, it did no such thing. It was actually a comparison of one RFK bullet with another victim bullet fired that night. A bullet fired at Ira Goldstein. As Sirhan Sirhan’s former investigator Lynn Mangan found out, Coroner Thomas Noguchi turned a copy of this exhibit over to Robert Joling in 1969. This is when much pressure was being applied over his autopsy findings in the RFK case. O’Sullivan reveals that fact to the public here (p. 349).
by James DiEugenio
CIA Agents Killed Robert Kennedy Part 1 (8:10)
by Shane O’Sullivan
CIA Agents Killed Robert Kennedy Part 2 (7:07)
by Shane O’Sullivan
The Robert Kennedy Assassination
“If they’re going to shoot, they’ll shoot.” ~ Robert F. Kennedy to aide Fred Dutton, April 11, 1968.
Robert F. Kennedy, who had made many enemies during his time on the Washington scene, was well aware of the dangers he faced in trying to reclaim the Presidency lost in 1963 when his brother was killed in Dallas. Fate befell him just after midnight on June 5, 1968, moments after declaring victory in the California Democratic primary. Escorted through a kitchen pantry in the Ambassador Hotel, RFK was assailed by Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan firing a .22 pistol. Kennedy was shot multiple times, and five others were wounded by gunfire. While bodyguards and others wrestled with Sirhan, who continued to shoot wildly, Kennedy collapsed in a pool of blood. He died the following day. In the assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., the evidence tying the alleged assassins to the case was circumstantial and almost too neat. But here, Sirhan was apprehended on the scene firing a gun within a couple of feet of Kennedy. An open-and-shut case? Ironically, the RFK assassination has the starkest physical and eyewitness evidence indicating a conspiracy involving Sirhan and at least one additional gunman.
by Rex Bradford
Scott Enyart And The Stolen RFK Pantry Photographs
On June 5, 1968, fifteen-year-old photographer Scott Enyart was at the Ambassador Hotel, taking pictures for his high school newspaper, when senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. Enyart claims that he took a total of three rolls of film that night. The first depicted the stage before Kennedy started his speech. He loaded the second roll as the speech begun. After the speech concluded, he and several other people followed Kennedy from the stage into the pantry as he shook hands with the kitchen staff. He claims to have had a clear view of Kennedy as the shooting took place. He also claims that he jumped on a table and took more pictures as the alleged shooter, Sirhan Sirhan, was apprehended. A few minutes later, Enyart returned to the ballroom where pandemonium had broken out. At that time, he says he loaded and clicked off his third roll of film. He claims that later during the night of the shooting, police officers chased him down and confiscated his camera, rolls of film and negatives, presumably in order to use the photos as evidence. At around 3am, he was brought in for questioning, which lasted about twenty minutes. After Sirhan Sirhan’s conviction, the LAPD told Enyart that they had his photographs. They told him that his photographs, along with all of the other evidence and documents, would be sealed for twenty years.
by Unsolved Mysteries
RFK And The Clip On Tie. The Killing Of Bobby Kennedy (3:35)
A closer look at Thane Eugene Cesar at the Assassination of Robert Kennedy in the aftermath movie in slowMo HD. Thane Eugene Cesar without his tie at the kitchen pantry, minutes after the shooting of RFK 1968. As Cesar shot Bobby Kennedy from behind, Bobby grabed Cesar by the tie, which came off !
Johnny Apfelseed
Readers Guide To RFK Assassination: Books, Videos, Archives
This “Readers Guide to the RFK Assassination” presents key books, videos, documents, websites and other archives most relevant to 1968 Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy’s fatal shooting just after midnight June 5, 1968. Robert F. KennedyThe materials focus heavily on remaining questions about responsibility and motive for Kennedy’s shooting at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles shortly after his victory in the California Democratic primary appeared to pave the way for his presidential nomination. Shown below is his victory speech shortly before he was gunned down while leaving via a kitchen pantry to avoid crowds. Included also in this guide compiled by our Justice Integrity Project is research that explores the assassination’s current implications for the U.S. justice system and other governance.The materials contain varied perspectives in a style common to other topics in our series, which includes guides to the assassinations of President Kennedy in 1963 and the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968. Readers of each can find abundant evidence of covert official involvement, including in the crimes and cover-up. But we provide also books and other evidence supporting Robert Kennedy Victory Speech Ambassador Hotel, June 6, 1968 the official verdicts. In the case of RFK’s murder, a jury found in 1969 that Sirhan Sirhan acted alone to kill Kennedy and wound five others with shots fired in the hotel’s pantry.
by Andrew Kreig
Man Shot Alongside RFK Say Sirhan Sirhan Should Be Granted Parole
Paul Schrade, now 91 years old, was shot in the head on June 5, 1968, at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles while standing alongside Kennedy. Schrade contends that Sirhan was not the only shooter that night. In an exclusive interview that aired on 10News Tuesday night, Schrade stated that Kennedy was actually killed by a second gunman. Here is the full text of the statement he gave Wednesday to the parole board at the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility, where the now 71-year-old Sirhan is being held.I am Paul Schrade of Los Angeles. I am 91-years-old. And back when I was 43, I was among six persons shot at the old Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles at just after Midnight on June 5th, 1968. I was shot along with Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who had just won California’s Democratic Primary Election for the Presidency of the United States. Five of us survived our wounds. And as history knows, Senator Kennedy was fatally wounded. I am here to speak for myself, a shooting victim, and to bear witness for my friend, Bob Kennedy. Kennedy was a man of justice. But, so far, justice has not been served in this case. And I feel obliged as both a shooting victim and as an American to speak out about this — and to honor the memory of the greatest American I’ve ever known, Robert Francis Kennedy. Sirhan Bishara Sirhan was originally scheduled for release in 1984 but, after intense political pressure, his parole date was rescinded and he has since been denied 14 times. In order for you to make an accurate determination of Sirhan Sirhan’s parole, you need to know my feelings on this case and the full picture of what actually happened. Sirhan, I forgive you.
by Steve Fiorina
Who Killed Robert Kennedy? (2018) (46:23)
More than 50 years on, questions about witness testimony, hidden evidence and true identity of Kennedy’s killer remain.
by Bahiya Namour
The Assassination Of Robert Kennedy
‘I’m afraid there are guns between me and the White House’ ~ Robert Kennedy 1968
The Number of Bullets: As with John F. Kennedy five years earlier controversy surrounds the number of bullets fired and the gun or guns they were fired from. While nobody seriously disputes the fact that Sirhan shot at Robert Kennedy with the intention of killing him, many dispute whether he fired the fatal shot or any of the shots that hit Kennedy, and evidence suggesting he not only didn’t but he couldn’t has never been properly reviewed or contested in a court of law. This is worrying! Sirhan’s gun, a .22 caliber eight-shot Iver-Johnson revolver fired all eight shots during the shooting spree. He didn’t reload. Yet according to many researchers including Lisa Pease the numerous injuries caused along with the evidence of bullets impacting ceiling tiles and a door frame can only be accounted for by a minimum of ten bullets. These facts present very persuasive evidence of a second gunman. Where are the experts in ballistics and firearms that could resolve this dilemma? Why are they so quiet on this subject? Surely they can make an informed judgement based on all available evidence and once and for all put this issue to bed. Of the eight bullets Sirhan allegedly fired, all were accounted for except for one which was lost in the ceiling space. Yet there is evidence that a wooden door frame contained an extra two bullets. This door frame was removed by the LAPD, inspected, x-rayed and eventually destroyed. The x-rays were also destroyed. No evidence of bullets or bullet holes were found according to the LAPD.
Bobby Kennedy Assassination Recording (4:45)
A previously unknown audio tape, uncovered in 2004, reveals that Sirhan Sirhan did not act alone in the June 1968 assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. In this video, you will hear the sounds of the actual RFK assassination during a two-minute excerpt from the Pruszynski recording, the only known tape of the Bobby Kennedy shooting. The audio recording was made by freelance newspaper reporter Stanislaw Pruszynski, a Polish journalist covering the RFK presidential campaign for Canadian newspapers. Adrian Finighan in London interviews forensic audio expert Philip Van Praag about the Pruszynski recording, which was uncovered by an American journalist in 2004 and examined extensively by Van Praag beginning in 2005. Van Praag says the tape shows that in addition to convicted gunman Sirhan, there was a second, hidden gunman in the Ambassador Hotel kitchen pantry who also was firing at RFK. In fact, he says the recording along with other forensic evidence proves that none of Sirhan’s bullets hit Kennedy. He says the Democratic presidential candidate was shot by the second unknown gunman and not by Sirhan, who is the only person ever to have been arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced for the assassination. Van Praag says all eight bullets fired by Sirhan missed Bobby Kennedy and instead hit bystanders and woodwork inside the kitchen pantry and inside another area near the pantry. He says that RFK was struck four times and that all four Kennedy bullets were fired from extremely close range immediately behind the Senator by someone else other than Sirhan, who was several feet to Kennedy’s front and never got behind RFK.
by Truth Squadron
June 5, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
“It’s Going To Get Ugly” (12:55)
by Neil Oliver
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Neil Oliver Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Quote Of The Day
“He is richest who is content with the least,
for content is the wealth of nature.”
Website Of The Day
Third Paradigm with Tereza Coraggio
Links to hundreds of independent websites.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
Communism Archive With 985 Posts
Turkiye Would Like To Join BRICS – Top Diplomat
BRICS was established in 2009 as a cooperation platform for the world’s largest emerging economies, bringing together Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. On January 1, 2024, the bloc was expanded to include Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates.
Turkiye would like to become a member of BRICS and will monitor the developments in the organization, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said on Tuesday. “Certainly, we would like to become a member of BRICS. So we’ll see how it goes this year,” Fidan said during an event at the Centre for China and Globalisation (CCG) in Beijing, as quoted by the South China Morning Post newspaper. The BRICS bloc outperformed the G7 – the conglomerate of wealthy industrialized nations – in GDP in 2022. According to a forecast, BRICS economies will account for more than 50 percent of global GDP by 2030. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have become key pillars in the emerging multipolar world. Economic experts stress that BRICS is also a locomotive of de-dollarization of the global economy since members of this bloc are increasingly switching to national currencies in trade relations – for instance, 90% of settlements between Russian and Chinese companies are now made in rubles and yuans.
by Sputnik—top-diplomat–1118764477.html
Modi Claims Victory As BJP-Led Alliance Secures Majority
The Indian PM’s Bharatiya Janata Party may have missed out a landslide win despite predictions, but its coalition looks set to retain power
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has declared victory in the parliamentary election for his party’s alliance; votes cast by over 640 million Indians were counted on Tuesday. The Lok Sabha, India’s lower house of parliament, has a total of 545 seats; a party or coalition needs 272 to form a government. While Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its National Democratic Alliance (NDA) partners won fewer seats than expected, together they have over 290 seats. In 2019, Modi’s party secured 303 seats alone and the NDA crossed the 350-seat threshold. This year, however, the coalition fell far short of the 400-seat target it had set for itself. The ruling party faced a stronger challenge from the opposition INDIA bloc, which includes dozens of parties, which could together win over 230 seats, as some constituencies have yet to declare a winner. The Indian National Congress party, which leads the bloc, is expecting to win 100 seats, up from the 52 it won in 2019. Addressing his party workers in Delhi on Tuesday night, Modi declared that the NDA’s election win was a “victory of the people.” He noted that before him, only the country’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, had managed to achieve a third term in office, in 1962.
by RT
Braveheart (9:28)
by Mel Gibson
Yemen Strikes Back, Targeting The USS Eisenhower
The Ansarallah-aligned Yemeni Armed Forces has raised the Red Sea stakes by targeting the US aircraft carrier Eisenhower – twice in 24 hours. The bold move demonstrates a strategic project to expose growing US military vulnerability in West Asia.
On 1 June, the Ansarallah-aligned Yemeni Armed Forces displayed remarkable boldness by targeting the US aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the Red Sea twice within 24 hours. This move, in response to joint US–UK strikes on the country, marks a significant escalation in the Yemeni theater within the broader regional conflict centered on Gaza. Throughout the past period, Sanaa has consistently targeted battleships and destroyers with missiles and drones. Yet the strike on Eisenhower signifies a qualitative leap in the confrontation, regardless of whether the US acknowledges the hit. On Friday, 30 May, hours after Yemeni military spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree announced a series of military operations as part of the fourth phase of escalation, Ansarallah downed a $30 million American MQ-9 drone, the sixth during the “Al-Fateh Al-Mubin” operation. In retaliation, the US launched a series of airstrikes at dawn, targeting civilian facilities in the capital city of Sanaa, as well as the governorates of Hodeidah and Taiz. These strikes, the heaviest since the US–UK attacks began on 12 January of this year, killed 16 Yemenis and injured 41 others, both military and civilian. The magnitude of the airstrikes and the resulting casualties prompted a swift and hard response from Sanaa. As part of the war’s fourth phase of escalation to support the Palestinian resistance and extend their target bank into the Mediterranean Sea, the Yemenis quickly and unexpectedly targeted the USS Eisenhower, stationed in the northern Red Sea.
by Khalil Nasrallah
EU Should Figure Out The Costs Of Suppressing Chinese Companies
During a visit to Spain on Saturday local time, Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao said that in accordance with the important consensus reached at the recent trilateral meeting between leaders of China, France and the European Union, he hopes to properly handle economic and trade frictions through dialogue and consultation, accommodate the legitimate concerns of both parties, and avoid an out-of-control escalation of trade frictions. When visiting the Chery-Ebro joint venture factory, Wang said China and Europe have both competition and cooperation. Expanding cooperation and achieving win-win results in healthy competition is the right way to get along. It is necessary to remember that recent actions by the EU have negatively affected the confidence of Chinese companies investing in the EU. Hopefully the EU perceives this with a sense of crisis rather than thinking that its trade tools are “effective.” Although China has not yet proposed specific countermeasures, European media have recently scrutinized EU exports to China that are “potentially retaliated against,” ranging from brandy and pork to luxury cars with large displacement engine. Following the US in imposing additional tariffs on Chinese companies will not only cause economic losses to Europe but also seriously harm the existing political mutual trust between China and Europe, thereby losing the broader space for bilateral cooperation and mutual benefit. This is not a profitable account, and Brussels should carefully calculate it.
Editorial by Global Times
The Ritual Regicide Of The Romanov Dynasty (5:00)
by Greg Reese
What’s Next For Battlefield America? Israel’s High-Tech Military Tactics Point The Way
“I did not know Israel was capturing or recording my face. [But Israel has] been watching us for years from the sky with their drones. They have been watching us gardening and going to schools and kissing our wives. I feel like I have been watched for so long.” ~ Mosab Abu Toha, Palestinian poet
If you want a glimpse of the next stage of America’s transformation into a police state, look no further than how Israel-a long-time recipient of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid from the U.S.-uses its high-tech military tactics, surveillance and weaponry to advance its authoritarian agenda. Military checkpoints. Wall-to-wall mass surveillance. Predictive policing. Aerial surveillance that tracks your movements wherever you go and whatever you do. AI-powered facial recognition and biometric programs carried out with the knowledge or consent of those targeted by it. Cyber-intelligence. Detention centers. Brutal interrogation tactics. Weaponized drones. Combat robots. We’ve already seen many of these military tactics and technologies deployed on American soil and used against the populace, especially along the border regions, a testament to the heavy influence Israel’s military-industrial complex has had on U.S. policing. Indeed, Israel has become one of the largest developers and exporters of military weapons and technologies of oppression worldwide. Israel’s military influence on the United States, its advances in technological weaponry, and its rigid demand for compliance are pushing us towards a world in chains. Through its oppressive use of surveillance technology, Israel has erected the world’s first open-air prison, and in the process, has made itself a model for the United States. What we cannot afford to overlook, however, is the extent to which the American Police State is taking its cues from Israel.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
The State vs. The People
A long, one-sided war
There are lots of people that follow me who are anarchists. I used to be against anarchy. After all, you must have some order to a society, right? Otherwise, the law of the jungle will prevail. The biggest and strongest, the most aggressive, will take charge. But at this point, exactly what authority is there that deserves our respect? The great mass of people, all over the world, have always been essentially at war with their overlords. Think of the English peasants tasked to stay awake all night and knock the frogs off the lily pads, so that the Royals in their nearby castles could sleep. In more recent times, think of all those poor souls in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, toiling all day in the coal mines. Dying way before their time of black lung disease. The whole capital vs. labor battle was born because those who employ others will naturally want to pay them as little as possible. I’m certainly no fan of Karl Marx, but his basic premise was correct; most workers are being exploited. Huey Long won my undying admiration because he understood this crucial point.
by Donald Jeffries
Is Immunity Real? (Text and Video 17:21)
The subject of immunology often appears very complicated with an ever-expanding body of literature covering cell types, immune pathways, and molecules such as antibodies. The latter is one of the mainstays of the concept of being “immune” to a disease but what is actually being measured in your blood? And while the vaccine promoters claim that the generation of antibodies is a good thing, what has actually happened to the recipient?
by Sam.Bailey
Joe Biden’s America Is The Gay Version Of The Soviet Union
Trump’s “conviction” reveals the regime for what it really is.
“Show me the man and I will show you the crime,” so said Lavenitry Beria, the longtime head of Stalin’s secret police. The Trump conviction shows that the same crooked principle of justice animates American courts today. Should we be surprised? The alliance between the United States and the USSR during the 1940s-the American taxpayer funded the Soviet takeover of half of Europe and Asia to the tune of 300 billion inflation-adjusted dollars-was the central event of the 20th century. FDR and his liberal New Deal allies saw the Soviet Union and global communism as the natural allies of liberalism. At Tehran, FDR suggested to Josef Stalin, in a private meeting, that India should be reformed along “Soviet lines.” It was Stalin who demurred on FDR’s desire for a communist revolution in Britain’s largest colony. The alliance between liberals and communists was not a merely prudential move to defend against fascism. FDR’s administration gave money, weapons, and training to both Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong, helping them rise to power in Vietnam and China respectively. The post-war arrangements made at Yalta, Tehran, and Potsdam envisioned a planet governed jointly by the USSR and the United States.
by Josiah Lippincott
Rescind Netanyahu’s Invitation!
The recent decision by U.S. congressional leaders to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address the Capitol has rightly sparked outrage and dismay among those who oppose Israel’s genocidal actions in Gaza. Coming as it does in the wake of the International Criminal Court’s charges against Netanyahu, this move, which aims to showcase solidarity with Israel, is deeply troubling on moral, political, and geostrategic grounds, highlighting the hypocrisy and, to put it mildly, moral ambiguity of U.S. foreign policy. The invitation to Netanyahu comes at a time when Israel’s military assault on Gaza has resulted in widespread civilian casualties and well documented allegations of war crimes. The ICC’s charges against Netanyahu and his defense minister further underscore the reality and gravity of the situation, casting a new shadow over Israel’s actions and its international standing. By extending this invitation, congressional leaders are effectively condoning Israel’s actions and turning a blind eye to the suffering of innocent civilians in Gaza. From a moral perspective, the decision to invite Netanyahu is indefensible. It sends a message that the lives of Palestinian civilians are expendable, and that Israel’s actions are beyond reproach. The indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas and the use of force against unarmed protesters cannot be justified under any circumstances. By inviting Netanyahu to speak at the Capitol, congressional leaders are complicit in legitimizing Israel’s atrocities and perpetuating the cycle of violence in the region. Of course, they also supplied the bombs.
by Joseph Solis-Mullen
The End Of An Era: Pro-Palestine Language Exposes Israel And Zionism
If anyone was to argue that a top Spanish government official would one day declare that, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, it would have seemed ludicrous. But this is precisely how Yolanda Diaz, Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister, concluded a statement on 23 May, a few days before Spain officially recognised Palestine as a state. The Spanish recognition of Palestine, along with that of Norway and Ireland, is important. Western Europe is finally catching up with the rest of the world regarding the significance of a strong international position in support of the Palestinian people and in rejection of Israel’s genocidal practices in occupied Palestine. Equally important, though, is the changing political discourse regarding both Palestine and Israel in Europe and around the world. Almost immediately after the start of the latest Israeli war on Gaza, some European countries imposed restrictions on pro-Palestinian protests; some even banned the Palestinian flag, which was perceived, through some twisted logic, as an “anti-Semitic” symbol. The unprecedented solidarity with Israel at the start of the war, however, turned into an outright political, legal and moral liability for the pro-Israel western governments. Thus, a slow shift began, leading to a near-complete transformation in the position of some governments, and a partial but clear shift of the political discourse by others.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud
Chasing Votes vs Building Freedom: The Founders’ Radical Plan For Liberty (30:59)
A lot of people in today’s liberty movement are totally wasting their time. They’re like a hamster on a wheel: running in place, getting nowhere. The problem is – they focus too much time, money and energy on elections as their primary – or only strategy for liberty. The Founders wouldn’t recognize this while living under the largest government in history. On other occasions, antibodies are deemed as “bad” and are used to diagnose one of the so-called “auto-immune” diseases or an invented condition such as Alpha-gal Syndrome and Lyme disease. The most feared of all is ‘HIV’ antibodies, supposedly specific to a deadly virus…that has never been shown to exist. However, even the HIV proponents admit that the “specific” antibodies can be found in dozens of conditions, including in recipients of experimental COVID-19 vaccines.
by Tenth Amendment Center
The US Government Is Using “Ceasefire” Rhetoric To Try To Obstruct International Law In Gaza (Text and Video)
This has in fact been a pattern, including in 1967, when the occupation of Gaza began.
The Biden statement on an alleged “ceasefire” and much hype since were likely intended as a way to sabotage moves at the UN, in particular a UN Security Council resolution implementing the ICJ Orders on Rafah; and spare the Biden administration yet another veto. Most importantly, the axis of genocide wants to prevent the implementation of actual international law through the General Assembly’s Uniting For Peace process, which would open the door to actual action, like placing sanctions on Israel – the subject of my latest major piece. I noted that Uniting for Peace was used to solve the 1956 Suez Crisis, in which Britain and France were forced to withdraw, and Israel was compelled to withdraw from Gaza in 1957. Algeria was set to introduce a UNSC resolution on the ICJ Orders, but it seems to be yielding to the US government on its at best dubious “ceasefire” resolution. The US government is effectively weaponizing the alleged call for a “ceasefire” as an instrument against international law and actual peace.
by Sam Husseini
Syria On The Brink Of Recovery As Qatar And Turkey Change Their Policies
The Emir of Qatar, Tamim al Thani, recently said that he supports the street protests in Idlib, where people are protesting the dictatorial rule of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) terrorist group.
This marks a monumental change in policy for Qatar, and maybe the first step toward restoring diplomatic ties with Syria. Beginning in 2011, and the Obama administration’s US-NATO war on Syria for regime change, Qatar has been a close and loyal ally to the US, and was used as a financial backer of the various terrorist groups brought into Turkey, and trucked across the border to Idlib. Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber bin Mohammed bin Thani Al Thani, former Prime Minister of Qatar, and foreign minister until 2013, gave an interview in which he admitted Qatar provided the money to bankroll the terrorists in Syria as they attacked the Syrian people and state. He made it clear that the cash delivered was sanctioned, and administered by the US in Turkey. Qatar was not working alone, but under a strictly controlled partnership with the US government. In 2017, President Trump shut down the CIA operation Timber Sycamore which ran the failed project to overthrow the Syrian government.
by Steven Sahiouni
3 Reasons There’s Something Sinister With The Big Push For Electric Vehicles
25 refrigerators. That’s how much the additional electricity consumption per household would be if the average US home adopted electric vehicles (EVs). Congressman Thomas Massie—an electrical engineer—revealed this information while discussing with Pete Buttigieg, the Secretary of Transportation, President Biden’s plan to have 50% of cars sold in the US be electric by 2030. The current and future grid in most places will not be able to support each home running 25 refrigerators—not even close. Just look at California, where the grid is already buckling under the existing load. Massie claims, correctly, in my view, that the notion of widespread adoption of electric vehicles anytime soon is a dangerous fantasy based on political science, not sound engineering. Nonetheless, governments, the media, academia, large corporations, and celebrities tout an imminent “transition” to EVs as if it’s preordained from above. It’s not. They’re trying to manufacture your consent for a scam of almost unimaginable proportions. Below are three reasons why something sinister is going on with the big push for EVs.
by Nick Giambruno
ACH (2362) I’m Talking To You #121 – CNN’s 44th Birthday (Audio 25:58)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on June 1 2024, Andy presents a show entitled, “CNN’s 44th Birthday.”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is a largely unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his weekday shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Hypocritical Move: E*Trade Reportedly Considers Shutting Down Roaring Kitty
Roaring Kitty is the unlikely hero in a financial drama that captivated the world. Known online as Roaring Kitty, Gill isn’t your typical Wall Street player. He’s an independent investor with a knack for picking stocks and a penchant for sharing his insights on YouTube and Reddit. But when Gill set his sights on GameStop, a company teetering on the brink of bankruptcy and under relentless attack by short sellers, he inadvertently lit the fuse on a powder keg of small investor rebellion. The GameStop saga was supposed to be a footnote in the annals of financial history. But Gill’s enthusiasm and the fervor of retail investors turned it into a full-blown insurrection. Thousands of small-time traders, tired of being pushed around by the big boys, rallied behind Gill’s battle cry to “stick it to the man.” And for a brief, shining moment, in 2021, they did just that, driving GameStop’s stock price to dizzying heights and inflicting billions in losses on the hedge funds betting against the company.
by Christina Maas
Obeisance To The “Greater Good”
Most people in the West are familiar with the biblical story of Moses. In this tale, a spiritual leader, chosen by God, leads his people out of Egypt to the promised land. The Israelites are saved. God provides Moses with a list of commandments that they are to live by – pretty basic stuff: Don’t kill people, don’t steal or lie, don’t cheat on your spouse, etc. But interestingly, the second commandment exhorts the Israelites not to create false gods, nor to bow down to nor serve them. Unfortunately, when Moses was away, the Israelites did create a false god. They couldn’t resist the very human urge to have a visible deity that would hopefully provide them with good times, as long as they were willing to prostrate themselves before it. And past eras are filled with such stories – naïve pagans sacrificing animals and humans to the deities in the hopes that they would provide rain, a good crop, healthy babies, freedom from inter-tribal aggression, etc.
by Jeff Thomas
Japan: ‘Billions Of Vaccinated Will Die – Those Responsible Must Pay’ (Text and Video)
Japan has issued a formal apology to the unvaccinated, admitting that the government bowed to pressure from the international elite to employ “totalitarian” psychological warfare tactics on the public to brainwash citizens during the pandemic. According to Japanese officials, it is time to prepare to say goodbye to vaccinated loved ones, because billions of people will soon be dead as a consequence of a crime worse than the Holocaust, and the world will never be the same again. Governments around the world fell into line during the Covid pandemic and gaslight their citizens into giving up their freedoms and complying with draconian orders including unscientific mask mandates and experimental mRNA gene therapy techniques. Remember the White House’s claim that the unvaccinated would suffer a winter of severe illness and death? The history books will remember that as the moment the illegitimate US president told the citizens to be happy while they were injected with their dose of life-shortening poison. It wasn’t only the US. How about the WEF-captured UK government’s stark warning that unvaccinated family members were set begin dropping like flies?
by Baxter Dmitry
Adolf Hitler And Marshal Mannerheim Recording June 4, 1942 (11:22)
Recording, with English text translation, of Hitler speaking during a luncheon with Finnish leaders explaining his decision to attack the USSR. This is the only recording of the German leader talking at length in his normal, conversational voice. Hitler visited Finland on June 4, 1942, to meet with that country’s military commander, Marshal Mannerheim, President Ryti, and Prime Minister Rangell. (Finland and Germany were World War II allies against the Soviet Union.) An engineer of the Finnish broadcasting company YLE had placed a microphone near where the men shared a meal in a railroad dining car, and thereby recorded a portion of their lengthy conversation. This is the only known recording of Hitler speaking in his “normal,” conversational voice. Here’s a portion, along with an English translation. Hitler talks about his fateful decision to strike against the USSR.
US Government Enforces Showing A National ID Before Boarding Domestic Flights
A US government policy that takes effect next year will crush domestic air travel under the guise of national security. The scheme will disqualify many Americans from boarding domestic flights unless they show a national ID. “It appears the goal here is to shut down air travel for a large portion of the American public,” Leo Hohmann writes. “How convenient that this dove-tales perfectly with the globalist climate agenda known as “net zero emissions,” in which they have stated they want to see dramatically fewer people travelling by air,” he adds. Independent journalist Patrick Webb reports that the US government plans to launch its heavily criticised federal ID program, called Real ID, for domestic air travel on 7 May 2025. Webb stated in a series of Twitter (now X) posts on Sunday that this will ban all adults from domestic flights unless they have replaced traditional state-issued IDs with Real IDs, raising significant concerns about privacy and state surveillance. I decided to fact-check Webb and found him to be spot on. On the government’s own Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) website, it states: Are you REAL ID ready? On May 7, 2025, US travellers must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights and access certain federal facilities. This change raises major concerns about privacy and state surveillance.
by Rhoda Wilson
Britain’s Century Long Opium Trafficking And China’s Century Of Humiliation (1839-1949)
For the Chinese, the trauma of the Century of Humiliation continues as a blunt reminder of their past defeat and neo-colonial servitude, as well as a reminder of the West’s self-righteous hypocrisy and arrogance. In 1500, India and China were the world’s most advanced civilizations. Then came the Europeans. They eventually looted and wreaked havoc on both, just as they were to on the Americas and Africa. For India and China, Britain was the chief culprit, relying on state-sponsored drug-running backed by industrialized military power. The British Empire was the world’s largest producer and exporter of opium-the main product of global trade after the gradual decline of the slave trade from Africa. Their “civilization” brought the Century of Humiliation to China, which only ended with the popular revolution led by Mao Zedong. This historic trauma and the struggle to overcome it and re-establish their country is etched in the minds of the Chinese today.
by Stansfield Smith
Some Countries Could Meet Their Total Electricity Needs From Floating Solar Panels, Research Shows
Floating solar photovoltaic panels could supply all the electricity needs of some countries, new research has shown. The study, by researchers from Bangor and Lancaster Universities and the UK Center for Ecology & Hydrology, aimed to calculate the global potential for deploying low-carbon floating solar arrays. The researchers calculated the daily electrical output for floating photovoltaics (FPVs) on nearly 68,000 lakes and reservoirs around the world, using available climate data for each location. The researchers’ calculations included lakes and reservoirs where floating solar technology is most likely to be installed. They were no more than 10km from a population center, not in a protected area, didn’t dry up and didn’t freeze for more than six months each year. The researchers calculated output based on FPVs covering just 10% of their surface area, up to a maximum of 30 km2. While output fluctuated depending on altitude, latitude and season, the potential annual electricity generation from FPVs on these lakes was 1,302 terawatt hours (TWh), around four times the total annual electricity demand of the UK.
by Bangor University
June 4, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Video Of The Day
Braveheart (9:28)
by Mel Gibson
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
by Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Quote Of The Day
“The one process now going on that will take millions of years to correct is the loss of genetic and species diversity by the destruction of natural habitats. This is the folly our descendants are least likely to forgive us.”
Edward O. Wilson
Website Of The Day
BDS Movement
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality.
BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.
Links to hundreds of independent websites.
Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.
America Archive With 3,419 Posts
US Close To ‘Fatal’ Miscalculation – Moscow
Russia’s response to what Washington’s “clients” in Ukraine do may be “asymmetrical” and stronger than expected, the senior diplomat has warned
The US is close to making a “fatal” miscalculation in its attempts to deal with Russia and the Ukraine conflict, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has warned. The senior diplomat commented on Monday on the reported US decision to let Kiev use American weapons outside what Washington considers Ukrainian territory. The move is supposedly limited to a small piece of Russia’s Belgorod Region relevant to hostilities across the border in Ukraine’s Kharkov Region. ”I’d like to warn American actors against miscalculations that can lead to fatal consequences. For some unclear reason they underestimate how serious a response they could face,” Ryabkov told journalists. Up to then the stated US policy had been to ban such attacks, to prevent triggering “World War III.” Kiev has said it is disappointed by the change, as it wants permission to fire long-range American weapons deep inside Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned of “serious consequences” of potential long-range strikes “considering the [countries’] parity in strategic weapons.”
by RT
Can Decentralization Save Humanity? (15:12)
by Academy Of Ideas
Israel Violates Syrian Air-Space On A Criminal Assassination Mission
Civilians and military killed in Israeli attack on northern Aleppo
At approximately 00.20 on the 3rd of June 2024 Israel again violated Syrian airspace to target sites in the vicinity of Aleppo, northern Syria. The Israeli jets entered Syrian air-space via Jordan and the illegal U.S. military base at Al Tanf on the border between Syria and Jordan. The Israeli warplanes flew at very low altitude to avoid Syrian radar detection and approached the south-eastern countryside of Aleppo where they fired thirteen missiles targeting six locations in the northern countryside of Aleppo. Needless to say there have been simultaneous intense attacks on southern Idlib and western Aleppo by the NATO/Zionist backed terrorist groups. One area targeted was a civilian copper-smelting facility in Hayyan north of Aleppo. The aggression led to the martyrdom of 17 soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army and allied forces including another senior IRGC advisor – Haj Saeed Abyar: Yesterday a funeral service was held for the assassinated Haj Saeed Abyar at Sayyeda Ruqaya Shrine in Damascus. It is reported that a further 15 people were injured in the attack and that there were civilians among those killed in the attack.
by Vanessa Beeley
Russia Has Moved Eleven Nuclear Submarines Into The Atlantic Ocean
Russia has deployed 11 nuclear submarines into the Atlantic Ocean. Each submarine carries from 6 to 16, and in some cases up to 32 missiles, each of which may hold from six to ten nuclear warheads. This deployment means that a cautious estimate proves there are now around 1000 warheads on Russian submarines that can be headed toward the US east coast, or perhaps the Gulf of Mexico. This deployment comes just days after “Ukraine” (or more likely a NATO country) attacked and either damaged or destroyed two separate Russian Over-the-Horizon (OTH) nuclear missile warning radar stations in southern Russia. When these stations were hit, the lack of radar coverage put a “hole” in Russia’s nuclear protection. When those radars were operational, Russia would have between 14 and 16 minutes advance warning that nuclear missiles were coming at their country. Now that those radar are destroyed, if a submarine launched missile was fired from with the eastern Mediterranean Sea, almost anywhere in the Red Sea, in the Gulf of Arabia or from south of the country of Somalia on the African continent, Russia will only have ten to twelve minutes warning, likely less. In southern Russia, the destruction of the two radar stations means Russia can only detect inbound missiles when they are past the horizon; i.e. much closer to Russia. Given the speed at which such missiles travel, that amount of warning is, frankly, too little, too late. This compressed time frame no longer allows Russia to figure out what might be happening before they decide to launch a return strike.
by Hal Turner
“I Hope That Benjamin Netanyahu Burns In Hell” (2:16)
Thomas Gould TD
2024 Annotated Bilderberg Members List
The 70th Bilderberg Meeting will take place from 30 May – 2 June 2024 in Madrid, Spain. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia, labour and the media has been invited. I have been writing biographies of the Bilderberg meeting members for a dozen or so years. Hopefully, soon they won’t be around to bother real human beings much longer. Things are looking that bad for them. But that is as I see it. The key topics for discussion this year are:
by Video Rebel
Elon Musk: Free Speech Hypocrite
Exhibit A: “Hateful Conduct”
Elon Musk: I call on you to stop the lying hypocrisy that you are some kind of salvational, free speech advocate. Twitter is just as censorious as the other Big Tech, Big Stick platforms. Exhibit A: I received the email below from X banishing me to the nether regions of the internet. It is my punishment for a comment I posted in response to some tweet by one of the many myopic analysts who is under the illusion that the CIA is a member of the class of “deciders” who call the shots. From: X Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2024 3:02 PM To: Cat McGuire Subject: Your post’s visibility is limited. I presume of the various categories of Hateful Conduct I violated, the trigger word was “ZOG.” The AI bot used by X assuredly put two and two together using some algorithmic variation of race, ethnicity, national origin, and/or religious affiliation and deduced I was talking about Jews. If so, I now have further ammunition to exhort everyone to abandon the many euphemisms we apply to our overlords and just call a spade a spade, OK? By the way, who knew violating people with a “serious disease” was a thing? Does psychopathology count? If so, might that affliction be what rendered my ZOG comment guilty?
by Cat McGuire
Today’s GPs Are Lazy, Not Overworked – Here’s The Proof
GPs are constantly complaining that they are desperately overworked. Doctors representatives say the same thing. But the evidence proves that they are NOT overworked. Today there are nearly twice as many GPs in England and Wales as there were in 1964 when I started medical school. And if you look at the number of GPs per 100,000 patients the figures show that there are more GPs available than ever. Back in 1964, there were 42 GPs per 100,000 patients. Today, there are around 60 GPs per 100,000 patients. And remember that GPs used to do home visits, night calls, weekend calls and calls on bank holidays. Today, very few GPs do any of those things. And many GPs refuse to see patients `live’ – insisting on doing their consultations over the phone or the internet. Ring a GP’s surgery today with an emergency and you will be told to go to hospital. In the bad old days GPs would sew up wounds and deal with a whole range of emergencies. The only possible conclusion is that GPs are not overworked. Indeed, they do far less work than their predecessors did decades ago. There are more GPs than ever. And they’re doing less work. It’s not surprising that hospital Accident and Emergency departments cannot cope.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
CrossTalk Bullhorns With Peter Lavelle | NATO Goes For Broke (26:01)
Up the escalation ladder: NATO is inching closer to war with Russia in a desperate attempt to salvage its failing Ukraine project. Also, will the American people elect a convicted felon president?
CrossTalking with George Szamuely and Martin Jay.
The Kremlin May Rest Easy: Europe Is A Paper Tiger
Having committed to an outlay of 60 euros for a soAre Lazy, Not Overworked – Here’s The Proofcial club luncheon which was to be addressed by the Belgian minister of defense, Admiral Michel Hofman, speaking on how the ministry is preparing for what it calls ‘geopolitical evolution,’ meaning World War III, I was more than a little disappointed to learn, as we were standing by our seats awaiting our ‘at ease’ orders, that our speaker would be a no-show. Apparently he was called away to confer with colleagues in the government, and since this government has only one week to enjoy its perquisites before it is swept away by the June 9th parliamentary elections, the minister’s priorities are understandable if unforgivable from our perspective as paying guests. Happily, however, at the initiative of the club’s president and of some attendees who have military standing, a chap from the ministry who is responsible for human resources was rushed in, had a quick bite to eat now that we all had advanced to the main course while awaiting his arrival, and then provided us all with what I am about to present below.
by Gilbert Doctorow
Caitlin Clark, Identity Politics, And Women’s Basketball (Text and Video)
Women’s basketball has surged in popularity among American sports fans over the past few years, thanks largely to the shooting skills of Caitlin Clark. Clark, a 22-year-old who hails from the state of Iowa, recently became the all-time leading scorer in the history of college basketball. Throughout her four years playing for the University of Iowa, Clark entertained spectators with her unmatched ability to make shots from long distances. The broadcast of last season’s women’s national championship game between Clark’s Iowa team and the University of South Carolina drew 18.9 million viewers, which not only set the viewership record for a women’s basketball game but actually received higher ratings than the next night’s men’s championship game. According to BBC News, “The phenomenon of her influence has been dubbed the Caitlin Clark Effect.” Now that she has graduated, Clark has chosen to continue her basketball career in the WNBA, the women’s counterpart to the National Basketball Association (NBA). The WNBA has been languishing in obscurity since its inception in 1997. Historically, there has been little fan interest in women’s professional basketball, and the WNBA would not be able to survive on its own without the $15 million it receives each year from the NBA. The Spain-based sports outlet Diario AS recently observed that “the financial resources from ticket sales, merchandise, and broadcasting deals are not sufficient to sustain WNBA operations independently.” In fact, in all the years of its existence, the WNBA has never made a profit.
by Dave Chambers
Carrying First Samples Collected From Far Side Of Moon, Chang’e-6 Embarks On Journey Home
Carrying valuable rocks and dust collected from the far side of the moon, the ascender of China’s Chang’e-6 lunar probe officially embarked on its journey back to Earth, moving toward the goal of returning precious rock and soil from this region to Earth for the first time in history. The Global Times learned from China National Space Agency (CNSA) on Tuesday that after being powered by the 3000-newton engine for approximately six minutes, the ascender of Chang’e-6 lifted off from the lunar surface and entered its preset lunar orbit with success at 7:38 am on Tuesday. The lunar probe, named after a moon goddess in Chinese mythology and the sixth in the decades-long space program, completed sample collecting mission in the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the moon from Sunday to Monday, in an intelligent and rapid fashion, per the CNSA.
by Deng Xiaoci
ACH (2363) Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #110 – Israel’s Fingerprints (Audio 13:49)
In today’s show originally broadcast on June 2 2024, Andy presents a show entitled “Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #110 – Israel’s Fingerprints” which was taken from “The American Institute Of Theology Bible Study Course” that is available from Kingdom Identity Ministries.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
First Genetically Modified Pig Kidneys Transplanted Into Humans – Financial Success For “Science” But Deadly For Humans
The first man to receive a genetically modified pig kidney died last month, less than two months after the transplant. The transplant was done in March (2023), with much fanfare over being the first person to receive a pig kidney. The doctors told him and his family they expected him to live “for at least 2 years.” The second person to receive a pig kidney transplant was Lisa Pisano in April (2024). But 47 days later they had to remove the pig kidney to keep her alive. So were these first two cases of humans receiving a genetically modified pig kidney a success, or a failure? The answer to that question depends upon one’s perspective, and what kind of outcomes one is expecting from the huge amount of money that is being invested to research “xenotransplantation”. If the expected outcome was to increase the lives of the patients, then no, it was not a success. But if the expected outcome was to convince investors to keep investing in the technology and deriving great profit, based on a belief that this technology would someday be successful and “scalable,” then yes, it was a success, because the patients did not die immediately on the operating table, and investors will most likely continue funding such research.
by Brian Shilhavy
Mexico’s Woke [Jewish] New President Claudia Sheinbaum Is Strongly Pro-Abortion And Pro-LGBT
Mexico’s new president is atheist ‘climate scientist’ Claudia Sheinbaum, who called abortion a ‘right,’ celebrated homosexual ‘marriage,’ and plans to use her power to promote ‘sexually diverse’ ideology.
Claudia Sheinbaum, who pitched herself as a successor to Mexico’s outgoing leftist president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, is the new president after a landslide victory on June 2 that saw her securing 58.8% of the votes with 82% of the ballots counted. A former mayor of Mexico City, Sheinbaum has vaunted her credentials as a “climate scientist” and is being celebrated by progressive leaders such as President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as the first female president of Mexico – and as a kindred spirit. Who is Mexico’s new president? Last year, Mexico’s Supreme Court decriminalized abortion in a woke activist ruling intended to void abortion laws on the books in nearly all of the country’s 32 states (the ruling referred to “people with the capacity to gestate”) and stated that “the federal public health service and any federal health institution” must offer abortion to “anyone who requests it.” Despite that, 19 states have yet to make abortion legal in their penal codes, and abortion has not yet been added as a “right” to the Mexican constitution, which abortion groups have been pushing for.
by Jonathon Van Maren
Threat To Arrest Russian Journalists Signals Growing Political Persecution In West
Western governments are increasingly turning towards overt methods of repression as they lose their grip on control of the masses.
The Clooney Foundation for Justice (CFJ) has been forced to disavow comments by a legal director with the organization calling for the arrest of Russian journalists after intense backlash. Anna Neistat, who leads the foundation’s The Docket project, claimed Thursday that her team is urging international authorities to prosecute Russian reporters. “We want them to travel to other countries and be arrested there,” said Neistat, revealing that she is pressuring the European Union and International Criminal Court to pursue the matter. Neistat made the comments during an interview with the US state-backed propaganda outlet Voice of America. The organization has since backpedaled on the provocative claim with a statement asserting that “someone in our foundation misspoke,” but observers see the proposal as yet another sign of the West’s growing authoritarianism and intolerance of dissenting voices.
by John Miles
Sayer Ji Interviews Dr. Chris Busby: Advocacy, Controversies, And The Rise Of 4th Generation Nuclear Weapons (1:30:37)
In 2015, Miguel Viegas submitted an inquiry to the European Parlaiment titled, ” Gaza Strip and bombs with depleted uranium,” which he prefaced with the statement: “There is now enough convincing data to prove that Israel has repeatedly used depleted uranium weaponry. Such was the case in the large-scale massacre that took place in the Gaza Strip in August 2014.”
WaPo Saw A 50% Decline In Readership “Since The Highs Of 2020”
Take that Jeff Bezos and the other mainstream media on life support. Censorship and propaganda only work for so long.
The Executive Editor “abruptly stepped down” at the Washington Post. Ms. Buzbee, hired by The Washington Post in May 2021 by then-chief executive Fred Ryan, did not immediately return a request for comment. Her abrupt departure comes after a miserable few years financially for the news industry, including The Washington Post, which has bled subscribers to the point where Mr. Lewis told employees in May that the company lost $77 million in 2023 and saw a 50 percent decline in viewership since the highs of 2020. “To speak candidly, we are in a hole, and have been for some time,” Mr. Lewis told staff during a presentation on May 22, according to the publication’s own reporting.
by Meryl Nass
The Trump Trial And Our Injustice System
I’ve long criticized our current US justice system – on all levels – as becoming much more about political justice than blind justice. The bizarre trial and conviction of former President Donald Trump last week on 34 felonies only reinforces my concerns. The New York District Attorney, Soros-backed Alvin Bragg, has been notorious for downgrading felony charges against others to misdemeanor charges. According to a recent article in the Daily Mail, Bragg had downgraded 60 percent of felony cases to lesser charges, resulting in violent criminals being released on the streets and a crime wave across New York City. But when it came to Donald Trump, Bragg lurched in the other direction, upgrading what normally would have been misdemeanor charges against anyone else to 34 felony charges against the former president. How can this sudden “about-face” be explained other than politics? Jonathan Turley, who is no fan of Donald Trump, has been covering the trial closely and has found more than a little disturbing the exuberant celebrations of Trump’s conviction among the mainstream media and his political opponents. Recently, he wrote: “The conviction of former President Donald Trump in Manhattan of 34 felonies produced citywide celebrations [which] extended to the media, where former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace that it was ‘majestic day’ and ‘a day to celebrate.’ When I left the courthouse after watching the verdict come in, I was floored by the celebrations outside by both the public and some of the media.”
by Ron Paul
“Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!”
St. John’s Church, Richmond, Virginia, March 23, 1775
Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come. It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
by Patrick Henry
Haiti Devours White Missionaries (11:44)
Only white people peddle gay rights, feminism, democracy, world brotherhood, and Jesus to people for whom all that is just so much gibberish.
by American Renaissance
Revealed: The Former Israeli Spies Working In Top Jobs At Google, Facebook And Microsoft
MintPress study has found that hundreds of former agents of the notorious Israeli spying organization, Unit 8200, have attained positions of influence in many of the world’s biggest tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon. The Israeli Defense Forces’ (IDF) Unit 8200 is infamous for surveilling the indigenous Palestinian population, amassing kompromat on individuals for the purposes of blackmail and extortion. Spying on the world’s rich and famous, Unit 8200 hit the headlines last year, after the Pegasus scandal broke. Former Unit 8200 officers designed and implemented software that spied on tens of thousands of politicians and likely aided in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Why is having former Unit 8200 officers in charge of security, development and software design at some of the world’s most important communications companies a problem? To start with, one of the military unit’s primary functions is to use their tech know how to carry out spying operations across the world. As Israeli newspaper Haaretz noted in an investigation, “Israel has become a leading exporter of tools for spying on civilians,” selling invasive surveillance software to dozens of governments, many of them among the world’s worst human rights abusers. In Indonesia, for instance, the software was used to create a database of gay people. Unit 8200 also spies on Americans. Whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA regularly passes on the data and communications of U.S. citizens to the Israeli group. “I think that’s amazing…It’s one of the biggest abuses we’ve seen,” Snowden said.
by Alan Macleod
Why Jabalia?
For 20 days now, the occupation army has been committing massacres that have caught the attention of the entire world in Jabalia and the city’s refugee camp. Everyone is asking what makes this small spot the subject of this continuous destruction. This narrow area, which does not exceed 1.4 square kilometres, holds the highest population density in the world. It is home to 116,000 people and is the largest refugee camp in Palestine. At the beginning of the current war, the occupation army poured out its anger on Jabalia camp, carrying out four of the most violent and brutal massacres of this war so far. It later announced victory over Jabalia and began to head south. So why has it returned? Due to Jabalia’s steadfastness, the occupation army bombed its neighborhoods with dumb bombs, killing hundreds of people in each strike. It went on to starve Palestinians in the north. And now, Netanyahu’s army is trying a second entry/invasion, perhaps wanting to destroy the camp. What is happening is a repeat and intensification of what happened long ago, as my father told me. In 1967, Jabalia camp was the site where the first resistance against the occupation began. The occupation went crazy then, wondering how a freedom fighter dared to shoot at a helicopter.
by Tamer Ajrami
Island Resort Nation Bars Israelis
The Maldives has imposed a ban in solidarity with Palestine
The Maldives announced on Sunday that Israeli passport holders would be banned from visiting, due to the war in Gaza. The small Muslim-majority country in the Indian Ocean is a popular destination for holidaymakers from the Jewish state. “President Dr Mohamed Muizzu, following a recommendation from the Cabinet, has resolved to impose a ban on Israeli passports,” the president’s office said in a statement on its website. “The Cabinet decision includes amending necessary laws to prevent Israeli passport holders from entering the Maldives and establishing a Cabinet subcommittee to oversee these efforts.” Muizzu’s office added that the president has decided to “appoint a special envoy to assess Palestinian needs,” launch a fundraising campaign, and hold a nationwide rally in support of Palestine. The Indian Ocean archipelago, known for its white sand beaches, turquoise lagoons, and luxury resorts, attracted almost 11,000 tourists from Israel last year, making up 0.6% of total arrivals. This year, however, the number has dropped by more than 80%.
by RT
June 3, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Video Of The Day
Can Decentralization Save Humanity? (15:12)
by Academy Of Ideas
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but for the sake of defending those who do.”
William Blake
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Netanyahu Says He Will Not Halt Gaza War, Disputes Biden’s Ceasefire Proposal
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said Monday that he is “not ready to stop” the ongoing war on the Gaza Strip, claiming that President Joe Biden’s remarks about a ceasefire proposal were “inaccurate”, Anadolu Agency reports. “I am not ready to stop the war,” the public broadcaster, KAN, quoted Netanyahu as saying during a secret discussion in the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee. He claimed that the details of the ceasefire proposal laid out by Biden were “inaccurate”. “The outline that Biden presented is partial. The war will be stopped for the purpose of returning hostages and then we will have a discussion,” he said. “There are other undisclosed details. We could cease fighting for 42 days to facilitate the return of hostages, but we will not give up our goal of complete victory.”
Presentiment (50:33)
by Rupert Sheldrake
West Opts For Borodino Strategy In Ukraine And China
I know. History does not repeat, but it sometimes rhymes. After watching recent Western actions in Ukraine and listening to increasingly belligerent American threats directed at China, I am seeing eerie parallels with the Battle of Borodino. What?? How is the French pyrrhic victory in the epic battle with Russian forces on the 7 of September 1812, near the village located west of Moscow, relevant to the current situation in Ukraine and China? Let me explain. The Battle of Borodino was the apogee of Napoleon’s reckless attempt to conquer Russia and set the stage for his ensuing defeat — French losses in securing their “victory” at Borodino, left them decimated and unable to finish the war they started. Napoleon and his commanders hunkered down in Moscow for a short period but then, with the onset of an early winter, realized they faced annihilation if they stayed and chose to try to return to France. They lacked the logistics to sustain themselves in a zone of conflict. The long, deadly retreat from Moscow, marked the nadir of the French military in that campaign, having entered Russia with an army of 600,000 men and escaped with only 16% of the force still intact. Losing 500,000 soldiers is not a recipe for victory.
by Larry Johnson
What Has Israel Done For Americans In The Past Week?
They’ve taken our money & weapons and made us complicit as war criminals
The Jewish Virtual Library asserts that “The US-Israel relationship is based on the twin pillars of shared values and shared interests. Given this commonality of interests and beliefs, it should not be surprising that support for Israel is one of the most pronounced and consistent foreign policy values of the American people.” That is, of course, the big lie among the many that constitute the tie that binds the two countries together. The back-up lies, regularly spouted in Congress, are that Israel is a democracy and an ally. It is, of course neither, as it is a Jews-only apartheid regime that has no fixed borders and no reciprocal security arrangements with the US. Israel and its promoters never tell the truth, particularly when they are conning the United States government into providing more money and more weapons, as has been occurring both openly and secretly over the past eight months during the horrific ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. So how does it happen, particularly as Israel is manifestly evil in terms of its treatment of the Palestinians as well reckless in its aggression directed against neighbors like Lebanon and Syria. That it is not also bombing Egypt and Jordan is largely attributable to the billions of dollars in aid that the US gives to those countries conditional on their maintaining a wobbly modus vivendi with the aggressive and nuclear armed Zionists.
by Philip Giraldi
Anyone Who Dares To Separate Taiwan From China Is Engaging In Self-Destruction: Chinese Defense Minister
Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun on Sunday reiterated China’s firm stance on the Taiwan question during a speech delivered at the Shangri-La Dialogue, warning that anyone who dares to separate Taiwan from China will be engaging in an act of self-destruction. Dong stressed that the Taiwan question is at the very core of China’s core interests, and that the one-China principle has long become a universally recognized international relations norm. “But what we are seeing now is that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities in Taiwan are pursuing “Taiwan independence” in an incremental way, as they are bent on desinicization in Taiwan and severing social, historical and cultural links across the Taiwan Straits. Those fanatical separatist statements have revealed their betrayal of the Chinese nation and their ancestors, and will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history,” Dong said. At the same time, some external interfering forces keep hollowing out the one-China principle with a “salami-slicing” approach, as they have created Taiwan-related bills and continued to sell arms to the island of Taiwan, engaging in illegal official contacts with the island, Dong said, noting that in fact, what they are doing is to embolden “Taiwan independence” separatists in attempt to contain China with the Taiwan question. These malicious intentions are dragging Taiwan into a dangerous situation, Dong said.
by Global Times
Primary Perception (13:45)
by Cleve Backster
They Should Get No More
Wherein we discover a new word: “crybullies.”
The question was recently asked: “Have the Jews milked their Holocaust for everything they can?” The Jews will, of course, call this an “anti-Semitic” question – a “hate” question. But, no. It is a perfectly good question. In the first place, quite a few people aren’t certain that “the Holocaust” actually happened. There are people for whom Jewish cajolery and Jewish intimidation just do not work, and many of them know propaganda by its earmarks. At the very least, the Holocaust is the most over-hyped and most over-ventilated event in history. No other genocide, in particular the ones in which the Jews themselves were (or are) involved as perpetrators, gets the tiresomely repetitious, over and over and over coverage that the “Nazi-Holocaust-of-the-Jews-in-gas-chambers” story does. Or does now. Try finding articles on “the Holocaust” in encyclopedias published in the 1950s and 1960s, and let me know how it went. (Hint: There aren’t any.) At the very most, the Jews lied up the main parts of the story, and there never were any homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz or at Treblinka, or anywhere else in German-occupied Europe. Either way, the supposed Holocaust has enabled the Jews to be crybullies. They hurt somebody, and the somebody complains. The Jew refers to “the Holocaust,” and suddenly nobody pays any heed to the injured person’s complaint anymore. The Jews cry out in pain as they hit you. It’s a masterpiece of deflection strategy. Why does it work? Because nobody wants to be the next victim of Jewish bullying.
by David Sims
China Warns Of ‘Limits’ To Its Restraint On US Provocation In South China Sea
China’s defense minister has warned the US over the deployment of ballistic missiles in the Asia-Pacific region, stressing that there are “limits” to Beijing’s restraint in dealing with such acts of provocation in the South China Sea.
Dong Jun raised the alarm at an international security forum in Singapore on Sunday in a clear reference to the United States and the Philippines, which have been boosting their military ties to contain what they claim to be China’s growing military might and influence in the strategic body of water. “China has maintained sufficient restraint in the face of rights infringements and provocation, but there are limits to this,” Dong told the Shangri-La Dialogue, which is attended by defense officials from around the world. The two longstanding treaty allies, the United States and the Philippines have been working to consolidate their alliance and partnership in the Asia-Pacific region, which has enraged Beijing. The US Army said in April that it had deployed a Mid-Range Capability missile system capable of firing the Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) and the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile in the northern Philippines for annual joint exercises.
by Press TV
Map Shows Ukraine’s Record-Breaking Hits On Russian Nuclear Warning Sites
Russia’s nuclear ballistic missile early warning radar network has emerged as a key target of long-range Ukrainian strikes, with three facilities having now been attacked by Kyiv’s drones in the past two months. Two such strikes occurred in the past week. First, a drone hit a “Voronezh-DM” radar at the Armavir Radar Station in the southern Krasnodar region on May 22. The site is home to two Voronezh-DM radars with a range of around 6,000 kilometers (3,730 miles). The attack appeared to have damaged a building housing one of the radars, RFE/RL’s Russian Service reported. The site is more than 300 miles from the closest territory currently under Kyiv’s control. The Armavir attack was quickly followed by a more ambitious strike. On May 26, a Ukrainian drone traveled some 930 miles from Kyiv-controlled territory to target a Voronezh-M radar near the city of Orsk, in the Orenburg region close to the border with Kazakhstan.
by David Brennan
Adolf Hitler (1:12:36)
Chapter 14 “With The Assurance Of A Sleepwalker” March 1936-January 1937
by John Toland
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Houthis Attack US Aircraft Carrier, Destroyer In Red Sea – Military Spokesman
Yemen’s Ansar Allah movement, also known as Houthis, attacked a US aircraft carrier, destroyer and a number of ships in the Red Sea, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saree said. The Houthi navy, missile units and drones have conducted six operations, the spokesman said. “The US aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower was attacked in the northern Red Sea with several missiles and drones,” Saree said, adding that a US destroyer was also attacked in the Red Sea. The movement’s forces struck ships in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean that “belong to companies that violated the decision to ban passage to [Israeli] ports,” the spokesman added. The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a statement that it had shot down one Houthi uncrewed aerial system and two anti-ship ballistic missiles in the southern Red Sea that had been fired in the direction of USS Gravely destroyer and were destroyed in “self-defense.”
by Sputnik—military-spokesman-1118742664.html
The Danger Of Electricity
The following essay is taken from my book `Superbody’
The Danger of Electromagnetic Fields
There are many ways in which our modern environment can cause cancer, can damage the human immune system and can increase our susceptibility and vulnerability to many different types of disease – including infections and cancer. But electricity is almost certainly a much bigger cause of problems – and far more dangerous – than most people imagine. If you spend most of your time working with or close to an electrical appliance, if you live or work near to an electricity supply line or if you spend your days working with electrical equipment then the chances of you developing cancer of one sort or another are considerably increased. Of course, the men in suits won’t tell you this. They’ll frighten you half to death about minority threats such as AIDS and radon because the former is a politically and commercially useful threat and the latter seems like an excellent way to boost the building industry, but they won’t give you any warning about the danger of electricity because they don’t want to annoy the many large and powerful business interests which sell, market, service or supply electricity and electrical equipment. I certainly think that the evidence is pretty convincing. And in America, where people only vote with their wallets when they really believe something, house prices near to electricity supply lines have fallen dramatically in recent years.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Ukraine: Russia Won’t Escalate, US Will
The United States’ proxy war with Russia is at another inflection point. The battleground is shifting dramatically to Russian territory — something without precedent even in the Cold War. How this pans out will be a momentous event in 21st century politics. There are three defining issues here. One, the NATO strategy going forward, given the realisation in the West that there is no question of Russia being defeated in Ukraine; two, the constitutional crisis in Kiev with the presidential term of Vladimir Zelensky having run out on May 21; and, three, germane to all this, Russia’s intentions. To be sure, the NATO and the EU are revamping their strategy while Russia hopes to remain “one foot ahead” of the West, as President Vladimir Putin put it. Russia is not interested in an escalation as it is doing well in the war of attrition with Ukraine. Russia has effectively countered the US’ Mission Creep so far to push through all of its self-imposed limitations on aid to Ukraine and eventually breach those limits. The big question today is how one could take the Biden Administration’s affirmation — stated by the White House National Security Council, the state department and the Pentagon — that it disfavours the use of western weaponry by Kiev to attack pre-war Russian territory.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Amendments Adopted!!! – Conclusion To The WHO’s 77th WHA With James Roguski (40:07)
I was in Genéve to participate in the protests against the WHO’s amendments to the International Health Regulations. On the 77th World Health Assembly the WHO actually adopted the proposed amendments. Contrary to what my belief was, when I went to bed in my hotel room in Geneva yesterday, the WHO actually adopted a range of new amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). In this video James Roguski goes through what changes were actually made just yesterday, through the mentioned amendments to the IHR.
by Flemming Blicher
Mexico’s Election: A Victory For Organised Crime
Under Claudia Sheinbaum’s presidency, organised crime will likely be calling the shots.
On June 2, Mexico elected Claudia Sheinbaum as its first woman president. The 61-year-old scientist served as mayor of Mexico City from 2018 until 2023 and is the protégée of outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), to whose Morena party she belongs and in whose shadow she will now govern. In the largest election in Mexico’s history, Sheinbaum faced off against ex-senator Xóchitl Gálvez, head of a conservative coalition. In addition to the presidential race, Mexicans also voted for candidates contesting more than 20,700 federal and local positions countrywide. In the run-up to the election, observers relentlessly cast the prospect of an impending female head of state in Mexico as a victory for women’s empowerment, although a glance at facts on the ground suggests the prematurity of any such celebration. Back in 2019, Sheinbaum, the first female mayor of Mexico City, promised to eradicate violence against women. During her tenure, however, the femicide epidemic in the Mexican capital – and the rest of the country – continued to rage. Mexico currently sees at least 10 women and girls killed on a daily basis, with tens of thousands of women missing. The vast majority of femicides go unprosecuted.
by Belén Fernández
Blood Transfusions From mRNA COVID Vaccine Recipients May Be Deadly: Japanese Researchers
Dr. Joseph Mercola explained that ‘Prion diseases are notoriously difficult to diagnose early, have no cure, and are fatal, making any potential transmission through blood products a significant safety concern.’
A Japanese preprint study warned of risks in transfusing blood from COVID vaccine recipients to other patients, indicating it may cause significant health risks, including death. The researchers also call for safety measures to screen and secure the world’s blood supply. Titled Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients: Safety Concerns and Proposals for Specific Measures, the paper’s second version posted Wednesday recalls the “global genetic vaccination program” that had been “rapidly implemented as a fundamental solution” to the coronavirus disease in 2020. The paper’s abstract continues: However, it has been reported worldwide that the modified mRNAs encoding spike proteins and lipid nanoparticles, which are used as drug delivery systems, not only cause thrombosis and cardiovascular disorders post vaccination, but might also cause diverse diseases involving all organs and systems, including the nervous system. Based on these reports and the abundant evidence that has come to light in the past few years, this paper aims to draw the attention of medical professionals to the various risks associated with transfusion using blood products derived from long COVID patients or from genetic vaccine recipients, and to make proposals regarding specific inspection items, testing methods, regulations, etc.
by Patrick Delaney
Baby Formula And Breastfeeding
On the Nature of Cartel Medicine.
What would the world look like without Obstetricians and Pediatricians? I don’t need to wonder. It would be a better place. With everything I’ve recently read and written about Hysterectomy and Childbirth, let alone Childhood Vaccination, I’ve been thinking about the Nature of Cartel Medicine. I’ve described Cartel Medicine as predatory many times, but what am I really describing? I’m describing its Nature. The same as if I was describing the Nature of a Wolf. A wolf sees me as prey because that is its Nature. I am trying to understand what IT is, why it behaves the way it does, and I’m trying to help others orient themselves correctly to this creature. Its Nature is to eat, to feed, to prey. We are the Prey. The “clothing” for this Nature are the Doctors. The well intentioned, naïve sheep that are poured into The Academy to be “educated” by the most sophisticated indoctrination technology the world has ever seen. They emerge, shiny and sparkling with their white coats that coincidentally are a similar color to that of a sheep’s coat. The Wolf manages to perpetually drape itself with a constantly renewed Sheep’s Clothing. The Sheep don’t understand their purpose.
by Unbekoming
TINA’ed 2024 Elections With Cat McGuire (1:08:38)
*TINA = There Is No Alternative. Is Trump an “alternative” just because he’s been lawfare-crucified? Cat McGuire and Kevin Barrett don’t think so.
Google Tightens Influence On UK Elections With New “Moderation” Tactics
Google has found itself yet another election to “support.” After the company made announcements to this effect related to the EU (European Parliament) June ballot, voters in the UK can now also look forward to – or dread, as the case may be – the tech giant’s role in their upcoming general election. A blog post by Google UK Director of Government Affairs and Public Policy Katie O’Donovan announced even more “moderation” and a flurry of other measures, most of which have become tried-and-tested instruments of Google’s censorship over the past years. They are divided in three categories – pushing (“surfacing”) content and sources of information picked by Google as authoritative and of high quality, along with YouTube information panels, investing in what it calls Trust & Safety operations, as well as “equipping campaigns with the best-in-class security tools and training.”
by Didi Rankovic
‘Lucrative’ Trap: Egypt Lured By Billion-Dollar IMF Deals
Cairo is seeking to secure large foreign loans in an attempt to combat its economic crisis
The major economic and currency crisis that Egypt has been going through in recent years has forced the country’s authorities to take measures that may result in even greater losses. Egypt’s recent agreements with world powers and global financial institutions show that Cairo aims to secure multibillion-dollar foreign loans. In order to obtain the loans, the government plans to reduce the foreign currency deficit and meet the conditions imposed by the International Monetary Fund. At the end of March 2024, Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly announced that the IMF had approved Egypt’s loan program and expanded it to $8 billion. He also noted that in early May, Egypt would receive the second installment of funds, worth $20 billion, from the Ras Al-Hekma deal with the UAE, aimed towards the development of the Ras Al-Hekma resort on the Mediterranean Sea. Cairo has already received the first $5 billion from the Ras Al-Hekma deal. Egypt wishes to conclude a similar agreement with Saudi investors in order to develop elite areas on the Red Sea coast near Sharm El Sheikh, including the Ras Ghamila resort. Madbouly said the government is in favor of increasing local and particularly foreign investments in Egypt, since this would help the country resolve the dollar crisis.
by RT
Personality Changes Associated With Organ Transplants
Personality changes have been reported following organ transplantation. Most commonly, such changes have been described among heart transplant recipients. We set out to examine whether personality changes occur following organ transplantation, and specifically, what types of changes occur among heart transplant recipients compared to other organ recipients. A cross-sectional study was conducted in which 47 participants (23 heart recipients and 24 other organ recipients) completed an online survey. In this study, 89% of all transplant recipients reported personality changes after undergoing transplant surgery, which was similar for heart and other organ recipients. The only personality change that differed between heart and other organ recipients and that achieved statistical significance was a change in physical attributes. Differences in other types of personality changes were observed between these groups but the number of participants in each group was too small to achieve statistical significance. Overall, the similarities between the two groups suggest heart transplant recipients may not be unique in their experience of personality changes following transplantation, but instead such changes may occur following the transplantation of any organ. With the exception of physical attributes, the types of personality changes reported were similar between the two groups. These finding indicate that heart transplant recipients are not unique in their reported experience of personality changes following organ transplantation. Further studies are needed to deepen our understanding of what causes these personality changes.
by Brian Carter, Laveen Khoshnaw, Megan Simmons, Lisa Hines, Brandon Wolfe and Mitchell Liester
Small-Town Country Doctor Charles Hoffe Becomes A Hero (Text and Audio 58:25)
A modest man with no pretensions toward fame or fortune
When a medical doctor simply wants to serve his patients and chooses a small-town of 1500 people in a remote Canadian village, with many First Nation people, he has already established himself as a unique and worthy human being. When he does this working alone as the only resident family physician for 30 years, God must be smiling. A modest man with no pretensions toward fame or fortune. When he discovers his patients are being poisoned by the mRNA jabs, and he is told by the authorities, shut up or else, what does this small-town country doc do? He simply does what any good man should do, he speaks louder to get attention onto what is happening to his patients and to those around the world from the deadly jabs.
by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
“Why Coal Fly Ash?” (Text and Video)
Once we understand that we are being sprayed, the most obvious question becomes: What are they spraying? The answer is: coal fly ash. We know that we are being sprayed with coal fly ash due to the work of Marvin Herndon, PhD and his peer-reviewers. But beyond that, there is a seemingly endless amount of circumstantial evidence supporting Dr. Herndon’s findings as well. Here we go over all of the evidence as to why it is asserted that we are being sprayed with coal fly ash. For the full story of everything chemtrails and geoengineering, please buy and read the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project. Coal fly ash is the smoke that rises from burning coal. It is a toxic waste byproduct of coal-fired power plants, which are a staple of global energy production. It is continuously produced by the megaton. In America and the rest of the Western world, coal fly ash is intercepted before it can billow out into our atmosphere by large machines known as ‘electrostatic precipitators.’ Once collected, the question becomes one of what to do with all of this coal fly ash: a toxic slew comprised of, among many other things, mercury, arsenic and radioactive elements. The best evidence indicates that, rather than being disposed of properly, coal fly ash has been utilized as the most common chemtrail spray.
by Peter Kirby
The Prodigal Son Identified – The Lost Tribes Of The House Of Israel
While most Christians are taught to universalize all of the parables of Jesus, each parable has a deeper meaning that only those with spiritual discernment will understand. Especially with the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, Christians will understand only the banal, superficial meaning – that even the worst sinners must be welcomed back into their congregations if they show repentance – and “good” Christians shouldn’t be angered over the gifts of grace bestowed on those who have not led a godly life as they have. But beneath the surface of this parable, its true meaning and importance points to a fulfillment of Christ’s explicitly stated purpose, which we cannot emphasize enough: “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” ~ Matthew 15:24. Among His disciples – especially those Israelites in Judea who had kept the faith and never strayed – the idea that their promised Messiah would show more concern to those Israelites who had abandoned that faith – became divorced from God – and lived for the last 600 years as pagans – certainly rankled many who followed Him faithfully.
by CFT Team
Hezbollah Shoots Down Another $6 Million Israeli Hermes Drone Over Southern Lebanon
The Lebanese militia and political movement has engaged Israel in a campaign of border skirmishes following the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli crisis last October, but has sought to avoid a full-scale conflict to prevent a heavy-handed Israeli response targeting Lebanese cities like the one seen during the 2006 Lebanon War. Hezbollah has shot down its second Hermes 900 unmanned aerial vehicle amid the ongoing sporadic clashes with the Israel Defense Force along the Lebanese-Israeli border. Militia affiliated media said Saturday that the UAV was downed using a surface-to-air missile over the southern Lebanese town of Deir Kifa, about 70 km south of Beirut. The IDF acknowledged that the drone had been lost. Footage posted to social media showed the $5-6 million apiece UAV spewing flaming wreckage as it plummeted toward the ground. Saturday’s incident was the second time Hezbollah brought a Hermes 900 this year, with another destroyed over southern Lebanon on April 6. Israeli media speculated that that drone had been brought down by a Saqr-358 missile, an air defense system which has also been spotted in the arsenals of Iraq’s Islamic Resistance and Yemen’s Houthi militia.
by Ilya Tsukanov
June 2, 2024
Primary Perception (13:45)
by Cleve Backster
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Cleve Backster, who is now world recognized for challenging the scepticism of science regarding primary cell perception; began his research in the early hours of February 2, 1966. Sitting in the New York lab of his Backster Research Foundation, way back then, Cleve happened to glance at a large green plant in the corner of his lab, (Dracaena massangeana). Since it looked a little droopy he decided to water it. On the way to do so he wondered how long it would take the water to travel from the roots to reach the leaves, as it looked so desperately thirsty. So after he watered it he connected a pair of polygraph electrodes to one of the leaves, and waited to see if the moisture might slowly and gradually change the plant’s resistance level enough to register on the graph paper. He was shocked to see an immediate reaction pattern from the now perkier plant, that closely resembled the response of a human under emotional stimulation. Next he wondered , if the plant would produce on graph paper a ‘human’ response to a threat to it’s well being and safety, and decided to try burning one of it’s leaves. Before he could find a match, at the split second he had the image of fire in his mind, the recording pen went wild, and bounced right off the chart! It was clear that the plant had, in some manner, through a primary cell communication, perceived the threat to it’s safety! Since that day Cleve Backster has carefully conducted hundreds of observations, in not only plant life, but fruits and vegetables, fresh eggs, mold cultures, yogurt, human blood cells, tissue samples and spermatozoa.
Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods, and Human Cells
This is the only book by Cleve Backster himself, describing 36 years of research in biocommunication, observed electrical responses in plant life and other living organisms. All life forms have the capability of responding to one another, from plants and bacteria to foods and animal cells. Most amazing is his work with human leukocytes. These discoveries have opened up a new paradigm in science, ecology and healing.
by Cleve Backster Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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June 1, 2024
Presentiment (50:33)
by Rupert Sheldrake
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Rupert Sheldrake Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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My mother and father walking back down the aisle after being married
on Sunday, June 1, 1952, at beautiful Ascension Church in Elmhurst, New York.
In this photograph you can see The Eight Beatitudes of Jesus, written across the top wooden beams.
The Eight Beatitudes
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-10
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