Ancient Civilizations by Brien Foerster (1:59:48)
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Ancient Civilizations by Brien Foerster (1:59:48)
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very good fascinating video. since the beginning of Erich Von Daniken’s career and Thor Hyerdahl’s career, any suggestion that ancient people had technology is met with ridicule and the only argument offered against the inquiry to ancient technology is that the inquiry is a racist promotion scheme. I even took a course in college that claimed to teach about these theories and instead it turned out to be an indoctrination seminar to convince people that anybody who suggests that there is evidence of ancient technology must be a white supremacist. this is what your tax dollars pay for and it is called academia to justify the expenditure.
The Great Pyramid Of Giza Encodes The Speed Of Light At Least Six Different Ways (77 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis