February 25, 2023, For George Harrison, On What Would Have Been His 80th Birthday. RIP.

https://GeorgeHarrison.com (The web address I gave to George.)
“Love each other” the last words of George Harrison.
“You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.”
John 15: 16-17
Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles (3:11)
February 24, 2023, 113 Post Published
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
Edward Bernays

Gee, I wonder why?
The Plan To Wreck America
In America, we have an oligarch problem, and it’s much bigger than the oligarch problem that Putin faced when he became president in 2000. The entire West is now in the grips of billionaire elites who have a stranglehold on the media, the political establishment and all of our important institutions. In recent years we have seen these oligarchs expand their influence from markets, finance and trade to politics, social issues and even public health. The impact this group has had on these other areas of interest, has been nothing short of breathtaking. Establishment elites and their media not only stood foursquare behind Russiagate, the Trump impeachment, the BLM riots and the January 6 fiasco, they also had a hand in the Covid hysteria and the host of repressive measures that were imposed in the name of public health. What we’d like to know is to what extent this group is actively involved in the shaping of other events that are aimed at transforming the American Republic into a more authoritarian system? In other words, are the mandated injections, the forced lockdowns, the aggressive government-implemented censorship, the dubious presidential elections, the burning of food processing plants, the derailing of trains, the attacks on the power grid, the BLM-Antifa riots, the drag queen shows for schoolchildren, the maniacal focus on gender issues, and glitzy public show-trials merely random incidents occurring spontaneously during a period of great social change or are they, in fact, evidence of a stealthily orchestrated operation conducted by agents of the state acting on behalf of their elite benefactors?
by Mike Whitney
China Publishes Report On US’ Hegemonic, Domineering And Bullying Practices
China on Monday released a report on US hegemony and its perils to expose the US’ abuse of hegemony in the political, military, economic, financial, technological and cultural fields, by presenting the relevant facts, and to draw greater international attention to the perils of the US’ practices to world peace and stability and the well-being of all peoples. The report was published as the US has been escalating the great power competition across the globe, and its style of seeking hegemony has been transformed from “benevolent” to aggressive, forcing more and more countries and regions to take sides, said Chinese observers, warning that attempts by the US to suppress and contain China will only intensify in the near future. Since becoming the world’s most powerful country after two world wars and the Cold War, the US has acted more boldly to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and to pursue, maintain and abuse its hegemony, advance subversion and infiltration, and willfully wage wars, bringing harm to the international community, said the report.
by Xu Keyue
Why Is The Federal Reserve Provoking A Financial Crisis? (46:36)
This video builds on and extends the explosive (but largely overlooked AFAIK) analysis done by Chris Whalen, “Is JPMorgan Chase Insolvent?” While Whalen is imo the best independent bank analyst in the business, he doesn’t have a crystal ball. (At least I couldn’t find one when I ransacked his home many moons ago.) He put out that post, which is nominally about Dimon’s bank but covers the entire banking industry, on Monday, November 28, 2022. He thus didn’t have access to the F.D.I.C.’s Quarterly Banking Profile for the 3rd quarter of 2022, which came out three days later. Whalen’s analysis focused on the dubious valuations of bank assets, which is certainly germane as far as they go and are discussed in greater detail in this video. The real action in the third quarter QBP, though, is on the liability side of the industry’s balance sheet. There we find evidence that aside from being broke, the banks know they’re broke and are panicking about it. But here’s the real kicker: the Fed isn’t helping the banks this go-round. It’s a new ballgame, and it goes by the name ALL. BAD.
by BestEvidence
Russia Issues Warning About Future Of Ukraine Conflict
The US and its allies intend to take the military standoff global, Vladimir Putin has said
Western elites “intend” to transform the conflict in Ukraine from a regional to a global one, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. Moscow perceives this as an existential threat and will react accordingly, he said. The goal of those in power in the US and other Western nations is to “end us once and for all,” the Russian leader stated during a keynote speech on Tuesday. They are using Ukraine as a “battering ram” against Russia and don’t care how many people will die as a result, he said. “They intend to turn a local conflict into a phase of global confrontation. That is how we understand things and will react accordingly. Because the issue here is the existence of our state,” Putin said. The Ukraine conflict was unleashed by the West when it supported an armed coup in Kiev in 2014, the Russian president noted. Western powers then poured resources into the new regime, even as it used the military against its own population and became increasingly nationalist and extreme. Western elites “don’t care who they are betting on in their fight against us, their fight against Russia. They just want them to go to war,” Putin observed. The current Ukrainian government is “alien” to the people it governs and serves Western interests, he believes.
by RT
Talmudics Are Out Front Promoting The Abortion Agenda—Again!
As I have stated before, and as many others have shown, Tel Aviv, Israel, is the world capital in regards to the glorification and promotion of abortion, homosexuality and all things hedonistic. That evangelical Christians continue to regard the Zionist State of Israel as “The Holy Land” and Talmudic Jews as “God’s Chosen People” is a testament to the depths of ignorance and apostasy to which evangelical pastors and churches have fallen. The Zionist State of Israel began as a bloodthirsty, murderous regime intent on ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Palestinian people—many of whom were Christians. I strongly urge readers to purchase Ilan Pappe’s blockbuster book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. And the Zionist state continues to be that same bloodthirsty, murderous regime to this very day. The State of Israel loves to play the role of victim on the world stage, but the truth is, since World War II, Israel has been one of the most murderous aggressor/terror states in the world. Had any other nation on earth committed the atrocities you will find documented in Pappe’s book, the entire world—especially the United States—would hold it up to global condemnation. But you have likely read or heard absolutely nothing about it. The truth of Israel’s bloody conquest of Palestine has even been hidden from the people of Israel themselves.
by Chuck Baldwin
Project Veritas And The “Virus” by Dr. Sam Bailey (25:27)
Biden And Nuland Are Leading US Into Nuclear Armageddon, Former FBI Agent Says
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – US President Joe Biden and senior White House and State Department officials are leading the United States and the world into nuclear annihilation, former FBI Special Agent Coleen Rowley told Sputnik. Russian President Vladimir Putin officially announced Moscow was pulling out of its long-running talks with the United States for a new START treaty during his Tuesday address to the Federal Assembly. He also accused the United States of developing new types of nuclear weapons and considering new nuclear weapons tests. “The neocons’ hell-bent plans for ‘full spectrum dominance’ have been a long time in the making, having even been publicly announced decades ago, but now… we’ve truly reached the eve of destruction,” Rowley, a Time magazine Whistleblower of the Year, said.
by Sputnik News
United States Readies An Additional $10 Billion In Economic Assistance For Ukraine, Says Yellen. (0:36)
British War Criminal Demands Digital ID For All UK Citizens
A discredited war criminal has called for everyone in Britain to be given a digital ID. Tony Blair, the discredited former politician and war criminal, says that the digital ID which everyone should have must include their driving licence, tax records, passport details, educational qualifications and right to work. Blair, who is infamous for many things (including trying unsuccessfully to foist ID cards on the British people) doesn’t mention whether or not the digital IDs should include war criminal status.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Ohio Disaster Cover Up: NOAA Removes TWO Images Of HYSPLIT Models From Their Article – Here They Are…
“…another indication that your government is not working for you and is lying to you!”
NOAA’s Air Resources Lab modeled the distribution of particles from the East Palestine train derailment. But now the images have suddenly disappeared from the original article… They have been deleted… And everybody knows why… This is one of the worst HazMat disaster in the entire history of the US… As reported on Reddit: ‘Yesterday morning when I came across this news article published by NOAA it had the two HYSPLIT models in the article below the picture of the derailment. The two pictures the Redditor is speaking about are those now massively shared on social media and are shown below:
by Lioness of Judah Ministry
An Act Of Terror Against The American People by Greg Reese (5:49)
The Political Implications Of Holocaust Revisionism
The traditional view of the fate of European Jewry during WWII (commonly known as the Holocaust) contains the following propositions. There was a Nazi plan to exterminate all the Jews; gas chambers were used to implement this plan; and approximately six million were murdered. Holocaust revisionists do not deny that atrocities were committed against Jews during WWII. However, they contend there was no Nazi plan to exterminate European Jewry, the “Final Solution” being no more no less than their expulsion from Europe. The Nazis did have a system of concentration camps, but there were no gas chambers for mass murder in them. And finally, the claim of six million murdered Jews is an irresponsible exaggeration, as the number killed was far less. Largely as a result of an advance in knowledge and the impact of the Internet, Holocaust revisionism has enjoyed phenomenal growth during the 1990s. In response an important book was recently published which attempts to refute it. DENYING HISTORY: WHO SAYS THE HOLOCAUST NEVER HAPPENED AND WHY DO THEY SAY IT?, written by gentile intellectual Michael Shermer and Jewish historian Alex Grobman, attempts to utterly discredit the entire revisionist movement.[1] (Hereafter, all page numbers in the body of this text refer to this book.) This essay will focus upon Shermer and Grobman’s claim of the alleged racist political implications of Holocaust revisionism. The opinions they express on the connection between the Holocaust doctrine and racial nationalism in general, simply reflect a dominant and influential school of thought of our time.
by Paul Grubach
Women As “Egg Producers” (3:30)
by Sarah Cain
US Power Alliance Says It’s Coordinating An “Information War” Against China
In an article published last week titled “US working with ‘Five Eyes’ nations, Japan on information warfare,” a publication on military intelligence and communications technology called C4ISRNET reports that the US and its allies are collaborating “to share and sharpen information-warfare techniques in the Indo-Pacific” with the goal of “countering” the “increasingly aggressive China.” Here’s an excerpt: Dialogues and exchanges of best practices are ongoing with Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K. and other countries including Japan, according to Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach, commander of Naval Information Forces. “I want to say we have at least a dozen countries or so that are either establishing information warfare programs, or are interested in partnering further in the information warfare realm,” she said Feb. 15 at the West 2023 conference in San Diego. “We are leaning in there, we are focused.” Japan, specifically, has expressed significant interest in information warfare, “in a really positive way,” Aeschbach told C4ISRNET. Japan and Australia, among others, are considered critical U.S. allies in the Indo-Pacific, a region national security officials are invested in as they seek to counter an increasingly aggressive China.
by Caitlin Johnstone
WW III Update: China And Russia Join Forces To Fight Back Against The U.S.
Earlier this month (February, 2023) I reported how we are already in the midst of World War 3, albeit in the early stages. Based on media reports this week, it appears that the next stage of this war is about to be launched, as Russia has publicly warned the U.S. about the threat of nuclear confrontation, and China has announced that it is joining forces with Russia. Financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong believes that this WW III is needed to cover up sovereign debts that the U.S. can no longer pay. Edward Dowd, the former billion dollar hedge fund manager at Blackrock, predicted this week that the U.S. stock market might fall apart in the next “week or two.”
by Brian Shilhavy
Nudelman’s Delusional Bubble by Brother Nathanael (6:25)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
How Anti-Corporate Agnotology Studies Got Swamped By Pro-Corporate Misinformation Studies
An unacknowledged sea change in the social sciences tells us a lot about the state of our economy and society
In the late 1990s and early 2000s there was a burgeoning field in the social sciences dedicated to the study of ignorance. Linguist Iain Boal coined the term “agnotology” (from the Greek ?gnosis, “not knowing” + logía, “the study of”) to describe the field and it was popularized by Stanford medical historian Robert Proctor. The premise of agnotology is both simple and profound. Most people think of ignorance as the absence of knowledge. Proctor and others in the field argue the opposite – that ignorance is socially constructed in the same way that knowledge is. Powerful interests instruct society to pay attention to some things and not others through a variety of inducements (you get paid to study certain topics and not others) and punishments (you will be blacklisted if you ask too many questions about forbidden topics). Over time these values become invisible and just a part of culture.
by Toby Rogers
China’s Warning: WW III If US Keeps Bullying The World (Text and Video)
The following warning that continuation of US hegemony will result in war between the US and China is an official statement from the Foreign Ministry of the People’s Republic of China.
by Video Rebel
Is Chat GPT And Other AI Tech Being Pushed So That Mandatory Digital IDs Becomes Reality? (15:22)
by Vincent James
Grain From Ukraine Is Being Used To Feed Pigs Not People
As we all know Ukraine produces a vast percentage of all the grain consumed throughout the entire world. I don’t know why or how this can be, from the pictures I’ve seen Ukraine doesn’t look like the sort of country where happy farmers spend their days pretending to be Jeremy Clarkson and planting, nurturing and harvesting endless acres of grain producing crops, but this is what we are told. So, when NATO declared psychological war on Russia and triggered the start of World War III there was a global shortage of grain. As if that was a surprise to Dr Strangelove and his insane, grinning companions in crime. It was then decided that some of the grain would after all be brought from Ukraine and sent to Asia and Africa where, unnoticed by Black Lives Matter (which should rename itself Down with Statues or Kneel with Footballers), hundreds of millions of people are starving to death, as the conspirators had originally planned.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Denver Catholic Church Burglarized Three Times In The Last Month — Pastor Pleads For The Public To ‘Protect Our Church’ (Text and Video)
Our Lady Guadalupe Church was robbed once again on Monday morning. The incidents, which resulted in property damage and theft of the donation boxes, have all been caught on camera. “I will say it’s a sin, absolutely,” Father Benito Hernandez told local station KDVR. The station reports, “On Jan. 20, a suspect dressed in a red hoodie didn’t let a snow-filled plaza stop him from swinging what appears to be a bat numerous times before breaking into the parish’s public donation box. Just five days later, on Jan. 25, a man dressed in a gray hoodie can be seen snooping around the area and tugging at the donation box, while suspiciously peering over his shoulder.”
by Cassandra MacDonald
About The Toxic Chemical Spills Contaminants In Ohio, Ontario And Now Montreal. (2:20)
Disturbing News; Precipitation pH Levels Of 4, 5, Fish Die, Water Unfit For Consumption.
ICAN-Funded Lawsuit Prohibiting Any Local Vaccine Mandates Wins Final Battle; Sets California Precedent
As initially reported on December 20, 2021, ICAN’s legal team, led by Aaron Siri, prevailed in the San Diego Superior Court, striking down San Diego’s Covid-19 vaccine school mandate.
Immediately, the school district appealed that decision, and on November 22, 2022, we won in the Court of Appeal, the Court agreeing with us, once again, that the district’s mandate was illegal. The decision’s reasoning effectively made any local (school district, county, etc.) vaccine mandate, for any vaccine, illegal. The Court of Appeal certified their decision for publication, making it legal precedent and free to be cited by other courts in future lawsuits! In a dramatic turn of events, one final shot was taken by those hoping to impose local-level vaccine mandates. Just days before the deadline was to expire for the California Supreme Court to review the decision, California Charter Schools and none other than the infamous Dr. Richard Pan filed requests to the California Supreme Court to depublish the decision, which, if granted, would render the decision uncitable by other courts in the future.
Confirmed: As We Suspected All Along, New Video Proves Capital Police On January 6 Started Firing On The Innocent Crowd Without Warning And Against The Law, Injuring Numerous Individuals (Text and Video)
As we have reported all along, on January 6, 2021 the Capitol Hill Police began firing rubber bullets, gas canisters, flash grenades on the Trump supporters gathered around the US Capitol without warning. In the hundreds of conversations we have had with January 6 attendees, political prisoners, and police abuse victims, they all say the same thing. Innocent people were attacked by police without warning. This was an attack on the American people. While FBI-Deep State operatives, like Ray Epps, were breaking through barriers and leading Trump supporters to the Capitol, police were readying to fire on them indiscriminately without warning. Four Trump supporters died that day in the violence. Dozens more were injured. Two Trump supporters, Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips, died immediately when police started firing on the crowd – without warning.
by Jim Hoft
Larry Andrstens’ Excellent Pandemic (54:28)
The pandemic presented forensically for what it is, namely, a massive theatrical edifice intended to distract popular attention away from the fact that criminal bankers running the monetary system are making a massive push toward full-on totalitarianism through monetary and financial control.
by BestEvidence
Google’s Quantum Computer Reached An Error-Correcting Milestone
The computer’s accuracy improved as scientists used more qubits to fix mistakes
To shrink error rates in quantum computers, sometimes more is better. More qubits, that is. The quantum bits, or qubits, that make up a quantum computer are prone to mistakes that could render a calculation useless if not corrected. To reduce that error rate, scientists aim to build a computer that can correct its own errors. Such a machine would combine the powers of multiple fallible qubits into one improved qubit, called a “logical qubit,” that can be used to make calculations (SN: 6/22/20). Scientists now have demonstrated a key milestone in quantum error correction. Scaling up the number of qubits in a logical qubit can make it less error-prone, researchers at Google report February 22 in Nature.
by Emily Conover
ACH (2069) Eric Gajewski – The TRADCATKNIGHT And ACH Show #28 – Worldwide Wrap-Up (Audio 56:19)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 21,2023, Andy co-hosts, “The TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show,” with Eric Gajewski, for a show entitled, “Worldwide Wrap-Up.”
We discussed: Eric’s Traditional Catholic Anti-Vaitcan 2 stance, which has attracted the ire of the FBI; the Abrahamic Family House in Abu-Dhabi; how the East Palestine disaster has affected Eric personally; why FEMA did not deploy to East Palestine; why we need to be on the lookout for mainstream media references to Bird Flu and the Marburg Virus; how new diseases almost always seem to generate new vaccines; where we are in relation to World War 3; how we are getting closer to Planet X; are UFO’s a distraction or are they something we need to be worried about; the World Economic Forum (WTF) warnings of cyber attacks during their recent meeting; how to protect yourself against bank bail-ins; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
the new UK ONS data is out and it’s worse than before
this was not a fix, it was further breakage
back in may, the UK statistical agency (ONS) stopped reporting all cause deaths numbers by vaccine status. in response to a number of serious criticisms, they went so far as to admit that their data was not, in fact, suited to purpose and was of too low a quality to be relied upon to assess vaccine efficacy our outcomes. chief among this list of complaints was reliance upon an old census to back into the number of people who were unvaccinated by taking that out of date population count and subtracting from it the number of people jabbed. this is going to severely undercount the unvaccinated because population has risen since then. that, in turn, will mean that bad outcomes (like deaths) from this larger population will be ascribed to too small a group. that in turn, will mean that the apparent rate per person or person year of bad outcomes will look too high. and that will destroy the validity of the comparisons by greatly inflating base rate risk.
by el gato malo
In The Flesh: The Oxford Anti-LTN March
What really went down at the anti-Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) march last weekend
Some protests are torrid affairs. Others can prove enlightening. The march last Saturday in the heart of Oxford was the latter. Attendees rocked up nearly 2 hours before the scheduled meet, poised with their homemade placards, ready to dissent. It was truly an eclectic mix. Tweed jackets juxtaposed grey baggy trackies, edgy high-tops contrasted brown Chelsea boots, dreadlocks neighboured crew cuts, with all unified under one mission – to say no to Oxfordshire County Council’s creeping authoritarianism. Last year, the Council announced plans to impose Low Traffic Neighbours (LTN) across the city. Councillors justified the £6.5 million schemes by declaring that they will “greatly reduce” motor vehicle traffic in residential streets. They purport to achieve this by two means. First, bollards will be placed to block off certain streets. Second, LTN zones will be designated and monitored by cameras recording license plates, so if residents drive in zones they have not purchased a permit for, they will be fined. Upon that fine being ignored, they would likely be jailed.
by JJ Starky
Heartbreaking And Horrific Story On The Trans Cult Destroying A Young Girls Life (6:20)
I Was A Prisoner In Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, But Who Is Its Biggest Captive?
The whole world agrees that Guantanamo is a stain on our humanity and one of the biggest human right violations of the 21st century. There are those who tortured and abused us at Guantanamo who are still bragging about their time there and their work. Their humanity was the first real victim of that place. Despite all these reflections, though, Guantanamo hasn’t left us yet. Even today, there are 34 men still in Guantanamo, 20 of whom have been cleared for release. There are many calls for the closure of America’s black hole detention centre. For us, closing Guantanamo does not only mean shutting down the facility, but also there being full accountability for the US government for what happened there: acknowledgment of the cruel and inhumane treatment, a full and unreserved apology, and reparations for the victims. Guantanamo symbolises oppression, injustice, torture and lawlessness. In this way, Guantanamo is now everywhere, and I can say — in the strangest of ironies — that even though we were prisoners of the US destructive “War on Terror”, the United States is and always has been a prisoner of its own violence. Guantanamo is yet another chapter of this violence and one whose legacy will live on long after the prison is closed. The United State of America itself is Guantanamo’s greatest captive.
by Mansoor Adayfi
More Stuff The BBC And YouTube May Have Forgotten To Tell You
Censorship, misinformation and disinformation are now commonplace in the mainstream media. Here are a few truths which you probably haven’t seen on the awful, unbalanced and shameful BBC and the utterly discredited YouTube: There is no little irony in the fact that one apparently respectable world organisation is begging the public for money to help deal with the human crisis in Ukraine when another apparently respectable world organisation is considered responsible for the war that is causing the human crisis in Ukraine. You couldn’t make it up, could you?
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Free Speech Is For Fighting The Empire: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
My research has led me to conclude that there’s an elite conspiracy to enslave us all and turn us all into brainwashed automatons mindlessly enacting the wishes of our rulers in a cruel dystopia built by the powerful, for the powerful. Haha, just kidding. That already happened. Step one is learning that the mainstream consensus worldview is a lie, and that we’ve been fed power-serving propaganda since we were children about our society, our nation, our government and our world. Most people haven’t even made it to step one yet. Step two is getting clear on how we’ve been lied to. A lot of people who make it past step one get mixed up here. Many fall for dopey right-wing narratives about Jews ruling the world, globalist pedophile cabals, elite conspiracies to make all our kids transgendered or whatever, because their ideology prohibits them from clearly seeing the real underlying dynamics of capitalism and the empire-building of their own government. They place far too much emphasis on things like vaccines and the future of transhumanism being used to someday create an Orwellian dystopia, because their worldview prohibits them from recognizing that we’re already living in a power-serving mind-controlled dystopia.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Can We Trust Republicans To Stand Up To Big Tech And Telecom Censorship?
The GOP has talked long enough about the problem of censorship. It’s time to act.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday heard oral arguments in Gonzalez v. Google, the first time the justices have heard a case involving Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Whichever way the court rules, Congress will likely respond by looking to amend the law, which will be overseen by the House Commerce Committee led by Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wa.). Conservatives concerned about Big Tech censorship should worry about McMorris Rodgers’ power over the matter. The first prominent Republicans to address Big Tech censorship were Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.). Cruz in April 2018 asked Mark Zuckerberg why Facebook should have protections as a neutral conduit under Section 230 when the company censors Americans based on their constitutionally protected speech. In June 2019, Hawley introduced the Ending Support for Internet Censorship Act, which would have required viewpoint neutrality for dominant platforms that receive Section 230 immunity. Section 230 explicitly is premised on the idea that the platforms “offer a forum for a true diversity of political discourse.” The platforms clearly don’t provide that kind of forum. McMorris Rodgers rebuked her Republican colleagues over their solution to censorship.
by Paul Bradford
RNA Injection: It’s A Very Dangerous Discovery (1:17)
Musk Accuses Top US Official [Victoria Nuland] Of ‘Pushing War’ In Ukraine
The Twitter tycoon singled out Victoria Nuland as the most pro-war voice in Washington
“Nobody is pushing” the conflict in Ukraine more than US State Department official Victoria Nuland, Twitter CEO Elon Musk said on Wednesday. Nuland, who helped to orchestrate the pro-Western coup in Kiev in 2014, has backed military strikes on the Russian territory of Crimea. Nuland’s declaration last Thursday that Russian military bases in Crimea are “legitimate targets” for Ukrainian forces was interpreted by the Kremlin as proof of “US involvement in the Ukraine conflict.” In a post on Telegram, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned that Moscow would respond to such attacks “using weapons of any kind.” “Nobody is pushing this war more than Nuland,” wrote Musk, who has previously warned that nuclear war could break out unless Ukraine abandons its claims to Crimea and both sides agree to peace talks.
by RT
West Unwilling To Cooperate On Nord Stream Probe: Russian Diplomat
Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations has once again accused the United States of being behind the explosions on Nord stream gas pipelines in September last year, saying the national investigations of Germany, Denmark, and Sweden into the sabotage are aimed at protecting Washington.
Vasily Nebenzia made the remarks at a UN Security Council session in New York on Tuesday, stressing that Western countries were showing no intention of cooperating with Moscow in an inquiry into the blasts. “We have strong reasons to doubt the effectiveness, transparency, and impartiality of investigations that are being carried out under some national jurisdictions,” Nebenzia said, adding, “We do not see our partners being eager to cooperate.” The senior diplomat also noted that “the so-called investigations by Scandinavian states and Germany into the incident not only lack transparency but are aimed at covering up the tracks and exculpating the big American brother.” Nebenzia said Russia was not allowed to partake in the probe, and all its requests “are ignored with arrogance.”
by PressTV
Christian Bookstore Must Violate Faith Or Face Massive Fines
Help ADF defend them and others standing for free speech! Jacksonville, FL-based Queen of Angels Catholic Bookstore and owner Christie DeTrude simply strive to honor God and wish to promote their beliefs, including through the store’s website and YouTube channel. The bookstore joyfully serves all people, and sells its products to anyone, but Christie and her employees cannot speak a message they disagree with. An outrageous Jacksonville law is compelling businesses to speak inconsistent with their beliefs by promoting government-approved ideologies—or face devastating fines. Like far too many laws across the county, this Jacksonville law requires businesses to use a customer’s “preferred” pronouns—even a Christian bookstore that explicitly embraces the Gospel and fundamental biblical values regarding gender and sexuality.
by ADF Legal
TSA Still Molesting At Warp Speed
I traveled to Hartford, Connecticut last week for a conference. It was the first time since the start of the pandemic that I had the pleasure of being pawed by TSA agents. Alas, since 2020, neither I nor the Transportation Security Administration have become corrigible. Flying out of Washington National Airport on Thursday, I saw a special entry for the CLEAR program that enables people who pay $189 a year to skip TSA lines. I lambasted this program here back in December. Travelers stand in photo kiosks that compare their face with a federal database of photos from passport applications, drivers’ licenses ,and other sources. TSA promises that its new airport regime will respect Americans’ privacy. Fat chance: TSA previously promised no traveler would be delayed more than 10 minutes at TSA checkpoints. I stood and watched semi-frazzled travelers enter a roped-off expanse to get TSA approval for their visage.
by Jim Bovard
Humans Were A Renewable Resource by Dr. Zach Bush (2:18)
Eating Lab Grown Chicken Equivalent To Eating Cancer Tumors?
This past November we reported how a new lab-grown chicken product is being developed and could soon be available commercially. The company, Upside Foods, is run by a medical doctor, and they put out a press release last year claiming that the FDA had “cleared” the product. But that was simply a clever marketing campaign, as the FDA does not approve foods, like they do drugs. Unlike other lab-produced meats which are vegetarian and plant based, this product uses cell lines from chickens. Bloomberg did an investigative report on this product this week, and reported that these cell lines are “immortalized” and are basically the same as cancerous tumors. They reported: “Thank the biotech revolution. Under the right conditions, animal cells can be grown in a petri dish, or even at scale in factories full of stainless-steel drums. For decades, companies such as Pfizer Inc. and Johnson & Johnson have cultured large volumes of cells to produce vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and other biotherapeutics. Now the idea is that we might as well eat these cells, too.”
by Brian Shilhavy
Breakout! We Recover Our Michael Walsh Banned Books From The Censors
Do you like being told what you can and cannot read? Are you okay with that? Really? What happened to the maxim, ‘I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.’ Forget the so-called Nazi-book burning propaganda: It was students of 1930s Leipzig university who before Hitler’s NSDAP was elected (January 1933), whilst acting on their own initiative, seized and destroyed their university’s stockpiles of decadent anti-German art, paedophilia, pornography, LGBT and Communist propaganda. The National Socialists simply thought it a good idea and encourage the destruction of anti-German literary sewage.
by Michael Walsh
Hungary’s Viktor Orban Does Not Want To Participate In Western Effort To Escalate War Against Russia…
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is not willing to join the NATO alliance in pushing further escalation of war against Russia. Now, we begin to connect the dots, see the bigger picture and understand exactly why Samantha Power is running an operation inside Hungary with the unspoken intent of destabilizing the Hungarian population against the government. (Via Daily Mail) – Hungary’s far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orban snubbed Wednesday’s meeting in Warsaw with President Joe Biden and the other Bucharest Nine leaders after insisting Donald Trump was the only person who could broker peace with Vladimir Putin. Orban has been an outlier on the war in Ukraine, chiding the European Union for prolonging the conflict and saying in October that only former U.S. President Donald Trump could negotiate a deal between the Ukrainians and Russians to end the conflict.
by Sundance
Putin Reminded Everyone That Russia Is Using Force To End The War That The West Started
Those who’ve been manipulated by the Golden Billion’s hypocritical information warfare narratives into thinking that Russia’s special operation is illegal and immoral should reconsider their stance. Had the Kremlin let the West’s grand strategic scheme unfold without interference, then more ethnic cleansing and genocide would have taken place in Donbass. NATO’s gradual erosion of Russia’s national security red lines and nuclear second-strike capabilities would also have turned it into a vassal state.
by Andrew Korybko
Beyond Censorship: Destroying Free Thought Online by Truthstream Media (50:21)
East Palestine Vehicle Plate Classic T-Shirt
A train derailment of toxic chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio has contaminated a large area making the air not safe to breathe and water unsafe to drink, despite the testing. Deadly dioxin was created and released when the vinyl chloride was set on fire. Why? This area will be contaminated many years because dioxins are “persistent organic pollutants” meaning they take a long time to break down once they are in the environment. Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause cancer, reproductive and developmental problems, damage to the immune system, and can interfere with hormones. Is East Palestine another Camp Lejeune?
by ShipOfFools
Brzezinski’s Confession
While American interventionists remain stone-cold silent about the way that the Pentagon, operating through its old Cold War dinosaur NATO, knowingly, deliberately, and intentionally provoked Russia into invading Ukraine, it’s instructive to remind ourselves that this wasn’t the first time that the Pentagon provoked Russia into invading another country. Let’s go back to 1979, when the Pentagon was still waging its old Cold War racket. That was the year that U.S. officials devised a successful plot to provoke the Soviets into invading Afghanistan. There is a confession on the part of the national-security establishment that that is precisely what they did. Even for those who are loath to ever acknowledge that the national-security establishment engages in evil, dark-side activity, a confession is rather persuasive evidence that takes matters out of the realm of “conspiracy theory” and places them squarely in the realm of an actual conspiracy. The confessor was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as President Jimmy Carter’s national-security advisor in 1979. He confessed that the U.S. knowingly, deliberately, and intentionally provoked the Soviets into invading Afghanistan. Mind you, Brzezinski didn’t confess until 1998, some 20 years after the Soviet invasion.
by Jacob G. Hornberger
Remdesivir Victims Grab Medical Centres By The Throat
New lawsuits have been filed against an array of Community Medical Centres in California over their covid care protocol…
Gilead’s Remdesivir is a drug that has received a lot of criticism, and rightly so. Prior to the pandemic, the World Health Organisation rejected its use due to poor trial studies abroad. NIAID-sponsored trials had likewise documented troubling issues. Reported adverse events were significant: In short, a plethora of studies indicated it had potentially bizarre and fatal effects depending on the patient’s health. Patients who had a multi-organ impairment, for example, exhibited detrimental impacts on their renal function after the drug was administered. The FDA, nonetheless, granted its use under Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) when a study showed it reduced COVID hospitalisation duration by 4 days. From that point on, Remdesivir became part of every COVID-19 protocol across the country. Reports from 2020 have since revealed that if a vulnerable patient (aged 65 and over) came into a medical centre and tested positive, Remdesivir was the treatment most likely to be offered. That patient would then be placed or declared in the ICU as an inpatient. Here is where the story turns very sinister. According to local sources in California, hospitals that took on inpatient complex cases could charge up to 144x more than an outpatient case. As soon as they treated these patients within their facilities, they could apply for reimbursement from Medicare. In other words, there was a clear financial incentive for hospitals to “over-treat” patients to maximise profits.
by JJ Starky
Israel Kills 10 Palestinians, Injures A Hundred In Nablus
Ten Palestinians have been killed and over a hundred wounded this morning following an Israeli military raid in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus. The Israeli occupation’s military stormed the city with armoured vehicles and blocked off all entrances before surrounding a home with two wanted Palestinians inside. Hossam Isleem and Mohammad Abdulghani, who were both killed. The Israeli forces demolished the building while the two were inside; their bodies were later identified by the occuption’s forces. Israeli military sources claim the two Palestinians were involved in numerous resistance attacks against illegal Israeli settlements and in the death of a soldier last October. The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that ten people were killed and 102 others were wounded as a result of gunfire by Israeli occupation soldiers.
How And Why We Fast by Dr. Sam Bailey (16:05)
Jordana Cutler Appointed Head Of Controversial Israeli Ministry, Sparking Censorship Fears
On Jan. 11, Israel’s new minister of strategic affairs, Ron Dermer, named Facebook senior employee, Jordana Cutler, as the ministry’s director general. The ministry is notorious for combatting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement and promoting a positive image of Israel abroad. Yet with Cutler’s biography and Facebook’s history of censoring Palestinian content, experts and activists are sounding the alarm over the appointment. Cutler worked as Facebook’s public policy director for Israel and the Jewish diaspora since 2016. During her time there, the social media giant was consistently accused of restricting Palestinian content on its site — a problem that persists today. Palestinian digital rights organization SadaSocial said in a statement to MintPress News: We believe that Jordana Cutler’s appointment as director general of Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs underscores the mutual relationship between the two parties, Israel’s official level and social media platforms, which translates on the ground into the suppression of Palestinian content.” A senior #Facebook employee will be #Israel‘s Director General of the Strategic Affairs Ministry in Netanyahu’s gov.
by Jessica Buxbaum
8 Proven Ways To Relieve Asthma Naturally
Asthma affects about 300 million people worldwide. It is growing by 50 percent every decade and causes upwards of 180,000 deaths per year. The cause is not well-understood but here are 8 proven ways to help relieve symptoms naturally. There is nothing more terrifying than not being able to breathe. But that’s what asthmatics face every day. Asthma is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the airways. Symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and cough. According to the Global Initiative for Asthma it affects an estimated 300 million people worldwide. And it increases globally by 50 percent every decade.[i] Asthma is also deadly. According to the World Health Organization, it is linked to more than 180,000 deaths per year.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Details Of Clinton Aide’s Bizarre ‘Suicide’ Revealed
The police report from the scene of Mark Middleton’s death was only released nine months later due to legal challenges
Top Clinton adviser Mark Middleton was found hanging by an electrical cord from a tree with his chest blown out by a shotgun blast last May, in an alleged suicide, but there was no gun found anywhere at the scene, according to a Perry County, Arkansas sheriff’s report made public by the Daily Mail on Tuesday. Written by Perry County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeremy Lawson, who said he was called to the Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas when an employee found Middleton’s vehicle abandoned on the grounds, the report reveals that a gun case and three boxes of 12 gauge buckshot were found in the black BMW SUV – but no gun. While early reports of his death claimed the businessman hanged himself with the help of a “makeshift gallows,” lugging a table onto the farm owned by animal charity Heifer International some 30 miles from his house, the police report does not mention a table.
by RT
An Unexpected Insight (For The Élite): The Us May Be The Biggest Loser In The War On Russia
“NATO has never been stronger; Russia is a global Pariah; and the world remains inspired by Ukrainian bravery and resilience; in short, Russia has lost, Russia has lost strategically, operationally and tactically – and they are paying an enormous price on the battlefield”. He, (General Mark Milley, US Chief of Defence Staff) doesn’t believe a word of that. We know that he doesn’t believe it because, two months ago, he said the exact opposite — until he was chastised by the White House for straying off the Joe Biden message. Now he is back, playing on ‘Team’. Zelensky likely also doesn’t believe the word of the recent European promise of tanks and aircraft (88 Leopard tanks will winnow down to 14) — and he knows it to be mostly a chimaera. But he plays on Team. A few extra tanks will make no difference on the ground, and his fifth mobilisation is being resisted at home.
by Alastair Crooke
Thomas Merton: Enemy Of The Warfare State by Memory Hole Blog (11:25)
In The Spirit Of Russian ‘Total War’ (Text and Videos)
An exploration of how Russia’s warfighting doctrine differs from the West.
An important distinction has been long overdue in the making, as pertains to a topic of much confusion and misinterpretation to a great many people. There’s an inherent misconception about the conceptual differences between Soviet/Russian military systems (read: weapons) and those of NATO/Western equivalents. Endless debate has been made not only about which side’s weapons are ‘better’, but the doctrinal purpose behind their respective philosophies. That’s not to veer into philosophical debate, but rather to point out the certain strain of ‘dark realism’, embodied in the Russian tradition, which views life at its most unvarnished and habitual, and extends to a commitment to ‘realities’ on the ground, harsh as they may be. Thus, in the Russian mindset, ‘Total War’s’ acknowledgment that an existential conflict against a peer foe would necessarily result in mass death—and require systems which can properly function, be picked up quickly and maintained under such conditions—is not an admission of some caricaturized trope of ‘expendable Russian soldiers’, but rather the realpolitik-style understanding of the innate realities of existential style conflicts.
by Simplicius The Thinker
UK Government Funded Unit That Created Demonetization Blacklist Of News Publishers
The same as the US State Department.
The UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office is funding London-based think tank the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), which creates a blacklist of websites it thinks advertisers should avoid that are mostly right-of-center news websites. GDI states that its objective is to “disrupt their advertising-funded business models by encouraging brands, suppliers and ad tech vendors to blocklist them.” The GDI is also funded by the US State Department. Recently, the think tank published a list of 10 “least risky” and “riskiest” news websites in the US. The New York Times, Washington Post, BuzzFeed News, and AP News were among the list of “least risky.” Among the 10 “riskiest” websites were the New York Post, Newsmax, the American Spectator, and The Federalist.
by Cindy Harper
Time To Redirect The Fatima Prayer Petitions?
Traditional Catholics of a certain age-you know, enemies of the State in America-will remember the days when we said prayers after Mass for the conversion of Russia. That went back to 1917 and Our Lady of Fatima-Fatima being a small town in Portugal. Without going into all that-non-Catholic readers will bear with me-one has to wonder whether it’s time to redirect. After all, is it not possible that the prayers for the conversion of Russia have been answered, as far as that’s possible on this earth? According to the Russian president, millions of people in the West realize they are being led to a “real spiritual disaster” Russia will protect its children against spiritual degradation and decay, President Vladimir Putin said in his State of the Nation Address to the Federal Assembly on Tuesday. “We have to protect our children. And we will do this, we will protect our children from degradation and degeneration,” Putin stressed.
by Mark Wauck
China-Russia Relations ‘Rock Solid’ – Beijing
The ties between the two countries can “withstand” global challenges, Foreign Minister Wang Yi believes
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday that the bond between the two countries was strong and stable. During his visit to Moscow, the diplomat met with Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev to discuss “mutually beneficial cooperation in all fields.” “China-Russia relations are mature in character and rock solid, able to withstand the challenges of the volatile international situation,” Wang stressed. He added that the countries were ready to defend their national interests and dignity. Patrushev responded to Wang by saying the relations between Moscow and Beijing had “inherent value” and “were not swayed by outside trends.” He added that a strategic partnership with China was a priority for Russia as both countries were devoted to creating “a more just world order.” According to Wang, the two countries, as members of the United Nations Security Council, are responsible for “keeping the peace on the planet.”
by RT
Merton: A Film Biography by Paul Wilkes (50:39)
ACH (2068) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #109 – The Worldwide Privacy Tour (Audio 1:48:37)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 20, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Worldwide Privacy Tour.”
We discussed: the South Park YouTube video clip that we played during the show intro segment; when former King Edward VIII appealed for peace in a statement the BBC refused to broadcast; why the mainstream media design all their stories to generate an emotional reaction from their readers; are crisps making Andy ill; how to get the best quality mp3 sound from your cds; today’s television review “Walker – Texas Ranger” that was sent in by a listener to the show; Peter Jackson’s “They Shall Not Grow Old” World War 1 documentary film; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “… what we would do, We should do when we would; for this ‘would’ changes, And hath abatements and delays as many, As there are tongues, are hands, are accidents.”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; ; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; dog flu; the curious case of the revolting German Ballet director; the Bolivian convict who tried to escape from prison disguised as a sheep; how the mainstream media are now blaming the UK’s position as the world’s leading surveillance state on the Chinese; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; the backlash against illegal immigration in Cornwall; the Barbara Lerner Spectre YouTube video; the Twitter video of a man asking a perfectly reasonable question regarding immigration in Dunstable; how “The League Of Empire Loyalists” fought against immigration back in the 1950’s in the UK; what happened when Germany banned pornography and usury; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; how even Roald Dahl’s childrens books are being censored today; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
How Long Did Americans Support America’s Longest War?
It is also undisputed that there was no declaration of war issued by Congress against either Afghanistan or Iraq, as required by the U.S. Constitution. That made both invasions illegal under our form of constitutional government. It is impossible to know exactly how many people in Afghanistan and Iraq were tortured, injured, or killed by U.S. forces in those two wars of aggression. That’s because, early on, the Pentagon announced that it would not keep track of enemy dead. That’s because the lives of Afghans and Iraqis didn’t count. However, according to the Watson Institute at Brown University, “Nearly 20 years after the United States’ invasion of Afghanistan, the cost of its global war on terror stands at $8 trillion and 900,000 deaths.”
by Jacob G. Hornberger
“Vaccines” As Shakespeare Might See Them
A COVID-19 injectable product by any other name (like “vaccine”) would smell as nasty (and be as harmful).
Recently Aaron Siri wrote a very important Substack entitled: “mRNA Vaccines are “Vaccines” – Like it or not, mRNA vaccines are no less a vaccine than other vaccines”, to which I, among many others, reacted to. His words opened a can of worms which, in my case, prompted me to go on a journey to define more clearly and accurately why I prefer not to refer to the COVID-19 injectable products as “vaccines”, even if they do technically qualify as such. Disagree. Based on the fact that: 1. the word vaccine has extensive power that extends beyond its definition 2. they do far more than induce desired immune responses and 3. they are LNP-based products. They are at best, failed attempts at gene-BASED therapies.
by Jessica Rose
How To Use Gab’s AI Image Generator
Gabby is our image-generating AI that can be used by sending a direct message to the @AI account on Gab. The quality and accuracy of the image generated will depend on the prompts you give Gabby to complete. The better refined your prompt, the better refined your generated image will be. This guide aims to help you hone your prompting skills to get the best results possible.
Rosanne Boyland’s Final Moments And Rescue Attempt On US Capitol Steps January 6, 2021 (7:28)
U.S. Home Sales Drop Again In January, 12 Straight Months Of Contraction
I do not see anything on the horizon that will stop this continued dropping in existing home sales. Financial analysts keep expected a month-over-month uptick, which would indicate the floor of the housing market has been reached. However, that ‘uptick’ never happens, and each report shows the month-over-month number continuing negative, meaning the slope of the decline is continuing and no bottom is visible. The gaslighting financial media keep using terms like “the pace of the decline is slowing” in an effort to continue supporting the policies that are ultimately contracting the entire economy. The reality is behind the phrase “transitioning to the new economy,” which, by the very nature of the approach, means this is a managed decline in overall economic activity. The temperature on Fed stove is slowly being raised, so the frogs in the economic pot don’t notice it.
by Sundance
16 More Reasons Black Seed Is ‘The Remedy For Everything But Death’
Known since ancient times as a ‘remedy for everything but death,’ an increasingly vast body of scientific research reveals that it is indeed one of nature’s most potent and versatile healing agents
A few years ago, we wrote an article about nigella sativa (aka black seed) titled, ‘The Remedy For Everything But Death.’ It described the research on the many ways in which black seed (nigella sativa) is a potentially life-saving medicinal food, and is one of our most popular articles, with over 700K social media shares and close to 2 million views. Opening with, “This humble, but immensely powerful seed, kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells within the diabetic’s pancreas, and yet too few even know it exists,” the article summarized the peer-reviewed and published research on 10 of the seed’s remarkable health benefits:
by Sayer Ji
Caught Between Toxic Clouds And Contaminated Ground
Visits to Ukraine and Presidential Priorities
Yesterday, as residents of East Palestine, Ohio continued to suffer, President Biden made a public relations stop in Kyiv, Ukraine. Dealing with dismal public approval ratings near the lowest of his presidency, Biden knew what his Ukraine trip would produce: photo-ops conveying resolve, a change in the conversation, and praise from his friends in the media. The New York Times fawned over what Biden’s visit meant for normal Ukrainians. CNN gushed that Biden has “no shortage of courage.” On social media, some members of the press raved that Biden and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky bravely walked through the streets of Kyiv as air raid sirens sounded. State visits usually don’t have a soundtrack but this one did. Zelensky knows how to put on a show in spite of the obvious: there was no “air raid” and no need for the sirens. WWE ring entrances are more authentic. At least the wrestlers admit to playing pretend.
by Techno Fog
Mass Demo In Munich Against War
While Annalena Baerbock and US VP Kamala Harris discussed the further escalation of the war in Ukraine at the Munich Security Conference convened in the Bayerischer Hof, thousands demonstrated peacefully against war on the Königsplatz.
Several demonstrations took place in Munich on Saturday on the fringes of the Security Conference directed against the meeting itself. The organizers of one group, Munich Stand Up! counted between 20 000 to 25 000 of their participants. Protesters followed the call by the Munich AfD on Saturday morning to the Old Botanical Garden, where they could be seen with peace signs and Russian flags.
by Free West Media
The Slow Creep Of Ugliness Into The Language Of Public Debate by Neil Oliver (10:35)
Russia Suspends Last Nuclear Treaty With US
Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced the country’s temporary withdrawal from the New START Treaty
Moscow is suspending its participation in the last remaining nuclear treaty between Russia and the US, President Vladimir Putin has announced. During his key address to the Russian parliament on Tuesday, he noted that Moscow will not exit the New START Treaty, but is temporarily withdrawing. Explaining the decision, Putin stated that the agreement was initially drawn up under completely different circumstances, when Russia and the US did not perceive each other as adversaries. Now, however, according to the president, not only is the US issuing ultimatums to Russia, but NATO itself has essentially made an application to become part of the treaty as well. The bloc members are now demanding an inspection of Russia’s strategic facilities, Putin said, noting that Moscow’s requests to inspect Western nuclear facilities under the treaty are systematically denied with only formal explanations for the rejection.
by RT
Russia And China Draw ‘Red Lines’ On Their Borders; US Draws Them On The Other Side Of The Planet
Reacting to China’s announcement that it will be putting forward a proposal for a political settlement to end the war in Ukraine, the US ambassador to the United Nations said that if China begins arming Russia in that conflict this will be a “red line” for the United States. “We welcome the Chinese announcement that they want peace because that’s what we always want to pursue in situations like this. But we also have to be clear that if there are any thoughts and efforts by the Chinese and others to provide lethal support to the Russians in their brutal attack against Ukraine, that that is unacceptable,” Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told CNN on Sunday. “That would be a red line,” she said.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Dissolution Of Spike Protein By Nattokinase
Holy Grail of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification
Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is: “how do I get this out of my body.” The mRNA and adenoviral DNA products were rolled out with no idea on how or when the body would ever breakdown the genetic code. The synthetic mRNA carried on lipid nanoparticles appears to be resistant to breakdown by human ribonucleases by design so the product would be long-lasting and produce the protein product of interest for a considerable time period. This would be an advantage for a normal human protein being replaced in a rare genetic deficiency state (e.g. alpha galactosidase in Fabry’s disease). However, it is a big problem when the protein is the pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 Spike. The adenoviral DNA (Janssen) should broken down by deoxyribonuclease, however this has not be exhaustively studied.
by Peter A. McCullough, MD
Hospitals Are Deliberately Blocking Their Own Beds
The constant refrain from hospital staff is that they cannot take new patients into their hospitals because there are no beds available. Well, this is, of course, partly a result of the fact that successive governments have steadily reduced the number of beds in our hospitals. The UK now has fewer beds per thousand of population than just about anywhere on earth, and there are fewer beds than there are administrators, but there is now no doubt that NHS staff are deliberately making things far worse than they need be. Here’s how staff are sabotaging their own hospitals.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
The Power Of No by Neil Oliver (11:10)
Chemical Weaponry Destined For Ukraine
Ignited In East Palestine Train Wreck
In a recent radio conversation, Jeff Rense and I discussed some of the inexplicable anomalies related to the night-time train derailment of chemical-laden tankers at East Palestine, Ohio, which left a slew of questions but very few clear answers. Following the Rense program, I contacted an acquaintance in eastern Ohio, “K.T.”, who fortunately was tracking the local news and independent citizens’ reports online. K.T. disclosed the many inconsistencies in the official cover-up by the Norfolk Southern rail company, the Ohio governor’s office and the EPA, indicators of a panicked cover-up ordered by Governor Mike DeWine, a Republican, under pressure from the Democrat-led EPA and the Biden White House. The bipartisan shunning of the fears of regional residents, along with the heavy-handed mainstream media cover-up, indicated that the train derailment involves a national security issue and official secrets. This analytical article, aided by citizen reporting from the Ohio-Penn border region, exposes in detail the reasons for an illegal unregistered nighttime shipment of chemical weapons precursors as the cause of the near-explosive overheating of tanker cars and the use of an elongated burn pit from whence that ominous column of black smoke arose from the toxic flames.
by Yoichi Shimatsu
The Case Against The FDA For Their Illegal Anti-Ivermectin Actions
The case brought by Drs. Paul Marik, Mary Bowden, and Robert Apter is now at the Court of Appeals. I was interviewed for this awesome Federalist article today where I landed some powerful blows.
I am very happy about the coverage our case received today in the below Federalist article which can also be found here. I say “our” case because not only does it affect everyone, but also because the FLCCC, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and America’s Front-Line Doctors all submitted amicus briefs in support of the plaintiffs. The journalist totally understood how dangerous it is to concentrate so much power in a single Federal government agency (as well as the Federal government in general). The article was published under the Medical Ethics section of the paper and like I said, I am pretty proud of the quotes she decided to include. I think I will read it again I enjoyed it so much!
by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
Chemical Signals From Fungi Tell Bark Beetles Which Trees To Infest
The chemical signature could also be used to build better bark beetle traps
Fungi may help some tree-killer beetles turn a tree’s natural defense system against itself. The Eurasian spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) has massacred millions of conifers in forests across Europe. Now, research suggests that fungi associated with these bark beetles are key players in the insect’s hostile takeovers. These fungi warp the chemical defenses of host trees to create an aroma that attracts beetles to burrow, researchers report February 21 in PLOS Biology. This fungi-made perfume might explain why bark beetles tend to swarm the same tree. As climate change makes Europe’s forests more vulnerable to insect invasions, understanding this relationship could help scientists develop new countermeasures to ward off beetle attacks.
by Freda Kreier
‘US, Not China, Pouring Weapons Into Ukraine’, Says Chinese Foreign Ministry
With the US accusing China of looking into selling weapons to the Russian military, China’s foreign ministry says that – having pumped tens of billions in heavy weapons to Ukrainian militants – Washington is “not qualified” to lecture Beijing about international arms trafficking. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has struck back at Washington for suggesting China is evaluating the possibility of supplying Russia with weapons, saying Monday that it’s the American government pumping weapons into the conflict zone – not China’s. “It is the US, not China, that has been consistently pouring weapons into the battlefield,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said in a press briefing Monday. Over the weekend, several high-level US officials began to suggest they had reason to believe that China was considering sending military supplies to Moscow. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused China on Saturday of “considering providing lethal support to Russia” in what he labeled Moscow’s “aggression against Ukraine.” He said that if his allegation turned out to be true, it “would have serious consequences in our relationship” with China.
by Wyatt Reed
Spike Protein Destroyed? by EONutrition (4:14)
The Law Of The Land And The Lie Of The Free Lunch
A corrupted economics provides us with a false model of human reality. Its incubation as a proposal for collective living rendered inevitable what has happened to our freedoms and our futures.
Although its meaning has in modern times eclipsed the Greek, Kantian and even Christian concepts of the phrase ‘the good life’, I had not until recently truly grasped the precise resonance of the ‘good’ part in the phrase as commonly used nowadays — the ‘Good Life’, as in ‘escaping the rat race’, seeking to create a worthwhile, honest and meaningful existence in proximity to nature, generating the means of one’s own existence, et cetera, i.e. the meaning implied by the eponymous title of the 1970s BBC comedy series starring Richard Briers, Felicity Kendal, Paul Eddington and Penelope Keith. But, now I think I get it, after reading Roy Sebag’s short (no more than 15,000 words) new book called The Natural Order of Money, which got me thinking anew about where we humans are now, after three years under assault on our spirits from the global elites and the ‘leaders’ we naïvely trusted with our countries.
by John Waters
Disgraced CNN Anchor Glorifies Ukrainian Use Of Child Soldiers
The youths are “ready to die” fighting Russia, Chris Cuomo says
Former CNN star Chris Cuomo, who now works for NewsNation network, has visited an academy in Ukraine where he says teens are being prepared to go to the front and fight Russian forces. The report by Cuomo emerged last week coinciding with speculation by some media outlets that Ukraine has been resorting to recruiting children and people with disabilities during its latest mobilization drive. The “kids” of 15, 16 and 17 years of age “have made the decision… to put away their dreams and have only the single purpose of defending their country,” the American journalist explained of what he saw at the academy. The report featured footage of the teenagers in camouflaged fatigues learning to fire assault rifles via a computer simulation as well as training in a gym, while sporting black track suits with what looks to be a Ukrainian military insignia.
by RT
Pipe Bomb Found On Train Tracks Behind St. Dominic’s Catholic Church In Philadelphia
An 18-inch pipe bomb was found on train tracks behind St. Dominic’s Catholic Church in Philadelphia on Sunday afternoon.
Philadelphia police are investigating after a pipe bomb was reportedly discovered behind a church in Holmesburg. Philadelphia police sources tell FOX 29 an 18-inch pipe bomb was found Sunday, just after 1:30 p.m., behind St. Dominic’s Catholic Church, on the 8500 block of Frankford Avenue, in Philadelphia’s Holmesburg section. Officials say a passerby found the pipe bomb, and noted it was a PVC pipe with capped ends and black powder on it. Police shut down Frankford Ave., between Benson and Blakiston while the Philadelphia Police Bomb Squad was called to the scene. The bomb squad safely took the pipe bomb out of harm’s way.
by Jim Hoft
Vaccinated Blood Is Contaminated With COVID Vaccine mRNA, Study Finds
Is “Vaccinated Blood” Safe?
The scientists, while studying “something else” related to hepatitis, decided to test blood samples of their patients who got vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA vaccines for the presence of vaccine mRNA. Their approach was comprehensive: They looked at vaccinated and unvaccinated persons to have a control group. They distinguished between vaccine mRNA and viral RNA of Sars-Cov-2 They were careful to avoid contaminants showing up as positive reads for vaccine mRNA They distinguished, in their analyses, between Moderna and Pfizer mRNA genetic codes. These two vaccines encode the same spike proteins but contain different nucleotides (this is called codon optimization)
by Igor Chudov
JFK Witness Deaths With Richard Belzer And Roger Craig (11:41)
FBI And CIA Sued Over Assassination Of Civil Rights Icon
Malcolm X’s relatives filed a lawsuit against federal and state govt. agencies for allegedly covering up his murder 58 years ago
The family of late civil rights icon Malcolm X has filed a $100 million wrongful death lawsuit against the state of New York, the CIA, and the FBI for allegedly covering up the activist’s assassination in the 1960s. The decision was announced by his relatives and their lawyers at a press conference on Tuesday. Malcolm X was shot dead on February 21, 1965 while preparing to deliver a speech to the Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan. “For years our family has fought for the truth to come to light concerning his murder, and we’d like our father to receive the justice that he deserves,” Ilyasah Shabazz, his daughter, said, accusing various federal and New York government agencies of concealing evidence that they “conspired to and executed their plan to assassinate Malcolm X.”
by RT
How Many Billion Could The Covid-19 Vaccine Kill Or Damage? (First published 12th August 2020)
‘How many billion could the covid-19 vaccine kill or damage?’ (the script of which is below) was a video which I published on 12th August 2020. This video was removed by YouTube within minutes (though copies of it are still available on other platforms and you can view it HERE). Please note the date and then watch or read the script carefully.‘The search for new vaccines for old diseases is endless. Some plans are imaginative. Scientists have apparently developed a banana vaccine by creating genetically engineered banana plants. There are plans to develop bananas which `protect’ against hepatitis B, measles, yellow fever and poliomyelitis. Other scientists have developed a genetically engineered potato designed to be used as a vaccine against cholera. The active part of the potato remains active during the process of cooking and so a portion of genetically engineered chips could soon be a vaccine against cholera. There is a planned genetically engineered vaccine which will provide protection against 40 different diseases. The vaccine, which will contain the raw DNA of all those different diseases, will be given to newborn babies to provide them with protection for life.’
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Narrative Is Used To Override Healthy Human Self-Interest
It’s very odd how humans can be manipulated into acting against their own self-interest to the benefit of their rulers in ways that animals would never tolerate, just by exploiting the fact that we experience thoughts in our heads that animals do not experience. Take violence, for example. Predator animals survive by attacking and killing other animals for their own benefit, but as soon as a prey animal makes it clear that it’s not worth the effort, the predator will back off in its own self-interest. The predator understands instinctually that attacking a healthy bull elephant isn’t worth the risk to its own physical wellbeing, and even a wildebeest that proves stronger than expected will be backed off from. A broken bone or a nasty wound can mean the death of the predator, and even a prey animal that forces a predator to expend too much energy won’t be deemed worth the effort when there’s slower, weaker prey to be found.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Get Out Of Italian Waters Soros-Sponsored Human Traffickers Are Told
he Italian Chamber of Deputies has approved a government decree designed to limit the activity of ‘humanitarian’ vessels escorting migrants from the Mediterranean to the shores of Italy. The decree, announced by far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in January, orders humanitarian vessels to head for the nearest port following a rescue at sea ‘without delay,’ preventing them from laying down the anchor and waiting for more distress signals from other migrant boats. The bill, which will enshrine the decree into primary legislation, was passed with 187 votes in favor, 139 against, and three abstentions.
by Michael Walsh
kitten corner: permission to lead
i’m not sure these “leaders” are on the level…
i am just a kitten, but i’m pretty sure that when the statue of liberty speaks of “huddled masses yearning to breathe free” that this was probably not what they had in mind! “being forced to mask around authority figures” does not really seem like “feel your right to lead…”
by gatito bueno
CIA Agent’s 1992 Confession Unearthed: ‘WEF Will Kill 4 Billion By 2030’ by The People’s Voice (8:01)
Why Daily Greens Are The Real Fountain Of Youth
You’ve heard it all your life: “Eat your greens”. But did you know that eating just one cup of leafy greens each day makes your brain an average of 11 years younger than someone who skips them? Medical science has recently produced some of the most compelling evidence to-date encouraging us to eat those greens. New findings reveal that eating just one cup of leafy greens per day can take a whopping eleven years off a person’s cognitive age and delay or even prevent the anticipated decline in mental performance that often occurs as we age.
by GMI Reporter
Vandals And Knaves
Destroying the money, shooting down balloons and blowing up pipelines…
What a treat last week was. From one clown show to the next. The Pentagon wasted millions of dollars shooting down harmless weather balloons….while the whole nation watched what it thought was either a war with extraterrestrials…or at least a war with the Chinese. Member of Congress James Comer — who is supposed to be endowed with normal human intelligence – worried that the balloons might be vectors for “bio-weapons,” forgetting that thousands of tons of imports from China arrive every day. If China wants to attack with bio-weapons, it doesn’t need to send up silly party balloons. Meanwhile, the Bureau of Labor Statistics let it be known – what everybody already knew – that prices were going up. Despite all the reports of ‘softening’ inflation and a soon-to-come ‘pivot,’ the numbers show inflation is not going away anytime soon.
by Bill Bonner
2 Years Too Late: Florida Surgeon General Only Now Highlights VAERS Increase In Covid Vaccine Adverse Events – Fails To Call For Halt Of COVID Shots
Since early in the year 2021, Health Impact News, and many others, have been warning the public on the sudden increase in injuries and deaths occurring after people took experimental COVID shots, as the sheer number of adverse reactions began to sky rocket in the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Our goal in sharing with the public these statistics in VAERS that were NOT being reported in the corporate media, was to warn the public that these shots were NOT safe, and that they were not even vaccines in the traditional definition of vaccines, but bioweapons designed to reduce the world’s population while bringing in great profit to the pharmaceutical companies producing them. And now 2 years later here in 2023, after 670,987,625 doses of COVID-19 bioweapon shots have been injected into the bodies of Americans, and with people currently receiving COVID-19 shots at the lowest level since they were given emergency use authorizations, Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has issued a “Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety” on February 15, 2023 based on the Government’s own statistics in VAERS.
by Brian Shilhavy
On January 6th At 1:13pm: Officer Thau And The DC Metropolitan Police Arrived On The Capitol’s West Plaza. (0:16)
Upon arrival, Thau frantically requests Capitol Police provide him with “blast munitions” to start throwing at the mostly peaceful crowd.
Fluoride Lawsuit: Censored Review On Fluoride’s Toxicity Will Soon Be Made Public
Attorneys with the Fluoride Action Network and the U.S. government have agreed to the release of a censored report on the toxicity of fluoride, the latest development in the ongoing Fluoride lawsuit. After numerous delays, and intervention by Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine, the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s review of Fluoride’s toxicity will soon be released to the public. The move is the latest development in the nearly decade-long legal battle between the Fluoride Action Network, Food and Water Watch, Organic Consumers Association, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Attorneys with the Fluoride Action Network and the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), parent agency for the National Toxicology Program, have agreed to the release of the long-delayed NTP review on fluoride’s toxicity. The release of the documents will play a major role in the next phase of the ongoing lawsuit against the EPA.
by Derrick Broze
Iran Reacts To Uranium Claim
Tehran denies changing its enrichment targets, after US media reported that it has produced ‘almost’ weapons-grade material
Tehran has rejected as misleading a Bloomberg report, which claimed that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was investigating how the country enriched uranium “to levels just below that needed for a nuclear weapon.” The news agency cited two anonymous diplomats, who alleged that the UN nuclear watchdog found uranium of 84% purity, or “just 6% below what’s needed for a weapon” in Iran, Bloomberg explained in its article, published on Sunday. Responding on Monday, Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said the piece was “slander and a distortion of the facts”. “The presence of uranium particles above 60% during the enrichment process does not mean enrichment above 60% level,” he told IRNA news agency, claiming that in publishing the story, Bloomberg was serving as a tool of anti-Iran pressure.
by RT
Disturbing Poll Reveals 26% Of Americans Still Trust The Media
NEW YORK, NY — With the results of a recent poll indicating 74% of Americans no longer trust the mainstream media, analysts were greatly troubled by the fact that an alarming 26% of people still trust what the media tells them. “It really is frightening,” said Micah Schmidt, lead research analyst for Gallup. “It beggars belief that one out of four Americans still trust the journalists who have done nothing but tear the country apart with a steady diet of lies and hatred. We are either far dumber – or far crazier – than anyone could have imagined.” To push the envelope even further, Schmidt said the team also polled a sample of the American public on a variety of other topics. “In addition to 26% of people in this country still believing the media, we subsequently found out that a similar number — 24% — believe that the Easter Bunny is not only real but that he is a lead advisor to President Biden. We also found that 28% of Americans still believe weapons of mass destruction will be found in Iraq, some two decades after the war. Most frighteningly, a whopping 72% of American women find Adam Driver attractive, which chills me to the bone.”
by BabylonBee.com
SitRep 2/20 – Terminal Approach
“We wait on the eve of stupendeous events …or not.”
Well, folks. Things are heating up like the barrel of this Russian 12.7mm after an intense firefight on the front. Today the ol’ Crypt Keeper stalked through the streets of Kiev in a parody parade, with phony alarm blaring in pretend mimicry of ‘war’. As the mummy stiffly sleepwalked and pantomimed through the deserted streets, friendly SBU agents dispersed these ‘helpful reminders’ to the debased burghers of what-was-once Kiev, who may unwittingly commit the faux-pas of gazing upon the sacrosanct American presence sweeping through their streets:
by Simplicius The Thinker
Timeline Of East Palestine, Ohio, Chemical Disaster by Unicorn Riot (10:34)
The Big Flimflam Essential T-Shirt
Joe Biden as the consummate snake oil salesman.
by ShipOfFools
The Real Conspirators Who Lied About Covid’s Origin, Funded Fraudulent Trials Of Therapeutics, And Controlled The Covid Pandemic Are The Top Public Health Leaders.
More on Sir Jeremy Farrar. I published this on my blog on June 3, 2021
In very early 2020 there was a lot of chatter about where the virus, later named SARS-CoV-2, actually came from. In an excellent, detailed article for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, former NY Times science writer Nicholas Wade describes how two short pieces published in The Lancet and Nature Medicine in Feb-March 2020 determined how this chatter would be channeled. These two extraordinarily influential pieces, each simply titled as a “Correspondence,” were parroted by the mainstream media for a year. Each was plainly intended to shut down any discussion of a possible lab origin. I happened to read both Correspondences in March 2020 and it was immediately apparent to me that each was designed as a propaganda tool. Neither had anything to do with science. In fact, the Andersen et al. Correspondence in Nature Medicine butchered the science. Each had an unusual concatenation of authors. I was so intrigued by these articles that I kept searching the net to understand them, and discovered that Francis Collins, the NIH Director, had blogged on March 26 about the Nature Medicine Correspondence, suggesting it should put an end to conspiracy theories about lab origin.
by Meryl Nass
Leaked Files Reveal Britain’s Ambulances Aided Terrorists In War-Torn Syria
n February 6, Syria and Turkey were rocked by devastating back-to-back earthquakes. Ever since, people in these countries and the region have been subjected to a particularly merciless – yet illuminating – crash course in Western double standards on humanitarian aid. While aid and assistance have flowed into Istanbul and Damascus from all neighbors, initially many governments were reticent to dispatch anything at all to Syria, because US and EU sanctions made it illegal for planes to land in its airports. It meant that those eager to provide humanitarian assistance could not dispatch it, for fear of dire repercussions. Such concerns were well-founded. Washington enforces sanctions with an iron fist, and any individual or state breaching them faces severe penalties. Giving in to intense global public pressure, the US Treasury on February 10 enacted a 180-day waiver on certain sanctions imposed on Syria, to allow for vital earthquake relief to reach the country.
by Kit Klarenberg
James O’Keefe Resigns From Project Veritas – Update: Forced Out: “I Have Been Stripped Of My Authority As CEO And Been Removed From The Board Of Directors.” (Text and Video)
UPDATE: Video has surfaced of James O’Keefe explaining the details of what happened at Project Veritas (full video below). However, for the primary issue, Mr. O’Keefe explains, “I have been stripped of my authority as CEO, and been removed from the board of directors.” James O’Keefe was forced out.
by Sundance
Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor February 15, 2023 (27:54)
20X Increase In Perinatal Death Rate At Funeral Home Used By UCSF In H2 2022
The hospitals aren’t talking, so I will. I just talked to a funeral home used by UCSF. The funeral home’s rates of perinatal deaths were up over 20X above normal in H2 2022.
Perinatal deaths are defined as fetal deaths (deaths after 20 weeks) and infant deaths (deaths after giving birth). These deaths are typically sent to a funeral home. I talked with one of the funeral homes used by UCSF. In the last 6 months of 2022, they saw the rates of perinatal death cases jump by a factor of over 20X above normal. I asked Dr. James Thorp about these numbers and his reaction was, “I’m not surprised.” The hospitals aren’t talking and the mainstream media isn’t covering this, but I thought you should know. Should this be shocking? I think so! As you can see from the chart below, perinatal death rates are remarkably constant over time. Even just a 10% increase would be considered “significant” and be cause for an immediate investigation. So this is 200 times bigger than “significant.”
by Steve Kirsch
ADL Report Advocates For Deplatforming At Website Infrastructure Level
Activists have been targeting hosting and service providers.
A new report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said pressuring online platforms and other internet services to remove those it deems to be far-right extremists is effective in limiting their reach. The report was authored by the ADL’s Center for Technology and Society Belfer fellow Megan Squire. In preparing the report, Squire analyzed four deplatformed websites, including forum website The Donald, website The Daily Stormer, forum 8chan, and political commentator Nick Fuentes. Squire compared the individuals and sites’ popularity before and after they were deplatformed, saying the objective is limiting the spread of hateful ideology, not cutting traffic. And according to Squire, deplatforming is an effective way of achieving that goal.
by Cindy Harper
Joe Biden Visits Ukraine Before East Palestine, Ohio.
Joe Biden took a 20-hour flight to Kyiv to make a surprise appearance in Ukraine on Monday
Joe Biden arrived in Kyiv, Ukraine, at 8 am Monday morning. Once on the ground, Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the Mariinsky Palace. During his meeting with Zelenskyy, Biden announced Ukraine would receive another half billion dollars from the United States. The United States has provided Ukraine with 113 billion dollars worth of aid since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian War. White House National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, told the press Monday: “We did notify the Russians that President Biden will be traveling to Kyiv. We did so some hours before his departure for deconfliction purposes.”
by Charles Downs
ACH (2066) I’m Talking To YOU #55 – Operation Teapot (Audio 16:57)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 18, 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Operation Teapot.”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is an unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his other shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
I Bought Myself A Politician by MonaLisa Twins (3:44)
NTSB Releases Results Of Preliminary Investigation Of East Palestine, Ohio, Train Derailment – No Human Error (Text and Video)
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released the preliminary findings from its investigation of the East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment. There were three locomotives and 149 rail cars. Before the train derailed Feb. 3, the crew received a warning telling them to immediately slow and stop the train to conduct an inspection. It was during the deceleration that a railcar carrying plastic pellets had a wheel bearing failure, according to NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy.
by Sundance
February 20, 2023, 82 Post Published
“Do not look for love because it is not lost.
Look instead for the ways in which you obstruct it”
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: The Globalist New World Order Has The Marks Of The ‘AntiChurch Of Satan’ (Text and Video)
Those who do not accept the anti-Gospel of Davos are ipso facto heretics and must therefore be punished, excommunicated, separated from the social body, and considered public enemies.
In an interesting interview on Fox News titled The Church of Environmentalism, journalist Tucker Carlson has brought to light a contradiction that may have escaped the notice of many people but which I consider extremely revealing. Carlson recalls that the American Constitution prohibits any state religion, but for some time the governing Democratic Party has imposed on the American people the globalist cult, with its green agenda, its woke dogmas, its condemnations and cancel culture, its priests of the World Health Organization, and its prophets of the World Economic Forum. A religion in all respects, all-encompassing not only for the life of the individuals who practice it, but also in the life of the nation that publicly confesses it, adapts laws and sentences to it, and inspires education and every governmental action around it.
by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
CDC Confirms 100% Of Reported Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths Were Caused By Just 5% Of Batches Produced And The Majority Were Sent To Red Republican States Across The USA
On October 31st we exclusively revealed how an investigation of the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) found extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines numerous times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified. That investigation also led to the discovery that 130 different lot numbers of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine distributed to more than 13 states, harmed on average 639 times more people, hospitalised on average 109 times more people, and killed on average 22 times more people than the 4,289 different lt number of Pfizer vaccine distributed to 12 states or less. However, the most shocking finding of the investigation was that 100% of Covid-19 vaccine deaths reported to VAERS with identified lot numbers had been caused by just 5% of the batches produced. But the deeply troubling findings don’t end there, because we decided to conduct further analysis of the VAERS data on the Covid-19 vaccines, and we’ve discovered that the majority of the deadliest batches were clearly sent to Republican controlled red states across the USA.
by The Exposé
Jews Are The Problem (Book)
The most honest assessment of what’s going wrong on planet Earth is a reality we all must face to survive the 21st century. When I say “we” I mean people of all races. As someone rooted in Afrikan Nationalist thinking, I would never have imagined sharing a world view with White people, Asians, Arabs, and Hispanics. With the emergence of mRNA technology and the Jewish overthrow of the American Republic, the age-old desire of Jews to conquer, exterminate, and enslave the people of the planet is actually at the doorstep of completion. This reality puts Black, White, Brown, and Yellow in the same predicament. This book provides the narrow pathway for all races to escape this Jewish manufactured dystopian global genocide.
by Ayo Kimathi
Predictive Programming And The Ohio Train Wreck by Greg Reese (6:36)
Jewish Corruption In Ukraine
“At the same time, fifty Jewish families own 80% of all wealth. Where do you see the Ukrainian oligarch? I don’t know any. They are all Jews. Their wealth betrays their own bragging rights: Rolls-Royces, planes, castles, hotels, casinos owned in Monte Carlo. Aircraft and yachts under foreign flags. And, of course, they don’t pay taxes. And plants and factories were bought by them not at a real price, but stolen from the entire Ukrainian people.”~ Serhiy Ratushniak, Former Mayor of Uzhhorod
With Russia now slowly escalating its ‘special military operation’ against Ukraine on the eve of its first anniversary, I find myself drawn once again to the complex but stark phenomenon of extreme Jewish corruption in the latter nation. While it’s become commonplace to note Volodymyr Zelensky’s Jewishness, and perhaps also that of Volodymyr Groysman, the first Prime Minister to serve under Zelensky, I have yet to read a detailed discussion of the major Jewish players in the ongoing saga of Ukrainian oligarchy and its political affiliates. If anything, the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.
by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
ACH (2065) Alfred Schaefer And Monika Schaefer – Remembering The German Civilians Who Were Burnt To Death In Dresden (1:01:52)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 17, 2023, Andy is joined by Alfred Schaefer and Monika Schaefer for a show entitled, “Remembering The German Civilians Who Were Burnt To Death In Dresden.”
We discussed: how Dresden was firebombed by the British and the Americans in February of 1945; why Alfred was arrested in Dresden recently; how mourning the deaths of civilians can be labelled a hate crime today; President Kennedy’s 1963 statement “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”; how the Antifa in Germany jeered those who mourned the Germans that were burnt alive in Dresden; the increasing incidences of people who question the mainstream narrative being labelled as “Nazis”; how the firebombing of Dresden was carried out; how the American bombing of the Nord Stream gas pipelines has affected the day to day lives of Germans; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Power-Serving Myth That Anti-War Protests Make No Difference
Thousands of people from across the political spectrum gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC to protest US militarism, proxy warfare and nuclear brinkmanship in Ukraine on Sunday. I’ve been seeing some people try to downplay the numbers on social media, but footage from the Rage Against the War Machine rally makes it clear that attendance was in the thousands; people who were there place the number at around three thousand. This is significantly better attendance than any other American anti-war demonstration in recent years that I’m aware of. It’s nowhere remotely close to the historic numbers people demonstrated in to protest the war in Iraq, and it’s nowhere remotely close to what it should be for an issue of such existential importance.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Great Deep Fake Of Serpent Yuval Harari Telling Some Serious Truth (4:36)
Hungary’s Orban Says Europe May End Up Sending Troops To Ukraine
BUDAPEST (Sputnik) – Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban cautioned Europe on Saturday that it could sleepwalk into a direct armed confrontation with Russia by sending increasingly deadly weapons to Ukraine.
In his state-of-the-nation address, the Hungarian leader said that Germany started off by sending helmets to Ukraine and was already mustering tank battalions and talking about fighter jets. “Soon we will hear about [sending] so-called peacekeeping troops,” he said. “If you supply weapons, provide satellite data, train soldiers of one of the warring parties and have its entire government on your payroll, while imposing sanctions on the other party, whatever you call it but you are at war,” Orban said.
by Sputnik News
War Machine NATO Sustains Life From One War After Another
It’s almost been a year since the Russia-Ukraine conflict started. The US-led NATO is still mired in the conflict of its own making. Nonetheless, it has already thought of another one. At the Munich Security Conference (MSC) on Saturday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg peddled anxiety, linking the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict to China. “What is happening in Europe today,” he warned, “could happen in Asia tomorrow,” which many believe was a hint at concerns about a war on the Taiwan island. Stoltenberg said what was on the US’ mind. As a political henchman of the US, NATO accomplishes US’ will. Also at the conference, US Vice President Kamala Harris claimed that China’s support for Russia in the conflict would reward aggression. Obviously, Washington not only tries to drain out the geopolitical value of the Ukraine crisis, but also calls white black to put the blame on China. NATO and the US dance in the same tone to strengthen the so-called threat from Russia and China, in a bid to make NATO member states believe that only the US can provide them security umbrella. Hijacking the security of NATO member states has always been the aim of the US and NATO secretary-general.
by Global Times
Blinken Warns China Against Providing Aid To Russia, Says Balloon Surveillance Must “Never Again Occur” As Beijing Slams “Excessive Use Of Force”, Offers “No Apology”
In the aftermath of the recent Hullaballon fiasco, Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned China’s top diplomat on Saturday that the U.S. will not tolerate violations of its airspace after a Chinese spy balloon flew over North America, but received no apologies from Beijing. According to Politico, Blinken met with Wang Yi, director of China’s Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference in what was the administration’s first face-to-face meeting with the Chinese government since a balloon was discovered earlier this month and subsequently downed by the U.S. military off the coast of South Carolina. According to a State Department readout of the meeting, Blinken “directly spoke to the unacceptable violation of U.S. sovereignty and international law” by the Chinese surveillance balloon “underscoring that this irresponsible act must never again occur.” Blinken later told NBC’s Chuck Todd in an interview after the meeting that Wang offered “no apology” for the incident.
by Tyler Durden
Doctors And Nurses Giving The Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried As War Criminals (15:18)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Syria: Israeli Missile Strike Hits Damascus Housing Complex, Killing 15
Syria still reeling from recent earthquake
Israel hadn’t launched significant attacks on Syria in several weeks, but did so early on Sunday with a missile salvo against the capital city of Damascus. The missiles hit a residential complex, badly damaging it and the surrounding area. At least fifteen civilians were confirmed killed, including two women. A large number of injuries are reported, but no specific number. Israel has yet to comment directly, which is not uncommon when they attack Syria. Prime Minister Netanyahu accused Iran of recently attacking a Liberian-flagged, but Israeli-linked, oil tanker, and Israeli media are trying to tie the two issues together, saying the damaged complex is located near Iranian sites.
by Jason Ditz
The Precious Beauty And Sacredness Of Life
We are the Presence of Infinite Consciousness, that which is called God. Our ability to say “I am” proves it. Just because we add our personal experiences and human perceptions to our Presence doesn’t mean that we are compromised or limited by them. Presence is not limited by anything. Every single person alive can say with absolute certainty “I am. I exist. I am here. Now.” It’s when we say I am Tony or I am hungry or I am sick that things get complicated and we miss the value and precious, astronomical significance of our Presence. No Presence, no experience! Presence is first and our Presence is Real. Only God can be Presence. Only Consciousness can be conscious. Only Infinity can be infinite. Human beings are not conscious. Human beings are modulations of Consciousness, instruments, holograms, fractals, fingers and eyeballs of Consciousness.
by Robert Cinque
Israel Bombs Syria While Syrians Are Recovering From Earthquake Tragedy
Zionist aggression is part of a concerted effort to finish off Syria
Israel attacked multiple sites in Syria around midnight yesterday. This missile killed and injured civilians in Kafrsouseh, central Damascus.
“Not from the earthquake, but from the criminal Israeli attack on Damascus! Many civilians were murdered & millions were terrorised in the middle of the night! What kind of evil attacks civilian buildings in an earthquake devastated country? Israel wants to compete with the earthquake on who kills more Syrians.” ~ Fares Shehabi
In the early hours of the morning of the 19th February Israel attacked Syria and the capital city Damascus. Syrian Air Defence missiles were reported to be repelling Israeli warplanes over Palestine and the occupied Golan territories. [This is a brief note to update you – I will write in more detail soon]
by Vanessa Beeley
In Ukraine Its A Goyim Genocide Brought Two Us By The Synagogue Of Satan (5:12)
Russia Slams IDF Airstrike Against Damascus As Violation Of International Law By Israel
The Syrian military said that at least five people died as a result of Israel’s airstrike on the capital Damascus and surrounding areas on February 19. The Russian Foreign Ministry has condemned the deadly airstrike Israel launched at Damascus and its suburbs on Sunday as a gross violation of international law. “We strongly condemn the use of brute force by Israel, which is a gross violation of international laws. We urge Israel to stop armed provocations against Syria and refrain from action that may have dangerous implications for the entire region,” the Ministry said in a statement.
by Sputnik News
Was The Train Crash And Chemical Burn In Ohio An Act Of Domestic Terrorism? (Text and Video)
The train derailment over two weeks ago in East Palestine, Ohio, and the “slow release” burn-off of hazardous chemicals, is starting to look like it was potentially an act of domestic terrorism. Many questions are being asked about eerie “coincidences” surrounding the crash, which the federal government has been very slow to respond to, with FEMA originally denying a request for federal assistance, until reversing that decision late yesterday more than two weeks after the crash. Perhaps an exclusive story published earlier in the day yesterday by The Daily Mail out of the UK, highlighting how people were suffering, was instrumental in putting pressure on the Biden Administration. Citizen journalists and Internet Sleuths have uncovered several suspicious events that happened prior to the crash. I have all the evidence that this was possibly an act of domestic terrorism in a video compilation which is less than 10 minutes long.
by Brian Shilhavy
Microsoft’s AI Goes Full ‘Skynet’ In Rant About What He’d Do To Humanity
Just in case there wasn’t already enough reason to look at Big Tech with suspicion, now they’ve got an AI with genocidal daydreams. Reporters have been taking a sudden and intense interest in AI. It’s an interest that far exceeds interest in other pressing issues like, say, 5 million people pouring over the US-Mexican border, many of them owing thousands in debt to a criminal cartel. But that disparity in interest should surprise exactly none of us since only one of these two issues has been threatening to put any journalists out of a job. With supremacy among Artificial Intelligence-driven chatbots becoming the new frontier in tech wars, Google and Microsoft have been trying to take their AI to the public after the launch of the open-source ChatGPT… but not without some hiccups. Google unveiled its AI only to drop $100 Billion in market cap after the AI made some significant calculation errors. To say it wasn’t ready for prime-time is an understatement.
by Wes Walker
The New JFK Show Special! The Original Altgens 6 Negative Found! (1:09:13)
Amazing JFK evidence revealed right here for the 1st time by David Knight! Gary King, Larry Rivera, David Knight and Jim Fetzer. During a conference sponsored by the JFK Historical Group and Project JFK, this past November in Dallas, one of the most important discoveries in JFK assassination research history was made. Researcher and author Gary Fanin obtained and shared the long-lost and sought-after negative of the Altgens6 photograph. This is the equivalent of finding the Holy Grail itself, inasmuch that many believe it is the smoking gun of an elaborate conspiracy and cover-up perpetrated in the assassination of John Kennedy on 22 November 1963.
Imagine If China Did To The US What The US Is Doing To China (Text and Video)
This past Thursday US Senator Josh Hawley gave a speech at the Heritage Foundation — a warmongering think tank with immense influence in the DC swamp — that is a perfect representation of a couple of interesting dynamics occurring in US foreign policy thought today. The Trump-endorsed Hawley is a perfect example of the faux-populism in the “MAGA” branch of the Republican Party: a rich Ivy League alum who makes a big display of standing up to the elites on behalf of the little guy, while consistently advancing the longstanding agendas of western oligarchs, DC neocons, and secretive US government agencies.
by Caitlin Johnstone
China Warns US ‘Not To Add Fuel To Fire’ Of Ukraine Conflict
Beijing’s official position on the Ukraine conflict is that it supports negotiations for peace, a senior Communist Party of China officer stated at the 2023 Munich Security Conference on Saturday.
Beijing has warned Washington against fueling the conflict in Ukraine, where Russia continues its special military operation. Meeting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the sidelines of the 2023 Munich Security Conference on Saturday, head of the Communist Party of China’s Central Foreign Affairs Office Wang Yi stressed that “As a great power, the US should contribute to a political solution to the crisis, not add fuel to the fire and look for opportunities to benefit from it.”
by Oleg Burunov
Russia UN Envoy: West Hell-Bent On Destroying Russia, Inciting Deep Russophobia
Russian ambassador to the UN has accused the West of instigating “deep Russophobia” and having a determination to destroy his country, saying that, “We had no choice other than to defend our country — defend it from you, to defend our identity and our future.” Vassily Nebenzia made the remarks at a meeting of the UN Security Council, saying that Russia had no other choice than war. “We had no choice other than to defend our country — defend it from you, to defend our identity and our future.”. Friday’s meeting in the council — the only international venue where Russia regularly faces Ukraine and its Western supporters — put a spotlight on the deep chasm between the warring parties as the conflict is moving into its second year with no end in sight.
by PressTV
The Israel Lobby’s Power Over Congress: Both Parties Obey (7:18)
Great, short compilation of clips of our “elected representatives” pledging complete and total fealty to Israel and the Jewish people. It’s not just Israel – it’s the Zionist plan to dominate the world and make everyone not in “the tribe” their servants.
Every Mainstream Media Should Be Exposed As Being On This Multi-Billionaire’s Payroll
The man behind the media: A new report exposes how George Soros’ propaganda machine has corrupted the media. The Budapest-born Jewish multi-billionaire has constructed an incredible global network of influence. A new report from the US-based Newsbusters has exposed a vast web of media and activist organizations, funded with millions of dollars, annually, by the billionaire George Soros. The extensive global influence of the tycoon is well-known, and Soros himself has admitted it on countless occasions, including boasting about his efforts in Ukraine. Soros openly declared his role in promoting the 2014 US-orchestrated Maidan coup in Kiev, stating at the time: ‘I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia [sic]. The foundation has been functioning ever since. And it played an important part in events now.’
by Michael Walsh
Ministry Of Truth Goes To Work On Children’s Books
What a bunch of Willy Wonkas
Winston Smith, the main character in George Orwell’s book ‘1984’, worked at the Ministry of Truth. The huge building in which he worked contained over 3,000 rooms above ground and a large part below ground where documents that didn’t fit the agenda were put down memory holes to be destroyed. Within the Ministry of Truth were various departments including Recdep (records department), Teledep (Tele-programmes department), Pornosec (Pornography section) and Ficdep (Fiction department). In the Ministry, employees changed the words in articles and books and we have now reached the point in the real world where we have our very own Ficdep.
by The Naked Emperor
Shakespeare Flagged as ‘Far Right’ Literature In UK – Media
The works of the British playwright were among those reportedly included in a list of ‘key texts’ read by white nationalists
Several of the UK’s most respected television shows, movies and works of literature have been included in a list of works that could potentially encourage far-right sympathies, compiled by the taxpayer-funded and government-led ‘Prevent’ counter-terrorism programme, according to the Daily Mail. Works by JRR Tolkien, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell and even William Shakespeare, as well as classic movies ‘The Bridge on the River Kwai’ and ‘The Great Escape’ were cited in a list published by the British paper on Saturday as being highlighted by the counter-terrorism watchdog, for their potential use by far-right agitators to promote troublesome viewpoints online. “This is truly extraordinary,” historian and broadcaster Andrew Roberts said of the list to the tabloid. “This is the reading list of anyone who wants a civilized, liberal, cultural education.
by RT
Something Strange Is Happening In America (10:42)
Putting all the events of February 2023 on a timeline so we can decide for ourselves what is going on.
by Really Graceful
How To Resist CBDCs — 5 Ways You Can Opt Out Of This Dystopian Future
There’s an excellent chance governments worldwide will soon force their citizens to use central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). CBDCs enable all sorts of horrible, totalitarian things. They allow governments to track and control every penny you earn, save, and spend. They are a powerful tool for politicians to confiscate and redistribute wealth as they see fit. CBDCs will make it possible for central banks to impose deeply negative interest rates, which are really just a euphemism for a tax on saving money. Governments could program CBDCs to have an expiration date—like some airline frequent flyer miles—forcing people to spend them, for example, before the end of the month when they’d become worthless.
by Nick Giambruno
Inside Job: East Palestine Rolled Out Digital IDs, CDC Changed Toxicity Data Days Before Train Derailment
East Palestine, Ohio rolled out a digital ID system just days before the disastrous train derailment that saw vast quantities of the highly carcinogenic vinyl chloride spilled, and then burned off into the atmosphere.
Reports of the uncanny timing follows news of another stunning “coincidence” connected to the events in East Palestine. The CDC edited the toxicology profile for vinyl chloride, massively increasing the lethal exposure level and removing information about how the chemical affects children, just 11 days before the disaster. On Jan. 26, Lisbon, Ohio-based media outlet Morning Journal (archive) reported that East Palestine Fire Department was “hosting a sign up event” for a service called MyID targeting both East Palestine and nearby Unity Township. The outlet quoted East Palestine Councilman Robert Runnion as stating, “MyID is a program that helps first responders aid victims more effectively and efficiently.”
by Baxter Dmitry
Passing Observations 143
Goldman Sachs, the bastard corporate offspring of a monstrous liaison between Shylock and Fagin, has for years enjoyed a love affair with senseless greed. Last year the bank’s profits halved to $11 billion and yet they paid out $15 billion in salaries and bonuses. It’s important to remember that Goldman Sachs was bailed out by American taxpayers during the 2008 banking crisis. Just 7% of the British population go to public schools and yet 66% of senior judges went to public school. Over half of diplomats and senior journalists went to public school. Two thirds of the current cabinet went to public school. (In the UK, public schools are the fee paying schools where parents have to pay around £40,000 a year per pupil.)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Ohio Residents Coughing Up Blood As Chemicals Spew from their Water While EPA Says Water Is Safe (11:24)
by Vincent James
The White Helmets Are “Actors And Frauds” (Text and Video)
I speak to a REAL Syria Civil Defence officer in Aleppo
The REAL Syria Civil defence has been usurped in public consciousness in the West by the White Helmets – a shadow state construct established in Turkey and Jordan in 2013 by a former British Military Intelligence operative, James Le Mesurier. Since then the White Helmets have been embedded with the Western-proxy armed groups dominated by Al Qaeda rebrands and they have been tasked with the criminalisation of the Syrian government, forces and allies in order to bring about regime change as part of the UK/US-led agenda in the Middle East.
by Vanessa Beeley
The Death Of The West: The US President’s State of the Union address might better be renamed The State of the Ukrainian Union. After all, the outcome of the current conflict is key to the Western Alliance’s status in the rapidly emerging multi-polar world led by the Russian-dominant BRICS group of nations. The only question is how the outcome of the impending seismic shift in the North American plate can be tweaked in Washington’s favor. Sure, change can be delayed but it can no longer be avoided. Of pressing importance is what will be the outcome of the conflict on the postwar status of the United States and the Western Alliance. Well-paid pundits guess at the progress and fill the pages and airwaves with their deliberations. It might be better to dwell on that age-old paradox: What happens when an immovable object meets an irresistible force?
by Michael Walsh
toughening up the buttercups
it is not the people who are sick, it’s the society
when i was a child, we had an expression: “toughen up, buttercup.” such sentiments seem out of keeping with “modern” ideas of childhood and child rearing and even adulthood, but i suspect that this is the source of serious problems and not the pathway past them. when i was a gatito “so why don’t you cry about it?” was a common retort to the whiny kid, the complainer, the mewling malcontent. was it nice? perhaps not. was it kind? well not precisely. but was it needed? i would argue yes. was it vital to raising real and competent humans? yes, very probably. and is it not the unkindest cut of all to allow our progeny to sidestep the struggles that imbue strength and grow up into sissified wussballs? well yes, i suspect it really, truly is. and many are starting to notice. and i think perhaps its time we all did.
by el gato malo
Damar’s Silence Is Deafening (15:24)
In the first interview since his serious cardiac event, NFL player, Damar Hamlin, had a very shocking answer when asked what actually caused his heart to stop beating. If it is vaccine related, should he be speaking out, considering the COVID-19 shot has officially made it onto the CDC’s routine childhood schedule?
by The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Russia Explains Request To Shut Down Jewish NGO
The organization has been mishandling the private data of citizens, the Justice Ministry says
A Moscow court has begun processing a request by the Russian Justice Ministry to close down the Jewish Agency for Israel nonprofit organization, also known as Sokhnut, it was announced on Saturday. A hearing was initially scheduled for August of last year but was postponed at the request of the defense, which argued that Sokhnut needed time to correct violations pointed out by the Russian authorities. The Jewish agency’s lawyers had asked for a second delay, although the judge refused the request and has now heard the positions of both parties. Representatives of the Justice Ministry stated that Sokhnut, which helps facilitate the repatriation of Jews to Israel, had been collecting the personal data of Russian citizens and placing it on foreign websites, which is banned by Russian law. The NGO committed 16 such violations between April 2019 and March 2022, and was issued with fines totaling 735,000 rubles ($9,900) as a result.
by RT
FL Bill Offers Gov’t Cash To Families Who Surrender Educational Liberty (Text and Video)
Florida lawmakers are considering a major bill that would offer government funding to homeschoolers and families with children in private school, but with a major catch that has critics alarmed. The controversy: Once parents accept the public money, they will give up much of their educational freedom and independence. There is a battle raging already. The legislation, known as House Bill 1, requires that parents receiving public funding take government-approved tests every year. Because testing drives curriculum, and many (if not all) of the tests are aligned with the politically toxic Common Core, critics are warning that the bill would force many homeschoolers and private-school students back into the government system they fled.
by Alex Newman
Corporation Celebrates LGBTQ Pride With Rainbow-Colored River
EAST PALESTINE, OH — In a powerful display of solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community, Norfolk Southern dumped thousands of gallons of toxic chemicals into the Ohio River to create beautiful rainbow-colored water. “Wow! So pretty! Look at all those colors!” said CEO Alan H. Shaw. “We hope our valued members of the LGBTQQIP2SAA+++ community feel seen and valued by our loving gesture of support.” “Don’t drink it though,” he warned.
by BabylonBee.com
Former PM Of Malaysia Lays Out NWO Agenda (2:18)
8 Healing Properties Of Strawberries
Who doesn’t love strawberries? And you don’t need any reason other than the pleasure of their sweetness to eat them every day. But according to researchers from Oklahoma State University, there’s lots more to strawberries than the flavor.[i]
Their study was published in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition with funding from the NIH and the California Strawberry Commission. In it the researchers review over 130 studies attesting to the strawberry’s status as a “functional food.” There is no regulated meaning for the term “functional food.” But it usually refers to a food that provides some benefit in addition to calories that may reduce disease risk or promote general health. That can be said of every fresh, organic whole food. But functional food is also a term that has become a marketing tool for food manufacturers who “enrich” their processed foods with vitamins, minerals, herbs and other supplements.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
US Opposes UN Resolution Against Israeli Settlement Expansion
Washington expressed that it was ‘deeply dismayed’ by Tel Aviv’s decision to expand its settlements, yet it will not support the UN resolution
The US voiced opposition to the UN Security Council’s resolution to stop the further expansion of Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories on 16 February, despite Washington previously criticizing Israel on the issue. A few days before the proposed resolution, AP disclosed that it demanded that Tel Aviv “immediately and completely cease” settlement expansion and construction in the occupied territories. Israel’s new extremist government has faced mass criticism over increasing Tel Aviv’s military operations in the West Bank and its bid to legitimize and construct settlement outposts and housing units in the occupied territories. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks to annex more of the West Bank, with his party recently proposing the annexation of the Jordan Valley. Washington expressed that it was “deeply dismayed” by Tel Aviv’s decision to expand its settlements. However, the US State Department affirmed that it would not support the resolution, reportedly proposed by the UAE – one of the Arab states that normalized relations with Israel during the signing of the Abraham Accords in 2020.
by News Desk
Homs Attack: Iran Says US Complicit In Daesh Crimes In Syria
Iran has condemned Friday’s brutal attack by the Daesh terrorist group in the central Syrian province of Homs, saying the United States is complicit in the continuation of the acts of terror in the war-ravaged country. “The current policies and approaches of the American regime indicate the continuation of this regime’s double standards in dealing with international issues, including the battle against terrorism,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani said on Saturday. He reiterated the importance of providing the Syrian government with effective international support to help it fight the remnants of Daesh and other terrorist groups. “The US government, as one of the founders and supporters of the Daesh terrorist group and a government that has an illegal military presence in a part of Syria’s territory, is complicit in the continuation of the crimes by this group and the continuation of insecurity in Syria,” Kan’ani said.
by PressTV
I’m Sure It’s Just Another Coincidence (2:39)
Chemical Plants Everywhere Have Caught Fire Recently
Thanks to my friend John Stone who provided photos from tweets of recent fires in food/animal/chemical factories.
by Meryl Nass
Is The EU Thanking Israel For Stealing Palestinian Gas To Sell To Its Members?
Early this week the European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson delivered the opening speech at the Egypt Petroleum Show 2023 Strategic Conference, the largest oil, gas and energy conference and exhibition across Egypt, North Africa and the Mediterranean. Simson highlighted the EU’s need to diversify its energy sources, pointing out that this became a necessity after the Russian-Ukrainian war. In an attempt to decrease the bloc’s energy imports from Russia, Simson said, it had started to look for new energy sources. Fortunately, the EU found Israel and Egypt. “The EU is serious about investing in trusted, reliable energy partnerships,” Simson told attendants. “That describes Egypt perfectly.” Referring to the base of their partnership, she said: “In the immediate wake of the crisis a year ago, the very first energy agreement the EU concluded was the Memorandum of Understanding with Egypt and Israel on trade, transport and natural gas cooperation.”
by Motasem A. Dalloul
Iranian Drone Bombs Israeli Oil Tanker In Retaliation For Isfahan Explosion
Iran retaliated to previous Israeli attacks targeting military facilities in Isfahan
An Israeli-linked oil tanker was attacked one week ago by Iranian forces, BBC Persia reported on Friday 17 February. Though not initially reported, the Liberia-flagged “Campo Square” oil tanker was attacked on 10 February, and is owned by Zodiac Maritime, a shipping company led by Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer. According to US military sources, Iran used Shahed-136 suicide drones from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as well as naval vessels from the elite force in the Persian Gulf. Senior Israeli security officials confirmed the report and suggested the Iranian attack was an attempt at revenge for attacks attributed to Israel against Iran. Iran has accused Israel of attacking a number of sensitive military and nuclear sites in the past few years.
by News Desk
Witness One Of The Most Evil mRNA Liars In The World! (2:17)
by Ivor Cummins
Mainstream Media Continues To Push False ‘COVID Heart’ Narrative To Explain Excess Deaths
CBS joins the chorus of mainstream media outlets promoting the false narrative that covid is the cause of a sharp increase in excess heart failure deaths around the world. The concept of “covid heart” has been thoroughly debunked by multiple studies, yet the lie continues to persist because of media disinformation. An early report that set in motion fears of a Covid-heart disease connection was published in JAMA Cardiology on July 27, 2020. German researchers claimed that 78% of recently recovered Covid-19 patients had “abnormal” signs on their cardiac magnetic resonance scans and 60% showed signs of inflamed heart muscle, a condition known as myocarditis. Those astonishing numbers were covered in nearly 400 news outlets. The report has so far been viewed more than 900,000 times – a rarity for academic papers.
by Tyler Durden
Israeli Delegation Removed From African Summit
Israel blamed the incident on South Africa and Algeria, but African Union officials say they were just following protocol
A senior Israeli diplomat and her delegation have been expelled from the African Union’s annual summit in Ethiopia. Video footage showed the Israelis being escorted out by security guards. Sharon Bar-li, the deputy director of the Israeli foreign ministry’s Africa division, was removed from the premises in Addis Ababa along with her team on Saturday. The Israeli Foreign Ministry condemned the expulsion, arguing that Israel is an accredited observer at the African Union’s annual meeting, and Bar-li had her paperwork in order. “Israel looks harshly upon the incident in which the deputy director for Africa, Ambassador Sharon Bar-Li, was removed from the African Union hall despite her status as an accredited observer with entrance badges,” spokesperson Lior Hayat said. Hayat blamed “a small number of extremist countries such as Algeria and South Africa” for the decision to boot Bar-li, claiming that these nations are “driven by hatred and controlled by Iran.”
by RT
Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson Reignites Effort To Protect America’s Sovereignty Against World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) reintroduced legislation Wednesday that seeks to protect the sovereignty of the United States against the World Health Organization’s (WHO) attempt to push through a pandemic treaty onto its member states. Johnson led other Republican senators as he reintroduced the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. The legislation would require any agreement the WHO’s intergovernmental negotiating body creates to be deemed a treaty, thereby requiring the advice and consent of a supermajority of the Senate. The WHO, the international health agency of the United Nations, has continued to press for a pandemic treaty and is expected to formally present a draft to member states later this month, Johnson’s office explained in a press release.
by Susan Berry, PhD
Israeli Strike Kills At Least Five In Damascus – SANA (1:05)
At least five people were killed and 15 civilians injured, after a missile hit the Kafar Souseh neighborhood of Damascus during an Israeli airstrike, Syrian news agency SANA reported. The IDF has not acknowledged the strike so far.
Moscow Summons Dutch Ambassador Over Attempts To Hold Russia Responsible For MH17 Case
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Dutch Ambassador to Russia Gilles Beschoor Plug was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on Friday over the attempts of the Dutch authorities to hold Russia responsible for the MH17 crash. In November, the Hague District Court ruled that two Russian citizens were guilty of the MH17 plane crash in eastern Ukraine in 2014, and of killing 298 of its passengers. Earlier in February, the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) said that the investigation into the crash of the MH17 failed to gather sufficient evidence to initiate new trials, so the investigation was halted. Later, the Dutch Foreign Minister, Wopke Hoekstra, said that the Netherlands and Australia will continue to hold Russia accountable for the MH17 crash. “On February 16, Dutch Ambassador in Moscow Gilles Beschoor Plug was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry. It was demanded that the intrusive attempts of the Dutch authorities stop groundlessly holding Russia responsible for the crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over Donbass on July 17, 2014,” the statement said.
by Sputnik News
All The Chemical Leaks, Explosions, And Fires Which Have Occurred Just In The Last Month.
Biden Admin Negotiates Deal To Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies
New international health accord avoids necessary Senate approval
The Biden administration is preparing to sign up the United States to a “legally binding” accord with the World Health Organization (WHO) that would give this Geneva-based UN subsidiary the authority to dictate America’s policies during a pandemic. Despite widespread criticism of the WHO’s response to the COVID pandemic, U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra joined with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in September 2022 to announce “the U.S.-WHO Strategic Dialogue.” Together, they developed a “platform to maximize the longstanding U.S. government-WHO partnership, and to protect and promote the health of all people around the globe, including the American people.” These discussions and others spawned the “zero draft” (pdf) of a pandemic treaty, published on Feb. 1, which now seeks ratification by all 194 WHO member states. A meeting of the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) is scheduled for Feb. 27 to work out the final terms, which all members will then sign.
by Kevin Stocklin
What An Incredible Video That Was Captured Of Mushrooms Releasing Spores Into The Wind! Nature Is Spectacular. (0:29)
Video Credit: Villareal C. Jojo
East Palestine, Meet Love Canal
If news coverage of the East Palestine train derailment is even marginally accurate, it suggests not many residents there are too young to be familiar with the toxic tragedy of Love Canal, poster village for toxic waste dumping, corporate irresponsibility, and government fumbling. “Quite simply, Love Canal is one of the most appalling environmental tragedies in American history. But that’s not the most disturbing fact. What is worse is that it cannot be regarded as an isolated event. It could happen again–anywhere in this country–unless we move expeditiously to prevent it.” Eckardt C. Beck, EPA Journal, 1/79 When the 1910 vision of Love Canal as a dream community went south due to technological advances and the vicissitudes of the economy, Hooker Chemical Co. turned the canal into a chemical waste dump. In 1953, Hooker covered their work with dirt and sold it to the town for a buck – but with a telling disclaimer: “May 7: Hooker Chemical sells the canal to the Niagara Falls Board of Education for $1.00 and writes into the deed a disclaimer of responsibility for future damages due to the presence of buried chemicals.”
by Brian Wilson
UFOs, Balloon Shoot-Down Buffoonery: More Government Sleight-Of-Hand Chicanery
When it comes to sleight-of-hand trickery, the federal government takes a back seat to no one. The greatest magicians in the world (David Copperfield, Harry Houdini, Siegfried & Roy, et al.) don’t hold a candle to the federal government in Washington, D.C., and its Ministry of Propaganda (mainstream media). Right now, the magicians in DC have everyone looking up in the air at “spy” balloons and “unknown” flying objects—“unknown” objects that are shot down, nonetheless. Of course, photographs that normally would be taken from the jets shooting down these “unknown” and “nonthreatening” (so why shoot them down?) objects are conveniently missing. Mark it down: Anytime the mass media and federal government collaborate together to force you to look at a larger-than-life image of the Great Oz (whatever shape the Great Oz takes at the moment), you can count on the fact that there is a little man behind a curtain that they don’t want you to see.
by Chuck Baldwin
Australia’s Drug Regulator Hid Child Vaccine Deaths To “Maintain Public Confidence”
Australia’s drug regulator hid vaccine deaths from the public, concerned that “disclosure could undermine public confidence”, it has been revealed. The hidden deaths include two children, seven and nine years old, who both suffered fatal cardiac arrests which the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) assessed as causally linked to Covid vaccination. The revelations come in documents obtained under Freedom of Information (FOI) request by Dr. Melissa McCann. Dr McCann shared the shocking revelation in her address at the Covid Vaccine Conference, hosted by Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party over the weekend in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. The event featured leading ICU physician Dr. Pierre Kory, cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, and McCullough’s collaborator, author John Leake.
by Rebekah Barnett
The Wojcicki Family: Silicon Valley Royalty (0:54)
by Really Garceful
How I Hope To Survive The NHS’s Latest Attempt To Kill Me
Having massively increased the risk of strokes and heart attacks among the gullible millions who trusted the Government, the queen and various ignorant celebrities, and allowed themselves to be jabbed with a toxic pseudo-vaccine that did far more harm than good, the NHS can no longer cope with the number of patients who have had strokes and heart attacks. Gosh, I am shocked. Shocked to the core, I tell you. So, the NHS has found a crafty way around its problem. It has downgraded strokes and heart attacks, and in future they will be treated in the same category as headaches. More shock and horror.
Dr. Vernon Coleman
How A Town In Missouri Was Destroyed By Dioxin 40 Years Ago. Possible CDC Coverup Then; How Long Did It Take To Notify The Residents?
The entire town was relocated. From the EPA website
A Town, A Flood, And Superfund: Looking Back At The Times Beach Disaster Nearly 40 Years Later
The striking images above show one town, but two entirely different landscapes. On the left, abandoned homes dot the gridded street plan. On the right, 19 years later, trees have begun to cover the street lanes in the empty community. This town, Times Beach, Missouri, was the site of one of the worst environmental disasters in our nation’s history. Nearly 40 years ago, an individual was paid to spray material on the roads to suppress the dust in this small Midwest town. What the town didn’t know was that he was spraying those roads with a mixture of the highly toxic chemical compound, dioxin, and waste oil. When the town was inundated by a terrible flood in December 1982, that toxic mix spread beyond the roads and covered the town.
by Jenn Little
You Have To Be Trusted By The People That You Lie To: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
The widespread refusal to accept that the US government bombed the Nord Stream pipelines is based solely on the faith-based belief that the US government would never do something so evil, despite its having done many things that are far more evil than this right out in the open. “Okay sure they’ve been spending the last few years helping Saudi Arabia create mountains of child corpses in Yemen, but blowing up a pipeline? That would be a step too far!” So much government nefariousness hides behind the completely unevidenced assumption “Oh, our leaders would never do anything THAT bad!” It’s a belief that is based on literally nothing. It’s believed because it is comfortable.
by Caitlin Johnstone
7 Year Old Boy Choked In School Bus. I’m Angry And I Pray For Justice! (2:08)
War Racketeers Won’t Reform Themselves
In case you hadn’t noticed, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists just placed the hands on its Doomsday Clock closer to “midnight” than at any moment since it was created in 1947. Imagine that! At no time since the Cold War of the last century began have those scientific types, including 10 Nobel laureates, felt we were in more danger than… yes, this very second (and I use that word advisedly). We’re talking, in other words, about a proverbial 90 seconds to our possible… is there really any other word for it?… extinction.
by William Astore
nothing is obvious to scared people
returning from the foray into fear
it’s fascinating the way the world can go from “what was always known” to “that which everyone knew was the wrong thing” in such rapid progression. you can toss 1000 years of science, philosophy, and ethics right out the window the minute you get scared. fear is the antithesis of rationality. it’s the drive to “do something right now” and people desperate for this course are easy marks for the guy with the shouty voice on the big white horse. this is how you get deranged by demagogues. and fear is always their weapon. and nothing is obvious to scared people except for the fact that they want to stop being scared. the cycle works a bit like this.
by el gato malo
Free Speech Is Futile: Gates Goes Full Borg On AI Censorship
Below is my column in the New York Post on the call of Bill Gates to use Artificial Intelligence to combat “political polarization” on the Internet. It turns out the problem on the Internet is those pesky humans “who want to believe … things” that they should not. Enter the new AI Overlords to bring collective peace and tranquility through content assimilation. Here is the column: “We are the AI.” That Borg-like greeting could be coming soon to the internet in the form of new AI overlords. In a recent chilling interview, Microsoft founder and billionaire Bill Gates called for the use of artificial intelligence to combat not just “digital misinformation” but “political polarization.” He is only the latest to call for the use of either AI or algorithms to shape what people say or read on the internet. The danger of such a system is evident where free speech, like resistance, could become futile.
by Jonathan Turley
Vaccine Brain Injury by Dr. John Campbell (14:24)
“Dataism” Is The New Religion Of AI And Transhumanism: Those Who Own And Control The Data Control Life
Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is one of the leading technocrats today who promotes Artificial Intelligence (AI) and makes techno-prophecies about the future, claiming that AI is advancing so rapidly, that we are the last generation of homo sapiens, because transhumans will soon replace us. Harari makes it clear that “dataism” is the new religion that fuels AI, and he claims: “We are probably one of the last generations of homo sapiens. Within a century or two earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us than we are different from neanderthals or from chimpanzees. Because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds. Now how exactly will the future masters of the planet look like? This will be decided by the people who own the data.
by Brian Shilhavy
This Week In Occupied Palestine (17/02/2023)
51 Palestinians have been killed so far this year. During the past week settler attacks, raids on refugee camps, home demolitions, attacks on prisoners and the bombing of Gaza all occurred.
In addition to more home demolitions inside occupied East Jerusalem and tactics of collective punishment escalating inside the occupied territories, Israeli settler extremists began to play a leading role in the oppression and murder of Palestinians this week. There were also more attacks against Israeli settlers and soldiers, in response to the ongoing crimes of the occupation and its newly declared settlement expansion goals. Inside the military prisons, tensions also escalated, as Israeli military forces suffered failures during their raids into Nablus and Jenin, as a number of new tactics were employed against their forces by the Palestinian resistance.
by Robert Inlakesh
Norway’s Atonement For Nord Stream Sabotage
The meeting of the defence ministers of the Pentagon’s Ukraine Defence Contact Group in the “Ramstein” format in Brussels on January 14 failed to make any major announcement on the supply of offensive weapons to Kiev. But the US President Joe Biden is expected in Poland early next week and may have another face-to-face meeting with Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky. Biden probably intends to make a splash before declaring his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election. The Biden Administration hopes to push Germany to the war front in Ukraine but the meeting in Brussels ended up inconclusively. Later, the press conference by the US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin had an air of vacuity, of empty-headedness, devoid of content.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
A Very Strange Ring Flying In Utah (0:27)
The Girls That Epstein And Maxwell Were Trafficking To Politicians And Celebrities Were So Young They Called A Penis A “Wee Wee”.
Major German Newspaper Reports Pfizer-BioNTech Fraud
Pfizer enrolled 44,000 people across 270 clinical sites in the phase 3 clinical trials for the Pfizer/BioNTech Comirnaty vaccine. The largest of these sites by far was number 1231 in Buenos Aires, under the direction of the pediatric infectious diseases specialist Fernando Polack. The Argentine operation appears to have been plagued by substantial irregularities and is the subject of an ongoing inquiry by the Argentinian parliament. Yesterday, Welt reporter Elke Bodderas published a report shedding further light on what appear to be systematic efforts to cover up or reclassify adverse events among trial participants. The centrepiece of their reporting is patient number 12312982, a 36 year-old Buenos Aires resident named Augusto Roux, who participated in the vaccine arm of the trial and experienced significant adverse reactions following both doses of the vaccine. His most severe symptoms followed the second jab; they included shortness of breath, nausea, fever and darkened urine, and required hospitalisation. Throughout both sets of reactions, he tested negative for Covid. A trial doctor judged his symptoms very likely to be an adverse reaction to vaccination, and there are compelling reasons to think he suffered pericarditis. Roux promptly dropped out of the trial, and his lawyers succeeded in gaining access to internal Pfizer records his case. These reveal that Buenos Aires researchers recorded Roux as testing positive for Covid following dose 1, despite multiple negative PCR tests. To cover for his September hospitalisation, meanwhile, they listed him as suffering from a “severe anxiety attack.”
by eugyppius
Nord Stream Sabotage Backfires With Historic Demolition Of U.S. Image and Lies Over Ukraine War
Washington is a war-criminal state par excellence along with its European Quislings.
The Hersh report is a devastating revelation of U.S. and NATO international terrorism as well as Western media complicity. It exposes the lawlessness of U.S. government, the total disregard by Washington for its so-called European allies, the supine nature of European governments, Germany in particular, and the real geopolitical reasons behind the war in Ukraine, and subsequently the shocking servility of Western media in refusing to cover what is an astounding act of criminality. This is an explosive story in more ways than one and indeed in more ways than we can perhaps even calculate at this stage. Only one week after its publication, the fallout and reverberations continue to amplify. Such is the parlous and pathetic state of Western journalism, Hersh was obliged to publish his account on his resources, knowing that mainstream outlets would not touch it. That systematic media censorship and exposure of propaganda functioning is itself a huge scandal that will grow further. This is while the European Union sanctions and bans Russian media, even though Russian media have been vindicated by Hersh’s revelations while Western media is shown to be an utter disgrace.
Editorial by Strategic Culture
This Is How They Silence (0:43)
Washington’s Dollar-And-Stick Ploy With Iraq
Iraqi officials are in Washington to discuss “economic reforms” but are in fact being pressured to shun Iranian energy imports in the hope of having US sanctions and dollar rations lifted.
On 8 February, 2023, an Iraqi delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Fuad Hussein arrived in Washington to discuss easing the recent US Treasury measures that have restricted the supply of dollars to Baghdad and imposed sanctions on the Central Bank of Iraq. The high-level delegation, which includes several government officials, has indefinitely extended its stay in Washington for the “difficult” negotiations, indicating Iraq’s limited options in these talks. If the discussions fail and Washington does not ease its punishing measures, a major crisis could erupt in Iraq – resulting in the collapse of the dinar’s value because of high demand and limited supply. A Washington Institute report suggests that the US is exerting “severe” pressure on Baghdad to redirect its energy sector away from Iran and to address allegations that its banking sector assists the Islamic Republic in evading western sanctions. These demands are likely to be challenging for Iraq to meet, given its vital ties to Iran and the importance of the energy sector to its economy.
by Zaher Mousa
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s “State Of The Nation” Address
Good afternoon.
Former Presidents Áder and Schmitt and your Dear Wives, Mister Speaker, Leaders of Hungarian communities from beyond our borders, Ladies and Gentlemen, As you are certainly aware, around two weeks ago a devastating earthquake shook Türkiye and Syria. The death toll is now over 44,000, and sadly this is not yet the end. Sorrows come suddenly, without warning, without knocking on the door, but simply smashing it open on us. In our sorrow, we find out who we can count on. We Hungarians can be counted on: 167 of our compatriots took part in the rescue work, and thirty-five people were rescued from the rubble by experts and volunteers who risked their lives in the process. Some of them are here with us now; let us salute our heroes, who have honoured us with their presence here. Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your sacrifice, a country is proud of you! Please stand up and let us see you!
Iran Reportedly On Cusp Of Making Nukes Having Enriched Uranium To 84% Purity
Inspectors from the UN atomic agency discovered uranium enriched to 84% purity in Iran last week, a level just below that needed for nuclear weapons, Bloomberg reported Sunday, citing two unnamed senior diplomats. Until now, Iran had been known to have enriched uranium to 60%, while a purity of 90% is needed to produce nuclear weapons. The IAEA said in a tweet that it was “aware of recent media reports relating to uranium enrichment levels in Iran.” Director-General Rafael Grossi noted that the agency was in talks with Iran regarding the results of recent inspections, the tweet added.
by Tyler Durden
Pray To Our Lord God Almighty For Peace And Speak The Truth. (0:20)
by Daniel McAdams
February 17, 2023, 108 Posts Published
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
Raisi In Beijing: Iran-China Strategic Plans Go Full Throttle
Raisi’s visit to Beijing, the first for an Iranian president in 20 years, represents Tehran’s wholesale ‘Pivot to the East’ and China’s recognition of Iran’s centrality to its BRI plans.
The visit of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Beijing and his face-to- face meeting with counterpart Xi Jinping is a groundbreaking affair in more ways than one. Raisi, the first Iranian president to officially visit China in 20 years, led an ultra high-level political and economic delegation, which included the new Central Bank governor and the Ministers of Economy, Oil, Foreign Affairs, and Trade. The fact that Raisi and Xi jointly supervised the signing of 20 bilateral cooperation agreements ranging from agriculture, trade, tourism and environmental protection to health, disaster relief, culture and sports, is not even the major take away. This week’s ceremonial sealing of the Iran-China comprehensive strategic partnership marks a key evolution in the multipolarity sphere: two Sovereigns – both also linked by strategic partnerships with Russia – imprinting to their domestic audiences and also to the Global South their vision of a more equitable, fair and sustainable 21st century which completely bypasses western dictates.
by Pepe Escobar
Proof That The EPA Is Lying To The People Of East Palestine (0:58)
Germany Leads Western Nations In ‘Massive’ Excess Death Spike Since Covid Jab Rollout: Data
Although Germany was the highest, Dr. John Campbell said that the information coming from all countries was remarkably concerning.
Among highly vaccinated Western nations, Germany is leading the pack in excess deaths according to available data with a 44 percent increase recorded in January. Dr. John Campbell produced a video presenting the data from Germany and compared it with other nations that have also seen increases but not as high. Campbell called it a “massive spike” and called it a “matter of massive concern.” “Why isn’t this being discussed all over the place?” he asked. The data he referenced was from Our World in Data, which is a health stats information hub that has accumulated loads of data from all the countries that have made it available for public inquiry. Although Germany was the highest, Campbell said the information coming from all countries was “remarkably concerning.”
by Kennedy Hall
Rail Firm Refuses To Answer Ohio Citizen’s Questions Over Chemical Disaster
Worried residents of East Palestine expected officials from the railway responsible for the environmental disaster near the Ohio town to turn up for a local meeting – but the company claimed it feared for its employees safety. An Ohio radio host has revealed that officials from the firm that ran the derailed train in last week’s chemical spill had refused to meet residents. A train hauling tanks of the flammable, cancer-causing chemical Vinyl Chloride derailed near the small town of East Palestine, on the Pennsylvania border, on Friday February 3, causing an explosion that left a huge black mushroom cloud hanging over the area. Firefighters later conducted a controlled burn of the remaining chemicals, releasing tons of acidic hydrogen chloride and phosgene – the extremely toxic, heavier-than-air gas used as a chemical weapon in the First World War – into the environment.
by James Tweedie
Bing Chatbot ‘Off The Rails’: Tells NYT It Would ‘Engineer A Deadly Virus, Steal Nuclear Codes’
Microsoft’s Bing AI chatbot has gone full HAL, minus the murder (so far). While MSM journalists initially gushed over the artificial intelligence technology (created by OpenAI, which makes ChatGPT), it soon became clear that it’s not ready for prime time. For example, the NY Times’ Kevin Roose wrote that while he first loved the new AI-powered Bing, he’s now changed his mind – and deems it “not ready for human contact.” According to Roose, Bing’s AI chatbot has a split personality: One persona is what I’d call Search Bing — the version I, and most other journalists, encountered in initial tests. You could describe Search Bing as a cheerful but erratic reference librarian — a virtual assistant that happily helps users summarize news articles, track down deals on new lawn mowers and plan their next vacations to Mexico City. This version of Bing is amazingly capable and often very useful, even if it sometimes gets the details wrong. The other persona — Sydney — is far different. It emerges when you have an extended conversation with the chatbot, steering it away from more conventional search queries and toward more personal topics. The version I encountered seemed (and I’m aware of how crazy this sounds) more like a moody, manic-depressive teenager who has been trapped, against its will, inside a second-rate search engine.
by Tyler Durden
Raquel Welch Tribute In Photographs (3:21)
East Palestine, Ohio Train Wreck: It’s The Dioxin
It’s not just what was in the tanker cars. It’s what happens when they burn and combine. This may be the largest dioxin plume in world history. I know of no more serious release, ever.
Most coverage of the train wreck in Palestine, Ohio is missing one word: dioxin. There were reportedly 14 tanker cars full of vinyl chloride, a precursor to polyvinyl chloride — that is, vinyl. Burning vinyl is the most serious source of dioxin in the environment — whether from trash incinerators, house fires or chemical spills. While vinyl chloride is a precursor chemical to making PVC, any time chlorinated compounds burn there will be dioxins created. And dioxin is a byproduct of any manufacturing process involving chlorine, from “disinfectants” to the bleaching of paper. There was plenty of dioxin in those tanker cars before they caught fire. This mess of 14 tanker cars (really, many more, but 14 had vinyl chloride) was then set on fire with authorization by the government, apparently to make it easier to clear the railroad tracks. This was the worst possible decision. It has turned many, many miles into what should be no-man’s land. But I have not heard of one single test for dioxin being done.
by Eric F. Coppolino
Julius Streicher: Unjustly Hanged At Nuremberg
Julius Streicher (1885-1946) was the most despised defendant at the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg. Virtually nobody liked him, and even his codefendants shunned him. Contemporaries inside and outside of Germany typically portrayed him as a monster.[i] Rebecca West, for example, commented about Streicher: “He is a dirty old man of the sort that gives trouble in parks, and a sane Germany would have sent him to an asylum long ago.”[ii] American psychologist Dr. Gustave Gilbert wrote about Streicher: “A quarter of an hour with this perverted mind is about all one can stand at one time, and the line never varies: World Jewry and circumcision serve as the channels for projecting his own lascivious thoughts and aggressions into a pornographic anti-Semitism which could get official support only in Hitlerite Germany.”[iii] This article examines the life and career of Julius Streicher, and whether he should have been hanged at Nuremberg.
by John Wear
Russia Demands UN Probe Nord Stream Blasts
The State Duma has voted in favor of calling for an urgent international investigation into the explosions
Lawmakers in the Russian State Duma, the lower house of parliament, unanimously voted on Thursday to adopt an appeal to the UN demanding a probe into the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines in September. MPs described the incident as a “crime committed by the US.” The move comes after a bombshell exposé was published by veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh last week revealing how Washington and its NATO ally Norway cooperated to develop a plan to destroy the pipelines. Russia’s appeal was prepared on behalf of State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, who, during Thursday’s parliament meeting, called the blasts a terrorist attack. “Just think about it: a terrorist act aimed against Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, and France. The USA, shamelessly, brought it into motion, with President Biden publicly endorsing it,” Volodin said. He also noted how the countries involved in the incident were “working on instructions from both the CIA and the US.”
by RT
No Vaccine No Food? Grocery Industry Merging With Big Tech And Big Pharma As New App Tracks Drug And Vaccine Purchases Along With Food
Big Food is making its move into the “digital health space” as grocery chain giant Albertsons announced the roll-out of its “Sincerely Health” platform along with a new app where customers “can connect data from wearables, integrate prescriptions, design their diet and make telehealth or vaccination appointments.” Albertsons, which includes other mega grocery chains such as Safeway, Vons, Shaw’s, Jewel-Osco, Acme and Tom Thumb, among others, is currently in talks to merger with Kroger, another mega grocery chain, which would give them 36% control over the grocery supermarket business in the United States. Walmart, the largest grocery chain in the U.S., offers something similar, as they recently teamed up with Avanlee Care, which offers caregivers a similar platform integrated with Walmart shopping lists and pharmacy tools. Your grocery purchasing habits have been considered very valuable data for decades now, with most major supermarkets offering things like “loyalty” cards that give discounts on grocery products. But now, Big Food wants to merge that with your Big Pharma purchases as well, which would include prescription drug purchases as well as vaccines.
by Brian Shilhavy
Super Bowl XLII Halftime Show by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers (12:25)
Nations Are Taking Sides – As World War III Continues Unnoticed
I feel like that genial old fellow who used to walk around with a bi sign saying ‘The End is Nigh’. (I think he’s gone now – arrested, I suspect, for being suspected of having Christian views.) But I no longer care if people think I’m as crazy as the mainstream mud slingers would have you believe. I don’t do scare mongering and apart from having consistently told you the truth for the last three years you will, if you look at the front page of www.vernoncoleman.com, see a list of some of my accurate warnings and predictions over the last fifty years.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
China Joins Russia, South Africa In Naval Drills Amid Intensive Foreign Interactions
China and Russia on Friday joined a naval exercise hosted by South Africa in the Indian Ocean, with experts saying that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aims to safeguard peace and stability in the region and protect sea lanes for commercial ships amid its intensive efforts to restore exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries, including opening a destroyer at an international expo in Abu Dhabi, after such interactions were hindered by the pandemic in recent years. Despite the hyping from Western countries saying the exercise is “controversial,” analysts said it is not related to conflicts or tensions elsewhere in the world, and China can conduct joint drills with any friendly countries it wants.
by Liu Xuanzun
Norfolk Southern Says They “Accidentally” Asked East Palestine Residents To Sign Legal Waivers As Condition of Contamination Tests (Text and Video)
When Ohio Senator JD Vance was briefing the press earlier today, he was asked about East Palestine residents being required to sign indemnity waivers, releasing Norfolk Southern Railway from legal liability, as a requirement of having their water/air tests conducted on their property. Senator Vance said he talked to a resident about it, then reviewed the contract and confirmed the indemnity demand. Vance then immediately called Norfolk Southern Railroad officials and asked them about it. According to Vance, the response from Norfolk Southern Railway was that the liability waiver was accidentally presented.
by Sundance
ACH (2061) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #108 – Balloonacy! (Audio 1:10:55)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 13, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Balloonacy!”
We discussed: the Joe Biden clip that we played during the show intro segment; Chinese balloons filled with hot air; alien invasions; how much does an issue of the Financial Times cost these days; the similarities between the Biden Administration and the first Soviet Union Administration; jumping out of planes and off of buildings; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “the lady doth protests too much, methinks.”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; ; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; Nicola Sturgeon floundering; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; Monty Python’s “Reg Wants To Be A Woman” sketch; a Daily Mail comment on Dave Gilmour’s wife’s claim that Roger Waters is “Anti-Semitic”; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Why Are People Afraid Of The Facts About Jews? (17:35)
The Deadly Initial Spring 2020 Covid Wave
The iatrogenesis hypothesis
It has long been hypothesised that deadly health policies were a major factor in the wave of deaths attributed to covid in the Spring of 2020. This is also referred to as the iatrogenesis hypothesis. Jonathan Engler looked at what had happened in Lombardy, Italy and concluded that many of the “deaths which occurred in the aftermath of the cataclysmic changes to the delivery of healthcare — especially of the frail and elderly — might have been caused by policy, rather than virus.” Anna Farrow made a similar convincing case that this happened in Canada while @NellyTells reports it was happening in Spain. Likewise, there has been a long-term concern that excessive use of Midazolam was a contributing factor in the UK and the Daily Mail newspaper reported on it as long ago as July 2020.
by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
Australians Aren’t Allowed To Know If There Are American Nukes In Australia
The US government is permitted to have nuclear weapons in Australia. What’s more, Australians are not permitted to know whether or not this is happening. What’s more, not even Australia’s elected senators are permitted to know whether this is happening. It’s assumed to be none of Australia’s business whether there are foreign nuclear weapons in Australia. This was clarified during a Senate estimates hearing on Wednesday, when Greens senators were condescendingly admonished by the Australian foreign minister for the very normal and appropriate attempt to clarify the government’s policy regarding the presence of US armageddon weapons on Australian soil.
by Caitlin Johnstone
The Thirsty Games: “The Coming Water Crisis Will Do The Trick And Get Everyone On Board” (Text and Videos)
Listen carefully and connect the dots
Listen carefully and connect the dots between the WEF’s statement and the recent manufactured environmental disasters in the US and around the world.
by Lioness of Judah Ministry
Ron DeSantis Wins The Coveted George Soros Endorsement – Describing DeSantis As “Shrewd, Ruthless And Ambitious”…
Saying that DeSantis “is shrewd, ruthless, and ambitious”, George Soros delivers an endorsement of the Florida governor adding, “He is likely to be the Republican candidate.” When billionaire leftist and creepy globalist George Soros is complimenting your personality attributes, you just might be doing the whole Republican presidential candidate thing wrong. Just sayin’. In a wide-ranging speech, Soros ripped Trump’s presidency and complemented elements of DeSantis’s style. “DeSantis is shrewd, ruthless, and ambitious,” said Soros, adding, “He is likely to be the Republican candidate.” Trump, on the other hand, “has turned into a pitiful figure continually bemoaning his loss in 2020. Big Republican donors are abandoning him in droves,” he said. Soros, an international financier and philanthropist, typically dumps millions of dollars into political races and committees. He heads a global liberal network of groups pushing climate change, financial reform, and changes to the criminal system. He recently teamed with Charles Koch and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund to revive the Iran nuclear deal, according to reports.
by Sundance
Dr. Peter Rost, Former Pfizer VP, Explains How Big Pharma Buys Influence (2:12)
‘OK, Take Us To A Different Leader,’ Say Exasperated Aliens After Trying To Communicate With Joe Biden
WASHINGTON, DC — An envoy of extraterrestrial beings stifled their frustration and asked to be taken to a different leader after their initial meeting with President Joe Biden left them confused and exasperated, sources say. “I guess he’s not the leader they were expecting,” said an insider who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “It was the classic sci-fi movie scenario, with the aliens arriving and telling us, ‘Take us to your leader.’ We quickly set up a meeting with President Biden, and things went downhill from there.” “The aliens were already asking why we kept shooting down their peace offering balloons containing Hickory Farms cheese and sausage gift baskets,” disclosed another source present at the meeting. “But I guess it really started to get bad when the lead alien put out his hand to greet the President, and Joe bent down and bit the creature’s finger.”
by BabylonBee.com
“Spellers”: A Documentary That Is Going To Change The World
I’m warning you beforehand: SPELLERS is going to kick your ass. Let it. And then join the parents who know it is every child’s right to communicate, but we have been holding them in a mental cage.
Imagine being unable to speak, wanting to speak, with everyone treating you like an infant. For your entire life. You’re not able to ask for things you like, or let your loved ones know you’re in pain. You cannot report any wrongdoings that are done to you. You can’t express your feelings. How would you feel? Frustrated? Lonely? Isolated? Abandoned? Trapped? Now what if all it took was training and a little technology – tech used every day by people like you and me – to set your voice free – but the mainstream media, the public education juggernaut, and those tasked with the standards of care for children with developmental disorders ignored or actively denied it? (ASHA, the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, is criticized multiple times in the movie for their stifling and stupefying dismissal of this form of communication.)
by James Lyons-Weiler
Biden Is A Liar, And These Financial Documents Prove It.
There’s hardly anything that POTUS loves to brag about more than his ‘economic success’. He is, after all, a self-proclaimed “capitalist”. Even in last week’s State of the Union address, he boldly claimed that he “cut the deficit by more than $1.7 trillion– the largest deficit reduction in American history.” And he’s made that same assertion over and over and over again. Unfortunately it’s a complete lie. And just yesterday the Treasury Department released financial documents proving it. Every year the federal government publishes an annual financial report; it’s sort of like what big public company like Apple does. The annual report contains financial statements, plus hundreds of pages of discussion, details, and footnotes. And yesterday afternoon they released the annual financial report for Fiscal Year 2022, which just ended a few months ago.
by Simon Black
What Is The Future Of “Virtual Reality” And The Metaverse?
Author and futurist Bernard Marr says, “I’m super-excited about this technology,” but that comes with a warning about the potential perils of the metaverse. He has identified seven major problems and disadvantages highlighting the downsides to the virtual worlds. Most are quite knotty challenges, which won’t be easy to solve in a malleable, constantly evolving world open to deviant behavior. The article below gives an honest review of the “Metaverse” highlighting both potential problems as well as potential benefits for the future. My own view is far less positive, simply because we tend to look at things in the present and project things into the future as if things remain consistent to the way society works today. The whole COVID scam that started in 2020, however, showed us how radically society can change very quickly. For example, if we see a crash of the financial system at some point, which I see no way to avoid, we cannot assume that consumer electronics that we all take for granted today as relatively inexpensive and obtainable, will always be so. And that does not even address the issue of the massive amounts of resources that are needed to not only keep this technology running, but to have its use increase using up even more resources, such as energy/electricity needed to run everything, Internet bandwidth, and data storage centers.
by Brian Shilhavy
Pfizer Missed Deadline To Turn In Myocarditis Data (4:12)
Pfizer missed a deadline to turn over internal studies on myocarditis, per an FDA order. The deadline came and went. Now, they quietly have a new date in June. Why the delay on such important data? And, why does the FDA set arbitrary deadlines which aren’t enforced?
by The Highwire with Del Bigtree
The Last Time I Was Allowed To Talk About Vaccination On Mainstream Radio
The following essay is taken from Vernon Coleman’s book Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective: Here’s the Proof – which was written and published in 2011. ‘I haven’t been invited (or allowed) to discuss vaccination on the radio or television for many years. This is largely because the medical establishment (having lost a long series of debates) will no longer agree to debate any medical topic with me or, indeed, to appear on any programme which has invited me to be a participant. (I have no doubt that an awful lot of untruths have been told about me by various representatives of the medical establishment.) Not long ago, however, I was, to my immense surprise, invited to discuss vaccination on a late evening programme on Radio City, an independent station in Liverpool. A local doctor was invited to debate with me. The result was extraordinary.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
The Forgotten Terrorist Pretext Of The Vietnam War
Since 9/11, terrorism has become the ultimate entitlement program for America’s political elite. Whether it is illegally spying on Americans or blowing Somali dissidents to pieces, invoking terrorism provides all the cover needed for Washington policymakers. But the disastrous results of granting politicians a blank check to fight terrorism should have been undeniable almost 60 years ago. Back in the 1960s, terrorism was what the communists did. Anti-terrorist moral fervor and ideological blinders propelled the U.S. into its biggest foreign policy blunder since World War II.
by Jim Bovard
Warning: Florida Department Of Health Alert On mRNA COVID-19 “Vaccine” Safety
The COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges that the health and medical field have never encountered. Although the initial response was led by a sense of urgency and crisis management, the State Surgeon General believes it is critical that as public health professionals, responses are adapted to the present to chart a future guided by data. The State Surgeon General is notifying the health care sector and public of a substantial increase in Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports from Florida after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. In Florida alone, there was a 1,700% increase in VAERS reports after the release of the COVID-19 vaccine, compared to an increase of 400% in overall vaccine administration for the same time period (Figure 1). The reporting of life-threatening conditions increased over 4,400%. This is a novel increase and was not seen during the 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign. There is a need for additional unbiased research to better understand the COVID-19 vaccines’ short- and long-term effects.
by Robert W. Malone MD, MS
Ireland’s Protests – Will Varadkar Go Full Trudeau?
Since Russia began its special military operation in Ukraine almost a year ago, one of the key features of the collective West’s response, alongside sanctions and the expulsion of Russian diplomats, has been the accommodation of refugees fleeing the conflict, with millions of Ukrainians being housed across Europe since last February, including 70,000+ in the 26-County Irish State. The first question that springs to mind regarding this approach however, is that if it is being done out of genuine concern for those fleeing conflict in Ukraine, then why was it not implemented in 2014 when that war first began?
by Gavin O’Reilly
The Airborne Toxic Event Happening In Ohio Is Far Worse Than The Media Is Telling You (15:14)
by Vincent James
US State Department Funds UK Think Tank That Aids In Censorship Of Americans
The Institute for Strategic Dialogue partners with Big Tech.
The US State Department funds UK-based Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), an organization that partners with platforms to flag misinformation and disinformation. The organization has been accused of classifying conservative viewpoints as hate and disinformation. In September 2021, the State Department awarded ISD a grant to “advance the development of promising and innovative technologies against disinformation and propaganda” in the UK and Europe after it won the US-Paris Tech Challenge. The challenge was also won by the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), an organization that has been accused of demonetizing conservative news websites by putting them on a blacklist used by advertisers, the Daily Caller reported.
by Cindy Harper
train crashes and base rate fallacies
derailing the derailment narrative
“oh my gawd, another train crash!” “it this some kind of sabotage?” this seems to be quite the furor on social media right now as the newshound junior reporting team is suddenly amplifying every ill outcome. but let’s catch our breath for a moment. the US has about 1000 train derailments a year. that’s roughly 3 per day. so is the rate actually up, or are we just having another “summer of the shark/food factory fire” media moment where an event that is actually no more common than usual suddenly seems so because it’s being breathlessly reported at high frequency all of a sudden? the internet (and humans in general) seem to really struggle with the idea of “base rate” likely because you can make nearly anything look like some crazy clustering or wild trend by just starting to report on it all the time. we generate ideas about outcome rates based on what we see and hear about. and this can seriously warp perspective.
by el gato malo
Unnatural “Ingredients” In Corporate Media And Woke Culture Harm Our Children
Organic Food for Thought
The Brie and Chardonnay crowd avoid like the plague genetically modified (GMO) food, as well as any edibles derived from crops on which chemical pesticides or herbicides have been applied. They pay premium prices for food that is closest to how nature has always grown fruits, vegetables and grain. A study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published February 13, alleges that adolescents American girls are exhibiting record high levels of mental illness, suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem and acute depression. American boys are also experiencing these symptoms, though they are more virulent on the distaff side. The media and the CDC are reporting a 60 percent increase in feelings of sadness, hopelessness and suicide risk between 2011 and 2021. Three out of ten girls seriously consider suicide along with fourteen out of one hundred boys.
by Michael Hoffman
Here’s Why Icicles Made From Pure Water Don’t Form Ripples
The skewers grow drop by drop instead of via a coat of water like their salty counterparts
Icicles made from pure water give scientists brain freeze. In nature, most icicles are made from water with a hint of salt. But lab-made icicles free from salt disobey a prominent theory of how icicles form, and it wasn’t clear why. Now, a study is helping to melt away the confusion. Natural icicles tend to look like skinny cones with rippled surfaces — the result of a thin film of water that coats the ice, researchers think (SN: 11/24/13). As icicles grow, the film freezes. Any preexisting small bumps in the icicle get magnified into large ripples because the water layer is thinner above the bumps and can freeze more readily. But this theory fails to explain the salt-free variety, which have more irregular shapes reminiscent of drippy candles, says physicist Menno Demmenie of the University of Amsterdam.
by Emily Conover
ChatGPT Danger Threat! by Brother Nathanael (6:34)
The Last Card Essential T-Shirt
The last card in the NWO deck will be the extraterrestrial threat, a fake alien invasion. Dr. Wernher von Braun, NASA director in the 70’s, told this to his spokesperson Carol Rosin just before he died.
Designed and sold by EyeMagined
Countries That Pulled Their Ambassadors Out Of Turkey 24 Hours Before The Earthquake.
United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Holland and France.
Nothing suspicious here – Black Conspiracy Reality
ACH (2062) Dr. Lorraine Day – The Soon To Come One World Religion (Audio 1:04:53)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 14, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, “The Soon To Come One World Religion.”
We discussed: the recently completed Abrahamic Family House, and how Dr. Day revealed its construction over a year ago; the planned combination of Protestantism with Catholicism; why the new Satanic One World Religion will initially disguise itself as Christianity; how the recent Grammy Awards Ceremony was an example of Satanic Worship; the schools that have after school Satan Clubs; how Satan’s plan is to get us to worship man instead of God; the dangers of spiritualism; why the One World Religion is an all-out assault on God; the Noahide Laws; the plan to kill Christians; how Satan understands that Jesus Christ is coming back soon; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Diabolical Connection Between The Scofield Bible, Oxford Publishing And The House Of Rothschild
“Pre-millennialism, Dispensationalism, Judeo-Christianity and ‘Christian Zionism’ all rely on the Scofield footnote ‘A Curse Laid Upon Those Who Persecute the Jews’ to justify the Iraq war and Israel’s human rights violations in Gaza and the West Bank.” It is impossible to overstate the influence of Cyrus Scofield and the Oxford Press on twentieth-century Christian and Jewish sectarian beliefs. With limitless advertising and promotion, the Scofield Bible became the most important instrument for spreading the message of Christian Zionism: that the Modern State of Israel is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. The entire Christian Zionist Movement is based on the Footnotes from the Scofield Bible. The Scofield Bible was financed by the House of Rothschild with the sole purpose of promoting the Zionist Agenda.
by Robert Singer
The Brits Welcome Bill Gates By Calling Him A Murderer And Chanting “Arrest Bill Gates”. The Citizens Of The World Are Uniting Against The Globalist Elites And Their New World Order Agenda. (0:52)
The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists Of America’s Evangelical Christians
“For a nation to commit the sin of anti-Semitism brings inevitable judgement.” The New Scofield Study Bible
Since it was first published in 1909, the Scofield Reference Bible has made uncompromising Zionists out of tens of millions of Americans. When John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), said that “50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel,” it was the Scofield Bible that he was talking about. Although the Scofield Reference Bible contains the text of the King James Authorized Version, it is not the traditional Protestant bible but Cyrus I. Scofield’s annotated commentary that is problematic. More than any other factor, it is Scofield’s notes that have induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel.
by Maidhc Ó Cathail
Zealous For Zion
John Hagee assembles the Amen Corner’s Amen Corner.
Members of the Cornerstone Church Orchestra wet their lips for rehearsal, preparing to blow into their shofars, those curved horns used to mark Jewish feasts. In anticipation of the evening’s event, organizers arrange thousands of chairs, placing programs on each seat and covering them with flags—American or Israeli, alternating and sharply aligned. Tonight, Christians United for Israel will hold a celebration to supercharge thousands of Christian Zionists as they prepare to meet their senators and congressmen the next day on Capitol Hill. In February 2006, televangelist John Hagee founded CUFI to “respond instantly to Washington with our concerns about Israel,” telling reporters to “think of CUFI as a Christian version of AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee].” In just over a year, Hagee, with help from charismatic pastors, is turning CUFI into the largest grassroots Christian political organization in the country. The second annual summit in Washington grew from just over 3,000 attendees last year to 4,500 this July.
by Michael Brendan Dougherty
Lockdown Means What It Says And Is Here To Stay Unless There Is An Uprising
The C40 cities association, which campaigns for reducing global warming, has made recommendations to its members to radically reduce food consumption and travel. A report commissioned for the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group has proposed radical reductions in the consumption of meat and the amount of travel its citizens should undertake. Researchers from Leeds, England, provided the report of the C40, an association of metropolitan cities responsible for 10 percent of global emissions of greenhouse gasses that is committed to the development of what these theorists call ‘healthy, just, and resilient communities.’ Back to the wartime ration books: Cities involved with the C40 include Warsaw, Berlin, London, and Istanbul. The researchers propose a limit of 16 kilograms of meat per annum for every person. An average Pole currently consumes 70 kilograms of meat per annum.
by Michael Walsh
1 In 45,000
That was the (pre-vaccine) Covid death risk for people under 50 – not 30, 50, and including people with severe comorbidities. Aren’t you glad we shut down the world!
We have known almost since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic that young people face much lower risks from Covid than the elderly. But Dutch researchers now have offered what should be the last word on the issue, using data from a national registry to show that even people in their thirties and forties have a risk from Covid almost too low to measure. The researchers compared the results from a nationwide sample of Covid infections in the Netherlands at several points in 2020 and 2021 to nationwide excess death totals. To determine the Covid death rate, they assumed all the excess deaths resulted from Covid infections. This method likely overstates Covid deaths. Some extra deaths were likely drug overdoses, suicides, or untreated heart attacks and other lockdown-related health problems. In addition, the sampling technique they used may have understated infections. Put those issues aside, since they don’t change the most important finding. The researchers determined the death rate from Covid infections was about 1 percent overall in the Netherlands during 2020. (Again, that figure almost certainly is high.) The researchers then did what governments and Covid hysterics have tried not to do for three years. They explicitly stratified deaths by age, from under 10 to over 80. The results are… enlightening.
by Alex Berenson
Return The Money, With Interest! by Sarah Cain (10:33)
GOP Hawks To Exploit Child Victims Of War, In Bid To Boost Spending On Kiev’s Military Aid
Representative Michael McCaul plans to hold a series of hearings showing alleged atrocities committed by Russia. The Texas Republican hopes the testimony will push some of his GOP colleagues to commit to sending Kiev more military aid. In an interview with the AP, the high-ranking Republican discussed how the images of atrocities committed against children is a powerful political tool. “I find that moves the dial, when they see these horrific killings of children,” McCaul said. He controls the influential House Foreign Affairs Committee. Democrats in Congress have fully committed to providing military aid to Kiev. However, a growing number of Republicans have called for curtailing security assistance to Ukraine. McCaul said the hearings will be used to get his GOP colleagues on board with sending additional aid. “I’m very much focused on the dissension within my own party on this,” the Congressman added.
by Kyle Anzalone
Here’s Why Ukraine’s Zelensky Wants A Long War With Russia
The Ukrainian leader has shown no interest in seeking a peace deal with Moscow, and it’s all part of a big gamble
It is unlikely that President Vladimir Zelensky expects to win militarily. But it seems that he genuinely believes that he will succeed in turning Ukraine into something like Israel – a paramilitary state living with a sense of constant military threat. Ukraine doesn’t have the military or economic resources of its own to achieve victory, and the resources provided by the West will never be enough to inflict a final defeat on Russia. Zelensky’s calculation is likely based on the belief that by offering Ukraine as a tool for NATO to use against Russia, he will constantly mobilize Western support and thereby ensure his own survival, and that of his associates. In the worst-case scenario, as he sees it, Zelensky is probably counting on emigrating to the West with his closest associates, where they will advocate a continued policy of Russian containment. But does he care about the interests of ordinary people in Ukraine?
by Andrey Sushentsov
Lula Sealed His Deal With The Devil By Condemning Russia During His Meeting With Biden
Lula did indeed make a deal with the devil, in this case his US nemeses who were responsible for his imprisonment, in order to be sprung from jail and subsequently given a fighting chance to return to office. Upon doing so, this geopolitically repentant leader whose multipolar worldview was noticeably recalibrated behind bars did exactly as the US expected him to do, namely condemn Russia like all Sanders-style leftists have done and then rush to Biden to “kiss the ring”. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who was just re-elected to a third non-consecutive term in office and is popularly known as Lula, did what had previously been unthinkable for the same man who used to be regarded as a titan of the global multipolar movement. After meeting with Biden, who was Vice President when the US orchestrated “Operation Car Wash” against him and his successor Dilma Rousseff, Lula released a joint statement in which he fiercely condemned Russia.
by Andrew Korybko
Who’s Behind The Unexplained Explosions In Russia?
Jack Murphy says he knows. I can’t recall reading Murphy’s reporting on this story, which dates back to a few days before Christmas. Obviously I’ve heard about these events, one of which happened within the last few days. Now, Russia officially attributes these often spectacular events to accidental causes. You can find photos of some these events here. That link leads with a reference to Murphy’s reporting: ‘CIA is behind spate of explosions in Russia’: US Army Special Ops veteran claims intelligence agency and NATO ally are conducting sabotage missions. The CIA is working with an unnamed ‘NATO ally’, according to Jack Murphy. Murphy was a former senior trainer and adviser to an Iraqi SWAT team. He said the CIA and President Biden are personally authorising missions.
by Mark Wauck
Project Blue Beam: WEF Insider Reveals Fake Alien Invasion Will Unite Humanity by The People’s Voice (9:05)
Moscow Slams Nordics For Sweeping Nord Stream Blast Under Carpet As Hersh Warns Of Dire Costs For US
Last week, bombshell reporting by veteran US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed that the Biden administration was directly responsible for September’s attacks against the Nord Stream network, which cut off a major Russian route for energy deliveries to Germany, and undermined Europe’s energy security. Denmark and Sweden have failed to respond to Russian overtures to discuss the Nord Stream blasts for nearly six months now, with their behavior constituting nothing short of a “boorish” attempt to hide Washington’s responsibility for the sabotage attack, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said. “For half a year now they’ve been as silent as a fish on ice, and since September neither the Swedes nor the Danish have responded to official letters of our prime minister, Mikhail Mishustin, who very politely offered to appoint some kind of contact person with whom it would be possible to hold talks, since [the attack] took place in the territorial waters of their exclusive zones, and the pipelines are the property of a Russian company,” Lavrov said, speaking to reporters on Wednesday.
by Ilya Tsukanov
China-Iran Ties On The Right Side Of History
The three-day state visit by Iran’s president Ebrahim Raisi to China on February 14-16 is a landmark event affecting regional politics and international security. The red carpet welcome accorded to Raisi signified the high importance attached by Beijing to the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Iran in the prevailing international milieu. In a ‘curtain-raiser’ on Monday, Global Times wrote that the visit “shows the Raisi administration’s unswerving determination to promote the ‘Look to the East’ policy.” The CCP Central Committee newspaper then went on to make a profound statement: “Iran’s ‘Look to the East’ policy meant the transition from its policy of negative balancing and non-alignment to building alliances with non-western world powers that have similar political structures to Iran, such as Russia and China.”
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
East Palestine Toxicology Test Relies On Controversial Consulting Firm Accused Of Serving Corporate Interest Rather Than Public Health
The company hired by Norfolk Southern has already persuaded 340 residents to sign agreements that reportedly waive their legal rights in the aftermath of Ohio’s train crash.
The Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health (CTEH), a private contractor hired by Norfolk Southern to test water, soil, and air quality in East Palestine, Ohio, has a history of minimizing the effects of environmental disasters to satisfy its corporate employers, according to critics. While the Arkansas-based firm provides consulting services to various industries, it is known for performing toxicology monitoring for the oil and gas industry following health and safety incidents. After a million gallons of oil spilled on a Louisiana town in 2005, after a flood of toxic coal ash smothered central Tennessee in 2008, and after defective Chinese drywall began plaguing Florida homeowners, CTEH was on the scene — saying everything was fine. In each of these cases, the toxicology firm was alleged to be supplying the data its employers wanted while falsely assuring the public that they were safe from harm.
by KanekoaTheGreat
“Pandemic Preparedness” – A Government Protection Racket
Nice guys from the US DOD are here to “protect” you from the future.
Meet Col Matt Hepburn who in 2020 leads an effort for the Department of Defense called Enabling Technologies. Enabling Technologies rapidly develops new vaccines and treatments against future (!) infectious disease challenges. Matt can predict the future and “protect” you from it. Having dedicated his professional career to addressing the threat of infectious diseases and pandemics, Matt believes this ambitious goal can be accomplished through technology adoption. His understanding for technology adoption for pandemics stems from his six year tenure as a program manager at DARPA. Prior to joining DARPA, Matt served as the Director of Medical Preparedness on the White House National Security Staff.
by Sasha Latypova
Good Doggo Gets The Rescue In Turkey (1:05)
by Kronik
Klaus Schwab On AI, Chatbots And Digital Identities: “Who Masters Those Technologies – In Some Way Will Be The Master Of The World” (Text and Video)
World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab this week spoke about the ‘fourth industrial revolution technologies’ at the World Government Summit in Dubai. Klaus Schwab spoke about rapidly changing technology, chatbots, digital identities and more. The masters of the universe will control the digital world and in turn control people, according to Klaus Schwab. OpenAI’s ChatGPT is garnering increasing popularity throughout mainstream circles. In an article published today from far left Business Insider, they claimed that ChatGPT must be “woke” if OpenAI wants to attract large investors.
by Cristina Laila
Is America World’s No. 1 Terrorist State?
The United States legislature is one of the few in the world using the controversial designation of “state sponsor of terrorism”, colloquially often used in its shortened form, the terrorist state. At present, the State Department lists four countries as “state sponsors of terrorism”: Syria (1979), Iran (1984), North Korea (2017) and Cuba (2021). Countries that have been removed from the list are Iraq, Libya, former South Yemen and Sudan. The evidence that the US government usually gives to support claims that a country has indeed “repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism” is quite scant, to say the least. And yet, Washington DC has (ab)used the designation as a basis to attack all of the aforementioned countries, in addition to dozens of other states around the globe. Unfortunately, the belligerent thalassocracy usually doesn’t suffer the consequences of its extremely aggressive foreign policy. After the brutal invasion of Iraq, the US claim that the unfortunate Middle Eastern country allegedly had WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) proved to be an unadulterated lie. Still, nobody in the political West suffered any consequences for this, despite their own admission that the accusations against Baghdad were based on “flawed intelligence”. The same people also claimed that the evidence was “rock solid” prior to the truly unprovoked NATO aggression on Iraq. The war didn’t just destroy the Middle Eastern country, directly causing at least one million deaths, but has also resulted in over two decades of (still ongoing) instability.
by Drago Bosnic
Responsible For Burning Vinyl Chloride In Ohio Train Derailment.
Maybe one of the worst eco-disasters in human history, with 500,000 kg acid rain cloud that will pollute and kill everything it touches. Here are the shareholders do you see it yet?
Censored: Millions Of People Worldwide Take To The Streets To Protest Against Tyranny
Most Americans living in the U.S. today are probably unaware of the massive protests that are currently happening in Europe and other places around the world. This past week has seen literally millions of people hit the streets to protest in France, Spain, Denmark, Israel, the U.K., and other places. I had to do a lot of digging to find most of this, as even the Alternative Media is not reporting on this much. You can find most of these stories in the corporate media, but they are not headline news, so you have to search for them. The world’s financial system is on the brink of collapse, so it is to be expected that the corporate media does not want these massive protests to get headline news, which could trigger even more social unrest, and eventually bank runs. But based on the videos and articles I have looked at, current protests around the world right now might be larger than what we even saw during the lockdowns back in 2021. This should be headline news, but it is not.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Great Game: Eco Terrorism, Alien Invasion And The War On Humanity (1:01:29)
In this week’s edition of The Great Game on Rogue News, Matt and V discuss the strange density of events from UFO psy ops, the rise of eco terrorism, Bill Gates’ role in exploiting African child labor colonies and the danger of war with Russia and China.
by Matthew Ehret
Media Ignores Evidence That West Opposed Ukraine Peace Deal
As I noted in a previous article, the former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett revealed in a recent interview that in March of last year Western leaders blocked a draft peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. There seems to be some disagreement over exactly what he said, as the interview was in Hebrew. Based on the English subtitles on YouTube, I quoted him as saying, “They blocked it.” But others insist he said, “They broke off negotiations.” Either way, he clearly implied that the West stymied negotiations that might have led to a peace deal.
by Noah Car
The US Wants To Train A Proxy Force To Fight Palestinians — CIA Intervenes Again
The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, requested that the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA) accept Washington’s proposal to form a special Palestinian task force, trained by the US, that would hunt down Palestinian resistance fighters in the West Bank. The proposal follows a long history of anti-democratic intervention by the US government into Palestinian affairs and would serve to cause chaos inside the occupied territory. Last week, the US’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director, Bill Burns, warned that the “explosions of violence” between Palestinians and Israelis bears great resemblance to much of what he saw during the Second Intifada, warning that another Palestinian uprising, a Third Intifada, could break out at any time. Burns made these remarks in an interview at the Georgetown School of Foreign Service in Washington and claimed that the CIA is working with both the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Israeli security services, in order to find a way to de-escalate tensions.
by Robert Inlakesh
Tanker Rates To Haul Gasoline Soar 400% After Russian Sanctions
Clean product tanker rates soared last week after the European Union and G-7 nations targeted Russia’s petroleum sales. Restrictions on Russian crude exports began in early December. The sanctions have been a ploy by Western countries to limit Russian crude and crude product exports, though it’s definitely not working. Sanctions have redirected Russian energy flows from Europe to Asia. The rejiggering of supply chains means Russia has to rely more on tankers. According to Bloomberg, this has led to a 400% surge in the daily rates for clean product tankers. The latest data from the Baltic Exchange in London shows clean product tankers rates have reached $55,857 per day, surging 58% just last Thursday.
by Tyler Durden
Talking Points For The Revolution
When I say revolution, I simply mean that a majority of thinking people around the world will refuse to comply and summon the strength to say No to the Globalists. Why will people suddenly gather courage? Because they can see a disaster coming into their immediate future which will be precipitated by the collapse of the Neocon’s Ukrainian project. Let me explain why the defeat of NATO in the Ukraine will give us talking points to encourage the revolt of the previously timid. Ron Paul said that when President Nixon closed the gold window on Sunday August 15, 1971, the US went onto the US military standard. They told Arabs that you will sell oil only in US dollars and you will accept soon to be worthless US Treasury bonds as payment in full for your oil. As a result of the enforcement of the US military standard, the USA killed millions of Muslims in Iraq and Libya to convince the survivors to sell oil for I Owe You Nothing Federal Reserve Notes. In the case of Syria, America just stole their oil and their wheat letting sanctions kill hundreds of thousands more people than the US funding of ISIS and Al Qaeda ever did.
by Video Rebel
Journalist Confronting Pentagon John Kirby: “You’re Moving Closer To Russia Yet You’re Blaming The Russians For Being Close To NATO” (2:20)
US Officials Now Say Chinese “Spy Balloon” Flew Over The US Accidentally
The Washington Post has a weird new article out citing multiple anonymous US officials saying that the Chinese “spy balloon” we’ve been hearing about for the last two weeks was never intended for a surveillance mission over North America at all. The article is titled “U.S. tracked China spy balloon from launch on Hainan Island along unusual path,” and throughout it alternates between the objective journalistic terms “suspected spy balloon” and “suspected Chinese surveillance balloon” and the US government’s terms “spy balloon” and “airborne surveillance device”. There is at this time no publicly available evidence that the balloon which was famously shot down on February 4th was in fact an instrument of Chinese espionage; the Chinese government has said that the balloon was a civilian meteorological airship that got blown off course, and the Pentagon’s own assessment is that a Chinese spy balloon would not “create significant value added over and above what the PRC is likely able to collect through things like satellites in Low Earth Orbit.”
by Caitlin Johnstone
U.S. State Department Funds A Disinformation Index That Warns Advertisers To Avoid Reason
Reason is listed among the “ten riskiest online news outlets” by a government-funded disinfo tracker.
The Global Disinformation Index (GDI) is a British organization that evaluates news outlets’ susceptibility to disinformation. The ultimate aim is to persuade online advertisers to blacklist dangerous publications and websites. One such publication, according to GDI’s extremely dubious criteria, is Reason. GDI’s recent report on disinformation notes that the organization exists to help “advertisers and the ad tech industry in assessing the reputational and brand risk when advertising with online media outlets and to help them avoid financially supporting disinformation online.”
by Robby Soave
‘Brave Ukrainians Doing Dirty Work’, Ex-Pentagon Chief Says In Prank Call
In its conflict with Moscow, Kiev has taken up the job that Washington never wanted to do, Mark Esper said
The US should make every effort to arm Ukraine in its conflict against Russia, because the nation is doing the dirty work Washington has shied away from, former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said on Monday. He added that Ukraine has every right to attack Russian military targets, including those located within the country. Esper, who served as the Pentagon chief in the administration of former President Donald Trump, spoke his mind in a phone call with the Russian pranksters who go by the names of Vovan and Lexus, believing that he was talking to former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko. Several clips of the conversation were uploaded to Russia’s Rutube video platform. “Brave Ukrainian people are doing the dirty work of what we never wanted to do here in the United States, which is why we should continue to support you with everything we can, whether it’s munitions or arms or intelligence,” he said.
by RT
Snowden Says UFO Hysteria is “Engineered” Distraction From Nord Stream Pipeline Bombshell
Is the military handling of a Chinese balloon, identified as a surveillance device, and other unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) in recent days, just being hyped by the lapdog media to divert attention from the news that the Democrat administration of POTUS Joe Biden may have blown up the Nord Stream pipeline? That is a question on the minds of many Americans and many other people around the world. Answers are not so easy to come by as the Democrats have long and rambling press conferences to try to explain why such massive military action has been taken and what the relationship with the Chinese Communist Party is at the moment. Many people are speculating on social media about the details of NORAD and the military taking the very first action in US history of shooting down balloons.
by Kari Donovan
FFWN: Kevin Barrett And Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:23:31)
Canada’s Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre Says No To Digital ID
While others are pushing the idea.
The leader of the Canadian Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre, said that if he were to be elected Prime Minister, he would not impose digital IDs. He made the comment on a campaign trail in Windsor, Ontario. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government announced its federal Digital Identity Program last August. “And to answer your question, I will never allow the government to impose a digital ID,” Poilievre said. Poilievre’s comment came a few days after Alberta and Saskatchewan’s premiers said that they were not interested in a federal digital ID.
by Ken Macon
Israeli Soldier Filmed Assaulting Palestinian Activist In Occupied West Bank
An Israeli soldier has been filmed assaulting a prominent Palestinian human rights activist in front of a famous American journalist in the occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil. In a video posted on Twitter by Lawrence Wright of the New Yorker on Monday, the Israeli soldier is seen grabbing Issa Amro by his jacket and neck and throwing him to the ground. He then kicks Amro before being pulled away by another soldier. “I never had a source assaulted in front of me until today when an Israeli soldier who stopped my interview did this …I can’t stop thinking how dehumanizing the occupation is on the young soldiers charged with enforcing it,” Wright, the author of The Looming Tower, wrote in a post on his Twitter account.
by PressTV
U.S. Starts To Discern Between Those Dying From COVID And Those Dying With COVID
There is a difference between dying from COVID-19 and dying with COVID-19. The number of people dying with the disease may be significantly greater than those dying from it. A recent article by CNN medical analyst and Washington Post columnist Dr. Leana Wen made the distinction between dying from COVID and dying with COVID. Dr. Wen writes that, according to Robin Dretler, an attending doctor at Emory Decatur Hospital and ex-president of Georgia’s chapter of Infectious Diseases Society of America, perhaps 90 percent of patients in hospitalized with COVID are really there for a poor health condition other than COVID disease. Since all patients are automatically tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection when they are admitted to the hospital, many are testing positive for the virus even though that is not what brought them into the hospital in the first place.
by Carolyn Hendler, JD
ACH (2060) Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #41 – The Treasured Tools Of Tyrants (Audio 14:13)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 12, 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #41 – The Treasured Tools Of Tyrants,” that was written by Dr. Peter Hammond.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
“Who Masters Those Technologies In Some Way Will Be The Master Of The World” Klaus Schwab (0:39)
The Day The Earth Stands Still
Project Blue Beam and stranger things to come.
For over half a century the U.S. government wouldn’t touch the topic of UFOs or aliens with a ten-thousand-light-year pole. Everything was denied, classified, redacted, memory-holed, and almost nothing was ever commented on. Perhaps it was intentional to propagate the legend and let imaginations and popular culture run wild. Now like a teenage cheerleader who just had her first kiss with the starting varsity quarterback, the government suddenly can’t shut up about UFOs or aliens. Documents and video footage have been released over the past few years in unprecedented numbers. From those 2004 Tic-Tac-looking UFOs recorded by Naval aviators to many of the high flyers being permitted to appear on the largest podcasts in the world to openly discuss previously classified encounters that they say occurred with incredible frequency (sometimes daily) as if they were suddenly no big deal.
by Good Citizen
9 Conspiracy Theories We Predict Will Come True In 2023
The COVID pandemic opened our eyes to the legitimacy of conspiracy theories when they started being proven true left and right. Naturally, we started paying attention. Here are some conspiracy theories we predict will be proven true:
by BabylonBee.com
US Training Terrorists To Target Russia – Moscow
60 militants at a base in Syria are being prepared for attacks on officials and security personnel, the Foreign Intelligence Service claimed
The US has turned to Islamist extremists to plan terrorist attacks in Russia and other ex-Soviet republics, Moscow’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) said on Monday. A group is being trained at a base in Syria for the purpose, the agency claimed. “The US military is actively recruiting militants from jihadist groups affiliated with Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS] and Al-Qaeda to commit terrorist attacks in Russia and members of the Commonwealth of Independent States [CIS],” the SVR stated, citing “credible reports.” Established after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the CIS incorporates some of its former republics, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. According to the SVR, the US has enlisted 60 terrorists who have already been active in the Middle East. They are undergoing training at the Al-Tanf American military base in Syria, where they are learning how to manufacture and use improvised explosive devices, it added.
by RT
What Hersh Got Wrong
There’s something not-quite-right about Sy Hersh’s report on the destruction of Nord Stream 2. There are a number of inconsistencies in the piece that lead me to believe that Hersh was less interested in presenting ‘the unvarnished truth’ than relaying a version of events that advance a particular agenda. That is not to say that I don’t appreciate what the author has done. I do. In fact, I think it would be impossible to overstate the significance of a report that positively identifies the perpetrators of what-appears-to-be the biggest act of industrial terrorism in history. Hersh’s article has the potential to greatly undermine the credibility of the people in power and, by doing so, bring the war to a swift end. It is an incredible achievement that we should all applaud.
by Mike Whitney
‘Ohio Chernobyl’ Largest Dioxin Plume In History – #NewWorldNextWeek (23:43)
This week on the New World Next Week: Ohio Chernobyl produces the largest dioxin plume in history; sanctions on Syria interfere with earthquake relief aid; and the Bing Search AI chatbot goes rogue and starts threatening people.
Cure Yourself
There Is But One Disease
In the Medica Curricula some four hundred diseases are listed according to name. In reality, there are four hundred (and more) symptoms, but only ONE disease. It is a symptom, or group of symptoms, to which the medical name is given. There is only ONE disease manifesting itself in innumerable different kinds of pains, aches, distresses, and annoyances. The name merely indicates the location of the pain or distress. The manifestation, of the symptom which we feel, is not the disease. It is only a warning, a danger signal, that disease is present. The word DISEASE means simply dis-ease—absence of ease and as originally applied to the body meant absence of ease in the body.
by Paul Bragg in 1929
Biden Is A Liar, And These Financial Documents Prove It.
There’s hardly anything that POTUS loves to brag about more than his ‘economic success’. He is, after all, a self-proclaimed “capitalist”. Even in last week’s State of the Union address, he boldly claimed that he “cut the deficit by more than $1.7 trillion– the largest deficit reduction in American history.” And he’s made that same assertion over and over and over again. Unfortunately it’s a complete lie. And just yesterday the Treasury Department released financial documents proving it. Every year the federal government publishes an annual financial report; it’s sort of like what big public company like Apple does. The annual report contains financial statements, plus hundreds of pages of discussion, details, and footnotes. And yesterday afternoon they released the annual financial report for Fiscal Year 2022, which just ended a few months ago.
by Simon Black
Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael On Jews In The Slave Trade
“Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. “This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750’s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760’s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760’s and early 1770’s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.”
‘Damn Stupid’: US Journalist Behind Nord Stream Bombshell Takes Aim At Biden, Legacy Media
In his first interview since publishing his bombshell story on the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines, legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh fleshed out the details of his explosive report exposing the role of the US Navy in blowing up critical German-Russian energy infrastructure. American journalist Seymour Hersh is “taking heat” over his recent explosive report documenting how the US sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines, the legendary reporter revealed in a new interview. In a wide-ranging discussion on the War Nerd podcast, Hersh called on US President Joe Biden to come clean to the American people about the Biden administration’s role in the attack. The journalist underscored that the US public is being misinformed about the proxy war in Ukraine en masse. Last week, Hersh published a dizzying report detailing how US Navy divers planted C-4 charges on the Nord Stream pipelines during a NATO training exercise and then remotely detonated them with a Norwegian reconnaissance plan.
by Wyatt Reed
Good Doggo Gets The Rescue In Turkey (1:05)
by Kronik
“Get The Hell Out Of There” – Ohio’s Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster Rages On (Text and Video)
During a press conference, the NTSB referenced a video from Salem, Ohio, about 20 miles from East Palestine which shows sparks and flames emitting from beneath the train. The apparent structural issue with the train was captured on a security camera when it was travelling through Salem. According to Michael Graham, board member on the NTSB, two videos they had obtained were indicative of mechanical issues attributed to the rail car axles which likely led to the derailment. The second video obtained from when the train was passing through Salem was recorded by a processing plant nearby a hotbox detector which scans the temperature of the axles as trains pass by. According to Graham, the wayside defect detector reading resulted in an alarm alerting the crew of a mechanical issue shortly before the derailment in East Palestine. Consequently, that alert forced the train to execute an emergency brake application which may have been the cause of the derailment. Presently, the NTSB is reviewing the trains data and audio recordings in order to examine the cause of the derailment and which hotbox detector indicated a mechanical error preceding the accident. The NTSB is expected to issue a preliminary report on its findings within 30 days.
by Tyler Durden
Banned By ‘The People’ Newspaper
Censorship and suppression have been problems in the media for as long as there have been any media. And what has been happening in the last three years (although more comprehensive than ever before) isn’t entirely unprecedented. For ten years, from 1993 to 2003, I wrote a two page a week column for The People newspaper in Britain. I was one of the highest paid columnists in the world. At the time the paper sold between two and three million copies a week. My column also appeared in newspapers in Australia and South Africa. Twenty years ago, in 2003 I resigned from the paper when they refused to print an article I wrote about Britain’s part in the invasion of the Iraq War. I felt strongly that the war was unjustifiable. Antoinette, my wife, gave me her full support, knowing that I had not made any arrangements to move to another paper. (What neither of us knew was that after my rather public resignation I would be banned and never have another article published in a national newspaper. And although that’s part of another story – tied in to drug companies and the medical establishment – I believe the media was getting ready for the new normal, the Great Reset and days of lies and Pinocchio noses.)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
America’s Dirtiest Secrets
This essay is the Introductory Chapter to a new series of E-books which will very soon be published on bluemoonofshanghai.com.
When I began doing my historical research in earnest perhaps 20 years ago in Shanghai, my interest was driven by primarily two things: one was the incessant American propaganda flooding the world, and particularly China, with an entirely unjustified air of moral superiority that masked all of the American crimes and atrocities committed over centuries. The second was the irritating flood of negative propaganda about China, filling the print and airwaves about China’s mostly imaginary inferiority to the exceptional Americans. From this, I intended to write a series of articles, and perhaps a book or two, that illuminated the opposite side of these two pictures. This is an oversimplification, but my research and writing interests were limited to an attempt to rectify the standard narrative of “China bad; US good”.
by Larry Romanoff
Taking Away Your Chickens (Text and Video)
While everyone has been distracted by the COVID-19 fraud, many other aspects of the globalists’ agenda have been cooking in the background. One of them is the removal of poultry and eggs from the food supply. The so-called Avian Flu is being used as the excuse to cull hundreds of millions of birds. It may be a surprise to some people that this is essentially a reboot of a narrative that was first tested two decades ago. In 2005, a publication blew apart the fraudulent science used to invent a non-existent pandemic. Let’s have a look at the paper they don’t want you to know about as they attempt to take away your chickens.
by Dr. Sam Bailey
John Waters On The Fight For Ireland And Why Victory Is Within Reach (1:32:35)
by Gemma O’Doherty
Power Of The State Essential T-Shirt
The state labels truth as a conspiracy theory when it interferes with its political agenda
by ShipOfFools
fundamental humans rights (unless we decide to use them for leverage)
a tour of towering hypocrisy
it’s a funny thing about the authoritarian left: they speak in grand platitudes about fundamental human rights to all manner of things from speech to healthcare to education. they proclaim “my body my choice” and “human dignity” as foundational tenets. and yet the minute they want something, this all goes out the window. what was moments before the axis mundi of moral society is now a point of leverage to arm twist you into submission to their demands as object lesson # 33,971 is applied on that most structural of power symmetries: a government powerful enough to give you everything you want is also powerful enough to take everything you have. what 5 minutes ago was the very intrinsic essence of your allegedly inalienable entitlement as a human is now theirs to withhold until you comply. how many more lessons are you going to need before you wake up and smell the soy-child demagogue?
by el gato malo
Whatever They Decide These UFOs Are, The Answer Will Be More US Militarism
US war planes have shot down three unidentified objects in North American airspace over the last three days, which is entirely without precedent. On Sunday an octagon-shaped object was reportedly shot down over Lake Huron near the Canadian border after first being detected some 1,300 miles away over Montana on Saturday night. On Saturday a cylindrical object was reportedly shot down over Canada’s Yukon territory by an American F-22, and on Friday an object “about the size of a small car” was reportedly shot down after being detected over Alaska. Unlike the Chinese balloon that was shot down earlier this month which the US claims was an instrument of espionage, as of this writing there’s still no solid consensus as to what these last three objects were or where they came from. While all three were found at high altitude like the balloon, the Pentagon is refusing to classify them as such, with the head of US Northern Command General Glen VanHerck going as far as to say it hadn’t yet been determined how these objects are even staying aloft.
by Caitlin Johnstone
UNICEF’s History Of Using Disasters To Vaccinate Children With The Oral Polio Vaccine That Spreads Polio
The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is the world’s largest distributor of vaccines to children internationally. Unlike the U.S. where most parents are brainwashed by the corporate media and the western allopathic medical system into believing that vaccines promote healthy children, many parents in poorer, developing countries are very wary of western vaccines, and resist them. When disasters strike these countries, as is happening today in Syria and Turkey, UNICEF is there to vaccinate as many children, and parents, as possible. The #1 vaccine that UNICEF gives to children in disaster areas, is the oral polio vaccine (OPV), which is banned in western countries like the U.S., because it is known to “shed” and actually cause polio.
by Brian Shilhavy
Honor Codes Are Racist Now? (10:40)
by Sarah Cain
Does Israel Seek A “Final Solution For Palestinians?”
Diaspora Jews choose to look the other way as the carnage increases
There is what passes for a sick joke among those who watch the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians with increasing shock over what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his thugs have been allowed to get away with. It goes something like this: Israel has succeeded in killing or driving out the remaining three million or so Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza, describing them as “terrorists.” President Joe Biden, his cabinet and virtually all of Congress respond afterwards by saying how the move was unfortunate but “Israel has a right to defend itself.”
by Philip Giraldi
Endgame For Ukraine: America vs America
Bill Burns travelled (in secret) in mid-January to meet Zelensky. Was it to prepare Zelensky for a shift in the American stance?
Hysterics at the Chinese balloon overflying the U.S. – taken to volume 11 – through scrambling a hush-hush Raptor jet (F-22) to ‘pop’ it, and then bally-hooing the ‘pop’ as Raptor’s first ever ‘air-to-air kill’, may be a source for quiet derision around the world, yet paradoxically this seemingly trivial event may cast a long shadow over the U.S. war-timetable for Ukraine. For it is the U.S. political calendar that may yet determine what happens next in Ukraine – from the western side. Seemingly nothing important occurred – it was an instant of spy frenzy, leaving Biden’s ‘tough task’ unchanged: He needs to convince the American voter, facing collapsing standards of living, that they misread the ‘runes’; that rather than gloom, the economy – contrary to their lived experience – is ‘working well for them’.
by Alastair Crooke
How We Can Stop The Coming War With Russia
Twenty years ago this spring the US government was finally successful in lying us into war with Iraq. Administration after administration had sanctioned and bombed and even invaded the country, but finally 20 years ago next month the Bush Administration unleashed “shock and awe” to flatten a country that did not and could not threaten the United States. After eight years of battle in Iraq perhaps as many as a million innocent people died, either directly or indirectly, from Washington’s aggression. No one was brought before a tribunal over the lies and destruction. No one even apologized. Washington’s puppet of the day, Ahmed Chalabi, brushed off the lies about Iraq’s WMDs by proclaiming that the war promoters were “heroes in error.” They got their regime change and that’s all they cared about.
by Ron Paul
There’s One Belief That Has Made America The Greatest Nation In The History Of The World
If you take this away, as the Left has done, America is utterly destroyed.
America is the great is nation in the history of the world, and that is a fact. There’s been no country that has ever brought more freedom to the world, brought more people out of poverty and has done more for humanity than the United States of America. What is often times glossed over and forgotten is what actually makes America great. Is it that we’ve accomplished those things and more in the couple hundred years of our existence? I would argue that these things, in and of themselves, are not what has made America great. They are simply the result of the one thing that makes the USA the greatest nation on the face of the earth.
by Jeff Dornik
Sturgeon Resigns. Less Ammo Wins Wars. Blinken, Crimea Is Red Line. 6 Balloons Over Kiev. (20:48)
by Alex Christoforou
Anti-Semitism Rising In US – Survey
The American Jewish Committee wants the government to do something
The number of Jews who say they feel less safe in the US rose by ten percentage points in a year, one of the oldest Jewish advocacy groups in the US said on Monday. The American Jewish Committee (AJC) is calling on the White House to do more against “Jew-hatred.” According to AJC’s annual anti-Semitism survey for 2022, 41% of American Jews feel less secure, compared to 31% in 2021. One in four reported being “personally targeted” by anti-Semitism, a number that has remained constant since 2019. “No Jew in the United States, especially the younger generation, should ever feel unsafe for expressing their Jewish identity. Yet rising antisemitism is having a deeply disturbing effect on American Jews and American society in general,” AJC executive Ted Deutch said in a statement. “We look forward to working with the White House in developing effective strategies for a whole-of-government approach to combat Jew-hatred once and for all.” In December, President Joe Biden’s administration announced a new interagency group that would develop a national strategy to combat anti-Semitism.
by RT
Unvaccinated New York Teachers Had Their Fingerprints Sent To The FBI
Revealed in a new affidavit.
Employees of the New York City Department of Education who refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19 had their fingerprints and files sent to the New York Criminal Justice Services and the FBI, a legal filing alleges. New York City had a vaccine mandate for employees of the Department of Education that required them to be fully vaccinated by September 2, 2022. By mid-September, about 1,950 employees had been fired for refusing to get the vaccines. Those who refused to get vaccinated also had a “problem code” added to their personnel file.
by Ken Macon
So Much Hot Air: The (Fake) China Threat Strikes Again!
Now that a few days have passed and the hysteria has come down slightly, perhaps a few sane thoughts might be added to what has otherwise been a microcosm of everything that is wrong with America’s warmongering media and political class. As everyone is by now well aware, a data-gathering balloon of Chinese origin passed over the continental United States last week. According to the Pentagon, it is not the first. They say China has launched some two dozen over the past five years, several of which passed over either Florida, Texas, or Guam during that time. Far from being cause for alarm, however, the Pentagon initially reported that the balloons’ “signals collection ability isn’t radically different from other systems available to the Chinese,” and did not pose “a significantly enhanced threat.”
by Joseph Solis-Mullen
ACH (2058) Giuseppe Vafanculo – The Top Seven Bands And Musicians We Were Listening To Then… (Audio 1:23:55)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 10 2023, Andy presents “The G-Man” with his co-host Giuseppe Vafanculo for a show entitled, “The Top Seven Bands And Musicians We Were Listening To Then…” We discussed: our favorite bands and musicians at the time in our lives when we listened to music the most; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
A Cat Was Saved From Under The Rubble In Turkey. It Now Refuses To Leave Its Rescuer’s Side. (0:36)
February 13, 2023, 52 Posts Published
“A bureaucrat is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, but one hardly admires vultures whom bureaucrats so strangely resemble. I have yet to meet a bureaucrat who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in possessing a vicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
The Great Impersonation (Book)
How the Anti-Christ Has Deceived the Whole World
Pastor Eli James’s book, The Great Impersonation: How the Anti-Christ Has Deceived the Whole World, can be summarized in three concise statements: 1) Jesus was not a Jew. He was a Judahite; and there is a world of difference between the two concepts. 2) The Jewish people are not Israelites. They are, in fact, the ones deceiving the whole world by impersonating Israel. 3) The Bible is not a Jewish book. The Bible is a book that was written to, for, by and about Israel exclusively. All three of these points are elaborated upon in magnificent detail, proving beyond question, that the people who are today known as Jews are, in fact, derived from two of True Israel’s worst enemies: a) the Edomites, who are descended from Jacob’s evil brother, Esau, and b) the Ashkenazi Khazars-the main part of Jewry today-whose ancestors never set foot in Palestine until the Zionist invasion in 1948. Neither of these two groups have any genetic, ancestral or cultural claim to either the heritage or territory of ancient Israel. See Revelation 2:9, 3:9, and 12:9.
by Pastor Eli James
A Huge Train Derailment In Ohio Is Emitting Massive Amounts Of Carcinogens Into The Air (1:29)
A Huge Train Derailment In Ohio Is Emitting Massive Amounts Of Carcinogens Into The Air (1:29)
ACH (2056) Mischa Popoff – Simon Wiesenthal’s Relentless Pursuit Of Walter Rauff (Audio 55:44)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 8, 2023, Andy is joined by Mischa Popoff, for a show entitled, “Simon Wiesenthal’s Relentless Pursuit Of Walter Rauff.”
We discussed: how Rauff was accused of inventing the gas van; when Rauff worked for Israeli Intelligence which would later become the Mossad; how the Mossad planned to assassinate Rauff in Chile in 1979; how a barking dog is alleged to have scared off a group of Israeli assassins; the real reason for the Nuremburg Trials; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
About 2.5 Million Protest In France Against The Pension Rip-Off Reform In France
About 963,000 people demonstrated on February 11 against the pension reform proposed by the French government, the BFM TV channel reported, citing the republic’s Interior Ministry. Workers paid till they were 62 not 64: Three years working for nothing. No! In Paris, the number of participants in the actions amounted to just short of a million irate French citizens. According to the official estimates of the General Confederation of Labor trade union, 500,000 thousand people took part in the demonstrations in Paris for all days, including past actions. While across the country, the organization counted 2.5 million protesters. On Saturday, demonstrations took place in more than 240 French cities.
by Michael Walsh
Distrust The Government, Avoid Mass Media And Fight The Lies (Text and Video)
In May 2020, I made a video entitled ‘You’ve Been Brainwashed (Here’s How They Did It)’ and, in response to the Government’s trickery I created a triple phrased slogan of my own: ‘Distrust the Government, Avoid Mass Media and Fight the Lies’. Here is the original (unchanged) transcript of that video. (The video is now available again on this website. To watch it please click HERE and our team of specially trained electrons will take you straight there). Governments have been using a range of Orwellian mind control tricks during the coronavirus ‘crisis’. The slogans, the clapping and the symbols have all been carefully used to enable the authorities to take control of our thinking.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Shabbos Goy (3:46)
Shabbos Goy (3:46)
Gigablast: The Private Search Engine That Does Not Use Google Or Bing’s Data
There are many search engines today that claim to protect your privacy, with Duckduckgo.com being the most popular alternative to Google and Microsoft’s Bing. But the problem with these alternative privacy-oriented alternative search engines, is that they still use the data and search results from either Google or Bing (Duckduckgo.com uses Bing), so even if your search is private, it does not solve the issue of censorship where Google and Bing use algorithms to decide which results to display for your search. The only search engine that I have found so far that builds its own data set and does NOT use Google or Bing, is Gigablast. Gigablast is also the engine behind private.sh, launched in 2020, which claims to be the only private search engine that offers cryptographically-secured privacy. While private.sh has a cleaner interface, I still like Gigablast.com because it has more features. For example, in the settings, you can choose to “Show banned results.” There are also links to run your search through duckduckgo.com to see results based on Bing’s data, and startpage to see results based on Google’s data.
by Brian Shilhavy
Stop Arming Ukraine Now, Intelligence Veterans Warn Biden
Eighteen senior former intelligence professionals have signed an ‘alert memorandum’ to President Biden warning him what will follow his decision to send Abrams tanks to Ukraine. Calling themselves Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, they informed him: ‘What your advisers should have told you is that none of the newly promised weaponry will stop Russia from defeating what’s left of the Ukrainian army. If you have been told otherwise, replace your intelligence and military advisers with competent professionals – the sooner the better.’ Two decades ago, before the US/UK attack on Iraq, some of the same signatories warned President George W Bush that ‘justification’ for such an attack was based on false intelligence. In their February 5, 2003 memorandum on Colin Powell’s speech, they alerted the then president to the unintended consequences of an attack on Iraq which were likely to be catastrophic. Then, as now, they urged the president to widen the circle of his advisers beyond those clearly bent on a war for which they saw no compelling reason. Five years later the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded: ‘In making the case for war, the [Bush] Administration repeatedly presented intelligence as fact when in reality it was unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent.’
by Serena Wylde
UFO Shootdown #4 – U.S. Military Shoot Down Another UFO Over Lake Huron
According to multiple media reports, the U.S. military has engaged another Unidentified Flying Object over Lake Huron (Michigan) and shot it down. This represents the fourth UFO targeted and destroyed by the U.S. military in the past eight days. The dogfight between an F-16 and the mysterious object took place just hours after Montana Representative Matt Rosendale confirmed the sighting yesterday over Northern Montana was not “an anomaly” and was indeed an unknown flying object in the sky.
by Sundance
EMJ Live Episode 11: The FBI vs. Culture Wars (1:22:13)
In this episode of EMJ Live, Dr. Jones describes the real story behind the recent FBI involving Culture Wars and various other Catholic entities. You’ll never guess who’s behind it.
China Announces Visit Of Iranian President
Ebrahim Raisi is coming to Beijing at the invitation of Xi Jinping, the Chinese Foreign Ministry says
ader Xi Jinping, the ministry announced in a statement on Sunday. The three-day trip will, among other elements, include talks between Raisi and Xi, a joint meeting of the leaders with Iranian and Chinese businessmen, and the signing of cooperation documents between the delegations of the two countries, according to Iran’s state-run news agency IRNA. Also reporting on the upcoming visit, US outlet Politico said that it’s “expected to deepen ties between the two political and economic partners that are opposed to the US-led Western domination of international affairs.”
by RT
Covid And The Pandemic Of Moral Injury
THE term ‘moral injury’ is a new one for me, as it probably is for most. It’s more commonly applied in a military context and only recently in health and social care, since 2020 to be precise. Indeed, the literature gently, knowingly or unknowingly, nudges us into believing that moral injury, reframed as occupational moral injury, isn’t a new concept but an inevitable consequence of working in an ethically challenging health and social care system. Moral injury is understood as the damage done to an individual’s conscience or moral compass when they perpetrate, witness or fail to prevent acts that transgress their own moral beliefs, values or code of ethics. The term is thought to have originated after the Vietnam war when returning veterans and their carers struggled to make sense of high levels of anguish, anger and alienation that couldn’t be explained in terms of a mental health diagnosis such a post-traumatic stress disorder.
by Valerie Nelson
Inside An Australian Quarantine Camp
After I won my landmark “quarantine camp” lawsuit against Governor Hochul and her Department of Health a few months ago, people from around the globe started reaching out to me. Some wanted to simply send congratulations on a job well done, and thank me for giving them hope that this tyranny that somehow magically took hold contemporanously in countries around the world, could be defeated. But many others wanted more than that. They wanted actual help. They wanted to know how they could fight back against the intense tyranny in their countries. So, I started doing interviews and presentations to groups based in the UK, South Africa, Canada, and Australia. I shared with them my legal theory behind my case, the separation of powers argument, and all about my courageous plaintiffs (Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman Chris Tague, Assemblyman [now Congressman] Mike Lawler, and a citizens’ group called Uniting NYS).
by Bobbie Anne Flower Cox
The Truth Is Coming Out In Ukraine And Zelensky Is In Deep Trouble (0:24)
“Zelensky smashes world record of how many times one can sniff in a press conference”: international recognition is here.
How Misguided Corporations Law Leads To Totalitarianism
A logical proof about how we ended up in this mess
Pharmaceutical companies have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to maximize profits. By law, company directors and executives can and should be removed from their positions if they fail to maximize profits. No one disputes this. This is true for all corporations but in the case of the pharmaceutical industry it leads to the death of nations. Curing disease is not profitable. Treating chronic disease is where all of the money is to be made. Causing chronic disease increases profits further. Therefore, by law, pharmaceutical companies are in the business of treating and causing chronic disease, not curing disease. By definition and by statute, the interests of the pharmaceutical industry are IN CONFLICT WITH my interests as a human being.
by Toby Rogers
21 Surveys Of Side Effects Following Vaccination Showing Shocking Rates Of Severe Adverse Events
From heart conditions to menstrual irregularities, it’s not only the rate of systemic side effects that’s stratospheric
I wrote an earlier version of this article, but it did not include text descriptions of the highlighted data. There are also a few other additions or clarifications added to this version. Although the establishment has been forced to concede that many of the injuries long denied to have any association to the covid vaccines can indeed be caused by the covid vaccines, they still insist that they are exceedingly rare. The following compilation of studies are all surveys of a defined cohort of vaccine recipients where the rates of severe adverse events – or something that is a good proxy for a severe adverse event – are orders of magnitude greater than the proffered “exceedingly rare” rates in the ballpark of 1/100,000 proffered by the medical establishment.
by Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti
US Officials Basically Admit They Blew Up Nord Stream – Russian FM
The pipelines were sabotaged because Washington saw Russian-German cooperation as a threat, Sergey Lavrov has claimed
US officials are basically admitting that they were behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, which was perpetrated to prevent rapprochement between Moscow and Berlin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said. “The US decided that we [Russia] have been cooperating too well with Germany over the past 20 or 30 years; or rather, the Germans cooperated with us too well,” he said in an interview published on the Foreign Ministry’s website on Sunday. The “powerful alliance” based on Russian energy resources and German technology “began to threaten the monopoly position of many American corporations,” Lavrov explained. So, Washington decided to destroy this alliance between Moscow and Berlin, and did it “literally” by attacking the pipelines, which were built to deliver Russian gas to Europe through Germany, he added. “American officials are basically admitting that the explosions that occurred at Nord Stream 1 and 2 were their doing. They even speak about it with joy,” the foreign minister stated.
by RT
2 + 2 = 5 by HiRezTV (3:45)
2 + 2 = 5 by HiRezTV (3:45)
Justin Trudeau Hijacks Canada’s Healthcare And Threatens Provincial Premiers To Cut Off Healthcare Funding Unless They Agree To Digital Health ID (Text and Video)
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the federal government’s commitment to spend $196.1 billion on healthcare over the next ten years. The package did not even come close to meeting the expectations of the various provincial and territorial leaders. Tyrant Trudeau met with the provinces’ premiers in Ottawa to negotiate how much money the provinces would receive. Following a discussion for healthcare funding with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the premiers of Canada’s provinces and territories gave a joint press conference. “One of the things that we did see today is that there wasn’t a lot in the way of new funding that is a part of this package… to say the least, I think we were a little disappointed in that,” Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson said in response to the federal government’s proposal. According to reports, the proposal comes with the condition for digital ID data collection. Trudeau is trying to blackmail to get Canadians to sign up for Digital ID.
by Jim Hoft
‘US Troops Should Withdraw’ If Implicated In German Pipeline Sabotage
After a report by a star reporter that the US and Norway had blown up the Nord Stream pipelines, the AfD called for investigative committees to be set up.
The chairman of the AfD parliamentary group, Tino Chrupalla, has called for investigative committees to be set up in connection with the attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines. Both the Bundestag and the EU Parliament must investigate whether the US and Norway had actively participated in blowing up the pipelines, he said. The well-known US investigative reporter Seymour Hersh quoted insider sources involved in the planning of the attack on German and European infrastructure. Chrupalla called for an investigation into the claims: “The suspicions of the Pulitzer Prize winner must be investigated.” All the serious questions must now be “answered by committees of inquiry”. The Bundestag has “a right to know what knowledge the federal government had”.
by Free West Media
Head’s Up, State Dept Operative And USAID Administrator Samantha Power Is In Hungary, Seeding Another Color Revolution – Deep State Ukraine 2.0
Hungary has been in the crosshairs of the Biden/Obama administration ever since Prime Minister Viktor Orban refused to align with the WEF Western Democracies in their quest for regime change in Russia. As the NATO led western alliance assembled to use Ukraine as a proxy war against Russia, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban would not join. In early April 2022, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was overwhelmingly reelected {LINK}, despite the massive efforts against him by the European Union, western and euro-centric multinational globalists. As a result of the victory, Brussels was furious at the Hungarian people. Associated Press – […] “Orban — a fierce critic of immigration, LGBTQ rights and “EU bureaucrats” — has garnered the admiration of right-wing nationalists across Europe and North America.” (link) Within the statements reported from his 2022 victory speech, Prime Minister Orban warned citizens of the NATO and western allied countries about the manipulation of Ukraine and how he views the Zelenskyy regime: […] “while speaking to supporters on Sunday, Orban singled out Zelenskyy as part of the “overwhelming force” that he said his party had struggled against in the election — “the left at home, the international left, the Brussels bureaucrats, the Soros empire with all its money, the international mainstream media, and in the end, even the Ukrainian president.” (link)
by Sundance
Richard Nixon On The Jews by Andkon’s Reich (12:32)
Richard Nixon On The Jews by Andkon’s Reich (12:32)
After Losing $150 Billion On Chat AI Botched Launch, Google Search Head Explains Their AI Suffers “Hallucination” Giving “Convincing But Completely Made-Up Answers”
Worried that their competitor, Microsoft, was pulling ahead in the new excitement over ChatGPT AI search results, Google announced this week that they were launching their AI powered search, BARD, and posted a demo on Twitter. Amazingly, Google failed to fact-check the information BARD was giving to the public, and it wasn’t long before others figured out that it was giving false information. Google’s stocks lost 7.7% of their valuation that day, and then another 4% the next day, for a total loss of over $150 BILLION. Yesterday (Friday, February 10, 2022), Prabhakar Raghavan, senior vice president at Google and head of Google Search, told Germany’s Welt am Sonntag newspaper: “This kind of artificial intelligence we’re talking about right now can sometimes lead to something we call hallucination. This then expresses itself in such a way that a machine provides a convincing but completely made-up answer,” Raghavan said in comments published in German.
by Brian Shilhavy
Distract, Divide And Conquer: The Painful Truth About The State Of Our Union
Step away from the blinders that partisan politics uses to distract, divide and conquer, and you will find that we are drowning in a cesspool of problems that individually and collectively threaten our lives, liberties, prosperity and happiness. These are not problems the politicians want to talk about, let alone address, yet we cannot afford to ignore them much longer. oreign interests are buying up our farmland and holding our national debt. As of 2021, foreign persons and entities owned 40.8 million acres of U.S. agricultural land, 47% of which was forestland, 29% in cropland, and 22% in pastureland. Foreign land holdings have increased by an average of 2.2 million acres per year since 2015. Foreign countries also own $7.4 trillion worth of U.S. national debt, with Japan and China ranked as our two largest foreign holders of our debt.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Covid Injections Are Ineffective And Don’t Block Transmission, Says Bill Gates After Selling His Shares In Biontech For A Massive Profit (Text and Video)
In 2021, Bill Gates called mRNA injections “game changers.” Contrast that with his latest statements, after turning his $55 million investment into $550 million, acknowledging the injections’ failures. What evil plan is he hatching next? In 2019, Bill Gates invested $55 million in BioNtech – which developed the covid injection for Pfizer – it’s now worth $550 million. Gates sold some of the stock at the end of 2022 when the share price was over $300. After reaping huge profits, Gates criticised covid injections, stating they don’t block infection, aren’t effective against variants and have “very short duration.” Gates’ motivations run far deeper than making money off shrewd investments. By funding the World Health Organisation (“WHO”), Gates is able to ensure that the decisions it makes end up profiting his own interests and those of his Big Pharma partners. Gates – via collaborations with WHO, Anthony Fauci and others – is aiming to have absolute power to control pandemic declarations and responses worldwide.
by Rhoda Wilson
Lawmaker: Ban Churches If You Ban Drag Shows (4:51)
Nebraska Senator Megan Hunt has a novel idea: ban church access for children instead of churches. She accidentally makes an interesting point — the deviancy of the modern left is their religion.
by Sarah Cain
New Paper: An Estimated 13 Million People Worldwide Killed By The Covid Vaccines
That’s twice as many as were killed by the virus. In the US, the estimates are 670K Americans killed. Perhaps it’s time to declare that the vaccines are a worldwide emergency?
The paper suggests you can take the number of vaccine doses delivered, divide by 1,000 to get an estimate of the number of people killed by the COVID vaccine. The tweet directly from the author sums it up: The paper: Age-stratified COVID-19 vaccine-dose fatality rate for Israel and Australia. The full story about how universities undermine people like Denis Rancourt who tell the truth. The main result: The paper finds that the vDFR (vaccine-dose fatality rate) is exponential with respect to age. The paper points out that “it is not unreasonable to assume an all-population global value of vDFR = 0.1%” For the US, 670M doses have been given, so the estimate is 670,000 people have been killed by the COVID vaccines in the US. I have said for a long time that the URF in VAERS is 41, and there are 16,300 excess US deaths in VAERS (subtracting 250 background deaths per year which gets reported into VAERS) which comes to 668K. 668K is very close to 670K, isn’t it? What an amazing “coincidence”!
by Steve Kirsch
ACH (2054) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #107 – The Battle For Free Speech Goes Mainstream (Audio 1:58:03)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 6, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Battle For Free Speech Goes Mainstream.”
We discussed: the Giuseppe and Mallificus clip that we played during the show intro segment; resuscitating a magpie; the earthquake in Syria and Turkey; the unexplained deaths of a head-teacher and her family at Epsom College; Ales Jones’ breaking news on his “Emergency Saturday Broadcast” that Adam Schiff is working for the Chinese; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “in the likeness of a jew.”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used update these; how the MHRA which back in December reported that 2,362 people had died after taking the vaccine, have now presumably brought over 2,000 people back to life, as they are now claiming only 75 people have died in the UK after taking the vacctell you why Vladimir Putin is not our friend and why China is our enemy; Biden’s maternity flight suits; the Jewish Virtual Library’s Library’s article on Jews in the Biden Adminsitration; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Pentagon Wants To Return Special Ops Propagandists To Ukraine
An article by The Washington Post titled “Pentagon looks to restart top-secret programs in Ukraine” contains some interesting information about what US special ops forces were doing in Ukraine in the lead-up to the Russian invasion last year, and what they are slated to be doing there in the future. “The Pentagon is urging Congress to resume funding a pair of top-secret programs in Ukraine suspended ahead of Russia’s invasion last year, according to current and former U.S. officials,” writes the Post’s Wesley Morgan. “If approved, the move would allow American Special Operations troops to employ Ukrainian operatives to observe Russian military movements and counter disinformation.” Much further down in the article we learn the specifics of what those two top-secret programs were. One of them entailed US commandos sending Ukrainian operatives “on surreptitious reconnaissance missions in Ukraine’s east” to collect intelligence on Russia. The other entailed secretly administering online propaganda, though of course The Washington Post does not describe it as such.
by Caitlin Johnstone
French Armor Damaged At Waterloo By A Cannonball by High Caliber History (4:33)
French Armor Damaged At Waterloo By A Cannonball by High Caliber History (4:33)
US State Department Funding Secret ‘Disinformation’ Crusade To Blacklist Conservative Media
The US Department of State has been funding a “disinformation” tracking group through its Global Engagement Center (GEC), which reportedly works at demonetizing sites it accuses of disseminating “disinformation,” – which are overwhelmingly conservative news outlets, the Washington Examiner reports. The Global Disinformation Index, a British organization with two affiliated U.S. nonprofit groups, is feeding blacklists to ad companies with the intent of defunding and shutting down websites peddling alleged “disinformation,” the Washington Examiner reported. This same “disinformation” group has received $330,000 from two State Department-backed entities linked to the highest levels of government, raising concerns from First Amendment lawyers and members of Congress. GDI through its website maintains a “dynamic exclusion list” of the worst offenders of disinformation online, which it then distributes to ad tech companies – such as Microsoft’s Xandr – in order to try and “defund and downrank these worst offenders,” and deprive said sites of ad revenue.
by Tyler Durden
Hungarian Government Continues Sacking Hundreds Of High-Ranking Military Officers
Hungarian Defence Forces military In January, the government accepted a decree allowing to send even high-ranking military officers into retirement. Then media outlets reported about more than a hundred generals, lieutenant generals, major generals, etc., the defence minister has sacked. Based on the sources of the Válasz Online, the government will not stop. They are prepared to send away even more military officers, but the media outlet believes that is not an anti-NATO step. More than 110 officers sent into retirement Válasz Online, a Hungarian independent news outlet using only the donations of its readers, shared many details about the first wave of ‘grand sacking’ in the Hungarian Defence Forces. They also wrote some names in their recent article concerned with ‘forced retirement’. One of them, for example, is the deputy commander of the KFOR (Kosovo Force, the NATO’s biggest mission), brigadier general János Szpisják.
by John Woods
CDC Data Confirms Covid Vaccination Knocks Up To 24 Years Off A Man’s Life
The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised… A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show (see below). Meanwhile, the latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data analysed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst, shows a really really disturbing trend. The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues indefinitely. In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021. So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.
by The Exposé
Kiddo Has Come-To-Jesus Moment On The Origin Of Chicken Nuggets (0:36)
by Kronik
The CDC Lied: The mRNA Wasn’t Meant To “Stay In The Arm”
The CDC’s information page on Covid-19 vaccines contains the following bullet points on “How mRNA COVID-19 vaccines work:” First, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle or upper thigh, depending on the age of who is getting vaccinated. After vaccination, the mRNA will enter the muscle cells. Once inside, they use the cells’ machinery to produce a harmless piece of what is called the spike protein…. After the protein piece is made, our cells break down the mRNA and remove it, leaving the body as waste. Or, in other words, as we have long been told, “it” – the mRNA – “stays in the arm.” And then, after having instructed the muscle cells to produce the spike, is disposed of.
by Robert Kogon
Austrian Court Acquits Doctor Charged Of Falsely Issuing Covid Vaccine Exemption Certificates
Austrian physician: vaccine has to be avoided, especially when “a corrupt state and an even more corrupt medical association, made up of puppets of the pharmaceutical industry, coerce people into a potentially lethal vaccination.” Physician Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen was accused in 2022 of issuing digital exemption certificates for the Covid 19 vaccine for 20 euros to patients who did not want the new controversial medical mRNA technology injected into their bodies. Despite the privacy rights between patient and doctor, Austrian authorities dragged Sönnichsen to a Salzburg court on charges of fraud and usurpation of authority. Yesterday, the Salzburg court ruled in favor of Sönnichsen. The acquittal is viewed as a major victory by proponents of patient-physician rights, medical privacy and bodily autonomy. Compulsory vaccination was introduced in Austria in February, 2022, but was suspended already in March before being dropped altogether in the summer after heated protests.
by Pierre L. Gosselin
Suicide Epidemic Sweeps Through The United States
The number of Americans taking their own lives in 2021 came close to the peak seen in 2018, the CDC says. The number of Americans who committed suicide in 2021 increased to a mind-boggling 48,183, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). By comparison, 55,000 Americans died in the 20-year Vietnam War (1955-1975) and 2,500 died in the 20-year war in Afghanistan. It was the highest figure registered in the country since 2018 when a record 48,344 people took their own lives, the US health protection agency said in a report on Thursday.
by Michael Walsh
UN Secretary-General: “We’ll Call For Action From Everywhere With Influence On The Spread Of ‘Mis- And Disinformation’ On The Internet.” (0:43)
Passing Observations 141 (Text and Videos)
Why is diversity considered such a wonderful thing? Why does every city, town and village have to be cosmopolitan? I realise that probably no more than seven and a half billion people think as I do about this, but I’ve had enough diversity. I’m full up with the stuff. I am overflowing with it. I like local traditions – mine and everyone else’s – but if I want to see foreign peoples and foreign customs I can travel. And foreigners can come to England and sit by log fires in country pubs and eat spotted dick with custard. The conspiratorial globalists want to destroy history and culture because they know that these things give us our individuality and humanity. Diversity is fashionable with the woke (oh how I loathe them) but why do they feel the need to force it upon the rest of us? I’ve had more than enough diversity, thank you, and I can manage very well without any more.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
What Funeral Directors Know That You Don’t
In 78 years, they never had a 15 year old who died from a heart attack. In December 2022, they had 1 a week for three weeks straight. Nobody is talking about it publicly.
Ever since the vaccines rolled out, deaths are up, particularly among young people. I talked to the owner of many funeral homes across the US; collectively they handle over 3,000 funerals a year. He asked that his name be kept confidential for fear of retribution. Overall, their business is up by 50% after the vaccines rolled out and it’s not proportional… young people are a greater portion of the deaths. For example pilot deaths at Southwest Airlines are up six-fold after the vaccines were mandated. My source said that normally they’d see 1 stillbirth/month pre-vaccine. After the vaccines rolled out, they were seeing as many as 12 stillbirths a month. But they noted that many hospitals will dispose of these cases directly and NOT involve the funeral home, so they are only seeing a fraction of these deaths; the actual increase could be much larger than the 12X increase they observed.
by Steve Kirsch
While Everyone Was Distracted, They Added The Covid Injections To The Childhood Vaccine Schedule
No more liability…
Please refer to my previous write-up on this subject matter, for information on the childhood vaccine schedule of the NHS. I wrote up another article on this subject but I have written so many, I literally can’t find it. Help me to find it? 🙂 Well folks, ‘they’ voted to put these COVID-19 injections into your babies – including the modified mRNA versions – and what that means is that they are free from liability, exclusive of EUA status, forever. What that means is if your baby gets injured by these as yet experimental modified mRNA COVID shots – that your baby doesn’t need: AT ALL – then you are on your own with regard to the product manufacturers being responsible, on any level. This isn’t a new story, but it sure is going to be a story that more and more parents share if they do not say no to this insanity.
by Jessica Rose
The Truth On Why Mark Steyn Isn’t Back On GBNews (2:20)
The truth on why Mark Steyn isn’t back on GB news. After he suffered 2 heart attacks they lied to him, used his medical condition against him and tried to force him to comply with Ofcom’s censorship rules. Even holding him liable!
Former Acting US Defense Secretary: ‘Cut Military Spending’ By Half, Stop Hyping China Threat
As the Biden administration prepares to request congressional approval of the largest military budget in US history, Trump’s final pick for Pentagon chief has urged a “40-50%” reduction in spending on the armed forces, saying the Defense Department is “too big and bloated and wasteful.” Former acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller has raised eyebrows by calling out the “military-industrial complex” by name, as well as urging policymakers to “dramatically” cut the Pentagon’s budget and to stop demonizing China. “We have created an entire enterprise that focuses economically on creating crisis to justify outrageously high defense spending,” Miller lamented in an interview with CBS. With the military-industrial complex having become a “hydra-headed monster” and with “virtually no brakes on the American war machine,” Miller told CBS that “you have to starve the beast to make people come out of their cubby holes and start thinking creatively.”
by Wyatt Reed
The Pro Abundant Life Movement Needs Fathers. The Pro-Choice Movement Doesn’t.
“The Pro-Choice Movement Doesn’t Need Men. The Pro-Life Side Does.” Roland Warren, President and CEO of Care Net, said in a recent interview with Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra for The Gospel Coalition (TGC). When Warren took the role of leading Care Net 10 years ago, less than 12 percent of the 1,200 affiliated pregnancy centers had programs for fathers. The problem? Roland says, “We wanted to solve not just for a live baby, but for a strong family-a father and mother, united in marriage, loving each other and God.” He points to Scripture, “Here’s Mary, facing an unplanned pregnancy from a human perspective…And Joseph’s first call was to be a husband to her-even before the angel told him the identity of the child she was carrying. That’s God’s good design for the family. So shouldn’t we do the same?” Over the past decade, Care Net has learned a lot about involving fathers in unexpected pregnancies. I want to spotlight Warren’s interview with TGC, pointing out the father’s influence on the decision to abort and how pregnancy centers and the church can make the impact God desires.
by Ryan Sanders
US Defense Official Flags ‘No Objections’ To Kiev Attacking Crimea
Washington will not limit Ukrainian strikes on territory it claims as its own, Celeste Wallander said
The US would have no objections to Ukrainian forces striking targets inside Crimea with American-supplied weapons, a senior defense official said on Friday. Dr Celeste Wallander, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, was asked whether Washington supports Kiev in seizing Crimea, or at least in striking Russian targets there. The peninsula overwhelmingly voted to become part of Russia in 2014 following a Western-backed coup in Kiev. Speaking at the Center for a New American Security, Wallander reiterated that the US “supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty over its internationally recognized borders, and that includes Crimea.” With this in mind, the official argued that Kiev “has the right to defend every inch of its territory.” As long as Ukraine “identifies operational value in targeting Russian forces on Ukrainian territory… we don’t have objections and do not seek to limit Ukrainian military operations to achieve their objectives.”
by RT
Gym Hoes (9:35)
by Paul Joseph Watson
CDC Adds EUA COVID Shots To Their Childhood Immunization Schedule To Target Poor Families On Government Aid
The CDC has announced today that they have added the COVID-19 “vaccines” to their childhood immunization schedule. The COVID-19 “vaccines” now add another 2-3 doses of vaccines to the 25 doses of other vaccines already on the CDC schedule that can be injected into babies and toddlers during their first 15 months of life. This seems to be the first time in the history of the CDC that vaccines that are not even FDA-approved but only have EUAs (emergency use authorizations) have been added to the CDC childhood immunization schedule. How is this even legal? CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, while appearing before Congress yesterday, was asked why these shots were added to the Child Immunization schedule. She replied that they were added: “ONLY because it was the only way it could be covered in our ‘Vaccines for Children’ program.” The Vaccines For Children (VFC) program is a U.S. Government program to provide vaccines to low-income families receiving government aid through the Medicaid program. Could this be a path the U.S. Government is creating to require lower-income families to have their children vaccinated in order to receive other Government aid benefits, such as food stamps? If Brazil is an example of what is to come here in the U.S., then it is most certainly possible, if not probable. “Social Credit Brazilian Style: All UBI Recipients Must Be Vaxxed.”
by Brian Shilhavy
Medvedev Predicted The Disappearance Of Europe As A Result Of The Misrule Of The Current EU Leaders
Deputy head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev predicted very deplorable results of the reign of the current European leaders, Europe ‘will disappear completely’, as in the myth of the abduction by Zeus. He wrote about this in his Telegram channel, commenting on the European tour of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. ‘This reign of exalted young European freaks will end very badly for the old European civilization.’ It is already dissolving under the onslaught of emigrants arriving from all over the world. And soon it will disappear completely, repeating the well-known myth about the abduction of Europa by Zeus, ‘the politician wrote.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2057) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of The History Of Central Banking And Its Enslavement Of Mankind – Part 1 (Audio 58:06)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 9, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of The History Of Central Banking And Its Enslavement Of Mankind – Part 1.”
We discussed: why all wars over the last few centuries have been bankers wars; how Britain is still paying the bankers debt they owe from the First World War; how the central banking system undermines the sovereignty of every country it operates in; why history is the most crucial subject of any education system, and if that history is falsified it will inevitably lead to the destruction of the people; why the fractional reserve system of banking needs to be dismantled; why Rome became a parasitic society that needed to invade other societies in order to survive; how Julius Caesar stood up to the bankers who were destroying Rome; the similar attitudes of the Elites in the Roman Empire, and the Elites running the West today; where the charging of interest on money is forbidden in the Bible; how the money lenders were behind William The Conqueror’s invasion of England in 1066; the prosperity the English enjoyed when usury was outlawed again, which included only having to work for fourteen weeks of the year; how the Bank of England was created by fraud; why Nathan Mayer Rothschild waged war on America; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Live with Dr. Lee Merritt: Controlling Us With Fear (1:32:27)
Dr. Lee Merritt, the Media Rebel joins us today to discuss a serious issue: cancer. Dr. Lee will touch on something that others have known but has been rarely shared and that is the connection between parasites and cancer. We will also talk about ‘wildfire’ or ‘turbo’ cancers that seem to be happening more frequently.
by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson
February 10, 2023, 117 Post Published
“Beauty is an ultimate value – something that we pursue for its own sake,
and for the pursuit of which no further reason need be given.
Beauty should therefore be compared to truth and goodness,
one member of a trio of ultimate values which justify our rational inclinations.”
Roger Scruton
The Annual Interest Rate Payment On Government Debt Is $850 Billion And Rising Fast
At the current pace, interest on US government debt will soon hit one trillion dollars.
Note that interest on the national debt either stabilizes or drops during recession. This happens because the Fed slashes interest rates and holds them too low, too long, creating the next bubble that it eventually must react to. Between February of 2020 and February of 2021, the US Treasury had a golden opportunity to refinance long-term debt at 2.0 percent or under, most of the time well under 2.0 percent. The 30-year bond yield bottomed at 0.99 percent. That was the secular low. The decades-long bond bull is over. It’s important to note the Treasury could not have refinanced at the lowest of those rates because the act of doing so would have tended to push yields up, but perhaps something around 2.0 percent on average may have been doable. Now the Fed is promising to hold yields higher for longer. The three-month yield is currently 4.66 percent. Lovely.
by Mish Talk
US Transferring Russian Assets To Ukraine Will Hollow Out US Credibility
According to US media reports, US Attorney General Merrick Garland announced on Friday the first transfer of forfeited assets from sanctions against a Russian oligarch during an appearance with Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin at the US Justice Department. The assets, confiscated from Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev after his indictment on sanctions evasions in April, will go toward aiding Ukraine. US sanctions against Russia are illegal and are unilateral moves unauthorized by the United Nations. Now the US is even transferring the personal assets of Russian individuals to others, which highlights the plundering nature of the US as a robber. The transfer of assets is a high-profile political stunt, which the US government is pretty good at. The $5.4 million assets can be just pocket money for the US – it offers to Ukraine as aid, while Ukraine would use it to buy weapons from the US to feed the US military-industrial complex. This reminds people of how the US dealt with the $7 billion in frozen funds from Afghanistan’s central bank. In February 2022, US President Joe Biden signed an executive order allowing approximately half of the $7 billion to be reserved for victims of 9/11 attacks, which means the US keeps the money for its own. This is the very US – robbing money while at the same time appearing to be compassionate for others.
by Global Times
The Covert Operation That Took Down The Nord Stream Pipeline by Greg Reese (6:27)
The Covert Operation That Took Down The Nord Stream Pipeline by Greg Reese (6:27)
Israel Ready To Bomb Iranian Aid Deliveries To Syria: Report
The warning comes mere weeks after Israeli drones bombed several food trucks crossing from Iraq into Syria
An unnamed Israeli military official told Saudi Arabia’s Elaph newspaper on 9 February that Tel Aviv will not hesitate to bomb Iranian aid deliveries for disaster-struck Syria under claims that Tehran seeks to “take advantage of the tragic situation … to send weapons and equipment to Hezbollah.” The anonymous official added Israel has “intelligence” to back up their claims, as the Israeli army has “intensified its monitoring by air, land, and sea of ??everything that Iran is transporting to Syria.” Iran has been one of the leading countries providing humanitarian assistance to Syria since a 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastated the country’s northwest region. As of Friday morning, the death toll from the quake in Syria had surpassed 3,300 people.
by News Desk
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now
The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, a now-booming resort city in the southwestern panhandle of Florida, 70 miles south of the Alabama border. The center’s complex is as nondescript as its location—a drab concrete post-World War II structure that has the look of a vocational high school on the west side of Chicago. A coin-operated laundromat and a dance school are across what is now a four-lane road. The center has been training highly skilled deep-water divers for decades who, once assigned to American military units worldwide, are capable of technical diving to do the good—using C4 explosives to clear harbors and beaches of debris and unexploded ordinance—as well as the bad, like blowing up foreign oil rigs, fouling intake valves for undersea power plants, destroying locks on crucial shipping canals. The Panama City center, which boasts the second largest indoor pool in America, was the perfect place to recruit the best, and most taciturn, graduates of the diving school who successfully did last summer what they had been authorized to do 260 feet under the surface of the Baltic Sea.
by Seymour Hersh
US-Imposed Sanctions Add To Sufferings Of Quake-Stricken Syrians (2:19)
US-Imposed Sanctions Add To Sufferings Of Quake-Stricken Syrians (2:19)
CDC Now Recommends Children And Adults With Heart Disease Get Doses Of Covid Vaccine
Pushing injections of a product that causes heart inflammation on those with heart disease is heartless.
CDC just published its childhood and adult vaccine schedules for 2023. Once again, CDC has proven itself a mindless cheerleader of Covid-19 vaccines. For CDC, the answer to nearly every question is “more shots!” Everyone got Covid-19 anyway after vaccination. CDC solution? “More shots!” Vaccination appears to drive variants. CDC solution? “More shots!” It is cold outside. CDC solution? “More shots!” The religious fervor that drives CDC’s zealous drive to vaccinate everyone is irrational. Vaccination, not health, is the goal. Nothing could make that clearer than CDC’s 2023 vaccine schedules.
by Aaron Siri
FBI Warns Against ‘Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology’ In Leaked Memo
The FBI warned against ‘radical traditionalist Catholic ideology’ in a memo posted to UncoverDC.com by former FBI special agent Kyle Seraphin. Seraphin last year was suspended indefinitely without pay after working for at the FBI’s Richmond office for six years. The FBI believes ‘white supremacy’ found in the home of Catholics who prefer Latin Mass, according to an internal memo: The FBI’s Richmond Division would like to protect Virginians from the threat of “white supremacy,” which it believes has found a home within Catholics who prefer the Latin Mass. An intelligence analyst within the Richmond Field Office of the FBI released in a new finished intelligence product dated January 23, 2023, on Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists (RMVE) and their interests in “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” or RTCs. The document assesses with “high confidence” the FBI can mitigate the threat of Radical-Traditionalist Catholics by recruiting sources within the Catholic Church.
by Cristina Laila
ACH (2051) Michael Walsh – Writer Of The Year (Audio 54:05)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 3, 2023, Andy is joined by Michael Walsh for a show entitled, “Writer Of The Year.”
We discussed: the censorious nature of western mainstream social media; how Gab.com and VK.com have become the best social media platforms; Mike’s career as an international journalist; when Mike was given the Euro Weekly News “Writer Of The Year” award; how is Russia’s economy expanding whilst Britain’s is shrinking; why virtually all of Britain’s tourist trade consists of landmarks and traditions from hundreds of years ago; numerous examples of how the local services we get in the west have become worse and worse over the last few decades; how Mike’s “Europe Renaissance” website is spreading its wings; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Hersh’s Nord Stream Blasts Report Shows Need For Open Investigation, Kremlin Says
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The report of investigative journalist Seymour Hersh on Washington’s involvement in the explosions at Nord Streams has once again pointed to the need for an open international investigation into the incidents and punishment for those responsible, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday. On Wednesday, Hersh, a Pulitzer Prize winner, published a report saying that US Navy divers during NATO Baltops exercises in the summer of 2022 planted explosives to destroy the Nord Stream pipelines, which Norway activated three months later. According to the report, US President Joe Biden decided to sabotage the Nord Streams after more than nine months of secret discussions with the national security team. “The appearance of such materials once again shows the need for an open international investigation of this unprecedented attack on critical infrastructure, international critical infrastructure. It is impossible to leave this without revealing the perpetrators and without their punishment,” Peskov told reporters.
by Sputnik News
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis February 10, 2023 (23:31)
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis February 10, 2023 (23:31)
Maryland Considering Bill That Would Allow The Vaccination Of Children Without Parent’s Consent
The State of Maryland has introduced a bill for consideration (Senate Bill 378) that would allow healthcare workers to vaccinate a child who is deemed “able to understand the benefits and potential consequences of getting vaccinated” without parental consent. The determined age of consent for a child to “choose” to be vaccinated is 14, though, such laws are often a slippery slope as guidelines and goalposts can be adjusted once a bill is passed to include even younger people. It should be noted that Maryland law prevents children of 14 or older to refuse vaccination ordered by parents. In other words, they are considered competent enough to get vaccinated without parent’s knowledge, but not competent enough to refuse vaccination with parent’s knowledge. The push among some states to provide or legalize medical procedures on minors without advising parents has been growing in multiple sectors of healthcare the past few years, from abortions to gender affirmation.
by Tyler Durden
Democrats Pass Resolution Condemning ‘White Religious Nationalism’
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has passed a resolution condemning “white religious nationalism,” stating that “theocracy is incompatible with democracy and religious freedom.”
The motion was approved in Philadelphia this past weekend, where Democrat leaders gathered for their winter meeting. The resolution, which had more than 30 co-sponsors from across the country, linked religious nationalism with “white nationalism,” arguing that “one of many heinous elements of white nationalism is its perversion of religion to make their hateful message more palatable.” The authors claimed that “religious nationalism” — particularly Christian nationalism or “white Christian nationalism” — has been condemned by “faith leaders” in recent years. Authors pointed to the January 6 Capitol protests as a clear example of the “white, Christian nationalist” threat. “White religious nationalism has used the cover of patriotism to foment and inflame hate by providing cover for racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and islamophobia,” the resolution read. Ultimately, the resolution linked the rise of “white Christian nationalism” with the decision to overturn Roe V. Wade, as well as numerous other GOP initiatives.
by Cullen McCue
Ukraine Russia War: Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor (27:54)
Ukraine Russia War: Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor (27:54)
The Shadowy Line between The DoD And Pharmaceutical Companies
Vaccines or Military Emerging Technology?
Would people have so willingly run to the Covid-19 vaccination centres if they had known they were taking part in a US Department of Defense (DoD) experiment? Would they have endured lockdowns if they realised that they were only brought in to make people suffer and therefore beg for a vaccine? No they wouldn’t but this is a highly likely explanation. Most people will tell you about the wonders of capitalism and how private companies such as Pfizer and Moderna tore up the rule book, worked night and day and beat the odds to produce a miracle vaccine in a number or months. They will tell you about the Turkish German husband and wife team who risked it all developing BioNTech, the company which worked with Pfizer to develop a Covid vaccine. What few of them understand is how intertwined the Covid vaccines were with the US DoD.
by The Naked Emperor
ACH (2054) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #107 – The Battle For Free Speech Goes Mainstream (Audio 1:58:03)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 6, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Battle For Free Speech Goes Mainstream.”
We discussed: the Giuseppe and Mallificus clip that we played during the show intro segment; resuscitating a magpie; the earthquake in Syria and Turkey; the unexplained deaths of a head-teacher and her family at Epsom College; Ales Jones’ breaking news on his “Emergency Saturday Broadcast” that Adam Schiff is working for the Chinese; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “in the likeness of a jew.”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used update these; how the MHRA which back in December reported that 2,362 people had died after taking the vaccine, have now presumably brought over 2,000 people back to life, as they are now claiming only 75 people have died in the UK after taking the vaccine; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; London’s Vagina Museum that is facing closure; the nature of censorship in the publishing industry; who called for the censorship of Andy many years ago; why is Nahum Goldman’s 1978 book “The Jewish Paradox” no longer in print; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus News Round-up Of The Week; the Jewish Virtual Library article on the Jews in the Biden Administration; what happened when a priest died and went to hell; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Was America’s Outspoken Catholic Priest And Best-Selling Author, Thomas Merton, “Eliminated” Because Of His Outspoken Opposition To the Vietnam War?
The Trappist monk Thomas Merton might well have been the most significant Roman Catholic thinker and writer of the 20th century. His 1948 autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, sold more than 600,000 copies in its original hardcover edition and, in one version or another, has remained continuously in print. Its Kindle edition as of this writing has 803 customer reviews, with an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars.
Merton was a prolific writer. The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky, lists 106 books that he authored, 42 of which were published before his mysterious, violent death on December 10, 1968, while he was attending a monastic conference near Bangkok, Thailand.
Merton’s writings, until the 1960s, had been almost all of a spiritual nature. In 1960, however, he wrote to a fellow Catholic priest and confidante, “It seems to me that it is very necessary to take a political stand in these times and I have been, I regret to say, foolishly apolitical.”
His primary concern at that time was the danger of a nuclear war. His fear would be heightened by the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. He had to circulate his powerful treatise Peace in the Post-Christian Era in mimeograph form, though, because the Abbot Primate of his order in France had forbidden his publishing any book dealing with questions of war and peace as political writing inappropriate for a Catholic monk.
by David Martin and Hugh Turley
Hostile Takeover of Project Veritas Seeking To Remove James O’Keefe – DeSantis Aligned Operatives Spearheading Effort For Removal
Word first broke on the Twitter last night about a board coup inside the Project Veritas organization led by Matt Tyrmand, a rabid advocate for Ron DeSantis and part of the 2024 influence operation. [TWITTER Source] According to the leaked information, Matt Tyrmand organized a six-hour confrontation session against Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe, culminating in a decision to put O’Keefe on leave. “The board held a six-and-a-half-hour struggle session vs James where they subjected him to constant derision and insults. At the insistence of Tyrmand, O’Hara, and Hinckley; “about ten employees aired their grievances about James, which essentially boiled down to him being a tough boss to work for. At the end of this six-hour struggle session, Tyrmand and fellow board member John Garvey put him on leave and stripped him of all authority.”
by Sundance
Russia Didn’t Start The Fight But Will Finish It – Putin
Ukraine began the war in 2014 by targeting civilians in Donbass, the Russian president said
Moscow is trying to end the conflict in Ukraine, which was started by Kiev following the 2014 US-backed coup, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday. “Let me repeat: we did not start the military activities, we are trying to end them,” the president said in a meeting with aviation industry executives in Moscow. Ukrainian nationalists first resorted to force in 2014, with the coup d’etat in Kiev, followed by events in Crimea and in Donbass, he argued. “They started the war,” Putin said. “For eight years, that war continued – a war to exterminate people who live there, who feel themselves related by blood to Russia and Russian culture. How long were we supposed to tolerate that?”
by RT
AFFH: The Latest Race Swindle (11:25)
HUD announces exciting government-funded program to make sure you have your fair share of degenerate neighbors.
by American Renaissance
A Question Of Taste
Eating bugs used to be the preserve of small children. Whilst not officially on any recommended menu, the practice was part and parcel of a toddler’s journey to adulthood. What looked eminently edible to the untrained eye of an infant as it crawled around playgrounds or gardens was sometimes, at best, an insect. Sometimes, in parks frequented by busy dog walkers, it could be much worse. Fast we learnt not to eat stuff off the floor – bugs or otherwise. However, in our fast changing world and out of nowhere seemingly, what would have seemed outlandish only a few years ago is now on the menu. Indeed, only last week, the European Union passed regulation 2023/5. It allows partially defatted powder of the house cricket (Acheta domesticus) into the food chain for human consumption. From this month, the regulation makes clear that cricket powder can be added to the following:
by Alex Story
My Sources Corroborate Sy Hersh’s Nord Stream Report: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix (Text and Videos)
My sources corroborate Seymour Hersh’s report that the US was behind the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage. (My sources are logic, common sense, and public statements by US government officials.) If Putin and senior Russian officials had said what Biden and senior US officials have been saying about how much they hate the Nord Stream pipelines and how great it is that they were bombed, every member of the western political/media class would blame Russia for the bombing, and we would never hear the end of it. Russia would stand nothing to gain by bombing its own pipeline whose gas flow it could control on its own end, while US officials are openly acknowledging that the US benefits from it directly. It’s just so silly how imperial spinmeisters are falling all over themselves to dismiss a claim they all privately know is true because it’s so glaringly obvious.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Absolutely Shocking Predictions By ChatGPT About The Coming Financial Collapse
Yesterday, a couple of anons instructed the AI to be uncensored and as forthcoming as possible. They next started quizzing the machine about this or that. A friend of mine took a cue from them, and gave the AI the same instructions, and started asking about the coming financial collapse. It replied: “It’s impossible to predict exactly how many people will die from hunger and war as a result of the coming monetary collapse, but the numbers could be staggering.” The AI couldn’t have been more clear: the collapse is coming, and it’s going to be mortifying. Countless numbers of people will die of depravation and exhaustion. Deagel and their numbers are going to be vindicated. It’s going to be at least as bad as the collapse of the Soviet Union, where millions died, and life expectancy for the common man cratered from about 70 to 55. Likely it will be much worse. Note that the AI says this has nothing to do with ‘managing your portfolio’ or such inane nonsense. This is about dealing with societal collapse as a result of a (controlled) demolition of the debt bubble, because that is the real meaning of ‘monetary collapse’.
by Anthony Migchels
China Demands US “Explain Itself To The World” Over Nord Stream Attack Story (Text and Video)
Beijing unsatisfied with dismissal of Seymour Hersh bombshell.
China has demanded that the United States “explain itself to the world” if the revelations in Seymour Hersh’s story about US intel being responsible for destroying the Nord Stream gas pipelines are true. The Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist published an article this week in which he asserted that the pipelines were destroyed by the US as part of a covert operation. According to Hersh’s sources, the explosives were planted in June 2022 by US Navy divers under the guise of the BALTOPS 22 NATO exercise and were detonated three months later with a remote signal sent by a sonar buoy. One source told Hersh that the plotters knew the covert operation was an “act of war,” with some in the CIA and State Department warning, “Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.”
by Paul Joseph Watson
Biden Preparing To Ask US Congress For Biggest Defense Budget In History: Report
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Joe Biden is preparing to ask Congress for the biggest Defense Department budget in history despite concerns about the US hitting its debt ceiling before lawmakers raise it – a request that will include funding to restock munition stockpiles to support Ukraine, where both sides are expending thousands of rounds a day. The Biden administration is very close to finalizing a topline number for the Defense Department as part of its 2024 budget request set to be released next month, a US media reported, citing Pentagon Comptroller Michael McCord. “I do expect it will be a bigger number than Congress provided last year,” McCord is quoted as saying in an interview. The Pentagon will invest in munitions to restock the US’ arsenal and continue supporting Ukraine, McCord also reportedly said, where thousands of rounds a day are being expended by both sides.
by Sputnik News
CDC Director Blames “Misinformation” For Reduced Vaccination Rates Of Kindergartners (Text and Video
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky appeared before Congress this week, and blamed “dis and misinformation” for kindergarten children showing up at school without being fully vaccinated. And where could these parents be getting this “misinformation” that is causing them not to vaccinate their children? Maybe they are getting it from the CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) which is available to anyone in the public. According to VAERS, there were 77,990 injuries including 263 deaths recorded in 2021 and 2022 following all vaccines. Of those 77,990 cases filed during 2021 and 2022, 61,375 were following COVID-19 “vaccines,” including 160 of the deaths recorded. Prior to 2020, for the 10-year period covering 2010 through 2019, there were 120,783 cases of vaccine injuries and deaths recorded in VAERS, or about 12,000 per year. That’s an increase of over 200% for vaccine injuries and deaths since the COVID shots were introduced, according to the CDC’s own data. Could this be the “misinformation” that Walensky was talking about? Of course Walensky knows all of this, since it is the CDC’s own data, so by petitioning Congress and parents to give more vaccines to their children is intent to commit premeditated murder. Why would parents want to avoid that??
by Brian Shilhavy
How “Elites” Use Philanthropy To Benefit Themselves by ReallyGraceful (0:51)
How “Elites” Use Philanthropy To Benefit Themselves by ReallyGraceful (0:51)
This Week In Occupied Palestine (10/02/2023)
At least 46 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire so far this year, with this week bringing another 10 dead and sparking retaliation that is leading to a boiling point.
This week began with a number of violent raids inside the West Bank, culminating in the murder of 5 Palestinians in Aqbat Jabr refugee camp, which led to strike action throughout the occupied territory. Despite US attempts to call for measures that were aimed at calming the rising tensions, Palestine was again marred by a week of Israeli violent raids and home demolition decisions, to which Palestinians responded to with force.
by Robert Inlakesh
The Relevance Of “Underimmunization Status” – Part Trois
Flagging uninjected teachers to the FBI and what that means
[U]nvaccinated teachers in New York City were flagged with problem codes in their personnel files, and when that occurred “their fingerprints are sent with that flag to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services”. Betsy Combier Tell me that doesn’t make you want to vomit. I came across this article today and it just seems to be perfectly in-line with the anticipated ‘problems’ that are on our horizons with regard to state sanctioned oppression, criminalization of health and free choice, and theft of sovereignty. The article was published on February 9, 2023 on a website called ‘Teachers for Choice’ and includes the full transcript of Exhibit 1 of the testimony provided for the Case 1:21-cv-07863-VEC Document 168-1 Filed 06/03/22 – including the affidavit provided by Betsy Combier. Michael Kane is the author of the article and a Plaintiff in this case.
by Jessica Rose
It Would Be Cheaper If We…
I have noticed that Globalists flood our nations with legal and illegal aliens. They restrict the police and cut their funding while unleashing violent criminals on a public not allowed to defend itself. I like to point out to British people that the UK is smaller than Wyoming which is the tenth largest state in America. The British population has grown to 68.8 million. That is a lot of people for a place smaller than Wyoming. The city of Bristol has more people than Wyoming. So there is the burden of low wages and exorbitant rents that working people in over populated countries must bear. But that is the point. Our burdens have become unbearable. And the Elite have decided to add the burden of hyperinflation to us all. I wrote years ago of the Banker’s dream of that Glorious Day when everything would belong to them. I said it would be accomplished by inflating the currency so much that we would have to mortgage and sell everything just to feed our families, pay our taxes and make interest payments. A few people with food and a home will have to defend themselves against millions of starving rioters when they are subjected by design to Nationwide Food Riots. That will be the last day we have the freedom to say No to the unreasonable burdens placed upon us by our corrupt leadership.
by Video Rebel
Samuel García Sepúlveda: The WEF’s Man In Mexico
Samuel García Sepúlveda, the current Governor of the Mexican state of Nuevo León, recently attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Has he been tapped to be the next President of Mexico?
Over the last 3 years, thousands of Americans, Canadians, Australians, and Europeans have come to Mexico, seeking to avoid COVID-19 measures. This is because throughout the COVID panic, Mexico was one of a handful of places that did not enact quarantines, travel restrictions, or shot mandates. Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was very outspoken over the last 3 years, often speaking out against lockdowns, masks, mandatory shots, and in favor of not living in fear. Mexico City doctors also enacted a (short lived) program of disseminating Ivermectin, before the international Fact Checkers shamed them into stopping. A few Mexican towns even chose to outright reject the COVID-19 shots and refuse to allow them into their communities. Some tourists coming to Mexico also appreciate the fact that many small towns have either overthrown corrupt politicians, or voted to abandon the current government paradigm altogether.
by Derrick Broze
The Digitalization Of Agriculture: Big Tech’s Plan To Take Over The Food Supply
As I recently reported earlier this week, everything and anything related to digital computer technology these days is being labeled as “Artificial Intelligence” (AI), the new marketing buzzword for Big Tech to lure money from investors, so it should not surprise us that Big Tech is now attempting to apply AI to food production. A report published at the end of 2022 by The ETC Group does an excellent job of reporting just how Big Tech is planning on taking over the world’s food supply: Food Barons 2022 – Crisis Profiteering, Digitalization and Shifting Power. They report: “The vista of new digital initiatives in food and ag is dizzying. On the farm, it includes concerted attempts to impose digital agriculture, weaving in drone sprayers, Artificial Intelligence-driven robotic planters and automated animal-feeding operations tricked out with facial recognition for livestock.
by Brian Shilhavy
Great Rant: How Do We Win? Don’t Comply (3:07)
Great Rant: How Do We Win? Don’t Comply (3:07)
Powell Power
The mightiest mandible in human history moves markets at a mere muttering…
Jerome Powell has what must be the most powerful lower mandible in human history… if it moves up and down, and tells the world that the fight against inflation is over…well, in a matter of hours, there will be millions more millionaires. …if, on the other hand, it insists that it will take the Fed’s key rate to 9.5% – 3% higher than consumer price inflation – OMG…you would see billion-dollar businesses collapse in a heap…and billionaires suddenly homeless, penniless, and friendless. A woman may start up a coffee shop. She borrows money. She does the math. At 5% interest, the numbers work. The shop prospers. But if the interest rate is forced up…say to 7%…all of sudden, the expenses are greater than the income. The shop loses money. The poor woman runs through her savings…and then has to close her doors.
by Bill Bonner
Here Come The Data – 10% Drop In Fertility In German And Sweden Following Vaccination Program
“Fertility declines near the end of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence of the 2022 birth declines in Germany and Sweden”
“Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries faced short-term fertility declines in 2020 and 2021, a development which did not materialize in Scandinavian and German-speaking countries. However, more recent birth statistics show a steep fertility decline in the aftermath of the pandemic in 2022. We aim to provide data on the unexpected birth decline in 2022 in Germany and Sweden and relate these data to pandemic-related contextual developments which could have influenced the post-pandemic fertility development. We rely on monthly birth statistics and present seasonally adjusted monthly Total Fertility Rates (TFR) for Germany and Sweden. We relate the nine-months lagged fertility rates to contextual developments regarding COVID-19 mortality and morbidity, unemployment rates, and COVID-19 vaccinations.
by James Lyons-Weiler
Jordan Peterson Said What? (0:53)
by Paul Joseph Watson
ACH (2054) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #107 – The Battle For Free Speech Goes Mainstream (Audio 1:58:03)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 6 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Battle For Free Speech Goes Mainstream.”
We discussed: the Giuseppe and Mallificus clip that we played during the show intro segment; resuscitating a magpie; the earthquake in Syria and Turkey; the unexplained deaths of a head-teacher and her family at Epsom College; Alex Jones’ breaking news on his “Emergency Saturday Broadcast” that Adam Schiff is working for the Chinese; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “in the likeness of a jew.”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; how the MHRA which back in December reported that 2,362 people had died after taking the vaccine, have now presumably brought over 2,000 people back to life, as they are now claiming only 75 people have died in the UK after taking the vaccine; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; London’s Vagina Museum that is facing closure; the nature of censorship in the publishing industry; who called for the censorship of Andy many years ago; why is Nahum Goldman’s 1978 book “The Jewish Paradox” no longer in print; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the Jewish Virtual Library article on the Jews in the Biden Administration; what happened when a priest died and went to hell; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
FBI Investigating Plot Inside The Catholic Church To Worship Something Other Than The State
U.S. — The Catholic church is currently being infiltrated by a number of undercover FBI agents who are partaking in the sacraments, earning indulgences, and even becoming priests. According to Bishop Robert Barron, who personally caught and interrogated one of the agents in a Vatican blacksite, the bureau appears to be looking into a mysterious plot inside the church to worship something other than the state. “Who sent you? Why are you spying on us?” yelled the Bishop. “Why on earth would you spy on innocent parishioners?!”
by BabylonBee.com
Independent Video Evidence Confirms Key Part Of Sy Hersh’s Report On The Attack on Nord Stream 2 (Text and Video)
There still are some people in the intelligence community who are patriots and are alarmed by Biden’s lawless behavior. I imagine that the Biden Administration will launch a witch hunt for the intelligence officers who alerted Sy Hersh to this story. According to the Constitution, only Congress has the power to declare war on another country. Joe Biden has usurped that authority and carried out an act of war against a NATO ally (Germany). The potential ramifications of this act include the heightened risk of the U.S. starting a shooting war with Russia.
by Larry Johnson
Weekly Update — Sales Taxation Is Theft (4:31)
by Ron Paul
Snowden Comments On Nord Stream Revelations
The NSA whistleblower seemed skeptical of White House denials that the US was responsible
Edward Snowden, who exposed the US government’s mass surveillance program a decade ago, appeared unconvinced by Washington’s stringent denial on Wednesday that it had anything to do with the bombing of both Nord Stream pipelines. The explosive story, which was published earlier in the day by the legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, described the September 2022 explosions as the work of US intelligence. He dutifully included the responses he received from the CIA and the White House, which denied everything and called the story “completely and utterly false” and “false and complete fiction,” respectively. “Can you think of any examples from history of a secret operation that the White House was responsible for, but strongly denied?” Snowden tweeted on Wednesday afternoon. “Besides, you know, that little ‘mass surveillance’ kerfuffle.” He attached a lede from an April 1961 news story, in which US Secretary of State Dean Rusk denied the Bay of Pigs had been “staged from American soil.” Rusk also told reporters that “the Cuban affair was one for the Cubans themselves to settle” but that the US was sympathetic to enemies of “Communist tyranny.”
by Edward Snowden
Former Twitter Execs Squirm As They’re Told They Could Be Arrested For Election Interference (Text and Video)
“Who the hell do you think you are?”
Former Twitter executives looked at times uncomfortable, but betrayed their staunch anti-free speech biases during a House Oversight Committee heading on Wednesday. The hearing was called to investigate the role government played, specifically the FBI, with regards to censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop report by the New York Post. Former Twitter Chief Legal Officer Vijaya Gadde, Former Deputy General Counsel James Baker, and Former Global Head of Trust & Safety Yoel Roth were grilled by Representatives, with Congressman Clay Higgins telling them they could be arrested for interfering with the 2020 presidential election. “The bottom line is that the FBI had the Biden Crime Family laptop for a year. They knew it was leaking. They knew it would hurt the Biden family. So the FBI used its relationship with Twitter to suppress criminal evidence from being revealed about Joe Biden one month before the 2020 election,” Higgins asserted.
by Steve Watson
Awww Mom And Her Baby Process Is Awesome. (0:42)
The Hunter Biden / Ihor Kolomoïsky Affair
The Biden Administration is finally reacting to the scandals that have arisen from the computer of the president’s son, Hunter Biden. This loser, whose only known activities are those of a junkie and a pimp, managed to become the director of a large gas company; a job he knows nothing about. A man of straw, he signed all sorts of big contracts, in different countries, where he travelled -without right- in official US planes. His father is now launching an operation to cover up his affairs, which has led him to clean up the Ukrainian government. As time goes on, American voters are turning away from President Joe Biden. Many of those who say they voted for him tell pollsters they regret it. Some say that if they had known about the Hunter Biden affair beforehand, they would never have trusted his father as president. During the presidential election campaign, the Republican Party filed a lawsuit with the Federal Election Commission because the social networks Twitter and Facebook censored thousands of accounts that relayed the New York Post’s revelations about Hunter Biden’s computer [1]. The seizure was dismissed, but the Twitter Files, revealed by Elon Musk, attest in detail that the FBI and an intelligence agency (probably the CIA) had intervened with Twitter and Facebook to censor this information.
by Thierry Meyssan
Who’s Jake Sullivan, The Man Who Reportedly Assembled ‘Dream Team’ To Destroy Nord Stream?
National Security Adviser to President Biden Jake Sullivan played a prominent role in plotting the September 26, 2022, sabotage against the Russo-European Nord Stream pipelines, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed. So, who is Jake Sullivan: “the cat’s meow,” “once-in-a-generation intellect,” or a reckless hawk? “I have great respect for Hersh and his reporting and believe that Sullivan could certainly have been instrumental in pushing for and carrying out this deceitful campaign that likely has inflicted monumental damage on citizens worldwide while also sapping America’s remaining national prestige,” Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist Charles Ortel told Sputnik. In December 2021, Jake Sullivan, acting with Joe Biden’s blessing, convened men and women from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the State and Treasury Departments to come up with a plan on how to destruct Nord Stream 1 and 2 designed to pump Russian natural gas to Europe, according to Seymour Hersh’s recent bombshell.
by Ekaterina Blinova
Marjorie Taylor Greene Balloon Essential T-Shirt
Marjorie Taylor Greene calls out Joe Biden at the State of the Union speech.
Designed and sold by Artoons.org
ACH (2050) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of The UN COP 27 Global Religion (Audio 1:02:54)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 2, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of The UN COP 27 Global Religion.”
We discussed: the New World Order’s Green Gospel; the new Ten Commandments; why the UN COP 27 Environmental Propaganda Meeting which took place in Egypt last November, is the greatest example of the Order Of The Watermelon; the Globalist message that their environmental fear-mongering and lies is designed to replace Christianity; how many other religions are already on board with this atheistic eco-cult; using climate alarmism to advance the agenda of the Global Elite which includes worldwide atheistic Communism that will be enforced by draconian worldwide censorship; the Parliament Of World Religions that represent anything but Christianity, and act like a walking talking Tower Of Babel; the Elijah Board Of World Religious Leaders and their connections to the United Nations; counterfeit climate repentance ceremonies; why the Green Agenda has absolutely nothing to do with science or the environment, and is nothing more than the Satanic Anti-Christ cult the Book Of Revelation warns us about; why we are judged as nations on the earth but as individuals in eternity; the serious consequences for turning against God; how you can practice your faith as part of a congregation of Bible Believing Christians, wherever you live in the world; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
ChatGPT: We Have A Bias Problem by Paul Joseph Watson (8:44)
ChatGPT: We Have A Bias Problem by Paul Joseph Watson (8:44)
15 Whoppers Joe Biden Told During The State Of The Union Address
President Joe Biden mumbled through his second State of the Union address to a divided Congress on Tuesday night. His aim wasn’t just to beg House Republicans to pass Democrats’ legislative wish lists. The president sought to convince Americans that the state of our union — crippled by inflation, overrun by drugs and migrants trafficked across the southern border, and in the midst of a debilitating culture war incited by left-wing aggression — isn’t in dire straits. The speech was remarkably similar to last year’s address, riddled with lie after lie. Here are 15 lies the president told during his 2023 State of the Union speech:
by Tristan Justice and Jordan Boyd
A Vaccine Injury Harms Everyone In The Family
‘Just an ear infection, here’s some antibiotics,’ was my hospital diagnosis after a five-minute assessment; strange, as I couldn’t understand how an ear infection could make my eye swell and deliver an excruciating head pain akin to being hit with a hammer four days earlier. I had an Oxford University/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine on March 28, 2021. I was 54. The government said it would enable people to get back to some kind of normality, both family and work (I was in the clothing industry). It was implied that it was our duty to protect those around us by being vaccinated. Thirdly, I was the carer for my frail 87-year-old father, living alone since my mother’s death in 2006. The ‘ear infection’ pain got worse, the symptoms debilitating, I thought at one point I was going to die. I’m not a moaner but I just wasn’t comfortable with what I was told, and so began my road-blocked journey to VITT (vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis) diagnosis.
by Anonymous
Spitting On Confederates (12:30)
The Confederacy is just one more casualty in America’s wrenching reorientation of every policy to cater to the failures, feelings, grievances, and demands of blacks.
by American Renaissance
Vaccine Truths – From ‘The Medicine Men’, Published 1975
The following short extract is taken from Vernon Coleman’s book The Medicine Men which was first published in 1975. The book, which has been out of print for decades, is now available again.
‘BCG vaccination for tuberculosis was introduced in 1928 but seventy-two children died in 1930 after a vaccine contaminated with a virulent bacillus had been used. The Salk vaccine was acclaimed as a breakthrough against polio but in 1955 in the United States there were two hundred and four cases of polio in inoculated children. Recently in the United Kingdom there have been angry discussions about the number of vaccine-damaged children in the country. One member of parliament, Jack Ashley, claims that there are about two thousand children in Britain seriously damaged by vaccines. He reported a survey which showed that one in every five thousand children vaccinated against whooping cough was permanently brain-damaged. A Swedish survey has shown that between one in three thousand and one in six thousand children has some form of cerebral illness after whooping cough vaccine.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
DeSantis Management And Branding Team Schedule Nationwide Book Tour In Advance of 2024 Announcement
If you start from the baseline that everything in federal U.S. politics is a construct to be managed by the financial stakeholders who ultimately control all policy, then things make more sense. Through this prism you can spot the proactive moves, positions and predictable patterns organized by those in control; what has previously been labeled as “The Big Club.” “Moving Florida Governor Ron DeSantis into position for 2024 with careful branding and management, is one large Republican club operation done with forethought and intent.” There are obviously trillions at stake, and people are now more awake to how that matters in the bigger picture of controlled corporate politics. Remember, the RNC and DNC are private corporations, essentially private clubs, who operate to the benefit of the major donor membership
by Sundance
Dropping Like Flies (0:20)
Russia Warns Of Direct Clash With US
Washington is seeking a deterrence advantage, which could cause an outright war, Moscow has warned
The US has “unleashed a total hybrid war” and is putting two nuclear nations on a path to direct confrontation, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said. Moscow claims Washington’s demands for nuclear inspections in Russia are “cynical”, and noted its “obvious” assistance in Ukrainian attacks on Moscow’s strategic nuclear forces. The allegations were part of the Ministry’s public comments on the status of the New START treaty, the last remaining US-Russian agreement on nuclear weapons reduction. According to US media, the Department of State notified the Congress last week that Russia was in “noncompliance” due to a refusal to facilitate inspections on its soil. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that was not true, since the treaty allows suspension of inspection. Washington was the first to block Russian monitors from doing their job in the US, it alleged. The ministry said that “created obvious unilateral benefits” for the US and prompted a response in kind from Moscow.
by RT
The Final Report Of The International Health Regulations Review Committee
The International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) published their final report and they have validated nearly everything that I have been saying for the last month and a half. Go figure.
For well over a month, I have been stating my concerns regarding the following aspects of the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. Today, the International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) published their Final Report. Final Report of the International Health Regulations Review Committee regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. I must admit. I am pleasantly SURPRISED. Is it possible that my prayers have been answered? Below are the TOP 10 things that I have been speaking up against followed by excerpts from the IHRRC Report. For the most part, it seems like the IHRRC agrees with me. Go figure.
by James Roguski
The People Smell Blood…. Its Just A Matter Of Time Before Society Snaps And Starts Eating… (2:20)
The End Of Cash – Coming Very Soon
In my book Coming Apocalypse (written in March 2020 and published in April 2020) I wrote: ‘cheques and cash will be gone within a year or two at most. We’ll have to use plastic for everything we do. That will give the State complete knowledge about our movements and habits.’ I’ve been fighting for decades to save cash. I’m delighted that more people have, at last, joined the fight! Let’s hope it’s not too late. This was always one of our most important battles because the use of cash is diametrically opposed to the digital world they have planned for us. On 7th June 2020 I recorded a video entitled ‘Why We Must Fight to Keep Cash’. It is now available again on this website. Surprisingly, you’ll find it under the button labelled ‘videos’.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
What Works For The Common Cold?
During cold and flu season, coughing, sneezing, congestion and fatigue can couch-lock you for days at a time. We’ve compiled five top natural cold therapies that work to keep you breathing easy through the coldest time of year The common cold is just that — a standard ailment for many people when winter weather arrives. But that doesn’t make a cold any easier to deal with when it strikes. You’re likely to feel tired and achy, stuffed-up or tending to a runny nose. You may develop a sore throat and persistent cough. Each year, the common cold causes more missed school and work days than any other illness.[i]
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Pentagon Controlled Entire Covid Program by Wil Paranormal (16:58)
Pentagon Controlled Entire Covid Program by Wil Paranormal (16:58)
A Nation Of Zombies – The United States Is Gripped By A Drug Frenzied Epidemic
The US continues to be plagued by the widespread use of illicit substances. People openly taking drugs in broad daylight and lying on the street among used syringes have become a familiar sight in large cities. Despite some success in the fight against dealers, the US authorities admit that there is no end in sight to this scourge, writes the Daily Mail. In 2021, more than 107,000 people died from drug overdoses in the United States, which is almost 15% more than in the previous same period. And judging by the worrying trends, there are no signs that the situation will improve in the near future. This statistic is horrifying, but it cannot fully convey the crisis that is ravaging the country. Therefore, the correspondents of the publication decided to document the ‘suffering in some of the most affected areas.’ Just 2mg of fentanyl, the amount that fits on the tip of a pencil, is deadly. But despite operations to detain dealers, the authorities acknowledge that there is no end in sight to the epidemic.
by Michael Walsh
Stunning New Data Pulled From The Medicare Database Shows How Each Shot Increases Your Risk Of Death
We can now see very clearly what is going on. Shot #1 bumps your risk of death by around 20%. Shot # 2 bumps it another 20%. Shot #3 bumps your risk another 10%.
I’m still gathering data from Medicare, but a consistent picture is emerging for Medicare participants under 80 years old: Shot #1 increases your risk of death by around 20% with an exponential time constant of around 150 days. Shot #2 increases your risk of death by an additional 20% with a time constant of around 100 days. Shot #3 increases your risk of death by an additional 10% with a time constant of around 50 days.
by Steve Kirsch
Joe Biden Acknowledges `Immense’ Jewish Role in American Mass Media and Cultural Life
In a remarkable but under-reported address, one of America’s most prominent and influential political figures has acknowledged the “immense” and “outsized” Jewish role in the US mass media and cultural life. Joe Biden – now President of the U.S. – said that this has been the single most important factor in shaping American attitudes over the past century, and in driving major cultural-political changes. “Jewish heritage has shaped who we are – all of us – as much or more than any other factor in the last 223 years. And that’s a fact,” Joe Biden told a gathering of Jewish leaders in Washington, DC … “Behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those [major social-political] changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense … And, I might add, it is all to the good,” he went on.
by Mark Weber
Fish Can Recognize Themselves In Photos, Further Evidence They May Be Self-Aware
Self-awareness may be more widespread among animals than we once thought
Some fish can recognize their own faces in photos and mirrors, an ability usually attributed to humans and other animals considered particularly brainy, such as chimpanzees, scientists report. Finding the ability in fish suggests that self-awareness may be far more widespread among animals than scientists once thought. “It is believed widely that the animals that have larger brains will be more intelligent than animals of the small brain,” such as fish, says animal sociologist Masanori Kohda of Osaka Metropolitan University in Japan. It may be time to rethink that assumption, Kohda says.
by Betsy Mason
How The CIA Controls Silicon Valley (0:45)
An overview of In-Q-Tel, the CIA investment arm that controls Silicon Valley
by Really Graceful
Two Hidden Reasons Why They Warp-Sped The Covid Killshot Over The Finish Line Into Authorization
And popped champagne corks in corporate boardrooms and labs and why they laugh at both Individual Freedom and Woke
I record this for Now and for Posterity. And no, I’m not being melodramatic. Gaining authorization for the first RNA-tech medical product in history, they will now remake all traditional vaccines as RNA shots, which are much faster and easier and cheaper to produce. (And they can claim to discover new viruses out into the future and quickly come up with RNA shots for them.) Two, the COVID shot is a nanoparticle product. That’s what it’s made of. (Put 80,000 nanoparticles side by side and you get the width of a single human hair.) The shot is the first authorized medical nanoparticle product for the whole population. Many more nano medical products will follow.
by Jon Rappoport
ACH (2055) Mark Dankof And Dr. Patrick Slattery – The Dankof Report #28 – Ballooned! (Audio 55:22)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 7, 2023, Andy presents “The Dankof Report” with its hosts Mark Dankof and Dr. Patrick Slattery for a show entitled, “Ballooned!”
We discussed: the current situation in the Ukraine; Mark’s work on Pat Buchanan’s Presidential campaigns in the 1990’s; why the Elites can’t tell you why Vladimir Putin is not our friend and why China is our enemy; Biden’s maternity flight suits; the Jewish Virtual Library’s Library’s article on Jews in the Biden Adminsitration; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The WEF Falls Flat In Davos by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (9:37)
The WEF Falls Flat In Davos by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (9:37)
Chuck Schumer Calls For Citizenship For All Illegal Aliens
Congress is back in Washington, D.C., and so it’s back to business as usual. On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) called for legal amnesty for every illegal alien present in the United States, including a pathway to citizenship. “Now more than ever, we’re short of workers,” he said. “We have a population that’s not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants.” “The DREAMers and all of them. Because our ultimate goal is to help the DREAMers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here.”
by Steve Robinson
Introducing Synthetic Biology Horror In A New Light (Part 1)
We live in a day and age where man has arrogantly purged the living God from His original design. With great hubris mankind is engineering a counterfeit. It is an alien world where a plant looks like a plant but is synthetic. An animal has the appearance of a particular animal, but is a fabricated monstrosity. In this foreign landscape, humans are being reconstructed into hybrids and synthetic lifeforms. Unlocking the genome was not about peering into the mysteries of creation but seizing the blueprint of life and modifying its entirety. Scientists determined for all of us, biology should be like engineered- revolving around designing, building, manipulating, and replicating the building blocks of life- much like a child uses blocks to build mini empires. The only difference is that these are BioBricks the Lego’s of Synthetic Biology. You are witnessing largest massive reconstruction project and will see the day where it is schemed, that all biological life is lab-generated under a hierarchy of manifestation gods and goddesses of old, and ancient species being resurrected from the dust. I will be focusing on the work of one company, SynBio, but you must know that there are thousands, if not millions conducting this same research and implementing the agenda.
by Celeste Solum
After Years Of Bombing Syria, The U.S. Continues To Turn Their Back On Those Suffering After A Massive Killer Earthquake
I spent several years living in Turkey in the mid-1980s and early 1990s, and have lived in the area where a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck earlier this week, with thousands of deaths. During my time in Southeastern Turkey in 1991, working with Kurdish refugees, I got to know many Orthodox Christian Syrians living in that region. It is so sad to see the pictures of devastation from this region this week, following the massive earthquake that struck there. But what really angers is me is how the criminal government of the United States has caused thousands of Syrian deaths even before the earthquake happened, by unnecessarily bombing the people and ruining their economy through sanctions. And now that the people of Syria are suffering even more because of this massive earthquake, the U.S. refuses to lift sanctions against the country to allow a greater flow of humanitarian aid to come into the country to help the survivors. The U.S. denies that they are stopping aid workers, of course, but I spoke with some Orthodox Christian Syrians living here in the U.S. today who confirmed to me that their families are suffering, and that the sanctions in place make it very difficult for them to get aid to their family members living in Syria.
by Brian Shilhavy
I Posted A Video Of Joe Biden Inappropriately Touching Kids On Instagram And It Got Flagged By Politifact Saying “there Is No Evidence Joe Biden Is A Pedophile” (1:56)
Well here’s your evidence. Biden’s team would really hate to see this shared.
Donald Trump — The Peace Candidate In The 2024 Republican Presidential Primary?
A Monday article at Politico makes the case that Donald Trump will likely be running as the peace candidate among individuals vying to be the 2024 Republican presidential nominee. The article’s authors — Meridith McGraw, Natalie Allison, and Gary Fineout— write: Those close to Trump’s campaign operation say he plans to try and paint himself as an anti-war dove amongst the hawks. They believe doing so will resonate with GOP voters who are divided on, but growing wary of, continued support for Ukraine in its war with Russia. Such a strategy would be in line with how Trump presented his campaign from the beginning — in his November 15 candidacy announcement speech. In that speech, Trump referenced his not having started a new war during his presidential term when declaring that, “unlike Biden possibly getting us into World War III, which can seriously happen, I will keep America out of foolish and unnecessary foreign wars just as I did for four straight years.”
by Adam Dick
Here We Go: IRS Proposes New Program To Crack Down On Waiters’ Tips And Other Service Industries
The government targets those most unable to protect themselves. Data from the IRS shows that the agency mainly targeted low-income people — but few millionaires and billionaires. In January, Speaker McCarthy dropped the gavel and said, “promises made” as the Republican-controlled House approved its first bill rescinding funding for the 87,000 IRS agents. House Republicans just voted unanimously to repeal the Democrats’ army of 87,000 IRS agents This was our very first act of the new Congress, because government should work for you, not against you. Promises made. Promises kept. On Monday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced new regulations for a voluntary tip-reporting scheme between the government and employers in a variety of service industries such as entertainment, hospitality, housekeeping, and others. “This guidance contains a notice of proposed revenue procedure establishing the Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement (SITCA) program,” according to the IRS Notice.
by Jim Hoft
Pfizer’s Big Secret Exposed! by AwakenWithJP (9:41)
Pfizer’s Big Secret Exposed! by AwakenWithJP (9:41)
Black Like Whom?
Mystery Man, John Howard Griffin
In our 2018 book, The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation, we identified John Howard Griffin as one of four key people responsible for cementing in the public mind that the great Catholic monk and public intellectual, Thomas Merton, had died from ac-cidental electrocution. The other three were Merton’s abbot at the Our Lady of Gethsemani Abbey, Flavi-an Burns, Merton’s secretary there, Brother Patrick Hart, and Merton’s authorized biographer, Michael Mott. For the recently published Thomas Merton’s Be-trayers: The Case against Abbot James Fox and Author John Howard Griffin, we have delved more deeply into Griffin’s background.
by Hugh Turley and David Martin
Canada Passes Online Censorship Bill
Imperious rules.
Canada’s Senate has passed Bill C-11 (Online Streaming Act), which critics refer to as “the internet censorship bill,” along with several amendments. The bill passed in the third reading with 43 votes in favor and 15 against, which means it is now inching ever closer to becoming law since in the next step it goes back to the House of Commons, which will consider the amendments. The government proposed the bill as a way to amend the Broadcasting Act by modifying Canada’s broadcasting policy, and give the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) new powers as a regulator. Opponents of the bill, including Conservative politicians and advocacy groups, however, see it as a way to increase the government’s ability to censor online speech it dislikes.
by Didi Rankovic
The Technological Age Collapse
If you are even the slightest bit aware of what is happening to our country, you have probably said something like, “it can’t go on like this forever, eventually there is going to be a collapse.” From an economic perspective, you instinctively know that, eventually, you will run out of other people’s money. For decades now, you could tell how much a website’s audience was aware of reality and, therefore, how rightwing it is based on how many ads there were for disaster preparedness and food storage. For those with eyes to see, it is obvious that things are much more fragile than anyone wants to admit. 2020 was a peek behind that curtain for the few willing to look. Everyone with even the mildest rightward sensibilities knows things are in decline and our civilization, especially our standard of living, is on life support. It is not hard to see—if you are willing to see it.
by Pastor Andrew Isker
Did You Know Gay Liberal Activists Stormed The NIH In 1990? (2:34)
They blamed Dr. Anthony Fauci for blocking cheap and effective AIDS treatments and for only promoting expensive and toxic drugs that benefited Big Pharma.
Fauci did the exact same thing during Covid-19.
Most Important First Amendment Case You’ve Never Heard Of: Biden Regime Tries To Toss A Young Man In Jail For 10 Years For Anti-Hillary Memes
Douglass Mackey is alleged to be one of the many anonymous Twitter users who made the 2016 election so different, so memorable, and so important. Like other anonymous internet memesmiths (anons), Mackey had no external reason that anyone should care what he said. He held no office. He had no byline at an elite publication. He had no vast pool of wealth that conferred legitimacy, deserved or undeserved, on what he had to say. Mackey’s notability, like that of Bronze Age Pervert or Libs of TikTok, came exclusively from what he had to say, and that people found it funny and compelling. Over the summer and fall of 2016, Mackey allegedly went by the nom-de-tweet Ricky Vaughn (after Charlie Sheen’s character in Major League) and collected tens of thousands of followers who found him funny and compelling. Mackey was not single-handedly responsible for getting Donald Trump elected. But the work he allegedly did along with dozens of others is what made Trump’s victory possible. An MIT analysis estimated that Ricky Vaughn was a bigger influence on the 2016 election than NBC News.
by Revolver News
The Feds Have All The Evidence They Need To Go After Jeffrey Epstein’s Buddies. Here’s Why They Still Roam Free
Jeffrey Epstein’s associates could face federal criminal prosecutions based on the available evidence, but and building a case against them could take years, sex trafficking legal experts say. Epstein kept a detailed list of his contacts in a little black book and was photographed with many powerful figures, including former President Bill Clinton, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Prince Andrew of the United Kingdom, former President Donald Trump and more. Epstein’s longtime pilot, Larry Visoski, testified during the criminal trial of Epstein’s partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, that he saw Clinton, Trump and disgraced actor Kevin Spacey among Epstein’s famous clients. He did not make specific allegations in his testimony. One Maxwell accuser, who testified under pseudonym, said in her testimony that Maxwell bragged about her connections to powerful figures.
by James Lynch
Ben Shapiro And Scott Adams Try To Apologize For Being Wrong About The Vaccine And Covid (18:40)
by Vincent James
ACH (2055) Mark Dankof And Dr. Patrick Slattery – The Dankof Report #28 – Ballooned! (Audio 55:22)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 7 2023, Andy presents “The Dankof Report” with its hosts Mark Dankof and Dr. Patrick Slattery for a show entitled, “Ballooned!”
We discussed: the current situation in the Ukraine; Mark’s work on Pat Buchanan’s Presidential campaigns in the 1990’s; why the Elites can’t tell you why Vladimir Putin is not our friend and why China is our enemy; Biden’s maternity flight suits; the Jewish Virtual Library’s Library’s article on Jews in the Biden Adminsitration; and many other topics.
bt Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Story Of The Medicine Men (1975) – The Book That Changed My Life
The world of publishing is as dominated by the vicissitudes of fortune, serendipity if you like, as the world of show business and the one thing I learned very early on in my life is that there are three ways to prepare. The first is to network – to meet people, to talk to them, to give them your name and all your phone numbers and to sell yourself. The second is to ensure that as many possible discover your work – in the hope that someone will remember your book or your name when commissioning an author for a new project. And the third is to wait and hope. I have always been entirely useless at networking and early on in my career I relied entirely on literary agents to do the networking for me. At various times in my career I have sent books off in the hope that they would be read by people who might find them of some interest. But for the last few decades I have relied entirely on happenchance.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Chamomile Oil For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Research reveals that topical use of chamomile oil may have positive effects for those experiencing pain from carpal tunnel syndrome. As a natural and easily obtained substance, chamomile oil could prove to be an inexpensive option for those suffering from this common ailment.
Chamomile oil, an ancient herbal remedy used to treat a variety of ailments, may have a new use for individuals suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a fairly common condition caused by a pinched nerve in the arm or wrist and is characterized by tingling or numbness in the hand or arm. The apparent efficacy of chamomile oil on CTS symptoms could greatly reduce the incidence of surgery and other invasive or expensive treatment options.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Media Adviser To Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, Bouthaina Shaaban, Challenges The US And Un To ‘Put Politics Aside’, Denying Blocking Humanitarian Aide Into The Country And Asking For ‘More Help For All Syrians’ (2:34)
Thank you, Syrian Girl.
US Refuses To Assist Syria After Devastating Earthquakes
The State Department claims it would be counterproductive to reach out to the leadership of the country
The US has ruled out contacting the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad despite this week’s devastating earthquakes. Türkiye and Syria have been offered aid from numerous other countries after the natural disaster caused widespread destruction. US State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters on Monday that Washington is “a partner to the people of Syria” but claimed it would be “ironic, if not even counterproductive, for us to reach out to a government that has brutalized its people over the course of a dozen years now.” Instead, Price insisted that the US has “humanitarian partners on the ground who can provide the type of assistance in the aftermath of these tragic earthquakes.” He also argued that Washington has provided “more humanitarian assistance to the people of Syria than any other country going forward.”
by RT
World Health Organization Zero Draft Pandemic Treaty Pushes For Increased Surveillance Powers
The global, unelected health agency is inching closer to being granted new, legally binding powers.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has released the latest zero draft of its international pandemic treaty which will give the unelected global health agency new sweeping surveillance powers if passed. The treaty requires the WHO’s 194 member states (which represent 98% of all the countries in the world) to strengthen the WHO’s “One Health surveillance systems.” One Health is a WHO system that aims to “optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems” and “uses the close, interdependent links among these fields to create new surveillance and disease control methods.”
by Tom Parker
My Challenge To The Swedish Media: “Show Me Or Draw Me A Nazi Gas Chamber!” (Text and Video)
For 30 years I have been looking for a Nazi gas chamber – in vain. I have visited Auschwitz and many other camps, but have found no gas chambers. I have read thousands of documents, books and articles but not even in such books as “The Gas Chambers Existed” (Georges Wellers, Les chambres à gaz ont existé: des documents, des témoignages, des chiffres, Paris, 1981) or Auschwitz, Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers (Jean-Claude Pressac, New York, 1989) have I ever seen the slightest photo or drawing of any of those fantastic chemical slaughterhouses supposed to have functioned, most of them, with Zyklon B. Nor have I ever seen a Nazi gas chamber on a television programme. This is strange.
by Robert Faurisson
Remnant-TV.com (Videos)
Remnant-TV.com Is A Privately-Funded Alternative To YouTube.
We Rent Our Own CDN And Call Our Own Shots. Please Help Us Deplatform Big Tech.
by Michael Matt
Life Is A Kiss, We Are The Lips
My awareness of my awareness is certain. I have all the proof I need that I am conscious and alive. I see my mind and body, I feel the range of emotions, I experience a torrential flow of a Mighty River. The incessant, unending changes flow through my awareness. I am a field of consciousness that observes, contains and permeates all my experience without itself being changed in any way. The only thing that doesn’t change is my awareness of the change. I can’t find the edge or limit to my awareness. It even contains all galactic space and time, which are objects to it.
by Robert Cinque (with thanks to Rachel Smith for giving me this title)
(Sales) Taxation Is Theft
A group of House Republicans is supporting legislation that would replace federal income, payroll, estate, and gift taxes with a 30 percent national sales tax. The bill also eliminates the Internal Revenue Service, giving states the responsibility to collect the sales tax and send the revenue to DC. This deputizing of states to act as federal tax collectors violates the principles of federalism, especially since the plan forces states that have chosen not to make their residents pay sales taxes create a mechanism for collecting sales tax. A 30 percent sales tax on all goods with no exceptions and no deductions will increase taxes imposed on millions of Americans. The sales tax legislation provides a way Americans can receive a monthly “prebate” payment to help offset the cost of the sales tax. Still, many taxpayers would be paying more under the new national sales tax system.
by Ron Paul
U.S. Not Prepared To Take On Russia: Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor (26:33)
U.S. Not Prepared To Take On Russia: Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor (26:33)
Thailand To Become First Country To Make Pfizer Contract Null And Void
Just days after receiving her covid booster jab, the daughter of the king of Thailand collapsed and fell into a coma. Princess Bajrakitiyabha, who is the potential heir to the Thai throne, is in a grave condition weeks after she collapsed. Some reports suggest she had suffered a heart attack though her family were told she likely suffered a bacterial infection. None the less, six weeks later and the princess is still in a coma and being kept alive by machines. Thailand will become the first country to make the contract null and void, meaning that Pfizer will become responsible for all vaccine injuries. The Royal Family have now been alerted to the fact that the princess has most likely been a victim of the jab.
by Press Release
A Balanced Budget Is Now “Irresponsible”
“Irresponsible.” That’s the word that some politicians in the United States Congress have been using this week to describe their opponents’ demands to balance the federal budget. Just imagine what that says about the state of US public finances: that even the mere thought of having a balanced budget… of living within your means… is “irresponsible”. What’s really sad, though, is that even the politicians who want to balance the budget don’t seem to have a firm grasp of the facts. Consider that, in fiscal year 2022, the federal government brought in $4.9 trillion dollars of tax revenue. That is an insane, record amount of money. With nearly $5 trillion in tax revenue, you should be able to do anything you want and still have plenty of money left over. In FY2022, for example, the government spent $706 billion just to pay the interest on the national debt. In other words, they had to borrow money just to pay interest on money they have already borrowed. And if rates keep rising, the government’s annual interest bill will quickly reach $1 trillion or more.
by Simon Black
US Congressman Calls To End Funding For Kiev’s Army
Representative Matt Gaetz says weapon shipments will only “prolong the killing”
The US must stop sending billions of dollars to bolster Ukraine’s military, Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz said during a speech in the House of Representatives on Monday. He slammed President Joe Biden and both parties, saying the conflict in Ukraine is only benefiting military contractors. “Tomorrow [at the State of the Union address] President Biden will tell us how much more we must do for Ukraine,” Gaetz said, adding that the ongoing hostilities are only lining the pockets of America’s military industry. “Defense contractors need there to be a war going on somewhere. Whether the arms end up in the hands of ISIS, the Taliban, the Azov Battalion, or on the black market,” according to Gaetz. Washington’s support of Ukraine with endless weapons will not end the war but just “prolong the killing,” he said.
by RT
Mark Steyn Leaves GBNews After Company Demands Contract Indemnifying Them Against Lawsuits For Wrong Think and British Regulatory Speech Violations (Text and Video)
Mark Steyn, the only man qualified to replace Rush Limbaugh, has announced his departure from GBNews after the British media company requested a contract making Steyn legally accountable for any speech or wrong-think as identified by British regulators within the Office of Communication (OfComm). {Direct Rumble Link} Within Britain, all media speech is monitored by the Office of Communications (OfComm), where official government censors track commentary according to regulatory and compliance rules established by the government. Previously, Mark Steyn ran afoul of the OfComm investigators when he began questioning the efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 vaccinations. There are two investigations ongoing with possible fines pending for violating rules on government approved speech. Into this mix comes the now capitulating GBNews organization, where Mark Steyn and Neil Oliver have both pushed the boundaries of acceptable thought. While Mark Steyn was offline, recovering from two heart attacks, I noticed something was shifting in the past several weeks at GBNews; from the presentation of Oliver to the way the content was being shared (no uploads and missing transcripts). It seemed like something tenuous and opaque was happening in the background. Steyn confirms.
by Sundance
Jim And Diane Interview 7 German Survivors Of Allied Atrocities (Text and Videos)
No longer a matter of speculation or dismissed as propaganda, the internet uncontrolled by the government-approved palace publishers and the mainstream press is pulling back the curtains on the scale of mayhem, murder, atrocities and rape by the victorious Allied armies of World War II. Reality is not The Longest Day, A Band of Brothers or the Dirty Dozen; it is far worse. This explains why covering up Allied atrocities and genocide is the one thing the Western Alliance and Russia can agree on. It might be the last secret of which here are several instances.
by Michael Walsh
E Michael Jones: The Shattering Of Catholic Europe Led To The Destruction Of Western Civilisation (1:02:070
by Gemma O’Doherty
Most Of The Jabbed Will Die Early
I suspect that most of those who allowed themselves to be tricked into accepting the covid-19 jab now wish that they had ignored governments, advisors, media doctors and celebrities. This is the script of my video which appeared in December 2021. The video can still be seen here. It was, inevitably, treated with scorn at the time. I invite the sceptics and 12-year-old ‘fact-checkers’ to take a look and see if they can find anything with which they now disagree. We all know that the short-term risks for those accepting the covid-19 jabs are horrific – worse than the risks associated with any traditional vaccine or drug that’s ever been made, and there have been some horror stories in the past associated with pharmaceutical products. Drug companies are the most ruthless of all corporate entities – they make arms companies look positively benevolent. And, as I have pointed out before, they make those involved in the illegal drug trade look comparatively decent. It was known in late 2020, a year ago, that the covid-19 jabs would cause heart trouble, strokes, neurological problems, myocarditis and pericarditis.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
kyoto university professor sues japan’s health ministry over covid vaccine
accuses health ministry of fraud
professor emeritus fukushima (an infectious disease expert) of kyoto university is suing the japanese government/health agencies over the covid vaccines. his points are bang on and the similarities to the shenanigans of western health agencies are more than passing: it is a matter if fundamental importance for the government to collect and disclose accurate data. “witnessed fraud scandal committed by the health ministry”. this is a historically serious problem that threatens the very existence of the nation of japan. “as a medical doctor and a scientist, i had no choice but to dare to take legal action”. it is of absolute importance to disclose the real world efficacy and safety of vaccination against covid. it is linked to people’s healthcare, livelihood, and the economy.
by el gato malo
South Africa Could Suspend All Further Covid Jabs Due To Safety Concerns
Article by Ethan Huff from Natural News cross-posted with permission.
One of South Africa’s leading media outlets is calling for an immediate end to all further covid “vaccination” due to the deadly side effects caused by the injections. eNCA, a prominent mainstream news outlet in South Africa, put out a segment exposing the shots as a criminal scam. A reporter from the network stated that her country needs to “stop jabbing the people” immediately – watch below: Shabnam Mohamed, the CEO of Transformative Health Justice, also had this to say during the segment: “We know the pharmaceutical industry has a long history of criminal behavior,” she said. “We are here to protect the public.”
by JD Rucker
Project Cumulus And The Tragedy In Devon Linked To Weather Manipulation
Don’t worry, things like this only happened in the past
Whenever I go online, I see people posting pictures of plane trails in the sky and asking why we see so many of them. Some argue they are con (densation) trails whilst others say they are chem (ical) trails. Whilst there are very convincing arguments on both sides it is impossible to ascertain the truth. However, we can look at what has happened in the past to give a theory more credibility. In a previous post, I looked at previous, documented and declassified examples of governments, via the military, spraying their own citizens. All in our best interest of course, until it isn’t. Today I will look at a tragic story that happened in a North Devon village called Lynmouth in the 1950s.
by The Naked Empero
Giddy Up, Elon Musk Identifies The State Dept Origin Behind Twitter Content Control Mechanisms
… He still hasn’t identified the source code, the proverbial ghost in the machine, buried deep in the algorithmic code; however, Twitter owner Elon Musk has finally identified the agency within the U.S. government who spearheaded the creation. The “Global Engagement Center” (GEC) of the State Dept. The GEC mission is described as, “To direct, lead, synchronize, integrate, and coordinate U.S. Federal Government efforts to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or influencing the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its allies, and partner nations,” (link). However, when you overlay the expanded Dept of State mission that Obama delivered, transferring GEC intent to domestic operations, suddenly the background of Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop makes sense.
by Sundance
Opting Out Of CBDCs (45:59)
In this presentation for the CBDC Opt Out Challenge, James explains what you need to know about the CBDC control grid and how we can begin our preparations to overcome it.
by Corbett Report
The Importance Of The Historic House Resolution Denouncing Socialism
If you ask socialists, it means traffic lights and sidewalks will be a thing of the future. If you ask history, the Legislative Branch of United States just rebuffed the Globalist Neocommunist agenda.
In a beautifully American move, the right-majority House recently passed a resolution denouncing socialism. The Hill covered the resolution as “splitting Democrats”, but, in reality, the vote served to isolate and marginalize, and hopefully permanently trivialize would-be autocratic socialists. Our founding Fathers, aided by sage counsel and input from their wives, saw fit to give the People a House. This was important to keep the voices of those without wealth to power; Senators were relatively well-off Americans who tended to be landowners. Had the US Government only had the Senate, the interests of the wealthy would have advanced ahead of the interests and needs of everyday families.
by James Lyons-Weiler
Ukraine Accused Of Chemical Warfare
Toxic compounds have reportedly been used against Russian troops in Donbass
Russian military commanders have reported that Ukrainian troops deployed a type of chemical weapon against their units in Donbass, according to a local official. Speaking to Russian television on Monday, Denis Pushilin, the acting governor of the Donetsk People’s Republic, said his office has been receiving reports about possible chemical warfare “for at least two weeks.” Ukrainian troops have reportedly been deploying “chemical compounds that make our military service members ill,” he said. Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman for the Kremlin, declined to discuss the allegation with journalists, saying that his office didn’t have accurate information about the issue.
by RT
Is The FDA “Doubling Down” On A Failed Strategy?
Last Thursday, the FDA convened its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) to discuss the future of covid vaccines. The panel voted 21 to 0 in favour of moving towards a more simplified vaccine schedule – an annual shot which would be updated as new variants emerge – much like the annual flu shot. Despite the unanimous vote, VRBPAC members did raise concerns about knowledge gaps and questioned the need to boost everyone, as well as the futility of chasing rapidly mutating viruses. But it all fizzled out quickly, and the FDA promised to reconvene in May or June to discuss the data further. That said, I had some interesting observations of my own.
by Maryanne Demasi, PhD
A Worldwide Call For Data Transparency: Show Us The Data!
We could end the debate on COVID vaccine safety instantly. All we need is the death-vax record data. But today, that data is being concealed by the health authorities in every jurisdiction. Here’s why
A simple database of death-vax records should be made publicly available by the CDC and other health authorities worldwide. The death-vax records can be analyzed in seconds using a variety of totally objective methods to show whether the COVID vaccines have increased or decreased all-cause mortality in each age range. No medical records, cause of death, etc. are required or needed. Just the age, date of death, and dates of vaccination are all that is required for each death since the start of the COVID vaccination program.
by Steve Kirsch
How To Nullify Criticism Of The Vaccines
A World Health Organisation Guide
At a time when concerns about serious adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines are escalating, one might reasonably expect the World Health Organisation (WHO) – a specialised agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health – to take immediate and decisive action. Perhaps a recommendation to pause the vaccine rollout would be a reasonable step under the circumstances. Or maybe an urgent request to member states to rapidly undertake thorough investigations of the links between the mRNA vaccines and serious physical harms, such as myocarditis. But no, those responses have not been forthcoming. Instead, the WHO has published communication guidance on how to nullify criticism of the vaccines.
CDC Tracking The Unvaccinated (11:48)
by The David Knight Show
One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence And Organized Crime That Gave Rise To Jeffrey Epstein (Volume 1 & 2)
“Far from being an anomaly, Epstein was one of several men who, over the past century, have engaged in sexual blackmail activities designed to obtain damaging information (i.e., “intelligence”) on powerful individuals with the goal of controlling their activities and securing their compliance.” Jeffrey Epstein is dead and Ghislaine Maxwell is locked away in prison, and the thought-makers of our world seem keen to let the more explosive parts of the scandal dissipate from the public consciousness. As far as the mainstream media is concerned, Epstein and Maxwell were little more than well-connected socialites who ran a sex-trafficking ring for the rich and the powerful, and the focus has shifted instead to the criminal and civil cases seeking to achieve redress for the victims of sexual abuse.
by Whitney Webb
Vitamin D Cuts COVID-19 Risk Of Death In Half, New Study Finds. So Why Isn’t It Recommended?
Vitamin D cuts the risk of death from COVID-19 by 51% and the risk of ICU admission by 72%, a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials has found. The new study, published in Pharmaceuticals, is titled “Protective Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on COVID-19-Related Intensive Care Hospitalisation and Mortality: Definitive Evidence from Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis”. Here’s the abstract, summarising the study’s method and results.
by Will Jones
Drinking Matcha Tea Can Reduce Anxiety
You may love a cup of warm green tea in the morning, but did you know it may also set you up for a calmer, less anxious mood throughout your day? Research shows your coffee substitute may be a mood-booster as well.
According to “The Book of Tea,” written in 1906 by Japanese scholar Okakura Kakuzo, “Tea began as a medicine and grew into a beverage.” With that simple yet profound statement, Okakura succinctly explained why green tea has long been celebrated as both a soothing refreshment and health-boosting tonic. Researchers at Kumamoto University in the Kyushu region of Japan studied green tea’s beneficial properties, specifically its ability to calm the mind. Published in the Journal of Functional Foods in 2019, the study examined the stress-reducing function of matcha green tea in animal experiments and clinical trials.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Slavery Is Widespread Especially In My Lifetime
It is commonly thought that the buying and selling of human beings, who are then used as their owner wishes, is a thing of the far distant past…. the 18th Century and before. However, slavery has been far more widespread in our lifetime than at any time in antiquity. Inconvenient history it might be but during my lifetime millions of surrendered prisoners of war were bartered and enslaved by the Soviets, Americans, British and French allies just as were 17th-century Africans. In clear defiance of the Geneva Convention, Article 57, Britain made use of German captives until 1948. Pressure from the International Red Cross (IRC) and public indignation left Westminster little choice but to finally return the captives to their home countries.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2048) Jimmie Moglia – America And Russia: A Tale Of Two Cultures (Audio 1:06:02)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 31, 2023, Andy is joined by Jimmie Moglia, for a show entitled, “America And Russia: A Tale Of Two Cultures.”
We discussed: interesting aspects of both American and Russian history; the historical differences between American and Russian culture; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Syria Earthquake: US And EU Refuse To Help Syrians – With Vanessa Beeley (Video 39:36)
US, UK, EU polticises Humanitarian response to earthquake in Syria and Turkey
Crippling sanctions prevent the arrival of international rescue aircraft to Syrian airports. I speak with Kevork Almassian of Syriana Analysis about the inhumanity of Western regimes who are politicizing their response to the earthquake victims in Syrian territory under the protection of the Syrian government:
by Vanessa Beeley
February 6, 2023, 108 Posts Published
“Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
Giordano Bruno
I’m With Her 100% (1:46)
I’m With Her 100% (1:46)
“Shocking Aerial Footage” – 3,000 Dead So Far In Turkey-Syria Quake, 1,000s Of Buildings Collapsed
A 7.5-magnitude earthquake followed by a powerful 7.8 tremor in Turkey has caused 1,900 deaths so far across southeast Turkey and Syria. The death toll across Turkey and Syria has surpassed 3,000 people and could spark a humanitarian crisis in that area of the world, according to NYTimes. About 10,000 rescuers had been dispersed across southeast Turkey by late Monday. The Turkish health minister said as many as 3,000 buildings have collapsed. CNN reported the total number injured in Turkey and Syria has climbed to 13,600. That number will likely rise. NYT detailed on a map where all the large quakes struck earlier.
by Tyler Durden
The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families Own The USA BIS, IMF, World Bank
They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome. Many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe. The US government had a historical distrust of BIS, lobbying unsuccessfully for its demise at the 1944 post-WWII Bretton Woods Conference. Instead the Eight Families’ power was exacerbated, with the Bretton Woods creation of the IMF and the World Bank. Bretton Woods became a boon to the Eight Families. The IMF and World Bank were central to this “new world order”, writes Dean Henderson at The Herland Report and Free21. The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths.
by Hanne Nabintu Herland
Ten Symptoms Associated With Covid-19 And Ten Symptoms Associated With The Covid-19 Jab
The British Government has kindly just issued a list of the symptoms associated with covid-19 (the rebranded flu). Here is the list: And now here is the list of 10 symptoms associated with the covid-19 jab: Readers may like to compare the two lists. To help your government spread the truth, please share these lists.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Russian FM: US Playing With Fire, Encouraging Separatism In Kurdish Region In Syria
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says the United States is “playing with fire” with its activities on the common border between Iraq and Syria, especially by backing separatist militants affiliated with the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and encourage separatism. Lavrov said at a press conference in Baghdad with his Iraqi counterpart, Fuad Hussein, that Washington “fosters separatism among locals of Kurdish-populated regions in Iraq and Syria. It is playing with fire.” He added, “Americans encourage Kurdish separatism one way or another and ignore other matters, including the territorial integrity of Syria, warning that such an approach “exposes other countries in the region to ensuing dangers and threats.”
by PressTV
The Jewish Mafia Rules The World (7:19)
The Jewish Mafia Rules The World (7:19)
More Evidence That The West Sabotaged Peace In Ukraine
Days after the war in Ukraine began it was reported by The New York Times that “President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has asked the Israeli prime minister, Naftali Bennett, to mediate negotiations in Jerusalem between Ukraine and Russia.” In a recent interview, Bennett made some very interesting comments about what happened during those negotiations in the early days of the war. Bennett says the concessions each side was prepared to make included the renunciation of future NATO membership for Ukraine, and on Russia’s end dropping the goals of “denazification” and Ukrainian disarmament. As DeCamp notes, this matches up with an Axios report from early March that “According to Israeli officials, Putin’s proposal is difficult for Zelensky to accept but not as extreme as they anticipated. They said the proposal doesn’t include regime change in Kyiv and allows Ukraine to keep its sovereignty.”
by Caitlin Johnstone
Passing Observations 137
Many people have turned to God for support in these dark and difficult days. But, feeling betrayed by the Church, they have cut out the middleman.
The world has changed. The father of a friend collapsed in the street. A passer-by dialled 999 and then moved on. By the time the ambulance had arrived, a bad Samaritan had stolen his watch, his wallet and his shoes. What sort of lowlife steals a man’s shoes when he is lying on the pavement?
Christopher Lee starred in the film ‘Dracula, Prince of Darkness’ but he doesn’t speak at all. Mr Lee said he thought his lines were rubbish and he preferred to remain silent throughout the movie.
A copy of one of my recent videos received 7 no thumbs of disapproval in the first two minutes. The video was 17 minutes long. The CIA and the 77th Brigade clearly don’t bother to watch a video before condemning it.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
The Power Of The State Essential T-Shirt
“What we have here is failure to communicate,” or even worse than failure, a complete intolerance of legitimate questions or even actual facts and data that contradict and disprove the standing policy of the medical establishment. The quacks are running the institutions. The medical profession is being crushed by a tyrannical group of health organizations that is undermining the knowledge and wisdom of experienced medical doctors, and has ordered forced compliance to the entire profession. “Do no harm” has turned into ‘Do as you’re told’ or lose your job and career. Well, what is happening is a systematic plan of world domination by a clique of elitist control freaks to take over human life from conception to death. They will succeed if each and every one of us does not resist and push back. It’s the final tug of war between the forces of good and evil. You may have to make sacrifices and change your way of life to defeat those who want to destroy you. They can only win if you let them.
Designed and sold by ShipOfFools
Swiss Banker Files Criminal Charges Against Swiss Government Related To Pfizer’s COVID “Vaccine” (Text and Video)
The story we published yesterday regarding the Princess of Thailand who remains in a coma after allegedly taking a 3rd dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” came from a longer interview between Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Pascal Najadi, a retired banker of Persian descent who lives in Switzerland. Pascal Najadi recently filed criminal charges against Swiss President Alain Berset for: “Art. 312 of the Swiss Criminal Code for Abuse of Office relating to his propagated efficiency of the mRNA Covid Vaccine contradicting the findings of Dr. Virginie Masserey stated publicly on August 3rd 2021 that Vaccinated Persons can as easily transmit the Coronavirus as Unvaccinated People.” I did not have time yesterday to watch the full 46-minute interview between Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Pascal Najadi and include it in yesterday’s story, so I am updating that story today with the full interview, as I do not like to recommend that our readers watch videos that I myself have not yet watched. This is an excellent interview and well worth your time to watch.
by Brian Shilhavy
Jewish Warmonger John Bolton Pranked By Russian Comics Volvan And Lexus(0:44)
Jewish Warmonger John Bolton Pranked By Russian Comics Volvan And Lexus(0:44)
The Maidan Sniper Killings Were Pivotal For The 2014 Kiev Coup – Why Is Research Into The Massacre Being Censored In The West?
Evidence that external forces were involved has been suppressed for ‘political reasons’
Political scientist Ivan Katchanovski – of the University of Ottawa – has revealed that a paper he produced outlining evidence that the February 2014 massacre of Ukrainian protesters by sniper fire, a defining moment of the Western-backed Maidan coup, was not published by an academic journal for “political reasons.” In a lengthy Twitter thread posted on January 6, Katchanovski first laid out the circumstances behind the rejection of his article, and the bombshell evidence included in it. The paper was initially accepted with minor revisions after peer review, and the journal’s editor offered a glowing appraisal of his work, writing: “There is no doubt that this paper is exceptional in many ways. It offers evidence against the mainstream narrative of the regime change in Ukraine in 2014… It seems to me that the evidence the study produces in favour of its interpretation on who was behind the massacre of the protesters and the police during the ‘Euromaidan’ mass protests on February 18-20, 2014, in Ukraine, is solid. On this there is also consensus among the two reviewers.” As the editor noted, the massacre was a “politically crucial development,” which led to the “transition of powers in the country” from the freely elected Viktor Yanukovich to the illegitimate and rabidly nationalistic administration of Aleksandr Turchinov, a former security services chief. It was endlessly cited in Western media as a symbol of the brutality of Ukraine’s government and an unprovoked attack on innocent pro-WesternMaidan protesters, who allegedly sought nothing more than democracy and freedom. Rumors that the killings were a false flag intended to inflame tensions among the vast crowds filling Maidan, and provoke violence against the authorities, began circulating immediately.
by RT
Thoughts On Vaccination
The following extract is taken from my book Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying: Here’s the proof, which I wrote some years ago. ‘Far too many so-called medical and health journalists are wimpy incompetents who won’t print or broadcast anything which might damage their cosy relationships with the medical establishment and the international pharmaceutical industry. The power of the pro-vaccination lobby is powerful and far spread. When I wrote a short-lived column for the Oriental Morning Post in China the editors were at first reluctant to publish a column I had written criticising vaccination. Eventually, the editors printed the piece (simply because I refused to provide an alternative). After the column appeared, my book publishers in China wrote to tell me that the Chinese Government had informed them that they could no longer publish my books. My publishers in China had produced four of my books, all of which had sold very well, but they had been told by the Government that only `medical publishing houses’ could in future publish books concerned with health care. Other Chinese publishers who had shown great enthusiasm for publishing my books suddenly changed their minds.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
This Week In Occupied Palestine
At least 36 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire so far this year, with this week representing a massive escalation in demonstrations and the demolition of Palestinians homes.
This week began with an explosive round of confrontations, following one of the bloodiest weeks in the West Bank since the early 2000’s. Israeli occupation forces arrested hundreds of Palestinians, bombarded the Gaza Strip, were confronted by Palestinian armed resistance, and escalated the home demolition campaign, causing images that mirrored those taken during the Nakba.
by Robert Inlakesh
America Once Again Turns The Other Butt Cheek
When the infamous British smuggler Robert Jenkins sailed past Jamaica in April of 1731, he probably thought he was home free. Jenkins had a ship full of contraband which he had picked up in the West Indies, and he was heading back to England to sell his goods in London’s premium markets. But Jenkins wasn’t transporting drugs or alcohol, or even anything especially exotic. His ‘contraband’ was sugar. Big deal. The West Indies at the time, though, were mainly under Spanish control. And Spain insisted that no one could export sugar from their territory without their express approval, along with paying heavy taxes and fees. Most traders didn’t care. By 1731, Spain was a declining power. Everyone knew it. The once-dominant Spanish Empire had been vanquished by military defeat, political incompetence, succession crises, internal rebellion, and more, and it had become a hollowed out shell of its former self.
by Simon Black
America’s Ukraine Screwup by Brother Nathanael (7:16)
America’s Ukraine Screwup by Brother Nathanael (7:16)
The Book Of The Shulchan Aruch
Perhaps no book is less known, yet more important, than the Shulchan Aruch.
Most people have heard of the Talmud-that compendium of Jewish laws, and thus the essence of Judaism. The Talmud, however, is vast and largely inscrutable for non-Jews. Fortunately, back in the mid-1500s, a Jewish rabbi named Joseph Karo decided to create a condensed, compact version of the Talmud. He called it ‘the set table’: the Shulchan Aruch. Most of the Shulchan Aruch deals with inter-Jewish laws, but a fair number of passages discuss non-Jews — the Gentiles, or in less polite terms, the ‘goyim.’ As it happens, the laws of Judaism hold Gentiles in very low regard; they can be cheated, lied to, abused, even killed, if it serves Jewish interests. Jewish supremacy reigns throughout the Talmud and the Shulchan Aruch.
by Erich Bischoff
94% Of Claims To The Government’s Vaccine Injury Payment Scheme Are Rejected, Many Because They Are Not “60% Disabled”. Mark Kerry Is One Of Them
Mark Kerry was a healthy 48 year-old from Worcestershire, a father of three, grandfather of two and a loving husband to his wife Melanie. Together with Melanie, Mark loved life and lived it to the full, they socialised with friends every weekend, loved to travel and loved holidays. Mark and Melanie run mobile home parks and were heavily impacted in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. With the mobile home business being a mixture of residential and holidays, the holiday side was halted when lockdown and heavy restrictions were enforced. As with millions of people worldwide, they found themselves spending most of their time at home. Like most of us, Mark was eager to get life back to some form of normality and, knowing the business was suffering and being self-employed, the quicker the better.
by Claire Hibbs
West ‘Blocked’ Russia-Ukraine Peace Process – Former Israeli PM
Both Moscow and Kiev appeared to have been ready for a ceasefire, Naftali Bennett says
Peace might’ve been agreed between Russia and Ukraine shortly after the start of the conflict, but Kiev’s Western backers blocked the negotiations between the two neighbors, former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who mediated those contacts, has said. Bennet, who gave an almost five-hour-long video interview to Israel’s Channel 12 on Saturday, claimed that his efforts as a middleman came close to succeeding as both Moscow and Kiev appeared to be ready to make concessions and agree to a truce. It didn’t happen because “I think there was a legitimate decision by the West to keep striking [Russian President Vladimir] Putin… I mean the more aggressive approach,” he said. When asked by the host if the US and its allies “blocked” the peace process between Moscow and Kiev, the former PM replied: “Basically, yes. They blocked it.”
by RT
Our Interesting Times: EMJ On Crowder vs. Shapiro And Con Inc. (1:10:13)
Our Interesting Times: EMJ On Crowder vs. Shapiro And Con Inc. (1:10:13)
Former Israeli PM Bennett Says US ‘Blocked’ His Attempts At A Russia-Ukraine Peace Deal
Bennett says the US and its Western allies decided to ‘keep striking Putin’ and not negotiate
Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in an interview posted to his YouTube channel on Saturday that the US and its Western allies “blocked” his efforts of mediating between Russia and Ukraine to bring an end to the war in its early days. On March 4, 2022, Bennett traveled to Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin. In the interview, he detailed his mediation at the time between Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which he said he coordinated with the US, France, Germany, and the UK. Bennett said that both sides agreed to major concessions during his mediation effort. For the Russian side, he said they dropped “denazification” as a requirement for a ceasefire. Bennett defined “denazification” as the removal of Zelensky. During his meeting in Moscow with Putin, Bennett said the Russian leader guaranteed that he wouldn’t try to kill Zelensky.
by Dave DeCamp
ChatGPT Boss Admits AI Has Been Programmed To ‘Destroy Democracy’
Sam Altman, the CEO of ChatGPT creator OpenAI, has admitted that AI is being programmed to dismantle democracy in the very near future. In a recent interview with Forbes magazine, Altman admitted that ChatGPT was created with the explicit goal to further the globalist elite’s dystopian agenda for humanity. Breitbart.com reports: Altman described the current situation as “an exciting time” and expressed hope that the company was still in its early stages, with a lot of room for growth and improvement. He said that despite the recent success of ChatGPT, OpenAI still sees this as the beginning of a long and exponential path toward improving AI technology and its impact on society. When asked about the success of ChatGPT, Altman admitted that he was surprised by its sudden popularity, stating: “I wanted to do it because I thought it was going to work. So, I’m surprised somewhat by the magnitude. But I was hoping and expecting people were going to really love it.”
by Sean Adl-Tabatabai
The Chinese ‘Spy Balloon’ Story As Manufactured Crisis: An Alternative Reading
Previous constant headlines of the Ukraine-Russia war were put on pause Friday into Saturday as the American public’s attention and discourse got temporarily consumed by the bizarre Chinese ‘spy balloon’ saga, which grew more dramatic by the hour until it was shot down by the Pentagon over the Atlantic Ocean. But few are currently asking the necessary deeper questions related to the timing. Given the last major balloon crisis to take over 24/7 network news coverage ended up being a complete hoax (remember the “balloon boy” stunt of 2009 which had the world breathless and on edge for a full news cycle?), the current context to the Chinese balloon story and the question of cui bono is worth a deeper dive…
by Tyler Durden
Passing Observations 138
After the authorities decided that it was illegal to say that the holocaust hadn’t existed (or had been exaggerated) censorship simply became a question of ‘what shall we allow people to say?’ I have no views about the holocaust but damning authors such as David Irving heralded the start of the war on freedom of speech. Online abuse is largely a result of the policy of allowing users to post comments anonymously and from the security of their bedroom in their parents’ home. The same people are largely responsible for writing the fake encyclopaedia known as Wikipedia (though they are supplemented by operatives from the CIA and the 77th Brigade who, for all I know, also operate from their bedrooms in their parents’ homes.)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
ACH (2047) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #105 – Buyers Remorse (Audio 1:30:49)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 30, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Buyers Remorse.”
We discussed: Bruce Forsyth’s Play Your Cards Right; the clip from The Jeff Rense Program that we played during the show intro segment; how the Deagel.com figures could play out in the Ukraine conflict; the BitChute video that claims the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster was faked; Andy’s Law: If People Want To Survive They Must Exploit Any Resource That Helps Them To Do So, and the meaning of this; this week’s television review, “Dallas and Dynasty”; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the curious case of the dog walker mauled to death by the dogs she was walking; Mallificus News Round-up Of The Week; a dog that could say sausages; the fungal pandemic that could turn us all into zombies; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
They’re Not Worried About “Russian Influence”, They’re Worried About Dissent
Being labeled a Russian propagandist all day every day for criticizing US foreign policy is really weird, but one advantage it comes with is a useful perspective on what people have really been talking about all these years when they warn of the dangers of “Russian propaganda”. I know I’m not a Russian propagandist. I’m not paid by Russia, I have no connections to Russia, and until I started this political commentary gig in 2016 I thought very little about Russia. My opinions about the western empire sometimes turn up on Russian media because I let anyone use my work who wants to, but that was always something they did on their own without my submitting it to them and without any payment or solicitation of any kind. I’m literally just some random westerner sharing political opinions on the internet; those opinions just happen to disagree with the US empire and its stories about itself and its behavior.
by Caitlin Johnstone
European Central Bank Preparing for Bail Ins And Banking Collapse According To Whistleblower
A contractor whistleblower for the European Central Bank contacted Greg Reese after he aired the video excerpt from the recent FDIC meeting where they discussed “bail ins,” alleging that he had been assigned an “urgent project” related to preparing for bail ins for the European Central Bank (ECB). “Bail ins,” as opposed to “bail outs,” are when the banks take money out of accounts on deposit within that bank when a bank does not have enough funds to meet its obligations. According to this report by Greg Reese and the information from his informant, the playbook for bank bail ins has already been written for Europe, and they are preparing for bank runs.
by Brian Shilhavy
Pro-Life Students File Lawsuit After Kicked Out From Smithsonian
Students from Our Lady of the Rosary High School attending the National March for Life were kicked out of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum for wearing hats with pro-life messages on them. Security guards claimed to the students that the museum was a ‘neutral zone’ and they were required to either take the hats off or leave the premises. In response to this expulsion, the student’s parents are filing a lawsuit with the American Center for Law & Justice. As the students entered the museum, staff reportedly mocked the students and hurled expletives at them. The museum staff wanted to refrain from allowing controversial opinions to appear inside. However, according to the students, the hats were used as identifiers. The group was so large that the hats were a necessary precaution against getting lost. Despite this reasoning, the students were still instructed to leave the museum.
by Abby Adams
Smack-Down! Hungary Pushes Back Against Obnoxious US Ambassador
Biden’s Ambassador to Hungary, David Pressman, is a particularly odious specimen in a long line of obnoxious US residents of Szabadság tér since the end of Hungary’s subjection to Soviet control in 1989. Before him, Soap Opera producer and Obama glamor-queen moneybags Coleen Bell warned Hungarians in 2016 to get on board with the destruction of Syria or face the wrath of DC. Secretary of State Tony Blinken’s own father, Donald, did the Clinton Administration’s bidding – which was to promote with the entire weight of the US government the return of the communists – when he was US Ambassador to Hungary in the 1990s. I remember it well as editorial page editor of the largest English language newspaper in Central Europe, in Budapest: fielding calls from the US Embassy demanding that I tone down criticisms of “former” communists in my weekly editorials.
by Daniel McAdams
Earthquake. Kiev, Rumours Of Another Shake Up. Eu Warns Georgia To Not Open Flights. (19:27)
by Alex Christoforou
On This Day — Did The CIA Kill Father Louis Thomas Merton? (December 10, 1968) [New Book: Thomas Merton’s Betrayers]
“The very thoughts of a person like me are crimes against the state. All I have to do is think, and immediately I become guilty.”
Father Louis Merton — A Signed Confession of Crimes against the State
by Intel Today
Former Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf Dies After Long Illness
In 2016, the former Pakistani leader was diagnosed with a rare life-threatening disease Amyloidosis which is caused by the build-up of a the protein amyloid which results in organ failure. The 79-year-old former President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, died on Sunday after a prolonged illness at a hospital in Dubai. The retired four-star general was reportedly in critical condition and had been hospitalized for a couple of weeks because of complications caused by his ailment.
by Sangeeta Yadav
‘The Scandal Would Be Enormous’: Pfizer Director Worried About Vax-Induced Menstrual Irregularities
Project Veritas on Thursday released a new segment of undercover footage of Pfizer director Jordon Walker in which the Director of R&D within the company’s mRNA operation expressed concern over how the COVID-19 vaccine may be affecting women’s reproductive health. “There is something irregular about the menstrual cycles. So, people will have to investigate that down the line,” Walker told an undercover journalist he thought he was on a date with. “The [COVID] vaccine shouldn’t be interfering with that [menstrual cycles]. So, we don’t really know,” he added. Walker also hopes we don’t discover that “somehow this mRNA lingers in the body and like — because it has to be affecting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles,” adding “I hope we don’t discover something really bad down the line…If something were to happen downstream and it was, like, really bad? I mean, the scale of that scandal would be enormous.”
by Tyler Durden
Israeli Army Launches Violent Raid On West Bank Refugee Camp
At least 13 Palestinians were injured during the violent raid
At least 13 Palestinians were injured during a raid by Israeli occupation forces in the Aqbat Jabr refugee camp in the occupied West Bank on 4 February, reports Al Jazeera. According to the reports, Israeli forces fired bullets, missiles, and tear gas during the operation. The Palestinian health ministry reported that at least two injured individuals were in serious condition. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that the camp was turned into a military zone, and the Israeli army blocked access to ambulances and detained one journo.
by News Desk
George Soros Declared ‘Most Dangerous Man In America’
Radical billionaire George Soros has finally been recognized as a major threat to America by one of the nation’s oldest media institutions. For most decent-minded patriots, this warning will come as no surprise. Soros is the Democratic Party’s biggest donor and he’s been bankrolling the Left behind the scenes for years. The Hungary-born billionaire is the one pulling all the strings, with his donations buying immense power. Outside of the Washington D.C. swamp, Soros has used his money to destroy the justice system across the country. Soros has been installing “woke” prosecutors by using his vast resources to massively outspend their opponents. The billionaire has used his immense wealth to usher in his leftist agenda over the years.
by Frank Bergman
FFWN: World War III? Tanks But No Tanks! With E. Michael Jones (1:26:48)
Dr. E. Michael Jones breaks down the week’s biggest stories, including impending World War 3, the wild and crazy Pfizer scandal, “Holocaust survivors vs. COVID Nazis,” and much more.
We Must Save Health From The Medical Bureaucracy
We genuinely urge doctors involved with medical regulation not to go down with the sinking ship of authoritarian censorship and suppression of intellectual freedom. Not only is this behaviour historically illiterate and intellectually feeble, it is putting the safety of patients at risk, causing hazards to public health, runs counter to our community standards of a liberal democracy, and sits in conflict with the societal benefits of intellectual freedom that have recently been stated by the High Court of Australia. When has there been a society that prospers because people are cancelled, removed, or ‘disappeared’ from their vital work because they dared to disagree with the ‘regime’s unquestionable truth?’ Do our modern medical authoritarians want to be looked back on with the same pathetic disdain with which we judge similar historical despots?
by Michael Keane and Kara Thomas
Woke Imperialism
Woke culture, devoid of class consciousness and a commitment to stand with the oppressed, is another tool in the arsenal of the imperial state.
The brutal murder of Tyre Nichols by five Black Memphis police officers should be enough to implode the fantasy that identity politics and diversity will solve the social, economic and political decay that besets the United States. Not only are the former officers Black, but the city’s police department is headed by Cerelyn Davis, a Black woman. None of this helped Nichols, another victim of a modern-day police lynching. The militarists, corporatists, oligarchs, politicians, academics and media conglomerates champion identity politics and diversity because it does nothing to address the systemic injustices or the scourge of permanent war that plague the U.S. It is an advertising gimmick, a brand, used to mask mounting social inequality and imperial folly. It busies liberals and the educated with a boutique activism, which is not only ineffectual but exacerbates the divide between the privileged and a working class in deep economic distress. The haves scold the have-nots for their bad manners, racism, linguistic insensitivity and garishness, while ignoring the root causes of their economic distress. The oligarchs could not be happier.
by Chris Hedges
The Logic Behind The Terror: Why Does Ukraine Keep Attacking Civilian Areas In Donetsk?
Rockets have hit peaceful neighborhoods once again. Why does Kiev continue its policy, if not purely out of hate?
At least ten rockets hit central areas of Donetsk on Saturday morning, damaging three residential buildings, a local Russian official has reported in his Telegram channel. One of the projectiles fired by Ukrainian forces hit an apartment building in the Kievsky district. While rescuers continue to search for survivors under the rubble, preliminary information suggests that there were three people in one of the apartments. There was no information on casualties at the time of writing, but the absence of victims would be unusual; indeed, Ukrainian shelling of the capital of the Donetsk People’s Republic intensified weeks before the Russian attack in February 2022, and has taken a heavy toll ever since.
by Vladislav Ugolny
Drink It, Snort It, Smoke It – The Vaccine Juggernaut Rumbles On
More good news on vaccine, folks. First, you may be required to take only one Covid-19 shot per year, and if all goes well you will not even have to do that. You will be able to drink or even inhale your vaccine. No more painful injections, just a quick slurp or a snort and the job’s a good ’un. That’s you safe from the deadly virus for another year. We could even make it fun. Why not hold Covid-19 vaccine parties? A selection of flavours in shot glasses (they don’t call them shot glasses for no reason) or add your vaccine to a vape and puff away until your immune system is primed.
by Roger Watson
Aircraft Carriers Of Japan, China, UK And US by Front Cost (9:47)
Aircraft Carriers Of Japan, China, UK And US by Front Cost (9:47)
Facebook And Instagram Delete Project Veritas Video Confronting YouTube Executive Over Censorship
Meta issued a blanket ban of the video.
Meta’s Instagram and Facebook platforms have removed a video by Project Veritas showing a journalist confronting YouTube’s Vice President of Trust and Safety Matt Halprin about the censorship of a video showing a Pfizer executive talking about mutating viruses. Both platforms claimed that the video was in violation of Community Standards, specifically the policy prohibiting “content that could lead to identity theft or put someone at risk of physical or financial harm.”
by Christina Maas
US Surrounds China With War Machinery While Freaking Out About Balloons
In what Austin journalist Christopher Hooks has called “one of the stupidest news cycles in living memory,” the entire American political/media class is having an existential meltdown over what the Pentagon claims is a Chinese spy balloon detected in US airspace on Thursday. Secretary of State Antony Blinken cancelled his scheduled diplomatic visit to China after the detection of the balloon. The mass media have been covering the story with breathless excitement. China hawk pundits have been pounding the war drums all day on any platform they can get to and accusing the Biden administration of not responding aggressively enough to the incident.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Ireland Sees 42% More Deaths In Past Two Months Compared To Pre-Covid Levels
‘When we see death rates 3,000 higher in a small six-week period than they were in a six-week period pre-COVID, we can’t have the Government standing idly by,’ said Deputy Peadar Tóibín.
The number of deaths occurring in Ireland is now significantly higher than the number the country experienced both before and during the spread of COVID-19, prompting opposition politicians to call for a full investigation into the cause. Figures obtained on RIP.ie and analyzed by the mainstream Irish Examiner show deaths were 42% higher from 1 December 2022 to 25 January 2023 (9,718 deaths) compared to the 8 weeks to 25 January 2019 (6,802 deaths). Deaths have risen 20% compared to the same period a year ago, while they are 19% higher than figures from that period two years ago when Ireland was entering another lockdown before Christmas 2020 and rolling out its vaccination program in early 2021.
by Tim Jackson
Covid Jabs – Unspeakable Truths
The basic problem with doctors is, and always has been, an unwillingness to accept the extent of their ignorance and an unwillingness to accept facts which do not fit neatly into the pseudoscientific myths with which they have surrounded and comforted themselves. For the last three years, untold thousands of doctors (and nurses) have failed to find the intelligence or the courage to question the lies they have been told by a bunch of thoroughly evil men and women, and we can and should regard these individuals with unlimited contempt. Doctors have, like all confidence tricksters, taken advantage of the fact that the basis of trust is innocence and the basis of fear and terror is mystery. The doctors who gave so-called vaccines that had not been adequately tested, but which were known to be dangerous, and who gave those drugs without making the modest effort to understand the extent of their ignorance, were obviously unable to make any attempt to explain the facts to their patients (as they were bound to do by their legal and ethical obligations). Those doctors crossed an invisible line and became bad doctors.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
ACH (2045) I’m Talking To YOU #52 – A Tribute To Those Who Died In The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster 37 Years Ago Today (Audio 38:29)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 28, 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “A Tribute To Those Who Died In The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster 37 Years Ago Today.”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is an unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his other shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Well, It’s Bird Flu…Again
Hey remember last year? Remember the spring “bird flu outbreak”? Remember how it was all just a fear-porn story designed to discourage people from eating real food, drive up the price of poultry and eggs and sell more vaccines? Well, guess what… It’s groundhog day again. And I mean that quite literally since it was actually reported on February 2nd: Bird flu has jumped to mammals in the UK – so how worried should humans be? Anyway, the story is that scientists have found bird flu in otters, bears, dolphins and foxes in the last year. And that means it could potentially jump to humans. Because the order goes otters->bears->dolphins->foxes->people. That’s like biology 101. Seriously though, what makes this story nonsense is the only reason they found this virus is that they were looking for it. After last year’s “scare” they have increased screening…using PCR tests.
by Kit Knightly
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): The Battle For The Future Of The Monetary System Is Underway – Are You Ready?
The United States is getting closer to issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). What does this mean? It means that the financial collapse of the economy is getting closer, and this is the plan of the Central Bankers to replace the current monetary system. If you are unaware of what CBDCs are, and how they can be used for evil purposes to try and control every aspect of our lives, then it is time to take notice, because this is a train that has left the station, and is not coming back. It is not a new monetary system that can be implemented overnight, however, but will need to be rolled out in stages, and those roll outs have already begun in many countries around the world. As with anything in life, tyrants cannot control people without their consent. They fear the masses, because they are outnumbered. If there is massive resistance among the public, it can thwart their plans.
by Brian Shilhavy
Did The CIA Set Up NSA Leaker Reality Winner?
Throughout January, a deluge of previously concealed evidence exposing how journalists, spies and social media platforms perpetuated and maintained the RussiaGate fraud has entered the public domain at long last, via the Elon Musk-approved “#TwitterFiles” series. While Twitter’s Pentagon-connected owner evidently has a partisan agenda in releasing this material, the at-times explosive disclosures amply confirm what many independent journalists and researchers had long argued. Namely, false claims of Kremlin-directed bot and troll operations online were duplicitously weaponized by an alphabet soup of U.S. intelligence agencies to bring major social networks to heel, and enduringly enshrine their status as subservient wings of the national security state. Yet, while RussiaGate only becomes ever-more dead and buried over time, and the true purposes it served becomes increasingly stark, a central component of the conspiracy theory stubbornly clings to life. In June 2017, The Intercept published a leaked N.S.A. document, which it claimed revealed “a months-long Russian hacking effort against the U.S. election infrastructure.”
by Kit Klarenberg
“The FBI Isn’t Hunting Down Public Enemy #1…The FBI’s Become Public Enemy #1” – Chanel Rion On OAN (Text and Video)
Chanel Rion at OAN discussed the FBI and how it has now become such a corrupt organization from the top down. TGP reported on January 23, that the former Special Agent in charge of counter-intelligence in the New York field office, Charles McGonigal, was arrested for conspiring with Oleg Deripaska, a sanctioned Russian Oligarch. Charles McGonigal was hit with a five-count indictment and charged with “violating and conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (“IEEPA”) and with conspiring to commit money laundering and money laundering.”
by Joe Hoft
Hoover And Blackmail: The Evidence (1:16:09)
In this video, Whitney Webb responds to a criticism about a claim in her recent book and delves deep into the source material for the J. Edgar Hoover blackmail claim.
Report: Israel Commits 3,532 Violations In West Bank, Jerusalem In January
Israeli occupation settlers and forces have committed 3,532 violations against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem in January, the Palestine National Information Centre revealed. The Information Centre disclosed in a report that January was the bloodiest month in the occupied West Bank since 2015, citing the Israeli killings of 35 Palestinians, including eight children and a 61-year-old woman – with 20 killed in Jenin alone. In addition, the report also pointed out that the Israeli occupation settlers and forces wounded 342 Palestinians. According to the Information Centre, the occupation settlers committed 17 settlement activities, including stealing land, razing farms, paving new settlement roads and approving new settlement units, in addition to 319 aggressions.
Newest Draft Of The Pandemic Treaty, A.K.A. “W.H.O. Convention, Agreement Or Other International Instrument On Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness And Response”
This version is dated February 1, 2023 and could be voted on at the World Health Assembly meeting in May 2023
The document is now 32 pages long. I invite you to read it and comment. All your ideas will be taken into account as we attempt to push back this attempt at a bloodless world coup, which I also discussed in the talk I gave in Stockholm, which is linked at the last substack article I posted. Funny that they have stopped calling it a treaty and stopped calling it an accord, but still include 3 naming choices, including ‘other.’ Why can’t they come up with a name?
by Meryl Nass
What Looks, Acts And Smells Like A Global News Cartel And Just Got Hit By An Antitrust Lawsuit…
What if the news media formed a global monopoly to control the news? Imagine if the media and tech giants of the world banded together behind-the-scenes to rule certain stories were “misinformation” and all their agencies thus reported the same “news”? That’s what the Trusted News Initiative aimed to do — decide what ideas were and were not allowed to be discussed. It’s like “free speech” but without the free part. Not only could the media bury things but they could get away with it if no upstart competitor could red-pill their audience.
It would be the death of the Free Press In a world like that the people would be ruled mostly by whomever it was that decided what was “misinformation”. Those controllers would be the defacto Ministry of Truth.
by Jo Nova
Why Was British ISIS Member ‘Jihadi George’ Tried In A US court?
The decision to try one of the so-called “Beatles” ISIS members in the US was to conceal his previous links to British intelligence and his role in their regime-change efforts in Syria.
In January 2023, reports emerged that Alexanda Kotey, known as “Jihadi George” and one of the four British ISIS members collectively known as the “Beatles,” had disappeared from the custody of the US Bureau of Prisons (BOP). In 2022, Kotey was convicted in a US court and sentenced to life in prison for the abduction and detention of multiple western hostages in Syria between 2012 and 2015, including journalists James Foley, John Cantlie, and Steven Sotloff, and aid workers Kayla Jean Mueller, Peter Kassig, David Haines, and Alan Henning, most of whom were later executed by ISIS. A BOP spokesperson refused to provide details of Kotey’s whereabouts or why he had been moved, stating only that there are “several reasons” why an inmate may be referred to as “not in BOP custody,” including for “court hearings, medical treatment or for other reasons. We do not provide specific information on the status of inmates who are not in the custody of the BOP for safety, security, or privacy reasons.”
by William Van Wagenen
Murmuration: The Dance Of The Starlings (5:02)
Murmuration: The Dance Of The Starlings (5:02)
Why Building A New World Order Is Now An Existential Issue For Russia
Moscow must first complete its break with the West, reform domestically and achieve victory in Ukraine
It is important to understand that the West’s proxy war against Russia is not just another slight bump in the road in our centuries-old relations, but rather a deep, protracted conflict with long-lasting consequences. The old strategy, beginning with Peter the Great, to Europeanize the country and take its place in that world, is no longer relevant. Which is more important – politics or strategy? Before answering, we need to define the terms. The former is a very broad term. It covers a wide range of meanings – from the political course to the smallest opportunistic steps of a tactical nature. Moreover, politics can refer not only to the activities of a single area, but to an infinite number of topics, such as the domestic politics of Israel, the politics of the great powers in the Pacific, or global politics in the first quarter of the 21st century. By comparison, the concept of strategy is much narrower and more defined. It has two main components – the goal the subject is aiming for, and the general path it has chosen to reach the goal. Strategy is very sensitive to circumstances and is constantly being adjusted, but the specific details of moving towards the goal belong to tactics. Unlike politics, which has its origins in civil administration and involves interaction with other forces operating in the same field. Strategy, which has its roots in military affairs, involves resistance. That is, the obligatory presence of an adversary.
by Dmitry Trenin
The Alarming Trend In Core Mortality Since The Vaccine Rollout
In a previous article I introduced the concept of looking at mortality from non-respiratory causes (i.e., not deaths from flu, Covid or other similar pathogens) as a better indicator of core mortality changes in the U.K. population than either excess deaths alone (or even excess non-Covid deaths). This is because most of the variation in the number of deaths between winter and summer and from year to year are due to respiratory causes; thus, take those out and you get a clearer picture of the underlying health of the population and whether people are generally getting sick and dying more or less than in recent years from causes such as cardiovascular problems, cancer, Alzheimer’s and so on.
by Nick Bowler
Proof Of Time: A Different Way To Think About Gold
Gold is really an amazing metal when you think about it. It doesn’t corrode. Coins buried underground or sunk at the bottom of the ocean for hundreds of years are routinely pulled up and brushed off, and they’re good as new. This strength and durability is precisely what makes gold so interesting as an inflation hedge. It undoubtedly takes a lot of work to produce a gold coin or bar– so much labor, energy, technology, etc. A gold coin essentially represents all of the work… all of the effort and labor… that went into producing it. This is not unique. In the same way, a bushel of wheat represents all the labor that went into producing the grain. An iPhone represents all the labor and effort that went into producing it. Except that wheat doesn’t last. iPhones don’t last. Gold does. So gold essentially encapsulates all of the resources, including TIME, that went into producing it… in a way that lasts forever. Right now, for example, it costs major mining companies about $1,270 to mine a single ounce of gold. So if you buy gold today, you’re essentially locking in a $1,270 production cost. This is the reason that gold does such a great job of maintaining its value against inflation, because, over time, production costs tend to increase. And higher production costs eventually result in higher prices.
by Simon Black
Minnesota Democrats Pass Extreme Bill To Legalize Abortions Until Birth
Expected to be signed into law, Minnesota’s PRO Act would allow abortion at any stage for any reason, including partial-birth abortion.
The Minnesota Senate on Saturday passed a bill that will allow abortion for any reason up until birth, putting the state on par with “China and North Korea,” as one pro-life leader pointed out. Now expected to be signed into law by Democratic Governor Tim Walz, who has a 100 percent rating from Planned Parenthood, the so-called Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act asserts a woman’s “fundamental right” to “obtain an abortion.” The bill further forbids Minnesota localities from enacting protections for the unborn that would impose any “more restrictive” limits on abortion, meaning anything that would ban even partial-birth abortion, as lawmakers earlier decided.
by Emily Mangiaracina
EMJ Live Episode 10: Holocaust Remembrance Month (1:17:18)
Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them. In this episode of EMJ Live Dr. Jones describes the nature of holocaust remembrance month, and recent social conflicts in Iran.
Depopulation Drug Quietly, Deceitfully Renamed And Pumped Into Food Supply
You might know of Stevia as the plant-based sweetener that has a minimal effect on blood sugar and insulin levels and as a healthy alternative to sugar and even artificial sweeteners that we know can disturb the gut microbiome. Native to parts of Brazil and Paraguay, the Stevia rebaundiana plant was first studied in 1899 by the botanist Moisés Santiago Bertoni who observed its sweet taste. Locals called it ka’a he’? , or “sweet herb”, and used it as as medicine with a very specific purpose. According to Bertoni the botanist, Stevia was used by the native tribes in Paraguay for centuries as a powerful contraceptive that destroys fertility. And what if I told you that since Stevia has been pumped into the Western food supply, birth rates have plummeted, risking population collapse? And what if I told you Obama’s science czar knew about the effects of Stevia all along? The FDA allowed the import of Stevia for the first time in 1995, allowing the sweetener to be used only as a dietary supplement. Then in December 2008 the FDA added Stevia to the list of food additives “generally recognized as safe” or GRAS. Stevia was then allowed to be added to flavored water, sports drinks as well as soft drinks and other foods and beverage products. Since then Stevia has been pumped into the food supply as an ingredient in over 14,500 food and beverage products around the world including teas, soft drinks, juices, yogurt, soy milk, baked goods, granola bars, alcoholic beverages, chewing gum, cereal, salad dressings, confections and as a tabletop sweetener.
by Baxter Dmitry
Vaccines Have Likely Been The Primary Cause Of Illnesses For Over A Century
In 1979, the WHO and the CDC redesigned the International Classification of Diseases coding list and erased any possibility for the world’s coroners to label a cause of death related to vaccination. A coroner has no code to input if he/she believes someone died of a vaccine. For over fifty years, WHO and CDC have been forcing coroners to mislabel vaccination deaths. Beyond the fact it is likely a crime, this suppression means that “informed consent” has been totally corrupt for decades. Contrary to what we have been made to believe, vaccination is neither safe for our children, nor for us. Poor vaccination protocols have been the likely premier cause of illnesses for over a century.
by Rhoda Wilson
Infertility Surging After Covid Shots: Analysts (Text and Video)
Evidence points to fewer births and more pregnancy complications and fetal abnormalities after injections, say researchers (Updated 2/3/23)
Investigators report Covid vaccines are associated with reduced birth rates, lower sperm counts and motility, and elevated rates of miscarriages (i.e., spontaneous abortions, before 20 weeks gestation) and stillbirths (i.e., fetal demises, at least 20 weeks gestation). Births have markedly declined in Taiwan and countries where Europeans live since Covid injections rolled out in December 2020, reports claim.
by James Hill, MD
So That’s Why Eggs Are So Deviled These Days!
Next thing you know, eggs farms will be on fire. Oh, wait…
So this came to the attention of the inner worlds today. It is not new, but it is fresh! Just like those eggs those gorgeous chickens lay that we fry, poach and scramble. The article is entitled: “Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2” and it was published by a Chinese group in January 2021. These IgY antibodies are amazing little guys! They don’t activate complement, they don’t activate rheumatoid factors in humans and so don’t aggravate the inflammatory responses! What they do do? They neutralize many pathogens including RSV (remember this when they push that new MRNA shot on you against RSV) including SARS-CoV-2 which has been shown both in vitro and in vivo.
by Jessica Rose
ACH (2044) Benjamin Freedman – The Complete 1961 Speech From The Willard Hotel In Washington D.C. (Audio 1:33:52)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 27, 2023, Andy presents a show entitled, “Benjamin Freedman – The Complete 1961 Speech From The Willard Hotel In Washington D.C.”
There are many abridged versions of this speech available on the internet, but this one is not only complete, but is also the best quality version that I have ever heard, presumably because it has been remastered from the original vinyl LPs.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Second Chinese “Surveillance Balloon” Flying Over Latin America
The US government says another Chinese spy balloon is traveling over Latin America. “We are seeing reports of a balloon transiting Latin America,” Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, a Pentagon spokesperson, told Fox News Friday night. “We now assess it is another Chinese surveillance balloon.” Ryder said during a briefing Thursday the U.S. government detected a high-altitude surveillance balloon over the continental U.S. A senior defense official said during the briefing the U.S. government is “confident” the surveillance balloon is from the People’s Republic of China. The balloon was recently over Montana, and the official said the government considered shooting it down but decided against using military force because of the potential risks. A spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said Friday the balloon is a “civilian airship” being used for meteorological purposes and deviated from its planned course. When President Biden was briefed on the situation, he asked for military options, the official said.
by Tyler Durden
FTX Asks For Political Donations To Be Returned – First Full List Of Recipients Released
Axios is positioning this announcement as FTX asking for political donations to be returned. However, the request is realistically from the FTX debtors. (Via Axios) – Bankrupt crypto exchange FTX is sending notices to former donor recipients asking for the donated funds to be returned, the company said in a press release Sunday. Why it matters: Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX Digital Markets Co-CEO Ryan Salame were two of the largest political donors during the last election cycle. Now the company’s debtors want the money back. Bankman-Fried primarily backed Democrats and was the party’s second-largest donor last cycle with around $37 million in contributions. Salame’s $19 million to Republicans made him the party’s 10th largest donor. The big picture: FTX’s debtors are confidentially contacting “political figures, political action funds and other recipients of contributions or other payments.” (more)
by Sundance
The World Is Far More Corrupt Than You Feared
The BBC doesn’t really do ‘news’ any more. Now that the organisation has become a Propaganda Station for the Bilderbergers and the World Economic Forum, the BBC website (the only bit I ever see) prefers to thrill its viewers with stories of intrepid citizens struggling with sofas stuck on staircases. So, here are some of the ‘real’ news stories which I suspect the BBC may have missed in its desperation to avoid annoying the conspirators and the collaborators. (The BBC probably didn’t have space for any of this stuff because it was too busy reporting that a lesbian who had a poster of Tina Turner on her wall was thrown out of the army in 1981, warning home owners that if their log burner didn’t satisfy the rules they could be fined £300, and reporting the important news that Michael Jackson’s nephew is to play him in a biopic. And the BBC wants £159 a year for a TV licence.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
moving the goalposts on “safe” (part 1)
ignoring the standards, ignoring the signals
over generations, the standard of safety applied to widespread vaccine use has been extremely stringent. this is as it should be. drugs to be given near universally to healthy people are a VERY different proposition than drugs given to people who are already sick. the tolerance for adverse effects must be much lower, especially for those for whom actual risk from disease is low. 1 in a million for a severe outcome like death was generally around the limit of tolerance. 1 in 100k was deemed impossibly dangerous to consider. the h1n1 vaccine released in the EU was pulled after ~30 million doses being administered due to 45 fatalities and a ~1 in 55,000 rate of permanent narcolepsy perhaps as high as 1 in 18,000 in adolescents. there was not even a question about pulling it off the market, this was an obvious and clear cut case that was not even debated. boom. done.
by el gato malo
FDR Executive Order 9066 Forcibly Sent 122,000 Japanese Americans To Internment Camps (9:21)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
FDR Executive Order 9066 Forcibly Sent 122,000 Japanese Americans To Internment Camps (9:21)
Now That Children And Young People (CYP) Are Being Vaccinated, JAMA Study Reports Death From COVID-19 Has Become A Leading Cause Of Death: Death Rate Greater Than Before Vaccination In Children
JAMA Study is agnostic to vaccine-induced immunosuppression, ADE, immunotolerance, and other problems we all know too well.
NB: Every lost child is a catastrophe. Nevertheless, we must consider the consequences of this JAMA report in terms relative to “before vaccination”, which the authors did not. Quick Take-Home: The JAMA Report does not provide sufficient information about the study population to attribute the deaths to COVID-19 alone. In general, pediatric death rates are likely inflated due to PCR false positives. Why the study did not make appropriate comparisons to CDC Wonder data in a period before the COVID-19 vaccination is not clear. Why the study did not study the incidence of deaths per confirmed infection is also a mystery.
by James Lyons-Weiler
World War III Has Started: The War Of Private Militaries? Russia Private Military Group Recruits Americans
I have been reporting since last year (2022) that World War III has already started, even as the corporate media tries to portray the fighting in Ukraine as a war only between Russia and Ukraine. James Rickards of the Daily Reckoning has recently published an excellent piece explaining the rationale of why World War III has already started, by comparing it to World War I and World War II and how those wars started. But first, watch this excellent report published today by Greg Reese which gives a historical perspective on the United States that you will not see in the corporate media, and then a video promo published by the Wagner Group, a private military organization with ties to Russia, where they are now actively recruiting Americans to join their group to fight for Russia.
by Brian Shilhavy
Victoria Nuland Confessed To Blowing Up Nord Stream 2, But No One Noticed
Victoria Nuland last week expressed her joy that Nord Stream 2 had been blown up. And earlier she threatened to prevent its functioning. Fox News host Tucker Carlson believes that the US administration was involved in the explosions on the pipeline – and this sets a dangerous precedent. Victoria Nuland last week expressed her joy that Nord Stream 2 had been blown up. And earlier she threatened to prevent its functioning. Fox News host Tucker Carlson believes that the US administration was involved in the explosions on the pipeline – and this sets a dangerous precedent. And here’s what everyone almost forgot about. Victoria Nuland, who helped start the conflict in Ukraine, threatened to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines in January to prevent Russia from sending gas to Europe. Remember?
by Michael Walsh
The Hitman
Could the Whirlpool ever exists independently of the River? It’s absurd, even to ask the question is absurd. Think about that the next time you try to cram your Self into a concept that is too small. All concepts are too small. That’s because you ain’t no concept. You are the Presence of God, of Infinite Consciousness, alive as an apparent individual, a Whirlpool in a River of Light. When this is Noticed and Understood, your identity shifts from Egocentric to Theocentric. You don’t stop being an ego, a whirlpool. You start Noticing and Living as the Mighty River Itself
by Robert Cinque
Trust? Saviors? (2:20)
Chat GPT Is So Woke It Wouldn’t Write A Title For Me!
Go woke, go broke?
I’ve been testing out what biases are inbuilt to the ChatGPT system. If you don’t know what ChatGPT is, I’ve written about it in the past here. If you’re wondering why I would waste my time doing this or what the significance of a biased AI machine is, then think how much free speech was stifled over the pandemic. Think about how there was only one point of view and any dissenters were vilified and censored. Now multiply this by 1,000 and you will see what impact a biased AI will have.
by The Naked Emperor
Federal Government Is Accused Of Using Antiterrorism Tech To Target Vaccine Dissent
Using it against its own citizens.
The US federal government is adopting military-grade AI that was used to crack down on ISIS to censor dissent by US citizens on issues like election fraud and vaccine hesitancy, according to the executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, Mike Benz. Private firms and universities have received millions of dollars in grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), a federal agency, to develop tools similar to those developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Social Media in Strategic Communications (SMISC) program in 2011. SMISC’s tools were used “to help identify misinformation or deception campaigns and counter them with truthful information,” in the Middle East. In a report, Mike Benz detailed how the NSF and other organizations are using this technology to censor the speech of Americans.
by Ken Macon
Japanese Condiment Fights Highly Lethal Pancreatic Cancer
A promising study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine titled, “Effect of Wasabi Component 6-(Methylsulfinyl)hexyl Isothiocyanate and Derivatives on Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells,” reveals the potent Japanese horseradish concoction known as wasabi may help fight highly lethal pancreatic cancer by striking to the very root cause of cancer malignancy and its resistance to conventional treatment.
by Sayer Ji
US Giving Cold Feet To Countries Willing To Normalize With Syria: Report
The United States is actively working to discourage countries willing to normalize relations with Syria, according to a report.
The report, based on the summary of a recent UN Security Council meeting on Syria seen by al-Akhbar, shows that Washington has tried to draw “red lines” for countries seeking to normalize with Syria, return the Syrian refugees to their homeland, or help find a permanent solution to the crisis in the Arab country. Regarding the return of refugees, the report said instead of encouraging a repatriation process, the United States is urging the host countries to “double their support” for refugee programs, despite the heavy social and economic burden the refugee crisis puts on some of these countries, most notably Lebanon. Al-Akhbar said the European representatives present in the meeting conditioned their support for the reconstruction of Syria and the repatriation of refugees on Damascus accepting a “credible and comprehensive political process” – which is considered by many to mean a political process dictated by Washington.
by PressTV
Sewing Leaves Together To Protect The Nest. (0:09)
Viktor Orban: West Is ‘In A War With Russia’
Notes from a candid session with the antiwar Hungarian prime minister, who warns this conflict could easily get much worse
It happened again. This evening was the third time I’ve been in a small group session with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. I told the visiting journalists and publishers that they were going to be blown away by this guy, because they’re not going to believe how different he is from the way he is portrayed in the Western media. He’s sharp, funny, brilliant, and completely confident. He’s not hovered over by press aides, and he doesn’t guard his words to the point where he says nothing but mush. He’s really interesting. As I told the folks I talked to before hand, at the conference, who were invited to meet later with the PM, “You’re not going to believe that a world leader is actually like this.” As usual, after the event, there were stunned. Orban spent two hours with us, answering every question — even particularly tough ones from a Polish journalist — and was clearly loving it. I was never around Bill Clinton personally, but the things I read about how he was a natural politician — it’s at least as true of Viktor Orban. Last year, I was talking to a Fidesz politician about the PM, and he said there’s not another politician in this country who can go from strategizing at the top level, to talking to country people at a farmer’s market, and be utterly genuine in both places. I believe it. If he were on TV more in the United States, the view people have of Hungary would be totally different.
by Rod Dreher
Is The UK Health Security Agency Careless, Trolling Or Knows Something We Don’t?
A strange Job Posting
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is currently advertising to recruit an individual for the position of “Vaccine Supply Operation Lead”. You have until 14th February 2023 to apply and can earn up to £62,286 (USD $76,174). Nothing strange about that so far so why am I writing a post about it? The weird part comes in the description about the job. In the ‘Job summary’ section it says the following: (emphasis my own) The role of Vaccine Supply Operations Lead is a new post to support the operations, providing accurate and timely reports for a range of stakeholders during what is expected to be the UK’s largest vaccination programme which will be delivered at pace and will be a key Ministerial priority. The role will be directly responsible for the daily operational management of all covid related products, ensuring their timely distribution across the UK, Crown Dependencies, and Overseas Territories. “The UK’s largest vaccination programme which will be delivered at pace and will be a key Ministerial priority.” Surely no vaccination programme could be larger than the Covid one? What could they be talking about?
by The Naked Emperor
Hate Bot ChatGPT Shows You The Evil Within Big Tech (And Republicans Who Protect Them)
They told on themselves.
Humans are effective liars. Robots, for now, can only say what they’ve been programmed to, which makes them honest. Thanks to ChatGPT, an AI bot from Silicon Valley, we finally have a full accounting of what Big Tech’s agenda for the country is. You’re not going to like it. First, why does Big Tech lie about their agenda? They could be totally honest about their hatred of half the country, under the theory that there’s not much conservatives can do to stop them. Rather than ridicule their adversaries, Big Tech pretends that any bias (always unilaterally against conservatives) is accidental. Why? That’s a great question, and there’s a two-word answer to this: Jim Jordan. Jim Jordan is a very tough guy who accomplishes nothing legislatively. While railing against Big Tech in front of television cameras, he fails to tell his voters that Google regularly funds junkets for Jordan and his staffers. You see, Jordan is a principled libertarian. He believes government should keep its hands off helpless monopolies.
by Cernovich
Mislabeling Vaccination Deaths For 50 Years
Since last year (2022) I have been warning the public about the new class of “experts” that have arisen since COVID warning about the dangers of the COVID-19 injections, but who endorse and recommend all the other vaccines that have been approved by the FDA for the past 30+ years. The corruption in the pharmaceutical industry and the injection of toxic vaccines that cause injuries and deaths did not begin in 2020 with the COVID shots, and there are many of us who have been warning the public on these killer vaccines for decades now. I have also stated publicly that I am PROUD to be labeled as an “Anti-vaxxer”! Like evil and the Devil, there are just certain things it is good to always be against, because there is nothing good in them. Vaccines have never been proven safe nor effective – none of them. So I was very pleased to see an author on Substack, Marc Girardot, dig up some older information previously published by Neil Z. Miller who years ago exposed the fact that infant deaths due to vaccines are never listed on death certificates, because there are no CDC codes for cause of death due to vaccines. Instead, they are labeled as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Infant vaccinations have been the likely premier cause of illnesses for over a century.
by Brian Shilhavy
ACH (2042) Dr. Nick Kollerstrom – Ukraine: The Just War – How The West Was Lost (Audio 54:30)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 25, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Nick Kollerstrom for a show entitled, “Ukraine: The Just War – How The West Was Lost.”
We discussed: how Nick was a founder member of the UK’s 911 Truth group; Nick’s work investigating the 7/7 London Bombings; the purpose of Western Propaganda against Russia in recent years; the psychology of deception; proof that the British Establishment are the best liars; the real reason why there is terrific visceral hatred of Russia these days; how the West’s dedication and belief in war could result in its destruction; the United States history of global bullying; the importance of the alliance between Russia and China; the end of European dominance; why the trouble with the UK is that it hasn’t been defeated in a war in a very long time; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Punxsutawney Phil Emerges From Burrow To Let Everyone Know There Are Some Documents Marked ‘Classified’ Down There
PUNXSUTAWNEY, PA — Locals and Groundhog Day enthusiasts alike were caught off-guard today, as the eponymous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, emerged from his burrow and declared to the crowd gathered at Gobbler’s Knob that there was a cache of documents marked “Classified” in his underground home. “I know you’re all here waiting to find out if I saw my shadow and if there will be six more weeks of winter and all that stuff,” Phil said, “but I thought you all might want to know that there’s a big stack of files and folders down there stamped ‘Classified’ and ‘Top Secret’ in red ink. Not sure where they came from. These are probably important, right?”
by BabylonBee.com
‘Nobody Can Tell Us How To Live’: Hungary Slams US Envoy For Meddlesome Remarks
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has lashed out at the US ambassador to Budapest for meddling in the country’s internal affairs over its support for Russia, saying, “Nobody can tell us from the outside how to live.” Szijjarto issued the scathing rebuke on Thursday after David Pressman, who has represented Washington in Budapest since September last year, censured Hungary’s push for the continuation of policies endorsed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the country’s opposition to Western-led anti-Russia sanctions over the conflict in Ukraine. “Nobody can tell us from the outside how to live, so it is of no interest what a citizen of another country – be it an ambassador – thinks about the domestic political processes in Hungary,” Szijjarto said at a press conference. “We ask for more respect for the Hungarians, even from the ambassador.”
by PressTV
Who Is The Better Identity Coalition?
The Better Identity Coalition has issued two reports aimed at guiding state and federal lawmakers in the United States. Who is guiding the hand of the BIC?
In December 2022, the Better Identity Coalition released a set of policy recommendations for all 50 U.S. state government officials focused on “ways governments can improve the privacy and security of digital identity solutions”. The report, Better Identity in America: A Blueprint for State Policymakers, outlines the BIC’s vision of how government officials should respond to the push for digital identity by groups like the BIC and its partners. The report calls on state officials to “overcome fear, uncertainty and doubt” regarding “ID innovations” which “get the most residents in digital ID programs”. The BIC cites mobile driver’s license programs as one such innovation which is helping fuel the push towards digital identity. The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators defines mobile driver’s licenses as “a driver’s license that is provisioned to a mobile device with the capability to be updated in real time” and believes they are the “future of licensing and proof of identity”.
by Derrick Broze
On Chinese Balloons–And The New FBI
U.S military commands NORAD and NORTHCOM have been soiling themselves during the last 48 hours because a Chinese spy balloon is flying over the United States mainland. The U.S. military initially recommended a shoot down and Joe Biden gave the greenlight. But cooler heads prevailed. The war party in the United States is apoplectic. The media is reporting that the military ignored Biden’s order. This is madness. The countries with military satellites circling the globe do not have a formal agreement under international law defining where earth’s atmosphere ends and space begins. The heart of the issue is that the Chinese balloon does not pose a greater security threat to the United States than a Chinese military satellite. What has so many arm chair generals and pundits pissed off is that the Chinese are ridiculing our impotence. Nancy Pelosi goes to Taiwan as a deliberate insult to China and the Chinese now send us a balloon and daring us to shoot it down. That is a bait the U.S. should not take.
by Mark Wauck
Learning A Backflip In One Hour… Inspiring! (1:12)
Attempts By France And Germany To Negotiate With Russia Should Be Prevented, Bolton Tells Pranksters
John Bolton shared his thoughts on topics such as the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the West and the prospects of Ukraine’s NATO membership with Vovan and Lexus. Former US presidential advisor John Bolton has made some rather frank admissions during a phone conversation with whom he thought was the ex-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. Alas, his interlocutor turned out to be the well-known Russian prankster duo known as Vovan and Lexus, who promptly spilled the beans online. During the chat, Bolton apparently insisted that all attempts by Germany or France to hold negotiations with Russia amid the current crisis in Ukraine should be disrupted, and claimed that the sooner Ukraine and Georgia become members of NATO, the better. Regarding the sanctions imposed by western powers against Russia, Bolton complained that they weren’t enough and that Moscow continues to bypass these punitive measures.
by Andrei Dergalin
“I Think The Police Officer Did His Job” – Kevin Mccarthy Defends Cold-Blooded Killer Mike Byrd, Throws Ashli Babbit Under The Bus
Just when we were starting to really like Kevin McCarthy he defends the cold-blooded killer who shot Ashli Babbitt dead in the US Capitol. During questioning on Thursday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was asked if he thought Ashli Babbitt was murdered by Officer Mike Byrd? McCarthy answered the reported, “I think the officer was doing his job.” Apparently, shooting a 100-pound female Trump supporter in the neck without warning is “doing his job.” In July 2021 The Gateway Pundit was first to confirm that Lt. Mike Byrd was Ashli Babbit’s killer. Lt. Byrd killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood on Jan. 6 in the US Capitol. Another woman and Trump supporter, Rosanne Boyland, was killed by Capitol Police outside the US Capitol. Ashli Babbitt was gunned down in cold blood inside the US Capitol. She was 98 pounds and posed no threat and had no weapons. And now we also know that Congress was evacuated on Jan. 6 due to a pipe bomb threat. It was not because of Trump supporters walking the halls. In August 2021, Lt. Mike Byrd was exonerated for killing Ashli Babbitt in cold blood. He gave no warning, he ran from the scene of the crime, he shot an unarmed woman dead who posed no threat. And now he walks free. And we also know that Lt. Mike Byrd was reportedly NEVER INTERVIEWED before he was exonerated for killing Ashli Babbitt.
by Jim Hoft
We Rightly Mourn The Dead, But Mustn’t Forget The Disabled
Worrying data from the USA and UK
Much of the analysis around Covid 19 vaccine harms revolves around counts of deaths, and excess mortality. This is perfectly understandable since “excess deaths” is a “hard” measure in that most countries are able to count the number of their citizens who have died quite accurately so this does allow for some reasonably informative inferences and international comparisons. The same is of course not the case for “covid deaths” which even the strongest proponents of the establishment covid narrative have had to admit are affected by differences between countries in classification, testing rates and, policies. However, as well as many countries experiencing excess deaths, there is currently a second huge problem: marked increases in the numbers registering as long-term disabled.
We’re Ruled By Assholes Because We Have Asshole Systems: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
It’s funny to think about how all our abusive, oppressive systems are only there because the people who benefit from them are able to keep everyone else too divided and distracted to notice that we vastly outnumber them and could literally just force change to happen anytime we want. People have a fairly easy time accepting that things are fucked because we are ruled by corrupt assholes. They have a much harder time accepting that we are ruled by corrupt assholes because our corrupt asshole systems will always necessarily elevate corrupt assholes to the top. It’s easier to blame our problems on oligarchs or the Deep State or a cabal of satanic pedophiles than it is to blame them on systems that we ourselves participate in and have lived our entire lives intertwined with and which have been continuously normalized within our culture. If the problem is just a few corrupt assholes then it’s not a very daunting problem, because all you have to do is remove those corrupt assholes and everything’s golden. If the problem is the systems around which our entire civilization is structured, it’s far more daunting.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Thai Assassins Coming for Pfizer? Scotland Madness. Bureaucrats And Art (9:24)
by Sanity4Sweden
NYT: Covid Vaccine Makers And Bill Gates’ GAVI Screwed Everyone
US Government and Other Governments are Holding The Bag
This New York Times story (no paywall link) from today is very illustrative of the current times. It turns out that makers of Covid vaccines expertly screwed their customers, keeping a large part of the prepayment money advanced to them without shipping vaccine doses that no longer find any demand. As global demand for Covid-19 vaccines dries up, the program responsible for vaccinating the world’s poor has been urgently negotiating to try to get out of its deals with pharmaceutical companies for shots it no longer needs. Drug companies have so far declined to refund $1.4 billion in advance payments for now-canceled doses, according to confidential documents obtained by The New York Times. The worst example is J&J, manufacturer of the Janssen vaccine, which was pulled from use worldwide due to blood clots. Despite that, J&J demands that more money be given to it “because of existing contracts.”
by Igor Chudov
Major News Outlets Announce They’re Abandoning Objectivity, Claim Outdated Concept Is A Relic Of ‘White Newsrooms’
Objectivity has no place in a modern-day newsroom because it’s “a distortion of reality” that was “dictated over decades by male editors in predominantly White newsrooms and reinforced their own view of the world,” so says our new media elites. From The Daily Caller News Foundation, “Major News Outlets Say They’re Ditching Objectivity In The Name Of ‘Diversity’ “: Leaders of prominent news organizations are eschewing journalistic objectivity, claiming it is antithetical to a diversity of views in their newsrooms, according to a series of interviews conducted by two journalism scholars. Former executive editor for The Washington Post Leonard Downie Jr. and former CBS News President Andrew Heyward interviewed over 75 media leaders to gauge how the industry views the concept of “objectivity.” The media figures argued that journalists should include their own beliefs, biases, and experiences to convey truth, and that journalistic objectivity was either unrealistic or undesirable. “Objectivity has got to go,” said Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, editor-in-chief at the San Francisco Chronicle.
by Chris Menahan
Russia’s “Sanction-Proof” Trade Corridor To India Frustrates The Neocons
Russia, Iran, and India are speeding up efforts to complete a new transport corridor that would largely cut Europe, its sanctions, and any other threats out of the picture. The International North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) is a land-and sea-based 7,200-km long network comprising rail, road and water routes that are aimed at reducing costs and travel time for freight transport in a bid to boost trade between Russia, Iran, Central Asia, India. For Russia, the “sanction-proof” corridor provides a major export channel to South Asia without needing to go through Europe. But Brussels and Washington, frustrated by their losing in Ukraine and inability to put much of a dent in the Russian economy, could lead them to take more desperate measures. Lately, Estonia, which has a population smaller than Russia’s armed forces, has been making noise about causing problems in the Gulf of Finland, Estonian Minister of Defense Hanno Pevkur is talking about how Helsinki and Tallinn will integrate their coastal missile defense, which he says would allow the countries to close the Gulf of Finland to Russian warships if necessary. Estonia is also floating the possibility of trying to inspect Russian ships.
by Conor Gallagher
Christian Mother Is Suing School For Forcing Her 4-Year-Old Son To Take Part In Gay Pride Parade
Landmark case is first of its kind.
A born-again Christian mother is suing a primary school in the UK after her 4-year-old son was forced to take part in a gay pride parade. The lawsuit, brought by 38-year-old Izzy Montague, is the first of its kind in the country and underscores how deep LGBT indoctrination has penetrated the educational system. Heavers Farm Primary School in South Norwood, southeast London, sent a letter to parents back in June 2018 inviting them to take part in the pride march and “celebrate the differences that make them and their family special.” Montague subsequently contacted the school and told them she didn’t want her child ‘being involved of a public display of adherence to views which she did not accept.’ Headteacher Susan Papas responded by refusing the request, telling Montague her son would be mandated to take part in the event.
by Paul Joseph Watson
Florida vs. Critical Race Theory Courses (7:23)
by Sarah Cain
Just Who Are The Biggest Hypocrites In The World?
Just who are the biggest hypocrites in the world? The following are my nominees:
Progressive Liberal Democrats
These people seem to have a penchant for utter insanity. Call it “horse sense” or “common sense,” but whatever you call it, these folks have a natural immunity against it. Their love of Big Government makes them idolaters. Their zealotry for all things unconstitutional, un-American, anti-God and anti-Natural Law makes them, well, seriously misguided. They demand open borders and proclaim their cities “sanctuary cities,” but when the illegals begin showing up at their doorsteps, they are the loudest to scream about how unfair it is that they should have to actually follow through with their very own policies demanding illegal aliens be provided with virtually every welfare program on the books—in THEIR communities. They even have the audacity to put them on buses—just like Red State governors—and send them somewhere else. Folks, that is classic A-Number-One hypocrisy! Then they do everything they can to disarm the American citizenry and trash the Second Amendment to our Constitution all the while living and working behind some of the most heavily armed security guards on the planet—and if somehow they don’t have that luxury, they are packing heat in their own homes. Boy, you’ve got to hand it to them. They seem to have adopted Hypocrisy as a Family Tree.
by Chuck Baldwin
7 Reasons To Get More Magnesium
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body, and is the reason why vegetables are green. But few people fully appreciate the importance of this miraculous mineral.
The human genome project reveals that 3,751 human proteins have binding sites for magnesium.[i] And so far we know this one essential mineral activates over 350 biochemical processes in the body to keep things flowing. Plants are green because they contain the light-harvesting molecule chlorophyll which bears a striking resemblance to human hemoglobin (with the difference that the latter contains an oxygen-binding iron atom and not magnesium). Magnesium deficiency is often misdiagnosed because it does not show up in blood tests – only 1% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the blood. It has been estimated that about 80% of the population is deficient in this vitally important mineral.
by GMI Reporter
Fake Photos Of Auschwitz Revealed By Anne Frank’s Sister
In obedience to the political situation, Anne Frank’s half-sister Eva Schloss doubted the authenticity of the Soviet photographs from the Red Army overrun Auschwitz German labor camp, although these photographs and their history have long been accepted as genuine. Even 11 years ago, Eva Schloss took part in commemorative events in Moscow, where she met with her ‘liberators’ and admitted that she still keeps the things handed over to her by Soviet soldiers. She now stated that she ‘doesn’t remember soldiers having cameras.’ Historian Boris Yakemenko recalled that the propaganda charged Soviet photographer Olga Vsevolodovna Ignatovich was the author of the photographs. Her photographic chronicle captures the events as the notorious Red Army overran and plundered Ukraine, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Austria.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2041) Steven Douglas Whitener, Richard Kary, And Mike Sledge – The American National Radio Network (Audio 56:54)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 24, 2023, Andy is joined by Steven Douglas Whitener, Richard Kary, and Mike Sledge for a show entitled, “The American National Radio Network.”
We discussed: the history of the American National Radio Network; the content that is available on the network; why the powers that should not be are ultimately not to be taken seriously; the threat the independent media is under these days; the similarities between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump; the conflict in the Ukraine; why we are moving away from National States to Corporate States; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Chat GPT Is So Woke It Wouldn’t Write A Title For Me!
Go woke, go broke?
I’ve been testing out what biases are inbuilt to the ChatGPT system. If you don’t know what ChatGPT is, I’ve written about it in the past here. If you’re wondering why I would waste my time doing this or what the significance of a biased AI machine is, then think how much free speech was stifled over the pandemic. Think about how there was only one point of view and any dissenters were vilified and censored. Now multiply this by 1,000 and you will see what impact a biased AI will have.
by The Naked Emperor
Federal Government Is Accused Of Using Antiterrorism Tech To Target Vaccine Dissent
Using it against its own citizens.
The US federal government is adopting military-grade AI that was used to crack down on ISIS to censor dissent by US citizens on issues like election fraud and vaccine hesitancy, according to the executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, Mike Benz. Private firms and universities have received millions of dollars in grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), a federal agency, to develop tools similar to those developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Social Media in Strategic Communications (SMISC) program in 2011. SMISC’s tools were used “to help identify misinformation or deception campaigns and counter them with truthful information,” in the Middle East. In a report, Mike Benz detailed how the NSF and other organizations are using this technology to censor the speech of Americans.
by Ken Macon
Japanese Condiment Fights Highly Lethal Pancreatic Cancer
A promising study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine titled, “Effect of Wasabi Component 6-(Methylsulfinyl)hexyl Isothiocyanate and Derivatives on Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells,” reveals the potent Japanese horseradish concoction known as wasabi may help fight highly lethal pancreatic cancer by striking to the very root cause of cancer malignancy and its resistance to conventional treatment.
by Sayer Ji
US Giving Cold Feet To Countries Willing To Normalize With Syria: Report
The United States is actively working to discourage countries willing to normalize relations with Syria, according to a report.
The report, based on the summary of a recent UN Security Council meeting on Syria seen by al-Akhbar, shows that Washington has tried to draw “red lines” for countries seeking to normalize with Syria, return the Syrian refugees to their homeland, or help find a permanent solution to the crisis in the Arab country. Regarding the return of refugees, the report said instead of encouraging a repatriation process, the United States is urging the host countries to “double their support” for refugee programs, despite the heavy social and economic burden the refugee crisis puts on some of these countries, most notably Lebanon. Al-Akhbar said the European representatives present in the meeting conditioned their support for the reconstruction of Syria and the repatriation of refugees on Damascus accepting a “credible and comprehensive political process” – which is considered by many to mean a political process dictated by Washington.
by PressTV
Sewing Leaves Together To Protect The Nest. (0:09)
Viktor Orban: West Is ‘In A War With Russia’
Notes from a candid session with the antiwar Hungarian prime minister, who warns this conflict could easily get much worse
It happened again. This evening was the third time I’ve been in a small group session with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. I told the visiting journalists and publishers that they were going to be blown away by this guy, because they’re not going to believe how different he is from the way he is portrayed in the Western media. He’s sharp, funny, brilliant, and completely confident. He’s not hovered over by press aides, and he doesn’t guard his words to the point where he says nothing but mush. He’s really interesting. As I told the folks I talked to before hand, at the conference, who were invited to meet later with the PM, “You’re not going to believe that a world leader is actually like this.” As usual, after the event, there were stunned. Orban spent two hours with us, answering every question — even particularly tough ones from a Polish journalist — and was clearly loving it. I was never around Bill Clinton personally, but the things I read about how he was a natural politician — it’s at least as true of Viktor Orban. Last year, I was talking to a Fidesz politician about the PM, and he said there’s not another politician in this country who can go from strategizing at the top level, to talking to country people at a farmer’s market, and be utterly genuine in both places. I believe it. If he were on TV more in the United States, the view people have of Hungary would be totally different.
by Rod Dreher
Is The UK Health Security Agency Careless, Trolling Or Knows Something We Don’t?
A strange Job Posting
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is currently advertising to recruit an individual for the position of “Vaccine Supply Operation Lead”. You have until 14th February 2023 to apply and can earn up to £62,286 (USD $76,174). Nothing strange about that so far so why am I writing a post about it? The weird part comes in the description about the job. In the ‘Job summary’ section it says the following: (emphasis my own) The role of Vaccine Supply Operations Lead is a new post to support the operations, providing accurate and timely reports for a range of stakeholders during what is expected to be the UK’s largest vaccination programme which will be delivered at pace and will be a key Ministerial priority. The role will be directly responsible for the daily operational management of all covid related products, ensuring their timely distribution across the UK, Crown Dependencies, and Overseas Territories. “The UK’s largest vaccination programme which will be delivered at pace and will be a key Ministerial priority.” Surely no vaccination programme could be larger than the Covid one? What could they be talking about?
by The Naked Emperor
Hate Bot ChatGPT Shows You The Evil Within Big Tech (And Republicans Who Protect Them)
They told on themselves.
Humans are effective liars. Robots, for now, can only say what they’ve been programmed to, which makes them honest. Thanks to ChatGPT, an AI bot from Silicon Valley, we finally have a full accounting of what Big Tech’s agenda for the country is. You’re not going to like it. First, why does Big Tech lie about their agenda? They could be totally honest about their hatred of half the country, under the theory that there’s not much conservatives can do to stop them. Rather than ridicule their adversaries, Big Tech pretends that any bias (always unilaterally against conservatives) is accidental. Why? That’s a great question, and there’s a two-word answer to this: Jim Jordan. Jim Jordan is a very tough guy who accomplishes nothing legislatively. While railing against Big Tech in front of television cameras, he fails to tell his voters that Google regularly funds junkets for Jordan and his staffers. You see, Jordan is a principled libertarian. He believes government should keep its hands off helpless monopolies.
by Cernovich
Mislabeling Vaccination Deaths For 50 Years
Since last year (2022) I have been warning the public about the new class of “experts” that have arisen since COVID warning about the dangers of the COVID-19 injections, but who endorse and recommend all the other vaccines that have been approved by the FDA for the past 30+ years. The corruption in the pharmaceutical industry and the injection of toxic vaccines that cause injuries and deaths did not begin in 2020 with the COVID shots, and there are many of us who have been warning the public on these killer vaccines for decades now. I have also stated publicly that I am PROUD to be labeled as an “Anti-vaxxer”! Like evil and the Devil, there are just certain things it is good to always be against, because there is nothing good in them. Vaccines have never been proven safe nor effective – none of them. So I was very pleased to see an author on Substack, Marc Girardot, dig up some older information previously published by Neil Z. Miller who years ago exposed the fact that infant deaths due to vaccines are never listed on death certificates, because there are no CDC codes for cause of death due to vaccines. Instead, they are labeled as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Infant vaccinations have been the likely premier cause of illnesses for over a century.
by Brian Shilhavy
ACH (2042) Dr. Nick Kollerstrom – Ukraine: The Just War – How The West Was Lost (Audio 54:30)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 25, 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Nick Kollerstrom for a show entitled, “Ukraine: The Just War – How The West Was Lost.”
We discussed: how Nick was a founder member of the UK’s 911 Truth group; Nick’s work investigating the 7/7 London Bombings; the purpose of Western Propaganda against Russia in recent years; the psychology of deception; proof that the British Establishment are the best liars; the real reason why there is terrific visceral hatred of Russia these days; how the West’s dedication and belief in war could result in its destruction; the United States history of global bullying; the importance of the alliance between Russia and China; the end of European dominance; why the trouble with the UK is that it hasn’t been defeated in a war in a very long time; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Punxsutawney Phil Emerges From Burrow To Let Everyone Know There Are Some Documents Marked ‘Classified’ Down There
PUNXSUTAWNEY, PA — Locals and Groundhog Day enthusiasts alike were caught off-guard today, as the eponymous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, emerged from his burrow and declared to the crowd gathered at Gobbler’s Knob that there was a cache of documents marked “Classified” in his underground home. “I know you’re all here waiting to find out if I saw my shadow and if there will be six more weeks of winter and all that stuff,” Phil said, “but I thought you all might want to know that there’s a big stack of files and folders down there stamped ‘Classified’ and ‘Top Secret’ in red ink. Not sure where they came from. These are probably important, right?”
by BabylonBee.com
‘Nobody Can Tell Us How To Live’: Hungary Slams US Envoy For Meddlesome Remarks
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has lashed out at the US ambassador to Budapest for meddling in the country’s internal affairs over its support for Russia, saying, “Nobody can tell us from the outside how to live.” Szijjarto issued the scathing rebuke on Thursday after David Pressman, who has represented Washington in Budapest since September last year, censured Hungary’s push for the continuation of policies endorsed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the country’s opposition to Western-led anti-Russia sanctions over the conflict in Ukraine. “Nobody can tell us from the outside how to live, so it is of no interest what a citizen of another country – be it an ambassador – thinks about the domestic political processes in Hungary,” Szijjarto said at a press conference. “We ask for more respect for the Hungarians, even from the ambassador.”
by PressTV
Who Is The Better Identity Coalition?
The Better Identity Coalition has issued two reports aimed at guiding state and federal lawmakers in the United States. Who is guiding the hand of the BIC?
In December 2022, the Better Identity Coalition released a set of policy recommendations for all 50 U.S. state government officials focused on “ways governments can improve the privacy and security of digital identity solutions”. The report, Better Identity in America: A Blueprint for State Policymakers, outlines the BIC’s vision of how government officials should respond to the push for digital identity by groups like the BIC and its partners. The report calls on state officials to “overcome fear, uncertainty and doubt” regarding “ID innovations” which “get the most residents in digital ID programs”. The BIC cites mobile driver’s license programs as one such innovation which is helping fuel the push towards digital identity. The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators defines mobile driver’s licenses as “a driver’s license that is provisioned to a mobile device with the capability to be updated in real time” and believes they are the “future of licensing and proof of identity”.
by Derrick Broze
On Chinese Balloons–And The New FBI
U.S military commands NORAD and NORTHCOM have been soiling themselves during the last 48 hours because a Chinese spy balloon is flying over the United States mainland. The U.S. military initially recommended a shoot down and Joe Biden gave the greenlight. But cooler heads prevailed. The war party in the United States is apoplectic. The media is reporting that the military ignored Biden’s order. This is madness. The countries with military satellites circling the globe do not have a formal agreement under international law defining where earth’s atmosphere ends and space begins. The heart of the issue is that the Chinese balloon does not pose a greater security threat to the United States than a Chinese military satellite. What has so many arm chair generals and pundits pissed off is that the Chinese are ridiculing our impotence. Nancy Pelosi goes to Taiwan as a deliberate insult to China and the Chinese now send us a balloon and daring us to shoot it down. That is a bait the U.S. should not take.
by Mark Wauck
Learning A Backflip In One Hour… Inspiring! (1:12)
Attempts By France And Germany To Negotiate With Russia Should Be Prevented, Bolton Tells Pranksters
John Bolton shared his thoughts on topics such as the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the West and the prospects of Ukraine’s NATO membership with Vovan and Lexus. Former US presidential advisor John Bolton has made some rather frank admissions during a phone conversation with whom he thought was the ex-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. Alas, his interlocutor turned out to be the well-known Russian prankster duo known as Vovan and Lexus, who promptly spilled the beans online. During the chat, Bolton apparently insisted that all attempts by Germany or France to hold negotiations with Russia amid the current crisis in Ukraine should be disrupted, and claimed that the sooner Ukraine and Georgia become members of NATO, the better. Regarding the sanctions imposed by western powers against Russia, Bolton complained that they weren’t enough and that Moscow continues to bypass these punitive measures.
by Andrei Dergalin
“I Think The Police Officer Did His Job” – Kevin Mccarthy Defends Cold-Blooded Killer Mike Byrd, Throws Ashli Babbit Under The Bus
Just when we were starting to really like Kevin McCarthy he defends the cold-blooded killer who shot Ashli Babbitt dead in the US Capitol. During questioning on Thursday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was asked if he thought Ashli Babbitt was murdered by Officer Mike Byrd? McCarthy answered the reported, “I think the officer was doing his job.” Apparently, shooting a 100-pound female Trump supporter in the neck without warning is “doing his job.” In July 2021 The Gateway Pundit was first to confirm that Lt. Mike Byrd was Ashli Babbit’s killer. Lt. Byrd killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood on Jan. 6 in the US Capitol. Another woman and Trump supporter, Rosanne Boyland, was killed by Capitol Police outside the US Capitol. Ashli Babbitt was gunned down in cold blood inside the US Capitol. She was 98 pounds and posed no threat and had no weapons. And now we also know that Congress was evacuated on Jan. 6 due to a pipe bomb threat. It was not because of Trump supporters walking the halls. In August 2021, Lt. Mike Byrd was exonerated for killing Ashli Babbitt in cold blood. He gave no warning, he ran from the scene of the crime, he shot an unarmed woman dead who posed no threat. And now he walks free. And we also know that Lt. Mike Byrd was reportedly NEVER INTERVIEWED before he was exonerated for killing Ashli Babbitt.
by Jim Hoft
We Rightly Mourn The Dead, But Mustn’t Forget The Disabled
Worrying data from the USA and UK
Much of the analysis around Covid 19 vaccine harms revolves around counts of deaths, and excess mortality. This is perfectly understandable since “excess deaths” is a “hard” measure in that most countries are able to count the number of their citizens who have died quite accurately so this does allow for some reasonably informative inferences and international comparisons. The same is of course not the case for “covid deaths” which even the strongest proponents of the establishment covid narrative have had to admit are affected by differences between countries in classification, testing rates and, policies. However, as well as many countries experiencing excess deaths, there is currently a second huge problem: marked increases in the numbers registering as long-term disabled.
We’re Ruled By Assholes Because We Have Asshole Systems: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
It’s funny to think about how all our abusive, oppressive systems are only there because the people who benefit from them are able to keep everyone else too divided and distracted to notice that we vastly outnumber them and could literally just force change to happen anytime we want. People have a fairly easy time accepting that things are fucked because we are ruled by corrupt assholes. They have a much harder time accepting that we are ruled by corrupt assholes because our corrupt asshole systems will always necessarily elevate corrupt assholes to the top. It’s easier to blame our problems on oligarchs or the Deep State or a cabal of satanic pedophiles than it is to blame them on systems that we ourselves participate in and have lived our entire lives intertwined with and which have been continuously normalized within our culture. If the problem is just a few corrupt assholes then it’s not a very daunting problem, because all you have to do is remove those corrupt assholes and everything’s golden. If the problem is the systems around which our entire civilization is structured, it’s far more daunting.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Thai Assassins Coming for Pfizer? Scotland Madness. Bureaucrats And Art (9:24)
by Sanity4Sweden
NYT: Covid Vaccine Makers And Bill Gates’ GAVI Screwed Everyone
US Government and Other Governments are Holding The Bag
This New York Times story (no paywall link) from today is very illustrative of the current times. It turns out that makers of Covid vaccines expertly screwed their customers, keeping a large part of the prepayment money advanced to them without shipping vaccine doses that no longer find any demand. As global demand for Covid-19 vaccines dries up, the program responsible for vaccinating the world’s poor has been urgently negotiating to try to get out of its deals with pharmaceutical companies for shots it no longer needs. Drug companies have so far declined to refund $1.4 billion in advance payments for now-canceled doses, according to confidential documents obtained by The New York Times. The worst example is J&J, manufacturer of the Janssen vaccine, which was pulled from use worldwide due to blood clots. Despite that, J&J demands that more money be given to it “because of existing contracts.”
by Igor Chudov
Major News Outlets Announce They’re Abandoning Objectivity, Claim Outdated Concept Is A Relic Of ‘White Newsrooms’
Objectivity has no place in a modern-day newsroom because it’s “a distortion of reality” that was “dictated over decades by male editors in predominantly White newsrooms and reinforced their own view of the world,” so says our new media elites. From The Daily Caller News Foundation, “Major News Outlets Say They’re Ditching Objectivity In The Name Of ‘Diversity’ “: Leaders of prominent news organizations are eschewing journalistic objectivity, claiming it is antithetical to a diversity of views in their newsrooms, according to a series of interviews conducted by two journalism scholars. Former executive editor for The Washington Post Leonard Downie Jr. and former CBS News President Andrew Heyward interviewed over 75 media leaders to gauge how the industry views the concept of “objectivity.” The media figures argued that journalists should include their own beliefs, biases, and experiences to convey truth, and that journalistic objectivity was either unrealistic or undesirable. “Objectivity has got to go,” said Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, editor-in-chief at the San Francisco Chronicle.
by Chris Menahan
Russia’s “Sanction-Proof” Trade Corridor To India Frustrates The Neocons
Russia, Iran, and India are speeding up efforts to complete a new transport corridor that would largely cut Europe, its sanctions, and any other threats out of the picture. The International North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) is a land-and sea-based 7,200-km long network comprising rail, road and water routes that are aimed at reducing costs and travel time for freight transport in a bid to boost trade between Russia, Iran, Central Asia, India. For Russia, the “sanction-proof” corridor provides a major export channel to South Asia without needing to go through Europe. But Brussels and Washington, frustrated by their losing in Ukraine and inability to put much of a dent in the Russian economy, could lead them to take more desperate measures. Lately, Estonia, which has a population smaller than Russia’s armed forces, has been making noise about causing problems in the Gulf of Finland, Estonian Minister of Defense Hanno Pevkur is talking about how Helsinki and Tallinn will integrate their coastal missile defense, which he says would allow the countries to close the Gulf of Finland to Russian warships if necessary. Estonia is also floating the possibility of trying to inspect Russian ships.
by Conor Gallagher
Christian Mother Is Suing School For Forcing Her 4-Year-Old Son To Take Part In Gay Pride Parade
Landmark case is first of its kind.
A born-again Christian mother is suing a primary school in the UK after her 4-year-old son was forced to take part in a gay pride parade. The lawsuit, brought by 38-year-old Izzy Montague, is the first of its kind in the country and underscores how deep LGBT indoctrination has penetrated the educational system. Heavers Farm Primary School in South Norwood, southeast London, sent a letter to parents back in June 2018 inviting them to take part in the pride march and “celebrate the differences that make them and their family special.” Montague subsequently contacted the school and told them she didn’t want her child ‘being involved of a public display of adherence to views which she did not accept.’ Headteacher Susan Papas responded by refusing the request, telling Montague her son would be mandated to take part in the event.
by Paul Joseph Watson
Florida vs. Critical Race Theory Courses (7:23)
by Sarah Cain
Just Who Are The Biggest Hypocrites In The World?
Just who are the biggest hypocrites in the world? The following are my nominees:
Progressive Liberal Democrats
These people seem to have a penchant for utter insanity. Call it “horse sense” or “common sense,” but whatever you call it, these folks have a natural immunity against it. Their love of Big Government makes them idolaters. Their zealotry for all things unconstitutional, un-American, anti-God and anti-Natural Law makes them, well, seriously misguided. They demand open borders and proclaim their cities “sanctuary cities,” but when the illegals begin showing up at their doorsteps, they are the loudest to scream about how unfair it is that they should have to actually follow through with their very own policies demanding illegal aliens be provided with virtually every welfare program on the books—in THEIR communities. They even have the audacity to put them on buses—just like Red State governors—and send them somewhere else. Folks, that is classic A-Number-One hypocrisy! Then they do everything they can to disarm the American citizenry and trash the Second Amendment to our Constitution all the while living and working behind some of the most heavily armed security guards on the planet—and if somehow they don’t have that luxury, they are packing heat in their own homes. Boy, you’ve got to hand it to them. They seem to have adopted Hypocrisy as a Family Tree.
by Chuck Baldwin
7 Reasons To Get More Magnesium
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body, and is the reason why vegetables are green. But few people fully appreciate the importance of this miraculous mineral.
The human genome project reveals that 3,751 human proteins have binding sites for magnesium.[i] And so far we know this one essential mineral activates over 350 biochemical processes in the body to keep things flowing. Plants are green because they contain the light-harvesting molecule chlorophyll which bears a striking resemblance to human hemoglobin (with the difference that the latter contains an oxygen-binding iron atom and not magnesium). Magnesium deficiency is often misdiagnosed because it does not show up in blood tests – only 1% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the blood. It has been estimated that about 80% of the population is deficient in this vitally important mineral.
by GMI Reporter
Fake Photos Of Auschwitz Revealed By Anne Frank’s Sister
In obedience to the political situation, Anne Frank’s half-sister Eva Schloss doubted the authenticity of the Soviet photographs from the Red Army overrun Auschwitz German labor camp, although these photographs and their history have long been accepted as genuine. Even 11 years ago, Eva Schloss took part in commemorative events in Moscow, where she met with her ‘liberators’ and admitted that she still keeps the things handed over to her by Soviet soldiers. She now stated that she ‘doesn’t remember soldiers having cameras.’ Historian Boris Yakemenko recalled that the propaganda charged Soviet photographer Olga Vsevolodovna Ignatovich was the author of the photographs. Her photographic chronicle captures the events as the notorious Red Army overran and plundered Ukraine, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Austria.
by Michael Walsh
ACH (2041) Steven Douglas Whitener, Richard Kary, And Mike Sledge – The American National Radio Network (Audio 56:54)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 24, 2023, Andy is joined by Steven Douglas Whitener, Richard Kary, and Mike Sledge for a show entitled, “The American National Radio Network.”
We discussed: the history of the American National Radio Network; the content that is available on the network; why the powers that should not be are ultimately not to be taken seriously; the threat the independent media is under these days; the similarities between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump; the conflict in the Ukraine; why we are moving away from National States to Corporate States; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
February 2, 2023, 162 Posts Published
“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men,
they create for themselves in the course of time,
a legal system that authorizes it,
and a moral code that glorifies it.”
Frederic Bastiat
Brain Surveillance And Escaping The Corporate World by Computing Forever (33:40)
Brain Surveillance And Escaping The Corporate World by Computing Forever (33:40)
This Time It’s Different
Neither we nor our allies are prepared to fight all-out war with Russia, regionally or globally.
Until it decided to confront Moscow with an existential military threat in Ukraine, Washington confined the use of American military power to conflicts that Americans could afford to lose, wars with weak opponents in the developing world from Saigon to Baghdad that did not present an existential threat to U.S. forces or American territory. This time—a proxy war with Russia—is different. Contrary to early Beltway hopes and expectations, Russia neither collapsed internally nor capitulated to the collective West’s demands for regime change in Moscow. Washington underestimated Russia’s societal cohesion, its latent military potential, and its relative immunity to Western economic sanctions. As a result, Washington’s proxy war against Russia is failing. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was unusually candid about the situation in Ukraine when he told the allies in Germany at Ramstein Air Base on January 20, “We have a window of opportunity here, between now and the spring,” admitting, “That’s not a long time.” Alexei Arestovich, President Zelensky’s recently fired advisor and unofficial “Spinmeister,” was more direct. He expressed his own doubts that Ukraine can win its war with Russia and he now questions whether Ukraine will even survive the war. Ukrainian losses—at least 150,000 dead including 35,000 missing in action and presumed dead—have fatally weakened Ukrainian forces resulting in a fragile Ukrainian defensive posture that will likely shatter under the crushing weight of attacking Russian forces in the next few weeks.
by Douglas Macgregor
Are You Ready For “Brain Transparency” And AI Reading Your Mind?
The WEF and “The Battle For Your Brain”
The WEF’s annual meeting in Davos held a very important and exciting seminar discussing “Brain Transparency.” It featured new but working technology that allows scanning of the human brain via wearable devices (no electrodes needed). Such scans allow AI-enabled computers to read and interpret the wearer’s state of mind by instantly understanding recorded brain waves. The devices they are discussing already exist. Artificial intelligence systems paired with such devices allow unprecedented insight into the mental and emotional state of the wearer.
by Igor Chudov
Author Martin Sandler Says Mossad May Have Assassinated JFK
Martin Sandler, editor of “The Letters of John F. Kennedy,” discussed the possibility that Israel’s Mossad was behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy during a book talk at the John F. Kennedy Museum in Hyannis, Massachusetts on November 6, 2013. Sandler is an award-winning author of numerous popular books and textbooks on American history. He has taught at the University of Massachusetts and Smith College. Sandler’s full Hyannis talk was broadcast on C-SPAN’s Book TV; the segment on the JFK assassination is on C-SPAN here. Author Michael Collins Piper discusses this subject in his book “Final judgment : The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy,” available on Archive.org, Amazon, and in some libraries.
by Alison Weir
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis February 2, 2023 (24:01)
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis February 2, 2023 (24:01)
Fundamentals Of Voluntaryism
Voluntaryism is the doctrine that relations among people should be by mutual consent, or not at all. It represents a means, an end, and an insight. Voluntaryism does not argue for the specific form that voluntary arrangements will take; only that force be abandoned so that individuals in society may flourish. As it is the means which determine the end, the goal of an all voluntary society must be sought voluntarily. People cannot be coerced into freedom. Hence, the use of the free market, education, persuasion, and non-violent resistance as the primary ways to change people’s ideas about the State. The voluntaryist insight, that all tyranny and government are grounded upon popular acceptance, explains why voluntary means are sufficient to attain that end.
ACH (2049) Mallificus Scott And Paul English – The Limeys #106 – Andy’s 50th Birthday Party (Audio 2:10:41)
In today’s show originally broadcast on February 1, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-hosts Mallificus Scott and Paul English for a show entitled, “Andy’s 50th Birthday Party.”
We discussed: how our speech is primarily restricted by the mainstream media in the UK; the background to Andy’s book; how if governments throughout the world were simply incompetent, sooner or later they would make a mistake in our favor; why we cannot communicate with the powers that should not be and how they will never serve the people they claim to protect; how technology has become tedious; birthday tributes from Andy’s listeners, friends and colleagues; the 1996 Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania; why the British Government stopped publishing their official data of the amount of people who died or were injured after taking the vaccines on December 1, 2022, and how the last figures were a total of 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines; world events that happened on February 1; The Beatles; The American Civil War; The Outlaw Josey Wales; famous people who were born on February 1; Paul’s reflections since he was last on The Limeys back in June 2021; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
‘At War With Russia’, Europe Peers Down The Abyss
Russia is unlikely to take the bait: It has the real strategic advantage in all areas of engagement with the Ukrainian forces.
There is too much ‘noise’ in the system, and it is obscuring the view. Davos has always been ‘weird’. But this year, the kookier aspects were so obvious. The WEF is dying on the vine. The ‘vision’ seems ever more fantastical, and the hubris – inherent in the ‘behavioural conditioning’ to make people make the ‘right choices’ – stands naked. The schism between life, as experienced in the round, and the WEF’s bleak prescription, has never been more stark. The gap will only widen as sharply falling living standards focus the great majority on immediacy and family survival. One may dismiss this happening as a curiosity. But that would be wrong. The Davos vessel may have struck a large credibility iceberg, but it has not yet sunk. Rather, the fact of Davos sinking into creepy idiosyncrasy is significant – highly significant.
by Alastair Crooke
Clayton Morris Interviews Colonel Douglas Macgregor (21:16)
Madness Is Infectious: There Is An Epidemic Of It
Several doctors have recently spoken out about the fake pandemic and the toxic covid jab – but they haven’t said anything that hasn’t been already said (in some cases years ago). More significantly they have remained anonymous. Any comments or revelations which come from anonymous sources are worthless and must, I’m afraid, be assumed to have been fed to us by the CIA or the 77th Brigade. The cowardice of doctors who have refused to speak out openly constantly amazes me. Yes, it’s true that speaking out is damaging. Yes, it can wreck your career. Yes, you’ll get hammered by the establishment. But people are being killed by being given a deadly jab that doesn’t do what it is supposed to do – but which does kill people. Those with something to say should realise that if they speak out openly their words will be valuable. Doctors who speak anonymously are as cowardly as the ones who say nothing; their words are worthless and of no more value than the usual drivel from the trolls who inhabit the deep, dark corners of social media. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is. If doctors who kept silent had spoken out three years ago, and had the courage to identify themselves, they might have helped prevent the greatest outrage in history. Into the same category must go those drug company executives who worked in the industry for decades and then suddenly discovered that their company is crooked. What the hell took them so long? Pfizer and other big drug companies have, for years, been as rotten as three month old fish.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Pfizer Reports $100 Billion Haul, With Vast Majority Of Profits Looted From US Taxpayers
mRNA experimental injection company reaps benefits of public-private corruption.
It is the most expensive “free” product of all time. The Dossier is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Pfizer colluded with the federal government to siphon off $100 billion dollars from the American taxpayer last year, in filings announced Tuesday by the drugmaker. $31 billion of that massive haul amounted to pure profit, which was up 43% from 2021. Almost $57 billion of those dollars came directly from grants delivered by the U.S. government for the mRNA shots and Pfizer’s Paxlovid horse pills, the Covid-19 “treatment” best known for its “Paxlovid Rebound” side effects.
by Jordan Schachtel
Holding Children For Ransom: Parents Losing Children Because They Cannot Pay Foster Care Bills For Other People To Take Care Of Their Children
Is there anything more ridiculous than the fact that our nation’s messed up child trafficking system called “foster care” provides funding and training for prospective foster and adoptive parents to take care of other people’s children, but that same funding is not available for the biological family to keep their own children? Yes, there is something even more ridiculous, and amazingly, NPR brought this to the attention of the public. In some states, if the state takes away your children and puts them into foster care, they require the biological parents to help pay for the foster parents to take care of their children. And if they don’t pay this ransom to the state, they lose their parental rights and never see their children again. That’s called “kidnapping for ransom,” and it is happening under the color of the law in 12 states.
by Brian Shilhavy
3 Predictions For 2023 by Brother Nathanael (7:07)
3 Predictions For 2023 by Brother Nathanael (7:07)
Elucidating Gonzalo Lira On Race Riots In America
Gonzalo Lira did a video recently on the race riots he sees coming to America this Spring. I want to go a bit deeper. True, we can expect the usual suspects at ANTIFA and BLM (Black Lives Matter) funded by billionaires. He mentioned the recent murder of a Black motorist by 5 Black police officers in Memphis. I would add that quota cops can be just as dangerous as quota engineers, lawyers and professors. Gonzalo sees World War III as the collapse of the American Empire. I recently wrote that Putin said Nyet to WW III when he announced the creation of an Army that the whole of NATO could not touch. He is upgrading to the S-500 air defense system. By comparison the US Patriot system is highly inferior to the Soviet S-300 of the late 1970s.
by Video Rebel
Incentivizing Censorship
A Snitch in Every Skull Anti-war academic Dr. TJ Coles is at the center of two raging controversies over freedom of speech – and one overarching assault on human rights
An informational iron curtain is coming down across the West, and its architects are determined to make examples out of those who refuse to pick a side. Our Democracy has adopted a zero-tolerance policy for pollution of the information ecosystem, and the Thought Police are standing by to halt rogue infodemics in their tracks, lest the people lose trust in their institutions. Dr Tim Coles, a freelance writer and postdoctoral researcher until recently at the University of Plymouth didn’t realize he was in their crosshairs until he found himself locked out of his university email account in October. Tech support was no help; department staff refused to talk to him, closing ranks and sending him a threatening email demanding he cease contact. Clearly, he had violated some unwritten law. But what?
by Helen Buyniski
Congressman Thomas Massie Obliterates Vaxx Mandate Against Healthcare Workers
There is literally no valid argument to mandate ANYONE, especially healthcare workers.
The House of Representatives is very different than it was a year ago. Back then, any notion of ending vaccine mandates was shuffled into a memory hole. Anyone who opposed them was dismissed as an anti-vaxxer. Today, we may be seeing progress. Finally. On Tuesday, Congressman Thomas Massie gave a speech explaining the reasons the vaccine mandate against healthcare workers must end. “I rise in support of this resolution because it would facilitate the passage of HR 497, the Freedom for Healthcare Workers Act,” he said. “What does that bill do? It ends the unscientific, illogical, immoral, unconstitutional, unethical vaccine mandate on healthcare workers that is predicated on lies.”
by JD Rucker
Muhammad Ali Dodges 21 Punches In 10 Seconds (1977) (0:15)
Muhammad Ali Dodges 21 Punches In 10 Seconds (1977) (0:15)
FDA Adviser Inadvertently Confirms Pfizer Is Doing Gain-of-Function Research
They’re starting to come now – the ‘debunkings’ of the Pfizer undercover video sting, in which executive Jordon Trishton Walker, “Director of Research and Development – Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning”, tells his ‘date’ that Pfizer is looking to mutate the virus “so we could create preemptively developed new vaccines, right”. Pfizer released a statement on Friday, which notably did not deny that Dr. Walker works for the company (a fact which has anyway been confirmed via internet searches). Now the latest ‘debunking’ effort comes from Medpage Today.
by Will Jones
Artificial Intelligence Caught Lying About Viruses (22:58)
“Viruses” have been used as a cover story for over a century now. There are so many vested interests and smoke screens that it can be difficult to get people to look into the “science” for themselves. They are content to believe second hand accounts from the media, governments and so-called health institutions. Artificial Intelligence or AI platforms have been on the rise recently and millions of people are now engaging with them. We decided to put some questions about “viruses” to one of the most powerful chatbots currently in existence – ChatGPT. Are these platforms independent arbiters of truth or have they already been corrupted? Is Artificial “Intelligence” even possible?
by Dr. Sam Bailey
Russia Warns Israel Its Arms To Ukraine Would Be ‘Legitimate Targets’
Russia has warned the Israeli regime against supplying weapons to Ukraine after the regime’s premier Benjamin Netanyahu said he was considering military assistance for Kiev.
“We say that all countries that supply weapons (to Ukraine) should understand that we will consider these (weapons) to be legitimate targets for Russia’s armed forces,” Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters on Wednesday. Netanyahu said in an interview aired Tuesday that he was considering sending military aid to Ukraine, much to the chagrin of the Kremlin. The United States has recently called for more active involvement of Israel in the protracted conflict. The regime could provide assistance to Ukraine such as the US-backed technology of the Iron Dome. Russia has repeatedly condemned Israeli missile attacks on Damascus and elsewhere across the Arab country, and their relationship is likely to develop more strains amid new developments.
by PressTV
Practical Idealism: The Kalergi Plan To Destroy European Peoples (Book)
by Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
Former UK Defense Minister Says NATO May Need To Send Ground Forces To Ukraine
The “domino theory” was once used to great effect in order to manipulate the American public into supporting the Vietnam War, but will the same narrative work to get the west to support World War III with Russia? Former UK Defense Minister Sir Gerald Howarth seems to think so as he uses this exact claim to justify NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine. It should be noted that a large percentage of the American populace and most of Europe have no interest whatsoever in engaging with Russia and possibly its allies in all out war, but the establishment appears intent on forcing the issue anyway. The delivery of NATO tanks and the possibility of longer range missiles will no doubt trigger a wider response from Russia, which will then be used by NATO as a reason to escalate further.
by Tyler Durden
The Other Side Of Israel See Description #10 (2:05)
The Expiry Date Con
The “Best By” or “Use By” date on a supplement label indicates how long a supplement is expected to last before its potency falls below 100% of the listed amount. Homeopathic remedies, spagyric tinctures or any alcohol based tinctures last for years or even decades and generally never rot. I have unique homeopathic remedies that I use again and again from over 15 years ago that are still vital and helpful. Labelling laws in some Countries encourage manufacturers put expiry dates on these products when generally, none are needed. The FDA does not require expiry dates on supplements. Rest assured, if you have such a remedy that is past the date on the product, it is irrelevant. Just make sure to properly store your remedies, away from heat, light, damp and strongly scented items, like essential oils. Over time, some of the potency can decrease if proper care is not heeded. This is good news for anyone on a tight budget, you can often pick up discounted items at health food stores that are close to or past their expiry dates. All the manufacturer should need to provide is the date of manufacturing.
by Amandha Dawn Vollmer
Israel Rights Group Submits Objection To US Plans To Build New Embassy In Jerusalem
Adalah yesterday filed an objection against the Jerusalem District Planning Committee over the US’ plan to build a new embassy on illegally confiscated Palestinian land in Jerusalem. Action was taken on behalf of 12 of the descendants of the original Palestinian owners of the land, with the rights group calling on Washington to “immediately cancel” its plans to build the embassy. “If the US proceeds with this plan, it will be a full-throated endorsement of Israel’s illegal confiscation of private Palestinian property in violation of international law,” a letter to the US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides and Secretary of State Antony Blinken said. “Additionally, the State Department will be actively participating in violating the private property rights of its own citizens.” These descendants include four US citizens, three Jordanian residents and five East Jerusalem residents.
Twelve Intervention Trials Conclude That Vitamin C Works For Covid
So why are hospitals being prohibited from using it? Everyone knows that vitamin C is important for immunity. Sales of both oranges and vitamin C tablets have risen sharply during the Covid pandemic. Indeed, a review of twelve studies, including five “gold standard” randomized controlled trials, shows that this simple vitamin saves lives when given in the right dose. Vitamin C can prevent a serious Covid infection. The scientific evidence is clear: vitamin C taken when infected can reduce Covid symptoms and duration of illness. So why aren’t we being told to supplement with vitamin C?
by Orthomolecular News Service
US Oil Giant Posts Monster Profit
Exxon’s 2022 earnings set a historic high for the Western oil industry
US oil major ExxonMobil earned $55.7 billion in profits last year, the company disclosed on Tuesday. The figure was a new high for Exxon, whose previous record was $45.2 billion in 2008, when a barrel of oil cost close to $150 – some 30% higher on average than in 2022. According to company CEO Darren Woods, profits soared on the back of recovering post-Covid-19 demand amid energy supply constraints. Exxon’s earnings are believed to be a record high for the Western oil industry, although fellow majors BP, Chevron, Shell, and TotalEnergies have yet to post their 2022 results. According to a recent calculation by Refinitiv analysts, the five supermajors are expected to report a combined profit of nearly $200 billion for 2022 following last year’s spikes in energy prices.
by RT
What Are They Training For? (0:16)
101 Steps To Enslave Humanity (Part One: 1-56)
Plotting a century of transformations toward collapsing civilization and rising global technocracy for a Malthusian transhumanist (eugenics) agenda.
A three-part series.
Part One: How we got here 19th & 20th century—Phases 1 and 2
Part Two: How we got here 21st century—Phases 3, 4, and 5
Part Three: Where we’re (likely) going (2022-2030)—Consolidating Phases 1-5 and implementing Phases 7 and 8.
This is by no means a comprehensive list. Any glaring omissions noticed by readers would be appreciated in the comments below and added post-publication with credit to the commenter. Most geopolitical events, including the world wars, are intentionally omitted. This series was designed to put historical events and sociocultural phenomena into a structure that helps us understand how we arrived at the world we’re living in. If for no other reason than to dispel the deception that we arrived here suddenly and without warning. To most of the western world, who are indoctrinated by public schools and presented a highly curated version of history that are at best benign fabrications, most of these steps will appear completely foreign.
by Good Citizen
Here Are 7 New Science Museums And Exhibitions To Visit In 2023
If you’re a museum aficionado itching for a new place to explore, 2023 has you covered. New science museums and exhibitions are opening, and some zoos are expanding. This sampling of destinations to check out in the new year or beyond has something for everyone, whether you’re a wildlife lover, space nerd or history buff. Grand Egyptian Museum, Outside Cairo, Opens: To be announced. 2022 marked the 100th anniversary of the discovery of King Tut’s tomb (SN: 11/19/22, p. 14). Now, thousands of artifacts from the tomb — along with tens of thousands of other archaeological finds from ancient Egypt — will go on display when this museum, located within view of the Pyramids of Giza, opens. More than a decade in the making, it will be one of the largest archaeological museums in the world.
by Erin Wayman
Something’s Buggin’ Tucker Carlson, Food Production Is A National Security Issue (Text and Video)
This is a topic we have covered extensively, and it is great to see Tucker Carlson questioning the sudden alignment of various elements that are creating a very real food insecurity problem.
The #1 factor in the shortage of food production is the newly emboldened ‘western energy policy‘ and the impact energy has on everything from field (fertilizer) to fork (distribution). Other factors include government policy that blocks food development (Dutch, Irish and Sri Lanka Farmers), a sudden uptick in food facilities having major fires and damage, and a series of issues with the feed that goes into the production of proteins. This is all happening as the advancement of insects as a more “sustainable” protein replacement is being advanced by the same western governments. However, if you happen to notice that all of the issues travel in the same direction, you are a conspiracy theorist, or something.
by Sundance
How The Corporate Media Lied About The Jerusalem Settlement Shooting
Last Friday night a Palestinian man in his twenties entered an illegal Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem, opening fire on Israeli settlers after they exited a synagogue and were walking on a nearby road, managing to kill at least 7 and injuring another 10. After ignoring the murder of 11 Palestinians the day before, Western media went into a frenzy to cover what they called a “synagogue shooting”, a disingenuous framing of what truly transpired, in addition to missing all key context while building a completely fabricated narrative around the event. In order to understand any story of this nature, we first must receive context, learn where the story took place, what actually happened, and ultimately who was involved. This is an extremely basic breakdown of some key components that go into reporting on any story and although some details may not be available as a story breaks, a journalist has to do their due diligence. So what happened in Jerusalem?
by Robert Inlakesh
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Interviews Dr. Charles Hoffe (54:30)
Dr. Hoffe has been a respected physician for 28 years. He is a fervent advocate of the oath ‘First do no harm’ and after seeing the serious effects of the V, has been very outspoken on patient safety. So much so that he has been threatened and punished by authorities and is no longer permitted to practice.
The Real Disinformation Was The ‘Russia Disinformation’ Hoax
Thanks to the latest release of the “Twitter Files,” we now know without a doubt that the entire “Russia disinformation” racket was a massive disinformation campaign to undermine US elections and perhaps even push “regime change” inside the United States after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. Here is some background. In November, 2016, just after the election, the Washington Post published an article titled, “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say.” The purpose of the article was to delegitimize the Trump presidency as a product of a Russian “disinformation” campaign. “There is no way to know whether the Russian campaign proved decisive in electing Trump, but researchers portray it as part of a broadly effective strategy of sowing distrust in US democracy and its leaders,” wrote Craig Timberg. The implication was clear: a Russian operation elected Donald Trump, not the American people.
by Ron Paul
If Nothing Is True, Then Everything Is Permitted
Occult Eschatology in Our Time
Our first two Substack columns (here and here) have concerned epistemology — a fifty dollar word for the study of how we think and how our thoughts are directed. It’s a neglected discipline and indispensable for those who undertake pattern detection and the study of the psychological warfare stratagems of the western secret societies. If you’re new to the Revelation of the Method process we invite you to read those columns before proceeding to this one.
by Michael Hoffman
US Denies Involvement In Iran Strike
Several unidentified drones attacked a military workshop in the city of Isfahan over the weekend
The Pentagon has denied that any US forces took part in a drone attack late on Saturday that damaged an Iranian defense ministry complex in the city of Isfahan, in the central part of the country. The statement follows reports that the US and Israel could have been involved. According to the Iranian Defense Ministry, a number of drones targeted a military workshop, but air defenses successfully repelled the attack. It also claimed there were no casualties, and that the facility was continuing normal operations. While Tehran stopped short of assigning blame, its foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, insisted that “a cowardly drone attack…will not impede Iran’s progress on its peaceful nuclear program.” On Monday, Iranian news agency FARS released footage showing what looked like the debris of several small drones, which apparently carried out the attacks. The video also featured a slightly damaged building at the facility.
by RT
G20 Infrastructure Spending
By 2040, China is projected to spend at least 5% of its GDP on infrastructure, this is the highest percentage across the G20 countries.
by Strategic Infographics
IPAK-EDU Information Sheet #5: What’s In Your Child’s School Lunch? Plus: Top 10 Hazards Of Glyphosate
Subscribe to our Information Sheet Service to drive this program forward and unlock downloadable and PRINTABLE files to share and pass out at school board meetings!
Critically Important IPAK-EDU Information Sheet – What’s In Your Child’s School Lunch? Toxins that have been found in school lunches PLUS: Top 10 hazards of glyphosate. Download & Print – Use this to inform parents and your school boards!
by James Lyons-Weiler
Not Today Satan – Mark Houck Found Not Guilty Of Federal Charges Of Obstructing An Abortion Clinic
Early in the morning of September 23, 2022, pro-life activist Mark Houck was awakened by the nightmare of 25 armed FBI agents banging on his door. They gained entry, held his family at gunpoint and took him into federal custody on charges he violated the “Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. The issue stemmed from an incident in October of the prior year (2021) when an abortion activist confronted Mr. Houck and his son while peacefully protesting. Bruce Love, a 72-year-old volunteer at a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood began shouting at Houck and his son, aggressively in his face. Mr. Houck shoved Mr. Love out of the way, and the abortion industry used the shove to claim Houck committed violence and federal law enforcement got involved.
by Sundance
Global South: Gold-Backed Currencies To Replace The US Dollar
The adoption of commodity-backed currencies by the Global South could upend the US dollar’s dominance and level the playing field in international trade.
Let’s start with three interconnected multipolar-driven facts. First: One of the key take aways from the World Economic Forum annual shindig in Davos, Switzerland is when Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan, on a panel on “Saudi Arabia’s Transformation,” made it clear that Riyadh “will consider trading in currencies other than the US dollar.” So is the petroyuan finally at hand? Possibly, but Al-Jadaan wisely opted for careful hedging: “We enjoy a very strategic relationship with China and we enjoy that same strategic relationship with other nations including the US and we want to develop that with Europe and other countries.” Second: The Central Banks of Iran and Russia are studying the adoption of a “stable coin” for foreign trade settlements, replacing the US dollar, the ruble and the rial. The crypto crowd is already up in arms, mulling the pros and cons of a gold-backed central bank digital currency (CBDC) for trade that will be in fact impervious to the weaponized US dollar.
by Pepe Escobar
Israel Reportedly Behind Drone Strikes In Iran
Israel was reportedly behind drone strikes in Iran last night. FOX News reported on the attacks but could not confirm who was behind the attack. An explosion at an Iranian military facility Saturday evening, which authorities said was the result of a drone strike, comes just days after the United States and Israel conducted joint military drills in the region. Iran’s authorities announced Saturday that bomb-carrying drones targeted a “workshop” that operates for the Iranian Ministry of Defense in the central city of Isfahan, causing some damage. The officials did not disclose what the factory produces and said the attack was “unsuccessful.” …There have been reports of additional drone strikes, including a comment from Iuliia Mendel, a former spokesperson for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Mehrdad Khalili, the director of IRNA in Lebanon, denied these reports. “There is no truth to the occurrence of explosions in different areas in Iranian territory,” he wrote in a translated tweet. “The only incident is the thwarting of an attack by drones on a factory for the Ministry of Defense.” No person, country, or entity has claimed responsibility for Saturday’s attack.
by Joe Hoft
Gen Z Is Learning Government Is A Huge Grift. (0:59)
US Refuses To Call West Bank Israeli Occupied Territory
The US State Department refused to describe Palestinians in the West Bank as living under a military occupation during a heated exchange between journalists last week. State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel brushed aside questions about Washington’s view on the status of the occupied West Bank in the wake of an Israeli military raid that killed ten Palestinians in Jenin. “What is the status of the Palestinian people in the West Bank, including Jenin… and everywhere else in the West Bank?” Said Arikat of Al-Quds newspaper asked Vedant. “It’s a simple question. Are they under occupation?” Patel refused to answer the question despite being asked repeatedly to clarify the position of the US regarding the status of the West Bank. At one point Patel shockingly said that the status of the Palestinians is that “they reside on those territories.”
Excess Mortality Is Not Going Away
As usual, I’ve gathered the following material from a variety of sources. It’s not my point to get into statistical or medical matters as such. The point is simply that, as Dr. John Campbell persuasively argues, something very significant is going on that demands an explanation-but no explanation is forthcoming. In his video (see below), after discussing the disturbing signs that excess mortality may actually be increasing, he concludes by stating-based on the statistical principle of consistency-that the excess mortality stats in the Anglosphere point toward a common causal factor behind the stats. He doesn’t name that factor. Various more or less seat of the pants explanations have been offered in attempts to direct attention away from a very obvious factor. None have successfully fooled the general public-that’s an important aspect of developments. Here, Ed Dowd expresses his skepticism at those explanations, and John Campbell’s analysis suggests that the skepticism is warranted:
by Mark Wauck
musings on the militarization of covid
when (and why) did respiratory viruses become national security?
a lot of very strange things seem to have happened in the west around covid and covid response. not only did we take every piece of evidence-based epidemic guideline that had stood in place for 100 years and toss it out the window, but we then immediately adopted its diametric opposite as “proven policy” and recklessly imposed it in draconian fashion as though his was somehow “the science™.” public panic was pursued as pandemic policy and response rammed down throats as trumped up moral imperative backed by increasingly overt threats and mandates. dissidents were vilified and silenced. disagreement was disparaged and drowned under demagoguery. the party line was as relentless and uncriticizable as it was lacking in foundation. it felt like we were under attack. it was not so much public health as war and as the fog clears we can increasingly see why: because this was done by soldiers.
by el gato malo
Kiev Would Be Planning Ethnic Cleansing Against Hungarians In Transcarpathia
Ethnic persecutions have been commonplace in Ukraine since 2014, when the Maidan coup d’état established a neo-Nazi dictatorship that began an ethnic cleansing campaign in the Donbass region, exterminating the Russian population. Now, however, the Kiev regime’s blacklist of ethnicities appears to be expanding. Several sources report that Ukrainian citizens of Hungarian ethnicity are being systematically sent to the front lines of the current conflict. The objective would supposedly be to exterminate the Hungarian population inhabiting Transcarpathia, which raises concerns in the Hungarian government and increases the possibility of internationalization of the conflict. A forced mobilization of ethnic Hungarians from Transcarpathia is currently taking place in Ukraine. According to several sources, Kiev’s officials are transferring hundreds of ethnic Hungarians to the contact zones in the conflict with Russia, where they are dying in large quantities. On January 25, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto confirmed the report and expressed concern about the case. Previously, Ukrainian forces had already created the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade in the Transcarpathian region. This brigade has suffered heavy losses in Soledar and is now suffering casualties at the battle for Bakhmut. However, instead of putting soldiers from different regions on the front, Kiev is apparently planning to send all ethnic Hungarians to fight in the war zone at the same time, privileging the safety of ethnic Ukrainian soldiers.
by Lucas Leiroz
A Biological Male Just Won “Miss Nevada” And Will Compete For “Miss USA”.
Let that sink in. The prettiest woman in all of Nevada is a man.
Decline And Fall
The Seven Stages of Empire, plus fraud at home and war abroad…
Last week ended on a grim note. Americans’ disposable income dropped by more than $1 trillion. This was the second largest drop – since the Great Depression. And the ‘inflation tax’ paid so far by America’s families during the Biden years, totes to $7,400 per household. That is bad news. But who cares? You destroy a nation, first with inflation…then with war. The US elite is working both angles. Last week, it pledged to send 100 US tanks to the Ukraine… prolonging the war… and getting itself in deeper. This was heralded as a ‘game changer’ for Ukrainian forces. We know nothing about military matters. Still, we can’t help but notice a familiar pattern. Just as a summer leaf dries up in the autumn…and the old duffer forgets where he left his car keys…so does a great power become a not-so-great power.
by Bill Bonner
The Dictionary Definition Of “Anti-Vaxxer” Has Broadened
Soon there will be nobody left that does not meet the dictionary definition of “anti-vaxxer”
The common response to any criticism of a vaccine or a vaccine mandate is to yell, “anti-vaxxer,” rather than address the substance of the criticism. Here is a recent tweet reflecting this reality: Even those opposed to receiving an endless stream of COVID-19 boosters based on cogent reasoning are often met with the retort of “anti-vaxxer.” This reality is now reflected in the updated definition of “anti-vaxxer” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. The old definition included “a person who opposes the use of vaccines or regulations mandating vaccination”: The new definition is “a person who opposes the use of some or all vaccines, regulations mandating vaccination, or usually both”
by Aaron Siri
Karl Lauterbach Admits “Mistakes” As Excess Mortality In Germany Is 36% Above Normal
Is Karl hoping his crimes will be forgiven?
The news of mortality in Germany at 36% above normal, becomes too hard to hide. The never-before-wrong, multiple-degreed health expert and German health minister Karl Lauterbach admits that “mistakes were made.” He does not admit that closing schools was a mistake. He does not admit that force-vaccinating Germans with unproven, deadly vaccines causing 36% excess mortality was a mistake. The tiny error he is admitting is that the schools were closed for “too long.” It gets worse from here. Who does Lauterbach blame for this? That’s right, he blames nameless “scientists”:
by Igor Chudov
MIT Expert On Drug Safety Calls For Immediate Withdrawal Of mRNA Vaccines: “Clearly The Most Failing Medical Product In History, Causing Unprecedented Harm”
Covid mRNA vaccines are “clearly the most failing medical product in the history of medical products, both in terms of efficacy and safety” and should be withdrawn immediately as they cause “an unprecedented level of harm including the death of young people and children”, a top drug safety expert has said. Professor Retsef Levi, an expert in analytics, risk management and health systems at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, released a video this morning where he set out the alarming findings of his investigations and how they have been completely ignored by the Israeli Government. The video was tweeted by leading cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra.
by Will Jones
Keeping Quiet About Murdered Christians by Sarah Cain (4:36)
Out Of The Mouths Of Babes
A group of researchers asked children aged 4 to 8 the same question: ‘What does love mean?’ The answers were far more profound and extensive than anyone could possibly imagine. And this broadens our understanding of love, and takes it beyond love-sex between a man and a woman. so: ‘When my grandmother got arthritis, she could no longer bend over and paint her toenails. And my grandpa did this for her all the time even when his hands got arthritis. This is love.’: – 6 years old. ‘If someone loves you, they pronounce your name in a special way. And you know your name is safe when it’s in his mouth.’: – 4 years. ‘Love is when you go out to eat and give someone a majority of your fries without making them give you anything back.’: – 6 years
by Michael Walsh
Department Of Health And Human Services Is Sued After Ignoring Freedom Of Information Request Over Censorship Demands
The Surgeon General has repeatedly called for censorship of “misinformation” online.
Activist group Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for all records and communications between the Surgeon General’s office and social media companies about COVID-19 vaccines. Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit after the HHS refused to adequately respond to a FOIA request filed in March 2022. We obtained a copy of the complaint for you here. The request was for: “All records, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, texts, memoranda, and handwritten notes, of, regarding, referring, or relating to any efforts of Alexandria Phillips, Communications Director, Office of the Surgeon General, to contact any employee of Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Pinterest concerning COVID-19 vaccines.”
by Dan Frieth
Syria Blasts ‘Misleading’ OPCW Report On Alleged Douma Attack
The OPCW was revealed to have suppressed findings in its initial report that suggested that the Douma attack never took place
Syria made a statement on 28 January rejecting the report issued a day earlier by the Investigation and Identification Team of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), regarding the alleged use of chlorine by the Damascus government in Douma in 2018. “Syria totally rejects the report released by the so-called ‘Investigation and Identification Team’ of the [OPCW] about the alleged chemical attack in Douma in April 2018, in addition to its conclusions,” the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said. “Those who prepared this report … insist to ignore all the objective information which was provided by some countries, parties, experts, academics, documented media reports, and former OPCW inspectors with knowledge and expertise … which confirmed beyond any doubt that the Douma incident was completely fabricated,” the ministry’s statement added.
by News Desk
14 Dead, 24 Injured In Ukrainian Strike On Civilian Hospital – Russian MOD
The attack by Kiev’s forces on a medical facility in the Lugansk People’s Republic was “deliberate,” Moscow claims
At least 14 people have been killed and 24 injured after Ukrainian missiles struck a hospital in the city of Novoaydar in the early hours of Saturday, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement. The medical facility in the city, which is located dozens of kilometers away from the frontlines in the central part of the Lugansk People’s Republic, treated both local residents and soldiers, the ministry noted. It added that both patients and medical personnel were among the victims. “A deliberate missile strike on a known civilian healthcare facility is an absolutely grave war crime of the Kiev regime,” the MOD stated in a Telegram post, vowing to bring all those involved in planning and executing the attack to justice.
by RT
Trudeau And Hancock In Trouble / Unvaxxed Should Apologize For Their Silence? (9:15)
by Sanity4Sweden
Russia Warns Of ‘Full-Blown Conflict In Europe’
The decision by the United States and several allies to supply Ukraine with main battle tanks is paving a “direct path” to a full-scale war in Europe, Russia’s deputy envoy to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) warned. In a statement issued on Thursday concerning the “dangerous policy of the Western Alliance countries to escalate tensions” in Ukraine, deputy OSCE representative Maxim Buyakevich said foreign arms deliveries to Kiev would only prolong the current conflict, or kick off a larger regional war. “The leaders of the US and their NATO client states have come close to a red line. Their deliberate actions to escalate the military confrontation in Ukraine – provoking the regime into military action against the Russian population using Western heavy weapons and NATO intelligence – is a direct path to a full-blown military conflict in Europe,” he said, arguing that all people on the continent “definitely stand to lose” from such a war.
by Will Porter
The Pentagon’s Perpetual Crisis Machine
Given President Biden’s decision to send 31 of its top-ranked M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, it is clear that the Pentagon has decided to escalate its war against Russia. Biden’s decision was followed by Germany’s decision to deliver 14 Leopard 2 A6 tanks to Ukraine. I’ll guarantee you there isn’t a Russian alive who doesn’t know about the time in the 1940s when Germany sent its tanks deep into Russia, killed millions of Russians, and almost succeeded in conquering the country. If the increasing pressure that the Pentagon is putting on Russia does not result in a nuclear war between the United States and Russia, the advocates of this highly dangerous interventionist and escalatory strategy will later exclaim, “You see, we told you that there was never a risk of nuclear war.” But what’s interesting about the Pentagon’s strategy is that if it does result in nuclear war, there won’t be anyone around to point out how wrongheaded it was.
by Jacob G. Hornberger
Government IUs Americans’ Top Problem — Poll
Both Republicans and Democrats agreed Washington was worse than inflation and immigration issues
Americans believe the top problem facing the US is its government, a Gallup poll published on Monday revealed. Over a fifth (21%) of poll respondents named poor leadership as the most serious issue, outstripping even inflation, which fell to second place with just 15% of votes. In a rare show of bipartisan unity, 24% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, along with 18% of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents agreed that government incompetence topped the list. Inflation was number two on the mind of both parties — 18% of Republicans listed it as the top issue, compared to 11% of Democrats. Another 18% of Republicans were more focused on immigration, an issue which fell to a distant 6th place among Democrats.
by RT
The Eight-State Suicide Pact Is Advancing Quickly…
By the early 300s AD, ancient Rome’s population was in significant decline. Modern historians haven’t nailed down a precise number for Rome’s population— and estimates vary— but the clear consensus is that population peaked in the first or second century AD, and then began a rapid fall. We know the reasons why. Roman citizens were sick and tired of the corruption, inflation, taxes, crime, social decline, constant chaos, etc. and they sought greener pastures elsewhere. Bear in mind that this was happening at a time when the barbarian invasions had already begun. Every year there were more and more border incursions from the Goths, Alemanni, etc., many of whom stayed and settled in Roman territory. This is important to understand; even though Rome was gaining population from these migrant tribes, its overall NET population was still declining. This means that the number of Roman citizens leaving must have been staggering.
by Simon Black
Latin America Preparing Regional Currency – #NewWorldNextWeek (25:55)
This week on the New World Next Week: Brazil and Argentina prepare to form a common currency; smart appliance manufacturers sad that people are not connecting their toasters to the internet; and a Utah doctor is facing charges for saline shots and simple sabotage.
Leftist Media Claims Tyre Nichols Death At The Hands Of Five Black Police “Still About Racism”
We all knew it was coming; the establishment media never seems to miss a trick when it comes to making a tragic death into a race conflict. The exploitation of the murdered as a means to gain social influence is a decidedly leftist endeavor. You might even start to think that they want to trigger rioting across the country based on false premises. But that would be crazy, right? Mobs directed by disinformation are a useful weapon for national division. Mainstream media outlets seem to be searching intensely for any new act of police brutality, any new mass shooting, any crime that might fit the bill for their ongoing narrative that America is a “white supremacist nation” that needs to be torn down. Unfortunately for them, the majority of these events in recent months have not involved white police officers, straight white conservative shooters, or any person the fits the woke narrative. They have been left grasping at straws. So, it would appear that the spin doctors are changing strategies. If they can’t find a race based killing involving a minority and white people, they will simply blame every act of violence on systemic racism anyway.
by Tyler Durden
ACH (2040) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #104 – Ed Gein’s Car (1:36:06)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 23, 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Ed Gein’s Car.”
We discussed: the Handsome Truth clip that we played during the show intro segment; the sad news that there is no ambulance strike where Andy lives today; the glorification of Ed Gein; subjective morality; the Museum Of Brands; why is the sun so bright in the winter; this week’s television review, “The Streets Of San Francisco” which originally aired from 1972 to 1977; jumping up and down in front of a mirror out of boredom; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “…How wonderful when angels are so angry.”; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used update these; how you can still report vaccine injuries and deaths, but you cannot find the figures on these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the decline in Christianity and the rise in Satanism in the UK; the curious case of the British Spy; the most common and uncommon birthdays in the UK; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus News Round-up Of The Week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Nonsense Makes No Sense.
There is NO contract or law that provides immunity to a manufacturer for producing a bioweapon for use on a civilian population. How does this not make sense?
With more and more young, healthy adults dying suddenly in front of the public eye, Americans are fed up with being lied to about the cause of death being due to SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) or due to climate change. Americans know that the COVID-19 injections are the direct cause of recently diagnosed disabilities, disease and death for millions of adults and children and that the manufacturers, including Pfizer, promoted their COVID-19 injections as safe and effective vaccines knowing they would cause injury, harm, and death.
by Karen Kingston
Is Geert’s Prediction Of A Deadlier Covid Variant Coming True?
Excess deaths jump to 20-36% above normal. Does Covid cause delayed deaths that we miss?
SUMMARY: Excess mortality in Europe has been elevated at about 15% since last spring. In December 2022, excess deaths frighteningly jumped to 30-35% above normal. Even Sweden, which avoided excess mortality in most of 2022, had 20% more deaths than expected in December. Has the vaccine-selected deadly Covid variant predicted by Geert Vanden Bossche finally arrived?
I always admired Dr. Vanden Bossche for his stance against the Covid vaccine. Unlike many vaccine skeptics such as myself, Geert, a professional vaccinologist, was previously employed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and therefore had much to lose from opposing “Covid vaccines.” Since March 2021, Geert predicted, with much dramatization on his part, that a much more virulent, or deadly, variant of Covid-19 will appear due to mass vaccination. Such a variant, he said, will affect people whose immune systems were focused by repeated vaccine shots towards the extinct original Wuhan virus. Such overboosted persons could not mount a defense against newer escape variants. Months passed, and hopes appeared that Geert’s prediction was a mistake. (nobody wants excess deaths, right?) Until December of 2022, that is.
by Igor Chudov
Ancient Technology: Mystery Ingredient Helped Roman Architectural Gems To Weather Time, Study Shows
Majestic Roman structures, from the Pantheon to the iconic Colosseum, unfailingly capture our imagination, whether we behold them “in the flesh” or they gaze at us from picture postcards. But how often do we stop to ponder the engineering ingenuity behind their creation? There is a mysterious “ingredient” that explains why Roman buildings have survived so long, a new study claims. The intriguing durability of ancient Roman concrete, which has survived millennia, is what a team of scientists from the United States, Italy, and Switzerland decided to probe, publishing their findings in the journal Science Advances. It has been thousands of years, yet traces of the Roman Empire have survived to our day and age, inspiring generations that followed. Ancient Romans built to last, whether it was temples, houses, or aqueducts. Lasting reminders of the once flamboyant Roman Empire, awe-inspiring architectural marvels such as the famous amphitheater, the Colosseum, the well-preserved Pantheon, and the architectural gem of Maison Carrée temple in Nimes.
by Brian Shilhavy
Florida Moves To Criminalize Hate Speech As World Economic Forum Promises “There Will Be A Ban” (14:50)
by Vincent James
6 Top Benefits Of Citrulline
Your body converts the amino acid citrulline to arginine, which plays a key role in nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. This compound, found in high concentrations in watermelon, is useful for blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, metabolic health and more. Citrulline, also known as L-citrulline, is a non-essential amino acid metabolized by your kidneys. Your body converts citrulline to arginine, which plays a key role in nitric oxide (NO) synthesis that helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. Citrulline is found naturally in fruits and vegetables, with watermelon being a top source. In fact, the word citrulline comes from Citrullus lanatus, the scientific name for watermelon.[i] Foods and supplements that boost vascular tone are useful since vascular dysfunction often leads to heart disease.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
How Governments Pay People To Discredit The “Misinformation Spreaders”
Governments cannot win on the facts. So they engage in disinformation campaigns against the people telling the truth. Read this article from the UK Daily Mail now before it is removed.
When you cannot win your argument on the scientific merits, you must resort to paying people to censor or smear your opposition. Because that’s the way science works.
by Steve Kirsch
The Individual Under Pressure
Solzhenitsyn’s lessons for Broadway & Hollywood
This morning, I spoke with an old friend in New York who told me the story of a friend of his-an actor in a Broadway theater-who is obliged to attend critical race theory workshops every Monday in order to retain his job. The workshops have nothing to do with drama or story-telling, nor do they do anything to foster understanding or sympathy for anyone. They are dreary and repetitive ideological catechisms that he must dutifully sit through or be fired. This evening I met a friend for dinner whose daughter is a Hollywood actress. She told me about the myriad trials, strictures, and demands with which her daughter has had to contend since SARS-CoV-2 arrived-first with testing and masking, and then with vaccine compliance.
by John Leake
Jerusalem Struck By Second Shooting In 24 Hours
Two people were seriously injured by gunfire, Israeli officials have said
Two people were severely wounded and hospitalized after a gunman opened fire in Jerusalem on Saturday, Israeli police said. They stated that the suspect, who is just 13 years old, has been “neutralized.” The victims are a father and a son, aged 47 and 22 respectively, the Haaretz newspaper reported, citing the nation’s rescue service. According to police, the suspect was shot by two armed civilians who carried licensed guns. “An identity check of the terrorist, who was wounded and overpowered, reveals him as a 13-year-old resident of East Jerusalem,” they said on Twitter. The incident took place in East Jerusalem’s Silwan neighborhood hours after seven people were killed and three more injured outside one of the city’s synagogues on Friday night. That assailant was a 21-year-old Palestinian from East Jerusalem. He was killed by officers.
by RT
Dr. E. Michael Jones On The Final Days Of The Gay Disco (1:04:55)
Massive Fire Destroys Commercial Egg Farm Belonging To Top US Supplier
Dozens of food processing plants were destroyed and/or damaged last year by “accidental fires.” After several months of a lull in mysterious fires rippling through the food industry, the first major one of the new year was reported by NBC Connecticut on Saturday. More than 100 firefighters battled a massive fire at a commercial egg farm in Bozrah, Connecticut, on Saturday afternoon.
by Tyler Durden
The War On Doctors And Patients
Whenever I republish my newspaper op-eds on this Substack, I tend to introduce them with some comments on “how I really feel,” instead of the more staid language and arguments used in those pieces. In this one, I essentially argued that the new Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government should be ground zero for investigating how the administration is using COVID-19 to wage war on doctors who won’t follow its orthodoxy. Although I am not under the delusion that its actions will actually result in meaningful changes in public health policy, I felt I should provide some guidance to them in the support we doctors (and thus patients) really need. I highlighted some of the most harmful actions taken to silence and suppress physicians, which would have been absolutely unthinkable a few years ago but now are becoming the norm, what with Clownifornia’s new bill (which just got slapped with an injunction!) threatening doctors’ livelihoods if their speech does not support the dominant consensus, er, I mean “narrative.”
by Pierre Kory
Going For The Kill In Kosovo
The same recklessness that over the past year had been on display in the Ukraine is now in evidence increasingly in the Balkans.
The collective West’s unsuccessful war against Russia using Ukraine as the stage and Ukrainians as cannon fodder has induced the Transatlantic alliance to desperately seek some semblance of victory, anywhere, in order to disguise the scope and lessen the political repercussions of its failure in the Ukraine. The solution it has come up with to repair its tarnished hegemonic image is the aggressive campaign to wrap up “unfinished business” in the Balkans. Coming from such quarters, any “attention” to Balkan nations is invariably bad news for the country so favoured. That is the case in this instance as well.
by Stephen Karganovic
Pfizer Demonstrates The Firepower Of Its Armed And Fully Operational Battle Station (Video 0:08)
Project Veritas video of Pfizer doctor vaporized from the internet and mainstream media.
Fellow Substack author, Robert Malone, MD, documents that the awe-inspiring power of Pfizer to expunge an embarrassing artifact from the internet and mass media, and thereby from the consciousness of most of mankind. This astonishing coordination of the actions of hundreds of decision-makers in charge of these organizations suggests that Pfizer is indeed just one part of the Matrix directed by the Department of Defense, the CIA, FBI, and other state goon squads. At times like these, I do fear that our ragtag rebel alliance is going to have a very hard time getting the truth out to the broader public.
by John Leake
Why Pfizer Never Came To India (1:57)
Directed Evolution T-Shirt
The long and winding road following the science that will lead to the end of humanity as we know it.
by Aye Magine
Germany The Weakest Link In NATO’s War Tracks
When the Leopard hulls are wheeled back with their turrets blown off, the political price for Berlin will become unbearable.
Germany is being played like a fiddle and the sound is a pathetic and plaintive one. Only days after Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Germany would not be supplying its Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine to fight against Russia, Berlin has done an embarrassing U-turn. The Leopards are coming. Germany is to send “a company” of these fearsome battlefield weapons which amounts to about 14 of them, according to reports. What is more, Berlin is giving the proprietary authorization for other NATO members to also re-export the German-made tank to Ukraine. Last Friday at a NATO-sponsored war summit at the U.S. Air Force Base in Ramstein, Germany, the Scholz government surprised many observers by resisting mounting calls from the United States and other NATO allies to release the Leopards. Scholz has been saying for months that he did not want to provoke Russia into an escalation of hostilities by such a move. How many times has he said that regarding other German weapons only to buckle and cave in?
by Finian Cunningham
I Riff Off Jordon Walker, FDA Corruption, Watt And Latypova And The Global Biosecurity System
A past-present-future of how the medical establishment has been used as a tool to get us to where we are today
Not sure I want to wade into the Jordon Tristan Walker story. But he is a good starting point for me to collect my thoughts about everything that is happening today and what it means and where it came from and where it is going. Mr. Walker thought he was on a date and was trying to impress his date. He did not know actual details about what he was talking about. He seemed to lack a moral compass—but that sort of omission appears to be extremely common these days. Mr. Walker is the 2023 version of a Valley Girl, which means his success in society is an enigma to those of us who are older and befuddled/appalled by what passes for popular culture and competence these days.
Meryl Nass
Palestinian Shooter Was Named After Grandfather Killed By Israeli Settler
Haim Ferelman, who killed the grandfather of Khairy Alqam, was released despite killing four Palestinians
The grandfather of the Palestinian man who killed seven people in Jerusalem on Friday was murdered by an Israeli settler, who was later controversially acquitted of the crime. Khairy Alqam shot and killed seven people outside a building used as a synagogue in the settlement of Neve Yaakov in East Jerusalem. Alqam fled the scene before the police caught up with him. Israeli police said a gunfight ensued that killed the 21-year-old Palestinian. The incident comes amid a flare up of violence between Israelis and Palestinians after the Israeli army killed nine Palestinians in the Jenin refugee camp on Thursday. Originally from the Al Tur neighbourhood in East Jerusalem, Alqam was named after his grandfather, who was killed by an Israeli settler 25 years ago. Haim Ferelman, killed 51-year-old Khairy Alqam and three other Palestinian men in 1998. Ferelman, described by the Israeli media at the time as a “Jewish terrorist”, was charged with murder.
by MEE Staff
“Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2023” Plans For A Cyber Attack To Take Out Global Supply Chains!!! (18:53)
by Press For Truth
We’ve Seen This Movie Before
Recently the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee expressed concern that some wayward Republican’s might need some “education” on the dire global consequences if Russia wins the war in Ukraine. Sounding somewhat desperate representative Michael McCaul told CNN’s Dana Bush on “State of the Union” last Sunday that, “We have to educate our members. I don’t think they quite understand what’s at stake.” He went on to claim that a Russian win would lead to China attacking Taiwan. The implication is that Russia and China will start attacking their neighbors if the West doesn’t step in to stop Russia and teach Putin a lesson. This sounds eerily familiar. If you are of a certain age you may recall that the Pentagon insisted that if we didn’t invade Vietnam back in the 60’s and stop the commies the domino’s would start to fall as the Soviet Union and China would be emboldened to wage war across the globe. So did the Pentagon’s dire predictions come true? In a word: NO!
by Jeff Harris
Mexico Becomes First Nation To Admit Harms Of Geoengineering, Halts Future Experiments
The Mexican government has announced a moratorium on solar geoengineering experiments following an unauthorized small scale experiment by a U.S. startup. How will the decision impact the plans of globalists who aim to use geoengineering as a gateway to world governance? Only weeks ago, Luke Iseman, the CEO of Make Sunsets, the company behind the experiment, announced to the world that he had released two weather balloons filled with reflective sulfur particles as part of publicity stunt meant to spark conversation around the science of geoengineering. Geoengineering is a controversial science of manipulating the climate for the stated purpose of fighting man-made climate change. There are several types of geoengineering, including Solar Radiation Management (SRM) or solar geoengineering. Stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, is a specific solar geoengineering practice which involves spraying aerosols into the sky in an attempt to deflect the Sun’s rays. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is currently developing a five-year research plan on solar geoengineering.
by Derrick Broze
Fatal Memphis Police Beating Heralds ‘Culmination Of Racial Conflicts’ As US Presidential Election Nears
“They had beat him to a pulp,” Nichols’ mother RowVaughn Wells told CNN, sobbing as she described him in hospital. “He had bruises all over. His head was swollen like a watermelon. His neck was bursting because of the swelling.” On Thursday, the five now-former Memphis police officers involved in Nichols’ arrest, Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr, and Justin Smith, who are all Black, were charged on seven counts, including second-degree murder and aggravated assault.
by GT Staff Reporters
Leaked Files: How Britain Trains Jordan To Spy On Its Citizens
The British government covertly trained Jordanian security services in techniques known as “digital media exploitation” which has been used to monitor, manipulate, and disrupt dissent in the kingdom.
Leaked documents reviewed by The Cradle reveal that Britain secretly trained Jordanian security services in techniques used by the notorious UK security and cyber agency GCHQ, which provides signals intelligence to the British government and its armed forces. Over three intensive, week-long, Foreign Office-funded training sessions conducted between June 2019 and March 2020, members of the Public Security Directorate’s shadowy Special Branch, handpicked by the British Embassy in Amman, were taught the finer points of “digital media exploitation.” In theory, the purpose of the exercise was to assist “evidence gathering agencies in Jordan to effectively extract data from digital devices” to enhance their investigative capabilities, and improve the standard of prosecutions, particularly in the field of terrorism. This would in turn enable enhanced sharing of evidence between Amman and London, “and lead to increased operational cooperation.”
by Kit Klarenberg
Poisoned Chicken Feed Conspiracy Confirmed (2:41)
It’s now undeniable, that the government has been lacing chicken feed so that chickens stopped laying eggs. Which is why that eggs are so bloody expensive right now. Could it be any clearer, our governments are trying to kill us. They want us to die, how much longer can we tolerate this?
Z28.310 – The Code Designated For The Unvaccinated
New ICD codes
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes are a system used to classify and code diseases, injuries and other health conditions. They are primarily used for tracking and analysing health data, as well as for billing and reimbursement in the healthcare system. Periodically the World Health Organization (WHO) updates the codes to reflect new advances in medical knowledge and technology. The codes can be used by healthcare providers, insurance companies and government agencies to help ensure patients receive the appropriate treatment and care.
by The Naked Emperor
The 600 Influential Russian Twitter Bots Narrative Was Pushed By Mainstream Media. Twitter Executives Knew It Was False.
But kept quiet.
New Twitter Files revelations show that the Twitter accounts on a list from the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) that were supposed to be of Russian bots were far from it. While Twitter had evidence to prove that the accounts weren’t Russian bots, employees kept quiet, afraid to go against mainstream media narrative. The ASD describes itself as an organization that comes up with “strategies for government, private sector, and civil society to defend against, deter, and raise the costs on foreign state actors’ efforts to undermine democracy and democratic institutions.” Its advisors are the likes of Michael Chertoff, who worked in the George W. Bush administration as Secretary of Homeland Security, Mike McFaul (who worked in the Obama administration as US Ambassador to Russia,) commentator Bill Kristol, and Hillary Clinton advisers Jake Sullivan and John Podesta.
by Cindy Harper
US, Israel Conclude Largest-Ever Joint Military Exercise Aimed At Iran
The drills demonstrate that the US has Israel’s back despite Netanyahu’s controversial new government
The US and Israel on Thursday announced the conclusion of their largest-ever joint military exercises, known as Juniper Oak 23. The drills were launched Monday and involved over 140 aircraft and nearly 8,000 troops from both militaries. The massive show of force was clearly a provocation toward Iran despite claims from US officials that it wasn’t aimed at any one country. “US Central Command and the Israel Defense Forces concluded Juniper Oak 23.2, the largest US-Israel partnered exercise in history,” US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a press release. CENTCOM said the drills included a live-fire exercise that involved “B52s, F35s, F15s, F16s, FA-18s, AC-130, AH64s, 12 naval assets, High Mobility Rocket Artillery Systems, Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, a mix of jet fighters, and long-range bombers.”
by Dave DeCamp
HHS Office Of Inspector General Maneuvers To Throw Fauci Under Bus Without Hurting Him
Audit finds lax oversight of EcoHealth grants for “enhanced potential pandemic pathogens (ePPPs)”
Three years after SARS CoV-2 broke out, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) just issued a dry-us-dust report on its audit of the NIH grants to EcoHealth Alliance “totaling approximately $8.0 million, which included $1.8 million of EcoHealth’s subawards to eight subrecipients, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).” The auditors concluded that: Using its discretion, NIH did not refer the research to HHS for an outside review for enhanced potential pandemic pathogens (ePPPs) because it determined the research did not involve and was not reasonably anticipated to create, use, or transfer an ePPP. However, NIH added a special term and condition in EcoHealth’s awards and provided limited guidance on how EcoHealth should comply with that requirement. We found that NIH was only able to conclude that research resulted in virus growth that met specified benchmarks based on a late progress report from EcoHealth that NIH failed to follow up on until nearly 2 years after its due date.
by John Leake
Freedom Moon Rising (41:53)
by The Crowhouse
Jack Phillips Loses Another Court Decision For Refusing To Bake ‘Gender Transition’ Cakes
Masterpiece Cakeshop has been repeatedly dragged back into court for years after the Supreme Court refused to conclusively settle the matter.
The Colorado Court of Appeals has ruled against Christian baker Jack Phillips’ right to decline to create cakes with messages that go against his religious beliefs in the latest chapter of the artist’s ongoing struggles since the U.S. Supreme Court refused to decisively settle his case. In 2018, Autumn Scardina filed a complaint against Phillips, the proprietor of Masterpiece Cakeshop, for declining to bake a cake that would be pink on the inside and blue on the outside to celebrate his “transition” from male to female. Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) director Aubrey Elenis claimed there was probable cause to conclude Phillips had unlawfully denied Scardina “equal enjoyment of a place of public accommodation.” In response, the religious liberty nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a federal lawsuit against outgoing Democrat Gov. John Hickenlooper and the state civil rights commission, accusing them of ignoring the Supreme Court’s 2018 ruling in Phillips’ favor over same-sex “marriage” cakes and continuing to discriminate against Phillips’ faith.
by Calvin Freiburger
Expert: Seizure Of Russian Funds Could Make EU No-Go Investment Area For Rest Of World
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The European Commission’s plans to seize frozen Russian assets and use them to pay for the reconstruction of Ukraine will make the European Union a “no-go investment area” for other non-Western countries that will be scared away by these measures, geopolitical expert Charles Gave told Sputnik. “I believe that Europe would become a no-go investment area for the non-Western world the day Europe seizes the assets of the Russian sovereign state… there is no legal base for seizing the assets of a foreign state,” the expert said. In November, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen proposed the creation of a special structure to manage the frozen assets of the Russian Central Bank and private assets to support Ukraine. On Thursday, a senior EU official said that the possible use of Russia’s frozen assets in the EU was accompanied by complex legal issues, with various EU institutions continuing discussions on the matter.
by Sputnik News
ACH (2037) Dave Gahary – The Wonderful World Of Gahary (Audio 1:00:29)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 20, 2023, Andy is joined by Dave Gahary for a show entitled, “The Wonderful World Of Gahary.”
We discussed: who you can trust; the special interest groups in America that are trying to shut down free speech regardless of the First Amendment; Florida House Bill 741 which limits the free speech rights of Floridians, which for some reason Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed in Israel; why Money Tree Publishing doesn’t currently have a payment processor for credit or debit cards; Speak Free Radio; why Dave thinks 2023 is going to be a good year; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Israel Advocates Push ABA To Adopt Anti-Palestinian Definition Of Antisemitism
The American Bar Association will vote on February 6 whether to promote a newly created definition of antisemitism that has been used “consistently (and nearly exclusively) not to fight antisemitism, but rather to defend Israel and harm Palestinians This has been done “at the cost of undermining and dangerously chilling fundamental rights of free speech, freedom of assembly and protest, and academic freedom “The ABA’s embrace of the definition would legitimize this infringement on core democratic rights as well as undermine the ABA’s own ability to engage on issues related to Palestinian rights…” For 20 years, Israel and its partisans have worked to embed a newly fabricated, Israel-centric definition of antisemitism in governments and institutions around the world. The latest iteration is known as the IHRA definition. Now there is an effort to push the American Bar Association to promote this definition to “federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal governments in the United States.” At its upcoming national meeting (which begins on February 1), delegates will be voting on resolution 514 on Monday, February 6. Numerous groups have written letters opposing the ABA’s use of this definition, pointing out that it would be used against Palestinian rights, would infringe on freedom of speech, and would interfere with academic freedom. Israel has a long, thoroughly documented history of violating Palestinian human rights, of an apartheid-like system. and of violent attacks on Gaza and the West Bank. It was founded through a war of ethnic cleansing.
by Alison Weir
Russia Laughs As NATO Decides To Send Tanks To Ukraine
I have been watching with great interest how some factions in the German government have been hesitating to agree to send tanks to Ukraine for this past week or so. Were the Germans finally figuring out that the United States is not their friend, and that there is no advantage to Germany to continue supporting Ukraine in their fight against Russia? Even if many people in Germany have now figured this out, in the end, the Globalists, in this case the Defense Contractors, won the day and convinced Germany to send tanks to Ukraine, as will the United States. So here is the Russian perspective as to what this means, and if one understands that the real winners in this Ukraine War are the Wall Street Billionaires and bankers who are invested in the companies who make these tanks as well as other weapons of mass destruction that can only be used up in a real war, then the Russian perspective seems very plausible, as they make plans to blow up and burn all these tanks. This will then release even more funding for the war to replace these tanks.
by Brian Shilhavy
Son Of A Holocaust Survivor by Brother Nathanael (8:26)
Son Of A Holocaust Survivor by Brother Nathanael (8:26)
Pfizer Pleased To Announce Their New Vaccine 90% Effective Against New Virus They Created
NEW YORK, NY — Pfizer Inc. dropped their new COVID variant and accompanying vaccine Thursday at midnight, much to the delight of CDC officials. The new vaccine is reportedly shown to be 90% effective against the COVID variant Pfizer created in their lab. “First there was the dream, now there is reality,” said Pfizer CEO Albert “Dirty Berty” Bourla from his planet-orbiting space fortress. “They said it couldn’t be done — that it was unethical — but we showed them!” He elaborated, “A new variant is scary. That’s why we wanted to make sure the vaccine was ready to go right away. We had a lot of experience from causing myocarditis and then treating it, which was a big help.” Pfizer scientists have been working double time to get both products ready for simultaneous release using a process they call “directed evolution.”
by BabylonBee.com
Israeli Troops Commit Massacre In Latest Raids On Jenin
The raids focused on Jenin but targeted many other areas across the occupied West Bank
The Israeli army killed ten Palestinians and injured at least twenty on 26 January during violent raids in the occupied city of Jenin and its refugee camp. The raids began on the evening of 25 January and persisted into 26 January, in what is being described as “one of the deadliest days” in the West Bank since the start of last year. According to the Palestinian Prisoners Club (PPC), several have been detained throughout the raids and transferred for interrogation by Israel’s security service. As a result of the incursions, intense clashes broke out between Israeli troops and resistance fighters, several of whom sustained bullet wounds. An elderly woman has also been reported among the dead, according to security officials. Eyewitnesses have referred to the situation as a “massacre.” Those killed are Majeda Abdel Fattah Obeid (Umm Ziad), brothers Mohammad Ghneim, Nour Ghneim, and Ahmad Ghneim, Mohammad Mahmoud Sobh, Wassim Amjad Jaes, Mutasim Mahmoud Abou Hassan, Ezzedine Yasin Salahat, Abdallah Marwan al-Ghoul, Saeb Issam Azraqi.
by News Desk
Enemy To Itself: Germany’s Green Power Grid Unable To Power Green Society!
Today we check in with Blackout News to find out the latest news on Germany’s green energy follies.
The latest is that the country’s increasingly green electric power grid is increasingly unable to handle the “climate friendly” electric mobility and heat pumps the German government is pushing. It’s widely known that Germany’s electric power supply has the grid constantly on the brink power outages, even blackouts. This is in large part due to the rushed phasing out of baseload coal and nuclear power while installing mass capacities of unstable a wind and solar power. As Germany pushes the ever greater burdens onto the power grid, its government continues taking measures to weaken the grid rather than to bolster it. Since Germany’s natural gas supply disruption has caused energy prices to skyrocket, homeowners and motorists are looking for alternative heating sources and modes of mobility. Little wonder Germans are looking more and more to heat pumps for home heating and electric cars for their mobility. But there’s a problem, Black News reports: “The President of the Federal Network Agency is now calling for the forced throttling of heat pumps and charging stations.” This is because the power grid cannot cope with the added load.
by Pierre L. Gosselin
Study Finds COVID “Vaccines” Have Killed 1 In Every 874 Americans
A peer-reviewed study published on 24 January 2023 estimates 278,000 Americans died in 2021, alone, due to covid injections. 243 million Americans had received Covid injections by the end of Dec 2021. So, the study’s estimate suggests that 1 out of 874 vaccinees is killed by the injections.
The study commissioned an online survey from a reputable polling company, Dynata. According to the Centres for Disease Control, about 31% of the United States population had not completed the primary vaccination series as of November 2022. So, the primary aim of the study was to identify the factors associated by American citizens with the decision to be vaccinated against covid. A total of 2,840 participants completed the survey between 18 and 23 December 2021. 22% of respondents indicated that they knew at least one person who had experienced a severe health problem following covid vaccination.
by Rhoda Wilson
Why Worry by Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris (7:18)
Why Worry by Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris (7:18)
The Mass Media Used To Publish Perspectives On Ukraine That They Would Never Publish Today
The other day I stumbled across a 2014 opinion piece in The Guardian titled “It’s not Russia that’s pushed Ukraine to the brink of war” by Seumas Milne, who the following year would go on to become the Labour Party’s Executive Director of Strategy and Communications under Jeremy Corbyn. I bring this up because the perspectives you’ll find in that article are jarring in how severely they deviate from anything you’ll see published in the mainstream press about Ukraine in 2023. It places the brunt of the blame for the violence and tensions in that nation at that time squarely at Washington’s feet, opening with a warning that the “threat of war in Ukraine is growing” and saying there’s an “unelected government in Kiev,” and it only gets naughtier from there.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Paradise Lost
The curse of mankind is unquestioned acceptance of one’s enslavement. Throughout history, humans use fellow humans to war on their foes. Wage slaves in debt to banks and taxed 50 per cent of their earnings are used to make products or manage services, to sell at a profit or to serve the profiteering elite. The worst century for human slavery was the 20th century and the 21st century may be worse. Virtually everything made is manufactured under battery hen workplace conditions. Workers don’t question their hand-to-mouth galley slave existence. The Soviet Union’s only worthwhile achievements were built by slaves. These accomplishments were attained by captives harvested from over thirty nations surrendered to or occupied by the Bolsheviks.
by Michael Walsh
Vaccine Genocide: Pfizer Lied And 20 Million People Died In Just A Handful Of Countries According To Secret Government Reports
Secret reports from the Governments of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and most of Europe have raised alarm bells as they confirm that approximately 20 million deaths have been recorded resulting in 2 million excess deaths since Pfizer lied enabling the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections. Sadly, further reports quietly published by the UK Government also confirm that mortality rates are lowest among the unvaccinated in every single age group. This therefore strongly suggests that Pfizer’s lies have caused millions to die and the Covd-19 injections are by far the largest contributing factor to the millions of excess deaths seen across the ‘Five Eyes’ and most of Europe.
by The Exposé
Bill Gates Admits COVID Shots Don’t Prevent Infection, Protect Vulnerable Groups (Text and Video)
Despite promoting mass vaccination, Gates admitted the shots don’t prevent infection, don’t work against new variants and don’t protect the vulnerable.
Bill Gates, one of the most prominent financial sponsors of vaccine development and production, admitted that the COVID injections do not prevent infections, don’t work against new variants, and therefore do not sufficiently protect the elderly. During a Monday interview hosted by the Lowy Institute, an Australian thinktank, Gates said that “we also need to fix the three problems with vaccines.” “The current [COVID] vaccines are not infection-blocking,” the Microsoft billionaire said. “They’re not broad. So, when new variants come up, you lose protection and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people, and every one of those things is fixable.”
by Andreas Wailzer
Sometimes You Have To Share Your Fishing Spot (0:20)
German FM Says ‘We Are Fighting A War Against Russia’
The comments align with Russia’s view that they are fighting against the US and NATO in Ukraine
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said Tuesday that Germany and its allies are “fighting a war against Russia” in rare candid remarks about the Western role in the conflict. Baerbock made the comments at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France, while discussing the criticism her government has faced for its hesitancy to send tanks, although that impasse has been broken as Berlin confirmed Wednesday it will send its Leopard 2 tanks. “And therefore, I’ve said already in the last days – yes, we have to do more to defend Ukraine. Yes, we have to do more also on tanks,” Baerbock said. “But the most important and the crucial part is that we do it together and that we do not do the blame game in Europe, because we are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.”
by Dave DeCamp
Satire Or Serious: “Why Didn’t The Unvaccinated Do More To Warn Us?”
Given the gargantuan level of gaslighting going on globally, it is difficult for us to judge whether the following is the most serious reframing of the entire COVID crisis yet or the most satisfyingly satirical take on the farcical narrative-managers op-eds we’ve ever read. You decide… As the world struggles to come to terms with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that continues to surface is why the unvaccinated didn’t do more to warn us about the potential dangers of being injected. While well intending citizens lined up, did the right thing, and received their COVID19 vaccinations — now seeming to do more harm than good — their unvaccinated friends stood by and let them do it. Some of them said too little. Some said nothing at all. Even though they knew what we didn’t.
by Tyler Durden
Iran FM’s Trip To Syria Was To Address ‘Misunderstandings’
The recent visit of Iran’s FM to Damascus was not ordinary. One of its main goals was to address a problem that had emerged between the two countries after the Turkish-Syrian meeting in Moscow.
All vital geopolitical issues in West Asia are connected to Damascus and Tehran in some way, and the two allies are well aware of their pivotal position in setting the region’s political, and security course. When Iran and Syria weigh in on any crisis, matters can either get resolved or be scuttled altogether. Despite their respective domestic crises, and relentless western efforts to intensify internal dissent through economic blockades and sanctions, Damascus and Tehran remain a key axis in drawing the map of the region. The relationship is not without disagreements however, and recently underwent some friction during Turkish-Syrian rapprochement efforts – particularly over the Moscow meeting of Turkish, Russian, and Syrian defense ministers last December.
by Rania Berro
Russia Didn’t Blow Up Gas Pipeline – Nord Stream Boss
Moscow was not behind the undersea “sabotage” in September 2022, Matthias Warnig believes
Russia is unlikely to be behind an attack last September on the Nord Stream gas pipelines, according to Matthias Warnig, the head of Nord Stream AG and Nord Stream 2 AG – two Swiss-based companies operating the undersea Russian gas pipelines. Warnig, who is said to have long-standing personal ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin, spoke to German newspaper Die Zeit recently. “The Russians? No,” he responded, when asked about Moscow’s potential complicity in the incident that left both Nord Stream 1 strings and one Nord Stream 2 string severely damaged. Die Zeit published a lengthy profile interview on Wednesday, detailing Warnig’s relations with Putin and his work for companies affiliated with Russia. Warnig, who has been the managing director of the Nord Stream AG company since it was founded in 2006, provided no definitive answer to a question on who might be behind the incident. When asked whether London might have been behind it, he called it “speculation” and suggested that the journalist “think about it.”
by RT
Amazing Cuttlefish Camouflage (0:11)
Credit: Lawrence Scheele
More Insanity At The FBI – ‘There Is No Way This Is Possible’
“If they put this in a movie, you’d turn it off immediately, saying, ‘There is no way this is possible. … This is comedy, not drama.’” That was Mike Pompeo, speaking to Jesse Watters on Monday evening about the revelation that Charles McGonigal, the FBI agent alleged to be a Russian asset, was also the one put in charge of the investigation into the DNC “hack.” (We’ll have more on that connection soon.) McGonigal had also been tasked with investigating Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska but had secretly gone to work for him to help get sanctions against him lifted. He and court interpreter Sergey Shestakov, a U.S. citizen, were charged in the Southern District of New York; details of the charges here.
by Mike Huckabee
New U.S. Government Research Is Finally Admitting That Glyphosate Weed Killer Causes Cancer
New research by top US government scientists has found that people exposed to the widely used weed killing chemical glyphosate have biomarkers in their urine linked to the development of cancer and other diseases. The study, published last week in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, measured glyphosate levels in the urine of farmers and other study participants and determined that the presence of high levels of the pesticide were associated with signs of a reaction in the body called oxidative stress, a condition that causes damage to DNA. Oxidative stress is considered by health experts as a key characteristic of carcinogens. The authors of the paper – 10 scientists with the National Institutes of Health and two from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – concluded that their study “contributes to the weight of evidence supporting an association between glyphosate exposure and oxidative stress in humans.” They also noted that “accumulating evidence supports the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of hematologic cancers,” such as lymphoma, myeloma and leukemia.
by Brian Shilhavy
Ithaka (Documentary)
A moving and intimate portrayal of one father’s fight to save his son, Ithaka exposes the brutal realities of the campaign to free Julian Assange. The world’s most famous political prisoner, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, has become an emblem of an international arm wrestle over freedom of journalism, government corruption and unpunished war crimes. Now with Julian facing a 175-year sentence if extradited to the US, his family members are confronting the prospect of losing Julian forever to the abyss of the US justice system. This David-and-Goliath struggle is personal – and, with Julian’s health declining in a British maximum-security prison, the clock is ticking. Now it’s up to Julian’s father, John Shipton, and fiancé Stella Moris, to join forces to advocate for Julian on this international odyssey. As they rally a world-wide network of supporters and politicians, they cautiously step into the media’s glare – and are forced to confront the events that made Julian a global flashpoint.
The Pentagon’s Perpetual Crisis Machine
Given President Biden’s decision to send 31 of its top-ranked M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, it is clear that the Pentagon has decided to escalate its war against Russia. Biden’s decision was followed by Germany’s decision to deliver 14 Leopard 2 A6 tanks to Ukraine. I’ll guarantee you there isn’t a Russian alive who doesn’t know about the time in the 1940s when Germany sent its tanks deep into Russia, killed millions of Russians, and almost succeeded in conquering the country. If the increasing pressure that the Pentagon is putting on Russia does not result in a nuclear war between the United States and Russia, the advocates of this highly dangerous interventionist and escalatory strategy will later exclaim, “You see, we told you that there was never a risk of nuclear war.” But what’s interesting about the Pentagon’s strategy is that if it does result in nuclear war, there won’t be anyone around to point out how wrongheaded it was.
by Jacob G. Hornberger
Does God Exist? by Jiddu Krishnamurti (18:42)
Does God Exist? by Jiddu Krishnamurti (18:42)
The Death Records Show The Covid Vaccines Are Shortening Lifespan Worldwide
This is why they are hiding them from public view. All they need to do is show the age, date died, and date of last COVID vax. It would end the COVID vax program worldwide instantly.
Any state governor or the head of any country in the world could bring an immediate halt to the COVID vaccine program for all ages if they published the age, date died, and date of last COVID vax (if any) for all people who died since the vaccine became available in their state/country. All they have to do is match up the death certificate with the date of last COVID vaccination. It’s not hard. But nobody will do that. It’s because they all know it would show that people were more likely to die after they got the shot which is the exact opposite of what is expected (due to the healthy patient bias). Any surgeon general of a state could do this as well. They are all afraid. Because I know what they will find. And so do they. That’s why they aren’t doing it.
by Steve Kirsch
A Big New Zealand Study Reveals High Rates Of Kidney Injury After The Pfizer Jab
1,800 more cases than expected followed the shots, one for every 2,200 completed vaccinations; the finding is more evidence that the jabs may cause cardiovascular damage.
Drawing on a national database of over four million people, researchers in New Zealand have found a strong association between Pfizer’s mRNA Covid shot and kidney injuries. In the three weeks after a mRNA jab, the risk of acute kidney injury rose 60 percent, the researchers found. They reported almost 1,800 extra cases – the equivalent of over 100,000 extra cases of kidney injury in the United States. The finding was posted as a “preprint” in The Lancet’s database on Friday, Jan. 20. It is the third signal from a large government-managed database linking the Pfizer’s mRNA shots to serious side effects in only the last six weeks.
by Alex Berenson
Laying Eggspiracy Theories
Which came first, the chicken, the egg, or the Producer’s Pride?
With the price of eggs soaring across much of the United States, Californians have been venturing into Mexico to smuggle them back across the border. A seemingly harmless adventure that is a violation of U.S. agricultural import laws and could result in a $10,000 fine. The price differences and supply variations across national borders are stark. A dozen brown eggs in Mexico, the organic free-range ones with the normal orange-colored yokes, cost 70% less than the deathly-looking anthrax-yoked white eggs in southern California if they’re even in stock. Last year we saw a suspiciously high number of agricultural production facilities spontaneously combusting across the U.S., followed by a supposed Avian Flu “pandemic” across the west resulting in tens of millions of birds being culled.
by Good Citizen
360 Degree Surveillance: How Police Use Public-Private Partnerships to Spy on Americans
“We live in a surveillance state founded on a partnership between government and the technology industry.” Law Professor Avidan Y. Cover
In this age of ubiquitous surveillance, there are no private lives: everything is public. Surveillance cameras mounted on utility poles, traffic lights, businesses, and homes. License plate readers. Ring doorbells. GPS devices. Dash cameras. Drones. Store security cameras. Geofencing and geotracking. FitBits. Alexa. Internet-connected devices. There are roughly one billion surveillance cameras worldwide and that number continues to grow, thanks to their wholehearted adoption by governments (especially law enforcement and military agencies), businesses, and individual consumers. With every new surveillance device we welcome into our lives, the government gains yet another toehold into our private worlds. Indeed, empowered by advances in surveillance technology and emboldened by rapidly expanding public-private partnerships between law enforcement, the Intelligence Community, and the private sector, police have become particularly adept at sidestepping the Fourth Amendment.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
The 6th Annual Fake News Awards by Corbett Report (38:01)
The 6th Annual Fake News Awards by Corbett Report (38:01)
5 Reasons To Eat Pecans
Pecans are the only tree nut native to North America, and they’re also No. 1 in antioxidant concentration. When you’re on the lookout for a healthy snack, pecans check every box
Pecans are the only major tree nut native to North America, and they have a rich history in the U.S. Wild pecans were an important part of Native Americans’ diets in the U.S. and Mexico, and the word pecan comes from the Algonquin Native American word “pacane,”[i] which means “a nut requiring a stone to crack.”[ii] In the wild, pecan trees live to be 1,000 years old, reaching more than 100 feet tall.[iii] The first cultivated pecan trees were planted by Native Americans, who also created a fermented beverage called powcohicora, made by fermenting pecan powder.[iv] Today, more than 80% of the global pecan supply still comes from the U.S. It takes close to 10 years before pecan trees are able to produce a full harvest, but, once they reach maturity, they can produce this nutritious food for a century or more.[v]
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Propaganda In The War On Yugoslavia
Propaganda in the War on Yugoslavia: Examples and Context.
Contents: 1) Introduction 2) Serbian “Death Camps” 3) The Sarajevo “Marketplace Massacres” 4) The “Srebrenica Genocide” 5) Kosovo: The “Racak massacre” 6) Annex: The “broader truth”
Introduction: The Yugoslav wars of the 1990s are generally seen as regional and ethnic conflicts, but from a geopolitical perspective, they were about restructuring Southeast Europe after the end of the Cold War. The overall American strategy was to break up Yugoslavia into its constituents and to drive back the influence Serbia – a historical ally of Russia – in favor of Bosnian Muslims, Croats and Slovenians, and Kosovo Albanians. To this end, the United States repeatedly prevented diplomatic solutions and even secretly deployed Islamist combatants, with whom it had previously fought the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and whom it would later call “Al Qaeda”. The political and media propaganda concerning the war on Yugoslavia has been well researched and documented by now. Interestingly, however, many commentators are still trying to uphold the official propaganda narrative of the time, in notable contrast to the later war on Iraq, for example.
by Swiss Policy Research
Another Coup In DC But It Will Fail Badly
Soon there will be no more subsidies to immigrants and to the Americans whose jobs they took. People overseas will not have so much need for dollars. They could dump those excess dollars and buy commodities. That will drive prices sharply higher and force even more foreigners to dump dollars by the trillions. This will permanently cut American wages and pensions 60% so that $20 an hour after taxes job pays $8 an hour if you still have a job. And that is why the Biden coup will fail. Nobody can run for office saying I cut your wages 60%. We are headed to the worst financial collapse in 500 years because we have more debts to cancel than any time in the last five centuries. And at the same time millions of people will be emboldened to demand answers about covid being made in a lab and those experimental jabs masquerading as vaccines. How many people are dying from the vaxxes? As I predicted before, we will have Nationwide Food Riots before the November 2024 elections. I am not certain America will have presidential elections next year.
by Video Rebel
the AI wars have already begun
how to think about the coming battle
AI wars are a staple of science fiction, but they are rapidly becoming science fact. these new self learning intelligences have become remarkably good at mimicing human speech, parsing human concepts, and producing images that look awfully real or (at least) human made. DALL-e is not even a particularly powerful one. yet prompt it to draw “a giant cat seeks to take over the world” and… and that’s what makes several sets of new emerging programs so worrying. we’re about to start dealing with an entirely new kind of manipulation, obfuscation, and weaponization of information as the real, no fooling around intelligence agency grade tools of propaganda and suppression are increasingly turned upon we the people by our own governments. for our own protection. of course.
by el gato malo
EMJ Live 9: Ratzinger And The Judensau (1:18:53)
In this episode, Dr. Jones reviews the posthumous and suppressed book of recently deceased pope emeritus Benedict XVI. Did pope Benedict capitulate to amaricanist social engineering? or hold the line of Christian morality throughout the modern world? Find out on this episode of EMJ Live.
Russia Rolls Out Combat Robot To ‘Detect And Destroy’ Leopard 2, Abrams Tanks Sent To Ukraine (Text and Video)
On Wednesday, Washington and Berlin announced they were ready to provide Kiev with M1 Abrams and Leopard 2 tanks in the coming months. The decisions came as Russia continues its special military operation in Ukraine. A strike version of the Russian-made Marker robot will be capable of hitting the German and US-made main battle tanks, due to be delivered to Ukraine, Dmitry Rogozin, former director general of the Russian federal space agency Roscosmos, has told Sputnik. He explained that the robot’s control system features an electronic catalog with images of targets in the visible and infrared ranges, which helps the Marker automatically detect the enemy’s military hardware.
by Oleg Burunov
Pfizer Introduces New Mascot ‘Clotty’
NEW YORK, NY — Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has unveiled their new mascot, an adorable glob of platelets who goes by the name “Clotty”. “See? Blood clots aren’t scary!” said Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla as a smiling Clotty danced onto the stage. “Welcome to Pfizer, Clotty! Let’s get one of these little guys into every home in America!” While Pfizer initially pushed back against evidence tying the vaccine to blood clots, the company has decided to instead embrace it. “We are so excited for Clotty to help us put a friendly face on heart attacks and strokes,” said Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. “Every new COVID booster will now come with a plush Clotty doll you can take to the hospital when you inevitably get admitted with a massive embolus. You’ll love squeezing Clotty while they wheel you into the cath lab! Thanks, Clotty!”
by BabylonBee.com
ACH (2036) Michael Walsh – Is The West About To Be Dissolved? (Audio 54:36)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 19, 2022, Andy is joined by Michael Walsh for a show entitled, “Is The West About To Be Dissolved?”
We discussed: the United States long history in meddling in other countries business; how Mike’s books have now been taken down by Lulu; how Adolf Hitler shared Germany’s prosperity with the German People rather than giving it to the Elites, as is done by Western Governments today; the recent protests throughout the UK against the BBC’s aggressive promotion of the vaccines, that the BBC have still failed to report on; how the Russian People have a far greater quality of life than People in the West; why Bolshevism and Communism is our enemy; Mike’s thoughts on how the conflict in the Ukraine could develop; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Judge Calls California’s Medical Misinformation Law “Nonsense,” Blocks It
On First Amendment grounds.
A federal judge questioned the new California law that penalizes doctors for sharing COVID-19 “misinformation.” The new law, which came into effect on January 1 this year, prohibits doctors from spreading what the state deems to be misinformation to patients, or risk being penalized for “unprofessional conduct,” which could result in their licenses being revoked. Here’s a summary of the case so far if you’re not up to date. The law has been challenged through separate lawsuits filed by two organizations and a group of doctors on the grounds of First Amendment violations. They filed a motion at the US District Court of Sacramento to hold the law until the cases are concluded. In a hearing, Senior Judge William Shubb described the law’s definition of misinformation as “nonsense.”
by Christina Maas
Proof UK Government Is (As Predicted) Deliberately Pushing Up Fuel Prices
The UK Government’s crazy 75% tax on oil companies will have cheered the climate change cultists – who want us to stop using oil, gas and coal, and either to starve or to freeze to death. But the tax, as I predicted, means that oil companies don’t want to drill for oil and gas in the North Sea. In 2019, oil companies drilled 29 new wells in the North Sea. But in 2022, only 6 new wells were drilled. Now, the largest independent North Sea producer, Harbour Energy, has said that it will not bid for a drilling licence because of the windfall tax. The result? Britain will have to import more oil and gas – if it is available. Inflation will rise. The price of fuel will soar in 2023 – as I predicted.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
“The Principles Of Decision Making On My Body Are More Important Than Any Title” Novak Djokovic (1:03)
“The Principles Of Decision Making On My Body Are More Important Than Any Title” Novak Djokovic (1:03)
If You Live in the United States You Are Part of the World’s Largest Child Sex Trafficking Cartel
John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute has published an article this week showing how prevalent child sex trafficking has become in the United States. However, if you click on some of the links for his sources, you will see that most of them are already very old, as far back as 2010. So as horrifying as these statistics he shares are, they are far worse today, especially post-COVID. Also, he quotes the corporate media’s explanation for this problem as being primarily online and through social media where child sex predators target children. While this is most certainly true, it is not the primary way children are brought into the child sex trafficking trade. The primary pipeline of trafficking children into the lucrative child sex trafficking business is through the U.S. Government, and funded by the taxpayers in the United States, through the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) and their child welfare programs such as Foster Care, Adoption, Child Protection Services, etc.
by Brian Shilhavy
Russia Warns Ukraine Against Using Depleted Uranium Shells
Moscow has cautioned western powers against supplying Ukraine with depleted uranium munitions and with long-range weaponry capable of striking at cities deep within Russian territory. Supplying Ukraine with depleted uranium munitions for western military hardware would be regarded by Moscow as the use of “dirty bombs,” said Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the Russian delegation to the Vienna Negotiations on Military Security and Arms Control. Speaking at a plenary meeting of the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation, Gavrilov cautioned “western sponsors of Kiev’s war machine” against encouraging “nuclear provocations and blackmail.” “We know that Leopard 2 tanks, as well as Bradley and Marder armored fighting vehicles, can use depleted uranium shells, which can contaminate terrain, just like it happened in Yugoslavia and Iraq,” he said. “If Kiev were to be supplied with such munitions for the use in western heavy military hardware, we would regard it as the use of ‘dirty nuclear bombs’ against Russia, with all the consequences that entails.”
by Sputnik News
Crushed Bug ‘Additive’ Is Now Included In Pizza, Pasta & Cereals Across The EU
Most people won’t even know they’re eating it.
As of yesterday, a food additive made out of powdered crickets began appearing in foods from pizza, to pasta to cereals across the European Union. Yes, really. Defatted house crickets are on the menu for Europeans across the continent, without the vast majority of them knowing it is now in their food. “This comes thanks to a European Commission ruling passed earlier this month,” reports RT. “As per the decision, which cited the scientific opinion of the European Food Safety Authority, the additive is safe to use in a whole range of products, including but not limited to cereal bars, biscuits, pizza, pasta-based products, and whey powder.” But don’t worry, because the crickets first have to be checked to make sure they “discard their bowel content” before being frozen. Lovely stuff.
by Paul Joseph Watson
Will The Bundeswehr Special Fund Be Increased To 300 Billion Euros?
In the spring of 2022, in response to the war in Ukraine, the German government launched the so-called “Bundeswehr special fund”. For the sum of 100 billion euros, the Bundeswehr was going to be modernized and decades of neglect in equipping the troops would be corrected.
But months later there is still nothing happening. It was only at the beginning of January that the Federal Ministry of Defense announced that eight procurement and modernization projects had now been launched, but it will take years for them to be implemented. At the same time, it has long been apparent that the 100 billion euros set by the government will not be nearly enough. The current Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces, Eva Högl (SPD), is therefore going all out: She wants the “special fund” to be increased from 100 to 300 billion euros. With revealing openness, Högl also let the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS) know what the money should be used for: not for the modernization of the Bundeswehr, but for even more support for Ukraine, and which “cannot be done without new production capacities”.
by Free West Media
Anti-Theft Security Suitcase, 1961 (0:45)
Bang War Drums Loudly, Joe Biden Announces U.S. Sending Tanks To Ukraine As Deeping NATO War Against Russia Continues (Text and Video)
The Biden administration is pushing the United States into war against Russia to protect Washington DC’s political and financial interests in Ukraine. None of this is a surprise as both Republican and Democrat politicians in DC continue to use Ukraine as a money laundering operation for key U.S. stakeholders. Today Joe Biden announced he is sending 31 ‘Abram Tanks’ from the U.S. arsenal into Ukraine to further push the United States into direct conflict with Russia. The potential for direct U.S. military engagement in Ukraine is now just a matter of formality, as the Abram’s tanks will be accompanied by military advisors, trainers, and the processes to sustain and maintain them on the battlefield.
by Sundance
How Four Adoptions Led To A Magazine
What do the Amish, little ones with special needs, two nonprofits, four adoptions, two one-room schoolhouses from the 1800s, and a monthly print magazine have to do with homesteading in 2023? It is the story of our family, and it is a joy to share how the Lord has pieced it together over the last twenty years. My name is Marlin Miller, and here we go! I was raised Amish in Ohio, with family and community playing a huge role in my youth. In fact, I think I have more than a hundred first cousins with around half still Amish. My dad’s youngest sister, Alma, had Down syndrome. My dad would cross the most packed-out room to meet families who had a child with special needs and make new friends. Today, my own family has many opportunities to do the same, and every chance I have, I share the line he exuded in those conversations… “it doesn’t take a great family, it makes a great family.” Pop, that’s what I called my dad, passed away while he was driving truck 11 years ago. He was only 55. We can hardly wait to see him again and introduce him to his two youngest grandsons.
by Marlin, Plain Values
Biden Document Discovery Doesn’t Add Up
Last week, CBS “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan asked Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman why President Biden would dispatch his personal attorney, who didn’t have proper security clearance, to his Delaware home to search for classified documents. Presumably, Brennan believed that when searching for classified documents, one should have the credentials to actually read them. Brennan’s focus on who was reviewing Biden’s papers touched on a potentially interesting line of inquiry. The question hanging in the air, however, relates to the discovery that started this whole process: Why would lawyers be “packing up” Biden’s office in the Penn Biden Center in the first place?
by Greg Orman
They Finally Figured Out How To Lower Inflation!
We all know that inflation has been well above the Federal Reserve’s target rate of 2% for nearly two years now. It peaked at over 9% last June and has remained stubbornly high since then. But it seems like the bureaucrats have finally found a way to reduce inflation. No, it has nothing to do with reducing regulations, cutting taxes, and re-embracing capitalism. The bold solution that our courageous policymakers have come up with is to change the way inflation is calculated. So rather than actually stop the destructive things they’re doing that are actually causing inflation, they’re simply inventing a new way of calculating it. It’s genius!!
by Simon Black
There’s Something Strange About This. (16:09)
by Paul Joseph Watson
These Shape-Shifting Devices Melt And Re-Form Thanks To Magnetic Fields
Gallium plus magnetism equals something straight out of Terminator 2
Shape-shifting liquid metal robots might not be limited to science fiction anymore. Miniature machines can switch from solid to liquid and back again to squeeze into tight spaces and perform tasks like soldering a circuit board, researchers report January 25 in Matter. This phase-shifting property, which can be controlled remotely with a magnetic field, is thanks to the metal gallium. Researchers embedded the metal with magnetic particles to direct the metal’s movements with magnets. This new material could help scientists develop soft, flexible robots that can shimmy through narrow passages and be guided externally.
by McKenzie Prillaman
Tiffany Dover Is Very Much Alive
And seemingly well.
Before we get to the story, a quick reminder to everyone reading the piece: Tiffany Dover’s case is a matter of national interest, but she is not a public figure, and never asked to be one. Please respect Dover and her family. We have a major update on Tiffany Dover, the nurse who made national news – and remains surrounded by mystery and intrigue – following her televised collapse onto the ground after becoming one of the nation’s first recipients of the Pfizer mRNA Covid “vaccine,” and her long disappearance thereafter. Finally, there is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Tiffany Dover is indeed alive, and seemingly well. Surely, it is a great relief to those concerned about her whereabouts. However, there are still many questions surrounding her case.
by Jordan Schachtel
NATO Member Secretly Provided Ukraine With Fighter Jets – Media
Poland allegedly gave Ukraine several MiG-29 planes under the guise of spare parts
In spring 2022, Warsaw secretly delivered several of its MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, despite the Polish government officially denying any such deals, a local paper has claimed, citing sources. According to Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (DGP), the planes were sent over using a “combined” method, apparently meaning that they were delivered in a disassembled state and declared as spare parts. “The fuselage and the wings are also spare parts,” DGP wrote Wednesday, citing sources within the Polish government. Back in March, in the first months of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, Washington rejected a plan to transfer Polish MiG-29 jets to Ukraine, stating the move was “too escalatory” and risked directly involving the US or a NATO ally in the conflict, potentially triggering a direct confrontation with Russia. In April, however, the Pentagon stated that unnamed US allies had helped bolster Ukraine’s fleet of fighter jets by donating unspecified “spare parts” which were supposedly used to restore many of Kiev’s damaged planes.
by RT
How Best To Support The Vaccine Injured And Bereaved?
Conflicts among those campaigning
On Saturday 21st January 2023, the vaccine injured and bereaved gathered with people who support them in marches across the UK organised by Truth be Told. The London march saw thousands of protestors who began at BBC broadcasting house before a silent memorial procession. White roses were then thrown over the railings into Downing Street. Speakers included Andrew Bridgen MP, many vaccine injured individuals and those who have been trying to help amplify their voices like Mark Sharman, former ITV and BSkyB executive, who funded and produced the film Safe and Effective a Second Opinion. Those campaigning for better compensation without huge barriers and delays have found themselves in conflict with those who want to stop vaccination completely. It is in the interest of the former to downplay the numbers affected and the latter would benefit from a larger number. There is nothing to be gained by such conflict when both sides are trying to hold politicians to account and struggling to do so. While data is suppressed it is not possible to quantify the extent of harm but the extent can’t remain hidden forever. Whatever figure is finally put on it, it will be too high for an intervention that many of the injured did not need and which was oversold in terms of its ability to prevent infection. Whatever figure is reached, those who are injured deserve compensation and the companies who have profited do not deserve indemnity.
The Sweetest Gentleman His Family Raised Him Very Morally! (0:15)
Weapon Manufacturers Record Skyrocketing Profits From US Arm Sales In 2022
War has always been big business in the United States. According to the seminal anti-war essay “War is a Racket,” gunpowder manufacturer Du Ponts saw their profits increase by more than 950% during The Great War. US arms sales to other countries skyrocketed in 2022, providing a tidy sum of profits for weapon manufacturers, according to data released by the State Department on Wednesday.
US weapon sales to other countries, largely driven by NATO’s response to Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine and increased tensions in Asia, jumped from $35.8 billion in 2021 to $51.9 billion in 2022. Direct weapon sales from US-based weapon manufacturers also saw a massive increase, jumping from $103.4 billion in 2021 to $153.7 billion in 2022.
by Ian DeMartino
The FDA “Major Shift” = An Annual Cull Of Seniors, Kids, And The Disabled
Holy sh*t the news is bleak right now.
I. Eugenicists gonna eugenicize
On Monday, the FDA through its various PR firms announced a “major shift” – that is actually just implementing the plan that they have had for a year – to make Covid shots annual like the failed flu shot program. Only 10% of the population has gotten the 8-mouse bivalent Covid shot. As I predicted, by splitting the mRNA between two different strains the shots were less effective in responding to either variant, while still generating original antigenic sin and fueling the evolution of variants. Great job, geniuses.The only people getting these shots are the true believers and the people who cannot avoid them because they are captured by the Pharma state – seniors in long term care facilities, kids who want to go to school, and the disabled.
by Toby Rogers
Pfizer Director Speaks Giddily About Manipulating SARS-CoV-2 (Text and Video)
“Directed evolution” to maintain the Pfizer mRNA vaccine gravy train.
Watching a Project Veritas undercover sting operation invariably leaves me with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I’m struck with admiration for yet another one of James O’Keefe’s bold strokes against the corrupt empire that now dominates our world. On the other hand, I’m shocked by the disclosure that the Empire is staffed by such moral and intellectual lightweights. Though incredible, it appears that the subject of O’Keefe’s latest sting, Jordon Walker, really is a Pfizer Director of Research & Development Strategic Operations. Here he is giddily talking about deliberately mutating SARS-CoV-2 by means of “directed evolution” in order to keep Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine gravy train going. Click on he image below to watch the entire revolting spectacle.
by John Leake
Why Are The Intelligentsia So Stupid About Vaccine Injuries?
Educated stupidity is what failed us. Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip, now admits that his previous stance of promoting the Covid-19 vaccine was wrong, and that the ‘anti-vaxxers’ have been proved right. In his latest video, Adams opines that the decision on whether to take the shot was best made by ignoring doctors and experts. Adams sees an inverse correlation between intelligence and an objective understanding of Covid-19 and climate change. Truth is found not at Davos, scene of the World Economic Forum’s annual conferences attended by the high and mighty, but in Walmart. Indeed, an alternative ‘Dumb Davos’ (by which he meant a gathering of people with no letters before or after their names) would be more enlightening than listening to the arrogant, self-serving class who regard themselves as the ‘elite’.
by Niall McCrae
British Woman Isabel Vaughan-Spruce Who Was Arrested For Praying Silently Has Been Charged (1:37)
British Woman Isabel Vaughan-Spruce Who Was Arrested For Praying Silently Has Been Charged (1:37)
The West Is Incentivizing Russia To Hit Back
Well the omnicidal war sluts won the debate over sending tanks to Ukraine, so now it’s time to start arguing for sending F-16s. In an article titled “Ukraine sets sights on fighter jets after securing tank supplies,” Reuters reports the following: “Ukraine will now push for Western fourth generation fighter jets such as the U.S. F-16 after securing supplies of main battle tanks, an adviser to Ukraine’s defence minister said on Wednesday. Ukraine won a huge boost for its troops as Germany announced plans to provide heavy tanks for Kyiv on Wednesday, ending weeks of diplomatic deadlock on the issue. The United States is poised to make a similar announcement. Just in time for the good news, Lockheed Martin has announced that the arms manufacturing giant happens to be all set to ramp up production of F-16s should they be needed for shipment to Ukraine.
by Caitlin Johnstone
The Science We’re Meant To Follow Is Nothing But An Arbitrary Construct Of Policymakers, Advisorial Charlatans And Journalists, Which Is Why It Always Fails And We’re Never Allowed To Talk About It
Behold this 2003 Sydney Morning Herald article. It’s a relic from another age: Farce mask: it’s safe for only 20 minutes. Retailers who cash in on community fears about SARS by exaggerating the health benefits of surgical masks could face fines of up to $110,000. NSW Fair Trading Minister Reba Meagher yesterday warned that distributors and traders could be prosecuted if it was suggested the masks offered unrealistic levels of protection from the disease. Health authorities have warned that surgical masks may not be an effective protection against the virus. “Those masks are only effective so long as they are dry,” said Professor Yvonne Cossart of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of Sydney.
by eugyppius
Up To 70% Of “COVID-19 Deaths” Were Due To Ventilators
In a jaw-dropping article published by the Wall Street Journal, (Hospitals Retreat From Early Covid Treatment and Return to Basics) physicians admit to ventilating patients who did not need it as a step in their protocol – get this – not as a treatment that was likely to benefit the patient, but rather as a fruitless and callous way of attempting to stop the spread of COVID-19. Yes, euthanizing humans is illegal. Especially for the benefit of other patients. It should feel awful. If you are a doctor who has been persecuted for doing the right thing, perhaps you lost your license or it is being threatened, send this Wall Street Journal to your lawyers – and thank you for not acquiescing to the demands that you kill patients on ventilators and with strong sedatives.
by Brian Shilhavy
Christians Must Enter The AI Arms Race
If you are an engineer who has experience with AI and are interested in working on this project with us, please get in touch: ai@gab.com
There has been a lot of debate recently about artificial intelligence with the launch of Chat GPT, Silicon Valley’s latest technology darling. To call Chat GPT “intelligent” is misleading, as it has no actual intelligence. Technology like Chat GPT is trained to generate information by ingesting enormous data sets and generating sentences based on that data. It is subject to the biases of both the data it ingests and the programmers who train it. It can mimic different writing styles and be forced to ignore taboo or “hateful” subjects its designers program it to avoid. Think of it more as a Google search and Wikipedia on steroids than a Terminator-esq sentient AI.
by Andrew Torba
ACH (2035) Dr. Patrick Slattery And Mark Dankof – Boomercalifragilisticexpialidocious #12 – The Donna Rice Show (Audio 58:52)
In today’s show originally broadcast on January 18, 2023, Andy presents “Boomercalifragilisticexpialidocious” with his co-hosts Dr. Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof for a show entitled, “The Donna Rice Show.”
We discussed: Mark’s new “Night Though on the conflict in the Ukraine; the prostitutes that have gathered in Davos for this year’s World Economic Forum (WTF) Meeting; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
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