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24/7 News October (675 Posts)
November 28 – November 30, 2022
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
Israel Calls On World Leaders To Oppose ICJ Opinion On Occupation
In the coming weeks, the resolution has to be voted on for a second time by the plenary of the General Assembly
On 29 November, acting Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid sent a letter to more than 50 world leaders, demanding them to oppose a Palestinian bid at the United Nations regarding an advisory position of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Israel’s occupation of Palestine. “This resolution is the result of a concerted effort to single out Israel, discredit our legitimate security concerns, and delegitimize our very existence,” Lapid said in the letter. Among the recipients were the heads of government of the United Kingdom, France, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Latvia, Georgia, Brazil, Uruguay, Peru, and Vietnam. With a majority of 98 votes in favor and 17 against, a committee of the UN General Assembly approved a resolution on 11 November requesting the ICJ to “urgently” issue a stance on the effects of Israel’s illegal occupation and colonization of Palestinian territories, The New Arab reported. In the coming weeks, the resolution has to be voted on for a second time by the plenary of the General Assembly.
by News Desk
105 Countries Are Exploring CBDCs And 11 Have Already Launched Them (Text and Videos)
At an International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) seminar last month, IMF’s Deputy Managing Director and former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, Bo Li, spoke about the “programmability” of central bank digital currencies (“CBDCs”): “CBDC can improve financial inclusion [ ] through what we call programmability. That is CBDC can allow government agencies and private sector players to program, to create smart contract, to allow targeted policy functions. For example, welfare payment, for example, consumption coupon, for example, food stamp. By programming CBDC, those money can be precisely targeted for what kind of people can own and what kind of use this money can be utilised, for example, for food.”
by Rhoda Wilson
US Paralyzed By Islamic Republic Of Iran’s Strategic Swing
Iran’s parliament has just approved the accession of the Islamic Republic to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), previously enshrined at the Samarkand summit last September, marking the culmination of a process that lasted no less than 15 years. Iran has already applied to become a member of the expanding BRICS+, which before 2025 will be inevitably configured as the alternative Global South G20 that really matters. Iran is already part of the Quad that really matters – alongside BRICS members Russia, China and India. Iran is deepening its strategic partnership with both China and Russia and increasing bilateral cooperation with India. Iran is a key Chinese partner in the New Silk Roads, or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). It is set to clinch a free trade agreement with the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) and is a key node of the International North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC), alongside Russia and India. All of the above configures the lightning-fast emergence of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a West Asia and Eurasia big power, with vast reach across the Global South. That has left the whole set of imperial “policies” towards Tehran lying in the dust.
by Pepe Escobar
Putin’s Remedy: A Fragmented, Toothless Ukraine Separated By A 100 Kilometer-Wide No-Man’s-Land
“It seems probable that Russia will impose a solution. If, as expected, it becomes clear that the West can’t or won’t negotiate, it will behoove Russia to implement a maximalist solution. Or alternatively, Russia “bargains” by showing that it can create a dead zone in Western Ukraine as big as it likes. If Ukraine and its US minders don’t come to their senses, that dead zone will be awfully big.” ~ Yves Smith. How does this end? How does Russia create a “neutral” Ukraine that isn’t armed-to-the-teeth by Moscow’s enemies? How do they prevent Kiev from conducting joint-military drills with NATO or placing missile sites on Russia’s border? How do they stop the Ukrainian Army from shelling ethnic Russians in the east or training far-right paramilitaries to kill as many Russians as possible? How does Putin change Ukraine into a good neighbor that doesn’t pose a security threat and that doesn’t fuel anti-Russian hatred and bigotry? And, finally, how does one resolve the conflict peacefully if one side refuses to negotiate with the other? Check out this clip from an article at Mint News: “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday signed a decree formally announcing the “impossible” prospect of peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin… “He (Putin) does not know what dignity and honesty are. Therefore, we are ready for dialogue with Russia, but with another president of Russia,” Zelensky said on Friday.
by Mike Whitney
They Would Have Dominion Over Earth by Elon Musk (8:39)
They Would Have Dominion Over Earth by Elon Musk (8:39)
‘Negative Efficacy’ Should Have Stopped COVID Vaccine Recommendations In Their Tracks
Recently, various health agencies around the world have approved and are actively pushing for another COVID booster shot, meant to enhance the vaccine efficacy against a COVD-19 infection. However, many studies have found that the boosters do not make a significant difference in protection, especially in terms of protection against reinfection. In fact, the latest data shows vaccine efficacy against the coronavirus tends to even drop into the negatives after just a few months. What Does Negative Efficacy Mean? It is a well known fact that COVID vaccine effectiveness wanes quickly as time goes on; this is confirmed by countless studies. Although the official narrative for COVID-19 vaccines nowadays only emphasizes its efficacy on protection against ICU admission and death rates, it actually implies the indisputable fact that vaccines don’t protect, contrary to their design, against infection or even symptomatic infection, especially after the emergence of various Omicron variants. Even the protection two shots offers against hospitalization drops to about 40 percent after less than a year. It’s actually looking worse for protection against severe symptoms, as efficacy rates seem to drop into the negatives about five months into full vaccination.
by Dr. Sean Lin and Mingjia Jacky Guan
NATO Doubles Down On Pledge To Eventually Admit Ukraine
NATO foreign ministers are holding a summit in Bucharest, where the alliance first made the promise in 2008
NATO on Tuesday doubled down on its pledge to eventually admit Ukraine during a meeting of the alliance’s foreign ministers in Bucharest, Romania, a position that played a major role in provoking Russia’s invasion. The Romanian city was where NATO initially made the promise to Ukraine back in 2008, and at the time, US officials acknowledged that attempting to bring the country into the alliance could spark a war in the region. “We made the decision in Bucharest in 2008 at the summit,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday. “I was there … representing Norway as Prime Minister. I remember very well the decisions. We stand by those decisions. NATO’s door is open.”
by Dave DeCamp
What On Earth Is The USA Doing To Its EU Alies?
And most importantly, is the EU brave enough to dare oppose the USA?
Kim Dotcom, a Finnish-German metaphorical Robin Hood of the online piracy based in New Zealand has published on Twitter a perfectly accurate diagnosis of the current sad state of the geopolitical affairs: First, the US government has got the EU involved in a proxy war with Russia. Then onward we go the sanctions against Russia destroy the economy of EU and then the USA passes a new law so that they are able to support the EU industry by way of (c)overt bribery and lure them one way or another to move their businesses to the USA. On that occasion, Kim asked a rhetorical question ‘How stupid can the EU politicians be? They were ‘used’ with ill intentions all along and literally ripped off right before their eyes. This analysis shows that the Collective West has lapsed into a terminal dying stage of devouring itself/themselves to their own possibly inevitable death. This analysis is surely rather uncomfortable in its Freudian unbequeme Wahrheit potential but it is true and spot on. We can see this analysis lends itself to the gory details of the rip off of the EU by the USA.
by Natasha Wright
Dutch Government To Shut Down 3,000 Farms To Comply With Global Warming Goals – As Food Prices See Highest Increase In Decades
In July, Dutch police shot at a 16-year old protester, during farmer protests in the country. The young teen, Jouke, was released the next day without charges. In an incident near the blockaded food distribution center at Heerenveen in Friesland, police officers shot at 16-year-old Jouke’s tractor, which was already turning away from the roadblock, missing the boy’s head by an inch (Gateway Pundit reported). Jouke and two other protestors were arrested on suspicion of “attempted manslaughter” after which an angry crowd gathered in front of the police station in Leeuwarden. All three have now been released without charges. During the protests Opposition leader Geert Wilders released a bombshell letter showing the globalist Dutch government wants to use expropriated agricultural land for asylum centers.
by Jim Hoft
Beijing Warns US Against Interference In Sino-India Ties
The Department of Defense (DoD) report states that Beijing has been seeking to prevent the border tensions from causing New Delhi to closely partner with Washington. Chinese officials have “warned” Washington not to “interfere” in the bilateral ties between New Delhi and Beijing, the ‘China Military Power Report (CMPR)’ presented by the Pentagon to the US Congress said.The latest US report on China’s military strategy suggests that Beijing has been careful in handling the Ladakh border standoff, in a bid to prevent the crisis from “harming other areas of its bilateral relationship” with New Delhi. The Ladakh border standoff was triggered after a series of clashes between the two armies at “multiple locations” along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in 2020. Separately, the Pentagon report mentions the deadly clashes between Indian and Chinese troops in the Galwan Valley region in June 2021, the deadliest between the two countries in 46 years, which resulted in the death of four Chinese and 20 Indian soldiers. Throughout 2021, the Chinese army has “sustained” the deployment of forces and infrastructure build-up along the entire LAC, the reports claims.
by Dhairya Maheshwari
Coverage Of China’s Covid Protests In The MSM (Text and Videos)
What a difference a year makes.
BBC – How China’s Covid protests are being silenced. China’s censorship machine is going to great lengths to prevent people seeing scenes of protest in multiple Chinese cities. As is generally the case with protests in China – even small-scale ones – Chinese media have made no mention of them. The scenes of protest posted on platforms like Twitter, and widely shared internationally, are being ignored by state media outlets. Daily Mail – Tanks on the streets spark fears of new Tiananmen Square as Chinese Communists flood cities with police to end unprecedented protests sparked by disastrous zero-Covid policy. Xi’s Communist Party officials have ramped up their crackdown on demonstrators, with police officers seen wrestling with protesters before dragging them away. Dramatic video shows a woman screaming as she is arrested by six police officers and dragged away from a main square in Hangzhou, as Chinese officials sought to crack down on protesters in the city. A man is seen trying to stop the police from arresting the woman by shouting at them, but two officials were seen running at the protester and screaming at him to get back. Footage also shows a huge crowd of protesters trying to stop a group of police officers from arresting two men in Hangzhou. But the officers were seen wrestling with the protesters and dragging the two demonstrators away while holding the scruff of their collars.
by The Naked Emperor
F**k Apple by Paul Joseph Watson (8:38)
F**k Apple by Paul Joseph Watson (8:38)
Project Veritas Exposes HHS Involvement In Human Trafficking Of Immigrant Minors (Text and Video)
Project Veritas has released a very disturbing undercover investigation outlining how the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS) has facilitated the human trafficking of mostly Central American minors on behalf of elicit cartels. [WASHINGTON, D.C. – Nov. 29, 2022] Project Veritas released a new video today featuring a whistleblower working within a federal government agency called the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency [CIGIE]. The whistleblower, Tara Lee Rodas, volunteered to assist the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] with the processing of unaccompanied migrant children and was deployed to the Emergency Intake Site in Pomona, California. Rodas sat down with Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe, and described how precarious she believes the current child sponsorship program is for these minors. “The tax dollars of people who are listening are paying to put children in the hands of criminals,” Rodas told O’Keefe
by Sundance
Russia, China Slam Israel’s ‘Disproportionate Use Of Force’ Against Palestinians
Russia and China have strongly denounced Israeli regime’s excessive use of force against Palestinians amid heightened tensions in the occupied territories.
Speaking at a UN Security Council briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue, Russia’s deputy UN ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy slammed Israel’i regime’s “disproportionate use of force” in the occupied Palestinian territories. He also warned that the regime’s “unilateral steps”, including expansion of settlements, seizure of Palestinian property, demolition of Palestinian-owned housings, arbitrary arrests, violation of the status quo of al-Quds’ holy sites continue to create “irreversible facts on the ground”. Polyanskiy further noted that Israeli regime’s “arbitrary illegitimate actions reach beyond the limits of West Bank and Gaza and affect the neighboring Arab states, whose sovereignty was violated on numerous occasions”, referring to Israeli strikes against Syria and Lebanon. The envoy also slammed Washington, Tel Aviv’s staunch ally, for repeatedly blocking UN Security Council resolutions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
by PressTV
EU Country Urges Ukraine To Strike Russia
The US-led NATO bloc “should not fear” allowing Kiev to attack Russia freely, Latvia’s top diplomat says
Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics urged NATO to “allow” Ukraine to use its Western-supplied weaponry for strikes deep into Russian territory. The top diplomat made the remarks in an interview with Bloomberg on the sidelines of the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting in Bucharest on Tuesday. In particular, the weaponry should be used to attack sites used by Moscow to stage missile strikes against Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, Rinkevics suggested. “We should allow Ukrainians to use weapons to target missile sites or air fields from where those operations are being launched,” he said. While Moscow has repeatedly warned the West against “pumping” Ukraine with assorted weaponry, suggesting such behavior could ultimately result in a direct conflict between the US-led NATO alliance and Russia, Rinkevics brushed off such concerns. The bloc “should not fear” escalation, he said.
by RT
Travel Warnings Show US’ Closest Friends Have Low Confidence In US Governance
As the conflict between Americans with different political demands becomes increasingly violent, some countries close to the US have expressed concerns about the safety of their citizens in the US, reflecting their growing lack of confidence in Washington’s political system and governance capability. A CNN report on Sunday observed the rare phenomenon that nine countries – Australia, New Zealand, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Canada, and Israel – have issued various levels of travel warnings against the US due to increasing violence in the country. It is worth noting that these nations are all US neighbors or closest allies that know the country quite well and have relatively frequent and close exchanges with it. Therefore, it says a lot about how chaotic US society is when they warn their citizens about the risks of traveling to the US. The fact that these countries worry about violence, especially gun violence, seriously put into question the stability of US society.
by Global Times
The Problem With Declaring A ‘Pandemic Amnesty’
In the piece, Oster argues that, throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, we were plagued by a lack of true knowledge about the best way to react to the virus. Consequently, “almost every position was taken on every topic. And on every topic, someone was eventually proved right, and someone else was proved wrong.” Because of this, Oster argues we should forgive those who were wrong and move on; after all, how could they be blamed for their position when all the information was not available? By doing this, she concludes, we can avoid “a repetitive doom loop” of negativity and address the issues—ranging from a dip in test scores to a rise in mental health problems—that we are now facing. This may seem like a reasonable argument at first glance. It is true that there was a lot we did not know at the start of the pandemic; it is also true that solely dwelling on the past can prevent people from moving forward in a productive way. At the same time, upon closer examination, the core of Oster’s argument is deeply flawed because 1) it does not reckon with the real injustices done to millions of people during the pandemic as a result of arrogant policymaking and 2) it fundamentally misunderstands the nature and role of forgiveness in society.
by Jack Elbaum
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 29, 2022 (21:20)
by Military Summary
Bad Hombre Calamari
Surrounded by the walking dead with ticking clocks.
They lined up by the billions when told and asked for the mRNA menu. As they chose their poison the images flashed in their minds. The ones of spastic dancing nurses in empty hospitals flanked by goofy graveyard interns flaring their hands and gyrating their hips on their “break” while scoring four times their normal salary. Paid to dance for Chinese facial recognition AI software apps while eliminating patients they could have treated instead. The sounds of hissing ventilators rising and compressing with the familiar ominous melody of nightly news terror broadcasts spoke to them. The aerial shots of Cuomo’s murdered pensioners being buried erratically in New York parks in pine boxes sent shivers up their spines. The late-night dancing celebrities whoring themselves for a genocidal machine convinced them to sacrifice their body to experimental science fiction. They didn’t question the absurdity of any of this intentionally manipulative imagery. It was all part of an operation to make the mRNA menu look appealing, exhilarating, and even liberating.
by Good Citizen
Law Enforcement Outside Maricopa Certification Hearing Show Up With SWAT Shields (Text and Video)
In another liberal lie, the violent left wants to portray conservative God, country, and family-loving Americans as violent. It was reported last week that the corrupt Maricopa Board of Supervisors inserted a meeting this morning in Phoenix to certify the uncertifiable 2022 election in the county. American patriots showed up early this morning to protest the certification of the corrupted midterms in the county. Along with the patriots, law enforcement showed up with some SWAT shields in hand. The communists running the Democrats and RINOs in the GOP are lying to Americans and labeling conservatives “violent”. This is despite all evidence to the contrary.
by Joe Hoft
Courage In The Streets Of China
Celebrating a brief revolt for human dignity against banal, nihilistic, authoritarian technocracy
Something extraordinary happened in China over the weekend. Not long ago I wrote at length, if in a rather different context, about the vital importance of courage in the defense of the true and the human against the cold, mechanistic evil that is nihilistic technocracy, the machine whose Conditioners forever lust after total control – not only over men, but ultimately over reality itself. Well, now we have just seen a stunning example of such courage in the streets of China, where people rose up to reassert their human dignity in the face of the most dehumanizing machine of control in the world today: the Chinese Communist Party’s “zero-Covid” terror-state. For three years now, the Chinese government has maintained its policy of draconian city-wide lockdowns, endless daily mass testing and biomedical surveillance, digital Covid-passes that arbitrarily govern every aspect of daily life, vast camps to house those dragged into quarantine for weeks (or longer) at a time, and, more recently, such innovations as “closed-loop” factories, where workers are forced to work, sleep, and “live” completely isolated from the outside world so that they can continue to produce your iPhones. But now over the past several days protests have erupted in at least a dozen cities and 79 universities across the country, with spontaneous demonstrations – often begun by only a handful of people, or even a single individual – quickly drawing crowds of hundreds, even thousands, of people willing to fearlessly demand an end to the zero-Covid nightmare.
by N.S. Lyons
Oblivion: The Best Cure?
The effects of lockdown, now becoming clearer by the day, should never be forgotten.
My grandfather was a decorated WWI veteran. He was lucky and got back home minus a hand. My dad participated in the Battle of Britain, North African and Italian campaigns. He got home apparently unscathed. However, both had one thing in common: they would not speak of what they had done and seen. What they had been through was too terrible to describe, and people were not interested; it was all in the past. That is one of the reasons why we have wars: few people have any idea what it’s like. It’s going that way with the most traumatic experience in this lifetime: lockdowns. Looking at the media, you would think nothing extraordinary has happened since 2020. Well, let me remind you.
by Tom Jefferson
Senate Passes Democrats’ Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Bill With 12 Republican Votes
Twelve Republican senators voted to pass the ‘Respect for Marriage Act,’ even after the Senate rejected three amendments to protect religious liberty.
The U.S. Senate passed the Democrats’ bill to codify same-sex “marriage” in a 61-36 vote on Tuesday, dealing a major blow to conservatives and putting the legislation one step closer to becoming law. Twelve Republicans joined all Democrats to give final approval to the “Respect for Marriage Act” (RMA), even after the Senate rejected three amendments proposed by Republican senators to blunt the bill’s impact on religious liberty. The RMA makes the redefinition of marriage the law of the land, including in the event that the Supreme Court overturns its 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision that mandates legal recognition of same-sex “marriage” nationwide. The bill repeals the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996, which federally recognized marriage as between one man and one woman and guaranteed the right of states to uphold traditional marriage, and instead requires the federal government and all 50 states to recognize homosexual “marriages” and other civil marriages lawfully performed in any state, potentially including incestuous and underage marriages. It also poses grave threats to religious freedom, as numerous social conservative and religious liberty organizations have warned.
by Raymond Wolfe
“Watching you pledge allegiance to my flag was disgusting… you are vote traffickers. You’ve sold us out.” (2:10)
“Am I bothering you? Because this election bothered me. And you’re doing nothing about it.”
“Jewish Power” Exists—Genocidally—In Israel (Text and Video)
Dave Chappelle recently joked that there are “two words in the English language that you should never say together in sequence. And those words are ‘the’ and ‘Jews.’” But that isn’t the only banned two-word sequence. Another is “Jewish power.” As the Israeli-born musician-philosopher Gilad Atzmon says, “Jewish power is the power to suppress discussion on Jewish power.” So when Kanye West tried to talk about Jewish power, powerful Jews united to destroy him—as if that would somehow prove that Jewish power doesn’t exist. Jewish power in North America and Europe mainly stems from the disproportionate presence of Jews in powerful positions in media, politics, and finance—a phenomenon best explained by such traditional Jewish values as education, ambition, and ethnic nepotism.* But nobody is allowed to mention nepotism. As Chappelle said, “If they’re black it’s a gang. If they’re Italian it’s a mob. If they’re Jewish it’s a coincidence and you should neeever speak about it.”
by Kevin Barrett
What To Expect In Russia’s Winter Offensive In Ukraine
Wading through the 18,000-word transcript of an hours-long meeting that President Vladimir Putin took with the “soldiers’ mothers” last Friday in Moscow, one gets the impression that the fighting in Ukraine may continue well into 2023 — and even beyond. In a most revealing remark, Putin acknowledged that Moscow blundered in 2014 by leaving Donbass an unfinished business — unlike Crimea — by allowing itself to be lured into the ceasefire brokered by Germany and France and the Minsk agreements. Moscow took some time to realise that Germany and France connived with then leadership in Kiev to scuttle the implementation of Minsk accord. Then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko admitted in a series of interviews with western news outlets in recent months, including on Germany’s Deutsche Welle television and Radio Free Europe’s Ukrainian unit, that the 2015 ceasefire was a distraction intended to buy time for Kiev to rebuild its military.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
China Taps Governor Gretchen Whitmer To Lead Lockdown Enforcement
BEIJING — This week, dozens of Chinese citizens died after the Chinese Communist Party welded their apartment doors shut and a fire broke out in the building, sparking protests. China has doubled down on its “Zero COVID” policy, however, and has tapped Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to lead its COVID lockdown enforcement measures. “Michigan’s lockdowns were wonderfully effective in slowing the spread of COVID as well as freedom,” said a Chinese Communist Party spokesman in a statement. “Our shared values with Whitmer, who we have affectionately dubbed the ‘Ice Queen’, make her the ideal candidate to lockdown our citizens under brutal totalitarian rule.” “Frankly, this woman is a pro.”
Global Recession Ahead?
The one indicator that suggests the whole world may be on the brink…
In today’s report, we travel forward in time by two weeks. On December 13th, you’re going to see a raft of headlines on the November Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) figures. This will happen on the first day of the last meeting of the year for the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee–the ‘Politburo’ of American finance that presumes to know the correct price of money. If the inflation figures are ‘moderating,’ it will mean the Fed’s rate hike campaign is nearly over. Risk assets–stocks, corporate bonds, emerging market stocks–could rally to their hearts’ content into the Santa Season. And even bonds–having their worst year in American history since 1788–might show a little spunk. Blah blah blah. None of it matters. Take a look at the chart below. It’s crystal clear. When the yield curve inverts, the recession follows. In fact, most recent recessions in American history begin AFTER the Fed starts cutting rates. Even if inflation has peaked this year (this is Tom Dyson’s view, Bill and I aren’t so sure), the impact of a 2023 recession to corporate earnings and stock prices is not yet ‘priced in’ to the market.
by Dan Denning
You Are Being Watched! More Security Cameras Per Capita In The U.S. Than In China: Silicon Valley Whistleblower
The technology used in China to confine people to quarantine camps and determine social credit scores already exists here in the U.S. also. In fact, according to a Silicon Valley whistleblower, there are more security cameras per capita here in the U.S., right NOW, than there are in China! This is most certainly an important issue that everyone needs to be educated about, and so I highly recommend you spend the time to watch this recent interview with Silicon Valley whistleblower Aman Jabbi who was recently interviewed by Maria Zeee. I used to earn my living from Big Tech, and have been warning people for years that the biggest threat from Big Tech is NOT technology that is supposedly going to replace humans or breed new “transhumans,” but that the biggest threat was from using artificial intelligence (AI) to be able to monitor huge amounts of data to try and track every single person on the face of the planet. But having been out of the technology field for many years now, even I learned many things from this interview with Aman Jabbi, who has since moved out of Silicon Valley to live in a remote area of Montana. Aman’s area of expertise is in camera technology, and watching his presentation introduced me to new concepts I was not previously familiar with, such as geofencing, panopticon, talk pedometers, and LED incapacitators.
by Brian Shilhavy
Mitch McConnell: “There is no room in the Republican Party for antisemitism or white supremacy. And anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view is highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States.” (0:31)
So,if you even so much as talk to someone who points out the power of the jewish lobby, you will be blocked from attaining a position of power. That is American democracy.
Poland Pays US Influencers To Further War Support
Poland has hired two US PR companies for a pro-Ukraine campaign in the West. According to the official statement, Poland’s state bank has hired MikeWorldWide and AMW PR for “a global campaign to inform the general public about the impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine”. The PR company MikeWorldWide, is closely linked to the US Democratic Party, and was tasked in September with boosting Western support to Ukraine through influencers and social media. The primary objective “is to raise awareness among at least 50 million people of the actual dimension of the war in Ukraine and the scale of the damages,” according to MikeWorldWide’s services agreement with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego.Poland’s national bank will be paying $3 million for media exposure, including advertisements on Facebook, Twitter, NPR, USA Today, Spotify and Vox, as well as for influencers.
by Free West Media
Chicken Chow Mein – Essential T-Shirt
Support the China protests against lockdowns and covid restrictions. Tyranny must perish from this earth.
Designed and sold by
Separate Tech and State
Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) recently got in touch with his inner mobster and threatened Elon Musk — the new owner of Twitter and the CEO of electric car company Tesla and space ventures company SpaceX. He told Musk, “Fix your companies” or “Congress will.” As part of this threat, Markey referred to an ongoing National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) investigation into Tesla’s autopilot driving system and Twitter’s 2011 consent decree with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Markey has done more than make threats: He is one of a group of Democratic senators who wrote to the FTC urging an investigation into whether Musk’s actions as the new owner of Twitter violated the consent decree or consumer protection laws. Since FTC Chair Lina Khan wants to investigate as many businesses as possible, it is likely she will respond favorably to the senators’ letter. President Biden has also endorsed an investigation into the role foreign investors played in financing Musk’s Twitter purchase. Biden may be concerned that Musk is not likely to ban tweets regarding Hunter Biden’s business deals.
by Ron Paul
Crown Prosecution Service Says It Is “No Longer Appropriate” To Quote Some Passages From The Bible In Public
A statement by the U.K.’s main prosecution service says it is “no longer appropriate” to read parts of the Bible aloud in public. Christian groups have called the statement “ill-judged” and “concerning”. While pressing their case against him though, the CPS said the following in writing to the court: “Whether a statement of Christian belief or not, the court is being asked to consider whether the language has the potential to cause harassment, alarm or distress. “This document is not the forum for religious debate, but the bible contains other material recognising slavery (Exodus 21:7), the death sentence (Exodus 35:2 and Leviticus 24:16) and cannibalism (Deuteronomy 28:27). “There are references in the bible which are simply no longer appropriate in modern society and which would be deemed offensive if stated in public.” The group Christian Concern, which works in tandem with the Christian Legal Centre, has issued statements about this case to the press in the past week, but there has been virtually no media coverage of it, despite its potentially far-reaching implications. Needless to say, the criminalisation of certain passages in the Bible has yet to illicit a whisper of criticism from the Church of England.
by Toby Young
capturing the perfect moment
smell the media fear
because what could better exemplify this precise moment in time than a white house correspondent with a hairdo from “the hunger games badguy salon” asking the presidential spokes-moppet what they plan to do about twitter becoming more popular because of free speech and what tools they have to block “disinformation” it will now carry? i mean, yowsa. this is a dying guild system desperately seeking to defend the last of its captured privilege and prerogative. and it is singularly ugly. they need to be the only ones speaking. because they know full well that no one will listen to them if given a real choice and that they will die out here in the wild. hard to have much sympathy though…
by el gato malo
Absolutely Amazing (0:58)
Apple Turned Off A Private Communication Tool In China Just Before Major Protests Broke Out
Protesters were using Apple’s AirDrop feature to directly share uncensored messages.
Earlier this month, Apple restricted the use of AirDrop in China. The file-sharing tool for iOS was used by protesters to communicate freely without the risk of censorship, because the tool uses direct connections between devices, creating a local network that cannot be monitored by government internet regulators. Initially, people could choose to receive AirDrops from everyone nearby. However, a recent iOS update has made that impossible. The update made a change to AirDrop’s usage that only applies in mainland China, while the rest of the world can still use it to communicate as before. Users in China can only receive from everyone nearby for only ten minutes, putting restrictions on how it’s used. AirDrop has been used by protesters in Hong Kong to communicate with other protesters and bystanders, as well as send messages to tourists from mainland China. On the mainland, protesters have used AirDrop to spread protest literature.
by Will Henney
Pentagon Can’t Account For $4.4 Trillion, Sparking Fears Of ‘Another 9/11’
The Pentagon cannot account for $4.4 trillion dollars according to a new Department of Defense audit – raising alarm bells not just because of the obvious lack of accountability and oversight, but because the last time the Pentagon ‘lost’ an enormous sum of money, 9/11 happened. Donald Rumsfeld was due to testify about a missing $2.3 trillion before Congress on September 13 2001, however the case was put on hold after the events of September 11. The paper trail was destroyed when one side of the Pentagon was blown up, and the $2.3 trillion dollar case was brushed under the rubble.
by Baxter Dmitry
Critical Race Theory Programs Are Mandatory In 58 Of Top 100 Medical Schools: Report
Fifty-eight of the nation’s top 100 medical schools require some form of critical race theory -based program, according to new information from a database that monitors the prevalence of such programs in higher education. The latest update to the database said that 58 of U.S. News and World Report’s top 100 medical schools require mandatory education in anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion, or some other form of critical race theory-linked program, either through mandatory training or in the curriculum. The database, , is a project of the nonprofit organization Legal Insurrection, which monitors critical race theory programs in higher education. Shortly after its launch earlier this year, the project found that 23 of the top 25 medical schools had incorporated critical race theory into their programs in some form. The latest update expanded the database to include information on the top 100 medical schools.
by Jeremiah Poff
U.S. Air Force To Unveil The ‘Most Advanced Military Aircraft Ever Built’ With Cutting-Edge Stealth Technology Costing $203 Billion
The B-21 Raider stealth bomber will be unveiled at the Northrop Grumman facility in Palmdale, California, on Friday December 2
The bomber was designed to carry out long-range bombing and nuclear missions employing cutting edge stealth technologies
There are currently six bombers being built in Palmdale at the cost of about $2 billion per aircraft
The warplane is said to be the first sixth-generation aircraft, meaning it is the most advanced plane on Earth
The advanced aircraft was named after the Doolittle Raiders, a team of B-21 bomber crewmen from World War II known for their daring and bravery
by Alex Oliveira
Elon Musk’s Twitter Is A Monster Of The Left’s Own Making
As the left points a finger at Elon Musk, three more fingers point back at them. Twitter being run by Elon Musk doesn’t happen unless the left offers an impetus for it…and they did.
It’s funny to watch the left go up in arms about how Twitter has been “unleashed” by Elon Musk. Putting aside your thoughts about Musk, of which I have many, it has been amusing to watch a triggered left attempt to cancel and boycott Twitter – from hearing how the platform was going to shut down once layoffs were made, to advertisers dropping off the platform, to “activists” using the platform to freak out about it every day, other “activists” leaving the platform, to companies like CBS stating their intentions to leave the platform, only to come back to it just hours later. The main gripe? That Elon Musk allowing more people back on the platform, while moderating less speech, is harming free speech. The Guardian called free speech a “dangerous fantasy”, for example.
by Quoth the Raven
ACH (1983) Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #30 – The Great Siege Of Malta (Audio 43:32)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 27, 2022, Andy presents a show entitled, “Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #30 – The Great Siege Of Malta,” that was written by Dr. Peter Hammond.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
FIFA Golden Paws (0:19)
How The Coronavirus Hoax Has Permanently Destroyed Health Care (21:20)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Major News Organizations Finally Urge US To Drop Charges Against Julian Assange
The New York Times and four other organizations tell the US government that ‘publishing is not a crime’
Five major Western news organizations have finally spoken out for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and are calling on the US government to drop the charges against him. In a letter to the US government, the editors and publishers of The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, DER SPIEGEL, and El País said that “publishing is not a crime” and that it was time for the US “to end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets.” The five news outlets benefited greatly from documents released by WikiLeaks and worked with the organization to publish State Department cables in a release known as “Cable Gate.” The letter explains that for receiving those leaks and the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs from whistleblower Chelsea Manning, Assange has faced “the most severe consequences.”
by Dave DeCamp
Biden’s Gender-Fluid Nuclear Official Charged With Felony Theft After Lying To Cops
A senior Department of Energy official was charged with felony theft after stealing a piece of luggage from the Minneapolis airport in September – shortly before taking a leave of absence. Sam Brinton, a gender-fluid nuclear expert who in 2015 defended underage gay prostitution website “,” allegedly took a Vera Bradley suitcase worth $2,325 from the luggage carousel at the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport (MSP) on September 16, Fox News reports, citing a criminal complaint filed Oct. 16 in Minnesota state court. It’s official. As of June 19th, I now serve my nation as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy. — Sam Brinton (@sbrinton) June 29, 2022. According to court filings, surveillance footage showed Brinton taking the luggage, then removing its tag identifying the owner, before leaving the airport. Brinton was observed using the luggage during at least two other trips to Washington DC – on Sept. 18 and Oct. 9. When a police officer called Brinton on Oct. 9 for questioning, Brinton confirmed that he still possessed the suitcase, but then claimed it was his. “If I had taken the wrong bag, I am happy to return it, but I don’t have any clothes for another individual,” Brinton told the officer, adding “That was my clothes when I opened the bag.” Two hours later, Brinton called back and apologized for not being “completely honest,” adding that taking the wrong bag was a mistake because he was tired.
by Tyler Durden
The US Is A Luciferian Project
A lot of people in the United States, millions of MAGA folks we would imagine, consider the US not just a good and pleasant place to live but something much more than this – as the pinnacle of human society, in fact: past, present, and future. Nothing will ever surpass it, they believe. But is there a shred of evidence to support such a belief? Not really. The evidence actually points us in the opposite direction, that the beliefs at the heart of the ‘American experiment’ are extremely detrimental to a healthy society. At the heart of this belief system is the dogma of the power of the individual to shape life as he wishes it to be (which is very much akin to black magick). It appeared early, as shown here in Federalist No. 49, which was written in 1788 (bolding added): ‘As the people are the only legitimate fountain of power, and it is from them that the constitutional charter, under which the several branches of government hold their power, is derived; it seems strictly consonant to the republican theory, to recur to the same original authority, not only whenever it may be necessary to enlarge, diminish, or new-model the powers of government; but also whenever any one of the departments may commit encroachments on the chartered authorities of the others. The several departments being perfectly co-ordinate by the terms of their common commission, neither of them, it is evident, can pretend to an exclusive or superior right of settling the boundaries between their respective powers; and how are the encroachments of the stronger to be prevented, or the wrongs of the weaker to be redressed, without an appeal to the people themselves; who, as the grantors of the commission, can alone declare its true meaning and enforce its observance?’
by Walt Garlington
Israel, US To Conduct Air Drill Simulating Attack On Iran
The air drill will include advanced fighter jets and refueling planes from the US and Israel
The Israeli Air Force will conduct one of its largest joint air drills alongside the US Air Force, simulating offensive strikes against Iran’s nuclear program, according to a report published by The Jerusalem Post on 28 November. The exercise will cover Israel and the Mediterranean Sea beginning on 29 November and will feature long-distance flights simulating the distance from Israel to Iran. The upcoming drill was discussed by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi during his recent visit to the United States, where he held joint meetings with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and CENTCOM Commander Gen. Michael Kurilla. During his visit, Kochavi announced a significant expansion of joint activities with the US military in the region, indicating that Israel would work against the Iranian government’s “positioning” in the Middle East, according to Al-Arabiya news.
by News Desk
Your Daily Dose Of Israeli Terrorism (1:12)
Today Israel demolished a primary school in Masafer Yatta that had 23 pupils and three teachers. This is part of a state effort to drive Palestinians out of the area by making their lives unbearable. Expelling residents is a war crime.
by Marwa Osman
Globalizing Fake Protests
Though the World Cup, like all similar tournaments, must return to their apolitical roots, the U.S. and its allies are the elephants in the room, the flies in the ointment, the mothers of all spoilsports.
MI5’s BBC news site recently led with the non-story that Chinese protesters are calling for President Xi to resign. How convenient, with the collapse of MI5’s Hong Kong protests, that these gulls are unwittingly acting as a fifth column for the Royal Navy and America’s Seventh Fleet, which stalk the Taiwan Strait! One wonders when the U.S. will arm these peaceful protesters, just as they have previously armed their confreres in Syria, Iran and Hong Kong. The Chinese government have the two basic problems of multiplication and of division. They fear that a small, localized problem, if replicated across China, will quickly become unsurmountable and their problem of division makes them divide their national cake, such as it is, in 1.42 billion ways, whilst keeping their 1.42 billion citizens happy and hopeful for their future. Human resource management, in other words, on a Biblical scale.
by Declan Hayes
Shocking Investigation Discovers A World-Wide Shadow Government Has Infiltrated “Elected” Governments And Public Health Institutions And Built A Global Vaccine Regime
The same organisations that have an interest in vaccinations today also had a lot of influence in laying the groundwork decades ago. People tend to think of these large and well-known organisations – such as Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF; CDC, GAVI, USAID, the World Bank – as independent of each other, but they are not. They are part of a vaccine infrastructure – a global vaccine regime. Or, as Nations in Action describes it, the vaccine shadow government architecture. The architecture is headed by wealthy investors who have created funds and foundations which then engage in various funding activities, while also being responsible for assisting politicians to be elected, or placed, into office. At the same time, the foundations donate to international organisations giving the foundations access to and enabling them to steer the organisations toward certain conclusions. In short, wealthy organisations and individuals are getting you and your government to pay for and implement private interests through public policies. Policies that are geared towards a pre-determined conclusion that is to the benefit of those wealthy interests.
by Rhoda Wilson
German Statesman Slams EU Leaders’ Spinelessness, Demands NATO’s Dismemberment, Closure Of US Bases
Germany has found itself reaping the consequences of the crisis in Ukraine, facing skyrocketing energy and food costs, recession and the danger of permanent deindustrialization as Washington and Brussels continue to call for more and more sanctions against Russian energy to try to “punish” Moscow for its military operation in Ukraine. The United States and its allies have spent the entire period since 2014 preparing for a confrontation with Russia in Ukraine, Oskar Lafontaine, a veteran German statesman with over forty years of political experience under his belt, has said. “Of course, I also mean the conflict in Ukraine, which began with the Maidan putsch in Kiev in 2014. Since then, the US and its Western vassals have been arming Ukraine and systematically preparing it for confrontation with Russia. Ukraine thus became a de facto, if not de jure, member of NATO. This backstory has been studiously ignored by Western politicians and the mainstream media,” Lafontaine told Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten in an interview published Sunday.
by Ilya Tsukanov
India Boosts Russian Oil Imports
New Delhi became the biggest Urals grade crude buyer in November
India has bought about 40% of all seaborne Russian Urals grade oil capacity in November, Reuters reported on Monday citing its calculations based on Refinitiv figures and data from traders. According to the figures, this made New Delhi the largest buyer of Urals oil this month. India has been boosting imports of Russian oil for several months. In October, Russia overtook Saudi Arabia and Iraq to become the South Asian country’s largest oil supplier with a 22% share in India’s total crude imports, according to data from the energy cargo tracker Vortexa. Prior to this year, European countries used to be the largest buyers of Russia’s Urals grade oil. Those exports dropped amid Western sanctions on Moscow, with European countries accounting for less than 25% of the shipments this month. Nearly all of them went to refineries in which Russian energy firms have a stake. Traders expect the volume of Urals exports to the EU to drop further in December when a proposed price cap on Russian oil comes into force.
by RT
Pope Francis Just Said He Won’t Comment On Unborn Children As ‘Persons’ (Text and Video)
But what was more controversial in the interview was the Pope’s talk of polarization.
n a new interview with America Magazine, Pope Francis upheld the humanity of our unborn brothers and sisters but refused to say that they were, well, people. “Therefore, there is a living human being,” he said of the month-old fetus. “I do not say a person, because this is debated, but a living human being.” But in the United States of America, the personhood of the unborn child is a big deal. A whole movement called Personhood rose up to demand for the right to life of unborn children being protected in law. There is legal significance to being recognized as a person. The Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States states: “Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
by John-Henry Westen
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 28, 2022 (30:35)
by Military Summary
A Nation Of Sheep Will Beget A Government Of Wolves
I owe the title of today’s writing to Edward R. Morrow, a revered American journalist who reported the issues of the common folk and championed the need for common sense in the public interest. New Zealand’s reserve bank hiked the cash rate by 0.75% this week which is set to drive up mortgage rates and send many already beleaguered homeowners to their bank manager cap in hand. Default and repossession loom for many next year. The reserve bank says it is anxious to bring inflation under control. So how does pandemic inflation work and will high-interest rates solve the problem? It certainly is Black Friday here in NZ, supermarket shoppers are in a black mood for good reason. In my local Countdown yesterday, tomatoes were $23.60 a kilo and a leg of lamb was $23.50 a kilo. In contrast at Sainsbury in the UK, tomatoes were at just NZ$4.26 a kilo and NZ lamb was on special at $13.00 a kilo (including the cost of shipping it halfway around the world). UK shoppers are complaining that the cost of food has rocketed, apparently, they don’t know the meaning of it. It doesn’t stop there, petrol retailers in NZ put up prices the minute they go up overseas, but don’t put them down promptly when international prices fall. Pump costs in the US have fallen steadily by a total of 27% since 10 June, but you tell me: have they fallen appreciably here?
by Dr. Guy Hatchard
West Unlikely To Succeed In Weaning New Delhi Away From Moscow
The Ukraine war has now gone on for nine months, with no end in sight. There are strong deeply entrenched domestic constituencies in India that continue to support closer relations with Russia. A glimpse of this was provided in early November by a New Delhi-based think tank, titled “The ORF Foreign Policy Survey 2022: India @75 and the World.” The organization surveyed 5,000 young Indians across India who declared their overwhelming support for partnership with Moscow. Indian youth could have been the most suspect category for favoring the West, but results of this survey only allude to Russia’s deep roots in India. Most of Western nations have been busy in attempting to ensure India’s course correction. But this has only made New Delhi all the firmer about its “strategic autonomy” that historically defines the central axis of India’s foreign policy which has since moved from nonalignment, to multi-alignments, meaning seeking to build partnerships in as many sectors with as many nations as possible. The West’s bid to recruit India, therefore, remains at best work in progress with constantly changing cost/benefit matrix and its interpretations.
by Swaran Singh
Dutch Government To Seize And Close 3,000 Farms To Comply With EU Environmental Rules
The Dutch government is planning to buy and close down up to 3,000 farms near environmentally sensitive areas to be in compliance with EU environmental rules. It comes after farmer protests erupted this summer following a government plan to reduce nitrogen emissions by 50% by 2030, The New York Times reported. Farmers believe the measure unfairly targeted the agricultural sector, which is responsible for the largest portion of nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands, the Times added. The government will conduct a “compulsory purchase” of large nitrogen emitters as part of a voluntary, one-time offer, announced Nitrogen Minister Christianne van der Wal, Bloomberg reported. Farmers will be offered a deal “well over” the value of the farm, according to the government plan. She asserted “there is no better offer coming” in a Friday meeting with MPs.
by James Lynch
China Keeps Aggressively Surrounding Itself With US Bases: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Facts: There are Chinese people with real grievances against their government. The US empire’s propaganda machine will spin current protests in China to advance imperial agendas. Western intelligence agencies will become more and more involved in these protests the longer they go on.
It still amazes me how many people who fancy themselves anti-establishment critical thinkers will spend all day mindlessly regurgitating mainstream media lines about China. I cannot emphasize enough how little respect I have for anyone who parrots US empire narratives about China and how completely dismissive I am of all their attempts to explain to me that it’s actually right and good to do this. Literally all of our major problems are because of the people who rule over us; if you’re buying into the narrative that who we should really be mad at right now is a government on the other side of the planet with no power over us, you’re a fucking loser. You’re a bootlicking empire simp. You’re worthless, bleating human livestock. Why does China keep aggressively surrounding itself with US military bases?
by Caitlin Johnstone
U Upset With US, All About Money. NYT, NATO Weapons Running Low. Bakhmut Fall Inevitable. (29:59)
by Alex Christoforou
Europe’s Imports Of Russian LNG Increase By 42% in 2022, Report Suggests
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The European Union has boosted the imports of Russian liquefied natural gas by 42% between January-October 2022 year-on-year, British financial newspaper reported. The LNG imports from Russia during the period amounted to 17.8 billion cubic meters of natural gas (bcm), with Belgium, France, Spain and the Netherlands topping the list of importers, according to the news outlet. This year, Europe has imported 111 bcm of LNG between January-October from the global market, increasing the import volumes by 70%, while last year the EU purchased 155 bcm of Russian natural gas and LNG, the report said. It added that Russia had been Europe’s second largest energy supplier, but its share lowered by 16% in 2022 due to EU’s imports of US LNG, which accounted for 42% this year.
by Sputnik News
Did You Fall For The Great Covid Scam?
Victims of a multi-billion-pound phishing scandal have told TCW Defending Freedom how their lives were devastated by fraudsters after apparently finding themselves on a ‘suckers list’ which caused them to agree to take part in an experimental drug trial. The criminals trapped their victims by sending them messages made possible by a website called iNHSpoof. It seems the perpetrators sent multiple messages to millions of Britons telling them that they had an appointment for what was described as a ‘safe and effective vaccine’ which would protect them from a deadly new virus. Little did the millions who fell for the scam know that the so-called ‘vaccine’ was, in fact, a gene therapy which had been cobbled together in a matter of days, and the virus it was supposed to protect them from was no more dangerous than a bad seasonal flu. Incredible though it may seem, the victims were then told they needed to download an app which allowed the criminals to dictate their movements.
by John Ellwood
The Australian Government Lied: Doctors Are Not Covered By Government’s Indemnity For Covid Injections
Last week Elizabeth Hart wrote to Mark Butler, Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care, about the government misleading health practitioners who are administering Covid injections into believing they are covered by a government medical indemnity scheme. “It has now been confirmed by your department that health practitioners are not covered by a specific Covid-19 government medical indemnity scheme,” she wrote. Elizabeth Hart is an independent researcher investigating the overuse of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy. According to a response Hart received on 17 November from Nigel Murray – Assistant Secretary, MBS Policy and Specialist Services Branch – the government did not put in place a medical indemnity scheme for health professionals. Instead, Murray told Hart, “the former [Morrison] Government established the no-fault Scheme, which commenced operations on 13 December 2021.” Later in the same letter, he again confirmed the scheme did not exist: “While a medical indemnity scheme for health professionals administering the Covid-19 vaccine was not established per se, the creation of the no-fault Scheme was intended to support increased participation by health professionals in the Covid-19 Vaccination roll-out.”
by Rhoda Wilson
Republican Thomas Massie Gives Voters Excellent Example Of How And Why The Overton Window Moves
In a series of tweets today, Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie provides an excellent example of why and how government always grows.
The Overton Window is basically a catchphrase to explain a narrow spectrum of acceptable government policies at any given moment. As the nation evolves the window of what would be considered currently “acceptable’ moves. In the example of the government continue to grow, the Overton Window constantly shifts toward leftist totalitarian objectives, bigger government. The movement happens slowly – over time – but is never reversed. Regardless of who controls power, the big government Overton Window always goes one way, one nudge at a time in one direction, toward bigger government. People often ask, why does this continue to happen even after Republicans are elected? Today, Thomas Massie accidentally gives us a perfect example of how and why. When Democrats are in power, they do everything to maximize their power and minimize the influence of their Republican opposition. However, when Republicans are in power, they do everything to minimize their power and maximize the power of their Democrat opposition, now in the minority. Democrats in control, they maximize the Overton Window shift. When Republicans are in power, they do nothing to pull it back – they actually do everything possible to maintain the shift. Saul Alinsky wrote the rulebook for radical leftists saying, “force the opposition to play by their own rules.” A seemingly abhorrent concept when the powered wig crowd of honorable constitutional republicans take control. Sitting atop the high horse Massie explains how it is a matter of principle that Republicans should not use power.
by Sundance
This Man Is A Visual Effects Master (3:03)
the final stage of changing jerseys is wiping out the evidence that you ever wore a different one
and it behooves us to make sure this does not occur
hey, remember that one time that this internet cat predicted that “everyone was going to change jerseys so hard that you would soon not be able to find anyone who admitted to supporting lockdowns?” gatopal™ and personal friend jay is certainly correct in saying that “well, at least they have stopped” but i have real doubts it’s about shame. i suspect it’s just crowd following in search of status and far from “having learned to know better” this gang will surge after then next thing just as rabidly. they are just trying to squeak through an overton window before it slams on them.
by el gato malo
The Age Of Anomie
A US study of social breakdown due to the wrong kinds of development and ‘progress’, with Ireland its ‘lab rat’, vindicates warnings in my 1997 book, ‘An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Modern Ireland’.
When we hear talk of ‘the culture wars’, even those of us who take what is called the ‘conservative’ side tend to think purely of factional disagreements that have more to do with ideological attachment, religious affiliation and personal disposition than any objective context in reality. We think of the ‘sides’ — ‘liberals’, ’progressives’, ‘leftists’, versus ‘conservatives’, ‘right-wingers’, ‘traditionalists’ — and reflexively tend to see these descriptions as badges of alliance to something closer to tribes than to different analyses of future possibilities for human society. In part, this has to do with the orchestrated constriction of public debate and discussion over the past decade in particular — i.e. since social media tightened its grip and caused the eruption of Wokeism into every aspect and crevice of public (and increasingly private) life.
by John Waters
Before And After: Serial Liar Adam Schiff Refuses To Commit To Testifying Before Congress After Threatening Trump For Years With House Subpoenas (Text and Video)
For years Democrat Adam Schiff pushed the fake, Hillary Clinton-funded Steele Dossier knowing it was a complete lie funded by Democrats. The Democrats and Deep State attempted a coup of President Trump using the bogus document as their source. Schiff knew all along there was no proof of Trump-Russia collusion. It was a ridiculous lie and they all knew it was false. Schiff lied and said he did not know the identity of the Trump-Ukrainian call whistleblower. Schiff lied and accused President Trump of cheating to win the 2016 election — Now he is investigating Republicans who called the 2020 election a lie. Now Republican House leaders are looking to subpoena Adam Schiff to testify before Congress on his many horrific actions and his years of lying to the American public. Earlier today Adam Schiff was asked if he will testify before the US House of Representatives and he refused to rule out the possibility of refusing a legitimate congressional subpoena.
by Jim Hoft
The Vaccine Cult Wants To Rid The Earth Of Anti-Vaxxers By Labeling Them Insane And Dangerous
Universal repeat vaccinations for everyone has always been the goal for the vaccine pushers. Their first attempt at repeat universal vaccine products was the annual flu shot, but when people stopped becoming afraid of the flu and vaccination rates dropped, they needed something that created more fear, and that something became COVID-19. Starting in China at the end of 2019, the great COVID-19 scam worked probably better than the Globalists had even anticipated, and most of the world’s population ran out to get the COVID vaccines about a year later. Then the vaccine was mandated in most places as a condition to continue with employment, to further increase distribution of the universal COVID vaccine. Now there is one last hurdle for continuous, repeat universal vaccines like COVID-19, and that hurdle is the group known as “anti-vaxxers.” The plans to silence anti-vaxxers is starting to take shape, and the main thrust of this plan is to label anti-vaxxers as having a mental disorder, and being a danger to society. And while the pro-vaccine zealots want to label anti-vaxxers as mentally disabled, neurological diseases have exploded in those who have been vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines based on statistics recorded in the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS.)
by Brian Shilhavy
Different Uses Of Salt (2:53)
Are Chinese Protesters Demanding Freedom, Or Just A Little Less Tyranny?
The Chinese social contract is far separate from the classical Western social contract.
Will the Covid Zero protests in China bring significant change to Beijing? I’m not so sure. Millions of brave Chinese nationals have taken to the streets this month in opposition to the maniacal, years-long Covid Zero policies implemented by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Covid Zero, the pseudoscientific attempt to eliminate a submicroscopic infectious particle from within the boundaries of a nation, has resulted in devastation and ruin to the citizens of China. Much of China’s 1.4 billion strong population has spent a significant amount of time since 2020 stuck in rolling lockdowns. Sadly, the lockdowns have become a point of national pride for the CCP, showcasing Chinese compliance with tyranny as evidence of cultural superiority and ethnic supremacy. But finally, after years of horrendous abuses, some have understandably had enough.
by Jordan Schachtel
Merriam-Webster Reveals ‘Word Of The Year’
The publisher of the English-language dictionary says searches for ‘gaslighting’ have spiked more than 1,000%
Gaslighting, a term used to describe a form of psychological manipulation, is Merriam-Webster’s word of the year for 2022. The oldest dictionary publisher in the US defines gaslighting as causing the victim “to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories,” among other things. A second definition is that gaslighting is “the act or practice of grossly misleading someone, especially for one’s own advantage.” Merriam-Webster Editor-at-Large Peter Sokolowski told AP on Monday that searches for the word rose by 1,740% this year. He added that there was no single event that prompted the sudden curiosity and interest in ‘gaslighting.’ “It’s a word that has risen so quickly in the English language, and especially in the last four years, that it actually came as a surprise to me and to many of us,” Sokolowski said.
by RT
Reporter Who Offered Curious Details On Paul Pelosi Hammer Attack Not Seen On Air In Nearly A Month
Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was struck in the head with a hammer by a mentally-disturbed man in the couple’s San Francisco home on October 28. The White House and much of the media immediately alleged the attack was politically motivated. However, additional details later emerged poking holes in the dominant narrative. Miguel Almaguer, the NBC News reporter whose reporting on last month’s Paul Pelosi hammer attack incident offered curious details which challenged the mainstream narrative at the time, has not been seen on air or tweeted since the media giant expunged his report and suspended him over unspecified “inaccurate information” in his report. Almaguer, 45, reported on air on November 4 that Mr. Pelosi calmly opened the door to police officers responding to the 911 emergency call he placed after 2 am on October 28, but that he did not “declare an emergency” or try to leave the domicile, instead walking several feet into the foyer of his home toward the suspect, 42-year-old David DePape, who was armed with a hammer. The report sparked questions about what 82-year-old Pelosi and DePape were doing before police showed up. Almaguer’s reporting, which NBC has attempted to scrub from the internet, also challenged claims made by media that the attack was an act of “right-wing political violence” by an enraged Trump supporter “enflamed by right-wing conspiracy theories” and anti-Pelosi sentiment ahead of the November 8 midterm elections.
by Ilya Tsukanov
ACH (1982) I’m Talking To YOU #44 – Home Alone 2 (Audio 29:49)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 26 2022, Andy presents a show entitled, “Home Alone 2.”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is an unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his other shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Operation Claw-Sword: Erdogan’s Big New Game In Syria
Wily Sultan is caught between his electorate, which favors a Syria invasion, and his extremely nuanced relations with Russia
There’s another Special Military Operation on the market. No, it’s not Russia “denazifying” and “demilitarizing” Ukraine – and, therefore, it’s no wonder that this other operation is not ruffling feathers across the collective West. Operation Claw-Sword was launched by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as revenge – highly emotional and concerted – for Kurdish terrorist attacks against Turkish citizens. Some of the missiles that Ankara launched in this aerial campaign carried the names of Turkish victims. The official Ankara spin is that the Turkish Armed Forces fully achieved their “air operation objectives” in the north of Syria and in Iraqi Kurdistan, and made those responsible for the terror attack against civilians in Istanbul’s Istiklal pedestrian street pay in “multitudes.” And this is supposed to be just the first stage. For the third time in 2022, Sultan Erdogan is also promising a ground invasion of Kurdish-held territories in Syria. However, according to diplomatic sources, that’s not going to happen – even as scores of Turkish experts are adamant that the invasion is needed sooner rather than later. The wily Sultan is caught between his electorate, which favors an invasion, and his extremely nuanced relations with Russia – which encompass a large geopolitical and geo-economic arc.
by Pepe Escobar
Secret CDC Report Confirms Half A Million American Children And Young Adults Have Died Since Covid Vaccine Roll-Out
And A UK Gov. Report Confirms It’s Likely Due To Covid Vaccination
Official figures quietly published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm nearly half a million children and young adults have died ever since the Food & Drug Administration first granted emergency use authorisation to a Covid-19 vaccine in the USA. This has sadly resulted in nearly 118,000 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 average. The figures also reveal that there have been 7,680 more excess deaths among children and young adults in 2022 so far compared to the same time frame in 2020 at the height of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. But the year 2021 was by and large the worst year for deaths among 0 to 44-year-olds, with 291,461 excess deaths in total, nearly 60,000 more than occurred in 2020. And according to the official CDC figures, this was mainly due to a mysterious sudden rise in deaths among children and young adults from around week 31 onwards. Unfortunately, according to data published by the UK Government, that “mysterious” sudden rise which has contributed to half a million American children and young adults dying since late 2020, is most likely due to the Covid-19 injections.
by The Exposé
US-Turkiye Brinkmanship Won’t Reach A Point Of No Return
A conflict of interest between Ankara and Washington over Syria will likely see the two drift apart, with Turkiye aligning more closely with Eurasian powers.
The series of airstrikes against Kurdish militants in northern Syria by Turkish jets in the past week come amid heightened concerns over Ankara’s threat to launch a ground operation. Such actions are not without precedent, yet have thus far achieved little in terms of eradicating the security challenges posed by US-backed Kurdish fighters. Turkiye is today addressing an existential challenge to its national security and sovereignty, stemming from the United States’ quasi-alliance with Kurdish groups in Syria over the past decade – with whom Ankara has been battling for far longer. However, this issue is playing out within a much broader regional backdrop today. Russia now has a permanent presence in Syria and is itself locked in an existential struggle with the US in Ukraine and the Black Sea. Iran-US tensions are also acute and President Joe Biden has openly called for the overthrow of the Iranian government. Suffice to say, the Syrian government, which has demanded the removal of illegal US troops from one-third of its territory for years, enjoys a congruence of interests with Turkiye like never before, particularly in opposing the American military presence in Syria.
by MK Bhadrakumar
The Betrayal Of Mike Pence And The Downfall Of The Culture (38:49)
Even a short look around the world should provide cause for concern, but the sad reality is that behaviors contrary to God’s law and plan for mankind are being normalized — even by those who say they stand for life, faith, family, and freedom. Join John-Henry Westen in this episode of InFocus as he provides incisive commentary on the insanity of the modern age. Watch as he unpacks the virtue signaling of former Vice President Mike Pence with respect to same sex marriage and in vitro fertilization, discusses some of the latest insights on the dynamics of the Great Reset, and shows the stunning lengths to which parents must go to restore common sense in their schools to out the lies of transgenderism.
by John-Henry Westen
How The Magic Trick Works: Cutting Off Effective Resistance
Chaos Agents, Part 2: Libet Experiments and Readiness Potential
“War is the most readily available form of chaos.” ~ Frank Herbert
There are numerous articles coming soon on Chaos Agents-some of which relate to the FTX scandal. In the meantime, the exact right Substack article showed up in my inbox, and I had an epiphany worth sharing. From the article, Libet gave participants of his experiments a simple task, while measuring their brain activity: they had to decide to flex a finger whenever they wished, and note the position on a fast-moving clock at the precise moment they took the decision. The result was that the brain showed activity at least 400ms before the participants became aware of their “decision making.” Here’s a diagram showing what’s going on. “RP” stands for “Readiness Potential,” that is, the supposed build-up in brain activity before the decision to act and the subsequent action. What we see is that this brain activity starts before the participants became aware of their intention to flex the finger. The results have led the no-Free-Will crowd to exclaim, “see, everything is driven by your brain, and you taking decisions is just an illusion!” However, this seems to be a typical case of taking something very specific and isolated out of context and then drawing conclusions based on existing biases. First, Libet himself thought that there is still enough time between our awareness of intention and the action itself for us to “veto” the decision and stop the movement. This would leave free will intact: remember that even the tiniest bit of actual free will leads to the philosophical position of what is called libertarian free will, that is, genuine free will with the power to really cause something.
by Mathew Crawford
US Grants Chevron License To Pump Oil Again In Venezuela
The move eases some sanctions on Venezuela, but most remain in place
The US has granted Chevron a limited license to restart pumping oil in Venezuela in the most significant easing of sanctions on the country since the harsh measures were imposed by the Trump administration. The move came after the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro signed a deal with an opposition coalition to unlock about $3 billion in Venezuelan funds that were frozen by US and European banks. Under the deal, the funds will go toward humanitarian and economic development projects. According to the Treasury Department, the license granted to Chevron prohibits the Venezuelan state oil company PdVSA from receiving profits from any oil sales by Chevron. The license is only limited to Chevron and does not allow any other companies to work with PdVSA. The Treasury Department said that all other sanctions on Venezuela will remain in place and that the US will “vigorously enforce these sanctions.”
by Dave DeCamp
Western Media Badmouth China’s Epidemic Like How Washington Fans The Flames In Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Whatever China does in its battle against COVID-19 is wrong under the prism of Western media. Those who once denounced China’s strict approach to epidemic prevention and control are now hyping up the consequences of opening up. Headlines such as “The disastrous implications of lifting Zero-COVID in China” are flooding on Western social media platforms. Bloomberg is more dramatic, articulating that “a full reopening could see 5.8 million in ICU” in China and that “there’s no way an uncontrolled wave of infections can be managed.” It is hard to believe that Bloomberg published such a prognosis with a straight face. China’s 20 measures, recently fine-tuned and adjusted to optimize the epidemic response, do not mean loosening prevention and control against the virus, less a lift of COVID-19 restrictions or “lying flat” in the COVID-19 fight. It aims at making the response to the virus more targeted and science-based, maximizing the protection of people’s safety and health, and minimizing the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development.
by Global Times
New York Time Decides Lockdowns Are Actually Draconian And Economically Destructive When China Does Them
“Many were fed up with Mr. Xi … and his ‘Zero-Covid’ policy, which continues to disrupt everyday life, hurt livelihoods and isolate the country,” writes the Times in pacific unselfawareness.
Three years ago, Zero Covid was the aspiration of public health bureaucrats and politicians across the West. Charlatan techbros like Tomas Pueyo appeared on national television to demand nationwide house arrest; leaders like Angela Merkel surrounded themselves virus-eradicationist modellers and imposed unprecedented months-long closures upon their countries. When protests inevitably broke out, they were violently suppressed; the protesters were slandered as conspiracy theorists and fascists. The New York Times played a leading role in this long and excruciating charade. In April 2020, they reported that “an informal coalition of influential conservative leaders and groups, some with close connections to the [Trump] White House” was responsible for “quietly working to nurture protests and apply … pressure to overturn state and local orders intended to stop the spread of the coronavirus.” In March 2021, they ran an obnoxious opinion piece about What Happened When Germany’s Far-Riught Party Railed Against Lockdowns, which called the German protesters “an amorphous mix of conspiracy theorists, shady organizations and outraged citizens” and appeared to accuse the right-populist party Alternativ für Deutschland of opportunism for joining their ranks. What a difference a few years have made.
by eugyppius
The Gypsy Wagon
Wokism, sexism, racism and other holiday activities…
It was a Thanksgiving weekend to be remembered, the family gathered at the house on Wednesday and Thursday morning. The little grandchildren came racing in…coughing and sneezing. They pick up the latest fads and fancies at school…and the latest germs too. The French say visits from grandchildren follow a pattern – ‘ah’…and then ‘ouf.’ Grandparents are delighted to see them arrive. Later, exhausted, they are delighted to see them leave. It’s not a good idea to leave children and grandchildren, in-laws, friends, and friends of friends sitting in an enclosed space together for too long. The conversation is bound to take a wrong turn. Trump, Covid, the Ukraine, Paul Pelosi, wokism, sexism, racism…or one of dozens of other isms ….not to mention the discipline, or lack thereof, of the children present… ….there are plenty of subjects that could cause trouble. It was partly to head off conversation, and partly for his own amusement, that your editor had prepared an activity. Each year, he aims to focus attention on a particular farm project. One year he replaced a barn roof. Another Thanksgiving ended with cords of firewood stacked up to the eaves. This year’s project was building a gypsy wagon.
by Bill Bonner
welcome to the human welfarism state
where the power of the few is whitewashed into looking like the good of the many
many of you have likely heard me opine something along the lines of “anyone speaking about coercive “collective good” has a 99.999% chance of being an aspiring supervillain.” it’s a near flawless shibboleth. and it has just racked up some further points in this truly ambitious and ethics challenged essay written under auspices of the world economic forum (WEF) global futures council. this was written in 2019. (and isn’t it always fun to see what people were saying back when they thought no one outside their circles was watching…) the paper dabbles around the predictable precincts of “what are we to do about people who want to gene modify kids to be smarter or stronger or faster?” but then veers into all manner of odd equity ideas that go so far as to describe one person bettering themselves as “implicit coercion” of others by violating “equity” as though there were any such thing to begin with (much less an entitlement to it) and that hominids (and every other creature, great and small) had not been choosing the best breeding partners they could find on the basis of these traits since long before monkeys invented monkey-business.
by el gato malo
Links Emerge Between Arizona Democrat Katie Hobbs And FTX
Links have begun to emerge between the recently-imploded cryptocurrency exchange FTX and Arizona’s controversial Democrat gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs. Hobbs, Arizona’s secretary of state, was recently declared the winner by the corporate media in her disputed gubernatorial election against Republican Kari Lake. Lake was widely considered the favorite in the race while Hobbs did not campaign, did not have a major following, did not hold rallies, and refused to debate. However, in an impossible and stunning upset, Hobbs, the top election official in Arizona, somehow “defeated” Lake in the gubernatorial race. As Slay News has been documenting, FTX and its founder and CEO Sam Bankman-Fried have been bankrolling Democrats over the past few years. In the 2022 election cycle alone, Bankman-Fried plowed roughly $40 million into Democratic Party candidates and pro-Democrat groups.
by Frank Bergman
Zero-Tolerance: Chinese Lockdown Protests Intensify In Rare Display Of Defiance (Text and Video)
Protests in China over President Xi Jinping’s zero-tolerance Covid-19 measures have intensified – expanding from Beijing and the far western Xinjiang region to several other major cities, including Wuhan, Shanghai, and the eastern city of Nanjing, according to video and photos circulating on social media. Students take part in a protest against COVID-19 curbs at Tsinghua University in Beijing, in a still from video released on Nov. 27, 2022. (Reuters) The weekend protests followed Friday demonstrations in Urumqi, the capitol of Xinjiang, after a deadly fire killed residents who were locked inside following lockdowns which have lasted more than 100 days. Officials have reported 10 deaths in the fire, however citizens have reported up to 40 who perished. The protests are a rare display from a typically compliant citizenry, who know that crackdowns on dissent have intensified over the past decade. As the Wall Street Journal notes, ” Having protests over the same issue break out in multiple Chinese cities is almost unheard of, outside of nationalist outpourings, such as anti-Japanese protests.”
by Tyler Durden
Smart And Incredible (0:19)
When Satan Rules The Western Alliance Goes Into Convulsions Before Death
African independence is a deception just as the so-called ‘Russian Revolution’ is also a deliberate misconception. In 1917, Imperial Russia’s government suffered a U.S.-inspired regime change. Imperial Russia’s colossal natural resources were seized and transferred to Wall Street international banking houses and US corporations. Following World War I (1914-1918) Imperial Germany and its colonies were simultaneously plundered and debt enslaved by the banking cartels which resulted in the National Socialist rebellion and rise from the ashes. Regime change by Washington and Wall Street has followed the same strategy since the turn of the 20th century. Their provoked World War II was followed by the illegal undemocratic transfer of 21 European nations to the USSR, a decision taken at the February 1945 Conference at Yalta. Yet we are still told the lie that the war was triggered to defend Polish sovereignty; the same Poland that at Yalta was gifted to Bolshevik-Occupied Russia. Since 1945, there have been 194 conflicts or wars. In most of these conflicts, Washington and Wall Street were directly or indirectly involved or otherwise profited from them.
by Michael Walsh
Renowned Oncologist Sends Urgent Letter Calling To End COVID Vaccine Program Immediately As Cancers And Other Diseases Are Rapidly Progressing In ‘Boosted’ People
Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist practicing in the UK, recently wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, urging the journal to “make valid informed consent for COVID vaccination a priority topic” because cancers and other diseases are rapidly progressing among “boosted” people. Angus George Dalgleish, 72, is a professor of oncology at St George’s, University of London, best known for his contributions to HIV/AIDS research and is one of the most sought-after doctors in London. A medical oncologist is trained to treat different types of cancer using chemotherapy and other medications, such as immunotherapy and targeted therapy. Naked Emperor Substack noted that Dr. Dalgleish is a co-discoverer of the CD4 receptor as the major cellular receptor for HIV. Angus is also a vaccine researcher and founded a biotech company developing cancer vaccines.
by Jim Hoft
Holodomor: The Secret Holocaust In Ukraine
In 1933, the recently elected administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt granted official U.S. recognition to the Soviet Union for the first time. Especially repugnant was that this recognition was granted even though Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin had just concluded a campaign of genocide against Ukraine that left over 10 million dead. This atrocity was known to the Roosevelt administration, but not to the American people at large, thanks to suppression of the story by the Western press — as we shall show. The Ukrainian genocide remains largely unknown. After 76 years, the blood of the victims still cries for truth, and the guilt of the perpetrators for exposure. Many Americans are barely acquainted with Ukraine, even though it is Europe’s second largest country after Russia, and has been a distinct land and people for centuries. One reason for this unfamiliarity is that Ukraine has rarely known political independence; it was under Russia’s heel throughout much of its existence — under Soviet domination prior to 1991, and under Czarist Russia before that. Many American students heard little or nothing of Ukraine in their history classes because the nation had been relegated to the status of a Russian “province.”
by James Perlof
Pfizer CEO, Who Said Online “Misinformation” Is Criminal, Is Found Guilty Of “Misleading” Vaccine Statements
A regulator has ruled.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, last year at the Atlantic Council, called people who spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation “criminals,” in his calls for censorship of misinformation online. However, this year, Dr. Bourla is himself found responsible by the UK’s pharmaceutical regulator of making “misleading” statements about vaccination of children. Last December, in an interview with the BBC, Dr. Bourla said that “there is no doubt in my mind that the benefits, completely, are in favor of” vaccinating children between the ages of five and 11. He continued to say that “Covid in schools is thriving.” “This is disturbing, significantly, the educational system and there are kids that will have severe symptoms.”
by Cindy Harper
French Athlete Valentin Delluc Paragliding Over Breathtaking Capadocia, Turkiye (1:39)
Letter From 11 Professors To The University Of California
Urging the UCs to reverse its shift in policy suggesting that boosters will be mandated in perpetuity or accept personal responsibility and legal liability for harms.
In September, the University of California (“UC”) mandated bivalent COVID-19 boosters for the 2022-2023 academic year for all faculty, staff, and students, in effect shifting its policy from fully vaccinated to up-to-date and suggesting that boosters will be required in perpetuity. We the undersigned, eleven members of the UC faculty from several campuses, sent the following letter to university administrators calling on them to reverse this new mandate. To date, we have received no response. In addition, we sent the letter to nine UC student newspapers for publication as an Op-Ed. The Op-Ed editors from two of these newspapers, the Daily Bruin (UCLA) and the Daily Cal (UC-Berkeley) initially agreed enthusiastically to publish the letter. However, they subsequently withdrew their decision to publish, we presume in the face of pressure from higher up to censor us.
by No College Mandates
Thinking Points, November 27, 2022
A+ for obedience, wrong theories, the FDA murders one of their own, banality, tick-tock, fitting in, manufacturing consensus, overcoming hesitancy, stochastic, false news, alpha wolves, imaginary door
Here are my latest thinking points (this is a heavy one so buckle up): Here’s the dilemma: In general, I would much prefer to hear from the people who actually did the reading, who actually did the hard yards of understanding a subject inside and out. That applies to nearly every field, except medicine, where the textbooks are written by Pharma, the professors are bought by Pharma, and the ideological blind spots are so extreme that those who paid attention the most, often know the least. Understanding the simple point I’m making here ^^ is now a matter of life and death. Ideology is a killer. The Covid response failed because the gatekeepers had (and still have) the wrong theory of government, knowledge production, and health. Their theory: Centralize everything in the hands of a few bureaucrats. Suppress speech, give orders, flood the public square with propaganda, and tell the peasants what to do. If this doesn’t work, then just do it again, but more fervently this time. In response to a pandemic, what one should actually do is: Decentralize everything so that 1 million doctors and 330 million citizens can use their best judgement to discover what works in practice. Encourage debate, listen to others, practice humility. Hold all conclusions tentatively, course-correct as often as needed. If one follows the mainstream approach, one will never exit the era of pandemics. If one follows the second approach, life would return to normal in 30 days.
by Toby Rogers
A Real Case Against The Jews by Marcus Eli Ravage (17:30)
A Real Case Against The Jews by Marcus Eli Ravage (17:30)
Ukraine Receiving Secret Weapons Supplies – FM
Dmitry Kuleba said that “everything is happening behind the scenes”
Certain nations have been providing military aid to Kiev despite publicly denying doing so, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba claimed on Friday. In such cases, the arms are delivered through third parties, he said. Kuleba made the remarks in an interview with France’s Le Parisien newspaper. “Most of these third countries publicly say that they do not supply anything, but everything is happening behind the scenes,” he said without going into specifics about which nations are purportedly secretly bolstering Kiev during its conflict with Moscow. Kuleba’s comments come amid mounting reports that Ukraine’s backers, including a number of NATO countries, are experiencing shortages of weaponry due to their continuous support for Kiev. According to a recent piece by the New York Times, for instance, only “larger” NATO allies, such as France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands, still retain the capability to maintain or even potentially increase weapon shipments to Ukraine. “Smaller countries have exhausted their potential,” a NATO official told the newspaper, adding that at least 20 of the bloc’s 30 members are “pretty tapped out” already.
by RT
Pentagon Fails To Pass New Financial Audit, Unable To Account For Over $2 Trillion In Assets
As Washington’s yearly defense budget hurtles towards the $1 trillion mark, the DoD continues to operate with little to no oversight of its spending practices
The US Department of Defense has, for the fifth straight year, failed to pass a financial audit, with only seven out of the Pentagon’s 27 military agencies receiving a passing grade. “We failed to get an ‘A’,” Mike McCord, the Pentagon’s comptroller and chief financial officer, told reporters last week, announcing the results of the Pentagon’s fifth-ever financial audit. “I would not say that we flunked,” he added, despite his office acknowledging that the Pentagon only managed to account for 39 percent of its $3.5 trillion in assets. With this failure, the Pentagon has kept its spot as the only US government agency to have never passed a comprehensive audit. It also highlights the US war department’s persistent lack of internal financial control, its poor budget estimations and rampant overspending. A clear example of this is the F-35 program, which has gone over its original budget by $165 billion to build a plane tasked to perform many different tasks, none of which it does well. The Pentagon is slated to buy more than 2,400 F-35s for the Air Force, Marines, and Navy. The estimated lifetime cost for procuring and operating these planes – $1.7 trillion – would make it the Pentagon’s most expensive weapons project ever. A 2021 Pentagon assessment of the F-35 found 800 unresolved defects in the plane.
by News Desk
Vaccinated English Adults Under 60 Are Dying At Twice The Rate Of Unvaccinated People The Same Age
And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it’s correct, based on weekly data from the British government.
The brown line represents weekly deaths from all causes of vaccinated people aged 10-59, per 100,000 people. The blue line represents weekly deaths from all causes of unvaccinated people per 100,000 in the same age range. I have checked the underlying dataset myself and this graph is correct. Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal. I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality.
by Alex Berenson
JetBlue Facing Outrage Over Hiring Violent Felon To Fly Planes While Rejecting The Unvaxxed
JetBlue is facing outrage for refusing to hire the unvaccinated but being perfectly willing to hire violent felons. Violent felons like then-Air Force pilot John C. Perrys, who in 2005 broke into the home of a Panama City judge and attacked the judge’s stepdaughter, who just happened to be his former fiancé. “Investigators said Perrys forced his way into Gulf County Judge Fred Witten’s home April 12 and attacked Carolyn Lister, Perrys’ former fiancee. Lister testified at a May hearing that she was beaten with a metal baton as she stepped from the shower,” the Associated Press reported at the time. “She said Perrys also had a Taser but did not use it. Lister said she got past him and ran from the house, bleeding and naked, to a neighbor’s home,” the AP added. When the authorities arrested Perrys, they found him wearing a bulletproof vest. Meanwhile, a search of his vehicle reportedly turned up “several knives, handcuffs, a spool of parachute cord, a shovel, gloves, glass cutters, keys to Lister’s home, pepper spray and a mask.”
by Vivek Saxena
Rick Winters’ 172 Ft. World Record High Dive In 1983. 40 Years Later, He Still Holds The Record. (1:03)
Spoilt Climate Cult
The psychology of antisocial attention-seeking.
You’ve seen them in the news. Young, often crusty-looking climate activists defacing priceless works of art, gluing their hands to museum walls, and screeching. Their stated motivation isn’t important. But the reason they give is “because oil.” The first such stunt to catch my attention was this one, back in October: Climate activists target art: Van Gogh’s masterpiece ‘Sunflowers’ defaced. Thankfully the people who run museums are not stupid or careless, and glass coverings protect the paintings. Only the frame was slightly damaged in this case, and the two miscreants—members of the UK activist group “Just Stop Oil”—were arrested. This wasn’t JSO’s first such stunt. In June, a pair of them glued their hands to another van Gogh. In July, to a John Constable and a copy of Leonardo’s Last Supper. After the Sunflowers, they did the same to Vermeer’s Girl With a Pearl Earring. A like-minded German group decided a Claude Monet needed a smattering of mashed potatoes before gluing themselves to the wall.
Guest Post by Harrison Koehli of Political Ponerology Substack
Dr. Mark Trozzi Issues Plea For Parents To Stop Poisoning Children With The Covid Jabs (Video 2:25)
His message is important.
Dr. Mark Trozzi is no stranger to controversy. Last year, the Ontario doctor was barred from issuing Covid-19 “vaccine” exemptions. College of Physicians and Surgeons prohibiting Dr. Mark Trozzi and Dr. Rochagne Kilian from giving “medical exemptions in relation to vaccines for #COVID19.” Nor are these two doctors allowed to weigh on masks or testing exemptions. He continues to be a strong voice in opposition to the jabs and his latest video is a plea to parents who are considering having their kids injected. “And this is not a mistake,” he said in reference to the jabs dramatically increasing deaths among children. “This is a mass crime against humanity. It’s mass murder and assault. And it’s founded on fraud. So there is no indemnity for the perpetrators.””Denial is not the answer,” he concluded. “So I’m calling on all of us. I’m calling on police, military courts, militia, teachers, politicians, doctors, nurses, parents, and all good people to do our duty. We must save the children and save each other. God bless you.”
by JD Rucker
Sand In The Gas Tank
Everyone knows if you pour sand in a car’s gas tank it will eventually destroy the engine. It will get all clogged up and fail to function. Kaput. Nice metaphor for what is happening these days with the vaccine, eh? Now, I don’t want to be accused of being a fear monger, but they started it. So let’s just sit around the campfire with a few marshmallows on sticks and tell some horror stories before going to bed. What if… What if Henry Kissinger, the builders of the Georgia Guidestones (which no longer exist), Bill Gates, Father Schwab, and a few others who have mentioned such unmentionables such as the planet would be much better off with fewer people, were right? And let’s just imagine that “whomever” these people are, decided to implement such a plan? One clever idea would be to invent a virus that was just barely dangerous enough to ensure that it would be relatively easy to send the masses into a panic.
by Todd Hayen
EU Sanctions Package 9. Russian Oil Price Cap Delays. UK MOD, Keep Pressure On Russia. (24:28)
by Alex Christoforou
‘Hate Speech’ Laws: Welcome To Stasi Ireland!
‘Hate speech’ laws are not simply censorship. Their deeper purpose is to terminate equality under the law, so the normative indigenous members of a nation are made to feel like an alien underclass.
Those who have doubted that Western Civilisation is in the process of being dismantled are about to receive their definitive reply. The supposedly ‘unavoidable’ fire-brigade damage inflicted on our freedoms in the Spring of 2020, which has never been repaired or reversed, is about to be consolidated. The shout of ‘Emergency!’ was at that time sufficient to quiet most objections and provide reassurance that this was indeed a temporary imposition. Now, two and a half years later, the maintenance vans pull up and the workmen start to scrutinise the damage done by the firemen — the windows shattered by their axes, the shards of glass still protruding dangerously upwards, the splintered frames. As we look on expectantly, imagining that they are about to replace the broken glass and repair the damaged frames, another convoy of vehicles pulls up, this time bearing men with sledgehammers, crowbars, pneumatic drills, wonder bars, angle grinders — and, bringing up the rear, a scammel transporter with a large crane and wrecking ball. It becomes clear that what the workmen have in mind is not reconstruction, but demolition.
by John Waters
Russian Region Bordering Baltics Has Been Repeatedly Probed By NATO Drones, Governor Reveals
Tensions between Moscow and its Baltic neighbors Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania jumped dramatically after Russia began its military operation in Ukraine, but have been at a heightened state ever since the 2014 coup d’état in Kiev. NATO drones have been trying to violate the Russian state border in the Pskov region for years, Governor Mikhail Vedernikov has revealed. “The Pskov region borders on three states, two of them part of the NATO bloc…Today they like talking about how the alliance has sought ‘peaceful coexistence’ with us…Pskov has also been repeatedly subjected to this ‘good neighborliness’ policy of NATO’s,” Vedernikov said at a media forum on Saturday. “We have never spoken extensively about this, but there have even been attempts to illegally cross our border with military drones and other aircraft. Such ‘peaceful engagement’ was in full bloom even before the start of the special military operation, and clearly the situation has become even more aggravated,” the governor said.
by Ilya Tuskanov
Why You Should Eat Two Apples A Day
A recent study points to apples’ ability to mediate significant gut microbial metabolic activity. All it takes: two apples a day. In light of the increasing link between gut microbiota and human wellness, this new association is worth exploring and further vouches for this fruit’s superfood and super healer status.
The old saying that eating an apple a day will keep the doctor away may have some scientific basis after all, as scientific literature is packed with findings that vouch for this fruit’s healthful benefits. Showing that the saying above goes beyond folk medicine fantasy, a study found that eating one apple a day for four weeks translated to lower blood levels of oxidized low-density lipoprotein//beta2-glycoprotein I complex, which may contribute to atherosclerosis, by 40% among healthy, middle-aged individuals. Apple consumption has also been the subject of a few studies on reducing cancer risk, including liver cancer, breast cancer and esophageal cancer.[ii] A study published in February 2020 points to apples’ ability to mediate significant gut microbial metabolic activity. All it takes: two apples a day.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
“Heil Hitler” – Man Arrested At Seattle Airport for Doing Nazi Salute While Hurling Anti-Semitic Slurs (Text and Video))
A 31-year-old man at Seattle airport started throwing anti-Semitic slurs while also doing the Nazi salute at passengers who were preparing to board a plane last week. The event took place when passengers were boarding a flight from Seattle, Washington to Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas on November 20. According to the American-based nonprofit organization “Stop Antisemitism,” the man was later identified as Nicholas Edward Letney. The organization claimed Letney attempted to start his own political party, the Christian Workers, a home for Christian socialists.
by Jim Hoft
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 27, 2022 (28:25)
by Military Summary
Satellite Imagery Shows Extensive Destruction Of Ukraine Power Grid
It was only a matter of time. The recent Russian pull-back of troops clearly indicated a broad shift in tactics, and the one thing that the Kremlin avoided for several months seemed like the next most logical step – Full spectrum strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure. Initially, Ukraine’s media spin suggested that the precision strikes were “ineffective”, with western news outlets showing only a handful of images of craters in streets and some scarred apartment buildings. There were limited admissions of damage to the power and water grids, but Ukraine claimed that these systems would be back and functional within days. This did not happen. Not surprisingly, Ukraine suffered far more damage to their utilities than the government and media let on. Later estimates ranged from 60% to 80% of the nation’s grid destroyed or unusable and the latest satellite photos of active lights at night support this. Below, we can see lights across Ukraine on February 24th at the start of the war.
by Tyler Durden
ACH (1981) Texe Marrs – ‘The Eagle Has Landed!’ – Magic, Alchemy, And The Illuminati Conquest Of Outer Space (Audio 1:56:35)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 25, 2022, Andy presents a show entitled, “Texe Marrs – ‘The Eagle Has Landed!’ – Magic, Alchemy, And The Illuminati Conquest Of Outer Space.”
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
forcing the brave to stand alone
western silence (or worse, praise) for china’s government is shameful
as this is a PG-13 publication, i will slightly water down the classic axiom and state that “china is not a place where you want to “screw around and find out.” china is nasty as hell to dissidents and has been setting up for absolute savagery for years now. and the west sits silent. and at a certain point, that silence becomes complicity. and past a certain point, active plaudits and praise for “the chinese system” becomes morally intolerable. and i would argue that we’re well over the rubicon. china has become a dystopian movie. the chinese government is a brutal dictatorship whose leader just basically appointed himself strongman for life. and the west does not care.
by el gato malo
Sunday Talks, Kristi Noem Implies New Leadership Needed For RNC Chair (Text and Video)
In the 2024 GOPe roadmap for 2024, analytically and strategically South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem would be anticipated as the second-to-last entrant, followed by a carefully introduced Governor Ron DeSantis.
The most likely establishment framework would be for the prior entrants, Nikki Haley, Liz Cheney, Tim Scott and the two Mikes’ Pence/Pompeo to do the maximum negative attack damage against President Trump prior to the dynamic duo arrival. Flow through the ’24 primaries and Trump, DeSantis and Noem would be the last three standing before the wunderkinds’ team up after Nevada for the final assault. Standing where we are today, something like that seems most likely. It tracks. With that in mind and reminding ourselves that Noem has already pre-seeded with the customary and proverbial book launch, it is worthwhile paying close attention to how Team Koch and Kristi Noem organize their staging. In this interview, which reflects her very good and pragmatic position as a sponge for base voters, Mrs. Noem outlines her current views on the state of all things political, and, similar to Team DeSantis, stays high-road and reserves her jabs for Biden. However, perhaps the most interesting aspect to the pragmatic position is Noem’s willingness to politely distance herself from the RNC mainstream by saying it’s time for new leadership at the chair. At 06:35 of the interview segment below, Noem does a good job of strategically and diplomatically calling for Ronna McDaniel to be replaced.
by Sundance
Alert! FDA Clears “Chicken” Grown In A Laboratory By Medical Doctor
The FDA has given a green light to laboratory-grown chicken cell lines that were developed by a medical doctor. Reading the headlines and press releases on this action by the FDA, one is led to believe that the FDA has approved this lab-grown “chicken.” But the FDA doesn’t approve foods. They monitor food safety and labeling, but they do not approve foods. They only approve drugs. So what does this actually mean? In terms of how safe this product is, it means NOTHING. This was a “voluntary,” “pre-market consultation” paid for by the company planning to market this product, so that they could use the FDA logo with their product giving the illusion that the FDA has actually approved this product, when in fact they have not. Do we really need a lab-cultured product called “chicken” produced by a medical doctor who has no training in agriculture or nutrition? Who will conduct the studies on how this lab-grown “chicken” will affect human health once people start consuming it? You will, along with the rest of the public who decides to start eating it. The American consumer will become the lab rats in what will basically become the Phase III trials to see how their health will be affected after consuming this product. And who are the investors that are bringing this product to market? Investors include top meat producer Tyson, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Elon Musks’ brother Kimbal Musk. Now there’s a bunch of names we can certainly trust to look out for our health!
by Brian Shilhavy
Economist: High Fuel Prices To Kill More Europeans Than Ukraine War This Winter
More people will die in Europe this winter because of energy costs than those who have perished on the battlefield in the Ukraine war, according to the British weekly newspaper The Economist. The research said the current cost of energy will likely lead to an extra 147,000 deaths if there is a typical winter. The British newspaper modeled the impact of a sharp increase in electricity prices in Europe on deaths during the winter. In case of mild temperatures using the warmest winter during the past 20 years for each country, this figure would fall to 79,000, a 2.7% increase. And with frigid ones, using each country’s coldest winter since 2000, it would climb to 185,000, a rise of 6.0%. The analysis named the severity of the flu season and temperatures and energy prices as the main factors that affect how many people will die in Europe outside Ukraine this winter. The model forecasts deaths based on weather, demography, influenza, energy efficiency, incomes, government spending and electricity costs, which are closely correlated to prices for a wide variety of heating fuels. Italy is predicted to have the most deaths, owing to a nearly 200% rise in electricity costs since 2020 and a big ageing population.
by PressTV
Dodging Truth Bullets – Politician Style – Excess Deaths Have No Meaning. (8:07)
by Spirit2all
Biden Pressured Canada To End Freedom Convoy Protests, Just Days Before Protesters’ Bank Accounts Were Frozen
New testimony from the inquiry about the treatment of civil liberties protesters.
During the ongoing public inquiry into the Canadian government’s decision to use the Emergencies Act to blacklist and freeze the accounts of civil liberties protesters, it was revealed that top officials in the Biden administration, including US President Biden himself, asked officials in the Canadian government to put an end to the Freedom Convoy protests. According to POLITICO, Brian Deese, the White House National Economic Council Director, called Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland on February 10. After the call, Freeland wrote an email to her staff, saying, “They are very, very, very worried.” “If this is not sorted out in the next 12 hours, all of their northeastern car plants will shut down.” In her testimony during the public inquiry, as clipped by Rebel, Freeland said that she was worried Canada was “in the process of doing long-term and possibly irreparable harm to our trading relationship with the United States” and worried about politicians in DC “who would love any excuse to impose more protectionist measures on us.”
by Cindy Harper
Briefly Noted: Brazil
The Brazilian election and aftermath is obviously a huge story, but I freely admit that I don’t know much about it. It’s clear that the Zhou regime openly meddled in the election, and the reason is also not hard to figure out: Brazil is the “B” in the BRICS-Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa-that stands athwart US and WEF global hegemonistic ambitions. Removing Bolsonaro and installing the far Left Lula could be the first step to breaking up BRICS. The BRICS movement, as an alternative to the WEF and domination by the collective West has been gaining momentum since the conflict in Ukraine went SMO, with Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, and Argentina expressing interest in joining. One aspect that gets discussed is the seeming lack of counter demonstrations by Lula supporters, as well as the society wide support for Bolsonaro—farmers, truckers, etc. We shall see.If you follow the link below there’s a video interview from Bannon’s Warroom:
by Mark Wauck
Zionist Jews Happily Brag About Being At The Center Of The Muslim Invasion Of Europe (4:34)
by Dustin Nemos
November 21 – 27, 2022
“To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget. “
Arundhati Roy
Finally! Medical Proof The Covid Jab Is “Murder” (3:59)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Prisoners In Their Own Home
Sakina al-Gharib, 74, remembers when she first moved into her white stone house. It was more than 40 years ago, soon after marrying her husband Sabri, who died in 2012. Nestled on a hilltop near their occupied West Bank village of Beit Ijza – just north of Jerusalem – Sakina would wake up each morning and look out at the rolling hills of olive trees lighting up under the rising sun. “We were the only family on this hilltop,” Sakina told The Electronic Intifada. “It was very quiet and peaceful. We used to be able to see the Mediterranean Sea from here. It was the perfect place to raise our children.” The family built this home in 1979 on 100,000 square meters of land, which has been in their possession since Ottoman times. Now, however, Israel has confiscated almost all their land and their home is surrounded by an eight-meter high iron fence. The hills of olive trees have been replaced by villas – two or three stories high – built for Israelis settling in the area in violation of international law.
by Jaclynn Ashly
Teen’s Covid “Vaccine” Death And Investigation Expose The Massive Flaw In The “Speed Of Science”
Big Pharma moves at warp speed when there’s money to be made and they move slower than molasses when it comes to preventing people from dying from their poisons.
It took months to analyze Covid-19, develop vaccine candidates, test them, produce them, and start distributing them to the masses. Steps were skipped or curtailed, of course, as Big Pharma companies raced to cash in on billions of dollars worth of jabs. As Pfizer executive Janine Small said to the EU Parliament last month, they were “moving at the speed of science.” But after the huge rush to put out products exemplified corporate fiscal “science” at its worst in 2020, the last two years have seen real science grind to a halt. Producing the jabs happened in record time but analyzing the adverse reactions, reporting on studies, revealing the true lack of efficacy, and investigating deaths are moving slower than molasses. This is by design. The perfect example of this is the sad story of Joseph McGinty, a 14-year-old boy who died three weeks after getting his jabs. It has been nearly 15-months since he died and they’re just now getting around to launching an investigation into what killed him. What’s worse is they’re saying the investigation may take years before they have results. If the jabs are as dangerous as many of us believe (hint: they are), the verdict from this medical investigation will only come out after it’s way too late for the masses.
by JD Rucker
Russia Concerned About US Bio Activities – Defense Ministry
Washington recognizes the “dual-use nature” of its biological research but avoids international oversight, Moscow has claimed
The US admits the “dual-use nature” of its large-scale biological research programs both at home and abroad but still plans to further expand them, the commander of Russia’s Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defense Troops, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, said during a briefing on Saturday. The general demanded broader international oversight of such programs. “The military biological activities of the Pentagon in various regions of the world” are among the sources of risk threatening the whole international community, Kirillov warned. The US seeks to “enhance its military biological potential,” as well as “expand its global control over the biological situation in the world,” he noted, citing the US’ own strategic documents. The US National Biodefense Strategy, adopted in October 2022, does say that the nation “recognizes the dual-use nature of the life sciences and biotechnology” while also stating that Washington “seeks to prevent the misuse of science and technology.” It adds that biological risk management “requires… taking steps to mitigate those risks, regardless of whether they originate in the United States or abroad,” pointing to the need to “evolve” the country’s “biodefense capabilities.”
by RT
Tennessee’s Human Life Protection Act Makes Abortion Pill Illegal
The Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade in June had momentous implications on a national and state level. In Tennessee, the decision set in motion a law that restricts nearly all abortions and declares that life begins at the moment of conception.In a recent interview, Nashville District Attorney General Glenn Funk said the statute would not only prohibit nearly all surgical abortions, but also could criminalize medically induced abortion procedures and the morning-after pill. Tennessee’s Human Life Protection Act, passed in 2019, went into full effect in August as a result of Roe v. Wade being ruled unconstitutional. Generally known as the Trigger Act, the law prohibits the abortion of unborn children after fertilization, which is defined as “that point in time when a male human sperm penetrates the zona pellucida of a female human ovum.” The Trigger Act includes provisions to save the mother’s life or to “prevent irreversible impairment of a major bodily function.” Previously, Tennessee’s Heartbeat Bill protected unborn children at six weeks gestational age who have a heartbeat, and unborn children at eight weeks gestational age or older.
by Tom Campisi
Wait For It by LADbible (0:11)
Wait For It by LADbible (0:11)
In Huge Black Friday Sale, Store To Sell Everything For Price It Was Before Biden Became President
RALEIGH, NC — A local retailer is making waves after announcing its most dramatic Black Friday sale ever, in which every item in the store is marked down to whatever the price was before Biden became President. “Yeah, we’re going to lose a bundle on this deal since everything was so much cheaper under Trump,” said Store Manager Franzlie McBorgendern to reporters as thousands gathered outside awaiting store opening. “But we have to get people in the doors so we can stay in business — at least until Amazon runs us out of business in a couple of months.”
The UK Plots To Ban Private Messaging
Another major threat to civil liberties in the UK.
UK’s media regulator Ofcom will get more surveillance powers than spy agencies under the Online Safety Bill, according to a legal analysis by the Index on Censorship organization. The legislation would allow Ofcom to force tech companies to clamp down on “child abuse” and “terrorist content” by ending end-to-end encrypted messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger and force all communications to be scanned. Human rights lawyer Matthew Ryder, in a legal opinion commissioned by Index on Censorship, said that the powers that Ofcom would be afforded by the bill allow “allow the state to compel [tech companies] to carry out surveillance of the content of communications on a generalized and widespread basis.”
by Ken Macon
In Kherson The Execution Of At Least 100 Civilians By Ukrainian Armed Forces
Freelance adviser to the acting governor of the Kherson region Vladimir Saldo Alexander Malkevich announced the execution of at least 100 civilians in Kherson by Ukrainian fighters. His words are quoted by TASS. It is reported that during the Russian withdrawal about 140,000 citizens of Kherson opted to evacuate to Russia and were bussed out in fleets of trucks and buses driven by volunteer drivers. According to the authorities, ‘at least 100 people were killed without trial or investigation.’ About 200 residents were missing and unaccounted for. ‘Detentions occur every day,’ Malkevich added. The day before, Russia ‘s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, spoke about the repressions of the Ukrainian military against civilians, which are being carried out on the right bank of the Dnieper.
by Michael Walsh
Can A Deeply Unserious America Fix Its Economy?
Does America simply lack the political will to face economic reality?
In the teeth of the Depression, Treasury secretary Andrew Mellon famously told President Herbert Hoover to “liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate”-in other words, to resist bailing out any industry through state intervention. This was a tough sell even in those days, and of course Hoover succumbed to politics and took the opposite approach, greatly and needlessly damaging the US economy for decades to come. Less often quoted are Mellon’s follow-up words to Hoover: Liquidation would “purge the rottenness out of the system,” so “people will work harder” and “live a more moral life.” Mellon, having lived most of his life in an America without a central bank, understood economic recessions as necessary cures rather than ills to be avoided. But he also understood the human price that would be paid in the aftermath of a period of phony economic prosperity. Only hard work and personal sacrifice, person by person and town by town, could get America out of its economic mess. Fiscal and monetary policy would provide no free lunch, as millions of Americans learned the hard way in the 1930s.
by Jeff Deist
Legend (1:50)
First To Go: The Money
On a long enough timeline… every bubble becomes a bust
Yesterday, we took a look into the murky past, to see what lurked therein. Today, we turn our minds to the future, which may prove murkier still. As we saw in China, during the 1930s and ‘40s, the government printed money to pay its bills. It ran up debt it couldn’t pay. And then, the hyperinflation of the 1950s opened the door to Mao’s communists. After that, it was one disaster after another. Americans think they can continue to borrow and spend forever. Investors are trained to believe that stocks always bounce back. They think that if they just hold on, soon they will be making money again. And if they owe money, they think they’ll soon be able to refinance at even lower rates. But all that has changed. Now that we have inflation, it’s a whole new ballgame. The Fed can still print money, but now it will cause consumer prices to rise even faster. Your stocks may go up, as they did from 1966 to 1982, but inflation will wipe out your gains. And when you go to refinance your house, you will be hit by a double-whammy. Falling house prices may have erased your ‘equity’…while rising mortgage interest increases your monthly payments.
by Bill Bonner
is “go woke go broke” driving “go woke, go home”?
a movement predicated on being uncriticizable will not survive contact with reality. and reality is coming.
in recent months and weeks many have taken issue with my claims that woke has jumped the shark and is already going into decline. but to my mind, it’s getting more and more obvious that this is true. it’s why the media and governmental messaging has become so shrill. woke is dying. because nobody likes it. and nature is starting to heal. disney, netflix, twitter, it’s all coming apart. all flipping. you cannot make money on woke. no one will pay for it. this is why government wants to make it mandatory with ESG scoring etc. but this is going to be an epic fail. they missed the zeitgeist horribly on this one and are miles behind the game. and so new management is taking back the reins from the woke warriors who ran so many companies into ditches and the systems of propagation by which these dandelions became the lawn are now running in reverse.
by el gato malo
Fury At BMJ’s Outrageous Bid To Smear Covid Dissenting Doctors
Last week the British Medical Journal published an article that was extraordinary even by its own very variable standards, entitled Understanding and neutralising Covid-19 misinformation and disinformation.
You will have no problem guessing the content of this patently unscientific piece of propaganda. It was clearly targeted at the doctors and scientists whose evidence-based research and professional observations and medical experiences have given them no option but to challenge and question the official Covid narrative. The purpose is patent. It attempts to discredit a number of ethically motivated pressure groups and two in particular – the United Kingdom Medical Freedom Alliance (UKMFA) a body which advocates for every individual’s right to informed consent, bodily autonomy and medical choice, and the Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART) – in that time-honoured Big Brother way that George Orwell so chillingly first depicted. It is clearly designed to ensure that no members of either group get anywhere near the official Covid-19 Inquiry.
by Kathy Gyngell
Is Donald Trump A Freemason? Is Trump Tower In New York A Satanic Temple?
This past week, I have highlighted many of the crimes that were committed in 2020 when COVID-19 started, and while Donald Trump was President. This has prompted some of the members of the Donald Trump religious cult to contact me and complain about my treatment of Trump in these articles, even though I was not attacking Trump personally, but just reporting the facts of what happened in 2020 that has now resulted in the deaths and injuries of millions of people, all implemented while Trump was president. Many of Trump’s followers believe in the “Trump is stupid” view, which claims that Trump was fooled by all the people around him, and didn’t know what he was doing. These people want Trump to be president again, even though he has not repented or apologized for participating in all the criminal activities that were done in the name of COVID. In this view, many believe that not only was Trump ignorant and is still not repenting of the sins he committed, but he is “God’s chosen” man to be president. But what about Donald Trump? Is he truly God’s chosen man, or is he a Freemason like all presidents before him, serving Satan as his master who put him into power?
by Brian Shilhavy
Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis November 26, 2022 (16:06)
by Military Summary
Ron DeSantis’s Military Career: Torturing Prisoners At Guantanamo Bay
It used to be that if I published anything critical of Donald Trump, that I was accused of being a “liberal” or “Democrat” (I am neither). Now, I am being accused of supporting Ron DeSantis if I write anything critical of Donald Trump. So let me set the record straight here. I support Jesus Christ, and his imminent return to earth when he will not be coming as a helpless baby born in a manger this time, but as the Judge and Executioner of Satan and his followers. There is no salvation by politicians. None. I have exposed the corruption in Florida and with DeSantis in previous articles, as Florida is a hub for child trafficking that DeSantis continues to not only allow, but also participate in, and he is also solidly pro-vaccine including pro-COVID-19 vaccine. In addition to these crimes that Governor DeSantis has participated in, Mike Prysner has just published a video looking at Ron DeSantis’s military career when he served in Iraq and also at Guantanamo Bay as an attorney in the Navy’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG). Mike Prysner served in Iraq himself, and was reportedly appalled at the corruption he saw in the way the military interrogated prisoners and other ways they abused people, which led him to start working with other military veterans who also suffered trauma from their experiences in the military. Prysner actually interviewed a former prisoner at Guantanamo Bay who was there when Ron DeSantis was also there. DeSantis was allegedly sent to Guantanamo Bay to be an advocate for the prisoners there, to make sure their rights were not being violated. But according to this former Guantanamo detainee, Mansoor Adayfi, not only did DeSantis not stand up for their rights, he betrayed them and participated in their torture. This is information about Ron DeSantis you are not likely to read about or hear elsewhere.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Doctor Who Can Rebuild Trust: Joseph Ladapo
If you are like me, you are exhausted of the lies. Every day seems to bring new revelations about how our lives came to be upended. The connections are becoming clearer between the pandemic response and the growing economic crisis, the ballooning debt, the growth of the surveillance state, the corruption and scams, chilling absence of integrity in public life, and, with the failure of FTX, the way in which an outright financial scam was integral to the calamity. While we await new revelations, depositions, coverups, pleas for amnesty, and bad economic news, whom can we trust? Is anyone telling the truth? Today was Anthony Fauci’s last White House press conference, and he spoke as if life is all normal and everything is fine. It’s as if the whole disaster never happened. He never locked anyone down, he says. He is happy for any investigations, he says, because he has nothing to hide. And then he ended with a final push for everyone to get booster #5 or whatever number we are on.
by Jeffrey A. Tucker
The Role Of UK Intelligence Services In The Abduction, Murder Of James Foley
An investigation into British and American collusion with the terror groups that kidnapped and murdered western hostages in Syria.
On 19 August, 2014, ISIS released a video of the beheading of American journalist James Foley who was kidnapped by the terrorist organization in 2012 while reporting on the conflict in Syria. Foley’s shocking execution became one of the most widely followed news stories of the Syrian war. Foley’s killer, Mohammed Emwazi, popularly known as “Jihadi John” by the western media, was a Kuwaiti-born Brit from West London. In the Foley execution video, Emwazi’s unmistakable London accent can be heard. However, what is less known about the notorious ISIS member, was that he travelled to Syria as part of a “terror-funnel” established by British intelligence, and abducted Foley while fighting for an armed group known as Katibat al-Muhajireen – or the Emigrants Brigade – which enjoyed direct support from British intelligence. Many members of al-Muhajireen, including Emwazi, then helped lay the foundation for the rise of ISIS by joining the terror group with its establishment in April 2013. Further, for a period of Foley’s captivity he was being held in a prison jointly controlled by another armed group, Liwa al-Tawhid, or the Monotheism Brigade, which operated under the Free Syrian Army (FSA) umbrella and received aid directly from US intelligence. Some of this included arms being sold onto ISIS, including to the group leader holding James Foley. In other words, although James Foley’s murder occurred in the deserts of Raqqa, it arguably began in more familiar places, namely London and Washington.
by William Van Wagenen
Israel Kills Palestinian Teen, Hit By Bomb Attack Retaliation
Israel’s escalating presence inside the occupied West Bank is leading to even greater violence. Within one day the body of an Israeli soldier was taken hostage, as bomb attacks struck Jerusalem. Tel Aviv now weighs a tough response, but at what cost?
On Tuesday night Israeli occupation forces accompanied a small group of extremist Israeli settlers, who were traveling for a routine storming of Joseph’s tomb, located in the Nablus area of the West Bank. The heavily armed Israeli forces escorted the settlers into Nablus, participating in the unnecessary provocation. In recent months Israeli settler attacks on Palestinians in Nablus have increased rapidly, leading to a response from Palestinian armed groups. The newly formed Lion’s Den group, along with the ‘Nablus Brigades’ and ‘Balata Brigades’, have sworn to confront all settler incursions by force and called upon people to demonstrate against the provocations also. Tuesday’s storming was confronted upon the almost immediate entry of Israeli military vehicles into Nablus, with the armed groups throwing the equivalent of stun grenades and shooting at the vehicles with automatic weapons. The Israeli military jeeps then drove into areas where demonstrators had gathered and began to open fire on predominantly-teenage crowds hurling stones. A number of Palestinian teens were shot and moderately injured, whilst one was shot in the stomach, considered to be a serious injury. 16 year old, Ahmed Amjad Shehadeh, was not as lucky as the others, however, he was shot directly in heart by an Israeli soldier and died almost instantly.
by Robert Inlakesh
Tasting Ice Cream For The First Time (0:18)
30-Year-Old Crypto Firm Co-Founder Dies Suddenly In His Sleep
ormer Morgan Stanley trader and co-founder of the $3 billion cryptocurrency firm Amber Group died suddenly on November 23, the company announced. Tiantian “TT” Kullander, 30, died suddenly in his sleep on Wednesday. His cause of death was not revealed. Below is the statement released by Amber Group: It is with the deepest sadness and a heavy heart that we inform you of the passing of our friend and co-founder, Tiantian Kullander, who passed away unexpectedly in his sleep on November 23, 2022. Tiantian (or “TT”, as he was lovingly known) was instrumental to the founding of Amber and a pillar of our success. He put his heart and soul into the company, in every stage of its growth. He led by example with his intellect, generosity, humility, diligence and creativity. TT was a respected thought leader and widely recognized as a pioneer for the industry. His depth of knowledge, his willingness to collaborate and his desire to always help others benefited countless start-ups and individuals. His insights and creativity inspired many projects, people and communities…
by Jim Hoft
New Study Blames Vaxxed Deaths On The Unvaxxed…because They Cause Anxiety. Seriously.
I mean, the headline says it all really. A study published in August in the Journal of BioMedicine actually claims in its abstract: Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorise people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process. This brief review will offer data that may demonstrate that misinformation perpetuated by the anti-vaccination movement may be causing more deaths and side effects from any vaccine. Yes, apparently all those people suddenly dropping dead of heart attacks and strokes are being stressed into it by us anti-vaxxers warning them about heart attacks and strokes. Now, if you’re thinking that’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard…well, you’re wrong. He’s done the research: A mini review of published literature has been conducted and found that mental stress clearly causes vasoconstriction and arterial constriction of the blood vessels. Therefore, if subjects are panicked, concerned, stressed or scared of the vaccination, their arteries will constrict and become smaller in and around the time of receiving the vaccine. See, they’re not dying because the vaccine gave them a heart attack…they’re dying because they were afraid it might.
by Kit Knightly
As An Oncologist I Am Seeing People With Stable Cancer Rapidly Progress After Being Forced To Have A Booster
There follows a letter from Dr. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St George’s University of London, to Dr. Kamran Abbasi, the Editor in Chief of the BMJ. It was written in support of a colleague’s plea to Dr. Abbasi that the BMJ make valid informed consent for Covid vaccination a priority topic.
Dear Kamran Abbasi, Covid no longer needs a vaccine programme given the average age of death of Covid in the U.K. is 82 and from all other causes is 81 and falling. The link with clots, myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes is now well accepted, as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy. (We predicted these side effects in our June 2020 QRBD article Sorensen et al. 2020, as the blast analysis revealed 79% homologies to human epitopes, especially PF4 and myelin.) However, there is now another reason to halt all vaccine programmes. As a practising oncologist I am seeing people with stable disease rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, usually so they can travel. Even within my own personal contacts I am seeing B cell-based disease after the boosters. They describe being distinctly unwell a few days to weeks after the booster – one developing leukaemia, two work colleagues Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and an old friend who has felt like he has had Long Covid since receiving his booster and who, after getting severe bone pain, has been diagnosed as having multiple metastases from a rare B cell disorder.
by Dr. Angus Dalgleish
Holy Land Foundation 5′ Are Victims Of The US’ Unjust Persecution Of Palestinians
The US’ destructive wars on Muslim countries launched in the wake of 9/11 under the misplaced rubric known notoriously as the “War on Terror” spawned senseless deaths and bloodshed on an unprecedented scale. The George W. Bush administration, heavily infested with neoconservatives and Likudniks, contemptuously ignored and wilfully disregarded the sovereign status of Muslim lands by unleashing invasions, bombings, massacres and, ultimately, occupying them. In a gross display of raw power, the US shamelessly sought to demonstrate its unchallenged position as a military superpower to refashion the world in its image. Since the unmistakable target of US belligerence was Islam and Muslims, it adopted a well-worn Israeli strategy by dehumanising victims as “terrorists”. The tactic was designed to fool the world by claiming that the war was not on “good Muslims” but only the “bad ones” depicted as “terrorists”. Against this backdrop, one is reminded of the extent of maliciousness associated with the War on Terror paradigm and the abuse of justice flowing therefrom. A classic example in this regard is the case of what became known as the “Holy Land Foundation Five (HLF5)”. Fourteen years ago, five highly respected US-based Palestinian academics were unfairly targeted and jailed for providing humanitarian aid to orphans and widows in Palestine. They have been described as the “Holy Land Five” who were actively involved in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) based in Texas.
by Iqbal Jassat
The Truth About Ron Desantis The Establishment Is Trying To Hide (1:25:32)
by Vincent James
Cancers Rapidly Progressing After Boosters
Concerns from a distinguished Professor
Angus Dalgleish is a Professor of Oncology in the Infection and Immunity Research Institute at St George’s University of London. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in the UK and Australia, Royal College of Pathologists and the Academy of Medical Scientists. In his current post he studies the immunology of cancer and the development of immunotherapies to treat, in particular, melanoma. According to Wikipedia he is a co-discoverer of the CD4 receptor as the major cellular receptor for HIV. Angus is also a vaccine researcher and founded a biotech company developing cancer vaccines. The Professor was an early proponent of the Covid lab leak theory but also suggested that the Covid spike protein contained artificially inserted sequences. He wrote a paper on his theories in early 2020 but, surprisingly (sarcasm), failed to find a publisher. To get around this, he “disguised” his study as a vaccine paper, which managed to get published and to date has had over 250,000 views.
by The Naked Emperor
Study Confirms Authenticity Of Ancient Gold Coin Depicting Forgotten Emperor (Text and Video)
A new study has confirmed the authenticity of an ancient Roman coin long considered fake but which researchers now believe depicts the image of a forgotten emperor. The study, published Wednesday in PLOS ONE, says a gold coin housed at The Hunterian collection at the University of Glasgow in Scotland is in fact authentic and includes the image of the Roman emperor Sponsian. The coin is one of a handful of coins unearthed in Transylvania, located in present-day Romania, back in 1713. However, the coins have been considered forgeries since the mid-19th century “due to their crude, strange design features and jumbled inscriptions,” the researchers say. “Scientific analysis of these ultra-rare coins rescues the emperor Sponsian from obscurity,” Paul Pearson, a professor in the department of earth sciences at University College London, which led the study, said in a news release. “Our evidence suggests he ruled Roman Dacia, an isolated gold mining outpost, at a time when the empire was beset by civil wars and the borderlands were overrun by plundering invaders.” The researchers say the Roman province of Dacia, which overlapped modern-day Romania, was prized for its gold mines.
by Michael Lee
V-Safe Part 1: After 464 Days, CDC Finally Coughed Up Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Data Showing 7.7% Of People Reported Needing Medical Care
First part of an incredible story that shows just how broken our public “health” apparatus is: very, very broken.
Last year, I wrote to let you know that the CDC was refusing to release its post-marketing safety data for Covid-19 vaccines from its v-safe system to the public, despite our legal demands for this data on behalf of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN). The CDC refused to release this data even though it had documented the data was in a form that could already be released to the public (meaning, it was “deidentified” or clear of any personally identifying information) because Oracle, a private company, already had access to this deidentified data. Well, after multiple legal demands, appeals, and two federal lawsuits, the CDC finally capitulated and agreed to a court ordered schedule compelling it to produce the data. Now that ICAN, and therefore the public, have received the check-the-box portions (as opposed to the free-text field portions) of this data, the data itself may explain why the CDC refused to release it without a fight.
by Aaron Siri
US Treasury Authorizes Chevron’s Transactions With Venezuela
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The US Treasury granted Chevron a general license allowing transactions by the California-based energy major that service oil production in Venezuela and its export to the United States. Transactions performed by Chevron’s joint ventures with Venezuelan state oil giant PdVSA are authorized as long as they are related to “production and lifting of petroleum or petroleum products produced by the Chevron JVs.” Sale to, exportation to, or importation into the US of petroleum produced by the Chevron JVs will be allowed as long as it is first sold to Chevron. Joint ventures will also be allowed to buy and import petroleum production-related goods into Venezuela, including diluents, condensates, petroleum, or natural gas products.
by Sputnik News
Dr. Andreas Noack R.I.P. November 26, 2021, Murdered By The Goverment (10:48)
Zelenskyy Ask For Another $55 Billion To Pay For Budget, Infrastructure, Government Expenses And Pensions Of Ukraine (Text and Video)
Has anyone stopped to ask why the United States taxpayer is responsible for funding the government operations of Ukraine, to include the paychecks and pensions of Ukrainian government officials, or nah? As Joe Biden and various Democrat and Republican leaders are gleefully willing to keep pushing U.S. taxpayer money into Ukraine, there does come a time when we have to start asking some questions about the disconnect in regard to the opinion of the American people. Tucker Carlson noted this question last night. Also, have you noticed a prominent republican who has gone conveniently silent on this issue since he originally supported unlimited funding for Ukraine? Yeah, Ron DeSantis, funny that.
by Sundance
Sinister Sites: IRS Headquarters, Maryland
The IRS headquarters in New Carrollton, Maryland is a government building that, despite being constructed with public funds, contains art referring to elite secret societies. More importantly, the art conveys a strange message about the U.S. Constitution and the American people in general. We’ll look at the symbolic meaning of the art found in front of the IRS headquarters in Maryland.
The IRS was originally created as a “temporary measure” during wartime but there is nothing temporary about it now. The gigantic IRS complex in New Carrollton, Maryland was built in 1997 and is still growing today, indicating that this institution is indeed here to stay. This modern building has all of the state-of-the-art amenities one can think of, but it is the odd public art in front of it that is the most noteworthy. While these sculptures might be merely “decorative” to most people, they conceal a meaning that is infinitely profound to those who are versed in occultism. In fact, fully understanding the origins and the meaning of the symbols in front of the IRS building means understanding who is truly in power in America (and around the world). It also provides the key to understanding what they believe in and how they perceive the masses. The IRS is not known to be a very artistic institution and there is not much art present at its headquarters in Maryland. However, the few pieces that are on display manage to convey everything that needs to be known about those who built the complex.
by Vigilant Citizen
Thousands Rally Over Irish Housing Crisis
Protesters call on the government to provide accommodation, as right-wing media blames immigration
Thousands of people protested in Dublin on Saturday, calling on the government to address Ireland’s housing and homelessness crises. While the protest has the backing of Irish celebrities, right-wing activists argue the predicament is linked to immigration. The protest was organized by ‘Raise the Roof’, a coalition of politicians, trade unions, and homelessness charities. The group is demanding that the Irish government build affordable homes, declare a “legal right to housing,” and strengthen tenants’ rights. Backed by Ireland’s largest opposition parties – Sinn Fein and the Labour Party – and promoted by celebrities such as ‘Game of Thrones’ actor Liam Cunningham and singer Christy Moore, the demonstration came as Ireland faces the combined challenges of record homelessness, huge rent spikes, a dearth of housing and an unprecedented influx of refugees and asylum seekers.
by RT
ACH (1980) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Standing Up For Truth In A Fake World (Audio 56:16)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 24, 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Standing Up For Truth In A Fake World.”
We discussed: how the world is now so fake that it is the truth which upsets people today, rather than the lies; why the Ukrainian missile strike on Poland, which the Ukraine lied about, was still Russia’s fault; how the mainstream media focuses on fake heroes today os oppose to real ones; fake money and fake news; how salvation by politics is fake salvation which only gives us false hope; examples of how life is far better in the real world than in the virtual world; how visiting your neighbors is going out of fashion; the social media influencers who claim to know more about you than you do about yourself; fake journalism and fake entertainment; Hollywood’s promotion of satanism, blasphemy, perversion and fake history; how Big Pharma uses marketing as a psychological weapon via which to peddle their pharmakeia; the GMO processed fake food; how even our air and water is fake these days; the significance of Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s statement, “Give me control of a nation’s currency and I care not who makes its laws,” and its influence on the world today; government corruption, fake democracies, and fake republics; fake political debates on mainstream television; fake law instead of God’s Law; how we have nummerous fake crises when the real crisis is that the world is in rebellion against God; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
How Resonance Works (0:12)
by Tech Burrito
Turbulent Energy Explained: The Vortex Turbine (5:16)
Turbulent Energy Explained: The Vortex Turbine (5:16)!
Grant F. Smith On Netanyahu, AIPAC And The ADL’s Influence On The FBI (30:23)
Scott Horton talks with Grant F. Smith about the work he’s doing to track the ways Israel’s government tries to affect American politics. First, they talk about the return of Benjamin Netanyahu and how this could signal a disturbing shift in Israeli politics. They then move on to the fruitful effort by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC, to help pro-Israel candidates win elections last week. Lastly, they talk about some of the research Smith’s organization has done into the Anti-Defamation League’s influence over the FBI.
Confidential Pfizer Documents And New Study Confirm COVID ‘Vaccine Shedding’ Has Been Occurring With Shocking And Dangerous Consequences
A study conducted by scientists at the University of Colorado confirms the vast majority of humanity has had absolutely no choice in the matter of whether they wish to get the Covid-19 injection or not because the vaccinated have been transmitting antibodies generated by the injections through aerosols. The findings should however come as no surprise because a confidential Pfizer document had already confirmed exposure to the mRNA injections was perfectly possible by skin-to-skin contact and breathing the same air as someone who had been given the Covid-19 jab. They also, unfortunately, add weight to the claims made by Dr Phillipe van Welbergen, who demonstrated that graphene, an alleged undisclosed ingredient of the Covid-19 injections, is being transmitted from the vaccinated to the not-vaccinated and destroying red blood cells and causing dangerous blood clots.
by The Exposé
Priests For Life To Host Day Of Mourning For Baby Whose Abortion Death Was Played On NPR
‘We have to honor the baby that this abortion – and this broadcast – dishonored’
In response to the National Public Radio (NPR)’s recent airing of an abortion on live radio, a Catholic organization has called for pro-lifers to observe a day of prayer to honor the unborn child lost during the murderous procedure. Following the inspiration of Fr. Alan Bernander O. Praem, the organization Priests for Life are calling on pro-lifers everywhere to gather together on December 3 to observe a day of prayer, fasting, and penance in honor and mourning of the death of a child whose abortion death was recorded and broadcasted on the radio by NPR. The now-deceased child was christened as Amanda Marie – which means “she who ought to be loved” – by the group of priests. “We have to honor the baby that this abortion – and this broadcast – dishonored,” Priests for Life wrote in their letter to pro-lifers. “We have to bring to the light of day [to] what this broadcast deliberately hid in the shadows. We have to remember what this broadcast tried to make us forget. We have to re-humanize what this abortion and this broadcast de-humanized.” “And we have to make a big deal of what this broadcast trivialized,” they added.
by Mary Zwicker
The Average Home Size In Every US State In 2022
Over the last century, the average home size in the U.S. has skyrocketed. In 1949, the typical single-family home was just 909 square feet-by 2021, it had shot up to 2,480 square feet. However, as Visual Capitalist’s Carmen Ang details below, while U.S. homes are getting larger on the whole, they still vary drastically depending on the location. What areas in the U.S. have the largest homes, and which ones have the smallest? This graphic by American Home Shield uses data from the 2022 American Home Size Index to show the average home size in every U.S. state. he index uses data from 474,157 listings of both houses and condos for sale on Zillow as of May 2022. After the data was compiled, it was organized by state and city, and the median home size was then calculated for each area. According to the findings, there was a strong correlation with the average size of a home and the age of the area’s housing stock. For instance, Utah is the U.S. state with the largest average home size, with an average of 2,800 square feet. And since the state’s average home was built in 1989, it has the third-youngest home stock of any state across the country. This trend is apparent on a city-level as well. Here’s a look at average home size across America’s top 50 most populated cities (with available data):
by Tyler Durden
The Mask Is Off: WEF’s Klaus Schwab Declares China A ‘Role Model’
Once upon a time, the Soviets had a tightly controlled network of internationalists known as the COMINTERN to promote their communist model to Europe and beyond. As it stands now, the Red Chinese have gone them one better: They’ve got Klaus Schwab. A role model? A country of zero freedom, low social mobility, social credit scores, and constant government surveillance? Who the heck, even among the revolutionary wokester crowd, is openly calling for a Chinese model for their own countries? China in fact is a giant prison, complete with slave labor, sweatshops, low wages, continuous lockdowns and actual laogai, or Gulags. Challenge the government in any way and you’ll be packed off to one for years upon years in no time. In the case of the Uighurs, just being the wrong nationality is enough for such punishment. Far from being an attractive role model, China is a country people flee from. In 2019, by China’s own statistics, 11 million have gotten the heck out and moved to other countries just to get away from it, with about a third coming to the U.S. China has the third-highest global emigration rate after India and Mexico, and we all know what’s next to Mexico on its north side is what’s bringing them. It’s largely the same with China.
by Monica Showalter
Saudi Forces Seize Oil Tanker Headed For Hodeidah Port In Yemen
The Saudi-led coalition has continuously seized UN-approved fuel shipments headed for Yemen as part of a criminal naval blockade
The Saudi-led coalition seized a new oil tanker on 24 November, preventing the ship from docking at Yemen’s western port of Hodeidah. The Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) spokesperson, Essam al-Mutawakel, disclosed that the coalition detained the ‘Primorye’ ship, carrying thousands of tons of oil, vitally needed by Sanaa. In a similar incident, just over a week ago, the Saudi-led coalition seized another Yemeni fuel ship named Red Ruby, preventing it from reaching the Hodeidah port, despite already receiving clearance from the UN. Riyadh has waged war on Yemen since 2015. Despite this year’s brittle ceasefire, the coalition continuously violated the conditions throughout its implementation, including the seizure of ships, aerial missions over Yemeni air space, and firing at Yemeni troops on their shared border. Earlier this week, Ansarallah official Abdulaziz bin Habtoor threatened to target ports in Yemen under the control of Saudi Arabia.
by News Desk
Sweden Cancels Residential Permits Of 300,000 Migrants by TFIGlobal (4:22)
Sweden Cancels Residential Permits Of 300,000 Migrants by TFIGlobal (4:22),000-Migrants-by-TFIGlobal
Why Is The Lockerbie Lie Of Libya’s Involvement Still Being Kept Alive Today?
The interesting detail of the Lockerbie bombing was the extent of how far the plotters went to divert blame to Libya.
There can be no better example of the old saying “a lie can travel half way around the world before the truth is even putting its shoes on” than Lockerbie. This tragic story of a U.S. passenger flight brought down by a bomb over the small Scottish village just a few days before Christmas in 1988 is heartbreaking on a number of levels. But the main one is that even to this day, the Americans continue to keep the huge lie alive: Libya’s involvement. Just in the last week of November, still we see news reports from U.S. media newswires writing about Lockerbie and continuing to promote Libya’s involvement when 34 years after the terrible event the evidence is so overwhelming to show that Libya had nothing to do with the bombing. In recent days, it has been reported that a third man in the Lockerbie bombing – a Libyan intelligence officer with bomb-making skills – has disappeared, sparking worries in Libya that the Americans might restart a case against the country even though a previous agreement with the U.S. is in place. The officer in question is Abu Agila Mohammad Masud Kheir al-Marimi who in 2020 was charged by U.S. Attorney General William Barr a week before he left office during Trump’s presidency. Barr is the useful idiot who earlier during George W. H. Bush’s term in office charged in 1991, two Libyan nationals for the bombing: Abdel Baset Ali al-Megrahi and Lamen Khalifa Fhimah.
by Martin Jay
EU Split Over Price Cap On Russia Oil, Waking Up To US Coaxing
Punitive measures will be lose-lose situation for both Moscow and Brussels, only benefit Washington
The split among European Union (EU) governments over what level at which to cap Russian oil prices was “predictable,” as European countries become sober to the fact that the US coaxing of Europe into slapping punitive measures on Russia was only to boost gains for Washington. If the price cap is decided, observers said, both Russia and Europe will suffer, and the US will be the only one to benefit. EU governments Thursday disagreed on what level to cap Russia’s oil prices in order to curb its ability to finance its operations in Ukraine without causing a global oil supply shock, Reuters reported. The European Commission, the Czech EU presidency, the US and G7 presidency Germany all held talks on Thursday in a bid to resolve differences and reach an agreement before the price cap takes effect on December 5.
by GT Staff Reporters
Black Friday A Bust As Record Inflation Leaves Americans Buying Less
A much anticipated return to in-person Black Friday shopping in the US drew significantly fewer customers than expected, it’s being reported. Crowded stores “appeared to be an exception” in the US, an American news outlet wrote on Friday, as deeply diminished purchasing power left shoppers’ hopes for loading up on discounted presents dashed. Mainstream media outlets reported a glum mood among those who did turn out. “I am shopping less,” one woman told an American news outlet. “The money is not going as far as last year,” another reportedly said. Consumers are responding to the bleak economic outlook by cutting back this year, with preliminary data showing E-commerce spending on Thanksgiving Day rose just 2.9% – nowhere near matching the eye-watering 8% inflation rate the US hit in October. The dismal Black Friday showing signals that record inflation, which Biden administration officials acknowledged in June was at least partly caused by their sanctions against Russia, is hitting average Americans hard. At 60%, the number of shoppers who say the dire economic outlook is affecting their holiday plans hit its highest level since 2008’s Great Recession, per the National Retail Federation.
by Wyatt Reed
Merkel Wanted Minsk 3, But Putin Was Mean To Her. UK Hunt, Cut Energy Usage To Defeat Putin. (21:43)
by Alex Christoforou
Don’t Let Any Man Take Away Your Hope
In my Thanksgiving Sunday message last Lord’s Day, I brought a message entitled Thank You, Lord, For Showing Me Truth.
The points of that message are: Thank you, Lord, for showing me the truth about Salvation. Thank you, Lord, for showing me the truth about the New Covenant. Thank you, Lord, for showing me the truth about the Sovereignty of God. I opened point number three by quoting Benjamin Franklin during the Constitutional Convention, when the delegates were at a total impasse to adopt a constitution. At that moment, it looked like the victory of our War of Independence that had come at such great cost would all be for naught. The divisions among the thirteen colonies seemed insurmountable. It was then that Benjamin Franklin stood and said these words: I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth—that God Governs in the affairs of men. [Emphasis added] And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that “except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it.” I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel. I therefore beg leave to move—that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessing on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this City be requested to officiate in that service. And that’s exactly what was done; and the result was our Constitution and Bill of Rights—and the birth of the American republic.
by Chuck Baldwin
California’s Chilling Medical Misinformation Law Is An Affront To The US Constitution
A clear attempt to suppress free speech.
More confusion and controversy is emerging over the way so-called Covid (mis)information is treated, particularly regarding legislation aimed at “disciplining” medical professionals and making sure they toe some unclear and poorly defined lines, which undermines their right to free speech. In California, a new law, A.B. 2098, is proving to be so bad in terms of First Amendment-protected speech that it has produced some unusual bedfellows among civil rights groups – all in a bid to get it repealed. The law’s goal is to give California’s Medical Board powers to include sharing Covid “misinformation” with patients among the transgressions that are considered as unprofessional conduct by doctors. Covered here is false or misleading information about the nature and risks of the virus, prevention and treatment, as well as the development, safety, and effectiveness of Covid vaccines.
by Didi Rankovic
America’s ‘Dark Cluster Decade’
A look into the murky past to see where we might be heading…
In the late 1950s, led by the great decider, Mao Tse Tung, and the communist party, China engineered what was to become one of the darkest decades in human history. It was based on lies. And it set in motion a financial and social disaster. A real “cluster,” as kids say today. It was an ambitious crusade. The whole society – its government, politics, economics, finances, and industries – were all brought together, like an attacking army, to transform China into a modern industrial powerhouse. At the time, China was an agrarian society. Most people still tilled the soil… and stuck to their traditional ways of life. It wasn’t the most sophisticated economy in the world. But it was capable of supporting 600 million people. In Mao’s new plan, farmers were forced onto collective farms. Private plots were made illegal. People who tried to keep their own gardens were branded as ‘counter-revolutionaries,’ and often tortured, imprisoned, killed outright, or worked to death.
by Bill Bonner
Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis November 25, 2022 (15:07)
by Military Summary
The Medical Scandal Of Killing Patients With Ventilators Continues
During the first weeks of the COVID-19 “pandemic” in 2020, when nationwide protocols were setup to be used in hospital settings, some frontline doctors began to question the practice of putting COVID-19 positive patients on ventilators, because so many of them were dying, and these doctors made it clear that they were dying from being wrongly placed on these ventilators. In other words, the ventilators were actually killing them, in many cases by collapsing their lungs. But the hospital protocols never changed, mainly because hundreds of millions of dollars from the U.S. Government and The CARES Act passed by President Trump, gave financial incentives for companies to produce more ventilators, and for hospitals to use them. All of that money would have been lost if they changed the hospital protocols. President Trump enacted the Defense Production Act in order to give government funds to manufacturers to produce ventilators, and gave $1.1 billion to GM and Philips to mass produce ventilators. ProPublica reported how one of those companies, Philips, had already received $13.8 million five years earlier from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to produce low-cost ventilators to stockpile in the case of a national pandemic, but when COVID hit, there were none to be found.
by Brian Shilhavy
Criminal: Tax Filing Services Gave Sensitive Financial Information To Facebook
Major tax filing services have betrayed the trust of their customers. Tax filing services have been giving over sensitive financial information to Facebook. The information given ranges from names and email addresses to income and filing status information. This data can be used for advertising. The Verge reported: Major tax filing services such as H&R Block, TaxAct, and TaxSlayer have been quietly transmitting sensitive financial information to Facebook when Americans file their taxes online, The Markup has learned. The data, sent through widely used code called the Meta Pixel, includes not only information like names and email addresses but often even more detailed information, including data on users’ income, filing status, refund amounts, and dependents’ college scholarship amounts. The information sent to Facebook can be used by the company to power its advertising algorithms and is gathered regardless of whether the person using the tax filing service has an account on Facebook or other platforms operated by its owner Meta. Each year, the Internal Revenue Service processes about 150 million individual returns filed electronically, and some of the most widely used e-filing services employ the pixel, The Markup found.
by ProTrumpNews Staff
Alberta PM Suspends Cooperation With WEF
The newly elected Premier Danielle Smith of the province of Alberta in Canada has recently made several powerful statements against the globalist foundation World Economic Forum and its leader Klaus Schwab. She has also decided to cancel a strange consulting agreement that WEF had with the state.
The now-revealed collaboration began in the middle of the alleged Corona pandemic and contributed to the draconian restrictions and lockdowns Canadians were subjected to. There are also those who believe that it is part of something much bigger. At the same time, she demanded that the Trudeau administration end the agenda-driven carbon tax. On October 11, Danielle Smith was sworn in as premier of the oil-producing province of Alberta in Canada. It came just five days after she won the leadership election of her United Conservative Party (UCP), largely on promises to stand up to the federal government in Ottawa. It is led by the increasingly unpopular Justin Trudeau, who has been leader of the Liberal Party of Canada since 2013 and Prime Minister of Canada since 2015. He distinguished himself during the alleged Corona pandemic as one of the most tyrannical leaders in the world, violently cracking down on peaceful popular protests. Trudeau is a member of the notorious globalist organization World Economic Forum (WEF) elite school Young Global Leaders (YGL). YGL is a leadership program within the WEF, where politicians are schooled and initiated into the globalists’ plans and are then helped into leadership positions.
by Free West Media
An Art Gallery That Will Drive You Crazy (0:54)
Missiles Strike US Base In Syria – Pentagon
The incident comes amid Türkiye’s ongoing military operation against US-allied Kurdish militias
An American military outpost in Syria has come under rocket fire, according to US Central Command, which condemned the yet-to-be-identified attackers for undermining the region’s “hard-earned stability” amid rising violence between Türkiye and local Kurdish factions. At least two projectiles targeted a US “patrol base” near the town of al-Shaddadi in northeastern Syria late on Friday night, CENTCOM said in a brief statement, offering no details about who might have carried out the assault. While the US military remained silent about the type of missiles used in the attack, it noted that a “third unfired rocket” was later discovered by the Kurdish forces at an “origin site,” indicating that it was not a cross-border strike and the projectiles were fired from a relatively close location. “The attack resulted in no injuries or damage to the base or coalition property,” the military said. CENTCOM spokesman Joe Buccino added that attacks “of this kind place coalition forces and the civilian populace at risk and undermine the hard-earned stability and security of Syria and the region.”
by RT
Russia: Turkish Ground Operation In Syria Could Cause Increased Terrorist Activity
The Russian government warned Thursday that a military ground operation by Turkey against Kurdish groups in northern Syria could lead to “an increase in terrorist activity,” following threats to that effect by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “We understand Turkey’s concerns about threats to its national security, but we also believe that a ground operation on Syrian territory will only increase tensions in the region and lead to an increase in terrorist activity,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said. Thus, she stressed that Moscow “maintains close contacts with Turkey on the situation in Syria” and defended that the best way to solve security problems is a direct dialogue between Ankara and Damascus, as reported by the Russian news agency TASS.
by Al-Manar
Reneging On Abraham Accords, Netanyahu Authorises ‘Soft Annexation’ Of West Bank
Israel’s designate Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been accused of breaking his agreement with Arab countries that normalised relation with the Occupation State during the current coalition negotiations. The Likud leader is reported to have agreed to move the civil administration in the West Bank from Israeli Ministry of Defence to the Ministry of Finance to appease far-right member of the Knesset, Bezalel Smotrich. Religious Zionism will be handed the civil administration portfolio, according to the Haaretz. The Ministry is hugely significant for Palestinians, as it oversees coordination of Israel’s activity in the Occupied West Bank. The agreement was reached as part of the ongoing coalition talks between Netanyahu’s Likud and Religious Zionism, which stalled once more after the parties failed to reach agreement on several other key issues. Though details of the talks are yet to be disclosed, Likud is said to have acceded to Religious Zionism’s demand for some of the powers of the civil administration, which is under the Defence Ministry. The deal will mean that Smotrich, who is an advocate of Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise, will be handed power in approving Palestinian construction plans and settlement construction in Area C. Decisions around illegal outposts, illegal construction and work permits for Palestinians falls under the remit of the administration.
God, Or ‘Useful Idiots’ (43:51)
Just when you think it’s impossible for humanity’s degraded state of consciousness to sink any lower, new ways are found of achieving it. There are only two things that can save us now. One is a miracle. And I think we’re about due one by now. The other lies in the many ‘Useful Idiots’ employed in government, science, medicine, academia and the mainstream media who will have been duped and mugged off the same as the rest of us, finding it within their conscience to speak out widely and warn others as the penny – all too slowly – finally drops. If enough of them do that, we MIGHT just stand a chance.
by Mark Devlin
Lukashenko Said That Ukraine Could Face Complete Destruction
Europe’s longest-serving president noted that the conflict could threaten not only the loss of statehood but also the complete destruction of Ukraine. The four-time elected leader of Belarus called for negotiations and pointed out that over time, relations between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine will be restored. To end the conflict, the parties need to urgently start negotiations, otherwise, it threatens the complete destruction of Ukraine, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. ‘Everything is now in the hands of Ukraine. If they don’t want to die, they have to stop. We must stop this because further will be the complete destruction of Ukraine. ‘It’s not that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin said long before the operation that it would threaten the loss of Ukraine’s statehood. This will be the destruction of Ukraine! We have to stop,’ he said. At the same time, according to Lukashenko, over time, relations between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine will certainly be restored, as was the case, among other things, in the history of the peoples of the USSR and Germany after World War II.
by Michael Walsh
Netanyahu Hands Control Of Police Ministry To Supremacist Ben Gvir
The anti-Arab Religious Zionist party will also be in charge of the expansion of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank
Israel’s Likud party, led by Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu, on 25 November reached its first coalition deal with the Jewish supremacist ‘Religious Zionist’ (Otzma Yehudit) party. As per the agreement, anti-Arab zealot Itamar Ben Gvir will serve in the newly created role of National Security Minister – an expanded public security minister role – and will have a seat in the security cabinet. “We took a big step tonight toward a full coalition agreement, toward forming a fully, fully right-wing government … I am happy that the agreement on the ministries that Otzma Yehudit will receive will allow us to realize our election promises,” Ben Gvir said in a statement. While Likud and the Religious Zionist party have so far only signed an annex to a coalition deal, the agreement will also give Ben Gvir’s extremist group control of the ‘Development of the Negev, Galilee, and National Fortitude Ministry;’ the role of deputy minister in the Ministry of Economy; chairmanship of the Knesset’s Public Security Committee; and rotating chairmanship of the Special Committee for the Israeli Citizens’ Fund (which oversees state revenue from gas drilling).
by News Desk
There Is No Freedom Of Speech Without Freedom Of Reach
“New Twitter policy is freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach.” ~ Elon Musk 11-18-22
“This isn’t that hard. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom of reach.” ~ Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the ADL 4-5-22
Every now and then someone new comes around and claims to support free speech. I do my best to give you my analysis of the situation objectively. This is often difficult to do in my position as the CEO of Gab because so many people dismiss my insight as “envy” or “fear” when in reality I’m just doing what I always do and calling it how I see it. I don’t say this to be braggadocios, but as a matter of fact I am the foremost expert in the world when it comes to free speech online and so my opinion on these matters holds weight. I’ve spent six years building the only platform on the internet that upholds First Amendment-protected political speech as the baseline for what is allowed to be posted. I’ve paid the price for this policy, getting banned from App Stores, banks, payment processors, hosting providers, and dozens of other services. No other platform can make this claim, certainly not Musk’s Twitter.
by Andrew Torba
Royal Reptile Gets Egged By Protestors (0:15)
Endgame Ukraine; Putin’s Battleplan
“Ukraine’s unquestioned strategic center of gravity is its western corridors to the Polish border where the vast majority of its war support enters the country. Their operational center of gravity is their resupply lines emanating eastwards from Kyiv to Ukraine’s various frontline positions. Without those two corridors, it would be nearly impossible for Kyiv to sustain wartime operations for more than a few weeks. Putin, therefore, may calculate the best use of those 218,000 additional troops will be to launch a three-pronged axis to cut both of those supply routes.” ~ Lt. Colonel Daniel L. Davis, Senior Fellow for Defense Priorities and Contributing Editor at 1945
Another day of large-scale missile attacks on Ukraine’s hobbled energy infrastructure has plunged much of the country into darkness. The relentless attacks—which continued through the night and into the early morning hours—have intensified dramatically as Russian combat troops continue to join their units along the perimeter in preparation for a major winter offensive. Russian President Vladimir Putin has waited patiently for the Zelensky regime to grasp the gravity of their situation and press for bilateral negotiations. But the Ukrainian president has stubbornly rejected diplomacy at every turn opting instead to fight til the bitter end. He is fully supported in that decision by his backers in Washington who see the conflict as an opportunity to weaken Russia so it cannot obstruct US plans to “pivot” to Asia. The transformation of Ukraine into a frigid, uninhabitable wastelands is largely the result of Washington’s voracious geopolitical ambitions.
by Mike Whitney
One For The Enquiry: Test And Trace To Bankruptcy
How the Test and Trace policy based on shaky science has helped bankrupt the UK
We plan to write up a series of short notes on topics that, in our view, should be addressed by the Covid enquiry. So, we are calling these One, Two, Three etc., for the enquiry. But, as always, we rely on our readers to suggest other topics. Here’s the first one. In public health, identifying symptomatic subjects and their subsequent isolation is proposed and used for infectious diseases to slow outbreaks and, in some instances, stop them. The conceptual nub of the issue is that in the vast majority of cases, an infectious disease is contagious for a short time. During that period, the source of infection (known as the index case) may infect other people (contacts). Therefore, if you stop contact from the index case and/or their secondary cases (family, acquaintances, colleagues), you will interrupt or disrupt the chain of transmission of the agent.
by Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan
Press Release: Fetzer v. Pozner In The United States Supreme Court: Petition For Rehearing Filed
Why is the Fetzer v. Pozner case in the Supreme Court of the U.S. important to you?
[Editor’s note: As it happens, I have filed a Petition for Rehearing on the Court’s Denial of my Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, which is supported by new legal arguments and new factual evidence. Click here to download the Petition for Rehearing. Click here for Appendices A-D (which includes the FEMA Manual for the Sandy Hook Exercise and the CT FEMA Bridgeport Scheduling of that Exercise}. Click here for Appendix E (which is an Affidavit by Texas Licensed Private Investigator, Brian Davidson, of crime scene photos from the CT Stater Police Archive but which not only do not show indications of a mass murder but do not even show classrooms with student desks and chairs}. Ron Avery has an archive of the whole case:]
by Ron Avery
A Good Message From A Real Church Leader (1:40)
Will Twitter Be Deplatformed By Google And Apple?
Globalist War Against Your Freedom of Speech is Heating Up
Summary: the plot thickens, with Twitter being threatened to be removed from Google and Apple’s app stores. Will it happen? Read on! Is actual free speech possible? Sure! For an example of a free speech zone, look no further than the comment section of this Substack. The only messages I removed so far are spams1. While I do reserve the right to delete any messages I want in the future, so far, it has not been necessary. In the history of my Substack, there were some replies that I did not like, some very wrong and unscientific opinions, and some messages expressing intolerance for certain groups, even relating to one group to which I belong. People dealt with those as adults, mostly ignoring bad stuff, and in my opinion, we have a great community of open-minded and friendly posters. We disagree intensely but politely. We have a vibrant and thriving community of thinkers, for which I am immensely thankful.
by Igor Chudov
If You Have Not Been Taught To Think For Yourself, Then Disinformation Is Scary
CTH has encountered criticism for our position on information. Perhaps it is important to step back and explain exactly why we should not be playing by rules established to control us while engaged in the battle of ideas. First, my position: …”There is no such thing as “disinformation” or “misinformation”. There is only information you accept and information you do not accept. You were not born with a requirement to believe everything you are told; rather, you were born with a brain that allows you to process the information you receive and make independent decisions.”… There are only two elements within the public discussion of information, truth and not truth. In an era filled with “fact-checkers” and institutional guardians at the gates of Big Tech, let me explain exactly why it is important not to accept the speech rules of the guards. When you accept the terms “disinformation”, “misinformation” or the newest lingo, “malinformation,” you are beginning to categorize truth and lies in various shades. You are merging black and white, right and wrong, into various shades of grey.
by Sundance
ACH (1979) Eric Gajewski – The TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show #26 – Mainstream Media Censorship And Lies (Audio 1:04:57)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 23, 2022, Andy co-hosts, “The TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show,” with Eric Gajewski, for a show entitled, “Mainstream Media Censorship And Lies.”
We discussed: why can’t you find a certain clip from Ricky Gervais “Extras” series amongst the nearly 2 million clips of his you can find online; Ye West’s plan to run for President in 2024; whatever happened to Kyrie Irving’s right to religious freedom; an in depth look at the L.A. Times Joel Stein article “Who Runs Hollywood? C’Mon”; why censorship will only get worse; how the mainstream media have already got their cover story for a dramatic increase in cancer deaths in place; the prevalence of the Zombie narrative in the horror film genre; why “The Purge” movie series could fit in with the Elites “Order Out Of Chaos” mantra; how God rewards our faith; references to “Russian Energy” and “Dark Winter” in the 1997 movie “The Saint” starring Val Kilmer; cold fusion; prophecies on the identity of the anti-Christ; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Abp. Viganò: The Covid Pandemic Farce Served As A Trial Balloon For The New World Order
‘There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle.’
Editor’s note: Below is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s address to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International (MD4CE International).
Dear and distinguished friends, Allow me first of all to thank Doctor Stephen Frost for the invitation he has extended to me to speak to you. Along with Doctor Frost I also thank all of you: your commitment to fighting the psychopandemic propaganda is commendable. I am well aware of the difficulties you have had to face in order to remain consistent with your principles, and I hope that the damage you have suffered can be adequately repaired by those who have discriminated against you, depriving you of work and salary and labeling you as dangerous no-vaxxers.
by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Global Meddler And Rightful Heir Of CIA: All You Need To Know About National Endowment For Democracy
Last week, Sputnik obtained documents indicating that the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US foundation, had interfered in the latest Malaysian elections. What is the NED, and why has it been repeatedly accused of fomenting coups d’etat worldwide? The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a self-described private, nonprofit foundation, which was founded in 1983. The organization is known for funding and supporting various non-governmental groups and institutions around the world which propagate “democratic” values. According to the organization’s official website, each year, the NED makes more than 2,000 grants to support the projects of NGOs working in more than 100 countries. But where does the money come from? The non-profit admits that it receives an annual appropriation (about $100 million) from the US Congress through the Department of State and therefore is largely dependent on the continued support of the White House and American lawmakers. In a bid to maintain the veneer of a somewhat independent organization, the entity insists that its self-governing board of directors controls how the appropriation is spent.
by Ekaterina Blinova
Secret CDC Report Reveals At Least 1.1 Million Americans Have ‘Died Suddenly’ Since The Covid Vaccine Roll-Out And Another Government Report Proves The Covid Vaccines Are To Blame
The Covid-19 injections were meant to reduce the sudden surge of deaths the USA recorded in 2020 due to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. But unfortunately, the official figures prove that the opposite has happened. Official reports quietly published by the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm that over 6 million Americans have died ever since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration granted emergency use authorisation to a Covid-19 vaccine in December 2020; with 2021 being a record-breaking year for deaths. This sadly means that at least 1.1 million Americans may have ‘died suddenly’ during this time frame because according to the CDC reports there have been 1,106,079 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 five-year average. And with further official Government figures confirming that mortality rates per 100,000 are highest among the vaccinated population in every single age group, it would appear Covid-19 vaccination is almost entirely to blame.
by The Exposé
Modern Day Terrorists Wear Police Uniforms (1:15:34)
by The Crowhouse
Identity Politics To End Very Soon
The other major problem for the US Military replacing gold as the backing for the US dollar is that we have an interest bearing currency which requires us to pay interest on money Bankers created out of nothing. American workers had to pay $706 billion in taxes last year just to pay the interest on their fictional debt. With rising rates and a ballooning deficit we could soon be paying a trillion and then two trillion dollars a year in interest on that fictional debt. The US budget deficit for September was $430 billion. People overseas are probably tired of working all day long to let Americans pay them for their labors in worthless I owe You Nothing Federal Reserve Notes. Vladimir Putin’s friend Sergey Glazyev has a solution. Dr Glazyev is the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics for the Eurasian Union. He wants to invite the Global South to the next BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) where they will be told to refuse to repay all loans denominated in dollars, pounds, euros and yen. That will reduce the value of our bank accounts, pensions, saving and paychecks to zero. That and 2 quadrillion in derivatives will blow away whatever is there now in DC and on Wall Street.
by Video Rebel
Cancel Culture’s War On History, Heritage And The Freedom To Think For Yourself
“All the time-such is the tragi-comedy of our situation-we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible… In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”
C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
There will come a time in the not-so-distant future when the very act of thinking for ourselves is not just outlawed but unthinkable. We are being shunted down the road to that dystopian future right now, propelled along by politically correct forces that, while they may have started out with the best of intentions, have fallen prey to the authoritarian siren song of the Nanny State, which has promised to save the populace from evils that only a select few are wise enough to recognize as such. As a result, we are being infantilized ad nauseum, dictated to incessantly, and forcefully insulated from “dangerous” sights and sounds and ideas that we are supposedly too fragile, too vulnerable, too susceptible, or too ignorant to be exposed to without protection from the so-called elite. Having concluded that “we the people” cannot be trusted to think for ourselves, the powers-that-be have taken it upon themselves to re-order our world into one in which they do the thinking for us, and all we have to do is fall is line.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Electric War
Current Russian tactics are the absolute opposite of the military theory of concentrated force developed by Napoleon, Pepe Escobar writes.
Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden. My words echo
Thus, in your mind.
But to what purpose
Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves
I do not know.
T.S. Eliot, Burnt Norton
Spare a thought to the Polish farmer snapping pics of a missile wreckage – later indicated to belong to a Ukrainian S-300. So a Polish farmer, his footfalls echoing in our collective memory, may have saved the world from WWIII – unleashed via a tawdry plot concocted by Anglo-American “intelligence”. Such tawdriness was compounded by a ridiculous cover-up: the Ukrainians were firing on Russian missiles from a direction that they could not possibly be coming from. That is: Poland. And then the U.S. Secretary of Defense, weapons peddler Lloyd “Raytheon” Austin, sentenced Russia was to blame anyway, because his Kiev vassals were shooting at Russian missiles that should not have been in the air (and they were not). Call it the Pentagon elevating bald lying into a rather shabby art. The Anglo-American purpose of this racket was to generate a “world crisis” against Russia. It’s been exposed – this time. That does not mean the usual suspects won’t try it again. Soon. The main reason is panic. Collective West intel sees how Moscow is finally mobilizing their army – ready to hit the ground next month – while knocking out Ukraine’s electricity infrastructure as a form of Chinese torture.
by Pepe Escobar
Berlin Airport Closed By Climate Activists Glued To Runway
European climate cultists upped the ante in their increasingly deranged war on fossil fuels on Thursday, bringing flight operations at Berlin Brandenburg Airport to a complete standstill for an hour and a half. Reuters reports that activists from the Letzte Generation (Last Generation) group entered the airport from both the north and south ends, with some glueing themselves to the tarmac. According to the group, others rode bikes around the taxiways. The trespass began just after 4 pm local time. “The plane is not a means of transport for ordinary people,” tweeted the group. “Most people – around 80% – have never flown. One affluent percent of the population is responsible for about half of all flight-related emissions.” Letzte Generation demanded that the public stop using airplanes to travel, and tweeted video of its members entering the airport through a hole cut in a chain-link fence:
by Tyler Durden
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 24, 2022
by Military Summary
Power Cut For Homeowners Refusing “Smart” Meters; “police And Sheriff’s Departments Are Escorting The Corporation Doing So”
Opposition to utility “smart” meters (electric, gas, and water) has been ongoing in the U.S. and worldwide since utilities started deploying them over ten years ago. Utilities encourage and/or force consumers to accept these horrible devices so they can remotely control utility use and collect consumer usage data 24/7 to sell and/or share with 3rd parties including police departments. Issues reported after their installation led to lawsuits (see 1, 2) and inspired a documentary film. Problems associated with “smart” meters include cybersecurity risks, explosions, fires (see 1, 2, 3, 4), higher bills, harmful radiation emissions, mechanical issues, and short-life spans. Due to growing complaints, some North American utilities offer “opt out” programs for consumers who don’t want them. Apparently, that’s not happening yet in parts of Virginia.
by B.N. Frank
Putin Invokes Castro’s Legacy
A three-meter-tall bronze statue of Fidel Castro was unveiled on Tuesday in the Fidel Castro Square in Moscow’s Sokol District by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in memory of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution. Fidel himself was staunchly against creating a cult of personality and in Cuba there are no streets, buildings, institutions or localities named for him. In a speech in 2003, Fidel stated: “There is no cult of personality around any living revolutionary, in the form of statues, official photographs, or the names of streets or institutions. The leaders of this country are human beings, not gods.” Thus, the only things named in honour of the great revolutionary are located outside Cuba — a park in Vietnam, several streets in South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Tanzania, Mozambique and so on. The event in Moscow saluting Fidel’s legacy is highly symbolic. From being a “status quoist” state, Russia is rapidly assuming a “revolutionary” role in world politics, challenging the so-called “rules-based order” imposed by the West, and is in the middle of one of the gravest crisis of the post-Cold War era.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Israeli Military Chief Says Joint Activity With US To ‘Significantly Expand’
IDF chief Aviv Kohavi was in Washington for five days of talks with US officials focused on Iran
The head of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) returned to Israel on Thursday after five days of talks with US officials in Washington that were focused on Iran and said joint military operations between the US and Israel will be “significantly expanded.” “In order to improve our capabilities in the face of challenges in the region, joint activity with the US Central Command will be significantly expanded in the near future,” IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi said, according to The Times of Israel. IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi’s trip to the US came amid soaring tensions with Iran as the US is ramping up sanctions on the Islamic Republic and expressing support for protesters inside the country. Kohavi said that Israel will “continue to act at an accelerated rate against the entrenchment of the Iranian regime in the region.”
by Dave DeCamp
A War Of Narratives: Who Killed The Child In Iran’s Izeh?
Who is killing who in Iran, and how do we know? The death of a young boy last week illustrates how narratives are deliberately distorted in conflict.
The Black Wednesday of Izeh: that’s what Iranian media has dubbed the tragic events of Wednesday, 16 November, when seven people were shot dead by gunmen in a busy market amid the unrest and riots that have engulfed parts of Iran after the death of Mahsa Amini two months ago. Among the casualties were two children: Kian Pir-Falak, age 9 and Abteen Rahmani, age 13. Surprisingly, only Kian’s death has emerged as a matter of dispute between Iran’s government and its opposition, both within the country and among the Iranian diaspora. For starters, anti-Iran media outlets and their cyberspace supporters pounced on and amplified Kian’s mother’s accusation that Basiji volunteer forces were responsible for her son’s death. The Basij, originally conceived as a “people’s militia,” is a volunteer paramilitary force that serves under the command of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and participates in internal security and law enforcement duties. The narratives surrounding the events in Izeh in general and Kian’s death in particular – but not Abteen’s – highlight the level of propaganda that has been employed to shape an image of a brutal, repressive Islamic Republic across the world.
by Fereshteh Sadeghi
US Shouldn’t Play Tricks On Hard-Earned Joint Declaration
The just-concluded ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus passed a joint declaration themed on “strengthening solidarity for a harmonized security.” In addition to the defense ministers of ASEAN countries, the defense chiefs and representatives of countries including China, the US and Russia also participated in this meeting. The joint declaration embodies the consensus of all participating countries to the greatest extent, especially ASEAN’s collective attitude toward regional and international issues. In view of the current special atmosphere between China, the US and Russia, as well as the complicated and severe international situation, it is really commendable that the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus has been able to reach a joint declaration and focus on solidarity and cooperation. It is an important document and deserves attention.
Editorial by Global Times
What Does The EU Parliament’s Designation Of Russia As A ‘State Sponsor Of Terrorism’ Mean?
The European Parliament’s non-binding resolution is a PR effort rooted in political agenda
On Wednesday, members of the European Parliament adopted a resolution naming Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. The move follows a similar NATO parliamentary committee vote just two days earlier, in response to demands from the Ukrainian delegation. With NATO, there could have been no other outcome, given that the bloc has been justifying its continued post-Cold War existence by constantly playing up the need to counter Moscow. And would be redundant without the promotion of a “Russian threat.” But what exactly is the European Parliament’s endgame? The bloc doesn’t even have an actual “state sponsor of terrorism” designation, and the resolution points that out. “The EU maintains a list of persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts which are subject to sanctions but the current legal framework, unlike those of countries such as the United States and Canada, does not provide for the designation of a state as a sponsor of terrorism,” one of its lines reads. The resolution is not legally binding, and Russia has already been hit with an unprecedented number of sanctions, with more being added on constantly. So, what does Brussels hope to accomplish, beyond adding to a Western-led PR effort to conflate “Russia” and “terrorism” in the minds of the public?
by Rachel Marsden
YE24: Ye Is Running For President In 2024 (1:05)
YE24: Ye Is Running For President In 2024 (1:05)
“Disturbed And Alarmed”: 66 Doctors, Clinicians And Scientists Call For Stop To Covid Vaccination Of Pregnant Women Over Serious Safety Concerns
There follows an open letter from 66 doctors, scientists and clinical practitioners to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA) regarding safety concerns about COVID-19 vaccinations in pregnancy. Where is the evidence, they ask. Obstetricians and gynaecologists in the U.K. have put their faith in and adjusted their practice according to guidance from their Royal College (RCOG). However, recent advice from the RCOG has been in complete contradiction to everything that it itself and academic institutions have been teaching about evidence-based medicine. This advice is that: COVID-19 vaccines are not only safe but strongly recommended for pregnant women. Such advice is not grounded in robust data based on ethically conducted research – and anyone who is medically and academically trained should take serious issue with this.
by Will Jones
War Party Rising! Incoming House Speaker McCarthy Touts Super-Neocon Agenda (32:59)
Incoming Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has vowed to put “confronting China” at the top of his agenda as speaker. Washington Neocons cannot survive without an enemy. Also today, Daniel Larison lays out what a President DeSantis foreign policy may look like…and it aint pretty. Are neocons firmly back in the driver’s seat?
by The Ron Paul Liberty Report
Pro-COVID Vaccine Authorities Continue To Die Or Become Disabled After Mocking The Unvaccinated
Pro-COVID vaccine authorities who take time to go public and educate people on how safe and effective the COVID-19 vaccines are continue to die or become crippled, while many of those who take their advice fall victim to “unexpected” deaths or crippling injuries. Before dying or becoming injured, they often ridicule or mock those who refuse the vaccines. Dr. Fauci has stated publicly that the real danger to society are the “unvaccinated.” Is he correct?
by Brian Shilhavy
MIT Reports Breakthrough In Solid-State Lithium Battery Development
MIT researchers have made a new discovery that could pave the way for solid-state lithium battery development. Solid-state lithium batteries could offer a lightweight, compact, and safe alternative to current lithium batteries. Assuming the press release has adequate data for not being certain this work will yield a prototype battery, the odds are that there will be a successful prototype built. Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s new discovery could finally usher the development of solid-state lithium batteries, which would be more lightweight, compact, and safe than current lithium batteries. The growth of metallic filaments called dendrites within the solid electrolyte has been a longstanding obstacle, but the new study explains how dendrites form and how to divert them. This is a goal that’s been pursued by labs around the world for years. The key to this potential leap in battery technology is replacing the liquid electrolyte that sits between the positive and negative electrodes with a much thinner, lighter layer of solid ceramic material, and replacing one of the electrodes with solid lithium metal. This would greatly reduce the overall size and weight of the battery and remove the safety risk associated with liquid electrolytes, which are flammable. But that quest has been beset with one big problem: dendrites.
by Brian Westenhaus
JFK Assassination Truth Bombs
Bombshell First Time Exposé: Khazarian Cabal’s Post Assassination Plot
Every once in a great while a highly radioactive truth bomb gets dropped that changes everything—EVERYTHING! Well, a JFK truth bomb just exploded and the Internet is now experiencing the massive fallout. Here’s the critical truth that the Khazarian Mafia has spent nearly 60 years assiduously suppressing with every single major organ of propaganda and prevarication belonging to their wholly owned mainstream media. Remember, the CIA’s Mockingbird Media was set up by the Khazarian Cabal in the first place. So was The Company, as the Central Intelligence Agency is known in global intel circles. Actually, what really happened here is that the Khazarians always allow the industry, the business, the enterprise, the corporation, the non-profit, etc, to first be established by the hard-working founders; then they take the commercial entity over via so many financial and economic, political and legal means of effectuating an outright takeover.
by Revisionist Historians for World Peace
Moscow And Jerusalem Are Turning Into Strong Allies, Courtesy Biden’s Hatred For Netanyahu
Biden administration’s imprudent foreign policy is on the verge of wiping away the influence of the United States from the Middle-east. Even before Netanyahu had taken the oath of office, Washington continued to quarrel and meddle in the internal affairs of the state. And all this gave an opportunity for relations between Israel and Russia to bloom. Two weeks ago, in Israel’s fifth election in four years, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won a majority of seats in the Knesset. Out of the 120 seats in parliament, Netanyahu and his right-wing allies took home a total of 64 seats. According to the Israeli electoral commission, Netanyahu’s Likud party received 32 seats, while ultra-Orthodox parties gained 18 seats and a conservative coalition garnered 14 seats. Netanyahu is yet to take the oath and strike a deal with his coalition partners on the cabinets and other issues. But the Biden administration has already started violating Israel’s sovereignty. Israel is already under pressure from the US on the appointment of the nation’s next defence minister.
by Rohit Yadav by Rohit Yadav
Russian Solider Explaining Organ Harvesting By The Kyiv Regime (1:14)
The Colorado Gay Club Shooting Is Being Used To Shut Down Debate On Child Sexualization
Blaming ‘Libs of TikTok’ for a deranged murderer’s actions is shameless politicization
Almost as repugnant as the deadly attacks that are occurring with alarming frequency in the United States is the speed with which certain individuals rush to politicize them. The Club Q massacre in Colorado Springs, which left five dead and 18 injured, was certainly no exception. The Democrats’ reaction kicked off with predictable calls for gun control. In this particular tragedy, however, the killer, 22-year-old Andersen Lee Aldrich, should never have been allowed to buy a gun in the first place. Moreover, he should have been high on the FBI’s ‘person of interest’ radar. A year-and-a-half before Aldrich went on his deadly shooting spree, this troubled young man (who, according to court documents, has now started to identify as non-binary and use the pronouns them/they) threatened his family with a homemade bomb, forcing neighbors to evacuate while police talked him into surrendering. Yet, despite this, the district attorney of Colorado, Michael J. Allen, not only refused to press charges, but did not impose Colorado’s red-flag laws, which would have prevented Aldrich from purchasing a firearm. Had the Democratic-run state of Colorado enforced its own laws, five people might still be alive today. Perhaps sensing the weakness of their anti-gun position, the Democrats rushed to politicize the tragedy by blaming conservative figures for instigating the violence.
by Robert Bridge
Why Is The UN Commissioner For Human Rights Trying To Suppress Free Speech On Twitter?
While there has been a great deal of hullabaloo concerning Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, one would probably not have expected senior officials at the United Nations to find it necessary to have their say on the matter. Yet on November 5th Volker Türk, the new UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, did indeed weigh-in, sending an open letter to Mr. Musk to express his “concern and apprehension” about Twitter’s role in the “digital public square”. He urged Musk to make sure human rights would be “central to the management of Twitter”, and to “address harms” associated with the platform, and also took the time for a bit of finger-wagging at Twitter’s new CEO for sacking Twitter’s human rights team (no, I had no idea it had one either). The letter was almost certainly only sent so that Türk, who assumed office in mid-October and is a comparative unknown (some UN insiders were apparently hoping for Michelle Obama or Angela Merkel), can get a bit of recognition. But it is instructive nonetheless in giving stark expression to the awkward position which human rights advocates have found themselves adopting when it comes to one of the most salient issues of the day – the regulation of speech online and particularly the subjects of disinformation and misinformation.
by Dr. David McGrogan
U-Boat Commander Extraordinary
Exactly one month after Britain’s declaration of war on the German Reich (September 3, 1939) a U-boot skipper’s audacious opportunism sent the first of five of Britain’s battleships to the bottom of Scapa Flow. Situated on Scotland’s stormy west coast this fortress harbour served as an English lair from which Royal Navy ships ambushed German shipping navigating the North Sea. The facts are well documented in respect of the humiliation that resulted from the sinking of the Revenge-Class battleship HMS Royal Oak. However, there could be no question during or after the war of giving the German armed forces credit for their incredible boldness. Had a British submarine courageously penetrated an impregnable German harbour there would be more television repeats than The Great Escape and Sound of Music combined.
by Michael Walsh
In Photos: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
The annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, a tradition that dates back nearly a century, took place on Thursday under mostly sunny skies. The big picture: The 96th annual parade featured “16 giant balloons, 28 floats, 40 novelty and heritage inflatables, 12 marching bands, 10 performance groups, 700 clowns and one Santa Claus,” per AP. Singer Paula Abdul also joined the procession of characters for the first time. Other performers included indie pop band Fitz and the Tantrums, singer Gloria Estefan, actor Mario Lopez and reggae star Ziggy Marley, AP reported.
by Laura Martinez and Sri Ravipati
When A Tiler Is Also An Artist (0:56)
by HowThingsWork_
Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals Vacates Contempt Charges Against True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips
True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and investigator Gregg Phillips have been cleared of the contempt charges that landed them in federal prison and solitary confinement earlier this month. The contempt charges were ordered by Judge Kenneth Hoyt against the #2000Mules duo for not disclosing their sources regarding the Konnech investigation that landed the CEO Eugene Yu in jail in Los Angeles. The election firm CEO faced charges that claimed U.S. citizens’ data was being stored on Chinese servers against Eugene Yu. Those charges, however, we’re recently dropped. Engelbrecht and Phillips were kept in federal prison for a week, sometimes in isolation. According to Gregg Phillips: [They were] strip searched and how they were placed in handcuffs and ankle irons. They also were chained around their waists for most of the first day as they were being processed. In the short clip below, Phillips also explains how Engelbrecht was forced to use the bathroom and shower with a plate of glass on her wall that made all of her activities viewable to anyone standing outside of her cell. Phillips claimed that the prison stint was an attempt to silence the election integrity activists after they had “irrefutable evidence” that the “entire PA voter registration file is living on a server in China.” Now, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has vacated those charges.
by Brian Lupo
US Concessions To Palestine Always Work In Israel’s Favour
Further proof of US President Joe Biden reneging on his electoral promises with regard to Palestine is the ongoing refusal to reopen the US Consulate in occupied Jerusalem for use by Palestinians, and opting instead for creating a new role of Special Representative for Palestinian Affairs, which has been given to Hady Amr. Amr served as deputy assistant secretary of state for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs, and is known mostly for insisting that Israel devises ways to strengthen the Palestinian Authority; for Israel’s benefit, of course. Equally clear is that PA Leader Mahmoud Abbas is acquiescing to US demands, despite his lamentations that the Biden administration is also employing the waiting tactic, which has stalled Palestinians’ political trajectory for decades. The PA’s delight at Biden’s election win was just a brief interlude; it soon became clear that his predecessor Donald Trump’s legacy would not be rescinded, apart from the US decision to allocate some financial support for Palestinian humanitarian needs. According to Axios quoting an unnamed US State Department official, “The Washington-based Special Representative for Palestinian Affairs will engage closely with the Palestinians and their leadership and, together with Ambassador [Thomas] Nides and his team, continue to engage with Israel on Palestinian-related issues.”
by Ramona Wadi
Ukrainian City To Dismantle Statue Of Iconic Russian Empress
Authorities in Odessa supported a decision to remove a statue dedicated to Catherine the Great, the city’s founder
The executive committee of Odessa city council has supported an initiative to dismantle a monument to Russian empress Catherine II, commonly known as Catherine the Great, who founded the city. “Members of the executive committee supported the draft decision on the dismantling and transfer of the monument to the Founders of Odessa,” the Odessa City Council wrote on their official Telegram channel on Thursday. The initiative will now be put to a vote by the city deputies on November 30, after which the monument may be moved from Ekaterininskaya Square to a proposed “park of Imperial and Soviet past.” Earlier this month, Odessa Mayor Gennady Trukhanov said he personally supported the plan after a public vote showed that the majority of Odessa residents were in favor of dismantling the monument, which is now seen as a symbol of Russia’s oppression. Only about 8,000 of the city’s nearly one million inhabitants took part in the poll. Some 3,900 voted for demolition, but only 2,900 of those voters had a “confirmed” status, which means they actually live in the city.
by RT
Pollution Mucks Up The Lungs’ Immune Defenses Over Time
Impaired lung immune function joins the list of pollution-related health problems
The lungs’ immune defenses can wane with age, leaving older adults more susceptible to lung damage and severe bouts of respiratory infections. New research reveals one reason why this might happen: Inhaled particulate matter from pollution gunks up the works over time, weakening the lungs’ immune system, researchers report online November 21 in Nature Medicine. Air pollution is a major cause of disease and early death worldwide and disproportionately impacts poor and marginalized communities (SN: 7/30/20). Particulate matter — a type of pollution emitted from vehicle exhaust, power plants, wildfires and other sources — has been tied to health harms including respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological diseases (SN: 9/19/17). In the new study, researchers from Columbia University analyzed lung immune tissue from 84 organ donors, ranging in age from 11 to 93 years old. The donors were nonsmokers or had no history of heavy smoking. With age, the lungs’ lymph nodes — which filter foreign substances and contain immune cells — became loaded with particulate matter, turning them a deep onyx, the research team found.
by Aimee Cunningham
Turkey And Iran, Special Military Operation. Kosovo License Deal. Odessa Statue To Be Dismantled. (15:08)
by Alex Christoforou
The Lancet Reports On Human Rights Failures During The Covid-19 Pandemic. Is The Tide Turning? Think Again.
A retrospective and prospective analysis
When I first read the title of an article in The Lancet last week, I thought, this might be interesting, some acknowledgement about how bad lockdowns and mandates were. The title ‘Human rights and the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective and prospective analysis’ made me read on. Maybe, I shouldn’t have been so naïve and maybe I should have looked at who the authors were first but I read on anyway. I was still hopeful during the summary. When the history of the COVID-19 pandemic is written, the failure of many states to live up to their human rights obligations should be a central narrative. Which states will they talk about? The UK? America? I’d put money on Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Since then, COVID-19’s effects have been profoundly unequal, both nationally and globally. These inequalities have emphatically highlighted how far countries are from meeting the supreme human rights command of non-discrimination, from achieving the highest attainable standard of health that is equally the right of all people everywhere, and from taking the human rights obligation of international assistance and cooperation seriously.
by The Naked Emperor
Biden Endorses G20 Declaration To Censor “Disinformation”
While facing a censorship lawsuit.
During the summit held in Bali, Indonesia, the G20 Leaders signed a declaration endorsing the censorship of “disinformation.” The Biden administration endorsed the declaration by publishing it on the White House website. The G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration mainly focused on climate change, including Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). However, the leaders have linked SDGs with online censorship. Section 24 of the declaration says there is a need to censor online disinformation. “The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the digital ecosystem and digital economy,” the section began. “We recognize the importance of digital transformation in reaching the SDGs.”
by Christina Maas
Military Use Of Individual Jet Packs. Future Is Here! (0:47)
by Tech Burrito
Cleaving Beginning? – Climate Change Policy Makes Europe Too Expensive For Low-Cost EV Manufacturing (Text and Video)
We have been closely monitoring the signs of a global cleaving around the energy sector taking place. Essentially, western governments’ following the “Build Back Better” climate change agenda which stops using coal, oil and gas to power their economic engine, while the rest of the growing economic world continues using the more efficient and traditional forms of energy to power their economies. Within the BBB western group (identified on map in yellow), the logical consequences are increased living costs for those who live in the BBB zone, and increased prices for goods manufactured in the BBB zone. In the zone where traditional low-cost energy resources continue to be developed (grey on map), we would expect to see a lower cost of living and lower costs to create goods. Two divergent economic zones based on two different energy systems. This potential outcome just seemed to track with the logical conclusion. The yellow zone also represented by the World Economic Forum, and the gray zone also represented by an expanding BRICS alliance. Against this predictable backdrop we have been watching various events unfold, some obvious and some less so.
by Sundance
Time To Come Clean About Covid’s Lab Origins
More than two years ago, an Anglo-Norwegian team of scientists demonstrated unique ‘fingerprints’ of laboratory manipulation in the Covid virus. They argued that the evidence as good as proved that the virus had originated in a lab rather than evolving naturally. The manipulation, which made a bat virus a danger to humans, was exactly as envisaged by American and Chinese researchers who had been working on a vaccine aimed at reducing the impact of any such future outbreaks. A paper describing these findings, co-authored by London University vaccines expert Professor Angus Dalgleish, was suppressed in both the US and UK. Internationally, the World Health Organisation, leading science journals and others made a huge effort to persuade us that Covid was a natural occurrence – and that we should spend a lot more money to fight any such future threats. However the paper was uploaded by the Norwegian website Minerva in July 2020, and an update appeared on the website in May 2021 which I reported here.
by Neville Hodgkinson
Majority of Coronavirus Deaths Are Coming From The Vaccinated (7:42)
by Salty Cracker
Answering The Critics Of “Died Suddenly”
I respond to a critic and a “fact checker.” You get to decide who is telling you the truth.
Then you can read the rebuttal I just got from Ryan Cole, MD and decide for yourself who is telling you the truth and who is lying to you. Please ask Dr. Burnett if he will accept Dr. Cole’s invitation to resolve the matter. He will never accept the invitation. Eric Burnett, MD is an internist, not a pathologist, nor mortician. The arrogance of inferring that a mortician, a professional, beyond his experience, cannot make a valid observation beyond his own naïveté, is the epitome of hubris. He has likely seen one or two autopsies in his entire career. He has not seen, observed, nor described countless post mortem clots. A gelatinous saddle embolus is “apples to oranges” compared to these post “clot shot” death clots. He has never embalmed a body. He is entirely and exceedingly out of his lane. Post mortem, rubbery clots are as rare as hen’s teeth. He is likely covering his “gene injection” pushing ass. Morticians did not have trouble cannulating and embalming bodies prior to the jabs. He is acting as a bloviating, pharma, financial and hospital administrator defending shill, having zero experience, nor idea of what he speaks. Something is overwhelmingly wrong with the “clot shot.” If he were half awake, his conjecture would not be reflecting the myopic view of the inside of his inexperienced anus.
by Steve Kirsch
What Might A Desantis Foreign Policy Look Like?
It may not be front and center, but the Florida governor and potential presidential hopeful has a long foreign policy record from Congress.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has become one of the main challengers to Donald Trump for leadership of the Republican Party in the wake of his landslide reelection victory last week over Democratic candidate Charlie Crist. While DeSantis is best known nationally for controversies over Covid and culture war battles, he has a foreign policy record from his years in Congress and even during his tenure as governor that also merits closer scrutiny. If he seeks the Republican nomination for president, as many now expect he will, voters should be aware of the foreign policy worldview that he brings with him. Before he left the House for Tallahassee, DeSantis established himself as a vocal critic of the Obama administration’s foreign policy with an emphasis on attacking U.S. diplomatic engagement with Iran and Cuba. His three terms in the House overlapped with Obama’s major initiatives of negotiating the nuclear deal with Iran and restoring normal relations with Cuba, and like the rest of his party DeSantis was hostile to both policies. The hardline positions that DeSantis has taken on issues relating to Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela are not surprising given Florida politics, and they have aligned him closely with Florida’s hawkish Sen. Marco Rubio and fellow Iraq war veteran Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas.
by Daniel Larison
Federal Judge Finds Jewish DHS Sec_ Directed Big Tech To Censor American Patriots (14:55)
Mayorkus just don’t want anyone pointing out the traitorous POS Jew he really is. He’s the main mouthpiece of the Jew Bankers.
by Wardo Rants
Karine Jean-Pierre Insists It’s Not Her Job To Answer Questions Like Some Sort Of Press Secretary
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Things got tense in the White House briefing room today after several journalists in the press pool asked Jean-Pierre to answer some questions. “Listen here — it’s not my job to stand here and answer your questions all day like some sort of press secretary,” said Jean-Pierre while furiously flipping through her 3-ring binder to find a pre-written comeback that would shut the journalists down once and for all. “For goodness’ sake, I’m a human being, not some wind-up toy or magic 8-ball you can shake up and ask whatever question you want to! What do you take me for? A member of the White House communications team?” Several journalists in the audience rudely raised their hands to ask further questions, apparently unaware of how poorly they were behaving. “Come on, we all know the drill here. You ask the questions given to you by my team, I recite the answers given to me by my team, we pretend it’s spontaneous, and we all go home, ok? Get off your high horse, everyone!”
Howls Of Outrage After New York Times Confirms SBF To Speak Alongside Zelenskyy, Yellen
As we discussed last night, Sam Bankman-Fried has now demonstrated that he is both a pathological liar and a sociopath, the kind who in “explaining” to his employees how he stole billions (over $4 billion according to new FTX CEO John J. Ray) from the now bankrupt FTX, an act which left it insolvent and without liquidity, called it “loans” which were “generally” not used for “large amounts of personal consumption” (just “small amounts” used for such trivial items as $40 million penthouses and private jets). And the only reason we don’t officially call him a criminal just yet, is because he has not yet confirmed he used client money from his exchange to fund his personal hedge fund, an act which would cost any other individual decades in jail… but not prominent democrats like SBF or Jon Corzine, of course. Plus it’s the US legal system’s job to do that, not ours. Although we are growing increasingly skeptical this prominent Democratic donor will ever see the inside of a courtroom.
by Tyler Durden
Dr. Robert Malone Talks mRNA, FDA Criminality, Depopulation (1:09:33)
Why Dr. Malone invented key mRNA technologies decades ago
How the tech has been exploited by today’s pharma companies to harm billions
Dr. Malone unloads on FDA criminality and other sensitive topics
Dr. Malone answers false accusations about links to the CIA
How the mRNA tech really works and WHY it takes so long to clear from the body
Is there really a risk of chromosomal alterations from mRNA?
Why a BETTER FUTURE is coming once we defeat the depopulation pushers
About the Malone Institute which exposes the WEF and “Young Global Leaders”
The DEPOPULATION question: Dr. Malone talks about the intentions behind “vaccine” harm
by NaturalNews
How Physics Can Improve The Urinal
Restroom visitors can expect cleaner knees and tidier floors, if they happen to use a new urinal inspired by curves in nature. The key to making a splashless urinal is ensuring that a person’s pee stream hits the porcelain at a shallow angle no matter where it is aimed, researchers report November 22 at the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics meeting in Indianapolis. “For a small enough angle, there is no splash,” says mechanical engineer Zhao Pan of the University of Waterloo in Canada. Pan calls the angle where splashing ceases “the critical angle.” Keeping the angle that a fluid strikes the surface at the critical angle or lower prevents the splash. Pan and colleagues’ design — a tall, narrow urinal with a curving inner surface — employs the same geometry as a nautilus shell (SN: 4/1/05). “There’s a smooth flow across the surface,” says Waterloo mechanical engineering student Kaveeshan Thurairajah, which prevents droplets from flying out.
by James R. Riordon
Four Myths About Pandemic Preparedness
We are assured by the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the G20, and their friends that pandemics pose an existential threat to our survival and well-being. Pandemics are becoming more common, and if we don’t move urgently we will have ourselves to blame for more mass death of the ‘next pandemic.’ The proof of this is the catastrophic harm done to the world by COVID-19, a repeat of which can only be prevented by transferring unprecedented funds and decision-making power to the care of public health institutions and their corporate partners. They have the resources, experience, knowledge and technical know-how to keep us safe. This is a no-brainer, all of it, and only a fool who desires mass death would oppose it. But there are still people who claim that the link between the public health establishment and large corporations appears to be the only part of this narrative that withstands scrutiny.
by David Bell
Blackpool Homeless Are On The Streets While 300 Foreign Invaders Are Warm As Toast In The Metropole (3:38)
by GBNews
ACH (1978) I Ask YOU #1 – Education (Audio 59:23)
In today’s inaugural episode of, “I Ask YOU,” originally broadcast on November 22, 2022, Andy presents a show entitled, “Education.”
“I Ask YOU,” is a solo show in which you, the audience, can choose to participate. You can do this by answering the questions privately to yourself, or alternatively I invite you to email any answers you wish to share with me directly via my email address,, which I may read out on a subsequent show.
Throughout, “I Ask YOU,” I will pose questions that I will answer from my perspective, but which I have written for the purpose of giving you the opportunity to answer for yourselves, in the hope it may provide you with food for thought, that you may not have otherwise considered, had you not heard the questions today.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Housing Sales to Institutional Investors Dropped 30% In Third Quarter
There is a significant lag in all data within the housing market. That said, the third quarter (July, Aug, Sept) data reflects a significant drop in institutional investment within the housing market. If you look closely at the timing (keep in mind the data reporting lag) what you will notice is that financial institutions began a big surge in purchasing hard assets, specifically real estate, as soon as Joe Biden took office (Jan ’21), and the economic policy became evident. Intangible financial instruments became an immediate risk as the professional financial control groups recognized energy policy would drive inflation (supply side) and devalued money would fuel it (demand side). As an offset to predictable inflationary policy (the insiders’ game), institutional money (Blackrock, Vanguard etc) was moved into hard assets with tangible value. This shift in asset allocation, institutional sales, helped fuel a false surge in home prices and their valuations. CTH was writing about this in 2021, and sounding alarms as it took place. 25% of all real estate purchases were being made by institutional investors.
by Sundance
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible
will make violent revolution inevitable.”
President John F. Kennedy, March 13, 1962
Finding mRNA In Breast Milk Typifies How Covid Vaccine Safety Was Oversold
On September 24, 2021, when CDC director Rochelle Walensky was asked if it was safe to receive a covid-19 vaccine while breastfeeding, her reply was unwavering: “There is no bad time to get vaccinated,” said Walensky. “Get vaccinated while you’re thinking about having a baby, before you’re thinking about having a baby, while you’re pregnant with your baby or after you’ve delivered your baby.” But Walensky’s advice was not based on science. The safety studies had not been done. It has been over a year since her comment, and a study published in JAMA found trace amounts of mRNA in the breast milk of mothers who’d received the Pfizer or Moderna covid-19 vaccine. The researchers speculated that lipid nanoparticles containing mRNA, once injected into the arm, are transported via the lymphatic system to the mammary glands and expressed into breast milk.
by Maryanne Demasi, PhD
US Officials Concern Troll About World Press Freedoms While Assaulting Them
I will never get used to living in a world where our rulers will openly imprison a journalist for telling the truth and then self-righteously pontificate about the need to stop authoritarian regimes from persecuting journalists. Just today US State Department spokesman and CIA veteran Ned Price tweeted disapprovingly about the Kyrgyz Republic’s decision to deport investigative journalist Bolot Temirov to Russia, where press freedom groups are concerned that the Russian citizen could face conscription to fight in Ukraine. “Dismayed by the decision to deport journalist Bolot Temirov from the Kyrgyz Republic,” said Price. “Journalists should never be punished for doing their job. The Kyrgyz Republic has been known for its vibrant civil society — attempts to stifle freedom of expression stain that reputation.” This would be an entirely reasonable statement for anyone else to make. If you said it or I said it, it would be completely legitimate. But when Ned says it, it is illegitimate.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Dr. John P. A. Ioannidis Study Finds Your Risk Of Dying From Covid-19 Is Minuscule (1:47)
Dr. John P. A. Ioannidis Study Finds Your Risk Of Dying From Covid-19 Is Minuscule (1:47)
Covid-19 Vaccines In Pregnancy
How much do we really know about safety?
There are gaps in our knowledge about the risk from covid infection in pregnancy but even larger gaps regarding the risks of vaccination. What we do know, however, is that there have always been very good reasons to be cautious of giving medication in pregnancy. How risky is SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy? Early in the pandemic, the fear was raised that Covid-19 was more severe during pregnancy. This would not be surprising, as that is true for any infection. There are several reasons for this. The immune system is relatively down-regulated in pregnancy (vital so that the mother does not reject the developing fetus which of course is 50% genetically ‘non-self’) making women more susceptible to infections. It is known that some viral infections, such as rubella and cytomegalovirus cause fetal abnormalities if caught early in pregnancy. In late pregnancy, respiratory infections are likely to be more problematic, as the diaphragm may be splinted by the growing uterus, making breathing shallower. Also any febrile illness may tip the mother into preterm labour. And finally there was the concern that passage of the virus across the placenta could infect the baby, as may be seen in untreated HIV infection.
Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael On Jews In The Slave Trade
Eight years BEFORE the publication of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 1, Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael published a stunning statement on Jewish involvement in the slave trade. Rabbi Raphael is both a rabbi and a top historian of Jewish history. For the last generation he has been the editor of the quarterly journal, American Jewish History. He is the Nathan and Sophia Gumenick Professor of Judaic Studies, Professor of Religion, and Chair, Department of Religion, The College of William and Mary, and a Visiting Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford University. He, and a visiting professor at Brown University, the University of Pittsburgh, HUC-JIR, UCLA, and Case Western Reserve University. He came to The College of William and Mary in 1989 after 20 years at Ohio State University. He is the author of many books on Jews and Judaism in America, and his most recent publication (with his wife Linda Schermer Raphael) is When Night Fell: An Anthology of Holocaust Short Stories (Rutgers University Press, 1999). He is now writing Judaism in America for the Contemporary American Series of Columbia University Press. Visit him at the website of his synagoge, Bet Aviv, in Columbia, Maryland. The following passages are from Dr. Raphael’s book Jews and Judaism in the United States a Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25.
They’re Telling Us What They’re Going To Do And It’s Hidden In Plain Sight (16:16)
by Press For Truth
Jewish Involvement In Black American Affairs
Reflections For Black Americans On Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
Just about every year on the eve of the national holiday of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, the mainstream media in the United States usually puts forth numerous articles about the large Jewish involvement with Dr. King and the equally large Jewish involvement with the Black American Civil Rights movement in general. Not surprisingly, the mainstream media’s description of this phenomena is seen through rose-colored glasses. Jewish influence in Black American affairs is portrayed as overwhelmingly selfless, altruistic, charitable and humane. But is this really true? Let’s take a look.
by Paul Grubach
Four Mass Shooting Truths To Shut Down Your Liberal Family Members At Thanksgiving Dinner
The media is shifty when it comes to mass shootings. They decide which shootings we do and do not get to hear about. If a shooting doesn’t jive with the liberal narrative, you’re not likely to hear the gory details. FACT-O-RAMA! In order to talk about mass shootings, we have to agree on the definition of what a mass shooting is. Gun Violence Archive defines a mass shooting as four or more people shot, not including the shooter/shooters. The recent mass shooting in Colorado Springs is the 601st mass shooting in 2022. There have been four mass shootings since then, but you likely haven’t about them. You probably didn’t hear about most of the previous 600 shootings, either. Why is that? Because the left is keeping secrets. Let’s talk about what they don’t want you to know about mass shootings and why, so you can dominate your commie relatives at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
by Kevin Downey Jr.
Is Washington Falling Out Of Love With Zelensky? – With Phil Giraldi (22:30)
Is Washington Falling Out Of Love With Zelensky? – With Phil Giraldi (22:30)—With-Guest-Phil-Giraldi
Vlaams Belang Calls On Government To Cancel WEF Membership
In 2022, the Flemish government will pay €175 763.87 in membership fees to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and 27 000 Swiss francs (about €27 300) as participation fees to the annual meeting of the WEF in Davos. This is according to Flemish minister-president Jan Jambon’s response to a parliamentary question by Flemish MP Sam van Rooy.
“The Flemish Government thus legitimises and subsidises a global lobbying organisation that clearly pursues a well-defined ideological agenda, namely that of globalism,” van Rooy responded. German economist Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) has come under increasing scrutiny in recent years. The WEF claims to be a forum for exchanging ideas and networking, but at the very least the perception has arisen that a lot of government decisions are linked to the ideological goals of the WEF and stem from agreements made within the WEF. All in all, this international lobbying organisation openly pursues a globalist future agenda involving numerous governments. This agenda seems to have recently crystallised into the so-called The Great Reset, whose goal is “a more secure, equal and stable world” by “acting jointly and rapidly to renew all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions,” according to Klaus Schwab of the WEF.
by Free West Media
“I Have Nothing To Hide” Fauci Says, As He Criticizes Online “Misinformation” In Final Press Briefing
Dr. Fauci is set to be deposed over allegations of colluding with Big Tech to censor speech.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who will be retiring soon, used what is meant to be his final White House press conference to criticize the “tireless” online Covid “misinformation” spreaders, and said he had no issue testifying before Congress when he is investigated. Republicans won the majority in the House and, in January, will chair the House Committees. “I have no trouble testifying… I have nothing to hide,” Dr. Fauci said during the briefing. He added that he has testified many times before. The infectious diseases expert has been at the National Institute of Health for 54 years, spending the last 38 years heading the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
by Dan Frieth
Kari Lake Provides Promising Update On Status Of Maricopa Law Suit (18:49)
‘Think Long and Hard’ Before Certifying This Shoddy Election: Kari Lake Provides Promising Update On Status Of Maricopa Law Suit.
by Bannons War Room
An Inflection Point In The War On Russia Is Approaching
The signs are pretty unmistakable. The collective West realizes it’s in over its head. You can tell from the frantic reaction to Zelensky’s attempt to leverage the Ukrainian missiles landing in Poland into a major escalation against Russia. The US squashed that gambit-originally pushed hard by the UK and Estonia-quickly and in no uncertain terms. Since then we’ve heard repeated complaints about Zelensky’s lies emanating from the collective West. Complaints that he’s out of control, isn’t a team player, is a risk for starting WW3, etc. While some in the West think replacing Zelensky is a way forward, I very much doubt that. You’d end up with one of two results: 1) Either the real Ukro-Nazis would gain more influence than they already have within the Ukrainian government, or 2) someone stronger and more pragmatic than Zelensky would take over. The first option would unquestionably increase the risk of escalation, and the second option would likely lead to Ukraine quickly opting for a modus vivendi with Russia that would place Ukraine firmly within the Russian sphere of influence-exactly what the war is supposed to prevent.
by Mark Wauck
The Vaccinated Now Account For A Majority Of Covid Deaths.
Thanksgiving for Fauci’s exit.
There’s a remarkable concession appearing in The Washington Post today: “a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.” The latest data shows that 58% of COVID-19 deaths in August 2022 were from people who were vaccinated or boosted. Based on past figures and the current trends, we can reasonably estimate that the number of vaccinated/boosted COVID-19 deaths will only rise. (In September 2021, the vaccinated accounted for 23% of COVID-19 deaths; in January/February 2022, the vaccinated were 42%.) This is what happens when you rush ineffective and dangerous vaccines. The FDA’s promises of efficacy – 91% for the Pfizer vaccine and 93% for the Moderna vaccine – were always based on hope, not data. So too were the promises of safety. At the time of the official approvals, both Pfizer and Moderna hadn’t submitted any type of long-term numbers on effectiveness. Their trials were polluted with the unblinding of participants and their safety studies are “ongoing.” Now, we’re seeing efficacy numbers plummet within months of vaccination. The pandemic is of the vaccinated. The boosters? They’re to the benefit of the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical companies, as they mask the true problems with the two-shot vaccines.
by Techno Fog
Oldest Known Figurative Cave Art Discovered In Borneo Dates Back 40,000 Years Ago (0:13)
The Digestive Benefits Of Psyllium Husk
Improve your gut function and give friendly bacteria a boost with gentle, effective psyllium husk
Dietary fiber is essential for good health, but the sad truth is most Americans are not getting enough of it. Research suggests that as few as 5% of U.S. adults are meeting recommendations for fiber intake, leaving a whopping 95% at increased risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer and other diseases as a result. Dietary fiber plays an important role in good health, helping to maintain healthy bowels and normalize bowel movements, balance cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar. Fiber makes you feel fuller and getting enough daily fiber can help you maintain a healthy body weight and live a longer life.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
New [Returing Jewish] Disney CEO Promises To Make Child Grooming Slightly Less Obvious
Amid plunging stock price, unprofitable streaming, and a business model intensely focused on sexualizing children as young as possible, Bob Chapek has been ousted from Disney and replaced with former CEO Bob Iger. In his first public statement regarding the change, Iger promised to make Disney’s child-grooming practices slightly less noticeable to the public. “Here at Disney, we will continue to prey on the hearts, minds, and bodies of young children, which is one of our core values,” said Iger to a crowd full of reporters and Hollywood degenerates. “But now, we will be slightly less ‘in-your-face’ about it. It’s time to return to the subliminal messaging of the 90s that so successfully estranged millions of kids from the wisdom and protection of their loving parents! That worked wonders!”
How Ancient Roman Bridges Were Built (0:30)
How Ancient Roman Bridges Were Built (0:30)
Demand For Unvaccinated Blood Soaring
The growing demand for ‘pureblood’
Demand for unvaccinated blood is surging worldwide. Bacteria, viruses, prions, and parasites can be transmitted by blood transfusions likewise people vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine have the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in their blood. The spike protein (travels the entire body) caused by the COVID-19 vaccination last for months (potentially permanently in the body for those who frequently take booster shots). There are new blood banks being set up in 18 countries so far, that provide this ‘pure blood’. Unfortunately the article is very negative and goes on to downplay the risks and call them……….conspiracy theories. The same people who told you the vaccine will stop transmission, the vaccine stays in your arm, the vaccine is safe and effective, etc., are downplaying the risks of mRNA spiked blood. Folks, most of what was called a conspiracy theory by the government and main stream media is now FACT. It’s better to be safe than sorry. The general blood supply is now full of ‘fully vaccinated’ spike protein-laden blood. Blood Banks require you to indicate if you’ve been COVID vaccinated when donating blood. However they do not pass this information along to the recipient. They know but do not distinguish.
by Dr. Panda
CIA Caught Covering Up Rampant Child Sex Crimes Inside Agency And No One Has Gone To Jail
Imagine that it was your child who was raped by a CIA agent and authorities tell you that they cannot prosecute the abuser because it “may reveal state secrets.”
Imagine an agency so secretive and so corrupt that they can literally get away with criminal sexual abuse of children. Then imagine you are forced to pay for this agency and despite knowing that their agents are abusing children — even admitting to it — they are avoiding any kind of legal ramifications. Well, there is no need to imagine because that and more, is happening within the CIA and no one is doing anything about it. Last December, through multiple FOIA lawsuits, Buzzfeed News obtained hundreds of internal CIA reports that detailed the rampant abuse. According to the reports, despite multiple agents and contractors, at least 10, being caught in child sex abuse situations, federal prosecutors have brought no charges. The abusers remain protected by the agency. It’s been nearly a year since this information became public yet there has been no investigation and essentially no interest by anyone in D.C. or the political establishment to hold them accountable.
by Matt Agorist
Oldest Known Figurative Cave Art Discovered In Borneo Dates Back 40,000 Years Ago (0:13)
This Land Essential T-Shirt
Native Americans originally lived on this land before it became the United States.
Thanksgiving began in 1621. Newly arrived Pilgrim immigrants and Indians gathered at Plymouth for a harvest feast. Little did the Indians know then that their land would be stolen from them. Deja vu.
Designed and sold by ayemagine
the public health czar has completely lost the plot
woo-woo has lost its woo. take the “L”
nothing says “wow am i losing this fight” like a fake scientist who has been wrong about literally everything for 3 years (and who had nothing better to do than take the “career-suicide-mission” job everyone else had the sense to flee from) making appeals to credentialism and trying to hand wave away data-driven criticism. i mean, i guess in times of stress you stick with what you know, but sorry brosef, you lost to “random dude on twitter” years ago. now you’re just embarrassing yourself. the desperation is palpable. no one wants the “rodent recharge” of the mouse boosters. everyone knows they don’t work, most of europe has defected, and all the people who get them keep getting sick at alarming rates. truly, trusting just about any “random dude on twitter” would likely serve anyone better than the advice of brown university’s greatest embarrassment, current biden admin covid czar ashish jha. and the actual experts have been calling this out for ages.
by el gato malo
Get Him Out Of Here! (0:06)
by drefanzor memes
Excess Mortality Is Worse Than It Seems
52% Increase in Medical-cause Mortality among UK 25-49-year-olds?
My close relative has a childhood friend. That friend’s younger sister died suddenly, as I just learned. Nobody knows why exactly why her sister died. This is the closest that “sudden death” happened to me, and I hope for no more such personal news. Another prominent sudden death is an influential virologist Almira Oveta Fuller, who tirelessly advocated for the approval and acceptance of Covid vaccines and was a member of the FDA VRBPAC vaccine committee. Almira Oveta Fuller died four days ago unexpectedly. Her death was unrelated to COVID-19, the Tennessee Tribune reports. These untimely tragic deaths reminded me to touch upon excess mortality and discuss some subtleties of it. I want to cover this sad topic with some thoroughness. I will be discussing excess mortality in the UK. The United Kingdom is an amazing country with excellent statistics available.
by Igor Chudov
Wave Of Huge Air Strikes Reported In Ukraine
There’ve been emergency power outages in all regions of the country, according to national operator Ukrenergo
Russia has targeted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure in a large-scale missile attack on Wednesday, striking multiple targets in the capital Kiev and elsewhere across the country. Emergency power outages have occurred in all regions as a result of the assault, Ukraine’s national power grid operator Ukrenergo has reported. Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko said that there were explosions in various parts of the city and that water supplies had been cut off. He also mentioned power shortages. According to Kiev’s military administration, a projectile hit a residential building, killing at least three people and wounding six others. However, it’s not yet clear if was a Russian missile or one fired by Ukrainian air defenses. The whole of Odessa Region has been left without electricity amid the attack, local authorities said. In Ukraine’s second-largest city Kharkov, the subway system has been paralyzed due to a power outage, with people being evacuated to the surface, the mayor said.
by RT
EU Parliament Declares Russia A State-Sponsor Of Terrorism. (0:25)
The Babylon Bee’s Man Of The Year Is Rachel Levine
The Babylon Bee has selected Rachel Levine as its first annual Man of the Year. Levine is the U.S. assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where he serves proudly as the first man in that position to dress like a western cultural stereotype of a woman. He is also an admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. What a boss! Rachel’s original name is Richard Levine, but he changed it to Rachel for some strange reason a few years ago. Who cares? Who says a dude as accomplished as this can’t be named “Rachel?” This king doesn’t care what people think about him! He often wears a dress, which some people think is weird – but he doesn’t care one bit. Come on! Men in India wear dress-type garments, don’t they?
ACH (1977) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #96 – Baron Greenblatt’s Global Broadcast (Audio 2:02:17)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 21, 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Baron Greenblatt’s Global Broadcast.”
We discussed: the Alex Jones, Vivian Kubrick, and Sean Stone clip that we played during the show intro segment; the films of Oliver Stone and Stanley Kubrick; bad service and built in obsolescence; app updates; Andy’s new show coming up tomorrow; this week’s film review, “The Fly”; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Now, good digestion wait on appetite, And health on both!”; a comment on Before It’s News; anti-Christian callers to radio shows; this week’s, “if my democratic right to free speech did not probibit me from doing so I would,” segment; how we are now up to 2,330 deaths and 470,023 people injured from the vaccines according to figures off the UK Government website; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; a poem about the vaccines discovered in a Daily Mail comment; the potential outcomes of mass immigration; the latest Daily Mail propaganda on lab grown meat; how the German Army accidentally issued uniforms with SS labels; the sad story of the woman being stared at by men; the lost dog that handed itself into the police; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ news roundup of the week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
In The Russian Dance Berezka, Women Move With Short Steps, So Short That They Look Like They’re Floating. (0:23)
Red Line Over Taiwan Question Reiterated In Talks Between Chinese, US Defense Chiefs
Americans urged to keep promises and eliminate root cause of crisis
The defense chiefs of China and the US met face to face for the first time in Cambodia on Tuesday since US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s provocative visit to Taiwan island in early August, which was responded with large-scale military exercises around the island by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe drew the red line of the Taiwan question to US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once again after Chinese President Xi Jinping had done so to US President Joe Biden at the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, last week. Aside from urging the US to honor the commitments made by Biden so that the China-US relations can resume healthy, stable development, the talks released a positive signal that would hopefully lower the risk of an unpredictable military confrontation and put the two countries’ worsening military relations back on track, analysts said.
by Liu Xuanzun
Israel Pushes US On Military Action Against Iran
Israel’s military chief warned US officials that Tehran could soon obtain nuclear weapons
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi has called on the United States to develop new “operational plans” to take on the Iranian military, urging top US defense and intelligence officials to “accelerate” joint efforts to counter the Islamic Republic. Kochavi held a series of meetings with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and CIA Director William Burns, the IDF said in a press release on Tuesday, noting that he discussed the “Iranian threat” with each of the officials he had spoken with since landing in the US on Sunday morning. “We are at a critical point in time which requires the acceleration of the operational plans and the cooperation against Iran and its proxies in the region,” Kochavi said after the meetings. “On the one hand, Iran is under many economic, military and internal pressures, and on the other hand continues to advance the nuclear project.”
by RT
AP Editor Said She “Can’t Imagine” A US Intelligence Official Being Wrong
The Associated Press journalist who reported a US intelligence official’s false claim that Russia had launched missiles at Poland last week has been fired. As we discussed previously, AP’s anonymously sourced report which said “A senior U.S. intelligence official says Russian missiles crossed into NATO member Poland, killing two people” went viral because of the massive implications of direct hot warfare erupting between Russia and the NATO alliance. AP subsequently retracted its story as the mainstream political/media class came to accept that it was in fact a Ukrainian missile that had struck Poland. AP’s firing of reporter James LaPorta looks at this time to be the end point of any accountability for the circulation of this extremely dangerous falsehood. AP spokesperson Lauren Easton says no disciplinary action will be taken against the editors who waved the bogus story through, and to this day the public has been kept in the dark about the identity of the US official who fed such extremely egregious misinformation/disinformation to the public through the mainstream press.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Abortion: Catholics Against Militarism Interviews E. Michael Jones (57:54)
Abortion: Catholics Against Militarism Interviews E. Michael Jones (57:54)
For The Love Of God, Someone Tell Putin He’s Out Of Precision Missiles!!
We are past the point of ridiculous. Western intelligence analysts and pundits who have insisted that Russia is running out of precision missiles have been consistently wrong since March 2022. I decided to dig into this a bit thanks to my brother-in-law, who forwarded me a link to a recent article by Russian born academic, Konstantin Sonin, who currently hangs his hat at the University of Chicago. Sonin wrote: Economic sanctions did, of course, have other immediate effects. Curbing Russia’s access to microelectronics, chips, and semiconductors made production of cars and aircraft almost impossible. From March to August, Russian car manufacturing fell by an astonishing 90 percent, and the drop in aircraft production was similar. The same holds true for the production of weapons, which is understandably a top priority for the government. Sonin apparently wrote this before Russia launched its largest strike ever on Tuesday of this week using precision missiles. Sonin offers as “fact” Russia’s chip shortage when the military facts on the ground in Ukraine show otherwise. Ironically, it is the United States that is suffering from the chip shortage. If you live in the United States and tried to purchase a new vehicle you will find inventories at the new car lots quite low. Why? No computer chips for the new cars. But that is another topic for another day.
by Larry Johnson
Is This The Most Unbelievable Narrative About The Hunter Biden Laptop?
The intelligence community dismissed it outright as Russian disinformation. Yet, everyone knew it was real. The Hunter Biden laptop was the real October Surprise of 2020. It was a roadmap into the Biden family’s sordid and allegedly corrupt family dealings. Hunter, Biden’s crackhead son, left the device at a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware, in 2019 but never picked it up. The shop owner made copies of the hard drive and gave one of them to Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, who then offered it to the New York Post, which has written extensively on its contents. Those reports are what got them censored by Facebook and Twitter. Months later, the rest of the media establishment caught up, admitting the laptop was authentic.
by Matt Vespa
‘Western Values’ Are A Big Jerk-Off Fantasy: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
It’s still funny that the entire US-controlled world has been raging at Russia all year for doing something the US does routinely. In our fucked up civilization “individualism” increasingly means having the freedom to express your uniqueness by choosing between hundreds of makes and models of automobile while thinking the exact same thoughts as everyone else about America, capitalism, and foreign policy. We are told that the individual is prioritized in our society while being funneled through various conformity manufacturing plants like school and mass media consumption. Real individuality is stomped out and replaced with prostheses of mindless consumption and partisan thought. Real individualism would encourage radical individuality and divergence from orthodoxies. The so-called liberal democracies of the western world do the exact opposite, hammering us into authorized power-serving perspectives and herding us into mainstream partisan echo chambers.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Giant Honeybees Protect Their Hive From Predators With A Ripple Effect Known As “Shimmering.” (0:26)
Bombshell Arizona Report: Election Day Problems In Maricopa Far Wider Than County Admitting
Widespread equipment failures, hours-long lines were “voter suppression” that “would necessarily impact the vote tallies for Republican candidates much more than the vote tallies for Democrat candidates,” concluded RNC report compiled from detailed observer accounts.
Numerous issues plagued vote centers in Arizona’s Maricopa County on Election Day 2022, from ballots rejected by tabulators to hours-long lines for voting, according to affidavits filed with the Arizona attorney general’s office. According to an affidavit report by Mark Sonnenklar, a roving attorney with the Republican National Committee’s Election Integrity program in Arizona, he and 10 other RNC roving attorneys reported their observations and those of Republican observers at vote centers on Election Day. (File Aggregated Roving Attorney General Election Report.pdf) The 11 attorneys visited 115 out of the 223 vote centers in Maricopa County on Election Day and found that 72 of them (or 62.61%) “had material problems with the tabulators not being able to tabulate ballots,” Sonnenklar reported, “causing voters to either deposit their ballots into box 3, spoil their ballots and re-vote, or get frustrated and leave the vote center without voting.”
by Natalia Mittelstadt
Grubach vs. The University Of Akron Is A Somewhat Unique And Landmark Case In The Annals Of Academic Law!
There are other academic lawsuits against the University of Akron now in progress that made the mainstream news media!
Yet, there is nothing about Grubach vs. the University of Akron in the Akron Beacon Journal or other mainstream news outlets!
This suggests that there may be some type of “behind-the-scenes” campaign to keep news of Grubach vs. the University of Akron out of the mainstream news! It is widely believed that the Ohio Attorney General’s Office (who are representing the University of Akron) and others (guess who?) are behind this.
by Paul Grubach
Farm Bureau Calculates Thanksgiving Dinner Price Jumps 20% Over Last Year
The American Farm Bureau price estimation for the Thanksgiving Day basic foodstuffs seems underestimated every year. However, this year with grocery store prices jumping dramatically the basic Thanksgiving Dinner as calculated is up 20%.
Spending time with family and friends at Thanksgiving remains important for many Americans and this year the cost of the meal is also top of mind. Farm Bureau’s 37th annual survey provides a snapshot of the average cost of this year’s classic Thanksgiving feast for 10, which is $64.05 or less than $6.50 per person. This is a $10.74 or 20% increase from last year’s average of $53.31. The centerpiece on most Thanksgiving tables – the turkey – costs more than last year, at $28.96 for a 16-pound bird. That’s $1.81 per pound, up 21% from last year, due to several factors beyond general inflation. (read more) On the positive side of things, we note two points: #1) the third wave of food inflation should crest the beginning of December; and #2) a lot of readers here were proactive and purchased holiday ingredients long before the massive price increases showed up. Great job.
by Sundance
Senator Rand Paul Questions FBI Director Christopher Wray (1:32)
Senator Rand Paul Questions FBI Director Christopher Wray (1:32)
BBC’s Jab Travesty And The Critics Who Will Not Be Fobbed Off
Has the BBC’s complaints system finally come up against a foe that won’t be put off? A brief history of complaints about the travesty of a BBC documentary, Unvaccinated, proudly promoted in July, suggests it may well have. The programme, presented by Professor Hannah Fry, signalled its bias from the start. Tom Coveney, BBC Commissioning Editor, Science, set the scene with this promotion: ‘With Covid infections on the rise again, there couldn’t be a more important time to examine the reasons why so many adults are still not getting the vaccine. It’s an explosive debate that goes to the heart of modern life and growing mistrust in the establishment . . . Hannah will bring seven unvaccinated participants together under one roof to unpack the long-held opinions, beliefs and fears that have prevented them from getting the vaccine . . . They will come face to face with leading experts, confronting the latest science and statistics to emerge in the field and dissecting how misinformation spreads on social media.’
by Kathy Gyngell
Thinking Points, November 22, 2022
The CDC has a losing hand, hippies, the next Pharma grift, Slippery Slope, Twitter protected Pfizer while ignoring child sexual abuse, 2 kinds of smart, 393 million guns, game over, warrior mom, Angus
Here are my latest thinking points: They are holding a losing hand and keep increasing the pot. Yeah I confess, I don’t get it. The leaders of the clown show – Gates, Walensky, Fauci, the WEF, the White House, etc. want this to go on forever. But the signal is already here: Increase in all-cause mortality. Increase in heart attacks and strokes. Increase in cancer. Increase in infertility and miscarriages. So maybe they can keep it going for another 6 months, 1 year, 2 years via massive censorship and propaganda campaigns? But that signal is not going away so long as people are being poisoned on a mass scale. Do they have any off ramp? Any exit strategy? Because holy heck, just continuing with the current plan is the most cynical thing I’ve ever seen. Update: It appears that their new strategy is to just delete the data that they don’t like. That’s their plan.
by Toby Rogers
Musk Is Feeding, Not Freeing, The Social Media Beast
A poll to reinstate Donald Trump is not democracy in action.
Tribalism and toxic debate are the lifeblood of Twitter. A controversial poll to reinstate Donald Trump was a shot of adrenalin to the social media beast. Elon Musk’s Twitter poll to restore Trump’s account earnt 15,085,458 votes, and it was seen by 134 million people. The reinstatement of Trump was bound to attract attention. Perhaps no less eye-catching was Musk’s use of the phrase ‘Vox Populi, Vox Dei’, meaning that the voice of the people is the voice of god. This poll was supposed to be democracy in action and the enactment of free speech. But the voice of the people is not free speech. It is, in fact, the opposite, it is mob rule. Free speech should be granted to everyone, and not those that the majority agree with. Free speech is the bedrock upon which other freedoms rest and it should apply equally to all people and ideas. If the right to free speech is granted by a poll, it is not a right at all, it is a whim. And this flimsy ‘right’ can be taken away by another poll.
by Laura Dodsworth
Try Covid (2:26)
Uploaded by popular request by The Crowhouse.
Sorry for no mirror link but I don’t know the original source.
SBF, WEF, and the mile of red yarn
every time you think you’ve seen the bottom of the FTX rabbithole, the bottom drops out again
so, sam bankman fried, who funded (among god knows what else) several “public health” studies smearing ivermectin and promoting “biosafety” and “pandemic preparedness” despite having literally zero grounding or seeming prior interest in the field. well, this certainly seems to explain a bit about how THAT ball got rolling. and has fascinating dovetails to a brother who is a lobbyist and a mom who started a PAC just as sam started alameda… the political connections.
by el gato malo
Iran Bans Imports Of French Cars Unless Damage Redressed
Iran has banned the imports of French cars until France’s automobile manufacturers, namely Renault, Peugeot and Citroen, compensate the damage caused by leaving the Islamic Republic. The withdrawal imposed a lot of costs on Iran’s automobile and parts manufacturing industry and left many investments in ruins after the US imposed new sanctions in August 2018, targeting the Islamic Republic’s car industry, trade in gold and other precious metals, and purchases of US dollars. Although the withdrawal forced Iranian manufacturers to pool their resources and produce locally-made cars, compensation for the damage caused by the pullout is a central demand. The ban announced by Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade spokesman Omid Qalibaf comes as Iran is reintroducing foreign car imports in order to both improve the pool of quality automobiles and meet consumer demand.
by PressTV
Background To Current US Policy In Europe
It is said not in vain that one man’s problem is another man’s opportunity. And the military actions in Ukraine against Russia, unleashed by the US and NATO, has clearly demonstrated this. Every day there is more and more evidence to show what huge dividends the US tycoons are reaping from the policies that the current President Joe Biden is pursuing for their benefit alone. Suffice it to say that Washington has already made tens of billions of dollars from the military actions it has unleashed in Ukraine. Not to mention the distraction from US domestic issues in financial, economic and politico-racial fields, that the White House is using against this backdrop. The US instigated this armed conflict, a conclusion that most political analysts are now coming to. Its aim is to force Europe to submit to US sanctions against Russia and stop buying cheap Russian natural gas. Washington can now sell huge quantities of liquefied gas to Europe at its own prices, and there is no price cap on US hydrocarbons, unlike Russian hydrocarbons, and it is unlikely there will be one. Europe’s economy has suffered a blow, and vast wealth has migrated from Europe to the US, allowing US leaders to maintain their dominant position in the EU.
by Viktor Mikhin
Natalia Mittelstadt: Bombshell Arizona Report (3:13)
Natalia Mittelstadt: Bombshell Arizona Report Election Day Problems in Maricopa Far Wider Than County Admitting.
…”The 11 attorneys visited 115 out of the 223 vote centers in Maricopa County on Election Day and found that 72 of them (or 62.61%) “had material problems with the tabulators not being able to tabulate ballots,” Sonnenklar reported, “causing voters to either deposit their ballots into box 3, spoil their ballots and re-vote, or get frustrated and leave the vote center without voting.”
Joe Biden Calls For ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Following Deadly Gay Nightclub Mass Shooting
Joe Biden on Sunday called for a ban on “assault weapons” following the deadly mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs. As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, Colorado Springs police identified the suspect detained in the overnight mass shooting at gay nightclub Club Q as Anderson Lee Aldrich, a 22-year-old male. The shooting killed five people at the club and injured at least 25. No motive for the shooting has been reported as of yet. Aldrich was taken to a local hospital with unstated injuries according to police, however police said they did not shoot Aldrich. Club Q featured drag shows, including one Saturday night and an all ages drag show brunch that was scheduled for this morning and a later show for today’s Transgender Day of Remembrance (image via Facebook).
by Cristina Laila
The Greatest Lie Ever Told (Text and Video)
We have spent considerable time exposing the criminals who pushed the experimental COVID shots onto the public, and the millions who are now crippled or dead. But let’s not forget how we got to that point in the first place, and the multitudes who died needlessly before there even was a vaccine. There was no killer “virus.” The criminal medical system and their reign of terror caused fear that destroyed lives. COVID: The Greatest Lie Ever Told!
by Brian Shilhavy
Why Do Americans Hate Putin?
Tucker Carlson thinks he knows. Here’s what he said: “… Democrats in Washington have told you it’s your patriotic duty to hate Vladimir Putin. It’s not a suggestion. It’s a mandate. Anything less than hatred for Putin is treason. Many Americans have obeyed this directive. They now dutifully hate Vladimir Putin. Maybe you’re one of them. Hating Putin has become the central purpose of America’s foreign policy. It’s the main thing that we talk about. Entire cable channels are now devoted to it. Very soon, that hatred of Vladimir Putin could bring the United States into a conflict in Eastern Europe. Before that happens, it might be worth asking yourself: What is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl?” (Tucker Carlson,”Americans have been trained to hate Putin, and will suffer because of it“, Fox News)
by Mike Whitney
A Little Girl And A Horse – Just Beautiful (0:30)
U.S. Lawyers Claim Ivermectin Was Never Prohibited For Treating Covid-19. Fda Merely Recommended Not Using It.
No legal prohibition authorized or justified hospitals to withhold the drug from dying patients. Let the lawsuits begin.
The Epoch Times recently reported an astonishing statement by a U.S. government lawyer in a federal court in Texas, where the FDA is being sued by Dr. Paul Marik of Virginia, Dr. Mary Bowden of Texas, and Dr. Robert Apter of Arizona. The three plaintiffs claim the FDA illegally prohibited them from prescribing the drug to their patients. At a November 1 hearing, U.S. lawyer Isaac Belfer argued for the defendant: The cited statements were not directives. They were not mandatory. They were recommendations. They said what parties should do. They said, for example, why you should not take ivermectin to treat COVID-19. They did not say you may not do it, you must not do it. They did not say it’s prohibited or it’s unlawful. They also did not say that doctors may not prescribe ivermectin.” If Belfer’s assertion is true, it raises a very urgent question: On what legal grounds did hospitals all over the United States refuse to administer ivermectin to severely ill COVID-19 patients, even when patients and their family members begged for the drug to be administered?
by John Leake
Canada Tells World Leaders To Clamp Down On Online “Misinformation”
Calling for regulation across the globe.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino are doing the rounds, insisting on the need to fight online harassment and misinformation. At the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia, Trudeau said that Canada wants to regulate online “harassment and violence.” He added that Canada’s social media platforms have a responsibility to “address online harassment and violence to ensure trust in technology.” “While always ensuring and defending free speech, we must make it clear that it cannot be OK to bully and attack people online,” Trudeau said.
by Christina Maas
Moscow Condemns US Reaction To Execution Of Russian POWs
Condoning crimes of “murderer” allies may cost America in the future, diplomats warned
The Russian embassy in Washington has said that the US is enabling Ukrainian “neo-Nazis” to act with impunity by downplaying evidence of their atrocities, adding that US officials risk blowback from the policy, it warned. The statement released on Monday came in response to comments made by Beth Van Schaack, the US ambassador-at-large for global criminal justice, about videos of the summary execution of Russian soldiers captured by Ukrainian troops. A clip apparently shows the Russians surrendering and lying down on the ground. Another shows what looks like a Russian soldier appearing at the scene and discharging his firearm. The final clip is of Russian troops lying on the ground in pools of blood, apparently dead from gunshots to the head. Ukraine claims that the videos show a false surrender by the Russians, with the intention of taking their captors by surprise. Van Schaack seemed to downplay the incident, stating that “when we’re looking at the sheer scale of criminality exhibited by Russian forces, it’s enormous compared to the allegations that we have seen against Ukrainian forces.”
by RT
Whitney Webb And Iain Davis | Sustainable Debt Slavery (1:47:34)
Join Marty as he sits down with Whitney Webb and Iain Davis to discuss their new series on Sustainable Development Goals. They also discuss the Rockefellers being behind the UN, the destruction of Central America’s environment under the guise of sustainability and how to dismantle climate narratives.
America’S Biggest Criminal Drug Dealers Go Free And Continue To Push Their Drugs That Destroy Lives
Two of America’s largest criminal drug dealers recently reached a $10 billion settlement for their role in America’s opioid crisis that has cost tens of thousands of deaths and countless lives destroyed for the past several years. As part of this settlement, nobody goes to prison, and these drug dealers get to keep pushing their harmful drugs. They even get to spread out their criminal payments over several years so they don’t suffer any business loss. The CDC had originally issued stricter guidelines for prescribing opioids in an effort to reduce illegal use and addictions, but a couple of weeks ago they backtracked on those guidelines making it easier for doctors to continue prescribing opioids. Deaths resulting from prescription pharmaceutical drugs far exceed deaths due to illegal street drugs, and it is not even close. The “war on drugs” started during the 1970s has created several generations now of mind-controlled drug users who incorrectly believe that illegal drugs are dangerous, while their prescription drugs are safe. The most commonly used “illegal drug” used by millions of Americans today is cannabis, or marijuana. While cannabis use has increased in the U.S. for both recreational and medical reasons, the pharma-funded corporate media continues to demonize it, and for good reason.
by Brian Shilhavy
AP Fires Reporter Behind False Report Claiming ‘Russian Missiles Struck Poland’
The Associated Press on Monday fired one of two reporters with a byline on last week’s now-retracted report that claimed “Russian missiles” had “crossed into NATO member Poland” and killed two people. From The Daily Beast, AP Fires Reporter Behind Retracted ‘Russian Missiles’ Story”: That report, which was widely cited across the internet and on cable news, was taken offline the following day and replaced with an editor’s note admitting the single source [a “senior U.S. intelligence official”] was wrong and that “subsequent reporting showed that the missiles were Russian-made and most likely fired by Ukraine in defense against a Russian attack.” On Monday, the AP fired James LaPorta, the investigative reporter responsible for that story, Confider has learned. The piece, which was originally co-bylined with John Leicester (who is still working at the AP), attributed the information to a single “senior U.S. intelligence official,” despite the AP’s rule that it “routinely seeks and requires more than one source when sourcing is anonymous.” The only exception, according to its statement of news values and principles, is when “material comes from an authoritative figure who provides information so detailed that there is no question of its accuracy”—a situation that seemingly did not occur, as the report was fully retracted last Wednesday.
by Chris Menahan
A Stroll Inside King Charles III’s $25 Billion Real Estate Empire
Charles III’s official coronation may not occur until May 6, but the new British monarch has already inherited a $25 billion real estate portfolio fit for a king. When he acceded the throne in September, the 73-year-old sovereign assumed control of a $42 billion empire, much of it in real estate. Forbes scoured property records, annual reports, audits, archives and legislative documents to find all of the king’s new possessions. His holdings span from Buckingham Palacethe official headquarters of the monarchy, which Forbes estimates is worth $4.9 billionto Highgrove House, a country residence in Gloucestershire that Charles first purchased in 1980 for £865,000 ($3.7 million today,) now valued at $39 million.
by Tony Gosling
AP Reporter Fired For Poland Missile Story. NATO Mission Creep. 2 Million Migrants To EU (39:12)
by Alex Christoforou
The Richest Man In The World
The purpose of this essay is threefold: (1) to bring to the attention of readers the existence of a long-standing conspiracy about the identification of “The Richest Man in the World”, (2) to dismiss from contention the current list of candidates, and (3) to document that a small number of Jewish banking families operating out of the City of London have for generations held these wealth records with fortunes that are orders of magnitude above anything we might have imagined. I will address these points in reverse order, and deal with the current crop of wunderkind at the end. I do not profess to be able to irrefutably document all the assertions made in this essay, nor to definitively substantiate all the inferences made. The topic is such that too much of the necessary legal evidence is irretrievably hidden from public view and accessibility, and we must in many cases rely on logic and circumstantial evidence to support our assertions and inferences. While the proofs are not as complete as one would desire, this level of evidentiary support is often sufficient, especially when our cases follow an established pattern and we have such reasoning and evidence in bulk. The descriptions and evidence in this essay will serve at least to provide a reasonable basis for understanding and to “draw attention to some of the great forces which have been molding our world”. The figures presented in this essay are not meant as precise calculations, but to impress upon readers the magnitude of the numbers and amounts with which we are dealing.
by Larry Romanoff
Turkey’s Erdogan Threatens Ground Invasion Of Syria After Unclaimed Attack In Istanbul
After firing a series of strikes against Kurdish armed groups in both Syria and Iraq, Turkish President, Recep Tayip Erdogan, has threatened a ground invasion into north-eastern Syria. The strikes have been painted as a response to a terrorist attack in central Istanbul, but what else factors into this decision? On Sunday, the Turkish military announced that it had destroyed 89 targets in both Iraq and Syria, belonging to Kurdish armed groups, which has been followed by threats of a ground invasion by Turkey’s President. It is unclear how many Kurdish militants were killed in the strikes, with claims ranging from tens to hundreds. According to the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), 11 civilians were killed in the strikes. Turkey’s defense ministry says that its latest air campaign, labelled ‘Operation Claw-Sword’, aimed to “neutralize PKK/KCK/YPG and other terrorist elements [and] eliminate terrorist attacks on our people and security forces from northern Syria.” Ankara has blamed the Kurdish YPG group of engineering a terrorist attack that killed 6 and injured 80 in the heart of Istanbul’s Taksim area. There were also initial claims that the attack may have been conducted by other Kurdish groups, classified as terrorist organizations by Turkey, such as the PKK, of which a female suspect was initially accused of being involved.
by Robert Inlakesh
A Very Different Global State Of Affairs Takes Hold
How the world appears all depends on whether your gaze is firmly focussed on the hub of the wheel, Alastair Crooke writes.
How the world appears all depends on whether your gaze is firmly focussed on the hub of the wheel, or alternatively, were you to watch the wheel’s rotation around the hub – and the bearing it follows – you would see the world differently. Looked at from a DC-centric perspective, all is still: Nothing (as it were), is moving geo-politically. Was there an election in the U.S.? Well, certainly there is no longer an ‘Election Day’ event as the new mechanics of ballots vs in-person voting, commencing up to 50 days earlier, and ploughing on, weeks after, has become far removed from the old notion of having ‘an election’, and an aggregate macro outcome. From this ‘centric’ viewpoint, the Midterms change nothing – stasis. So many of Biden’s policies were already in stone anyway – and beyond the ability of any Congress to change in the short run.
by Alastair Crooke
IAEA Primary Instrument Of Pre-Aggression, Sets Scene For US, Israeli Unilateral Actions: Analyst
A political analyst has described the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as a primary “instrument of pre-aggression” which paves the way for Israel and the US to take unilateral actions against Iran. “The IAEA has become a primary instrument of pre-aggression. In other words, they create a scenario, they make the false charges, they do not prove the charges, and then they use the false unproven charges, to stoke the fires of aggression against you,” John Bosnitch told Press TV on Monday while commenting on recent tensions between Iran and the IAEA following a resolution passed by the UN nuclear body’s Board of Governors. The politically motivated draft resolution, ratified on Thursday, has criticized Iran for what it called a lack of cooperation with the agency. It was put forward by the United States, Britain, France, and Germany, in continuation of their political pressures on Iran. Bosnitch added that the “trend” that has been going on for years against Iran is rooted in the Israeli lobby and its influence on the US government and American personnel inside the IAEA.
by PressTV
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 22, 2022 (26:16)
by Military Summary
Church Accuses Ukraine Of Trying To ‘Intimidate’ Orthodox Faithful
Kiev’s security services have raided an iconic Christian monastery, run by the Moscow Patriarchate
The Moscow Patriarchate has condemned a raid on the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, the largest Orthodox Christian monastery in Ukraine, carried out on Tuesday by the country’s domestic security agency, the SBU. The raid represents yet another attempt to “intimidate” the Orthodox faithful, the Church’s spokesman, Vladimir Legoyda, has said. “Like many other cases of persecution of believers in Ukraine since 2014, this act of intimidation will almost certainly go unnoticed by those who call themselves the international human rights community,” Legoyda said in a Telegram post, urging all “caring people” to do everything possible to stop the “persecution.” The SBU raided the monastery, claiming it was targeted to prevent the “subversive activities of Russian special services.” The monastery needed to be checked for “teams of saboteurs, foreign citizens, weapons, etc.” the service claimed, adding that the goal was to “prevent the use of the Lavra as a cell of ‘Russian world.’”
by RT
Not long ago I read an article about how difficult it is to produce usable copper-the mining and refining processes are quite complex and difficult to scale up. Just now I came across a pair of tweets on that same subject, which links to an article on the larger issue of replacing oil with metal-because that, in essence, is what the “renewable” energy scam is about. And here is that article—excerpted. Note that, while (as above) there’s more to renewable energy than copper, copper is crucial. And you wondered why thieves will strip the copper piping out of homes under construction? Is There Enough Metal to Replace Oil? The short answer: No, not even close! Nations of the world are only too aware that fossil fuels need to be phased out for two reasons. First, oil is a finite commodity. It’ll run out in time. Secondly, fossil fuel emissions such as CO2 are destroying the planet’s climate system. However, a recent study puts a damper on the prospects of phasing out fossil fuels in favor of renewables. More to the point, a phase out of fossil fuels by mid century looks to be a nearly impossible Sisyphean task. It’s all about quantities of minerals/metals contained in Mother Earth. There aren’t enough.
by Mark Wauck
Why Isn’t Sam Bankman-Fried In Handcuffs Yet?
For a party that seems to absolutely loathe billionaires, Democrats and their friends in the media sure are taking it soft on Bankman-Fried.
To be honest, it’s kind of hard to try and entertain the innuendo and rumors that Democrats and the media are working to do damage control on behalf of Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of now-bankrupt crypto exchange FTX, because the idea is just so reprehensible. But they sure do keep giving us ammunition to make that suggestion, don’t they? Bankman-Fried – the second biggest donor to Democrats behind George Soros – has all but admitted that he squandered billions of dollars of other people’s money carelessly, writing “I fucked up” on Twitter in a mea culpa about two weeks ago, days after a run on his exchange exposed it to be a shell of what many perceived it to be. Institutional investors in FTX have written their stakes in the firm to $0.
by Quoth the Raven
When Woke Students Ruined Their University 800 Years Ago
Rather than being true institutions of higher learning, where ideas are embraced and debated on their merits, students have once again commandeered control of their universities and turned them into cesspools of censorship. Professors who offend the delicate sensibilities of their students, or who offer heretical ideas on biology, medicine, history, climate science, and more, are routinely canceled, fired, and ruined. Today professors of medicine are afraid to mention when medical conditions are more prevalent in males or females, for fear of being canceled by their woke students. They cannot discuss how heart attack early warning signs differ between men and women. Or how male and female kidneys process drugs differently, which affects proper dosage. On some college campuses, you see signs asking if students have been a victim of free speech. Apparently hearing dissenting views is literal violence. What’s even more extraordinary is how much students pay for their own censorship.
by Simon Black
Building A Brighter Future
All the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of a single candle
With the current global situation, together we can, and will build a brighter future. In other to give meaningful suggestions for this, we first need to speak candidly about what’s happening in the world at present. It appears for real, that there are factions within the world’s power elite that desire at all costs to exert as much control as possible over the people of the world. It will surprise you that their primary means for establishing control are through causing destabilization, promoting fear, secrecy, polarization, and distracting people from their deeper and core purpose in life. The irony of this is that when these factions and principalities gain greater power and control, our freedoms and liberties will be increasingly taken away, sometimes without us even realizing it.
by D.L. Marshall
How Is This A Thing? 22nd Of November 2022 (12:20)
by Computing Forever
The Middle Class Delenda Est. Part IV
Traditional common sense vs. the elite’s uncommon nonsense…
The difference between the common man and the elite is that the former believes in following rules; the latter believes it can make them up as it goes along. We have been exploring a grim subject – the destruction of the middle class. So far, we’ve seen that the elites use inflation like a thief uses a crowbar – to get what belongs to someone else. It’s not exactly ‘intentional.’ A wolf does not eat a lamb with malice aforethought; that’s just the way it works. Inflation wrecks the economy and ‘The People’ who depend on it. So much the better, say the elites; they prefer the poor, who are more easily manipulated…and their votes more cheaply bought. But there’s more to it than just money. The ruling class has ideas… programs… campaigns. ‘Middle class values’ often get in the way.
by Bill Bonner
ACH (1974) Steve Elkins – Doom And Gloom (Audio 57:59)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 18, 2022, Andy is joined by Steve Elkins, for a show entitled, “Doom And Gloom.”
We discussed: Remember, Remember, the 8th of November; the three steps to stealing an election; can we trust the electoral system anymore; the recent dubious election results around the world; the worldwide spread of bird flu; the Elon Musk conundrum; Donald Trump’s attacks on fellow Republicans; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
It Is Time To Make A Stand And We Show You How
The globalists are determined to submit the people of the Western Alliance to unprecedented tyranny and control through their Great Reset, Agenda21, Agenda 2030, and the New World Order. The success of the media orchestrated the Covid-Vaccination scam buoyed the gung-ho mindset of the liberal-globalist conspirators. Stop complying with it and you will shut it down. Simply stop giving these people the power to control you. Understand that the only power they have is the power the people themselves grant to them. We have the power, not they. Their greatest fear is that we would realize this… in fact Klaus Schwab conceded that nationalism would derail their plans. There is a massive swing to the nationalist anti-globalist parties in Europe’s population exceeding 600 million.
by Michael Walsh
The Apex Predator, One Of Nature’s Most Efficient Killing Machines. (0:30)
He Stalks His Quarry Undetected And Pounces, Slaying Without Remorse.
You Must Obey, Or You’re Going Nowhere
Stay at home’, that constantly repeated edict of the Covid-19 lockdown, was but a trial run for an emerging regime of restricted movement. The direction of travel (or rather, not travel) is indicated by recently proposed zoning schemes in Oxford and Canterbury, the United Nations’ Smart Cities plan for every need fulfilled within a 15-minute journey, and by the G20 Leaders’ Declaration last week. Ye olde England was never really free – not for the commoners. In the Middle Ages, if a peasant ventured into a village beyond his own community, he would risk a severe beating. Gradually horizons widened, hastened by the advent of the railways. However, it’s a relatively recent phenomenon for citizens to lose their sense of ownership of where they live. Decades of uncontrolled immigration have put paid to strong communities steeped in heritage and homogeneity.
by Niall McCrae
Israel Lobby Moves To Label NGOs Exposing Zionist Crimes As “Terrorists”
An obscure Zionist legal entity tries to criminalise NGOs that threaten Israeli regime
“A legal think tank is urging the Justice Department to investigate groups it says act as “proxies” for a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, according to a letter obtained by the Washington Examiner.”Zachor Legal Institute an Israeli-lobby-member regularly “takes the lead” in discrediting criticism of the brutal settler state of Israel as “anti-semitism” and campaigns assiduously against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). Zachor targets commercial, university and governmental sectors. Included in the Zachor portfolio is the “Zachor on Campus” initiative which effectively infiltrates University communities to crack down on any “deligitimisation” of the apartheid entity – framing it as “bullying, harassment or discrimination”.
by Vanessa Beeley
Musk’s Free Speech Moves On Twitter Have So Far Been Unimpressive
When Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter was first announced this past April I said that the purchase likely wouldn’t go through if the empire thought it posed a threat to its information interests. I said that any reduction of censorship protocols which Musk implements on the platform would probably not be of the sort that make any difference to the powerful, but would instead just amplify vapid partisan culture war nonsense. So far since Musk’s takeover, this does appear to be the case. In recent days Twitter has reinstated the accounts of Donald Trump, Kanye West, Jordan Peterson, Project Veritas, Kathy Griffin, and the Babylon Bee. This to date is as close as Musk has come to honoring his stated intention of making Twitter a haven of free speech where people have a “digital town square” to debate and discuss ideas. And it’s not enough. Un-banning a few famous people will drum up a lot of headlines and online chatter and make it look like you’re really doing something, but in the end all you’ve done is reinstate a handful of Twitter accounts. You haven’t done anything to meaningfully scale back the speech restrictions on your platform.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy (Free .pdf)
by Michael Collins Piper
Montreal’s Permindex And The Deep State Plot To Kill Kennedy
We have arrived at the 59th anniversary of the murder of America’s 35th President John F. Kennedy and too few have come to terms with the tragic forces that both murdered this great leader on November 22, 1963, and attempted to destroy the positive vision of mankind towards which Kennedy dedicated his life. Now 59 years later, 500 CIA documents remain illegally classified despite former President Trump’s efforts to make everything public according to the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 which itself was made possible through the incredible work of Oliver Stone in 1992. In spite of that lack of full de-classification, enough evidence has been uncovered over the years, largely spearheaded by the pioneering work of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison (played by Kevin Costner in Stone’s production) who led in the only jury trial investigating the true killers in 1966. Garrison’s work didn’t stop at the trial which uncovered mountains of inconsistencies in the “official narrative” of a lone gunman promoted by the very CIA which Kennedy openly threatened to “splinter into a thousand pieces and scatter into the wind” after firing Allan Dulles.
by Matthew Ehret
Missile Of November by CrossTalk (26:34)
Missile Of November by CrossTalk (26:34)
The Deadliest Disease Known To Man Is Ignorance!
“A wise man makes his own decisions, but an ignorant man mindlessly follows the crowd.” ~ Chinese Proverb
We live in a world of lies, deceit, propaganda, staged narratives, and because this deceit has been widely accepted by the crowd, mass ignorance has been the result. This universal ignorance cannot be blamed solely on government, indoctrination centers called ‘public’ schools, politicians, or the media, except that these entities do advance every form of lie possible in order to fool the people into accepting storied fables leading them toward slavery. And as should be obvious at this stage of the game, the people have been thoroughly fooled, and have swallowed hook, line, and sinker, every bald-faced lie imaginable. The result sought and gained by the state, can be evidenced by the total submission and gross obedience to this heinous and politicized ruling class of psychopathic monsters. This disease called ignorance, now consumes the minds of most all of this population, and is eating away entirely the ability to consider fact, to realize truth, to practice logic, to reason, and to muster any ability whatsoever to think critically as an individual. This state of being has been the common thread of this and other populations for a long time, but the complete lie of a fake disease called ‘covid,’ has exposed that mass ignorance is not only alive and well, but has infected almost to a man, this entire society and the world. There is no proven disease called ‘covid,’ there is no real scientific proof of ‘covid’ or any ‘virus’ whatsoever, but regardless of this truth, the whole world has fallen to its knees in a display of mass and pathetic gullibility so outrageous as to be insulting to any thinking individual.
by Gary D. Barnett
UN Responds To Russian Nuclear Request
Moscow has asked the IAEA to do its duty and identify who attacked the Zaporozhye power plant
The UN doesn’t have the capability to identify those behind the attacks on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP), a spokesman for the secretary-general said on Monday. Russia has called on the International Atomic Energy Agency to do its job properly and acknowledge that the shelling came from the Ukrainian side. Around 30 projectiles struck the ZNPP over the weekend, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. The nuclear energy corporation Rosatom said the damage caused to the facility’s spent fuel storage came close to triggering a disaster. Moscow said it was clear the fire came from the Ukrainian-held town of Marganets, but the IAEA has avoided naming any names. “We have no way to determine” who carried out the attacks, Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, told reporters on Monday. “We would like these attacks to stop,” Haq added, noting that the Secretariat “shares the concerns” of IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi and “joins him in calling on all parties to cease fire” around the ZNPP.
by RT
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 21, 2022 (19:49)
by Military Summary
21 Surveys Of Side Effects Following Vaccination Showing Shocking Rates Of Severe Adverse Events
From heart problems to menstrual irregularities, it’s not only the rate of systemic side effects that’s stratospheric
“Show me the evidence.” So demand most people when someone tries to convince that the covid vaccines might actually be responsible for a tremendous amount of medical carnage. What follows is a compilation of surveys published as formal studies gauging the rates of various side effects or adverse events following vaccination with the 4 vaccines used in Western countries – Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, & AstraZeneca. In other words, evidence.
by Ashmedai
Disney Fires Woke CEO Who Pushed Critical Race Theory And Gender Ideology
Disney has decided to move away from CEO Bob Chapek in favor of bringing back former CEO Bob Iger. The once-good relationship between Chapek and Iger lead to Iger picking Chapek to replace in as CEO in 2020. After Iger chose Chapek to take the reins of Disney as their CEO Iger and Chapek rarely spoke. After serving as the CEO of Disney for 15 years before 2020, Iger will return to Disney. Disney’s stock has fallen a dramatic 41% percent in 2022, and after Disney had previously offered Chapek an additional 3 years on his contract to serve as CEO of Disney, the company decided to move away from Chapek in favor of bringing back the now 71-year-old Bob Iger. Disney+ saw an increase in subscribers by 12.1 million, bringing their total globally to 164.2 million, as Disney reported earlier this month. However, increasing operating losses for streaming services nearly doubled to $1.47 billion throughout the last quarter.
by AB Staff
Say No To The New World Order (0:27)
Say No To The New World Order (0:27)
Proposed Contract With The Medical Freedom Community
Any politician who wants our vote in 2024 needs to agree to a 10-item pledge
Single-issue medical freedom voters decided the 2016 Presidential election (when we went big for Trump) and the 2020 Presidential election (when we stayed home because Trump screwed us by abandoning the Vaccine Safety Commission and launching Operation Warp Speed – that subsequently killed his ex-wife Ivana and at least 15,311 other Americans). As the largest block of independent voters in the country, we will decide the 2024 Presidential election as well. Given our pivotal role in the next election, I think it is essential for us to spell out exactly what we expect from any candidate who wants our vote. So here’s my proposal. Any politician who wants the medical freedom vote in 2024 needs to give us a seat at the table – that means having a say in the selection of the heads of HHS, FDA, and CDC and an ironclad commitment to passing the ten items listed below:
by Toby Rogers
Trump Will Never Be Allowed To Re-Take The White House
Given the trials that he has already endured and the high probability of further trials to come, Donald Trump’s announcement on Tuesday that he is again running for President must be saluted. Confronted with this level of pressure, most men would have given up long ago. Trump fights on. That’s to his credit, but in the light of what happened in the 2020 and 2022 elections, not to mention what happened to Trump and America during his first term, we should be clear about his prospects. US political reality is now comparable to Eastern Europe in the eighties. In many ways it is worse. A totalitarian party-state controlled by fanatics and criminals today runs America, and via America dominates what was once called the free world.
by Daniel Mille
How This Beluga Whale Cleverly Retrieves His Ball (0:20)
Congressman Warren Davidson Urges Congress To Pass The Vaccine Passport Prevention Act
To protect civil liberties.
Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) is urging Congress to pass a bill he introduced last year that would ban the use of vaccine passports for future use. The bill is aimed at protecting Americans from the federal government’s overreach under the guise of responding to the pandemic. The bill, called the Vaccine Passport Prevention Act, would, with a few exceptions, prevent the federal, state, and local governments, as well as private entities, from forcing Americans to provide proof of vaccination to access goods and services, and to continue working. If passed, the legislation would allow people to sue their employers and governments for requiring proof of vaccination against the coronavirus.
by Ken Macon
World Headed For Silver Deficit – Report
Global consumption is expected to rise sharply by year’s end, resulting in the biggest demand-supply gap in decades
The world is on the brink of a major silver supply shortage this year, the Silver Institute, a US-based agency monitoring the metal, said in its latest report. Global demand for silver from industrial consumers, manufacturers of jewelry and housewares, and retail investors is expected to rise a record 16% against last year to a new all-time high of 1.21 billion ounces by the end of 2022, according to the report published on the agency’s official website. As a result, the silver market is facing a multi-year deficit of 194 million ounces of the metal, four times the level seen in 2021 (48 million ounces). Silver inventories in storage in London and New York that are tracked by COMEX and the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), were already down about 370 million ounces, or 25%, so far this year, the report stated.
by RT
Frustration With Elensky, PR War Crumbles. Sweden, NS Phase 1. Turkey And Iran Launch Offensives (35:54)
by Alex Christoforou
ACH (1967) Giuseppe Vafanculo – The G-Man #3 – Veterans Day (Audio 57:07)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 11, 2022, Andy presents “The G-Man” with his co-host Giuseppe Vafanculo for a show entitled, “Veterans Day.”
We discussed: how Veterans Day used to be called Armistice Day and still is in the Uglobal communism; proof that one with God is the majority; the great Godly Reformers in history who changed the world for the better; why only what is done for Christ will last; how we will each individually stand before God on the day of judgment; the problems we have in living in a world of fallen people who have abandoned God; what you can learn from Frontline Fellowhip’s Biblical Worldview Summits, the next one of which starts on January 5 of next year; the many victories Frontline Fellowship has achieved via ministering in the name of Jesus Christ; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Another Dictatorial Election: What Have You Done, And Why Are You Still So Blind?
Voting for masters to rule over you is the epitome of consensual enslavement. It is nothing more than a state coup pretending to allow you to choose which possessed and predetermined contestants will become the next enforcers of the totalitarian agenda of power and control over the people who voluntarily accept each and every surrogate master as legitimate. This is especially true of presidential elections, and those of the higher positions in government, but all elections of politicians fits this description. Nothing could be more asinine, more ignorant, or more pathetic, than such a display as this, and yet this deceitful trickery is not only fully sanctioned by the masses, but is held sacred, and considered a glorified right. How could such a state of unintelligent and unconscious lunacy capture the minds of so many for so long? Has voting improved this country, made it more free, stopped tyranny and war, or saved it from brutal rule? Of course not! Just the opposite has occurred. The very idea of any ‘choosing’ of a ruler, one to control not only your life, but the life of others, runs completely contrary to any aspect of freedom or right. The entire process is antagonistic to liberty and free choice, and is the embodiment of voluntary servitude. I do realize that such a pronouncement as this is blasphemy to most of society; that in and of itself, this truth is disturbing beyond imagination to the herd, because to be blind to the reality of voluntary, universal, and collective slavery, is to be blind to the essence of life itself.
by Gary D. Barnett
Global Leaders Push For Digital Vax Certificates by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (14:18)
Global Leaders Push For Digital Vax Certificates by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (14:18)
Is This The Cause Of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome? 70% Of Mice Died In 10 Minutes
A study from 2005 may explain all
We’ve all seen the videos of somebody who suddenly drops to the floor with heart problems. Often the videos are of footballers who drop so quickly that they can’t even stretch their arms out to protect themselves. Sadly, there is nothing that can be done and they die on the spot. This is being called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) or Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome. Whilst SADS certainly occurred pre-pandemic it seems to be happening much more frequently. As with many pandemic issues there is a lot of gas-lighting over whether SADS is actually occurring more. This ONS FOI request shows that, whilst numbers are fortunately small, the rate of death has almost doubled in 2020 and 2021 versus the four year pre-pandemic average. For ‘R96 – Other sudden death, cause unknown’, pre-pandemic this averaged around 52 deaths per year, whilst in 2020 there were 95 deaths and in 2021, 100 deaths. It is also telling that the page about SADS, on the British Heart Foundation’s website, only appeared in November 2021.
by The Naked Emperor
A Grand Unified Theory Of The FTX Disaster
The Wars of Wars: Where the Wars Intersect
“No matter what political reasons are given for the war, the underlying reason is always economic.” ~ A. J. P. Taylor
This is the work of many hundreds of people, distilled and organized in a way that hopefully brings the Bigger Picture to light-at least insofar as we all can research and interpret it better. Apologies to those participating whose work is not included in the scores of links provided. So far as I can tell, everyone has this story wrong. Many people put together some frame of the puzzle just fine, but this can be a dangerous distraction, so I’d like to take a shot at sorting it out. After all, it’s only human extinction on the line. Follow me on this… I may edit parts in or out, or write additional articles to clarify related events.
by Mathew Crawford
November 14 – 20, 2022
“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.”
Samuel Adams
What The Media Won’t Tell You About Sam Bankman-Fried / FTX by Really Graceful (7:25)
What The Media Won’t Tell You About Sam Bankman-Fried / FTX by Really Graceful (7:25)’t-Tell-You-About-Sam-Bankman-Fried–FTX–by-Really-Graceful
US Defense Dept. Secretly Controls Covid Vaccine Production Process That ‘cannot Be Traced’: Researcher
Australian physician put droplets of Pfizer vaccine and blood of vaccinated patients under a dark-field microscope and filmed “bizarre, strange, metallic structures that look like circuitry and microchips” that “seem to respond to electromagnetic fields.”
A recent analysis of documents obtained by freedom of information lawsuits reveal COVID “vaccine” manufacturers such as Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen are only “figureheads” in the production of experimental injections that are actually produced, fully controlled and distributed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Research conducted by retired pharmaceutical industry executive Alexandra Latypova discovered that “kind of like an iceberg” these biological products are “made by a consortium of companies” that are “traditional and nontraditional suppliers to the Department of Defense.” Though the public sees Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen being represented everywhere as the products’ manufacturers, in reality they “are involved [only] somewhat in some pieces of [the production process],” Latypova told Dr. Peter McCullough in an America Out Loud interview released November 8.
by Patrick Delaney
Arizona AG Launches Investigation Into Maricopa County ‘Election Irregularities’
The Arizona attorney general’s office has launched an investigation into irregularities in Maricopa County’s handling of the midterm elections.
Trump-backed Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake
AG Mark Brnovich’s election integrity unit has demanded a full report of well-publicized irregularities, and what he claims is evidence of “statutory violations.” The letter, sent late Saturday by Assistant AG Jennifer Wright to the county’s top civil division attorney, Thomas Liddy, is a major escalation over widespread problems with voting tabulators and printers, which delayed the declaration of a winner in razor-thin races in the attorney general’s race and the gubernatorial race. Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has questioned the media’s premature declaration that her opponent, Democrat Katie Hobbs – who wasn’t exactly popular, won. The letter demands a full report on how voting machine and printer issues were handled, along with a copy of each polling location’s Official Ballot Report, as well as explanations for any discrepancies.
by Tyler Durden
Jewish Control Of Medicine And Health: The French Connection Interviews Dr. Lorraine Day (1:17:35)
Jewish Control Of Medicine And Health: The French Connection Interviews Dr. Lorraine Day (1:17:35)
Commission Chief Faces Corruption Probe Over Pfizer Contracts
The EU can’t have its own puppets swashbuckling the high life and doing their own thing, can they?
Is it possible that the President of the European commission, Ursula von der Leyen is not quite as squeaky clean as some might assume? Do such lightweights, who define themselves by how much they fail to achieve, who come from the bowels of political obscurity in Germany rise to such prominence without a little help from powerful elites, masonic links and corrupt corporations? The answer is of course. In fact, within the scope of the European Union and its institutions in Brussels and Luxembourg, this is largely the tradition: to either install puppets who serve powerful governments and their corrupt interests, or giant industry itself. Corruption rules. And so it should come as little surprise that Ursula has been implicated in playing a murky role in a 35bn euro vaccine deal which stinks so much that it has the very dark powers in Brussels are working over time on a damage limitation plan to save the collective neck of the EU as it heads towards the abyss: its own elections in 2024, which are expected to have all time low voter turn out with far-right groups making a killing in the European parliament.
by Martin Jay
Chemotherapy: The Scary, Staggering Truth About The Fraud
Over the years I have repeatedly found that all medical recommendations are best treated with a large dose of scepticism. Nowhere is this more true than in the treatment of cancer. Patients who are diagnosed with cancer find themselves in a state of shock. And yet, while in a state of shock, they find themselves needing to make a number of vital decisions very quickly. One of the big questions is often this one: ‘Should I have chemotherapy?’ Chemotherapy might improve a patient’s chances of survival by three to five per cent though that modest figure is usually over generous. For example, the evidence suggests that chemotherapy offers breast cancer patients an uplift in survival of little more than 2.5%. When you consider that chemotherapy can kill and does terrible damage to healthy cells, and to the immune system, it is difficult to see the value of taking chemotherapy.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 20, 2022 (23:27)
by Military Summary
The Conspiracy Theory Jazz Band Essential T-Shirt
Expanded edition of the “Lone Assassin Blues Band,” a parody of the Oswald shooting scene inside the Dallas police station.
Designed and sold by ArtToons
Euthanizing The Poor Is Just Capitalism’s True Face: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
We’re at the most dangerous point in humanity’s abusive relationship with US unipolar domination, for the same reason the most dangerous point in a battered wife’s life is right when she’s trying to escape. The empire is willing to do terrible and risky things to retain control. “If I can’t have you no one can” is a line that can be said to a wife or to the world. Nobody likes feeling like they’re part of the problem. The reality that the US is the most tyrannical, murderous and belligerent government on earth causes people discomfort for the same reason they don’t like thinking about factory farming or their own socioeconomic privilege.
by Caitlin Johnstone
The CIA Murder That Exposed MK-ULTRA | The Frank Olson Assassination by The Way Files (15:45)
The CIA Murder That Exposed MK-ULTRA | The Frank Olson Assassination by The Way Files (15:45)–The-Frank-Olson-Assassination-by-The-Way-Files
YouTube Punishes Journalist For Video Of Gop Election Denial, Allows Video Of Democrat Election Denial
Biased policies are affecting reporting.
In September, video journalist Matt Orfalea made two videos for TK News that highlighted election denial in the past two presidential elections. The first video, Memory Holed: “The Election Was Hacked,” was a montage of Democrat politicians and commentators saying that the 2016 election was illegitimate, hacked, or rigged. The second video, Memory Holed, Part II: The “Rigged” Election, compares the statements made by Republicans after Donald Trump lost and those made by Democrats after he won in 2016. For instance, when Trump was asked if he’d concede, he said “I have to see.” Orfalea showed Hillary Clinton saying, “No, I would not,” when asked the same question after she lost.
by Christina Maas
Portland: Anti-Defamation League Covertly Worked To Get White Good Samaritan Falsely Indicted For Murder
Portland Prosecutors, the Anti-Defamation League and the Anarchist Violent Extremist organization Rose City Antifa colluded to indict an innocent white man of murder, recently leaked grand jury documents show. On July 29th, a white man named Jascha Manny was working as a doorman at Mary’s Club, a strip club in Portland’s Old Town neighborhood. During his shift, he witnessed a group of black men threatening a couple of homeless people. The aggressors were also shining a high-powered strobe light into the eyes of the random indigent citizens. As the encounter escalated, Manny rushed to confront the bullies in hopes that they would leave the people alone. It was then that 19-year-old Lauren Teyshawn Abbott Jr pulled out a firearm and began shooting at Manny. The bouncer responded by returning fire, killing Abott and injuring his associate, 23-year-old Kolby Ross.
by Rric Striker
God Bless You, Mr. Polish Potato Farmer! by Gonzalo Lira (5:24)
God Bless You, Mr. Polish Potato Farmer! by Gonzalo Lira (5:24),-Mr.-Polish-Potato-Farmer!-by-Gonzalo-Lira
Blaming Unvaccinated Americans. Here We Go Again.
Fueled by the phrase, “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” last year many corporate media outlets began running a series of articles attacking people who chose to exercise their medical informed consent rights and not get vaccinated for COVID-19. The hit pieces laid the blame for the continuing COVID pandemic squarely on the shoulders of unvaccinated Americans. Why? Because in a crisis situation in which there appears to be no end in sight or any quick solution or easy exit strategy, identifying a scapegoat may often be the next best thing. The underlying assumption behind the scapegoating of unvaccinated people by the media was that COVID shots available to the public were capable of preventing infection with and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and, thus, represented the solution to ending the COVID pandemic once and for all. Those opting not to get the shots and remain unvaccinated were then, logically, to blame for the unnecessary continuation of the pandemic.
by The Vaccine Reaction
The US And The ROK Will Now Consider Deterring North Korea’s Use Of Nuclear Weapons
From reading the previous article, one could get the impression that, against the background of North Korea’s unprecedented missile activity and the likelihood of a seventh nuclear test by Pyongyang, there are growing calls in the US for an end to Pyongyang through sanctions, a pre-emptive strike or the deployment of nuclear weapons on the peninsula. However, the author points to a different trend: voices calling for recognition of the DPRK’s nuclear power status and a review of the policy of denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. Here are some examples. On October 26, 2022, ROK Minister of Defense Lee Jong-sup said the focus of efforts to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue should shift from deterring their development to deterring the use of nuclear weapons. “We have put our focus on trying to prevent North Korea from conducting additional nuclear tests and advancing its nuclear capabilities, but it’s time to change our strategy.” Now “the priority should be on deterring the use of nuclear weapons,” giving the North Koreans an understanding that if the DPRK attempts to use nuclear weapons, it will result in the termination of the North Korean regime.
by Konstantin Asmolov
ACH (1966) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of The Self Destruction Of The New World Order (Audio 55:36)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 10, 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of The Self Destruction Of The New World Order.”
We discussed: Biden’s claim that he was going to turn the rouble into rubble; how whatever is being done by the West today, seems to be leading to the West’s destruction; the numerous ways the secular humanists are jeopardizing our future; numerous examples of how the globalists reject the Word of God and the Laws of God; how a tax is a fine for doing well; how NATO and the West are over-extending themselves; how the problem with socialiasm is that sooner or later you run out of someone else’s money; how perversions are being used to destroy the traditional Christian family; why the enemies of God will be the architects of their own destruction as no-one will defeat God; how no-one knows the day or the hour of Jesus Christ’s return, so it is pointless to speculate on this; this Sunday November 13 “International Day Of Prayer For The Persecuted Church” and how the audience can participate in this; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
From FTX to CBDC?! by What’s Her Face (5:48)
From FTX to CBDC?! by What’s Her Face (5:48)!-by-What’s-Her-Face
‘CitizenFreePress’ News Site Suspended From Elon Musk’s Twitter For Sharing This Video Of Obama Admitting Democrats Exploit Voting Machines (Text and Video)
CitizenFreePress, a heavily trafficked news aggregation site, was suspended from Twitter this week after sharing a video of former president Barack Obama campaigning in Ohio in 2008.
Obama is seen in the video telling a crowd in Philadelphia, Ohio boasting about Democrats controlling the election voting machines. Barack Obama: “I tell you what, it helps in Ohio that we got Democrats in charge of the machines. But look, I come from Chicago so I want to be honest. It’s not as if it’s just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past, sometimes Democrats have too. Whenever people are in power they have this tendency to try to, you know, tilt things in their direction.”
by Alicia Powe
Elizabeth Holmes Gets Eleven-Year Sentence For Theranos Fraud
The company’s “blood testing revolution” was a forerunner of the mRNA vaccine revolution
Yesterday I wrote about the FTX scandal, which involves a thirty-year-old living in the Bahamas, usually clad in shorts and flip-flops, who received billions from people all over the world with the promise he would make them rich by investing it in crypto currency. Nobody understood how exactly he was making billions for himself, and he never tried to elucidate it. In spite of no one having the foggiest notion about what he was doing, he was hailed as “this generation’s JP Morgan.” The sudden fall of Sam Bankman-Fried coincided with the sentencing of former Theranos CEO, Elizabeth Holmes, who was ordered to serve 11 years in prison for defrauding investors of billions. Like Bankman-Fried, Elizabeth Holmes—who dropped out of Stanford in 2004 and styled herself after Steve Jobs with the same signature black turtleneck—was hailed as a Wunderkind who’d boldly entered a new frontier in her field.
by John Leake
Léon Degrelle Reminisces About The Führer (11:27)
Léon Degrelle Reminisces About The Führer (11:27)
war on everything
including and especially you
we live in the age of the war machine. the purpose of the war machine is not to produce victory. the purpose of the war machine is to produce war. war unending. war on everything. permission to think the unthinkable and excuse to do that which is inexcusable. it is the triumph of the terrible and the tyrannical. the war on covid, poverty, injustice, drugs, terrorism: it’s all the same. war is the worst of humanity. it is the end of cooperation, the end of rationality, the abrogation of ethics. war is permission to “do what it takes to win” this cannot be the way. war is the end of good choices and the embrace of conflict, the end of citizens and the pursuit of subjugation. it is the end of humanity and the beginning of amoral destruction of the enemy. perfect for politicians. anathema to the free breath of we the people.
by el gato malo
Universal Vaccine Passports Plan Unites The World
Of all the issues facing the world today that divide nations and cause countries to go to war against each other, there is one thing that unites the world and that virtually all world leaders agree upon, even those countries at war with each other, and that is the topic of vaccines. And so at the recently concluded G20 Summit in Bali, they all put aside their differences and agreed that a universal vaccine passport is necessary for world travel, allowing the World Health Organization to be able to declare which vaccines are necessary for any current or future “pandemic.” Isn’t that wonderful? Just give peace a chance, and get your vaccines!
by by Brian Shilhavy
Enemies Of God by Bishop Richard N. Williamson (2:52)
Enemies Of God by Bishop Richard N. Williamson (2:52)
7 Ways To Prevent And Even Reverse Heart Disease With Nutrition
Heart disease, while still the #1 cause of mortality in the developed world, can be prevented and even reversed with nutritional interventions, according to a growing body of scientific research we’re indexing on
Considering that heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the developed world, anything that can prevent or reduce cardiac mortality, or slow or even reverse the cardiovascular disease process, should be of great interest to health professionals and the general public alike. Sadly, millions are still unaware of the extensive body of biomedical literature that exists supporting the use of natural compounds for preventing and even reversing heart disease, which we have indexed on Instead, they spend billions of healthcare dollars annually on highly toxic cholesterol-lowering pharmaceuticals such as statin drugs which have known cardiotoxicity, among 300 other proven side effects, simply because their doctors told them to do so. Bad advice is the rule and not the exception here. For instance, after decades of recommending a so-called ‘low dose’ aspirin to prevent heart disease and stroke, the weight of evidence now points to it being a cause of significantly more harm than good: Doctors Reverse Decades Old Aspirin Recommendation: Deadly Risks Outweigh Benefits for Heart Disease & Stroke.
by Sayer Ji
Gregg Phillips: Catherine Engelbrecht Was Kept In Solitary Confinement For 4 Days With “plate Glass Window” Allowing Her To Be Watched While She Showered And Used Bathroom (Text and Video)
100 Percent Fed Up – On September 8, reporters working for 100 Percent Fed Up and The Gateway Pundit attended “The Pit,” where True the Votes’ Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips dropped a bombshell about the arrest of Eugene Yu, CEO of Konnech, an E. Lansing, MI-based company responsible for the software used in managing elections in several states that stored personal information of over 1 million Americans in its database. Konnech, much like Dominion, almost immediately sued True the Vote as a way to silence them and keep them from speaking out about the bombshell information they provided to reporters at The Pit related to Konnech and the alleged unlawful transfer of information from America to China. On Oct. 4, LA County District Attorney’s office announced that Eugene Yu had been arrested and was taken into custody for suspected theft of information on voters stored on servers in Communist China.
by Patty McMurray
UK PM Sunak Visits Kyiv To Meet Zelensky (1:15)
The Foreign Data Set Was Gutted This Week In VAERS And The Cancer Signal Was Halved, The Myocarditis Dose 3 Response Signal Was Lost And 994 Spontaneous Abortions/Still Births Were Dropped
For Starters…
As most of you know, me and a bunch of other people are monitoring VAERS data very closely week-by-week. This week (11.18.22), the first thing I noticed was that the Foreign data set was less than a fraction of the size it was last week (11.11.22): down from 283.51 MB to 96.81 MB. There is a disclaimer under the VAERS data that states the following, so this is not mistake. I decided to process the data as I always do on Fridays. The first thing I do when I analyze the VAERS data (after downloading) is compile the Domestic data set. Then I compile the Foreign data set. The I merge them along with the 2021 COVID-19 data. Then I count the numbers of VAERS IDs in both and do some basic descriptive statistics – like how many males versus females, age demographics, dose data and more. Then I start my grouped queries like death counts and severe adverse event counts, etc..
by Jessica Rose
Zelensky Making Ukrainians ‘Suffer’ – Ex-Japanese PM
Veteran politician Yoshiro Mori has criticized the media’s ‘one-sided’ view on the conflict
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has made the people in his country “suffer,” former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori has said. He added that the media in Japan is biased in its coverage of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. “I don’t quite understand why only [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is criticized while Mr. Zelensky isn’t taken to task at all. This is problematic. Mr. Zelensky has made many Ukrainian people suffer,” Mori said in a speech at a political event in Tokyo on Friday, as quoted by Kyodo News. “The Japanese media is biased towards one side. It is influenced by reports from the West. I can’t help but feel that they only rely on European and American reports,” he added. Mori criticized current Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s position on the conflict as “one-sided” and being inclined towards the US.
bt RT
NYT, Where Did Missiles Come From? Russia Hits Motor Sich. CNN, US Running Low On Weapons (34:02)
by Alex Christoforou
NBC: Body Cam Footage Shows Paul Pelosi Opened Door For Police Before Alleged Attack
The official narrative on the Paul Pelosi attack purported by Democrats and the mainstream media makes zero sense. You don’t have to be a “conspiracy theorist” to recognize there were multiple contradictory accounts from the Department of Justice vs. local police and even some reports from journalists. In fact, NBC suspended one of its own correspondents, Miguel Almaguer, after he reported that on the night of the supposed attack at the Pelosi home in San Francisco that Paul Pelosi actually opened the door when police knocked, seemingly in normal health, and then walked away from the officers to talk to the alleged assailant David Depape, when Depape attacked him. This report led many to suggest that Pelosi and Depape somehow knew each other. A media firestorm ensued along with denials from the DOJ, which detailed a completely different version of events in which the police officers opened the door themselves and found Pelosi struggling with Depape who had injured him with a hammer. NBC dropped Almaguer after many called his report “bizarre.” As it turns out, Miguel Almaguer was right. NBC now reports that police body cam footage has been made available to some media outlets and the footage clearly shows Paul Pelosi opening the door for police in seemingly perfect health. This contradicts the DOJ report on the attack and suggests a potential cover-up.
by Tyler Durden
Sculptures Of The Third Reich Volumes I, II And III
Sculptures Of The Third Reich Volume I The Third Reich’s architectural triumphs, Olympic events and trade exhibitions, were extravagantly adorned by the most stunning sculptures. These splendours have since been destroyed and their records airbrushed out of the history books by the victors of World War II. For this reason, the names and works of the greatest sculptors in history may be better known and appreciated in 2,000 years than they are today. The staggering beauty and size of the statues, monuments, and war memorials created by Arno Breker, Fritz Klimsch, Josef Thorak, and Ernst Kunst might be forgotten without this sumptuously illustrated record of the Reich Renaissance. Here is an art that surpasses that of the greatest civilizations. Leafing through well over its pages enchantingly illustrated with superb photographs and images each of which is supported by captions and biographies, Sculptures of the Third Reich Volumes I, II, and III will leave you breathless. You will surely ask yourself, “What on earth have we destroyed?”
by Michael Walsh
Eye In The Sky Government Surveillance (3:56)
Jewish Troubles With Uppity Rappers
While there is a lot of ‘noise’ and nonsense (Blacks as Jews) here, there are also some discernible and perfectly reasonable observations. Through his comments on Kushner and Hannukah, West suggests that Jews have a special relationship with money. Jews have, of course, been at great pains in the many volumes of apologetics and propaganda they have produced for over a century to deny any such relationship. Yet all historical and contemporary sociological data suggest that such a special relationship exists. The fact that Jews worry that widespread understanding of this relationship with money will result in a lowering of their reputation, and possible action to mitigate their success in obtaining and utilizing wealth, does not take away from the truthfulness inherent in the basic fact their privileged position in the West is long-standing, empirically observable, and obvious. This obviousness is inferred in West’s observation that Jews occupy leading positions in many industries, including the fashion industry, the music industry, sports management and ownership, and the movie industry. West’s claim that “Jewish people have owned the Black voice,” would seem to me not only to refer to Jews profiting from managing Jewish musicians and seeking their works, but also more subtly to such phenomena as Jews historically taking leading roles in organizations like the NAACP. By far the most glaring comments made by West are those referring to the Jewish power to censor. West talks of “blocking out,” threats and influence against him, and the attempt to “black ball” anyone opposed to Jewish interests.
by Andrew Joyce
The Rise Of Epidemiological Surveillance Systems, For The Good Of Health And Security For All
In Australia, a team from the university of NSW (UNSW) has developed an AI-driven early warning detection system for epidemics, called EpiWatch. The system curates, prioritises, and filters incoming global data to capture and detect early epidemic signals. Essentially a risk analytic tool, which will help governments prioritise responses and stop early spread. The UNSW EpiWatch team anticipate ‘many more pandemics will emerge, and are striving to provide an end-to-end solution that will help prevent the next pandemic and ensure health security for all.” The recent pandemic which started in 2020, witnessed in many countries the fast mobilisation of a raft of government responses that included; social distancing, fines, lockdowns, imprisonment, mask wearing, contact tracing and PCR testing. We must also not forget the relentless and heavy-handed campaign to take a provisionally approved experimental mRNA therapy, mandates and proof of vaccine certificates in order to work, have surgery, see loved ones, marry, bury loved ones, study, shop, worship, play or travel.
by Dijana Dragomirovic
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 19, 2022 (20:55)
by Military Summary
Banks Will Nudge You Towards Sustainability
Social Credit System edges ever closer
The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), which began life as a small group in No. 10 Downing Street, has since grown to become a global ‘social’ consultancy. Its use of ‘nudging’ has been developed and refined over the last 12 years and is a major reason citizens went into a mass panic over the last few years. Masks, social distancing and vilifying the unvaccinated are all measures likely to have been conceived by the BIT. It now has over 250 staff and advises governments and companies all round the world. Until 2021, the company was partly owned by the UK government but this one-third stake was sold to Nesta who already owned the other two-thirds. Nesta bought out the UK government because they wanted to attract more investment to create smarter ways to hit net zero by 2050. Fun fact – The CEO of Nesta is Ravi Gurumurthy, brother of Krishnan Guru-Murthy, lead presenter of Channel 4 News. Their sister is Geeta Guru-Murthy, journalist at the BBC. And you wondered why you never got the full story from the news. According to the FT, Nesta “specialises in devising low or no-cost interventions that change public behaviour for the better.” But who decides what is for the better? And better for whom? Better for me, better for society as a whole or better for the secretive group who decides what behaviour needs changing?
by The Naked Emperor
The Covid/Crypto Connection: The Grim Saga Of FTX And Sam Bankman-Fried
A series of revealing texts and tweets by Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced CEO of FTX, the once high-flying but now belly-up crypto exchange, had the following to say about his image as a do-gooder: it is a “dumb game we woke westerners play where we say all the right shibboleths and so everyone likes us.” Very interesting. He had the whole game going: a vegan worried about climate change, supports every manner of justice (racial, social, environmental) except that which is coming for him, and shells out millions to worthy charities associated with the left. He also bought plenty of access and protection in D.C., enough to make his shady company the toast of the town.
by Jeffrey A. Tucker
War On China And Russia Retreat In Ukraine: Clayton Morris Interviews Colonel Douglas Macgregor (28:45)
War On China And Russia Retreat In Ukraine: Clayton Morris Interviews Colonel Douglas Macgregor (28:45)
Ukraine Has Policy Of Executing POWs – Russia
Western nations outright ignore a “widespread practice” among Kiev’s troops, Moscow has said
A “barbarous killing of Russian prisoners of war” is just the latest in a series of war crimes committed by Ukrainian troops, Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Friday. The statement came after videos that surfaced online purportedly showed executed Russian servicemen after they surrendered. “This is a widespread practice of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that is actively supported by the Kiev regime and outright ignored by its Western backers,” the ministry stressed. It also blasted the actions of the Ukrainian soldiers as a “deliberate and methodical murder.” “No one will be able to portray it as a ‘tragic exception’ amid the Kiev regime’s alleged total compliance with the norms regulating the rights of POWs,” the statement reads. The footage allegedly shows a group of soldiers dressed in Russian uniforms surrendering to troops in uniforms with Ukrainian insignia. It also depicts the captured servicemen lying on the ground, presumably dead.
by RT
The Bleatings Will Continue
In a couple weeks.
The time has come. To bid adieu to the current meadow and search for greener pastures, preferably without the green of global technocracy or sustainable greed, and maybe if Hungary or Croatia or Serbia or Mexico stay true to their people there might still be a corner of this world to live somewhat free from the living hell they’ve just conjured up at the G20. Did you see the unelected Technetronic pork head Klitz Schlub with all his western eunuchs in one room dressed like Balinese tea boys? Vaccine passports for international travel, globally coordinated to arrive with the next pandemic? The one Gates has been warning us about. The one Biden accidentally let slip when he went off his doggy direction cue cards and said “we have to prepare for the next one. Sit down. Wait your turn.” And when does the G180 get its say? They’re telling us another fake pandemic is coming and all their tyrannies are agreed-upon, prepacked, and just waiting to enslave the masses and yet still there hasn’t been a single assassination attempt on any of these fuckers?
by Good Citizen
Azovstal by John Mark Dougan (27:42)
Azovstal by John Mark Dougan (27:42)
Covid Mania Sparked By Same Network That Facilitated The Rise Of FTX Crypto Fraudster
Effective altruism is a force for destruction.
Witness two seemingly separate worlds collide. The effective altruism network is not only responsible for facilitating the rise of Sam Bankman-Fried and his crypto Ponzi scheme, but it also played a critically destructive role in helping to foment Covid Mania. Effective altruism’s highly destructive ideological donor class began to manipulate the masses and wreak havoc even before the first recorded Covid case in Wuhan. A major philanthropy within the effective altruism network provided the funding for Event 201, the infamous Bill Gates and World Economic Forum sponsored pre-pandemic coronavirus simulation where organizers eerily warned of a “similar pandemic in the future.”
by Jordan Schachtel
Sweden Finds “Foreign Objects” And Explosive Residue On Nord Stream Pipelines
Swedish investigators announced Friday the conclusion of their formal investigation into the Nord Stream pipeline blasts on September 26. To nobody’s surprise, the investigation has concluded the natural gas leaks which rocked European energy markets and resulted in tit-for-tat accusations between Moscow and the West was the result of “gross sabotage”. While not naming a culprit, the Swedish final report of this initial stage of the inquiry uncovered evidence of “foreign objects” placed on the pipelines. “During analyzes carried out, residues of explosives have been identified on several of the foreign objects seized,” the report said. The Swedish Prosecution Authority’s statement said, “In the crime scene investigations carried out on site in the Baltic Sea, the area and the extensive damage to the gas lines as a result of the detonations have been extensively documented.”
by Tyler Durden
The New World Order by Computing Forever (21:04)
The New World Order by Computing Forever (21:04)
How To Keep An “Emergency” Going Forever
Colorado changes the rules
Covid rates are dropping but you want to cling on to these new emergency powers – what to do? If Covid isn’t around, citizens won’t allow these powers to be extended will they? Well Colorado have shown us the answer. Governor Jared Polis signed a new Executive Order on 11 November which amended the emergency Covid rules to include Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), influenza and other respiratory illnesses. The Order says that “Colorado has seen a sharp increase in pediatric RSV infections and hospitalizations, in addition to patients with influenza and COVID-19, over the last two months”. It then goes on to list the number of hospitalisations and the intensive care capacity. Therefore “if cases continue to increase, we may continue to see bed shortages across all hospital beds in Colorado as our state experiences a rise in COVID, influenza and RSV hospitalizations simultaneously”.
by The Naked Emperor
5 Science-Backed Wound Healers Found In Nature
Support your body’s natural wound healing potential with potent compounds like honey, aloe vera and curcumin. Even tasty fruits like kiwi contain special enzymes to support the wound healing process
The natural biological process that occurs in your body to heal a wound is as incredible as it is complex. Four precise phases — hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remodeling — must occur in the proper sequence and with the correct timing for the wound to heal successfully, and because many factors may interfere with this process, impaired wound healing is common.[i] During hemostasis, blood vessels are constricted and platelets aggregated to stop bleeding. The inflammatory stage follows, which includes an influx of inflammatory cells that release mediators and cytokines to trigger the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis), blood clotting and reepithelialization (formation of new epithelium), which continues into the proliferative phase.[ii]
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
McGeorge Bundy (5:04)
Scion of a venerable Boston family going back to the Mayflower, McGeorge Bundy had access to all of the Eastern elite. He attended top prep schools, was inducted into Yale’s Skull and Bones club, was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and eventually acceded to the position of National Security adviser to both Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. After leaving the White House, he was tapped to run the globalist Ford Foundation. Asked to help the oil cartels create a pretext to make petroleum scarce (thereby driving up its value), he wrote a groundbreaking energy policy study (called “A Time to Choose”). It laid out the strategy for the future Green movement and provided most of its vocabulary: from “sustainability” to “service-based economy” to “Post-Industrial society,” most of the modern buzzwords derive from Bundy’s book. As did the strategy of creating fake environmentalist movements to do the bidding of the oil companies.
The New American
New G20 Agenda 2030 Document Calls For Global Vaccine Passports
The G20 is officially over, and in doing so the G20 has put out a PDF document named – “2022 G20 Bali Update on the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and G20 Development Commitments.” This document tracks the progress and status of active G20 development commitments. In addition to ensuring accountability and transparency, the Bali Update also helps future G20 presidencies optimize the G20’s contribution to SDGs and G20 development commitments. What’s in it? From page 38: In the section Collective and Concrete Actions by Working Groups and Workstreams Contributing to the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, specifically under SDS Global Health, the following passage can be found: “Acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital and non-digital solutions aligned with countries’ relevant legal provisions including those used for COVID-19 proof of vaccination or verification of tests as well as the IHR (2005) which provides an overarching legal framework for addressing public health emergencies that have the potential to cross borders”
by Sikh For Truth
Report: US Told Ukraine To Tread Carefully After Missile Hit Poland
When asked about Zelensky’s claim that a Russian missile hit Poland, President Biden said, ‘That’s not the evidence’
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s reaction to the missile that hit Poland and killed two people led the Biden administration to warn his government to “tread carefully,” sources told CNN. The US, NATO, and Poland have concluded that it was most likely a Ukrainian air defense missile that landed in Polish territory, but when the news first broke, Zelensky and his senior advisors framed the incident as a deliberate Russian attack and called for action. They also had help from a US intelligence official who told The Associated Press that the missile was Russian, a story quietly corrected by AP. “Hitting NATO territory with missiles. … This is a Russian missile attack on collective security! This is a really significant escalation. Action is needed,” Zelensky said during his nightly address on Tuesday.
by Dave DeCamp
Dexter The Lion Greets The Man Who Raised Him At A Wildlife Sanctuary (0:28)
Dexter The Lion Greets The Man Who Raised Him At A Wildlife Sanctuary (0:28)
FTX Fraud Scandal: Here’s What You Should Know
Scandal. Conspiracy. The beast which comes forth from the sea to make war with the saints and to overcome them. These are just a few phrases you may have heard regarding the developing FTX scandal. But what is FTX? And what is a scandal? Here’s everything you should know. What is FTX? FTX is a company that performs cryptocurrency exchange, just like those fake “Disney Dollars” that used to be sold in Disney parks (and could only be used to buy merchandise in said parks). A quick Google search revealed that FTX stands for Futures Exchange, which is apt because its customers exchanged their future financial security for meaningless cryptocurrency. FTX also stands for Fast Topical Xenon, a gas that can be applied to your skin to make you glow various neon colors, which may allude to a secret underground research facility in which FTX is used in the development of bio-weapons.
Hey, Red States: Ready For Secession Yet?
When I wrote this, six full days after the 2022 midterm election, the situation was still undecided. The Senate is apparently in Democrat hands again, and the House was “leaning” Republican , although some 19 (!) races are still undetermined. [Editor’s note: The Democrats have indeed held the Senate, and the Republicans now have been assured of a very slim majority in the House.] But in any case, what we have witnessed here are multiple systemic failures at multiple levels. The simple fact that so many races have no results even now, over a week after the fact, is itself an indictment of “American democracy.” But the problems go much deeper than that. If it wasn’t already obvious, the system is broken beyond repair. The house is rotten. New siding or new paint won’t do it. Down it must come.
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.
Nurse Exposes Shocking Rise In Post-Vaccine Fetal Death by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (4:31)
Nurse Exposes Shocking Rise In Post-Vaccine Fetal Death by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (4:31)
48,817 Dead And 5,107,883 Injured Following Covid-19 Vaccines In European Database Of Adverse Reactions
The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 48,817 fatalities, and 5,107,883 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots. >From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (2,177,286) are “serious” injuries: “Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.” European politicians and others are waking up to the fact that these shots are killing and maiming people, especially young, formerly healthy people. So where’s the justice? Not only is the EMA not halting these killer shots, they just approved a new one by GSK and Sanofi.
by Brian Shilhavy
Biden And G20 Leaders Declaration, Digital Vaccine Passport Will Facilitate International Travel Requirement
In a 52-paragraph mutually agreed declaration following the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia, the leaders at the 20-nation summit have agreed to a process for digital vaccine IDs to facilitate international travel. The alarming aspect is found on paragraph 23 of the Declaration. [Paragraph 23] – We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics, that should capitalize and build on the success of the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates. “We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations.” (link)
by Sundance
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 17, 2022 (26:40)
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 17, 2022 (26:40)
White House Disavows FBI Probe Into Shireen Abu Aqla Murder To Appease Israel
‘Furious’ Israeli officials demanded Washington scuttle the investigation before it was made public; in response, US officials told Tel Aviv the probe was launched unilaterally by the Department of Justice
The White House and the US State Department have disowned an FBI investigation into the murder of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Aqla in a last-ditch attempt to appease “furious” Israeli officials, according to US news outlet Axios. Axios’ correspondent in Israel, Barak Ravid, claims senior Israeli officials were informed of the FBI probe three days after the 1 November elections, at which point they “urged” the White House to “fix the situation” before the investigation was leaked to the press. Tel Aviv reportedly warned Washington that once news of the probe became public, the situation “would turn into a bilateral crisis.” “We spoke to every Biden administration official we work with and made it clear how furious we were,” Ravid quotes a senior Israeli official as saying. Outgoing Defense Minister Benny Gantz reportedly held a “difficult call with a very senior US official” before the probe was made public, telling them that Israel would not cooperate “in any way with the FBI investigation.”
by News Desk
Dutch Court Passes Sentence In MH17 Trial
Three out of four defendants given life sentences for downing a civilian airliner in 2014
The Hague District Court has found three people guilty in the high-profile case of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17, which was downed amid hostilities in the east of Ukraine in 2014. Russia has criticized the Dutch-led investigation and prosecution as not objective. One of the men accused was acquitted due to lack of evidence, but three were sentenced to life in prison, partly due to their “detestable” attitude towards the trial, Judge Hendrik Steenhuis said. All four were tried in absentia. The prosecutors had made a compelling case proving that the four defendants were involved in the downing of the aircraft, the court announced during proceedings at the Schiphol Judicial Complex (JCS) in the Dutch town of Badhoevedorp. The trial started in March 2020, with charges of murder and destruction of a civilian aircraft leveled against the defendants.
by RT
The Dumbing Down Is Complete by Fleccas Talks (10:59)
The Dumbing Down Is Complete by Fleccas Talks (10:59)
Israel, CENTCOM Blame Iran For Drone Attack On Oil Tanker Near Oman
Providing no evidence to support their claim, US and Israeli officials allege that an Iranian Shahed-136 drone targeted the Israeli-owned tanker
The head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) claims Iran is behind a suicide drone attack on a Liberian-flagged oil tanker off the coast of Oman. “This unmanned aerial vehicle attack against a civilian vessel in this critical maritime strait demonstrates, once again, the destabilizing nature of Iranian malign activity in the region,” General Michael Erik Kurilla told the Wall Street Journal. These remarks came during a visit to Tel Aviv, where he announced that the US and Israel are “developing joint military capabilities at an accelerated rate” against Iran and other threats in West Asia. Similarly, an unnamed Israeli official told AP that “it appeared Iran carried out the attack with a Shahed-136 exploding drone.” “It is an Iranian attack, there is a consensus on this in the Israeli intelligence and defense community,” the official added. Neither official provided evidence to support their claims.
by News Desk
Ukraine’s Epic Fail At Manufacturing a False Flag
I believe the evidence is overwhelming that Ukraine tried and failed to manufacture a “Russian” attack on Poland that would have justified NATO coming to Poland’s defense under Article 5 of the NATO Treaty and solved Kiev’s dilemma over how to replace the massive number of Ukrainian soldiers that were killed or wounded in combat during the past two months. It is a whopper of a number. And Ukraine is in desperate need of reinforcements that are not available if they rely on only drafting Ukrainians. Here is the evidence that the S-300 missile that landed in Poland was a false flag.
by Larry Johnson
If 100 People Lived On Earth (1:59)
If 100 People Lived On Earth (1:59)
FTX Was Creating Money Out Of Thin Air Like The Fed; And Trading Its Own “Stock” Like The Wall Street Mega Banks In Their Dark Pools
On June 10 of last year, Wall Street On Parade penned this headline: Seven Years after Michael Lewis Described on National TV How the U.S. Stock Market Is Rigged, SEC Chair Gensler Says He’s Going to Tackle Market Structure. Unfortunately for confidence in U.S. markets, that’s yet to happen. And it’s not just the fault of Gensler. The Senate Banking Committee and House Financial Services Committee that should be holding in-depth hearings on the most corrupted market structure since 1929 have opted instead to hold superficial hearings each time something blows up as a result of that corrupted market structure, but never actually get around to tackling the corrupt market structure itself. So here we are today with another abject failure of market structure causing a week of sensational headlines around the globe that make U.S. markets look unhinged.
by Pam Martens and Russ Martens
The Coming Mass Die Off
We will lose at least half of the world’s population by the end of this decade. If your government is forcing covid injections, then you need to move to a safer jurisdiction. In the US Republican governors are refusing vaccination and mask mandates. You might also want to move away from areas with prolonged drought. The lack of food and the resulting violence will likely kill more people than vaxxes and 5G towers combined. I saw an article about how all those ugly 5G towers are going up all over New York City. We can expect a mass die off from VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency), heart complications, neurological conditions and cancer after this deadly duo comes together. The lack of food next year will send prices higher and will eventually cause Nationwide Food Riots. Victory gardens have been proposed. We have lots of backyards with grass. If we grew food instead, we might survive. Of course you won’t be able to grow food if you are suffering from a drought or suddenly cold temperatures. On January 15, 2021 Mt Tonga erupted and sent ash 36 miles into the atmosphere. It was as big as the Krakatoa eruption of 1883.
by Video Rebel
Joey B. Toonz On The Decline Of Today’s Society (4:29)
Joey B. Toonz On The Decline Of Today’s Society (4:29)
The UN Calls On Israel To Destroy Its Nuclear Weapons
The United Nations General Assembly has finally voted on a resolution calling on Israel to destroy its entire nuclear arsenal and allow inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to visit its nuclear facilities. 152 countries voted “yes”, five – Canada, Israel, Micronesia, Palau, and the United States – against, and another 24 countries, including members of the European Union, abstained from voting. Few people can say where the “great states” of Micronesia or Palau are located. It is well known that the official head of Canada is the King of Great Britain, and it is not surprising that these three countries have, as befits good servants, unanimously followed the American order. Most states, aware of the enormous danger posed by Israel with its secret nuclear weapons and their means of delivery, responsibly voted in favor of this resolution.
by Viktor Mikhin
What’s Not In The CIA’s Still-Secret JFK Files
The deadline for the release of the CIA’s long-secret JFK-assassination records is rapidly approaching. The deadline is December 15. As I have previously predicted though, the CIA will demand that President Biden continue its cover-up of its November 22, 1963, regime-change operation, and President Biden will comply with that demand. There is no reasonable possibility that those 60-year-old records will be revealed to the public – ever. The notion that “national security” would be grievously threatened is, of course, patently ludicrous. The United States will not fall into the ocean or even be taken over by the communists if the records are released.
by Jacob G. Hornberger
ACH (1971) Dr. Lorraine Day – The Government’s Criminalization Of Parenting (Audio 58:36)
ACH (1971) Dr. Lorraine Day – The Government’s Criminalization Of Parenting (Audio 58:36)
Missile Incident Was Ukrainian ‘Provocation’ – Polish politician
Former Lublin council chair Jaroslaw Pakula said Warsaw should rethink its stance on the conflict
Poland should rethink its position towards the conflict in Ukraine after a “provocation” on the part of Kiev that cost two villagers their lives, a former city councilman in Lublin said on Wednesday. Jaroslaw Pakula, whose term ended four days before the incident, said the missile that struck Przewodow was obviously Ukrainian and that the government in Warsaw needed to send a message to Kiev instead of telling “fairy tales” to its citizens. “Of course, this is a Ukrainian rocket. Of course, this is a provocation on the part of the Ukrainian authorities,” Pakula posted on his Facebook page. “The rocket could not be fired 100km in the opposite direction by mistake.” The purpose of the provocation was to scare the EU and get civil society support for sending even more weapons to Ukraine, Pakula added. Instead of telling “fairy tales” about the missile, the Polish president should tell Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky that Warsaw “will no longer put up with this behavior” by Kiev.
by RT
Why Is Nature Praising The Use Of Propaganda During The Pandemic And Calling For More?
Throughout the Covid era, those expressing views at odds with the dominant narrative were often subjected to unprecedented levels of censorship and psychological manipulation. Academic journals played a significant role in this silencing of alternative voices by, for example, ignoring the work of established scholars, perpetuating bias, rejecting research papers that reached conclusions inconsistent with mainstream views, and demonstrating a financial motivation to only publish studies favourable to the pharmaceutical industry. As a consequence of this partiality, the perceived scientific integrity of academic periodicals has suffered considerable damage. Alas, a recent article in the once highly respected Nature journal will have done nothing to improve the credibility of the academic press.
by Dr. Gary Sidley
“You Are The Cancer Tearing This Nation Apart” by Matt Baker (1:41)
“You Are The Cancer Tearing This Nation Apart” by Matt Baker (1:41)
New York Federal Reserve Bank Announces Test Of Digital Dollar With Major Banks
Here we go. In just one week since the fall of FTX and the upheaval of the private cryptocurrency world, the New York Federal Reserve announced today that it was starting a trial run of a “digital dollar” with several major banks. I expect that the plans to move towards a Central Bank Digital Currency will pick up speed now, using the FTX scandal as an excuse to start regulating all digital currency. This is another step towards The Great Reset.
by by Brian Shilhavy
As Democrats Destroy Democracy, The US Becomes A One-Party State
The disappointing results in the US mid-term elections from the point of view of popular opposition shouldn’t have been surprising to anyone. The United States is now effectively a one-party state, and seeking redress through elections is no longer a plausible path. The critical point was already established in the stolen 2020 US Presidential election as the cardinal distinction between ballots and votes. Whereas votes are linked to specific individuals, and cannot be cast by people who are no longer alive or no longer live in the area, ballots are harvested, potentially months in advance, by party workers mailing out returns to high population density housing projects and retirement homes, and picking them up again.
by Daniel Miller
Republicans Probe Biden, Audit Ukraine. Silent Treatment For Elensky. Sunak, Trudeau G20 Skit (40:38)
by Alex Christoforou
“Shared Values And Security Interests?”
Is that what the ‘wag the dog’ US relationship with Israel is all about?
Jonathan Greenblatt, the aggressive head of the Jewish advocacy group the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) recently attacked some comments on the Israel relationship made by former President Donald Trump, who prefaced his remarks by accurately observing that “No President has done more for Israel than I have.” Greenblatt nevertheless complained in a tweet that “We don’t need the former president, who curries favor with extremists and antisemites, to lecture us about the US-Israel relationship. It is not about a quid pro quo; it rests on shared values and security interests. This ‘Jewsplaining’ is insulting and disgusting.”
by Philip Giraldi
Fact Check – Iran Has Not Sentenced ‘15,000’ Protesters To Death
False reports from Saudi and US-funded ‘news agencies’ have found a massive audience thanks to western media outlets and public figures
In the past few days, social media has been flooded with unsubstantiated reports alleging that the Islamic Republic of Iran sentenced 15,000 protesters to death in the wake of street protests and violent riots sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini. The misleading allegations largely stem from a 6 November report by the UK-based and Saudi-funded Iran International news outlet regarding a letter signed by a majority of Iranian lawmakers. 227 members of the 290-seat Parliament of Iran have called on the Judiciary to issue death sentences for people arrested during the ongoing anti-government protests. — Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) November 6, 2022. In this letter, 227 out 290 lawmakers urged the judiciary to consider severe punishments for those involved in the riots. “We, the representatives of this nation, ask all state officials, including the Judiciary, to treat those, who waged war [against the Islamic Republic] and attacked people’s life and property like [ISIS terrorists], in a way that would serve as a good lesson in the shortest possible time,” they said. Within just a few days, western outlets like Newsweek chose to misconstrue this story, outright turning it into fake news by alleging the Iranian parliament “voted overwhelmingly in favor of the death penalty for protesters.” This is horrifying. The Iranian parliament votes overwhelmingly (227-63) to execute the 15,000 protesters they already arrested.
by News Desk
The Fall Of FTX And The Rise Of CBDC’s Explained (15:14)
The fall of FTX is giving rise to new central bank digital currencies as calls for regulations in the cryptocurrency space are now going out world wide. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down the FTX Ponzi scheme and how it was designed to bring about global regulation in the cryptocurrency market.
by Press For Truth
Israel Produces Weapons Of Mass Destruction Under West’s Protection: Syria
Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations, Bassam Sabbagh, says Israel must join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and eliminate its stockpile of nuclear weapons in order for a nuclear-weapon-free zone to be established in the Middle East. Speaking at the Third Session of the Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction in New York, Sabbagh lambasted Western countries, particularly the United States, for their generous support of the Israeli regime. He argued that the approach has emboldened the regime to possess and develop more such munitions and to refuse to subject its nuclear facilities to international supervision, which have posed serious threats to regional peace and security.
by PressTV
Israel Refuses To Cooperate With FBI Probe Into Journalist’s Death
The US investigation into the killing of Al Jazeera’s Shireen Abu Akleh is a “grave mistake,” Israel’s defense minister says
Israel has carried out its own probe into the death of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and won’t cooperate with the FBI’s investigation into the incident, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz tweeted on Monday. Media reports claimed the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had launched a probe into the killing of Palestinian-American media worker, who was shot dead while covering an Israeli raid in the city of Jenin in the occupied West Bank in mid-May. US officials updated their Israeli counterparts on the move earlier this month, sources told the Times of Israel paper. “The decision taken by the US Justice Department to conduct an investigation into the tragic passing of Shireen Abu Akleh, is a mistake,” Gantz wrote on Twitter in English. The Hebrew version of the message was formulated in harsher terms, labeling the US actions “a grave mistake.”
by RT
The Catch – November 10, 2022 (Conversation Starts At 16:12)
Phil talks about the events surrounding the midterm elections, and an enormous intel drop that we’ve been waiting for.
by Phil Godlewski
Will SBF Get Away With It? International Hurdles And Corrupted Elites May Block Justice For The Crypto Fraudster
And how the crash of FTX should serve as an “orange pill” personal responsibility moment.
There are likely over one million victims worldwide and untold billions of dollars forever lost through the collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried’s digital asset empire, propped up by his once enormously popular FTX cryptocurrency exchange, which last week filed for bankruptcy in the United States. When liquidity concerns issued by FTX’s competitor sparked a crypto bank run on the exchange earlier this month, the world discovered that many of these assets turned out to be nothing more than paper IOUs. FTX’s real balance sheet did not come anywhere close to matching the numbers on the screen. And given the panicked withdrawals, the “FTT” digital token through which Bankman-Fried’s empire maintained their claimed wealth, lost about 90 percent of its value in a day’s time. FTT was a token that Bankman-Fried and his cofounders created, encouraged customers to purchase, then manipulate its value to pitch future investors on.
by Jordan Schachtel
The Pristine Winchcombe Meteorite Suggests That Earth’s Water Came From Asteroids
Bits of the space rock were picked up within 12 hours after landing in an English driveway
Late in the evening of February 28, 2021, a coal-dark space rock about the size of a soccer ball fell through the sky over northern England. The rock blazed in a dazzling, eight-second-long streak of light, split into fragments and sped toward the Earth. The largest piece went splat in the driveway of Rob and Cathryn Wilcock in the small, historic town of Winchcombe. An analysis of those fragments now shows that the meteorite came from the outer solar system, and contains water that is chemically similar to Earth’s, scientists report November 16 in Science Advances. How Earth got its water remains one of science’s enduring mysteries. The new results support the idea that asteroids brought water to the young planet (SN: 5/6/15).
by Lisa Grossman
Did The Jews (Bankers) Finance Hitler? (34:28)
Jews did not finance Hitler after he came to power. He blew them off which provoked a worldwide assault against him.
by Jim Rizoli
When Did Asking Questions Become A Crime?
Alfred North Whitehead, a philosopher and mathematician who taught at various institutions beginning with his alma mater, Trinity College at the University of Cambridge and ending with Harvard University at the other academic Cambridge, said a lot of things over his long career, most of them being forgettable, lamentable, or pure rot. He did, however, produce one gem when he characterized the entire Western philosophical tradition as being “a series of footnotes to Plato”. There would have been no Plato, however, had there not been a Socrates. It was Socrates, the legendary teacher of Plato and Xenophon as well as a number of individuals who are otherwise most famous for the various ways in which they disgraced themselves in the Peloponnesian War and its aftermath, who laid the foundation for Platonic and all subsequent Western philosophy. He did so by asking questions. To this day the didactic trick of getting someone to assert something and then picking away at it with questions is known as the Socratic Method.
by Gerry T. Neal
Russia Denies Striking Poland With Missiles
Moscow insists a reported explosion near the Ukrainian border is not related to its military operation
Russia has not carried out any strikes against targets near the Polish-Ukrainian border, the defense ministry in Moscow said on Tuesday, following reports of a missile striking the village of Przewodow and killing two civilians. Some Western media outlets and politicians have claimed that Russia is responsible for the incident. However, no evidence has been provided to support such assertions. Missile fragments, photos of which were published by Polish media outlets on the scene, “have nothing to do with Russian weapons,” the Russian Defense Ministry said. Statements by the Polish media and officials about the alleged ‘Russian’ missiles falling in the area of the village of Przewodow are “a deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation,” the Russian military added.
by RT
Goyim Of The World Wake Up (3:15)
How The British Royals Overthrew Australian Democracy
This week marked the 47th anniversary of the dismissal of former Australian prime minister Gough Whitlam by the country’s British-appointed governor-general John Kerr. The role and power of governors-general is little known, let alone understood today, but they wield enormous clout over many countries that once comprised the British Empire. Appointed by a royal decree, they serve as the reigning British monarch’s local representatives, appoint government ministers, judges and ambassadors, grant royal assent to laws passed by parliament, bestow state honors, and are commanders-in-chief of the respective nation’s armed forces, among other things. The unceremonious dismissal of Whitlam and his elected government is largely forgotten today, but the sordid episode detonated the myth that constituents of the British Commonwealth are independent, sovereign states, free from control or influence of their former imperial master – however briefly.
by Kit Klarenberg
Video And Audio Starts At (0:33) – Russia Fires BM-27 “Uragan” Rockets On Kharkiv Ukraine (8:27)
by Patrick Lancaster–russia-fires-bm-27-uragan-rockets-on-kharkiv-ukraine-.html
Russia And US Hold Secret Talks In Ankara – Kommersant
Moscow is reportedly represented by the country’s top spy at the negotiations
A leading Moscow newspaper claimed, on Monday, that secret US-Russian talks are being hosted by Türkiye. Kommersant, a privately owned title which is known to have good sources in Moscow, reported, citing anonymous sources, that the un-announced meeting was taking place in Ankara. The outlet alleged that Russia had sent Sergey Naryshkin, director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) to the talks. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov later confirmed to Russian media that bilateral talks had taken place in Ankara, adding that they were held at the initiative of the US. CNN claimed that CIA Director Bill Burns had represented Washington at the gathering, citing a “National Security Council spokesperson.” Earlier this month, Western media reported that top Russian and US officials were engaging in undeclared contacts. According to the Wall Street Journal, US national-security adviser Jake Sullivan has been engaged with Yury Ushakov, a senior foreign policy aide to President Vladimir Putin, and with Nikolay Patrushev, Sullivan’s counterpart in the Russian government.
by RT
Pakistan’s Delicate Balancing Act Between China And The US
Islamabad’s tilt towards Beijing comes as traditional partner, the US looks to grow ties with rival India.
Pakistan is struggling to strike a balance in its relations with the US and China, as rivalry and competition between the two superpowers are set to spark geopolitical turmoil in South Asia. The growing tension in the region has made Islamabad noticeably ambivalent about its foreign policy postures. Although Islamabad tries to maintain amicable ties with both countries, there seems a clear tilt toward China. Observers note that given Beijing’s huge investments in Pakistan, the country cannot take an overt pro-US stance anytime soon. In addition, Islamabad has a growing debt to both the Chinese government and commercial banks, which it is now struggling to pay back. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported last year that Pakistan owed $24.7 billion to China, which amounts to 27.4 percent of its total external debts of $90.12 billion.
by F.M. Shakil
The Scandal Of The Decade Just Hit The Democrats (8:59)
by Liberal Hivemind
They Keep Us Focused On Decoy Dichotomies: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Westerners are taught that evil foreign “regimes” don’t let their people criticize their government, meanwhile westerners themselves are trained to never criticize their government. They’re trained instead to criticize decoy dichotomies — false partisan nonsense — not the real power. Westerners are trained to criticize the actions of the other party or the beliefs of the other ideological faction, never the foreign or domestic policies which are fully supported by both parties. The power structure which maintains 99.9% of the same policies regardless of which party is officially in charge is the real government, but westerners are trained never to look there. They’re instead trained to fixate on a false two-handed puppet show diversion.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Russia Strategises With Iran For The Long Haul In Ukraine
Ignoring the hype in the US media about White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Kissingerian diplomacy over Ukraine, the secretary of Russia’s Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, former KGB counterintelligence officer and longstanding associate of President Putin, travelled to Tehran last Wednesday in the equivalent of a knockout punch in geopolitics. Patrushev called on President Ebrahim Raisi and held detailed discussions with Admiral Ali Shamkhani, the representative of the Supreme leader and secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council. The visit marks a defining moment in the Russia-China partnership and plants a signpost on the trajectory of the war in Ukraine. The Iranian state media quoted Raisi as saying, “The development of the extent and expansion of the scale of war [in Ukraine] causes concern for all countries.” That said, Raisi also remarked that Tehran and Moscow are upgrading relations to a “strategic” level, which is “the most decisive response to the policy of sanctions and destabilisation by the United States and its allies.”
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Kanye West: They Want To Traumatize And Monetize (2:06)
Huge Extragalactic Structure Found Hiding Behind The Milky Way
A team of researchers with members from Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul and Universidad Andres Bello has found evidence of a large extragalactic assembly hiding behind one part of the Milky Way galaxy. The group has published a paper describing their findings on the arXiv preprint server while awaiting publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. Space scientists have known for some time that there is one part of the night sky that is mostly obscured from view due to a bulge in the galaxy. Known as the “zone of avoidance,” it makes up approximately 10% of the dark sky and has had researchers wondering what might be behind it. Because it offers researchers so little to work with, the zone has not been very well studied; thus, little is known about what it might be hiding. In this new effort, the researchers used a variety of tools to gain a better understanding of what might be hidden from view.
by Bob Yirka
Nonsense And Fraud
Americans go to the polls… while their politicos rob them blind
Last week was marred by elections. Polls showed that 44% of the voters said they were worried about ‘democracy.’ About as many worried about inflation. Democrats said they thought Republicans posed a threat to democracy. For their part, Republicans were sure inflation was the fault of the Democrats – specifically of Joe Biden. It was all nonsense…and fraud. Democrats and Republicans need each other – like a pair of professional wrestlers, they entertain the voters with a clumsy farce. When one punches, the other must get a bloody nose. When one hits below the belt, the other must cry foul. Together, they distract, mislead, and betray the American public. The two parties may square off against each other. But both share the same core beliefs. They believe that government is a way to transfer wealth and power from ‘The People’ to the elite. They also believe in democracy; it gives voters the illusion of being in control, while allowing the two parties to take turns ripping them off.
by Bill Bonner
Voter Fraud And The Illusion Of Freedom by Greg Reese (5:38)
Voter Fraud And The Illusion Of Freedom by Greg Reese (5:38)
The Religion Of The Technocrats Is Failing, As Is Their Technology
As I noted in my article about the demise of self-driving vehicles, the faith in artificial intelligence is crashing down to reality, as investors in the technology find out the hard way that computers just cannot do all the things that the techno-prophecies have claimed. This was exposed in a recently published Bloomberg article quite eloquently by publishing quotes from Anthony Levandowski, the engineer who created the model for self-driving vehicle research and was, for more than a decade, “the field’s biggest star.” So strong was his belief in artificial intelligence, that he literally started a new religion worshiping it called “The Way of the Future” Church. But after several years of waiting for the AI messiah to arrive and start replacing humans, his faith was shattered. Fast forward now 5 years later where AI cannot even figure out how to make a left turn in normal traffic, and these AI believers are quickly abandoning the faith, and starting to understand the limitations of computers.
by Brian Shilhavy
More Bad News
The newly created U.S. coordination center in Stuttgart for Ukraine operations as a landmark on the way to WWIII
Earlier today I received an email from my good friend Professor of Law at the University of Illinois Francis A. Boyle regarding the creation in Stuttgart of a new U.S. coordination center for war operations in Ukraine headed by a 3-star general. The news item seems to have been sidelined this past week by Western mainstream coverage of the Russian withdrawal from Kherson and entry of Ukrainian forces into that city. However, judging by Boyle’s interpretation, there is every reason to put a spotlight on this issue and to seek the broadest possible discussion in Alternative News electronic and print media.
by Gilbert Doctorow
Istanbul Attack. FTX Scandal Grows. NYT, Six Month Freeze. Russia Winter Advantage (35:24)
by Alex Christoforou
US Aid To Ukraine Invested In Crypto FTX Scheme
The sudden collapse of a crypto exchange linked to the Democratic Party in the US, has revealed that FTX presently suffers from $10-$50 billion in liabilities and virtually no assets. And among those liabilities, are “investments” made by Ukraine’s leadership clique. The company FTX, in its bankruptcy filing appears to have held tens-of-billions in American “military aid” to Ukraine. Instead of using the alleged funds to fight Russia, the money was instead invested in the FTX Ponzi scheme. From the bankruptcy filing it is clear that this money has now disappeared. “Instead of using US military aid to fight Russia, Ukraine ‘invested’ part or all of it, into FTX, and right now, it looks like all the money’s gone,” said Hal Turner, a well-known American radio host.
by Free West Media
mRNA Killing Umbilical Cord Embryonic Stem Cells Needed To Repair Damage And Develop Babies’ Immune Systems
Concerning new pre-print
Reason no 18493829340 why you shouldn’t vaccinate pregnant women with a substance that hasn’t been through robust trials. Reason no 18493829341 why you don’t say “well a few pregnant women have had it and they seem ok, so every pregnant woman should have it”. A concerning new pre-print from the Microbiology department at the University of Alabama and published in Cell, looked at the skewed fate and haematopoiesis of CD34+ HSPCs in Umbilical Cord Blood Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Umbilical cord blood is highly enriched with hematopoietic stem progenitor cells (HSPCs) as identified by the surface expression of CD34 molecules. These are essential for the maintenance of the bone marrow and blood systems.
by The Naked Emperor
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 14, 2022 (16:57)
by Military Summary
‘Message Of Jewish Supremacy’ Dominates New Israel Civic Curriculum
The “message of Jewish supremacy” dominates Israel’s proposed civic curriculum, sources in the Education Ministry are reported saying. The curriculum was formulated over the past year by five members of the curriculum committee. All are Jews and three are said to be religiously observant. The curriculum is expected to serve as a basis for a new high school civics program in the future and is pending final approval. “The program conveys well the message of Jewish supremacy to the students,” Professor Mordechai Kremnitzer of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Israel Democracy Institute is reported saying in Haaretz. He stressed that the contribution of Israel’s education system could not be ignored when looking at the recent election results. “The subject has been hijacked by the right and shaped in accordance with its values,” said another Education Ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Did Federal Censors Swing The 2020 Election?
Did the Russiagate conspiracy entitle the federal government to censor Americans forever? Did federal shenanigans swing the 2020 election? A new report reveals how a new federal agency and federal grantees exploited a 2016 scam to launch the greatest covert censorship campaign in U.S. history. In 2016, top FBI officials and the Obama administration fueled a conspiracy that the Trump presidential campaign was colluding with the Russian government. Numerous false FBI claims spurred a massive wiretapping operation approved by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The allegations led to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who spent two years investigating before admitting that there was nothing to prosecute for his primary charge. But by that point, Trump had been irredeemably tainted and the Democrats had exploited the controversy to capture control of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018.
by Jim Bovard
The Origins Of America’s Secret Police: Ancient Roots Of Occult Societies And Intelligence Operation (31:18)
The Origins Of America’s Secret Police: Ancient Roots Of Occult Societies And Intelligence Operation (31:18)’s-Secret-Police-Ancient-Roots-Of-Occult-Societies-And-Intelligence-Operation
Impossible: Despite Only 17% Democrat Turnout On Election Day – Katie Hobbs And Democrats Are Winning Over 50% Of Maricopa County Election Day Totals
On Election night at 8 PM Uplift Data released its final hourly results on the Arizona and Maricopa County elections. Throughout the election cycle, Uplift posted the latest updates on mail-in ballot counts on its website as ballots arrived in the weeks leading up to Election Day. This was a great tool for Democrats to understand the real-time results. On Election Day Uplift tracked the hourly reported results from precincts across Maricopa County. When the polls closed at 8:00 PM MT Uplift released its final analysis from the day. Maricopa County turnout numbers on Election Day at 8:00 PM: Republicans received 52.7% of the vote. “Other” received 30.7% of the vote. Democrats received 16.6% of the vote. The “other” category is likely independents leaning Republican and Republican voters who refuse to talk to liberal pollsters.
by Jim Hoft
Obama And Bush To Present Seminars About Tackling Online “Misinformation”
Two new campaigns from the former presidents.
Former US Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama are to hold conferences encouraging more online censorship. According to Axios, the conferences by the two former presidents will “highlight rising threats from authoritarianism and disinformation — and how to combat them globally and at home.” On November 16, the George W. Bush Institute will hold a conference called “The Struggle for Freedom.” The conference will address revitalizing democracy globally. The conference’s third panel is titled “Emerging Technology and the Future of Freedom.”
by Christina Maas
Christendom Lost And Found With Father Robert McTeigue (57:54)
Are Christians safe from persecution in the modern age? How about in the coming years? Why are so many self-professed Christians failing to speak truth when it matters most, and how should the faithful be directing their attention? Fr. Robert McTeigue joins the show to discuss where we’re heading and how we should prepare. He recently authored, Christendom Lost and Found: Meditations for a Post Post-Christian Era.
by Sarah Cain
On FTX And Crypto Generally
It’s really not very complicated when you get down to it. First, all items in an economy respond to supply and demand. If there is zero demand there will be zero supply and thus no price. But for any amount of demand above zero there is a price, and to the extent demand exceeds supply price rises until equilibrium is established, either by it simply costing more or additional supply showing up as there’s incentive to provide it. The opposite is also true. The problem with so-called cryptocurrencies is that they have zero inherent value of any sort. That is, the fact that I can solve a mathematical problem and prove I did through a cryptographic signature doesn’t have value; there is no utility, per-se, in doing that. Leaving aside that all such designs are inherently and intentionally ponzi schemes (that is, the “founders” always get the first of whatever it is at zero cost or nearly zero, then sell them to others at ever-higher prices) if anyone can use leverage without prior disclosure and thus become an emitter of credit into the stream they can move the price in either direction on command.
by Karl Denninger
Washington Attempts To Bully India Into Cutting Ties With Russia
For months the US has repeatedly tried to coerce India into cutting ties with Russia, thereby abandoning its national interests. New Delhi, however, continues to spurn American attempts to subject its economy to Washington’s dictates. The latest fuss concerns the G7 price cap on Russian oil and EU and UK bans on shipping and related services for Russian crude. India continues to have no interest in joining the US-led initiative as it gets a steep discount on oil from Russia and wants to maintain the relationship with a long-time strategic partner. Indian Foreign Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar was just in Moscow on Nov. 8 to discuss continued sales of oil.
by Conor Gallagher
Yes, They Stole The Election Again, And This Is Undeniable Proof (16:08)
by Vincent James
The Government Is Still Waging War on America’s Military Veterans
“For soldiers … coming home is more lethal than being in combat.” ? Brené Brown, research professor at the University of Houston
The U.S. government is still waging war on America’s military veterans. Especially veterans who exercise their First Amendment right to speak out against government wrongdoing. Consider: we raise our young people on a steady diet of militarism and war, sell them on the idea that defending freedom abroad by serving in the military is their patriotic duty, then when they return home, bruised and battle-scarred and committed to defending their freedoms at home, we often treat them like criminals merely for exercising those rights they risked their lives to defend. As first reported by the Wall Street Journal, the government even has a name for its war on America’s veterans: Operation Vigilant Eagle. This Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program tracks military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and characterizes them as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats because they may be “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.”
by John and Nisha Whitehead
Dangers Of Democracy
The word “democracy” appears exactly zero times in the United States Constitution. And yet, no form of government is celebrated with the same fervency as democracy. Recently, the phrase “Our Democracy” has been co-opted by nearly every politician as an attempt to appeal to the populace’s supposedly unshakeable faith in the voting process. Appeals to the fragility of “Our Democracy” are commonly made by political figures hoping to discredit rivals; rivals they unhesitatingly accuse of threatening that ancient Athenian inheritance. A keen extraterrestrial might conclude that many of the developed nations of the world embrace democracy as religion. But is this unquestioning reverence for a form of political governance healthy, reasonable, desirable? Does such reverence blind us to the shortcomings that democracy may possess relative to other political arrangements and lure us into complacent, even dangerous, self-satisfaction?
by ThinkingWest
Weekly Update — A Tale Of Two Midterms (5:17)
by Ron Paul Liberty Report
The Atlantic Is A Shitty Propaganda Rag Run By Elitist Wankers
The Atlantic, which is owned by billionaire Laurene Powell Jobs and run by neoconservative war propagandist Jeffrey Goldberg, has published a pair of articles that are appalling even by its own standards. Virulent Russiagater Anne Applebaum argues in “Fear of Nuclear War Has Warped the West’s Ukraine Strategy” that the US and its allies should escalate against Russia with full confidence that Putin won’t respond with nuclear weapons. “Here is the only thing we know: As long as Putin believes that the use of nuclear weapons won’t win the war—as long as he believes that to do so would call down an unprecedented international and Western response, perhaps including the destruction of his navy, of his communications system, of his economic model—then he won’t use them,” Applebaum writes.
by Caitlin Johnstone
FTX + Ukraine = Money Laundering?
The details are beyond me, but the concept seems pretty simple. The legislature of a powerful government-call it ‘the US Congress’-authorizes payment of tens of billions of dollars to the Ukrainian government to help them fight Russia. Ukraine skims at least some of that money-remember, it’s tens of billions-and sends the skim to FTX, which is already active sending bitcoin to Ukraine. FTX, through its founder Sam Blankman-Fried, then becomes a major donor (second only to George Soros) to the dominant political party of that powerful foreign government (call the party ‘Dems’) that supported Ukraine. That’s a pretty tight, circular flow of money, and it’s popularly known as a kickback. Now, that Zerohedge article (linked in Luongo’s tweet) provides a lot more detail on FTX related financial shenanigans than I can digest. Whether or not FTX was a total fraud isn’t the important question for our purposes. The important question is, Where did FTX get all that money that FTX founder Sam Blankman-Fried sent to the Dem campaigns? What we know is: USG $$$ —> Ukraine, [FTX active in Ukraine], then: FTX $$$ ($40 million) —> Dems. It’s the middle part that we need to see. The only question is, How much was done to disguise the money flow?
by Mark Wauck
A Depressing Election
I am not in the least bit susceptible to depression, but I have to admit that as Tuesday night wore on, I found I was getting depressed. And on Wednesday I was really down. If you watch conservative media, you were expecting a red wave, and there was even talk of a paradigm shift as the GOP was projected to attract new constituencies—suburban Whites, Blacks, and Latinos were supposedly gravitating to the GOP. It would be a landslide. A paradigm shift that would ensure sweeping electoral victories for the Republicans for years to come. Certainly anyone paying attention could understand why there would be a GOP tsunami: rampant inflation and a weak economy that may well slide into a deep recession; crime, especially by Blacks, in the big cities with radical, Soros-backed District Attorneys (conservative media was full of videos depicting horrible crimes, almost all by Black men, and they emphasized the weak or non-existent punishment); a completely open southern border (also prominently featured in conservative media, along with some discussion of the Great Replacement; resulting in ~5 million additional illegals since Mayorkas got in and untold numbers of fentanyl deaths), a war in far off Ukraine (intensively pursued by the administration and resulting in pressure on energy and food prices); gender indoctrination in the schools; repeated examples of anti-White hate and statements of overt anti-White discrimination by prominent leftist activists and in the liberal-left media (often highlighted on conservative media, so this was not a secret); and a doddering, senile president whose personal popularity is in the tank and would presumably be a drag on the rest of the Democrat candidates.
by Kevin MacDonald
I Voted! by Brother Nathanael (6:34)
November 7 – 13, 2022
“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognised these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognise more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a man I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilisation of the ancient world some two thousand years ago-a civilisation which was driven to its ruin through this same Jewish people. Then indeed when Rome collapsed there were endless streams of new German bands flowing into the Empire from the North; but, if Germany collapses today, who is there to come after us? German blood upon this earth is on the way to gradual exhaustion unless we pull ourselves together and make ourselves free! And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly, it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. And when I look on my people I see them work and work and toil and labour, and at the end of the week they have only for their wages wretchedness and misery. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people are plundered and exploited.”
Adolf Hitler, Speech delivered at Munich on April 12, 1922
Russia’s Kherson Withdrawal Is Tactical
General Mark Milley, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States assessed that it would take several weeks for Moscow to complete the evacuation of some 30,000 Russian troops deployed in Kherson city in southern Ukraine. But Russians have announced that the evacuation was successfully completed in 2 days — both soldiers and over 5000 pieces of heavy equipment. Evidently, much advance planning went into the execution of the evacuation order. The Russian military command began working on the evacuation weeks ahead of the actual announcement earlier this week. In retrospect, General Sergei Surovikin’s extraordinary interview on October 18 soon after his appointment as the first theatre commander for Ukraine operations only eight days earlier was probably choreographed to sensitise the public opinion about the criticality of the military situation in the Kherson region.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Does Britain Still Exist? by Neil Oliver (11:35)
Does Britain Still Exist? by Neil Oliver (11:35)
44 Of 49 US Military Aircraft Types Not Ready To Fly, Watchdog Warns
The findings come despite the pouring of over $800 billion of US taxpayer money into the military in 2021, and notwithstanding the Pentagon’s heavy reliance on the Air Force to do the heavy lifting in the majority of its operations across the globe, including the bombing of multiple countries. Just five of the 49 types of aircraft in the US military’s arsenal met mission readiness targets for five or more years during the period between fiscal year 2011 and fiscal year 2021, the Government Accountability Office has revealed. In a comprehensive 352-page report released this week, the congressional spending watchdog indicated that issues like aircraft age, maintenance problems and spare parts availability dramatically hindered readiness levels – measured by fleet aircraft ability to fly and perform at least one mission. Only the Air Force’s UH-1N, a granddaddy of a helicopter produced in the 1970s, was deemed mission capable throughout the eleven-year period studied.
by Ilya Tuskanov
With Elections Over U.S. Multinationals Begin Announcing Job Cuts
There was always a strong suspicion the woke corporations were holding back negative employment intentions until after the midterm elections. Well, as expected, the U.S. multinationals are starting to announce advanced downsizing. (CNBC) – Tens of thousands of tech workers have been laid off within days, as tech giants including Meta, Twitter, Salesforce and others shed headcount going into the final stretch of the year. At least 20,300 U.S. tech workers were let go from their jobs in November, and more than 100,000 since the beginning of the year, according to, which tracks layoffs in the field. Tech workers reported huge drops in confidence in their job security through the summer, as news of layoffs, hiring freezes and rescinded offers put a damper on what’s so far been a worker-driven Covid pandemic recovery. But the latest headlines are all converging at once as businesses course-correct on over-hiring and acknowledge how rising interest rates are thwarting their growth plans, says ZipRecruiter chief economist Julia Pollak.
by Sundance
Sam Bankman-Fried Has A Savior Complex—And Maybe You Should Too [Yet Another Corrupt Jewish Ponzi Scheme Con Artist]
Every startup has a startup story. Apple was two hackers in a Los Altos garage. Google was two grad students in a Stanford dorm room. Alameda Research was just one guy in a Berkeley apartment, making a single cryptocurrency trade. That guy was Sam Bankman-Fried, or SBF to his friends. Yet the trade he made, which eventually led to the crypto-trading platform FTX, is far from the standard Silicon Valley creation tale. In 2017, when he was merely 25, SBF collapsed the so-called kimchi premium, an anomalous delta between the price of Bitcoin in much of Asia and its price in the rest of the world. It was a daring feat of arbitrage—SBF is the only trader known to have pulled this off in any meaningful way—one which quickly made him a billionaire and achieved the status of legend.
by Adam Fisher
The Ghost Of Elections Past by What’s Her Face (6:45)
The Ghost Of Elections Past by What’s Her Face (6:45)’s-Her-Face
Xi-Biden Meeting A Positive Signal In Itself
The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially announced on Friday that Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the Group of 20 (G20) Summit in Bali, Indonesia, from November 14 to 17 and attend the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, as well as visit Thailand from November 17 to 19. This is a long-awaited piece of significant news for the international community. On the sidelines of the meetings, Xi will hold bilateral meetings with French President Emmanuel Macron, US President Joe Biden, Senegalese President Macky Sall, Argentine President Alberto Fernandez, among others, upon request. The White House disclosed one day earlier on Thursday that President Biden and President Xi will meet in Bali, Indonesia, on Monday. This has to some extent reflected the eagerness of the US side. It will be the first face-to-face meeting between the two heads of state since Biden took office. At a time when tensions between the two major powers are escalating, the significance of the two leaders having candid and in-depth exchanges directly is self-evident.
Editorial by Global Times
The True Believer: How Sam Bankman-Fried’s Worldview Facilitated The Creation And Destruction Of A Crypto Ponzi Empire
Through effective altruism, the ends justify the means.
Sam Bankman-Fried is a true believer. Bankman-Fried, or SBF, as he’s referred to in the domain he once ruled, has dedicated his life to the philosophy of effective altruism (EA). He has spent his entire adult life surrounding himself with his ideological comrades, and only his ideological comrades. SBF’s friends believe in effective altruism. His lovers believe in effective altruism. His business partners believe in effective altruism. Unfortunately, there is no greater return on investment in America today than bribing politicians and regulators. SBF and his network understand that reality. They spent the days before the collapse of FTX delivering massive resources into fixing the regulatory levers of power in D.C. to their liking. During the crypto token bear market, Sam Bankman-Fried and his collaborators were trying to create a regulatory monopoly for their flagship FTX digital currency exchange, along with their massive venture capital empire, vacuuming up an incredible amount of equity in the digital token space. Like most Ponzi schemes, things often great, at least from the outside looking in, while the Ponzi is operating. FTX was running Super Bowl ads, putting its name on stadiums, recruiting A list celebrities, actors, and athletes, all to prop up the operation.
by Jordan Schachtel
They Can’t Count Even In Vegas Now? Transcript From “America This Week” (Text and Video)
“If they counted money the way they’re counting ballots, those people would be in Lake Mead tied to a cinder block,” says Walter Kirn, on the Nevada elections
Late this week, the Clark County Registrar in Nevada, Joe Gloria, gave one of the more confusing recent press conferences, saying 50,000 votes still needed to be counted, but that he would likely need until Monday to “get them into the system.” Below is a five-box of MSNBC talking heads straining, for minutes, to make sense of his explanation: We can argue about why this is happening — the conventional explanation is a new influx of mail-in ballots, which take longer to count, with both parties blaming each other for why — but editorializing on the subject has been bizarre for another reason. Commercial media both before (see here, here, here, and here) and after (see here, here, here, and here) the midterms has been packed with stories about how it’s totally fine that it now takes forever to count votes in America. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre even declared, “That’s how this is supposed to work.”
by Matt Taibbi
The Magic Glasses by Dick Gregory (0:19)
The Magic Glasses by Dick Gregory (0:19)
FTX Held Just $900MM In Liquid Assets Vs $9BN In Liabilities As Video Emerges Confirming Alameda Knew It Was Pilfering Client Funds
On Friday, we first learned courtesy of a mystery twitter account belonging to an anonymous FTX insider, that the now bankrupt crypto exchange held just $900 million in liquid assets (including, among other things, a $7.3 million online bet by Democrat megadonor Sam Bankman-Fried for Trump to lose). Of the $900 million in liquid assets, the largest portion – or roughly half – was in the form of $470mn of Robinhood shares owned by a Bankman-Fried vehicle not listed in Friday’s bankruptcy filing, which included 134 corporate entities. The liquid assets represent just 10% of the total assets (including $5.4BN in semi-liquid and $3.2BN in illiquid) and is a fraction of the $9 billion in liabilities at FTX which will now make their way through bankruptcy court for the next several years.
by Tyler Durden
Much Ado About Nothing
Do any of you think we are over-reacting? I don’t think so, but the sheep-folk certainly do. They claim they are willing to let bygones be bygones and just put it all in the past and get on with life. I am sure everyone reading this is aware of the bombshell editorial The Atlantic dropped recently with their amnesty nonsense. I don’t think I have been more livid reading an article since the days of seeing piece after piece about how effective masks are against viral transmission. I won’t comment on The Atlantic blather directly here, as there have been many fine responses to it, but wow, what a piece. So typical of a bully trying to pretend he loved his victims all along when he knows he is cornered and about to be punished. One last punch disguised as a kiss.
by Todd Hayen
Trump Alleges Election Fraud In Arizona
The former president’s candidate of choice, Blake Masters, is projected to lose after days of counting
Former US President Donald Trump claimed on Friday that Republican candidate Blake Masters lost his bid for the Senate due to “voter fraud” in Arizona. Masters was preliminarily declared to have lost to Democrat Mark Kelly on Friday, after an election marred by malfunctioning machines and slow counting of votes. “They’re at it again,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform. “Voting machines in large numbers didn’t work, but only in Republican districts. People were forced to wait in line for hours, then got exhausted…and left the voting lines by the thousands. “This is a scam and voter fraud, no different from stuffing the ballot boxes,” he continued, referencing his own allegations that pro-Democrat poll workers engaged in ballot harvesting to deliver Arizona to President Joe Biden in 2020. “They stole the electron (sic) from Blake Masters,” he concluded, demanding that officials in the state “do election over again!”
by RT
Roosevelt’s War To Unite The World by Tales Of The American Empire (11:39)
Roosevelt’s War To Unite The World by Tales Of The American Empire (11:39)
Yemen And KSA Inch Forward With Ceasefire Talks Despite ‘Deliberate Obstruction’ By US: Report
Washington reportedly opposes a comprehensive end to the Yemen war and instead favors ‘interim solutions’ to keep hold of a trump card over Saudi Arabia
Talks between Yemeni and Saudi delegations in Oman have continued “uninterrupted” since the end of the UN-brokered ceasefire on 2 October, according to sources in the know that spoke with Lebanese daily Al Akhbar. The report claims the Saudi delegation has shown “remarkable flexibility” in several of the outstanding issues, most notably offering to secure funding for the payment of state employees’ salaries. They have also shown openness to lift road blockades and to allow flights from Sanaa International Airport to reach more destinations than the two currently allowed: Jordan and Egypt. Nonetheless, issues still remain, as Riyadh reportedly wants to publicly label these measures as “helping the brothers in Yemen,” not as compensation for seven years of war.
by News Desk
Democrats Take Full Control Of Michigan Legislature For First Time In Nearly 40 Years
Democrats won majorities in the Michigan Senate and House for the first time since 1983.
In a major defeat for Republicans during this year’s midterm elections, Democrats have taken full control of the Michigan legislature for the first time in nearly 40 years, putting the state’s pro-life protections in jeopardy. While Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was comfortably re-elected by a margin of over 10 percentage points, the real blow to Michigan Republicans came when Democrats flipped the Senate and the House, taking full control of the state legislature for the first time since 1983. The upsetting results for conservatives, however, did not stop there, as Michigan also voted Tuesday on a ballot initiative seeking to establish a state constitutional “right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care.” The pro-abortion ballot initiative passed by a whopping 13-point margin, according to the Associated Press, making Michigan one of three states – the others being Vermont and California – to vote in favor of making access to abortion a so-called “right” since the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic overturning of Roe v. Wade earlier this year.
by Jack Bingham
Gregg Phillips Explains Why He And Catherine Engelbrecht Were Sent To Prison:
“we have irrefutable evidence that the entire PA voter registration file is living on a server in China—serial numbers, ballot bundle numbers”
After everything we learned following the 2020 election, Americans are increasingly less likely to accept election results that don’t make sense. Following the 2020 election, mountains of evidence of voter fraud was ignored by the courts, and legitimate reports of voter fraud, as well as hundreds of reported incidents of poll challenger intimidation and threats, were shared with lawmakers who discounted their accounts and refused to call for forensic audits in their states. Several months later, True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips revealed evidence of what appeared to be a massive ballot trafficking scheme in several swing states, including Pennsylvania. Their investigations of the multi-state ballot harvesting operation became the subject of Dinesh D’Souza’s wildly popular ‘2000 Mules’ movie.
by Patty McMurray
Why Wasn’t Darrell Brooks Charged With A Hate Crime? (1:51)
Washington War Hawk John Bolton Mocks First Amendment As Reporter Detained (Text and Video)
Journalist Tayler Hansen pressed the former national security advisor on US ‘war crimes’: what happened next to the plutocratic United States as being the opposite to its much-vaunted ‘Land of the Free’ mantra. Former US national security advisor John Bolton joked about the First Amendment as a protesting journalist was detained for accusing him of lying about weapons of mass destruction and ’covering up war crimes in Afghanistan.’ Bolton’s speech at an Institute for Policy Innovation conference in Texas on Thursday was interrupted by journalist Tayler Hansen, who stood up and accused the long-time war-hawk of lying about Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction prior to the 2003 US invasion. ‘You essentially genocided the Iraqi people,’ Hansen shouted at Bolton. ’And you covered up war crimes in Afghanistan, sir.’ ‘Why did you celebrate the arrest of Julian Assange?’ Hansen continued. ’Why do you think that’s acceptable, sir? Is celebrating war crimes acceptable?’
by Michael Walsh
Patriarchy Wins Beauty Pageant
Derry, NH — After an intense competition, the winner of a local Miss America beauty pageant for a college scholarship was revealed to be the Patriarchy. Brían Nguyen, the male winner who left twelve female competitors in the dust, accepted his prize on behalf of oppressive, dominating males everywhere. “I’m a beautiful lady! See? I shave my legs and stuff!” growled the 250-pound behemoth of a male. “I’m proud to show the world that men are better at being women than women are. Chalk up one more point for the patriarchy! WOOOOOOOOOO!” Nguyen then shotgunned a beer and crushed the can on his head. Sources say few expected Nyugen to win the contest, but he quickly shut down skepticism after posting perfect scores in the caber toss, pie eating contest, and parallel parking competitions — all new additions to the pageant.
Mass Immigration And The Deliberate Destruction Of Our Nations (25:08)
by Computing Forever
Big Tech Crash! Twitter Near Bankruptcy, Amazon First Company To Lose $1 Trillion, Facebook Fires 11,000 Employees
I don’t think the technocrats will be developing any “transhumans” anytime soon. On Wednesday this week, became the first publicly traded company in history to lose $1 trillion in market valuation. And then yesterday afternoon, Elon Musk told Twitter employees at an “all-hands meeting” that the company is losing so much money that “bankruptcy is not out of the question.” All of this happened after the great cryptocurrency collapse of Tuesday, when the equivalent of a “bank run” happened when crypto exchange FTX saw $6 billion of withdrawals in a 72-hour span, resulting in them stopping the process of withdrawals. The other Big Tech news on Tuesday was that Facebook parent company Meta announced it is slashing more than 11,000 jobs, reducing its workforce by about 13 percent. This follows news that we reported about 2 weeks ago that the Department of Justice has started a probe into Tesla over their claims of having a “self-driving car.” At about the same time this news was reported, Ford and Volkswagen announced that they were halting further investments into AI self-driving vehicles, forcing Argo AI, an AV technology startup founded by Uber and Google veterans, to shut down. The Big Technology Crash of 2022 has started, and it will probably make the Dot-com stock market crash of 2001 look like a walk in the park when this crash hits bottom.
by Brian Shilhavy
The Stage Is Set For US Combat Troops In Ukraine
“If anyone from the outside interferes in Ukraine, they should know this: If they create threats for us… we will retaliate immediately. We have all the tools we need to respond, and all the decisions on this (matter), have already been made.” ~ Russian President Vladimir Putin
There’s no doubt that the retreat from Kherson was a black-eye for the Russian Army. There’s also no doubt that the general who ordered the evacuation made the right decision. True, the optics are terrible, but optics don’t win wars. Strategy, valor and firepower wins wars. Russian General Sergey Surovikin appears to grasp that fact which is why he made the unpopular decision to retreat. Surovikin could have made the more politically acceptable choice and defended Kherson to the end, but the risks far outweighed the benefits. By all accounts, the 25,000 Russian troops in the city could have easily been encircled and annihilated by Ukrainian artillery. Additionally, Surovikin would have been forced to commit more troops to a rescue mission that would not have advanced Russia’s overall military strategy in the slightest. Russia’s immediate goal is to complete the liberation of the Donbas, a task that is not yet finished and which requires more of the troops that had been pinned-down in Kherson.
by Mike Whitney
The Bunker: The Trillion-Dollar Pentagon
This week in The Bunker: the Pentagon is on the verge of spending $1 trillion a year; honoring vets by incorporating their care into the defense budget; a dirty little secret that boosts defense spending; and more. The Senate version of the 2023 defense authorization act earmarks $857 billion (PDF) for national defense. The slackers in the House only want $850 billion (PDF), which may be why it’s known as the “lower house.” Both bills are well beyond President Biden’s $813 billion request. Differences between the two versions will be ironed out in the coming weeks, but the bottom line is that the Pentagon is bound to break the trillion-dollar barrier relatively soon. Even let’s-spend-more conservatives are split on this gusher. “We need a $1 trillion defense budget,” argued Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review, earlier this year. “We need more and better weapons for a newly threatening security environment,” he wrote shortly after Vladimir Putin’s forces invaded Ukraine. “Russia’s aggression underlines the potential of the U.S. having to fight simultaneous wars in Europe and Asia, to defend NATO and to stave off a China attack on Taiwan or elsewhere, when our forces currently may not be adequate to winning one fight.” Simultaneous wars in Europe and Asia? Be thankful he didn’t enlist the Star Wars’ Sith to inflate the threat even more.
by Mark Thompson
Latest Interracial Crime Stats (13:26)
Will anyone else ever tell you that a black person is 34 times more likely to attack a white person than the other way around?
by American Renaissance
Anti-Defamation League’s “Anti-Hate” Conference Will Feature Speech From Accused Israeli War Criminal
A prominent Jewish organization, the Anti-Defamation League, will be hosting a keynote speech from an accused Israeli military official alleged to have committed serious war crimes at their annual New York conference on Thursday. The powerful ADL bills itself as a civil society organization dedicated to battling expressions of racism, anti-Semitism, and hate. The purpose of the upcoming conference, titled “Never Is Now,” will be to foster “meaningful dialogue, education and interpersonal connections,” in order to “continue the fight against antisemitism, hate and bias in all its forms—together.” Featured speakers will include figures such as Congresswoman Liz Cheney, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and actor David Schwimmer. They will be sharing a stage with retired Israel Defense Forces Maj. Gen. Doron Almog, a man who was the subject of outstanding arrest warrants in the United Kingdom for crimes against humanity.
by Eric Striker
Russian Fertilizers To Leave EU Port
A cargo of 20,000 tons will be shipped to Africa next week
Russian fertilizers which have been blocked at an EU port, due to Ukraine-related sanctions, will be shipped next week, the UN announced on Friday. The world’s largest country is a key producer of the materials and the uncertainty around supply has heightened fears about food insecurity, particuarly in poorer nations. The 20,000 ton cargo has been held in the Dutch port, Rotterdam, and is destined for Malawi, under the UN World Food Program. Following a meeting between senior UN officials and a Russian delegation led by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin on Friday a UN statement confirmed it “..briefed on recently issued General Licenses and shipments of fertilizer to developing countries’ destinations and its ongoing engagement with private sector and member states. It is anticipated that the first shipment of donated fertilizers will depart for Malawi in the coming week.”
by RT
Kari Lake Joins Tucker Carlson To Talk About The State Of Her Race (4:58)
Band Of Brothers
Dr. Paul Marik and his fellows in the FLCCC fight for patients’ rights. All have paid a heavy price for taking care of patients and telling the truth.
Part I in a series on Dr. Paul Marik-a magnificent doctor who was fired from his job and professorship because he successfully treated his COVID-19 patients with FDA-approved drugs and high-dose Vitamin C. Upon meeting Dr. Marik, one is overwhelmed by the impression of his vast physical stature. His gentle manners and elegant South African accent conjure accounts of 19th century British gentleman explorers. Since the early days of his career, he’d been keenly interested in discovering how to treat sepsis—the body’s extreme, life-threatening response to an infection. Well into the 21st century, sepsis continued to be a major cause of death. According to the CDC, approximately 1.7 million American adults fall ill with sepsis every year, of which approximately 270,000 die in hospital. Globally, the sepsis burden is estimated at 15 to 19 million cases annually, with a mortality rate approaching 60% in low-income countries.
by John Leake
UN Official Challenges Punitive Unilateral Sanctions Suffocating Syrians
After a decade of UN silence on the devastating effects of sanctions on the Syrian people – a lone voice calls for their lifting
“I am struck by the pervasiveness of the human rights and humanitarian impact of the unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria and the total economic and financial isolation of a country whose people are struggling to rebuild a life with dignity, following the decade-long war.” ~ Alena Douhan
Former British Ambassador to Syria in 2003-2006 Peter Ford said this back in March 2021: The truth is that punishing sanctions are the absolute core of British policy towards Syria. They make it more difficult for the Syrian government to feed and fuel its people, they create unrest, they hamper anti-ISIS efforts, they make refugee return impractical. But are they actually working? Does anyone even ask this question? Is Assad after eight years of severe sanctions anywhere near buckling ? Of course not. But British policy is blinkered and cynical. As long as our mainstream media ignore the impact of sanctions the government can continue to pursue a pointless cruel policy leading nowhere except to Syria’s immiseration. Finally it seems that there is an official at the UN that is prepared to challenge the savagery of US cartel unilateral sanctions.
by Vanessa Beeley
This Is Insane!! School Board Rules Trans Teacher With Giant Fake Breasts Can Dress How He Likes (13:16)
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth looks at the school board’s decision to put the rights of a pervert before the rights of the kids (and parents).
by Press For Truth
The UK Government’s Threats To Free Speech Aren’t Yet Thwarted
Overreaching bills are still supported by some.
The UK’s controversial censorship bill, called the “Online Safety Bill” could be ditched if it does not go through the House of Commons soon, according to internal government documents. The bill aims at making the internet safer for kids but has wide-reaching implications against free speech that have concerned civil liberties groups. The bill has been delayed several times. Culture Secretary Michelle Donelan recently promised to bring the bill to the House of Commons this month after making amendments to the “legal but harmful” section of the bill, which has raised free speech concerns. But even with those changes, the bill is still a major threat to free speech in a country that is already severely lacking free speech protections.
by Dan Frieth
Did You Vote For Totalitarianism?
Before he was demonised and lied about for telling the truth about covid-19 ‘The Therapist’ described Vernon Coleman as ‘Perhaps the best known health writer for the general public in the world today’.
‘If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.’ – John Stuart Mill in ‘On Liberty’ (1859)
Someone we know of is 92. She fell. She had to wait eight hours for an ambulance to arrive. She then lay on a trolley for four hours in a corridor. X-rays showed she had broken three vertebrae. She was given a bottle of midazolam and a walking frame and sent home to be cared for by her 94-year-old husband who has dementia. There has been no sign of a GP or a district nurse. True story. And the late queen gave the NHS a medal. Now, 300,000 nurses (who earn between £27,000 and £55,000 a year) are going on strike not because of the lies about covid but for more pay. More money. Gimme, gimme, gimme. Wards, out-patient clinics and operating theatres will close. Waiting times and waiting lists will rocket. Millions will suffer and millions will die because of this appalling, wicked strike action.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Thank You Purebloods! / Yes It Changes DNA! (6:13)
by Sanity4Sweden
Latest Interracial Crime Stats
The latest National Crime Victimization Survey, known as the NCVS, is now out.
This one covers 2021, and it’s the only reliable nation-wide report on violent crimes that cross racial lines. Other reports may tell you how many blacks or whites were arrested for violence, but it’s almost impossible to find out the races of their victims. The NCVS tells you. It’s an annual survey of American crime victims who describe every attack they suffered during the survey period, including crimes they didn’t report to the police. This means the results are a very accurate picture of what actually happened, not just crimes the police heard about. Leaving out the police makes the race data all the more convincing. A lot of people claim – wrongly – that because of “racism,” too many blacks and Hispanics are arrested and too few whites. In the NCVS, crime victims themselves tell you the race of the rapist or mugger. The NCVS doesn’t include murder because it’s a victim survey, and you can’t survey dead people. The survey sample is carefully selected to mirror the American population, and it is huge. Last year it was 238,043 people or nearly a quarter of a million. For opinion polling, a sample of 1,500 people is a big sample, and that gives a margin of error of about 2-1/2 percent. A sample of 233,000 is gigantic, and gives good results.
by Jared Taylor
Feds Scramble To Hide Role Of Oath Keeper’s Informant In January 6th “Insurrection”
A bombshell New York Times report has revealed that Greg McWhirter, the Vice President of the Oath Keepers who helped lead the group’s presence on January 6th, is an FBI informant. Federal officials worked hard to hide McWhirter’s status as a Confidential Human Source (CHS) in the seditious conspiracy trial of Oath Keeper’s leader Stewart Rhodes and his associates, presenting their asset in public filings as a mere “witness” instead. In a furious November 8th filing, federal prosecutors accused defense attorneys of illegally disclosing confidential discovery about McWhirter to the press. It appears that the actual way McWhirter’s status was leaked was through a clerical error by DC court employees, who accidentally published the sealed document on the docket. Federal officials have been suppressing information on the role their assets and agents played in inciting violence at the Capitol by having them testify as witnesses in cases related to January 6th. McWhirter, a black Sheriff’s deputy in Montana, rose through the ranks of the Oath Keepers thanks in part to his existing contacts with law enforcement as well as his race. Rhodes regularly showcased McWhirter’s black heritage as evidence that he is not racist.
by Eric Striker
Expert Pathologist On The Three Key Factors Of The Pandemic (10:46)
Dr. Clare Craig is one of the best pathologists out there, and deeply understands the scientific details of the pandemic – and I caught her in person at the International health congress in Portugal – all scientific talks are here or will be uploaded shortly.
by Ivor Cummins
COVID-19: The Evidence Revisited – Summer 2022
What have we learned?
It is now two and a half years since the first lockdown and eighteen months since HART published its paper COVID-19: an overview of the evidence. Over the last few months, we asked all the original authors to go back and review their articles and update with relevant publications, revising their conclusions as appropriate. These chapters spelled out either evidence of harms from the pandemic policies or theoretical concerns. A year later the evidence is coming in and it is damning. This ‘updates’ series will hopefully form part of HART’s evidence to the Independent Review. Without an introspective ability to learn from its collective mistakes, societies run the risk of causing irreparable damage to themselves. HART came together as a grass-roots organisation in late 2020 to challenge what we thought were a series of incorrect prevailing narratives, specifically the alleged efficacy of novel interventions (both of the pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical varieties) and a lack of careful consideration of their collateral harms. Why did Parliament not ask these questions before meekly surrendering power to HM Government for a two-year period back during the early panic in March 2020? How did age-old disease management principles get tossed to one side in favour of hocus-pocus measures based on ‘science’ that was anything but settled?
ACH (1964) Mark Dankof, Dr. Patrick Slattery, And Paul Edward Stevenson – The Dankof Report #25 – Family Feud Election Day Special – Will The Democrats Get A Chance To Steal? (Audio 52:38)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 8, 2022, Andy presents “The Dankof Report” with its hosts Mark Dankof and Dr. Patrick Slattery for a show entitled, “Family Feud Election Day Special – Will The Democrats Get A Chance To Steal?”
On today’s show Mark Dankof, Dr. Patrick Slattery and Paul Edward Stevenson presented a comprehensive analysis of what we can expect from today’s Mid-Term Elections, along with an overview of the current situation in the Ukraine.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Zelensky And Bush To Give Joint Pro-War Presentation
War criminal George W Bush and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be appearing at an event next week at the George W. Bush Presidential Center, in partnership with US government-funded narrative management operations Freedom House and National Endowment for Democracy. The goal of the presentation will reportedly be to address the completely fictional and imaginary concern that congressional Republicans won’t continue supporting US proxy war efforts in Ukraine. To be clear, there is absolutely no reality-based reason to believe Republicans will meaningfully shy away from full-scale support for arming and assisting the Ukrainian military. The proxy war has only an impotent minority of opposition in the party and every bill to fund it has passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. Some “MAGA” Republicans have claimed that funding for the war would stop if the GOP won the midterm elections, but they were lying; there was never the slightest chance of that happening. Bush, you may remember, drew headlines and laughter earlier this year with his Freudian confession in which he accused Vladimir Putin of launching “a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq — I mean, of Ukraine.” The fact that the president who launched a full-scale ground invasion which destabilized the entire region and led to the deaths of over a million people is now narrative managing for the US empire’s current aggressively propagandized intervention says everything about the nature of this war.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Rewiring Eurasia: Mr. Patrushev Goes To Tehran
The meeting this week between two Eurasian security bosses is a further step toward dusting away the west’s oversized Asian footprint.
Two guys are hanging out in a cozy room in Tehran with a tantalizing new map of the world in the background. Nothing to see here? On the contrary. These two Eurasian security giants are no less than the – unusually relaxed – Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and Ali Shamkhani, the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council. And why are they so relaxed? Because the future prospects revolving around the main theme of their conversation – the Russia-Iran strategic partnership – could not be more exciting. This was a very serious business affair: an official visit, at the invitation of Shamkhani. Patrushev was in Tehran on the exact same day that Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu – following a recommendation from General Sergey Surovikin, the overall commander of the Special Military Operation – ordered a Russian retreat from Kherson. Patrushev knew it for days – so he had no problem to step on a plane to take care of business in Tehran. After all, the Kherson drama is part of the Patrushev negotiations with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Ukraine, which have been going on for weeks, with Saudi Arabia as eventual go-between.
by Pepe Escobar
De-Conflicting With The West: Will The Valdai Blueprint Work?
To decipher the true potential of President Putin’s recent Valdai speech – for de-conflicting with the West – we must turn to the 15th century.
To decipher the true potential of President Putin’s recent Valdai speech – for de-conflicting with the West – we must turn, paradoxically, to the 15th century. The 15th century ‘event’ was the ‘discovery’ of a text that erupted into Florence of the di Medicis, sending Europe into a vortex of excitement. It was an ensemble of texts called the Hermetica that were well known to exist: They had been venerated by writers, such as Clement of Alexandria (d. 220 CE) and Origen (d. 253), as an extraordinary source of inner knowing – long preceding that of Christianity. There was just one problem: No one in Europe had read it. Then an agent commissioned by Cosimo di Medici, to collect newly available Greek writings on his behalf, reached Florence in 1462 with a document from Macedonia that Cosimo instantaneously purchased from his scout.
by Alastair Crooke
I Used To Be Disgusted, Now I’m Disabused
It’s certainly possible to be disgusted, but being disabused of the fantasy that the system is self-correcting is the healthier perspective.
I used to be disgusted, now I’m disabused: beneath all the self-serving narratives, fad-memes and over-simplifications regurgitated as serious analysis, these are the core dynamics I see: 1. Imperial corruption of democracy and open markets. I described this in Regardless of Who’s Elected, Imperial Corruption Rules the Nation: the dynamic adaptive churn of unfettered representative democracy and open markets are anathema to insiders, vested interests and elites, each of which has gained asymmetric power by subverting democracy and markets to serve their private interests rather than the public interest / common good–phrases that are meaningless to insiders, vested interests and elites except as simulacra used for PR.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Government Publishes Horrific Figures On Covid Vaccine Deaths:
1 In Every 310 People Died Within 1.5 Months Of Receiving The Covid Vaccine Booster
Official figures published by the UK Government confirm 1 in every 310 people who received a third dose of the Covid-19 injection in England by 31st December 2021, sadly died within 48 days. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK. On 8th September 2022, the ONS published an unnoticed dataset titled ‘Characteristics associated with the risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) among people receiving a booster vaccination, England: January to March 2022’, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here. Table 1 of the ONS dataset reveals that between January and March 2022, 62,801 people who had received a third dose of the Covid-19 injection by 31st December 2021 had sadly died.
by The Exposé
Off-Grid Ireland With Dr. E. Michael Jones: Jewish Influence in the West (1:06:03)
Dr. Jones joins Off-Grid Ireland on Telegram to discuss the history of Jewish influence in the West.
Students Push Back Against Pro-LGBT, Anti-Catholic Incidents At Jesuit-Run University
After a recent on-campus drag show at Saint Louis University, one student said that ‘I’m not the only one that thinks that hosting a drag [show] isn’t the way forward. We shouldn’t just accept the fact that there are so many events on campus that affirm this ideology.’ Students at a Catholic university are speaking out against recent incidents and teachings that are contrary to the Catholic faith. Jesuit-run Saint Louis University has a history of anti-Catholic rhetoric and events promoted by school officials. Most recently, an employee was featured in an on-campus drag show, and religious affiliates of the university suggested that the Catholic Church supports the LGBT lifestyle. Two students spoke with LifeSiteNews about a unified response from members of the university community who plan to present the issue to the Archdiocese of St. Louis, taking a stand against heresy and clarifying that not all students and faculty support these incidents that run directly contrary to the Catholic faith.
by Jean Mondoro
Israeli F-35 Jets Escort US Bombers In Show Of Force Aimed At Iran
The bombers were flying through Israeli airspace on their way back from the Persian Gulf
The US deployed two B-52 bombers to the Middle East on Thursday that were escorted through Israeli airspace by Israeli F-35 fighter jets in the latest show of force aimed at Iran. According to The Times of Israel, the bombers were on their way back from the Persian Gulf when they met with the Israeli jets. “The flight took place as part of the increasing cooperation with the US military,” the Israeli Defense Forces said in a statement. US Central Command (CENTCOM), which oversees US military operations in the Middle East, said in a press release that it conducted a “Bomber Task Force mission” in the region with two B-52s. It said the bombers came from the Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisianna and integrated with “13 partner nation air forces” while on the mission.
by Dave DeCamp
China Unveils ‘Drone Killer’ Laser Weapon At Airshow China, Can Shoot Down Target At Low Cost
A laser weapon used against drones attracted wide attention at this year’s Airshow China. Dubbed the killer of UAVs, the weapon can launch effective strikes on low, slow and small (LSS) targets, which refer to those that fly below an altitude of one kilometer, at speeds of around 200 kilometers per hour and have a radar cross-section smaller than one square meter. The weapon also reminded many military fans of a similar weapon that Saudi Arabia announced at the first Arab World Defense Exhibition on March 6 it had purchased from China: the “Silent Hunter” laser air defense system. The vehicle-based laser weapon, called the LW-30 laser defense weapon system, was unveiled by the China Space Sanjiang Group under the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC), one of China’s largest missile manufacturers.
by Cao Siqi, Liu Xuanzun and Fan Wei
Two Unknown Ships Passed Near Nord Stream Pipelines Prior To Blast, Satellite Company Says
Moscow (Sputnik) – Two unknown ships were spotted passing within the vicinity of the Nord Stream pipelines prior to the explosion, the CEO of the satellite imagery analytics platform SpaceKnow, Jerry Javornicky, said on Friday. “We have detected some dark [unidentified] ships, meaning vessels that were of a significant size, that were passing through that area of interest,” Javornicky told a US magazine. According to the media, two ships, measuring around 95 to 130 meters long, were spotted passing several miles of the Nord Stream leak sites. “They had their beacons off, meaning there was no information about their movement, and they were trying to keep their location information and general information hidden from the world,” Javornicky added. Suspected explosions occurred on September 26 at three of the four strings of Nord Stream 1 and 2 underwater pipelines built to carry a combined annual 110 billion cubic meters of Russian gas to Europe. The incident halted gas deliveries to Germany ahead of the cold season, prompting a gas price hike and a scramble for alternative sources in the European Union.
by Sputnik News
Russia Takes Pavlovka. Elensky Interview On CNN, In Kiev. Kherson Timing, Freezing The Conflict (38:40)
by Alex Christoforou
Based On A True Story (Text and Audio)
The US national debt has doubled in the past decade, to $31 trillion. It will almost certainly double in the next decade, especially considering the massive $15+ trillion Social Security bailout that will be necessary by 2032. The US government already spent $680 billion last fiscal year just to pay interest. And that was with record low interest rates. Central bankers have been raising rates rapidly this year. But continuing to do so will bankrupt the Treasury. Remember that the US government has to refinance roughly 20% of its debt every year. Now that interest rates are so much higher, the government’s total interest payments will soon soar past $1 trillion, then $2 trillion annually. This would be devastating to national finances and potentially force a default. Central bankers know this, which is why they prefer to let inflation reign rather than risk a sovereign default. The government announced earlier this week that inflation had decreased to ‘only’ 7.7%. Don’t be fooled; inflation is still very much the major economic story of our time.
by Simon Black
Putin Won’t Address G20 Summit – Kremlin
The Russian president’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said the same is true for the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit
Russian President Vladimir Putin will not join the upcoming G20 summit via video link or send a pre-recorded message, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has announced. The official also revealed that Putin had earlier personally made the decision not to attend the meeting because of the “need to stay” in Russia. When asked by journalists on Friday whether the Russian head of state would extend his greetings to the leaders gathering in Indonesia’s Bali virtually, Peskov said: “No, [this is] not planned.” He also confirmed that Putin will not participate in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit that kicks off in Thailand’s capital, Bangkok, next Friday. Commenting on the reasons why the Russian president will not be traveling to the G20 gathering, the Kremlin spokesperson clarified that Putin had personally made the decision “[which is] connected with his schedule” and the “need to stay in the Russian Federation.”
by RT
The Digital Euro May Have Spending Limits
The European Central Bank considers restricting how people spend their money.
Fabio Panetta, an Executive Board Member of the European Central Bank (ECB), has proposed that users of the digital euro should only be allowed to spend €50 per transaction and have a maximum monthly spending limit of just €1,000 if they want to avoid having their transaction data recorded by the ECB. The digital euro is the European Union’s (EU’s) proposed central bank digital currency (CBDC) and officials involved with the project have already confirmed that it will have less anonymity than cash. But during an appearance at a “Towards a legislative framework for a digital euro” event (which was jointly organized by the European Commission (EC), the executive branch of the EU, and the ECB), Panetta and other officials discussed further restrictions that they hope to impose when the digital euro rolls out.
by Tom Parker
Globalists Lost By Winning US Midterms
There are only 2 political parties still standing in the world, the Globalists and the anti-Globalists. If you support unlimited illegal immigration, then you are a Globalist intent upon destroying the nation where you are living. I live in America where even the dimmest bulbs understand me when I tell them unlimited immigration means a permanent 60% cut in wages. America is the strong center from which Globalists attack the world. Generally, the Democrat party in America has been sucked into the Globalist camp. There was a strong minority of Democrats who opposed the Clintons, Al Gore and Joe Biden when they passed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993 which closed 80,000 US manufacturing plants, 24.5 plants per county. They have since added 80 million people, mostly through legal and illegal immigration. They have made America absolutely unlivable for the working class that the Democrats claim to love.
by Video Rebel
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 11, 2022 (19:45)
by Military Summary
Hungary Explains The Total Failure Of Sanctions On Russia
Western Alliance sanctions on Russia have not achieved any of the EU’s stated goals and only backfired by hurting the economies of member states, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said. The European Union’s two unelected presidents along with the bloc’s 27 decision-making equally unelected commissioners coerced by the US, imposed over 10,000 sweeping restrictions on Moscow in response to its military operation in Ukraine, which was launched in February. ‘The sanctions which have been introduced by the European Union [against] Russia have failed. It’s a total failure,’ Szijjarto told Jordan’s Roya News on Sunday. It was said by the European Commission that the sanctions will help us to end this war as soon as possible and that it will bring Russia’s economy to its knees. What’s the outcome? It’s totally the opposite.
by Michael Walsh
Why Did The Left Fail So Utterly To Resist The Global Biosecurity State?
The question that continues to confuse socialists almost to the same degree that it delights their political opponents is why the Left today – not only in the U.K. but across the West – continues to collaborate so willingly and unquestioningly with the authoritarian programmes and regulations of the emerging Global Biosecurity State. As the imminent implementation of Digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currency, Universal Basic Income, Environmental and Social Corporate Governance criteria (ESG), Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response, Social Credit, Smart Cities, and all the other programmes of Agenda 2030 are demonstrating, the New World Order being forced upon us outside of any democratic process is capitalist in its economic infrastructure, fascist in its governmental, juridical and ideological superstructure and totalitarian in its aims. So why do those who, however mistakenly, self-identify as of the political Left continue to be its noisiest and blindest cheerleaders?
by Simon Elmer
A Middle Class Massacre
One by one, the pillars of American wealth begin to wobble and give way…
Wow…Wall Street popped up yesterday after the latest inflation number came in at 7.7%…only 50 little basis points below the last inflation reading. But watch out. Mr. Market is a trickster. During a long bull market – say, from 1982 to 2021 – his occasional sell-offs shook out investors. Later, they had to buy back in at higher prices. Those that did best were those that just stuck with the program, ignoring the sell-offs. And now that the buy-and-hold lesson has been learned, the primary trend seems to be going in the other direction. Mr. Market lures investors into the falling market with occasional rallies. They ‘buy the f*ing dip’ and then Mr. Market takes prices down again. Then, they lose even more money. But our focus today is not on the ups and downs of the stock market. Yes, the current downturn hits 401ks, pension funds, and family portfolios. But it is just a part of something bigger – a Middle Class Massacre.
by Bill Bonner
Ukraine’s Largest And Most Modern City Has No Electricity Or Running Water – Mission Accomplished?
The plight of people living in Ukraine has taken a backseat to the theatrics of the U.S. mid-term elections for the past week or so, so if you have not seen any of the news reports coming out of Ukraine, it appears that the war is effectively over, as the capital city of Kyiv, along with other major urban areas, have had their infrastructure destroyed, as people face cold weather with no electricity, and have to line up for hours just to get water. And while just a few weeks ago the corporate media was whipping everyone up into a frenzy about possible nuclear strikes by Russia, or false flag attacks inside Ukraine which would have escalated the war, this week the corporate media is widely reporting that negotiations with Russia, by both the U.S. as well as Ukraine, are now back on the table. If such negotiations ultimately end up with Russia hanging on to their annexed territories that they now claim are part of Russia, does that mean Russia “won”? Well, that would depend on what your view is regarding why this conflict began in the first place. As we reported back in September, an alleged leaked document from the U.S. military think tank RAND Corporation that was published about 1 month before Russia invaded Ukraine, stated that a weakened Germany and weakened Europe would strengthen the U.S. economy, by exporting more energy to Europe in place of the cheap energy they were purchasing from Russia, and by increasing U.S. military spending. And that seems to be exactly what has happened. So from that point of view, the Billionaires on Wall Street that control Big Oil and private corporations with defense contracts raking in $BILLIONS to send weapons to Europe, are the big winners, regardless of the outcome of the war.
by Brian Shilhavy
Election 22 – The Jews Win! (30:56)
It’s Left Wing Jewish money – vs – Right Wing Jewish Money!
Either way its going to be a great day for the old Jewish banking cartels who quite clearly control BOTH the Democrats and the Republicans
by Harry Vox
The Petrodollar-Saudi Axis Is Why Washington Hates Iran
Why has Iran incurred such wrath from the American military-industrial complex establishment? The regime’s Sturm und Drang regarding Iran—and, for that matter, any state that even intimates that it will conduct trade in oil without the dollar, cf. Russia—is all about the petrodollar system. Just like the Federal Reserve system, the petrodollar cabal has to reign at or near the top of operative institutions that the vast majority of Americans have “kinda, sorta heard about” and yet possess no idea of the extent to which said things suppress American prosperity and prospects for the future. Most have no idea why or how the Saudis can fund everything from genocidal proxy wars against Iran to upstart professional golf tours.
by Gary Richied
The Path Forward: Balkanize And Build
In light of the clown show that was the election on Tuesday I wanted to share some of my thoughts on what I see as the path forward from here. I made a post on Gab yesterday that got tens of thousands of engagements both on and off Gab. I think it’s important to analyze why this post resonated so widely and where we go from here. “I see everyone on the right fighting about Trump vs DeSantis for 2024 and I just laugh to myself. The presidency in 2024 is a pipe dream, with DeSantis or Trump on the ticket. To be frank I don’t know if we’ll ever see a Republican president again. Millions and millions of illegals pouring over our border and being distributed to key swing states. An electorate trained to believe that hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots appearing is normal. Demographics is destiny. He who controls the machines controls the outcome. We didn’t fix 2020 and we didn’t build the wall so don’t expect another “free and fair” election.”One thing I noticed in the thousands of replies of this post is the unity across the generations. If you know anything about the Gab community, or perhaps from your own experience with the people in your own life, it’s that Boomers and Zoomers rarely agree on anything especially when it comes to political strategy.
by Andrew Torba
Loan Demand For Mortgage Loans Crashes To Depression Levels
In all the chaos over the past few days, we missed the release of the Fed’s latest Senior Loan Officer Survey which came out Monday. The results were striking: as one would expect from an economy in recession (and in some cases, depression), in nearly all categories, banks are reporting both tighter lending standards and sliding demand for new loans… and nowhere more so than in mortgages, both qualifying and otherwise, where demand has collapsed to “depression” levels as a result of the fastest every surge in interest rates. While C&I loans are still doing ok, and demand for credit card debt is still near record highs – to be expected at a time when revolving credit debt is soaring at the fastest pace in history, record APRs be damned – it’s only a matter of time before these two core credit categories follow mortgage loan demand into purgatory at which point the US economy will be a complete disaster.
by Tyler Durden
After A Two Year Delay, Federal Judge Says Fluoride Lawsuit May Continue
If successful, the lawsuit could spell the end of water fluoridation in the United States.
U.S. District Court Judge Edward Chen has ended a two year stay on a historic lawsuit seeking to end water fluoridation in the United States. Judge Chen also ruled that a long-delayed study of fluoride by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) could be reviewed in its unpublished form to better inform the judges final decision. The move is the latest in a nearly decade long legal dispute between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and plaintiffs Food and Water Watch, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), Moms Against Fluoridation, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, and the Organic Consumers Association. Judge Chen wants to review an unpublished, draft version of a May 2022 health assessment from the NTP. In August 2020, Judge Chen ordered the case into abeyance and told the FAN to file a new petition with the EPA while the court awaited the NTP review of the research on fluoride. However, since that time, hearings have been delayed and rescheduled as the judge awaited the NTP’s conclusions.
by Derrick Broze
A Thread Of Important Questions That Every American Should Be Asking by Greg Reese (4:53)
A Thread Of Important Questions That Every American Should Be Asking by Greg Reese (4:53)
Was It The Jabs? Four-Time British Motorcycling Champion Dies Suddenly At 35
We may never know.
It appears I’m having to sound like a broken record lately. Stories of young and otherwise healthy athletes dying suddenly are becoming more and more prevalent, yet corporate media continues to avoid the obvious question as if uttering it will make bad things happen. Asking whether the Covid-19 “vaccines” are causing all of these deaths may be detrimental to their careers, but the truth is the truth and it must come out. We already reported about the unexplained death of former NFL player Adrian Dingle. Now another athlete has died suddenly at an even younger age. According to the BBC: Keith Farmer, one of Northern Ireland’s most successful motorcyclists, has died aged 35. The Clogher native, a four-time British champion, passed away suddenly. He retired from racing in September 2021, having originally planned to retire at the end of last year. Farmer won the National Superstock 600 title in 2011 and National Superstock 1000cc successes followed in 2012 and 2018, while he also won the British Supersport title in 2017. As is always the case, the article announced the death, then moved on to report highlights from his career and reactions from those around him. Nobody in corporate media asks why they died. Nobody asks if they were jabbed. Nobody mentions the words “Covid” or “vaccine” anywhere in their reporting. The question MUST be asked. It’s imperative that we get stories like these out to the masses so more people will start demanding answers to questions that aren’t being asked. Only then will corporate media be forced to either do their jobs or acknowledge that they have abdicated their self-proclaimed status as the arbiters-of-truth.
by JD Rucker
Construction Halted At Obama’s Presidential Library After Noose Found On Site
Construction at Barack Obama’s presidential library in Jackson Park was halted on Thursday after a noose was found on site. A $100,000 reward is being offered to help find the person or persons responsible. Chicago is ‘MAGA Country’ according to Jussie Smollett. The Chicago Tribune reported: Foundation officials are condemning a “shameless act of cowardice and hate” at the site of former President Barack Obama’s presidential center in Jackson Park on Thursday morning. Officials say a noose was discovered at the project site and construction has been halted. ”We reported the incident to the police and will provide any assistance required to identify those responsible,” Lakeside Alliance, the construction team building the center, said in an emailed release. ”We have zero tolerance for any form of bias or hate on our worksite. Anti-bias training is included in our onboarding process and reiterated during sitewide meetings. We are suspending all operations on-site in order to provide another series of these trainings and conversations for all staff and workers,” the statement said.
by Cristina Laila
Pentagon Exploits Post 9/11 Laws To Wage ‘Secret Wars’ Worldwide: Report
By abusing ‘security cooperation authorities,’ the US Department of Defense has waged war on dozens of fronts without the need to report to congressional authorities
A report released last week by the New York University School of Law’s Brennan Center for Justice details how the US Department of Defense (DoD) has been allowed to covertly deploy troops and wage secret wars over the past two decades in dozens of countries across the globe. Among the nations in West Asia affected by these so-called ‘security cooperation authorities’ are Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen; however, they also include many African and Latin American nations. Known as ‘security cooperation authorities,’ they were passed by the US Congress in the years following the 11 September attacks, and are a continuation of the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), a piece of legislation that has been stretched by four successive governments. According to the report, the AUMF covers “a broad assortment of terrorist groups, the full list of which the executive branch long withheld from Congress and still withholds from the public.”
by News Desk
Fetterman Realizes American Dream Of Living With Parents Til You’re 50 And Then Getting A Government Job
Harrisburg, PA — Senator-elect John Fetterman has finally realized the American dream by living with his parents until at least the age of 50 before smoothly transitioning into a cushy government job. Fetterman, 53, told his parents they wouldn’t need to make him dinner on January 3 because he will be in Washington, D.C. trying to make his dream come true for every American. The senator-elect, who famously served as the mayor of Braddock, PA from his parent’s basement, has said that he’s excited to finally leave the nest. “I asked and they won’t move to D.C.,” said Fetterman. “I want pancakes.”
Weekly Update – Hey Incoming Congress: Try These Three Simple Tricks For A Successful Start (4:20)
by Ron Paul Liberty Report
The FBI Plans To Lobby Congress For New Laws That Allow Them To Pursue Children As “Domestic Terrorists”
The FBI is calling on Congress to pass laws giving federal agents greater authority to prosecute children in relation to what it categorizes as domestic terrorism, according to the Bureau’s recently released Strategic Intelligence Assessment and Data on Domestic Terrorism. The report, which was presented to lawmakers last month, focuses primarily on the alleged threat landscape regarding what federal officials have dubbed “Domestic Violent Extremism,” or DVE. The assessment points out that federal domestic terrorism investigations grew to record highs during the relevant year of analysis, largely due to the mass classification of Donald Trump supporters arrested for entering the US Capitol on January 6th, 2021 as Domestic Violent Extremists.
by Eric Striker
Lion’s Mane: Shaggy Fungi For Your Brain And Neuronal Health
These unique fungi have a taste similar to lobster and a “mane” like a lion’s, but their greatest attribute of all may be their propensity to boost cognitive function and support a healthy brain Lion’s mane mushrooms (Hericium erinaceus), with their shaggy, mane-like spines, stand out among fungi not only for their appearance but for their mild, sweet, seafood-like flavor. Like other mushrooms, lion’s mane are multi-faceted healers, with antimicrobial, antihypertensive, antidiabetic and wound healing properties among their many therapeutic properties.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Day After Election, LA District Attorney Drops Charges Against Konnech Election Data CEO Eugene Yu
In semi-related election news, this is interesting. Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, a man of notoriously sketchy political disposition, has dropped the charges against Konnech CEO Eugene Yu, although leaving the door open to refile charges at a later date. Eugene Yu, the CEO of Konnech Inc, was charged last month with two felonies for allegedly violating the company’s contract with Los Angeles County and transferring election workers’ personal information along with data files to computer servers in China.
by Sundance
Earth-Sun Distance Dramatically Alters Seasons In The Equatorial Pacific In A 22,000-Year Cycle
Weather and climate modelers understand pretty well how seasonal winds and ocean currents affect El Niño patterns in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, impacting weather across the United States and sometimes worldwide. But new computer simulations show that one driver of annual weather cycles in that region—in particular, a cold tongue of surface waters stretching westward along the equator from the coast of South America—has gone unrecognized: the changing distance between Earth and the sun. The cold tongue, in turn, influences the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which impacts weather in California, much of North America, and often globally. The Earth-sun distance slowly varies over the course of the year because Earth’s orbit is slightly elliptical. Currently, at its closest approach—perihelion—Earth is about 3 million miles closer to the sun than at its farthest point, or aphelion. As a result, sunlight is about 7% more intense at perihelion than at aphelion.
by Robert Sanders
The Election Is Being Stolen Again, And Republicans Are Doing Nothing To Stop It (26:16)
by Vincent James
Real Democracy Means Democracy Of Information: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
The media are lying to us, as evidenced by reality never matching with their stories. The politicians are lying to us, as evidenced by their never delivering on their promises. The capitalist class are lying to us, as evidenced by their getting richer while workers get poorer. I don’t want innovations which improve my shopping experience or make smartphones a tiny bit better, I want innovations which eliminate world hunger, innovations which make it so people have more free time, innovations which help humans live in harmony with our ecosystem. If you’re a middle class westerner, technology is already at a point where they’re not going to be coming out with any new personal gadgets that make your life significantly better. But there’s a massive amount of room for innovation that can make life much better for people as a whole. In terms of societal transformation technology still has the ability to radically improve the quality of human life, while in terms of rugged individualism technology is just going to give the wealthiest humans more of the same kinds of toys that are already failing to make them happy.
by Caitlin Johnstone
ACH (1963) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #94 – A Rainbow Appeared In The Sky (Audio 2:09:53)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 7, 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “A Rainbow Appeared In The Sky.”
We discussed: the Steven Douglas Whitener and Wendy video that we played during the show intro segment; Barbara Lerner Spectre’s Kings Medal; grass and leaf mulch; this week’s film review “The Meg and The Purge film series”; the massive amount of wokery in modern day gaming; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “So may the outward shows be least themselves, The world is still deceived with ornament, In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt, But, being seasoned with a gracious voice, Obscures the show of evil?”; Jim Morrison’s father and the Gulf of Tonkin incident; why the ADL’s demands to restrict freedom of speech are nothing new; why are humans the only species who pay to live on this planet; why we cannot trust the judicial system; how we are always told the victors version of history; why bright lights come out of fireworks before the big bang; overtaking caravans; the Cornish Taxi; this week’s, “if my democratic right to free speech did not probibit me from doing so I would,” segment; how we are now up to 2,330 deaths and 470,023 people injured from the vaccines according to figures off the UK Government website; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; Father Sheehy’s anti LGBTQ speech; the Orvillecoper Dead Cat Drone; the work of Richard D Hall; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ news roundup of the week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
A Gnostic Wisdom Short – Agenda 21 (2:32)
These foul spirits who play the role of the “good guys” in Church and State (let’s not forget Allopathic Medicine and Main Stream Media idiots) only have this illusion of power because we became detached from the Almighty Spirit of Nature and at the same time forgot who we were. Some good times ahead for those of us who survive the war and Win It!! I am honored to take my part in these Sacred Times. Go inside…… find your Mother….. remember who you are…… You Are Powerful, You are Beautiful….. this shit must end. Think of our youth suffering because we allowed psychopaths to usurp everything while we chased debt based currency. Or let us clean up this mess…… Take ultimate responsibility, only You can do this, I am here waiting….. Red Eye. Good things ahead. Heads on Poles to those who have harmed others without Just Cause!! I plan on keeping these Gnostic Wisdom shorts under 3 mins. I have lots to share……. deep powerful and practical methods to take our power back and re-nature ourselves. Mad love to all you who are putting forth effort to master yourself and this plane of physical awareness. -Vigilant-Sol
Abp. Viganò: Christ Would Not Recognize His Church In ‘The Sect’ That’s Eclipsing The See Of Peter
‘This rupture, this violent tear, was consummated on the spiritual level at the moment in which the authority of the prelates was secularized, just like what happened in the civil sphere.’
Editor’s note: Below is an exchange of letters between a cloistered nun and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. The first part of the piece is the nun’s letter to His Excellency, the second part is His Excellency’s reply.
Archbishop Viganò’s reply
Reverend and dearest Sister,
I read the letter you sent me with keen interest and edification. Permit me to respond to as well as I can.
Your first question is as direct as it is disarming: “If the King of Kings and Lord of Lords were to return today in His glory, would he still recognize His Bride, the Church?” Of course He would recognize Her! But not in the sect that eclipses the See of Peter, rather in the many good souls, especially in the priests, men and women religious, and in many simple faithful souls, who, even if they do not have horns of light on their brow as Moses did (Ex 34:29), are still recognizable as living members of the Church of Christ. He would not find Her at Saint Peter’s, where worship has been offered to an unclean idol; nor at Santa Marta, where the artificial poverty and inflated humility of the Tenant are a monument to his immense ego; nor at the Synod on Synodality, where the fiction of democracy serves to complete the dismantling of the divine edifice of the Catholic Church and to impose scandalous ways of life; not in the dioceses and parishes in which the conciliar ideology has replaced the Catholic Faith and cancelled Tradition. The Lord, as Head of the Church, recognizes the pulsating and living members of His Mystical Body and those who are dead and rotting, having been snatched from Christ by heresy, lust, and pride, and who are now subject to Satan. So yes: the King of kings would recognize the pusillus grex, even if he had to look for it gathered around an altar in an attic, a cellar, or the middle of the woods.
by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Kanye Touched The “Third Rail”—Now He Must Be Destroyed
In this column of October 6, I covered several under-reported news stories showing the immense power and influence of the Israeli lobby over U.S. politics. The title of that column was They Don’t Call Israel The “Third Rail” Of Politics For Nothing! Well now, a month later, we see that not only is Israel the “third rail” of politics; it is the “third rail” of entertainment—and everything else: sports, journalism, movies, television, news broadcasting, religion, ad infinitum. Before going into the story, let me lay some very important groundwork. Any “conservative” or “Christian” writer, analyst, blogger, pundit, researcher, etc., that is not warning you about the clear and present danger of Zionism is failing you, our country and Freedom itself. And the reason that most of these “good” men are failing us is because they are scared to death of touching the “third rail.” They can talk about Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, the “Deep State” and anything else they want to talk about with barely any repercussions. It takes ZERO courage to talk about any of the above. But if you talk about Israel and Zionism, there will be hell to pay. If you don’t believe me, just ask Kanye West.
by Chuch Baldwin
Gemma O’Doherty, Fr. Sean Sheehy, And E. Michael Jones: The Dying Days Of Cancel Culture (1:36:36)
Gemma O’Doherty, Fr. Sean Sheehy and E. Michael Jones discuss cancel culture in Ireland. The pagan media are apoplectic with rage that Catholic Ireland is making a comeback.
Universal Darkness is Coming Our Way – Fast
Before he was demonised and lied about for telling the truth about covid-19, the Sunday Express described Vernon Coleman as: ‘Outspoken and alert’.
Google is the new winner of the Hypocrisy Gold Medal for 2022 – overtaking Bono, His Royal Hypocrite, and the Duke and Duchess of California. Google (proud owner of YouTube) is running huge ads announcing ‘Digital attacks are being used to censor critical information online.’ The sly hypocrites have created something called ‘Project Shield’ which they claim is to ‘defend journalists and organisations and more from these attacks’. Have you ever heard of such brass nerve? Google and YouTube are the world’s worst enemies of freedom, free speech and information. YouTube has for years been supressing the truth and censoring and banning truth tellers. Google is, in my view, the most evil and hypocritical company on the planet. There is no punishment for breaking your word these days. Thanks to the foul behaviour of our politician, civil servants, broadcasters and journalists, old-fashioned virtues such as honesty, decency and honour have become outdated concepts in every area of life. It is rare to find any institution or company which treats its companies with respect or dignity. Sunak is breaking promises like a Greek smashing plates after a good dinner. The evil and treacherous BBC reneged on its promise to give over 75s free TV licences and no one turns a hair. The electors actually expect politicians like Sunak and organisations like the BBC to lie to them.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Announcing James Perloff’s Newest Book
Most of my writing until now has been confined to geopolitics and, for a short period of time, Darwinism’s many flaws. My newest book, Missing Saints, Missing Miracles, contains a little of both, but is primarily a spiritual book, the first I’ve written. So why the shift from geopolitics to spirituality? Because after watching and fighting the “Deep State” (or “Establishment” as we used to call it) for 44 years, it’s pretty clear to me that their control is more consolidated and entrenched than ever, and the chances of mounting a successful revolution against it, in the midst of an unprecedented surveillance state, are increasingly slim. I don’t mean to sound “defeatist.” This doesn’t mean I’ve given up hope for humanly overcoming it—which I believe would please God. However, I also recognize that sometimes days come when—as when Constantinople fell in 1453, or the Alamo in 1836, or Richmond in 1865, or Berlin in 1945—that the reality must be finally faced that a particular battle in time has been lost.
by James Perloff
Drone Strikes Hit Fuel Tankers Along Syria-Iraq Border, What Really Happened?
Drone strikes were launched against a convoy of trucks, carrying fuel, along the Syria-Iraq border this Wednesday morning, reportedly causing up to 25 deaths. Despite the possible implications of the attack, it has gone largely underreported in Western media.
A fuel convoy, consisting of around 22 trucks, came under attack from Israeli drone strikes this Wednesday morning, in which 2 trucks exploded as a result. When initial news of the attack emerged, the usual conglomerate of anti-Syrian government media sites jumped on the story to claim that Iran-backed fighters had been killed. In addition to this, Iranian State-owned media outlets initially claimed that the US Government had launched the airstrikes, which added to confusion and has led to a situation where it is currently being stated that unidentified drones carried out the attack. Reports have indicated that up to 25 people were killed in the attack, with around 10 injured. The reports on injuries do seem to appear the same throughout several accounts of the casualties, however, at this moment the precise number is difficult to tell with any level of certainty. There are many conflicting reports about the nature of the attack and depending upon which version is the correct one, the potential consequences drastically change.
by Robert Inlakesh
Two Doggos Frontin’ Mad… Until The Gate Opens (0:18)
calvinball: the electoral arms race
changing the rules has always been part of the game
i hear a lot of people sputtering in indignation about “how could fetterman win?” over the last day or so and, to my mind the answer is obvious: he didn’t. his tribe did.people were not casting votes saying “hey, he looks great! good policy, smart guy, peak of health, clearly on the ball!” they were voting a party line. and he got swept along as the “broom” put forward to vote for. it’s never a vacuum. of course it’s dishonest, it’s government. but like it or no, we live in the real. election rules are like the tax code. it’s complex, ever changing, and basically unparse-able and that is a feature, not a bug. it’s purposeful design. the whole point is for amazon to be able to figure out the quintuple-irish reverse-domicile invert and pay no tax while you get grilled by the IRS for missing $7.29 in interest received on a money market account. however manipulative it may be, gaming the rules is not the same as cheating and it’s not illegal. just like taxes, that’s just politics. there is avoidance and there is evasion. the line is gray and gets hashed out in semi-competent court. US elections are basically calvinball. the whole process is to make up the rules as you go. (and pretending to have just noticed this is just one more tactic in the game)
by el gato malo
Crypto Currency Billionaire Loses Fortune Almost Overnight As Crypto Ponzi Business Exposed – The Beginning Of The Great Reset?
November 8, 2022 will obviously be remembered in history as the day of the U.S. mid-term elections, but could another event that happened yesterday eclipse even the national elections? Earlier this year I warned that cryptocurrencies were NOT safe havens to protect financial wealth, when Coinbase, the largest US crypto exchange service, announced that they had cut off 25,000 Russian wallets. As I noted then, I have never felt comfortable putting major resources into cryptocurrencies for several reasons, the most obvious one being that it is dependent upon “the system,” which requires, among other things, electricity and a working Internet. New problems with cryptocurrencies were exposed yesterday, when the equivalent of a “bank run” happened when crypto exchange FTX saw $6 billion of withdrawals in a 72-hour span, resulting in them reportedly stopping the process of withdrawals yesterday. Some big investors, including Blackrock and celebrity athletes including Stephen Curry and Tom Brady, were heavily invested in FTX. Sam Bankman-Fried, once featured on the cover of Fortune Magazine as potentially the next “Warren Buffet,” and has now reportedly lost 94% of his $16 billion fortune, may be better compared to Bernie Madoff, as ZeroHedge News found an interview he did a few months ago where he admitted that crypto yield farming is basically a Ponzi business. The big question now is when will the other big Ponzi scheme rupture, the New York Stock Exchange, sending the U.S. and probably the rest of the world into financial ruins and usher in the Great Reset?
by Brian Shilhavy
Most Detailed Map Of Brain’s Memory Hub Finds Connectivity Puzzle
The most detailed map ever made of the communication links between the hippocampus—the brain’s memory control center—and the rest of the brain has been created by Australian scientists. And it may change how we think about human memory. “We were surprised to find fewer connections between the hippocampus and frontal cortical areas, and more connections with early visual processing areas than we expected to see,” said Dr. Marshall Dalton, a Research Fellow in the School of Psychology at the University of Sydney. “Although, this makes sense considering the hippocampus plays an important role not only in memory but also imagination and our ability to construct mental images in our mind’s eye.” The hippocampus is a complex structure that resembles a seahorse and is tucked deep within the brain. As a vital component of the brain, it is important for memory formation and plays a key role in the transfer of memories from short-term to long-term storage. But it also plays a part in navigation, imagining fictitious or future experiences, creating mental imagery of scenes in the mind’s eye, and even in visual perception and decision making.
by University of Sydney
Kari Lake Joins Tucker Carlson For The Latest On The State Of The Race In Arizona (6:33)
CPI Report – Inflation On Food, Fuel, Home Heating And Essentials Continues Growing – Overall Inflation Moderation Now Claimed As Calendar Cycles
The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) provides the latest data on consumer prices (inflation). We explained in 2021 how inflation would grow on a month-over-month and year-over-year basis until the calendar became more friendly and the government officials could claim “diminished inflation growth.” Well, we are now entering that phase of economic parseltongue. October consumer prices increased 0.4% over September. However, we are now comparing year-over-year (Y0Y) inflation to the period where last year’s prices had already skyrocketed, so YoY inflation seems to be moderating at 7.7%, it’s a false premise. Think about that. $1 for a single lemon and roughly 50¢ per egg at the supermarket. A full shopping cart of groceries now easily exceeding $200. This is devastating for those on fixed incomes and blue-collar workers. Wages are nowhere near keeping up with this level of price increase.
by Sundance
The Burden Western Liberals Impose Only On Palestinians
Since the beginning of Zionist Jewish colonization of their country in the 1880s, Palestinians have faced demands that they carry a double burden: to fight off the Jewish racist colonists while having to defend their colonizers against anti-Jewish European Christian racism. No other colonized people has been forced to carry such a double burden. Not even the Indigenous African peoples of Liberia were asked to defend their own Black American racist colonizers who despised them against European and US anti-Black racism that targeted the Black colonists. Neither were Black South Africans ever asked to defend their Afrikaner oppressors against the British who oppressed the Afrikaners, even placing them in concentration camps. And no one ever demanded that Indigenous people defend their white colonizers against the religious persecution they suffered in Europe which they claim impelled them to colonize North America.
by Joseph Massad
This Ancient Canaanite Comb Is Engraved With A Plea Against Lice
Between the teeth, researchers found the remains of a louse
Engraved into the side of a nearly 4,000-year-old ivory comb is a simple wish: Get these lice out of my hair. This faint inscription, written in the early language of the ancient Canaanites, represents the earliest known instance of a complete sentence written using a phonetic alphabet, says archaeologist Yosef Garfinkel of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The writing system of the Canaanites, who lived in a region in the eastern Mediterranean called the Levant until around 2,000 years ago, later served as a major basis for many modern alphabets (SN: 7/27/17). That makes the comb “the most important object I’ve ever found during an excavation,” says Garfinkel. The research was published November 9 in the Jerusalem Journal of Archaeology. The Canaanites were a cultural group that traded widely across the Mediterranean. Few of their written records have survived, so most of what researchers know about them come from other documents, such as the Old Testament.
by Freda Kreier
Newly Released Pfizer Document – Vaccination Effects On Fertility In Rats From 2020
I was looking for some information from one of the Pfizer documents when I came across this one. It was released in the latest November tranche of documents and is a Combined Fertility and Developmental Study (Including Teratogenicity and Postnatal Investigations) of BNT162b1, BNT162b2 and BNT162b3 by Intramuscular Administration in the Wistar Rat. The Pfizer vaccine that was approved for emergency use was BNT162b2. Remember, these were the documents that were only released after a Court ruled the FDA should do so and therefore it was always likely the worst documents would be released last. This document was approved on 22 December 2020. In April 2021, the UK issued new advice that pregnant women should be offered the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as the rest of the population, based on their age and clinical group. The study was undertaken by Charles River, an American pharmaceutical company specialising in a variety of pre-clinical and clinical laboratory services for the pharmaceutical, medical device and biotechnology industries. That description was taken from their 2019 Wikipedia page.
by The Naked Emperor
Blue Whales Are The Largest Known Animal That Has Ever Existed (0:11)
White House To Partner With Social Media Monitoring Tool
New government contracts.
The Biden administration is about to sign a contract with Dataminr – a licensing deal for the company’s product that is used in the monitoring of social media. This is revealed in documents published by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) which will buy 30 licenses to deploy Dataminr’s First Alert V2, designed for the public sector and the scouring of 200,000 online sources and data mining, then compiling real-time news alerts for the White House, and other clients. Dataminr is a popular tool used by news desks and others that want to monitor the internet and it’s easy to see why it would be useful to the government. Portions of the press show an unfavorable attitude towards Dataminr because it was used by police in many cities, including New York and Los Angeles, to monitor the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests and riots.
by Didi Rankovic
Nothing Personal, War And The Harvesting Of Humans Is Business
The United States dubbed by Iran as The Great Satan continues with maniacal persistence to adhere to the tactics of war of attrition. There are several reasons for this, and one of them is the presence of economic interest. The desire to skim off the cream through the mass sale of military products, and LNG supplies: As Antonov surmised, ‘It’s only business, nothing personal.’ The Russian diplomat stressed that the White House will not be able to escape responsibility for protracting the conflict and the death of innocent people during the confrontation with Russia ‘to the last Ukrainian.’ After the start of the special military operation, the West significantly increased the supply of military equipment and weapons to Ukraine. The United States and European countries transferred weapons and equipment from their arsenals to the Kyiv regime. In turn, a number of countries in Eastern Europe, the Baltics and the Balkans sent to Kyiv the equipment of Soviet and Russian production that was in their arsenal.
by Michael Walsh
Life or Death: Which Law Governs The Universe Part 2: Locke And Newton vs. Leibniz
The idea that anti-republican John Locke inspired the founding of the USA has been a strategic myth which has kept generations of Americans from understanding their own moral roots.
This is the 2nd of a five part series. Part one ‘On the Cult of Aristotle’ which introduces the two opposing currents of ‘western thought’ leading up to Kepler’s “banning Aristotle from Christendom” can be accessed here. In his 1689 Essay on Human Understanding, the British empiricist John Locke (1632-1704) revived Aristotle’s theory of the blank slate and in so doing defended his notion that slavery was an immutable part of the universe. Locke’s thesis that slaves could be legally considered mere “property” was enshrined in his drafting of the constitution for Carolina and also justified his own vast shares in the British Royal Africa Company that extracted millions of black slaves from Africa to the British American and Caribbean colonies during his lifetime. In his 1689 treatise, Locke wrote: “The souls of the newly born are empty tablets, only afterwards filled in by observation and reasoning… When does a man begin to have any Ideas? I think the true Answer is, When he first has any Sensation. For since there appear not to be any Ideas in the Mind, before the Senses have conveyed any in… T’is about these Impressions made on our Senses by outward Objects, that the Mind seems first to employ itself in such Operations which we call, Perception, Remembering, Consideration, Reasoning, etc. In time, the Mind comes to reflect on its own Operations, about the Ideas got by the Senses, and thereby stores itself with a new set of Ideas, which I call Ideas of Reflection. The simple Ideas, the Materials of all our Knowledge, are suggested and furnished to the Mind only by those two Ways above-mentioned…”
by Matthew Ehret
Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion: Part 8 – China’s Democracy Experiments
I have written earlier that the multi-party electoral system (“democracy”) is the only form of government designed to be controlled by outsiders, naturally leaving it open to corruption and fraud. The Chinese, listening to the Americans, discovered all the proof of this in their own back yard. China has experimented with small-scale introductions of Western-style democratic elections for local officials in rural areas. We are often told that “first impressions” are the most important, that on initially meeting a person or entering a new situation, we see it most clearly at that first introduction. With the passage of time, our perceptions become clouded and dimmed by extraneous factors and our focus scattered by irrelevancies. On the introduction of “democracy” to the Chinese, they saw it very clearly as it really was – a system for obtaining political power that was just begging to be manipulated. In fact, it was seen as the very purpose of such a system and to have been designed precisely for such a purpose. And it was.
by Larry Romanoff
New Greta Thunberg Thermostat Scowls At You When You Turn The Heat Up
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA — Google, the makers of the Nest™ thermostat that totally does not track your every movement and thought, has partnered with climate activist Greta Thunberg to make a thermostat that scowls at you when you attempt to turn the heat up. The Greta Thunberg Thermostat™ also emits an audible, “How dare you” if it hears you emit dangerous methane into the atmosphere in the form of a fart. The Greta Thunberg Thermostat™ is predicted to fly off the shelves of stores that are currently unable to carry less important items like baby formula and children’s vitamins. Popular features of the new thermostat sure to be a hit among climate-informed users include:
This Is Neither A Fox, Dog Or Wolf. It Is A Maned Wolf, And Is The Only Species In Its Genus – Chrysocyon (0:31)
MCT Fats Found In Coconut Oil Boost Brain Function In Only One Dose
Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), the primary type of fat found within coconut oil, have been found to boost cognitive performance in older adults suffering from memory disorders as serious as Alzheimer’s — and not after months or even days of treatment, but after a single 40 ml dose! A groundbreaking 2004 study published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging found that the administration of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), the primary fat type found in coconut oil, almost immediately improved cognitive function in older adults with memory disorders.
by Sayer Ji
Separation Is The Largest Religion In The World
We are manipulated into continually working against each other in competition-based systems rather than with each other in collaboration-based ones. Most of our innovative brainpower goes toward trying to create some fake new demand to supply or getting the latest gadget out before our corporate competitors, or toward finding new and creative ways to kill large numbers of humans at a time. Scientists could be cooperating around the world to make it a better planet to live on while we all work together for the sake of human thriving. We can learn to collaborate not just with each other but with our ecosystem for the mutual benefit of ourselves and our biosphere. But these aims are unattainable for a deeply unconscious species still chained to delusions about self and separation. As long as we are still driven by fear and greed and still easily manipulated by mental narrative, we will remain bound to the self-destructive patterning that is leading our species to its doom.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Who Watches The Watchmen?
‘Fact’-checkers can’t see the woods for the trees
Early this month, HART outlined the detailed mechanisms that have been deployed to crush constructive dissent in the Covid era. The assault on the rational mind has been one of shock & awe — a concerted effort to ridicule, gaslight and coerce those considering the ultimate heresy of questioning what they have been told to believe. “Moving at the speed of science” (big pharma terms and conditions apply) seems to imply the opposite of what normal human beings would describe as the scientific method. Bloated and corrupt monopolies tend, over time, to buckle and collapse under the weight of their own inconsistencies. Discrepancies become harder to paper over; the truth will out. ‘Fact’-checkers — so often funded by those their ‘fact’-checks protect — are increasingly having to back-pedal and deal with periodic humiliation as they post-rationalise their obviously fallible discernment.
A Termite Track (Top) And An Ant Track (Bottom), Each Protected By Its Column Of Soldiers Who Face Each Other Without Attacking (0:29)
Trump: “Take The Guns First…” (6:51)
by Jim Rizoli
ACH (1960) Frank Raymond – Speaking Truth About The Powers That Be: Courage To Speak Or Slavery… (Audio 1:03:17)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 4, 2022, Andy broadcasts a BitChute video by Frank Raymond entitled, “Speaking Truth About The Powers That Be: Courage To Speak Or Slavery…”
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Fertilizers Limit Pollination By Changing How Bumblebees Sense Flowers
Pollinators are less likely to land on flowers sprayed with fertilizers or pesticides as they can detect electric field changes around the flower, researchers at the University of Bristol have found. The study, published in PNAS Nexus today, shows that chemical sprays alter the electric field around flowers for up to 25 minutes after exposure. This impact lasts substantially longer than natural fluctuations, such as those caused by wind, and causes a reduction in bee feeding effort in nature. Dr. Ellard Hunting of Bristol’s School of Biological Sciences and his team noted that fertilizers did not affect vision and smell, and set out to mimic the electrical changes caused by fertilizers and pesticides in the field by electrically manipulating flowers. This showed that bumblebees were able to detect and discriminate against the small and dynamic electric field alterations that are caused by the chemicals.
by University of Bristol
The Wider World Does Not Uniformly Adhere To The Western View Of ‘Justice’
Russia is discovering that its move away from the West is finding approval, even if some of the Global Majority may be wondering why it took so long
Military and political tensions in Europe have long been a catalyst for profound change in the structure of world politics and economics. And, of course, they have often altered Russia’s place in the world. While the signs of the former have been evident for at least a few years, the latter is now clearly visible. Last month’s annual meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Moscow clearly illustrated this trend and raised important questions. Many in Russia have long spoken of the need to move away from the Western-centric view of the world which has been inherent in our political consciousness for centuries. It is not a question of sympathies or antipathies, but of understanding changes in the world order: One cannot take a residual view of a vast part of the world where, as is now commonly said, the Global Majority live and where the most intensive development is taking place. No one argues against this, but it is difficult to overcome the deep-rooted tradition of evaluating our own actions through the prism of relations with the West. The events of 2022 forced this to be done in emergency mode – the West itself took the initiative.
by Fyodor Lukyanov
‘Actual Threat To Democracy’: Tucker Carlson Calls For End To Electronic Voting Machines (Text and Video) [I Said This In 2004]
Democracy was indeed on the ballot Tuesday, and Dominion Voting systems failed spectacularly on election day 2022. What happened in Arizona proves that the suspicious vote tabulation machines are not suitable for determining winners and losers in important democratically held elections- so they need to be removed, is the opinion of many political pundits. Fox News reported on the early-day problems with the machines: Officials in Maricopa County, Arizona, say they have found a solution after roughly 20% of their polling sites were experiencing “issues” with tabulation machines just hours after Election Day polls opened. The county’s election department said it had identified the solution for the tabulation issues at about 60 Vote Centers.
by Kari Donovan
No End In View For Ukraine War
The US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s meetings with Ukrainian leaders, including President Vladimir Zelensky, in Kiev has created a lot of confusion and misperceptions. One one side, the White House maintains that the trip aimed “to underscore the United States’ steadfast support to Ukraine and its people.” The readout stated that Sullivan also affirmed “the continued provision of economic and humanitarian assistance, as well as ongoing efforts with partners to hold Russia accountable for its aggression.” However, unnamed US officials gave the spin that Sullivan’s real mission was to “nudge” Zelensky to negotiate with Moscow and urge that “Kyiv must show its willingness to end the war reasonably and peacefully.” Politico later reported that Zelensky indeed heeded Sullivan’s “soft nudging”. The US media also reported that the US officials have been nudging the Ukrainians for sometime.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
“Whether we and our politicians know it or not,
Nature is party to all our deals and decisions,
and she has more votes, a longer memory,
and a sterner sense of justice than we do.”
Wendell Berry
Vanguard And Blackrock Own The Entire World: We Are Already A New Global World Order In The Making
The misconceptions and ‘beliefs’ by the masses in this country, and the world, are staggeringly naïve; so much so as to be the lynchpin of universal ignorance. The asinine and preposterous idea of voting as sacred, and the reliance on masters instead of self, has brought about such dependence on the state and the master class, as to have almost single-handedly destroyed the independence of man. This is what I refer to as a master/slave relationship, where all confidence is misplaced, logic is abandoned, reason is lost, and common sense disappears. This happens every time trust for one’s own life and freedom is consigned to those claiming to be ‘leaders’ of man. There are no such leaders, as no man has any right to control or hold power over another without the total destruction of liberty becoming the resulting outcome. To think otherwise is simply an exercise in idiocy.
by Gary D. Barnett
We’re Freakin Doomed by Mike Maloney (21:15)
We’re Freakin Doomed by Mike Maloney (21:15)’re-Freakin-Doomed-by-Mike-Maloney
A Sick And Dying Nation Partakes Of A November Ritual Called “Voting” Looking For Change In The Wrong Places
Many Americans will take part in the November ritual of election years to go out and vote for their favorite political candidates today, believing that if enough people vote the way they do, positive change will be the result. This ritual is very sacred, because it is drilled into Americans from early in life that it is our civic duty to vote, and that if we don’t vote and the country then falls apart and goes to hell, it will be our fault for not voting. However, the most pressing issues facing our country, and the solutions to these issues are not going to be resolved by either political party being in power. The only way this country is going to change, is if Americans decide to change themselves, and decide to divorce themselves from the Luciferian world system that seeks to enslave us, which uses both political parties to do so. We need to stop being simply consumers of technology, and that will be forced upon us as the technology continues to fail, and start becoming producers of real goods and services again, which is how this country was built following WW II. The tipping point for this country will soon arrive, and it will be marked by the total financial collapse that is a certainty now, as the only question left is “when”, and no longer “if.” The future of this nation rests upon YOU, and not the puppet politicians the Globalists put in place to perpetuate their plans for a Luciferian New World Order that wants to drastically reduce the world’s population because the individual human life has no value to them. To them you are simply a product of Darwinian evolution, and it is time for them to get rid of all the “useless” people who stand in the way of their agendas and move on to the next stage of the evolutionary cycle, which they want you to believe is a technocratic one with things like “transhumans.” And only YOU can stop that. Because it is all a lie, built upon a faulty foundation of a godless worldview that started with Darwin, and completely ignores the fact that human beings are created by God, in his image, giving the individual great worth.
by Brian Shilhavy
War Without End
What is wrong with the United States of America?
So basically, anyone talking sense about Ukraine in Washington is being shut down by forces within the political parties themselves working together with a compliant national media that is mis-representing everything that is taking place on the ground. It is a formula for tragedy as the Biden administration has shown no sign of seeking diplomacy with Russia to end the conflict despite the president’s recent surprising warning that the world is now facing the highest risk of nuclear “Armageddon,” which he, of course, blames on Putin. Given all of that, in my humble opinion a government that is unable or unwilling to take reasonable steps to protect its own citizens while also avoiding a possible nuclear catastrophe that could end up engulfing the entire world is fundamentally evil and has lost all legitimacy. It should recognize that fact before submitting its resignation.
by Philip Giraldi
Ukraine Wants To Drag US Into Conflict With Russia – Ambassador
By staging a ‘dirty bomb’ provocation, Kiev wants to pit the two nuclear powers against each other, Anatoly Antonov claims
Washington is ignoring Moscow’s warnings about alleged Ukrainian plans to detonate a ‘dirty bomb’ to frame Russia, the latter’s ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, claimed on Wednesday. He added that this could enable Kiev to drag the US and NATO directly into the conflict. In an article posted on social media, Antonov said that Russia has been “making every effort to get through to the international community” to warn about a potential dirty bomb false-flag incident by Kiev to frame Russia. Ukraine, he said, is also considering an even more dangerous scenario – a provocation at a nuclear power plant which could result in “an accident comparable to the Chernobyl and Fukushima.” “Yet Washington shies away from our warnings, calling them ‘false’ and ‘groundless,’ while using a formula of ‘look who’s talking,’” the ambassador stated. According to Antonov, Ukraine plans to detonate a dirty bomb to make it appear that Russia used a tactical nuclear weapon, so “Kiev can pretend to be a victim and drag the United States and NATO directly into the conflict” and “pit the nuclear powers against each other,” he said. “The US keeps pretending that it does not see these dangerous trends,” he claimed, adding that “by justifying the Kiev regime,” Washington is becoming an “accomplice of nuclear terrorism.”
by RT
Midterm Updates And Silver Linings
For 2024, Democrats now own the economy.
The problem with calling what was to come a Red Wave was always that many races were tight. Polling was close in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada. If GOP victory was to be a near-certainty, then the media would frame anything less as a defeat. Well, here we are. As I’m writing this, Democrats are predicted to control the Senate with a final composition of 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans (with Kamala being the tie-breaker). Here’s the breakdown from The New York Times. The good news? Republicans will take the House. We’re looking at an estimated 211 Democrat House seats and 224 Republican House seats. Finally, you can’t discuss 2024 without thinking of the brightest spot for Republicans in the 2022 midterms: the decisive DeSantis win in Florida. Miami-Dade County, which had been solid blue and voted +7 for Biden in 2020, turned DeSantis +11 in 2022. The red shift in Florida was complete. What does the DeSantis win say about 2024? It increases the likelihood of a Trump-DeSantis showdown. Brace yourself – the presidential election is now underway.
by Techno Fog
Neil Oliver: ‘The Green Agenda We’re Being Sold Is Absolutely Not Green’ (11:24)
Neil Oliver: ‘The Green Agenda We’re Being Sold Is Absolutely Not Green’ (11:24)
Barely Half Of The Country — If That — Are Motivated To Defeat The Evil Leaders Who Have Caused America’s Crises
Back on the political level, it appears that Donald Trump will do all he can to defeat Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for President in 2024, and back any mediocre candidate who will, in the words of the King of Vulgarity, “Kiss his a–” and endorse his, “I won the 2020 election” mantra. The loss in Pennsylvania for senate and governor were needless, major defeats. Due to Mr. Trump’s second-raters (Oz and Mastriano) winning the GOP primaries earlier this year with Trump’s endorsement, in Pennsylvania there will be a Democrat governor, and in the US Senate, John Fetterman. What a joke. The Donald is a selfish ego-maniac and the Democrat party’s “Trump card.”
by Michael Hoffman
Israel Builds Fake Cemeteries Around Al-Aqsa Mosque, Says Palestinian Committee
The Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque Committee of the Palestinian Legislative Council accused the Israeli occupation authorities yesterday of constructing fake cemeteries around Al-Aqsa Mosque, Quds Press has reported. According to the head of the Committee, Ahmad Abu Halabiyeh MP, this was an attempt to forge “evidence” to “prove” a historic Jewish presence in the Palestinian, Arab and Islamic holy city. “Recently, the Israeli occupation has built hundreds of tombs to prove that the Jewish existence dates back hundreds of years,” explained Abu Halabiyeh. Around 300 fake tombs have been built in Jabal Al-Zaytoun, east of Al-Aqsa Mosque, he said, and 200 others in Wadi Al Hilwa in Silwan, south of the mosque, in addition to hundreds more in different areas across occupied Jerusalem, mainly in the Old City. The MP pointed out that these tombs were built over the past two years. One area, he said, has even been called the “Jewish Cemetery”.
German MP Added To Kiev’s ‘Terrorist List’ Because He Called For A Ceasefire
The head of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich said the Ukrainian government put him on a “terrorist list” because he had called for a cease-fire in Ukraine. He added that he had also “received threats”. The criteria according to which Kiev differentiates its friends from its enemies has irked the president of the group SPD in the Bundestag, Mützenich. German politicians are particularly indignant that their names are now on the list of people who “promote narrative people in accordance with Russian propaganda”. This document is published on the website of the Center for Combating Disinformation to the National Defense and Security Council of Ukraine. “I was irritated that the Ukrainian government had put me on a terrorist list on the grounds that I was working for a cease-fire or for the possibility of taking new diplomatic measures,” he told the German news agency dpa. According to him, he has since also received “secondary threats, so to speak, which are not easy to manage either”.
by Free West Media
Another Dictatorial Election: What Have You Done, And Why Are You Still So Blind?
Voting for masters to rule over you is the epitome of consensual enslavement. It is nothing more than a state coup pretending to allow you to choose which possessed and predetermined contestants will become the next enforcers of the totalitarian agenda of power and control over the people who voluntarily accept each and every surrogate master as legitimate. This is especially true of presidential elections, and those of the higher positions in government, but all elections of politicians fits this description. Nothing could be more asinine, more ignorant, or more pathetic, than such a display as this, and yet this deceitful trickery is not only fully sanctioned by the masses, but is held sacred, and considered a glorified right. How could such a state of unintelligent and unconscious lunacy capture the minds of so many for so long? Has voting improved this country, made it more free, stopped tyranny and war, or saved it from brutal rule? Of course not! Just the opposite has occurred.
by Gary D. Barnett
A Very Important Election Message From Creepy Joe by Jeff Dunham (4:00)
A Very Important Election Message From Creepy Joe by Jeff Dunham (4:00)
Travesty Of Justice: 1,100 Days Of Torture, Solitary Confinement For Iranian In Sweden
Hamid Nouri, a former Iranian judiciary official who has been illegally incarcerated in Sweden, on Wednesday completed three years in solitary confinement despite the court’s order that the cruel restrictions on him be lifted. Nouri’s son, Majid Nouri, said on Wednesday that his father has been languishing in solitary confinement since his arrest on flimsy charges in November 2019. Nouri was arrested immediately upon his arrival at the Stockholm Airport three years ago. Swedish authorities alleged that he was involved in the execution and torture of the members of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) in 1988. He has repeatedly and vehemently rejected the allegations. In July, a Swedish court sentenced Nouri to life imprisonment. The court, which was described by Iranian officials as illegal, convicted Nouri of so-called war crimes and crimes against humanity, based on allegations leveled by the MKO terrorist cult.
by PressTV
US Siege Persists: Lebanon Prevented From Importing Iran’s Fuel Donation
After several months of vagueness, the US administration announced clearly that sanctions will be imposed on Lebanon if it approves the Iranian fuel donation, according to a report posted by Al-Akhbar daily. The Lebanese newspaper mentioned that the remarks made by the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Barbara Leaf, indicated that the US siege on Lebanon persists. Al-Akhbar added that the US vague stances pertaining the Iranian fuel donation during the past months aimed only at sustaining the positive atmosphere of the maritime border demarcation. It is worth noting that Hezbollah secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah mentioned during his latest speech that the Americans will not allow Lebanon to import the Egyptian gas, Jordanian electric power, and Iranian fuel.
by Al-Manar
Naughty Russians
So, the compelling need for the continuation of an unnecessary war is the main point being made by Mr. Myers’ featured article, which clearly reflects the views of the New York Times editorial staff. And the enemy characteristically comes from within – Americans who oppose the involvement of the United States in the war against Russia and are accused if being little more than “domestic actors” who are peddling disinformation provided by the Kremlin. Given that this article has appeared two days before national elections, the intent is clear. The Russians are, per the Times, generating disinformation about Ukraine and Americans who go along with the lies are being manipulated. Moscow is again interfering in a US national election! Vote for the Democratic candidates as they will be the ones that can be relied upon to keep the war going! Three cheers for Joe Biden!
by Philip Giraldi
People Promise Much To Charities, But Donations Remain Unsent
More than half of charitable giving via payment apps is “forgotten” as soon as a fundraiser leaves according to a new University of Copenhagen study published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. On the other hand, digital solutions make it easier to donate more than spare change. Small groups of volunteers ring doorbells year round to raise money for an array of causes. Many organizations and interest groups rely on the generosity of ordinary people to fund their charitable work. But when volunteers ring nowadays, they are increasingly asking for digital donations. Here, payment platforms like Apple Pay, or the Danish MobilePay app let donors contribute without their needing to fish cash or coins from their pockets.
by University of Copenhagen
Every Time When Dad Arrives Home (0:58)
Every Time When Dad Arrives Home (0:58)
Russian MoD Announces Troop Withdrawal From Parts Of Kherson Region To Left Bank Of Dnepr River
Following his appointment as commander of all Russian forces in Ukraine last month, General Sergei Surovikin stated that the situation in the zone of Russia’s special military operation is tense, as Ukrainian forces keep making attempts to attack Russian positions. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has agreed to the suggestion of Sergei Surovikin, the Russian Army general appointed commander of all Russian forces in Ukraine, to withdraw troops from parts of Russia’s Kherson region to the left bank of the Dnepr River. The decision was made as Surovikin delivered a report to Shoigu on the course of the special military operation. General Surovikin told the defense minister that the establishment of defenses along the left bank of the Dnepr River would be the most rational option in the current circumstances. He warned that should the Kiev regime proceed with its plans to destroy the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric plant and dam, it could lead to disastrous consequences.
He stressed yet again that Kiev’s missile strikes on the dam have been incessant, and on September 26, one of the spillway shutters was hit and damaged.
by Sputnik News
War Breeds Empire, Death, Starvation, Genocide, And Hatred, And The U.S. Is The Most Heinous Perpetrator Of War In The History Of The World
If I had my way, the word “patriotism” would be stricken from the language, as it has but one real meaning, and that is that the political state is God, and that individual and individual human right and responsibility have no meaning or worth. Compassion and love are abandoned in every state of war, and without compassion, only hate and indifference remains. The term “war is hell” is exactly correct, for what other evil can compare with the barbarous slaughter of every form of humanity in the name of ‘country’ or religion. It should be noted that all war is solely for the benefit of the ruling class, and therefore, it is the bane of mankind. It brings nothing but horror, maiming, torture, weeping, and murder, and is satisfying only to those deranged psychopaths and monsters who revel in killing in order to seek power and control.
by Gary D. Barnett
A Very Important Election Message From Creepy Joe by Jeff Dunham (4:00)
A Very Important Election Message From Creepy Joe by Jeff Dunham (4:00)
Fabulous Tabulator Selector Machines
Technology for the advanced democracy.
There’s an inaccurate definition of insanity which is portrayed as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Did you get that? There’s an inaccurate definition of insanity which is portrayed as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. How about now? The fabulous high-tech tabulation engines used across the same purple counties of America are getting glitchy again. The mainframe crosswire password cloud protocols are simply not regulating the database count to timestamp voter selections to correspond to predetermined candidate controls. Don’t worry Democracy-lovers, it’s all completely normal. Machines are magically failing right on schedule in all the right states that will decide the Senate. Ballots are disappearing. Some were never sent out “by mistake” in Georgia so voting has been extended another week there. Don’t worry, it’s all normal. Pennsylvania is trying to replay its greatest hits from the 2020 election. The courts will determine the winners again sometime around Thanksgiving.
by Good Citizen
The West Bullies Iran, Again
The manner in which Tehran handled its drone deal with Russia has been somewhat clumsy. The fact that the first ‘leak’ on this topic originated from none other than President Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan should have alerted Tehran that something sinister was afoot. Instead, for whatever reasons, Tehran went into a flat denial mode. And now in a turnaround, we are given to understand that Iran’s denial was factually correct, albeit not wholly true in content. Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has acknowledged that the “drone part is true, and we provided Russia with a small number of drones months before the Ukraine war.” The minister added the caveat that “This fuss made by some Western countries, that Iran has provided missiles and drones to Russia to help the war in Ukraine — the missile part is completely wrong.”
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Confidential Pfizer Docs And Official Gov. Reports Confirm Covid-19 Vaccination Is Destroying Immune Systems, Killing Hundreds Of Thousands And Causing Infertility, Stillbirths And Cancer
In 2020, your freedoms and liberties were taken away because of an alleged pandemic. You were then told that the answer to regaining those freedoms and liberties was to take an experimental injection that had not yet finished clinical trials. Your Government lied to you about the severity of the alleged Covid-19 virus and put policies in place that ensured tens of thousands of the elderly and vulnerable suffered an untimely and unnecessary death. They then used propaganda and lies to convince you they had died of Covid-19 so that they could justify the Draconian measures they had enforced to turn your country into a totalitarian state. The lies and propaganda then continued so that they could coerce millions to take an experimental gene therapy that they insisted was safe and effective with absolutely no evidence whatsoever to back it up. They even went as far as to insist it was completely safe for pregnant women to get vaccinated when not a single study had been carried out to confirm this was the case.
by The Exposé
COVID Jab Requirement For US Border Extended Into 2023
The current restrictions are set to expire on November 8, and the renewed border restrictions are in place until January 8.
The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has extended the requirement for non-U.S. citizen, non-immigrants to show proof of COVID-19 injection in order to enter the country. This makes the U.S. one of the few remaining Western countries to uphold such a mandate. The move comes despite the fact that the jabs do not prevent against contracting the virus. With the increasing rise of so-called “breakthrough cases,” studies are now showing that the injections actually increase the chances of contracting the virus. The renewal of the U.S. border restrictions was announced November 4, and will expire on January 8, 2023. The current restrictions – which require visitors and temporary residents to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter the country – were due to expire on November 8.
by Michael Haynes
This Is Not Looking Good Folks (19:05)
by Press For Truth
US Sets Up New Military Base In NE Syria
Base is in key city of Raqqa
A number of US troops and logistics forces have been arriving in the Syrian city of Raqqa recently, and are in the process of establishing a new military base in the area, in Hasakeh Province. The location makes some sense, though no official announcement has been made yet. The US has an estimated 1,000 troops left in Syria, and 28 declared military sites. They are mostly in Hasakeh, so it makes sense that the new base would be there too. The timing is particularly telling, however. Just over a week prior, the US said they had “no plans” to withdraw from Syria militarily, and the National Security Council’s John Kirby said the US presence is “solely to combat ISIS.” There is an ISIS presence around Raqqa, mostly lingering remnant forces in and around the desert area. Those forces often end up fighting Syrian and Russian forces, and sometimes the Kurdish YPG.
by Jason Ditz
Unique 3,000-Year-Old Bronze-Age Petroglyphs Found In Sweden
Despite being found in a landlocked area, the petroglyphs depict about 60 ships, which is an indicator of their age. Apparently, the carvings were part of the Bronze-Age shoreline, alongside which, in absence of roads, boats were the main type of transportation. About a hundred petroglyphs have been discovered south of Enköping in Uppsala County north of Stockholm. Despite this area ranking as one of Sweden’s most petroglyph-dense, the rock carvings are unusually numerous and deep and contain, among other things, about 60 ships, which seems somewhat unusual for a landlocked town. In total, there are about 100 figures carved on an arable hill south of the town of Enköping, making the find the largest in about a century. The carvings are around 3,000 years old and were carved at a time when the sea water reached here. This explains the large number of ships carved into the rock face. Before ultimately being discovered by archeologist and “petroglyph hunter” Sven Gunnar Broström of Umeå Univeristy, the carvings were hid from the outside world under a blanket of earth and stone.
by Igor Kuznetsov
Let’s Be Clear: If WW3 Happens It Will Be The Result Of Choices Made By The US Empire
The commander of the US nuclear arsenal has stated unequivocally that the war in Ukraine is just a warmup exercise for a much larger conflict that’s already in the mail. Antiwar’s Dave DeCamp reports: The commander that oversees US nuclear forces delivered an ominous warning at a naval conference last week by calling the war in Ukraine a “warmup” for the “big one” that is to come. “This Ukraine crisis that we’re in right now, this is just the warmup,” said Navy Adm. Charles Richard, the commander of US Strategic command. “The big one is coming. And it isn’t going to be very long before we’re going to get tested in ways that we haven’t been tested [in] a long time.” Richard’s warning came after the US released its new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), which reaffirms that the US doctrine allows for the first use of nuclear weapons. The review says that the purpose of the US nuclear arsenal is to “deter strategic attacks, assure allies and partners, and achieve US objectives if deterrence fails.” Not only does Richard appear to believe that a hot war between major world powers is a foregone conclusion, he has also previously stated that a nuclear war with Russia or China is now “a very real possibility.”
by Caitlin Johnstone
Talmudic Catholic Cardinal Guilty Of Molestation
On March 27, 2006 Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard was part of a contingent of Catholic prelates who traveled to a New York yeshiva to pay their respects to the Babylonian Talmud-the sacred texts containing virulent hate speech toward Jesus and Blessed Virgin Mary. Now it has been revealed that Ricard is guilty of molesting a 14-year-old girl: While genuflecting before the Holy Book of Hate Speech back in 2006, all of the cardinals and bishops present ignominiously hid the crucifixes (“pectoral cross”) they were wearing on their chest. This pusillanimous gesture was apparently intended to symbolize their submission to the Babylonian Talmud’s view of Jesus Christ as 1. A magician and impostor who was 2. Born of a prostitute and is now 3. In hell being perpetually boiled in excrement. (Yes, that’s exactly what those three points in the Talmud of Babylon uphold, and no, we are not taking those passages “out of context.” They are entirely consistent with the tenor and teaching of the Talmud as a whole).
by Michael Hoffman
Catherine Englebrecht And Gregg Phillips Released From Imprisonment By Order Of Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals (text and Video)
By order of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips have been ordered released from custody, reversing the lower court decision which led to their detention and imprisonment for six days. I will look for more details on the Texas Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal decision. Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested for exploiting access to U.S. election data, including election worker information, and transferring the files to China. Eugene Yu and Konnech sued True the Vote and are using the U.S. civil judicial system to find out who told the FBI about the Chinese data harvesting operation. Federal Judge Kenneth Hoyt demanded that Phillips and Englebrecht reveal the names of everyone who was present when the original data files were shown to True the Vote. Englebrecht and Phillips stated they did not ever possess the data file, do not have it and refused to name all the participants who may have seen it. Judge Hoyt threw them in jail last Monday until Englebrecht and Phillips give up the names to the court and the Chinese Communist Party. Their release comes a day after President Trump drew attention to their wrongful incarceration during a MAGA rally in Latrobe Pennsylvania. Fox News Host Tucker Carlson also drew attention to the case.
by Sundance
China Holds High-Profile Display Of Advanced Warplanes, Weapons At Airshow, ‘Deters Taiwan Secessionists, External Interference Forces’
When the six-day Airshow China 2022 kicked off on Tuesday in Zhuhai, South China’s Guangdong Province, spectators were greatly amazed by the country’s most advanced J-20 fighter jets’ outstanding flight performances with challenging maneuvers of tactical significance in a very humid weather, as well as their landing before the general public for the first time, which experts said, together with flight performances of the YU-20 aerial tanker and the J-16 heavy fighter jet among others, constituted a confident and high-profile move that not only showed the capabilities of the aircraft, but also served as a deterrence to “Taiwan independence” secessionist and external interference forces. After consecutive days of bad weather in Zhuhai, rainfall stopped on Tuesday, the first day of the airshow, blessing all the aircraft with a cloudy weather condition barely okay for the delivery, and maybe more importantly, the crowd’s proper audience, of flight performances.
by Liu Xuanzun, Cao Siqi and Lin Luwen
Grain Wars: Black Sea Attack Exposes Zelensky’s Media Stunts For What They Are
To observe Zelensky’s statement to western media, arguing that African countries may face famines, is both absurd and disingenuous.
The Black Sea attacks on Russian naval vessels will no doubt focus the minds on decision-makers, after Russia reacted – briefly – by swiftly shutting down the grain deal, brokered by Turkey’s firebrand leader Recep Erdogan in August of this year. Since the deal was signed, almost 400 ships passed through Istanbul heading towards Black Sea ports transporting over 9 million tonnes of grain all over the world. And yet, despite Ukraine being the culpable party by instigating the attacks on Russian naval ships – knowing full well that this would risk the tenuous deal holding – the original agreement signed itself served neither side. It is understandable that Russia would be angry and respond in such an audacious way by pulling out of the deal immediately as attacks on the very Russian ships which operate in the Black Sea securing the passage for the grain ships seems like the best way for Ukraine to scrap the deal, knowing media will place the emphasis on Russia halting the arrangement.
by Martin Jay
“Until Proven Otherwise” (3:58)
“Until Proven Otherwise” (3:58)
Ultraprocessed Foods Linked To Premature Deaths
Ultraprocessed foods (UPFs), ready-to-eat-or-heat industrial formulations made with ingredients extracted from foods or synthesized in laboratories, have gradually been replacing traditional foods and meals made from fresh and minimally processed ingredients in many countries. A new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine has found that increased consumption of these foods was associated with more than 10% of all-cause premature, preventable deaths in Brazil in 2019, although Brazilians consume far less of these products than countries with high incomes. “Previous modelling studies have estimated the health and economic burden of critical ingredients, such as sodium, sugar and trans fats, and specific foods or drinks, such as sugar sweetened beverages,” explained lead investigator Eduardo A.F. Nilson, ScD, Center for Epidemiological Research in Nutrition and Health, University of São Paulo, and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil. “To our knowledge, no study to date has estimated the potential impact of UPFs on premature deaths. Knowing the deaths attributable to the consumption of these foods and modeling how changes in dietary patterns can support more effective food policies might prevent disease and premature deaths.”
by Elsevier
More Ukrainian Terrorism: Using American HIMARS, Ukraine Bombed Central Donetsk Building In Yesterday (Text and Video)
Just after 3 am, yesterday, I woke to Ukraine bombing central Donetsk, hitting the nearby administrative building of Donetsk Railway, causing a fire to break out on the second floor. DPR Military experts state that Ukrainian forces fired 6 missiles, using American M142 HIMARS MLRS. Fires were still burning when I was there, Donetsk Emergency Services having put out the worst of the blazes. The building is flanked by apartment buildings, which had many windows blown out. I spoke with one woman in her first story apartment. At the time of the first blast, she ran with her toddler to the toilet, thus missing the brunt of the explosions and windows shattering into the kitchen and her son’s bedroom. She found shrapnel on his bed. I shudder to think of the boy’s injuries, or death, if she hadn’t grabbed him and ran for the toilet.
by Eva Karene Barlett
“Protest, Protest, Protest!” Trump Calls For Action Over ‘Complete Voter Integrity Disaster’ At Polls
“The Absentee Ballot situation in Detroit is REALLY BAD. People are showing up to Vote only to be told, “sorry, you have already voted,” Trump wrote on Truth social. “This is happening in large numbers, elsewhere as well. Protest, Protest, Protest!” rump also said that “Maricopa County in Arizona looks like a complete Voter Integrity DISASTER,” adding “Likewise Detroit (of course!), Pennsylvania, and other places. Not being covered by the Fake News Media!” Trump also addressed the 20% of precincts in Maricopa County, AZ which have had major issues, ‘Truthing’: “Only Republican areas? WOW! Kari Lake, Blake Masters, and all others are being greatly harmed by this disaster. Can’t let this happen, AGAIN!!!”
by Tyler Durden
EU Gas Crisis In 2023, 24, 25… Pirates Attack Hungary And Poland. Missile Math, 16-16=2 (34:09)
by Alex Christoforou
The New Old Normal
Are we seeing the end of cheap energy, cheap labor and cheap money?
An early dawn on the battlefield. Little by little, you make out the shapes in the distance – the sky, the horizon, the trees… …then, smaller, less distinct…you see tanks, artillery…and the soldiers who are coming to kill you. Last week, investors began to see what is headed their way. For most of the year, they have been in denial. Stocks go down; they buy the dip. And then, they go down again. But that only brings the same reflex. Their investment strategy was simple. BTFD, they say – “Buy the F…ing Dip.” And so it came to pass that, once more, investors thought they heard the bugles blowing behind them. Jay Powell: “..the committee will ‘take into account the cumulative tightening of monetary `policy, the lags with which monetary policy affects economic activity and inflation, and economic and financial developments.”
by Bill Bonner
american politics tutorial
electoral process explained
the truism that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it has been hackneyed into what pretty much amounts to background noise. and yet as we once more gird ourselves for the bi-annual determination of which toilet bowl to drink from colloquially known as “US election day” i would like to offer a bit of historical perspective as i feel it essential to the proper framing of the american democratic experience and its litany of locust-like predation upon we the people. “voting your way to freedom” is always something of a myth and the tendency of political parties to sperate and segregate into what essentially amounts to dueling hostage situations is just the emergent dominant strategy and thus modal outcome of the game theory of elections in a captive population. i have a number of thoughts on how this may be mitigated though both changes in electoral structure and constitutional organization many of which are simple, straightforward, and achievable without wild assumptions of implausible tenets. they involve changes to primary structure, a return of the constitution to some of its original design, the removal of the safety and subsidy state from so many issues of personal agency, and a devolution of power to a far more federalist structure.
by el gato malo
American Voters Don’t Need Russian Trolls To Tell Them How Bad Things Are
‘Russian trolls’ are being accused of sowing division over social media in the run-up to US midterms
As US voters head to the polls for the much-anticipated Midterms, talk of Russian trolls monkeying with US democracy is back in the news. But does the country really need Russia’s help in “stoking anger” among the electorate? If the hyper-liberal New York Times can be taken at face value just two days before an epic election, Russia’s underground army of trolls is, once again, attempting to seed the minds of malleable US voters to the Kremlin’s advantage. If those charges sounded outlandish in 2016, when the Democrats accused Russian ‘influencers’ of denying Hillary Clinton the presidency, they seem doubly so today. The Times reported that the goal of the reactivated Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg is to “stoke anger among conservative voters and to undermine trust in the American electoral system.” Judging by the looks of things, the Russians are a bit late to the party. It would be hard to name another period in US politics when the level of anger and distrust has been so extreme, and that is something the Russian trolls, despite their supposed superhuman abilities, can’t take credit for.
by Robert Bridge
Is Big Tech Monitoring And Controlling You?
Today, if you use Big Tech’s products, as almost everyone in the U.S. does, your actions and speech are being monitored. If you use a mobile device such as a cell phone, and/or a laptop or desktop computer connected to the Internet, or anything else connected to the Internet such as your front door bell, or your thermostat, or if you drive a late-model car that is connected to the Internet, you are being monitored. I am not saying that you are necessarily actively being spied upon and listened to, but your actions and speech are being recorded and stored in a database in the Cloud somewhere, where it can be retrieved and analyzed at any time by a real person. For most people, their actions and communications are aggregated and analyzed by computer code, like “artificial intelligence,” mainly for the purpose of making money off of you by advertising products and services customized to your personal data, such as your gender, your age, your location, what you watch on TV, your religious and political views, who you associate with, etc. That’s how Big Tech primarily makes its money, through advertising. But all of that data they collect on you, which today can include everything you say and share on social media, or devices like “Alexa,” what you buy including where and when you buy it, what programs and videos you watch, where you drive to, when you turn your lights off at night or turn your thermostat down, and even what you thought were “private” communications, such as social media “private” chats, conversations on your cell phone, or email correspondences on Big Tech’s “free” email platforms – ALL OF THIS DATA IS FOR SALE, for the right price.
by Brian Shilhavy
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Is Breaking (0:55)
Why Does The UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report Never Mention Side-Effects?
In the past few months I’ve read newspaper articles warning of the increased risk of death following gardening, stress at work, solar flares, sleeping in front of the television, hot weather, cold weather, shock of high energy bills, the price of food, laughing too much and sleeping in the wrong position – these recent warnings add to the multitude of stories on the health consequences of our dietary choices, sedentary lifestyle and climate change. If that wasn’t scary enough, we’ve also seen efforts to educate the public about how common sudden deaths are in younger adults and teenagers. Given this background of suddenly emerging risks to life resulting from our modern lifestyle, it is clearly very important to fully understand all risks that might be emerging resulting from the Covid vaccines, no matter how trivial.
by Amanuensis
New Study Delves Into Censorship During Covid Era
A breakdown of how dissent was suppressed.
A new scientific study published in the sociological journal Minerva details how medical professionals with views contradicting the mainstream narrative on COVID-19 were censored and suppressed. The study, titled “Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy,” also covers how medical professionals pushed back against censorship. The study was co-authored by a group of scholars from Australia and Israel, and the Yaffa Shir-Raz of the University of Haifa, who leaked a video of an internal meeting at the ministry of health in Israel about how some findings on the relatively rare adverse effects of the Pfizer vaccine were hidden. On Substack, Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Josh Guetzkow, one of the authors of the study, explained how the study was conducted. The study is “based on in-depth interviews with scientists and doctors around the world who have faced censorship and suppression due to their views on COVID-19.”
by Cindy Harper
Research: Countries That Sought ‘Zero-COVID’ Lockdowns Have The Least Immunity
Analysis estimates that only 17.2% of the Chinese population have immunity from the virus
New research has revealed the countries that implemented the harshest lockdowns as part of ‘zero-COVID’ policies now have the least immunity from the virus itself. The analysis by The Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine estimates that China, which still has multiple lockdowns in place, has the lowest level of immunity to COVID-19 on the planet. Other nations that didn’t institute harsh lockdowns, including Russia, Singapore and Brazil are thought to have the highest immunity levels, according to the research. The research estimates immunity rates according to infection numbers, vaccination rates and how much time has passed in the interim. The analysis posits that as of the end of October 2022, just 17.2% of the Chinese population have immunity from the virus, while Russia on the other hand is estimated to have an immunity rating of 74.5% with everyone in the country having contracted the virus. While Singapore’s immunity rating is thought to be around 70%, and Brazil’s 68%, Japan, another country that put into place harsh restrictions is believed to have just 38.9% immunity. The U.S. is believed to have 60.5% immunity at this time, according to the analysis.
by Steve Watson
Effects On Mother And Child That Bear Out Mike Yeadon’s Warnings
A British scientist with 32 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry warned right at the start of the Covid vaccine rollout that under no circumstances should the gene-based, mRNA jab be given to women of child-bearing age without studies to confirm it was safe. Dr Mike Yeadon, former vice president for research at Pfizer, one of the manufacturers of the experimental mRNA products, filed a petition with the European Medicines Agency on December, 1, 2020, urging that even testing the jab on human volunteers was unethical without significant safety concerns being taken into account. One of these was a similarity between virus proteins targeted by the proposed vaccinations and a protein (syncitin) essential for forming the placenta in pregnancy. If antibodies produced by the jab also acted against those proteins, the petition said, ‘it would result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile’. Co-signed by Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, a leading German physician, the document also warned that the vaccine trials were much too short to flag up late adverse effects. It added that the design was such that the trials could not show whether the product worked either in stopping a person from becoming infected, or from infecting others.
by Neville Hodgkinson
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 8, 2022 (21:27)
by Military Summary
A Novel Way To Measure Time Using Rydberg States
A team of researchers working at the University of Uppsala in Sweden has discovered a novel way to measure time. They published their work in the journal Physical Review Letters. Up until now, the means for measuring the passage of time has involved counting some predefined measurement unit from one point in time to another—for example, counting the seconds that pass as a person runs. Such a means of measuring time is the method used by traditional clocks and also by atomic clocks. In this new effort the researchers have found a way to measure the passage of time in a whole different way—by using the wave-like nature of Rydberg states. Rydberg atoms are atoms that have been shot with lasers to push their electrons to extremely high energy states, which also pushes the electrons farther away from the nucleus. The way that the electrons move is described as their Rydberg state and the mathematical way that they are characterized is known as their wave packet.
by Bob Yirka
Vermont’s Post-Pandemic Mortality Apocalypse
Analysis of Vermont Death Certificates Reveals Stunning Excess Mortality Increases from a Variety of Conditions in 2021 & 2022 – including COVID – but not so much in 2020
I obtained from the state of Vermont the death certificates for all deaths that occurred in the state for the years 2015-2022 (through 10/26). Although we are just beginning to sift through the data, we have some preliminary deeply concerning observations that are inconsistent with claims of both vaccine safety and efficacy. I am deeply indebted to John Beaudoin for organizing the data and putting together the charts and graphs below. For those who do not know, he is the fellow who obtained the death certificates from Massachusetts and used that data to demonstrate that there is a considerable amount of excess mortality associated with the covid vaccines. He has filed a lawsuit in MA alleging widespread deliberate fraud in order to inflate the covid death toll but disguise the deaths caused by the covid vaccines (and other policies like the use of Remdesivir).
by Ashmedai
ACH (1958) Mischa Popoff – All Things Nuclear… (Audio 1:04:15)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 2, 2022, Andy is joined by Mischa Popoff, for a show entitled, “All Things Nuclear…”
We discussed: how self defense is promoted in the Bible; how nuclear weapons were developed; the difference between a bomb shelter and a fall-out shelter; the difference between the nuclear weapons used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; how effective are the nuclear weapons Russia has in their arsenal today; why there is no such thing as nuclear waste; how nuclear energy is produced; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
What We Knew In the Early Days
The claim is now everywhere: we had to lock down because we just didn’t know about this virus. It was all very confusing and we had to play it safe. We had no other option because we just had no clarity about what we were dealing with. The precautionary principle dictated the unprecedented actions. Actually, the precautionary principle goes both directions. It also dictates that we not enact policies that we know for sure would wreck lives and liberties. They did it anyway, without sufficient knowledge that the measures would achieve any positive good. We approach the third year and people have forgotten that all the harms of lockdowns were strongly warned about by many voices in many venues. In addition, the virus was much better understood back then and openly discussed. We knew for certain that the panic and fear were being wildly overblown.
by Brownstone Institute
Kashmiris Mark 1947 Murder Of 200,000 Muslims By Hindu Extremists
Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control (LOC) are marking the 75th anniversary of the day when hundreds of thousands of Muslims were killed in the Jammu region. More than 200,000 Muslims were systematically killed by Hindu extremists when they were migrating to Pakistan. The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) leaders on Sunday paid tributes to the memory of those killed. Detained senior APHC leader Shabbir Ahmad Shah, in a message from New Delhi’s Tihar Jail, said the massacre of Muslims was the most horrible incident of Kashmir’s history that continues to haunt the regional people. Other APHC leaders, in a joint statement, said the Kashmiris “will always remember the great sacrifice of the Jammu martyrs”. “The Kashmiris have been rendering sacrifices for a great cause for the last several decades and the day is not far when they will achieve their cherished goal,” the statement said.
by PressTV
No Such Thing As An Objective Journalist: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
I feel like we haven’t been talking enough about the fact that US government agencies were just caught intimately collaborating with massive online platforms to censor content in the name of regulating the “cognitive infrastructure” of society. The only way you could be okay with the US government appointing itself this authority would be if you believed the US government is an honest and beneficent entity that works toward the benefit of the common man. Which would of course be an unacceptable thing for a grown adult to believe. It’s still astonishing that we live in a world where our rulers will openly imprison a journalist for telling the truth and then self-righteously bloviate about the need to stop authoritarian regimes from persecuting journalists.
by Caitlin Johnstone
The Anti-Russia Paranoia
Given the mid-term elections, the anti-Russia paranoia of U.S. officials has been at a peak. The feds have been scouring the Internet to determine whether the Russians are improperly influencing American voters into supporting candidates who refuse to adopt the Pentagon’s and the CIA’s extreme anti-Russia animus. The idea is that American voters, given that they are mostly public-school graduates, have extremely pliant minds that are overly susceptible to being molded into being pro-communist or pro-Russia dupes. For example, last July the Justice Department secured an indictment against a Russian citizen named Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov who heads up an organization based in Moscow named Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia, which allegedly receives funds from the Russian government.
by Jacob G. Hornberger
How They Took Over The USA (52:50)
This video explains how the Jewish banking mafia completely took over the institutions of the US government, media, military and now medicine. By appealing to to the natural greed of politicians with messages of patriotism and security for America yet nesting within the policies that the Jews implement for the government they have infiltrated, a purely Jewish supremacist agenda masquerading as a agenda that supports the host nation they are able to enlist the entire infrastructure of power for their own secret agenda at the expense of the host nation they are parasitizing.
by Harry Vox
UN Votes Overwhelmingly To Rid Israel Of Nuclear Weapons
The United Nations General Assembly was unequivocal: With 152 votes to 5, Israel’s nuclear arsenal was condemned by a vast majority of countries. Although Tel Aviv has never officially acknowledged its nuclear capability, experts believe it has at least 90 nuclear warheads, and perhaps many more. On October 28, almost 80 percent of all UN member states adopted a resolution that called on Israel to give up its nuclear weapons, join the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and allow the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to inspect its nuclear facilities. The resolution, document A/C.1/77/L.2, was titled “The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East”. It was adopted in the 25th plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly’s First Committee, which is focused on disarmament and international security. The five countries that voted against the measure were the United States and Canada, the small island nations of Palau and Micronesia, and Israel itself. Some 24 members of the European Union, NATO allies, and India abstained.
by Free West Media
Netanyahu Returns, But Israel’s Political And Military Landscape Has Changed
Bibi is back, leading Israel’s most right-wing government but also facing unprecedented Palestinian resistance and global turmoil.
While the Arab Summit in Algeria affirmed its adherence to the so-called ‘Arab Peace Initiative’ as a final solution to the Palestinian issue, Israel’s response came quickly and resolutely with the return to power of Benjamin Netanyahu and the anti-Arab religious Likud bloc. In the 1 November legislative elections, Israelis voted in large numbers for the anti-Arab, racist, religious parties, which openly embrace a policy of killing and expelling Palestinians from all of occupied Palestine, and promote a solely Jewish-Zionist identity of the country. The “Jewish Power” party, which won 15 seats, and is led by the two most racist figures in the short history of the Jewish state, Bezael H. Cherish and his deputy Itamar Ben Gvir, will be the backbone of Netanyahu’s coalition government. The leader of this party, which will be the most prominent partner of the Arab monarchs who signed peace agreements with Israel, has called for killing Arabs, expelling them and wrapping the bodies of the martyrs in pigskin “in honor” of them.
by Abdel Bari Atwan
Another Extraordinary Murder In Washington D.C.
Mary Mahoney was allegedly the victim of a botched robbery in the Georgetown Starbucks
When Seth Rich was murdered in Washington D.C. on July 10, 2016, the Metropolitan Police Department immediately proposed that it was a “botched robbery.” The case reminded me of the murder of Mary Mahoney in a Georgetown Starbucks on July 7, 1997. Mary Mahoney was an intern in Bill Clinton’s White House during his first term. She then got a job working as a manager of Starbucks in Georgetown, which was frequented by many notable figures in the Washington political establishment. Her murder (along with her two coworkers) was the first triple murder in the neighborhood’s history. Prior to the crime, not a single homicide had been committed in Georgetown for eighteen months. Robbery appeared an unlikely motive, as none of the day’s cash proceeds had been taken from the store. Mahoney’s murder occurred during the same period that Newsweek reporter Mike Isikoff was investigating allegations that President Clinton had sexually harassed White House employees—an investigation that would ultimately lead him to Monica Lewinsky. Attorneys for Paula Jones were also seeking corroborating cases of Clinton’s sexual harassment of young women.
by John Leake
The Truth About Jeffrey Epstein: Patrick Bet-David Interviews Whitney Webb (1:53:15)
The Truth About Jeffrey Epstein: Patrick Bet-David Interviews Whitney Webb (1:53:15)
An Extraordinary Unsolved Murder In Washington D.C.
In the matter of Seth Rich, the FBI asks for 66 years to release his laptop contents
Author’s Note: Blinded by Partisan Passions: Part 3 in a series on Willful Blindness
“A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both.” ~ James Madison
As an investigative author I’ve often dealt with the extreme frustration of making federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and state Open Records Act requests. So often, it seems that federal and state agencies don’t want to release the information, delay in responding, and then cite multiple exceptions to the law in order to justify keeping the information secret. I therefore felt sympathy for my fellow Texan, Brian Huddleston, when I saw the recent Epoch Times report that his FOIA request for the information found on Seth Rich’s laptop is being thwarted by the FBI, which asked the judge who ruled in Huddleston’s favor to grant the Bureau 66 years to fulfill the request. Readers of this Substack may find the FBI’s request reminiscent of the FDA’s request for 55 years to release COVID-19 vaccine data. Given the unfortunate reality of human mortality, one wonders what public interest will be served 55 or 66 years from now, apart from satisfying the curiosity of historians who aren’t yet born.
by John Leake
The Flame Of Cell Life-Death In The Miracle Of Regeneration
Every moment your body is undergoing an active process of regeneration, based as it is on the ceaseless flux of cell life and death — not unlike the dissipative structure of a flame Consider the fact that every three days the enterocytes lining the villus of your intestines are completely replaced, and that within 7-10 years, almost every atom and molecule within your body has been excreted, breathed out, or sloughed off, only to be replaced by new ones from the food you ate, the water you drank and the air you breathed in, in the interim. Truth be told, beneath even the appearance of our solid physio-chemical form, are waves of energy, patterns of vibration (not unlike sound), condensed forms of light, vast voids of inter-atomic space, and subtending that reality from ‘below,’ an infinite field of possibility, described with awe and elegance by quantum physicists and mystics, alike, albeit with different languages.
by Sayer Ji
Foreign Ministry Says ‘US More Isolated’ As Anti-Iran Meeting In New York Failed To Gain Momentum
The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry has said that the US is “more isolated” as the anti-Iranian UN Security Council Arria-formula meeting failed to gain momentum, stating that the attempts to isolate Iran from the world are doomed. “Known violators of human rights and supporters of the most notorious terrorist groups came together at the anti-Iranian Arria Formula in New York in the mistaken belief that they could condemn and isolate Iran,” Nasser Kan’ani wrote in a post published on his official Twitter page. He highlighted that the organizers of the event, by means of media dictatorship, did not allow representatives of 19 countries opposing anti-Iran sanctions, including Venezuela, to deliver a speech there. “Instead, the United States let two ill-famed women [Shirin Ebadi and and Nazanin Boniadi], who support sanctions against Iranian women and children, take the podium,” Kan’ani noted.
by PressTV,-Foreign-Ministry-spox
Iran Unveils New Air Defense Missile
A new solid-propellant missile paired with Iran’s homegrown air defence system ‘Bavar-373’ was unveiled on Sunday. The new missile, dubbed ‘Sayyad 4B’, has a range of 300 kilometers. In a recent test, the Bavar-373 air defence system successfully hit a target at a distance of over 300 km with the new missile. The Iranian air defence system managed to detect the target at a range of more than 450 kilometers with its optimized radar and tracked the target at a distance of around 405 km before detonating it with Sayyad 4B. Sayyad 4B missile’s engine runs on hybrid solid fuel and has undergone an operational test for the first time. The new breakthrough has increased the range of the detection radar of Bavar 373 from 350 to 450 km, while its tracking radar’s range has risen from 260 to 400 kilometers.
by Tasnim News Agency
Western Journalist Publishes Rare View Inside A China COVID-19 Quarantine Camp
British journalist Thomas Hale is the Shanghai correspondent for Financial Times, and he recently published a rare account of what life is like inside one of China’s COVID-19 quarantine camps, where he was restricted for 10 days, not because he tested positive for COVID, but because he was tracked through his cell phone as being close to someone else who tested positive for COVID. The title of the article is “I spent 10 days in a secret Chinese Covid detention centre.” What follows is a detailed account of his experience, which is apparently quite rare for a foreigner, and perhaps resulted from a misspelling of his name when his information was entered into their COVID-19 tracking system. And while being forcibly confined as basically a prisoner, one of the things that apparently surprised Hale was how compliant and accepting the Chinese were to such drastic measures with China’s ZERO Covid policies. “One man told me he estimated that 90 per cent of Chinese people agreed with the government’s approach.”
by Brian Shilhavy
WSJ, US-Russia In Talks. Pavlivka, Fierce Fighting. Odessa, FB Vote To Remove Catherine (33:51)
by Alex Christoforou
UK “Nudge Unit” Recommends Banks Track Carbon Footprint Of Transactions, Reward “Sustainable Behaviors”
The dystopian idea of personalized carbon tracking is gaining traction.
An influential United Kingdom (UK) based social purpose organization that was blamed for the UK government’s use of “grossly unethical tactics to scare public into Covid compliance” is recommending that banks use the “wealth of data that they hold” to provide “carbon feedback” on transactions and introduce social credit-style rewards and incentives to encourage “sustainable behaviours.” The measures are being pushed by the Behavioural Insights Team (also known as “The Nudge Unit”) which specializes in using behavioral insights to “nudge” people into changing their behavior. In a recent blog post, The Nudge Unit revealed that it had partnered with “carbon footprint management” company Cogo to “explore how banks should go about nudging their customers to go green.”
by Tom Parker
Press Release: Fetzer v. Pozner In The United States Supreme Court: Petition For Rehearing Filed
Why is the Fetzer v. Pozner case in the Supreme Court of the U.S. important to you?
[Editor’s note: As it happens, I have filed a Petition for Rehearing on the Court’s Denial of my Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, which is supported by new legal arguments and new factual evidence. Click here to download the Petition for Rehearing. Click here for Appendices A-D (which includes the FEMA Manual for the Sandy Hook Exercise and the CT FEMA Bridgeport Scheduling of that Exercise}. Click here for Appendix E (which is an Affidavit by Texas Licensed Private Investigator, Brian Davidson, of crime scene photos from the CT Stater Police Archive but which not only do not show indications of a mass murder but do not even show classrooms with student desks and chairs}. Ron Avery has an archive of the whole case:] Do you have a 7th Amendment right to a trial by jury? Do you have a right to trial by jury in common law matters over $20 in state courts under the 7th Amendment of the United States Constitution? The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in 1916 that you do not.[1] A Federal District Court ruled in 2014 that all citizens of the states and territories are also U.S. citizens under the 14th Amendment and they have 7th Amendment protection to a trial by jury in matters of common law in state courts.[2] The ruling was vacated by a Federal Appeals Court on the grounds that the U.S. Supreme Court has consistently held “that states are not constitutionally required to provide a jury trial in civil case.
by Ron Avery
The Narrative Around The Safety Of Covid Shots Is Cracking
As the mainstream increasingly accepts that covid shots are inherently unsafe, Rob Verkerk makes a case for legal challenge.
It’s becoming ever more clear that the major, most influential health authorities around the world are now blatantly lying to the public, given the current status of scientific and medical information. Why do I say this? The answer is simple: because the most influential health authorities are communicating to the public, both in words and in actions, the view that covid-19 ‘vaccines’ are “safe and effective”when the totality of available evidence suggests otherwise. Let me explain. Shouting from the webpage of what is the world’s largest ‘health system’, the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), is the following statement, in bold text, declaring the safety and effectiveness of covid-19 ‘vaccines’.
by JD Rucker
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 7, 2022 (37:19)
by Military Summary
kitten corner: false flag operations? (video 0:42)
if this was not a word you knew, maybe you need smarter friends
i am just a kitten and it’s not like i’m saul alinsky or anything, but when i keep hearing stuff like “Voters Didn’t Know About Inflation Until Republican Politicians “Taught Them” The Word” i honestly sorta wonder: do you guys think that maybe a whole bunch of these so called “liberal” media people are really GOP plants to make the left look ridiculous? because it would kinda explain a lot…
by gatito bueno
For The Enemies Of Russia Breakfast Doesn’t Start With Coffee
When on October 8 an attack was carried out against Russia’s Crimea Bridge it was for Moscow a red line crossed. It could not go without consequences. Although President Zelensky and Washington denied responsibility it didn’t wash with the sorely provoked Russians. Previously, the Russian armed forces had limited their operations to the Eastern zones of conflict and infrequent surgical removal of arms caches and infrastructure vital to the shipment of NATO arms. Otherwise, life in Kyiv and the cities of central and Western Ukraine went on as normal. The attack on the Crimea Bridge was a bridge too far. With immediate effect, the Russian side expanded its operations against Ukraine’s entire vital infrastructure. As an aside, when targets were hit just a bus ride distant from the Polish frontiers 20 per cent of Poland’s citizens decided that moving out of Poland might be a good idea. In neighbouring Belarus (White Russia) there is increased military activity to counter expansionist threats coming from NATO and Kyiv. According to Nicolas Sarkozy ex-President of France, “the EU is dancing on edge of a volcano.”
by Michael Walsh
The Self-Licking Boot Of US Militarism
A new Bloomberg article titled “‘Sloppy’ US Talk on China’s Threat Worries Some Skeptical Experts” discusses the dangerous cycle in which pressures in the US political establishment to continually escalate hostilities with Beijing provokes responses that are then falsely interpreted as Chinese aggression. Bloomberg’s Iain Marlow writes: The hawkish narrative “limits room for maneuver in a crisis,” said M. Taylor Fravel, director of the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Any effort to defuse tension could be characterized as “conciliatory or not tough enough,” he said. China has been consistent on Taiwan and there’s little public evidence to suggest it’s sped up the timeline to take Taiwan, said a former senior US official who worked on China policy but asked not to be identified. The former official said the hawkish tone in DC has contributed to a cycle where the US makes the first move, interprets Chinese reactions as a provocation, and then escalates further.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Poland To Expand US Air Base – Defense Minister
The base expansion comes as part of an agreement securing a “permanent” US presence in Poland, the Defense Ministry says
Poland will expand a military base hosting the US Combat Aviation Brigade in the coming years, the nation’s defense minister, Mariusz Blaszczak, announced on Monday during a visit to the facility. Located in the central Polish city of Powidz, the base is expected to strengthen the US Air Force operation capabilities in support of Polish and NATO forces in the region, he said. The facility will get new hangars and warehouses as well as a bulk fuel storage facility nearby, the minister said, accompanied by US ambassador to Poland, Mark Brzezinski. The Powidz base hosts the US Apache strike helicopters. Powidz “is turning into a military complex, preparing to support Polish and NATO forces on the eastern flank of the North Atlantic Alliance,” Blaszczak said amid unprecedented tensions between NATO and Russia over Moscow’s continued military offensive in Ukraine.
by RT
Fear Psychosis And The Cult Of Safety – Why Are People So Afraid? by Academy Of Ideas (13:25)
Fear Psychosis And The Cult Of Safety – Why Are People So Afraid? by Academy Of Ideas (13:25)—Why-Are-People-So-Afraid-by-Academy-Of-Ideas
Toward A Toxicological Theory Of Class
Toxic exposures explain much of our societal dysfunction
Poor people live in more toxic neighborhoods.
Poor people are more likely to live near: coal-fired power plants (that spew mercury and a wide range of additional toxicants into the air); refineries; chemical factories; cell phone towers; and freeways/highways. The rural poor are more likely to live near fields sprayed with fungicides, pesticides, and herbicides. The soil itself in poor neighborhoods is more likely to be toxic and the drinking water is more likely to come from aquifers contaminated with perchlorate (rocket fuel that contaminates U.S. military bases) and solvents. Even in the middle class Pasadena neighborhood where I grew up, 1/4 of the wells were closed because of toxic contamination from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the former Kodak plant. One additional problem of toxic drinking water is that the steam from hot showers makes these toxins airborne and then they are absorbed through the lungs as well (the litigation depicted in A Civil Action discovered this exposure pathway). Poor children in the U.S. are injected with lower quality (read: more toxic) vaccines through the Vaccines for Children Program. Poor children in the U.S. are more likely to be exposed to toxic mold via dilapidated housing.
by Toby Rogers
Hey Incoming Congress: Try These Three Simple Tricks For A Successful Start
Tomorrow is election day and polls suggest that Americans are going to overturn Democratic Party control of the House and Senate. Politicians and the media always say that this is the most important election ever, but all too often once the voting is over and the smoke has cleared, not much changes. The Washington uni-party takes over and makes sure the status quo is maintained. It doesn’t have to be this way. An incoming Republican House and Senate, for example, could take early steps to reassure their supporters that their votes weren’t wasted on Tweedledee vs. Tweedledum in Washington. Here are three suggestions to get things off to a good start. First, Republican Party Leadership must vow to end the massive money spigot opened by the last Congress for Ukraine. By some estimates some $60 billion dollars have been authorized for Ukraine to fight a proxy war between the US/NATO and Russia.
by Ron Paul
The International Hypocrisy And Ignorance Conference Begins!
It’s finally here. Today’s the day. More than 35,000 people have begun descending on the picturesque Egyptian resort town of Sharm El Sheikh to participate in the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP27. Or as I prefer to call it, the International Hypocrisy and Ignorance Conference. The absurdity starts with the selection of Egypt as the host country, and Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s prominence as a heavily featured speaker at the event. You are probably aware that el-Sisi runs a brutal, highly authoritarian, dictatorial regime in Egypt. He has murdered protesters, tortured activists, snuffed out political opponents, censored the press, and more. In Egypt’s 2018 presidential ‘election’, for example, el-Sisi miraculously won 97% of the vote, making him even more popular than Joe Biden. El-Sisi is such a thug that, just last year, he drew a rare rebuke from the United Nation’s Human Rights Council.
by Simon Black
Revealed: The Former Israeli Spies Working In Top Jobs At Google, Facebook, And Microsoft
A MintPress study has found that hundreds of former agents of the notorious Israeli spying organization, Unit 8200, have attained positions of influence in many of the world’s biggest tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon. The Israeli Defense Forces’ (IDF) Unit 8200 is infamous for surveilling the indigenous Palestinian population, amassing kompromat on individuals for the purposes of blackmail and extortion. Spying on the world’s rich and famous, Unit 8200 hit the headlines last year, after the Pegasus scandal broke. Former Unit 8200 officers designed and implemented software that spied on tens of thousands of politicians and likely aided in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.According to employment website LinkedIn, there are currently at least 99 former Unit 8200 veterans currently working for Google. This number almost certainly underestimates the scale of the collaboration between the two organizations, however. For one, this does not count former Google employees. Nor does it include those without a public LinkedIn account, or those who do have an account, but have not disclosed their previous affiliations with the high-tech Israeli surveillance unit. This is likely to be a considerable number, as agents are expressly prohibited from ever revealing their affiliation to Unit 8200. Thus, the figure of 99 only represents the number of current (or extremely recent) Google employees who are brazenly flouting Israeli military law by including the organization in their profiles.
by Alan Macleod
Slum And Spectacle
Electoral Politics In The U.S. And The Potential Midterm Senate fix.
The only thing slummier and more detestable in the U.S. than the sidewalks of Philadelphia or City Council of Seattle or the deductive reasoning of The View hosts is the spectacle of never-ending electoral politics. As soon as one election cycle ends, the next one begins. Perhaps not on your television, but behind the closed ballroom doors of five-star hotels at black-tie fundraisers and $25k-a-plate pay-to-play corporate sector politico whore-a-thons. Like every other industry in the U.S., electoral politics is all about greed and hoarding as much money as possible while inventing an industry of “jobs” that attracts more functionary and inept consultants and advisors than the financial services industry. It’s become another corporate-state money laundering operation while attention snatching to distract and demoralize a public that desperately grasps for ‘hope and change’ every few years only to find there is little of either on offer anywhere.
by Good Citizen
Amnesty In Their Dreams (2:20)
ACH (1957) Jeremy From Kentucky – A New Weird Era (Audio 54:49)
In today’s show originally broadcast on November 1, 2022, Andy is joined by Jeremy From Kentucky for a show entitled, “A New Weird Era.”
We discussed: the origins of “The Patrick And Jeremy Show” with Dr. Patrick Slattery, and Jeremy’s “In Plain Sight” show which goes out Monday to Friday on RBN; why are our own governments now openly attacking us on behalf of global corporations; the reasons why we believe we are in the time of Revelation Chapter 13; the prospects of political secession in America; the East/West balance of power and how it looks like the East will triumph; why the elites are pushing against God’s people harder and more aggressively than any time in history; why we have God’s Laws the Bible; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
GOP Needs New ‘Church Committee’ To Hold FBI, Justice Department Accountable For Their Many Abuses
You wouldn’t know it from reading the headlines, but Special Counsel John Durham has demonstrated in exacting detail what former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes and I first uncovered five years ago: the Steele Dossier was not just a Clinton-concocted and Democrat-funded scheme to influence the 2016 presidential election. It was an unlawful effort eagerly coordinated by the top brass of the FBI, culminated in the presentation of known lies to a federal court to illegally surveil President Donald Trump and his campaign. Only now are we learning just how deep the corruption ran, all the way through the intelligence community.
by Kash Patel
Unsealed Depositions Of Former Obama IRS Officials Lerner And Paz Detail Knowledge Of Tea Party Targeting
Judicial Watch announced today that it received previously sealed court documents, including depositions of IRS officials Lois Lerner, the former director of the Exempt Organizations Unit of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and Holly Paz, her top aide and former IRS director of Office of Rulings and Agreements, which show that they knew most Tea Party organizations were legally entitled to tax-exempt status in the run up to the Obama reelection in 2012. The release comes in the December 2017 amicus curiae brief (friend of the court) filed by Judicial Watch in NorCal Tea Party Patriots, et al. v. The Internal Revenue Service, et al. (No. 1:13-cv-00341). Judicial Watch argued that the documents sought may shed light on government misconduct, and the shielding of internal government deliberations does not serve the public’s interest.
by Judicial Watch
Why Doesn’t Amnesty Recognize Palestinians’ Right To Resist?
Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups likely perpetrated war crimes during Tel Aviv’s pre-emptive offensive targeting Islamic Jihad in Gaza during August, according to a new report by Amnesty International. Like Human Rights Watch, Amnesty’s analysis suggests a moral parity between the violence used by Israel to subjugate Palestinians, on the one hand, and the violence used by Palestinians to resist foreign domination, on the other. It is an untenable position borne of a framework that isn’t based on an analysis of settler-colonialism. The London-based human rights group, citing UN figures, states that 49 Palestinians were killed during the offensive. Based on its research, Amnesty determined that “33 Palestinians, including 17 civilians, were killed by Israeli forces.” Of the remaining 16 fatalities, 14 were civilians and “in one case, an attack that killed seven of these civilians … was most likely to have been caused by a rocket launched by a Palestinian armed group that misfired,” according to Amnesty.
by Maureen Clare Murphy
November 2 – 6, 2022
“Given man’s nature, if we are not careful, the sharp loss of prosperity will result in scapegoating. Banksters and their legislator friends are partly culpable. Abolition of Glass-Steagall and its resultant entirely fraudulent Collateralized Debt Obligations and Credit Default Swaps, and law enforcement’s failure to prosecute the perpetrators, were major components. Our “Full-Spectrum Dominance” wars, alone, were bound to bankrupt America and destroy the dollar. But the economic cliff has been abuilding since WW2. Most of us have, in effect, been voting for a higher cliff from which to fall. Eisenhower’s attempt to save the dollar wrought the 1957-58 recession which wiped out my two elder brothers, separately, and almost wiped me out until Eisenhower resumed inflating, thus increasing the height of the cliff. JFK’s attempt to save the dollar ended with the May 28, 1962 stock market crash, and he resumed inflating. Nixon closed the “Gold Window,” Clinton enacted Glass-Steagall, etc. May cool heads prevail in the coming dark years. We are in America; there is no new America wherein to flee. The American System that once enlightened the world will be restored by patriots – if we are adequately intelligent.”
Christopher Fogarty
Tyranny Looms As Digital IDs And Currencies Roll Out Around The World
There are many small things that we can do in our own lives to fight back.
By now, you probably know about the plans for digital IDs and digital currencies. But how far along are these plans exactly in various places around the world? What steps are being undertaken right now? Why are digital “identities” so problematic? And what are possible solutions? We will explore these questions in this article. Digital “identities” are problematic: The process of rolling out digital IDs worldwide began years before the COVID fiasco and the publication of Klaus Schwab’s book “COVID-19: The Great Reset.” The United Nations’ project ID2020 launched in 2016; its goal is to provide every person in the world with a digital identity. But the European Union created the legal framework for the introduction of a European digital ID even earlier than that, in 2014. This March my colleague Ashley Sadler wrote a great article about how world elites are quietly preparing digital IDs to put a global surveillance state in place.
by Andreas Wailzer
Russell Brand On Central Bank Digital Currencies (2:18)
Russell Brand On Central Bank Digital Currencies (2:18)
Netanyahu Ally Says Israel Will Attack Iran Absent a ‘New Nuclear Deal’
Both the Pentagon’s recently released Nuclear Posture Review and National Defense Strategy say Tehran has no nuclear weapons. Washington believes Tehran “is not pursuing one.”
If Washington does not secure a new nuclear deal or take military action itself, incoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will attack Iran, according to Tzachi Hanegbi, a longtime member of Israel’s Likud party. The former settlement minister issued the warning while speaking with Channel 12 news on Friday. Hanegbi declared that Netanyahu “will act, in my assessment, to destroy the nuclear facilities in Iran.” He said “Israel will for the first time be facing a regime with nuclear weapons” and went on to describe the alleged Iranian threat as a “fire that’s been burning inside [Netanyahu] for more than 25 years.” Hanegbi previously claimed his country would go to war with Tehran if Joe Biden won the 2020 election and tried to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the nuclear deal with Iran.
by Connor Freeman
Scholz’s China Trip Raises Hackles
German diplomacy presented a riveting sight of “counterpoint” with Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock hosting her G7 partners in Münster on November 3-4 even as Chancellor Olaf Sholz was emplaning from Berlin on a one-day visit to Beijing. The photo-op showed the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken flanking Baerbock at the main table with Under-secretary of State Victoria Nuland — best known as the master of ceremonies at the 2014 “Maidan” coup in Kiev in 2014 — peering from behind. Germany is catching up with photo journalism. Seriously, the photo couldn’t have arrested more meaningfully for the world audience the split personality of German diplomacy as the present coalition government pulls in different directions. Quintessentially, Baerbock has highlighted her discontent with Scholz’s China visit by assembling around her the like-minded G7 counterparts. Even by norms of coalition politics, this is an excessive gesture. When a country’s top leader is on a visit abroad, a display of dissonance undercuts the diplomacy.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Outside Looking In
Before he was demonised and lied about for telling the truth about covid-19, Vernon Coleman was described by The Star newspaper as ‘Britain’s leading medical author’. A top level professional cyclist called Sonny Colbrelli has been forced to retire at the age of 32 because he needed to have a defibrillator fitted. The Italian cyclist collapsed with unstable cardiac arrhythmia after a stage of a race last spring. I have no idea whether or not he was jabbed with the covid-19 jab. He is not, of course, the only professional sportsman to have suddenly developed unexpected heart trouble. The media will doubtless find all sorts of explanations for this epidemic. The one certainty is that they will not even consider the possibility that any of these sportsmen could have possibly been damaged by the covid-19 jab.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
The Last Chance For Ireland: Gemma O’Doherty Interviews John Waters (1:34:50)
US Attempt To Unleash Anarchy In Iran Has Failed – Tehran
US-backed destabilization campaign didn’t succeed, president told students
The US has tried to destabilize Iran like it did to Libya and Syria, by encouraging unrest and riots in the guise of legitimate protests, President Ebrahim Raisi told a group of students on Saturday, adding that the effort had failed and his country was safe. Speaking to the participants of elite Path of Progress academic camps, the Iranian president said “Americans and our enemies sought to make the country insecure by implementing examples of their work in Libya and Syria, but they achieved nothing except failure.” He stressed that “unrest and attempts to disrupt the country” were qualitatively different from “protests,” Raisi observed that “rioters and those who create insecurity must be dealt with decisively.” Alluding to “advancements” not widely known even to Iranian elites, the president boasted that the country’s best researchers had “succeeded in advancing the country in the face of restrictions and sanctions,” triggering jealousy on the part of Tehran’s adversaries.
by RT
Biden Admits Republicans May Impeach Him If They ‘Win Back House and Senate’
A number of conservative US lawmakers have repeatedly signaled their readiness to bring articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden if Republicans win back a majority in the House of Representatives in the November 8th midterms. US President Joe Biden seems to have acknowledged that Republicans possibly taking over Congress in next week’s midterm elections may lead to him being impeached. In an address to his supporters in San Diego, Biden said that he was “already being told if they [GOP members] win back the House and Senate, they’re gonna [sic] impeach” him. “I don’t know what the hell they’re gonna [sic] impeach me for. I’m not joking. Recently they said ‘we should stop talking about that ’til we win’,” he added.
by Oleg Burunov–1103808192.html
Biden, Sunak Renew Vows. UK Training Secret Army. Putin Explains Kherson. Titanic Crimea Stamp (27:01)
by Alex Christoforou
The One Chart That Explains Everything
The chart above explains everything, not just the hostile diplomatic jabs that are designed to discredit and humiliate China, but also the openly belligerent policies that are aimed at Russia as well. People need to understand this. They need to see what is really going on so they can put events in their proper geopolitical context. And what “context” is that? The context of a Third World War; a war that was thoroughly-planned, instigated and (now) prosecuted by Washington and Washington’s proxies. That’s what’s really going on. The increasingly violent conflagrations we see cropping-up in Ukraine and Asia are not the result of “Russian aggression” or “evil Putin”. No. They are the actualization of a sinister geopolitical strategy to quash China’s meteoric rise and preserve America’s dominant role in the world order. Can there be any doubt about that?
No. None.
by Mike Whitney
An Open Letter To The UK Prime Minister And Chancellor Of The Exchequer
“Failure by yourselves to respond to this open letter in a positive and decisive way will confirm that this new government, as with all recent and previous administrations, is nothing more than a ‘government of occupation’ that is happy to do the bidding of the globalists at the expense of us, the British people, who elected you to protect our sovereignty, our prosperity and our ancient freedoms in perpetuity.” As the so-called ‘cost of living crisis’ spirals out of control and the British people face a bleak future of mounting fear, debt, shortages and austerity, the time has now come to activate the virtually unknown but tried and tested fiscal mechanism that saved Britain’s economy from total collapse in August 1914. This deliberately suppressed historical event must now be made public for all to see and understand. The long reign of the criminal central bankers and the unelected, unaccountable power-base that is the City of London must now be brought to an immediate and lasting end!
by Rhoda Wilson
The Farther People Are From The Fighting In Ukraine, The More They Oppose Peace Talks
A new article for The Irish Times by Virginia Tech professor Gerard Toal, titled “Ukraine risks being locked into endless war in bid for perfect peace,” contains a very interesting paragraph: Ordinary Ukrainians on the front lines are divided on a ceasefire and negotiations. My Ukrainian colleague Karina Korostelina and I surveyed the attitudes of both residents and displaced persons in three Ukrainian cities close to the southeast battlefields this summer. Almost half agreed it was imperative to seek a ceasefire to stop Russians killing Ukraine’s young men. Slightly more supported negotiations with Russia on a complete ceasefire, with a quarter totally against and a fifth declaring themselves neutral. Respondents were torn when considering whether saving lives or territorial unity were more important to them. Those most touched by the war, namely the internally displaced, were more likely to prioritise saving lives. Other research reveals that those farthest from the battlefields have the most hawkish attitudes. It’s the third from the last paragraph in the article, whose overall content cannot be remotely construed as sympathetic toward Moscow, but it’s very important information. “Those most touched by the war, namely the internally displaced, were more likely to prioritise saving lives. Other research reveals that those farthest from the battlefields have the most hawkish attitudes.” Those two simple sentences sum up so much of the attitude we are seeing toward this war, and it applies as much to those cheerleading continual escalation and bloodshed from the comfort of their homes on the other side of the world.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Scholz’s China Visit Has More Than Symbolic Significance
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrived in Beijing on Friday for an official visit to China. In the morning, Chinese President Xi Jinping met him at the Great Hall of the People and held a banquet for him at the Golden Hall. In the afternoon, Premier Li Keqiang held talks with Scholz. The German chancellor’s entire visit to China was compact and efficient, and the two sides had friendly, frank and pragmatic exchanges. Although the visit was not long, it was very significant. This is Scholz’s first visit to China since he took office, and he is also the first European leader to visit China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The trip means that the exchange of high-level visits between China on one side and Germany and Europe on the other has restarted. It will not only promote China-Germany relations to increase trust, clear doubts and deepen cooperation, but also help China-Germany and China-Europe relations continue playing their roles as the “ballast stone” in a turbulent world.
Editorial by Global Times
Biden Betrayed As CNN, NYT Fact Checkers Set Stage For Downfall
Last week, the New York Times wrote a puff piece which framed President Biden’s numerous gaffes during a Florida rally as ‘verbal fumbling.’ Biden conflated the war in Ukraine with the Iraq war, then lied when he said he got the two confused because his son Beau died in Iraq. Biden: “Inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq… excuse me, the war in Ukraine. I’m thinking about Iraq because that’s where my son died.” — (@disclosetv) November 1, 2022. The same day, the White House was called out by CNN’s Daniel Dale over a now-deleted tweet claiming “Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in 10 years through President Biden’s leadership,” when in fact – as Dale noted, “The size of Social Security checks is linked, by law, to inflation. This year’s increase is unusually big because the inflation rate is unusually big.” when you’ve lost the “fact checkers”… — zerohedge (@zerohedge) November 2, 2022. And while the White House deleted the Tweet, Biden repeated the claim twice last week. As The Blaze notes; Speaking in Florida on Tuesday, Biden said, “And on my watch, for the first time in 10 years, seniors are getting an increase in their Social Security checks.” Then at a campaign rally, Biden said on Tuesday, “On our watch, for the first time in 10 years, seniors are getting the biggest increase in Social Security checks, period.” There’s a lot that’s wrong with that declaration. First of all, this will be the seventh increase in a row. Second, increases are routine because they happen automatically — based on changes to a particular calculation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI-W), and not the actions of the president.
by Tyler Durden
Love Letter To Ireland! (And To All The Debt-Enslaved Nations Of The World)
“How often have the Irish started out to achieve something and every time they have been crushed politically and industrially. By consistent oppression, they have been artificially converted into an utterly impoverished nation.” ~ Friedrich Engels, 1856
Look out, Ireland! Financial debt-bergs, dead ahead! The Irish “external debt to GDP” ratio is currently at 609%. In December 2010, it was well over 1,000% (1,091.5% to be precise). No other nation on Earth carries this much external debt to its GDP. The United States, the world champion of all debts for sure with an official national debt reaching almost $31 Trillion, only has 104% as its external debt to GDP. What this means is that Ireland will be fleeced once again, meaning her people will be enslaved financially and economically . . . when interest rates rise. Interest rates are rising significantly and will rise dramatically. Ireland is the poster child of nations in debt slavery and what will happen to those who borrow way beyond their means. Before we get into the nitty gritty of this unlucky Irish story, I want to state for the record that I am not an economist. Thank God! I am a mechanical engineer by profession and I understand numbers. Numbers don’t usually lie. Well, sometimes numbers can be manipulated. But most of the times, they also can tell the truth. We are going to take a 30,000 feet overview of this increasingly hot and very dangerous situation that is not adequately covered by the mainstream or the alternative media.
by David Chu
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 5, 2022 (22:41)
by Military Summary
The West Bank Is On The Verge Of All Out War
orce, armed attacks against Israeli settlers and soldiers are rapidly increasing. A trend of new armed groups announcing themselves throughout the West Bank has led to policies of collective punishment (a flagrant war crime) against entire Palestinian populations inside cities and refugee camps, but how did this all begin? One of the latest high profile attacks against illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank, occurred in an illegal settlement area called Kiryat Arba, located in the city of Al-Khalil. The attack was carried out by a 35-year-old named Mohammed Jabaari, during which he managed to kill one and injure four other settlers, using a M16 rifle, before being rammed by an Israeli vehicle and shot dead whilst laying injured. The attack is significant for three reasons; Al-Khalil is one of the most heavily patrolled areas in the occupied West Bank; Kiryat Arba is home to some of the most extreme fascist settlers; and so far armed attacks of this nature have not taken place in Al-Khalil this year.
by Robert Inlakesh
Syrian Army Blocks US Convoy Near Turkish-Occupied Areas
Locals from the Arab tribe of Jadid Bakara in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside have recently blocked a US convoy in the country’s oil-rich region, pushing them to retreat to their illegal bases
he Syrian Arab Army (SAA) blocked another convoy of US troops in the northeast of the country, near the front line with Turkish-backed armed groups. On 4 November, the Damascus-based Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that soldiers and officers of a Syrian army checkpoint managed to stop a US military column, forcing them to retreat to their illegal bases. “A checkpoint of the SAA stationed in the vicinity of Umm al-Khair village of Tall Tamer town stopped a convoy of the American occupation forces consisting of six military vehicles, which attempted to enter the village and were expelled from the area.” Umm al-Khair village was subjected to one of the most heinous massacres at the hands of ISIS extremists and mercenary factions affiliated with the Turkish government in 2013. At the time, 19 youths of the village were brutally murdered.
by News Desk
Southeastern U.S. Begins Running Out Of Diesel Fuel
Reports are starting to come out that various regions in the Southeastern U.S. are running out of diesel fuel.
The empty service station tanks in North Carolina today come after Mansfield Energy warned of a critical “diesel fuel shortage in the Southeastern United States, including North and South Carolina” [link] RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — A diesel fuel alert issued a week ago by a key fuel logistics company hasn’t changed — despite a small increase in inventories of diesel over the last week. The alert from Mansfield Energy a week ago was for the Southeastern United States, including North and South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Maryland. The low supply left the Southeastern United States with just 25 days worth of diesel fuel, the company said. U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported Friday those numbers were actually down a bit from last week along the East Coast. Low supplies make it difficult to find the fuel quickly, which means trucks have to visit several terminals and “strains local trucking capacity,” the company said. The low supplies also mean an increase in prices for diesel. On Friday, diesel prices opened up 10 cents for the week, Mansfield said. (read more)
by Sundance
Upcoming Webinar – Birth Trauma And Medical Abuse During Childbirth – How Can We Heal Ourselves And Take Back Our Power?
November 16, 2022, 5 pm US Eastern
Dear friends – did you know that 95% of all births in the US today are considered traumatic, with 50% rated as moderately traumatic and 45% rated as severely traumatic. Did you know that at least one in every three babies born in the US is born via cesarean section and at least one in every ten babies ends up in a neonatal intensive care unit? What is causing all of these surgical births and what is driving the damage to our children that is causing so many to end up in NICU? Register for this webinar to find out. During this 2+ hour discussion, we will discuss medical protocols such as the induction of labor, pitocin, epidural, c-section, cord clamping, circumcision, and neonatal intensive care. We will ask the all-important question — Are these protocols and interventions really beneficial? Can they cause harm? Are they leading to birth trauma, postpartum depression and postpartum PTSD, all of which are now affecting dads as well as moms and babies? How can we heal ourselves from these tragic outcomes and prevent more trauma from happening down the road? Register for this program to find the answers. Cost for the webinar is $79.
by Jeanice Barcelo
Former Pakistani PM Shot In ‘Assassination Attempt’
Imran Khan took a bullet to the leg while delivering a speech in Gujranwala
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was shot and injured as he spoke during a protest march outside the town of Gujranwala on Thursday. Khan, who was rushed to the hospital after the incident, has been attempting to mount a political comeback after being ousted from power in April. As Khan spoke to his supporters from the back of a truck, a gunman in the crowd opened fire. According to multiple media reports, the former PM was either hit in the foot or the leg. Khan was rushed to a hospital in Lahore, around 100 kilometers (60 miles) away. One of Khan’s aides, Raoof Hasan, told AFP that the former leader is in “stable condition.” “This was an attempt to kill him, to assassinate him,” Hasan added. A suspect has been arrested, Pakistan’s Geo TV reported shortly afterwards. Khan is a former cricketer who served as Pakistan’s prime minister from 2018 until his removal from office after a no-confidence motion in April this year. Khan built economic and diplomatic relations with Russia and China, and claimed that his removal was orchestrated by the US with the goal of installing a more compliant leader.
by RT
Fluorescence Achieved In Light-Driven Molecular Motors
Rotary molecular motors were first created in 1999, in the laboratory of Ben Feringa, Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Groningen. These motors are driven by light. For many reasons, it would be good to be able to make these motor molecules visible. The best way to do this is to make them fluoresce. However, combining two light-mediated functions in a single molecule is quite challenging. The Feringa laboratory has now succeeded in doing just that, in two different ways. These two types of fluorescing light-driven rotary motors were described in Nature Communications (September 30) and Science Advances (November 4). “After the successful design of molecular motors in the past decades, an important next goal was to control various functions and properties using such motors,” explains Feringa, who shared in the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2016. “As these are light-powered rotary motors, it is particularly challenging to design a system that would have another function that is controlled by light energy, in addition to the rotary motion.”
by University of Groningen
Homeland Security’s ‘Taxpayer-Funded Censorship Campaign’ Exposed; Probe Launched
An investigative report by The Intercept reveals the Department of Homeland Security’s concerning new mandate: moving from the “war on terror” to policing the constitutionally protected thought, speech and behavior of U.S. citizens. A bombshell new report by The Intercept titled, “Truth Cops: Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation,” is receiving international attention. It exposes how multiple federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), worked closely with Big Tech platforms to target, investigate and censor Americans for simply questioning government COVID policies, vaccine safety, election integrity and other issues of vital importance to the health and civil rights of U.S. citizens.
by Sayer Ji
Twitter Advertiser Boycott Organized By Dark Money Soros, Clinton, And Foreign Networks
A dark money outfit funded by progressive billionaires.
The campaign to pull corporate advertising from Twitter, following its purchase by SpaceX founder Elon Musk, is being led by a network of left wing dark money activists with ties to prominent Democrat politicians and mega donors. The Dossier is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. An advocacy group formed in 2020 called Accountable Tech is organizing the pressure campaign, which has thus far succeeded in having the likes of Pfizer, Audi, General Mills, and other corporations pull their advertising expenditures from the platform.
by Jordan Schachtel
The Atlantic… ‘Lets Declare A Pandemic Amnesty’ (0:03)
Some State Governments Say ‘No’ To Coronavirus Shots Mandate For Students Despite CDC’s Childhood Vaccine Schedule Change
In October, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advisory committee voted to add yearly experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots to the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule. Many state governments have a history of looking to this CDC schedule to guide their imposing of shots mandates for students. Which states will follow along to mandate the newly added shots? As we start the month following the committee’s vote, it is good to take a look across the country to see what different state governments have done to protect against or welcome the CDC schedule’s addition of these yearly shots that have proven to be neither safe nor effective and that are asserted to target a threat that has been long known to pose a miniscule risk of serious sickness or death for children. Young adults in college have also tended to be at very low risk, though you wouldn’t know it from the draconian policies many universities imposed in the name of countering coronavirus.
by Adam Dick
GOP Candidate’s Home Shot Up Nearly Killing Kids
Political violence is not really a concern of the Democrats because when it happens in America unless it happens to Democrats- and they can use it for political theater- the truth is violence doesn’t get their notice at all. How we know, that is a fact is seeing that the lapdog mainstream media has not shown any interest in a shocking story of real violence against a candidate in North Carolina, while at the same time they are heavily focused on the strange tale of Paul Pelosi, who was allegedly attacked by someone who was likely invited in the Pelosi family home. According to the Daily Mail, a shooting at the North Carolina residence of a Republican congressional candidate has forced the politician to evacuate his family in the waning weeks of his campaign – all after receiving a slew of death threats that has spurred the ex-soldier to attend events in a bulletproof vest.
by Kari Donovan
Walking Wide Awake ZInto World War III
The Russian invasion of Ukraine, along with rising tensions between NATO and Russia, have drawn comparisons to the outbreak of World War I. In 2014, back when the open hostilities in Ukraine really began, the journalist Eric Margolis said “We can stumble into a war with Russia. This reminds me of 1914 all over again.” This “stumbling” of course refers to the “sleepwalking thesis of war” that is part of both popular and scholarly narratives of World War I. The International Relations realist Stephen Walt warned “the West is sleepwalking into war in Ukraine” the day before Russia invaded. The World Health Organization (yes, that one) has warned the world could be sleepwalking into a nuclear war. And the Asia-Pacific Leadership Network is concerned the world might be “sleepwalking into nuclear Armageddon.” Unfortunately, it’s much worse than that. The United States is marching wide awake toward general nuclear war. Princeton University historian Stephen Kotkin has criticized the sleepwalking thesis of war as a comforting myth that remains “close to people’s hearts” to this day. “Nobody ever sleepwalks into war,” he says.
by John Weeks
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
One of the best charts showing that cheap energy = richer economies. Richer economies = Greater life expectancy, better education and living standards. Even if you think I’ve got it the wrong way round and a strong economy just uses more energy, you are not going to continue to have a strong economy unless you use energy. And without a strong economy and better living standards you ain’t going to come up with solutions to problems, whether it be the climate, an asteroid or whatever future scenarios we may encounter. The question is do we have enough cheap energy left? Answer in the poll below.
by The Naked Emperor
A Special Election Message From Andrew Torba
Every election season people say “this is the most important election in our lifetimes.” This time, I believe they are correct. The lives of millions of unborn children are at stake in this election. Democrats are threatening to codify Roe into Federal law if they get power, while Republican states are promising to enforce existing laws on the books or pass new ones to stop the satanic murder of babies in this country. Our economy is in shambles. Our cities are war zones. Our border is being invaded to the tune of millions of people including criminals, drug dealers, and worse. Our elected officials are sending billions and billions of dollars of our money to a foreign country for a war that has nothing to do with you or me. This country is a mess. If you are a Christian the choice is clear: vote Republican. If you call yourself a Christian and are voting Democrat you need to be under church discipline for voting to empower evil. If your Pastor or Priest is encouraging you to vote for “pro-choice” Democrats you need to find a new church. That’s how serious this issue is. God is very clear in His Word: Thou Shalt Not Kill.
The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act: From Propaganda To Censorship To Tyranny
When President Harry Truman spoke directly to U.S. citizens after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in August 1945, he “informed” them that the target had been a military base. In reality, Hiroshima was a pristine site, never subjected to the firebombing suffered by dozens of other Japanese cities. That neither Hiroshima nor Nagasaki was bombed prior to being razed by Little Boy and Fat Man is best and indeed only explained by the fact that they were civilian, not military sites. But the horror of what was done to the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is so shocking that, to this day, war supporters will go to extreme lengths to defend Truman’s decision to destroy those cities. Bush administration officials went even so far as to contort the U.S. government’s own use of atomic bombs into a rallying cry for war in 2003: “We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud!” We now know that Saddam Hussein had no WMD, just as U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix reported to the world before the Bush cabal waged war on Iraq anyway. Such examples illustrate that the distinction between “information” and “disinformation” purveyed by the government itself has always been difficult to discern in the moment of its utterance. It is also true, however, that in 2013 President Barack Obama signed into law the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (H.R. 5736), making it legal for government-produced media—such as was broadcast overseas by Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and other outlets throughout the Cold War—to be directed toward U.S. citizens themselves. Needless to say, such government-penned narratives spin the news so as to reflect favorably upon the United States. To understand the sheer power of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, it suffices to do a quick Google of the name of this piece of legislation to see how it has generated a logical quandary befitting of Orwell’s Nineteen Eigthy-Four. For if it is true that the American people are being propagandized by the U.S. government through its control of the major media outlets and tech giants, then any assertion to that effect will be countered—and ultimately defeated—by yet more government propaganda.
by Laurie Calhoun
RAAF C-17 Globemaster III Brisbane Riverfire Flyover (1:31)
RAAF C-17 Globemaster III Brisbane Riverfire Flyover (1:31)
Study: Incidence Of Acute Cardiac Involvement After mRNA Booster “800 Times Higher”
“Alarming: 1 in 35 booster patients has lab values indicating acute heart damage.” That’s the headline of an article by at
The finding is based on results by a Swiss observational study by Prof. Christian Eugen Mueller published here. 1 of 35 individuals showed laboratory values indicative of acute cardiac injury after booster mRNA vaccination. Researchers led by Prof. Christian Eugen Müller of the University Hospital Basel investigated the extent to which cardiac involvement occurs after mRNA booster vaccinations. Heart damage from the mRNA booster shots appears to be a much higher risk than previously thought, the recent findings show. 777 employees of Basel University Hospital, median age 37 years and 69% female, had received booster vaccination. After 3 days, their troponin levels (hs-cTnT) were measured. Troponin is a laboratory value that indicates acute damage to the heart.
by Pierre L. Gosselin
Revealed, How The ‘Safe’ Covid Jab Triggers A Toxin Blitz On The Body
Over the last weeks Neville Hodgkinson, the former medical and science correspondent of several national newspapers, including the Sunday Times, Sunday Express and Daily Mail, has been researching and preparing a ’round-up’ for TCW detailing the scores of indications of harm from the Covid mRNA jabs, from myocarditis, menstrual irregularities and infertility to teen and under-30s deaths and increased rates of cancer. In a series of articles, he will focus on each of these adverse effects and more. His introduction today explains exactly why the novel technology mRNA jab has triggered such a wide range of alarming reactions. GO to the UK’s National Health Service website and it will tell you Covid vaccines are ‘safe and effective’, and that booster jabs are the next stage in ‘the biggest and most successful vaccination programme in health service history’. It is now widely accepted that the jab does not prevent infection or transmission, but regulators believe lives saved far outweigh the price paid through side-effects. Dr Robert Malone, who played a foundational role in developing the technology on which the mRNA vaccines are based, disagrees.
by Neville Hodgkinson
WEF Publishes Post On Digital “Battery Passport,” Described As “A Digital ID For Batteries”
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has taken up yet another climate change and “clean green energy” cause: car-battery footprint, and what to do about it. One thing the Davos-based group seems to be pushing is the activities of an organization called the Global Battery Alliance (GBA) – and its freshly published Greenhouse Gas Rulebook. A piece on the group’s site manages to work a type of digital ID into the whole story, as a component in monitoring the impact car batteries have on the environment, with the rulebook designed to calculate and track “greenhouse gas” footprint linked to lithium-ion batteries, whether used in vehicles or elsewhere. The post, penned by Co-Chair of the Global Battery Alliance Benedikt Sobotka and German chemicals giant BASF CEO and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors Martin Brudermuller, first speaks about this basically being the year of a huge global energy crisis, one they think will result in a move away from natural gas and oil. And while growing electric car sales are viewed as a positive thing, the authors say there is not enough “transparency” when it comes to their effect on the environment. The fact is mentioned that although electric cars are considered environment-friendly, the batteries are actually made from materials like lithium, copper, and iron – this, in the context of the mining industry not being the “cleanest” out there.
by Didi Rankovic
US Biolab Accidents Going Unreported – The Intercept
Some have reportedly involved deadly pathogens, and hundreds of cases have been kept from public view
Directors of America’s biolabs have admitted to hundreds of dangerous accidents in the past two decades, but even incidents involving exposure to deadly viruses have been kept from public view, an investigation by The Intercept has revealed. “People have it in their minds that lab accidents are very, very rare, and if they happen, they happen only in the least well-run overseas labs,” Rutgers University molecular biologist Richard Ebright told the media outlet. “That simply isn’t true.” The erroneous public perception could stem from the fact that, as The Intercept found, Americans don’t hear about US biolab accidents. The outlet obtained more than 5,500 pages of laboratory incident reports from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), compelling the agency to release the documents through a Freedom of Information Act request. Many lab mishaps are reported to the NIH, the world’s largest funder of biomedical research, but the agency doesn’t pass on the information to the public, even in cases involving Level 3 and Level 4 biolabs.
by RT
King Tut’s Tomb Still Has Secrets To Reveal 100 Years After Its Discovery
The story of the boy king, whose tomb was discovered in 1922, isn’t complete yet
One hundred years ago, archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled across the tomb of ancient Egypt’s King Tutankhamun. Carter’s life was never the same. Neither was the young pharaoh’s afterlife. Newspapers around the world immediately ran stories about Carter’s discovery of a long-lost pharaoh’s grave and the wonders it might contain, propelling the abrasive Englishman to worldwide acclaim. A boy king once consigned to ancient obscurity became the most famous of pharaohs (SN: 12/18/76). It all started on November 4, 1922, when excavators led by Carter discovered a step cut into the valley floor of a largely unexplored part of Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. By November 23, the team had uncovered stairs leading down to a door. A hieroglyphic seal on the door identified what lay beyond: King Tutankhamun’s tomb.
by Bruce Bower
The Riddle Of Jewish Success…Spiked! by Brother Nathanael (5:19)
The Riddle Of Jewish Success…Spiked! by Brother Nathanael (5:19)!-by-Brother-Nathanael
A Veteran Medical Examiner Who Reviewed 4000 Covid Deaths Explains How Many Were Really From Covid (And How Many Were Of Healthy People)
Dr. Brian Peterson ran the Milwaukee County medical examiner’s office until he was suddenly forced to retire in September; did his honesty about Covid cost him his job?
After 11,500 autopsies over four decades, Dr. Brian L. Peterson was used to high-profile forensic work – including the 2004 California murder trial of Scott Peterson (no relation). But he never expected the blowback he’d face for telling families their loved ones had not died of Covid. Until September, Brian Peterson served as chief medical examiner for Milwaukee County. With about 1 million people, the county has roughly 10,000 deaths a year, and its pathologists conduct about 1,500 autopsies annually. When the coronavirus epidemic began in 2020, Peterson decided to review every Covid-related death in the county – to see for himself who was dying and how. Over the next two-and-a-half years, he made brief reviews of medical records for about 4,000 people that physicians had said died of Covid.
by Alex Berenson
Radical Leftist Katie Hobbs’ Husband Is A Child Therapist Who Specializes In Gender Transitions For Children – “We Cannot Let This Monster Anywhere Near The Governor’s Office” – Kari Lake
Radical Leftist Arizona Democrat gubernatorial nominee Katie Hobbs’ husband is a child therapist for “transgender children,” according to a new report and lawsuit he was named in. This is why Katie Hobbs has shown support for youth transgender surgery amid new Arizona laws prohibiting children from receiving permanent gender reassignment surgery and boys from participating in girls’ sports. The Gateway Pundit reported that Katie Hobbs also voted against legislation amending Arizona Revised Statutes to include our historic national motto and the Arizona State motto in the state’s school curriculum. Instead, Hobbs introduced overly sexual education laws that would begin in the first grade and promote homosexuality in young children.
by Jordan Conradson
Is A False Flag Iranian Attack On Saudi Oil Being Planned To Blame An Increase In Oil Prices?
From the Korean Peninsula, to the Ukraine borders, to Taiwan and now the Middle East and many other parts of the globe, it seems that every day now I am reading that war is about to break out. With the U.S. mid-term elections just days away now, it seems that the entire world is on edge. Earlier this week the Wall Street Journal reported that Saudi Arabia had shared intelligence with the U.S. about an imminent attack on their oil fields by Iran, and earlier today it was reported that a Telegram channel belonging to Iran posted a simulated attack on Saudi Arabia. I lived in Dhahran in Saudi Arabia in the mid-1990s, right next to the ARAMCO oil company, and the U.S. military presence was everywhere. If it is similar today, I can hardly believe that Iran would be foolish enough to start bombing what is basically an outpost of the U.S. military, but who knows. One thing is for certain, Big Oil is profitable again in spite of the Green Agenda. The two largest US energy majors just had blowout quarters, with Exxon posting its strongest quarterly result in the company’s 152-year history including its highest ever net income, while #2 Chevron reported its second-largest profit; the two companies amassed more than $30 billion in combined net income.
by Brian Shilhavy
There Are Massive, Record Breaking “Mystery Buyers” In Gold All Of A Sudden
Sometimes you need to read the tea leaves. Sometimes tea leaves bludgeon you over the head with a sledgehammer.
I have been writing over the last few weeks about how gold appears to be one of the “least loved” assets of any sector. In my most recent portfolio updates, I have written about how miners and metals appear to me today to be like energy was in April 2020: completely thrown out to trash and forgotten. You can read my most recent update here. Being unloved, of course, presents opportunity, in my opinion. But the best part is that the backdrop with which the metals are selling off against makes it even more appealing. For months, I have been writing about how we are witnessing, in real-time, a bifurcation of the global economy the likes of which we have never seen before. The BRIC nations – now inclusive of Saudi Arabia – are purposefully separating from the West and looking to forge forward with their own economy. And did I mention they have all of the oil, productive capacity and gold?
by Quoth the Raven
ACH (1953) Richard Kary And Steven Douglas Whitener – The Potential We Have (Audio 55:30)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 28, 2022, Andy is joined by Richard Kary and Steven Douglas Whitener, for a show entitled, “The Potential We Have.”
We discussed: Richard’s RBN Show “Beyond The Official Narrative” and Steven’s RBN Show “Thought Crime Live”; the ever changing history of the climate change agenda; how everything Western Governments put out appears to be the opposite of the truth; why the fractional reserve banking system is all we need to prove our leaders do not care about any of us one bit; how US Citizens were given secret Covid ‘Decree Violation’ scores; the human cost of technology; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Kiddie Killers Are Free And Getting Away With It Thanks To Media Silence
Official mortality figures collated by the European Mortality Monitoring Project using data provided by 29 European countries reveal that ever since the European Medicines Agency (EMA) first approved the Covid-19 vaccine for children, excess deaths among 0-14-year-olds have been recorded on a weekly basis. The increase in deaths has been so drastic, that by 18th September 2022, excess deaths among children were 630% higher than the five-year average, with a 755% increase in 2022 alone. EuroMOMO is a European mortality monitoring activity. The organisation states that its aim is to detect and measure excess deaths related to seasonal influenza, pandemics and other public health threats. Official national mortality statistics are provided weekly from the 29 European countries or subnational regions in the EuroMOMO collaborative network, supported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and hosted by Statens Serum Institut, Denmark.
by Michael Walsh
Brave Doctors Were Warning Us About Big Pharma Decades Ago (2:19)
Princeton University Teaming Up With The ADL To Create Database Tracking Non-Criminal Criticism Of Politicians
The Anti-Defamation League has partnered with researchers from Princeton University on a new subjective “data collection initiative” to track so-called threats and criticism of elected officials. Although presently aimed at tracking “incidents” involving local politicians, the Bridging Divides Initiative is intended to “expand beyond local officials to state and federal.” There are already indicators that the BDI may inherit the ADL’s partisan bias, as criticisms of politicians who promote critical race theory, draconian health measures, and “LGBTQ+” propaganda have already been tracked and recorded as threats and harassment. Threats made by pro-abortion activists didn’t even register. What is the BDI? Princeton University announced that the BDI had been launched to “systematically evaluate threats and harassment of local officials across the United States using public event-based data.” “Data-driven analysis is critical in helping communities respond to emerging challenges,” said Shannon Hiller, the executive director of the BDI. “By observing incidents and events data over time, researchers and policy makers can take action to protect civic space.” The ADL Center on Extremism, which touts itself as the “foremost authority on extremism, terrorism and hate,” partnered with with Princeton researchers on the BDI to do what they perceived law enforcement to be incapable of doing or unwilling to do. Oren Segal, the vice president of the ADL Center on Extremism, stated, “Threats and harassment against local officials present a significant challenge to American democracy.” “We urge policymakers and communities to use these data to better understand this dangerous phenomenon and create better policy to more effectively count and counter future incidents,” added Segal. Segal did not elaborate on what countering future incidents might look like; whether that would involve censorship, preemptive arrests, surveillance, or other preventive measures.
by Your Destination Now
NBC Quietly Removes Report Claiming Paul Pelosi Walked Away From Police, “Did Not Immediately Declare” Emergency
The Paul Pelosi attack continues to grow more bizarre by the day. On Friday, sources familiar with the investigation told NBC News that when the police responded to the high-priority call, they had no idea they had been called to the Pelosi residence. What’s more, Pelosi did not immediately declare an emergency or try to leave his home. “After a ‘knock and announce,’ the front door was opened by Mr. Pelosi. The 82-year-old did not immediately declare an emergency or try to leave his home,” reports NBC. Instead, Pelosi “began walking several feet back into the foyer toward the assailant and away from police.” What’s more, Pelosi and attacker David DePape were reportedly alone for 30 minutes.
by Tyler Durden
Tucker Carlson Draws Attention To Imprisonment Of Catherine Englebrecht And Gregg Phillips (Text and Video)
True the Vote founder Catherine Englebrecht and election data security analyst, Gregg Phillips, were previously in contempt of court and placed in jail for failing to outline the participants in a 2020 hotel discussion that revealed the Konnech election data compromise that was transmitted to Chinese networks. {Go Deep} Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested for exploiting access to U.S. election data, including election worker information, and transferring the files to China. Eugene Yu and Konnech sued True the Vote and are using the U.S. civil judicial system to find out who told the FBI about the Chinese data harvesting operation. Federal Judge Kenneth Hoyt demanded that Phillips and Englebrecht reveal the names of everyone who was present when the original data files were shown to True the Vote. Englebrecht and Phillips stated they did not ever possess the data file, do not have it and refused to name all the participants who may have seen it. Judge Hoyt threw them in jail last Monday until Englebrecht and Phillips give up the names to the court and the Chinese Communist Party.
by Sundance
“Pandemic Amnesty”? It’s Just More Narrative Reinforcement
A few days ago, on Halloween, the Atlantic ran this opinion piece by economist Emily Oster, headlined: LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY. This, along with the sub-head… We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID. …have been doing the rounds on the internet. The general perception has been that it is some kind of admission of defeat, perhaps a recognition that the “pandemic” was not real, and that those pushing the narrative had been in the wrong; a genuine plea for understanding or forgiveness. But while the headline may appear to be suggesting that – and, indeed, was perhaps chosen carefully to create that impression – it’s actually nothing of the kind. It’s not an apology, a backwards step or segue to our old pre-Covid reality. It’s just more narrative reinforcement. We’ve seen it all before.
by Kit Knightly
Only One Country Backs US In UN Cuba Vote
Israel was Washington’s only supporter in 30th vote in 30 years denouncing the blockade of Cuba
The United Nations General Assembly has overwhelmingly voted in favor of a resolution condemning the US embargo on Cuba for the 30th year in a row. Only the US and Israel voted against the measure on Thursday, while Ukraine and Brazil abstained. Since 2019, the US has “escalated the siege around our country, taking it to an even crueler and more humane [sic] dimension, with the purpose of deliberately inflicting the biggest possible damage on Cuban families,” Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez told the assembled representatives. The diplomat slammed US President Joe Biden for continuing the “maximum pressure” policy of his predecessor Donald Trump rather than resuming the trend toward warming relations Barack Obama set in motion during his last year in office.
by RT
Dr. Vernon Coleman’s New Video Coming Soon (1:54)
Dr. Vernon Coleman’s New Video Coming Soon (1:54)’s-New-Video-Coming-Soon
Who Are “They”?
Is there a small group who controls the world?
Before I begin, I must confess that I haven’t infiltrated the Bilderberg group and so don’t have a list of the most powerful people in the world, if that’s what you were expecting! But the question, who are “They” is, of course, an interesting one. “They” is used over and over again when discussing or looking at causes of a problem – very often in topics that could be described as “conspiracy theories”. “They did this or that”, “They want their man in power”, “They crashed the economy” etc etc. But who are “They” and do they exist or are they just a figment of our imagination? Is it just an easy or lazy way to shift the blame onto something we don’t quite understand? The data used in this analysis was from 15 years ago so an updated version would be interesting to see. I’m guessing that fewer shareholders will be in control of more of the TNCs value and is probably causing much of the systemic risk we are experiencing today.
by The Naked Emperor
Reverse Transcription—Permanent Installation Of mRNA Genetic Code
Unintended Consequence [?] of Novel COVID-19 “Vaccines”
When we heard about Operation Warp Speed there was sense of shock and awe. American greatness was poised to strike the “China Virus” and it was going to be defeated in a matter of weeks. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) created a project many years ago called ADEPT Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) whose stated goal was to “end pandemics in 60 days with mRNA technology.”[i] Our government has had a love affair with mRNA for over a decade for precisely a time such as the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Hardly a virus from China, we have learned that Dr. Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill has been publishing on coronaviruses since the 1990’s. Baric and his consortium including Harvard and two Swiss labs conceived the projects, wrote the federal grants, and once awarded, did their development work in the Wuhan Institute of Virology biosecurity annex level 4. The laboratory built by Stephane Bancel formerly at BioMérieux and now CEO of Moderna, the NIH partner in the mRNA patent.[ii] I wonder in all the DARPA and NIH meetings that occurred in the last ten years on mRNA, did they ever consider reverse transcription? If the mRNA stays long enough in the cytosol and is not dissolved by enzymes, the human cell could find base pairs of nucleic acids and create a mirror image of the genetic code which could be brought into the nucleus of the cell for insertion into the human genome. This is such a giant consideration because genetic code for a damaging and lethal protein installed into our own cells permanently would be passed down to somatic daughter cells and from spermatocytes and oocytes to an embryo. Forever changing the human genome for future generations must have been a large part of the safety discussion in those DARPA and NIH transcripts—only investigation and release of documents will tell the story. In the meantime, Alden et al have demonstrated integration of the center 444 base pair amplicon or reporter region from the Pfizer vaccine into the human nucleus in a hepatoma cell line.[iii] This paper has not been challenged by any credible authority nor disproven by any other experiments.
by By Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake
Crows Able To Understand The Concept Of Recursion
Researchers at the University of Tübingen have found via experimentation that crows are capable of understanding the concept of recursion. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, Diana Liao, Katharina Brecht, Melissa Johnston and Andreas Nieder describe experiments they conducted with crows and what they learned. For many years, scientists believed that humans were the only animals capable of understanding the concept of recursion, in which meaningful structures are embedded in other structures. An example would be “The rat the cat chased ran.” In this example, the words “the cat chased” are embedded in another sentence. But two years ago, a team of researchers conducted experiments that showed that some kinds of monkeys are able to understand the idea of recursion on a par with three- to four-year-old human children. In this new effort, the research team conducted similar experiments with crows that show that they, too, have the cognitive ability to understand recursion.
by Bob Yirka
Pfizer, Democrat-led “Accountable Tech” Are Blackmailing Twitter
Will they succeed at preserving censorship?
Pfizer is “pausing advertising on Twitter” because it is “concerned that Mr. Musk could scale back content moderation, which they worry would lead to an increase in objectionable content on the platform.” What is interesting is that this advertising pause involves not only Pfizer but other large multinationals with no specific issues related to Twitter censorship, such as General Mills, a producer of popular but unhealthy breakfast cereals. Who is behind this? Meet a new “action coalition” called “Accountable Tech” that is directing efforts to withhold advertising money from misbehaving technology companies. You may be very surprised, or not, but “Accountable Tech” is packed with Democratic operatives:
by Igor Chudov
“Before meeting Jim Forrestal, I thought we were losing to international Communism
because of incompetence and stupidity on the part of our planners.
I mentioned that to Forrestal. I shall forever remember his answer.
He said, “McCarthy, consistency has never been a mark of stupidity.
If they were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our favor.”
James Forrestal to Joseph McCarthy
No Pain, No Grain: Putin’s Black Sea Comeback
After the western military attack on Sevastopol briefly halted Russian grain transports, Moscow is back in business with a stronger hand and more favorable terms.
So, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan picks up the phone and calls his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin: let’s talk about the “grain deal.” Putin, cool, calm and collected, explains the facts to the Sultan: First, the reason why Russia withdrew from the export grain deal. Second, how Moscow seeks a serious investigation into the – terrorist – attack on the Black Sea fleet, which for all practical purposes seems to have violated the deal. And third, how Kiev must guarantee it will uphold the deal, brokered by Turkey and the UN. Only then would Russia consider coming back to the table. And then – today, 2 November – the coup de theatre: Russia’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) announces the country is back to the Black Sea grain deal, after receiving the necessary written guarantees from Kiev. The MoD, quite diplomatically, praised the “efforts” of both Turkey and the UN: Kiev is committed not to use the “Maritime Humanitarian Corridor” for combat operations, and only in accordance with the provisions of the Black Sea Initiative. Moscow said the guarantees are sufficient “for the time being.” Implying that can always change.
by Pepe Escobar
To Be, Or Not To Be Human? (Text and Video)
What does this question even mean after the last two years?
“All decisions affecting humans are moral ones. Every human situation is unique and uniqueness has to do with personal history, consciousness, memory, intention, all that is not explicit – all the experience and understanding gained through and stored in the body. All that makes us specifically humans, not machines. While machines, so it is claimed are getting more like humans, humans are getting more like machines.” ~ Dr. Iain McGilchrest
In a global war on humanity, the central question of those who recognize themselves as targets of the transhumanist belligerents in power must always be: why is humanity unique, special, and worth preserving against this assault? It seems redundant to those who comprehend the profound implications of biotechnological experimentation on our species and reject it with every fiber of their human being. However, this fundamental question is not considered by the transhuman fetishists that have appointed themselves sole arbiters of humanity’s future with the power, means, and psychopathy to experiment on their human subjects how and when they desire. Six months ago I compiled a review of all the Eugenics and Malthusian events from the last century, with some speculation as to the actual scientific purpose of the “vaccines” since they clearly have no deliberate intent as a health intervention or medicine. It’s evident we have to presume beyond any doubt now there is a multi-use technological and police-state objective related to controlling human subjects. Those who aren’t riddled with health issues from these shots that lead to slow or sudden death are being experimented on for some future goal related to networking populations or tracking and identifying them, perhaps simply seeing how these nanoparticles affect human biology and what adjustments need to be made for a biotechnological merging.
by Good Citizen
Germany’s Position In America’s New World Order
Germany has become an economic satellite of America’s New Cold War with Russia, China and the rest of Eurasia. Germany and other NATO countries have been told to impose trade and investment sanctions upon themselves that will outlast today’s proxy war in Ukraine. U.S. President Biden and his State Department spokesmen have explained that Ukraine is just the opening arena in a much broader dynamic that is splitting the world into two opposing sets of economic alliances. This global fracture promises to be a ten- or twenty-year struggle to determine whether the world economy will be a unipolar U.S.-centered dollarized economy, or a multipolar, multi-currency world centered on the Eurasian heartland with mixed public/private economies. President Biden has characterized this split as being between democracies and autocracies. The terminology is typical Orwellian double-speak. By “democracies” he means the U.S. and allied Western financial oligarchies. Their aim is to shift economic planning out of the hands of elected governments to Wall Street and other financial centers under U.S. control. U.S. diplomats use the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to demand privatization of the world’s infrastructure and dependency on U.S. technology, oil and food exports.
by Michael Hudson
Capitalism Has Failed As Badly As Anything Can Fail: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
“No no you don’t understand, this US war is completely different from all the other US wars. See, the US is intervening in Ukraine for humanitarian reasons. We’re fighting a bad guy who is an evil dictator that loves war crimes and genocide. Not like all those other interventions.” If the US proxy war in Ukraine was meaningfully different from other US wars they would be justifying it using different arguments, not the exact same ones. The war propaganda is airing reruns. Western punditry is rife with op-eds arguing that the US needs to vastly increase military spending because a world war is about to erupt, and they always frame it as though this would be something that happens to the US, like its own actions would have nothing to do with it. If World War 3 does indeed occur, it will be because the drivers of the US-centralized empire continued accelerating towards that horrific event while refusing every possible diplomatic off-ramp due to their inability to relinquish their goal of unipolar planetary domination.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Russia Issues Calls To Other Nuclear Powers
The rest of the big five need to match Moscow’s commitment to avoiding nuclear war, the Foreign Ministry insists
Moscow is “strictly and consistently” guided by the principle that a nuclear war can never be won and should never be fought, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday, calling on other atomic powers to “demonstrate in practice” their own commitment to this. “We firmly believe that in the current difficult and turbulent situation, a result of irresponsible and shameless actions aimed at undermining our national security, the first priority is to prevent any military clash of nuclear powers,” the ministry said. Russia stands by its signature on the January 3 joint statement with leaders of the ‘Nuclear Five’ – which includes the US, UK, France and China – on the prevention of nuclear war and the unacceptability of a nuclear arms race. The ministry also called on the other members of the ‘Nuclear Five’ to demonstrate in practice they also share this commitment, and to “abandon dangerous attempts to infringe on each other’s vital interests, balancing on the brink of direct armed conflict and encouraging provocations with WMD, which can lead to catastrophic consequences.”
by RT
New Animated Video Shows Heartbreaking Reality Of Abortion In Graphic Detail (Text and Video)
Narrated from the perspective of the ultrasound technician who witnesses the procedure, ‘The Procedure’ is a heartbreaking reminder that abortion is the murder of an innocent child.
Reader advisory: Extremely upsetting scenes. (LifeSiteNews) — Choice42 has put out a new video that exposes the reality of abortion – and it is heartbreaking. On October 31, the pro-life organization Choice42, in partnership with Loor.TV, premiered a new video that portrays the graphic reality of abortion in vivid detail. Entitled The Procedure and based on a true story, the four-minute-long animated clip shows a surgical abortion procedure in detail, underscoring the humanity of the child and vividly displaying the reality of her pain. Narrated from the perspective of the sonographer who witnesses the procedure, the film is a heartbreaking reminder that abortion is the murder of an innocent child. The film was narrated by Christian actor Kevin Sorbo, who is best known for his starring roles in television’s Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Andromeda.
by Mary Zwicker
Washington Needs To Take Real Actions To Put Out Fire It Has Started With China
US President Joe Biden talked about the China policy of the US during a meeting with Defense Department leaders on October 26. Biden said the US has to “responsibly manage the increasingly intense competition with China,” and “we have to maintain our military advantage by making clear that – that we do not seek conflict.” It’s a pretty gentle statement from Biden. But blocking chip exports to China, squeezing Chinese manufacturing across the board from low- to high-end products, deploying state-of-the-art weapons around China, continuing to sell weapons to Taiwan island, teaming up with chip makers to cut off China’s chip supply chain, and imposing sanctions on more than 600 Chinese companies and institutions… If Biden doesn’t consider this a conflict with China, then what is?
by Ding Gang
Russia Considers ‘Further Steps’ Over Allegation That The UK Was Behind Nord Stream Blasts
London has denied the Russian accusation that it was involved in the attacks
The Kremlin on Tuesday said that Russia was considering “further steps” to take in response to Britain’s alleged role in the attacks on the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines, which connect Russia and Germany. “Such actions cannot be put aside. Of course, we will think about further steps. It definitely cannot be left like this,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. On Saturday, Russia’s Defense Ministry accused British “naval specialists” of involvement in the attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines, which resulted in what was likely the largest-ever methane gas release. London has denied the Russian accusation. Peskov claimed that Russia had evidence of the UK’s involvement, but Moscow has yet to present any. “There is evidence that Britain was involved in this act of sabotage, in plain language, a terrorist act, against a vital energy infrastructure, and not Russian – it is very important to take this into account – but an international energy infrastructure,” he said, according to TASS.
by Dave DeCamp
US Troops In Ukraine, Inspect Weapons. Serbia Warned, Russia Or EU. Sweden, Yes To NATO Nukes (30:13)
by Alex Christoforou
What Types Of People Would Want To Declare A Pandemic Amnesty? (Text and Video)
Does being in the dark allow you to dehumanise a section of society?
As I’m sure most of you have read by now, Emily Oster, writing in The Atlantic, wants to declare a pandemic amnesty. She want’s us all to forgive each other for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID. Emily wants to skip the apologising phase and go straight to being forgiven. Don’t worry about losing your job, being shunned by friends and family, having your freedom restricted and all the other atrocities that happened over the past few years, turn the other cheek and forgive Emily. But what kind of person actually needs forgiveness? I certainly don’t. I didn’t say or do anything during the pandemic that needs forgiveness. So who does? Below is a small selection of the types of people that might agree with Emily.
by The Naked Emperor
My Friends Are Dying Of Heart Attacks
A 50th birthday celebration and reunion is marred by multiple deaths
I’m headed out to Maui to celebrate my brother’s 50th birthday. One of our oldest friends—a 53-year-old named Dan who was my roommate in graduate school—was scheduled to be on my flight, but he isn’t because he died of a heart attack two weeks ago. Both of his parents attended the funeral; both were in exceptionally good physical condition in spite of their advanced age. Dan received the initial two doses of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine last year, but apparently decided to forgo the boosters. Another one of our closest friends—a 55-year-old surfing legend named Loch Eggers —was also looking forward to celebrating with us. I spoke to him on the phone last week. He expressed great excitement about our forthcoming reunion and all of the fun we were going to have surfing, barbecuing, and partying. Loch also won’t make it because he had a fatal heart attack last Saturday. His life and death are chronicled in this beautifully illustrated obituary. Loch’s case was especially poignant. He was found on the side of a hiking trail that led to a peaceful place where he’d recently erected a shrine to his brother, Hunter, who died of a heart attack a few months ago. Both Loch and Hunter were in exceptionally good physical condition from daily water sports. Loch was one of the greatest amateur surfers on earth.
by John Leake
Powell Pulls Rug Out From Euphoric Fed Statement Reaction, Terminal Rate Spikes
US equity markets were weaker into the FOMC statement after ‘good’ news from ADP on the labor market. The FOMC statement was met with euphoria in stocks as traders saw hopes for a ‘pause’ but Powell pissed in that punchbowl during the presser with the following exchange: “the labor market continues to be out of balance, with demand substantially exceeding the supply of available workers” reinforces the notion that the Fed is looking at both employment and inflation as giving it plenty of reasons to keep tightening. Powell reiterated previous comments that “at some point” it will become “appropriate to slow the pace of increases.” But most notably pointed out that there is “significant uncertainty” around that end-point. “We have some ways to go,” adding that the ultimate level of the terminal rate may be higher than previously expected. “The question of when to moderate the pace of increases is now much less important than the question of how high to raise rates and how long to keep monetary policy restrictive.”
by Tyler Durden
It’s Time To Open The Astrazeneca Files
THE AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine has all but disappeared from use. We need to know why, and whether troubling evidence from its trials was ignored by the regulators or withheld from the public. That is why HART, the independent Health Advisory and Recovery Team, has demanded a ‘Pfizer files’ style data release from the Medicines and Healthcare Product Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Last week, we submitted an FoI request to the MHRA prepared by PJH Law requiring the release of all data submitted by AstraZeneca in their application for a licence for their Covid-19 vaccine (AZD1222/Vaxzevria), the data that the MHRA relied on before granting a conditional marketing authorisation for its use. We asked for: 1. Pre- and post-authorisation safety and efficacy data for this product; 2. All information that allowed a ‘rigorous scientific assessment’ of all the available evidence of quality, safety and effectiveness by the MHRA; 3. All information and full data set that the MHRA stated their expert scientists and clinicians reviewed from the laboratory preclinical studies, clinical trials, manufacturing and quality controls, product sampling and testing of the final vaccine and the conditions for its safe supply and distribution; 4. Anonymised data from their clinical trials. Why is this necessary?
by Dr. Ros Jones
All Those Responsible Must Pay A Price For Terrorising And Harming The People They Are Meant To Serve
I belong to a privileged generation. Not that I was raised in affluence; far from it. Born in 1958, to a mother who worked all her life as a weaver in the textile industry and a father employed as a maintenance mechanic at the local factory, I lived on a council estate for the first decade of my life. Money was tight, holidays were basic and infrequent, and treats – in the form of confectionary – were rare, usually restricted to a Turkish Delight chocolate bar each Sunday evening. Although I never realised it until I was 62, I was, however, part of a cohort who possessed something sacrosanct, something so very precious and – deplorably – something future generations may never enjoy again: individual freedom. To be clear, the world I have lived in has been far from perfect. My era has been one incorporating fundamental inequalities and injustices, widespread poverty, discrimination and – particularly in my young-adult years – a recurring risk of physical assault. But despite this context, each of us took for granted a range of basic human rights: to meet with whomever we wished; to leave our homes whenever we chose; to eat whatever we wanted; to express opinions others might not agree with; to take risks, make mistakes and learn sometimes painful lessons; to wear whatever we wanted; to work to improve our career prospects and earn more money to enhance our lives and those of our families; and to decide what drugs and other medical interventions to accept. When cheap flights emerged in the 1970s and 80s, the whole world became wonderfully accessible.
by Dr. Gary Sidley
Pretending Continues – Fed Chair Raises Interest Rates 3/4 Point, Blames Russia For U.S Food Prices, Claims Consumer Demand Still Too High
It’s all a ruse; an economic shell game being played for politics – nothing more. Consider this quote from Fed Chair Jerome Powell today, “Inflation remains well above our longer-run goal of 2 percent. Over the 12 months ending in September, total PCE prices rose 6.2 percent. Excluding the volatile food and energy categories core PCE prices rose 5.1 percent. And the recent inflation data again have come in higher than expected. Price pressures remain evident across a broad range of goods and services. Russia’s war against Ukraine has boosted prices for energy and food and has created additional upward pressure on inflation.” (source) You can argue Powell’s points of demand side inflation all day long, it matters not. It’s nonsense. Take interest rates to 10%, or even eleventy percent, and that will not stop inflation because demand is not creating it. Current inflation is a supply side issue, driven by a radical change in energy policy. I have made this case for well over a year, sooner or later people are going to have to stop believing the demand side nonsense. As Powell himself noted, “with today’s action, we’ve raised interest rates by 3 ¾ percentage points this year,” and yet inflation hasn’t flinched. Why? Because there was no excess consumer demand to tame all year. Demand for consumer goods has been in a freefall since the fall of 2021, while the prices of those goods have remained on an upward trajectory because costs associated with producing them continue rising. That’s a supply side inflation issue, not demand – but Powell cannot admit it.
by Sundance
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 2, 2022 (24:29)
by Military Summary
Erdogan: ‘We Will Distribute Russia Gas To Europe Via Turkiye’
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that Turkiye will distribute natural gas from Russia to Europe through its TurkStream project. Erdogan noted in a speech in Ankara on Friday that this will take place as a result of talks with Moscow. The president also revealed that his government will soon start work on the Istanbul Canal project and that it will save the Bosphorus Strait from environmental threats. Erdogan previously referred to the discovery of 540 billion cubic metres of natural gas reserves in the Black Sea, adding: “God willing, we will soon share the new good news with our people regarding energy.” TurkStream is two pipelines to transport gas from Russia to Turkiye and Europe, passing through the Black Sea. The first pipeline supplies Turkiye, and the second provides eastern and southern European countries.
Plato And The Error Of Western Philosophy; Nothing Is Riding On It Except…
The Future, Our Future
There is an old saw among contemporary professors: “All of Western philosophy is footnotes on Plato.” Plato is the first serious philosopher in the West. He pushed his intellectual position to the limit. Through the main character in his astounding dialogues, Socrates, he tried to prove that ideas must have an absolutist foundation. Which is to say, argument and debate must be resolved, and in one way only. By perceiving an Ideal Form of the concept under debate. Socrates’ antagonists were willing to settle for far less, so Socrates showed them the error of their ways. Take the idea called JUSTICE. What is it? Plato went the distance. He claimed that justice must exist somewhere, somehow, in another realm, in a perfected form. Otherwise, humans would not be able to see shadows and half-formed versions of it. That’s a titanic leap.
by Jon Rappoport
How The West Brought War To Ukraine: A Review
It can be rather effectively argued that the greatest export commodity of the USA is war, commonly known as the Military Industrial Complex, which has spent the bloody decades after WWII bringing “democracy” to the benighted of the world—by bombs and sanctions, if necessary. The latest such grand crusade is the war in Ukraine, which we have all been told to think of as “us” defending a fragile “democracy,” invaded out of the blue by the latest manifestation of Attila the Hun. Here was Ukraine happily minding its own business, until one day Putin woke up and decided that he needed to be a world-conqueror and off he went to “invade” Ukraine. The simplistic narrative of the “innocent” and the “criminal” has deep appeal in the Western psyche, conditioned no doubt by Hollywood. Thus, all the media had to do was point out the “criminal,” and the rest took care of itself. Out came all the virtue-signaling that the West is now so good at mustering. Now, there is not a shred of doubt in the minds of the majority in the West that this is a war between the “good guys” and the “Great Villain,” with the likes of Biden, Justin Trudeau, Britain and all the other cheerleaders for “democracy” constantly handing David’s loaded sling-shot to Ukraine to get the job done—but which the likes of Zelensky keep dropping. This is what fighting villainy to the last Ukrainian actually looks like.
by C.B. Forde
Russia Audaciously Sets Out To Turn The Tables On The Western Alliance And Force Regime Change On The Despotic European Union
On Monday, October 31, a 74-year-old man raised his handgun to his forehead and shot himself right in front of the Government Office in Prague. As the tragedy unfolded Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, as President of the European Council of the EU, claimed to be flying to Kyiv to see Volodymyr Zelensky. Our source revealed: ‘As a result of the breakdown of family finances due to high energy bills and associated debts, the elderly gentleman committed suicide in front of the Government Office – the Press never noticed or reported the incident. The motive for the suicide was the desperation of a man who could not see a way out anywhere. But Fiala wouldn’t notice or care because he was heading to Ukrainian President Zelensky with an important message.
by Michael Walsh
New Study: Pretty Much Everyone Is Getting Heart Damage From The COVID Vaccines! (12:37)
by Sunfellow On COVID-19
World Council For Health Stands With Dr. Jackie Stone, MD (Text and Video)
Dr. Jackie Stone, MD is a globally respected medical figure known for saving lives and pioneering treatment options during the Covid era. Rather than being revered for saving lives, Dr Stone is currently being threatened with a custodial sentence for treating her patients. At a time when fear was gripping the world, Dr Stone did not sit by the sidelines. Instead, she sprang into action, ultimately reducing suffering and death in Zimbabwe by using widely available, innovative, and safe tools like ivermectin and colloidal silver. Dr Stone then worked tirelessly to share her findings with healthcare professionals around the world. Despite her success, medical institutions the world over have neglected the opportunity to learn from Dr Stone and honor her noble work. Instead, the Medical Council is attempting to punish her.
by World Council for Health
Russia Resumes Participation In Grain Deal – Defense Ministry
UN and Turkish mediation helped to secure written guarantees from Kiev, the military says
Russia has resumed its participation in the Türkiye and UN-mediated deal on the export of Ukrainian grain via the Black Sea, the Defense Ministry announced on Wednesday. Moscow agreed to reverse the suspension after receiving written guarantees from Kiev that it would not use the safety corridor provided by Russia for military purposes, the statement said. “At this time, the Russian Federation considers the issued guarantees sufficient,” the ministry noted. Moscow’s decision to suspend participation in the arrangement was announced last week after the Russian military accused Ukraine of using the corridor for a drone attack on the port of Sevastopol. The statement on Wednesday credited the UN and Türkiye for securing the written pledge from Kiev. The scheme, which was first negotiated in July, is technically a set of two trilateral agreements between the two mediators and Russia and Ukraine respectively.
by RT
Once More On Renowned Fool Emily Oster, And The Malign Influence Of Head Girls More Generally
Our governing elite are increasingly selected not for intelligence or ability, but for conscientiousness, agreeability and conformity. The consequence is a new kind of midwit tyranny.
Alas, Emily Oster’s proposal that we just forget and forgive the pandemic insanity of the past few years has pleased no one. This is partly because her op-ed is tone deaf and stupid, of course, but it’s probably also down to Emily Oster herself, and a growing cultural exhaustion with the kind of person she represents. Oster is, in the terminology of Bruce Charlton, an almost archetypal Head Girl—the typical “all-rounder” who “performs extremely well in all school subjects” and “is excellent at sports,” while being “pretty, popular, sociable and well-behaved”: The Head Girl will probably be a big success in life, in whatever terms being a big success happens to be framed …. But the Head Girl is not, cannot be, a creative genius. Modern society is run by Head Girls, of both sexes … Modern colleges aim at recruiting Head Girls, so do universities, so does science, so do the arts, so does the mass media, so does the legal profession, so does medicine, so does the military… The Head Girl can never be a creative genius because she does what other people want by the standards they most value. She will worker harder and at a higher standard in doing whatever it is that social pressure tells her to do – and she will do this by whatever social standards prevail, only more thoroughly. … We live in a Head Girl’s world – which is also a world where creative genius is marginalized and disempowered to the point of near-complete invisibility.
by eugyppius
Rumble Says It Won’t Move Its Policy Goalposts To Appease France’s Censorship Demands
Rumble has exited France while it looks to challenge the legality of its censorship orders.
Growing video platform Rumble, based in the US, has refused to cave to France’s demands to censor Russian news sources such as RT France and Sputnik. Rumble has instead chosen to pull its services from France rather than comply with the order. “The French Government has demanded that Rumble @rumblevideo block Russian news sources. Like @elonmusk, I won’t move our goal posts for any foreign government,” Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski tweeted. In a statement, Rumble said, “the French Government demanded that we remove certain Russian news sources from Rumble.” Rumble outlined its commitment to free speech, adding, “As part of our mission to restore a free and open internet, we have committed not to move the goalposts on our content policies. Users with unpopular views are free to access our platform on the same terms as our millions of other users.” Rumble said that it was disabling access to users in France while they look into challenging the legality of the government’s demands.
by Christina Maas
They Want Covid Amnesty (2:20)
Thank you Syrian Girl
Elon Musk Reportedly Allows Investors To Access Confidential Twitter Data In Acquisition Deal
Several large foreign Twitter investors have received access to confidential information about the social network, possibly including its users’ personal data and financial statistics as part of Elon Musk’s deal on Twitter acquisition, US media reported. The priority was reportedly given to the Binance, Saudi Arabian and Qatari funds, which had invested at least $250 million or higher in the social platform.
The move comes after the US Treasury Department reportedly started examining whether it had a legal ground to conduct a probe into Musk’s ties to foreign governments and investors. On Monday, US Senator Chris Murphy urged a congressional panel to launch an investigation into investments in Twitter by Saudi Arabia’s Kingdom Holding Company after Musk acquired the social media company. Murphy said the United States had to be concerned about Saudi investments in Twitter due to their interest in repressing political speech and influencing US politics. The US billionaire closed the $44 billion acquisition deal last Friday. He tweeted on Sunday that “the whole verification process is being revamped right now.”
by Sputnik News
Destroying Western Values To Defend Western Values
So it turns out the US intelligence cartel has been working intimately with online platforms to regulate the “cognitive infrastructure” of the population. This is according to a new investigative report by The Intercept, based on documents obtained through leaks and an ongoing lawsuit, on the “retooling” of the Department of Homeland Security from an agency focused on counterterrorism to one increasingly focused on fighting “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation” online. While the DHS’s hotly controversial “Disinformation Governance Board” was shut down in response to public outcry, the Intercept report reveals what authors Lee Fang and Ken Klippenstein describe as “an expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms” in order to “curb speech it considers dangerous”: According to a draft copy of DHS’s Quadrennial Homeland Security Review, DHS’s capstone report outlining the department’s strategy and priorities in the coming years, the department plans to target “inaccurate information” on a wide range of topics, including “the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S. support to Ukraine.”
by Caitlin Johnstone
Netanyahu Wins Outright Majority In Israeli National Elections To Be Next Prime Minister
Exit polls indicate Benjamin Netanyahu has won the election today for Israeli Prime Minister. Netanyahu won more than enough seats to return to power in the latest election. Netanyahu will have more than the 61 seats required to form a government. In a dangerous world full of insane and weak leaders, this is welcome news. Exit polls in Israel indicated Tuesday that former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies may have won enough seats to return to power in a nationalist religious government after 3 1/2 years of political gridlock. The polls are preliminary, however, and final results could change as votes are tallied. Israeli media reported that a small Arab nationalist party was approaching the electoral threshold, which would give it four seats and erase Netanyahu’s narrow projected margin.
by Jim Hoft
Dad Stuns School Board When He Reads Aloud Disgusting Book From Library (3:37)
Burn Before Reading
Before he was demonised and lied about for telling the truth about covid-19, The Chattanooga Times in the US described Vernon Coleman’s work as ‘Wise, funny, sad and heart-warming’. It is almost certainly illegal to read the following material. So I would suggest that if questioned you say that someone else borrowed your laptop/mobile phone/iPad or whatever and that you were busy washing your mask collection or helping out at the covid-19 vaccination clinic at the time. The police are now solving 5% of crimes in the UK. This may seem disappointing but you have to understand that they spend a good deal of their time comforting people who are glued to roads. (The authorities say that Long Covid is responsible for the number of people who now find themselves attracted to tarmacadam. It is, apparently, also to blame for people getting stuck to picture frames.) When the medical authorities get their claws into a doctor who is accused of telling the truth about covid-19 or the covid-19 jab they usually begin by insisting that the doctor be examined by a psychiatrist. The doctor will be asked if they could have been mentally ill when they questioned the information provided by the drug companies and their government. The implication will be that if the doctor was having an insane interlude they will be forgiven their lapse. However, it doesn’t work that way. The minute the accused doctor says he was insane to have criticised Pfizer or whoever, the disciplinary authorities will leap up and down, cackling and pointing fingers. ‘Got you!’ they will cry. And the doctor will then lose their licence for being insane.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Lies, Spies And US Bioweapons On The Verge Of Armageddon
Initially, when the Russians brought the existence of the Ukrainian biolabs to the attention of the world, it was denied outright—the official Western response was—”those Ruskies just never stop lying.” And having shut down RT news, hardly anyone in the West knew anything about the Russian claim except that it was being made and it was therefore “disinformation,” and only conspiracy theorists believed it. Given there still has been no declaration of war by any Western country against Russia, one might think the “voices of social conscience” and the “guardians of truth” might at least be curious to know why the Western population was generally being “protected” from Russian news sources because the bright sparks thought the people just too dumb to be able to distinguish between truth and lie.
by Wayne Cristaudo
NBC Changes Report About Third Person Inside Pelosi Residence
The incident at the San Francisco home of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Paul Pelosi last Friday morning continues to generate far more questions than answers. NBC News has now back-tracked on a report Sunday that a third person was present at the home with Paul Pelosi and alleged attacker David DePape. NBC investigative correspondent Tom Winter wrote in a Twitter post on Sunday that the San Francisco Police Department said the only two people present were Paul Pelosi and DePape. That contradicts a statement made at the press conference held Friday afternoon when it was stated there was a third person present who opened the door for responding officers.
by Republican Nation
Beluga Whale Playing Fetch Near The North Pole (0:55)
Beluga Whale Playing Fetch Near The North Pole (0:55)
The ACIP Vote As Pyroptosis — Programmed Cell Death Of The Democratic Party
Gaia appears to want to rid the earth of progressive institutions, the question is why?
I. Introduction
I was in an airplane somewhere over the midwest on October 20 when the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to add eighteen+ Covid-19 shots to the already bloated and genocidal childhood vaccine schedule. I think if I had watched it live I might have died of despair right there on the spot. They’ve since posted it to YouTube so I will go back and watch it one day for the sake of witnessing one of the darkest days in American history. I spent the next few days after the vote surrounded by wonderful people at the Wise Traditions conference organized by the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Children’s Health Defense conference that followed. The conferences rocked and they gave me a chance to reflect, repair, and see things in a new way.
by Toby Rogers
Pelosi Home Had Live CCTV Security Feed, Capitol Police Were Not Watching During Attack But There Is A Recording
Apparently, the San Francisco home of Paul and Nancy Pelosi has real time CCTV security remotely monitored by the Capitol Hill Police. However, as the story is told, during the attack on Paul Pelosi, no one was watching the CCTV monitors. But it does appear there is a recording. Officers from the U.S. Capitol Police have live video surveillance outside the Pelosi’s San Francisco residence, but weren’t watching it when David DePape, 42, allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, sources tell Fox News. The officers were monitoring a live-feed of many cameras, which include surveillance of the capitol complex, but also monitor some points away from the capitol, which include the Pelosi residence. According to sources, an officer was monitoring the feeds and saw police lights on a dark street outside the Pelosi’s residence. When going through surveillance footage, the officer saw the alleged attack on Oct. 28, when DePape allegedly struck Paul Pelosi, people briefed on the incident said, according to the report. (read more)
by Sundance
On The Worship Of Sacred Cows
The strange death of real journalism
One of the extraordinary things about the past few years is the extent to which data which very obviously suggests one thing has been reinterpreted to suggest something else, merely to fit the “approved” narrative. For no subject is this more apparent than that of the miracle covid injections. As a society we strained to attribute as many deaths as possible to “covid” — however unlikely they seemed to be connected. When discussing the vaccines, however, many defenders of the covid-cult seem willing and able to twist themselves into ludicrous contortions in an attempt to explain away any observations which don’t fully support the “safe and effective” (and necessary) official narrative. This week has actually seen a flurry of such articles, of which the three below are just a selection.
The Pfizer Way: Produce The Sickness, Sell The Cure
Pfizer’s shots may cause myocarditis and blood clots, and Pfizer has drugs for that!
Prior to Covid Mania, it was somewhat common wisdom to receive claims advanced by major drug companies with necessary skepticism, especially drug companies with a track record of a multi billion dollar fraud settlement. On Tuesday, Pfizer released its latest revenue numbers, with the drugmaker posting another quarter of massive revenues and profits granted through the taxpayer funnel. The drugmaker is set to end the year with an estimated $100 billion in revenue, with around one-third of its government handout cash being net income. Additionally, almost all of its net income will have come from its mRNA experimental gene therapy shots and Paxlovid, the Covid-19 oral pill best known for its “Paxlovid Rebound” side effects. Miracle cure it is not. Pfizer is already recommending your 5th and 6th doses for its once-claimed immunizing “vaccine” — the mRNA COVID shot — that doesn’t currently work. And now they’re pivoting to the subscription model.
by Jordan Schachtel
How Much Microplastic Do Whales Eat? Up To 10 Million Pieces Per Day, Research Finds
The largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth ingest the tiniest specks of plastic in colossal amounts, Stanford University scientists have found. Published in Nature Communications, the study focuses on blue, fin, and humpback whales and their consumption of plastic fragments no bigger than a few grains of sand, which are commonly called microplastics. The authors combined measures of microplastic concentrations up and down the water column off the coast of California with detailed logs of where hundreds of whales carrying tracking devices foraged for food between 2010 and 2019. They found the whales predominantly feed 50 to 250 meters below the surface, a depth that coincides with the highest concentrations of microplastic in the open ocean. The planet’s biggest creature—the blue whale—ingests the most plastic, at an estimated 10 million pieces per day as it feeds almost exclusively on shrimplike animals called krill.
by Josie Garthwaite, Stanford University
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 1, 2022 (20:26)
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis November 1, 2022 (20:26)
Bolsonaro Breaks Silence On Election Loss
The Brazilian president stopped short of admitting defeat, but authorized the transition of power
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro did not concede defeat in his first public remarks since Sunday’s vote. However, his chief of staff, Ciro Nogueira, claimed that Bolsonaro had authorized him to begin the transition process. Bolsonaro’s comments come after ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva managed to claim victory over the incumbent by a narrow margin. In a brief speech on Tuesday, breaking his two-day silence, the right-wing president did not directly address the election results, and avoided mentioning the winner by name, though he did vow to abide by the rules set out in the constitution. “I have always been labelled as antidemocratic and, unlike my accusers, I have always played within the four lines of the constitution,” he stated. He also commented on the widespread protests by his supporters that erupted during the two days of his silence, describing them as “the fruit of indignation and a sense of injustice about the way the electoral process took place.” While he did not urge them to go back home, he said they should not destroy property.
by RT
Britons And Their Children Are Condemned To Debt Slavery For Life
Britons and their children are condemned to debt slavery for life and in effect, every Briton is now an indentured slave to global finance. Britain’s regime the selected premier of which is one of the world’s richest families is going to significantly increase the tax burden on all residents of the United Kingdom. The ethnic Indian prime minister Rishi Sunak hopes that this measure, coupled with an empty promise to drastically reduce government spending, will help the country fill a deficit of £50 billion, it is claimed. In other words, the government borrows from the banks politicians invest in at eye-watering rates of interest ~ and you and your children and their children pay off the banks. Reminder: the great-grandchildren of the slain in World War I (1914-1918) finally paid off this war debt in 2014. Are you getting the picture yet? Is the penny dropping yet?
by Michael Walsh
The Pentagon Is Neither Woke Nor Based
The U.S. military has in recent times been making a big show of its “wokeness,” not only by changing the names of institutions to comply with the demands of race activists who wish to expunge from history all traces of the Confederacy, but also in its affirmation and encouragement of persons who lead alternative lifestyles. For nearly twenty years, beginning in 1993, the military maintained a “don’t ask, don’t tell,” policy on homosexuality. Since 2011, however, openly gay persons have been permitted to serve in the armed forces. Given this context, some were surprised to learn that the Department of Defense has explicitly specified that transgender women must register for the Selective Service, while transgender men need not. The official website states: Selective Service bases the registration requirement on gender assigned at birth and not on gender identity or on gender reassignment. Individuals who are born male and changed their gender to female are still required to register. Individuals who are born female and changed their gender to male are not required to register.
by Laurie Calhoun
On This Date In 1917, The Balfour Declaration Was Issued. Underlined Is The Condition That Went Unfulfilled.
Thank you James Perloff
Progress Against The Political Establishment?
Leaving The Russia Hoax Behind
I had trouble coming up with a title for this post, which combines the two big political stories from yesterday. The first of those stories concerned the revelations about FBI/DHS collusion with Media companies to censor 1st Amendment protected viewpoints that fell/fall outside approved Establishment narratives. These revelations come from analysis done on court documents by The Intercept. The second story concerned the oral arguments at the SCOTUS in the two major affirmative action cases involving Harvard and UNC. I’ll try to connect these two seemingly very different stories.
by Mark Wauck
state what you are in favor of as a simple positive (video (0:45)
the america i want to live in
it’s easy to be critical and to pick on the ideas of others. it’s always easier to attack than to build. but this is a barren road to fields where nothing grows. we cannot productively define ourselves only by what we are against. we must be for something. we must participate and create something. society, civilization, and self must be fostered and so it behooves us to remember, especially in election years, that we need to keep claim on that which we desire and to retain and cultivate the ability to state as simple positives what we want for ourselves and for america. watch the video. i want this. this is the america i wish to inhabit. will it solve all our problems? perhaps not. but it’s a start…
by el gato malo
More Women Are Dying from Cervical Cancer Since the Gardasil Vaccine Was Introduced
Prior to the COVID-19 experimental vaccines that were tested on the public with disastrous results, the HPV Gardasil vaccine was the #1 most-read topic on Health Impact News, as we have published literally hundreds of articles on this deadly vaccine that has destroyed so many lives. The Gardasil vaccine produced by Merck is advertised as a way to prevent cervical cancer by stopping the Human papillomavirus. The HPV vaccine causes autoimmune diseases as well as Primary Ovarian Failure making young girls infertile. And now, a new study from researchers at UCLA has revealed that late stage cervical cancer has actually been increasing since the Gardasil vaccine was launched.
by Brian Shilhavy
Challenging Racial Discrimination At Harvard
The Supreme Court Reconsiders Affirmative Action
On Monday morning, the U.S. Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments on a potentially momentous case challenging the use of race in admissions decisions at Harvard University and our other academic institutions. Over the last half-century, our system of Affirmative Action—preferences based upon race—has become an increasingly powerful and entrenched aspect of American society, so much so that any notion of rolling it back had long since been regarded as quixotic. But a small group of determined opponents persevered in their efforts, so many now believe that a legal victory might finally be at hand. No one had ever expected that Roe v. Wade would be overturned after nearly fifty years, and perhaps Bakke and its epigones may suffer a similar fate.
by Ron Unz
Disrupt The Cognitive Infrastructure
Leaked documents reveal that the US intelligence cartel has been working intimately with online platforms to regulate the “cognitive infrastructure” of the population — the information systems people use to feed their minds and think their thoughts. If it is the job of the US intelligence cartel to regulate society’s cognitive infrastructure, then it is the job of healthy human beings to disrupt the cognitive infrastructure. Fill the cognitive infrastructure with information that is inconvenient for the powerful. Disrupt the cognitive infrastructure by saturating it with unauthorized speech.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Why Is Facebook Trying To Cancel The Ron Paul Institute? (2:14)
Proof That Pelosi And Democrats Set Up Legal Protestors Who Were Issued Permits On January 6th By Denying Trump’s Already Authorized National Guardsmen (Text and Video)
On Wednesday, we ran a guest column from a friend of The Gateway Pundit, Ali Alexander, a January 6th permit holder and organizer behind the post-Election Day “Stop the Steal” protests that peacefully swept the country. He put together the complete timeline outlining how President Donald J. Trump insisted and insisted that National Guardsmen be made available to the City of D.C. and the US Capitol (which is maintained by the Speaker of the House). Ali details the documents showing that Democrats denied them at every turn. Ultimately, Pelosi called for violence against Trump, himself, and for troops to clear out the Capitol by any means necessary. The evidence, laid out in chronological order and story format, is just stunning. It pieces together everything we’ve been covering for nearly two years at TGP. Defeated Liz Cheney is now bought in on the Pelosi national guard cover-up lie. We know that Pelosi and her foot soldiers had a two week headstart on securing the Capitol with Trump’s generous offer. A president can authorize but cannot order the national guard to the US Capitol grounds.
by Jim Hoft
A Vietnam War Ghost Story
Fortunately for me, my closest scrape with Lyndon Johnson’s Vietnam madness came when I was on mid-tour leave from my safe office job in Korea in late January of 1968. I don’t know if it still works that way, but members of the military could fly almost anywhere for free on military aircraft as long as there was space available. I had already spent a very memorable week in Japan that way. My next goal was to see Taipei, Taiwan. Nothing was available to that destination out of Tachikawa Air Base outside Tokyo, so I caught a flight in that direction to Kadena Airbase in Okinawa. I spent a rainy day touring there, taking the military bus down to Naha and back to Kadena, where the only flight available was to Clark Air Base in the Philippines. I signed up for it and waited for it to be called. As I was standing in the terminal, I slowly became surrounded by a growing number of young Marines. I was 25 years old at the time, but I felt like I was almost a lifetime older than those young men around me. They all looked to me like they were right out of high school and really clueless. They weren’t so clueless as to effect the sort of rah rah, gung ho attitude that soldiers had in the early days of, say, World War I. The bloom was well off the Vietnam War for Americans by that time. The call for their flight came before mine did. At that point I heard the guy next to me say with bitter mock enthusiasm, “Oh boy, Vietnam,” as they lined up to board the plane. Years later, reflecting upon what my Marine and Army friends had told me about their Vietnam experiences and much else that I had read, I tried to capture the moment with the following poem:
by David Martin
‘Hate Speech’ Laws: Welcome To Stasi Ireland!
‘Hate speech’ laws are not simply censorship. Their deeper purpose is to terminate equality under the law, so the normative indigenous members of a nation are made to feel like an alien underclass.
Those who have doubted that Western Civilisation is in the process of being dismantled are about to receive their definitive reply. The supposedly ‘unavoidable’ fire-brigade damage inflicted on our freedoms in the Spring of 2020, which has never been repaired or reversed, is about to be consolidated. The shout of ‘Emergency!’ was at that time sufficient to quiet most objections and provide reassurance that this was indeed a temporary imposition. Now, two and a half years later, the maintenance vans pull up and the workmen start to scrutinise the damage done by the firemen — the windows shattered by their axes, the shards of glass still protruding dangerously upwards, the splintered frames. As we look on expectantly, imagining that they are about to replace the broken glass and repair the damaged frames, another convoy of vehicles pulls up, this time bearing men with sledgehammers, crowbars, pneumatic drills, wonder bars, angle grinders — and, bringing up the rear, a scammel transporter with a large crane and wrecking ball. It becomes clear that what the workmen have in mind is not reconstruction, but demolition.
by John Waters
Boost Memory, Regenerate Neurons With This Ancient Plant
The world’s most ancient tree has something to teach us, and give to us, as far as promoting brain health and longevity goes. Considering the fact that gingko biloba is the oldest known tree in existence (deemed for this reason a “living fossil”), isn’t it poetic how this plant has also been used to promote long life as both a food and medicine in traditional cultures as well? Clearly, this plant has figured out a way to optimize longevity in face of many of the same adversities humans face, e.g. predators, infections, fluctuations in nutrient availability and climate, etc. And so, by consuming that plant, could it not lend some of its power and (phytochemical) wisdom to those imbibing it, as was once commonly believed by ‘pre-scientific’ cultures throughout the world who considered plants their “allies”?
by Sayer Ji
ACH (1952) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of The World War Of World Views (Audio 1:00:59)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 27, 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of The World War Of World Views.”
We discussed: the Gramski Strategy to subvert and destroy Western Christian Civilization; why the EU Parliament building in Strasbourg was built as a replica of the Satanic Tower of Babel; the Termite Strategy of attacking all pillars of the Christian Worldview; the new trinity of Me, Myself, and I; why Communists build walls; what is the meaning of history; why whilst it seems that evil tends to flourish, we must not forget the judgments that have come down on evil Communist leaders throughout our history; why everything bad in the world is as a result of man disregarding the Laws of God, which ultimately leads to man’s rebellion against God; the fatuous nature of the Academy Awards; why the Nobel Peace Prize once meant something but doesn’t anymore; how the powers that should not be love giving awards and titles to each other; the real reasons for the war against gender and the war against the family; how the politics of Globalism is Secular Humanism; the 66 countries where 400 Million Christians are being persecuted today; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
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