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August 29 – 31, 2022
“Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities
also has the power to make you commit atrocities.”

Diana – Ritual Sacrifice Of The New World Order
25 years after the mysterious death of princess Diana of Wales
Twenty five years ago Princess Diana’s car crashed inside the Pont de L’Alma tunnel in Paris France. Her lover, Dodi Fayad, died upon impact along with the driver. And even though Diana survived, it took about 40 minutes to get her from the car to the ambulance. The Official story was that they were trying to free her from the car, but several witnesses say that Diana was conscious and unobstructed. Photographs show that the backseat of the car was undamaged. And witnesses were pleading with the police to open the door and help her. Once in the ambulance, it took about 40 minutes for them to choose a Hospital. And when they finally set off, the ambulance drove at a snails pace and made several stops. Taking about 40 minutes to drive less than 4 miles.
Doctors were turned away. Witnesses were strip searched. Cameras were confiscated. No evidence was gathered. No blood samples were taken. And by 3am the entire scene was sprayed down with high pressure water hoses. Mercedes wanted to study the wreckage to see why it failed so badly. But they were denied. Diana‘s body was taken by the Royal family. Who had her reproductive organs removed before burying her remains. All 17 cameras along the route of the crash were mysteriously turned off. And all radio police frequencies went down. Witnesses were assaulted and threatened. And there was no investigation. Until the inquest ten years later. Which is when most people learned that Diana had penned a note in 1996 saying that someone was going to kill her in a car accident. This note was concealed for 6 years.
by Greg Reese
World Financial Leaders Want To Adopt China’s Nefarious System To Determine Credit Using A Person’s Internet History
Tests are already underway in the U.K. on a system of social credit that China uses to control citizens’ lives.
In a blog post on its website, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) proposed a system of social credit scoring similar to the kind already in use in Communist China that would determine people’s credit eligibility based on internet history, leading to concerns that such a system could be turned against anyone who opposes the will of financial and globalist leaders. The concepts that the IMF proposes are already being quietly promoted and practiced, notably in China, but also in the U.K., where trials are underway involving widespread covert internet surveillance and data recording. The blog post in question, entitled “What is really new in Fintech,” appeared on the IMF website in December 2020 and was drawn up by four men: Arnoud Boot, a professor of finance at the University of Amsterdam; Peter Hoffmann and Luc Laeven, both economists with the European Central Bank; and Lev Ratnovski, an economist with the IMF but currently with the European Central Bank.
by Michael Haynes
Taiwan Says It Fired At Chinese Drone For First Time
The incident happened over Taiwanese-controlled islands near the mainland, only 2.5 miles away from the Chinese city of Xiamen
Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said Tuesday that Taiwanese troops fired warning shots at a Chinese drone that was flying in airspace over Kinmen County, an archipelago of Taiwanese-controlled islands off the southeastern coast of mainland China. The Taiwanese Army’s Kinmen Defense Command said that three “civilian” drones flew over the Kinmen islands, also known as Quemoy islands, and that Taiwanese troops fired warning flares, driving the drones away. But then another drone entered airspace over Erdan, an island in the archipelago that is only 2.5 miles from the Chinese mainland city of Xiamen. Taiwanese troops then fired shoots at the drone, which drove it away.
by Dave DeCamp
Kremlin Says European Sanctions Led To Suspension Of Nord Stream
The trans-Baltic pipeline, which delivers tens of billions of cubic meters of natural gas from Russia to Germany each year, was shut down for three days early Wednesday morning for scheduled maintenance works at the Portovaya compressor station. Gas deliveries are expected to resume at 1 am GMT on September 3. Europe’s anti-Russian sanctions are responsible for the suspension of Nord Stream’s operations, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. “It was their own sanctions that brought the Europeans to this situation,” Peskov said, speaking to reporters on Wednesday. The spokesman indicated that Moscow and energy giant Gazprom “have been committed and remain committed to their obligations and contracts,” but “simply cannot fulfill them at present because of the restrictions and sanctions imposed by the EU, the UK and by other countries.” Peskov clarified that only one of Nord Stream’s six turbines is currently operational, with the rest awaiting repairs or unable to be launched due to legal clearance issues.
by Ilys Tsukanov
“How In The Name Of God”: Shocked Europeans Post Astronomical Energy Bills As ‘Terrifying Winter’ Approaches
Over the past week, shocked Europeans – mostly in the UK and Ireland – have been posting viral photos of shockingly high energy bills amid the ongoing (and worsening) energy crisis. Several of the posts were from small business owners who getting absolutely crushed right now, and won’t be able to remain operational much longer. One such owner is Geraldine Dolan, who owns the Poppyfields cafe in Athlone, Ireland – and was charged nearly €10,000 (US$10,021) for just over two months of energy usage. As the Irish Times reports, “The cost of electricity to the Poppyfields cafe for 73 days from early June until the end of August came in at €9,024.70 an increase of 250 per cent in just 12 months. There doesn’t include the €812.22 in VAT, which brought her total bill to €9,836.92.” “How in the name of God is this possible,” tweeted Dolan.
by Tyler Durden
US Is Suspicious Of Solomon Islands Because It Has A Sense Of Guilt
The failure of US and UK military vessels to dock in the Solomon Islands, a Pacific Island country, due to some technical reasons, has been made into a big issue in the US and Western public opinion. A New York Times report claimed “The move appeared to be a rebuke of the United States.” It’s not difficult for us to sense some people’s complicated feelings of shame and anger. For Washington, this not only is a matter of losing face, but also indicates it actually feels guilty of its “coercive diplomacy.” Washington elites who are stuck in a Cold War mentality have inexplicably depicted this frustration as “China’s victory.” Another exaggerated view even holds that “the politics of the Solomon Islands has been controlled by China.” It’s clear those people have never treated the Solomon Islands as a country with independent sovereignty and decision-making. If the island country is not “controlled” by Washington, then it must have been in the grip of the country that Washington regards as its “rival.”
Editorial by Global Times
Ukrainian Refugees: Top 10 Receiving Countries
After the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, more than 6 million refugees have fled the country. More than 1.6 million of them have chosen to move to Russia.
by Strategic Infographics
The FBI: A Campaign Arm Of The Democrat Party
“Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity” is the FBI motto. According to the FBI website, this motto, “Succinctly describes the motivating force behind the men and women of the FBI.” The motto may have been accurate in the 1965-1974 TV series, “The FBI”, where Efrem Zimbalist Jr epitomized those words every Sunday night on prime-time television. But today the FBI has morphed into a campaign arm of the Democrat Party, attempting to influence elections in favor of their preferred candidates, acting more like the East German Stasi or Soviet KGB rather than the premier law enforcement agency in the world. Perhaps a new motto of “Funny Business Incorporated” or “Friendly to Biden Interests” would be more appropriate to their apparent new mission. When did the FBI, the largest and most heavily armed law enforcement agency in America, now inserting itself unconstitutionally into American politics, pivot from fidelity and integrity to partisanship and dishonesty?
by Brian C. Joondeph
79% Of Americans Believe Not Censoring Hunter Biden Laptop Story Would Have Changed Election Outcome, Survey Shows
Conversations over the censorship of the laptop by Big Tech platforms and the media has been highlighted again this week after statements by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
According to a survey conducted by the TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics (TIPP), 79% of Americans believe “truthful” coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop story, had it not been censored by Big Tech, would have changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The recently published survey was based on the responses of people who claimed that they were “very” or “somewhat” closely following the laptop story. Overall, 79% of the respondents said that a “truthful interpretation” of the laptop story would have “very” or “somewhat” likely resulted in the reelection of former President Donald Trump. Of the 79%, 57% of Republicans believed Trump would have won, compared to 44% of Democrats and 48% of independents. A majority, 89% of Republicans, 74% of independents, and 61% of Democrats, said they believe the laptop story “is real.” Only 11% said that they believe the story was “created by Russia.”
by Christina Maas
Black Hole: As Billions In American Arms And Aid Enter Ukraine, US Officials Receive Hand Written Receipts
“Hand receipts, it’s all paper.”
Ukraine is consistently ranked as one of the most corrupt governments in all of Europe. Given that reality, it might not come as much of a surprise that Kiev has no functioning mechanism to track the massive amount of inflows of American weapons and aid into the country. The Dossier is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. With tens of billions of dollars aid money allocated to Ukraine, and untold billions in military equipment shipped across the border, when U.S. arms and aid enter Ukraine, it enters into a black hole. Given the notorious corruption in Kiev, perhaps that’s all by design. Where do all of the weapons and aid end up, exactly? Nobody knows, not even the inspector general who is supposed to be America’s watchdog on this effort.
by Jordan Schachtel
US Sanctions Pave Way For Closer Iran-Russia Cooperation: Atlantic Council
The wave of US sanctions against Russia amid the Ukraine war has opened new opportunities for Moscow to build an economic alliance with Tehran, another prime target of US hegemonic belligerence, a US-based think tank says. Emphasizing that the recent punitive multilateral sanctions have put Moscow in a situation that Tehran “has ample experience circumventing their damaging effects”, the Atlantic Council in an article on Thursday said the heightened tensions between the West and Russia have provided Iran with a chance “to maximize its interests and advance its political, economic, and military ambitions.” “A now heavily-sanctioned Russia may seem a weakened strategic partner for Iran,” it noted, hastening to add that “the imposition of western sanctions and the demonization of Russia may bring Moscow and Tehran closer as mutual enemies of the United States and NATO-led international framework.”
by Press TV
Attorney: Pfizer Vaccine Whistleblower False Claims Suit Payout Could Reach $3.3 trillion “It Would Be Enough To Bankrupt Pfizer,”
Pfizer cannot use the government as a shield from liability for making false claims about its COVID-19 vaccine, lawyers for a whistleblower argued in response to Pfizer’s motion to dismiss a False Claims Act lawsuit. “Respondents claim fraudulent certifications, false statements, doctored data, contaminated clinical trials, and firing of whistleblowers can be ignored based on the theory that they contracted their way around the fraud,” lawyers for Brook Jackson, who worked as regional director at one of the clinical trials used to develop the Pfizer vaccine, wrote in their Aug. 22 response. “A drug company cannot induce the taxpayers to pay billions of dollars for a product,” they countered, “that honest data would show poses more risks than benefits, and that ignores the actual contract and the law itself.” Jackson’s lawsuit alleges that Pfizer and two of its subcontractors violated the False Claims Act by providing bogus clinical trial results to garner the FDA approval of its COVID-19 vaccine. Under federal law, individuals can sue on behalf of the government and win treble damages if they can prove an individual or company deliberately lied to the government. One of Jackson’s attorneys, Warner Mendenhall, told The Epoch Times that the payout could be as much as $3.3 trillion. “It would be enough to bankrupt Pfizer,” Mendenhall said.
by Alex Giordano
Study Of Ancient Skulls Sheds Light On Human Interbreeding With Neandertals [Decades Ago, Before DNA Sequencing, I Stated We Did.]
Research has established that there are traces of Neandertal DNA in the genome of modern humans. Now an exploratory study that assessed the facial structure of prehistoric skulls is offering new insights, and supports the hypothesis that much of this interbreeding took place in the Near East—the region ranging from North Africa to Iraq. “Ancient DNA caused a revolution in how we think about human evolution,” says Steven Churchill, co-author of the study and a professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University. “We often think of evolution as branches on a tree, and researchers have spent a lot of time trying to trace back the path that led to us, Homo sapiens. But we’re now beginning to understand that it isn’t a tree—it’s more like a series of streams that converge and diverge at multiple points.”
by Matt Shipman, North Carolina State University
Brave Man Rescues Wolf From Trap With The Help Of A Stick (1:12)
Brave Man Rescues Wolf From Trap With The Help Of A Stick (1:12)
Diplomatic Immunity, American-Style
In a recent podcast, Kevin Barrett stated that the rule of law has disappeared in the US. This is so obviously true to outsiders looking in, and is even more true of American official conduct abroad, but I find myself wondering about the extent to which Americans generally are aware of this and how it is perceived. In days gone by, this lawlessness was usually deeply buried and obfuscated but today it seems there is no longer even a pretense of any rule of law. We see this most recently in the so-called “sanctions” the US so freely applies to countries and individuals, being no more than illegal rampaging and looting. But there is another category that may not be as visible and yet is indicative of an extreme breakdown of the rule of law, this applying to the category of “diplomatic immunity”, real or imagined, where the US government absolutely treads on a one-way street. This article is only a brief introduction with a few examples of hundreds that could be cited.
by Larry Romanoff
The Byline Times About Swiss Policy Research (SPR)
The British Byline Times last week published a new investigative article about Swiss Policy Research. The article reveals how SPR, while “claiming to expose geopolitical propaganda”, seems in fact “more intent on spreading it.” To read a brief fact check of the Byline Times article, see below. To learn more about the well-connected British academic quoted in the article, see here. To read more negative reviews of SPR, see here (in English) and here (in German). Byline Times: Online Propaganda: A Gateway into the ‘Pro Russian Ecosystem’
by Swiss Policy Research
The Jews Behind The Chinese Communist Revolution (11:12)
Comfrey: The “Miracle Plant” Teachings
How Does Comfrey Help Heal Injuries? As I hastily came down from the shoulder stand position, the toxins in my body strategically ambushed the weak area in the body that lacked breath and was void of sufficient oxygen. The toxins quickly moved in to take over the zone; they set up an acidic camp with numbing inflammation, further suffocating the area, and strategically starving it of circulation, alkaline nutrients, and vital oxygen. But the Comfrey (aka Warrior Plant or Knit-Bone) with its deep-rooted, collagen-like calcium and phosphorous-rich, volcanic earth medicine was just too robust to be denied. A relaxed, restorative and regenerative healing alchemy kicked in and began to simultaneously cleanse and nourish the traumatized area. I began to breathe in a calm, intentional, and methodical way; a healing trajectory that I could not have fathomed just moments prior when my body remained in fight or flight.
by GMI Reporter
new 2a deal: gato gets an F-15?
a government that would lie to disarm you would also lie about what it plans to do next
it’s pretty wild to hear a sitting US president say things like this. again. (especially one that just lost who knows how many billions worth of weapons to the taliban, a militia that lacked an air force.) it sort of makes you wonder just what they are so afraid of… Biden: “For those brave right-wing Americans who say [the 2nd amendment] is all about keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something more than a gun.” but hey, if that’s the deal on the table… your terms are acceptable. when can i take delivery? note that this idea is not as wild as it sounds. at the time the 2A was written, private citizens were allowed to own the most powerful weapon in the world: a ship with dozens of cannon. in fact, they owned most or even all of them in the US at many points. those privateers were hired to fight and to secure sea lanes and keep foreign navies from encroaching.
by el gato malo
The Murder Of General George S. Patton (12:39)
by Jim Rizoli
Follow The Science Or Follow The Evidence?
Comment on Lord Sumptions’s Times editorial
Throughout restrictions which Lord Sumption called a “catastrophe”, we were exposed to the mantra of “follow the science”. But unfortunately, the only “science” that seems to have been followed in the major decisions is that of modellers and government departments. Models are akin to opinions. If they are science, the evidence they provide sits on the lowest rung of the ladder. Modellers are accountable to no one; most have never seen a patient in their lives as they have no clinical background, which impedes their understanding of how people behave. Individuals are not herds of buffalos. Some modellers have a consistent track record of getting their predictions dramatically wrong with (again) catastrophic consequences. Since the start, we have looked at the evidence underpinning the fear-generating narrative pushed by the government, some politicians, the media and many Twitterati, who overnight forgot the principles of scientific investigation, equipoise or uncertainty and the work of many pioneers in respiratory virus epidemiology spanning a century. The psychotic narrative rests on three legs of what we call the Covid narrative stool.
by Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan
We’re Being Trained To Worry About ‘Russian Propaganda’ While Drowning In US Propaganda
One of the weirdest, most insane things happening today is the way the entire western world is being trained to freak out about “Russian propaganda” — which barely exists in the west — while ignoring the fact that we are spending every day marinating in billions of dollars worth of US empire propaganda. CNN has an article out titled “Darya Dugina’s death provides a glimpse into Russia’s vast disinformation machine — and the influential women fronting it” on the recently assassinated daughter of Alexander Dugin, a Russian political thinker of wildly exaggerated influence. The article uses Dugina’s assassination to further stoke its audience’s ever-growing panic about Russian disinformation, quickly becoming a commentary on Russia’s entire propaganda network without bothering to articulate how Dugina’s death “provides a glimpse” into its workings.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Wait For It (0:12)
Wait For It (0:12)
DOJ Files Response To Trump Motion For Special Master Review, Supported By Lawfare Crew Filing Amicus Brief To Bolster DOJ Position
The DOJ has filed a response to the motion by President Trump for the court to appoint a special master to review the seized material from the DOJ/FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. [Court pdf Here] Additionally, the outside government Lawfare group has filed an amicus brief supporting the DOJ-NSD position [Amici court pdf Here] Essentially the position of the DOJ boils down to… They have already reviewed the material. Yes, there was attorney-client privilege material seized; but they swear the internal team segregated the legally confidential material and the DOJ investigators & prosecutors didn’t see it – double pinkie swear, yer honor. Additionally, in a nice lawfare maneuver, the DOJ claims President Trump never formally evoked ‘executive privilege‘ on any material at Mar-a-Lago; therefore, despite his position as a former President, he was/is legally considered an ordinary citizen for the purpose of raiding his home to seize material the government considers vital to national security.
by Sundance
The Man Who Invented Climate Change – Maurice Strong
According to such Great Reset luminaries as Bill Gates, Prince Charles, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Carney and Klaus Schwab, humanity is expected to solve the dual threat of Covid and global warming in one revolutionary sweeping reform. We plebeians have been told that all we have to do to restart the economy is rewire everything about our behaviour, value, finance, and ethics to decarbonise civilization under a new world regime of central bankers and new green digital currencies as outlined by the Green Horizon Summit held on 9-10 November 2020. The Summit was hosted by the City of London Corporation, in collaboration with the Green Finance Institute, and supported by the World Economic Forum (“WEF”): “It’s time to reset the relationship between finance and the real economy. It’s time for public and private finance to get behind the transition to a sustainable and resilient future for all.”
by Rhoda Wilson
Recruitment Line For The 87,000 New IRS Employees (1:13)
Recruitment Line For The 87,000 New IRS Employees (1:13)
The World Conquerors: The Real War Criminals (1958)
The Second World War was said to have been waged for “the rights of small nations.” but the author, like countless other Hungarians, is literally “on the run from Communism.” He has been living in exile since 1945 because of his anti-communist views. Although he was never a member of any party. the Communist regime of Hungary. with typical effrontery, demanded that the U.S.A. authorities hand Louis Marschalko over as a war criminal.” A former special correspondent of two leading newspapers in pre-Commuoist Hungary, Marshalko is a brilliant novelist, playwright and poet and has many hundreds of articles to his credit.
World conquerors expresses some of the bitterness and contempt of millions of enslaved Euro-peans for the rulers of the “victorious nations.” It shows that by being urged to throw off the German yoke, the central European nations were tricked into becoming satellites of the Soviet. World conquerors indites the real war criminals. It gives horrifying glimpses of the agony behind the Iron Curtain and describes the plot to extend the slave system to the Western world. Thousands of copies of the Hungarian edition have been sold and this English translation is published to warn the West. It is written by one who is a firm friend of the English-speaking people but an implacable foe of their vacilating and corrupt governments.
How Hitler Defied The Bankers
Hjalmar Schacht, a Rothschild agent who was temporarily head of the German central bank, summed it up thus: An American banker had commented, “Dr. Schacht, you should come to America. We’ve lots of money and that’s real banking.” Schacht replied, “You should come to Berlin. We don’t have money. That’s real banking.”
(Schacht, the Rothschild agent, actually supported the private international bankers against Germany, and was rewarded by having all charges against him dropped at the Nuremberg trials.)
This economic freedom made Hitler extremely popular with the German people. Germany was rescued from English economic theory, which says that all currency must be borrowed against the gold owned by a private and secretive banking cartel — such as the Federal Reserve, or the Central Bank of Europe — rather than issued by the government for the benefit of the people.
Canadian researcher Dr. Henry Makow (who is Jewish himself) says the main reason why the bankers arranged for a world war against Germany was that Hitler sidestepped the bankers by creating his own money, thereby freeing the German people. Worse, this freedom and prosperity threatened to spread to other nations. Hitler had to be stopped!
The projected cost of these various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. To pay for this, the German government (not the international bankers) issued bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates. In this way the National Socialists put millions of people to work, and paid them with Treasury Certificates.
Under the National Socialists, Germany’s money wasn’t backed by gold (which was owned by the international bankers). It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, “For every mark issued, we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done, or goods produced.” The government paid workers in Certificates. Workers spent those Certificates on other goods and services, thus creating more jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the crushing debt imposed on them by the international bankers.
Within two years, the unemployment problem had been solved, and Germany was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, with no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries (controlled by international bankers) were still out of work. Within five years, Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe to the richest.
by Rosemary W. Pennington
“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral.
Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice.
And if you can live amid injustice without anger,
you are immoral as well as unjust.”
Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Futility Of Dialogue With Idiots And Liars
The entire crisis could have been avoided with much less loss of life if the NATO powers had responded to Russia’s long-held security concerns.
Two weeks ago, the Strategic Culture Foundation proposed an urgent, simple test: stop the artillery shelling on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. The ZNPP – Europe’s largest nuclear power station – continues to come under military attack thereby risking a nuclear catastrophe. It is an incredible siege situation. And one that illustrates – for anyone willing to see it, that is – the profound criminality of the NATO-backed war in Ukraine against Russia. There is nothing that the NATO powers and their lying media will stoop to. In a related illustration, the British would-be next Prime Minister Liz Truss this week said she was willing to use nuclear weapons even if it caused global annihilation. This is the same psychopathic mentality that the world has to endure from such Western regimes. This week, Russia’s envoy to the United Nations presented photographic evidence to the Security Council that showed irrefutably that the ZNPP is being shelled by the NATO-backed Kiev regime. The trajectory of fire is from the territory held by the Ukrainian military and the weaponry includes M777 howitzers supplied by the United States.
Editorial by Strategic Culture
Kiev Shelling Damages Roof Of Nuclear Reactor Fuel Storage – Official
The roof of the building was damaged in the attack, Zaporozhye Region’s administration says
A Ukrainian strike has hit a reactor fuel storage at the Russian-controlled Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, local authorities said on Monday. The roof of the building has been damaged as a result of the attack, Vladimir Rogov, the spokesman for Zaporozhye Region’s administration, said on Telegram. He also posted a photo of a hole in the roof that was supposedly caused by the strike. The affected storage facility holds fresh nuclear fuel for the reactors of the plant, which is the largest in Europe. Russia said earlier that a Ukrainian drone targeting the nuclear facility had been shot down.
by RT
How Arab States Perceive The US-China Standoff
West Asian countries recognize China’s sovereign claims over Taiwan, yet many of them still rely on the US militarily and politically, so where do they stand?
US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s controversial visit to Taiwan earlier this month sent waves of concern across Asia – both east and west – further straining already not-so-conciliatory relations between the US and China. During Pelosi’s provocative trip, most West Asian nations supported China and the “One China” policy, illustrating Beijing’s increased clout across the region. Arab countries in particular are committed to the One China policy, and given their fast-growing economic ties with Beijing, have not shown willingness to sacrifice these for the sake of any country, including the US. It is important to stress that Arab support for China has international legitimacy: The UN has supported Beijing’s position since 1971, when the UN General Assembly backed a united China in Resolution 2758, recognizing the envoys of the People’s Republic of China as the only representatives of China.
by Mohammad Salami
ACH (1887) Alfred Schaefer And Monika Schaefer – Alfred’s Prison Lottery Wins – Part 2 (Audio 55:06)
In today’s show originally broadcast on August 23 2022, Andy is joined by Alfred Schaefer and Monika Schaefer for a show entitled, “Alfred’s Prison Lottery Wins – Part 2.”
We discussed: why people are waking up in droves; the treasonous behavior being unleashed upon us; the interesting story of Paul the dog; Alfred’s predictions for the long term health of the vaccinated; the guilt cult in the West; the hyperinflation that is coming; what political prisoners learn from their prison experiences; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Ground Beneath Zelensky’s Feet Is Shifting
Reading and rereading the US President Joe Biden’s statement last Monday on Ukraine Independence Day, one is reminded of English poet John Keats’ immortal line, ‘Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter.’ Three things are striking. Biden repeatedly invoked the abiding nature of the US’ relationship with the Ukrainian people. But in the entire statement, he never once mentioned the Ukrainian government or the leadership of President Volodymyr Zelensky. A careless omission? Second, Biden underplayed to the point of ignoring the intense US-Ukraine partnership at state-to-state level. The regime in Kiev is unthinkable without robust US support. Third, most important, Biden was silent on the war as such, which is at a decisive stage at present.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Scientists: All COVID Vaccines, “Without Exception” Contain Metallic Toxins
Scientists have discovered that all COVID-19 “vaccines” “without exception” contain metallic toxins. Independent researchers from Germany have found that the shots contain an array of hidden, toxic components, most of the toxins are metallic and are not labeled as ingredients. “Without exception,” the group says, every sample tested from Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson (J&J), and AstraZeneca contained the following metallic elements:
Alkali metals: cesium (Cs), potassium (K)
Alkaline earth metals: calcium (Ca), barium (Ba)
Transition metals; cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti)
Rare earth metals: cerium (Ce), gadolinium (Gd)
Mining group/metal: aluminum (Al)
Carbon group: silicon (Si) (partly support material/slide)
Oxygen group: sulfur (S)
by Mac Slavo
Iran And Russia Agree On Strategic Cooperation Plan, President Raisi Tells Sputnik
Industries and businesses in Iran and Russia have intensified cooperation after Moscow was hit by unprecedented Western sanctions over its special military operation in Ukraine. During a press conference attended by Sputnik journalists, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi announced that the foreign ministers of Iran and Russia have exchanged project plans for a long-term agreement on bilateral cooperation. “Cooperation between Iran and Russia is of a strategic nature and it comprises trade, economic, energy, aerospace industries, and some others. Currently, we are discussing investments in energy and oil and gas industries, and some of the projects have been implemented already,” Raisi said. The president added that a comprehensive cooperation plan has been developed, while the two countries’ foreign ministers have exchanged project plans. “The final version of the plan will be ready in the near future,” Raisi said.
by Sofia Chegodaeva
Decades Of Fraud Plague Science by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (4:44)
Decades Of Fraud Plague Science by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (4:44)
Biden To Name A US Military Operation For Ukraine
Amid the news about the admin’s multi-year weapons investment, a general will be appointed for a separate command, too.
Two things that point to the notion that Washington is supporting a long war in Ukraine, and truly doesn’t think there will be a diplomatic solution or cessation of violence there anytime soon: one, the $3 billion in recently announced military transfers is a “multi-year military investment” including weapons that won’t be available via defense contractors for at least three years. Secondly, a little nugget dropped on us Wednesday night: Biden plans on “naming ” the U.S. military assistance mission in Ukraine and making it a separate command with its own general. You know, like Operation Desert Storm, Operation Gothic Serpent, Operation Uphold Democracy, or Operation Unified Protector. We can expect the name, when it comes, will be heavy on the righteous benefactor angle, softer on the sword. But it is nevertheless a military operation, and that carries with it some practical, and serious implications.
by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos
How Convenient, Biden State Dept Says They Will No Longer Publish List Of U.S. Weapons Given Or Sold To Foreign Countries
Buried inside Section 5114(b)(4) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 was a repeal of 1994 law that required the U.S. State Department to publish an annual list of arms sales to foreign countries. The “World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers” report (WMEAT) put sunlight every year on what weapons the U.S. was selling to foreign countries. Conveniently timed with the $60+ billion aid package to Ukraine, the U.S. State Dept, now says the WMEAT report will not be published any longer. If a person was to believe the Ukraine arms deals were essentially money laundering operations, well, this announcement by the State Dept. might be interpreted as a way to hide it.
by Sundance
US Steals 83% Of Syria’s Oil Production by RT (3:50)
US Steals 83% Of Syria’s Oil Production by RT (3:50)
This Proven Anti-Cancer Drug Is Ignored By Doctors And Drug Companies – You Can Buy It For Pennies
There have been rumours for decades that effective cancer remedies have been hidden by drug companies (which have a rested interest in keeping patients ill, rather than curing them), by charities (which are too closely aligned to drug companies) and by the medical establishment (which is owned by the drug companies). Well, I’ve found one Few doctors know is that there is good evidence showing that the ordinary common or garden aspirin tablet has powerful anti-cancer properties. So, for example, breast cancer sufferers have a 20% better survival rate if they take daily aspirin. I’ve found no official mention of this.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
‘Synthetic’ Mouse Embryo With Brain And Beating Heart Grown From Stem Cells
Researchers from the University of Cambridge and Caltech have created model mouse embryos from stem cells—the body’s master cells, which can develop into almost any cell type in the body—that have beating hearts, as well as the foundations for a brain and all of the other organs in the mouse body. The results are the culmination of more than a decade of research, and they could help researchers understand why some embryos fail while others go on to develop into a fetus as part of a healthy pregnancy. Additionally, the results could be used to guide repair and development of synthetic human organs for transplantation.
by California Institute of Technology
The mRNA Injection Culling (3:20)
The mRNA Injection Culling (3:20)
Lawmakers Call For The Exploration Of A Digital Dollar
New bills.
A bipartisan group of lawmakers are calling for the exploration of a digital dollar so that the US can compete with other developed countries that have launched digital versions of their currencies. For a long time, the US dollar has been the world’s most preferred currency. However, some are now arguing that the launch of digital currencies, especially China’s digital currency, threatens the status of the dollar. Proponents of CBDCs argue that they could make both international and domestic payments faster, safer, and cheaper. However, opponents of digital currencies, including the banking industry, say that the cost of launching a digital currency outweighs the potential benefits and also introduces privacy and censorship risks.
by Christina Maas
Washington Is Gaslighting Us About Taiwan
Since Nancy Pelosi’s purposeless diplomatic visit to Taipei on August 2, cross-strait tensions have soared between China and Taiwan. Pelosi’s envoy has effectively reduced U.S.-China relations to its lowest point since at least 1995—when diplomatic efforts between Washington and Taipei instigated a tit-for-tat military standoff between Washington and Beijing. In response to Pelosi’s visit, China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) launched an unprecedented series of military drills in six marine sectors around Taiwan. The drills included anti-submarine and sea assault operations and a simulated blockade of the island. Chinese fighters and warships crossed the Taiwan Strait’s median line every day that the drills took place. The high point of Beijing’s response occurred immediately after Pelosi’s departure from Taiwan when it launched a rocket barrage over the island.
by Patrick Macfarlane
Winter Is Coming by Paul Joseph Watson (11:33)
Winter Is Coming by Paul Joseph Watson (11:33)
Radio Wave Packet
What You Need to Know about Wireless Technology
Some Biological Effects of Radio Waves
Morbidity and Mortality from Wireless Technology
Radio Wave Sickness
by Arthur Firstenberg
Four Natural Options For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Do you suffer from malaise, low energy, brain fog and a depressed mood? It’s not all in your head. You may have chronic fatigue syndrome, and there is A LOT that you can do to feel better and reclaim your energy. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex long-term disorder affecting over 2 million Americans that is characterized by extreme fatigue and malaise that doesn’t improve with rest.[i] A whopping 90% of chronic fatigue sufferers are undiagnosed[ii] and may find it difficult to carry on with normal activities such as work, school and household chores. At least 1 in 4 CFS patients are house-bound or bed-bound for long periods of time due to the disorder.[iii]
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
A Shift In The Paradigm? by Computing Forever (4:54)
A Shift In The Paradigm? by Computing Forever (4:54)
Aluminum-Sulfur Battery Could Provide Low-Cost Backup Storage For Renewable Energy Sources
As the world builds out ever larger installations of wind and solar power systems, the need is growing fast for economical, large-scale backup systems to provide power when the sun is down and the air is calm. Today’s lithium-ion batteries are still too expensive for most such applications, and other options such as pumped hydro require specific topography that’s not always available. Now, researchers at MIT and elsewhere have developed a new kind of battery, made entirely from abundant and inexpensive materials, that could help to fill that gap. The new battery architecture, which uses aluminum and sulfur as its two electrode materials, with a molten salt electrolyte in between, is described in the journal Nature, in a paper by MIT Professor Donald Sadoway, along with 15 others at MIT and in China, Canada, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
by David L. Chandler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Official Data On Vaccine Deaths Up 4800% Since 2020
Small numbers but still requires investigating
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) were asked recently, under a freedom of information request, to compare COVID-19 vaccine deaths with other vaccination deaths. They produced a table titled “Vaccination deaths 2013 – 2021” which listed mortality statistics for deaths in England where the underlying cause was vaccination (excluding COVID-19 vaccines). The grand total of deaths between 2013 and 2021 came to one. One death from a viral vaccine in 2018. Every month the ONS list the number of deaths involving COVID-19 vaccines and where it is the underlying cause in their Monthly Mortality Analysis. To date, there have been 49 deaths involving these vaccines, of which 43 listed vaccines as the underlying cause.
by The Naked Emperor
Making Secession Work by Brother Nathanael (4:24)
Making Secession Work by Brother Nathanael (4:24)
A Final Warning
Several disturbing events are happening. The dollar, the pound, the euro and the yen should soon have zero value. In America that means Nationwide Food Riots and the cities burn to the ground. China just forgave the debt of 17 African nations. That is an unusual move. What I believe they are doing is lining up support for the next big move which could happen at the 2023 BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) meeting in May in Beijing. Sergey Glazyev, Minister of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Union, wants all BRICS members and everyone from the Global South to refuse to repay loans denominated in dollars, pounds, euros, and yen. From that day forward trade would be conducted either in a basket of commodity backed BRICS currencies or in local ones with trade accounts settled in gold.
by Video Rebel
Heavily Armed Antifa Militants ‘Stand Guard’ Outside Texas ‘Kid Friendly’ Drag Show
A “kid friendly” drag brunch for all ages was guarded against protests by armed Antifa militants carrying AR-15s.
A “kid friendly” drag brunch for all ages was guarded against protests by armed Antifa militants carrying AR-15s. The drag event was held at the Anderson Distillery and Grill in Roanoke, Texas.
Advertisement The event called the Barrel Babes Drag Brunch was advertised as “Dancing Music and Laughs.” Journalist Taylor Hansen said that the “kid-friendly” event featured “Vulgarity, Sexualization of Minors, and Partial Nudity.”
by Ari Hoffman
Be A Warrior Against The New World Order (2:08)
Be A Warrior Against The New World Order (2:08)
Pakistani Government Threatens To Block Digital Ids To Shut Down Access To Bank Accounts
Amid continued blackouts and great political unrest, the Pakistani government has threatened protesters with having their digital IDs blocked so they can’t access their bank accounts.
Interior minister Rana Sanaullah issued the threat as a warning to former PM Imran Khan (whose been encouraging protests across the country), his cabinet, and protesters after one federal minister was publicly heckled in a restaurant. Khan has since been charged with “terrorism” after he accused Pakistani police and the judiciary of detaining and torturing one of his aids. The charge has, predictably, not gone over well for the current administration and has only revitalized protests. Khan has been extremely critical of the current administration since being ousted from the government following a no-confidence vote in April, with his rhetoric growing increasingly accusatory in nature. For their part, the government has responded by blocking online and live TV coverage of Khan’s speeches.
by Thomas Lambert
Democratic Operatives Control Voter Rolls In 31 States, Report Shows
Left-wing operatives are working overtime to accomplish their partisan goals and drive Democratic voter turnout.
prominent voter-roll management system used by 31 states and the District of Columbia has politically compromised ties, according to a new report by independent research group Verity Vote. The Electronic Registration Information Center, or ERIC, was sold to states as a quick and easy way to update their voter rolls. Started in 2012 by far-left activist David Becker and the left-leaning Pew Charitable Trusts, the program is ostensibly run by the member states themselves. But as public records show, Democratic operatives are working overtime under the cover of ERIC to accomplish their partisan goals and drive Democratic voter turnout. Becker’s left-wing ties have long concerned Republican state officials participating in ERIC. Before he started ERIC, Becker worked as a lobbyist for People for the American Way, a George Soros-funded advocacy group best known for the Right Wing Watch project, a website that catalogs and attacks conservative politicians and movements. Before that, though, he was a Justice Department attorney whom colleagues remember as a “hard-core leftist” who “couldn’t stand Conservatives.”
by Victoria Marshall
August 22 – 28, 2022
“Always do right.
This will gratify some and astonish the rest.”
Mark Twain

The Trump Search Warrant Affidavit Has Been Released
Here it is – with redactions
The DOJ just released the affidavit submitted in support of the search warrant of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. As expected, the judge allowed the Government to heavily redact the affidavit before it went public. In yesterday’s order, the judge found that parts of the affidavit must remain sealed because: disclosure would reveal (1) the identities of witnesses, law enforcement agents, and uncharged parties, (2) the investigation’s strategy, direction, scope, sources, and methods, and (3) grand jury information protected by Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e). This aligns with the DOJ representations that (1) information in the affidavit “could be used to identify many, if not all” of the witnesses; (2) the affidavit would provide a “roadmap for anyone intent on obstructive the investigation.”
by Techno Fog
For 1st Time China Sends Ground, Naval, Air Forces To Join Russian Vostok Drills
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has dispatched forces to join the upcoming Vostok-2022 in Russia, with PLA ground and air forces having already arrived at the designated drill region and naval forces being rendezvoused with Russian warships at sea. This is the first time the PLA has sent three of its forces to participate in a single Russian drill, observers said. Based on the annual China-Russia military cooperation plan and consensus reached by the two sides, the PLA has dispatched some of its troops to Russia to take part in the Vostok-2022 exercise, Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, a spokesperson at China’s Ministry of National Defense, said at a regular press conference on Thursday. Chinese ground and air forces have arrived at designated positions, as they have completed forces assembly, field camp establishment and site checks, with adaptive flight training missions underway, and the Chinese naval forces carried out communications exercises after having rendezvoused with Russian warships at sea, Tan announced.
by Guo Yuandan and Liu Xuanzun
World Economic Forum: There Are ‘Solid Reasons’ To Implant Children With Microchips
While admitting that body and brain chip implants can be hacked, a WEF contributing author is hailing their benefits, and suggesting their inevitability.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) published an article proposing that there are “solid, rational reasons” for implanting children with microchips. The controversial claim came in an opinion piece on human “augmentation” penned by Kathleen Philips, VP of Research and Development at Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (imec), which she opened with a starry-eyed vision of children acquiring “superpowers” via tech aids. While Philips admitted that human-enhancing technologies such as chip implants can be hacked, opening up the dystopian possibility that our body and mind could be influenced by outer forces, she argued that the implantation of children, for example, is desirable for “safety” reasons, since it allows parents to track their location.
by Emily Mangiaracina
The Planned Plunder Of Ukraine
The Western financial vultures are already deciding who gets what from what remains of the Ukrainian carcass, an exercise they are well practiced in.
It is now some five months since Russia embarked on its offensive to liberate the people of the Eastern Ukraine. At the outset, the outpouring of love and compassion for the Ukraine from the collective West was heartwarming. The mainstream media, fresh off their genocidal Covid complicity moved into high gear. Russophobia on steroids was the “new thing”. All things Russian had to banned and of course, Putin was the new Hitler. The blogosphere was alight with a new topic with which the great and good could virtue signal their way into heaven. Ukrainian flags were seemingly everywhere and blue and yellow became the fashion item de jour. Western leaders were barging each other out of the way to decry Russia and proclaim their undying love and support for the Ukrainian people. Of course, not all the Ukrainians, not the Russian speakers in the East who had been bombed and murdered relentlessly for the previous eight years, just the recently inconvenienced citizens who didn’t speak Russian. This selective compassion was on full display as all the Western puppet politicians went into full tough guy mode to try and look strong for an electorate that post Covid already widely despised them.
by Eamon McKinney
‘A Vile, Cruel Crime’: How Darya Dugina, Daughter Of Philosopher Aleksandr, Died And What It Means For Russia
Russia was shocked by the brutal murder and the FSB believes Ukraine is responsible
Last weekend, a brutal murder stunned Russia. A young woman got into her car and drove home after a busy day at a literature and musical festival. She was on the highway when a bomb went off and her SUV caught fire. She died at the scene. Darya Dugina’s devastated father, who was in a friend’s car right beside his daughter’s, watched as the rescue services extracted the burned body from the wreck. The attack immediately became a matter of national importance. Leaders of political parties and top Russian officials attended her funeral, while the president posthumously decorated her with a state award. RT explains why the death of Dugina may become a symbol of Russia’s external political struggle, and what the Kremlin will do next.
by RT
Kiev Cuts Last Power Line to Zaporozhye NPP, No Way To Deliver Electricity To Ukraine – Authorities
Kiev has interrupted the last transmission line of the Zaporozhye NPP to Ukraine, rendering the delivery of energy to Ukraine impossible now, Vladimir Rogov, a member of the main council of the regional administration, said on Friday. “Yesterday, as far as I know, the fourth line was interrupted, therefore it is physically impossible to transfer electricity to the right bank of the Dnieper [river] … According to the information I have, this energy is not supplied [to Ukraine], there is no physical possibility to do this,” Rogov told the Rossiya 1 broadcaster. At the same time, authorities noted that the NPP is working as normal and that the energy is supplied to the territories liberated by Russian forces. The Zaporozhye NPP, which is the largest nuclear generation facility in Europe, contains six VVER-1000 pressurized light water reactors putting out a total of 5,700 MWe of power. Russia has repeatedly warned that Ukraine is planning false flag operations against the NPP in a bid to create an exclusion zone of up to 18 miles (30 kilometers) around the facility and trigger the deployment of international forces to the area. Moscow noted that Kiev attacks the NPP while trying to pin the blame for any major disaster on Russia.
by Evgeny Mikhaylov
US Launches More Airstrikes In Syria, Says Four Killed
Since Tuesday night, the US has launched three rounds of strikes in Syria
The US launched more airstrikes in Syria on Thursday, marking the third day of violence since President Biden ordered the bombing of facilities in Deir ez-Zor, Syria, on Tuesday night. A US official told CNN that Thursday’s strikes were launched from an AC-130 gunship and killed a number of “enemy combatants” in Deir ez-Zor. The official said the strike was in response to rocket attacks that hit US bases in eastern Syria on Wednesday, which injured three US troops. But Washington had already launched helicopter strikes in response to the earlier rocket attacks. US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a press release Thursday that over the past 24 hours, CENTCOM forces had struck “Iran-affiliated” fighters with “AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, AC-130 gunships, and M777 artillery.”
by Dave DeCamp
In Memoriam: Daria Dugina
The news of the Western-sponsored terrorist murder of Alexander Dugin’s daughter, Daria, has shocked us all. Of course, in one sense it is no different from all the other brutal murders carried out by drone by the Obama regime, or the CIA’s disposal of countless human-beings under their puppet regimes from the Philippines to Vietnam, from Italy to Latin America, from Greece to Africa, and in many other countries over the last three generations. Nevertheless, it concerns me more personally, as I know her father. I first met the Russian Eurasianist philosopher Alexander Dugin in London in 2005. He and I were two of the four speakers at an International Conference on the European Tradition. My approach was spiritual and so politically neutral, his approach was that of a right-wing academic. But regardless of that, we were heading in the same direction and, all the more as I was the only Orthodox priest present, we sympathised. I was able to speak to him between talks and we had a photograph taken together.
by Batiushka for The Saker blog
Cultivate A Habit Of Small Acts Of Sedition
It is not easy being someone who cares about the world and opposes the status quo. It’s a series of disheartening failures and crushing disappointments amid an endless deluge of information saying that everything is getting worse and worse. The environment keeps degrading. Ruling power structures keep getting more and more controlling. Capitalism gets more and more imbalanced and exploitative. World powers get closer and closer to a mass military confrontation of unspeakable horror. And what do we get when we try to oppose these things? Letdown after letdown. Politicians we support lose their elections, often after brazen interference from the very power structures we’d hoped they’d oppose. Political organizing breaks down in sectarian infighting. Activist leaders get caught up in sex scandals. Agendas we helped push for fizzle into impotence. Power wins time after time.
by Caitlin Johnstone
Ravages Of The Tiny Hat Boys by Brother Nathanael (5:47)
Ravages Of The Tiny Hat Boys by Brother Nathanael (5:47)
Is Russia Limiting Gas Flows To Europe?
Is Russia limiting gas flows to Europe? The surprising answer is: no.
Many people in Europe and the US seem to believe that Russia, in response to Western sanctions, has been limiting gas flows to Europe. Yet this is not the case, as the following analysis shows. There are currently five major pipelines that supply – or could supply – Russian gas to Europe: Nord Stream I and Nord Stream II through the Baltic Sea to Germany; the Jamal pipeline through Poland to Germany; the Soyuz and Brotherhood pipelines through Ukraine; and the TurkStream pipeline through the Black Sea and Turkey to Southeast and Central Europe (see the map above). All of these pipelines are currently out of service or run at limited capacity – though not because of Russian retaliation, but because of Western sanctions or political decisions:
by Swiss Policy Research
A Strategy To Improve Perovskite Absorbers For All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells
Tandem solar cells (TSCs), stacks of p-n junctions based on semiconductors with different bandgaps, are a highly promising energy solution that could help to reduce carbon emissions. Perovskites, earth-abundant materials with a tunable bandgap, high charge-carrier mobilities, advantageous optoelectronic properties and long carrier diffusion lengths, could be particularly valuable for creating low-cost and highly power-efficient TSCs for large-scale implementations. To fabricate efficient all-perovskite TSCs, engineers need to be able to grow high-quality and uniform perovskite absorbers through crystallization processes. Absorbers are semiconducting layers inside solar cells that absorb photons (i.e., light particles) and excite electrons to create photocurrent from sunlight. So far, however, a universal and effective process to prepare perovskite absorbers for TSCs is still lacking.
by Ingrid Fadelli
Cat Calculating Physics (0:14)
Cat Calculating Physics (0:14)
NATO Abandons Diplomacy, Says No Longer ‘At Peace’
At the end of its annual summit in Madrid in late June, NATO adopted a new strategic concept. The guidance document is the eighth of its kind since the founding of the alliance in 1949. It radically breaks with the three previous post-Cold War security briefs, however, which observed that “the Euro-Atlantic area is at peace” because “the threat of a conventional attack against NATO territory is low.” In the eyes of NATO, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has changed that calculus, claiming that the military organization can no longer discount the possibility of an assault on sovereign NATO states. Continuing the same cryptic language, the new strategic concept concludes that the Euro-Atlantic area now is “not at peace,” in spite of no NATO member being in a state of war with Russia.
by Bas Spliet
Israel Must ‘Eliminate’ Nuclear Arsenal: Official
The Iranian ambassador warned that the New York negotiations lack both ‘determination’ and ‘political will’ to advance regional nuclear disarmament
On 23 August, Iran’s top UN Envoy Majid Takht Ravanchi decried the lack of progress over efforts to denuclearize West Asia, and called on Israel – the region’s only nuclear armed state – to eliminate its stockpile of weapons. Tehran’s ambassador made these remarks during the Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) held at the UN’s headquarters in New York. Takht-Ravanchi charged the US with exercising double standards, and demanded that Israel’s accession to the NPT “without precondition and further delay” and the placement of all of its nuclear activities and facilities under the comprehensive International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards are essential in “realizing the goal the of establishing of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.”
by News Desk
Holohoax Survivors, Manipulating Their Lie (12:04)
by Jim Rizoli
We Won’t Be Fooled Again, Say People Of Pakistan
Politicians in Pakistan rise to power and fall from grace with alarming regularity, so much so that not a single prime minister has ever completed a full term in office. The one constant has been the genuine love and affection ordinary people have for the military. However, that could be about to change now that some inconvenient truths are beginning to surface in the increasingly clumsy attempts to silence Imran Khan. Unlike some of his predecessors, the former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader cannot be bought off or controlled by army chiefs and that makes him very dangerous, especially in the eyes of the Inter-Services Intelligence agency and its allies in the US. Hence, the recent accusations of Washington meddling to destabilise and oust the universally admired cricketer-turned-politician.
by Yvonne Ridley
state education reinforces state domination
teach the children ignorance and reliance and they will happily vote themselves into servitude because it feels like safety
for those worried that the removal of public schools and their replacement with systems of free and unfettered choice might result in “some students not learning” i have a video for you. this is what we are competing with. about halfway through, 2 UCLA students working together cannot name the capital of the united states. they try valiantly for “does it not have one?” hoping to get lucky. oof. they then rattle off the names of the 3 kardashian sisters by rote. double oof. this is the system we’re trying to outperform. that is its output. and these are not even the dregs. those 2 young women are in full 4 year college in a top state system. these people did 12 years of grade, middle, and high school at a cost of ~$180k to taxpayers. they cannot name the US capital or the ocean on our east coast. they cannot do simple math that could reasonably be expected of a 3rd grader.
by el gato malo
Cool Hand Luke: Failure To Communicate Scene (1967) (2:07)
Cool Hand Luke: Failure To Communicate Scene (1967) (2:07)
Doctor Death Essential T-Shirt
The notorious Dr. Fauci inside his science laboratory.The doctor is OUT! Dr. Fauci to resign his WH post in December and move on to other dangerous and profitable pursuits in the realm of junk science. No rest for the wicked! Unnamed sources say Dr. Fauci to head the Krampus Institute.
by ArtToons.org
Beyond The Nightmare: The Great Reset Gets Closer Every Day
It is now alleged that long covid (the imaginary disease which seems to me to have been designed to help reduce productivity and destroy the economy still further) affects over 100 million people worldwide. And scientists apparently claim that covid has been linked to the development of brain disorders two years after infection. Researchers compared 1.25 million people who had been diagnosed with covid against a similar group who had other respiratory infections. I have two questions. First, were the people who had been diagnosed with covid diagnosed using the entirely useless PCR test? If so then I regard the research as utterly useless. Second, did the researchers look to see which patient had been given the covid jab? Since it seems certain that the covid jab affects the brain (see the transcript of my video entitled ‘What’s the covid jab doing to the brain?’, which was broadcast on 13th December 2021 and which is, as a transcript, still available on both my websites.) It is clearly important to know if the individuals with brain damage were given the covid jab. Meanwhile, the conspirators will continue to blame long covid for all the problems caused by the jabs. (Many of those allegedly suffering from what is known as long covid are probably suffering from depression caused by the uncertainties, the chaos and the fears.)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
ICAN-Obtained Data Reveals More Evidence Of Death Spike by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (11:29)
ICAN-Obtained Data Reveals More Evidence Of Death Spike by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (11:29)
If You Want To Live, Ban Monsanto
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ~ Buckminster Fuller
We will not survive Big Ag and Big Pharma unless we construct an entirely new reality without them. Big Ag uses NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium) fertilizers that are so expensive farmers are being bankrupted. No farms, no food. Big Ag tells us we need ammonia made from natural gas to feed nitrogen to our plants. We could sow cover crops like legumes and which fix nitrogen from the atmosphere into our soil. Or we could feed coffee grounds to worms in bins who freely give us complete amino acids in return. Plants have 10,000 enzymes that perform repetitive tasks. One of those enzymes is nitrogenerase which makes amino acids from nitrogen. Amino acids in turn constitute complete proteins. If you feed your plants worm castings that have been fed coffee grounds, those worms will make amino acids so your plants can do other work like make polyphenols and fats.
by Video Rebel
Study: Ollapse Of Ancient Mayan Capital Linked To Drought
Prolonged drought likely helped to fuel civil conflict and the eventual political collapse of Mayapan, the ancient capital city of the Maya on the Yucatán Peninsula, suggests a new study in Nature Communications that was published with the help of a University at Albany archaeologist. Mayapan served as the capital to some 20,000 Maya people in the 13th through mid-15th centuries but collapsed and was abandoned after a rival political faction, the Xiu, massacred the powerful Cocom family. Extensive historical records date this collapse to sometime between 1441 and 1461. But new evidence shows drought in the century prior may have played a larger role in the city’s demise than was previously known. The study authors note this is relevant today as humans grapple with a future of increased climate change.
by Bethany Bump, University at Albany
German Train Line Switching Fully To Hydrogen
A local train route in Germany is becoming the first to run a fleet of hydrogen-powered trains. Hydrogen could be a zero-emissions rail solution on quieter lines where electrification is too expensive.
A local train line not far from Hamburg will start operating exclusively with hydrogen-powered trains, using a fleet of 14 produced by French company Alstom. Lower Saxony’s state premier, Stephan Weil, attended a ceremony in the town of Bremervörde on Wednesday to inaugurate the all-hydrogen line. The first commercial test of the new type of train took place on the line between Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Bremervörde and Buxtehude back in 2018. Some hydrogen locomotives have been running on the roughly 100-kilometer (roughly 60-mile) line ever since, but alongside the diesel-powered trains that still did the majority of the mileage.
by Sean Sinico
The Saker Interviews Michael Hudson (1:02:50)
The Saker Interviews Michael Hudson (1:02:50)
Joe Biden Acknowledges ‘Immense’ Jewish Role In American Mass Media And Cultural Life
In a remarkable but under-reported address, one of America’s most prominent and influential political figures has acknowledged the “immense” and “outsized” Jewish role in the US mass media and cultural life. Joe Biden – now President of the U.S. – said that this has been the single most important factor in shaping American attitudes over the past century, and in driving major cultural-political changes. “Jewish heritage has shaped who we are – all of us – as much or more than any other factor in the last 223 years. And that’s a fact,” Biden told a gathering of Jewish leaders on May 21, 2013, in Washington, DC. “The truth is that Jewish heritage, Jewish culture, Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are that it’s fair to say that Jewish heritage is American heritage,” he added. “Think – behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those [major social-political] changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good,” Biden added. “We talk about it in terms of the incredible accomplishments and contributions” of individual Jews, Biden went on, but it’s more profound than that “because the values, the values are so deep and so engrained in American culture, in our Constitution.”
by Mark Weber
‘Months Or Years’ Before US Arms Reach Ukraine – Media
It may take a lot of time for some of the weapons in a reported $3 billion aid package to Kiev to make an impact on the battlefield
Years could pass before some of the weapons in the upcoming “largest ever” package of US military assistance to Kiev actually reach Ukraine, according to Western media reports. On Tuesday, a number of mainstream media outlets cited anonymous US officials as describing the impending announcement of a $3 billion package of military aid to Ukraine. If confirmed, it would be the largest of its kind so far. Washington is by far the biggest supplier of military hardware to Ukraine as it fights against Russia.
However, some of the promised equipment “will not be in the hands of Ukrainian fighters for months or years,” according to NBC News, one of the outlets that reported the upcoming package. Included in the package are advanced weapons that are still in the development phase, it explained. The same caveat was cited by the Associated Press, which said that it may take “a year or two” for the arms to reach the battlefield, according to its sources. Washington expects Ukrainian forces “to fight for years to come,” US officials told the AP.
by RT
“Do not believe for an instant that the world’s conspiring elite in every nation have so much as a serious quarrel among them. They have just one object: control through tribute. Your slavery, through tribute, and mine. Behind this attack are the self-styled elite, secure in their own power and riches. To be effective we must direct our attacks on the real criminals, the wealthy, and powerful and secret elite of all the world, the conspirators laboring day and night to enslave us.”
Taylor Caldwell

Has WWIII Started?
The fact that NATO is stepping up its combat support for the Ukrainian military in Britain and on other member states’ territories is clear proof that the U.S.-led axis is at war with Russia. This is no longer a proxy war, but rather a full-scale multi-level war. “We will not fight a war against Russia in Ukraine.” So said U.S. President Joe Biden back in March this year while also bragging at the same time about pumping Ukraine with lethal weapons to ensure that the NATO-backed Kiev regime would not be defeated. Biden’s nationwide speech added with a foreboding intonation: “A direct confrontation between NATO and Russia is World War Three, something that we must strive to prevent.” We should have expected that appalling, fatuous contradiction to sooner or later become manifestly untenable. Indeed, the American people and the world have been conned by a warmongering puppet in the White House.
Editorial by Strategic Culture
The US, West Disillusioned Over ‘Absolute Security’ In Recent 6 Months
August 24 is Ukraine’s 31st Independence Day, and it is also the day that marks exactly six months since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out. The sudden outbreak of this conflict, as well as its long duration and its far-reaching repercussion, has far exceeded anticipations. With six months passed, the conflict has spilled over from the military sector to multiple battlefields such as diplomacy, military, energy and finance. “When will it end?” has become the most talked about subject, which itself reveals a deep pessimism – the ongoing conflict still has no end in sight. The US and Western media often use the word “unexpected” when reviewing the conflict: It is unexpected the conflict has lasted so long; it is unexpected that the price Europeans have paid is so high; it is unexpected there are so many “painful consequences,” etc. This illustrates that once the flames of war begin to burn, there is little power to precisely control their rhythm or direction.
Editorial by Global Times
Damage To Europe’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant revealed (Text and Video)
RT visits the Zaporozhye facility positioned on the front line of the Ukraine conflict
RT has visited the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant in southern Ukraine, seeing first-hand the aftermath of the shelling of the facility by Kiev’s forces. The largest nuclear power plant in Europe was seized by Russian troops in late February. Since then, National Guard and Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Troops have been defending the facility as the plant continues to operate with local staff. Kiev’s troops have been firing at the plant and the nearby city of Energodar from the opposite site of the large Kakhovka water reservoir, the Russian Defense Ministry has consistently claimed.
by RT
ACH (1886) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #83 – So I Guess That’s Why They Call It The British Bolshevik Corporation… Audio 1:56:08)
In today’s show originally broadcast on August 22 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “So I Guess That’s Why They Call It The British Bolshevik Corporation…”
We discussed: the Stan Laurel clip that we played during the show intro segment; why the BBC are so keen for their readers to sign up for an account with them; our recent shows with Giuseppe and Scorpio; Mallificus Grandad’s book “Hidden Government” that you can purchase direct from the publisher by clicking HERE; why the mainstream media decided not to publish Dmitry Medvedev’s statement on how Europeans should treat their governments last week; why if Western Nations are not acting in the interests of their people, in whose interests are they acting; this week’s, “if my democratic right to free speech did not probibit me from doing so I would,” segment; how we are now up to 2,226 deaths and 460,533 people injured from the vaccines according to figures off the UK Government website, including our view on why these figures haven’t changed in the last three weeks; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the extensive Pfizer adverse events repository that has recently surfaced; kamikaze seagulls; Andy’s distraction from “The Great Distraction”; the World Health Summit video on how they were able to get us to accept MRNA jabs; the untreated sewage that has been released in British coastal waters; the British dockers strike that will affect half of the container imports into Britain; the birth of the Green New Steal; why shortages have been historically manufactured; why some trees are shedding their leaves in the summer; why the Palestinian PRESIDENT has been accused of holocaust denial; the hedonistic life of Sir Ralph Halpern; the Twitter video “Here is the former president of the Board of Deputies publicly calling for people to ‘sacrifice’ Jeremy Corbyn’ for the trouble that he has caused’”; Mallificus’ news roundup of the week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.
Walmart Announces It Will Cover The Cost Of An Abortion And Pay For Staff To Travel To Obtain One
The largest private employer in the U.S. is now covering procedure and travel expenses for abortions up until “fetal viability,” which would include the great majority of sought-after abortions.
Walmart told its employees on Friday that it will now cover the cost of abortion and related travel expenses in cases up until the point of “fetal viability.” The health care plans of the largest private employer in the U.S. will now pay for abortion “when there is a health risk to the mother, rape or incest, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or lack of fetal viability,” according to an internal memo, as reported by CNBC. The company will also pay the cost of travel for an abortion if an employee or their family member who is insured through Walmart cannot legally obtain one within 100 miles of their residence.
by Emily Mangiaracina
Drought Conditions Now Affecting Two-Thirds Of US
Human remains discovered at the shores of Lake Mead in May, July and August as its water levels are at historic lows are just the latest consequence of a prolonged drought gripping the United States. One of the bodies found was identified as a homicide victim who died around 40 or 50 years ago, spurring speculation that the person could have been a victim of mob crime that still was prevalent in nearby Las Vegas at that time. As Statista’s Katharina Buchholz notes, since late 2020, the United States has been experiencing unusually hot and dry weather. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, extreme and exceptional drought affects the American West as well as Texas most, but stretches as far as Kansas, Nebraska, Montana and Massachusetts.
by Tyler Durden
Mossad Likely Behind Salman Rushdie Stabbing: Denver Professor
The last week’s stabbing of novelist Salman Rushdie, the author of a sacrilegious anti-Islam book may have been orchestrated by the Mossad, suggested Nader Hashemi, Director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Denver. In a Saturday interview with Negar Mortazavi, host of the Iran Podcast, Hashemi questioned the timing of the attack, highlighting what he believed to be two possible explanations. Hashemi said that one possibility is that Iran wanted to take vengeance on the United States for the 2020 assassination of IRGC general Qassem Suleimani in a drone strike at Baghdad Airport.
Another possibility, Hashemi said, adding that he believes this is more likely, is that Rushdie’s attacker, Hadi Matar, had been convinced to commit the attack by a Mossad agent masquerading as an IRGC operative or supporter. “That so-called person online claiming to be affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran could’ve been a Mossad operative.” “The other possibility, which I actually think is much more likely, is that this young man Hadi Matar was in communication with someone online who claimed to be an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps member or supporter and lured him into attacking Salman Rushdie and that so-called person online claiming to be affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran could’ve been a Mossad operative.”
by Al-Manar
US Carries Out Airstrikes Targeting ‘Iran-Backed’ Groups In Syria
US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced it carried out airstrikes in Syria on Tuesday. The Department of Defense claims the bombs hit facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and were in retaliation for an attack on US personnel in Syria. The CENTCOM press release asserts that Iranian-supported groups attacked US forces in Syria on August 15, and Tuesday’s bombing was necessary to protect American troops. “Today’s strikes were necessary to protect and defend US personnel. The United States took proportionate, deliberate action intended to limit the risk of escalation and minimize the risk of casualties,” the Pentagon said. A Pentagon statement on August 15 said a US base in al-Tanf, Syria, was attacked by a series of drones causing no damage or injuries. There was no claim of responsibility for the attack. The White House has not provided evidence that an Iranian-backed group carried out the attack.
by Kyle Anzalone
Orange Man Bad (0:42)
Orange Man Bad (0:42)
FBI Confirms There Was No Insurrection On Jan. 6
The Cambridge Dictionary defines “insurrection” as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence” By that definition, there was no “insurrection” at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the FBI. Reuters reports: The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials. “Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases,” said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. “Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.”
by Conn Carroll
Tel Aviv Hiding Evidence Of Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestinians From Public: Israeli Media
The documents concern Israel’s mass expulsion and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948, as well its secret nuclear program
According to a report by Hebrew newspaper Haaretz released on 22 August, Tel Aviv has been working through its defense ministry to hide historical documents related to the founding of the state of Israel, from the Israeli public. The founding of Israel in 1948, known throughout the Arab world as the “Nakba,” or catastrophe, involved the ethnic cleansing and mass expulsion of Palestinians from their land by ultra-nationalist Jewish gangs. These gangs were later integrated into the Israeli military. The documents contain details on Israel’s killing of civilians, as well as the erasure of entire Palestinian villages. Israel is undergoing “a systematic process to conceal evidence of the Nakba,” Haaretz reveals.
by News Desk
Why Did Israel Attack Gaza Again? by Robert Inlakesh (7:09)
Why Did Israel Attack Gaza Again? by Robert Inlakesh (7:09)
Pakistan: Imran Khan Supporters Prevent Police From Arresting Him
Supporters of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan gathered around his home on Monday to prevent police from arresting their leader, who has been charged under anti-terror laws. Hundreds of supporters of the cricketer-turned-politician assembled outside his hilltop mansion in the capital city of Islamabad on Monday, vowing to “take over” if he was arrested. However, Khan has now been granted pre-arrest bail until Thursday. Since being ousted from power in April in what he and his supporters have repeatedly blamed on a “US regime change plot”, Khan has been a vocal critic of the government and the powerful military.
by Press TV
Six Top Reasons To Try Grape Seed Extract
This powerful compound, made from crushed grape seeds, benefits everything from heart health and blood pressure to weight management and even mood support
Grape seed extract, made from crushed grape seeds, contains high levels of proanthocyanidins, polyphenols that give grapes their deep red and purple hues. Heralded for its strong antioxidant activity, grape seed extract has risen in popularity as a functional food. In 2020, the grape seed extracts market surpassed $135 million and its compound annual growth rate is expected to reach 7.5% by 2027.[i] While this is in part due to its use in cosmetics, personal care products and other novel products — like nanofibers containing grape seed extract powder, which are being incorporated into food packaging to prevent oxidation in food — health-conscious consumers are increasingly interested in grape seed extract as a supplement or addition to functional foods and beverages.[ii] If you’re thinking of giving it a try, here are some of its top benefits.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Bev Turner Reacts To A Sex Therapist Defending Pedophiles (5:53)
Bev Turner Reacts To A Sex Therapist Defending Pedophiles (5:53)
Graphene Is The ‘Vaccine’ Killer
And 5G Is It’s Booster To Take You Out
That’s right…..the fake ‘vaccines’ have graphene in them, along with some other stuff that actually has nothing to do with strengthening immunity. raphene is the name for a single layer (monolayer) sheet of carbon atoms that are bonded together in a repeating pattern of hexagons. This sheet is only one atom thick. Monolayers of graphene are transparent and will become black when stacked on top of each other to form graphite. Since a typical carbon atom has the unique structure of graphene, it possesses other amazing characteristics: Its high electron mobility is 100x faster than silicon; it conducts heat 2x better than diamond; its electrical conductivity is 13x better than copper; it absorbs only 2.3% of reflecting light; it is impervious so that even the smallest atom (helium) can’t pass through a defect-free monolayer graphene sheet with a thickness of about 0.33 nanometers. There are about 3 million layers of graphene in a 1 mm thick sheet of graphite.
by Terra Times
US Taunts Russia To Escalate In Ukraine
In military terms, the crude, locally assembled drone dropping a country-made bomb or two on unguarded sites in Crimea are at best pin pricks in the big picture of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. But it can be profoundly consequential in certain other ways. For a start, this escalation has Washington’s approval. A senior Biden administration official told NatSec Daily the US supports strikes on Crimea if Kiev deems them necessary. “We don’t select targets, of course, and everything we’ve provided is for self-defence purposes. Any target they choose to pursue on sovereign Ukrainian soil is by definition self defense,” this person said. But Washington knows – and Moscow knows – that like any sophistry, this one too is a clever argument but inherently fallacious and deceptive.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Who’s Killing The Hydrogen Car? by Hydrogen Societies (11:54)
Who’s Killing The Hydrogen Car? by Hydrogen Societies (11:54)
FBI Unit Leading Mar-a-Lago Probe Earlier Ran Discredited Trump-Russia Investigation
The FBI division overseeing the investigation of former President Trump’s handling of classified material at his Mar-a-Lago residence is also a focus of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation of the bureau’s alleged abuses of power and political bias during its years-long Russiagate probe of Trump. The FBI’s nine-hour, 30-agent raid of the former president’s Florida estate is part of a counterintelligence case run out of Washington – not Miami, as has been widely reported – according to FBI case documents and sources with knowledge of the matter. The bureau’s counterintelligence division led the 2016-2017 Russia “collusion” investigation of Trump, codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane.”
by Paul Sperry
Diocese Condemns Israeli Raid Of Church Compound In Ramallah
The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East has condemned a “flagrant” raid on the premises of its church in Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank, in the early hours of Thursday morning. In a statement released by the diocese of Jerusalem later on Thursday, the actions of the Israeli forces involved in the incident are described as “a violation of international law and a terroristic act against the entire community”. It was revealed later that the focus of the raid was the offices of Palestinian NGOs that rent space in the church compound, including the human-rights organisation Al-Haq. In October last year, Al-Haq was classified as a terrorist organisation by the Israeli government, a move that was criticised by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
by Francis Martin
The Trump Raid by Brother Nathanael (4:55)
The Trump Raid by Brother Nathanael (4:55)
With The Chemical Imbalance Myth Exposed, That’s Not All Psychiatry Got Wrong
Today, CCHR released its latest figures of global drug regulatory agency warnings about psychotropic drug risks, reporting a 34% increase in cautions about violence-related side effects and a 27% increase in self-harm and suicidal effects since June 2017. These figures raise questions about whether the psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry has been misleading consumers for the past 30 years about the potential violence- and suicide-inducing effects of psychotropic drugs, in the same way patients were deceived into believing that a chemical imbalance in the brain causes mental disorders, requiring the drugs to correct it. University College London (UCL) researchers recently disproved the decades-old theory that a brain-based chemical abnormality causes depression. Since the early 1990s, the industry has propagated this fabricated theory, while also denying the drugs used to “treat” it can induce violent and suicidal behavior. The official warnings have been issued by agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its counterparts in countries that include Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, European Union, New Zealand, and United Kingdom. Since June 2017, there was also a 112% increase in warnings about psychotropic drugs linked to addiction or withdrawal, a 32.5% in emotional problem warnings and a 19% rise in death or increased risk of death.
by Jan Eastgate
Update: Depression Worse Than 1923 Germany, 1933 America Is Coming
M x V = P x T. Money x Velocity = Prices x Transactions. Velocity is simply how many times Money changes hands in a year. If Velocity rises, then the overall level of prices and transactions increases. We have printed way too much money in the past. One reason was corruption so Wall Street could steal tens of trillions and not just billions. Another reason was to mask the decline in real wages due to over population caused by massive immigration. A third reason was that in the final stages of a credit based economy with an interest bearing currency that we accumulate mountains of Unpayable Debts. We need massive loans to pay for all that massive interest rate gouging. So in the final stages before collapse, we have to “borrow” $5 trillion into circulation just to get a modest bit of growth.
by Video Rebel
Collective West Hysteria, Calls For The ‘Taking Down’ Of Russian President Putin by The Duran (20:24)
Collective West Hysteria, Calls For The ‘Taking Down’ Of Russian President Putin by The Duran (20:24)
What I Said About Lockdowns In April 2020
The Daily Telegraph carried this headline today (Friday 19th August 2022): ‘Lockdown Feared To Be Killing More Than Covid’.
Why has it taken them this long? Below you can read the Preface taken from my book Coming Apocalypse – which was published in April 2020. For writing Coming Apocalypse I was vilified and demonised. My reputation was trashed and my career ruined. You can decide whether I was right to publish the warnings in that book.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Bombshell Study Reveals The Jabbed Are 5X More Contagious Than The Unjabbed 10 Days After Covid Infection (Text and Video)
By the time all the facts are finally out, the world will know the jabs are making the Covid problem far worse than it is for the unjabbed. But somehow they’ll still find a way to blame us.
Every single narrative surrounding Covid-19 in general and the so-called “vaccines” in particular is failing the test of time. The latest “fact” about the experimental drugs being “safe and effective” to be debunked is the notion that those who have been vaccinated become less contagious more quickly after infection than the unvaccinated.
by JD Rucker
Just A Reminder – Obey (1:38)
Just A Reminder – Obey (1:38)
Two Lives: Victoria And Victorine
Victoria Jane Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin Nudelman, the son of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants, and a British-born mother, Rhona Goulston. Already in his teens Nudelman had changed his name to Nuland in order to carve out a career. With the British-named Victoria, an Anglo-Zionist was clearly in the making. Indeed, she duly studied at an elite private boarding school in Connecticut, whose alumni include many US politicians. Then she went to Brown University, where she studied Russian literature, political science and history. She married Robert Kagan, the future leading Jewish neocon.
Her worldview relects exactly the folly of the US since 1990 under the influence of the neo-imperialist neocons and Blairite-Clintonian ‘liberal interventionists’. This has resulted in mass poverty in the USA, as well as 9/11, and millions of deaths in wars and tensions outside the US with the Islamic world, Iran, Russia, China and anyone else that resists US imperialism. From 2003 to 2005, during the US rape of defenceless Iraq and the theft of its oil and gas, Mrs Kagan was a foreign policy advisor to the notorious Cheney. She must have many deaths on her conscience from that particular mess. The Iraq catastrophe led to terrorism and counterterrorism and disastrous new wars in Libya and Syria. Meanwhile, her husband was demanding an ever more warlike foreign policy against the background of US fears of the coming multipolar world, a world which it would no longer be able to dominate.
by Batiushka for The Saker blog
“Strange times are these in which we live
when old and young are taught in falsehood’s school.
And the one man who dares to tell the truth
is called at once a lunatic and fool.”

Sam Harris [Jewish] Says Media Silence On Hunter Biden Scandal Was ‘Warranted’ To Deny Trump The Presidency (Text and Video)
‘Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement, I would not have cared,’ Harris said, adding he was more concerned at not having Donald Trump in the White House.
The liberal, atheist political commentator Sam Harris recently stated that there was a “conspiracy” by the media to cover up the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop – and that it was “warranted.” Sam Harris also argued that even if President Joe Biden was receiving kickbacks from foreign investors in Ukraine or China, it would come nowhere close to the failures of Trump University, a questionable real estate and investing school started by Donald Trump. Harris made the comments on the “Triggernometry” podcast published on Thursday. He was discussing Hunter Biden’s laptop, which contained emails that appeared to show the president’s son using his father’s influence to arrange business deals with Chinese and Ukrainian officials.
by Matt Lamb
Western Media’s Favorite Russian Philosopher: Who Is Aleksandr Dugin, Whose Daughter Was Killed In A Moscow Car Bombing?
Conservative thinker predicted the bloodshed in Ukraine and has bizarrely been dubbed ‘Putin’s brain’
Aleksandr Dugin is in the curious position of being better known abroad than in Russia. But that’s less a case of a prophet not being recognized in his own land than the result of the Western media using him for its own propaganda and narrative management. Dugin has been dubbed ‘Putin’s brain’ and ‘Putin’s Rasputin’ by the anglophone press for his supposed influence on the worldview of President Vladimir Putin and the country’s ruling elite. Foreign Policy magazine included him in its 2014 ‘Global Thinkers’ list “for masterminding Russia’s expansionist ideology.”
However, the reality is that he’s not influential in the Kremlin. Nor is he even a mainstream figure in Moscow. Instead, he’s become a totem for ultra-nationalist campaigners, most of whom believe President Vladimir Putin is too moderate in his foreign policy. Thus, Dugin has become a curious anomaly: famous in the West, but a fringe figure at home. Following the murder of his daughter, Darya Dugina, some are speculating that the very fame itself may have been a reason for Ukrainian operatives to make him a target.
by RT
IRS Amassing Its Own Army While Federal Reserve Intensifies Inflation Tax by Greg Reese (6:49)
IRS Amassing Its Own Army While Federal Reserve Intensifies Inflation Tax by Greg Reese (6:49)
Concerns Over Escalating Tensions In Asia-Pacific Intensified As US, South Korea To Begin Biggest Military Drills In Years
As Washington is seeking to bolster strategic ties with one of its closest Asian allies, the US and South Korea will begin their biggest combined military exercise in four years from Monday as tensions in the Korean Peninsula escalate. Chinese observers warned the exercise would raise tensions in the peninsula and wider Asia, and regional countries including China would be on high alert. The allies’ summertime drills – Ulchi Freedom Shield (UFS) – which is nominally defensive as it has been annually staged, will take place from Monday to September 1 in South Korea, AP reported. The report noted that the drills will underscore Washington and Seoul’s commitment to restore large-scale training exercises after they canceled some of their regular drills and downsized others to computer simulations in recent years to create space for diplomacy with North Korea and because of COVID-19 concerns.
by Xu Keyue
Leslie Wexner’s Young Global Leaders
In this excerpt from her upcoming book, Whitney examines the Wexner Foundation’s origins and the ties of Leslie Wexner’s philanthropy and Jeffrey Epstein to Harvard as well as the now infamous Young Global Leaders program of the World Economic Forum.
It is hard to know exactly when the Wexner Foundation was originally created. The official website for the foundation states clearly in one section that the Wexner Foundation was first set up in 1983 alongside the Wexner Heritage Foundation. However, the 2001 obituary of Wexner’s mother, Bella, states that she and her son created the foundation together in 1973. Regardless of the exact year, Wexner’s mother, Bella, became the secretary of the foundation (just as she had with his company The Limited), which Wexner wanted people to refer to as a “joint philanthropy.”
by Whitney Webb
How The US Controls Lebanon’s Energy Supply
Far from helping Lebanon solve its acute energy crisis, the US is leveraging Egypt’s gas supply to pressure Beirut over US-brokered maritime border talks with Israel
Consider the chaos in Europe today caused by a sudden reduction in Russian gas supplies. Now imagine the catastrophic state of Lebanon’s energy sector after two years of fuel shortages, limited foreign currency with which to purchase new, urgent supplies, and US-sanctions on Syria impeding Lebanon’s only land route for imports. After decades of stalled reforms, Lebanon is running out of time and money. In June 2021, a lifeline was handed to the country in a deal struck with Baghdad to supply two Lebanese power stations with Iraqi fuel. The agreement, which was due to expire in September 2022, has recently been extended for one year. But while there are short and long term solutions available to remedy Lebanon’s energy crisis, the two main options are both monopolized by US policymakers with stakes in regional geopolitics.
by Yeghia Tashjian
‘Forever Chemicals’ Destroyed By Simple New Method
PFAS, a group of manufactured chemicals commonly used since the 1940s, are called “forever chemicals” for a reason. Bacteria can’t eat them; fire can’t incinerate them; and water can’t dilute them. And, if these toxic chemicals are buried, they leach into surrounding soil, becoming a persistent problem for generations to come. Now, Northwestern University chemists have done the seemingly impossible. Using low temperatures and inexpensive, common reagents, the research team developed a process that causes two major classes of PFAS compounds to fall apart, leaving behind only benign end products. The simple technique potentially could be a powerful solution for finally disposing of these harmful chemicals, which are linked to many dangerous health effects in humans, livestock and the environment.
by Northwestern University
Mother And Daughter Fight For Their Lives With Armed Thief (1:51)
Mother And Daughter Fight For Their Lives With Armed Thief (1:51)
Back To The USSA
Welcome to the sovietization of an America we once knew…
In our early career, the federal government was an obvious menace to civil society, progress and prosperity. But it seemed to be more or less under control. Yes, there were plenty of people who wanted to expand federal power and use it to realize their fantasies of a better world. But there were “conservatives” too – who were usually, or eventually, able to slow them down. Senator Robert A. Taft, for example, led opposition to the New Deal. Ronald Reagan had decent conservative instincts but was hornswoggled by his own allies. Ron Paul continues to be a very lonely voice for restraint. But the old conservatives have largely disappeared; they’ve been replaced by war mongers, dumbbells and big spenders.
by Bill Bonner
Facebook Blocks #DiedSuddenly Hashtag
Facebook has hidden posts with the “#diedsuddenly” hashtag because it claims that some of these posts violate its far-reaching community standards. When users search for this hashtag, no results are displayed and Facebook shows a message stating that the results are hidden. While Facebook doesn’t specify which rules these posts allegedly violated, Twitter users have been using the hashtag to share news stories about people who died suddenly. Most of these Twitter posts note that those who died were fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and allude to there being a connection between the vaccines and their deaths. If Facebook users are posting similar content under this hashtag, the posts are likely to violate the tech giant’s ban on a wide range of COVID-19 vaccine claims. Facebook prohibits claims that “vaccines are toxic, dangerous, or cause autism” and reduces the distribution of “shocking stories” about the vaccines. One of Facebook’s examples of a shocking story is “Uncovered: See the 632 reports made of people who died within a week of having the new COVID-19 vaccine.”
by GMI Reporter
Covid, The Red Pill And The Virus Question by Computing Forever (14:21)
Covid, The Red Pill And The Virus Question by Computing Forever (14:21)
Nonsensical, Procedurally Invalid Vaccine Trial Results (Text and Video)
“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance-it is the illusion of knowledge.” ~ Daniel Boorstin
If you are interested in how vaccine trials can be manipulated, you’re going to want to read this article through completely.
Earlier this week on Monday I had a great conversation with Nutrition Scientist Chris Masterjohn. Our conversations have been extremely important for me in a way that I will explain later in this article. I believe that our observations led to something that vaccine experts likely knew from the start: the trials were designed so that the results are functionally meaningless, but serve as procedural illusions. I invited him to a live conversation due to his excitement over strange observations about adverse events in vaccine trial reports such as coughing and dyspnea (trouble breathing). In at least one of the trial reports, dyspnea was broken up into subcategories in a way that looks like a sneaky justification for leaving the data off the top level trial report. Perhaps more importantly, setting aside these side effects is supportive evidence that the vaccine trials relied on statistical illusions to make efficacy claims. Chris goes into detail about these problems in our conversation, but our discussions led to a much more serious observation about how Operation “skip important steps” Warp Speed gave the vaccine manufacturers the green light to run completely invalid trials.
by Mathew Crawford
Massive Increases In Excess Deaths And Serious Ambulance Call-Outs
Excess deaths in England and Wales have been consistently high for months now. The latest week of data (5 August 2022) shows 1,350 excess deaths which is 14.4% higher than the 5-year average. Only 6.8% of these are involving COVID-19, even fewer directly caused by Covid. However, these are deaths in all ages and I was curious to find out where the increases are coming from. In previous years, after a bad flu season, you would expect fewer excess deaths due to deaths being pulled forwards. So why are we seeing so many excess deaths after Covid and in the middle of the summer?
by The Naked Empero
Elephant Gives Birth In The Masai Mara Reserve Kenya (0:59)
Elephant Gives Birth In The Masai Mara Reserve Kenya (0:59)
See If Your Country Is Likely To Be A Victim Of A Washington-Triggered Nuclear Catastrophe
Russia Is Not Your Enemy ~ Look Behind You: As a consequence of NATO strikes on the Russian-controlled Zaporozhye Nuclear Plant NPP (ZNPP), mass destruction of radioactive substances will cover several European countries. This was announced on August 18 by the head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops (RCBZ) of the Russian Armed Forces Igor Kirillov.
The United Nations and relevant international bodies have been brought into the announcement: During the briefing, Igor Kirillov presented a map with the predicted distribution of radioactive substances. According to it, radionuclides will cover territories in Poland, Slovakia and Germany. According to Kirillov, the release of even a quarter of the contents of one of the reactors will cover Scandinavia.
by Michael Walsh
White House Orders 171 Million Doses Of “New” Boosters For The Pro-Vaxxers Still Alive As COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dwindles
The pharma-funded corporate media announced yesterday that the White House has ordered 171 million “new” doses of COVID-19 vaccine booster shots that should be available for the COVID-19 pro-vaccine members of the American public soon who are still alive after receiving previous COVID-19 shots. The problem is that those who want COVID-19 vaccines are a dwindling market, partly because millions of people in the U.S. have now been crippled or have died after taking the vaccines for the past 20 months, according to the CDC and FDA’s own statistics in the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS). There are more deaths and injuries following emergency-use authorized experimental COVID-19 vaccines in 20 months than have been recorded in VAERS for the previous 30 years following all FDA-approved vaccines.
by Brian Shilhavy
Killing The Middle Class (1:19)
Killing The Middle Class (1:19)
Weaponizing The Bureaucracy: Who Will Protect Us From The Government’s Standing Army?
“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.” ~ James Madison
The IRS has stockpiled 4,500 guns and five million rounds of ammunition in recent years, including 621 shotguns, 539 long-barrel rifles and 15 submachine guns. The Veterans Administration (VA) purchased 11 million rounds of ammunition (equivalent to 2,800 rounds for each of their officers), along with camouflage uniforms, riot helmets and shields, specialized image enhancement devices and tactical lighting. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) acquired 4 million rounds of ammunition, in addition to 1,300 guns, including five submachine guns and 189 automatic firearms for its Office of Inspector General. According to an in-depth report on “The Militarization of the U.S. Executive Agencies,” the Social Security Administration secured 800,000 rounds of ammunition for their special agents, as well as armor and guns. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) owns 600 guns. And the Smithsonian now employs 620-armed “special agents.” This is how it begins.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
The Timing Behind The Attack On Salman Rushdie
On Friday, August 12, a 24-year-old New Jersey resident by the name of Hadi Matar stormed the stage in western New York where the Anglo-Indian author Salman Rushdie was scheduled to speak and stabbed him 15 times before he was subdued by a security guard and members of the audience.[1] The assault was immediately labeled “an assault on freedom of thought and speech”[2] after Rushdie was praised as “an inspirational defender of persecuted writers and journalists across the world.”[3]
Missing from this and other news accounts was the role which Rushdie played as an agent provocateur in a campaign that was designed to provoke violent responses from the Islamic world, which would be then turned around to demonize them. No one would know who Salman Rushdie was if he hadn’t written The Satanic Verses as the inauguration of in an ongoing assault on Muslim culture which has continued to this day and has been revived by Matar’s assault for further weaponization.
by Dr. E. Michael Jones
Mass Looting In London On August 12, 2022 (0:45)
Mass Looting In London On August 12, 2022 (0:45)
Psychiatry: Black Magic Masquerading As Science
Modern psychiatry is the greatest con on earth.Psychiatrists and general practitioners have become increasingly enthusiastic about drug therapy in recent decades. They claim that they can treat a wide range of disorders with psychotropic drugs, and so a goodly portion of the nation now regularly gulps down happy tablets. The startling result is that the incidence of mental health problems is increasing. Officially, one in two people in Britain is incurably mentally ill. Yes, you read that correctly. One in two people in Britain is incurably mentally ill. In other countries, including the United States, the figure is similar or worse. Some of those people are classified as mentally ill because they cannot cope with the modern world. Some are classified as mentally ill because they fit new criteria for mental illness (they have symptoms which are now regarded as indicative of mental illness). And some of those who are classified as mentally ill have been made ill by the reckless prescribing of powerful and dangerous drugs.(Despite this, the number of hospital beds available for mental health patients is constantly shrinking. This is, of course, because the mentally ill make an ineffective lobby and have almost no political clout. Politicians quickly bow to drug industry pressures because providing hospital beds costs more money than providing mind numbing drugs which turn patients into zombies.)
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
An Open Letter On The Ukraine
Russia continues to fire 50,000 artillery shells a day. Ukraine is continuing to have heavy losses. A leaked document from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense ten days ago said they had 191,000 casualties and 95,000 desertions so they are now above 200,000 casualties and 100,000 desertion. The Ukrainians said air sorties against their frontlines have doubled recently.
Russia has begun encircling Kharkov. Over the next week or two they will cut off all road and rail traffic to that city of a million people. The referndum scheduled for September means that those territories will be part of the Russian Federation and Putin can move hundreds of thousands of conscripts into low risk duties freeing up his regular forces to take Nikolayev and encircle Odessa in the south as he will Kharkov in the north.
by Video Rebel
Hugs Are The Universal Medicine (1:38)
Hugs Are The Universal Medicine (1:38)
MIT App: Improve The News
Based in part on the SPR Media Navigator, an MIT research group has developed an online app called Improve the News that allows readers to filter and compare news based on the “political bias” and the “establishment bias” of media outlets. Their own machine learning algorithm confirmed that these are indeed the two most important dimensions of media bias.
by Swiss Policy Research
China Threatens The US Empire, Not The US Itself: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
So many empire apologist arguments depend on pretending the US empire doesn’t exist; pretending the US is just a normal country sitting there minding its own business. If you do that, it really does look like Russia and China are picking on Ukraine and Taiwan completely unprovoked.
If you act like the US isn’t the hub of an empire that is projecting power all over the globe, then the fact that it has a hand in every major international conflict becomes obscured and it just looks like evil barbaric foreigners doing evil things for no good reason. Take the empire out of the equation and Assad wasn’t reacting to a western-backed regime change proxy war, he was just killing his own people because he likes killing people. China isn’t responding to US encirclement, it’s just being aggressive to its neighbors because it is evil.
by Caitlin Johnstone
The Well Poisoners (3:39)
The Well Poisoners (3:39)
Newspaper Search Engine
Search Over 51,685,714 Old Newspaper Pages from US And Canada
Neil Oliver: ‘It’s Hard To Tell Yourself You’ve Been Taken For A Fool But Open Your Eyes’ (9:48)
Neil Oliver: ‘It’s Hard To Tell Yourself You’ve Been Taken For A Fool But Open Your Eyes’ (9:48)
August 11, 2022
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
Sam Adams

World On The Brink Of Nuclear Catastrophe – Moscow
If Ukrainian forces keep attacking the Zaporozhye power plant, a nuclear disaster can happen at any moment, Moscow warns
iev’s “reckless” actions are pushing the world ever closer to a major nuclear disaster, Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, told the UN Security Council at a meeting focused on the Zaporozhye power plant in southern Ukraine. The plant has been under the control of Russian forces since the start of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev and has since been shelled by Ukrainian troops on several occasions.
“We have repeatedly warned our Western colleagues that, should they fail to talk sense into the Kiev regime, it would take the most heinous and reckless steps, which would have consequences far beyond Ukraine,” Nebenzia told the Security Council on Thursday. “That is exactly what is happening,” he said, adding that the Western “sponsors” of Kiev would have to bear the responsibility for a potential nuclear catastrophe.
by RT
ACH (1874) Dr. Patrick Slattery And Kato – The QAnon Church Of Donald Trump (55:08)
In today’s show originally broadcast on August 10 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Patrick Slattery and Kato, for a show entitled, “The QAnon Church Of Donald Trump.”
We discussed: Kato’s background growing up ABC (American Born Chinese) and how he became interested in the independent media; the persecution of Donald Trump and how this is backfiring on the powers that should not be; how the FBI have revealed themselves to be nothing more than a Stasi style political terror organization; why the Biden Inflation Bill contains a provision for hiring 85,000 new IRS Agents; how the 2020 election was stolen and why Americans should not use this as an excuse to abandon the electoral process; how China’s Social Credit System actually operates and how we could expect such a system to operate in the West; how the Biden Administration has been the most hostile to China in U.S. history; the ownership of The Epoch Times; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis August 10, 2022 (21:57)
by Military Summary
China’s Reunification In The New Era Will Advance In This Way
The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the State Council Information Office of China published a white paper, “The Taiwan Question and China’s Reunification in the New Era,” on Wednesday. It is China’s third white paper on the Taiwan question after previous publications in 1993 and 2000. It is a historical document issued at a special time. Its significance is thus self-evident.
From whatever perspective, the publication of the white paper comes at an appropriate time. US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the Taiwan island escalated tensions in the Taiwan Straits, as well as in ties between China and the US. At the same time, it attracted great attention from public opinions both at home and abroad over the Taiwan question. For some time, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority in Taiwan island has been stepping up its collusion with external forces, in attempts to manipulate the narrative over the Taiwan question and woo international attention through deceptive rhetoric. It refuses to recognize the one-China principle, tries to smear the “one country, two systems,” and fantasizes to “exchange Heaven and Earth” on major issues of principle. Such a fallacy is, in a way, more harmful than Pelosi’s visit.
by Global Times Editorial
Russia – Turkey Trade Deal Causes Collective West Panic (20:20)
by The Duran
Pelosi Unilaterally Extends Unconstitutional Proxy Voting Scheme… Again
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday unilaterally extended her unconstitutional proxy voting scheme…again. This is pure lawlessness and unprecedented corruption. Pelosi cited Covid and said that a “public health emergency is in effect” in her announcement extending proxy voting. It will be extended until September 26, 2022. Pelosi unilaterally extended her proxy voting scheme several times over the last couple years. Last September, GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy asked the US Supreme Court to overturn Speaker Pelosi’s House proxy voting. “Although the Constitution allows Congress to write its own rules, those rules cannot violate the Constitution itself, including the requirement to actually assemble in person. Since its adoption 14 months ago, proxy voting has shattered 231 years of legislative precedent and shielded the majority from substantive policy debates and questions, effectively silencing the voices of millions of Americans,” McCarthy wrote to the Supreme Court justices. The US Supreme Court in January declined to hear GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s challenge to Speaker Pelosi’s proxy voting.
by Cristina Laila
UK Admits Russian Advance On Bakhmut; Prospects For Ukraine’s Kherson Offensive Fade (52:37)
by Alexander Mercouris
Curing Heart Disease Without Pills Or Surgery
It has, of course, been known for some time that it is possible to prevent heart disease by changing your lifestyle. Family history is a major factor in the development of heart trouble and you can’t do much about your parents or grandparents. But whether you come from a line of people with healthy hearts or vulnerable, fragile hearts you can dramatically improve your chances of avoiding cardiac trouble by following such simple rules as avoiding fatty foods, taking regular, gentle exercise, learning how to cope with stress and keeping as far away from tobacco as possible.
The recent breakthrough (made largely through the work of an American doctor called Dr Dean Ornish) has been to show that it is actually possible to treat patients with existing heart disease by encouraging them to make significant changes in the way they live. Dr Ornish was the first clinician to provide documented proof that heart disease can be halted or even reversed simply by a change in life-style. After one year the majority (82%) of the patients who made the comprehensive lifestyle changes recommended by Dr Ornish showed some measurable reversal of their coronary artery blockages.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
EU, Russian Travel Ban Regime Change. Ukraine Stops Oil Supply To Eu, Hungary Intervenes. (21:05)
by Alex Christoforou
BMJ Opinion From Former Editor – Time To Assume That Health Research Is Fraudulent Until Proven Otherwise?
Richard Smith, editor of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) until 2004 posted an interesting opinion piece in the BMJ last year.
I have posted it below for you to read. Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise? Health research is based on trust. Health professionals and journal editors reading the results of a clinical trial assume that the trial happened and that the results were honestly reported. But about 20% of the time, said Ben Mol, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Monash Health, they would be wrong. As I’ve been concerned about research fraud for 40 years, I wasn’t that surprised as many would be by this figure, but it led me to think that the time may have come to stop assuming that research actually happened and is honestly reported, and assume that the research is fraudulent until there is some evidence to support it having happened and been honestly reported. The Cochrane Collaboration, which purveys “trusted information,” has now taken a step in that direction.
by The Naked Emperor
IRS Job Listing Requires Use Of Deadly Force Sparking Outrage, Democrats Just Massively Expanded IRS (21:21)
Democrats claim middle and lower income people will not face more audits but this is misleading.
by Timcast
FBI Seizes U.S. Rep Scott Perry’s Cell Phone
Perry (R-PA) was a strong supporter of Trump’s election integrity efforts in 2020
A day after the Biden FBI conducted a raid on former President Trump’s Mar-A-Lago estate, the bureau has seized a cell phone belonging to U.S. Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA). Perry was a leading figure in Trump’s election integrity efforts in Pennsylvania. While traveling with his family on Tuesday, Scott Perry was approached by three FBI agents who presented him with a warrant and seized his cell phone. “This morning, while traveling with my family, 3 FBI agents visited me and seized my cell phone. They made no attempt to contact my lawyer, who would have made arrangements for them to have my phone if that was their wish. I’m outraged — though not surprised — that the FBI under the direction of Merrick Garland’s DOJ, would seize the phone of a sitting Member of Congress,” Perry told Fox News in a statement. “My phone contains info about my legislative and political activities, and personal/private discussions with my wife, family, constituents, and friends. None of this is the government’s business.”
by Cullen McCue
Betsy Ross Flag Essential T-Shirt
An adaptation of Betsy Ross and friends creating the first official American flag
The Betsy Ross flag is now a symbol for domestic terrorists. The FBI says it is, and it made their list of dangerous images. Who are these people, and who are they serving and protecting? The FBI, along with the IRS (87,000 new workers ) are the real domestic terrorists. They are coming for YOU!
by ArtToons
Davos Plans To Starve A Billion People To Death
I don’t see how we could possibly be stupider here in the West unless we took courses in stupidity. Jordan Peterson.
The following are some quotes from a recent Jordan Peterson video: The World Economic Forum at Davos says 1.2 billion people will be forced to migrate. Lara Logan The WEF (World Economic Forum) wants to build a tri-state “Smart City” out of farm land taken from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany to be populated by tens of millions of immigrants from around the world. Michael Yon One billion people will starve to death by 2025. Michael Yon Kill a billion people and force another billion to migrate from their homes in the Third World knowing that the lack of food combined with massive migration will lead to a pandemic. Perhaps, even the one that Bill Gates predicted. In their discussion Peterson and Yon lay much of the blame for the coming mass starvation and mass migration to Neo-Liberal fantasies about climate, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. They did heatedly discuss Mark Rutte and his war against Dutch farmers.
by Video Rebel
European Companies Interested In Doing Business With Russia Via Turkey
Metallurgic companies in the EU are reportedly looking to bypass western sanctions by selling products to Moscow with Ankara as the middleman
European businesses are reportedly inquiring with Turkish companies about supplying Russia with metals via Turkey, as a way to overcome western sanctions. According to the head of a Turkish industry group that spoke with Reuters, demand from Moscow for Turkish products it could no longer source from Europe has increased over recent months. European groups have also expressed interest in supplying Russia, using Turkey as a middleman.
“What [Russia] cannot buy from Germany, Italy, and France, they are buying from us. Separately, a lot of EU companies are planning to sell their products to Russia via Turkey,” Cetin Tecdelioglu, head of the Istanbul Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Exporters’ Association (IDDMIB), told reporters last week. “[The EU companies] want to use Turkey as a warehouse and bridge, while Russia wants supply from Turkey,” he added. Turkey’s ferrous and non-ferrous metal exports to Russia rose by 26 percent since last year, reaching $170 million by 8 August.
by News Desk
Traces Of 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Are Still Detectable In 2020
Small amounts of highly weathered oil residues from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster were still present in the surroundings ten years later, shows a new report. Crude oil is a complex mixture with many components that undergo chemical reactions in the environment. These transformed chemicals, as well as longer persisting oil products, can impact local ecosystems and a better understanding of the fates of these molecules can help future cleanup efforts. The oil spilled during the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010 was largely transformed by the end of that summer, reports a new study in Frontiers in Marine Science. But some small quantities of chemical residues still persisted in the environment even ten years later. This latest study follows the varied fates of the leaked petroleum components, providing important insights for future spills and cleanup efforts.
by Frontiers
Las Vegas Shop Owner Stabs Would-Be Thief Multiple Times (0:51)
Las Vegas Shop Owner Stabs Would-Be Thief Multiple Times (0:51)
Russia-Turkey Reset Eases Regional Tensions
The 4-hour meeting on Friday at Sochi between President Vladimir Putin and President Recep Erdogan promises to be a defining moment in regional politics. The single biggest takeaway from the Sochi meet is, of course, the “win-win” economic partnership between Russia and Turkey that helps Russia, on the one hand, to continue to interact with the world market circumventing Western sanctions, while, on the other hand, is a boon for the Turkish economy.
Turkey is a member of the European Uinion’s Customs Union and it is no secret that there is a lot of Russian money floating around in the wake of the western sanctions. If that money can be turned into investments in Turkey to set up production units with western technology and market access, creating jobs and revving up the country’s economy, it is a “win-win”. This is one thing.
At Sochi, Putin and Erdogan agreed on phasing out the use of dollar in their transactions. Part of Turkey’s purchase of Russian gas will be settled in rubles, which will of course strengthen the Russian currency. Equally, Sochi meeting tasked 5 Turkish banks to accept Russia’s Mir payment system, which Moscow developed following Russia’s exclusion from the SWIFT.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Hong Kong Vaccine Passport Update Now Connects All Checkpoint Data To Centralized Government Server
New privacy concerns.
The Hong Kong government will now require premises that are forced to check vaccination status, like restaurants, to have an internet connection. The premises have two weeks to update their QR Code Verification Scanners to make sure it can connect to the internet, according to Deputy Government Chief Information Officer Tony Wong. “During this [updating] process, premises can first use visual inspection to see if people present an amber health code for scanning, or even whether there are people holding a red health code. But of course, the main responsibility falls on the visitors themselves,” he said. Wong added that even after the update, the QR code scanner can still check for someone’s vaccination status even when they have a hard copy QR code or do not have the latest version of the city’s Covid tracking app LeaveHomeSafe.
by Will Henney
Russia Holds Israel Responsible For Latest Offensive Against Gaza
Russia blames Israel for the latest three-day military offensive against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the Foreign Ministry in Moscow has announced. “The new escalation was caused by the Israeli army firing into the Gaza Strip on 5 August,” said ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova. She pointed out that the Palestinian factions responded to this escalation by firing rockets indiscriminately towards Israeli territory.
“We are observing with profound worry how events are evolving,” added Zakharova. “The resumption of a full-scale military confrontation [would see the] already deplorable humanitarian situation in Gaza deteriorate further.”
The ministry official reaffirmed Russia’s “principled and consistent position, reflected in the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council, in support of a comprehensive and long-term settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in accordance with the two-state principle.
Aussie Doctor Risks Medical License To Tell The Truth About COVID Vaccine Injuries And Deaths: Crashes AMA Meeting Confronting Top Chief Medical Officer
A doctor in Queensland, Australia has put his license to practice medicine on the line to bring his message of COVID-19 vaccine and injuries and deaths, and the “gaslighting” of patients and doctors who try to expose how deadly these shots are, to the public. He received corporate media attention recently when he crashed a meeting of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) calling out the country’s chief medical officer, Paul Kelly, while stunned doctors watched on. Dr. Bay recently recorded a video message where he apologized to his patients and the public for initially giving in to fear over potentially losing his job, and for not speaking out sooner. I have put together a video report with his message, the self-recording of his rant at the AMA, and an interview he did with Zeee Media recently explaining why he is now risking his career to bring this truth to the public.
by Brian Shilhavy
No Term, “Holocaust” Until 1978, Thus No Holocaust (12:16)
The Term Never Existed On The World Scene Until 1978 (The Book, “The Holocaust” By Gerald Green, Made Into A TV Mini Series – The Same Year.
by Jim Rizoli
Which Country Is The Greatest Threat To World Peace?
The map shows the results of 2013 (pre-Trump) WIN/Gallup International survey asking people which country they felt was the greatest threat to world peace. Due to recent Washington-inspired conflicts those who consider the US the main threat to world peace have likely soared further. The United States was the overwhelming choice (24% of respondents) for the country that represents the greatest threat to peace in the world today. This was followed by Pakistan (8%), China (6%), North Korea, Israel and Iran (5%). Respondents in Russia (54%), China (49%) and Bosnia (49%) were the most fearful of the US as a threat. Interestingly, Iran was seen as the biggest threat by Americans, Canadians and Brits, but Australians viewed the United States as the biggest threat.
by Michael Walsh
Revealed: Documents Show Collusion Between The CDC And Big Tech
A freedom of information request has provided the evidence
A number of documents described as “the tip of the iceberg” have been made public, revealing communications between private tech giants and the US administration bodies, aimed at closely coordinating censorship of Covid topics on social media. This was announced on Wednesday by America First Legal (AFL) nonprofit, which obtained the documents thanks to a lawsuit filed against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The legal action came after a failed attempt to, through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, learn about the level of the involvement of the White House in this type of censorship. The communications are interpreted as providing yet another piece of evidence of coordination, or even collusion, between US authorities and Google, Twitter, and Facebook.
by GMI Reporter
Sicko Gender Clinics, Puberty Blockers
The UK Daily Mail has the story. It illustrates the reality on the ground. “This could become the biggest medical scandal of the century, argues SUE REID” Here are key excerpts: “The closure next spring of the NHS’s [National Health Service’s] only gender identity clinic for children [Tavistock Clinic] is a vital and long overdue step in righting the wrongs of what could perhaps be the biggest medical scandal this century – the routine use of puberty-blocking drugs on children.”
“These powerful drugs can endanger fertility and open up the possibility of brutal surgery to reassign sex organs. Yet in this country, they have been given to those as young as ten.” “Other countries have banned their use in children. Sweden curtailed the use of blockers among under-18s last year, with a leading Stockholm paediatrician saying they ‘chemically castrate’ children, causing problems with mental health.” “France has stopped them, too. Its top medical academy blames a social media frenzy for fueling demand among teenagers, particularly girls, for the drugs from doctors.”
Who ARE these psychopathic doctors who carry out the horrific medical experiments on children? The answer is simple: They’re psychopaths. [I emailed Jon: One little thing you forgot to mention, they are overwhelming Jewish doctors.]
by Jon Rappoport
“The Mainstream Media Is Not Your Friend. The Culture Is Not Your Friend. The Government Is Not Your Friend. Big Business Is Not Your Friend.” (0:21)
by Russell Brand
US Foreign Arms Sales Spike To Nearly $20 Billion In The Dog Days Of Summer
Between July 15 and August 2, Washington signed off on billions of dollars worth of military deals, over a third of which went to autocracies.
Much of the Beltway has been on vacation in recent weeks, doing anything they can to get away from the sweltering DC sun. But while wonks cooled down, U.S. arms sales to foreign countries heated up, with the State Department approving almost $20 billion worth of deals in little more than two weeks – that is, more than $1 billion in military sales per day.
One third of those sales went to Middle East autocracies, highlighting the contradictions of President Joe Biden’s avowed commitment to democracy promotion. As Lauren Woods of the Center for International Policy noted in War on the Rocks, these deals were likely years in the making, with Biden ultimately giving them “??the green light to continue.”
“[A]lthough initially signaling a slowdown, this administration now resembles every other recent administration in terms of volume and value of arms sales,” Woods wrote, noting that the United States is by far the world’s leading exporter of weapons. “And this is true for countries with poor human rights records as well.”
by Connor Echols
The Russian Navy’s Great Game
No matter what firepower NATO’s navies can bring to bear in Russia’s eastern backyard, they cannot prevail.
When Russia’s navy recalls both the Anglo-German naval arms race, which helped precipitate the Great War and the Great Game Tzarist Russia played in Asia against Britain, they must feel confident about the future. Russian President Putin no doubt had those precedents in mind when he recently told Russia’s admirals that Russia’s already formidable navy would be expanded to protect her entire coastline and project power from there to wherever it is needed. Although the Norwegian, Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi, Bering, Okhotsk and Japan Seas add up to a lot of water, Russia, with the right tactics, is more than up to the job of protecting her coastlines and projecting power from them.
Not only would most of those seas be terrible vectors for any hostile power attacking Russia but NATO’s posturing towards North Korea and China has made the defensive job of the Russian navy infinitely easier. Instead of just concentrating on tweaking the tail of the Russian tiger, NATO got the brainwave of sending Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan to antagonize the entire Chinese navy. Although that is good news for NATO’s arms industry and for whoever else is in on Pelosi’s latest short trading Wall Street scam, it does indicate a major shift in the world’s strategic goalposts because-China, with Iran’s impressive navy, is now solidly and permanently in Russia’s camp. No more divide and conquer NATO games there.
by Declan Hayes
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis August 9 by Military Summary (19:25)
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis August 9 by Military Summary (19:25)
There’s Something Very Strange About The Obama Family That Will Never See The Light Of Day From The Mainstream Media – What Do You Think About These Bizarre Oddities?
Michael LaVaughn Robinson was born January 17th 1964 and Michelle LaVaughn Robinson was also born on that same day in Chicago, Illinois and Michelle’s mother was Marion Shields Robinson and her farther was Frazer Robinson III. By some odd coincidence that is the same names of Michael’s parents; the father being, as a former staff of Michelle’s reportedly said, “He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. He was a popular high school athlete and in 1982, he accepted a scholarship to play middle linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers.
by Alan Barton
August 9, 2022
“The government is merely a servant – merely a temporary servant;
it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong,
and decide who is a patriot and who isn’t. Its function is to obey orders, not originate them.”
Mark Twain

Biden Says He’s ‘Proud’ Of US Support For Israel After Gaza Bombardment Kills 45, Including 16 Children
Israeli PM Lapid says Israel will ‘not apologize’ for ‘defending itself’
President Biden released a statement on Sunday night after a ceasefire was announced for Gaza following a three-day Israeli bombing campaign, which left at least 45 Palestinians dead, including 16 children. The bombing campaign started on Friday when Israel targeted a leader of the Palestinian group Islamic Jihad in Gaza. The initial strike killed an Islamic Jihad leader, as well as a five-year-old girl, a 23-year-old woman, and seven other Palestinian men. “My support for Israel’s security is long-standing and unwavering – including its right to defend itself against attacks. Over these recent days, Israel has defended its people from indiscriminate rocket attacks launched by the terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad,” Biden said.
by Dave DeCamp
Digital ID Tyranny Is Being Rolled Out Across The World
New biometrics identity credentials have been proposed or launched around the world as government digital identity schemes continue to roll out. Previously we wrote about the program Mastercard launched for retailers to use biometric payment methods, like facial recognition and fingerprint scanning. As of May, the program had already gone live in five grocery stores in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with more trials planned for Asia and the Middle East. Mastercard said it planned to roll it out globally later this year. But it’s not only private companies dictating we use the technology they’ll use to track, trace and control us. From Australia to the Maldives to Uganda, governments are rolling out the WEF / UN digital IDs to usher in a global digitised police state. A state which will police every aspect of our lives.
by Rhoda Wilson
The Gringos Are Coming!
In search of imaginary conversations and drugs, south of the border.
The United States is a failed state I keep telling myself on the flight south. A dozen calls to doctors and urgent care clinics for a simple refill of a medication prescribed in Poland, with a letter from a Polish doctor and not a single place in a large American city would oblige, even with travel insurance so they can overcharge the insurance company as many of those clinics do.
It’s not a matter of life and death, and it’s no great emergency, but it is a matter of liberty and common decency. How many scripts of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were denied by pharmacies over the past two years? How many doctors refused to even write a prescription for either drug at the request of their regular patients because the FDA told them they must let them die instead?
At almost every pharmacy I see boxes of both drugs available in Mexico, where they just give it to you if you put some pesos on their counter. No need to beg American assholes in white coats for permission to ingest what you want. American bodies now belong to the CDC, NIH, FDA, and the corporate death-accelerator industry. No amount of pesos will change that.
by Good Citizen
ACH (1872) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #81 – The 2008 Plan To Ban Conspiracy Theories And Its Influence Today… (Audio 1:28:27)
In today’s show originally broadcast on August 8, 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The 2008 Plan To Ban Conspiracy Theories And Its Influence Today…”
We discussed: the Brian Johnston clip we played during the show intro segment; the state of the sky these days; Mallificus’ back story to today’s show image; how the powers that should not be target our God given right to free speech; proof that there are now plans to regulate the level to which you can heat your home via so-called smart meters; why it’s not about your health, it’s about control; the movies of David Lynch; the recovery of Dennis Hopper; Thomas Achord’s article “The Christian Quest” which was sent to me by Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab.com; how we are now up to 2,226 deaths and 460,533 people injured from the vaccines according to figures off the UK Government website; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; why television licence fees are being scrapped; the American couple who have been accused of making child porn with their adopted children; the top ten best and worst songs to play your dog in the car; the Jewish News Article “OPINION: Latest Antisemitism Figures Are A Reason To Be Cheerful Not Fearful”; Mallificus’ news roundup of the week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
As A Citizen Of Florida Ron DeSantis Calls FBI Mar-A-Lago Raid “Another Escalatio
At times of greatest consequence, the legacy of leadership becomes important.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis doesn’t use his official office account to release a statement on the FBI raid in Mar-a-Lago, that likely required a joint cooperative task force response from the state, as customary for fulfilment of a federal warrant upon a Florida citizen. Instead, Florida Governor DeSantis issues a tweet from his personal account noting the action was yet “another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies.” Oh well, that’s a relief, heavy sigh, as long as it’s just “another escalation”….
Quick pivot right to the whataboutism politics DC is famous for… “while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves”, and “IRS agents,” etc. You see, this is what DC does to bang the pots and pans loudly in the UniParty kitchen. As a congressional representative, Ron DeSantis learned the chaff and countermeasures well. Actually challenge the federal government? No way. Not gonna happen. Meanwhile, compare the response from future Arizona Governor Kari Lake:
by Sundance
Russian Military Comments On Blasts In Crimea
Explosions at the Saki airfield were caused by the detonation of aviation munitions, defense ministry has claimed
Russia’s Defense Ministry has released an official statement on the explosions at the Saki military airfield on the Crimean Peninsula, explaining that the incident was caused by the detonation of aviation munitions stored at the site. The blasts occurred near the city of Novofedorovka on Tuesday afternoon, with locals reporting hearing several explosions coming from the airfield and sharing videos online showing smoke coming from the area. According to eyewitnesses, the blasts had knocked out the windows in houses near the airfield. Moscow has stated that no one has been injured in the explosion and that none of the aviation equipment at the airfield was damaged by the blasts.
by RT
CIA Pivots From ‘War On Terror’ To Countering China: Report
The US spy agency says that, while ‘counterterrorism’ efforts will continue in West Asia, their top priority is now to counter Beijing and Moscow
The deputy director of the CIA revealed during a recent closed-door meeting that, while the agency plans to continue “fighting extremist groups” in West Asia, their money and resources would pivot towards countering the rise of China. According to a report by AP, during a meeting several weeks ago, Deputy CIA Director David Cohen made it clear that the spy agency’s “top priority is trying to better understand and counter Beijing.” “Congress has pushed the CIA and other intelligence agencies to make China a top priority … Pushing resources toward China has required cuts elsewhere, including in counterterrorism,” several officials familiar with the matter told AP on condition of anonymity. “Inside the agency, many officers are learning Chinese and moving into new roles focused on China,” the report goes on to add.
by News Desk
Denmark Bans Covid Vaccine For Youth Under 18
Those wanting their first shot were cut off after July 1, and no one in the age group — aside from those who are considered “high risk” and have a doctor’s note — will be allowed to get a second shot after September 1. “Children and adolescents only very rarely become seriously ill from COVID-19 with the omicron variant. Therefore, from July 1, 2022, it will no longer be possible for children and adolescents under the age of 18 to get the 1st [shot], and from September 1, 2022, it will no longer be possible to get the 2nd [shot],” reads a government statement. [translated from Danish] While many are likely relieved because it means that vaccine mandates won’t be coming back to school, few have followed Denmark’s lead, and if the science is universal, it’s a wonder why they haven’t.
by Mike Campbell
Australia’s Central Bank Working With BIS To Launch Digital Currency System
Australia’s Reserve Bank is launching a pilot program over the course of the next year in collaboration with the Bank for International Settlements (the central bank of central banks) to test the “benefits” of a blockchain ledger based digital currency system. The central bank is added to a long list of participants in BIS efforts to introduce CBDCs (central bank digital currencies) with the target goal of launching them globally by 2025-2030.
It’s important to note that substantial economic changes would have to occur within the next few years in order to make CBDC a viable option for the general public. Though many people use electronic transactions as a matter of convenience, a large portion of the population still prefers cash. In the US, surveys within the last few years show that at least 37% of Americans still choose cash over other methods of payment like credit and debit cards. In Australia, the number stands at around 32%.
by Tyler Durden
Russia Awaits US Reaction To Suspension Of New START Treaty, Foreign Ministry Says
UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – Russia is awaiting the US reaction in response to the suspension of New START Treaty inspections but does not expect it to come right away, Russian Foreign Ministry Nonproliferation and Arms Control Department Deputy Director Igor Vishnevetsky told journalists on Tuesday. “Now there will be mutual discussions, after which some kind of reaction from the United States will follow. I don’t think it will happen very quickly, they will need to study everything thoroughly and understand what they want to do next,” Vishnevetsky said.
Vishnevetsky went on to say that this was a “technical issue.” Thus, before discussing the issue widely and publicly, it needs to be considered by specialists with expertise related to inspections.
“There are many nuances there,” Vishnevetsky added. “This is the subject of what our experts will talk about with the Americans.”
The diplomat pointed out that from a legal point of view, Moscow’s position is completely legitimate. And although such an action is taking place for the first time, Russia has exercised its “right under the treaty,” Vishnevetsky stressed. He then elaborated by noting that the root of the problem is that Russian inspectors cannot fly through Europe, as they are blocked from obtaining transit visas and Russian planes are not allowed to travel in European airspace.
by Kirill Kurevlev
Trump Raid, Biden DOJ Crosses The Rubicon With Robert Barnes (2:26:42)
by The Duran
A Question And Answer Document On The Subject Of VAERS As A Pharmacovigilance Tool.
Feel free to print and use.
Dr. Jessica Rose – A short Q and A – August 9, 2022
“Are the COVID vaccines causing injuries, what kinds, and how do we know?”
Yes. Any human physiological system that you can name, able to be affected in an injurious way, is being affected in an injurious way in a percentage of individuals. We know because VAERS – a pharmacovigilance tool – currently has an extraordinarily high number and range of adverse event reports in the context of the COVID-19 injectable products. We also know because the Yellowcard and EUDRA adverse event (AE) data collection systems are reporting the same things.[1]
Jessica Rose
COVID Vaccine Test Animals Were All Killed Shortly After Vaccination
Can’t Find SAFETY CONCERNS If All Animals Are Destroyed
A fact check, promoted by Twitter, attracted my attention. It said that there were NO SAFETY CONCERNS found in animal tests and trials of Covid vaccines: I felt like I had to take a closer look. And I found something. The fact check, fortunately, mentions three animal studies – one for each COVID vaccine – and I read each one closely. It turned out that in all three studies, experimenters killed the test animals shortly after vaccination and the subsequent challenge of animals with Sars-Cov-2. They killed them so as to make it impossible to find “safety signals” that arise in vaccinated beings post-vaccination in the long run.
This means, with all test animals dead, the scientists could not find out whether these animals could actually reproduce, whether these animals had shortened lifespans, what happens to the test animals upon COVID reinfections, whether the test animals would be more likely to have cancers or other immune-mediated diseases, and whether the test animals were more likely to suffer from other species-specific illnesses.
It is very convenient to kill test animals, because this way, vaccine companies could report that “they identified no safety concerns” – and it is kind of truthful! There are no safety concerns with dead animals!
by Igor Chudov
Missouri And Louisiana Attorneys General Sue The Biden Administration Over Free Speech
Brownstone Institute has repeatedly reported on the unholy alliance between the administrative state and Big Tech with the censorious results of free speech suppression. We’ve published a full articles of inquiry as a template for further investigation into these unprecedented actions.
The cooperation between these people during the pandemic response became intense and pervasive. This model is being deployed in other areas too, with a symbiotic relationship between power centers that ends in suppressing dissent. This is contrary to the First Amendment.
The state attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana have filed suit against the Biden administration. Among the plaintiffs are Brownstone Senior Scholars Martin Kulldorff, Jay Bhattacharya, and Aaron Kheriaty who have experienced this censorship first hand. The case is joined by the New Civil Liberties Alliance and filed in the US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana Monroe Division.
by Brownstone Institute
Alarming New Evidence Suggests Monkeypox Is Cover-Up For Covid Jab-Induced Adverse Effect
Can you imagine a dystopian world in which zoonotic viruses are used to conceal problems resulting from vaxing people against highly survivable communicable diseases? Take a moment to consider a world where such injections are necessary for employment, education, and other social participation. It appears as though this dystopian reality has quickly become the world we live in. New evidence makes it appear as though monkeypox is a cover-up for immune deficiency syndrome resulting from the jab. If the evidence proves accurate, the histrionics concerning monkeypox are unjustified as this isn’t the first monkeypox virus to spread across first-world nations. Rather, it appears as though we are viewing a cover-up of damage inflicted on the immune systems of those who were provided with the coronavirus vax. This damage may be extensive to the point that it resembles Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
by Patrick Tims
In Simulation Of How Water Freezes, Artificial Intelligence Breaks The Ice
A team based at Princeton University has accurately simulated the initial steps of ice formation by applying artificial intelligence (AI) to solving equations that govern the quantum behavior of individual atoms and molecules. The resulting simulation describes how water molecules transition into solid ice with quantum accuracy. This level of accuracy, once thought unreachable due to the amount of computing power it would require, became possible when the researchers incorporated deep neural networks, a form of artificial intelligence, into their methods. The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
by Princeton University
Brazil: When Police Don’t Do Their Job, People Will (1:41)
Brazil: When Police Don’t Do Their Job, People Will (1:41)
There Is No Food Crisis – If Only We Stopped Burning It As ‘Green’ Biofuel
We’ve all been bombarded daily with horror stories about how food prices are being forced up and hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest risk starvation because the Russian invasion of Ukraine has prevented exports of grain and sunflower oil. Well, let me give you some figures our politicians and the mainstream media don’t want to mention. They don’t mention these figures because these figures undermine the disastrous global-warming, climate-catastrophist, Net-Zero policies being forced on us by our rulers.
The U.S. produces abut 384 million metric tonnes of corn each year and around 50 million tonnes of wheat. Ukraine produces about 38 million tonnes of corn each year and around 33 million tonnes of wheat. Around 20 million tonnes of Ukraine’s wheat is exported each year. Conclusion 1: The U.S. produces an awful lot more food than Ukraine. But let’s look at how all the USA’s corn and wheat is actually used. Over a third of the USA’s corn – that’s more than 128 million tonnes of the USA’s corn production – is used to make biofuels rather than being used for human consumption.
It’s more difficult to find out how much of the U.S.’s 38 million tonnes of wheat is used for biofuels, but it may be as much as a quarter. However, we do know that in the European Union, 12 million tonnes of grain, including wheat and maize, is turned into ethanol – around 7% of the bloc’s production. It’s estimated that this is enough food to feed around 150 million people if it wasn’t being used for transport fuel.
by David Craig
Pfizer Spends $5.4 Billion Cash To Purchase Company That Specializes In Treatment Of Blood Disorders
Thinking about it, this certainly does appear to be a purchase based on self-interest. The company that manufactured a product, potentially creating long-term issues with blood disorders (ie clotting), now purchases the company that specializes in the treatment of blood disorders. Am I the only one that sees this as sketchy? August 8 (Reuters) – Pfizer Inc on Monday agreed to pay $5.4 billion in cash for Global Blood Therapeutics (GBT.O), as it looks to capitalize on a surge in revenue from its COVID-19 vaccine and treatment.
Pfizer will pay $68.50 per GBT share, which represents a 7.3% premium to its Friday closing price. The deal is at a more than 40% premium where GBT was trading before the Wall Street Journal reported that Pfizer was in advanced talks to buy it on Thursday.
Pfizer’s 2021 revenue of $81.3 billion was nearly double the mark from the previous year, due to COVID-19 vaccine sales. With the addition of its COVID-19 antiviral pill Paxlovid, Pfizer is expected to generate around $100 billion in revenue this year, but sales from both products are expected to decline going forward.
Pfizer has been on the lookout for acquisitions that could bring in billions in annual sales by the end of the decade.
by Sundance
Chemical Imbalance Not A Major Cause Of Depression, Studies Find
A new study published recently in the Journal of Molecular Psychiatry questions the hypothesis that serotonin inhibition is the cause of most depression disorders. About 21 million Americans are affected by major depressive disorder with one in six Americans taking antidepressant medication.1 2 3
The serotonin theory of depression came about in the 1950’s when researchers found that the drug, iproniazid, which was used for the treatment of tuberculosis, helped alleviate depressive symptoms in patients.4 Iproniazid inhibits the monoamine oxidase enzyme (MAOI), which recycles the monoamine neurotransmitters, serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.5 This discovery led to the theory that depressed individuals have lower levels of monoamine neurotransmitters.
In 1965, psychiatrist Joseph Schildkraut, MD suggested that low levels of norepinephrine was the catalyst behind depression. Researchers then changed the focus to another neurotransmitter, serotonin, as the cause of depression.6
by Carolyn Hendler, JD
The Hidden Truth About The War In Ukraine
The cultural and historical elements that determine the relations between Russia and Ukraine are important. The two countries have a long, rich, diverse, and eventful history together.
This would be essential if the crisis we are experiencing today were rooted in history. However, it is a product of the present. The war we see today does not come from our great-grandparents, our grandparents or even our parents. It comes from us. We created this crisis. We created every piece and every mechanism. We have only exploited existing dynamics and exploited Ukraine to satisfy an old dream: to try to bring down Russia. Chrystia Freeland’s, Antony Blinken’s, Victoria Nuland’s and Olaf Scholz’s grandfathers had that dream; we realized it.
The way we understand crises determines the way we solve them. Cheating with the facts leads to disaster. This is what is happening in Ukraine. In this case the number of issues is so enormous that we will not be able to discuss them here. Let me just focus on some of them.
by Jacques Baud
Trump, Mar-A-Lago Raid. CBS Weapons Story Retracted. 3D Elensky, Ban Russians Everywhere. (43:03)
by Alex Christoforou
Nation Wishes There Were Some Word To Describe Adults Who Isolate And Condition Children For Sexual Activity
U.S. — With the growing prevalence of teachers isolating and conditioning children for sexual activity, the nation is wishing there was some word they could use to describe people who isolate and condition children for sexual activity.
“I just wish there was a more succinct way to put it,” said one Dad whose two daughters were recently transitioned to boys by their teachers without his knowledge. “What do you call it when someone isolates a child from her parents in order to have inappropriate and secret sexual conversations for the purpose of desensitizing them to sexual activity so they can be easily exploited by predators and gender theory extremists? Is there a word for that?
“Gee, I dunno. Loomer? Boomer? No, that’s already taken.”
by BabylonBee.com
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars
It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e., the engineering of social automation systems (silent weapons) on a national or worldwide scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e., slavery and genocide.
This manual is in itself an analog declaration of intent. Such a writing must be secured from public scrutiny. Otherwise, it might be recognized as a technically formal declaration of domestic war. Furthermore, whenever any person or group of persons in a position of great power and without full knowledge and consent of the public, uses such knowledge and methodologies for economic conquest – it must be understood that a state of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the public.
The solution of today’s problems requires an approach which is ruthlessly candid, with no agonizing over religious, moral or cultural values.
You have qualified for this project because of your ability to look at human society with cold objectivity, and yet analyze and discuss your observations and conclusions with others of similar intellectual capacity without the loss of discretion or humility. Such virtues are exercised in your own best interest. Do not deviate from them.
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Essential T-Shirt
Truth is called a conspiracy theory and lies are called truth.
This is the kind of world we are now living in.
Look up a document called “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” and you will understand what is happening today.
Designed and sold by EyeMagined
it is a privilege to care about inflation!
you all have no idea how lucky you are!
you think you’ve seen “peak out of touch.” but you haven’t. there is always more. always. i see we have reached the “rich black women accusing people who can no longer afford to make ends meet of white privilege” stage of ideological implosion. because, as we all know, anyone who complains about the mess we made and the ruin in which we have left their lives and livelihoods is a white supremacist, a fascist, and probably a terrorist. this is an entirely hallucinatory landscape. there is no terrain, just map. perhaps there never was. and the current evolution of doubling down is making it entirely clear.
by el gato malo
Part 2: The Steve Kirsch Debate On The Existence Of The Virus
Doing revolutionary science
I’m moving on from Part 1 into a completely different area. There is lab work in the sciences that crucially affects populations. Two examples: virologists claiming they’ve isolated SARS-CoV-2; and researchers deciding they’ve found a way to adapt RNA technology to produce a COVID vaccine. In the first case, the purported discovery of SARS-CoV-2 enabled the launch of the global pandemic announcement, which eventually led to the lockdowns and the crashing of economies. In the second case, the RNA-vaccine “breakthrough” led to the vaccination of billions of people, and massive numbers of injuries and deaths. These are crucial effects, to say the least. And yet, those on the outside, who have no access to these labs AS THE WORK IS BEING DONE, those who are independent scientists and analysts and can only read the studies once they are published——This is an unconscionable situation, when you stop and think about it. The whole world is changed by the research, but we can’t watch it IN PROGRESS.
by Jon Rappoport
The German Pioneer Who Turned The South American Jungle Into A Cosmopolitan City
From being an important personality in Europe from 1910 to 1914, Adolfo Julio Schwelm embarked on the dream of founding a city in South America. Calling his city Eldorado, he publicised the exotic nirvana in Europe and invited hard-working immigrants who shared his vision to come and populate his blossoming city. He even coaxed the nobility and important personalities to visit him in his colony. Schwelm not only sought economic growth for the city and its inhabitants but also fought for the establishment of cultural order, sponsoring schools, sports clubs, promotion societies, churches and indeed the entire infrastructure, making Eldorado one of the most promising cities of the time.
by Michael Walsh
Dearer Still Is Truth
How many people have been denied the truth because mainstream media journalists at the BBC, Sky, the Guardian, the Mail, the Telegraph, the FT, the Mirror, the radio stations, the rest of the TV stations and the rest of the newspapers have deliberately, cold bloodedly suppressed the truth, spread the government’s lies and demonised the truth tellers?
The inevitable Devi Sridhar wrote an article for The Guardian claiming that covid had killed 200,000 people in Britain. With garbage like that masquerading as evidence what hope is there? If she’d written that 200,000,000 people had died of covid in the UK would the Guardian have printed that? I suspect so. It was a much better paper when they just specialised in misprints. Maybe no one at The Guardian has worked out the difference between ‘of’ and ‘with’ – a difference I’ve been screaming about since the start of this fraud. I’d write an article for them correcting the figures but it would be a waste of time. Newspapers are terrified of truths these days. The truth, of course, is that the official figures show that covid killed no more people than an ordinary annual flu – a fact which didn’t surprise me much since I’ve been describing covid-19 as the rebranded flu for two and a half years now.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Judge Who Signed Off On Trump FBI Raid Revealed … Too ‘Unbelievable’ Even For A ‘Movie Script’
The unprecedented FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Florida home reeked of corruption from the get-go and any case to the contrary seems highly unlikely after it was revealed that the judge who reportedly signed the search warrant has an unsavory connection to none other than Jeffrey Epstein. To many, the raid heard ’round the world signaled a dark escalation in the culture war heating up the cold tensions permeating American society. The stigmatizing polarization exacerbated by corporate media has fueled the compulsions of progressives to further their agenda at any cost and, in this case, that meant seeking the aid of Florida federal Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart who, at best, has a checkered past. Miranda Devine of the New York Post reported her findings Tuesday morning when she identified the most recent search warrant approved from the Southern District of Florida had been signed and sealed by Reinhart on Friday.
by Kevin Haggerty
August 8, 2022
“Treat people as if they were what they should be,
and you help them become what they are capable of becoming.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Kiev ‘Taking The Whole Of Europe Hostage’ By Striking Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, Moscow Says
The Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant has been under the control of Russian forces since March, with Ukrainian troops repeatedly attacking it using drones and artillery. The Russian Defense Ministry has characterized Kiev’s actions as nothing short of “nuclear terrorism.” The Ukrainian military’s ongoing campaign of attacks on the Zaporozhye NPP not only threatens the lives of Ukrainians and Russians, but of all Europeans, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said.
“Using various lines of communication and at various levels, the Russian side has long been calling on the international community to condemn the incessant strikes which the Kiev regime has been inflicting on the Zaporozhye NPP, including attacks using increasingly destructive weapons systems. The station came under fire again on August 5-6, and a major disaster was averted thanks only to the skillful and prompt actions of the NPP’s employees, as well as the Russian forces providing comprehensive protection to the facility,” Zakharova said in a statement published by the Foreign Ministry’s website on Monday.
by Ilya Tsukanov
The Masque Of Pandora
What happens when people awake to the deceit of Totalitarian-Lite posing as liberty and individualism (let alone democracy)?
Well, this piece is from the leading Establishment journal from the Deep-State-linked, Anglosphere, the Daily Telegraph: “This is the summer before the storm. Make no mistake, with energy prices set to rise to unprecedented highs, we are approaching one of the biggest geopolitical earthquake in decades. The ensuing convulsions are likely to be of a far greater order of magnitude than those that followed the 2008 financial crash, which sparked protests culminating in the Occupy Movement and the Arab Spring … “Carnage has already arrived in the developing world, with power outages from Cuba to South Africa. Sri Lanka is just one of a cascade of low-income countries where leaders face being driven out of power in an ignominious blaze of petrol droughts and loan defaults.
“But the West is not going to escape this Armageddon. In fact, in many ways, it looks set to be its epicentre – and Britain, its Ground Zero. In Europe and America, a technocratic élite system built on mythology and complacency is crumbling. Its founding fable – which prophesied the nation states’ glorious enmeshment in world government and supply chains – has metastasised into a parable of the perils of globalisation. “This time, élites cannot shirk responsibility for the consequences of their fatal errors … Put simply, the emperor has no clothes: The Establishment simply has no message for voters in the face of hardship. The only vision for the future it can conjure up is Net Zero – a dystopian agenda that takes the sacrificial politics of austerity and financialisation of the world economy to new heights. But it is a perfectly logical programme for an élite that has become unhinged from the real world”.
by Alastair Crooke
Pfizer Documents And Official Real-World Data Prove The Covid Vaccines Are Already Causing Mass Depopulation
Covid-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation. This is an extremely bold claim to make. But unfortunately, this bold claim is backed up by a mountain of evidence contained in the confidential Pfizer documents and official Government data from around the world. The world is at a crossroads, and the elite has two choices. They sustain millions or even billions of people with financial support and help to ensure they survive and live quality lives. Or, they set about to depopulate the world. Unfortunately, evidence suggests they chose the depopulation route a while ago, and their plan to do so is already in motion. Here is that sinister and alarming evidence.
by The Exposé
ACH (1869) Michael Gaddy And Daryl Wayne – Addicted To Our Own Destruction #1 – Do The First And Second Amendments Actually Exist? (Audio 53:57)
In today’s show originally broadcast on August 5, 2022, Andy presents the ACH inaugural episode of “Addicted To Our Own Destruction” with his co-hosts Michael Gaddy and Daryl Wayne for a show entitled, “Do The First And Second Amendments Actually Exist?”
We discussed: why the Bill Of Rights is not protected from the interference of the judicial branch of the government; the interesting caveats to the Second Amendment; how any restrictions to our free speech inevitably allow the camel to get its nose under the tent until invariably the whole camel ends up in there; how governments are only happy for you to exercise free speech so long as it does not threaten their agenda; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
US To Send Ukraine $5.5 Billion In New Budgetary, Military Aid
The budgetary aid is meant to pay for pensions, healthcare, and other government services in Ukraine
The US announced on Monday new massive aid packages for Ukraine, including $4.5 billion in direct budgetary aid and a $1 billion weapons package. The $4.5 billion in budgetary aid is going to the Ukrainian government and is meant to pay for pensions, healthcare costs, and social welfare. The budgetary funds are being directed by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and will be sent in tranches, with the first sum of $3 billion being sent in August through the World Bank. According to USAID, the new assistance will bring the total direct budgetary aid sent to the Ukrainian government by the US since Russia invaded to $8.5 billion. The massive amount of direct aid for the Ukrainian government comes despite Western concerns about corruption in Kyiv, which was previously used to argue against Ukraine joining NATO and the EU.
by Dave DeCamp
‘Our People Are Not Cattle’: President Of Costa Rica Abolishes Covid Vaccine Mandate
‘Costa Rica’s people are not cattle that you beat with a piece of wood and force to get vaccinated,’ newly elected president Rodrigo Chaves declared.
Costa Rica’s recently elected president abolished the country’s COVID “vaccine” mandate on Wednesday. “As of today, the vaccines are not mandatory,” President Rodrigo Chaves Robles announced during an August 3 press conference. “And therefore any action taken against anyone who does not want to be vaccinated is an action that is against the law.” Recently elected Costa Rica president, Rodrigo Robles, rescinds the vaccine mandate. Makes it illegal to force anyone. pic.twitter.com/mFoEXh1PxD — Dan Whipple (@DanWhipple_) August 7, 2022. Chaves, who was elected in April 2022, shared that although he himself has been jabbed, and he encourages others to consider “vaccination” as well, his position is “fundamentally that people have freedom of choice. “But, if you don’t want to, as I said during my campaign: Costa Rica’s people are not cattle that you beat with a piece of wood and force to get vaccinated,” Chaves declared during the press conference.
by Emily Mangiaracina
PLA Extends ‘Taiwan Encirclement’ Exercises With Anti-Submarine Warfare, Showcases Unrivaled Area Denial Capability; ‘Drills Will Not Stop Until Reunification’
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on Monday continued military exercises and training activities surrounding the island of Taiwan, marking an extension from the previously announced schedule. Drills like these will not stop and are expected to become routine until reunification, as the Chinese mainland shows its determination to push forward the reunification process after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s provocative visit to the island last week that seriously violated China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, experts said.
The drills not only lock the island from inside out, but also from the outside in, telling external forces that the PLA has powerful area denial capabilities in the region that even the US cannot rival, analysts said. The PLA Eastern Theater Command continued realistic combat-oriented joint exercises in sea and air space around the island of Taiwan on Monday, focusing on joint anti-submarine warfare and sea assault operations, the PLA Eastern Theater Command said in a statement.
by Liu Xuanzun
When Will Foreign Leaders Start Asking To Speak To America’s REAL Government? (Text and Video)
During the furor over Nancy Pelosi’s incendiary Taiwan visit last week, I was watching an appearance by Antiwar’s Dave DeCamp on the show Rising which brought up the under-discussed point that US officials going to Taipei is actually a continuation of a trend that had already been happening under the Trump administration. DeCamp pointed out that China began regularly flying planes into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone after Trump administration officials made similar visits to Pelosi’s.
“That started happening regularly after August 2020 when President Trump sent Alex Azar to Taiwan,” DeCamp said. “He was his health secretary. He was the highest-level cabinet official to visit Taiwan since 1979. The following month, in September 2020, they sent Keith Krach. He was the undersecretary for economics in the State Department, and he was the highest-level State Department official to visit Taiwan since 1979. So these are unprecedented steps, and since then we’ve seen more Chinese military activity in the region.”
by Caitlin Johnstone
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis August 8, 2022 (20:46)
by Military Summary
Here Are The Winners And Losers In The ‘Inflation Reduction Act’
As Democrats pat themselves on the back after the Senate finally passed their massive tax, climate, and healthcare bill – the “Inflation Reduction Act” which Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called “one of the most significant pieces of legislation passed in a decade,” Bloomberg has compiled a list of winners and losers. Not only did none of the billions in tax increases Democrats threatened high-earners with last year make it into the final version of the bill, their plans to ‘tax the 1%’ turned out to be nothing more than a big virtue signal. As we noted on Friday, the landmark bill only passed after AZ Sen. Kyrsten Sinema insisted on keeping the carried-interest loophole that allows investment managers (like her former bosses) to shield the majority of their income from higher taxes.
by Tyler Durden
The West Is Silent As Ukraine Targets Civilians In Donetsk Using Banned ‘Butterfly’ Mines
The use of PFM-1 explosives against civilians is prohibited by the Geneva Conventions – but this evidently isn’t stopping Ukraine
On Saturday, July 30, just after 9pm, thunderous explosions rocked central Donetsk. Shortly after, there were announcements that air defense had shot down Ukrainian-fired missiles containing ‘butterfly’ (or ‘petal’) mines. Given that over 300 of these explosives are packed into each of the Ukrainian-fired rockets, central Donetsk could literally become a minefield if they successfully landed.
Social media and Telegram warnings urged residents to stay inside and wait for Emergency Services to clear the streets and sidewalks – which they began doing during the night. But come daylight, untold numbers of these tiny devices still remained. More warnings were issued to stay at home – better to be late for work than lose a leg. Residents that absolutely have to go out are advised to keep their eyes down to watch where they step, avoid grassy areas, and walk extremely carefully.
by Eva Bartlett
The State Of Homelessness In The US – 2022
No person should be homeless if you have public structures and public policies that allow people to have homes, food, and lead a dignified life in the US. Unfortunately, homelessness statistics reveal that there is still a lot of work to be done. At the moment, there is a lot of talk about the social and geographic disparity, the leading causes of homelessness, the current trends, and the homeless assistance that is available in North America. However, before we can do any of this, it’s extremely helpful to know the exact scope of homelessness in the US.
by Smiljanic Stasha
Biden Administration Calls For Censorship On Energy
This is shocking, or would be in a sane world: Gina McCarthy, the Biden administration’s National Climate Advisor, is openly calling on tech companies like Facebook and Twitter to censor any dissent from the administration’s “green” fantasies. McCarthy says the tech companies “have to stop allowing” people to disagree with Biden. No doubt the people she wants to censor include Steve Hayward and me, among many others: Biden’s National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy says Big Tech should censor people who criticize Biden’s “green” energy agenda. pic.twitter.com/wEMWWpTp60 — Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) June 14, 2022. In my opinion, Gina McCarthy and the Biden administration disseminate misinformation on climate and energy 24/7. But I think they should be “allowed” to do so. Truth will win out, but only if it is not censored.
by John Hinderaker
Democrats Staging An Illegal Federal Takeover Of Elections
In June 2021, Democrats attempted the so-called “For The People Act” which, among other things, would eliminate most states’ Voter ID laws. The legislation failed in the Senate, presumably in part due to conflicts with existing laws regarding voting. After the attempted legislation failed, Vice President Kamala Harris revealed the Democrats’ fallback strategy. Since the legislation hadn’t worked, the Biden Administration was resorting to executive orders.
“And then it is a matter of continuing to do the work of executive orders, doing the work through the Department of Justice, which has been litigating these cases in the various states,” Harris told CBS News, “because we believe they are a violation of the spirit of the Constitution of the United States.” The order essentially accomplishes through executive action what could not be accomplished through lawful legislative means, due to legal conflicts.
by Liza Carlisle
Sgt. Pilfer’s Broken Hearts Club Band
We hope you have enjoyed the show. We’re sorry but it’s time to go.
Is humanity waking up yet?
The alarm clocks are firing off unpleasant noises everywhere and they’re being summarily dismissed as “disinformation” by those triggering them. That loud digital beeping noise doesn’t stop, that blaring throbbing obnoxious one that nobody ever selects on their phones because they’d prefer a wake-up experience that didn’t sound like the warning of an imminent nuclear holocaust to start their day.
But these civilizational alarms can’t be selected or shut off. Only the snooze button gets pressed by a snoozing population, awaiting the next alarms. The mechanistic droning sounds grind into the frequencies of the natural order, screaming that all is not well. The already wakened vigorously shake the comatose, still trapped in the matrix.
The digital honking gets triggered every time a report of sudden death or new case of child maiming leaks past the official censors, and a big pharma executive gets his wings, along with a new Boston brownstone and Porsche Panamera with forward collision warning and lane-keeping assist to make sure his children are never maimed.
by Good Citizen
Russia Storming Key Town Of Bakhmut. Zelensky Admits Suffering Heavy Losses. FT, Turkey Realigning (37:00)
by Alexander Mercouris
Hidden Goals Behind Israel’s Latest Gaza Assault
Israeli regime’s unprovoked aggression in the besieged Gaza Strip since Friday has claimed many innocent lives, including children. The blitzkrieg, firstly, is a direct message to Lebanon, that it is not interested in declaring war over the maritime borders, thereby conceding to Line 23 and Qana field that Lebanon demands full sovereignty over. Secondly, the Zionist regime seeks to test the waters through this confrontation. The limited scope of the confrontation between the Tel Aviv regime and the Palestinian resistance group Islamic Jihad (PIJ) implies that the aggression is not aimed at weakening the resistance, but to measure its reactions on different levels and sending underlying messages in the process.
The Zionist regime looks at the Palestinian resistance as an easy target within the resistance axis and has therefore sought calculated confrontation with it. Through its fresh assault on Gaza, the regime is interested in examining the extent of unification of the regional resistance factions in decision making, logistical support, readiness to get involved if the battle escalates, willingness to expand the war, their stock of weapons, capabilities, and capacities to resist the aggressors.
by Batool Subeiti
Why The Gulf States’ Sco Membership Is A Big Deal
Washington has backtracked from the dissimulation by the US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan that Washington had intelligence suggesting Iran was preparing to provide Russia with “several hundred” drones to use in Ukraine, with training sessions set to begin in July. On July 26, NSC spokesman John Kirby, clarified his boss’ remark by admitting to Al Arabiya, “We’ve seen no indications of any sort of actual delivery and/or purchase of Iranian drones by the Russian Ministry of Defence.” Interestingly, Al Arabiya buttonholed Kirby at all. For, Sullivan’s fake news (probably based on Israeli disinformation) came at his special briefing on President Biden’s visit to Jeddah. Al Arabiya’s dogged downstream pursuit of the “fake news” suggests that Riyadh knew Sullivan making a crude attempt to to hustle the Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in directions that would have made Biden’s trip a roaring success.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Russia Announces Elimination Of Opposition Fighters Trained By US Special Forces In Syria
The Russian Defence Ministry announced on Friday that its air forces had “eliminated” a group of opposition fighters trained by the US in Syria on 4 August. The ministry’s statement read: “On 4 August, after the routine reconnaissance operations, Russian fighters eliminated a group of militants from the Martyrs Brigade terrorist group, which was hiding in equipped shelters in the desert. This group of militants is based in the eastern region of Tanf, and its members are being supplied and trained by trainers from the US Army Special Forces.” The ministry noted that these militants had committed terrorist acts and killed civilians in the Badia area. Moscow has helped its ally, Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, to turn the tide of the civil war that has lasted over a decade in his favour to confront rebels, some of whom are backed by the US or Turkiye.
Russia Offers Monthly Donation Of 40,000 Tons Of Wheat For Lebanon
Lebanon has been dealing with bread shortages over recent months, in the latest dilemma to hit the crisis-hit nation
The Russian Ambassador to Lebanon, Alexander Rudakov, has reportedly obtained initial approval from Moscow to provide Lebanon with a donation of 40,000 tons of wheat per month until the end of the year. This deal could be extended past December to help the Levantine nation overcome a worsening food crisis, according to information obtained by Al-Akhbar. Russia’s offer comes just days after Beirut cleared the Syrian-owned Laodicea vessel to depart the port of Tripoli, despite protests from the Ukrainian embassy, which claimed the ship was carrying “stolen grain.” However, customs officials revealed to The Cradle that the ship’s grain cargo originated in Russia.
by News Desk
Top 10 “Aliases” For Vaxx-Induced Injuries Blamed On Covid
Whenever anyone experiences an adverse reaction to the Covid jabs, they’re told it’s anything other than the Covid jabs. Here are some of the “mysterious” health issues popping up lately.
Editor’s Note: The push for The Great Reset requires the masses to suspend disbelief in dangers from the Covid-19 “vaccines” as well as any future mRNA jabs for as long as possible. The unhinged push to inject people with a drug that clearly doesn’t do what was promised but causes tremendous and common adverse reactions instead is all by design.
They are gaslighting. They are suppressing the truth. They are doing everything they can to cancel those who report on such things… including us. Please consider signing up for a free subscription to our End Medical Tyranny Substack so we can keep the news going out to you even if this site gets hit. We will keep it free forever; this information is far too important to put behind a paywall. Those who wish to donate to help us fight the massive cancel culture targeting us can go through GiveSendGo or Giving Fuel. Thank you, and keep fighting the good fight. Here’s S.D. Wells…
by JD Rucker
More Nightmare Shortages Are Coming Thanks To This Emerging Conspiracy
Krugman is perhaps the worst and most arrogant economist/propagandist in the US, and though he belatedly acknowledged the inflation and supply chain threat after arguing for the past two years that it was “transitory,” he now claims that the traditionally accepted indicators of recession “don’t matter” anymore and that there is no downturn. How many times can this guy be proven ignorant and still keep his job? It’s this kind of disinformation that keeps the public in the dark on what is about to happen. Maybe it’s because of stupidity and ego, or maybe it’s a deliberate attempt to keep the population docile (I say it is deliberate), but in either case the American people are being put in great danger when it comes to the false narrative on inflation and the supply chain. The longer they are led to believe the disaster will simply go away on its own, the less time they have to prepare. The bottom line is this: Things are only going to get worse from here on. Maybe slowly, or maybe quickly depending on a handful of factors.
by Brandon Smith
Baal Worship Was Blatant And In Your Face At The Commonwealth 2022 Opening Ceremony
1st Kings 18:26 “And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made.” Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” As with other Satanic opening ceremonies around the world, this one was no different. It was a Mass Satanic/Witchcraft Ritual that thousands participated in, watched with GLEE, ignorant of what they were taking part in and watching! Romans 11:8 “According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear; unto this day.” Granted, MOST of the people participating and watching are NOT God’s People/Children! Both will parish because of a lack of Biblical understanding and knowledge! Instead of rejecting evil, most embrace it!
by Jon Watkins
Cui Bono, Zaporozhye Nuclear Plant. CBS News Weapons Report. Blinken Visits Africa. (43:55)
by Alex Christoforou
Defeatism, Not Censorship Is The Problem Affecting White Survival In An Increasingly Anti-White World
If a street vendor finds 20,000 – 30,000 passers-by have picked up a newspaper but only six have dropped something in the ‘Honesty Box’ the newspapers won’t be there for very long. One assumes that the deflated news vendor has gone off to try his luck elsewhere. Rather than spend futile hours each day researching taboo news stories, publishing and promoting them, Michael Walsh has returned to book editing (see link) which pays better. I am very much reminded of a true story that told of the apathy of a small sleepy American community. Such was the concern that the town elders called an assembly to discuss ‘apathy in the community.’ The event was cancelled when no one turned up.
by Michael Walsh
How Jewish Is Hollywood?
… The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews … As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood. Without us, you’d be flipping between “The 700 Club” and “Davey and Goliath” on TV all day … I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.
by Joel Stein
Bank Executive Pushes Personal Carbon Wallets That Allocate “Emission Rights” To Citizens
She said the system would allow wealthy people to buy carbon emission rights from those who can’t afford to fly.
A senior executive at the multinational banking and financial services company Rabobank has called for personalized carbon wallets that give individual citizens “emission rights” and allow wealthier citizens to buy emission rights from those who can’t afford to fly.
Barbara Baarsma, who is the CEO of Rabo Carbon Bank, a division of Rabobank that allows its customers to buy and sell CO2 credits, announced her proposal for personalized carbon wallets during an appearance on the Dutch radio station BNR Newsradio.
“What if we now have all the remaining rights we still have when it comes to the emission of CO2 equivalents, greenhouse gases?” Baarsma said. “If we just let everyone start the Netherlands distributing emission rights and that every household or every citizen and amount get emission rights until we have money.”
by Tom Parker
Vaccines Have Never Been Safe Or Effective
One of the many unfortunate side effects of the attention which has been given to the covid-19 jabs is the fact that more traditional vaccinations (including the dozens routinely given to children) have been forgotten and are now largely administered without protest, controversy or a second thought.
There was always a danger that the justifiable outrage and fear engendered by the covid-19 jabs would push the wider issue of traditional vaccination into the background. The experimental and notably toxic covid-19 jabs have understandably and rightly captured the attention of those who aren’t prepared to accept the lies, the deceits and the manipulations at face value.
But it is important that we don’t forget the ever-growing hailstorm of vaccinations, aimed particularly at children, which have seemingly become an integral part of our relationship with health care in general and doctors in particular.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Hryvnia – Ruble USD Parity And Shifting Military Assets To Plug Up Holes (18:37)
by The Duran
Journalists Hijacking Planes For Performing Bears
Recent revelations that MI5 outlet Bellingcat was involved in a Keystone Cops plot to hijack Russian planes should give their primary targets pause for thought regarding MI5’s Ukrainian machinations. Although fighter pilots have defected from other theaters in the past, this twist in a hoary old Hollywood plot is important because given that the players, clowns like Zelensky and Bellingcat, are so innately stupid, we must examine why MI5 employs such cretins. It is certainly not for their sharp intellects. Eliot Higgins, Bellingcat’s boss, was an unemployable lingerie salesman before MI5 picked him out of the chorus line and Zelensky earned his crust by dancing like a performing bear whilst fully naked. Heaven knows what his inlaws must think of that song, dance and penis man or why they let their daughter cavort with him but their pecuniary motivations are questions for a different day. MI5 recruited these cretins not for their intellectual sagacity but for their sheer stupidity, just as one chooses a puppy for its unthinking devotion and its docility around children. Under this scenario, MI5 have nothing to fear, no untoward surprises from a Zelensky or a Bellingcat. Just write out the lines (repeat the line), point them in the right direction and, pooping with the Pope excepted, you’re all set.
by Declan Hayes
August 6, 2022
“It could happen tonight.
It could happen right now.
We are closer now to nuclear annihilation than ever,
even closer than we were during the Cold War.”
Dr. Helen Caldicott

Nuclear Power And Weapons Archive With 97 Posts
US May Use Ukraine Crisis As Pretext To Deploy Nuclear Weapons In Space, Moscow Warns
Russia and China proposed an international treaty aimed at preventing the militarization of outer space in 2008. Washington dismissed the idea as a “diplomatic ploy” which would allow Moscow and Beijing to get the upper hand on the US militarily, effectively killing the proposal. The United States could use the security crisis in Ukraine as a pretext to deploy weapons, including nuclear weapons, in space, Andrei Belousov, Russia’s deputy representative to the United Nations, has said.
“It is impossible to directly link the risks of the deployment of weapons in space to the [Russian] special military operation on the territory of Ukraine. There is no such direct link. However, the fact remains that the United States and its allies will use the Ukrainian playing card as an additional argument in favor of implementing their military plans not only on land, at sea and in the air, but also in space. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the special military operation will be used as a pretext for the faster practical implementation of these plans,” the diplomat said, speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the Tenth Review Conference of the Parties of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons on Friday.
Belousov suggested that Washington’s refusal to discuss a legally binding means to prevent an arms race in outer space over the past decade-and-a-half “speaks for itself.”
by Ilya Tsukanov
Israeli Airstrike Kills 5-Year-Old Palestinian Girl In Gaza
An Israeli airstrike killed 5-year-old Alaa Abdullah Riyad Qaddoum in Gaza City on August 5. (Photo: Courtesy of the Qaddoum family)
An Israeli airstrike killed a 5-year-old Palestinian girl in Gaza City today as the Israeli military announced a new military offensive on the Gaza Strip. Alaa Abdullah Riyad Qaddoum, 5, was killed around 4:30 p.m. on August 5 by an Israeli airstrike in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood of Gaza City, according to documentation collected by Defense for Children International – Palestine. The Israeli airstrike hit a group of people gathered outside Abu Samra mosque in the Wadi Al-Arayes area of Shuja’iyya neighborhood. Alaa’s six-year-old brother, Riyad, and father, Abdullah, were injured in the same attack. “Israeli forces routinely use explosive weapons in densely populated civilian areas with complete disregard for the indiscriminate effects,” said Ayed Abu Eqtaish, accountability program director at DCIP. “There is no safe space in the Gaza Strip for Palestinian children and their families and they increasingly bear the brunt of Israel’s repeated military offensives.”
by Defense for Children Palestine
ACH (1868) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Slavery Today And How We Can Oppose It (Audio 58:04)
In today’s show originally broadcast on August 4, 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Slavery Today And How We Can Oppose It.”
We discussed: how Great Britain led the charge in opposing and ending slavery; how the Royal Navy worked tirelessly to set slaves free thoughout the world; the massive resurgence in slavery that we are witnessing today, and how it is being manifested; how the South African authorities have enabled human-trafficking; the methods the sex-traffickers use to prey on Eastern European women; how over a million children are trafficked every year; the people in power who promise liberty but are slaves to corruption; the sterling work of William Wilberforce who as a staunch Chrisitan led the movement to abolish the slave trade; the Chinese goods eagerly imported by the West that are effectively produced by slave labor; how there is more slavery in Iraq today than there was prior to the American Invasion; how the countries with the lowest level of Christianity, appear to have the highest incidences of slavery; the slavery that is going on in Britain and America today; why we are all victims of debt slavery; how inflation works as a hidden tax; how the lockdowns were designed to demonstrate that we are slaves to the powers that should not be; when and why we suddenly started seeing fact checkers; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Fugitive Who Tried To Spark A US-China War
ISTANBUL – Guo Wengui, also known as Guo Haoyun, and by his English names Miles Kwok and Miles Guo, is a politically connected, self-proclaimed exiled Chinese billionaire who tried to start a U.S.-China war. On Feb. 15, the billionaire filed for Chapter 11, personal bankruptcy protection in US Bankruptcy Court in Bridgeport, CT, listing assets of just $3,850 and liabilities between $100 million and $500 million. Guo’s declaration came after a Hong Kong money manager, Pacific Alliance Group, sued him over unpaid debts. That certainly didn’t add up. Only three months after filing for bankruptcy, Guo had spent nearly $2 million on legal fees. Yet on May 11, he filed a waiver of personal bankruptcy with the court through his lawyer, stating he had no more funds to pay his legal fees. During the bankruptcy hearing, Guo claimed he owned no house, no car, and no credit cards. That certainly didn’t square up with the lavish lifestyle he flaunted on social media – replete with mansion, private jet and yacht. So is this story really about bankruptcy? Or a very elaborate ruse?
by Pepe Escobar
UN Declares War On ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories: ‘World Is Not Secretly Run By Elites’
UNESCO says it is seriously concerned about the increase in “disinformation” and “conspiracy theories”. And they plan to put an end to it through a network of informants.
“Conspiracy theories can be dangerous,” the UN agency warned. “Often they ignore scientific evidence and polarize society with dire consequences. This has to stop.” Unesco’s director-general warned that “conspiracy theories” could cause damage to people as well as to their health. “They reinforce misconceptions about the pandemic, reinforcing stereotypes that can fuel violence and violent, extremist ideologies,” said Audrey Azoulay. The UN agency has launched a campaign to help people identify, debunk and report “conspiracy theories” to prevent them from spreading further.
by FWM Staff
Gaza Is Still Under Attack While The World Is Watching (0:22)
Biden And Allies Continue To Put Iran In The Crosshairs
In addition to escalating brinkmanship with Russia and China, President Joe Biden’s administration is flirting with war against Iran. The clearest evidence of this includes the ever expanding “maximum pressure” sanctions campaign, as well as the development of a U.S.-led, NATO style alliance encircling Iran. There is also ample support for Israel’s incessant drone strikes, assassinations, and ceaseless bombings of allegedly Iranian targets in Syria. Last month, Biden traveled to the region to publicly genuflect before the rulers of America’s cherished Gulf tyrannies and apartheid Israel. The aforementioned burgeoning alliance topped his agenda.
In May, Tel Aviv’s U.S. taxpayer subsidized military murdered Shireen Abu Akleh, a world renowned Al Jazeera journalist, a Palestinian Christian, and American citizen. During a raid on the occupied West Bank’s Jenin refugee camp, the Israeli Occupation Forces shot her in the face while she was wearing a press vest. They also attacked her funeral procession, attempting to knock her casket to the ground while mourners were carrying it.
by Connor Freeman
US Is Willing To Sell Weapons To Turkey Only With Strings Attached
Turkish National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, while answering questions from Anadolu agency journalists, announced negotiations with the United States on the purchase of F-16s to be held on August 15. As the readers may recall, earlier Ankara requested from Washington 40 F-16 fighters of the Block-70 version and 80 modernization kits for the F-16 aircraft of previous modifications already in service with the Turkish Air Force. The desire to purchase additional F-16s was voiced by Ankara after Turkey was excluded from the American program for the production of fifth-generation F-35 fighters due to the rapprochement between Turkey and Russia. Washington has, for a number of years now, been putting on the back burner this issue of Turkey’s modernization of its Air Force by purchasing new models of American combat aircraft, under the pretext that five years ago Ankara acquired the Russian S-400 air defense system, instead of the American Patriot missile system, despite the United States’ imperative demands not to do so and the threat of sanctions. However, note that Turkey’s position on the procurement of the S-400 was not hasty and had a clear justification from Ankara.
by Vladimir Platov
Alex Jones Ordered To Pay $4.1 Million To Sandy Hook Parents – Jones Responds (Text and Video)
A Texas jury ordered Infowars founder Alex Jones to pay $4.1 million to Sandy Hook in damages in the Sandy Hook defamation trial. Alex Jones called the defamation suit an attack on his First Amendment rights. The parents had sought at least $150 million in compensation for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Jones’ attorney asked the jury to limit damages to $8 — one dollar for each of the compensation charges they considered — and Jones himself said any award over $2 million “would sink us.” It likely won’t be the last judgment against Jones — who was not in the courtroom — over his claims that the attack was staged in the interests of increasing gun controls. A Connecticut judge has ruled against him in a similar lawsuit brought by other victims’ families and an FBI agent who worked on the case. He also faces another trial in Austin.
by Cristina Laila
Brittney Griner Rewarded With 9 Years Of Not Hearing The U.S. National Anthem
MOSCOW — WNBA star Brittney Griner has been found guilty of drug trafficking charges in Russia. The judge has sentenced Griner to 9 years in a Russian penal colony where she will never have to hear America’s national anthem being played. “I’m thrilled with this ruling,” said Griner to reporters. “For 9 years I will be free from the systemic racism of America and will never have to hear that awful national anthem being played. I look forward to living out the next decade far away in beautiful Russia.” Sources close to Griner say she is also thrilled that she got the exact same sentence a man would have gotten for the exact same crime. “In Russia, they really seem to care about closing the sentencing gap between men and women,” she said.
by BabylonBee.com
Father Of Child With Myocarditis Records Pharmacist Admit Parents’ Aren’t Warned About Side Effects (7:53)
A recording of a phone call between an irate father and a pharmacist who injected his 7-year-old son with a COVID-19 vaccine after his wife brought him to the pharmacy behind his back, and is now allegedly in the hospital due to myocarditis, has been circulating in the alternative media today. The father and his family apparently live in New Zealand, while his work originates in New York, and what is remarkable about the call is that the father asks the pharmacist if parents are warned about the risks to myocarditis and heart disease before giving the COVID-19 shots to children, and the pharmacist replies: “We might scare the parents, and they don’t want to get their child vaccinated.”
by HealthImpactNews
The First Cracks In The Biden-Zelensky Relationship Appear. But Why Now?
Has Biden figured that the way to divert opprobrium from the US media is to get out of the war in Ukraine and look at a second phase later on? You might have easily missed it. The reference, for the first time by the left-wing press in the US which supports Biden, that corruption exists and is a real problem in the administration of President Zelensky in Ukraine. The article, penned by the Washington Post’s top foreign affairs correspondent and award-winning journalist Thomas L Friedman, was really about hinting that relations between the Biden camp and Zelensky’s was hardly one on firm ground. Perhaps it never was. But for the moment, this narrative is being fed into the system – via Friedman – is that relations are not quite what they are perceived to be by most western media. The timing is interesting as I have long argued that the US is looking for a way to distance itself from Zelensky and may well be considering how to remove him (even by assassination which could be blamed on the Russians). Is the Biden camp preparing the ground for such a move with this article?
by Martin Jay
Mrs. Fauci On The Ethics Of Encouraging Employees To Get Vaccinated
If you add Ethics in the title then it must be ethical
Should employers encourage their employees to get the COVID-19 vaccination? Of course not, they pay their employees to do a job, not lecture them on their life choices. However, some people think employers should be encouraging vaccination. If so, is it ethical? To me the answer is no it is not, but a paper from March of this year looked at this issue. Whilst this is four months or so old, it shows the mindset of the authors which I very much doubt has changed. Although the paper is a few months old, we basically had the same information on transmission, infection, hospitalisation and death as we do now. Very often, the first author on a scientific paper makes the most contributions to the research work whilst the last author is the person responsible for the whole project. In this paper, published in the Journal of Public Health Policy, Christine Grady is the last author, meaning she was probably in charge of putting it together.
by The Naked Emperor
The Plain Covid Truth
Anyone who now agrees to have a covid-19 jab is insane and should be put into a straightjacket. Anyone who gives a covid-19 jab is a criminal who should be locked up for attempted murder. I’m afraid it seems as though the first round of covid jabs simply made millions even more stupid than they were when they started out. Sadly, many of those who were jabbed last year are only now finding out the truth about the covid jab. And tragic stories abound. Today, I heard two awful stories which help bring the covid fraud to life. How many million people are now ill or dying or dead because criminals masquerading as doctors have given these evil, toxic drugs to innocent trusting people? When, oh when, are people going to rise up and scream STOP?
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Crisis In Donbass, Kiev Officials Say Ukraine Only Capable Of Limited Counteroffensive In Kherson (33:49)
by Alexander Mercouris
Vaccine Deaths Outnumber Covid Deaths In U.S. Households, Two New Polls Confirm
Polls of the U.S. public continue to show that up to twice as many Americans have lost a household member to a Covid vaccine injury as have lost one to Covid. The pooled results of five surveys of the American public, now totalling over 2,500 people, show that while 4.4% of respondents reported that someone in their household had died from COVID-19, 8.9% said someone had died as a result of Covid vaccination. The results also showed that 8.6% said they had been injured by their vaccination, 4.9% that they had sought medical help and 3.2% that they had been hospitalised, while 3.6% said that as a result of vaccination they were no longer able to work a full day or at all. These are percentages of all respondents. If we look only at the 74.0% vaccinated with at least one dose then the figures, as a proportion of vaccinated persons, are 11.7% injured, 6.7% needing medical help, 4.4% hospitalised and 4.8% unable to work. While these figures are self-reported and there is no control group, since the unvaccinated were not asked about adverse events, they are still alarmingly high.
by Will Jones
Choose Your Fighter (Video 5:25)
How low can one party go?
If ever you wondered why they killed John F. Kennedy, this speech decrying the tyranny of secrecy and conspiracies of men who plot in the shadows is one of many reasons. Meanwhile, in the two generations since his assassination, the Democrat party has gone from supporting free and open debate to public calls for government-supported mass surveillance and censorship to combat “disinformation” – anything critical of their regime in power, while weaponizing alphabet agencies (FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, DHS) as their personal secret police to prosecute political enemies who dare question their corruption and agenda that seeks to subvert and destroy the constitution and country.
by Good Citizen
The Funeral Business Is Doing Great!
And not because of Covid. Don’t take it from me. Take it from the good folks at Service Corporation International, “North America’s leading provider of funeral, cremation, and cemetery services” – handling 450,000 corpses* a year. (*not their word). Service Corporation’s earnings boomed in 2020 and 2021, thanks to Covid. Funerals are a solid but slow-growth business, and the trend toward cremations hasn’t helped. But between 2019 and 2021, SCI’s earnings per share more than doubled, from $1.90 to $4.57.
At first, SCI worried that growth was what it called “pull-forward.” In other words, because Covid mostly killed people who were close to death anyway, more deaths in 2020 and 2021 would just mean fewer later. Lucky for Service Corporation and its investors, pull-forward isn’t turning out to be a problem. Americans are still dying at rates well above normal, even as Covid becomes a minimal part of business this year.
Gee, I wonder what could be leading to all the excess non-Covid deaths we’ve suddenly seen in the last 12 months, not just in the United States but all over Western Europe and Australia too? Something definitely changed near the end of 2020, I just wish I could remember what…
by Alex Berenson
Norway’s Support For NATO. Serbia And Ukraine. Kosovo And Metohija (w/Kristian Kahrs) Update 2 (21:15)
by Alex Christoforou
Feline Helps Thwart Would-Be Robbery: ‘This Is A Guard Cat’
He had gone to bed around midnight on July 24, but a few hours later, Bandit began making guttural sounds from the kitchen. Cats are known to make noise when they are trying to communicate how they feel or if they want something, so when Bandit dashed into the bedroom and began pulling the comforter off him while also clawing at his arms, Everitt instantly knew something was not right. He got up and walked to the kitchen, but the moment he turned on the light, he saw two men outside the door. One of the individuals reportedly had a gun, while the other was using a crowbar to try and break into the home. However, by the time Everitt ran to get his pistol and returned, the men had already fled.
by Amy Furr
Ghoulishly Clever Psyop Pits Our Own Defense Mechanisms Against Us
Prevents the vaccinated from seeing the light as it is just too painful
Multiple papers now suggest that COVID mRNA vaccines impair not just immunity to COVID, but immunity and immune surveillance overall. The implication is that the vaxxed are more susceptible to a variety of infections, and perhaps also to cancer. Immune surveillance is what identifies cancer cells and kills them before they can proliferate. So, you are vaccinated. The implications of this information are too frightening to be allowed into consciousness. You don’t need the external censors to suppress this knowledge; you do it automatically with your built-in defense mechanisms. Data from multiple countries now shows that all cause mortality (deaths from everything) are higher in the vaccinated. This is just as scary, if not more so, than an increased risk of serious infections and cancer. You deny and/or suppress this information, because it simply cannot be allowed to be true.
by Meryl Nass
Amnesty Int’l Turns On Elensky. NATO Cools On Ukraine. Turbine Panic. Jill Worries For Joe. (38:02)
by Alex Christoforou
How Did Elevators Lose Their Music?
My informal survey reveals the decline of an insipid but historic genre
They just called it elevator music back in the day. Everybody understood what the name meant—it was a dismissive term used to describe bland, inoffensive music intended to stay in the background. But my informal research indicates that elevator music has almost disappeared. I can’t say I’m shedding tears, but part of me laments the loss of a cultural signifier from a simpler time. Like a quixotic crusader for a hopeless cause, I would prefer we keep elevator music, just make it better.
After all, TikTok has turned the 16-second song into a big deal—so why not transform the elevators of the world into a competing platform with higher aspirations (in all senses of the word)? Are you ready for John Coltrane’s Ascension as a new kind of elevator pitch (even the name fits)? How about a Philip Glass accompaniment as you rise through the mechanical innards of a glass-and-steel skyscraper? Can we get Sun Ra on the speakers as we rise to the sundeck? Well, why not?
by Ted Gioia
Pope Francis Tells Young Europeans They Need To Eat Less Meat
In a letter to the participants of the EU Youth Conference, Pope Francis advocated that young Europeans look at the planet as a “common home” that needs protecting. He says that one way to do this is for Europeans to give up “superfluous things,” like meat consumption, to turn a “self-destructive trend around.” “If you do not succeed in turning this self-destructive trend around, it will be difficult for others to do so in the future… There is an urgent need to reduce the consumption not only of fossil fuels but also of so many superfluous things. In certain areas of the world, too, it would be appropriate to consume less meat: this too can help save the environment,” Pope Francis wrote.
by TCS Wire
15 Dead As Israel Pounds Gaza, Military Prepares For “Week Of Fighting”
Since the start of Friday’s fresh Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, ostensibly toward decapitating the leadership of the Islamic Jihad following the Monday night arrest of its senior commander Bassem Saadi, the death toll has continued to rise, with Gaza’s health ministry saying 15 Palestinians have been killed in the attacks so far. As we previously detailed, the Israeli strikes were ‘pre-emptive’ in that they were not a response to initial rocket fire from Gaza, as is the usual case, but were launched with a declared intent to degrade the militant group Islamic Jihad’s capabilities after days of security incidents along the border with Gaza.
by Tyler Durden
Based Dude With A Megaphone Busts A Massive Child Grooming Session (1:39)
Leftists Celebrate The Death Of U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski On Twitter
Following the tragic death of U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN), far-left extremists took to Twitter to celebrate. A number of elected Democrats have offered prayers and condolences, but a sizable number Twitter users have reacted to the news with glee. Walorski was killed in a car accident Wednesday along with two aides, Zachery Potts and Emma Thompson. Eugene Scott of The Washington Post made sure to note that Walorski had the “wrong” political beliefs in his news piece on her passing. “A Donald Trump supporter, Walorski voted against impeaching the former president in 2021 for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, which resulted in the deaths of one police officer and four others and injured more than 100 law enforcement officers,” wrote Scott.
by Cullen McCue
UK Policy On Ukraine Must Change Before The Public Suffer Any More
It is increasingly evident that the UK government under Boris Johnson got its policy over the Russia-Ukraine war wrong from the start. What good it did for world security and stability for our government to be involved in stirring up tensions in Ukraine is open to serious questions. With hindsight it seems that Nato miscalculated: we should have left well alone and not interfered in this area of the world beyond encouraging talks with Russia. Our failure to do that has brought calamity for Ukraine, and energy and food consequences which dramatically affect Europe and much of the rest of the world. It has allowed a US-led Nato to be influenced by globalist vested interests whose stated aim has been to bring down Russia, arguably to control the vast natural resources of both Russia and Ukraine.
by Anthony Webber
Hungary’s Viktor Orbán Receives Standing Ovation In America For Defending Family Values (Text and Video)
‘To sum up, the mother is a woman. The father is a man. And leave our kids alone. Full stop. End of discussion,’ charged the politician, to roaring applause.
In a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) taking place this week, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received monstrous applause for his unapologetic defense of marriage, the traditional family unit, and his open opposition to radical gender ideology. “Hungary shall protect the institution of marriage as the union of one man and one woman!” Orbán told the cheering crowd at CPAC Dallas on Thursday in a speech titled “How we fight.” “Family ties shall be based on marriage or the relationship between parents and children. To sum up, the mother is a woman. The father is a man. And leave our kids alone. Full stop. End of discussion,” added the conservative leader, at which point the camera shows members of the crowd giving the Hungarian politician a standing ovation.
by Jack Bingham
August 5, 2022
“It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice.
For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail.
The religion and public liberty of a people are intimately connected;
their interests are interwoven, they cannot subsist separately;
and therefore they rise and fall together.
For this reason, it is always observable,
that those who are combined to destroy the people’s liberties,
practice every art to poison their morals.”
Samuel Adams

Israel Pummels Gaza With Airstrikes, Palestinian Resistance Responds
Bomb shelters have been activated in Tel Aviv as Israeli jets are reportedly bombing southern Gaza
The Israeli army continued its offensive campaign on the Gaza Strip into the night of 5 August, killing at least 10 people and injuring dozens more. Palestinian resistance groups launched dozens of rockets in retaliation, targeting Israeli settlements bordering Gaza. Several of these projectiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome air defense system. According to Hebrew media, red alert sirens have been wailing across the illegal settlements, while public bomb shelters were activated in Tel Aviv under official instructions. Tensions boiled over earlier on Friday after Tel Aviv bombed a civilian building in the heart of Gaza City, killing several, including a five-year old child. Among the dead were also three commanders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) resistance group, including the leader of the Al-Quds Brigades — the military arm of the PIJ. The initial airstrikes by Tel Aviv targeted the seventh floor of Palestine Building, a residential block in the heart of Gaza City.
by News Desk
ACH (1867) Mischa Popoff – Whatever Happened To Khazaria 2.0? (Audio 1:01:19)
In today’s show originally broadcast on August 3, 2022, Andy is joined by Mischa Popoff, for a show entitled, “Whatever Happened To Khazaria 2.0?”
We discussed: why the Israelis did not call themselves Israelites; why the Israelis claim to have turned the desert green; why Jesus Christ was reaching out to the Israelites who were scattered abroad; why the Russians treasure the land of Crimea; the vast amount of land the Rothschilds purchased in Palestine, long before the State of Israel was formed in 1948; why did Henry Kissinger say ten years ago “In ten years there will be no more Israel”; where Khazaria 2.0 fits in with Israel’s chronic water and food shortage; whether Vladimir Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine will either hinder or advance the plans for Khazaria 2.0; the curious case of Volodymyr Zelenskyy; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
The Pandemic Is Artificially Fuelled: Russian Defense Ministry Reveals The Involvement Of The United States In The Emergence Of Covid-19
The Russian Defense Ministry said that the United States according to new findings may well be involved in the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. According to Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, this is indicated by the variability of genovariants, which is uncharacteristic for most coronaviruses, causing different peaks of their incidence, significant differences in mortality and contagiousness, uneven geographical distribution, as well as the unpredictable nature of the epidemic. the process as a whole. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is likely to have been created artificially using the achievements of the United States in the field of biotechnology, said Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense forces of the Russian Armed Forces, during a briefing on the military biological activities of the United States in Ukraine.
by Michael Walsh
PolitiFact Malarky On Coronavirus Shots
PolitiFact claims to be a fact-checking organization that exposes false information. But, in practice, PolitiFact can turn out to instead be the promoter of false information. For example, consider this paragraph from a PolitiFact article from last week by Madison Czopek: Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, marketed as Comirnaty, in August 2021 became the first COVID-19 vaccine to achieve full approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Millions of people have received the two-dose Pfizer vaccine, which is a safe and effective way to prevent COVID-19. This short, two-sentence paragraph from the self-proclaimed fact-checking organization is filled with falsehoods.
by Adam Dick
Congress Pushes “Jab Stops Transmission” Lie, Ethylene Oxide And Regulating Digital ‘Carbon Wallets’ (Audio or Video)
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
by Ryan Cristián
‘Downward Spiral’: China Ends Cooperation With US On Climate Change, Crime, Military Dialogue
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi promised “those who offend China will be punished” after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) visited Taiwan earlier this week against Beijing’s wishes. US support is key to the Taiwanese government maintaining its autonomy from Beijing, which sees it as a Chinese province in rebellion. The consequences of Pelosi’s Taipei trip earlier this week are continuing to unfold, with Beijing severing numerous connections with Washington, including cooperation on fighting climate change, crime, and high-level military connections designed to avoid overheated tensions. In a brief press release on Friday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry revealed eight fields in which Beijing was severing its relations with Washington:
by Sputnik News
PLA’s ‘Taiwan Lockdown’ Drills Stun Secessionists, External Forces As Precision Strike, Area Denial Capabilities Proved
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on Thursday commenced the second phase of its large-scale military exercises that completely locked down the island of Taiwan, and began to use live fire following the first phase of preparations starting Tuesday evening when US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the island, seriously violating China’s sovereignty. Surrounding Taiwan island with six large maritime areas and its airspace in its north, northeast, east, south, southwest and northwest from Thursday noon to Sunday noon, the unprecedented drills featured advanced weapons, including long-range rocket artillery, anti-ship ballistic missiles, stealth fighter jets and an aircraft carrier group with a nuclear-powered submarine, as well as realistic tactics that simulated a real reunification-by-force operation, demonstrating and honing the PLA’s capabilities to not only take over the island, but also prevent any external interference including from the US, experts said.
by GT Staff Reporters
While You Were Distracted By Boris Resigning The Uk Government Published Indisputable Evidence That The Covid-19 Vaccines Are Deadly And Are Killing People In The Thousands:
Mortality Rates Are Lowest Among The Unvaccinated In All Age Groups
We finally have indisputable evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly and killing people in the thousands, and it has been quietly published by the UK Government whilst they had you distracted by the resignation of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and the resulting leadership contest between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak to replace him. An official report published by the UK Government confirms the mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated population in every single age group in England. And the data reveals the gap between the unvaccinated and vaccinated population in terms of mortality rates is widening by the month. This has resulted in the partly vaccinated, double vaccinated, and triple vaccinated populations being more likely to die of any single cause than the unvaccinated population among all age groups in England as of May 2022, the most recent month with data made available by the UK Government.
by The Exposé
Anger From Ukraine’s Backers After Damning Amnesty Report Spotlights ‘Human Shields’
Amnesty International has in a surprise shift placed its human rights scrutiny on Ukraine in a fresh report released Thursday. It immediately sparked a firestorm of criticism as both Western pundits and Kiev officials themselves blasted the findings as “unfair”. The Amnesty report said investigators had “found evidence of Ukrainian forces launching strikes from within populated residential areas, as well as basing themselves in civilian buildings in 19 towns and villages” in three war-torn regions of the country from April through July. The report detailed that schools and hospitals, as well as people’s homes, were put in harm’s way, suggesting ‘human shields’ type tactics utilized by the Ukrainian military. “Such tactics violate international humanitarian law and endanger civilians, as they turn civilian objects into military targets. The ensuing Russian strikes in populated areas have killed civilians and destroyed civilian infrastructure,” Amnesty continued, saying this resulted in Russian attacks on said civilian infrastructure.
by Tyler Durden
Proof Of The Lie
In the 1970s, the French actress Jean Seberg gave money to the Black Panther Party in the United States. As a result, the FBI was ordered to cause ‘her embarrassment and serve to cheapen her image with the public’. Seberg committed suicide because of the stress and the pain caused by the Government’s campaign to destroy her reputation. Plus ca change. (Which is foreign for ‘the bastards are still at it’.) There is one simple, undeniable fact that proves everything produced by governments and the media is a lie and that we are living in a world run by fraudsters. Since February and March 2020 when I first described the coronavirus scare as a hoax, I have been lied about and demonised and my books have been banned. My reputation, my career and my income have been deliberately and systematically destroyed. The truth is suppressed and censorship is rife. The people in charge (and the media) have steadfastly refused to engage in debate or discussion. The unprecedented demonization and censorship, together with the failure to debate proves that everything THEY say is a lie. It really is that simple.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Biden White House Off-Ramp; Pin The Blame On Zelensky (21:22)
by The Duran
Anti-Defamation League Issues Statement On Hanover Schools Swastika T-Shirt Logo
The superintendent of Hanover schools is apologizing about the district using a logo on T-shirts and other materials that resembles a swastika. The logo was used in a Hanover County Public Schools professional learning conference this week. “One of our teachers designed the logo intending for it to represent four hands and arms grasping together — a symbol of unity for our all-county professional learning conference. Nothing more,” Superintendent Michael Gill wrote in a message to families and staff. “While we are confident that the logo was created without any ill-intent, we understand that this has deeply upset members of our staff and community who see the logo as resembling a swastika.” “We are deeply sorry for this mistake and for the emotions that the logo has evoked by its semblance to a swastika and, by extension, to the atrocities that were committed under its banner,” Gill wrote. “Unquestionably, we condemn anything associated with the Nazi regime in the strongest manner possible.”
by Anna Bryson
Can Cars Run On Water?
I present answers from various sources
For years, I’ve been writing about the technocrats’ plan to radically lower energy production and use, worldwide. This program, hidden behind all sorts of propaganda about energy-sharing, environmental justice, and climate change, is a method for visiting destruction on humanity. Aside from oil, gas, coal, and nuclear, alternatives exist. The technocrats’ preference for solar and wind power—two methods that are presently incapable of replacing traditional energy sources—shouldn’t make people think those are the only options. Here, I ask the question, can cars run on water? I present answers from various sources.
by Jon Rappoport
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Suspends Activist Tampa Area State Prosecutor Who Refused To Enforce State Laws (Text and Video)
Under the Florida constitution the Governor has the authority to suspend state officials for reasons of misfeasance, malfeasance, neglect of duty, drunkenness, incompetence, permanent inability to perform official duties, or commission of a felony. The Governor has further authority to fill that office by appointing a replacement for the duration of the suspension. Today, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis suspended Hillsborough County state prosecutor Andrew Warren for failing to enforce the laws of Florida.
Specifically, Andrew Warren had announced he would not enforce laws created by the Florida legislature that were as against his personal political outlooks. Warren publicly stated he would not enforce laws restricting abortion, anti-riot laws, and any law that sought to protect children from adult predators. “We don’t elect people in one part of the state to have veto power over what the entire state decides on these important issues,” Governor DeSantis said. Governor Ron DeSantis made the announcement of the suspension and replacement in Tampa, with a group of law enforcement and sheriffs from across the state.
by Sundance
Russian Advances In Donbass Trigger Recriminations In Washington, Kiev; China Continues Massive Drills Near Taiwan (41:46)
by Alexander Mercouris
Revolutions And The Curse Of Democracy
And – when voters get what they ask for.
If we measure the success of a government by how it reflects the will of the people, then our democracy is a failure. This has always been one of the long-discussed dangers of democracy: that it may cease to be a government “by the people.”1 Let us admit that the danger of democracy has been realized. The revolution you see today had to start at the top because the people – the voters – were unwilling to spark revolutionary change. Power then imposition, through the institutions and the bureaucracies onto the population. Enabled by the constraints on bureaucratic power being unenforced and the limitations on legislative authority being ignored. Elections thought to reflect the will of the people instead force on the people the will of the elected. The people don’t want to be murdered in the streets, but the policies of criminal-friendly prosecutors – those who predicted their acts would result in innocent deaths – demand their blood.
by Techno Fog
due consideration of due process
tearing down chesterton’s defense against tyranny
question: why are so many modern pundits adopting images that make them look like they are auditioning for a role as “scary capital city oppressor” in the hunger games? i mean, i can’t be the only one noticing this. might there be something to the whole “fascism begets fashion” claims? because here we go again. more bad takes from aspiring authoritarian apologists seeking to sacrifice rights upon the altar of “the public good.” this is pretty dazzling stuff. apparently not content with redefining everything else, the talking point tornado now wants to redefine “due process.” and this should worry you because whoo-doggie is that a slippery slope.
by el gato malo
Shipping’s New ESG Rules Could Starve Millions
A shipping expert gives his views on the latest climate regulations for international shipping: A new report found that more than 75% of ships will not meet the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) new Environmental social and corporate governance (ESG) index aimed at decarbonizing the industry. This means that many ship owners will be forced to slow ships down to reduce emissions but doing so could deepen the global food and energy crisis by reducing available ship capacity. “IMO decarbonization targets will cause ships to slow down delaying food shipments and people will starve,” a global security analyst told gCaptain. “How many people will die as a result of the IMO’s ESG efforts is unknown at this time. I don’t think most shipowners even understand the severity of the EEXI threat but it could be millions of lives.”
by Paul Homewood
The Jewish Funding Of Revolutionary Minorities (4:55)
Coincidence Or Conspiracy: What Are The Odds?
You do the math.
A man takes out a lavish, grossly excessive insurance policy on his wife. The next day she keels over dead. Which hypothesis should guide the detective assigned to the case? (A) It’s probably just a coincidence, no need to investigate. (B) There’s a significant probability of foul play, so the husband should be considered a suspect, at least until a thorough investigation definitively clears him. Intuitively, most of us know that the correct answer is “B.” We don’t need probability theory to tell us that, any more than we need Einstein to tell us that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.
There is a mass of evidence, circumstantial and otherwise, that implicates Israel in 9/11, the 7/7/2005 London bombings, the Paris attacks of January and November 2015, and indeed most of the highest-profile GWOT terror incidents attributed to “Islamic extremists.” So Richard Gutjahr’s being married to an Israeli intelligence officer, and then magically showing up to film the beginnings of two successive terror attacks, does seem a tad suspicious. And his presence at a website selling an app that claims to mathematically arbitrate between mainstream and non-mainstream narratives seems not just suspicious, but bizarre…if not downright absurd. If noticing such things makes you “anti-Semitic,” then the alternative to “anti-Semitism” is sheer unmitigated idiocy. Is mainstream media idiotic…or complicit? What are the odds?
by Kevin Barrett
Did The FBI Swing The 2020 Election?
Joe Biden won the 2020 election as a result of 43,000 votes in three states. The election was far closer than the media has usually admitted. There were plenty of dubious factors that could have tipped the scales for a Biden victory, including machinations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The long history of FBI abuse Though the media usually portray the FBI as the ultimate good guys, the bureau has long history of intervening in presidential elections. Shortly after taking office after Franklin Roosevelt’s death, President Harry Truman commented in his diary: “We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail…. This must stop.” But FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover outfoxed Truman and every subsequent president. In the 1948 presidential campaign, Hoover brazenly championed Republican candidate Thomas Dewey, leaking allegations that Truman was part of a corrupt Kansas City political machine. In 1952, Hoover sought to undermine Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson by spreading rumors that he was a closet homosexual.
by James Bovard
Winter Is Coming, Which Means So Is The Return Of Medical Tyranny
There are many cover stories used by the ruling class to justify the rise of medical tyranny. The old excuse of plain old Covid won’t work, so they need something stronger.
Omicron BA.5. Monkeypox. Polio. Hemorrhagic Fever. It seems like there has been an increase in the number of medical threats popping up in the United States and across the globe. This will ramp up even more in the coming months as we hit Fall and Winter because, well, they need a cover story. What are they trying to cover up? According to many doctors and scientists, the massive campaign to try to jab every man, woman, and child on earth as many times as possible has resulted in the weakening of their immune systems. This acquired immunodeficiency syndrome derived from the Covid-19 “vaccines” has contributed to these suddenly common diseases and the powers-that-be need something to distract the people from the truth.
by JD Rucker
Dr. Lee Merritt: The Twin Scams Of 1918 And 2020 (1:30:46)
Here’s A Complete List Of All The Problems That Have Been Solved By Government Spending
Government spending solves so many problems! It must solve problems, right? Otherwise, they wouldn’t keep doing it! We consulted our top researchers and compiled a list of all the problems that have been solved by government spending:
US Publisher: What If COVID Outbreak Is Part Of The Pentagon’s Biowarfare Plan?
The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the state news agency of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), has recently accused the US of being a “sponsor of biological terrorism”, adding that allegations that Washington is behind the COVID-19 pandemic are “by no means fortuitous”.
Pyongyang’s assumptions with regard to Washington’s potential role in the COVID-19 pandemic apparently stem from a bombshell report by professors Jeffrey D Sachs and Neil L Harrison, published in May 2022 by peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journal, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).
“Prof Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University had spent two years as chairman of the Lancet Commission on COVID and recently published a major paper in the prestigious PNAS journal arguing that the virus was very likely artificial, also calling for an independent inquiry into its possible American origins, but virtually all western media outlets ignored his dramatic reversal,” says Ron Unz, an American technology entrepreneur, political activist, writer and the publisher of the Unz Review.
by Ekaterina Blinova
Queensland Reaches Record 60 Per Cent Share Of Energy Delivered By Renewables
Queensland has delivered a crucial win for renewable energy and a pricing reprieve for users with the highest recorded share of energy production by renewables recorded to date. As reported by Renew Economy, sunshine and wind conditions combined to result in a 3 per cent increase in late July to set a new record for renewable energy share at 61.95 per cent. The previous recorded peak of 58.95 per cent was set earlier in the month. With the vast majority of the state’s renewable power development concentrated on rooftop PV and large scale solar, reaching this milestone mid-winter is even more impressive. Although the portion created by wind power was comparatively smaller at 644MW compared to 4,104MW of combined rooftop and utilities solar, this result was also an output record. The vast majority of this wind generation, 453MW, came from Cooper Gap wind farm.
by Pamela Jolly
24 Hours After Taiwan, Elensky Wants China To Ditch Russia. Scholz Inspects Turbine. (38:03)
by Alex Christoforou
Canadian Doctor Fined $6,000 For Refusing To Use Travel App, Says Medical History None Of Feds’ ‘Business’
‘ArriveCAN in general and the fact that they want you to put an app on your phone, I am not complying with this,’ Dr. Ann Gillies said after returning to Canada from the U.S.
A Canadian doctor said the federal government has no “business” knowing her private medical information after being fined thousands for not using Canada’s much-maligned ArriveCAN travel app upon returning home via a land border. In speaking with LifeSiteNews, Dr. Ann Gillies, a Canadian trauma specialist from Ontario working with?Restoring the Mosaic, recounted a recent experience she had in July upon driving back into Canada from the United States. Gillies received a $6,255 fine for not using Canada’s ArriveCAN app upon entry into the country as a means to state her COVID jab status, and for not having a negative COVID test upon arrival. Her ticket was issued under Canada’s Quarantine Act.
by Anthony Murdoch
Judge Refuses To Dismiss Trump Lawsuit Against YouTube
The lawsuit is stayed to see how the other lawsuit against Twitter progresses.
A district judge stayed former President Donald Trump’s lawsuit against YouTube until the end of the appeal against the dismissal of his case against Twitter. The judge also denied YouTube’s motion to dismiss the case and Trump’s motion for preliminary injunction. We obtained a copy of the order for you here. Trump sued YouTube, Twitter, and the other tech companies that suspended his accounts following the January 6, 2021 riot at the US Capitol. In the lawsuit against YouTube, he argued that the permanent ban had a negative impact on his donor platforms and stifled public debate, as well as his efforts to endorse candidates.
by Cindy Harper
US Announces Military Activity Near Taiwan
Chinese drills will not deter the US Navy from operating in the area, the White House said
US Navy ships and planes will transit the Taiwan strait in the next two weeks, the White House announced on Thursday. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby condemned Chinese military drills in the area and said the Pentagon had ordered the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and her escorts to remain near Taiwan to “monitor the situation.”
The Reagan and her accompanying ships are based in Japan and were deployed to the East China Sea in recent days, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi paid a visit to Taipei against Chinese objections. Beijing has responded to Pelosi’s visit by launching extensive drills around Taiwan and firing a dozen missiles across the island.
Amid heightened tensions, US President Joe Biden decided it would be “prudent” to order the US aircraft carrier strike group to stay in the area “for a little bit longer than they were originally planned,” according to Kirby. The spokesman also condemned the Chinese missile tests as “irresponsible” and “at odds with our longstanding goal of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan strait and in the region.”
by RT
August 4, 2022
“If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill.
The element that makes the bond good, makes the bill good also.
It is absurd to say our country can issue $30 million in bonds
and not $30 million in currency. Both are promises to pay,
but one promise fattens the usurers while the other helps the people.”
Thomas Edison

The Steve Kirsch Debate About The Existence Of The Virus
Let me be clear. I’m speaking for myself here, as a reporter who says SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. I’m not speaking for Andrew Kaufman, Stefan Lanka, Tom Cowan, Christine Massey, Sam Bailey, or anyone else who has come to the same conclusion. OK. Steve Kirsch frames the debate (see also here) this way: There are a set of facts about COVID you can lay on the table. Then you decide which hypothesis best explains those facts. In his case, he chooses: “SARS-CoV-2 exists.” This approach is an elementary mistake.
I’m not challenging any hypothesis. I’m ATTACKING A STRAIGHT-OUT LABORATORY PROCEDURE. My attack is on the level of: “You poured the liquid from beaker A into beaker B. Wrong. You should have poured it into beaker C.” Virologists employ a lab procedure to discover a virus they’ve never seen before. They claim this procedure ISOLATES the virus from all the surrounding material in a soup they create. I say their procedure doesn’t produce that result at all. Period. I say there is no isolation. That’s it in a nutshell.
by Jon Rappoport
ACH (1866) Mark Dankof, Dr. Patrick Slattery, And Paul Edward Stevenson – The Dankof Report #21 – Dankof Mask Replica (Audio 1:00:18)
In today’s show originally broadcast on August 2 2022, Andy presents “The Dankof Report” with its hosts Mark Dankof, Dr. Patrick Slattery, and Paul Edward Stevenson, for a show entitled, “Dankof Mask Replica.”
We discussed: the flatulence victim suing a UK court for £200,000; the snake’s head discovered in an in flight meal; Mark’s extensive geopolitical report; Paul’s analysis of the China/Taiwan/United States situation; Patrick’s analysis of the motivations of the Biden administration; rainbow colored tanks with Greta Thunberg at the wheel; the Russian Orthodox Church Renaissance; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Why China Seeks An Iran Nuclear Deal
Beijing has compelling reasons to prevent the Iran nuclear deal from collapse, and they mainly concern China’s need for stability in the Persian Gulf
On 6 July, the US Treasury Department announced new sanctions on Iran, targeting the country’s oil and petrochemical trade network. One day later, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian responded by making clear Beijing’s rejection of Washington’s decision to further sanction the Islamic Republic against the backdrop of dwindling prospects for a revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
“China has always been firmly opposed to illegal and unjustifiable unilateral sanctions and so-called long-arm jurisdiction by the US. We urge the US side to abandon the wrong practice of resorting to sanctions at every turn and contribute positively to negotiations on resuming compliance with the JCPOA,” said Lijian.
Despite the negotiating parties reconvening in Vienna this week, few analysts today remain optimistic about the US and Iran finding a middle ground that can lead to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal’s restoration. As one of the JCPOA’s signatories, China sees the lack of resolution over the nuclear accord as problematic, and Washington’s policies that have scuppered the accord as troublesome.
by Emily Milliken and Giorgio Cafiero
Ivermectin Suppression, California Declares Monkeypox “Emergency” And The Manufactured Energy Crisis (Audio or Video)
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/2/22).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
by Ryan Cristián
An Intelligent Elephant With A Sense Of Humor (0:25)
An Intelligent Elephant With A Sense Of Humor (0:25)
Today, Ukraine Bombed A Donetsk Hotel Full Of Journalists – Here’s What It Felt Like To Be There
Another attack from Kiev has hit central Donetsk, targeting a funeral and a hotel where numerous reporters stay and work
At 10:13 am today (Thursday), Ukraine began shelling central Donetsk. There were five powerful blasts in the space of ten minutes. The last explosion blew out my hotel’s ground-floor glass, including a sitting room – where journalists often congregate before and after going out to do field reporting – and the lobby. About one minute earlier, I had passed through the latter. A cameraman’s assistant who was there at the time of that fifth explosion suffered a concussion from the force of the blast. A woman walking outside the building was killed, as were at least four others, including a child. Donetsk Telegram channels are filled with videos locals have taken, of the dead, the injured and the damage, and of grief-stricken people. One such hard-to-watch Telegram post (warning: graphic footage) features a man in shock at the gruesome sight of the bodies of his murdered wife and grandchild on a street two blocks from the hotel. The total number of injured is still not known, as I write. First estimates placed the number at at least ten, among them two ambulance workers: a paramedic and a doctor.
by Eva Bartlett
More On Excess Mortality And The Covid Injections
We’ve brought up the question of the relevance of excess mortality to the issue of the Covid injections in a number of posts. Most experts agree that excess mortality is the one statistic in which everything comes out in the wash. It can’t be hidden or fudged, and it demands an explanation—because mortality rates are very predictable within established and well known ranges. This is why death claims on life insurance companies are so relevant, when the total claims fall well beyond those predictable ranges.
Add British Columbia to the governments trying to hide the reality that the mRNA jabbed make up the vast majority of Covid hospitalizations and deaths. I’ll just provide the bottom line numbers: … just over half of all of British Columbia’s 5.3 million residents are boosted, while another 31 percent have received at least two doses. Yes, vaccinated and especially boosted people tend to be somewhat older than the unvaccinated. Still, the fact that 75 to 80 percent of all deaths occur in boosted people highlight the sad reality that the shots do little if anything to stop severe cases and death from Omicron – the final defense of vaccine advocates.
and this telling evasion: Amazingly, a Canadian television network actually asked the Centre for Disease Control why it had pulled the charts. The agency’s response: “As most of the population has now been vaccinated with at least two doses of vaccine and many more have been infected with COVID-19, the data became hard to interpret.” The data became hard to interpret. And by “hard” they mean “easy.”
by Mark Wauck
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis August 3, 2022 (21:50)
by Military Summary
New Jersey Is Accused Of Keeping A Database Of DNA From Babies, To Use For Solving Crimes And More
Babies can’t consent to the privacy intrusion.
New Jersey police are facing a lawsuit on suspicion of obtaining blood samples taken from babies for disease screening purposes and doing this without a warrant to use the results of DNA analyses to help in investigations against the parents. The legal action was launched by the New Jersey Office of the Public Defender (OPD) and the first hearing is set to take place on September 8. The Office initially tried to learn more about the practice through public records law requests, but these were denied on two occasions.
Blood samples are taken from babies at birth to screen for diseases, and all states store them – some, like California, New York, Michigan, and Minnesota for a very long time – sometimes decades. Needless to say that newborns cannot give consent for their blood samples to be used in police investigations, but what’s even more jarring is that parents are also not informed about the possibility of the samples/DNA of their children being used in this way – nor are they asked for permission, i.e., given a chance to opt-out.
by Didi Rankovic
Houthi Official Says Over $13bn Of Yemen’s Oil Wealth ‘Looted’ Over 5 Years
An official in Yemen’s Houthi-led government has claimed that the Saudi-led coalition and their proxies have “looted” more than $13 billion in Yemeni oil revenues between 2016 and 2021. Abdul Malik Al-Ajri, who is a member of the National Negotiation Delegation said in a tweet yesterday, citing what he said were figures in a report by OAPEC [Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries] and “in addition to our findings through the Marine Traffic website, which specialises in monitoring maritime traffic”. Al-Ajri also described the Saudi-based Yemeni government as “mercenaries” who generated the revenues.
Local news website 26sept.net noted that the large amount could have been used to pay the salaries of employees in the de-facto government, reduce the exchange rate and help improve the living standards for Yemenis and alleviate their suffering. The revenues, which account for 80 per cent of the country’ general budget could have been invested in Yemen, “instead of being supplied to the National Bank of Saudi Arabia or directed towards personal investments in the countries of Turkey, Egypt and the Gulf”, the article said.
Critically Thinking With Dr. T And Dr. P: Episode 105 5 DOCS – July 28, 2022 (1:11:08)
Dr. Madej discusses healing and Dr. Merritt gives us a history lesson!
Ukraine Claims It Needs $750 Billion More To ‘Build Back Better’
Kiev economics school assessment is funded by USAID.
A new US-funded report out of Kiev assesses $108.3 billion in economic damages for Ukraine, but requests a 7x replenishment of $750 billion so that the country can “Build Back Better.” The Kyiv School of Economics has released a new assessment claiming that Ukraine will need hundreds of billions of dollars to “Build Back Better” from its war against Russia. As of August 1, 2022, the new update from the Ukrainian institution assesses $108.3 billion in economic damages from the war, roughly the equivalent of the country’s gross domestic product in 2020. But as you’ll see in a moment, those damages are rookie numbers. In this era of money printing madness, Ukraine has much more ambitious plans than simply replacing damaged infrastructure. These “expert” economists are about to send the tab soaring.
The study says Ukraine will need a bare minimum of $185 billion, almost twice the amount in damages, in order to repair the nation, citing what they refer to as the “Build Back Better principle.” The slogan was popularized by The World Economic Forum, and is used by governments to refer to their plans to impose digital tyranny and accomplish ESG-compliant objectives. Ukraine is seeking the “modernization of assets that have not suffered damage and destruction,” the report adds That request will mark up the economic aid request to the tune of $750 billion dollars.
by Jordan Schachtel
Former German Chancellor Says Russia Wants A ‘Negotiatated Solution’
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has expressed confidence that Russia would seek a negotiated solution to the Ukraine war. During his recent trip to Moscow, he also met with the Russian President. According to him, the Kremlin would like to negotiate.
“The good news is that the Kremlin wants a negotiated solution.” In an interview with Stern magazine and RTL/ntv broadcaster, he said that the recently reached agreement on grain exports from Ukraine was an “initial success” that could perhaps “slowly be expanded into a ceasefire”. In addition, the SPD politician again defended his contacts with Russia stating that it was not illegal.
by Free West Media
Medical Education Goes Woke
If you need medical testing or treatment, don’t you want to be treated by skilled medical personnel who know what they’re doing? Or is it more important that the medical personnel who hold your life in their hands are ideologically woke? As a starting point, aspiring doctors will have to become fluent in woke concepts such as “intersectionality,” which the AAMC defines as “overlapping systems of oppression and discrimination that communities face based on race, gender, ethnicity, ability, etc.” Med students who managed to avoid learning critical race theory in college will now get an immersive course. They will also be expected to demonstrate “knowledge of the intersectionality of a patient’s multiple identities”—not to be confused with personality disorders—and “how each identity may result in varied and multiple forms of oppression or privilege related to clinical decisions and practice.” This sounds as if every medical diagnosis will have to be made with an accompanying political and sociological analysis. Don‘t future doctors have enough to do studying medical science, without learning this kind of stuff?
by Allan Wall
Janet Yellen, UK And EU Use Oil Price Cap To Retreat From Russian Oil Sanctions (13:21)
by The Duran
After NYT Protects Ray Epps, Man Who Never Entered Capitol Sentenced To 7 Years In Prison
Guy Reffitt never entered the Capitol, assaulted police, or brandished any weapon.
Just two weeks after the New York Times authored a puff piece defending Ray Epps, a Jan. 6th protestor who encouraged Trump supporters to enter the Capitol, Guy Reffitt, a 49-year-old Texan was sentenced to over 7 years in prison since he “lit the match” of Jan. 6th, according to prosecutors. Reffitt never entered the Capitol but was charged with five counts: two counts of civil disorder, one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, one count of entering and remaining on restricted grounds with a firearm, and one count of obstruction of justice.
by Paul Aubert
A Phony Façade
Amid soaring debt and falling income, the feds propose a $739 billion dollar lie
We’ve been following what we believe is the crack-up of American family finance. Real wages are falling. Mortgage rates are rising. House prices are beginning to go down. The NY Fed Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit adds detail: Household Debt Rises to $16.15 Trillion Amid Growth in Housing and Non-Housing Balances. Mortgage balances—the largest component of household debt—climbed $207 billion and stood at $11.39 trillion as of June 30. Credit card balances saw their largest year-over-year percentage increase in more than twenty years, while aggregate limits on cards marked their largest increase in over ten years. And here’s the latest from UPI: Job openings plunge in June to lowest level since 2021 The biggest drop in available jobs was in retail with 343,000 fewer openings in June. Larger companies also offered fewer jobs, while the number of jobs offered by smaller employers went up. Unable to refinance at lower and lower rates… Unable to get a ‘cash-out’ mortgage loan… Unable to earn enough to keep up with inflation… …how does a family keep its head above water? It cuts back on spending. Which is why Walmart and other retailers are reporting fewer sales… and rising inventories. And it’s why the US economy is in recession.
by Bill Bonner
Disappearing COVID-19 ‘Facts’
h/t to Jonathan Engler for this one. CDC ‘Facts’ about COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines are slowly disappearing from the history books. Archived version from 22 July 2022: The “mRNA and spike protein doesn’t last long in the body” bullet point has quietly disappeared. (There is however a link (at the bottom of the page) to an external webpage, which discusses “How long Do mRNA and Spike Proteins Last in the Body?”. This is in the archived version and hasn’t been removed in the updated version.) Also, “in any way” has been removed from the sentence “They do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way”. More ‘conspiracy theories’ coming true that were discussed a year ago. But remember, it never happened, look the picture proves it.
by The Naked Emperor
Russia Storms Ukrainian Defences In Donbass, Zelensky Admits Ukraine Outgunned, Speaks Of ‘Hellish’ Condition For Kiev Troops (28:28)
by Alexander Mercouris
introducing nuzzles: where love wins
the el gato malo origin story, the tale of where bad cattitude money goes, and a request
you’ve probably never heard of nuzzles. but you should. nuzzles is one of my favorite organizations in the world. i am not generally a big fan of non-profits. i find many to be more about raising money to throw parties to raise money and pay people to sort of work and sound philanthropic. this is not that. these are the other guys. this is a place that runs on volunteers and small numbers of incredibly dedicated staff many of whom i have the pleasure of knowing personally. it runs on sweat and tears and love. this is a no kill shelter that is leading (and winning) the effort to make utah an entirely no kill state. this is the place that takes in the hard ones, the injured, the scared, and gets them healed and homed. and those who have helped so many thousands of animals now need our help. it’s a hard year and donations are down. bad cattitude is one of nuzzles’ biggest donors. i’m hoping that by reaching out to the readers, we can find a way to do more. because this one is near and dear me. because this one matters.
by el gato malo
10,000% Increase In Cancers Following COVID-19 Vaccines As Doctors And Scientists Worldwide Sound The Alarm
Rates of cancer have exploded following the COVID-19 mass vaccination programs, with doctors and scientists all over the world now sounding the alarm. I did a search in the U.S. government Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) to see how many cases of the most common cancers had been reported following COVID-19 vaccines, and it returned a result of 837 cases of cancer, including 88 deaths, 66 permanent disabilities, and 104 life threatening events. And this not an exhaustive list, as I tried to include ALL cancers listed in VAERS, but the database could not handle the query. I listed the cases by age, and of the 837 cases, 375 of them had no recorded age, although often the age can be found in the description. So I put those 375 cases on the first page of the results, and starting on the second page you can see how young some of these cancer patients are following COVID-19 vaccines. It begins with a 12-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy, followed by many young adults in their 20s. Using the exact same search terms for cancer, I then searched ALL FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years and found only 140 cases of cancer reported.
by Brian Shilhavy
Has Drug-Driven Medicine Become A Form Of Human Sacrifice?
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.”
Attributed to Dr. Benjamin Rush, Signer of the Declaration of Independence
Benjamin Rush accurately foretold a grave possibility facing Americans today, namely, that the art and science of healing be restricted to a select class of allopathic physicians, who have the sole legal right to recommend and administer medicines, and whose pharmacopeia excludes – as a matter of principle – all the healing foods, vitamins and herbs which have been used safely and effectively for countless millennia in the prevention and treatment of disease.
We have entered an era where medicine no longer bears any resemblance to the art and science of healing. The doctor no longer facilitates the body’s innate self-healing capabilities with time, care, good nutrition and special help from our plant allies. To the contrary, medicine has transmogrified into a business enterprise founded on the inherently nihilistic principles of pure, unbridled capitalism, with an estimated 786,000 Americans dying annually from iatrogenic or medically-caused deaths.*
by Sayer Ji
Today In ‘Never Send Your Parents To A Care Home Or You’re A Dreadful Person’ (0:50)
The Christian Quest
From the heights of the New York Times, a watchman named Tim Gruber has espied out upon the fringes of the liberal-democratic wastes a rowdy band of “Far Right Christians” in a “Quest For Power”. Grubbs intends it as a warning, but this sounds like the beginning of a really rad story. Tim is afraid that the Global American Empire (GAE) is under attack by radical right-wing “christo-fascist” extremists. He’s probably upset that they’re having fun, too.
I was going to write an article about the contradictions in Grubbers’ piece, but I instead thought it more enjoyable to lean into his fears and mock his alarmism, for the fact that the great Tower of The New York Times even notices our mannerbund of ruddy warriors betrays their weakness. Tim calls us conspiracy theorists – a worn phrase that induces yawns. Such has always been the complaint of critics and skeptics.
by Thomas Achord
Sun Tzu, Taiwan And The End Of This Age
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win…The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Sun Tzu, Art of War
There was an interesting blurb about the timing of a Taiwan war from Zero Hedge: Weather cycles in the Taiwan Strait make a naval invasion difficult to maintain as dangerous storms rip through the area for a large part of the year. September and October are the key months when the weather is most advantageous for Chinese naval operations. Extreme weather fronts can disrupt radar, communications, thermal vision, night vision, drones, air support and obviously normal visibility, making intricate offensive actions very risky.
by Video Rebel
Twitter Facilitates Cyber Terrorism and NATO-Proxy War Crimes In Ukraine (Text and Videos)
Twitter allows blogger to doxx independent journalist on the ground in war zone
Louise Mensch an online blogger, former UK Conservative MP, chick-lit author and committed Russophobe with a sizeable following on Twitter effectively called upon the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces to assassinate Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett. Mensch whose Substack account includes titles such as “Yes Vladimir Putin has Parkinson’s disease” a claim refuted by CIA Director William Burns responded to Bartlett’s comment that she was on the ground in Donbass recording the Ukrainian criminal use of petal or butterfly mines in residential areas of Donetsk and surroundings.
by Vanessa Beeley
China’s Maidan Moment. Vucic To Brussels. Elensky Wants More HIMARS. (39:15)
by Alex Christoforou
Pelosi Arrested For Running The Country While Under The Influence
ARLINGTON, VA — Shockwaves reverberated throughout the nation’s capital today as reports emerged that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had been arrested and charged with running the country while under the influence. “We observed Ms. Pelosi’s most recent press conference and determined that she was several sheets to the wind,” said D.C. Police spokesman Cody Callow. “We suspected she simply was doing a faithful impersonation of the President, but it soon became quite obvious the Speaker was, in fact, totally plastered.”
by BabylonBee.com
Ex-Youngkin Appointee Says She Is ‘Completely Free’ To Share Virginia’s History After Resigning In Wake Of Confederacy Remarks
Following McLean’s comments, the Southern Poverty Law Center sent a letter to Youngkin asking him to reconsider her appointment. “It is deeply concerning that your appointee has trafficked in the language of the Lost Cause,” the letter states. “We are confident that there are many Virginia historians who would better represent the state through their commitment to telling accurate and honest histories. The stakes are high — misrepresenting our past to promote false narratives that roll back decades of racial justice efforts is a disservice to the mission of the Board of Historic Resources.” The board considers nominations of historic sites for listing in the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places, and handles updates to historical highway markers or new preservation easements.
by Katie King
The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled
Anger is erupting around the world, and people have much to be angry about. Covid, famine, energy shortages, inflation.
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” This quote is attributed to the French author, philosopher and poet Charles Baudelaire from an article published in La Figro in 1864. It was a time of upheaval and discontent in France, social unrest, inequality, and a return to an Aristocratic status quo after the failure of the French Revolution. It was a confused and divisive time. Baudelaire’s article was seen as a metaphor for the evil dark forces that ruled the beleaguered French people at the time. Baudelaire’s Devil didn’t hide, he was open and was there for those with the eyes to see. Nor did he apologise or explain his evil. This Devil, the very personification of all things evil, was protected by the inherent goodness of the majority. The masses who could not comprehend the level of malevolence that dominated and controlled their lives, regardless of how obvious these forces were. The Devil had indeed convinced the people that he didn’t exist. And so the Devil remained in situ. The Franco-Prussian war of 1871, and the two catastrophic world wars were all his work, and yet the people continued to deny his existence. The Devil lives yet today, he is seen to be seen at Davos, the Bilderberg group, The City of London, and on Wall St. The Devil is the International Banking Cartel, this Cabal has initiated and funded both sides of every major conflict for centuries. No country ever wins a war, the cost of any victory is always “Pyrrhic” the loss of blood and treasure can never justify the gains. And yet the bankers always win and profit from conflict, war creates debt, and more debt owed to the bankers means more control. The Devil always gets his due.
by Eamon McKinney
August 3, 2022
“Destroying rainforest for economic gain
is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.”
Edward O. Wilson

ACH (1865) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #80 – Sudden Invented Syndrome Syndrome (Audio 1:45:53)
In today’s show originally broadcast on August 1 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Sudden Invented Syndrome Syndrome.”
We discussed: the Alex Jones clip we played during the show intro segment; the Cornwall Aviation Heritage Museum; the McDonalds fries nightmare; the YouTube video “Six Million Jews – 1915-1938 – 10 Newspapers”; Father Ted; Fawlty Towers; the CEO of Gab.com Andrew Torba’s response to an attack on him by the mainstream media complex; how we are now up to 2,213 deaths and 459,968 people injured from the vaccines according to figures off the UK Government website; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the NIH article “COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?”; the Twitter video of what happened to an airline pilot after he took the vaccine; the Twitter video of the vaccine pitch meeting; how Queen’s Greatest Hits album has just become the first to sell over seven million copies in the UK; how the mainstream media are now frantically trying to discredit the very real existence of Cancel Culture; the so-called academics that warn of the dire consequences of anti-consensus views; the latest Daily Mail article promoting the comsumption of lab-grown meat; why we need to get back to local shops for local people; why were all those research scientists killing themselves in the 1990’s; Mallificus’ news roundup of the week; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Vaxed Begin Turning On Their Oppressors As The COVID Narrative Disintegrates And Gov Collusion Exposed (Audio or Video)
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/1/22).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
by Ryan Cristián
Iran Condemns New Round Of US Sanctions
Tehran has vowed to give a ‘swift response’ to unilateral sanctions targeting Chinese and Emirati firms
On 1 August, the Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned the recent sanctions imposed by the US on several foreign firms. The firms have been accused of helping Tehran sell tens of millions of dollars worth of petrochemical products and oil to countries in East Asia. “The addiction of the White House to sanctions, and their instrumental use of them is an indicator of their hegemonic system, as the change of administrations in that country would not make any difference in their approaches,” said Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani, during a statement.
Kanaani reiterated that the Biden administration has consistently described the policy of his predecessor, Donald Trump, who relied on imposing maximum pressured as a “failed and fruitless policy,” yet has seemed to continue Trump’s approach. The US Treasury and State Department has imposed sanctions on six companies; four based in Hong Kong, one in the UAE and one in Singapore.
by News Desk
Foreboding Data, Second Quarter Credit Card Balances Jump 13 Percent, Largest Increase In Twenty Years
It’s not just the scale of the increase that is surprising; it’s the history of how long it has been since this scale of debt increase happened in a single quarter.
(CNBC) – […] Although average hourly earnings are up 5.1% from a year ago, prices have been rising much faster. The Consumer Price Index, which measures the average change in prices for consumer goods and services, jumped a higher-than-expected 9.1% in June, the fastest pace in over four decades. To bridge the gap, more consumers are relying on credit cards to get by, which has helped propel total credit card debt to $890 billion. Overall, credit card balances rose 13% in the second quarter of 2022, notching the largest year-over-year increase in more than 20 years, according to a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. (read more) This doesn’t sound like a good economic omen.
by Sundance
Progress by John Rich (3:03)
Progress by John Rich (3:03)
NATO-Backed Network Of Syria Dirty War Propagandists Identified
Defaming journalism on the OPCW’s Syria cover-up scandal, The Guardian and its NATO-funded sources out themselves as the real “network of conspiracy theorists.”
On June 10th, The Guardian’s Mark Townsend published an article headlined “Russia-backed network of Syria conspiracy theorists identified.” (“Russia-backed” has since been removed). The article is based on what Townsend calls a “new analysis” that “reveals” a “network more than two dozen conspiracy theorists, frequently backed by a coordinated Russian campaign.” This network, Townsend claims, is “focused on the denial or distortion of facts about the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons and on attacking the findings of the world’s foremost chemical weapons watchdog,” the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). According to Townsend, I am named “as the most prolific spreader of disinformation” among the nefarious bunch.
by Aaron Maté
A Developing Evil: The Malignant Historical Force Behind The Great Reset
[This is the text of a talk I gave at the “Three Days Against Techno-Sciences” gathering near Alessandria, Italy, on Saturday July 30, 2022. Many thanks to the organisers and fellow participants for the warm welcome and the stimulating exchanges. A post-recorded audio version can be found here.]
The so-called Great Reset is nothing but the extension and violent acceleration of a longstanding process. Over the decades, I have often despaired at the general apathy of my fellow citizens in the face of the dark forces which I could clearly see – and feel – gathering. Wondering how we could ever hope to see a mass uprising against the dominant system, I sometimes comforted myself with the thought that one day “they” would become so arrogant, or impatient, that they would push things too far, beyond the limits of what humankind is collectively prepared to tolerate. What we have been experiencing for the last two years could well be that moment, so that the Great Reset would prove to be not just the extension of the existing process, but its culmination, the hubris which announces its final demise, its nemesis.
by Paul Cudenec
Self Regulation Is The New Self Censorship
The New Normal doesn’t need enforcing
All in all, it is a good life. Much better than the path we were on, where it became so clear that we could not continue with the same model of growth. We had all these terrible things happening: lifestyle diseases, climate change, the refugee crisis, environmental degradation, completely congested cities, water pollution, air pollution, social unrest and unemployment. We lost way too many people before we realized that we could do things differently.
The quote above comes from an article written in Forbes by Ida Auken, a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Ida is a Danish politician and her article is best known for its title – “Welcome to 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better”.
Following criticism of her article, Ida claimed that the piece was merely meant to “start a discussion about some of the pros and cons of the current technological development”. How would our lives be improved if we enacted the United Nations’ sustainable development goals by 2030, commonly known as Agenda 2030?
by The Naked Emperor
CGI Joe! Essential T-Shirt
He didn’t blink once during a speech. He’s a fabricated virtual image for TV news.
by Artoons.org
Why Resistance Matters: Palestinians Are Challenging Israel’s Unilateralism, Dominance
Until recently, Israeli politics did not matter to Palestinians. Though the Palestinian people maintained their political agency under the most demoralising conditions, their collective action rarely influenced outcomes in Israel, partly due to the massive discrepancy of power between the two sides. Now that Israelis are embarking on their fifth election in less than four years, it is important to raise the question: “How do Palestine and the Palestinians factor in Israeli politics?” Israeli politicians and media, even those who are decrying the failure of the ‘peace process’, agree that peace with the Palestinians is no longer a factor, and that Israeli politics almost entirely revolves around Israel’s own socio-economic, political and strategic priorities. This, however, is not exactly true.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud
The COVID-19 mRNA “Vaccines” Cause Cancer; Here’s The Evidence…
A monumental coverup is taking place to suppress the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination on women’s health. But unfortunately, the worst is still to come. We now have scientific proof that the Covid-19 mRNA injections can cause cancer of the ovaries, pancreas and breast. The homologous recombination DNA repair pathway is one of the mechanisms that the body uses to stop your cells turning cancerous in response to environmental stress. One of the most important components of this pathway is Tumor protein P53 (p53), the “guardian of the genome”. It protects our cells from cellular damage. Under cellular stress, p53 jumps into action, regulating gene expression to control DNA repair, cell division and cell death. It is the most commonly mutated gene in cancer. In October 2021, two revered scientists, called Jiang and Mei, had a paper published, after peer review, in MDPI, showing that the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein obliterated the DNA repair mechanism in lymphocytes.
by Joel Smalley
Priest, Pro-Lifers Sentenced To Three Months In Jail For Counseling Women Inside Abortion Center
Red Rose Rescuer co-founder Monica Miller said the sentence was unsurprising considering New York’s pro-abortion culture, but described it as a spiritual victory that will bring ‘great graces.’
WHITE PLAINS, New York (LifeSiteNews) — Three pro-life activists, including a Catholic priest, were sentenced to three months in jail yesterday following a rescue effort at an abortion facility during which they counseled women to choose life for their preborn children. Father Christopher “Fidelis” Moscinski and William Goodman, both 52, and Matthew Connolly, 40, were given the maximum sentence by White Plains City Court Judge John Collin for the misdemeanor charge of third-degree criminal trespass, according to The Examiner News.
by Emily Mangiaracina
Russia Says Cooperation On HIMARS Strikes Means US Is ‘Directly Involved’ In Ukraine War
A Ukrainian official said there was consultation between US and Ukrainian officials before launching strikes
The Russian Defense Ministry on Tuesday said Washington was “directly involved” in the war in Ukraine after a Ukrainian official detailed Kyiv’s cooperation with the US before launching strikes with US-provided HIMARS rockets. Vadym Skibitsky, the deputy head of Ukraine’s military intelligence, told The Telegraph that Ukrainian officials consulted with US officials before launching HIMARS strikes and that the US has veto power over the attacks. Skibitsky insisted that the US wasn’t providing “direct targeting information,” but suggested Ukraine was using satellite imagery provided by the US and Britain. “I can’t tell you whether [we are directly tasking] British and American satellites, but we have very good satellite imagery,” Skibitsky said. Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, said that this cooperation “proves that contrary to the assurances by the White House and the Pentagon, Washington is directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine.”
by Dave DeCamp
Fed Meeting In Progress by Wall Street Silver (0:19)
Fed Meeting In Progress by Wall Street Silver (0:19)
Pelosi Changes Status Quo Of Taiwan Straits With Provocative Visit, Exposes US Long-Term Miscalculation
When US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan island and touted the US’ so-called commitment to the island, her extremely reckless and dangerous move immediately prompted a series of countermeasures from China, ranging from the military to diplomacy to economic sanctions. China’s reaction to this serious intrusion on the country’s sovereignty is widely considered as rational and reasonable, underscoring its firm strategic determination and sufficient patience to adhere to its own timetable in solving the Taiwan question. And such steady advancement of its own agenda gives Beijing the edge compared with the short-sighted Washington that will lose more points in the long-term geopolitical wrestling match.
by Chen Qingqing, Xu Yelu and Bai Yunyi
China May Avenge Pelosi’s Visit – Just Not How We Might Think
Here’s why Nancy Pelosi’s visit is such a big deal in Beijing – and how Chinese officials might respond
US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made an unannounced but heavily anticipated landing in Taiwan on Tuesday, plunging US-China relations to a new low. Despite warnings from other top Washington officials, Pelosi has now become the highest-ranking US official to visit the island in 25 years – but the situation is far different now than it was then. First, it should be recognized how consequential this decision is. For the US, it’s not that big of a deal. Congressional delegations, not just from the US but many Western countries, go to Taiwan frequently. It’s also seen as separate from official US government policy because the legislative branch of government is separate from the executive, which is tasked with managing foreign policy. In fact, Pelosi noted this in a tweet when she first arrived on the island. “Our visit is one of several Congressional delegations to Taiwan – and it in no way contradicts longstanding United States policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, US-China Joint Communiques and the Six Assurances,” she said.
by Bradley Blankenship
Pelosi Arrives In Seoul, But South Korea’s President Won’t Meet With Her
Nancy Pelosi has arrived in South Korea, continuing her Asia tour – now leaving in her wake a tense Taiwan situation that’s seeing Chinese PLA forces encircle the island with live fire drills – but South Korea’s President Yoon Suk-yeol will not meet with her. While he had a pre-scheduled “holiday” which was announced in advance, there’s been widespread speculation in the region that this was intentional (given weeks ago it was being reported she may go to Taiwan), so that Seoul can avoid bringing down China’s wrath. Even Foreign Minister Park Jin happens to be out of the country – so there will be no Pelosi meeting with the nation’s top diplomat either. As House Speaker, Pelosi is second in line to the US presidency. Instead of meeting with South Korea’s head of state, she’ll instead greet National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin-pyo and leaders of the ruling conservative People Power Party, along with the opposition Democratic Party of Korea The Korea Times says officials in Seoul are all too wary and nervous over the timing of Pelosi’s visit.
by Tyler Durden
The “Experts” Nail It Again!
In March of 421 BC, after years of escalating conflict, Athens and Sparta finally decided to bury the hatchet and coexist peacefully together in the Mediterranean. The two powers had been at odds for decades. Athens had ballooned into a regional empire, and Sparta itself was a rising power. The two sides came to blows on multiple occasions. And even when they agreed to keep the peace in 421 BC, tensions were still high. All it took was one idiot to screw it up. His name was Alcibiades, a Greek politician of noble birth. Alcibiades was pretty infamous in Athens; he was known for being corrupt, deceitful, disloyal, arrogant, and short-tempered.
by Simon Black
Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis July 2, 2022 (11:44)
by Military Summary
The Secret Is There Are No Secrets
New Food and Drug Administration documents show the agency knew almost nothing about how well mRNA boosters might work when it okayed them. It was mainly using public Israeli data like everyone else.
Anyone paying attention in August 2021 could see the rush to approve mRNA Covid boosters was politically driven and didn’t have much data behind it. Now we have proof from the inside. Emails released last week by the Food and Drug Administration show the agency’s vaccine regulators felt heavy pressure from the White House and senior FDA officials to approve boosters. By itself, that fact is not a huge surprise. The two top vax regulators, Drs. Marion Gruber and Philip Krause, announced their resignations in late August 2021 and within weeks spoke out publicly against widespread booster shots.
by Alex Berenson
The Old Dogs Needs Some New Tricks
While the world slides towards a chaotic future the MSM remains wilfully oblivious to the suffering it has enabled.
The Globalists’ agenda has progressed steadily over the years, it’s evil intent has brought us to the lamentable condition that the world finds itself in today. It is no exaggeration to say that the Cabal are attempting to implement a mass extinction event upon humanity. Bill gates and the rest of the NWO Davos crowd have been enthusiastically talking up the need for “De-population” for years. There are according to them, too many “useless eaters”. The genocidal Covid atrocity that was imposed on the world more than two years ago served that agenda, to a point. The full extent of the fatalities from what was a criminal live human trial are as yet unknown, it may be years before the long term effects are fully understood. Yet, the obvious fact that the wave of deaths and injuries apparently confounding the Mainstream media are concentrated exclusively among those that trusted their Governments and took, reluctantly or not, the experimental jab. Athletes and the young are dropping dead at alarming rates yet the MSM can find no correlation between that and the jab, is climate change the cause they wonder? The onslaught of propaganda that enabled the Covid lie was possible only with the complicity of the MSM. Using every tool of disinformation at their disposal they silenced any contrary opinion, even those coming from some of the World’s leading experts in the field. Dr. Robert Malone the inventor of the MRNA technology, Cary Mullis the creator of the PCR test, and many other esteemed scientists were silenced. And of course, the dissenters, the “anti-vaxxers” were ridiculed as “conspiracy theorists.” A term created by the CIA to discredit and marginalise those who questioned the assassination of J.F.K. nearly 60 years ago. Without gloating over the tragedy there is now some vindication, the group at the lowest risk from Covid? the “conspiracy theorists” who knew enough not the trust the pharmaceutical industry, their governments or the MSM.
by Eamon McKinney
Biden: ‘We Are In A Pandemic Of The Quadruple Vaccinated’
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a brief address to the nation after once again testing positive for COVID, President Biden warned that we are now in a pandemic of the “quadruple vaccinated.” “Four shots, it’s not enough anymore,” said Biden. “You need at least five to five hundred thousand thousand thirty-two, um, um, five thousand, blirteen sixty shots. Science told me. Not a joke! At this point, if you haven’t gotten the vaccine at least 5 times you’re denying the science. Come on!” The president is calling on all citizens to get quintuple-vaccinated before he catches COVID a third time.
by BabylonBee.com
Taiwan Crisis Intensifies As Russia Grinds Down Ukraine Defences In Donbass (23:42)
by Alexander Mercouris
China To Speed Up Reunification Process With Comprehensive Action As It Ramps Up Military Readiness Against Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit
US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to arrive on the island of Taiwan on Tuesday night according to foreign media reports, with rising concerns and opposition over her trip within the island and increasing military activities by the Chinese mainland, the Taiwan authorities and the US military in the region. Analysts from both sides of the Taiwan Straits said this risky move will totally change the situation in the region, while the mainland will more actively dominate and speed up the reunification process with comprehensive measures including military and political actions, and these actions will let the US and the secessionist Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities feel the pain.
by Yang Sheng
Brain Swelling, Vision Loss Are Among Puberty Blocker Side Effects, FDA Admits
The FDA’s findings come as the Biden Administration promotes the use of puberty blockers in “trans” kids
The FDA is admitting that puberty blockers hurt kids and can cause brain swelling and vision loss after identifying multiple young children who developed the symptoms while taking the drugs. The announcement comes as the Biden Administration continues to endorse the use of puberty blockers in children, and after transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine claimed that there is “no argument” against their use in kids deemed trans. The FDA has announced that it’s slapping warning labels on the puberty blockers being prescribed to small children and robbing their bodies of natural development in the name of transgenderism, citing multiple cases of severe and potentially fatal side effects in a group of female patients who fell victim to the drugs.
by Frankie Stockes
Israel Demands Disbanding Of Un Committee Investigating Attacks On Gaza
Israel demanded on Sunday the disbanding of the UN committee investigating crimes committed during the occupation state’s military offensive against Gaza in May last year. It is alleged that remarks made by one member of the committee were “anti-Semitic”. Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid made the demand in a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in which he referred to the statements by Miloon Kothari, a member of the UN Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry, in a media interview. “We are very disheartened by the social media that is controlled largely by, whether it is the Jewish lobby or specific NGOs,” Kothari said on a Mondoweiss podcast on 25 July. “A lot of money is being thrown into trying to discredit us.”
Nancy In Malaysia, Taiwan Next? Kosovo Calm, But Fragile. Second Turbine Stuck In Canada. (32:00)
by Alex Christoforou
New Zealand Plans To Tax Farmers For Livestock Burps
It seems like governments across the Western world are hellbent on destroying the lives of their farmers, and New Zealand is no different, with the government bringing in a “burp tax” for livestock. It’s become almost a meme to talk about the government taxing you for breathing in oxygen in the age of climate insanity and carbon taxes, but New Zealand is by far the closest to doing so. According to climate radicals in the country, cow and sheep burps are just too harmful to the environment due to the methane released, and they need to be reduced, and farmers need to be taxed into submission.
by Keean Bexte
Suitable Reading Only For Those With Low Blood Pressure
Those with high blood pressure should probably turn away and read something else.
NHS call handlers are probably going to be given access to patient records. This will be the absolute end for confidentiality. One of the NHS’s many bosses has said that his vision of the future is to train people to direct patients based on demand for services. I may have got this wrong but this presumably means that a bloke who rings up with a suspected broken leg will be directed to the cervical smear clinic if the cervical smear clinic is having a quiet day. Brilliant. Optimisation of resources I think they call it in the now defunct transport industry. ‘We don’t have any trains going to Crewe but we can offer you a very good deal on the 6.15 to Truro.’ The NHS couldn’t get much worse whatever they do to it. It is no exaggeration to say that the NHS now does far more harm than good. Other countries contemplating socialised medicine should take a peek at the NHS, shudder and forget it. I’d offer you two to one that during the last twelve months the NHS, the lockdowns, the masks and the jabs have killed more people than Putin – but you’d have to be insane to take the bet.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
New Study Finds Global Forest Area Per Capita Has Decreased By Over 60%
Over the past 60 years, the global forest area has declined by 81.7 million hectares, a loss that contributed to the more than 60% decline in global forest area per capita. This loss threatens the future of biodiversity and impacts the lives of 1.6 billion people worldwide, according to a new study published today by IOP Publishing in the journal Environmental Research Letters. A team of researchers, led by Ronald C. Estoque from the Center for Biodiversity and Climate Change, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) in Japan, have found that the global forest area has declined by 81.7 million hectares from 1960 to 2019, equivalent to an area of more than 10% of the entire Borneo Island, with gross forest loss (437.3 million hectares) outweighing gross forest gain (355.6 million hectares).
by Institute of Physics
August 2, 2022
“Don’t be in a hurry to condemn
because he doesn’t do what you do or think as you think or as fast.
There was a time when you didn’t know what you know today.”
Malcolm X

PLA Launches Missile Drill To East Of Taiwan As Pelosi Arrives; China To Turn On A New Status Quo For Taiwan Situation As ‘US Has Broken The Old One’
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA), on the night that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan for her provocative visit that violates the US promise of opposing “Taiwan independence” secessionism, launched massive military drills around the island of Taiwan, including a long-range live fire drill in the Taiwan Straits and a live fire conventional missile drill to the east of the island, with analysts saying China is not merely targeting a visiting 82-year-old US politician, but is eyeing the anti-secession campaign against the secessionist Taiwan authorities and is to concretely speed up the reunification process.
The PLA will also conduct a series of live fire military drills from August 4 to 7 in six different areas that encircle the island of Taiwan from all directions, according to the Xinhua News Agency after Pelosi landed at the Taipei airport. Analysts said there are many options on the table for China to speed up the reunification process. Apart from military drills, the options could include striking Taiwan military targets, just as the PLA did in the previous Taiwan Straits crisis, pushing new legislation for national reunification, sending military aircraft and vessels to enter the island’s “airspace” and “water areas” controlled by the Taiwan authorities and ending the tacit cease-fire with the Taiwan military.
by Yang Sheng and Liu Xuanzun
Make This Go Viral Please.
It is bloody offensive that they are claiming that the death of a 13-year-old child with no pre-existing conditions that occurred days after a shot, is misleading.
by Jessica Rose
why the CDC data (and the CDC itself) cannot be trusted
because public health monopolies are inevitably captured by private interests that are not your interests. because that’s what monopolies do.
watch what i do, not what i say. wise words in a world of hypocrisy. so let’s have a little looksie at the actions of the public health regulators, shall we? foremost, the definitions of “vaccinated” adopted and allowed by the FDA were deeply problematic from the start. they broke every rule of bayesian analysis and were obviously designed to hide a risk accentuation period immediately after jab and prevent it from being counted in the outcomes. this has been well covered in other cattitudes. this definition ignores the risk of the vaccination and often attributes it to non-vaccination. this simple graphic made by some cheeky internet cat sort of says it all:
by el gato malo
Why There Is No Such Thing As ‘Safe’ Tap Water
Despite being at the top of the global food chain and industrial developmental ladder, the United States has a poor track record for delivering uncontaminated drinking water to the public. Even the nicest restaurants are guilty of serving you directly from the tap. It’s time to get real about the ‘tap water problem,’ one of the most significant vectors of toxicity of our age… Water is life, as the saying goes. And it’s more than just a poetic phrase. Water is so intrinsically connected to life, if you counted all the molecules in the human body, 99% of them would be water!
On average, a human life can be sustained for up to three weeks without food, but a person won’t survive more than a few days without water. Under extreme conditions, an adult can lose around one liter of water per hour, all of which needs to be readily replaced to maintain a healthy fluid balance. So, what could be more important than consuming high quality, non-contaminated water?
by Sayer Ji, Founder
Who Killed The POWs At Yelenovka? All Signs On The Ground Point To A Ukrainian Attack
There is every reason to believe that the July 29 bombing of a detention center holding Ukrainian POWs was carried out on Kiev’s orders
It was extremely difficult to witness the charred and twisted remains of Ukrainian POWs in the Yelenovka detention center at first hand. The stench of death was overwhelming. Bodies remained in the ruins and melted into the metal bunk beds they were on at the time of the bombing. Other corpses, presumably killed by shrapnel instead of burning to death, lay outside. A soldier was inspecting them, presumably in order to determine the exact cause, and the victims’ identities. Even if the Ukrainian side killed its own soldiers, it was the Russians who took care to identify the remains. I shared some of the gruesome photos and my thoughts on Twitter immediately after getting back from Yelenovka.
by Eva K. Bartlett
Joe Biden’s Call To Xi Jinping
Joe Biden: Hello, Mr President. I am here with Jake Sullivan and we have an urgent matter to discuss with you. No. Hunter Biden does not need another No Show job. No, today I want to talk to you about the Ukraine.
Xi Jinping: My friend Vladimir is doing well in the Ukraine.
Biden: Yes. The Israelis told us that the Ukrainians will be done in 2 weeks, but we need the war to last beyond the November elections so we don’t have to answer embarrassing questions until after we count the votes.
Xi Jinping: (Laughing.) What are you gong to do, send half the Russian army credit cards so they can take their families on a summer vacation in Sochi?
Joe Biden: What a brilliant idea! (An aside to Jake Sullivan) These Chinese are very clever people. No. We are having problems with NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and need your help.
Xi Jinping: NAFTA worked very well for us. We are wall to wall with factories. Everyone in China has a job.
by Video Rebel
Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, And The Global Culture War
The war in Ukraine is not really about Ukraine—it is not about Ukraine’s sacrosanct borders which have been supposedly violated by Russia. And it is most certainly not about the vaunted “defense of democracy,” as we constantly hear screamed in our ears by the media and by a broad panoply of American (and European) political and cultural leaders, from Nancy Pelosi to Lindsey Graham to Boris Johnson. None of those rationales, none of those justifications for the fanatical involvement by the United States, its puppets in NATO, and the EU, explain why the conflict in that remote part of the world is so vitally important globally that it literally has the entirety of the “woke” American Left and the great majority of Republicans, in tow, literally standing on their chairs and desks to frantically applaud such charlatans as former X-rated comedian and authoritarian Volodymyr Zelensky (and his wife) as “champions of freedom and democracy.” The specter of Graham and Pelosi outdoing each other in the bellicosity of their rants against President Putin and Russia is only a little less sickening than their lascivious ideological embrace of each other.
by Boyd Cathey
They’re Going To Starve Us And Freeze Us To Death
Have you noticed how the unelected intellectual terrorists leading the way in the coronavirus hoax are keen on phrases to describe what they’re doing to us, and what they want to do next, when they’ve got us all neatly tied up and terrified? I should explain, by the way, that I am perfectly serious in describing the proponents of the coronavirus hoax as terrorists. Terrorism can be defined as using intimidation and violence in the pursuit of political aims. Well, governments everywhere have been certainly using intimidation to pressurise us into being scared of their fashionable version of the flu bug. And if someone threatens to send uniformed men round to arrest me if I don’t obey their stupid rules then as far as I am concerned that is violence.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Atomization Variant
Declaring independence from diseased systems.
Every epoch has its advertising campaigns for the declared advancements in civilizational progress, usually crafted around technologies that proclaim to liberate humans from their own deficiencies and inadequate dispositions. New offerings promise to nurse increasingly obscure imperfections, amplified and exaggerated beyond reason for successful advertising campaigns. Each one is often a new ball and chain convincingly sold under the label of “saving time” through efficiency and expedience or as a source of safety and security from imagined threats, too often manufactured by those in power who have prepared in advance the recommended solution.
by Good Citizen
New Optical Switch Could Lead To Ultrafast All-Optical Signal Processing
Engineers at Caltech have developed a switch—one of the most fundamental components of computing—using optical, rather than electronic, components. The development could aid efforts to achieve ultrafast all-optical signal processing and computing. Optical devices have the capacity to transmit signals far faster than electrical devices by using pulses of light rather than electrical signals. That is why modern devices often employ optics to send data; for example, think of the fiberoptic cables that provide much faster internet speeds than conventional Ethernet cables. The field of optics has the potential to revolutionize computing by doing more, at faster speeds, and with less power. However, one of the major limitations of optics-based systems at present is that, at a certain point, they still need to have electronics-based transistors to efficiently process the data.
by California Institute of Technology
Deena Hinshaw Was Paid Record Cash Bonus During Height Of Lockdowns
Last year, Hinshaw reportedly received $227,911 in “cash benefits,” nearly as much as her base salary of $363,634. This brings Hinshaw’s total annual earnings to over half a million at $591,545. “The scale of the response to this unprecedented public health emergency required an extraordinary amount of additional work from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer, the Vaccine Task force, the Pandemic Response Team and others, which is reflected in the recent disclosure,” explained Ministry of Health spokesperson Mark Feldbusch in an email.
As previously reported by The Counter Signal, earlier this year, Hinshaw admitted that Alberta Health Services (AHS) reported non-ICU patients as ICU patients throughout the pandemic. “As we have been doing continual quality assurance work with our data, it was identified over time some units in some hospitals have shifted back and forth between being available for use as an ICU unit or a non-ICU unit,” Hinshaw said. “In some of our historical data, patients admitted for COVID treatment were categorized as being in ICU when the unit they were on, in fact, had been changed back to a non-ICU unit at that time.”
by Thomas Lambert
Medical Journals Are Funded By The Pharmaceutical Industry
86 Percent of Clinical Trials Funded by Big Pharma
The medical community has long used scientific research to guide individual care, industry protocols, and what is known within the medical community as best practice or standard of care. With differing opinions about best treatment options, the final say often comes down to what clinical research shows—with documentation in peer-reviewed medical journals being the gold standard. However, the entangled relationship between pharmaceutical companies and medical journals is growing and it is skewing results in favor of pharmaceutical product use.
John Abramson, MD has stated that medical students and doctors are being taught the importance of using results of clinical trials to practice evidence-based medicine, but they are not being that 86 percent of those clinical trials are being funded by Big Pharma. After the trials are completed, peer reviewers for journals only see summarized data without ever seeing the actual data from clinical trials themselves.1 Harvard ethics professor Marcia Angell, MD describes how pharmaceutical companies have a direct hand in the design, analysis, and publication of clinical trials and that academic physicians are nothing more than “hired hands” who carry out the trials as directed then sign their names to ghost-authored reports.2
by Natasha Hobley
Kafr Qasim Was Not Just A Massacre, But Part Of An Ethnic Cleansing Plan
On Friday, archives of the Israeli occupation forces released court documents related to the trial of Israeli soldiers who brutally massacred 49 Palestinians on 29 October, 1956. The massacre took place in the Palestinian town of Kafr Qasem. It was the first day of the Israeli, British and French invasion of Sinai, which came in response to Egypt’s closure of the Suez Canal. Israel imposed night curfew on most of the areas with high Palestinian (Arab) populations in Israel. Late Brigadier General, Issachar Shadmi, was the commander of the Israeli army brigade which was in charge of Kafr Qasem, located in the centre of the recently occupied Palestine that became Israel, or close to the Armistice Line with Jordan, which controlled to West Bank at the time. He ordered the curfew to start earlier that day and ordered his officers to strictly implement it.
by Motasem A. Dalloul
Beach Fun (0:28)
Beach Fun (0:28)
Is Pelosi’s Trip To Taiwan The ‘Pearl Harbour Moment’ Jake Sullivan Called for?
The circus around Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan is a clear sign that something incredibly reckless and stupid is about to happen.
In October 2019, Jake Sullivan, who became U.S. National Security Advisor in 2021, stated in an interview that the U.S. needed a clear threat to rally the world and play the role of saviour of mankind and that China could be that organizing principle for U.S. foreign policy. In the 2019 interview, he acknowledges that the problem was that people were not going to believe that China is a global threat, that their view of China is too positive and that the United States would need a “Pearl Harbour moment,” a real focusing event to change their minds, something he calmly stated that “would scare the hell out of the American people.”
According to Sullivan, from the same man who called for Libyan and Syrian military interventionism, American exceptionalism needed “rescuing” and “reclaiming,” not of course with actual qualitative actions that would earn one’s position as a model of true democratic governance with American citizens and the world, but rather through ever aggressive PR and media shame-based social conditioning, labeling whoever points out the clear hypocrisy of these statements as “threats to national security.” Actors like Sullivan have shown that they are willing to do anything to achieve that “Pearl Harbour moment,” even if acts of terrorism on their own people are required in order to paint their “enemy” as a monster in the eyes of their citizens.
by Cynthia Chung
Democrats ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Will Outlaw A Host Of Everyday Firearms Owned By Law-Abiding Citizens
Two Republicans, Chris Jacobs of New York and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, voted with Democrats to ban millions of American firearms
Democrats’ Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, which passed the House on Friday in a partisan vote, goes far beyond banning the AR-15 and re-classifies firearms commonly owned by millions of law-abiding American citizens as assault weapons. The legislation represents the biggest attack on Americans’ 2nd Amendment rights in history and dwarfs the 1994 weapons ban, championed by then-Senator Joe Biden, which expired in 2004. Studies into that legislation have shown it to have had virtually zero impact on stemming gun deaths, merely acting as an aide in disarming law-abiding Americans.
HR 1808, which Democrats are calling the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, passed through the House of Representatives on Friday by a hyperpartisan vote of 217-213. In the process, five Democrats broke with their party to oppose to the gun ban, and two Republicans, Chris Jacobs of New York and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, stood with Democrats to support it. Following the vote, Jacobs and Fitzpatrick were eviscerated by the American Firearms Association, who called them “traitors” and accused them of driving “a knife into the backs of the people who voted them into office.”
by Frankie Stockes
Escape From New York T-Shirt
The unwashed (unvaccinated) masses will be subjected to yet another round of mandatory coercion and compliance tactics by government medical “authorities and experts” funneled through the MSM megaphone of fear and punishment. Opposing views and facts will be censored and banned. The cult of the face masks and vaccines will ostracize you and give you no choice but to flee. If you believe the propaganda the second time around you deserve to suffer the consequences. The mid-term elections will not be televised.
by Nate Anthony
Kosovo Crisis. Serbia’s Warnings, Fear Or A Wider Conflict, Results In Temporary De-Escalation (26:20)
The Duran
New Study: Drug Legalization Leads To Significant Reduction In Foster System Admissions
Richard Nixon, in his effort to silence black people and antiwar activists, brought the War on Drugs into full force in 1973. He then signed Reorganization Plan No. 2, which established the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Over the course of five decades, this senseless war has waged on. At a cost of over $1 trillion — ruining and ending countless lives in the process — America’s drug war has created a drug problem that is worse now than ever before. This is no coincidence. For years, those of us who’ve been paying attention have seen who profits from this inhumane war — the police state and cartels. For decades, millions of Black men — whose only “crime” was possession or sale of crack — were torn from their home and incarcerated.
by Matt Agorist
From Balkh To Konya: Discovering Rumi’s Spiritual Geopolitics
While Jalal al-Din Rumi is synonymous with Islamic mysticism, a deeper dig brings to light the West Asian political changes and upheaval that shaped his world and other-worldly view.
Mystic poet, Sufi, theosophist, and thinker, Jalal al-Din Rumi remains one of the most beloved historical personalities in history, east and west. A wanderer in search of the light, he famously characterized himself thus: “I am nothing more than a humble lover of God.” The era of Rumi’s father – Sultan Bahaeddin Veled (1152-1231) and son (1207-1273) – was an extraordinary socio-political rollercoaster. It’s absolutely impossible for us today to understand the ideas, allusions and parables that trespass Rumi’s magnum opus, the six-volume Masnevi , in 25,620 couplets, without delving into some serious time travel. In the Masnevi , written in Persian – the prime literary language in West and Central Asia in those times – Rumi used poetry essentially as a tool for teaching divine secrets, explaining them via parables. The Rumi Project is to show Man the path to Divine Love, leading him from a low stage to the highest. Squeezed and subdued by the techno-feudalism juggernaut, we may now need to heed these lessons more than ever in history.
by Pepe Escobar
Digital Authoritarianism: AI Surveillance Signals The Death Of Privacy
We teeter on the cusp of a cultural, technological and societal revolution the likes of which have never been seen before. While the political Left and Right continue to make abortion the face of the debate over the right to privacy in America, the government and its corporate partners, aided by rapidly advancing technology, are reshaping the world into one in which there is no privacy at all. Nothing that was once private is protected. We have not even begun to register the fallout from the tsunami bearing down upon us in the form of AI (artificial intelligence) surveillance, and yet it is already re-orienting our world into one in which freedom is almost unrecognizable. AI surveillance harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and widespread surveillance technology to do what the police state lacks the manpower and resources to do efficiently or effectively: be everywhere, watch everyone and everything, monitor, identify, catalogue, cross-check, cross-reference, and collude. Everything that was once private is now up for grabs to the right buyer.
by John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead
As Russia Advances In Donbass Crisis Heats Up In Kosovo; EU/UK In ‘Major Retreat’ On Anti-Russian Oil Sanctions (55:11)
by Alexander Mercouris
Godless Media Now Calling Christianity A “Toxic Religion” (Text and Video)
Over the past week the entire mainstream media complex has launched an immense attack on my character, Gab, and Christianity itself–calling it a “toxic religion.” Echoing this hateful sentiment Jonathan Greenblatt–head of the Jewish Nationalist organization the ADL–called me “one of the most toxic people in public life right now” on national television. It’s interesting that his organization explicitly endorses, promotes, and defends Zionism, or Jewish Nationalism, while attacking me and others for promoting Christian Nationalism. Do as I say, not as I do. Unfortunately for Jonathan, Christians don’t answer to Jewish Nationalist organizations like the ADL and Godless media outlets. We answer to Jesus Christ.
by Andrew Torba
ACH (1864) Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #13 – The French Revolution (Audio 30:05)
In today’s show originally broadcast on July 31, 2022, Andy presents a show entitled, “Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #13 – The French Revolution,” that was written by Dr. Peter Hammond.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Welcome To The Machine
It’s Going To Be Living Hell
By now I’m betting that you’ve all heard of The Great Reset and Agenda 2030, along with the slogan “You’ll own nothing and be happy”. You’ve also probably heard that American citizens and the ever increasing number of non-citizens will be herded into a much smaller number of stack-and-pack cities. The red and yellow areas in the map below, will ultimately contain no humans or a small amount of highly regulated human activity and the small number of green zones will be for ‘normal’ human use: The actual meaning of the word ‘Normal’ in the designation ‘Normal Use’, is vitally important to understand in order to realize what’s in store for us when the Great Reset occurs. The closest current example of what’s meant by ‘Normal Use’, is life in a large Chinese city, where cameras watch all movement of cars and people, with all of those same people monitored and managed by a real time social credit system.
by Terra Times
The Vision Of Abundant Energy
We’re engaged in an Energy War with globalist technocrats
I found an interesting document at, all of places, the US Dept. of Energy. The document is titled, “Types of Hydropower Turbines.” Here is a key passage: “Kinetic energy turbines, also called free-flow turbines, generate electricity from the kinetic energy present in flowing water rather than the potential energy from the head. The systems can operate in rivers, man-made channels, tidal waters, or ocean currents. Because kinetic systems utilize a water stream’s natural pathway, they do not require diversion of water through man-made channels, riverbeds, or pipes, although they might have applications in such conduits. Kinetic systems do not require large civil works because they can use existing structures, such as bridges, tailraces, and channels.” Many years ago, I wrote about a company that was selling these turbines. I can’t find the article. Today, where are the small companies that are selling these turbines? Are any of them flourishing? River turbines seem like a good bet. On a much larger scale, here is a piece I wrote perhaps 10 years ago and updated in 2021. It was the enduring dream of Senator and President John F Kennedy: JFK’s dream of breakthrough energy technology: it was real; it was Passamaquoddy–
by Jon Rappoport
Kosovo Clashes. Vucic Calls For Peace, Serbia Ready To Protect Serbs. Boris’ NATO Problem. (22:54)
by Alex Christoforou
What Game Theory Can Tell Us About The War In Ukraine
Though peace will come to Ukraine, it will be peace with justice and dignity for the country’s Russian speakers, irrespective of the day dreams of the LA Times and NATO’s other organ grinders. What game theory can tell us about the war in Ukraine, a recent LA Times op-ed by two American academics, has to be the worst exposition of game theory in times of war that has ever seen parchment since Thucydides discussed the Melian Dialogue 2,500 years ago in his History of the Peloponnesian Wars we previously discussed. When the Athenian envoys politely explain to the Melians why they, a neutral island, should submit, the Melians equally politely rebuff their arguments, whereupon the Athenians slaughter their men, enslave their women and colonize the island. The Melians obviously miscalculated, as perhaps did the Athenians who eventually had to surrender Melos to Sparta.
by Declan Hayes
Brandon Shifts The Narrative On Banderastan
President “Biden” (i.e. the “collective” Biden, not the actual Bradon) penned an interesting article for the NYT entitled “President Biden: What America Will and Will Not Do in Ukraine“. The entire things is behind a paywall, and it is not really worth reposting it here. But I do want to comment on a few of “Biden’s” theses. First, I will ignore the obnoxious habit of calling the USA “America”, when just Canada and Brazil alone are almost as big as the USA. Furthermore, the USA is only 9,833,520 km2 (3,796,742 sq mi) while the total area of the Americas is 42,549,000 km2 (16,428,000 sq mi). Finally, there are 35 countries in the Americas but, fine, okay, if saying “‘Murica” evokes imagines of Captain America and waving (Chinese made) flags – then fine. Let’s look at a few key sentences: “America’s goal is straightforward: We want to see a democratic, independent, sovereign and prosperous Ukraine with the means to deter and defend itself against further aggression (…) We do not seek a war between NATO and Russia. As much as I disagree with Mr. Putin, and find his actions an outrage, the United States will not try to bring about his ouster in Moscow“
by Andrei Martyanov
Food, Dispossession And Dependency. Resisting The New World Order
We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.
Of course, the billionaire interests behind this try to portray what they are doing as some kind of humanitarian endeavour – saving the planet with ‘climate-friendly solutions’, ‘helping farmers’ or ‘feeding the world’. In the cold light of day, however, what they are really doing is repackaging and greenwashing the dispossessive strategies of imperialism. The following text sets out some key current trends affecting food and agriculture and begins by looking at the Gates Foundation’s promotion of a failing model of industrial, (GMO) chemical-intensive agriculture and the deleterious impacts it has on indigenous farming and farmers, human health, rural communities, agroecological systems and the environment.
by Colin Todhunter
August 1, 2022
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
R. Buckminster Fuller

China Sternly Warns Biden Admin Not To Arrange Pelosi’s Visit To Taiwan, PLA ‘Will Not Sit Idly By’
The Chinese Foreign Ministry and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) are keeping up the pressure on the US over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s potential visit to the island of Taiwan, urging the US to honor US President Joe Biden’s promise to not support “Taiwan independence,” while media outlets from the US and Taiwan reported that Pelosi is expected to visit the island shortly.
In celebration of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the PLA, the PLA Eastern Theater Command on Monday released a video on social media, along with the message “We are fully prepared for any eventuality. Fight upon order, bury every intruder, move toward joint and successful operation!” The video has become one of the hottest topics on Sina Weibo, China’s Twitter-like social media platform. The hashtag on the topic has received at least 42.5 million views, with many netizens seeing it as a clear warning to Pelosi, who could make a surprise and provocative trip to China’s Taiwan island.
Citing “officials”, Taiwan-based Next TV on Monday said Pelosi is expected to stay in Taipei overnight at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Xinyi district, but it’s unclear exactly when she will arrive. CNN also released similar information, saying that “Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan as part of her tour of Asia,” according to a senior official from the Taiwan authorities and a US official.
by Wang Qi
Putin Says There Can Be No Winners In Nuclear War, It Must Never Be Unleashed
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that there could be no winners in a nuclear war and it should never be unleashed, noting that the Russian Federation consistently followed the letter and spirit of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The head of state sent a greeting to the participants and guests of the NPT conference.
“As a state party to the NPT and one of its depositories, Russia consistently follows the letter and spirit of the Treaty. Our obligations under bilateral agreements with the United States on the reduction and limitation of relevant weapons have also been fully fulfilled. We proceed from the fact that there can be no winners in a nuclear war, and it must never be unleashed, and we stand for equal and indivisible security for all members of the global community,” the Russian leader said.
Earlier in the day, US President Joe Biden announced that Washington was ready to negotiate with Moscow over the creation of a fresh framework agreement that would replace the New START treaty, which limits the two countries’ nuclear arsenals. Biden noted that the efforts now require Russia to demonstrate its readiness to engage in such negotiations in good faith.
by Tim Korso
World Is ‘One Miscalculation Away From Nuclear Annihilation’ – UN Chief
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned that humanity is at the greatest risk seen since the Cold War
Rising geopolitical tensions around the world have put the global populace at its greatest risk of being wiped out by nuclear weapons since the Cold War ended, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned. “Today, humanity is just one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation,” Guterres said on Monday at the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference in New York. He urged the world’s nations to “put humanity on a new path toward a world free of nuclear weapons.”
The UN chief claimed that conflicts around the globe, human rights violations, the climate crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic “have put our world under greater stress than it has faced in our lifetimes.” Risks of nuclear warfare are at the highest level since the height of the Cold War, he added. “Humanity is in danger of forgetting the lessons forged in the terrifying fires of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” Guterres said. “Geopolitical tensions are reaching new heights. Competition is trumping cooperation and collaboration. Mistrust has replaced dialogue, and disunity has replaced disarmament.”
by RT
Pelosi To Visit Taiwan Despite Risk Of Provoking China
She is expected to spend Tuesday night on the island
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will be visiting Taiwan during her tour of Asia despite warnings from China and the risk of provoking a major crisis across the Taiwan Strait, several Taiwanese and Western media outlets reported on Monday. Sources told Reuters that Pelosi was due to arrive in Taiwan on Tuesday and spend the night on the island. A US official told CNN that the Pentagon is preparing for her trip and is monitoring Chinese forces in the region. The Financial Times reported that Pelosi will meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on Wednesday. Pelosi is leading a congressional delegation in the Asia Pacific that departed for the region on Sunday. In a press release, her office said the delegation would be visiting Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, and Japan but made no mention of Taiwan. The first stop for the delegation was in Singapore, where they arrived on Monday.
by Dave DeCamp
Russia Readies Knock Out Blow In Donbass, China Strongest Warnings As Pelosi Mulls Trip To Taiwan (1:02:11)
by Alexander Mercouris
White House Defends Pelosi Trip, Blasts China For Manufacturing Crisis And Warns Against Escalation
The White House in an afternoon press briefing condemned Beijing’s escalating rhetoric after it was widely reportedly hours earlier that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will likely touch down in Taiwan Tuesday evening. There’s speculation she could even spend the night, based on anonymously sourced statements to Taiwan officials.
“There’s just no reason for this to escalate,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said as a warning to China. “There’s every reason given the our national security interests – as well as the interest of our allies and partners that are that are staking the Indo Pacific on any given day – there’s every reason for this to not escalate.” Kirby didn’t confirm whether she’ll go through with it.
China reiterated over the weekend and into Monday that it will take “strong and resolute measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity” – seeing in a possible Pelosi visit a violation of ‘red lines’. “Put simply, there is no reason for Beijing to turn a potential visit consistent with long-standing U.S. policy into some sort of crisis conflict or use it as a pretext to increase aggressive military activity in or around the Taiwan Strait,” Kirby continued in his statement.
by Tyler Durden
The Domino Effect Essential T-Shirt
The diabolical scheme of world tyrants imposing the New World Order will cascade into a stinking pile of garbage when the first tyrant falls.
by Artoons.org
Shouldn’t Biden Be Talking Directly To Putin?
No sooner than Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned to Moscow after the SCO ministerial in Tashkent, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s pending request for a conversation was scheduled late Friday evening. This has been their first conversation since the war began in Ukraine in February. The Russian readout touches on Russia’s special military operations. Lavrov emphasised the inevitability that the “goals and tasks will be fully achieved.” Second, Lavrov told Blinken that the US’ continued arming of Ukraine with weapons “is only prolonging the agony of the Kiev regime by dragging out the conflict and increasing the number of victims.” Lavrov also said Russia will continue its “consistent efforts to restore peaceful life on the territories that it is liberating.” It implies that the integration of Kherson, Zoporozhia, Kharkiv, etc. is an inexorable process.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
First Ukrainian Grain Ship Leaves Odessa Since Start Of War, Heads For Lebanon
Several days earlier, a Syrian ship containing Russian grain was detained in Lebanon due to unsubstantiated claims by Kiev that the grain cargo is actually stolen from Ukraine
The first Ukrainian grain ship to leave the port of Odessa since the start of the Russian war in Ukraine departed on 1 August, following the signing of an agreement between Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, and the UN last week. The ship is destined for Lebanon, one of the many countries undergoing a severe food shortage crisis compounded by the effects of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
This is a “a day of relief for the world,” according to the Ukrainian foreign minister. The hiatus of commercial ships being able to travel from Ukraine through the Black Sea is largely due to naval mines placed by the Ukrainian armed forces on its coasts in order to prevent Russian naval advancement. Demining ports was a contentious point in the negotiations between Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, and the UN. Unprecedented sanctions against Russia also exacerbated the reduction of crucial grain shipment from both Ukraine and Russia.
by News Desk
Israel Signals No Change On Nuclear Policy As US Reaffirms Anti-Proliferation Drive
Israel signalled it would not change policy around its assumed nuclear arsenal on Monday, as Washington affirmed a global treaty designed to roll back the spread of such weaponry, Reuters reports. The rare, if veiled, remarks by Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, came as countries party to the 1970 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) met in New York for a periodic review conference. Israel has not signed the voluntary NPT, which offers access to atomic energy in exchange for the forswearing of nuclear weaponry.
It has been leading regional calls for world powers to crack down on NPT-signatory Iran’s suspected use of civilian nuclear technologies as cover for military designs. Tehran denies wrong-doing. Addressing the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Lapid spoke of the country’s “defensive and offensive capabilities, and what is referred to in the foreign media as ‘other capabilities”. “These other capabilities keep us alive and will keep us alive as long as we and our children are here,” he said, according to a transcript from his office. Under a decades-old ambiguity policy designed to deter surrounding enemies while avoiding provocations that can spur arms races, Israel neither confirms nor denies having nuclear weaponry.
Miners Unearth Pink Diamond Believed To Be Largest Seen In 300 Years
Miners in Angola have unearthed a rare pure pink diamond that is believed to be the largest found in 300 years, the Australian site operator announced Wednesday. A 170 carat pink diamond—dubbed The Lulo Rose—was discovered at Lulo mine in the country’s diamond-rich northeast and is among the largest pink diamonds ever found, the Lucapa Diamond Company said in a statement to investors. The “historic” find of the Type IIa diamond, one of the rarest and purest forms of natural stones, was welcomed by the Angolan government, which is also a partner in the mine.
NYT Talks Up Huge Russian Losses As The Great Kherson Counteroffensive Stumbles (19:28)
by The Duran
Meta Is Sued Over Data Collection On Hospital Patients
Accused of profiling people based on medical issues.
A class action lawsuit was filed in California against Facebook owner Meta, the Dignity Health Medical Foundation and the UCSF Medical Center, alleging that they illegally collected sensitive healthcare data and used it for targeted ads. According to the lawsuit, Meta and the hospitals did not inform patients about the data collection. The plaintiffs became aware of the data collection after seeing ads targeted for their specific medical condition on Facebook. The data collection was enabled by Meta Pixel, a piece of code injected in many websites that enables data collection, visitor profiling, and targeted advertising. The lawsuit further claims that Meta Pixel is found in 33 websites of the top 100 hospitals in the country. In seven of the 33 websites, Meta Pixel runs in password-protected patient portals.
by Ken Macon
UK Schools Push Ukraine Propaganda, Gag Palestine Solidarity
A new study has revealed a shocking disparity by British schools which have gone to great lengths to promote Ukraine solidarity among their students, in stark contrast to how Palestinian solidarity is suppressed in the classroom. Human rights group CAGE carried out the survey, which received 532 responses from parents, students and teachers. The group said the survey revealed a ‘cavalier attitude to due diligence’, including collaboration with organizations with far-right links and the soft penetration of security think tanks and those linked to the UK’s so-called prevent counter-extremism program. Some of the survey’s findings include 96% of respondents confirmed proactive engagement on the Ukraine issue by their school, including holding non-uniform days, activities or donation appeals. 62% indicated their schools had fundraised or hosted donation drives for Ukraine.
by Robert Carter
kitten corner: live in 3-D
if it weren’t for perverse incentives, would government provide any incentives at all?
wow you guys. i think maybe these 3-D printers probably have a faster payback rate than crypto mining! i mean, this is as bad as when rat catchers started breeding rats so they could turn in the tails and get paid… on the plus side, i think i just found my summer case study for “applied entrepreneurialism” class. “3-D printer go BRRRRRRR”
by gatito bueno
Taiwan Not Included On Pelosi’s Travel List. Crimea Drone Attack. Update 2 (8:48)
by Alex Christoforou
Pelosi’s Human Right To Travel. Russia Invites UN To POW Camp. UK Steals Venezuela Gold. (22:57)
by Alex Christoforou
Biden Creating Permanent U.S. Postal Service Division To Deliver And Return Ballots In US Elections
The corrupt Biden gang is creating a division in the U.S. Postal Service for handling delivering and returning mail-in ballots during elections. What could possibly go wrong? The USPS was in the middle of corruption and suspected criminal activities in the 2020 Election. In one instance a USPS contractor reported dropping off a trailer full of tens of thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. After a thorough investigation was done, and crimes were identified, US AG Bill Barr screamed at the messenger of this event and told them to drop it. To this day we haven’t seen a report of what was eventually found out from a USPS investigation of the event.
by Joe Hoft
Occult Totalitarianism
Oc·cult (adjective) 1. supernatural or magic, 2. not understandable, 3. secret, 4. hidden, 5. difficult to see. All five of these definitions could describe the totalitarianism this article addresses, but I was thinking definitions 4 and 5 were the most accurate…and maybe a bit of 3 considering one of the hallmarks of the massive world effort toward central government is secret due to the fact no one heading this effort will ever admit it is a totalitarian movement, but the effort itself is anything but secret. It’s true intention is indeed hidden, and maybe, for most, difficult to see. But one of the strangest things about all this is that if you had even a modicum of a thinking brain, it would be very clear what is happening, and what their intention is. I have to admit before the 9-11 fiasco, I was one of those with a very sleepy brain. So I do have some empathy for people who have spent the majority of their life asleep.
by Todd Hayen
When The Just Go To Prison
When those who expose the crimes of the state are criminalized and sent to prison, tyranny is inevitable.
MARION, Illinois — Daniel Hale, dressed in a khaki uniform, his hair cut short and sporting a long, neatly groomed brown beard, is seated behind a plexiglass screen, speaking into a telephone receiver at the federal prison in Marion, Illinois. I hold a receiver on the other side of the plexiglass and listen as he describes his journey from working for the National Security Agency and the Joint Special Operations Task Force at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to becoming federal prisoner 26069-07.
Hale, a 34-year-old former Air Force signals intelligence analyst, is serving a 45 month prison sentence, following his conviction under the Espionage Act for disclosing classified documents about the U.S. military’s drone assassination program and its high civilian death toll. The documents are believed to be the source material for “The Drone Papers” published by The Intercept, on October 15, 2015.
These documents revealed that between January 2012 and February 2013, U.S. special operations drone airstrikes killed more than 200 people — of which only 35 were the intended targets. According to the documents, over one five-month period of the operation, nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets. The civilian dead, usually innocent bystanders, were routinely classified as “enemies killed in action.”
by Chris Hedges
The Sane Asylum Show, Giuseppe With Jim And Diane (1:56:44)
by Jim Rizoli
Pope Prepares For Meeting With Elizabeth Warren
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Pope Francis donned a traditional Cherokee Indian headdress this week in preparation for a meeting with Native American Congresswoman Elizabeth Warren. “It’s time for the Catholic church to apologize for what we did to indigenous people, and I think Senator Warren’s tribe may be ready to hear what I have to say,” said the Pope. “Catholics’ brutal practice of adopting orphaned children from stone age tribes that practiced cannibalism and human sacrifice is horrible. To make matters worse, we even educated these orphaned children in the ways of the Catholic church. This is unforgivable.”
by BabylonBee.com
Aged Garlic Extract For Heart Health
If you had to take only ONE supplement for heart health, look no further than your good friend, garlic
With garlic’s long history of use as traditional medicine, the health benefits of garlic are well known to both healers and the health conscious. Hippocrates himself is believed to have prescribed garlic for ailments like parasites, digestive problems and fatigue, among other maladies. In modern times, therapeutic uses for garlic have been studied for a wide range of health concerns, including inflammation, high blood pressure, diabetes, bacterial infection and cancer, with mounting evidence supporting what the ancients knew long ago.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
Hezbollah Releases Coordinates Of Israeli Platforms In Mediterranean: “Within Our Reach” (Text and Video)
Hezbollah’s Military Media Department released on Sunday video showing the Israeli platforms operating in the Mediterranean, warning the Zionist enemy of its attempts to plunder Lebanon’s gas and oil fields. The video shows surveillance scenes taken from land and air, some form yesterday, for Israeli vessels at the Karish field near the Lebanese maritime borders. Starting with Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah’s warning that “procrastination is useless”, the video shows Hezbollah’s anti-ship missile readying to be launched. The footage included detailed coordinates of Israeli platforms, showing their names and locations. The one-minute-video, which includes subtitles in Hebrew, concluded by “within our reach”, referring to previous threats by Sayyed Nasrallah that all Israeli platforms and targets are within the reach of the Lebanese Resistance missiles.
by Al-Manar
Nice Try (0:12)
Nice Try (0:12)
Israel Intentionally Massacred Palestinians In Kafr Qasem, Unsealed Documents Reveal
The newly declassified documents presented testimonies from Israeli soldiers who admitted that killing Palestinians was a scare tactic to facilitate the ethnic cleansing of other villages and towns
The unsealed court documents reveal that the Israeli forces knew that the residents were unarmed and were additionally unaware of the curfew that had been imposed on the area. Chaim Levy, the commander of the Israeli forces during the massacre, testified during the trial of the Israeli soldiers. The trial was one of the rare times that Israeli soldiers had been tried by the law for crimes against Palestinians due to the international outrage that followed the tragic assault. The testimony of Levy confirmed the victims were unaware of the curfew and that the Israeli forces knew this, but went on to brutally enforce a law that Palestinians were not informed of in advance. During the trial, Levy was asked: “Doesn’t your reason tell you that ‘violating a curfew’ means by someone who knows that there is a curfew?” to which he stated that after the fact, he believed his actions to be unreasonable, but said that “at the time, I thought it was reasonable.” The army unit also knew that the Palestinians were unarmed.
by News Desk
The End Of Castle Europe And The First Day of Freedom
And they filled the whole land with these castles. They sorely burdened the unhappy people of the country with forced labour on the castles; and when the castles were built, they filled them with devils and wicked men.
Introduction: The Three Aims of the SMO Revised
It has now been officially admitted that the three aims of the Allied Special Operation in the Ukraine, the liberation of the Donbass, and the demilitarisation and denazification of the Ukraine, have had to be extended. This is firstly because of the resistance of the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev to the liberation of the peoples of the Ukraine and secondly because of the support given to that regime by pro-Nazi regimes. Those regimes, known as ‘The Collective West’, are the regimes, representing only 13% of the world population, which have extended the war, both in time and in space.
This change was implicitly confirmed on 28 July by Dmitry Peskov, Press Secretary to President Putin, who declared that ‘the whole of the Ukraine needs to be denazified’. This means that most, or even all, of the Ukraine is going to be liberated, not just the Crimea, the two provinces of the Donbass and the surrounding four provinces of Kharkov, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson and Zaporozhie. These fully- or partly-liberated provinces are being attacked from further away: clearly their liberation will not be complete until those attacks from further away have been stopped, even if that means proceeding right to the Ukrainian border with Poland. (And if NATO countries dared attack the liberated Ukraine from within their borders, then…).
by Batiushka for The Saker
How Your DNA Tests Could Make You A Target For Bioweapons
In the latest warning regarding DNA testing, two US Representatives have warned that DNA testing could lead to gene-specific bioweapons.
On July 22, U.S. Representative Jason Crow and Senator Joni Ernst spoke of the dangers posed by “bioweapons” targeting specific populations based on their DNA. The statements from Crow and Ernst happened at the Aspen Security Forum during a panel titled “National Security Today: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities “. Crow, a Democrat from Colorado and member of the House Intelligence Committee, chastised younger Americans for being too eager to give up their genetic code to private companies who offer DNA testing services. “People will very rapidly spit into a cup and send it to 23andMe and get really interesting data about their background,” Crow stated. “And guess what? Their DNA is now owned by a private company. It can be sold off with very little intellectual property protection or privacy protection and we don’t have legal and regulatory regimes to deal with that.”
by Derrick Broze
The Backlash To Christianity:
Republicans Are Now Panicked — But They Only Have Themselves To Blame
It’s not lack of school prayer causing people to abandon faith, it’s that Christianity has become a toxic religion
There can be no doubt about it: Religion, especially Christianity — while still powerful in American culture — is in decline. Fewer than half of Americans even belong to a church or other house of worship. Rates of church attendance are in a freefall, as younger Americans would rather do anything with their precious free time than go to church. As religion researcher Ryan Burge recently tweeted, “Among those born in the early 1930s, 60% attend church weekly. 17% never attend. Among those born in the early 1950s, 32% attend weekly. 29% never attend. Among those born in the early 1990s, 18% attend weekly. 42% never attend.”
by Amanda Marcotte
The American Dream
The US has one of the most deeply-ingrained nationalistic ideologies of any nation. Accompanying the grand mass hysterias of patriotism and freedom, one of the most pervasive links in the ideological chain that creates the American sense of identity is a belief in “The American Dream”, an imaginary ideal that offers a rags-to-riches path to prosperity. In this mythical universe, all opportunity is equally available to every citizen, in a land where even those with no credentials, education or experience can accumulate untold riches and even rise to become the president of the country. In this context, America is a fantastic utopian myth promoted by the propaganda machine as an idealistic Shangri-la concept of opportunity and hope, where even the most disadvantaged have a fair chance at wealth and fame.
by Larry Romanoff
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