Do you belong to the 94% of Internet users who have no clue?
Google Search has a US online search market share of about 70%, or even 94% if Google Images, Google Maps and Google-owned YouTube are added (see chart above). If you belong to these 94%, there is some bad news for you. As a well-known US podcaster recently discovered, Google is indeed “hiding information” from its users. This has actually been known for many years, but it has become especially obvious and serious during the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, censorship by Google has become so bad that nowadays, advanced Internet users are using Google primarily to monitor the current extent of censorship, not to actually search for anything. US researcher Dr. Robert Epstein termed it the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME). Of note, Google censorship affects not just search results, but even search suggestions. In other words, Google is first manipulating what you search for, only to then additionally manipulate what results you will get. It is well worth trying this out yourself to appreciate the effect (see below). What is Google hiding from you? In short, they are hiding “non-authoritative sources”. In other words, they are hiding stuff those in power don’t want you to know or to even think of. This is not all that surprising, given that Google initially was a research and startup project funded and supported by US intelligence and the military to “retain information superiority”. Essentially, Google Search has become an online prison library.
From Dr. Vernon Coleman
Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information
If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at which contains over 2,250 articles about covid-19 – it is said to be the largest archive of covid-19 articles and videos online and I believe it. We are fighting a war and is a valuable asset in the war – an asset too often under-estimated. The site’s tagline is `All the Honest News Fit to Publish’. If you’re looking for a way to help the Resistance Movement I suggest you subscribe and make a donation to