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What The HEK?! by Christian Hacking

What is HEK 293? HEK 293 is a human cell line created using a kidney from a dissected unborn baby in the Netherlands between 1972 and 1973. It is the second most common cell line and is used extensively in “pharmaceutical and biomedical research”. It is also used in vaccine creation and cancer research. Unborn babies dissected under specialised conditions. Following on from selection, the research team then needs to coordinate the abortionist and technicians to procure intact organs that are alive and sterile. In order for the organs to be at ‘optimal viability’, the child needs to be dissected and organs extracted within 5 minutes of delivery. Anaesthetic also cannot be used so as to not change the cellular activity of the organs the researcher wants to obtain. How many babies’ organs did Dr Van der Eb harvest before the baby girl whose kidney was used to make HEK-293? In the absence of documentation it is not clear how many fresh samples of fetal tissue were required by Frank Graham (and supplied by Alex Van der Eb) in order to achieve his ground breaking cell line. While it is unlikely that 293 unborn babies were dissected in the production of HEK 293, some experts suggest it was over 100. While in the absence of hard facts, there can be cause to assume the best, we urge readers instead to consider carefully the implications of other experiments of this nature. We know that in the creation of WI-38, 32 babies were killed and dissected.19 Add in the additional experiments to get the rubella virus and subsequent experiments to test it, and the total comes to 99 unborn babies killed. We also know that at least 5 babies were killed in the production of MRC-5 in 1970 and 9 babies in the production of WalVax 2 in 2015. In light of these facts, small figures seem increasingly unlikely. At the very least we must concede that the notion that the Covid vaccine has arisen in part from “one tragic abortion” is false and can only be held in intentional ignorance to the facts.

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