Israeli Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi recently said: ”Israel carried out 500 airstrikes against Syria in 2020.” His predecessor, Major General Ghadi Eisenkot, stated in 2019 that “Israel has carried out thousands of raids against Iranian targets in Syria in the past years.” These thousands of raids would have wiped out both the Syrian and Iranian armies operating on Syrian soil if these numbers were to be taken seriously. But the most crucial issue remains: How was a small organisation like the Lebanese “Hezbollah” able to impose a deterrence equation on Israel after the killing of Ali Kamal Mohsin, a Hezbollah fighter, in Damascus, whereas the Syrian army, with its forces and missile capabilities, could not impose any deterrence equation on Israel to prevent its planes from bombing targets inside Syria? There is no doubt that Israel is taking advantage of the Russian presence in Syria and exploiting its close relationship with Moscow to prevent Damascus from imposing any deterrence to stop Israel from violating the sovereignty of Lebanese and Syrian airspace. Is Russia colluding in favour of Israel?
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