Beware Of The Push To Accept Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing by Gary D. Barnett

Gary D. Barnett Archive:

October 17, 2022

“The news isn’t there to tell you what happened. It’s there to tell you what it wants you to hear or what it thinks you want to hear.”
Joss Whedon, Astonishing X-Men, Volume 2: Dangerous

In case any of you forgot, and I hope you did, insane U.S. elections will be occurring again in three weeks. There will be big hype, and many calls to do your ‘duty,’ and participate in choosing one or the other of evil politicians to be your master. These are mid-terms of course, and not the absurd grand master selection, but completely worthless nonetheless. Voting is a fool’s game, but many will go along with this outrageous farce.

Lately, there have been more and more stories about the pathetic and dangerous clown Trump in the alternative news. This will only increase over the next two years. This is the same Trump who purposely initiated the entire ‘covid’ lockdown scam, who took full credit for the ‘experimental,’ and murderous, bioweapon injection falsely called a ‘covid vaccine,’ who lied daily, who threatened nuclear war continuously, who prosecuted more war, and who funded the WHO through the Gates foundation Gavi, while lying about defunding it. He also staged an 8 month simulation of the ‘covid’ plot long before the Bill Gates 201 event. It seems he has been able to continue to capture the weak and empty minds of many Republicans and so-called ‘libertarians, who to this day still think of him as their savior. But it does not stop there.

Recently, the newly ‘elected’ prime minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, caused a great stir among the ‘claimed’ right wing of the west, especially in the U.S. She instantly became a new star, and will of course, it is said, single-handedly turn the world around due to the misguided notion that because she is said to be ‘right wing,’ that all will be good in the world. One of her first pronouncements was that she would put her (and everyone else’s) support behind Ukraine, putting her in the evil mainstream camp immediately. No surprise here, but just more worship for another owned politician.

As of late, the ‘news’ is full of the Katie Hobbs and Kari Lake circus, and there are many other alleged non-sensical fake election animosities circulating in both the mainstream and alternative propaganda platforms. In the midst of this idiocy, along comes another left, now right, political hero for all that is said to be ‘conservative. It is the Tulsi Gabbard show, and what a spectacle it is. It is amazing to witness the instant turnaround of the ‘left vs right’ and ‘right vs left’ paradigm, as it is displayed for all to see. Gabbard is now the hero of the right in the U.S., and the ‘reporting’ has been obnoxious to say the least.

The Tulsi bandwagon became the hot ticket for every ‘right-winger,’ and very many claimed ‘libertarians’ overnight. Those from Joe Rogan, J.P. Sears, to even Ron Paul and associates, all jumped on board, among so many others. This is a sure sign of approval for this atrocious American political system, that is as evil and corrupt as is possible. And do not forget the Kanye West and Candice Owens story, another in a long line of controlled opposition, or personal wealth-building and notoriety, in the name of fake left ‘opposition.’

The entirety of the political process, its supporters, the alternative media responses, and the absolute consuming nature of each and every ‘back-story’ about one or another politician or commentator jumping on board with every staged ‘news’ event, is a pathetic display of either ignorance or complicity among those mistakenly thought to be ‘objective’ seekers of truth. When it comes down to accuracy concerning these manufactured plots and fake concerns for the ‘rights’ of others, beware of the B.S., as it will quickly fill yours boots with excrement.

If one desires to know the truth, or anything of value, it is imperative to disregard most all media reporting, regardless of whether mainstream or alternative, with of course the exception of the very few who continue to out all this propaganda coming at you from all sides every day. A new story seems to erupt constantly, putting in the limelight these and many other shady political characters being portrayed as heroes or saviors of freedom, when in fact, the opposite is usually the case.

Remember that almost everything offered in the so-called ‘news,’ regardless of most presenters, is meant to distract, establish a falsehood, steer opinions, brainwash, or achieve one or another nefarious agenda. Always question everything, and be very wary of those promoting their views as gospel. Take the time to research and study on your own, and wait to see where these events and supporting lies attempt to take you. It will not ever be what you were told.

“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.”
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism


Gary D. Barnett

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